#that's basically like being completely healthy
signanothername · 2 days
penny for your thoughts on dadmare and more fandom takes??
Tbh Anon you have to be a bit more specific with what fandom takes you want my opinion on cause I genuinely can’t think of any shshhshshs
But for dadmare… hmmmmmmm
It’s… I have complicated feelings about this trope
Like on one hand, I love the exploration of dadmare as a concept and would genuinely love for it to be explored in a deep meaningful way
On the other hand… the fandom never actually explores it in a deep meaningful way so everytime I come across dadmare a part of me dies inside
Like the fandom immediately settles for “tired generic dad trying to control his rowdy kids” and i’m here like :’)
Like i’d love for dadmare to actually be explored in depth, like the shift for Nightmare from being a bitch to being “dadmare” how does Nightmare deal with MTT in a dadmare way while staying true to his character
How did Nightmare develop and change and how does he feel about being “dadmare”, does he struggle to face the consequences of the abuse he put MTT through and how does he make it up to them? but like also for the love of god you can explore this trope without having MTT act like children, they’re literally +30 old men and you don’t have to infantilize them for the trope to work
Also hot take but everytime MTT call Nightmare “dad” unironically an angel loses its wings, it just ruins the vibes for me, like dadmare is a trope yet people genuinely take it too literally, which again just plays into the infantilization of adult characters
Hell, relationships aren’t one sided, how does MTT feel about Nightmare’s shift, do they trust him or do they take it as an opportunity to escape, do they hate Nightmare but warm up to him or do they not care for his change of heart
Like here’s an example, when people write dadmare, they write his ability to absorb MTT’s negativity to relieve them of their pain right? Ok cool, I LOVE THAT! What I hate tho is the fact every single person in the gang seems to “trust” Nightmare with their life and how all of them react the same way
Basically the MTT are reduced to cardboard cutouts that are literally just duplicates of each other, they all have the exact same reaction to anything Nightmare does, like you’re actually gonna sit here and tell me that Killer trusts Nightmare with his soul????? What did Nightmare do to earn that trust, and Killer isn’t a trusting person to begin with
Hell what did Nightmare do in the first place? Even when the interpretation of Nightmare is that he’s kind from the beginning and that he “saved them”, do you honestly believe that Murder would genuinely feel saved? Are you gonna tell me Horror is gonna stay and live with Nightmare by his own volition and abandon his brother where he only goes back to “visit” him? Since when has Nightmare become more important to Horror than Papyrus?
Hell since when can Murder, Killer and Horror communicate well?? Since when were they super close to each other and since when was Murder ok with Killer’s existence considering his very dangerous Determination and Chara-like nature?
Since when was Killer super emotional in stage 2 and since when was his other stages completely forgotten to fit the perfectly happy and healthy family that the fandom is trying to force onto these obviously unhealthy characters with unhealthy relationships and destructive behaviors
Like don’t get me wrong, people are obviously allowed to explore their fave characters however they like, but my point is, I can’t enjoy the trope of Dadmare even tho i want to, cause the fandom just settles for very straight forward answers to every problem, every little problem is immediately resolved with a snap of a finger
Everything is happy and rainbows and roses and any problems the MTT have they just go to dadmare and suddenly they’re no longer self destructive cause dadmare immediately saves them cause he always has the answer!!!
And i’m here still waiting for an interpretation of dadmare that actually pulls me in and actually interests me like
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capybonara · 23 hours
I want to follow the idea done by others of explaining their zora kingdoms, but since the zorca technically have no kingdom I've hit my own obstacle on how to share this info. So I figured I'll just post here and there and then figure out how to compile it all together (maybe do a directory similar to werewolfsisters comic one!) but yeah!! Basically I just wanna share this stuff and it won't get done if I don't do it so HERE WE GO! DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!
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The Zorca (Zora Orca)
🐋 The Basics The average zorca is larger than a hylian zora, ranging from 15 to 20 ft in height. They're bulkier and wider, carrying more fat/blubber which protects them from harsh elements, being completely immune to ice and lightning specifically. Because of their size they don't go inland very often.
Unlike the zora in Hyrule, the zorca have more mammalian traits. They have blowholes in order to breathe in oxygen, they give live birth and nourish their young with milk, they have fat and blubber instead of scales, and they use echolocation to hunt and detect things (a fantastic visual comparison can be found here!)
The zorca are nomadic by nature and are highly adaptable. They can thrive in artic/subarctic, tropical and subtropical areas. They are apex predators meaning they are at the top of the food chain. Their diet consists of fish, and other marine life such as seals, sharks, whales, and monsters. Zorca don't stay in one place too long to avoid over hunting (other races gotta eat too!) They don't prey upon other Hylian races, but there have been some startling encounters between them and their smaller zora cousins at times!
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🐋 Their Hierarchy Zorca families are matriarchal. A female zorca, usually the progenitor of the pod, leads her family. And she passes all her knowledge down to her daughters, from hunting techniques, migration routes, to child rearing. 
The Grandmother Matriarch, her sisters, and eldest daughters all form a council and make decisions for the pod. Daughters of each generation are taught the lessons of their foremothers and become a potential candidate as a future leader. 
Choosing a matriarch of a pod is a once in a lifetime event since zorca are a long lived race. While each woman is raised to become a candidate for matriarch, in the end, the role is bestowed through a vote from the entire pod. Creating a new pod is surprisingly not as common either. Daughters are allowed to strike out on their own to establish their own, but they find it difficult to maintain without the support of their family. Many end up returning to their original pod with a child or two in tow! 🐋 Social Behaviors
🫧 A pod is led by a Grandmother Matriarch. Decisions are made between her, her sisters (if any) and her eldest daughters. Said decisions include things like where to travel, when to hunt, and on the rarest occasion – who to exile.
🫧 Both male and female zorca have privileges and restrictions among the family.
🫧 All adults save for the very elderly, pregnant or nursing are expected to help in a hunt. 
🫧 Mother’s with young children or who are expecting get first pick of each hunt. If asked, men will give up their share to help them keep their strength up.
🫧 Male zorca are allowed more freedom than their sisters. They are slightly spoiled; with mothers hunting for them more than their daughters. The goal is to see their sons reach adulthood so they can sire healthy babies.
🫧 The men are allowed to leave the pod whenever they want without being questioned. And they can be absent for as long as they wish. Most of the time they visit other pods to court zorca. Ultimately, many return to their matrilineal pods.
🫧 Women zorca stay with their mothers and grandmother to learn about the responsibilities of leadership. There are other roles they can choose from ranging from lead hunter, bard/historian, teacher, midwife, scouting, diplomat/envoy and many more.
💖 Courtship 💖
🫧 Turning the Wheel - A large courtship event where many zorca pods come together and participate in a “race” that begins in the Lanayru Sea and ends at the center of Rist Peninsula. During the journey, individuals may find a partner to race with, and may choose to pursue a relationship if they reach the end together. All are welcome to join; new faces, experienced runners, those with non-zorca partners. The event itself does not have to be finished, there’s no prize for anyone who arrives first. It’s about the camaraderie and celebration of life! Zorca don't have to wait for the courting event to seek partnerships either. It's just easier when all the pods are together in one space.
🫧 Male zorca employ various methods to attract partners. From feats of strength, athletic displays and singing. They can form bonds with partners of any gender which can last a lifetime. 
🫧 Fights can break out between competing individuals, but the injuries are never too serious.
🫧 Teeth Raking can be a form of affection during courtship. A zorca runs their teeth along the skin of the one they're courting. It can often leave light marks, and possibly more permanent scars depending on how rough they are.
🫧 Zorca are polygamous but men and women can develop a preference towards a partner if their bond is strong enough. Example, two zorca may meet repeatedly over the years to produce children.
🤝 Bonds with other Hylian Races 🤝
🫧 While it's not taboo for a zorca to seek the company of someone from another race, it's preferred their trysts help increase their population.
🫧 Even so, some prefer to love freely without the heavy responsibility hanging over their heads. As well as not having to deal with the difficulty of finding another zorca somewhere in the vast ocean!
🫧 More often than not, these particular relationships rarely form lasting bonds due to the zorca’s nomadic nature.
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liebelesbe · 2 years
also my moms sympathy vanishes so quickly when I'm sick lol. for the first few days it's like 'awww my poor baby is there anything I can do for you?' and then that immediately flips over to 'stop sleeping for so long. go for a walk. 😑'.
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bibiana112 · 1 year
One of my favorite character traits that Junpei has is how as much as he's protective and caring to his favorite people and impulsively jumps into danger to help others if he has an opportunity to without wanting anything in return and highly values the promises he makes he just seems to also always be more curious than he is sensible or empathetic, he gets so caught up on the horrors he sees but he has such a hard time looking away, he's right to analyze and be intrigued by the ninth man's remains but he stands around staring at it until he pukes, in the showers you can interact with the wall behind which lies "Snake's" corpse and he will pick up more details about it each time you click on it until he has to mentally rip himself away because it's not that he can't keep looking at it it's that he better look away and focus on getting out, and the way he talks to Clover about the body with every minutiae she wouldn't want to hear is like his brain connects faster to his mouth than it can connect to his sense of morality sometimes which I guess turned out to be a good thing in this one case or just good common sense in general like there's other minor things he blurts out at times, he's stated to not have tact be his strongest suit, he's insensitive on accident trying to fumble through interactions even if he's entirely confident on what he's saying he's soo sharp when he has a goal in mind but he's soo dense if he's trying to just exist my man is so traumatized and his brain always seems to default to taking the most of any given situation in as possible to desensitize himself instead of any other response and sometimes it pushes his mind to be so single mindedly entranced on not ending up that way too that he'll describe a mangled body in excruciating detail to a grieving relative even if that's his friend and even if he feels guilty about it immediately as soon as he catches up with what just left his mouth instead of staying in his thoughts
#I did it I made a post about Junpei without talking about the Kurashikis!!#I am... still doing that here in the tags because that's how this train of thought started but... akdhsk#like I just started thinking how even in the everything is fine and junepei still has the capacity to be a healthy couple AU in my head#he would still have moments™ like this#how he would make invasive little questions about uncomfortable things to reminisce about#not realize he's overstepping right away not deal in the best way with Akane's meltdowns if she's doing bad enough to have them#kind of like in door 3 as in still being touchy and stuff but nothing bad on purpose#nothing like pushing her around like I still can't believe he canonically does in zero tiem dilemma#but yeah basically that's it that's the post I like Junpei a lot despite not being as present in my every waking thought as other character#and I love this about him love that he isn't just completely heroic that he has to struggle a bit#he's a protagonist that feels so generic for the first few minutes but he's anything but the more you play#I love how No One in ze is a good flawless person the way stories usually portray#they have quirks and hang ups that they are capable of doubling down on or turning for the worse under circumstances that push them to#again not. really including zerotiemdillema on that one but you get what I mean#zero escape#zero escape spoilers#999 spoilers#junpei 999#junpei tenmyouji#every character in this series who ultimately wants to do good has to struggle so much with the horrors around them and in themselves for i#and then there still aren't right simple answers and they still try for the slim possibility that things can be okay this time and I love i#escape room convention but it's a time loop
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supurman · 4 months
clark is not a good liar, but he is great at keeping secrets and can be described as secretive by lois...
#i think of this a lot. his lies are so bad the only reason he gets away w lies as clark kent is cuz how he built#clark ken.ts reliability ( his human person is meant to be percieved as flighty. flakey. )#but when it comes to secrets such as his identity. being supe.rman. his true feelings..HE IS A PROFESSIONAL AT HIDING IT#clark was raised to hide who he truly is and what he is capable of. in fact he is so conscience of not giving anyone any signals due to the#he has to keep track of everything he does. such as having to pretend to be weak. having to give way when being shoved like a human#pretending to be tired when he jogs by panting. conscience that he has to say ow when he falls#basically clark is extremely aware of how to not give anything away that he is so good at being secretive#and sometimes this DOES awfully effecti his relationships#example one: he was too scared to tell lois he was superman even if he was dating her ( in some iterations ) so he prolonged it...#example 2: lois once called off their engagment because clark never mentioned he had once been engaged to a woman he had been#hanging out with again ( completely platonic btw ) but in clarks head hes like#just so good at not mentioning things since he thinks it doesnt matter to be mentioned if itll add strain?#idk hes weird like hes an honest man he wont lie to you but hes justa professiona secret keeper on a subconscious level atp#also i welcome muses confronting him on his secretive nature. its not healthy sometimes ngl#◖ man of steel . — ‹ glasses on ... ⤺ out. ›
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you are not gonna be able to guess what lucky circumstances I managed to accidentally get myself into this time lmao I secured myself a spot at a nude drawing class without even knowing it was a nude drawing class. it’s absolutely fantastic tho! the class is usually super popular and spots are hard to get so I was really lucky
#I’m just gonna pop by every few weeks spam reblog a bunch of posts and then yell about my personal life#without responding to any messages or anything else#and that’s gonna be my blog for a while ig#sorry!#but yeah it was rly funny when we entered the room and my friend and I set up our supplies and just chit chatted with them#and some other students#and I suddenly was like#wait so this is completely a nude drawing class?#and everyone was like#classic Gigi move#in my defence:#I assumed it was a general drawing class#cause the course description had mentioned it being a basic class#'from nude drawings based on models to portraits’#so I was aware it would be a part of it but not the entire class#so yeah#I’m facing my demons this semester#in a really mild way#cuz I actually do not enjoy drawing and painting that much#it’s why I rly struggled in all of my drawing classes#so when I picked classes for this semester I was like well#the description explicitly said everyone even absolute beginners were welcome#and it was about personal skill development rather than already having skills and being graded on them#which is why I thought hm I should do this and stick to it#if I stick to it I will definitely build my skills and if I don’t do that at uni I certainly wont do that at home#sorry for thw long ramblings#I am trying to be healthy and also responsible this semester and stick to actually going to classes#and not chickening out in them and staying home because I have weird compulsive thoughts that keep me from leaving the house ✨#and I also want to be diligent and hard working this semester#gigi babbles
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sastielsfandom · 8 months
I wasn't planning on doing anything this week, because of this weeks strike. But the environment me and my sister's are in isn't good for us.
My hair is falling out, I'm constantly in pain from stress, and my anxiety is so bad that I cannot sleep. Meanwhile my sister is bleeding from the stress. That's just the stress my older sister and I are going through.
Hello, if you aren't familiar with me, I spent 2023 homeless for majority of the year. We are living with someone else and have been since Thanksgiving. Since then, my sister got a job, I am working on getting my ID, i have the money for it, I just need to get to a DMV, and I am enrolling myself into school again.
I stay at home with my two younger siblings, one is still a minor, the other is an adult, but they're both disabled and need someone to help them fulltime. Hence why I stay at home.
We are with a legal guardian and their partner, but our legal guardian does not own the property. And it's unclear how much they know is going on with us and their partner who is making us stress out to the point we deem it unsafe.
This partner stated I cannot stay on the property to take care of my siblings unless I enroll into school. I am hoping I have everything I need to fully enroll because I have very few documents on me.
I am the primary caretaker for my siblings, my older sister is right after me. As I understand and meet their needs, they trust me to advocate for them and to protect them.
Making this stipulation has made trying to enroll even more stressful than it had been before. Hence the heightened anxiety.
My older sister and my other sibling, who are four years apart, had a dispute yesterday. The younger one did attack our older sister, our sister did not retaliate. It was all verbal except for that attack, however, this partner is claiming there's abuse.
They threatened to take it to CPS as we have an active case open, and despite trying to explain the situation, it changed nothing. They told us this is far from over and they know the system.
We have already talked about wanting to leave because of the first instance with me. Now, we believe we have no choice but to tell CPS about how uncomfortable we are in this environment.
If you can help us get out of this environment, here's some links that can help.
I hate having to do this, but I cannot handle this constant pain and anxiety. I already have health issues that I constantly have to maintain, I am scared about the damage this is doing to me. I'm even more scared for my sister because she's having similar health problems our mom has had, and those are fatal.
So please, share or donate if you can. I apologize for having to do this again but I have put it off as long as I could.
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bluejaygryphon · 10 months
oh My god. the umbrella apparel.
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designernishiki · 1 year
today on tumblr user designernishiki’s autistic-with-a-special-interest-in-psychology deep dives: dissecting the hell out of kiryu/nishiki’s childhoods and kazama’s parenting (or lack thereof) and how it all relates to their emotional development (or lack thereof). they will never be safe from my psychoanalyses
#childhood development isn’t actually an area I have a ton of experience researching which is part of what makes this intriguing tbh#because I was basically thinking a lot about how it makes alot of sense that kazama being a semi-absent father figure would result in kiryu#idolizing and idealizing him to the (objectively unhealthy) extent that he does. because he wasn’t around super consistently kiryu would#hardly get to see/experience his flaws and have healthy disagreements and blatant differences with him and etc all-in-all making it so he’d#never really gain emotional autonomy and come to see him as a full-on person rather than an anti-hero character he wants to emulate as much#as possible. and by the time kiryu does come more face to face with kazama’s flaws and moral greyness he’s already well past the age range#where you’re supposed to develop emotional autonomy and have the most neuroplasticity to do so and thus it’s much more difficult for him#to deconstruct the idolized figure of kazama in his head. not to mention kazama died basically just as kiryu started to be confronted with#kazama’s less-than-perfect actions and traits and etc so he can’t humanize him through in-person experiences#it’s. a whole mess#I should save it for the big analysis post and not these tags fhshdjsnd#nishiki may have to be his own post completely because I feel like I’d end up having to talk about why he absolutely reads as borderline to#me and why it makes a lot of sense that certain symptoms/maladaptive thoughts/behaviors grow to be so out of control eventually#I have many thoughts about that boy and I already have many many notes on his potential bpd and image issues in general#hoo boy.#rambling
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silverislander · 1 year
gradually learning that coping w my anxiety is gonna require a level of what feels rn like narcissism (but i know logically is not). i have to respond to "what if everyone hates me" with "so what if they do, they can all have bad opinions if they want to, i hate some people too that's just life". going out wearing outfits i like but am nervous about with the mindset of "i look hot as shit and anyone who disagrees is wrong because it's subjective anyways". about half of trying to get over my fear of social situations has been me hyping myself up by telling myself that not only do i have as much of a right to be where i am as they do, someone there is going to be happy to see me for some reason
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
So me and my friend unpacked that night terror I had the other night & basically I am now on a self-imposed horror ban because I genuinely think if I keep consuming horror with my current mental state I will have a full-blown psychotic break 😔✌🏻
#for the uninitiated: basically i dreamed of an entity that was ‘the personification of fear itself’ and it was standing in the corner of my#room heavy-breathing and looking at me. it followed me through 3 layers of sleep (dream within a dream; regular dream; WAKING -#i hallucinated it during a sleep paralysis incident)#and i was unpacking it with my friend and i was like ‘i think the reason i was able to fall asleep again so fast (within 10 minutes lol)#and the thought of it hasn’t really bothered me when i’ve tried to sleep since is that it felt like more of a warning than a threat#like it kept getting worse each time i saw it but obviously i was fine. like it never tried to harm me. it just stood there’#and she was like ‘so do you believe in symbolism in dreams?’ i said ‘i don’t believe in prophetic dreams and i don’t believe that dreams#always have meaning. what i believe is that when the conscious mind shuts off for sleep; the subconscious starts unpacking stuff completely#at random and starts working through it. i think it’s a complete roulette. i think the best example of that is the time i had a dream that#one of my teachers was selling teddy bear ties just because he wore a tie with teddy bears on it once. i had that dream about a week later.#i was not in any way preoccupied with his tie; i saw it once and that was it but my brain obviously decided to use it’#so she was like ‘so you think that you dreaming about an entity that was the personification of fear itself is completely random?’#i was like ‘oh no not really. that makes perfect sense to me. all the movies i’ve watched and books i’ve read and podcasts i’ve listened to#have been horror’ and she was like ‘and you think that’s healthy for you?’ ‘oh no not really. plenty of it scares me. i even got scared the#other day listening to true crime; which doesn’t usually happen to me but i guess the 4 hour serial killer documentary wore me down’#she’s just like ‘for god’s sake’ lol#so i’m like ‘i mean if i interpret it your way; about dreams having meanings and messages; i guess i’m being warned that i’m dwelling too#much on fear. i’m inviting it into my space deliberately. it’s the main emotion i’m experiencing from the media i consume. and i don’t know#that that’s necessarily… good?’ and she’s like ‘no i don’t think it is. maybe you should read a sci-fi or something or rewatch that reality#show you like?’ and i was like ‘that actually seems like a good idea’#so. no more horror for me for the foreseeable :( i just want to get through the seasonal depression. and get my grief for mabel down to a#manageable level. i mean it’s somewhat manageable now but i still feel sad and guilty all the time and cry randomly#i’m thinking about signing up to be a dog fosterer for the rspca. i mean i work from home; i have an enclosed garden & plenty of time#and i could use the companionship. i just don’t know that i can take on a multi-year commitment right now#personal
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unhinged-nymph · 1 year
#i don't know what I'm supposed to do about being too self-aware for therapy#like im sorry that i can't convince myself into a level of delusion in order to function in this society#cuz that's basically what CBT is#just talking yourself into certain mindsets until they stick#but like#i can't get past the fact that that is literally self-inflicted brain trauma?#like ok the output might be positive#aka being able to do the dishes without having a panic attack#but i cannot get to that point because im aware that im just attempting to trick myself into a state of delusion#i know it works for so many people#but i cannot just convince myself that i'm mentally healthy#i do not get dopamine or seratonin from completing tasks or taking care of myself like “normal” brains do#and forcing myself to reframe my thought process isn't going to change that#I can only distract myself so much ya know?#i'm just frustrated that the answer to my brain being the way it is is to just force it to be a different way#but that's literally TRAUMA like is anyone gonna wake the fuck up to that????#did you know that our brains are almost exactly the same brains as the early homosapiens??? aka literal cavemen?#I'm working with A CAVEMAN brain that just wants to do specific little tasks and be creative#and also fulfill a specific role in a community#now in this current society we have to fulfill ALLLL the roles#the cleaning the cooking the planning the scheduling etc etc etc#i simply do not have the brain for all of that#plus im TIRED#because i have adhd and probably have autism so im using every last drop of my energy to just survive#so I don't have energy for all the “extra” stuff#which unfortunately for me includes things like laundry and vacuuming and hobbies and seeing friends and being active and touching grass#and this expensive ass therapist is just going to try to convince me that i in fact *do* have the energy and i just need to feel my feeling#and stop telling myself i cant#im not telling myself anything#like does *anyone* fucking get it???
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oglegoggle · 2 years
Idiot ex expected literally everyone around him to bend over backwards to do everything for him because he’s got ADHD and therefore isn’t capable of doing household chores or not breaking my belongings or responsibly managing his finances. He would throw up ADHD as a get out of jail free card literally every single time his behavior hurt me and I just had to accept it. Outright told me one time that trying to teach him how to do chores properly without breaking shit was triggering for him. But then was upset to see me call him an idiot and a coward in the notes on a post I reblogged about how shitty ADHD folks who use their ADHD as reason to never face consequences for their inconsiderate and selfish behavior.
Like yeah ADHD sucks and it requires a lot of difficult managing. But legit if you’re gonna say that it’s “triggering” to be expected to put away dishes without breaking them or take the used kitty litter to the dumpster outside every single day you’re just a pathetic self absorbed piece of shit. ADHD or not behavior like this has consequences and sometimes those consequences are the people you’re living with think you’re a selfish moron they don’t want to live with.
Your RSD is correct here dude, acting like this will make people drop you from their lives. You’re in your 30s and can’t do basic household chores. I had to walk on eggshells literally constantly with him because expressing even the tiniest amount of being upset with him would trigger a full blown self loathing meltdown and then he would be upset at me for hurting his feefees. He’s got ADHD, he’s got RSD, he’s got bipolar, it’s oooobviously my fault for triggering him and I need to calm him down and coddle him and reassure him that I’m not going to leave just because he hurt me repeatedly and did nothing to make up for hurting me or stop that behavior that was hurting me. He’s not capable of doing better and it makes him feel insecure that I deserve better treatment he’s not capable of giving me. I better reassure him that I’m okay with his shitty treatment of me or else he’ll fuckin kill himself. No he doesn’t want to go to couples counseling, that would be a waste of time and money.
Wow I’m such a shitty partner for not getting rid of all the glassware in my home so he won’t break it constantly. Wow I’m such a shitty partner I didn’t remind him to maintain his friendships outside of our relationship, obviously not telling him to remember to talk to and spend time with his friends is the same as somehow forbidding him from seeing them. Wow I’m such a shitty partner I don’t want to cook literal goddamn chicken rice & veg meals for his fucking dog and foot the bill for it, just like I was paying all of the other household bills as well as our entire shared food budget and cooking our meals every day because he would break shit and set fires if I didn’t. Wow I’m such a shitty partner for expecting him to actually pay the landlord his portion of the rent. Wow I’m such a shitty partner for smoking so much of his weed. Wow I’m such a shitty partner I won’t allow his awful cat in my home again after it slashed my fucking eyeball and put me in the ER. Wow I’m such a shitty partner for being constantly made sick by the filth and squalor he created faster than I could clean up without help. Wow I’m such a shitty partner for expecting to be helped with the cleaning. Wow I’m such a shitty partner for not accommodating his ADHD and letting him treat me like garbage without consequence. Wow I’m such a shitty partner for having needs and boundaries. Wow I’m such a shitty partner for not tolerating his abuse forever.
It was abuse.
He abused me.
Having ADHD does not make your behavior not abusive. ADHD does not absolve you of being an abuser. There are plenty of ADHD folks in this world that have actual honor and dignity about themselves. Don’t act like ADHD is a free excuse to abuse others. That’s not RSD talking that’s your conscience, listen to it. Treat those who care about you with genuine respect and they won’t reject you.
#this is goggles#bleh I’m cranky and lonely but at least I’m not dealing with his idiocy anymore#I would very much like to be held and loved#not loved for how silently and gracefully I can endure being abused#I want to be loved gently#I want to feel safe to express negative emotions with them in a healthy manner in ways we can work on solutions and build a better love#I want to feel like I don’t have to be the only responsible person in charge of everything all of the time#I want to live in a clean home that doesn’t make me sick with masses of spilled soda and cat piss on every surface and bugs and mold#I want to have my belongings regarded with care and have them replaced when occasional mishaps happen#I want to not have to constantly be parenting someone older than myself because they completely lack basic skills and emotional regulation#I want to be able to rely on my partner not just be a totally reliable rock to them without support of my own#I want to relax and feel at peace in my own home not constantly stressed by their behavior and shit pets#I want to have people in my life who make me feel secure and safe and supported and seen#I gave up everything to leave that life behind me I deserve and need better from the folks around me#it sucks and it’s lonely but I’m going to find better#hopefully in Seattle I’ll be able to find friends and love and support I need#I really hope so this life is so lonely and my body aches so much#When I feel like I miss him it is not because he was a good partner it is because I haven’t ever had a partner to live with before him#I will find a new partner who will want to live with me and will treat me better#I will get the love and respect and support I need elsewhere he won’t give me what I need#just gotta ignore that irritating feeling of missing him it will not benefit me he will only hurt me and make me feel like I’m at fault#even his friends think he’s a douchebag I wish I would’ve listened to them early on when they were trying to warm me#bleh my body aches I really need some touch and affection#I hate possessing this almost esoteric knowledge that being held reduces the pain in my body this was so much easier to handle before#I’m going to be 27 in a couple weeks I’m still so young but I feel so old#I have never been good at dating and I loathe having to date to find a partner can I just skip ahead to the part where I have a kind lover?#I want to have my back rubbed and neck kissed I want to be held while I sleep and feel safe and at ease#I’d take it even for a single night right about now it’s been months and I know I have months more ahead of me before I’ll even be hugged#wish I had the dough and know how to hire a companion for the evening#not even really for sex just like I really need to be held for a little while being held is so important for my mental and emotional health
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launh · 6 months
Little rant about anxiety aid my municipality offers and the stupid way I'm going about that bc aaaaaaaaaaaa
Ok I understand that this is entirely and completely my own fault. But. Due to my anxiety disorder I'm currently unable to work, and my municipality offers a fund to help students who cannot work for a longer periode of time due to reasons like mine (or like a physical disability etc). So I wanted to submit a request for that, and it said I needed to submit a formal reason I can't have a job. Cool, fine. So I asked both of my therapists and they said "oh no this practice doesn't do those things, maybe ask your gp?" so I asked my gp and my gp said "oh no we don't do those things, maybe ask your municipality?". And so at this point I'm already a little frustrated, why tell me I need an expert's opinion if none of the experts within this municipality offer those. Like. This is a trap, is it not? So my mum called the municipality (because I have severe phone anxiety) and they were like "idk sounds like a you problem" which is fine, that's a very good response and I'm happy they said that. I looked at the submission form again, and quite a few things I needed to submit were quite vague. So my parente convinced me, can't hurt to just try and submit this form with just my official dsm diagnosis as the formal proof. What's the worst that can happen? They email me back saying "nice try but no <3" and I'm back where I started no harm done. Now this is the part that is my own dumb stupid fault. Obviously they did not email me a rejection. They tried calling me and sent me an email saying I need to call them because they have a question for me and sent me a letter saying I need to either submit the formal proof or at april 4th my submission will be binned. I could not answer the call as I was in class, but I assume the message is the same as the letter (they didn't leave a voicemail). I read the letter and I thought, well, fine, I have tried everything I could to get that formal proof and no one is willing to give it to me, and now the municipality has reached out to me three separate ways so if they don't hear back from me, on april 4th it'll be like it never happened. But no. They call me every day. And I know I need to at least send them an email back like "ah sorry for wasting your time but I don't have formal proof because even though both my therapists and my gp agree I can't work they don't do formal proof, so you can bin the submission soz" but they're calling me all the time and I never pick up because I panic every time the phone rings so now I can definitely never pick up because they hate me and I can also not send that email because they hate me but I need to send that email because otherwise they will hate me. Man. Sometimes it feels like any accommodation for my anxiety the world offers is just like "oh you don't have a pen? here fill in this form (only pen allowed, if you use pencil or marker we will kill you) and then you'll get a pen at the end" babe how do I fill in the form then. without a pen.
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girlbossdean · 1 year
look away besties I need to rant/whine for a second and I'm too lazy to get out my actual diary
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insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
#so I guess you just weren’t going to talk to me yesterday#I don’t know if it’s because you’re still mad at me or because you just ‘didn’t have time’ to send any more messages#but in any case I spent my whole day basically just sitting here refreshing my messages waiting for you like I always do just to get nothing#this is why I tried to bring up to you that our lack of contact lately was bothering me and making me feel like I did something wrong#this is why I tried to propose a solution of agreeing not to talk every single day to make things easier on both of us#a solution which you completely ignored and refused to acknowledge when you snapped at me#you say you hate having to justify yourself and don’t even realize that I was never asking you to do so#but having to beg you for time and being made to feel like I’m having to chase you down in this friendship isn’t exactly fun or healthy#I’ve let you dictate pretty much every facet of our relationship and conceded so much because I can’t bear to lose you#I can’t even defend myself properly because the second you snap at me and show me you’re upset I just crumble and do whatever you want#I’m constantly apologizing for everything I say and do#and I’m made to feel like I’m being selfish and manipulative just because I want to be able to talk to my friend a little more often#you wondered why I felt used and like I was just trash to you? well this is part of the reason why honey#you treat me like I’m disposable and like my worries and feelings don’t matter#but anyway it just hurts to realize that for whatever reason you never planned on talking to me again yesterday#personal
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