#that's just if you can't think of anything design wise
localplaguenurse · 1 year
Spoilers for the end of As Gold as the Ginkgo Trees but because E anon requested it, this is a rough family tree for reader’s family
I would’ve made an actual diagram but I just... Didn’t feel like it atm, I’ve been pretty tired all day. Also the colour coordination is just for funsies and to sorta differentiate.
So first and foremost, we have Jin Hua (wifey's mom who passed during childbirth), and then we have Huang Xing (wifey's dad who passed when they were twelve). There is also our absolute beloved Li Lei who was helping raise wifey as they grew up, and then fully took them under her wing after dad passed away.
Wifey and Zhongli are self explanatory
Children birth order + mini descriptions (sorta, most of them are personal interpretation, but all of them have amber/gold eyes and are around or just under six feet tall)
Yánjiāng: P much looks like Zhongli except he doesn’t have the ponytail
Lihua: Also looks very similar to Zhongli, VERY long hair in a half updo with a lotus hairpin, she’s also trans
Zhusha: She pretty much looks like however you think reader looks
Yaling and Feng (twins): Also look very similar to reader but with subtle differences, Yaling has glasses and she is shorter despite Feng being the younger twin
I don’t go into specifics on grandkids or the spouses of the children because that’s a lot of babies and names (why did I do this) but: Yánjiāng has three kids and one grandchild, Lihua has adopted three children, Zhusha has none, Yaling has one child, and Feng has two children (Heng and Mei, the two kids in the mooncake scene)
Shoutout also Li Lei's gf Lin Xiu
If Cheng Gho wasn't a wretched woman she could've been wifey's grandma but NO she had to be a massive c***
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mechahero · 2 months
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//Lambda would eat these ngl
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blueish-bird · 11 months
the body is weak (am sick) but the spirit is more than willing (draw. CSM)
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terrifiedlimechime · 26 days
basically: gravity falls but the stan twins are kids and mabel and dipper are the adults in the plot of gravity falls
as well as that, I wanted to switch the villians. Bill is human and takes the place of gideon, and instead of obsessing over mabel he pursues ford (he's twelve as well lol. BILLFORD FOREVER!!!)
whereas gideon takes the place of bill, a chaos god (maybe i'll make him the shape of the star on his telepathy tent instead of a triangle, or I might tweak his human design a bit, idrk) who's obsessed with mabel.
people always put dipper in the place of ford (in the portal) bc he's a nerd, but to suit the switch of villans, mabel is getting sucked into the multiverse!
I like to think she got lulled into a false sense of security with gideon like in the show in the same way ford was with bill, but with fashion instead of science. (like when their still friends w lil gid and gideon brings her to get her nails n stuff done)
so in my au mabel is very into fashion the same way ford is into science, a prodigy with a insane talent for knitting, sowing, design, the whole shabang
while dipper is similar to the usual show, nerdy sci-fi obsessed wise guy but nothing too crazy
but together mabel and dipper solved mysteries in california together and someday dream of becoming "the mystery twins" and searching (in parallel to the stans) on a hot air balloon/ plane/ something sky related
but mabel gets offered a place in a big league fashion school, and they're going to come and see her project for the school fashion fair
dipper (like stan) is disgruntled by the dress interrupting their dreams and future together (parallel to dipper and mabel vs to the show. kind of)  and puts his hands on the dress angrily without thinking, staining the dress with his sweaty palms (like how stan is in the show, and how ford described him in journal three: "an abnormally sweaty 12 year old....perhaps he takes after stanley")
when the fashion gurus or whatever show up to see mabels design, they see the prints and dimiss her, ruining her chance at getting into her dream school. seeing the sweaty hand marks, thinks immediately of her brother, confronts him, the same as the scene in a tale of two stans essentially
d: "i...mabel, maybe this isnt all bad...at least we can go...be the mystery twins?"
m: "how could you say that?! why would I want to do anything with the person who sabotaged my future!"
so where does mabel go to college? you (probably) guessed it...backupsmore!
she begins a degree...yadayada, smart people stuff, clever references to the original show, blah blah blah, goes to college with candy and grenda (they take the place of mcgucket)
annnnd now a scene I over thought way too much) all her life, mabel had been teased for her crooked teeth, her messy hair, her stickers and glitter everywhere...etc, and she grew fascinated with beauty in imperfection, the whole maximalism, out of the ordinary/norms of fashion (the ford deciding to study abnormalities bc of his six fingers scenece is so important to me for no reason)
she grew curious of a certain place where the impossible seemed possible...
gravity falls! (how surprising)
and what, my dear reader, was our main man dipper up to?
well, much like stan, he struck gold in sales. or...selling by yourself anyway, as he'd been trying to selling his scifi abnormality comics, board games, fact books/ something like that bro. he was smart-ish, giving lectures ab science-y stuff in different colleges, not happy at all and js about providing for himself. he misses mabel...alot.
over with mabel, she's experimenting with the weirdness of gravity falls, enjoying it all with her friend, gideon! (spoiler alert: he sucks)
but at the end of the day...what is she waiting for? she can't just...be good....she has to remembered! to be put down history as...one of the greatest designers of all time! heck...what is she even working for if not to be put down in history? what has she studied for? she has to round of her studies with a bang!
luckily gideon has a few ideas...
g: you see...what if...you built a portal to another dimension? has any designer ever done that before? sent their models and crew to another universe? think...how you'd go down...the most revolutionary name in fashion! you'd be leading fashion AND science!"
(tw: this is a trick on gideons part lol)
mabel enlists the help of candy and grenda, blablabla whatever...mcgucket/ford situation all over again, someone sees the nightmare realm, traumatised forever, yadayada, mabel goes insane bc gideon is "less than nice..." (can you tell I'm getting lazy lmao)
dipper is just ab scraping by, making money by doing lectures and the like, hopping state each time he loses a job with a new name so he can work for another prestigious college w out the track record and trying to publish his scifi silly novel thingy when he gets a post card through the door of his motel:
please come, -mabel
dipper makes his way to gravity falls, where mabel is immediately suspicious of him, checking his eyes to see if he's possessed, barbed grappling hook ready to shoot and looking very much like a crazed scientist rather then a fashion designer, and perhaps that's what she's become, moulded under gideons hand
she interrogates him, similarly to how ford interrogated stan:
m: *grappling hook ready to shoot* "HEY! WHO ARE YOU? HAVE YOU COME TO STEAL MY EYES?-"
d: "weird way to say welcome in, mabel"
hurring him in, she checks his eyes, lalalalala...mabel promptly shows him the third journal, branded with a shooting star.
m: "it's.. I don't know enough about science...me and candy, grenda, we started, i've put my heart and soul into these, dipper, but he needs them, and he can't have them, never...if he does..."
d: "god, mabel, I always knew you were crazy, but this is a whole new level. I thought you came here for fashion?"
blabla, backstory explanation to eachother (im this 🤏 close to giving up) when mabel pops the big question
m: "remember our plans...the mystery twins, adventuring in the skies, on a plane?"
dipper is really excited, this is the moment, all this science stuff, it was preparation for-
m: "get on a plane, fly as FAR away from here as possible, to the ends of the earth, and hide the journal-"
d: "wait...that's IT? I finally see you for the first time in YEARS and the first thing you want me to do is get as far away from you as possible?"
m: "listen-"
d: "no, YOU LISTEN. im excited to see my sister after a decade and you want me out of your sight? im just about scraping by while you're living it up in your fancy house in the woods doing fashion-glam shit! you think you've got it bad? i've got a MULLET, mabel! im trying my best to survive while you're all cushy in the woods-"
m: "you don't know what I've been through!-"
d: "what YOU'VE been through? I've lost my job in SEVERAL different states, while you're selfishly hoarding your college money-"
m: "ME? SELFISH? how could you say that after costing me my DREAM SCHOOL?
a bit more squabbling, basically the scene in a tale of two stans. in this au dipper isn't born with his big dipper mark on his forehead, rather he gets it burned onto his forehead the way stan gets his tattoo, mabel pauses, "im so sorry dipper-" gets pushed, the portal starts turning on, dipper pushes her away.
d: "tch, "mystery twins." how could I be so stupid? here's a simple mystery; why did mabel's brother travel four hours to roadkill oregon for her? because he thought his sister CARED for him. wanted to see him, even. possibly because he missed her. but dont worry, it wont happen again. some sister you turned out to be."
he does the whole push into the portal, ahhh mabel come back, oh no what have i done thingy. he immediately tries to opperate it, fails, blablabla. when he realises shes gone and not coming back, he screams, for a minute, half an hour, an hour, he doesn't know, he just cant do anything else.
doesn't sleep. for a long time. he doesn't really move off the couch, actually. he eats so he doesn't faint. or sleep. he doesn't go anywhere so he doesn't have to fix himself up or wash, because he feels he doesn't deserve the luxury of self care or nice food or comfort or rest. but eventually the food runs out and he decides he can't die without bringing back his sister.
at the shop, it's the same scene as with stan, "oooh smart science-y fashion person, do u give tours?" he has no money so he has to, it's shit at first but improves over time and so the mystery shack is born.
as much as dipper always loved the supernatural, he decides that he doesn't want another run in with the portal/ paranormal accident so all the attractions are fake. dipper is just as stressed and unhappy as before, but the tight clockwork of his life keeps him together. make money with the shack, save mabel. that's all that's keeping him here.
until the stan twins show up!
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crowsongcaws · 7 months
TL;DR at bottom (also this sounds like anger and it isn't, I'm just dramatic) Screaming, crying, on my knees BEGGING PLEASE
I know so many other Life Series/Traffic Life characters have reoccurring tropes they aren't able to escape from fandom-wise (cough cough DESERT DUO cough cough) but please for the love of EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! Let BigB be free of the cookie thing!!! It really is "yeah I don't watch him but I included everyone else so I'll include him and he has a bunch of cookie fanart so yeah BigB = cookies <3" It's a funny little callback sometimes, but for him, it's just that people don't know what else to give him. He hasn't even been OCified!!! (OCified as in a fanon version of himself has become widely known and accepted over the canon character i.e. Grian being an avian, Scar being ridiculously buff, Jimmy being a canary etc etc)
I understand why people would be hesitant to make him some sort of hybrid like most other members, but he doesn't have to be a hybrid to be OCified! For example, although Martyn also tends to be elf-like or sometimes something monster-related, he's widely regarded as a Listener! And guess what? BigB was also in EVO!
"But BigB's skin had a cookie on it---" AGES AGO, PLEASE LET IT DIE "Joel isn't 'OCified'---" Didn't ask, don't care, talking about BigB right now At this point, I could draw a cookie with eyes and limbs and say it's BigB fanart and everyone would be like "yaaay!" I desperately want and NEED to see BigB with non-cookie related designs. Can he have little stuff hinting towards the cookie thing? Of course! That's part of his character! Just PLEASE add on literally ANYTHING ELSE. BigB with 4c (read it again, FOUR-C) hair with shaved sides and a heart shaved into one side. Same hairstyle but the sides are braided back and one of the sides has a heart braided into it. Cottagecore BigB with mohawk braids that go back into a bun with that little bandana headband on! Imagine he's in friendly floral clothing holding a bouquet of flowers, and the center of the flowers look vaguely like eyes but everything else about him looks so typical you barely notice at first glance because he's totally Normal(tm) and completely unaffected by Evo as opposed to literally everyone else. Please give BigB a new outfit. That sweater is TIRED. Let it REST. Give him literally ANYTHING ELSE. Give him a fucking corset idk! A dress! Ball gown! Spacesuit! My Chemical Romance merch! LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE. "I don't think BigB as a character would wear a corset/dress/anything feminine---" Why? Go on. TL;DR Stop making BigB's personality revolve around cookies (and also being a cheater because of Double Life for that matter) and please add literally anything else to his character design/personality traits I am begging and screaming and crying because I can't unsee it
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When I first saw a Miraculous Ladybug salt post it was the usual Lila takes away all of Marinette's friends Adrien does nothing Marinette becomes super successful Lila gets exposed blah blah blah
When I see posts like the ones you post where people give actual constructive criticism about the characters and not favor one character over the other has made me realize that these are fictional characters and its not their fault they are the way they are. Also they're 14 what kind of 14 year old makes good choice's? Especially when they have the fate of the world/universe on their shoulders
If anything the character I really blame is Master Fu. He was obviously meant to be some sort of mentor figure for them or at least Marinette's mentor. He was the one to tell and encourage Marinette to keep everything a secret from Adrien. Comparing him to other mentor like figures in the world of superheros he isn't really all that helpful.
Compared to DC Ladybug and Chat Noir do not have any adult superheros to help them. In DC younger superheros have entire superhero families to help them out and if not that than they have other adult superheros to help them or they have an actual team. We know that other miraculous holders exist and the order is back I have a vague idea as to why they can't help but I still find it weird as to why they are around if not to help. Like phones and the internet exist do they not?
Sorry for they rant, I want to know what your thoughts are on this?
Your rant was fine! I don't think that I've talked in depth about mentors as a concept and I should both because I love mentors and because Miraculous has completely failed to give us any good ones. This is a writing failure not because good mentors are required, but because the show chose to have mentors characters and then not use them.
Before I get into the topic at large, I want to start with a brief discussion of mentors in shows aimed at young children as Miraculous' intended audience is young children and that fact is worth keeping in mind when discussing what Miraculous did wrong and some of the ways that you can fix it.
Shows aimed at kids generally avoid adult characters in major roles for the very obvious reason that the intended audience is kids, so you want the kid and teen characters to be the stars. This doesn't mean that adults aren't allowed to save the day or have important roles. It just means that they should be used sparingly. This is why mentors are a great addition to kids shows. They allow adult characters to be deeply involved with the plot without anyone expecting them to intervene because that's not their role in the story. They're not here to be the hero. They're here to guide the hero.
One of the powerful things about this setup is that it allows the writers to give the real kids watching at home real advice about real life problems. For example, if Marinette comes to Fu to talk about feeling alone and overwhelmed, then he can give her real, practical advice that would apply to anyone who is feeling alone and overwhelmed, but no one expects him to directly intervene because he's supposed to say hidden.
A lot of these elements apply to mentors in media aimed at older audiences, the rules just apply for different reasons, so I'm going to stop reminding you that Miraculous is for elementary school kids and focus on the failed mentor issue as it would be an issue no matter what Miraculous' intended audience was.
When it comes to bad mentoring, a lot of people focus on Fu and I get why. At first glance, he's the classic wise old Asian man who is supposed to be there to guide the protagonist on her mystical journey (not getting into the racism issue here, just know that I'm aware of it and that Miraculous dropped the ball on this in a lot of ways even though they absolutely could have made it work.) But Fu isn't the main focus of my ire because, while the writers seemed to have designed him around the mystic Asian trope, they never actually wrote him like a mentor.
He doesn't train Marinette and Adrien in the ways of the miraculous. He just sneakily gives them their miraculous and then disappears from their lives for quite some time. So he's not around to get them properly started on their hero journey. That's strike one for the mentor role.
Strike two is the fact that we never actually see him mentoring Marinette. I don't think that she ever went to him for advice? If she did, then it wasn't a big element of their relationship. When I think of Marinette and Fu, I picture her going to him to grab a miraculous or two before booking it back to the ongoing fight and that's about it. The guardian training she supposedly had was all off screen, so we have no idea how close they were or what he even taught her outside of potion making. Even that wasn't really him teaching her something. It was them working together to figure out a puzzle because Fu never completed his own training, making it impossible for him to properly train a successor.
Strike three is the fact that - outside of the King Monkey incident - Fu never gets directly involved in helping team miraculous. He's never gives them feedback on fights or works with Ladybug and Chat Noir to strengthen their bond. He doesn't even help them track down the two missing miraculous or hand out the temporary miraculous on Marinette's behalf, a choice I still find super weird. "This fight is super hard and we need help, so I'm going to leave Chat Noir to fight alone while I go get said help!" is absolutely nonsense logic and one of the many examples of the writers desperately needing to let Marinette hand her responsibilities off. Why wasn't this Fu's job?
This brings us to fix one: if you want the guardian to be a mentor - which is a role they arguably should have - then the guardian needs to be actively involved in Marinette and Adrien's lives in an on screen way. For this to work in the context of Miraculous - a show that really wants to focus on the teen characters - then the guardian probably needs a teenage apprentice who isn't Marinette and that apprentice will be the one doing the mentoring.
My pick for this is Luka for two big reasons. The first one is that his calm personality is perfectly suited to a mentor. The second one is that it seems insane to me to have the snake be a temp holder. The snake should be watching every fight, but staying out of the actual fight so that they can use their power whenever it's needed. That's the perfect role for a mentor character to fill. Someone who is active in the plot, but only ever as a support because their power stops them from getting more involved.
Moving on to the bigger issue.
As I said up above, Fu doesn't actually get my ire. While I wanted him to be a mentor, he never once filled that role and he didn't really need to because the show already had mentor figures that it was actively using and using poorly. Those figures are the ancient magical creatures that follow our heroes around, dispensing terrible advice whenever they feel like it. That's right, as much as it pains me, Miraculous' biggest mentor failures are Tikki and Plagg.
The miraculous did not need to have magical creatures associated with them. They could have just been magical jewelry that Fu handed out and explained. Instead, the writers chose to give us the Kwamis and I don't disagree with that choice. I like the Kwmais! The problem is that they're used in the most lackluster, asinine ways you possibly could.
The Kwamis are not presented as oblivious to the world and unable to give advice. They give lots of advice! The problem is that advice tends to suck! I can think of many examples of times where the Kwamis made everything worse, but let's look at the one that grinds my gears the most: Plagg's actions in season four.
In Rocketear - the episode where Nino gives Adrien an incredibly inaccurate picture of why he knows Alya's secret identity - we get this:
Adrien: I still can't believe Ladybug entrusted Alya and Nino with those Miraculous. Plagg: Of course she did. She's the Guardian. Adrien: But they're a couple and they know each other's secret identities. Plagg: So...? Adrien: So, why does she make it a rule that we can't know each other's identities but it's okay for them? Plagg: She's the Guardian, the Grandmaster Cheese Ripener, and you and I are just cheese on the platter. She decides what's on the menu.
Hey, Plagg, maybe don't tell your clearly upset and vulnerable teenage holder to just suck it up and deal with it when he's feeling alone and betrayed? Maybe encourage him to talk to Ladybug about his feelings so that he can get the full story? Knowing that they learned their identities during the Scarlet Moth incident would probably do a lot to smooth over Adrien's hurt feelings.
What's even more rich is that the episode Kuro Neko lets Plagg go off on Marinette for not appreciating Chat Noir:
Ladybug: What's gotten into him? I didn't do anything. Plagg: Didn't do anything? Well yeah, you did! You've been neglecting a very classy piece of camemebert on your plate for too long! And as a result it got runny, and moldy! Ladybug: What? Cat Noir never gave me any camembert. Plagg: Of course not, Cat Noir is the camembert! For a while now, you've been neglecting this camembert— I mean Cat Noir, and going on adventures with the all other cheeses! Ladybug: But he should be happy about it, it gives him more time off. Plagg: Cat Noir doesn't wanna have time off, Ladybug! He is in love with you! And your persistent calling on all the other heroes has broken his heart.
Dude, if you saw all of this going on, then why didn't you say something??? You and Tikki are in the same location for multiple hours five days a week. Go tell her how your holder is feeling and figure out how to fix the situation! Or be an actual mentor and encourage Adrien to talk to someone about his feelings! At the very least, cut up a wheel of cheese, sit down, and listen to your kid so that he feels less alone!
Also what exactly do you want Ladybug to do to fix the problem you presented? Let Paris burn until Chat Noir decides to show up to today's fight? Refuse to use the temp heroes even if it means losing a fight? None of those are valid solutions when the problem presented in the episode is Chat Noir missing fights. Especially when we know that he's doing it on purpose. Why are you yelling at her instead of working with her to come up with an actual solution? You are such a terrible mentor...
To be clear, I don't think any of this is intentional. I don't think the writers want Plagg and Tikki to come across as actively hurting their teenage charges via bad advice. I think Plagg and Tikki are supposed to be seen as good and helpful, but they can't fill that role because they're tools of the narrative and the narrative has really wacky views on what good advice is. Thus nonsense like the example I discussed above or Plagg and Tikki picking new holders instead of guiding their holders through an identity reveal.
I personally adore letting Plagg and Tikki be good mentors in my own stuff. It falls under the same category as Alya and Nino being terrible friends on screen. I acknowledge the problem and then delight in fixing it by writing the exact opposite setup because what is fanfiction for if not heavy self indulgence?
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 5
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A smile from you is all he needs to feel recharged.
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, Angst , emotional kook, suggestive messages, poor Maria pt.1 [Tags will be different for every part!]
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Collab with @euphoricfilter ! 💜
-> Masterlist
This is not going to plan at all.
Not only is he behind schedule wise, he's also not thought about the possibility of what this all might look like to you at all. Because why would you even think that in the first place? He'd be absolutely stupid to cheat on you, let alone with a 64 year old married woman of all people!
But then again, you don't know that part- and he also can't really properly explain it as he would surely blow his own cover, and he's just too close to the finish line to give up now. He already almost cried at deleting your face ID and fingerprint from his phone, feeling like he deleted the memory of setting those things up too, but he swore himself it's for a good cause down the line. You'll make so many more memories together for sure, and they'll top those more than by just a little. He'll make sure that they will.
[Alright, I'm so excited! Next time let's do it this way right from the start- no need to make it so complicated!] Maria had wrote him in full, and he reads over it with a bit of worry. Does she really understand what he meant by his worries?
[I'm not sure you understand. I'm planning something big, and I'm also behind when it comes to physical intimacy these days, you know?] He writes the woman, who he's asked prior about the rules and such regarding.. well, sex in the home he's renting out for the upcoming special occasion he's planned. He doesn't want to get locked up for not following some Airbnb laws he overlooked after all. That would just be embarrassing. [And we're very intimate people. I'm taking her pleasure and happiness seriously, if you get the hint.] He texts her as he boils some water on the stove for his absolute accurately made ramyeon.
[Oh trust me, I've been young too! No need to be shy, I can only imagine that emotions will run high most likely!] She responds, and Jungkook pursed his lips for a second, before he starts to play with his piercings deep in thought.
[No, Maria, I don't think you get it-] he begins to type. [-it's been almost two full weeks at this point, that's the longest we've ever gone without any sex, we're talking at least three orgasms a day times fourteen, I've got some major catching up to do..] jungkook sends her, before he puts his phone down for a second as to prepare the instant noodles properly.
[It's fine, really. No need to worry!] The woman responds. But jungkook wants to make sure.
[She's a squirter- you know what that is right? Either way it's gonna get messy so I'm just making sure you REALLY know what you're getting into if you say it's alright because the carpet looked really nice and I'm not sure how to get cum stains out of that] he rambles, not noticing you emerge from the bedroom now as you put your bag on one of the kitchen chairs. [I can replace it too if that happens no problem, you know how my girlfriend gets haha. Well you don't but you will know after we're done with the place-] he taps and accidentally sends out as you call his name, causing him to almost drop his phone into the soup pot on the stove, only barely catching it in time before he can practically throw it into the pocket of his sweatpants. "Yeah?" He asks towards you, and you look at him still way too hostile in his opinion.
He knows you can be a bit of a hot head. It's what he loves about you- how fierce you can get and how you'll always stand your ground. But he also knows that you're a bit of an aklebiter with some serious anger issues sometimes- once you see red, you don't see anything else anymore. So he's got to be careful not to fuck it up any further, because once he loses you, he loses for good.
Because you're stubborn if you've made up your mind.
"The water's boiling over." You mumble, avoiding his gaze as you sit at the kitchen table, arms crossed in defense. He jumps at your words and turns off the stove at that, somewhat awkwardly playing up some food into bowl for the both of you, watching you eat silently across from him with an almost needy gaze.
You're gonna probably try and kick his balls if he asks you to sit on his lap right now, so he swallows down the request to keep them intact.
He's gonna seriously crunch some hours while you're sleeping over at a friend's house so he can still make the deadline, able to pass up on sleep with you not actually home to scold him for it. He hates the fact that the app on his phone constantly reminds him of the lack of intimacy between you two- taunting him with notifications about his streak being broken, his record being topped, his spot up top on the scoreboard being taken. He hates it. He created this app, he should be the one who's best at it too!
God he can't wait to get his hands on you again. He feels like his dick is going to fall off in the next few days.
And it's not just that, either. He doesn't sleep well when you're not with him, he misses all the interactions you usually have during the day, the love, the intimacy of just being close, he misses it so bad. And he kind of doesn't want you to leave right now- he'd love to just call it quits and just cave in, but he's come too far now, and you're also a strong independent woman. You deserve to choose where you want to go or stay, he's got no say in that- or at least he shouldn't try to have it.
"I.. You'll text me when you wanna come back home, right?" He asks as he finishes his bowl, and you shrug.
"Whatever." You mumble. "S' not like you want me home for more than the chores anyways." You huff into your food, and he can't help but feel his eyes tear up. No, stupid Jungkook, don't fucking cry right now. You're gonna ruin it all with your dumb tears and weak heart just like always-
"I do want you home.." he mumbles quietly, blinking harder to avoid you spotting anything off- but you notice. Of course you do.
"...I'll text you." You say, and that at least soothes his mind for the moment as his phone falls out of his pocket, screen cracking and making him cringe.
Fuck. That's the what.. 20th time this year?
But it's all worth it, if it means he can at least see the hint of a smile pull at your lips for once.
The sight alone motivation enough to make him work even harder now.
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ccraccz · 10 months
Hi! Would you be able to do some headcannons with the heartsteel boys with a short/petite, alt partner! They wear all black, black stiletto nails and with a love of skulls. A big fan of all things games and animated shows and a huge collector.
Alternative love
Characters: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, K'sante, Yone x GN!Reader
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That?? That's his type without a doubt
He lives for the alternative aesthetic and people shorter than him
He himself is probably alt, but he loves to mismatch with his sister
In solo pictures, he's alt, but in pictures with his sister, he's literally wearing the opposite of his sis
Now, he has a reason to wear more black
He would love to match with you in anything you wear out
He'd bring you gifts
From black press ons to some expensive obsidian necklace or leather gloves to fit your style
Anything and everything for you
He'd indulge you with skulls and bones, tarot cards if you're into things like that
He'll even let you wear his precious hoodies and jackets that were made by sett or bought by his sister
Though, when he finds out that you religiously play games he likes and watch the same shows he does
His affections develop rapidly into love
He has more things to both bond and relate to you
He would feel more comfortable with you instantly
Most of the time, it's difficult to relate to people
So, with you by his side, someone who understands him in style and emotionally goes a long way.
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Ezreal would not mind at all
Height or style
Actually he loves your aesthetic!
He feels like it's something that represents you, and he loves anything about you
He's all about aesthetic and true representation, and if black clothing, black nails, extraordinary makeup, and skulls are what you like
So be it! Go you!
He might not match you and your energy, but you know what they say.
Opposites attracts 💚
He's so cringe
He literally says that every time when someone asks why he's with someone like you
And he always tells them off after that because that was just rude!
He'd make a special bouquet for you with black and white flowers
He'd buy you fake skulls and skeletons for you to decorate your space
Buy your books and games
He's so in love with how you show yourself off
You can clearly tell he's always mesmerized by your style
Whether you're wearing skirts, leather pants, dresses, or large ripped jeans
Or even if you're wearing a black tank, with a black graphic jacket on your hips and pj pants
He's so into you and how different you are
Every time he sees you, his eyes are literally hearts
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He thinks it's so cool
And he thinks you're so cute with a petite you are
Especially compared to him
Like, an amazing amount of cool
He loves your style and would support it in giants amounts
He would literally be your stylist
You rip your favorite black shirt? He both fixes it and makes it look like a different shirt while matching your style
Is that jacket too expensive? He can diy one just for you that is way better than the one you liked
He'll also ask k'sante to design some clothing for you
The best quality clothing and costumes are given to you as gifts for important days
Dates? There's a gift box on your bed with some clothing that he fixed up for you
B-day? You know those boots you've been eyeing for a while? Wellll, they're on your bed now screaming for you to try them on
And inside the boots, there's a letter
He's so goofy
He'd support you by giving you more clothes and such
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He doesn't care, actually
But he will tease you about your height
But clothing wise?
You can go anywhere with whatever clothes and he would love you all the same
The only way he'll care is if you're bare outside, OR someone says some shit about you
That's when he really cares
The first scenario is because he can't handle himself and will snatch you and eat you 😏
The second scenario?
He's throwing hands and giving the person a piece of his mind
He goes crazy for you, but that's also the main reason why you guys mostly have indoor dates
Either way, he doesn't give a damn as to what you wear
He will love you because you tolerate him and keep him in place
Either way, indoor dates mean more time with you and your snazzy self
He will give you a good time after or during the "date"
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(This headcanon is mainly for the boys die ti k'sante being a gay man!! I'm so happy I get to write a male implied reader!! Woop woop!)
He finds it cute, actually!
Like really adorably cute
With how big he is and how small you are, it's actually comical
But you accommodate your height with platforms and your looks and that totally fine!
He finds you attractive all the same
He will design you clothes, and even ask for help for some ideas as to what the guys would look good in!
Just imagine
Your head is laying on K'sante's lap, playing a game of your switch that he recently bought you as an appreciation gift.
You were just about to beat this damn boss you'd been stuck on since yesterday, but he send an unexpected attack at your character and sends you to a fame over screen.
With a huff, you let go of the switch and sigh in annoyance.
"Hey, love?"
"Yeaaah, I see that, thanks"
"Would Yone and Ezreal look good in short crops?"
"Ezreal yes, Yone sadly no"
"I can see that, thanks"
"Of course love"
"Wait, would Aphelios look good in hip hop pants?"
"Phel would look good in anything Sante, but he'd really rock the cyber aesthetic,"
You'd both indulge in different aesthetics, but he'd 100% make clothes for you to make you feel like the best of the best
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Yone would not care at all
Height or clothibg
You wear What you want, when you want
If someone says anything about it, he will give them a look that would make them keep their disgusting opinions to themselves
Even though its not something he relates to, whatever makes you happy and more comfortable with yourself the better
And if that means black clothing, skulls, and more darker stuff
Then so be it.
But the number of games reminds him of Aphelios
And the amount of anime and manga reminds him of his bother
Though not in a bad way!
Either way, he will indulge you by giving you things he finds that remind him of you
He once brought you one of those cute black death doctor plushies
You literally almost cried, but you gave him a present after turning your plush/plushies towards the wall.
I tried something new with the display, so instead of gifs, I used some pictures of the boys because the gifs wouldn't load.
I also tried something new with the headcanons and placed a small scenario. I just wanna see opinions on it! Hope you don't mind lovely!! Please do request again!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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Imma go sleep in a min now 🧡
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autismprotocol · 5 months
TMAG Theory Board Update (EP 11-12)
Hi guys sorry about the late posting I've just started a new quarter of college and its been pretty hectic. also got into my school design BFA program so pretty stoked about that! Anyways lets get into the Episode Breakdowns because even though not a lot of lore related things happened I still have a lot to talk about
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For the breakdown I'll separate each by episode in sequential order
What Happened in Episode 11: Marked
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Celias Rude Awakening- we jump right into the weirdness straight away with Celia waking up on the side of the interstate. she indicates that this is not a weird occurrence and ends the scene by telling someone named Jack that she's "on her way." If you remember episode 8 after Celia and Sam talk to Gerry and Gertrude, she mentions stuff about wanting help with her own mystery. When Sam asks about it she says she's looking into Time travel, other dimentions and teleportation. Many people have theorized that maybe Celia is just a super heavy sleepwalker, but I think the she teleports random places out of nowhere. This could be a side effect of her reality hopping if this Celia is originally from The archives universe.
As for the identity of Jack I'm not quite sure about that yet. I cross referenced the name Jack with past episodes of TMA. The only thing that came up was Jack Barnabas from the statement about dating Agnes Montague (aka an avatar of the desolation and Jesus-like figure for the cult of the lightless flame) So Unless Celia is secretly Agnes of Agnes reincarnated , I can't find any way to link Barnabas to Celia. (if anyone has a theory feel free to send it my way.)
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Sam Lore- this one is pretty minor story-wise but I thought it was interesting. Before the statement for the episode is presented we get some classic Sam and Alice Banter ™ most of it is pretty lighthearted but I noticed Sam mention something that could indicate he might be an amputee.
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These could not mean anything and I find it weird that it hasn't been mentioned until now but thought it was kind of cool and I will probably be drawing sam with a prothetic leg in the future cause I really like this head-canon. It also begs to question if he is missing a leg. it might have anything to do with his past as a Magnus institute test subject but then again could just be a fun character detail added by Jonny and/or Alex .
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The Statement- Getting into the statement we get another Ink5oul appearance. Also possible Ink5oul identifying as she/they. (and lets be honest being a fear avatar is pretty non binary core). I found this Episode gave me a feeling of a hybrid between the Vast, Buried and the Flesh some people are theorizing that is might be a new entity called the Deep but I think that the fear of the ocean could easily apply to the vast or buried. Not much to say about this story though pretty standard Magnus horror that also gave us a hint to what Ink5oul's goal could be/which entity they serve.
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Post Bonzo- Gwen has a debrief with Lena after her first Externals Liason assignment and her meeting with Mr. Bonzo. Undoubtedly Gwen is still pretty shaken from her encounter, even arriving late to work due to sleeplessness. Gwen is able to ask Lena a few questions mainly she wanted to know who's name was written on the letter given to Bonzo
Lena is largely unhelpful but tells Gwen she should have worked it out by now and if not to pay close attention to the case load for the next couple of days. before the latest episode my guess was Klaus because that is the only person mentioned so far that the OIAR intends to kill. but more on that later
Marked- Now were getting to my favorite thing about this episode. This episode title can have two meanings. The first is the more literal interpretation. Tattoos are marking of the body and the case this episode was all about tattoos so easily a good name would be marked. But I believe this is a red herring meant to misguide listeners who have not consumed all 200 episodes of TMA because if you know the world of Magnus Archives the term Marked takes on a entirely different meaning.
In TMA the term marked is used to indicate that somebody has been influenced by one or more or the fears and are one their way to becoming an Avatar. I think this could be a coded way to tell the audience someone in the OIAR has been marked. I have two potential candidates
Alice Dyer- Alice has been having dreams about the Institute after her and Sam's adventure into the ruins. also she mentions feeling like someone's watching her (common to people influenced or fed upon by the Ceaseless Watcher/The Eye) My guess if she is marked it would be by the Eye.
Gwendolyn Bouchard: Probably the most likely culprit. The main way an entitly tends to mark people is through encounters with other avatars. Gwen has just had an encounter with Mr Bonzo last episode who I strongly believe must be an avatar of some sort.
What Happened in Episode 12: Getting Off
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Aww Sam!!- Sam asked Celia out and it was adorably awkward. not much to say I just loved this interaction and I'm longing for a new Magnus brand office romance hopefully is wont be an agonizing slowburn that ends tragically like a certain pair of morons from Archives (I love you Jon and Martin but Jesus christ)
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It's Bonzo time bitches!!- Probably one of the most gruesome Magnus statement I've ever listened to (good work Alex) Mr Bonzo completely annihilated some poor dude at his bachelor party. Based on the date of the Incident the I can confidently say that whoever Baz (the groom) was he was our mystery person the OIAR sent Mr Bonzo to get rid of. Along with some of the bloodiest imagery we learned a few things about Bonzo. The most interesting detail is that Bonzo has to be summoned by playing his theme song I think the CD of his theme song acts somewhat like the tapes did in TMA by materialising out of nowhere. Also fun fact you know that torn seam that is right down Bonzo's middle? that is actually is his mouth lined with rows sharp teeth so I guess I know that now (so fun) Moral of the story dont f*ck with Mr. Bonzo
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Alice knows something: Theres been this recurring audio glitch throughout TMAGP thatnks to a few extremly observent fans we have started to relize that these glitches are not at all random and are actually letting the audience know when a character is lying (i actually reposted somones deepdive into all the istances of this glitch so far if you guys are intrested in knowing more) why i bring this up now is becuase since we know when any charater is lying we also know when they are being truthful if there is no glitch when they say somthing and at the end of this episode this interaction occurs
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Alice goes ahead and makes a joke about this to annoy Gwen but the fact theres no audio glitch when she says "I know" means she does actually know who is behind the OIAR and is activly refusing to share it with Gwen or the others. What do you know Alice!?
and that's about it im already loving these next batch of episodes and am so excited to learn more (ERROR has to show up somtime )
thanks to everyone who resonded the poll on the last update I will continue to include drawings into the breakdown even if it takes me a little bit of time to post. anyways I wrote this all in one sitting and I'm about ready to pass out so thanks again and the ask box and comments are always open for discussion and theory crafting.
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lykos-attic · 7 months
Coming out of my cave to post art on here again
I'm trying ( heavy emphasis on trying 😭 ) to make designs for every arc 1 WoF character, and since mudwings are the easiest tribe for me to draw I started with clay and his siblings
Their shapes and stuff make sense in my head and have reasonings but I can't put them into words rghHHgdgGGRRRghhgfh
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For Clay I wanted to make him simple, going along with him not thinking that he's anything special and not fit for the prophecy. He's still brighter than his sibs though, and has the brightest colored scales before his underbelly. (Do those have a name?? )
For Sora I wanted her kinda deer-like, with softer/less bold edges than the others. She has a scar in the same place Crane's death wound was.
For Umber I just stuck pretty closely to the canon design, adding some splotches and giving him a different shape than the others.
Finally, for Reed I just made him clay but duller, and more red. He nearly looks just like clay shape-wise, but is more inward. (I have no idea how to describe this 😭)
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I had the most fun with these guys can u tell
For Marsh I made him more sharp and edgy than the others to go with his anxious personality. His colors are very similar to Clay's, but he has splotches and light colored horns. (I love Marsh, he's underappreciated)
For Pheasant I wanted to base her off of a pheasant. Her markings are similar to those of a ring-necked pheasant, with her reds being the same as Umber's. She originally had green-ish yellow on her to go with her eyes (and also because pheasants have green on them) but I couldn't get it to work. (crying spongebob image) Her shape is more 'elegant' than her sibs. I think her design is my favorite out of all of these.
For Crane I based her lightly off of a crane. (🤯🤯🤯) She shares colors with sora and umber. (Sora because obviously, Umber because I needed his reds 😁) since really all we know about her is that she was protective of her sibs (as literally all of them are) I made her fierce and determined looking. Version without her death wound below
I got more confident in not following the canon designs super closely the more designs I made and it shows 😭😭 I never realized how much variety you can make in mudwings despite them being the 'boring' ones
adding image ID/alt texts tomorrow I needed to post this before I forgor but it's almost 12 and im tired goodnight jasper fans
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As much as I love sweet headcanons and found family fics about the Batch accepting Echo and supporting him through his adjustment and PTSD/trauma, gotta remember that what we were actually given in canon is this:
Hunter: Me and the boys will tag along anyway, if only to say I told you so. Crosshair: I would have left him for dead too. Besides, he's just another reg. (his rescue was just a mission for them, wouldn't have done it otherwise)
Tech: To be blunt his mind belonged to the Separatists until we unplugged him. We don't really know where his loyalties lie. Rex: Yeah? Well I know. Hunter: Alright Echo what are you trying to pull? Tech: How do we know that's what you're really going to do? Hunter: Well I guess you actually are on our side. (They openly doubt his loyalty even though they saw what he went through, and he already fought alongside them on Skako. Feels kinda victim-blamey to me, and it's odd that it goes straight from this to him joining them, like he had to prove himself worthy first? It's just the opposite of fanon which usually has the Batch be immediately sympathetic/protective and assume the regs would distrust him)
Tech: You are more machine than man, percentage wise at least. Echo, a triple amputee: *sigh* lucky me...
Palpatine: ...the attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed Wrecker: You can say that again! Echo, a physically disabled person:
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Echo, who was medically experimented on: *injured and having a panic attack in the medbay* The Batch: *off somewhere joking/betting about if he’s dead*
Tech: -from the Citadel rescue when you... how shall I put this? Wrecker: Blew up!! :D Crosshair: And turned into that Echo: *sigh* yes
Random stranger: *mistakes Echofor a droid* Hunter: *smiles and goes along with it for the credits* Echo, who was SOLD and dehumanized as a pow: *visibly uncomfortable* Hunter: Echo, go to your new owner.
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Echo, who was treated like property by the Techno Union: *explains why slavery is wrong* And we are gonna stop it from happening to that kid. Tech: As well as earn a decent amount of credits once the job is complete. Echo: (bitterly) yeah, that too *leaves the room*
Tech: The client being a Separatist is not relevant. Echo, who was imprisoned and tortured by Separatists for over a year: It is to me! Hunter: Forget politics! We're here to do a job.
Tech: This squad existed before Echo was a part of it, and it will exist after.
For the record, yes people can and do joke about their trauma and disabilities
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But look at Echo’s reactions/tone/body language in these scenes. It’s downcast sighs and discomfort, while the others are smiling, sneering, or dismissive. And because it's animated that means that every facial expression was intentionally designed.
What really clinches it for me is this moment:
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Omega, a child who he just met, comforts him and helps him through his panic attack. But when the Batch, his squad who he's been living with for at least ~6 months, comes into the room he visibly closes himself off and hides his vulnerability :(
There are good moments too (though tbh i can't think of many)
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I don't wanna discount that, but that doesn't discount this either. And it's just really weird when you think about it. Like half of these were in the first episode, which is the first time we are actually seeing how these characters interact together as a squad. And this is coming from the "defective" clones who supposedly know what it's like to not fit in? Who offered Echo a place with them specifically because they thought he wouldn't be accepted by others?
As with anything, there are ways we can read into or explain these moments (like honestly 'selling' your brother or betting that your brother died by lunch tray is very accurate sibling energy (And my personal headcanon (to reconcile it for myself bc the show didn't) is that Wrecker was worried about Echo so Crosshair jokingly exaggerated that he was dead and turned it into an argument/bet to distract him (which is also why I think he turns battles into a game/competition with Wrecker)) but Echo is very traumatized and there's a complete lack of consideration there). But that doesn't excuse it nor does it change the fact that this is what was presented to us in the writing. Characters aren't actually people (shocking I know lol), so any of their 'choices' are actually made by a real-life writer. And whether the implications of these moments were fully considered/intended or not, it still portrays the characters and their attitudes/relationships in a certain way.
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pigcowboys · 1 year
Hi I hope you're having a wonderful day <3
I was wondering if you could maybe do percy jackson with a daughter of nyx where they are basically the same person personality wise and have a lot of common interests ( sorry self indulging here🤭). They basically both kin each other lmao
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pairing: ꒰percy jackson x nyx! female! reader꒱⋆·˚
summary: general hcs for percy with a nyx! s/o
warning(s): mutual pining, nonsensical bickering, mentions of injuries & kisses
a/n: HIII OMG THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE :)) i tried my best to do what you requested!! i hope you like it!!
request are closed!
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literally off the bat i can see the two of you at each other's throats all the time.
you're just too alike there's no way there's not gonna be bickering man.
"i think we should use a different design."
"who put you in charge?"
"the voices in my head, actually"
"literally what."
i imagine percy kind of being put off by you when he'd first get to camp half-blood like
who are you.
i mean it isn't like he's TRYING to be mean, you're just so annoying sometimes yk.
then i feel like one night he'd sneak out of camp to go stargazing and find you near the shore in his spot.
lowkey annoyed by your presence at first but still proceeds to gaze with you silently. you'd strike up a conversation with him and it'd actually go a lot better than he expected it to go.
okay, maybe you're not that bad.
he'd start to approach you more at camp but like not for any reason at all yk. he just enjoys talking to you, i guess.
probably would be overjoyed when he finds out you have similar interests as him.
you two probably stay up all night talking about the most random stuff.
honestly, those talks are probably the moment when he realizes he..like likes you.
you're just chilling and talking about random shit and he laughs at one of your jokes and has to take a moment because he realized that you're honestly just the best person ever.
and then from that point on he's honestly kind of a mess.
you're so cool to him for some reason?? you'd just be living life and he'd probably just be in the background observing you with big ass heart eyes.
"is there something on my face, perce?"
"huh? uh no, what?"
he knows he likes you but just doesn't know how to say it?? i mean, do YOU even like him back..??
aghhhh it's honestly so draining to him.
he's not shy. just kind of stupid when it comes to feelings.
probably tried to "woo" you somehow by buying you ocean related stuff whenever you go out together.
played it off as him just having some change.
he is willing to go bankrupt for you.
i feel like one day he just got tired of dropping hits and just decided to go for it cause like, you've known each other for a minute.
he'd meet you at that star gazing spot and literally just spill all his feelings for you.
"don't say anything but what if i told you you're an amazing person and probably the coolest person i've ever met in my life and that i'm literally head over heels for you because you're smart and funny and pretty and you're just the best?"
and you start dating!! woo!!
once you start dating he def gets a bit more of a confidence boost.
always boasting about the fact he's dating you like everyone else doesn't already now from the way he's always clinging to you.
and if you're not into physical touch no worries!! he's completely and totally fine with it!! probably asks permission to give you hugs and hold your hand.
beach dates.
you'd be that one sappy couple who interlocking hands and walks down the beach together UGHH
he would def be the type of guy to go to you after every quest so you can patch him up. do you even know how to patch him up?? probably not! can't he just use some ambrosia?? yes.
doesn't mean he won't stop.
"percy, what the fuck happened!?"
"what do you mean?? :)"
kind of scared of your mother but would never admit it to your face.
i feel like he'd make some kind of big plan to try and kiss you but it'd ultimately fail.
he'd pull up to you with some beautiful ass flowers with a big grin on his face.
would take you to some really secluded spot that he'd decorated with a bunch of different things and homemade food!! (sally helped him.)
things would be going good till it starts to rain.
not that it's a problem for him at all but it kills the freaking mood.
"i'm so sorry.."
"for what?"
"how this turned out, it was supposed to be this big and..romantic thing."
"it's okay, we can have other dates."
"no like..i wanted us to kiss."
"who says we can't right now..?"
he's in heaven when you finally kiss for the first time!! you're literally so amazing like wtf he got so lucky.
from that point on you two are locked in for life.
he's everywhere you are, you're everywhere he is NO MATTER WHAT.
he's so in love.
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princess-nobody · 8 months
Avatar Rant: Snowy Region Na'vi
Am I the only one who doesn't like the fanon snow navi designs? Specifically this (I used shitty AI images I found off of pinterest to illustrate the point and to avoid using actual artwork from people 🩷):
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(Before I continue my God these are creepy 😭 AI genuinely cannot create Na'vi without them looking uncanny, disturbing and far too human)
I can understand why people choose the more predictable design philosophy – blonde hair, blue eyes, pale/white skin, pretty two pieces – because that's relatively how this sort of lifestyle has been portrayed to us in the media. Every movie or show set in a snowy region always features mostly eastern European characters, so naturally people decide that their snow na'vi must resemble eastern European people to a degree, and this bothers me.
Not because they look like white people (though that is like 25% why ngl) but because it just isn't realistic? Na'vi may be inspired by humans but they are still a different species living on a harsh and deadly planet that humans can't survive in, na'vi winter and snow would be excruciatingly difficult for them, and they would need to adapt to it.
I just don't see how they would be so thin and petite and pale, people say to blend in, but why? Only a handful of animals in arctic regions are actually white to blend in (polar bears, arctic foxes etc.) so wouldn't it make more sense to base them off of arctic animals from the ice age? Back then, animals were bigger, bulkier, with thicker skin and hair all over to protect themselves from the crippling cold – with that in mind, wouldn't snow na'vi be bigger than average na'vi, and bulkier too? Unlike regular na'vi, it would make sense that the snow ones actually have body hair all over, maybe even fur if you want to take it that far.
And if you're basing them off of INDIGENOUS people, then appearance, features and fashion wise, wouldn't it make more sense to base them off of the actual Inuit people of the arctic instead of Elsa from frozen 😭
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Because realistically why would they wear flowey dresses and two pieces in weather that is probably 80% worse than any winter humanity has ever faced... especially since na'vi are all inspired by different non-white/european indigenous communities, and yes... non-white/European indigenous people do in fact live in cold, snowy, arctic regions...
To add a little bit of pseudo-psychology to it, it may be done in an attempt from white avatar fans for the most part to feel closer to the na'vi by adding a white adjacent sub-species, as the closer to europeans the na'vi look, the more they see themselves within the na'vi. However, that is purely speculation lol.
Also, I do NOT think you are racist or anti-indigenous or anything of the sort if your headcanon for snow na'vi looks anything like the examples! You're allowed to draw and design what you want, and just because tumblr user princess-nobody doesn't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.
TLDR: Fanon snow na'vi don't make sense and confuse me lol. Imo snow na'vi would be big and bulky behemoths that are covered in thick body hair and wear large, figure covering warm clothing, not skinny little russian girls in ballet outfits LMAOOOO.
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gilbirda · 6 months
Ghost Princess!Jazz design
So, since I'm posting chapter 24 of Friendly Neighborhood Vigilante, finally these will see the light of day!!!
Designs and drawing by the amazing @herbatahleb!!! I commissioned him these drawings so I could visualize the suit in my head better; and also so peeps could see what I'm talking about!
Thank you so much Hleb!
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Alt version that was scrapped during the design process and me rambling about design ideas under the cut
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So the Idea was that in this AU Jazz was trained by Pandora and the dead Amazon warriors in the greek afterlife.
Jazz doesn't use guns, not because of morality or anything, but because she sucks ass at shooting and is like the moment she hits the trigger it doesn't matter where she was aiming, she will cause an accident/hurt someone. (Weapons she doesn't have to actually aim are kinda okay, but you have to be ready for her blowing up something)
So she compensates and uses a lot of long range weapons, with her mom's staff being the one she uses the most. The staff has 2 settings: spear, which she uses for a more aggressive approach (think Okoye and the Dora Milaje from Black Panther)
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and War Mode, with the War Mode is the one that is in the final design. I sent Hleb a bunch of reference pictures and the lance is based on Ares' lance in Destripando la Historia (a spanish youtube series)
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My general idea is that Jazz is inspired by the war god because she herself had to become one for Danny. She's one of their best strategist but she is also vicious in battle and the best at hand to hand combat and most versatile weapons-wise.
Her suit is also red because it stands out in the Infinite Realms. She makes herself a target so she can attract her enemies to her, since she can't fly or doesn't have a means of quick transportation during battle.
Armor is made for speed and agility, and it's charmed so it enhances her natural ghostly abilities and physique. Her arm pieces can project an ecto shield for defense.
For the crown I had a few references, but mainly Wanda's headpiece in MCU
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But also I wanted to include some kind of high fantasy crowns for her, because that's her crown as a princess. While Danny has the black metal one that's constantly on fire, Jazz would have this armor headpiece and only the "tips" would be on fire and then the actual crown appears out of thin air as a fire circle over her head.
For me this detail was important because it showed: first, how for Jazz her crown IS part of her armor and how deeply entwined being a princess is with being a warrior while Danny can be the king without the warrior; and second, to represent how "fake" as a ghost princess she is, since she's not actually dead-dead, because only 2 singular points are actually metal but the rest comes and goes and doesn't anchor to anything.
We also used a bunch of references of Kassandra from Assasins Creed Odyssey
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For the boots and other details I really just sent Hleb a bunch of pictures from the Wonder Woman movie Amazonian armor design
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Anyway that's all my rant. I'm very happy with the final design and Hleb was very kind to sit with me and let me be specific about what I wanted. Love you, darling!
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another-lost-mc · 15 days
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(Fallen) Angels Round Table Discussion: Fashion
Featuring: A mixed bag of canon and OC angels and some of their fallen brethren.
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"So, honest question - who comes up with these outfit designs?"
GABRIEL: Most angels meet with someone from the tailoring guild and they can request what sorts of clothing they'd like.
SERAPHIEL: Clothing is also a popular gift for angels that pass their ascension trials.
"Does hierarchy or rank have anything to do with the types of clothes angels are allowed to wear?"
SIMEON: Not really. It mostly boils down to preference. Certain styles are more practical than others too. For example, most of the warriors choose not to wear robes on a daily basis. I only wear mine for very special occasions.
METATRON: Michael and Lucifer couldn't be more different style-wise and they were both Seraphs.
MICHAEL: I designed a new outfit for Lucifer that was a little bit more...relaxed...but he wouldn't wear it. Asmodeus even helped with it.
LUCIFER: That’s exactly why I refused. You show enough skin for both of us.
"Now that you mention it, is there a practical reason for designing tight clothes with, um, decorative cut-outs?"
RAPHAEL: It helps us stay cool and prevent heat sickness during our hottest season.
HABUHIAH: Loose clothing isn't comfortable to wear underneath armor.
RAPHAEL: I don't think that's much of a concern anymore.
HABUHIAH: You have more faith than I do when it comes to certain demons.
BELIAL: Are you still upset about our little scuffle in the human world? It's been nearly five-thousand years.
URIEL: You mean the pointless war that you started?
BELIAL: It was actually very profitable.
URIEL: You're the worst.
GABRIEL: Shh, darling. Just pretend he's not here.
BELIAL: That's not very nice, Gabe. You haven't missed me even a teeny-tiny bit?
HABUHIAH: You can't be serious.
METATRON: If we have time later, I'd love to talk to you about your involvement in that skirmish. The official records we have aren't very detailed.
BELIAL: Say no more! I'd be delighted to stay as long as necessary and—
GABRIEL: Absolutely not.
"So, back to the whole why angelic clothing is so revealing thing...?”
SERAPHIEL: Right. Well, from a utility point of view, form-fitted clothes usually work best because you still want to be able to move your body freely without any restrictions. Wearing something flimsy like a cloak is a potential disaster too, at least if you're in a fight.
RAPHAEL: Michael learned that the hard way.
URIEL: The younglings were in the garden and got a firsthand demonstration about combat safety so at least something good came from it.
MICHAEL: You set your cloak on fire by accident one time and your friends never let you forget it.
RAPHAEL: That was an accident? I thought you did it on purpose to get out of training that day.
SIMEON: The point is, a lot of those considerations aren't as important as they used to be. Now we simply wear what we like.
AZRA: Are we going to gloss over the other very important reason? That some of us just wanted to look good?
LUCIFER: Riveting input from our resident incubus.
HABUHIAH: What's that gesture Azazel is making with his hand?
SERAPHIEL: I'm not sure, but judging by Lucifer's expression it's probably not nice.
MICHAEL: Their demonic forms are much more impressive than the photos I've seen on Devilgram.
RAPHAEL: Should we try to stop them?
SIMEON: It's more entertaining if we don't.
METATRON: But I don't want anyone to get hurt.
URIEL: Wait, why is Belial fighting now too?
SERAPHIEL: He's upset that his suit got scorched when one of their wayward spells hit him by accident.
GABRIEL: I hope you're pleased with yourself since this was all your idea, Michael. But I have to admit, I expected much worse.
MICHAEL: See, I told you not to worry. It's just like old times!
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A/N: Here's something silly that helped distract me from real life stuff that's kept me busy lately. This vaguely incorporates some Celestial Realm headcanons/worldbuilding, and to be honest, I just wanted to throw these characters into a room and see what happened. (Chaos. Chaos happened.)
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p0rk-guts · 15 days
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YAAAAALL IT'S ANGEL DUST!!!!! bro I'm so exited to tell u about him hehehehe he might be my fav redesign of the bunch idk
Comparison & rant!⬇️ + A bug/spider cw. I put reference images in there!
Ok guys can I be honest with you. I think. Pilot and pre-pilot Angel were peak 😔 I'M SORRY I'M BREAKING MY SILENCE
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Like whaaat... WHAAAT.... I'm sorry he served here he had the BEST design idc idc you can't change my mind. These were NOT bad designs. I've got a slight preference to his oldest design but even then the pilot design was great to me.
THIS however...
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I'm sorry but Angel will always be the most egregious case of character assassination in this show, design and character wise. He sucks now and I used to love him.
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Okay enough crying let's get serious.
So yeah show Angel sucks. Removing his chunky gloves removed a lot of the fun shape in his silhouette so now he's just a gangly twink. Very little visual interest. Also hate hate hate how his new mismatched gloves are pulled over his long sleeve coat. So dumb. Hate it.
Also explain to me how he's gradually gotten less tits but has simultaneously become more femboy-ified..... So many people immediately mistake him for a girl.......
They also mistake him for. Literally anything but a spider. Once again Viv can't code or theme characters for shit. I also don't like how his face changed... I can't describe it but It's so much less appealing and charming. Something in the eyes and his little cheek bump. Idk. Really hate show Angel props to the animators for making him watchable with his bold animation ts was real nice
Okay onto my Angel! He's now a goldenrod crab spider now! Thank you @/cryptablog for this idea!! (Not tagging them bc they hate the hellaverse with a burning passion lol 💀) They can be white with pinkish markings like our og Angel but most of them are tinted yellow or completely yellow!
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I decided to make him most similar to that mid ground mix of yellow and white with pink-er markings. 1 because I kept lust pink and I feel like that'd be a prominent sin of his (+ purple is in here a lot bc I feel like he'd also be pride aligned! Purple is now the pride color :3) and 2 because the yellow tone in his fur is kinda meant to connect him to Husk in a way... Cuz that's kinda his main color... Idk maybe I'm onto nothing with that one BUT his primary color is purple and Husk's primary color is yellow(ish)! Complimentary boyfriend's!!! Are you seeing my vision!!!!! (Also on a lesser note his colors look more similar to my fav version of Angel aka his design from the pre-pilot ref sheet I showed)
Another idea you can thank Cryptamen for is him being partially translucent in places just like real goldenrods!!!! The idea behind that was because he was in the mafia in life and he had to be really stealthy at times so now in certain environments he's harder to see... Maybe he can even turn fully invisible for a bit... There's also possible character reasons to consider tying in there as well... Ough very cool idea 10/10
Gave him 4 legs and 4 arms + the big abdomen to really make him scream spider bc yes spider boys can be hot and no Viv was not willing to CAPITALIZE on that 😒 Also lengthened his fangs... Also moved his eyes to his forehead to make them more prominent and hopefullyyyy seem more like eyes. Idk. And now he's got pointy little pedipalps as well!!!
Gave him his boobs back bc he deserves them and just generally gave his body more shape (though the second set of legs definitely helps lol). Slightly de-twinked... But not by much...
Once again looked up some common hairstyles at the time and people loooved their hairspray and curls, or swoops, or waves— they were gettin funky with it. Hard to emulate that on his nonhuman skull so I took some artistic liberties applying ideas from common styles onto him.
Didn't do much research at awl for his clothes... I mean... He's not wearing much to begin with... I kept the long gloves bc I thought they had potential to look cute and I have him rolled cuffs on short sleeves. Wanted to keep the style simple but otherwise I would've drawn button clasps keeping them in place. No notes on the thigh high heels so I kept them. Everything else is just kindaaaa whateverrrr EXCEPT THE NECKLACE. Though it was hella funny and fitting
And that's awl folks.... Do u like him do u fuck with him.... Let me knowwww....... Okay byeeee ✌🏾🧍🏾‍♀️
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