#that's something I gotta write later on xd
victoriacoffee · 4 months
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I officially learned how to use the multiply layer setting! Kinda sad it took this long, but I also barely did digital art until kinda recently
Definitely gonna rant in the tags
Because I can't not post these, here's a pic of it before most of the shading for comparison, and also a picture of him with the tower and house *not* blurred because I did kinda put work into the scene even though I knew it was getting blurred, ya know?
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First Kiss
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Summary: Genevieve and Jacaerys share their first kiss. 
(For those of you who are wondering, Genevieve is an OC of an OC. She is Tatiana’s Tyrell’s daughter from her marriage to Jeremiah Merryweather, another OC of mine. And Tatiana isn an ancestor to another OC of mine Maeve Tyrell from my GOT story Blood and Thorns)
Genevieve Merryweather considered herself to be an excellent hider. The sixteen year old also was swift on her feet. She was certainly faster than most, including her younger brother Jasper, and between them she was the one who wore the dresses.
Her hiding and running abilities in the past came in handy whenever she wanted to outrun her Septa. Genevieve had the upper hand, especially when in a known area. She was able to move from spot to spot without being detected.
Dragonstone was very familiar to her. Over the years, coming and going with her family, it had become her home, really.  
There were only a few people on Dragonstone who were able to figure out what her next step would be. Therefore Genevieve’s expression only lit up when Jacaerys stepped out from behind a stone wall. She halted, releasing the grip on her dress.
“Found you.” Her brown eyed admirer grinned at her.
“You did but we weren’t playing this time.” Genevieve told him with a glow to her face. It was a glow Jacaerys liked seeing on her, and it appeared whenever they were being fun-loving.  
“Might as well have.” Jacaerys chuckled. “I’ve been trying to find you since my training ended.”
“Oh, so you took longer to find me this time.” Genevieve tried staying serious but a few giggles escaped her. “I’m disappointed, Jace.”
Jacaerys got closer to her, his voice becoming husky. “You’re delighted to see me. Don’t try denying it.”
Oh, Genevieve wasn’t about to deny anything. “I’m always delighted to see you.” She blushingly admitted.
The blush on her was the same color as the pink rose she gifted him when they had been children. That took place years ago, and the rose was now long gone. If it had been possible to stop the rose from withering Jacaerys would have done so.
The pink rose was gone, and so was the beauty of it, but not Genevieve’s. She remained beautiful to him, inside and out, and he eagerly wanted to tell her the reason as to why he’d been looking for her. He cleared his throat.  
“I overheard our mothers conversing.” At her amused stare he shrugged his shoulders. “You’re not the only one who is good at not being detected.”
“You do have your secretive moments.” Genevieve giggled. “Now what is it that you overheard our mothers talking about?”
Jacaerys answered with so much enthusiasm, almost as if he’d been told he were to claim another dragon. “About us being betrothed.
His enthusiasm was contagious. How could it not be? This was also good news to her as it was to him. It wasn’t unexpected news, however. Genevieve smiled.
“Jace, we’ve known since we were children about the possibility of being betrothed one day.”
“Yes, but it is to be official soon. According to what I overheard.” Jacaerys smiled happily, taking her hands in his. “We have a cause for celebration and what better way than to have you go on a ride with me.”
“You mean go flying?” Genevieve questioned, blue eyes widening. “On Vermax?”
Jacaerys was beaming. “Yes! He’s finally big enough to saddle two now.”
Jacaerys often told her as kids that he wanted her to go riding with him on his dragon. Vermax had been too small then, but he wasn’t anymore.
His green and reddish dragon had indeed grown but Genevieve remained unsure. She’d never been on a dragon before, only seen others riding them.
Jacaerys and his younger brother Lucerys would take to the skies with their beloved creatures. Her mother Tatiana had also ridden on a dragon before, she’d seen so. On both Rhanerya’s dragon Syrax and Daemon’s dragon Caraxes.
Her mother had a fiery persona, and she was the bravest person she knew. Genevieve could hardly think of anything that terrified her mother. Her mother would tell her the same pluckiness coursed through her veins. Yet here she stood, unconfident.
Jacaerys sensed her hesitation. Still holding her hands with his own, he brought her to him, and put his forehead down onto hers. It was so easy to get lost in his eyes at this proximity. She adored his warm brown eyes.
“Please, Gen. I promise I will not let you fall.” His words were soft, building reassurance. “You should know by now that you’re always safe with me.”
Her soon to be intended spoke the truth. Genevieve, no matter where they were, who they were with, always felt safe with Jacaerys. She felt this way ever since they were children, younger than they were now. She trusted him with her life.
That’s why Genevieve eventually agreed. She held onto his hands now and then not that long afterwards let him use those same hands to help her up Vermax.
She sat comfortably as she watched Jacaerys whisper Valyrian words to Vermax, keeping him relaxed. He hadn’t responded negatively to her presence, but Jacaerys wanted it to stay that way. His whispers were heard, and Vermax welcomed the touch on his scales.
Jacaerys soon mounted Vermax, positioning himself in front of her. He instructed Genevieve to wrap her arms around him. She quickly did so.
“What do you think?” Jacaerys asked. His heart beat in his chest so fast at having her arms wrapped around him.
Genevieve’s own heart was racing. They hadn’t taken off yet and she already felt lightheaded. She thought of her mom and how she’d done this countless times. Her mother probably never felt that way. “I feel taller.” The sixteen year old swallowed. She felt Jacaerys’ laughter.
“Just wait until we’re in the sky.”
Genevieve, while still maintaining her hold on him, then looked at her dress. “I should have probably worn the proper attire for this.”
“Next time.” Jacaerys turned his head slightly to look at her. He was smiling, his brown eyes turning a shade darker. “Although it is a beautiful dress I’d rather see you in a white dress.”
As expected Genevieve blushed. “Jace!” She giggled.
Jacaerys, still smiling, turned his head forward. He took the reins on Vermax. “Sōvēs, Vermax.” He commanded loudly. “Sōvēs.”
Genevieve wasn’t fluent in High Valyrian but she knew what sōvēs meant. Fly. And that’s exactly what Vermax did.
Genevieve's hold on Jacaerys tightened as Vermax took to the air. She was proud that she did not scream. That wouldn’t have been good considering she was so close to Jacaerys’ face. No, instead she held onto him and kept her face between his neck and shoulder.
Her eyes were shut but must have already been way up high because Genevieve felt much colder than before.
“Gen, you have to open your eyes.” Jacaerys gently prompted. “Otherwise you’ll miss the view.”
He was right. What would be the point of flying on a dragon if she was just going to keep her eyes shut the entire time. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes.
Small. Everything looked so small.  
Despite the fear she felt at being up so high there was also excitement. She released a laugh.
“Now I feel taller than before.”
“Told you.” Jacaerys exclaimed.
They continued to fly on Vermax, and at some point the dragon dove downwards. Genevieve once again put her face between Jacaerys’ neck and shoulder. She, however, didn’t close her eyes this time. So when Jacaerys turned to look at her their lips almost touched.  
This time it was his turn to madly blush and it was Genevieve who took the next step. The last thing she saw before pressing her lips onto his own was his warm brown eyes.
Jacaerys needed a moment to realize this actually was happening. This wasn’t another one of his dreams. The girl he loved, the girl he was soon to marry, was kissing him. When she tried leaning away he brought her right back with a hand to her cheek. The remaining hand on the reins, commanding Vermax. His dragon now flew steadily, as if he knew what was happening between with his rider and his companion. It was something wondrous.
There up in the sky, while riding on a dragon, Genevieve Merryweather and Jacaerys Velaryon shared their first kiss.
A first kiss both would remember forever. No matter how long or short their lives would be.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 month
can you do one where reader is Dunn’s girlfriend amd they are at a party with the crew celebrating the movie or something. Dunn is super touchy the whole night and they end up in the bathroom for a quickie 🙈 if you don’t write suggestive content they can just sneak to the bathroom to have a makeout session
Sneaking (Getting) Off
Jackass: Number Two has just finished filming, and what better way to celebrate than renting out the hottest bar in LA and hosting a kickass wrap party? Well, your boyfriend could think of a few better ways…
Ryan Dunn X Fem!Reader
1.3k Words
Warnings: Highly suggestive content, drinking, crude language, injury, implied sex, bathroom sex
An: Thank you so much for the request! If I’m being entirely honest, the way I depicted Ryan and Y/N’s relationship in this fics is pretty similar to how I would like my future relationships to look XD I’ve always thought that Dunn would, for lack of a better word, be the kind of person you could spend a lot of time arround. Anyways, thank you for the request, and please keep sending them!!
Typically, when Ryan and you were together, things could not be more chill. In essence, your relationship could be described as friends who shared the same bed; It wasn’t like a friends with benefits situation, you just weren't constantly on each other and overly affectionate like most couples are, and that low maintenance thing cut through the shit parts of dating. Now, note I specified ‘typically’, because once in a while- for a reason you couldn’t place- Dunn would get this weird bug up his ass and just couldn’t keep his hands off of you, like a male version of baby fever. This isn’t to say you didn’t enjoy it because you enjoyed it a great deal, thank you very much- but it wasn’t always the most convenient thing. Take, for example, tonight.
You arrived fashionably late, as you did to any event you attended. It was hot and muggy, as were most nights in LA, and the moment you stepped into the bar, you were greeted by Bam (one of Dunn’s dumb little buddies), who was visibly a few deep and had a fistful of darts in one hand and a beer in another, “Heyy, Ry! Me an’ the guys’re throwin’ darts at Steve-O’s ass- you gotta come check it out!” Politely palming the beer that was thrust in his direction, Ryan shook him off in the nicest way possible, “Yeah, that sounds cool! But I’ll, uh-“ From behind his shades, he shot a glance down at where he had you on his arm before turning back to Bam, ”I’ll catch up with you later. See ya, man.” Not dejected in the slightest, he just went back to doing whatever dumb shit he was occupied with before you showed up and you and Dunn went to grab a drink.
With how Ryan was stuck to your side like some needy dog that was begging for attention, you would’ve thought one of his dumb little buddies got into the superglue, but it’s not like you minded. You sat at the bar and chatted about the torture he had to endure for this movie, including him showing off some pretty questionable scars. There was something so enthralling about hearing him speak, and the way he looked at you as if you were the only girl in the room helped given the grisly subject matter. “This one’s from that stupid cacti jump stunt, and these-“ Dunn sat up from where he was leaning against the bar top and tugged up the bottom of his shirt, exposing the little red half moon scars that littered the pale skin of his stomach, “These’re from the riot control test. God, that one sucked so bad.” You winced in empathy, inhaling through your teeth. Taking a sip of your drink, you quickly shook it off and shifted the topic to something that had been on your mind for a while now, “Y’know, you can go hang out with your friends if you want. I mean, it’s your party after all.” There wasn’t a trace of sarcasm in your words. Dunn just shrugged, cracking an amused smile as if you suggested something totally ridiculous, “Nah- I’m alright with you.”
It got to the point that you had to practically drag him to where the guys were clustered around a pool table and actively force him to hang out with his friends, but still, your efforts were ineffective. See, your boyfriend can be pretty quiet when it comes to wanting attention. To illustrate this, let’s compare him to Bam. If Bam wanted attention from his girlfriend, he would likely do some ridiculous stunt and end up hurting himself to force her to patch him up or slide up next to her if she was talking to another guy and get real handsy to make a big show of the fact that she was his. Ryan, on the other hand, didn’t look at you like that. In general, he was more subtle. Take for example, the way that he had been eyeing you from across the room even while he was off with his friends. Their stories about sleeping with strippers and getting their stomachs pumped went in one ear and out the other because he was so totally focused on you that night. And you were perceptive to this stuff because you knew Ryan. You knew all of his tells.
After maybe thirty minutes of drinking alone, you picked up on his voice from across the room, “Yeah- I'm gonna go get another drink. I’ll be right back!” You didn’t even need to look over to the previously empty stool at your side to know who sat down next to you. “What do you want?” Raising an eyebrow at your sarcasm, Dunn slipped a hand on your thigh, making you feel even warmer under the incandescent lights that hung above your heads, “You look hot.” Taking a swig of your drink, you turned so that you were face to face and dropped your voice down so as not to be heard over the chatter of the bar, “You’ve been starin’ at me all night like some lost puppy, and that’s the best pick up line you could come up with?” Your boyfriend chuckled, leaning in towards you so there was about an inch of room between your bodies. His hushed words were tinged with this conspiritory tone as he murmured, almost directly in your ear, “I think you know what I want.”
If there was one thing Ryan loved about you, it was how you could keep up with him. It was like some sexy Abott and Costello routine the two of you had- this ceaseless back and forth until one of you caved. Running your hand across the sticky, wooden countertop, you cooed your words slow and heavy with implication, “Right here? Right here on the bar?” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see some of the guys eyeing what was happening at the bar, which only served to fuel your teasing further, “Or what about the pool table over there? With all your friends watching us…” Despite the whole exhebitionism thing and the latent sexual appeal of green felt, Ryan had other plans in mind. Standing up, he cleared his throat before patting you on the back and scanning the room for something, “Nah- you’re a lady with class. I gotta better place.”
What a gentleman your boyfriend is, taking his woman of refinement off to the bathroom to screw. Hell, you couldn’t even say that, because you didn’t even make it into the stall before you were on each other. Yep, he caved all right. Hands on bodies, mouths on bodies- in this hormone fueled haze, it was hard to tell who began where as Dunn had you pressed against the cold tiled wall. The astringent scent of disinfectant mingled with cheap booze and desire as you practically tripped over each other’s feet. Ryan had you by the waist and your hands fisted into the fabric of his shirt and you practically tumbled into the nearest stall, clumsily locking it behind you. It was frantic and passionate- and fuck, it was hot.
Outside the ladies room, however, things were not nearly as sexy. Yep, the guys were still standing around, idly chatting and getting trashed with the occasional prank sprinkled on- think pissing on someone’s leg or sneaking up behind them with a pair of electric clippers. So consumed in their benign antics, it was half an hour before anyone noticed you were gone. It was Bam, funnily enough, who brought this to everyone’s attention. “Hey, has anyone seen Dunn?” Almost as if on cue, there you come totally not suspiciously stumbling out of the bathroom, adjusting your hair and buttoning up your top with Ryan right behind you. Yep, everyone knew. And the worst part was, you didn’t really care.
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Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Steve Harrington
A/N: aaaahh xD here it is! I honestly had this story for SO LONG! I turned it a dialogue, a prompt, a drabble and ended up here so I hope you like it xD   
Request - Anonymous asked: Well hiii This is so odd. It's the first time I do a request, I actually don't speak english that well soo... but I really like your writing and I love stranger things and I really hope you write about it, I would love something with clingy Steve, he gives me that vibes super fluffy 😍 You are incredible by the way 🙋🏻‍♀️
Warnings: jealous!clingy!Steve :D also, Eddie being a little shit (not in a bad way though xD just messing with Steve) I think that’s it but let me know if I missed anything
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger things :D gif isn’t mine :) 
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
I gotta be cool, relax Get hip and get on my tracks Take a back seat, hitchhike And take a long ride on my motorbike Until I'm ready... crazy little thing called love
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"Steve?" you smiled, feeling his lips on your neck.
"Hmm?" you heard him as you leaned back, trying to stay focused on what you needed to say.
"Love, I have to go" you chuckled as he gave you another kiss.
"No" he said, as he continued his trail of kisses, making you laugh a little.
"Steve, I'm gonna be really late" you said, trying to pull away, even though you didn't want to.
"But I don't want you to go" he pouted, looking at you with his big puppy, beautiful brown eyes. You smiled sweetly at him and kissed him on the lips.
"I know, love but we have to work on this project and I promised Eddie and Jonathan I'd meet them like ten minutes ago" you said, looking at your watch as you finally unglued yourself from your boyfriend.
"Uh... Jonathan... Byers?" he asked, as you started getting your stuff.
"Yeah" you shrugged, fixing yourself up and grabbing your bag.
"And... Eddie Munson?"
"Uh-huh" you said, looking at yourself in the mirror, and then you turned to him again, giving him a peck on the lips. "It's just for a couple of hours, okay?" you smiled. "I'll be back before you know it" you smiled.
"At least let me drive you-" he said, getting up.
"I don't want you to be late, love. You promised Dustin that-"
"Henderson can wait" he complained.
"Steve" you smiled, stopping him when you saw the upset expression on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Mhm" he said, nodding quickly.
"Look at me" you said, cupping his cheek with your hand. You knew he wasn't. He was upset. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just... wanted to spend more time with you" he said quickly, smiling and leaning in to kiss you again.
"I know, I wanted to spend more time with you but look at it this way, it's only for a couple of hours while you take Dustin and the rest of them to the arcade, and then we have the whole weekend to ourselves" you smiled, kissing him once more. It was one of those many weekends when Steve's parents weren't in town so, he had the whole weekend planned for you.
"What if you call them and tell them you're sick" he suggested, starting to kiss you again and then pouting at you.
"I can't do that" you chuckled. "This is like a third percent of our grade, love. And we're almost done" you told him. "I promise you won't even notice I'm gone" you assured him.
"That's not true" he smiled.
"Look, the quicker I get there, the quicker I'm back" you said, kissing his cheek and pushing away from him.
"At least let me take you" he asked again, standing up and walking closer to you.
"Love, the diner we're meeting at is on the opposite way to the arcade, I'll just make you late. And you still have to pick everyone up. I'll just take my bike" you told him.
"How did I even get tangled into taking them to the arcade?"
"The same way you always do" you chuckled. "You can't say no to Dustin" you told him.
"Yes, I can!" he argued.
"It's sweet that you think that" you smiled. "But you really can't" you informed him. "I'll see you later okay?"
"Wait" he said, grabbing one of his sweatshirts and putting it on you. "It's gonna be cold later" he insisted.
"Okay" you chuckled, confused. "Thanks, love" you said, kissing his cheek.
"Eddie, for the last time, we're not doing our report as a metal song" you said, rolling your eyes as Jonathan tried not to laugh.
"Why not? It would be so badass! Nobody else will do it!"
"Exactly, because we can't do a metal song" you tried to reason with him.
"Where in the guidelines does it say that we can't?" he complained.
"Jonathan, a little help here?" you said looking at your other partner.
"Eddie, even if we could, we can't play any instruments" Jonathan said pointing at you and himself.
"You sing, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you.
"Not unless you want everyone in the room to evacuate the premises as quickly as possible" you said, making him laugh.
"Aw, come on, love, I think you're selling yourself short" Eddie said, just as Steve walked into the diner. "All pretty girls can sing" Eddie smirked, making you laugh.
"You're too nice, Munson" you smiled, rolling your eyes. "But in this case, I think Jonathan might be your best choice for lead singer" you said, making Eddie turn to look at Jonathan as he widened his eyes at the two of you.
"What do you say, Johnny boy? You in?" Eddie smirked at him.
"Steve?" you asked noticing your boyfriend had walked into the diner and made his way towards your table.
"Love?" he acted confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, I told you I was getting together with Eddie and Jonathan to work on our project" you reminded him.
"Oh, I didn't know you meant this diner" he said before looking at the other two. "Munson" he nodded his head towards Eddie and then he looked at Jonathan. "Byers."
"Hey" Jonathan said quietly before going back to his notes.
"Harrington" Eddie said with an amused smirk.
"M-Munson" Steve nodded.
"What brings you to this part of town? I thought Henderson mentioned you'd be going to the arcade with them" he said.
"Well, not really. I was just... taking them to the arcade" he explained. "And they got a ride home so, I was hungry and I just-"
"Happened to be here?" Eddie smirked at him. "Well, why don't you join us, pretty boy?"
"Um..." Steve said, raising his eyebrow and looking at you, who smiled, nodding back at him. "Sure" he said as you scootched over on the booth to make room for him, a little closer to Eddie. "So, how's the project going?"
"Uh- w-well, Eddie is insisting that we do our report as a metal song" you informed him as Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Oh, give me some credit, sweetheart, I've been more helpful than that" he smirked, noticing the glare on Steve's look when he called you sweetheart but you didn't even seem to notice, so he just smiled goofily at your boyfriend.
"You really haven't, Munson" you smirked at Eddie, who placed his hand over his heart and dramatically scoffed, offended.
"You're breaking my heart, sunshine" he continued before he softly hit Jonathan on his arm, making him look up. "Come on, Jonny boy, back me up here" he told him.
"Okay... Eddie, what is the name of the book that the report is about?" he asked with a small smirk, making you look at Eddie too, amused when his smirk dropped.
"That's not helping, Byers" he glared at Jonathan. "Just because the two of you have your private little book club, and you two nerds didn't want to do our book report on Lord of The Rings, it doesn't mean that I haven't been helpful" he said, rolling his eyes.
"Your what?" Steve asked, with a small scoff.
"Oh, you don't know? Byers and your girlfriend have a private book club, which apparently is very exclusive" he said, mocking you as you rolled your eyes.
"It is not a book club, Jonathan and I just exchange some books that we think the other one would enjoy. We told you we could lend you some books but you said if it wasn't Lord of The Rings or anything related to D&D or Metal history, you were not interested" you informed Steve.
"That's not true! I also like The Shining and Stephen King books" he defended himself. "It's like you've never heard of IT!"
"I'm terrified of clowns, Munson. Why on Earth would I read IT?"
"Aw, you scared of clowns, sweetheart?" he smirked as Steve took a deep breath. "That's adorable!"
"That's adorable" you mocked Eddie's voice looking at him and he stuck his tongue out at you.
"Oh, that reminds me" Jonathan suddenly said before looking for a book in his bag. "I got this one for you" he said handing it to you.
"Oh my God! Love in the Time of Cholera!" you said, excitedly, eyeing the book as Steve and Eddie watch the entire interaction between you and Jonathan.
"Is that a... love book?" Steve asked, confused.
"Yes!" you said, showing it to him. "The author is Colombian and the original book is in Spanish. It's really hard to get a version in English" you explained as you started going through the pages and discussing the book with Jonathan.
"You okay over there, Harrington?" Eddie smirked throwing an arm around you and resting it on the back of your seat.
"Wonderful... never been better" Steve said through clenched teeth before he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, away from Eddie.
"Hi, love" you smiled, kissing his cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Fine" he said, with a firm smile.
"Are you sure?" you frowned. "I know this is a bit boring, that's why I thought you'd rather wait for me to finish-"
"I don't mind" he assured you, pulling you even closer by your waist and kissing your forehead.
"Okay" you still said, unconvinced. "We're almost done for today" you told him. "We all have a free period on Monday so we'll each work a little on the weekend and just finish Monday" you told him.
"It's okay, love. Take your time" he said as you went back to your group but Steve still held on to your hand.
"Hey, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you on your other side and you felt Steve's grip tightening on your hand. "I think I need your help over here. You think your lovely boyfriend could... share you for a moment?"
If looks could kill, Steve would have already murdered Eddie by now. He thought he was hiding it well but he squeezed your hand even harder.
"Ouch! Steve!"
"Shit!" he said, letting go of your hand. "I'm sorry, love, I didn't mean to-"
"Could I talk to you for a second?" you asked.
"Uhhhhh" Eddie and Jonathan mocked him, making Steve glare at the two of them before he rolled his eyes and walked away from the table.
"I'll be right back" you told Eddie and Jonathan. "And stop messing with him!" you said, slapping Eddie's arm.
You walked over to Steve who was waiting for you, looking upset.
"Love, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just-"
"Steve, what is going on with you today? And don't say 'nothing' because you've been acting strange" you said, worriedly.
"I just-" he sighed, nervously scratching the back of his head with his hand. He then, without even meaning to, glared over at your table.
"Is it... is this because of Eddie and Jonathan?" you asked, frowning your eyebrows.
"No" he said, unconvincingly.
"Steve" you said, raising your eyebrow at him.
"Okay, fine! I just... didn't exactly love the fact that you were going to spend your entire afternoon with them" he said, grumpily. "And why does Jonathan have to give you books or why does Eddie call you sweetheart?"
"Eddie calls everyone sweetheart" you frowned your eyebrows, confused. "And Jonathan and I started exchanging books because he once mentioned Will wanted to read one book that I had" you explained. "Love, you know I needed work on our project, nothing more, right? I didn't want to blow you off to hang out with them or anything like that-"
"No, I know I just... well, you know I've never really liked either one of them and I just-" he sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't know-"
"Is this because... of Jonathan and Nancy?" you asked. "And... well, Eddie with Dustin?"
"Honey" you said, your expression turning soft. "Look, I understand that you've never really liked Jonathan because of... what happened with Nancy" you started. "And you don't love the fact that Dustin hangs out with Eddie so much instead of you" you reminded him. "But you don't have to worry about me" you assured him.
"I know I don't. I'm sorry, I didn't want to feel this way, I just... I don't know, everyone seems to leave me for them, and I... I guess I didn't want you to do that too" he admitted, looking down. You softly placed your hand on his chin and lifted his head up.
"First of all, Dustin adores you and he didn't leave you for Eddie. There is nothing wrong with him making a new friend that gets the things that he likes" you informed him. "And secondly, and most importantly, I would never leave you" you insisted. "For Eddie, or Jonathan, or anyone else" you added. "I love you, and I promise, you have nothing to worry about, love-"
"You love me?" he asked, suddenly, feeling his entire heart flutter.
"Of course, I do" you chuckled.
"You've never- um... we haven't... said that before" he said, letting out a sigh of relief with his smile. "W-well, actually no one's um-" you cut him off, leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips.
"I love you, Steve Harrington" you repeated, smiling at him when you pulled away.
"I love you too" he said, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips.
"Do you mind waiting just a few more minutes until we finish and then we can go?" you said, smiling up at him. "I promise I'm all yours, all weekend" you smirked.
"Of course, love" he said, kissing your cheek. "I'll grab something to drink for everyone, okay?"
"Okay" you smiled, giving him another peck on the lips. "I love you" you repeated, loving the way his smile turned brighter whenever you did.
"I love you too" he said, kissing your head as you came back to your table. Steve went over to the diner's bar to order a few drinks for the four of you, as he was joined by Eddie.
"So..." he smirked, leaning on the bar and looking at Steve. "You done marking your territory on your girlfriend? Or are you going to fight me and Byers outside?" he mocked him.
"I wasn't doing that" Steve said, rolling his eyes.
"Dude, you did everything but pee on her" Eddie laughed but Steve just glared at him. "Look, I get it. Byers and I are probably your least favorite people, but I gotta say, Harrington, this is not a good color on you" he insisted. "You don't seem like the 'badass Steve Harrington' that Henderson is always rambling about" he shrugged.
"What?" Steve asked. "D-Dustin said I'm a badass?" he said, feeling himself smile.
"He insists on the matter actually" Eddie informed him. "And look, for what it's worth, that girl is like ridiculously in love with you, man!" he said, pointing at your table. "She won't shut up about you either. And she didn't even notice me flirting with her, which by the way, I only did to mess with you so, please don't hit me for that" he chuckled.
"Seriously?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Yeah, man. That's what I do. It was fun to see you all flustered and with a murder glare in your eyes. But, scout's honor, I have no interest whatsoever in your lovely girlfriend. I mean, she's cute and all but she's not really my type" he admitted.
"Really?" Steve asked, intrigued. "And what's your type, Munson?"
"Her boyfriend" Eddie smirked, winking at Steve, who felt his cheeks burn a little and didn't really know what to reply.
"MUNSON! Leave my boyfriend alone!"
The End
A/N: I hope you liked it! Eddie’s coming up next :) let me know what you think :D
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the-trinket-witch · 4 months
Trinket's TWST OCs x Reader Headcanons
(I blame @thehollowwriter for inspiring this one XD)
These Headcanons are a mix of platonic/romantic, ignoring any 'canon' pairings they might already have (Lookin' at you, Al)
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His love language is Acts of Service, so when he starts trying to do stuff for you? Keep an eye out. The problem is he's usually friendly to everyone so it's the subtleties to look out for.
To this point he's one to pine after someone. He hopes his actions might speak louder than words, so there might not be an outright 'I fancy you'. The only reason he actively pursued/told Azul outright was because subtlety can be easily dismissed by a guarded heart.
He will insist on public transit if going anywhere if a car is a viable option. Likewise he could come off as obnoxious when it comes to driver/passenger safety. Seatbelt before keys, music isn't too loud, put the phone down, etc.
Oddly, if you really want to know the biggest tell you are In With Him? The mask starts coming off. His chipper, stiff upper lip attitude gives way to a more calm, almost melancholy air. He's gotten comfortable enough with you to open up about certain things, things he hasn't so much 'lied' about so much as 'omitted details to let you make your own truth'.
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For as much as they give airs of 'being more mature' than their peers, there's still a 16yr old there. If they start trying to show you some of their art/music tastes, that's def a path of at the very least friendship.
If you find yourselves having a good whinge over something to drink? You're DEFINITELY friends. Being a Prefect is difficult, they gotta let things out somtime and there's only so many suggestions of 'Just Burn them to a Crisp' from Grim that they can take.
If comes a crisis and they feel need to give Grim to YOU? Congrats you now have a relationship with a Prefect.
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Ya boi is awkward. He's acutely aware of his size and strength so his attempts to make friends usually has him trying to seem as unimposing as possible. But if he can't, he'll content do just stand off to the side for you
He's not writing or drawing anything lewd, he swears! Catching him sketching you or writing observations is a bit of a tightrope. Either you can make him clam up about how much of a muse you are to him, or you can open the floodgates to more information about human culture (whether you're human or otherwise) that you would have any idea what to do with.
Dates may be sparse at first, as he'd want to go to a local cultural or holiday event with you. Him burying his nose in another journal isn't him ignoring you or his way to call you boring, he's just really invested in the atmosphere (and maybe observing how you're enjoying things to note for later)
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Laz is kind of a flirt, so off the bat it'll be hard to tell if he's just being him or if there's anything more.
Like a lot of guys, if he's inviting you to band practice, it's to show off. 'Mira, any requests?'
He loves the idea of being on the road for shows, but deep down he wants someone who is willing to wait for him at homebase, cheering him on. He just needs to prove it's just his music and not his heart that likes to rove.
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It should be first and foremost stated that no matter what he says, he has no interest in friends or romantic partners. Less people to share his success with.
However, one can find themselves more often at his side with a few points of navigation.
How gullible are you? How willing are you to ignore the progression in things he asks of you? How much do you need to see a therapist? How well connected are you? These are a few deciding factors in how close the Python will allow you to get.
Depending on what you can give him, he has the means to pull out quite a few stops. Gifts, travel, physical intimacy, it's all in the name of dividends.
Of course, when it comes to wits and intelligence, is where you can genuinely start to 'charm' him instead of the other way around. If you can out-psychology him or evade all his attempts to crack you, while also showing off what you know but aren't willing to divulge, will make him utterly writhe.
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He's a king looking for a ruling partner (that isn't going to threaten his status)
Friendships (or 'alliances') are mutually beneficial. He knows just the right balance of give and take.
He can smell a gold-digger a mile off. It's happened enough times he knows all the steps. Because of how often younger folks tend to shoot their shot that way, he tends to go romantically for those 30+.
While he doesn't want a leech on his arm, he doesn't want someone overly codependent either. He's a busy man, so someone with hobbies and a general maturity of independence would be ideal.
Friendly gatherings tend to be part of public events, but he's a busy man so compile your stories into elevator pitches.
'Dates' on the same hand, are typically in those same spaces. hearkening back to a need for maturity, he isn't going to bring someone who's going to get him in the paper for all the wrong reasons.
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TAGLIST: (lemme know if you want added/removed)
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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Hiii I love your works and keep up the good work!!!
This is my first time requesting something XD
I wanna request Ryusui from Dr.stone with the prompt "dancing in the rain"? Like- they are wrapped in each other's arms dancing together with no care in the world? ❤️❤️
I would be really pleased if you do this thank youu🫶🫶
Thank you so much! You did great at requesting! it is an honor to write your first one!
I hope you enjoy this one as well my dear! please let me know what you think!
I may or may not have exaggerated a bit. i changed it a bit, just a little bit.
Tsuki's note: i am not a manga reader so this may be coming out of nowhere on the timeline. Also, reader fixes things beacuse yes, imagine you are learning with Kaseki here. i am an engineer and i like to fix things. I projected a bit, just for the sake of plot.
Tsuki's note: i really love ryusui and i feel like i won't make him justice.... *sigh* lets see how it goes...
You were finishing a few touches in the perseus. Usually the one who did this was Kaseki, but he was busy with helping Senku with another insane project, so you took it upon yourself to finish the boat's maintenance.
Anytime you were at it, it wasn't uncommon at all to have Ryusui walking around the boat. You always took it as him being patient with wanting to sail again or just checking on your work - how it was compared to Kaseki, maybe.
But you paid him no mind. At times you would also see Francois, and they usually had something for you - some water, some cookies, something.
This time around, he was actually helping with something - Ryusui was carrying around some supply boxes, it wasn't like Taiju and Tsukasa weren't around, so you guessed he young master just felt like doing something.
The wheater was getting bad very fast. You usually got everything in a dry spot and continued later, but you were so close to being done! just a little bit! You heard Ryusui asking you to collect everything - the sky was turning darker and darker. You asked him for a few minutes, quick stuff.
Just then, it started to rain. A few droplets here and there, no big deal! You can finish this! just gotta be careful. A sigh left your lips when you noticed you needed something that wasn't around you - probably forgot to grab this tool.
So you went back inside the ship, where Kaseki usually kept the tools to fetch the one you needed. You spotted it rather quickly and as you were walking back to last bit of task, you heard a very familiar booming voice from behind you:
Ryusui: Y/N? You are drenched!
You laugh and turned around to see Ryusui staring at you.
Y/N: Well... yeah, its raining a little bit.
Ryusui: C'mon, I will have Francois fetch you some dry clothes.
Y/N: oh, just a moment, i am almost done.
As soon as you said that, you saw a glimpse of a confusion on his face:
Ryusui: But the rain is going to pick up soon, you sho-
Y/N: Yeah, I am not made of sugar, I won't melt! How about you?
You smiled at him and walked away.
You didn't hear Ryusui coming after you, so you just went back to what you were doing. By the time you were finally done, a down pour started. You could barely see in front of you.
You sighed happily - you were done! drenched but done!The rain really muffled most noises, as you didn't hear footsteps approaching you. No, you only felt a hand on your shoulder - a hand with blue marks:
Ryusui: Y/N!
You jumped. You got scared for dear life. You turned around kinda pissed at him for scaring you like that! with a hand on you chest, you felt your heart stop and restart:
Y/N: Don't do that!
Ryusui: Ah... Sorry. I called for you but you didn't answer.
Oh. You probably didn't hear him - thats how strong rain was:
Y/N: Oh... Look at that, you didn't melt!
You could see Ryusui was a bit annoyed by your comment. But he just grinned, that cocky grin that always came with the finger snapping:
Ryusui: Aha! This rain is nothing for a sailor! I was worried about this beautiful person walking alone on this heavy rain!
He motioned his hand towards you. You just blinked. He was so damn ridiculous at times, but you cannot lie you loved it.
Y/N: Ah... Thanks, i guess?
Ryusui: Let's go back inside, Y/N.
He offered his hand to you. You couldn't help but be snarky one last time as you automatically placed your hand in his:
Y/N: For someone used to water you sure run away fast from it.
Ryusui looked at you and smiled. With swift movement, he had you in his arms terribly close to him:
Ryusui: Aha! I am not running!
You felt your face burn. so close. you were feeling a mix between pushing him away and walking off or just try to find a hole then and there.
You ended up choosing to push him away or try to. Because he still had a hold of your hand, and pulled back again. You started to get a little mad and before you could give a light punch to his chest, he spun you around and caught your other hand:
Ryusui: Haha! A little rain doesn't scare me, specially when i am accompanied by such a beautiful person.
You were completely stunned. You felt your face burn even more, no words left your lips. What was he talking about? Why was he so charming?
You felt like this staring moment lasted forever. But while you were in that daze - that was actually really short - Ryusui continued talking to you:
Ryusui: Say, Y/N, what would you-
Another booming voice came from somewhere in the ship, this voice:
Taiju: Y/N! Ryusui! Where are you?
That made you both look in the direction of the voice, but you couldn't really see because of the rain. But you took this chance to push Ryusui, grab his hand and yell back at Taiju:
Y/N: Yeah! We are going back!
Ryusui was a bit surprised, he did not expect you to hold his hand and drag him along. Not when you were picking on him for not staying in the rain.
He couldn't help but smile. You were adorable! He allowed you to drag him back for shelter. Upon getting inside the ship, you were greeted by towels - a courtesy from Francois.
You grabbed your towel and quickly walked away, not daring to look around. You could hear a worried Taiju following asking if you were cold or something, perhaps a fever? your cheeks were colored.
In reality you just wanted to walk away from Ryusui. He can be stupidly charming, meanwhile you were swearing to Taiju were ok, not a fever, not a cold. you were ok.
Ryusui who was left standing with Francois smiled, while watching you walk away:
Francois: Ryusui - sama, did something happen?
The man snapped his fingers before answering:
Ryusui: Just a little waltz on the rain!
Francois smiled slightly and nodded. Ryusui couldn't help but wish he had a little more time with you outside. just a little bit more. After all he loved seeing your embarrassed face, it suited so well this time. He would never deny how much he loved when you got so shy around him, it was so cute!
Perhaps next time, you could actually dance in the rain together?
Thank you for reading!
Let me know what you think!
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pray4saint · 1 year
general sfw dating gnf hcs?? maybeeeee a little bit of fluff? i’m in a very fluffy mood xD
thank you! 🤗
moving in w bf!george hcs
masterlist & descrip. pg. 13+. girlfriend!reader. fluff.
a/n. yeah noah ofc 🤭 (i apologise for it being so late i went camping w my cousin & i'm writing on 6 inconsistent hours of sleep + a redbull) also this started as basic hcs and turned very specific hc list but still i like it
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when you're in public and he gets nervous – despite how much he told you he probably wouldn't be super into pda – he wraps his arms around you and tucks his head into your neck because it grounds him
bf george who insists that despite the fact that you're dating, you still need to go on actual dates together AND lets you pick everything when it comes to it
”d'you wanna do dinner, dancing, arcade, bowling, carnival?..” you ask, and your boyfriend shrugs, making you sigh. ”whatever you want lovey.” ”george i pick every single time, why can't you?” ”because i want you to be happy with our dates.” and as annoying as it is, you can't help how it warms your heart and how thoughtful he is.
george also invites you to every streaming/youtube event, and is 100% prepared for if you say yes or no
if it's a yes, he gets all excited and helps you pack, reminding you of a few essentials you tend to forget and while you're there he'll spend more time backstage with you or try to leave a little early to sightsee with you
if you tell him no, he understands and leaves you with a few of his hoodies, kisses you goodbye before he leaves, always finds a way to mention you on stage and ALWAYS brings back a souvenir from his trip for you
also around the six month mark of your relationship he asked dream n sap how they'd feel if he asked you to move in with him
of course they didn't mind, you were well liked by both of his roommates and he assured them that if you said yes that you'd sleep with him in his room
the only concern his friends had – mostly sapnap had – was what the situation would be with, and i quote 'how much fucking' you guys would be doing in the house, and he responded quite simply 'we're not you sapnap, we're not absolute horndogs.' (although who knows, maybe you are, maybe he lied)
still, george waited until you'd been dating for nine months to ask you to move in
”lovey, i uh, gotta ask you something.” you were walking back to his car from a bowling date, it was late and it was dark. ”go on.” he stopped walking, and you turned to face him. ”do you want to move in with me?” he gave you a small smile and you could see his hands tensing up. ”do your roommates know about this?” you faked concern but still he nodded, yes. you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. ”yeah, course i do georgie.”
that mf went home with the goofiest grin on his face that night, and absolutely would not shut up about it for a week before you actually moved in / it made sapnap n dream rethink their life choices
still even after he asked you, you guys had a serious talk about it all, if he'd be willing to make space in his room for some of your things and of course he was, if he'd be willing to let you use his office once in awhile when you were sick so you could work from home and obviously he agreed
”holy shit what happened in here?” sapnap had peeked into george's room when he heard you and george laughing like little kids just to see you two trying to move your nightstands in to replace his. ”george i don't know if you know this but your room has been y/n-ified.” he joked, and george only laughs while you removed your hands from the table and grabbed a throw pillow from his bed, firing it at sap's head. sap ran out, shutting the door behind him.
the most noticed thing though that changed was when he streamed, chat noticed how there were some extra objects floating around the room that were clearly not his, sapnap's or dream's
sapnap tweeted about it later saying 'guys it's more than george's office- the entire house is filled with y/n's shit'
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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spnfic85 · 1 year
Off Limits Ch. 4
Warnings: Language, fluff (?) (define... fluff), Personal Body Image Struggles, smut, unprotected sex
Author's Note: Ah yes... that place where I'm supposed to apologize for my failure to ever commit to anything in a timely manner... 🥲
(*goblin screeching in the background "Well, I REFUSE!!" *)
No- Actually- My bad guys. I fuckin suck and I had writer's block/the big sad to all hell.
As always, this is not beta read, forgive my typos pls. I love you all!
Please Please PLEASE send me ideas to write... Shoot it by me, and if I feel like I have a confident enough grasp on the lore/history, I'll give it a shot! (A girl also knows how to research fandoms yaknow xD)
Sam Winchester x Plus-Sized Female Reader 
Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized Female Reader
Words: 2.8k
Summary: WHAT HAVE WE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR???? Thank you writer's block for finally allowing Y/N to climb that big ole giant we all like to call Sammy 🥰
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~ There was an obvious need simmering under his stare, the man standing before you both was promising something you couldn’t even say you were sure you could keep up with, but the hammering in your chest and the butterflies in your stomach both told you that you were ready and willing to take it on. ~
Sam excused himself while you were flushed crimson, allowing Dean some time for a bit more aftercare and the shower you both found yourself tangled in just an hour later. By the time you left your bedroom, you smelled of Dean’s alpine body wash mixed with your favorite Bath and Bodyworks spray while crimson love bites bloomed across your throat and shoulder. Dean’s mission had been to obscure the ugly fingerprints left behind, while making a bold and clear statement upon your later return to the bar.
You liked the way yours and Dean’s scents seemed to marry into one, and bit your lip wondering what you’d smell like after a morning like that with Sammy… You flitted down the back staircase, your dishes in tow, and turned directly into the solid tower of a man you were wondering about.
Sammy moved quickly, catching the tray and contents while maneuvering to catch you up against the pantry door. You gasped in surprise before flushing red again, “I- I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention; did I break anything?” You worried and reached for the tray in Sammy’s hands. He only moved the tray to one hand while the other ghosted over your hip.
“I’m okay, are you?? You’re not hurt, are you?” He asked intently, eyes flickering to your lips and back to your eyes, “You gotta be more careful Princess…” he murmured softly. Your heart galloped at the endearment, and you bit your lip as you felt your entire body react to this man. What was it the Winchesters held over you? Were they gods?!?
“I will.” You squeaked out. Sam smiled slightly then, seeming to be pleased with your reply, before moving his hand to your face and dipping his head down to ghost his lips across yours. Having him so close had memories of the night prior flooding your mind, his bergamot and spice scent engulfing you. You licked your lips, only hesitating a millisecond, before you stood up just a bit more on your tip toes and pressed your lips to his.
The groan that rumbled through his chest told you all you needed to know. Sam has been holding back… giving you space… You heard the tray clatter a bit as Sam pushed it on the sideboard in the hall before framing your face with both hands and deepening the kiss.
His teeth nibbled at your bottom lip, tongue teasing and asking for more. Your sigh was almost breathed in by him, as he pressed you against the pantry door and took from you what was his. Your fingers laced up along the nape of his neck before you mewled into his mouth as Sammy ground his hips into you before breaking from your lips but staying close.
“Why is it so hard to think around you…?” He asked curiously, “Princess, I haven’t slept I’ve been thinking so much about you… I was so scared you were going to be gone today…” His ability to be vulnerable with you was always something you adored in Sammy, and now- those puppy dog eyes broke your heart.
“I’d never just up and leave… I just needed some time to think…” You murmured, “It helped having Dean fill in the blanks though.” You smiled and he chuckled,
“I’m sure he filled in a lot for you.” He grinned wickedly and kissed your forehead when you smacked his arm. “No really- Dean’s always been better about feelings and… words. I should have just been honest with you last night before ever moving to the bedroom… I’m sorry Y/N…”
You ran your fingers through Sam’s hair, tucking it behind his ear and smiling, “Thank you for apologizing, it was so confusing last night…” You admitted quietly, “I felt like the butt of a bad joke honestly…” Sam’s face dropped a bit and he looked ashamed,
“I could never make you feel like that… You will and always will be my Princess… Spoiled, but a princess none the less.” He winked and kissed you once more on the lips gently before stepping back to let you balance on your own feet again.
Sammy was helpful with dishes and prepping lunch, his hands only wandering in passing, lips grazing your bare shoulder as he unnecessarily reached over you to put away things. The man was teasing you to no end, but the prodding member that grazed your bottom when he leaned up against you assured that the torment was not one-sided. You wriggled your hips against him and smiled back at the soft hiss that came from his lips.
“Be careful baby… I wanna make our first time together special, but I’m not partial to bending you over on the kitchen island right here…” He smirked at you when you bit your lip and flushed red hot. The crimson climbed down your throat and bloomed across your breasts and shoulders. Sammy chuckled at your reaction before stepping back some when he twitched needily against you.
After lunch, you found yourself with nothing to do, Dean elbows deep in some junker car Bobby kept on the side of the house, and Sammy busy in the back yard tackling whatever moved in under the deck. You eyed both men from your spot under the corner of the deck itself and decided both tasks were above your pay-grade. There was no way you were going to accidentally break something in that old thing, and there was an even lesser possibility you were crawling under this deck to whatever momma possum was soon to choose Sammy as the enemy.
You decided to go back in the house, grabbing your Bluetooth speaker, a bucket with rags and cleaners, and the broom and mop, before heading up to the top floor. The boys both knew your routine: start at the top of the house and work your way down. You knew the bathrooms needed attention, along with the additional spare bedroom upstairs. It was dusty, and there was no guessing if it would ever be needed, but your allergies were going to never forgive you if Dean turned that furnace on in a couple more weeks and that space hadn’t been dusted in time.
All too soon, you found yourself singing along to your playlist of choice and cleaning room to room. By the time you found your way through the guest room and your room, you heard Sam holler Dean’s name and the thuds of a very large man stuck under a deck with a very angry animal. You sighed and looked out the hall window down to the back yard.
Dean was sprinting across the yard to where Sam’s feet were hanging out the side of the deck kicking. He cursed, grabbed Sam’s feet, and yanked him free. Sammy’s hair was a mess, and you could tell from here he would need the first aid kit when he came in. You chuckled and sighed to yourself softly and gathered up your cleaning stuff and placing it in front of Dean’s bedroom door in the hall before stopping to grab said first aid kit under the bathroom sink and heading back downstairs.
You heard Dean laugh and mention calling Animal Control, while Sam admitted defeat, his voice trailing to the hall leading to his own bedroom. You padded down the stairs, smiling at a busy Dean on hold while his eyes crinkled at the sight of you with the kit. You pointed to Sam’s room, and he nodded, understanding what you were saying, before you continued. Sam had the master bed and bath (it was the only one large enough to fit his massive bed set, the BFG he was) and when you stepped in his bedroom, you could hear the shower running. The bathroom door was left open, and a clear silhouette of a very naked and wet Sam could be seen through the frosty glass of the shower door. Your mouth went dry as you realized, again, how amazingly stunning this man was, before clearing your throat to announce your arrival and knocking on the open bathroom door.
“Hey- it’s just me…” You called out, smiling weakly at Sam when he peeked over the glass door, “I thought you might have a bite or two you needed taken care of when you’re done.” You grinned a bit and Sam chuckled and shook his head.
“That momma possum was not messing around.” He laughed, “Thank you, Princess… I’m almost done, wait for me?” He asked. You nodded before finding your voice,
“Y-yeah, I can wait.” You answered awkwardly. There was something about Sammy that always turned you back into some fumbling schoolgirl with a crush and it was agonizing. Although Sam seemed to enjoy it, you wished you carried more alluring poise rather than fumbling cuteness…
“Where were you off to? I realized you weren’t in the back when I got out.” He spoke up, dragging you from your thoughts.
“Oh- I was cleaning upstairs. There’s no way I was helping with wild animals.” You teased back at him.
“Ah yes, Vampires are no problem, but Y/N draws the line at the territorial neighborhood possum.” His brow quirked and he laughed at your reaction. You scoffed and feigned offense before sitting back on the sink counter,
“Well, clearly my choice to not engage was much the wise.” You said loftily and stuck your nose in the air. The shower cut off and your head whipped back to Sam. The involuntary reaction you had to him standing there, naked, in front of you was sinful. Sam smirked and grabbed the towel hanging next to him and let you stare as he dried in front of you.
“Come here, Princess.” He commanded softly.
It was as if you had no control of yourself, as you hopped off the counter and walked directly towards him. You weren’t feeling out of control, but the rush of euphoria you got at his satisfied smirk made you desperate for him to command you again.
“You listen so well…” He smiled and dropped his towel to hold your plush hips. “Do you like to listen?” He asked, his voice a murmur for only the two of you to hear. You nodded, eye contact never breaking, “Words, baby girl.” He coaxed gently.
“Y-yes…” you shy and bite your lip. He smiled and dipped his head down to kiss you deeply, hands moving across your hips and up under your tank top.
“Can I take this off?” you nodded again at him, “Words baby…” he teased and nuzzled your neck, dripping water from his hair down your shoulder.
“Yes, you may.” You squeaked out and gasped as Sammy moved his fingers up your bare skin, nibbling at your throat, before stepping back and pulling your top off carefully. His eyes roved over your body, making you shy more and blush for him.
Sam continued to carefully take off each piece of clothing while his fingers and lips worshiped your skin, never breaking contact for longer than was needed to undress you. Once you were in nothing but your panties, Sammy led you to his bedroom, flipping the bathroom light back off. The blackout drapes were pulled tightly over the windows in his room, leaving an almost intimate silence from the rest of the world around the pair of you two. You pulled Sam back to your lips as you dragged him into his bed, thighs wide to pull him closer as your fingers laced again in his hair.  
Sam was eager and easily framed your body as he held himself over you, nibbling and kissing every inch of skin his lips could find while he never stopped gently rutting against your covered core. Everything about this man felt huge against you, and it was all you could do to not climax from friction alone.
You moaned softly when Sam took his attention to your breasts and easily took a nipple in his mouth, his large hand cupping the supple soft excess as your hips tilted up towards his.
“Please…” you begged, pulling his attention back to your face, eyes locking with yours, “Please Sammy…”
Sam groaned and crashed his lips into yours while his hand moved down your hips and gripped the band to your panties. He only broke his touch to sit back and pull them down your legs and stare down at you hungrily only a moment before crawling back up to your lips and finding them with his.
“Anything you don’t like, anything hurts, you tell me. You tell me and I promise to stop immediately.” He murmured gently, making sure you understand that you can stop this at any point.
“Yes sir…” You tease and you watch his gaze darken with need.
“Princess, be careful.” He groaned while his hand moved between the two of you and teased your wet folds with his thumb, “Look how wet you are for me…” he murmured, more to himself than to you. As he lined himself up to your core, he watched you carefully as he slowly pressed his girth into you.
Your eyes widened at the sheer size, and you moan softly as Sam’s thumb finds its way back to your bud, drawing small circles as he worked his way into you, brows scrunched in concentration.
Where you thought you’d be sore, your body only openly accepted him. He groaned again as he worked the final length into you, your core warm and tight around him.
 “Fuck princess, fuck…” Sam cursed and kissed you softly before carefully pulling his length out and swiftly impaling you again. The moan that escaped from your lips was pure bliss to Sam’s ears. You clung to Sam’s shoulders as he continued to tease you while he carried slow, methodical thrusts into you.
“Please Sammy…” You moaned again, pressing your hips up against him, “Please…”
“Please what, baby? Tell me what you need.” He coaxed, his hips never stuttering, even while your walls fluttered as your climax ebbed closer and closer.
You moaned in frustration, him stopping you from making him move any faster, “Please fuck me hard… I want to cum so bad, please Sammy…” You begged and mewled as your legs shook while his thumb pressed down more on your sensitive bud and rolled the wet mess.
“Sound so sexy begging for my cock, Princess…” He moaned praise as his hips thrust deeper, the pace slowly picking up to match his thumb. His hair hung damp along his face, draping the world around you both as his eyes roved over your body, watching you swallow his girth so well.
You felt the tell-tale pressure in your belly of a climax finally coming to fruition, back arching as your walls clenched down on him as wave over wave washed through your body. Sam groaned loudly and moved the hand teasing you, to pull your leg up, hooking your foot on his shoulder and picking up the pace to fuck himself into you, hard.
You were a babbling mess, clinging to the sheets around your head, as Sam panted, lost in this moment with you. “So fuckin’ beautiful,” he groaned while looking down upon the mess he’d made of you under him and grabbed the headboard for leverage, “Shit- Princess tell me where...” He muttered urgently.
“Wherever you want Sammy,” you panted and moaned, enjoying the angle he hit your spot. Sam cursed softly and pulled out the last millisecond, covering your mound in his cum. You watched with a pleased look on your face and wiggled your hips back up when you saw the look on his face fighting pressing his still hard member into the mess.
Sam kissed you deeply, ignoring the fact that he could continue if he wanted, choosing to pay attention to you instead. His kisses littered down your throat, darkening marks from Dean as he went, before stopping and looking down over you.
“Never in my life did I think I’d get to see you like this.” He murmured bemused.
“Naked and well fucked?” You teased with a wink.
He chuckled at you and shook his head, “That, yes, but so much more… I never thought I’d get to see you like this because of me.” He admitted.
This tore your heart. Both boys denied themselves something so simple, and for what? Your dignity? Your internal voice scoffed to itself. No... This man before you and his brother would never feel that way again… Not if you had anything to do about it.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 20 days
The Christmas Special - Part Two
Paranormal Preteens AU: Episode Twenty-Seven
A JSE Fanfic
Even with me splitting the Christmas Special in two, this part still ended up at 8300 words, so make sure you're somewhere comfortable when you start to read XD Now in possession of a time travel watch, the kids try to figure out what to do. Obviously they have to stop the monster and the weird grown-ups trying to get into the house, but how? At least the watch will help! And maybe they'll be able to learn something along the way. I really liked writing this part ^-^ Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I did!
Previous Episode | More of this AU | From the Start | Read on AO3 at CrystalNinjaPhoenix
“Alright. So.” Jackie paced across the floor of Chase’s bedroom. Chase had offered it up to the group so they could talk about this situation without any of the party guests overhearing them. “Some weird teenagers gave you a pocket watch that can be used to time travel. Which you used to go back in time just now, because there was some weird... snow... monster? I’m still not sure what that was.”
JJ nodded. He and Marvin had claimed the old beanbag in the corner of Chase’s room, while Chase and Schneep sat on his bed and Stacy hovered awkwardly by the door, unsure where to go. She opened up the door a little and peered out into the upstairs hallway. The sound of chatter from the party gets briefly louder and then goes quiet as she closes it again. “It all seems fine right now,” she said. “We have a bit of time, right?”
“Yeah, didn’t you go back like... fifteen minutes before that all happened?” Chase asked. 
It’s more like ten minutes, now, JJ said. He opened up the pocket watch, revealing the clock face. A slice of it had turned green. As he stared at it, the minute hand moved slightly, and the green slice shrank. The note in the watch said that I couldn’t use it again until we “caught up” to the time I used it originally. Does that make sense?
Marvin leaned over to look at the watch face. “Yeah, you can’t use it until that green part is gone. Easy enough to understand.”
“Are you sure about that?” Chase asked. “Try anyway.”
JJ stiffened. He reached forward and tried to move the minute hand like he did before, but it was stuck.
“Chase, please be careful about what you say,” Schneep said. “The doll is still a problem.”
“O-oh yeah. Sorry.” Chase cleared his throat.
Jackie frowned. “You keep forgetting, Chase. Try to be more, uh, aware.”
“Sorry,” Chase repeated.
It’s fine, we can talk about this later, JJ said. We don’t have much time right now. In about ten minutes, that snow monster is going to be back. What WAS that, anyway?
“It looked like a regular lady, but then it suddenly exploded and ice started fucking covering everything!” Marvin said. “Whatever it is, we gotta keep it out of the house. That’s when shit all went bad. Sooo... how do we do that?”
“Can you just ask Aunt Jess to not let them in?” Schneep asked, looking at Chase.
“I can ask her, but Jackie said that if the police have a warrant then she has to let them in,” Chase said. “Right, Jackie?”
Jackie nodded. “But we do have a magic do-over time travel watch, so I guess it’s worth asking her. If it goes wrong we can travel back in time... again...” He frowned. “Assuming that it doesn’t run out of power or anything.”
All of the kids gasped in unison. “We didn’t even think of that!” Stacy said. “Omg, what if we run out of chances?!”
JJ shook his head. The guys who gave me this would’ve mentioned that.
“How can you be so sure?” Stacy asked.
Because I think it was actually Marvin and me from the future.
The others all stared at him silently.
Don’t look at me like I’m crazy! JJ said, glaring at the others. They were two teenage guys who looked a lot like each other, and one of them spoke in sign language! Not to mention the handwriting on the note looks a lot like mine!
“We can talk more about that later,” Jackie said. “We don’t have much time! We need a plan. Even if we can keep the snow monster out, what do we do next? Should we take care of it or something?”
“How do we defeat a snow monster?” Chase asked.
“With fire?” Schneep suggested, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, seems obvious,” Stacy agreed. “We just gotta figure out how to use fire to defeat it. Marvin, can your greenlight powers make fire or heat?”
“Uhhh hm. Never thought of that.” Marvin frowned. He held out his hand, and a bit of greenlight surrounded it. It got brighter and brighter.
I can feel it getting hotter, JJ said. I think that could work!
“Okay, good, so we have a vague plan,” Jackie said, continuing to pace across the floor. “I guess we distract the snow monster so Marvin can blast it with his greenlight.”
“Uh—you might have to distract it for a while,” Marvin said. His brows were furrowed in concentration. “I’m trying real hard but it’s still heating up pretty slowly.”
“We can do that!” Chase said, nodding. “Okay so I ask Mom to keep them out, and then we rush after them to take out the snow monster.”
JJ checked the watch again. Five minutes!
“What?! No way!” Chase shot to his feet. “We gotta hurry!”
“Everyone try not to draw too much attention!” Schneep gasped, also standing up. “We do not want anyone to stop us.”
The group all left Chase’s room and rushed down the hall, gradually slowing down as they reached the stairs, which they then slowly walked down. Once they reached the ground floor they all stopped, pretending to casually hang around on the steps. Until—
There was a knock at the front door.
All the kids tensed in unison.
“One second!” Mom called, leaving the dining room and hurrying over.
The others all looked at Chase. He nodded and rushed over to Mom. The same four adults were outside. Before, he’d been so distracted by the doctor they’d seen at the hospital that he didn’t really look at the others. One was a man in a brown suit, who he remembered as the one who took out the badge. Another was a tall woman in a big blue coat that he didn’t recognize. The third one was the woman who’d exploded into snow. She looked... normal. Except for the fact that she wasn’t wearing a coat despite the blizzard outside. And her eyes were an unusually bright green.
“Oh! Hello officer,” Mom said slowly.
“What’s going on, Mom?” Chase asked, trying to sound casual.
“I don’t know, sweets.” She glanced down at Chase, then back at the group. “Is there anything we can help you with? We’re a bit busy with a party.”
The man in the brown coat pulled out a badge. “We need to search your premises, I’m afraid,” he said. “There’s a chance that there are dangerous goods inside.”
What?!” Mom gasped. “Dangerous—but I’ve—we’ve never gotten involved in anything illegal!”
Chase grabbed Mom’s hand, pulling on it for attention. “Um... Hey Mom, can I talk to you for a second? This is important.”
“Huh? Sure, just one second, Chase.”
“No, this is really important,” Chase insisted. He tried to make his eyes wide and adorable. “Please?”
Mom sighed. “Just one moment, please,” she said, half-closing the door. Chase pulled her over to the side. “What is it, Chase?” Her brows furrowed in worry. “Did you get in some sort of trouble?”
“Uh, no, it’s not that!” Chase said hurriedly. “It’s um... One of those guys h-has bothered us before. Me and my friends.” What was that doctor’s name? Dr... H-something. Hewey?
Mom’s eyes then narrowed and she glanced at the door suspiciously. “Which one?”
“Uh, the guy with the reddish coat and the dark hair. With the—th-the gray hairs.”
“What’s he been doing?”
He didn’t think he’d be asked that question. He froze up for a second. “Um... I-it’s mostly been stuff with Marvin and JJ. You know, stuff happened while Marvin was in the hospital, uh... H-he wanted to leave the hospital because some of the doctors were bothering him.”
“Did he tell you what happened?” Mom asked, eyes still narrow, her expression very serious.
“Um... not all the, uh, details,” Chase said. “Anyway, Marvin’s fine now, but I don’t think you should let these guys in the house.”
“Excuse me? Ms. Walker, ma’am?” That voice came from the man in the brown suit—the detective—on the other side of the door. “This is an important matter. Can you let us in?”
Mom looked over at the door, then back at Chase. “I don’t think I can keep them out, Chase. That man is with the police.”
“But—b-but—!” Chase’s mind scrambled for a solution. “Uh—can you ask them if they have a warrant or something?”
Mom raised an eyebrow. “Did you learn about that in school?”
“Jackie mentioned it—just ask them! If they don’t have one, they can’t come in, right?”
“I suppose...” Mom trailed off. “Here, I’ll handle this. You and your friends go upstairs, okay?”
“You really can’t let them in,” Chase emphasized.
“Chase, if they do have a warrant I’ll get in a lot of trouble for not letting them in. But you and your friends don’t have to interact with them, okay? Go upstairs.” She patted Chase’s shoulder then returned to the front door, opening it up fully. “Sorry about that.”
Chase glanced back at her, then hurried over to the base of the stairs where the others were waiting. “Up, up, up!” He gestured for them to climb up the stairs.
The group retreated halfway up the staircase, but lingered so they could still see what was happening at the front door. “Do you think it worked?” Schneep asked in a hushed voice.
“I don’t know, I tried! I said they’d been bothering us but she said that if they have a warrant she has to let them in. Kinda threw you under the bus, Marvin, said you were having troubles with the doctor guy while you were in the hospital. Is that okay?”
“Yeah that’s fine, it’s kinda true anyway,” Marvin said. He was rubbing his hands together, greenlight glowing around them. The air around his hands was getting hotter as he concentrated on building up heat to fight the snow monster. “Okay so we can’t really be seen going outside, so maybe we have to go out through an upstairs window.”
“Why do we have to go out a window?!” Stacy protested.
“Because Chase doesn’t have a back door and it’ll look weird if we go out the front door right after the guys who we said were fucking with us!”
“But we all took off our shoes! We can’t go outside without them, we might slip or get frostbite! Can’t we grab them first at least?”
“That’ll be just as weird!”
Jackie inhaled sharply. “They’re coming in!”
Indeed, while they were distracted by talking with each other, Mom had reluctantly fully opened up the front door, allowing the strangers inside. She glanced at the staircase and saw the kids hovering there. Looking worried, she gestured for them to go upstairs.
“Up!” Schneep hissed, and the group immediately turned and hurried up the stairs. “Jameson, what is the progress on your watch?”
JJ took it out and looked at the clock face, then showed it to the others. No more green. They could rewind if they wanted—
That’s when the blizzard burst in the living room.
The six of them were fairly far from it, being at the top of the staircase, but Chase, the closest to the stairs, was still pushed forward into the others by the blast of wintery winds. The cold nipped at their backs, and frost covered most of the stairs and began climbing upwards, accompanied by encroaching white flakes.
 “Do it!” Marvin shouted.
JJ quickly moved the minute hand back and pressed the button. He felt that tug on his stomach, and everything went dark.
The next thing they knew, they were all sitting at the coffee table again.They all looked around to confirm that everything at Chase’s Christmas party was really the same as it had been. It was.
Jackie shook his head. “Okay, so... clearly that didn’t fully work. But I think it was a good idea, still.”
The watch was still in JJ’s hand. He showed it to the others. About a third of the clock face was green. I turned it back a little further to give us more time, he said, briefly setting the watch on the table so he could sign. I think we have twenty minutes now.
“We should go upstairs to have another conversation,” Schneep said, glancing around at the guests. Tommy and Theo, the little cousins, were staring at JJ’s watch with wide eyes, clearly curious.
Chase nodded. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Again, they all went upstairs, and again, they all gathered in Chase’s room. He sat down on his bed, but this time, everyone else stayed standing.
“So what was the problem?” Marvin asked. “Did they really have a warrant?”
Jackie made a face. “Somehow I doubt that it’s like... a real warrant? If that makes sense? Okay so we all know that those three guys who aren't snow monsters are part of the Circle, right?” The kids all nodded. It was obvious. If one of the dark doctors from the hospital was here, then those other two grown-ups had to be other people from the Circle. “We know the Circle has a lot of members, but I don’t know if it has enough people to make a real warrant. I don’t know much about how the police work, but I know that there have to be a couple different jobs involved in that process. And you’d think one of them would be like, ‘a search warrant for what?’ There’s nothing in Chase’s house, after all, and no reason to suspect there is.”
“So they do not have a real one, but clearly it must be enough to convince Aunt Jess to let them in,” Schneep summed up.
“I can’t believe those bitches are putting a snow monster in Chase’s house!” Marvin said furiously.
Stacy frowned. “I dunno if that’s what they’re doing. Did you hear what one of the guys said the first time, right before the snow monster exploded? He sounded, like, surprised that Ms. Walker pointed out there were four of them. I think the snow monster is just like... tagging along.”
That makes more sense, JJ agreed. We know the Circle is AGAINST the Anomalies, after all.
“Ohhhh.” Marvin nodded. “So it’s kinda like some sort of fairy from Granmam’s stories. She always talks about how the fey have to be invited in.”
“Or like a vampire,” Stacy agreed.
“Well if they aren’t leading the snow monster into my house on purpose, why are they here?” Chase asked.
“No good reason,” Jackie muttered. “We can figure that out after we take care of the snow monster, maybe. So what’s our new plan? Chase, do you think you can do anything to convince your mom to keep them out?”
“I dunno... I don’t think I was doing a good job, anyway,” Chase admitted. “So what else can we do? Block the door somehow? But we can’t let anyone at the party know what’s going on. I don’t want to upset them.”
Schneep nodded. “I do not, either. But I think I have an idea. Instead of waiting for them to come to us, why don’t we go outside to meet them?”
JJ raised an eyebrow. You mean... intercept them before they get to the door?
“What is that word? I-N-T-E-R...” Schneep looked confused at the word JJ spelled out.
“It means like... stop them before they reach where they’re going,” Jackie said.
“Ohhh, I thought JJ was talking about blocking a pass in basketball,” Chase said, and Stacy giggled. “Hey, don’t laugh!”
“Sorry, I just... I think it’s interesting that you know a different type of ‘intercept,’” Stacy said.
“Well, in any case, yes, we stop them before they get to the door,” Schneep continued. “We cut them off. I do not think Aunt Jess or anyone else will think it is strange if we say we want to go play in the snow or something, ja? So we get our coats and boots and go outside, and when we see the snow monster coming we attack!” Schneep punched his palm with his fist.
“That’s a great idea!” Chase said excitedly. “And while we’re waiting out there, Marvin can warm up the fire attack he’s gonna do!”
“Fuck yeah!” Marvin grinned. “It’ll keep us warm, too.”
“Alright, let’s go do this, then,” Jackie said.
The group went back downstairs again—well, Chase and Schneep stayed upstairs for a bit to grab their boots from their rooms, but then they quickly caught up with the other four. “Mom! We’re going to play outside!” Chase shouted.
“Alright, Chase!” Mom shouted back. “Be careful, it’s snowing!”
“We know!”
And with that, the kids gathered up their boots and coats and headed outside. It was indeed snowing, fat flakes falling down from the sky. There was already an inch on the ground. Should we hide around the corner of the house? JJ asked.
“That sounds like a good plan,” Schneep agreed.
The group hurried over in that direction, with Jackie in the back. When Chase glanced back at him, he was swiping his foot back and forth across the ground. “What’re you doing?” Chase asked.
“I’m covering our tracks,” Jackie explained. “I know that the snow might cover them, but just in case. This will make them harder to spot at least.”
The group walked around the corner of the house, occasionally peering out to look at the front door. Marvin rubbed his hands together, and they started emitting a green glow. “Oh shoot!” Stacy quickly stepped in front of Marvin. “Hey, Marvin, you gotta stay back until it’s time. It’s dark out right now so your greenlight really stands out.”
“Oh you’re right!” Chase gasped. He also stood in front of Marvin.
“Got it.” Marvin nodded. “I’ll just keep concentrating on this.”
It was very cold out, but eventually Marvin’s greenlight glow got hotter, keeping the group warm. Their boots were the coldest, being immersed in the snow and all. Chase was soon stomping and dancing around to keep his feet from turning into blocks of ice. Until—
“Look!” Schneep hissed. He pointed down the street, where a pair of yellow headlights drove down the street. “I think that might be them? Who else would be coming in this direction? Well, ah... I suppose it could be someone visiting the neighbors...”
JJ checked the watch, then put it away. No, I think you’re right, Schneep. It’s around the right time.
The group watched as the car pulled to the side of the road in front of Chase’s house and parked. The passenger door and backseat door opened first, and out came the doctor and the detective. The last person, the woman in the blue coat, left from the driver’s door, leaving the car running. The three of them walked up the path to Chase’s front door... not noticing the way some of the snow falling from the sky gathered together, a small flurry forming the shape of a person, eventually becoming the woman who kept exploding into a snow storm. 
“That’s the snow monster!” Chase hissed. “Marvin?”
“You guys distract the three Circle guys,” Marvin said. “I-I don’t want to hit one of them with a heatblast by accident.”
That doctor guy really hurt you! He was going to use you for blood! JJ said angrily.
“I know, but—I-I don’t know.” Marvin shook his head. “Just get them to get away from the snow monster!”
Chase nodded. “Alright. Let’s just go run out and try to get them to chase us.” And without waiting for any of the others to approve or disapprove of this plan, he ran out into the front garden, waving his hands. “Hey suckers! What’re you looking for?!”
The group of adults stopped walking. “You!” the doctor gasped. “That’s the Brody kid!”
“Yeah I am!” Chase ran towards them, blocking their way down the path. “And you’re not getting into my house!”
The three adults glanced at each other. “Get out of the way, son,” the detective said. “We just want to look for something.”
“You can’t look at anything in my house!” Chase insisted.
They seemed... unsure how to deal with this. The woman in the blue coat leaned forward and mumbled something to the two men, and they mumbled back.
After a moment, Stacy and Schneep also ran over to stand by Chase’s side. Schneep grabbed Chase’s arm and whispered, “Snowball fight?”
Chase’s eyes widened. He grinned, and bent down, scooping up some snow and patting it into a ball—which he quickly threw at the three adults. It hit the doctor square in his stupid face. He spluttered. “Why you—you little—!”
Stacy grabbed the two guys and pulled them to the side, heading towards the opposite corner of the house. Once they were over there, they all started making snowballs and throwing them. The adults all winced, holding their arms up, and after a while started walking towards the three of them. “Listen here, you hoodlums!” the woman said sternly. “You can’t keep sticking your nose in adult busine—” She quickly ducked one of the snowballs. “You clearly don’t understand the stakes here!”
“Screw you!” Chase shouted.
Meanwhile, the snow monster stood where it had been left, looking vaguely confused. After a while it took a step down the path towards the front door—
And then a beam of fiery green light blasted out from the other corner of the house, hitting it square in the chest. The snow monster turned white and immediately melted into a puddle.
The three adults spun back around. “Transformation energy!” the detective gasped. And he ran towards the other corner of the house—towards Marvin, JJ, and Jackie!
“No, wait!” Chase panicked. He bent over and grabbed more snow, throwing another snowball to get their attention. But the adults ignored him. Quickly, they disappeared around the corner of the house. 
And then Marvin screamed.
Chase bolted forward, and Schneep and Stacy were right behind him. When they reached the other side of the house, they saw Jackie punch the doctor, sending him staggering back. JJ was standing in front of Marvin, who was hiding behind him, eyes wide and fearful. “Stand aside, son,” the detective said to JJ, causing him to stiffen and step to the side even as Marvin tried to hold onto him.
“Hey! Leave him alone!” Stacy shouted.
“Yeah!” Jackie stepped in between the detective and Marvin. “I’ll punch all of you if I have to!”
“And you could then be arrested for assaulting an officer of the law,” the detective said. “What would your father think?”
“I don’t care! He’ll listen to me! You’re not taking him!”
Schneep ran forward and grabbed onto the woman’s long coat, trying to pull her back as she tried to sneak around Jackie to get to Marvin. She looked down at him in surprise, then held up her hands. “Perhaps we’re being a bit too aggressive,” she said. “You’re young Mr. Jackson, right? Please, can you come with us for a moment? We’ll let your parents know.”
Marvin shook his head, unusually quiet.
“He’s not stupid enough to fall for that!” Chase crouched down and scooped up more snow, making sure to pack it down into a hard snowball. “Especially after what you did to him last time!”
The woman blinked, surprised. Then the doctor recovered. He reached into his jacket and pulled out—is that a gun?! “We brought this for self-defense, but we won’t hesitate to use it if need be,” he said.
Jackie gasped. “You fucking evil monsters! They’re kids! Fuck you! Fuck you!”
The doctor aimed the gun at him—
And then JJ took out the pocket watch. They all felt a tug as things went dark.
They were back at the coffee table. Chase felt tingly all over, the way you feel when you walk into a warm building after being out in the cold. Was that feeling just in his mind? Because as time was rewinded, they didn’t actually go outside yet.
Jackie looked around the room. His expression darkened with anger. “Can we... go upstairs now?”
Without any further discussion, they went upstairs to Chase’s room again. As soon as Chase closed the door, they all burst into various chatter, everyone overlapping each other. JJ whistled sharply, silencing everyone. We have fifteen minutes this time, he said. Didn’t want to be in the cold for so long. Marvin, are you okay?! I’m sorry! I didn’t want to step back!
Marvin smiled shakily. “I-I’m fine. Don’t be sorry. The doll thing made you get out of the way. Not you. A-and besides. We undid everything, didn’t we?” He looked at Jackie. “Are... you okay, Jackie? He pointed a gun at you.”
“I can’t fucking believe those guys,” Jackie muttered. “When they show up this time I’m going to punch the guy so much harder.” He growled. Then he took a few deep breaths, running his hand through his hair, and calmed down. “It wasn’t a normal gun. I think that was a tranquilizer gun? There was a big needle sticking out the front, that was probably a dart. I’m fine. And I would’ve been fine if he actually did it. Fucking bastards.”
“Did they want to get Marvin because of his greenlight powers?” Schneep asked. “Did they think he was an Anomaly?”
“Maybe,” Jackie said.
“I think it’s weird how they went right to kidnapping us,” Stacy said. “They spent the last couple months just keeping an eye on us and warning us away. Now it’s suddenly ‘grab them on sight’?”
“I think Schneep is right,” Chase agreed. “They saw Marvin’s greenlight powers and went crazy wanting to get them.”
Marvin looked down at his scarred hands, flexing his fingers.
“Well... now we have to figure out how to stop that from happening after we take care of the snow monster,” Stacy said.
“Um... a-actually.” Marvin looked up, clearing his throat. “I’m wondering if we... could... use this somehow?”
JJ started. Marvin, don’t do anything reckless!
“You have a fucking time travel watch! I-if there’s any time to be reckless, it’s this!” Marvin took a deep breath. “I was thinking... we don’t know that much about the Circle, right? We got some of their papers, but like... we don’t know anything important. Like, where else they meet up or what they want. What if... what if I went with them?”
“Have you lost your mind?!” Schneep shouted.
“But then like—like JJ can rewind time!” Marvin said quickly. “So nothing bad actually happens! I just try to figure out what they’re up to and then we go!”
There’s a limit to how far back the watch can go! JJ said. It can only go up to an hour back in time! If you take too long— He shook his head. I don’t want you to go through that again!
“None of us want that,” Jackie said firmly.
“W-well—come on guys, we have a time travel watch!” Marvin said. “W-we have to use it! I-I don’t—don’t want to—I don’t want to either, but we have to do it!”
Schneep bit his lip. “Um... It might have... a good idea, but... Marvin, you should not be the one doing this.”
Marvin blinked, confused. “Huh?”
“Yeah, what?” Chase asked, confused.
“What if one of us pretends to have the greenlight powers?” Schneep asked. “Maybe you can make it look like someone else did that big fire blast. Then when the Circle comes over to take us, we let it happen. We will not be around long enough for them to realize the truth.”
“Hm... that might work...” Stacy said slowly. “Maybe if it’s JJ he can rewind time with the watch at the first sign of danger. But they did weird stuff to Marvin’s brain, remember? And they have that dart gun. What if they use that to knock out whoever they take?”
“A tranquilizer does not work right away like in the TV shows,” Schneep said. “If it is JJ who gets taken, he just rewinds before it takes effect. Then there should be no, ah... sleepy stuff, since he goes back in time. And if it is not JJ who gets taken, he stays back here and rewinds after an hour has passed anyway, undoing the sleepy stuff for the other person they took.”
Marvin bit his lip. “Yeah, I guess... g-guess that could work.”
JJ looked at Marvin. A determined look came over his face... only to be drained away by hesitation. I shouldn’t be the one to go, he said. The doll thing, remember? They might force me to do something.
“What if two people go?” Chase asked. “They both take the watch, and then if something bad happens the other one uses it to go back.”
We don’t know if you guys can use this or if it’s just me, though.
“Well then, one person goes with you to make sure that no weird doll stuff happens!”
“Are you—a-are you guys serious?” Jackie gaped at the kids. “So many things could go wrong!”
“But so many things could go right, too!”  Marvin said.
We don’t have much time to decide on what to do! JJ said. Jackie, please! We can’t let them get Marvin, but we need more information about the Circle! Even a little bit! If we can travel through time, isn’t it worth a shot?
“Who was it who said earlier that there might be a limit to how many times you can use it?!” Jackie said, exasperated. “I think they’re right! We don’t know!”
“Wasn’t that you?” Schneep said. “Oh wait. That is the point, ja?”
The future JJ would have definitely told me if that was the case, JJ said. He explained that there was a time travel limit of an hour, he would have explained that.
“Jackie, we’re gonna do it no matter what.” Marvin folded his arms. “What’re you gonna do about it, Beanie Boy? You can’t tell our parents. And JJ has the watch, if you try telling them anyway he can rewind so you don’t. So are you gonna fucking... I dunno, make us stay inside? Again--time travel watch!” JJ quickly shoved the watch in his pocket and glared at Jackie.
“I—I—I—” Jackie threw his hands up in the air. “Fine! Fuck it! You little guys are so freaking persistent, oh my god. But if we’re doing this, we’re planning it out very carefully. Everyone sit down. We’re talking about this.”
A few minutes later, the kids were all outside again, waiting for the car to appear. Marvin had his greenlight keeping them warm and ready to blast at the snow monster. Chase bounced up and down. This time it wasn’t just to keep warm. He would never say it out loud, but he was a bit... scared of what could happen. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt, of course. But they needed to know more about the Circle! He could be brave for a little bit. Just until they rewound time.
Soon, the car appeared, and the adults all got out, just like last time. And also like last time, the snow monster formed behind them. Chase took a deep breath. He bent over and scooped up a snowball, then ran out in front of them, Stacy and Schneep right behind him with snowballs of their own. “Hey! Get away from my house!” Chase shouted. And the three of them threw the snowballs and scattered.
“Hey!” The doctor was hit by all three snowballs—seemed they’d all wanted to hit him the most.
“Are you okay, Jonathan?” The detective asked.
“I’m fine! Damn.”
“You kids apologize!” The woman demanded.
In return, the three of them threw more snowballs, and the adults raised their arms to defend themselves. Just like before, they approached the three of them—and once they were far enough from the snow monster, Marvin blasted it, causing it to melt once again. “Transformation energy!” the detective gasped, whirling around. And the adults ran over towards it.
Chase, Stacy, and Schneep exchanged nervous looks, then ran after them, catching up quickly. Their ruse was in full effect. Marvin was making JJ’s hands glow with greenlight, as if he was the one who fired the blast, while his own hands were shoved in his pockets so the adults couldn’t see the way his scars glowed.
“You two!” the doctor gasped. “And—you, too!” He looked at Jackie, whose clenched fists meant he really really wanted to punch the doctor again. “You need to come with us.” The doctor started to reach for JJ—
“No, you can’t take him!” Chase stepped in front of JJ.
“Yeah, you can’t just grab someone!” Jackie added, glaring.
“Stand aside, son,” the detective said to Chase, but Chase shook his head. Stacy and Schneep walked over to either side of him.
“Perhaps we’re being a bit too aggressive,” the woman said. “You’re young Mr. Jackson, right? Please, can you come with us for a moment? We’ll let your parents know.”
JJ hesitated. He looked nervous—actually nervous, not just the show he’d planned on doing. If I go with you... will you leave the others alone? he asked. And... not bother Chase’s family? They’re all really busy right now.
“Yes, we promise we’ll leave them all alone,” the woman said. She glared at the two men. “Right?”
The doctor cleared his throat. “We promise.” The detective looked confused—maybe he didn’t speak BSL—but also nodded.
“JJ...” Marvin whispered.
It will be fine, JJ said, looking back at him. You need to stay here.
“Well you’re not going alone,” Chase said. “I’m coming with you!”
Jackie blinked. All the others also looked surprised. That wasn’t in the plan. The plan was to have Jackie go—after all, if things went bad, he was the oldest and most able to fight people off. “Um, Chase, no, you—you can’t,” Jackie stammered. “Your whole family is here.”
“It will be fine!” Chase said, and he grabbed onto JJ’s shoulder. “I-I don’t—I don’t want JJ to go alone!” He didn’t want any of them to go alone. He wanted to help! He knew he could! “JJ, let me come with you!”
JJ tensed slightly beneath Chase’s grip. Chase can come with, he said.
Schneep narrowed his eyes. “Chase, wait, this is more of the—” And then he glanced at the adults and fell quiet, looking scared.
“Chase, you can’t go,” Jackie said.
“No, I’m going!” Chase insisted. “JJ was okay with it!”
“But that was—” Stacy started to say something, but Schneep elbowed her, cutting her off.
The three adults glanced at each other. “Fine, the kid can come, too,” the detective said. “But if any of the rest of you try anything, we won’t be so nice.”
Schneep flinched, and Jackie stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder and glaring at the adults. Chase reached out and grabbed Schneep’s hand, squeezing it. “We’ll be right back,” he said quietly. “I promise.”
“B-be careful,” Schneep whispered. “Do not... get hurt.”
“We won’t.”
The woman cleared her throat. “The two of you go get in the car. I promise, you won’t be gone long.”
The moment she said that, JJ tensed and started walking. Chase hurried to follow, waving goodbye to the others. They all waved back, looking tense and nervous, with Marvin and Schneep partially hiding behind Jackie’s legs.
When Chase and JJ got to the car, they found the back door unlocked, and hopped right in. It was a... nice car. The inside was dark gray, looking almost new. But there was a smell in the air that made Chase’s nose wrinkle. What was that? It was really bad. He looked around for the source of it, but the only thing that looked any weird was a bowl of ash in the cupholder between the two front seats. He’d seen some of those around in public. Was this the smell of them?
You shouldn’t have said that, JJ said. 
“Said what?” Chase asked.
JJ just stared at him with a look of frustration. Never mind.
“No, really, what?!” Chase insisted, confused. Was JJ mad that he was coming? “Did you want Jackie to come instead? Just tell me, it’ll be fine.”
Never mind, JJ repeated, and turned away.
Before Chase could figure out what to ask next, the adults returned to the car. Chase and JJ scooted across the backseat until JJ was sitting in the leftmost seat and Chase was in the middle... right next to the detective, who he glared at. The doctor got in the passenger seat and the woman got behind the wheel. Once everyone was inside, she pulled away from the curb and started driving down the street.
They had limited time now. Only an hour, but honestly, it would be better if they went back in time much sooner. Chase grabbed onto JJ’s upper arm. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe he was nervous, or maybe he wanted to make sure JJ was alright. “W-where are we going?” he asked, trying to sound brave.
“City hall,” the woman said.
“Darlene!” the doctor gasped.
“They’re children, John, and they’re probably scared. I don’t see the harm in it.”
“You don’t know these children. They managed to get into the secret area of the hospital.”
“That sounds like it was your fault more than anything else,” the detective said. “Honestly, you shouldn’t have decided on the one with a twin brother. Clearly they’d be attached.”
The doctor rolled his eyes. Chase and JJ exchanged looks. You talk, JJ said. I don’t know if they’ll always know what I’m saying.
Chase nodded. “W-why’d you take Marvin, anyway?” he asked. “You were—you were going to hurt him! We know you were!”
The doctor looked away. Did he seem... guilty? “It... it’s the only way,” he said. “And it’s better than... Well, you don’t need to know that. We’re not going to hurt you two, we promise.”
“And? What if you’re hurting other kids?” Chase asked. “Huh? Are you?”
“Now son, I don’t see why that’s so important to you,” the detective said. 
“You—huh?!” Chase stared at him in disbelief. Of course it was important to him if kids were being hurt!
“Here, put your seatbelts on,” the detective said. “It’s an icy road, better safe than sorry.”
“Should I be insulted, Pete?” the woman muttered. “I happen to be an excellent driver.”
“Like I said, better safe than sorry.”
JJ was already putting his seatbelt on—he started as soon as the detective told him to. Chase did the same, slowly. His eyes darted around the car for any other clues. Then JJ nudged him, getting his attention, and nodded to the rearview mirror. A decoration was dangling there, a purple flower pressed flat and preserved in plastic. Huh? Chase looked back at JJ, confused. JJ sighed. Tell you later, he said.
Some time passed in silence. JJ kept glancing nervously out the window. The adults were quiet, so Chase took a deep breath and asked, “What... what are you going to do with us?”
The adults seemed reluctant to answer that, but after a while, the doctor said, “Your friend shot out that beam of green energy, right? He shouldn’t be able to do that. We’re going to see if we can make it so he can’t do that anymore.”
“You want to take away his powers?!” Chase gasped, thinking of Marvin. If Marvin’s powers came from the crystal dust in his scars, then—what would the Circle do to get rid of them?! JJ also went pale, having the same thoughts.
“This green energy is bad news,” the doctor explained. “It can be harnessed, but it shouldn’t be in your body—yours or anyone else’s. It’s been proven to mutate animals. If you’re not careful, it could really hurt you.”
“Well it’s safe now!” Chase insisted. “Why do you all care if it’s safe?!”
“It’s safe now,” the woman said. “But who knows what it can do to you if it remains unchecked?”
“Oh, and you grown-ups are the ones who can keep it checked?! Why you?! Why not the police or anyone?!”
The detective chuckled. “Well, we can’t have news of this leaking out. Imagine what people would do if they knew there was strange energy that could give you powers. Chaos would break out.”
“And we’re the ones who can control it because we’ve spent years studying it,” the woman said. “Almost ten years, in fact. That’s longer than you’ve been alive.”
“...no it isn’t,” Chase grumbled.
“Don’t sass me, mister,” the woman said sternly.
The doctor cleared his throat. “Darlene, I know you told them where we’re going, but... I think they shouldn’t know how to get there. Who knows what could happen?” He put his hand in his jacket, where the tranquilizer gun was.
JJ grabbed onto Chase’s arm with one hand. His other hand went into his own pocket, where the watch was. Waiting.
“It’s a bit much for children, isn’t it, John?” the detective asked.
The woman tilted her head. “Well... it might be... troublesome. John, if you’re sure there won’t be any side effects... You are sure, right?”
The doctor nodded. “I’m very sure.” He started to pull out the tranquilizer. “At the very least, I think it’s strange how they’re asking so many questions.”
JJ inhaled sharply. He pulled the watch out at the same moment the doctor had the gun out. “What is that?” the detective asked, and the doctor’s eyes widened as he watched JJ flip it open. The doctor aimed the gun, JJ turned back the minute handles, they pulled the trigger and pressed the button at the same time—
And then JJ and Chase were back outside, standing in the snow in the front garden. “JJ!” Marvin gasped, and immediately tackled him in a hug. “Are you okay please tell me they didn’t do anything please say you’re okay I know this is time travel and shit but they didn’t try to do anything did they?!”
JJ relaxed, then smiled. We’re both okay, he reported. I rewinded time just in... time.
Marvin laughed.
Meanwhile, Chase was also on the receiving end of a hug tackle. “Do not ever do that again, Chase!” Schneep said in a shaky voice. “I-I did not like—w-we were just standing outside waiting a-and it was—it felt bad. I-I was scared...”
Chase blinked. “...sorry, Schneep.” He hugged him back.
“Seriously, Chase.” Jackie folded his arms. “It worked out this time, but in the future, don’t try to change the plan. Why’d you do that, anyway?”
Chase shook his head. “I just... I didn’t want... I thought I could help if I... if I went along, i-instead of waiting...”
“Not everything can be about you, Chase Brody,” Stacy said, also folding her arms. “You didn’t even realize what you said to JJ, did you?”
“Huh? H-he brought that up too, what—”
JJ shook his head. It’s fine, he said. Let’s forget about it. We have more important things to worry about. He checked the watch. He’d gone a whole half hour back in time. They should be coming soon. 
“What did you two find out?” Schneep asked.
Chase quickly recounted everything, finishing with “—and JJ noticed some flower thing, too, I think.”
It was an iris flower, JJ said. Like the one in the basement below school where the paper-pillar was.
Stacy blinked. “Huh? That’s... interesting. But we can talk about that later. Look!” She pointed down the street, where a familiar set of headlights was driving towards the house.
“Oh shit, everyone shut up!” Marvin whispered. He screwed his eyes shut and began concentrating on gathering heat. The others went quiet, watching the car park and the adults get out. The snow monster formed once again.
Jackie crouched down and grabbed a handful of snowballs. He tossed them across the garden, not aiming for the adults, but instead at their feet. They paused, confused, and gathered around the spot where the snowballs landed. The detective bent over to look at the splatters of snow. And while they were distracted, Marvin blasted the snow monster.
But he hadn’t gathered enough heat this time. The snow monster cried out and stumbled back, becoming something more like a half-melted snow sculpture than the human it was pretending to be. The three adults whirled around. “An Anomaly!” the detective shouted. The woman reached into her coat and pulled out a crowbar, attacking the snow monster, and the men also began attacking, with the doctor pulling out the tranquilizer gun and the detective swinging his fists wildly.
This wasn’t the plan, but it was an opportunity! “Go!” Chase whisper-shouted. The kids all ran across the garden and hurried to the front door, slipping inside while the adults battled the snow monster.
“Oh, back so quickly?” Mom said from the kitchen.
Chase shook the snow off his head. “Yeah, it’s uh... really snowing!” Indeed, in just the few minutes they’d been out there, the snow had really started to come down. Was that because of the snow monster?
“Do you want me to make you some hot chocolate?” Mom offered.
“Oooo! Yes, please!” Chase said, and the other kids all echoed his sentiment.
“I’ll help you, Ms. Walker,” Jackie offered, taking off his coat and boots and heading over to the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Marvin stared out the front window. “Guys,” he whispered. “They’re fighting it off.”
The kids all crowded around. They watched as the three adults managed to defeat the snow monster, then looked around in confusion. When their attention turned towards the windows, the kids all ducked down, only to peek back up again right after. The detective was walking over to the corner of the house, where they’d been hiding earlier. Then he walked back to the other two, shaking his head. The adults seemed to have a discussion for a bit... then walked back to the car.
“...huh.” Chase blinked. “I... wonder why they did that.”
“Maybe we scared them off?” Stacy suggested.
“Maybe they are coming back with something,” Schneep whispered.
They silently watched the car drive away.
I don’t want to think about this for the rest of the night, JJ said. Can we just go back to having a fun party? If the Circle does something, we can be prepared for that. But I... I want to have a fun party. We came here for that.
Marvin looked at him. He nodded and looked at the others. “We can do stuff if they start shit again. But... for tonight, can we... have a good Christmas?”
The other three glanced at each other. And Schneep cleared his throat. “Of course we can. Right, Chase?”
“Yeah, we’ll forget about this until later,” Chase said. “Tonight is for fun!”
“Yeah!” Stacy grinned. “I want my first Christmas party to be amazing! It’s been good so far, but let’s finish it with a bang!”
JJ smiled. Thanks, guys.
“Hey little guys!” Jackie poked his head out from the kitchen. “Hot chocolate is almost ready.”
“We’re coming, Jackie!” Chase said, kicking off his boots. “Come on, guys. Let’s make this the best Christmas Eve party ever!”
And thankfully, neither the Circle nor the snow monster showed up again for the rest of the night. The kids had fun playing games, talking with Chase’s cousins, eating the desserts that Mom and the rest of the family had made and bought. Soon, the whole thing had almost slipped out of their minds. Almost. JJ was still aware of the watch in his pocket.
But he didn’t need to use it again that night. That night, things were good. And when their parents arrived to pick Marvin and JJ up, driving through the still-falling snow, the whole group hugged goodbye, and Chase gave each of them a gift bag. “Mom said to get you small gifts so like... here’s some soap, cause that’s what she suggested.” He shrugged, clearly not fully understanding it. But Marvin and JJ appreciated the gesture. Eventually, when Stacy and Jackie left too, he gave them similar gift bags.
None of the kids wanted to go to sleep that night. They wanted to stay up, having more fun with their friends. But it had been a long day. A long, mostly-fun, tiring day. So, in their individual houses, all of them quickly drifted off, heading to sleep the moment they got in bed.
Late that night, two teenage boys in coats stopped by the Jackson residence. One of them reached into a flower pot, brushing aside the snow, and picked up the watch. JJ had left it there, just as asked.
“Is it okay?” the one in black asked nervously. “We’re not like... fucking stranded, are we?”
The one in blue checked it over, then sighed in relief. We’re not. Do you want to head back now?
“Yeah, it’s fucking freezing. I want to go home. Or, uh...” He glanced at the house. “Home home.”
HOME home, the other repeated, chuckling. He also looked up at the house, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“What is it? Nostalgia?” the one in black asked. “Dunno why you’d have that. This whole time period kinda... sucked for you.”
I know, it did, but... there’s something about the past that you can’t help but miss, the one in blue said. There were bad things, I know, especially this spring, but... I don’t know. You can’t say you don’t sometimes think things were simpler.
“Yeah... but they’re going to get a lot more complicated, you know. I think they leave for Ireland soon? That trip opens a whole can of fucking worms.”
The one in blue nodded. But... I think it’s better, afterwards. You know?
“...yeah. I think so too.” The one in black took a deep breath. “Now let’s go. No one’s looking, and I don’t think we have to worry about random people with phones in this time period.”
That’s so fair. The one with blue messed with the watch a bit, then held his hand out to the other, who took it, squeezing it tight. A green glow surrounded their linked hands, which grew into a flash. And then they were gone.
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I'm-Not-Going-To-Count-These-Sentences Sunday
Thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and @hushed-chorus for the tags! (Guess what hushed-chorus I did that thing we talked about.) Also thank you to everyone who has tagged me on other WIP-days! I really appreciate it <3
So... I'm not counting sentences this time. I write long sentences, and I make rabid use of sentence-extending punctuation. And I have this thing about posting excerpts that are semi-contained in some way. Plus it's going to take me forever to get this fic posted, so I gotta give ya'll something. THUSLY: Here have a bunch of words.
(I really should have pinned my bi-weekly updates on Wednesday, but OH WELL.)
Context: Baz POV, with Agatha in the chapel after midnight, being 17 year olds. Simon is out of the picture after Baz kinda sorta stole his voice with a tape recorder in fifth year.
“I never thanked you for saving me,” she said, with just a little too much effort at nonchalance. “You did, actually,” I said, not slowing, or sparing her so much as a glance. “You might recall how you resembled a hypothermic beached mermaid? You were quite free with your gratitude once you caught your breath. It was all very melodramatic.” There was a brief pause - possibly an attempt to work out whether my description of her was complimentary or not. Either way, it didn’t deter her. “I never got to thank you the way I wanted to,” she said, a hint of a whine working its way past her shoddily built facade. I didn’t answer right away as I fought down a sudden surge of irritation, one that threatened to trigger my more destructive tendencies - self-destructive, perhaps, but not exclusively so. The only thing worse than being considered a villain was being cast as a tragic hero - someone only misunderstood, just waiting to be saved. “Basil—“ she began, apparently ready to try something else. I stopped short, forcing her to halt both her forward movement and that regrettable demonstration of poor judgment. We were at the entrance to the chapel, now, and it was easy to crowd her against the cold statuary. “How exactly did you want to thank me, then, Wellbelove?”
Later it's entirely likely these two are going to put special effort into trying to forget any of this ever happened, because teenage mistakes are brilliant like that. You're welcome, Bazatha.
Also, super stoked to be working on a couple @caught-on-tape-fest podfics as well as cowriting with @ileadacharmedlife for the @carryon-reverse-bang. Wheeeee I can totally do this all! >.>
Tags/Hellos under the cut! (BTW regarding tags - I'm often unable to browse tumblr, so if you've posted something creative Sunday/Wednesday/for the hell of it, please feel free to tag me so I see it!)
Thanks for the tags over the past couple weeks @aristocratic-otter, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @ileadacharmedlife, @prettygoododds, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @tender-ministrations, @ic3-que3n, @artsyunderstudy, @youarenevertooold, @ivelovedhimthroughworse - I love love love seeing what everyone is up to! (Sorry if I missed anyone - apparently tags don't always work? Sigh.)
Tags and hellos also to @fatalfangirl, @katmiscellanious, @shrekgogurt, @rimeswithpurple, @alleycat0306, @ebbpettier, @supercutedinosaurs, @nightimedreamersworld, @thewholelemon, @theearlgreymage, @bubble-gumhead, @raenestee, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists (thanks for the extra notes XD), @ionlydrinkhotwater, @erzbethluna... And anyone else who wants tags, please let me know! Or just tag me! I love them.
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I just finished the Button House Archives and it's SPECTACULAR. Here are some personal highlights:
I love Alison's additions and comments in lots of places. She is fighting tooth and nail to stay on those hinges, and we love to see a character with spunk!
Mick's facial reconstruction could be the most horrifying thing I have *ever* seen
Mary's bits are some of my absolute favourites. Her speaking/writing voice is just delicious
Pat was just a terrible group leader wasn't he XD the arrow was really just a matter of time. He should have gone orienteering with them first, then he might have lost the kids before they could kill him
HAH I unwittingly picked Kitty's "character quote" to use in my video edit :P I feel validated
Thomas with his painfully literal complaints about other people's poems OMG rip bestie you would have loved tumblr (I haven't listened to the audiobook yet but I swear I can hear his "counted them, did you?" through the page)
I really like the way you can glimpse parts of later documents around the edges of earlier ones (like with Pat's folder, where the layers are removed one at a time, p. 22-23, 40-41, etc)
Hang on, just gotta go put on One Night in Bangkok for Robin (wait, now I need to hear him say that out loud)
Cap's munitions requests and personally penned operations with their TERRIBLE hand drawn maps that he keeps sending to actual Southern Command; I am fascinated by your mind sir. I believe he suffers from the same affliction I had in school where a combination of the dunning-cruger effect regarding general knowledge and teachers not talking to you in person about what you write in hand-ins causes you to just sort of assume everything you do is brilliant and that then it simply disappears into an unknowable void, and therefore you feel basically free to confess to murder in writing without ever thinking of the consequences. Embarrassment and second thoughts are very much face-to-face kinds of emotions (as he. ahem. would come to find out). Like, is written communication even real? Did it ever really leave your head?
Also: his war diaries were published? 1) who chose to publish them and 2) did Havers ever come across them by any chance? (plus: love to see a fellow tiny handwriting person. Cheers!)
The hand lettering on everything is so well made!!! I know a little (heavy emphasis on 'little') about palaeography, and the writing styles are recognisably of their eras, if many of the letter forms have indeed been updated to be readable for modern audiences. Compare for example Arthur Pinhoe's writing from 1575 (p. 8-11) with this actual letter from 1547. Also this actual 1700s writing to Kitty's diary entries from 1779 (p. 70-71 etc). (These samples are in Swedish but minus åäö they're all the same letters.) The writing also follows the pattern of older script being generally more rigid and standardised, while the closer to present day we get the more individual the handwriting becomes, which is a great opportunity for additional characterisation—which has also been very well implemented I think. I'm devouring every page of this, line by line!
REST IN BRIEFS (also the sly tail of the 'y' from the Daily Mail title just visible above the only compassionate headline lmao)
The reason I cannot talk to people is that Fanny's etiquette rules on conversing take over my entire mind from the moment I see another person.
Oh Kitty, I am coming to pick you up—you can be my sister instead of Eleanor's. It was nice to read her final entry though; finally the trick backfired and she got something good out of it while Eleanor suffered. Bieetch.
FANNY. SINCERELY. YOU ARE INSANE. I already knew about the letter where she demands reimbursement for the unsunk 7/8 of the Titanic's journey that she was cheated out of, but to SIGN IT OFF WITH "Would be survisor/victim of the RMS Titanic". Unbelievable.
Pat write a legible word challenge
I have a slight suspicion Julian might have had something to do with the designs for the Boys Adventure Club badges...
The "pictures of the ghosts" will make excellent reference photos for the various rooms, I appreciate them very much (should we make a game out of copying them and filling in the ghosts? There is a lot of potential there)
Humphrey, my guy... do you need a hug? (Sorry.)
Robin's constellations are impeccable I say we officially replace the zodiac with these no more superstition only bum
Julian's final email was really well written; a single page yet it's oozing with character and story
The behind the scenes pictures at the end are heartwarming. I am slightly alarmed at my ability to pinpoint the precise scene in the specific episode many of them are from though... is it maybe time for a break?
No. Never!
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rauchendesgnu · 5 months
Hiii I finally found enough time to read the new chapter of At Thy Will and it was perfect!! I left a comment but also want to tell you over here cause I'm just way too excited about this story 😁 Thanks for writing it! ❤️
you're so sweet, thanks a lot! I enjoy writing aus so much, and this one just has so much angst potential (but then again, I am literally incapable of writing something without angst, so that might also just be me). I think I said before that At Thy Will is inspired by marriage laws of medieval Europe (specifically the areas that later become Germany) and they just make me mad, so sometimes you gotta write angsty fanfic inspired by your class in medieval German (which is a very fascinating language, actually. I can very much recommend).
Anyway, you're not here to listen to me ramble about the history of the German language. I can promise there will be pining and more angst, possibly an ally or two if I'm feeling generous...xD maybe someone gets to punch Jonah in the face...
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 year
Cute little concept if u feel like writing it! SteveO and gn!reader work on set together, unaware of ones crush on the other. It’s obvious to everyone else but them with obvious favoritism going on. SteveO gets a black eye from a stunt he did and when reader sees it they kiss it better, and it leads to him saying “fuck it” giving them a real kiss.🥹
Y/N never expected running coffee on movie sets could lead to this.
Steve-O X Gn!Reader
2.2k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, crude language, flirting, drinking, insecurity
An: Thank you for the request!! I haven’t written very much if anything about Steve and I realized that I really love the way he talks! Writing dialogue for him and Bam are definitely the most fun of the guys XD Keep sending in the requests- I promise I’ll get to them all!!
Keeping the cardboard coffee holder steady, you ducked and weaved like a dragonfly through the buzzing crowds of people on set. The warm, smoky steam wafted up onto your skin as your eyes scanned the room. You couldn’t help but be amazed at everything around you- One day, you’re living in LA and out of work, and the next? You’re hanging out with movie stars on the daily. Unbelievable.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, and a few moments later, you found your guy. “Ah! Steve-O! I got your, uh…” You handed him the cardboard Starbucks cup, warm in your palm, “I got your coffee!” When he smiled at you with that sweet, kinda boyish smile, you nearly melted. You had no idea why you were so drawn to him, but he had you by the neck after just a month working with him. “Oh, thanks dude!” He took a sip, looking at you from his seat on one of Jeff’s foldy director’s chairs, “What’re you doing later?” Although you knew what he was asking, you secretly hoped that he was suggesting something else. Some little part of your brain said, ‘You, if I’m lucky tonight’, but you kept your mouth shut. “Uh, well I gotta drop the rest of these off, get Bam his Red Bull- cause he’s too good for Starbucks-“ You added that last part just to make him laugh a little, smiling when he did, “and after that, I’ll see if anyone else needs anything else!” He laughed a little at your eagerness, “God, you have got to chill out, man.” It was easy for him to say that- all Steve has to do is show up, puke, and clock out. But through all the bodily fluids, you still really liked him. Just then, you felt someone tap on your shoulder, and you were whisked away before you could finish your conversation.
He was the only person on set that regularly talked with you. Chris was always friendly, and though he was very polite and tipped you well, you were intimidated by Knoxville’s stardom. Bam was usually just an ass to you, but you couldn’t care less, so out of the main cast, that just left Steve. He seemed to have taken a liking to you, something that nobody on set could ignore. The guys would make jokes and giggle whenever you stood a little close to each other, but you paid them no mind- there was no way he wanted to be anything other than friends, so you shut that idea down before it could get too far.
“What’re you even doing, man?” Bam asked incredulously, sneaking up behind Steve, making him jump a little. Steve turned to him, “What d’ya mean?” Squinting, Bam laughed, “What do I mean?” He leaned against the chair, staring at your butt as you got absorbed into the crowd, “You’ve been eyein’ that hot piece’s ass for weeks.” Leaning to one side so that Bam’s cheek wasn’t pressed against his, he shrugged, “Dude, what d’you expect me to do?”
“S’just like how you picked up those sluts at the bar last night. Same shit, man!” Steve sighed, rolling his eyes. It wasn’t that easy- he wouldn't have to see those sluts from the bar the next day at his job. He couldn’t just pull the whole “Hey, baby”, hand around the waist, whisper something dirty in the ear routine with you. “Nah, man- I don’t wanna make an ass outta myself.” Bam sighed, rolling his eyes, “Fine. Y'know what? Just burn a cd for them- that’s how I hooked Missy! S’all personal ‘n shit- they fall for it every time.”
Whenever you and Steve had free time between you making lunch runs and him banging himself up, you’d end up sitting around and talking about whatever, usually music. One day, you saw him listening to his I pod, and that’s how it started- you two would listen to music together. Sharing earbuds, you’d go through album after album together, just sitting in blissful silence. You didn’t mind- he had pretty good taste after all. He really must be comfortable with you, you thought to yourself, but there was no way it was a romantic thing.
So it made sense that, one morning when you showed up on set, he handed you a cd. “What’s this?” You squinted at the holographic surface with “For Y/N” scrawled on it in black sharpie as he looked away, playing it cool, “S’just some stuff I like- thought you’d dig it.” He winced a little, mentally slapping himself in the face- thought you’d dig it? How uncool could he be? What the fuck is he thinking? Idiot. Oh, but all that worry washed away when he saw you beaming up at him, “Thanks! I can’t wait to check it out!”
So when you drove home, the first thing you did was pop it into your stereo, listening intently. Seconds passed but it felt like hours while you waited for it to start, listening to the sound of the disc spinning. And when it did, it started…slow, and kinda soft at first which surprised you since this was coming from Steve- that was, of course, until Vince Neil’s voice kicked in.
You listened to the thing front to back. When you got to your apartment complex and it wasn’t over, you drove right past. It was all the kinda stuff you listened to on set together- mostly Motley Crüe, but there was a decent amount of Iron Maiden and Metallica too. All that metal got you thinking that, if he hadn’t become this crazy stunt dude he was, Steve would’ve probably become a rock star, and a damn good one too. Showman, attention whore- same difference. And as the music slowly faded out and you pulled your little Honda into the parking garage, you couldn’t get the image of him dressed like Bret Michaels out of your head.
“I’m not doing it.” Steve looked up from the white, ceramic plate his breakfast was on, using a greasy fork to poke at the pepper speckled eggs that he had stubbed his cigarette out in. “Come on!” Chris urged, “It always works!” Rolling his eyes, Steve sat back in his seat, lowering his voice so as to not be heard by the family of four next to them at Shoneys, “I’m not puttin’ on the cheetah.” Johnny and Bam watched silently as the two went back and forth, snickering quietly. “Steve- I have never met a single person who didn’t go wild for the cheetah. I think it’s biologically impossible to not be attracted to it!”
“It’s bad enough that they’ve seen me stickin’ stuff in my ass- I’ve probably ruined my chances already! The cheetah’s not gonna help shit!” Chris took a sip of his orange juice, smiling knowingly, “No way. They’ve totally got the hots for you! Just trust me here, okay?” Steve should’ve known from the way he said that that something was awry. And sure enough, when he walked on set that Monday and he saw the little corkboard where the stunts for the day are tacked onto what he expected was true. Steve needed a beer.
Shooting outside meant long, hot, sticky days. Squinting in the sun, you looked around for Steve, excited to tell him all about how much you loved that mixtape he made for you, planning on leaving out the part where you listened to it all night and fell asleep to it and vividly imagined him for hours. “Hey!” You jumped a little when you heard Pontius’ voice about an inch from your ear. He gave you that sweet idiot smile as you glanced him up and down, noticing his…lack of clothes. He raised an eyebrow, “You like the cheetah?” Still a little surprised, you gave him a smile, nodding. Even though you showed up there every day, you never quite got used to the male nudity. Chris grinned, “You know, I am so glad to hear that! See, I was having a bit of a disagreement with my buddy Steve-O- y’see him over there?” He pointed over to him a row of bushes, Steve’s bristly shaved head just barely visible over the leaves, “He thought you wouldn’t like it- can you believe that?” He yelled over in his direction, “See, Steve! They totally dig the cheetah!”
Springing up from the shrubbery as you neared, Steve puffed out his chest in an effort to impress you. He looked a little scrawny with his clothes off, but you couldn’t really complain after getting to see him nearly naked. You grinned, your eyes scanning over the black-blue ink of his tattoos, “Is this, uh- is this for a stunt?” Now standing next to him, Chris nodded, “Yeah!” He jabbed an elbow in Steve’s side, quickly getting his attention. He dropped his voice an octave, “Ah- yes! A very manly stunt!” You snickered at the little act they were putting on, “Okay, well I hope you two have fun with that!”
As you walked away, Chris turned to excitedly whisper to Steve, “See- they totally took a second glance at your package!” He raised his eyebrows, glancing down at himself, “Yeah, well it’s a good thing I put that sock in it…”
“Hey, I heard you got the hots for that little intern.” Johnny’s voice sounded tinny over the speaker of Steve’s cheap flip phone as he settled into the couch that came with his apartment, the tv playing softly in the background. “Y’know what dude? Just save it.” He picked up the remote, flipping through channels, “They’re not into me anyhow.” Johnny, sensing his dejection, tried to reason with him, “C’mon, they get you coffee every day!” Steve scoffed, “Yeah, and they do that for everyone else on set- that’s their job.”
“Well, did you try the cheetah?” Steve pressed his lips together, the blue light of the tv gracing his facial features, “Yes, I tried the cheetah- you were there when I tried the cheetah!” Johnny’s voice had an audible grin on the other end of the line as he caught him, “Ohhh, yeah! But they were totally eyeing you up that day!” Steve rolled his eyes, “Whatever- they’re totally smokin! They ain’t interested in ‘ole Steve-O. Dude- have you seen me?” Johnny thought about saying something how he did see him- that he saw him wearing that mankini and that he looked great, but he thought that'd be something for Pontius to tell him, “C’mon, you’ve gotta ask ‘em out.” Steve shook his head dismissively, feeling that wrenching feeling in his guts again, “Nah, nah, nah…” He thought for a second about what Johnny told him, adding tentatively, “…maybe, maybe.”
It was just like him to come in on the last day of filming with a shiner. Swollen and throbbing, the purple swell was apparent to just about everyone, you included. You winced, feeling the pain secondhand as you handed him his coffee. Steve nodded. “Sooo, last day of filming?” You sounded a little forlorn as you posed the question, fiddling with your hands. “Mmhm.” He brought the cup to his lips, seeming just as nervous as you were.
Glancing over your shoulder, he almost did a double take. Squatting behind an audio kit was Chris, making a little shoo shoo gesture at him. Next to him was Johnny, who had ducked behind the craft services table, touching the tips of his fingers together and twisting them to emulate kissing while Bam stood next to a row tall of tripod standing lights with his back turned, his hands moving up and down his back doing a sort of making out gesture.
His attention was brought back to you when you snickered a little. God, he didn’t even notice how close you were to his face. “Y’know, If you want…I could kiss it better.” You were only half joking with your suggestion, but you could tell it got the message across. Steve blinked unbelievingly a couple times. Building up courage, he whispered to nobody but himself, “Ah…fuck it.”
Ther wasn’t a lot of distance to cover for him to lean in and kiss you. The kiss was tentative but purposeful, his lips feeling surprisingly soft against yours as you held there for a moment. It felt electric- not the cattle prod electric Steve was used to. More like licking a 9 volt battery. A weird tingling that makes your mouth feel odd but something in you makes you want to keep your tongue on it for just a second longer. It was just you and him, the perfect warm little center of the world. Neither of you moved for a while until you pulled away, eventually breaking the kiss, panting slightly, “That- that was nice…” He sheepishly smirked, a little embarrassed about getting so worked up over a kiss, “Yeah. Do you, uh- wanna grab a coffee sometime?” You laughed a little at how flustered he got, “But I just got you coffee…?”
He raised his eyebrows in realization, shifting a little in his chair, “Oh, yeah…well, how about the bar?” You nodded, smiling, “Yeah, sure!
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Remembering Digimon Alpha Generation
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(Commission done by mel0dy)
Given it is still Digimon month, I cannot help but be kinda nostalgic about the fandom. Because, again, it was my longest hyperfixation. I had other hyperfixations, yes, but not a single one lasted me as long as Digimon did.
And I just wanna ramble about my Digimon fanseries that I wrote back then.
The year was 2006 when I created a goggle boy named Yuki Denrei for what was originally meant to be an RPG maker fangame, on which I was writing. But the team around that fangame kinda broke apart so by 2008 I was kinda like: "Hey, maybe I gotta make something else with this character." And then: "Hey, doesn't it kinda suck, that Digimon Tamers never got a sequel?"
So I sat down and started writing on my own sequel for Digimon Tamers. It was called Digimon Alpha Generation. The idea at the time came from the fact that we did have the Card Game Alpha (that did not last quite that long) happening at the time. And so I just made the hook that the main characters here were using Digivices to scan the Card Game Alpha Cards, rather than those of the original card game.
Now, my own writing back then was still kinda a mess, but the story went something like this:
The year is 2008, when rebellious teenager Yuki Denrei gets a mysterious invite to a card game fight. The girl who had challenged him is a weird one, though. As they talk she wants to find out which is the card he trusts over all others. And when he is unable to give a proper answer, she summons a Digimon on him. A real Digimon! The only reason Denrei survives this encounter is, that suddenly a card from his deck materializes into Dracomon. Soon enough, Denrei finds out that there are other Digimon Tamers around. Teenagers like him, who have Digimon partners. But again and again that mysterious girl keeps showing up, challenging and the other tamers into fights...
Again, my writing back then was messy as fuck. It took me years to complete the story (that ended up with about 250k words) and I did not have a concrete plan where I was going with it the entire time.
All I knew at the beginning was, that I wanted to have the demon lords as antagonists and wanted to have a more international story happening. Which is why the entire middle arc has the tamers world travelling.
It was an interesting experience as a writer, though.
I knew from the very beginning, that the main trio for this story was gonna be Denrei, a lone wolf character named Shoji, and a now 14yo Shiuchon. Due to Shiuchon having her partner from the very beginning, she is in fact the first one out of this trio reaching the Ultimate level (in the half-way final).
But it was interesting as given I had only rough ideas plotted out, I could kinda react to what the readers at the time were thinking. For example, the peopled fucking adored Shoji (he ended up as the fan favorite character out of all the Digimon Tamers stuff I wrote), so I gave him more scenes. And folks started shipping Denrei and Shiuchon, so I gave the two of them more scenes together and had them end up together in a later story.
I personally loved Denrei, because man I wrote a lot of my parent related anger issues into this character. But I also had so much fun writing Shiuchon in this as a type of character we really never quite got in Digimon. A female, very straight forward character who just says it as it is. And also... is kinda flirty with everyone. xD
At times I still wanna translate the story into English. But then again: 250k - and the sequel story has anther 250k. So a total of 500k - and that is without all the side stories.
And again, it was kinda a mess. So the temptation would be there to rather do a rewrite of Alpha Generation. I don't know. Just thinking.
Might talk about the sequel, too, in the coming days.
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(Commission artwork by mel0dy.)
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fangirlingatstuff · 2 years
Ronin and reader headcannons (w/ romance if thats fine I couldnt find ur rules page sorry) , you and MK had shrunk together, so maybe sometime after the movie, Nod and Him become "stomper" size and MK's like: "nah dude you gotta go to Y/n's house" and they go to your large slightly dysfunctional loving family to regroup and stuff. You have become my new favorite account bc i found no one who writes Epic, especially Ronin. <3 You have been followed and will be loved aggressively
Yay! Welcome to the club lol the fandom may be slightly dead but that doesnt keep some of us from making content XD Hope you like this hun! Haven’t written much for Ronin so this is fun!
This is definitely not based off of my family nooo why would you think that??? (Tho I only have one brother lol)
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When you had first shrunken down and met Ronin, you hadn't been as trustful as MK was.
Given, you went with MK as emotional support so she had someone to fall back on if things didn't go well with her dad, and after being shrunken while stressing about helping out your friend, you were a lot more on edge than she was.
When Ronin made it his job to escort the both of you to Nim's, you weren't as receptive of the idea as MK was, but hey, MK was kind of in need of a strong figure in her life and you weren't going to argue with that.
Over the period of that day, seeing Ronin, talking to him, noticing his own grief, even though he was pretty attractive and it made your heart skip a beat when he pulled you in by the waist to get you away from MK's crazy pug, you told yourself "we just met” and left it at that.
So imagine your surprise, several months later, when MK shows up with both leafmen while your youngest siblings were causing mayhem in the kitchen, your eldest brother wrestling with your dad over the last couple pizza rolls, and your mom stuck in a standoff with the cat since it kept trying to eat the bills on the counter.
MK explained what happened and why Ronin and Nod were suddenly big now, but you weren't able to say anything before she was like “Ok bye! Take care!” And left them with you
You were SO going to get her back for this
Honestly, you were surprised that your family didn’t mind them showing up, but you also lived in a loft above the garage so that you had some privacy from the rest of your family.
After introducing Nod and Ronin as “some of MK’s friends”, you moved them up to your small “apartment”
Nod was already a hit with your youngest two brothers, showing off his sword skills by slicing fruit in the air as they tossed it at him
Ronin took a while to adjust
But slowly he started to talk to you and you two actually had the longest conversation you’ve ever had between the two of you
Ronin didn’t want to intrude or be a burden, so he picked up doing chores (your chores) around the apartment and house while also getting Nod to do your brothers chores
You told him it wasn’t necessary, they were your chores for a reason, but Ronin argued and said that this was thanks for letting the two of them stay
He’s already a big hit with your mom and dad, but they were at work and didn’t see much of him
You were washing dishes after everyone else left the house, either for school or work, when Ronin came in
He was wearing a white henley shirt with rolled up sleeves, something that SHOULDNT have looked that good on him, and immediately stopped to look at you from across the house
“Nope, uh uh,” he hip checked you out of the way and took the plate you were washing
“Hey!” You said
“Let me wash the dishes,” he didn’t even bother letting you argue, to him it was “his duty” to show appreciation by helping around the house
“Ronin,” you whined while trying to take the rag back from him, “c’mon, it’s literally my one chore.”
“You don’t have to do it, I got it,” he said
You huffed and groaned
“How about you wash them and I’ll dry and put them up?” You offer, hand on your hip
He looked at you and thought for a moment
The two of you worked in sync with each other in the small kitchen, you putting up the dishes as Ronin washed them
Occasionally, his hand would linger for a moment longer than usual while handing you the next dish, or you’d glance over to see him quickly looking away
Even when dressed so casually he looked so in charge and strong, it was so weird
It was weird in general to see him out of his armor but you digress
When the last dish was put up, you stretched and wiped down your slightly wet hands before turning to walk out
“Hey Y/n-“ you turned as Ronin reached out for you but hesitated
“Yeah, Ronin?” You raised a brow
He stopped and drew back his hand, brow furrowed in thought
“…thank you. For letting me and Nod stay here. Your family is…very kind.”
You snorted, “Yeah, well you havent seen ‘em on a bad day.”
Ronin chuckled a little at your joke and it made your cheeks turn pink
“But really,” he said, “I don’t know how else to thank you.”
“You don’t have to-“
“No, I do,” he added as you hopped to sit on the counter behind you. “I…I think we got off on the wrong foot, before.”
You blinked in surprise and looked away with a hint of shame, “Yeah, I—that day was a lot for me.”
He sighed, “It…was a lot for me too.”
You lowered your gaze, thinking about the woman who he had ran to as she died, the late queen, Tara
Ronin shook his head and snapped out of it, “Uh, well I-“ he stammered and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m happy MK took us here. It’s been…nice, actually getting to know you.”
You told yourself you were imagining the blush on his face
“Really?” You smiled. “It’s been nice getting to know you too.”
Ronin smiled as you hopped down and opened up the fridge, taking out a gallon of iced sweet tea
“Come on!” You chirped as you passed him and grabbed two glasses, “It’s nice out.”
The two of you sat out in the backyard on the porch, chatting and drinking iced tea, laughing at stories, talking about anything and everything, enjoying the nice spring air late into the evening
When Nod eventually came back with MK after a trip around town, they found the two of you passed out on the porch swing, a thin blanket over the both of you
MK laughed but Ronin never looked so peaceful
Okay it took me a while to come up with this and it isnt immediately romantic but now Im like “…oh? Oh, ok, am I invested in this now???”
So if you like it I can DEFINITELY do more, it took everything in me to NOT just write an entire short fic for this one prompt, it ended up being so much cuter than I expected!!!!
Hope you like it! Its awesome having more people interact with the fandom!!
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 5 months
I have kind of a niche Garashir fic idea I want to write but I’ve never posted anything publicly before, so I am nervous. But I can’t seem to get over the idea? You’re one of my favorite fic writers, any advice? 💕🥺
Ooooh, you gotta try to write it!!! I always love to indulge my new ideas that are driving me insane as soon as I can hehe (because part of writing often has to be done after the initial idea no longer excites you quite the same way).
I like that you said it’s a niche idea, too! I do enjoy most of the common fanon tropes and worldbuilding, but it’s always so refreshing when people add something brand new to the Garashir body of literature. And the nicher and stranger the better, in my opinion!! One thing about writing something niche is that maybe it won’t get the same amount of attention as quickly as something that has broader appeal, HOWEVER... I can tell you from experience that when your niche stuff does find its audience (which may take patience and persistence) that audience will likely go absolutely WILD for it. And I always find that very rewarding <3
Is the reason you haven't started yet because you don't quite know how to start? If that's the case, I would recommend writing an outline first. I even sometimes will outline really short oneshots lol, not because I think I really need to, but because that way i at least have a good record of my idea and ALSO because sometimes I can trick myself into just starting to write by taking notes on in outline format until I get to the part I'm REALLY excited about, at which point I realize I'm just writing full sentences instead of notes and I just let it flow from there and go back to fix the beginning later. XD You could also just try to summarize the plot for a friend, that often reveals to me where any structural issues are tripping me up, and identifies what I need to think about more before I set words down on the page.
Idk if you haven't written before or if you just haven't posted any of it, but I want you to know that a few years ago, when I was easing myself back into writing, I worked on writing like 3 or 4 different garashir fic ideas privately before I actually figured out which idea I wanted to write all the way to the end and actually post. Most of those first wips never got posted (and my wip graveyard is still massive and always growing lol) and that's for the best bc I either got bored of the idea or could not yet achieve the story in the way I wanted to. Which is NOT to tell you that this is inevitable or that you should let your inner editor shut you down, but I just want you to know that it's perfectly okay and normal to, like, have to noodle around a bit before you've written something you're happy with.
Speaking of your inner editor, you gotta tune them out while writing a first draft. Don't even worry if the sentence makes sense, just get the words out, and then get the next words out, and then the next... If there is something stopping you from writing the next sentence (a name you need to make up, or something you need to research, or uncertainty about what a character would be doing, or even if you are just blanking on a word) and you are trying to maintain a flow of writing, then write a note for yourself (e.g, "[insert title of a Cardassian novel here]" or "[Julian makes some kind of expression. Surprise? Anger? idk]" or "[synonym for sinister, bc I've used sinister three times this fic already]") and then MOVE ON. You can go back in and fill in those blanks later.
Also, I really really really really like the writing advice of thinking of your first draft as your worst draft or stupidest draft. It's so true and it helps take the pressure off. One related amazing thing about writing star trek fanfic is that if ever you begin to doubt yourself, you can just fondly think about a beloved episode of Star Trek where something very silly or buckwild happens in a very contrived way, and then remind yourself that people LOVE that episode anyway. This is a genuine way that I have reminded myself not to be so harsh on my own writing lmao.
I really working with beta readers, but I know that's not something everyone enjoys and it's def not required. Still, a beta reader can give feedback on your writing to make it clearer, and they'll likely become invested in your fic and will cheer you on, and if it’s longer than a oneshot you can have someone to talk it through with during the writing process. But it might be hard to find someone you work well with and everyone’s beta reading style is a lil different, so I recommend always being very clear about what kind of feedback you want from them (grammar/typos, plot structure, clarity, brainstorming ideas for how to fix this plothole, does this one specific line of dialogue work, etc! whatever aspects you are uncertain about and want help with for that specific fic). And you should know that it’s okay to not take someone's recommendations too, it’s ultimately your fic, so anyone giving you feedback should just be trying to help you achieve your own vision. Still, even in those cases where you don't go along exactly with their idea for what to change, knowing what parts confused them can help you figure out how to get your vision across more clearly.
If you think concrit might actually be demotivational and intimidating (totally get that, back in high school I actually solicited concrit on my fics publicly, as was the custom back then, and received some critiques from some truly well-meaning friends, and the experience STILL rattled me so bad that it turned me off writing for awhile), or if the process of finding someone to beta read sounds overwhelming, I’d recommend that you instead just find a trusted friend who is willing to read over the completed draft, with the understanding that they must simply give you a sanity check and then tell you yep that’s good! Cannot stress enough the power of encouragement and support and having someone hype you up. ^_^
If you are too nervous to post it under your own name, you can post it to the Anonymous collection on ao3. This is a reversible process, so if you want to reattach your username to your fic later then you can!
Anyway, feel free to send follow up questions about any of this or let me know if there's an aspect of writing I didn't mention that is what you're actually stuck on. I hope this helps and good luck and HAVE FUN! Have fun is actually the most important writing advice haha.
(P.S., anon, if you want me to beta read a draft of a oneshot or at least look over a chapter or two if it's multichapter, I am down to do so, just DM me. If not that's fine too, I'm just so so flattered that you reached out to me and I want to encourage you in any way I can! <3)
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