#that's sword before you had a different one last time' that would also be funny.
pocketramblr · 1 year
All these posts about Ganondorf in totk but not one agreeing with me that the best possible thing would actually be if this is the Ganondorf from fsa and not oot, because it'd be the funniest way to remind people that there was actually more than one and also then he would be truly unprepared for this Link and Zelda combo
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
How do you feel about Milsiril? Like what do you think of her interactions between the canaries, her goals, her intentions and morality? I keep seeing people with mixed feelings about her, some saying she's just toxic or morally grey or doing bad but with good intentions or that she's just a mentally ill and literally so much more, also with the comic about Otta calling Milsiril love for her children/Kabru as just love for a pet, I always saw people take it at face value and say yes, Milsiril did love them more as pets instead of children, did she take up raising/adopting non-elf children because she felt like none of them could ridicule her like the elves did because they didn't know what an elf was supposed to be like (and also because they were children) or did she inherently view them as less? I mean the canaries and I'm pretty sure almost all of the cast in dungeon meshi have some sort perspective on different races especially because how they were taught about them, i just think it was interesting to finally see someone interpret it as Otta just misinterpreting Milsiril, I'm just really interested in her, i think shes neat, sorry for the rant!
Ooh, well to preface this, I hadn't really realized Milsiril was such a controversial character before my last post, I kinda live under a rock. She's really not a character I had given much thought besides what I wrote there before it, but I can do my best to express what I have thought since, with sources for it. I'm not sure what order to go thru so I'll just go by manga appearances and then extras, this will probably be quite a long post
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This is the first time she shows up in the manga (ch55) Kabru is wondering about what future they might have if the elves take them into custody because of the ancient magic, he thinks about Milsiril as a get out of jail card, and mentions "There's a chance they would make us become permanent resident of the elven lands." with the image of Milsiril holding him. I don't think that means she would be the one to not let them leave, since this would probably be an legal issue, and the fact Milsiril lives away from other Elves. It does set up that Milsiril is quite overprotective tho, with Kabru's reaction to her teary hug. (rest is under a cut)
The next time she shows up is in ch61 right after Kabru falls down the dungeon along with Mithrun, he faints and has this flashback
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She's being her overbearing self treating Kabru's small injury as if its something you need to be in bed for, hand feeding him like he's a toddler, and when he insists he wants to learn how to fight and be strong like her, she hugs him revealing to us for the first time her arm scars, she's cleary in distress too, so you wonder "what has happened to her?"
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It continues in the next pages, as she tells him to stay there, where it's safe and there's cake, and describes the bad things he might encounter. Until he tells her he will go with or without her help
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Honestly this is a Kabru we don't see often, this is the version of him that is usually in thought bubbles, he's blowing out in frustation over being smothered and demanding straight up what he wants, instead of trying to manipulate Milsiril, very blunt for him. Milsiril seems to flip a switch into battle mode, when she decides to train him for real.
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I really thought this was funny, the visual of these cuddly toys and this Mom that was being so soft just a second ago completely flipping into something menacing is very amusing to me. She says "I'll give you an exhaustive, thorough training in how to use a sword... until you finally decide that you're ready to give up." although it sounds cruel, it seems she really trained him as best she could to make sure he would survive the dungeon. If he couldn't take the training with her there was no way he would be able to take on the dungeon, but he could, so much so that he managed to make her let him go. I can see this being seen as her trying to prevent him from going but to me it seems more like some tough love from a traumatized war veteran in this case.
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The last thoughts he has is admitting his Mom was right, "Not only were there plenty of traps, monsters, and malice... but there were times when I felt so hungry and cold that I couldn't stand it."
And he concludes with "I never once thought that I wanted to go back there. That room where I could eat all the cake that I wanted..." While I can understand the interpretation that he means he would rather go thru all this than go back, perhaps cause he hated it there, I think it's rather a statement to how committed he is to defeating the dungeon, the visuals show him in rubble vs him in a soft big bed, the rough reality he fought to be able to face and the comfyness of what his life could be. Plus is mirroring exactly what Milsiril said to him. Admitting she was right about the bad things but that he won't give up for the safe easy life he had.
After that visuals of Milsiril are used while Kabru tries to sus out Mithrun but she shows up again in Mithrun's backstory.
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Here she's straight up called Gloomy, which wasn't really the version of her we saw so far, gotta remember this is also how Mithrun saw her and that she was called gloomy as a way of bullying. Kabru mostly cuts off her part in the story until the end, when she's the one to find Mithrun after he was eaten by the demon
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She doesn't really care much for Mithrun as we see in some extras, and she was ready to mercy kill him, but she is also the one to spare his life. This could be seen as her thinking he can still be of use, and it's how it sounds with how Kabru tells the story, but I do think this was also a merciful act, Mithrun was in rehabilitation for 20 years after being saved, by the time he was actually useful for anything Milsiril had already left the canaries and adopted Kabru.
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Now for extras... About Mithrun/The Canaries, Milsiril was cleary someone that hated the people around her. This is her extra in the Adventurer's Bible
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Milsiril seems to be the type that hates "popular kids" so to say, her description says she was bullied by other elves for being so introverted so I believe she holds a grudge against people like Mithrun that seem to have succeeded where she failed. But realizing he was a twisted person like her seemed to make her feel more sympathetic towards him, that's why I think she really did act with mercy when she saves Mithrun, he's now someone she sees as similar to her, she sees he also suffered like her
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Her decription also mentions she left the canaries specifically because she was disgusted with how the Utaya situation was dealt with. Yet it seems like she came back to help Mithrun with his rehabilitation once she quits.
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There's an interpretation to be made that she did this only to get "revenge" on the demon since she just saw the destruction of Utaya, and that she's using him. On the other hand maybe she wants to help him find a motivation to live, she's no longer a canary and she has time to actually help him now. I don't know which one is the truth but it's not obviously something self-serving if you ask me. Especially in the context that right before this scene Milsiril admits she wishes they could have talked before.
My interpretation of her relationship with the canaries and other elves is that she's someone depressed that was mistreat for her 'quirky' side, the dolls are clearly one of the ways she used to cope with anxiety/depression but it only caused her to be bullied by her own kin, she's the daughter of an important family and it's shown in other extras, including one about Mithrun, that nobles often send out the kids they don't want around to become canaries. It's an easy way to get rid of someone undesirable and I think it was the case for Milsiril. (Pattadol even assumes her parents love her less than her sisters for sending her to join the canaries).
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No wonder than that now that she's finally free from the canaries she chose to seek her own happiness away from the society she felt she could never fit into, she clearly likes to take care of children too, I think it's mean to assume she only likes them because she feels superior to them when there's no indication that this is the case.
And I don't think it's a coincidence she's so overprotective of Kabru after Utaya, it's literally the tragedy that was the breaking point for her, and he's a surviving small child from that tragedy, Milsiril cares about Kabru and wanted him to have a comfortable safe life after everything he went thru...
This ended up getting way too long so I'll make second part tomorrow about the rest of the extras and Kabru, and some other things I've seen said about Milsiril, but to answer the questions...
I don't think she treats her children as pets, Otta is just salty she was called out for dating like Leo Dicaprio.
Every single dungeon meshi character can be called morally grey because they all have flaws that in our world can be considered unforgivable, but they don't live in our world. To me Milsiril is doing her best in the context she lives in.
Who even is neurotypical in dungeon meshi, Milsiril is yet another flavour of a neurodivergent traumatized character among so many.
I believe she thought of the other canaries, especially Mithrun, as the same type of people that were cruel to her, probably because some of them really were, but that she generalized it to the point she thinks of all of them as bad by default. You can only get hurt so many times before you assume everyone will hurt you.
Part 2
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kusakiguzen · 2 months
Yandere One Piece x Neglected Reader
A/N: This is a Yandere Red Hair crew x Reader. No there is no romance with the crew since this is a platonic yandere story.The Theory of Shanks being a villain was in my head when i wrote this. Annd WATCH ONE PIECE FILM: RED, before readind this.
Imagine you are Shanks' biological daughter/child and is also a Mage, but he favors Uta more and isn't afraid to show it. Uta was top priority no matter what, from getting gifts to your fathers love, you only got the leftovers. You can sing? Uta can do much better, You dance? Uta dances like a pro. You can play instruments? Ha... Uta can do it with her eyes closed. That's how your life has been, secondary to Uta. You gave up anything related to music even though you love it with your whole heart. You started studying medicine under Benn. But you forgot you were a special child......... A Mage.
You lost control once, destroying almost a whole town. What did Shanks do? Nothing... At the age of 7, you had a bounty on your head. But when Uta destroyed a town at 6, He took the blame so she can have a normal life... Why can't you have the same treatment? You confronted him and what did he do, he dismissed you like always. After she left you finally thought they no He would acknowledge you. But how wrong you were. You had enough and that was the last time you called Shanks "Dad". You saw Benn as more of a father figure than your own father, everyone still doted on Uta. Having pics and videos of he but none of you....
You grew up just fine. But one day everything changed, Portegus D Ace, or Fire fist Ace had came to the island where you and Shanks's crew were staying. Why? To thank Shanks for saving his little brother Luffy. You and Ace instantly clicked for some reason even though you both have nothing in common, but Ace was funny and made you feel safe and mattered. You made your decision to leave with him, you packed a few essentials and wrote a letter to everyone instead of saying it to their face that you were leaving. In your small bag you kept you medicinal journals, first aid kit, few pairs of cloths and underwears. Your sword on your waist with the staff that you brought and modified to your liking.
Your adventures with Ace were amazing, you both fell for each other, confessed in the stary night. About 2 months later he proposed, you obviously said yes. You met Whitebeard and his crew, they accepted you as their own. You wedding was held on the ship where Whitebeard literally held you like thumblina due to the size difference. After your wedding, Thatch was hurt badly but with your help, he was able to make a full recovory. Ace was adament on going after Teach, and you wanted to accompany him. He refused saying it was too dangerous, but you were firm so he didn't exactly have a choice.
You guys left together, and even met his little brother Luffy in Alabasta. The fight with Teach caused both of you to be captured, and in line for the execution. Ace was worried, not about him, but about you. How could he have put you in danger when he was supposed to protect you? He should have knocked you out before leaving. Now you suffer with him..
Luffy and others came to help, but...... Ace died..... You tried to heal him but due to the malnourishment and lack of mana, you couldn't. You held him close crying, begging the God above, just once, just this once allow you to defy reality. But your begging was left unanswered..... You didn't move from the spot and awaited your death by the hand of the Admiral but Koby steped in front of you, your soft voice telling him its okay and he could move but he didn't, he couldn't.
Shanks arrived to your utter surprise, saved Koby and you. He looked at you expecting a reaction but you were too busy mourning the death of your husband. Benn was the one who was finally able to calm you down, and make you stop hugging Ace since they need to Burry him. You let go.... You had to. The Red Hair pirates took you to their ship, Red Force, and in your old room. They laid you there since you had gone numb, they closed the door on their way out, telling you to call them if you need anything.
The only thing that was going through your mind was, to burn that goddamn place down, the place that took away your Husband, Love, and Your Will to Live. After Luffy's anouncement, you did exactly that, Burned that shit to the ground. The Red Hair crew were finally treating you better and soon enough you let your guard down. But all good things come to an end don't they?
Shanks had brought a girl, who looked like she was about 16-17 years old, and severely malnourished. He told everyone how this girl, who introduced herself as Rina, was sold at a brothel and he had to do some thing, so he bought her and decided to adopt her as his daughter. You thought nothing would change, but she stared showing her true colours (atleast Uta didn't try to take something which was yours, so she was tolerable). She started making comments about your stuff and how she would love to have things like that, in front of everyone, so they (the crew) would ask you to give it to her. If you refused, she would play the victim until you gave in.
She crossed a line one day by asking you to give her your ring.... Your WEDDING RING. You bluntly refused, she played the victim again, but this time you Refused to the whole crew. Saying she won't be getting this ring. When guilt tripping didn't work, they tried to coax you. You told them to cut the bullshit and this ring will stay with you forever. Shanks got mad and told you to give the ring to Rina since its just a ring and he can buy you another one. You shouted at him telling him to by Rina the new ring, instead of you. This turned into a shouting match and Shanks tried to intimidate you by using his conqueror's haki, but he forgot you also learnt it and from him.
Finally you said that if He could answer 3 of the questions you ask him, correctly, Rina can have your ring. The 3 questions were "When was your birthday?" " What your age was?" and last " What was your marital status?" He repiled, "1st October" , " 18 years old" and "Single". He was so confident that he asked for the rings. But you started laughing hysterically to the point tears were forming in your eyes, this caused everyone to be confused. Why are you laughing? You told him that all 3 questions were wrong and You weren't Uta, since it her information he gave you. He was about to argue but you told him Your birthday was on (your birthdate), you were 20 years old and now a widow. Your eyes were cold and numb, without a spark. A broken 'What' came out of thew whole crews mouth. You gave them the fakest smile and then went to your room, leaving everyone to process the information. Okay they may have gotten your birthdate and age wrong, but you were a Widow?
When they finally processed everything and wanted answers they saw you, with a bag on your shoulder and going to get a small boat. They asked you where you were going. And you replied, "where I won't see your face." Just as you wee about to get in the boat you heard gunshots. Yassop had shot the boat.....Bitch . You looked unfazed and just used a levitating spell, over the year, you had goten good at controling your mana, so it wasn't a problem for you to cast precise spells anymore. Just as you wee about to take off, Shanks grabbed your wrist and threw you on the floor ( having no choice) and asked you, who your husband was. Looking directly in his Eyes, you said a name that made their blood run cold... Portgas D. Ace. The man who died in your arms.... was your Husband. It made sense, it made so much sense about why you weren't letting go of him when they wanted to burry his body.
You Suffered So much ALONE.
Just as Rina opened her mouth again, about the ring. Benn shot her while Shanks beheaded her. The blood splattered everywhere, even on you face. The cold look in Shanks eyes when he looked at the dead body, TERRIFIED you. You screamed causing shanks to look at you. He cooed at you while wiping the blood from your face and picking you up, like a baby. Whispering and cooing about how sorry he was to have done this to you. And how he will make it better. He was looking at you like you were 5. You on the other hand were frozen in fear.
Your flight or fright reflex activated and you kicked him and in the split second of surprise, where he loosened his grip. You flew, faster then ever before. You had to get away. What if you were next who would die by his hands. When you were high enough, You scremed telling him not to look for you. And then Teleported, you forgot you could do that due to the overwhelming fear because YOU KNEW what he was capable of...
But Shanks couldn't do that. You were His Daughter, His little girl. You would be in danger out there in the New World without him. You Said you Joined Luffy, didn't you?
I guess Shanks will have to pay him a visit.
Stay Safe, Healthy and Hydrated ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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soleilars · 9 days
୨୧ the one where jason grace wakes up different.
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summary: mountain, giants, romans, swords. those are the last moments jason can recall after waking up. sadly, your relationship seems not to be included in your boyfriend’s memory.
pairing: jason grace x fem!reader
warnings: hurt with no comfort.
a/n: idk if everyone who liked the previous post about tags wanted in fact to be tagged but i assumed so, if not lmk!
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“jason, i love you but this isn’t funny anymore”
fate must be pulling some kind of joke on him.
first; he wakes up in a random bus surround by noisy kids. soon after the girl besides him (who he never saw before) starts talking to him like they know each other and now she tells him she loves him? something isn’t right. before he had time to process an answer a boy appeared in the seat in front of him, staring at him with a funny look on his face like they were sharing an inside joke.
“who are you?” finally! someone’s in the same situation as him. ok, he needs to find out how he and this boy got here. now…
“come on jase, this one is a classic! you’re really trying to pull that one? ‘fraid it won’t work, bud” nope, he’s alone.
this was definitely getting annoying now. haha, funny now stop, was what you wanted to say. jason wasn’t like this. he’d never pretend not to know you. he said it himself once, joking or not. what made he change his mind now? your boyfriend was peacefully asleep on your lap one moment now and suddenly he seemed scared of your touch.
“jason, i’m serious stop it. this isn’t funny” you shot him your most severe gaze, one you tried really hard to achieve giving the fact that tears were forming on your eyes. which jason didn’t let pass by.
“i- please don’t cry. i swear on the…” he seemed a little lost for a moment, more than he was before if that’s possible “i never saw neither of you before. can you please tell me where we’re going?”
what was happening to him? he knew how much you hated this kind of jokes given your own grandfather slowly forgot you given to his sickness at an advanced age.
this was just cruelty this point. you wondered what would be his breaking point. seeing you cry? yelling at him to stop? threatening to break up? leaving him alone and sitting on an empty seat?
jason grace isn’t mean at this point. you knew it. you knew him.
“i’m sorry this seems like a terrible question right now but what am i to you?”
his hand carefully touched your shoulder, dragging you from your own mind only to process the indeed terrible question he just asked.
“my boyfriend? jase, i don’t get why are you doing this?”
leo who had remained silent decided to speak up for his, or maybe not, friend.
“(name), i don’t think he’s joking anymore,” he was quick to continue before you could cut him off. “he looks absolutely mortified, i mean come on! the guy is pale as a piece of paper.”
you swore you could hear jason mumbling a thank you, but you also swore the guy sitting besides you was your boyfriend. suddenly you can’t trust yourself anymore. was it all in your head? no, leo was there too. he remembers. silence overtook the three of you, silence that was broken by leo once again.
“maybe… it just wasn’t real”
“don’t say that. it was real,” you cried, the tears finally streaming down your face “it was real to me.”
once again you were sure jason would say something, comforting or not but was interrupted by coach’s hedge screaming, then he said. amongst the chaos of people leaving the bus and others yelling at one another.
“it’s time to go.”
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tags: @lordofthefrogs11 @heylookwhoitis @loverangels @brunettebitchthatwrites @shxd0wtree @thewhispersofthewaves @rue-eru @helloimamistake @123letsgobestie @sunshine-of-ur-life @aprils-artwork @ifyouknowmeyoudonot @daeronthedaringshoe @autumnnyx12 @justwritingforfun @lovialy @1853cassie @spvilers @metyouattherighttime @enehana @solstices-dreams @lovesickhozierfan
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Even more thoughts, for you to post if you so choose!
I do love the idea of Shen Yuan having a fancy hair piece with a pin that doubles as a weapon! Just because demon crows don’t have access to spiritual swords doesn’t mean he can’t stab the hell out of you.
For his main weapon, I’m thinking crow demons that can take human form tend to use bows, with the feathers shed by their clan as fletching. (Perhaps demon feathers also grant abilities of some sort to the arrows?)
Looking at the iridescence of crow feathers reminds me of the Chinese tradition of making jewelry with kingfisher feathers. Now I think it would be lovely if the crow demons also had a tradition of fashioning similar jewelry with their own feathers, perhaps treated with solutions and lacquered in a way that brings out even more of their color.
Speaking of colors, while crows aren’t among those birds able to see significant ultraviolet, they are tetrachromats, and thus are able to distinguish colors to a far greater extent than humans. I’m sure his sudden ability to see way more colors than he could in his last life is very perplexing to poor Shen Yuan!
The regular crows acting as an alarm system by cursing and saying spooky nonsense at all unknown visitors is an absolute delight!
I vote that Shen Yuan intentionally never gives them whatever signal that would mark Airplane as a friend, just so they continue to harass the guy every time he comes to visit. 😂
(I’m thinking poor Airplane is trying to set up trade routes for demons, and struggling with the general hostility different types of demons have for one another. Killing interlopers and/or raiding other demons for their stuff is not conductive to trade! It’s no wonder demons lack the arts. Nobody shares anything with anyone, except when giving demon nobles tribute. 😭)
You know, with all the feathers and bird-folks about, the transmigrators probably figure out quill pens. Not sure how big of an improvement they’d be compared to brushes, but they’re at least more like what the transmigrators are used to.
It’d also be funny if all the demon crows and villagers were learning to write simplified Chinese from Shen Yuan, instead of traditional, leading visitors to wonder what the hell is up with this one location’s weird writing system, where half the characters are inexplicably different.
(He probably teaches them traditional too, if only for the sake of reading imported books and things, but simplified is probably faster for personal notes and bookkeeping or the like).
I've always loved when people have weapons in discreet places, so it seemed necessary to dump that onto Shen Yuan because he's the most iconic character ever. Especially CrowYuan as well, it seems like something he'd do just to be safe when it comes to these things - after everything he's read, it's hard not to always be prepared. (Also, a more cheeky reason if I may, imagine Shen Yuan in a sticky situation and he pulls the hair pin out of his hair, now holding a weapon and looking AWESOME as he does it) Also, main weapon as a bow IS MAKING ME LOOOSE MY MIND. Ever since I was little, I've been obsessed with people who use bows (Legolas, Robin Hood, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, various book characters) and the idea of giving Shen Yuan a bow?? I am dropping to my knees and shaking my fists at the sky. HUZZAAAHH!!! Feathers as fletching is a great idea, almost like a calling card of sorts, as well as a warning. Demon feathers giving certain abilities to arrows is a brilliant idea, such as resilience, poison, increased speeds (useful for high pressure situations where someone has to die before they can be alerted). I'd find it interesting if different demon feathers grant different abilities, and it's almost a norm for these demons to trade feathers! The jewellery idea is absolutely gorgeous and adorable! I was thinking that it could mainly be a crow demon thing, and to have one made for you if you aren't a crow demon is a sign of great trust within the community, a decision that has to be agreed to by at least half of the community! Also, itty bitty angst idea, this jewellery could also be highly sought out because it's gorgeous and its making is entirely a clan secret that is only taught to those within it - so, it's often seen as a spoil of war, a way to brag about a crow demon's death is to wear the jewellery "won" from "battle". Shen Yuan would most definitely be thrown off guard by this wider arrange of colours, often found in the wildest areas of the forest and just staring at everything. At first, he wonders if it's because he's a demon now, but more research (aka, bullying a demon chicken Airplane for answers) shows that it is fact not because he's a demon, but instead because he's a crow. He is both excited that he can see all these colours and fiercely delighted that Airplane can't, because he's a spiteful little shit and I love him. If Airplane comes to visit, he's grown adept to immediately submitting to the harassment of the crows because they soon grow bored of him if they don't get any reaction other than pitiful screaming. (He would highly suffer from trying to set up trade routes as well, lmaooo) OH MY GOD, if Mobei Jun ever comes to visit Bing-ge, he would also be immediately attacked by crows and that is funnier than anything else right now in my mind. His stern face immediately becomes one of absolute outrage, but it quickly becomes confusion when Bing-ge says he can't attack them back because "Shen Yuan would never forgive me" On the idea of feathers as quill pens, that would end up being incredibly useful for them! Perhaps the use of certain demon feathers would be better than others if we go by different demon feathers holding different abilities - for instance, let's say crow feathers hold increased speed, that would be helpful for writing because one would merely need to guide the quill and let it do the rest. However, a demon feather that created a poison effect, let's say chicken feathers, would not be the best for writing, which makes certain feathers more valuable than others for different things! Shen Yuan would be a great teacher, because he knows the traditional Chinese - which is useful for things you previously mentioned - but then he would be able to introduce a whole new writing system that makes it easier to write. This would be especially useful for those who may struggle with the traditional Chinese, because then they would still be able to access writing!! {part seven! part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, and part six!}
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hugsandchaos · 6 months
Proper Introductions
Summary: Proper introductions to the group leads to Danny getting a new wardrobe and a sword.
Credit for the armor design goes to @nerdypear4!! Thank you so, so much for allowing me to use your design in the story!!
Word count: 3,258
“So what’s your name?” Wind asked. He and Wolfie walked on both sides of the new member. The early afternoon sun shone through the branches and made the stranger’s dark hair and Wolfie’s dark fur look a little funny when they passed under those spots. The stranger looked at him with eyes a shade of light blue that reminded Wind of ice. He couldn’t be much younger than some of the others, but he was definitely a little bit older than Wind.
The three heroes, four if you count Wolfie, were heading back towards the rest of the group with their newest temporary member in tow. The stranger seemed to snap out of some sort of trance and glanced at him.”My name’s Daniel, but pretty much everyone just calls me Danny. What about you?” He asked. His odd bag on his back made a slightly funny noise as he walked, probably just the contents inside, like that weird red bag from earlier. He’d tightened the straps earlier to prevent it from moving around, so it was practically hugging him. Wind had seen big bags before, but that one was odd.
Wind almost said “Link”, but managed to stop and correct himself.“Well, we all have the same name, so we go by nicknames based off our adventures. I’m Wind, and I have a lot of questions.” He said.
“Me too. You go first.” Danny said. For a split second, the corners of his mouth moved upwards in a smile.
“First, why are your ears round?” Wind asked. Up ahead, Sky and Hyrule both froze and were going to turn around to silently scold Wind. They didn’t know why, either, but for all they know, it could’ve been something he’s had since birth and didn’t like talking about. Yet Danny only looked surprised for a split second before answering.
“Uh, I think the only explanation I can give is the fact that I’m a human.” He replied. Human. The three of them remembered that word. Sky was constantly mistook for one on his adventure, and Twilight mentioned that he grew up in a village full of them. It was also him to explain that probably the only physical difference between them was the fact that humans had round ears while hylians had pointed ears. Not everyone paid attention to that detail, so it wasn’t a surprise that Sky was mistook for one.
The two older heroes continued ahead, with Sky leading them. Wind briefly eyed that part of Danny, not really paying attention to the path ahead.“So you’re not a hylian? Huh.” He said, taking on a more suspicious tone than he meant to. He fixed his expression and smiled.”Your turn.” He said, turning back to look ahead.
“Cool. Where are we?” Danny asked. They all took a step over a fallen log, and both Danny and Wind paused to make sure Wolfie hopped over okay.
“Faron Woods, my world.” Sky replied.
“Never heard of that place, but okay.” Danny said, turning to Wind.”What’s your next question?” He asked.
The young hero had lots of questions, and it was a little hard to pick the next one. He ultimately decided on one Hyrule would probably ask him soon as well.“You were stitching up your wound earlier. Are you a doctor?” He asked.
Danny shook his head.“No, I’m far from the real thing. It’s just that... It’s just something I picked up, I guess?” He said with a shrug.”One of my friends is a doctor, and I was curious about a few things, so I asked a couple questions. Next thing I know, he’s teaching me how to treat my own wounds incase he’s not around.” He explained.
“There you guys are!”
Wind and Danny looked up towards the front of the group. Legend was walking towards them looking a little relieved and annoyed at the same time. When he noticed Danny, however, his expression hardened into a glare.”Who is that?” He asked. Danny stopped mid-step for a second, but then continued as if he never stopped. It lasted barely long enough for Wind to notice. Danny opened his mouth to respond, but Sky spoke first.
“Let’s meet up with the rest of the group first. This is important.” He said. Legend gave Danny another glare, but didn’t argue and turned around to walk with them the rest of the way. After ending up in Sky’s world, but on the ground instead of the sky, he led them to some ruins that would provide some cover if they decided to camp there since some of them were nervous about making repeated journeys up and down.
After getting back to the rest of the group, Sky immediately went to explaining why the kid they brought back with them was now a member of the group. Danny glanced nervously between all of them and tensed up a little with the several pairs of eyes on him as Sky spoke.”The sword said that he’s from another world,” was how he started the conversation. No one even got a chance to ask who Danny was or what he was doing following them.
“What?” Time asked, taking on a more serious tone than normal. He glanced over at Danny, who briefly froze before shrugging his shoulders.
“I hardly know what happened myself. I was just walking through the woods and it opened up from underneath me! Then it just spat me back out somewhere over there.” He explained, pointing back the way they came with his thumb. Either he was acting less upset than he was or talking calmed him down somehow, because he grew less tense when he told his brief story. Wolfie stood next to him, occasionally glancing at his side. Probably eyeing the bandages underneath his shirt.
It was confusing how the boy had gotten comfortable with Wolfie so quickly seeing as he wasn’t freaking out over him being so close, but they weren’t going to ask that. Not yet, at least.
After a moment of silence and shared glances, Four approached him.”I’m Four. Do you remember anything besides the portal? A black lizalfos, maybe?” He asked.
“Danny, and no. I don’t even know what a lizalfos is, but I think I hit something on my way down, before I hit the ground in front of whatever that red, ugly thing was.” Danny said, briefly introducing himself before getting to the point. That response was... worrying.
The fact that he didn’t know what a lizalfos was, and apparently hadn’t seen a bokoblin before a few minutes ago, didn’t sound good if he was going to be traveling with them. Unless his world just didn’t have those, but still had monsters. That thought brought a bit of relief to the group. While it would be a neat thing to have a world with no monsters at all, as surprising as that sounds, that could mean that Danny had no experience fighting them. That would be pretty bad.
He didn’t appear to have any weapons or shields on him, unless they were in his backpack. He didn’t seem to have any armor on, either. Unless he knew a thing or two about using weapons, but just didn’t have them. Sky opened his mouth to speak his thoughts of lending him a sword and teach him if need be, but Danny interrupted.”Thanks again for the save, by the way.” He said, glancing at the group’s furry companion. Wolfie huffed and nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards slightly.
“Wolfie helped you?” Four asked. Sky’s face fell a little. He would wait until Danny explained, but he hoped it’d be quick. Danny looked back up at Four.
“Yeah. Not gonna lie, I thought he was a husky because of his fur color.” He replied. Before anyone asked anything else, Sky took the chance to get their attention again and cleared his throat. Four and Danny both turned to him, along with everyone else.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I think we have a more important issue here. Daniel, have you ever faced a monster before?” Sky asked. Danny hesitated before answering, looking thoughtful before shaking his head.
“No, not really. I don’t think I’ve even seen one until now.” He said. The atmosphere changed drastically, and the silence that followed his answer was a little heavier with the realization that he was basically defenseless. No armor, no weapons, and no knowledge of monsters?! The decision seemed obvious, especially as they glanced between each other. Danny seemed to come to a similar realization as his expression shifted to worry.”How many are there?” He asked.
“A lot.” Legend said, reaching into his bag. He rummaged around before pulling out a tunic and undershirt. He walked over to Danny and handed them to him.”Here, these will give you better protection than that shirt and coat.“ He said. Danny seemed a little surprised and very quickly glanced up at his face, then back at the clothes, before reaching out and accepting the not-so-negotiable offer.”Do you have any knowledge or experience with bows, swords, or other weapons?” Legend asked.
“Thank you. And as much as I don’t want to admit this because of how you’ve all reacted so far, no. In fact, swords and bows are hardly used in my world. Not a lot of people to learn from.” Danny said. Everyone else pretty much guessed the first part would be the answer, but the bit about swords and bows not being used much in his world was a surprise. As much as it caught them off guard, the logic behind why he didn’t know how to use those weapons made sense.
“What about your bag?” Warriors asked.
“I don’t really recall packing a weapon, but I’ve forgotten when I have or haven’t packed something, so maybe I did.” Danny replied. He held the tunic and undershirt close to himself while he slid one of his arms out of the straps, then allowed it to slip down his other arm and caught it with his hand before it would fall off completely. Danny knelt down and placed the bag on the ground, supported by his leg.
He grabbed the dangling piece of metal and pulled it up the side, then over it. The bag opened up and he looked inside. After rummaging around, Danny looked at Warriors.”Yeah, no. I don’t have any weapons.” He said, closing his bag back up and standing up with one of his hand lifting it up by one of the straps.
Wild reached into his own bag and walked over to Danny as he searched the seemingly infinite space. He soon pulled out some chainmail and a piece of armor. He wordlessly placed it of top of the tunic and undershirt given to Danny by Legend.“Oh, thank you. Are you really sure this is necessary, though? Is it that bad that I shouldn’t walk around in my normal clothes?” Danny asked. Wild nodded and pulled out a sword from his bag. It was probably one of the swords he’s taken from dead monsters and gave to Four to fix up.
Danny was careful when he took the sword from his hand.“Okay. Again, thanks.” He said. He turned his head towards Time when he noticed him coming towards him.
“We’ll teach you how to use a sword. Here, these will give you better protection against rough terrain than those.” He said, handing him a pair of boots and pants he forgot to drop off at the ranch.
“Uh- Thanks. I appreciate it.“ Danny said.
If his world was really as harmless as it sounds, then he had done a fairly good job staying calm, but he was starting to freak out. Wolfie nudged his hand seeing his uneasiness starting to creep onto his face and Time backed away.
“Teaching you should be easy! There’s nine of us.” Wind said, hoping it would help. Danny opened his mouth, probably to thank them again, but then he paused with an odd look on his face.
“Wait...” Danny looked from one member to the other. Time realized Wind’s mistake as the human’s eyes finally fell on Wolfie. There were currently eight hylians, not nine. He was worried about Twilight’s secret being blown for a second.”A wolf using sword? I shouldn’t find that funny, but it kind of is.” Danny said. Some of the other members looked at Wolfie.
Sky was the one to change the subject again.”You can go into the ruins to change, but the rest of us should probably introduce ourselves first.” He said.
“Oh, right. I guess I’ll go first.” Legend said.
~~~~~(Small Time Skip + POV Switch)~~~~~
After everyone introduced themselves, Danny was brought into the ruins and left in a small room with no windows. After he had gotten changed, he folded his clothes and put them into his bag, then took a moment to just sit down and think for a moment. One minute, he’s walking through a forest hanging out with some Shades that approached him, the next, a dark portal with purple rims opened from underneath him and he fell through without enough time to react.
Then, he lands next to a weird red monster, gets cut by it, saved by a husky who’s apparently a wolf named Wolfie — and Danny himself isn’t good at naming, but seriously? Wolfie?? —, and now he’s apparently going with a group of people who have the same name so they use nicknames like Legend and Four because they’ve gone through a dark and purple portal before and they think they can get him home?
And they’re giving him armor and sword lessons?! It’s amazing how much can happen in just a few hours.
‘This is bad.’
Danny dug into his backpack for his phone. He had to contact someone back home quickly if he couldn’t get there himself. Who’s going to protect the town? What if his parents called the cops? What will he say when he returns? He went to his contact list and immediately tried calling both Tucker and Sam without thinking. It didn’t even ring. The young halfa noticed the service bars. They were gone. He internally scolded himself for not coming to that conclusion sooner. If he was in another world, he should’ve guessed that he wouldn’t be able to call anyone.
Danny took a deep breath and checked his text notifications. He hadn’t received any. Again, it was probably the clear lack of cellphone reception. He put it back into his backpack, but quickly pulled his hand out when he felt something cool and squishy brush up against his fingers. He grabbed onto both sides of his backpack and held them open so he could see inside.
Two black eyes blinked at him from their spot nestled between his notebooks and clothes. Danny’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something, probably shout, but he was luckily cut off by a knock.
”Hey, are you okay in there? You’ve worn armor before, right?” Wind called out.
“Yeah, just a second!” Danny shouted back. He glanced between the door and the little shade in his backpack, then the door again.”No, I haven’t worn armor before!” He corrected himself. He looked down at the shade, who tilted half of its body in a way akin to a confused head tilt. Its core vibrated and sent a message to his own.
Confusion. Fear. “What’s happening?”
Danny wasn’t in ghost form, but he could still understand them. He lowered his voice to a whisper.“I’m still figuring it out. Look, you have to stay in here, okay? We don’t know if they like ghosts or not.” He said. The shade tilted back to its normal position and sent him another message.
Understanding. Worry. Patience. “Okay. I will wait.”
Danny smiled a little and zipped his backpack up with the shade inside. He went to put it on his back, but it felt a little funny with the armor on. The armor was a little snug and didn’t screw up with his binder, nor was it exactly itchy. It was breathable and surprisingly okay to move around in. It was new, but not bad. He picked up the sword Wild lent to him on his way out of the room and back to the main room of the ruins. Why they thought ruins were a good place to change, Danny will never really know. Sure, they provided walls, but still.
He immediately took notice of someone standing next to Time and Sky. Danny was pretty sure he wasn’t there before. He was probably the second or third tallest out of them and looked like he was wearing a dark pelt or something. Wind was right next to the door and raised a hand, which got the guy’s attention.”Twilight, come meet Danny.” He called. The one Danny hadn’t properly met glanced between Time and Sky before walking over to them. He seemed friendly, but appearances can be deceiving. That was a card Danny also had to play until he had a full grasp of the situation.
As he came closer, Danny took notice of something. Two somethings, actually. One of them was that the guy had the same marking on his forehead as the wolf, except in black instead of white. The second thing was that the pendant in his necklace looked almost the same as the rock Danny had noticed when he was petting the wolf’s head.
Was he... No, he was probably just looking too deep in a shallow lake. He just got here, he shouldn’t jump to those kinds of conclusions. Where was the wolf, anyways?
“Oh, hey, you and the wolf have the same markings. Are you two friends or something?” Danny asked. He wasn’t sure why he went with that instead of introducing himself, but that’s what happened. Twilight, the name Wind had called him, nodded and kept his smile.
What was that brief look for, though?
“Yeah, he helped me out on my adventure. Saved me from a fate worse than death. The mark just appeared after a while. Speaking of the wolf, I heard about how you were calm when he approached you and was a little surprised. Most people would attack a wolf approaching.” Twilight said. Danny felt the need to explain himself and shrugged.
“I don’t know if this part was mentioned to you yet, but I thought he was a dog. Besides, he was nice and helped me find my bag after taking down a red, ugly thing that was going to kill me, so I figured it was safe to trust him after I was told he was actually a wolf.” He said. Wind moved next to both of them and caught both of their attention.
“Twilight’s probably the nicest in the group, but he’s a great fighter, so he’s going to be sparring you.” Wind said. Danny’s eyes widened and he almost took a step back. He glanced back at Twilight, who was obviously a bit bigger than him.
He must’ve looked as anxious as he suddenly felt because Twilight spoke up.”Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine. We’re going to switch between defense, offense, and then we do both at the same time. It’ll just be to see how strong and fast you already are, and we’re going to wait until your injury’s much better.” He explained. Danny nodded. He noticed Wild practically appear next to him and offer him a wooden shield. As much as he didn’t want to, Danny accepted the shield with a “thank you”.
(I worry that it might be rushed or not very good, so if you have anything you think needs pointing out or constructive criticism, or any kind of feedback really, that would be really, really appreciated!)
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maylovesfiction · 2 months
A few hours ago, I sat down to write down some simple thoughts about Mihawk and a Reader. I'm currently trying to get myself into writing again by writing about people with different personalities. Cross guild is just perfect for that one. It was supposed to be something short, a few hundred words... yea. That worked (not)
So: Enjoy my spontaneous, not planned, thing I just wrote.
Mihawk hated how you invaded his space. He was hardly ever able to deal with Buggy, but another colourful, cheerful and lively person was too much for him. Whenever you were around he couldn't concentrate on any task he was doing. Your happy laugh that would light up your whole face was the worst. Mihawk couldn't look away. You were going on his nerves. 
Mihawk wasn't able to grasp why everyone you interacted with seemed to instantly like you. You were just insufferable. The way you could entertain a whole room when telling a story, the way your face was so expressive when you talked or intently listened to the people around you, the way you seemed to always remember what everyone liked or didn't like, just unlikeable. It seemed like he was the only one around who could see clearly.
Mihawk did his best to dodge you, he really didn't want to interact with you, because everytime he did you smiled so sweetly at him that his head started to hurt. He watched you the whole time anytime you were in a room together under the pretence that he had to keep an eye on you in case you tried something funny. He also wanted to understand you, how you could infatuate so many people at once, not him though. Mihawk would never notice the wrinkles around your eyes whenever you laughed, or how happy you were for the whole day after someone had put your favorite snacks down outside of your room. How would he know, because it was definitely not him putting the snacks there and hiding in the shadows watching your face go from confusion to delight upon looking down and finding the food. 
If someone would ask him if he liked you, Mihawk would scoff, not even giving an answer before just leaving the room. 
Mihawk didn't like anything about you. Not how your hair sparkled in the sunlight, not the colour of your eyes, not your smile or the way you danced when the band played their music. He didn't like how you didn't seem to care what the world around thought about you when you did something crazy.
And yet... the moment he heard your scream echoing through the halls his body was the first to move. Hand on his sword he busted through the door of the bathroom to find you standing on a small stool, only wrapped in a small towel. A mouse... you were not in danger, it was just a mouse. Mihawk huffed in annoyance as he went to put an end to the little creature. "No! Don't hurt him!" he heard your voice. His eyes met yours. In the background he vaguely noted the arrival of Buggy and some of his crewmates. Mihawk just turned to leave, leaving Buggy in charge of catching the mouse. After he stepped out into the hall, he turned one last time. You were still wrapped in the towel, illuminated by the sunlight coming through the window behind you, looking like a goddess, while ordering Buggy and the white haired man with animal ears that was part of Buggy's former crew around to catch the mouse alive. He hadn't bothered to remember the man's name.
Mihawk once asked Crocodile what he thought about you joining Cross Guild. Crocodile barely had looked up from his paperwork "I don't have a strong opinion on that woman, but she's not unpleasant to be around." 
Mihawk found another thing he hated about you as he was lying awake at night. You wouldn't leave his thoughts. For the last few months every night he would have trouble falling asleep because he disliked you so much. Tonight it was that mental picture of you in the towel. He couldn't stop thinking about you. A scar on your right knee, he wondered what happened. Painted toe nails, why would you paint your toenails if you always had shoes on? Was there someone in your life that you painted them for? The thought had Mihawk sit up in his bed, clearly frustrated. He had never bothered to find out if you were dating anyone. Why would he care?
The thought of you in someone's arms, someone that was not him made him angry. But why? He couldn't stand you.
Mihawk got up, it was clear to him, that he wasn't getting any sleep tonight. 
Mihawk walked towards the kitchen. It wasn't like he didn't have any wine in his room, but tonight he didn't feel like drinking a fancy and expensive wine. Tonight he needed something else. He didn't bother turning on the lights as he blindly rummaged through the cabinets to find some cheap booze, stuff that Shanks would drink on occasion. Mihawk needed this to numb his thoughts. He whipped around when he felt a presence entering the kitchen. The light was turned on and you let out a surprised scream, dropping the empty plate you had in your hands. You flinched as the plate hit the ground and sprang into a million pieces. You jumped again as you noticed Mihawk was suddenly standing right by your side. "Sheesh! What are you doing here in the dark?! You scared me!", heart still beating hard in your chest. "You should clean that up, so no one steps in it" Mihawk sad with a cold tone, before walking past you out of the kitchen. 
Somehow this irked you more than it should. You turned to face his back, yelling "Not even a 'Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you'!? You know what you are? You are an asshole, Mihawk!" The swordsman stopped in his tracks, your words had hurt and surprised him. He had never seen you get angry. He turned his head to see you get a broom to sweep up the mess with a sour look on your face. 
He sighed as he walked towards you and took the broom out of your hands. "What are you doing?" - "I apologize for scaring you and for handling this as badly as I did. It is only fair that I clean up the mess, since you wouldn't be in that situation if it weren't for me", he simply replied. "Oh, so you CAN be nice", you said quietly, but with a sharp undertone. Mihawk furrowed his brows, still collecting random pieces of the smashed plate. "What does that mean?" - "That means that I try my best to be nice to you, but you're always so cold. I feel like you hate me. I always wonder what I did to make you dislike me like that. Is it something I can change?", you wondered. "No." Mihawk had finished picking up the shards and there was no trace of the accident left. "No?", you looked at him puzzled. 
He forced himself to say the words "I don't hate you, neither do I dislike you." - "You have a weird way of showing that."
You stood right in front of Mihawk looking up at him into his yellow eyes. He held your gaze seemingly with ease, but his heart betrayed him as it started to beat faster. "Very well... I wish you a good night." He left, leaving you standing alone and confused in the kitchen. "What the hell was that about...?"
The next day you found your favorite snacks lying in front of your door, but this time there were also a few flowers. "Huh, weird timing", you thought, but still smiled at the sight. You paused as you picked up the flowers, you could have sworn you had already seen them somewhere. As you went about your day you didn't think too much about it. You were busy trying out a new makeup style on Buggy, playing with Richie, listening to Galdino talking about his candle devil fruit and dancing and singing along to the songs the band was playing. As always you felt eyes on you, but you had never found out if it was your imagination or if someone in the room was just quick to avert his gaze whenever you looked around.
This time was different, though. And you could already feel it. As you turned around you spotted him almost immediately. This time he didn't look away, his yellow eyes meeting yours.
You shot him a smile yet his stoic expression never changed. Although you could swear he was blushing ever so slightly. You continued what you were doing and after a while you noticed Mihawk had left the room. 
It was already late, so you wished everyone who was still up a good night and went back to your room. A breeze made you pause. Some fresh air before bed would certainly be nice, so you followed the breeze beckoning you outside.
The night air was cool but it was not cold. You took a few deep breaths enjoying the silence and the wind in your hair. As you turned to get back inside something in the corner of your eyes caught your attention. Mihawk had made himself a little flower bed on a small patch of grass and earth. It was his little retreat that was off limits to anyone. You had marveled at the colourful flowers he had managed to grow recently and now you noticed some of them missing.
Suddenly it hit you, Mihawk was your secret admirer. And now you felt like an ass. Sure, you didn't know back then that it was him to cheer you up with your favorite snacks every time you had a hard day, but still... now that you knew you felt bad calling him out in the kitchen the night before. You had to make things right. For tonight you had a mission and you knew exactly how to do it.
Another sleepless night. Mihawk was slowly losing his mind. Not many things could rile him up that much. That smile you had graced him with that day was embedded into his head. He had slowly come to the realisation that lying to himself wouldn't make the feelings he had for you go away. It only made them worse. He sighed heavily. Suddenly there was a knock on his door. Who would knock at this hour? Usually he'd be mad at the interruption, but tonight he was glad he could take his mind off his problem.
Mihawk didn't bother to put on his jacket, he opened the door shirtless only in his pants. The hall was seemingly empty, but he could feel a presence looming in the shadows where the small ray of light coming from his room didn't reach. He took a step forward only to stop and look at the thing he had just bumped into. On the ground in front of his room was a bottle of red wine and an arrangement of snacks and foods he liked, like crackers with grapes and a special type of cheese.
His eyebrows rose at the sight of it. "I figured it out. It was you who surprised me with my favorite snacks and the flowers, wasn't it?" you asked, a smile audible in your voice. Mihawk just nodded, watching you as you stepped out of the shadows. "And here I was thinking you didn't like me. I'm sorry for my outburst in the kitchen", you apologized. "It's nothing, don't worry about such things." As he said this, your smile widened and made his heart skip a beat. 
"I would like to get to know you better, Mihawk", you spoke softly, "but only if you're interested, of course." 
Mihawk picked up the tray with food and the bottle of red wine. “By the looks of this, you already know me quite well." 
"Pfff, that was easy. That's not what I was thinking about." - "I know, come in", he simply replied and it sounded more like a statement than an invitation. Mihawk went back into his room, setting the food and wine on the table. You shyly followed him, closing the door behind you. Mihawk set two wine glasses on the table and got another chair for you to sit on. You were a bit unsure of what this was supposed to be, but you just went with the flow. 
After he had made sure you were sitting comfortably and after he had poured some wine for the both of you he looked at you "So, what do you want to know?"
Time was flying by as you talked. You noticed how Mihawk tried to talk a bit more than usual. He wouldn't answer all your questions, but most of them. You tried to tell yourself the warmth you felt in your chest was from the alcohol, but deep down you knew better. Sadly the night was coming to an end, when you couldn't keep yourself from yawning every few minutes. "It's really late, we should head to bed", Mihawk said. Only listening to what he was saying with half an ear, you simply nodded "Yea".
Mihawk helped you get up from the chair, he paused for a moment, looking between you and his bed. Now, as you still held his arm from when he helped you up, the words slowly seeped into your consciousness 'we should head to bed'. 'We'... 'We'? Oh. The realisation made you blush.
You looked up at him, noticing a conflicted look on his face. 
You tried to defuse the situation "I mean... I could if you insisted, NO, no... that's not what I wanted to say,.. I mean I would if you want me to... I..." you were stumbling over your words not knowing how to bring your point across, but you were silenced by a pair of lips softly pressed on yours. It was like a lightning striking your body. For a brief moment your body tensed up only to relax into the kiss. When Mihawk broke the kiss, you had found the words "I will stay the night."
As the both of you settled into his bed, your heart was racing. This was NOT how you expected the night to go, but this outcome wasn't unpleasant. Mihawk had been awfully quiet since the kiss, and yet you didn't think about it as something bad. He seemed strangely content and he openly showed this. 
He was lying on his back, his left arm pulling you close to him, as you snuggled up against him. Your hand tracing circles and shapes on his bare chest as you listened to his heartbeat. Even though you were still excited and nervous, you noticed your eyelids getting heavier by every passing second. "Good night, Mihawk", you mumbled. "Good night", he answered.
Mihawk had never felt so relaxed and content before. You - snuggled up so tightly against him - made him feel safe. It took him a little longer to fall asleep, but the sleep that followed was the best he ever had.
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demonslayedher · 8 months
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Things that went through my head while watching this episode:
--The episode in which Kamado Tanjiro tries and fails to be a supporting character
--And he tried really, really hard too! After all, Genya is his friend (according to one of the two parties involved), and now he understands his dream. I do kind of wish they had a moment when Genya could explain, "I want to be a Pillar because only Pillars can meet Pillars" so that Tanjiro can reply, "No you don't, you just have to be in trouble! Here, Nezuko and I will help you stage doing something bad!"
--Genya makes the best confused noises--as well as the best desperation noises. But the way his confusion is so abject that it slows down the whole pace of a tense episode so we can truly feel the way the gears in his brain (which pounds super fast with how powered he is by adrenaline) is great, and it's even better how many times that happens in the span of a few minutes.
--Still, the difference between Tanjiro and Genya, when it comes to capability in battle, is palpable. Genya is not incapable--not by a long shot!!--and has earned this rank in the Corp by doing a whole lot more than eating demons. He isn't afraid of hard work, and his isn't willing to give up, but he is not as adept at analyzing a fight and fight and adapting on the fly. He is a throw-everything-got-and-then-keep-throwing-anyway kind of fighter who wins based on his own gumption, but being so driven by that heightened emotion has its limits.
--And what's key to Genya's character is that he knows it. While Himejima has surely had a good influence on his temper, but Genya accomplished character growth in a matter of minutes which Inosuke took more time to begrudgingly sort of figure out. In this episode we see Genya go from "I'm going to be a Pillar (and I hate you)" to "I can't do it. I'm leaving it to you." Way to be a bigger person, Genya!
--I wish we knew how old Genya and Sanemi were in that flashback. In order for Sanemi to have had enough time to go through Wind Breath training, climb the ranks, and becoming a Pillar colleague to Kanae, this was at the very least six years ago. What was Genya doing all that time before he entered the Final Selection?
--Also, I love Genya's maturity so much in recognizing that if Sekido kills him there, he'll leave Sanemi with those hurtful last words exchanged between them, whereas Genya's gets to comfort himself by seeing Sanemi's kindness and smile as the last thing in his life flashing before his eyes. Only a kind person would find that unfair.
--Remember how this episode aired, like, on Mother's Day? Yeah. Yeah.
--This....... flashback, man. It was done good but that's why I'm sad.
--One some other notes: Tanjiro's swords still glows hot red, he pulls the mark back on with ease and the effect is noticeable, and in that chase scene with Hantengu, I love how we see his expression change and adapt as the situation changes. I also love how among all his ongoing analysis of Hantengu and his weak points and how to avoid being overtaken by the Ki-Do-Ai-Raku attacks and how to locate the true body and catch up to him, he has not bothered to analyze what's going on with Genya whatsoever. It's a non-issue.
--Little Nezuko wave after "don't kill my sister, btw," ily.
--Skimper-skampering little Hantengu is still something I find very, very funny.
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy Holidays Shana! Fem!MXY!WWX has infected my brain! More of that, please?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Wei Wuxian has the deafening talisman on his chest and a blindfold wrapped tightly around his face and held together with a different talisman so he doesn’t have to worry about it slipping. He leaves his sword sheathed for now – it wouldn’t do well to start out too strong.
He stands, loose and easy, but nothing happens. He huffs. “I really will punish you if you refuse to help me. I am your superior. Don’t overthink it, just do as you’re told.”
Rich advice, coming from him, but they don’t know that.
He feels the air move to his left and he lifts his hand, grabbing a slim wrist and twisting it so she has to let go of her sword. He yanks her forward, thinking of the moves he used to drill Shijie in, and pulls her over his shoulder and slams her to the ground.
He pops upright, bracing himself for the next attacks, but none come.
This is getting annoying.
“I’ll tell you when to stop,” he says. “Until I say otherwise, keep coming up at me. I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough.”
This time he feels their footsteps through the ground. Lazy. What, are they stomping? That has to be a funny image at least. He raises his sheathed sword to stop one attack, while kicking out his leg towards his other attacker. He aims too high, hitting meaty thigh instead of fragile knees, and has to throw himself on the ground to avoid the next attack. That does mean he’s low enough to yank their feet out from under them and then he rolls around just in time to avoid the attack that he’s pretty sure was coming from behind, which means his two opponents should have just taken themselves out.
“Someone remind me to assign footwork lessons after this,” he says. He’s just going to assume someone answers in the affirmative. They are Lans.
More come, two more sets of two before they figure out that’s not going to work, and then they’re attacking in groups of three and four. That’s when he stops being able to dodge every hit, but it’s also when his mind quiets. Everything slows down and he feels his lung expand, the sweaty grip he has on his sword sheath, and the growing collection of throbbing wounds across his body. He almost unsheathes his sword a dozen times, but this is good, he can almost feel his core straining and fighting against the confines of his body.
Finally. This is what he wanted. It’s not about thinking, fighting like this, just reacting, just trusting his borrowed body to notice things in time to react to them. It’s been close to an hour, his breaths are coming out more as wheezes, he’s at least twisted an ankle and possibly broken a rib, and he has some sort of head wound that’s causing blood to soak into his blindfold. It’s miserable and painful and not something this body is trained to handle, but he’s endured worse for longer. At last none of the Lans are trying to eat him.
Suddenly it all stops. He widens his stance, holding up his sword sheathe defensively, but nothing happens. “I didn’t stay stop,” he croaks. “Do as you’re told. Attack.”
The moment stretches on long enough that he’s getting genuinely annoyed about it when he’s throwing himself to the side, only realizing why when he feels the reverberation of a powerful cultivation blade hitting the ground next to him.
They’ve called in reinforcements, it seems. Maybe one of the elders? Fair enough, honestly.
Wei Wuxian unsheathes his sword, meeting the next blow more on a guess than anything else. The strength behind it is enough to send him skittering back several feet, but he doesn’t let his grip slip an inch. Then they’re pushing away from each other and he’s meeting the next blow based on what he would do, which probably isn’t fair to this random Lan elder, but oddly enough it works.
Every blow is powerful enough to make his bones shake and his opponent is skilled enough that Wei Wuxian can barely sense the air moving until it’s almost too late. His few minutes fighting this person are harder than the past hour of standing against disciples, but Wei Wuxian learned a long time ago how to compartmentalize his pain to keep fighting.
Doing this is making him stronger. He needs to be stronger to figure out what Mo Xuanyu wanted him to do. Mo Xuanyu killed herself to get his help. He can’t disappoint her.
He can’t give in.
New energy surges through him, bright and searing, painful even in its usefulness. He doesn’t let himself think about it, instead he pushes through, uses it to put his opponent on the defensive for once. Their fight is flowing faster, almost as if it’s a pattern, like they’re dancing instead of fighting.
Wei Wuxian feels a cool blade against his throat right as rests the edge of his sword on his opponent’s shoulder, flush against their neck.
A draw. Better than he’d expected, given his current physical condition.
His opponent doesn’t lower their sword, so he doesn’t either, but he does release the talismans with a burst of cultivation energy. At first he thinks it doesn’t work because everything is still so silent, but then he can hear the harshness of his own breathing and his blindfold slips off his face.
Lan Zhan is standing there, his sword at his throat, and his face pale and eyes wide. He’s hit with a dizzying sense of déjà vu. It’s like they’re fifteen again, on that rooftop with two bottles of Emperor’s smile dangling between them and the bright, fat moon hanging above.
“Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan asks, his voice coming out too high and strangled.
This can’t be happening. He can’t know. He’ll hate him and throw him out if he doesn’t kill him outright and then Mo Xuanyu will have died for nothing and Sizhui will be so said and he won’t understand – and what if his siblings find out, that’s the last thing he wants –
He keeps his voice steady and face even as he asks, “Who is Wei Ying?”
Lan Zhan’s face shuts down. “I – please excuse me, Xuanyu.” He lowers his sword, turning and doing the closest thing to running away that Wei Wuxian has seen him do since they were teenagers.
All the Lans are staring at him and gaping. The adrenaline leaves him all at once and he collapses to the ground, his legs refusing to support him.
He groans and then several dozen Lans converge on him, multiple concerned shouts of, “Madame Lan!” nearly deafening him all over again.
It’s kind of nice, actually.
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ballblender · 1 year
“One bed!?"
Kagami Taiga x Manager!Reader
(Saw a list of generic romance tropes and couldn’t help myself)
cw: sfw, fluff + comedy (except i’m not funny), timeskip match predictions, kagami being an awkward giant, the one bed trope, aged up (kagami and reader are both 18 after the interhigh), manga ending (kagami stays in japan in the manga, unlike the movie)
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The last two years were, a lot to say the least. Not only had the Vorpal Swords taken off shortly after the match against Jabberwock, but with the permanent addition of Kagetora as manager of the Seirin basketball team, Kagami had a lot on his plate.
It was difficult when the second, or should I say third, years graduated. The reliance and foundation built between them was one not easily replaced. Additionally, despite the newfound popularity of the team, it stayed relatively small. Inevitably, this led to Seirin’s defeat in the Interhigh.
With the Winter Cup in sight, he really just wanted to feel that glory again, winning with his old Serin teammates.
And he did, thanks to your help. As a younger friend of Riko, you had asked to be the manager for Seirin after hearing of their loss in the Interhigh, and given your friendship with their old coach, the team was in no position to refuse your offer.
And upon seeing the results that your suggestions produced, they were ready to keep you by any means possible.
By the time the Winter Cup came around, it was as if Seirin was a new team entirely; their coordination and plays were extremely effective against teams of any caliber, and the bonds between the members ensured their success.
It was also because of this display that Kagami found himself becoming increasingly drawn to you, for reasons made clear to him by Kuroko.
"You like her don't you?"
"WHAT? I DO NOT- i do."
"Yeah, I thought so."
And so the saga began. Kagami would start to grow more and more awkward around you. This caused a bit of a problem, as you began to think that he was getting sidetracked, and as the most powerful player on the team, causing the other players efforts to go to waste slightly.
It only got worse when you took him to the side to speak with him alone, and expressed your concern for his lack of concentration. He just stuttered and wasn't sure how to respond.
"Kagami, I seriously need you to listen to me..."
"I-i understand...I'll do m-my best for you and the team."
Out of nowhere, you hugged him tightly, which caught him completely off guard.
"I'm glad you understand..."
After practice that day, Kagami felt so light.
The night before the final against Rakuzan, the team, thanks to the school's newly increased budget (and a little pocket change from Riko), decided to stay at a nearby hotel with a gym so that they could get some morning training in before the big game.
However, upon arrival at the front desk, you ran into a problem.
"B-but I swear I booked 7 rooms..."
"I'm sorry, but there are only 6 listed here..."
You sigh.
"Are there any rooms available?"
"Yes, however there is only one bed opposed to the three in the other 6."
"...it's fine, i'll take it, sorry for the trouble, and thank you."
You walk over to the lobby, where the other members are waiting to get into their rooms.
"What took so long? Was there a problem with our rooms?" Kuroko asks.
"There was actually...so one of you will have to stay with me in a different roo-"
"Kagami will do it."
"K-Kuroko! Don't just say that!" Kagami whisper-yells, face turning redder each word.
The other members shrug in agreement, wanting to be in their own shared rooms to be able to freely discuss whatever they wanted without the eyes of their manager watching over them.
Kagami learns pretty quickly that trying to fight is useless. It's adorable, you think to yourself. The team heads up to their block of rooms, while you and Kagami take a different route to your room.
It looks like you forgot to tell him one detail though...
"One bed!?"
"Yeah, I hope that's okay... Unless any of the other guys let you sleep with them in their beds, we have to share."
Before you can even utter another word, Kagami is zooming across the hotel to the other players' rooms, knocking on each door.
Unfortunately for Kagami, with his size comes consequences. None of the other players wanted to share their already small beds with the biggest player on their team, even Kuroko.
"Y/N is smaller than me, sharing a bed should be no issue for the two of you." Kuroko states.
Kagami just lies on the floor, burying his red face in his hands.
A knock on the door is heard by the others, and they open the door.
"Hey, have you guys seen Kaga- oh, there he is."
At the sound of your voice, Kagami springs up, wiping the dust and lint off of himself.
"Y-Y/N! I-i..."
Knowing that letting him resist and even just speak anymore would result in Kagami most likely passing out, Kuroko says,
"Kagami was just about to go back to your room, he just needed to borrow some deodorant. He's forgetful like that."
Kagami shoots Kuroko a death-glare, in a way that screams "Are you my wingman or what!?"
You nod in acknowledgement and turn to Kagami, smiling "That's okay, just get back soon!"
The moment you leave,
"Ow-ow-ow...what was that for...?" says Kuroko, Kagami's hands digging into his shoulders.
Kagami just stares at him with desperate eyes.
"Come on Kuroko...let me stay with you..."
"That's perfect, say that to Y/N and you guys will be dating in no time."
"...You're the worst..."
You lay on the bed, sprawled out, tapping through all of the outdated TV channels logged into the hotel's TV. (a/n needed to add this to rant: WHY ARE ALL HOTEL ROOM TV CHANNELS OLD AND PIXELATED IT DRIVES ME INSANE)
"...G-got any room for me...?"
You spring up in shock, and notice Kagami standing at the door, blushing like mad, avoiding eye contact.
You roll to the side and pat the other half meant for Kagami.
"I guess the others didn't let you sleep in their beds."
"...y-yeah..." Kagami squeaks, as he feels your shoulder touch his.
You, of course, are not oblivious to his feelings. It was bugging you that Kagami seemingly avoided you whenever you tried to talk to him, but the rosy cheeks and unintentional voice cracks whenever he'd try to talk to you.
May as well see where this goes...
You intentionally brush your thigh up against his under the guise of reaching for the remote on the other side.
You giggle, noticing his tiny sounds. It's truly unbelievable that such a big player's demeanour can be reduced to a mouse's under the right circumstances.
"Hm? What's wrong?" you ask, though, you know exactly what you're doing to him.
You decide to let it go, especially since Kagami looks like he'd explode if you pestered him any longer.
As the time passes, you decide to ask Kagami, "Are you ready to sleep now?"
He was trying his best until this point, he was. But the thing he'd been...dreading? Anticipating? Whatever it was, he was not prepared.
The moment you switch off the lights, you're met with Kagami's arms hugging you tightly.
"K-Kagami what-"
It's warm. His embrace makes you feel safe. You decide not to speak again, and instead, you both fall asleep, comforted by each other's warmth.
sorry this is out so late LOL
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skrill999 · 2 months
I just finished the first season of Transformers prime. And overall I liked it.
The human characters are fine. I don't hate them but I am not too invested in their story. (But you would not believe how much I said to tue TV "No... Mikko... don't do it...") but some of their shenanigans are rather funny
As for the cybertronians. I like them a surprising ammount.
I mostly prefer starscream more higher pitched voice but I do like what Steve Blum does (also I kept hearing heatwave)
As for his character he is a wet cat which keeps running out into the rain crying, not quite sure why he's so wet. Like he has my sympathy from the abuse he goes through under Megatron (to be fair Starscream did try to kill Megatron on multiple occasions) but a lot of it was his own doing. He keeps getting in his own way.
There is a curious moment that stands out to me: in the episode where breakdown was captured by humans, the autobots try to rescue him because they thought decepticons wouldn't and Megatron didn't want to but Starscream did try. (They couldn't have known Autobots were there before leaving base)
Now I won't go so far as to say that this means Starscream cares for Breakdown. At first I was thinking he probably needed him for a plan of his but so far I have no clue what that would be so it really left me wondering why.
With Starscream defected from the decepticons and hiding I am curious to see what future awaits him in the upcoming season
Soundwave is my favourite deception and in this show that is no different. He's still super cool. He's quiet loyal and no one messes with him. I liked it when he beat Airachnid (who definitely underestimated him)
Also Laserbeak is also super dope
A surprise entry for me. He was actually quite interesting. At first I thought nothing of him then the episode where he's captured by the humans came. I am not surprised he sided with the decepticons but I could tell Bulkhead coming to rescue him did shake his perspective. He might come to see how ridiculous this all is. Maybe
The rest are fine and so their job well
Now some Autobots:
Optimus Prime:
He is my favourite autobot no question(idk about charcter as he would be facing Soundwave). Peter Cullen nailed it as always. The sword and gun arms are very cool.
His very strict no nonsense demeanor does work well with the dynamics of others and he does clearly care a lot about his team and the humans living on earth.
Though he might be a bit too eager at playing martyr for everyone else to escape.(I don't remember specific examples but that's my understanding)
(This is not a critique on his character just really amuses me)
Him losing his memory is definitely not good for the autobots but let's see how that plays out.
He is very cute. Love his eyes, face shape and voice. Also he really seems to look up to Optimus and Optimus seems to have a soft spot for him. I remember the last scene where Optimus looks back at him.
Him and Raf are buddies, chill to play racing games together and it is cute. Also he seems to be the youngest of the cybertronians.
Another surprise entry. I certainly enjoyed his presence on screen. His banter with everyone was rather funny.
An episode that stood out with him is the one with fake energon. He did go a little nuts with the fake energon but I did like that his reasoning in general wasn't just nonsense but based in the truth and his own feelings that he might not have been expressing. (He was definitely being hot headed though)
Again the others were fine but their stories didn't stand out to me too much.
I did like the episodic nature of the show. The little shenanigans of the show were very funny and enjoyable to see. I liked the racing episode.
Also another funny note: this show reminded me of tmnt 2012 (another favorite childhood show of mine) in that there are no people. In tmnt 2012 New York had like 5 people at a time. This show took place in Reno Nevada and while we only really saw a school, there was like no one at the school.
I know why it's like that but still it quite funny to me.
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blackstarchanx3new · 6 months
FSR rambles 19 traumatic things Link experianced
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Pet him like a cat shadow.
At least Link's normal enough to get up now.
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Shadow's like "Damn this is weird"
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Link's selectively mute still but I'd struggle to talk with four dipshits screaming like cracked out squirrels in my head too so ya know, I don't even blame him for being shitty at communication with Shadow rn.
He's got his priorities in order: FOOD.
Okay but you know Link is mad his plan failed literally the day after he employed it.
I'd be pissed anyway XDDDD
The four of em fell asleep, wake back up and they're right back to square one, ground zero the shit storm he tried to escape from.
That's horrifying in a way I can't quite articulate. "Hopelessness" is the only word coming to mind. Like, everything he did, it didn't matter. It was all for nothing they're BACK to how they were.
His hopes that pulling the sword would fix it: Crushed.
The literal only difference is that Shadow's here.
Which, is BETTER but damn if the disappointment from Link isn't palpable. You can only imagine what's going through his head rn after all this shit, he's just defaulting to a LITTLE BIT of normalcy in making breakfast.
Shadow's back to defaulting to doing: well nothing.
He isn't helping Link and is just WATCHING. Smth literally just yesterday was ALL HE COULD DO.
They're both just defaulting to what they're used to because this shit is too weird.
Is nice of Link to make enough for Shadow though. XD
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Haha okay I can get into this:
Literally Shadow and Link simultaneously know each other and don't.
Yes Shadow had interaction with the colors but Link and Shadow: Nothing.
So of course he feels awkward around him.
They spent forever together and yet still feel so far away.
It's a tough situation.
Link pulling out the "you sure are quiet" is imo, him trying to be funny.
he continues with "thought you'd be more comfortable with me...at least considering how many times we've kissed"
Obviously this is in reference to Vio lmfao (...Also green but uh we'll get into that later). With Link's eyes matching Vio's.
Link is completely fucking with him and it's funny to me at least. Like he's so deadpan but he's being such a goof rn.
Though it is interesting to note how Link directly says Vio is him without any separation here. Since Vio also thought he was Link last night.
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Shadow clearly not knowing HOW Link works is kinda hilarious but also, nobody knows how this works.
Link casually referencing what Vio said in the fire temple, it's much more obvious now he's goofing with Shadow rn.
Shadow realizing the obvious, that Link IS the same person he's been hanging around just mashed together is a small but good reminder. Like link isn't a stranger fully. He's still the four of them.
Shadow just asking "Is this for me" would seem weird but uhh remember:
He didn't have a BED. He's been a SHADOW for YEARS. Like. Shadow being neglected isn't new. So it's a sad notion but he is shocked he'd be given food.
Link kinda having a "Wtf u mean? duh it's for you." moment.
Also the bomb drop that Link knows about Dark Link...Oops.
Exactly what relationship/how he KNOWS about Dark is kinda, left open since he doesn't elaborate what so ever...
It can be assumed he just knows what everyone else does. Buuut. There's always that "but"
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"Link what are you blabbing for they can hear you" - Shadow continuing to not understand how Link works. XD
I don't think it was mentioned anywhere before this but haha Blue was also in on the splitting Link plan. Vio and Red are the only ones left out of some of the loop it seems...But they were mainly worried about Vio catching on.
Link accuratly noting this nightmare isn't anything like the first time. Sorry buddy it's cause you're in an unrated comic by a weirdo fan vs any official Zelda comic. XDDD Which wouldn't allow 90% of what's in this comic I'm sure haha.
Also reasonable train of thought thought Shadow buddy about reverting back into a shadow. What a terrifying thought.
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Aw Link's being sweet and- TRIFORCE
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Yeah Shadow's sweating bullets considering uh the little fact Ganon said "Here catch, you're evil triforce of power man now"
Takes Link a second to remember back on that convo Shadow and Vio had about the triforce in the flashbacks. PG 179-182 ish if you're curious on brushing up on that.
Oh hi Vio.
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I don't think a lot of people caught that this was Vio's design from FS. Which is why Shadow was SO DISTURBED to see him like that. Link's very all over the place mentally and it's showing with his appearance. He's unstable as all hell right now.
Blue chiming in with "Wait a damn minute" remembering Zelda ALSO has the Triforce on her hand.
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Vio and Red are being obtuse/ignorant while Blue and Green know smth's up and are getting pissy about it.
Which just makes Link: All over the damn spectrum of emotion about this right now haha.
I'd get tonal whiplash too Shadow.
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Link going down the list of things he thought Shadow would want haha.
and Shadow's gay lil confession that all he really wants is Link is sweet.
I mean what else does he have to strive for? He gave up on a lot of his old dreams as pointless after becoming apart of the endless cycle of hatred.
It's noteworthy that Link's outfit glitches to black again.
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The line "Which you" was a very fun one to come up with. Because it just, hits ya.
Link isn't one entity. He's multiple. And he literally can't tell who Shadow's talking to in that moment. Because the underlying assumption (To Link and this will become obvious) is that Shadow really only cares about Vio.
All of last night is probably a complete blur/emotional whiplash around Shadow For Link.
Shadow threw a sword at Blue and was VERY hostile, was ALL OVER THE PLACE emotionally with Green mostly being bitter as hell, didn't really acknowledge red and Vio had a complete meltdown over his guilt surrounding Shadow and their friendship and relationship as a whole was all over the place.
Cram that all back together and what is Link supposed to take away from all that. Overall dude had a net negative experience with Shadow and now he's telling him he wants him?
I'd be confused as hell too.
Hi Zelda.
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Safe to say that was inevitable given how badly Link was bugging out this entire time.
He couldn't handle seeing Zelda haha.
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I don't think people caught Vio is just in his "headspace" outfit. Except it isn't pastel color palette.
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Panic attack, featuring Blue. He was the most vocally insistent they draw the sword, was activly trying to force his way out of Link's mish mash body during that whole ordeal. The main take away is that: He HATES being In Link and that was just about the worst nightmare come to life for him.
He doesn't even want Red to touch him, which considering the way it's all but stated Link's magical body is just their bodies pressed together into one form makes the angle that they're all LITERALLY touching each other that much more...ehhh disturbing.
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It's okay guys he just needs a minute alone-
Hah. Everyone's leaving you Vio. Doesn't press on the ol anxieties or anything.
Doesn't make it easy for a certain someone to come visit you.
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Vio's insecurities focusing around being ALONE and himself are smth that's been fun.
He mainly wants to be Link out of pure selfishness and self hatred. Link is an escape from his own accountability, a way for him to keep himself in check. While Blue finds it to be an outright prison.
Everything Dark is saying about here Vio could also be applied to himself and even Dark says that. He looks miserable while saying it too since Vio's problems are starting to hit a lot closer to home.
At least we got Shadow to yank Vio out of his funk. But Dark has no one to do that for him.
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Shadow petting Vio's face here while in a headlock is just, funny to me. Shadow can't affection properly at all lmfao.
But hey he knows when our lil buddy is active. Oops.
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Oh the fun they have together alright. 😏
It'll be a real wet and fun time-
What the hell Dark is talking about is left pretty open for now.
But he is getting sick of just sad reactions to what he says.
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He's nervous when faced with women. Same bro.
Green and Shadow begging for help on wtf to do with their new squid monster is pretty hilarious to me.
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Vio's being perceptive.
"IT IS!?" yeah red. And if you were an interesting character I'd write you doing things. :D
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Surely that won't bite us in the ass later or anything...
Vio's outfit is very covered up because he's emotionally closed off yada yads I've mentioned this before.
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This hasn't been brought up in the comic but Green is afraid of tentacles lmfao so his fear at Dark rn is warranted.
Shadow blatantly not caring what Dark is doing rn because he's busy
Zelda notices right away that Dark defied vaati which must have been weird for her in real time hah.
Shadow's instant response to what to do with Dark is "Murder"
Nice to see you've grown so much shadow lmfao.
Notice how Link being around isn't even the thinly vailed excuse dude just doesn't like Dark Link lmfao. Most of what he said to Dark last night imo was pure projection and again: Not because he cared about Dark. But now he feels like they have an easy to to get rid of him via Zelda. Doesn't have to confront weird feelings if the guy is gone ooomf.
Zelda isn't outright apposed to getting rid of Dark Link but is like "Uhh...But what about link tho-"
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Shadow noticed his hair change.
I'm sure he noticed earlier, it's right in his eye sight but background detail of him actually looking at it like "Wtf?"
Also fun pressure to put on Green when he's strung out to shit rn.
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Uhhhhhh. Okay then.
So Green's got murder trauma.
He's also just sick of the responsibilities piling on him like a crushing weight.
There's smth to be said about how Dark isn't a murderer so, doesn't have blood around his feet haha visual metaphores haha.
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So clarity: Link as a whole person murdered the people who killed his father. And Vio and Green were the ones who had main control in that moment.
Hope that clears some stuff up.
Dark finds this shit hilarious because he's sadistic but Green snaps out of the panic to realize THIS GUY IS DARK LINK.
The moment Green switches from his helpless attire into his current fit was very fun emotionally cause this was the first time someone had ANY amount of control when facing Dark Link. (Excluding Shadow I suppose, in terms of the colors anyway)
Green being a badass is just smth I enjoy and the "Oh shit moment" was very fun to watch people react to haha.
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Dark was so excited when seeing Green acknowledge him.
It really goes to show all of his "Nyeh you're such a shitty person" talk is literally not even his own opinion when it comes to the four colors. He's literally just repeating their insecurities and nothing else. Those words have NO BITE to them because Dark doesn't even believe it.
He's so excited to see Green because Green's the ONLY PERSON Who's truly acknowledged him in the head space.
Dark being so overwhelmed with joy he vomits.
Dark really doesn't have a lot of emotional regulation emotionally or physically. Like. The idea here is he's just, so excited he literally physically cannot handle that shit haha. I made a shitpost about it once but it's kinda just, accurate. XD
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Green's like "Wtf is wrong with you"
because this isn't ANYTHING he thought he'd be dealing with considering how Shadow was acting/talking about him lmfao.
He was expecting Shadow 2.0 and got...This guy.
Guy who apologizes when acting goofy as shit
Guy who is excited to see him overjoyed even...After utterly destroying him not 2 seconds ago.
Just. A silly. Goofy guy.
It is fun to have Dark switch IMEDIATELY to depressed as hell thinking about how he's been so alone.
I would really describe Dark's excitement here as pure mania. because at the root Dark is a depressed individual.
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Dark gives no shits when faced with death.
No begging or pleading for his life just "idk do what you want to I don't care"
Which, Dark Link's lack of care for his own personal safety has been shown off before and will only be a continued trend.
At the end of the day it shows a clear lack of self respect or care for himself.
Dark doesn't value himself.
Green's mercy here is rooted in his own selfishness.
He doesn't WANT to kill Dark Link because he doesn't want to hurt people. Which him and Vio did.
Green is ALSO very exhausted. And what you get is two individuals who would typically be at each other's throats, who aren't interested in fighting each other because they're just so worn out. The drive just isn't there.
Which leads them to being able to actually talk to each other in a meaningful way. And I just find that interesting.
Under different circumstances, these two very well could have fought here. XD
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charmsandtealeaves · 8 months
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I had a big reading week this week trying to clear some of my email inbox because the sheer volume was stressing me the fuck out every time I opened it 😅 Posting this a day early as I'm honestly a little worried Tumblr is gonna be funny about all the links.
Read this week:
Reset by @ncoincidences
WIP, Jily micro-oops, Temporary amnesia, Rated G
A mishap with a drunken dark wizard leaves Lily an amnesiac. The last ten months of her life has been completely wiped, which includes her breakup with James eight months before. To aid in her speedy recovery, James has to keep Lily under the pretence that her life has been the same as it was.
When It Counted by @cascader
Complete (6.9k), Order!jily, Rated T
She didn’t tell him when it counted. She’s daydreaming of a redo.
Something Foolish by @merlinsbudgiesmugglers
Complete (1.9k), Tedromeda, canon compliant, Rated E
Struggling against the expectations of her family, and her forced separation from Ted. Andromeda is pleased to discover a note left in her room.
Sunrise, Sunset by @practicecourts
Complete (2.9k) Blackevans BFF Week, Rated G
One time Sirius Black finds Lily Evans, just as she’s about to do something she might regret. One time Lily Potter finds Sirius Black after he’s received some upsetting news.
A Different Kind of Love Story by @mppmaraudergirl
Complete (5.8k), Blackevans BFF Week, Rated G
The best of friendships sometimes grow in the most unlikely of places.
The Vow by @missgryffin
Complete (9.6k), Hogwarts! Jily , Rated E
When he was thirteen-going-on-fourteen, James Potter did something truly, unbelievably stupid. Now that he’s seventeen-going-on-eighteen, he has to deal with the consequences.
Quest for Camelot by @petalsinwoodvale (Ch. 1-2)
WIP, jily Quest For Camelot AU, Rated T
All Lily has ever wanted is to be a knight, like her father, Sir Lionel. After Camelot is attacked and the magical sword Excalibur is stolen, she finds herself teaming up with James, a young blind hermit, as they embark on a quest to find the lost sword. Together, they face the threat of the evil Ruber, navigate challenges with a two-headed dragon and an ogre, and discover that they're more alike than they initially thought. Will they manage to return the sword to Arthur in time, or will they lose not only each other but also their dreams and the precious Excalibur?
Grounded by @frustratedpoetwrites
WIP, Jily Modern (Magic) AU, Winter Olympics, Not Rated
When James Potter's successful Quidditch career comes to an abrupt end he struggles to find a new direction. Coaching seems to be an answer and a pair of green eyes.
Vindicated by missgryffin
Complete (20k), Order!Jily AU, Rated E
Five years ago, Lily Evans did the hardest thing she’d ever done, and broke up with James Potter so she could stay alive by secretly going undercover in America. Now, she’s been tasked with something even harder: doing a transatlantic mission with him.
Captivated by missgryffin
Complete (6.7k), Hogwarts!Jily, Rated E
"I think we should sweep the library. Make sure it's empty." "And why's that?" "Because I need to be alone with you."
Silent Night by practicecourts (ch.1-4)
WIP, Hope Lupin, Remus Lupin, Rated T
Moments in the life of Hope Lupin.
10 Things I Hate About You by @wearingaberetinparis (Ch1.)
WIP, Jily Romcom, Rated M
Petunia Evans cannot start dating the man she considers to have true love potential – a certain Vernon Dursley – until her anti-social younger sister, Lily, finds herself a partner too, which leads Petunia to take drastic measures. For surely, Head Boy James Potter – suffering from a knee injury he does not want anyone but himself and his physiotherapist to know about – should be able to charm her younger sibling, shouldn’t he? If the only thing standing between her perfect love match is blackmail, who is she not to resort to it? Are not, after all, all means justified when the end she has in mind is so very sweet?
Would you run away with me? By @ncoincidences
Complete (1.3k), jily, Rated G
In which Lily barges in on a white veil occasion.
Happy Place by Wearingaberetinparis (Ch.1-6)
WIP, jily modern AU, Rated M
James and Lily have always been the perfect couple that everyone aspires to be: from Head Boy and Girl at Hogwarts School to university students in a loving long distance relationship to – eventually – a happily engaged duo, destined to go the distance. They go together like cream and tea, pride and prejudice, fish and chips. That is, until – for reasons they refuse to discuss for fear of making everything so much worse – they really, truly don’t. For one week, however, they have to act as if all is well for they have yet to tell their friends that what had always seemed perfect, is now very much broken.
You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that by @jamesunderwater
Complete (1k), prongsfoot in a nightclub, Rated E
prongsfoot + a locked door public bathroom on my knees trying to make you scream vibe
Truth is I’m so damn in love with you I don’t know what to do with myself by jamesunderwater
Complete (800), Prongsfoot, Rated T
prongsfoot + near death experiences + trapped with only one bed + gay pining
Over Spilt Coffee by @annabtg
Complete (1k), Tonks first person POV, Rated T
Tonks's musings on the night she picked up smoking... the night Remus Lupin broke her heart.
Breaking by annabtg
Complete (1.4k), Remus Lupin, Missing Moments, Rated T
Remus has his reasons for staying away from Tonks. Even if it breaks his heart as much as it breaks hers.
From the very first day by @kay-elle-cee
Complete (500), Muggle AU Jily, Rated T
An unexpected night leaves two coworkers trying to sort out their feelings.
Loved you three summers by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (600), Pregnant Jily, Rated G
A pregnant Lily has a not-so-sudden realization.
Don’t say yes by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (800), no Voldemort AU Jily, Rated G
Two old flames reconnect, wondering if the other is happy.
This is me swallowing my pride by Kay-Elle-Cece
Complete (466), Harry’s God parents, Rated G
The appointment of Harry's Godfather was never up for discussion, but his Godmother? That took some convincing.
Keeping secrets just to keep you by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (453), Secret Relationship Jily, Rated T
James and Lily's friends have a bet, and the two of them are determined to win.
Silence and patience, pining in anticipation by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (1.2k), Post-Hogwarts Jily, Rated T
Lily’s been hung up on James for years; a tipsy conversation might be the push she needs to do something about it.
You kiss me in a way that’s gonna screw me up forever by Kay-Elle-Cee
Complete (1k), Pregnant Order!Jily, Rated T
When Lily and James got pregnant, they made a plan for how they'd participate in the Order going forward. Plans change.
Back to the Pavilion by @abihastastybeans
Complete (1.3k), Minerva McGonagall, Rated G
A day in the life of Minerva McGonagall. Written for the Ladies of HP Fest's Monthly Minis: 1st December 2023 - Minerva McGonagall!
The Naughty List by abihastastybeans
Complete (690), jily secret Santa, Rated T
Written for the December Jily Advent Calendar 2023!Prompt: A & B are colleagues and for the secret santa one of them gives the other something inappropriate as a gag gift
Added to the ever expanding TBR:
The Next Step by merlinsbudgiesmugglers
Complete (1.5k), post-canon Andromeda Tonks, Rated G
After the war Andromeda has been wholly focused on raising her grandson. But when he goes to Hogwarts, she finds she might need something more. Kingsley and Harry have an idea for what that could be.
Speak Now by @firefeufuego Complete (1.4k), Jily love declarations, Rated T
The fuse has been lit. Lily can almost hear the crackling hiss of it, feel the building burn of it in the air as Sirius takes the reins of the conversation, as drinks are bought and poured down newly dry throats, and eventually as last orders are called and the four of them are standing outside and saying farewell with kisses on cheeks. Sam and Sirius apparate away. Lily and James do not. They stand, eyes fixed firmly on each other, ready to ignite. ‘Not forever, you said?’ James asks, his voice deep and quiet in a way that’s never been hers to hear before now. Follow-up to the lovely kay-elle-cee's 'silence and patience, pining in anticipation'.
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autumnsorbet · 8 months
Forgot I did these last months I thought I had posted them but I Didn't
Art block redesigns
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Redraws from when I had art block a few times last month this one's from v5
I had fun making Yang's I think she look amazing in black it help her hair stand out morei gave Weiss a look that's a bit similar to what her outfit is in volume seven I wish they had hinted at something like that in volume 6
or maybe they gave weiss a new outfit while they were traveling, I also try to add all her teams colors to her outfit I also gave her some hair swords instead of just giving her that tiara I had her put
actual little dagger swords in her hair that she could use in an emergency if she lost her weapon to still fight with they don't shoot us but she could still try to attack someone with them or still summon if need be cuz I think she needs her weapon to summon it's not really clear,
I think well Oscar / Oz was at the house he could have dressed a bit more comfortably yeah I know this outfit I put him in isn't comfortable this outfit is actually from a manga I xxxholic and I just wanted to see how Oscar looked in it I actually like how it turned out I just changed some things on it and the colors
I also had the idea that maybe if Rwby could they would like have the characters change their outfits like every 3 days or so so you won't just leave them in the same outfit I know models are expensive but I wish they could do like some shows have done and have them in different outfits even if it's just two or three different outfits for different occasions and things besides pajamas like they did in volume 7
For the V8 redraw I put Oscar in a different outfit I think he should have gotten an outfit change at the end of volume eight instead of them just fixing up his same outfit like did he have a spare outfit somewhere that they had or did someone make him a new outfit or just clean his outfit that he had on often fix his jacket somehow 😅
And then what is still funny to me because in that same episode and even The following episode his model was really off for some reason I wish they had just given him a different outfit I know the outfit I put him in looks like it's all over the place but I still think this is a good design and look especially like what I did with his hair
I also like the outfit I put Blake in I think if they were going to put her in like a cat suit I wish they had put her in like a cat food snow jumper, I don't know why they've been putting her in white lately I wish they put her in purple or black more so I gave her a purple outfit with dark purple boots and one of those headband scarf things she also has a hood in case she gets trapped out in the cold and her Aura is low and she can cover her ears on her head
This was something I had to fun doing especially when I had art block which comes on every other week like week before last I was drawing a lot of stuff and it was so fun and I was actually making progress with some work that I wanted to put aside but I managed to get it done and all of last week all I had was art block mostly and I think I only got two pictures done hopefully I can get more done this week
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King 👑 x reader
An unexpected encounter part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
After staring at each other for what seems like ages, King finally broke the silence, “…you gonna say something or are we going to have a staring contest?”, he asked with a little smile.
Y/N blushed in response and clutched his mask closer to her chest as she looked away, “…I’m just…surprised…I guess my reaction is a lot less violent that yours”, she said with a little smirk.
He smirked back and rolled his eyes, “…I did apologize for that…I regretted that moment since it happened”, he said gently as he looked down at her as he reached down to stroke her cheek with the back of his fingers, “…I will always regret it”.
She flinched a little when he touched her and he was quick to retract his hand, “…forgive me…I shouldn’t…”.
“…it’s okay…I…just…this is all a lot for me to deal with right now”, she said gently as she turned away, “…we should talk more tomorrow…for tonight though…I want to just process everything…good night, King”. She would start making her way back to her quarters.
“…it’s Alber…not King to you…”, he said gently as he watched her walk away, “…mind giving my mask back before you leave?”.
“Yes, Alber…I do mind…”, she said over her shoulder, “…you have a pretty face that I’d like to continue to see…so no mask for you”.
He would roll his eyes in response and smirk, folding his arms across his chest as he watched her leave. As if he only had one mask…
After making it back to her quarters, she sat the mask down and laid down on her bed, thinking about everything that had happened in the last couple of hours before she fell asleep.
A knock on her door would wake her up, she lazily went to the door and looked at her commander, “…it’s so early…why are you here?”, she asked as she rubbed her eyes like a sleepy child before going back to her bed and cuddled under the sheets.
“…it’s 11am…and you missed breakfast with Kaido…he asked for you”, Katakuri said calmly as he leaned against the door frame.
Y/N pouted, “…you know you’re not very funny…”, she said as she buried her face into a pillow, “…also you know better than I do that I wasn’t needed or asked for by anyone”.
He smirked a little, she could tell even with that scarf around him, “King’s eyes searched for you so perhaps your presence was needed by him…you are free for most of the day so don’t try to get into too much trouble…but be available if anything arises”, he said gently before tapping the door and heading out
Y/N blushed and threw a pillow at him, “…you’re the worst, you know that!”, she said with a pout.
King was out training in the usual forested area alone, he always couldn't find someone who could keep up with him and since Kaido was resting for most of the day...he was not needed for now.
Shirtless and maskless, he trained for hours on end before taking a seat on the ground and flapped his wings lazily as he sipped some water from his bottle. He would then feel cold metal touch his front neck, "...what's this I see...Alber with his guard down....rookie move, don't you think?", a voice said behind him.
His eyes widened and then he realized not many know his real name, he turned to look over his shoulder and saw Y/N before he smirked a little, "...you're fast...this time at least".
She huffed in response and removed her sword before going to sit next to him, "...that...was different", she said as she looked around knowing his eyes were on her every move.
"...do you like this place?", he asked gently as he rested his arms on his knees.
"Yes, I saw a waterfall not too far here...I was heading there", she said gently, "...but first...I want to do something else".
He raised a brow, "...and what is that?".
"...spar with me, Alber", Y/N said as she looked deep into his eyes.
He swallowed when she looked at him like that and said his name...what an odd feeling.
"If that's what you want, I won't go easy on you just because you are a woman", he said simply as he stood up and offered his hand to her.
She gently took his hand and stood up, "...I wouldn't expect anything less", she said as she walked away just to give them enough distance between them.
He smirked a little as he took his sword and swung it around a little, "...ladies, first...".
Without a second thought, she would attack him and their sparing would last for a few hours before Y/N called it quits. There was no way she would be able to pin him down unwillingly…he was way too experienced and much stronger than herself.
“…I could take you to that waterfall now, if you like”, King said as he slipped on his shirt and began to button it.
“Is that my reward for whipping your ass?”, Y/N asked with a smile even though that never really happened.
“…take it as my pity for your loss”, he replied with a smirk which earned a laugh from her.
“Ah thanks, that’s so kind of you…”, she said sarcastically before pouting a little, “…fine, take me there”.
It wasn’t too far of a walk before they reached the waterfall, “…here it is, I’ll give you your privacy”, King said as he slipped on his coat and was about to put his mask on.
“You don’t have to go…unless you have somewhere to be”, she said gently, her hands quickly stopping him from putting his mask on.
He hesitated and swallowed a little, “…I don’t have anywhere else to be…”, he finally said as he looked down at the woman before him.
She nodded and took his free hand into hers before smiling, “…good…then stay with me”.
How could he refuse? His heart raced as his body struggled to understand what was going on. All he could do was bring her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles gently in response.
She blushed a little as this before going to water and slipped off her shoes, dipping her toes in, “…it’s not that cold…barely even”, she said before undressing down to her underwear and walked into the water. Making her to the overhang and let the water pour all over her before looking over her shoulder, “…well…are you coming in or not?”.
The waterfall was not deep enough that he would fall ill or go too weak nor was it salt water. He knew this because he was a frequent.
His eyes could not leave the lunarian woman before him, he watched her. What was going on with him? He never was this taken back by anyone.
He snapped out of it and began undressing before walking in after her and stood behind her. His hands reached to her waist hesitantly, “…your wings are getting wet”, he whispered into her ear.
“…so are yours…we’ll just have to lay out in the sun until they dry”, she said gently as she turned and looked up at him, feeling his arms wrap around her waist a little tighter. Her hands went up his arms to his chest.
“…what are you doing to me, Y/N? Why are you making me feel things I’ve never felt before?”, he questioned as he leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.
She bit her lip when he said that, “…I…should ask you the same…”.
He looked down at her for a moment before caressing her face with his fingertips and leaned down until his lips barely met hers, “…don’t stop doing it…”, he whispered before his lips met hers…firstly gently and then passionately…
((Yesss the kiss!!! I had to do the waterfall kiss because it’s so sexy! Their poor wings😂 ))
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my-beloved-lakes · 5 days
1, 4, 5, 10, 17, 19 for Forever, and 1, 5, 9, 15, and 19 for White Collar?
1. what got you into this story?
We have @ghostlyarchaeologist to blame thank for this one. Saw them posting about it several months ago and was actually in the mood to try watching a new TV show (which is rare). Out of all my mutuals, I think I trust them the most to have good taste in TV, so I decided to give it a try
4. assign this story a hyper-specific genre name, e.g. "inspirational religious semi-horror sci-fi western" (yes, that's Trigun)
Um... Idk I'm bad at this. Romantic comedy modern-fantasy crime-drama?
5. do you have a favorite character? who?
I mean they're all so great it's hard to choose but I gotta say Henry, followed shortly after by Abe.
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
@we-have-a-flying-sword pointed out to me the other day that Twenty Long Years by Lord Huron reminded her of Henry. It's not perfect and there are other songs that might work better, but it's a song I love and I do think it works really well.
17. compare this story to your usual tastes. how does it differ from what you've already enjoyed?
Honestly, aside from the fact that it's the first show about a medical examiner I've seen, it's pretty on brand for the kind of shows I like. Nice balance between funny lightheartedness and serious stuff.
19. pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
Gosh! I think it'll be a long time before I stop fantasizing about this show getting a reboot. I guess a reboot would start with a recap of what happened immediately following the last scene in the show. Then like, just more of the same I guess, only now there's more trust and transparency between Henry and Jo. I'd like to see them get together. It'd be a long time coming, but they had to wait till they had all their individual issues worked out.
White collar:
1. what got you into this story?
It all started with the show Chuck actually. Matt Bomer played a character in that who was pretty easy to dislike but at the same time I wanted to like him. I just couldn't. Later I decided to look him up to see if he was in anything that looked interesting where he played a more likeable character. I found White Collar and remembered that one of my sisters had said it was pretty good so I started watching it.
5. do you have a favorite character? who?
As I'm rewatching it now I'm remembering how much I love Sara Elis. But also Elizabeth Burke is and always will be absolute wife goals! Mozzy's great too... and Neal. I love a lot of them, really.
9. give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible.
Tired FBI agent tries desperately (and kinda fails) to keep his crime child out of trouble.
15. what time are you most likely to be found reading/watching this story? (time of year, time of day, season of life, whatever makes sense to you)
Time of day: evening or night cuz I almost never watch TV during the day.
19. pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
I don't know what they have planned for the reboot that is actually happening but in a perfect world: Neal found Sara in Paris. (That's why he chose Paris, duh) (Wait she did go to Paris right? Idk it's been a while since I've seen it. I could be miss remembering it) And they are now living happily as a semi-normal couple. Neal is using his unique set of skills and knowledge to help Sara with her insurance recoveries and also doing a little crime on the side. Mozzy has found Neal and is there helping out and encouraging Neal to do more heists/cons. They keep in touch with the Burkes and visit them in the states all the time. Peter let's the world continue to believe Neal Cafrey is dead cuz he knows Neal deserves to be free and that's the only way for that to happen. But any time he needs help on a tricky case he'll call Neal for some unofficial help.
But Honestly I don't want there to be a reboot or spinoff. I liked where it ended and I feel like bringing it back now is a bad idea cuz it'll ruin what, in my opinion, was a satisfying and happy conclusion. I'm really not jazzed about the fact they're working on bringing it back, especially since Willy Garson won't be in it. What's the point without Mozzy!? And apparently Hillary Burton won't be in it either, so that ruins my idea stated above.
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