#that's the logo for my craft accounts :)
kirby-the-gorb · 5 months
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (part 37)
Tw: none 4 now , just a short chapter wirh Yves fluff
Part 38
"Yes dear, you may." Yves sat on the chair next to your bed, crossing his legs elegantly as he watches you open the pristine packaging.
You asked him for permission if you're allowed to eat the imported macarons he flew in all the way from France. You're nervous because the box itself looked extremely expensive, his gift looked too beautiful to eat.
You end up closing the box of delectable, colourful pastries. Some had gold leaf on them. They're definitely mouthwatering, especially after days of eating bland hospital food. You didn't touch any of Montgomery's takeaway.
You told him that you're going to save it for later. Yves didn't react to you, instead he pulled out another box with a black ribbon wrapped around it from his massive shopping bag that he no doubt retrieved from a luxury store. Yves kept the box of macarons from somewhere else, so that you had more space to work with. It was large, taking up the entire over-bed table.
You pulled on the neat ribbon before slowly taking the cover off.
Whatever it was, a sheet of black silk was wrapped around it with an envelope that has the brand logo resting atop. You opened it and pulled out a card with golden embossed letters. You had no idea what it says because you couldn't read it. So you set it aside and took out the main item.
You were baffled when you pulled out a large drawstring bag with a velvet interior. But that wasn't the final object, the thing inside it was. Yves second gift to you was a designer backpack, crafted to perfection and made up of only the highest quality materials. You can feel the lavishness through your fingertips rubbing against its fabric.
You opened it to see translucent packaging paper, protecting its form. This must have at least cost him a few grand, you're not accounting for the currency exchange rate. You turned your head to Yves, you looked uneasy. Do you really deserve this?
He simply tilted your head at your discomfort.
"It is time to retire your bag, (name)." He leaned forward, propping his head on his hand. "Unless this isn't to your liking?" You panicked at the sight of sadness in his green irises.
You said no, you love it. But you're scared to use it because it's priceless to you. It will hurt to even have a smidge of dirt on it!
"Then, this shall teach you to be mindful of your belongings." He smiled. "You should treat what you own with care and respect." Yves playfully tapped your nose with his pointer.
Your face heated up at the memory of him discovering the state of your old backpack, finding a dead lizard at the bottom and mold growing in your waterbottle.
"It's the least you could do for the items that uphold your day-to-day activities." Yves continued his lecture as he bent down again to take something else from his shopping bag.
You kept staring at the bag, cautiously packing it back into the drawstring and into the box. Treating it as if it will disintegrate if you handled it a bit too roughly.
"However." He gently guided your head to face him. Yves stroked his fingers under your chin. "I must remind you, they're merely objects. You shouldn't let them dictate your life. They're there to assist you."
He pushed a small box into your hands. It's a miniature version of whatever is on your table.
You untied its ribbon and opened it to reveal a small envelope and a smaller protective drawstring bag, which contained a velvet jewelry box.
You gasp upon opening it. A golden bracelet embellished with stunning pink diamonds. You took it out to inspect it and found that it doubles as a wonderful fidget toy! It has numerous moving parts and gears, providing that satisfaction of sliding and clicking.
You kept playing with it for a few minutes. Until Yves softly cleared his throat to get your attention.
He was smiling adoringly. "I'm happy that you're fond of my gifts, (name)."
You realized you haven't thanked him. Instead of verbally doing so, you decided to grow a pair and peck him on the lips.
You quickly retracted yourself and looked away, feeling shy from what you just did.
It took Yves a few seconds to register what you just did. His fingers ghosting over his mouth as his eyes were wide, staring at your bashful self.
The corners of his lips shakily curled upwards as he silently pushed your over-bed table away.
"Oh, (name)..." Purred Yves as he felt his heart beat so hard and fast against his ribcage, as if it was going to explode. He has no words to describe how adorable, how lovable and how delicious you are to him right now.
He tucked himself into the same bed, snaking his arms around your waist. Soon, you found yourself being cradled by Yves in his lap.
Your back is pressed against his chest as he buried his face into your hair. His own silky strands tickle you by your neck.
You giggled when he nipped at your cheek, he wrapped his lips around his teeth so it wouldn't tear into your skin no matter how hard he bites. It just felt like a firm yet harmless pinch between two knuckles.
He alternated between fluttery kisses and toothless nibbles. You squirmed and laughed hysterically when Yves utilized his nimble fingers to attack your ribs with tickles. It doesn't matter how you scrunch yourself, Yves will always get you to excite yourself.
"You charming little thief, how dare you steal my heart?" He hissed with mock anger before moving on to press his lips against yours.
You grinned and kissed back, loving how soft and supple they were, loving the taste of them. His hair shielded you from the harsh lighting of the room and his comforting smell made you forget the clinical stench of antiseptic in the air. The warmth he provides nullifies the cruel, artificial visual and physical coldness of the room.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, lightly squeezing them in his hold. But that is only with one hand.
The other is gripping so hard on your sheets that his nails started shredding holes into it. His thumb particularly pierced into the mattress. His veins were throbbing and raised, skin taut and digits suffering from tremors.
Yves occupied himself with your lips. Closing his eyes and enjoying the bliss he was handsomely rewarded with. He tries to ignore the fact that he failed to account for the deranged intensity of his cuteness aggression towards you.
Data be damned, he may have lost count of the number of touches he gave you today, but that one rare kiss from you was all worth it.
He lets go of you only to whisper three special words:
"I love you."
Before diving back in and showering you with tenderness as he fights the urge to painfully squash both of your face cheeks.
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honeybeeofficial · 18 days
okay I know your post was about how annoying it is when people make comments about selling your craft and while I certainly can’t speak for other people I would spend mmmmh I’d say $450 on horseshoe crab bag. I have $450 in my bank account right now and would use it to buy a horseshoe crab shaped bag.
This illustrates another piece of the issue that maybe I didn't fully spell out in my post about how badly people underestimate the cost of handmade goods– which is that even when a non-crafter hears "handmade crafts are expensive," they still often don't really grasp the scale we're talking about.
When the same friend I mentioned in the original post found out that I handmade the journal I carry around, he asked if he could pay me to make him one. He said he would happily pay $15–20 for a good journal. I laughed and told him that the labor involved would make it a lot more expensive than that, and he went "oh, like… 30–40? Yeah, that might be more than I'd want to spend." …The actual cost for that journal would likely be around $80–100.
What makes me think you didn't fully comprehend my original post is that in that post, I gave a rough estimated overview of what the cost would be. I said that if I'm charging what my labor is actually worth, $615 is the bare minimum for that item, and that it would likely be more.
After updating my math and factoring in things like packaging + shipping, the "fair price" for a horseshoe crab bag comes out to $780 USD. That's with me charging $25/hr, which is less than I make at my actual job even though leatherworking is more physically taxing. I made a post about how commissions would work if anyone actually wanted to spend that much.
I'm not mad at you, anon (nor am I mad at the friend I've mentioned), but it's clear to me that the original point about how expensive handmade goods are didn't really click for you. Fast fashion and mass industrial production have really degraded our sense of how much things are actually worth, because you can get just about anything almost instantly for a tiny fraction of what it would take an individual to produce.
For the same reason, I've ruled out ever taking my graphic design career in a freelance direction– anytime I've taken a freelance project, or considered it, I get to the point where I calculate what to charge and I just wince and shy away from the project entirely… because I have a gut feeling that something like a logo "should" cost around $100–200… but when I do the math for my time, I would actually have to charge $600–1000 (for a logo! Just a logo!), and I'm just mentally incapable of enforcing that for myself day in and day out to make a living wage.
If you have 5–10 minutes, I'd recommend this exercise to anyone:
Think of a project or task you've done lately. Pick something with measurable start and end points, such as an art project, folding laundry, washing the dishes, writing an essay, etc.
How much do you think you would pay someone else to do that task for you? Write that down. This is "A."
How long did that task take you to do? Write that down (in # of hours). This is "B." Approximate number is fine.
Did that task require any special tools? What about materials? Even basic things like sponges, paint, etc. Roughly estimate the cost of all the tools and materials you used. Because you'd likely get multiple uses out of most tools/materials, divide that number by 5. Write down the new number; this is "C."
What do you think is a fair minimum wage for your area? Many people have been fighting for $15/hr for a long time, but arguably this is still too low. If you're not sure, use $15/hr as a baseline. Write that down. This is "D."
Multiply B by D. Add C. This new number is "E."
How close is E to A? I'd be willing to bet that E is quite a bit higher than A. Remember, the hourly wage you used to calculate this might not even reflect what this work is actually worth. Does this give you a better idea of what you would actually need to pay someone to do that task for you?
Not all work is quantifiable in this way, and modern technology does allow for processes to be combined and optimized in ways that won't be reflected in your process. For example, buying a single bagel would not cost $60, because a bagel shop can make lots of bagels at the same time, using the same materials and equipment. But this absolutely does apply to things like hiring someone to clean your house, do your homework, or– of course– create handmade crafts.
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shiraishi--kanade · 5 months
;; i wanna hear about some of your 30+ proseka ocs!! if you wanna talk about them 👀
I'm hesitant, because I barely have any accurate artwork of them (and what I do have isn't drawn by me, actually), but it would be kind of hypocritical and silly for me to shy away from the question after that post, so...
In total I have about 30 proseka ocs and they keep on multiplying, but here's my focus for the time being.
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[ yeah, I don't have a fancy logo or anything like this. I'm not at all a visual artist, unfortunately ]
Kawaakari Orchestra, or KWKO for stort, is a unit of 6 classical musicians that participate in chamber music/classical music competition on a national level in Japan; however, there's a twist - the competition is specifically designed to modernize and revolutionise the approach to how classical music is presented to the general public, so there's a lot of non-traditional elements both during performances and in between them.
In short, this is not what they signed up for (with some of the members even being picked up somewhat involuntarily), and the competition is fierce and nobody is having fun on the journey to victory - but also self-exploration, healing and mending their relationship with their lives and each other.
More info under the cut!
Their sekai is Conservatory Sekai, which is similar to Leo/need's school set up but instead of empty classrooms there are empty lecture halls and practice rooms; one main practice room which is very spacious and open and several smaller, more private ones. All the Virtual Singers are the same as in canon and all play the same instruments the cast does.
There are also two new schools for all OCs to attend because I wanted more creative freedom over that!
Meeting the sillies!
[surname - name. Keep in mind that picrew designs can be inaccurate to various degrees. All follow proseka wiki template!]
Unit leader/2nd Violin: Saitsu Maki
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Gender: Female
Birthday: June 1st (♊)
School: Miyaji Girls Academy (1-A)
Committee: Library
Club: Undecided
Part-time job: None
Hobbies: Travelling, Meeting new People, Reading
Speciality: Photographic memory; English
Favourite food: Soba noodles
Least favourite food: Anything spicy
Dislikes: Insects
1st Violin: Kozaki Karin
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Gender: Female
Birthday: August 4th (♌)
School: Miyaji Girls Academy (1-A)
Committee: Class Representative
Club: Go
Part-time job: Bookshop
Hobbies: Strategy games
Speciality: Time management
Favourite food: Shiitake fried rice
Least favourite food: Eggs
Dislikes: Idleness
Piano: Shimizu Kairi
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Gender: Male
Birthday: March 11 (♓)
School: Hakkei High School (1-C)
Committee: Disciplinary
Club: Chamber Music
Part-time job: None
Hobbies: Collecting Stationery, Journaling
Speciality: Aesthetic Notetaking
Favourite food: White tayaki
Least favourite food: Prawns
Dislikes: Crowded places
Cello: Ekuro Suzuka
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Gender: Female
Birthday: November 21 (♏)
School: Miyaji Girls Academy (1-B)
Committee: Health
Club: Photography
Part-time job: Freelance photographer
Hobbies: Arts & Crafts; Baking
Speciality: First Aid & Nursing
Favourite food: Panna cotta, Blueberry sauce
Least favourite food: Salads
Dislikes: Hospitals
[sorry for the very bad quality for the next two ones, I can't afford making a neka.cc account right now. Maybe Someday!]
Viola: Kaedehara Akari
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Gender: Female
Birthday: September 30 (♎)
School: Hakkei High School (2-D)
Committee: Greening
Club: Gardening
Part-time job: None
Hobbies: Going on morning walks, Tending to her potted plants
Speciality: Flower language
Favourite food: Pizza
Least favourite food: Tomatoes
Dislikes: Viola
Flute: Fujisaki Reishi
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Gender: Male
Birthday: December 28 (♑)
School: Hakkei High School (2-A)
Committee: Beauticarion
Club: None
Part-time job: None
Hobbies: Composing music, Shopping
Speciality: Music theory; Calligraphy
Favourite food: French fries, Instant noodles
Least favourite food: Pickled foods
Dislikes: Criticism
picrews/neka cc used: 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Some very important infographics to understand the dynamics of the group (4koma cutouts courtesy of @the-one-that-weeps):
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They have a lot stuff going on, and so far I've planned a series for the that goes over from the main story up to their World Link event; but a lot of this is still Subject To Change and WIP, of course. So this is all I'm going to say so far in order to keep things interesting if I do happen to write about them at some point.
Hope you all like them, even if they're surface level, they mean the world to me. If you have proseka fan oc, this is the cue for you to talk about them as well. Let's re-populate the tag. Cringe culture is dead. Fan Units is where it's at.
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hervygervy · 8 months
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A blessed individual in another server found an account for some bootleg restaurant in Brazil. This is their logo I suppose, lol. I shared the account to my dear friends in my own server. My bestie crafted this lovely meme.
Based on the image below!
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magicratfingers · 9 months
Progress report ! ૮ ºﻌºა ✨ kind of a work-in-progress diary for myself. v indulgent.
intense world of dick terrifying - goin good! got a main character, some supporting characters, figuring out the big rivalry today. Gotta figure out a format. I was thinking of basing it off of the Day at the Airport book bc it's only about 11 spreads but there's a lot going on on each one. Could leave it a comic but I also want it to be printable hmm catnips cantrips chooseyer-by-mail test - learning a lot! the world-building has been reallllllly fun - like the kind of fun where you want to go a little deeper bc you like it not bc you have to. perfect situation. Gotta resolve the mix between the DM roleplay and the actual postcards. Made and branded a whole gmail account and character to handle lost postcards - Pizza Kentucky III of the Isekai Post Office. Haven't been keeping up with the blog. But the blog is supposed to be more of a holding container than a 'thing'. One thing I did not expect to be learning was spreadsheets. Keeping track of names and addresses and choices and paths has given me a new perspective on pacing and structure. Also? Been a great excuse to finally play with UV epoxy and it's so straightforward that I'm mad it took me so long. media thats not just webcomics - dunmeshi is out!!! Laios my beloved. Still afraid to find and read Kotteri's Veil bc it will make me too feelings. Started reading books I loved as a kid (Redwall!!!) and some story craft books (found an NPR list somewhere) WRHP s2 - started to feel like work but changing up the backgrounds freed me up, feels fun again Sorcerer comic - paused while I wait for fashion inspiration to pull the ending together Emotional support paladin - paused till I feel like it. It's got such a specific delivery style that I don't wanna force to get the story out, so i gotta wait for some story aspects to firm up Bonnie & Clawd - more of a character study than a comic - fun to practice cutie pies cuddling. But... how DO birds and wolves smooch. Saw a youtube video about how ravens and wolves are friends and work together. So perfect. Valentines day thing - got some supplies coming tomorrow, gonna try out my idea. If it works maybe sell it? If it doesn't work, oh well, probably will learn something. Wanted to make perforated cards and stickers but got a little overwhelmed thinking about printing. Might just do a digital thing if an idea comes to me. Been wanting to make holographic stickers but when I sit down to think of a motif it feels stressful. Maybe I just test the Poodle Broadcasting System logo? I've always loved the aesthetic of valentines day but never felt like it's been delivered right. I certainly never felt indulged - something is always a little not-cute or too-cutesy. Think it could be really fun to have it be an annual 'surprise box'. I lost my halloween fam in the schmivorce so I could use a holiday to go crazy on. (For years I would drive out and help build a whole haunted house in a garage and it was like a week-long party with great food and movies and laughs. Sad to lose it, sadder still to know it was so easy for them to lose me. ) Dishupon - ok not as many players and responses as I'd hoped. But that wasn't really the point. Point was to invent some sanrio-y characters for fun - which i did. And I will also say that the exercise of coming up with a variety of cozy, fun, silly, spicy ways to think about dishes has made MY dishes mostly effortless. Even made a little foam clay Tiger coach and he's sitting on the window above the sink. Perhaps I will think of a game to get my car inspection done.
Overall January is great. Granted, it's the 4th. Had my ten year work anniversary (idk how old everyone thinks I am but it's Not 20) and got to 1010 followers on twitter on the same day. And the new d20 is out on the 10th so that felt real nice and square. Bit worried that all the good vibes I built up over holiday vacay will get smashed when I'm put on a new work project. But i feel like I'm about to level up a little bit art-style wise. Feelin grateful, feelin warm & cozy
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Would it be weird to ask how you plan out your embroidery designs? If not weird and you have the time/spoons do you have any tips?
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Oh no worries, I am the OP! @handmadehazefromtheheart is my craft account. ^w^ You were referring to this post, right?
Asking isn't weird at all btw. I like questions. :3 Though I dunno if my answer will be the most helpful, since I'm still pretty experimental with my embroidery.
For the brain, I literally just doodled onto the fabric with a water soluble pen.
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For the latest piece before that, I traced the outline + important features of a picture I had of my girlfriend by holding fabric pinned in a hoop up to my laptop screen. Then I flipped the fabric around in the hoop so it was right ways up. I did the same with her music logo, which I made for her birthday this year.
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Mostly, though, I've been actually drawing out patterns on paper.
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I trace them onto the fabric using a white screen behind it. (I literally just Google "white" and open an image full screen.)
Getting the colors right is hard, but I'm getting the hang of it I think.
For the brain, I decided as I went which sections would be which shade of teal on the fly.
For the portrait, I gathered various shades of coral (the color of the InfiniTints prompt it was for) and then separated them into groups based on where I thought each shade would work best. I had a hair pile and a skin pile, and in each pile I determined which would be used for lighter areas and darker areas based on the picture I was using.
For the In Decay logo, I did pretty much the same thing but with whites and greys, though I haven't shown off the full thing yet. (I'm going to do that in a special way. :3c Stay tuned.) The mouse had the same process. The mouse was actually the first one I did it like that for, and I love how it turned out—and the fact that a duplicate made as a commission came out so nice after.
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You can kind of see on the clover pic above that I actually labeled it for where I wanted which shades of green. I should probably do that more.
I've mostly been working with long and short stitch, but working on this pre-made kit has helped me get a sense of how to use different kinds of stitches together.
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So far, the brain is the most deliberate in terms of different stitches.
[ID: A two second video showing off the embroidered result of the brain sketch near the top of the post. It's mostly satin stitch, but the outlines are all stem stitches, and there are French knots in some places next to backstitches and split stitches that swirl. /end ID]
I'd say I've improved a lot from my first attempt last year:
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Oh... I got away from myself writing that out, didn't I? I hope you got what you were asking for out of it! 😅
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charlotteinengland · 2 years
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Introducing @hookpolo 🐎🤎 ~ The Hook Polo Barbury Riding Leggings & Base Layer make a stylish & versatile addition to your wardrobe. Wear them riding, to the gym or as casual wear. Top: Barbury Base Layer @hookpolo Leggings: Barbury Riding Leggings @hookpolo ⚜️BOTH IN THE JANUARY SALE ⚜️ Boots: @myspanishboots Visit my stories for more images & direct link. Our technical full-seat riding leggings are expertly crafted with all-way stretch fabric and moisture-wicking, breathable properties to keep you comfortable all day. Designed with a high waistband for comfort, and a non-restrictive, super soft feel. Finished with our subtle 'Polo Players & Palms' all-over print, our signature logos and an ivory white accent. I’m wearing size XS ~ perfect fit. (AD) Copyright © 2023, Charlotte in England, www.charlotteinengland.com, @charlotte.in.england This is my official account. Any other account is an impersonation of me. RESPECT COPYRIGHT. #CharlotteinEngland #HookPolo #TheSpanishBootCompany #polo #polosport #ridingleggings #baselayer #ridinggear #leggings #baselayeroutdoor #leggingsfordays #leggingsandboots #bootseason #smile #countryside #countrygirl #bootlovers #leatherboots #equestrian #equestrianlife #equestrianfashion #horselovers #pololovers #jodhpurs #poloboots #countrylife #countrystyle #brunettegirl #luxurylifestyle #england (at England) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnugVferOqr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abdallahwaked · 2 months
Progress Week 8
Tumblr - Week 8
What is working?
This week, I have:
Enhanced our logo 
Posted more content on the Instagram account 
Gained some followers 
5 customers put our product in their basket
Worked on designing new products (will be posted this week)
What is not working?
We haven’t yet received any sales 
To fix this, I plan on enhancing my marketing strategies and adding more products. This includes more word-of-mouth marketing and persistent social media posting to increase engagement. In addition, I plan to reach out to social media figures interested in such products to market them on their wide platforms. This will ensure that a greater audience is exposed to my business and product. 
How do you feel the project is coming?
I believe that the project is doing very well overall. We have been in business for about a week and we have managed to gain interest from customers both on our Etsy website and on our social media platforms. This success in such a short time is a great sign that the business is of interest to many and has the potential to gain sales and profit. This also aligns with previously done market studies that showed the rapid success of this business. 
What are you learning about running a business?
It requires a lot of research to ensure that the business is feasible and achievable. For example, we must ensure that our product will be in demand, have a low production cost, and have great margins. 
We must assess the competition to ensure we are able to secure a spot in the industry 
Running a business requires determination and resilience; One must not quit after some setbacks 
Advertising is important to increase our digital presence and sales. 
What are you learning about yourself?
Determined to make the business successful and will do whatever it requires me to ensure its success. 
Creative in the sense that I am able to craft many templates for my business to fit my customers’ needs
Resilient as I will not stop the business after encountering setbacks 
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witchercommentcrawl · 2 years
Crawl Call 01: Autumn Fanworks
New to the Crawl? Check out our event guide! Our commenting window will last October 21st - October 30th. This is our community coming together at the same time to enjoy amazing fanworks, but you're welcome to comment whenever you have the time.
Here is your list for the first Witcher Comment Crawl! These are all fanworks that have few comments or are more than a year old and have not received many new comments in that time.
Spreadsheet View of Fanworks - (optional) save a copy to your Google drive. Contains ratings, notes, canon & color coded for fanwork type.
Use this form if you don’t have an account on Twitter or YouTube or if you want to comment anonymously, and we'll pass on your comment to the creators!
Have fun commenting! 🍁💬❤️
Ard Skellig Village - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  by Isac Saleh (3:53). Guitar arrangement of the Witcher 3 soundtrack.
Apples - by coffee_mage (5:49). Podfic. Rated G. Geralt/Jaskier. Geralt is jealous of Roach. 
Autumn Hunting by mina_bloody. Ciri hunting in the woods. 
The Lodge of Sorceresses edited by Blue Crystal Works. (4:53). Cosplay Music Video featuring The Lodge of Sorceresses.
The White Wolf and the Swallow by Princess_jordan_hh. Carved pumpkin of The Witcher Netflix logo.
Jaskier and Geralt dolls by JBcrochetwizard. Jaskier and Geralt sitting in front of an autumn tree. 
Lambert's Halloween Mishap: Pumpkin by Saintly_Bovine. Lambert and wolf witchers at Kaer Morhen. 
Gaunter O'Dimm dancing with a skeleton by @eredins-a-king-aint-he.
Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer Stomping Grapes in Toussaint by @handwrittenhello.
Please, Tissaia?! art by  @sentientpinkfrosting and fic by: @little-merigold Yennefer/Tissaia necking (vampire AU).
Hansa Halloween Costume Idea by @abi-kamikakushi. The Hansa dress as Regis for Halloween!
Halloween Rita by @uselessfanboy. Margarita Laux-Antille dressed as a Halloween witch on a pumpkin.
Dettlaff in higher vampire bat form  by @northernolddragon. Fanart edit.
Geralt/Yen with pumpkins and sunflowers by @witcheringways Mod edit. 
Knocking on Forbidden Doors by Astrarian. 1309 words. Teen. Gen. Fringilla and Yen at Aretuza, hints of necromancy.
across and over the fire by galactic_roses. 1347 words. Teen. Eskel/Tomira meet at Saovine.
Festival by Flawney. 1710 words. Teen. Geralt/Dandelion celebrating harvest in Oxenfurt.
I shut my eyes and the whole world drops dead by WitcherSexual. 1803 words. Mature. Jaskier, Geralt & creepy child...
There Are Poppies Growing Over Where My Lover's Lying by Holliday_inn. 3953 words. Explicit. Margarita and ghost!Tissaia at Belletyn/Saovine.
Silence Lay Steadily by DolBlathanna. 17679 words. Gen. Geralt takes a contract for a wraith at Lady Breta’s estate. 
The Smell of Autumn - Jaskier's Ballad by RDH Development (1:29). Hexer fanvid to Jaskier's ballad 'The Smell of Autumn.' Features Geralt on the Path. [Lyrics translation - scroll to 'Episode 11 - Jaskier']
Tiny Witcher | Tilt Shift by Flurdeh (3:18). Mod edit. Witcher 3 game environments miniaturized.
Disturbia by @krystal280791 (2:40). Mature, physical trigger warning: flashing effects. Detlaff and Regis from Blood & Wine DLC.
Wordcount: 28,849
Audio: 9:42
Video: 12:20
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lohstandfound · 2 years
My favourite bmc concept I have ever come up with is Brooke and Jake opening a flower shop or plant nursery together
Sure, Jake knows next to nothing about plants but Brooke is, like, his best friend and Brooke loves flowers and gardening and Jake has the money to get them set up
So after looking around they find a place that Brooke absolutely falls in love with. They do it up, spend hours brainstorming logos and colours and names and how they're going to set up the shop
(Jenna decides to swoop in and help establish their social media. She'll run the Instagram but Jake demanded to be in charge of the tiktok account)
Their shop is small and they work together, slowly adding more and more. They sell art and baking and other crafts from locals. Jake decides to try make chalkboard signs with daily cheesy inspirational quotes
And they just have fun with their little shop.
Can easily be turned into one of those flower shop/tattoo shop AUs:
Across the street to their flower shop (it's called The Poet's Garden by the way), a new tattoo parlour opens.
Best friends Rich Goranski and Michael Mell decided to tag team and run a tattoo place. Rich handles the business end, Michael does the art.
The two have definitely caught the attention of the flower shop across the street.
(Richjake, Jake x rich x Brooke, rich x Brooke, pins and patches... Take your pick)
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ryqoshay · 11 months
Putting on Hairs: Post Production - ɐun˥
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: 599 Rating: G? AU: Monsters, Cryptids, Eldritch beings Prompt: Moon Content Warning: Spiders and beheadings
Author's Note: Primary entry for the 28th
Summary: YuuAyuSetsu go shopping in a strange mall
“Ooo… I'll bet Nico-chan would love this.” Yuu pointed to a poster on the wall.
“Maybe…” Setsuna inspected the werewolf being depicted. “It looks a lot like Ryo-san's hybrid form.”
“Those two have been on better terms as of late.” Ayumu commented.
Setsuna had brought her girlfriends to the eldritch mall in a pocket dimension access through clipped back alleys of Tokyo. Once they had visited various shops, they would hit the grocery store last so Setsuna could buy ingredients for another batch of ʍǝʇs ʞɐʇuɐɥs.
The trio was currently wandering through a shop, ɐun˥, which carried merchandise themed around the moon. Yuu inisited they explore this store first since Ayumu was a moon rabbit and would certainly like the items for sale within. And she had been right.
The store was filled with many examples of the obvious, like the werewolf posters Yuu had just found. Or the mobile made with various species of moths. Books about the moon landing humans had accomplished.
And then there were the more esoteric examples, like all the other craft that had landed on the moon, in a manner by which the general populace of Earth remained completely unaware. A wonderfully detailed stature of Tecciztecatl. A lovely painting of Mawu and Lisa. Or things like…
“Oh, the head of Rahu.” Ayumu spotted something on a nearby shelf.
Yuu turned and immediately blanched. “What’s a severed head have to do with the moon?”
“Legend has it he tried to drink nectar that would make him immortal, so Vishnu decapitated him.” Ayumu explained. “Since then, he chases the sun and moon around the sky and swallows them. However, they just slip out of his throat and return.”
“He’s just one of many examples of deities that devore the sun and moon in order to account for their periodic disappearance from the sky.”
“So… this is replica… right?”
“You’re very knowledgeable about these things, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna said excitedly. “Is it because you’re a moon rabbit?”
“Sort of.” Ayumu replied. “Though I was not born on the moon myself, my grandparents have told me many stories of their time there. And their house was filled with many things like what is being sold here.”
“Ne, Ayumu-san, Yuu-san, isn’t this one pretty?” Setsuna held out a crystal.
“Yes.” Ayumu confirmed. “And extremely rare.”
“Rare?” Yuu leaned in to inspect the crystal Setsuna was holding. “It looks pretty normal to me.”
“Most moon spiders are grey in color.”
“Spider?!” Yuu backed away.
“Mm.” Ayumu reached over and gently touched the rock. “It’s alright, little one.” She cooed. “You can show yourself.”
Slowly, legs and pinchers began to take form, and after a few moments, a spider-like creature was standing in Setsuna’s hands.
“Aww, aren’t you a cutie.” Ayumu stroked the creature’s carapace.
“That’s… awesome…” Setsuna marveled.
“Find something you like?” A moon-beast wearing an apron with the shop’s logo on it entered the aisle.
“I think so…?” Yuu ventured.
The eyeless being examined Ayumu for a moment. “I assume one such as yourself knows how to care for such creatures.”
“Mm.” Ayumu nodded.
“We have terrariums in the next aisle over. Let me know if there is anything else you need for it.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you think Sasuke-san will like having a companion?” Setsuna asked before giggling at the sensation caused by the spider crawling up her arm to perch on her shoulder.
“I think we may have to worry more about Yuu-chan.”
“I’ll… be fine… maybe.” Yuu assured. “Let’s go find a suitable terrarium.”
And that was how the trio’s apartment gained another pet.
Author's Note Continued: Oh man did I have fun writing this one. So~ many tabs open about monsters associated with the moon. And so~ many ideas that I had to cut to fit the event's character limit.
But yeah, the PoH AU YuuAyuSetsu apartment has a new pet. And now I need to name it... and gods only know how many tabs I will open to do that...
Also, Crystal was the prompt from '21 and Carapace was from '22.
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admiraltypress · 1 year
Admiralty Press - Founding
As I’ve been harvesting text for DTPPF and formatting it, I’ve been thinking of a post I read a while back about the importance of provenance for fan bound books. I knew I would need to sign the books I bind in some way, but I am not currently comfortable using my legal name to do so, for various reasons, and I was somewhat reluctant to use my AO3 username as a substitute.
At the moment, marquisguyun is the closest thing I have to a universal fannish identity on the internet (I use the same name for AO3, Twitter, Dreamwidth, Discord Server Nicknames, and a Tumblr sideblog). However, it is not the name of my main blog on this site, and while I have every intention of retaining this AO3 account and username, I have abandoned too many blogs and changed usernames too many times over the years not to worry it will happen again.
I also made one single post to my main blog about the drop cap font I’d found for DTPPF, which caused more debate for me than I liked. Should these posts go on my main blog, with my general/crafting/fannish posts? What about when the contents of what I was binding are more relevant on my side blog, which shares a name with my AO3 account anyway? Should all of these posts be on that side blog? But then what about fics I’m binding that *don’t* fit the theme of that blog? I already don’t post my unrelated fics to that blog. Should I split the posts by fandom? Probably all of this would only matter to me.
So I was already considering this issue, and then earlier today @tormentedbyvisions asked on the Renegade Bindery discord about the “press” and “bindery” names that people had in their usernames. By the end of that conversation, I had changed my own server nickname and created this blog.
Admiralty Press is a suitably fandom non-specific name for my tastes, and it also is something that I identify with personally, because it hearkens back to my YouTube channel name. It is not something that I would get tired of as easily.
It’s just me behind this name. But this is how I will be identifying myself to anyone who may get their hands on a copy of something I’ve bound. It feels a little strange to give myself such a name before I’ve bound a single book, but it’s important to me that all of my work is associated with the same name, so I will be making sure to design a logo for it before my current typesetting project goes to print. And I hope that one day I can fill a bookshelf with the books I’ve bound, but you have to start with one. So this is me starting!
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caneiwestminster · 1 day
Protecting My Online Presence with a Trademark Attorney
Tumblr media
When I launched my online business, I was excited about the possibilities. I set up my website, crafted engaging social media profiles, and started promoting my brand. However, it didn't take long before I realized that having an online presence also meant facing threats I hadn’t anticipated. This is when I learned the importance of protecting my brand with the help of a trademark attorney.
The Awakening: Recognizing Vulnerabilities
As my business grew, I noticed similar names and logos popping up across the internet. One day, I discovered a competitor using a logo that was eerily similar to mine. My heart sank as I realized how easy it is for someone to confuse my brand with theirs. I felt exposed and vulnerable. That’s when I decided to consult a trademark attorney.
My attorney explained that while my domain name and social media handles were crucial, they were not enough to safeguard my brand. Without a registered trademark, I had limited legal recourse against someone who might misuse my brand identity online. This was a wake-up call for me; protecting my online presence required a proactive legal strategy.
Taking Action: Securing My Trademark
With my attorney’s guidance, we quickly moved to register my trademark. This gave me exclusive rights to my brand name and logo, providing a solid legal foundation for protecting my online identity. My attorney helped me navigate the trademark application process, ensuring that all the details were correct and complete.
Once my trademark was officially registered, I felt a renewed sense of security. I knew I had the legal backing to defend my brand against infringement. However, I soon learned that this was just the beginning of the journey.
Monitoring and Enforcement: Staying Vigilant
As my online presence expanded, so did the potential for infringement. My attorney emphasized the importance of monitoring for unauthorized use of my brand. Together, we set up a system to regularly search for similar names and logos online. It was crucial to stay vigilant, especially on social media platforms and e-commerce sites.
When I discovered a new account using my brand name, my attorney quickly drafted a cease-and-desist letter. The prompt action was effective; the infringer complied and removed the content. This experience taught me that having a trademark attorney made all the difference in enforcing my rights.
The Long-Term Benefits
Looking back, partnering with a trademark attorney has been one of the best decisions I made for my business. I now have peace of mind knowing that my brand is protected in the digital landscape. The investment in legal protection has not only shielded my online presence but also enhanced my brand’s value in the eyes of customers and potential investors.
Conclusion: A Necessity for Online Entrepreneurs
If you're an online entrepreneur, I cannot stress enough how vital it is to protect your brand with the help of a trademark attorney. In a world where digital identity is paramount, safeguarding your online presence is not just an option—it's a necessity. By securing your trademarks and having legal support to enforce them, you can focus on growing your business, knowing that your brand identity is well protected. Don't wait until it's too late; take action now to safeguard what you've worked so hard to build.
Contact us: CANEI 13950 Milton Ave. Suite 300, Westminster, CA 92683, United States 714-783-2222 https://caneilaw.com/
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visual-sculptors · 12 days
Utilizing Color and Signage to Stand Out at Trade Shows
1.How do I design my booth?  
Designing an effective booth for trade shows or exhibitions is a multifaceted process that necessitates careful planning and meticulous attention to detail. The first step in this journey is to clearly define your objectives and identify your target audience. Understanding the demographics and preferences of your potential visitors will enable you to tailor your design to resonate with them specifically. Selecting a cohesive colour scheme and integrating branding elements such as logos and taglines are crucial for creating a visually appealing environment that fosters instant brand recognition. Additionally, incorporating engaging graphics that convey your message succinctly ensures that your value proposition is communicated swiftly and effectively, capturing the attention of attendees in a crowded space. Moreover, the layout and flow of the booth should be thoughtfully designed to encourage interaction and accessibility, allowing visitors to navigate through the space comfortably. Incorporating technology, such as digital displays, interactive screens, or augmented reality components, can significantly enhance visitor engagement and create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression. It is also essential to prioritize functionality within the booth design; providing adequate storage for materials and ensuring comfortable seating arrangements for discussions can greatly enhance the overall visitor experience. By balancing aesthetics with practicality, you create a booth that not only attracts attention but also serves as an effective platform for meaningful interactions between your staff and potential clients.
2. What is exhibition booth design?
Exhibition booth design is a multifaceted discipline that involves the strategic planning and creative execution of physical spaces utilized for trade shows, conventions, and exhibitions. This process encompasses a variety of critical elements, including layout, signage, graphics, lighting, and interactive components. Each of these elements plays a pivotal role in effectively showcasing a company's brand and product offerings. A well-crafted booth not only attracts visitors through its visual appeal but also fosters meaningful engagement and communication. By creating an inviting atmosphere, exhibitors can enhance the overall visitor experience, encouraging potential clients to learn more about the company’s services and solutions. To achieve optimal results, exhibition booth design must integrate innovative design principles while also taking into account the dynamics of the target audience. Understanding the preferences and behaviors of attendees can significantly influence the design choices made, ultimately contributing to the booth's effectiveness. By aligning design strategies with marketing objectives, companies can enhance brand awareness and generate valuable leads in competitive environments. In this context, the exhibition booth serves as a vital touchpoint in a company’s promotional strategy, where the goal is not only to stand out visually but also to create lasting impressions that translate into business opportunities. Through thoughtful design and execution, a well-planned booth can become a powerful tool in a company's marketing arsenal, driving engagement and facilitating meaningful connections with prospective clients and industry partners.
3. Why is booth design important in trade show?
 Booth design is an integral component of trade show success, serving as the initial touchpoint between potential clients and brands. An effectively executed booth design not only captures the attention of attendees but also serves as a powerful communication tool that conveys a company's core values, mission, and product offerings. By creating an inviting and engaging atmosphere, a well-thought-out booth fosters meaningful interactions and dialogues between staff and visitors. This interactive environment not only enhances brand visibility but also significantly boosts brand recall, as attendees are more likely to remember a brand that provided them with an immersive experience. Elements such as strategic layout, innovative lighting, and interactive multimedia displays can be leveraged to craft a memorable experience that resonates with the audience, setting the brand apart in a competitive landscape. In the bustling environment of a trade show, where numerous exhibitors vie for the attention of a limited audience, innovative booth design becomes paramount. A thoughtfully designed booth can effectively draw foot traffic, generating valuable leads and maximizing return on investment for the exhibiting company. Employing unique design features, such as dynamic signage, comfortable meeting areas, and engaging product demonstrations, can entice attendees to stop, explore, and engage with the brand. Moreover, the use of technology, such as augmented reality or live social media feeds, can create a buzz around the booth, further amplifying its appeal. By prioritizing design and ensuring it aligns with the company's branding and marketing goals, businesses can create a compelling presence at trade shows that not only attracts visitors but also facilitates lasting relationships and drives future growth.
4. How to make a booth attractive?
To create an attractive and effective booth at trade shows or exhibitions, it is essential to begin with a well-defined theme that resonates with your target audience. This theme should reflect your brand’s identity and values, ensuring that it captures the attention of attendees who are likely to be interested in your offerings. The use of eye-catching graphics and a cohesive color scheme is vital in drawing people in while maintaining brand consistency. High-quality visuals can communicate your message quickly and effectively, making a strong first impression. Moreover, incorporating interactive elements such as touchscreens, virtual reality experiences, or live demonstrations not only enhances visitor engagement but also encourages active participation. This interactive approach fosters a memorable experience that can significantly increase the likelihood of follow-up interactions post-event. In addition to visual appeal and engagement strategies, the atmosphere of your booth plays a crucial role in facilitating meaningful conversations. Adequate lighting is essential, as it can enhance the overall appeal of your booth by spotlighting key features and products. Consider incorporating comfortable seating areas where visitors can relax and engage in deeper discussions with your staff. Speaking of personnel, it is imperative to staff your booth with knowledgeable and approachable team members who are well-trained in effective communication. Their ability to connect with attendees can significantly impact your brand's perception. Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of promotional materials or giveaways. Thoughtfully chosen items not only attract visitors to your booth but also serve as a tangible reminder of your brand, leaving a lasting impression that can nurture potential business relationships long after the event concludes.
5. What is the size of a booth design?
The dimensions of a booth design play a pivotal role in determining its overall functionality and effectiveness during trade shows or exhibitions. Typically, these booth sizes can vary significantly, ranging from compact 10x10 foot spaces to more expansive configurations such as 20x30 feet or even larger, depending on the specific requirements of the exhibition and the budget allocated by the exhibiting company. An effective booth design must meticulously account for not just the physical footprint but also the strategic layout and flow of traffic. This consideration is essential to facilitate smooth movement for attendees, thereby enhancing their engagement with the brand. By carefully planning the spatial arrangement, exhibitors can ensure that visitors are drawn into the booth and encouraged to explore the displays and offerings. Moreover, adequate booth size is crucial for incorporating various elements that enhance visitor interaction and satisfaction. A well-designed space allows for the inclusion of interactive displays, comfortable seating areas for discussions, and storage solutions for promotional materials and products, which collectively contribute to a seamless experience for attendees. The ultimate goal of the booth design should align with the brand’s objectives and the overarching marketing strategy, ensuring that every square foot is utilized effectively to communicate the brand message and foster meaningful connections with the audience. By taking these factors into account, companies can create a booth that not only attracts attention but also leaves a lasting impression on potential clients and partners, ultimately driving engagement and conversions.
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oldsoulsoupbrain · 2 months
Before The Boat
A one shot inspired by the beautiful post by @laurenillustrated that you can find here!
I knew from the second I saw it what I wanted to write, so here it is! Hope you enjoy! 👑📖✏️
The sound of a mug being harshly placed onto the wooden desk before her startled her awake no sooner than the dreams had taken their hold.
"Miss Turner! What do you think you are doing in MY class?"
"My apologies Mrs. Crook. It won't happen again."
Her teachers sharp gaze stayed on her far longer than Paige would have liked. She knew for sure that she would get a stern talking to about this later, surly even before their first lunch break had taken hold. There were certainly downsides to having a teacher, your own, as rotten good, or in this case bad, friend of your mother.
Paige's mother was the principal, and as such many students would tease Paige for getting an easy pass through Elementary school, but things were not as magical and jolly as it seemed. Every wrong doing was brought to her mother. Every test was expected to be done above the learning level that teachers expected from others in fifth grade, not because Paige was exceptionally smart and clever, for she was not, but rather because every adult was hoping they could force her to be.
Just last week her very own teacher had told the class that they were to finish a small music work sheet before they could line up at the door. As Paige watched the clock go closer and closer to bell time she found it harder and harder to read the notes on the papers before her. She knew her mother would be furious she was not outside waiting for her, and she knew her mother would be even more upset upon learning what work she was struggling with. Paige was supposed to have mastered one instrument for every year of life and she was very very behind, for she had not yet mastered one and she would be turning 10 soon.
Paige looked up at the back of Mrs. Crook's head and wished for dreaming. No more late nights trying to get her reading done, no more staring at page after page wondering what letters and numbers were fit to go where.
On Halloween the other kids got to be whatever they wanted. Princess, zombie, even dolls, pirates, villains from books, and heros from TV.
Paige was dressed as an accountant. She didn't even know what that was until her French teacher informed her.
As class went on Paige started crafting ideas in her brain. What if the world ended right now and the only people left were her classmates? Paige did a quick count around the room to see how many boys and girls there were. Perfect! She was the odd one out! So while everyone else was off saving humanity Paige could run away! She could go and- and she missed what the teacher said.
Paige looked down at her notebook of incomplete notes. Her gaze shifted to her pencil erasers that were shapped like a green witch and a bright blue cat. She started to play with them, hoping her teacher wouldn't notice.
She probably did.
When the teacher finally announced it was time for lunch Paige went with the other kids to grab their things from the small cubby hallway. When Paige turned the corner to return to her seat she saw what she already predicted. Her teacher on the phone, most likely to snitch on her to her mother.
Why was her mother so hard on her? Didn't she have people to watch over, a school to rule? Was she some sort of evil corrupt queen? Paige remembered when she was too small for school. Her mother was so happy with every letter she learned. When was the last time she made her mother happy now? No, her mother was not evil, only brain washed! By evil magic! That would explain everything! So what would that make Paige? A hero? A princess? Why not both! A hero princess! She had to go save her subjects from the wrath of their queen in this dungeon of a castle! She had to save them! Save her mother! Paige looked down at the wrapper for her granola bar, the one with the little boat logo. Maybe that's how she would do it. She would escape the castle on boat, going through the river from the moat! She smiled at the thought of her clever rhyme. Her mother would be proud! Or would she? Paige continued to eat her lunch thinking about what the rest of the day might be like.
How sad was it that Monday was her favorite day of the week, since that was the only time she could see her "friends"? Friday meant a whole weekend at home with her mom, or doing lessons, or errands. Mrs. Crook assigned homework every day and Paige couldn't remember the last time she got to play. When the bell signaled for everyone to go outside to play Paige grabbed her coat and went off to change her shoes with everyone else.
Outside was no fun anymore. Nobody wanted to play with her. She didn't want to read. She was tired of reading. Books were meant to be fun! But everything she has to read sucks!
At the end of the day Paige was taken home and sent to her room to do school work. Her mother hadn't mentioned her falling asleep yet and that worried Paige. At dinner her mom only asked if she had completed her school work. When Paige said no she was expecting to be yelled at. Instead her mother only nodded and said they could go to the library.
"But, I'm not done any of the readings for school."
"And your personal collection?"
"I read them all, except for the ones that are too big."
Instead of telling her to try the books above her reading level her mother only nodded and said "So, let's go find you a new book to read. Maybe we can rent a movie to watch too."
Paige didn't understand why her mother was being so nice, but she accepted anyways.
The library always smelt delicious. Paige once did a craft here where she turned a toilet paper role into hero princess wrist bands! The librarian was trying to do Egyptian accessories but excitement got the best of Paige. Watching her mother head to the children's section Paige followed. Now for the usual routine. Her mother would sit with Paige as she picked out books and they would narrow them down together, then after she had her list for the next week they would go to the adult section. Her mom would scan all the shelves and Paige would read something she picked out. Then they would check out the DVD wall, see the librarian, and go home. They always did the same thing, especially in the summer.
Unfortunately Paige was too tired to read while her mother looked around. The books in front of her looked awfully interesting, there were also leftover arts and crafts for her to play with, but nothing real seemed more captivating than the entire world inside her mind. Staring at a blank wall sometimes could lead to better stories than the entire library around her, or so she thought to herself in secret. Unless there was a mind reader around! Paige saw her mother turn down an isle and out of view. Hopefully not. She wouldn't want anyone knowing the sorts of things she thinks about them.
She moved her coat under her head to act as a makeshift pillow but kept her head up, looking around. There was always so much art on the walls here. She looked to her right and saw the computer section. She had never gone on these ones since her mother had a computer at home in the living room, right in front of where she liked to sit and read. The soft typing of the chunky old white turned yellow keys sounded almost like waves.
The waves that would carry her boat to safety. To adventure and excitement! To rescuing her mother from the evil witch!
With that, the press of the keys and flipping of pages transported Paige straight into another world. A new world where she was the hero.
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