#that's the one I'm most fond of
apassingbird · 3 months
the mere thought of buck and tommy saying 'i love you' to each other is enough for me to know that actually hearing it will be the thing that finally kills me i'm not even kidding a little bit
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atissi · 3 months
had to watch the new Folding Ideas video twice, read all of the comments, watched Lady Emily's video, watch an AVGN video for the first time (sorry i'm gen z), failed to get through Wavelength (1967), read a bunch about Wavelength (1967), and read through a bunch of Twitter comments, but i think i'm finally understanding the artistry in "i don't know james rolfe"
narratively it's dan olson revealing the rorschach test of media analysis, i.e. there was no way for him to critically analyze james rolfe's career without revealing all of his own obsessions and insecurities, just as james rolfe reveals himself through his film and video game reviews. this concept is lampshaded by the highlighting of Wavelength (1967), an extremely minimal and obtuse film that engages with the idea of inattention — meaning that bored or negative responses to the work are still responses to the theme. which is cool.
and it's cool that criticisms of dan olson's video include people upset that he hyper-focused on specific elements of james rolfe's life and not other, arguably more important elements, such as the Monster Madness controversy or james's time in special ed — almost as though the character of dan olson is cherrypicking aspects of james rolfe's life that are the most personally wounding to him. aspects that expose dan's insecurities relating to filmmaking and failed dreams, expressed through the vessel of AVGN.
but meta narratively, the video becomes a rorschach test for the audience — your response to the video reveals your own obsessions and insecurities in how you relate to dan olson. why does someone find the video mean-spirited? why does someone else think the video is self-serving? why do I feel so awkward watching dan attempt a deeper, more abstract creative work?
where does dan olson end and the character of dan olson as a media critic begin? where do you as an audience member end, and YOU begin?
it's projection all the way down
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wonder-worker · 5 months
I've been thinking about the tragedy of Elizabeth Woodville living to see the end of her family name.
I don't mean her family with her husband, which lived on through her daughter and grandson. I mean her own.
Her sisters died, one by one, many of them after 1485. When Elizabeth died, only Katherine was left, and she would die before the turn of the century as well.
All her brothers died, too. Lewis died in childhood. John was executed. Anthony was murdered. Lionel died suddenly in the peak of Richard's reign, unable to see his niece become queen. Edward perished at war. Richard died in grieving peace. For all the violence and judgement the family endured, it was "an accident of biology" that ended their line: none of the brothers left heirs, and the Woodville name was extinguished. We know the family was aware of this. We know they mourned it, too:
“Buy a bell to be a tenor at Grafton to the bells now there, for a remembrance of the last of my blood.”
Elizabeth lived through the deposition and death of her young sons, and lived to see the end of her own family name. It must have been such a haunting loss, on both sides.
#(the quote is by Richard Woodville in his deathbed will; he was the last of the Woodville brothers to die)#elizabeth woodville#woodvilles#my post#to be clear I am not arguing that the death of an English gentry family name is some kind of giant tragedy (it absolutely the fuck is not)#I'm trying to put it into perspective with regards to what Elizabeth may have felt because we know her family DID feel this way#writing this kinda reminded me of how I am just not fond at all about the way Elizabeth's experiences in 1483-85 are written about#and the way lots so many of the unprecedentedly horrifying aspects are overlooked or treated so casually:#the seizure and murder of two MINOR sons and the illegal execution of another;#her sheer vulnerability in every way compared to all her queenly predecessors; how she was harassed by 'dire threats' for months;#how she had 5 very young daughters with her to look after at the time (Bridget and Katherine were literally 3 and 4 years old);#how unprecedented Richard's treatment of her was: EW was the first queen of england to be officially declared an adulteress;#and the first and ONLY queen to be officially accused of witchcraft#(Joan of Navarre was accused of her treason; she was never explicitly accused of witchcraft on an official level like EW was)#the first crowned queen of england to have her marriage annulled; and the first queen to have her children officially bastardized#what former queens endured through rumors* were turned into horrifying realities for her.#(I'm not trying to downplay the nightmare of that but this was fundamentally on a different level altogether)#nor did Elizabeth get a trial or appeal to the church. like I cannot emphasize this enough: this was not normal for queens#and not normal for depositions. ultimately what Richard did *was* unprecedented#and of course let's not forget that Elizabeth had literally just been unexpectedly widowed like 20 days before everything happened#I really don't feel like any of this is emphasized as much as it should be?#apart from the horrifying death of her sons - but most modern books never call it murder they just write that they 'disappeared'#and emphasize that ACTUALLY we don't know what happened to them (this includes Arlene Okerlund)#rather than allowing her to have that grief (at the very least)#more time is spent dealing with accusations that she was a heartless bitch or inconsistent intriguer for making a deal with Richard instead#it also feels like a waste because there's a lot that can be analyzed about queenship and R3's usurpation if this is ever explored properly#anyway - it's kinda sad that even after Henry won and her daughter became queen EW didn't really get a break#her family kept dying one by one and the Woodville name was extinguished. and she lived to see it#it's kinda heartbreaking - it was such a dramatic rise and such a slow haunting fall#makes for a great story tho
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cheesecake801 · 2 months
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There is never too many Majima sketches to dump on you
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viric-dreams · 1 month
Jones Has a Coffee Date
The café is nearly packed, and the wall of noise hits Jones’ ears the moment he opens the door. It’s more than the usual lunch rush—students huddled at the large tables, gesticulating wildly at their notes and each other. In one corner, a trio of tomb colonists set out a game board and a pair of dice. A couple brush passed him, wandering out into the humid London air hand-in-hand. There’s too much going on for him to keep track of; too many faces to watch for suspicious behaviour. But there’s not much that he can do about it. 
He spots the man at a circular table against the back wall, near to the kitchens. The man wiggles his fingers at him in a silly approximation of a wave. At least the bastard had the sense to pick an unobtrusive spot in this chaotic café. With a deep breath, Jones puts on his best pleasant face and wades his way through the sea of patrons. 
A few feet from the table, his foot catches against the leg of a neighbouring chair and he stumbles, arms just barely reaching out to brace against a table in time. The couple occupying it startle at his landing, cups rattling, but drinks ultimately unspilt. From the corner table, the man chuckles at this, his laughter a dry and sour thing. 
“Jonesy, you made it!” He opens his arms wide to punctuate the greeting. He’s too loud, even in such a busy place. Jones slides into the seat across from him to try to close the distance. 
“I’m glad you came,” the man says. 
Jones nods in acknowledgement. “You asked.”
You gave me no choice. 
He grins at this, and Jones feels his stomach turn. 
He’s not saying anything more, just sat there holding that ridiculous, grating expression like he has nowhere else to be today. And perhaps he doesn’t. Perhaps London’s finest truly have nothing better to do than to schedule coffee dates. 
“I don’t mean to keep you from your work—”
“No, no, Jones. Don’t worry about me. Worry about you. Now, how do you take your coffee?” 
Dear Christ, he doesn't have time for this. The Kolomanian Delegation’s celebration dinner is two hours from now. They’re far too close to the hotel for comfort. Any of his “fellow countrymen” could see him here talking to a constable, and even in plainclothes, the stench of the man is potent enough to even the most dimwitted of spies.
“An espresso, please.” 
This seems to delight him.
“One of those fancy drinks? I like that about you, Jones.” 
Please be quiet. Please stop saying my name.
The constable waves over a waitress with a wild swing of his arm. 
“One coffee for me, bring sugar. And green tea for my friend here… And we’ll take something to eat too. Maybe those little cakes.” 
If he’s hoping to get a rise out of him, Jones refuses to grant him that satisfaction. His hand curls loosely around the mug, letting the warmth permeate into his palm, whilst The Smug Constable takes a too-large bite of a jellied mushroom cake. His own remains untouched on its plate. 
“These things are really good,” The Slovenly Constable says, his mouth half full of pastry. Crumbs spill out onto his jacket, “You’ve got to give them a try.”
“I’m sure they are.” His hand wraps tighter around the mug. 
The tea tastes of nothing, only heat. He’s not sure if this is the fault of the beverage or his abused taste buds, desensitised to worrying amounts of coffee and that bitter aromatic the doctor had given him. All so that he can do his job. A job he’s unsure the constable is aware of. 
For nearly two months they’ve had this back and forth—the man calls and he comes. This uncomfortable dance that’s taken place since the ominous moment he’d come into Jones’ life, claiming to know who he is, that he’d finally put two and two together after that fateful arrest on New Years Eve. But he’d be willing to look past his sin, let the cop killer be. The Forgiving Constable is a generous man, after all. Jones simply needs to do him one little favour and it’ll all be forgotten. 
And here they sit, finally in the same room. A proper meeting—no last minute being stood up this time—and getting nowhere, that favour left dangling, unspoken. Instead, he sits across from the bastard in his chair, an errant glob of jelly in his ugly beard that he won’t wipe away–why won’t he wipe his face–picking away at this cake, as if he has all the time in the world and—
“Are you enjoying the Games so far?” The way he makes it sound like such friendly small talk makes his blood boil. Like two friends having a casual chat. 
How much does he know? 
Does he suspect Jones has been acting as a double agent? Very few agents of Black are even aware, only adding to his feelings of unease in the field. Likely, the man’s just fishing. 
“I can’t say I’ve seen much of it. Been keeping to myself, mostly.”
Will he call out the blatant lie? If the man clocks it as one, he doesn’t seem to give any indication of it, polishing off the cake to take a deep swig of coffee, before picking up the one from Jones’ plate. The jam remains, stubbornly clinging to his facial hair. 
“Is that so? I’ll bet you’ve got all sorts of fun little hobbies with all of that time on your hands now. You enjoying your freedom, jailbird?”
The snarl becomes a smile before the constable has the chance to spot the expression. 
“Indeed.” Jones replies sweetly, bringing the cup to his lips. This time, he doesn’t even register the heat, outsmoked by his own slow-roiling anger. This is another dead end. The Jam-Covered Constable has no intention of making requests, it’s simply another one of his silly plays. Jones knows this game, and has had enough of it. The man’s had his fun today, let him call again if he’s serious about–
“I saw our mutual friend the other day.” The man swipes at his lip with the back of his hand, just missing that spot of jam, hanging precariously. “He asked about you, you know. ‘How’s ol’ Robert doing? You keeping an eye on him?’” He leans forward, his sour breath wafting across the table, “What do you think I should tell him?”
Tell him I’m going to claw his eyes out of his fucking skull. I’ll break his fucking fingers and push them down his throat.
“I’m doing well, thank you.”
The constable frowns at this and reaches across the table. His hand wraps around Jones’ wrist, prying it from the cup. “Are you sure about that? You look so frail. Nothing like the man I arrested on New Years. Have you been eating, Jonesy?”
He wants to leap across the table and grab him by his stupid collar, smash that smug face of his into the table until it’s nothing but pulp and mushroom jelly. Over and over again until they have to pry him off of what’s left of him. Dig his fingers into muscle and bone and–
“...should take better care of yourself. A man who lives alone can’t afford to be ill. Not when he has to keep working.”
Jones gently slides his arm free from the man’s grip. He makes no effort to hold on. 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says, and when the constable makes no effort to continue the conversation Jones sets a few Echoes down onto the table. “I take it we’re done here, then?”
The man stares at him a moment, before leaning back in his seat. The derisive demeanour slides back onto his face.
“I’m looking forward to the next one, Jonesy. I might have a favour to ask of you then. Perhaps. But for now, be good.”
His hip clips the side of a table on his way out of the crowded café. He doesn’t even feel it.
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benevolenterrancy · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 7,990 notes - Jan 1 2023
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2. 6,635 notes - Aug 4 2023
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3. 2,329 notes - Sep 2 2023
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4. 1,140 notes - Nov 23 2023
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5. 1,024 notes - Sep 2 2023
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6. 994 notes - May 14 2023
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7. 940 notes - Sep 1 2023
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8. 689 notes - Sep 24 2023
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9. 653 notes - Nov 3 2023
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10. 562 notes - Jul 19 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
So apparently people enjoyed the silly MDZS comics I drew this year while reading the books! + one sherlock holmes and one torchwood pic 😂 for variety i guess
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angelizs · 2 years
[Strawberry tinted - Jade Leech]
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Summary: Jade sighs, closing his eyes. He wants to scream. These feelings of infatuation had long involved past a simple crush. No matter how much he denied, they wouldn't leave him alone anytime soon. You weren't leaving him alone anytime soon. 
Notes: gn!reader (use of they/them), fluff and humor, just a silly romcom based on this ask! jade is so whipped for the reader, I was having so much fun writing it got away from me and almost reached 10k what??? special shoutout to ramble anon <3 now cross posted on ao3!
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Jade Leech was not one for sentimentalism.
It was quite clear for everyone around him. Jade didn't show his true emotions on his face and always kept his suave persona up at all times. If he was shocked or sad or angry, no one could ever tell behind his polite smile and sharp eyes.
Even Azul and Floyd, the ones closest to him, had trouble discerning his feelings at times. Jade was very discreet with his actions and words, oftentimes leaving things to be read between the lines.
Thus, everyone and their mothers could atest to that: Jade Leech was not a sentimental person. He was calm and collected, acting as if he was above and in control of every situation, untouchable by such fickle things such as emotions.
Although, not for the knowledge of many, there was just a tiny little exception in the shape of a certain magicless human.
Not even Jade himself could tell how this came to be. It was part of the charm, how you fascinated him so easily, without any extra effort on your part. There was something appealing in your sincerity and affection, things he was not that used to. You always managed to surprise him, making him fall deeper and deeper for you everytime you caught him off guard. His heart fluttered everytime you kept up toe to toe with him, be it in friendly banter or in deeper conversations.
There were not many people who could say they were able to see Jade showing his true emotions. You just happened to be one of them. When he was with you, his smile would reach his eyes and he'd show just a bit of his teeth, his voice would take a teasing tilt laced with barely concealed affection, his face would light up like the sun whenever you asked him to tell you more about a new mushroom he was tending to or about his newest mountain expedition.
It was the first time anyone made him feel like this. While Jade had no trouble holding his usual mask in place, his heart would race faster on his chest, his hands would get slightly clammy, he'd feel the urge to bite his lips or to play with his hair to release some of the pent up energy he felt around you. And he wanted more of your time, to be able to see you between his classes and work, to spend some time relaxing together or discovering new things. 
Life at the deep sea was very different from life on land. Love at the deep sea was very different from love on land. Perhaps that's what made the whole experience so fascinating, after all. It was something he'd have never been able to have if he had stayed down there on the murky cold waters. He'd never been able to bask in these warm feelings, so new and unknown. 
Jade thought he was doing a good job, overall. He didn't change much about how he acts normally, most people wouldn't notice a single thing was different. There were times he had the impression you did, like you could see right through his façade as if it was nothing, melting away his walls and looking straight at him, for who he is. It was frightening and exhilirating at the same time, to be seen. Jade didn't know what to make of it, as of yet.
Azul and Floyd seemed to disagree, though. At first, Floyd thought it was hilarious, how his usually serious brother could have something as innocent as a crush. He'd tease Jade constantly whenever they crossed paths with the prefect just to ruffle his feathers and get a rise out of him. Seeing the unbothered Jade glaring at him with a clearly annoyed look was so entertaining. Azul didn't care, as long as it didn't affect his work at the lounge, Jade could like whoever he wanted, though he was quite curious as to how the situation came to be.
And then Jade's feelings grew and it become obvious, to them, that it was a little more than a simple crush. By the way Jade acted around you, as it seemed like he glowed when you were near him, and how he talked about you, mentioning something you did or liked or that reminded him of you every once in a while in conversation. It was subtle, as most things involving Jade were, but enough for them to take notice. It was almost at the level of his mushrooms obsession, and that was saying something.
No one dared to make a move. Having Jade being infatuated with someone broke the careful balance of things in the trio, taking him out of his position as the cold and calculating Vice-Housewarden and putting him in a more complex label. Floyd and Azul always relied on him to fall back onto should things go wrong, trusting he'd make it alk work out as someone that was above everything. Taking such a pedestal out, Jade seemed much less like some higher being and much more... human.
Not that they didn't know he was capable of feelings, of course. They were aware Jade cared about them, otherwise he wouldn't have sticked around so long by their side. It was just surprising to see someone else entering the little bubble of people Jade cared about after such a long time with it being just the two of them there.
That's why they thought Jade should do something about his crush. It was almost painful to watch you dance around each other, every interaction filled to the brim with affection, stolen glances and flirty tones. Floyd wanted to just tell you about his brother's feelings and get it over with, but he knew that wasn't the best way to go about it, as Azul had drilled onto his head after he suggested they did that. Jade insisted he was fine with things staying as they were for the time being, still not done with observing and experimenting with both his and your reactions.
"Prefect, what a wonderful surprise. How may I be of service today?"
You laugh, recognizing the irony on his tone. You tried to visit Mostro Lounge as often as you could when Jade was on the clock, even if your wallet weeped at this. He was expecting you, as he always did.
"Oh, I don't know, I don't come around too often. What would you reccomend?" You tease back, playfulness dancing in both of your eyes. It's a game you're used to, the banter coming naturally to you.
"You really should, then." He winks, somehow managing to look suave while doing so and wiping a glass at the same time. "How about... a strawberry milkshake?"
You gasp dramatically, doing an exaggerated expression of surprise. "That's my favorite! How could you know? Maybe it was destiny I came here after all..." 
That earns you a chuckle, making satisfaction swin in your stomach at warranting such a reaction. Jade's amusement is clear by the smile on his face and his scrunched up eyebrows. You can't help but smile back, warmth surrounding you as you take in the sound and commit it to memory.
"Perhaps it was. I'll bring you your drink in a minute." 
You lean on the counter of the bar, watching him work gracefully. At the corner of your eye, you can see Floyd making some kind of annoyed expression. Jade pointedly ignores him, making flourish of adding the finishing touches on the milkshake, adding in a little umbrella on top of the whipped cream, near the strawberry hanging onto the glass. 
"Here you go. I hope you enjoy it, prefect, I made it with the utmost care, after all." 
He hands the drink to you, hands making contact just for a second longer than necessary, and slides a biodegradable straw to the cup's side. You insert it on the milkshake, drinking in and closing your eyes in delight. It tasted wonderful, as all of Jade's drinks did. 
"I take it you do like it, from that reaction." He teases, leaning into where you're seated. There are other workers attending to the bar and the lounge isn't too crowded, so he can afford to keep conversation with you for some moments. You looked quite cute enjoying something so simple as if it was a five star meal.
"It's delicious! Here, have some." You spin the cup around, putting the straw right in front of him. Jade's eyes widen just the tinniest fraction as he looks taken aback by your proposal.
"Oh, it wouldn't do for me to drink something from a client. Azul would have my neck, you see." 
You roll your eyes, knowing Azul didn't intimidate him at all. Plus, what Azul didn't see couldn't hurt him. "Then don't drink it as a Mostro worker, but as my friend."
His eyes bore into yours for a few seconds before his blank expression breaks into a smile, the lighest pink tint coloring his cheeks, almost imperceptible. "Well, if you insist, I suppose I'll humor you." He tucks his longer strand of hair behind his ear before leaning in, taking a sip from your straw and closing his eyes to mimick your earlier action. It was quite a sight. Your heart beat faster and your throat seemed dry all of sudden, making you swallow on air.
"You are right, as usual. It does taste delicious." He keeps his head inclined, lips almost touching the straw as he licks them, eyes looking at you through his lashes, voice low. You grip your tigh and bite your lower lip, hoping your face won't betray how warm it feels.
"Of course, it was made by the best. I'll have to show you that guy sometime, he's really good." 
"I would be delighted to meet him."
He turns the milkshake back to you, still leaning in as his eyes sparkle with mischief. He seems as entertained by this game as you are. You put your hand on top of his, still at the bottom of the cup, and bring it closer, taking a sip while keeping eye contact. His smile softens at the corners and there's something fond on his expression. Your hand squeezes his before letting go. He opens his mouth to say something before he's called to attend another client. 
His face falls and he looks disappointed to leave this little moment behind, almost as if he forgot he was still working. He apologizes for the interruption and you wave him off, saying how it was your fault for taking so much of his time anyway. The milkshake is still as good as it was once he leaves, but it feels like it's missing something.
By the corner of the bar, Azul and Floyd stand observing the interaction. Floyd wants to tear his hair out and Azul looks constipated. How long will they have to watch you two doing this? It's about time they staged an intervention, for both yours and their sake.
Things continue like normal for some time. You still visit him at the lounge, Azul and Floyd still suffer through your blatant flirting, Jade still observes things carefully. 
And, as usual, Jade tends to his beloved mushrooms. He's gotten a new species on his latest mountain excursion, one with a pretty pink and wrinkled cap and white stem. It reminds him of your strawberry milkshake and he thinks you'd like to see them. He'd even give one to you in a carefully decorated terrarium if he was absolutely sure it wasn't poisonous. Oh well, just seeing them would have to suffice. Jade would make sure to keep them as pretty as possible.
They grew on a hardwood trunk, the soothing scent of camphor drifting through the wet air of the botanical garden. Under the canopy of dense trees, they looked even more peach in the midst of all the greenery. The wrinkles tickled his gloved fingers as he caressed the mushroom, treating it with care. The artificial river followed it's course nearby, providing with a lullaby of serenity. The scene felt comfortable, Jade felt content. He felt as much at home as he did under the sea.
Perhaps it was due to this mushy atmosphere that Jade felt compelled to talk about you. He's used to talking with his mushrooms, as he'd read that it helps them grow, but this time it felt different, like revealing a secret to a confidant. Almost like a confession. 
"The prefect came to visit me at work today, once again. Even if the menu of the lounge takes a toll on their budget, they come almost every day. I don't see why they keep doing it." 
The mushroom doesn't reply, as it is simply a fungi and it doesn't know how to talk. 
"You are right, I do know why. They want to spend more time with me, just like I do with them. It is truly a shame I'm so busy we have to resort to meeting while I'm at work. I wish I could give them my full attention, without having to go serve other customers." 
The river goes on, birds chirp outside, the wind rattles the foliage gently. 
"The fact they keep going makes me... happy. I'm glad to see them there. I would even dare to say it is the highest point of the day. I look forward to it every shift."
Naturally, a gentle smile takes over his face. His eyes are soft as he keeps caressing the mushroom's cap.
"Azul and Floyd say I should confess soon. How out of character it would be for me to do so. I have considered it before, even, but... I'm not sure if I want to change our current relationship. It is comfortable. And I don't want to lose it."
Jade sighs, full with yearning. The next bit comes out as a whisper, almost as if he spoke a little louder it would become more real than it already is. He feels vulnerable admiting such a thing, as he's not one for sentimentalism, but it also feels... right.
"I really like the prefect. I would like to take them out on a date and give them my full attention. I would like to receive their affections and have their smile directed at me. I would like to hold and to kiss them. I would like to bask in ther warmth for as long as they would let me."
It feels ecstatic, like a weight being lifted off his chest. Now, if only he could tell this to the person who was meant to hear it.
Footsteps pop the bubble of quietness, startling Jade and making him get up from the ground, dusting of his pants and calming down his heart. He was unusually jumpy, as if the admission of his feelings out loud could have reached your ears.
"Jade, here you are!"
Talk about the devil and he shall appear. Although in this case, you were more like an angel, such an ethereal presence lightning up the path, quite literally as the sun shone past the leaves and created a halo on your head. 
"Prefect. Were you looking for me?"
He's sure his voice was perfectly level, but something on his tone makes you pause and tilt your head at him, a contemplative look passing through your face fast as flash, gone as soon as he saw it. Jade feels like you saw through his act, but decided to not comment for his sake. 
"Oh, there's something I want to give you!" 
Your sing song voice breaks the tension on his shoulders. He remembers you mentioning being busy working on a surprise for him, though you wouldn't budge at any of his questions to expand more on what exactly this surprise was.
"Is it related to a certain surprise, perhaps?"
"You know me too well, Jade! C'mon, close your eyes and give me your hands."
He considers not doing so just to see your reaction, but the excitement dancing in your eyes was too endearing for him to disturb, so he complies.
"My, my, I wonder what could it be that you couldn't wait for my shift to give it to me."
"You'll see!"
You deposit something gently on his hands, a small and fragile thing by the feel of it. There are two of them, smooth with a pointy end and fitting on his palm. He opens his eyes, curious, while you stare expectantly. 
On his open hand sits a pair of handmade mushroom earrings. They are blue dotted with white spots, a twist on the classic red to fit more with his color scheme. They had been lovingly coated with paint and varnish, wrapped with silver wire. 
"There you go! Do you like it?"
Jade blinks. He can't stop looking at them, at every detail imbedded on the accessories, at the care you must have for them.
"Did you make it?"
"Yep! I saw it on magicam these days and thought of you, so I decided to try my hand at it. I get it if it's a bit wonky, that's the first time I do something like this."
"It is perfect."
He says it on a whisper, almost as if all the air on his lungs was used to push the words through the lump around his throat. His heart flutters and Jade feels the overwhelming urge to thank you over and over again. It's a simple gift, but the mere fact that you made it simply because you thought he might like it meant the world to him.
You seem mesmerized by his reaction. It is quite uncharacteristic of him to show so many emotions, but he needs to express his gratitude, he needs you to know how much he appreciates it.
"Thank you, prefect. They are truly wonderful." He pockets them carefully, making sure they won't be damaged. He can't meet your eyes. He's sure that if he does, you'll see straight through his heart, dissecate his chest and pull out all his ribs to discover the mushy feelings inside, growing like vines on his lungs. "Ah, I don't have anything to offer in return, I'm afraid."
"There's no need to give me anything back. I just did it because I wanted to make you happy, that's all there is to it."
"I... I see." Jade wasn't sure what to make of it. Your smile was sincere, your body language suggested you were entirely too comfortable, your tone of voice was it's usual melody. "You might want to be careful when making such heartfelt remarks like that, prefect. People might get the wrong idea."
His atempt at deflecting the topic was quite weak, not fooling you in the slightest. "Let them think whatever they want. I only said how I feel, after all."
And against facts there were no arguments, were there?
"I suppose you are right once more."
You only laugh, looking around the area for the first time since you arrived. You notice the mushroom quickly, it's peach color catching your attention and making you coo at it.
"Oh, it's so pretty! That's the new species you found, yes?"
You crouch near the trunk, observing the fungi. Your hair falls slightly over your eyes as you take in the sight. The sun still shines above, surrounding you and creating an illusion of dancing light specks around your figure. There was something magical on the scene itself. Jade was captivated, he couldn't look away.
"Jade, they're beautiful." You murmur, extending your hand to touch it lightly, a delighted smile spreading through your face at the tickle of the wrinkles. 
"Yes, they are." Jade agrees. He's not looking at the mushrooms. There's something much more charming for him to see.
You turn to face him, unguarded wonder on your expression, as if Jade had shown you one of the most fascinating things you've ever seen. His ears are most likely as pink as the subject of your admiration. He mirrors your smile, adapting a softer version of it.
"Can you tell me more about it, please?"
Oh, what was Jade going to do with you? You were going to kill him with an arrhythmia at the rate things were going.
"Of course, it would be my pleasure to do so."
He crouches down by your side, your legs pressing against each other. His hand comes up adjust your hair behind your ear, fingers grazing your skin just a touch more than necessary. He starts with a low whisper, making you lean into him to hear. "You see, this is a rare species called Rhodotus Palmatus. It is quite unique, as there are no others that can compare to it. It is said to be the prettiest mushroom in the world, so imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon them on my latest excursion..."
You let him ramble on, making questions or comments to show your interest. Jade feels his chest blooming with pink azaleas, throughly charmed by you.
He ends up getting late for his shift at Mostro Lounge. Before Azul could berate him for it, you took responsability and said you were the one taking his time. Azul, strangely enough, decided to let it pass and just told him to get to work. Your milkshake that day had an extra strawberry and a pink flower decorating the cup. 
After they closed up the lounge, Jade got Floyd to pierce his other ear. His brother looked at him with curiosity at the sudden request but obliged, not kicking much of a fuss. 
The eelmer found himself on quite the embarrassing situation. He was alone on the bathroom, staring at his reflection on the mirror. On one ear, his usual sturgeon scales earring. On the other, a shiny new mushroom earring. He kept staring, feeling the sensation of the extra weight, how it'd shake alongside his head movements, how the blue was the perfect shade to match his hair.
Jade took it off, staring at it in his hands. It was so small. He thought about how much time you might have spent on the details, each white dot made with the utmost care. How you might have struggled to get the shape right, as noticible by the slight imperfections around the edges of the mushroom's cap. How, through it all, the thing motivating you was to see him smiling.
Such a sentimental thing innocently resting against his palm.
His other earring was taken out as well, the three of them put on a small box at the bathroom cabinet. Jade brushed his teeth on automatic. He went to the empty bedroom, Floyd nowhere in sight, and sat on his bed. There was some kind of restlesness shivering under his skin, his heartbeat didn't feel right, his face remained warm. He had to admit, you had quite the effect on him. 
Jade Leech was not one for sentimentalism. Then why did a simple earring cause such a reaction on him?
He had to remain calm. It would not do to lose the firm grip he held on his emotions. His usual polite façade relied onto such control, on how Jade managed to keep a level head in all kinds of situations. If he broke that mask, what would become of his reputation? The cunning vice housewarden of Octavinelle, one known to be just as dangerous as his twin brother, acting all sappy with the magicless human, arguably the least threatning person in the entire campus.
Your words from earlier come to mind, sweet voice carrying like a whisper on the breeze. Let them think what they want. Either way, he had other means of making them talk, whether they thought of him as weak for showing his affection or not. It could even be advantageous, creating a more open image of him that might make them more willing to share their secrets.
Once he thinks of you, a calm look in your face as you feel at home in the middle of the foliage, listening attentively to every word he says, eyes shining with fondness, he can't be bothered about what others would think at all. He thinks of strawberry milkshake, a lazy afternoon at the lounge as you fill him in on the gossip of the freshmen. He thinks of a peach and a teal mushroom, the two making quite the pair together. He thinks of your concentrated expression as you ramble about your latest interest on a nightly walk. He thinks of your warm touch on his cold skin, never shying away from his sharp edges.
Jade sighs, closing his eyes. He wants to scream. These feelings of infatuation had long involved past a simple crush. No matter how much he denied, they wouldn't leave him alone anytime soon. You weren't leaving him alone anytime soon. 
On an uncharacteristic manner, he threw himself on the bed, his face smushed against the pillow. There was no one around to judge this slip of posture and show of vulnerability. Just him and his thoughts of you. He felt the childish urge to kick his legs and trash around, something so like Floyd it almost made him laugh. He felt feverish, his chest ached with a yearning he couldn't describe. Pathetically, he wanted to be yours, he wanted you to be his, a feeling so overwhelming he didn't know what to make of it.
He had to get a grip. 
He did kick his legs a little though. Simply to see what was so appealing about it. 
Unbeknown to him, Floyd happened to open the silent door at that exact time. He took one look at his brother's state, remembered the handmade mushroom earring he was given as a gift and your cheery presence by his side once he arrived late to his shift, and decided to close the door again. He was so not in the mood to deal with this.
It was time him and Azul did something about it. If neither Jade nor you would give the first step, Floyd had the perfect plan to give you the little push you needed.
And so, the next day had the twins walking together at the hallways of Night Raven College, moving from one class to another. It was an uneventful scene, something that could be observed everyday. Still, there was something bothering Jade. He could feel something was different, somehow, but couldn't put his finger on what it was.
After he had a mini breakdown of drowning in his own feelings in the previous night, he felt more on edge. He was sure he looked immaculate on the outside before leaving his room, uniform ironed and buttoned up impecably, hair combed properly and the usual polite smile on face. It would do no good to look frazzled. The only difference was the teal mushroom earring hanging from his right ear.
Floyd was in one of his good moods, chirpy and with a skip on his step. He seemed to be looking for someone but kept himself at Jade's side, despite them having different classes that period.
Both twin's faces light up as soon as they see you coming out of a classroom, balancing books in your hands. Floyd's scream of "Shrimpy" is enough to clear the path to your direction and to catch your attention. You try to wave at them, almost making the books fall before you catch them just in time.
"There you are, Shrimpy!"
"Good morning, prefect."
"Ah, Jade, Floyd, hi! It's good to see you guys!"
Floyd ruffles your hair playfully, making it stick in every direction and letting out a laugh. Jade finds your answering pout endearing.
"Prefect, if you wouldn't mind?" Jade offers his free arms, letting you slide most of the books to him. It was a natural action, well praticed as Jade was used to helping you with little everyday chores. Even when you tried to deny giving him more work, he insisted it was his pleasure to help. Eventually you understood that was simply his way of showing affection and let him do as he wanted to, as long as he didn't overwork himself in the process. 
"Thank you! C'mon, I have to take these to professor Trein before we have our next class with him at the end of the hallway." 
The three of you walk together, even though the twin's classrooms weren't near yours. You appreciated the company, so it wasn't like you were about to complain. Floyd wraps an arm around your shoulders, leaning on you, as Jade looks on curiously, wondering what his brother could have come up with this time.
"Say, Shrimpy, are you free tomorrow?"
"Hmm... tomorrow is Saturday, right? Then I think that I've got some free time, yes."
"Great! You know who else is free tomorrow? Jade is! How about the two of you have a date, then?"
It's as if time paused, the three of you stopping in the middle of the halls. Both you and Jade stare incredulously at Floyd, not daring to make eye contact with each other. Jade feels his heart stopping for a second as well, followed by a feeling of annoyance. Oh, he'd have a few choice words for his dearest brother once they were alone.
"I didn't hear a no from either of you, so I'm taking it as confirmation. You'll have dinner together at Mostro Lounge! Don't be late or else Azul will raise the price of the bill, you know how he is." And with that, Floyd simply turns around and leaves you two stunned into silence, watching his retreating back. 
Jade would have gone after him if he wasn't busy helping you carry your books. As it was, he was left to deal with the mess Floyd caused, as usual. He clears his throat, making you turn your attention to him. The confusion in your face would normally warm his heart, but this time he only feels dread.
"I'm sorry, prefect, I don't know where this came from. I will have a talk with Floyd for the inconvenience."
There's a pensive look on your face before you avert your eyes, words coming out in a low tone.
"Actually... I wouldn't mind going on a date with you tomorrow. If you want to, that is."
Jade feels his heart stop once more, for an entirely different reason from the last time. He should get it checked with how often it's been doing that.
"You... wouldn't?" His words are laced with tentative hope, so fragile.
"No. I'd love to, actually." Your cheeky smile blinds him like the sun and gives him the confirmation he needed. Wearing his confidence like a well worn glove, he puts on his best charming expression.
"In this case, allow me to ask you out properly. Prefect, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"
You chuckle, mirth coloring your gaze as you bounce on your feet. "Why, yes Jade, I'd love that."
"Perfect. Then, I'll pick you up at your dorm for dinner. My treat."
"Oh, how charming. I'll be waiting for you!"
Before Jade can answer, the bell rings and you're reminded you do have a class to get to. You both scurry to your classroom at the end of the hallway, stealing glances between yourselves, a giddiness enveloping you. Jade arrives fashionably late for his own class with a smile on his face, teeth exposed and all. His classmates give him a wide berth, creeped out by whatever trouble that expression could bring. Jade doesn't mind, too busy thinking on what to put on the menu for your dinner to care about his classmates fearing for their lives.
Later on the day, he had quite a pleasant conversation with Floyd about the stunt he pulled. Floyd got to feel how his squeezing victims felt. He's sure it was eye opening for his brother.
Azul also got bombarded with an intricate menu request for the following day. He knew Floyd had to be involved with this somehow, but couldn't he had asked him beforehand about reserving the lounge for the night?
It was not until the next day that you saw Jade again. As promised, he was knocking politely on the door of Ramshackle by the time the clock hit six p.m.
He looks stunning. You had to take a moment to take him in fully. The smart suit fitting him perfectly, black social shoes and hair properly combed. On both his ears, blue mushrooms hanging contently. You could feel a faint scent of cologne, some earthy smell that was so much like him you couldn't help feeling endeared by it.
"Good evening, prefect. You look wonderful."
"Thank you. You're not that bad yourself." You wink, letting him in as you finish putting your shoes. 
"Not that bad? My, my, you wound me. And after I took so much time getting ready to meet your standarts, too."
You chuckle, shaking your head, sincerity taking over your teasing tone. "Oh, Jade, you already met my standarts, no need to get all dolled up."
"You flatter me." He offers his hand for you to stand up. 
"Maybe I do. Would you rather I stop?" You accept it, letting him pull you.
"No need, I'm quite content as it is." He brings your hands to his lips, grazing them so lightly you almost can't feel them. It sends shivers across your arm and heat to your cheeks. "I brought you a gift."
"Of course. Here, please allow me to put it on."
Jade shows you a necklace with a silver chain and a pretty peach colored shell. You brush your fingers on it, feeling the spiral pattern and it's roughness. It has a slightly salty smell, as if there was a piece of the sea itself imbedded on it.
"It's beautiful, Jade, thank you." The way you say it as if Jade had given you some priceless jewel makes satisfaction wash through him in waves. 
You turn around, holding your hair out of the way for him to put it in place. His cold fingers brush against your sensitive neck, once again making shivers rise along your skin. His hands rest on your shoulders as he leans in, mouth so close to your ear you can feel every puff of hot air.
"It was the least I could do after receiving your enchanting gift."
He pulls away, leaving your neck feeling oddly bare despite the extra weight on it. You spin around to face him, holding the shell close to your heart.
"I told you there was no need to give me anything back!"
"Don't get it wrong, this isn't pay back, prefect. I merely did it because I wanted to make you happy, that's all there is to it." He looks quite smug throwing your words back at you.
"That's not fair, you know." You pout playfully, making a low chuckle leave his lips. "Oh, I got a gift for you too! Wait just a second!"
That picks his curiosity, as he wasn't expecting anything this time. It seemed that you truly took delight in giving him things. His chest felt warm at the thought.
You come back holding a bouquet of pink hydrangeas, the shade remembering him of the newest mushroom he had showed you. It's beautifully done, wrapped in a light blue paper and tied by a pink ribbon. 
"My heartfelt emotions, to you." You make flourish when giving it to him, bending down in a bow.
His cheeks tint pink, matching the lovely shade of the flowers. He accepts them gracefully, thanking you. It's quite a sight, Jade fully buttoned up, the image of a perfect gentleman, carrying the flowers as if they were the most precious thing he owns.
"C'mon, let's get going before Azul charges us extra for the wait."
"Don't worry, he wouldn't dare to." There's a hint of pointy teeth in his smile, enough to imply the threat Azul'd be under should he try something.
You lead him out of the door, walking side by side to the mirror chamber. Neither of you are in a hurry, so you take your time to appreciate each other's company. It feels like only a second has passed by once you're in front of Octavinelle's entrance.
"Shall we enter, my dear? We can't have the food turning cold on us."
His free hand finds it's way around your lower back as he guides you through the mirror and to the lounge, navigating tables expertly. The whole establishment is empty besides the two of you, smooth jazz playing on the background and dim lights creating a cozy atmosphere. The fish pass you by on the water tanks, creating an entrancing dance, a blur of colors reflecting on the glass.
You take your seat on a table right in the middle, one more decorated than the others, a white cloth and a vase of flowers sitting on top of it. You can see the whole room from there, from the bar to Azul's VIP room's door.
Even with the formality of the situation, you find yourself comfortable in his familiar presence. Jade can talk with you for hours on end, each word capturing your attention wholly. As you wait for your order to come, you let the jazz rythm lull your conversation, playing with the shell on your necklace from time to time.
Many would say Jade Leech is a scary man. It's true, you think. The way he's entranced you is terrifyingly thrilling. At the same time, it isn't true at all, not to you at least. You know how dangerous he can be, you're not that naive, but you feel safe with him. How ironic that the sharp smile that makes so many shiver from fear is what warms your heart. 
Floyd is the one to arrive with your order, making a show of spinning it before putting it on the table. You chuckle at his antics, watching him dance as he retreats to the kitchen. 
"I hope it is up to your taste. I made sure there were only the best ingredients being used, handpicked by myself."
"It looks delicious! Not sure if I trust the handpicking part, tho. You're sure you didn't slip any poisonous mushroom on it?" You joke, taking a bite of the food. The taste disperses on your tongue and you hum contently, the warmth spreading to your body as you swallow. You take another bite, making amusement shine in Jade's eyes.
"Well, now that you mention it... you can still feel your tongue, yes?"
You almost choke in your laughter, coughing as he makes a worried face that doesn't fool you for a second. "Ugh, you're the worst. But this is so good I think it'd be worth the trip to the infirmary."
"I'm glad you like it so much, then."
"Yeah, the company isn't half bad either."
"I could say the same. You're rather delightful to have around. Much more so without being delirious from an unfortunate accident, so you don't have anything to worry about."
Your smile grows bigger at the compliment, mischief sparkling in your gaze as you wait for him to take a bite before answering. "Awn, you care about me? That's cute."
It's Jade's turn to splutter, although he does so in a much more dignified and contained way than you did. If it wasn't for the rising of his shoulders and the widening of his eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell he was fazed at all. Lucky for you, you took notice of his reactions as much as he did for yours. Before he can retort, there's an interruption in the shape of a certain Housewarden. 
"Is everything going alright? How do you like the food?" Azul has a polite costumer smile plastered on his face, but his curiosity is obvious. You and Jade exchange a glance between yourselves.
"It's wonderful, as always."
"I see, I see." He pauses for a second too long, taking in the scene fully. Jade glares at him once they meet eyes. You stifle a giggle. "I wouldn't want to take more of your time. Please continue to enjoy your evening." 
"We will." Jade replies curtly, eyes boring into Azul until he's out of view. He turns to you, composure back in place, which only makes you want to laugh more. You pretend you didn't notice it, taking another bite from your dish.
"You know..." You catch his attention, making him look inquisitively at you. "Your plate looks really good too. What is it?"
"Interested, are we? It's a mushroom risotto, made with mushrooms I collected on my mountain expeditions."
"Oh, I think I saw one similar to this on the cafeteria once!"
"Yes, the club contributes with foraging some of the ingredients used on the cafeteria's dishes."
"Woah, that's so cool. How come I didn't know this?"
"You didn't ask." His eyes wrinkle at the corner, clearly pleased with your praise to his beloved club.
"How was I supposed to ask this? It's way too specific!"
"Hm, I suppose it is."
You stick your tongue at him, knowing it's just like Jade to pull something like this. "As recompensation, I want a bite!"
"It does taste delicious." He takes another bite and chews slowly, eyes locked with yours the entire time. 
"C'mon Jade! Please?" You bat your lashes at him playfully, although it seems to have some effect. He gets a good amount of it on his fork before lifting it to your lips. You take it eagerly, humming.
"Well?" There's a certain antecipation on his tone.
"You're right, it tastes as good as it looks. Which is saying a lot."
"If you would like, I can cook it for you on another occasion."
Your eyes widen, the sincerity on his voice taking you by surprise.
"For free?"
"Of course, I wouldn't charge you for it. It would be my pleasure, truly."
"Then I accept! We could cook it together at Ramshackle sometime next week." 
"That would be perfect."
"It's a date then." You wink at him, patting yourself on the back for your smoothness.
"Enjoying this one so much you can't wait for another?" He answers with a smirk, tilting his head, his earrings tilting alongside it.
"How could I not enjoy it with such a charming gentleman across me?"
"You will make me blush if you keep saying things like this, prefect." 
"That means it's working! You'll fall in love with me in no time."
You chuckle, but Jade's gaze only softens. His eyes look so tender it makes your breath catch on your throat. You can't look away from him, from the way his smile curves just right.
"Can I bring the dessert now?" Floyd asks, making both of you turn to him in surprise. He scratches the back of his neck and stand casually at the end of the table as if he hadn't sneaked his way to it.
"We haven't finished eating yet."
The twins hold eye contact for a few seconds, surely having some conversation you stand clueless about.
"So. You can bring it later." 
"Ah? But it's ready, shouldn't I bring it now? Shrimpy would like it fresh, right? You were the one that said that!"
Jade sighs at his brother stubborness. You stifle another giggle. 
"Floyd, I don't mind eating it a bit after it was done. I'd prefer to finish the main dish first." 
"Hm, if Shrimpy says so. I'll see ya in a bit."
"Now he listens..." Jade comments as you both watch him leaving. The frustation in his voice is a little funny, honestly. You sip on your drink.
It goes on like this. As your conversation with Jade follows it's usual course, Azul and Floyd interrupt constantly, always with a different excuse. You can see Jade getting fed up with their antics, but as much as you sympatize with him, you can't help but find the whole thing rather amusing.
Dessert consists of a mouth watering strawberry shortcake, the whipped cream melting in your tongue, the strawberries, coated in sugar, fresh and sweet, the cake fluffy. You make a different pleased sound at every bite, savoring it to the max. Jade seems fixated on your reactions, not paying nearly as much attention to his own slice as he's doing to you.
The jazz on the background takes a slower rhythm, as if accompanying the passage of the night. You feel at ease, smiling at Jade once you finish eating your slice. His intent gaze on you holding an unspoken weight, affection shining through. It makes your own feelings scream at you to do something, and that's what you do. It feels right to take his hand resting onto the table and interwine your fingers with his.
The touch of your hands sends eletricity through his skin, shocking his heart. Your eyes are littered with stars as you look at him, the colorful sea life reflecting on them beautifully. You look beautiful. The way his name falls from your lips, dripping as sweet as honey, makes him want to hear you say it again and again. He's addicted to your charm, letting himself drown on it.
Jade wants to confess his feelings to you at that moment, spill his mushy insides in your palms, transfer the warmth from his chest to your cheeks. He licks his lips, glancing at yours looking so inviting and soft, and opens his mouth to say it, to give you the key to his heart, to trust you and give himself to you fully, to be frighteningly open.
Before a single word can make it past his throat, there's a loud crash on the background that breaks the moment, making you jump and look around in alarm. Never in his life has Jade felt so frustrated, teeth digging through his bottom lip so hard he feels the coppery taste of blood.
There's a hiss of Floyd's name and a slurred complaint of Azul's. The two emerge from the bar, looking slightly frazzled. 
"Are you two ok?" You ask, more curious than concerned. 
"Perfectly. No need to worry about us." Azul smooths out his shirt, not really looking you in the eyes.
"Shrimpy, when are you gonna make a move?" Floyd pouts, arms crossed.
Jade's glare is a promise of pain in the future for the two that dared to interrupt him once more. How could Azul and Floyd be so irritating when they were supposed to be helping him? He makes to get up and have a talk with them in private, being at the limit of his patience, but you hold his hand closer to yourself, making him stay put.
"If you two leave us to have a private moment I'll do it." 
His eyes widen at your boldness, no hint of a joke in your tone. 
"Bet. C'mon Azul, let's leave the lovebirds alone." Floyd basically drags Azul away with him, finally leaving the two of you. 
You don't let him continue, bringing his hand closer to your heart, to the shell necklace, and taking a deep breath before letting it all out, looking at him in the eyes the entire time. You feel a rush of energy run through your nerves, the moment you've been waiting for finally having arrived.
"Jade, I really like you. I enjoy every moment I spend by your side, even when you can't give me your full attention. I know I'm in your thoughts and you're in mine, too. I love to hear you talking about your interests and I feel safe when I'm with you. You have my trust and my affections. My heart beats faster because of you. These are my heartfelt emotions. I'd be really happy if you feel the same for me, my pearl."
You close your eyes, bringing his hand to your lips and kissing his knuckles, holding it tenderly. Your thumb press against his pulse point, relief flooding you at confirming it's as accelerated as your own. Your look at him through your lashes, seeing his face is coated in the pretty pink you love so much.
He calls you by your name, each letter molding perfectly to his lips, as if it was choosen to be said by him. "Do you have any idea of the effect you have on me?"
You smile gently, squeezing his hand and letting it go. "Hm, no, I don't think so. Please, elaborate on it."
Jade gets up from his seat, standing in front of you before kneeling down, taking your hand in a similar way you did with his.
"Jade, don't you think it's a bit early to ask for my hand in marriage?"
He chuckles, his face radiating so much fondness there's no doubt in your mind that he reciprocates. He takes your hand to cup his cheek while he speaks, nuzzling into it and looking up at you, making himself vulnerable, as close to a lovesick expression as you'd ever see on him.
"Dearest, I'm most devoted to you. There's not a day that passes by without you filling up my thoughts. You have carved your way into my heart in a way none were able to before. I want to give you anything you may wish for, as long as you'll give me the one thing I ask of you. Would you allow me the pleasure of belonging to you, just as you would belong to me?"
Your thumb brushes against his skin, passing through and pulling on his lips as your lidded eyes take them in. Jade lets you do as you please, a show of great trust from someone as guarded as him. 
"Of course. I'd love to."
It's fascinating, the way a smile blooms on his face and his eyes light up, as if you had promised to give him the world. Perhaps you had, you just didn't know it. Your hand pulls him closer, making him get up and put his hands on your shoulders, leaning in, foreheads touching.
"I recall you saying something about wanting to hold me and kiss me, right? What are you waiting for?" 
That makes him pause. "Wait. Were you listening to me on that day, at the botanical garden?"
"Maybe, maybe not, who knows." You sing song, the glint of amusement dancing in your eyes enough to answer him. He chuckles incredulously, wondering just how used to your presence he was to not have noticed you approaching him then. 
"How secretive of you, prefect." He sounds proud as he says it. Maybe he's rubbing off on you after spending so much time together. "Very well. If that is what you wish for, I will do it." His thumb and forefinger hold onto your chin, tilting your head to meet his easier. "May I?" His low voice, laced with desire and yearning leaves you breathless before the kiss even has started. You whisper your consent, closing your eyes in antecipation. 
Jade, the bastard, teases you by leaving a little kiss by the corner of your mouth before grazing his lips against yours in a feather like touch, making a needy noise leave your throat. You can feel his smile against your lips, his hot breath mixing with yours, his nose brushing against yours in a tender gesture before your lips finally meet with a firm yet gentle hold.
He tastes like strawberries. You let out a delighted groan, your hands coming up behind his head to play with his hair, pulling him even closer to you.
As he makes to pull away, you nibble on his lip, getting a surprising whine in response. It only fuels you, the sound reverbating through your head like a prayer. It sure felt like a holy experience, to get such a sound from him. 
His face is flushed a pale pink and his hair is messy, lips red from kissing. It's the most beautiful sight you've ever seen. You're sure you don't look much better, but you can't bring yourself to care, the ecstasy pumping your blood and making your heart race.
Your cheeks hurt from how wide they're being spread by your smile, one so sincere you couldn't fight it even if you wanted to. You brush your nose against his, making a loving sigh escape his lips.
"...How do you like it?" For once in his life, Jade Leech let's himself be vulnerable, completly at your mercy. You feel powerful, at the top of the world having him in your palms like that, drinking up the sight. Although you know, he's got you just as good.
There's confusion on his voice as he repeats the word, taken aback by how suddenly you said it, how firm your tone was. You bury your face on his neck, whispering your answer against his skin. 
"You taste like strawberries. My favorite."
"Oh. I see it was a good idea to have strawberries on our dessert." There's the usual satisfied tone on his voice by knowing his plan was a success.
"You planned this?" You laugh, knowing you should have expected it from him. There is a buzzing of contentment swallowing you whole, fondness swimming in your chest.
"Naturally. I wanted it to be a most joyous experience."
"Well, you succeded. You taste delicious." You lick your lips for extra effect, nuzzling your head on his neck and leaving a little bite. "Still do."
You can feel the shivers of his skin against your lips. You pull on his hair a bit and hear the yearning sigh he lets out. It's exhilirating. You pull away, coming face to face with his lovely infatuated expression, one reserved just for you.
"One more?"
"As you wish, my dear."
Your lips meet once more, the pressure of his against yours making you light headed. It's wonderful, he's wonderful. You could get used to this.
Unfortunately, the moment is broken by the loud cheers and polite clapping from the backgroung. Floyd whistles as Azul congratulates you two. Jade's hands' grip on your shoulders tightens and you can feel the annoyance from before coming back tenfold, his red and swollen lips not making his sadistic smile any less treathining.
"And just what do the two of you think you are doing? Haven't you interrupted enough?" 
Your head falls back on his shoulder, not being able to hold your laughter anymore, your giggles against his ear making him soften the slightest bit, almost enough to forgive the two noisy merman. Almost.
He could deal with them later. Right now, he had much better things to do, as your breath tickling his neck reminds him. 
Jade Leech is not one for sentimentalism... perhaps he could make an exception for you.
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wardingshout · 1 month
hm random question. which is your favorite outfit (s) that youve drawn the sillies in. totally not for fanart reasons wdym-
!!!!11h!!!!! I am being very normal !!!!!!!!!!
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aaaah if I had to pick I'm rly fond of my Zelda in the shorts overalls thing tbh aaaah but I'm not sure about Link tbh I feel like I haven't quite nailed smth specific yet... whatever looks the most fun !!!
also I feel like I couldn't properly portray my excitement in a relevant doodle but I drew a new icon for myself just now so have that too !
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hopjam · 7 months
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itsjaywalkers · 11 months
guys i've been writing the iwtywmm sequel all day but i haven't stopped thinking about the overprotective james series like . at all . not even for a single second
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byeohzu · 11 months
hoyoverse i'll pay you--*looks at my bank account*--2 bucks to make wanderer and xiao meet.
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tigerfeelings · 3 months
she has genuinely spoken the words to me 'do you get the reference' concerning the my chemical romance g note. she feels bad for neglected plants at the garden centres and takes them home. lifts make her nervous, as does going to sit upstairs on the bus. how the hell is she so attractive. what a dork. i want to hang out with her all the time
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reivenesque · 5 months
I watched the first two episodes of the new anime Wind Breaker and loved it, (and got impatient) so I decided to read the manga.
I'm on chapter 42 now and while I really like most of the characters, the storyline gets a bit... corny in places, which is ironic to say considering the premise and genre. It also somehow it feels oddly rushed.
Other than that I really do like the story and I'm excited to see how the anime will interpret it.
Also this is one of the very, very few occasions where the lead character, Sakura Haruka (amazing name) is actually my favourite character.
Another instance where my favourite character is the lead character, or at least one of my two favourite characters, is Usato Ken in The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic.
But back to Wind Breaker. Sakura is awesome and I really like the other characters in the class (I still haven't memorised all of the names) though Nirei can be pretty annoying. Suou and not-Baji are awesome. Face piercing guy seems fun. I like Hiragi from the third years and while I do like him and can see why people respect and follow him in-universe, Umemiya feels like such a ticking all the trope boxes type of character - which is the same issue this series has as a whole. Having watched my fair share of delinquent anime and jdramas, it really shouldn't bother me as much as it does... but it just does.
But yeah that's just my two cents rant. I'll still continue reading the manga and watching the anime despite my quasi-hating on it in this post lol
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merrilark · 1 year
i am quietly begging people to stop throwing around the term "sociopath" for any character who holds others at an arm's length or appears emotionally closed off.
nine outta ten times it's trauma and self-preservation, not sociopathy.
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rowenabean · 6 months
Savouring the nice things of this time of year - rode my bike through the autumn leaves and then hurried home to sit in my bedroom for the half-hour of absolutely stunning evening light
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
i love how unhinged the anime is. esp since the dub aired on fucking DISNEY. like what the fuck-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#i mean i think it was disney xd specifically which i think is meant to have an older age range#but like. still#i mean have you SEEN the manjimutt segments. and also b3-nk1#one of my favorite unhinged moments in the anime is in snack wars where nate imagines making a fuckin'. candy gundam. like#it's hilarious but also what were they on-#also all of springdale five-yo. it's hilarious but also it is. so chaotic#i don't know how they came up with it but it's amazing#idk how they came up with most things in the anime honestly though sfkldjdfslkfdjklsdf-#some of my favorite unhinged anime moments:#as i mentioned. the candy gundam in snack wars#yo-kai peppillon isn't that unhinged but it's still hilarious#the fitnolympics episode is also really funny#all of springdale five-yo. it is so unhinged#also the directator episodes. what is happening there#i'm fond of boyclops saying he climbs mount everest every morning. boyclops pallysol and lady longnek are hilarious tbh#there's honestly too many really unhinged moments for me to think of any specific ones-#i'm only on ep039 and it's already this unhinged#i'm saving watching more anime for october cuz i'm almost at the dracunyan episode so i wanna wait for spoopy month#that reminds me that i still haven't watched m01. i should do that at somepoint#it's good from what i remember#and then i have to wait for so l o n g to watch m02. cuz it's after ep098#and idk where m03 fits in to all this-#and i'm probably not gonna watch shadowside or y-school heroes#i wanna watch exclamation point n music note tho. idk where to watch them but i want to-
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