#thats really gonna help me get through the week
ratatatastic · 4 months
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florida panthers @ new york rangers game 2 | 5.24.24
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orcelito · 7 months
What they don't tell you about losing a parent is that there is so so so so much to do
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On one hand im glad I dont start work until Tuesday cuz it gives me one more day to mentally prepare
But on the other hand the anticipation anxiety is killing me. I can't stop grinding my teeth. I keep having to resist the urge to bite my hands. I cant focus on anything for more than a few minutes
Ik ill calm down once it starts and I see the environment ill be working in and start training and everything. And I know HOW my routine is gonna change as far as when im gonna have to get up and when ill get to come home. But its still a change.
A very large change cuz im gonna have to get up at 6am which is not a time ive ever purposely woken up except for one time for choir in 8th grade and the next time I was supposed to I purposely lied and said we weren't gonna have a spring concert so I wouldn't have to go to it
I just keep reminding myself that I need money so I can get a dog. Having money to live is not enough motivation for me. A dog is tho. That is the goal. I want a puppy. I am going to get a puppy. But I have to do this so I can get money to get a puppy. Im just gonna repeat that to myself every time I start feeling anxious.
#my only expense my mom wants me to take over is my insurance#but since im full time ill qualify for insurance through my job#so if its close enough to my current insurance (which is pretty good) ill switch to that instead#cuz my current plan is like. 300 a month#which ill be making probably a little under 2000 a month after taxes#man having the same hours every week is gonna be nice#like yeah it sucks that its full time and i have to get up early#but the unsteadiness of subway really stressed me out#and my paycheck every week varied so much#one week itd be $200 and the next itd be like. $50.#which wasnt a huge deal cuz my mom wasnt making me pay for anything so i was just using it for gas and snacks and video games#but id kinda like to maybe pay my mom some rent#shes not gonna make me do that but i would like to#that way we can maybe move somewhere....thats not possibly falling apart around us#its not quite that bad yet#but like. this place is not up to code#and nobody around here has the money to fix these buildings#even if i take over harleys expenses again...shes pretty cheap. and my mom would help in an emergency situation#she only goes through a 7 pound bag of food about every 2-3 months. and her food is about $30. her flea meds are only about $30 for 6 months#and she only needs it for about 6 months of the year anyway#her yearly check up is generally under $100#i only need to buy her wet food once every 12 weeks cuz she only gets a can once a week#which is under $30#litter is really the only thing i have to buy monthly for her#i might slowly start buying some puppy supplies
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sunshine-on-marz · 3 months
Lost and found
Spencer Reid x Reader
In which Spencer almost loses the love of his life, literally and figuratively
TW: angst with a happy ending, criminal minds level depiction of violence, mentions of death, it takes a little to get to the actual plot but trust me it’s worth it, (tell me if i missed any)
Word count: 3.3K
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To know Spencer Reid was to be absolutely enthralled by him. You were both 16 when you met, granted you were 16 in your junior year of highschool and he was 16 working on his 2nd PHD, but you were both 16 nonetheless.
It had taken some convincing to get a place in his life, not because he didn’t like you or your company, more because he was waiting for your ulterior motive to show itself, or for your patience to wear thin. It never did.
You knew vaguely about his mother, mostly through a news article you found from a few years back, talking about the prodigy like he was more of circus attraction then a 12 year old. It had mentioned that he also took care of his sick mother, and with his hyperfixation on finding a cure to schizophrenia, you’d connected the dots.
But you still didn’t want to assume.
“Hey Spence, why’re you so set on finding a cure?” You ask, gesturing to the 8th book on schizophrenia you’d seen him read in the 3 months you’ve known him.
“My mother” he says, closing the book and placing it infront of him. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I’m curious about what goes on in the mind of Spencer Reid” you smile “though, I’m sure you could tell me exactly what’s happening up there, down to the chemicals”, he laughs at that
“I could give you an idea” he says, you hover your hands over the book, he nods, you open it to the last page.
“508 pages, how long would that take you to read?” You ask
“A little under 10 minutes, if I had to guess, I don’t know how many words are on each page” he says
“Well I’m not counting so I guess we’re gonna have to stick with an estimate” you joke, he smiles again.
You sit in silence for a minute, just looking at each other, and the book. There’s a light tension, unasked questions float between you.
“Can I be invasive?” You ask, Spencer nods
“You usually don’t ask first” he smiles
“You suck” you reach to hit his arm, you don’t. “I won’t hit you before asking about your sick mother, actually”
“I appreciate that” he laughs “but what do you want to know?”
“What’s her name?” You ask, he seems a little shocked.
“And you take care of her?” You already know the answer, but he’d never said it explicitly.
“Yea” he nods, he looks at you like he knows what you’ll ask next
“Well, tell me if there’s ever anything I can do to help. Her or you, I can’t imagine that’s an easy thing to do alone, props to you spence” you smile, and if someone saw his face right now, they’d assume you asked him- well not many questions would dumbfound Spencer Reid but that’s not the point.
“You’re not gonna ask if I hate it? Or if I want to put her in a home?” He asks, sounding more confused than you’d ever seen him
“Do you want me to ask that?” You counter.
“No.. not really” he looks at his hands, which are rubbing together. A nervous habit of his you’d picked up on rather quickly.
“Well then I won’t ask it” you smile, so does he.
It’s a week later when he tells you why he’d been so shocked that day.
You were on his front porch, about to meet his mother for the first time. He said she’d been having a good day, and though you weren’t exactly sure what that entailed, he said it with enough excitement that you decided to just ask later.
“When you first asked about my mom, you asked what her name was” he says, you nod.
“Thats usually my starting point, yea” you laugh softly “why, was that the wrong thing to ask?”
“No- no no no. It was the perfect thing to ask! I just- you were the first person to ask what her name was before you asked about what’s wrong with her” he says, and he looks sad, so you offer a hand. You know he’ll say no, but you don’t miss how he smiles everytime you offer.
“Wanna tell me about her? I never know what I’m walking into meeting my friends parents, I would’ve brought her flowers but I didn’t know what kind she liked” you say, and his smile goes from soft to wide and bright.
He is ineffably beautiful.
“She likes lilies” he smiles “and she’s really nice, when she’s, yknow” you just nod. And then he holds out his hand, you take it. And that’s the first time you ever touched Spencer Reid.
You met his mother that night, it was uneventful, but it was nice.
That’s a lot of your friendship with Spencer. Uneventful, but nice. More than nice, it’s wonderful. He’s wonderful. You’re there when he gets his first PHD at 17, your there when he has to put his mother into assisted living, you’re there when he gets the letter saying he’s been invited to the FBI academy, you even drive him to go meet Agent Gideon.
You see him off at the airport when he goes to Quanico.
And that’s the last time you see your best friend.
After a while weekly phone calls became monthly, and monthly became and occasional text on birthdays and holidays and informing the other of big achievements, but by his 3rd year as an agent, friendships were hard to maintain.
You’d accepted never seeing your friend again.
Spencer hoped he’d never see you again, because he knew he didn’t have the guts to reach out, and he knew that the only time his teammates seemed to see old friends was when they were a part of a case.
But he also knew you.
And he recognized your necklace the second he saw the pictures Penelope had on the screen.
“The second and third victims haven’t been found, but they’re believed dead” JJ says, Spencer barely hears it.
“I need air” is all he manages to say as he rushes out of the room. Derek went after him and caught him as he collapsed.
“Hey man, what’s goin on?” Derek asked him, holding onto Spencer’s shaking shoulders as he tries to stay upright.
“I can’t- she can’t- she can’t be dead” his words were barely audible and even less coherent.
“Do you know one of the victims?” Derek asked, and Spencer nodded.
He more than knew you, he’d held you while you cried, he’d slept in your bed the night his mom went into care, you were the only person there for him at his graduations, he’d helped you decorate your first apartment. You were so much more than someone he knew. And you were so much more than victim number 3.
“Spencer? Hello?” Derek’s hand waved infront of Spencer’s face as he zoned back into reality.
“Sorry” I he muttered as he started to stand up. He and Derek walked back into the briefing room, he doesn’t apologize for his outburst, he just sits and waits for Penelope and JJ to continue. They do.
“Well, 3 girls went missing in New York City within a span of a week. The reason we’re on this case is because they all worked for the same law firm”
Spencer takes a shuttering breath.
“The first victim, whose body was found dumped in a dumpster by a homeless man, was 56 year old Mrs. Shelly Kailee, a lawyer at Shelly and Dylan law firm, she was a co-owner along with her Husband Dylan. The two other victims, who are still currently missing, are Darleen Calvin, and Y/N L/N. Darleen is 28 and a practicing attorney at the same law firm, she’s only been practicing there for a few months after graduation from University of New York in January. Y/N is 25 and is working as a receptionist at the law firm while working on her law degree at Cornell. Both girls are reportedly very sociable and very kind, but from what we’ve been told, Y/N seemed to be more acquainted with everyone while Darleen seemed to just have a large group of friends. That’s the only information we have on them” JJ says. It seems everyone’s eyes drifted to Spencer, but his were dead set on your face on the projector. Smiling. You had the same smile. You were still wearing the same necklace you wore every day since he gave it to you at 18 when you graduated. You were still as beautiful as he remembered.
“She wouldn’t let anyone take her to a second location, not without a fight. We’re probably looking at a fairly athletic man, unless we find out that she sent someone her location. Then it’s probably someone charismatic, charming, played himself as a friend” he says, and everyone nods.
“You think she’d fall for that?” Morgan asks, he gets a few glares. But Spencer nods. “I think I saw her have a conversation with a homeless man once because she thought he might be lonely.” He says “so yes”. Hotch clears his throat “Spencer is there any possibility she’s.. changed since you knew her?”. Spencer shakes his head “we only really fell completely out of touch a few months back, she seemed pretty much the same the last time I called her, which was probably 6 months ago”
You could’ve cut the tension with a knife.
“Spencer I’m sorry-“ Emily says, he cuts her off.
“You can be sorry if we find a body” he says. And they get the message.
“Wheels up in 10” Hotch says.
Spencer works that case like a dog. There’s not a moment where he isn’t doing something to find you. Something to make sure you’re okay.
A few times, Derek had to pull him out of the police precinct, just so he’d get a couple hours of sleep.
He was beside himself.
Then the tapes showed up.
On the front steps of the police station, there was a box, with 4 tapes, each labeled with a date of the days you’d been missing, the most recent being from the day before.
The first started with a voice they later confirmed to be Shelly’s. A final message to her husband and kids. Tearful messages to each one about how much she loved them. And then a gunshot.
The second tape was worse. It was of you and Darleen. Spencer recognized your voice immediately, he could tell you were holding back tears. Darleen on the other hand was sobbing. You were both pleading for you life. You were a bit more composed, and he quickly recognized some of what you were saying as examples he’d said to you when talking about what usually does and doesn’t work on killers.
He never intended you to have to put those lessons to use.
And the selfish part of him wonders if you thought of him when you spoke.
The 3rd tape is the shortest. It’s just a gunshot and a scream. Your scream. He, for the first time in his life, sincerely hopes that you watched someone get killed.
The final tape is just you.
And it breaks him.
There’s a few seconds of silence before your voice starts.
“This is a message for Spencer Reid, and the rest of the FBI. My name is Y/N, and if you’re listening to this. I am dead.”
And his face falls.
“Spence, meeting you in highschool was the greatest thing I’ve ever done. And I love you, I love you so much Spencer. And I hope-“ the tape ends.
Spencer listens to that tape another dozen times.
The cops find Darleen’s body before lunch.
He doesn’t have it in him to care.
He listens to the tape again. And then it hits him.
You had never once said you met Spencer in highschool. You always, always made it a point to say that you were in highschool, but he wasn’t.
And it was currently summer, and the highschool was empty.
“Guys I know where she is-“
Hotch cut him off with a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Spencer she’s dead” he said, his voice wasn’t harsh, but it wasn’t gentle either. Spencer could’ve punched him.
“They’re at the highschool. Trust me” his voice was shaking, not with doubt, but with fear. Fear that both he and Hotch were right, and that in a couple hours he’d see you again under the worst possible circumstances.
But they went anyway.
He was zoned out most of the car ride, ignoring Derek’s questions of if he’s sure he can handle this.
For Spencer, it doesn’t matter if he thinks he can, because he has too.
He’s a few feet past the doorway when it really sinks in that he might leave the building again with your lifeless body in his arms. He pushes the thought aside. It felt like betrayal not to try and have hope, because for Spencer, you were hope incarnate. It would feel disrespectful to take that from you without asking first.
He heard it before anyone else did.
He all but ripped the door open, the local PD turning on their heels at his aggressive movements.
But there you were, in a chair, sobbing into your binds. He was infront of you in seconds, shouting for someone to cut the ropes holding your wrists and ankles as he removed the cloth from your mouth.
“You’re okay, you’re alright now, I’ve got you” his hands gently holding your cheeks as you leaned forward into his chest, your arms wrapping around his torso once they were cut free.
“I knew you’d come- I knew it. I told him but he said you wouldnt find me so- so in the tape- oh my god did he send you the tapes?” He cut off your manic rambling with soft shushing
“I know you knew, you always know, and yes we got the tapes. You did good, you did everything perfect. I understood.” He assured you, running his hands through your hair.
Emily came up to you and Spencer, putting her hand on his shoulder.
“Does she know where he is?” She asks.
He starts to speak, but you do it first. “Maybe the janitors closet? Or the bathroom? He- he made us scrub the floors, he was like- he was psychotic about it” you say, she nods and leaves the room, Spencer just tucks your head back under his chin.
“You’re doing so well” he whispers
“Spencer I want to leave” you cry
“Alright, alright. Let’s get you out of here” he says, slipping his arm under your knees and lifting you. You probably could’ve walked, but no one was shocked that he chose to carry you out.
He asked the EMTs more questions than your frazzled mind could even think of.
“Dr.Reid, she’s going to be fine. It’s cuts and bruises and maybe a few pulled muscles, she will be fine once she gets some fluids and a good meal in her system. “
He still didn’t believe it.
He didn’t believe it when the nurses told him the same thing, he didn’t believe it on the car ride back to the precinct after you were discharged, and he didn’t believe it when you sat next to him during your cognitive interview.
He’d fought Hotch about giving you one, but Hotch said that having a solid story will help make sure the man who did this is kept in prison for as long as possible, and you’d volunteered.
“You really dont have to” he says, you shake your head
“Spence i can handle it” you say
“Im not leaving your side.” He insists, you laugh a bit, which all but calms him down.
“I didnt think you would.” You offer your hand, and for the first time he accepts the invitation.
The interview makes you cry, which could’ve been predicted, but it still breaks Spencer’s heart.
After that he sets a semi-permanent ban on anyone asking you about what happened.
JJ brings you a change of clothes and you thank her profusely as she walks you to the bathroom and helps you wash your face and body as best as you can with wet paper towels.
Spencer anxiously waits outside.
“She’s with JJ, man. You can go outside and take a breather if you need” Derek offers.
“I’ll go outside and take a breather with Y/N when they’re done. Im sure this isnt where she wants to be right now.” Spencer says, Derek sighs.
“Spence, that girl might be one of the most well adjusted victims we’ve ever seen, she’ll be okay if you step away for 5 minutes-“ Spencer cuts him off
“I wont” he says “do you not get that? She’s well adjusted, Im not. I am not well adjusted to almost losing her and im not well adjusted to having her back so Derek would you please stop suggesting that I need space from her because space from her is the last thing I need right now” they stand in silence for a minute until you leave the bathroom.
“Spence? Everything okay?” JJ asks as she walks out of the bathroom after you, you quickly finding your place leaning against Spencer’s side.
“Yea we’re good” Derek answers for him, placing a firm hand on Spencer’s shoulder, and leaving with a small nod of understanding.
Spencer guides you outside.
He sits next to you on the bench outside the precinct, your head on his shoulder and his arm around you.
“Im really glad you picked up on that” you say
“Picked up on what?” He asks, his hand moving from next to you on the bench to your lap, resting on top of your own.
“The highschool thing, i honestly didnt know if he’d even send the tapes, kinnda figured he was making them for himself” you say, interlacing your fingers with his “but I figured it was worth a shot”
“It was smart” he says, squeezing your hand “took me awhile to realize”
“Did it?” You ask “and here i was thinking you were a genius. Spencer when have i ever skipped a chance to brag about you?” You smile at him, he shrugs.
“I was under a little stress” he says, pulling you closer.
“I know, im sorry I scared you”
“Dont apologize, this is not your fault. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for.” You just nod.
There’s silence for a while, it could’ve been hours, neither of you would’ve noticed, or minded.
“Do you want to move in with me?” He says it before he even realized he thought it, immediately looking just as shocked as you. “I am so sorry- i just- well i figured-“
“Spencer” you grab his hand. “We’ll talk about it” you say, and that seems to be the right answer as he wraps you into a hug.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay” he whispers, you nod.
“It doesn’t require moving in for us to stay in contact” you say
“But you’re so far” you just nod in response. “I dont want to lose you again” he whispers
“Spence you didnt lose me, im alright-” he stops you
“Thats not what i meant. Not entirely” he clarifies, you sigh and pull him into another long hug.
“My lease ends next month” you hum
“See you in Virginia next month?” He asks, you smile
“We’ll talk about it”
There’s never a conversation about if you’ll move in. Spencer just Venmo’s you (he got Garcia to teach him how) 300 bucks along with “plane ticket or take out dinner for a week” which makes you laugh, and it also makes you call him to ask approximately how much of your stuff would fit in his apartment, he says he’ll make as much space as you need.
A month later you show up to one of Rossi’s dinner parties hand in hand with Spencer, JJ hands Derek 20 bucks, and slowly, everything falls back into place.
(PS: Spencer makes sure you have everything you need to finish school online because he’ll be damned if you gave up your dreams for a man, even if he himself is that man.)
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Remember to reblog with feedback!! Reblogs make the world go round and feedback helps artists keep creating!
This might be the longest fic ive ever written. This took 2 days and a few tears but finally it’s done. Im tagging the pookies bc Ykw i worked too hard not too @the-phantom-author @thesockbehindthewashingmachine @mariasont @st4rgzer @canonically-a-genloser
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
drop idea for the next part because Im running outta steam lol
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It isnt long before you and Miles are hanging out every other day.
You would see him after school when you could, or he would sneak into your room at night.
And this goes on for weeks.
That is until you’re talking to Miles one night outside his flat.
You wish him goodbye, kissing his cheek and being on your way. He goes inside, and as you’re about half way down the block, you get a text.
‘my momma saw you kiss me through the window, she wants to meet you.’
You literally stand still on the sidewalk for a moment, heart beating in your chest.
So the two of you try to schedule a day where you can sit down and meet Rio.
You pitch the following day, but she has to work late at the hospital.
Miles pitches friday, but you have an afterschool study session
So you pick that sunday, which works until Miles calls you and tells you Rio was scheduled a later shift and wouldnt be able to cook that day.
“How about we cook instead? To give her a break.” You say.
Miles’ face scrunches up in the facetime.
“I cant cook.” He says plainly.
“But I can, it could be a surprise.” You say.
So thats what you do. Miles tells Rio and Aaron they’ll order food that afternoon, and you and Miles go to the store to get groceries in the morning.
Miles sat at the island of the kitchen, his head in his hand as he watched you cook.
He was playing music for you, a couple modern hispanic pop songs.
“Shes really gonna like this.” Miles said, small smike on his face.
“I hope so.” You reply, mixing something in a pot.
You put your spoon down, letting the food cook while you turn to Miles.
You reach your hand out, prompting him to stand infront of you.
You smile up at him, swaying your hips softly in tune of the music.
He follows your lead, a little smoother than you expected.
He hums along softly to the song, spinning your around the kitchen.
“Youre light on your feet.” You say, letting him twirl you.
The two of you dance and laugh until the kitchen timer dings, in which you break away to check the food.
And unbeknownst to you, Rio stands at the front door, Aaron at her side as she peers through the opened crack.
“Theyre gonna realize youre watching em.” He says, a smirk plasterd on his face.
“I havent seen my baby dance since he was a baby.” Rio whispers.
She waits until the two of you begin plating the food to smooth her scrubs out and open the door.
“Estoy en casa.” She said softly, catching Miles’s eyes.
“Whats all this?” She had a sort of unreadable expression on her face.
“Miles told me you wouldnt have time to cook, so I thought why not cook for you?” You say timidly.
You take you oven mits off and walk up to Rio.
“Soy s/n, gusto en conocerla Sra. Morales” You smile, holding your hand out to her.
Her expression cracks, a smile gracing her lips.
“Encantada de conocerte, nice spanish you have there.”
You then hold your hand out to Aaron.
“Nice to meet you too Mr.Aaron.”
Aaron is a bit more curt with his handshake, his face still stoic. He hums out a little “mhm” as he shakes your hand.
“Shes pretty, Miles.” Rio gushes, then she turns to you. “Youre really pretty.”
miles shrugs with a cocky grin on his face, leaning against the kitchen island.
You smile and thank her, walking back to the stove.
“Miles mentioned how much you like puerto rican dishes, so i made mofongo and Arroz con gandules.”
Rio looks over the food, taking a moment to smell over the aromas.
“Your abuela used to make this when you were little, Miles.” She says fondly, then she shakes her head.
“This looks great, lets eat. Miles help me set the table.”
So while you plate the food, Rio and Miles set the table. The four of you sat down to eat not before long, You and Miles on one side of the table, Rio and Aaron on the other.
“You did real good here, ma.” Miles says, mouth half full.
“He’s right, you know your way around a kitchen. Isnt that right Aaron?” Rio elbows him.
Aaron humms a ‘mhm’ eating well nonetheless.
“You know Unc,” Miles begins, putting a spoonful of rice in his mouth.
“Y/n might be able to fix your truck.”
Aaron raises his eyebrow at you, your eyes widening.
“Oh- I, uh, my dad works with cars, Miles told me you were having some issues, maybe i could take a look at it.” You say softly, tensing under his gaze.
“Its an engine problem. I doubt you can fix it.” He says.
Before you can say anything, Miles and Rio protest at the same time.
“Cmon man.”
“Give her a chance.”
Aaron rolls his eyes.
“….you can come look at it after dinner.” He says, getting back to his meal.
When everyone finishes their meal and the conversation dies down, Aaron gets up from the table.
“Lets go.” He huffs.
You and Miles stand up and follow him to the door just before he puts his hand to Miles’ chest.
“Help your moma with the dishes.”
“Man what I-“ Miles’ face scrunches up in irritation as Aaron gives him a pointed look.
“We’ll be back.” He says, motioning you to follow him.
And you do, you follow him down to the parking deck. He leads you to a mini garage labeled with a different apartment number than the one Miles stays in, probably for a different building.
Silently he pops the hood of the car for you, propping open his took box and motioning towards the car. He then crosses his arms and leans against the wall.
You gulp.
Quietly you scan your eyes over the mechanics inside the hood, looking to see what could be wrong with the engine.
“The start up is weak.” Aaron says suddenly.
“Took her to the mechanics and they quoted me 7 hundred to fix it.”
“Oh, why didnt they just give it a flush?” You ask, turning to him.
He raises an eyebrow.
You look around the garage for a mechanic creep, stretching it out and rolling your way under the hood of the car. Taking a wrench, you dislodge a couple bolts, pulling a pannel open.
“Do you have a watter bottle?” You ask, reaching your grease soaked hand our from under the car.
Theres shuffling, then a new watter bottle is placed in your hand.
You flush out part of the engine, using a given rag to dry it out and placing the pannel back on. Then you roll out from under the car, wiping your forehead.
“Try starting her up.” You say.
Aaron gets in the car, putting the key in and starting it up. And it starts up smooth.
A suprised expression crosses his face, followed by a smile.
“Id do that every 2-3 months, if you do it too much those parts will rust.” You say, coming up besides him while wiping your hands with a rag.
Aaron claps your back suddenly, beaming down at you.
“Thanks babygirl, I might have to get you in here on off days, get a set of extra hands on the projects we’re working on.”
You wonder if he’s talking about prowler things.
You dont ask though, giving a small ‘you’re welcome’ and walking after him as he closes the garage.
The walk back is quiet for a while, then Aaron speaks.
“My nephew has a lot going on in his life.” He says.
“If you can keep him focused on what’s important, Ion’ mind you staying around.”
You look over at him, then nod your head.
When the two of you return to the apartment, you’re laughing at the embarrassing Miles stories Aaron is telling you.
“Well, how’d it go?” Rio asks, a little surprised at Aaron’s joyfulness.
“She saved me 7 hundred, so pretty well.” He smiles.
“See i knew you could handle it.” Miles nudges your shoulder and kisses your cheek.
“Y/n.” Rio calls you name. Her and Aaron look at each other, then at you.
“¿Puedo hablar contigo un momento?”
You look at her and nod, noticing Aaron usher miles into another room.
“Yes ma’am?” You say, sitting at the dining table across from her.
“You know I love my son.” She begins. The air is a little tense now.
“I love him more than anything else, more than he’ll ever know. And he has lost a lot. I dont want to see him hurt again.” She looks at you seriously.
“I dont want to see him hurt ever.” You reply.
“Lets make a deal, then.” Rio says.
“You take care of him, make sure he knows hes loved, and be there for him in the places I cant, and no matter what youll always be welcome here in my home.”
You smile, shaking her out stretched hand.
The rest of the evening you spend having hearty conversations with Rio and Aaron in the living room.
Miles has you pressed to his side, his hand on your knee.
Sometime into the night you notice him drifting off beside you, his head drooping onto your shoulder peacefully.
And after a while its time for you to go home.
“Walk her home boy.” Aaron quipped, smacking Miles on the back of his neck and startling him awake.
Miles glares at his uncle, getting up to grab his shoes and meet you by the door.
And he walks you home, hand in yours and shoulders relaxed. And once you’re home, you kiss him on the cheek and wish him goodnight.
Then maybe an hour later, after youve showered and gotten into your pajamas, you get a text.
“You did good today, Hermosa, Im proud of you. Also, my mom really likes you, she said come back soon”
tags: @tishsrealwife @call-me-nev @hana-1235 @youcantseem3 @kaealowri @unadulteratedwizardrunaway @kezibear @urmotherswhor3 @ladylovegood-69 @thetoetickler @cumbermovels @cozmicwonder @yams-ley @sh-tposter2021 @vampjacinda @roadkillmeal @animechick555 @the-smut-plug @iluvdi0r @stevenknightmarc @yoashh @kitsunna @caffeine-mess @arachnenotes @erensbbg @nightshxdex @el-chiste @3alvatore @sh-tposter2021 @miatjie @agstuffsworld @ella34435 @iluvdi0r @pulling-out-my-eyes @vakiui @bigpepperpicker @swaggybae @tsukisaiki @osebb
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luvz-me · 3 months
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being at the last year of your sports medicine university course abroad in america was like a dream come true. but in all honesty you just wanted it to be over and quick. the prospect of having to intern at a random clinic for three months wasn't appealing at all. you made sure to send your cv to different physiotherapy clinics, gyms, sports clubs but still no answer.
watching all your colleagues start earlier than you was discouraging until one afternoon, after watching 2 boring movies a guy at a club told you to watch last night you got a call.
someone with a very poised voice starts talking almost immediately, "good afternoon, i'm speaking on behalf of the sports clinic and i was wondering if you'd be available for an interview tomorrow morning regarding your internship application?"
you almost envied the way there wasn't any hint of nervousness in their voice. it was almost immediate the way you accepted the offer, in all honesty you just wanted to get it over with.
you started your internship there after almost a week until one day, by the evening you witnessed something you never thought you would. tashi fucking duncan walking in the clinic right as you were about to leave. you felt your stomach turn, not in the bad way, but in the - what the fuck, did i hit my head somewhere and wake up in an alternate universe? - way. your anxiety making you want to throw up seeing one of the people you wrote countless essays about stand before you.
"i'm looking to book a sports physician. medium term for art donaldson, need them to be able to come in-house monday through friday." you heard her say to the receptionist, blunt yet always polite. one of your idols standing just a few meters away from you made you weak at the knees. you were aware the clinic was well frequented but you never thought she'd be in your sight ever.
you looked at your nails, pondering if you should start biting them, regaining a bad habit just because you found yourself in a situation you couldn't control sounds very much like you but tashi probably would think that's gross so you stop.
a client you had been assigned to arrives and you curse yourself out for not being able to keep listening to the conversation anymore. the day never ended. each glance you took at the clock just seemed like you were stopped in time. sighing while helping the elder woman stretch her upper body and muttering some words of praise, explaining to her that she'd have to keep coming for at least one more week so the pain could dissipate. you flashed her a smile as she got up and said goodbye, thanking you endlessly for helping her ease the pain.
your supervisor had been watching you. giving some criticism on this session with the client. as you were about to leave she pulled you aside and informed you that starting tomorrow you'd be going to tashi duncans house.
everything inside was pristine, you were even scared to even lean against the furniture in fear you'd somehow break it. tashi had given you a quick house tour, her heels clacking on the hardwood floors as she warmed you up to her, occasionally telling jokes about herself and saying you reminded her of herself. when she was in college. you didn't really know what that meant but you decided to take it as a compliment, nervously fidgeting your fingers. art was nowhere to be seen up until you reached the gym area.
standing there, broad shoulders scrolling through his phone, distracted and flashing a smile towards his wife once she clears her throat and wraps an arm around his shoulder. introducing you to each other and leaving promptly, saying she had a meeting with her pr team and that she'd be back at 8 pm.
you swallow dry. standing there awkwardly with your backpack on your shoulders.
"so.. umm were gonna start with wall angels maybe. tashi told me thats your problem area right now" you blurted out, trying to sound as professional as possible "just. place your arms against the wall in a 90 degree angle and slowly straighten them"
art follows suit, standing against the wall awkwardly moving his arms up and down before asking "how old are you?" breaking the silence
"i'm 21" you mutter in surprise analysing his form and his toned shoulders, and arms.. and muscles. eyes narrowing trying to remind yourself that this is not one of your hookups, this is art fucking donaldson and you're here for an internship. at his house. in his fancy home gym. hes not yours to admire. "why?"
"ah.. just wanted to know" art shrugs, looking at you intently. he gets up suddenly, yet his movements are deliberate. you feel the knot tighten in your stomach, your pulse quicken as i looked at the man before me. "can you show me how to do it properly?" his voice drops to a lower tone and all you can do for a few seconds is flutter your lashes at him
"but this is pretty easy already, i don't know how to ex-"
"i said, i want you to show me" art cuts you off, his gaze literally burning through your skull
art mirrors your movements, his eyes never leaving yours. you hope he doesn't notice the slight tremble in your hands.
"like this?" he asks, his voice even softer now, almost a whisper.
you nod, your breath hitching. "yes, just like that. make sure to keep your back flat against the wall."
he follows your instructions, his body inching closer. you can feel the heat emanating from him, a stark contrast to the cool, clinical setting of the gym. there's a tension in the air, a charged silence that makes your heart race.
"you're good at this," he murmurs, his eyes darkening with an emotion you can't quite place
your cheeks flush, the compliment catching you off guard. "i appreciate that, mr. donaldson."
he moves closer, his body now just inches from yours. you can feel the magnetism between you, a pull that's impossible to ignore. his hand reaches out, gently brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. the gesture is tender, almost too intimate for your professional setting. "it's art, yeah? call me art, i don't want to feel like an old fart" he grins
"i should… i should check your shoulder alignment," you stammer, trying to regain some semblance of professionalism. "you're a bit tight here," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "let me help you."
you guide him through a series of stretches, your hands lingering a bit longer than necessary on his shoulders, his back. the room feels smaller, the air thicker with each passing moment.
the session was over. finally. you gathered your things and slid your backpack over your shoulders. art's gaze is still on you and it's impossible not to feel it "are you in a hurry to leave?"
"umm, no i just. no im not in a hurry" you smile "just don't want to bother you anymore" your breath catches in your throat
"i was hoping we could talk a bit more. get to know each other better." he smirks. what the fuck "tashi told me some things about you but i think one on one conversation is far better" grabbing your hand and guiding you to a small resting area at the gym engaging in some superficial conversation about you while tracing circles in the back of your hand. you can't help but sigh. his hands becoming more and more pervasive, touching your thighs, reaching up up up until he's close to your crotch. a slight whine escapes your mouth. you're not focusing on the conversation at all.
"art, this is not-"
"tashi doesn't have to know" he replies knowing tashi knows damn well. hell, she even planned this for him. it wasn't her intention to scout a pretty little physiotherapist like you at first. but you were at the right place, at the right time. the moment she took a glance at you she knew she had to have you. it was a plus art needed help with his shoulders. his hands roaming on the waistband of your tight leggings, your mouth parting with a sigh. sigh that he takes as opportunity to crash his lips against yours. your eyes narrow at first and for a second you try to pull back but you don't really want to.
his fingers edging closer to your panties, the tightness of the leggings increasing the skin on skin contact. "aw you look so pretty with your lips parted. you wanna take my fingers in you don't you huh?" now hovering over you, caressing you over your top "fucking corrupt that little head of yours"
you can't help but let out a moan that sends him over the edge. sliding your leggings down caressing you over your panties. before pushing two fingers inside your mouth for you to suck. "you want this don't you baby?"
"mhm" you nod trying your hardest not to bite him when he uses his opposite hand to caress your sensitive nub. furrowing your eyebrows trying your hardest not to grab his arm. his calloused fingers leaving your plump mouth suddenly and making a 'pop' sound "but tashi might" cut off by the pads of his fingers circling your clit
"tashi doesn't mind" his voice hungry "im just helping you out yeah? we're just getting acquainted" one of his fingers teases your entrance slowly entering earning a sharp wince from you. the unfamiliar feeling slowly turning into pleasure as he slid it in and out "open your eyes f'me, let me see those pretty eyes"
you bite your lip staring at his face as he does such a lewd thing to you, and you let him. knowing he has a wife. somehow this made it even more arousing. whats wrong with you? "gonna add one more finger, fuck you're so tight around me, so good. i bet that clit would feel so good around my tongue" small tears cornering around your eyes. the soft noises leaving your lips only encouraging him to keep going.
"feels good huh baby?" he coos, his face edging closer and closer to your clit as your hips rise, only to stop once you're about to cum. abruptly sliding your panties back up along with your leggings.
this earns him a well deserved mewl. edging you like this. stopping when you were just so so close was just so mean of him. looking up at him just to see him lick your juices off his fingers, feeding them to you. "suck" he commands "don't be mad, i just need to make sure you come back for more sessions" fixing your hair and picking up your backpack from where you left it on the gym floor
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reemieme · 1 year
SUCCESS STORY! (w photo proof)
ive been in the LOASS community for around a month now, so ive been wanting a vinyl record player for like a few months and last week i was looking through amazon like “oh these are so expensive..” and then i was like im literally a master manifestor why dont i manifest it??? like i completely forgot ab the law 😭😭
anyway so that week i was just affirming to myself a few times a day like “oh yea i have a vinyl record player now!!”, i did SATS bc its fun, i talked to myself pretending i was talking to my friends bragging about my vinyl player, i searched online for new vinyl records to buy to play, and just STAYED IN THE STATE of having my record player. i didnt affirm 10k times, just everytime i thought of it to REMIND MYSELF i have it.
i ABSOLUTELY DID NOT waver. i did NOT get nervous about not seeing it in the 3d, bc i reminded myself i already have it so its fine. the law NEVER fails. so theres no room for failure. i lived in my imagination ion playing songs on my vinyl record player, (bc i LOVE visualization, if you love affirming then affirm for it instead!!) everytime i was like “i cant wait for my vinyl player” or “is it gonna be here?” or “hows it gonna come?” ECT i IMMEDIATELY flipped those thoughts with WHAT? i already have my record player wdym
tldr, i convinced my subconscious that i HAVE a vinyl record player, and since i lived in the 4d (imagination) where i have it, it reflected in the 3d bc thats the LAW. anyway, i wake up and theres a package at the door addressed to my name and i was so confused bc i dont order things. my parents had no idea where it was from and when i opened it, IT WAS A RECORD PLAYER RAHHH!!!
i literally SCREAMED yall i was like NO WAY. but i was also rlly confused so i looked at the address it came from and it was my aunt who lives a state away. (but we r REALLY CLOSE) so i called her and she was like “surprise!!! i know you love music so i decided to buy one for you because it was on sale.” and i was like OH ,Y GOD!! keep in mind she had NO CLUE i wanted a record player bc it never came up, and she NEEVR buys me gifts unless its my birthday or smthn which is in like 2 months. CIRCUMSTANCES DONT MATTER!
anyway here it is!!
i put a piece of paper w my @ next to it bc alot of bloggers r being called out for lying, and i dont want people to lose trust.
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(the second pic is on my floor, first on my bed.)
if u guys have any questions feel free 2 ask!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH TO @coquetteprincesss @nakedbibi333 @fleurlx @miracledarling @aphrodieties @blushydior @cinefairy @gorgeouslypink @heliosoll @hhtpsjup1ter @oonasempire @piercedblunt @remcycl333 @voidprincessblog YOU GUYS ALWAYS HELP ME SO MUCH!!! i love all ur blogs tysm for ur help w the law ❤️
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gimmeyourlovepls · 4 months
Hiii idk if your requests are full or not, but if you're free can you write Miles Morales, where he was in love with the reader since they were kids, and now they're in their teens, but he doesn't know if she feels the same?
Doesn't matter which one, thanks! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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Spider Senses
summary: miles wishes his spider senses showed him whether you liked him or not
a/n: i hope u like this :)) (p.s. my requests are very empty pls fill)
content warning: female reader, but it doesnt really affect the plot, hair described to smell like vanilla and cocoa butter, no texture described though, reader shown to wear makeup
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a six year old was playing in the sandbox at a local playground, building a sandcastle. she giggled as she placed a small stick on the top of her sandcastle before some kids running as they played a game ran towards her. she managed to not get trampled by them, but her structure was ruin. tears started running down her cheeks.
"hey, are you ok?" a small child stood before her, his wide brown eyes staring down in concern. he had coily dark hair, and was holding a wrapped popsicle in his hand.
"my sandcastle..." she sputtered out, wiping her tears. it took her a while and she was disappointed that it was destroyed after all her hard work.
"don't cry! my mommy says that crying is bad, it gives you wrinkles," he spoke, looking around for a solution. "here! take my popsicle, and stop being sad, ok? you can't be all wrinkly!" handing her the package in her sandy little hands, her tears almost immediately stopped.
"yay! you're my friend now, come meet my mommy!" standing up on tiny legs, shaking so some sand falls off her already dirty dress, she took his hand and started walking to her mom, who was already staring at the scene with a smile, along with the boys mom, who was exchanging phone numbers with her for future playdates.
"mommy, this is my new friend!" letting go of his hand, she presented him to her mom, smiling brightly as the boy looked up at her with a nervous smile.
"aw, thats nice baby, do you know his name?" the mother asked, looking down at him with a kind smile.
the girl paused. did he ever tell her his name? "duh mommy, his name is..." she looked at the boy, whispering into his ear, "whats your name?" He whispered back to her, the two mothers laughing at the sight. "his name is miles, mommy! he gave me a popsicle!"
the mother glanced at miles. "well nice to meet you honey. i'm this little chipmunk's mom." she ticked the little girl gently as the child squirmed, giggling.
"mom, I'm not a chipmunk!" she pouted, looking up at the amused woman. "i'm a big girl now," she muttered, not wanting to be embarrassed in front of her new friend.
"i'm sorry honey, you're a big girl," her mom said, laughing softly. miles grabbed the girl's hand before pointing at the playground, where there was an empty pair of swings.
"look! the swings are free, lets go swing!" the duo ran through the woodchips towards the swings before they were taken, and luckily they made it before anyone else did.
as they started swinging, the girl opened the slightly melted popsicle, and gasped as she saw it was one of those double ones. with the most precision a six year old can muster, she split the popsicle and handed one side to him with a grin. "now we can share!"
the two mothers looked at the kids with a smile. they could tell this friendship was gonna be a good one.
flopping onto miles' bed, you take out your phone and show him a picture. "can we please go here miles? look how cute the food is!" on your phone screen, you were showing him picture after picture of a little cafe that opened not too far from his place.
"i dunno, the food looks cute for sure," he mutters, and you perk up. "but money..." you deflate immediately.
"c'mon, please? you know I get paid from ganke next week for helping him with homework, i'll pay you back!" staring at him with puppy dog eyes always broke down his (very small) defenses he held up against you. this little, ok well, not that little crush he held on you was making him basically silly puddy in your hands.
"you ain't gotta do that, i'll pay sunflower," he mumbles, sitting up. Seeing the smile that immediately lights up your face makes it worth the fact that those new markers and jordans he was saving up for would probably have to wait another month (or maybe two, since your birthday was coming up soon).
glancing at his floor as he looked for his shoes, he saw a drawing he had made of you about a week ago. he wasn't biased, but he thought it was one of his best works. you, surrounded in sunflowers and a smile shining from your face, he knew he was done for.
he was a broke boy in love.
you sat in front of miles, grabbing what looked like a torture device with a grin as you held his face still with one hand. "miles, hold still!"
"no, this is gonna kill me!"
you pouted, shifting closer to him. "its just my eyelash curler, now hold still!" you held it closer to his face as winced, trying to stay as still as possible. "there, almost done, last is the lips!"
as you scrambled to go get your lip gloss and lip liner, he wondered why he hadn't confessed yet. it was almost the 10 year anniversary of that playground meeting, and he swore he would tell you a year ago, but then again, he also said that the year before that one.
he looked down at the breakfast on his wrist, the black and red a perfect setting for the silver spider charm that sat perfectly in the middle. although you have (hopefully) not learned about secret alter ego, you said it fit his "vibe."
he just took your word for it with a nervous smile.
you came back with new supplies to decorate his face with, and as he saw the smile on your face, he swore he would tell you soon.
you hugged him tightly as you stood at the front door of his house, about to walk home. your hair smelled like vanilla and cocoa butter, and he wanted to bury his face into you (but in a non-creepy way, or course).
it was close to the last day of high school, and you and him were going separate ways, he wanted to go to one uni, and it wasn't the one for you. he was gonna miss your late night talks on the roof, splitting meat patties every friday, the way you dragged your fingers through his hair gently as you rambled about anything and everything.
he still hadn't told you he was spider-man, but now definitely wasn't the time. looking down at the well-worn bracelet on his wrist, he didn't know if he would even get around to it. maybe when he came to visit you?
kicking rocks on the sidewalk distracted him on his walk back home distracted him from his thoughts until-
he heard a clash of screams and destruction as he spun around to see a cloud of dust in the direction he just left from. whats going on?
thankful for the amount of alleyways in this side of town, he slipped off his normal clothes to reveal his suit and swung over buildings to assess before diving straight in, from his experience, not doing that normally led to a longer talk with the police.
ugh, some stupid new villain of the week. easy stuff. swing in, save citizens, then knock them out. as he webbed people out of the way, he spotted the one person he didn't want to be in the chaos.
"sunflower?" he gasped, and immediately as your face snapped to him, he knew he messed up. he'd play that off later, but for now, he had to act. quickly scooping you up in his arms, he dropped you on a roof of a building, quickly deepening his voice. "c-citizen, stay up here, ill... come back and get you, just-"
you grabbed his wrist with a stern look on your face. "you better not leave me up here, miles." he nodded quickly before running to go fight off the latest villain, who was apparently mad because the "love of her life" left her for university. 'join the club...' he thought before he dived down.
as he handed the lady to the police, he thought back to you on the roof, and your words.
'you better not leave me up here, miles.'
you had called him miles.... dammit, you knew. he groaned softly, before swinging back to the roof he left you on, seeing you play games on your phone. "took you long enough, bug-boy." you mumbled, slipping the device into your pocket.
"dont play me, sunflower. you know. you knew. how long?" he spoke, fiddling with his thumbs.
"um, lemme think... the day before i brought you that bracelet. i was waiting for you to tell me, but..." you look away from him with a small frown, biting the inside of your lip. he knew you only did that when u were thinking hard.
" 'm sorry, i was gonna but... i didn't."
"well... were you also gonna tell me that you like me?"
miles started choking on his spit, pulling up his mask to reveal his whole face. "w-what? y-you- what?"
"i saw the drawing on your floor. you made me look so... pretty." you stared at your shoes with that same smile as miles had captured in his drawing, suddenly finding your tangled laces interesting.
"you are pretty," he mumbled, staring at you, he could almost see the sunflowers blooming around you. "wish i said something before uni."
"yeah... but its not too late to do this, right?"
before he could ask what, your arms were wrapping around his shoulders as you met him in a sweet kiss, and damn it felt like everything he imagined and so much more.
"so... you like me?" miles looked at you with a boyish smile as you rolled your eyes.
"you're lucky i do," you said before you kissed him again, his arms finally moving to wrap around you. you were right though.
he was the luckiest boy he knew.
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over 2 weeks on this i might jump 💀
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joeys-babe · 10 months
Joey B Imagines: Get It On*
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summary: after a road game win in San Francisco, you know Joe’s gonna be in a certain mood when he gets home. you had stayed in Cincinnati with your twin boys and Joe couldn't wait to celebrate the win with you. Being able to predict that, you decide to play a little prank on Joe.
warnings: talks of and illusions to smut, mostly fluff, funny/unserious
pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
imagine universe: into the mystic
Bye week - October 18th (with flashbacks from October 15th & 12th)
(y/n’s pov)
The bye week was something I had been looking forward to since week one.
With the calf strain before the season even started it had been a little harder for Joe to get into the groove. He’s been more down on himself than normal and it was clear to me that he needed rest which is exactly what a week off would give him.
When Joe was home with me and the twins he wasn't Joe Burrow the quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, he was simply “Dada” to his boys and “Joey” to me.
He loved it, being away from the bustle of the NFL and being with his little family.
After a morning of sleeping in and cuddling, Joe cooked breakfast while I watched the twins, who were playing on the floor with their toys while sitting on their playmat.
They had just said their first words within a week of each other, both saying “Dada”. I thought I would've been jealous if my boys said Daddy, Dad, or Dada first but the situations in which they said it were so sweet that I couldn't have been upset.
The boy’s first game was at home against the Seahawks a few days ago. I sat up in the box with Robin & Jimmy plus my boys.
Tyson was sitting on Robin’s lap while I had Miles on mine. Joe ran out and Robin bounced Tyson on her lap saying “Look there's Dada!!” to which Tyson loudly squealed and cooed his first word in response to his grandma.
I hurt my neck with how fast it snapped in his direction from pure shock.
Miles said it just a few days before after Joe came home from practice.
Joe walked through the door and immediately found me in the kitchen feeding the boys. He walked over and kissed my cheek before turning his direction to his boys. Miles was reaching out to his dad and Joe immediately picked him up.
“Did you miss daddy?” - you smiled
“Da.. Da!” - Miles
Watching Joe’s eyes widen before he tossed Miles in the air was the sweetest sight.
“Thats my boy!!” - Joe yelled
Now back to the present day, Joe was in the floor with the twins passing around this tiny foam football. “Teach ‘em early” Joe would say.
I sat scrolling through Tiktok when a funny video came up on my fyp of this wife pranking her husband by lighting a candle that smelled like farts and putting it in their bedroom, after seeing the husband's reaction I immediately ordered the candle in hopes to do the same prank on Joe.
I had to laugh as I glanced over my phone at the unsuspecting victim. This was going to be hilarious.
October 29th - After 49ers game
Everyone seemed on cloud nine after the win over the Niners. I stayed back in Cincinnati with the twins while Joe was in San Fran. My parents ended up coming over to watch the game and overall it was a good day.
It wasn't long after the boys went back to the locker room that I received a text from Joe.
Hey mama.
To other people, it might seem like an innocent text, but to me, after all these years with Joe, I knew where this was headed.
Hey, champ!
A couple of seconds later when Joe replied back, I couldn't help but bust out laughing.
Whatcha wearing rn? 😏
I looked down at my current fit and thought about whether I should tell the truth or lie to please him.
Nothing special. Just a pair of your sweatpants and one of your Bengals shirts.
I got worried when he didn't message back for a minute or so, worried that I had disappointed him.
Sounds sexy.
Boy. 💀
Listen, I'm feeling really good right now. I gotta go shower but I'll text you when we're on the bus to the airport.
Talk to ya later then! Enjoy your shower, baby.
Ttyl, love you. ❤️
Love you too!
After I hit send, I put my phone down for a bit and ushered my parents out of the house. I’d hopefully get a shower, get the boys to sleep, and clean the house up a bit before Joe got home.
He'd definitely be getting home late but after big road game wins that would end in a long night for the both of us.
This also meant that tonight would be the perfect night to use something that I ordered back during the bye.
What was that you may ask?
A candle that smells like farts.
Now I’m not a big prankster but I will never pass up an opportunity to mess with Joe, it's been like that since we started dating in high school.
45 minutes later I had gotten most of the dishes washed in the sink, along with putting the clean dishes from the dishwasher up, and moved on to folding and putting away laundry.
It was always fun putting Joe’s clothes back up in our walk-in closet due to how diverse and unique each article was.
I saw the different suits and past game-day fits as a reminder of all of the ups and downs Joe and I have been through together.
Moving over to hang up his favorite grey jeans, in the corner of my eye I caught a view of the jacket Joe wore the day of the AFC Championship back in 2022. That was the same night Joe proposed to me and the thought made me smile. When the memory of what had happened later that night popped into my mind my once-innocent smile turned into more of a smirk. That was one goooood night.
My thoughts ended up interrupted when my phone dinged but seeing Joe’s name being the source of the tone made my smile reappear.
How’s my wife and my boys doing?
One of Joe’s biggest worries, since we found out I was pregnant, was him not being around enough for his kids to have a good relationship with their father. Every away game Joe seemed to check up on his little family every chance he got and though it was incredibly sweet, I worried about how he thought about himself parent-wise. He was an amazing dad, the boys loved him so much
We're doing great, baby. Your boys are already asleep and your wife is just cleaning around the house right now.
We should be home in a few hours but don't feel like you have to wait up for me, it'll be late.
I'm def waiting for him, I thought to myself with a laugh.
Okay! Are the guys all feeling good after the win?
Oh yeah, everyone is hyped right now. They're blaring music and have asked the bus driver to take a detour to the nearest club twice. LOL
You guys should go! Y’all need to celebrate.
It took a few minutes for Joe to respond but when he did, his message warmed my heart.
No thanks. That would just take time away from getting home to you guys. I miss you and the boys so much.
We miss you too. Especially the boys, who kept yelling “Daddy!” every time you were on the TV.
When I read Joe’s reply it was a complete mood shift, but I can't say I wasn't expecting it.
Did you also yell Daddy when I was on the TV?
Omg, Joe!
You'll be saying that again later, baby. 😉
Big wins always put Joe in this mindset but I couldn't help but giggle at his forward texts.
I was brainstorming what to say next when I remembered a little photoshoot I did the other day when Joe was away at practice. These pics would get him worked up for sure.
The pictures were of me fresh out of the shower in the mirror with nothing but his jersey and a tiger-striped thong on. The jersey was hiked up on my hip to where the panties were visible but my phone covered my face, the star of the show was the huge “9” on my front.
*Attachmentt 3 images*
When a few minutes had passed by and Joe hadn’t said anything back I started to get worried. He's on the bus right now... what if someone else saw the pics? Oh no.
If someone else saw those Joe’d be pissed. Oh no.
Holy shit, mama. You look fucking gorgeous.
Oh thank God, I thought.
You like what you see?
Screw like, I damn love it. Those pics are just for me, right?
Your eyes only, J. ❤️
I had no idea what was going on with Joe other than his texts, so I was completely oblivious to him struggling to contain himself in front of the guys.
You don't understand how much I'm struggling right now.
Struggling how Joey?
I knew exactly how he was struggling but I wanted him to come out and say it.
I'm getting so fucking hard. The last thing I need is the guys seeing a tent in my damn sweats.
Just a couple pics got you worked up?
y/n, baby how do you still not understand how much you turn me on after all this time?
Idk, Joe.
Plus baby it's not just the pics you sent me, it's also thinking about what's bound to happen when I get home.
What's that?
I'm gonna get you naked and show you exactly why you wear number nine. Sound good?
Can't wait.
We're boarding the plane, I'll see you later my love.
See you later, Joey.
*time skip*
It was almost two in the morning and there was still no sign of Joe. I was starting to get tired and was genuinely considering just going to bed.
Rolling over onto my side to get comfortable, I had just closed my eyes when I heard the garage door opening. Meaning Joe was home.
I removed the covers from my body and slipped out of bed, running my hands over the front of my satin nightgown to flatten it out before going downstairs.
By the time I made it into the mudroom, where the door that connects the garage to the house is, Joe was already there taking his shoes off.
“Hey baby.” - you smiled
Joe flinched before he found my eyes, his gaze softening as he did so.
“Shit babe, you scared me.” - Joe laughed
“Sorry, how was the plane ride?” - you
“It was fine, everyone was pretty much asleep so I just sat there on my phone… thinking about you.” - Joe
“Is that so?” - you giggled
“Yes ma'am. I missed you like hell.” - Joe
I opened my arms for him and he immediately walked over into my embrace. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist as my hands ran up and down his muscular back.
Joe leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips before letting his hands drop from my lower back down to my butt.
“The boys still asleep?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you
“Just us then, wanna go upstairs?” - Joe
“Before we do that… when was the last time you ate?” - you
“I ate this morning and had some snacks on the plane. I'm low-key starving but I made a promise to you about what was happening when I got home.” - Joe
Pulling away from his arms, I pecked his lips before patting his stomach.
“Let's get some food in you, then you can fulfill your promise.” - you winked at him
Joe grinned as he followed me into the kitchen, he sat on one of the barstools as I looked in the fridge.
“What do you want?” - you
“You.” - Joe mumbled
“What was that?” - you turned to face him
Joe smirked at me before dropping his head with a laugh.
“Nothin. Uh, whatcha got?” - Joe
“I've got leftover chicken and noodles, sandwich stuff, bacon for a BLT…” - you
“Chicken and noodles are fine.” - Joe
“Okay, I'll heat that for ya.” - you
I popped the container into the microwave and made my way over to Joe, laying my head on his shoulder.
“Sorry if I'm kinda clingy, I just missed you.” - you
“Don't ever apologize for wanting to be close to me, baby.” - Joe’s hand moved to cradle your head
Just a few seconds before the timer went off, I stopped is as to not wake up the twins with the loud ding.
After handing Joe his food with a kiss on the cheek, I walked upstairs.
I told Joe that I went up there to finish cleaning up but in reality, I was lighting the candle. The directions said that it would smell like vanilla for the first 30 minutes, then it would gradually start to smell bad.
Once it was in a sufficient spot I made my way back downstairs. Joe was in the same spot he was when I left but now he was just in his grey sweatpants as he ate and scrolled on his phone.
The floorboards creaked before I was completely in the kitchen and Joe looked behind him to make sure it was just me.
“You look incredibly beautiful in that nightgown by the way.” - Joe
“Well thank you, a special someone bought it for me.” - you
“A special someone?” - Joe gave you a confused/agitated look
“You bought it for me you goof.” - you laugh
“Oh!” - Joe laughed
We shared small talk as he finished eating. Talking about dinner for the rest of the week, the grocery list, just little things.
Joe abruptly stood up and walked over to the sink to wash the Tupperware his chicken and noodles were in. My eyes couldn't seem to peak away from his body, his back muscles flexed with every scrub he made making me feel hot all over.
He grabbed a towel and was now facing me as he dried the dish, my eyes still drawn to the veins protruding from his hands and arms.
After it was dry to his liking he put it up and the cabinet and sat back down on the stool next to me.
With a longing glance at each other, Joe swiftly grabbed my waist and pulled me off my stool and onto his lap. My hands landed on his chest as his mouth was immediately on mine.
Joe’s hands gripped my hips and slowly slid down to my thighs.
“You still got that tiger-striped thong on?” - Joe
He was grinning up at me as his hands slowly slid under my nightgown. His eyes turned dark when his fingertips reached my hips and he hadn't felt a band.
“No panties?” - Joe’s voice dropped an octave
“No, sir.” - you
“Fuck, y/n…” - Joe groaned
I felt Joe’s hand start moving down toward my inner thigh and I had to stop him. The confused look on his face made me giggle.
“Can we do it more… vanilla tonight?” - you
“Oh yeah, that's okay with me. Whatever you want baby, I'll give you.” - Joe
“Okay… now where were we?” - you
Joe moved his hands back to my waist and stood up, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.
He started up the stairs, taking them two at a time as he continued kissing me.
Joe’s pace changed as we passed by the twin’s room to make sure the sound of us rushing to the bedroom wouldn't wake them up.
Once in the bedroom, Joe shut the door and moved to lay me down on the bed.
“Did you light a candle for mood lighting?” - Joe grinned
“Guilty.” - you laughed
Joe laughed along with me as he climbed on top of me. The candlelight accentuated the soft features of his face and enhanced them, he looked even more ridiculously beautiful than he already was.
The faint smile on his face melted my heart as he admired me.
“Gosh… I love you so much y/n.” - Joe
I reached up and combed his curls back with my hand before slowly moving my hand lower to stroke his cheek.
“I love you too, Joe. So so much.” - you
Joe gently pressed our lips together. We engaged in a thorough, slow-burn kiss, that had my toes curling in my fluffy socks.
Very slowly, Joe’s hands moved from my sides and back up my nightgown. He started gently inching it up my body as his lips never left mine.
Once it was completely off my body, Joe disengaged his lips from mine to pull it over my head. The only thing I was left in was my bra.
“You are so… beautiful. Unbelievably beautiful. You're just… breathtaking y/n.” - Joe
His eyes scanned over my body with so much love behind them. I wanted nothing more than to lean over and blow the candle out, knowing It was going to ruin this intimate moment but it was too late.
Joe’s once content face was scrunched up in disgust as he abruptly rolled off of me.
“What the fuck is that?” - Joe
“What do you mean? Did I do something?” - you
“I don't think so… unless. Babe, did you fart? If you did…. goddamn!” - Joe
“Joseph Lee! I did not let one rip while we were trying to get it on!” - you
Joe tried so hard not to cackle but ultimately failed, his nose re-scrunching when he took a big inhale.
“What the actual hell is that putrid smell then, I know for sure it wasn't me! That smells so bad that if it was me I'd be in the bathroom right now.” - Joe
I giggled to myself as Joe hopped off the bed and started smelling around the room.
“Joe baby, you look like a damn bloodhound smelling around like that.” - you hollered laughing
“Well, I'm trying to find whatever the fuck that is so I can get rid of it! I'm not going to bed until I get some sugar.” - Joe
My laughing only got louder as Joe dropped to his knees and started looking under the bed for the source of the stink.
“Maybe there's a dirty pull-up under here…” - Joe grumbled
I rolled off the bed and grabbed a pair of Joe’s boxers that were clean and in his pile of laundry before slipping them on and walking over to his nightstand.
“Baby get off the floor.” - you
“Hold on! I think I'm getting close!” - Joe
“Joe! Get up! It's the candle!” - you laughed
Joe suddenly stood up and looked at me with a confused look on his face.
“How is it the candle? It says vanilla?” - Joe
He walked over to me and I plugged my nose before blowing it out and moving it toward his nose.
Joe looked at me hesitantly before leaning down and smelling the freshly melted wax. He immediately jumped back and gagged at the terrible stench as I seemed t never stop laughing.
“God bless!” - Joe
“I pranked you pretty good huh babe?” - you
“That was not funny at all, and now our room smells terrible. Looks like there's no sex on the menu tonight.” - Joe pouted
The way he exaggeratedly pushed his bottom lip out in a frown had me grinning. I got on my tiptoes and repeatedly pecked his lips till his pout turned into a small smile.
“We can sleep on the couch and watch movies tonight.” - you smiled
I watched Joe’s smile fall back into a pout as he pressed his hips against my thigh, reminding me of his dilemma.
The unamused look on my face only made him more whiney as multiple “please y/n” fell from his lips.
“Here, how about we get in the shower and I suck you off at the end. Would that make you happy?” - you sighed
“No. I don't want pity head.” - Joe grumbled
“Boy please you know pity head doesn't exist in this relationship.” - you smirked
Joe’s frown once again turned into a smile as he took my hand and led us into the bathroom.
Once both of us stripped naked and got in the shower, Joe got his head before he pressed me against the shower and finally got what he'd been craving since the game ended.
After we cleaned each other off and hopped out of the shower, our bedroom had finally gone back to smelling like it normally does.
When Joe flopped on the bed he almost immediately knocked out.
“Tired?” - you kissed his forehead
Joe nodded and I kissed him one last time before cuddling up to him and falling asleep.
One thing you can take from our relationship is no matter what, get you a man that'll still rock your word less than 10 minutes after he thought you let out the worst-smelling fart known to man.
Authors note: a random daydream turned into one of my fav fics ever. 💀
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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poppy-metal · 4 months
hear me out... what if we combine some of the thoughts? stepbro! patrick who finds out that you've been posting videos of yourself online. every night going to some porn site to jerk himself out. using the videos to imagine different things to do to you until he finds an account that really scratches that itch inside of him. she looks like you. this solo pornstar he's found and he finds himself stalking each video you post. leaving a multitude of comments and feeling a rush of adrenaline when you respond to them. but then he starts to notice something - your walls look familiar. the posters you have on them, the paint color, and in fact so does what you're wearing. he realizes that the girl in the videos doesn't just look like you. she is you. immediately he's full of different thoughts and ideas. after he finally comes down from the realization (and also drains his balls to the copious amount of content he has for you) he makes a plan. 
he comes into your room one night, stifling through your stuff as you protest it. when he finds the camera hidden in your closet he turns around with that classic patrick smirk. "you planning on becoming a star?" he asks softly. you look at him confused but also concerned knowing nothing good happens when patrick gets that look. "a pornstar, i mean," he says with a grin. you can't even protest before he's shaking his head. coming closer and closer to you. "i know about your account. found it weeks ago. don't worry, i'm not gonna tell. didn't realize it was you at first but then i recognized the room. you know, that's the bad thing about not showing your pretty face. anyone could see it and fuck themselves to the videos. know i did."
he gets almost a sick satisfaction while telling you. watching the color drain out of your face. the way your breathing picks up. the look on your face as your mind can't decide if you're disgusted or turned on by his confession. he tells you that he wants to help you. so much so that he wants to star in your videos too. you'll get really popular then if your audience can watch you get your brains fucked out by some guy. he expects you to need a minute but you say yes almost immediately. your mouth dry from the anticipation and it's that night that you both film your first video. camera pointed down at you with your face barely out of camera while patrick fucks you from the back. hands gripping your hips rough enough to make bruises while he splits open your pussy and you babble out. its easy to pick out the titles when patrick runs his mouth the whole video - "mmm, yes, such a fucking slut wanna show the whole world how you take your stepbrothers cock? can't even keep it a secret." 
it only takes a month of uploading videos together for a company to reach out with an offer to provide better cameras and a paycheck. 
despite what you post youre a good girl, really. you were kind and sweet and got good grades all throughout school. you tried to make nice with your stepbrother even though he got under your skin all the fucking time, like that time he threw a party when your parents were out but wouldn't let you dance with robby dickenson. like, what the fuck? "he just wants you to suck his cock because his girlfriend wont".
"maybe im fine with that."
"im not."
and that was that. he always got his way. thats when it started, you're pretty sure. a sorta fuck you to patrick, and also a way to rebel in a way. your first video had been you deepthroating a didldo you'd bought. you didnt know what it would become, just that you loved every second of it. the camera filming you, the lewd act of filling your mouth for a bunch of people to fuck themselbes too. it felt wanton and dirty. it was empowering.
so your fear of patrick finding out wasn't that he'd found out, per say. you were more afraid of him taking this from you. you weren't shocked by his admission, but you were by how much it turned you on. you'd sunken alot further into the pits of depravity than you'd thought. good girls didnt fuck their stepbrothers. good girls didnt get dry in the mouth at the sight of his thick cock bobbing free. good girls didnt pull up their shirts because he'd asked them to, straddling your chest with the camera angled at your chest. "pull your tits out, show big brother those hot little nipples."
and you do, you show him, you show everyone who will be watching and you do it eagerly. you should snap at him not to call himself your big brother, but in reality the acknowledgement of what he was, of how bad you were being just made you all the more wet.
"you're not a good girl at all, are you," he asks, zooming in on the peaks of your nipples. reaches down to roughly palm one of the bouncy little tits in his hand. "always so tight lipped and quiet. you know my friend, art? he just thinks you're shy. wonder what he'd think if he knew you were shoving things up your pussy for old pervs onine to rub off to."
hes one of those pervs. but you dont say that. instead you push your chest out, bite your lip and look up at him with wide pleading eyes."no im good, big brother, i promise."
he spits out a quiet fuck under his breath. you cant stop eyeing the thick length of him between his thighs, dripping and hard and you want your mouth around him you dont care how wrong it is, you want him filling your throat and yanking your hair and calling you all sorts of names.
he makes you prove it. the camera doesnt spend long at all in his hand, eventually tossed shakily on your bed and you have to reach for it yourself, pull it close to your face as you're oushed and pulled and groped like a ragdoll, on your stomach as patrick palms at your ass.
"wanted to fuck you for so long."
"then do it."
there's alot of talk in the comments of the video when its posted, talk about the stepsibling talk being a nice little touch, some want to know if the man has an account of his own, videos of himself. they like the way he fucks you. hard and demeaning, slapping his hips off your ass with the force of his pounding cock in your cunt. they like the way he talks to you, "tight little fucking cunt,gonna fill it everyday. when i come home sweaty from practice you're gonna be a good little sister and spread your legs for me, let me at that pussy. gonna sneak in here every night, fuck you full of cum even if you're sleeping."
instant hit.
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hearts4golbach · 4 months
hello can you do fella x reader and they have been dating for a few months and tyler announces them on stream 😈
btw please don’t die i love ur work 🥰😇🙏🏼
His Little Secret.
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Hansumfella: Tyler x Fem!Reader.
a/n: I'm not gonna die on you guys oml I PROMISE I'll keep feeding you until nature has its way with me xx
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the day Tyler asked you to be his girlfriend was the best day of your life. you two had met through the internet. you started streaming together and eventually hanging out in real life, as well. although your relationship had started out strictly professional, with a couple drinks, fella had admitted his feelings for you that you reciprocated. your talking stage lasted for 3 weeks, and during that time, you two were inseparable.
he took you out frequently, not to mention the way you two streamed together pretty much every night. you kept your talking stage private. only family and close friends knew. you loved how conservative he was since you were as well.
but, the day he asked you to be his girlfriend was much different than the usual, casual dates you went on. it was a beach date. the sun had just started to set whenever he turned to you and asked 'will you be my girlfriend' over a drink and take out. of course, you said yes. the two of you laid in the sand in each others arms.
after that day, you frequently spent the night at his place. you also streamed with him in person now, since you were already there anyway. people had their suspicions, but you always being at his house while he streamed did not help.
you dragged in a chair from the kitchen and sat next to Tyler. he was just about to start his stream. it was your idea to do a truth or drink stream, since he had only ever done a truth or drink hot sauce version. you figured drinking would spice it up a little.
"what's up, guys!" he exclaimed with a smile. the chat was being spammed with greetings to both of you. at this point, they were accustomed to seeing you tagging along for the stream. "if you read the fucking title, you'll know what me and y/n are doing today."
"truth or drink!" you exclaimed.
"just the usual, send a question in with 50 bits, blah blah blah." he peered at the chat then back at you with a smile. he rested his hand on your knee under the table, which was out of the view of the camera. "so, why don't we just get started. i know you guys are creaming your pants with impatience."
he swiftly turned on the text to speech with submissions. the first one came through immediately. "which one is the real skibidi sigma rizzler?"
"me, obviously." you responded immediately.
"you really wasted 50 bits on that?" he tossed up his hands in defeat. "i guess i'm going to have to admit y/n is the real skibidi sigma rizzler." he replied sarcastically. "let's get some actual juicy questions up in this bitch."
the next question interrupted him mid sentence. "favorite position?"
"bruh." he rolled his eyes and glared at me. "i'm gonna have to pass on this one."
you considered your options for a moment, "should i expose myself?" you asked, turning towards Tyler.
"i mean, go for it," he flicked his hand towards the camera, "it's your digital footprint on the line."
"yolo, I guess." you rolled your eyes. "either missionary or reverse cowgirl. next question."
it was hard for Tyler to hide the smirk on his face. you took a peek at the chats to see what they were saying.
'fella DEFINITELY knows something we dont'
'bro knows he's getting it tonight'
'wtf fellas face 😭😭'
the next request rang from the computer. 'are you guys together or no?'
your heart sank. you looked at fella, but the hesitation made the answer obvious. he looked back at you quizically, and you nodded. you had been dating in secret for 4 months, what could announcing it now hurt?
"yes, yes we are." he grinned, "anyway..."
the chat was filled with people screaming.
another question, which wasn't really a question, came through. 'kiss or it isn't real.'
"I don't know about that much.." you trailed off, raising your eyebrow at tyler.
he shrugged at you, "it's okay with me if you wanna, babe."
him calling you babe made your heart flutter. you shrugged back. "alright."
he pulled you in and pecked your lips, causing a light blush to spread across both of your faces.
the comments made you laugh. "well, know you guys know." you grinned at the camera.
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luckykiwiii101 · 7 months
Hi Wii!! 💖
It's finally my turn. My own void success story💕💕. ahhh i'm so happy! This is kind of long so sorry for that.
So, just for a back story, I have been terminally ill for a while now. I was always in pain and even after discovering subliminals 5 years ago i was never fully 'able' to get rid of my illness. But then I came across the void state one day on tiktok while looking through shifting methods and instantly knew that it was for me. The thought of it genuinely made me so happy and not in like a 'i'll get all my desires' way but in like a 'ofc i can give myself whatever I want.' way. But i kinda fell down a rabit hole on tumblr and really put the void on a pedestal that i had to 'pass' in order to get anything😔.
But then, a few weeks ago, it really clicked. I did one of those 3-day challenges (i didn't follow anyone elses, just made up my own routine and stuck to it.) and it helped tremendously both with my self concept and void concept. i know these aren't really important but they sure help lol.
Anyway i didn't get in the void in those 3 days but i realised that instead of hating not waking up in the void, my thought process was just ''well, i'm getting closer aren't I?" and i honestly caught myself off guard with that🎀🎀.
But then last night, i got ready for bed and went to sleep. But I kept waking up in the middle of the night because it was kinda hot. Anyway, i had a holiday from school so I was gonna sleep in.
My sister had to go to school tho and we share a room so when she wakes up, i usually do as well just because of all the rustling. She opened the light to our room and i felt a faint light infront of my eyes. I couldn't hear her then for a while but I just assumed that was because she left the room. Then my hearing came back and she was asking me about smth so i opened my eyes but noticed that the 'source' of the light i felt while my eyes were closed was different to which light was open in the room(I really hope that made sense). I then realised that it took awhile for me to properly feel my body again and thats when i realized i was in the void- aware- for once!! 💗💗
I honestly wasn't surprised that I woke up in the void without doing anything because I have full faith in myself but it has really helped me make my belief in the void even stronger. I have a whole list of things i want to get so when i get in the void again tonight, I'm gonna affirm for all my desires!! Wait for my full success story please 💖💖
Also, to all the people out there, i know it's hard but all you genuinely need to do is trust yourself and your power, remember you are The Creator.
Thanks again Wii, you've been great help.
(btw, so sorry for any typos, english is not my first language😔)
Success Story ✨✨✨✨💗💗💗
This is truly amazing!!
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strawberrystealer · 1 year
Bungo Stray Dogs- What I think they’d do if someone kidnapped you
Characters: Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma, and Akutagawa
For some reason I think about this a lot sooo why not write about it!
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Angry, upset, annoyed, all of those would be understatements
The pure rage that would fill this mans body once he gets the news-
If he saw like a letter or something thats like “Ayo we got ur bae come get them or they die lmaooo #livelaughlove” But a lot more sinister and stuff he’d go straight there and uhhh
Basically kill everyone there using his ability of course
He’d be so quick about it too, like drop everything he was doing and go straight there
Once he’s at the place in like the span of a few seconds everyone’s already dead and he goes over to you and idk takes off your blind fold or whatever they have on you
He becomes the softest man you’ve ever seen just for that moment cuz he doesn’t know what you’ve been through and he doesn’t want to cause you anymore pain
Once you two get home he’ll run a bath for you or something and stay by your side
He’ll make sure no one ever touches you again, he can’t ever risk losing you.
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I bet he’d be like coming home all cheerful, ready to come mess with you or something and... you’re not on the couch.
Not in your room, the bathroom, anywhere
The smile immediately drops from his face and he gets worried
But then again he probably does this all the time so he texts you and you don’t respond??
Now he’s 10 times more worried than he was before!
Probably not a lot tho cuz he probably knows where you are
If thats the case then he just goes the the location and pays you a lil visit
Knocks on the door like a gentleman ofc 
But when they open it-
“QUIZ TIME!!! Where’s my lovely little s/o?? Can you guess??” And he looks over and sees you inside the house.
Then he’d immediately kill move the kind gentleman into a burning fire! So sweet ik
He’d get to you and ofc be worried but once he finds out you’re okay he’ll be fine and back to his normal goofy self 
Unless you want the more realistic take where he cant stop thinking about it and thinks its his fault for weeks but is also trying to rid himself of emotions so ofc he cant be scared or guilty so he’s constantly battling himself on whether or not its his fault and if you still even like you because he might not have been there just in time to save you.
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He’d be so unbelievably worried 
He wouldn’t know who did it, why, how, or anything and he’d be just as confused as you probably are 
He’d probably have to ask for help, contemplate calling the cops but then realizes hes fr a terrorist he cant do that-
So he asks Fyodor for help and after a bit of pleading Fyodor gives him the location of where you and your abductor are
Once Sigma gets there, with some guns he’s probably scared to use, he sees the man that kidnapped you
Its gonna be like “if you give me ur casino ill give u your s/o” type of shit (super unrealistic but its all I can think of rn)
So obviously ur man isnt having that and shoots him
I mean he had no problem shooting that red haired girl (whatever her name is in the hunting dogs) so he probably wouldn’t have a problem killing some weak guy to get his lover back
Once he gets you safe he’ll keep asking if you’re okay alllll the time just because he’s so scared
“Darling are you sure you’re okay?? He seemed really scary... he didn’t hurt you did he? Do you need any bandages?”
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He looks completely unfazed
Like he’ll read some letter telling him to come get you or you die and be like “...Ugh not this again” 
He will get you though
And he is slightly scared but not really because he knows you’ll be fine once he gets you
When he gets to the place he doesn’t even knock on the door
He just punches a big ass hole in it with his ability and goes through it 
Also kills your abductor<3
Once he gets you he’s quiet
He’ll lightly hug you, glad your alive and the drive home will be silent
He’s considering weather he should be all “you’re so weak how’d you even get kidnapped” or “are you okay? ... He didn’t do any physical abuse to you, correct?” But both of them sound weird to him so he’s silent
When you get home he’ll prepare anything you wish
Tea? Dinner? Blankets? Anything, he’ll do for you
He does love you and he was very worried its just he has a poor way of showing it, thats all :)
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norman-fucking-reedus · 7 months
Not really a sexual request but… thoughts on Daryl coming home upset? Like genuinely hurting over something or anxious about something. Personally I think Daryl would have some level of anxiety that every now and then can get bad so maybe something happens with that? Idk I just love your writing and wanna see your take on sad Daryl🫶🏻
UGHH I’ve been CRAVING some sad Daryl for a while I have this idea of Daryl having a mental break where he isolates himself from everyone because he has no clue how to properly communicate his feelings so instead he decides to stay in his own space and silently drown to death alone in his own thoughts.
Normalize holding adult men like babies because obviously thats what they are
I feel like lately my writing has been kinda bad?? 🧍🏾‍♀️Maybe this is just too short idk but something is OFF.
It had been two weeks since Daryl locked himself and your heart in the basement.
He needed some space, that much was obvious, but the worrying started the first week when Daryl didn’t touch the plates of food you or Carol would leave outside the door. He never left the room, never made a sound either. If it weren’t for the years of a living in an apocalypse, you would’ve thought he was dead.
Daryl felt dead, his bone weighing heavy with emotion and anger he just didn’t know how to get out. Years of bottling up everything now seeped through his grimy skin, mind running two miles a minute as his hands fisted his greasy matting hair.
He almost felt like a teenager again, rotting away feeling sorry for himself in bed while internal screaming at himself because lord knows he couldn’t do it vocally. He pushed everyone away, he needed to. Nobody needed to see him like this. Nobody needed to deal with him like this. Nobody needed to help him like this.
Daryl knew you and Carol left food outside his door, but he felt like he didn’t deserve to eat. Didn’t deserve to drink. He didn’t wanna open the door one day and see one of you standing there with a pitiful look on your face. He didn’t need pity.
He also didn’t need the jarring sound of pounding at said door. “Go ‘way” He mumbled, but instead the door creaked open, softly shutting. Maybe he should learn how to use a lock.
“Daryl” You voice was soft against his burning ears, however he felt a twinge of anger surge through him. “Get out. Don’t need anythin” He pushed himself up, sitting on the edge of the bed and only glancing over at where you stood with your arms tightly folded. “It’s been weeks”
He knows. “So? Gonna be another weeks too, now leave” You stood firmly in place, not budging.
Daryl screamed at himself for trying to throw you out, you of all people. Only his internal monologue didn’t match the one coming out his mouth. “Dammit woman I told ya ta leave!”
You stared at him silently, taking a few steps towards him and not faltering when he stood up, merely inches from your face. “Don’ need ya in here feelin’ fuckin’ sorry makin’ me feel worse”
“Well if it makes you feel any shitter I feel sorry for you inside and outside the door” You shrugged up at him, looking at him with a more causal expression than anything. “Why are you pushing me away Dixon?” Daryl bared his teeth at the question, angry at himself cause he didn’t know why. “Why’re ya in here?”
“That’s not answering my question” You scoffed, and Daryl turned to frustrated kick the night stand. “I don’ hafta answer tha’ stupid fuckin’ question! Why can’ ya jus’ leave me tha’ fuck alone?” He began pacing around the room, trying to put distance between the two of you continued to stubbornly close it. “Because I give a shit? You don’t get to suffer in here alone because think you deseve it”
You shoved Daryl’s chest, and surprisingly he shoved back, tears burning hot in his eyes. “Why not?!”
Your face softened and you grabbed Daryl’s hands, holding them tightly in yours. “Fucking stop!” He tried pulling himself out your grip, shaking his head as more traitorous tears spilled. Daryl grunted as you pulled his arms towards you, causing him to stumble which gave you the opening to finally capture him in a tight hug. “Get offa me” He mumbled even as his body desperately melted against yours. “It’s okay sweetheart” You whispered the words and walked backwards, lying on the bed when the back of your knees hit the mattress.
“Ya shouldn’t- Ya shouldn’t see me like this” Daryl buried his face in the crook of your neck, feeling an unfamiliar lump form in his throat. He no longer felt anger, but saddness. He was sad, so sad that he didn’t know what do to other then straying away. His chest hurt, and he felt so vulnerable in your arms that he just exploded, body shaking as sobs racked through him. “I’m here now babyboy, it’s okay” You, quite literally, tangled your fingers into his hair, soothingly scratching the scalp as Daryl’s tears ran down your skin and soaked your shirt.
It hurt so bad yet felt so good to finally, finally let it all out.
You moved to sit up against the wall, bringing Daryl along with you and positioning him to lay across against your shoulder, brushing hair out his red as he sniffled. You wiped his tears with your hand, staring down lovingly at him as you stroked his cheek. “Tell me what's hurting you” You whispered, listening to his soft whimpers and snotty sniffles. Daryl leaned his head against you, eyes flickering up to meet yours as he searched your face. He felt so grateful to have someone like you, caring about someone like him.
“Jus’ everythin” He whispered back.
You kissed his forehead, letting your lips linger there. “Anything in particular?”
Daryl shook his head, soaking up every ounce of attention you gave him. Each tear was wiped away by soft fingers, followed by a gentle kiss.
For the first time, Daryl felt like a little kid, huddled up sweetly in your arms as you ran your hands across his back, slowly rocking his frail frame.
He cried harder than he ever has, muffling sobs into to the fabric of your shirt. You only stroked his hair and told him that it was all okay.
And he believed you.
Daryl could physically feel the love radiating off you, seeping through his clothes and filing his weakened body.
It was so peaceful in the room beside from Daryl’s sniffing, he felt like you were the only people left on earth. As he glanced up at you through clumped lashes, he wished that you were.
“M’sorry” He mumbled.
You quirked a bow. “For what?”
“Fer pushin’ you”
“Away or earlier?” Daryl shook his head slightly.
“Both” He responded.
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Ugh. I guess I forgive you”
Daryl cracked a small smile, one of his fidgety hands reaching for yours. His fingers were cold compared to yours.
“I love you” You whispered, squeezing his hand in yours.
He searched your face, eyes glassy as they once again filled up with tears. “I- I love ya too”
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Is it mean of me to want Yu in the Manhwa AU to end up with someone outside of the trio? (if she ends up with anyone at all) like good living is the best kind of revenge in this situation where the people who wronged you won't ever know what they did wrong. Idk but if I were to be betrayed like that, I don't think I could stand to look at their faces, much less get along with them. Maybe she picks one of her new friends or maybe she inherits Crowley's title and land and becomes an inspiration to young ladies everywhere as a successful and independent badass.
The world is her oyster now that she's not chained down by those cinderblocks.
Not mean at all! There's one Manhwa called Kill the Villainess that does that and I LOVE IT.
This is mainly to clear something up. But Yuu doesn't want revenge in this new timeline, she just wants a happier life than what she had before
And she's been having it! She's got more friends than ever, even though she's made herself a shut in Yuu is content.
When she re-enters society thats when the boys start to slowly try to creep in. Yuu still keeps them at an arms length and thats because she thinks they still hate her. She got closer to Azul again because Azul lied about who he was. And in those few weeks they spend talking again, Yuu's crush on Azul reawakens though she thinks these are new feelings for a new person.
Of course, the lie comes to light because Azul got too comfortable and slipped up while they were having a private meeting. Yuu realizes who Azul is and tries to leave immediately. Azul honestly has a breakdown. The man falls to his KNEES, gripping onto Yuu's dress, just TEARS. Begging her to not leave, he's changed, he's better, he's sorry, he's so sorry, she deserved better than what he was and he is now! Please don't leave him, please-
Yuu, conflicted beyond belief because in her mind, THIS is her first time seeing Azul in A DECADE, and he's begging her to stay with him. In the end, Yuu manages to kneel down and help Azul through his sobfest. Once he's all cried out and thinking clearly again, the embarrassment hits and he tries to shy away a bit. Yuu manages a little laugh and pokes him in his cheeks, teasing him a bit like when they were kids. It's soft and it makes them both relax a bit more.
Azul apologizes for his breakdown, saying he'd...understand if Yuu never wanted to see him again...
Yuu...hesitates because...does she never want to see Azul again? She stopped talking to them because she thought thats what THEY WANTED, that they wanted her to leave them alone. She's leagues happier than she was in her first life, but she still MISSED THEM.
Yuu realizes that's dangerous, that she never questioned WHY they hated her, if they really did hate her, because it doesn't seem to be the case now. Is it possible that in this new life, they never hated her in the first place? And she just abandoned three of her closest friends without warning?
Yuu tells Azul she'll send him a letter, but to not contact her first. And that's way more than Azul ever thought he was gonna get, so he agrees. They leave on... neutral terms.
Yuu doesn't want revenge because she honestly stopped talking to the boys because even after her death, she still CARES ABOUT THEM. And if her not being in their lives was going to make them happier, then so be it.
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venbetta · 9 months
I guess since I can't draw, have some cute headcanons for how the Glamrocks react to getting drawings of them!
"You drew me a picture? Show me, I am sure you worked very hard on it!"
He loves receiving drawings from his fans!
He keeps most of them, even if they're just scribbles from a toddler
He especially loves when older fans give him artwork
Even if the person doesn't think their art is good, Freddy makes it a point to hang their picture for the world to see
He has a lot of drawings, but of course he can't keep all of them
He gets sad when staff sorts out the ones they can throw away (yes including the toddler scribbles)
Regardless, if he could keep every drawing in the world, he would.
"You drew a picture of me? Let's see how you drew someone as great as me!"
She seems pleased to get a drawing from a fan
She doesn't get a lot of them but she loves them
She graciously takes toddler scribbles, and secretly coos over them with Chica and Freddy
She can't control her tail when a young fan runs up to her and shows her their drawing
She hangs her favorites up and keeps the rest in her storage to look at later
An older fan giving her a really good drawing has her floored
She definitely boasts about how her fans have the best artistic skills
"Huh? What'chu got there? Is that for me?"
He doesn't recieve a lot of drawings but when he does, he's flattered
His tail does wag
He lifts his shades to get a better look
When a fan is being hard on themselves, he shoots them down and gives them a hearty pat on the back
He giggles at toddler scribbles, not maliciously
He finds them cute/endearing even if he can't make out any of the shapes
He hangs every drawing up in his storage
"Oh, is that me?! Lemme see- lemme see!"
She loves her drawings a lot
She's about the same amount as Freddy
She's very encouraging of young artists
Toddler scribbles make her a gushy mess, she squeezes their little cheeks
She gets sad when she can't hang up all of her drawings
...She's probably eaten one of someone's drawings
She's willing to dig through the trash if staff throws away one of her favorite drawings.
*Gesture of surprise before excitedly bumping his hands*
He doesn't get a lot of drawings
He's not one for many words, but he’s gonna show his excitement however way he can
He can't really hold the drawings properly, but if you just hold it up close enough for him to see it, thats enough for him
He needs help hanging some of them
He claps and pumps his fist at well made drawings
Toddler scribbles genuinely confuse him but he gives a thumbs up regardless
He easily loses track of his drawings due to how big his attraction is
That's the post... uhm I didn't do Sun because of... reasons (ifykyk)
This was the in my notes app for a couple of weeks
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