ljjsims · 5 months
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Generation #1: Children
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She would't be called Mother Earth if she didn't have her fair share of kids: meet Rhea, Crius, Phoebe, Aphrodite, Thaumus and Eurybia! Find all of their information on these sheets. Looking for more about Gaia's challenge? Use these sheets:
Gaia (must) World Preparation (must) World Filler Characters (optional)
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
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dcybrck · 2 years
closed stsrter for @shatterdark ! | during act i.
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a voice echoed in her head as the world around them descended into chaos, the same warm one that whispered jests to her and told her to rise once more during training. find me, iona. the order had been from both her general and her protector when it was first spoken a few years ago, when war was at their door and koray could no longer shield her from the fight. brown eyes frantically search around the room, finding wings that she would recognize in complete darkness. there is a whisper within her mind when iona gazes upon him, as if something near otherworldly is attempting to grab her attention. she needs you. something ethereal whispers. in a voice she cannot place. a tongue she cannot name. her body changes course, as if it is not her own to lead. and in the midst of the attack, iona sees the aerial soldier bearing down towards izara, eyes tracking the path of his swing as she was taught. without a second thought, iona is vaulting herself towards the man, unsheathing her blade as she leaps. a swift downward swing forces the soldier to take steps back, the woman landing on two feet in front of her friend. ignores the way her stomach settled at the sight of her. “ are you alright?” the words come out rushed, sparing izara a glance before she prepares to block another attack. body a barrier between the fae and those who wished to attack her. “ we should move, before they overwhelm us.” baring her teeth at the soldier as he began to charge for them once more.
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irisisawittywitch · 6 months
𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐈𝐫𝐢𝐬
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Fleet-footed Iris, swift as the storm,
golden-winged goddess, I call out to you.
Daughter of Thaumus, ancient one of the sea,
and bright-lit Elektra of the thunderhead,
sister of the fearsome Harpies, I honor your might.
Iris of the rainbow, many-colored goddess,
handmaid and herald of deep-eyed Hera,
yours is a duty needful and grave;
messenger and courier, you speak with the voice
of all Olympus–the Trojans and the Argonauts
did tremble at your words. Harbinger of hope,
goddess of the new day, I pray to you
Source: Underflow - Prayers to the Gods of Olympus
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Protogenoi 4: Pontus and the Sea Gods
         From the primordial deity Pontus (ocean) many sea deities were born:
Nereus, “the old man of the sea,” is known for his honest and wise demeanor, as well as his prophetic abilities. Nereus assists Jason and the argonauts on Lemnos, advises Peleus how to capture his love interest; Thetis, and in “Posthomerica” even tries to warn the trojans of a Greek attack.  Nereus and the sea nymph, Doris, give birth to fifty Ocean Nereids; sea nymphs who were helpful to sailors and fishermen, with such famous examples as Thetis (who later gives birth to Achilles) and Amphitrite (who becomes wife to the Olympian Poseidon).
Thaumus personifies the wonders of the sea, and, with the daughter of the ocean Elektra, gives birth to Iris (rainbows) and the Harpies; Aello and Okypete. The harpies have the heads and torsos of women and the wings and talons of birds and are associated with the winds. Later, in works like “Argonautica” and “aeneid” they are portrayed as agents of punishment.2
Phorkys, and his sister, Ceto, having associations with the darker and more mysterious ocean deep, give birth to a host of famous and fearsome creatures such as the Graiae; old women with grey hair that share one eye between them, The Gorgons; winged women with snakes for hair and gazes to turn mortals to stone, and Echidna; a half-woman, half-snake creature that lives in a cave and is known as the “mother of monsters,” who goes on to birth many terrifying offspring which we will explore in the next section. 
Eurybia, a powerful Ocean titaness who has associations with astronomy, winds, and weather and is wife to Crius, Titan of constellations.
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buds-and-baubles · 21 days
i've found the song that perfectly describes the journey and dynamic of my dc self insert florian aka starling and jason todd; sound of silence by cody fry and sleeping at last.
their first meeting as little kids. them growing from acquaintances to friends to best friends. both avoiding talking about their families for different reasons.
jason losing his mom and his dad going missing. his homelessness where flo hangs out with him and brings food, water and books. his encounter with batman, the batmobile and a tire iron. his time at ma gunn's and florian still pushes his way through to visit him and bring him stuff while they hang out.
flo's time of split custody. going to visit jason at ma gunn's and finding him not there as he apparently was adopted and ma gunn's being shut down but hoping his best friend is okay. his mom getting primary custody and the lead up to his huge breakdown.
jason's time at the manor with his adoptive family. flo unlocking his first meta ability and being kicked out by his mom to encounter thaumus byrd (otherwise known as birdbrain, the reason for flo's bird dna in his veins). jason's debut as robin and finding his best friend is in the news as missing.
flo's captivity which had him raised as if a 'child' to birdbrain in his warehouse refurbished into a home. his schooling, therapy, further experimentation and time as iris.
iris delivering messages for the gotham's rogue gallery and getting caught in a crossfire which batman and robin interrupt. jason's robin tries to talk to him and iris runs.
the garzonas case. jason finding the letter and wanting to explore about his mother. joker beating him with a crowbar and dying in the explosion at the warehouse.
flo plans his escape to be after he graduates. jason crawls out of his grave and the league takes him. jason spends time in the league and is dipped in a lazarus pit. florian escapes from birdbrain and begins a life of his own.
florian dons his old iris costume and debuts as his dna namesake; starling. jason finishes training and returns to gotham to debut as red hood.
starling rescues a civilian jason from captivity where he was being beaten by people he had fought to defend a shop from being robbed. they have that feeling of familiarity.
starling rescues punk aka morgan lee ankwicz (my friend's oc) from getting his ass kicked during a vigilante fight attempt.
batman rip happens (and all the extra goodies of that one year later era!). the misfits are formed to help in smaller time stuff while the batfam works big time. black mask holds up the museum flo works at as a civilian which red hood stops and saves him.
their first encounter both as civilians and the hugging tearful reunion that follows. relearning their friendship which blossoms into more than.
they start dating and have to plan how the fuck to break the news to their friends (and also family which he denies is his family in jason's case).
them sitting on a rooftop side by side with flo's head on jason's shoulder, the background with a translucent image of them doing the same thing as kids.
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the greek/roman gods
Format is GREEK NAME/ROMAN NAME: description
starting at the beginning,
CHAOS: the void, everything and nothing, sometimes a deity, sometimes a stasis.
then there were the Primordials, that arose from Chaos and were more concepts than gods,
EROS (the elder)/PHANES: love and procreation
TARTARUS: the original deity/representation of the underworld
GAIA/TERRA: mother earth, the ultimate creator
EREBUS: darkness
NYX: night
AETHER: child of Erebus and Nyx, day
HEMERA: child of Erebus and Nyx, light
MOROS: child of Erebus and Nyx, doom
THANATOS: child of Erebus and Nyx, death
KER: child of Erebus and Nyx, violent death
MACARIA: death of the blessed
HYPNOS/SOMNUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, sleep
MOMUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, mockery and blame
GERAS/SENECTUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, old age
OIZYS/MISERIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, misery
NEMESIS: child of Erebus and Nyx, retribution
PHILOTES: child of Erebus and Nyx, affection
APATE: child of Erebus and Nyx, deceit
ERIS/DISCORDIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, strife
MOIRAI/PARCAE: child of Erebus and Nyx, the three fates
CHARON: child of Erebus and Nyx, ferryman of the Underworld
CHRONUS: the elder primordial of time
OUREA: created by Gaia, the mountains
NESOI: child of Ourea, the islands
PONTUS: created by Gaia, the sea
THALASSA: child of Pontus, a sea goddess
NEREUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, god of the sea
CETO: child of Gaia and Pontus, sea goddess
THAUMUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, a sea god
IRIS: child of Thaumus, goddess of rainbows
OURANOS/CAELUS: created by Gaia, the sky
TYPHON: son of Gaia and Tartarus, volcanic forces, the father of all monsters
CRONUS/SATURN: son of Ouranos, god of the harvest, slayed/castrated his father
then came the Titans, the children of Gaia and Ouranos (unless specified otherwise),
RHEA/CYBELE/OPS: goddess of fertility
OCEANUS: god of the oceans, conceived the Oceanids with Tethys
TETHYS: god of the rivers
TYCHE/FORTUNA: one of the Oceanids, goddess of good luck
STYX: one of the Oceanids
HYPERION: god of light, but more in a sunlight sense
THEIA: goddess of light, but in a light of the blue sky sense
HELIOS/SOL: child of Hyperion and Theia, god of the sun
SELENE/LUNOS: child of Hyperion and Theia, goddess of the moon
EOS/AURORA: goddess of dawn
CRIUS: god of the constellations
EURYBIA: child of Pontus, sea goddess
ASTRAEUS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of stars and planets
PALLAS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of war
PERSES: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of destruction
THEMIS: goddess of law and order
IAPETUS: god of mortal life
ATLAS: child of Iapetus and Asia (an Oceanid), carried the celestial sphere, god of astronomy
PROMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of foresight, creator of man and giver of fire to humans
EPIMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of hindsight
MNEMOSYNE: goddess of memory
COEUS/POLUS: god of the celestial axis
PHOEBE: a moon goddess
LETO/LATONA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of motherhood
ASTERIA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of falling stars
HECATE/TRIVIA: child of Asteria and Perses, goddess of magic, ghosts, and necromancy
ZEUS/JUPITER: god of sky, weather, and kingship
then the "modern" Pantheon,
ATHENA/MINERVA: sprung from Zeus' head, goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
APOLLO: child of Leto and Zeus, god of the sun, healing, prophecy, music, and poetry
ASCLEPIUS/AESCULAPIUS: son of Apollo and a nymph, god of medicine
ARTEMIS/DIANA: child of Leto and Zeus, goddess of the moon, hunting, and the wild
HERMES/MERCURY: child of Maia and Zeus, messenger of the gods and patron of thieves and travellers
PAN/FAUNUS: child of Hermes, god of nature and shepherding
DIONYSUS/BACCHUS: child of a mortal and Zeus, god of wine, festivity, and madness
DIKE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of justice
EUNOMIA: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of good laws
EIRENE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of peace
HERA/JUNO: goddess of women and marriage
ARES/MARS: child of Hera and Zeus, god of war and courage
EILEITHYIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of childbirth and midwifery
HEPHAESTUS/VULCAN: child of Hera and Zeus, god of blacksmithing and fire
HEBE/JUVENTIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of youth, cupbearer of the gods
DEMETER/CERES: goddess of agriculture
PERSEPHONE/PROSPERINA: child of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of springtime and queen of the Underworld
POSEIDON/NEPTUNE: god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
TRITON: child of Amphitrite and Poseidon, messenger of the sea
HADES/PLUTO: king of the Underworld and god of the dead and wealth
HESTIA/VESTA: goddess of the hearth and home
APHRODITE/VENUS: sprung from the sea foam created by Ouranos' body being thrown into the sea, goddess of love, beauty and pleasure
HERMAPHRODITES: child of Aphrodite and Hermes, god of androgyny
EROS/AMOR/CUPID: child of Ares and Aphrodite, god of love
NIKE: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of victory
ZELUS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of zeal
KRATOS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of strength
BIA: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of force
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 5 months
Random setting: Gods of The Worldhold
Gods of The Worldhold were more than just theoi. Gods were a mantle, a role to be played. Sure, what mortals called “gods” were usually theoi, but many were once mortals themselves.
A god was anyone who was mantled as such, and that was a dangerous play, for there were many mantles, and some wanted to wear several at once. And, to the world’s displeasure, so they did.
Volcanoes and smiths were forever joined under the dual-mantled god Heph. Sea depths and the eldritch were sewn together by noble Cthera, who vowed to contain the latter deep beneath the sea.
Sometimes gods were mantled new. A human god, god of the city of Azareth named Narthur, was once a mortal man, but achieved divinity through ascension, his soul finding the god mantle among the stars, and now blessing the royal bloodline.
And every time, when a god mantle changed owners, when a new god mantle was found or when one god conquered another and sewed their mantles together, it was a world-changing event. The ground trembled, the skies roared, and a new period, era, began.
And so it did this time.
When the god of magic, Thaumus, conquered the god of writing, Ackad, and took his mantle without thinking twice. The god of magic and writing, he thought - how powerful he’d be. How magnificent.
He was right. For the misfortune of the whole realm.
Every letter. Every word, every book - every single little glyph and graffiti, every tattoo.
All exploded with magic spells.
The world was destroyed, utterly. A new era began, an era where writing itself was a source of magic, where no book was possible without causing a chaotic explosion of spells, where no literacy could be spread.
The city of Azareth, mentioned above, didn’t quite survive the Apocalypse.
It housed some of the greatest libraries in the known world, and they changed it irreversibly. Each became an epicenter of a great fireball of raw, wild magic, transforming people into thousands of different shapes per second, turning matter to change state countless times. Gaseous rock. Liquid air. Solid blood.
Narthur managed to bless the city to become populated once again when people who weren’t in it at the time came and settled down. Among polygonal columns of stone, among buildings ruined, utterly, and terrain indescribable in short.
Azareth became a new cradle for humanity, and so did many other places around the world, where there weren’t as many books, or where there was a god to try and keep the land safe.
Many years have passed. Many have forgotten the specifics of this Apocalypse, yet every single children tale now spoke - to never, ever, write.
Kenkus traveled between cities as messengers, memorizing long speeches dictated to them. Once rogues and outcasts, they became the founders of the Courier Guild, growing riches, controlling the mail and shipment of practically any item.
The little number of elves who survived managed to explore the magic of writing as it was now. They were the ones who discovered the frightening fact of magic being bound to writing and writing only, as well as all writing, subsequently, being bound to magic. From this, an unlikely union came to fruition, as dwarves joined forces with the elves, and together, started re-exploring the magic of writing, letter by letter, creating enchanted items of great power.
Goblins, hobgoblins, orcs - all came to a renaissance as they never practiced writing before, so, their losses were minimal. Great raiding forces soon came into being, huge nations of many monstrous races working together for their own survival; Farming, building, waging wars, trading.
Divine magic was now the only way to cast spells, other than using writing for it, like scrolls and the like.
(Aaand it kind of stops there.)
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deathfavor · 5 months
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@shackld said: ☂ lamia and shes holding the umbrella completely over her so its only covering her :)
send ☂ to find my muse in the middle of a storm, beaten and bloody
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For all the helpless, innocent acts that Lamia pulls off to manipulate people, she never reaches out for help when she really needs it. She grits her teeth and endures it because that is what she knows. She refuses to hand the power over to someone else to control. But direct combat isn't Lamia's forte. She's an AMBUSH predator, a manipulator, not a tank. It normally isn't a problem. Most people who recognize her admire her, or clutch at her dress asking for her to bless them or ask what the ocean wants for their prayers to be answered.
But there are those brutes who use force for everything. Stupid gangsters. It's not her fault they're poisoned, forced to suffer in a loop of torment like her despicable cousin. They deserved it. THEY were the ones who hurt her first. They were the ones who kidnapped her, they were the ones who tried to scare her, they were the ones who chose violence first. She can feel the warm blood on her skin and the sting of the rain on her wounded body. She's not sorry for what those hell those scum are enduring. Except it was causing a scene by the sound of the sirens approaching. Good. Except she doesn't want to go to the police for help. Because the police don't like sinners. Their chief was a member of the Thaumus Society, but he hadn't gotten to see Lamia in person yet so she'd have no leverage if she tried to go to the police. Either they'd just see her as an oddity or pin her as a Sinner immediately.
Instead, she's lost and injured in dark alleyways she doesn't recognize.
Lamia isn't sure how long she sits in the pouring rain, staring at the ground. In the dreary weather, her skin acts like camouflage to help her blend into the miserably grey of the city. Time trickles by and its only the sudden ceasing of raindrops on her skin that has her confused. No one should be out in this weather so who - ?
The ocean's messenger lifts her head, pushing heavy, slick hair out of her face to see Chief standing in front of her, holding an umbrella over her head. It's stupid. Lamia's already soaked to the bone, what was the umbrella supposed to do for her now? Why was Chief giving it to her of all people?
" You should keep the umbrella, or you're going to catch a cold. You already look pale as it is. " Lamia finally says. It lacks her usual bite. She struggles to stand up, heer expression barely changing even as her body aches with wounds and bruises. But she manages, her posture all defensive rather than confident.
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i personally need odissa (i hope i wrote her name right) content <3 need to know more about this queen <3
Hello darling! You spelled her name perfectly, I'm so happy you remember her from our rp <3 Odissa content coming right up! With one of my absolute favorite songs ever for my lovely girl
Odissa, the Forgotten Queen
"I have lived forever with a firm belief in my own blood.
That my blood would not lie to me. And my sister would not betray me.
And that became my downfall."
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Odissa was the firstborn of the proud First Blood king, Thaumus Tsukinami, and his successor by order of birth, talent, and power. Thaumus had three daughters in Odissa, Ophelia and Odette, so there was no ligitimate male heir to the throne.
Since a young age, Odissa was kept away from her sisters and mother to be trained in the ways of rulership and warfare, and quickly realized that the reason for that is that the men around her look down on women for the sake of being women.
Unfortunately, the more time that passed, the more she felt a distance between herself, Ophelia, and Odette. The women in her life practically nonexistent.
And the one man from whom she always sought acknowledgment, her father, never provided any real love for her until she had molded herself into a stone-cold stern-faced crown princess whose mere presence could make thousand year old generals stand stiffly.
But she didn't want to be another bloodthirsty, ruthless ruler who cared more about getting their name into history tomes as the next Great Conqueror. Oh, quite the contrary.
She had always planned on stabilizing her throne through connections and trade. Build a web of control and power through every field advantage the First Blood territories provide. Build more watchtowers and strongholds rather than hold expensive military campaigns.
She wanted to empower the throne, the empire, with a meticulously thought-through long-term plan.
Her father, after finally bringing Odissa closer when she'd perfected her facade, pushed for her to marry a Sanguine sooner than later. In particular, he wanted her to marry Saeclus, their youngest and most gifted family member.
Seeing no particularly better option around her and knowing of the influence and power being married to a Sanguine would give her, she agreed easily.
What came as a surprise though, was Saeclus Sanguine himself.
Up close and personal, Saeclus was less and less like the images people made of him - a blood-coated sly beast or a cowering and incapable brat - and more like a pleasantly warm august evening. Soft and pretty, a beautifully artistic mind, a strong body.
She loved him before she knew it. And she couldn't quite help herself either. He was so different from what she was used to.
Unfortunately, the first rumblings of hell beasts being set loose from beyond the black mountains came during this time. Saeclus was sent to war to protect their territories and the Demon World, as were all the other army men.
To make matters worse, her father began to feel ill though - he refused to give up the throne - and Odissa had to take on more and more of his duties. She appeared within public eye less and less, believing that her sisters would be capable of handling high society during this time.
And they did, until Ophelia decided that she wanted the throne for herself.
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lithikos · 2 years
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                      izara   thaumus.            intro.    bio  &  dossier.    threads.
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dcybrck · 2 years
closed for @sibusisiwe ! | deron han finds sisi during the attack.
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the rage boiled heavy within his veins, each spray of blood felt intoxicating in a way that he spent so often repressing - locked away somewhere deep inside him. monstrous beast that resided in his chest, sternum and ribcage designed to be a prison to contain it, relished in the freedom deron granted it. the nymph had never needed magic to leave a path of bodies behind him. feral river creature rejoiced in the way he swung the steel in hand, a mimic to when he once swung hammer against the anvil. deron forged a path through the creatures that had separated him from the tether that kept him afloat, searching for brown eyes he knew would haunt him till the end of his days. but every time deron caught a glimpse of someone, it was never her. each lost chase was another rush of rage, another spray of blood left in his wake. 
from a distance, sea blue eyes catch a flicker of all too familiar stark white curls. sets direction for them like a ravenous wolf heading for a patch of sun bleached bones in hope that their may still be meat to scavenge. something protective rattles against the beast in his heart at the sight of sibusisiwe , as if reminding himself that she is never a foe. of the way the water had always welcomed her as if she was one of it's own children. teeth barred at the naga that attempts to harm her, using the distraction she unintentionally provided to slam the hilt of his blade into it's back. other hand stabs the dagger from his hip deep into his arm with a near feral snarl of teeth. his gaze lifts from the naga, chest heaving as his unsteady breath comes out in brief pants. eyes meet hers, soften instinctively a bit at the sight of her like this. a far cry from the young fae that dipped her feet in the water, laughing at the jokes the wraiths would whisper to her.
" you're welcome," he manages to say, blade removed from the naga and steps taken to close the distance between the pair. " you shouldn't stay here. unless you desire to become a feast for these serpents?" the jest is easier to manage in this moment than any poetry he may attempt to foolishly wax in concern for her. words would not save her from the jagged maw of a creature, but his steel raised in her defense may instead. 
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erineisenhour · 3 years
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"Flushed with starlight and moonlight drowned,
All the dreamers are castle-bound.
At midnight’s stroke, we will unwind,
Revealing fantasies soft or unkind.
Show me debauched nightmares or sunniest daydreams.
Come not as you are but as you wish to be seen.”
-Erin A. Craig, House of Salt and Sorrows
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thaumus-the-bard · 3 years
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“Almost There”
A group of heroes, a group of friends, staring off to their journey’s end...
From left to right:
Goliath, Thaumus (me), Lani, Hoo, TopHat, Penguin King and FishHead (in the back)... staring off in the distance at one of the Spires that are found across the Eight Realms...
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berrybeans · 4 years
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Eevee CAS Challenge - Generation Four
Ignit Spifly  
Divis Extos 🧙
- children -
Augus 🧙 ♔
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thezombiequeenanw · 5 years
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Born of Chaos, then to birth all other gods/goddesses. Alone and feeling that she brought forth a husband Uranus. Let’s just say he wasn’t the nicest man out there.
Gaia is whom most refer to as Mother Earth, she is all that is life. Her children are the Titians, Giants, Hecatonchires, Cyclops, Pontus, Ourea, Nereus, Thaumus, Phorcys, Ceto, Eurybia, Aergia, Typhon, The Fates, Python and life itself!
With the help of her Titian son Cronus they overthrew Uranus as he had become cruel. Besides Uranus though her other partners were Pontus, Aether, and Tartarus.
Many believe that because we come from Gaia that when we die we end up back in her embrace in Euphoria.
Gaea was known to not to keep her mouth shut when the Gods were being cruel to her creations not only her husband, but her son and grandson as well.
Gaia is life and not just as mother of earth but according to the Greeks she is all life.
Model in the image: Toni Hanson insta: @thunderbirdslastride
Photographer: @opalonyxphotography
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arkadialatreia · 5 years
The Greek Pantheon
Aceso- Healing, Curing Achelois- a Moon goddess Achelous- Shark spirit Acheron- Woe Achilles- a Deified mortal Achlys- Posion, Misery Achos- Trouble Acratopotes- Unmixed wine Adathodaemon- Luck Adephagia- Gluttony Adikia- Wrongdoing Adonis- the Circle of life Adrastea- a goddess Aegaeon- Violent sea storms Aegle- Radiant health Aeolus- Ruler of the winds Aergia- Sloth Aether- Light, Atmosphere Aetna- Mt. Etna Agon- Contest Aiakos- a Judge in the underworld(europe) Aidos- Modesty
Aike- Prowess Aion- Eternity, Time Aisa- Fate Alabandus- a Deified mortal Alala- the Warcry Alastor- Blood feuds Alecto- a Fury Alectrona- the Morning Aletheia- Truth Alexiares- Fortifies towns Amechania- Helplessness Amphiaraus- Chthonic oracle Amphictyonis- Wine Amphilogiai- Debates Amphitrite- the Sea Anaideia- Ruthelessness Ananke- Inevitability Androktasiai- Slaughter Anetheusa- Fountains Angelia- Messages Angelos- Chthonic Ania- Ache Anicetus- Fortified towns Anteros- Requited love Aparctias- the North Wind Aphaea- Agriculture Apheleia- Simplicity Aphrodite- Love, Beauty, Desire Aphroditus- a deity Apollon- Music, Art, Healing Aporia- Difficulty Arae- Curses Ares- War, Violence Arete- Virtue Argestes- the West/Northwest Wind Ariadne- Mazes Aristaeus- Bee-keeping Arke- a Messenger Artemis- Hunting, Archery Ascelpius- Medicine Askalaphos- Tends orchards in the underworld Asteria- Stars Astraea- Justice Astraeus- Celstial bodies, Astrology Athena- Wisdom, Strategy Atlas- Endurance, Astronomy Atropos- Fate Attis- Vegetation Atë- Delusion Aura- Breeze, Fresh air Auxesia- Fertility Auxo- Spring growth Benthesikyme- the Sea Bia- Violence Bolina- a Deified mortal Boreas- the North Wind, Winter Britomartis- Nets Brizo- Sailors Caerus- Oppurtunity Caicias- the Northeast Wind Carme- Harvestt Castor- Boxing, St. Elmo’s Fire Ceraon- the meal, specifically, the making of the wine Cerberus- Guard dog of the underworld Ceto- Dangers of the ocean Chaos- Nothingness Charites(p)- Charm, Creativity Charon- Ferryman of the underworld Charybdis- Whirlpools Chione- Snow Chiron- a Centaur Chloris- Flowers Chronos- Empirical time Chrysothemis- Harvest Circe- a goddess, a Witch Clotho- Fate Clymene- Renown, Fame Coeus- Intellect Comus- Revelry Corus- Surfeit Corymbus- Fruit of the ivy Cricios- the North/Northwest Wind Crius- Constellations Cronus- Destructive time (king of the Titans) Cyamites- Beans Cybele- Mountains Cymopoleia- the Sea Damia- Fertility Deimos- Fear Deino- Graeae Deipnus- the meal, specifically, the making of the bread Delphin- Dolphins Demeter- Grain, Harvest Despoina- Mysteries Dikaiosyne- Justice Dike- Justice Dione- Oracle of Dodona Dionysus- Wine, Madness Dolos- Trickery Dynamene- Ocean swells Dysnomia- Lawlessness Dyssebeia- Impiety Eidothea- sea nymph Eileithyia- Childbirth Eirene- Peace Eiresione- the Olive branch Ekecheiria- Truce Eleos- Mercy, Pity Elpi- Hope Endymion- a Deified mortal Enyalius- War Enyo- Destructive war Enyo- Graeae Eos- Dawn Eosphorus- the morning star, Venus Epidotes- a deity Epimetheus- afterthought Epione- Soothing pain Epiphron- Prudence Erebus- Darkness Eris- Strife Eros- Love, Attraction, Intercourse Ersa- Morning dew Eucleia- Good repute Eulabeia- Discretion Eunomia- Good order Eunostus- the Flour mill Eupheme- Good omens Euporie- Horae Eupraxia- Well being Euronotus- the Southeast Wind Eurus- the East/Southeast Wind Euryale- Goron Eurybia- Mastery of the sea Eurynome- Wateer, Meadows (ex-queen of the Titans) Eusebia- Piety Euthenia- Prosperity Gaia- Earth Galene- Calm seas Ganymede- a Deified mortal Geeras- Old age Gelos- Laughter Glaucus- Fishermen Glycon- a snake god Hades- Wealth (lord of the underworld) Harmonia- Harmony Harpocrates- Silencee Hebe- Youth Hecate- Magic Hecaterus- Hekateris Hedone- Pleasure Hedylogos- Sweet talk Heemphroditus- Andrgony Heimarmene- Sharing Helios- the Sun, Oaths Hemera- Day Hemithea- a Deified mortal Hepheastus- Fire, Crafts Hera- Marriage, Women (queen of the gods) Heracles- Strength Hermes- Travel, Messages Hesperus- the evening star, Venus Hestia- Hearth, Home Hilaera- a Deified mortal Himeros- Sexual Desire Homados- Battle Homonia- Concord Horkos- Oaths Horme- Impulse Hybris- Outrageous behavior Hygeia- Hygeine Hymenaios- Marriage Hyperion- Light Hypnos- Sleep Hysminai- Fighting Iapetus- Mortality Iaso- Cures Ichnaea- Tracking Ino- a Deified mortal Ioke- Pursuit Iris- Rainbows Iynx- the Love charm Kakia- Vice Kalokagathia- Nobility Karpo- Fruits Keres- Violent Deaths Keuthonymos- Chthonic Koalemos- Stupidity Kokytos- Wailing Kratos- Strength Lachesis- Fate Lampsao- a Deified mortal Lelantos- Air, the Unseen Lethe- Forgetfulness Leto- Motherhood Leucothea- the Sea Limos- Hunger Lips- the Southwest Wind Litae- Prayer Lupe- Pain Lyssa- Rage Ma- a goddess Macaria- Blessed deaths Machai- Fighting Mania- Madness Matton- the meal, specifically, the kneading of the dough Medusa- Gorgon Megaera- a Fury Melinoe- Offerings to the dead Men- Lunar god Mene- the Months Menoetes- Herded cattle in the underworld Menoetius- Anger Methe- the state of being Drunk Metis- Good council Minos- Judge (final votee) Mnemosyne- Memory Momus- Mockery Mormo- Chthonic Moros- Doom Neikea- Quarrels Nemesis- Retribution, Revenge Nereus- Old man of the sea Nesoi(p)- Islands, Seas Nike- Victory Nomos- Law Notus- the South Wind Nyx- Night Oceanus- the All-encircling river Oizys- Woe, Misery Oneiroi(p)- Dreams Ophion- Ruler of the Titans (overthrown by Cronus) Orithyia- Mountain winds Orthosie- one of the Horae Ourae(p)- Mountains Paean- Physician Palaemon- the Sea Palaestra- Wrestling Palioxis- Flight, Retreat Pallas- Warcraft Pan- Shepherds Panacea- Healing Pandia- sky deity Parthenos- a Deified mortal Peitharchia- Discipline Peitho- Persuasion Pemphredo- Graeae Penia- Poverty Penthus- Grief Pepromene- Share Phaenon- Saturn Phaethon- Jupiter Phanes- Procreation Pheme- Rumour Pherousa- one of the Horae Philomelus- the Wagon, the Plow Philophrosyne- Kindness Philotes- Friendship Phlegethon- Fire Phobos- Fear Phoebe(1)- Prophecy Phoebe(2)- a Deified mortal Phonoi- Murder Phorcys- Hidden dangers of the sea Phrike- Horror Phthonus- Envy Phylonoe- a Deified mortal Pistis- Trust Plutus- Wealth Poine- Retribution Polemos- War Pollux- Boxing, St. Elmo’s Fire Ponos- Hard labour Pontus- the Sea, Sea creatures Poros- Expediency Poseidon- Earthquakes, the Ocean (lord of the sea) Pothos- Yearning Praxidike- Exacting justice Priapus- Fertility Proioxis- Onrush Promtheus- Forethought Prophasis- Excuses Proteus- Herdsman of Poseidon Psamathe- Sand beaches Psyche- the Soul Ptocheia- Beggary Pyroeis- Mars Rhadamanthys- Judge (asia) Rhapso- Sewing Rhea- Fertility (queen of the Titans) Roma- Rome Saloazios- sky deity Sangarius- a River Scylla- the Sea Selene- the Moon Semele- a Deified mortal Silenus- Wine press Skeiron- the Northwest Wind Sophrosynee- Moderation Soteria- Safety Soter- Safety Stheno- a Gorgon Stilbon- Mercury Styx- Hatred, Oaths Taraxippus- a Ghost Tartarus- Tartarean Pit Techne- Art, Skill Telesphoruus- Convalescence Telete- Initiaion into the Bacchic cult Tenes- a Deified mortal Tethys- Fresh water Thalassa- the Sea Thallo- Buds Thanatos- Death Thaumus- the Wonders of the sea Theia- Sight Themis- Devine law Thetis- Marine life Thoosa- Sea currents Tisiphone- a Fury Triptolemus- Farming Triteia- the Sea Triton- the Sea Tthrasos- Boldness Tyche- Fortune Uranus- the Sky Zagreus- first incarnation of Dionysus Zelos- Rivalry Zephyrus- the West Wind Zeus- Weather, Lightning (lord of the sky, king of the gods)
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