#the ads were pretty dope tbh
rzyraffek · 1 year
Oh, oh! I got one!
okay okay, so, don’t feel pressured to write this if you do t want to, but what about slashers (Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, anyone else you wanna add) with a s/o who gets really distracted? Like, in the middle of doing something that should be simple, they zone out and forget what they were doing. (I have really bad ADHD so that’s why I’m asking-)
like, they even have to remind their s/o to take medicine and just nudges to get them back on track-
idk, do what you will with that idea, and again, thank u for ur time!!
btw, u look amazing today!!
You too look amazing today! Thanks for request! Why is everyone so spooked of requesting, the worst thing I can do is not answer🥰
Slashers with s/o that gets distracted A LOT
Sinclair Vincent
Imagine, s/o is in Vince workplace first time, he probably wants to turn them into wax figure, he leaves room for one second to grab some tools. Boom s/o is just walking around judging his wax figurines
Mans gonna be like 🧍in corridor when they are just amused by how cute and pretty some of those lil figurines are🥰
After they get along, Vince really enjoys slow walks thrue gallery or just near area, cuz its very pretty and there's no Bo screaming like child
He saw some pretty leaves, he went to pick them up so he can show them to s/o. He turn around... where.. where are they??!?!? Huuh did they leave him?? Dude will be overthinking hard. But after few minutes of looking for them, they just kinda spawn behind him "hey vince look i found this cool as rocks and then I saw deer's and I kinda fallowed them to this dope river come see!"they just grab his hand and lead him :(tbh vince was this close to mental break down, now he always holds hands
Myers Micheal
My dude is about to buy one of those backpack leashes that some parents have. He's like 80years young, ain't no way he's going to run around city looking for some guy who just saw pretty butterfly and almost got hit by a car 5times.
To be honest they should be ones making sure he won't just walk of and get lost in Forest judging by his age
When he notice that s/o didnt take their daily medicine he just takes it and slams it on desk/table next to them or just throws it at them! Take the pills dummy!
S/o calling him 'heya mickey im lost pick me up' happends twice per week. Really s/o be more careful pls
Voorhees Jason
If you thought that Vincent panicked? Oh this guy will have mental breakdown, cry and then search whole place
In forests signal sucks so they can't call him and screams won't do much cuz echo and Jason is mute so he cant yell back anyways
He won't buy leash but he will hold their hand 24/7 nuh uh you cant go run after those deers, no you can't go swimming we know what happend in 1957
Now he has ptsd and evertime he wakes up and doesn't see s/o in his eyesight he instantly thinks that she's in difrent country or dead
Heelshire Brahms
This dude knows the whole mansion no way he loses them here right?
Jokes on you brahms they are already on the other side of it
Even tho they are in closed space, which is safe and very known to Brahms it doesnt stop his abandment issues and... idk he has a lot of issues tbh. No matter how long he knows s/o he's is 100% sure that they are trying to leave.
He will probably speed run thrue corridors screaming their name and he just stubbles across them just watching paitinings on walls "this you? You were ugly ass baby" "WHERE WERE YOU" "I saw funny rats and i wondered where they have secret cheese hideout" "rats?😰" (its a reference to my old fic where brahms was beaten up by rats and now hes spooked of them)
He has calendar with highlighted date everyday they have to take pills and how many so every morning when s/o wakes up they see his face like few centimetres away from theirs, with aggressive eye contact holding pills "it is time my love" " oh :("
I added brahms cuz hes goofy, have wonderful day person reading this!! And never be spooked to ask for headcanons! We love that
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w33nies · 9 months
Qué Maravilla CH.8 - 'The Point of No Return'
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Miguel O'hara x SpiderReader rating: E for Everyone bby warnings: none? lots of angst tbh summary: the adventures of Spiderman and the Prowler art is not mine !!! @yunkaan on twitter!!!
------------ Ch.8 - The Point of No Return ---------------
As Miles followed closely behind his doppelganger through the city, he couldn't help but be fascinated with his suit. The engineering feats it displayed seemed to surpass even that of his own Uncle Aaron’ suit. He was blown away by his sneakers, which seemed to possess some kind of jet propulsion mechanism which allowed him to leap unprecedented heights, the robotic neon-lit helmet he was able to control seemingly like it was just another muscle in his own body. And of course, those steel claws which were incredibly versatile in combat and travel. He thought back to their fight moments ago. How he blindsided him with that spray paint bomb. Were there any other features of his suit he hadn't seen yet?
“I like your shoes,” Miles blurts out, “Are they pneumatic?” 
The Prowler pauses for a moment on the corner edge of a skyscraper, posed in a low squat next to a gargoyle. If he had been in a better mood, Miles would have joked about the resemblance in demeanor between the two. ‘Now probably isn’t the time to poke fun at him.’ He told himself, ‘Doubt this is the type of guy that can take a joke.’
“Yeah.. And?” His voice is nothing like his own. The glowing mask obscuring his face was designed to distort it. It was lower, almost machine-like, in a way that was entirely unnerving.
“That’s sick. They look pretty dope too. Better than the one Uncle Aaron used to wear,haha. ” Prowler doesn’t respond, instead blankly staring through him with that intimidating mask.
“Or..I guess my Uncle Aaron…I've neer seen…I mean…I'm sure your Unc’s shoes are dope too..”
Miles clears his throat in an awkward attempt to ease the tension. “Oh and those paint bombs you threw earlier. Are they activated based on a standard timer fuse or do you use an explode-on-impact type of trigger because-” 
 “-Do you ever shut up?”
“Um okay then…”  Miles raises his palms defensively, slowing his pace so that Prowler was ahead of him. “....I’m sorry I guess?” Miles couldn’t help the disgusted expression creeping in on his face. ‘Bet he’s a real hit at parties.’ 
“-What,” Prowler responds curtly.
“...Your shoe is untied.” Miles said with a grin, attempting to feign innocence for intentionally pestering him.
“I’m aware.” Somehow the robotic tone seemed to emphasize his annoyance. Then he leaped off the building, almost like he was trying to get as far away from Miles as he could.
Miles shrugged, “Just thought you should know,” he jested before following after him. 
It was not long after when they reached the subway underneath Fitz Tower. Miles found the layout of this subway to be similar to his own Brooklyn. All the tracks, tunnel, the stairs, the overhead lights, even the benches. The difference was in the small details like the colors of the terminal signs or the horde of unfamiliar graffiti tags littering the walls. The advertisements (also covered in graffiti) were almost exclusively names that he recognized. Some of them being for villains he had defeated in his own dimension. Vulture Telecom? Rhino had a casino? Kraven was running for city mayor? The thought of these kinds of individuals holding substantial power made his blood run cold. It was like his own personal hell.
After what felt like ages (though probably only minutes) they reached a locked metal gate that wore a giant sign on the front that read, “RESTRICTED AREA AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY”. Immediately Prowler breaks toward it.  With the added momentum of his sneakers, he leaps in the air, grabs the top of the gate and pulls himself up and over the fence in one fell swoop. Upon landing with a thud, he turns around with a grimace of impatience that makes the unspoken message clear, ‘You coming or not?’ 
Miles casually walks up to the gate. Sticking his palms and feet onto the wired fence, he climbs its side with ease. Upon reaching the top, he jumps off landing right next to the Prowler. The other boy let out a peeved ‘tsk’ before he continued forward.
When they reach the end of the dark corridor Prowler pulls down on a lever. The lights stagger on and reveal to them is a dome shaped, high ceiling room with several arches leading to who-knows-where. In the center of this room a certain mural stopped Miles in his tracks. “No expectations” it read in yellow and blue spray paint with a black, shadowy figure in its center surrounded by a background of pink and orange geometric shapes and bubbles. He and his Uncle Aaron had made this same mural, in this same spot, in his Brooklyn. He remembers that day so clearly. It was here where he got bitten. Ever since then his life has never been the same. It was the day his destiny changed for good. For better or for worse that was the point of no return. 
 Miles took a few cautious steps toward the painting. His stomach dropped. Yes, it was the same exact piece. Well…except for the silhouetted figure in the center. Instead of a blank, shadowy figure this one had a giant white dot in the center of his head and a myriad of smaller white specks on his body. It was similar to - no- it was exactly how he looked when he last saw him back in Mumbattan. The man who had threatened to take away everything he had ever cared about. The man destined to kill his father. 
For a moment he could feel his heart beating in his ears. His hands began to tremble. Every breath he took was like a blow to his lungs. ‘See you back home, spider man.’ His last words to him echoed over and over again in his head. He was all he could hear. He was all he could see. For a moment, which felt like hours, Miles remained glued to the mural with a kind of tunnel vision born only out of panic.
“Hey, cabrón…” The Prowler was about to chastise him but paused upon seeing Miles' fearful face.
 “Aye, muchacho.” Nothing. 
Miles is startled from his trance. 
“¿Estás bien?” 
“Yeah…Yeah… I’m good.” He spoke distractedly.
“...Then let’s go,” The Prowler whirls around and begins walking away before-
“-Did you make this?” 
“What?” Prowler turns to see Miles pointing at the piece, “Yeah, with my Uncle Aaron ¿Porque?”
“…Me and Uncle Aaron painted a mural just like this.”
Prowler sighed, he could practically feel the patience slipping from his body. 
“Cool, now can we-”
Out of nowhere a large blast rips through the air, startling both boys. The ground begins trembling under their feet. A blinding glare emits from one of the tunnels on their right.
“Is that-” 
“-COME ON!” Prowler books it toward the tunnel motioning for him to follow. Just looking down the passageway, Miles had to squint his eyes. The more he ventured in, the more his eyes watered from the intense onslaught. Shielding his face with his hands, he frantically tried to scan his surroundings. Eventually, he’s able to make out a tiny figure in the distance.
“HELP!” The individual screams were muffled as was their banging on the force field surrounding them. “SOMEBODY! HELP ME! PLEASE!” The figure begins the glitch violently while various pieces of debris and wreckage around behind them. 
Miles webs forward without a second. He finds difficulty due to the pushback from the ongoing, well, whatever the hell was going on.  
“DUDE, WAIT!” The Prowler shouts but Miles ignores him, leaving him exasperatingly rushing after him.
Miles fights the current, inching closer and closer until he’s finally able to place his hands on the shield (and it’s taking all of his strength to even keep them on there). Now he’s face to face with the trapped man, “PLEASE!” he begged, “PLEASE! GET ME OUT OF HERE!” 
Miles musters all the electricity he possibly can into breaking the force field, the impact sending in flying backwards. Then…darkness.  After a few seconds, a few of the lights flicker back on, just managing to dimly light the room. Miles slowly brings his aching body to his feet. As he looks around he realizes he was blasted through the observation window of the collider wall, smashing several desks, monitors, computers, and other various tech. ‘Whoops. Hope that wasn’t important.’ He then makes his way to the unknown man, laying at the bottom of the spherical room which houses the collider. ‘I really hope he isn’t dead.’
Miles kneeled down and lightly shook the man by his shoulders, “Sir, are you alright?”
“Sir?...”. He checked the man’s pulse, it was faint. 
Miles rubs his hands together, generating a slight amount of electricity in his palms. He saw people do this in movies all the time, though he had never had to do it himself before. ‘Please don’t have me kill this man,’ he prayed silently. Warily, he puts his palms to the man's chest, shocking him. 
“Oh my god!” he ye;[ with a start, his outburst startling Miles. As he began painfully scrambling to his feet, Miles followed suit. The man opened his mouth to speak before holding a finger in the air then subsequently bending down to support himself with his hands on his knees, loudly wheezing.
“Are you alright?” Miles asked, hands held out ready to support him in case he were to collapse.
“Thanks to you I am,” The man grabs Miles's shoulder, stabilizing himself. “I thought I was going to die in there,” he continued to gasp through deep breaths. “Thank you. Truly. Thank you.” Once he finally regained his breath he scanned the masked vigilante up and down, bewildered. “To whom do I owe the pleasure of saving my life?” 
Miles studied the man before him, the spitting image of a scientist. He’s pretty tall, taller than him, with a lanky build. His dark hair was a wavy and unkept mess atop his head, except for the sides which were completely shaved. He wore an oversized lab coat that reached all the way down to his knees with tan khakis and a baby blue button up underneath. As well as a soft, welcoming smile that crinkled his eyes, showing sincerity. He wore large square glasses which rested on the bump of his aquiline nose.  Behind them sat heavy-lidded brown eyes with deep set bags. His hand was extended for him to shake, Miles took it. 
“I’m spider-”
“- Jonathon. Ohnn.'' The Prowler’s booming voice cut through the air, making himself known before he was visible to the two men. The menacing sound of debris crunching under his feet follows as his large shadow creeps on the wall. 
“Oh, no.” Ohnn shields himself behind Miles.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to blow up my city?” 
“No! No, no, no, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong.” Ohnn frantically waved his hands in the air, “I-I was just, uh, running some tests!” 
“Running tests my ass. If our last talk didn’t get it through your thick skull,” The prowler flashed his clawed gloves, taking menacing strides towards Miles and the man, “I guess I’ll have to knock some sense into you.”
“Woah, woah, woah. Easy now.” Miles attempts to mediate, but Prowler practically ignores him. 
“I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.” Jonathan speaks, still cowering  behind the boy.
“Which is?”
“Um…Well, heh, it’s a looooong story… ,” Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
“We got time,” Prowler crosses his arms impatiently, “Say your piece.”
“Um, I-” Jonathan tries to get up, slipping on the floors of the cylindrical room. 
“Here.” Miles shoots a web towards the broken observation window embedded in the wall. 
“What the-”  
Before Jonathon can finish Miles grabs him and slings both of them through the window, and into the wrecked lab behind it.
“Wha-What the… I mean, thank you young man.”Ohnn musters, completely frazzled. 
“Don’t mention it.”
Before Ohnn could ask any of his burning questions, Prowler lands next to them with a thud, “Spill,” he says, “Before I make you.” 
“Well, uh, I can put on a kettle!” Jonathan makes his way to a ruined desk to a ruined desk pulling out a portable electric stove along with a now heavily dented kettle. “Do you like tea?I have Chai!”
An amused smile tugged on the The Prowlers lips “Do you have anything… stronger?” 
“Like…Oolong?” Ohnn asked sheepishly, holding up another box of tea.
“Like whiskey.”
“Um, well, I work here so…no.” Jonathan spoke through nervous laughter, “I like to keep my brain sharp! ”
“WHAT? YOU DRINK?” Miles interjected. He put his hand to his chest, borderline offended, “Aren’t we 16!”
“Ugh, let's just get this over with”, In a swift movement Prowler snatches Ohnn and slings him over his shoulder and begins to walk away.
“What are you doing!?��� Miles runs after him. 
 “I'm just gonna ask him some questions,” Miles-42 plops Jonathon into a nearby wobbly office chair and begins to duct tape him. 
“You don’t have to tie him up to do that! He was cooperating! He was just about to tell us what happened!” 
“What do you mean we?” the boy scoffed, “Our deal is done man. There's the collider right there. Just zip-zap-zop it back on, or whatever, and leave. Go home.” 
“Oh no, no, no, no. I wouldn’t do that.” Jonathan leaned forward as far as he could given his whole bottom half now taped
“Why not?” the boys asked in unison.
“Ha, well, you see….uh…,” Jonathan sighed, “Okay…Full disclosure…I wasn’t just running tests earlier.” 
“Go figure,” Prowler said sarcastically.
“I was going to destroy it.” 
“The collider?” Miles asked in disbelief. 
“ Yes..” the man said ashamedly, “Well, I was trying to corrupt the files but then I got distracted when this random signal appeared on my radar … from another dimension. Earth-50101 I remember it said.  Location was a place I had never heard of… ManMumb? MamBatt?”
“Mumbattan?” Miles asked worriedly.
“Yes! It was something like that. Anyways, when I investigated the signal the strangest thing happened. This…,” Jonathan paused with a deep breath, “...I don’t know what it was- computer virus or a major malfunction or ghost of sorts took hold of everything. All the computers turned on by themselves, screeching and glitching horribly. Showing nothing but white screens. I tried to reboot the system, but none of the computers would, corporate… So I went to investigate the collider itself. Out of nowhere it too began to power on by itself.” The scientist shuddered, “For hours, I was stuck in here while that thing turned glitched on and off. Matter from that 50101 dimension even began merging with our own…” Jonathan motioned with his head for the boys to turn around. Scattered around were miscellaneous items fused together , violently glitching in and out. 
“Yeah…” Prowler concurred grimly, “Some of that stuff was randomly happening around the city. That’s why the boss called.”  
“While I was trapped…I even  began hallucinating. These black dots clouded my vision. I even saw a figure covered…It was like he was talking to me…”.
“What did he say?” Mile’s asked, his voice was laced with anxiety.
“Most of it was a garbled mess, um…” Jonathan shuts his eyes in concentration, “...Something along the lines of… ‘Won’t they be sorry?’... Well, he was very upset, that's for sure.”
“Yeah,” Miles mumbled to himself, “Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Look, I’m not a spiritual man, but that has to be an omen of sorts. We can’t turn that thing back on.” Jonathan pleaded, “Even if it hasn’t somehow been fried in the blast, who knows what we’d be risking. If our dimensions keep merging and trading matter…”
A foreboding silence takes hold. Miles feels his body run cold. “Black dots…” he recalled, “You said you saw black dots everywhere?” 
‘Shoot.’  Miles cursed under his breath. Spot did this. He’s the reason why there was that black hole swallowing Mumbattan. He thought about Pavitir, the shame of failing to stop Spot back then hitting him full force. It was all his fault, and now he had inadvertently ruined his own chances of getting home.
‘Wait a minute.’ Miles thought, ‘If Spot is responsible for the chaos in Mumbattan, then… it wasn’t because I disrupted the canon.’ Miles found himself with a renewed sense of hope, ‘Canon’s really can be broken. As long as I can figure out a way home, I can save my father.’ 
He straightened his posture and gave a deep exhale. “My name is Miles… Miles Morales. I crashed here by accident-” suddenly the boy glitches violently. This one left him gasping for air, holding his stomach on the floor.
 "-From another dimension,” he finished with a strained voice. Prowler, stunned for a moment, helps him up, awkwardly pats him on the back.
“Thanks,” Miles huffs
“Yeah. Whatever.” Prowler mumbles dismissively 
“...Those dots you saw. I know who’s responsible,” Miles continued holding his side despite himself, “His name is Spot. He’s dangerous. The spots you saw can open a portal to anywhere, dimensions included, and this guy is covered in them. If I don't leave, a lot of people including my father will be in danger.”
“Another dimension…,” Jonthon is fascinated, attempting to take in all this newfound information all at once, “I want to help you young man, I really do but…” Jonathan shoots a nervous glance at the collider just ahead of him, “It’s too risky. I’m sorry…”
“...Let me look,” Miles pleaded “I’m sure I can figure out something.” 
“-I got an A in Physics and Auto-Robotics. Oh, and I can do this,” Miles generated some electricity from his fingertips, putting on an impressive display of blue lighting,“I’m sure that can help somehow.”
“...I don't know.”
Prowler steps forward and cracks his neck from side to side, “I’ll take it from here.”
“I know you want the collider, but please understand what's at stake-,”
Jonathon tries to protest, but to no avail. The Prowler smashes down on a big red button. A loud grating sound pierces the air as a walkway stemming from the observation deck to the collider inches forward at an agonizingly slow speed. Once finished, The Prowler simply just picks him up and wheels him down the path giving him a front row view to the machine.
 “-I wasn’t asking.” Miles-42 simply strolls up to the contraption and starts tinkering away. 
As Miles steps foot onto the metal walkway, he’s finally able to take in the surroundings of the lab. It was a lot more rudimentary than his own in brooklyn. It was an odd mix of retro and futuristic elements. The desk he had been flown into possessed a lot of older equipment, those blocky computer monitors and chunky keyboards. And yet there were also damaged, futuristic holograms flickering on and off as well as some more recent looking laptops and tablets. He looked out onto the collider itself. It was a lot bigger than the one in his own dimension, more intimidating. It took up most of the space in the room, its massive and intricate metal casings covered in various wires and panels residing on the flat walls of the cylindrical room.  If he had to guess, this collider was probably more powerful than the one at home. He thought back to Jonathon and what would’ve happened if he hadn’t saved him in time. He shuddered at the thought, ‘No wonder they had to make an emergency shield for this thing.’
“Cabrón!” Prowler shouts, “Are you helping or what?” 
“Yeah. Sorry.” Miles quickly webs over to the opposite side of the machine and begins probing at the machine. 
 “Amazing…,” Jonathan watches Miles with bated breath, “Your suit young man, is that what’s responsible for your powers?”
“Nah, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, which gave me powers,” Miles walks along the side of the machine, parallel to the ground, to further prove his point. “But the spider that bit me was a spider from this dimension, so when the machine that was to send me home scanned my DNA-”
“-It brought you here instead.”
“Exactly.” Miles squats down and lowers himself into the tunnel leading inside the collider. 
“Unprecedented. Hence the webs and…electricity?
“I can also turn invisible!” Miles yells, his voice echoing from inside the tunnel.
“Oh…my…If you don’t mind, I have a ton of questions. Are you half-spider? Do you have heightened senses? Do you excrete webs from your posterior as well?”
“No. Yes. And no, but I did have a dream about that one time and it was very… unsettling,” Miles recounted with a shudder
“Tell. Me. Everything.”  Jonathan says eyes wide through his glasses
“Please don’t!” Miles-42 speaks up, finally poking his head out from the inside of the machine. 
Jonathon turns his attention to The Prowler. He attempts to swivel his body in a chair, rolling forward using the tip of his shoes,  “And you,” he gasped slightly.  “Your weaponry is amazing. Pneumonic shoes, steel claws and a full automated retractable helmet-”
“-Not steel,” Prowler corrects, “Titanium-alloy, actually.”
“And you made it yourself?”
“Some of it. The blueprints already existed. I just… made it my own,” The Prowler shrugged halfheartedly, his interest being with the machine in front of him. He pulls out various tech parts in large clawed handfuls, “The generator Is completely fried and the motherboards are burnt to a crisp. They’ll need to be replaced completely.” He continues looking inside, “The vacuum seal and conducting coils are also out of alignment, but it shouldn't be impossible to fix.”
“Same over here!” Miles concurred, “The blast was probably what did ‘em in!”
Jonathon tries, in vain, to get a good look inside the machine from his chair. “I’d have to see it myself but if what you say is true then…yeah. It should be an easy fix.”
Prowler leaps back on the platform landing next to Jonathon. “¡Chico Araña!
Miles pops his head out the contraption “Yeah?”
“You focus on the seals, and I’ll fix the generator. Capiche?”
“Why are you helping me?” 
“I’m not. There’s a lot of money riding on this job. I’m Not quitting now.”
“Right…” Miles says clearly unconvinced
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“I think I know a bit about you. We have the same face, same age, same birthmarks probably-”
“-How do you two know each other exactly,” Jonathon cocked his head to the side “What are you…twins?...Clones?,” 
“Not exactly. I’m him from another dimension,'' Miles clarified. 
Jonathan looks back and forth, fear slowly turning to fascination. “Wha-WHa-What!? Well…This is…Miraculous! Unprecedented. Could I- May I please study you?”
“Um,I don’t know....” 
“...No.” Prowler immediately declines.
The boy gestures to the collider, “We got work to do, bobo.” 
“I can assure you there is valuable information, in studying the two of you-” \
“-It’s a waste of our time.” The Prowler shoved a thumb towards the inside of the machine, “We don’t need to study. We just need to fix this el hijo de puta so he can leave and I can get my money.”
“OH PLEASE! PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!” Ohnn thrashes around excitedly, his chair to wobbly bounce  up and down, “It would only take just a few seconds. This-is-a-once-a-lifetime-opportunity-I-would-be-absolutely-HONORED-if-you-allowed-me-even-an-IOTA-of-your-valuable-time-I-”  
“-Alright. ALRIGHT!” The Prowler relents, “Before you go and give yourself a hernia.” He jumps to the deck and grabs one end of the tape and begins spinning Jonathon around at a furious speed, all the way until the tape is unraveled. 
“Thank…you,’ Jonathan dizzily wobbles off the chair before falling at Prowler's feet, “Your shoe is untied…by the way.”
“I know,” he spoke curtly, “it's a choice.” 
Once sober, Jonathon runs over the metal walkway, climbing through the broken glass window to get to the lab. 
“Careful puto!” The Prowler tsked after him loudly. 
Jonathan continues forward nonetheless, rushing to his lab with reckless abandon. “Thank god this still works, just gotta…” the scientist smacks the large monitor with his fist, “There we go.” He then hastily goes to one of the few working computers, “Alright. Now I just need DNA from the both of you.” 
The two boys look at one another with pause. 
“OH. I could turn around if you-”
Before he could say another word, the Prowler’s mask began to recede into his suit. Miles watches in bewilderment as the stone-faced boy nonchalantly pulls a strand of hair out and hands it to the man. 
“Thank y-”
Prowler places a stiff hand on his shoulder, “-You tell anyone what I look like and I will kill you.” 
Jonathon gulps and nods in response “You have my word.” Swayed, Miles peels off his mask and plucks a hair as well.
Jonathan takes both hair strands and lays them on a machine that resembles an office scanner. “Do you guys mind if I just…,” Jonathon grabs a large handheld scanner tool (Miles giggled at how it just looked like a supermarket tool) and scans both the boy's faces and then their entire persons. “Thank yooou.” He says in a sing-songy voice, giddy with glee as he ran to his computers to input more data.
 After some back and forth between typing into the chunky keyboard and eyeing the projection screens, he finally speaks. “Incredible,” the scientist mumbled under his breath, standing in marvel at the data on his huge monitors. The everchanging calculations and numbers reflecting at light speed against his glasses. 
Ohnn clears his throat “Physiological speaking, you guys are essentially 100% carbon copies of one another. Except for specimen-1610 who possesses interdimensional DNA.” 
“No shit,” Miles-42 chided.
Just then a notification pops on the screen. “Wait a minute.” Jonathan examines further, typing diligently, “I guess not. It says here that specimens from Earth-42, that’s you,” Jonathan points a sassy finger at the Prowler, “has…5 cavities.”
Miles giggles, “Really Miles?” 
Miles-42 pouts and elbows him in the side, “Shut up, Miles.” 
“Miles and Miles?”  Jonathan shakes his head like a dog, slightly disoriented his glasses, “This is going to get confusing,” He readjusted his lenses.  “How do you guys differentiate between each other?”
“Um, we don’t,” Miles said with chuckle 
“We literally just met soo…” 
“I see,” Jonathan thinks hard with his pointer finger on his chin, "How about…One of you is Miles… and the other one can be Wiles.” 
“-Absolutely not.”
“We’ll workshop it,” Jonathan says with a wave of his hand. Jonathan sees Prowler’s confused face through the holographic screen, making eye contact. 
“Can I ask you a question?”
“What is it, young man?”
“Why didn’t you just sell the collider? You would’ve been set for life. Easy.”
The scientist exhaled softly, “There are some things more important than money…” Jonathan stares off into space before coming to, “...Now may I ask you a question Miles?”
Both boys point at one another in confusion.
“Um…Miles of Earth 42.”
The boy snorts, “Shoot.”
“Did they…” Jonathon absentmindedly fiddles with his glasses, “...Were you sent here to kill me?”
Prowler’s eyes widen with surprise, but then he quickly composes himself. “...I’m sure you know the answer to that. You really pissed ‘em off,” he chuckled grimly, “Calling ‘em fascists and what-not.” 
“I see.” Jonathon gave a dejected laugh, “...Can I ask you another question?”
The Prowler nods. 
“Why do you do it?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You have engineering skills that can rival some of my colleagues. You possess a technical prowess that would have any major tech company begging to recruit you, yet you use those skills to do some… questionable things.” Jonathan sighs, “You are, truly, a brilliant human being, Miles. So why?... Why do you do it? ” 
 Prowler’s usual scowl softens, just for a moment, before shortly resuming his tough exterior, “Because it puts food on the table.” Prowler shifts his attention to his untied laces, “It’s not lost on me ya know, the kinds of people I work for…The less I know the easier it is to do the job.”  Miles-42 meets Jonathon’s gaze through the translucent, blue toned holograms “Never had anything against you Ohnn, but you know how it is. It’s every man for himself.” 
“You don’t know?” The scientist stumbled backwards in aghast, “You don’t know what they want to do with this?”
“No? That’s why I said-” 
“-Miles…” Jonathan scans the boy’s face in disbelief.
“You really have no idea?” 
“What is it?” Spiderman Morales speaks up, “What are they gonna-
“-It doesn’t matter,” Prowler interjects. “That’s none of my business.”
“Tell us,” Miles insists. However, Prowler has already begun walking away, “Well I'm not listening.”
“Bro are you serious right now-”
“ don’t you think it would be-
“-NEEDLESS TO SAY I KEEP HER IN CHECK, SHE WAS A BAD-BAD NEVERTHELESS” Miles-42 begin to sing noisily, hands covering his ears like a child.
“I think you’d really want to know this Miles,” Jonathan tries to reason. Undeterred, Prowler continues his tone deaf belting, mumbling over some of the lyrics before skipping to singing the few he actually knew, “OOOOOOO SOMETHINGS SHE JUST CAN'T REFUSE. SHE WANNA RIDE ME LIKE A CRUISE-”
“-Miles please-”
“-What are you so scared of?” \
“...Excuse me?” The Prowler finally unplugs his ears, shooting daggers into Miles’ direction. 
‘Damn, hit a nerve,’ the boy thought to himself. “I just think that maybe you’re a bit afraid to-”
“I’m not scared of anything, pendejo,” Prowler steps up to Miles instinctively straightening his back, sneering into his face. Miles puffs his chest and stands his ground. 
“Too scared to listen apparently.”
“Don’t try to psychoanalyze me, cabrón,”  "You wanna play hero in your own Brooklyn? Good for you. You go do that, but don’t come here on your fucking high horse talking some shit about boy scout-good samaritan crap.” The Prowler puts a claw to Miles' chest, “You’re in my city, boy. We play by a different set of rules here.”
Miles tried to hide the grimace on his face. He hated being called kid or boy on any given day, but this especially grinded his gear. This boy was the exact same age as him and he was still being looked down on. He still saw him as naive. Miles really couldn’t catch a break, not even from himself. 
“Then why don't you want to know? Will it kill you? Or is it because you don’t want to see how badly your actions are affecting the city you pretend to care so much about-”
“-Watch your mouth.” Prowler sneers, face dangerously close to Miles. The boy was preparing for a fight.
 “You have a choice. I know you want to be good-”
Prowler cuts him off with a violent shove, “-YOU. DON'T. KNOW. ME.”
“You know what...Fine.” Miles relents. He straightens his posture forcing Prowler to step backwards. “You know what? You’re right about one thing, I don’t know you. Maybe you don’t have a choice. Maybe this,” Miles says with a gesture to the Prowler’s suit, “is all you have. I’m not trying to tell you how to feel when you got the short end of the stick. But what I do know is that people need you Miles. Mom, Uncle Aaron, hell even Jonathon.” Miles points to the scientist, who gives a sheepish wave to his doppelganger. “
“So maybe you’re not a good guy, but I can tell you're not heartless. At least not as much as you like to pretend to be. So please man, for them… Just, hear him out. Please” 
Prowler takes a moment to mull over his words. After a prolonged silence he annoyedly clicks his tongue. “Fine… Since Softy here wants to hear a story so bad...” Prowler crosses his arms and turns to face Jonathon, “...What’s the deal with this collider?” 
“Alright…Well…” Jonathan takes a large gulp, hands placed on his desk to steady himself. “I’m sure you’re familiar with rapture.” 
“...Yes.” Prowler responded grimly
“Um, no I don’t.” 
“It’s a highly addictive drug,” Jonathon pulls up various monitors with diagrams and pictures, “Most commonly injected, but it can be ingested in any form. Smoked, snorted, you name it.”
“Symptoms include anything from hallucinations, feelings of euphoria, anxiety, paranoia.” Miles-42 adds, “Withdrawal symptoms are even worse…Half the patients my mom treats are on it.” - Prowler
“Your boss or shall I say bosses are behind it.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“They've been distributing it all around Brooklyn. They’ve been bribing the police and the mayor to turn a blind eye.”
“Yeah I’m aware.” Prowler scoffed, “But there’s an antidote If more people could afford-”
“-They make that too. That’s their whole scheme. By making the poison and the cure…’-
 “...They’re making lambs for slaughter” 
“Exactly. Unless, of course, they can pay their way out.”
“I see.” Prowler clicks his teeth, stoic face.“What’s this got to do with the collider?” 
“Everything. If the Sinister Six get this collider they’re going to distribute the drug into every multiverse they can get their hands on. And they won’t just stop there. Internet, casinos, technology, politics even. They want to monopolize every industry they can get their hands on and they won’t stop until they have complete and total control. Once they take Brooklyn… No one is safe.
 “Mierda…” Prowler mumbled under his breath
“Scorpio Pharmaceutical has even made a new, more addictive batch. Who knows how long before that strain hits the streets-”
Prowler interrupts with a loud sharp inhale. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he paces around for a few moments, eyes scanning the ground like a vulture looking for scraps. 
“FUCK!” Miles-42 shouts, brutally kicking a piece of glitching material
Prowler has angry tears, hiding his face in his clawed hands  “I don’t want to deal with this shit again”. 
Jonathon and Miles concerned glances, “Again?” Jonathan says. 
Prowler doesn’t budge. Instead, he just looks at the two with red teary eyes and a despondent frown
“Whatever you say here will stay between us.” Miles assures “Promise.”
Prowler takes a deep breath, speaking with his eyes glued to the ground “My dad used to investigate the rapture cartel. He was incredibly passionate about it, said it was the main reason he joined the force."He gave a somber chuckle, “I wanted to be just like him. I would sneak out in my own homemade Prowler suit and steal medicine, dropping it off at my mom’s hospital. Everyone was telling him to lay off it . Even my Uncle Aaron. One time these big scary guys came to the house with these suitcases full of money trying to bribe him. You wanna know what he said, he told them to fuck right off,” Miles-42 recalled with a bitter laugh. “Man, nothing could get that man down…One day during a haul I messed up. Big time. The police were called and he got caught in the crossfire and…” 
“I’m sorry. That must’ve been hard… I-I know what it feels like to lose someone you love, Just know it’s not your fault.”
“...I know” .
“It doesn't have to be this way man. I’m sure we can figure out another way to do things. And I'll do whatever I can to help. I promise.”
“It’s too late for me...I’ve given up too much to stop now..” 
    “Just…” Miles pats him on the shoulder reassuringly “Sigue adelante hermano.”
Miles-42 chuckled, “You know, you talk like a gringo.” 
Miles shrugs embarrassedly “Well, I did get a B in Spanish.” 
 “Aye Dios Mio,” Prowler cringes, “If my mom found out she would tear me a new one.”  
“Nearly killed mine,” Miles chuckled, “Long story short, I’m grounded…For a month”
“Aye.” Prowler shook his head, “Sounds like ma. ”
“At least she’s stopped using the chancla.” 
Prowler shuddered at the thought, “On the culito?’
“Yep.” Miles instinctively rubbed his backside at the thought. It had been years since he was spanked by his parents out of discipline. Luckily, they grew out of the practice. They got more results out of him just by talking to one another as opposed to hitting him. Though, that’s probably not how they felt right now. His heart ached at the reminder of his last conversation with his parents. How he left without saying a word. They were probably worried sick about him. He definitely deserved the chancla from them, that was if he ever saw them again…
“She would alway say ‘I’m doing this because I love you.” Miles recalled out loud with a shake of his head, 
“Or when they would be like, ‘This hurts me more than it hurts you.”
“YES!” Miles exclaimed, “What was with that? As they're literally whooping my ass, like, UGH!” 
“Damn,” Prowler chuckled, “Never thought I would have anyone to talk to about this.”
“Good to know that some things stay the same across the multiverse.” 
 Prowler looked stunned, his demeanor softened “Yeah… Yeah. Of course.” 
   “Okay, so I’m not usually supposed to tell people this buuut, Scorpo sends a lot of their products to Alchemex for…,” Jonathan bit his lip, “...Testing. If you catch my drift. I’d bet money that there’s a batch sitting in the medical laboratory on the bottom floor.” Jonathon gave an innocent, yet knowing shrug. “Soooo, do with that what you will…”
“I’ll get it,” both boys spoke up in unison. 
“No way man.” Prowler refuses.
“I can turn invisible, it’ll be a lot safer.” Miles refutes, “Plus you’re probably the smarter one out of us two. I'm sure Jonathon can use your help here. ”
Prowler shook his head “Yeah but this is my problem, not yours.” He pointed towards the collider behind them, “Don’t you want to make sure this goes off without a hitch? That it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
 “I trust you.” Miles spoke amicably with a shrug and a smile, “I promised to do whatever I can to help you out. And I meant it.” he playfully patted his arm. “See you in a bit, man.” 
As Miles turns to pull on his mask, it hits him.The spider senses. Not the usual kind. This one was more rare. It felt like…family. Community. It was similar to when he first met Peter Parker, the spider predecessor of his own Brooklyn. What would usually be a comforting feeling instead sent his heart into overdrive. 
‘They found me.’ 
“I need you guys to listen to me very carefully.” Miles' carefree attitude has been swapped for a more frantic disposition.
“What is it?”
“There’s these people, this interdimensional spider cult, and they’re trying to keep me some saving my dad-”
“-What? Why?”
“Because of this weird algorithm they follow. They believe if I save him, it'll be the end of the world. If they find me they’ll lock me up.” 
Prowler and Jonathon looked stunned and at loss for words. They share a look of disbelief amongst themselves before returning their gaze back at Miles. 
“Interdimensonal cult?” Jonathan asked. 
“They’re gonna lock you up?” Prowler inquired amused.
“Just tell them that you haven’t seen me. Whoever comes here looking for me, they can't be trusted.”
“...Okey dokey...” 
“...Whatever you say man...”
“Thank you guys.” Miles pulls them all into a quick hug which Jonathon willingly returns. Prowler, whoever is completely caught off guard, his arms remain stiffly at his sides. 
“You guys are the best!” Miles shouts before shooting a web and 
“Yeah, whatever,” Prowler mumbles to himself  before he resumes working. Feeling watched, he turns to Jonathan who, low and behold, is looking at him, beaming with delight.
“It’s just- When you first came here you came with the intention to do god-knows-what to me. Now look at you, spoiling the Sinister Six’s plans and helping that young man find his way home. Forgive me for saying this, but you’re a lot nicer than you let on.”
“I’m just returning the favor,” he spoke dismissively, intentionally avoiding the gaze of the man next to him. 
“Which means you’re a decent man.”
“You say that when I was sent here to kill you.”
“And you didn’t! Even when I saw your face. You may put on a tough act but deep down you’re like a cute little cinnamon roll!”
Miles wrinkled his nose, “Call me that again and I just might.”
Jonathan let out a boisterous laugh, “You’re funny.”
“Yeah…You too I guess… Maybe there's another you on Earth-1610.”
“Perhaps, given the two of you boys exist.” Jonathan begins filling a kettle with water, “I wonder what I’m like. OOH! What if I have super powers too? And I’m like a superhero-super scientist.” He readjusts his glasses, running a hand through his hair, “I bet I’m really handsome.” 
  Jonathon chuckles, “Not to brag, but I’ve been told I’m pretty handsome by scientist standards.” 
Miles snorts, “I’m sure you are, Ohn.”  Jonathan beams and resumes his work. ‘What an interesting turn of events’, the scientist thought to himself. Not too long ago, he was sure he was going to be murdered, noe; he felt endeared to the young man and his identical counterpart. Plus the new found discovery of new dimensions and… multiversal cults? The man shook his head at the thought, it was all definitely a first for him.  ‘Nonetheless, it's a new dawn.’ He assured himself,‘Good things are coming, I can feel it.’
sorry for the long wait. new chapter soon. happy new year :)
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Fans actually didn't know what it was exactly if it was track video or was a MV cause the label wasn't clear about anything at all. no one had any idea till the tim of release. fans thought like usual the album would have a MV for pre-release and title song. so it's basically label's fault. All i know is he's singing live in the video that's why it's not called a MV. The label really under promoted the song. Gave itunes preorder presave just a day before when the songs released in 2024 itself from other members had it days before. And they even did it because fans were constantly tagging them for past week so they did it a day before. Idk man what's the problem this company has with jm, that the Geffen ppl even disrespecting him in broad daylight. The official accounts from Geffen didn't promote it at all. There's nothing posted on tiktok at all. Even tae's new project is posted there but jm's pre release. The only good thing was that Instagram group chat and all that's it.
As for song then I'll say it's growing on me per each listen. The more i listen the more I'm loving it. It's a fun and joyful song and I'm really enjoying it. I love that with jm he's totally unexpected like u don't know what type of song he will release. Although many always expect dark theme songs from him but he tries different things with his music and i like that about him.
I know, but most fans suspected it was a track video, right? (due to the lack of promo, even by Hybe and Jimin standards). It's being treated as an MV by the fans, because it's all we have, but it's kind of live and pretty simple (no set or outfit changes). I don't think it was meant to be an MV. By that reasoning, any track, performance or visualization video could be called an MV. It wasn't intended to be one imo, and I think that label is a bit dangerous. Because the video is good for a track video, but underwhelming for an MV (imo).
Yes, Hybe didn't try very hard, but they failed him so bad even Billboard (always chasing the opportunity to badmouth kpop) wrote about it. Bad press is still press. And Army did well on Twitter, at least.
I still don't really like the song. It's like NLG in terms of very subpar production, but it's not a fan song and I love JK's voice - the more I listened to NLG, the more I liked it; JK, as always, added tons of layers of vocals and the song has a lot of small details to pay attention to. But I just don't like Jimin's voice in the song (Pdogg being himself with the autotune), so I'm not sure it'll grow on me.
I think Jimin does best with a darker sound, like Lie, but the level of effort put into his darker tracks is way bigger than this lighter ones (which are mostly fan songs). Think of the complexity behind Lie, LC and SMF vs. CTT and SGMB. We always have this argument when a bright song isn't well received (or gets some criticism). If you don't enjoy a fun song, you're a party pooper who hates fun, but what Army doesn't like Dope, Fire, Airplane Pt.2, Go Go, Just One Day, I Like It Pt.2, Baepsae, Spine Breaker, Anpanman, Jump, Coffee, Disease, Telepathy, Run BTS, etc.? You see where I'm going with this? Everyone loves BTS's lighter or funner songs - it's what they're known for imo - but you aren't allowed to dislike PTD without being accused of hating fun. It's like the whole fandom hating the English trilogy for being Western sounding, without somehow acknowledging that the most beloved BTS songs are extremely Western sounding (Just One Day, I Like It Pt.2, House of Cards, Coffee, Airplane Pt.2, Pied Piper, Love Maze, etc.). Maybe people didn't love BWL, but most of their hard sounding kpop songs do worse (like Idol vs. DNA).
Regardless, Serendipity, Filter and Promise are some of Jimin's most beloved songs and they aren't dark. And Christmas Love and CTT aren't dark at all. Only Lie and Face are dark, so tbh I don't understand why people associate him with dark music and think he's branching out with SGMB. It's only due to Face and the fact that all his darker songs are performance songs with lots of impact (and his best performances in BTS are in songs like Black Swan). SGMB is very close to CTT imo. It brings nothing new in terms of showing what Jimin likes or can do. It only surprises because I expected more quality from a pre-release and his album in general. But I think Muse is more of a parting gift than an exploration of his artistry. Also, I guess lyrically I was expecting something more too.
Tbh, I still don't quite know who Jimin is as a musical artist. I know who he is as a dancer and performer, but, as a musical artist, it's a big question mark. Besides Jin, he is, to me, the one with least defined musical identity and signature. His fan songs all have a certain sound, but, beyond that, I don't know... I'm not sure this album will clear things up any. I wish he worked with other producers.
I didn't mean to sound harsh, but I keep reading the same perspectives, and I just disagree with them...
Thanks for the ask!
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prussiasqueen · 5 months
Am I the only one who does astrology charts for Hetalia…? Because I did Gilbert’s and Ludwig’s …
And if we follow one date for Prussia 1701, he’s got a lot of Taurus and Capricorn energy. Which at that point he and I share similar structures on how we behave and how determined we are xD I also have Taurus moon like him~
But if I were to follow my headcanon date of 450 AD born in Konigsberg for him, then his energy would still be Capricorn, Taurus and a moon of Virgo.
So I mean at the end of the day ya boy is earth aligned~ and it’s pretty dope tbh 👏💁🏻‍♀️
I’ll do Ludwig’s birthday on my other account that’s based around him~
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honeyvenommusic · 9 months
damn. shoutout to the homie Hansel from nightlife they posted a snippet of a little exercise they were working on production-wise the other day and it finally gave me enough inspiration to open my DAW for the first time in 7 months (granted for 5 of those months i was working out of town BUT i still brought my midi keyboard in case i got an idea i wanted to try or it would be relaxing to give it a go and take a break from work but i just couldn't-- really missed my bass though but couldn't bring it)
but i worked on that snippet the other night just kinda forcing myself into it bc days before i downloaded it because i heard something when they posted it but just the effort,,,, wasn't there so i was like ok done my part for now lol. so then i was like let's just try some vocals see what comes out we don't have to be in this session for long stop when you feel at all tired. and tbh i got tired and stopped like an hour later and thought it was probably hot garbage so ok at least we're back in it that was the goal we don't ever have to touch it again if you come back to it and realize you truly don't like it (thankfully we're long past the point of believing anything is actually garbage until we sleep and revisit lol). so didn't have high hopes and then came back yesterday because funny enough wow who woulda thunk i went back into another session from god knows when just before i was about to practice bass and was like huh... let me see what this is..... added to that song and then went to the warm up after and was like oh. so not hot garbage. it's actually pretty dope and i love what we contributed to it oh maybe i will keep going huh.
anyway all this is to say i'm making music again lol.
0 notes
thinkazul · 2 years
Pride Night at Dodger Stadium
For all the special nights and events this is the first in a long time it looks like dodger stadium put effort into making it interesting.
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𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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I’m still upset and still unwell so for comfort I’m assigning different Stranger Things characters pokemon teams that I think they’d have. I’m gonna do the main kids in this one and then the main adults/older kids in the next one so that I have room to explain all my choices without tumblr throwing a hissy fit at me 
𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫
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Blastoise - Something about Mike gives me Squirtle vibes so I’ve given him a Blastoise that he’d have had as his starter as a kid and that grew and evolved with him as he grew as a trainer 
Pikachu - Again, he just gives me Pikachu energy. Maybe one of those Pikachu that wears a hat from Pokemon Go? It would be a Pikachu that he hasn’t evolved because he doesn’t want Pikachu to change and become something completely different because he doesn’t want to lose his pal 
Crobat - Just a little fella for a (not-so) little fella. Seriously though I do think he’d have a crobat 
Empoleon - Empoleon is a king. We stan. I also think that Mike would love having an Empoleon. He feels v much like a mainly water type trainer so having a dual type pokemon that has water as one of its types fits for me 
Lapras - Lapras is I think many people’s favourite, just like Mike seems to be a lot of people’s favourites (anyone I ask about him says they think he’s a great character that’s been done dirty by the writing) 
Poliwhirl - Again, another one he gives me the vibe of. Poliwhirl looks like he’d be a bit of a dick but is actually pretty cool 
𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫/𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
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Espeon - El deserves an Espeon after what she’s been through tbh. I think an Espeon would be the perfect companion for her 
Gallade - I had to think about whether she would have a Gallade or Gardevoir and I’ve gone with Gallade because just like El, Gallades are fighters and I think it would fit her vibe as a psychic specialising pokemon trainer so that she has some variety in her team 
Delphox - El is fierce and has a passionate fire within her to protect those she loves and cherishes. A Delphox would be perfect for her 
Munna - A dream pokemon I think would work well with El. It would comfort her after she’s had bad dreams about the past and I think would also help her harness her own psychic powers 
Starmie - A Starmie to symbolise the moment she cherishes of her and Max in Starcourt 
Gothitelle - I absolutely had to represent her bitching, edgier style that she wore at the end of season 2 and Gothitelle is perfect for that 
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬
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Sylveon - Now hear me out. Friendship is very important to will, and an Eevee only evolves into a Sylveon if you have a good enough friendship and bond with it. A Sylveon is absolutely PERFECT for Will 
Mismagius - Looks like a wizard and has the same colour scheme as Will the Wise. There’s no way I wasn’t adding this little guy to his team 
Gengar - This bad boy is a hard hitter and I think Will deserves a Gengar. Gengar supremacy 
Chandlure - Symbolises Will using the lights to communicate with Joyce almost as if he were a ghost using a ouija board 
Pumpkaboo - I wholeheartedly believe Will’s favourite holiday is Halloween and that he wants it to become a national holiday like Christmas and Easter because hell yeah Halloween is dope as hell 
Doublade - Will is a fighter and stronger than I think some people give him credit for. The doublade symbolises that strength within him 
𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫
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Magneton - Lucas is a highly underrated character imo. He has a magnetic sort of charm and personality to him and I don’t really know of anyone that doesn’t like Lucas. He needs more screen time and I’m so glad we got to see more of him in volume 2 
Bastiodon - A strong, sturdy pokemon just like Lucas. I really do believe he’s the backbone of the group. He holds the group up and he reaches out to Max and reassures her that he’s there for her to lean on 
Skarmory - Cool, majestic, awesome. Just like Lucas 
Mawile - Something about Lucas gives me the vibe that he would have a Mawile. It’s my favourite steel type and I think it would be Lucas’ too in a modern au 
Bisharp - People underestimate steel types, and Lucas is not one to underestimate. Much like a Bisharp, he will fight you if he has to and he will win 
Bronzong - Similar to Bastiodon, I think Lucas would have a Bronzong to represent how sturdy and reliable he is as a member of the friendship group 
𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
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Blaziken - Fiery and ready to fight, a Blaziken works perfectly for Max. Not only that, but I think it would have a stubborn nature because Max is a little stubborn too 
Toxicroak - Packs a punch and has no mercy. I also feel like Toxicroak would work well with Max because she has the vibe of having both poison types and fighting types 
Marshadow - Much like Marshadow, Max gives me the energy that if it were a modern au she would be the cryptid friend of the friend group. Absolutely wilding and being terrifying yet not terrifying at the same time. She would be a mothman stan 
Sawk - I headcanon that Max would take up martial arts in another life and become a black belt in karate at a young age as well as skateboarding. Max is a bad bitch you can’t tell me otherwise 
Hitmonchan - Best gen 1 fighting type imo. Just like Max is the best girl out of the younger characters 
Emboar - Much like Blaziken, fiery and ready to fight just like Max 
𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫
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Venusaur - Bad bitches get the bad bitch pokemon. Venusaur is the best gen 1 starter and I will take no feedback or criticism on that. I also feel that Erica would go for poison type pokemon because of her DnD character Lady Applejack
Roserade - This pokemon looks pretty and harmless, but will not hesitate to put you in your place. This screams Erica for me 
Nidoqueen - Erica is a queen. Also, Nidoqueen is quite powerful and I think people underestimate how strong and badass Erica actually is. Let’s not forget, this girl is 11 years old and fighting shit from the upside down. 11 years old people 
Dragalge - A more elegant looking pokemon that looks like it wouldn’t hurt a fly 
Beedrill - Something about Beedrill feels like Erica’s kind of pokemon. Idk what it is but Beedrill is what I think of when I consider what pokemon Erica would have 
Tentacruel - Like I’ve said, Erica is a bad bitch and deserves bad bitch pokemon. She’d smile while Tentacruel takes care of her enemy’s team effortlessly because I just know she’d have trained hard for her team to be unstoppable 
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: daddy’s first day [coward series au] Pairing: F!Reader x Miya Atsumu Genre: fluff, parents au, slice of life au Synopsis: In which Miya Atsumu takes charge of taking care of the kids for a day Warnings: none!
notes; you don’t need to read coward tbh to read this chapter, its just miya atsumu navigating his life as a daddy hshsshs [side stories are updated every friday] read the series here!  [ ss;; one, two, three, four ]
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“...Remember that Youta is allergic to shrimps and Yuuto’s got sensitive skin, I have all the medication in case anything happens and Yuuto has his soap in the bathroom in a separate container, just make sure that the water isn’t too cold nor too hot and remind him to wear sunscreen every two hours.” You explain, placing the last of your valuables in your bag “...I’m also on speed dial and you also have the number of their pediatricians on your number 2 speed dial, I also have the food in the tupperware prepared the night before-”
“Y/N, sweetheart, please calm down. I’m not going to kill our kids when you’re gone for the next nine hours.” he frowns at how distrusting you were towards him. okay, he admitted that he may have hated the boys at first but that was before. They were your kids now, that was totally different! They weren’t some random brats on the street! You should have a little faith in him!
“Atsumu, you almost burned down the house while making scrambled eggs.” You expressed, a glint of amusement on your eyes, “Would you like me to call ‘samu-san or Daiki-san?”
He scoffed at the mention of those two men, after ‘samu found out that he was actually an Uncle of those kids, he suddenly had a one hundred sixty degree change of attitude. Of course, Atsumu was happy that you guys got along and the kids seemed to start warming up to him but it seemed like you trusted ‘samu  more these days and that daiki too.
“Alright, just help them with their homework and heat up the food okay? I have everything prepared.” You leaned in to give him a quick peck on the temple before leaving. He watches you leave the house in a hurry for work with a frown on his lips.
Married life with you was easy, you were like a superwoman. A great mom, a great co-worker, even a greater wife. How come he couldn’t be as half as good as you? Like be a cool dad to your kids or something? He couldn’t even cook the damn eggs well and there you were, making some Michelin star cuisine while making your kids happy and content and your work life thriving.
“Oh,” Yuuto’s brow is scrunched together as he exits his shared room with his brother, see, that’s what he gets from the kids, awkwardness and insults (mostly insults,really), “You know ever since you came back, ‘kaasan’s always been busy and hasn’t been spending time with us.”
“Yeah.” Youta yawns, scratching his eyes as he exits the room, “You even make bad food, I think you should just keep playin’ volleyball or something.”
Atsumu feels a tick on his forehead, they were definitely his sons that’s for sure.
“I’m trying here.”
Yuuto stifles as chuckle at his father’s reply, wanting to comfort him, he told him a little fact that their ojisan told him recently, “Sure you are,  you’re doing a lot better than okaasan, Daiki-ojisan said okaasan didn’t know how to hold us until we were three or four.” the eight year old grinned.
Atsumu grabs a tupperware from the fridge that’s labelled ‘breakfast’ and proceeds to heat it up on the microwave, “I’m sure that’s a lie. Your okaasan seems to do very well now, it’s hard to imagine her messing up.”
He watches them eat their egg rolls and bacon, time flies quick these days. The boys were already eight years old and were getting more and more into volleyball. Youta exclaimed he wanted to be a pro like him while Yuuto wanted to be like you (although he still played volleyball a lot because he had the competitive streak thanks to his father)
“Can we invite Tobio-ojisan on our birthday?” Yuuto asks while Atsumu rolls his eyes, he can’t believe that this kid still idolized that idiot. He beated him thrice already! (okay, Tobio had beated him five times including high school nationals but still)
“Oh also, Shoyou-ojisan then we can play against them!” Youta grins, mouth stuffed with egg rolls. Atsumu grimaces at him then grabs a napkin to wipe off the rice on the side of his lip, “How are you guys not impressed by me?” their father grumbles.
“You’re our otosan.” Yuuto deadpanned.
“Yeah, we see you everyday.” Youta added.
After helping the kids out in the bath (especially Yuuto since apparently he needed a temp check for the water), he had them do their projects and assignments (you had a long list on what they should accomplish today and one of them was a science planetary object)
The thing is though, he wasn’t very good at that.
He ended up having ‘samu on speaker to help the kids as they choked on their laughter because their otosan still thought that Pluto was a planet.
It also didn’t help when their math assignments came up, oh boy, Youta had a problem with one number and when he tried to explain to Atsumu that there was a new way to solve that and that their sensei had told them to solve it that way, he got pissed, “I don’t know that way! Why would they change math?  MATH IS MATH!” He screeches at the notebook as if it had done something wrong to him.
Safe to say, Yuuto had a field day as he watched his otosan frustratingly solve the math problem whilst muttering something about how math was complicated and they didn’t need to change up the equations. Youta, on the other hand,  had to calm him down and tell him they could just use the old way to solve the problem.
“...I want pizza.”
“Your mom left us dinner.”
“It says here on the note that you have to bake it in the oven.” Yuuto reads out loud, “ ‘Samu-ojisan says that you shouldn’t touch an oven though.”
Atsumu feels like he’s aging quick because of these two kids, how is it that they were such angels to you but little devils towards him? “...when they’re angels, they’re Y/N’s kids but when they become devils, they’re yours.” ‘Samu jokes.
Ah, he felt his forehead tick on that statement. He had some pretty redeeming qualities that he passed on to his kids like his looks and skills in volleyball! 
“Otosan, I don’t think you should put the tupperware in the oven.”
“I know what I’m doing here.”
Clearly, he didn’t. He ended up melting the plastic tupperware and having to call for takeout right after. The three of them looked at the melted tupperware and the food spillage in the oven, “Okaasan really likes those tupperwares.” Youta points out.
“I’ll buy her ten new ones.” Atsumu grimaced at the food in the oven, he should clean that and get rid of all the evidence when you come home in an hour. In fact, he should just buy a new oven because he thinks the smell is permanent there, “Wanna watch a movie before you go to bed? I promise I’ll cover for you.”
“You just don’t want us to tell okaasan that you melted her tupperware.” Yuuto pointed out.
“Pffft…” Atsumu laughs, pretending to shake it off, “I would not.”
“Extra scoop of ice cream on Sunday.”
“Yeah!” Youta echoes.
Atsumu narrows his eyes, “Deal.”
They ended up sprawling on the couch after putting on their pajamas. The kids sip their milk next to him, after seeing Kageyama drinking loads of it, the boys decided that if a big boy like Kageyama Tobio could drink milk, they could to (Osamu crackles because they didn’t seem to listen to Atsumu lecturing them about the benefits of milk) Halfway through the movie, the kids fell asleep and the blonde feels his eyes shut soon after too. 
You come in quietly as you notice the quiet chatter of the TV and the figures of your three boys on the couch, all snuggled together. Your heart immediately softens as soon as you see the domestic scene in front of you. Something you probably never could imagine before, your boys. You take a picture before waking your husband up with a light kiss on the jaw, “You look like you had a fun day.” you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
“I hate math assignments.” was all he could reply.
You silently chuckled as you picked up Youta, “I’ll put the kids to bed, mind running me a bath?”
“Can I join in?” Atsumu suddenly awakened as soon as he heard what you said, a smirk dancing on his lips, “Save water and all that?”
“Are you really going with me in the tub?” You narrowed your eyes, “Last time we did that together, we ended up having two kids.”
“What’s another two more?”
“Miya Atsumu.”
taglist [officially closed, if you guys want to be removed for the side stories, feel free to tell me hehe ilyasm and thank you once again, coward wouldn’t be possible without all you people + other readers]
@fortheloveofiwaizumi ;  @svtbitch  ; @kiyoomile ; @lovedanii​ ; @juno-multifandom​ ; @gyubit17​ ; @saeranoppa​ ; @nixxona​ ; @kyomihann​ @shorttstackk​ ; @intoomuchfandoms​ ; @yammmers​ ; @mx-minxx​ @itsmattsunshinehere​ ; @missingmystogan​ ; @volleybloop​ ; @imcravingyou​ ; @yams-wants-that-booty ; @liathachcapricious​ ; @pinknugget​ @seikamuzu​ ; @marigoldthoughts​ ; @sillykittt​ ; @baejinoffcl​ ; @alluring-akaashi​ ; @bnhasstuff​  ; @intheawks​ ; @bokuakadaily​ ; @agaassi​ ; @yams046​  ; @dope-squish ; @chrisrue15​ ; @vermillionwaves​ ; @demursv1ogs​ ; @just-snog-already ; @angmarwitch  ; @simpingonothers ; @woo-youngs ; @cowward ; @chaelysian ; @sempiternal-amour ; @jungshookmeup ; @jovialnoise ; @karlitabi-rrito ; @iwaizluv ; @sugarandsoft ; @tspice283 ; @ohshirabu ; @syzygymai ; @volleybloop ; @oikaw-ugh ; @pockytokyo ;  @differentballooncollection ;  @keniloveshaikyuu ; @turquoiselace ; @playboygeniusphilanthropist ;   @keijislut ; @notyourbitchboy​
@misosamu  @Etherynaw  @ryaaaax @allysasteaparty   @mikaashi  @brownie0food @ph10xy  @Chocolaterumble [hi, i can’t seem to tag u guys, i think you need to open your tags uwu]
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bisluthq · 2 years
On the subject of secret Sessions at Taylor's house it has always struck me as an odd move. I would love to meet Taylor and would not care where it was. In fact sitting in her living room surrounded by her personal tat would feel like an intrusion even if I had been invited, particularly knowing how much Taylor values her normal life. Have secret Sessions by all means but do them at a hotel.
Eh I actually think the houses thing was pretty cool. Wanting to go to your idol’s house is tbh a very common fantasy and being able to make that happen for fans is pretty dope. People like going to rich person houses full stop and add to that that this is Taylor Swift’s house - obvi people would find it dope.
She did some weird shit - the hang for Valentine’s Day with the fan was strange as fuck, Swiftmas was so quirky it bordered on weird (and tbh some Swiftmas recipients feel that way about it now lmao) but Sessions were universally beloved and sooooo fun for everyone (including her) and the house shit I think added to it.
It’s just about fulfilling fan fantasies and giving people a REALLY special experience.
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 6 Costumes (Ranking & Opinions/Guesses)
Hello everyone! We are back baby! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana's Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, talk about this not so little show called The Masked Singer, not sure if you have heard of it lol. IT’S SEASON 6 TIME EVERYONE, which means that when a new season is upon us, we gotta rate some costumes (hey, I do make the rules, and that’s a special tradition we do here in case you are new… if you are new, hi, welcome, have a seat, get a cookie, some dinner, whatever you would like, and relax we are about to go on a ride of sorts with costumes). Having said that, let’s get started!
Preface: The show will air September 22 and 23 as a two night premiere and costumes are being revealed little by little at the moment (When I am writing this, idk how many contestants there will be in total so this might be more than 1 part long)
Preface over… introducing the new costumes! *INITATE DRUMROLL PLEASE*
1. Banana Split 🍌🍨
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Thoughts: It’s a cute idea ngl…. It kinda makes me sad that there was already a banana costume and an ice cream costume and they just kinda put it together, but it’s still an adorable idea. I love pair costumes on the show, so this is very cute, the cartoon nature of it is super fun.
Prediction: (I am gonna put a prediction on who I think it could be, like whether it’s an athlete, musician, a pair of siblings, a couple, etc.) I think they are a couple, probably married or played a married couple on TV… I am also gonna dream cast this for fun: my dream cast for Banana Split would be either Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard or Fran Drescher and Charles Shaughnessy (who played Fran and Max on The Nanny, who were love interests/a married couple on the show)
First Clue: 3 pair of 🎲 with the numbers adding to 6
Rating: 10/10
2. Hamster 🐹
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Thoughts: it’s soooo fluffy and cute omg I love it… I really hope this is a good singer because I just love this costume, it is too cute to be sent home the first week (I’m looking at you Gremlin). Everything about this costume is so cool and whimsical, any child (and me) would go crazy for the hamster.
Prediction: My brain automatically goes to an athlete who can sing (hopefully) but from experience with the show, this seems like an athlete would be under this mask… but another part of me thinks it might be an actor, so I am torn between the 2: actor or athlete (hopefully who can sing ok)… probably male I predict. Dream cast actor wise would be Jack Black and athlete wise I have no idea because I know close to nothing about sports and I don’t wanna embarrass myself here with names
First Clue: A whistle
Rating: 10/10!
3. Cupcake 🧁
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Thoughts: This is a costume I have been waiting for a while… I love I so much. It reminds me of the cupcake float from Victorious (if anyone knows that reference I applaud you) and I really love it honestly.
Prediction: An actress or/and singer (female), I low key want it to be like one of the actresses I grew up on like anyone who used to be on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel… so my dream cast would be between Liz Gillies (who played Jade on Victorious), Victoria Justice (Tori also on Victorious) or Sabrina Carpenter (from Girl Meets World on Disney Channel)
First Clue: 🧭 pointing North
Rating: 10/10!
4. Mallard (Duck) 🦆
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Thoughts: Wow, this one is really dope and dapper looking, it kind of reminds me of Giraffe from season 4, I really like the look of it. Also, I heard from the preview that he can sing a mean country song, so I’m excited, I hope he’s good, fingers crossed.
Prediction: From what Robin Thicke said in the preview, perhaps a country singer or an actor who can sing country. My dream cast would probably be Keith Urban, Jason Aldean, or LeAnn Rimes’s husband (who was on that Netflix show about country music so I guess he can do a country song idk) Eddie Cibrian
First Clue: Red telephone ☎️
Rating: 10/10
5. Dalmatian 🐶
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Thoughts: This one is also pretty cool, I really hope someone in sports isn’t under there because that would be way too predictable… it reminds me of last season’s Bulldog mask which ended up being Nick Cannon… but like cooler for some reason
Prediction: I’m gonna go off the cuff here (since those kind of responses work for this show lol) and I think it might be a rapper of some sort, similar to like Frog or Chameleon. My dream cast for this one would probably be Kendrick Lamar, Snoop Dogg (lolll get it… probably not tho), or Chance the Rapper
First Clue: Eagles 🦅
Rating: 9/10
6. Octopus 🐙
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Thoughts: This is my first time seeing the octopus, since it was just revealed today… but I really like the vibe, even though it is a bit of an unconventional twist on an octopus. I like the idea of an octopus for this season since so many international versions have it and the American one really needed it. It’s cool ngl, I was hoping for more of an authentic octopus tentacle thing instead of just the pants but it is cool regardless
Prediction: I think this is a male actor or singer, someone a bit older or someone popular from the 80s or 90s. I am in between like a member of Boyz 2 Men, Ted Danson, or Lance Bass for a dream cast.
First Clue: Cookie 🍪 dunked in milk 🥛
Rating: 8/10
7. Bull 🐂
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Thoughts: I really like what Masked Singer did with the bull, making it look like a Spanish matador which is super cool and also ironic in a funny way. It looks really cool, kinda reminds me of the Dragon from season 4. I like it a lot tbh.
Prediction: I think this might be a male actor or musician… I am thinking similar my prediction to Octopus, either older or popular from the 80s-90s. Again, dream cast wise, I would say someone from Boyz 2 Men, AJ McClain from Backstreet Boys, or like a legend like Paul McCartney
First Clue: Lions and Tigers
Rating: 9/10
8. Queen of Hearts 🫀
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Thoughts: It’s a dope costume, but the one eye and the mouth is kinda creepy looking tbh. I do like the idea of an actual heart with a crown being the Queen of Hearts instead of like a similar thing to Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts.
Prediction: Probably a female actress or TV personality (probably from reality TV perhaps), age wise I am not too sure but it might be a shorter girl. Dream cast wise I would say Liza Koshy, Nicole Richie, or Paris Hilton.
First Clue: Horses
Rating: 8/10
9. Baby 👶🏼
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Thoughts: Damn, that’s a creepy baby and Masked Singer confirmed on Instagram that it was their biggest costume yet, which their previous biggest one was 7 feet, so a huge baby makes it even more terrifying like wow! However, having said that, part of me is pretty intrigued to see who the hell is under this mask. I’m sure they cannot sing tho…
Prediction: My mind straight goes to an male athlete because that would be so funny and kind of a troll on Masked Singer’s part… and that’s most of the big people we have seen thus far. So, dream cast wise, you are allowed to laugh at me but my mind immediately went to Shaq (Shaquille O’Neal) because he’s huge and if you are gonna go big for someone, it would be for Shaq.
First Clue: "This pacifier sucker never claimed to be classy, especially when I get gassy"
Rating: 6/10
10. Beach Ball 🏖
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Thoughts: Yeah, there is no way a human could fit in that thing, but it’s cool regardless… I also saw that it has two faces. That’s super interesting to me honestly, it reminds me of Snail from last season who ended up being a Muppet, so this is a bit reminiscent of that. I like it, this is the most intriguing one thus far.
Prediction: As I kind of hinted at in my thoughts, I feel like this is a Muppet or puppet of some kind, round two! There might be more than one puppet in there because of the two faces, but I am gonna assume one for dream cast reasons, I really want it to be Miss Piggy because it would be funny with Kermit being there last season.
First Clue: 2 band-aids shaped like an X
Rating: 8/10
That’s it for part 1! Stay tuned for part 2 for more costumes and predictions! See you guys then! 👋🏼
* This post was edited on September 13th to add the 1st clues from the sneak peak episode that aired on September 12th but even though some of my thoughts have changed (especially with Queen of Hearts), I will not be changing them and I can elaborate better when the episode airs *
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Phoebe's powers went really off the rails around season six, bc it was obvious that the writers were just straight up throwing darts at the board for her empathy, so for the sake of consistency, how would you have developed her powers? (all of them, tbh, i feel like premonitions and empathy go well but idk why they did levitation like that, all of it was just weird) alt. option to include all sisters if you'd like?
like levitation was really a wild card they just wanted a power it’s not great it doesn’t make sense i wouldn’t have minded if they just hadn’t done it and gone premonition to empathy to uhh empathic reflection / yknow zapping someone’s brain like that would have been cool that would have been all fine and dandy i really would have loved to see phoebe develop the power that she use to kill on screen like i get she also technically levitated in morality bites but like i feel like everyone’s too focused on the murder power to worry about the levitation that didn’t have to happen. i think having phoebe have emotion/psychic based powers is just like a pretty dope theme to give her something consistent to stick with like the levitation really didn’t make sense and it’s like. maybe if they used it proper we all wouldn’t be so against it like they literally just have her like. jump high in the air sometimes. stale. if they had done wirework like the way they do wirework in like kung fu movie and all that y’know then it’d be kinda cool nothing too like over the top and flashy just something to really enhance fight choreography it really could have added a new level to charmed i think it could have been lit but we did not do that. therefore levitation is fuckin stupid to have as a power. that jumping was so dumb. so stupid shout out to that one time tho s4 the fifth halliwheel when phoebe stands on a wall. shouldda done like that more often
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Stranger Things for the show meme please?
hell yes strangy thingy time.............
show asks [ACCEPTING]
my all-time ultimate fave character: it’s an hard tie between steve and dustin. dustin was my son from season 1, but steve’s development in season 2 made him one of my all time faves too,,,,...and of course obligatory shoutout to hopper because i want him to be my dad
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: lucas and lowkey max. couldn’t stand lucas in season 1 but he’s one of the highlights in season 3 tbh, and uhhhwhile i still don’t really like max, i saw a good improvements in s3, at least when it comes to her friendship with eleven. she’s more than “i’m the token badass girl”, in a way
a character I used to like but now don’t: mike and nancy. lowkey least fav characters i’m not even kidding,,,
a character I’m indifferent about: jonathan. esp considering how GOOD his mom and brother are, he’s just... kinda there. kinda being the boyfriend to Satan(tm) and thats it?
a character who deserved better: the answer is YES but mostly gonna @ will and joyce. give her a boyfriend that doesn’t explode please. give them both a boyfriend
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: nancy and johnathan. they were.. ok in s1 but as soon as they became canon they were pretty boring. same goes for lucas and max, i hope they broke up because uh.. sounds kinda toxic to me
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: joyce and B O B, joyce and hopper, dustin and suzie, robin and someone im begging you give robin a cute gf, and platonically speaking robin/steve/dustin are Great Bros and i love them
a cute, low-key ship: despite everything? eleven and mike are cute ok
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: eleven/max? yes. i havent seen a single post about them and honestly im surprised
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: bringing back lucas/max because yeesh
my favourite storyline/moment: the entire dustin-robin-steve plot in s3, hopper decking the shit out of a politician and, if i may be a normie? the scene with the christmas lights spelling “run” in s1 was dope
a storyline that never should have been written: the sorry excuse of a love triangle with max, dustin and lucas and that one episode with eleven’s sister. s2 wasn’t the best tbh
my first thoughts on the show: i’m scared, i’m terrified, why is winona ryder sad someone save my MOM
my thoughts now: while it’s a fun show, i’d love it if they actually started to explain what’s going on. it seems like they just adding plots and questions without giving answers - and when they do, we get season 2 which was. meh. i hope they don’t exaggerate too much with the seasons for the sake of milking it but on the other hand i’m LOVING the plots with joyce and hopper and, again, dustin steve and robin so. we’ll see............
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 230: League of Thots
Previously on BnHA: We learned all about Twice’s past, which was a lot like Oliver Twist, if you’re like me and you never actually read Oliver Twist and only have extremely vague memories of watching one of the movie versions as a kid and seeing some poor wretched child asking for more oatmeal and falling in with some lovable scalawags. Although I’m pretty sure Oliver Twist never hit a dude with a motorcycle and made a bunch of clones of himself because he was lonely and then the clones all tried to kill each other. But like, other than that, I still kinda got that vibe, idk. Anyway so Twice is great and we all love him and feel sorry for him, and the Metahuman Liberation Army ripped his mask off because they’re dicks, and then they broke his arms because see re: the part where they’re dicks. But once his arms were broken, Twice, who’d been having an ongoing identity crisis due to not being sure whether he was one of his own clones, realized he couldn’t be a clone since he was still alive and hadn’t melted into a big blob after taking all that damage. So then he got all empowered, and he made like a dozen fresh new clones of himself, and now they’re gonna fuck up the MLA’s shit hopefully, and good riddance.
Today on BnHA: The League of Twices surges forth to do battle with the forces of evil and it’s my favorite thing ever. What started out as a dozen quickly multiplies exponentially -- we’re talking literal exponential growth here -- until Re-Destro’s Army of 116,000 people actually find themselves outnumbered. Up in his tower, Re-Destro is all “gee Skeptic you sure did fuck up spectacularly :)” and Skeptic quickly makes himself scarce, leaving Giran all on his own to antagonize RD about how royally screwed he is. Back in the thick of things, Dabi continues to attack The Night King, but it turns out he’s able to create new ice from just about any water source, so that complicates things a bit. Meanwhile Dabi is apparently starting to roast himself with his own quirk, which is very interesting and a huge clue as to how he came to be where he is, all scarred up and presumably Presumed Dead, and it’s all very intriguing. But before we can ponder that much, we cut to Ujiko, who’s getting tired of watching the League kick ass so effortlessly and decides to throw a Gigantomachia-shaped wrench into the mix just for the hell of it, waking the big guy early so he can join in on the fun. Well you won’t see me complaining omg.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a couple of ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
oh my god
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first of all, y’all know I love it when Horikoshi really gets into the nitty-gritty of how someone’s quirk works and hammers out all the little stipulations and provisions about what they can and can’t do, etc. but then to do it with this adorable little chibi Twice sketch is almost too much. we’re only on the first panel here; if this is an indicator of what the rest of the chapter is gonna be like, fair warning that I will probably have a number of little fangirling breakdowns
anyhoo, so this definitely clears some things up. the translation could be a little clearer, but I’m gonna take this to mean that he has a two-clone limit, period, and can’t make more than two of any person or object until the existing clones disappear. meaning that this can’t actually be used to create entire armies, which is a smart move on Horikoshi’s part in terms of keeping him from getting too op. this is especially important because we know his clones can use the same quirks as the original. so yeah, that could potentially get out of hand real fast without a few limiters in place
but! there is one exception to the “only two” rule, which we’re now seeing in action! a quirk hack, if you will. which is that if he clones himself, each of those clones is then capable of using the same Doubling quirk under the same rules. so each clone can make an additional two clones. which is dope. like, past a certain point, you actually have to start using math to keep up with him. and that part is in fact pretty motherflippin’ powerful, even if each duplicate is weaker than the last. it’s definitely not something you want to fuck with. I would sure hate to be a person, or army of people, who have done just that and are now going to have to feel his wrath. oh man
so because this is a Flashback Arc we are now cutting to another flashback, but this time a more recent one involving the Shigaraki Squad all hanging out in the ol’ Villain Shack
-- holy shit
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okay but this is so fucking smart, though. these guys keep thinking of things that would never, ever occur to me because try as I might, I just can’t get on the same level of thinking outside the box that they’re at. obviously they’re a good deal more primed to think of creative applications of their own quirks, having lived with said quirks for most of their lives. but still
anyways, look at me, I’m practically beside myself being impressed even though Twice wasn’t actually able to do anything lol. but just, even the fact that they tried is impressive to me. leave no avenue unexplored. god this manga is so good
anyway so now we’re cutting back to the present, and Twice is thinking that he wants to repay his friends for accepting him. “that’s all I ever think about!”
weekly reminder that Twice is in fact the nicest guy in the series. and it’s all the more impressive since he lacked any kind of good influence when he was growing up. dude is a fucking saint if you think of it like that
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lol. well no one ever said saints couldn’t be violent sometimes
so now the MLA goons who were formerly watching on the sidelines are all “oh shit” and they’re rushing in to try to help contain the situation
only to be confronted with this
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you see?? math. Twice to the nth power. holy shit
also the title/attack name Sad Man’s Parade is so good and evocative that I assumed it must be a reference to something, but when I googled it just now all I got was links to articles and reviews of this very chapter. but I still think it must be a reference though. we’ve had a lot of them recently, including last week’s title, which as @herongale pointed out to me was a reference to The Killing Joke. so if any smart person can figure this one out, please let me know. it sounds like a song or something maybe
anyway I just clicked to the next page and it’s the most badass thing I’ve ever seen so let me just share that with y’all
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things I like:
Twice’s face
that last panel. just. that
Twice holding Toga all protectively fffsdfasd
and did I mention that face though. holy hecking fuck my lovable lil LoV mascot is suddenly all grown up and making me feel things. going after all of my weak spots at once! protecting his friends: check. all scuffed up and covered in blood all sexy-like: double check. and last but not least, that look of utter, fearless determination: checkcheckmotherfuckincheck
jesus christ. first Giran and now you. more like League of Thirst, fml. what was that he was saying in the previous chapter about his scary looks?? you know what Twice, you can fuck right off with that noise. I can’t believe you were holding out on us this entire time
anyway so now here’s Re-Destro to chill me out before I completely lose my shit
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ah, nothing like that arrogant pointy mug to bring me back down to reality right quick. really can’t wait until someone knocks this guy down off his high horse
and now he’s turning and casually remarking to Skeptic that it’s rare to see him fail. and holy shit though, there’s something about this scene that just sent a chill down my spine
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and why did I get flashbacks to that poor lil dead mouse guy just now, though. the thing about Re-Destro is he’s the kind of guy who can and will be all smiles right up to and including the point where he happily snaps your neck for having displeased him. and that is scary as fuck. just look how quickly Skeptic noped the fuck out of there
look at him omg
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he sure got the message right away, didn’t he? better go fix things right the fuck now if you enjoy being alive, dude
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holy shit. he is genuinely scary. that one panel there may actually be scarier than anything AFO ever did. I suddenly had a rush of appreciation for Overhaul of all people, yes you heard me right, because at least he was just unabashedly Straight Up Evil. none of this pretending to be all nice with this cold dead look in your eyes bullshit
just, I really don’t like how it just seems like he could snap at any time and you’re never quite sure what the final trigger might actually be. it’s terrifying. but I guess that’s the kind of vibe you’ve got to have if you’re looking to be a villain so bad that the actual villains are fighting against you lol
now Giran is straight up not giving a fuck again, and acting like he’s not tied to a chair with one remaining hand and trapped in a room with this profoundly unsettling man, and as usual I love it
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you just keep on being insolent and sarcastic you sexy piece of shit. you’re doing great
lol now Re-Destro says they’ll overcome quantity with quality, and wow. that may just be the most delusional thing this asshole has said thus far. have we even been reading the same arc?? are you really trying to say that your Metahuman Army of Jackasses is in any way even in the same league as Tomura’s merry band of ragtag prodigies? just go ahead and admit that they’re wiping the floor with you
and as if to prove my point
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tbh I’m genuinely starting to feel like any one member of the League could singlehandedly take out Re-Destro’s entire force. and they haven’t even introduced you to Gigantomachia yet!! my god. RD’s horribly discomforting general vibe aside, this arc is like watching a horror movie play out where none of the victims realizes how screwed they are until it’s too late. and also you’re rooting for the killers because they’re likable and sexy
I do have to hand it to Parka here though because he’s somehow not dead yet in spite of all that, which is legitimately impressive
Dabi even says that his ice is almost gone. you’re living on borrowed time Baskin Robbins
ooh now we’re getting a quick panel of Compress doing his thing while Dabi carries on
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Compress are we getting your flashbacks next. I can only begin to imagine what kind of tragic and relatable things you’ve been through and how hot you probably are too underneath that mask. how long until you’re my new favorite character. I’m onto this arc and its games by this point, Horikoshi. you and your motherfucking League of Thots ffff
Dabi is all “why do I have to help you?” lol. classic Dabi
eh what’s this
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before I click to the next page, I’m just going to assume he’s talking about the twelve million Twices headed their way
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new favorite panel alert
oh my god. this is amazing. more of him to love
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and Compress is all “wow that sounds like something from a hero story,” and then we’re cutting to another Twice panel so that we can’t see him turning and winking at the audience
Twice says that the League are his only friends in the world and that they’re all precious to him. actually, he didn’t say it so much as he straight up yelled it. nicest guy in the fucking world I’m telling you. what a good egg. what a chaotic good little boy scout
lmao now he’s drunk on power and ambition
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lmao go for it. THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER
(ETA: also I just realized what I said before about him not being able to make an army is clearly blatantly untrue, since even though he has the two-clone limit, that hardly matters if there are like 17,000 of him and each of them can clone two other people. he truly is a beast.)
oh my god
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are you telling me that you guys are kicking so much ass that it’s actually backfiring on you. “that was such a good plan that we had, but unfortunately we didn’t take into account that we’re straight up gangstas who kick ass and take names”
hell, if the Army’s all gone by the time G-Man gets here, you can just sic all the clones on him and see if it finally gets you somewhere! I’m past the point of putting anything past you guys now. I’m pretty sure you can do anything. I’m glad you’re on our side. oh shit wait
anyway so Compress is checking his dandy pocket watch and says Giganto should be there in one hour and five minutes
are they taking travel time into account?? or wait, I guess Ujiko can just warp him over to their location once he finally wakes up. right
Twice is telling them all that Toga’s in trouble and needs help! yessss help her. I got so caught up in your tremendous badassery that I almost forgot
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oh go figure
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you know it really is incredible how quickly Horikoshi can get me back on that “so are we going to get any Dabi flashbacks” train though lol. I really should know better by this point. quash those hopes. this manga is not a charity; we don’t give out flashbacks for free just like that
and yet. my brain says no but my heart says “pleasepleaseplease”
so now Ben & Jerry’s is saying that he can also control the temperature of the ice. um, what? it’s already ice; how much colder can it possibly get? unless you’re talking about making it warmer, in which case I hate to break it to you but then it’s water and not ice, and you obviously can’t control water so
oh wait he just means that he can use his ice to freeze other stuff and make More Ice. oh
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and now Klondike here is launching into some kind of speech, oh joy
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hoohhhhh boy
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[sidles up to Dabi] hey there boy. that last part sound like anything you’ve heard before? jog any memories for you there bud? provoke any thoughts? spark any reveries??
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Dabi you’re really one hell of a closed book, you know that? fuck my life
(ETA: but also! so the real colors of the MLA finally come out, huh. for all their talk of freeing people from oppression, they’re no different from the people they want to overthrow; it’s just that they want to oppress the people who don’t have quirks, or whose quirks are “weak.” no doubt the original Destro had a similar philosophy. can’t imagine quirkless people making out too well in this brave new world of theirs. in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if there was eventually a mass genocide of anyone quirkless. it would get real dark real fast.)
oh shit
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okay first of all, !!!@KLK!L!!!LK!”!!!GGKK
and second, Horikoshi continues the trend of putting the brakes on the League’s powers getting out of control, even as he shows how much they can still kick ass when unleashed to their fullest potential. that’s a hell of a balance to strike
and third, !LJ!L!!!!”!”“!DSFLSDIW for reals though because this is the first we’ve ever gotten as far as actual details regarding those scars and their possible origins, and holy shit but I can’t. finally some more info on the mysterious house elf
and meanwhile Compress is sitting in a mess of melted and frozen Twices, and thinking that it would be great if they could have Haagen-Dazs face off against Gigantomachia. but like, the way he says that kind of implies that he doesn’t think he’s gonna last that long lol. which I’m in agreement with. Dabi you can go ahead and take this popsicle fucker out now
-- !!?!!
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okay Horikoshi you can’t just CUT TO UJIKO LIKE THAT WITHOUT WARNING you ass. give me a sec to brace myself first would ya
and poor little John standing there in the corner. John-kun ;_; god that’s so fucked up to just draw him chilling there all but forgotten until he’s actually needed
and what do you mean “if you were to die here.” underestimating them much? but if you want to toss them a bone though sure go ahead
so does this mean he’s going to unleash another High End?? because I’m all out of puns for those, so I’ll have to come up with a new shtick and I can’t just do that off the cuff you know
oh, nope. even better!
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yooooooo things about to get lit up in the club omgggggggg
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okay first of all is he literally uprooting fucking trees just by waking up from his nap slkjdlfffff how many more ways can Horikoshi come up with to show us how much of a fucking beast this guy is. holy fuck
hahaha this arc is making me want to be a villain. I can’t help it. they make it look like so much fun. shit
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this has been the most wild fuckin year so let’s do a Year in Review shall we
in terms of internet and fandom life, that is. my real life has been atrociously boring but who cares about real life amirite folx
january probably the only calm month of the year.  i spent the first day of the month watching the brazilian inauguration in burgos, spain with one headphone in, while ordering for my family in a restaurant where nobody spoke english (my sister speaks decent spanish, but my whole family has like 8194814 food restrictions so it kind of went past her level of ability). translating between spanish and english with portuguese in one year was kind of awesome. i watched bodyguard and it was amazing!  what else...in january i briefly owned the issue of spanish GQ with Luka on the cover which i then forgot about until november. other than that...? nada.  the calm before the storm. (fav music)
february was so long ago that i keep forgetting how insane its 28 days were.  probably the wildest month of the year really. i got involved in an absolutely batshit and exclusive group chat with a famous person’s family member (which must remain confidential). it was all sunshine and rainbows for a week and a half and it then devolved into the most absolutely insane Lord of the Flies situation ever--it turned into 1 main chat and then 1 chat that was less puritanical than the main chat, and that chat spawned another chat that didn’t trust the previous chat, and then that chat had a massive argument and a like 6-person bitchy chat modded by a gay guy who does voodoo (shoutout to ALCIDES) spawned from that one.  i made it into every level of group chat and was asked by the tiny bitchy chat to spy on the other bitchy chat (i did not lol). i was a member of the tiny bitchy chat until i got a new phone and was logged out of whatsapp for like a month.  these words can’t even convey what this chat was like--oh and did i mention it was all conducted in only my 3rd-best language? it’s no wonder my weird ass survived middle school almost entirely unscathed.  as this was winding down, on the very last day of the month, I found out about Justin’s involvement in the SNC-Lavalin scandal and decided to go public about my years-long boner for him; Lavscam definitely changed the course of the rest year ~ Oh, also i began helping to repair a friendship that had had some Drama go down so that was p cool ~ (fav music)
march was a Time. The insanity of lavscam helped me finally finish the macdeau I started writing the previous December when a bunch of tungelr people called me disgusting for writing it.  i wrote my first straight-up serious explicit porn in years which has wound up being the third-longest thing i’ve ever published on ao3. Also, Hozier released Wasteland, Baby! which made a huge impact on me as well.  i spent like half of march staying up till 3:30 am writing said Long Fic, and i was firmly in the closet about stanning manu. also justin almost got a vote of no confidence or something and he got busted for eating a chocolate bar during a parliamentary all-nighter.  (fav music)
in april i wrote a ton of fanfic thanks to declining mental health(tm).  i think this is when i started my emmanuyell insta account and became really into making weird edits (which i still love doing just...don’t anymore.)  i started meeting some cool people thanks to macdeau.  what else happened in april? i feel like it wasn’t actually too eventful other than writing a lot of fanfic and being Annoyed about manu.  feel free to jog my memory lol.  oh i think i wrote “Okay so who from the French national team are we gonna ship Manu with” on twitter after seeing photos of manu + antoine griezmann at the World Cup but nothing came of that...at that time... (fav music)
may saw me having to deal with my shit mental health and up my meds but that seems to have had a good effect because i seem to not be too depressed to write in the winter/fall anymore! it was the 2nd anniversary of manu’s election and at the Christchurch Call in paris, macdeau took that amazing fairytale princess photo together that was completely unrivalled in Gay Shippy Feels moments until ivan went out of his way to kiss luka during the el clásico gameplay last wednesday. someone wrote ao3′s first griezmanu drabble and at the end manu gets down on his knees in front of antoine, takes off his shoes for him, and sucks his dick, and i achieved another state of being entirely.  my sister graduated from grad school and when we went down to DC for the weekend i went to eat at this restaurant manu famously ate at while there and ordered the same stuff he did and i have no idea how he consumed all that grease.  i learned about the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel *snort*. i feel like other things happened in may too?  OH YES--i got the idea for my magnum opus, Trophy Boyfriend, and started to write it. the first scene i wrote was justin blowing manu in the hallway. then the same day i wrote the scene at the airport (which was the ending for a solid month and half till i realized it shouldn’t be), and the saddest scene in the fic--but we’ll stop to open presents.  oh! and i stumbled across the macronists discord chat which is such a delightful little community *weepy sniffles* (fav music)
june was Eventful.  a french neonazi on tumblr told me to go let manu fuck me in the ass because i was a fucking degenerate.  what a start!  then came the ceremony in which manu awarded everyone on the french national team the legion of honor medal and the way he and antoine looked at each other was truly...Wait it was the 3rd Gay Shippy Feels moment of the year.  as soon as the ceremony was over i wrote a fic about it and haven’t looked back.  between this + watching almost every 2018 World Cup game and the women’s world cup (during which I cried during argentina’s last game because of that miraculous penalty) i finally achieved my years-long goal of getting into Futbol(TM).  Antoine dropped his spotify playlist and my crush on him turned into Intense Love (TM) and also he introduced me to some legit awesome artists.  which led to (fav music)
july, in which i wrote “ça c’est ma dope” which is definitely the best thing i’ve written since i wrote “modernity towering in front of the sky” almost exactly 10 years before. got embroiled in Soccer Transfer Drama and learned its pain for the first time (unfortunately, since i wound up attaching my heart-wagon to barça’s Suddenly Least Favorite Player, the transfer drama pain has...never ended) became a full-fledged culé, O the joy O the honor.  i wanted to ship antoine with someone on the team, which in their current chemistry-less season is a real challenge, but after seeing a few photos i decided it would be fun to casually ship antoine + ivan rakitic (partially because, ever since i went from Enemies to Lovers with the croatia NT during the World Cup, he was one of the only players i knew anything about other than messi, suárez, and piqué lmao). while looking on ao3 to see what kind of headcanons people had about him--and the fic is definitely in general better than what’s out there about antoine, which is perplexing because antoine is much easier to write than ivan--i found That Amazing Rakidric Fic and thought “oh wait that ship makes a lot of sense” and started also shipping ivan and luka with the fire of a thousand suns.  oh and my air conditioner was broken for like 3 weeks. i worked on more fics, seriously outlining the path of Trophy Boyfriend, and my music taste was killer. (fav music)
in august i finished Trophy Boyfriend in my neighborhood Starbucks after writing the scene that was giving me the most trouble (the scene at the beginning where they’re organizing their book collection). the fic has made multiple people cry and people disagree on whether justin’s choice at the end was the right one and god i’m so proud of it.  Instantly went on to write ‘i might not mind,’ a lively lighthearted Friends to Lovers ivantoine~ romp which was definitely going to be a one-off and i was definitely not going to get an extra celeb crush out of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (fav music)
in september ivantoine became A Thing in my mind and it’s a whole ongoing slow-burn character-arcy series that has taken a very different turn than i had expected. i’m not saying it’s like, the most deep writing of all time, but it’s gone to some interesting places emotionally. honestly, ships and boners aside, the concept of a person who made some really stupid homophobia 101 comments many years ago slowly realizing over and over again that they have gay feelings for a man who seems rather comfortable with gayness is a fascinating one and one that’s really cool to explore in writing.  Or at least, i think so.  in many ways ivan is my most unreliable narrator because of the many layers of Discomfort, Emotion and Repression at play in the fic while he’s interacting with this pretty cheery and uncomplicated seeming-dude who’s still perceptive enough to sort of know what’s going on (and that’s not even adding in the star player/falling from grace former rockstar dynamic!!!)  i know in the current climate it’s Not Allowed to write about someone who said a bad, but luckily i’m too old to give a Fuck. ivantoine is hard to write but it’s my bff’s favorite ship of mine and has a few other excited fans on ao3 which tbh is kind of an accomplishment considering i made it up out of thin air and it’s not something you’d ever think would be a thing. instantly also developed ‘getting called out about ivan by a child on the internet’ as a goal.  and...i achieved my dream of leading high holiday services!!! (fav music)
october had more high holiday services and i worked a lot on certain fics (including d*janfic which would be fun to finish). i came up with the idea of a Very Long Rakidric Fic based on the translation of a gorgeous croatian folk song i sang in college (Janko fell asleep under the poplar/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/Under the poplar's golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/I tore off the golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me--in which the golden branch is a reference to a way to get into the underworld). decided to start quarter-assedly learning croatian for fun.  Fun...ha.  other than fangirling a lot and watching the croatian NT play, october was pretty uneventful? i think? Justin got reelected and mauricio didn’t ;( (fav music)
in november i finally achieved my dream of having a literal child on the internet call me out about being attracted to a homophobe.  (they were a madridista even!) accidentally started writing some more rakidric and now i’m seriously hooked.  also accidentally came out of the closet about the secret crush i’d been harboring on luka modric and then one fateful day in the ihop on 14th st i realized i’d had this crush already and repressed it from my memory. Don’t do that kids! now it’s Hurting Really Bad. Ivan dropped the most pathetic and candid interview like...ever and i hope “¿Cómo puede disfrutar uno? Jugando al fútbol. ¿Cómo se siente mi hija pequeña cuando le quitan un juguete? Triste. Yo me siento igual. Me han quitado la pelota, me siento triste” goes down in the history of most epic futbol quotes of all time.  (still haven’t actually been able to watch this because no one has uploaded it anywhere)  What else...............Am i forgetting anything? i celebrated my birthday with @tender-vittles in epic fashion after two years of Not doing that, and turned 32 going on 15.  enjoyed my first-ever “x reader” fic (zlatko dalic x reader LOL) and finished “drive your plow over the bones of the dead” which was real fucking good. i saw hozier live and it was a religious experience and i unexpectedly cried during nina cried power and then called myself “Luka B” when ordering at the classy taco bell across the street after getting a glimpse of alexxx ryan in the flesh. (fav music)
now it’s december and my seasonal depression is a little worse than it’s been the past few years but i’m managing.  still shipping and writing and i just got called out about ivan again last week.  i’m 2 for 2 here!  el clásico was boring but also it was gay and my heart my heart my heart ! Anything could happen in the last 10 days of this year and honestly...I’m pretty sure I’m ready.
Most importantly this year, despite it being not that great in a lot of ways, I developed a lot more self confidence, made many important realizations, and became a lot more peaceful (despite how this post makes me sound) and wiser and less bitter and pessimistic.  And i became outspoken enough about antisemitism on the left to lose friends over it...3 for 3.  i can’t say i’m displeased with these developments.
Hasta 2020! <3
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actually all qs cuz I wanna get to know u :) boink!
I will be excluding the ones Ive done (:
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Wine glasses/water bottles c:
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Bubblegum! im not really a big fan of cotton candy tbh.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? for some reason, soda from plastic cups hit different 😞
7. earbuds or headphones? headphones in the winter, earbuds in the summer.
9. favorite smell in the summer? the smell of my oncoming de- the smell of flowers blooming.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? it depends, some mornings I skip breakfast all together, others i’ll have a light snack, or I just have some cereal or make an egg.
12. name of your favorite playlist? ‘Recently added’
13. lanyard or key ring? landyard so I can find my keys easily. I still lose it tho-
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? spicy or sour candies are dope a f.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? The first book I read that I actually enjoyed was twilight.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? with my legs w I d e open because I cant sit properly.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? my tan/floral converses.
18. ideal weather? cloudy, cold, and raining 😌.
19. sleeping position? on my stomach, leg raised to my abdomen while the other is in the open air, and hands underneath my pillow. the BEST.
21. obsession from childhood? picking my scabs-
22. role model? my mom and sisters.
24. favorite crystal? garnet. It’s also my birthstone! I have it as a gem for my class ring.
25. first song you remember hearing? “bidi bidi mom mom” by selena quintanilla.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? if it’s not scorching hot, go on walks.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? snuggle up in a blanket and watch movies.
28. five songs to describe you? ‘humble’ kendrick lamar, ‘cry baby’ melanie martinez, ‘stupid’ ashnikko, ‘paparazzi’ lady gaga, ‘or nah’ ty dollar $ign.
29. best way to bond with you? send me M E M E S-
30. places that you find sacred? my bed.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? ripped jeans, boots, a crop top, and a jacket.
33. most used phrase in your phone? fuck.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? that empire carpet wash commercial.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? DAT BOI.
37. suitcase or duffel bag? duffel bag.
38. lemonade or tea? how about both of them combined 😉.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? I hate pie 🙊
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? someone brought a gun and it fell out of their backpack during 2nd period.
41. last person you texted? @caws5749
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? pants pockets. BUT THE DEEP ONES NOT THOSE SMALL FUCKING ONES.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? hoodies or a bomber jacket.
44. favorite scent for soap? Lavender.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? superhero!
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? naked-
47. favorite type of cheese? queso fresco.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? mango.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “im a bad bitch you cant kill me”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? anytime my friends and I joke around.
51. current stresses? school, personal issues, and my NEW JOB THATS RIGHT YALL YO GIRL EMPLOYED.
52. favorite font? calibri.
53. what is the current state of your hands? kinda rough but smooth.
54. what did you learn from your first job? that people fucking suck.
55. favorite fairy tale? little red riding hood.
56. favorite tradition? eating tamales during christmas time.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? that im not perfect, my flaws are just as beautiful as my perfections, and that im just ug-
58. four talents you’re proud of having? im not talented aT ALL. uh...
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? ‘let’s fuck ‘em up’
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? sasuke from naruto or mey-rin from kuroshitsuji.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? “see you in a minute”
62. seven characters you relate to? natasha, cristina yang, dexter, ford, thor, scott lang, and tony.
63. five songs that would play in your club? ‘bodak yellow’, ‘man of the year’, ‘rockstar’, ‘bickenhead’, ‘slumber party’.
64. favorite website from your childhood? I forgot the name but it was that educational site with the orange robot and human.
65. any permanent scars? my entire body is riddled in scars no joke.
66. favorite flower(s)? hibiscus and roses.
67. good luck charms? my dog’s name tag.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? onions-
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? that cracking your joints won't give you arthritis.
70. left or right handed? im mixed handed but I do the majority of stuff with my right.
71. least favorite pattern? plaid.
72. worst subject? MATH FJSKSJKFSJS I HATE IT.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? have yall tried chocolate milk with chicken nuggets-
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 8-9 because I tend to fight back and not admit there is something wrong going on 😬.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? 2nd grade I believe.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? for some reason my love of tater tots has come back.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? uh cacti?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? coffee from a gas station cus im not trying to die-
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? oh man, I look like shit in both of them. School id.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? earth tones!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? ive never seen either 😔.
82. pc or console? i’ve own consoles for most of my life.
83. writing or drawing? writing. I cant draw very well.
84. podcasts or talk radio? podcasts! I listen to ‘last podcast on the left’.
84. barbie or polly pocket? barbies! did anyone make their barbies have sex or was it just me-?
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology. yall don't know this but I have fallen into the greek mythology rabbit hole-
86. cookies or cupcakes? I fuck heavy with cupcakes TILL THIS DAY.
87. your greatest fear? to see those I love die.
88. your greatest wish? to be happy.
89. who would you put before everyone else? myself.
90. luckiest mistake? guessing on a question and getting it right 😎.
91. boxes or bags? i’ll go with boxes. it makes everything easier to stack and organize.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? fairy lights are so pretty.
93. nicknames? clown by @caws5749, bottom by @domromanoff, and variations of my real name.
94. favorite season? fall/winter TIMEEEEE.
95. favorite app on your phone? mario kart. if anyone wants to be friends give me your friend code-
96. desktop background? it’s black with a colorful smoke cloud exploding.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? mine and my oldest sister’s because she has had that same number since I was in the WOMB.
98. favorite historical era? I would say the WWII era since ive studied more about it than any other era.
UPDATE; this would've been done last night but my screen decided to just crash and not save anything I had done and my girl sent my ass to bed so I couldn't finish it but here ya go boink!
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lifeofnickripley · 5 years
Game of Thrones: Fav characters and characters I dislike
(Long post) Kay so, today is the premiere of the final season, guess I'll do my top Ten favorite characters(it is pretty much my favorite show of all time). Show only since I have yet to read the books. If you wonder my opinion on any character not mentioned I either forgot to mention them or I didn't think they really earned a spot on the lists. Yes I do censor things in this a bit buuut I want my web comic to have a wider audience so yea, deal with it. (SPOILER WARNING, at this point, if ur not caught up tho, you have only yourself to blame) Liked Honorable mentions: - Melisandre - before I found out bout the necklace, I had the HUGEST crush on her. She's evil, yes, but she adds a sense of wonder and magic to the show, so I still like her character (other than that necklace scene obviously). Plus Jon wouldn't be back if it weren't for her so haters gonna hate. - Bronn- if he doesn't get his damn castle...lol I doubt I need to say why this wise cracking sword for hire is a favorite, I think most people love him. - Yara Greyjoy - Badass pirate/Viking chick on the high seas? Hell yeah! Plus I love Greyjoy armor, I don't doubt Euron will probably kill her though. - Oberyn Martell - Awesome character, the Red Viper was fierce with a spear and even moreso with his attitude. Unfortunately his pride wound up being his undoing in the end, arguably one of the most effective deaths in the series. - Tormund Giantsbane - How can you not love this absolute bro? I don't even like Brienne and I ship them. Geniune badass. - Jorah Mormont - Lord of the Friend zone, his loyalty makes him one of my favs, not top ten tier though - Petyr Baelish: The events of Game of Thrones wouldn't have happened without this slimy bastard. He was smart and cunning (which made him fun to watch) and though his death was cool, the build up was kind of weak (weird Sansa/Arya storyline) Favorite characters: 10.) Ned Stark - Everyone's original favorite character, his death cemented that GOT wasn't f*ckin around. I mean, damn, still a brutal death scene to watch to this day. Props to Sean Bean for making his so awesome. He was honorable to a fault in a dishonorable world. 9.) Ramsey Bolton - Kay, so I might get some flack for this one, but he was a great bad guy. I mean he was legit terrifying and despicable! Made the Battle of the Bastards have an entirely different level of intensity than most of the battle scenes. Dude was an absolute monster, but unlike another widely disliked villain, this psycho got his own hands dirty instead of beckoning others to. His death scene was poetic but I kinda wanted it to be gorier. (I'm an edgelord though) 8.)Jon Snow - Awesome character, obviously I dig him, so why so low on the list? Honestly, there's characters I like more. But he's still really cool, definitely has the best fight scenes of any of the characters. WE BETTER SEE GHOST THIS SEASON THOUGH!! Lol things are gonna be hella awkward when he finds out Dany is his aunt, yet we still root for them as a couple...that's wincest for you hurr hurr hurr hurr (sorry) I could see him living in the end cus tbh killing him again would be repetitive BS. 7.)Tywin Lannister - Kay...so he died on the sh*tter (imo probably the worst place to die) AND he was an absolute d*ck to Tyrion...but dude, he was awesome. He literally has a song about him in the world of GOT that is used as a warning to others to not f*ck with him!! He took a house that was laughed at and turned it into one of the most feared houses in all of Westeros. That is pretty frickin cool. 6.) Cersei Lannister - Another one I'll get flack for but whatever lol She's cool! So what she shags her brother and is an awful human being? She's a badass! Did you SEE how she blew up all of her enemies in the court and solidified her queen status in one fell swoop? That was dope!! She's vile but very entertaining to watch. RIP the Tyrells. Probably gonna get choked out though by her brother like Maggie the frog predicted. (By my second favorite character no less) 5.) Daenerys Targaryen - Dany! One of my cats is named after her! I love this character. The dragons are amazing, she's cute, she's powerful, maybe a little insane cus of Targaryen madness, and she's overcome some amazing odds. Her storylines could be a little meh in the grand scheme of things but Emilia Clarke's portrayal has made a character that we really root for. I suspect she'll die personally by the Night King buuuuut we'll see. 4.)Tyrion Lannister -Tyrion's writing has gone down a bit in recent seasons but still, most people's favorite Lannister. His quick wit and resilience make him a solidified favorite. Still seems like the person you'd most wanna drink with. I'd be pretty damn surprised if he bit the dust. 3.) Arya Stark - My other cat is named after her and there's a good reason why, SHE'S BASICALLY BECOME A FREAKING FACE STEALING NINJA!!! She was always likeable and I think I've enjoyed almost every storyline she's been a part of (excluding her main one last season) Maisie Williams is a great actress and I hope to see more of her in the future. I doubt Arya will die, but based on that one trailer, things do seem rather bleak for her. Who knows...maybe GRRM wants a divorce... 2.) Jaime Lannister - Yes. This dude is my favorite Lannister. In case you couldn't tell, Lannister is my favorite house. He's really had the best redemption arc in the series. He went from a character I disliked to my second favorite. I predict he will be the one to kill his sister, what happens to him after that, idk. It'll be awkward when he meets Bran again though... 1.) The Hound (Sandor Clegane) - CLEGANEBOWL BETTER HAPPEN!! Kay so... admittedly I screamed like a little freaking girl when this character came back. He... HE'S JUST SO FREAKING COOL!! Admittedly being a 6 footer and a rather grumpy individual, I probably relate to him more than I'd like to admit. Probably will die, but as long as he fights his brother, I'll be a very happy edgelord. Characters I dislike: 10.) Sansa Stark - Kay so I just...I dislike her, I never liked her. I feel sorry for her, sure. She's gotten better over time, sure. I still see her as very entitled and kinda whiny/bratty. She'll probably die. If not I won't be disappointed, still though, not a fan of Sansa. It was cool how she killed Ramsey, tho again, do wish the scene was gorier. 9.) Robb Stark - Ned Stark 2.0 but way less cool. Nuff said. I was okay with his death in the Red Wedding. Shouldn't have made a promise you weren't gonna commit to. Even if Walder Frey is a d*ck. 8.) Catelyn Stark - She was just such a jerk to Jon Snow and Tyrion, seriously. Even moreso in the books from what I have read of them. She got on my nerves. Honestly, I don't feel like Lady Stoneheart would've added much in terms of storyline. 7.) Brienne of Tarth: I find her annoying. Sure, her fight with the hound was FREAKING COOL, but she's kinda too self righteous for her own good. Duty is her thing and all but she is really not good at holding up to her vows. Still ship her and Tormund though. 6.) Theon Greyjoy - hated this dude, then felt sorry for him, now I roll my eyes at him. Honestly, Greyjoys other than Yara are pretty meh characters. Good for him finally regaining figurative cajones. Doubt he'll save his sister though, or survive the White Walkers for that matter. 5.) Euron Greyjoy - this one is a shame cus I hear the book character is amazing. Feels like a pretty generic bad guy of the week type for a show with outstanding villains. Funny like here or there, but kinda a weak character overall. Theon will probably kill him, though I'd love to see a twist where he kills Theon. 4.) Walder Frey - Old dude that got what was coming to him, props to the guy who plays Filch, portrayed two characters who were absolutely despicable. I doubt I really have to list the ways this cowardly character was despicable. Awesome death scene though. Winter came for House Frey. 3.) Shae - Grrrr. The actual actress I feel very sorry for cus I've heard her story, but man this character. Dumb but smart enough to screw over Tyrion. For personal reasons, I really hate this character, reminds me of people I've known. 2.) Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon - Most. Useless. Lannisters. Ever. I'm a Lannister fan so you could see why I roll my eyes so hard with these two. Tommen rolled over so hard you might as well have called him a wheel. And Myrcella was just kinda there, admittedly sad to watch her death scene though (pretty much moreso because it was the only time Jaime was really able to connect with his daughter) 1.) Joffrey Baratheon - Everyone probably saw this coming. Joffrey is that kid on the playground that'd hit you, you'd hit back, they'd start crying and get you in trouble. Everybody knew that kid, I think that's why everyone hates this character so. But man, his death scene was soooo satisfying. Props to the Jack Gleason for making him so horrible. There ya have it. My opinions on GOT characters. Freaking excited for tonight's premiere!! WINTER IS HERE!!
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