#the animatronics looked PHENOMENAL
flwffzz · 11 months
saw the fnaf movie, 10 year old me is very happy!
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
Not seeing many mention this, but I want to point something very important out about the new FNAF trailer especially, in case you haven't noticed...
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You see these guys? This is not cgi. These are actually fully-created animatronics developed by the crew at Jim Henson's Creature Shop.
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These things were purposefully designed to look as close as possible to their video game versions, and to be as absolutely unsettling as the well-known 90s animatronic versions of Chuck E. Cheese and the Rock-afire Explosion.
Clearly, they pulled this off phenomenally well for this film!
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These designs are intricate while also staying very close to the original character designs seen in the games, which proves how dedicated the team behind this movie really is about making a true-to-itself FNAF film! Seeing the quality on display here in just this first official trailer gives me some very high hopes for what we'll get to see in the movie once it comes out this October!
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Warning for a VERY decomposed, nearly-skinless animatronic!
A few years ago, one of the original E.T. animatronics went up for auction, selling for roughly 3 million USD. However, being several decades old, time wasn't exactly kind to him... Click with caution!
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...Yeesh. I mean, he's a PHENOMENAL piece of engineering artwork to look at, but jeez. I've never found E.T. appealing design-wise, to be fair, so maybe I'm biased a bit. I'm glad he was saved, at least! He's important history regardless.
Oh yeah, and the auction included an NFT. I think E.T. here can sum up my reaction to that pretty well:
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-Mod Rat
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lakesouperior · 11 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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biggestsimp12 · 5 months
Hi could I request the toy animatronics interacting with a young child reader that gets left behind after closing?
{Hi! Sorry for the late response, I had some health problems lately and couldn't bring myself out of the laziness and fatigue to write. But I'm all better now and ready to write! So here it is! ^^}
Child Reader who gets left behind x toy animatronics! (+puppet)
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You were simply a mere child, whose parents left you at a friend's birthday party in the famous Pretty smart to leave your child alone in a strangers supervision, right? Not. For some reason, your friends decided it was a good idea to play hide and seek, just before closing time. Of course, you found the most phenomenal spot to hide, which was behind puppets music box. It was rather naive of you, to think someone will actually search for there. That's why you hid there on the first place. Time flies by, yet slowly but surely, less and less voices could be heard around. It was rather strange, but you, the determined kid who loved to win on hide and seek remained curled up in a ball, dead silent with a small grin on your face, falsely believing that you will eventually get pinpointed by your friends and go home as the winner of hide and seek. Your grin quickly vanished off your face when the lights went out, leaving you baffled. As the night sky gets darker, you ducked out of your hiding spot and started looking around the now empty pizzeria, feeling alone and frightened. You were the only one left behind and locked in after all their friends had gone home. The sound of the animatronic characters' movements is unnerving and you feel vulnerable being alone in this place. You start to walk around the pizzeria, hoping to find a way out. Suddenly, the remaining lights go out and you are left in total darkness, the sound of the animatronics' movements echoing in the empty pizzeria. You curled up into a ball as you sat on the cold tiled floor, sobbing uncontrollably whilst shaking. Out of the blue, sounds of metallic steps could be made out, as if they were approaching you. An animatronic with a pair of glowing green eyes stepped past you, heading towards the rather noisy vent, as if it had abnormal ideas of whereabouts. Watching a little, you realised it was one of the toy animatronics, none other than Toy Bonnie. You hesitantly walked up to him, pulling on his artificial fluffy tail. The animatronics' head twisted in your direction, emanating some sounds as if it was scanning you.
"H-hello mr bon bon... Can you help me find my parents? My friends left me here alone.. Do you think they will come back?"
You wistfully stated, looking at the animatronic with those innocent pleading eyes. You weren't sure if he was going to hurt you or even understand you for that matter. Before anything could occur, a black slender palm was placed over your head, making you flinch slightly. Your gaze moved to the slender figure, which was the indistinguishable, Puppet. It's minimal glowing orbs were gazing over you, as if asking you to trust it. The puppet was one to always frighten you but for some reason, it just felt right to trust it right now, as no one else was currently there for you. It lightly scooped you in its long arms, carrying you to the other toy animatronics. Like magic, the animatronics turned on, all gazing towards you. The puppet kindly placed you down, leaving you to play with the toy animatronics. Toy chica brought you a real cupcake, feeding it to you while Toy freddy was singing to you and toy Bonnie was making rather silly poses for you. It only cheered you a little bit, though it was nicer than being alone, even though you could only see their glowing orbs. Just as your sobs died down, a sound of the security camera was heard and it's flashlight turned on, making you squint your eyes. Not even a second later, running footsteps were creeping out of the halls as a security guard rushed to you, freaking out to why was a literal child at almost 1 a.m in the freaking pizzeria?! After lots and lots of questioning, (and lots of unresponsive calls)
the security guard finally managed to contact your parents, which were very upset with your friends "responsibility" (as if theirs was any better)
Long story short, you were never ever going to a party without a capable family member ever again and that friends' parents weren't throwing poorly supervised parties anytime soon..
The end
{have a good day/night :)}
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klmwrites · 11 months
Finally had the time to watch the FNAF movie in cinemas. Here are my thoughts (Spoilers ahead!)
Overall, the story was pretty decent. It certainly had its moments where it went off tangent from the canon, but it wasn't so fantastic to the point that it was completely off brand. It even paid good attention to detail! In one of the dream sequences where mike was cut by  Foxy's hook, the next shot when he woke up to the flickering lights if u looked at his left arm there is a visible tear on the fabric of his hoodie in the same fashion he was cut in the forest sequence earlier.
Another good example of  the movie paying attention to detail would be the scene where Mike sees Abby with the animatronics. He grabs the chair in an attempt to attack Freddy but once he gets up and close to him he hesitates. It gives us - the audience - a glimpse into just how large and intimidating these robots are actually IRL. An educated guess on my part says they are probably on average 2 meters(?) in height.
Also, Lillard is THE William Afton. You will not convince me otherwise. He literally ate and left no crumbs in this role. The "I'll always come back" as he places the mask back on?! PLEASE 😩 👌
The scene where Mike first meets "The Yellow Rabbit" i.e. Afton in his suit is so well done. The atmosphere as Afton walks in with his knife was tense and intimidating in its own right. Mike attempts to tase him at first assuming he is just another animatronic but the fluidity in Aftons movements later says afterwards. This is especially in contrast to the movements of Bonnie, Freddy, Chica and Foxy. Once again, great attention to detail!
But if I had to pick favourites in terms of scenes, the springlock suit failure has my whole heart. Hands down. Lillards performance here as the springlocks "eats" into his body was phenomenal. The facial expressions of the animatronics in this scene was absolutely the cherry on top. What a way to end the movie with a banger! Honorable mention goes to the post credit scene where Afton was on the ground trembling in the pizzerias backroom. His hand reached out to the door in the last part, indicating that like Abby he can see the ghost children.
TLDR: to me, although the Movie is not the best horror movie out there, it is still worth the watch! Although it is produced primarily for the hardcore fans of this franchise (hence perhaps the reason why some casual audience members expressed their confusion with the plot), it certainly won't be a waste of money to the casual fan of indie video game horror.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Different anon,but flip the narrative. Replace Gregory with Evan. Put the boy in the pizzaplex, what would he do?
okay so we don't know exactly how Gregory got into the pizzaplex in the first place; maybe he was kidnapped and brought there specifically by Vanny, maybe he was glitchtrap-mindcontrolled and only broke free during a venture in the pizzaplex before Vanny chased after him; we don't know.
If Evan were to be kidnapped and brought there by Vanny, I'm not sure things would work out in his favor. There's no way he's overpowering her. I think the most chance he would have in that situation is if Vanny wasn't in her A-game at the time; either she got distracted and allowed Evan to escape, or she got cocky and made a mistake.
But if we're talking about an Evan who just gets dropped in the middle of the pizzaplex at night (either after escaping Vanny, or through time travel or mindcontrol shenanigans), then honestly, I think Evan would get through it just fine.
Would he be hella scared throughout the experience and have nightmares and trauma afterward? yeah. But I do think he'd be able to survive.
A lot of Gregory's difficulties in his night at the pizzaplex were because he was trying to escape. He kept moving throughout the pizzaplex, moving between one possible exit and the next, drawing more and more attention to himself and getting himself into more and more trouble as he went. He was on the offense through the entire night.
But as fnaf 4 showed us, Evan is more of an 'on the defense' and not 'on the offense' kid. He tries avoiding Mike, and he tries holing up in his room and not letting any animatronics in rather than going after them before they can get him. Honestly, I think Evan would hole up in a hidden spot and refuse to come out until the pizzaplex is open again and he'd be just fine. Even if the animatronics and Vanny are looking for him, the pizzaplex is HUGE. Finding a little kid who doesn't want to be found isn't going to be an easy feat.
Of course, Evan tends to assume the best of people, so if he didn't have any reason to suspect Vanessa (which could be anything as obvious as seeing her with the mask/knife or as subtle as picking up on her having similar mannerisms to Vanny or overhearing Vanessa say she wants him "dealt with"), then it's possible that Vanessa might coax him out only for Vanny to kill him. Buuuut, on the other hand, Vanessa's personality comes off as abrasive, to say the least, in Security Breach, which Evan would hardly find comforting; he could decide that it's best to just wait for the place to open rather than come out, anyway. Or he might have just picked up on the fact that Vanessa is out to get him. It could honestly go both ways when it comes to whether Evan would trust Vanessa.
And now for THE question on everyone's minds when it comes to an au where Evan is the one in the pizzaplex: how the heck is this child reacting to Glamrock Freddy?
I mean, obviously he's terrified. A giant real life manifestation of his greatest, most abused fear standing right there and towering over him?? Evan is NOT having a good time.
But the Glamrock animatronics have phenomenal AI. I would be genuinely surprised if these guys didn't have protocols put in place to calm down any kids who are scared of them (scared little kids don't put any money in Fazbear Enterteinment's pockets, do they?). I don't know if Glamrock Freddy would actually be able to get Evan to calm down and maybe-kinda trust him, but it sure would be fun to see him try.
I mean, it would take Evan completely by suprise; this kind of thing would probably have never happened to him before. The more basic animatronics that we see in all other fnaf locations wouldn't have any ''don't frighten the kids'' protocols or dialogue in their programming (their ai obviously isn't as good, and putting those protocols in place isn't as intuitive in such small locations where the animatronics are so basic and rarely even leave the stage). And no one wearing the animatronic springlock suits would have been allowed to talk; just like modern day mascots, it ruins the illusion for all ages if the animatronics' voices are constantly changing as the person behind the mask changes, too. No animatronic is likely to have ever tried comforting Evan before. Well... to be honest, few humans have ever tried doing that for him, either. It would be a new experience in more ways than one.
Whether Evan begins to trust Freddy or not, there is NO way this kid is ever willingly hopping inside Freddy's chest cavity XD
(though, it would be interesting to see Evan hiding inside Freddy's chest cavity because his options are 98% likelihood of dying in an animatronic vs 100% likelihood of dying to Vanny; then Evan wakes up inside Freddy's chest cavity, and the thing that gets Evan to trust Freddy is that Freddy actually listens when Ev says he's scared and doesn't trust Vanessa...)
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burntoasters · 9 months
Help Wanted 2 is so fucking good so far I am so fucking happy!!!!
(No spoilers I couldn’t do that to anyone)
This year has really been the year for FNAF and I am fucking loving it. Ruin was pretty good, I had lower expectations just because of everything around Security Breach when it first came out but honestly I think most people felt that way. I appreciated how much more linear it was especially since it it connects so much with HW2. Seeing the pizzaplex is such disarray really made me happy and I think it’s because it fits FNAF so much more. No other locations looked that clean, bright and happy except maybe 6, but even that location wasn’t as bright and neon.
Now the movie!?!
Don’t even get me started on the fucking movie. Much like the other long time fans, I waited almost an entire decade for that thing and I couldn’t be happier about how it came out. The animatronics looked amazing, the Jim Henson team are all wizards or something I can’t explain it. The restaurant looked fucking phenomenal down to all the little details. Josh and Matthew did an amazing job with their characters. Seeing Matpat was the biggest surprise and I literally almost screamed in the theater. (I was definitely the most annoying person in the theater and I don’t even fucking care) Everything about it was exactly what I had hoped for and more and it will be my comfort movie for a very long time.
We will not be discussing my sudden and overwhelming infatuation with Steve Raglan/William Afton I don’t know where it came from but my brain cannot get over him
No spoilers of Help Wanted 2 since it’s release day
Help Wanted 2 looks even better than the first one. The models are so perfect. There’s already parts that look genuinely terrifying and I love that. I feel like as the games have developed over the years they have lost some of the genuine terror. The first 2 games were great and actually scary and 4 has the best models, but I think the whole VR aspect makes it so much more scary. I’m so excited to find all the secrets and lore as a community just like all previous releases. The rest of my year will probably just be this game now
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk 🦊🐰🐻🐤
Back to the fan fictions💜
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pikiserra · 11 months
Watched the fnaf movie with some friends and I'm really happy how it turned out.
(No spoilers here don't worry)
It was exactly what I was expecting and even more.
The animatronics looked phenomenal and younger me is screaming after watching these characters, who basically were their childhood, moving and doing stuff around. Their facial expressions gave them so much personality it was a magical experience.
And it's clearly a movie for the fans, there's so many references that you need to pay attention because you may not notice them at first. But it doesn't take away from the movie.
10/har har har
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A little spoiler down vvv
The cupcake was a fucking menace holy shit.
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pokilicious · 11 months
I watched the FNAF movie yesterday with some friends and it was so amazing!! Like I went in not expecting much, but it was really good, the animatronics were phenomenal and I found the differences between the games and the movie were interesting, I'm really looking forward to the next one, but anyway here's a photo of me (as Michael Afton) and my friend (as Vanessa) after we watched the movie, a lot of people went in costumes too, so it was really cool seeing everyone's cosplays!
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Like it’s still security breach but it’s like… what if security breach was an actually good fnaf game???
Anyway spoilers
My only gripes are the endings (not the “bad” ending, that shit’s awesome, but the fredbear and scooper endings are kinda… weird) and the fact that you have to deactivate Roxy (and she just comes back afterwards) sucks. When we played that me and my friend actually got really emotional and I even teared up and we assumed you could save her but when she came back and it was just like “oh Roxy’s back” and when I replayed that scene and you’re forced to deactivate her like damn that kinda takes away from it imagine if it was a choice? It was a phenomenal scene, with the moments of silence as Cassie just quietly sobs after killing her favourite animatronic, but it would’ve been really good if Roxy doesn’t come back AND you had the option to save her (and actually have a good secret ending). anyway moving on.
The fredbear ending is just some random cardboard cutout of fredbear that makes you have a vision of a happy sunset? Someone said that they interpreted it as Cassie trying to convince herself everything’s going to be okay just before she dies but idk I don’t like it it’s too random and abrupt.
The scooper ending is very anticlimactic. Like she’s just fine? Does she tell Gregory the mimic is scooped? Is the mimic even scooped at all? Obviously I thought it was a scooper but only through context clues it doesn’t look like what the scooper looked like at all. It also feels weird that the mimic has so much build up and is instantly killed off? And the way you get it is really weird too. Zooming out to find secret cameras? And those open doors? Idk it feels so video gamey. There aren’t even five??? Only four?????
Anyway apart from those minor gripes the game is fantastic. Phenomenal. The normal ending is so goddamn good. Gregory wanting to talk to his friend one last time before having to let her die as he cannot risk the mimic getting out. And dropping her from a lift as he wants her to have an instant death instead of whatever the mimic could do to her. You could just feel the regret in his voice. Honestly I thought Gregory was a kinda meh character in security breach but he’s really good in ruin. I like how before the mimic reveal his way of talking is slightly off, like he’ll say one word in a different tone to the rest of the sentence or whatever. And I already mentioned the incredible performance at the end.
Also can we talk about Cassie??? Just like everything else in this game she is what security breach tried to do but done right. She has so much personality and when you put on the Vanny mask (which is a sick mechanic btw) you see tidbits from her life or how she sees herself, and when she’s talking to herself she has so much personality, like going “I’m okay, I’m okay” when she falls down, how she keeps mentioning how unlucky she gets with vents (which is such a funny reoccurring gag), how she gets so frustrated when Gregory always cuts off just as she was about to talk to him. Idk I love her so much and she felt wayyyy better than Gregory in security breach.
Anyway yeah this game is what security breach should have been. Part of me thinks security breach is justified because it let us have this gem, but then again if security breach was good we probably still would have got it LMAO
Anyway go play ruin it’s great
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darkwolfgoddess · 11 months
Hey, everyone!
So, FNAF movie's finally out, huh? After the original plan to go watch it on 31th October cos HALLOWEEN was ruined by Corona, I went to watch it this week. And seeing it after waiting for months, I'd say it was worth it. Was it the best movie I've ever seen? No. Where were some flaws that could've been easily fixed with a better script. But you know what? The movie's still awesome and I get why fans went crazy for it.
Similarly to Paw Patrol movie review I did some years ago, here are some of my thoughts put together more clearly:
My goodness, the animatronics looked PHENOMENAL
Mike and Abby's story is honestly a tragedy if you think about it: Garrett got kidnapped when Mike was still a kid and Abby was most likely meant to be the "replacement kid" his parents decided to have as a way to "make up" for what happened. But when Abby didn't manage to "fill" that hole, their father killed himself, adding even more to the tragedy that happened.
Adding onto that, Abby's "odd" behavior of not talking to anyone, being mean to Mike and drawing all day is definetly a coping mechanism. Because while her parents provide her with food, a room, art supplies etc, they don't engage with her enough. As such, she's learned not to trust her older brother, doesn't engage with others likely due to distrust and fear and buries her sadness and anger into her drawings(kinda like me during high school due to bullying hehehe....moving on). While she still loves her older brother, provided by the drawings around her room, she prefers to be distant because that's how her family has been, so she is distant as well cos she's learned that's how she's safe.
This could also be the reason Abby liked the animatronics so much and called them her friends: they were nice to her and engaged with her in her games.
Mike was also a good character. He's really, REALLY trying to take care of his sister, but is also stuck in the past trying so hard to figure out what happened that he unwillingly neglects his sister, who needs him to be there, but he doesn't understand it. I'm glad he understood his mistakes in the end and became more apparent in Abby's life. While some writing choices in his arc were a bit weird(such as inviting Aunt Jane to babysit Abby while he could've maybe ringed up someone else knowing Abby doesn't like Jane, as well as accepting giving Abby to the animatronics in exchange for being killed so he can stay with Garrett in the afterlife or something(like, dude, didn't you realize Golden Freddy kid was manipulating with you?!)), it was still a satisfying arc and I'm glad he and Abby are on better terms now.
Fort scene was honestly adorable and, in my opinion, introduced more tragedy to the whole possessed animatronic situation: in FNAF games there's more focus in the horror and anxiety of animatronics finding a way to you and stuffing you in a deadly springlock suit. But in here we get to see a more sad note to it. Yeah, kid soul possessed animatronics are creepy, but at the same time they're still KIDS. While under Afton's control and pissed about their situation so much they murder people, they still retain their playful side and want to do fun things. And so when Abby came to Freddy's and wanted to build a fort, they got to be kids again. Yeah, they still planned on offing her, but you get the point.
Speaking of kids, those child actors, especially the blonde boy, did a PHENOMENAL job. If anyone who worked on the movie production sees this, please buy them the biggest sundaes possible.
Before this movie came out I had zero idea who Matthew Hillard was. And honestly I feel sad about it cos he also did a PHENOMENAL job. Upon seeing the first trailer the way the office scene played out with him sitting there, hands under his chin, it already gave me bad vibes. And later on when he's at the pizzeria and removes his mask, the way he tried to make Afton look with those wide, crazed eyes and that small smirk was so good.
The "I always come back" scene was FINE. Like, had Afton said anything else, the fans would've been disappointed.
Also, maybe Afton knows something we don't? With the second movie coming, we could get more info about his backstory and learn something new. ALSO ALSO, it was a genuine threat. That even if Spring Bonnie suit gets destroyed, he'll never stop trying to find ways to return.
Vanessa was another good character. Yeah, maybe a bit too secretive at times which, as said before, could've been fixed with a better writing, but still good. The idea of her being Afton's daughter was, in my opinion, quite a surprise, but welcomed nonetheless. If you think about it, her being Afton's daughter as well as an police officer helps Afton cover up anything that could lead the law to him. And since he's an asshole of a "father" who abuses and shelters her(Headcanon that he's threatened her with Torture Freddy and/or exposing her as his daughter and a second hand at covering up murders every day since the Original Kid Murders), she doesn't really have anything she can do.
Not that many scares? Honestly not such a big problem people make it up to be. FNAF mostly relies on the terrifying envinorment and jumpscares for the horror. Balloon Boy was still a bastard though and I swear I'll burn him one day and not feel sorry about it.
And I guess that's everything. So, in final conclusion, the FNAF movie is FINE. Yeah, some rough edges could've smoothed out a bit more, but otherwise had a pretty well thought out plot, cool animatronics and a satisfying ending. It's clear they wanted to tell a different story we've grown used to from the video games and comics, which isn't bad cos let's be honest, had it been more similar to the video games, people would've complained about it being "too similar". Will definetly be an experience FNAF fans won't ever forget.
Aaaand that's all. Hope you enjoyed and if you've read the whole thing though, congrats! See you on the flipside!
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amberh789 · 11 months
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This entire scene was cool so cool. Foxy is one of my favorite animatronics so this was so, so cool to see! Foxy looks phenomenal in the movie he's just so perfect, and the added fluff to his design is a bonus.
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bad news tumbleweeds
FNAF Movie was hype.
Animatronics looked phenomenal, lighting and shot choice was really good, just visually gorgeous. All the actors really pulled it off for me, some very good facial acting, Josh Hutcherson did a good job, and the kid and Vanessa and Mathew Lillard were osuhdhhshha.
So many little game cameos, Foxy’s little whistle, subtle little night progression, the whole set was gorgeous.
Springtrap. Boys, he looked so fucking good, his vocal performance was wohdjdjwhwgeuuw, the shot choice when he walks in, the rest of the animatronics were hype but I can’tttt
Not the scariest thing you’ve ever seen, but Blumhouse managed some genuinely tense scenes, it was cool.
It was a very good movie, as someone who’s been lost in the sauce for several more years than I’m willing to admit, and you’d probably even like it if you weren’t.
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So you can glitch Sun and Moon to exist at the same time
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Which is fuckin PHENOMENAL because omfg look at them???
There's just something so cathartic about seing them next to each other???
Idk but!
They both doing their lil skrunkly scrimblo dances compared to the other is SO CUTE.
Im gonna cry i love them so much.
Link to see it yoself below
(I use this clip to support my own personal headcanon which I explain below the link, but if you dont care and just want to see the funny skrumbly boyos, feel free to ignore!)
Not my game clip, here's the sauce:
@ 17:42
I also love this lil' glitch because by GAME standards, technically this means Sun and Moon are separate entities.
Okay, lemme elaborate before I get jumped in the replies.
Yes, I know their AI is canonically in the same animatronic.
But what I'm talking about is using this as a way of backing the "They are separate AI's/Beings" theory
Here's my math okay
To my knowledge, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but Vanessa and Vanny can't exist in the same room together, even through game breaking mechanics.
If you use the debug menu and fill the "Vanny Meter" to make Vanny appear while Ness is still in the area, Vanessa will turn INTO Vanny.
(Furthermore, did y'all know Vanessa's "shattered" form IS Vanny? Thats p cool imo)
So by games standards, Vanessa and VANNY ARE the same entity.
So, logically, if Sun and Moon are supposed to be one AI AND you only really encounter Sun during one specific sequence in the game rather than multiple times, then shouldnt it work the same way?
(Dont worry, I know its because they have different functionalities in the game. But still.)
Canonically, this means the game doesn't recognize Sun and Moon as the same entity!
Which meeeaaannnsss
and you cant tell me otherwise.
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you. drop your thoughts on the fnaf trailer and no one gets hurt
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the animatronic designs look like the in game designs which, makes sense, yknow. But I don't really like the in game designs at all. Nonetheless, the teaser trailer which I have seen at least four times today, honestly? it makes me really, really excited for this movie. Like I can give the designs the benefit of the doubt (as long as they actually move like animatronics, that is how low my bar is and as long as they don't bleed oil any time in the movie I will be happy as a clam), the red eyes is stupid and I hope they don't do that throughout the entire movie but ohhhh this actually gets me really excited.
The trailer I thought looked really cool, really interesting, and while the animatronic designs still look stupid (they look just as stupid as in game so its okay!), they actually look like they fit the setting, which is good. I don't know a ton about the lore because I am definitely an outlier in this fandom but still! I think it looks really cool. It shows that the company making the movie at least has a handle on fnaf. They know what they are doing and they know how to handle the story and weight that they've been given to create.
It gives me a lot of hope for the movie and actually gets me excited so I really liked it! I was very iffy on the movie and I still kind of am because while my bar is so incredibly low, literally no other animatronic film (except the hug, that is a PHENOMENAL short film) has gotten higher than that bar. My standards are high, my bar is low, but this teaser trailer gives me hope.
The scene in the field with the kids is also really interesting! I hope theres a bit more to it besides the actual restaurant itself and I think that it's gonna be really good. Also the casting of what we've seen seems really good, I enjoy the casting a lot :).
All in all, it gets me excited for the movie and thats what a trailer should do. It shows what they have done with their source material and shows that they at least somewhat know how to handle it! it gives me a little more faith in them to produce a good movie and I am sooooooooo excited thinking about it. Cannot wait for it to come out, genuinely.
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