#the anvil
green-ajah-aes-sedai · 10 months
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King Maekar I Targaryen
"The Anvil"
Some men will say I meant to kill my brother. The gods know it is a lie, but I will hear the whispers till the day I die. And it was my mace that dealt the fatal blow, I have no doubt. The only other foes he faced in the melee were three Kingsguard, whose vows forbade them to do any more than defend themselves. So it was me. Strange to say, I do not recall the blow that broke his skull. Is that a mercy or a curse? Some of both, I think.
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pinkipecac · 8 days
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365 Days of Drawing: Year 9
Day 337- Jun 1st, 2024
© Ethan H Hutchinson
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cybershubunkin · 1 year
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Visage The Anvil
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magic-to-write · 1 year
i cannot decide
So I have made my first poll! (Because I have polls now yay!) I am quickly losing the original plot to both these series; the magic misfits and the adventurer's guide. And this au is going to be a messy combination of both. That said. To continue forward I need this decision made. (If you wish to hear my messy head cannons for this au; drop an ask or you can dm me, which ever you are comfortable with.)
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soy-sauce-and-mothra · 9 months
Hey! Are there blacksmiths in your story? I'm a hobbyist blacksmith and I'm here to help!
Blacksmithing is one of those things that a lot of people get wrong because they don't realize it stuck around past the advent of the assembly line. Here's a list of some common misconceptions I see and what to do instead!
Not all blacksmiths are gigantic terrifying muscly guys with beards and deep voices. I am 5'8, skinny as a twig, have the muscle mass of wet bread, and exist on Tumblr. Anybody who is strong enough to pick up a hammer and understands fire safety can be a blacksmith.
You can make more than just swords with blacksmithing. Though swords are undeniably practical, they're not the only things that can be made. I've made candle holders, wall hooks, kebab skewers, fire pokers, and more. Look up things other people have made, it's really amazing what can be done.
"Red-hot" is actually not that hot by blacksmith terms. when heated up, the metal goes from black, to red, to orange, to yellow, to white. (for temperature reference, I got a second degree burn from picking up a piece of metal on black heat) The ideal color to work with the metal is yellow. White is not ideal at all, because the metal starts sparking and gets all weird and lumpy when it cools. (At no point in this process does the metal get even close to melting. It gets soft enough to work with, but I have never once seen metal become a liquid.)
Blacksmithing takes fucking forever. Not even taking into account starting the forge, selecting and preparing metal, etc. etc. it takes me around an hour to make one (1) fancy skewer. The metals blacksmiths work with heat up and cool down incredibly fast. When the forge is going good, it only takes like 20 seconds to get your metal hot enough to work with, but it takes about the same time for it to cool down, sometimes even less.
As long as you are careful, it is actually stupidly easy to not get hurt while blacksmithing. When I picked up this hobby I was like "okay, cool! I'm gonna make stuff, and I'm gonna end up in the hospital at some point!" Thus far, the latter has yet to occur. I've been doing this for nearly a year. I have earned myself a new scar from the aforementioned second degree burn, and one singe mark on my jeans. I don't even wear gloves half the time. Literally just eye protection, common sense, and fast reflexes and you'll probably be fine. (Accidents still happen of course, but I have found adequate safety weirdly easy to achieve with this hobby)
A forge is not a fire. The forge is the thing blacksmiths put their metal in to heat it up. It starts as a small fire, usually with newspaper or something else that's relatively small and burns easily, which we then put in the forge itself, which is sort of a fireplace-esque thing (there's a lot of different types of forge, look into it and try to figure out what sort of forge would make the most sense for the context you're writing about) and we cover it with coal, which then catches fire and heats up. The forge gets really hot, and sometimes really bright. Sometimes when I stare at the forge for too long it's like staring into the sun. The forge is also not a waterfall of lava, Steven Universe. It doesn't work like that, Steven Universe.
Welding and blacksmithing are not the same thing. They often go hand-in-hand, but you cannot connected two pieces of metal with traditional blacksmithing alone. There is something called forge welding, where you heat your metal, sprinkle borax (or the in-universe equivalent) on it to prevent the metal from oxidizing/being non-weldable, and hammer the pieces together very quickly. Forge welding also sends sparks flying everywhere, and if you're working in a small space with other blacksmiths, you usually want to announce that you're welding before you do, so that everyone in a five-foot radius can get out of that five-foot radius. You also cannot just stuck some random pebbles into the forge and get a decent piece of metal that you can actually make something with, Steven Universe. It doesn't work like that, Steven Universe.
Anvils are really fucking heavy. Nothing else to add here.
Making jewelry is not a blacksmithing thing unless you want jewelry made of steel. And it will be very ugly if you try. Blacksmithing wasn't invented to make small things.
If there's anything here I didn't mention, just ask and I'll do my best to answer.
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galehive · 2 years
preserving this video at all costs to teach future generations what twitter was like
EDIT: About a billion people asked me where to get the soundtrack. I'm so glad you like my silly music. Working on an ep with bonus stuff ASAP
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greenlabcoat · 1 year
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of course it goes without saying that i am hopelessly dependant on the anvil
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limulid-labs · 3 months
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BFFs (2023)
14.5” x 8.5” x 11.5”
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Mr. Nanny
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Former WWF and WCW Champion Hulk Hogan stars as a down on his luck former pro wrestler hired as a bodyguard for 2 young children who are determined to make his life misery until he quits. The unlikely childminder is forced to become an even more unlikely hero when his sibling charges are kidnapped.
During flashback sequences the Hulkster is seen being beaten down in the ring by a gang of wrestlers portrayed by WWE legends Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, George "The Animal" Steele, Afa The Wild Samoan, The Ugandan Giant Kamala and Brutus Beefcake under his Zodiac persona.
Featured Wrestlers:
Hulk Hogan as Sean Armstrong
Brutish Beefcake as wrestler
George Steele as wrestler
Afa as wrestler
Kamala as wrestler
Jim Neidhart as Wrestler
Wrestle Rating:
3.5/5 oversized tutus
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An enjoyable but tacky family comedy that leans heavily into the slapstick humour of the Home Alone movies. The WWE Hall Of Famer may not be a great actor but is really likeable in this role especially in his interactions with the young children.
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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that's because he's a baby Devon Rex! they're supposed to have wide, gremlin-esque heads
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for comparison, here's a Devon Rex who won best of breed in the TICA (RW BW LUCKY KING SNAILS/CF)
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they're sort of meant to look like they got scaled wrong in photoshop
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time-woods · 9 months
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skrs-cats · 3 months
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set after leafpool dies, before the bonus scene w jayfeather dealing w that grief gets resolved. guess who was bitter over a certain cardboard character bitch not being included in that
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oakbruh · 4 months
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First thought that hit me in the new ep (this probably has been done before)
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waybeforeyourtime · 2 months
"I'm shocked - shocked I tell you - that Wille gave up his title at the end of the series! SHOCKED! Where did it come from?? It all just happened in the last 5 minutes! There were zero clues!"
Literally, the first promo.
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mikoyote · 2 months
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Oohhh, that's what the forecast meant by, "Heavy Rain"
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ashes2caches · 11 months
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