#the archers bows have broken
tuckerrule · 1 year
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hiiiii *drops fucking dead*
23 notes · View notes
erenjaegerwifee · 2 months
Survive the Night: Day 7
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Paring: Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: MDNI 18+, manipulation, yandere behavior, crazy and delusional reader, mentions of killing, stabbing, blood, poisoning, explicit language, praising, sweet hard sex, love making? PLOT TWIST, p in v, mirror sex, virginity loss, choking, orals (f & m receiving), belly bulge, lactation kink, breeding kink, pregnancy kink,
Word Count: 6.9k
Disclaimer: All of my characters are aged-up! If that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to scroll and don’t read or interact with my post or account.
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Neteyam’s father and your father are best friends, ever since his first time jake was introduced to the omatikaya clan all those years ago, they developed into close friends, there was nothing Jake did without your father by his side, they passed their rights of passage together, earning their ikran at the same time. They went on every hunt together and introduced their wives who became great friends as well. They even had children at the same time, all kids were both within months of each other, that includes you and Neteyam.  
You have always been a shy small girl, your only imagine to the world was innocence, you wanted no part in the hunting of Eywa’s creatures or just fighting in general. Even though you are the oldest, your siblings and the sully children made it their business to protect you; you don’t even carry a knife on hand just in case, someone is always by your side, sometimes even Tuktirey.  
Now, even though people perceive these things about you from a very young age, doesn’t mean you are unaware of how to use them, one could argue you are the best weapons master in the clan, you wield a bow almost as well as a professional archer, you have seamless movements with a knife of any kind and you even have amazingly good aim on a gun. But if anyone thought you were the kind of girl to pick up a knife and murder someone, well you would be in a lot of trouble.  
I mean how could you not in these situations? Any sane person would. You have had a crush on Neteyam for practically your whole life, well it’s not really a crush now, it’s more like you are in love with him, you truly believe that no other man would come close to satisfying you the way he would. Everyone knows you like him, but no one is aware just how deep that love runs, it’s in your veins, your blood, every cell in your body screams a want for Neteyam Sully and only him.  
It really irritated you the way women throw themselves do foolishly at your man like you're not going to do anything about it, for example the time you walk into the sully kelku to see your siblings and the sully kids sitting in a circle, “Hi everyone” you smile sweetly as they all greet you before your eyes catch an unfamiliar woman. You do not socialize much, the extent of your friends sits in this room and you are content, you see no need to look for more company, these people care for you and well, your man is already included in this circle of friend, so who on Eywa’s planet is this girl? 
You were previously going to sit next to said man but your space is taken, you wipe the little pout of your face and move to sit next to lo’ak who is the only one who seemed to read your mind, “Hey angel! What’s up?” your eyes dart to neteyam and the girl and you pout innocently at Lo’ak, “Oh nothing, just finished my shift at the healers hut, who’s that?” you said gesturing your head to the girl. 
She sat close to him, a little too close, her hand rested on his arm as she laughs obnoxiously at whatever joke he just said. She wants him, Neteyam isn’t that funny, but there he was smiling victoriously at her laughter, it made you sick. How dare he, that should be you laughing at his lame jokes. It should always be you.  
“That’s Akira, she is Neteyam latest escapade, personally I don’t really like her, she’s not that nice to everyone else” you soak in his information plotting how to fix this broken situation, you glance at her throughout the time you sat as you speak to everyone else, always subtly cutting off her sentences with your own sweet voice or purposefully ignoring her and changing the topic, it was clear she was getting a little more than irritated at your actions until she finally snapped and shouted at you to ‘shut the fuck up and stop interrupting her’  
Your heart beat picks up and you look at her startled before the water works form making her look bad for yelling at sweet little you, it surely made everyone dislike her more than they already did, that included Neteyam giving her a mean side eye before he came to sit on the other side of you to wipe your tears. He felt protective of you because of the innocent aura you put out. It is only natural he is a protector, your protector.  
It got worse for her though, after that day a week later Kiri invited her to one of your infamous girl days, you guys usually hang out and braid each other's hair, all that fun stuff. But this time she tried so hard to insert herself and honestly, she is a nice girl, it really was her fault for trying to fuck your man like that. Kiri ran home to get the combs and beads you forgot by accident leaving you alone with her.   
She was the one who brought up talking a walk, you thought it was strange but decided what’s the worst that could happen? She isn’t leaving here with her life anyways. You walk deeper into the forest and made your way next to an incredibly steep cliff, you knew if someone fell down there, no one would be about to find them. It was perfect. You walk over closer to the edge looking down at the rough flowing river beneath you ignoring her cautious words to be careful, she shouldn’t have come out here with you if careful was what she wanted to be.  
You stop a pretty looking flower growing right off the cliff, it wasn’t that far but you could reach it but Akira, she was taller. You called her over in a sweet voice and activated that innocent look you use to get your way and asked her to pick the flower for you. She stretched her neck to see it before getting down on her hands and knees bending down over the cliff to get it. You took a quick glance around before you kicked her off the cliff. 
You stood up watched over the cliff as she fell but caught herself on the same branch the flower was on, she looked up at you begging for you to save her but come on, you weren’t nearly as strong enough to pull her heavy ass up, not that you were going to try, you sat on the edge resting one of your feet on the branch before looking at her terrified expression, listening to her pleads you smile sickly, “You should have thought about what would happen to you before you got all up on my man, in case you aren’t sure which man that is whore, its Neteyam he is my future mate, he is going to love me forever, you well your trash. And now I get to through you out”  
You tilt you head laughing wickedly at her when you strike down the branch with a sharp blow breaking it. You watch her fall to her screaming death; it is only when her body fell into the rocky waves did you step back and walk to the clearing you were previously seated at.  
You made good time too, Kiri came back a couple minutes after you without suspecting a thing and asked about Akira’s whereabouts, you brushed her off changing the subject after saying ‘she wanted to go for a walk’ which wasn’t a lie. The day passed and the clan sent trackers out looking for her, Neteyam was distraught, but why is the question, you got rid of his problem not his life. You rolled your eyes but still sat next to him saying the obvious lie ‘I’m sure she will turn up.’ Her dead body was found 4 days later, broken up and ravaged by animals down the river about 2 miles from the clan. 
In the end that worked out easily for you, all of them were not so easy to make happen, like the time with a different girl Sura, she was a warrior like Neteyam, she trained alongside him every day. It was no secret she didn’t like you, she always thought your innocence was fake, while she was right no one believed her dumb comments because you would always cry, she was a bitch when you had to be the one to patch up her wounds, everyone was under the impression you were scared of her. 
It worked out well for you, since she already didn’t like you, it was easy enough to blame everything on her. It started simply with you playing a little more dumb than usual but not enough for people to get suspicious of you. Just enough to piss her off though. She liked Neteyam so you made it your business to be present whenever you could, bringing him food, refilling his water bottle, even just sitting and watching him train. 
Not that he ever said anything but you know he liked having you around him like that, paying real attention to the person that he was and not his title or his cock, not that you would mind paying attention to that cock, you see the bulge in his loincloth all the time, makes you want to wiggle your ass against his crotch and make him mount you. But you don’t mind waiting for it, I mean he is your future husband, he’ll mount you eventually.  
One day you got to the training grounds a bit earlier than Neteyam on purpose, it was great because you knew Sura was already there, along with a few other warriors in his training unit. You sat on a log spewing some dumb shit and laughing obnoxiously with the group making sure your voice was dumb and pitched just the way she hates it.  
It worked out well when she started making fun of your voice making some admittingly good insults but it wasn’t fun for her when their group leader, Neteyam catch her doing so and scolded the entire unit, making them all run laps after laps while he wraps your crying figure in her arms comforting you for the rest of the session. The look on her face was beautiful jealousy.  
When everyone dispersed and Neteyam trailed after one of his warriors to speak with him, he left you alone with her. Big mistake. You walked up to her and as she was about to tell you off like a big girl, you grab the knife off her hip and stab her in the stomach watching her fall to the ground, “remember bitch he is mine. You did this to yourself when you decided to touch what wasn’t yours” then you stab her again for good measure in the neck watching the blood ooze onto the green grass.  
Afterwards you take the knife and stab yourself in the thigh and then pulling it out and screaming Neteyam name so loud you made the surrounding birds fly away. When he came rushing back to you, you cried some bullshit about how she attacked you saying she was in love with him and you were getting in her way. He wrapped up your wound with a cloth and picked you up in his arms and ran to the healer's tent.  
It was amazing how no one questioned your story but how could they be when you were crying so hysterically you didn’t want to let go of Neteyam, when they did rip you out of his arms and pushed him out of the tent so they could work on healing your wound, you cried murderously in the hut, the entire clan heard the commotion and screaming you caused just wanting Neteyam to be with you. You fought and kicked and screamed not wanting to be anywhere else other than in his strong arm.  
He sat outside that hut listening to your screaming of his name feeling horribly, he thinks it’s all his fault you were hurt and now he can’t even help you. Tears sting his eyes as he heard your pitched voice calling out for him to make them stop hurting you. Lo’ak sat right next to him with a hand on his shoulder knowing it was hard for Neteyam to keep it together.  
After that for the next few weeks, you wouldn’t leave Neteyam’s side. Saying how grateful you were he was there to save your life, how safe you feel with him like no one can hurt you, you even slept over at their house every so offend with the excuse of being without him would put you in danger. Both your parents thought it was cute how stuck up you became on him, how well he took care of you, always making sure to clean and dress your wound, helping you get back on your feet and walking properly. He even went as far as to skip out of hunting trips because you cried about how much you didn’t want him to go. And neteyam never complained, he sat without you through the tough nights and all the crying episodes like a real husband would, you knew he was your perfect one and only, now he has to see that.  
The cycle repeated itself for a few years, girl meets Neteyam, girl wants neteyam, girl tries to make a move, girl dies. The endless cycle is getting a bit tiring honestly, you are ready to be mated now, you saved your virginity just for him while he was out and about sticking his dick in anything that breathes. You aren’t supposed to be mad, but the thought makes you fume. He has you, why would he want anyone else. 
You can’t count how many times you had an interaction with him and ran away to take care of yourself, or when you would go home for the day hot and bothers to stick your fingers into your already wet cunt, not the mention the nights you spent next to him when you would use his hand, grinding on his fingers to get some release while he’s asleep, those are by far the best times. 
The point is you are tired of having to do it on your own, you put so much work into this relationship, why can’t it just go your way for once, but low and below neteyam has other plans, his new girl, Nanti. Shes a fellow healer like you, you don’t really consider her a friend but she is a nice girl, she has done nothing but treat you nicely, until you saw her sitting next to Neteyam on the log about 30 feet away from you.  
You know she is a great healer, but not better than you though. But she is one of the healers that specialize in poison, she works mainly to find cures for the different poisons that have been exposed to the na’vi. Her team makes real head way, they do good work. But she did make it awfully easy to frame her. 
For the past few weeks since she has been hanging out with Neteyam, you started to spend more time with another woman in that unit of healing, your excuse being you wanted to expand your healing horizon, and who would question such a sweet girl? You learned about all kinds of different liquids and powders along with their antidotes that can easily kill people in minutes. You questioned and questioned until you found the perfect one. It was a light blur powder, almost grey that when added to any liquid it immediately melts blending in the drink. It was taste less and odorless, and best off all it had an antidote, it was perfect.
Despite you wanting to use it on her, you decided you killed the last girl, you should take it up a notch so you can really get Neteyam to yourself for good. The poison only takes a few minutes to take effect but you are such the antidote works effectively as soon as you inject it. The poison is meant to thin your blood so you start to bleed internally before you die. It was fast working though, killing fully grown na’vi in just 20 minutes.  
Since tonight was yet another clan celebration, you decided it’s the perfect time to carry out another one of your sick plans. You walk up to the group sitting next to Nanti casually, you slip your drink slowly, that already had the poison mixed in it and paced yourself until you had to pee. When you got up you handed your drink over to Nanti to hold until you returning making sure at least one person saw you do so.  
When you did return after a few minutes you took the drink back from her and took a big gulp then a few more to finish the drink in the next few minutes, then you waited. It was a nerve racking few minutes you almost regretted it but you knew earlier on you had slipped the antidote shot in Nanti bag making her look even more suspicious, why would you have an antidote if you didn’t have the poison? 
When you coughed for the first couple times it caught the attention of Lo’ak and Kiri cutting off their conversation to ask if you are alright, after you said you were just fine, they continued. Then you had a second coughing fit this time Neteyam noticed and it was a good time too because this time you coughed some blood up into your palm. You look up at Neteyam with teary, scared eyes. 
He made quick work pushing Lo’ak to get their dad who was sitting a couple tables away drinking with norm and your father and he rushed to your side. When they arrived, you glanced at Nanti a couple times to make sure someone knew you suspected her, Lo’ak was the only one who noticed, everyone else was caught up on helping you.  
Norm whipped out his tablet and took a blood swap rapidly testing it to find out what was causing you to cough up blood, when the test came back positive with the specific poison Lo’ak was quick to speak up, “Nanti what the fuck? What did you do to her?” 
Neteyam tried to defend that bitch but Lo’ak was quick to cut him off, “You are thinking with the wrong head idiot, she is the only person here that knows this much about poison.” Neteyam was shut up after that and Nanti took her turn to speak up, “What?! I didn’t poison her! She was hanging around my healing unit the pass couple weeks she has just as much knowledge as I do” she really tried to defend herself but Lo’ak wasn’t buying that and truthfully now neither was Neteyam, “And why would she poison herself?” Neteyam spoke up looking up at Nanti that stood next to his crouched figure next to you. 
“You- *cough cough* poisoned me?” you stutter out looking up at her with scared eyes, “Antidote?” you asked to no one in particular ignoring the way she pleaded for everyone to believe she didn’t poison you. “There is an antidote but, it takes about 30 minutes to properly make, you only have about 10 minutes left...” Norm said solemnly as if you didn’t stash and antidote in Nanti’s bag, but to be fair he didn’t know that. 
Luckily for you it clicked in Neteyam’s brain, she wouldn’t bring poison without an antidote, just for good measure. While Lo’ak and your father were arguing with norm to at least to make the antidote, Neteyam stoon up to Nanti, towering over her, “Where is the antidote?” his voice was eerily calm. She stepped back away from his figure telling him the same ‘I don’t know.’ Neteyam didn’t let her get far when he yanked her arm causing her to yelp catching the attention of the other men.  
“I’m not letting her die, where is it?” he ignored the growl of his name coming from his father as they try to make him let her go, “Neteyam I didn’t do this! I do not have the antidote, see?” she emptied the contents of her bag on the floor and the injection fell out. You watch her expression fall to her ass when he picks it up handing it to norm to inject you. He ignored her pleads towards him when he kneeled next to you once more at your side. You were in so much pain but you wanted so badly to laugh at her expression. It was amazing the things you can do when you set your mind to it.  
 After the celebration was over you were laying in the healers’ hut resting until the antidote works its way through your entire body properly, it stopped you from dying but the poison was still in there. Lo’ak and your sister sat next to you making jokes trying to cheer you up when Neteyam walked in. He had been previously discussion forms of punishment with his father about the matter and they settled for death. It wasn’t fair to her since she didn’t do anything but you could not find it in yourself to be mad about it, she did this to herself.  
You turned away from him ignoring him when he walked in and kneeled on the other side of you, you know your sister and Lo’ak saw you do that but didn’t interrupt when Neteyam tried to get your attention. “Angle are you ok? Feeling any better?” he asked in a soft voice as he ran his large hand over your head. “Am I ok? Are you out of your mind Neteyam? I don’t even want to have to explain this to you” you roll your eyes and push his hand off you. “What? What are you-” he started but you cut him off 
“Do you seriously not see this pattern? Every time you bring one of you girls around me i get attacked or insulted and not poisoned. How you counted how much times one of your little girlfriends has called me dumb or stupid? Like the time I got pushed off that high tree, or when that one crazy bitch stabbed me? It was all because I wanted to be your friend, all because I wanted to be around you. I almost lost my life today because another one of your crazy chicks tried to kill me. Just stop dating at this point” you look up to the ceiling pretending to stop the fake tears that begin pouring out your eyes. 
Neteyam feels awful it’s all his fault, he didn’t mean for those things to happen to you, and you are right, you truthfully have been by his side through thick and thin. Anything that has ever happened in his life you were a part of. It wasn’t fair you had to go through all of this just because you wanted to be around him. “Honestly bro, you’d both probably be a lot safe of you dated each other. We would stop having to ward off horny men cause Eywa forbid a woman approached your girl and she would stop dying every month”  
Neteyam rested on the comment for a minute before you spoke up, “Oh please, I’m not his type.” you roll your eyes wiping your tears. Neteyam gestured for Lo’ak and your sister to leave before he responded to your comment. “Who said you aren’t my type? I happen to like crazy girls apparently, although, those other chicks weren’t crazy, were they? You just had fun framing and killing them.” 
His words catch you off guard, before Mo’at busted into the healing tent telling you that you were cleared to leave. His words didn’t stop pondering in your mind as soon as she left you innocently questioned him, “What? What did you say?” you asked confusedly. “Why don’t I get you home then we can talk” he didn’t take you to your home, he took you to his. 
Neteyam had recently built an extension of his family hut for himself. A room equip with everything he needed including privacy because he is of mating age now and when he does bring a woman home, he wants her to be comfortable. He pulled the flap to the main entrance of the family hut for you to enter in and you see Jake and Lo’ak sitting in the common area talking. You both greet them and they ask how you are feeling which you give a sweet, ‘fine’ before following Neteyam into his private quarters.  
Neteyam closes the heavy flap behind you and walk deeper into the room siting on his bed and left you standing next to his desk that he bolted a mirror above. “So back to business? I know you’ve been killing people, that doesn’t sound like you at all” Neteyam’s tone of voice was amusement, if he knew all the horrible things he did, why did he not stop you? Why isn’t he mad? “I don’t know what you’re talking about” your tone is soft like most times you speak to people. “Oh, cut the shit angel, you don’t have to lie anymore. I know all about your little side hobbies” you make eye contact with him now, “And what side hobbies are those?” you grit your teeth slightly. “Well, first of all, I know very well that you like me, but I’m having trouble wrapping my head around just how much. I thought about confessing I liked you but then I caught a glimpse of your twisted little mind and thought I knew how much you liked me but I was so wrong so I decided to wait to see how far you’d take it. I must say angel I commend the dedication.” his words run through your head as you take in everything he says. 
“What glimpse?” you blurted out. Neteyam chuckled and sat back on his bed leaning on the wall. “Sura, I saw you stab her in the neck, I heard you spew those sweet words about how I’m yours, about how she just signed her own death sentence and I saw you stab yourself in the thigh before you screamed out for me, how do you think I got there so quick” your blood ran cold, he saw all that, you thought you were careful. “I- I” he laughed again, “I should have felt angry, scared, you killed my girlfriend but instead I was so fascinated by the way you killed her in cold blood like that, and all for me?” he raised a non-existing eyebrow at you with a sexy smirk on his face.  
“Now tell me baby? You love me that much? You poisoned yourself just for me to stop seeing a girl? You know she got the death sentence for what you did. Do you even feel a little bad? You know if that secret gets out the clan is gonna have your sweet pretty head on a stick” Neteyam got off the bed and walked towards you slowly making you match his pace stepping back until you hit the wall next to his desk. 
Your loincloth was slick, when he rested his huge arm over your head on the wall and dipped his head down closer to yours. His body came closer with a few small steps pressing you more onto the wall behind you. His hair created a curtain hiding you both from the world as he brought his lips closer to yours, “I did it all for you Neteyam, wanted you to love me and other women kept getting in my way, I just wanted to be with you, I don’t feel bad. You aren’t gonna tell on me, right?” your voice was a seductive whisper as you tip toed to bring your lips closer to his. 
You felt his breath on your tongue when he whispered back to you, “Of course not, you’re my girl, always been my sweet girl” before he kissed you for the first time. His lips were warm and wet, and he tasted so sweet like the fruits he had eaten earlier. The hand that wasn’t above your head ran over your waist and hips gripping and pulling your bottom half closer to his body. 
Your hands came up around his neck bending your body upwards on his. Neteyam is much taller than you, by a foot at least, your height ends right around his chest. You whimper into the kiss pulling away for air and look up at him, Neteyam didn’t wait another second after you inhaled and kissed you again, the hand that was on the wall ran down the length of your body squeezing the flesh that was under his fingers. Neteyam held you by both your hips and lifted your body off the floor, you wrapped your legs around his think waist and he seated you on the desk next to him. Your ass touched the cold wood and made your hiss in his mouth before he detached and kissed down your neck. 
Neteyam sucked and kiss down your neck listening to you moan and whimper under his tongue, he pulled away untying your top and tossing it over your shoulder letting your pretty tits bounce freely. He didn’t waste a second kissing down your breast, tugging your nipples with his tongue and one of his hands. Neteyam pulls away and squishes them together looking down at your pretty purple nipples, “Such pretty tits baby, you were hiding these from me all this time?” he went back down to sucking on your nipples. 
“I wasn’t hiding Tey I-I didn’t know if you wanted to see them” your voice was breathy as you spoke taking in the feeling of Neteyam pinching and biting your nipples. “So sensitive” he mumbled into your skin. He didn’t waste much more time before he pulled you off the table catching you when you stumble a bit when you touch the ground. He turned you around and you saw your reflection in his mirror. Your messy hair, naked chest, swollen lips from his intense the kiss was. Then his hand, his big hand rubbing over your nipples and up to your neck choking you slightly. He tilted your head up and he bent down meeting you in the middle for another smearing kiss.  
His body pushed yours up to the desk rocking it slightly as his other hand ran down to your ass squeezing the flesh. He rutted his harden bulge into your ass making you whimper into his kiss. He pulled away untying your loincloth while he keeps eye contact with you, “tey...I have a secret” you said looking up at him, he hummed in response asking you to tell him, “I-I’m still a virgin, wanted you to be the one to take it.”  
Neteyam let out a hearty groan dropping his head on your shoulder as he played with your tail making your face heat up. “Fuck baby- really? for me? You never let anyone in this little cunt?” his voice was strained as he spoke to me. Neteyam always knew you were an innocent girl, even after he found out about your murderous love for him, he had no idea you’ve never lost your virginity to anyone. Of course, you just keep surprising him, killing someone you have experience but you can’t take cock...yet.  
The thought made neteyam excited he felt his dick twitch thinking about what a tight little cunt you must have, you never let anyone in there before it was unmarked territory. He couldn’t wait to tear you open with his big cock, like a kid on his birthday. His grip on your body tightens when you shook your head ‘no’ and he throw your loincloth to the side somewhere forgotten. Neteyam didn’t wait another moment before he dropped to his knees resting both hands on your ass cheeks. Your hands were not placed in front you holding yourself up on the table as you looked back, down at him massaging the fat. He spread your cheeks open catching a glimpse of your wet cunt, he let go and did it again multiple times. 
His chest rumbled from the sight alone, he couldn’t believe he got you so worked you, and to find out you were a virgin he just knew you were touch starved, knowing it was only from his touch made his cock hurt in his loincloth. He watched the slick shine between your folds, he thinks it’s so pretty, your cute cunt shining for him, all slicked up he just wants to taste you. And that’s exactly what he did.  
Neteyam spread your cheeks apart wider and shoved his face in sticking his tongue out and gliding it up your folds collecting the slick in his mouth. He groans vibrating your ass, and you roll your eyes back feeling his tongue flick you clit. “Fuck angel, taste so good for me, smell so fucking good too”  
It caught you off guard when slotted his nose in there but you weren’t complaining, he was going at it. He sucked on your clit flickering it up and down, side to side, he was pushing all your bottoms so perfectly. You heard from other women getting your pussy ate felt good but you had no idea it would have felt like that. “Ah ah Neteyam!” you moan out. 
His tongue slides up to your ass wetting your other tight hold making you clench. He noted the way your body reacted too it but decided he would play with that little whole another day. “Yeah, baby feel good?” his mouth went straight back down to your slit licking and swallowing down your slick, Neteyam was drinking it, fuck the thought sent you wild, you shut your eyes imagining how sexy he must look down there pleasuring you, how fucking good it must be to see his Adam's apple bob when he swallows your juices.  
It made you a little shy but your moans and whimpers over power your feeling of shyness, his tongue feels so good, makes you wonder where he learned to do that. Neteyam sucked harshly on your clit sending you cuming on his tongue and he slurped up every bit of it, he didn’t want any to go to waste but you gushed so much on him, your juices overflowed his mouth running down the length of his neck to his broad chest... 
When the overstimulation kicked in, he pulled away and raised himself to his feet and press up against your back. “Neteyam that was so good” you slumped against him with a weary smile on your face. He chuckled and picked you up bridal style and put you down on the bed gently and untied his own loincloth now letting it join yours on the floor, he walked up to your face stroking his cock right above your nose. Your eyes crossed as you watch his insane size in front of your face as he slowly strokes it. Glowing pre-cum dripped from his tip falling on your lip. Your eyes rolled back when you dart your tongue out and tasted it, he was so sweet. You heard women say their male companions were salty but not Neteyam. He really was perfect for you. 
You stuck your tongue out of your mouth waiting for him to stick his cock in but he smiles and taps his tip on your tongue. Feeling his heavy tip hit your tongue drove you insane, when he slapped your tongue the last time your mouth caught him sucking on the tip.  
You pulled away to change your position so you’d be more comfortable, flipping over onto your stomach on your hands and knees, sticking your ass up in the air and swaying your tail as you turn your head to the side and take him in. “Fuck -fuck baby- suck on it- yea like that” he threw his head back hissing at the feeling of your small mouth around him.  
He talked you through your first time amazingly, praising you, “look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, wanna take a little more?” he pushing in deeper watching your cheeks full out with his cock stuffing you full, “Doing so good babygirl, so good” Neteyam groaned and hissed feeling your tongue circle his tip before he pulls out completely. “Not cuming in there babygirl”  
He turned you effortlessly for you to lay on your back, legs thrown around his slim waist and he crawls on the bed over you, “Are you sure you're ready for this?” he asks you. “Neteyam I've wanted this for years, fuck me...please” you look up at him seductively again making him question how he took so long to mount you. He smiles and leans down for a kiss as he rubs his tip between your folds. 
When he starts pushing in you break the kiss with a sharp gasp but his lips don’t move from yours, he stays right there while he slides his huge head into you. Your eyes screwed shut and your fingers dig into the skin of his muscular back. “Tey- too big...” you whimper out looking at him with glassy eyes, “Taking me so good baby just a little bit more” your tail comes to wrap around his thigh, your legs feel weak and the rest on his back, his tail comes up and wraps around both your ankles as to keep you close. He sings reassurance to you telling you how good you're doing and how amazing you feel clenching around his cock until he’s fully inserted into your snug cunt.  
His head drops down onto your shoulder as he tries not to cum yet and your breathing picks up at the feeling, you have never been so full before. “Nete-” you stutter his name wiggling your hips slights as the pain subsides wanting him to move. When he starts thrusting shallowly, you mewl out scraping down his back. Neteyam brings his head back up to your and kiss you, you don’t kiss back too caught up in the feeling of your pussy stretching out. 
He bites your bottom lip pulling it and when you clench on his cock he moans like a chain reaction, Neteyam raises his body to look down at his cock disappearing into your small hole and reappear, he finds nothing more interesting than watching the way you take him in so flawlessly. “Tey, faster please, fuck me faster, so good” he looks up at you when you plead and watch you prop yourself up on your elbows to watch his cock fuck into you as well. 
You bite your lip when he speeds up his thrust making you tits bounce, it garbs his attention almost immediately and he quickly gets caught up in making them bounce for him. He speeds up his thrust more becoming a bit rougher with you but not enough to hurt you. Neteyam holds back almost everything he has so he won’t hurt you, he wants nothing more than to pound into you and suck on your tits until he’s drawing milk and making you scream.  
The thought sends his mind spiraling, he can’t wait to see you breastfeeding your children, his children. To see you get round and swollen pregnant with his babies. When he knocks you up, he’ll have to bend over your pregnant form just to kiss you when he slots his cock inside, or when he dips his head down to flick your swollen nipples in his mouth tasting the sweet milk that dips out on his tongue. He wants it so bad, he wants to knock you up, make you forever his. 
“Baby I’m gonna cum- cum with me, lemme knock up this sweet cunt. You wanna have my babies, right? Gonna let me give you my babies?” he rambles out of his mind rutting int your tight cunt, “Yes yes please tey! Wanna cum! Want your babies pleaseee!” you cry out for him gushing in his cock. Neteyam is quick to follow pumping his cum deep inside you, he thrust a couple times before he drops his heavy body on top of yours. 
After a few minutes he fixes himself on the pillow dragging you along so he doesn’t have to pull out of you, as early as this relationship was, he wants his seed to take. When you rest your head on his pillow you inhale deeply taking in his scent and bringing yourself closer to his chest. “Hey baby” he grabs your attention making you hum. “Was Akira your doing too? Like what happened there?” he asked softly as he strokes your hair. You mind runs back to the memory and you decide to be honest, “Pushed her off the high cliff into that one rocky river” you wrap your arms around him and snuggle into his chest. “You have to stop killing people now you know” 
“Neteyam if people staying in their lane they wouldn’t have been hurt, or framed, or killed. It’s there out fault when they step in my way.” Neteyam chuckles even though you just admitted to half if the crimes in the clan, you did it for him. Why would be complain. 
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✨ I hope you all enjoyed reading! As usually any feedback is amazing! Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!
✨if you would like to be added to the Taglist, please let me know in the comments or private message I always respond🩵
@rivatar @strongheartneteyam @xylianasblog @delusionalwh6re @nilahsstuff @wheneclipsefalls @beensbaee @quicktosimp @neteyamsyawntu @m1tsu-ki
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12u3ie · 2 years
Hi I am NOT normal about pottery shards and I WILL talk about them
AKA: under the cut is me explaining all the pottery shard designs out in Minecraft 1.20 snapshots as of now (March 23, 2023) in alphabetical order, going over their design and their possible meaning in the lore. Pictures of each shard will be above the text of the listed shard. Now, let's get on with it shall we?
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Angler. Starting off simple. A fishing rod with a fish at the end. The ancient society knew how to craft fishing rods and catch fish.
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Archer. A drawn bow and arrow. They crafted bows and arrows and knew how to use them. Probably related to skeletons somehow. Maybe the skeletons are them? Maybe the skeletons just stole their technology once they were gone? Unsure.
In real life, bow-and-arrow technology was revolutionary in terms of human evolution. Some archeologists even theorize that bows were the tools that began the end for our cousins, Neanderthals. But in Minecraft... who knows?
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Arms Up. A humanoid figure with their arms raised. The arms-up pose means something unknown. Perhaps a gesture of friendship, or peace? What we do know is that, for near certain, the ancient peoples were humanoid in nature, close if not near identical to modern players.
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Blade. A sword. Very similar to the standard Minecraft sword model, with a slightly different hilt. Maybe a pixel art limitation, maybe not. The ancient peoples knew how to make swords.
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Brewer. A bottle of some description. Seems like a mixed design between a glass bottle and a cauldron. Nevertheless, it has its origins in brewing. They knew how to brew potions. Did they have a different system of brewing to the modern day, or did they have access to the Nether for materials? Currently unknown.
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Burn. A flame. They knew how to make fire, or at least knew of its existence. But drawing on the last point, perhaps it's not a fire, but a blaze powder instead. The textures are oddly similar to one another.
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Danger. A creeper. Seems like these mobs have been around for a while, and have always been a pain in the backside to watch out for. Wonder if they replied to such a call of danger with "aw man."
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Explorer. A map with an X, marking a specific spot. They hid treasures in the ground likely in the same way of IRL pirates - marking a spot on a map for later. Sadly, from modern treasure maps found in shipwrecks, it seems they weren't able to get back to all their spoils in time. Also indicates they knew how to make and use maps.
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Friend. An iron golem face. The ancient peoples knew that iron golems existed and that they were protective and friendly towards them. Perhaps, building upon other, older theories, they made the iron golems themselves.
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Heart. A standard heart shape. Possibly a visualization of love. Or perhaps they had hearts within them as humans do in the real world, and this is what they looked like.
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Heartbreak. A heart broken in two down the vertical center. ...Let's go with the first assumption of the previous shard's imagery. A broken heart is often a symbol of a bad feeling over a lost relationship. The ancient society had intricate relationships between its peoples. They loved and fell out of love, in any and possibly every such meaning of the term.
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Howl. A wolf. In the words of a dear friend of mine, "They had doggies!" Or, more likely, began the process of domesticating wolves into the tamable breed we know today. At the very least, they knew of the existence of wolves, regardless of whether the ancient people-wolf relations were good or not.
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Miner. A pickaxe. The ancient peoples were able to craft tools like pickaxes to mine for resources. The pickaxe here, much like the sword, is slightly different in design to what we know today.
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Mourner. A warden. Now this... this is a very interesting one. I have my own theories that would require a bit more explaining than this format will allow for. (Maybe I will express such thoughts at a later date, if readers wish to hear them...) Let your thoughts be known in the tags!
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Plenty. An open chest. This proves that the ancient peoples had the ability to craft chests, and the need for extra storage beyond what could be carried (presumably in their inventories, if they had them).
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Prize. A gem. This is an indicator that they were able to mine for resources. Now, some sources may indicate this as a diamond. However, the shape is very distinct from that of any diamonds ever in Minecraft. This may be a completely new - or rather, very old - and different gem than anything players have seen before.
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Sheaf. A bundle of wheat. They had means of farming and collecting wheat, and perhaps other crops as well. Agriculture is a part of their culture.
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Shelter. A tree. They were able to hide from the elements underneath trees, later emulating this with their own buildings.
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Skull. A skull. This could either be the skull of a skeleton mob, from which the skull item drops today, or perhaps the skull of the deceased. They knew of skeletons and death in one form or another.
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Snort. A sniffer. This proves that sniffers existed at the same time as this ancient civilization, and that these people were in some form of contact with sniffers.
Remember that anything listed here was important enough to the society of ancient peoples to be immortalized in the art of their pottery. Each one of these has some sort of significance.
Taglist: @darubyprincxx @nightshadeowl @eagle-warri
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
sick reader x kate with “You’re home early?” and “Don’t come too close. You don’t wanna catch this.” plsssss
Cheesy Movies And Chicken Soup
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〚 Notes - Sorry this is kinda short, I just wanted to get it posted :D Enjoy :D 〛
〚 Pairing - Kate Bishop x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - Kate comes home to find the door unlocked and a certain someone home from work early. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 620 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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The first thing that caught her attention was the door being unlocked. Kate cursed at herself mentally, she was sure she’d locked it before she left, she was so sure! 
Oh god… What if someone had broken in- it’d be all her fault! What if- her racing thoughts were stopped on their tracks at a sudden sound. She wasn’t entirely sure what she’d heard but it wasn’t the sound of robbers ransacking the place that was for sure. 
Kate cautiously stepped inside, her heart pounding in her chest as she rooted around in her rucksack before pulling out a pencil case and holding it defensively in front of herself before creeping further inside. 
She approached the living room. She stayed round the corner for a moment, plotting a plan on what to do. After a few seconds of decision, she decided it would be best to take whatever it was by surprise and so she jumped around the corner, swinging the pencil case in front of her with a yell just as- 
“Hh-hihtshhoo!” You sneezed as you sat in the small armchair of the room, neatly snuggled beneath a blanket, “God... gross- Katie?!” You gasped, seeing your girlfriend’s eyes widen in surprise as she stared back at you blankly. 
Kate's initial fear turned into utter surprise as she gazed at you, still holding the pencil case defensively. "Oh my God, Y/N!” She exclaimed, dropping the pencil case, “You scared the shit out of me! Jesus!” She spilled out, sighing in relief. 
It was impossible to hold back the laugh that came next. You sat chaotically, albeit very raspily, laughing as the archer recovered herself. 
“I thought someone broke in!” Kate explained squeakily as she tried not to laugh herself. 
You gestured to the pencil case on the floor, “And what were you going to do, scribble me to death?” 
“I had no bow! I left it at the compound! It was either this or throwing my paperwork at you.” 
You laughed again but someone caught in your throat, and you sent yourself in a fit of no-great-sounding coughing, a sound which caused Kate to frown at you in concern, laughter forgotten as she came to your side and began rubbing her hand on your back 
“That doesn’t sound good. You didn’t sound like that this morning, this why you’re home early?” She asked before heading to the kitchen to fetch some water which she brought back to you. 
“Manager let me go early,” You explained with a sniffly, quickly turning your head when she leaned so that she had ended up kissing your cheek instead of your lips, “Don't come too close, you don't wanna catch this.” You added before you hid your face behind your oversized sweater sleeves and sneezed twice into it. 
“Babe, we’ve been sharing the same bed for the past week. If I’m gonna catch it then I probably already have.” She shrugged, “There's no way I’m not spending the rest of our day cuddling you. Your little germs don't scare me.” The archer booped the end of your nose, just to exaggerate her point leading your feverish cheeks to blush a little deeper at her affection. 
“You're too good for me," you whispered, leaning into her, "But if you catch this, don't blame me when you end up just as sniffly and miserable as I am." 
She chuckled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'll take my chances," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and affection, “Now, how does a night of cheesy movies and chicken soup sound?” 
You couldn't help but smile weakly at her suggestion as you changed seats to lay beside her on the longer sofa, “That honestly sounds perfect.” 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @citrussnz @kljhsong @santana1437 @lovelyy-moonlight @lots-of-pockets @sashawalker2 @natashamaximoff69 @observeowl @danveration @idkeithershawty @rainedontknow  @loveshineslikethesky @somber-sapphic @lexasaurs634 @scarlettssub 
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flo-barr · 9 months
Promise braids -part 2
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Just wanna say I hate this so much but y'all deserve something.
Part one is here 👇
I might right a part 3 but honestly part 2 took a lot out of me.
@goose-gremlin love you gurl! Tysn for hyping this up for me❤️
@maeriel-arnosel you too 🤗
I'm so sorry everyone else who wanted tagged it's just not working 😞
Warnings: legolas, injury, shitty writing on my part, adult theme?, lil rushed, violence, smut, public sex,
When the time came for you both to rise from the floor and say goodbye you felt your heart sink into your stomach. So little time had been spent between you two.
You both walked to the door, a fresh braid in your hair.
"I shall miss you my love," you whispered to him in elvish.
"as I shall miss you," he hugged you tight and snuck kisses along your neck.
Then he joined Gimli and Aragorn outside.
"you know I happen to own a certain cloak that makes the wearer completely undetectable to those she does not wish to find her."
"and what about an unbetrayed heart? Because I happen to be in need of one," you sighed.
"no I don't however I do have a spare horse if one was to need it."
"I can't go with you," you looked him dead in the eye.
"why not?"
"because he needs to know I'm safe," you replied honestly.
"then stay safe with him," the old wizard smiled, and you returned it.
"he wouldn't let me leave," you could feel giddy butterflies in your stomach.
"then wait for us to be out of sight then head northwest."
"thank you," you grinned before dashing off to gather your things.
By the time you had everything together and changed into riding clothes the others were well on there way. Checking you had everything you glimpsed the bow legolas had trained you with many years ago.
Grabbing it you brought everything outside.
Just as you packed everything onto the horse Gandalf had left you, you heard a horn blowing of in the distance. Your stomach dropped.
The orcs had arrived.
Your heart in your ears you quickly mounted your horse and directed her north west.
You could hear the beginnings of fear as screams rang through the town.
You felt sick to your stomach as you kicked your horse's sides and galloped off.
Praying you'd made it out in time you glanced back at the town which was gradually being ingulfed in flames.
You let out the breath you'd been holding.
You rode faster up the steep hill, when you turned around you saw them the orcs unlike any you'd ever seen.
Bigger, stronger, scarier.
They had swords the size of ponies and spears to match.
The archers had bows the size of saplings. The arrows as sharp as broken hearts.
The same arrows that were souring through the sky.
Quickly you forced your horse faster, but not fast enough.
You could hear the others. They had stopped in a valley with a lone tree near the edge and a small stream gurgling around.
There chatter blurred almost as much as your vision as you slipped from your horse. Hitting the ground with a thud.
Legolas turned his head picking up his bow as he went.
"what are you doing?" Asked Aragorn.
"I heard something," legolas answered simply.
Quietly Aragorn, and Gimli followed him.
Then legolas saw you lying on the ground your breath coming in uneven gasps.
"Y/n," he rushed towards you dropping his bow and arrow to the ground. He picked you up in his arms.
Then he saw the blood streaming from the arrow wound in your lower back.
"She's hurt," Aragorn called to Gandalf.
"Bring her to me," Gandalf called and legolas sprung to his feet almost running over to the wizard.
Your eyes fluttered open as legolas placed you down on your stomach.
"I have something that may help," said Gandalf and he took a small bottle filled with a clear liquid out of his pocket.
"will it hurt her?" Legolas asked.
"extremely," replied Gandalf. "I need to access her back."
Legolas undid the laces at the back of your dress top, leaving your back exposed but he made sure your breasts would be mostly hidden.
"elavate her head and chest so she can breath," Gandalf said.
Legolas shifted so that your top half lay across his lap, his legs crossed.
Then Gandalf removed the cork from the bottle and poured a little of the liquid onto the wound.
It smoked and sizzled. And you screamed.
Legolas tried to comfort you by holding your hand and stroking your hair but it did nothing.
Pain racked your body as the liquid entered your blood stream and ripped its way through your entire being.
Gandalf flinched away momentarily before pouring more liquid onto the gash.
You screamed louder.
"STOP!" You screeched. "PLEASE!" Legolas bent over you holding you tight to him.
Gimli turned away and Aragorn stared at the ground.
"please make it stop," you whimpered tears stinging your eyes.
Gandalf looked at you simpatheticly.
Your wound had disappeared leaving nothing but a faint red mark.
Legolas tied your top closed and sat you up in his arms cradling you into his chest.
"I'm sorry my love," legolas muttered to quietly for anyone else to hear.
"why did you leave?" You murmered before losing conciousness.
Legolas felt tears escape his eyes for the second time that day as he sobbed over your unconscious form.
When you awoke you were on a fine white horse with someone riding behind you.
As the horse jostled you about you felt yourself sliding right but the person behind you quickly righted you pulling you into his chest.
"I'm here," Legolas replied from behind and stroked the side of your face with the back of his hand.
"where are we going?" You asked sleepily.
"into the mountains," he answered leaving a sweet kiss on your neck. "Don't worry you will be safe there."
"Your leaving me?" You turned to look at him.
"We have to my love," he whispered his name for you in elvish.
You sighed and looked at your surroundings, you didn't want to argue with him right now.
You could see the level path gradually steepening, higher and higher until it disappeared amongst the trees.
Once you had traveled for what seemed like hours you reached a small cave in the mountain side. The cave extended about 5 meters back and 3 wide.
Silently you all dismounted your horse's.
"here we are," said Gandalf jesturing to the cave.
"and I'll be safe here?" You asked unsure. Trying to resist the urge to cling to legolas even with his hand in the small of your back. Especially with his hand on the small of your back.
"yes," said Aragorn, "no one will pass through here and if they do they shalln't see you."
"ok," you smiled and you took your small amount of luggage with you into the cave.
"oh and y/n, if someone does happen to come this way do not make a sound. Even if you are bleeding out onto the ground do not let anyone find you. They cannot enter this cave unless they see or hear you. You understand?"
Slightly taken aback you agreed and the company moved on.
"GOODBYE!" Called Gimli and legolas waved.
Wishing legolas was there you searched through your bags for the book you knew you'd packed, as it was your favourite and you had often spent whole nights with your nose stuck in between the pages.
Finding said book you settled down in a small alcove at the back of the cave with your bags resting beside you and began reading.
The story was on old one written by the first elves to travel to middle earth. It was about valinor, a place so pure that many elves were now traveling back to it.
Alas you could not return, not because of your human father. But you could settle for your imaginery version.
You would love to hear how it was now but no elves ever returnes from valinor.
The last thing you heard before drifting of to sleep was a horn blasting through the still silence.
When you awoke it was mid-day and the sun was streaming into the cave.
Rubbing sleep from your eyes you looked out at the lone tree gaurding the exit to your cave you saw shadows moving across the entrance.
Stiffling a gasp you shot back into the alcove.
You could hear bustling around outside before it all went silent. Peaking around the rock you could make out vague shapes lingering by the door.
Hurriedly you ducked back down reaching for the double recurve bow at your feet.
A voice came from outside and you let out a shaky breath collapsing your head into your hands.
"I swear she was right here," said Gimli.
"She was, she was right here," added Aragorn.
"maybe something happened?"came gandalfs voice.
"hopefully she's close by," said Gimli.
You made to stand up but froze. There were four shadows, three voices.
Legolas was there but hadn't spoken.
Silently you sat back down.
"where is she?" Gimli asked.
When you realise your name hadn't been mentioned you thanked your lucky star you hadn't walked out.
"where is she?" Gimli's voice asked again.
It wasn't them.
"probably gone," said Gandalf.
Suddenly you felt a sharp twing of pain in your head and you massaged your temple.
"I can feels it," whispered a wet voice.
Clasping your forehead you curled in on yourself. Wishing for the pain to end. You could feel your consciousness disappearing.
"it's in here," rasped another.
Then you heard the twang of a bow string and the thud of an arrow finding its mark.
Then three more times, before silence.
The throbbing in your head stopped and you straightened your back. Tempted to peer around the corner you shuffled further back against the wall.
You could hear footsteps outside quickly closing in.
"Y/N! Y/N ARE YOU OK?" Came legolas's frantic voice.
You peeped around the wall of the alcove and saw him walking inside the cave.
"yeah, I'm here," you called back meekly.
"oh thank god," legolas rushed to your side and knelt before you, "are you alright are you hurt?"
"no, I'm fine," you replied truthfully and he sighed in relief.
"I was worried."
"where are the others?"
"they sent me ahead, they are just coming," he said but his eyes didn't meet yours.
"legolas?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I ran ahead when I saw you weren't alone "
He helped you to your feet. Then he peaked outside seeing that the others were quite far off legolas turned back to you.
"we have five minutes," he said before slamming his hand beside your head and pulling you into him, kissing you agresively.
Melting into him you trailed your hands up his side's, resting them on his cheeks.
Legolas pushed your back up against the wall, his hand which was previously gripping your waist found its way to your breast, slowly needing it.
You moaned into his mouth and you felt his tongue lick your bottom lip before he took it in-between his teeth and rolled it around.
You pulled him impossibly closer and rapped your arms around his neck.
Panting he stopped gazing into your eyes. His own filled with longing.
"I love you," he whispers you tried to reply but he silenced you with his mouth. You gasped and opened your mouth wider, this must have been what he wanted because seconds later he had his tongue in your mouth.
The sounds of footsteps haulted your kiss.
"Y/N!" Called a voice much to close.
"I thought you said five minutes?" You whispered to legolas. He merely shrugged and walked out of the alcove.
"we are here!" He called out and suddenly Aragorn was upon you checking you to see if you were ingured.
"are you hurt?" He flustered about you.
"I am unharmed Aragorn," you assured him and pushed him back.
"I told you so," said Gimli as he hobbled up to you a humungus grin on his face.
"what bet did you win?" You asked him cheerily.
"Forty three!" Cried Gimli before he turned to see if Gandalf had arrived.
You turned to legolas for an explanation.
He merely looked at his feet and mumbled "one, it was one point," before sneeking his hand into yours looking for simpathy.
You gave it, squeezing his hand tight and rubbing your thumb across his nuckles.
Aragorn watched this exchange closly.
"so you two are really close then?" He asked.
"oh god yeah," you smiled back. "We're like siblings."
"Ah Y/n you are alright?" You nodded in response to Gandalfs question, "good, then we must make hast too Isengard."
"wait what about me? Legolas said I shan't be going to Isengard?" You pointed out.
"oh did he?" Said Aragorn. "Legolas failed to mention that."
All three looked to legolas sternly.
"in my defense," legolas trailed off unable to think of an excuse.
"well I suppose you could stay with the woman if Rohan," suggested Gandalf.
"Then I must stay aswell, harm befalls her whenever I leave," legolas objected.
"yeah, or legolas who is needed could go and I can fight with you guys?"
"No way," they all responded in unison.
"Tch," you tutted and walked too the entrance whilst the others discussed what to do with you.
Hopping down over rocks you walked further away. Following a small burn trickling down next to you.
That's when you heard it a rasping choking sound. The throbbing in your head returned.
"Gots you," gurgled the thing at your feet.
"Legol-" you tried to call out but you fell to your knees the pain in your head intensifying.
As the thing slowly crawled towards you, you kicked out landing a solid kick to its eye making it squeal in pain as it rithed around.
"Help," you cried a lot quieter but the thing at your feet heard.
"No helps for you," it said before lurching forward knocking your head against a rock. Blood poured into your eyes and you fumbled around for a weapon.
Finding a loose rock your turned to the creature bringing the rock down around its head. In the back of your mind you heard the twang of an arrow. But the creature seemed unbothered as it sunk its teeth into your calf.
You screamed an ear piercing scream and attempted to kick off the thing. Holding your rock more tightly you brought it down a second time this time hitting its jaw.
With a sickening crunch the creatures eyes flicked up to yours.
"Fiesty it is," a mix of saliva and blood pooled on your leg. You squeeked and tried to shuffle backwards but the pain in your leg was unimaginable. "Oh it's not leaving, it's not leaving," it laughed.
"Yes she is," cried Aragorn bringing his sword down splitting the creature's head in two. You let out a weak gasp.
Catching your breath you let your head fall back against soft moss.
"Thank you, I owe you one."
"You owe me nothing," he said pulling you into a tight imbrace.
"Where's legolas?"
"You know he heard you scream and ran out with naught but a single arrow and his bow."
"Then why is he not here?"
"Isn't it obvious, he missed,' Aragorn gestured to a singular arrow in the wood of a tree a few feet away.
"Oh," you said momentarily forgetting the pain in your leg but it was remembered harshly when you attempted to move.
Cursing Aragorn lifted you up holding you tight against him.
Tears soaked your cheeks as you cried in agony.
Aragorn started to run back up the mountain. Calling out as he did.
The blood loss would have knocked you unconscious but the pain kept you awake.
The cold stone of the cave floor did nothing to cool the hot pain searing through your body.
"Y/N!" Legolas knelt next to you but didn't touch you.
"Legolas," you reached your hand up to his face and he held it there.
You could hear gandalf ordering the other two around but your pain deluded mind didn't register it, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"Y/n I so sorry, I should have brought more arrows I should have helped more," his tears streaked his fave and landed on yours.
"It's ok, it's not your fault," you could feel someone wrapping bandages round your leg and you squeezed your eyes tight shut so you didn't scream. "Can I go with you know?"
"I am never leaving your side again."
"Thank you."
The road was rough everyone was tired as you trekked through marsh and forest alike.
You were camping out in a small gorge fire crackling and spitting.
***skipable smut from here till the next cut***
Everyone lay a few meters away from were you and legolas were sitting, all fast asleep.
You were proped up against a tree whilst he was leaning on your shoulder.
You were quite a bit away from the others so it came as no surprise to either of you that they hadn't heard you yet.
Legolas's hand was buried beneath your skirt, 'checking your bandages'.
His face was nestled in your hair his fingers working a silent apology on your clit.
You struggled to stay quiet his long fingers spreading your wetness around your folds.
you squirmed slightly and he picked up the pace rubbing circles around your sensitive bud making you whimper.
His fingers moved faster as you ground your hips against them desperate for more.
His other hand moved from your thigh up to your breast slowly massaging it and pinching at your nipple.
Wet squelching sounds erupted as he slipped his finger inside your soaked entrance quickly adding a second as you clenched around him.
His fingers pumped in and out of you in time with his hand on your breast making you moan and grip his thighs your legs spreading outwards.
He slowly let go of your breast his hand joing his other between your things only this one drew slow circles around your clit.
Your breathing quickened as his hands worked you faster.
suddenly you came letting out a silent moan.
He kept going through your orgasm until you had finished and her slowly pulled his fingers out of you and popped them in his mouth sucking them clean.
****end smut****
silence rung loud through the clearing broken only by gimlis uneven ear splitting snore.
The moon was high in the sky casting long shadows, and the cold air hung like a weighted blanket.
you fell asleep leaning against Legolas his breathing luling you to sleep.
Even with the ground poking you uncomfortably his arms were like a weighted blanket on your thoughts.
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r0sequarks · 1 year
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doodles for a tears of the kingdom roleswap au, because those will forever be my jam and i really like the idea of playable zelda. notes/rambling under the cut.
Scavenged Zonai tech instead of Ultrahand (she made it herself??)
idk if the stone stays a necklace or goes on a hand or what
Maybe Zonai glasses? idk
She has an undershirt b/c boobs. Patterned off main padding.
Zonai Survey Team + Hylian Armor (people just give Zelda shit)
Bow of Light - summons freely, acts like Master Sword, powers up with shrines?
Text is readable (Purah: stealing my look! rude!)
And then the general core conceits of Playable TotK Zelda:
Archer - ranged combat focus/optimized
Princess/General - focus on group combat (sages / monster squad / Gerudo Town)
Priestess - Light + Time magic, upgrades
Zonai Researcher - extra knowledge in ruins, can read tet, can do more with scavenging
I need to finish the final boss fight before I decide what entirely Link's role ends up as, but he's sent back in time injured with the broken sword while Zelda is teleported by the Purah Pad away to the Sky Island. IDK if she still has Rauru (or Mineru) as a guide, but even if she does, she's a lot more self sufficient, and scavenges/builds the tech to interface with Zonai devices herself instead of just being given the Ultrahand. I think she still gets the same abilities, but like. She's doing it herself. very stressed out this is fine energy.
Zelda on the sky island is probably more than a little feral researcher. It's her getting used to combat. When we started with the broken master sword, I though the game was going to let you keep it and power it up over time; I'm glad that's not how it went but I do think it would be interesting, so Zelda gets to summon a bow and it levels up over time (probably connected to the shrines system, because Holy Light, but idk how exactly). She can use swords and other weapons, but she definitely defaults more ranged.
Zelda also gets magic, which is obviously the Time Rune stuff, but I think also it would be cool if she had a light power unarmed attack (similar to but weaker than the Yiga Earthwave you can unlock). I like the idea of a playthrough where you never pick up a sword and you just keep light blasting people and dodging even though it is almost certainly the weaker attack. feral untrained self taught mages are and forever will be my jam.
When Zelda returns to Hyrule proper, I think the reactions are very different, because everyone pretty much agrees she's in charge (even if, perhaps, she doesn't). I also think that, well, people are less worried about Link being missing than they are about Zelda - the Lucky Clover isn't running stories about him, y'know? As such it's driven by what Zelda wants - which is to find Link, even if it''s not what others want.
Zelda as princess I think also plays interestingly into the group combat TotK introduces; I think in her game she acts more as general and they're more common. Not that she can't be on front lines, but it'd be pretty easy to play letting the Sages eat up melee while she's sniping. I also think she gets magic that can heal allies, making them more useful in fights to some extent. This would maybe be very messy in a real game but this is a theory baybee!
Although I think that's probably similarly limited / you don't have to drag people around while climbing mountains. Which, to be clear, she still does. It's been like five years and she's clearly been traveling the world with Link still at her side, there's no way that she's not just as feral an adventurer as he is. She's just better as passing as normal.
The big change in exploration is the various ruins, because she actually knows shit. I like to imagine there's some feature Zelda can use to sort of take notes on basically any Zonai or other ancient shit you find anywhere. She doesn't need to run back to Kakariko Village to translate, she's putting stuff together herself. This is maybe manifested by Zonai glasses/mask, which replaces/augments the Camera feature? And then upgrades to help you better see stuff? idk. [let the purah scope zoom in and out. ideal fix. kthxbai]
as for how Zelda interacts with the world...that's kind of complicated but really interesting. she's the beloved princess, but she is the Princess, and for the other four nations, specifically, Not Their Princess. like the dynamic with the Sages definitely changes. There's probably some themes there to parallel Zelda with Rauru but like that means there are Implications and I need to think more on that than 2am.
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bronzefuryfic · 1 year
Bronze Fury
When the only child of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce is brought to King's Landing to meet with the rest of her family, she finds herself caught in a crisis of succession. The Greens battle for her support... and her affections.
Chapter One: Runestone Remembers / Directory
The shepherds of the Vale report the dragon Sheepstealer has been sighted to the south of Runestone. Determined to please her family, 15-year-old Rhae Targaryen is ready to finally claim her birthright, or die trying.
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Since she was a child, Rhae Targaryen bore the weight of vengeance for a house wronged. The words of her mother's house were "We Remember", and for what happened to her, House Royce would never forget. The ghost of their fallen matriarch haunted the face of her daughter. Despite her silver hair, the only child of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce otherwise preserved the features of her mother.
Rhae would sometimes wonder if she looked any less like her mother, that the lords and ladies of Runestone might move on. Her uncles and cousins would promise her they'd have justice for Daemon's crimes, but these promises always seemed for someone else. While all of House Royce could remember Rhea Royce- her fury and her passion, her skill with a bow, her sharp wit- Rhae could not.
For all her frustration for her lack of remembrance, Rhae's heart still soared with each comparison.
"Your mother also favored a heavier bow when she was your age," her uncle would tell her. "Best to build the muscle. You'll have a far greater range than others will expect from a female archer."
Rhae would sometimes wonder if she looked any less like her mother, that the lords and ladies of Runestone might move on. Her uncles and cousins would promise her they'd have justice for Daemon's crimes, but these promises always seemed for someone else. While all of House Royce could remember Rhea Royce- her fury and her passion, her skill with a bow, her sharp wit- Rhae could not.
For all her frustration for her lack of remembrance, Rhae's heart still soared with each comparison."Your mother also favored a heavier bow when she was your age," her uncle would tell her. "Best to build the muscle. You'll have a far greater range than others will expect from a female archer."
"Lady Royce never had much patience for needlework either," lamented the Septa. "We'll have to have you start this piece again. That simply won't do..."
"A favorite of Rhea's, if I recall correctly," a cousin shared as Rhae pored over the historical accounts of Nymeria's travels. "Nymeria was a hero of hers."
Though she'd never know her mother, Rhae thought she would've liked her.
The subject of her father was an equally difficult one, but for a different reason. House Royce was sure to remind Rhae of her father's crimes near-daily. Her mother was said to have been thrown from her horse, her spine broken and skull caved. A senseless tragedy, as noted in the letters that came in the following weeks—most of which offered some line of inquiry about the new heir of Runestone's two-year-old hand. But nearly all neglected to comment on the true treachery that transpired.
Prince Daemon had returned to Runestone the day of his wife's death, and had scarcely stayed an hour before departing for the Red Keep. The Street of Silk was alive with whispers that night, rife with reports of Daemon's celebration. He was finally rid of his bronze bitch.
Rhae was raised on the story of her Uncle Gerold confronting Daemon at King's Landing and accusing him of murder. She was told how her father merely laughed, and said that as Rhea Royce's husband, Runestone should pass to him now. Daemon never made good on the threat, but nothing came of Ser Gerold's accusations either. During this time, only the Hightowers extended a hand. Ser Otto alone dared to acknowledge Rhea's murder in his communications with Ser Gerold. It was a small solace.
Rhae resented and feared the rogue prince accordingly. There was little incentive for any other conclusion—she could not remember Daemon either. Images of his face were only her imagination.
But resenting him did nothing to change her heritage. Rhae was the only person bearing the Targaryen name in all the Vale. She was easily spotted everywhere she went for her silver hair. Just as the vestiges of her mother haunted her, so did her father.
Her position was thus a precarious one. She was the heir to Runestone, but shared the name of the butcher who'd killed her predecessor. To some, to have a Targaryen sit the ancestral seat of House Royce was a great insult. As she was a woman, an engagement could easily remedy this slight, but there were those in Runestone that recognized the power in her name. If a Targaryen were to champion House Royce, their house may know glory like it hadn't seen in years. While the Bronze Kings were a proud lot, they would be foolish to deny the potential of the dragon before them.
That was, of course, if the young Targaryen had a dragon. Forgotten in the Vale, Rhae suffered from a lack of resources. She knew little of Old Valayria and its teachings. Daemon had never disowned his eldest daughter, but he'd never extended a hand to her either. It was as though she didn't exist, even as obvious as it may be she was a trueborn Targaryen. What House Royce remembers, the House of the Dragon forgets.
Questions of her place plagued Rhae through her youth. For all her love of House Royce, she carried a hollowness in her heart. She'd never known love without grief.
"They have denied us justice for your mother's murder for many years, Rhae," Gerold told her as they walked the courtyard. "And perhaps we'll be denied forever, if not for you. If Daemon were to return for Runestone, as he's promised, we will be at the mercy of his dragon."
"I cannot control his dragon," Rhae replied. An involuntary tug of her lip turns her mouth into a frown. Few things could stop a dragon, and Caraxes and his rider were as vicious as they came.
"Not his," Ser Gerold mused, offering a rare smile. He did not seem to hold his usual temperament. Rather than grave and serious, Ser Gerold's voice carried a hint of eagerness. For what, Rhae couldn't be certain. They'd had this conversation a thousand times in the 13 years since Rhea's murder. "We know little of dragons here, but even this we are certain. Dragons are loyal creatures, even if their riders are not."
Rhae pursed her lips and looked away. Last she'd heard, Daemon had travelled to the Free Cities some months ago with his new wife and children after a years-long stay in Driftmark. Rhae had spent many nights wondering if he might do something horrid to them as well, but all the news seemed to point to the contrary. Having won his battle in the Stepstones, and ridding himself of his first wife, Prince Daemon seemed to have retired to a life of a lavish lord. More than that, he seemed more than willing to share this life with Laena Velaryon and their children together. Rhae's father seemed no stranger to loyalty, even if it wasn't to her.
"There have been reports of a dragon migrating north from Dragonstone," Gerold continued, stopping Rhae in her tracks. "Myself and the maesters believe it might be a sign."
"I'm up for the task."
Gerold chuckled and turned, having gone a few paces past her.
"I suspected you might say that," He said, surveying her with pride. "I've had scouts tracking the beast's movements for some time now. We believe it's settled in a cavern on our Southern coast."
"And you've waited until now to tell me?"
"We wanted to be certain," Ser Gerold said, raising a hand defensively. "Furthermore, we'd hoped you might learn more from King Viserys before taking on such a task. Has the King responded to your letters?"
Rhae flushed. At her uncle's behest, she'd been attempting to appeal to the King's supposed love of family and Valaryian history. Ser Gerold even instructed her to express contempt for House Royce and show a longing to reconnect with her Targaryen roots. Rhae thought this piece was her most convincing. She hadn't expected an invitation to King's Landing by any means, but she'd hoped at least for a book or two. So far, even that was too much to ask.
Ser Gerold's brow furrowed, and Rhae knew this meant disappointment.
"I don't need a letter or a book or a blessing from the king to claim what is mine!" She insisted, clenching her fists. She'd do anything to ease the constant shame that hung so heavily over her. "Just because they refuse to see me as part of their house, doesn't mean I don't share their blood! It is my birthright to claim a dragon. You too must not deny me this!"
Ser Gerold held her gaze a long while, before finally relinquishing with a curt nod.
"Very well, Lady Rhae."
And without waiting for dismissal, Rhae took off to prepare her things.
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Rhae, Ser Gerold, and thirty of their best men set out the next morning for Gull Town. The journey took three days of riding, but Rhae did not mind. Away from the castle, on her way to claim a dragon... The change was welcome.
Rhae was accustomed to whispers as she passed, but on this journey, the guards were sure to give her plenty space. She suspected this might be on her uncle's order—He had been oddly distant with her since they last spoke. He communicated to her only in scout updates and affirming nods from across the campsite. Rhae wondered what he was thinking.
Scouts reported they were tracking Sheepstealer, a wild dragon of about forty years of age. According to Ser Gerold, Sheepstealer did not harm shepherds. While it was not clear what compelled him to come so far north, the dragon seemed to behave in all manners expected from its name. Farmers have reported over two dozen sheep stolen in the last few days alone.
They planned for Rhae to deliver a sheep to the dragon before attempting to ride it. While Sheepstealer did not hunt humans, there was no way to determine his reaction to being approached. If things turned deadly, Rhae was to fall back to the treeline immediately. Archers would cover her retreat, and with any luck, Sheepstealer would leave after losing sight of them.
"Not that I have any doubts you will claim this dragon," Ser Gerold added after their meeting. "You are Targaryen; the dragon will obey your command."
Rhae willed herself to believe the same.
On the second night of their journey, a scout reported he had seen Sheepstealer just a mile westward. The camp grounds held an uneasy silence that night, every knight and guard nervous to fall asleep with a dragon so close by. In the morning, they would deliver Rhae to the sight on foot, to avoid detection and possibly frightening the beast.
Rhae too stayed up late, feeding on the anxieties of the rest of the campsite. She tossed and turned in her make-shift bed.
Perhaps she wasn't ready to tame a dragon. She'd never so much as seen one before! If she failed to tame Sheepstealer, what would come of her house's hope for justice? Would she become exiled from them too? Rhae thought she might prefer Sheepstealer eat her before facing that future.
In the morning, Ser Gerold maintained his stiff silence towards his niece. The whole walk, Rhae hoped he might say something. When they first heard Sheepstealer's roar, he did not look her way. As the archers got into position, Ser Gerold busied himself with a loose strap on his armor. It wasn't until her uncle pressed the sheep's lead into Rhae's hand, still dodging her gaze, that she found the courage to break the silence herself.
"I don't mean to alarm you, uncle, but I think you have grown twice as gray as when we started this trip."
Ser Gerold looked as though Rhae had smacked him across the face, then let out a wild bark of laughter. The guards behind him flinched at the sudden noise, eyes still trained on Sheepstealer, and Ser Gerold instantly bit his knuckle.
"Apologies," he whispered, leaning in as tears stung his eyes. He was still chuckling softly. "You are so extraordinarily like your mother."
"So I've heard," Rhae mustered.
"I'm sorry, Rhae," Ser Gerold clasped her shoulders, gaining his composure. Sheepstealer trilled from the field, but Ser Gerold did not take his eyes off her. "I have acted cowardly. House Royce has little business with dragons. I must admit, this pending task frightens me more than any I've had before."
"Fear not, Uncle," Rhae managed half a smile. "I'm the one carrying his favorite snack."
"That is the part that frightens me most." Before Rhae could reply, Ser Gerold pulled her into a tight embrace. A lump formed in her throat as her arms wrapped around his torso.
Lead in hand, Rhae steps out of the brush into the field. The ocean breeze blowing in from over the cliff edge whips her silver hair, and she quickly spots Sheepstealer lounging by the cliff face. She turns to see her Uncle Gerold one last time, and he gives her a final, grim nod.
You've got this.
Heart thumping in her chest, Rhae marched the sheep across the field. It was much farther away from the treeline than she would've preferred. As she drew near, Sheepstealer lifted his scaly head to watch her. To Rhae's surprise, he was actually smaller than she had imagined. Rhae wondered for a moment whether she'd merely imagined dragons to be too big. She straightened her spine—he wasn't so scary.
Sheepsteeler scales were a dark muddy brown, making it difficult to distinguish his features. He was a dark, lean mass save for orange eyes that seemed to glow like embers. The sheep Rhae escorted tugged at the rope, resisting her lead. The dragon trilled once more, eyes narrowing on its squirming meal.
Rhae held her ground as Sheepstealer pushed himself up further, baring his teeth. After a moment, when nothing else happened, Rhae gave a tug of the leash and dragged the struggling sheep closer.
"Serve me, Sheepstealer." Rhae said, locking eyes with the beast before her. His snout flared slightly. "By the power of Old Valyria, heed my words."
Rhae was uncertain that the dragon could understand her—his attention seemed torn between her and the offering she brought along.
It won't work, Rhae thought fearfully. But she couldn't return without a dragon. Sheepstealer would listen to her—He had to.
Now within biting distance of the dragon, Rhae slackened her grip of the sheep's lead. It at least seemed a good sign Sheepstealer had not struck yet.
The moment of truth was approaching. The sheep would run, and the dragon would feast. Then, if she still had her wits, Rhae would mount his back. She tried not to dwell on the fact that she wasn't sure what to do then, either.
Rhae let the rope fall to the ground with a soft thump, and the sheep set off at a brisk trot, its lead trailing behind it. Sheepstealer was now raised on all fours, watching its prey flee with alarming excitement.
"My gift to you, Sheepstealer."
With a roar of delight, the dragon did not waste a second longer to open his maw and expel a shot of flames. Even though the blast was not aimed at her, Rhae gasped at the intensity of the dragon's breath from where she stood. Startled, she leapt backwards to distance herself from the wave of heat. In doing so, her foot snagged on a rock.
Rhae cursed loudly, swinging her arms wildly for balance. She knew her mistake instantly—she should've allowed herself to fall. Sheepstealer may have tolerated Rhae's presence so far, but tolerance was not the same as trust. The sudden noise and large movements surprised the dragon, which defensively spun on her in an instant. His neck coiled back, eyes turning to slits. Another blast seemed to building in his throat...
"Serve me, Sheepstealer!" Rhae cried forcefully. "I wish you no harm! Stand down! Obey!"
Rhae could've sworn she saw the glow within his gullet dim, but control was already lost. At the edge of the wood, Ser Gerold had charged the open field the moment the dragon turned on Rhae. Dutifully, a small band of knights followed quickly behind. They let out a cry, drawing Sheepstealer's attention.
With a roar and a powerful flap of his wings, Sheepstealer was airborne.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit!
Rhae made her way hurriedly across the field, sprinting past the smouldering, forgotten sheep she'd brought as an offering. Within moments, Sheepstealer had crossed the field and was descending upon the guards. A volley of arrows loosed as the knights threw their shields up.
Sheepstealer roared in outrage, lashing his spiked tail dangerously. One body went soaring through the air, landing with a sickening crack in the ground thirty feet away. Rhae's heart seized as she sprinted harder for the wood.
Another volley of arrows loosed, with several lodging in the dragon's throat. They didn't seem deep enough for any substantial damage, but Sheepstealer still cried defiantly, shaking them free.
Rhae was closer now, and could see Ser Gerold slashing with his sword. She sucked what air she could into her lungs and cried out once more.
"Stop this attack! Stop!"
Now caught up, Rhae dodged as Sheepstealer gave another deadly whip with his tail. It came down hard beside her uncle, who fell to the ground with a painful grunt. Before she could make her way to him, another knight had grabbed her firmly around the waist and was dragging her to cover.
"NO! Sheepstealer, stop! Unhand me!"
Rhae wrestled herself from his grip and ran to her uncle, ignoring the danger. A roar filled the air as another volley loosed—the men were panicking. Sheepstealer incinerated the arrows as they flew closer, thrashing his head. Rhae heard muffled shouts over the ringing that now filled her ears.
A blinding pain consumed her left side, the same wave of heat from before colliding even closer to where she stood. Rhae fought to keep her eyes open, struggling to focus on her own smouldering arm. Her skin bubbled and boiled, looking red and angry. Through the haze and smoke, she saw Sheepstealer rise once more.
"Ser... Gerold" she gasped. She had fallen to her knees, trying to hold herself up with her uninjured right arm. Her Uncle was badly hurt. With one knee bent at an odd angle, and an arrow protruding from his gut, Ser Gerold Royce lay gasping for breath in the dirt. He too suffered from sickly burns. Rhae watched in horror as his armor seemed to mold to his skin.
Ser Gerold writhed on the ground, crying in anguish from his injuries. As Sheepstealer soared off over the ocean, the remaining guard came out from their cover.
"We need a healer!" someone called. Rhae was loosing conscious rapidly, but she was vaguely aware of someone attempting to move her.
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Rhae did not remember her travels back to Runestone, having been heavily sedated on the milk of the poppy. It was later, while she recovered in the castle, that the Maesters finally filled her in.
During her third bandaging, she'd finally become lucid enough to understand their story. She was told that they'd only lost seven men of the thirty they brought—a "miracle". In addition, only she and two others received any long-lasting injury.
"And Ser Gerold? Which of these is he?" she demanded of the Maesters once she had found her voice. They bowed their heads, confirming her fears.
"I apologize, Lady Rhae," the eldest of them, Maester Willem, stepped forward. "They said Ser Gerold did not survive the return to camp."
Rhae let loose a throaty sob, wishing they'd leave. She could not shout at them in this state, and so allowed them to proceed with applying burn creams to her charred arm.
"Your injury will take time to heal, but it thankfully has not become infected," Willem continued, once her labored sobs gave way to sniffles. "It is likely the scar tissue will affect mobility at your shoulder and elbow joint, but we hope it'll be mostly functional within a few months."
Rhae would give both arms to have Ser Gerold returned to her—none at Runestone advocated for the heir as devoutly as her Uncle.
"Any other news?" She asked meekly as they re-bandaged her arm. She prayed for none.
The Maesters exchanged nervous glances before Willem brought forth a letter from a pocket deep in his robes.
"One last thing, if you're up for it..." She wasn't. "It arrived shortly after you left."
Grunting, Rhae leaned forward in her bed, reaching for the scroll. She broke the seal and flattened it one-handed on her bedsheets. As soon as she read it, she read it over again. Then a third time, just to be sure.
"Is this truly from the Queen?"
"It came with all the royal seals, my lady."
"She says..." Rhae's voice faltered once more. "She says that the Crown regrets our estrangement."
"This is good news, is it not?"
Rhae couldn't say. Ser Gerold had ruled Runestone in her stead all these years. Rhae had originally ascended at 2, but now at 15 it would be appropriate for her to sit the seat herself. That was, if anyone else from House Royce still trusted her after this latest tragedy. She could already hear the whispers in the hall. Rhae had been tasked with bringing justice, but all she brought was more death and more destruction.
Rhae reread the letter a fourth time, ignoring the Maester's question.
"The King grows ill." She continued. "And has expressed a desire to reconnect with family after so many years apart." Did it count as reconnecting if they'd never met? "The Queen says she would like to host me in King's Landing, to learn the ancient traditions of my House." A bit late for that, it seemed. "She mentions her daughter Haelena is my age, and her sons are close to it. It's her sincerest hope that we might still be friends..."
Rhae trailed off, reading the letter a fifth time. Rage brewed in her stomach. What good was such an offer now that Ser Gerold was dead? The Maesters watched her closely.
"If I may offer some advice," Maester Willem said at last. "I know you bear no love for your Targaryen family members, but you're scarcely the only one to feel that way... if you're to believe the gossip of lords and ladies, that is."
"Which lords and ladies?"
Maester Willem eyed her closely. "The Hightowers have long held contempt for your father, just as the Royces have. I think it notable that your response came from the Queen, and not the King."
Rhae allowed his words to sink in, trying to ignore how itchy and sore her arm felt beneath its wrappings. Ser Gerold's cries of anguish still rang in her ear.
What had it been for?
"Fetch me some parchment, Maester," Rhae groaned as she sat straightened in her bed. She may be without her own dragon, but she could still align herself with their firepower. Best yet, she could do so while granting House Royce a reprieve from her presence. "And put away the poppy. I've had plenty."
The Maesters bustled at her orders. There was still a matter of finding someone to warm her seat in her absence, and she would need time to recover before she traveled. A necessary delay, though plenty frustrating...
"Prepare our fastest raven," Rhae continued, dipping her quill. "I'll have my response sent as soon as I'm done with it."
She may not remember Rhea, as the rest of House Royce did, but the sight of Ser Gerold's mangled corpse was not something she'd soon forget.
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Next Chapter: Ch. 2 - To King's Landing
After suffering a great loss, Rhae is summoned to King’s Landing to meet her estranged Targaryen family members. Far from home and alone in the dragon’s den, it is up to her to determine friend from foe. 
AO3 | Chapter Discussion
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Earpiece Patch
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Characters: Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Clint and Kate seek you out for some tech assistance after a mission gone wrong.
Kate looked at the broken hearing aid that Clint was holding tightly and felt a little bad about the whole incident. Wanting to make it up to her hero, she perked up and bumped his shoulder. He looked at her.
“I know someone who can get that fixed.” She told him momentarily forgetting that he couldn’t hear her clearly.
Clint squinted at her, trying to read her lips but the young girl spoke too fast so he shook his head and spoke over her.
“I didn’t understand a word you said.” He said and then lifted the earpiece. “I know someone who can fix this.”
Kate shrugged and continued to follow his lead.
They ended up at a fancy house completely decked out with holiday decorations much to Kate’s excitement when she saw the glass panelled door.
“Whoa, who lives here? They’ve got nice taste.” Kate complimented as she walked up the small stairs to the front porch. “Very exquisite-hey!”
To her surprise, the bow in her hand was quickly taken away by Clint who tossed it, and his own bow, into the hedges and out of sight.
“What was that for?”
“We’re here for a casual visit. So no bows.” Clint explained, guessing that she had just asked a question from the way she frowned. He pressed the doorbell and waited as the lights flashed blue. The duo waited for a silent minute, Kate rocking on her heels.
“Maybe no one’s home?” She considered but it fell on partially-deaf ears.
Just as she was about to tap Clint on the shoulder and repeat herself, the lock clicked from inside and the door swung open revealing another Avenger that Kate was obsessed with.
Y/n - dubbed ‘the most badass Avenger’ by Kate - was holding a box of Hulk-green baubles under one arm while tinsel was hanging around their neck, a few loose flecks making it to their forehead.
When you saw the pair, you mouth turned upward into a grin.
“Hi, what an unexpected surprise!” You said and set the baubles on the ground. Crossing the threshold, you wrapped your arms around Clint first and then stepped over to Kate to repeat the motion. The young archer may have received a face full of gold tinsel but the hug was so warm, Kate almost didn’t want to let go until Clint cleared his throat.
Kate released her hold and stepped back completely elated to be meeting another hero. She was going to keep her cool. She was going to be very chill and relaxed and…
“I love you.” She blurt out.
Clint’s hearing may have been difficult but he knew what those words sounded like no matter how unclear. He closed his eyes and exhaled.
Kate quickly tried to explain her outburst. “I mean, I love you as an Avenger! Not that I don’t love you as a person because I do but you’re so badass when you’re fighting bad guys you should do it more. Not like I want bad guys constantly attacking you or anything. I’m just going to stop… talking… now.”
You found Kate to be incredibly sweet and adoring. You had experience with fans who were very vocal about you being an Avenger. Reassuring the young woman that she hadn’t said anything offensive, you stepped to the side.
“Come in, I had gingerbread in the oven. Could use a hand with decorating since Scott rushed out to get some extra supplies.”
“Scott as in Scott Lang? The Antman?” Kate repeated.
You chuckled, sending her a wink. “The very same.”
Clint walked in with Kate eagerly following behind. It was everything she had imagined your home to look and feel. They entered the large kitchen area and took some seats at the island bench where all the decorating tools were sitting ready. You headed to the oven to retrieve the gingerbread cookies instantly filling the air with a warm gingery aroma. You carefully brought them back to the bench and took off the oven mitts, opening your palm towards Clint.
“Let’s see it.” You said.
Chuckling, Clint tilted his head and glanced over to Kate who shrugged. You smirked and tapped a hand on the bench top, illuminating the surface in a similar light to the doorbell. You skimmed your fingers hand across the surface and sent a video to the pair showing them footage of themselves at the doorstep hastily tossing their bows and weapons into the bushes.
“…ah.” Clint nodded.
Kate cleared her throat, “To be 100% transparent, he caught me off guard.”
You smirked at the young girl. “Welcome to ‘Avenger-ing’.” You then quirked a brow to your long-time friend and watched him reach into his pocket to pull out his hearing aid. He handed it over and you assessed the damage by holding it up to the light.
“Looks like someone stepped on it.” You guessed and brought it back down. Stepping back, you looked at the cabinets and opened the second last one to reveal a box. Lifting it, you set it on the bench and started to rummage through the contents for the right pliers and tools.
“I can fix this in no time.” You confirmed, your words being subtitled on the bench top. “In the meantime, you could pay me back by helping to frost these.”
Kate grinned excitably and looked to her hero on the side as if for permission. Clint picked up a cookie and shrugged.
“It’s Christmas, why not.”
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t-t-tau-me · 2 months
Burning Bitterness: Cha 1 (White Lily Cookie)
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Burning Bitterness (Divide)
The past affects all cookies. Young and old, strong and weak, even species outside of cookie kind. The past causes everyone to fear the future…But what if you could control it?
Special thanks to @brittle-doughie for inspiring/helping make this fanfic, You're awesome!
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The Silver Kingdom was filled with merriment and the sugary smell of sweets. In honor of White Lily Cookie taking up the role Elder Fairy Cookie had left behind, the fairy cookies insisted on celebrating. White Lily Cookie was against the idea at first, but you promised to be by her side during the event...And yet, they seem to be absent. An uneasy feeling brewed like a cauldron in White Lily Cookie’s stomach, gradually bubbling as the combination of social exhaustion and your absence made it hard to appreciate the party thrown in her honor. 
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Silverbell Cookie: “White Lily Cookie…is everything alright, Your Majesty?” In the brief moment White Lily Cookie had lost herself in her thoughts, a familiar fairy guard had flown by her side, a look of slight worry on his face.
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White Lily Cookie: “Ah! Silverbell Cookie…My apologies, I guess I let my mind wander too much.” She said with the slightest blush highlighting her cheeks, holding her Lily staff closer. A month of being the ruler of the Silver Kingdom and she was still making the same mistakes…
The fairy archer merely chuckled in response 
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Silverbell Cookie: “It's quite alright, Your Majesty. I've known you for long enough to know that you have a lot on your mind, So there's no need to apologize…although…something seems to be troubling you.”
White Lily Cookie couldn't help but hang her head in shame a little. Had her worry been so plain to see this entire time? 
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White Lily Cookie: “Well…I suppose there is something…Y/N Cookie said they would be here, and yet they seem to be absent…This isn't the first time they've disappeared without a trace, But they've never broken a promise before.”
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Silverbell Cookie: “I would be more than happy to retrieve them for you, Maybe they just lost track of time?” Silver Bell said with a warm smile. 
White Lily Cookie met the fairy cookie’s smile with her own, pausing for a moment to think. 
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White Lily Cookie: “No need, I'll go and find Y/N Cookie myself. The fairy cookies have been working tirelessly and deserve a break. Besides, This may be a good opportunity for me to talk with them…they've been strangely distant lately.” 
Now that White Lily Cookie had formed a plan, her worried expression had been replaced with the more familiar resolve that the guard fairy was familiar with. Even though White Lily Cookie could seem meek at times compared to The other ancients, there were times when her resolve rivaled that of Dark Cacao Cookie.
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Silverbell Cookie: “As you wish, your Majesty…just try not to take too long, this party is in your honor after all.” With a quick bow, The Fairy Archer flew back into the crowd.
With Silverbell Cookie’s worries sated for the time being, It was time for White Lily Cookie to locate where you had disappeared to.
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With her staff clenched anxiously in hand and her growing desire to find the cause of your broken promise, White Lily Cookie found herself in the Faerie Library. The music from outside was nothing but a low hum that leaked from the windows, and the enchanting aroma of food was left at the party. The metallic scent of silver made the fairy kingdom quite distinct compared to other places on Earthbread. To many, the absence of flavorful senses would be quite haunting, But within the continent of Beast-Yeast, it was a welcome haven from the overwhelming atmosphere.
White Lily Cookie couldn't help but find her eyes wandering the library. Her thirst for knowledge had brought her to this place many times…So many memories…So many regrets…for the time being White Lily Cookie pushed the nostalgic memories away, she needed to find you to make sure everything was alright! 
Luckily for the ancient hero, she wouldn't have to search much longer for her close confidant. Sitting at a table with music sheets spread across it, you stare out a nearby window with disinterest and irritation. You could already tell by the footsteps echoing in the empty library that she had found you…A heavy dread finds itself in the pit of your stomach, making it near impossible to meet eyes with the ancient hero.
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She calls out your name, face beaming as she begins quickly making her way over to you. Her tone is that of someone filled with overwhelming joy, most likely because she had scared herself with the possibilities as to why you weren't at the festivities…The combination of guilt from past actions and The curse of her imagination made for a sour blend of anxiety.
As White Lily Cookie made her way closer, she felt herself stop in her tracks. A wave of unease hit as she took a closer look at you. You looked exhausted. She saw the way you shifted in the chair when she came close, the way you stared at the window aimlessly as if you were hesitating about something. You looked so… fragile. The ancient hero began to worry, running through all the scenarios in her head…something felt wrong.
White Lily Cookie: “Y/N cookie? Is everything okay? You weren't at the party so I began to worry.” her hands absentmindedly fiddled with the powerful staff she held, her features softened as she readied herself for whatever burden was resting on your shoulders.
Y/N Cookie: “Do you believe freedom is a good thing, White Lily Cookie?” You say in an ominous tone, one that White Lily Cookie rarely ever heard from you, Your tired glare still fixed on the nearby window. 
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White Lily Cookie: “Huh? Of course, Y/N Cookie! Freedom is what allows cookies to be who they are! It allows them to love, create, and discover brand new things.” White Lily Cookie's answer was somewhat hesitant. not out of disbelief of her own words, but rather the sheer Perplexing nature of the question you proposed. 
Her words still shined true with the light of freedom, As rich as the very soul jam that represented this virtue…You can't help but grimace at those words, a burning mixture of emotion seething underneath your dough.
Y/N Cookie: “Is that truly what you believe? The ultimate conclusion you've come to despite everything you've done?” A sour strip of malice lingered on those words
White Lily Cookie was taken aback at your strange hostility, But before she could begin to question it, you continued.
Y/N Cookie: “The Blueberry Yogurt Academy, The deal with the legendary red dragon and...Dark Enchantress Cookie herself. The more stories I hear, the more I question if freedom is really a virtue...and not a curse” You can't help but hear your own grief within your voice. The mere mention of the past events threatens to melt away your mask and leave you a weeping fool…But you would not allow such weakness to occur while faced with the ancient hero, as you couldn't afford your words to be tainted by her pity for you.
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White Lily Cookie: “Y/N Cookie...I had no idea you felt such a way. You had always been so supportive...I never could have imagined you had such thoughts" she spoke somberly as she mauled over your statement. The sins of her past acted As a judge's gavel, a haunting tool that threatened to sentence her to a life of self-loathing.
For a split second, White Lily Cookie heard the sadness in your voice, and that was all she needed to realize how rich your despair was. Cookies that had been crumbled…civilizations that were destroyed…You have been secretly grieving these haunting events without her knowing, chipping away at you and corroding the friendship you both shared. A part of White Lily Cookie wanted to turn away, to avoid the pain and to ignore yours…But she refused.
Back when she had reawakened, White Lily Cookie was nearly swallowed by the guilt of her past mistakes…But thanks to her old friend Pure Vanilla Cookie and his new companions, she found new strength to try and forge a better future. She couldn't afford to let grief hold her back, and she wasn't going to allow it to do the same to you.
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White Lily Cookie: "I've done...Many unforgivable things, But the light of freedom allows me to try and repent for my mista-”
Y/N Cookie: “Enough already!” Your voice boomed across the empty hall of the library, causing the walls to shake and White Lily Cookie to flinch. “All you ancient "heroes" ever do is rely on your virtues, but where is that led you!? All you've done with your "freedom" is destroy!” 
The spice of rage…The bitterness of hatred…The two vile ingredients performed a malevolent dance as they mixed into one another, becoming near indistinguishable from one another. You can practically feel it eating away at the sweet empathy you had for your “friend”, like a greedy cake monster devouring everything in its wake…..and yet...
Y/N cookie: “...How can I trust you, let alone be at your side when everything around you crumbles away?” You finally turn to look at White Lily Cookie, Your fear of seeing the hurt on her face having prevented you from looking until now…You were both just cookies at the end of the day, ones who cared deeply for this world…Making your actions all the more necessary.
Each word was like a sharp knight penetrating White Lily Cookie's heart. She had these thoughts hundreds of times, But to have a cookie so close to you say it with such...Vitriol…Whatever words white Lily may have wanted to use to defend herself, dissolved away in a soggy clump of despair...Could this be his doing?
You finally stand from your seat, filling White Lily Cookie with a raw unease she had never felt from you. You begin to approach the anxious ancient, causing her to step back in response and to hold her staff more defensively. This action doesn't phase you As you make your way to White Lily Cookie, the rhythmic tapping of your approaching footsteps seemed almost like a defiant response.
There's a few feet between the two cookies standing in the library. The damage that your words had done was visible on her face, trying her best to wear a mask of somberness to hide the herd from such heinous words...You find it strange you can still feel some empathy towards the cookie who had caused so much destruction…This is the only way to make it to your solution.
Y/N Cookie: “The light of freedom has proven itself to be far too dangerous…..I might have a solution.” Her face of woe turns to one of confusion and you take this as your cue to continue. “Freedom allows cookies like dark enchantress and the beasts to do horrific deeds, for cake monsters to consume cookies...And for evil to run wild.....But what if...We use the power of your soul jam to bring in a new era of order? No more fighting, no more chaos…just peace.” Even though your tone had softened a bit as you went on, the severity of what you were asking wasn't lost on you…The real question is was she willing to do what it took to protect all of Cookiekind?
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White Lily Cookie's eyes widen with terror, were you suggesting what she thought you were?... How could the cookie closest to White Lily suggest such a horrid thing?! Taking freedom away from anyone, regardless of their actions was...monstrous. This HAD to be the work of Shadow Milk Cookie! The magic she had used to reseal the tree wasn't nearly as strong as the witches, But she had truly believed she had bought everyone time…
And yet…she remembered how showboating and impatient Shadow Milk Cookie could be, as being sealed away left him starved for attention…could this truly be your own decision?
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[End of part one]
The Fates of cookies are as malleable as fresh dough, with the smallest addition changing the entire recipe…What flavor would you like to try?
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katebishopofearth · 3 months
Feel free to ignore….
How do you think tony would react to nats death? (In an ironwidow world ofc)!
Anon you've caught me in an ironwidow mood, and also a writing mood, and also an Endgame mood thanks to @queeenpersephone's excellent scene rewrite. So, it seems like the stars have aligned to make me answer this ask ;)
"See you in a minute." Natasha had smirked and brushed her lips against the corner of his mouth, a quick goodbye like she was going to to pick up cat food from the store down the road. Tony had barely laid a hand on her waist, hadn't even begun to hold her close for a lingering goodbye before they went off to different corners of space and time, when she stepped back lithely and slipped out of his reach.
He'll see her before too long.
But a minute later – after he took a life-changing trip to the past and laid some daddy issues to rest – Clint returns alone to the here and now. Drenched and weaponless, he collapses onto all fours, an orange jewel clutched in his hand.
The Avengers stare at him in trepidation, waiting for an explanation, when all he can offer is a grief-stricken look on his face. A black holes opens up in Tony's stomach and swallows his pounding heart.
"Where is she?" he demands, his voice shaking.
The bow-less archer turns his eyes to him. A look of profound sorrow carved into the lines on his face.
No. Tony swallows the despair that threatens to swallow him whole. "Where is she?!" He repeats, using anger to mask the immense fear that yawns inside him. He steps forward and kneels down to grabs Clint by the shoulders. "Tell me, you coward!" he snarls, at once a demand and a plea. Tell me she's right behind you. Tell me she got left behind. Tell me there's still time to save her. Tell me… tell me… anything except –
Clint shakes his head, unshed tears in his eyes like the alien stars he has just witnessed. "She's gone." His voice cracks.
"No – you're lying." Tony's voice comes out far harsher than he intends. "Tell me you're lying, Barton. Tell me where she is." He's pleading now, all desperation.
"Clint?" Steve prompts, his voice even and calm and Tony hates it, hates how he can be so fucking composed when Natasha isn't here. "Tell us what happened."
"The stone demanded a sacrifice," Clint says. "I tried to stop her, I really did." A sob wrenches its way out of his throat. "I fought her so that she wouldn't jump but she…" His laugh is a broken thing. Something inside Tony – the last remaining shard of hope – shatters at the sound. "She was too fast, too strong for me." He sinks his forehead onto Tony's shoulder despite the other man's aggressive hold. "It should have been me."
"No. No, that's not true, that's not…" Tony stumbles over the words. His head spins, light particles and dust molecules and oxygen swirl around him, taking no shape. His lungs don't work properly anymore. He sees her in his mind's eye, on some barren cliff on an alien planet, and the image doesn't make sense, it simply isn't possible. That she no longer exists somewhere in the world, that the universe isn't warmer for her presence, living and breathing, as certain as the Earth spinning on its axis. Tony wants to look out the windows because surely, surely without her the sun would crumble into ash and the atmosphere disappear and the world fall into smothering darkness because a world without Natasha – is not a world that can exist at all.
Clint raises his head and the grief in his eyes is as fathomless as the pit that yawns within Tony. A black hole to swallow them both and the world with them. Part of Tony wants to put his arms around Clint, hold onto the only person who can possibly understand this terrible, apocalyptic grief and emptiness. But the other part of him wants to push him away, to curse and scream, to fight time and fate and the universe itself.
That angry, resentful part wins out. He shoves Clint off and gets to his feet. "You're right," he snarls. "She's not the one who deserved to die."
"Tony!" Steve gasps in reproach, grabbing Tony's shoulder. But Clint only hangs his head in shame. "That was out of line," Steve reprimands.
"Out of line?" Tony echoes angrily. "Natasha is –" /dead/. He can't bring himself to say the word, to make it unbearably true and final. If he doesn't say it, he can pretend that maybe, maybe in another minute he'll see her again, and this time he'll wrap his arms around her, holding her properly so that she can't slip away again.
"She's gone," Steve says with sombre finality. The lines between his brows betray that he's already admitted defeat, and it makes Tony want to punch him in the face. "We've got to move on." The look of sympathy in his eyes, that implies I know how you feel, makes Tony sick to the stomach.
Tony's voice is freezing cold. "With all due respect, Cap," which is none, he adds silently, "Natasha isn't Peggy Carter. She didn't get to live a full life and achieve great things, and grow old, and die in her own bed surrounded by her children and grandchildren. She has so much life left to live!" He's vibrating with rage, and it's all he can do to stop himself from throwing hands with Captain America.
"She did," Steve agrees, squeezing Tony's shoulder in a way that's meant to be comforting but comes across as a pressure. "But she sacrificed herself for a cause, and we'll honour that. Make the price she paid worth it. We'll save the world. It's what she would want."
Tony glares, his anger freezes his veins and burns him from the inside out. "You don't get to tell me what Natasha would want." He pushes Steve's hand from his shoulder. "For someone who says he wants to save the world, you're awfully quick to give up on the people you love."
"You can't change the past, Tony," Steve urges, but Tony brushes past him roughly.
"No," he says with icy conviction. "I refuse to believe that. I didn't figure out time travel by admitting defeat. You might be able to move on, Steve," he adds scathingly. "But not me."
He marches to the console of the time travel machine. A cold fire burns at the edges of the black hole inside him, the only thing keeping it from engulfing him in despair. He's figured out time travel once, he can do it again. Especially when it's the life of the one person he loves more than anything else that's on the line.
He looks around the tense, grief-stricken faces of the gathered Avengers. Everyone Natasha loves – everyone who loves Natasha – in one room. Steve's arms are crossed and he frowns in disapproval, but Tony can't give a rat's ass what Captain America thought. "We want to save the world?" He puts it to the team. Bruce and Thor offer tentative nods, and that's good enough for him. "Good. We start by saving one of our own. It's only a victory if we all win together."
A spark lights up behind Clint's eyes. A glimmer of hope. Wordlessly, he gets to his feet and offers Tony the orange gem that sits in the palm of his hand. The Infinity Stone that Natasha gave her life for. A singularity of the birth of the universe, but a trinket compared to the singularity, the complexity, the paradox that is Natasha Romanoff.
As Tony takes the Stone from Clint's hand, a silent understanding passes between the two of them. They would trade all six Infinity Stones, a hundred times over, for Natasha's life and think it a bargain.
"New mission, team," he announces. It's a side quest in the grand scheme of the fate of the world, but it's also the only quest that's ever mattered. Because what good is saving the world if Natasha isn't in it? He adjusts the coordinates on the time travel machine and sets a course to Vormir. "We're gonna get Natasha back." Or he would die trying. Either way, he promises silently, I'll see you soon, honey.
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fishtail-tavra · 11 months
Dreamed of 1980’s animated adaptation of Age of Resistance (in the style of the last unicorn) and to be honest it was super fun
They pushed everything into one, hour and a half movie, so a lot of things that were secrets weren’t anymore and the set up got changed to move things right to the climax-
So everyone knows the Skeksis are evil and eating people, but the Skeksis are holding everyone hostage saying the Dark Crystal will die without them (taking all of Thra with it) and THEY will die without Gelfling essence, so from the very start tithes include sacrifices and the retuning of the drained people and
In my dream I cared more about the gays though, meaning Tavra and Onica.
Tavra got introduced arriving late to some big party Mayrin was hosting for the visiting Skeksis- no actually, it was for Brea? Some kind of coming of age thing?- anyway, Tavra trips and falls on her face coming in the doors and everyone’s very O_O; except her sisters who are already running over to say hi
She tripped though bc she saw ONICA in the crowd, disguised, and there were a lot of shots of her in the background during the main action of the party, looking worried and discreetly talking with Totally Not Onica while spilling things on herself absentmindedly or having to get tugged out of the way gently by Onica before she runs into/got run into by someone else
(there’s a morning scene later where we see them in bed together- very PG- both still fully dressed bc Tavra was up most of the night worrying- but Onica is watching Tavra sleep now, reaching out to touch her recently shortened hair (more on that later), and Tavra wakes up from that, smiling, and it’s the first time in the movie we see her really smile so)
In my dream I was mostly busy looking at screen caps and gifs of these two, but there was other changes I had fun with, like BADASS ARCHER NAIA
Naia showing up at the last big battle-
(right before the Skeksis get spooked into unleash the garthim and the clans all scatter desperately hoping at least one Gelfling survives the slaughter long enough to fulfil the Far-Dream that Onica led them into dreaming together blah blah)  
-with this MASSIVE bow, bigger than she is, (lots of cool shots of her arms and back muscles whenever she drew it) and to fire the thing she actually needs to be either standing on something (usually her brother) (or one time both Kylan and Amri stood in for a single Gurjin) or she needs to be airborne
She and Gurjin had this trick where he’d kneel down and she’d run and jump on him, he’d boost her up, and she’d use her wings to slow her fall long enough to get off a shot or two before landing again
She didn’t used it to kill anyone (except Arathim) bc movie Naia still was big on not having the Mystics as collateral damage for stopping the Skeksis,
But she did get a few really dramatic shots- once shattering a Skeksis’s jeweled staff when they were using it to hypnotized and then almost kill someone- and another where (after her own bow got broken) she picks up urVa’s bow (MUCH bigger than hers) and uses her legs while lying on the ground wounded to shoot a flask of essence out of a skeksis hand before they can drink it
In this adaption though Brea is the one who really gets the rebellion kicking, still by reading something, but not a book this time
The movie had Brea going through the trial by wing that her grandmother started as like a coming of age/proof of power to rule kinda thing, where the women who lead the Vapra have to fly the dangerous winds of Raunip’s Pass alone, reach this one high spot where Raunip left an inscription, read it and bring back a stone from the pile siting nearby
This rock pile and inscribed stone is actually the movie version of Lore,
only this time Lore was created by ye oldie Tavra (Raunip’s Friend) to keep her friend Raunip company long after she was dead, and as a way to show no hard feelings for the fight they had over the UrSkeks.
But when Raunip left for the last time (passing through the mountains of Tavra’s home and what would later get named Raunip’s pass) he left Lore behind in the cliffs overlooking Ha’rar, so the Dream-Stitched stone could watch over Tavra’s people even after he was gone
This choked me up every time dream me saw a dream post about it ngl
Anyway, Seladon the 1st, Mayrin, Seladon the 2nd, and Tavra had all just flown up there, seen some old oddly etched rocks, the dedication from Raunip to his friend Tavra, shrugged and grabbed a rock before leaving
(the size of the rock you could manage to haul back was also part of the trial and Seladon was feeling both worried for ‘airheaded’ Brea and insecure knowing her little sister was probably going to bring back a larger stone than Seladon- with her crooked wing- had felt safe carrying)
Only Brea actually takes an interest the ancient writing and the symbols and the odd carvings and she gets distracted clearing away some dirt and rubble
underneath she finds the Dream-Stitching, activates it, gets a lore dump from ye oldie Tavra’s memories AND gets Lore itself to wake up, when it turns out to be able to play recordings of Raunip’s voice etched into stone- Tavra’s real gift to him, a way for him to Dream-Stitch his memories and be remembered even without vliya- so Brea ALSO gets all of RAUNIP’S fears and confessions about his involvement with the second great conjunction and the UrSkeks and the shattering and how things have gone downhill since then and
Brea’s family is getting increasingly worried she’s taking so long, what if she got smashing on the rocks by the winds, what if she’s hurt and needs help-
and the Skeksis get a chance to be evil and manipulative commenting that if Brea isn’t strong enough to follow in her grandmother’s flight path then maybe it’s the will of Thra that she fails this challenge and never comes home
I think I remember this being one of those moments where you can see everyone’s different reactions in a single frame, and it went something like Mayrin: devastated, Seladon: flinching and cringing, Tavra: looking absolutely murderous.
This is when Tavra steps forward and when questioned says she’s going to go look for her sister, since it was the will of Thra that they BE sisters in the first place, and Seladon hesitates before also saying she’ll go with Tavra
But that’s when Brea comes home with an entire rock monster and sort of accidentally starts a rebellion by asking questions, so
The night BEFORE this, the party scene, with the tithing and the prepping Brea for her big day, there had been this moment when the drained Gelflings were returned home, and Mira was one of them
And so Rian had come too, because up until this moment the “crystal anointed” were kept in seclusion, hooded and veiled, to keep a general panic from breaking out, and they only were released back to their own family in the clan they came from
(an information isolation tactic, to help the Skeksis spread rumors of each clan paying more than the other, or of their offered Gelfling being less worthy of the Crystal’s light and THAT’S why they are Like That Now, but the other clans aren’t being effected, no no no it’s totally just you, and you’re also having to give more people because the richer clans are paying more in tithes to send fewer offerings, so really the ones you should be mad at are the OTHER CLANS, not the Skeksis, the Skeksis don’t care how they get their sacrifices, the Skeksis only care about maintaining the Crystal that maintains all life on Thra obviously-)
Rian followed them to Ha’rar (with Gurjin) (and Naia because Naia’s not letting her twin go off into maybe danger without her) to finally reunite with Mira, but she’s been SO badly drained he barely recognizes her and she DOESN’T recognize him,
Cue very sad scene of Rian trying to help her remember, and after a bit she does reach out to dreamfast, like its instinct, only nothing happens, and Naia (the healer) checks and declares she doesn’t have enough vliya to dreamfast with- in fact, she doesn’t have enough to stay alive with, even. She isn’t just old and drained looking. She’s dying.
Rian is horrified, Rian breaks down, Rian shouts at the Skeksis while crying and holding Mira close,
The Skeksis don’t like that and we get a fun dramatic party screeches to a halt scene as the General gets up and draws his sword
Dream me thought it was very fun that Gurjin still got his hero moment, causing a distraction by taking on the castle guards that came here with the Skeksis so Rian could get Mira away
(also callback to the first movie, with a drained and totally out of it Mira still managing to break her and Rian’s fall with her wings when he has to throw them off a cliff)
(he totally thought they were gonna die together and was fine with that)
(instead they land on a Sifa ship and WOOO YEAH TAE AND ETHRI ARE HERE totally not because Oinca had a feeling it would be good and convenient if they parked their ship in this very specific spot)
Back in Ha’rar, Gurjin is captured by the guard, a pissed Naia challenges and fights the general about it
(there was a scene were the Skeksis realize Naia and Gurjin are twins and get Excited about that)
So they make a deal with Naia, if she wins, her brother will go free, if she loses… they both will go to the crystal together.
And while all THIS was happening, BREA ran off to fetch Tavra, who’d slipped away at some point, and runs in on the secret that her big stern sister is very much kissing a Sifa, which these days is Very Very illegal, but Brea’s just shocked to see very serious soldier Tavvra actually kissing anyone-
She remembers to tell Tavra what’s happening at the party, Tavra dives out the nearest window to get there faster, Onica suggests she and Brea take a detour along the way
(the detour is to set up a small tricky sabotage that will let Naia escape in moment)
The first time we see Tavra do anything cool in the movie is when she breaks through a window, sword drawn, and slashes at the General’s hand to make him drop Naia when he has her by the throat
Tavra and the General duel, Naia uses this distraction to attack the guards holding Gurjin and they exit stage right pursued by more guards, Seladon is freaking out and Mayrin calls for Tavra to stand down-
And in the tags of one post about this, ppl talk about how earlier in the movie it was set up how Gelfling don’t normally cut there hair short, since hair is kinda like tree rings or roots to them, so getting rid of it is like throwing away your life up till then and wanting to forget/distance yourself from it
(a thing traditionally associated with criminals, outlaws, Gelflings who went against their families)
BUT lately short hair has ALSO been used by rebels, the rumored Gelflings who refuse to pay tithes or offer up people to the castle
So this scene comes up, Tavra's duel, where the General says something like “blah blah traitorous Vapra, blah, oath breaking Gelfling scum”
And Tavra’s just like, it’s not breaking a vow to defend the people I’ve sworn to protect- which makes the General so mad he tries decapitating her, only she just kneels in response and bows her head-
So the sword cuts off her braid of hair instead. Big crowd reaction shot and gasp
(also revelation that Tavra’s hair is really wavy/curly when it’s short and not tied back, I don’t know why dream me thought that detail was super fun)    
(tags on this post point out that this is kinda like, symbolism of how the Skeksis have being cutting Gelfling’s off from their actual old laws and traditions while making Gelflings bow to them instead)
And the other Skeksis sees this, hears the murmurs and muttering, sees the very bad PR image of a Skeksis about to kill a princess who is kneeling on the floor before him WHILE ALL THEIR PERSONAL GUARDS ARE MISSING and rushes in to pull the General back before he can split Tavra down the middle
The party ends… awkwardly, with the Skeksis placating the crowd by commending Tavra (through gritted beaks) for withstanding their ‘test’ of her loyalty and duty to her vows as a paladin, which they totally did on purpose, never would have actually killed anyone nope
They just barely restrain most of their rage when the guards come back (covered in odd powders that make them sneeze and slipping on boots covered in grease) to report that the three ‘criminals’ have escaped with their ‘abducted’ ‘prisoner’ (Mira)
annnnnnd they’re forced to accept Mayrin’s offer of Tavra leading her soldiers on the search, since they’re the only ones who know Ha’rar well enough to do it
(quick scene of Tavra directing her paladins to search the mountains and the cliffs and the village and the valley, and… no, not the seashore or the coast. Without the help of a Sifa they wouldn’t survive long there and would have to turn inland soon anyway. it’s not like there are any Sifa up here right now. Right? Right.)
I think I also remember that Deet gets introduced while she’s dreamfasting a giant taint-maddened nebrie-
(she can’t heal them, but as long as she’s dreamfasting with them SHE can take on the pain and horror of the taint, and when she sings while doing that they fall peacefully asleep, letting anyone nearby get safely away)
And it turns out she’s been working so hard to find out what’s going on with the tainted creatures of Thra she’s become sensitive to the presence of the taint, AND good enough at listening with her vliya that she can hear and understand what the Trees are saying, even though their voices have almost gone quiet
The trees lost contract with each other as the taint spread (some of them being taken over by it even) so Deet got sent out by her clan’s Tree to contact / warn / bring messages to the other trees and their clans
There was still that cool moment of Kylan dreamstitching the warning onto flower petals and everyone watching them fly off in a cloud so I guess Deet recruited him at some point… or no… maybe that was to summon the clans to what ended up being the big final battle?
I feel like there was a ‘lighting the beacons’ scene where all the clans lit their blue flames and a moment (echoing the opening of the tv show) where we saw their leaders all standing together in dreamfast on a map vision of Skarith land, reaching out to each other around a shared blue fire….
Anyway taking on the suffering of the taint was slowly tainting Deet herself, and she kept lashing out in pain more, or getting lost in the nightmare visions of the crystal’s breaking  
She got one cool scene at the end though.
After the Gelfling come together to Far-Dream the prophecy of how the Skeksis might fall and the Skeksis see this and, in a panic, unleash all their Garthim before they can even control them properly, leading to many Gelfling being killed instead of captured for draining-
Deet is one of the ones caught and brought back to be drained, but she’s laughing when they strap her into the draining chair, and when she calls out,
all the tainted creatures she’s helped over the movie wake up in time to cause havoc on any nearby garthim-
and so do the Trees, reconnected briefly THROUGH the spreading taint BY Deet as she’s being DRAINED by the crystal, and the connection lasts just long enough for their roots to soak up as much of the taint as they can while tearing up the ground around the castle, breaking the crystal (and the taint’s) direct connection to the rest of Thra-
The trees all die, burning up in a last blaze of vliya along with Deet, but the tainted creatures aren't tainted anymore, and outside the barren land around the castle everything else starts growing in healthy again
Turns out it was the world that was feeding life to the crystal, not the other way around
(another skeksis lie)
Which makes the skeksis ultra SUPER unhappy the garthim rampage killed off so many useful Gelflings before their essence could be drained
The stinger ending was Kylan finishing writing all this down and hiding the book just before garthim burst in, the shot of his hand desperately tucking the book away-
-jump cutting to Jen’s hand gently pulling it’s crumbling pages out of hiding who knows how many trine later
Final shot being a slow pull back and pan out of Jen calling to Kira about what he found, and her excitedly calling back that she thinks a small nearby sapling might have just talked to her, so maybe he could read the book aloud to both of them?
end credits roll over the scene as Jen reads and Kira clears away weeds from a young baby tree, while fizzgig gets chased around the clearing by a whole pack of little angry baby fizzgigs
And that’s it, that’s the movie adaption that doesn’t exist but I got to be in the fandom of for a few glorious minutes
The last unicorn animation style REALLY went well with the vibes. loved it.
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therisingkings · 6 months
The Witness
Auguste was dead, but his spirit lived on, watching over his brother, witnessing.
Read it on Ao3
TW: Heavily implied canon pedophilia.
“Wait.” The word fizzled out into empty space. “Wait, not yet.”
He was watching the scene from outside his body—from somewhere beyond. He watched Damianos of Akielos pull the sword out of his gut, watched himself fall to the earth, watched his men come swarming in.
Auguste of Vere could do nothing but watch as he died. “This isn’t right,” he said. “This isn’t right.”
He was alone, though, nothing more than a whisper of wind, and no one could hear his pleas.
His body was brought to the royal tent and laid beside his father’s, who had fallen mere hours before.
“No,” Auguste said, and if he could have recoiled, he would have.
Laurent was brought into the room.
“There’s been a mistake. Laurent, I’m right here.” Auguste tried to reach for him, but he didn’t have a physical form in this strange in-between realm.
Laurent’s face crumpled, his knobby knees folding beneath him.
“Please,” Auguste begged anyone who could hear him. “Please, he’s just a boy. He doesn’t deserve to lose his brother. He’s just a boy.”
Laurent was alone in that tent, surrounded by the dead. His face was turned towards the ceiling, shoulders back as he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.
“I don’t want to watch this,” Auguste said and his own heart, if he still had one, was breaking. No one had loved Laurent like Auguste did and no one ever would again.
Look, a voice whispered.
Laurent’s body shook with the force of his grief.
A figure opened the flap of the tent. It was their uncle, who, Auguste knew, would reign as Regent until Laurent was of age. Laurent, who would be king. Laurent, who would be content with a life of horses and books.
Look, the voice said.
Laurent turned on his knees, into his uncle’s embrace.
“It will be alright,” Uncle said, stroking his blond hair.
Something nasty twisted in Auguste, but he wasn’t sure where it came from.
“Please don’t leave me, Uncle,” Laurent begged, all wide blue eyes and puffy cheeks. He was barely growing out of his baby fat and into his new gangly limbs. His voice had not broken yet.
“I’ll never leave you,” Uncle promised.
Auguste tried to reach out, to scream at Laurent that he was still here, that he was not alone. “It’s all just a bad dream,” Auguste insisted to no one and nothing. “I’ll wake up and I’ll be king tomorrow.”
No, said that voice that was at once everything light and everything dark. This is not your story any longer. It is his.
Auguste wished he had a stomach if only so he could vomit.
He’d trailed Laurent like a dog as the days turned into weeks, then into months. The battle was over. Delfeur was lost. Uncle took over as Regent and set up cleaning efforts. The dead were buried. The injured were mended.
Auguste watched his own funeral. His body was wrapped in fine linen, then cast out to sea. An archer—not Huet, who Auguste would have liked to light his pyre— drew back his bow and launched a flaming arrow onto the floating stack of wood and flesh.
Auguste felt none of it. That was not him, burning in the open ocean, that was a vessel.
And now he was adrift.
Laurent was crying again, getting snot all over Uncle’s jacket.
Uncle rubbed his jeweled hand down Laurent’s back. “It is alright, my boy. Come, you do not need to be here any longer.”
Then he led Laurent to the bedroom, and Laurent was only thirteen and achingly naive and didn’t yet have an instinct for wrongness. When Uncle asked, he obediently disrobed, then knelt and did as Uncle said with a confused knit to his brow.
“Get your filthy hands off of him!” Auguste roared, over and over again. “He is a child. He is your blood.”
Uncle couldn’t hear him as he took his sick pleasure from poor, innocent Laurent. Laurent, who didn’t know better. Laurent, who had just lost his brother and would do whatever Uncle, his only remaining family, asked if he promised not to leave too.
“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!” But all Auguste was here was a voice, and not even that could be heard.
Laurent cried once it was finished, then cried each and every time it happened again, even when Uncle poured unwatered wine down his throat. Uncle made him clean up, fetch them water, telling him that he would leave if Laurent kept acting like a child.
So, slowly but surely, Laurent quieted his tears to sniffles, and he grew. His voice began to break, his jaw sharpening, and Auguste felt the first glimpses of hope. Surely, Uncle would not want him now, when he was starting to look like a man.
And he was right.
Uncle got a new pet— a boy named Nicaise with startlingly bright blue eyes.
On the night Laurent found out, he collapsed outside of Uncle’s rooms and begged him to take him back. “I’ll do whatever you want,” he sobbed. “Please, please don’t leave me.”
Inside the room, Uncle fucked Nicaise until that boy cried too.
“Laurent, he’s manipulating you,” Auguste tried to tell him. “No adult should ever ask those things of a child, especially a grieving one. That is wrong. You’re a smart boy. You don’t need him.”
And Laurent didn’t. As it turned out, Laurent didn’t need anyone.
He became as sharp and as beautiful as cut glass. At fifteen, he reformed the broken Prince’s guard and took up the starburst banner. He trained with his guard every evening, out of the prying eyes of the palace.
Auguste wanted to tell him that there was no need, that the war was over, that he’d protect him, but what a foolish hope that was.
As Laurent grew into his shoulders and wit, he also grew into his anger. Auguste could see it festering in him. Anger at Damianos, at Uncle, at the world. Auguste couldn’t blame him for one bit of it.
Gone was the bright, shy boy that Laurent had been. That boy had died at Marlas too. In his place stood a man Auguste did not know, with glaciers for eyes and a tongue as sharp as a knife. All kindness had been brutally stamped out of him by Uncle, by the court, by himself. The only person he spared was the boy, Nicaise. Not even his guards, whom he showed respect to, were beyond his ire.
Laurent was sixteen the first time Auguste watched Nicaise stumble, stiff-limbed and wincing, into the physician’s office. His lip was split, the bruise taking up too much of his small face. His eyes widened when he was Laurent, who had sprained his ankle in training and was desperately trying to hide it.
Auguste watched Nicaise’s spine lock up, his little shoulders lifting. “I-I’ll come back some other time.”
“Nonsense,” said Laurent, waving a hand. “Have a seat.”
Pascal finished wrapping his ankle before gesturing Nicaise forward.
If Auguste could have held his breath, he would have had as Laurent’s cool gaze skimmed over the boy.
“Did my Uncle do that to you?”
Nicaise flinched. “N-no.”
“If you want to stay in court, you’ll need to get better at lying.”
And so it began.
Laurent poured all of his knowledge, all of his newfound wickedness into the boy. Nicaise began to follow him around like a lost puppy, eyes huge, hanging on his every word.
Auguste ached. Laurent used to look at him like that.
But just as surely as Laurent had changed, Nicaise did too. The moment there were other people around, he became a spitfire of a boy, vicious and calculating, a mirror of Laurent in every way.
But when they were alone… Laurent let Nicaise win at chess. Laurent held Nicaise while he cried. Laurent became his brother.
Auguste’s heart hurt in a different way now. Like a scar, rather than a wound.
Then came the Akielon slaves, and with them, their Prince.
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satansamwriting · 1 year
Not sure if u write for kung jin but if u do could you do a fic for him (male reader) please😊
MK10 Kung Jin with M!Reader
Hiya Anon, I hope you enjoy this little one-shot.
Small cameo by the wind god Fujin.
Disclaimer : English ain't my native language. Mistakes ahead. I apologizes for them, I'm trying my best. Also, I'm not an archer. If I didn't use the correct terms for something, I'm sorry.
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An arrow pierced through the air, ending its course with a quiet "tud" in the middle of the target. Lowering his bow, Kung Jin glanced toward the whistling on his right. His own bow in hand, (Y/n) gave the archer a playful smirk before taking aim. Seconds later, split parts of an arrow fell on the ground, stealing a hum from Kung Jin' lips. 
"Not bad"
Wordlessly, the archer nocked two arrows, drew and shot.
When downtime happened in the special force, meaning no new mission had come in, the two archers could be found, without a doubt, in the training range,where they would spend hours on end challenging one another.
Sometimes, on days where the sun shined in the sky and most of the soldiers were absent, the two would be running around camp, doing parkour and shooting at predefined targets.
At the moment, the scores were even. Both had won as many challenges as the other. 
It was a particularly slow day for the special force. With little to do, Kung Jin had proposed a tie breaker to their even score. The price of losing? A favour. The loser would owe the winner. With such a tempting reward, (Y/n) agreed.
Kung Jin smiled as (Y/n) rolled his eyes. For a brief moment, the two stared at one another. It was (Y/n)'s turn to shoot. An arrow was nocked and before Kung Jin's very own eyes, changed to a neon blue colour. From that same arrow, five were shot in quick succession, all dead centre. Except for one. Now back to their usual colours, (Y/n) noticed the arrow sticking slightly below the other four.Less than ideal but still, he was in the lead.
“Cheater, you used your ability.” Kung Jin whined as he drew.
“We never specified against the use of abilities.”
He only needed three bullseyes and he would be the winner. First arrow hit right in the middle. Second one followed suit, sticking proudly beside the first. Down to his last arrow, Kung Jin took a deep breath and aimed. Releasing the string, the duo watched the projectile split the air. However, before the arrow hit the mark, a gust of strong wind passed by the training range. (Y/n) peeked over Kung Jin's shoulder, smirking at their unnoticed spectator.
“Lord Fujin, it’s a surprise to see you here!”
How long had the god of wind stood there, the archers didn’t know but Kung Jin suspected he was the one behind his defeat. There, sticking on its lonesome on the ground, was Kung Jin’s last arrow. 
“Unfair, you plotted against me with him!”
Placing a hand on his chest, (Y/n) gasped loudly, trying his best to look somewhat offended. 
“I would never do such a thing!” 
Kung Jin turned in the direction of Fujin, who until now was contenting himself with watching the interactions, a smile on his face. Feeling the accusatory eyes of the young archer, Fujin chuckled.
“Wind is unpredictable young Kung Jin, it acts on its own volition.” 
Kung Jin was still grumpy about the ordeal hours later. Truth to be told, (Y/n) had not conspired against the other archer with the god. Fujin, although for unknown reasons, had acted on his own. 
Shoulder to shoulder, the two archers sat on top of a special forces vehicle. Quivers on their laps, they repaired broken arrows and crafted new ones when needed. In a comfortable silence, they busied themselves with the task before Kung Jin spoke.
“So, thought about that favour I owe you?”
Adding his last crafted arrow in the quiver, (Y/n) put down the holder in order to focus on the other man. 
“I might have an idea.” Smirking, (Y/n) shifted slightly to face Kung Jin. 
Doing the same, Kung Jin waited impatiently for an answer.  Eyes crackling under the orange light of the setting sun, (Y/n) glanced at Kung Jin’s lips before meeting his eyes one more.
“Kiss me.”
Blinking, Kung Jin stared at him for a second. He was expecting something along the lines of doing the other's chores or making him do something that would embarrass him in front of the others. Not this. A smirk of his own, Kung Jin leaned in, one of his hands coming to rest on the back of (Y/n) neck.
“That I can do.” 
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cherhys · 2 years
At The Eleventh Hour
Cassian x Reader
Summary: You’ve brought war to Prythian’s shores and find yourself battling the Lord of Bloodshed—almost as if by fate.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Descriptions of war, canon-typical violence, angst
Notes: This is nice and short but it was an absolute blast to write. I can't always give you lovey-dovey content, can I? I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. ♡
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The stench of rotting corpses assaulted your senses. Dead left beneath the summer sun now polluted the air with their putrid stink, their bodies bloated and discoloured. The odour was only bearable due to the wretched chaos surrounding you. 
The wails of dying soldiers and the whines of wounded horses chorused in the madness around you. Swords flashed in the late afternoon, cutting down warriors like wheat stalks. Friend could not be discerned from foe, blood and viscera coating any distinct elements on your person.
The muddied ground flung up around your feet as you ran from enemy to enemy, slashing and stabbing through their pliant flesh. You were a beast to be reckoned with. You blazed through the enemy's careful formation, forcing them on the back foot. Your leathers chafed uncomfortably, foreign blood already having dried and begun to flake. Up above, winged fae flew overhead, the unfortunate few falling from grace with a well-placed arrow. Flashes of loosed power in various jewel tones illuminated the darkening battlefield. 
The war had persisted for over a year now. After negotiations fell through with the High Lords of Prythian, countries from the Eastern Continent joined forces to commence a full-scale conquest. As the highest-ranking Commander in your nation, you had invaded, pillaged, and killed your way along the coast of Prythian. Despite the Continent’s projections of an easy victory, the High Lords had aptly prepared; the war had been at a standstill since the Continent’s initial win over Prythian’s coastal defences.
Likely, this was due to the work of the Night Court—their fae currently raging around you, some bursting bellies open while others lie prone in the mud. This court was by far the most skilled; their army consisted of talented cavalry and infantry soldiers, wicked Illyrians, and powerful Darkbringers—they were well equipped, that you would admit. However, it was their leadership that set them apart from the rest. 
You scanned the battlefield, but three Illyrians landed before you, stopping your rampage through their offensive line. You tilted your head as you inspected the males surrounding you, one on each side and the third before you. Each male had one or two Siphons—not who you were searching for, then. 
Tsking, you slowly spread your arms and dropped your sword. Without hesitation, the three hulking males swooped in. Except, you whipped needle-like daggers out from your vambraces directly into the supple necks of the two males bracketing you. As they fell, gurgling in their blood, the third stared in a beat of confusion. The Illyrian blinked to sober himself, but with a resounding crack, you snapped his head to an odd angle. 
You stepped over the body of the broken-necked male, picking up his sword along the way. A copper tang coated your mouth, and you grimaced. You wiped at your blood-splattered face, succeeding in only smearing it further. Out of the corner of your eye, an archer drew his bow and fired at you. With easy sweeps of your sword, you cut the arrow shafts midair, ashwood falling uselessly to the ground. You reached to throw a dagger between his brows–
A sudden boom shook the earth beneath your feet. It seems the aerial fleets were no longer airborne. The main legion had landed before you, the rest resisting the pincer formation you had contrived. Someone from above must have assessed the odd placement of your soldiers and noted the lines moving to surround the Prythian warriors. You couldn’t help but grin—these were worthy opponents, befitting your regard. 
A wet drop to your face had you looking up to the sky. The dark clouds that had formed earlier finally opened up, and heavy sheets of rain began to pour. The downpour quickly soaked you to the bone, the thick spray obscuring your vision. 
It was only thanks to those glowing red Siphons that you managed to lift your sword in time. Thunder crashed as his sword met yours, the impact reverberating up your arms and down your spine. Your smile from earlier returned; the joyous turn to your mouth was at odds with the blazing look on the face of the famed Lord of Bloodshed that had caused you so much trouble.  
Cassian, Commander General of the Night Court’s forces, pulled his sword back only to strike with what felt like double his previous strength. You traded a few jarring blows before you jumped away. Warily you both circled each other, predators assessing their prey. 
The male you had been searching for cut an imposing figure indeed. He was larger than the reconnaissance made him out to be—thick, corded muscles were visible through the contours of his leathers, a sinister helmet adorning his head. Seven crimson Siphons glowed eerily in the rainstorm, casting his figure in a menacing light. Massive membranous wings sprouted from his strong back; he was utterly monstrous to behold. Although it was the feral look in his molten eyes that had you clenching your sword tighter. 
You continued to stalk around, the other soldiers instinctually giving you a wide berth as you let your powers bubble to the surface. The ground rumbled with his matching display, a scarlet haze growing around him. Your power soon cocooned you, blazing across your features. The rain around you began to steam and sizzle, evaporating at the heat radiating from you both. 
A resounding boom split the sky, and your swords met once again.
The General, despite his size, was quick on his feet. You danced around one another in the mud, your weapons arcing around each other. He was aggressive in his fighting style; powerful jabs and thrusts were thrown your way, and it was all you could do to step out of his reach. However, your swift, lithe movements proved a problem for him—he couldn't land a single hit as you traded blows. 
Nevertheless, you had never experienced a fight quite like this. Neither of you could seize the upper hand, finding yourselves to be of equal mastery. While the ceaseless killing that war demanded had taken its toll on you, your heart beat with elation at the current battle. Soon, you found a wicked grin stretching across your face. The General was sublime; a part of you hoped this fight would never end if only to remain in this bubble with him forever. 
Warriors from each side stopped to gaze in awe at the masterclass before them. You were locked in a violent dance, all semblance of the combat around you forgotten. The only thing that mattered was the rapid swing of your blades, your twin heaving breaths, and the clang of steel on steel. Ecstasy flowed through your veins; you wanted to devour him whole. His scorching gaze betrayed his identical thoughts. 
Finally, the General closed in, hoping to overwhelm you with sheer strength. Using his forward momentum, you briskly slipped under his extended sword arm. With all your weight behind you, you slammed your fist into the divot beneath his sternum. His breath wooshed out of him, but a giddy thrum shot through you as he remained upright. That hit would have felled more males than not. Incredible. 
The opening he gave you was a fraction of a second too long; you whirled, spinning behind him to cut at the tendons of his knees. Even winded, the General foresaw your movements and stepped away. However, he was too slow–the tip of your sword nicking him just enough to force him to his knees. 
You rounded his kneeling figure, kicking his sword away. The frigid rain cooled your heated skin, your leathers slick with rainwater and sweat. You gazed at the impressive male before you, astounded beyond words. Despite his loss, his stare was steady and unfazed. You took a moment to look over his strong—and admittedly handsome—features, committing to memory the face of the most talented warrior you had ever confronted. To be so skilled—there is a profound sense of respect you had for the male before you. 
As befitting of that respect, you would grant him a clean death. 
You prepare the final blow, lifting your sword high overhead—and that’s when it snaps. 
The bond is there between you both. It shined bright but was tainted by the blood each of you had spilled. Your heart raced, and your hands shook; this couldn't be possible. 
In your shared shock, Cassian gaped up at you, disbelieving the insistent tug in his chest. Your blade was still raised, now hesitant to fall. But Cassian could not afford to die today, and certainly not at the hands of his supposed mate. 
He slashed out with a dagger he recovered from within his boot, swiping you along the abdomen. You roared in furious pain and blindly brought your blade down, your sword catching flesh. The blade cut a deep gash along his cheek down to his jaw; had he not backed away in time, you would’ve chopped his head off cleanly. 
Adrenaline coursed rapidly through your system, and you pressed a hand to the numb cut on your torso. Cassian hesitated, dagger in hand, but instead, you watched your mate scramble away, retreating behind enemy lines.
His pained hazel eyes are the last thing you recall before you fall into the mud. 
You awake in delirium, the thrumming string in your chest vastly more intolerable than the wound on your abdomen. After the battle—once you both received a healer's attention—you confronted your first gift to each other: permanent battle scars. 
The next fight was no longer for the Continent or your legion. It was for you to face your traitorous mate once again. This time—this time, you wouldn’t hesitate.
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Final Notes: WHEW LOL I told y'all
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strwpup · 8 months
YOU 🫵 believe in the dancer emmanellain agenda
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reasons why emmanellain de fortemps should transition to dancer as his primary class [several points about the implications for him and sicard at the end]
CANONICALLY emmanellain is very very good at dancing (normal) is it really that hard for him to start dancing (with blades). he would be so good at it he already knows the moves and the vibes
a lot of emmanellain's struggles come with feeling the pressure of being put into a box he does not fit! he's seen as a failure because people didn't see or didn't care about the things he is good at! the firmament quests show he IS good at making allies, he's friends with the redbills, he helped lighten the mood in broken glass! he's great in a social scene, he's perfect for lightening a mood, and i must stress he is CANONICALLY very good at dancing
he HAS grown as a knight, and i'm very proud of my cringefail baby brother, but i think it would be very healing for him to branch out from ishgard and heavy armor to pick up something more freeing (and also he should come to tural with us emmanellain dt sweep)
i could see him fitting in great with the dancer quests
please god we need more PHYSRANGED CHARACTERS in the msq,,,,, ephemie and aenor cockburne i owe you my life,,,, and they are BOTH bards,,,,,,,,, pls the archer to paladin pipeline is ruining the economy and i need dancer and machinist rep
tangentially related YOU 🫵 want emmanellain and sicard to join the b team scions it would be good enrichment for them
emmanellain in neo-ishgardian top of aiming. emmanellain in the lunar envoy aiming gear. emmanellain with the ivalice hairstyle so he still has that hair popping up but he can wear the pretty endwaker dancer relic gear bow. emmanellain happy and spinning around in thavnairian armlets. consider this
okay time to talk about sicard
CANONICALLY emmanellain steals sicard's clothes. sicard wears aiming gear. they could share aiming outfits and emmanellain could wear his boyfriend's pretty v neck into battle instead of the full coverage fortemps armor are you seeing the image
can you imagine how much worse (better) emmsic would be if they were ranged dps boyfriends
overwriting your boyfriend's tactician with shield samba in front of the whole party to prove you're more useful is a love language
sicard walking into the dungeon ready to tease emm about picking him as his dance partner only for emmanellain to dp the tank
:> what's wrong why are you making that face?
i...... i'm dps........... i thought i was dance partner >:(
dps stands for dance partner sicard i cracked the code
sicard feels slighted by this and suddenly starts eating food and using potions from his hotbar and he has the perfect opener to show off how competent he is because he thrives in competition
imagine this. post island sanctuary conversation about responsibility both of them decide to pick up Jobs [tm]. they have a break between contracts and when they meet it's clear that sicard spent some time in ishgard with ilsabard contingent friend stephanivien and got a machinist starter kit and it's clear that emmanellain went to limsa and almost ran away with a traveling dancer troupe
me and my boyfriend and his new six foot tall robot gun mermaid is this anything
thank you for coming to my ted talk vote emmanellain de fortemps for new job change into dancer
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the12thnightproject · 1 month
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Chapter 20: The Ewok Operation - Okatsu tries to alert Nobunaga about the approaching danger; Mitsunari devises a plan to stall the invaders; and Mitsuhide makes a sacrifice.
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Allocation – a good commander knows when to allocate his resources and personnel in order to achieve their objectives.
Personal comments – Okatsu has been trained as a courier and in reconnaissance. She may be one of the best archers I know. However, while sending her out on a mission makes good strategic sense, I am terrified that she will not return.
This may be the first time I have truly understood the personal costs of the tactics written of in texts. “Resources and personnel” are not simply words and concepts … they are people.
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I’d been fast… but not fast enough.
I was close… but not close enough.
Iekane’s men were indeed preparing for a nighttime raid on Genba. Could I still find a way into the castle to warn Nobunaga? The only obvious entry was through the gate, but Iekane showed no sign of abandoning his post. Perhaps I could these-are-not-the-droids-you’re-looking-for my way past him and simply stroll in... no... not wearing these clothes. He'd wonder why I wasn't dressed as Okatsu.
Still, I refused to give up without trying. Maybe there was a hidden way in. If I crept along the outer wall toward Genba’s tenshu, maybe I could find another route. I would have to avoid the wall sentries, of cou-
Where were the sentries? 
They ought to have been posted along the walls, but no one was visible. Had they joined Iekane’s troops? Or were they being held prisoner somewhere? Overall, the situation appeared increasingly dire for anyone in Genba, although at least the missing sentries should make it easier for me to get to the tenshu unnoticed.
I found a tree that hung close enough to the wall to allow me to swing over, then ducked out of sight. Keeping my body low, I flattened myself against the stone, crawling slowly toward the tenshu, staying alert to any sound that would indicate an approaching guard.
It was eerily quiet.
Not until I reached the first guard tower did I understand why – the sentries were sprawled out under the tower, bodies stiff and cold, faces frozen in agony, a broken tea pot at their feet. Lady Yone’s calling card. Apparently she had found a use for the torikabuto after all.
I had been too late for these men, too.
Picking up the pace, I hurried toward the tenshu, looking for a door, window, any way in. There was nothing. The window slits were far off the ground, and too small for any human to climb through.
The most frustrating thing? I could even see Nobunaga’s quarters from where I stood. The window slits revealed flashes of green where Hideyoshi paced back and forth, his posture a picture of frustration. Probably he was upset because Mitsunari and I hadn’t come back yet. Nobunaga was sitting calmly, and though I was too far to see the look on his face, I expected that it was reflecting his amusement at Hideyoshi’s agitation. If only I could get one of them to look out - really look - out the window.
In the midst of my churning thoughts, one thing came to mind: "what would Mitsunari do?”
First, he would take stock of his inventory. What did I have with me? My bow and arrows - both my old arrows and the heavier tipped arrows I had purchased in Azuchi. My sword. The war fan Mitsunari had given me. Two daggers. A few acorns. The note the mysterious Kunoichi had slapped into my hand – had that been just yesterday?
Second, he would determine whether the inventory would be useful. Potentially ... could I shoot an arrow into Nobunaga’s room and get his and Hideyoshi’s attention?
Yes of course I could. I’d already tested the blunt tipped arrows and they could easily travel the distance I needed.
Could I manage not to hit Hideyoshi… or anyone else in there? Hideyoshi paced like a dervish, but Nobunaga was holding still. I also caught the flash of Mai’s light purple kimono, but she was sitting down, so she too would be easy to miss.
I would have to time things perfectly to ensure no one got hit. But, if Hideyoshi saw an arrow fly into the room, he was most likely to think it was meant to kill Nobunaga (he already saw assassins under every rock). It was possible he would alert Mouzi and Iekane that Genba was under attack. That was the last thing I wanted.
If I had a brush and ink (my country for an actual pen) I could use the paper from the kunoichi’s note and write a new one... or…
I reread the note: “Hikosane is in danger. Protect him at all costs.”
I tore the note into strips. Now I had a piece that said "In danger." Using my dagger, I cut off a length of material from my kimono. I wrapped the paper around the shaft of the blunt tip arrow, then secured it by tying the fabric around that. It would have to do.
Hideyoshi should recognize the arrow as one from Azuchi, Mai would recognize my kimono fabric.
“In danger" ought to speak for itself.
Plan in place, “all” I had to do was get the arrow through the narrow window slit.
I braced myself against the wall and took careful aim, trying to account for the slight weight of the fabric, waiting for Hideyoshi to clear the window. I would not get a practice shot – I had to get it right the first time.
I was a still as a mountain.
I listened for the wind, but it was a calm, still day.
I pulled back on the string…
Focused, picturing in my mind the arrow zipping easily through the slits…
Breathing into my belly…
I loosed the arrow.
The shot was true and zipped through the tiny space (ha! The next time someone needs a shot to go through an air duct in a Death Star, they should call me). From my vantage, I could see Hideyoshi immediately throw himself in front of Nobunaga and Mai. He pulled them both below the sightlines of the window.
After a long moment, he cautiously peered through the window.  I could tell from his posture the exact second he spotted the dead sentries, and beyond that, the warriors creeping through the trees. 
Before I could wave to get his attention, I heard a single set of footsteps and the rattle of the lacquered armor Mozumi’s sentries wore. Was this someone simply investigating why the call to change the guard hadn’t gone out? Or did they already know? At this point, it was impossible to tell who was with Iekane, and who was not. Either way, I did not want to stick around to explain. Hopefully I had given Nobunaga and Hideyoshi enough warning to either escape or to barricade themselves inside and hold out until rescue.
Three days.
Three days for Masamune and Ieyasu to arrive with reinforcements. Until then, our small group would need to find a way to slow down Iekane’s forces and try to assist Nobunaga from the outside.
I retraced my steps along the wall to return to the cover of the trees, but the tree branch I had used to swing to the top of the wall, had, without my weight, sprung back out of reach. Climbing down the wall was my only option. I found a portion of the wall that was in deep shadow thanks to the mountain and the angle of the courtyard, and descended as carefully as I could, before letting go about halfway down to drop quietly to the soft grass.
It was about twenty meters to the cover of the forest. If I was going to be seen or caught, it would be while I was running through the patch of open land. I could cover that distance in less than five seconds. As long as no one was looking in my direction… I could manage that.
If I was lucky.
Anxious that at any moment I would hear the shout of a guard or the crack of a musket, I sprinted for the forest, my breath in my ears, and the pounding of my feet seeming loud enough to echo through the mountains.
When I was safely above ground again, clinging to the upper branches of a friendly cedar tree, it was all I could do to not wrap myself around the trunk and never let go. But… I’d made it this far. I could make it back to Mitsunari.
As quietly as I could, I crept over the men who were hunkered down throughout the forest around Genba. Although they weren’t especially loud, they weren't trying to be quiet either. Their ambient noise was enough that I was able to pass above without attracting any attention.
Once I passed the initial ring of camps, there were fewer soldiers to avoid, which made it all the more shocking when I heard the words, "--have no interest in you. I was tryin' to retrieve a runaway horse."
It was a peasant’s dialect.
It was Mitsuhide’s voice.
I froze where I was, as the voices grew louder, clearer.
"A runaway horse? Yours?" Unfamiliar voice, faint coastal accent-which would make sense for one of Iekane's vassals from Tsuruga.
In another moment Mitsuhide appeared, acting unconcerned by the fact that he was surrounded by several armed men, one of whom I recognized as one of Iekane's personal guards.
Should I try to rescue him? I knew how Mitsuhide would answer that. He would say no. I wasn’t certain he even needed rescuing. Mitsuhide was wily. Maybe he could get out of this on his own.
"Not my horse. It belongs to my master, and if I want to keep my head attached to my body, I need to get her back before he notices she's gone.” Mitsuhide made a move to leave, but the men had their swords out before he could take a step.
"Your master ... that would be Oda Nobunaga, would it not?" Iekane’s guard was neither unobservant, now stupid. "I've seen you talking with him in the stables."
Well. Hell. He might need an assist after all. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t had to assist from a tree bef--? … a wave of dizziness passed through me while in my head, there was a vision, as clear as memory of sitting in a tree, my arrow trained on a group of ronin who were menacing hapless travelers. But. Though it was clear as memory… this had never happened.
Why was it in my head?
In my distraction, I shifted forward, and the sudden change in balance rustled the tree at just the wrong moment.
At the sound, Mitsuhide’s eyes flicked upward. Though I had immediately pressed myself backward, nearly out of sight, I know he saw me. He tromped loudly on a piece of dead wood near his feet.
“Oda pays my salary, yes. A man’s got to eat.” Mitsuhide spit on the ground. "Doesn’t mean I have to like it. Or him. Wouldn’t care if I threw my lot in with you, if the pay ain’t bad.”
Was Mitsuhide actually the traitor history had made him out to be?
No, that couldn’t be right. He’d seen me. If he were a traitor, he would have revealed my hiding place. Without looking again at where I was hiding, Mitsuhide made an obvious show of scratching his his nose. Was he signalling me? The nose scratch was a signal that Aki and I often used – it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch of the imagination that Mitsuhide was aware of Aki’s signals.
Message received. I didn’t like it, but Mitsuhide, for whatever reason, wanted to stay with these men. Maybe he was playing along to learn more details about Iekane’s plans and assets.
I stayed motionless on my perch, hardly taking a breath, until they moved on in the direction of the castle.
It was only after the woods were quiet again, that I realized I didn’t know if Mitsuhide had managed to contact Kyubei before he encountered Iekane’s men.
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“We've got problems,” had been my blunt way to announce my return. “More problems.” Probably I should have built up to that, but my entire trek back to the camp had been a mental recitation of everything that had already gone wrong or that could go wrong.
Despite my announcement, the look that I received from Mitsunari was one of relief. “It’s been a long time since you left.”
“Mitsunari was pacing!” Hikosane looked up from where he had apparently taken over the cooking. Well. He couldn’t do any worse than Shohime who had cajun-cooked the rabbit, or Mitsunari who thought that his tea leaf stew was drinkable.
“Oh. I’m sorry … it didn’t really feel that long on my end. I was too busy with… stuff.” I explained about Mitsuhide, repeating everything I had overheard. “He knew I was in the tree, listening, so for whatever reason, he intends to stay with Iekane’s army for a while.”
"If he was with them, then he will do his best to learn as much about their assets, then destroy them from the inside until he can find a way to escape.” Mitsunari glanced down at his notebook which he had already filled with various plans.  “I trust he knows what he is doing. However, I wish he had told me what he intended.”
Generally, I was less trusting than that, but there wasn't a lot we could do about Mitsuhide at this point anyway, "I don’t know if he made it to Takayama to get a message to Kyubei. Iekane's men are creeping all over the woods. He could have run into them anywhere.”
Mitsunari was silent for a long moment. “We will proceed as if he made it. Because the alternative is too bleak to consider. What is the situation at Genba?”
Otherwise known as:  Okatsu delivers bad news part three. “Iekane was at the castle gates. I couldn't get near enough to personally warn Nobunaga either.”
"But... you did something didn’t you." Mitsunari stated it calmly, confident that I had figured out a plan. I wanted to bathe in that confidence.
Before I could respond to him though Hikosane asked, "Do you think that he will attack my father?"
"He might, if he thinks your father is in the way of what he wants." Honestly, I wasn’t sure if Mozumi was still alive. The fact that the sentries had been poisoned suggested that he wasn’t aware of Iekane and Yone’s plans, although I didn’t have any solid evidence of that either. I didn’t want to upset his children any more than they were already. Instead, to Mitsunari, I said, "I was able to shoot an arrow into the room where Hideyoshi, Nobunaga and Mai were. I stuck half of the ninja's note on it; the part that said 'in danger! Hopefully that will be enough of a warning."
Mitsunari’s confidence extended to Hideyoshi and Nobunaga. "They will understand. Hideyoshi will try to get Nobunaga out, or if he cannot, he will protect him with his life." I wished I had his certainty. Mitsunari must have read my expression, for he added, "I acknowledge the situation is not good, but I am hopeful we can devise a strategy to help them until Masamune and Ieyasu arrive with reinforcements.”
"Then. Let's get to work. We will be... like..." I could think of no example that he would relate to.
"Like?" He prompted me with a gentle smile.
With a sigh, I finished with the word, "Ewoks." Before he, or anyone else could ask, I hurried on to say, "they are in a story from my village. Their fighters were outnumbered. But they were in their home forest and they knew the land. They were able to use small, directly focused attacks to delay the enemy until the main force was able to destroy the enemy’s base."
"Ah, so this strategy can be titled 'the Ewok Operation.’ " Mitsunari wrote the words down in his notebook.
Sure. Why not?
"We must acquire more fighters, weapons, and tools." Mitsunari said. "The armies generally keep supplies in their rear guard. If we can capture one... or more of those, we'd be in a better position." He turned to Shohime. "Will any of your father’s vassals fight against Lady Yone, or will they assume that any instructions she gives them come from Mozumi?
Shohime frowned. "Yone is not popular. Many of my father’s vassals do not live in Genba Castle, but in manors and a garrison further down the mountain. They may not be aware of the current situation."
"I'll alert them!" Hikosane jumped to his feet and was halfway out of the clearing before Shohime grabbed the back of his haori and pulled him back. "I can do this. They'll know me."
The warning note about Hikosane’s danger was still fresh in my mind. I didn’t know where it came from or if he was still under threat, but there was no way I would be letting him go off on his own. In fact, I wouldn’t send any ten year old out into the forest, especially not at night. The sun was already setting, and it would be fully dark before he got very far. "Then I'm going with you."
“No.” Mitsunari’s prior gentleness was replace by a firm order. “We will all go.” His tone said, ‘don’t argue.’
I argued. “Hikosane and I will be faster if it’s just the two of us.”
“We split up before and lost Mitsuhide. Okatsu, I know you are strong. Capable. I do not doubt your skills. But… waiting for you to return.” He tapped his chest. “It hurts in a way that nothing ever has before.”
It’s impossible to win an argument of logic against someone’s feelings.
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Hikosane led us along a narrow trail down the mountain until we reached the manor of Susumu, who Shohime assured us was loyal to the Kanamori. “He is my mother’s cousin and has no reason to follow Lady Yone’s orders.
While we waited for the gates to open to us, I looked around. The manor was small, but neatly kept up. Someone here appreciated order and, if the statues of Raijin and Fujin were any indication, had a healthy respect for the weather. But what I didn’t see, was evidence of a personal guard or a lot of vassals. Maybe Susumu would be willing to aid us… but how much aid could he afford?
Though it had gotten late, Susumu was still awake, and he was in his receiving room writing letters by the light of two lanterns. When he saw Hikosane and Shohime, he immediately bowed low. "Lord Hikosane, Princess Shohime, this is unexpected." He turned a questioning look at Mitsunari and I.
Hikosane hastily introduced me as, "This is one of Oda Nobunaga’s trusted vassals, Ishida Mitsunari, and his fiancée, Oda Okatsu. Not only is she a Princess, she’s one of Nobunaga's kunoichi."
Field promotion! (Though Nobunaga, not to mention Hideyoshi would be shocked to learned he employed a kunoichi). Hikosane knew the Mozumi vassals better than I and if they were wont to be impressed by titles and female ninjas, I was not going to argue.
Before we could get trapped in a polite small talk rabbit hole, Shohime jumped in. “Lord Susumu, we need your help. Genba is under attack.” Interestingly, I noticed she had abandoned her helpless princess act. There were no tears, no handwringing – this Shohime was all warrior.
“What?” Susumu looked from Hikosane to Shohime with confusion. “How?”
Hikosane gestured to Mitsunari, who expertly relayed the situation as only a military commander could. Susumu, nodded along, his knuckles tightening on the edge of his desk as the import of the crisis sunk in.
"How quickly can you gather my father's vassals?” Hikosane asked, once Mitsunari had finished.
Susumu frowned. "By sunrise, however the problem is few of them are left to be summoned. Your father ordered General Makino and over one hundred men to accompany the latest shipment of silver to the coast. He said he’d received credible information that the shipment had been targeted by robbers."
Damn it. The orders must have come from Iekane. Lady Yone, or maybe they had convinced Mozumi that that had been necessary. But now was not the moment to worry about that. If we couldn’t convince Susumu to help us, then we had lost before we began.  "How many are left? It's unfortunate that your general has gone with the shipment although Mitsunari is an expert strategist.”
A quick smile bloomed across Mitsunari’s face at my praise before he put his ‘serious strategist’ expression back on. “If I know our resources, I can deploy them where they will be most effective. Mozumi’s vassals know the territory. Iekane’s mercenaries do not. This is to our advantage.”
"I believe there may be up to twenty vassals and an additional dozen support staff." Susumu strode into the corridor and requested a waiting page to round up every man in his household. "I'll send out messages to the others.”
As the page departed, a young woman entered the room. She bowed low to us. “Susumu, why did you not alert me that we had visitors? Lord Hikosane, Princess Shohime, I must apologize for my husband’s lack of manners.”  Susumu’s wife appeared to be much younger than her spouse, but she looked at him with affection and trust.
“Lady Hana. Do not trouble yourself on our account.” Shohime again blew past the small talk. “We are not able to stay.”
After pressing a kiss on Hana’s cheek, Susumu relayed a series of household orders that Hana nodded at with enough familiarity to suggest this was not the first time he’d needed to go off to war in the middle of the night. She headed directly to a wall, where several swords were displayed, removed one, and handed it to him with the competence of a soldier.
And… I had a thought. “Lady Hana, are you much of an archer?”
Without prompting, the much-smarter-than-anyone-knew Shohime picked up where I was going. “She’s very good. As are many of the wives and daughters in the Kanamori clan.”
“How many of these wives and daughters would be willing to,” I paused, because willing wasn’t going to be enough in this era. “And, um, permitted to join us?” I glanced at Mitsunari, hoping he wasn’t upset that I had just usurped his authority.
“Trained archers would be very useful,” he agreed. “On a voluntary basis, of course.”
Susumu and his wife looked at each other, in one of those long, silent marital conversations. One that Hana apparently won, for he sighed and nodded. “If the situation is as you said, we will need them. I would trust her to defend the house, and therefore, I will trust her to help defend Genba.”
That decided, Mitsunari began to herd us out. “Thank you, Lord Susumu. We’ll leave you to make your preparations.” He turned to Hikosane, who appeared to be on the verge of pouting at being left out the recent discussions. “Do you know of an adequate location for everyone to meet?”
"Iekane’s men have the castle surrounded," I reminded Hikosane.
“I am not likely to have forgotten that.” Alright, someone has apparently taught this child sarcasm.
Hm. That someone may have been myself.
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"Thirty men plus an unknown number of female archers." If he was disappointed, Mitsunari didn’t show it. "If we can capture some of their supplies, that will make their siege more difficult. We can then send out smaller groups on hit and run missions to harass Iekane's army."
We had returned to our old campsite, as Mitsunari had determined that most efficient place to meet with the Kanamori vassals was at the crossroads. Eventually, though, our base of operations would be moving to an old Takeda signal tower. Though the Takeda no longer held any territory around here, the towers still stood. Mitsunari had determined that both would be useful for our purposes. “We can use one as a line of defense for our small forces and the more hidden one as a place to keep the wounded."
My initial relief at getting the vassals dwindled. Wounded. Yes of course there would be wounded. Hopefully we'd be able to get some medical supplies when we attacked their rear guard. "We have a little while until sunrise, what would you like me to do?" It had become second nature to defer to Mitsunari in matters of military.
"Sleep. You must be exhausted by this time." He patted the ground next to him. He'd built up a small bed of leaves and spread his cloak on it. "If you won't listen to me as your fiancé, then consider it an order."
Well... I didn't like it, but I knew better than to break the chain of command. Still, technically it was Mitsuhide who was my boss and… "What are we going to do about Mitsuhide?"
"I have to trust that he knows what he is doing." Again, he patted the ground. "I need you alert later, so sleep now."
That argument made enough sense to me that I lay down as directed and closed my eyes. I didn't know if I could manage to sleep, but what Mitsunari didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. I felt him scoot closer to me, then his fingers combed through my hair the way he had that first night we were in Genba castle, when all we'd had to worry about was keeping up the act. But his hands were as strong and sure as before and I found myself relaxing under the gentle rhythm of his touch, until I drifted off...
When I woke up some time later the first thing that my conscious mind registered was the low tones of Mitsunari discussing strategy with...
Was that Sasuke's voice?
I sat up quickly, trying to shake off the specter of sleep; but the first person I saw wasn't Sasuke. Sitting just a meter away, his hands on his knees as he watched me was-
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@bestbryn @lorei-writes @katriniac @lyds323 @briars7
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