#the band ghost comfort
serene-starss · 9 months
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Paring: Tobias Forge & Reader
Warnings: suicidal thoughts/intentions, mention of death
“I eh, I understand these emotions and thoughts are hard to have.” He said, a comforting hand on the small of my back as he sat down on the wet concrete curb of the road.
I sniffle, trying not to cry at the kind gesture, “It’s ok, you don’t have to stay out here and convince me everything is sunshine and rainbows.” Three or four tears run down my raw cheeks as I simply blink
“Nothing is sunshine and rainbows,” he says as he gently starts moving his hand in a circular motion, his presence alone is soothing. Maybe being a family guy is why he’s so kind, and being the ‘Big Boss’ so firm and honest. It’s a good mix for a guy like him.
I look at the cigarette in my hand as the burning ember falls off and goes cold as it lands on the cool pavement that’s just barely wet from whatever rain or sewer leaked from outside the hotel at this time.
The street light highlighted our faces like we wore clown makeup, but to think about it, it is silly that such a sophisticated man would sit outside in the cold just to comfort a hired musician.
Laughs echo from inside the building, and warm light pools out of the windows decorated for whatever season it was supposed to be
I cry softly, putting a hand on my forehead. I want him to go inside because I don’t want him to spoil and rot like every other gram of happiness or joy that has been near me. “A black hole is what I am, I don’t want to swallow anyone who already hasn’t been.” I crow as the continued sound of joy hurts my heart.
“I’m not a scientist but black holes create new matter like planets do they not? So maybe we’re all just the aftermath of someone like you.” He says softly, I hear the exhaustion of the day in his sweet voice as he tries to cheer me up.
“I can’t do it.” I simply say as I hide my face in my knees as my cheeks fill with air and I stop myself from letting out a loud cry.
“Yes you can,” he says as he scoots closer to me, I know he’s not a therapy friend but just like before his fatherly and leading nature makes him simply incredible to be around. “You can because I did, and I know nobody wants to be compared to others but we are constantly changing”
I sigh heavily, “Except you mean something, your are worth something, and you have millions of fans and undying love from people. You’ve saved people's lives.” I say
“Yes but..” he thinks for a moment, “I mean it wasn’t too long ago I was just picking up a phone for money and doodling logos on napkins.”
I look up at him with puffy red eyes.
“I was In the same position when I felt all alone and helpless when someone very close to me passed away suddenly. I know how it feels to be at the bottomless pit of nothing” he said as he rested his elbows on his knees.
I wipe my nose on my sleeve, “I just…”
“You just need something or someone to keep you going,” He looks at me and flashes a smile.
“I already have one, thank you, I guess I should’ve said,” I say as more tears roll down my cheeks.
“For what? I told you I don’t mind coming out here, it’s because your my friend, band mate and I ca-“ he tries to finish before I cut him off, “for saving me, your truly the nicest and most understanding person ever.” I start to sob.
His face softens and he wraps me in a tight yet delicate hug, “I’m sorry you needed saving.”
I try not to get snot or tears on the back of his jacket as I melt into it, “thank you”
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serene-sun · 1 year
𝖂𝖍𝖔’𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖉𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞? Pt. 1
Pairing: copia & child/teen gn reader
Release: 5/26/23 10:14pm
Summary: copia has a bit of a surprise for you!
A/n: this is part 1 of a small series I’m doing parallel to @ghostussy AU “faith” plz go read it, they are a phenomenal writer (they hit the feels so good)
“Amore, I have a bit of a surprise for you.” Copia says, sneaking into your room as if he’s hiding from someone.
“Hm?” You look up from the homework on your desk, eyes catching onto his arms behind his back and his lips trying their hardest not to flip into a smile.
“Ta-da!” Copia exclaims, presenting you a brightly dressed envelope.
You look at him in confusion, but excitement, who doesn’t love gifts? Taking the white and black bow wrapped around the blue paper off, you pull out papers that seem to be important looking.
“Copia, what is this?” You ask, even more curious. Your eyes hurt looking at the small font on the white paper.
Copia just stands there, tilting his head to let you know to look more closely.
Your brain freezes, your breathe hitches, your lungs hold, your joints ache, your stomach hurts, your muscles tense as you read the heading words.
Adoption certificate
You blink, your heart beating once more, your brain is so shocked it can’t send the signals of excitement to your soul.
“Papa?” You say, a small crack in your voice.
You look up at him, only your head moving as you hold tight the paper. Your so surprised you don’t even feel emotion, all you feel are droplets falling down your cheeks that start to get heavier.
“Papa?” You repeat, more emotional, you fall apart as you realize you won’t ever have to think of anything harmful again.
“Oh child…” copia hums, kneeling down to wrap you in a hug.
A hug so tight your eyes might pop out, a hug so tight it’s greater than the sun’s gravitational pull on anything in the galaxy.
“Papa….” You cry, tears now streaming down your cheeks like a river.
His name seems to be the only word you know, in-fact it’s not even his name, it’s the name you first heard when you arrived at the ministry. How kind his face was, how soft his touch was, how gentle he was helping you while recovering from the accident. You remember just how lovely that warmth spread in your chest when he had brought you flowers while in the infirmary.
“Papa, what does this mean? Does this mean your my legal guardian now?” You ask, in a rush over the tears, “do you mean I won’t ever have to see them again?”
“Amore, there’s a bit more to it.” Copia says, trying not to ruin the mood.
But the concerned look on your face forced him to explain more in detail.
“Well…we still have to go to court for a hearing, it won’t be longer than 50 minutes though!” Copia smiles.
You nod, lifting your chin up to give him a smile.
“When is the hearing? Doesn’t this take a long time?” You wonder
“Well, believe it or not it was a surprise for me first.” Copia chuckles, bringing a hand to wipe away your tears.
You ask him more about it
“Well mo- sister imperator has actually been working for these silly inked up papers since you arrived. And after talking with some, higher officials, it was approved for court.”
“Higher officials? You mean nihil?” You sniffle, bringing a hand to his and taking in his warmth as he continues.
“Eh- yeah…no- I-I uhm….hard to explain.” Copia stutters, “but he’s the one who will acually be there for the hearing, like a representative kinda.”
He tries to explain, but when is it ever easy to explain economic policies to a mere child!
You nod, maybe not understanding, but still happy that copia would legally be yours, or is that the other way around?
“So when is it?” You look into his glossy eyes, happy for himself as much as he is for you.
“We have a few weeks, i wanted to tell you as soon as I found out but….I refrained. I honestly don’t know how I kept it under the blanket for so long!”
“Do the ghouls know?”
“Do the other papas know?”
“What do I wear?”
“Who all will be there?”
“Who will I sit with there?”
You bombard the poor old man with questions.
“Eh- hehe let’s wait a moment bambino!” Copia attempts to calm you down.
“Sorry, it’s just….you don’t know how much this means to me copia.” You mumble as tears appear like flowers in the spring.
“Oh bambino….” Copia smiles and brings you into a tight hug.
“Do- what do I call you then?” You ask
“Oh, well uhm…anything you want! You can keep on calling me by my name, or papa, really anything your want dear.” Copia says, wiping away a strand tear.
A/n: reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed, lemme know what you would like to see next!
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nekronyancer · 1 month
To loathe oneself is the harshest prison one can inhabit
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Get on the angst train everyone, choo choo motherfuckers 🚂 /aff
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ghoulymadge · 3 months
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kabukiaku · 2 months
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i'm here. 🖤
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ghouliebabies-art · 16 days
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“Not just another bloody Mary…” 🖤✨🦇
Gouache value study of Mary!!! Once I turn this in for my grade I’m going to add black glitter to his blood cuz nothing screams metal like glittery blood 🖤✨🦇 also… 53 MORE DAYS TILL HALLOWEEN! STAY SPOOKY EVERYGHOULIE!!! ✨🦇🎃💜
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sodoshame · 1 year
Pairing: Mostly Swiss x Fem!Reader but it’s a poly!ghoul situation lol
Warnings: Angst, comfort, touch-starved reader
A/N: This is incredibly self-indulgent because I’m ridiculously touch-starved lmao.
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Swiss had only recently noticed the way Y/N seemed to react to touch. Even little touches here and there- at first, she would flinch; then eventually leaned into the touch. She looked on with a look of what appeared to be envy and sadness when she saw the affection the others gave and received.
The ghouls very rarely touched her; her initial flinch response had made them wary; they didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. It hit Swiss the other day when he watched Mountain cleaning up a cut that Y/N had. Mountain touched her with such gentleness and sincerity; she leaned into it, her eyes glossy and almost desperate. That hit Swiss like a ton of bricks.
Y/N never really got upset to the point of tears in front of the ghouls, she seemed to just display anger. Despite that, Swiss could detect a hint of fear, sadness and longing whenever she would lash out at anyone; she’d storm off after, tears in her eyes. If anyone tried to follow her, they’d get immediately shut down and shut out.
Swiss watched intently from the table as Y/N washed up from dinner. The others had gone back to the den, but he had decided to stay and keep her company. She had seemed slightly snappy at dinner tonight, her responses to everyone were short and sharp. Despite this, Swiss had noticed that her hands were shaking anytime she picked anything up, her legs anxiously bouncing under the table.
“Fuck! Ow, shit.”
Swiss was bought out of his thoughts by Y/N’s string of curse words. He stood up, walking over to her as he noticed her wrapping a hand towel around her now bleeding finger.
“You okay? Let me see-”
“It’s fine. I’m fine.” She snapped, not even looking at him.
“Y/N-” He started as he put his hand up to her back.
She quickly flinched, moving away as she practically glared at him.
Swiss frowned, looking down at her as he stepped back a little; his features laced with concern.
“I’m just trying to help.” He said, studying her face. He watched as her expression changed from irritated to a strange mixture of regret and sadness. He gently reached out, resting his hand on her shoulder. Y/N flinched, but didn’t move away from him.
“I’m sorry, I- I didn’t mean to-” She started, her voice no longer snappy, instead it seemed… fearful? Swiss took a step closer, his hand still gently on her shoulder as he studied her face.
“You’re okay, Y/N. Don’t apologise.” He said, his tone was sincere and caring. Taking another step closer, he looked down at her as he felt her starting to lean into him; she had tears in her eyes.
Slowly, Swiss gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a comfortable, but not suffocating embrace. He felt Y/N relax into him slightly, her breathing ragged and shaky. The ghoul brought his hand up to her head, securing her in the hug.
“You’re okay, sweetheart.” He mumbled as he heard a raspy sob come from her as she started shaking. Y/N pressed her face into Swiss’ neck, her hands clinging to his shirt for dear life. He stroked her hair softly, holding her close to him, he felt his heart break as she sobbed into his chest.
“Y/N, honey, listen to me. Breathe in… And out… In… and out.” His voice was almost pleading with her, but it didn’t work. She clung so tightly to him, almost like she was afraid that he would disappear. He kept stroking her hair and holding her, just letting her get it out of her system. After a little while, she began to calm down; she still had tears running down her face but she was breathing more evenly.
“Good job, sweetheart. I’ve got you, okay? You’re alright.” Swiss soothed, rubbing gentle circles on her back. Y/N finally pulled her face away from his neck, looking up at him with watery eyes and tear stained cheeks. She didn’t let go of his shirt, the fabric was still balled up in her fists. Swiss moved his hands to gently rest on her waist as he studied her; he brought one hand up to gently wipe away her tears with his sleeve.
“What happened, love?” He asked, his voice gentle and soft.
“I- I don’t really know.” She mumbled, looking up at him with a desperate, sad look in her eyes.
Swiss nodded in response as he stroked a stray hair behind her ear.
“Y/N… Whatever happened to you before, it will never ever happen here, okay? We will take care of you. All I want is for you to trust us enough to be honest when you’re struggling, okay sweetheart?” He said, his eyes sincere. She nodded as tears started to well up in her eyes again. Swiss pulled her back into a tight hug, quietly shushing her as he rubbed her back whilst she cried.
In one swift motion, he pick Y/N up- her arms wrapped around his neck. The ghoul had one arm under her thighs, supporting her as her legs wrapped around his waist. His other hand was soothingly rubbing her back in small, comforting circles.
“I’m gonna take you to the den, okay? You’re going to be okay.” Swiss said as he started walking, carrying her. She didn’t say anything, just letting out a quiet sob into his shoulder, gripping him ever so slightly tighter.
Once at the ghoul’s den, Y/N was practically swarmed by them.
“Hey! Give her some space, would you?” Swiss said, a slight edge to his voice. She nuzzled her face into his neck, almost embarrassed for the others to see her like this. He slowly let her down, her feet now back on the ground; she was hesitant to let go at first, but she felt a large hand resting on her back, and she slowly unwrapped herself from Swiss, turning around to see Mountain offering a small smile.
“We’ve got just the thing that will help, buttercup.” Mountain said, his voice soft and warm. The tall ghoul led Y/N to the couch; he sat down and patted the space next to him. Once she sat down, they were quickly joined by the others; Swiss sat the other side of her, wrapping an arm around her, Sodo just sat himself right on top of her, snuggling in closely as he started softly purring; Rain sat on the floor below, using Swiss’ legs as a pillow, whilst he wrapped himself around her legs, gently rubbing her knee with his thumb, and Phantom sat down on Mountain’s lap, squishing close to both him and Y/N.
She was surrounded by the comfort of her ghouls, all of them touching her in some shape or form; all of them showing her sweet affection and nothing else. She breathed out a sigh, glancing around before letting her eyes flutter shut.
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ghuleh-anima-mia · 10 months
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"Those butterflies might be dormant, like little spirits, like little ghosts.
If you have those ghosts in there somewhere, you'll always have the key to everything." x
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ghulehunknown · 1 month
Waking up with Papa Headcanons 💤
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The below contains Safe For Work headcanons! Gender neutral reader
This morning I woke up daydreaming about having a Papa in my bed and all the cute cuddling and pillow talk we’d do 🥹
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He’s already awake and brushing his teeth by the time you wake up
He’s made you a cup of tea, waiting for you on the bedside table
Kisses you sweetly on the forehead and hugs you before he leaves for the day
Says you are welcome to stay in his bed as long as you want
You wake up to his arms protectively wrapped around your body
He already woke up long before you did, but wants to spend as much time with you as possible and didn’t want to leave yet
Has time for a quick cup of coffee and light conversation while he gets ready
Kisses you before leaving
You wake up to him planting kisses on your neck and face
Your limbs are all tangled together because he’s wrapped himself tight around you in the night
He can’t get close enough to you and agonizes about leaving because all he wants to do is lay in bed with you all day and do nothing but watch TV and talk
You’re the first one to leave bed; he keeps pulling you back for more kisses, no matter how much you protest that you’re running late (and so is he)
He’s still snoring but is sleeping on his side, cuddling you with his hand on your waist, drool coming out of his mouth
Smiles when he wakes up and sees you next to him
Spends most of the free time staring into your eyes and talking with you before getting ready
Pulls you in tighter when you get up, and lets out an exasperated groan. “So soon, tesoro?”
Laying flat on his back snoring with his mouth wide open
It takes a while to wake him up
Complains about what terrible sleep he got while you lay on his chest as he rubs your back soothingly before getting up for the day
He’s very slow to move or get ready at all, unless he has an important meeting
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ashthewaterghoul · 27 days
Syrens can’t speak on land.
Rain gets summoned and isn’t used to not being able to talk. He’s a deep-sea Ghoul, rarely breaking the surface of the water so he’s only ever gone short periods of times not being able to speak.
Water Ghouls have their own type of sign language so they can commune above water and even under the water if they’re hunting.
When Rain is summoned he is not only silenced due to the amount of time he has to spend above water, but because none of the other Ghouls know sign, and the sign the humans have is different and makes no sense to Rain.
Rain also can’t write been as water, paper and ink don’t exactly mix so he never learned.
He just resigns to nodding and shaking his head and trying to mime as best as he can.
That’s until one day when the Fire Ghoul that has a Water’s name sneaks into his room and raises his hands, making the familiar shapes of infernal sign.
“I’ll be your voice. The voice I never had when I was summoned.”
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serene-starss · 3 months
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Pairing: jutty Taylor & Tobias forge & GN reader & Cosmo sylvan
Warnings: sleep paralysis, nightmares, comfort lol. Requests are open!
Summary: reader recently joined the band and suffers from sleep paralysis, only a certain action can help them get out of it.
It’s 3:21 am on a Sunday night in London, the band had gotten home from the venue and was long past everyone’s showers and phone calls to their loved ones.
It was 3:21 am, on a Sunday night, in London, and there were 2 more hours untill everyone would wake up for the days activities.
5am. Wake up, get ready, pack
5:30am. Breakfast and boarding the bus
6am. Leave the hotel and go to next city or to the venue
It was the same thing every morning and honestly it was fine for you, simple schedules that didn’t make things harder. Currently it was the second week of tour and you were running on only 1 and a half hours of sleep a night.
Your sleeping issues plagued you ever hotel and bus…sleep paralysis taking over when the foggy mindset rested your eyes and relaxed your bones. Freezing like a statue, turning into a corpse and figures swarming you. Words and thoughts in your mind, nightmares that made you feel…real unreal things.
“Just take melatonin!” People suggested before you joined the band, but they didn’t know that it made it worse.
It wasn’t that you were mentally ill- oh no it sure wasn’t- it was just one of the things that stuck with you as you got older
When you first joined you had to give a contract to the manger as well as medical records and such that proved you were fit to be in the group. Now that the bands manager was Tobias, it was honestly more nerve wracking to hand over all your personal information to your future boss.
He didn’t really care, Tobias was a good person they didn’t judge others nevertheless what they were dealing with. It was really just to be sure you weren’t going to put yourself or others in danger on the tour or have condition like a tumor that kept you from flying.
Tobias never mentioned it again, he did ask what it was for you- you assumed it was so he wouldn’t freak out if you started doing some weird shit in the middle of the night.
You explained what it was and how it affected you, even sugaring it up to not sound so pitiful. After all, it was ghost, one of the best bands in your opinion. He was shocked when he heard you, he naturally asked what you do to help it and what he could do as a friend. You greatly admired his sense of friendship and care towards everyone, he really was a “tender father”.
“Sometimes it helps bring me back to this sort of world by tapping or rubbing my limb or back in a rhythm I know that I can focus on.” You say, “it helps me focus on what’s real.”
After that, you shook hands and joined the band. Months later and many practices after you started tour.
You had put up with the terrors every night so far, by not going to sleep or very…very…embarrassingly petting a small shark plushie you had since you were a child. It was embarrassing but it was better than sobbing more than usual to sleep.
Another thing, you literally cried every night due to them. Rather it be in the terrors or after and before, you tried to muffle it to not wake up whoever you were sharing a hard hotel bed with or whoever was around your bunk on the bus.
But this night, it was worse…perhaps from bottling it all up and the lack of sleep wrecking your corpse feeling form.
3:36 in the morning, and it’s hard to contain sobs as you can’t move your arms or mouth. Holding breath…only makes the gasp for air after louder each time. You can feel the bed shaking and you pray to everything that exists that the guy beside you doesn’t wake up.
Now that you think about it, you forgot who was paired with you, it swapped every night. You couldn’t care who slept with you, the fact that it wasn’t even gender based told you enough that everyone trusted each other life family to not get freaky in the middle of the night.
In your peripherals you see jutty soundly asleep, “of all nights….” You think as he softly snores with his mouth agape.
He was the lightest sleeper in the group, of all night…and to think the most energetic guy on stage was the hardest sleeper baffled you.
They all had traits of sleep, not that you watched, it’s just being up all night you had nothing else to do but notice their presence.
Jutty, light sleeper and sometimes talks.
Per, sleeps like a log and doesn’t move once, he also sleeps with a hoodie on including the hood and thick pajama pants.
Randy, didn’t know what sharing leg room was.
Cosmo, he also must’ve forgotten that there was only one blanket.
Hayden, snores like the devil…
The girls? They all were perfect to share a bed with!
Tobias? He went to bed three hours after the unassigned assigned curfew and often passed out from the amount of melatonin he takes but is up an hour before alarms dressed for breakfast with a smile.
Whatever luck had gotten light sleeper boy in this bed obviously hated you.
More tears soaked into the pillows on your side, and when you finally got out of it you quickly gasped and rolled over facing the wall.
“Shit…” you hope it didn’t wake him up, you softly sniffle, broken cries muffled by your hands and T shirt.
“Are you alright?” A soft and groggy voice says quietly as a hand sets on your shoulder.
With a slight jump, you pretend to be asleep.
“Dude…I know your awake?” He says a little dramatically.
His hand softly rubs your back as he notices the tear stains on the pillows, “everything…alright?” He asks again
You sniffle, giving away more that you were crying, “I’m ok.”
“Why are you crying?” He whispers, he doesn’t sound nosey but genuinely concerned.
“Uhm…” you sigh, “just uh, I have sleep paralysis…”
He makes a knowing sound, “ohh, I’m sorry jack,” he pats your shoulder
“You can go back to sleep…” you say awkwardly,
“Do you need anything? Water? Crackers? Fresh air?” He asks a little worried
“No I just..” you sigh, giving up on not worrying him, “I just sometimes need help getting out of it.”
Jutty is too kind of a person to not care, being mean to each other was the popular sarcastic humor but his personality always shined through.
“How do you do that?” He asks curiously
You tell him about the tapping back you do, and explain how focusing on a rhythm helps.
“Oh…well….i get that, I’ll try if you have it again. Wake me up if you have it again.” He says sweetly
Besides the fact the whole point was that you couldn’t move, you nodded with a smile.
The next day, everyone exhaustedly climbs into their bunks as they get back from dinner.
After a few hours of sitting in the couched area of the bus as it departs, you head to your bunk. You knew you needed to turn off your work laptop, to not wake others with the light as Tobias himself headed to his bunk. You kept yourself busy every night with school, trying to finish an online course for your own education.
Hours later, you are stuck in another possession moment.
Can’t move.
Can’t speak.
Can’t communicate.
Can barely think…
This one’s worse than the previous one, this time the things in your nightmare are even more realistic. You want to be awake. You are awake. You are aware. But you can’t do anything to protect yourself. In this moment you need someone to wake you, you need someone to help you out of this hell.
And suddenly there is a tap on your shoulder, it feels- tap tap, tap tap tap tap, tap tap, tap tap tap a soft stroke of a tune that you can feel. Noticing it as the bass line for absolution.
You focus, on whoever was helping you as you stared into the top of the bunk.
After a minute and a half you escape the hellish realm you were stuck in and rub your eyes. Your breathing shutters as you struggle for air.
“Are you out?” Cosmos tiered voice says across from you, his hand still on your arm.
“Cosmo?” You roll over, “how did you know, to do that?” Your croaking exhausted voice asks
“Jutty told me and per at dinner, I don’t think he meant too,” he says as he props himself on an elbow.
“Oh, that’s alright…I suppose it’s helpful…” you say
“Sorry you have to deal with that,” Cosmo said again, “perhaps listening to something to sleep will help?” He suggests
“Maybe, but thank you, I’ll try it.” You say softly as he retracts his arm from across the narrow bus hallway.
“Get some rest.”
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delulluart · 10 months
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after work hours (or: I got annoyed by people depicting him as an old man who uses his phone like a grandpa and this entire thing got completely out of hand)
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nocturnal-birb · 3 months
I think the reason why I like the new song so much is because it's giving "you're getting existential crisis over the future but I will hold you right here right now"
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duckzz · 1 year
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lilypadlys · 6 months
Haircuts make Dew uncomfortable.
A product of his element transition was that his hair got badly singed and most of the length had to be cut off. Dew loved his platinum blonde, practically white hair. Took immaculate care of it. Adored its body and how it rippled like water. And suddenly it was burnt and matted and gone. Then to add insult to injury, even after it grew back it became a harvest gold.
Dew hates it at first. No matter how much Aether and Mountain insist that his hair is prettier than ever, that it suits him so well, he hates it. At first, he wears it back and under hats and beanies, refusing to deal with it. Eventually it gets so bad though that he tries to bleach it. Unfortunately the bleach further trashes his already damaged hair and he has to get it cut short all over again.
His packmates know he needs help but they aren’t sure what to do. Compliments and affirmations are all well and good but they don't really help. Doesn’t fix it. He knows his packmates mean well but he can’t really take their words to heart.
Then one day, Cumulus asks Dew for his help with doing her hair. Says she’s trimming it to avoid split ends and could he help her with the back sections? He agrees and helps her out. He helps her straighten her hair so she can trim it, then helps her work in product afterwards to help it regain its curl. Then she asks if he would like her to do his.
He refuses immediately. His hair has just gotten back to a couple inches below shoulder length, still too short for his liking, and even an end trim seems like too much. She doesn’t take offense though, just nods and changes the subject; has him pick what scent of hair mask she should use next.
And then next time she does her hair, she has him help her decide how to style it; braids or in space buns. And the time after that if she should cut it all short for summer. He immediately gasps at the thought, and waxes poetic about how pretty her hair is until they’re both giggling. And then he regards his own tangled mane in the mirror.
He asks in a quiet voice if he can borrow her hair scissors. She agrees, handing them over and watching him carefully. He brings the scissors up to the ends of his hair, but he stops. Freezes. He can’t do it.
“Would you like me to help?” She asks gently.
He hesitates and then nods, passing the scissors back over. She gestures for him to sit on the edge of the tub and stands behind him.
“I’m just going to get the ends, alright? Just to help your hair be a bit less tangled. Is that okay?”
He nods, not trusting his voice.
She brushes through his hair gently, mindful of the tangles. Asks one more time if he’s okay with this. When he nods again she wraps a towel around him. She works as quickly as she can while still being careful to make sure everything is even. When she’s done, she sets the scissors aside and uses her air magic to sweep the cut ends of his hair away into the trashcan and out of sight. Then she brushes through his hair again and grabs the curling iron.
“Okay if I style it a little?”
“Sure.” Dew shrugs noncommittally.
An ironic perk of Dew’s hair now is that it’s a lot more fire resistant. Still Cumulus is careful not to turn the iron on too hot and risk burning herself. She uses it to add a slight wave to Dew’s hair before finally letting him look.
Dew gets up and shyly glances at himself in the mirror, eyes going wide once he does. Even though it’s not perfect, there’s still damaged ends left from lack of regular care, Dew has to admit that it looks a lot better. Cumulus had to take about three inches off but as he runs a hand through it and doesn’t get caught on a rats nest of tangled ends he sighs in relief. The slight wave has the corner of his mouth quirking up even as he begins to blink rapidly.
“Feel a little bit better?” Cumulus asks.
“Yeah. Thank you.”
They both ignore how Dew’s voice cracks a little. Cumulus definitely doesn’t notice that dampness around Dew’s eyes. She busies herself cleaning up while Dew turns away and rubs his eyes.
“If you’re up for it, I know what might really help. A nice deep shampooing and conditioning will go a long way towards helping maintain your hair. You can use my stuff and I’ll even help you wash if you want.”
Dew knows how protective over her hair products Cumulus is. The fact that she’s offering makes him smile. He nods.
“Thank you.”
Cumulus gets the both of them ensconced in the tub, Dew using his magic to keep the water steamy while Cumulus massages shampoo through his hair. The way her claws gently card over his scalp has him purring in no time despite the stress he’d been feeling. By the time she’s rinsing the conditioner, she practically has to hold him up so he doesn’t fall asleep right there in the bath. After, she helps him stand and wraps him in her fluffiest towel before wrapping a smaller towel around his head to dry his hair.
“Why don’t you get some comfy clothes and I’ll get a nest ready. Sounds good?”
“Uh huh.” Dew’s too worn out and sleepy to fuss about being taken care of.
He dutifully pads off to his room to change and Cumulus makes good on her promise and sets up a blanket and pillow nest. She’s just fluffing the last pillow when Dew returns in an oversized tee and sleep shorts, and mostly dry hair. Without complaint, he hops up on the bed and sinks into the blankets with a happy chirp. Cumulus finishes drying her own hair, changes into pajamas and joins him.
“Okay if I braid your hair? It’ll help with tangles and it’ll be wavy in the morning.”
“Kay.” He murmurs, already drifting off. She giggles and retrieves her brush from her nightstand. Dew is fast asleep before she even ties the braid off with a silk scrunchie.
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drapopia · 22 days
i know we have all seen copia in his tracksuit playing his video games, and he’s surely adorable BUT
please consider for your viewing pleasure: copia wearing his tracksuit with a little tank top underneath, laid back on his futon while you relqx beside him, your legs draped over his while he plays his games. he’s slouched against the cushion, the tank top barely riding up and exposing just a peek of his happy trail, silver and light brown ringlets of hair in a delicious little blanket. while he isn’t as skinny as he was in his younger days, you can see where the underlying planes of muscle are defined under the fabric, a soft padding of flesh above it (a testament to his life and how much he has enjoyed living).
and his legs! oh, they look so deliciously packed into those sweatpants. sturdy muscle from gallivanting on stage, sculpted into soft places for you to enjoy (and certainly for him to enjoy as well). the urge to just peel them off right now, though he looks so focused on his game! “dr. mario is some intense stuff!” he teases you.
but he certainly will not say no to you leaning up and running your hands under the shirt, a veritable eden of warmth and softness, though he may hiss and whine “amore, your hands are so cold!” but copia, you’re warming them up! ah, now he understands. surely your hands and more will be burning with a much different heat sooner than later
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