#the beetle saga continues
forged-in-kaoss · 3 months
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cinemedios · 11 months
¿Quién es Xolo Maridueña?
Descubre a Xolo Maridueña, un joven actor talentoso que ha cautivado al público con su papel en Cobra Kai y que pronto brillará en Blue Beetle. Con ascendencia mexicana y cubano-ecuatoriana, Xolo ha dejado huella con su actuación y carisma. 🎬🌟
Con una carrera en ascenso y un talento innegable, Xolo Maridueña ha cautivado a audiencias en todo el mundo con su carisma y habilidades actuales. Nacido como Ramario Xolo Ramirez el 9 de junio de 2001 en Los Ángeles, California, este joven actor estadounidense, con ascendencia mexicana por parte de su madre y cubano-ecuatoriana por parte de su padre, se va abriendo paso en la industria del…
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nocylipcowa · 2 years
btw i covered my bugs in nail polish but turns out you can scrub it off easily so i need a better technique
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romancomicsnews · 27 days
Do we need live action heroes?
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To me, nothing has ever gotten me excited quite like superheroes.
I remember way back to my 7th grade. I was 12 years old, and had an incredibly difficult time that year. I did not have many friends yet, transferring into a new school, and was struggling to connect to anyone.
All I had was in that huge building was my brother, who was off dealing with high school. My grades slipped, my friends from my old school slowly drifted, and I found myself running more and more back to heroes for comfort. Whether it be movies, comics, or animated shows, superheroes helped me escape what would be the worst year of my life that far, with most of my joy and anticipation that year surrounding one singular event.
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2012’s The Avengers.
All year until May I watched the trailer, looked at posters, and watched Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Iron Man, Thor, or Captain America The First Avenger to get myself ready. I remember smiling, sitting for 3 hours in line before the film to get good seats for the gathering of my heroes, a culmination of years of waiting.
To this day, movies like Endgame or No Way Home come very close, but nothing felt like that to me. And while I understand part of it was me being a child, the MCU and other superhero movies have continued to give me comfort in the best of times and the worst times. They have constantly been a force for good for me and a way for me to connect to those around me. 
Which is why I’m sad to say, things have been bleak. Not in my life, but rather in the content that has been seen as acceptable to put out. Several big companies have been fumbling the ball lately with some devastatingly mediocre chapters in their respected sagas.
Last year was an abysmal year for DC, as they produced 4 flops at the box office. With the exception of Blue Beetle (which I love), each other entry in DC’s last year ranged from forgettable to downright abhorrent (I’m looking at you Flash). I was a big fan of the last Shazam and was pleasantly surprised by Aquaman, but both felt like they were going through the motions instead of bringing us exciting fresh takes on the characters that made the original two films great.
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Due to the ever growing SPUMC (Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters), we’re looking at a terrible year for superhero movies. We already had the perplexing Madame Web, with Venom The Last Dance and Kraven the Hunter to end the year. While these movies can have some fun performances, in general they feel sloppy, mismanaged, with subpar writing at best. As fun as it is to see Tom Hardy in a lobster tank, I don’t feel anything for Eddie Brock. And that sucks.
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Finally, there’s the MCU.
Now, if you’re looking for me to bash entries in the MCU like The Marvels, you came to the wrong page, that’s not what this is.
In GENERAL, I like a lot of the swings they’ve taken since Endgame. Shang-Chi is still one of my favorite MCU movies. No Way Home had heart to it and wasn’t just a cash grab movie. Eternals had a vision and beauty I appreciate. Loki has one of my favorite finales of any tv show.
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But they’ve been disconnected. It isn’t this seamless chapter book with a clear beginning, middle and end anymore. There is so much expansion with characters that we have no idea where they are going. To go back to just one of those I just mentioned, where is Shang-Chi? That movie was a hit, and yet we have yet to hear anything about a sequel or return.
Due to this focus on expansion, it’s hard to keep that connection with these characters if we don’t see them every few years. Where is America Chavez? Vision? Kingo? Thor? She-Hulk? This is a problem.
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Couple this problem with the fact that VFX workers are worked to the bone, movies are being filmed without scripts finished, an emphasis on a multiverse storyline that doesn’t have a really clear path, and what seems like a vendetta against using comic book storylines, the films and television shows have been struggling to connect.
After all these catastrophes, you’d think it’d be a rough time to be a superhero fan. But really, it’s never been better.
Animation has been saving us.
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To be fair, animation has always been respected and loved by the comic book community. X-Men the Animated Series, Batman the Animated Series, Young Justice, Spectacular Spider-Man and more have not only been people’s favorite superhero content, for many it is their in. I started by watching Spider-Man the Animated Series, and things have only gotten better from there.
Shows like My Adventures with Superman have reintroduced a new generation to Superman in a way that feels extremely accurate and fresh. It has also given us an incredibly adorable and heartfelt love story between Lois & Clark, something live action movies and shows really struggle with. Can you think of the last good couple in the MCU? And don’t say Spider-Man and MJ, because most of why we like them is because we like Tom and Zendaya.
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Other shows like Invincible & Young Justice deal with heavy topics, such as grief, sexual orientation, gender identity, and trauma all in a way that feels human and real. Invincible in particular deals with grief and betrayal in its second season beautifully, all enhanced by incredible voice work from actors giving it their all.
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Even the MCU has used animation in surprising ways. X-Men 97’ recently brought back the styling of the X-Men animated series, with the powerful messaging the X-Men are known for. With enhanced animation, a clear vision, and an emphasis on using classic comic book storylines, many are not only considering it a hit, but the best thing Marvel has done in years.
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Even it’s more MCU heavy animated show What If had a much better second season, and while it’s not as deep or as good as the other shows I’ve mentioned, it’s worth noting it was a lot of lighthearted fun during the holidays. Definitely check out the Happy Hogan Die Hard episode.
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Finally, Sony of all people gave us the best superhero film of the year last year with Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. While everyone expected it to be good, I don’t think anyone expected it to be such an achievement. With incredible voice acting, a meta narrative about fans' relationship to the character of Miles, incredibly human moments and of course, a hero no one can not root for, Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse easily will go down as one of the best superhero movies ever made.
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I remember the ending of the film, where our heroes are finally gathered, and Miles is faced with what seems like impossible odds, and as the music swells, Gwen Stacy asks the audience “Are you in?”
And that was the moment I felt it again. The excitement, the joy, I really was a kid again, jumping out of my seat excited to see Beyond the Spider-Verse.
So if we can use animation to tell stories that connect, that show love stories in a way we haven’t seen, action in a way we haven’t seen, utilizing and respecting comic books, all while drawing out incredible performances, why are we emphasizing live action? 
I don’t think we truly need more live action shows of B list characters. And to their credit, I think studios are noticing too. Marvel has a few more animated projects coming out, and DC will be releasing Creature Commandos this year. But they will be putting out just as many live action shows focused on expansion as they have been.
Is it time to reconsider how we tell these stories? 
I know no matter what I say, we will get live action. And I’d be lying if I were to say that many projects out there excite me. Superman, The Penguin, Spider-Man Noir to name a few.
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But I think it’s time we use superheroes to go back to their roots. We should be using superheroes to bring artists and animators to the forefront. Shows like Invincible, My Adventures with Superman and X-Men 97’ give us a clear picture of what superhero media can and should be. Story driven, beautiful, and full of meaning. Something we as people can finally connect to.
Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: What's your favorite animated superhero show?
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idontbeatgames · 10 months
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DC's Blue Beetle has officially debuted with a 94%(!!!) audience score on Rotten Tomatoes!
As I said in so many other posts: Please go out and watch Blue Beetle with your friends and family. As the first live-action Latino superhero film, the representation that it's bringing is such a warm welcome and no matter what people say, we need more superhero projects that represent massive cultures to have amazing lighthearted success stories now more than ever. Let Blue Beetle be the beginning of this amazing trend of these incredibly important films overcoming all of the odds no matter how many people choose to immediately write it off.  And if that's not a good enough reason, here's multiple reasons why you should join the Blue Beetle Battalion by watching Blue Beetle in theaters:
Blue Beetle is the first live action Latino superhero film.
The film stars Cobra Kai's Xolo Maridueña as Jaime Reyes, Singer and Actress Becky G as the voice of the Scarab and George Lopez as Jaime's crazy uncle Rudy.
Blue Beetle is the first character in DC Studios' DCU timeline, as confirmed by DC Studios Co-Owner James Gunn
Blue Beetle was made as "the first act of a saga" and is currently planned to have a trilogy, assuming the first film does well.
Blue Beetle's Director, Angel Manuel Soto, prioritized real locations and practical effects for Blue Beetle, stating VFX is "a tool, not a dependency."
Blue Beetle's Director also didn't overwork the movie's VFX workers, which is a very common problem in the movie industry, stating "We didn't want to exploit the VFX artists as much as they have already been exploited. And using real locations allowed us to have better integration of the practical suits, so the VFX serve as an enhancement. It's a tool, not a dependency, and that really helped to make this whole thing feel bigger than life. We shot the third act in a real 500-year-old fortress in Puerto Rico. The communities depicted weren't a set. We went to the barrios of Puerto Rico and shot there. A lot of the people in the background are people from that community. So being able to make the film as lived in as possible felt worthy of the big screen experience."
Blue Beetle's Director also supports the ongoing strike and had this to say about the entire cast of Blue Beetle striking throughout its press run: "I do believe that the strike needed to happen. I wish it happened after the release of our movie, but at the end of the day, there's no better time than now. So, having them actually sacrifice this opportunity to be on the picket line and to fight for a better future — not only for them, but also to secure something better for future generations to come — is a heroic act of its own. So I'm celebrating them through their sacrifice in this moment, while also honoring the amazing work that they did. Representing them gives me the energy to continue doing this."
There is a genuine possibility that Xolo Mariduena's Blue Beetle can end up appearing in the upcoming Booster Gold show.
Blue Beetle is out NOW in Theaters!
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nikrei · 2 months
April Comics Round-up
April time! Turns out you can't draw while you read comics, so I got a whole lot of comics read and not a whole lot of drawing done (petition to patch this bug in the next update)
This time around I was reading stuff in event rotation, so I'd read one comic up to the start of an event, then move to the next, so on so forth, then read the event, then do it all over again.
Justice League of America (258-261) (1987)
Finished this in Legends, and it has a super tragic ending, with two members dead (rip vibe and steel) and Cynthia stashed back with her family (that she ran away from in the first place because they're abusive) also not a fan of how they tried to walk back Steel's grandpa's bullshit, implying that his procedures were somehow necessary when the whole backstory is that they were totally superfluous.
Fury of Firestorm/Firestorm the Nuclear Man (43-79) (1986-1988)
Omg i cried so much at issue 66 (Marrrtiin!) But the whole storyline is so good, and I love the firestorm that is his own guy he's precious.
Saga of the Swamp Thing/Swamp Thing (51-70 (1987-1988)
Continues to be A+ excellent. The Swamp Thing's sojourn thru space is a great look at actual very alien worlds.
Blue Devil (20-31) (1986)
Super fun and I'm sad that it ended, should have been longer!
Blue Beetle (1-24) (1986-1988)
Very fun, and a great intro to Ted, but it did feel like it left loose ends when it finished. Maybe they'll pick them up later in JLI.
Legends Event (1-6 + all tie-ins) (1986-1987)
Legends my beloved, I've read this one twice before, once just the main event, once with all the tie ins, but this time I was reading with just about full context and that was awesome. I love this event a lot, actually.
Booster Gold (1-25) (1986-1988)
Love this guy, hate what happened with his sister, that was bullshit. The ending also felt v rushed, but it is deffo worth the read.
Justice League/Justice League International (1-21) (1987-1988)
Was not expecting this to be so funny coming off the previous justice league title, but it is v v funny, highly recommended.
Captain Atom (1-23) (1986-1988)
Picked this guy up cause he was crossing over with other titles a lot, and I was surprised by how much I liked it! Unhappy propaganda hero Adam I love you. The source of General Eiling (asshole).
Suicide Squad (1-22) (1987-1988)
Oh man 1987 Amanda Waller is so good, she's such a complicated bitch I love her. The series as a whole is also v good, but it can be disjointed because of the rotating cast.
Wonder Woman (1-24) (1987-1988)
So I am mad about what the crisis did to the wonderfam but also this incarnation of Diana is So Good, I love her 500%
Flash (1-20) (1987-1988)
Wally u are so different from Barry but I am excited to see how you will learn and grow. I'm very into the set-up he's got going. It was super funny to me that they were like... hmm give him money problems, no wait, we don't want to deal with that, give him cash, no wait, we Do want to deal with that, take all his cash.
The Question (1-25) (1986-1989)
Vic Sage is a nerd but also hello Lady Shiva! Very much darker, mature label, but not often excessively so? Doesn't tend to be gritty for grittiness' sake alone. Tells stories well.
The Spectre (1-20) (1987-1988)
Ended up with this run because it has a lot of mystic backstory going on and had two issues in millennium. Not really my favorite title, but does have a lot of important stuff happening.
Zatanna Special (1987)
Important in between of Zatanna's last appearance in JLA, Swamp Thing, and Spectre, but I do not think it would make sense as a stand alone.
Dead Man (1-4) (1986)
If I had realized that this mini follows up on the tail end of the last dead man mini I would have read it last month, but I didn't realize that, rip.
Phantom Stranger (1-4) (1987)
This mini is in direct conversation with Spectre and the Dr. Fate mini, and is pretty important for knowing whats going on in the mystic side of DC.
Dr. Fate (1-4) (1987)
This mini is pretty much a sequel to the Phantom Stranger mini, and follows up with the big mystic happenings.
Millennium Event (1-8 + all tie-ins) (1987-1988)
Millennium my beloathed. The event itself is well written and has an engaging storytelling, but I hate hate hate what it does to the tie-in issues, just having random trusted characters be traitors for no good reasons. Totally wrecked Infinity Inc and The Outsiders, and other titles didn't get away unscathed either.
The New Guardians (1-5) (1988)
This series is the pay off of millennium, with this team of heros being gathered and taught all through that event. It's not a mini, issue 6 is when it hits invasion. Got a lot more serious a lot quicker than I thought it would, but honestly I'm a little disappointed because the millennium event ends with them basically being enlightened beings and you don't really see any of that in their own series.
Power Girl (1-4) (1988)
This is a fun mini to help set up Power Girl's new origin story (deffo read the secret origins issue before the mini). A good stand alone that manages to not make me too angry about coie retcons.
Deadshot (1-4) (1988)
This mini is basically an off-shoot of Suicide Squad, not a standalone. V v dark and edgy but a good glimpse into deadshot's psyche i guess
Checkmate (1-10) (1988)
Involved with suicide squad and JLI so I picked it up. Not really my fave, but love that Harvey fuckin Bullock is a high-up in this secret government spy organization i had no clue.
Doom Patrol (1-16) (1987-1988)
Told some friends I would read this one. I was a little bit lost because it is deffo a sequel to the previous doom patrols and I only ever saw them in crossover issues. Good so far.
Animal Man (1-5) (1988)
Not a mini, issue 6 is when it hits invasion. What i got to was honestly a lot more serious than I expected it to be (look animal man is a goofy name), but it really works for the environmentalist stories that they're telling.
Green Arrow (1-13) (1988)
We are continuing with dark and gritty Ollie i guess. I like him better than he was in long bow hunters, but he has lightened up a bit from that. Enjoying the series so far.
Forever People (1-6) (1988)
This mini was disappointing at first cause the starting vibe is Extremely Different from the 70s Forever People, but it ended up with a similar vibe. I don't think its as good as the og, but Kirby can't be beat, so they did a good job trying.
Starman (1-4) (1988)
Not a mini, issue 5 is when it hits invasion. I like it a lot so far, this guy is a good original sort of hero and the run itself is fairly humorous.
Batgirl Special (1988)
Follows up with Bab's doubts about being a superhero that were introduced in coie, her final case that leads to her retirement as Batgirl.
Batman: The Killing Joke (1988)
I guess as Joker stories go this is a good one? But its deffo v v heavy on the gritty shock value alone, and obvs does babs v dirty.
Detective Comics (582-593) (1988)
We've moved away from tec and batman being completely intertwined. Interesting to note that Robin did not show up once, even in the background.
Batman (415-425) (1988)
Ahhh its the beginning of the end for Jason TT-TT. I stopped before death in the family cause I'm pretty sure that technically happens post invasion.
Batman: The Cult (1-4) (1988)
This mini is sorta pointlessly dark and gritty. Its supposedly self contained but a lot of shit happens that should have lasting effects on Gotham but are never mentioned again. Some good Jason moments but not worth the rest of it. Written by Jim Starlin (heavy sigh)
And we are almost almost to the invasion event!
Bonus: the first 4 weeks of the Comic Kon reading club, where we're currently reading the origin of Superboy! It's a fun server and its only a few issues each week so its very manageable, folks should join! (it'd be pretty easy to catch up right now!)
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justforbooks · 8 months
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Nothing can sum up Keith Giffen’s character better than the Facebook post he wrote to announce his own death at the age of 70: “I told them I was sick … Anything not to go to New York Comic Con. Thanx. Keith Giffen 1952-2023. Bwah ha ha ha ha.”
That eruption of maniacal merriment was recognised by comic fans as a last defiant laugh from the sardonic comic writer and artist, who has died of complications following a stroke, after a 50-year career during which he created many memorable characters including Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle), Rocket Raccoon, Ambush Bug and Lobo.
A Mexican-American teenager, Reyes first appeared in Infinite Crisis #3 (2006) and became Blue Beetle two issues later, when he gained superhuman powers via a scarab that morphs into an alien battle suit, eventually going on to appear in the 2023 Blue Beetle movie.
One of the stars of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies was created by Giffen early in his artistic career. Rocket Raccoon was a smart-mouthed anthropomorphic weapons expert who first appeared in Marvel Preview #7 (1976), written by Bill Mantlo, who resurrected the character in his own four-part miniseries in 1985.
Among Giffen’s other early creations, Ambush Bug’s debut in DC Comics Presents #52 (1982) and its sequel, which involved the Legion of Substitute Heroes, were so successful that they led to several miniseries and one-shots drawn by Giffen featuring the absurd, fancifully dressed alien wannabe hero, and a one-shot Legion of Substitute Heroes Special (1985).
In 1982 Giffen joined the writer Paul Levitz on The Legion of Super-Heroes #287 and began transforming the series into a saga of considerable depth. One of the most popular storylines in comic book history, The Great Darkness Saga (#290-294, 1982), featured Darkseid as its cosmic villain and Legionnaires and other heroes from across time teaming up to confront him. As a result, Legion of Super-Heroes became one of DC’s bestsellers of the early 1980s.
Lobo, who first appeared in Omega Men #3 (1983), was intended as a parody of violent characters such as Wolverine, but became a poster boy for violence when Giffen teamed up with the writer Alan Grant and artist Simon Bisley for Lobo: The Last Czarnian (1990), which spawned numerous miniseries and specials in which Giffen continually pushed the envelope of acceptability as Lobo battled everyone from Santa Claus to his own children. Combat Christ and the Howlin’ Apostles proved to be DC’s limit.
Giffen was heavily involved in numerous crossover event series, designed, he said, to “significantly alter the status quo or introduce new characters into the status quo”, including Invasion! (1988), the weekly 52 (2006-07) and Countdown to Final Crisis (2007-08) for DC, and Annihilation (2006-07) from Marvel. His creativity and tongue-in-cheek humour earned him a loyal fanbase and he won an Inkpot award in 1991.
The son of Rosa Ann (nee Duncan) and James, a salesman for a textile company, Giffen was born in Queens, New York, but grew up in Little Falls, New Jersey. He was a fan of comics from the age of eight, when his mother handed him a copy of World’s Finest, and especially loved Marvel’s monster books and Gene Colan’s Giant-Man. He began creating his own characters at high school and went on to spend “one abysmal year” at the School of Visual Arts in New York (“the less said about that, the better”).
Apart from a year of night classes at duCret School of Art, New Jersey, Giffen was self-taught, studying books on anatomy and perspective during his four years working as a hazardous materials handler at Hoffmann-La Roche pharmaceuticals. During a week’s holiday he decided to submit samples to comic companies. At Marvel, an artist had dropped out of illustrating a back-up story (The Sword and the Star) for Marvel Preview, and Mantlo, who had spotted Giffen’s portfolio, suggested they give him a try.
Giffen briefly produced layouts for Wally Wood on Justice Society of America for DC’s All Star Comics (1976), but was let go. After a period of selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door and other odd jobs, he tried again, drawing horror stories and Doctor Fate as a back-up strip in The Flash (1982), and working his way up to the Legion of Super-Heroes.
An accusation of “swiping” the work of José Muñoz in Ambush Bug (1985) – Giffen said he “parroted” it, rather than doing an outright copy – derailed his career for a time, until he was offered the chance to plot, and do breakdowns for, Justice League (1987-92) and its spinoff, Justice League Europe (1989-92), working with JM DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire. He also plotted and did breakdowns for Aquaman (1989) and plots for L.E.G.I.O.N. ’89/’90 (1989-90), a superhero group spun off from Invasion.
The range of Giffen’s output over the next 30 years was astonishing. He drew the superhero parodies The Heckler (1992-93) and Punx (1995-96), the return of Justice League International in Justice League: Generation Lost (2010), and episodes of Outsiders (2011), O.M.A.C. (2011-12) and Infinity Man and the Forever People (2014-15). He plotted or wrote full scripts for Eclipso (1992-93), Vext (1999), Suicide Squad (2001-02), a biography of HP Lovecraft (2004), Blue Beetle (2006-07), Midnighter (2007-08), Wetworks (2007-08), Reign in Hell (2008-09), Doom Patrol (2009-11), Booster Gold (2009-11), Magog (2009-10), Justice League 3000 (2014-15) and The New 52: Futures End (2014-15), all for DC; and for Marvel he wrote stories featuring Marvel Monsters: Where Monsters Dwell (2005), Drax the Destroyer (2005-06), Defenders (2005-06), Nick Fury’s Howling Commandos (2005-06) and Annihilation spin-offs Annihilation: Silver Surfer (2006) and Annihilation: Conquest – Starlord (2007).
During the same period he also penned or plotted various comics for Image (1993-94) and Valiant (1994-96), adaptations of Japanese manga, Battle Royale (2003-06) and Battle Vixens (2004-10), for Tokyopop and 10 (2005), Hero Squared (2005-07), Planetary Brigade (2006-07) and others for BOOM! Studios. He was also a storyboard artist for the animated shows Batman Beyond and Static Shock, as well as writing episodes of Ed, Edd n Eddy and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi for Cartoon Network.
In early 2023 he produced a podcast titled I’m Not Dead Yet, and had recently moved to Tampa in Florida.
He is survived by his children, Kyle and Melinda. His wife, Anna, predeceased him.
🔔 Keith Ian Giffen, artist and writer, born 30 November 1952; died 9 October 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket has officially started! The first round consists of 90 match-ups, which will be split up into two halves over the course of the next two or three weeks
I'll be posting 10 matches per day for Round One across the next couple of weeks, all matches will run for a week each!
The second half of Round One will begin on the 22nd of May!
Here are links to the current on-going matches! I'll add the rest as they are posted
Jack Power/Mass Master (Power Pack) vs. Jaime Reyes & Khaji Da (Blue Beetle)!
Kaito (VOCALOID) vs. Kyle Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
Inkling Boy - Default (Splatoon) vs. Lancer (Deltarune)
Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) vs. Blue Robot (Bomb It)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue) vs. Santa (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Sniffles (Happy Tree Friends) vs. Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros.)
Genie (Aladdin) vs. Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Titan (Show by Rock) vs. Seragaki Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder)
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Adolin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
The above matches conclude on the 15th of May 2023
Blue M&M (M&M's) vs. Every male Sentai Blue (Super Sentai)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) vs. Whirl (Transformers)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensura) vs. Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) vs. R2-D2 (Star Wars)
Leonard L. Church (Red vs. Blue) vs. Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four) vs. Pegitan (Healin' Good Precure)
Gil Webber (Monster High - G3) vs. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas) vs. Ed (Get Ed)
Romero (Zombie Land Saga) vs. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) vs. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
The above matches conclude on the 16th of May 2023
Beast (X-Men) vs. Quirrel (Hollow Knight)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) vs. Grimmjow (Bleach)
Johan/Jesse Andersen (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Caspar (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
The Blue Guy ("I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kaladin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
??? (The Binding of Isaac) vs. Branch (Trolls)
Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin) vs. Flik (A Bug's Life)
Riliphin (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Ice (Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Glossaryck (Star vs. The Forces of Evil) vs. Sam the Eagle (The Muppets)
Lo'ak (Avatar: The Way of Water) vs. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward)
The above matches will conclude on the 17th of May 2023
Tailgate (Transformers) vs. Shay Volta (Broken Age)
Leonardo (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) vs. Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Ice King (Adventure Time) vs. John Egbert (Homestuck)
Continued in reblog
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idwsonicmegareview · 3 months
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A collective sigh of relief for Sonic and friends – 2019 Annual
So maybe you’re a new comic book reader or a parent looking into IDW’s Sonic book for your child. “Annuals” are extra long special release books that come out once a year and may or may not tie into the storyline going on in the main book. The Sonic 2019 Annual fits between issues 12 and 13, after the Metal Sonic story arc but before the Metal Virus saga.
It contains five child-friendly and heartwarming stories in the Sonic world with colorful art and some fan-favorite characters.
Bonds of Friendship
The first story in this collection opens not with Sonic but with our new comic-exclusive characters.
Whisper visits Tangle in Spiral Hill Village and is introduced to Jewel the Beetle, Tangle’s childhood friend. She and Jewel used to go on little adventures together and collected a number of gems and treasures, which Jewel now displays in a museum she is the curator of.
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Just as the girls are all getting acquainted, the Babylon Rogues break in and raid the place. Storm accidentally abducts Jewel, thinking that she is actually a giant gemstone. Tangle and Whisper team up to save her and in the process humiliate the Babylon Rogues and get the gems back.
All in all, a very charming and cute adventure that doesn’t overstay its welcome.
Also, as a fan, it’s nice to see the Babylon Rogues return since they’ve always been exclusive to the Sonic Riders series. We did see Sonic and Knuckles ride their extreme gear in the Battle for Angel Island, so we could infer that Riders is included in the continuity but this really seals it.
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Being penned by Ian Flynn, this story serves mainly to flesh out more of Tangle’s backstory and to develop her close relationship with Whisper going forward. Having just introduced these characters less than a dozen issues ago in the comic’s run, they’re the ones most in need of new content so it makes sense.
Also Jewel will be an important character going forward, so readers would benefit from seeing her debut in 2019 Annual before digging into the next story arc.
The art by Jennifer Hernandez was much more charming in this story than it was in “Fallout!” and I think her art style was better suited to this kind of jokey adventure.
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Jet Set Tornado
Sonic and Tails go for a test flight on the Tornado with a new booster rocket attached. In a unique twist, Sonic is piloting the biplane instead of Tails because Sonic is better suited to maneuvering at high speed. Plus, it’s a nice reminder that the Tornado was actually Sonic’s plane, not Tails’.
Their test flight is interrupted by a badnik but the two manage to take the winged machine down and fly off into the sunset. Sonic asks Tails to take over the yoke because it’s more relaxing for him to ride. Besides, you have to go slow to land.
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This story was great for showing Sonic and Tails’ close relationship and how much they believe in each other. Writer Caleb Goellner managed to squeeze a charming story into very few pages and artist Jack Lawrence effectively used a clean art style and uncluttered panels to communicate all the needed visual information without any of it looking simplistic.
Victory Garden
This one is by far my favorite story of the bunch.
Blaze the Cat goes looking for Silver the Hedgehog in the ruins of a town, presumably one bombed during the Eggman War. She finds him trying to plant a garden in a crater, but Silver isn’t having any luck with it.
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Blaze uses her fire powers to burn the weeds away and then tells Silver to turn the ashes into the soil to nourish his garden and sure enough, he soon has a flourishing garden of sunflowers, tomatoes, and carrots.
This story is both somber and heartwarming. And it re-establishes the friendship between Silver and Blaze. Longtime fans will know that their relationship is a bit canonically muddled, but they make a good team so I’m glad to see their friendship rebooted here.
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I also loved that Blaze would know the role fire can have in renewing plant life, considering her magical attunement to fire. Silver, coming from a post-apocalyptic future, would naturally be attracted to gardens and vibrant plant life but wouldn’t know the first thing about gardening.
Curse of the Pyramid
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Our bandits, Rough and Tumble, search for Eggman’s pyramid base and the treasure that waits within.
They don’t expect to run into Rouge the Bat! She’s searching for the same thing, of course, because of her addiction to jewels. Tumble tries to throw her off their trail using his powerful stink but while running away from Rouge stumbles into the Egg Golem (from Sonic Adventure 2!)
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While the goons fight the Golem, Rouge goes to find the control unit to disable it but stumbles onto something else! She comes back covered in mummy bandages warning them of the pyramid’s curse!
Rough and Tumble run for it and then it’s revealed that Rouge isn’t actually cursed, she just dressed as a mummy to scare the idiots off. It turns out a group of animals moved into the pyramid after Eggman moved out and they use the “curse” to ward off thieves.
I think it’s hilarious that Eggman is constantly building these unique bases all over the world, and even hides treasure in some of them, but will abandon them at the drop of a hat.
I also like when Sonic characters use their more unique abilities in fun ways because it’s one of the series’ strengths. Even among children’s media, most don’t have a colorful cast both this large and with varied powers. Seeing Rough and Tumble actually use their stink as skunks makes perfect sense and gives them a unique attack when needed.
Sonic Fan Club
The last story of the 2019 annual is a meeting of the Sonic the Hedgehog fan club.
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The meeting quickly devolves into a struggle for power as the kids argue about who should be club president. They begin trying to embody different virtues of Sonic to prove they deserve to be president.
They go for a foot race to see who’s the fastest, roll into balls just like Sonic, and fight a badnik to prove they’re brave like Sonic.
The Egg Pawn proves to be too much for them to handle and Tangle steps in to help. Of course, Tangle says they should have a Tangle fan club instead but because she got too distracted, she ends up tangling herself up in her tail and humiliating herself.
As a kid who grew up with Sonic, there’s nothing more charming than the idea of a bunch of kids having a Sonic fan club. I had a stupid grin on my face for the entire story.
The Verdict
The 2019 Annual is a cute little special to pick up but maybe not required reading for IDW Sonic. Kids could pick up this book and understand everything going on without any of the context of the previous 12 issues, but it will enrich their reading going forward.
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comicweek · 9 months
The drama is being rehashed at a time when DC Entertainment toppers James Gunn and Peter Safran are poised to close the book on the previous regime’s superhero slate with the Dec. 20 release of “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.” Since Warner Bros. chiefs Pam Abdy and Mike De Luca joined the studio in June 2022, followed by Gunn and Safran’s entrance four months later, the four have been saddled with DC duds they inherited, including this year’s “The Flash” ($271 million worldwide) and “Blue Beetle” ($128 million worldwide).
Still, the “Aquaman” sequel held promise considering that the character’s first outing earned $1.15 billion worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing DC movie ever. But sources say the sequel has endured challenges outside of the Heard saga and was testing in the 60s before being recut in the summer of 2022. Despite the overhaul, the film continued to test in the 60s, prompting a new cut. “The movie is like this echo of regimes,” says one insider. “It’s the last remnant of the Snyderverse, and no one really wants to take ownership of it.” Reshoots took place right up until this year’s WGA strike in May. The on-set source disputes the idea that “Aquaman 2” is troubled, noting that the film was on time, under budget and needed only about a week of reshoots.
Like “Flash,” “Aquaman” can’t shake its lame duck trappings, with the DC universe getting overhauled under new leadership, marking Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav’s top priority.
In fact, none of the stars cast by Zack Snyder for 2016’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and 2017’s “Justice League” — including Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller and Momoa — will reprise their roles in the new DC universe in character. Momoa may return, just not as Aquaman. Sources say the actor has engaged in talks to play Lobo, either in the 2025 reboot “Superman: Legacy,” written and directed by Gunn, or in a standalone film. In a confusing twist, Viola Davis, who played Amanda Waller in both of the recent “Suicide Squad” movies, will remain as that character in the Gunn-Safran DC universe in next year’s Max series “Waller” and possibly in the new “Superman” tentpole. Another outlier is Gunn’s Max series “Peacemaker,” which will be back for a second season with John Cena in the lead.
Meanwhile, there has been some confusion on the series front about who is the ultimate gatekeeper. Unlike the Marvel-Disney relationship in which Marvel controls the creative process and Disney+ merely releases the content, Max is creatively involved with the DC slate. Gunn and Safran don’t enjoy the same autonomy as Marvel’s Kevin Feige. (A Max source says the collaboration between the DC team and Max executives Sarah Aubrey and Casey Bloys has been seamless, including on the upcoming series “The Penguin,” which was forced to shut down production after the WGA strike began but is expected resume shooting as soon as the SAG-AFTRA strike ends.)
Regardless, some on the lot are convinced that another company, most likely Universal, will buy Warner Bros. within two years, making recent DC subplots and upheavals feel quaint.
“The bottom line is they need to get DC to work whether Zaslav owns it, whether Brian Roberts owns it, whether somebody else owns it,” says LightShed’s Rich Greenfield, a Wall Street analyst and venture capitalist.
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beausbugbiome · 2 years
Sorry for yet another ask in your ask-box, but how long do beetles take to trust you to hold them? Cade has been pretty aggressive towards my hand, and I’ve just sorta been just placing my hand in his enclosure two- three times a day and he’s either scurried away or swatted at me with his legs. He’s also adamant about leaving the cage, I assume he’s just still getting used to the enclosure but still.
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Ah, the saga of Cade continues! 🖤
Please don’t apologize or feel bad for sending me asks, I promise I’m always happy to receive them! (Unless it’s a mean one, of course.)
Although I do believe that insects have the ability to recognize and/or become used to us after a period of time (ie. look at wasps! They can recognize up to 100 faces!) they aren’t intelligent in the way we think of other pets to be—cats, dogs, horses, etc. and they certainly aren’t cuddly in the way those traditional pets are either.
He may need more time to get used to you, it’s only been a few days right? Or he may continue to be feisty! Try not to take it personally, friend. On that note— have you tried using very ripe banana or beetle jelly? A lot of insects are highly good motivated, so that may just be the trick!
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sebeth · 6 months
Who's Who In The DC Universe #1: Intro, Abel, Abnegazar, Rath, & Ghast, and Abra Kadabra
When I was young, there was no internet. If you lived in small towns, there was no comic book store. You had to settle for the comic books that could be found in the spinner racks found in drug stores, grocery stores, etc.  You may not get every issue of the series. The internet didn’t exist so you couldn’t jump online to ask questions. You had the actual issues, the letter pages in the issues, and your own imagination to fill in the gaps. There were also a handful of series that I bought religiously (and were always available at my local spinner rack) that were essential in building my knowledge of the DC and Marvel Universes. The series were:
Who’s Who In The DC Universe
Secret Origins
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
Marvel Saga: The Official History of the DC Universe
Seriously, the number of characters I decided were my favorites after a one/two-page entry! I’m on a nostalgia kick for my childhood comics and the vastness of the DC Universe before the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Don’t get me wrong, I love characters from the various reboots – Tim, Conner, Kyle, Bart, Helena B, the various post-crisis JSA legacy characters. I simply don’t think DC needs to “Crisis-reboot” every few years, make a new continuity “to make things easier for new readers” only to re-insert old characters and storytelling elements into the new continuity thus complicating the new continuity and causing another “Crisis-reboot). But I’m beginning to veer off into a lengthy rant about what I don’t like about modern DC/Marvel comics and this post is about nostalgia.
Let’s crack open the first issue of Who’s Who in the Dc Universe, published in 1985. In retrospect, its hilarious that DC was putting out these 24 issues in the midst of the Crisis of Infinite Earths series, considering the Crisis would retcon most of these entries. Maybe should have started a few years earlier. Oh well.
The inside cover features a brief history of the beginning of DC Comics. The highlights:
February 1935: New Fun Comics is introduced to the world. Six months later, Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster would create (no, not Superman) Doctor Occult.
December 1935: New Comics was published. Twelve issues later it became New Adventure Comics and later simply Adventure Comics. The series featured characters like Sagebrush ‘n’ Cactus, Jibbly Jones, Sir Loin of Beef, the Federal Men and others. I consider myself to be very well-informed of the comics from the Golden Age to the Final Crisis era but if you are familiar with those characters of New Comics, I salute you as a comic book expert.
March 1937: Detective Comics, the first all-new comic based on a single theme is published. Simon & Schuster again created the debut characters of Slam Bradley and Spy. Simon & Schuster are most well-known for their creation of Superman but they deserve credit for their non-Kryptonian DC creations. Slam Bradley, original star of the Detective Comics title would later be integrated into the Gotham titles, most notably in the Catwoman series written by Ed Brubaker.
April 1938: Action Comics #1 was published and featured Simon & Schuster’s most famous creation: Superman
Marv Wolfman than states that Superman was quickly followed by Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, etc.
Not mentioned is DC buying out various companies in the 1970s/1980s: Charlton, Fawcett, Quality, etc that led to the acquisition of characters like the Shazam Family, the Blackhawks, Plastic Man, Captain Atom, Blue Beetle, Peacemaker, Judomaster, Nightshade, the Question, etc.
The inside cover also contains a pronunciation guide for the characters with entires.
The entries:
Abel by Joe Orlando
Caretaker of the House of Secrets, somewhere in the Kentucky Hills
The House was built by the mysterious Senator Sandsfield who swore that no one but a pure-bred Kentuckian would ever live there
Sansfield’s wife went insane within months of living there, he sold the house
The next four owners, “none of whom were of pure Kentucky stock” fled the house within three months’ time
The house’s next owner attempted to move the house across the state line, the house itself rebelled (!): “tearing itself free of the trailer and forcing itself over a cliff, before finally coming to rest beside a cemetery less than 200 yards from the state line
The only other house in the area is the House of Mystery, standing just across the cemetery
Little is known of Abel’s life before he became the caretaker for the House of Secrets except that he was a solitary, lonesome man, with an imaginary companion named Goldie
Abel was recommended for the job by his brother Cain, the caretaker of the House of Mystery
This is what modern comics is missing – sentient houses that rids itself of unwanted owners via insanity or old-fashioned murder! I never read much of the House of Secrets/Mystery titles so I don’t know if the series played up Abel and Cain’s biblical connections. I do remember the duo making an appearance in a Secret Origins issue and the fratricide was jokingly mentioned. Late 80s/early 90s readers will recognize the duo from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series. Gaiman did have Cain murder Abel (don’t worry, he gets better). Modern viewers will know the duo from their appearance in the Netflix Sandman show.
Abnegazar, Rath, & Ghast by Craig Hamilton & Dick Giordano
The trio inhabited Earth a billion years ago, “using their magical powers to spread evil over the planet’s prehuman population.
The trio was banished to internal imprisonment beneath the earth by the Timeless Ones.
The trio had created talismans – the Silver Wheel of Wyorlath, the Green Bell of Uthool, the Red Jar of Calythos – and had hidden them beneath the earth’s surface
Felix Faust conjured the spirits of the trio in the 20th century in an effort to gain more power. The trio informed Faust of the talismans but warned they were guarded by magical creatures.
Faust decided force the Justice League to unearth the talismans, setting events in motion that would free the trio in the past
The Justice League, already on a mission in time, defeated the freed trio
The JLA would battle the trio on three other occasions.
The trio is goofy looking, Each one wears nothing but purple briefs and pixie boots. All three are pink-skinned. One looks human except his skin is covered in circles. Two are bald but the third has a mohawk, One has huge pointed ears and another has oversized eyes. I was always “meh” on the trio. They are also known as the Demons Three.
Abra Kadabra by Carmine Infantino & Frank McLaughlin
A stage magician from the 64th Century, frustrated by the lack of audience acceptance as the super-science of the time made his tricks seem commonplace.
Kadabra stole a time machine and journeyed to the 20th Century where he still failed as a stage magician.
He decided to use his futuristic scientific knowledge to commit a series of robberies, forcing his victims to applaud his actions.
His crimes led to repeated confrontations with the Flash (Barry Allen).
Abra needs to accept that he sucks as a magician. He had all the future knowledge and tech and he still couldn’t succeed? He should have been blowing Penn & Teller, David Copperfield, etc, out of the water! The various Flashes have such an extensive Rogues gallery and Abra Kadabra is important part of it but I’d put him at the “C” level.
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Films Blue Beetle (2023)
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Regarder Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit. Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit.Voir HD!!
Blue Beetle, le film sera là ! Le film Blue Beetle est sorti le mercredi 2 septembre 2023. Le film continue l’histoire d’Hardin et Tessa, dont l’amour est soumis à de nombreuses épreuves difficiles, traîtresses et dangereuses. Ces deux amoureux auront-ils une fin heureuse ? En attendant de savoir si le film a été acclamé par les fans, il y a de bonnes nouvelles : Blue Beetle va sortir ! Cela a été confirmé le 3 septembre 2023 par les deux stars de la série dans une vidéo postée sur le profil Instagram officiel d’Blue Beetle. Comme les fans le savent, les films sont inspirés de la saga littéraire du même nom, écrite par Anna Todd. La série Blue Beetle est composé de 4 livres.
L’intrigue du film Blue Beetle L’amour d’Hardin et Tessa est encore une fois mis à l’épreuve. Ces deux adolescents vont devoir affronter leur passé. Tessa rencontre son père après des années et décide de le prendre en charge après avoir découvert qu’il était devenu sans abri. Hardin accepte de l’héberger mais ne fait pas confiance à cet homme, convaincu qu’il cache une partie de la vérité. Mais ce n’est pas le seul obstacle. À travers une série de quiproquos, les deux amoureux vont s’éloigner l’un de l’autre après que Tessa ait découvert qu’Hardin a passé toute la soirée en compagnie d’une amie de la famille, appelée Lillian
Le manque de communication conduit le protagoniste à chercher du réconfort dans de vieilles amitiés, dont Zed et Steph, mais la sortie ne se déroule pas comme comme prévu. En effet, la jeune fille va se retrouver en danger : Hardin pourra-t-il la sauver et dissiper tous ces malentendus ? Concernant l’intrigue du film, Castille Landon, le réalisateur d’Blue Beetle nous assure qu’il sera fidèle au roman du même nom.
Le casting du film Blue Beetle : qui sera là ? Nous verrons probablement le retour de deux personnages principaux : Héro Fiennes-Tiffin et Josephine Langford, comme Hardin et Tessa, Blue Beetleivement. Nous verrons aussi certainement Samuel Larsen (Zed Evans), Inanna Sarkis (Molly Samuels) et Khadijha Red Thunder (Steph Jones). Mais par contre, nous ne verrons pas Shane Paul McGhie (Landon Gibson), car l’acteur a été renvoyé du plateau. Dylan Sprouse, dont le rôle est Trevor ne revient pas non plus.
Mais il y a aussi une nouvelle de dernière minute : d’autres acteurs ne reviendront pas dans le troisième film, d’où la nécessité d’un renouvellement. Déjà dans Blue Beetle 2, on se rend compte que le père d’Hardin n’est plus joué par Peter Gallagher (Andy Cohen pourquoi es-tu parti ?) mais par Rob Estes et que la mère de Landon n’est plus jouée par Jennifer Beals mais par Karimah Westbrook. Nous verrons également beaucoup de changements dans Blue Beetle. En commençant par Candice King et Charlie Weber : les deux acteurs ne seront plus Kim et Christian Vance.
L’actrice que nous avons appris à aimer dans The Vampire Diaries comme Caroline est enceinte de son deuxième enfant ! Sa grossesse l’empêche donc de retourner sur le plateau pour filmer Blue Beetle. Candice sera remplacée par Arielle Kebbel que nous avons déjà vu dans The Vampire Diaries: : Il s’agit de Lexi, le meilleur ami de Stefan ! Charlie sera remplacé par Stephen Moyer. Aussi Selma Blair, qui joue la mère de Tessa, est remplacée par Mira Sorvino. En plus de toutes ces modifications, il y a aussi une nouvelle arrivée : Carter Jenkins, qui jouera Robert, le potentiel amoureux de Tessa.
La raison de tous ces changements est que le fait de tourner deux films ensemble empêche aussi certains des acteurs principaux de participer à d’autres engagements professionnels ou autres.
30 août 2023 en salle / 1h 50min / Action, Thriller De Antoine Fuqua Par Richard Wenk Avec Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, David Denman Titre original Blue Beetle
Synopsis et détails : Depuis qu'il a renoncé à sa vie d'assassin au service du gouvernement, Robert McCall peine à faire la paix avec ses démons du passé et trouve un étrange réconfort en défendant les opprimés. Alors qu'il a trouvé son havre de paix dans le sud de l'Italie, il découvre que ses amis sont sous le contrôle de la mafia locale. Quand les événements prennent une tournure mortelle, McCall sait ce qu'il doit faire : protéger ses amis en s'attaquant à la mafia.
. Je ne pourrais jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin, tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une éBlue Beetle ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne. La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
étiquette : regarder Blue Beetle en streaming Blue Beetle film streaming Blue Beetle streaming film complet vf Blue Beetle streaming vf Blue Beetle streaming
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Blue Beetle (2023)
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Regarder Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit |
Regarder Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit. Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit.Voir HD!!
Blue Beetle, le film sera là ! Le film Blue Beetle est sorti le mercredi 2 septembre 2023. Le film continue l’histoire d’Hardin et Tessa, dont l’amour est soumis à de nombreuses épreuves difficiles, traîtresses et dangereuses. Ces deux amoureux auront-ils une fin heureuse ? En attendant de savoir si le film a été acclamé par les fans, il y a de bonnes nouvelles : Blue Beetle va sortir ! Cela a été confirmé le 3 septembre 2023 par les deux stars de la série dans une vidéo postée sur le profil Instagram officiel d’Blue Beetle. Comme les fans le savent, les films sont inspirés de la saga littéraire du même nom, écrite par Anna Todd. La série Blue Beetle est composé de 4 livres.
L’intrigue du film Blue Beetle L’amour d’Hardin et Tessa est encore une fois mis à l’épreuve. Ces deux adolescents vont devoir affronter leur passé. Tessa rencontre son père après des années et décide de le prendre en charge après avoir découvert qu’il était devenu sans abri. Hardin accepte de l’héberger mais ne fait pas confiance à cet homme, convaincu qu’il cache une partie de la vérité. Mais ce n’est pas le seul obstacle. À travers une série de quiproquos, les deux amoureux vont s’éloigner l’un de l’autre après que Tessa ait découvert qu’Hardin a passé toute la soirée en compagnie d’une amie de la famille, appelée Lillian
Le manque de communication conduit le protagoniste à chercher du réconfort dans de vieilles amitiés, dont Zed et Steph, mais la sortie ne se déroule pas comme comme prévu. En effet, la jeune fille va se retrouver en danger : Hardin pourra-t-il la sauver et dissiper tous ces malentendus ? Concernant l’intrigue du film, Castille Landon, le réalisateur d’Blue Beetle nous assure qu’il sera fidèle au roman du même nom.
Le casting du film Blue Beetle : qui sera là ? Nous verrons probablement le retour de deux personnages principaux : Héro Fiennes-Tiffin et Josephine Langford, comme Hardin et Tessa, Blue Beetleivement. Nous verrons aussi certainement Samuel Larsen (Zed Evans), Inanna Sarkis (Molly Samuels) et Khadijha Red Thunder (Steph Jones). Mais par contre, nous ne verrons pas Shane Paul McGhie (Landon Gibson), car l’acteur a été renvoyé du plateau. Dylan Sprouse, dont le rôle est Trevor ne revient pas non plus.
Mais il y a aussi une nouvelle de dernière minute : d’autres acteurs ne reviendront pas dans le troisième film, d’où la nécessité d’un renouvellement. Déjà dans Blue Beetle 2, on se rend compte que le père d’Hardin n’est plus joué par Peter Gallagher (Andy Cohen pourquoi es-tu parti ?) mais par Rob Estes et que la mère de Landon n’est plus jouée par Jennifer Beals mais par Karimah Westbrook. Nous verrons également beaucoup de changements dans Blue Beetle. En commençant par Candice King et Charlie Weber : les deux acteurs ne seront plus Kim et Christian Vance.
L’actrice que nous avons appris à aimer dans The Vampire Diaries comme Caroline est enceinte de son deuxième enfant ! Sa grossesse l’empêche donc de retourner sur le plateau pour filmer Blue Beetle. Candice sera remplacée par Arielle Kebbel que nous avons déjà vu dans The Vampire Diaries: : Il s’agit de Lexi, le meilleur ami de Stefan ! Charlie sera remplacé par Stephen Moyer. Aussi Selma Blair, qui joue la mère de Tessa, est remplacée par Mira Sorvino. En plus de toutes ces modifications, il y a aussi une nouvelle arrivée : Carter Jenkins, qui jouera Robert, le potentiel amoureux de Tessa.
La raison de tous ces changements est que le fait de tourner deux films ensemble empêche aussi certains des acteurs principaux de participer à d’autres engagements professionnels ou autres.
30 août 2023 en salle / 1h 50min / Action, Thriller De Antoine Fuqua Par Richard Wenk Avec Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, David Denman Titre original Blue Beetle
Synopsis et détails : Depuis qu'il a renoncé à sa vie d'assassin au service du gouvernement, Robert McCall peine à faire la paix avec ses démons du passé et trouve un étrange réconfort en défendant les opprimés. Alors qu'il a trouvé son havre de paix dans le sud de l'Italie, il découvre que ses amis sont sous le contrôle de la mafia locale. Quand les événements prennent une tournure mortelle, McCall sait ce qu'il doit faire : protéger ses amis en s'attaquant à la mafia.
. Je ne pourrais jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin, tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une éBlue Beetle ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne. La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
étiquette : regarder Blue Beetle en streaming Blue Beetle film streaming Blue Beetle streaming film complet vf Blue Beetle streaming vf Blue Beetle streaming
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idontbeatgames · 1 year
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James Gunn has reiterated that Xolo Maridueña, along with multiple other actors who are playing characters in Blue Beetle, WILL STILL be playing their respective roles in the DCU. That means that yes, Xolo will continue to play Jaime Reyes in the DCU going forward. I will once again continue to reiterate my message that I haven't stop talking about since the beginning of this month: You should still absolutely support DC's Blue Beetle when it releases. As I said previously, here's why you should support Blue Beetle: • Blue Beetle is DC's first live action Latino superhero film • The film stars Cobra Kai's Xolo Maridueña as Jaime Reyes, Singer and Actress Becky G as the voice of the Scarab and George Lopez as Jaime's crazy uncle Rudy. • Blue Beetle is the first character in DC Studios' DCU timeline, as confirmed by DC Studios Co-Owner James Gunn • As stated above, Blue Beetle is part of the DCU world filled with superheroes. However, and thankfully, the past DCEU films are not relevant at all to Blue Beetle -- as confirmed by the movie's director Angel Manuel Soto. • Blue Beetle was made as "the first act of a saga" and is currently planned to have a trilogy, assuming the first film does well. • The Hollywood Reporter's sources believe that if Blue Beetle does do well and if it ends up getting a positive reception, Xolo Mariduena's Blue Beetle can end up appearing in the upcoming Booster Gold show. • A big focus of Blue Beetle is displaying the importance of family, as confirmed by Moviemaker.com. They want to invite viewers into the Reyes Family, showcase their culture and tell a story centered around family without it going through the typical trauma hope that we see in various Hispanic shows or movies. Source
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Blue Beetle (2023)
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Regarder Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit |
Regarder Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit. Blue Beetle (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit.Voir HD!!
Blue Beetle, le film sera là ! Le film Blue Beetle est sorti le mercredi 2 septembre 2023. Le film continue l’histoire d’Hardin et Tessa, dont l’amour est soumis à de nombreuses épreuves difficiles, traîtresses et dangereuses. Ces deux amoureux auront-ils une fin heureuse ? En attendant de savoir si le film a été acclamé par les fans, il y a de bonnes nouvelles : Blue Beetle va sortir ! Cela a été confirmé le 3 septembre 2023 par les deux stars de la série dans une vidéo postée sur le profil Instagram officiel d’Blue Beetle. Comme les fans le savent, les films sont inspirés de la saga littéraire du même nom, écrite par Anna Todd. La série Blue Beetle est composé de 4 livres.
L’intrigue du film Blue Beetle L’amour d’Hardin et Tessa est encore une fois mis à l’épreuve. Ces deux adolescents vont devoir affronter leur passé. Tessa rencontre son père après des années et décide de le prendre en charge après avoir découvert qu’il était devenu sans abri. Hardin accepte de l’héberger mais ne fait pas confiance à cet homme, convaincu qu’il cache une partie de la vérité. Mais ce n’est pas le seul obstacle. À travers une série de quiproquos, les deux amoureux vont s’éloigner l’un de l’autre après que Tessa ait découvert qu’Hardin a passé toute la soirée en compagnie d’une amie de la famille, appelée Lillian
Le manque de communication conduit le protagoniste à chercher du réconfort dans de vieilles amitiés, dont Zed et Steph, mais la sortie ne se déroule pas comme comme prévu. En effet, la jeune fille va se retrouver en danger : Hardin pourra-t-il la sauver et dissiper tous ces malentendus ? Concernant l’intrigue du film, Castille Landon, le réalisateur d’Blue Beetle nous assure qu’il sera fidèle au roman du même nom.
Le casting du film Blue Beetle : qui sera là ? Nous verrons probablement le retour de deux personnages principaux : Héro Fiennes-Tiffin et Josephine Langford, comme Hardin et Tessa, Blue Beetleivement. Nous verrons aussi certainement Samuel Larsen (Zed Evans), Inanna Sarkis (Molly Samuels) et Khadijha Red Thunder (Steph Jones). Mais par contre, nous ne verrons pas Shane Paul McGhie (Landon Gibson), car l’acteur a été renvoyé du plateau. Dylan Sprouse, dont le rôle est Trevor ne revient pas non plus.
Mais il y a aussi une nouvelle de dernière minute : d’autres acteurs ne reviendront pas dans le troisième film, d’où la nécessité d’un renouvellement. Déjà dans Blue Beetle 2, on se rend compte que le père d’Hardin n’est plus joué par Peter Gallagher (Andy Cohen pourquoi es-tu parti ?) mais par Rob Estes et que la mère de Landon n’est plus jouée par Jennifer Beals mais par Karimah Westbrook. Nous verrons également beaucoup de changements dans Blue Beetle. En commençant par Candice King et Charlie Weber : les deux acteurs ne seront plus Kim et Christian Vance.
L’actrice que nous avons appris à aimer dans The Vampire Diaries comme Caroline est enceinte de son deuxième enfant ! Sa grossesse l’empêche donc de retourner sur le plateau pour filmer Blue Beetle. Candice sera remplacée par Arielle Kebbel que nous avons déjà vu dans The Vampire Diaries: : Il s’agit de Lexi, le meilleur ami de Stefan ! Charlie sera remplacé par Stephen Moyer. Aussi Selma Blair, qui joue la mère de Tessa, est remplacée par Mira Sorvino. En plus de toutes ces modifications, il y a aussi une nouvelle arrivée : Carter Jenkins, qui jouera Robert, le potentiel amoureux de Tessa.
La raison de tous ces changements est que le fait de tourner deux films ensemble empêche aussi certains des acteurs principaux de participer à d’autres engagements professionnels ou autres.
30 août 2023 en salle / 1h 50min / Action, Thriller De Antoine Fuqua Par Richard Wenk Avec Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, David Denman Titre original Blue Beetle
Synopsis et détails : Depuis qu'il a renoncé à sa vie d'assassin au service du gouvernement, Robert McCall peine à faire la paix avec ses démons du passé et trouve un étrange réconfort en défendant les opprimés. Alors qu'il a trouvé son havre de paix dans le sud de l'Italie, il découvre que ses amis sont sous le contrôle de la mafia locale. Quand les événements prennent une tournure mortelle, McCall sait ce qu'il doit faire : protéger ses amis en s'attaquant à la mafia.
. Je ne pourrais jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin, tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une éBlue Beetle ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne. La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
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