#the best part of this race was the commentators absolutely going off and they kept calling it a farce
skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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2005 United States Grand Prix - aka Tiago Montiero having the best day of his life and everybody else having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
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storm-angel989 · 5 months
Outside The Office Part Thirty Four
I love love love and appreciate the comments! I am so glad y'all like this story!
Three days later I stood in front of the mess of demons in front of me. I tried to hide the nerves that threatened to overcome me, and bit back any trace of kindness. This was the group I had chosen, the group of souls who had the potential to become higher up in my military. The group of souls I needed to trust, because as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t train them all on my own, especially not with the time crunch. 
I was grateful Lucifer did have some sort of starting point, encampments of demons who formed some sort of a military base. I sorted through those positions first and kept the ones who demonstrated excellence- and got rid of those who didn’t. I was hopeful that I could fill those spots from the ones in this group. Those who didn’t make it would fall in with the next group of recruits. 
“You’re here because the data shows you’re the best of the crop. That isn’t saying much, judging by your peers,” I began. I heard the coldness slip into my voice. I was a soldier, just like my father. “You’re here because on paper, you have the potential to be a leader. Let’s see if you can prove that.”
I fell into the commander role easily. Walking around the room, barking orders, assessing, eliminating, sorting and managing came naturally to me- hell, it should. I’ve been training for this my entire life. 
Midday, Lucifer waltzed in to fuck up my plans.
“Ah, no no,” he scolded as he looked over my elimination choices. “No, he’s the bastard son of Greed, I can’t not have him in a leadership position.”
I bit the inside of my cheek. That recruit in particular showed zero judgment, zero remorse, and absolutely zero sense of self preservation based on his actions during our first exercise of the day. 
“With all due respect, Uncle Lucifer, he doesn’t deserve or fit into this role. Maybe with time and training.” And a swift kick in the ass, I thought. But I didn’t say it.
Lucifer sighed and leaned back, “do you know what makes my job so hard? Appeasing the beings your mother created.”
“Respectfully, Uncle Lucifer, I don’t give a shit what they think of me and neither should you,” I replied. “Because if this doesn’t work, they’re fucked just like we are.”
Silence filled the room. Thoughts raced through my head. I didn’t have enough time- there just wasn’t any way around it. 
“Your brain is working, I can see it. Talk to me, love,” Lucifer said as he leaned forward. He rested his head in his hands and waited patiently. 
“There is no way my plan is going to work,” I said out loud finally. “It just can’t happen, I don’t have enough time.”
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “What were you thinking of doing?”
I explained my thoughts to him. The idea of entering the same portal the angels came out of. Of going through and confronting Sera, of ensuring Adam was taken down. But I didn’t have enough faith in the leaders on the ground to leave them alone. Lucifer would have to step up and take over my total command while I was gone.
Lucifer considered my proposition. “It isn’t a bad idea. But I think we’ll have to see who actually enters the battle. Adam will, and he’s the primary target, correct? Wasn’t our plan to take him down and watch heaven scramble?”
I nodded, “he is, and it was, but am I even powerful enough to take him down on my own? And wouldn’t this send a stronger message?”
Lucifer laughed. “Oh sweetheart. You haven’t even seen yet just how much you’ve grown.” He stood up and began to pace, “as far as messages go, you’re not wrong. They can’t ignore a blatant invasion of their own territory. We’re down to our final month, but I think we can pull off your plan with a few contingencies. One, you’re going to have to go through the portal yourself. I can’t join you for a variety of reasons. Two, we don’t know exactly where Adam will be. And he’s the one we should take down first.” He paused as he considered, “the more I think about it, the more I like your idea. Leave the ground battle to me. You slip through that portal. Give them a good scare. If you see Adam, kill him. If you don’t, leave him to me.”
I considered the amended plan. I supposed it could work, if Lucifer did truly take over my position. As I thought about it, another question popped up in my mind. “Uncle Lucy? Is overpopulation and lack of resources for the sinners in hell an actual concern? Isn’t that what the extermination was initially about? Too many sinners who could overtake hell?”
He shook his head. “No. I have the power to expand the rings of hell as much as needed to contain the sinners within. My father’s creations will never actually over populate Hell…it was a propaganda I needed to utilize to limit riots around the extermination. Vox’s idea, actually.” He paused his pacing and looked at me, “and if you’ll remember, the deal I had with your father was a controlled extermination. I chose the sinners- the worst of the worst- to be sacrificed to heaven. No amount of sinners could ever truly take down heaven. They would need a portal to go through, which is why you’re such a threat. You’re something they failed to account for.”
“How so?”
Lucifer shrugged, “I suspect that with enough souls owned, you’ll be able to open up portals to heaven and hell, much easier than I can see as you’re half and half and not banned from heaven. Technically, you never fell. Nor do they know you don’t yet have that ability. But that’s besides the point. Getting back to your initial question no, the extermination was initially nothing more than a power play. And now, with the end of this deal, we need to make sure that Heaven desires a new contract as much as we do. So yes, I support you going through the portal. I support you going through to Sera and hitting them where it hurts. Show them how dangerous we are, especially with you on our side. Maybe then…we can come to a better agreement. Perhaps end the extermination all together.”
I nodded as I processed the gravity of the situation. “So to be clear, in one month's time, the portal is going to open. You’re going to stay on the ground and be our primary leader. Take out Adam if you see him, or I will if I do. I’m going to take the first opportunity to slip into the portal, and…”
“And approach Sera. Make it clear to her that you will come back and finish the job if she doesn’t call off her troops and agree to a remediation meeting. But whatever you do, I need you to come back through that portal, unscathed. Understood?”
“I’m a bargaining chip. I understand.” I replied without considering my words. 
“No,” he said sharply. He reached over and grabbed my shoulders. “You’re my niece. And I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. Understood?” He released me and gave my hand the briefest of squeezes. “We’ve got one month. Let’s do this.” 
Later that night, I sat across from the V’s at dinner, half listening to them chat about their day. Lost in thought about the extermination and upcoming battle, I twirled my pasta listlessly. 
“Reader? Reader? Hey! Reader!” Vox’s fingers snapped in front of my face. 
I shook my head, trying to bring myself back to reality. “Sorry, Vox, what?”
He looked at me with concern. “You’ve twirled that same strand of fettuccine at least ten times. Are you okay?”
I looked down at the uneaten dish, and then around at all of their empty plates. Great, one of more thing for them to be on my case about. “Yeah, I’m just tired,” I answered. “Guys, is there any way I can skip the club scene tonight? I have a lot on my mind.” 
Valentino looked at Velvette and Vox. “Something you want to talk about, cariño?”
I shook my head. “Not here. Not in public. Maybe in the privacy of our apartment.”
“Then consider your request granted,” Valentino said gently. “I’ll have them wrap up your dinner. You can eat later, okay?” 
“I think we could all use a night at home anyway,” Vox added. 
“Agreed. I’m dying to catch up on the latest season of All My Favorite Drama,” Velvette added. “Any interest in joining? We can flop on the couch.”
I looked at them with surprise but agreed instantly. Valentino snapped his fingers and within ten minutes we were back in the limo. I laid my head against his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. He didn’t press the issue, and instead he wrapped his arms around me tighter. 
“We’re here for you, pequeño amor,” he replied gently. “You can talk to us. Even Lucifer told you that, right?”
“He did. It’s just a lot,” I replied quietly. “Honestly, all I want is a cup of hot chocolate and to be told it's okay. And I’ve never craved that comfort in my life.”
He sighed and guided me to his chest. “We can provide the hot chocolate and comfort you desire. You have family now, a real family. And we love you.” 
The limo pulled to a stop and I interlaced my hands in his as we made our way upstairs. One elevator ride, comfy pajamas and warm mug of hot chocolate later, I was snuggled against Valentino on the couch, Vox and Velvette on the other side, the television playing softly in the background. 
“Alright, fill us in babe, what’s got your heart racing?” Vox asked as he looked up from his phone. “And I do mean literally. Come on, you’re gonna have to debrief us at some point.”
I took a deep breath and exhaled. “This is the plan, guys. We have a month before the angels come down. Lucifer and I decided that while he acted as lead commander down here, I’m going to slip back through the portal they open-”
“Fuck no you’re not,” Valentino interupted sharply. 
Vox shook his head at Valentino. “Val, let her finish.”
I pushed myself away from Valentino ever so slightly. “Val, I’m going back through the portal and will confront Sera. Lucifer mentioned that he thinks with enough souls, eventually, I will also be able to open the portal between the two worlds on my own eventually, and that;s going to scare them. Lucifer can already open the portal, they know that,  but to have an unknown entity, and I’m one they physically cannot keep from heaven? That’s a double threat. That’s a bargaining chip. Listen, if I don’t do this and we don’t come to an agreement, the world we know will literally end and there will be no one left. We won’t win this fight in the end, so we need to scare them into submission.”
“I don’t like it,” Velvette said slowly. “But I understand it.”
“Princessa, is there really no other option?” Valentino asked softly.
I shook my head. “It’s the best plan Lucifer and I could come up with. And I’ll be fine Val. I know heaven’s layout like the back of my hand. Even though I lived in the military ring, I was taught every inch of the land.”
Valentino reached for me and I let myself lay on him.
“Are you afraid, bebita? Are you frightened?” He asked quietly. “It’s okay if you are.”
“I’m not afraid of dying,” I replied quickly. 
“That isn’t what he asked, sweetheart,” Vox replied.
I shook my head. “Guys. I trained for this. Have been groomed for this my whole life. Trust me, I’m fine.”
“So confident, muñeca,” Valentino said with a kiss. “What can we do to help you?”
As considered his question, ideas slowly began to form. “I need to work out a little harder. I need to collect more souls, gain more power, and keep myself, my emotions in check. I think that will be the hardest part.”
Vox took a sip of his own hot chocolate. “Well if you and Valentino did less fucking on the gym floor, you might have more time to lift weights or whatever will be in the next plan my algorithm comes up with.”
I choked on my hot chocolate and Valentino gently patted me on the back. “You knew?! You watched?”
Vox snorted. “Fuck yeah I know. And no, I turn off that camera on my monitor specifically so I don’t see you two fucking each day.” He took a sip from his mug, “it’s gross.” 
Valentino looked offended. “Are you saying you don’t enjoy watching us? Reader is the most perfect…”
“Alright, enough. Thank you Vox, for the privacy. Val, consider our days of gym sex done.” 
Valentino frowned. “But Princessa, I had a great idea for…”
I reached over and covered his mouth. “We can discuss it later. For now, Vox can you algorithm me up a harder workout plan? And maybe a diet plan?”
“I mean, we can start by getting food in your tummy tonight, and I can get it to you by the morning,” he replied. “But only if you think you can stomach something more than sugar. Your body can’t run on empty.”
I laid my head against Valentino. “My stomach is just off, I’m not scared or frightened but its in knots.”
“That’s generally your body telling you you’re anxious about something,” Valentino said gently. “And it has every right to be.”
Vox stood up. “I’ll make something that will make you feel better. Just a little something. Can you agree to that?”
“Yes, Dad,” I said sarcastically. 
Vox stood up and walked behind me. I felt his lips press to the top of my head. “Yeah, well, Vel can’t have kids and someone needs to step up and parent you.”
“I was being sarcastic and Vox, I’m in my twenties. I can look after myself.”
“Doesn’t matter, someone has to teach you you’re loved. Show you what an actual family is like. You know, one that supports you for who you are and doesn’t see you as a machine. ”
Velvette looked at me as Vox disappeared into the kitchen. “That doesn’t make me a mom though. Think of me more as your sister, if you don’t already.” She stretched her arms up. “There is a word for it. Found family. It doesn’t mean Vox is your actual Dad, or that I’m your biological sister. But it means we love and treat each other as the family we never had.”
I felt something inside of me. Warmness and security. Love and appreciation. Support and encouragement. “I like that. Found family.” 
“Yeah, and if I’m your found Dad, you better eat up or you’re grounded,” Vox said jokingly as he came back out with a plate of toast and scrambled eggs. “See? Told you something light. You’ll sleep better with a full stomach either way.” 
“Thanks, Vox,” I replied as I took a bite. “Honestly, I feel better already. Just getting it off my chest.”
“Helps, right?” Velvette said, “Amazing what happens when you trust the people you're surrounded by.” 
I laid in bed next to Valentino later that night, snuggled against his chest. “Val? Can you do the thing where you put your hand over my heart and press?”
He looked at me quizzically but laid his hand on my chest and gently pressed the palm of his hand into me. The pressure was settling, grounding, and I snuggled deeper into him. 
“I love you Valentino,” I muttered as I closed my eyes. 
“I love you too, bebita.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Mean Part two
Summary; Eddie fucked up, he hurt y/n with thoughtless words. What can he do to prove to her how he feels?
Warnings; Angst, Heartache, Fluff.
Part 2 to Mean
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Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated. ❤ I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
It had been three weeks since the end of her and Eddie's relationship and despite the brave face she was putting on in public in private she was distraught.
Eddie kept trying to speak to her but what could she hear from him that could make things better?
Eddie's words had completely broken her heart.
The words played in her head constantly and she couldn't get them out no matter how she tried.
“You actually think we are together? Jesus H Christ. No. She would drive me fucking nuts dude. What the fuck are you thinking. You all make this school fucking miserable and you think that I would want in on your conforming bullshit. It’s bullshit”.
To her surprise sensing her heartbreak (though only Chrissy knew the reason why) the other cheerleaders were very sweet and did their best to comfort her.
Chrissy was extremely protective as well as Robin while Jason was even more of a douche than normal.
"How could you put our reputation at risk to fuck that freak? He was embarrassed by you anyway so why risk popularity for that shit".
She shakes her head vibrating with rage.
"Oh just fuck off Jason" she storms away though Jason's words hurt her already aching heart.
As she is leaving she bumps into Eddie and looks up into his beautiful, brown eyes. His eyes are red and he looks exhausted.
"Princess" he touches her cheek and she swallows and moves away.
"What happened?".
"Nothing, well Jason being a dick as usual" she mutters and his eyes darken and Dustin bounds up to them.
"Eddie, big dilemma, Lucas needs to catch up on the campaign". Eddie groans and she hears Jason run his mouth again about somebody else and she has enough of listening to him and slips away when Eddie is distracted by Dustin.
The next thing she hears is that there was a massive fight in the cafeteria between Eddie and Jason.
Chrissy is pissed at both of them but more at Jason as he started it by harassing Eddie.
"He kept saying about your relationship with Eddie and making mean comments and Eddie lost it". It honestly stunned her so much because Eddie was not a fighter but he was protective of people he cared about.
That's the part that was confusing though he didn't care about her. He made that clear?
Concerned about Eddie she heads down to the nurse's office, he's with Gareth and Dustin arrives too.
Eddies lips are bleeding, cheeks bruised and his knuckles are busted up.
"Oh, Eddie". He looks up and smiles wincing a little as he stands.
"Should see Jason". He jokes and she feels her lips wobbles.
"Eddie, Jason wasn't worth this" his eyes flash and his knuckles tighten.
"You didn't hear the way he was speaking about you". She softens and gently tilts his chin up so he looks at her.
"It's not worth you getting hurt" his jaw tenses and he is fierce as he replies.
"You're worth it".
Her heart races at the conviction in his words and she sits beside him.
"Eddie, I don't understand, you made it clear how you felt?". He shakes his head and there is regret in his eyes.
"I didn't mean any of it, I just saw how Jason was looking at you and I said anything to protect you, protect your reputation".
She frowns.
"By breaking my heart instead?".
Dustin pipes in.
"We've already told him that was stupid". Eddie rolls his eyes.
"Yeah thanks, Henderson, I got that myself". she stifles a smile and Dustin grins.
"He's pretty miserable without you y/n". Gareth tells her and Dustin nods in agreement.
Eddie ignored them both and looks deeply into her eyes.
"I'm going to get you back princess, I am going to prove how much you mean to me". The absolute certainty in his voice, the determination makes her belly fill with butterflies.
She knows that he's serious and is curious to see what he will do.
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It was the big game today and as usual, she was working hard with Chrissy to get the routine down with the girls.
Eddie had came to her door every morning with flowers and offered to drive her to school, it was very sweet and it thawed out her anger at him.
Though to be honest it was disappearing bit by bit after his fight with Jason, she had never had anyone go to that kind of length to protect her, she hated he got hurt but the sentiment behind it was sweet.
When it was time for the game and the opening number with the girls she was stunned to see Eddie in the back row with The Hellfire Club.
Eddie rarely if ever came to games as they usually clashed with Hellfire club, on the rare times he did they would spend most of the time after back at hers or Eddie's lost in pleasure.
When the cheerleaders performed the routine he was the loudest supporter of them all and it did make her smile, god she missed that loveable goofball.
Then things took a strange turn, Eddie disappeared for a moment and then came back with something large in his hands.
Wtf was Eddie doing? and where the hell did he get that megaphone? He stands up on the seats right at the back and begins to speak.
"I have something important I have to say and it involves a very special girl, she knows who she is and I fucked up bad, I'm so sorry y/n".
Jason fumes.
"Sit down freak!". From the stands, the Hellfire club boo him and Steve who shouts out.
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"Let him speak dude!" Even Chrissy glares at Jason and the next words out of her mouth stun everyone.
"Jason, sit down and shut the fuck up". The whole place descends into stunned silence because when Chrissy Cunningham, the sweetest girl in school loses her cool you know it's best to shut the fuck up.
Eddie smiles and continues thankfully without the megaphone.
"I said some stupid shit, I panicked and didn't want you getting flack because of me and I broke your heart instead which was so dumb. I should have just owned up to how I felt instead of making you feel unwanted by me, there's no excuse princess. I fucked up and I am so sorry".
She listens to him, her heart beating so fast and she tries very hard not to cry.
"The truth is I am so in love with you princess, have been from the moment you said hi to me, I love you so much and I miss you, I fucked up and I'm sorry, if you forgive me then I will never make you doubt how I feel for you again".
"I'll love you so fucking much with everything that I am, forever. I just want you to be mine again". He finishes the speech looking nervous at her reaction.
Some girls were crying, his speech was so heartfelt that she finds herself crying too.
She walks toward him and Jason grabs her arm.
"What the fuck? You are going back with that freak after all?" She wrenches her arm away from him.
She ignores him and heads through the throng of people to Eddie who grabs her hand and gently pulls her to him.
She cups his cheek.
"I forgive you". His eyes widen and he grins in happiness.
"My slightly dramatic love confession win you, round princess?". She giggles.
"That and I miss you. I love you too Eddie, more than anything" they kiss and the Hellfire club cheer. Even some of the crowd join in.
Eddie beams and leads her out to his van he pulls her into a kiss before they head inside and it's mindblowing, fierce and full of adoration.
"I love you" he nuzzles against her neck and she sighs cuddling into him missing this, the closeness, his arms wrapped around her.
"I love you too Eds".
Tags: @slasherblog @yearwalker96 @hawkinsroyaloutcast @golden-wander @idkidknemore @tlclick73 @mrsjaderogers
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racinginchid3nt · 1 year
I’d Probably Still Adore You | Part Eleven
Y/N x Lance Stroll, Y/N Best Friend x Pierre Gasly
In which a night at the club and a game of never have I ever turns into something new
Inspired by 505 - Arctic Monkeys
Warnings: cyber bullying, threats
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From the start, Friday was horrible. You woke up hungover, the wine from last night mixed with minimal amount you ate due to Lance’s distraction, was a bad combination.
Replaying the night over and over in your mind just made everything worse. Lance’s reaction, your ruined dress, having to leave the event early, blowing off one of the only other drivers you knew, and the overly aggressive fans and paparazzi.
SHIT. The fans and paparazzi.
All thoughts of your hangover left your mind, tumbling out of bed to find your phone. Opening your Instagram and praying you would luck out failed you. Sure enough you had been tagged in dozens of photos from last night.
Photos of you and Lando leaving the hotel, of the two of you arriving at the venue, of you walking in, of him smiling at you, etc. The comments were brutal, ripping apart your appearance, commenting on your dress, how he deserves better, etc.
It wasn’t until you opened your messages that you realized how much worse it could get. Hundreds of dms stared back at you, filled with vile things. Talking about how you’re a gold digger, threats, truly saying the absolute worse things they could come up with. You wanted to stop, to ignore the things people said, but you couldn’t look away.
A call came through from Y/N Best Friend. Declining it you continued reading. And then another came through, declining it again the cycle repeated. Over and over declining calls from Y/N Best Friend until she finally stopped.
It took only a few minutes before you heard the pounding on your hotel door.
“Y/N let me in!”
Trying to ignore her, you curled in on yourself.
“Y/N if you don’t let me in I’m going to break down this fucking door!”
The banging continued, and inescapable noise reminding you of the hangover. As the door handle started to giggle, you rose from the bed and answered the door.
“What?” You asked, trying to steady your voice.
“Babe are you okay? I saw the comments on your Instagram posts. Those were so uncalled for. How are you doing?” She asked.
“Fine. I don’t know. It is what it is. I should have known better I guess.” You replied.
“How can I help?” She asked.
“Can you just give me some time to myself? Im hungover as fuck and I just want to go back to bed.”
She left you with the promise that she would call and check on you later, threatening that she would show back up at your door if you ignored her.
Free practice had gone okay. Lance was happy with car, and the engineers were excited for tomorrow’s qualifying. But his mind kept replaying last night. How she had yelled at him, how he had reacted to seeing her with Norris, what happened during dinner, etc.
He regretted letting her walk away last night, but the last thing he had expected was for her to yell at him like that. He owed her an apology, having overstepped massively last night. Walking through the paddock he made his way to the Alpine energy station. Y/N Best Friend sat outside alone, scrolling through her phone while she ate lunch.
“Hey Y/N Best Friend, where is Y/N at?”
She gave him a funny look.
“She’s at the hotel. Why?”
Unsure of how to explain himself to the girl sitting in front of him, he opted to give her a small nod and turn to head back to the Aston Martin energy station.
Last race she had come to every day, media, free practice, qualifying, and the race. It didn’t sit well with him that she had missed yesterday and today’s events.
Y/N Best Friend had shown up at your door early Saturday morning, refusing to let you skip the days events. She had no idea about what had happened with Lance, and wouldn’t understand if you tried to explain. Putting on a fake smile, you joked with her as you got around for the day, focusing on the fact that you would get to spend time with her.
The day passed by in relative normalcy. Fans had taken photos when the three of you arrived at the track that morning, but you had been able to continue on through security. Lando had made small talk with you on his way to the Mclaren garage, asking if you were feeling better after Thursday night.
You gave Carlos a small wave as you passed by him and the Ferrari garage after Q1. The Spaniard pulled you aside, giving you a friendly hug and making small talk. You did your best to keep the fake smile on your face, ready to return to the hotel room. Carlos paused mid discussion, staring at you for a moment.
“Are you okay Y/N?” He asked, concern filling his voice.
“Yeah I’m fine. Just a little tired, that’s all.”
His facial expression made it clear that he didn’t believe you. Pulling you in for another hug, he stated:
“I know we’re not friends or anything, but if you need anything let me or Lando know okay?”
You gave him a small smile, wishing him luck in Q2 before returning to the Alpine garage.
On the way back to the hotel you decided to brave social media again, and just like that the weekend got even worse. Your tagged photo notifications piled in as soon as you opene the Instagram app, but it was no longer just photos from Thursday night with Lando. A series of pictures of you and Carlos from earlier that day stared back at you, photos of your two hugs and him whispering into your ear. They definitely looked flirty, and the speculation from the various captions alluded to as much.
As you scrolled through more of them, it got worse. Looking back at you was a grainy photo of you and Lance from Thursday night. The photo showed him with his hand on your waist, huddled in the corner of the dinning room before dinner that night.
Multiple collages from the weekend contained the photo compared to Lando and Carlos. The previous dating rumors had suddenly turned to discussions of you cheating. You weren’t sure how what was an exciting weekend had suddenly turned so miserable.
You needed to get your mind off of everything. And while there were definitely better ways to do it, the idea of getting drunk and watching sappy movies sounded the most enjoyable way to spend the night.
Pulling on a hoodie and sweats, you tightened the strings from your hood and made your way out of the hotel’s back exit and to a nearby market. Bottle of wine in one hand and your purse in the other, you made the short walk back to the hotel. Reaching the side door you pulled, but the door remained closed. The door was a one way exit, letting you escape the hotel but not sneak back in. You turned, making your way to the main entrance.
Unsurprisingly the sidewalk was crowded with fans and paparazzi alike. Hanging your head down you pushed through the crowd to make your way to the entrance. The crowd was tightly packed, pushing you around as you fought through it. Your hood fell down, revealing your face. Within an instant the crowd noticed. Cameras turned and voices rang out as you clutched the bottle and tried to push through.
“Is that Y/N?”
“It’s Y/N!”
“Are you dating Lando?”
“I can’t believe you cheated on him with Carlos!”
The crowd of fans turned angry quickly. Hands reached out for you, pushing and pulling you. You felt a hang grip your hair, yanking your head backwards. Stumbling, you dropped the bottle of wine. Pushing to get through to the doors you felt someone kick you, another person grabbing at your arm. Elbows hit your sides, fans rushing at you from all sides. As you neared the front of the crowd, one of the security guards at the hotels door pulled you over the barriers and usher you into the hotel lobby.
Tears streamed down your face as you ran to the elevator, thanking your lucky stars that the doors opened as soon as you hit the button. Making it back to your room, you collapsed on the hotel room floor. Shaking and sobbing you pulled out your phone, thankful that you had managed to kept your grip on it.
Opening your airline app, you scrolled through flights, finding the soonest departure back to the Barcelona airport. You charged it to your card, ignoring the price as a concern for another day. Haphazardly throwing your clothes and toiletries back into your bag you called an Uber to the side door, escaping into it and making you way to the airport.
As you settled into you seat on the late night flight, you opened every social media app you had and deleted your accounts. And as the announcement came to power off your electronics, you thumbed through your contacts, blocking Lance, Lando, and Carlos, before deleting their numbers, hoping that maybe, just maybe, you could go back to life before Spa.
The first part of the Pierre X Y/N Best Friend story is live here
Please respond to the poll when you get a chance!
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shrineheart · 1 year
Man some shit has been going down with my DnD boy Fuck Roger and it has been a blast so far. So that means y'all gotta hear about it because I have brain rot.
So, Fuck Roger is this fella:
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A classic case of "haha funny name joke" that becomes a serious character. Some notes on Roger:
He's a tiefling bard who works as a sex worker.
He's got a thick southern accent.
Fuck is his virtue name. One he chose, in part as a fuck you to his family and in part because it's what he likes to do. His father is Honor and his sister is Charity Faith so you can imagine how THAT went over.
When people ask him about it he likes to tell them "It's instructions."
Anytime someone says "Fuck!" in our game he drawls out "Yeah?" like he's answering to it.
He has an asexual boyfriend named Paul A. Deen (yes, we both went for joke names) who is a chef wizard. The pancake tattoos on his stomach are a tribute to him.
Roger comes from a rich family of philanthropists. His father is a sculptor and his mother's family would purchase art pieces and do auctions for charity etc. Which is how his parents met.
His father survived through a lot of persecution where he's from for being a tiefling. He lost his parents and brother to it. He started out life poor.
Roger is illegitimate. He's not aware of this even though it's kind of painfully obvious (his father is blue, his sister is purple, they have different horns, tails, etc)
He loves his father. His father is a good dude and knows Roger isn't his but loves him anyway.
His mother and sister were absolutely horrible to him throughout his childhood including physical abuse. His mother is a cleric so she would often just heal up wounds caused. It took him ages to convince his father something was happening because his father was often gone.
Roger's sister once tried to kill him over a boy that he wasn't even interested in. That prompted him to leave home.
He kept in contact with his father and lived with Kimora, a dragonborn woman who ran a brothel. He was of age but spent most of this time working as someone who did cleaning and fetching things.
His father sent him to bard's college. Deep down he hopes one day Roger will come to his sense, come home, and be respectable.
He fell in love with a noble's son, not realizing that said boy's sister and mother were two of his other regular customers. He had planned to run away with this boy but that information got out and he was a accused of trying to cause a scandal and blackmail the family. The boy parted ways with him but doing a complete 180 and turning against him. Roger's still not over it.
He met his current boy on a ship while running from home because said nobles would like his head on a pike. Paul was the chef.
Most of Roger's tattoos are ones he gets when marking of "races I have slept with".
He has a large tattoo of a starling on his back.
He has a tramp stamp that says Semen Demon.
Thanks to his time working in the brothel he picked up various small skills such as sign language.
His father taught him and his sister to whittle.
When people find out he's from a rich family they often see him as a kid off on a bender. He's rather quiet about his childhood but makes it clear he doesn't like his sister.
He's a good person. He doesn't like killing if he can help it. He doesn't even want his sister dead he just wants her to leave him alone.
Despite his work and how much he makes raunchy comments and jokes (the Paladin asking what a knot was is still one of my favorite moments) he's good with people. And he tries his best to make people feel comfortable.
Recent events have had him meeting up with his sister again. Their father is sick and she's trying to bring him home and while he wants to go he also doesn't want to leave his boyfriend or the party.
She's already tried fighting with him again and now they're trapped in a place where they can see each others' memories and where they will potentially lose all of their memories.
Roger doesn't want to lose his memory for all the normal reasons. But the most pressing one for him is "If we both lose our memories, I know me and we might end up in bed together and there is no way in hell that is gonna happen."
SO, where we left off last time he was about to either cast Dispel or Dimension Door to escape. The place amplifies your magic though so the results? Who knows. He and his sister flipped a coin for which spell to cast and we left on that cliff hanger last game.
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hi everyone! i’ve been writing this one for a while and finally am happy with how it’s turned out! It ends on a cliffhanger so it will definitely be 2-3 parts! just like always, leave me comments, likes, constructive criticism or requests!! also suggestions for the next part! Enjoy :) 2.2k
warnings: angst, lando
The crush you had on Carlos was obvious to everyone around you. No one could see through the way you both lied through your teeth, counting down the days until one of you would admit to the other what you were feeling. It was difficult enough that he was your best friend and you had no way of stopping those feelings in their tracks. You weren’t sure when it had started either, what event had triggered the feelings.
It could have been the first time he ran to you after a race. Any other time you would see him afterwards and congratulate him, but here you were being pulled into a big hug by a sweaty Carlos who hadn’t stopped to see anyone before you. You weren’t sure why but it made your heart race. It became tradition after that. Every race from then on it was you he came to first. Yeah, that was probably the catalyst to the feelings. Anyone in the friend group would tell you otherwise, that these feelings had been around since the two of you met. To be fair, looking back you could count numerous times where something Carlos had done brought your heart rate up or made your cheeks pink.
You kept your feelings for him deep down, hiding the crush well, or so you thought. There was no hiding the way your eyes lit up when he walked into a room or the way you would always ask if Carlos would be joining your group when making plans. It didn’t take long for Luisa & Lily to notice and start teasing you relentlessly. Soon enough the entire friend group was in on it, making little comments or setting you and Carlos up in different situations. You didn’t mind it though, despite knowing it was set up you enjoyed any moment you were with him. You just hoped Carlos would never find out about this stupid crush.
Carlos thinks he fell for you the moment he met you. Both of you around 19 and he swears to Lando it was love at first sight. It was the middle of the Formula 1 summer break the year prior and your friends dragged you along to some club. Dressed in a little red number and some high heels you were sure you’d stand out among the crowd. That wasn’t the case though, surrounded by dozens of girls all dressed up for the exact same reason. You did stand out though, to one person. Carlos Sainz Jr., who was in the VIP area with some other drivers, sending off the first half of the racing year with a bang.
He had planned to just go out, have a few drinks and head right back home. That all changed when he saw you across the room. Suddenly you were the only thing on his mind and he had to talk to you. Making his way across the bar, he felt as though a literal magnet was pulling the two of you together. He opted out of using a pickup line, going for something simple to just start a conversation. He didn’t want to lose his chance with you before it even began. That’s where it all started, the two of you clicked immediately and once your friends got together your little group was inseparable.
As the friendship grew his hopes for something more dissipated. Of course the reason he went up to you in the first place was because he found you absolutely beautiful. Despite that, he’d take what he could get, simply wanting you around. He didn’t mind the friendship either, the two of you growing closer to each other than to anyone else. After the club night he never acted on those feelings either, keeping things strictly platonic between the two of you. When he approached you, you thought he’d try to hit on you, already preparing to give him your memorized speech about not wanting a boyfriend. Pleased at him just starting a conversation, you never thought twice about him having feelings for you.
Italy 2019 was the first time your race tradition started. Unsure as to what was different, he came to see you when he got a podium behind Pierre. He climbed out of the car and searched for you in the crowd with the Mclaren team. Once he spotted you the only thing he wanted to do was pull you in for a hug and that’s exactly what he did. First before Lando, before the team principal, before anyone else. Noticing the blush on your cheeks only made the win that much better to him and he hoped you didn’t notice the way his eyes kept glancing towards you while he’s on the podium. You hadn’t noticed though, your mind racing as you wondered why Carlos came to you first. The look in his eyes was different than you had ever seen, stirring up feelings inside of you that previously had been pushed down.
There was a break in the races, two weekends off of hopefully just rest and relaxation for everyone. A bunch of you had planned a day trip to an amusement park and where you were just excited to go with your friends, they all had a different idea. At first you didn’t notice anything weird, but eventually you realized something was going on. Every single ride you were being paired up with Carlos, somehow finding yourselves climbing onto the ride together each time. You knew your friends had tried this but it hadn’t worked out so well before. Normally you wouldn’t think much of it either but you noticed the way everyone would not so subtly move around so the two of you ended up together.
Realizing what was happening, you become aware of the looks all of your friends were giving you. Fucking hell. Your group was in line for a haunted house, piling into carts until of course, you and Carlos were left for the last cart. You not so sneakily flipped Lando & Luisa off who were in the cart ahead of you, rolling your eyes when they both winked at you. You were slightly annoyed that their plan was working, and that you were enjoying it. Now everyone knew you were not a fan of haunted houses and of course your best friends would know how you reacted to each scare. Of all the rides you were set up on, this was the one you were not excited for. Even to Carlos it wasn’t a surprise to you when there was a jump scare and your hand quickly reached out to grab his.
Neither of you said anything about it, too nervous and now embarrassed to pull away. You stayed like that for the rest of the ride. It felt nice, the immediate safe feeling taking over you as soon as Carlos’ gave your hand a squeeze. He anticipated the scares that would be worse for you, trying to lessen the scare. Carlos was sure his heart could beat out of his chest, hoping you couldn’t tell how his breathing changed whenever you moved closer to him.
The ride came to a stop and after Carlos climbed out of the cart, he kept his hand in yours while he helps you out of the cart. You don’t move to pull your hand away and neither does he. Walking past the rides, you couldn’t help but stare at your hand in his. You enjoyed the way his hand nearly covered all of yours, his thumb brushing lightly against the back of your hand. You smiled to yourself, letting the butterflies you normally push away overtake your stomach. You were sure that you looked like a lovesick fool, getting confirmation when you saw your friends staring. The joy didn’t last long though, seeing Lando nudge Carlos and whisper something in his ear, causing Carlos to pull his hand away from yours.
You furrowed your eyebrows, noticing how he was now avoiding your gaze, walking with more of a gap between you. You glance over at Luisa who looked just as confused as you felt. You move over to her and slow your pace so you fell behind the group. “Um..What just happened?” You ask, hoping she had any sort of answer for you. Unfortunately she didn’t, telling you that Lando probably said something dumb that caused Carlos to overthink. That made sense to you, knowing that if one of your friends had said something to you, you probably would have done the same thing. It didn’t stop the ache in your chest at the thought though, cursing Lando for ruining a nice moment.
The rest of the night went by in a blur, your mind racing as you thought about the moment with Carlos over and over again. The group didn’t try to move around to set the two of you up again either, aware of the change in vibe around the whole night. You noticed Luisa giving Lando a stern look and the realization on his face after she had told him what happened. You couldn’t help but feel a little awkward around your best friend now and you wish you didn’t.
The night was over, everyone saying their goodbyes before you followed Carlos to his car. Normally the two of you drove together, never feeling uncomfortable or awkward. This time though, you felt off climbing into his Ferrari. You stayed silent, picking at your nail polish for any sort of distraction. Glancing at your phone, you see a text from Lando apologizing and one from Luisa telling you to ‘Go for it! Xx.’ You let out a sigh, glancing over towards Carlos and hyping yourself up. “I’m sorry about earlier…if it made things awkward with Lando.” You rush out, immediately looking back at your fingers. What you were apologizing for, you weren’t sure but you couldn’t handle the awkward silence any longer.
Carlos furrows his eyebrows, thinking back on the night and racking his brain over what you could possibly be talking about. “Huh? What are you going on about, Carino?” He wasn’t aware anything was wrong or awkward with Lando and had just figured you were tired. If someone were to ask him, he hadn’t even been aware that he dropped your hand. “Is everything okay? Did you not have a good night?” He inquires after you stayed silent and you shrug. “I…no tonight was really fun! Never mind, I guess I just read the situation wrong..”
The night of the amusement park situation was soon forgotten, things going back to normal between you and Carlos. You could tell your friends were disappointed and if you were being completely honest with yourself, you were just as disappointed. You hadn’t expected anything to come from their hijinks but maybe there was a small part of you that hoped something would happen. Any possible hope you had was completely ripped away when you showed up to his flat. At least once a month, your friend group had a movie night. Everyone brought snacks, drinks, and food for a night of chatting, spending time together, and watching random movies.
Carlos almost always hosted and you’d show up before everyone else to help him set up. So when you walked into his apartment and saw an out of place pair of shoes at the door you wondered if you had the date wrong. “Carlos?” You call out, setting your bag down and venturing further into the apartment. You heard it in his voice before you saw him, felt the awkwardness in the air as he called you into the kitchen. You turned into the room, the breath being knocked out of you when your eyes land on a girl leaning up against his side with her fingers playing with the collar of his blue polo. You weren’t sure how long you were standing there, more than shocked at the sight in front of you.
“Oh..oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t, I hadn’t realized you had someone over..” You apologize, stuttering over your words. As much as you wanted to find an innocent explanation, there was no doubt in your mind what was happening here and you felt embarrassed for walking in on it. You saw Carlos’ mouth open to talk but you put up a hand to wave him off “I just realized I forgot some stuff, uh, for movie night. I’ll be back. Sorry to run, you guys continue with..whatever you were doing.” You said quickly, putting your head down and rushing back towards the front door. You heard footsteps following you before you felt the familiar touch on your arm. “Y/n, please stay. I forgot it was movie night so i made plans. I’ll send her home.” He says, treading carefully. You forced yourself to look into his eyes, knowing yours were already watering slightly. “No! It looked like you guys were…um are having a lot of fun. I’ll be back with everyone else later.” You smiled, leaving quickly before he was able to say anything else.
You didn’t have any reason to be upset, in fact you figured you should be happy for Carlos. In your time being his best friend he hadn’t really dated so it was a huge step for him. Despite that thought repeating in your mind, you couldn’t help but break down into tears as soon as the elevator doors shut. You felt your phone vibrate in your bag but you had no urge to check it. You knew who it was already. You made it to your car, letting the feelings overwhelm you until you felt like you had cried all the tears you had.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Loyalty’s | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Potter!Fem!Reader
Summary: Instead of Regulus obeying the Dark Lord his loyalty’s lie with his girlfriend and becomes a spy for the Order.
The house was quiet. That was rare, especially after Fleamont and Euphemia took in Sirius Black. James and Sirius were like brothers, always causing mischief inside the manor while the younger Potter kept to herself more. Y/n Potter was only a year younger than James but was just as loved. Sirius Black became her brother just as much as James was, along with the other two Marauders. Unbeknownst to her brother - brothers if you will - she had been dating someone since her fifth year.
Y/n was in her seventh year while James and Sirius had graduated. James had already married Lily, and the war was raging on. Y/n was home for winter break. The Potter residence was to its fullest capacity. Remus and Sirius staying in the guest bedrooms. Y/n staying in her bedroom. James and Lily in James’ room. Fleamont and Euphemia had their master bedroom as well. It was dark outside, and all the young adults were in bed when a knock echoed on the door.
Fleamont held his wand tightly in his right hand as he approached the door. Euphemia was present at St. Mungo's for the night, and Fleamont was waiting for her to return home, but she never knocked. Hesitantly he made his way to the door and flung it open. Instantly Fleamonts wand made its presence known on the male's neck. The male had wavy black hair, grey-blue eyes, and sharp features. Resembling Sirius Black almost perfectly. The man gulped at the wand placed pointed at his throat.
“Sirius! James!”
Footsteps, “Yes, Mr. Potter?”
“ What’s up, dad?”
Both young adults focused on the man at the door, “No….” Sirius whimpered.
“What are you doing here!” Sirius yelled in distress, “Security question, Sirius.” Fleamont scolded.
“Where was my favorite place to hide when we were kids?” Sirius questioned, “Under Uncle Alphard’s cherry blossom tree.” He replied.
Fleamont didn’t back down, “What are you doing here?”
“I didn’t come here to see Sirius.” The man stated, “I came to see Y/n.”
James and Fleamont tensed, “What do you want with my daughter?” Fleamonts voice was stern and rigid.
“I-“ He swallowed, “I need to speak with her, please.”
“Regulus… You don’t know what you’re doing.” Sirius commented, “Please, Mr. Potter.” Regulus begged.
“James-“ Fleamont ordered, and James stood tall, “Go get your sister.”
He didn’t need any further instruction and woke his sister up, bringing her downstairs. There Y/n saw her father's wand to his neck. Before throwing her arms around him, she needed a security question. The pleading look in Regulus’ eyes broke her heart to pieces, but a war was going on.
Y/n’s heart raced, and her palms felt sweaty, but this was a question only he’d genuinely know, “When- When did we start dating?”
“November 16, 1976.”
“Reggie!” Y/n whimpered, throwing her arms around him.
Regulus held her back with the same amount of pressure. Holding her tight to his chest and never wanting to let go. The smell of her shampoo resonated in his nose and the faint breathing from her nose rested on the crook of his neck—a feeling he never wanted to lose. The world seemed to have stopped at that moment. Christmas break had been hell for Regulus so far, but now he felt hopeful.
But people were watching, and James snatched Y/n back, “Dating?! Are you bloody crazy?!”
“James-“ Fleamont began but was hastily cut off, “No, dad! She’s insane! Regulus is one of them! He’s a bloody death eater!” James exclaimed.
Sirius snapped, “He’s still my brother, ya’ know. If he’s here, then he’s defying mother’s orders. Let him talk.”
“C’mon. Everyone in the kitchen.”
The table was relatively large. It could seat eight. Fleamont took his usual seat at the end of the table. James sat on his left and Sirius on James’ left. Regulus sat in front of James and Y/n in front of Sirius. Regulus couldn’t face his brother at the minute because Sirius’ proud eyes were going to turn into disappointment soon enough.
Regulus held Y/n’s right hand tightly, “Lift your sleeve.” Fleamont ordered.
The younger Black brother obeyed; there it was; on his left forearm, “So it’s true. You obey the Dark Lord.” Fleamont commented.
“Dad please-“ Y/n began.
Heads turned, “No?”
“No. I bare the mark, but I don’t obey.” Regulus stated coldly, “My loyalty’s lie with Y/n. She’s told me about the order, and I want to be your spy.”
James ran his fingers through his hair, “You told him! Y/n!”
“James, come off it!” Y/n scoffed.
“You want to be a spy for the order?” Sirius repeated, and Regulus nodded, retaking Y/n’s hand, “Yes, but there’s something I need to tell you all. Something I’ve found out.”
They leaned in, intrigued, “The Dark Lord has horcruxs. He’s split his soul into multiple different parts. I know where one of them is.” Regulus informed.
“How did you find this out?” Sirius inclined, “I told you, my loyalty’s lie with my girlfriend - you know, the girl I plan to marry - I’m a spy. Not a pawn.” Regulus countered.
James coughed, “You are not marrying my sister.”
“I’m afraid that isn’t your call.” Y/n retorted, crossing her arms, “Cut it out both of you.” Fleamont scolded.
“We’ll have to come back to you on whether or not you can join. However, you can stay with Y/n in her bedroom for the time being.” Fleamont informed, and James gawked, “Absolutely not! Sirius and Regulus can share. I don’t want him near her.”
Fleamont turned his head slowly towards his son, “James Fleamont Potter-“ He began in a low tone making James stiffen, “Y/n and Regulus will share a room. If he is stupid enough to try something while in my house, then I’ll be damned.”
“Remus, Sirius, and you will only be a room away. Hopefully-“ Mr. Potter turned to Regulus, “He knows better than to try something.”
“With all due respect, sir, I’d never purposely put Y/n in any way of danger. That’s why she didn’t know about the horcruxs.” Regulus stated, and Fleamont looked pleased, “We’ll work on it. Now, all of you, back to bed.”
When the four of them reached the hallway upstairs, James grabbed Regulus' collar, “We need to have a talk.”
Without another word, Sirius, Regulus, and James stepped into Sirius’ bedroom, knowing Lily was asleep. Hopefully, Remus was too. Y/n gave an audible sigh and walked into her bedroom. She was slightly organizing it and grabbing clothes that she had stolen from Regulus back at Hogwarts. Thankfully she made out. Y/n had one of Regulus’ hoodies and pair of sweatpants. Twenty minutes later, Regulus walked into the room.
“Um- I- Here.” Y/n stuttered, handing him the clothes, and he quietly changed, “I’m sorry about James.”
“No need for you to be sorry, love.” Regulus replied as he slipped on the sweatpants, “I know he’s protective. I’ve also got the mark.”
Y/n stood up and embraced him tightly, “That mark doesn’t make you a monster.”
“It makes me feel like one.”
“I know, but-“ Y/n pulled away slightly, looking him in the eyes, “Did you mean what you said out there?”
“Mean what, my love?”
“That your loyalty’s lie with me?”
Regulus smiled, “Of course, I did.”
The following days went by quietly. Regulus wouldn’t speak about the confrontation with James, but Y/n didn’t mind. But she didn’t miss the glares James sent his way every time he’d get close. Strangely enough, Remus was the most protective over her. Euphemia had been hospitable in his stay, providing for him as she did Sirius. It wasn’t until Christmas Day when Regulus got the news.
They all sat together in the sitting room, “You’re approved.” Fleamont stated.
“You can be our spy. Dumbledore believes the information you’ve given us is worthy of trust.”
Sirius could’ve cried out of joy, “Oh, Reggie.”
Both boys hugged for the first time since they were kids. James smiled fondly at them. Happy for Sirius that he got his little brother back. The boys sat beside each other. Sirius had his usual Sirius-like smirk placed upon his face. The same smirk he had before he made a joke.
“Seems like all it took was the Potter charm.” Sirius nudged Regulus’ elbow, making him blush, “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, for letting him stay. It means a lot to me.”
“You know Mum, always taking in strays.” James teased, “James Potter!” Euphemia scolded with a bright grin.
Y/n shrugged, “He’s not wrong.”
“There’s an envelope under the tree for you, Regulus dear.” Euphemia commented before leaving into the kitchen, and Regulus stiffened, “It’s a present, not a howler.” Fleamont added, making him relax.
Regulus’ fingers reached for the green-colored envelope. Inside laid a paper in both James and Fleamonts handwriting. The paper inside made him gleeful. It was possible the best Christmas gift he could’ve ever received, and Regulus was a spoiled baby at the Black manor.
“You have my permission to marry my daughter.” -F.P
“Take care of my sister, or I’ll have your head!” -J.P
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Sorry for your loss - Final Chapter
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Summary: When your wife Natasha passes away in a car accident, a part of you dies with her. It takes a few months of mourning for your psychiatrist thinks the best alternative is for you to join a grief group. And there you meet Wanda Maximoff, and learn to live again.
Warnings: (+16) mentions of death, panic attacks and anxiety, grief, self sabotage, mentions of abusive family background, mutual attraction pining, explicit consent, therapeutic conversations about death, self-deprecation, healthy methods of coping with grief, possible triggers about anxiety, domestic Wanda, hurtful behaviors. 
Chapter Warnings: Mention of Smut, Brief Smut.
Tag list: @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @imapotatao // @aimezvousbrahms / @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia // @myperfectlovepoem
Author’s note: I don't know what to say exactly, just good reading, and sorry for any spelling/translation errors. I hope you enjoy the ending, and who knows, maybe a second season?
Read on AO3 || Serie Masterlist here
Chapter Five - I will love again
You were up early on the weekend.
Since you were going to travel to New Jersey for Wanda's father's wedding anniversary, you didn't want to keep her waiting.
When you arrived at Wanda's house, she was already on her feet, running back and forth through the house, trying to find Tommy's lost toy, who kept crying that he wouldn't travel without it.
"Make yourself at home, I just need to find that bear." She said to you as she opened the door. You placed your only luggage on the floor as you looked around. Billy was watching television, and Tommy was sitting on the kitchen counter, crying.
You walked over to him.
"Hey, Tommy, why are you crying?" You asked stopping beside him, keeping your voice calm so as not to make him more nervous.
"I want my teddy bear!" He cried out between tears.
"Mommy will find it for you." You reply. "What is the name of your teddy bear?"
"Star Lord." Sniffles the boy. Your distraction is working, because he stops crying to talk.
"Wow, that's an incredible name!" You say. "How did you get the Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles again, wiping his tears with his forearm.
"I got it for my birthday." He counters. "Billy got a skateboard, but Star Lord is cooler."
"Is that so?" You retort with interest in your voice, realizing that Tommy was barefoot and his socks were on the countertop, you show him that you are interested in hearing him talk as you help him finish getting dressed for the trip.
"Yes, it came in a huge, red box." Tommy counted with a smile as he gestured at the size of the object. "And he sleeps with me every night, so I need him to go to Grandpa's house."
"Oh, yes, of course you do." You agree with a smile as you tie the boy's shoelaces. "Do you remember the last place you played with Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles thoughtfully.
"I don't know." He replies tearfully, you rush to ask about his favorite memory with the bear to avoid him to cry again, and it works.
When you finish tying the child's shoes, you pick him up on your lap as he tells you about the day he took Star Lord swimming, and then you sit him down in the living room next to his brother, and he is distracted enough by the cartoon on the TV to forget about the teddy bear.
Wanda joins you in the living room a minute later, looking nervous and with her hands empty.
"Hey, I think I have an idea." You tell her as you mentally review the things Tommy said. "Finish getting them to the car, I'll go find the bear."
You found it.
Ten minutes after you left the room, inside the pool.
Wanda couldn't hold back her laughter when you arrived in front of the car with your wet clothes up to pool height.
"Your idea was to get into the pool instead of using the cleaner to reach the bear?" She teased as soon as you handed her the toy. You laughed awkwardly, watching her give the bear to Tommy and seeing the boy celebrate excitedly. "You're not getting in my car wet like that."
You laugh, and then you have an idea. Approaching Wanda with open arms, you see her raise her finger in warning, but you are already hugging her with wet clothes, making her laugh.
The joke only ends because Pietro is parking the car in front of the house next, looking at you both curiously.
"Should I let dad know we're going to be late?" He teases putting his sunglasses up. You let go of Wanda as both of your giggles slowly stop, the two of you looking like children who have been caught up to mischief. "Come on girls, we have a road ahead of us."
"Shut up Pietro." Wanda grumbled humorously, starting to push you into the house by the shoulders. "Watch the boys while we get changed."
"Yes, ma'am." He retorted wryly as he took off his seat belt and got out of the car. You let Wanda push you inside.
Upstairs, you had smiles on your faces as she searched for clothes that would fit you.
"Are you sure it isn't better if I grab something I brought in my suitcase?" You ask distractedly as Wanda rummages through the closets.
"I don't want you to be one change of clothes short, I don't know what we'll end up doing over there." Wanda retorted. "And don't worry about it."
Wanda eventually handed you a set of very soft sweatshirts and underwear. You smiled in appreciation, looking away from the clothes in your hand to the woman in front of you.
As you turned toward the bathroom, Wanda spoke.
"You can stay."
Swallowing dryly, and ignoring the unregulated beating of your heart you turned to her again, one eyebrow raised not sure you had understood correctly.
Wanda sighed heavily, as if she was gathering the courage to say it again. But her gaze said it all. She was inviting you to change in front of her.
You felt your face heat up, but you gulped dryly, forcing yourself to reason correctly.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?" Wanda retorted in defiance, and you let out a breathless laugh. She seemed to misunderstand your reaction, because her expression immediately fell. "Oh, you don't want to. Damn it, I..."
"What?" you interrupted quickly. "No, Wanda. I want to." You confess half breathlessly. "I really do."
You shift your weight between your feet, feeling your stomach turn with the way Wanda looks at you. 
"But not like this." You say, swallowing dryly to confess correctly. You approach Wanda slowly as you speak. "Not in a hurry." Wanda breathes heavily, leaning back against the cabinet. You stop walking just inches from her body. "I want to be with you, with enough time to kiss every inch of your skin.” You confess again her lips. “Touch every spot that will make you lose control and scream my name."
"Fuck." Wanda gasped against your mouth, almost near enough to touch while closing her eyes. 
Ignoring the tightening sensation at the tip of your stomach, you fought your baser instincts and pulled away, sighing.
"Let's hurry before your brother comes to get us."
You smiled at Wanda, ignoring the urge to kiss her. She just nodded, trying to normalize her breathing. You took advantage of her lack of reaction to turn around and walk towards the bathroom. You had better get out of there soon, because you feel that you couldn't resist that woman again.
Tommy and Billy were singing in the back seat as you drove to New Jersey. You laughed at the scene, thinking they were adorable.
Your gaze was watchful on the road, following Pietro's car to his father's house.
When Wanda began to murmur the song, you looked at her for a moment. Absolutely stunning, with her red hair flying in the wind, the smile in the corner on her lips. The sunlight making her eyes sparkle.
Turning your attention forward because Wanda caught you looking, you bit back a smile, feeling your heart race a little. But neither of you commented, and you didn't care that Wanda was looking at you now.
When you arrived, you whistled impressed at Erik's residence. It was practically a mansion, but really it was just a very well built summer house. The neighborhood was very nice too. Wanda smiled playfully at you when she noticed your reaction.
The boys ran out of the car, excited to hug their grandfather who was already waiting for them at the door. They also hugged Charles, who was a short, balding man, very friendly.
"Grandpa, can we go ride the horses?" Tommy asked excitedly, and the man laughed lightly. 
"Go wash your hands and get something to eat first okay, boy?" Erik said to the boy, ruffling his hair.
The child agreed, entering the house along with his brother and his cousin, who had gotten out of the cars shortly after.
You were unpacking the bags from the car after parking and felt your breath catch when Wanda picked up one of the bags and caressed your hand with her fingers as you handed it to her. She smiled innocently, passing you to walk toward the door, and you cleared your throat before closing the trunk and following her.
"You must be Y/N." Erik greeted you as soon as you came to the door. "It's very nice to finally meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, Erik." You replied with a smile. "And you too, Charles."
The man smiled, giving you room to pass him and enter the house. Wanda was standing in the living room next to Pietro and Monica, who had their suitcases on the floor.
"Papa, which rooms are empty?" She asked the man who had entered behind you.
"You can occupy any one upstairs." Erik warned closing the door as he and Charles entered.
You accompanied the group upstairs. Wanda placed the boys' backpacks in one of the bunk rooms, since the children always slept together. 
"You can have the room down the hall." She said, showing you the direction. "Next to mine."
She whispered the last part like a secret. You wanted to ignore how your stomach churned at the suggestion. Pietro and Monica passed you both, the man gave you a playful look, but made no comment. They would be in the room across from yours and next to the children's.
You guessed that the other door at the other end of the hall belonged to Erik and Charles
After putting your suitcase on the bed, you left the room. Pietro opened the door at the same moment.
"Come on, Y/N, I'm going to give you a full tour of the Maximoff residence." He announced excitedly and you giggled, following him around the house.
The Maximoff residence was much larger than you thought it was. There were even stables and a large wooded area that was part of the place, but Pietro didn't take you there, he just pointed you in the direction. You eventually discovered that the place used to be a simple farm, inherited from Pietro and Wanda's paternal grandparents, and when Erik married Charles, they renovated the place with money from the Xavier family, who were British and had a fortune built up in the vineyard area.
Pietro led you back to the kitchen when he finished showing you the property, patting you on the shoulder as he sat down on the kitchen counter, grabbing the jar of candy on the counter.
"The guests will be here soon, Pietro, get down from there." Warned Erik noticing his son's position. He was in the kitchen too, finishing sorting out some of the appetizers. During the tour, you noticed the decorations set up in the gardens, some tables and chairs and party decorations.
"Yes, papa." Grumbled Pietro as he obeyed. He reached over to accept the tray of food his father handed him.
"Take that outside please." Erik asked and you moved to get out of the way of Pietro, who gave you a wry smile as he passed, making you laugh slightly.
"Can I help too?" You asked noticing that there were still things to be carried.
"Thank you, dear, you are very kind." Erik said as he handed you one of the trays. You nodded and then turned around.
The garden was really nicely decorated, you noticed now that you were up close, placing your tray on one of the tables. There was also a small stage, which you imagined was meant for Erik and Charles to repeat their wedding vows. You smiled, remembering how your marriage to Natasha had gone. It was just nostalgic to think of her now, and it didn't make you unhappy anymore.
"I think you're all set now." Erik said behind you, arriving with a tray and placing it on the table next to yours. Pietro who had left earlier, was stealing one of the candies and received a disapproving look from his father. "Really, boy?"
Pietro laughed, raising his hands in surrender.
"I'm hungry, papa." He playfully retorted and you laughed at the interaction.
"Go help the ladies with the kids." Erik commands with a grimace, and Pietro laughs as he walks away. When he leaves, you feel slightly anxious about being alone with Wanda's father, but his posture is friendly. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you properly, Y/N. Would you like to take a walk with me before the party?"
You ignore the nervous feeling in your stomach when you agree. And Erik takes one last look at the decorations before leading the way.
A few minutes of walking later, where Erik asked you several questions about your life, your job, your age, who you lived with, that sort of thing, you reached a plantation area. You imagined it to be the vineyards of the property.
You could see the manor house in the distance, and the backyards, and a lake many meters away. The landscape was breathtaking.
"It's beautiful here." You comment beside him.
"Yes." Erik agrees with a smile, also looking at the scenery as you do. "I enjoyed your conversation, you are as lovely as Wanda usually tells us."
The comment makes your cheeks warm, the image of Wanda talking about you makes your heart soar. Erik seems to appreciate the way you react to it, smiling gently as he adds, "It's nice to know she's found someone nice to love."
You swallow dryly, glancing quickly at the man next to you, but he has his gaze on the landscape. You feel a warmth in your chest, mixed with embarrassment and happiness.
"Thank you, Erik." You say clumsily. 
"For what?"
"For accepting me here I guess." You retort with a smile. "For having me into your home. And well, for saying those things about me and Wanda." You say and he makes an understanding noise through his mouth. You are silent for a moment, until he speaks again.
"You know, when Magda, their mother, passed away, I thought I would never love anyone again.." Erik tells nostalgically. He keeps looking at the field in front of you, but you stare at him, attentive to his words. "But then I met Charles. And well, it did. It's different from what it was before. And I wouldn't change it for anything."
You nodded in understanding, letting the words echo in your head. You also think about how Agatha said you could move on. There was no problem in loving again, as intensely as before.
"I figured I'd be uncomfortable talking about someone marrying my daughter, but here we are." Erik comments humorously a moment later, making you chuckle awkwardly. "I guess it must be the way you look at her. You look like a lovesick puppy. "
You scratch your neck awkwardly, looking at the scenery, making Erik laugh at your blurriness.
"Don't get upset, I'm just teasing you." He comments with a smile, patting you on the back. You laugh clumsily.
"Do you guys have a garden around here?" You ask trying to change the subject, just as you notice the glass structures in the distance, capped by the vineyard. You figured if you turned around you would find your way to them.
"Oh, yes." Erik confirms. "Charles loves gardening. We have two greenhouses over that way. Would you like to see them?"
"Yes." You confirm with a smile. "But it can be after the party."
"Oh yes, I should get back and welcome the guests." Erik agrees as he checks his watch. You start walking back to the area of the house next.
You meet a lot of people at the party. It's a little overwhelming, because you really didn't expect Erik to invite so many people, and although you're glad that they had so many friends, your anxiety has increased a little. You were smiling politely at two ladies who said they were Charles' college friends while trying to pay attention to the story they were telling when Pietro rescued you.
"I need to steal my sister-in-law for a second ladies." He said and you widened your eyes. He only realized the mistake of his words when he noticed the looks on the women's faces in front of him. " Shit, I don’t mean like she got married to Wanda... I..."
You snuck out from behind Pietro when the ladies started attacking him with questions about the wedding, and when the ceremony had taken place and why the family wasn't called. You took the opportunity to escape when Pietro was convincing the ladies that you were not Wanda's wife, and that there was no secret wedding.
Walking over to one of the far tables, you frown in disbelief as you watch Luna run under the food table, clearly looking for a place to hide from her cousin, who is looking around a few feet away.
You crouch down, pulling the towel up to speak to the child.
"Luna, honey, maybe that's not the best place to play." You tell her with a smile. She looks around.
"Sorry, Aunt Y/N." She asks. "I'm hiding from Billy."
"Oh, is that so?" You ask extending your hand to her. She accepts, and you help her stand, taking care that she doesn't hit her head on the table. "Do you remember the path we took when we first got here? Try to hide behind that tall statue, I'm sure Billy won't find you."
"Wow, that's right, Auntie. Thank you." She mumbles, leaving with her head down next, watching for any sign of her cousin. You smiled, knowing that everyone at the party would get a glimpse of the children playing if she stood where you spoke.
You noticed that the two women who were talking to Pietro looked at you, and not wanting to be dragged back into that conversation, you made your way back to the house.
Bumping into Wanda on the way, you giggled.
"There you are." You remark.
"Where were you?" Wanda retorts with a mixture of curiosity and humor, noticing your "escape mode" posture.
"Well, apparently all of your father's friends like to meet everyone, so I've spent the last thirty minutes being introduced to everyone at the party."
Wanda gave a pout of pity.
"Sorry, dear." She says and you smile awkwardly, feeling your cheeks flush. "I'm looking for the boys, they need to change for the suits." 
"I saw Billy in the gardens." You tell her as you gesture briefly in the direction. "I'll go find Tommy for you."
Wanda smiles, biting her lips. You nod but when you make mention of moving away, she holds your forearm and moves forward, depositing a kiss on your cheek. 
"Thank you, sweetheart." She whispered, smiling mischievously at you before she turned away and left the kitchen. You bit your lip, feeling your heart racing. You didn't understand why Wanda was teasing you, but you weren't complaining.
Non Readers Pov
Wanda laughed affectionately when Billy launched himself onto her lap as soon as she found him in the backyard.
"Luna, dear, your mother is calling you too." Warned the red-haired woman to her niece who nodded turning toward the direction her aunt pointed. 
"Mommy can I play after I change my clothes?" Asked the boy as the woman carried him back to the house.
"Of course honey, but you have to be careful, okay? You can't get your suit dirty."
Just before she reached the entrance, someone called her name, causing Wanda to turn her head curiously.
"Sweetie, I need to ask you something." It was Ruth Eisenhardt, a nasty distant cousin of Wanda's known for gossiping, and lots of it, about all her relatives. "I just heard from Aunt Susan that you are dating that pretty girl you brought over." 
Wanda felt her face heat up, but kept her expression impassive. Before she could add anything else, the woman was speaking again.
"Of course we are all happy for you, but when I went to share the good news with Uncle Jeff, he said that Pietro had already denied this affair. Now I'm left not knowing if you're really going out with that beefcake."
Wanda let out an awkward giggle, frowning slightly at the way her cousin spoke.
"We're not exactly together, cousin." The redhead replied. "But that's not really your business."
Ruth grimaced in surprise, but then her expression changed to one of malice.
"You know, I'm just confirming it. Because after all, we don't have pretty things like that lying around in New Jersey."
Wanda clenched her jaw. Ruth was exactly the kind of girl who had a mania for taking what didn't belong to her.
"Cousin, don't flirt with her." Wanda said. "I'll only warn you this once."
Ruth giggled, surprised at the reaction. But Wanda didn't continue the subject, turning and continuing toward the entrance of the house.
"Mom what's flirt?" Billy asked next, drawing Wanda's attention away from her own not-so-pleasant thoughts about someone taking what was hers.
"It's a way adults talk, honey." Wanda explained, biting her lips thoughtfully briefly. "When they want to be more than friends."
"Like best friends?"
Wanda laughs briefly, denying it.
"No, Billy. Like lovers."
Billy makes a noise of agreement. "Why can't Aunt Ruth flirt with Aunt Y/N?"
Wanda sighs lightly, forcing a friendly expression so as not to confuse her son.
"She can."
"But you told her..."
"I know." Wanda interrupts with red cheeks. She takes a deep breath, smiling at her son. "Can I ask you something sweetie?" Billy nods in agreement. "If mommy started dating someone, would you be upset?"
Billy frowns, denying it.
"Mommy, you want to date Aunt Y/N don't you?"
Wanda's eyes widen in surprise.
"Where did that one come from?" she asked.
"You didn't like it when Aunt Ruth flirted with Daddy either, I remember Aunt Monica's birthday." He tells, and Wanda sighs slightly, remembering when she caught Ruth complimenting her husband as she ran her hands through her hair, and Wanda might have gotten a little carried away by accidentally flipping a wine glass in her cousin's lap. On the way home, when the twins asked, she said that she was upset with the way Ruth spoke to their father, and now Billy was able to understand everything. "And now you don't want Aunt Ruth to talk to Aunt Y/N like that." He concluded as if it was obvious. Wanda smiled as she went upstairs, careful not to trip on the steps with Billy on her lap. "Mommy, if you date Aunt Y/N will she move in with us?"
"I don't know dear." Wanda replied with a shy smile. 
"If she lives with us, will you let her sleep in my room?"
Wanda laughed, looking at Billy curiously.
"And why is that?"
"Because she knows how to play dragon. And also tell fairy tales." He says counting on his fingers. "And she also helps Tommy with his headache, so she can sleep on our rug and when he wakes up at night, she helps him."
Wanda smiles fondly, shaking her head slightly.
"Those are very good reasons indeed." She says. "But I think Y/N would like to sleep in a bed, no? The floor is uncomfortable."
Billy looks thoughtful and Wanda laughs briefly as she sets him down on the floor, already inside his room. She helps him out of his clothes to put on his party suit that is already on the bed.
"I can sleep in your bed mommy, and then Aunt Y/N sleeps in mine next to Tommy so he won't be alone."
Wanda laughs again, denying with her head. She bends down to button her son's shirt.
"Tell you what. Y/N sleeps in my bed, and if Tommy feels bad, she goes up to his room, how's that sound?"
Reader pov
"I think it sounds amazing." You spoke as you entered the room, a mischievous smile on your lips. Wanda startled slightly, surprised that you arrived at that moment, but she smiled shyly as she looked at you before turning her attention back to her son. 
"Yay, mommy!" Billy spoke excitedly. Wanda sat him down on the bed again, helping him put on his shoes. You guided Tommy gently by the shoulders to the bed, and as soon as he had a look at the suit he began to undress.
"I didn't know you were going to live with us, Aunt Y/N." Tommy comments as he removes his sneakers.
"I didn't know either." You retort, biting back a smile at the sight of Wanda's reddening cheeks. "I guess your mother forgot to invite me."
Wanda mumbles at you to shut up, making you smile.
"Mommy, you have to let Aunt Y/N know that she is going to live with us now." Billy said making you cross your arms, and turn to Wanda, joining in on the joke.
"Yes, Wanda! You need to let me know about these things." You say with false seriousness, and Wanda rolls her eyes in amusement, finishing putting on Billy's shoes and getting up to face you.
"Y/n, honey, you're going to move in with me when we get back home, okay?" Wanda asks in the same tone. You bite back a smile, ignoring how your heartbeat has quickened. You can't help but look at Wanda adoringly however, and her expression goes from playful to shy in microseconds.
"Okay, Wands. I'll love living with you." You say to her next, sounding slightly affected. The twins let out an exclamation of excitement, and break the bubble you are in. You clear your throat slightly as you turn your attention back to them, looking away from Wanda.
"Wow, you guys look great." You comment as you see the boys properly dressed next. The suits are very nice indeed.
"You can go back to the party, but be careful not to get your suits dirty. No playing in the dirt!" Wanda warns the boys, who are already running excitedly outside. 
"Okay, I'll go get ready too." You say next, thinking to check your cell phone as well, since you haven't turned it on since you left New York. "See you at the party?"
Wanda nods in agreement and you turn to leave.
At the door she stops you, pulling you by the forearm lightly and raising her hand to your neck, then bringing your lips together.
You both sigh and you feel your whole body tense up and heat up all at once. Wanda pulls away in the next moment, breathing as out of rhythm as you do.
You want to ask her why she did this now, but you think the question can wait until later, because she brings your lips together again, in a kiss far less innocent than before. Wanda closes the door with one hand, and with the other she pushes you against the wood. 
You gasp, letting your tongue run across her lip, and she gives you passage.
Her taste intoxicates your senses quickly, your hands moving up to her waist as hers move to your hair, deepening the kiss. You both gasp for air against each other's mouths, unable to separate. 
Panting, you feel your head spin as Wanda moves her tongue against yours, slow and sensual, and you can't help but squeeze her waist tightly, enjoying the feeling of her sighing against your lips.
You switch positions next moment, pressing Wanda against the wood of the door, your knee coming up between her legs. 
"Oh." Wanda moans breathlessly breaking the kiss. You move your kisses down her jaw to her neck, sucking on the skin and releasing just before marking. Your fingers play with the hem of her blouse, and Wanda brings your head up, kissing you again.
You press your body against her, wanting her to be touching you everywhere. The sensation makes you breathless, and hot in all the right places, causing you to moan.
You think you could kiss Wanda forever if she'd let you. The feeling of having her in your mouth is the best you have ever felt.
There are noises of footsteps coming from the stairs, and you both sigh when you hear them. It's Monica coming up with Luna, who is chatting animatedly. It's just what you need to snap back to reality, and slow down the kiss. 
You keep your foreheads together, and your hands around Wanda until the sound becomes distant, signaling that Monica has entered their bedroom with Luna.
You let out a giggle, and Wanda follows you. You look just like two teenage girls making out in secret. When you stop laughing, you kiss her again. Calmer this time. Before you let go, she bites your lip, tugging lightly, and making you gasp before letting go.
"Come on, go change." She commands, pushing you lightly. You smile because she keeps her grip against your blouse as she tells you to leave.
"It is you who are keeping me here, Maximoff." You tease with a smile. Wanda smiles too, and steals a kiss from you before letting go. You stumble backwards out of the room, grinning like an idiot, but you don't care, because Wanda looks at you just the same.
Wanda looked stunning in her party dress. You wanted to kiss her again, but you knew that if you did you would smear her lipstick, and she would have a lot of inconvenient questions ahead of her. So you just smiled, and breathlessly confessed how beautiful she looked, enjoying her flushed cheeks.
By the time you joined the party, the guests were arranging themselves at the correct places, and you joined a conversation circle with Wanda at your side, greeting a few more people. 
As the sun set, Erik and Charles signaled that the ceremony was about to begin.
It was all very beautiful. 
Maybe you cried between one confession and another, but everyone was emotional, so no one really cared.
Your cell phone had lots of pictures on it when you came back to the house, after saying goodbye to the guests who left when the party was over. You were holding Tommy by the hand, while Billy went with his mother, and the boys looked very tired.
"Let's go to bed, okay?" Wanda warned the kids as they followed her upstairs.
Erik wanted to open a bottle of wine, so after the kids were in bed, all the adults were outside on the balcony. Wanda sat very close to you, and you resisted the urge to put your arm around her.
"I guess I'll never get used to parties." Erik then comments, smiling nostalgically, making the group smile.
"I hope you're looking forward to the twenty-year anniversary one, papa." Pietro humorously retorts, and Erik laughs, looking at his husband tenderly.
"I look forward to it."
You smiled at the passionate way the couple looked at each other. You wondered what it must be like to stay married for so long. 
"I know we are all tired, but I had something to tell you." Erik then says, exchanging a look with Charles before continuing. "It's about the farm."
"What about the farm?" Pietro asked curiously.
"It 's yours."
Pietro frowns in confusion, looking at Wanda, who has the same look on her face.
"Papa, what?" Wanda asks, and Erik lets out a short laugh.
"You know I've always wanted to remodel this place, ever since you were kids." He recounts. "And Charles and I finally did it. But now we're old. And you two have your whole lives ahead of you, and well, you are our family. So Charles and I agreed that the house should belong to you both."
Wanda and Pietro exchange incredulous laughter.
"Papa, what? Are you sure?" Wanda asks looking from her brother to her father and stepfather. The older men just smile and the next moment they are hugging their children. You and Monica exchange looks of amusement. 
"So, does this mean we're moving?" Monica comments once everyone is seated, and elicits a giggle from the group.
"Let's save all this serious talk for tomorrow, shall we?" Erik asks with a smile. "Today, let's just enjoy the stars."
"Someone is feeling romantic." Charles jokes making the group laugh. 
"Papa, tell us some of your stories." Pietro asked with a smile, and Erik sighed, taking on a thoughtful expression.
"Um, let's see." He begins. "Have I ever told you about what happened in Budapest...?"
It was quite late when you and Wanda were finally alone, after Charles and Erik came in, you stayed talking to Pietro and Monica for a few more minutes, until they walked in as well.
You smiled at Wanda as she leaned back in her armchair to face you cross-legged, and you mimicked her position.
"Hey." She called out to you with a smile. 
"Did you enjoy the party?"
"Yes." You assured her tenderly. "It was pretty good actually."
Wanda nodded slightly, her gaze falling momentarily to your lips.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You can ask me anything you want, Wanda." You retort, making her smile.
The redhead looks intently at you.
"Did you mean it?" She asks and you blink in confusion. "About moving in with me."
You feel your cheeks heat up, but you smile.
"You're not even going to ask me out first, eh?"
Wanda laughed, looking away with flushed cheeks. You swallowed dryly, lifting your hand to turn her face toward you again, stroking her cheek lightly. God, Wanda was beautiful. Her bright green eyes looking back at you, the way her hair fell around her face, every part of her. 
"Don't you think we're happening too fast?" Wanda asks insecurely, you don't put your hand down, enjoying the feeling of her skin. 
"It depends." You answer letting your gaze wander to her, your free hand searching for hers in your lap, twining your fingers together.
"On what?"
"If you care about me..." You whisper as you bring your faces closer together, stopping when your lips are almost touching, and you and Wanda both close your eyes in anticipation. " As much as I care about you."
You kiss Wanda before she responds. Sweetly and softly. The sensation makes you smile against her lips, and you ignore the urge to deepen the kiss to pull away.
"Is that your way of saying you're in love with me?" Wanda teases half breathlessly a minute later, her tone playful and confident, but her rosy cheeks give away how affected she is. You think she's irresistible.
You laugh lightly, brushing a strand of hair from her face before looking into her eyes.
"I'm in love with you." You confess simply, watching her blink in surprise and amazement. "So, you still think it's too fast?"
Wanda smiles, denying it, and then approaches you.
"I'm in love with you too" She confesses as a secret against your lips. You feel your stomach rumble with nervousness and excitement, but you don't say anything else, because Wanda kisses you again. She asks for passage with her tongue a second later, making you sigh.
You hold your mouths together in a passionate kiss for long minutes, panting against each other' lips as Wanda moves to sit on your lap with her hands on your neck while your hands move up to her waist. You feel hot and bothered, squeezing her skin as if you want to merge with it. It is only when your kisses begin to move down to her collarbone that Wanda gasps saying that you two should go upstairs.
She moves off your lap, breaking the kiss, and you bite your lips, chasing her mouth again. Standing up, Wanda slides her tongue against yours one last time, making your head spin, before she pulls away, smiling at you as she pulls you by the hand into the house.
She signals with her finger for you to be quiet as you enter, and you swallow dryly as you observe the way her eyes are dark.
Getting to your room seems to take forever, especially since you can barely breathe, but finally you arrive.
Wanda locks the door after you enter. And then the atmosphere changes, because you both know what is about to happen.
She smiles shyly at you and you hold out your hand to her, leading her to sit on the bed beside you.
You exchange a glance before you sigh softly, slowly moving closer to her face. When you kiss her, much more tenderly and gently than any other time, Wanda melts.
She raises her hands to your neck, deepening the kiss as she falls onto the bed and takes you with her. You kiss her firmly, swirling your tongue around hers slowly, making her shiver. 
There is no rush in what you are about to do, and you certainly want to enjoy every second of it.
You rest your weight against Wanda, enjoying the feeling of having her beneath you, and the sound that escapes her throat. Your mouth separates from hers only for you to move your kisses down her collarbone, causing Wanda to close her eyes and sigh.
Your hands reach behind her back to pull down the zipper of her dress. When your fingers make contact with her exposed skin, Wanda bites her lips, entwining her legs together in search of more friction.
Your kisses move down as you pull the dress off her body, Wanda shifting on the bed to help you undress her. You move away from her neck to remove the piece completely, your gaze falling to her exposed skin the next moment. The redhead blushes at your stare, but all you can do is admire. The sight of her bare breasts makes your core throb, and you feel the urge to touch and kiss every inch.
You kiss her again in the next second, but part your mouths again quickly to move your lips down her body.
At the first touch on her breasts, Wanda gasps loudly. You smile, controlling the urge to tell her not to be so loud, but you are distracted by the growing heat in your core when you suck on her nipple and she whimpers, bringing her hand to your hair to keep you there.
Dividing your attention between the nipples, you kiss, bite, and suck the sensitive skin, keeping enough of it in your mouth for the skin to be marked red, which elicits a hearty moan from Wanda.
As your kisses begin to descend again, Wanda's body tenses. You kiss at the height of her navel before looking up, and already find her looking up at you with darkened eyes, biting her lip.
"Everything okay?" You ask in a sigh, trying to reason properly out of the bubble of lust. 
Wanda's hesitation causes you to raise your face back toward her again, keeping your hands by her side so as not to fall against her body.
"What's wrong?" You ask gently, trying to find any sign of discomfort. 
"Nothing." She says with a shy smile. "It's just... it's the first time I... since..."
"Yeah, I know." You interrupt half breathlessly, knowing exactly what she is referring to. "Mine too." You confess, but at this point, you knew she should have guessed it too. You have been grieving partners for quite some time, after all. "Do you want to stop?"
"No." Wanda quickly denies, biting back a smile. "I feel good."
You smile, nodding in agreement.
"Me too." 
You kiss Wanda gently again, but before the kiss gets more heated, you pull away to whisper against her lips. "Let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any time."
Wanda nods, bringing your lips together next.
When you awake, it is probably the best sleep you have had in months. Wanda is curled up on you, her clothes spread across the room lit by the sunbeams from the window.
You mumble that you have to get up because the children will be up soon, but Wanda says that her father will take care of them, and kisses you until you completely forget where you are.
When you finally get up, and go downstairs for coffee, neither adult comments at all on the way Wanda's hand remains in yours throughout the meal.
While Wanda is talking to Pietro and Erik about how they are going to organize the inheritance of the farm, and the children are playing in the backyard in front of the veranda, you decide to call your mother.
You end up learning that she got a buyer for your apartment, but you tell her that you would deal with these matters when you get back. After checking email and that sort of thing, you turn off your cell phone again.
Taking one last look at the children, you walked back into the house, catching a small piece of the conversation of the others in the living room about what would be done about Wanda's flower shop, but you didn't intrude. 
"We know a lot of people around here, Wanda." Charles was counting. "I'm sure we'll be able to find a new location for the flower shop."
Wanda looked slightly apprehensive, probably considering all the consequences of the relocation, but she relaxed her posture completely when you entwined your hand with hers.
When the conversation was over, it was decided that the families would move to the farm. Selling the properties in New York would take some time, but they would still move to the city during the vacations. It was going to be a rush, but Erik and Charles were willing to help too.
Since you guys were leaving that afternoon, you went back to your room to pack. And Wanda joined you a moment later, kissing you on the cheek before sitting down on your bed.
" All good?" You asked as you folded your socks.
"Yeah." She confirmed with a smile. "I'm just trying to believe that all this is really happening."
"It's not every day we get a farm, is it?" You joke making her laugh. Wanda bites her lips next, looking at you fondly, and you look away to your bag, feeling your face heat up.
"I forgot to ask you something yesterday." She begins somewhat shyly. You frown slightly, muttering for her to ask. "Are we dating?"
You laugh in surprise, throwing your folded party clothes into your suitcase, before approaching Wanda, raising your hand to her chin.
"What do you think, love?" You ask against her lips, dragging your mouth down her jaw to the height of her ear. "After what you did with your tongue yesterday, you're not going anywhere."
Wanda gasps, clenching her hands in the bed. You smile because you know the memories have hit her all over again. But you turn away next, smiling innocently at the woman in front of you before turning your attention back to the suitcase.
"I don't get a ring?" She teased next, making you laugh briefly. You looked back at the door before advancing against her, kissing her firmly, completely overturning her confident posture. When Wanda sighed against your mouth, you pulled away, and she grumbled, her hand reaching up to grab your belt and pull you back to her, but noises of footsteps made her give up.
Soon the boys came running into the room, talking excitedly about living on the farm and riding every day, and you wanted to laugh at the way Wanda had to disguise how affected she felt by your small make out session to answer her sons' questions.
After saying goodbye to your hosts with hugs, you sat in the back seat with the boys, because Tommy insisted that he wanted to show you a video game. Wanda drove you to your apartment, and after getting your suitcase from the trunk, you waved goodbye to the boys, and approached the driver's window.
"I'll call you, okay?" You tell her with a smile, Wanda nods, and you kiss her. Tommy and Billy make disgusted noises in the back of the car, and you and Wanda laugh as you part.
Waving to everyone in farewell one last time, you wait for Wanda to leave with the car before you go into the house.
"Kissing girls on the doorstep, heh? Looks like high school all over again." Your mother teases from the kitchen just as you enter. You laugh as you close the door.
"Spying through the kitchen window, Mom? And I thought I was a grown-up." You retort in the same tone as you walk to the kitchen to greet her with a kiss on the forehead, tossing your suitcase on the counter afterwards.
"Are you really dating then?" Your mother asks and you murmur in agreement. She smiles. "I'm so happy, honey. I can't wait to prepare for the wedding."
You roll your eyes humorously, picking up an apple from the countertop.
"We need to talk about your apartment, by the way." She starts again, looking through her briefcase for something. "I've found buyers, and well, I'm already looking at some houses for you, too." She says as you take a seat next to her at the table. "Of course I love having you here, but we both know you can't wait to have a place of your own again."
You sigh lightly.
"Yeah, Mom." You confirm. "About that..."
"You're late." Agatha remarked as soon as you stumbled into her office. You gave her a lopsided smile, closing the door as you entered.
"Sorry, I had a date and lost track of time."
Agatha raises her eyebrows at you.
"A date, hm? Let's talk about it then."
You had just deposited Melina's share of the apartment in the bank when your cell phone vibrated.
A message from Bucky, asking if you were coming to therapy with him today, as he was already at the station. You reply with an emoji, and a text saying coming.
"I am immensely happy for your progress, even though I am upset that you will not be continuing with us." Stephen says to you and Wanda, in your last group session.
"Well, New Jersey has its support groups. But this one is always going to be special." You tell him as you lightly tap his arm. Stephen smiles as he hands you the progress brooches. Wanda has her hand intertwined in yours, and the man in front of you looks at that before commenting.
"You know, I always find it curious the way pairs develop in the group." He comments. "We never ask that the activities be romantic, but still, many of them end up falling in love."
You and Wanda exchange a mixed look of embarrassment and happiness.
"I guess we have you to thank for that." Wanda says next, but Stephen smiles, denying it.
"Not at all. I'm happy for both of you. After all, I always thought you would get along together." He hints last, making you and Wanda laugh softly.
"I just need to lock up and grab a few last things in the office, and then we can go." Wanda told you when you arrived at the flower shop. The establishment was now empty, as the moving crew had already passed by.
You waited for her in the reception area.
With the key to the flower shop in hand and the last files that were there, Wanda hesitated. You looked at her, standing in the center of the place, eyes watering, and smiled as you approached.
"Everything okay?" You asked as you touched her arms, stroking her to calm her down.
"Yeah." She sighs, looking around one last time before looking back at you. "It just feels like I'm ending something. Like a chapter in my life."
You swallow dryly briefly, nodding.
"Are you scared?"
Wanda smiles.
"Terrified." She confesses. "But I have you, so I know I'll be all right."
You smile, lifting your hands to your neck to kiss her. It's brief and sweet, and it's exactly what you both need to be sure you're doing the right thing.
 "You're a flirt, aren't you Maximoff?" You tease with a smile, and Wanda giggles lightly against your lips.
"And you are breathtaking, love."
You felt your face heat up, kissing Wanda again.
"Are you sure about what we're doing, Wanda?" You let the words escape your anxious brain next. Wanda raised her free hand to your face, caressing your cheek.
" Absolute." She assures. "You are my future."
You swallow dryly, affected by the intensity of the confession. A shy smile escapes your lips in the next moment.
"And you are mine."
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Love Eventually Wins (A.B) Part 1
Andy Barber Fanfiction (Fanfiction Master List)
Warnings: Angst but eventual fluff.
Summary: dad! Andy Barber x female reader. You are having the worst day of your life and you just needed your husband. Andy and you get in to a fight and your ten month old is sick. But it is all eventual fluff.
"Where were you?" You silently spoke out from the couch as you saw your husband enter the living room with his jacket slung over his shoulder.
"Just out with some friends." He was not in a mood to talk right now so he started going towards their shared bedroom.
"You could have at least texted me that you were going to be late. I was getting worried." You hated fighting but most of all, you hated fighting with Andy. You both have always been the ones to resolve issues peacefully but you had a gut feeling that this interaction was going to be different.
"Well, I am here now so I am obviously fine." He snapped, clearly irritated by your complaints, which he subconsciously knew were right. You were taken aback by his tone because you didn't know what was going on his mind.
"Can you please keep your voice in check? I just put Gabriel to sleep." "So now I am the one causing the problems? Great." He frustratedly ran his hands through his dirty blonde hair.
"I did not-"
"I am tired and I am done arguing with you." Andy turned his back around but was stopped by your frail hands on his arms.
"I am also tired, you know. Gabriel was sick today and he did not stop crying the whole day." Your six month old son was not feeling well when he woke up this morning. He had a sore throat and a high fever so he wasn't able to eat any food or drink milk. At one point, it got too much for you and you started crying with him.
"I didn't told you to take care of him."
"What do you mean? He is our son. Of course, I will take care of him." You were offended when he started speaking like he didn't even know you, like you were a burden to him. "I have had the worst day of my life and I just needed you."
"What could have possibly been that bad about your day? You just had to take care of a child and it's not as if you had something else to do." This was the last straw because he could not just throw that in your face.
"I had something else to do and I quit my job as a lawyer to take care of our son." You could not just stand there and let him throw insults to your face. It was both your decision that you will take sometime off from work till Gabriel was a little bit older. Andy was a little bit hesitant to agree with you first but then you both thought it was for the best. He was the assistant district attorney so the job wouldn't be waiting for him after six months of leave. It just made sense for you to be the one to take a step back.
"It was your decision so don't blame it on me. God, I just need a break." Your husband looked like a whole different person right now. Gone was the caring man that brought you ice cream at four in the morning because you were craving it or who gave you foot massages after a tiring day. You did not what caused him to be this way but he had absolutely no right to talk to you like this.
"From what? You need a break from what?" Both your voices were slowly rising and you unintentionally stepped closer to one another that you were now face to face. Tears were pooling in your eyes but Andy did not take a notice of it. It was as if he was in a haze and he didn't care who he was hurting in the process.
"From you, god dammit. Can you please get off my case?" The moment those words left his mouth, it was as if he stabbed you with a knife.
He had a bad day at work today because he lost a major case today because the witness did not show up and that murderer was proven innocent. The district attorney was not happy with him and laid it out on him good. She even gave one of Andy's most important case to his work enemy, Carter. Taking him to a bar at the end of the day, his friends tried to cheer him up but nothing worked. He was a little tipsy when he got home and when you told him that he was not even there for his family, he felt like a failure. Andy turned his guilt in to anger and took it all out on you.
"Well, if that's what you want-" Before you could say something else, your son woke up from all the commotion that you were making in the living room. The look that you gave him was one of hate and loathing and you did not want to see his face right now. Racing towards the nursery, you took him in your arms and noticed that the fever was back. You cuddled with the baby and shed a few tears of your own. Your life was a mess right now and you didn't know what to do with yourself.
Meanwhile, Andy was angrier than ever. He pored himself a glass of whiskey and was about to drown it in a go, when a ringtone interrupted him. You and Andy have always kept the same phone and ringtones. It was their thing. So he didn't realise that it was your phone when he picked it up.
"What?" He snapped.
"Andy? Is that you?" a hoarse voice questioned with uncertainty.
"Yes." Quickly checking the phone screen, he realised that it was your phone and it was your sister, Josie calling.
"Are you guys on your way now?"
"What? What are you talking about?" Confusion clouded his brain as the anger slowly started to dissolve.
"Dad had a heart attack today and he is about to go into surgery. They are saying that it is a risky one and he wants to meet (Y/N) before it. Realisation slowly started to seep in him as he recalled about what you said. "I thought you guys would already be on the plane."
"Yeah yeah. We are about too." Putting the phone down, he closed his eyes tightly and contemplated on the fact that he ruined everything. Andy knew that he was selfish and a little bit narcissistic. You always tolerated these little tweaks in his personality but it got out of hand today. He knew he screwed up big time and he just wanted to fix it immediately.
He could hear you gently humming to the baby and the little sniffles along with it. His heart broke a little because he was the cause of your misery. Quickly packing your bags, he booked three seats to Los Angeles and then made his way towards the nursery.
"Hey. Uhm, I packed our bags and booked our seats. We can leave right now." Your back was turned to him as you kept rocking Gabriel to sleep. You couldn't bare to look at him right now. The things he said hurt you too much because you did not even deserve it. "(Y/N), I am sorry."
"Andy, I can't do this right now."
"Baby, I did not mean a word I said. I was having a bad day and I just took it all out on you." He wanted to take you in his arms but he knew that he should not push his luck right now.
"Can we please not talk about this right now? Gabriel's fever is spiking up."
"Let me see him and (Y/N) I am so sorry. I will make it all up to you, I promise." Andy took his son in his arms and gently started to sway him.
"What happened at work today?" You knew that he would not have behaved like this without a reason so you tried to become the bigger person. Your husband was quick to explain everything and you understood because you have been in that position once or twice. "But this does not justify your actions."
"I know and I am so sorry. I will make it up to you, I promise."
"Andy, if you really need a break from us, you can-"
"No, I don't. I didn't mean any of it. It was all out of anger." His heart broke when he saw you doubting their eight years relationship because of his stupid words. His gut twisted and he just wished that he could go back in time and smack himself.
"Oh okay. I suppose it's okay then but you can not do this again."
"I promise." Pecking you on the lips as a silent gratitude and took you in his other arms. "I am sorry about your dad. Let's go meet him."
"Okay. Can you pack Gabriel's toys and pacifiers? I am going to change my clothes." Andy nodded his head and got to work as Gabriel started to play with his stuffed toy. Meanwhile, you changed in to a simple sweater and leggings.
Your dad was one of the most important person in your life and you can't imagine a life without him. He was the first man who got you bouquets and took you out on a date. Your dad was always their for you to help you make important decisions in your life like when Andy asked you to marry him, you first asked your dad's opinion and then said yes. You couldn't imagine him as a sick person because he was the definition of health. You silently prayed that he was going to be okay.
"Ready to go, babe?"
"Yeah, let me just switch off all the lights."
"Okay. I was thinking that I can get Gabriel checked up when you go to your dad's room."
"I will come with you, honey." You watched as he strapped the toddler in to the baby carrier and kissed him on the forehead. At that moment, you knew that no matter what happens, you will always love him.
"No, it's okay. I will take care of it. You spend time with your dad when you get there. I love you."
"I love you too." Taking his hand, you both stepped out of the house together and you knew that no matter what happens, you will be alright because your husband was with you.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!! Here’s a link to Part 2
A/N: I loved watching Defending Jacob so I came up with this plot. Andy Barber has my whole heart and I hope you guys liked it. Tell me what you think and message me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Like, comment and reblog.
P.S. There is a part 2 as well:)
Taglist: @justile
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heyheyloki · 3 years
All Because Of You
Summary: The reader goes to find Castiel before the angels get to him.
Castiel x M!Reader
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Castiel being human, losing his grace, was perhaps one of the most interesting yet hardest thing you had faced yet. Forget God. Forget Lucifer. Castiel human topped all of those for a simple reason. Now, it was incredibly hard to keep down your own human feelings that had stirred up for him a long time ago, and plus, yanno, all the Angels and Demons on the hunt for this one Angel who rebelled against Heaven and all that.
It's been a few days since you left the bunker to go look for Castiel. Sure, Dean and Sam weren't happy, but you knew you couldn't wait any longer for them. It's been weeks since Castiel went on the run and sitting around doing nothing but worrying about him was not good for your mind. You needed to see him, protect him, and make sure he was safe and by your side.
It took a three days to get to Detroit, the last place anyone saw Castiel or 'Clarence', as he called himself. You got the led from a group of homeless individuals that talked to Cas before he picked up a ride in on a truck that was heading to Detroit. This was probably the hardest part of the search. Lucky for you, growing up with the Winchester boys helped when it came to this kind of situation. Still, with all your skills, it was Detriot. A large city with many people, but the people may be your advantage.
"Excuse me," you hummed out to a man who was currently making burgers on the side of the road. The only thing that led you talking to him was Castiel's vessals love for red meat. Now that he was human, Jimmy was probably talking to him a lot more now. "Have you seen a dark haired, blue hair man around here? He would have probably acted a bit out of it?"
"Uh," the man thought for a moment. "Nah, sorry, no one really comes to mind."
"It's alright, thank you." You sighed, parting from the man and getting back on the move.
You took the rest of the day nonstop looking for Castiel with no leads whatsoever. Person after person either said they didn't remember someone like that, or saw so many people that day that it was impossible to even try to remember one man. This race against the clock was getting harder and harder, and frankly, it was getting irritating. All you wished for was Castiel to be safe. He could be hungry, or homeless--but safe was all you wanted cause in the end you knew you could fix both of this issues--all of his issues-- if you just found him.
As you were deep within your mind to try and make up a new way to find the fallen angel, the rain that touched your skin shoved you back into reality. Your eyes gazed as the raindrops that wet your skin before looking up at the dark clouds that surrounded you. A deep sigh filled with worry released from your lips before taking a few steps forwards. Perhaps those few steps were all you needed. Well, that and the rain. When you took those steps you heard a noise, one that would capture almost anyone’s attention. You paused, stood still before turning your head down an ally that seemed to be behind a restaurant.
Down the dark and rainy ally was a man who wrapped himself with this black hoodie he wore. His hair was soaked, not to mention his clothes, but that freezing cold look in his eyes broke your heart beyond anything you've felt before. The darkness obscured the man's face until you took a few steps down the ally. At first you were going to offer the man some food and direct him to a nearby shelter, but the minute he quickly shot his head up to see who was approaching him, everything changed. No matter how much time apart you have from him, you can never forget his face but you noticed that the first thing to go about a person was their voice. You thought that was the saddest thing to ever exist but when you heard it call out to you of all people, remembering his voice again was like seeing him for the first time all over again.
"[Name]?" Castiel croaked out.
You didn't speak but instead nodded to confirm it was you, and not a part of his imagination.
With the weather, you didn't waste any time to get both Castiel and you some shelter. A few minutes of pretending to be someone else and using another's money got you a relatively small but sufficient apartment for the time being.
When Castiel entered the apartment was dark given the time of day, but you quickly turned on the lights after you shut and locked the front door.
"Wow, it’s beautiful." Castiel commented as he looked around.
"It's an apartment that cost a 2,000 dollar deposit, it better be beautiful." You replied as you began to lock and shut all the entrances which included the windows as well.
Castiel kept his eyes on you as you did so, but when he noticed you were finished with your task he asked, "How did you find me?"
You turned to him and placed your hands into your pockets. "Oh, yanno, all my hunter skills went into work and here I am."
"Why aren't Sam and Dean with you?" He asked curiously.
You sighed at the question before taking a seat on the sofa that was provided with the apartment. "I didn't want to wait around. They thought it was dangerous, and it probably was but I don't know, I just couldn't stand being in that bunker wondering if you’re alive or dead."
Castiel's head went down for a moment, his own human mind now spinning with thoughts he wondered if he would ever have if he was still an angel.
"I apologize for worrying you." He suddenly said in more quiet tone. "That was never my intention."
"I know." You smiled before patting down the space next to you. "Come sit and lemme see what you got there."
Castiel's head went on a tilt before he remembered the wound he had on his left upper arm he got from fighting one of the many angels that were out on the hunt for him. The former angel complied with the request, mostly because of his trust and fondness of you.
When he sat down, you turned towards him and began to unbutton his white shirt after he took off the soaked hoodie. Castiel watched your attentively as you did so. The way your hands played with his shirt and the focus that was seeped deep into your eyes as you did so. Once his shirt was open, you gazed back up and into his eyes. He watched a faint smile, a comforting one, stretched across your lips before slipping the shirt off his shoulders and exposing his entire upper body.
Your eyes shot to the bloody rage he used around his arm, mostly just to stop the bleeding. Worry of an infection took place in your mind, but luckily that didn't seem to be the case.
"Look at you," you whispered. The words catching Castiel's attention quicker than ever before. "You're lucky this isn't infected."
"I suppose so." He replied under his breath as he continued to watch you, never once looking away.
You hovered your finger over the wound that was slanted across his bicep. The fact that it hadn't healed wedging itself into your mind making you say, "You really are human."
"Yes." Castiel said. "The whole experience has been very tiring."
You laughed at that, the chuckle that came from your chest making the former angel experience something that he hasn't before. Sure, he got chills from the cold or rain, but never from a simple laugh.
Next, you began to examine the wound. Overall, it seemed to be healing fine but you really wanted to clean up the dried blood that pooled around the actual cut. So, you grabbed a cotton pad and dabbed some rubbing alcohol on the surface.
"This may sting a bit," you warned Cas before gently patting it against the wound. You watched his face scrunch up a bit as he got used to the stinging sensation. Though, in the end it seemed like he took the pain rather well.
You smiled as you placed the pad on the table next you, your hands picking up some proper bandages before commenting, "You took that better than Dean. You getting used to being human?"
"Ah, it's all new to me. Hunger. Cold." He explained, his eyes meeting yours as he said, "This feeling of being alone."
You stared at Cas for a moment. Yes, he was still the same, and yet so much about him was different. He was learning how to understand human emotions, and after all this time it just took being human to truly get it. To you, it explained how truly complex human emotions were. Something about this Cas pained you in more than words could explain, and for some reason the desire to comfort him was absolutely overwhelming.
"You aren’t alone anymore." You said. Your mind focusing on one action, and one alone. You knew it would disappear until you acted on it, so, you carefully leaned in and gave the man a gentle kiss upon his cheek. The stubble he grew while away tickling your skin. When you backed up, you gave a kind smile and said, "I won't let you be alone, I promise."
Castiel remained silent, yet his eyes remained connected with yours until something clicked in his mind and they darted right down to your soft, vulnerable lips. He would be lying if he said he never studied them before, but right now the urge he wanted to act on for so long was stronger than ever. When he noticed you doing the same, something snapped. Castiel didn't waste any time to lean in and connect his lips with yours. At first, something told him not to rush or else you'd get scared away. So, he waited for you to make the next move and when he felt your lips sensually move against his, his next move was to do the same. At first, he really had no idea how to go about kissing and all he wanted to do was to impress you in the best way he could. So, he mimicked you, but if you had your eyes open and noticed his furrowed brows, you would instinctively tell he had absolutely no idea what was going on. All he knew was that with you, it felt better than he could have ever imagined.
Exploring your body was perhaps one of the best things he had gotten to experience as a human. Everything was so overwhelming in a way that he never would have dreamed. Though, perhaps the best thing about the entire thing was that it was with you. The way your squirmed underneath him, the sounds you made when he pleasured you, not to mention the way you made him feel was something he wouldn't trade up for the world to the point where he felt almost saddened when his body tired out on you.
Both of you laid on your backs, the sheets covering up to your abdomens, with this dazed looks in your eyes. Still, with that look something in your human mind wanted him to say something. Say anything.
You turned your head to him, his gaze still aimed up. "Well? Say something."
Castiel took in a deep breath, his eyes darting around as you noticed him try to think of something until he said, "There aren't words."
You stared at him before turning on your side, your body still facing him. "So, it was okay?"
This was the time Castiel turned to make eye contact with you. His injured arm raised, the palm of his hand against the back of his head. He stared at you for a moment before saying with a small smile, "Very much so."
You smiled a bit to yourself until you noticed his face go from happy to concerned, which prompted you to get a bit more serious for him. After all, you didn't want to make him feel embarrassed.
"Um.." he mumbled out. His eyes darting down and up again in a nervous fashion as he asked, "What I did, that was, uh.. correct?"
You couldn't help a large smile to snake itself across your lips as you nodded with a soft, "Very much so."
"Good," he said with a look that mirrored yours. And the smile he shined was almost designed to make you even more infatuated with him. And that laugh after--God that laugh--hearing it was everything to you.
You stared at him for a moment before calling his name. His head turning to you as your prompted yourself up and into his chest. He couldn't exactly make eye contact with you, but just having you right next to him, especially in this state, was more than he could ask for.
"Before, my promise? I'd like to add on to it." You suddenly said. The words confusing Castiel greatly, after all, the promise you made to him before was like music to his ears. What more could you say that could make him even more of a fool for a human like you?
"You don't have to." Cas said.
"But I want to." You cut him off and took a deep breath. You turned your head a bit, snuggling into him more and giving him a soft, loving kiss on his chest before saying, "I promise to protect you. To the end of the line because you mean more than family to me."
Castiel didn't waste anytime to take his arm around you, holding you closer if that was even possible. The words you spoke probably meant more to him than anything he's heard in his life. After all, with you, it was like you changed him from the inside out in ways that he never even imagined when he first met you.
"I promise as well, [Name]."
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xxxsweetdreamzxxx · 3 years
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warnings/tags: dom!Yixing sub!reader, fanfic, smut, slight fluff; cursing, size kink, fingering, unprotected sex, railing, cream pie
summary: over a weekend, the sexual tensions between you and your best friend Yixing come to a breaking point
word count: 4.7k (um, wow)
i went all out on this one, hope you all enjoy!!
P.S. only the ending is based on a dream this time, I made up the rest :>
"What are your plans for this weekend?" You asked the two men in front of you.
The three of you sat around a small round table outside your favorite local coffee shop, a few blocks from your work. Around you, the city buzzed in the excitement of mid-day. The autumn sun peeked through whatever gaps in the buildings it could to light up the streets below. Every now and then, the sounds of downtown - a speeding car, a siren - would interrupt the conversation. 
Their answers to your question were both something along the lines of 'absolutely nothing' with looks of dread for the boredom to come. 
"Why do you ask?" Junmyeon, the one to your left, asked. 
Shrugging your shoulders and peering into your nearly empty coffee cup you replied: "I don't know, I was maybe hoping I could tag along with one of you since I don't have anything to do either."
To your right, Yixing was quiet and deep in thought. "I know." He suddenly announced. "Let's go camping!"
You pondered the idea for a moment. The chance to completely disconnect from and forget about the stresses of adult life - even if just for a couple of days? Not to mention a whole weekend alone with your two favorite people in the whole world. Sounded better than any other activities you could think of at the moment. 
"Sure why not." you agreed, looking to Junmyeon. "Are you coming with?"
"I'll have to be back Sunday night, but sure."
"We'll bring two cars then, since me and y/n don't have to get back until sometime Monday." Yixing proposed.
Junmyeon knowingly smiled at him. "Must be nice getting a long weekend, I should join you guys' office."
The conversation trailed off into unrelated chatter, until your lunch breaks were up. Parting ways with Junmyeon, you and Yixing walked back to your building a few blocks away, continuing the conversation alone.
In your sophomore year of high school, the two of you had become fast friends, both having the same interests and intended career path. He had then introduced you to his friend Junmyeon, and although you didn't have as much in common with him as Yixing, his easy-going  personality made you warm up to him quickly. Throughout the remaining two years of high school, the three of you had been inseparable. You didn't even have any girl friends, but you didn't need any with the boys always around. 
Although, you would be lying if you said you'd never caught feelings for either of them. The truth was both were very attractive and had girls falling for them left and right. Multiple times over the years you yourself had gone through phases of having a crush on one, then the other until finally you decided it wasn't worth potentially ruining the friendship. These days, those feelings were rare - and dismissed as quickly as they came up. 
Entering your office building, the two of you rode the elevator up to your floor. Exiting quickly through the still-opening doors, you said your goodbyes to Yixing for the rest of the afternoon with a slight wave as you both headed to your individual desks.  
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
The rest of the week was uneventful, work progressed at the office smoothly. Later on that day, you'd gotten out of the shower after work to find Yixing and Junmyeon already texting in your group chat and making plans. Junmyeon was in charge of food and drinks. Yixing had a large tent that could be used, and would pick you up Saturday morning.  
y/n: you guys have to leave at least one thing for me to do
not_a_sheep: bring yourself
y/n: very funny
suh01: don't worry y/n, we'll work your ass off once we get there 
not_a_sheep: we? I never agreed to this
y/n: promise
suh01: i'll make sure of it
y/n: lol k
y/n: I can also bring equipment like flashlights and first aid just in case
not_a_sheep: good idea
And so it was that you awoke early on Saturday, pulling your hair into a loose ponytail. You dressed in some light denim shorts, a tank top, and a cropped jacket that provided just enough warmth until the day heated up. You kept your makeup natural, so if it was damaged by the outdoors in any way it wouldn't be noticeable. 
Feeling your phone buzz in your pocket, you quickly opened it to the lockscreen and glanced at Yixing's text signaling his arrival. Grabbing the backpack you'd packed the night before, you slid on your sneakers and headed out of your apartment and to the street. There he was waiting for you, Junmyeon sitting behind him in his car. Waving briefly at Junmyeon, you turned to Yixing's car as he rolled down the window. 
"You can toss your bag in the backseat." He instructed, smiling at you. 
Doing so, you then got in the passenger seat, closing the car door. He sped off in the direction of the country with Junmyeon following close behind. You picked up the soft sound of music playing at a low volume through the speaker. Only when he turned the volume louder did you realize he was playing your shared favorite band on the radio. Turning to smile at him, you saw he'd been waiting to see your reaction and once he did a grin spread across his face. God was that a cute grin. 
You ignored how flushed you suddenly felt by averting your gaze and singing along to the music. And that's what you continued to do for the next two hours. You didn't hold back one bit, you were so comfortable with each other. Your voices mixed in a passionate duet - you both knew every line the lead singer sung. 
Before you knew it, you were racing past open plains and small pine forests with no signs of civilization in sight. After passing by a few potential spots to set up camp, he pulled off the road near the edge of a forest and field. Rolling through the bumpy grass for a minute or two, he finally stopped and parked the car once the road was out of view.
"Wow, we're in the middle of nowhere." You observed, exiting the car and taking a look around. 
"It's perfect!" Junmyeon called, walking over from his car which was parked a little ways away. Once he'd gotten closer, he spoke again at a normal volume. "So, what did I miss out on in the past two hours?"
"Only a concert sung by y/n and yours truly." Yixing replied with a shrug.
At this Junmyeon laughed. Leaving the boys to talk about the drive, you walked around to the trunk of the car. Opening it, you took the tent out which was still folded up in its bag.  
"Where should we set this up?" You asked, holding it up for them to see. 
"Somewhere near those trees." Yixing pointed. As you began carrying it over, you heard him call out to you again. "Hey y/n, Junmyeon and I are going to quickly gather some firewood for later!"
"Alright!" You yelled without looking back. 
You walked over to the flat area that he'd instructed, a few yards from the trees. Making sure the cars were still in sight, you sat the tent down and began to unpack it, separating the pieces. Unfolding the stiff main walls of the tent, you attempted to flip the thing right-side up - except now it was too big for you to move. You tried a few more times before stepping back for a moment so you could muster up all your energy. 
You felt someone standing behind you the second before they tapped you on the shoulder. Startled, you spun around to find Yixing right next to you with that grin on his face. Behind him you could see a pile of fallen branches he'd set on the ground. 
"Need some help?" He asked. 
Sighing, you smiled at him in defeat. "Sure."
Each taking one side of the tent, you easily flipped it over with his assistance. It consisted of a single large interior room and a separate screened "porch" in the front. You then found a rock that fit in the palm of your hand, and used it to pound one of the stakes on a corner of the tent into the ground. It worked well. Moving to do the same on the next stake, you bent over to reach it. You could feel Yixing's eyes glued on your figure the whole time you drove the stake into the earth. 
Straightening up, you glanced at him with a teasing look on your face. "What?"
Embarrassed that he'd been caught, he quickly looked away and acted like he was going to work on one of the stakes that you hadn't gotten to yet. 
"Yixing, did you need something?" You asked in the same tone, subconsciously very aware of his intent but refusing to fully acknowledge it. 
Chasing him down around to the other side of the tent, you found him still avoiding your eyes, a slight pink painted across his cheeks. "Can I use that rock?" He asked, refusing to make eye contact. 
"Oh, sure." You replied, handing it to him. You were stopped from making any further comment by Junmyeon's approach, branches in his arms. 
"Who wants lunch?" He asked, dumping the wood with the rest. 
"Me!" You were starved after not eating breakfast. 
Heading off to his car, you decided to keep it silent between you and Yixing as you waited for Junmyeon to return. He returned with some sandwiches he'd prepared for all of you, and nothing was said for minutes as you devoured them. Then the idea of a hike was brought up and agreed to. 
After finishing every bite of your lunch, water bottles were gathered and the three of you made your way into the forest. Junmyeon led, while Yixing was in the middle and you brought up the rear. You soon came across a creek, and decided to follow it so you could easily retrace your steps when you decided to head back.  
Yixing's back was facing you as you followed him along the trail that Junmyeon chose. With him in your view the entire time, you couldn't help but take note of his broad shoulders, his tight ass. The way his sculpted muscles moved as he walked showed his strength - it was all very attractive. Continuously you were shoving these thoughts from your mind only for them to return again. 'He's my friend.' You reminded yourself. 'I can't think like this.'
Eventually you opted to just stare at the ground until you got back to the tent - several hours later. By the time you returned, the three of you were exhausted, muscles aching. The sun was already lowering in the sky, turning it all shades of orange, pink, and yellow. Grabbing the wood gathered earlier, the boys built a bonfire the best they could while you went to grab the marshmallows out of Junmyeon's car.
When you returned, the wood was already ablaze. They'd created the perfect campfire, setting the biggest logs flat on the ground as seats. It was just dark enough now that the fire created a barely visible glow that warmed the ground and air near it. Already sitting, they turned to look your way at your approach, Yixing's face lighting up with the sight of the marshmallow bag in your hand. His grin made your face feel hot and you quickly looked at Junmyeon instead, who smiled at you, understanding conveyed in his gaze. 
This exchange made you blush further, as you looked down at the grass and sat down next to Yixing on a log. Why did you feel this way? And why the fuck did you just sit next to him? Maybe you were just going through another phase of crushing on one of your best friends. These thoughts ran through your mind as you focused on opening the marshmallow bag. 'Nothing'll come from it, as usual.' You reminded yourself. 
Pushing these thoughts to the back of your mind again, you asked: "Do we have some sticks for this?"
"Here." Junmyeon replied, leaning over to hand you some he'd gathered. It occurred to you that this whole time he'd been watching you, reading you. 
The sky darkened, and the night got late. The three of you ate marshmallows, both golden and burned. Stories of all genres were told by everyone. Laughter filled the air. At some point, drinks were brought out, and enough was had to the point that everyone was tipsy. The tales became more ridiculous, small secrets were spilled without any thought. But it was okay, you probably wouldn't remember any of it by morning. 
Slowly, one by one, you began making your way to the tent as time creeped into the early hours of the morning. Junmyeon was first, followed shortly by Yixing after he'd put out the fire. He asked if you were coming too, and you replied with something like "in a minute."
When you did stumble your way over to the tent several minutes later, you moved to open it when you heard hushed voices. They were practically whispering, but bless your good hearing - you could just make out most of the words.
"Are you sure?" Yixing asked, excitement detectable in even his whisper. 
"I think so," Junmyeon replied, "...can't look at you... blushing..."
You put your ear even closer to the tent wall, struggling to hear Junmyeon. 
"I'm scared to make a move." Yixing confessed. "I'm scared I'll ruin everything." 
Then Junmyeon said something inaudible. 
In your drunken state, none of these words made sense. Did he have crush on somebody? Deciding you couldn't stay awake out there any longer, you finally entered the tent. They already lay on the ground, falling asleep. Junmyeon acknowledged your presence with a soft "hey" before rolling over on his side to face the wall of the tent. Yixing lay in the middle. You slowly crawled next to him on the other side and laid down. 
After a few minutes, Yixing spoke the last words you heard before drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight y/n."
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
The light of the late morning sun filtered through your lashes as you blinked open your eyes. The first thing you noticed was the throbbing in your head, the second was the arms securely wrapped around you from behind. Remembering the sleeping arrangement the night before, you quickly realized it was Yixing, spooning you like a child hugging onto its favorite plushie. At this revelation, your heart began pounding rapidly. 
You reached to touch his hand. "Yi- yixing?" You asked in a quiet voice. 
"Hmm..?" He moaned, semi-awake. 
For painfully long moments he continued holding you as he fully awoke and assessed the situation. When he realized he suddenly pulled away, sitting up and mouthing a "sorry," hoping Junmyeon wouldn't hear. Taking deep breaths to calm your heart, you sat up as well. 
"What time is it?" You asked in the same tiny voice. 
He grabbed his phone off of the ground and looked at the time, surprised by it. "10:23."
"Ugh." You groaned, rubbing your forehead. "My head's killing me."
At this, Yixing became concerned. "Do we have pain killers?"
"Yeah, in my emergency bag." You replied, still holding your head with your hand. 
"I'll go get them." He said without a second thought, quickly exiting the tent. Not two minutes later, he came back pills in hand. 
"Do you have water?" He asked.
At your motion to your water bottle a few feet away, he leaned over and grabbed it. Opening the pill bottle, he took out a dose and handed it to you. Then he did the same with your water. He made sure you took and swallowed them, concern never leaving his expression. 
"Isn't your head hurting too?" You asked. 
"A bit, but I'll take care of it after you start feeling better." He replied. "You're more important."
Not knowing whether to take that as a compliment or not, you pouted. "No I'm not, you're equally important. Where's your water?"
"Gone since yesterday." 
After thinking a moment, you held out your water bottle to him. "Here." 
He stared into your eyes, a little taken aback but looking to see if you were truly fine with it. For once, you met and held his gaze, letting him know you were. Taking the bottle from your hand, he swallowed the pain killers. You watched as the tip of your bottle that had been on your lips moments before touched his. But it was the way that he tilted his head back as he took a sip that made your indecent thoughts return. You snapped your head towards the wall, covering your reddening face with your hand. 
He set the bottle down again, not noticing your state. "Thanks y/n." 
He then moved to exit the tent again, waking Junmyeon. After rubbing his eyes and running his fingers through his hair, Junmyeon left you in the tent alone, still just as flustered and replaying the morning's events in your head for minutes on end. 
After you'd calmed down, the rest of the morning and afternoon flew by. Pretending like nothing happened, the three of you went about activities similarly to yesterday. You had brunch, then walked into the forest again, heading for the creek. This time, you went in, the coolness of the water refreshing from the mid-day heat of the sun. After splashing around and playing for hours, you returned back to the campsite and roasted some sausages over the fire for dinner. When the last bite had been finished, the three of you continued talking right up until the end of your time together.  
Standing up from a log, Junmyeon sighed. "Well you two, I've gotta bounce. I'll leave what food's left with you."
"Aight man." Yixing stood up, giving him a quick hug. "See you in a few days."
Yixing then said something quiet to him, causing Junmyeon to nod. 
"Bye y/n!" Junmyeon called, waving at you. 
A little confused that he wasn't offering a hug as usual, you didn't voice it and waved back. "Bye!"
With a smile, he turned and walked to his car. After removing the cooler with food inside, he took off, leaving you alone with Yixing. On your own, not as much was said, you chose your words more carefully. He started the fire up again with some new wood that had been gathered that day. You sat on separate logs, slowly conversing as the sky became colorful, then dark. This night was a bit cooler than the last, and you began to shiver slightly. 
During an awkward silence, he noticed this. Without saying anything, he reached out an arm, inviting you to sit on the same log as him. Heart rate speeding up a bit at the thought, you shuffled over to sit beside him after no hesitation. Wrapping his right arm around you, he pulled you close.
"Better?" He asked, smiling a sweet smile. 
"Mmmh." You agreed, trying to loosen the way your body had tensed. 
The minutes ticked by, and the only thing you could hear was the pounding of your heart deafening your ears. Then your worst fears came true.
"Y/n... is that your heartbeat?" He questioned. 
When you refused to answer, mind racing, he pulled your face around to look at him, hand on your cheek. "Hey, are you alright? Your face is burning up."
In that moment, a feeling overcame you. Maybe it was because of the way he cared so much, the genuine concern he expressed. Or how you felt infinitely safe around him in a way you couldn't describe. Although, it could've also easily been the way the firelight danced off his tan skin. The way it lit up his warm brown eyes more powerfully than the sunlight could ever dream of. It could've been any combination of those things or others. But something compelled you to pull down his face to yours, brushing your lips across his in a soft kiss. 
Snapping out of it, you pulled away, seeing the shock on his face. "Oh my god, Yixing I'm so sorry I-"
You were cut off as he kissed you back, a long deep kiss that you melted into. When you finally pulled apart, you giggled at how stupid you'd been. 
"What?" He asked, smirking. 
"I'm so blind. I thought you didn't like me in this way."
He shook his head. "I have for a long time y/n." 
As he met your lips again, your heart felt as though it was soaring above the clouds. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you ran your fingers through the hair at its base. Quickening the pace of your kisses, you began to breathe heavier. Panting, you felt him pick you up by your waist and place you on his lap. You began to grind your hips down into his. Groaning, he quickly stopped you by gripping them, firmly holding you in place. 
"Slow... down.." He panted, speaking between your kisses. 
"But- I want this." You told him, meaning every word. The wetness already pooling between you legs confirmed it. 
At your spoken consent, he released his grip on your hips. Straddling him, you began moving again, slower than before like he'd instructed. A growing bulge felt between your legs made you keenly aware of his arousal. A stronger thrust on your part made him grunt and swear against your lips. 
"Shit y/n."
Suddenly you both lost your balance, crashing onto the grass a few feet away. You were only on top for the few seconds it took him to remove your shirt before he rolled you under him, pinning you in place. He took control of the pace, speeding it up. Being completely engulfed in his shadow made you want him more.
Spreading your legs wider, he unbuttoned your shorts and began pulling them down. Then he tugged at the waistband of your soaked panties and pulled them down to your ankles as well. Fully exposed to him, the scent of your arousal mixed with the smokiness in the air, penetrating your sense of smell. There was no way he wasn't aware of it too. You felt him move a hand down your body towards your naked heat. 
When you felt the first touch of his fingertips against your folds, trembles rocked your body. You forced yourself to relax, settling down into the soft grass. Only to get excited again as he started tracing fast circles with his thumb on your clit, spreading your slick. You felt him smirk at how wet he'd made you. You arched your back up off the ground, moaning at the pleasure.
Beginning to feel your high building, you didn't warn him just yet. But unexpectedly, he inserted two fingers into your dripping pussy without warning. You cried out, sucking in a sharp breath as you flexed your walls and came onto his finger all in seconds. A little surprised, he pulled them out. Whimpering, you rode out your first orgasm underneath him.
After you'd calmed down a bit you moved to unbuckle his pants. He held your hand away for a moment. 
"Y/n, I didn't bring a condom. And... I don't want to hurt you." He said carefully. 
"I..." you panted, "don't care... I can take it." Another breath. "Just take care of me afterwards."
After hesitating a moment, he let go of your hand, and assisted you in removing his clothes. First his pants, then shirt, then his boxers. Springing free from the fabric, his cock stood erect as you took it in. It had good length, but its girth was what made you lay your head back on the grass and prepare yourself. The following seconds inched by as he moved towards you. 
Pulling him down closer onto your body, you led him into another round of rough kisses as you felt the tip of his cock brush against your clit. Taking his hand in yours, you intertwined your fingers with his, waiting. 
Pain shot through you as he slid into you harshly with a single thrust. Pushing deeper, he used his strength until he was balls deep in just two. He filled you up so much, almost too much. Bitting your lip, you did your best to adjust to his size. But he didn't give you much of a chance to, as he pulled out entirely after only being inside for a few seconds. The empty feeling was more painful than the full. You throbbed, desperately needing him back. 
Thankfully he didn't wait long before fulfilling this as he repeated himself multiple times. Your combined pants and moans filled the night air as he forcefully fucked you into oblivion. It didn't take much of this to cause your second high. Aggressively pounding into you again for the unknownth time, he hit that sweet spot. Your mouth fell open and you gripped some blades of grass next to you with your free hand. 
"Th- there-" you managed. 
Understanding, he didn't remove himself fully again, only doing so partially before angling himself to hit the same spot. He only did so twice before you came undone for the second time that night. 
"Yixing!" You cried out too late.
You clenched around his cock, feeling it twitch inside you. He swore, arms becoming shaky and breath choppy, warning you right before he came. Hot strings of his cum shot through you, filled you up to the brim. Your combined wetness then spilled out of you onto your inner thighs and the grass. Pulling out completely, he flopped down onto the ground next to you, grinning and breathing heavily. 
Reaching out to touch his face, he held your hand against it. Then he pulled you closer, kissing your swollen lips gently. Parting, he looked into your eyes and smiled. You still couldn't look at him in this way without blushing, but it didn't matter anymore. Taking you into his arms, he held you as exhaustion caught up with you. Not a word was said, but none had to be for you both to know the mutual happiness you felt.
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
You awoke to the sun peaking over the eastern horizon, lighting up the nature around you. Laying on your side, you felt something warm pressed up against your back. Rolling over onto your other side, you winced at the prickling of the grass on your bare skin and the soreness between your legs. You saw it was your best friend's bare chest that had been pressed against your back. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully, slightly curled around your body. 
Realization hit you as you remembered the events of last night. Eyes widening, you gasped and covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. Peaking through your fingers, you saw his eyes were now open, that same adorable grin plastered across his face. 
"Morning honey." He stretched a bit before realizing where you both lay. "Oh god, did we fall asleep here?"
"Mhmhmm." You replied with a nod. 
Sitting up, he grabbed his pants and pulled them on before standing. Offering you a hand, you accepted it and tried to use your legs. Immediately they buckled under you. No way were you walking to the tent. 
"Whoa!" He exclaimed as he prevented you from falling. He then scooped you up from the ground and into his arms. 
"What the hell have you done to me?" You playfully asked, poking his cheek. 
"I'm so sorry." He replied in a serious tone.
"Hey!" You scolded, not meaning to make him feel bad. "I asked for it."
He side eyed you as he carried you into the tent, smirking slightly. "Yeah you did."
Setting you down on the floor, he laid down next to you, cuddling up to you again. A few soft words and kisses were exchanged as you drifted off to sleep together again. It looked like this was what the rest of your trip would consist of, and you'd be lying if you said the thought didn't please you.  
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gretavansidecut · 3 years
Room to Breathe
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 4,297
Summary: You're out at a crowded bar with the boys and start to have a panic attack from all the sensory overload and your crush Josh helps you through it
Warnings: swearing, alcohol use, general angst, detailed descriptions of sensory overload, anxiety, and spiraling negative thoughts. If you find any of these things to be triggering or otherwise upsetting, please proceed with extreme caution!
A/N:  So I haven't written a fic in like... God, six years maybe? But this idea popped into my head the other night and just wouldn't leave so I figured what the heck, why not give this writing thing another try? I had an absolute blast writing this, and I hope you all enjoy it!
     You held your head in your hands, trying your best to steady your breathing as you took refuge in the bathroom stall. The pounding, brain-rattling music of the honky-tonk was slightly more bearable in the relative quiet of the restroom, but you still found yourself grinding your teeth as the noise was beginning to get to you. Densely packed places were always a challenge; you weren't necessarily afraid of crowds, or claustrophobic, or anything like that, it was more that the combination of the overbearing noise and the feeling of being packed in like a sardine tended to make you a little... Panicky, to say the least. It didn't help that just getting into the bar in the first place nearly gave you sensory overload either. But you weren't about to bail early if you could help it, and you weren’t about to let a little creeping panic ruin a night on the town with the guys of Greta Van Fleet, especially not when Josh was the one who'd invited you to come along. Besides, you could handle a crowded, noisy bar for one night, right?
     The sudden slamming of the bathroom door made you jump in your stall, the rowdy voices of drunk patrons shattering whatever peace you'd had up to that point. You let out a heavy sigh, figuring it was for the best as you'd already been in there for at least five minutes. Any longer and the guys might've started to get worried, or worse, come looking for you. You emerged from your stall, ignoring the drunk people and their slurred conversation to your left as you washed your hands, and then taking a moment to splash some water on your face. Just the thought of going back out into the noise and crowd was enough to make your chest tighten, and you couldn’t help but feel a little pissed off at the current situation. You’d been looking forward to this night out for over a week; a chance to properly spend time with the guys outside of work after doing odd jobs around their studio for the last few months, and you’d especially been looking forward to spending some time with Josh. As much as you hated to admit it, you’d developed a little bit of a crush on him over the course of working at the studio, but you figured there was no harm in dreaming as long as you kept things platonic and professional. He seemed to enjoy your company and laugh at your jokes, and you definitely enjoyed his in return. 
     You let out another shaky breath, taking a few more seconds to steel yourself before heading back out there. You knew this place would be packed, and you’d been ready for it, honestly you had. But today had just been one of those aggravating days, the kind where every little thing seemed to go wrong and rub you the wrong way. And when that happened, the panic would tend to creep in more easily, and with greater intensity. Still, you resolved to hold yourself together as best you could and not ruin the evening, glancing at yourself in the mirror to make sure you were presentable, before turning around and reentering the bar.
     All at once, the blaring music and roar of the crowd hit you, and you couldn't even hear yourself think. There were flashing neon lights hung up on every wall, a few TVs scattered here and there playing some sports channels, and people zipping about all over the place. It felt like your whole head was ringing, your eyes and ears begging for mercy already as you made your way back to the far corner of the room where the boys’ table was. You could eventually pick out Josh's boisterous laughter through the mayhem, and the four of them came into view just in time for you to see Josh lob a pretzel about 4 feet into the air, only for Jake to expertly and effortlessly catching it in his mouth. Danny and Sam both cheered at once, each of them swiftly downing a shot of tequila as Josh shared a high five with his twin.
     "Hell yeah Jakey, ten in a row, that's a new record!" He exclaimed in triumph, grabbing his glass and finishing what was left of his salty dog in one gulp. When he was done, he noticed you approaching the table and his eyes immediately lit up, though whether that was because of you or the sudden rush of alcohol you weren’t sure. Still, it was always nice to see him smile, even when you felt like you were on the verge of losing your mind.
     "Heeey, Y/N's back! Now we can get this party going again!" He slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to his side as he grinned from ear to ear. In any other situation your hopeless crush on him would make you nervous if he got this close to you, but after your perilous trek to the bathroom and back a little contact from someone besides a total stranger was more than welcome.
     "Yeah, what took you so long?" Jake teased, popping another pretzel into his mouth. "We were starting to think you'd fallen into the sewers or something!"
     "No, that's what you thought Jake, me 'n Sam were betting they'd run off and joined the circus!" Danny added with a grin, his words slightly slurred from the tequila at this point.
     You swallowed tightly, flashing them a half-forced grin as you shook your head. “Guys, c’mon, be reasonable here, it was nothing like that... What really happened was an alligator popped up out of the toilet and we had a riveting conversation about quantum physics and string theory.”
     The guys erupted into laughter; Jake covering his mouth so he didn’t accidentally spit out his pretzel, Josh cackling to your left, Sam almost choking on his beer, and Danny holding his face in his palm as he snickered drunkenly. Even in your heightened state of anxiety, you couldn't help but genuinely laugh along with them in the moment. After all, even in a stressful situation the guys were still a hoot to be around. They each had their own oddball sense of humor that made you, a fellow oddball, feel right at home with them. And the fact that Josh's arm was still wrapped around your shoulder was pretty nice too. It was almost enough to make the blaring noise and packed-in-like-sardines feeling of the bar bearable... Almost.
     You were able to keep it together enough to have another round of drinks with them, finding solace in a simple vodka cranberry as the guys got drunker and more boisterous. Danny and Sam decided to have an arm wrestling contest, which Danny won quite easily given his drummer's arms, though that didn’t stop Sam from challenging him to a rematch, and still losing, five more times. Then Jake ended up slipping into his Oliver Reed impression, made all the more credible in his intoxicated state, and he began to ramble on about how wild and wonderful the filming of Tommy had been. Josh of course piped in when he could, commentating on Danny and Sam’s contest like a sports announcer and slipping into his own goofy voice as he ”interviewed” Mr. Reed. If this were happening anywhere else, literally anywhere else besides an overcrowded bar in the most overcrowded part of Nashville, you would've been having the absolute time of your life. But instead you found yourself getting more and more tense with each moment that passed by, the pounding noise and mass of shifting bodies behind you making your pulse race and your head ache. Your drink had done absolutely nothing to calm your nerves, and not even the continued feeling of Josh's arm on your shoulder seemed to help, and you were starting to resent the fact that you couldn't even enjoy that.
     You finally hit your limit when you felt the sharp point of someone's elbow jab into the middle of your back, and you flinched hard away from the source of the sudden contact. You could feel Josh’s arm tighten around your shoulder slightly, and everyone's heads whipped around to see a young woman, clearly drunk and looking very apologetic.
     "O-oh shit, I'm so sorry sweetie!" She slurred out, steadying herself on her feet. "Didn't mean t'hitcha! Jus' tryin' to get s'more drinks for my table!"
     The guys all nodded, assuring her it was and honest mistake and she gave them all a smile and a wave as she staggered off towards the bar. You, on the other hand, couldn’t even bring yourself to look at her, your eyes locked on an empty glass on the table as the ringing in your head became unbearable, every nerve and muscle in your body suddenly taut like a bowstring. The guys kept talking, though what about you had no clue, unable to make out what they were saying as your own pulse pounded in your ears. In the back of your mind you thought you could feel Josh's thumb rubbing gently against your shoulder, almost in a soothing kind of motion, but you honestly couldn't be sure right now. Every molecule in your body was struggling to keep it together as you quickly spiraled into a frenzied panic, and the only thing you were absolutely positive was true was that you had to get out of there fast.
     "Hey... You alright?" Josh's voice was suddenly clear and crisp in your ears like a bell, and it was enough to snap you out of your spiral for just a second and address the table. Though the way Jake, Sam, and Danny were looking at you expectantly made you feel like you wanted to run and hide under a rock. If there was one thing you hated more than having a breakdown in public, it was people knowing you were having a breakdown in public.
     "O-oh yeah, I'm good! Sh-she just startled me is all..." Your voice trailed off, and you swallowed dryly as you fought back tears. "I... I'm just gonna s-step outside for a second and get some air, yeah?" You said with a plastered-on smile, doing your best to not let them know anything was wrong as you reluctantly wormed your way out of Josh's grip and made your way towards the nearest door. You pushed your way through the crowd, ignoring the protests as you bumped into several people along the way, struggling to focus long enough to make it to your goal. You could feel your throat tightening, hot tears stinging your eyes as shame and embarrassment crept into your panic stricken mind. ‘Seriously? You couldn't even handle one night out in a crowded bar? You just had to let your sort-of-crappy day get to you and ruin everyone's night, didn't you?’
     Finally reaching the door, you stumbled out of it, desperately trying to catch your breath as you welcomed the sudden rush of fresh air. Unfortunately, in your panic, the door you ended up choosing wasn’t the one that led to the bar's outdoor area like you thought, but the front door, and you suddenly found yourself adrift in the churning tide of rowdy, drunken humanity that was the Broadway strip on a Friday night. You didn't even bother trying to hold the tears back at this point, completely overwhelmed and hyperventilating as you found the quietest spot in sight, an empty doorway on the other side of the bar's front windows, and sank to the ground. You hugged your knees tightly as you brought them up to your chest, shaking as you buried your face in your arms, the blaring noise, blinding lights, and sheer presence of the crowd causing you to shut down on the spot.
     The feeling of a hand on your shoulder jolted you out of your stupor, and you scrambled away from the touch as fast as you could with a startled scream. You were fully prepared to yell at whatever stranger had just touched you, because the last thing you needed right now was some rando putting their hands on you. To your mix of shock and relief, it was Josh's face that you saw, his eyes a little wide as he held up both of his hands in a defensive manner.
     "Easy Y/N, it's just me, it’s Josh!" He said as softly as he could while still being audible over the throng of the crowd. You couldn't find it in you to respond, just staring at him like a deer caught in a car’s headlights as your body started to shake uncontrollably. You suddenly realized there was, in fact, something you hated more than people knowing you were having a breakdown in public, and that was your goddamn crush knowing that you were having a breakdown in public. In the back of your panic-stricken mind you wondered, if you just stayed still long enough, whether Josh would just turn around and leave you alone. You realized just how futile that thought was when he did quite the opposite and extended a hand out to you.
     "It's pretty intense out here. Let's go find a quieter spot, alright?"
     The rest of your body still shaking, you nodded your head eagerly, accepting his hand as he pulled you up off the ground. Once you were standing, he let go of your hand and wrapped that same arm around your waist, pulling you in close to his side as he cocked his head in one direction.
     "You're ok, just stay close to me, I'll get you out of here."
     You hastily nodded again, unable to make words or maintain eye contact as you turned your gaze to the concrete below you and let Josh guide you through the sea of bodies. It felt like you were in there forever, the crowd shifting all around you, and any time you felt someone get too close, your body began to lock up and freeze. The only thing that kept you upright and moving was Josh's arm curled around your side, keeping you grounded as he led you away from the worst of the crowd. Eventually it dawned on you that the number of people around you were thinning out, the noise getting less and less intense as Josh led you up a street and then some kind of steep ramp. A cool rush of air and the sudden smell of water hit your nostrils and you glanced upwards to get your bearings just in time to realize that Josh was leading you over the river on the pedestrian bridge, towards the eastern side of the city and away from the bedlam of Broadway. You were about three quarters of the way over the bridge before he pulled you off to the side, leading you right up to the railing where you could clearly feel the breeze. The cacophony you'd just escaped from was still very much audible from this distance, but you found its volume to be much more bearable now. There was also plenty of room out here, as well as far fewer people, and for the first time since you'd entered the bar earlier that night, you felt like you could finally breathe.
     You leaned forward, bracing yourself against the railing as you took deep breaths in through your nose, before slowly exhaling through your mouth, and you could feel your body ever so slowly start to relax more and more with each one you took. Josh was quiet for the time being, his hand moving from your side to your back and rubbing up and down in a soothing motion while you caught your breath. Despite feeling calmer, the tears were more difficult to stop, anger and embarrassment at yourself nagging you in the back of your mind, unable to shake the feeling that you'd just ruined whatever fun he'd been having that night.
     You felt something soft touch your arm and you looked up to see a packet of tissues in Josh's other hand as he offered them to you, still silently rubbing your back. You happily accepted them, tearing the plastic open and grabbing a couple before reaching up and wiping your face, your breath still hitching here and there as you tried to steady yourself mentally. After a few more moments of quiet you finally heard Josh speak up, his voice soft and concerned.
     "How're you doing? Any better?"
     You bit your lip out of nerves, nodding as you finally worked up the courage to look him in the eye for the first time since leaving the doorway by the bar. You were expecting to see anger, annoyance, judgement; honestly all the things you felt about yourself right now reflected back at you in his face, but instead you saw nothing but sympathy and concern painted across his features. In any other situation you'd be positively swooning over how he was looking at you so tenderly. It was another couple moments before the ability to speak finally came back to you, and you let out a heavy, shaking sigh.
     “Y-yeah I… I’m alright now…. Thanks.” you trailed off, trying to swallow down the shame that had been slowly creeping into your mind. “I… I’m so sorry about this… I d-didn’t mean to ruin everyone’s night.”
     “Ok, first of all-” Josh said in a calm but firm voice, his palm on your back pressing into you a bit more and pulling you closer to him. “We’re not gonna do that tonight, alright? You didn’t ruin damn thing, you had a panic attack and that’s not your fault.” It took everything in you to not star crying again when he said that, though at least this time it would've been because you were touched by his concern and not because you were upset.
     “And second, I should be the one apologizing to you. That street can be really intense if you’re not ready for it, and I should’ve checked with you ahead of time that you were. I never would’ve picked such a crowded spot if I knew that was gonna be an issue for you.”
     You sniffled a little bit, shaking your head as you slowly pulled yourself together. “I-it’s ok, really... Like, normally I can handle crowds and loud noise, but being packed in like that, with everyone bumping into you and all the noise and lights on top of it... that can just be too much for me to handle sometimes, you know?” You watched as Josh nodded along to what you spoke, indicating that he was listening, and knowing that he wasn't going to judge you for how you reacted was helping the residual panic and shame you still felt fade away.
     “And then on top of that, today just like.... kind of sucked, in general. I mean, nothing terrible happened or anything, but it was a whole bunch of little things, one after the other. I totally fucked up making breakfast, my cat threw up on my favorite pair of shoes, I got a parking ticket for a really ridiculous reason, and I have some other work deadlines coming up that’re stressing me out, so I already wasn’t in the best headspace to deal with all of...That tonight.” you gestured your hand back towards the direction of Broadway. 
     "Then when that chick jabbed me in the back it just... snapped something inside me. I-I know it was an accident, and I don’t blame her for what she did, but it honestly startled me so bad, and I just lost it..."
     "I don’t blame you,” he replied sympathetically “That’s entirely too much shit to deal with in a single day.” 
     "And like... I-I know I could’ve asked for a raincheck, but I didn't wanna like, be rude or have you guys think I was blowing you off. Because I didn’t want to blow you guys off! Especially not for something so stupid..."
     "Hey, it's not stupid at all." He replied adamantly, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Those kind of crappy days have a way if wearing you down way harder than you’d think." 
     You let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding as it felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. You’d been so, so worried that Josh was going to be angry, or that he wouldn’t have understood what had happened, as had been the case for you so many times before. His hand began gently rubbing your back again in a soothing motion, and the two of you slipped into silence for a moment, letting the cool breeze coming off of the river wash over you. Even with the music still pounding in the distance, you could hear the sound of the river rushing under you if you listened closely enough, and so you did, finding the sound incredibly soothing. It was almost hypnotizing in a way, and you weren’t sure how much time had passed before Josh spoke again, but when he did, you were a little surprised by what he had to say.
     “I know a couple smaller clubs on the outskirts of the city we could check out next time. They've still got all the good drinks and music, but they aren’t nearly as intense as that one was.” he suggested, flashing you a warm smile.
     “I mean, don’t get me wrong, those definitely sound like my kind of place. But you seriously want me to hang out with you guys again after that whole mess?”
     “Of course! So you had a bad night, it happens to the best of us. We aren’t gonna hold it against you. Besides, why wouldn’t we wanna hang out with someone as awesome as you?”
     You let out a small chuckle,  a smile tugging at the corner of your lips as nervous blush crept onto your cheeks. “Well, I’m not sure about awesome... but I’m glad to know you guys enjoy my company.”
     “What, are you kidding me?” he retorted enthusiastically, his dark eyes sparkling in the dim lights of the bridge. “You’re absolutely awesome! You’re so nice and welcoming to everyone, you’ve got an incredible sense of humor, great taste in music, and you are delightfully weird!” You were glad the lighting on the bridge wasn’t the best where you were standing, because your face was rapidly turning red as he kept showering you with compliments. 
     “Well, thank you.” You replied somewhat shyly, a grin spreading across your face as you found Josh’s good mood infectious, feeling much more at ease now than you had earlier. In a sudden streak of boldness you struck a small pose, with one hand framing your face dramatically. “But what, no mention of my flawless good looks?”
     You were just kidding around, of course, and Josh knew you were too. But even still, you couldn't help but notice the way Josh’s eyes widened and his smile twitched ever so slightly when you said that, or how he seemed to be blushing if the way his cheekbones suddenly appeared darker were anything to go by. 
     “I mean...” he began with a small shrug, his smile downright sheepish at this point “That’s so incredibly obvious that I kinda figured it went without saying. But they’re definitely a bonus!”
     You let out a nervous laugh, feeling your face burn from the sudden rush of blood to it, and you turned to face back towards the river. You couldn’t keep looking at him when he said that, not when he said it while he had his hand on your back, not when he was blushing while he said it, not when he said it so... so earnestly. You pressed into his side a bit more firmly, and you swore you could feel his heart beating faster in his chest.
     “Yeah, well... don’t sell yourself short, you’ve got a face that could give Errol Flynn a run for his money.” you half-teased, nudging him affectionately in the ribs with your elbow. He let out a small chuckle beside you, his arm still firmly wrapped around your shoulder and he gave your arm a soft, affectionate squeeze in return. The two of you said nothing for a moment, just enjoying each other’s company and touch as you both gazed out over the river, watching the lights of the city twinkle and glimmer on it’s dark surface.
     “Is... is it cool if we just stay up here for a little while?” you asked, suddenly feeling very physically tired after this whole ordeal. “I hate to just ditch the others and leave them in that bar, but I honestly don’t think I could handle going back in there tonight.”
     “Oh don’t worry, a bar is the best place we could possibly leave them.” Josh said with a chuckle. “But seriously, we can stay out here as long as you need.” he assured, giving you a firm hug from the side and flashing you a soft, reassuring smile. “We don’t have to go anywhere.”
     A sudden surge of warmth and fatigue washed over you, and you found yourself leaning more heavily into Josh’s frame, which he seemed to welcome, finally letting your head come to rest on his shoulder. Your eyes slipped closed for a second, and you took a deep breath before letting out a soft, contented sigh.
     “Thank you so much for everything you did for me tonight. I seriously can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.” He hummed softly in reply as he leaned back against you, the weight of his cheek suddenly pressing into the top of your head. 
     “Anytime, Y/N. I’ll always have your back.”
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ppetertinglee · 4 years
Oh Please?
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Character: Peter Maximoff x reader ft Wanda, Vision & The Twins  Summary: In which spending so much time with the twins invokes a few thoughts into Peter’s mind.  Warnings: Making out/Innuendo/Fluff Billy and Tommy always kept you on your toes. You loved playing games with them, having your own adventures and just enjoying being around the crazy twins. They adored you. Ever since Peter had introduced you to the boys, as well as Wanda and Vision, you had basically become family. You remember moving in across the street, Peter being the very first person to welcome you to Westview. You don’t exactly remember how you got there, but you weren’t about to complain when such a beautiful house was waiting to become your home. He had offered to show you around, seeming a little too eager, but you figured that was just the type of person he was. 
You took him up on his offer, you’d finish unpacking later. The two of you had walked around the town together. Peter pointing out the best places to go whilst mentioning a few of the neighbours here and there. You guys had hit it off really well and by the time he’d walked you back to your door, you had wished the night hadn’t come to an end. And well, lucky for you, things only escalated from there. The two of you began spending a lot of time together, getting to know each other and before you knew it, you had made it official, and the rest became history. 
Now here you were, getting ready to babysit with Peter, a pretty usual routine. Wanda and Vision decided they wanted a night out for themselves and of course you and Peter were going to look after the twins. You finished doing your hair, grabbed your bag and slipped your shoes on before heading over to Wanda’s. You walked straight in. “Hellooo!” Billy and Tommy ran straight up to you, giving you a big hug. “Y/N!” They both cheered. You hugged them back and Peter appeared. “Finally! You took forever considering you live literally across the street.” He came closer to you wrapping his arms around your waist. You scrunched your face before giving him a quick kiss, “Shush you.” Footsteps coming down the stairs broke up the little moment the two of you were having. “Oh hello Y/N! The boys have been waiting all day for you to come. All three of the them...” Wanda gave you a hug and you both laughed before Vision came down the stairs. “Evening Y/N.” You waved at Vision. “You guys look amazing.” You looked adoringly between the two. They truly were such a lovely couple, and you felt so lucky to be welcomed as part of their family. They both thanked you and grabbed their coats. The twins ran over to their parents. “Have a good night Mom and Dad.” Billy smiled. They bent down and hugged the boys. “Don’t miss us too much!” Tommy giggled before heading back over to the couch. “Please be good. And Y/N let me know if they’re any-”  “Just go ahead and enjoy yourselves. We’ve got this.” Peter waved them out the door and they were off. Peter switched the TV off and stood in front of it. “First order of business...PILLOW FORT AND PIZZA!” Three boys cheered and scrambled around the house looking for various pillows and blankets. You laughed and walked to the kitchen to phone and order some pizza. You grabbed some drinks and walked back in to see the fort built already. “Wow that was quick.” You crouched down and crawled inside. “Good job guys, this is even bigger than last time.” You all cuddled up, listening to some of Peter’s crazy stories, knowing that pretty much all of them were made up, regardless, they still made you laugh. The doorbell went and you exited the fort. You grabbed the pizza and placed it on the kitchen table. “Guys! Pizza!.” The three of them raced into the room. Tommy won and sat next to you. “Ha! I won so I get to sit next to Y/N!” He grabbed a slice of pizza feeling very pleased with himself and you ruffled his hair. “Well I get a kiss from Y/N because I tried!” Peter lent over the table waiting for you to kiss him. You and the twins laughed. “Nuh uh. No kisses until you eat your dinner.” You winked at him, and you both grabbed a slice. 
Once you had cleaned up after dinner, with Billy’s help, you walked back into the living room. You bent down to get into the fort but the boys were nowhere to be found. “Boys?” You called out. You looked all around calling their names. You checked upstairs and still nothing, you were starting to get worried. You headed back downstairs and heard shuffling. You could’ve sworn the fort moved slightly. Ever so slowly, you crept over to it again, taking a deep breath before-”RAHH!” You screamed and fell straight on your back. All three boys came charging out, laughing. You got up quickly. “Oh you’re on now.” You smirked and chased Billy and Tommy, catching them both and tickling them. But then Peter came up behind you and tickled your sides, making you let go of the twins.”Heyy!” You got out between laughs. He span you around and smirked. “Have you forgotten that I ate all my dinner?” You giggled and put your arms around his neck.  “Well...I did say didn’t I?” You both looked into each other’s eyes before leaning in and meeting one another’s lips. Peter deepened the kiss and you melted into it. ��EWWWW” You quickly broke apart, forgetting that you weren’t alone.  “You guys are gross!” You laughed at Tommy’s comment.  “It’s bedtime now boys. Go and get your pyjamas on and I’ll come and read you a story.” They raced upstairs. “Are you coming for story time?” You asked Peter.  “I’ll join you in a sec, you head up first.” You kissed him on the cheek and went up to the boys. You knocked and entered their bedroom, each of them snuggled into bed with sleepy eyes. You grabbed a book from the shelf and began reading to them. What you didn’t notice was Peter watching stealthily from the doorway. He’d had something on his mind all night and this seemed to finalize his thoughts. Seeing you read to Billy and Tommy was truly the cherry on top for him. The way you read so softly, entrancing the boys into a deep sleep. You truly were magic. Once you noticed them sound asleep, you closed the book. Peter stood fully in the doorway. You put the book back on the shelf and blushed when you noticed him standing there. He followed you out as you closed the door. Without a word he took your hand, dragged you downstairs and onto the couch. “Pretty sure we have something to finish...” You put your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you, lips crashing together. The kisses became needier and hungrier, but you both pulled away for air. But something was wrong, Peter seemed distracted. “What’s up?” You asked, putting a hand on his cheek. He looked away for a second before taking both of your hands. “Y/N...I’ve been thinking...” You heart rate began to pick up and you started to worry. “You’re amazing with the twins, they absolutely love you. There’s just something so special about you...” You began to blush slightly, the worry fading away. “I think we should have our own...a Billy or a Tommy I mean, or both! What do you say?” You looked into his dark eyes. He was serious.  “Peter...” You really didn’t know what to say. The man you loved was asking you to have a child with him, it seemed so unreal yet scary. “Look...just think about it...please? I mean we’ve got part one down already, we’re pretty good at that now.” He winked and you giggled.  “Okay, I’ll think about it...”  A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this! I was up until 3am last night drafting it haha. Remember you can request through comments or asks! Make sure you look after yourself today <3
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jazy3 · 3 years
Free Guy Review
If you haven’t seen the movie Free Guy (2021) stop reading right now! Drop what you’re doing and go get yourself a ticket! You’ll thank me later!
I loved this movie! I saw it this weekend for the second time because it’s that good! I first saw the trailer on YouTube a while back and then when theatres reopened a few weeks ago I saw the trailer again and my interest was piqued. I had high hopes for this movie based on the fun looking trailer, the premise, the cast, and the sense of fun and escapism that the movie seemed to embody and it did not disappoint. It’s always nice when you have high hopes for something and it meets or exceeds your expectations.
Free Guy is just such a fun and joyous movie. Never taking itself too seriously, packed with lots of heart, cool cameos, full of gaming and pop culture references, and it’s fueled by a unique concept that is well executed. There are just so many things I loved about this movie! It was a ton of fun to watch and the actors clearly had a blast making it. During the movie I kept trying to figure out where I knew most of the actors from but couldn’t place them. When I got home, I googled it and I instantly realized why. The roles are just so different and the actors embody their characters so completely you lose yourself in the film and get completely sucked in. I was honestly so surprised when I figured out what I knew most of the actors from because the roles that they’re known for are so different from their characters in the movie. Their appearances, established ages, and even the accents are so different that I literally did a double take, but that’s what makes the movie so good! Because the main actors obviously didn’t need the paycheque they were just there to have fun and it shows. I think if the situation had been different and the actors involved had been desperate for money or took the role for some other reason it wouldn’t have worked. The film would have come off as cheesy, forced, cringeworthy, or just plain bad. Free Guy is none of those things. The film stars Ryan Reynolds as ‘Guy’ a bank teller in a video game called Free City, Jodie Comer whose best known for playing Villanelle in Killing Eve as programmer Millie Rusk and her avatar Molotov Girl, Joe Keery whose best known for playing Steve Harrington in Stranger Things as programmer Walter ‘Keys’ McKey, and Taika Waititi whose best known for playing Viago in What We Do in the Shadows as the Head of Soonami Studios and the film’s main antagonist and villain Antwan. Rounding out the cast are Utkarsh Ambudka as programmer Mouser and Lil Rel Howery as Guy’s best friend and bank security guard Buddy. In a nutshell, Free Guy is about a bank teller named Guy who finds out he’s a non-playable background character (NPC) in an open-world Grand Theft Auto style video game called Free City. Guy becomes the hero of his own story after meeting Millie, the girl of his dreams, and winning fans all over the world by racking up points by being the good guy and helping others. After leveling up and helping Millie escape a dangerous situation in the game, Guy wins her over and she falls for him thinking that he’s another player. But when the world that Guy knows and all of the people in it are threatened, he teams up with Millie to save his friends before it’s too late. In the real world, Millie enlists the help of her former programming partner and best friend Keys in a race against time to stop their code and all of the sentient characters from Free City from being deleted by Antwan the developer who stole their code when the game’s sequel launches. I love that the movie had a unique premise and didn’t overcomplicate things. There are so many movies that I’ve gone to see over the last few years with such excitement only to be disappointed. For example, I loved Wreck It Ralph, but was so disappointed by its sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet. The trailers made it seem like it would take the premise of the first movie and move things into the online gaming world, and I was excited for that. Instead, the sequel left the premise of the first movie behind entirely and way over complicated the plot and the end result was extremely cheesy and disappointing. Free Guy’s strength is that it’s a self-aware movie made by self-aware people who are excellent at what they do. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, nor should it, and that allows the story to flow and the characters to feel real and genuine. The movie achieves that perfect balance between being entertaining and telling a cohesive and important story because while the movie never takes itself too seriously the people behind it are serious about what they do. This was very clearly a passion project for all involved, especially Ryan Reynolds, and it shows! As he’s spoken about in interviews and on Twitter, Reynolds called on a lot of his friends to be in Free Guy and help him out and the end result was fantastic! I loved all of the cameos! The Chris Evans cameo was by far the funniest and the Alex Trebek cameo got me right in the feels. When I saw the movie in theatres me and everyone else in the theatre gave a collective “awww” when he appeared on screen. Enlisting real YouTubers to show up as fictional versions of themselves to talk about Blue Shirt Guy’s popularity was a nice touch and you’ve also got blink and you miss it voice cameos by John Krasinski, Dwyane The Rock Johnson, Hugh Jackman, and Tina Fey. Channing Tatum appears as the avatar of player Revenjamin Buttons which for the most part was hilarious. One of my few criticisms of the film is that they went a bit overboard the avatar’s antics as Guy and Buddy are attempting to leave and it got bit a cringeworthy. But I know other people found it hilarious so to each their own. I love all of the little details and references in the movie. Just listing them all would be a post in itself. If you’re someone that loves pop culture references and Easter Eggs this is the movie for you. The characters are fun and believable, and you get attached to them quickly. The actors commit completely to their roles which is makes the humour, romance, and heartfelt emotion of the film work. You buy it. 100%. Something that I absolutely loved was that the characters felt realistic and that the dialogue, attire, and settings for each character really felt authentic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched a movie or TV show and walked away thinking, “The person who wrote that clearly never meet a kid, teenager, or twenty something in their life! That was so unrealistic.” The slang’s all wrong. The dialogue is so eloquent everyone sounds like they did Shakespeare in the Park last summer. You walk away thinking, “What the hell was that? No one talks that way!” What I loved about the characters in Free Guy is that they felt like real people you could actually run into or walk past on the street. I’ve read in interviews that in addition to the written dialogue the cast did a lot of ad-libbing and improvisation and the end result is both hilarious and relatable. The dialogue feels real because it is. The big exception to this of course is Antwan who is altogether off the wall and ridiculous. Antwan is such an outrageous, absurd, vulgar, and cartoonish character. He’s so fun to watch and the actors clearly had a lot of fun with his scenes! I’ve read that a lot of his lines with Keys and Mouser were improvised and I believe it. When he goes all Jack Nicholson on the servers? Lord. He’s such a great villain to watch. The characters that are established to be in their twenties like Millie, Keys, Mouser, and the other employees at Soonami Studios talk, act, and dress like they’re in their twenties. The actors that are in their forties are styled to look like they’re in their thirties and honestly, they’re in such great shape it works! I mean I was honestly shocked to find out Taika Waititi’s real age. I love how the costuming really fits each character and allows you to learn more about them. Keys’ clothing is your typical gamer chic which makes because as we learn from his interview with Millie coding is his life and what gets him up in the morning. From Mouser’s clothing we learn that he’s a sports fan, but also isn’t afraid to take risks like with that blazer ensemble he wears in his final scene at Millie’s apartment.
Millie’s clothing shows the contrast between her and her avatar Molotov Girl, and Antwan’s ridiculous coat enhances the overall wackiness of his character. Guy’s clothing tells us something too. He wears the same thing every day until he meets Millie in the game at which point, he starts deviated from his Free City programming and chooses a different blue shirt. I also really love that they put thought into why Keys needs to wear glasses. Something I noticed on rewatch is that Keys is far sighted which is why he has his glasses on when he’s looking at his laptop or computer and sometimes when’s talking to other people, but not when he goes to see Millie at her apartment or when he goes to get them coffee at the end of the movie. Another interesting aspect of Keys’ character that I noticed on rewatch is self-confidence is really something he struggles with in contrast to Millie and Mouser who are very confident. Millie is a genius programmer and Mouser is excellent at what he does, and they are both very confident in their coding abilities, but Keys isn’t despite being every bit the genius that Millie is. At the beginning of the movie when they first notice the issue with Guy Mouser jokes that Keys needs to be better at his job. In response Keys meekly says he thinks he’s pretty good at his job and trails off at the end. Mouser is just joking around, but because Keys lacks self-confidence comments like that hit him hard. Mouser is moving towards his own desk as he talks so he doesn’t notice how self-deprecating and uneasy Keys’ response is. In the interview from the indie games conference that Millie plays for Keys at his apartment, he brushes off the interviewers comment that he’s a genius and says Millie is the real genius because she created the AI engine and he just wrote the code to make it work. Later on, when Keys helps Millie get into the stash house, she calls him a genius and he tells her that as he’s currently sitting on a toilet stealing user code he doesn’t exactly feel like one. Millie responds offhandedly that he never does, but luckily, she knows better. When Keys realizes that Millie was right, and that Antwan did steal their code and their game worked he tells Millie they need to celebrate because once everyone sees their build she’ll be celebrated and she could win a noble prize. Both Millie and Keys are geniuses in their own right. The game wouldn’t have worked without both of their skills and Guy wouldn’t have come to life without both of them working together. Millie’s AI engine made his sentience possible, but Keys is the one who gave him hopes and dreams so that when he met Millie in the game, he came alive. When done right the settings we see tell the story just as much as the characters do and I love how realistic the settings in Free Guy look. The floor at Soonami Studios where Keys and Mouser work looks like a real office and I love that the desks have clutter and personal effects on them like real cubicles do and that they show Keys taking a box of his stuff with him as he leaves. The lobby with the moving water videos and Antwan’s massive but largely empty office fits perfectly with the obnoxious, zany, and over the top character that he is. I also love the contrast between Keys and Millie’s apartments and how those settings tell us a lot about each character and where they are in their lives when the film starts. When Keys comes home from work to find that Millie has broken in, we see that he lives in a stylish one bedroom apartment with an open concept kitchen full of stainless steel appliances, a large living room centred around an expensive wall mounted TV and entertainment system, with his computer and gaming station set up in the corner. On the walls we see artful clusters of black picture frames, through a partially open door we see a bedroom off to the side, the apartment is full of black and white furniture including a plush couch and nice lamps, and features a textured silver accent wall. All of which makes the fact that Millie managed to break in even more impressive because it is clearly an expensive apartment in a nice building. Keys’ style is minimalist and upper scale and based on what we learn about the events that took place before the start of the movie this indicates that Keys got the apartment and all of the nice stuff in it using the money he received when Antwan bought his and Millie’s game. In contrast, Millie lives in a bachelor apartment and spends her time in coffee shops ordering one single black coffee over four hours. This tells us that she kept her original apartment that she had from before the game was sold and is living off the money she got from the sale while she spends all of her time trying to find the proof she needs to win her lawsuit. When we see Millie’s place, we find that it’s cozy, full of plants, throw rugs, quilts, and comfy furniture. She’s got a bike in the corner, you can see her bed from the centre of the room where she’s got her computer and gaming station set up adjacent to the coffee table and the rest of the living room furniture. Her kitchen is smaller and full of wooden cabinets and her bathroom door has DIY multicoloured square panels on it. Keys and Millie’s apartments are very different and through these settings we see the contrast between where these characters are in their lives, their wealth, and their personal style. The song ‘Fantasy’ by Mariah Carey is featured heavily in the film and is guaranteed to get stuck in your head in the best way! Jodie Comer’s cover of it is amazing! It fits the moment where Guy makes it to the island that is Millie and Keys’ original build and shows it to the world perfectly. This movie made me appreciate Mariah Carey’s music in a whole new way and I can’t be the only way. After watching the movie, I went looking for the song on Apple Music, wound up listening to the Mariah Carey Essentials Playlist, and I’ve become obsessed. I knew some of her hits, but after listening to her music more I get why people love her so much. Her five octave vocal range is amazing, and her music is just so fun to listen to. The film has a really great soundtrack overall and I’ve had many of its song on repeat since I saw it. Something I really loved about this movie and the reveal at the end that Keys is in love with Millie and is desperate for her to notice, but she’s been oblivious the whole time is that they don’t do the supposedly nice nerdy guy whose really a jerk trope. So many movies do this where you have a nerdy male character whose unluckily love, looked over, or his love is unrequited, and we’re supposed to root for him because he’s a quote “nice guy”. But really, he’s not. He’s a jerk who feels slighted because a woman in his life doesn’t love him back or notice him and he feels as if she owes him something. The scene at Millie’s place where Millie tells Keys he looks cute when he brags, and Mouser encourages him to tell Millie how he feels is super frustrating to watch but it’s so important to Keys’ character. He asks Millie out for coffee and when she turns him down to jump back into the game, he doesn’t make a big deal about it even though Mouser wants him to. Instead he gets up and goes and gets her a coffee anyway. She goes to tell him her order, oblivious to the fact that he’s memorized it, he tells her he remembers, and goes to get the coffee anyway much to Mouser’s and the audience’s dismay. This is big because Keys clearly doesn’t want to be walking down the street by himself to get coffee. He wants to be getting coffee with Millie so that he can tell her how he feels to see if she might feel the same way, but when she turns him down he goes and gets the coffee anyway because he truly loves and cares about her and he values their friendship enough to put his own feelings aside and suffer in silence rather than lose her and what they’ve built. So, he takes the opportunity to get some air rather than continue to sit there in disappointment. Which is why he’s so confused when Millie runs after him and calls out to him from across the street. He doesn’t understand what she’s doing there. She turned down his offer to get a coffee and he already knows her order so why is she there? I love that they chose to make that scene non-verbal. I think if Millie had come out and made some big declaration of love it would have felt cheesy and overdone. But her running after him and silently communicating through her smile and body language that she understood and that she felt the same way was perfect. It was subtle and beautiful and perfectly acted. It also felt realistic to the characters because in real life when you’ve known someone a really long time and you’ve spent a lot of time with them you don’t always need words to convey what you mean. What Millie wanted to express in that scene was so big and so all-encompassing she couldn’t find the words to say everything that she wanted to say so she didn’t. She just stood there and smiled knowing that being the genius that he is he would understand. It’s like Keys says in their interview, words will fail you, but code never does. His coding worked and now she understands so rather than try and say it all and fail she just looks at him and smiles to show him that she finally gets it. She finally understands what he’s been trying to say to her all this time. And you can see the exact moment Keys realizes why she’s there. The moment where he goes from being confused as to what she wants to realizing that she saw the video and she knows how he feels and that she wouldn’t be standing there smiling at him like that if she didn’t feel the same way. When I watched the scene the first time around, I was anxiously clutching my nachos the entire time because when Keys ran towards her my immediate thought was, “Oh my god he’s gonna get hit by a car and they’re never gonna get to be together! Oh my god!” But then he didn’t get hit by a car and Millie ran out to meet him and for the first time in their relationship she met him halfway and they kissed and it was beautiful! I think because Free City had so much violence in it that’s where my mind went and I’m very glad they didn’t go that route. One of my only criticisms about the movie is that I wish they had stayed on Millie and Keys just a little bit longer. They kiss and embrace and then very quickly they cut to black. I wish they’d linger on that moment just a little bit longer because I love those characters so much and in the scene that follows where Guy and Buddy are reunited we see them hug and then walk away together to start their new lives and I wish we’d gotten just a bit more time with Millie and Keys. I also really loved the parallel between the different kinds of relationships within the movie and how platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones. The reveal at the end about Guy being Keys’ creation and a love letter to Millie and her realizing she’s been loving Keys vicariously through Guy and them finally coming together and being on the same page is beautiful because from the very beginning the movie is full of clues, hints, and foreshadowing that all comes together at the end. Meanwhile, we see the friendship between Guy and Buddy and how important that friendship is to him because it’s something that he created on his own. His love for Millie is born out of the programming that Keys gave him, but his friendship with Buddy is something that Guy created all on his own of his own volition. Which is part of what makes Buddy’s death on the bridge so tragic. I cried when Buddy disappeared. Reynolds and Howery play their characters with such sincerity that his death pacts an emotional punch you don’t expect. I love that the security guards at Soonami are so moved by Buddy’s heroism and are so captivated by what’s happening with the live stream that Millie is able to sneak past them into the server room and stop Antwan from destroying what’s left of the game. Something else I noticed on rewatch is that during the final battle after Millie gets booted from the game and Guy has to fight Dude on his own the glasses he’s wearing are very similar to the ones Keys wears in the movie which I thought was a cool nod to Guy being Keys’ creation. This really is a movie in which you find something new every time you watch it. For instance, the second time around I noticed that the foreshadowing that Keys is in love with Millie, but she’s oblivious to it because she’s so focused on the game was really well done. In the video from the indie game conference that Millie plays for Keys at his apartment when asked by the interviewer about their chemistry Millie responds first and says that their friends, their relationship is completely platonic, and laughs off the idea that they have chemistry. In contrast Keys falters and is silent and then eventually says meekly that they’re just friends. Millie is looking ahead at the interviewer and to the side away from Keys as she’s laughing and so she doesn’t see Keys’ reaction. At the end of the apartment scene after Millie breaks in to ask Keys for his help, he tells Millie he cares about her and he almost says something else. It feels like he’s about to say, ‘I love you’ but then he catches himself and instead tells her that she needs to leave. When Keys visits Millie’s apartment to tell her that she was right and they’re sitting on the couch he reaches out and puts his hand on her knee and then snatches it back when he realizes he’s gotten too close. He wants so desperately to be closer to her and in his excitement, he gets closer than he normally would before realizing that putting his hand on her knee in that close proximity is not a platonic gesture. Millie is so caught up in the realization that Guy, the person she’s fallen in love with, is an AI and not a real person that she doesn’t notice. My heart broke for Keys in that scene as he realized that Millie had fallen for Guy and kissed him and was so upset about it and meanwhile, he was right in front of her desperate for her to see how much he cares. It must have just wrecked him to go home that night and realize that Guy was based on the lovelorn character he created and that Millie had fallen in love with his creation while at the same time being so oblivious to his real world affection for her. In the scene at Millie’s apartment after they’ve gotten the server from Antwan and Mouser encourages Keys to say something, I noticed on rewatch just how weak and meager Keys’ attempt to ask Millie out is. He stumbles his way through asking her to get a coffee and trails off at the end so it’s no wonder Millie doesn’t clue in that he’s trying to ask her out. And in Keys’ defence he sent her a whole video confessing his feelings for her and all of the little things he loves about her and then told her to watch it and he has no idea if she did or not. We the audience know that Millie only saw half of it, but Keys has no idea if she saw none of it, part of it, or all of it. He knows she got Guy to remember, but she’s also sending him mixed messages. One minute she’s saying he’s cute when he brags and the next, she’s turning him down for coffee to talk to Guy. From the outside it’s so obvious that Keys is in love with Millie, but she doesn’t see it because she’s always looking the other way, not paying attention, so caught up in the game, and too focused on their work to see what’s right in front of her. On rewatch one of the big things I noticed is that Keys is always on the edge of telling Millie how he really feels but he always stops himself because she brushes him or the idea off and because he’s scared of what will become of their work and their friendship if she doesn’t feel the same way. It’s a huge leap. If Millie doesn’t feel the same way it’s going to make their relationship incredibly awkward and could potentially destroy their partnership so Keys decides it’s better not to say anything or only hint at how he feels rather than run the risk of ruining everything. Something else I noticed on rewatch is that in the interview they give Keys says he thinks of himself as an author and that code is what gets him up in the morning and that he loves the ones and zeros of binary because words can fail you and let you down but code never does. At the end of the movie when Millie goes to talk to Guy in Free Life he tells her that he loves her and while he knows that’s his programming he’s realized that he’s a love letter to her and that somewhere out there in the real world is the author. Such a great callback. All in all, I can definitely say that Free Guy has been my favourite movie so far this year! Definitely my favourite movie of the summer. I went to see it twice in theatres and I’ve never done that for any other movie before. I’ll rewatch them at home sure, but I’ve never actually paid money to see something twice on my own. I’m very excited to see the sequel and my hope is that it will be just as good as the first.  Until next time.
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im-a-lil-simp · 4 years
Oh okay I'm so sorry I didn't see the page! Anyway, maybe the same thing - subtly trying to tell Dream ur pregnant who doesn't get it? Again, I'm so sorry for the confusion!
Day 8 (Dream x AFAB! Reader)
No you're all good! Thank you for understanding, and thank you for requesting at all!
This felt a little weird to write since I absolutely never want to be pregnant/unlikely odds of being pregnant. I'm still here for cute, soft, protective Dream though.
This is also more of a blurb and I am sorry.
You were freaking out a little bit. When you took the pregnancy test, you had thought you were being a little absurd. There was no way you could be pregnant. No way, right?
Because now you were in the bathroom with two clear lines on the pregnancy test you just took. You felt like you were having a fever dream. No pun intended. You were too freaked out to make any puns.
You wanted to take some time to think about this, for definite.
So you took about a week. The first day, you were still very put off. It really hadn't occured in your mind that you were pregnant, that something was actually growing inside you. A human being was growing inside you nonetheless.
You didn't exactly know how to feel and you wanted to figure out if you wanted to keep it or not. You knew Clay wouldn't mind whatever decision you came to, he supported you through everything, but you wanted to figure it out first and foremost.
Clay noticed on day 1 that something was wrong. He could see it as in the way that you carried yourself, in the way that you used a different thought process even. Maybe he was a little too observant.
On day 2, you got slightly more used to the idea that you were pregnant. While it still felt weird and you were still unsure, you still had stuff to get done. You told yourself that thinking it through wouldn't just happen over night.
When Clay noticed you were slightly back to normal, he did his best to shove it to the back of his mind. He was still worried about you, but he didn't want to be pushy. You would tell him when you were ready.
This continued through the week. You went through your routines and Clay kept a watchful eye on you.
On day 6, you came to terms with the fact that you might want to keep it. While you weren't 100 percent on it, you had a good idea. This realization hit you around 11 pm on a sleepless Thursday night.
You two had gone to bed around 10 and Clay was fast asleep. He laid behind you, hands around your waist, and breathing softly. You couldn't keep it from him much longer, so tomorrow it was. You would tell him tomorrow.
When tomorrow actually came, you were much more nervous than you were the night before and it proved difficult to muster up the confidence to tell him that you were, in fact, pregnant.
So why not just try and hint at it? Maybe if you hinted at it, he might pick it up faster than you were letting on. Or maybe it would boost your confidence enough to tell him outright. Either way was a win in your book.
The first hint you gave was at breakfast. You sat down with a bowl of oatmeal and Clay had opted for a bowl of cereal, since neither of you really felt like making something on the stove.
After grabbing a smaller second bowl of oatmeal, you dropped a tiny bombshell. You knew he wouldn't pick it up, but it might make sense later.
"Man, I'm so hungry. Feel like I'm eating for two"
He laughed lightly at that before moving on with his day. Part of his brain was still trying to figure out what was going on with you. Little did he know.
Later, you were getting ready to go out and run a couple of errands. He was laying on your bed, chilling before he went to make content with some other members of the smp.
As you threw on your clothes and touched you self up in the mirror, you asked,
"Does my stomach look a little rounder to you?"
He got up and walked over to you before wrapping his arms around you.
"I don't think so, but I'd love you either way. You always look amazing."
You kicked yourself. You weren't making it obvious enough and you didn't exactly know how to take it further.
So you kept dropping those comments all day. Maybe he'd pick up on one of them.
News Flash: He did not.
When you woke up the next morning, you were determined to make yourself get the message across. The little gestures and comments you made were not enough, and he was still worried about what might be troubling you.
So when you got up in the middle of breakfast to book it for the bathroom, he panicked a little. Of all days, the morning sickness had to start now.
As you were hunched over the toilet, Clay pushed the door open and sat next to you on the bathroom floor. Worry coursed through him and it was eminent in the way he looked at you.
It was now or never, you had to tell him. Seeing him worry for you like he did in that moment made you want to break.
"What's up with you, babydoll? You've been distant all week."
You gulped down air as tears brimmed your eyes. What if things didn't go like you thought they would and he was upset?
"I'm pregnant, Clay"
It spilled out of you faster than your thoughts could race. Before the first tear could even roll down your cheek, you were buried in his chest, one hand rubbing your back and the other gently place on your head.
It all made sense to him now.
When you pulled back, he was smiling and he took your face in his hands.
"Are you serious?"
You nodded.
"Do you know if you want to keep it? You know I'll support you either way. You know that right? Anything you wan-"
"I think I want to keep it," you cut him off.
He eyes went wide and his smile widened. He was ecstatic.
"So I'm gonna be a dad?"
You nodded again.
He pulled you in for a long, loving kiss. He couldn't believe he was going to be a dad.
I don't know why everything I write for Dream is so short. It's a curse. Some of the wording is also weird ;_;
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
Breadsticks & a Boyfriend (kth/jjk)
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AO3 Link Here!
Relationships: Jungkook x Taehyung Genre: smut, pwp Final Rating: Explicit Word Count (Chapter): ~3.4k
Tags (more added as needed): smut, PWP, strangers to lovers, rough sex, dirty talk, sex toys, face fucking, coming untouched, shy Jungkook
Summary: When Taehyung took a simple order of pizza, breadsticks, and a soda to a customer on a rainy day, he had no idea how good his tip would be.
A/N: This fic was written for the @bangtanwritingbingo Summer Bingo square Jungkook x Taehyung and also for @venusiangguk who requested TaeKook with prompt #11: “Is it an oral fixation or do you just not want to talk to me?”
The life of a pizza delivery boy was far more interesting than one would think. Though it was a lower end, minimum wage job, for someone like Taehyung, it was excellent. He was a natural social butterfly. Outgoing, bright, vibrant, always seeking to make new friends. This job allowed him to meet a whole variety of people. Who didn’t like pizza? Upper class, snobby elite individuals, right down to the barely surviving folks who managed to scrape together enough for a small delivery once in a blue moon – Taehyung loved meeting them all. 
It was a Friday. It was payday. It was a good day. At least, until the clouds rolled in, darkening the sky and bringing thunder. And unfortunate torrents of rain. But a delivery boy doesn’t get a day off, and orders tended to only increase when the weather was this cruddy. 
Taehyung didn’t mind. Not really. He could handle a little rain and he had a sturdy car. 
The delivery was simple. A large pepperoni pizza, a small order of breadsticks, and a 2 liter of Coke. Simple. Probably a parent with a young child, a college age student, or a babysitter. Should be quick. Probably not a great tip for any of them, but that was okay; he’d had a big delivery to a house party earlier and had made a massive tip… And gotten a cute boy’s number. Taehyung was handsome, so it happened more than one would assume. The jokes about wanting to sleep with the pizza boy weren’t always jokes. Not that he’d ever go through with any of it. It was simple flirtation, it helped with tips. Taehyung figured he’d have to find someone pretty damn special to actually call them back. 
The rain seemed to come down harder as Taehyung drove to the address on his GPS. He reached a cute little house with a nicely kept yard. It was a little bit of a walk from where he was able to park to the porch… The driveway would offer a little more protection and a little shorter distance… Normally he didn’t park in driveways; people tended to sometimes get a little angry – but considering the circumstances…
Taehyung pulled into the driveway, nosing as close as he dared to the garage door. He grabbed the pizza bag and covered it carefully with a plastic sheet before pulling up his hood and getting out. He raced from the driveway to the front door, relaxing only when he was safely on the porch. He knocked once, putting on a broad smile. 
The door opened a crack, and then a little further, and then all the way. And Taehyung, for what it was worth, forgot how to breathe.
Standing in the doorway was the most stunning young man he’d ever seen. The man was just a little shorter than he was, with shaggy brown hair that swooped down nearly over his eyes, parted enough to peek his forehead. He wore thick silver hoops in his ears, two in his right and one in his left. His plush mouth and round nose matched his face perfectly, and dark eyes drew Taehyung in almost immediately. The man’s beauty wasn’t lowered or altered in the slightest by the fact that he was wearing a sweater and sweats, his feet bare. He smiled softly, his nose crinkling up. 
Taehyung beamed. “Hey. Pizza. You’re…” He glanced at the nametag on the receipt. “Jeon Jungkook?”
Jungkook nodded. He glanced over Taehyung shoulder, his small smile drooping. “Come inside,” he said softly, stepping aside. 
“Oh, thank you.” Taehyung stepped inside just enough for Jungkook to close the door, and crouched to take out the food. He handed it over to Jungkook quickly. “Pouring out there,” he commented.
“Flooding,” Jungkook agreed. 
Taehyung scowled at that. He turned, glancing out the window. As Jungkook had commented, the streets were nearly filled with water, pouring in rivets in certain areas. Taehyung’s body went cold. “Oh God, it got worse.”
“Doesn’t look safe to drive in,” Jungkook muttered. 
Taehyung sighed heavily. He turned back and smiled as best he could. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He turned to grab the doorknob, but Jungkook rushed forward, grabbing his wrist. 
“It’s a flash flood. News said it was dangerous. You should stay until it’s lightened up.” His voice was soft and timid, barely above a whisper. Either he was terrified, or truly the shiest man in the city. But he seemed genuine in his concern, and Taehyung felt a strange peace come over him at that.
“I’ll call my boss.” Taehyung turned and pulled out his phone, dialing his boss’ number.
“Kim Taehyung! Are you safe? It got so bad out there, I was worried sick.”
“I’m fine. I’m at the last customer’s house.”
“I shouldn’t have sent you out in this mess. Can you make it back?”
“The roads are pretty flooded. I was calling to ask if I could stay out. Until they clear up. I’ll work extra hours tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry about it. Stay safe. Do you know the customer?”
“No, but he’s letting me stay until it clears up. I’ll let you know when I make it home.”
“Thank you, keep me updated.”
Taehyung hung up and smiled. “She’s okay with me not going back. Uh… Thanks for letting me hide out here until the weather lightens.”
Jungkook nodded. He looked down at the food in his hands and turned, setting it on his table. He turned back, chewing his bottom lip. 
Taehyung blinked, unsure what to do. He watched Jungkook disappear through a doorway and then return, holding out a paper plate toward Taehyung. 
“Are you offering me lunch?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded, pulling open the pizza box. 
“Thanks.” Taehyung kicked his shoes off and hung his hoodie before he stepped up, taking a slice of the pizza. “I’m Kim Taehyung.” He stuck out his hand. Jungkook smiled shyly and shook it. He opened his mouth to answer and then closed it, grabbing a breadstick and sticking it into his mouth instead.
Taehyung laughed a little.
He sat at the table, watching Jungkook eat.
“Do you live alone?” He asked. Jungkook swallowed the bite he had in his mouth and nodded, quickly adding more food to his mouth. 
Their lunch continued in that manner – Jungkook would answer yes or no answers, always adding food to his mouth, a drink, or biting on something to keep his mouth too full to give Taehyung much of an answer at all. Despite the one-sided conversation, Taehyung was thoroughly intrigued by Jungkook. He wanted to know everything about him. Namely, why he refused to speak. 
Despite his quiet nature, Taehyung could feel Jungkook looking at him whenever he looked away. A few times their gazes met, and Jungkook’s was intense enough that Taehyung found himself a bit flustered. For someone who refused to speak, he was certainly showing plenty of interest.
After lunch, Jungkook wandered over to the couch. He looked at Taehyung and patted the seat next to him. Taehyung smirked. He settled next to Jungkook, turning his attention to the television when Jungkook turned it on, flipping through the channels. He picked up the string on his sweatshirt as he did, sticking it into his mouth and chewing gently on it. 
Taehyung chuckled a little. He relaxed back against the couch, glancing over at Jungkook every little bit. Even relaxed like this – the boy was stunning. His profile was nearly perfect. He could easily be a singer or a celebrity.
“What do you do for a living, Jungkook?” Taehyung finally asked. 
Jungkook looked over, his eyes wide. He dropped the string from his mouth. “I— I’m computer. I program. Computers.” He stuttered. 
“Wow, that’s cool,” Taehyung grinned. “You must be super smart, that’s such a cool job.” 
Jungkook smiled shyly. He stuck the string back in his mouth, gnawing on it. 
“I’m finishing up college myself,” Taehyung continued, looking back at the television. “For photography and media design. I absolutely love art in all forms.”
He glanced at Jungkook from the corner of his eye, catching the other eyeing him up and down. A slow smirk crossed his lips. 
“You know, Jungkook… I’ve gotta ask.” He looked back at him and reached out, tugging the sweatshirt string from his mouth. “Is it an oral fixation, or do you just not want to talk to me?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. He covered his mouth and tilted his head a little.
“No, I—I don’t not want to talk to you. I mean, I—” He squeaked a little, covering his ears. 
Taehyung’s grin grew. “Are you really so shy?”
Jungkook lowered his gaze and nodded. 
“Well you don’t have to be.” 
Instead of responding, Jungkook slipped his finger into his mouth, chewing the skin around the side of his fingernail. 
Taehyung reached out, pushing his hand down. He shifted over a little, staring until Jungkook looked at him.
“You’ve been checking me out all afternoon.”
“You noticed?” Jungkook squeaked. His cheeks began to redden in little blotches, chest rising a little faster. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s creepy,” Jungkook muttered.
“I don’t think so. In fact, I’m pretty flattered.” Taehyung reached out, hesitating a moment before touching Jungkook’s cheek with his hand. “Not often a stunning young man looks at me like that.”
“I didn’t mean to…” Jungkook whispered. He looked away, but didn’t pull his face away from Taehyung’s grip.
“I’ve been looking at you too, Jungkook.” Taehyung paused, letting Jungkook look at him once more. When he did, Taehyung continued. “We’re both adults. If you do have an oral fixation… Well…” Taehyung wet his lips, leaving the question unasked. 
Jungkook’s eyes dropped down to his crotch, and Taehyung smirked. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Is that what you were thinking about?”
Jungkook didn’t answer. He bit on his lips, sucking them in until they formed a fine line. Taehyung pushed a little further, stroking his thumb over Jungkook’s mouth. 
“It’s okay if it was. You just need to tell me. So that I know how to respond.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened just enough to be noticeable. He released the grip on his lips, then bit his bottom lip once more, drumming his fingers on his thigh. “What if I was?” He kept the same soft voice, but there was something else. A rough, needy tone that sent the blood straight to Taehyung’s cock. 
“I guess I’d have no choice but to oblige your curiosity. I can’t deny a cute boy his wants, now can I?” Taehyung rose. He put his hands on his jeans, hesitating. “Is this what you were thinking about, Jungkook?”
Jungkook nodded, his eyes glued to Taehyung’s crotch. 
Taehyung undid his jeans. He could not honestly believe he was doing this. He pushed his jeans and boxers down, letting them pool around his ankles. His cock was already standing at attention, mostly hard at the prospect of having Jungkook in any way.
Despite his shyness, Jungkook responded immediately. He sank to his knees and stroked Taehyung’s cock twice before opening his mouth. Taehyung pushed his hips forward slowly, letting his smooth tip slide over Jungkook’s tongue. 
“Holy shit... Suck on it.”
Jungkook’s lips closed immediately and he began to suck, bobbing his head easily along the shaft. Taehyung’s toes curled. He buried his fingers in Jungkook’s soft curls, letting his head fall back. His cock hardened the rest of the way within seconds. Taehyung snapped his hips forward until the tip of his cock bumped the back of Jungkook’s throat. He looked down.
Jungkook gagged once, screwing his eyes shut. Instead of pulling back, he shifted, swallowing the spit pooling around Taehyung’s cock. He moved back a little and pushed forward. Taehyung felt his tip bump his throat again, and the convulsion of his throat, and then it relaxed. 
Taehyung shouted when his tip slipped into Jungkook’s warm, tight throat. He began to pump his hips gently, not wanting to hurt Jungkook, but wanting to savor that tight, unique feeling. He pulled his cock free, marveling at how slick with spit it was, shining in the lamplight. Jungkook let his mouth hang open, drool spilling out over his chin and onto his lap. His cock was tenting the front of his sweats obscenely.
“You getting off swallowing my dick, pretty one?” Taehyung teased, slapping Jungkook’s cheek with his cock. 
Jungkook nodded. He leaned back, pulling his sweats down around his knees. His cock wasn’t huge, but it certainly was hard, dripping precome the moment it was exposed.
“Can you come from this, sweetie?” Taehyung cooed. He rubbed his cock over Jungkook’s lips.
“Almost,” Jungkook whispered. “As long as I can finger my ass.”
“Do you have toys?”
Jungkook nodded. 
“Go put one in for me. One that will help you come. I want you to squirt without touching yourself.”
“Yes, Sir.” Jungkook rose. He tugged off his sweats and rushed off. Taehyung stroked his cock lazily, Jungkook’s spit slicking the way. 
Jungkook returned with a thick, curved dildo in one hand.
“Wanna stick it up my ass?”
“I’d love to.” 
Jungkook crawled onto the couch. He let his head hang over the edge, and slung his back and hips up the back of it, folding himself up so his knees nearly touched his chest. The angle exposed, and spread, his ass beautifully. Taehyung spit against his hole, smirking when it fluttered and Jungkook giggled.
“I was fingering myself before you came,” he explained. “Just stick it in.”
Taehyung did as he requested, sliding the silicone cock past his tight rim. Jungkook moaned contentedly, his dick dribbling precome onto his upper chest.
“Jungkook...” Taehyung said, nestling the toy neatly between Jungkook’s ass cheeks. “Can you come on your own face in this position?”
Jungkook nodded.
“Let me know when you’re close... I wanna see that.”
Taehyung shifted, rubbing his cock over Jungkook’s lips once more before sliding into his warm mouth. The new angle let Taehyung watch his cock slowly slipping in, each bob of Jungkook’s Adam’s apple as he swallowed, easing the way for the sensitive tip to finally slip into his throat. Despite having been there earlier - the feeling still caught Taehyung off guard. He lightly rested his hand on Jungkook’s throat as he began to pump his hips. Much to his surprise, right at the start of his throat, Taehyung could feel a little bulge on each inward stroke. He rubbed it gently, gasping at the sudden pressure. 
“Oh god, I’m really in your throat—“ he panted. He pulled back and Jungkook gasped in a breath. He grinned, his eyes shut. 
“Where’d you think I was putting it?” He teased. 
Taehyung slapped his bare ass, working the dildo deeper, and Jungkook moaned.
Taehyung slid his cock back into his mouth, gripping the base of the dildo. One hand rested over Jungkook’s throat, rubbing lightly each time he pumped his cock. The other he used to tug the dildo, not enough to pull it free from the clench of Jungkook’s rim, but just enough to tease. 
Jungkook moaned around Taehyung’s cock, the wet gulping noises adding to the obscenity - and sexiness - of the situation. 
Jungkook’s cock was leaking precome freely, dribbling clear streaks over his heaving, sweat slicked chest. He began to tap Taehyung’s thigh and pointed at his cock.
Taehyung pulled out, and Jungkook moaned loudly. He reached down, holding his ass open further, and pushing his hips up more. His cock twitched and throbbed visibly. Taehyung began to work the dildo quicker, angling it against where his prostate should be. Jungkook’s eyes rolled back.
“Stick it down my throat,” he begged. His voice was rasping and dry. He opened his mouth wide, sticking his tongue out.
Taehyung obeyed, sliding his cock in. Jungkook’s nose nuzzled against his tight, full balls, and he gagged, his cock twitching. Taehyung struggled to hold still as Jungkook began to swallow and moan around him. The squeeze was bordering on uncomfortable, but Taehyung barely noticed. Jungkook was moaning against him, the vibrations tingling up his cock and all the way to his toes. He almost missed the desperate tapping on his thigh for a second time. 
He pulled out, and Jungkook jerked hard. He burped, his cheeks pinking up even more, and his cock began to spurt. The first rope landed on his chin, milky and thick. Jungkook tilted his head just enough and the next two spurted into his open mouth. Taehyung went forward, sliding his cock in. The final hot rope streaked over his shaft, making him shudder. He pushed his cock deep into Jungkook’s mouth, feeling the silky slide of Jungkook’s come as it coated his cock. 
He began to pump his hips, chasing his orgasm. “Gonna come in your throat,“ Taehyung gasped, holding Jungkook’s head. Jungkook gave a thumbs up, moaning around his cock.
Two more pumps and Taehyung went still, grunting softly. His cock spilled into Jungkook’s throat, milked by the steady swallows, and urged on by Jungkook’s hands on his ass, holding him deep. The orgasm curled his toes, every nerve alight with pleasure. Each pump he knew he was spilling into the delicate, exposed throat of his pretty new friend. Jungkook’s breath was hot against his balls as he struggled to draw in air and not choke on the come. His own softening cock twitched weakly and dribbled onto his chest. 
Taehyung pulled out only when he began to soften, and Jungkook shot up, coughing and gagging. Taehyung sat next to him, rubbing and patting his back. He reached up, wiping away some of the stray come and spit streaking Jungkook’s face.
“You okay?” Taehyung worried. Jungkook nodded, clearing his throat. He smiled sheepishly. 
“I’m okay,” he whispered, his voice raspy. Taehyung rose and grabbed the cup of soda from the table, bringing it over to Jungkook. Jungkook rose just enough to pull his sweats up before slumping back onto the couch and taking the cup from Taehyung. 
Taehyung fixed his jeans, glancing around. 
“So that was… Something…”
“Were you pleased?” Jungkook asked softly, staring into the cup. 
“Was I—Of course I was pleased, you were great. I’ve never had someone… So happy to do that. Do you really like it when people…”
Jungkook nodded again. “I don’t get the opportunity often. I’m too shy to really make friends, let alone proposition someone.”
Taehyung sat back down next to Jungkook. “Look, we just met… And I didn’t, obviously… Plan for any of this. So, you would be well within your rights to tell me to fuck off…” 
Jungkook looked over, tilting his head a little curiously.
Taehyung smiled. “God you’re cute,” he sighed.
Jungkook giggled a little at that, lowering his gaze. “I already sucked your dick,” he said softly. “You don’t need to butter me up.”
“What if I’m buttering you up for something else?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked back up.
“Like what?”
“A date.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows, making them disappear into his shaggy bangs. “A date? W… With you?”
“Yeah, with me. I like you. I want to get to know you better. What do you think?”
“I—” Jungkook seemed to freeze, pinching his lips together in a fine line. 
“You don’t have to say yes,” Taehyung worried.
“No, I – I want to. I just… Why?”
“Because I like you.” Taehyung shrugged. “You want to?”
Jungkook nodded. 
“Great. Uh… Well, I mean… Obviously I’m already over but… Maybe this weekend?”
“I’d like that.” 
Taehyung grinned. He pulled out his phone and handed it over to Jungkook. “Your number, if you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah, of course.” Jungkook took it and typed it in. As he did, Taehyung rose, peeking out of the blinds. 
“Looks like the flooding has gone down enough. I should probably get back to my work.”
Jungkook nodded. He rose, fixing his own pants. He handed Taehyung’s phone back. 
“Text me so I can get your number… Drive safe, okay?”
Taehyung nodded. He pulled on his jacket and toed into his shoes. Jungkook moved up to him, looking shy once more. 
“What?” Taehyung teased. 
“Can I kiss you?”
“Can’t get enough of that oral fixation, eh?” Taehyung joked. He reached out, brushing his thumb over Jungkook’s bottom lip. “Of course you can.”
He pulled Jungkook into a gentle kiss, holding him close. It was funny, he realized, as they separated and he hurried out the door to his car. A simple twist of fate – a forced meeting – a simple call for a pizza on a rainy day – could change an entire life. 
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