#the bonds between people fuck me up 24/7 sos
bijesperfahey · 2 years
Transplanar RPG is going to make me learn how to draw because so much of these scenes DEMAND full fanart
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st4rrth0ughts · 6 months
Aventurine character study that I spewed at my friend posted here bc I despise whoever portrays him as a useless blonde 24/7 horny twink as his canon self (i will throttle you through the fuckin screen)
A/n: I think the 2.1 trailer is helping me regain my writing motivation, expect inbox asks from Jan- Feb to be coming out soon :)
WRITTEN BEFORE 2.1 This post will contain leaks, 2.0 Trailblaze quest spoilers, world quest spoilers, Aven's slave life in canon, disgusting people saying Aven's a sex slave, under the cut! Please proceed with caution if any of these trigger you. Thank you, and enjoy my yap session on one of the best characters in this game.
Aventurine's story is much more than just looking and acting like the typical rich blonde playboy, as much as he gives off those vibes. Looking at his child self in the 2.1 trailer compared to all of his current models, its very obvious that many, many things happened that caused all the light to poof from his eyes.
First, his homeland, Sigonia. Aventurine's home planet's is uninhabited, and perhaps even destroyed completely. Aventurine is the last of his kind left. His parents, his sister, his possible friends and relatives, hell, even all the people he doesn't know have all perished. The IPC took him in, I presume, but most definitely not out of kindness. In fact, it may not matter that Aventurine is one of the Ten Stonehearts, he is not a person to the company. He is just a asset, a piece for them to dispose if he fucks up.
In the 1.4? Belobog quest where Topaz goes to Bronya about Belobog's massive debt to the IPC, and at the end, we get our first crumbs of Aventurine's character. A important thing to note in this dialogue between the two of them is that he asks Topaz to the project manager on his project in Penacony, because if he knows better than everyone that if he fails to get Penacony back into the IPC's grasp, he'll die. There's no way around it, unless he gets someone he has a somewhat close bond with, Topaz, to lighten his fall.
The tattoo on his neck, is a symbol of his slavery to the IPC. How he's bound to them. How no matter how hard he runs or hides, he will never escape their grasp. In fact, he knows damn well, if anyone gets wind of this alongside his Sigonian history (Sigonians are notorious for being wolves in sheep's clothing, bad people in most eyes'), it is very well possible that his rivals and enemies will use his past to their advantage. Thats why he freely shows it to the world. So that no one can dig it up and use it against him, because how do you use something that he so freely proclaims to everyone he meets?
Aventurine is a man who gambles as well. Not just simply gambling for the thrill of it or his earnings. He says it himself, he sees the world, life itself, as a gamble. High reward, high stakes. Even going back to his conversation with Topaz, its only shown on how he tells her he warned her about taking Belobog as her project because it was high risk, but low return. Aventurine wants the best outcome not just for himself, but because if he doesn't get a good outcome, the IPC has no use for him.
Aventurine is a man who knows how to get what he wants. he knows how to take risks, get out of high stake scenarios with him being the winner. Its obvious in his lightcone, 'Final Victor', his conversation with Dr. ratio in the Penacony 2.0 Trailblaze quest, and his conversation with Himeko and Welt about giving up his room for the Trailblazer. He's confident, cocky, if you will. But for good reason.
In the lightcone, its implied it doesn't matter for Aventurine dies or lives. He will always be the winner. Every move is calculated, precise, carried out with clockwork precision and most importantly, planned so well that whether you like it or not, you're letting him win. He manages to get the Nameless, the widely regarded faction, in his debt. He knows damn well how to play his cards. It is extremely impressive. But he is the Aventurine of Stratagems. He knows what he wants and needs, and he will go any length to get it.
The lightcone, again, also shows just how far Aventurine risks, just for him to gain Dr. Ratio as a asset for him to benefit from. He could have gone any route, but what does he go for? Thats right, Russian goddamn roulette. Just for the (I assume) slim chance of Dr. Ratio's trust, or at the very least, cooperation. "I will always be the final victor." I am repeating, but just bear with me here, this just solidifies the fact he is confident in his skills. He doesn't flinch at all when he shoots 3 blank rounds right into his heart, even though there's the 1/6 chance he'll die. He takes risks. Its his character. He doesn't have anything or anyone, much less his own life, left to loose.
The lightcone is also not 'haha funny gay story', as much as it is funny, i wont lie, the memes are fun to look at, but it is not that. Its a story where Aventurine's suicidal tendency shows through, perhaps not so clearly, but its very much there if you look past the story and read into it. Again, Russian roulette, he could have gone for anything else, like a contract or smth, but he knows he has to go through extremes, and this just solidifies the fact of how Aventurine will do anything for assets and trust in him, so his plans can come to fruition.
Aventurine's personality is complicated, like a intricate, deceiving web of lies and emotional barriers to keep him safe. He hides behind the facade of smiles and is unreadable, and his past is all but cheery. A slave, (not a sex slave, twitter+Tiktok users need their brain fucking reworked i will cry) a man branded by the IPC, bound to the till his death is what Aventurine is. The IPC is ruthless, evident from multiple world quests, such as the Aurum Street Alley quest, Belobog's debt quest, Chadwick's quest in Penacony, paints them as bad people, a bad organization in general. Hell, even though Topaz isnt like the assholes we've seen, she's far from an angel herself.
Aventurine has gone through many things to have lost the sparkle in his eyes. Take Childe/Tartaglia from Genshin Impact for example, whom fell into the abyss for months, seen all the horrors of it, had to learn to fend for himself because I'm very sure Skirk did not care for him in a healthy sense. We can either assume Aventurine been through something on the same level during his younger days or perhaps, worse.
And no, he is not Dr. Ratio or Sunday's sex slave, I'm looking at a certain artist on Twitter (fuck off I'm not calling it X), its disgusting. Whoever genuinely enjoys sex slave Aventurine is sick in the damn head, no he would not enjoy that kind of Roleplay, as much as i am downbad and indeed filthy with some of my fics with him.
Aventurine doesn't have anyone he can truly call a friend, ship him with Dr. ratio, Sunday, Boothill (yes, its a thing), Caelus/ Stelle, whoever, but in the end, you cannot say he (as of 2.0, this may change) has any true friends he can trust, not even just a bit. Bonds he forms are transactional, maybe not too much on Dr. Ratio (as evidenced by his dejected his looks after Ratio leaves, either from the insult or bc he truly though Ratio cared) and perhaps on the Astral Express's part, but his bond with Sunday? Yeah, its transactional, 101% unless it changes in 2.1.
All in all, Aventurine is my favourite character, i have never wanted to read, write, understand, watch, hell, I've never wanted to farm and pull for a character as much as him. He is a complex, heavy and deep character that I do not believe many can grasp upon properly when writing stories, headcannons or even smut/nsfw works with him in it (shoutout to those who does tho, I love y'all <3).
Draw or write his fanon self, make him a himbo, tsundere, a rich man who's just a playboy, or a blonde with a pretty face, but you cannot say that is him in canon. I may despise some fanon interpretations, but fuck those who merge fanon and canon. He will never be any of the fanon interpretations i mentioned above, and he never will be in canon. Hoyoverse put their whole soul into this man, i can see it, and its brain damaging on how so many people fetishize his past and water him down.
In speculation of 2.1 and 2.2, if Aventurine does live (he prob will, its unlikely he'll be killed before release, Tingyun is a exception because she released before her death), maybe he'll learn how to start to open himself up again, start to fully trust, starting with Trailblazer as his first true friend. Its cliche, typical protag power bullshit, but it will no doubt, be a huge step in shaping Aventurine back into the man he could have been if his planet wasn't enslaved.
Conclusion: He deserves better, both in- game and how the fandom treats him. I love him, he's my adorable pookie wookie shmookie <33
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vegaseatsass · 6 months
So the way I assume at least some number of people felt about Pit Babe ("not sure this is hanging together narratively, but OMG THIS SHIT IS CRAZY! I HAVE TO GO TELL TUMBLR!") is the way I feel about Blank the Series. Well, I was right that the younger Nueng (who I will call Anueng) is named after the older Nueng (who I will call Nueng), because Anueng's mother was in love with Nueng. HOWEVER! Fah named her daughter after Nueng as an act of SPITE. Nueng didn't reciprocate her affections, so Fah ended up fucking Nueng's fiance - maybe as a way to feel close to her unrequited love ?? - and getting pregnant at age 16. Nueng encouraged her to abort the child for the sake of her future. So 20 years later, Fah tells Nueng YES I named my daughter after you: because you RUINED MY LIFE! By 1) breaking my heart when we were kids 2) almost causing me to miscarry my daughter, whom you are now in love with!!!! So both of Anueng's parents were and probably are in unrequited love with Nueng. They produced a baby who has decided her only mission in life is to get with this older woman... who both her parents are/were in love with. Now if that is not enough melodrama for you, Nueng left her fiance at the altar but he is still like, into her and likes hanging out with her. As soon as she told him he's Anueng's father he wanted to become a part of his daughter's life. So Nueng becomes like the gatekeeper of time with Anueng. Fah is like "help me bond with my estranged daughter (who wants to fuck you just like I do)". Chet, the father, is like "will you allow me to see my daughter (who wants to fuck you just like I do)?" as if it's Nueng's call... So in response to the epic guilt Nueng's feeling about Anueng's almost-miscarriage (it wasn't actually her fault btw, Fah is lying to chain Nueng to her out of guilt), Nueng arranges an amusement park date between her two exes, their daughter, and a guy who likes their daughter, even though the daughter in question only wants to be there with Nueng. There's one hilarious scene where Nueng tries to set both mother and daughter up on an age appropriate heterosexual date through a haunted house while she fades into the background, and they both rush through while the men jump and gasp in fear, because the women only want to get back to Nueng waiting outside. I just don't think I can express how weird this is. Nueng sets up a birthday party for the girl who has been professing her love for her since they met, where all the attendees are intended to help Anueng move on from her, but there is NO distinction between "people who can parent you instead of me" and "person who wants to fuck you instead of me". Nueng makes a sincere comment about how easy it is to fall in love with Anueng, TO HER FATHER. Anueng's MOTHER is jealous that her daughter likes Nueng better than her. It's just all sooooooooooo fucking weird and psychosexual. 20yo Anueng's babyishness remains incredibly offputting to me, but my friend has pointed out she only does that when she's around Nueng, so it's very obviously a performance. When she's around literally anyone else she kind of just looks like she's dissociating 24/7. Plus her abusive grandmother has kept her so sheltered and isolated and abused that it's not surprising she doesn't really know how to socialize authentically. So even if it's not my bag I'm like, narratively compelled by whatever the actual fuck is going on in this GL. And did I mention: Mon and Sam are there, too!!!! There's a whole plotline where Anueng is jealous of Sam because she thinks Nueng and Sam are girlfriends. When she finds out they're actually sisters (and she double-checks onscreen: ACTUAL, biological sisters? This isn't a pseudocest situation?), she's like oh! So you like beautiful rich women! All I have to do is replace your sister by becoming a beautiful rich woman myself!!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Team Parent Percy Jackson headcanons
Before i forget to do them again!!He is canonically but Rick dosen't expand on it and i also don't wanna hear any critisism because this is based off irl experiences and Percy used to his full potential because he deserves better
I wanna start off with the canon evidence:He's the eldest main hero in the franchise(T.oa is Not Real)and the most experienced one too,he feels the need to look out for younger people all the time and this is a springoff growing up a bully beater that was so set on protecting the innocent he never stopped even after getting kicked out of 6 schools by age 12,he's constantly compared to Poseidon as a foil to him whos's him but better,Hazel said he looked like a roman god which her dad is and Percy himself even compared his relathionship with Nico to acting like Sally does with him
He also said Sadie looks like his daughter and he specifically used 'mother' for the Nico part so darkskin afro-dominican and transfem bigender Percy is hashtag real <3
Nico and Hazel are his platonic soulmates by choice in every universe and they're known as 'The Dead Sea Siblings'.No Hoo retcons for Nico and Percy's dynamic and in fact between Botl and Tlo they spent the year bonding and reconnecting so when Hazel comes in to complete them they're a proper trio like they were always meant to be and Sally legally adopts Nico and Hazel after Tlo and after Boo respectively but they keep their birth surnames just for shortness' sake
He calls them 'Papito' and 'Mamita' and helps them take care of their hair and they have wash day together with Percy doing the work most often and Nico and Hazel lean on him for support both emotionally and literally when they're exhausted.They hang out almost 24/7 and the younger two are enrolled at a Special ED school as Percy convinced them to out of regret from rejecting Sally's offer to him when he was in elementary school because his internalized ableism was so bad already he had a meltdown and then a shutdown about it.He made sure to tell Nico and Hazel how smart they are too since he knows what it's like to have almost nobody say it to you
He guiltrips Poseidon into giving him money for Nico's chronic pain meds and mobility aids and helps Hazel out with girls,with her love life being as Mabel Pines-esque as she is(Nico is Dipper obviously)
He radicalized them as a multitype punk(afropunk,crustpunk,seapunk and solarpunk-The sea does not like to be restrained)so Nico's goth punk and Hazel's pastel goth punk.He taught them all they needed to know and takes them to safer punk activities like charity events and shows until they get old enough he's comfortable taking them on riots with him too.His battle jacket patches include a skull and a yellow diamond to represent them and a part of punk culture that appealed to him big time was the emphasis on children's rights in the form of older punks taking care of and protecting baby punks.Naturally he did Nico and Hazel's piercings for them too
He uses his powers to make beach days straight up tropical for them and just in general loves making kids happy by doing water tricks for them.He himself is pretty kiddy as a way of healing his inner child and having intergenerational friends where he gets to be the caretaker so he can give kids who're like he used to be a better childhood than he had which includes not making them be his therapist but the reverse is a huge help(Percy just like me fr fr).He loves legos,video games,cats,cartoons,princesses(also his type in women,specifically BLACK princess-y girls since i mean Andromeda?Duh)and pink is his second favorite color after blue
He looks like as much of a dad as he acts like.He's 6'4,thick as fuck(healthy fat and muscles mix),has long hair,super darkskinned and strongfeatured and radiates a vibe that puts off normies and makes children think he's trustworthy.The piercings(tongue ring,eyebrow,spider bite and forward helix on both ears)give him an edge that's oddly friendly
His cooking skills are on par with Sally's so he packs Nico and Hazel lunch and leaves them little sticky notes with positive words/gentle reminders on them.They share the bed often so they can all have good sleep schedules and it was Percy's idea with Hazel's convincing Nico after his initial hesitance out of worry his boney cold build would be uncomfortable to sleep with but they think he's as snuggly as a teddy bear and Percy having boobs thanks to being on estrogen in the past makes his chest comfortable to lay on(Nonsexually for them.If you make it sexual please repent and disintegrate,i literally grew up doing this with my relatives who're girls like me)
Has a 'Protect Trans Kids' banner in his room and a pin of it on his battle jacket.He's known as the cool punk Manhattan dude you go to if you're having gender troubles because he knows his shit and just what to say because of his extreme gender fuckery and obviously Nico and Hazel are his trans kids and inspired him to start handing out knowledge of transgenderism to younger generations in general and same goes for autism,even more so because he's literally the most autistic character ever
The little kids at camp consider him more their parent than their godly ones and some of them even call him 'Dad' or 'Mom'.It makes Percy tear up every time because it makes him feel like really succeeded in breaking the cycle of abuse and changing the system(as if he didn't straight up kill Zeus and cause a revolution he helped out on a lot)
Owns matching Aquapets with Nico and Hazel and it was their idea to buy them so they searched for ones together at thrift stores
He gets maddddddd if someone hurts younger people even if he dosen't even know them and jumps to their defense because it's a built in instinct at this point
Carries around a backpack with emergency items in case anything happens and has important facts about the kids memorized
Wholesome memes connoiseur.These are literally Percy core but he has an entire phone gallery of them saved for when his loved ones are sad:
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I wanna make the obvious nsfw jokes but i also want to keep this post to be pg so imma just say Dilf Percy.Yeah that's it
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canaidliafail · 1 year
stay grounded pt.7
streamer abby x reader 🌿
its been a while hasn’t it :D anyways part 7 is here now ✨✨✨ has some sad stuff has some spice but hey the girls are seeing each other again <3333 TW: I have never been to renfaire as that sadly is not a thing in my country and haven’t been in the US either so :)))))) shit won’t be the most accurate unless I magically go on a trip next month or smt.
not proof read, probably will never be either
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“Treat me like I’m nobody’s daughter
Just put your hands around my throat, Ain’t been to heaven but I’m close”
Your phone was blowing up with notifications and as a result you were shutting down, drowning in pure panic. Why did Abby post that ? No caption no nothing….People already speculated things about you two but for them to now know she had visited you….
It wasn’t that you minded people knowing. Not exactly ? There was a part of you that feared public relationships considering the fact that your previous ones didn’t pan out so well. They all seemed respectful and understanding but the minute things went south they would fill their pages with bitter remarks and shady posts. You wanted to believe Abby was different than that. That she would be better than that or at least would try to be for you.
As much as you loved to delude yourself that you had control over you throughs you knew the gesture had gotten into your head and there a small voice repeating the words like a mantra
“Mine, mine mine”
You didn’t like who you were when you were in love and you hated yourself even more when you dated someone but fuck, you were so ready to go through all that again for Abby. You did love her and the tension when you saw her, the chemistry you had and the heated nights made you dizzy with euphoria. It felt like you were molded to heal and fit each other’s missing parts.
You tapped the reshape button and posted the photo on your story and decided to be a bit bolder than before with the small caption beneath
“I won” and a pink heart.
If she would have an issue with it you would delete it and maybe your career would reach new peaks with a stylized apology video in your lavish living room. If she appreciated the gesture though…that would kickstart a fruitful new bond between you two. Hopefully.
Most likely
“Man it feels…empty over here. Alice is wayyyy too happy to see me though”
“Yeah no shit you’ve been gone for half a month” You said laughing all the way through as you watched Alice bounce all over the place and more from Abby’s left side to her right and bark occasionally. Abby had to shove her face away while she tried to eat a miserable bowl of soup that she cooked with whatever leftovers hadn’t rotted in her fridge.
“Half a month huh ... .Felt like its been barely a day” She said with a melancholic sigh and you just fawned at the sight of her staring at her dog lovingly and giving her a few good rubs on her chin.
“How are you doing over there ? Back to sewing?” She asked and turned to look at you through the camera. Its been around a day since you last talked yet it felt like it had been so much longer and it was a pleasant feeling to see the feeling reciprocated. Abby didn’t hesitate to jump on FaceTime the second she came home reassuring for the first 30 minutes that “its ok you can keep me company while I unpack” and “no its cool you can watch me while I cook my dinner” and so on.
There was a significant change in your attitude and in the way she talked to you. She was comfortable.
It made sense. You had eaten each other out 24 hours ago so to be shy on call would be weird and uncalled for.
“I haven’t done much in that regard but…I did deep clean the house and all. My neighbor brought me cake as well. Was pretty cute”
Abby groaned
“You have a neighbor like that and she never once made her gracious appearance to give cake when I was there ?! Fucking unfair”
“I think your loud moans scared her off Abs”
You said and bit your tongue a second after in shame. Oh you were growing to comfortable
“Fuck off. I know that you like that I’m loud”
She quipped with a shit eating grin and you blushed and buried your face in your palms
“Shut up. I- I don’t know why I even said that”
“Oh come on babe. We are way past that stage” she said calmly while eating another spoonful of her colored liquid.
“You would have a point but I…Give me some time” You mumbled and heard her laugh. You grabbed a wet wipe and started wiping your coffee table from the cigarette ashes. Your heart was beating in your chest content by the fact that she didn’t brush off the fact that you two were entangled like that and more than that, she seemed to want to remind you as well that things were happening between you two
“Ah also about the story sorry I didn’t ask before posting it. I’m not gonna say anything about our relationship yet. Not unless you want me to of corse”
You blinked and pursed your lips. Your brows shot up and your eyes turned to the camera
You asked and felt dumb the second the words left your mouth. She looked at you and seemed equally nervous. It didn’t exactly show but you picked up on some signs from the short time that you got to experience her up close. Her tongue rolling in her mouth and that half smile trying to hide a laughter of awkwardness and embarrassment. Her hand at the nape of her neck as if she was straightening the flow of her braid
“Yeah. I mean now that we are a thing I thought I’d ask you how you wanted to handle it regarding our…publicity because we do have quite the platform”
Her words were rushed.. You were quick to realize that this was her way of saying she wanted the two of you to make whatever you had official. And you smiled discreetly and turned to face her
“Let’s take it slow with our audience, yeah? Think we should take our time figuring each other out before we let anyone else do that for us” You reassured and she nodded her shoulders easing. She took in a deep breath visibly relaxed now and took another spoonful of her shitty soup.
Abby got you another gift. You didn’t know when did she even make the purchase but you were woken up a week later from the delivery man with a large box of items from your wishlist with an additional two things that she probably added in there herself. You were used to being the one making such gestures. Being the dominant and the one providing and over endorsing the other person in every way so to receive such…princess treatment was new and made you sit on the floor with the ugliest grin
“You are so fucking creepy now”
June spat with an equally big smile being quick to put two and two together.
“I can’t believe this is my life now. Can you? Like…she is too good. Too sweet”
She rolled her eyes and went back to her phone scrolling through posts and messages. You looked at the package and scratched the cardboard with your fingers,contemplating how to phrase your proposal.
“oh so what if I got her a gift too? Like something big?”
“big like…say tickets to visit her?” she said and cocked a brow
“no june i'm serious-“
“So am I”
you stared long and hard at each other. You weren’t sure when to even propose that to her. Things were going well but you didn’t like the idea that you could possibly seem needy or too eager. Which weren’t bad things per say but they did stupidly bruise your ego. You weren’t one to endorse such games and thoughts but you held Abby to such a high standard that you hated that any “strong” emotion that you would exhibit would scare her off
“As much as I would like to do that, I think I'll take my time. It's only been a week you know”
June shrugged knowing that even if she said something in the moment it wouldn’t change your mind.
You grabbed the box of gifts and made your way to your workshop.
“Hey june wanna come in here ? I could use your help with the chainmail”
“about our stream by the way…I have one scheduled for tonight. You can join and see if you like the whole experience . I remember you mentioning last year that you wanted to get into it”
her eyes opened up in awe and a big smile stretched her lips.
“fuck yeah Im very sure I wanna pursue this thing with you so if I’m not really throwing you off schedule Im in”
“I was just going to catch up with my viewers and have a chat since it's been a while since I last had a stream. Perfect time to introduce you”
You held the box of rings and continued working on the armor grabbing your tools in silence and left June to rummage through your makeup supplies to fix herself up. In truth you saw your friend's light falter while she contemplated her future with her uni and you were equally happy to make a collaborative streaming channel with her. You two were close -obviously- and you had the type of familiarity and humor that would translate well on the screen.
You loved working alone. always being your own model and your own manager. However working with Abby as your model for a change of pace, and having a friend to stream with didn’t sound so bad. In fact you finally felt like you could trust people more in ways other than shallow or superficial.
“Just act like Im there” Abby rasped, her tone significantly lower than usual and with the way she guided you throughout the call made it feel that way as well
“Touch yourself for me baby” she whispered tenderness laced with lust, her neediness visible through her voice. Your hand ventured beneath your underwear with your fingers sliding through the wet folds of your pussy with ease that had you blushing in embarrassment . It was relieving to know that Abby couldn’t see how terribly horny you were for her and you felt that she would be dangerously powerful were she to find out about the affect her voice alone had on you
You circled your clit with slow movements, struggling to keep the pace that Abby demanded of you the moment you heard her soft moans. heat pooled in your stomach again and every stroke sent jolts through your entire body as she indulged you with endless praise that eventually escalated to raunchy comments that made your spine arch of the bed
“you are doing so good” turned to “You are such a whore I can practically hear how wet you are from here, oh? You liked that didn’t you?”
You didn’t think you could actually cum from a phonecall. Hell, with your past partners you hardly even got wet when they were present and went down, yet now all it took was two fingers in and you came undone seconds later breathing heavy and covered in sweat.
You checked the time and realized that this whole foreplay had gone on for 40 minutes.
“Damn you…no wonder you are at the top 0.1% on onlyfans” You said mindlessly and heard her huff out a chuckle on the other end of the line
“That’s not what I do there. These one on ones are for you only and…and I'm just glad it went this good”
you rolled on your stomach and held your phone in your clean hand
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve never done this before and I was really nervous not to fuck up”
you smiled. You wanted to see her again. You missed her
she -mmhd- still too dazed probably from everything that went down a few minutes ago
“I wanna see you” you said and cringed the moment the words left your mouth
“Oh, you wanna facetime?”
you could hear the “????” as Abby tried to put the pieces together. You despised how much of a coward you were. Abby so far had carried the entire construction of this relationship. You could do this much
“I mean I’d like to see you in person, I..I missed you”
“Me too” her voice softened
“fuck I, I miss you already and it has only been a month I know but…Do you think you’d maybe wanna visit for spring break?”
Your lips stretched and cracked with a smile. You wanted to scream in excitement. It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal that Abby wanted to see you but it was, because she also wanted you to visit her soon. She wanted you
“Yeah that’s what I was going to suggest actually..I have been saving up ever since you left and..I could get tickets by the end of the month”
“Fuck yes that would be amazing and you can meet Alice and since its two months in advance I can look around for events or things you’d like to see?”
your chest swelled and your eyes started to sing. You muffled a whimper and lowered your head to swallow back your tears.
“love? are you alright?”
“ye-ah” you choked out and tried to wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater. You were in love with this woman and you were so content with that feeling that you allowed yourself a few moments to calm down before you spilled your emotions too fast
“Sorry, I'm just happy. Yeah we could arrange to do some stuff”
“alright cool anything that comes to mind right away?”
You looked across your room at your wardrobe with all the victorian gowns and costumes you sewed for class
“I got them”
“For how long?”
“17 days as promised”
You heard Abby yell excited and smack her desk
“fuck yeah! I get to be my girl for half a month”
“your excitement is truly adorable and deeply appreciated” you teased while walking down the wet pavement to get to your afternoon lectures
“fuck off you prissy twit. As if you aren’t happy”
“No need to get all hissy at me. I am just as excited”
Abby started rambling about every event she found and asked twice on whether you were certain that making your renfaire costume’s wasn’t too much pressure which you reassured-twice- that you were building a portfolio this year so if anything you needed the extra work
“Not sure if you'd be into that but Ellie will be throwing a party and we were invited” she said not even trying to hide the destate she had for the woman.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but I won’t lie, I always wanted to see how you hold parties over there in the US”
“Again, you watch too many movies”
“Let me dream” you whined and she laughed
“Alright Im outside class and late as fuck”
“-as always” abby cut you off
“so I’ll call you later” you said, ignoring her remark
You hung up and walked in quickly making your way to your usual seat on the pattern table.
“Work?” the teacher asked and you raised your brows faking an apologetic expression. work- as in you were too busy double and triple checking the tickets for your flight and that they were on the correct airport and then you had to triple check that the airline company you choose would handle switching your luggage between flights and-
“yeah work” you answered and she nodded in empathy
You slumped in your seat and pulled out your phone scrolling through your list of things you had to finish working on and things you had to buy before leaving. This would have to be the biggest trip you’ve ever planned. not just in the matter of your stay but also regarding the distance of your flight. You chewed on your lip. The tickets required an emergency contact and you had put your mothers number. Someone you hadn’t even told her you were leaving the country yet.
You had to mentally prepare yourself knowing she would pull every fault and harm you’ve done in your 22 years of life to guilt you out of that trip due to her co-dependency issues with you. Such were the struggles of living with a widowed mother.
the role of the father and the “male protector” was forced on you. You started to suffocate and felt angry.
repressed anger that came and went in waves.
what if you were to permanently leave for the US?
Could you afford it ?
Would she support it?
Would you be finally free ?
at what cost though?
you opened your contact list and scrolled far down to your therapist's number that stayed there neglected after months of ghosting. therapy never helped. You doubted one quick session would solve years of abuse and trauma anyways but you were all out of options. You thought of Abby. Could you open up to her about this ?
You were filled with a familiar dreadful feeling of emptiness. Had the two of you ever even talked about anything serious ? You talked yeah, but if you were about to fall apart would she be there to support you while you tried to get back on your feet?
You locked your phone. This endless cycle of self pity was getting you nowhere.
During break you went to the schools cafeteria and got their shitty overpriced coffee for the sake of having limitless time to sit on the bar by the windows.
cottoncandy: Abby can I talk to you?
staygrounded69: Whats up babe? Missed me already?
cottoncandy: No I think I'm having a meltdown
you confessed without thinking twice and seconds later your phone lit up with her name. You picked up the call and raised your phone to your ear
“Abby I-“
“whats going on? are you alright? are you safe?”
she asked and you wanted to cry at how tender and careful she always was with you. You nodded even though you knew she couldn't see you
“I'm safe just…Abby there’s this issue that I'm not sure how to deal with… see my mom…I haven’t told her yet about my trip and she..she is very possessive and protective and Im scared”
abby was silent for a few minutes considering what you had told her
“Can she do something that will hurt you? physically or emotionally?”
“Her words have a strong effect on me abby…if she says something..she can change my feelings about anything. she can make me angry about things I wouldn’t be angry about and she can make me second guess everything. I want to see you and Im scared that if she says something off I will cancel everything and ruin this-“
“hey hey relax love, I got you” she soothed and you started tightening your fists your nails digging in the flesh of your palm deeper and deeper trying to calm your nerves.
why did I say all of this God Im so fucking pathetic and weak
“Sorry ignore everything Ive said Im just stressed with essay admissions and-“
“please don’t shut me out…you do it a lot and..I never want to push you but I notice when your mood changed and when your thoughts get the best of you” she said which caught you off guard and completely by surprise. So she noticed ? she noticed you?
she saw you?
“Does she know you are..dating a woman?”
“Oh yeah. She’s over that much at least. She doesn’t complain about that anymore now her issue will be that Im traveling so far…”
“Are you scared to make a trip like that?”
“No. I love flights and I know I will have a good time with you there” I trust you
you thought
“Then try to remember that when she tries to talk you out of it. These are your feelings. whatever happens after she finds out is about her and not about you”
You nodded and noticed your breathing pattern was starting to even out.
“Don't be”
“I don’t wanna hear it. I'm here for you. Whichever way you need me to”
you nodded silently. Abby probably knew as she trailed on how her day went and complained about Isaac being a bitch which made you laugh and loosen up
the three months that you were apart Abby fell endlessly in different slumps of misery and self loath. Her manager was making it exceptionally hard to continue their partnership
“You can’t post your girlfriend. Your income relies on been everyones sweetheart and you are fucking it up”
“oh am I? Cause I haven’t seen a fall in my profits and if anything things are going better than before. Isaac for once I don’t need to see my therapists twice a week and Im motivated to make more content”
He groaned and rubbed his temples trying to control his anger
“Abby this is insane. Right now things are well because majority of your audience has no fucking idea you are tied”
Abby got out off her chair and paced around the room running her hands through her braided hair and resting them on the nape of her neck. she clenched her jaw in anger. She wasn’t willing to sacrifice this
“Im not renewing our contract”
“excuse me?”
she turned around and stomped all the way to his side making him take a step back intimidated
“You heard me. Find someone else to leech on. There’s a month left right? Enough time for you to find a new pet. Im through with you”
She left his office shaking. Panic clogged her throat. She called Manny repeatedly till he picked up
“pendejo what do you want?!”
he sounded man and Abby guessed that she interrupted him from a date
“Im changing managers”
“huh? Wait, so you left Isaac?”
Manny asked and his tone changed immediately from angry to concerned and confused. Abby got in her car and turned on the engine while putting him on speaker
“Yeah I, fuck I dont know what Im gonna do with finances and all but he suggested I break up with corton or that I straight up break up and I wasn’t having it”
she said in one breath and started driving to nowhere in particular. she wasn’t ready to go home yet so she decided to go on a long afternoon drive till the sun set at least
“I'm with you but are you sure it was worth doing this for her?”
“I did it for me Manny. He has been controlling every aspect of my life for too long”
Manny knew that well enough by now. In fact he had also tried to suggest she switched agencies. Manny worked with Isaac as well but he wasn’t as affected by his antics as Abby was.
“Then you did the right thing Abs”
A week later she received a series of furious messages from Isaac calling her every name in the book all wrapped up with the statement
“I made you and you will be nothing without me like you were before I met you”
Abby took a screenshot and decided to use this as a way to terminate her contract sooner
That day when she went home a parcel was waiting for her. it was soft and heavy wrapped in brown paper. She recognised the sender immediately and ran inside to tear off and see the contents. It was her knight costume for renfaire. You had finished it and sent it to her.
she bared her teeth in a grin. The fabrics were expensive and you had the brilliant idea to make the shirt from feathersilk. A light fabric that looked like water and had the most beautiful flow with every move she made. You had handcrafted chainmail pieces along with leather belts and armbands. She held the pieces that looked like metal only to find out they were made out of leather and painted as well. She admired the finer details and every brush stroke of baroque details that you added.
She carefully put every part and smiled at the handmade page of instructions that you added in the parcel of which part went where. The fabrics had your scent and that alone aroused her to an unhealthy extent. halfway through getting dressed she leaned back against her couch that was facing a mirror and took a topless pic. She could use that later. she put on the remaining pieces and let her hair loose, admiring the complete costume. she hated that she had no idea what you were sewing for yourself. Would you make a dress ? were you also going to be a knight? She didn’t dwell too long on those thoughts as she shamelessly eye fucker herself cause hell, She did look hot.
That's my girls work
she thought proud like a bird puffing out its chest and spun once more watching as the cape dances behind her. Your reply was humble
“Im just glad it fits properly and that nothing got torn yet :’) I tried to add a double stitch to make sure the pieces would be sturdy but I'm still new”
She would have strangled you for your self demeaning attitude and then given you the messiest eating out session to show her gratitude, spit and all
“You are fucking gifted, and your paint job? This is insane”
“You deserve the best <3”
you said and she blushed. she sent you the topless pic where she only wore the pants and shoulderpads. She watched as you typed and deleted your text again and again until you settled for a
“We are fucking before,during and after renfaire. Otherwise I'm tearing your costume to shreds”
and she took that as a win
Abby all but leaped when she saw you and ran to your side wrapping her arms around you in a bone crushing hug. She was scared of many things. There were many ways a trip could go wrong before it even began but now that you were here in front of her she felt at ease. she took her time breathing in your scent and her hands entangled in your hair pulling you in closer. She feared she would cry if she extended the hug any longer so she leaned in to kiss you briefly before cupping your cheeks and asking about your flight
you smiled, lips streched with your cheeks a tint of pink
“It was good Abs. I'm happy that Im here now”
and she nodded biting her lip and leaning down to kiss you again
“me too my love” she whispered between the kiss and felt you slide your hands around her waist and melt deeper in her arms
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years
Crazy Over You
Ethan Landry x M!Reader
Spoilers for scream 6!!!
Warnings: Angst and swearing
Summary: Y/n is the son of Stu Macher’s sister and is seeing visions of his dead uncle
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Y/n along with his mother were devastated about Vince’s death. Although Vince came home drunk from a bar every night y/n still loved his brother. Y/n’s mother couldn’t handle finding out her brother was a psychopath and killed people in their own childhood house and later died in that same house by itself, but now finding out that her one of her son’s died because of what her brother started she couldn’t handle it anymore.
She told y/n to pack his bags and they were moving to New York because she couldn’t handle living In woodsboro any longer. After y/n and his mother moved to New York, he went to study for college at Blackmore university.
There he met Ethan. Ethan was there for him 24/7, he comforted y/n when y/n needed him most. Ethan was a breath of relief for y/n. Y/n’s mother was not very fond of Ethan though, she thought he was ‘too good to be true’ and not in the nice way.
Ethan tried his best to get along with y/n’s mother but she refused. She warned y/n to be careful of Ethan before y/n moved to share a college dorm with Ethan and Chad.
“Why doesn’t your mom like me?” Said Ethan as he helped y/n pack his stuff into the dorm room.
By that time y/n still hadn’t told Ethan about his uncle being one of the original woodsboro killers.
“If I tell you, you promise not to tell anyone?” Said y/n.
“Yes y/n I won’t tell anyone you know me” said Ethan.
“Well, my uncle, he was a killer, he was apart of the original woodsboro massacre, he was Stu Macher” said y/n hoping Ethan wouldn’t freak out and break up with him.
Ethan just looked shocked, he didn’t know what to say.
“That is definitely not what I was expecting, but it doesn’t change the fact that I love you” said Ethan.
“Hey how about I introduce you to my friends so that you can get your mind out of that” said Ethan with a bright smile.
“Sure” said y/n happy that his boyfriend didn’t see him as a ‘monster’ or a ‘psycho’.
After y/n met all of the friend group. And he particularly became good friends with Sam and Quinn. Y/n recognized Sam from the rumors of her being the actual killer of the woodsboro massacre of 2021.
Sam later found out that y/n was the brother of Vince which also meant that he was Stu’s nephew. She and y/n shared the trauma of being related to one of the killers of the original woodsboro massacre. Y/n didn’t know why but he felt a special bond between him and Quinn.
Time skip to when they find the Shrine room
Y/n was devastated when he found out that his best friend Quinn died. That only left Sam and Ethan to be the only one that y/n was really close with. Y/n walked through the theater and looked around. He looked around and saw the Tv that killed his uncle. He sat on the steps as he saw a vision of his uncle.
“It’s nice to finally meet one of my nephew” said the illusion of Stu.
“I-I though you died” said y/n.
“I am dead, you’re just going crazy” said Stu.
“Why are you even in my head” said y/n.
“You know why I’m here y/n, you know you wanted to be the one to kill Amber and Richie for killing Vince, you know you crave the taste of blood” said Stu.
“Shut the fuck up!” Yelled y/n. All of a sudden y/n felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Babe who are you talking to” said Ethan. “Oh- Uh- no one, I’m fine” said y/n.
“Are you sure y/n?” Said Ethan.
“Yes Ethan just leave me alone” said y/n.
It hurt him to lie to his boyfriend but he didn’t know who to trust.
Time skip to killer reveals
“Surprise y/n” said Ethan as he unmasked himself as ghostface.
“Ethan..” said y/n hurt from his boyfriends betrayal.
“Mindy was right, it was easy to juke the roommate lottery, I mean all I had to do to meet you was to room with a conceded condescending alpha, literally named Chad, fuck it felt good to kill him!” Said Ethan.
“This was your grandmother’s Sam, Nancy Loomis, really runs I the fucking family doesn’t it?” Said Ethan pointing to the mask he wore.
“Speaking of family, my names not Ethan Landry! Is it dad?” Said Ethan.
“Dad?” Said y/n.
“If it’s you two that just leaves, Mindy?” Said Sam.
The third ghostface revealed themselves as Quinn. Y/n felt his heart drop, it was already heart shattering that his own boyfriend was the killer, and now his best friend too?
“Hey roomies, you didn’t see that one coming did you?” Said Quinn.
“Yeah because you died” said Tara.
“Kinda didn’t, though it was a good way to get off the suspect list, stab Gale weathers, stab Mindy on the train” said Quinn.
“Yep and I was first on the scene to make sure I could replace her body out with a fresh one, fake blood, a prosthetic, you’d be amazed at what a grieving father could get away with” said Bailey.
“I got Stu mask, your uncles mask y/n, he was my favorite” said Quinn.
“Wait a minute I never told you that I was related to Stu! Ethan? Did you tell her?” said y/n.
“Oh no you sweet dumb thing” said Ethan.
“Did you really think I didn’t know about you being Stu Macher’s nephew? Why did you think I even dated you to begin with!” Said Ethan.
That sentence broke y/n’s heart, Ethan only dated him because he was Stu’s nephew.
They start explaining they are Richie’s family
Y/n saw Tara hit Quinn with the brick as Kirby shot at Bailey. It was a blur, y/n still couldn’t move.
“Y/n…. Y/n!” Said the illusion of stu.
“Are you really going to let them betray you, and kill you! Fight back! Do you not get it! They are the family of the killer who killed your brother!” Said Stu.
Y/n had this sudden burst of energy. He saw Sam hit Ethan with the brick and take the knife out of Kirby’s stomach.
“Sam.. pick up the gun and go up there with Tara, and give me the knife” said y/n.
Sam gave y/n the knife as she went onto the balcony.
“What are you gonna do about it bitch?” Said Ethan.
Y/n started to stab Ethan repeatedly before Quinn pulled him off and held a knife to his throat.
“Y/n!” Said Tara.
Sam noticed and aimed the gun at Quinn but it went through both y/n and Quinn’s shoulder. Y/n tried to run away but Ethan cornered him.
“You wanna say hi to your uncle for me?” Said Ethan he stabbed y/n in the stomach and threw him on the ground.
Ethan was about to throw the tv on top of y/n’s head when Sam tried to shoot at Ethan. Y/n saw Ethan run as he started to pass out.
All of a sudden y/n heard a crash. He saw Sam and Bailey on the ground. Y/n shook Sam awake as she told y/n and Tara to hide in the bar area. As y/n was walking he saw Ethan’s ‘dead’ body.
“Did you do that?” Said y/n as they were walking up into the room.
“Yeah.. sorry about that” said Tara.
“No, it’s fine, kinda wish I was the one who got to kill him though”
Time skip to the final scare
Y/n saw Tara and Sam sitting on the steps while he thought about what just happened on the other side of the room. Y/n saw Ethan slowly get up to try and kill Sam and Tara. This gave y/n an idea. As Ethan went to go kill Sam and Tara y/n pushed the TV on top of his head.
“You can say hi to him yourself” said y/n smiling that he got the last laugh
A/n: ok so I have one last Ethan Landry idea and then I will get started on the Harlan Briggs fanfic :)
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
shaved every square inch of myself for no reason just now and it made me realize
1) how naked i feel 😭😭😭😭😭
2) how hard it is to shave between ur legs like even with a mirror omfg..
which brings me to: skz absolutely helping you when you DO end up struggling to shave.. it’s such an intimate yet possibly playful situation that can turn out in so many good ways.. this is just me putting my thoughts into the world bc i could not stop thinking abt how cute and blushy they’d be 😞
(of course, shaving is a preference and everyone likes different things. in no way am i saying you’d need to be shaved for them or anything, this is just self indulgent <333)
END NOTE HITS HARD!!! in no way do u need to shave. i lurv body hair on other people but personally hate it on myself, so i shave myself completely <3
i thiiiink the boys would love something like that. it’s so so intimate
chan: he’s acting completely normal. he’s a lil blushy but the man is completely naked all the time and would encourage you to do so also so 100% spread your legs and hand him the razor
minho: definitely tries to get a lil cheeky and rubs his thumb over ur clit while hes shaving you LMFAO but other than that, he’s calm. he’s not bothered. would invite you to shave him too ngl
changbin: screams. he cannot handle how cute you are asking for his help <333 has you propped up on the counter, feet up, spread open for him. definitely has already asked you to help him shave his armpits for a stage before so this is second nature to him and he does not mind at all <3
hyunjin: SHAVE? baby hyunjin’s booking couple sessions to the salon for y’all to get full body massages and waxes - you’ll do a yoga session together after, and then a bath, where you’ll fuck. he’s got the day planned fr and he wants to hold ur hand as u get waxed. go big or go home
jisung: horny. he’s so flattered that you’d ask for his help, but i believe jisung would love your pussy 24/7 so oh my god you want him to help you shave it? word, but can you let him eat it after? LMAO this boy has 0 shame
felix: oh he’s sooo blushy with it. you’d have to be spread eagle and god he can see everything. makes a show of spreading your folds to ‘shave properly’ but in reality he’s getting a closer look for his own pleasure. let him shave you and then ride his face - god he’d LOVE it.
seungmin: says no at first to wind you up but then he’s like ofc i will dumbass. probs gets in the shower with you and gets on his knees to shave you. he’s completely fine with it, but he wants you to shave him after too tho like a cute couple’s bonding session!!!
jeongin: gets SOOOO EMBARRASSED. he gets to see you spread open like that? i have a headcanon that jeongin LOVES hair too so oh god. please let him fuck you after. he can’t get over how lush your pussy looks!!! he’s dying!!
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serotoninzo · 5 months
fuck you to the shameless producers for deleting a scene between debbie and fiona where fiona wants debbie at her wedding and also attempts/suggests that they both move on from fighting because they are both sisters and it will be like that for the rest of their lives.
that scene was so important because people always try to pit fiona and debbie against each other and it was one scene talking about regrets, forgiveness, sisterhood and fiona literally telling debbie that she loves her which is significant to me as someone who struggles with love in general and has a distant relationship with my sister.
sorry, i got off track but the point im making is that it does not matter if you like fiona more or hate debbie's guts because at the end of the day; they are related, family and the only 2 girls in their family.
im actually getting sick of seeing girls, women and sisters being against each other.
nobody will ever understand a girl more than a girl does. i will say this over and over again.
because girlhood is so important and girls just wanna have fun but you legit can't do that when you're busy fighting your own sister.
like knowing that we could've gotten a scene where debs and fiona apologise, forgive and move on.
wym we could've had an actual strong sister bond between the 2? instead of them arguing 24/7???????
i am upset at what could've been but didn't happen all because the producers decided to switch up last minute and completely try to make a TEENAGE GIRL look like she's a horrific person who deserves to be burnt at the stakes.
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maxwell-grant · 3 months
Glad to know you like suicide squad, did you ever finish reading JLI?
I have a lot of respect and love for the creative team but, sorry to dissappoint, I found JLI fucking unbearable and could not finish it. I gave it 25 issues and powered through after dropping it and didn't enjoy one single moment of it and I don't think this is magically going to become tolerable when it's time to bring in Despero and the Global Guardians and the character with a slur for a name. I guess I could say it was a good comic of it's time that I just didn't vibe with and leave it at that, or I'd say I think the humor drags down the good parts, but to be honest I'm just not seeing the good parts here either. The best things I can say about it is that it's well-drawn and that Max Lord is a decently compelling puzzle/central figure to pin this enterprise on, a twist on Ozymandias for a different context, I get why fans are upset on him being turned into a clear-cut villain, although Amanda Waller he ain't. And of what I've seen that's kinda it actually.
It is kind of weird that this exists in an opposite world situation to Suicide Squad, where Suicide Squad is the more traditionally-drawn book about rejects banding together under hardship to deal with troubled international quagmires and find their own bonds to humanity and each other amidst chaos, and Justice League is the slick colorful book about rejects being funnyman bastards doing violent pantomine routines 24/7. You'd think it was the other way around. You'd think Guy Gardner wouldn't be more unbearable than Captain Boomerang given he is technically a more moral person, but when Boomerang's being misogynistic, he eats shit for it, where as when Gardner pretends to fall atop Canary so he can grope her, it's played as a gag (and god you could not ask for a starker difference than the treatment of their female characters between these two books). But as is, I am not remotely impressed by characters acting like funnyman bastards for 90% of any given story, and then punctuating their moments of seriousness by constantly reafffirming that they aren't one-bit jokesters.
Did you catch that the first time? Can't you see how they are more than just funny jokesters, let's repeat that again for emphasis, don't you get the nuance on display here, don't you get there is more to Blue Beetle and Guy Gardner than being unbearable pieces of shit, in case you don't let's have Hawkman's every single goddamn line be about how he's a big old stuck-up meanie harping about the old days who is wrong for not accepting the new way of doing things (and please do not take this as me being upset about the sanctity of fucking Hawkman, it's just one more horribly grating thing in a comic full of them). I get why these characters have big followings, but I'm at a loss to understand why said followings would originate from this, it seems like all of them surely must have acquired whatever nuance or likeability they have later.
You know that thing people complain about regarding vapid cliche lines like Well that just happened / It's not what it looks like / That's gonna leave a mark / Uum he's right behind me isn't he, that kind of stuff? JLI feels like the birth of those, it feels like the real version of the thing that people who exaggerate MCU quips complain about, because oh my god every fucking page is littered with those, they can't get through anything without doing an insufferable bit. Every character is the suffering straight man or trying to be the funniest person in the room in an interminable Mad Magazine skit. They never shut up and never stop making jokes and they NEVER make a single one of them funny and everybody talks the same, everyone makes the same jokes, everybody has one trait and that's their joke, and my god you guys I gave this thing 25 damn issues of a chance and I hate even thinking about it, and if a single one of you tries to get me to read one more comic with G'nort in it I swear I'm going to -
So, yeah, wasn't for me. Credit where credit's due though, the one funny joke I've seen in this constitutes an all-timer Batman moment.
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bonjas · 2 months
betty la fea: la historia continua episodes 5&6
Well that was a whole lot of...nothing. With how fun episodes 3&4 were, I was so optimistic about the rest of the show, but damn, they stomped out that hope REAL quick. I don't even know where to start lol, I guess at the beginning...
The opening scenes were so jarring? Firstly, this show LOVES cutting scenes in between entire fucking conversations so we get an awkward 5 second betty scene, then it goes straight to the walking through the jail scene that felt like it was supposed to be a dream, but we never got a "waking up to reality" scene, he was just IN JAIL LMAO like?? We went from confession, straight to jail? There wasn't even an ongoing investigation going on into what was happening at ecomoda or anything like that, so he just went to the nearest jail and said "i did a bad thing! guilty!" and into the slammer? IF WE HAD KNOWN WHAT WAS GOING ON AND THERE WERE AUTHORITIES ACTIVELY INVESTIGATING, IT WOULD MAKE SENSE. but nah, these writers hate explaining ANYTHING lmao. literally, it went: armando and mario nervous about betty finding out, betty becoming prez, armando and mario trying to hide the evidence with guttierez, betty finding out from hugo, confronting armando, him still not saying what happened, failing to fix it, then JAIL? PLEASEeeeeee
i'm finding that this show doesn't know what to do with betty. like, at all. with a show being named betty la fea, it sure doesn't look like it. poor betty only gets to look sad, or look mad 24/7. or if she's briefly happy, she then immediately has to get sad and/or mad. we get so little precious betty time as it is, i wish they would give her more to do! seeing her confront mario was cool in the previous episodes, betty always had a spine and defended herself, what happened to that! she just stands there silent and lets everyone make false accusations against her then walks away?!
i'm seeing a lot of "hugo is the villain again!!" ummmm??? hugo is the one actually helping the entire staff by letting them know what's going on and demanding justice??? everyone would lose their pensions if it wasn't for him, and if it was the real world, uh YEAH lawsuit bitch!!! after all the abuse they all took from armando, to learn that on top of that he stole their retirement funds? ELECTRIC CHAIR.
mila...sigh. i already said idk what to think of her character, we literally don't know a thing about her, but drinking and driving? gurl. armando is her father after all and we all know how he was about that shit, but damn. dont like that at all. her saying that shit to marcela was so out of line since she herself cried to marce about her being the only one who cares about her or w/e and the minute marce shows some parenting traits and worries over her she flips out and said now i know why my dad left you?! yeeesh. and she's obviously a TERRIBLE judge of character, wtf was there ever to see in ignacio? ewwwwwwww. that whole story line just fucking sucks. i dont care about him, even if they told us ANYTHING of what the fuck is going on with him, i just dont care. he's so boring and one note, if he takes down all of ecomoda with his pinky, i couldn't care less. the hacking stuff is stupid. "hackeado" is funny though lol. oh ALSO about mila, i totally expected betty to run into her at the jail and she bails her out and they have more of a bonding moment but nope!!! fuck any potential bonding moments i guess, or even sharing the screen together. could have been such a good "i always help the people i love even when they're doing something wrong" moment!! like a foreshadow for mila for when she finds betty's diary and finds out the truth (cuz of course she is)! please i beg, a scrap of foreshadowing!!!
patricia is a stepmom!!!!!!!!!! that made me laugh. and they hate her, omg that's so fucking funny. her sleeping with nicolas again tho, i'm half "why?" and half "i get it" cuz he's the only guy that's ever showed real feelings and respect for her, but it just happened so quick and we didnt really see it develop, they just hit it off again after 20 yrs lol? but the whole "secret tapes" montage was pretty good, that was a highlight for me.
quick fire:
armando's lawyer is still fucking pointless, and still throws herself at him for no fucking reason lmao WHY????
the jail scenes suck, antiquated gay jokes and boring jail tropes. i fast forwarded those scenes, NEXT (if I'm wrong and they're worth watching pls let me know!! I saw Freddy was there and the therapy guy or something?? idk I was so checked out at that point) (edit: I rewatched the episode in its entirety, I was right the jail scenes are pointless! he just ends up leaving after like a fucking day!!!!)
so did nicolas stop working at ecomoda when betty left? did patricia barely get her position in the time betty left? marcela just works full time at ecomoda again, since before or after betty left?? hello??
the timeline still makes no sense, mila was gone 5 yrs, the armando marce kiss was 5 yrs ago, but armando was only president for 2 yrs? but betty left armando that night presumedly, so were they separated for that time until marcela waiting 3 yrs to demand betty be removed as president?????
nothing happened plot wise :( armando went to jail, everyone finds out and has a freak out, hacking and Mario was looking for some shit??? site character shenanigans, armando gets out. nothing happened!! two whole episodes wasted 😔 when you only have 10 episodes, everything needs to be important.
fernando gaitan was a fucking magician cuz i could tell you every single plot point of OG BLF without stuttering. the reboot is a mess yall i'm sorry 😞 i really hope it gets better, cuz now we have a confirmed second season?? bro why
why did Betty fall down the stairs like that?? what was the point? will it be relevant later?
also we just haven't had any good patsy pat and Marce moments :(
please let me eat my words and get better for the last 4 episodes!!!! i beg of you
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hereforthefunnyguys · 5 months
Just a thought, but like you should totally talk about how much you love irateshipping.
I lvoe it so much you guys my thoughts are sometimes easy to figure out and sometimes they're just kind of a blurry static field of warmth but i'll try my best.
As a side note, this got. Uh. Long. So it's under a cut now.
Okay so the first thing I adore about it is that it can really easily switch between a kind of funny domestic dynamic with two teenagers who don't know how to make emotions work and also can be “fucked up traumatized dudes try to kill each other with a gun.” That part is great for me.
Second of all, I talk a lot about like mariks perspective on the whole thing but I don’t know if I talk about Joey's perspective on the whole thing where like... Marik is objectively everything he hates. He's controlling, he's wealthy, he's narcissistic, he's like kaiba if kaiba was somehow worse and had nicer hair <- whoa who said that? Yet he still possesses a kind of inherent charm that ends up pulling you in closer and sort of forces Joey to have some kind of feeling about him, whether that be hatred or love or just "Wow! What a Freak".
I like to picture (read: there's no canon evidence for it, but a man can fantasize) that there's kind of a... weird attraction to Marik, especially with the brainwashing in a "i don't have to think anymore" way. Like, uh how do I explain this; Joey is used to having to work all the time to support himself and his family.
He goes for 7 straight hours at school doing work he doesn't understand with teachers that hate him, around friends that love him (and he loves back!) but always seem to overshadow him and, at least in canon, don't seem to quite 'get' the situation he's in at home, plus, you know, Yugi + Atem always overshadowing with the one big hobby he has. Then he goes back home, gets yelled at by his dad and has to play tip-toe around him (or, at least, I'd assume so), then hauls ass out to go work until 9:00, buy cheap dinner, then collapses and wakes up at 6:30 the next morning to go work again before going to school again. He's burning out 24/7. First man to ever desperately need a workers union for the simple act of existing.
But then Marik comes along with the Ghouls, and gets to say, you don't need to think anymore. You don't have to worry anymore. All the decisions are made for you. And it's never explicitly stated (probably because it would be a lie lmao) but in Joey's head this also has a connotation of you're finally safe. And you know what? To Joey, that's kind of blissful. No thinking. No more worrying. Just sort of... existing.
Of course, he hates it too, obviously. It's sickening to feel yourself be puppeted like that, out of your own control, forced to fight the people you love, etc. So we can't be having that. But there is still a certain bond thats formed by having someone inside your mind, and it goes both ways; not only is Joey dealing with the feeling of having all his brains pried open and picked apart like stir-fry, but Marik also now knows everything that happens in Joey's head. What's that even like??? Does it make him feel bad for Joey? Is he attracted to it? Does it just make him think Joey is stupid? Does he feel a sense of responsibility to maybe try and fix some of those problems when he becomes a Good Person? Is he now like the Expert on how Joey's brain works and has to decide how to use (or abuse) that knowledge?
Post-Battle City, I think they have a very awkward relationship. In canon they seem friendly, but imo thats kind of a cover-up for the awkwardness, because what else are they supposed to say to each other? "Hey, again, guy who brainwashed me and saw the innermost depths of my mind!" "I told you I don't do that anymore :(" type stuff. If you put them in a room alone, it'd just be like. An hour straight of pure silence, occasionally interrupted by asking where the bathroom is and conversations that go like "well uh how's life been?" "Not great." "ah. okay. cool. Cool."
At least imo Joey doesn't actually realize what he has are romantic feelings. In his mind, this weird sweatiness he feels and inability to put Marik out of his mind is probably a side effect of brainwashing or something. Marik does though. Marik is pretty much permanently looking at Joey like he wants to eat him alive or, perhaps more scandalously in his mind, hold his hand.
Also... This is a different conversation but I think marik is like - Jealous? Approving? Something like that- of joey. Not in a “I want to be an impoverished delinquent bad boy who breaks the rules” way but more in a “see, this is what I Should Have Been. The loyal son that sticks by his father no matter what.” And in one hand he doesn’t particularly care for Joeys father (finds him classless and unappreciative) and, on a surface level, recognizes that their situations are very Very different, but the jealousy remains. Like. That should be me trying up there.
Because both Marik and Joey have the same specific form of daddy issues where they wholeheartedly believe that they are the problem here, so if they just go the Right Chance they could fix everything with their parents and could live happily ever after. So they end up in an endless feedback loop of (nodding) "yes, he's doing the right thing by trying to make it up to his dad" and don't get why their friends are all like "please go talk to like. Someone else about this. Anyone."
I do think they have potential to actually help each other out with this type of stuff as they mature and are able to also recognize the affect that it has on the other ("You go deer-in-the-headlights whenever you're around open fire"/"you start cringing uncontrollably whenever someone throws anything at you") but also Not Right Now! right now they're not even talking to each other.
Anyways. Yeah. God. I'm in love with them in case you couldn't tell. I don't even know if this makes sense to anyone else other than me but I'm having fun and thats what matters mostly
Also yeah sometimes its that marik just wants to date a stupid jock and hes so real for that. Let marik have a good boyfriend and psychologically torment joey more 2k24 campaign.
Anyways enjoy a Collection (of scenes where they are in the same panel)(*devours my rarepair scraps*)
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seaquestions · 4 months
i'm totally enamored with your FHL oc's! would you be willing to elaborate on the relationship chart dynamics btw emil and lucas (esp. emil's "totally oblivious to the fact that he contributed to lucas' destroyed self-esteem")? the implications are so devastating
eeheheee can i just say first of all this super made my day thank youuu im so happy u like my FHL ocs its my darling little pet project 💙💙💙 and yes yes im very willing to elaborate. bear in mind though that this isnt entirely concrete yet, i take kind of a vibes-first approach lol. tbh i like having the tension between emil and lucas stay within the realm of Devastating Implications in-canon but. you caught me. i cant resist talking abt my ocs :3
had to put a readmore cut here cos this got kinda long omg. also tw for mention of bullying & ed.
but yeah so emil and lucas… they had been playing hockey together since they were 10 basically. they’re childhood friends, besties by default, bonded over a shared love of hockey & also for being considered ‘weird’ kids yknow. but they’ve also hurt each other a lot in little ways that never went addressed cos emil is too non-confrontational to make a fuss and lucas is too proud to admit when something’s genuinely fucking with him. but for the most part, they were besties. it’s only when they both started taking hockey more seriously as a possible career option that like, the relationship started to turn sour. lucas used to be a forward actually. he was also subject to a lot of pretty awful comments about his body from his peers (and from adults in his life too lbr). and also, homophobic comments, stuff stemming from his closeness to emil. something that hurt was the fact that emil never stood up for him but, well, even then lucas was willing to overlook that cos its not like he ever really fought back himself. just brushed that shit off, laughed it off, yknow, never let them know that what they say actually hurts you. he didnt wanna like. punch anyone over the stuff they said. especially since he started to Really internalise it. mostly the fat-shaming. its not just shitty teenagers right? its everything. it’s hockey. and the homophobic stuff well… i mean did he have a crush on emil? kinda yeah. just part and parcel of the whole codependent besties thing.
and on emil’s end, he was mostly trying his best to be accepted by his peers (aka, masking 24/7 and going along with the awful shit they said to lucas. cos well, that shit’s normal right? lucas said he can take it anyway, he said it doesnt fuckin bother him so) and stand out with his skill in hockey. he was, notably, better than lucas, who at this point was still a forward. lucas didnt particularly. choose to be a goalie. at least not at first, he loves it now dw. but he loves it now in part because it isolated him a little bit. or at least just kept him in sort of, a separate category, in peoples minds. it kept him away from being compared to emil (even though really they shouldnt have. their skill sets and strengths were quite different. but yknow. they had put themselves together like that). and emil liked that too. he liked not having to compete with lucas over this, which is something lucas took more as emil not wanting to share the ice with him anymore. and it was also another example of lucas bending to external pressure with emil saying nothing against it, encouraging it even. it started to feel like emil didnt give a shit about him anymore—so lucas starts lashing out against him a little. calling him annoying and weird and loud and stupid and shit. the stuff that other ppl call emil that lucas never did. emil took That as lucas finally getting with the program. it hurt but. everybody said it. and he’s been saying the stuff everybody’s been saying about lucas too, and lucas said that shit doesnt bother him so it shouldnt bother emil either cos he has to be strong too and. this HAS to be okay. THIS HAS TO BE NORMAL.
but. yknow. it’s fine. theyre still best friends by default.
their friendship starts to really deteriorate when lucas starts forming unhealthy eating habits. or unhealthy lack of eating habits. frm my experience as a fat guy whos struggled w disordered eating ppl dont tend to notice it unless they see you actively suffer. in fact they might see it as a good thing esp if youre visibly losing weight. i imagine lucas woulda have it worse than i did bcos he also has the pressure of wanting to be a professional athlete and also way shitter peers than me. emil is already not the most perceptive guy and lucas is incredibly reticent so. yeah. kind of a wonder theyre still friends honestly but, yknow, theyve known each other this long. theyve loved each other this long. why wouldnt they still be friends, even after every little thing. this is the one that breaks it. this is the one time where emil not having his back Really fucks with lucas.
lucas’ new goalie coach is the one who lays it all out to him. he’s realising that oh, fuck, fucking fuck, he’s been such a shitty friend and so has emil. thats when he starts his recovery and part of that is also figuring out how to deal with his and emil’s failing friendship. lucas cant bring himself to blame emil at all. like its HIS lack of communication that led to this. he knows emil’s an oblivious guy, he’s always known that about him. so… fix it, right? just, communicate this time and things will be better. but lucas also just doesnt want to see him anymore. like. he just wants his life to change. he’s going to college, in a different city, he’s playing on a college hockey team while emil’s off in major junior league and like, he’s far enough away that he can just ignore emil’s calls most of the time and say he’s busy and get away with it and just let emil think the friendship is fading away organically and not bcos lucas straight up never wants to see him again because it would remind him of a time in his life he never wants to revisit. and meanwhile emil… emil just misses him. emil just misses lucas with all his heart and wonders why why why lucas doesn’t seem to like him as much anymore. i guess that’s just distance but like, EMIL doesn’t feel any less so??? is lucas making friends in college who are cooler, less annoying, better at hockey, better than emil? whatever man… by the time they get drafted by opposing teams, the bff-ship is pretty much dead but. well. emil will still text lucas congrats and happy birthday and sorry ur being sent down and hell yeah ur being sent up and. and lucas just says thanks. so yeah. that’s lucas and emil, at least at the start of the FHL storyline.
and yes….. they ARE using blake and conor respectively to replace their bestie…. :3 but its good for them actually. maybe by learning to be a good friend to this other guy they can eventually learn to be better friends with each other. emil in particular is out here walking on eggshells with conor who freaks out over every little thing and is like. umm. hey did lucas ever feel like how conor is feeling at the shit im saying to him cos. um.
anyway. who’s to say if the reconcile. certainly not me nuh-uh im just the vessel thru which these idiots speak their truth.
ANYWAY THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!! fun mini project to chip into every time i can catch a little break at work 👍👍👍
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imagoofball · 8 months
My thoughts on Hazbin Hotel ep 4 (haven't finished ep 4 so my problem may be solved if I keep watching but nahh)))
1. Charlie is the definition "If you're broke just get a job and save money."
Babes they have a job what money can they save if said job is paying them just enough to survive 😭 anyways I feel that the reason she just isn't clicking with anyone is because she doesn't have empathy. Like seriously she sees a problem at face value and tries to solve it.
[Angel and Husk gets into it and she wants em to make up.]
That is literally the last thing you should be trying to fix considering they have a good bond already and today was just a rough night.
Imagine Husk who's forced to hear this dude complain about a job then still act like he's at said job 24/7. That's annoying and tiring already and now said dude is cussing you out for pointing out that you don't want him to act fake in a place where he's supposed to feel at home. Then Imagine being Angel who originally just had to shoot one scene and leave two if Val was on that type of timing. Then Charlie appears 1. This is such a scene of vulnerability for him. (Strangers seeing ur nudes vs ur mom seeing ur nudes...yeah exactly) 2. Val the bitch u sold your soul to is now pissed and who is going to take the heat?? Yeah exactly.
So now Angel has been milly whopped in the backrooms, kicked out his friend, and forced to shoot till midnight. Yeah pissy day and when he's going for a drink Husk is trying to drop wisdom and have him drop the act before serving him a drink that's strong enough to paralyze bojack fucking horseman. Yeah I'd be pissed too 😭
At the end of the day them fighting isn't the main issue the fact is Charlie is trying to save a nigga who ain't trying to be saved because he has accepted his fate. If she hops onto Husk's logic then I believe Angel would be able to save himself.
Drop the act.
Drop the act cause you ain't at work.
Once Angel is able to separate his work life from his personal life I truly believe he would be able to see that there's a chance at redemption because hey if these ppl at the hotel see me past my worklife then I may have a chance to live a normal life with people who idk love me for me or some shit boom Angel is ready to leave and Charlie grows some fucking balls and use the fact she's the princess of hell to end the contract between Val and Angel.
Everyone lives happily 3ver after the end
(Watch when I finally hit play after posting this everything I wrote is what happens)
Tldr; Angel gotta figure himself out before Charlie can try to change him. Can't change what you don't understand.
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madame-fear · 9 days
“When my baptism quickly turned into an exorcism when I hissed at the sight of the mother of God”
You can’t just casually leave something like this with no further explanation!! 😂 Amira…i am talking to you….Amira!
Maybe you should tell him that story, he may feel compelled to perform his own sort of “exorcism” *wink wink* 😉😏
AMIRA’S EXORCISM STORYTIME IS HERE ‼‼ thank you for asking, nonnie,, I usually have fun telling this one AHAHJSJD 🤭 It all happened when I was one year old— and since I was just a one y/o baby, I have to rely on what my parents told me about that day ! 😂
My parents baptised me when I was a little girl— like I mentioned above, at one year old! They dressed me up properly for the occassion, and we went to a nearby church that let my parents do my baptism there. I wasn’t very happy with the situation, because I could already talk (AND I TALKED LIKE A PARROT 24/7) and express my not so humble opinions— so my only option was tolerating to go there and shut it. 😂
The second I arrived at the church it was already a mess, because I started shouting and throwing tantrums, which wasn’t common for me because I was a pretty chill child... And the worst of all? Was when I first hissed AT THE PRIEST ‼
Then at one moment, when the Priest held me in front of like a statue (?) they had of Virgin Mary and they tried to cover me with a veil, I started hissing even louder and shouting almost like I was a possesed baby,, and also I kept fucking hissing when they placed Holy Water on me— and there were other people in there so they were all like 😳 AGHAHSH
Both my parents at that moment were like *side eye, heavy sweating* and even telling me in between teeth to not do that because it wasn’t of any help the fact that this Priest that baptised me had previously done exorcisms in Africa so it made me look like instead of a baptism it was an exorcism AHAHAH 😂😭😭
The Priest that baptised me was a total sweetheart, though. He didn’t mind, in fact he just kind of joked about the situation— he also apologised to baby me after that situation (needless to say I was terribly offended and moody), and grabbed my hand and tried to kiss it as an apology but I took my hand away, huffed, and rolled my eyes like NO THANKS SIR 🙄💅
Aaand that’s the story of my baptism/exorcism! It sounds far worse when you hear the story directly from my parents, trust— but at least all my demons were cleansed after that... Or not? 👀🤭
AAALSOOOO HELL YEAH NONNIE,, YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD !!!! 👀👀 I was planning on making a brief conversation with him and bonding, too— step by step. I got plan A, B, and C with this man... Just wait and watch, you all... 🤭💅
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ggulmul · 1 year
Thank you for your rant on the possibility of them coming out, it was very needed and you considered their situation and all the possible outcomes realistically.
I have to say, people just keep on walking in circles with Jikook, don't they? This has happened countless of times: people doubt them, demand proof, demand this and that, and then Jikook once again show up and shows everyone that everything is fine. This will happen again in the future. It will always happen, because, for some twisted reason, Jungkook and Jimin's relationship apparently needs to be validated ALL THE TIME. If they don't KISS in front of the camera, then it's never going to be enough for anyone.
The other members can go days, weeks, months without even mentioning each other's name, yet no one questions them. Jimin hugged Hoseok the same way he hugged Jungkook in the enlistment video, yet no one doubted their bond. No one doubted they saw each other frequently and are besties. But God forbid Jimin hug Jungkook the same way, because suddenly that means they're distant and never see each other. Because we have cameras in their houses and we have full on 24/7 to it, it seems 🤔
It's not fair. Why do they have to be proving themselves all the fucking time? They don't owe us anything, and yet look at everything they've subtly (sometimes even not so subtly, bless poor namjoon) given us for TEN YEARS. Consistently.
People just don't listen to what they're saying. Jimin has grown to like being at home more. He answers Jungkook related questions but he deflects. He omits so smoothly that no one notices, no one even reads between the lines. He'll say that he hadn't gone to Jungkook's house, and that he'd seen him on vlive. And, to me, it means that specific day. I didn't see Jungkook TODAY. I didn't go to his house TODAY. It's hidden.
Jungkook is an introvert who loves hanging out at home with food and drinks. It's not that hard to connect the dots as to why they don't hang out publicly. They'd be both more comfortable at home, where they can do whatever they want, instead of going out in public and being scrutinized and having every movement analyzed and photographed. You develop certain habits when you're dating someone for a long time. You reach for their hands unconsciously, you pull them closer, you look at them and sometimes you can't control your eyes. Imagine that for two worldwide famous people in a mostly homophobic country? With the Military breathing down on their necks?
Plus the reputation with the president, like, they're Korea's golden boys. Everyone looks up to them. There is SO much at stake, but instead of looking at the bigger/full picture and considering EVERYTHING, nah, people just jump to conclusions and try to shove down our throats that they've broken up and are not close anymore.
It's tiring.
Thank you for response! You and I are of the same mind on this matter.
I agree with everything you said, and I share your frustration regarding the ridiculously high standards Jikook (and only Jikook) are held to. They have to constantly prove their closeness, yet nothing is ever proof enough? It’s quite baffling.
In general, I feel like anything ambiguous is dismissed as far as Jikook are concerned.
Such as with the ‘they haven’t seen each other, they’re no longer close’ debacle. Firstly, can we take a moment to process just how many times Jikook themselves have expressed a desire to meet/visit each other in their Vlives? Do people actually think they never followed through simply because we don’t have any solid confirmations?
Then there’s all of Jimin’s subtle deflections. We know his social intelligence is incredibly high, there’s no doubt he’d be able to execute such small twists of the truth seamlessly. Or well enough to convince anyone who doesn’t want to read between the lines.
“Have you seen Jungkook” “I saw that Jungkook did a Vlive.” This made me laugh. Like, calm down, Jimin, don’t be too forthcoming now.
I also think Jungkook is better at navigating these things than people give him credit for. Just look at all of the subtle ways he promoted Face and showed his support for Jimin during his solo debut. He’s very clever.
(Jungkook constantly gets underestimated though. Like, he’ll do something super intentional (GCF Tokyo, anyone?) and his supposed fans will basically claim he’s too dumb to comprehend his own actions? It’s quite appalling how they’d rather disrespect their idol like that than be receptive to what he’s trying to communicate).
Also, isn’t it interesting that Jungkook was so well-informed on Jimin’s solo activities? It’s almost like they’re a major part of each other’s lives or something…
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zer0expektation · 2 years
I rewatched Loki (and got progressively angrier), here are the highlights:
(featuring my queer analysis/rewrites hehe)
Episode 1
22:03 - “if looks could kill” Mobius ab and to Loki
22:05 - “What do you want from me?” “Well, let's start with a little cooperation.” “Not my forte” “really? Even when you’re wooing someone powerful you intend to betray? Come on.” Mobius and Loki - GAY
24:35 - “I am smart.” “I know.” “okay…” “.. okay” actual weirdos
Episode 2
5:13 - Loki ‘reading’ Mobius’s jet ski magazine hehehehe
14:03 - “Look, I know you have a soft spot for broken things.” Ravonna to Mobius as he talks about why he should be allowed to keep Loki alive
16:30 - Loki adjusting Mobius’s tie as he talks about how ‘adorable’ it is that Mobius thinks he can manipulate him, because hes a freak
24:34 - “Loki, i've studied almost every moment of your entire life” Mobius literally what is with you
24:53 - Pompeii scene my beloved
Episode 3
7:16 - “don't ever call me that” “Tech savvy?” “no, a Loki.” Sylvie and Loki silly funny sibling behaviour
22:15 - “You’re a prince. Must’ve been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince.” “A bit of both. I suspect the same as you.” ah the beloathed line that haunts my nightmares
31:28 - “y’know, i feel like i've told you so much about me, i really don't know the first thing about you.” yeah ‘cause there is LITERALLY NOTHING TO LEARN ABOUT HER Sylvie is so badly written it actually kills me
Episode 4
7:26 - “like me being born the Goddess of Mischief” - Sylvie is arrested by the TVA for having been born a girl, and presumably that later meaning that if she wanted to she could become a Valkyrie if she wanted to - which i'm fairly certain it's mentioned that Loki wanted to be a Valkyrie when he was younger. This is actually so fucking stupid. The file on our Loki variant states that they were born with a “fluid” sex (whatever the fuck that means), and we are to assume that a lot of parts of variants are intrinsically the same between each other, so you’d assume that Sylvie would also be born with a “fluid” sex
10:07 - Loki and Sylvie are finally bonding by discussing what “makes a Loki a Loki” and Loki insisting that its their collective ability to survive - of course they have to be fucking weird about it which causes a Nexus event, because plot i guess
11:00 - i hate that we don't get to actually see Loki and Sylvie get picked up
12:39 - isn't it a little fun, a little silly, that the bad memory Loki is stuck in is Sif saying “I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be”
17:17 - it's interesting however that it doesn't really hit for Loki until after hes admitted that he does things for attention because he's scared of being alone - BUT i don't like that that is probably reason that the writers had for him falling for Sylvie, him thinking that because she is like him that she has similar fears and thus wouldn't do something to lose that companionship, rather instead it would have been interesting in its use to how Loki has inexplicably grown attached to Mobius of all people (especially because it is immediately followed by Mobius coming in)
15:27 - “aren’t you supposed to be interrogating your variant pet?” r15 to Mobius
19:11 - “I'm going to miss these little tete-a-tetes.” “Me too.” mocking from Mobius, a bit more genuine from Loki
20:59 - “you like her.” Mobius to Loki about Sylvie - im going to kill myself
22:14 - “your female self” good god im going to drown myself its so bad - neither Loki nor Sylvie should be considered a male or female version of the other, because they are both NEITHER male or female, they are both “fluid” in sex - the writers clearly did not know, nor give a fuck about the queerness of Loki and the character it actually makes me want to tear my own head off
34:26 - okok, i think it's fun and a little silly that Loki has a big reaction to Mobius being pruned, one that's harder for him to conceal than the one when he's told that Sylvie’s been pruned - but also, a bit nitpicky here i know, it's really dumb that he's just standing there, he doesn't even try to reach out to Mobius to move him out of the way or anything
41:18 - the “No, i have to tell you something” & “back on lamentis…. This is new for me.” & grabbing Sylvie’s shoulders - clearly supposed to set up the idea that Loki has some-fucking-how fallen for Sylvie (which is dumb as even worse written than most straight relationships) and wants to tell her now? For some reason? HOWEVER, it could have so easily been (and would have been better) instead, him trying to tell her that he trusts her and sees her as a partner in crime and a friend. Because that's the whole thing, right? Loki is scared of being alone, and yet doesn't do friends, and doesn't do partners, because he knows that he will always be alone anyways. The nexus event is him finding solace in the fact that he will die beside a friend rather than alone like he's always known he would. But nooo selfcest is definitely better than meaningful friendships, why dont you fucking kill me for thinking otherwise. Anyways he gets pruned here anyways so L Loki, fucking loser.
Episode 5
Unrelated but where the hell did the Lokis get their clothes - like, i get Sylvie because shes been fucking off all over the timeline for a long time, but everyone in the void? Why do they have their clothes
Again it seriously kills me that Sylvie has no character - no likes, no goals outside of destroying the TVA, no self-reflection, she's the woman character that is smarter and cooler than her male counterparts because they need to be looked after in order to not be killed
Another note on this, we can get a vague idea of what Loki will want when everything is over - he jokes about wanting to rule an entire universe/timeline, but in reality everyone knows he will just want to go somewhere where he's cared about and seen as equal, somewhere where he won't be alone - but we don't know what Sylvie will want, we cant even conceive an idea, because all we know is that she wants the TVA and whoever controls it gone, and we can assume that she wanted to be a valkyrie when she was little, but we know literally nothing else about her, so we have to assume either her and Loki are going to figure out their paths together, or that she will go off to figure it out on her own and we won't hear or see her again until she has a dumb cameo I think i would respect how little we know about Sylvie if it were a “i've spent so much of my life surviving and fixated on this one thing that i haven't had time to figure out who i am as a person and what i like and what i want after its all over”, but we never get anything like this, at least in any kind of depth that would make it good The Strong Woman trope is what I was looking for
16:04 - “Have any of you met a woman variant of us?” “Sounds terrifying.” i'm going to bash my head against the wall until my brains are crawling out the other side
Whoo president Loki, aka the only version of Loki selfcest i can stand behind, because at least commit to the bit if you're gonna do it
The one black Loki is the overly aggressive one that betrays everyone first, because what else should we expect from hollywood. Fucks sake
I do adore that the Lokis have so easily adopted Mobius within their little group and how good he is at understanding all of them
30:18 - “Mobius isn't so bad” “or so good. I think that's why we get along.” “he cares about you” Sylvie and Loki 
okay, I'm not saying that they should have made Mobius the love interest, however I absolutely am saying that. I personally think that would be far more compelling than the selfcest plot, it wouldn't be out of nowhere like i'm sure some may argue because so much of this show was spent on showing that Mobius is the only person that's been able to truly understand Loki and get a good read on them and Loki views him as a friend despite it all, on the other hand i think the selfcest plotline is absolutely out of nowhere, but its not viewed as such because its portrayed as straight and thus expected, they have little to no romantic chemistry, they have had very very very few scenes where they are interacting positively with each other that aren't surrounded with the fact that they are working together because they have the same goal and are trying to survive and most of those interactions are sandwiched between arguing.  I just think this scene could have easily been about Loki acknowledging that he cares about Mobius in a way that he doesn't think he has anyone else before, Sylvie could make a call back to her mailman, and then Loki can go quiet and amongst that have the blanket thing w/o the strange glances and awkward pauses and then they can discuss betrayal and what they want to do once everything is all over
31:48 - “i dont have friends. I don't have… anyone.” Sylvie - well now you do because thats all that this will be right? :D ← the face of denial
36:47 - “looks like you got away in the end” Mobius to Loki - you are a homosexual
37:09 - the lokius hug & Loki’s face before it
40:48 - “I don't know how” “you do, because we’re the same.” Loki and Sylvie - well you dont fucking say! Gee golly! Who woulda thunk it? Certainly not me, Mr. sylkie-is-selfcest-no-matter-how-you-twist-it. Good god I hate this stupid show.
Episode 6
I hate this show so so much, but i do really like when the silly mascot character that is kind of overlooked as comedic relief turns out to be a vessel for the villain, or at least are more sinister than they first seemed and they just become kind of uncanny and unsettling 
I also really like immortal characters that have been alive for so long that they are truly exhilarated by their end
33:45 - Loki having a “no stop, this isn't you ;(” moment is so funny
34:56 - the grossest moment of the show. Selfcest, ladies and gentlemen!
35:12 - i feel like it is very important to note that sylvie saying “but i'm not you” here, is NOT her denying that her and Loki are the same, just that the experience and feeling that Loki is expressing is not shared
39:49 - “Who are you? What's your name?” Mobius to Loki - sobs it's so upsetting i can't do this - imagine how much more tragic this scene would've been if Mobius was set up as the love interest shm my head stupid fucking show
End :))))
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