#the circle season 6
sparklinpixiedust · 2 months
Episode 11 first half thoughts :
1. Jordans the worst. Literally so annoying. He keeps talking about controlling the game but tbh no ones controlling anything. Myles and QT are smart and strategic, it's not their fault they've done a good job with strong alliances.
Plus dude wth r u trying to do? You're the one obsessed with control.
I swear everytime he speaks he sounds like those crazed " the earth is flat" or "vaccines cause autism" folks.
Like dude calm down. Y does it bother u so much that myles n QT r at the top? That's literally the whole point of the game?
And myles is shady from the first msg? Aren't u the one who chose to talk to him about the tea?? Ur the one who can't have a single conversation without trying to bring shade.
And lol u stupid if u think getting rid of myles would get u to win. Ur last, dead last Regardless. Olivia has come on top tons of times, so even if u take out myles and QT, we still have kyle and Olivia.
2. Lauren is annoying. Not like Jordan, but what pisses me off about her is that shes.. Stupid? Or atleast she's trying to be idk. She had a good thing going on in the start, I def thought she'd be a strong player but so far she hasn't managed to get anything done? Idk if she doing it on purpose , but this whole "oopsie I mwade a wittle mwistake, I didnt mean too act🥹" needs to go.
You're a gamer, a twitch streamer, how's ur strategy game so weak???
She has a nice vibe, and she seems like a genuinely good person, but she's just not bringing much to the game.
3. Myles, QT, Kyle and even Olivia are my top choices.
I would not be mad if any of them won tbh. Just not Jordan.
I really hope Olivia makes the right choice in the end. I'm gonna be so mad if she sends home myles.
Side note though, this season has def been interesting to watch. Season 5 was such a bore, I slipped to finale just to see the winner and end it.
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shibinus · 2 months
The Circle season 6 recapppp spoilers about the finale ahead!
I would've been sooo pissed if Paul didn't sacrifice themselves for Kyle. Like, obviously Paul was at the bottom and Kyle was higher up in the rankings, if Paul tried to stay even knowing that and hoping that Kyle would sacrifice himself? Nah, that would've been a load of BS. Mad respect that Caress made that decision and left the Circle in probably the best way possible.
Was a little shit that Paul threw Lauren under the bus though. I don't remember them flirting really - I remember super awkward conversations. Probably lost Lauren some points, at least with Kyle if not the whole Tres Fuegos.
Honestly I respect Liv for Blocking Myles. As much as I would've been annoyed that she took out the low hanging fruit by taking out Jordan, I would also have been happy if she took out Jordan - because he was fucking annoying. Dude was just too aggressive and half the fun of The Circle is seeing how people make connections without actually meeting face to face, not just throwing shade on everyone.
Sub-note on point 3 - I wouldn't have hated if she went after QT either. Hey, at least SOMEONE learned that when it's an anonymous block, they could take a big swing. You go girl (or guy, whatever, yay Brandon).
I felt so damn bad for Autumn. She didn't do anything and everyone made her feel so bad. I get that they were just playing the game and fired shots because she was an easy target as a new player and she really, in the grand scheme of things, shouldn't have taken any of their comments personally since obviously they hadn't had any time to get to know her. But I still felt bad for her. She seemed like a nice person and got booted out before she was even given a chance. But hey, that's the way it usually goes for people who don't get to start out at the very beginning.
I don't get why Jordan went SO HARD on Myles? Like, I guess he was a pretty big player when Jordan came in and had a lot of influence, but so did QT? And probably Kyle? And besides, influence comes and goes anyway usually as conversations go on. Like. Just. Chill my dude. You fucked it up for yourself from the start from being so aggressively attacking everyone. In public chat, no less.
Honestly, amazing job Liv. I was real confused in the first episode when everyone was like 'she's probably a catfish' and talking about how boring she was and then she got voted in the top two (I don't remember, was she first even???) It just seemed like everyone was hating on her in the beginning and then she worked magic and won it at the end. Great game, Brandon. And kept it pretty genuine, just a couple calculated moves that made all the difference.
Probably more things to talk about but this is enough of a text dump.
Oh oh oh oh one more thing. I'm so proud of Kyle for being like 'everyone thanked the super influencer except Liv. So Liv was probably the super influencer!' like yes, someone finally used their brain in this game. If Liv was playing a super calculated game she should've thrown in a comment somewhere in the middle being like 'thanks for saving me super secret influencer *heart emoji*' just to confuse anyone who analyzed the chat like Kyle did. SO anyway, good job Kyle, proud of you.
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Ok rant because I need to scream about it.
So, I sometimes watch the Circle game on Netflix, because yes, it's a bit terrible, but it's fun, and I like to see people interacting together, especially as they often end up sharing personal things and supporting each other which I love to see. Plus, there are often really cool people that I like to see in media and that I like to see sharing their experiences, like queer people or people with ADHD.
So I was quite happy to see there was a new season, especially as I'm not that ok right now, and it's often something I like to watch when I'm feeling a bit down, as it doesn't need a lot of focus and can take my mind off of things easily.
But then I see they put a fucking AI in the game. So it's already bad, fuck AI, I don't want it in my games, I don't want it anywhere, the WHOLE POINT of this game is to see people interact together not to see how an AI perform as a human. But I'm there like ok I like this game, so let's just give it a shot, maybe it won't be too much of a deal.
But then, of course, they make a big twist about it, so players starts to analyse everyone's behaviour to see who could be the AI. And a lot of them thinks about Steffi, because she is kinda flat in her speech, and uses a lot of complex words that of course no one uses in real life, her jokes are bad. Plus she knows a lot about that one topic, like how can she knows about horoscopes right away? Like? It's her job? And people can know things? And she is into horoscopes, but also did well on the rap battle? Like people can do and like several things?
But yeah, the speech thing (and especially the complex vocabulary part) really really threw me off, especially because all of it are bascially autistic traits, like the complex vocabulary and stuff. Like of course this was going to happen, why no one in the production thought about that? So yeah, I'm really upset about this right now, and kinda sad as well, and the idea of some autistic traits being considered as not so human, and this being portrayed on popular media like this make my really mad, and I'm not really ok right now.
(And to be clear, I don't think Steffi is autistic, she is a real person, I'm not saying anything about her, I'm just talking about how autistics traits can be perceveied in media.)
So yeah, really upset now, and I'm kinda annoyed, because I like this show usually, and I like some of the contestants a lot for now (like Brandon and QT I love them), but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep watching it now, and it makes me sad.
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lastplayerstanding · 24 days
Anyone who watches the circle have a recommendation on a good season to start? I need a new show
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dualredundancy · 1 month
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blazewatergem · 2 months
Nah, I’m sorry, I actually am incapable of shutting up, apparently.
Steffi was dealt a bad hand for The Circle. Sure, I can admit, she was firing shots at “Paul” - and when fired back, she cried. Yeah, that’s a her thing. (I have my opinions, but I’ll stay quiet on that.)
Yet the rest of the Circle saying she is AI because of her talking about Astrology when it’s part of her JOB was irritating. That her joke wasn’t funny so “obviously” she’s the AI. That her using words “only robots would know” it just…
Gods, I just feel for her on that. I know I’m similar in that I’m mouthy and use weird words, enjoy talking about things I know, and can get into my emotions more than I probably should(for better and worse).
Steffi is not nearly as terrible as the online presence is reacting to her, in my opinion. She’s just…human. Messy, occasionally hypocritical, but human. She tried, and failed on occasion, but HUMAN.
And if what I heard has happened(Currently on Episode 3, spoiled up to episode 6) then that just feels disappointing. I’d bet money Myles chose to get her out just based on him disliking her. He NEVER hesitated to be a rude dick, and all his comments just… 😑
He gets under my skin, and I do hope he doesn’t win.
So, there’s my rant! Take it or leave it, I’m getting it out.
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healthiffy · 3 months
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ringotheman · 23 days
my prediction for the game changer s6 finale is it's gonna be inspired by the reality show The Circle. the iconic slow walk down the halls, clearly in a different building (hotel, maybe?), the number of contestants, the neon light loop-de-loop? its *gotta* be that. im also copium bc i love The Circle its my favorite reality show its so goofy I'd be soso hyped if im right
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devilheartsblog · 5 months
Fairy Hunters and the Forgotten Fairy
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Little crossover between seasons 4 and 6 since, well, she’s like an Earth Fairy right? Wouldn’t the Black Circle want to know her location?
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weanwinwhester · 2 months
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What’s round and bad tempered?
“A vicious circle.”
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charmixpower · 10 months
Okay, so Selina the earth fairy as an antagonist
S6 did this by, for some insane reason, by making Selina Bloom's childhood friend who's always had magic which doesn't work on literally every level. So I'm going to try and come up with some ideas that make parts of it work
Selina the earth fairy that was taught by Eldora:
Tbh this is the easiest option
Selina is an earth fairy from the old days along with Eldora. During the WotBC attempted wiping out of all magic users they fled to Tir Na Nog and live under Morgana and Nebula
The Legendarum is a book created by ancient Faries that Selina's family has been in charge of caring for for generations
When the fairies of vengeance are released Selina is soooo excited to help kill the Wizards and the Winx, and their leader Bloom take their revenge away from them by complaining that they shouldn't be allowed to kill the people that tried to WIPE THEM OUT
Selina is pissed, and her teacher Eldora, the woman that saved her life, going on about how forgiveness is the way isn't helping
Season 5 teaches her about the rest of the magical dimension, season 5 teaches her about the Trix
The Trix are blinded by their desire for revenge and make the perfect pawns. They don't care what they lose as long as the winx don't win
And Selina assures them, the Winx will not win
Selina the earth fairy that was Bloom's friend:
This one is a very elegant solution me thinks and it's the FUN one.
Selina and Bloom are childhood friends and the main targets for Mitzi's bullying. Bloom has kind parents, Selina does not, and for eight hours a day they have to listen to people talk badly about them. Mitzi never puts hands on them but they're social pariah's and deal with constant verbal harassment and false accusations
First year of highschool is more of the same and Selina is prepared for it to be them against the world again in their second year, and then Bloom never comes to class
Selina is alone to deal with the bullying she at least had a confidant in Bloom to at least tolerate it with, and now she's alone
Mitzi tells everyone that Bloom was sent to a school that caters to the mentally ill to finally convince the 16 year old that fairies aren't real, and Selina makes things worse for herself by defending Bloom
They text each other, not often and Bloom won't tell her what new school she's going to but they still text. Selina comes over when Bloom goes back to earth (and goes home before the Trix show up)
And then the next year Bloom goes to Mitzi's Halloween party with her new, cool, pretty, friends. Bloom excitedly tells her about it, she's finally going to make Mitzi the butt of the joke and all Selina can think is that she's been replaced
That's not fair though? Bloom is allowed to be happy at her new school so she bites her tongue and pushes down her resentment and rejects Bloom's offer to come with
Next year is...fine. Bloom comes to her graduation party, and she's a bit mopey that she didn't graduate with honors like her new friends but is over all more excited to hear about Selina's college plans. Bloom goes on a trip in the middle of summer and comes back glowing because "the mistake in my grades was fixed and now I have honors!" And it sounds like a lie but Selina doesn't bother calling her out on it. I mean? What if she's telling the truth
Then season 4 happens, and then it's revealed that Bloom is a fairy
Not only did Bloom replace her with better, prettier friends, but she also lied to Selina about being a fairy. Lied to her face about everything related to magic because apparently Bloom never trusted her
And Selina burns with resentment
Selina stops responding to Bloom's texts and avoids her. Everyone asks Selina if she knew, if Bloom told her, who those aliens are, and all Selina has is half truths from the stories Bloom spun her to respond with
Seeing Mitzi become a fairy, unaware of the dead magic that run though her, unaware that the power Mitzi was given comes with a price no one should have to pay, Selina is furious. Incandescent
Magic returned to earth and Selina can float small objects. She's one of the few people that after the earth's magic core was repaired gained magic and she's on the bottom of the scale of power in a group categorized by how they're not as strong as those who can use magic without the core
Hatred fills her lungs like smoke
Season 5 Selina sticks to herself. Bloom usually isn't on earth like she was last year and this Diaspro chick who came from a different planet to help earth get caught up with the rest of the dimension is on the TV all the time talking about Bloom. Selina hates the fact that this woman who met Bloom though a knock-down drag-out fight knows Bloom better than Selina ever did
Did Bloom ever think of her as a real friend?
(Bloom couldn't take the one person that was her friend though all of that calling her a liar, she comes to regret this)
Eventually, while stumbling around the woods, far away from faces that could mock and lie to her she stumbles across a book. The Legendarum. It promises her power, Bloom's regret, importance. All she has to do is open it, anyone with magic can, her strength doesn't matter with the Legendarum doing the work for her
How could she ever refuse?
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thecrownnet · 8 months
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Lesley Manville as Princess Margaret in The Crown final season
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dualredundancy · 1 month
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fandom-hyperfixation · 11 months
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I have so many thoughts about Wilson buying furniture.
Like, okay, House decides they need furniture. This is fair, I'm pretty sure all they have at the time is a T.V. stand and a couch, they're living like frat boys. Frat boys with a shit ton of money and a very nice condo, but still. Wilson tells House to do it, so House tells Wilson to do it, so Wilson does it. Why? Because House calls him out.
"Your friends, your job, your furniture, it all defines you."
"Buy some furniture, or admit you're empty inside."
Picking out furniture is something that requires, on a teeny tiny level, knowing who you are, just enough to know what kind of tables you like, and how much seating you think is appropriate for the living room. House is giving it a lot of meaning here, sure, but that's kind of just what he does. Overanalyze. Decide that decorating is equivalent to defining your entire existence.
And so that's what Wilson heads out to do. Buy some tables, and define his entire existence.
He fails miserably, of course.
He has no clue what he's doing. He doesn't even know what some of this shit is. He nearly tries to buy a patio table for his dining room. Half of these chairs completely and utterly BAFFLE him. And so he gives up and hires a decorator.
He chooses, in the logic the show has set up, not to define himself. At least, not like this, not by House's games, not by a couch and some chairs. Everything in there is devoid of meaning.
Except the organ. Except the gift for House.
Because in the end, that's how Wilson decides to define himself. Through his love for House.
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plaidjazara · 2 months
I'm late to the party, but I've started watching The Circle and it's introduced me to a category of person that I've never encountered before: woman-hating lesbians.
They call women "females" and say they're all catty and shallow. They want to buddy up with the men and make an alliance against the women. They never believe the women are being sincere. When the top two block a player, they say the man had nothing to do with it and it must be all the woman's fault.
This has been a pattern and I hate it.
How are you gonna identify personally as a woman, claim to love women, and then hate women?
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