#the day we met (started talking) and the day we started dating are like. etched into my brain
hexplaything · 4 months
every day i live in delusion hoping she's miserable and thinks abt me and misses me bc if i actually remind myself of the fact that she got a new girlfriend less than 2 months after we broke up (and less than two weeks after she was still messaging me begging for me back) i'll go so insane ill need to be admitted involuntarily <3
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hotchgirlsummer · 1 year
i'm a mess but
⤷ aaron hotchner x reader
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summary ⤷ Aaron has this date all planned out but things seem to fall apart and they're forced to improvise.
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x fem!bimbo!reader
warnings ⤷ fluff! slight angst - reader opens up about her horrible dates. aaron mentions haley, her death, and how he feels about it (briefly). not a warning but jack and jess make an appearance!
word count ⤷ 7k words
a/n ⤷ HELLLOOOOOO! i wasn't really expecting the first part to blow up but the support and love i received in my first bimbo!reader fic was so overwhelming 🥺🥺🥺 thank you to everyone who read the first one and i hope this second part lives up to your guys' expectation and to your liking. i received three requests involving aaron and bimbo!reader so i'll be working on the two before incorporating the third request in part three of this saga! also i have a possible plot for spencer reid x bimbo!reader and i'm trying to gauge if you guys would be interested in that? as always, feedback is appreciated. have a day as fantastic as yourselves!!! ❤️❤️
masterlist | part one: mess of mine
“And just as a reminder, we will be having the weekends off for this month as Strauss has deemed we deserve a break after the continuous cases that took away most of our time,” Hotch reiterates before they end their final meeting for the week. This announcement was met with cheers and applause by the rest of the team. “Anyway you can have them extend our weekends off for the next, say, 12 months?”
This time Hotch cracked a smile as he gathered his files and into his folder as he shook his head, “Only way you can have that is by making a wish to a genie.” The team looked among themselves, each of their faces etched with surprise and amusement as they rarely got to witness their unit chief ride in on their jokes; behind their entertained expressions, they were curious as to what prompted this change. Rossi schooled his expression as well, despite knowing about the cause for Aaron’s welcome change in demeanor, he knew that his friend wanted to share the little ray of sunshine he found on his own terms. “If there’s nothing else, you all are dismissed for the rest of the week. Have a good one.”
As the team slowly dispersed out of the room, Hotch found Rossi smirking at him to which he raised an eyebrow at him, “Penny for your thoughts, Dave?” To which the mentor looked around the round table to ensure that everyone but them had left, “So, I’m assuming tonight’s the first date then?”
The faintest shade of red littered Aaron’s cheeks as he nodded and exited out of the room, “Tonight is the first date, yes. I’m picking her up after her shift at 7.”
Rossi looks at his watch and smiles upon seeing that their unit chief had a solid hour prior to picking up his date for the night. “Normally I’d wish someone good luck on their first date,” Hotch appreciated in that moment how Rossi leaned into his ear to whisper that as to not catch the attention of the nosy profilers, “But something tells me you would not need it in this scenario. Have a great weekend, Aaron.”
“You too, Dave. Try sticking to one jazz club this time, yes?”
Chuckling when Rossi flipped him off, Aaron hurriedly packed all of his things in his briefcase before heading out of the office. As he waited impatiently for the elevator to bring him to the floor of their parking lot. Turning on the radio, Hotch found himself smiling upon hearing a pop song — that he once was not familiar with until he started talking with Y/N. What started as constant texts, transitioned into hour long phone calls where their topics of conversation ranged from her opinions on how the internet’s influence on fashion trends have both been good and bed, her singing him the new song she had stuck in her head — which explains how he was now familiar with a lot of the songs that were played in the radio — but the one thing that seems to be a constant subject is how he would look good in certain styles of clothing.
Once home, he was delighted to see that Jack had been all cheery from his day at school and soccer practice. He indulges in his son’s excited recollection of his day, relishing in the giggles he let out everytime his son praised the dinner that was prepared for him; though it was just chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and some fries, he supposes that if it were made with love it would taste like a fine meal. It was like time passed by quickly after their meal as Jack was already bathed and dressed in his jammies before 6:45. After a quick chat with Jess, he was out the door and anxiously driving to the boutique. Once parked right out by the store, he was just in time to see his sweetheart exiting the front door and closing the aluminium security shutters. Jumping out of the car, he surprised her by gently pulling her back and lowering the shutters. “Aaron!” Came her surprised giggle, hugging his arm and looking at him like he was her whole world. “You’re here!”
“I did promise to take you out on a date, right?” He teased once he was sure the chutters were secured. Chuckling, she nodded her head as she smiled widely, “You did! And I was so excited for our date, you know? Phoebe got so annoyed with me talking her ears off about how handsome you were and how nice you are.”
Grateful that she was too busy rambling so she couldn’t witness Aaron blushing, he walked her to his car, opening the passenger door to reveal a bouquet of pink and white flowers; handing them to her with a smile he spoke, “For you, sweetheart.”
“Aaron! They’re so pretty!” She squealed excitedly and threw her arms around him, nuzzling her face in his shoulder, “Thank you, thank you! You’re spoiling me way too much already!”
“Well I have to, sweetheart,” He explained as he helped her in the car before quickly jogging to the driver’s side and continuing on, “Have to treat you like a queen, you know?”
“Does that mean you’re my handsome king?” Her question had him reciprocating the sweet smile she had on before reaching for her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles and affirmed, “I’ll be whatever you need me to be, sweetheart.” And in turn, that made heat spread throughout her face.
The drive to the restaurant was short yet filled with so much light and conversation. Stepping out of the vehicle once Aaron opened the door for her, she smiled at him, “Thank you, Ay-ay-ron.”
Before entering the restaurant, the couple were met with views of disgruntled customers, some of them having wet stains on their dresses while others seemed to have  food stains on them. Puzzling her, she looks up at Aaron, “I wonder if they’re alright.”
They were about to find out for themselves upon reaching the host’s stand and announced their arrival, “Reservation for Hotchner, please.” The host who had their back turned faced them with an uneasy smile as they too were trying to rid the blemishes and food stains that unfortunately clung onto his work clothes; he looked down on the their tablet that served as their scheduler and frowned upon looking up at them, “I have to sincerely apologise, Mr. Hotchner. There has been an unfortunate incident, one of our servers tripped which caused this domino effect to the other servers, causing them to drench our customers and staff in food. Not to mention that one of our new chefs in training caused an identical chaos at the back.”
“You can use a butter knife to get rid off the food there,” She pointed to both the host’s shoulders that had some food residue that looked very well edged in the fabric; next thing she noticed wine stains by their chest, “And for the wine, putting hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid in the stain for about ten minutes will get it out.” The way she shared the information so casually paired with the way she tilted her head to the side and pursed her glossy lips made it all the more surprising that she new what to do; but beside her, Aaron felt nothing but pride swell in his chest as he pressed her closer to him by her waist. 
“I appreciate your advice, ma’am,” The host then faced Aaron once more before saying, “Unfortunately we are not in any capacity to entertain our beloved guests for the rest of the evening. We’ll put a note to put you in our priority list for next time if that sounds fair?” Nodding as he held back a frown of his own, the unit chief understood that things were past their control, “That would be much appreciated, thank you.”
With that the couple then left the restaurant, Aaron tried to school his features as he tried to hide the panic in his face; however as Y/N looked up to see him she pouted as she saw that there was a slight furrow in his eyebrows. Reaching up to rub the skin between them she cooed, “Don’t frown, Aaron. Why are you even frowning?”
Almost immediately a smile replaced the mentioned frown as he explained, “Well since the restaurant is a bust, I’m sensing that I’ve just wasted your time, sweetheart. The date’s pretty much ruined already.” Her offended gasp took him aback, causing them to stop just as he was about to open his car door for her, “Well good thing a dinner is not the only you go out for a date! Plus, you just saved me, you know?”
“Saved you from exactly what, sweetheart?”
“From having a fancy dinner! Don’t get me wrong, the décor looks amazing and all, but sometimes their menu is so hard to pronounce too! Like just say roasted, why use sweltering? And don’t get me started on their alcohol — bordeaux, wine, brandy? It’s all just so confusing,” As he walked her to the passenger seat and helped her in, he just chuckled lightly as he tried to console her, “They do tend to differ in ingredients and alcohol percentage.”
“Even you get it,” She whines out to which he now smoothed the furrow she had which quickly disappeared upon feeling his touch in her skin. Swiftly moving to the driver’s side, Aaron looked at her with a soft expression before asking, “Why don’t I get your mind off of it then? How would you like to spend our time together?”
His heart melted at the excited grin she had as she thought deep about how to spend their date before rambling, “We could go bowling in this place on 6th Avenue, oh but they have league games today. Oh! How about we go to this drive-in theatre just by the outskirts of town?” Just as he was about to agree to her suggestion she pouted once more, “But wait, their movie for tonight is a kid’s one, Megamind, I think.” Her excited gasp accompanied by her light taps to Aaron’s shoulder made it evident how excited she was by her current idea, “We could go right into the city centre! They have different kinds of food trucks this day of the week!”
“You sure that’s what you want, sweetheart?” He got her affirmation as she buckled her seatbelt up and nodded, “Sure do, Aarbear! I heard there was a food truck that would sell raspberry and cherry cotton candy.”
“Aarbear?” He questioned the nickname although he could not deny the warm feeling that washed over him upon being granted to him. She hummed, “Ever since we last saw each other, I’ve been thinking of cute nicknames for you; since you call me sweetheart. Aarbear is my favourite just because you remind me of a teddy bear. Just so snuggly and cute.”
“Snuggly and cute? Sweetheart, have you taken a good look at me? I’m the farthest thing from that don’t you think?” Aaron playfully countered as he relished in their playful banter. “You know what? Yeah, I have taken a good look at you and if I say so for myself you always look dashing and,” Her train of thought was cut off when she gasped out loud and saw the coat he was wearing, “And I thought I told you to wear the pink suit I got you! Why didn’t you?”
By that time, they had already reached the public parking that was allocated for the food truck event, Aaron looked at her chuckling as he thought she wasn’t serious about her little plan for the pink suit she gifted him; but upon seeing her expression which consisted of a frown with her wobbly lips and a furrowed brow, he knew that it was serious and important to her. Hoping to appease her feelings, Hotch then lifted his hand up to rub on her cheek gently and as she nuzzled herself deeper into his warmth, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But I might have mentioned it before, but I don’t really know how to pair up clothes, you know? That’s why my suits and slacks have always matched.”
Placing her chin centre on his palm, she shoots him a smile as her upset expression now melting into an excited one as she speaks, “Does that mean I get to dress you up? I get to rifle through your wardrobe?” Removing herself from his hold, they both tried to ignore how empty it felt when they were not within each other’s reach; but to help diminish the emptiness they felt Y/N then laced her hand with his large one and grinned, “Next time we go out for a date, we go to your house first so I can dress you up and make you even more handsome! Oh there’s this new sweater line that came out and I wanna see how the sweater brings out the brown in your eyes.”
“Already planning our next date, sweetheart? You already want me around you that much?” Unsure of whether he can handle the truth of her answer, Aaron kissed her knuckles as he made his way out of the car and opened the passenger door for her. Leaping out to wrap her arms around his large figure as she hummed against his shoulder, “I sure do, Aarbear. So hopefully you don’t get sick of me right away.”
“I don’t think I could ever get sick of you, sweetheart,”  Aaron reassured her as they began walking towards the plethora of food trucks that were present in the little festival going on, “Besides, the only thing I plan on getting sick on is a ton of cotton candy. Was raspberry your favourite flavour?”
Failing to hide how giddy she was at his sincere revelation, she smiled as she laced her fingers with his and dragged him to where the food truck that sold cotton candies were. “I do like the grape-flavoured ones, do you have a favourite?” It was in that moment that Aaron wished he had a camera permanently lodged into his brain so he could capture the way her eyes sparkled as she inquired more about his interests. He hummed as they stood in line in front of the food truck, “I don’t think I’ve explored enough of these flavours to have a definite favourite.”
Her gasp paired with the soft tap on the shoulder was another thing that was quickly becoming a favourite of Aaron’s. Upon reaching the front of the line, Y/N took charge and ordered three kinds of cotton candy. As she reached down for her wallet, she was caught off guard at how quick her date was in tapping his own credit card against the machine. 
“Aaron! Why didn’t you let me pay?”
The two walked a few feet away and sat down on the bench nearby before he smiled and pinched some cotton candy and offered it to her, “Now what kind of man would I be if I even let you touch your wallet throughout our date?” 
Returning the favour by feeding him some cotton candy as well, she pursed her lips as she concluded, “A handsome gentleman, still. And don’t ever think differently.” From there on they fell into an easy conversation which ranged from childhood shenanigans to workplace happenings. For Y/N this was a complete 360 switch to see Aaron’s eyes crinkled in joy and his posture relaxed; seeing him so serious and stiff on their first meeting gave her the impression he’d be too uptight. In her mind, she’d do anything to keep the beautiful smile on his face. “Wait, so Garcia was able to access the file that I didn’t know the password to?”
“Took her less than five minutes to do that, sweetheart,” Aaron informed her as the two wiped their mouths of any crumbs and threw the container in the trash before strolling once more to get more food, “What else are you in the mood for?”
“Can we get some tacos? It’s been quite a while since I’ve had some,” With that Aaron led the way as he spotted the specific truck sooner, “So Garcia can hack into anything?” As they stood in line in front of other patrons, Y/N made sure to only whisper her question so as to not attract any unwanted attention from curious ears, something that did not escape Aaron’s observant nature and something he appreciated.
“Absolutely, it only takes her about ten minutes to do so. There’s rarely anything she can’t crack,” He answers, however he’s left more puzzled as she stands on her tiptoes and whispers in his ear, “Do you think she can hack into something for me?”
“What exactly do you need to get hacking into, sweetheart?”
At that, her glossed up lips — which compared to last time that was a soft red shade, this time around she had a flushed pink hue with a slight shimmer to it — formed a pout as her eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she recounts, “Because I signed up for Snapchat a year ago and then now I forgot which password I used to it, it reached to a point where I’ve tried so many times that they told me I’m no longer allowed to try guessing. And I wanna get access back to it because everytime I take a cute selfie of myself I send it there.”
 By the end of her story, they reached the front of the line and Aaron paused their conversation for a while to order for the two of them; his heart fluttered when Y/N patted his shoulder gently as she whispered, “Extra cheese on mine, please.”
Once they were handed their food, the two stepped away and once again found a bench to give them privacy. Before even taking a bite from her taco, she faced him and her face was once again etched with concern, “So? Do you think Garcia will help me? I can give her a cute little outfit in the boutique if she does. Or whatever else she wants, promise.”
Smiling at her as he allowed his first bite to go down before replying, “I’m sure she’d love to assist you even without the promise of repayment.” She was midbite when she looked up at Aaron, cheese at the side of her mouth as she seemed confused with what he meant before he clarified as he wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin, “I’ll let her know you need help, sweetheart.”
Shrieking out of excitement wasn’t the only way she expressed her relief but also with the way she tried her best to wrap her arms around him without causing both their tacos to crack as they hit the ground, “Thank you, Aar! Can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that! Do you think Garcia will like cupcakes or cookies more? I’ve been meaning to bake since it’s been a while, you know.”
“I know for a fact she wouldn’t mind either one, sweetheart,” He leaned closer as if he was sharing a secret and whispered in her ear, “But I do know you and her will get along well.”
Her nose scrunched up in excitement as she shimmied her shoulders in a little dance, “You did mention she likes little quirky gadgets and she dresses a lot like I do. Maybe she and I can go shopping sometime? You mentioned you work with other ladies too right? Alexa and GG?”
“Alex and JJ, sweetheart,” He gently corrects her as threw his napkin after finishing his taco in the nearby bin, “But yes, I’m sure they’d love to meet you. Maybe in the near future we can set that up?”
Her excited nod caused some of the taco sauce to spread past her lips, prompting Aaron to wipe the sides of her mouth as she replied, “Do you think they’d like me though? Some people I’ve met before say I’m too much or you know,” The slight pause between her train of thought made him worry about what previous perceptions were about her so he encouraged her on, “Know what exactly, sweetheart?”
Perhaps it was the way he gently coaxed her or the way he rubbed her back was full of care but it got her talking as she mentioned, “It’s just, people like my friends say that I’m dumb, that I’m no fun to be around with,” She sniffled a little which proved to be the wrong thing to do as it accidentally got some sauce on her nose, to which she scowled a little and threw the wrapper away and she felt a sudden wave of shyness take over her as Aaron was quick to wipe by her nose, “I don’t have very many people who stay — except for my family, I guess, but they don’t really have that much of a  choice — so I don’t know,” She looks up at him and it was only then that Aaron got a good look of her eyes that had a glimmer of both hope and sadness, “I’d really like for you to stay, Aar.”
“I’d like that too,” Came his immediate reply as he brought her into his warm embrace, tucking her head underneath his chin as he tried to get across every ounce of affection he had had for her, “I promise I’ll keep you close to me, sweetheart.”
Slightly detaching herself from his hold to take a good look on his face, she smiled up at him, “Have I ever mentioned that you’re one of the most handsome men in the world? If not the most? Like, inside and out,” She pulled away fully from his embrace and frowned as she recalled her statement, “No wait, I don’t think it works that way. Do you mind being called beautiful? I know some guys are uncomfortable with that. Or maybe I can call you a pretty boy?”
Shaking his head at her silly antics he just kissed her forehead and teased her, “I thought Aarbear was the nickname you had for me?”
“I guess that’s just one of the struggles for when you’re the most perfect man in the world, hm? Having too many options for a nickname since you’re everything good,” she giggled. 
Just as he was about to reply with some sort of a witty comeback, the shrill tone of his phone broke them out of their trance. Dread filled his gut immediately at the thought of a case whisking him away from a great date; he shot her an apologetic expression before saying, “Sorry,” And answering the phone and being pleasantly surprised that it was just Jess calling, “Jess? Is everything alright?”
Deciding to keep herself preoccupied while Aaron tends to his call, Y/N mindlessly grabbed for his free hand and slowly traced over the lines on his hand and smiled upon noticing how much larger his hand was and when she lined up her hand against his, she rubbed the skin of it and realised that she could get used to the warm feeling of his touch.
“I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” Aaron apologised as he pocketed his phone and that seemed to break her out of her trance as she looked up at him and mirrored the small frown he was sporting, “That was Jess, she’s the aunt of my son. She said he awoke from a nightmare and won’t calm down. Apparently, he’s been asking for me and refuses to go back to sleep until he sees me.” 
“Then you should go to him,” Was her instant reply as she stood up on her feet and held out her hand for him to take, “Let’s go to your sweet boy, Aarbear.”
Taking her by the hand, he smiled at her as he led the way back to the car he decided to check in with her, “I’m sorry to spring this on you, sweetheart, but I’m a single father to a five year old.”
Upon being helped into the passenger seat she waited for Aaron to buckle himself in beside her before asking, “So what’s he like? And what’s his name?” The unit chief could not hold back the smile from how sincere she was in her curiosity. “Jack is a talented soccer player, he’s slowly getting into music and he can’t wait to audition for their spring play. I will say though he takes a lot of traits from his mom, which might be a good thing for him, honestly.”
Scoffing in offence, she gently scolded him, “Do not talk about yourself in that way, Aarbear! You’re smart, kind, funny, always keeping alert and all that. You have a lot of good qualities, you know.” There was a comfortable silence that took over for a few minutes before they were at a red light where it got Y/N thinking, “Wait, so if you have a son he has a mother, right?”
“I do believe that is how biology works, sweetheart,” His lighthearted joke was his attempt to soften the upcoming difficult conversation they were definitely going to have  in light of her recent discovery of his son. 
“Where is his mom then? Wait,” She panicked as she looked at him and gently held onto his forearm, “Oh God, please don’t tell me I’m making you cheat on your wife. That I’m not the other woman.”
Her somber pout while adorable made his heart clench as he realised she was concerned about what Haley meant to him as it shows how serious their relationship is to her. So he reached over the console and rubbed her knee comfortingly, “You’re not the other woman, sweetheart. Jack’s mother, Haley, is not in the picture.”
“Why not? Is she okay?”
Her kind nature came through once more and every time Aaron has a glimpse of it, it makes him feel like he’s in this trance-like dream where his dream woman came to life by merely manifesting it. “She unfortunately passed away. We had this unsub — bad guy — who went after me and my family.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that, Aar,” Y/N sympathized once Aaron was parking his car in their assigned stall. Once parked he looked at her and there was a slight tremble in his lips as he shared with her, “She was killed, and he was about to go after Jack but I was able to put a stop to it before doing so.”
“You saved Jack,” She reminded him of his heroic act as she smoother over his trembling lips with her thumb as she tried to comfort him the same way he did her everytime she nearly spiralled into overthinking negatively, “You didn’t kill Haley, the bad guy did. That’s not your fault, okay?”
Slightly rotating his head so he could press a quick kiss to her palm, he smiled at her, “Thank you for that reminder, sweetheart; I needed that.” 
Feeling the heat creeping up her cheeks she smiled too and grinned before gasping out, “Wait, we’re here already, right?” At his confirming hum, she then quickly said, “We need to get to your boy!”
Aaron found himself frowning not because their moment was cut short, but he was unable to open the door for her and escort her out of the vehicle. Upon reaching the elevator of the building, he noticed Y/N was bouncing on her heels as if she were nervous. Just as he was about to check in on her, the elevator had a soft ping and opened the doors to reveal that they were on their floor. Gently placing his hand behind her back, he led her to their apartment and he hated that his sweaty hands slightly dampened her dress; but she didn’t seem to mind it and instead unknowingly calmed him down by smiling brightly at him.
Upon entering their living space, Aaron could vaguely hear Jess keeping Jack occupied by talking to him. “Jack? Buddy? I’m home,” Aaron called out gently as he made his way by the hallway while Y/N settled by their couch as she didn’t want to intrude any more than she already had.
Almost instantly the sound of pitter patter of tiny feet, “Dad!” Jack ran towards his father’s embrace and Aaron opened his arms as he allowed his son to nuzzle into his neck and carry him. “How are you feeling, bud? Aunt Jess said you couldn’t go to sleep?”
He rubbed his eyes with his hands as he frowned, “Yes, had a nightmare, dad. I was so scared I couldn’t get back to sleep with you.” As Jack laid down his head on his father’s shoulder that’s when he noticed a pretty girl sitting. “Who is she, dad?”
Y/N smiled warmly as she waved, Aaron sat him and his son on the armchair near the sofa she was sitting at and mentioned, “This is Y/N, she’s my friend, Jack.”
“Nice to meet you, Jack,” She held out his hand for a shake and while she understood that kids are naturally shy, especially around people they’re unfamiliar with, she was thoroughly surprised when he shook her hand and had a shy smile on his cute little face.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Jack,” When he retracted his hand she took a good look at him before mentioning, “You look like a princess.”
Indulging him she then leaned a little closer and playfully whispered, “Don’t say it out loud, this princess just snuck out to meet with her prince.” Jack giggled at her silly reply and mirrored her actions and came a little closer, “And? Where is he? Did you get your happily ever after?”
“Not yet,” She replied as she shyly smiled and took a quick glance at Aaron, “The story isn’t done yet. But you do know what a princess needs? A knight of shining armour who can be her best friend! Can we be friends, Jack?”
Looking up at his father, he shot Aaron a questioning look and inquired, “I know Y/N’s your friend but can I be her friend too?” Feeling his heart warm up at the way how gentle and considerate Y/N was to Jack — knowing that she couldn’t automatically assume Jack will see her as a friend and instead she’d have to earn it — paired with Jack’s interest in getting to know her, he smiled down at his son as he steadied his grip on his growing toddler who seemed to be wiggling a little at the excitement of having a new friend, “I’m more than alright with that, Jack. But it’s up to you, okay, bud?”
Nodding at his father before facing Y/N once more, Jack showed her his toothy grin that came out every time his father told him a silly joke before concluding, “I’d love to be your knight friend, Y/N. Does that mean we’ll go on adventures?”
Giggling and clapping her hands in delight, Y/N nodded before calming down and saying, “We sure can, Sir Jack! But maybe after you’ve had a good night’s sleep? That way we both will be energised and ready for whatever adventure comes our way?”
Right on cue, Jack let out a little yawn that Aaron partially thought Y/N induced out of him by mentioning he had to sleep, “Okay, I can’t wait for our adventure already!”
“After a good night’s sleep, okay, bud? I’m gonna put you to bed now,” Jack didn’t fight his father much and instead curled his arms around his neck, signalling that he wanted to be carried back to bed. As Aaron stood up, Jack unclasped one of his hands and waved at Y/N and smiled, “Bye, princess Y/N.”
“Sweet dreams, Sir Jack.”
Once the two men disappeared into the hall, Jessica came into view and walked towards her. Taking initiative Y/N reached out for her hand and introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Y/N. Aaron mentioned you were Jack’s aunt.” 
Shaking her hand, she confirmed, “Yeah, I’m Jessica. I’m Jack’s mom’s sister. Did he mention Haley to you?”
A sincere, sombre expression washed over her face as Y/N pulled Jess in for a hug, “He did, and I’m so sorry about what happened to her. From what he’s told me, Haley was such a lovely soul.” Noticing that Jess tensed slightly at the hug but relaxed because she didn’t realise how good a hug can be from someone earnest; which is why Jess was puzzled when they pulled away and Y/N had a frown. “I didn’t ask first before hugging you, sorry ‘bout that. My family did always say I was such a big hugger.”
“Don’t worry about it,” The blonde woman reassured her as she reached out and held Y/N’s hand, “I appreciated the hug and your kind words.” Beaming brightly at that, she looked down at their hands and her sharp eye couldn’t miss the blouse Jess was wearing and noticed, “Are you wearing Nanette Lepore?” Taking her aback, Jess then had her mouth open in surprise as she was unsure how to respond to that. Y/N, however, took this opportunity to babble on, “You have a good eye! She really shocked everyone when she revealed that her fall spring collection was mostly going to be perfumes but I was really excited to buy one, but shipping costs are a pain in the butt.”
“I’m sorry but our conversation took quite a turn here,” Jess tried to steer their conversation and Y/N smiled as she explained, “Oh sorry, I get so excited when the topic is fashion and all that. I work at a boutique, always thinking about designing my own clothes, but I don’t know.”
It was then that Aaron walked in the room, “Sorry for the delay, Jack requested quite a few stories tonight.” Placing a hand on his date’s shoulder and facing Jess with a tight-lipped smile, “Jess, I appreciate you looking out for Jack tonight. I was out on a date with Y/N earlier and I hope that it won’t  cause too much of an issue between us.”
Jess appreciated Aaron’s vulnerability at the moment as she knew how bad her brother-in-law’s mindset and confidence was following Haley’s passing. He was deep in his belief that he was unable to open up to someone and if he ever did, they’d walk out on him after having a good, long conversation with him. Reaching out to rub his forearm that she couldn't  help but notice was colder than usual before smiling, “I know, Aaron. And can I say just how lovely Y/N is.”
“Oh oh, before I forget,” Y/N reached for her bag and fished for something and made her way back over to them and handed a card to Jess, “Next time, please do swing by in the boutique. I’d love to give you some clothes that will really go well with your style! Plus, it’d be fun just chatting up with you and there’s a cute little cafe nearby too.”
Taking the calling card and looking at it first before pocketing it, Jess smiles as she hugs Aaron and gives the same affection to Y/N before parting ways, “I’ll definitely give you a call when I can swing by, okay? Enjoy your evening, guys.”
As she was putting on her coat and slinged her bag over her shoulder she looked at Aaron, “Oh and Aaron?” The man raised his eyebrows and just as he was about to ask what’s wrong Jess winked at her, “I think you found yourself a keeper.”
With that, Jess allowed the two lovebirds their privacy, the two snuggled with each other on the couch but just as they made each other comfortable Y/N looked up at Aaron and had another confused pout, “What did Jess mean when she said you found a keeper? Did you lose a tupperware container?”
Aaron chuckled lightly at her question before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and shrugged, “I’m not too sure too, sweetheart. I’ll ask her the next time she swings by.”
Deciding to let go of the topic, she then nuzzled her cheek into his chest as her hand mindlessly drew random shapes on his chest; it was Aaron that broke the silence by apologising, “I’m sorry our first date didn’t exactly go as planned. I’ll make it up to you next time, I promise.”
Looking up at him through her lashes she smiled at him and gently shook her head, “It’s okay, Aarbear. I had fun at the food truck festival. If I only knew I was going to be meeting sweet boy Jack, I’d buy him a few cotton candy flavours.”
“I’m sure your sweet personality made up for the lack of treats you gave him, sweetheart,” He tickled her sides gently to elicit giggles from her and when she did he wished he recorded it as it was such a joyous sound, “Besides, he will be looking forward to some princess-knight adventures you two will be having.”
“Is that okay with you though? I’ve read some stories where kids don’t like it when their parents date someone else. I don’t wanna come across as evil or anything,” She worried and now she stopped her movements and just looked at Aaron with worried eyes. 
This time it was Aaron who had his hand rubbing her back gently to coax her back into her relaxed state, “Sweetheart, I wouldn’t worry about that. Did you see how at ease Jack was when you were talking to him earlier? I don’t see any scenario where he would treat you unkindly and you to him.”
Nodding her head softly she then leaned against his shoulder once more as she said, “Okay, but if he ever tells me or you that he needs some space from me, I’m gonna do it. And you can’t stop me from doing it.”
Humming as a reply, Aaron appreciated how Y/N was respectful of Jack’s boundaries. They were basking in a comfortable silence before Y/N asked, “Did you really have a great time with me, Aar?”
“Of course,” Came his immediate reply, “Did I give the impression that I didn’t?” He felt calm when she gently shook her head and sighed out before sadly recollecting, “No, you didn’t. But I just went on dates before where it ended up with them just calling it a night right away. They’d mutter under their breath that they can’t handle being around me for any longer.”
Her quiet sniffles had him fearing that she thought this was how their relationship too was gonna go; choosing to reassure her, he lifted her chin with his hooked finger and looked serious yet loving as he spoke, “I’m sorry to hear you’ve been on terrible dates with terrible boys. But let me reassure you that I do not, in any way, think of you in that way. Can I tell you a secret?”
Looking at him with curious eyes she nodded as he took his queue to reveal to her, “You bring so much happiness and joy in my life. I don’t think you can ever be those mean things that they said. In fact, I think you’re all I could ever need and want.”
Having to bite back her smile as she tried to not show how his words affected her she smiled and leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek, “You’re too sweet to me, Aaron.” She bit her lip before continuing her train of thought, “Would it be too soon to say that I like you a lot? Like, I know it’s only been nearly two weeks since we’ve talked to each other but you make me so happy. Whenever I get a text from you I smile so wide, it even got to the point where Phoebe has to tell me to stop smiling and giggling too much because it might creep out other customers.”
Laughing along her story as she did so, he shook his head as he shared, “I feel what you mean, sweetheart. I have to be careful of my reactions everytime my phone rings because of you. Which is hard to do around profilers.”
“Wait, profilers? Is that the ones who try to understand the bad guys or the ones who just do the research on how to find the bad guy?”
Chuckling as he found her confusion unfortunately adorable he clarified, “We do a little bit of both, sweetheart.” She gasps out loud as she frowns, “You do both? That sounds exhausting!”
“Well thinking of you does make me feel less tired, sweetheart,” Rubbing her cheek softly as he took in her features led him to focus on her lips that he had thought about kissing ever since they met, “Would it be too soon if I told you I wanted to kiss you, sweetheart?”
“Not at all,” Came her instantaneous reply, “I’d love for you to kiss me, Aar.” 
And with her consent he gently pulled her in softly by the cheek, tightening his hold on her without hurting her and slanted his lips overs. Feeling her smile into the kiss as she held onto his shoulders, bringing him even closer to her. Their lips felt warm and like puzzles fitting into place, after both of their initial shyness they both opened their mouths and allowed their tongues to entangle in a sweet dance as their hands took in every part of themselves that were new to each other. 
The couple poured all of the unspoken feelings they both were too frightened to share — all the premature love and companionship — was made evident by their sweet kiss that felt natural. Despite her unwillingness to do so, she had to slowly detach herself from his lips as she had to gasp for breath. Her fingers ended up playing with the short hairs at the nape of his neck and while she separated from his lips, she couldn’t pull away from his hair as she looked up at him, “That might be the best first kiss I’ve ever had with someone.”
Pleased with her conclusion, Aaron quickly littered sweet pecks all throughout her face before placing a long, loving kiss on her lips before nodding in agreement, “And the best part about it is that that’ll be just the first of our many kisses, sweetheart.”
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Sweet Date
Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader
Warning: fluff
Summary: drinking hot cocoa in a small Café
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Snow was slowly making its way down to earth. Some fell against the window of the coffee shop you waited in. Some didn’t melt right away which gave you the opportunity to observe and doodle it into your notebook.
You were so focused on drawing you didn’t notice Spencer coming in or how he sat in the chair opposite from you. He ran to the coffee shop all the way from his office. He forgot the time while doing paperwork. And when he looked up he knew he was running late. So he packed his things as fast as he can and ran out of the office.
He stood in the entrance out of breath. With quick eyes he spotted you right next to the big window of the shop. A grin grew on his lips as he saw you deep in your doodles. A muffin was sitting in front of you untouched. Slowly he made his way over to you. Carefully he made his way over and sat down quietly.
You spotted him only as you looked up to stare at the next snowflake. “Oh my god, Spence!” He chuckled before moving so he could kiss your cheek. “I’m sorry. You looked so focused. I couldn’t interrupt your doodling.” Heat rose to your cheeks at his sweet words.
He turned to the front before turning back, “Penelope told me they had great hot chocolate. Should I order two?” You smiled at him. “I’ll come with you.” He held up his hand like he wanted to stop you. “I am late. I should pay. It’s the least I could do.” He stood up and walked over to the register before you could even get a chance to protest against his idea.
After a few minutes of you watching him from afar he came back with two mugs of steaming cocoa. He put one mug down in front of you and sat down after he put his on the table. A hat of whipped cream sat at the top of both cups. Spencer took a sip. A little cream stuck to his nose making you giggle. He looked at you confused. “What?” You leaned over the table with a napkin in your hand. Carefully you wiped off the tip of his nose. “You had a little bit of whipped cream there.”
Spencer’s cheeks painted pink. He looked down at his drink with a small smile on his face. Your own cheeks heat up. He still had the same effect as the first time you met. It was in a park not far from the BAU office. You sat on a bench enjoying your lunch break when Spencer sat beside you on the bench. You doodled in one of the notebooks now standing in his bookshelf. He watched you for more than half an hour before you started to talk to him. He was so shy and awkward to ask about what you were drawing. But in the end it is awkwardness worked in his favour.
“What are you smiling about?” You looked up to see a big grin on your boyfriend’s face. You shook your head, a small grin adorning your lips. “Just thinking back to how we met.” Spencer huffed out a laugh. “Don’t remind me.” You took his hand and squeezed it softly. “Spence, your awkwardness was the think drawing me to you. And it’s why I fall in love with you a little more every day.”
Spencer looked down on the table again. A bashful smile he tried to fight etched its way onto his lips. You giggled softly as you saw him struggle. No matter how often you told him how much you loved him and his little quirks which made him Spencer.
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satorkiees · 1 year
arcade date with nagi seishiro
content ; 0.8k words, ramble, nagi and reader are both oblivious, a brain fart and likely grammar mistakes
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bright colours ambushed your senses as you walked into the arcade with your classmate (and crush), nagi. 
“ wanna come and see the new zelda pop up with me?” nagi asked after your last period of school had finished for the day. 
“oh sure!” you replied. unsure of why he would ask you to come when he could’ve asked anybody else. you held that thought within you and agreed regardless. 
“cool. i’ll come and get you at 5” he said, clearing the rest of his desk and waving you goodbye. unsure of what just happened. a giddy feeling crept up on you, one that filled the entirety of you.
neon lights were everywhere guiding to you various different games: mario kart 8, ice hockey, human hungry hippos and the like. unsure of where to start, you decided to follow nagi’s lead and his love for gaming. manoeuvring throughout the crowds of people, who had also come for the zelda pop-up, you had lost your way from him. leaving you in front of a claw machine that promised you a prize for the cheap price of £2 for 3 plays (a rip off but one you chose to ignore anyways) and so you began to immerse yourself into getting that prize.
on the other hand, nagi was still moving his way through the crowd when he noticed you hadn’t said anything for the past 5 minutes, not that you had been very talkative but he had missed your “this is so cool” comments every now and then. he had almost reached the zelda event however, he went back into the sea of people to try and find you. cursing under his breath that he should’ve just held yi=our hand so you could’ve just been together the whole time.
by the time nagi had found you, you had blown more money than you had liked to admit on the plushie the machine promised you if you just gave it one more try. frustration etched into your eyebrows and concentration evident in your face, nagi was unsure of what to do. as he admired you from afar and how dedicated you were about getting the plushie, he decided to call out your name, breaking your trance and making you miss the plush for the 18th time.
“damn it!” you moaned, turning to look at where your name had been called. you met a star struck nagi, an expression you’d only seen when he played games at break. silently, nagi moved his way towards you and the dreaded machine and put £2.
as soon as he put the coin in the machine, his aura completely changed. from relaxed to completely concentrated, he was in the zone. a zone you had only seen him enter within the realms of games, football (and now you). he’d brushed up nicely today, gel evident in his hair and an overuse of cologne but you paid no mind as you had made the same preparations today too. with your hair done and meticulous planning of your outfit for your outing with nagi. aware of your blatant staring, nagi looked at you with content in his eyes as in record time, he had won a plushie.
“well done!” you congratulated him. he had made your 15 minute struggle seem so easy. 
“why’d you leave?” he asked, leaning down to grab the link plushie (on theme with the current event).
“i didn’t mean to. you were so far ahead and you seemed really into the game so i didn’t wanna weigh you down.”
“but i wanted to see it with you.” maybe it was foolish but it was as if all the butterflies that were calmly floating in your stomach had turned into rockets and were soaring throughout your stomach as if there was no end. 
“why?” the question had resurfaced when he first asked you to go and a couple of times when you were trying to win the link plushie. 
“because i like you?” he said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. with such confidence, he hand you over the link plushie. you shook your head.
“i wanted to get it for you actually,” you pulled out the zelda plushie you had miraculously won despite the deceitful cash-grabber saying it was “as easy as 1, 2, 3” “we were gonna match.” you said sheepishly, blood rushing to your face. this felt more embarrassing than confessing directly. 
“oh.” was all nagi could muster. bringing his hands to cover his face. 
“i like you. if that wasn’t clear already. i was just confused why you brought me here and sorry if i’m totally reading this wrong but i think you like me too? but yeah, i-” you begin to blurt out.
“can i kiss you?"
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a/n ; is writer's block near? i fear so
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devskindawritingblog · 6 months
Family Christmas
Taissa turner x reader
AN: I love this one so much. I thought of this idea when I came out of the shower. This originally was about making cookies with her siblings but I decided to change it a little. I still love it so much. I love the idea of older sister taissa. I made her siblings twins named Tegan and Tyler. Taissa’s text is in red. Tegan’s is in purple. And Tyler’s is in green.
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You and Taissa have been dating for a little bit now, but you haven't gone over to her house while her whole family was home. You met her parents at one of the Yellowjackets games. But that was pretty much it. Taissa often talks about her little siblings. You would obviously love to meet them. Even though you hear about all their fights, you know Taissa loves them.
You planned on showing up at her house on Christmas to give the twins a little gift and to meet them. You spent Christmas day with your family. After you finished having dinner with your family, you went over to the phone and dialed Taissa’s number. She picks up the phone, and you can hear yelling in the background.
“Stop it! Someone is on the phone.” Taissa yells at her siblings as you hear screaming and giggling in the background.
“I’ll tell mom and dad.” she yells again as you smile to yourself. “Sorry about that. My parents went to a Christmas party and left me alone with the twins.” Taissa says as she sighs.
“It’s alright, Tai. I was wondering if you wanted a visitor. I kind of maybe got them a little gift.” You say as you can hear the kids quiet down a bit in the background.
“You didn’t have to do that. They got enough presents today.” Taissa says, and you can hear the twins rush over to her as she says the word present.
“It’s just a little something, okay? Winning over your parents was easy. Now I just have to impress the little ones.” You say, smiling to yourself, excited to meet her siblings. 
Taissa laughs and turns the phone away to tell her siblings that someone is coming over in a few minutes.
You both hang up the phone and gather your things. Making your way over to your car and driving over to her house. You arrive at her house. By now, it's a few hours after dinner, and the sun is starting to set. It's a little chilly outside, and it's lightly snowing-the perfect Christmas day. You approach, knocking on the door as you wait for someone to answer. 
You hear a little distant yelling, and suddenly the door swings open. You look down at Taissa’s little sister. 
“Oh,hi there, Tegan, right?” You say, smiling at the little girl. Her hair is tied back in two little buns with Christmas coloured ribbons.
“Yes” she says, looking you up and down and noticing the presents in your hand.
“I love your hair, who did it.”
“My mom, we had a Christmas party today.” She says smiling clearly loving her hair style. You hear footsteps, and Taissa walks up to the door, her brother trailing behind her.
“Hi, come in; we just finished eating dinner.” Taissa says as she drags you inside, shutting the door to keep the cold out.
You take off your jacket and shoes, and all four of you make your way into her living room. Taissa sits down on the couch, turning to her siblings.
“Ok, so this is y/n their my partner.” Taissa says not wanting to lie to the little kids but trying to help them understand. They both look over at you and nod. The kids care more about those gifts you brought through the front door.
“And this is my sister Tegan and my brother Tyler.” Taissa says pointing to both of them separately. 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys. Taissa talks about you guys all the time.” You say smiling at the twins.They both seem to like that and smile back at you. 
“So I know it’s Christmas, so I asked your sister what you guys like to do, and I got a little gift.” You say pulling out each of them.
Both of their eyes light up, and they reach forward, grabbing their respective gift, trying not to be too excited. 
Taissa mentioned Tegan really liked art and crafts, so you got her a etch a sketch, and a little lite bright
For Tyler, Taissa always talked about how much energy he has, so you got him a super soaker and a slinky. You might have to apologize to her about that water gun, but that’s a summer problem.
The twins are so excited and rush off after thanking you to go try out their new toys.
“See now, your whole family loves me.” You smile, scooting closer to her, and she gives you a playful poke.
“You bribed my 8 year old siblings, actually.” She shoots back, smirking.
“No bribery, only Christmas cheer.” You smile, giving her a little kiss on the cheek. 
“Got you something too.” You say reaching and passing her a gift box with a green bow.
“Better not be a water gun.” She says with a stern look. “Just open it.” You say scooting as close as you can so you can watch her open it. 
Taissa unwraps her gift, and it’s a heart locket with both of your initials on it. She opens it up and it’s a cute photo of you and Taissa when you started dating.
“Awwww, this is so sweet. I love it.” She smiles, pulling you close and peppering your face with kisses as you laugh. “I wanted to get you something that you can wear any day.” Taissa smiles again, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulls you closer. She is just about to give you a kiss, but Tyler runs over happily, showing off what he can do with his slinky. “Tai! Look how cool!” Tyler beams as he runs into the living room. Tegan runs up as well showing how she spelled her name on the etch a sketch.
You shift your body so you're next to Taissa, and her arm is wrapped around your shoulder. Both of her siblings come into the living room and sit down on the couch.
“Tai Tai, we wanna watch Home Alone.” Tegan says, sitting next to Taissa. Your heart melts a little at the cute nickname. You will definitely be using it on her later.
“Momma said it's on at 6:00, please” Tyler adds as he also sits next to her.
Taissa agrees to the twins' delight. All of you go and get a drink and pop some popcorn on the stove. You all go sit on the couch and Taissa next to each other, with one of the twins on either side of you.
You all have a fun time watching Home Alone with all of them. The kids laugh at all the pranks. As the movie comes to an end, they get more and more sleepy. You and Taissa’s little sister we're sharing some popcorn, and she fell asleep on your shoulder. 
“Tai, look how cute.” You whisper as you look over at Taissa; her little brother is asleep, head laying in her lap.
“Can you help me bring them to bed?” Taissa says as she slowly scoops up her brother. You slowly slip out from under Tegan and pick her up as well. The twins were very tired from a long day of opening presents and having fun. They stir a little, but they quickly go back to sleep as they realize where they are.
You both carry the twins into their room and tuck them into their beds. You both quietly sneak out and back to the living room. You sit down on the couch next to Taissa cuddling with her. 
“You're so good with them.” She says smiling at you as she pulls you into the kiss she never got earlier.
“I’m so glad I got to meet them. You think they like me?” You say asking hopefully.
“Your kidding? Next time you come over, they are going to be all over you,” She says, laughing a little at the thought.
“I’m glad. Me and your brother are gonna be good friends in the summer. I’m totally helping him get you with that water gun.” You tease playfully.
“You watch it; I’ll send him after you too.” She teases back as both of you relax on her couch together
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floralpascal · 2 years
Task 141 Boys With a Tattooed Reader Headcanons
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John Price:
Doesn’t have any tattoos and doesn’t want any. It’s just not something he would enjoy
But, man, does he think yours are sexy
It’s what drew his eyes to you when you first met, the lines and shading piquing his interest
The style you have just fits you so well, broadcasting your personality to the world and he was intrigued before he even first talked to you
He first asks about them on your first date, hoping to make good conversation
John loves hearing a good story and is super attentive, asking you to tell the stories behind some of your favorites
Later in your relationship, he makes a habit of cataloging your tattoos while he explores your body. He wants to map out every inch of you, have every line etched into his memory for when you’re apart, and he accomplishes his mission like the good soldier he is (often making you feel good in the process)
This man knows your body so well he could tell you exactly where each tattoo lies and what it looks like without even looking at you
You even make a game out of your tattoos. With the nature of your jobs, you’re both often apart for some periods of time, in which you will often get a new tattoo, big or small, without telling him. When you both get some time alone again, he’s always delighted to find the new marks on your skin, like presents left just for him to find
He especially loves ones in more intimate areas that only he gets to see. And if he finds that you get a new one in a place like that? Get ready
Doesn’t like going with you to your appointments because he just loves discovering the new tattoo for himself and being surprised, but would go if you asked
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Simon “Ghost” Riley:
We already know this man has a tattoo and I’m willing to bet he has more than just the one on his forearm
He’s got ones on both of his biceps and shoulders
Might get whole sleeves one day but he’s working really slowly towards it
He only gets a tattoo when he’s 100% sure it’s what he wants and where he wants it, but when he is, he books an appointment as soon as he’s on his next leave
He goes to the same artist every time (they’re the only one he trusts) and the artist always fits him into their schedule (Ghost also tips very well)
Definitely not a tattoo aficionado, but he knows what he likes
When you first meet, you quickly find out that Ghost doesn’t talk much. Most of your conversations can barely be classified as conversations. The first time you actually have a real conversation with Ghost it’s about your tattoos. Even more wild, he is the one that initiates the conversation, asking about your largest piece on your arm
He ends up showing you his tattoos, too, and you finally feel like you’ve connected with him
You don’t know how often he’s stared at the tattoos that line your skin, wondering about their meaning. Being able to finally hear about them, hear how excited you get talking about them and your favorite artists, makes him feel a way he hasn’t felt in a long time
Not to mention how interested you seem in him and his tattoos, asking him to tell you about his, too
That conversation started a friendship with Ghost that eventually led to a relationship
Sometimes when you’re asleep, he’ll look over your tattoos, examining them while he lightly runs a finger along the one he’s looking at, tracing the lines and shapes
Would go with you to appointments if you asked, but wouldn’t get any. He’s a one artist kind of guy.
Makes sure you properly take care of a new tattoo when it’s healing. Like he has a system and he makes sure you stick to it
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John “Soap” MacTavish:
Has a couple tattoos himself, but they’re stupid ones that he got while drunk off his ass and he doesn’t even remember getting one of them
One of those tattoos is the Scottish flag on his ass, color and all (this is the one he doesn’t remember getting)
He would like to get some tattoos (while sober) on his arms, but the thing that holds him back is his indecisiveness
This man does not want to get a tattoo that he regrets. The drunk tattoos scarred him
But, oh boy, are tattoos on other people a huge turn-on for him
He didn’t even know that you had tattoos for the first many months of knowing you because he always happened to see you in long sleeves and long pants
So when you took off your jacket one day to reveal your tank-top underneath, your tatted arms freed in all their glory, he nearly fucking lost it (soap.exe has stopped working)
Practically begged you to give him a tattoo tour. He was so attentive while he examined your arms and legs while you explained the individual tattoos, where you got them, and any stories behind them
Once you had finished showing him the ones on your arms and legs, you teasingly told him “If you get lucky, you might just get to see the others”, referring to the ones you had in more intimate areas
Soap knew then that he was absolutely fucked. Straight up had the deer-in-the-headlights look
After that, the thought of uncovering those other tattoos hidden beneath your clothes haunted his every waking moment (and even some of his dreams)
He finally got to live out his fantasy when you both finally got together, revealing more tattoos to be laid bare for him with every layer he removed
He often explores your naked form, leaving kisses on the tattoos as he goes
Would absolutely love going with you to your tattoo appointments. He’ll ask you if he can go almost every time. He has a blast looking at all the artwork
If you ever asked him to sketch out an idea that you had and then got it as a tattoo, this man would never recover. Especially if you kept it a secret from him, only to reveal that it was his drawing that you had gotten put on your body. He would tell absolutely everyone about it and would never shut up about it
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick:
Doesn’t have tattoos but might want some in the future. He’s pretty neutral when it comes to tattoos. He just hasn’t seen anything that’s really caught his eye yet, but would be down if he ever did see something that he liked
He’s a little scared to ask about your tattoos at first, not wanting to pry if any of them are too personal. He also just doesn’t want to come off as creepy
You’re a couple months into your relationship when you make an appointment with your favorite artist to get a new tattoo, telling Kyle all about how excited you are
Being closer with you now, he finally asks about them and asks you to point out your favorites, sitting on the couch with you as you go over them
He’s so happy when you ask him which are his favorites and you love the way he runs his fingers over them as he points them out
He’s actually never seen tattooing up close before, so he asks if he can tag along to your appointment. He grins when you enthusiastically say yes
He asks a ton of questions about the process and becomes really good friends with your artist by the time it’s over
After that, Kyle sends you tattoo inspiration pictures all the time with a follow-up text saying “this looks like something you’d like” or “this made me think of you”
Loves brainstorming new tattoo ideas with you. He’s really picked up on the style you like and he’s great at coming up with ideas that fit that style
Would absolutely lose his mind if you got one that he he had helped you come up with, it would mean so much to him and it would instantly be his favorite
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locoforshuri · 1 year
You Forgot? Pt 2
shuri x black!fem!reader
heyyy guys here’s the highly anticipated part 2 and hope you enjoy! love you bebs💓 (enjoy the plot twist)
warning: fluff
word count: 1 808!🤍
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translations: sthandwa- love
nkosazana yam- my princess
After what felt like a while, you tears finally decided to stop creating a waterfall. The woman you loved most in the entire world, forgot you existed and the most important day of your relationship. The thought of it slowly brought tears to your hazel eyes. There was a silent knock on the door. You expected it to be Shuri. “Come in, it’s open.” You said while quickly wiping your tears and fixing your hair. The door slowly opened, revealing a worried Riri. “Hey, Y/N. Mind if we talk?”
Before Riri came, Shuri dashed to your room but started to rethink her decision and slowly turned and walked away, thinking you should have some alone time. Which led to this moment.
“Oh hey, Ri. Yeah of course. Make yourself comfortable.” You said trying to make your voice less trembly after crying. But there was no point. You couldn’t hide it from Riri. She always knew when you weren’t okay. She was your childhood best friend after all. “Listen Y/N. I over heard what Shuri and Okoye were taking about. I had no idea that you guys were even dating and I-“ she was cut off by you. “ Ri, relax. Its- Its… not a big deal” you said, trying to smile through what you know is a big deal. “So what are you gonna do? Your not leaving right?” Riri asked standing up with a worried expression on her face. “Well not really leaving. I just need some time to heal so I’m gonna move to the guest bedroom next door to yours.” You said with a thinking face. “But I promised myself, whatever happens I would give this gift to her so I’m gonna leave it on the bed. “ After hearing you say this, Riri sighed with the most guiltiest expression plastered on to her face. “Y/n, I can’t hide this from you forever. Might as well just come clean right?” You looked at her confused with your head tilted to your side. “Talk to me Ri, whats up?” “I like Shuri.” She said quickly, trying to avoid eye contact with you. You froze. Your breaths started to hitch. Your eyes were fixed on the girl you haven’t seen in 3 years. “…What? Your joking… right?” You said as tears started to blur your vision. “I know we just met but I felt we had this… this connection Y/n.” She said slight hesitation in her voice.
“What. The. Actual.” You said looking at Riri ragefully and only pure anger towards her. “Look, I’m so sorry- I never knew you guys were-“ You cut her off. “Where is she?” You said, staring at the door with angry tears in your eyes. “Uh, she’s in the lab, but look Y/n I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ You didn’t let her finish. You stormed out of your room, leaving her sitting on the bed.
You made your way to the lab, only to find your girlfriend sitting on her chair, with her hands over her forehead. You heard sobs that broke your heart into a million and one pieces. You made your way into the lab, Griot announcing your prescence. “Princess, Miss Y/N has arrived.” Shuri quickly turned her head towards you. You could see her beautiful eyes were bloodshot red. It hurt you too see her in this state. But, y/n always stands her ground. Shuri wouldn’t be an excuse. Or was she? You walked over to Shuri and sat next to her in the chair Riri previously sat in. “Shuri, all I have to ask you is why?” You asked her, looking deep into her irises. She knew what you meant by this and took a deep breath before explaining. “Sthandwa, I know nothing can clearly explain my actions and that doesn’t mean you should forgive me immediately. What I did was wrong. I broke your promise, I ruined our day and I brought a girl over on our anniversary which makes it way worse. My love, I am sorry. Deeply. I will find a way to make it up to you. Today. On our Special day. I-“ you cut her off with a curious smile etched on your face. “You knew she had feelings for you, didnt you?” She looked at you. With only pure shock on your face. “Yes, but obviously I just wanted to be friends with her. I knew but I have you. I just wish I could reverse time and make it up to you.” She looked at you with pain in her eyes. She hurt you. And she knew it. And you knew it. You found yourself melting at her. “I’ll give you one chance, Shuri. One. I will not entirely forgive you but everyone deserves a second chance.” You said with a more stern look in your voice but softly trying not come of as mean. Thats what Shuri admired about you. You always knew how to get the word across but in the right way. And that’s why the people of wakanda respected you. “Okay, sthandwa, thank you.” She said smiling with her eyes which she knew you loved.
12:03 PM
Shuri knew she wronged you. If she blows this, she knows it will never be the same between the two you. 3 years thrown down the drain. Just the the thought it broke her.
She needed the help of people who knew you best. Herself, Okoye and Riri. Riri offered to help in anyway she can. Shuri herself was shocked to learn that you guys used to be the bestest of friends. Riri needed to make it up to Y/N. Especially after everything Y/N has done for her. It feels right.
After brainstorming of what felt like forever, they made a list of everything you liked.
- picnics
- the color pink
- anything floral
- minimalistic stuff
- deep chats with eachother
- sunsets
Then finally, it hit her. The perfect anniversary date. Queen mother. Shuri remembered that her mother always used to talk about their shuri’s relationship with y/n. And she always helped her plan stuff such like this for her.
18:54 PM
Shuri had told y/n to get dressed in something on the more cute side. In something shes more comfortable in. She wore her kimoyo beads on her wrist and headed out.
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(Try to imagine this)
Everything was set up. She really hoped that you would like it. Maybe even more than hoped. She prayed to Bast this would be the bandage of the neglect you had towards her. You were being taken to your date in one of the aircrafts accompanied by two Dora’s.
Your eyes were covered by one of the Dora’s, Aneka. You too were pretty close too. She slowly led to you to where Shuri had planned your date. As you were walking you could feel the fresh breeze of Wakanda hit you and smiled. The Dora removed her eyes but still told you not to open them. You could hear her walking away leaving you alone. Or so you thought. “Hello? Is anyone here? Shuri?” You said hoping someone could here you. “Evening my love, are you ready?” Shuri said out of nowhere which got you a little frightened as you gasped. “Ready for what?” You said with clear confusion. Before Shuri spoke again, she went to stand behind you and put her hands on your waist in a very gentle manner.
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(Imagine this setting)
“3…2…1… You can open your eyes now Nkosazana yam” Shuri said with tenderness and softness in her voice. You were hesitant but slowly opened them. Only to be greeted with the most beautiful thing your eyes have ever laid on. There was a beautiful mountain your feet were placed on with a pink checkered blanket laid out on the ground with a basket filled with grapes, strawberries, melted chocolate and a glass of champagne. The blanket was surrounded by rose petals and as one rose laid in the middle. There was a purple, gold miniature box that laid in the middle with the rose accompanying it.
For a while there was silence. Even though this was everything you could have ever wished for, both of you knew you needed to talk at some point.
“Listen sthandwa, nothing can ever change what I did. After reflecting on myself, I realised I have not been the best girlfriend. Heck, I haven’t even been a girlfriend. Deep down from the bottom of my heart, I really am sorry. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and no girl will ever replace you or even be in competition with you. My actions were wrong and I truly hope you forgive me. I love you y/n. I really do. I hope you know that.” Shuri stated softly with tears in her eyes looking at you and then shifted her vision towards the sunset in front of them” You looked at her with happiness and peace. “Beautiful isn’t it?” She nods. “Not as beautiful as you.” You blushed and Shuri smiled at your reaction. “Shuri, I love you and even though what you did was wrong, you remembering these little things about me and doing the right thing, thats more than enough. I forgive you.” You leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. She blushed but tried to hide it. “What’s in the box?” “Open it and read the note”
As you held the box you opened it and saw the most beautiful silver and purple ring encarved with your initials on it. On the top inside of the box, the note read in Shuri’s handwriting
“You are the one for me. You are the only one for me. Will you accept this promise ring as a token of my love?” You teared up as you nodded smiling and hugged Shuri like there was no tomorrow. She embraced your hug and pulled away wiping you tears and kissed your forehead.
“Well done Shuri, you did it.”
Hey guys so im gonna finish the story here since I feel writing a part 3 would have been a bit unnecessary.
lmk what you guys think🫶🏽
taglist: @dejaonline @yvxmpire @inmyheadimobsessed @stevengrant-enthusiast @queenofsimpsblog (some usernames were not found)
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babeczka415 · 1 year
Finding You, Again
A/N: This is based off the same idea as the oneshot "The Bet"
Chapter 1
Today is suppose to be another normal day for me but today feels weird. Normally I feel like I'm being watched or tracked but nothing. I've had this feeling for over three years now. I walk outside and look around for anything unusual.  I hope they didn't find me, or worse him. I walk back into my kitchen and start making my coffee.
As I look up from my coffee cup out the bay windows looking over a small back yard, i sigh. I see the leaves starting to slowly change their color as fall approaches, but the sun is shining bright and warm this autumn morning. I find my mind wondering back to those text messages with him that are etched in my brain.
God, I miss those conversations with him while looking for Hannah. You see, we were supposed to meet. I had the plane ticket and everything. I even showed up in Duskwood but never told anyone.  They were still there, the FBI. I felt I was being watched and not by him. I couldn't put him in that danger, I couldn't let him get caught because I wanted him.
As I head out the door, I look around I don't see anything out of the normal. Well besides the fair finally set up today. I let out a sigh, why did I make that bet with Beth.
You see Beth and I met at my new job, we both work for a coffee shop. I have to keep jobs simple incase I have to leave. Her and I instantly became best friends. Our friendship reminds me so much of Jessy and I that it feels like home.I feel like I tell her everything, well almost everything, she doesn't know about Duskwood or Jake. That's my secret to keep until I die.
You see I had to run, I had to drop off the face of this earth to all of them. Did it hurt? Like a knife in my back. I loved and cared about them all, especially him. When I realized I loved him, I knew what I was getting into. He was honest with me with what he could. I knew loving this man wasn't going to be easy but my heart needed him.
I caught a glimpse of him in the park without him knowing and he took my breath away but I felt someone following me so I ran. I ran far away from them all. After a few months they hadn't stopped so I moved, and moved again and again. In three years this is my sixth state and home, they won't stop at anything until they find him and I won't let that happen. 
The feeling of not being watched or tracked today is uneasy and I don't know why. I walk down to Beths apartment, she's only a couple blocks for me and our coffee shop is in the middle so I stop and grab us coffee. As I'm waiting I see this man, he's standing in the corner. He's wearing all black and his hood is up on his jacket. I shake my head as it can't be him. He couldn't have found me. I made sure of that, but it is Jake I am talking about and a shiver runs down my spine. I hear them call my name and realize he is gone.
I grab the coffees and head to Beths. I can't get this man from the coffee shop out of my head but I have too or Beth will instantly know something is on my mind. I knock on her door and she opens the door. Her hair color is a soft brown and her green eyes are piercing. I can tell she needs this coffee.
"Rough night?" I giggle as I walk in the door.
"Bad idea for that date last night. We ended up at the bar and I'm surprised I didn't wake up to him next to me" she grumps as she takes her coffee and drinks it.
I see her morning shell drop instantly as she downs it. "Oh come on you adore that man '' I laugh.
'Yeah you're right. I could never tell him no. But we need to find you a man you have been here for four months already and there has to be someone who is catching your eye in this town." She since we became close, she hasn't stop trying to set me up.
She's set uo blind dates with so many single guys in this town with me. While they are all nice and cute nothing even compares to how my heart feels about him.
I roll my eyes, this town is small. Unlike my normal pick for moves but I think that's why I lost their trail. I always moved to bigger towns. I think about what she said but there hasn't been anyone that lives here or even nearby. "Nah no one has caught my eye, yet. Maybe it will change with the fair this weekend?" I laugh. I know this answer, there is no way I'm finding someone here.
"How about we make another bet and I set you up with someone," she has that coy smile when she's up to no good.
"No more bets. I already lost the one and I'm dreading that!" I exclaim plopping down on the couch.
"Haha you're the one that thought you could get that guy's number at the coffee shop," she plops down in her favorite chair.
I laugh as I pull out my phone. I had got in touch with someone I used to know and got a protection system on my phone to let me know if someone was tracking me or trying to hack me. It's normally always going off but today it's not, even still and it has me worried.
"Earth to MC!" Beth yells, throwing a pillow at me.
I look up and realized her and our friend, Emma, are standing there. She is a bit more quiet and reserved then Beth and I but she has become a great friend in these short months to me. "Sorry was looking at my phone '' I sigh as I put it facedown.
"Okay you can't hide it from us' 'Beth says plopping down next to me and Emma on the other side.
"Who is he?" Emma states, her dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes look at me.
"There isn't anyone" I cross my arms.
"Noone in this small town but there is someone who your heart belongs too." Emma holds my hand. She's always the one to know, as for how I have no idea how she does.
"Its…" I stop. I can't tell them about him. "It's just an old fling. Our lives took us different directions before we had a chance to give it a try." I don't want to lie to them so this is the best I can do. It really isn't a lie, we loved each other all those years ago. However, he's probably moved on.
"Then let's reach out to him" Beth exclaims, in her normally happy tune.
"No '' I jump up. "He probably has moved on and forgotten all about me. It's been over three years since we last talked. "I walk over to her balcony and look out. You can see everything from here in this small town. Beth's apartment is above a business in this town, one her father owns so she got first pick on where she wanted to stay when she was looking. I can't blame her, I would've picked this one too.
It's just a small one bedroom but she went and did so many upgrades to it herself that it looks like a city apartment. She asked my thoughts on different things knowing where I'm from. She might have grown up in this small town but her heart and soul are that of a big city girl.
"Well then you need to as well. Unless you get back in touch with him and tell him." Beth says with that smile as she's holding my phone.
"I wouldn't even know where to start," I sigh. Putting it in the back pocket of my jeans.
"His old phone number" Emma states so calmly.
"Yeah I don't have it. And I lost touch with those that I knew in that time of my life." I sigh. How I miss them, especially Dan and Jessy. They both would know what to do right about now but no I can't put them in that danger. "Let's just forget this conversation please and remember we need to get Beth and Andy together at this fair!" I turn around with a coy smile.
I see Beth's smile drop as she looks over my shoulder. I turn around and I see the man from the coffee shop standing in the shadows but it doesn't phase me. "Uh, MC we should call the cops" Beth states.
I spin around so fast I almost lose my balance and look at her. "No, don't!"
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
do you have any AruxAiden wedding headcanons? Thanks!
I'm glad you asked! I've been thinking of the parent's weddings and stuff in-between the two series but they didn't really seem to fit in anywhere. Anyway, glad I have a chance to talk about it! Enjoy!
It starts with one of their dates. Just a casual stroll in the park with small talk. Stuff they've been working on, upcoming missions, etc.
"Have you ever thought how crazy it is that in a past life, I married you because you won a contest and I was the prize?"
"It's pretty insane. You would make a cute princess though."
"Ha ha. And somehow, that doesn't come close to how crazy it was when we first met... correction: how crazy YOU were."
"Ok, so I was a little nervous! Where are you going with this?" They reach a lake. The sun is setting. Aiden doesn't have any smolder whatsoever, but they both are thinking the other looks perfect.
"You are the craziest person I've ever met. Whenever I look at you, I'm always asking 'Why are you like this, Shah?'"
"To which I should answer 'Because you love it, Acharya.'"
"You're right. I do love it. Almost as much as I love you." He gets down to the ground on one knee and before Aru can react, he pulls out a small box.
"Arundhati Shah, you have been the death of me, brought me back to life, and now I can't imagine anyone I'd rather spend this new life, or any other life with." As she gasps and tears well up in her eyes, Aiden opens the box and reveals a small gold ring with a lightning bolt pattern etched on and a brilliant diamond set in it.
"Aru Shah, will you marry me?"
Crying and laughing, Aru says "This is so cliche and cheesy, why is it working?!? Why are YOU like this, Acharya???"
"So, is that a ye-" "YES! YES, WIFEY! YES!" She jumps right into his arms and they go tumbling into the lake. They're soaked, but as Aiden slips the ring on her finger, they're so happy that neither of them care.
Everyone has various reactions when they tell them the news. "CONGRATULATIONS" goes Mini and Sheela. "It's about time." goes Brynne and Nikita. "Dibs on best man!" goes Rudy.
The wedding is a traditional Hindu wedding, similar to the one they went to in CoG, only it's not snow based and in a hotel.
A part of the Museum is sectioned off for the ceremony. Specifically, the area with Indra's statute and various mementos from the Pandavas' travels. Magical decorative storm clouds cover the ceiling, their lightning flashes giving the room a soft glow. At the same time, Nikita arranged it so pink flower petals floated all around the room.
Brynne, of course, handled the catering, making all of the couple's favorites and going Gordon Ramsay on any imperfections.
It was an intimate ceremony of their closest friends and family: Aru's sisters, their parents, and the adjacents like Rudy and Hira.
They followed the traditional rules from Tumeric to henna to Aiden showing up on an elephant with Rudy leading the procession both with his own music and dancing.
Nikita took charge of their outfits of course. Aiden is wearing a silk kurta so intricate that it dazzled and shined as though it has smolder of its own. He wore a pink turban with a jewel and feather in the center.
As the time came for the ceremony, Mini helps Aru finish up and leaves the room at Krithika's request so they can have a quit chat alone.
"I never thought I'd see this day."
"Me neither"
"You look beautiful."
"I look better than I feel. I have no idea what lies ahead. I'm about to start a new life. After all this time of living with you, with my sisters, now I'm really gonna be on my own."
Krithika gives a sad, but understanding smile. "Aru, do you love Aiden?"
"No, mom. I'm marrying him because I like going through days worth of rituals and wearing a ton of heavy jewelry!"
"Aru!" "Fine! Yes, I love him mom!"
"Then trust me when I say you are about to be part of something amazing. And no matter what you will never be alone. You'll always have me and your sisters to turn to. Only now, you will especially have him and he will have you."
"I wonder if Aiden is as scared as me."
"Knowing how men are, he's probably twice as scared as you."
"He's probably scared that we won't make it. That we'll end up like his parents or even worse, like-"
"Hey, listen. You two are nothing like me, your father, or Aiden's parents. This is your relationship, your marriage, your lifelong bond and only you two will decide how it's going to go. I believe that no matter what, you two will know what to do." The pandit calls, saying it's the auspicious time. "It's time. Let's go."
Everyone is in awe as Aru walks down the stairs towards the sacred fire. Nikita really outdid herself. It was as if Aru was wearing the soft glow of the sky as the sun was rising while the stars were still twinkling up above. As she carried herself with her mom holding her and Mini and Brynne following, her silk sari made it appear as though she was floating down the stairs. As she makes it over to Aiden, they smile at each other, Krithika and the others make their way to their seats, and the ceremony begins.
Everything moves as though it were an art. From the tying of Aru's sari to Aiden's scarf, to walking around the fire seven times as everyone throws flower petals (thunder booming after each sacred vow), to tying Aru's new black beaded mangal-sutra (wedding necklace) and Aiden finally adorning her forehead with vermillion. It was perfect...
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starlightandtherain · 3 months
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 It was the first day of August when I met you for the first time. Raindrops splattered on the pavement as I ran, a few minutes late, nerves fluttering in my stomach. I had spent days preparing for this day, carefully choosing what to wear. I decided on white because you once told me I looked great in that color. I didn't just want to be pretty; I wanted everything to be perfect.
I saw you patiently standing in the middle of the crowded mall. The warm smile on your face outshined the sun and the cloudy day. The thought of making you wait made me feel guilty. If only the skies hadn't flooded the freeway, I could have been more punctual.
We decided to have lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant. It was a quiet place, maybe too dismal for a first date. I realized I couldn't be my usual cheerful and talkative self, fearing the deprecating stares from nearby tables. However, I couldn't help but steal glances at you. You looked handsome in your yellow and white button-down shirt, your cool shoes completing the look. I wanted to keep you inside my pocket from the moment we started talking. You are a prized memento, a living testament to the fascinating creations of a supreme being.
The cinema, with its dimmed lights, brought us closer as we watched Barbie's adventures unfold in vibrant pink. I found comfort in resting my head on your shoulder, though I worried it might have made your arm uncomfortable. Your playful nibbling of popcorn was endearing. I felt extremely fortunate to be in your company. From then on, I yearned for more moments like these.
Holding your hand was a simple pleasure that I cherished. Your tall stature protected me from the drizzle outside. In your presence, even the rain seemed to dance with joy.
At the brightly lit bowling alley, you effortlessly scored strikes while I struggled with the heavy bowling ball. Your smile radiated warmth that enveloped my heart. Although it may have escaped the lens of a camera, it's forever etched in my mind—a picture I carry with me always.
Looking back, I wish I had chosen a different restaurant so I wouldn't have been so self-conscious. I regret not having the courage to say my truths. I hope you know how much I long to care and love you. I lament not doing more to keep you close. I wish I had seized every moment to embrace you.
For Ken, August 1st holds a special place in my memory. Since then, you've bewitched me, and I find remnants of you still residing in my heart. Even though I believe I've moved on, there are moments when the pain resurfaces.
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
His Only Contact
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1014
Warnings: Falcon and the Winter Soldier Spoilers!!!! A little angst, a little fluff, no cursing (I think)
A/N: This is a quick thing I wrote because I can’t sleep after watching that episode. I have so many ideas. I might continue this, too (just like everything else I write because I’m incapable of writing one-shots), but I’ll probably just write a few drabbles here and there when new episodes come out. I also added HBC’s Lucky in Love prompt for Day 19 in here, which is Odds.
Find my Day 14 Prompt here - Spring Forwards - and my Day 18 Prompt here - Ocean Eyes, Cherry Lips, Ivory Keys
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Shooting up. Greedily sucking in air. Sweat sliding down skin. Adrenaline rushing through veins. Wide eyes darting around the room.
Another night. Another nightmare. He was starting to think he’d never get another restful sleep.
The floor was hard beneath him, far better than the soft, malleable mattress he had in his practically empty room. The TV was on, as it always was, the soft glow making his eyes squint. The apartment was silent except for his pants, empty except for his shuddering form. He’s shirt was off - he didn’t like it sticking to him, it was too constricting, and he always ran hot anyways - his sheets tangled with his legs.
Reaching over to the small couch besides him, his hand slid over the cushions until he found what he was looking for.
He flipped open the small phone, going straight to the Contact page. He only had one in this phone. This phone no one knew about except them two. Not Sam, not his therapist. No one.
He quickly dialed the number, leaning back against the couch and letting out a puff of air. Finally, after a few rings, an exhausted voice came through, hoarse with sleep.
“Hey…it’s me.”
“Oh. Hey. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, no. Everything’s…I’m…we just haven’t talked in a while.”
“I know. I’ve been meaning to call, but-”
“No, no. I get it. What you’re doing is important.”
“You’re important, too, Buck.”
Bucky took a breath, a small nod moving his head. “Uh, so, how’s the search? Found anything yet?”
“No. I’m in Edinburgh right now. They met here right before the whole thing in Wakanda…I thought she might come back.”
“No such luck?”
“No…you know what she did. What she’s capable of. The odds of finding her…” He heard her sigh and a frown etched onto his features. She sounded tired, but she spoke before he could bring it up. “What about you? How’re you doing?”
“I dunno, honestly.”
“Yeah. Okay, that’s fair. How’s therapy going with what’s-her-face?”
He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “It’s basically the same every session. ‘Are you having nightmares?’ ‘Are you making amends?’ ‘Are you following the three rules?’ ‘This is part of your pardon.’ Yadda yadda yadda.”
“Is it helping at all, at least?”
“I guess. The amends thing gives me something to do if nothing else.”
“Are you following the rules, though?”
“No one will know if I don’t.” The giggle she gives makes him brighten up. “I got lunch with Yori again on Wednesday.”
“Oh? How was that?”
“Fine. Good, even. I guess. I dunno. He set me up on a date with the girl who works behind the counter at Izzy.”
“OOooo! Fun! Is she pretty?”
“As a picture.”
“What did you do?”
“Played Battleship and drank. A lot in my case. Not that it did much...”
“No, no! Not like that! She made it into a drinking game! I was losing.”
“I’m a super soldier assassin. I don’t have x-ray vision.”
“Okay, okay. What went down after Battleship?”
“I, uh…I ran out on her.”
“Oh no. Why? What happened?”
“She, uh…she started talking about how nice it is for me to spend time with Yori and his son…I went to tell him, you know. I looked him in the eye and opened my mouth…but I saw a picture. Of his son.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Buck. You know that. It wasn’t you.”
He didn’t feel like arguing with her, so he just agreed. “Yeah. I guess.”
He could feel her suspicion through the phone, but luckily she decided not to pursue the topic. She always seemed to know what to say and when. “Did you have a good time at least? While you were there I mean?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess. I was - I was really awkward, I think. I dunno. It’s been a while.”
“But it’s better than online dating. I told you that was a bad idea.”
“You were also the one who told me to jump in head first.”
“Not on the internet. You psycho. There’s really whack jobs out there.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“Hey!” He chuckled at her faux-offended tone, picturing her hand over her heart mockingly. “That hurt!”
“Kidding. You know I love you.”
“As long as you know I love you back…have you talked to Sam lately?”
“Uh…no. Not…not recently. How is he?”
“He’s fine. We just talked earlier. He’s in Louisiana right now with his sister. He’s got some family dilemma he’s trying to fix. He, uh, he gave the shield up earlier this week. Apparently the new Smithsonian exhibit is pretty good. Maybe we’ll check it out sometime…what do think?”
“Yeah. Maybe. Sometime. Are-are you coming back soon?”
“I was planning to. I really don’t think I’ve got any chance of finding Wanda at the moment. Or Vision for that matter. I still can’t believe SWORD didn’t contact us. I’m so pissed.”
“I know. Maybe it’s good you didn’t get informed, though. We all know how you get when it comes to the team.”
“The Avengers are my family, Bucky. I’m loyal to a fault, you know that.”
“Yeah. I do. I think Steve rubbed off on you after all those years.”
“You think?”
They fell into a comfortable, contemplative silence, Bucky’s eyes watching the screen of the TV still glowing from across the room. “What if I dropped by tomorrow? Is that too soon?”
“Tomorrow as in today? It’s one o’clock here.”
“It’s five here. So tomorrow as in tomorrow. I’m tired.”
“Either one would be fine, but yeah. Get some rest. Call me when you have your flight information.”
“Okay. You get some rest, too. Or, at least, try to. You sound tired.”
“You know I don’t sleep well without you.”
“I’ll be there tomorrow. Promise. Then we can stay in all day and you can catch up on sleep.”
“How long will you be here?”
“As long as you need me, James. Good night.”
Bucky hesitated, before shaking his head. “G’night, doll. Sleep well.”
“Good night, Buckaroo.”
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catholicdaredevil · 2 years
Friends to lovers with foggy?? Where the reader thinks he’s in love with Marcy???
i've been thinking about this one for days i'm so excited for it but nervous i'm not gonna do foggy justice but let's see this is if reader went to landman and zack with karen and foggy in season one also this one kinda got away from me and here we are almost a full fic so this is gonna be beyond a keep reading as well this is 1.5k words and a love letter for my boy foggy
foggy bear.
those two simple words and your stomach dropped out of your ass. he hadn't brought that up before, marcy. not like he owed you anything, he was allowed to have private aspects of his life. just because you told him everything didn't mean he had to do the same. whatever moments you'd have imagined must have been just that, imagined.
"foggy bear?" karen broke the silence and foggy blushed a deep red, looking to the floor in embarrassment.
"yeah me and marcy dated in law school, back when she still had a heart." dated. past tense, that was good. except that marcy was beautiful, stunning really, long blonde hair, perfect body. her qualities all things you lacked. or you felt you lacked.
so foggy had a type. it could have been ignored when it was just karen, but with marcy in the picture it was a definite type. blondes and blind assholes. you fit neither box.
so caught up in your head you hadn't noticed the way foggy broke off from karen to stay back, walking in pace with you out into the streets. hadn't noticed until he bumped into you with a small smile. "you okay? real quiet back here."
"oh, yeah uh just thinking. you did a really good job back there," your answering grin felt fake and you hoped he wouldn't be able to notice the way the smile didn't meet your eyes. you had to get over this crush once and for all at the very least for your friendship with the man, if not your sanity.
"yeah? gave her the ol' one two huh, what can i say, i'm a really good lawyer." he elbowed you again, insistent to get a reaction out of you. it worked. you laughed softly and his face lit up, it was genuine and you were thankful. you knew he wouldn't have stopped trying until he got you to laugh, it was just who foggy was.
he cared more than anyone else you'd ever met, that was probably a factor to your crush. he was easily the best person you'd ever met, always there for everyone in his life without a thought for himself. you'd sit in the office and end up staring at him and daydreaming, luckily not getting caught. yet.
unfortunately your good mood dipped, reminded of how pointless your crush was. it wouldn't make a difference, he would only see you as a friend. you would never have the courage to try for any differently, especially not now.
"what's next foggy?" karen called back and foggy frowned at the way you seemed to lose your good mood so quickly, but if you didn't wanna talk he wouldn't push. so he picked up the pace, giving you your privacy, and started planning with karen for the next step.
you listened absently, happy to hear them talk. karen was always onto something, she was so much smarter than she let on and you wouldn't be surprised by anything she might come up with. it took the entire walk through the city back to the office for you to be able to push your feelings down. you thought you were being convincing enough, always forgetting how observant the two others could be.
"hey," foggy reached out and grabbed your arm before you could walk in the front door, pulling you back out into the hallway outside the office. "what's wrong? if you don't want to say that's fine, let me know and i'll leave it alone, but i'm here."
your chest suddenly felt heavy, breathing no longer coming easily. the hitch must have been audible based on the look on foggy's face, nothing but concern etched into his features.
"it's nothing fog, really. just thinking about something," you tried your hardest to brush it off, to brush him off. but all of those feelings you'd spent the entire walk home pushing and shoving down begged to be let out. clawing at your self control, begging to tell foggy what it really was. maybe he'd understand, it was foggy after all.
"it's not nothing, if it's bugging you this much it's not nothing." the certainty dripped from each word, him taking so seriously whatever could possibly be wrong with you. "is this about marcy?"
fuck him. fuck his observant ass, fuck the way he knew you better than you knew yourself. fuck yourself for being too easy to read.
"why would it be about marcy?" you choked out, great that was believable. you couldn't even look at him, the shame burning across your skin.
"oh i don't know, maybe because you were in a good mood before marcy and now you're not?" how did he make it so easy, he made everything so easy. talking to him like breathing, it just felt natural for you to tell him everything. you wanted to tell him, so bad. too bad.
"it's nothing, it's fine," maybe if you said it enough times you could convince him and yourself. then again maybe not if the knot in your stomach was anything to go on, just this small of a lie to him making you feel sick.
"if you don't wanna tell me just say that, instead of lying." his tone shifted to annoyed, and the churning in your stomach picked up since apparently it could get worse.
"it's not- i don't- i'm-," shit. "i'm not lying, er- i'm not trying to lie to you foggy i just- it's not fair, you don't want to know trust me."
a groan tore from his throat and he scrubbed at his face, the sudden increase in stress radiating off him in waves. "but i do want to know, and don't i get to decide."
being matt's best friend for the past ten years at least, meant foggy was stubborn. too damn stubborn.
"it's you! you're the issue! or me? i'm the issue! we're the issue!" you couldn't understand where the words were coming from, spilling out of you before you could stop them. "i'm just in love with you okay? i'm in love with you, and it's killing me. because i'm not your type or whatever- not that you'd ever say that. no you're too nice to let me down. so instead i just get to watch you and wish to god that in some world you watch me back."
the outburst wound down until you were barely whispering, the fight gone as soon as it came.
"it's just not this world, and that sucks, and it's my fault. i need to get over it, over you."
the weight on your shoulders lifted, your entire body thankful for expelling the secret that had been tying you down for months. always one step away from dragging you under. it was over, at least now he knew. the silence stretched, and when it stretched beyond what you could take, you finally looked up to see him.
he looked crazy, somehow. eyebrows knitted together, eyes closed as he struggled to piece together the puzzle you'd just thrown at his feet. waiting expectantly, your feet frozen to the spot, you couldn't leave now. not until you knew, knew whatever it was he was gonna say.
"i'm sorry, wait, why am i apologizing? what do you mean, you're 'not my type'?" when he finally spoke it was low, he sounded hurt almost and it was all your fault. but this wasn't the point you expected him to make, the aspect of your speech you thought he'd get hung up on.
"i mean that i'm not someone you'd go for. i'm not pretty, not like karen or marcy. or blonde because apparently that's a recurring theme, i'm just-" large warm hands grabbed the sides of your face as foggy slammed his mouth into yours. time felt like it slowed down, like you were moving through honey as you reached out to wind your own arms around his neck, kissed him back with fervor.
foggy kissed like you were in a movie. like the music was swelling, like your foot was popping, the audience cheering, like your whole lives had been leading up to this moment. this kiss. it was dizzying being on the receiving end of that kind of passion.
"that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard, and i hang out with matt. regularly." he spoke between kisses, his hands never wavering from their position, framing your face. you couldn't help but laugh at his words.
that was foggy, he was always so good at this. at breaking the tension, making you laugh when you'd been on the verge of crying. "it can't, can't possibly be the stupidest thing you've ever heard."
"it is!" foggy insisted, one hand traveling down the side of you until it wrapped around your waist. "the fact that you think i haven't been watching you too. that i wasn't so annoyingly head over heels for you that everyone but you saw."
"are you guys finished out there? we still have a case to win." karen called from her desk inside the office, your cheeks flooded with head and foggy laughed. he leaned back in to kiss you again, pressing all of the love he'd built up and held onto into it.
"go to dinner with me." his eyes met yours and the child-like joy he expressed made you feel lightheaded. "please? say yes."
"yes, obviously yes!" foggy pumped his fist, and cheered. you laughed and leaned forward to rest your forehead against his shoulder and he pulled you into the tightest hug imaginable.
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hawks-supremacy · 3 years
False Soulmates
summary: you fantasized about meeting your soulmate all the time when you were a kid, but when you finally meet him you begin to think having a soulmate isn't all that it's cut out to be
pairing: oikawa x reader
warnings: swearing, angst
genre: angst to fluff
word count: 3.7k
a/n: It's my birthday! I turned 21 which means I can now legally do basically anything. It also mans this is the last fic for the seven days up until my birthday.
Everyone in the world is born with a soulmate, their other half. When you speak your first words the first words your soulmate says to you appear on you. Some people can go their whole lives without meeting theirs. They don’t search or they’re on the other side of the world. For some people this is okay and they simply marry someone else. You don’t need your soulmate to live a happy life. However, life is better with your soulmate. It’s the person who was made to understand and accept everything about you. Life wasn’t picture perfect, soulmates still fought. It was just better.
Ever since your parents explained to you what the words on your ribs meant you couldn’t wait to meet your soulmate. You fantasized about it everyday, what they would look like or act like. You were constantly daydreaming about the day you’d meet the person who said those words that were permanently etched into your skin. Of course you hoped you’d have easier words than “hey cutie” but at least you knew he thought you were cute. Now you were just hoping you didn’t say something stupid in return.
It was your first year at Aoba Johsai when you unfortunately met your soulmate. Where you learned he greeted nearly everyone with “hey cutie” and before you could respond he was whisked away by his best friend. It was your first year when you learned your soulmate was Oikawa Toru and it was your first year when you learned some people will do anything to be with whoever they want.
You overheard girls constantly going up to Oikawa claiming to be his soulmate and you constantly heard him tell them that they weren’t. You hated having the locker across from his. He got notes from girls who said that he was their soulmate but they were too shy to tell him in person. He got people trying to guess what his soulmate's first words were. You hated having a locker across from him because you overheard him tell Iwaizumi that he was tired of people pretending they were his soulmate.
It was your second year when you finally worked up the courage to talk to Oikawa and it was your second year when you learned you hated your soulmate. You walked up to the locker ready to explain that you were his soulmate and you were too scared to tell him when he yelled at you. Before you could get a word out he was telling you to go away.
It was after school and you stayed late in the library to tutor someone in your class. You went to your locker and saw Oikawa at this locker with his friends. You figured now would be the best time since it was just the five of you and the school was empty. You took a deep breath and took the three steps across the hallway to Oikawa’s locker. You were about to speak when he beat you to it. “Could you stop? God I am so tired of all of you pretending to be my soulmate when you’re not. Do you know how hard that makes it for me? You’re all so annoying just leave me alone.” You stood there as he yelled at you for trying to talk to him. You stood there as you felt your heart breaking when you barely even knew Oikawa. When he was done speaking you just turned and walked away as you felt tears streaming down your face.
It was the next day at school when Oikawa apologized to you for yelling at you. You just nodded and walked away, still too embarrassed to talk to him. It was a few weeks later when he started dating the volleyball team manager. That was when you had to listen to your soulmate talk about how he finally found his “soulmate”. You listened as he talked about his “soulmate” to his friends and about how amazing she was. You watched as she went up to Oikawa and pretended to be someone she wasn’t. You thought your soulmate yelling at you was the worst thing that could happen to you, but you were wrong.
It was a month after Oikawa had started dating her when you rounded the corner to the exit of the school and heard his girlfriend talking to her friends. You felt bad as you eavesdropped but the guilt you felt was quickly overtaken with anger. “We know he’s not your soulmate, so how’d you get him to believe you were?” One of her friends asked. “Well at practice one day I saw his soulmate mark. So I just went up to him and said it. Easy as that, he didn’t really question it since we’ve never spoken prior to that.”
“So you lied to him? How considerate of you. How long do you think you can keep that up?” You asked, turning the corner. “However long I want. It’s not like you’re going to tell him.” She scoffed and walked away leaving you in the hallway. You thought about as you walked home, you may not be on the best terms with Oikawa due to the fact he unknowingly ripped out your heart and stomped on it; but you also couldn’t let this girl pretend to be his soulmate. So you decided you would tell him.
The next day at school you went to tell Oikawa about what you heard yesterday, however, when you went to go talk to him he walked away from you. You thought he just didn’t see you so you figured you’d try again later, but he walked away from you again and again, and again. Every time you tried to talk to him he avoided you. You eventually found Iwaizumi and decided to tell him in hopes he would pass the message onto Oikawa.
“Iwaizumi, can I talk to you for a second?” He turned around as you approached him with the question. “Oikawa’s girlfriend isn’t his soulmate.” Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, mumbling whatever and turned around. You ran in front of him preventing him from moving , “I’m being serious. I don’t know how or when but at some point she saw his soulmate words and used them to make it seem like she was his soulmate. I heard her tell her friends yesterday.”
“Look Y/n,” he started off with a sigh, “She told us you were going to try to split them up. We didn’t really believe her at first, but you just proved her point. I don’t know what motive you have for doing this but you should really stop. First you tried to pretend like you were his soulmate and now you’re claiming his actual soulmate is lying about it? Just leave him alone.” He finished walking around you.
You turned around as frustrated tears started welling up in your eyes, “I am his soulmate asshole! You both are jerks, I don’t want him as my soulmate anyway. Wish him luck for me.” He turned around looking shocked at how genuine you sounded and how hurt you looked. He started saying your name before you cut him off, “Forget it Iwaizumi, he clearly doesn’t want me as his either.” You walked away leaving Iwaizumi with more doubts than what he started with.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa were hanging out at Iwaizumi’s house studying when Iwaizumi brought you up, “Y/n stopped me at school today.” He said testing the waters. “Oh yeah? What’d they say?” Oikawa responded, bored with the conversation already. “They said that they overheard Himari say she wasn’t your soulmate. That she saw your soulmate words and that’s how she knew what to say.” Iwaizumi stopped studying and looked up at Oikawa who paused what he was writing before rolling his eyes and continuing his homework.
“That doesn’t make any sense, besides Himi said they would try and break us up. What would she gain out of pretending to be my soulmate anyway?” Oikawa mumbled. Iwaizumi thought for a second before remembering the hurt look on your face and the sound of your voice. “Y/n also said that they were your soulmate, and before you say anything you didn’t hear their voice or the look on their face. They were really hurt.
Oikawa sighed, setting his pencil down and looking at Iwaizumi annoyed, “I don’t know why we’re still talking about this. Himi said this was going to happen and it did. This also isn’t the first time Y/n tried to claim to be my soulmate. Now drop it, please.” Iwaizumi shut up for the remainder of the time.
It was your third year and Oikawa was still dating Himari, Iwaizumi never brought you up again but ever since you talked to him something about her never sat right with him. Iwaizumi had a few conversations with you since then but never brought it up to you either. You were sitting behind the school eating lunch when Iwaizumi sat down next to you, “Show me your soulmate mark.” You whipped your head towards him in confusion mumbling “what?” with a mouthful of food. “Show me your soulmate mark.” He repeated and you slowly finished the bite you were chewing, still confused. “What? Why?”
“Ever since you talked to me last year about Oikawa and Himari something never sat right with me. So show me your soulmate’s first words said to you and I’ll try and help you.” He sighed while rubbing his face. The past year had been tiring for him, he brought you up one other time to Oikawa and Himari both, but as soon as Himari started crying Oikawa snapped. “Uhm no thanks, I can tell you what it says but I’m not lifting up my shirt to show you it.” You weren’t about to lift up your shirt just to maybe prove a point. Nothing is solidified unless you actually say something to Oikawa and you doubt that’s happening anytime soon.
Iwaizumi nodded, agreeing to your terms. “It says “hey cutie” but Oikawa says that to everyone. We won’t know if it is Oikawa unless I say something to him first anyway. For all we know someone else might say that to me. I don’t even know if I want your help anyway. They seem happy just let them be, they clearly deserve each other. Maybe the universe made a mistake.” You said and returned to eating your food.
Iwaizumi leaned back against the building thinking. He’s never seen Himari’s soulmate mark but he’s seen Oikawa’s. It was in the same place as yours so he’s not sure when Himari would’ve seen it. All he knows is Himari started being the volleyball team manager as one of Oikawa’s fangirls and never spoke to Oikawa, then she just randomly walked up and talked to him. It didn’t sit right with Iwaizumi and no matter how many times Oikawa said he was happy he finally found his soulmate he never actually seemed happy.
He was about to say something when someone beat him to it. “Seriously? Are you still trying to convince Iwa that you’re my soulmate Y/n? This is starting to get pathetic and you Iwa? Are you actually entertaining this? Come on Iwa-chan, let's go.” Oikawa said, hands crossed scowling at the both of you. “How do you know they’re lying? Have you seen Himari’s soulmate mark?” Iwaizumi asked, not moving from his spot next to you on the ground. Oikawa thought for a second furrowing his eyebrows and unfurrowing them, “No but what does that have to do with anything? Are you accusing my girlfriend of lying to me? I believe Himi, she said the words that have been on me for years. It's not like it’s a coincidence.”
“How do you know Y/n’s lying? You’ve never let them say a word to you. You’ve only ever yelled at them.” Iwaizumi got up from his place on the ground defending you. You aren’t the closest or anything but after the few conversations he’s had with you, he would still consider you a friend. He liked you a whole hell of a lot more than he liked Himari that’s for sure. You got up from your place on the ground and tugged on Iwaizumi’s sleeve. “Just let it go, I don’t care anymore.” You said as he turned his head to look at you.
“No you wanna prove you’re my soulmate so bad, go ahead prove it. Say your first words to me and we can move along and I can go find Himari and continue my life. You can finally leave me alone.” Oikawa said, walking closer to you and Iwaizumi. You shook your head fed up with it already. Even if he found out you weren’t sure you wanted him to be your soulmate anyway with all that he’s put you through. Every time Oikawa opened his mouth you seemed to get more angry with him. He was still talking when you cut him off, “Fine, I’m your soulmate you asshole! Are you happy now?!”
You didn’t give anyone a chance to say anything as you stormed off. After three years of knowing Oikawa was your soulmate he finally wanted to hear you out. You couldn’t believe the nerve of him or Himari. You still don’t know why she faked being his soulmate, his fangirls are just desperate you guessed. As you walked into classes now significantly more pissed off than you were before lunch, Oikawa and Iwaizumi were talking behind the school.
“Did you tell them?” Oikawa asked, narrowing his eyes. “You’re ridiculous of course I didn’t tell them, you really think I’d do that? Besides, they sounded a lot more believable saying that then Himari did last year.” Oikawa sat on the ground leaning against the school with his head in his hands. “I’m still having a hard time believing it, I mean why would Himari do that? Oh god I was a jerk to my soulmate for two years. And they didn’t say anything. I didn’t let them say anything. I don’t think I can make this up to them. I really fucked up.”
“Yeah you did. You’re gonna spend the rest of your life digging your way out of this one. That is if Y/n gives you the chance. Even if they do, I doubt they’ll let you forget about it. First things first though, you need to break up with Himari.” Oikawa nodded as Iwaizumi patted him on the back, helping him up from the ground. They got back to class and the first thing Oikawa did once school ended was find Himari and break up with her.
A few minutes after breaking up with her he went to his locker and found Himari yelling at you. “What are you doing Himari? It’s over, they had nothing to do with it. This was all your own fault, did you honestly expect us to stay together forever? Even if they hadn’t finally gotten it through my thick skull I would’ve found out eventually.” He said standing in between you and Himari. She huffed and walked away yelling various profanities at the two of you. Oikawa turned to you to apologize but you were facing your locker, ignoring him.
“I’m sorry, I really am. I know it doesn’t help at all but I am. I was too caught up in the fact that I might’ve finally found my soulmate that I didn’t want to be told I was wrong. It still doesn’t make up for the fact that I was a jerk to you. I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. Please let me try.” Oikawa leaned against the locker next to yours as he practically begged.
You closed your locker looking at Oikawa with a blank look. “No.” Oikawa looked confused as he mimicked the word in a questioning tone. “Yeah, no. Look Oikawa, you’re my soulmate but it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. You’re right, you treated me like shit for the past year and a half. I’m not about to just forgive and forget, because while you were off playing soulmates with Himari your actual soulmate was hurt and heartbroken because you couldn’t give them the time of day. So no Oikawa I won’t let you.” You walked off for the second time today, leaving Oikawa standing in the middle of the hallway.
“You kinda deserved that one sorry dude.” Matsukawa said, clapping Oikawa on the back. “I know I just don’t know how I’m going to make it up to them. I really hurt Y/n and I don’t know how to fix it. I’m scared I’m not going to have a soulmate for very long.” Oikawa tried following you out of the school but Iwaizumi stopped him telling him to let it go for today. Oikawa listened and begrudgingly went to practice. For the first time in his life he didn’t want to go to Volleyball practice. Instead he wished he was with you desperately trying to make everything up to you Trying to patch things up.
For the next few months Oikawa spent his time constantly trying to make things up to you. He told you he was sorry at least once a week and bought your favorite snacks as gifts to you. It started off with him leaving some chocolates you didn’t much care for in your locker. When you told him you didn’t really like them his response was, “Well why don’t you tell me what you like so I can get you the proper gifts.” You just shook your head and walked away after telling him thanks. You may have been mad at him but you weren’t rude.
The second time he tried doing something to apologize he did it publicly. Iwaizumi tried to talk him out of it knowing you weren’t going to like having all of the attention but Oikawa refused to listen. So he made this big grand gesture in the middle of the cafeteria at school. You didn’t say anything as your face grew red and you walked out of the cafeteria, leaving Oikawa walking back to his friends while Iwaizumi told him, “I told you so.”
He didn’t really try to do anything big after that, just small things to let you know he was there. Eventually he started walking you to and from school after learning you didn’t live that far from each other. Slowly you started to forgive him, but you weren’t about to jump right into dating. So you stayed friends. You let him walk you to school and sat with him at lunch. You went to all of his games that you could easily travel to. You were beginning to forgive him and that’s all Oikawa could ask for.
“I’m thinking about leaving Japan after we graduate.” He said one day while you were hanging out at his house. His parents knew you guys were soulmates and gave him an earful after hearing about what he had done, his sister still teases him about it whenever she visits with Takeru. You were hanging off of his bed when he made that statement and you sat up. “Where are you gonna go?” You asked, moving to the edge of the bed. “I’m not sure yet. I have a few offers but I think I’m going to go with Brazil.” He moved from his desk to the spot next to you on the bed. “Unless you think I should stay here.”
“You think I want to be the reason you don’t follow your dreams? Hell no, Oikawa. Go to where you think is best for you and your future goals. Not where I’m gonna be. We can still facetime and call. Besides, you should be able to visit for the holidays. Who knows, maybe I’ll find a school in Brazil to go to.” Oikawa looked at you surprised, he knew you were starting to forgive him but he didn’t think you’d be willing to go with him.
“You don’t have to do that, you know. I couldn’t ask you to come with me. Of course I would love it if you would, but only if you think you’d be happy there. I’ve put you through enough Y/n I can’t ask you to do this as well.” You rolled your eyes covering his mouth with your hand. “Shut up for once. I’m not mad at you anymore, I’m never gonna let you forget it, but I’m not mad. I’m not saying I’m going to for sure go with you wherever you go and follow you blindly. I’m saying if I find a school I like and get accepted then I’ll move with you. I just got you to realize I’m your soulmate, I’m not quite ready to give that up just yet, Toru.” You finished your mini speech removing your hand from his mouth. You expected him to immediately start talking but he just stared at you for a while. “Toru? You’re freaking me out. Blink or something at least.” He didn’t say anything as he pulled you into a hug thanking you.
A few months later and you were helping pack boxes at Toru’s house, “I told you not to wait until the last minute to pack Toru. Now we’re rushing so you’re ready to leave on time.” You scolded sorting like things into boxes. “Maybe if my beautiful s/o hadn’t distracted me when I was supposed to be packing we’d be fine.” He said coming up and wrapping his arms around your waist pecking you on the cheek. You laughed as you lightly shoved him away, “Toru I’m serious we’re going to miss our flight if you don’t hurry up. I have orientation next week and you start practice soon. We need to get there early to settle into the apartment and look around the city so we’re not lost right away.”
He shook his head, laughing as he finally helped you pack his bags. Before you know it you’re in Brazil moving into an apartment with your boyfriend. Sure your relationship was rocky, but you couldn’t imagine spending your time with anyone else.
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
God, I Love You
Lewis Hamilton X Reader
Summary - Its been a tiring couple of race weeks, and you just want to love on your man
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Stretching, you slowly opened your eyes as the first bright rays of sunshine peeked through a gap in the curtains, that you had drawn shut the previous night. As you slowly regained complete consciousness, you became aware of the slight weight around your waist, and the feel of warm breath on the back of your neck.
Suddenly remembering the events of the previous day, a smile etched itself onto your lips, as you rolled over to see a sight you had sorely missed for the past three weeks. Lewis was still fast asleep, head buried in your neck, and arm slung around your waist. Smiling as you took in the sight, you became faintly aware of the sound of paw steps down the hall, as Roscoe's face peeked in through the open door. Sitting up very slowly so you didn't wake your sleeping boyfriend, you extended your arms towards the dog, who came trotting forward for a morning cuddle.
After some morning loving for the dog, you decided to get up and start your day, and let Lewis sleep off the exhaustion, exhilaration, stress and jet lag from the races he had won. He had only come home yesterday, and it had been so late in the evening that you had just eaten dinner together, and talked for a bit, but sensing how hard it was for him to even keep his eyes open, you had simply gone to bed. But today, you had planned to simply spend time together, to make up for the time he had not been there.
Stepping into the bathroom, you did your morning routine, of brushing, using the toilet, and tying your hair up into a ponytail. Then you made your way into the kitchen, the bulldog following right by your side. When you had begun dating Lewis, Roscoe had simply started treating you like his mom, and once, when Lewis had referred to you as 'Mumma' while talking to him, you cried. That was the moment you knew that this was always going to be your family. Ever since then the dog had become your fur baby as well, and Lewis often joked that Roscoe loved you more than he loved his own dad.
Deciding that waffles and fruit was the way to go, you quickly whipped up the batter, and poured it into the Mickey Mouse shaped waffle iron that you had bought at a Disney themed store. Picking out some strawberries, mango, orange segments and blueberries to put in a bowl on the side, you also decided to prepare Roscoe's bowl, so the doggo could eat with you guys. Soon, the smell of waffles wafted through the air, and you took out two perfectly shaped waffles to put onto the plate. Quickly pouring more batter into the pan, you began to set up the breakfast tray, and then make your way back to the bedroom.
With breakfast eventually ready, you picked up the tray laden with waffles, cut fruit, tea, maple syrup and a bowl of dog food and walked up quietly to the bedroom. The curtains were still drawn, although the gentle breeze kept moving them to the side, causing little rays of sunshine to peek through and shine on Lewis's face. To combat the light, he had simply pulled the fluffy white blanket over his head to keep the light away from his face, and you mentally "awed" at the sight. Setting the tray down on the bedside table, you climbed into the bed, and wrapped you arms around his torso, peppering kisses onto his neck, and moving onto his face, kissing his chin, nose, cheeks, forehead, eyes, and then finally, just above his lips.
Stirring as you kissed his face, Lewis's eyes slowly fluttered open, taking in his surroundings. After momentary confusion about where he was, he remembered that he was back home. Back with Y/N and Roscoe. A feeling of happiness and pure joy began to spread through his body, as he turned to see Y/N's e/c eyes looking at him with pure love and adoration. "Good morning bubs! Did you sleep well?" she asked, fingers tracing shapes over his bare skin. "Morning baby. I did" he replied, snuggling into her warmth, burying his face in her chest, as she began to softly play with his hair. "I made breakfast"
"You didn't have to" "I wanted too" 'MmmHmm"
As you basked in each others warmth and cuddled up to each other, Roscoe, deciding that he wanted some loving too, jumped onto the bed, right between the two of you. "Hello Roscoe" Lewis said, reaching out to pet the doggo. Wagging his tail, he trotted up to your body, and sat down near your tummy, resting his head on Lewis's shoulder. Feeling loved up and comfortable between both your boys, you let out a sigh of content, and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. Humming something under his breath, Lewis began running his fingers along your bare arms, causing goosebumps to erupt over your skin.
"The foods getting cold" you suddenly said out loud, hopping out of bed to go and get the tray from the bedside table. Getting out of bed, Lewis made his way to the bathroom, and eventually came back to the room in a couple of minutes, to find Roscoe munching away at some treats, while you had picked up a little folding table and placed it on the bed to rest the tray on. Feeling extremely happy once again, he climbed back onto the bed, and grabbed his share of the food on the table.
His phone began to vibrate, Toto's caller ID flashing across the screen. Groaning, he put the phone face down on the table, and ignored the call. "Why aren't you picking up ? It could be important you know" Sighing, he turned to you, "I spoke to him yesterday, and if its that important he can simply text me after I don't pick up. Plus I've seen him for three weeks straight, and now I want to spend time with YOU" pouting, he looked back at you, making you let out a snort of laughter at the look on his face. "Ok drama queen. Now eat your breakfast and then we can take a shower"
Smirking, he looked at you from the corner of his eye, "we?"
"Yes, now shut up and eat" you said, nudging him with a glint in your eyes.
"Yes ma'am"
After taking a shower together, and washing the dishes and the general monotonous household work, the both of you decided to take a walk along the beach, and take a frisbee along with you.
Dressing in the appropriate attire for the beach, you put Roscoe in his "ROSCOE 44" harness and walked out of the house. The beach was only five minutes away from your house, and you enjoyed the salty smell of the ocean air. It was a bright and sunny day, accompanied by a pleasant, cool ocean breeze as well. As you neared the golden sand, the bulldog bolted towards the sand, and ran right up to the water, and turned back to look inquiringly at the two of you. Laughing, you caught up with him, setting down the beach bag Lewis had packed for your beach day on a towel. Deciding to just relish in the Sun rays, you laid down a second towel, and removed your wrap around dress to lie in your bikini.
Lewis on the the other hand, decided to go for a swim in the water, and stripped off his t-shirt, so he remained in just his swim trunks. Looking over the top of your sunglasses, you couldn't help your gaze wandering all over his toned and muscled body, letting your eyes drink in the sculpted muscle and the tattoos that adorned his body, eyes lingering over each and every one, teeth unconsciously sinking onto your lower lip. "Enjoying the view?" his cocky voice made you look up at his face, still feeling slightly dazed.
"Yeah, because its mine to enjoy" you replied, throwing him a smirk. Rolling his eyes, he ran to the water to join Roscoe for a swim, while you watched with a smile on your face, as you watched your two boys chase the waves together. Whipping out your phone, you opened Instagram, to film the pair, and uploaded it onto your story with the caption : beach days with these two make everything better 🤍🤍
When the rays became too hot, you guys packed up your bags and made your way back home, stopping to buy some ice cream to beat the heat. Deciding to simply order some Chinese takeout food for dinner, with a bottle of wine, you settled down in front of your TV to have a movie night together. Lewis was in the kitchen, making some popcorn, and bringing you guys some wine as well.
Settling for 'Lion King' for your first movie, you let Lewis sit down, and prop his feet up on the pouffe in front of the sofa, while you tucked your feet up in the sofa, and laid your head down on his chest, his arm coming round your shoulder to hold you tightly. Roscoe sat by Lewis's feet, already asleep from the tiring day he had had at the beach. As Simba met Timon and Pumba, Lewis turned to look down at your face, "God, I Love You" smiling back at him, you leaned up to press your lips to his jaw. " I love you too"
Leaning his head down, he pressed his lips to yours, setting down the bowl of popcorn, to wrap his hands around your back, to keep you in place, as you pushed yourself up, wrapping your arms around his neck, as his hands began sliding up your back to finally rest in your loose hair, while yours slid down to his toned shoulders, and straddled his lap. The kiss grew more and more desperate, until you two finally broke apart, for the need of oxygen, resting your foreheads against each other, breathing heavily. " I love you. You're so good to me"
"I love you more"
"Not possible"
The moment was broken by a loud "wuff" as you both turned to look at the dog, who had stood up and was now looking up at the two of you with a look that said 'get a room parents!' "Roscoe!' Lewis whined, "We were having a moment" Laughing, you got off his lap, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I love you. Now, we have to feed to dog"
'Mmhmm' he mumbled, leaning into your touch.
"If you get up now and set the table, I promise I'll lock the door so Roscoe doesn't come in tonight" you said, looking over your shoulder, to wink at him. Eyes darkening slightly, he turned to look at you, and walked right up to you, pressing his palm onto your waist. "You better lock that door tonight. No doggy trauma in this house"
OK OK OK OK FIRST F1 FIC. let me know what you thought !
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Thank you thank you thank you to @grandestrategia for the idea ❤
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neverinadream · 3 years
Please one where you have a thing with Ben and he invites you to a fancy dinner because he wants to show you how serious and interested he is in you
A Safe Place To Land
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Summary: Ben's ready to be all in with y/n, he just hopes she's ready too
Song: Honest Man - Ben Platt
When Ben first met y/n, Mason quickly warned him off from making a move on the girl he classed as a sister. And he tried his best at obeying that warning, but the heart wants what the heart wants and Ben found himself falling head over heels for y/n.
At first, it was just subtle glances, both of them laughing at their awful jokes and lingering touches, followed by kisses shared under the influence of liquid courage and repetitive one night stands. Their pillow talk consisted of Ben hinting at wanting to take her out on a proper date, but y/n would shake her head and tell him it couldn't happen. She found it easier for them to hide, than to hurt her closest friend. So he continued with their dalliance until his heart couldn't take it any more.
Y/n was a little surprised when she got the text message from Ben that only included a time, an address and told her to dress up. But then she remembered all the times he had said he wanted to take her out on a proper date. What if this was his way of spontaneously setting up a date? It wasn't that she wouldn't mind taking their relationship out of the bedroom, it was just she didn't want to hurt Mason.
It took nearly an hour before she was supposed to be arriving at the mystery venue Ben had picked out for her to decide she was going to go. Mason was a big boy now and he couldn't keep scaring away potential romantic interests, especially not when she was finding herself falling more and more for Ben every time she fell into his bed.
Y/n went with a simple black dress, with a slit up the side of her left thigh that cut dangerously close to her hips. She had no idea what she was walking into, so she had decided to just play it safe; pick the safe option for her dress, for her heels and the few pieces of gold jewellery she had chosen to pair with it.
Stepping out of the Uber, she found herself in front of a restaurant she knew wasn't too far from Ben's house. The door staff welcomed her inside and then ushered her upstairs, to a rooftop setting, where Ben was waiting for her.
"You've got some explaining to do, mister," y/n tells him, realising they were the only two up here, except for the waiter. From the twinkling lights to the candles and the soft music playing, it was all very elegant and a little bit magical. "Ben, you know-"
"I know, I know," he cuts her off, taking hold of her hands, "I understand that you don't want to hurt Mason and I don't want to do that either, but I don't want to hide what we have any more." He intertwined their fingers together, holding her hands up to his lips to press soft kisses against her knuckles. "I want to cook you breakfast in bed, not see you leave before the sun comes up. I want to run straight to you after a match, not wait a couple of hours for to you turn up at mine. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, y/n-"
"Watch it, Chilwell," y/n giggled, her cheeks burning from all of the attention, "you're starting to sound like you're going to propose."
"And I will, one day," Ben counters, letting go of her hand to cup her face. His thumb strokes her cheek, enjoying the feel of her soft skin against the pad of his thumb. "I know you've been hurt before and, admittedly, I have played with hearts before, but I don't have the heart to play with yours because you make me an honest man. I promise you that if you put your trust in me I will never hurt you. God, it would break my own heart if I did ever hurt you." He catches her stray tears with his thumb, a warm, loving smile gradually etching onto his lips. "Y/f/n y/l/n, you are the air that I breathe, you are the sun that rises in the morning and the stars that twinkle at night. I want the world to know the reason why I get up in the morning, the reason for why I smile and for why I laugh." He takes a deep breath, though he didn't need much courage for what he was about to say, not when his heart was practically jumping out of his chest. "I love you, alright; I have never loved anyone in the same way that I love you."
Y/n couldn't take it anymore, crashing her lips against his with pure passion and desire. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him as he reciprocates the action. Her lips tasted salty from her tears but it didn't matter to him. She raked her fingers through his hair, tugging at the product free locks, making him part his lips as he slips a groan. Her tongue glides against his, deepening the kiss, and for a second they forget about the waiter standing only a few feet away from them.
"You are my home, Benjamin," y/n whispers, pulling away to look at him, "you're my safe place to go to when I feel like everything isn't working and I want all those things you've just said and more." She quickly wipes away the lipstick on his bottom lip, giggling as she does so. "But please never cook me breakfast in bed, we both know you can't cook."
"Ouch," he gasps, both of them smiling like idiots as they continue to embrace each other. His fingers brush through her hair, lips lightly kissing her lips. "Let me deal with Mason, okay?" Y/n nods her head, thankful he was wanting to do it and not her. He takes a step back, seeking her hands as he leads her towards their table. "You hungry?"
"So hungry," she laughs, kissing him once more before they took their seats. She reaches across the table, holding onto his hand. "I love you too."
Requests are closing tomorrow at 9am (UK time)
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havenoffandoms · 3 years
Hey congrats on 900 followers! Would I be able to request the touch starved prompt from your list with the pairing Aiden/Lambert please? Love all your writing!
Hello!! Thanks for requesting this prompt and this pairing! I’ve been on a right Lambden kick recently, so I felt inspired. I hope you like it! 
Prompt 13: Touch-Starved
Pairing: Aiden x Lambert
Warnings: None
Prompt List
Lambert was apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together. Being stabbed to death in his sleep comes to mind, or having Aiden go all batshit crazy if Lambert dared to beat him at Gwent. Lambert has heard many rumours about Cat witchers in his long life. Cats are batshit crazy. Cats are emotionally volatile. Cats are backstabbing sons of bitches… literally and metaphorically. Cats are bad. Cats are evil, etc, etc. All these rumours circulated in Kaer Morhen long before Lambert even set foot in that ramshackle castle. He was too young to have witnessed the Tournament, but he heard the older witchers talk. Later in his life, when only a handful of wolf witchers were left after the sacking, Eskel gave Lambert a more detailed account of the Tournament.
“The Cats betrayed us, went on a rampage. Killed many wolf witchers in the process. Geralt and I lost many friends that day,” Eskel told him one evening, when the oldest surviving wolf was too far in his cup to notice that he was oversharing. “Radowit’s court mage Astrogarus promised the Cats monopoly on killing monsters within Kaedwen in exchange for attacking the Wolves during the tournament. Turns out Radowit was a backstabbing motherfucker himself. He ordered his soldiers to shoot all of the remaining witchers of both schools in the arena.”
“Lemme guess,” Lambert spoke, his own speech slightly slurred, “pretty boy saved the day?” 
Eskel shook his head. “Fled. Mousesack helped him escape the massacre. Poor bastard never forgave himself for abandonin’ our brothers, but what choice did he have?”
Don’t get Lambert wrong. He’s not saying that Aiden is harmless, far from it. The guy’s lethal with his swords, deadly with a pair of daggers, not to mention a stealthy and clever thief. Aiden is mercurial, hot-tempered and a bit feral when he wants to be, and his morals are at best dubious. Whereas wolf witchers had their emotions beaten out of them at a young age, cat witchers feel too much, too strongly. Lambert’s witnessed Aiden flip tables when peasants beat him at Gwent, but he’s also witnessed the Cat shed a tear after bringing the news to a mother that her son did not survive the ghoul attack two villages down the road. 
Lambert was apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together, but the Cat had never ceased to surprise him. The most unexpected trait Aiden has displayed to date is his insatiable need for physical contact. It’s not like Lambert hates being touched - he’s only human, albeit a mutated one, but still human. He enjoys a hug as much as the next person, especially when said hug comes from one of his brothers (or, dare he say, Vesemir) at the end of a long and difficult year on the Path. Lambert has also never begrudged a bed partner a post-coital cuddle session. Aiden’s need for physical contact is… on a whole different level. 
The first time it happened, Lambert almost shoved the Cat off him and sent him packing, until he realised that Aiden was not only hugging him, but clinging onto him. His sharp nails were digging in the soft material of Lambert’s shirt, the fabric creaking in protest under the firm grip. When Lambert looked down, he noticed the pinched eyebrows and tears trailing down Aiden’s face. It wasn’t until a broken sob pushed past the Cat’s lips that Lambert reluctantly returned the embrace, arms wound tightly around Aiden’s trembling body. Aiden eventually settled in the safety of Lambert’s arms, his features softening as he sank back into a peaceful slumber. 
Neither mentioned the previous evening’s impromptu cuddling session, but from that moment one, it was like someone had flicked a switch. Aiden came up with every possible fucking excuse to touch Lambert. Their hands would always accidentally graze each other when they packed up camp, or tacked up the horses. Aiden would bump shoulders with him when they were travelling on foot. If they sat next to one another in a tavern, Aiden would press his leg against Lambert’s, and if they were facing each other, a tentative foot would gently nudge Lambert’s shin and linger there. It’s not like Aiden was trying to hide his intentions, either. They rarely paid for two rooms anymore, because even if they did, Aiden would always end up in Lambert’s bed anyway, arms wound around Lambert’s body like a koala clinging to its mother.
Lambert doesn’t hate Aiden’s need for physical proximity, he’s just… confused by it. Aiden rarely takes any lovers to bed, even though he clearly craves physical intimacy. Lambert is more than happy to cuddle with Aiden, especially when they are forced to sleep under the stars and the early autumn frosts begin to settle over the region. It saves them from lighting a campfire, which may attract the wrong kind of attention to them. That’s all that’s ever transpired between the two, though… cuddling. Lambert enjoys the cuddling as much as Aiden does, but for Aiden it seems to be about more than mere enjoyment. The Cat simply refuses to go without physical intimacy which at times can be… alright, it can feel overbearing, but Lambert’s not about to complain, not when most humans turn away from him in disgust and contempt when he tries to chat them up. 
Over the course of the next few weeks, Aiden almost develops a form of separation anxiety. He refuses to let Lambert out of his sight, going so far as to follow the man everywhere, and that’s the moment when Lambert snaps. 
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” he asks, his tone hiding none of the irritation he feels at being tailed by this overgrown tomcat. Aiden stops dead in his tracks, his eyes growing wide at Lambert’s words. 
“You’ve been following me since this morning… I have errands to run and it’s hard to do that when you’re breathing down my neck!”
Lambert instantly regrets his words the minute they leave his mouth. Aiden’s shoulders visibly sag at Lambert’s comment, his content expression melting into something sadder and the sight tugs at the wolf’s heartstrings in all the wrong ways. Aiden averts Lambert’s eyes shyly, the tip of his ears turning a pretty shade of pink as embarrassment washes over him. Lambert heaves a sigh. Way to act like a fucking dick. 
“Sorry, Aiden. I… I didn’t mean to sound like an ass, but-”
“It’s alright, I… I knew this moment would come eventually.”
“What are you talking about?” Lambert asks, a confused frown etched on his face. Aiden doesn’t look at him when he replies in a voice far too small to belong to the lethal, cocky witcher Lambert has come to know over the past few months. 
“You’re gonna ask me to leave for good. I get it. I… I’ll go back to the room and pack my things.” 
As Aiden turns around to leave, Lambert’s hand shoots out and grabs a hold of Aiden’s wrist. Before Lambert’s brain has a chance to catch up, he finds himself pulling Aiden into a nearby alley, away from prying eyes of judgemental humans meandering the stalls of the midweek market. Aiden looks so unsure now, so vulnerable like this, and it makes Lambert want to wrap the Cat up in warm blankets and cuddle him and forget the world for a while. Instead, he settles on pressing Aiden’s back against the wall and draping himself around the Cat witcher as much as he can. 
“That’s not what I meant,” Lambert breathes in the air pocket between them as he locks eyes with Aiden, “you’ve just been… especially clingy recently. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Aiden averts his eyes once again, but Lambert is quick to grip the other man’s chin and force Aiden to meet his gaze. Even that simple touch pulls a small hiss from Aiden, whose eyes flutter shut as he relishes in the feeling of Lambert touching him anywhere. Lambert purses his lips, eager for an answer. 
“Winter is around the corner,” Aiden whispers, his tongue darting out to lick his suddenly dry lips. Lambert’s frown deepens. 
His question is met with a pointed eye roll from Aiden. 
“And… wolves return to their dens for winter, don’t they? I was just… enjoying the last few weeks in your company before you leave and never come back.”
As the final piece of the puzzle slots into place, understanding dawns on Lambert. He pulls away from Aiden and the small whimper the loss of contact triggers does not go unnoticed. Something old and fragile aches in Lambert’s chest as the meaning of Aiden’s words sink in. Aiden isn’t just worried about being separated from Lambert for a few months, but he’s worried that Lambert will never come back.The wolf links his fingers with his Cat’s, squeezing softly as he leans into Aiden’s space and rubs his bearded cheek against Aiden’s jawline. The latter quickly melts under the soft ministrations, the soft content rumble deepening into a continuous purr as Lambert nuzzles the crook of Aiden’s neck. 
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
“Yeah, right,” Aiden snorts in response, “cause you’re so good with feelings and shit.”
“Not everyone’s a sappy sentimental bitch like you are,” Lambert teases gently, earning himself a half-hearted slap up the back of the head. “I don’t have to go back to Kaer Morhen this winter.”
Aiden tenses, his soft purring stopping abruptly as he takes in Lambert’s words. Lambert continues to rub his cheek against Aiden’s jaw, his neck, his cheek… wherever he can reach, the action meant to soothe the brewing storm in Aiden’s mind.
“It’s your home,” Aiden offers weakly, “I don’t want… I… it’s your home.” 
“I can send a letter to the old man. Let him know I’m alive. We could find a den somewhere else… an attic somewhere, or an abandoned castle.” Lambert nuzzles the spot right behind Aiden’s ear, earning a pleased hum from the Cat. “Or you could come with me.”
“Sure. Cause that’s gonna end well…” 
“That’s settled then. I’m spending winter with you.”
Aiden pushes Lambert away, their eyes meeting once again but this time, Aiden searches for any trace of a lie in Lambert’s amber gaze. He finds none, because Lambert is one hundred percent honest in his offer. He would ditch Vesemir, Geralt and Eskel for a year to spend it with Aiden… and the thought should scare him more than it does, truthfully. He’s only known the Cat for a few months, and yet… well, maybe Lambert was dreading the winter as well. How about that? It’s not like he felt equally anxious about leaving Aiden, it’s just… fuck off. 
“You mean that?” 
“Mhm. Fair warning… I hate the cold. If I’m spending the winter with you, you’ll have to find a way to keep me warm or I will bite your head off.” 
In Aiden’s defence, he does keep Lambert warm all winter long. Their cuddling finally turns into something more, and from the moment Lambert and Aiden cross that fateful line there is no going back. Aiden becomes insatiable, always seeking Lambert’s body in some shape or form, never letting the wolf out of his sight again.  Lambert may have been apprehensive about many things concerning Aiden when the two started travelling together, but it turns out that all his worries were for nothing. Turns out Cat witchers are still crazy, and feral, and mercurial… a tad possessive as well, something Lambert doesn’t hate... but they’re also the cuddliest sons of bitches on the Continent. 
Lambert can live with that, he thinks. 
Request a prompt.
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