#the downside is that there is a LOT
quinloki · 6 months
Mini vent feel free to ignore
NGL I've always been proud of my height(178cm/5'10) but damn if trying to read x reader fics isn't difficult... I'm never going to be small or petite and I dunno it's hard. Glad 1P gives me a taste of that with how ridiculously sized some of the guys are
No, I can appreciate those feels.
It's one of those things where I do try to make my readers as neutral as possible, but also like - I have been a full 5'00" since I was 12.
That's 30 years at this height.
There is probably a *lot* of stuff I write that unconsciously marks the reader as Short-SHORT without meaning to, because it's a default perspective for me. Now, granted, when I'm writing Kid, or Crocodile, or Doffy, these are BIG guys. Everyone is going to feel small, an Kid's not just big in a height sense, he's a BIG GUY.
I also avoid describing body types anymore than I have to, but I don't think I could write a specifically fat reader. I mean, *I* am fat, I am most certainly 100% Not Thin, or slender, or athletic in any capacity. But I mean, I'm also flexible, and I might have way more stomach than I'd like, but I can still lift the back end of an empty Prius.
To which, I just mean, fat doesn't equate to someone being fit or not, so even when I write a feisty reader, I don't *mean* to imply they're fit. Or not. I mean to try and leave it open to the reader themselves.
The hardest part of X Readers isn't just trying to make them as close to one-size-fits-all as you can, but also in understanding we all make assumptions on both sides of the equation. Writer and Reader both.
That said, representation is awesome, so I LOVE x reader stories that do get into some description. Black Readers, Fat Readers, [Insert Whatever here] Readers, Readers that are almost practically OCs.
In the end, the author should enjoy writing it, and the reader should enjoy reading it, and that requires a lot of work on both sides. Cause even self-indulgent writing is still a lot of work, and shifting through mountains of fic is also a good bit of work.
But, I do understand your frustration. I've heard a few people struggle with it... You know, I realize this is on anon, but if there's a story I've written that you've really enjoyed, if there's ANYTHING you want to take time to point out to me and say "this really implies smallness because in my experience x,y,z." I can't promise anything, but it wouldn't hurt either.
It'd be good education for me - learning about other people's experiences will always help me be a better writer. I've certainly experienced a lot personally, but I'll still only ever have my own perspective. I can't promise I'll write a specifically-tall-reader story, but it might help me pull my writing into more truly neutral territory so I'm not subconsciously just writing all I know.
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
The Curator. Her name is Gloria Beatrix. [Achromatic Loop AU]
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She can summon close-ranged weapons [preferably daggers] using her blood as an offering to the tattoo of three crows on her skin. The Crows will give her a fraction of its power in return.
The tattoo can move anywhere on her body but is usually seen on her neck or chest.
She doesn't physically show up in the story until way later in the timeline.
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
mosses growing in the cracks in heavily used pavement cars rolling over them 76 times a day nothing but respect for our troops
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clownsuu · 1 year
Howdy My Beloved
(I’m so down bad for him it’s horrifying)
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LMAOOO mostly mutual howdy love
speaking of howdy iv been seein cowboy/Wild West aus for welcome home and I decided to dip my toes in it a lil while I was hyper KXHDGDH
cw poorly drawn guns and messy sketches
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I was just gunna make Home a sheriff’s buildin’, but I thought it would be cooler if he was a big bad spooki
also howdy’s lil bugdega is both a convenient store and a restaurant/bar (same building, all shopping stuff at the front while the restaurant is in the back) howdy can make a mean beef n cheddar KDHHFH
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westywallowing · 8 months
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sketches for my fruits basket au while I figure the fuckity out of my tablet pen :)
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
Mihawk and the Red Haired Pirates
-Look I don't know what to tell you, Mihawk's epithet is literally Hawkeyes meaning he is world-renowned for his eyesight meaning that he'd probably make a good sharpshooter. And maybe Yasopp decides to test this theory with a little friendly competition. And after giving Mihawk a quick intro into how guns work, maybe Yasopp had to pull out every trick there is in the book to narrowly avoid losing to said Hawkeyes, who as it turns out is indeed very good at hitting targets and who had literally just learned how to cock a gun not even 30 minutes ago. But who's to say what actually happened, the day of November 25th at 2:35pm? Certainly not Yasopp, the record clearly shows he is undefeated.
-Once a year Ben and Mihawk go on a little trip just the two of them. They act like it's just so they can shit-talk Shanks but actually, they just go fishing somewhere in the middle of the ocean and drink horribly overpriced and fancy alcohol. Look Benn loves his crew, and would die for them but also if he doesn't get at least a week to himself once every year he'd kill them all himself. He deserves nice things and a little peace and fucking quiet and not being constantly inundated with the whims of a man child and Mihawk's the closest he's ever gonna get to a friend with taste, and he travels alone with a bunch of fancy wine. Sue the man. Mihawk who would rather nap is fine to let someone else sail his overgrown raft against the annoyingly ever-changing grandline for a week or two.
-Wouldn't it be cute if Mihawk learned a lot of his fancier cooking techniques from Roux? Like he knew how to cook to survive but watching Roux is how he learned to like properly dice vegetables and that eating fish prepared the same way three times a day is not infact a life he would like to lead. This was of course less cute to Lucky Roux who in the beginning had no clue what was happening and only felt the weight of Mihawk's otherworldly stare on the back of his neck as he handled knives. (he defiantly for at least a little bit, thought Mihawk had a knife fetish. which, he's not entirely wrong)
-To Building Snake (who I just learned is the RHP's navigator) Mihawk might as well be a modern-day miracle. In his eyes, Mihawk's sailing is proof that god exists, because only divine intervention can explain how this man ever gets anywhere never mind on time or early even. Building Snake is pretty sure he owns neither a map nor a log pose and he has never actually seen the sails of Mihawk's pretend ship unfurled or in use. Actually, he has never seen Mihawk do anything but sit menacingly on the throne in the middle of the boat, which why? If you think about it for even a second longer that 2 minutes how Mihawk "sails" anywhere breaks every law of physics and somehow even the concept of geography. Building Snake would like to dissect him and study him under a microscope but knows the boss would disapprove.
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jeeaark · 3 months
given emp’s less than stellar past experiences with werewolves, do you think he actively distances himself from shart after learning her heritage? and does greyg try to force them to buddy up pina colada style (again)
I'm sorry-past experience with werewhowhats now?
-one wiki search later-
Well then! I do not know! I think Emps would just. Actively distance themselves from the whole Ex-Tadpole Gang. Period. Epilogue Party stands to reason. Probably was one of the many excuses used for not going to the party even.
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As for the second question. I would not say force. But Greygold is now an expert at persuasion, so.... But all in due time! Greygold wants the friendship to develop naturally. No party tricks. No pressure. No rush. Greygold has 200+ other problems to solve anyway. Will encourage Emps to bond with the old gang when squid buddy is ready. Even if sometimes Greygold gets a little impatient and their thoughts slip out like this-
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sharkgirldick · 11 months
Me when I started transitioning: I should probably voice train... I don't want people to think I'm not actually putting effort into this.
Me now: I think if I force my voice lower she'll cum.
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solipseismic · 5 months
if im ever acting weird u must udnerstand it is bc i am fighting the debilitating urge to buy $90 worth of smoked salmon online. at any given moment
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ddeck · 1 month
long lived sw races must be so extra about their hobbies. imagine you live for thousand years and a century of that time you decide to dedicate to making a single big af carpet
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marlynnofmany · 1 month
Me: *tells a roomful of people about my adventures in marketing my books, which includes an enthusiastic description of my time on Tumblr*
Me: *wonders an hour later what I've reblogged recently, in case they look me up*
My Tumblr: "All good, boss. Aliens, words, fae bargains and humans being weird about food."
Me: "Oh good."
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maeamian · 14 days
Becoming deeply radicalized against the idea of crewed Mars missions, y'know how the Rovers keep sending back better and better data what if instead of that we made an even bigger one and devoted nearly 90% of its capacity to holding a guy in a bubble on top of it instead of sending back useful data, but wait! They'll eliminate like a half hour of latency and also almost certainly contaminate the landing site and possibly the entire planet, so it's not all downside.
#At least in the near term it's fucking pointless and the downsides are very large and very big#Quite frankly it is extraordinarily likely that the first people to arrive at mars will do so dead#Because they will have been sent by fucking idiots willing to take too large risks#But the good news is that the wreck will spread across and contaminate huge amounts of the martian biosphere#To the point that we will quite possibly never be able to discern the history of life on mars#But if they live at least they'll get to slightly reduce the latency on our telerobotic fleet!#And travel home with the samples I guess#Good thing Percy's tagging and bagging rocks that we just canceled the return trips for#At least once we fuck up the rest of the planet those will be sterile#Kinda still excited about Aritimis but also kinda becoming anti-human spaceflight in general#We should consider not doing that for a while and at most focus specifically on living on the moon in a controlled and limited fashion#Ground the whole fucking commercial fleet who gives a shit those capsules are both gonna get someone killed sooner rather than later#And it's not like we're learning a whole lot by having people on hand up there#They spend most of their time trying to keep the machines from falling apart#Which is the main thing people would be doing for three continuous years on the shortest possible mars mission#Like you could send a dozen rovers for the price of one crewed mission both mass and money-wise#And that's probably a lowball estimate even assuming more and more advances in rover technology#Which are happening a lot faster than the advances in life support technology#Right now we do not even have enough functioning space capsules at our low earth orbit space station#Starship HLS is a fucking joke#The whole thing reeks let's just stop sending people into space for a while what were we really getting out of it
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happyk44 · 2 months
Grover getting busy and swamped with Lord of the Wild duties so he prefaces this to Percy early because he knows Percy gets worried when he's not as present. So it's just a quick text of "hey, I might be unresponsive for a bit, swamped with work, don't worry, love you" and Percy gets it so he sends back a thumbs up and a "love you too!"
Then time passes and the reality of Grover's silence begins to sink in. And it pokes and prods at Percy's borderline traits, makes him stressed and angry, frustrated and scared, terrified of being left by his best friend to the point of him vomiting up his feelings.
And Grover calls him a few days in and he's half panicked but also thrilled because certainly this means it's all over and Grover is back and talking to him and everything is okay, but it's not because the empathy link is strong and Percy's vibrant swirling emotions are make Grover dizzy, so, "hey, Perce, could you just relax for a bit, or put up that mental block you made me show you how to do after you carried the weight of the world on your back a few years ago"
And no no no no no. Percy's insides are imploding. Blood and guts and bile boil on the back of his tongue. He's a horrible friend, he's a horrible person. He doesn't deserve Grover. He just keeps hurting him.
Grover hisses sharply over the phone. "Percy, relax."
"Relax?" The words slip out of his mouth like a whimpering hiss. Anger cuts through him with a red hot blade. Self-loathing fills his wounds and replaces his blood with its cold sticky ooze. "I- You-"
"Okay, I'm going to put up the block," Grover says.
And no no no no no. Percy needs to know how Grover's feeling, needs to know he's okay, but the moment he tries, he's denied, left with something vague and uncomfortable. My fault, my fault, my fault, he thinks, a broken record.
"Percy, you can't panic every time I get a little quiet on you," Grover says, and Percy hates himself. "It's not fair to me."
"I'm sorry," Percy breathes. Don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me.
"I know." There's a quiet sigh and then, weakly, "I'm just kinda tired of..." He doesn't say what.
Percy's heart shatters. His throat swells and sticks. Air feels impossible to breathe in. He's choking. Dont leave me, don't leave me.
"Look, I love you, okay? We're bonded for life, man. I'm not going anywhere," Grover promises. "So just. Try to settle, okay? I'll let you know when I'm free and we can catch up then. It's not gonna be forever. Just... a couple weeks."
A couple weeks should be doable. But Percy knows that there's a rottenness inside him that won't be able to handle it. Will get simmering and bubblings until it spills into all his bitter cracks. It'll leave him angry, rude. Desperate.
He wipes away the tears threatening to spill over the edge of his eyes, and tucks himself closer into the wall. "Yeah, yeah, that's fine, G-man, I'll be cool."
They both know he's lying.
Grover exhales so soft, this weary tired sound, and the shattered remains of Percy's heart that float endlessly in the void of his soul shatter even more. Why can't he just be normal? Why can't he be a good friend? Why does he keep ruining everything with everyone?
"Okay," Grover says. "I gotta get back to it. Bye."
The immediate end of the call after Percy's "bye, love you" crests through him like a tidal wave. Slams hard and heavy, cold and furious. He throws the phone across the room. It's not satisfying enough.
What is wrong with him, what is wrong with him? Why is he like this - needy, angry, pathetic? Why can't he chill out? Go with the flow? Relax on an inner tube and float idly with the current and the gentle waves.
Instead he's a rolling hurricane, destroying everything in his path. Island dwellers who've grown up dealing with it for so long just sigh and make preparations and shelter it. Newbies less so, cowering from his torrential rains and shattering winds. The ones used to it, they just tiredly sweep up the pieces when it's done and move on. They'd be fine, happy even, if he stopped coming around. If he stopped blowing their things around and breaking windows.
But others - the howls of wind, the threat of floods and lightning - it's too much. They're scared and in the aftermath, they nervously step around, unsure of how to handle the debris he leaves behind. They don't know to avoid the sharp branches, keep an eye out for broken glass, that the eye of the storm is a breather, not an end.
But the island dwellers do.
No wonder Grover is so tired.
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tevallen · 1 year
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splashes everyone with rainbow
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thedeafprophet · 2 days
I keep like getting randomly teary eyed when I eat from time to time ajdkkgkh it's still surreal to be able to eat again :,)
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morganbritton132 · 11 days
The fun part about reading multiple books at once is that occasionally you finish multiple books on the same day and you feel accomplished.
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