#the fact that he got emotional and didnt even hide it or anything
puff0o0 · 7 months
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@shoukiko @cerise-on-top
☆ Simon riley would stop at nothing when it comes to seeing you smile from behind the screen. Every laugh, every smile, every conversation, it's all worth hearing and listening to.
☆ He purposely tries to do things to make you laugh, whether it be a bad joke or make a funny falling animation when he dies
☆ He adores watching as you play the game and yell at the enemies whenever one of them nearly kills you- or well, him. Watching you fawn over any new skins he got is always such an ego booster for him
☆ Seeing you sad over stuff you've read on accident about him hurts him. But that's okay, he'll do everything to make sure you see him for who he is, not who he's said to be
☆ He knows he brings you comfort and he won't stop trying to continue that comfort
☆ Andre Nikto hurts when he sees you sad. Watching you play the game silently or watch tiktoks of him for seconds before clicking off because you aren't in the mood worries him. He was never one who said his love outloud, especially since he had to hide the fact he was aware in the first place, but with you it's more than worth it
☆ He would use nicknames in his voicelines while you played, hyping you up as you killed another person in an attempt to get you to take all of your emotions out on the game. He just wanted you to be okay
☆ Then he would let you win in every game. He also would glitch the game out sometimes and allow you to have free skins, but you didnt know that and thought of it as being lucky
☆ He does anything qnd everything for you, even going as far as lagging out someone's game and overheating their system so they couldn't play the game anymore because they DARED insult your gameplay
(even though it was not said in voice chat, it was said in the comfort of their home)
☆ König listens whenever he hears you rant, even if it's not to him directly. Hearing you talk to your friends as you talk about things that affected you and always trying to do things during the game to help boost your mood.
☆ He knows that sometimes glitches can be funny to you, so he'll make glitches happen to make you laugh. He'll even make the enemy team lose even though their score was higher than your team's score. Everything is worth it if it makes you smile in the end, even if it frustrates others
☆ He hopes you aren't affected by what has happened recently and that you can see him in a better light. He knows things have been rough for you recently and he hopes that it heals whatever is going on.
☆ He'll say more tender voicelines, making sure to add "Schatz" or "Liebling" at the end to make you feel more safe towards him. He never wants you to feel any other way other than happy, and he'll be damned if he let's you feel sad or icky
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riotlain · 2 years
TWD crushing on (an Oblivious) Reader
upset there isnt alot of twd x male reader fics that arent smut but anyways
my very select few men💀💀 i might do a part 2 i just wanted to post
Daryl Dixon
Our man Mr. Daryl Hiding His Emotions Dixon 🫶🫶
Its fine you didn't notice at first
He seems like he kinda hates you from how quiet he is. Quite the opposite
Being quite in love with someone who isnt a woman is kinda just like. Not processed in his mind??
He didn't know how to feel at first
But eventually he confessed to Carol about how he feels (she suspected something but anyways)
To be honest he had a plan to ask you out
But was extremely extremely hesitant
"They prolly don' even like guys" He'd say
I think both of yall are oblivious
It was a group effort to get yall together
Like all these long ass runs, leaving gifts saying it was from the other
You probably had to be the one to confess ngl
Glenn Rhee
Glenn aint too obvious. Thats what he tells himself atleast
Hes very obviously crushing on you. The only one who cant see it is you
He'd pull harmless pranks, compliment you, help you around, usually adding on a lil wink for lil extra
Yet you still didn't get it. You just thought he was being a goody good friend
Especially since its a bit hard to find any queer folk that like you around here IN FUCKING VIRGINIA/GEORGIA
"You look nice today, Y/n." *Shitty Glenn wink* "Oh thanks man!"
Your obviousness is apart of what Glenn absolutely loved about you though
It gives him time to really think out his lil confession
Which took a while but he had it down! Flowers!!
Who doesnt like flowers??
Well Glenn originally planned to give you flowers. That was until Eugene let it slip that he likes you one time💀💀
You ended up interrupting Glenn like mid confession just because you knew
Negan teases him for his obviousness
Simon would yell it to the top of his lungs if he must (he probably has to)
Always gives you any ice cream or first shot of a drink
He also always has his arm around you or is LITERALLY FLIRTING WITH YOU
You couldnt tell tho. he looked gay and homophobic to be honest.
So you just didnt say anything
Simon, running out of ideas, asked Negan for any ideas
Since its, Negan what do you expect? Something cute and romantic?? No
So with this in mind Simon approached your room with some drinks and did what he does best!
Sexual jokes about his dick and such seeing if you'd take the bait
You didn't you just got a bit flustered and laughed along
Until yknow he actually just went with the impulse and kissed you
Owen (Wolf)
The king of being either really obvious or the complete opposite
Depending on your guy's situation then heres the various ways itll go down
Owens a prisoner in Alexandria? He'll tell you nearly everything about him. Along with the fact if he gets out of there hes taking you with him!
How romantic!!
If youre apart of the Wolves then you have for sure caught his eye!
He'd do anything for you and I mean anything! Well as long as he's yknow still in control of the situation.
You cant ignore him either. He'll make as much noise as possible for you to go back to talking to him.
Owen will try to stalk you to see what you like
Or try to get that info out of you through a weird interrogation
You dont notice though. If anything youre a bit weirded out that this kinda crazy cult guy is like asking you your favorite color but anyways
Eventually in the middle of one of these investigations hes just gonna kiss you (probably quite roughly too)
"I like you. So youre mine now." "I- Ok sure??"
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Hello this is basically a long post about me sorting through my feelings about bad buddy and why it means so much to me.
So over the past few weeks ( i first watched the show 7 weeks ago) ive been trying to figure out what exactly about bad buddy and patpran in particular have got me so inexplicably fond and devoted to them and apart from the usual answers of great writing, directing, performances and the best most electric chemistry and banter known to humankind, i did arrive at couple of other answers too.
First of all pat and (especially) pran are deep and well rounded characters.
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Their worlds feel lived in and real.
Their feelings and thoughts and motivations are of course excellently portrayed by both ohm and nanon. and they gave representation to queer people everywhere. pat being the pan/ bi king he is and pran being the gayest babyboy warrior poet ever. pran especially given his repressed nature and emotional closed-off-ness is somebody a lot of people surely saw themselves in, including myself. seeing myself represented like that starting off the way he is and then taking small steps one by one over the course of the whole show (and over years in the show's universe) to arrive at the more assured, more open, more ready to be vulnerable (but still very much the pran we all loved in the first episode itself) was so wonderful to see.
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The fact that the show happens in a non homophobic universe doesnt take away from just how special it was seeing queer characters fall, be and stay in love. and most importantly that they got their happy ending (i wont be hearing anything against this cos the ending was happy, despite the slightly bittersweet tinge of it, it was happy and there shall be no counter arguments begone i cant with that)
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That episode 12 gave a glimpse of their future.
A world where pat will one day be able to sit with pran in his house eating food made by dissaya. that pran and pat's mom work on a common hobby together cos why not. a world where they no longer have to hide, a world were they could well and truly thrive.
Its so so important as queer people that we get representation and that in a world that is often cruel to the likes of us especially here in asia, that we see happy adult queer lives, where they can be in love in the most mundane of ways.
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Patpran and bad buddy gave us that and i will forever be thankful for it.
That still doesn't capture exactly why i rate them as a couple so so highly in my head.
So i thought of patpran in the context of all the other love stories i could possibly remember watching. i thought of some of my top favourite couples - mondler, phil & claire, schmidt & cece, peraltiago, leslie & ben, jack & rebecca, randall & beth, simon & wilhelm, jaeyong & sangwoo, ji hyun & jaewon, bai lang & xun an, tara & darcy, sumi & rimjhim and so so many more and what stood out for me when it came to patpran was that they were the one couple out of all these couples i adore who didnt let anything get between them once they got together.
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Every other couple among the ones ive listed have had jobs or other relationships or distance or parents or workplace rules /etiquette or circumstances or the royalty standing in between their love and as a result causing the couple to break apart ( a couple of episodes for mondler to seasons of confusion for peraltiago and schmidt & cece etc) even if briefly.
Except for phil & claire (who btw wasnt even sure about marrying phil when she did) almost none of these couples got together and stayed together throughout their relationship. and yes i agree that a lot of these obstacles and circumstances are very real and taxing and no wonder people chose their own peace at least for a while to deal with everything BUT i just cant help feel more appreciative of pat pran even more cos these two 19 year olds figured this whole thing out faster than any of those full grown adults did.
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And yes its fictional and maybe even unrealistic (given the kind of relationships i see irl) yet patpran really do deserve all the love they get. they do deserve a lot of props.
Its not like they didn't have adverse obstacles standing in their way, they had to fight against their families years and years of lies and all the intergenerational trauma and their faculty rivalry and a shitty friend who outed them and any single one of these should have caused at least 12 episodes worth of conflict and miscommunication in any other couple.
And yes i do recognise that bbs didnt have the luxury of time or multiple seasons but they could have kept them apart for a whole episode at least, i was convinced we were in for that at the end of episode 8 as the aftermath of wai outing them. like there is no way the relationship comes out of it unscathed ( i thought! ). and while im sure they personally were rattled and betrayed (pran more so), instead of blaming anybody else or each other they actually chose to handle it together, they worked together and chose to move forward together.
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The fact that such a terrible experience instead of breaking them apart actually reaffirmed to both pat and pran just how much their relationship means to the both of them, that they come out of it actually stronger??
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i was friggin shook to my core.
And then came the gunshots and the family finding out and the running away and the coming back and the fake breakup and the pressures of all of this should have been enough to drive a serious wedge between any two characters, especially at their age and lack of experience. and yet??? and yet at each obstacle they get up, they draw the other closer and they get down to working on it together again.
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Over and over and over and over again.
So for me what separates patpran from everybody else is the fact that ever since they got together, they have chosen eo, intentionally, that has made the difference.
Pat and pran's story may have been destined ( i personally don't know if i believe in destiny). they may have been born neighbours and felt unexplainable intense feelings (that later turned to love) for the other but when it came down to it, at its core, bad buddy soars when the two come together and they choose to keep being together, despite everything that stands in their way.
Love is a choice. love is a sacrifice. but its also a sacrifice and a choice they made for themselves and for each other and above all for their relationship.
Almost all the couples mentioned above arrive at similar destinations but they arrive at it with years of experience and years of struggle. i just cant help marvel at our teenagers who did love better than whole ass adults double their age could.
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And more importantly above the awe i feel inspired and hopeful because they showed me that there's always a choice. thats there's always another option. you dont need to get out of your comfort zone. but you also dont need to be in the comfort zone always. you dont need to keep lying to yourself. you dont need to hide every single part of you. there are always other options. there is always a choice.
That hope is not just a noun its also very much a verb. That you and i and each one of us can make that choice.
That if ever i choose to partner up with someone and if we do proper healthy communication (patpran invented healthy communication and consent btw, they deserve EVERYTHING for just that but thats a whole other post) prioritizing the relationship where it mattered, i too could have something ( even remotely) like their love.
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For the first time in my life probably i felt like that kind of love was attainable for me if i wanted to pursue it. They gave me hope. and they gave me joy. and i will never not be unbelievably grateful for it.
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akiraiscute · 8 months
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Gon X Reader !
No tw !! - May add some kissing on the cheek (only once):D
Gon was leaning again your shoulder as he waited for killua to be done with his fight, well. It’ll end very soon, like really soon but.. he just wanted to be close to you, he doesn’t know why himself but he just does! But you did let him be close to you so.. that must be okay to be close to you right? But anyways, he watched killua win which made him smile and moved up as he started to clap for killua and you did too!
He ended up spending the day either fighting or watching the fighting, mostly killua’s and yours! It was fun to see you fighting and he loved the way you fought and and-, well. Just liked the way you carried yourself! It was nice, and cool! At least he found it was cool.. and Gon wanted you to see him as cool but he was oblivious to the fact that you already did and that meant he liked you in a.. not sort of a friend way. But! Anyways, Gon and killua met up with you in your hotel room after your fight, Gon didn’t understand why you were hiding in the bathroom but didn’t question it until you walked out with some bandages on your arms, he looked at you concerned as you said and i quote.
“It’s from the battle, they were pretty bad since he knew nen and… he sorta burned my arms..”
You explained as you got on the bed, trying to go as gentle as you possibly can as you continued talking to killua and gon. Killua didn’t wanna question you as he already knew that you weren’t lying but gon was still concerned, after all! burning?! That still gotta hurt at least! After Killua said he was going to head to bed for the night in his hotel room, gon stayed back to stay with you which killua gagged at as he thought gon was about to say something love-dovey at least! But in reality, gon checked on your arms and kept saying
“I just care about you, you know? I didn’t even notice that he was burning your arms!”
“Neither did i actually..��
You said as you winced in pain, gon dugged his finger into the bandages. You couldnt blame him as you already know that he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. But he was trying, at least!! So you could try to help him learn any way as he kept checking before he noticed he was close to you. You didn’t even notice that! He smiled before getting off the bed, not thinking anything of it as you were blushing and Gon went to find something cold in your mini fridge that was left in the hotel room, he found one ice pack which could do at least. Gon put it on one of your bandages then unwrapped them to put the ice pack under the bandages and rewrapped it, maybe he knew a bit?? Gon kept talking about his day with killua and how cool killua was fighting, he sounded excited as he stopped and kept talking. You were listening to every single word, as you already knew this but you liked it when gon spoke, and you did like it when killua spoke but not the way you liked it when gon spoke.. You didnt know why really! You liked killua and gon as friends, you should like it when killua spoke the same as gons but- you didnt.. it’s just weird honestly.
“You know, if you ever need someone to talk to gon, im here! So is killua.”
“Eh? Why are you saying this?”
“Oh shush, i just. Sometimes you’re out of your emotions and sometimes you don’t even think with your head so. Why not just say that?”
“But, Why noww?”
“Gon, you shut up and say thank you.”
“Thank you, thank you a lot.”
Gon giggled before saying that. It warmed your heart to see him smile, his own smile was so confident, so filled with light, so filled with love. Everything sweet honestly, you wonder how did you get so even lucky to be friends with him and killua! Someone who’s so happy and someone who’s so cool, and being friends with them both?! You always felt lucky. Being friends with killua and gon did come with some weird things like, killua being a Zoldyck and you and gon and kurapika anddd leorio having to get him out of the zoldyck manison and. Gon being absolutely reckless which.. you can’t say much since killua and kurapika called you both reckless but still, he was even more reckless than you! And that has to say something at least since you even find yourself pretty reckless!
Gon was getting ready to go and that i meant is him getting his bag and already being ready but he was still talking to you which you didn’t even mind afterall, it was nice hearing him talk! Of course it was. As you were saying bye, you felt to do something bold and so. You gave gon a kiss on the cheek and said bye and closed the door as fast as you possibly can. You were blushing alot and walked to your bed, being slightly embarrassed as Gon smiled happily and went back to his hotel room. He didn’t think much of it really, well he did but he only thought that you were being sweet as a thank you and he made sure to give you a kiss on the cheek back too as he didn’t wanna leave you alone without giving it but you already shutted the door.. but he already got dressed for bed and bathed as well since that was already his usual, mean-while you were already fast sleep. Literally, after showering before gon and killua got in your hotel room and getting dressed as you put your Bandages on. You didn’t have much to do besides sleep now! Which made you pretty happy as you got to sleep after a long but great day!
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ANDD done, ik its short but like- i actually dont know what To usually do for gon if im honest😭 but im already done with this and probably gonna do a part two bc it’s fun writing cute stuff!!! I love it so much bro, and i love writing for gon:D im happy abt this tbh, It’s cute and at least sweet!! Got a lot more stuff for yall so get ready<3 mwah!! Love you butterflies!!
— Akira Logging Offf !!
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cubedmango · 2 years
NAINA. it’s the delusional cm anon here and ohmygod. It took me so long to come back because I had no strength in me to try and organise my thoughts into words that actually make sense I. Even now I can’t actually express my feelings about all of it to you without talking for years but can we please. Talk about the beach scene can we.please the way kurosawa so easily said that when adachi said he loved him his heart almost stopped and the fact that in the scene w his parents you could literally See his eyes change like something changed within him he almost passed out and then the way he just pulled out the ring and then. The most Fucking. Extra most Romantic proposal scene I have ever seen in my LIFE NAINA LIKE WHAT THE HELL? THE WAY THEY HELD EACH OTHER’S HANDS LIKE THEY WERE HOLDING THE MOST VALUABLE FRAGILE MATERIAL… THE WAY THEY THEY TURNED EACH OTHER’S HANDS OVER WITH THE LIGHT GLINTING OFF THE RINGS… THE WAY. THE KUROSAWA. THE WAY HE RUBBED HIS THUMB OVER ADACHI’S HAND I FEEL@SO UNBELIEVABLY SICK
CM ANON WELCOME BACK !! ALSO BIG MOOD i am just . i dont know how to express my emotions abt this movie in words its not possible . all i can do is scream. Literally. send help please
1. the magic
THE GROWTH . ADACHI HAD. him going from relying on his magic and being assertive thanks to it, to going from being glad he doesnt have it anymore and being assertive despite it is. . it is. Hello. how he went from knowing what to say bc he knew what ppl were thinking to how he spoke what he truly thought himself no matter what the person expects him to say is so. . . Hello!!!!! and its that determination in his own words and his own conviction that he could prove her wrong abt regretting it that got through to kurosawa's mom that i dont think wouldve worked had he read her mind and told her what she want to hear. Augh. augh........
2. the proposal
kurosawa was so happy to hear adachi loves him that his heart almost stopped ...... also what u said abt his eyes changing in the scene w his parents like Yeah.
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ITS HITTING HIM. i dont know the like . terminology for it but those Tiny Changes In His Expression That Mean Everything To Me . mr machida sir can i send u a care package and flowers just for this scene. please
another thing about the proposal is that. there was nothing asked. no question of 'will u marry me' or anything like they just . They Know. but also because it didnt have to be asked? theyre already engaged?? the silent acknowledgement that the pengagement really Was the actual proposal, and this is just then making it official to the world once and for all without having to hide it anymore. im gonna chew glass
3. the rings
kurosawa had the box on him the entire time. rings for good luck, which maybe Did work ... but i think he intended on proposing no matter how their talk w his parents went?? just thinking about That. Ough. but how he presents them just like that ..... no grand speech. no big huge romantic gesture. just the deserted beach and two of them like...... he doesnt try so hard anymore to be perfect or cool and plan a whole proposal, he just thinks about how much adachi loves him enough to declare it to his parents and Goes For It, almost on impulse i feel like ? but like in a good way like he Knows this is the moment™️ for it. anyways that left me pretty unwell also so that was fun
4. the hands
every single word u said anon......... i have no words left to say abt the hands its just. the. the. Theyre. the. i thought the manga's whole hand kissing deal after the proposal had killed me but this. the tenderness. the lighting. the Rings. the fucking gentle thumb rubs.......... I Am Never Going To Recover On God
5. the 'i love you'
listen they muted it . And That Was Extremely Evil Of Them. but i know kurosawa said i love you. i know this. and that too he said so quietly adachi couldnt hear it at first, and then whispering it to him bc he wants only adachi to be able to hear it ........ rlly felt like we as the audience are like. Intruding upon smth incredibly sacred that we're not supposed to see or something . 10/10 scene though like adachi nodding and then kurosawas SMILE and HUG and him taking the fall (AND HIS FEET WHEN HE DOES . idk why but im obsessed w the way his shoe shows up on frame for a bit its just . its so silly. theyre so silly i love them)
6. the hands, part 2
GOD. THAT PARALLEL TO THE DRAMAS INTRO IM TOO WEAK FOR THIS ??????????? why would they Do that to me. the way all their hand movements are in sync..... the way theyre smiling as they look at the rings......... I am normal about this (not)
7. the sillies
please look at my new favorite shot of kurosawa of all time
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HES SO GIDDY. HES SO HAPPY. HE IS SO SILLY!!!!!!!! mans measured adachi's ring size while he was Sleeping !!!!!!!!! where is the deleted scene of him sitting there at like 2 am with a thread in his hand and quietly trying to measure it !!!!! I Demand This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ADACHI TOO ????? HES SO HAPPY ....... and how he knows what to expect from kurosawa by now like . this is the same guy who got so freaked out over kurosawa thinking abt his mole that he had to run away to the bathroom about it . but now just the plain and simple acceptance that Yeah. Kurosawa Is A Little Weird About His Love. And That Is Okay And Endearing And I Love That About Him that adachi shows here. ............. i am fine :)
ok thats it for beach scene thoughts. for now. but ill probably think of more stuff later as i slowly start to process this movie so like ......... look forward to it perhaps??? also anon pls if u have more thoughts abt the movie i would love to hear them too 👀 i need to talk abt it as much as possible its the only way i can cope
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finitevoid · 11 months
soren thinks omegaverse is stupid. mpreg has potential but is also mostly just stupid. If he wrote mpreg fic himself he could make it so deep but he would never waste his valuable time actually contributing to a fandom. whatever art he makes he keeps to himself (so at the end of the day he is still wasting his valuable time just not posting it)
the impression i got from stefan in his support with soren in game wasnt that he didnt see merit in sorens relationship with ike. He more took issue with soren finding permanent community with beorc because the inevitable will happen (being branded becomes obvious when he doesnt age. and hes going to outlive ike. branded end up floating around different communities of beorc in isolation to hide being branded). he encouraged soren to leave ike and join him but soren was like wahhh and so stefan just leaves him with the When the time comes—and you will know when—ride to Grann Desert. Ominous
translating that to this au... stefans definitely pissed at soren about the whole thing but it doesnt sour his opinion of soren. Yes he does feel betrayed soren put a beorc above him and is VERY passive aggressive with soren the next time they meet but its cool. stefan is actually pretty chill with ike but you know. your people first. he thinks sorens relationship with ike and greil isnt sustainable but good for soren. he wont stop annoying soren about his branded revolution or whatever but he really doesnt have anything to back it up like he does in canon hes just the resident school shooter
stefans impression of almedha is a whole different matter. hes suspicious of her adopting soren after everyone assumed she abandoned soren. she actually lost custody of him because court deemed her mentally unfit to raise him (THEY HATE BROWN WOMEN EMOTING!!!). ashnard fought against her and wanted that baby so he didnt have to pay child support (hes legit stupid) but regretted it immediately so off soren goes to the system. sorry i have no idea how to translate the actual canon of ashnard disposing of infant soren for being weak and sickly and not a half dragon superbaby. i guess that too. he was an expensive faggot baby that had severe jaundice stefans also never seen a laguz even foster branded children so hes like What. What the fuck is happening. he really cant imagine a laguz having an amicable interaction with a branded but is further baffled by the fact shes not being straight forward about it. laguz when they have issues are overt about it and they ignore the existence of the branded to their face. adopting a kid to screw him over is like. such a beorc move. stefan cant comprehend any of this situation but doesnt trust it
soren gets into internet fights about race. hes pretty much an exclusionist because he scoffs at ace people saying theyre oppressed but he refuses to engage in tumblr discourse like that. He instead goes nuclear on tumblr about race and no ones happy. His blog really isnt centered around that its actually a fandom blog he just reblogs and then he gives his input occasionally in the tags and starts ww3 but only responds to people if he started ww3 about race or class. he used to have a political discourse (anti sjw???) blog when he was younger on tumblr but he got very annoyed with the userbase. arguing with them stopped being cathartic he does that on reddit now. he just enjoys being cruel on tumblr
remember that lore about soren using his branded status as an excuse to say the worst things ever on tumblr? Yeah that s all canon here. including ike stepping in
Why are these asks getting longer
also I KNOW THE JOKE but click on the #i hate it here tag. Look at the two posts. Was that intentional
No it was not intentional. I had no idea I’d used that phrasing twice. For the same joke. I guess I really do hate it here
they’re getting longer because you’re describing increasingly complex relationships
anyway. I’m still confused on how the whole “he’s going to die before you’re middle aged” thing translates into a modern au. Is he just generally mistrustful of beorc intentions towards branded people . Like why does he think it’s not sustainable? because he thinks soren needs to be with his own people ?
Stefans position on almedha is understandable given the circumstances. He’s not in a position where he can assume good intentions. particularly not from someone he thinks has betrayed soren once before
Is soren going to join his revolution in tje future or is he just like egh
Also you could have it that ashnard wanted the money but he also wanted soren to like be his heir. Inherent whayever expi you’re using for being the ruler of a country (municipal politician lol? Large business owner?) and then soren is a sickly kid or something so he just dumps him off on the system because he wanted a strong man to be his heir or whatever
middle school soren having an anti sjw tumblr blog is so easy to imagine it’s hilarious actually. I’m glad he’s having fun in fandom . Im glad that lore about him being evil online applies here I think it’s perfect. Ikr knows he’s starting ww3 on tunvlr because he spends all day tapping at his phone and when not will start unprompted talking about horseshoe theory or something
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cynettic · 3 years
hi, i hope i'm not bothering you, but i can order a Scaramouche × Kitsune reader, the two met before the vision hunt (and before he was a fatui if you want) the reader was always in the same place, sometimes having a conversation , the good old routine, but with the hunting of visions the reader disappeared not wanting to give up his own vision, and years later a reunion, SFW or NSFW is by your will, thank you, I really admire your work
Summary - Scaramouche met you as a child, growing up with the constant assurance that you would be right there, sitting at your spot where he could meet you with every visit. He isn't happy when you suddenly disappear.
Pairing - Kitsune!Reader x Yan!Scaramouche
Warning - Slight Yandere warnings?
Penpal - Ahhh- hope this is what you were looking for. I couldn't find a spot to put much nsfw unless I considered writing more for the series ( I could, just put a request in if thats what you’re looking for ). But I hope you liked it!! You're not bothering me at all and I'm glad you like my work!
A/N - Alright- so considering that with the 2.1 update with Scaramouche coming in, I just wanna state beforehand that I wrote this prior so I dont know if we learn about his backstory or anything!!
Link for Part 2
Stay With Me
Scaramouche was used to the routine he’d found himself going along with every visit to Inazuma. As a child he’d pass through the wild fields that stretched just beside his hometown, adventurous and curious with all the tenacity of a child.
And of course you, a kitsune that sat perched on the ground awaiting the Kitsune Saiguu, was bound to notice him. Unlike the other earth kitsune statues, you hadnt turned to stone during your wait. Instead, staying in the same place did you interact with travellers and the locals, which included Scaramouche.
“Fox person!” The little boy chanted, pulling at the hems of your clothing. Bright blue eyes bore into your own, and you slowly shifted your head to pay attention to the boy who was on the verge of bouncing on you.
Humming in reply to his excitement, the little boy paused, both of his small hands still tightly clasping the fabric of your clothes. Soft matted hair brushed past his face in a messy manner, calling out the boy for his boundless running and rebellious urge to keep his hair messy despite his parents wishes.
“Play with me!”
Staring at the boy only a moment longer, you simply chuckled at his antics. “I’m afraid I cannot move from the spot in which I dwell~ Perhaps I’ll be able to entertain you if you bring cards?”
But the young boy had made up his mind at the statement to which you couldn't move. A pitiful frown enfluged his face as he cast you the nastiest glare a five year old could muster. “Boring!” He shouted into the distance of the fields, dramatically turning on his heels and bouncing up into a sprint away. You watched his small figure fade away into the background, absentmindedly sighing and returning to your mindless thoughts.
As a child, Scaramouche would pass by you fairly often. Frequent when he asked you to play with him, and storming away with the same expression when you denied him. Nothing out of the ordinary, you’d lived for an exceptional amount of time, and even though grumpy children were not your specialty, you’d grown accustomed to their behaviour.
Growing up, Scaramouche got no better. You soon noticed his violent tendencies before they became an issue, the way the children shied away from him when playing Temari. Hiding in front of a tough exterior, he scared them away and laughed, approaching you later with tearful sob.
“Will you play with me?” He asked again, trying to hide the fact that he still wept when the other children pushed him away.
But your answer stayed the same, helping him wipe his tears and coaxing him into your arms. Not the first time you’d made contact with a human, but the first time you held them in such an affectionate manner.
It was clear Scaramouche was beginning to see you as some sort of pillar of reassurance when he began running away from home to simply ask to be held. You always welcomed him with open arms, urging him to head back to his household and sort things out. There was no harm in simply providing love and comfort for a child who received none was there?
“Now now, hurry back home little one. Your parents must be growing awfully worried if you’re out by this time at night.”
“My parents dont care about me!”
Darkness slowly pooled into the fields, an obscure shade covering the two of you from the tree you were under. Biting back form your normal emotionless statements, you pondered for something to soothe and convince the boy. Misunderstandings and hardships were normal from what youd seen with children, and you could only offer your hand on his shoulder, a promise. “Go back, I promise to stay here if anything further happens. But you shold give them another chance dont you think?”
And so he’d sprint back to his hometown, and you wouldnt hear from him again till he ran up right up to you a few days later. Begging you to play a game with him. The normal you supposed, and with a grin that seemed to stretch wider with every day, you told him the same thing you told him every single time.
“You cant move?!” Scaramouche nearly yelled one time, tiny fists curling at his side. “Thats… thats stupid!”
“It is isnt it?” You only smiled in response.
Unsatisfied with your response, he clawed your arm, pulling you with all his might. Strong, you realized with surprise that he was much stronger than most children his age. Easy enough to tug away from, but strong enough to take you off guard.
Snapping your hand back to your side, you narrowed your eyes. You weren't angry… no, you hadnt felt strong feelings like that after the disappearance of the Kitsune Saiguu. “Do not attempt to move me,” was your curt response, said in the most stern voice you’d used with the boy.
He’d looked at you only a few seconds longer before bursting into tears, turning away and running. You didn't feel regretful for defending yourself, only turning once more with a tired sigh to stare at the distance.
But just as you stayed ageless, Scaramouche grew older. Still, crossing each others pass was inevitable when you sat in the plains, just alongside the path that lead to his hometown.
With a permanent scowl that seemed to stain his face, he still seemed to have mature a tad bit. Maybe hadnt improved in the social department, because he now scared children and adults and alike, but more mature…
“Hm? Whats this?”
Once again, sitting criss cross under the large tree that provided the perfect shade on sunny days, you stared at the boy expectantly. His hands hesitated at your question, but he resumed shuffling. “Cards,” he simply said in response.
A small featherlike feeling flitted across your chest, making you feel lighter and… almost ticklish. A small smile crossed your face, and you recognized the emotion to be one of adoration. For him to have remembered words you’d spoken years ago, it gave you a warmth you’d sorely missed. A warmth akin to watching him and the other children grow up.
“Ew, dont smile like that, its creepy.”
Swatting at his head, he frowned further when you laughed. “You’re more mature,” you pointed out, lazily leaning back. “You need to work on your people skills though, as someone who hasnt moved in years, thats pitiful that I know more than you.”
“Shut it!”
But as he grew up, you hardly got to see much of him. He’d reached your height and then fully disappeared, leaving no goodbye. And much as you hated to admit it, you hardly noticed, not when days passed in a flurry. You were used to being by yourself, entertaining the kids and greeting the people that passed by.
Sometimes, there’d be the reminder of the warmth he’d given you. But it was quickly overshadowed by your duty to remain seated in wait for the Kitsune Saiguu. A dedication kept in its earnest, but beginning to dwindle.
Inazuma was beginning to change.
“The vision decree…” you repeated, staring at the traveller who’d mentioned it to you. “Care to elaborate?”
The new archon threatenening to take away visions from every inhabitant of Inazuma. It was preposterous, so much that you didnt move. Your vision meant the world to you, but so did the Kitsune Saiguu. You werent sure just how you weighed the two till you saw civilians passing by you, ones you recognized, ones that didnt recognize themselves.
It was snowing, cold snowflakes melting into your skin while your hair soaked in the water. Unflinching, you hummed to a little tune, awaiting someone to pass you so that you could attempt to strike a conversation of somesort. The unnatural weather distanced all who entered the field though, and you simply waited. For the Kitsune Saiguu, for someone, or for some form of entertainment, you didnt know. You Slowly closing your eyes, you decided not to care.
“Im gone for five years and you’re still sitting here like a dumbass.”
Eyes snapping open, you find yourself face to face with a complete stranger. Dark purple hair with dark blue eyes, piercing and dangerous in a way you dont recognize at all. Fancy clothing that you cant identify or put a name on.
The boy took a step towards you, crouching down to stare at you directly. His eyes scanned over your figure briefly, and he brushed the snow out of your hair and ears with one flick of his hand. In the next, he was offering a coat to you. “Take it, you’re probably getting cold.”
You leaned forward, ignoring the coat he offered you. Gently, you raised your hand to brush the hair from his eyes, centred on the way his pupils widened. Offering a small moment of surprise and one glimpse into the small childlike blue eyed wonder he was. “Kiddo,” you breathed, pulling your hand back and scanning him once again. “You’ve grown.”
“And you havent.”
Snickering at his comment, you took the coat. You didnt need it, but he looked like he didnt either. He was already wearing clothing that kept him warm, and with careful observation and an untouched coat, you settled on the fact that he’d brought it here. Brought the coat here for you.
“Still havent improved with those social skills of yours have you?”
He scoffed, letting himself fall back till he was sitting fully. “I dont want to hear it from someone who refuses to move an inch for years. Lazy ass.”
You open your mouth to retort, but instead laugh at his comment, shaking your head. “Gained some humour on your journeys have you? Bad words too it seems. Anyways...” He had sat down, which meant that he meant fully well to sit, chat, and catch up. That familiar warmth filled your chest, a contrast between the cold snow. “Welcome back.”
It wasnt often that Scaramouche visited Inazuma, but when he did, he was sure to visit you. The two of you would sit down for hours, talking about the most trivial topics. He never mentioned what he did in his time away, and you never asked.
But things began to go downhill when news of the vision decree finally took action.
“Its no joke anymore! The Raiden Shogun has taken custody of almost a hundred visions!”
In that moment you made your decision, weighing your vision over the Kitsune Saiguu. Awfully selfish you knew, but you’d spent decades sitting there in wait.
And for the first time you sat up from your position on the ground, clumsily stumbling upright but gaining balance. It takes a few steps until you’re back to normal, and you begin your journey in order to escape the Raiden Shogun’s vision hunt decree.
You didnt expect to see him again.
Long grass tickled at the skin of your legs, making you adjust your footing to no avail. Sun slowly descending past the mountains to mark the start of an evening and the soon approaching night. A normal day of exploring the mountains and islands of Inazuma, observing the constant changing situation, and running away from the vision decree like a favourite past-time.
With the exception of a firm grip on your wrist.
Dark purple like hair, same hate brimmed eyes and lavish clothing. You recognized Scaramouche the moment he had appeared, looking just as surprised as you were. That being before he snatched your wrist and snarled, “You.”
You wouldve considered it pure luck to find him, an unexpected reunion with someone you actually remembered. But no, his tone had some predatorial edge to it that had you cringing. Hard. “Yes, its me.” You answered back with a frown, trying to loosen his hold. “Nice to see you too, is something the matter?”
He only seemed confused at your words, pulling you closer.
“Something the matter?” He asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Well, to start, you’re not sitting at your damn spot.”
Taken aback for a moment, you wondered if that sole fact was what drove the boy to such lengths. Surely he couldn't be so troubled over the fact that you moved… “The vision hunt decree, I'm sure I mentioned that I was sticking around in wait for the Kitsune Saiguu. I decided to wander around and avoid the conflict until I could settle back.”
“You could’ve waited for me,” he stated almost instantly. “I could have protected you.”
You felt your brows furrow quizzically. “Wait for you? Why in the world would I-”
“Why wouldn't I?” He pushed you closer till he could fully grab both wrists, taking a step closer as if his words would resonate clearer in your head. “You took care of me as a child, it would only be fair for me to repay the favour.” But he only seemed to be looking for excuses. “And besides, you can't just up and leave… I didn't know.”
Before you could interject with the obvious answer that he didn't need to know, you stopped. You’d lived decades, nearly centuries if you’d kept count, and you had learned to read people's expressions even when you’d stayed away from them for so long. He didn't know. It hit you in the most unpleasant way that he wasn't aware that it was none of his concern. To him, you were just another thing he needed to keep track of, something he had control over. His face basically screamed, ‘I depended on you to stay in that place.’
Deep breath in and out. You’d lived long, longer than him, you could deal with a child throwing a tantrum.
“Don't worry,” you gestured to the vision ta your side. “I'm strong enough to protect myself, I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be back when the vision decree ends.”
Unconvinced, he pulled you closer, just until your faces were mere inches away from each other. “No,” he said in a stern voice. “I’d rather you by my side, where I can protect you. I hate to question what you’re capable of, but you’ve been sitting down for as long as I’ve known you for.”
“I’ve lived decades more than you,” a simple reply, hopefully enough to get by him. You snatched your hands back with ease, ears flinching slightly when a cold breeze swept past you. But you stayed firm, not wanting to look vulnerable against the imposing air he had around him.
Still unconvinced. “You’re coming with me.”
“No I’m not.”
You’d known him as a kid, watched him grow up along with all the other small ones in his hometown. And maybe you admit you cared a smudge bit about the warmth he gave you when settling down to play cards, but he was different. He had changed in the worst way and you weren't about to deal with it.
“So you’re not coming with me voluntarily?” He asked softly, taking a small step to which you responded by stepping back. He had his hands up, as if telling you he wouldn't hurt you. But the way he said voluntarily sent shivers up your spine.
“No.” Hand on your vision, you held your own hand up threateningly.
He took his time when tilting his head, taking a deep breath in, and then appearing in front of you in just a short stride. Too quick to react, you hesitated before you could attack him. You didn't want to hurt him, he was still a child in your eyes, and you paid the consequences for that. He slid his hand just along your neck, and a jolt of electricity seemed to thrum inside you just as you collapsed in his arms.
Scaramouche was quick to catch you, hoisting you up into his arms dearly. “I do hope you’ll come to understand,” he said softly, cradling your unconscious form in his arms. Making sure not to crush your tail when carrying your legs, he looked past the mountains, sigh resting on his lips.
Because Scaramouche liked to have control of the things he held dear. Like keeping all your valuables neat and tidy in a closet, he was happy knowing you were safe and stable in that spot you always sat on.
And he couldn't have you moving could he?
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cypheroo · 2 years
◇~ Let me Fall for you While we're at it? | Yuji
Lil headcannons abt yuji crushing on you, maybe a bit about what he would be like in a relationship :)
Playlist I was listening to:
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Pre Dating Era
Yuji is the type to have quick crushes, he'll like someone for a few days or maybe a few weeks, then the feelings will go away. When you came into his life, he expected the same emotions.
But these ones stayed, at first he thought that he just really wanted to be your friend, then he wanted to know more about you, then he wanted to be around you all the time, he wanted your attention.
He likes it when he's able to make you laugh, he'll try to get your sense of humor and adapt to it, he wants you to smile when your around him
I kid you not this guy will ask for your help 25/8 like suddenly he doesn't know how to do anything and needs your help, of course, you notice this right away.
He doesn't believe for a second that you could like him.
He doesn't even know for a fact if it would be worth dating him (if you even were to give him a chance) since the Profitability of him staying alive for much longer is low, he doesn't want to hurt you with his death.
He's the type to get you small nicknacs, if you collect rocks or bottle caps, he'd definitely help grow that collection, but even if you don't, maybe a small candy bar or somthing you'd enjoy.
Yuji definitely would squeeze you everytime you hug, he just loves physical affection overall, wither it be a small or big, he likes to flick you in the forehead softly if your being too stubborn, or to lend a shoulder for you to rest or cry on if you are in need of some comfort.
You wanna know how he got your number? He asked megumi to ask you...
You wanna know how he asked you out? He asked megumi to as- I'm joking! Yuji definitely didn't want you to know about his feelings, and although he was bad about hiding them.
But no, megumi & Nobara actually told you, they explained why he was so scared to be in a relationship and asked if you felt the same, and when you replied positively, they both physically relaxed.
After a bit of planning you'd act like you didnt know about his feelings and would just confess to him, but that backfired.
Yuji originally said no, sure he had feelings for you, but his worry about dying and leaving you almost as soon as you got together took control, he didn't want you to be hurt like that.
Either way, you were hurt.
It took a bit of convincing but after a few days of you trying to get him to realize that he should live while he's alive and that you wanted to be in a relationship, you really wanted it, and eventually he gave in.
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Post Dating Era
Probably feels bad about being so difficult at the start of the relationship.
Will make it up to you in the end, flowers, cuddles, stuffed bears, all of it! He is willing to do anything to make up for the rough start in the relationship.
He becomes more and more aware of things that might make you uncomfortable or even trigger you.
Sure he isnt over protective of you, he's aware that you can protect yourself, but he will stay near you whenever he can, even if you can keep yourself safe, he wants to keep you 'double safe'
He'd leave notes everywhere
"Stay safe <3"
"You look amazing today"
Sure he's pretty good with dealing with his own inner turmoil, but sometimes just hugging him from behind and telling him how great he's doing will really help him.
You'll get the same in return, he'll show up everywhere you need support, if you play a sport, he's on the sidelines, have a difficult day in class, he's walking back to your room with you, having some rough days mentally, he's sitting there next to you, listening and trying his best at comforting you.
Inside jokes? Inside jokes.
He needs to be holding your hand whenever your out in a busy place, he doesn't like the idea of loosing you in a crowd. And if you don't like much physical contact in Public areas? That's fine, just be sure to stay close.
He likes calling you 'sweetheart' it's just somthing he picked up about six months into the relationship.
Oh, matching stuffed animals are a NEED, he likes the idea of you both having like a half of a whole, and instead of doing somthing like jewelry, he wanted somthing you could keep in your room and sleep with if you felt super lonely.
He'd definitely have a stupid picture of you as his lockscreen on his phone.
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anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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miraeluc · 4 years
you have an eating disorder
prompt: “you never had issues with food - that is until your boyfriend makes a remark about your weight.”
pairing: katsuki bakugo x female! reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: MAJOR TW!! anorexia, there’s swearing
genre: fluff, angst 
NOTE: this is not proofread at all and it’s kinda short, i was struggling to finish it a lot, sorry :(
you were never one to pay special attention to your diet or anything
life is short, why spend it worrying about how your body looks?
food is food man, and you need it to live 
there was no fun in dieting either, it’s not like you were ever fat anyway - with daily training you were in shape!
sure there were thinner girls, but like i mentioned, you just liked enjoying food without having to worry about losing weight all the time 
your boyfriend, bakugo, just does not know how to express himself 
he’s not the type to really pay any mind to your figure, he finds you pretty anyway 
and its a plus anyway - whenever he feels full he can just push his plate towards you and you’ll gladly finish it for him 
that is until one day
you were sitting with the baku squad at lunch
mina was telling you about a new tiktok trend she had stumbled upon and found hilarious 
denki was currently fighting for his life against bakugo after saying his hair looked like he was just hit by an electricity quirk before he proceeded to zap him lightly 
kirishima was regretting all of his life decisions when he decided to try and help denki 
sero was just sat there,, recording it so he could show them just how stupid they looked afterwards
kirishima finally managed to pull said angry-boy away from kaminari 
you always said he’s like a little angry pomeranian when angry lol 
back to the plot omg i got carried away
after bakugo was calm enough to take his initial seat beside you, he was already too full and just overall not hungry
so he pushed his plate towards you 
“eat up, fatass.” he grumbled out
you just looked up at him with wide doe-eyes, not expecting an insult to slip off his tongue
it was bakugo, what’d you expect lmao 
you looked down at the plate, suddenly feeling very not hungry anymore, instead pushing the plate away as you grabbed your bag to stand up
“actually, i’ll head up to my room, i feel a bit sick”
you immediately left after that, not seeing the confused glances the table exchanged, mina smacking bakugo’s head
you went to your room and laid down, not knowing why bakugo’s comment had made you feel upset
you never get upset when he makes dumb remarks!!
so why now!!
you realised it when you were stood in front of the mirror, shirt lifted, staring at your own body
you did gain some weight.
you were upset at yourself because you usually didn’t mind!!
you know weight fluctuates, you know the small amount of chub you have will eventually pack it’s little bags and leave again 
but it hurt because you wanted to be pretty for your boyfriend.
how could you be when he says you’re a fatass?
eventually, you ended up scrolling through your phone, looking at thin girls all day
you also looked up a few diets that worked very fast 
by the time bakugo was aggressively knocking at your door you had closed all of the pages you were previously looking at 
as soon as you swung the door open he strutted in, seating himself on your bed
“what was with you running off at lunch today?” he looked at you 
you were still stood at your door like.... mm ok i guess make yourself at home 
“huh? i told you, i felt a little sick.” you mumbled, closing the door again, it was getting late and you were not looking to be beheaded by aizawa
he scoffed “if you say so.” he laid down, kicking your blanket to the side
“i brought you some snacks - incase you got hungry..” he said, his face looking like >:( 
he didn’t get them because he knew you liked them and wanted to make you happy! not at all!!
he just didn’t want to put up with you being whiny
that’s for sure the reason 
you giggled, throwing yourself ontop of him - sounds of protest coming from him but he did wrap his arms around you 
“since when are you so nice, katsuki?!” you teased
lol wrong move 
in 0.01 seconds you were flipped over and held down as he started tickling you 
“i’m not nice!”
the next morning you left extra early to avoid getting breakfast with bakugo
he didn’t seem to be bothered by it, he also has days where he just doesn’t feel like eating early in the morning so 
it does start to bother him when that one day of skipping breakfast turned into every day
his google search bar is like 
‘why does my gf not eat’
‘do girls not eat breakfast’
but this bitch is also too scared to approach you at first because he doesnt want you to know he truly cares 
his ego is still too high for that 
but you know better
you know he cares but sometimes you don’t feel good enough for him
you can’t help but compare yourself to other girls at your school
you distance yourself unknowingly, lost in the counting calories and exercising every day
everyone but you notices that you’re literally spiraling 
you don’t notice that you look sick, skin paling and cheekbones getting more prominent every passing day 
you don’t notice the growing eyebags under your eyes 
all you notice is other pretty girls and how you want to look like them.
at first, your friends decide to give you some space, thinking that maybe you have to fix this within yourself and need space
and you do, but someone needs to snap you out of your little bubble 
that someone is bakugo 
so it goes like this 
during training, he noticed your legs being a little more wobbly than usual 
and he noticed that you were unfocused, not being able to dodge all of the enemies attacks 
but something inside of him snaps when aizawa has to stop the fight because you were not even fighting back anymore
before aizawa even arrived in front of you, your world went black and you collapsed
bakugo was so angry at your training enemy 
didn’t they fucking see your struggle?? 
did they really have to be stopped by their teacher??
would they even have stopped if it werent for aizawa?? 
probably not
but he didnt have time to go and yell at them because he was running towards you 
aizawa let him pick you up
“bring her to recovery girl.”
of course he did 
everyone watching was so shocked 
because bakugo didn’t let out a sound the entire time 
his face was pulled into a frown, as usual, but he wasn’t speaking- no, yelling
he showed past his classmates, walking towards recovery girl’s office
“ribbit, why was he so quiet?”
recovery girl was like ?!?!?! what the fuck happened when was the last time she ate
she had to give you a total parenteral nutrition
(that means nutrition/fluids are delivered into your body via a catheter placed in a vein of your body, usually lower arm)
when you woke up bakugo was sat next to the bed, reading the back of some medicine bottle he found there
when he noticed you awake he perked up a little, shoulders visibly relaxing
“what happened?” 
he narrowed his eyes, wondering for a second if you were serious 
“you’re starving yourself to near death, that’s what happened.”
you immediately grimaced
“did i pass out in front of everyone?”
“is that seriously what you’re worried about?!”
you remained quiet, looking away
“y/n, look at me.” he gently guided your head to face him
“i don’t know what drove you to do this to yourself, but i need you to stop. you’re going to die if you don’t stop. what idiot made you think you need to do this to yourself?! i’ll kill them!”
“you told me i was a fatass”
his jaw dropped
“you know i don’t mean when i insult you! i hide the fucking fact that i WANT you to eat by using insults! i’m so sorry..”
his voice went soft at the end
he truly felt so bad :(
he was the one that was supposed to protect you from others hurting you yet here he was, being the one that caused you to hink you weren’t worthy enough
“i know, but there’s so many much more prettier girls than me, i was afraid you’d lose feelings if i wasn’t thin enough.”
“are you kidding?! you’re the only one i have eyes for! all those other extra’s can fuck off, i don’t give a single shit about them!”
you were kinda tearing up
“do you promise?”
god, he felt so bad.
he sat on the edge of the bed, reluctantly pulling you in a hug 
“i promise”
from that day on he made sure to remind you to eat meals, even if it was just something small
he ripped everyone’s heads off if they made a comment about your eating habits and/or weight
and he made sure you were the only one he loved
the day he saw you collapse something broke inside of him
it opened his eyes that hiding his emotions from you wouldn’t help you in your relationship
so while he supported you to build your feelings of self-worth and eating habits, you helped him start to open up, teaching him that showing emotions wasn’t embarassing
no one else knew how soft he could get with you and it should stay that way
you had a long way to go but it was all worth it in the end
he was your little angry pomeranian <33
requests: open
read rules before requesting.
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shoezuki · 4 years
ok so like i been Thinkin a lot on that stream techno had today and i may be Thinkin Too Much cuz i was doing psychology while watching but im going to say Words Now
the entire idea and Plot of tommy going from only interacting/being manipulated by dream to only interacting with techno is a Lot. theres a lot here. and i am feasting like a fucking king on the potential of it and what this could all Mean
I think we’re building up the idea of how techno and dream differ and how they house both similarities and extreme differences in their ideals. 
So if we considered how Tommy’s arcs have changed theres a very, VERY clear juxtaposition between the exile arc to.... raccoon arc? whatever the fuck is goin on
Tommy Was manipulated, isolated, and gaslit by dream. that was the only guy he really had interacted with and that was Intentional entirely. Its very obvious this will have and currently has an affect on tommy. 
Now, he’s with technoblade. theres a lot of shit that can be read in this simply as considered right now. I feel we’re clearly supposed to at least somehow compare dream and technoblade because their positions are somewhat similar concerning how they are interacting with tommy. 
Tommy can only really interact with techno, only techno really has the ability to see him (although ranboo, ghostbur, and phil could see him but theres obvious difficulties in their case), and how tommy regards technoblade is.... complicated. like how he regards dream at the moment.
but theres some really, really important and clear differences in this that i think will show a lot about techno’s character and what’s to come
first of all, there’s a question of why techno is seemingly ‘letting’ tommy live with him. No joke, i’ve discussed this a LOT in the technocord and it’s made me realize it from a different perspective since many of those people in there are from Before techno joined the smp.
so, there’s no clear ‘rational’ reason why techno would benefit from teaming with tommy. there’s some arguments that could be made; tommy’s position with people and especially tubbo, using tommy as a bargaining chip with dream, and something else i cant remember. but the technocord hardcore ppl feel tommy is a liability in the long term. techno doesn’t really have much to gain beyond a distraction. the idea of using tommy in order to convince him he’s getting the disks and then to destroy lmanberg is kinda.... its jus more trouble to techno. In fact, it wouldve been defendable for techno to kick him out; he stole his stuff, and we saw how he reacted to his cows being killed, his previous base being pillaged. You’d have thought techno wouldve been angrier.
but like. that aside. there’s little reason for techno to open up to tommy. and thats the point.
there’s no necessity on techno’s part. he doesnt need tommy. he could kick him out easily. but he won’t. 
I imagine technoblade sees the trauma and hardship tommy went through and he sympathizes with him. Its been made clear that techno doesnt know the full extent of what happened, but he doesnt need to. he knows enough. 
Now, back to the happenings of the last stream,
it wasnt plot heavy at all. (mostly because techno’s fuckign glasses are held together with SCOTCH TAPE the guy couldnt even fucking use ducttape i hate that) but there were a Few interesting things, including the Plot Stream a bit;
the ‘box’ techno made with the idea of hiding tommy from dream. (perhaps a joke but it still shows something i feel)
how he’s been giving tommy a Lot of stuff. he hasnt Genuinely been upset at his golden apples being taken; in fact, techno gave him more food in protest of him eating all the gapples instead of.... demanding them back
went mining in the nether with the intention of getting tommy better stuff
he replaced the log he accidentally stripped. extremely funny considering he got the wrong type of wood but he tried
expending more resources on tommy with invisibility potions so that he wasnt in danger of being seen
Repeatedly would assure tommy that dream Is Not His Friend.
at the idea of tommy being ‘banned’ from the nether and being attacked in lmanberg, techno laughed at the idea of him being ‘attacked’ and killed even when tommy worried that he’d die for the Last Time
implicated that techno WOULD defend him. and the idea of someone killing Either him or tommy was funny because of that
okay so slight comparison to dream; techno is instead GIVING tommy resources instead of blowing them up, he’s obviously intent on protecting him in some way, and he assures tommy that dream is No Good (rather than how dream was telling tommy no one cared about him)
But there’s one instance that was really, really important to me
the control room had a very bad impact on tommy. most likely a panic attack (the shaking, heavy breathing, scattered speech/thought is something i know so intimately lmao) and techno’s reaction to it was extremely interesting. 
first, techno said he was ‘freaking out for no reason’ which could be a) techno is horrific at emotions and vulnerability lmao and b) to Him, it Is nothing. he has no clue what tommy had been through. 
He repeatedly asked what was wrong. what had happened in that room. He pressed Slightly. but as soon as tommy said he didnt want to talk about that, techno instantly backed off and said its alright. specifically, he said:
“It’s fine, no one recovers in a day tommy. Healing is a long process, it’s fine.”
that shit hit me like a freight train. Mostly i didnt expect anything to come from this stream like that but FUCK LMAO.
The biggest thing is, i think technoblade is going to help tommy heal from the dream shit and get back on his feet. 
but also, even though im not entirely sure i need to see more, tommy will get techno to be more caring. We know philza is the only one techno is really close to, and ghostbur as well. both of which either weren’t involved in betraying techno, or doesnt remember it. i see it pointed out that techno is going at tubbo and his government rather than dream, but i think it makes sense. 
dream technically hasnt challenged techno’s ideals or what he wants; while tubbo stole from him, used him as a weapon, and reinstated a government despite everything techno was saying. 
Tommy took part in betraying him, thats without a doubt. but tommy was also screwed over by the government in place. so techno empathizes with him. maybe they dont fully trust each other, but thats a work in progress. and it will progress to technoblade trusting tommy despite their past, and realizing that dream is in a position of power over Everyone. 
tl:dr: tommy is going to heal with techno’s help and full come to terms with/realize what dream did to him, and techno is going to realize he CAN trust people and that dream has been the one pulling the strings all along
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Hi I recently saw that you liked my hange zoe borrower post can you please do it
Summary: hange's curiosity got him caught. And he starts asking a billion questions to the human.
Hange the Curious
They say Curiosity killed the Cat.
Boy oh boy if only Hange had listened to that old saying.
There they were… standing right in front of the human they had been living with for almost 3 years now. You couldn't exactly call hange scared. Well, they kind of were, but of course, throughout these 3 years living with the human and for all of their life, they've been obsessed with the workings of humans.
You see when Hange was little, their parents nearly had to tie a rope to them so they wouldn't go out and interact with the humans. I mean, it wasn't Hange’s fault that they love humans so much, they were just so curious. The inner workings of a human, the outer workings of a human, how they were so big, and why they were so small themselves, it was just so fascinating to them.
But now Hange had the chance to actually ask the human everything that they ever wanted to ask. Most borrowers in their place would be scared and shaking and begging for forgiveness, but all they could do is just dream about how many questions they were going to get answered today. Again, it's not like they weren't scared at all. I mean, humans were breathtaking and big and kind of dangerous.
But honestly, Hange did not care.
The human stared at hange. Just a couple minutes ago, being hange they had been trying to get closer to the human (for analysis) and fell, now standing right in front of them. To hange, this was like a nightmare and a dream come true combined, they were just hoping that they could figure out what they wanted to know without getting killed.
The human didnt say anything, they just stared. To be honest, they were probably so in awe about seeing such a tiny person standing right in front of them. But since the human wasn't gonna say anything, Hange decided to start out.
“Uh… MY NAMES HANGE AND I-" Hange paused as they started to realize the gravity of their situation. They thought ‘the human is probably scared? Nah- Wait, can they even
get scared? Do they have emotions? Proabably- OR NOT-' A bunch of these thoughts flooded their head. They didn't even know what to ask first.
"So you can speak? Hmm-" the human said in question. Hange nearly jumped back at the loud voice that was over them. I mean, it wasn't that loud, but it's still shocking to see that the human could speak. This only made hange more curious as the human kept eyeing them.
"Of course I can speak, but the question is, why can you speak? how can you speak? Why can I understand you, do I understand you?”Hange spat all of these questions at the humans a mild a minute. They hoped that the human could understand their fast speaking.
The human's eyes widened at Hange’s questions. A faint smile appeared on the human's face, and hange wondered why. Though they were too busy fascinated with the fact that humans could smile rather than worrying about themselves.
“Well, little one you talk a lot.” The human said. Hange seemed to ignore this comment because they were more fascinated about how loud the humans voice was to them. “Wow, you speak really loud, I mean, maybe it's just loud to me, or maybe you're loud to everyone else. Do you think Youre loud to everyone else? Do
You have anyone else?”
Hange spat more questions at the human by the minute. Instead of just smiling now, the human was giggling, not trying to hide it either. Hange perked up at this noise. “I see so you can giggle, I can giggle too- wait- did you know I can giggle? What if you already know everything about me… oh my gosh.” Hange rambled.
“No, I promise I dont know anything about who you are, What are you?” the human asked. Hange was taken aback by this question. Of course, they knew what they were, they were a borrower, but you know how hange is. They were going to look to themselves even deeper. Hange started to question who they really were and what they were really doing there.
“I'm… I'm… I'm a borrower. My name is Hange! What's yours? Wait, do humans even have a name? Are you guys given names at birth? I was giving my name at birth- Wait are you guys even born? Do you guys come from eggs?? I think you guys are born the same way we are, but I'm not really too sure… you know what I’ll just go with the same way. Unless you do come from an egg- if so you do you remember being a yolk-“
“Ok, enough little one.” The human stopped hange’s rambling. “I can answer all of your questions, if you answer all of my questions, ok? The human proposed. Hange thought about this. They knew they weren't supposed to talk to humans, but they also knew that they had to move after they got caught. It was a lot.
But to be honest? Hange didn't want to go anywhere.
“You've got your self a deal, Mr human, sir, whatever your name is.” Hange said with a smile on their face.
“Please call me…”
There ya go!! So sorry for the wait! Hope you liked it!!!
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technowoah · 3 years
Revolutions Always Fall
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You should've learned from L'Manburg. The Butcher Gang was a mistake.
- I tried to put 2 requests in one here.
- its really long 🤧🤞🏽
13) "You made me lose all my faith and trust in you"
38) "They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.” 
47)“Are you satisfied now...?”
⚠︎ memtions of blood, voilence, fighting, swearing, Technoblade's execution episode. Angst.
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Dear Technoblade,
I wont make the same mistakes again
- an old friend. ♤
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Technoblade was always a threat, and you learned that from L'Manburg. You had befriended him when he joined Pogtopia and very quickly you two seemed to click. He saw the world through different eyes and that intrigued you. You wanted to be him, live life the way he does it for just a day.
He was a killing machine, he was smart tactical, but still had the thirst for blood that made him be so smart and tacitcal with how he kills.
You on the other hand were not a big fan of killing, but this war was an exception. This war made you practice, it made you angry, it lit a fire underneath you that you didnt know you had. Along with the other members of Pogtopia, Technoblade helped you fight, how to wield a sword, knife, gun, anything that you can get your hands on you turned it into a weapon, you Soon enough you had mastered weapons and you werent so passive.
You questioned yourself if this was living through Technoblade, the need to fight, hunt, to protect. You felt poweful. As you hold your own crafted swords in your hand you know what you can do. You could do so much damage with this sword, he gave you that sword. It wasn't special at all but you made it special, because in your eyes it was.
"You can do so much with a sword, people just don't know how to use it to its fullest potential. They dont know their full potential either. But now you do."
Thats what he said to you in between those stone walls called Pogtopia.
After what he said to you had done so. Used the sword to your full potential, used anything to your full potential. You wanted to be more and more you became.
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"You ready?" Technoblade smirked.
"Hell yeah Im ready to kill that bastard." You smiled
"Woah-oh! You weren't saying this a couple months ago."
"Schlatt deserves it. That's not L'Manburg. This is L'Manburg." You stretched out your arms to the others who were gathering armor and polishing their weapons for the battle yet to come.
You smiled knowing this will all end soon, you wouldn't be in a cave anymore, you wouldn't have to hide the fact that you knew where Wilbur was and that he was planning the attack, Pogtopia will be no more and L'Manburg would be back.
"L'Manburg will be back." You said while taking a sword out of a chest.
"Sure." You heard him scoff beside you.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked slightly offended. Wasn't he fighting for the same thing?
"I dont know. Revolutions always fall." He turned his back to you and walked away leaving you to your own thoughts.
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You hated it. He was right, he was always right and you hated it. And everyone else did too, they knew he was right. It wasnt what the majority wanted, we wanted L'Manburg while he didn't want to be held by government in the first place. That's what he meant that day in Pogtopia.
L'Manburg, one defeated, was now growing once more. After the "end" of L'Manburg you couldn't forgive him. Your anger and the feeling of betrayal kept growing and growing everyday, every time you picked up that damned sword he gave you. It was the best sword you had, you had enchanted it multiple times. You had to use it, but the only thing was the memories that came with it.
Your anger only worsened as time went on, having to hear about Technoblade and how he was such a threat to L'Manburg only made you want to destroy him and the past you two had created. That would be the closure you needed, but someone was already three steps a head of you.
In spite of your anger you and Quackity had the most magnificent idea to make a gang to finally kill Technoblade for the sake of L'Manburg. The idea was to go confront him at his house and take him back to L'Manburg for an execution. You were on board with the idea 100%. This was better for L'Manburg and better for yourself, finally someone who got you.
Quackity and you planned tirelessly to try and get Technoblade's location and bring him back. The Butcher Gang was made from the cabinet of L'Manburg. During these long days you two grew closer, you two were so different in ways of thinking, but you two shared the same end goal which worked out in your favor. You two went through hell and back just to find out that the easiest way to get to Technoblade was sitting in L'Manburg right at that moment. Philza, some may say Technoblade's only friend at the moment. He was loyal to Technoblade and you dont blame him at all, but you needed to find out where his companion was.
It was all going well, the Butcher Gang had put Phil on house arrest and Tubbo had found a compass that led them straight to Technoblade's location. Everything was going well and according to plan, you didnt want to show it on your face as you saw Technoblade's house from the spot in the woods the Butcher Gang was hiding in, but you wanted this so badly. You didnt where he was going to be, he could've came and bestowed more destruction. It was like knowing he was there, but not knowing when he was going to strike.
The anxiety that came with not knowing where Technoblade was always with you, but now it wont be.
The Butcher Gang ended up taking Technoblade by force back into the city. You were proud that you were all able to get the blood hungry pig-man to come back with you all. He was behind bars with an anvil hanging high over his head. As Tubbo gave his speech your short lived happiness soon faded as a man appeared and smoke filled the area. You started to get attacked by what seemed like Dream and Punz while Tubbo continued to yell for Quackity to pull the lever to finally kill Technoblade.
"Pull the lever Big Q!"
"Kill him Quackity!" You yelled with him.
He did it. The anvil fell fast towards Technoblade's body, but as fast as the anvil landed on him his skin, bones, and blood regenerate and return to its normal state. Your eyes widened as the totem in his hand began to disintegrate into gold dust.
"DAMMIT!" You yelled in agony while Ranboo and Fundy continued to fend off Dream and Punz until they retreated.
Once they did you realized Technoblade was gone, you saw him in the distance running away from the scene, but you couldn't let this happen. You couldn't let the fear of Technoblade being out there doing God knows what forever. The fear of him boiled in your heart as you broke out into a sprint towards Technoblade.
As you ran into a more secluded area you heard footsteps behind you. You glances back to see Quackity following your lead with an axe in his hand. Slowing down a bit you both ran side by side.
"Let's get this son of a bitch!" Quackity huffed as you both came across a cave.
You both knew Technoblade was in there so you both prepared for the mental and physical pain you would both endure. This wasn't like the Butcher Gang where it was 5 against 1, it was 2 against 1 and you've seen Technoblade fight this fight before.
"You ready to kill this bastard?" He calmed his breathing down.
"Of course I am." You kept your eyes foward.
You walked deep into tha cave to see 6 chests and a sign that said "final control room", that bastard. Wanting to be quiet you tried to sneak up on Technoblade, but Quackity's anger got the best of him.
"What the fuck is this Technoblade?! What the hell are you doing here?" He asked gripping his sword too tight.
"It not what it looks like." Technoblade airly laughed. He had an enchanted pickaxe in his hand and an open chest with netherite armor.
"How the hell did that anvil not kill you?!" Quackity yelled.
Technoblade started laughing, he was laughing, he was taunting us. "Do you really think that death can stop me? That you could kill me that easily."
Your emotions tried to get the best of you as you tried not to let frustrated tears fall onto your cheeks.
"How did you do it? What... How did you even do that?"
"You think that can stop me Quackity?" Technoblade asked again.
"Just answer the fucking question!" You yelled before either of them could speak. It was silent for a while before Technoblade slowly spoke up.
"A totem. I used a totem of undying. I always have it on me." He smugly said.
He continued on. "You know what?! You know what? Ive got a lot to say, I was gonna say it at the trial, but we got a little bit interrupted. You know I tried convincing you guys that government was not the answer, the government was actually the cause of all your problems!"
You rolled your eyes as he continued his infamous speech.
"I tried to convince you guys by fighting alongside you as brothers and you cast me aside, you used me. I tried to use force, but you still formed a government! And when I went into hiding, when I retired, when I swore off violence, you hunted me down, you hurt my friends." Technoblade finished.
"Techno you dont understand what we're fighting for!" You started finally finding your voice. "I thought you were for us! You were always against us!"
"I was always for you! I needed you guys to understand!"
"We needed YOU to under-"
Technoblade interrupted you. "You dont understand me! You never did!"
"At least I fucking tried and you gave me so much shit for it! I wanted to be you Technoblade. I wanted to see life through your eyes, I was fascinated by how you walk, fight, your mind."
Your anger began to subside as you continued to speak. "But, you made me lose all my faith and trust in you."
Technoblade laughed again. "Same here! You guys left me! Betrayed me so-"
"So the feeling is mutual." You growled.
It was quite for a minute, but you could feel Quackity's sympathetic stare as you poured your feelings out to a man who dosen't even matter to you.
"They warned me about this." Your arms gestured to the area the three of you were in.
"About what?" Technoblade scoffed.
"About you." You stared at Technoblade. It wasn't a glare, it was more calm.
"Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy...Even Ranboo." You airly chuckled.
You had stopped talking trying to get yourself back together. Quackity caught that you weren't talking anymore so he spoke up.
"What we have up there is a country and what we need here is organization and power. And I dont care how long it fucking takes me or what I have to do to get you Techno. Im going to fucking kill you. Im going to kill you Technoblade." Quackity gripped his axe in his hand.
"I just have one question Quackity." Techno smirked.
"What do you have?" Quackity responded and you took the sword out of the sheath hanging on your hip.
"Do you think you two are enough to kill me? Even unarmed with iron armor?" Technoblade closed the chest that held netherite armor signaling he didn't need that. "Do you think you both could take me?"
"Oh we do." You spoke up. "We need this, Technoblade."
"You know what?" Quackity rose his axe and you followed suit. "Lets find out you son of a bitch!" He charged towards Technoblade and you followed close behind.
Technoblade started running out of the long cave, but you two followed. He threw potions on the ground as he turned around and fought us head on. You were able to get a couple of cuts and hits on him, but he was cutting you more with his pickaxe.
The thing about Quackity was that he thought he was invincible. He kept going full force towards Technoblade, hopefully he would focus on him so you could finally get a critical hit on him. Your heart rate kicked up as your face came too close to his pickaxe. And it kept going, each swing he took towards you became closer and closer until Quackity slashed his arm with his axe.
Technoblade whipped his head his way. "I have a pickaxe and I'll put it right through your teeth!"
Technoblade swung his axe and slashed Quackity's face, including his eye. He then turned his pickaxe to the flat side and swung it, hitting the side of his head. The blow to his head sent him flying against one of the walls of the cave, knocking him out.
He then turned to you and in a flash you could tatse the metal of his pickaxe as it swiped across your face blinding one of your eyes as well as Quackity's. He had hit you on the side of the head like he did with Quackity. Your body was aching as you fell to the ground, your mind slowly shutting down. You were loosing a lot of blood quickly, and so was Quackity. You two knew you were going to find the strength to get out of this cave and follow Technoblade's path out.
You laid on the cave's cold floor realizing that this was a mistake. You were too loyal, easily swayed, you were a follower. You never knew when to stop, from L'Manburg to Pogtopia to The Butcher Gang you seeked things you couldn't have. You couldn't have L'Manburg, neither Pogtopia, you couldn't kill Technoblade and ease your fears snd anxieties. You need to seek that some where else.
Your mind began to slip, and you fell into unconsciousness.
You should've learned. He was right. Revolutions always fall.
The Butcher Gang was a mistake.
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Dear Technoblade,
I remembered the day. It still pains me. The day you spawned those wither. I thought you were the traitor, but turns out I was wrong at the time. Im sorry for that.
I also remember when you left me for dead. But I made it out as you see.
But now I am resigning from L'Manburg. Im going my own way, my own path, and I don't want you on my path.
Think of this as closure, something I never got. As I am writing this I dont know why I am giving you closure, lifting a weight off of your shoulders, you dont deserve it.
I know people say that to you alot.
You really made a dent in this damned place.
I hate what you're doing. You get to live in solitude while we get to live in the debris you left here. I wanted to be like you.
I hate to say it, but I learned a lot from you. I hated what I learned, about myself, about you, about the current state of this horrible place.
I wont make the same mistakes again
Are you satisfied now?
- an old friend ♤
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hwascripts · 4 years
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What Izuku would be like in a relationship: The positive traits, the toxic traits, his love language, my own personal headcanons and an overall conclusion
WC: unknown
TW// POTENTIAL SPOILERS, No smut but Izuku is aged up, Toxic traits aren’t necessarily toxic...more so just bad traits, Teeny tiny little bit of angst, I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming the following headcanons are true. You are 100% free to disagree with me but please DO NOT send me hateful comments or asks. I am simply writing what I think Deku would be like in a relationship
a/n: Just to let you know, your nickname for him is Zuku just so you don’t think I kept spelling his name wrong.
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-Deku is literally the kindest soul ever and it makes me want to cry. He’d give you his umbrella if you ever forgot yours, he’d literally carry you to first aid if you ever injure yourself- this man will legitimately do everything for you
-He’s incredibly observant. If he catches you looking at a pretty ring then he’ll literally show up at your door days later with that very same ring in his hands
“I saw you looking at it a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you!”
“Zuku baby oh my god how much did you spend?!”
“You don’t need to worry about it sunshine”
I wholeheartedly believe Izuku would call you his sunshine or something along those lines
-I have this one headcanon of him drawing you all the time as an excuse to “observe you and your quirk” but it’s really just because he wants to admire the way you shine underneath the sun- and that’s how he came up with the name Sunshine for you
-Deku has a heart of gold oh my god, this guy cares so much about you it’s unreal. Imagine trying to hide the fact that you’ve been crying while on a phone call- mission failed because he heard your shaky voice and now he’s on your doorstep with your favourite hoodie of his and your favourite snacks
-His memory is insanely good, like it’s freaky how good it is. Like you mentioned to him ONCE that you liked a certain drink and now he pulls up to your dates with that drink all the time (not like I’d complain if Deku brought me my favourite drink)
-Just like Bakugou, Deku is incredibly smart and he literally always comes up with a solution. You could literally vent to him about a problem you’re having at work and he’s come up with at least 73 solutions within 6 hours
-He’s determined and hardworking. Again, he’s just like Bakugou in the sense that he’ll put his blood, sweat and tears into whatever he’s doing- no matter if it’s a serious high stake mission or something like planning your weekly date. The second he puts his mind to something, he makes sure to give it his all.
-Izuku is your own personal cheerleader, this dude will hype you up no matter what. Training after work? he’s cheering for you. You completed a really difficult task? you better believe he’s gonna pat you on the back for it.
-He’s very protective of you. Remember when the LOV attacked the training camp and he rushed to find Kota? yeah he’s 10x more protective of you.
-And it’s not because he thinks you’re weak and can’t defend yourself, it’s because he genuinely worries about you all the time and just wants to make sure your always safe
-He’s an inspirational person, he makes you hella motivated to do even the most boring chores around the house
-Deku isn’t afraid to show his emotions. Unlike Bakugou, he’s often seen showing his emotions. Deku said “toxic masculinity who?”. He definitely gives 0 fucks if someone sees him crying/upset because I feel like Pro-Hero Deku would stop the stupid mindset of “Hero’s can’t show their genuine emotions”
-Izuku is the type of person to analyze all his losses, figure out what he did wrong and then learn from it to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake again. He’s the complete opposite of Bakugou who gets bitter over his losses due to his superiority complex.
-He’s so good at comforting you that it’s unbelievable. Deku gives the warmest hugs that make you feel so safe- you literally cannot change my mind about this
-You know those hugs where the other person lightly rubs your back and lightly sways side to side with you? Yeah those are the hugs that Deku gives (he’d definitely give you a sweet little kiss on the forehead/cheek)
“Sunshine come here, let me hold you while you let out all your frustrations. I’ve got you, nothing can hurt you while you’re here with me”
-Can you tell I want some comforting Izuku hugs? He wouldn’t let go of you until he put a smile back on your face and GAHH oh my god I need Izuku hugs
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-As much as I hate to do this, it needs to be done 😔✊🏻
-Izuku is such an over thinker, this guy worries about EVERYTHING under the sun. Your eyes didnt crinkle when you smiled? he’ll think you’re upset with him. You gave him a side hug rather than a normal hug? he’ll think he did something wrong.
-He’s self aware that he overthinks things but he just can’t seem to stop his thoughts. No matter how many times you reassure him that you aren’t upset with him, he’s subconsciously thinking about how to make it up to you
-He constantly pushes himself past his limits. You guys saw how many times he’s broken his bones. Deku may be intelligent but when it comes to his own self he can be completely hopeless
-The amount of times you’ve scolded him while you clean up his scrapes and cuts is insane. He just sits on the toilet lid and bites his lip nervously while you wave your finger angrily at him
“Sunshine please, I said I was sorry and that it won’t happen again!”
“Zuku you and I both know that’s a damn lie, I’ve had to patch you up 3 times this week! When are you going to start being more considerate of your limits?”
-I’m sorry but I picture him being so nervous to initiate anything with you. This guy would be so fidgety just by THINKING about holding your hand
-And deep down he knows he’s being ridiculous because come on, you’re his S/O and he’s been dating you for years now- why does he still get shaken up just by holding your hand?
-At first you think it’s cute, he’s just being respectful of your boundaries- but as time goes on you kind of get a little annoyed because he always asks you a bunch of times if you’re okay with him being affectionate.
“Zuku...sweetheart you know you don’t need to ask me a million times if I want to cuddle, right? I love cuddling with you!”
*cue sweating* “I’ll keep that in mind, Sunshine”
-He eventually gets a lot more comfortable with affection...more often than not you wake up with him nuzzled into your side like a cat
(Side note PLEASE wake him up with a bunch of kisses, he’ll literally melt)
-He’s very insecure about his scars because they make him feel like he’s “ugly” and sometimes he doesn’t even want you to look at them
-Do me a favour and please kiss along his scars/ trace them with your fingers while you compliment him- he’ll start crying because the scars he thought made him ugly are now starting to look beautiful to him
-This isn’t necessarily a toxic trait, more like a bad habit. Whenever Izuku gets stressed he’ll train himself to the brink of exhaustion just so he can try to focus on something other than how stressed he is
-Again, not a toxic trait but a bad one...Deku puts everyone else before himself. Which isn’t a bad thing if it’s done in a healthy amount, but Izuku goes to the extreme. I feel like he’d neglect his own needs just to satisfy everyone else and you’d have to intervene before it gets worse
“Sunshine I said I was fine, you don’t need to worry about me! Your Zuku is perfectly energized and ready to go”
“Zuku don’t lie to me, you know I can read you like a book. You’re coming with me and I’m putting you to bed”
-I hate to say it but this guy hates confrontation so much that sometimes he’ll suffer in silence for MONTHS before he even hints at being upset with something
-I honestly think your biggest argument with him would be about his lack of communication in terms of him not being completely honest about how he feels and he just breaks down-
-Like he has a really bad breakdown because he’s been bottling everything up for so long because he hates the idea of fighting with you.
-And now he’s sobbing because he’s so frustrated that he doesn’t know what else to do
-Anyways, the two of you just silently comfort each other until you’ve both calmed down enough to talk properly. This is the night Izuku finally starts opening up to you rather than bottling up every negative emotion he feels
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-I honestly think his love language is a mixture of giving you gifts and words of praise
-He’s a little shy when it comes to showing you how he feels through affection, so giving you gifts and his praise get his point across
-He’s totally the type to send you cute messages throughout the day, send cute selfies when he misses you, or he just sends you a random bouquet of flowers because he saw them and thought of you
-Also the type of guy to have photos of the two of you displayed around his office. His most prized one being the photo of your first mission together
-Just warning you now that if you ever mention that your suit ripped or a certain item isn’t functioning properly then he’ll literally buy 10 replacements- each one better than the last
“Zuku I said that the sole of my BOOT ripped off, not my entire suit!”
“Well now you have 10 new upgraded suits to make sure it won’t happen again! Isn’t it great, Sunshine?”
(Someone take his credit card away from him)
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I definitely think Izuku would be an amazing S/O! He’s caring, kind and comforting- and he does his very best to try and work on the bad habits he has.
Overall, I would say Izuku definitely would win a “S/O of the year award” (sorry Bakugou)
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Pt. 10
a/n: based on this post uwu
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okay so
the way this is set up is basically seijoh simping for you
also they have their own separate gc just for them bc they dont want you to see them just simping for you
even tho oiks ltr does that everyday
but hes not ready for that conversation
there was a few times that you were kinda curious as to what was in the chat
but they would click off and they would blush before diverting you to a different conversation
this might sound hella weird and creepy
idk bout yall but i think its cute that they take random pictures of you doing the sinplest things
this all started bc of one picture
from baby aki-kun
so basically you stayed behind with kunimi during monday to just study and you sat in front of him while sharing his desk
babie took a pic of you just studying and he sent it to the gc with no context
its a known fact that seijoh doesnt practice during mondays so they were all doing something out of school
but they were all missing you so seeing you with kunimi fueled jealousy in everyone
even kyo
oikawa blew up in the chat and was keyboard smashing
the others were just teasing him like hes lucky youre with him
but behind the screen, they were blushing and red and envious and AAAAA
thus spurred on some sort of competition
like they would send the chat pictures of you like 'hA TAKE THAT SHES WITH ME'
unbeknowst to you, these boys have folders of just cute candid pics of you
oikawas insta is filled of you and his snap is full of you in his story and his tiktok is full of screaming simp rants about you
the tiktok comments are all like, 
random ones like him doing a day in my life type of vids and you appearing and everyone can just see the small blush on his face and the bashful yet happy smile on his lips
its really adorable
but the real ones know that shes been appearing in his insta since day 1
thats practically your account now 
its more of a fan account for you and a lot of people from aoba johsai follow that account since you dont have an official one yet so they all simp for you there
the pictures were all from everyone like the boyz group chat was a haven for your candids
you did think it was strange that the boys would constantly ask to take pictures with you and everyone was just trying to get a pic to have aesthetic couple pics w you
and they would put it as their wallpaper or lockscreen
oooo i mentioned this in the post too that iwa and you went to the gym and you guys took a mirror pic
after, you didnt really like the gym bc its just hard yanno?
iwa went back and while he was setting up his weights and equipments, his gym buddy noticed his phone light up causing your picture to show up
'oh? is that your girlfriend, iwaizumi?'
duh he doesnt have a girlfriend so he was like 🤨 until he saw his phone
the lockscreen was blaringly bright and your 'couple pic' was showing with the notifications
totally not oikawa blowing up their group chat bc he was with you
ofc babie hajime got all flustered and he blushed before shaking his head
he mumbled and his buddy laughed before clapping his back
'well, you obviously like her so do somethinf about it before someone does'
dont you think he doesnt know that?
also with mattsun!
this mans works in a cute cafe that this old granny owns and this thought has been living in my head rent free
and he was working during the weekend at the cafe
there were other people there but granny loves him bc hes been working there sibce he was like 15 and she took care of him a lot
he was like a grandson
so while he was serving, this granny was manning the cashier and checking people out
issei's phone was there on the table behind the counter and it started glowing at the indication of the messages being received
'have a nice day-oh!'
she noticed it right there and she saw the picture on his lockscreen
you were probably being carried by him due to your levelness with his height and you were kissing his cheek while issei smiled brightly
that was a picture you both took during an outing at the mall and the sunset behind you was just perfect to take a picture in
poor granny was like 'oop dont look at the messages' so she turned it over to not go to his privacy
there again you were
it was a polaroid of you two and he was backhugging you at school
hint? 👀
she knew issei was a very handsome young man so there shouldnt have been a surprise that he would be dating someone
can we name this granny?
granny inko lol
okay so granny inko saw issei coming over to rest the serving board thing and she beckoned him over
mattsun nodded and leaned over the counter to see what she wanted only to be greeted with a flick to the forehead
‘oW what was that for?’
he whined while holding the spot
granny inko tutted disapprovingly before crossing her arms
‘youve been working all week this week when you could’ve taken time off to spend it with your pretty lady. is this how men are nowadays? didn’t i teach you right to treat women properly?’
duh baby mattsun was confused like O_O
his dumb question made her grab the phone and place it on the counter in front of him
‘your girlfriend, child. women need attention constantly and as much as you want that money, is it worth losing that smile full of happiness?’
okay stop it granny im getting emotional
more like disagreeing bc that wouldnt put food on the table BUT ANYWAYS
baby issei was surprisingly embarassed and scratched his neck
‘um,, baa-chan,,,,, she’s not my girlfriend’
he flustered and gave her an awkward smile
granny inko shot him a confused look and tapped the phone
‘well, she looks like she is. and if not, better hurry your move, boy. girls that make men happy like that only comes as rare as a good scratch ticket’
i do not encourage gambling so please save your money kids
you know what
these boys do that just to actually feel like it
okay thats confusing so imma explain it in greater detail
whenever someone mistakes you as their girlfriend, it makes them feel like you are for that split second and its just an addicting feeling
its like what if you were their girlfriend?
i mean, youre already the whole team’s girlfriend but theyre greedy brats and just want you for themselves
kyo def has a selfie of you both with the doggie filter but it was actually you who took it while he was just staring at you in the background
that was his lockscreen for like the rest of his high school career
he was actually in a fight and during it, his phone fell off to the ground and conveniently oikawa messaged causing it to light up
one of the thugs had their hands gripping kyo’s collar and was pushing him against the wall while the others were surrounding them
they saw the phone flash and kyo cursed at the terrible timing and he made a mental note on killing oikawa later
a guy picked it up and he smirked, seeing the pretty smile of a pretty girl
‘heh? whats this?’
kyotani pushed the guy who was holding him but other two surged towards him and held him tighter
their leader snatched the device and chuckled
‘oh. its that bitch from his school. what is it’
he snaps his fingers as he tries to remember before stopping
‘aha! l/n y/n!’
kyo growled
‘shut up!’
the guy grinned at him and tapped the phone against kyo’s chin
‘oh yea. i heard shes a cutie. most people here know her, kid. now we know shes connected to you and guess what. you cross us again, she’ll take your place as you are right now. orrrr, we can,,, use her as our pet. thats how she is in your team, right? so let us have a turn. maybe we can send you a pic, hm?’
yea no that wasnt happening
kyotani easily beat those people up after because even just saying that unleashes power he didnt know he had
‘bastard. youre lucky this is just a warning. you touch her and i will kill you’
he landed one last kick on the guy’s face before taking the phone and leaving
now he has to figure out how to hide the bruises
you fussed later and he didnt tell you the reason instead just saying they said something that made him angry
you were a person he didnt want to disappoint and he knows how much it hurts you to see him in that state
that was one of the things he hated but loved at the same time
you were such an empath that you would treat him and wince as if you were the one feeling the pain instead of him
and it made him feel special
you were one of the few things he holds close and he would be damned if anything happened to you because of him
the group chat was actually just blowing up with more screaming and the third years yelling at each other with the first years just casually reading the texts
they were used to the arguments within the team and you would remain so naive with the whole thing
kunimi is the type to keep silent and he didnt really care about anyone getting angry if you were spending time with him
but he does get annoyed if you were with kindaichi because you three were a package lol
like when kindaichi and you were at the arcade, this kid walked all the way there just because he didnt want kindaichi to hog you to himself
duh you thought this was adorable and endearing bc they wanted to hang out w you
no LUV theyre greedy brats who gets jealous over yOU
so like i mentioned before that you and makki would walk over to the bakery and you guys would buy food there and such
and its also canon in here that makki only shares his food with you and no one else lol
because when you eat the puffs, you put one in each cheek and it makes you look so adorable like a squirrel
sorry but squirrels are so cute like AAAAA
makki takes so many pictures of you and a lot are surprise shots where your eyes would be wide with cheeks full of food
aaaaa so cute
like you and makki sat down on a bench in the park across the bakery and you excitedly dug in to your own treat
makki chuckled at your excitement but he placed his hand on you arm to stop you
‘y/n-chan. say aaa’
you lit up and let him put the puff in your mouth and thought he was done but was surprised when there were two
you happily chewed it and went back to looking at your treats
but makki interrupted you again by calling you out
the nickname made your eyes widen with red painting your cheeks and the shutter of the camera made you realize what he did
you whined and he laughed
makki had a lovestruck smile on his face and he wiped the bit of creme on the corner of your lip
‘gotta take care of my princess~’
but we gotta give love to the second years :’)
ive mentioned that watari is the only person to ever go into your house right?
well, he comes over to cook and such so you guys spend time making food for the team 
watari takes this opportunity to take pictures of you cooking and the group chat cries bc its so domestic and they all start having the same thoughts
they really said seijoh braincells
it was like seeing a glimpse of a possible future for them
you, wearing an apron, cooking on the stove with your hair thrown in whatever with baggy clothes
thats like you someday being their wife and waking up one morning to see you there cooking in the kitchen
oikawa swears he had a dream that night because of that picture and he continuously thanks watari for YEARS because of that picture
okay are you curious about the dream?
oikawa woke up in an unfamiliar bed in a foreign room 
he felt his bones crack when he stretched and his hand extended out to a side that was still quite warm
somebody must be sleeping next to him
then he stood up, catching his reflection in the mirror in front of the bed
why would there be a mirror there hmmmm????
he noticed he had a bigger build and his hair was longer
then came the itch of the facial hair that he swore wasnt there a minute ago
this guy even checked out his butt and to his surprise, wow
obviously he was confused and a part of him thought this was the future
tooru walked to the door to go into the hallway and concluded, yep, this was not his house
then he heard music being played somewhere and a mixture of voices coming from a room
sounded like a woman and children
he stops at the top of the stairs, suddenly hit of the thought that this voice was so familiar
tooru walked downstairs and stopped when down the hallway in front of the steps led to the kitchen where the voices seemed to lead to
‘mama! mama! mama! toast! i wan toast!’
‘in a bit, darling. just let me finish flipping the pancake’
the song was lo-fi with the volume being turned low enough to hear the voices fine
tooru wandered down the hallway and he stopped, finally seeing the owners of those voices
there was a handsome little boy sitting on the chair by the island and his brown hair was a mess of wild curls
there was a woman with h/c hair swaying to the tune and a beautiful little girl curled up in her arms while sitting on her hip
oikawa spoke out and caught everyone’s attention
‘papa’s awake!’
‘hello tooru’
tooru froze
that was you
he knows it’s you
he whispered and you looked back at him from the pan
‘yes? if youre looking for coffee, we ran out apparently’
that was not what he was talking about
he hastily walked over to the boy and he blinked rapidly
‘you look like me’
he mumbled and the child grinned
‘eung! papa  and yozo look the same! mama and nana say so!’
feeling like all the attention was on him, the little girl whined and her hands made grabby motions to him
‘pa pa’
she whined and tooru just felt something in him that screamed to hold the kid
you shushed the little girl
‘dont worry, looney loon. papa’s right there’
tooru stayed frozen at his spot and you raised an eyebrow at him
‘tooru? luna wants you’
that snapped him out of his trance and he held the little girl in his arms where she smiled at him and then he felt tears welling up in his eyes
then he woke up
okay sorry that was a long dream
so this dragged on for so long already okay
this was only meant to be small but aaaaa i couldnt help itt!!!!
but anyways!
the boys are just simps for you and theyre creeps that take pictures of you and they think about you all the time pls accept their love
also a mild continuation of the dream:
oikawa was holding luna and she was happily laying there when another figure emerged from the hallway
he asked, surprised
what was he doing here?
iwa heard his name and grunted before going to a beeline for you
you smiled at him and he leaned in to give you a kiss to which oikawa froze in
iwa noticed his best friend holding his daughter and luna saw her father there
she shrieked and tooru blanched
‘uh, what?’
iwa extended his hands out to hold the girl but tooru held her tightly and leaned back
haji narrowed his eyes
‘um, give me my daughter, oikawa’
he grumbled and tooru shook his head
‘no! shes my daughter!’
you blinked
‘your god daughter, yes. but she’s half of your best friend, tooru’
half of his-
god? daughter?
‘so that means-’
‘piece it together, oikawa. did ya get brain damage or something? babe, call the doctor’
oikawa screamed
a/n: lol look WHO ROSE FROM THE GRAVEEEEEEE :) anyways. i really want to deeply apologize to everyone for taking an unexpected break and i shouldve told you guys and im really sorry :( everythings just chaotic lmao and im just like taking a breath for a second uwu and im so AMAZED at how many people still follow me even tho ive been gone for so long like bls yall are real ones :’) i love you all and the req box is still closed at this time as i need to finish the ones i have first soo thankyou for reading thiss and hopefully ill update soonerr!!! :)))
also not me completely messing up my kuws and missing 8 and 9 in my masterlist and having a mindblowing realization that i have 10 keeping up with seijoh fics
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frekydeki · 3 years
Hiii i know me AGAIN (oneshot) sorry i just like to read long stories
So...aizawa, we have this dream (n idk what is it hahaha it can be singing/acting/ ANYTHING... Bcs we r quirkless n bcs i can see aizawa only date quirkless) n we finally got in for interview n we just want Aizawa to be there for us, but he didnt, he knows that moment we r in interview, he tried (but not hard enough) to clear his schedule, i mean he can came if he is BOLD enough not to care abt work that much n then u just tired of trying bcs he always does that thenn aftermath he start to hving more time with us bcs he regret n bla bla bla... But we just decide to give this attitude of tired of trying more longer bcs he just need to learn from his mistake ?
:3 this idea kept me awake
A/n | ppsssshhhh this took me for fridgin ever I’m sorry Chibbiiiii. But gosh it got real angsty, it’s the only way I could see this playing out. I also wrote in one of my OC’s, not sure why, but it happened and I sort of vibe with it... anyways, here ya go love! XOXO and take care of yourself!!!
Pairing | Aizawa x Quirkless!Reader
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You should know better.
Really, you should. Better than to expect anything different from him. To allow the curling and churning in your stomach to catch your attention; it upsets you that it’s even happening. You should be able to brush the sight before you off of your shoulder — you knew it was going to happen this way when he gave you that look when you told him about the interview — and direct your fumbling, messy, burning emotions to the real problem at hand…
The real problem is the heavy stack of papers sitting tucked away in an ugly yellow envelope in front of you. The real problem being the red ink you know you’re going to see splashed across every page in there; and you’re going to have to take it on the chin despite pouring every last piece of yourself into the words printed on those pages. The dread is almost unbearable, but you think you can bare it better than the dread of knowing what you’re going to hear if you answer the phone buzzing in your pocket right now.
Tucked away in the corner of a small coffee shop just down the street, shoes untied and scarf barely hanging onto your neck, you rub your eyes with the back of your hand. You left the apartment in a hurry and didn’t even bother to grab your wallet, let alone tie your shoes, and if your phone wasn’t already in your jackets pocket, you would’ve left it there too… You think it would’ve been easier to take a deep breath if you didn’t have it, in fact. The constant buzzing in your pocket keeps recalling him to memory, he can still reach you…
What the hell sort of thought is that? Trying to get as far away from your boyfriend as you can? Like cutting all ties and contact with him for a few hours will just make all your emotions disappear… It’s just how you’ve always done this though. It’s not the first time he’s upset you, or the first-time things have gone down the drain so quickly. If that man of yours has any brain cells in his head, he’s heading to this coffee shop right now. Your chair grinds loudly, a terrible sound on your sensitive ears, against the ground temporarily drowning out the chatter of others in the shop. You wonder if he’ll even try looking for you right now, considering he’s on a short break from his shift and must be back in five minutes. The folder is smashed against your chest while you exit the shop with your head low, eyes flicking up to apprehensively examine the other faces speeding past you.
Aizawa is nowhere in sight. You hate that there’s a slight pang of disappointment poisoning your gut — this is exactly what you want, after all — and lift your lip in annoyance as you spin on your heel while beginning to map out where you’re going to hide for the next fifteen minutes.
“Shota, you stupid-“ a heavy breath erupts from your nose as you quell the insults about to spew from your lips. You’ve never been able to call him names, or spit your frustrations out in sentences that you know you’d regret saying a few hours after… It’s not to say that your frustrations haven’t been enough, but it’s that a very small fraction of yourself understands why he does things like this. His dedication to his students warms your body from your core out, and his resolve to be a hero isn’t anything to sneeze at either. That’s just Aizawa Shota, a man who, before anything else, is a hero and teacher.
Which makes you even more angry. You just hate that you have to understand all the time. Why can’t he understand?
A small bookshop is where you decide to bide your time and wait out Shota, who’s surely raging around the apartment in proper Aizawa fashion: sitting on the couch with hands folded over his mouth and leg bouncing frantically. He should be leaving any minute now, his path back to the school leads right by this bookshop, in fact, and you wonder if you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of him walking by… You turn your shoulder towards the large glass window at the front of the shop with a scowl twisting your features into a look that could kill; you just don’t want to see that handsome face right now for fear of breaking down and blowing the whole reason you left the apartment in the first place.
You cannot see, speak to, or think of Aizawa Shota in the slightest. You don’t want to.
It’s a messy little shop, books stuffed in every crevice, some stack from the floor, a small old woman smiling at you from behind a desk piled high with books on either side. The beads hanging from her gold glasses frames jingle as she waddles to you, pushing the frames from low on her nose to the middle of her bridge. The wrinkles at the corner of her eye exaggerate and a shaky smile giggles onto her lips with a raspy chuckle in her throat. You shrink in her gaze while she looks you up and down and hums; what the hell is she doing right now? You feel vulnerable in her gaze as your hands tighten around the folder more and your shoulders push slightly forward. You smack at the tickle of hair on your cheek and shoot her a short-lived smile with a trembling glance. The color in her opalescent eyes is deep, open, and clear, but you can’t quite understand her intentions. Even though her gaze on you, you wonder if she’s actually looking at you, or through you, because of the far off look in her eye… Is she gonna put a curse on you or something?
“No cursing here, dearie.” Her raspy voice finally presents itself as she turns her short frame — she stands a few heads shorter than you — and wraps her boney hands around your scarf, giving you a gentle tug. “Follow me.” It sounds more like a demand coming off her lips. Your mind runs rampant with ways to get yourself out of this situation and out of this shop; but you walked in here you can’t quite play that off without telling the truth and you really don’t want to tell the truth.
“If Shota were here…” That’s the stupid thought you have sneaking into your mind when you stop in your tracks and curse at yourself. The old woman continues to walk, pulling at your scarf; her long white hair taps against her waist, a pendant in the shape of a crow hanging from the hair tie wrapped in her hair midway down her back. The old woman clicks her tongue and shakes her head, still leading you through the maze of bookshelves; this shop really doesn’t look this big from the outside!
“That Aizawa Shota… He’s being a real stick in the mud.” She ends her sentence with another short chuckle.
“How…” You swallow thickly and eye the curious old woman stopping and finally turning to look at you. “How do you know about him?” Her eyes curve with a gentle smile playing on her lips, it’s a knowing smile, but she only shrugs quickly and turns away. She continues to march toward a door in the back of the room, struggling up the steps a little, and you find yourself holding her elbow firmly to steady her.
“Is it just my wise old age, or magic?” She laughs as her hand finds your own and pats it gratefully.
“It’s your quirk?” You guess with lidded eyes and flat brows. Disappointment hangs at the corner her lips, which you thought were stuck in a smile permanently.
“Yeah, it’s my quirk.” She monotonously responds. She sighs before discontent vocalizes at the back of her throat. The old lady stops abruptly and turns to you, a stubbornness in those opal eyes. “My quirk is mind reading, but my power is empathy.” You blink at her with wide eyes; what the hell does that mean? Irritation blips across her face. “It means I feel others' emotions.” Heart shriveling up slightly, you cast your eyes down to the stained wooden floor. You’re quite possibly the worst person she could meet right now; your emotions are in tatters, fluctuating somewhere between livid and heartbroken.
“Alright, alright!” The old lady smacks her hand down on your shoulder heavily with a sudden burst of strength. Where the hell did all this strength come from? You meet her eye before noticing that she almost looks younger and spritelier now. “We’ll do none of that, dear. Let’s keep going; I have something to give you!”
“I didn’t bring my-“
“It’s free!”
“Oh no.” You out your hands up and shake your head, “I couldn’t possibly accept it.”
“Hush now.” The woman unlocks the door to the room and glances at you from over the rim of her wire glasses, “I don’t take just anybody back into this room!” Your lips smack shut. The painted door creaks open to reveal a messy – yet organized – room. Stones and crystals are neatly placed on almost every surface, books stuffed full of scrap paper are scattered about, and jars of herbs you couldn’t even begin to name line the walls.
“How long have you been with him?” You assume she’s talking about Shota, “Yeah, that one.” You smile as you step farther into the room and pick up a pink stone.
“About four years now…” Your smile falls before your head shoots up and you shoot an irritated look at the old woman who’s digging through her clutter. “Don’t you know this already Mrs. Mind Reading Empath?”
“Humor an old woman will ya?” Your silence tells her that you’re not going to argue. “Does this happen often?”
“Him blowing me off for work?” She hums hesitantly, her quick hands slowing as she spares you a short glance. “Yeah.” The woman remains quiet, and you mindlessly continue. “A lot of the time I can ignore it. When he cancels a movie night or a lunch, or when he can’t make it to a night out with friends. I can handle that, but it bothers me the most when I have dinner ready though... It gets lonely…” You ramble, that same annoyance swelling up in you that you’d forgotten when this eccentric old lady approached you.
“Aha!” The woman exclaims, her sparkling eyes brimming with joy as she gazes down at a green stone clutched tightly in her hand.
“What’s your name?” You wonder at her as you quickly step through the narrow path in the room to help her down from the step stool she’s standing on.
“Oh! I never told you!” She smiled sheepishly up to you, “You always forget to give your name when you automatically know everyone else’s!” She laughs as she moves to sit in a chair placed diagonal to another. She holds her hand out to the other chair, and you quickly sit once she’s gotten all settled in. “My name is Tatsu.” She turns her eyes to you, and offers one of the kindest smiles you’ve seen, “It’s nice to meet you, Y/n.” She turns the rock in her hand about before looking to the folder clutched in your hands.
“What do you do for a living?” You shuffle uncomfortably, but don’t try to hide the folder, knowing that this woman already knows all about you.
“I’m an author… Well, I want to be an author…” You correct with a nervous and breathless laugh.
“Your interview went bad?” You sigh and hang your head, looking anywhere except that drilling gaze Tatsu is offering you.
“It was never good to start with.” Your voice is quiet. The woman inhales a deep breath before letting it out slowly and leaning her head back against the chair.
“When I was about your age, I wanted to open a bookstore.” She smiles. “Before that I wanted to be a spy, and even before that, I wanted to be a superhero.” You raise your eyebrow.
“Why’d you end up choosing a bookstore?”
“Well, I tried being a superhero… Two or three times, I think?” She laughs to herself, “You can’t really save others with my quirk… So, I decided to be a spy, a super spy if you will. I was one hell of a woman for a few years, but something felt wrong.” She holds the stone up between the two of you, “I’ve always been a spiritual girl, so I bought myself a crystal like this. I made it into an earring and still wear it to this day.” She turns her head so you can see the simple little earring dangling from her ear. “It’s called Moldavite.” She offers it to you, and you hold out your hand to take it. “She’s a powerful crystal, that one.”
“What happened after that?” You urge her to continue, curious about how a stone plays a part in her story.
“It’s a crystal dear, not just a stone you find in your moms front yard garden.” You nod and chuckle. “That very week, I got a terrible injury on my next mission.” A warm smile is permeating on her face, and you stare in horror. Why is she happy? Is she a masochist? “I met the love of my life while at the hospital. He was there too for some injuries he got while on the job; he was a superhero.” The glimmering look in her eye is adorable, but you’re still not making any connections.
“How romantic! Two injured people waddling around the hospital together!” You tease lightly, to which she lets out a giggle.
“I know!” She’s serious. “When we got married, his parents offered us this shop, and I finally got to open my bookstore.” It’s a cute little story, but you’re not sure where the connection is between your situation and it. She had the time of her life, and you’re on the verge of losing your boyfriend and your dream.
“When I got that injury, it was the hardest time of my life.” She softly explains. “Like I was losing everything I’d ever dreamed of.” Her eyes knowingly turn to yours. Oh.
“I want you to keep that crystal, Y/n. I want you to think long and hard about Aizawa. He’s the real problem here, not that damn book.”
“What am I supposed to do with a stone?”
“It’s not a stone! It’s a crystal! A cry-stal!” She snaps in correction. A small grin flashes onto your lips.
“Fine. What am I supposed to do with this crystal?”
“Let it work its magic. She will bring you luck, bring you what you should have, and get rid of what you don’t need.” She nods slowly. Aizawa’s face comes into your mind, and a little bit of fear licks at your fingertips. Gets rid of what you don’t need… Why is he on your mind now that you’ve heard her say that?
“Now, it’s safely been twenty minutes, and I heard Mr. Aizawa go by.” She begins pushing you out of her shop.
“Heard him? How?” She giggles.
“He’s so loud when he’s thinking about you, and even louder when he’s worried.” When you’re on the short step outside of her shop, watching her with a bewildered look and the green crystal in your hand, she smiles cheekily to you.
“Good luck, sweetie.” You begin to nod and take an unsteady step away from her shop. “I can’t wait to see your book on my shelves!” A grin pushes onto your lips and you clench the folder in your hands, almost ready to confront the contents of the pages.
“I’ll come visit you again!”
“You better! Keep trying, and someday you’ll be amazed with yourself!” You can feel some sort of weight lifting off your shoulders as you walk away from the shop, a small smile stuck on your face. It’s soon replaced with a realization that puts a heavy weight back onto your limbs, numbing them up, and making you nauseous: Shota will be home in a few hours. Unconsciously, you tighten your hand around the crystal, and wonder if it’ll work.
You’re not sure you believe that sort of stuff, but Tatsu sure does, and she had some sort of way of almost persuading you to believe it too. If it does work, you’re nervous of the outcome… You’ve not admitted it to yourself over the years of your relationship, but you guess you’ve always known you’re a little unhappy. That thought makes your throat tighten and itch, and eyes burn a little. You blink rapidly as you push your apartment door open and swallow thickly.
Dropping your keys onto the kitchen counter, you get yourself a glass of water and try to shoo away the feeling in your throat away with a few sips. It’s not like you’re wholly unhappy, if you were, you would’ve left Aizawa a while ago. But it’s an itch on your back you’ve never been able to scratch, a creepy shadow that’s always lingered over your shoulder… You flick open the folder you’ve crumbled up from squeezing it to your chest over the past hour, and sigh. There are red marks all over the first page; you’re not quite sure you can even concentrate on doing that right now, so you begin to tuck it back in before completely taking it out all the way.
You opt to sit in your bedroom and put on a comfort show. Not that you pay too much to it, as you’re busy staring at a picture of you and Shota sitting on your nightstand. The photo is evidence that you two have shared very happy times together, and truth be told, you love that man more dearly than you’ve ever loved anything… Yet you doubt he loves you the same way. Once you considered that you could live with that, loving him more than you got in return, but that’s easier said than done. Your eyes dart to your phone screen, the four missed call and six text messages still showing to you. It’s been close to an hour since your little meltdown, so you decide to see what he has to say for himself this time. You’re not surprised to see the usual:
“Y/n I’m so sorry. I have an exam to give to the students this morning, I won’t be able to make it.” You knew that he wasn’t going to make it even before you read the text message, you knew when it was five minutes til and he still hadn’t showed. “I can still make it to lunch though. You’re favorite?”
You didn’t respond. You were busy getting your ass handed to you by your editor. Your throat begins to burn as you tighten your hand around your phone — barely resisting the urge to throw it as hard as you can — and clench your jaw. It’s not like you ask for much. You just want to matter a little bit more to him, to be worth just enough for him to take some time off of work for. At the very least, you’d like to feel supported, but you’re not even getting that… You’re not sure that something Aizawa would ever be able to do. Frankly, you’re not sure if anything could matter more to him than his job as a teacher and pro hero. Once, you loved him for the determination and passion; now it’s tearing your relationship to shreds… is this something that you can tolerate for the rest of your life? You’re not quite sure.
It hurts badly this time, evident of the tears biting at your eyes and itching your cheeks, and you know it only gets worse each time. If things keep down this road, you can see the day that it starts permeating into your being, and you suddenly realize that you’re numb; that you can neither love nor hate him for it. Dreadful is the day that you become indifferent. You want to save your relationship, tell him what’s bothering you, and see the change.
It’s funny, but you’re not one with words. You can write a whole novel but can say one word to explain yourself. You delete the rambling text you’d planned out while indulging your frantic thoughts.
You’re in utter turmoil. Stuck between heartbreak and drawn out heartbreak. On one hand, you know that you couldn’t stand not having Shota in your life, but on the other, you don’t think your strong enough to handle this sort of hurt regularly. You groan and fall into the soft pillow, your comfort show doing absolutely no good. You pull your blanket over you and get comfy; a nap should do you right.
Maybe you should talk to Shota about it… Yeah… Flinging up in your bed, you grab hold of your phone, and type his number in; You’re not the type to go down without a fight…
A fight... What if you start a fight? You deflate and lay back down with a dull look in your eye. Fights between the two of you are the worst. Reason being that you both don’t do well with confrontation. He gets annoyed and leaves while you just shut down.
Shutting your eyes, you decide that you’re just too conflicted to do anything about it right now. You’d rather just take a nap than do something you’ll regret.
 The familiar weight of a hand running up your side – slowly and hesitantly – brings you out of your nap. You sigh, snuggling up against the softness of your pillow. The weight of another person shifting the bed next to you is a comforting sign; it means Aizawa is home… A small, content smile slithers onto your lips while the warmth of his hand reaches your cheek, running down your jaw line so softly you could barely feel it…
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He says softly, his voice drenched in guilt and wrung tight with worry. His long black hair, tangled from a day’s work, tickles over your skin as he rests his forehead on your shoulder. With his warm hand sliding down your arm to stop and tighten at your elbow, he continues in nearly as whisper, “I let you down again, didn’t I?” He pauses for a second, and you can hear the frustrated breath tumble from him before he corrects, “I let us down…”
You’ve been shaken from your sleepy state like someone poured ice cold water on you. Breath stopped entirely, your body runs cold and shudders at the sound on Shota’s tongue.
When you fell asleep, you intended a short nap. The room is run over in shadows, the moon gazing in at you with a sneer on his face while he dangles high in the sky. Everything is so still, air stagnant, the only sound you can pick up is Shota breathing. This isn’t what you meant to happen.
“There’s not much I can put before my job.” Somehow – even though it feels like you haven’t taken in a breath since you first heard Aizawa – your lungs shrivel up to raisins, and your eyes begin to burn… You want to be first to anything… “I know how badly you wish it wasn’t like that.” He continues, and your eyes begin to flutter as you try and bite back the tears; body rigid with the dread coursing through you. You want to mean more to him than anything in the world. He’s quiet as he pushes himself off of you, your own body crying out for him to come back to you with cold shivers, and he leans up against your headboard. You feel his fingers playing in your hair as he rests his head against the wall.
“You know I can’t sugar coat things.” His hand stops moving, “This probably isn’t going to be the last time I do this. You and I both know this.” His voice is low and quiet, the cold lick of his own strangling emotions extending into your body and reaping havoc. “Can you… Can you handle that?” Jaw clenching, you shut your eyes; you can’t just pretend you’re sleeping; he knows you’re awake. You inhale a trembling breath, your anger reaching into your throat in an acidic burn.
“You’re asking a lot of me, Shota.” Your own, low, quaking, and raspy voice finally mixes into the silence. It’s quiet as Shota nods slowly. “Why can’t it be any other way?” You inhale a gasp of breath. “Why can’t it be me before anything, just once Shota? I’m here for you every single night, and after every patrol, every fight, and every night out with your friends. Why can’t you just be my boyfriend for one damn day?” You blubber in frustration.
“I am your boyfriend, Y/n. It’s not like I forget that when I go to work.” “It sure as hell feels like it.” You snap as you sit up quickly – your head throbbing loudly at the quick motion – and you smack the tears falling onto your face away harshly. “I just wanted two hours today Shota. Two hours! Two hours is too much to give to me?” You look at the face of your phone, seeing that Aizawa had texted you often throughout the day; for some reason that makes you even more angry… Why the hell wouldn’t he come home if he was actually that worried?
“We talked about this when we first started dating.” He sighs at your retreating form. He crawls off the bed to follow you, his own heart hammering in his chest, but face still stuck in that unimpressed and unbothered expression he always holds. “I said that there were going to be periods that I can’t give you as much time as I wish I could.”
“We also talked about boundaries.” You turn over your shoulder and catch his dark eyes with yours, taking all of his breath away at your frustrated and hurting expression. His mind is robbed of all thoughts while panic freezes him in his place and opens his mouth slightly. “We talked about being there for each other when it matters the most.” You grab the yellow folder on the counter and throw it on the table now standing between the two of you; some of the pages spill out, revealing the hack job your editor performed on it. Aizawa eyes them before turning his eyes back to you. “This was one of those moments.”
“Y/n…” Your quivering lip steals all of his words from him again. What can he say? For some reason, this issue feels like it can never be resolved, no matter what he says. He knows that apologizes can only take him so far – especially when he’s done it so much – and he also knows that he can’t promise that it won’t happen again. He refuses to be moved from the reality of it, and you’re quaking to withstand it; he can see you’re barely holding on… It turns his eyes down to the floor and forces his breath from him.
“Can it really not get any better?” You ask quietly, almost pleadingly. Truthfully, you’re asking him if he’s really not willing to try harder for you, to care more about you… Asking him to put his job as a teacher and pro hero aside is not a light request, and you know it… But him asking you to put aside your hurt and happiness for his job is just as heavy. You don’t want to be the only one sacrificing it all anymore.
His head begins to shake slowly, his wide eyes brimming in tears; he knows what this is going to lead to. Your expression contorts into a sob and your head falls.
“God dammit Aizawa.” You growl through your tears. Hands tightening on the back of the dining room chair, and body crumbling in the wake of your emotions, you try to collect yourself enough to look him in the eye. “Why?” He’s silent across from you, his shoulders slumped but eyes widely taking in your shrinking form. He’s hissing in breaths, trying with all of his strength to keep from crying himself, and his hands clenched tightly into fists in his pockets. He’s frozen in the wrath of all his emotions rushing through him
The door unlocking has your entire body freezing stone cold. Eri’s home. You exhale slowly, the sound of her giggling voice making you want to combust and cease existing entirely; this is going to be the last time you see her…
You know what you have to do. This is for yourself…
“We’re done, Shota Aizawa.” You say between the two of you, and then turn to greet Eri with your jacket in your hands. Despite tears being scattered across your cheeks you smile brightly and warmly at Eri; her expression falls to horror as she takes in your appearance. Toshinori shuffles in behind her while humming softly and out of tune.
“How was patrol tonight, my friend…” However, his voice trails off as he catches the state the two of you are in. You’re speeding toward the door with a forced smile, and Aizawa swaying on his feet with wide eyes brimming with tears and staring at where you just were.
“Is everything okay, Y/n?” Eri’s voice chimes lightly, her own eyes running red in frustration; you know she adores you like her own parent.
“Yeah,” You stop in front of her and caress her cheek lightly with a solemn expression, “we just won’t be seeing each other much anymore.” You crouch and kiss her forehead, “I love you, princess. I’ll miss you.” You whisper before taking in her reddening face and speeding toward the door.
“Are you going somewhere Y/n?” The nerves in Toshinori raise his voice an octave as he turns to address Aizawa, “Is everything okay? Should I bring Eri back later?”
“No.” You sternly say. “I’m leaving.”
“Y/n-“ Aizawa begins with a thick voice, cracking under the weight of his own emotions.
You shut the door.
And you walk away from Shota Aizawa, the first dream you’ve ever given up on.
 “What if he completely poured his heart out to you in the rain and also bought you dinner?” Hizashi sighs as he holds out another outfit to you. You’ve got another interview with your editor today, to look over your revised novel that you poured yourself into for the past month; the only thing that’s kept you sane after giving up Aizawa.
“Hizashi,” You sigh with drooping eyebrows and a pleading look in your eye, “Do we really have to talk about this again?”
“I can’t just keep silent! I introduced you guys!” You shake your head at the selection and continue to prod through the clothing wrack at the store.
“Some things aren’t meant to be.” You unconsciously bring your hand to finger the caged stone you have dangling around your neck. Since leaving Shota, a lot of things have looked up for you. You’ve found the energy to delve into your work, which has shown to your editor, and you’ve been able to reflect on what you really want in life.
You want to come first, before anything else, in your life. Sometimes you wonder if you’re doing what Tatsu tried to guide you to, or if you just ruined the relationship you had with the best man in the world on the whim of some old crazy woman… You don’t like thinking about it too much, otherwise you find yourself almost dialing Shota up to take you back.
“It’s not like I didn’t try working with him on it anyways.” You grumble to your friend. He begins complaining again, refusing to hear what you’ve been trying to tell him since the day after the break. “He said he can’t compromise with work, and I realized that I can’t handle being so secondary.” You give a melancholy smile, “I’m so selfish, huh?”
“What if I can persuade Shota otherwise?” Hizashi negotiates. You shake your head with a dry, humorless chuckle. “I know he’s stubborn, but he cares so much about you! He doesn’t just stick around with someone for four years just because!” You try to protest with him, but he continues on his tirade, “Aizawa was never interested in relationships, so he never got into one. He doesn’t do anything unless he wants to! He wanted to be in that relationship with you! He’s just so… So…” He lets out a frustrated noise and takes a quick drink from the cup clenched in his hand.
“Hizashi… I don’t think there’s any persuading him. I’ve been trying to do it for a while now.” You quietly say as you pick out a nice shirt. Frankly, this talk has killed your mood for a new outfit, and at this point you’re just picking through clothes, so you don’t have to look your passionate friend in the eye.
“Fine. Let’s get back to your studio… Your appointment will be soon, we should make sure you have plenty of time to get ready.” You almost feel guilty at the dejection in his usually strident voice.
Both of you ride in the taxi in silence. But you’re quick to wonder to him out loud what’s been on your mind:
“Do you think I made the wrong choice?” Hizashi looks at you clearly with his blue eyes and he shakes his head with a soft smile.
“I think you did exactly what you needed to do. Albeit maybe a little drastic with actually breaking up with him… The silent treatment would have worked just fine… Sometimes what a man needs is time away to realize how badly he needs something, and how much he’s willing to pay to have it.” You scoff and roll your eyes.
“Then why aren’t you bothering Aizawa about this all the time, huh?”
“I am.”
“Then stop bothering me!” You snap. Hizashi chuckles at your outburst. You can’t truly be upset with Hizashi, knowing that he’s only bugging you about this because he sees the sorry mess you are on some nights, and reports that Aizawa is knee deep in sorrow and depression. He wants things to go back to normal, but you don’t want to. You don’t want to go back to the constant fight for his time, for his support. If you ever went back to Shota, he’d have to take time off of work before your very eyes to make you believe that he’s willing to change his ways. 
That’ll never happen. You’ve excepted that. Hearing about Aizawa’s heartbreak doesn’t surprise you either; you know he cares about you on some level, but it’s not how you want it to be. It’s a mutual break up, one made between two loving adults who realize that they aren’t what they need for each other...
You look to the rambling blond next to you - he’s on again about some scenario of you and Shota coming back together in a surprise visit this time - and sigh; you just need to make Hizashi understand that the relationship is done for...
“Hizashi...” You whine again at his romanticized dramatization of a meeting you’d much rather not even imagine. If it ever did happen, you sure as hell wouldn’t be the composed person Hizashi is making you out to be; you’d be a sobbing, blubbering mess and puddy in Aizawa’s hand... 
“I’m just saying that if you ever run into Aizawa at a very convenient time while you’re all dressed up and he’s got flowers then you need to say yes to dinner.” He surrenders his hands as he helps you out of the taxi and ushers you to your apartment. There’s a spark in his eye that unsettles you.
“That’s oddly specific.” You mumble to him.
“I like to daydream about it.” He grins to you with a cheesy sparkle in his eye. “Now, let’s get you ready!”
“It’s not like I wouldn’t ever try with Aizawa again…” You mindlessly ramble as you follow Hizashi through your apartment. “It’s just that I don’t think right now is the right time…”
“There’s no time like the present, Y/n!”
“I know but we’ve got different goals right now and-“
“I understand Y/n.” He smiles gently, letting you know that you don’t have to explain to him at all anymore. “But,” You let out a fake sob at his continued antics, “Maybe one months difference is all the time you needed to get to the right time!” In the end, you decide to pretend you don’t hear him. Persuading him will have to wait for next time, when you have more patience.
Hizashi dresses you in your finest, and forces just the right number of accessories on you. You complain to him while he drills you on walking with confidence to the editor that you don’t have to be so entirely dressed up for a simple meeting.
“It’s not just a simple meeting!” He scolds as he firmly slaps his hands onto your shoulders. “This is your future and happiness we’re talking about! I’ll be damned if I slack on this!” He nods firmly, stepping away from your dazzling form and grins. “Beautiful! Stunning! Breath-taking! You are a fearsome being, Y/n!”
A grin bubbles over onto your lips with a stupid chuckle as you bashfully give him a shove, “Oh, stop it.”
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” He says as he backs toward the door, picks up your nicest jacket, and hands it to you, “Put this on and come out when you’re ready!” He slides out the door before poking his head back in and saying, “Remember! If we see any wild Shota’s on the street, we always say yes to him!” You groan at him.
“Hizashi!” He laughs and finally closes the door behind him.
He’s really been pressing you about your breakup with Shota. He says he thinks that you’re both meant for each other and this is only a misunderstanding in the road to a long and happy life together. You kind of wish it was like that too. But it’s been an entire month, and you haven’t heard a word from Aizawa since – except to pick up the rest of your things from his apartment -  so you highly doubt that you’re going to encounter a “wild Shota” on the streets. He’s always at work anyways…
Shaking your head quickly and tapping your cheeks, you bring yourself back into the present moment. You have another dream that’s just within your reach right now. You want to gain this one, before you mourn the loss of another.
“Hizashi! I think I’m going to head out a little early for the meeting, so I have time to get there!” You walk into the living room while buttoning your jacket around you. “I want to stop for a warm drink, it’s so cold out-“ your words fall to a nearly silent whisper as you gaze into your living room, “Side…” You slowly finish your sentence with wide eyes. Your next breath gets stuck in your throat.
“Aizawa…” You watch him with a severe look crossing onto your expression. In his hand he holds a beautiful bouquet of purple hyacinths, and white and red tulips. He’s nicely dressed, a white button up under a black suit jacket. His black hair is nicely pulled out of his face in a half-up half-down style. Soft pink colors in on his cheeks, and his eyes steadily drink you in, afraid that if he looks away, you’ll disappear. “What…” Your voice wheezes out of breath. He’s supposed to be at work. What is he doing here? At your apartment? With flowers?
“Y/n, I-“ His sentence falls short as his dark eyes dart repeatedly to the blonde man leaning on the counter and watching the exchange with bright eyes. Hizashi nods ecstatically to urge him to continue. Aizawa blinks quickly before drawing in a breath and returning his gaze to you; he’d prefer it if he didn’t have an audience… So, he takes slow steps near you, watching your every movement for the slightest sign of discomfort at his proximity, to try at some sort of privacy. “Look, I…”
The sound of disdain comes from Hizashi at how Shota was about to begin. Again, the dark-haired man is diverted from his goal. Hizashi shakes his head quickly.
“Can we have a moment?” Aizawa coolly asks his friend.
“Oh,” Hizashi startles as he nods and scoops up his drink, “Yeah.” He pats his pockets for his wallet before picking it up on the counter, “It’s dinner time! Gotta blast, see ya Y/n!”
When it’s just the two of you in the apartment, Aizawa clears his throat and shuffles on his feet. He looks down and holds the bouquet out to you. He keeps his eyes averted from your own.
“Two days after you left me,” He begins quietly and slowly, “Eri asked me why you wouldn’t be around anymore… I had to explain to her what it meant to break up with someone; she didn’t really understand.” He chuckles dryly. “You always have been better at explaining things to her.” You take the bouquet slowly, drawing your fingers across one of the soft petals.
“That doesn’t tell me why you’re here.” You quickly say, pulling your eyes up. He exhales and yanks his bloodshot eyes to your own. His heart is hammering and doing flips in his chest while seeing you stand here like this, listening to the words that are about to come out of his mouth with that solemn expression on your face. AIzawa doesn’t want to cross the line, but god, he wants to take you into his arms so badly and kiss those perfect lips and ravish your body until you’re full of him and swimming in his absolute adoration for you-
A smirk jumps onto his lips with a chuckle to cover up the fact that his mind is running over with such thoughts in a moment like this.
“She didn’t understand why we wouldn’t be together if we loved each other.” His mouth thins into a grave line as the corners bury into his cheeks, “And I couldn’t tell her why. I love you to death, and I don’t know why I wouldn’t do a damn thing to keep you.” He sounds confused as he lets out a chuckle. “I realized a lot of things...
“The bed is colder with one body, and an apartment hollow without someone to come home to… Not someone…” He stares meaningfully into your eyes, with an uncharacteristically glassy look in his own, “You… It’s lonely and wrong without you, Y/n. I wanted to be honest with you by telling you that I couldn’t put you before work, but I was being selfish… I didn’t even try.” He holds his hands out to his sides. “I decided I might as well try, so I took some time off of work today to get here today in this stupid suit…” He yanks at the jacket on him and bites his lip. “I came here hoping you’d forgive me for being a dense asshole… That you’d let me escort you to this meeting, and then take you out to dinner?”
You blink quickly, biting on your lips as you try to keep the blubbering tears in your eyes from stealing your dignity from under you. But they flop onto your cheeks no matter what– you’ve never been one to be able to hide your tears easily – and rush to press yourself into his chest.
“Aizawa, you’re so stupid.” You snap weakly at him. He chuckles as he tightly embraces you.
“I’m sorry…” He sighs as he rocks you from side to side with a content smile lifting his lips and relieved tears putting a blush onto his cheeks. “I promise it won’t happen again.”
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Taglist: @zeyyackerman
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