#the family (orca and human) she's made
You know my feelings on California’s orca law, but if it keeps Corky safe, then it might be worth it.
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zzthekaiju · 3 months
So, Godzilla X Mothra as a Monsterverse movie, hmm...
Well, I got a lot of replies to the big comic saying that they’d like to hear my pitch for a GxM movie. So, here you go!
The film should be, at its core, of the romance genre variety. For both the kaiju and the human sub-plots. The overarching theme should not only be the Monsterverse’s usual “natural balance” motif, but also that of loving one another despite our differences and flaws, or perhaps because of them.
After all, “If you love a person, you accept the total person. With all the defects. Because those defects are a part of the person.”
 Obviously, Godzilla and Mothra are at the center of the kaiju side of the story. Big G is still patrolling for rogue titans while Mothra has made residence in Indonesia. Monarch returns with Madison Russell trying to prove her worth as a part of it. However, not only is her stubborn attitude grating on everyone, but her head is in a whirlwind because of Mothra’s newest ambassador: A good-natured and pacifistic young lady her age native to where the big bug titan lives. She and this newcomer (we’ll call her Lora for simplicity’s sake) are a mirror to Godzilla and Mothra. Also, Bernie and Trapper should return because there was NO way they weren’t having eyes for each other in the last movie.
As for our two kaiju, their relationship hits a snag when a new titan shows up with an uncanny resemblance to Mothra. And yes, this will be the Monsterverse’s answer to Battra (we’ll call him that here from now on). Battra is something of an older brother to Mothra, and the two have a very strong connection. Unfortunately, Battra’s way of handling protecting the Earth runs counter to how Godzilla does it (as in, wipe out human settlements and attack titans for the most minor of infractions), and Big G tries to handle it the only way he knows how (ie, beating him to death). But not only is Battra much stronger than he lets on (complete with an ability to control plant life), but Mothra intervenes on her ancestor’s side out of familial loyalty (she’s unaware of Battra killing people at this point), causing the king and queen to come to blows until she and Battra emerge victorious, driving Godzilla away.
This turns out to be a really bad move, as Battra is determined to wipe out humanity, believing them to be a scourge that Mothra foolishly trusted. Mothra doesn’t realize her mistake until Battra wipes out an entire village for the crime of being near a forest. She tries to stop him, but nearly gets killed before retreating.
Monarch’s main goal throughout the film is to reunite Godzilla and Mothra, requiring them to look high and low for clues to how this unique symbiotic relationship came to be. A major stop is the Hollow Earth Iwi tribe, which shows how the two met in the first place, and gives Jia a chance to enter the narrative. As time goes by, Madison and Lora’s relationship goes from “unstoppable force meets immovable object” to them finding common ground, and eventually falling in love. It’s them that enables Monarch to hatch a plan. With the help of Jia, and Madison’s mastery of the ORCA, they set Godzilla and Mothra up to meet again. Of course, they’re all rather surprised to see Godzilla so thoroughly heartbroken and ashamed of himself that he submits to her like any titan would to him. But as Jia translates Mothra’s thoughts, the insect Goddess and her king make up for each other’s faults.
Soon, it’s Godzilla and Mothra vs. Battra. But it’s not easy, as Battra has mastery over the elements, giving him an advantage over Godzilla by summoning giant plants to ensnare and attack him. Mothra gets in a lot of good hits, but in the end, it’s a combination attack from king and queen that destroys Battra’s wings, and reduces him to harmlessness. To show how much he trusts his queen, Godzilla allows him to live and Mothra to decide his fate. She ultimately has him confined to the same place she lives so that he has familial company. It ultimately ends with Godzilla and Mothra resting at the area where they first met, as Monarch watches from a safe distance with Madison and Lora sharing their first kiss. At least one person, probably Bernie, states that it’s the best double date ever.
If anyone has other ideas/opinions, feel free to let me know!
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hareofhrair · 2 months
Edith Finch Timeline
So I'm still organizing my theories (honestly they're more like a list of unanswered questions than a coherent theory right now) but I think my timeline is pretty much complete now that I've had a chance to go back through the pet cemetery and add all those in.
I do some wild speculating about Odin here that has no canon basis, just spinning ideas.
Things to notice- Just how many deaths happen on or very near birthdays. Not always the birthday of the person who dies and not every time, but suspiciously often.
The pets almost seem to fill in the years when no one human died? Like everything in this game it's nothing definitive enough to base a solid theory on, but it is odd.
1439 - Earliest possible beginning of the Finch Family Curse based on the Odin viewmaster reel, as this is 500 years prior to the invention of the first viewmaster.
1445 - If the Odin viewmaster is the Model E made in 1955 (which I think it is), this is the start of the curse instead. Not much is happening in Norway during this period, but Vlad the Impaler was at the top of his game this year?
~About 7 generations of Finches dying horribly happens here.~
1880 - Odin is born. At some point between now and his death he writes "The Mysteries of Death and the Thereafter" and "Joining the Great Majority" which both appear to be books about the afterlife.
1896 - Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration begins with the Belgian Antarctic Expedition and won't end till after WWI. Expeditions are marked by depression, starvation, insanity and scurvy. Many famous expeditions are made by Norwegian teams. Odin is 16.
1911 - A Norwegian expedition is first to reach the South Pole. The British Scott expedition chasing the same goal are lost. Odin is 31.
28 July 1914 - WWI begins, Odin is 34. Norway, "The Neutral Ally", remains neutral on the war but due to economic pressure from Britain commits its merchant marine fleet (one of the largest in the world) to Britain's service. Half the fleet is sunk and 2000 seamen are killed. If Odin was a sailor, he likely served. Alternatively, he may have been one of the wealthy merchants who profited greatly during the war. He clearly has a great deal of money to burn by 1937.
June 17 1915 - Sven is born.
April 8, 1917 - Edie is born.
1935 - At some point between now and Dec 1937, Edie and Sven marry and Sven takes Edith's last name.
1936 - Ingeborg and her newborn Johann Finch die in an unknown manner. Odin is 56, Edie is 19, Sven is 17.
Jan 7 1937 - Odin sets sail for Washington.
Dec 1937 - Arrival on Orcas Island, death of Odin at 57. Molly is born, on the boat? In the Old House? Sven and Edie build the cemetery, and then the house.
1938 - Churpy the budgie joins the family.
1939 - Invention of the viewmaster, earliest point the Odin story could have been recorded.
Sep 1939 - Sep 1945 - WWII. Sven was 24, and may have served or been drafted.
1940 - Burpy the house finch joins the family.
1941 - Churpy dies.
1947 - Christopher the goldfish joins the family.
Oct 31 1947 - Halloween Baby Barbara
Sometime between 1937 and 1947 - Molly's unnamed gerbil joins the family.
Dec 13 1947 - Molly dies of apparent poisoning after eating mistletoe berries, on or very near her 10th bday. She relates hallucinating having become several animals, most notably a cat. Christopher the fish dies shortly after. The fate of her unnamed gerbil is unrecorded, as none of the unattributed headstones are of the right age, but presumably it dies eventually.
1948 - Burpy dies at 8.
April 25 1950 - Sam and Calvin are born.
Aug 26 1952 - Walter is born.
1952 - Lurpy the Cockatiel joins the family.
1955 - Viewmaster Model E released- If this is the one used for Odin's story, that puts the beginning of the curse at 1455.
1956 - Lucy the dog joins the family.
1959 - Bailey the (???) joins the family.
Oct 31 1960 - Barbara dies, allegedly murdered, on her 16th bday. Her boyfriend Rick disappears the same night. The version of her death shared in the game is notably extremely unreliable and raises numerous questions. Rick is seen in a leg cast using crutches. Walter is 8, Sam and Calvin are 10 and notably absent from reported events.
Sept 23 1961 - Calvin dies at 11 falling from a cliff. He is seen wearing a weathered and heavily autographed leg cast. His model shows him with a black eye and several cuts.
1962 - Zoe the (???) joins the family.
1963 - Lurpy dies at 11. (Cockatiels have a life expectancy of 20-25 years)
Aug 26 1964 - Sven dies on Walter's 12th bday, while making a dragon shaped slide. He's 49.
1968 - Walter enters the bunker. He's 16. Durpy the Dove joins the family.
May 7 1968 - Dawn is born.
1969 - Lucy the dog dies.
June 20 1969 - Gus is born.
1970 - Zoe dies
1971 - Purply the Budgie joins the family.
1974 - Coco the (???) joins the family.
Jan 12 1976 - Gregory is born
Dec 7 1977 - Kay files for divorce after arguing with Sam about the curse.
Dec 19 1977 - Gregory drowns in the bath a month before his 2nd bday
1978 - Shadow the cat joins the family.
1979 - Purply dies at 8.
1980 - Rob the Bearded Dragon joins the family. Bob the Snake joins the family.
1981 - Durpy dies at 13.
1982 - Oliver the rabbit joins the family.
Nov 8 1982 - Gus dies, crushed by debris from a storm during Sam's wedding to an unnamed woman.
July 16 1983 - Sam dies, kicked off a cliff by a deer. Dawn is 15.
1984 - Bob dies at 4.
1985 - Daisy the (???) joins the family.
1986-87 Dawn goes to India, meets Sanjay.
1988 - Shadow the cat dies.
Dec 27 1988 - Lewis is born. Furpy joins the family. Tucker the (???) joins the family
1989 - Oliver the rabbit dies.
1991 - Rob dies at 10. Furpy dies.
1992 - Zurpy the Owl joins the family.
May 19 1992 - Milton is born.
1993 - Charlie the cat joins the family. Daisy dies.
1994 - Durpy Jr the Dove joins the family.
1995 - Zurpy dies at 3. Schatzi the (???) joins the family.
Feb 14 1999 - Valentine's Baby Edith. Lowest tide in a thousand years allegedly allows Edie to access the Old House. At some point between now and Nov 2010, three unnamed gerbils join the family, and then die.
Feb 22 2002 - Sanjay dies in an earthquake, eight days after Edith's 3rd bday, Dawn and children return to Finch House. Dawn writes "To Teach and To Learn" at some point in the next few years. At some point between now and 2010, Dawn probably finds a stray cat and names it Molly.
Oct 23 2003 - Milton disappears.
Late 2003 to Early 2004 - Dawn searches for Milton, eventually gives up and seals the rooms for unknown reasons.
March 31 2005 - Walter leaves the bunker and dies, allegedly hit by a train. There are several strange inconsistencies surrounding the circumstances of his death.
2006 - Durpy Jr dies at 12.
2009 - Schatzi dies
Nov 21 2010 - Lewis dies of apparent suicide one month before his 22nd bday.
Nov 28 2010 - A week after Lewis's death, Dawn informs Edie they are leaving the house. After Edie attempts to give Edith a book containing a story about their family which Dawn violently rips away, Dawn flees the house with Edith immediately, leaving Edie and all her belongings behind.
(Molly the cat is not mentioned in regards to the move, so she may have died by this point, but she is not listed in the graveyard, so it's possible she was simply left behind. There is a taxidermy calico in Sam's room, but Sam was dead before Molly could reasonably have joined the family, so this is unlikely to be her. A cat is seen outside human Molly's room in 2016, which may prove she's still alive- but she'd be around 14 years old. An unlikely age for a cat abandoned outdoors for 7 years.)
Nov 29 2010 - Edie is found dead by nursing care workers, and may have killed herself by combining alcohol with her medication, intentionally or otherwise. She's 93, the only member of her family to live longer than her father, who died at 57.
Dec 5 2010 - The date on Edie's tombstone, a week after when she supposedly died.
May (around the 12-18th?) 2016 - Edith becomes pregnant.
Oct 12 2016 - Dawn dies of a chronic illness at 48. Edith is 16 and about 6 months pregnant.
Oct 13 - 19 2016 - Edith returns to the Finch House at 22 weeks pregnant.
Jan 18 2017 - Edith dies in childbirth a month before her 18th bday. Christopher is born (possibly named for Molly's goldfish?).
2027? - At some point in the future, a young Christopher returns to the house, which has changed since the last time it was seen. He is wearing a cast.
A note on unrecorded pets- There are additionally 5 (possibly 6?) unmarked pet graves in the cemetery. One of the blank stones presumably belongs to Rob the bearded dragon, who has a memorial in Edie's room but no gravestone. One is marked as a fish and another is a rabbit, with no names or dates. One is a knocked over and unreadable sign of the same kind used for the birds, indicating it may be an otherwise unrecorded bird. There is also a statue of a frog- the knocked over sign may instead refer to an unrecorded pet frog, or the frog statue might be a separate gravestone, or simply a decoration. This leaves one blank headstone with no indication of what might lie beneath it. Let's assume it's a mass grave for gerbils.
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sai-of-the-7-stars · 8 months
Silly Our Life AU Stuff: My Girlfriend is a Witch But I’m Just a Marine Biologist!!!
So, since my beloved husband @factionfighter dropped some very cute art of Cove using magic on Twitter (in addition to the mock cover he already did for this totally off-the-cuff AU we’ve been playing around with), I thought I’d indulge us both–and anyone who is interested–with some quick snapshots and vignettes.
I may make this a little series. We’ll see.
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How Sai and Cove Met
Instead of growing up with Sai across the street as his favorite neighbor, he had Kana instead. He and Kana always maintained a tight brother-sister relationship, and Kana had finally pinned down Derek to be her boyfriend (and drill into Derek’s thick skull that really had loved him for a decade). Shortly after Kana and Derek officially became a couple, he moved in with Cove and Kana into their rather large apartment.
By contrast: Cove had dated a little bit during college–more out of a curiosity than any deep longing. Having a companion was nice but things tended to fizzle when the other person would ramp things up and want more sensuous meetups. Despite his best efforts, Cove couldn’t quite manage going all the way–because no matter how much he liked his partner, he wasn’t as deeply connected to them as he was to, say, Kana or any of his other friends. He wished he could, but knowing how his brain worked and how demisexuality really did suit him, he couldn’t fully give in.
But that didn’t mean Cove didn’t have a fulfilling life otherwise. At 26, life was pretty good! He was a marine biologist at ORCA, he taught surfing classes during the summer (usually on the weekends), and he had a good group of friends and family.
Then one day in late May, just as spring winds were turning summery and warm, Sai moved into the apartment across the hall. Cove, Derek, and Kana had spotted her as they were coming home from a food run to In-N-Out.
In addition to wearing jean shorts, strappy flat sandals, and a halter-style tank top, Sai wore silver jewelry on her wrists and ankles, rings on her fingers, multiple earrings, and a single silver star necklace. The jewelry made a perfect complement to her white hair and gray eyes. It also made her impossible to miss.
While Kana and Derek exchanged comments about the beautiful new neighbor, Cove found himself studying her like she had just walked out of the ocean. She was fascinating.
And then Sai turned to the three of them and smiled. When they were in reach, she juggled a small cardboard box onto her hip as movers hefted heavier items into her apartment, and held out her hand—to Cove first.
“Hi there. I’m Sai Aiza, and it looks like we’re going to be neighbors. I hope we can get along.”
Cove found himself gripping her small hand and gently shaking it, and then saying, “Hi, I’m Cove,” before his brain had caught up with the rest of his body and had a chance to process and panic.
Kana and Derek gave their cheerful greetings, and Sai shook their hands in turn. Sai was friendly, warm, and held something of a mysterious air to her. But at first, nothing seemed to be too different about her from any other human being.
Although, in Cove’s eyes, she seemed to shimmer. Just a little. But he kept that observation to himself.
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I see some of you are interested, so I will happily dump out my agent 8 lore!
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Agent Saga: Fluorosis
(Art is NOT by me I got it from Zerochan here and did a small edit for the purpose of naming) and @klugpuuo since you wanted me to @ you!
• She fell down to the deep sea metro at around 15-16 years old, dressed the way she is because she was an octo soldier in training
• DJ Octavio is her great grandpa and she was constantly wishing he’d let her out, but none of the phones in the metro work
• Octavio threw a FIT when his great grandbaby went missing
• Once she made it out the metro she got given a kinda stimulus check and tuition from 💝Marina💝 so she could thrive without any more trouble!
• She told Octavio all about what happened and he was STEAMING with rage, he then proceeded to call her over to octo valley, where she gets to meet the squid sisters for the first time and Octavio gives her a whole bunch of weapons as self defense gifts (and a biiiiig hug and kiss 💝)
• Cut to splatoon3, she’s doing just fine and laid back a little more now that’s she’s out of the constant attack trauma! (Idk if she went to counseling or not, she shouldve—)
• She signed up for the new squid beak splatoon because she wanted to do something meaningful with her life as to not feel like canon fodder (looks like the trauma didn’t completely fade off 😰)
• Craig is real happy to see the youngin brave enough to step into new grounds again!
• He did NOT tell Octavio
• She goes through the kettle levels and in her head is like “y’all fell off,,,,,”
• Once she gets to Octavio boss fight she remembers him drunk at an agent reunion (they’re all one big found family 💝) saying “if I ever see you with a weapon in hand *hic* we gon FIGHT!!” And she thought nothing of it
• until they, indeed, fought
• She’s confused on why he came to fight so early, then he says he’s not so sure why either and is trying to figure out who took over his turf, and then they fall to alterna
• She hears faint laughter from the top as she falls to look up and see 3 shadows, new enemies...?
• she wakes up in the fake snow and makes her way to,,, THE SQUID SISTERS??????
Agent 8: uhhhh,,,, hey gang,,, 😳
Squid Sisters and Captain 3: OMG 8!!!!!!!! 💕❣️💕❣️💗💖💓💓💝💝💘💝💗💕❣️💓💓💕
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• Cue the rest of the events; 8 sees Deep Cut and is like “Aint these the mfs I see on the news— AINT THESE THE MFS THAT LAUGHED AT US FALLING???? DID THEY TRY TO KILL US?????”
• 8 has unspoken beef with them all the way till the rocket
• Deep cut is constantly like “why is she looking at us like that”
• Agent 8 is in LOVE with all the human lore Orca has to offer and she considers him her favorite bot
• Agent 8 fights all the Deep Cut members and tears their shit UP bro 💀💀
• Goes through more levels yadda yadda
• She hears Craig over the radio “SQUID GRAMPA?!?!—“ “Welcome to your final test, I’m Mr. Grizz” “MR GRIZZ???????”
• After finding out she was betrayed by her boss she is SPEEDRUNNING to get on that rocket and get her 2nd grandpa BACK, Octarian girls with teenage trauma and no counseling don’t take betrayal lightly.
• So we go through the whole get on the rocket, go chase Mr Grizz thing
• Deep Cut help the NSBS out and there is now ambivalence between them and 8
• She goes into space and is like “k shit how am I gonna do this”
“Had a feeling that Mr Grizz figure was up to somethin!” “GREAT GRAMPA!!!!!! 😄💖💝💝💖💝💖💝💖💖💖💝💝💝”
• We fight Mr Grizz we get the good ending yayyyy
• They all go to celebrate,,, after a quick crying session between 8 and Callie,,, and then other agents start crying too because man you can’t be tough forever—
🎊NSBS forever!🎊
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Do y’all like it? Lmk what you think!
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random-vore-blog · 1 year
An encounter with a siren
The waters were unforgiving to the poor woman in the boat, almost tipping the small vessel several times with each blow the wind made.
The person's name was Bianca Fujitsu, a poor woman in her early 20's who went fishing to sustain herself. No children, no husband and no other family members: she was alone. The last one standing and fighting to live, refusing to accept death. She hated the fact that she was now in an unknown enviroment, due to the storm.
Well, until she felt the waters getting colder. She realized, a bit too late, that she was near Antarctica. A place where only two mer species lived and hunted: Orca- and Leopard seal mers. The two most fearsome predators that humans tried to avoid.
Unfortunately, she knew that it would be impossible, as these predators of Antarctica were excellent trackers. What had she done to deserve such a cruel fate? Not to mention that she could not even speak. A birth defect she had grown used to until now.
Tired, scared, hungry and weak was all she felt. Her grip loosened on the wood that kept her afloat, and she splashed in the water as adrenaline pumped into her veins. It all but did her any good, as she began to sink, her arm sticking out of the water before disappearing under the surface.
Unbeknownst to her, a siren heard her splashing.
She sank, vision blurry and air escaping past her lips.
A dark mass headed towards her.
She couldn't make out what it was, as her eyes fully closed and she fell unconscious.
His pink-red eyelights focused on her small form sinking, expression blank. He gripped her waist with one hand, her small figure perfectly fit in his. He went to the surface, and inspected her. Thick jacket that was now soaked, hazel brown hair, thick pants and black shoes. He saw her lips turn blue, and knew that she was cold or began getting hypothermia.
His jaws slowly opened, revealing a pink-red ecto tongue. Saliva connected from sharp tooth to sharp tooth and on the tongue, jaws widening to fit her completely inside his maw. He carefully guided her into his maw, using his ecto tongue to prevent his canines from cutting her.
After gently getting her inside, he closed his maw and waited a few seconds before tilting his head. He swallowed, and that one gulp got her waist deep in his throat. A second gulp and only her hands were free from his throat. He took a deep breath, placing his hand on his throat and swallowed again, tracing her small form all the way to his stomach. He made a small sound, before diving under the waves. He would wait and ask her questions later. After all: Leopard seal siren was a curious, dangerous and intelligent being that sent fear through many.
These are my oc's: Leo and his Frisk(Bianca). These characters strictly need my permission to be used. Anyways, thank you for reading!
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queenofdragons12 · 1 year
nature-bound  — skz
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paring : skz x wolf!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff
Summary: a wolf alone in the forest. 8 boys searching for something. When they find each other, what will happen? Will the ancient rivalry be forgotten, or will there spark a fight?
a/n: I made a small dump at 5:30 pm on a Friday, nothing big.
| ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ |
You walked through the woods, ears pricked, tail lashing from side to side.
The sun was filtering through the trees giving the ground an emerald look that was almost far-tail-like. Life has been like a big fairy tale since you were born. Things happened, terrible things, good things.
All in your life and all on your own. You knew a wolf wasn't supposed to be alone, but you couldn't help the tragedies that had befallen your family long ago.
It was nothing other than sand in the wind anyway.
But you had a feeling that today would be different. A new scent carried onto the wind brushing your snout and scent glands. You titled your head, ears twitching to catch every sound and every flutter of the wind.
You closed your eyes, listening. You saw the ripples of the sound move as a rabbit jumped away somewhere in the distance. The flutter of bird wings. Of butterflies. The forest was alive today, more active than it usually was.
There! Something else was in the forest setting... unnatural.
Your eyes snapped open, and your lips drew back in a snarl. Humans. Your most hated enemy. Your hackles raised as you could hear them coming closer every minute.
It was 8 of them, all boys. All unaware of the danger ahead. You growled and stalked toward their sounds. You weren't in for a fight, but if you had to do so to protect your territory, then you would do so.
But you faltered when you saw them were yous topped upon a hill blooming with flowers. Daises all glittering white snow against the green emerald grass. The wind stirred them, making their petals flutter silently.
The forest wasn't scared, so why should you? "be not scared," whispered a voice, and your head snapped up, seeing a translucent shape of a wolf glittering with stars in her fur and eyes full of moons. "don't be scared of those who will not harm you. Those mortals are your future young one. Go embrace your destiny" then she shimmered away like it was a dream, a passing memory.
You shuddered.
You knew who that was. It was the goddess of the moon, Luna. A strong, powerful wolf that lived thousands of years ago. You had heard that there were wolves that saw her. Orcas were called, and they were honored in their pack. But you didnt have any.
And you, indeed, weren't an oracle. But heeding her words, you started down the hill taking cautious steps, each with calculated force.
The flowers rose after you tried to get a swag of your fur on their soft petals. The forest moved after you, yet it let you move freely, only offering its comfort to you.
Soon enough, the humans saw you. They all stiffened, eyes wide and mouths agape with awe.
You all stared at each other for a long time before you finally took the first step. With a bowed head, you stepped forth, sniffing the nearest boy with ebony hair and a kind, protective aura. His eyes were pinning you, but you paid them no attention. You were bigger than them, towering over them like a tree to a small ant.
you had always been big to be a wolf. not that you knew the normal size for wolves but here in this forest wolves were this big. at least those you've seen from a distance.
You nudged the man taking in all the information by just scent. His age, his gender, his failures, his victories. his rank, everything.
You then stepped back and did the same with them all.
Ultimately, you had them all memoized, pictured, and by scent. You then dipped your head to them, opening your mouth to speak, "I am Y/n. Who are you?"
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raventroll80 · 1 year
Stowaway Mer Au Lore Dump!
I have a bunch of info I want to share but was unable to fit most of it into the story so far. So, here’s a lore dump instead! We’re gonna go in order of character appearance so let’s begin! Also holy hell this is a long post.
Main Cast
She’s lived in Port Murlow since she was about twelve, she’s currently in her early twenties.
Prior to moving in with Flynn Em lived with Nimh at her apartment.
Works two part time jobs; one at one of the bait shops on the harbour, and at Mr. Grimmar’s Occult Shop.
Speaking of Mr. Grimmar, Em sees Silas as a sort of mentor. He also shares this sentiment and cares a great deal for both her and Nimh.
Em has a few hobbies including beach-combing and diving. She also likes to draw from time to time.
Em also considers Nimh to also be a mentor and parental figure. Though she isn’t actually related to Nimh, everyone except Silas and Hiram Grimmar thinks they’re related.
Em used to want to be a marine biologist, but now she plans to take on the mantle of head mortician at Mr. Grimmar’s mortuary, or ownership of the occult shop.
Loves creature feature films and practical effects
Seth grew up in the Indo Pacific seas, he wouldn’t really be able to point out where exactly if you showed him a map though.
His eyesight is not the greatest. He can see kinda ok under water but out of water he has a lot more trouble seeing.
Seth has a fairly large family, three older siblings and two younger siblings, along with his mother and father.
He’s also had a few run ins with humans prior to meeting Em.
The first time he was caught in a fishing net and had to be rescued by his older brother. This incident left him with a smallish scar on the left side of his tail. The second time he had a run in with some scientists but he quickly swam away before they could approach.
Seth doesn’t fully remember how he got to Port Murlow, all he does remember is being caught really bad storm, then drifting about the open ocean before some whales saved him from some orcas.
He’s also a curious person, though sometimes his curiosity clashes with his nervousness.
He used to have a pet garden eel named Coral
Dr. Vega Triton
A marine biologist in his early to mid fifties.
Graduated from Harvard University along with his friends and colleagues Dr. Samuel Hayden and Dr. Olivia Pierce.
Made quite a few discoveries with the two, even writing a few books as well.
Unfortunately a series of discoveries and events lead to Olivia’s untimely death, along with several other scientists working on their most recent research project.
Vega did not take the death of his friend well, which lead to many arguments and an eventual falling out with Hayden.
Two are no longer on speaking terms, and Vega still feels guilty about the deaths.
Vega has been in Port Murlow for a little over two months during the events of the Stowaway Mer AU.
He’s currently studying a new species of algae he discovered in one of the local sea caves. He has named this new species Vegastella scriptorseintillais.
During this time he has become something of a local enigma. Often referred to as Murlow’s Cryptid Scientist, he can often be seen poking around the tide pools whenever the tide is low.
Even if it’s at the dead of night.
This has resulted in him unintentionally spooking some locals when he emerged from the water one night covered in loose kelp with his head light on.
He cares a great deal about the wellbeing of fish and animals in general. And plants… and his equipment. Vega is a very caring person in general.
He’ll often talk to his equipment and specimens, even before the incident with Olivia. Hayden would often poke fun at him for it.
He also loves plants.
And cuttlefish
He’s also the most tech savvy out of the characters.
Flynn Taggart
Late twenties early thirties in age.
Ex military, was luckily discharged due to mental health and injury.
And not blowing up a small mountain and putting is commanding officer in a full body cast.
Was buddies with Valen before he retired.
Has a picture of Daisy in his wallet.
Speaking of Daisy, she was a gift to him from his grandfather before he died/disappeared.
Used to be close to his grandfather but they drifted apart as he got older.
Doesn’t trust the bridge to the house after his foot fell through an old plank when he was a kid.
The house had always given him the creeps, and still does now but he’s afraid to admit it.
Not a big fan of eye contact after the incident at the mountain
Nimh (Nimbus) Barbatus
Mid to late fourties
“Freelance Security Guard”
Met Em on one of her jobs and offered her a place to stay
She has a soft spot for her but she tries (and fails) to hide it
Hadn’t really lived in Port Murlow before Em showed up. She had an apartment but never really used it.
She started taking more jobs now that Em’s an adult which is how she met Flynn.
Has a big family, like a really big family.
Still calls Em kid from time to time much to Em’s mild chagrin.
Side Characters
Silas Grimmar
Late sixties early seventies.
Comes from a family of morticians and runs the local mortuary.
He also runs the occult shop across from his husbands antique shop.
Town Grandpa
Standing at seven feet tall, Silas is Port Murlow’s biggest goth.
He has hit his head on almost every public doorframe, even the ones to his own business.
This has resulted in Hiram continuously asking him to get a bigger door for the occult shop, but he refuses.
He loves his husband very much and is very dramatic about it too.
He’s also a very theatrical and jovial person.
He does have a religion but keeps what it is as secret because he finds people’s guesses amusing.
Graduated from Miskatonic University in Arkham Massachusetts.
Hiram Grimmar
Late sixties early seventies
Silas’ husband
Runs the antique store across from Silas’ occult shop.
Met Silas when he hit his head on the doorframe of his antique store so hard he cracked the frame.
Has not stopped worrying about him since.
Hiram has a degree in history and often volunteers at the local museum and library.
Can and will recite the history of pottery and sculpting
Friend of Flynn and his grandfather
Recently ex military, retired around the same time as the Mountain Incident with Flynn.
Missing his left arm, but no one knows how or why.
Lived in Port Murlow for as long as anyone can remember.
Had a son but refuses to talk about him to anyone. Only thing close friends of his know is that his scarf belonged to said son.
He’s reclusive and only comes to town for groceries or for the annual sailing competition.
He was a good portion of Flynn’s impulse control while they served. Though I doubt that would have stopped the Mountain Incident…
Grandpa Keen
Status: Dead/Lost at Sea
Ex military
Some folks in Port Murlow called him Old Man Keen.
Flynn’s once beloved grandfather whom he later became estranged from.
Though the man was always a little odd, telling exaggerated tales of sea monsters and enormous fish. Flynn always thought it was to entertain him as a kid, even if grandpa Keen was always looking over his shoulder at sea.
Had a boat called “The Dopefish”, he crashed it after “being attacked by a Sea Demon”.
As Flynn grew older grandpa Keen would invite him over less and less often until he just stopped offering all together.
After that he’d only been seen at big family gatherings, like Christmas or thanksgiving.
Then about halfway through high school Keen stopped visiting too.
He was last seen on Flynn’s 19th birthday where he gifted him Daisy.
He looked tired, eyes bloodshot, like he hadn’t slept in days. His breathing was irregular and ragged. His face was pale and sunken as well. When he left he apologized for his absence and distance from the family. He also gave Flynn ownership of his house in Port Murlow.
About a month after Flynn and his family would receive a call asking if they knew the whereabouts of grandpa Keen by some government agents. They said that he was wanted for theft of government property.
Valen would later inform Flynn that said property was an experimental submarine.
That was the last they ever heard of old grandpa Keen.
Port Murlow
Former whaling town founded in the early 1870’s in Massachusetts.
The founders were the Murlow and Taggart families but after a falling out between the two disputes began over who founded the town.
Whenever one family became mayor of the town they’d change the name to that of their family. The townsfolk found this amusing and kept voting for the other each election.
Both families ran whaling companies.
The Taggart family left the whaling business after encountering a terrible sea monster during a trip, and were allegedly saved by a whale.
The town suffered when the Taggart family left the whaling business, but quickly recovered when they switched to shipping. Though members of the Taggart family would be seen leaving the bay with the boat loaded with whaling equipment.
After the incident it was as though the family became cursed with members of the family going mad or disappearing without a trace. This earned the family the nickname the Mad Taggarts.
But a few years after the incident ships began to crash and sink with alarming frequency, no matter how bright the lighthouse shined.
The Taggart family also ran a brewery though they had to “shut it down” in the prohibition era.
Though in actuality they opted to open a speakeasy in the cliffs of the bay. With a strict set of rules to keep the location a secret. Though an incident would result in it’s abandonment and the destruction of another town.
Nowadays the Port Murlow is a quiet fishing town known for its plentiful fish and abundance of sea caves.
One of these caves is famous for being “haunted” my a mysterious green light and “Horrors”. In actuality it turns out the cave is home to a unique and previously undiscovered species of bioluminescent algae, Vegastella scriptorseintillais
The town is also known for its twin lighthouses at each side of the bay, one for each family. Though only the Murlow lighthouse is operational and used.
The Taggart Family
As stated above, the Taggart family was one of the founders of Port Murlow. The once large family has now dwindled down to only a few people, Flynn included.
The Family once owned a successful whaling company but left the trade after an incident at sea left the head of the family at the time (Francis Archibald Taggart) rambling about a demon from the deep.
Even after the family switched to shipping and brewing alcohol, Francis and a the other whalers from that day would periodically leave for about a week loaded up with whaling equipment. Only to come back with a fraction of the equipment and a damaged ship.
One day the ship set sail and never came back.
That was also the day the Curse of the Taggarts began.
After that at least once a generation someone would die under mysterious circumstances or go insane.
One of the more well known member family members was Miranda Taggart, who after the attack on the family’s speakeasy The Whale’s Graveyard burned the town of Innsmouth and crashed the family’s last whaling ship on Devi’s Reef.
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epic-and-kitty · 4 months
ask game for Twist 10, 14 & 15
10. Is your OC sentimental or pragmatic? Do they keep mementos or only what they need to survive? Have they always been this way or did something happen to make them change?
Twist is very sentimental, she has several mementos from living with the Salmonids and despite her living in a tent, she keeps them safe and hidden. However, a lot ended up getting lost when her tent got set on fire, she was only able to save her gold scale necklace before she was pulled away from her tent for her own safety. She has also kept the ashes from her tent and puts a bit in the stuffing of each plush she makes.
She's always been like this, even before losing her memories. When she was in the clone facility, she kept stealing little rubber and plastic balls from tests to play with before they always got taken away by her creator. To this day, she's fascinated by little smooth round objects.
(She also buys charms from pretty much every place she visits and hooks them all up to her Sploosh, to the point her friends joke that if she threw it she'd do more damage than if she shot it. She is very attached to those little charms, to the point she'll stop everything to go back to a stage and look if one falls off)
14. How important is friendship to your OC? Do they prefer to have one or two close friends or a large group of casual friends? Or do they prefer their own company over that of others?
Twist is self admittedly horrible at making friends, mostly because she comes on WAY too strong and genuine. A lot of people find her a bit much to handle or just too friendly to the point of scary. It's why she latched onto Skull when he didn't push her away when she started following him around because he was nice to her.
Despite not being able to make a lot of them, she really wants to have friends. She's actually super happy when the S4 allow her to hang around and eventually ask her to make her own team for them to play against. She's the happiest in a crowd of people who like her and don't mind her oddities. She's a social butterfly stuck in an awkward introverts body.
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
The Salmonid camp she was raised in is the first to come to mind. It's where her family is, where she literally got a second chance at life because a little Smallfry had faith in her. To her, the camp is literally "home", and she goes to visit anytime she has a salvaging job in the area.
Alterna is also significant to her, since it's where she found a purpose, since before she just stayed in a place a few months and moved on. Her time in Alterna made her stay in Splatsville much longer than intended and the NSS was something other than turf and salvaging that she actually likes doing. Not to mention that the entirety of the NSS has become like a second family to her, and ORCA is someone she considers a very close friend. There is some negativity, since she knows what happened to the humans there, but she is ultimately comforted in Alterna.
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underfell-crystal · 1 year
For Harp 💙
Gonna do DND Harp.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Loss and grief. She has awful coping mechanisms.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Harp is kinda...... a criminal. She's casual about stealing things from people she doesn't know, so you'll absolutely see her swipe things from vendors and stuff. It's normal.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
She prefers hot drinks cuz they warm her up, but her favorite drink is good ol' rum.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
She has a gold locket from her childhood with a amall painting of her parents and a painting of her and her sisters when they were young. It's enchanted to be waterproof, too.
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
Autumn. All the pretty colors!
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
She's deathly afraid of orcas and she hates people sneaking up on her amd touching her. She also has a fear of falling bc she straight up died from fall damage into the ocean in the campaign. (Don't worry she's alive now)
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I originally created her for Kioko's original mermaid pirate AU, and I wanted to do something besides a normal fish mermaid. So I made a selkie.
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
Cameras are a new thing in the campaign so she hasn't had her picture taken yet, but she doesn't really like to be the center of attention unless it's while she's doing acrobatic tricks. She likes being dramatic with her poses and likes to show off how flexible she is.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
She wants to be remembered *period*. She's terrified of being forgotten and left alone. That's why she embraces being a pirate so much; her escapades will go down in history for a long time.
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
She could fit into a lot of them, but I don't think I'd put her into high-tech, future-y worlds just cuz her core as a 18/19th century pirate is so integral to her character.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
She eats rocks and currency for fun.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
She's afraid of falling in love again due to how badly her first relationship went.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Biggest change would probably be making her less innocent and more sweet and mischievous. She's seen a lot of shit, but she still chooses to be good despite it.
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Oh ABSOLUTELY. She keeps her damage close to her chest and as a result, when something traumatic happens (like, idk, dying and seeing her family whose deaths she feels responsible for, random example) she has a breakdown and accidentally lets information that she does NOT want to tell people slip (like her not being human).
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
She head bonks people she likes.
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moonlitfirefly · 1 year
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Orcas: A Mother's Bond
The Story of Mistreatment of a Matriarchal Species
Paul Nicklen Photography
May 8
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This Mother's Day, I am especially grateful for all of the mothers who raise their young with kindness, compassion and respect for our natural world. Because of you, there is hope for the future of our planet.
When I think about Mother's Day, I cannot help but think of all of the mothers in the world both human and animal. Over my career, I have been privileged to witness and learn from mothers in the wild - from polar bears and their cubs to penguins and their chicks. But, I have learned there is no mother quite like an orca.
A matriarchal and matrilineal species, orcas' societies are female-led. All orca offspring remain with their mothers and grandmothers their entire lives (60+ years). This species works together in tight-knit, complex, family-driven pods to raise their young, increasing their chances of survival.
In the wild, orcas live in tight-knit family groups that share a sophisticated, unique culture passed down through the generations.
Because of their interwoven societal structures, orcas are often seen exhibiting "human-like" behaviors. These highly intelligent animals have relationships much like ours and are most certainly sentient beings. Most famously, a testament of a mother orca's bond is the story of Tahlequah.
In 2018, Tahlequah made global headlines for carrying her deceased calf for 17 days in a profound display of grief and loss. As she grieved, so did the world - because motherhood is universal. This story along with other examples below are only a small sample of why we are unjust in mistreating conscious beings.
To every mother who continues to persevere through adversity and care for her young, this article is dedicated to you. I wish you a happy Mother's Day.
If you have a story about a lesson(s) you have learned from wild mothers,……”
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maugurim3 · 1 year
deathly hollows
Mommy why did daddy leave us alone flower cries. He did it to protect us you see Reggie grew up in a horrible family. His mother and dad were mentally unstable due to inbreeding . This caused them to hurt your daddy growing up. Uncle sirius left your father without saying good bye believing your daddy was the better son. He was killed by voldmorts inferi undead creatures. Why was my daddy's life so tragic she sobbed in her mothers arms
"He loved you and I and respected kreacher and yes he followed noiseless but he did a 180 when he saw how he viewed him and the other death eaters. They think that they are all his friends ,girlfriends etc but in reality they are just pawns. He also did it to save me as I am a wolf fairy so in wizard terms a halfblood. He loved you sooooo much more than anyone and anything .
My brother was evil sirius said as he walked into the room. Flower go ride lighta I'm sure she'd love it. Flower tells her daughter as she grabs her old ridding gear. Bye mommy she says before going to Reggie old room. Your brother was broken sirius and you are a selfish bratty spoiled swag. She yells at sirius holding her wand . Incanturio flower says as she lifts her wand to her forehead .
Flashback warning
flashback 1
Hey Reggie hey blue eyes you look pretty . Thank you Misure black . Sorry I am bad at French. 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 that's okay me too. So wanna go to the fall festival with me regulus. Yes that be lovely blue eyes.
flashback 2
Oh my gosh is blue eyes and your brother dancing. I can't believe it my brother with a beauty who knew. I love you regulus and I you blue eyes.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you should have won boy. I'm sorry I'll try harder father . Regulus oh this is why you lost . Reggie tried his best Mr Orion and its just a game . Crying regulus on the floor. Leave Mr black or I'll tell Dumbledore what you have done. Fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he says before scrambling like a shrew. Shhh it's okay love .
Flashback 4
Welcome regulus we saved you a seat. Bring in ms fang Pettigrew. Blue eyes sit cusin Bellatrix back off . Master let My fiancé go now . If you do then I will officially join you. Regulus don't do it hell kill you.i can't let him hurt you my heart.
Flashbacks ⚠️ over
see he loved me he respected me and you tell my child her father was a coward when you killed people and bullied me and bullied my husband. Who can't even defend his bloody honor sirius Orion black flower screams. At him before slapping him across the face
Blue eyes calm down says Molly weasly gently.flower heads to the stairs . Next person who disrespects my husband is getting fed to lighta got it she yelled at them.
(I skipped a head because I know mist people have ether read the books or movies and if not check out movie flames they do a Medicore with harry Potter and others.)
Ah flower black the blood traitor yells Bellatrix lestrange. Bella last time I checked I don't love someone who is part human,snake and part rat. Asodre she says as she lifts her wand.Towards voldmort who is shocked at being hit by the curse. Voldmort looks at the young mother with pure anger but also surprise. That boy taught a filthy mudblood that he says trying to hit her with adrevkabra but misses. This is for my daddy ugly flower says hitting voldy with the iltack charm . Voldmort soon feels like his body is on fire.
(You all know the rest.)( flower and her daughter will stay in the home . They burn most of their families tree.except regulus black and those who were good. Flower will follow in her mom's footsteps and go to USA and become an orca tranier . Her mom made a statue of regulus in front of the black mansion.) While voldmort us in limbo due to what he did to his soul. While regulus is in heaven waiting for his wife and child to join him.) So Reggie got the last laugh .
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gorgonnes · 2 years
some wee headcanons to kick off the blog (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
aiyana doesn’t do friends. she doesn’t like people. she’s been alive since before the colonization of turtle island. she’s seen so many people she’s loved die and she just doesn’t like outliving her friends.
she can’t die. she’s the chosen protector of turtle island.
her shop abides by howl’s moving castle rules. she can relocate her shop quickly using the same if not similar magic.
she’ll often use plains cree in everyday conversation. translations will be available in tags when i write them.
aiyana is considered by both the canadian and united states governments as an eco-terrorist. she does not define herself as a villain. her villain status is 100% ascribed to her by the white people.
aiyana wears a necklace with a red jewel pendant that her grandmother made her. it’s a protection talisman that her grandmother made prior to her death.
aiyana is a mermaid and a siren. her mermaid-ness abides by h2o just add water rules (within 10 seconds of touching water she sprouts a tail). her mermaid form doesn’t take traditional mer-form. it’s similar to how a lot of art represents the inuit goddess, sedna. her tail is similar to an orca’s and the skin is similar to a sharks.
while aiyana can’t die, she can get injured. she has a lot of scars on her human body as well as her mer-body.
aiyana voice claims: #1 and #2
aiyana changes her name every few decades
aiyana has been banned from most major european countries. the Big Ones are the UK, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy. Since the formation of the EU, it’s extended to countries within the EU.
she uses full names for people to distance herself from them. if she starts using just ur first name, she’s beginning to care about u
aiyana dances fancy shawl
at least once a week, aiyana needs to submerge herself in some water (fresh or salt doesn’t matter; pools work too). if she doesn’t, her whole body will start to ache, her joints get stiff, and her skin looks ashy and dry.
aiyana has little webs in between her fingers. they’re super translucent and look almost holographic.
she likes to keep her nails quite long and uses them in combat since they’re not made out of keratin like human nails. the material is similar to stonefish spines and in her mer form, they’re also poisonous.
aiyana is 6′1
when she’s sad or missing home, star will just fly up to the moon and sit there. she likes to look at the earth and wonder what it’d be like if her parents could meet her friends
i blend teen titans and comic canon a little bit but starfire was never SAed. i do write that she was experimented on by the Citadel/Psions alongside her sister. She didn’t know her sister betrayed her and their people and she believes her sister to be dead.
she has a lot of scars on her torso and her arms. she covers them with her clothing most of the time and she sees them as her greatest shame because she couldn’t save her people, her family, or her sister.
the climate on Tamaran tends to run warmer than earth. as such, star is often very cold so she has a large collection of sweaters and jackets. her bed is a gigantic blanket nest.
jessica cruz
jessica currently still has the ring of volthoom, the ring she had before her green lantern ring.
the ring of volthoom feeds off of jessica’s anxiety and agoraphobia. it’s currently making her very sick and wants her weak so it can use her and possess her.
jessica’s friends were murdered in october and happened three years ago.
jessica is a dreamer and her parents are mexican immigrants that settled in coast city. currently, jessica lives in portland.
jessica has one sister named sara.
because jessica IS agoraphobic, she’ll watch a lot of movies and tv shows, esp bad reality tv shows.
jessica streams video games. her twitch is limelightgames
mad maggie
mad maggie is a persona that maggie adopts. to her friends and loved ones, she’s margaret/maggie, but her protest persona is mad maggie and it’s the label that most news outlets and government officials ascribe her.
maggie is VERY muscular. she’s also fairly flat chested. she keeps her hair cut short so she can braid it.
before big protests, and if things get hairy, maggie performs war hak.
maggie is so good with kids. maggie loves kids.
this woman is a big ol’ lesbian
she’s an excellent cook. she feeds everyone. her home is just...a rotating door for people. it’s open to anyone and everyone that needs it, ESPECIALLY kids. when she moves to gotham, she uses cracked talon funds to buy a big house and she has several rooms for orphaned kids.
cracked talon is her ‘warband’. it’s similar to a gang. but she doesn’t have territory. she’ll dispatch her warband to different protests. she’s a HUGE activist
she also participates in illegal underground fighting rings. she uses her winnings to fund cracked talon.
she never went to university. she barely graduated high school. but she’s not dumb. she’s super fucking smart. academia just wasn’t it for her. she’s a natural born public speaker, an incredibly tactician, and she’s well versed in various forms of combat and firearms. she’s not illiterate but she has a hard time reading and writing.
when she was arrested in the states and at her trial, she got really mad at how the judge was treating her so she slammed her head down on the desk and knocked a tooth loose and proceeded to spit it at the judge :) she also tore out the throat of one of the guards at blackgate that was mistreating her and one of her friends.
she spent 20 years in prison.
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crowberri · 2 years
What does diet look like for Ingo and Emmet? Like the Pearl Clan has food issues in Canon, ( is he affiliated with them?) that could be bad if Ingo was really hurt on arrival. On the other hand cold water systems tend to be productive ecosystems so Ingo could help harvest aquatic food for the group. Like the map has coast running along the icelands so fishing should be good. New area for playing with
I’m going to take tid bits from this post (i’ll change some stuff for myself though— I’ll be making a mindmap documenting things :’))), they expanded the world building this AU so well where i never could,,
Orcas are good group hunters, and they usually eat fish, squid, seals, and even whales bigger than themself. The twins were with commerson’s dolphins for a while and learnt hunting from them when their entire family got murdered ahaha… I imagine the two have a more meat heavy diet, but since merfolks are different than actual orcas, I think vegetables would also be on their plate. Though the twins don’t hunt every single meal they eat since they’re really close to humans, I’d imagine they still do it in their free time for fun. (idk if they’d slap a poor seagull 30 ft into the air though i mean i can lowkey see Emmet doing it and it would be a quick death for the bird but man—)
As for Ingo’s arrival in Hisui... He did arrive a tad bit injured, though not life threatening, and when Palina saw him while diving she didn’t even swim up close bc he could be dangerous. Food wise, it took him a while to adjust 1. to have to hunt every meal and 2. his hunting style to solo, as he used to go in pair with Emmet. It made getting food a bit difficult but he managed, he does thin down a bit though.
And yes! When the clans started to trust Ingo more, they’d ask him to hunt for extras when he goes out. By that point he would’ve gotten much better at hunting, and he’d have a pokemon companion or two to help him. I think he does become Sneaseler’s warden, though it is difficult seeing to her needs when he’s a fish and her den in somewhere in the mountains (maybe there’s an underground river that connects to her den…? we don’t even know where her den is at all lmao) but mama Sneaseler is plenty capable of taking care of herself and her kits so she’s fine with Ingo being physically unable to help her sometimes. Or he can just hang out with her as friends bc maybe he doesn’t join the clans at all and just has a close relationship with them- I’m indecisive :’DD
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
for mermay can u tell us what type of mermaid hunter would be in the mermaid au?
I believe I already said this, but I wanted to give some updates, so I shall say it again!
Hunter is an orca, more specifically one who'd accumulated a lot of algae that gave him a yellowish hue (which does happen in the wild!), and the fact that juveniles are often yellowish, he lives up to the Golden Guard name. From his tail fluke and a little bit up is a prosthetic that Belos made. Debating if it's because Hunter had some fucked up Grimwalker juice or Belos went so far over a line that it might as well not have existed anymore. But most of the rest of his tail has these metal wires (inspired by this post) that connect to important moving parts and assist in movement, as also due to an incident with Belos or by way of being born funky he has some weakened joints + muscles in his tail. All of it is crafted together with intricate designs and some good blending in that it looks like purposeful decoration/flashing off importance. The prosthetic itself is thought to be a fancy piece of armor.
Still not quite sure what would make Belos and Wittebro 'different' from the others, since Luz isn't human in this AU, she's just a selkie, which is still noticeably different from mers. I'm not sure, merrow? Ceasg? Adaro? No idea. But I know the basis of an orca was something slightly edited from whatever Wittebro was, so it's something off of what Belos is (something something "I'm a mer with a wonky tail. A lot of mers in my family were the same"). Not quite an orca, but I'm still not sure if I want to go down the megalodon route.
Back on Hunter, my guy is all kinds of sickly looking. He's got a floppy dorsal fin that he tries to hold up with wires similar to the ones used on his tail but they never quite work properly. He's got a few more noticeable scars since any underwater cloak is only gonna go so far, which leads even more people to believe he's much older than he actually is, even if he's pretty small for an orca. Being a killer whale and bearing that many scars certainly does quite a number for his reputation, which works in his favor as the Golden Guard. He's going through a lot
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dragonkeeper19600 · 3 years
Jaws: The Musical (Concept)
So, out of curiosity, I looked online to see if anyone had ever adapted a musical from Jaws. There is a musical called Bruce that’s scheduled to debut in Seattle next year about the production of Jaws (and I would be interested in seeing that), but as for a musical of the Jaws story itself, I found one that’s for kids and about 48 minutes long.
Now, I’ve never seen this musical, so I cannot attest as to its quality, but, in my opinion, both of those choices are wrong. This musical should be the full two acts, and it should be aimed at adults. 
I’ve been brainstorming, and I think I’ve got a hypothetical musical all mapped out. You might think a musical based on Jaws is silly, but a lot of successful musicals have been adapted from really strange things (such as a comic book artist’s coming-out memoir, a crappy Roger Corman movie, and a collection of goofy cat poems), and I feel like a Jaws musical could be really epic. The story easily lends itself into a two-act structure. The first act is the shark attacks on Amity Island, and the second act is the hunt for the shark in the Orca. 
However, the musical wouldn’t make the mistake of putting lyrics to John Williams’s iconic Jaws theme. The theme would obviously be used as a leitmotif throughout the show, but it’s not the type of song that lends itself to lyrics, and I think that would be corny,
So, the musical would play out like this:
The movie opened with Chrissie’s death, so the stage show will do the same. The scene will be short and all dialogue, no singing. The shark will also not be seen, but its presence will be implied by the music, lighting, and Chrissy’s acting.
First song: “Welcome to Amity Island.” Functions as an intro to the setting of Act One. The tone is joyous and celebratory as the islanders welcome the flood of tourists that always come in the summer. A big portion of the song is sung by Mayor Vaughn as he sings about what a wonderful vacation spot Amity Island is. We also meet Brody, and a dark undercurrent is introduced to the song as he finds Chrissy’s mangled body.
Brody, of course, takes steps to close the beach right away, but he’s stopped by the Mayor, who sings the second song, “Summer Dollars,” where the Mayor insists that closing the beaches is bad for the town and that Brody shouldn’t be causing an unnecessary panic and causing hysteria that could drive tourists away. Brody tries to argue back but in the end, Vaughn has his way.
Brody returns to the station, apprehensive about keeping the beaches open. Here, we’re introduced to Brody’s wife, Ellen, who saw no problem with visiting him at work since nothing ever happens on Amity Island. Brody expresses his uneasiness, but Ellen assures him that his fear of the water is making him overestimate the danger. This gets Brody’s coworkers curious, so, with a little prompting from Ellen, Brody sings his first solo, “Drowning,” about his fear of the water. In the song, Brody sings about a childhood incident where a bully held him underwater at a public swimming pool. Not only did this give him a fear of water, but the bullying he received as a child is what set him on the path to become a cop, since he wanted to be able to protect people from suffering the same mistreatment he did. However, he moved from New York City because the working environment there was unfriendly to cops who wish to protect and serve instead of, well, being typical American cops.
Next song: “Blue Sky” Just as the Mayor wished, the beaches are open, and summer is in full swing. Brody is there with his family, anxiously keeping an eye on the water. The rest of the ensemble doesn’t share his anxiety, however, as they frolic and play in the sun. Brody is jolted to his feet several times by the sound of screaming, but it’s always a false alarm. However, the mood turns scary as we segue into the next song:
“Shark!” - While out swimming on his raft, young Alex Kintner is attacked and eaten. Brody sees it and screams the title of the song. It’s pandemonium as people rush out of the water, and the song is fast-paced and chaotic. However, it ends on a mournfully quiet note as Mrs. Kintner calls for her son. (”Alex? Alex!?”)
Quick scene transition, and we move immediately into he next song, called “Something Must Be Done.” Here, at a town council meeting, the townspeople argue back and forth about what to do about their shark problem. I imagine the music here sounding like the “Mayor’s Meeting” theme from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Brody argues strongly in favor of closing the beaches (in song, of course), but he is shut down not only by the Mayor but by the rest of the townspeople, who still rely on the income brought in by the tourists. People throw around various suggestions, with one woman finally declaring that she’ll reward whoever catches the shark with three thousand dollars. The song descends into a cacophony as people argue over each other.
The noise is interrupted by the screech of nails on a chalkboard. It’s Quint who sings the titular song, “Jaws,” as he sings about his job as a shark hunter and how dangerous sharks can be. (”Those jaws will swallow you whole. / A little shakin’, tenderizing’, down you go.”) He offers to kill the shark for ten grand, not three. The woman who made the offer balks at the high price, and the Mayor explains that kind of money isn’t in the budget “right now.” Quint takes it in stride and tells everyone they’ll know where to find him if they change their minds. He’s supposedly addressing the room, but he looks right at Brody as he says it. He can tell Brody is the only one who will actually listen.
Many sailors of various aptitudes come to Amity Island, hoping to catch the shark and cash in on that three thousand dollars. Among the new arrivals is Hooper, who introduces himself to Brody as a marine biologist from the Oceanographic Institute. Hooper sings his intro song, “Beautiful,” referring to his views on sharks. Hooper recounts how he was bitten by a shark as a child, but instead of coming to fear them, Hooper walked away fascinated by them and now views sharks to be beautiful creatures. However, the song takes a somber note as Hooper is brought in to examine Chrissie’s remains, and the word “Beautiful” is shifted from referring to sharks to referring to Chrissie when she was alive. (“She was just a kid. / So much of life to live. / Now, bits and scraps are all that’s left. / Of a girl who was once so beautiful.”)
“Hell of a Fish” - The fishermen succeed in catching a large tiger shark, presumed to be the shark that killed Alex and Chrissie. Brody joins in the celebratory atmosphere, but Hooper examines the dead shark’s teeth and is convinced they’ve got the wrong fish. The Mayor and the fisherman who caught the tiger shark argue that this is the shark that’s been causing the trouble, while Hooper argues back that it’s definitely not. Hooper angrily demands that he be allowed to dissect the shark to confirm whether there are human remains inside, but Mayor Vaughn rejects his request. He doesn't care if they’ve got the right shark. He doesn’t believe a third attack will happen either way. (”We’ve got a hell of a fish to show. / And shark attacks are pretty rare, you know?”) 
This song is interrupted by the entrance of Mrs. Kintner, in funeral attire, who goes up to Brody and slaps him. She then sings “My Boy Is Dead,” a slow, tragic lament about her son, Alex. (“He was just a boy. His whole life still ahead. / Now, I’ll never know what he would’ve been. / Because my boy is dead.”) Mrs. Kintner blames Brody for not warning the town after Chrissie’s death, and Brody takes the blame to heart. The song ends with a callback to “Hell of a Fish,” as Hooper bitterly remarks that he hopes Mayor Vaughn is right about the tiger shark being the culprit, otherwise there’s a “hell of a fish” still out there somewhere.
“Cloud on the Horizon” - Song is kicked off by a TV reporter, who delivers a brief story to the audience about the recent shark attacks on Amity Island. The holiday-making resumes on Amity’s beaches, but people are more nervous than before, The ensemble sings amongst themselves about whether they should go in the water. They finally do so with a little encouragement from the Mayor. Meanwhile, Brody encourages his son Michael to stay in the shallow pond.
“Shark! (Reprise)” - A shark fin is spotted in the water, and the ensemble takes up the alarm, scrambling while frantically singing a reprise of “Shark!” However, the alarm dies down when the fin is revealed to be a fake worn by a swimmer. However, a lone woman takes up the cry again as the shark is spotted swimming toward the pond where Michael is. The music ramps up as the shark takes down a boater mere feet away from Michael, and the audience gets their first clear view of the shark.
“Red Sea” - The song functions as a reprise of “Blue Sky,” but also contains musical elements from “My Boy is Dead.” Brody pulls his son Michael out of the water, unsure of whether he’s still alive. Luckily, Michael is only in shock. Ellen runs to call for an ambulance. As he waits by Michael’s body, Brody sings his second solo, loudly berating everyone in town, including himself, for allowing this to happen three times. All of the beachgoers, including the Mayor, are cowed by his song.
“(Can’t Find) a Good Man” - This is the first song between all three crew members of the Orca. Brody goes to hire Quint to kill the shark, agreeing to pay whatever he wants. Quint knows he has Brody by the balls and keeps upping the price, demanding additional payments like various kinds of booze and a color TV in addition to the ten thousand dollars. Brody agrees to all of it, but Quint’s one crew member refuses to go out after the shark, so Quint fires him. Hooper and Brody volunteer to go along, but Quint is reluctant to bring them aboard. He contemplates whether he should go alone, since Hooper and Brody will be useless on deck. Hooper loudly argues that he's qualified and “doesn’t need this working class hero crap,” but Brody is more gentle and persuasive. He reminds Quint that his own son was nearly killed by this shark and feels he owes it to both his family and the town to help in whatever way he can. Quint is won over by Brody’s humility and agrees to take them both on.
“Farewell, Amity Island” - Reprise of “Welcome to Amity Island” and the Act One Finale. Like “Welcome to Amity Island,” this is a huge ensemble number, this time centering around the Orca’s upcoming departure. Several characters come to see the ship off as Quint yells at Hooper and Brody, including the Mayor and Ellen. The Mayor apologizes to Brody (“I know you’re angry. You have every right to be. / My own children were there in that same red sea.”), where Ellen bids a tearful farewell, knowing she might never see Brody again. Brody’s sung farewells are intercut with a spoken back and forth between Quint and Hooper, as Quint snarks at everything Hooper does. The song also contains instrumental traces of “Spanish Ladies.” Brody and Ellen’s embrace is broken up by Quint as the Orca shoves off.
After the act two opener (which is an instrumental of “Jaws,” the song Quint sang earlier), we return to the Orca where Quint fishes off the stern, loudly singing “Spanish Ladies” a cappella. It sounds pretty good, but he’s interrupted by Hooper, who yells that he’s been listening to Quint sing for three hours and can’t take it any more. Brody has no choice but to listen to the ensuing back and forth as he chums the water. 
The childish behavior is interrupted when Quint gets a bite. He's convinced it’s the shark, but Hooper, still annoyed with Quint, believes it’s some kind of sport fish. Hooper begrudgingly goes to help Quint pull in the line, but a moment of inattention causes the line to snap.
“City Hands” - Quint berates Hooper for losing the shark and trying to tell a professional shark hunter how to hunt sharks. Their animosity finally erupts into an angry duet as they hurl very personal insults at each other, with Hooper calling Quint a drunken, senile sea dog, while Quint berates Hooper for being a coddled, privileged city boy. Their musical fight looks like it’ll get physical when Hooper snatches the beer Quint was drinking out of his hand and chucks it into the ocean. Luckily, Brody breaks it up, pointedly reminding them why they’re here and that they don’t need to be at each other’s throats when the shark will gladly do that for them. Quint sheepishly apologizes to Brody and only Brody. Hooper likewise backs down.
Brody returns to chumming the water only to toss a shovelful of chum directly into the shark’s face. The shark is right beside the Orca, and it’s huge. There is an instrumental score but no singing as all three men work together to try and bring in the shark. The shark seems unfazed by all the bullets and harpoons they shoot into it, but they manage to attach one barrel to the shark. Quint is satisfied that the shark will tire itself out with the barrel attached and that all they have to do is wait it out. Brody is all for returning to shore and calling the Coast Guard, but Quint ignores him.
Scene transition, and we’re in the ship’s cabin that night. All three men are staying up to wait for the shark, and they’ve had a bit to drink. Quint catches Brody examining the rope burn he got on his hand earlier in the day and reassures him that it won't leave a permanent scar. This segues into the duet “Something Permanent,” as Hooper and Quint compare scars. The tone isn’t angry and harsh as before but jovial and upbeat. Clearly, the earlier animosity is forgiven. 
“Those Eyes” - This is Quint’s solo about the sinking of the Indianapolis. Brody asks Quint about a scar on his arm that he hasn’t mentioned. Quint offhandedly mentions it’s a tattoo he had removed. When Hooper makes a joke about it being a “Mother” tattoo, Quint informs him it’s actually for the U.S.S. Indianapolis. Hooper clearly knows the story, but Brody doesn't, so Quint tells it. The song is slow and eerie. The words “those eyes” are used to refer to both the sharks’ eyes and the eyes of his crew mates as they were devoured or lay dead in the water. Quint sings that he still sees those eyes looming up at him in the dark of the night. He then catches the looks on Brody and Hooper’s faces and chuckles darkly, telling them not to look at him with “those eyes.” After all, they delivered the bomb. No one comments on this, but all three men have now sung their backstories at some point in the show.
Hooper quietly starts to sing “Show Me the Way to Go Home.” The other two join in. Their singing is interrupted by the shark ramming into the ship.
The crew scramble back on deck. Quint, his mind still swimming in the memory of the Indianapolis, wildly fires a rifle at the shark, but he only succeeds in driving it away, Hooper goes belowdeck  to assess the damage. The ship can still run, but it’s struggling. Brody loudly advocates returning to shore, but Quint refuses.
The shark returns, leading to the next song, “Barrels.” The song has a lot of dialogue and instrumental but also functions as a reprise of “Something Permanent,” as Quint gleefully proclaims his intent to leave “something permanent” on the shark. The crew manages to attach three barrels to the shark, but they lose track of it again. 
Quint decides that since barrels and weapons don’t seem to be working, and the ship is only becoming more damaged, that the thing to do is lure the shark back to shore and drown it in the shallow water. Hooper warns Quint that he’s overtaxing the engine, but Quint only leans harder on the throttle. The engine gives out. 
Brody goes to the radio to call the Coast Guard for help but is shocked when Quint smashes the radio with a baseball bat before the message can get out. This leads to an even angrier reprise of “City Hands,” now with Brody insulting Quint instead of Hooper, calling him “certifiable.” Quint shouts more than sings that he can handle it and he doesn’t need rescuing “this time.” The song shifts to the slower, gentler melody that was used when Brody calmed Hooper and Quint before as Quint tells Brody he vowed that would never be helpless in the water again. Both Brody and Hooper, who was heard the entire outburst, are struck silent.
“Beautiful (Reprise)” - Hooper somberly volunteers to be lowered into the anti-shark cage. Brody argues against it, but, for once, Quint is willing to hear Hooper out. Hooper sings about how putting himself in harm’s way is his only chance to the tune of his intro song, “Beautiful.” Hooper then admits that Quint is right, he hasn’t been through what Quint has, but he’s willing to try and prove his worth. Quint and Brody realize they don't have much choice and agree.
Hooper goes into the cage. Brody takes Hooper’s glasses, and Hooper gives them both one last look before he puts on his mask and goes under. 
“In the Cage” - Instrumental. While below the water (which is just another part of the stage covered in blue spotlights), Hooper tries to attack the shark with the syringe on the end of a spear, but he drops it. The shark begins to break its way into the cage, but Hooper manages to escape and hides behind some rocks, apologizing to the men above for failing.
Quint and Brody, of course, can’t hear him, nor can they see what’s happening below. Quint and Brody pull up the cage to find it mangled and empty. Brody is devastated, thinking that Hooper is dead, but Quint seems to be truly unraveling. He sings a shaky reprise of “Those Eyes,” this time obsessing over the look Hooper gave them before he went under. He frantically recalls that he saw the same look on the faces of his crew mates after the sinking of the Indianapolis. Tragically, the song also functions as a callback to “My Boy Is Dead.” (”It’s far too late for me now to take back the things I’ve said. / They’ll haunt me ‘til my dying day. / Because that boy is dead.”)
“Quint’s End” - Instrumental, spoken dialogue. Quint can’t get the last image of Hooper out of his mind and begs him to stop looking at him like that. Brody is alarmed as Quint’s pleas to Hooper change to pleas to his dead crew mate, Herbie Robinson. Quint has slid into a full-blown PTSD flashback. In his mind, he’s back in the waters of the Pacific thirty years ago, surrounded by sharks and dead crew mates. Brody tries to calm Quint down by reminding him where he is, but at that moment, the shark leaps onto the stern, and the Orca lists backwards. (In my head, the Orca set is on some kind of platform that can be raised at an incline.) Both men begin to slide toward the waiting jaws of the shark. Brody manages to grab onto the door frame leading into the cabin. He tries to hold onto Quint, but Quint slips out of his hand. Quint tries to fight back against the shark, but with a sickening crunch, Quint falls silent. The shark retreats with Quint’s lifeless body.
“Smile!” - Payback time. The Orca is sinking fast, and Brody knows that if he ends up in the water, it’s game over. Brody manages to ward the shark off with one of Hooper’s scuba tanks. The shark takes the scuba tank into its mouth, giving Brody the chance to climb onto the mast with Quint’s rifle. The music ramps up in speed and intensity as the shark closes in. Brody’s singing ramps up to match as he fires at the shark again and again, reminding himself of his promise to protect others and vowing that this shark will never kill anyone again. Then, with a final, bombastic, “So, smile you son of a bitch!” he gets a hit on the tank, and the shark explodes. He whoops and hollers as the music swells.
The finale instrumental is both sad and sweet. The sinking mast deposits Brody in the water. Hooper surfaces besides him. They laugh together, relieved that it’s over. Hooper asks about Quint, but Brody only responds with the single word, “No.” Hooper and Brody are close enough to paddle back to shore, so they do just that. As they set off, Brody begins to sing, “Show Me the Way to Go Home.” Hooper joins in. The curtain falls.
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