#the fans that sunny scared the hell out of had a very ‘he’s right behind me isn’t he’ moment lmao
kaleidoscopek9 · 2 years
Has punk sun or moon ever accidentally walk into a fan dancing and singing to one of their songs?
One time during a fan meet & greet, Sun surprised the hell out of a small group of his fans. They’d been rocking out to the boy’s music, playing out of one of the fan’s phones. They’d been so into the music that they hadn’t registered that he’d walked out from a tour bus directly behind them. He then proceeded to give them a heart attack by joining in with their singing, lol.
Moon was out on one of his nightly escapades one time, and he’d heard someone singing his music. They were waiting by themselves at a crosswalk, and were wearing a pair of earbuds. They were totally unaware that he’d been on the sidewalk behind them. He’d stopped for a moment, stared at them softly, and just smiled to himself and kept walking. It had been a nice reminder to him that what he & Sunny were doing, the music they made, meant something to a lot of people.
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imanonymousfanfic · 3 years
How do you think the strawhat would be with a crewmate who has a cat (or like three) ?
I am so sorry this took so long to answer. I've had university deadlines.
This is my personal take on the characters. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing this. Thank you anon ❤️
Luffy would LOVE to have cats aboard!! Luffy would be giggling childishly after hearing the new crew mate has cats, unless that’s why he asked for them to join in the first place (no surprise there). Since it’s Luffy, and he’s oblivious as hell, he’ll probably do a couple things that would get them feisty, earning him a good cat fight. He’d end up looking like he does after Nami has a go at him. Luffy’s love will go on endlessly, as they’re not part of the StrawHat family. Before the cats can explore the ship, the idea of teaching the fur balls some “cool tricks” will come up, maybe even plotting to sneak some meat behind Sanji’s back. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t... probably not, knowing Luffy. He’s good company for them, a good partner to play with if he has a feather stick. You will find them resting on his belly as they both nap in the sun on Sunny's head. And without a doubt, ass will be kicked if a single whisker on their faces is touched out of malice.
For a brief second, Zoro will question the cats safety: traveling on water, but at the end of the day it’s not his problem… kinda. Despite his stiff “cool guy” exterior, the swords man would definitely jump in after any of the cuties that have gone over board. He will angrily mutter about their reckless climbing and playfulness as he rushes them out of the water. I mean he does the same for Luffy, so what’s new? He’d give them some small here and there, nothing too special. Their compatibility will really shine when they crawl all over the man during his meditation, they will have fun tapping at his gold earrings, and as much as he would like his silence, the cats company will make him smile. There’s no doubt about it, Zoro loves them, he just expresses his affection to his crew own way. They’re part of the family and their silly antics will make his night shifts a lot more entertaining.
Sanji will ban any cats from the kitchen right away, which is entirely understandable. Cats shed like crazy and don’t think about where their paws have been. They would knock over things carelessly, even on purpose at times when they want attention. That will irk Sanji. Should it ever happen, though, he’d take the opportunity to show off his cool moves in front of Robin and Nami. His envy would melt the man, seeing them curled up in the ladies laps too, but that’s just Sanji being himself. Since are respectable for the most part, and for this reason Sanji wouldn’t treat them any less than he would the rest of the crew. He’ll work hard on their meals, spoiling their little toe beans off.
Chopper will be the CUTEST with cats, he will be befriend them on an emotional level much faster than the others as he’s one himself. He’s in tune with them, and since he’s a doctor, he will be eager to pick up on veterinary studies to care for them. You will find him often studying their anatomy, even physically studying the little fur balls himself. He’d play with them lots, mostly with him originally chasing them, but knowing Chopper, they will turn that around. You’ll catch Chopper reading books with the cats crawling over him and covering his desk. An adorable sight to see.
Franky is definitely more a dog person, but he won’t reject the adorable purring of a cat. He’ll walk around with one or two of them perched on his shoulders, the height and the stability of Franky is a fun place to hang out. They see lots, and he’s a fun person. When not busy, Franky will take a moment to give out some pets, maybe even making some kissy noises at them. He’ll incorporate some kind of play pen or netted area so they can play safely. You’ll definitely catch him blubbering emotionally about them at some point. It’s Franky, after all, he’s a ginormous softie. When maintaining the ship, he’ll keep the cats locked away for their safety, all the heavy materials and tools could be dangerous, and the last thing he wants is them hurt while they get a little too curious. Let’s hope whenever they crawl over him, none of their claws have a scratch at his banana hammock.
100% Robin is a cat mom, calling it immediately. She’s elegant and has that cheekiness that cats posses too. She likes to soak up some sun, explore her surroundings to understand them better, and is intelligent with a talent in sneaking around. Robin confirmed to be a human-cat? All jokes aside, Robin’s companionship with the cats is calm, just like how many of them like it. They’d be spoiled with lap cuddles, and her devil fruit will make sure none of them are left feeling jealous. Her and Chopper will be often spotted hanging together, or helping the vet check ups.
For some reason, I have a hunch Brook is scared of cats and his hair would pop off seeing them. He’d jump behind one of the crew members, his bones rattling loudly as you hear his cheerful voice pronounce his fear. Luckily for him they’re not dogs, his femur would be gone in seconds if they were. He’d be nervous around the little things at first but with time he will open up to them. Seeing how the crew plays and cuddles with them will make him step out of his comfort zone, and next thing you know, they’re huddled around him as he plays the violin. Music, after all, is calming for cats. He will have his own furry fans to give him all of the love, which will warm his heart (if he had one).
Nami will think they’re super cute, but wouldn’t be quite as enthusiastic as some of the other crew members. That’s just Nami though. She’d definitely be cracking some skulls if you hurt any of them, and she’s a very protective cat mom. She might not be the super cuddly type, but she doesn’t care about them any less than the rest of the crew. She’d save a little bit of money on the side for some nicely made collars, which will be a BIG deal coming from her. They’d be gold plated, or something nice along the lines which is definitely her way of showing affection. No matter how cute they are, however, they won’t be caught in her cartography space - their paws are chaotic and Nami needs her maps to be pristine. As cute as inky paw prints are, she rather not have them.
Usopp will talk to the cats a lot, befriending them like they’re any other person. Even though they can’t understand him or his exaggerated stories, they’re entertained by him no matter what. He’s enrapturing, able to hold their gaze as they get lost in his enthusiastic tone. They sure feel playful around him too, his goofy behaviour is exactly what they need, but they might end up chasing him across the ship with how much a coward he can be at times. With his ingenious building skills, he’d take the time to make them some cool toys, a crazy laser, a feather toy, who knows what Usopp has up his sleeve. Oh, the ideas are endless and Usopp’s designs will be spoiling their tails off. If only Sniper King is able to see how adorable they are… *wink-wink, nudge-nudge*
As I’m not fully caught up and his character to me is still quite hard to write about, I will try to capture Jinbe to my best understanding of him.
I imagine him to find great companionship with cats, understanding their free will, but sense of loyalty they have. Unlike dogs, who are loyal to nearly anyone, a cats sense of loyalty is out of a devoted love they choose to share. Jinbe holds a similar integrity with the relationships he choose to be a part of. Naturally their natures of being are opposites, as he’s a fish man, strongest when in water, while cats run from it. They share a wholesome companionship. If it isn’t Zoro first in the water to save them, Jinbe will be the next to be a kitty rescuer.
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wayward-dreamer · 3 years
Life’s Lessons - Going To California
AO3 Link: Read Here
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word count: 6,964
Summary: When Sam and Eileen back out of going to California, Dean and Y/N take a trip to the golden state in their place. Dean reflects on his relationship with Y/N, making a decision on what his next step should be.
Warnings: Lots of fluff, Dean being sweet (yes, that’s a warning), Swearing, Smut, Dirty talk, Oral sex (Male and Female receiving), Unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it people), more fluff.
Music: Going to California by Led Zeppelin (Dean and Y/N starting their journey scene)
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: Time stamp #3 is here! I’m so excited to share it with you all! There’s so much more to come for these two, but more on that at a later stage! ;) As always, happy reading and enjoy! :)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Life’s Lessons Saga Masterlist
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Dean walked through the house from the kitchen, twisting off the caps on two beers, the necks of the bottles resting between his fingers. He stepped out onto the back porch, walking over to his little brother, who was manning the grill while he was gone. He handed one over to him and then took over turning the burgers. It was a warm evening, the sun slowly setting and bathing the sky in a light purple hue. A soft breeze started, making it a perfect night to sit out and eat dinner.
It had been a while since the brothers saw each other, Sam having been busy with case after case, so when the weekend came and he had nothing work related to do, they made the plan for Sam and Eileen to come over for dinner to his house. Eileen had said she didn’t mind them coming over to her and Sam’s apartment, but Y/N had put her foot down, because no one was going to let the pregnant woman do anything at this point.
Tapping Sam on the shoulder, Dean gestured for him to move. Sam frowned, tapping his older brother back in defiance, not making a move to step away.
“Alright, scoot, let me show you how it’s done,” Dean muttered, as he pushed Sam away from the grill.
“Dude, I know what I’m doing,” Sam grumbled, as he moved to the side, his brother taking over, the flames of the grill fanning a little higher.
“No, you don’t,” Dean stated, chuckling when he saw Sam roll his eyes. He flipped the burgers over, one side browned to perfection already.
“How’s things?” Sam asked, smiling.
“Good,” Dean replied, moving away from the grill slightly, as the flames were too hot. “Amazing, actually.”
“That’s great, man,” Sam said, his smile growing.
Dean nodded, biting his lip as he wondered whether he should tell his little brother what he had been thinking about recently.
“Dean.” Sam got his older brother’s attention when he saw the look on his face. That one always meant there was something Dean wasn’t telling him. “What’s going on?”
“I, uh…” Dean smiled, unable to hide it anymore. “I think this is it.”
Sam frowned slightly as he didn’t completely understand. However, his eyes widened as things became clear very quickly. “Wait… you mean…?”
“Yeah, Sammy,” Dean muttered, smirking. “I wanna ask Y/N to marry me.”
“Oh my god.” Sam was in complete shock, but if it were even possible, the smile on his face became bigger. “Oh my god!”
“Shh,” Dean hissed, looking back into the house behind Sam. “She’ll fucking hear you, man.”
“Sorry,” Sam apologized, quietly. “This is great, Dean.”
Dean chuckled as he nodded. “I know. It’s insane, it’s only been 4 months that we’ve been together officially, but it just feels right.”
“So, when-when are you going to do it?” Sam asked, leaning back against the outdoor dining table as he looked at his brother.
“I don’t know, man. I’m just… I’m scared if I do it too soon and things go south, then it’s all screwed to hell. I just wanna enjoy our time together, we’re having so much fun… I don’t want to ruin that,” Dean explained, his shoulders tensed as his jaw clenched.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think that’ll happen,” Sam reassured his older brother, offering him a soft smile.
“Thanks, Sammy.” Dean raised his hand and tapped Sam’s shoulder. “Let’s just keep it on the down low, for now. Okay?”
“Yeah. You bet.” Sam nodded and held his beer out. Dean smirked and clinked his bottle against Sam’s.
Y/N walked out onto the back porch, holding a tray with all the fixings for burgers on top of it. Eileen walked out behind her, a beer in one hand for Y/N, a glass of water in the other for herself. Putting everything down on the table, she helped Eileen sit down, pushing the table back slightly to give her more room with her round belly.
“How are you?” she signed, smiling.
Eileen frowned, shaking her head. “I feel like a whale,” she responded, signing but also speaking loud enough that Sam heard her.
“You are not.” Sam signed as he came over and kissed the top of her head, but she looked up at him and glared.
“Easy for you to say. I can’t see my feet,” she signed at him, shaking her head.
Sam tried to say something, but they were interrupted by Dean announcing that the burgers were ready.
He walked over to the table and put the platter down, moving behind Y/N as he passed her. Grabbing his hand, she stopped him and leaned up, pressing her lips to his in a sensual kiss. Dean’s arms came around her waist and pulled her in closer. He pulled away after a moment, smiling against her lips.
“Kiss me like that again some time. Okay?” he asked, smirking.
“Okay,” she laughed, pecking his cheek.
“Ugh, not while we’re eating,” Sam groaned, looking away from them.
“Shut up, Sam.” Dean tapped his little brother on the head, ducking away when Sam tried to get him back. He sat down next to Y/N, chuckling as he started assembling his burger.
They all started to eat, everyone complimenting Dean on the taste of the patties.
“So, there’s something I wanted to ask you guys.” Sam got Dean and Y/N’s attention after swallowing his bite, looking between both of them.
“Shoot,” Dean muttered around the morsel in his mouth.
“How do you both feel about a little getaway to California?” Sam asked.
“Aww Sammy, are you asking us to come on your little trip with Eileen?” Dean asked in return, teasing his little brother. Y/N chuckled lightly, nudging Dean’s arm to stop messing with him.
“No, I mean just the two of you,” Sam replied, rolling his eyes. He looked at Eileen and she laughed. “A friend from college owns a beach house there, but he and his wife are going to be in Europe for the summer.”
“Man, that’s the life,” Y/N sighed as Dean nodded to what she said.
“And we would go and keep an eye on things for two weeks before his sister comes to take care of the place, but Eileen feels like she can’t make the trip in the car,” Sam explained, looking at his wife before looking back at his brother.
“And I can’t fly now, so that sucks too,” Eileen signed, pouting. Y/N frowned and held her hand across the table, squeezing it.
“So, what do you guys say?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow. “You want to go?”
Dean and Y/N looked at each other. A smile grew on her face, not even having to think it over. Dean smirked, biting his lip. He turned to Sam and gave him a simple nod. “Hell yeah, we’re in.”
“Great, I’ll let him know,” Sam informed, quickly taking out his phone and sending a text to his friend.
They all continued eating, talking and laughing as the sun completely set, enjoying the summer breeze that blew around them. As Sam and Eileen left and Dean and Y/N got ready for bed, neither of them could keep the smiles off their faces. A little two-week getaway to California was exactly what they needed, and Y/N couldn’t wait to spend some uninterrupted, quality time with her boyfriend.
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“So, you’re really not going to tell me why we’re driving instead of flying to California?”
Y/N dumped her bags in the trunk of the Impala, standing in front of Dean as he closed it and she waited for him to say something to her question. It was the same one that had come up a few days ago, while Dean and Y/N were at John and Mary’s for dinner. After she asked why they weren’t flying, his parents both laughed quietly to themselves and John added a “I’m sure Dean will tell you eventually” and left her to figure out the rest.
Dean got into the driver’s seat as Y/N got into the passenger’s side and turned to him, eying him suspiciously. He looked through his box of cassette tapes, ignoring her as she looked at him. She narrowed her eyes as a thought came to her, and the realisation quickly dawned on her as her eyes widened.
“Dean Winchester… are you scared of flying?” she asked, an amused smile gracing her face.
“No.” He was lying, and he knew he had no reason to; it’s not like she would make fun of him for it, but it was a little embarrassing for him.
“Dean.” She got his attention, smiling at him when he looked at her, clearly annoyed that she had figured it out. “It’s okay. It’s not a big deal.”
“Exactly, so let’s forget about it,” he mumbled, choosing a tape and shoving the box back under the seat.
“You know that it’s the fastest and safest form travel, though, right?” she asked. She wanted to make him see there was nothing to fear. “And I would be right next you, talking you through the whole thing if you got scared.”
“Yeah, you’re not getting me in one of those flying death traps, sweetheart,” he declared, shoving the tape into the player.
She laughed, shaking her head. “Fine. You win. For now.”
The tape began to play, causing her to sigh as she heard the first few notes of “Going to California” by Led Zeppelin play out.
“A little on the nose, huh?” he asked, chuckling.
“A little, but it’s good,” she replied, leaning over and kissing him, softly.
“Alright,” he said, turning the key in the ignition of the Impala, grinning as it came to life. He turned to her, the smile not leaving his face. “You ready?”
“Absolutely,” she said, smiling wide.
Dean backed out of the driveway and took one last glance at the house, speeding off down the street, more than ready to spend two weeks in sunny California.
They drove for 11 hours, taking turns in driving after they would take a break at a rest stop. Y/N was glad he trusted her enough to drive his beloved Baby, after she had reassured him that she had driven an older car before and would be able to handle it. Luckily, it didn’t take too long for him to agree. However, when neither of them could afford to keep their eyes open any longer, Dean pulled into a motel somewhere outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their heads hit the pillows of the uncomfortable bed and they fell asleep instantly, not caring what the mattress felt like because of how exhausted they were.
The next morning, they woke up early and got ready, had breakfast at a small diner across the street from the motel and were back on the road after they had eaten. Once again taking turns, they made it to Malibu in 10 hours, with Dean not really taking speed limits into account, citing he wanted to get there sooner. Y/N was annoyed but she couldn’t be too mad at him, knowing she couldn’t wait to get there either. By the time Dean did his poor rendition of Free Fallin’, it was around 6pm when they got there, stopping at a grocery store and picking up things they would need, before driving to the house.
As Dean drove down the streets lined with fancy beach houses, both he and Y/N started to feel a little awkward as they passed each one, knowing this wasn’t something they were used to. Looking down at her phone, Y/N confirmed the address and Dean pulled into the driveway, turning the car off. They both stared up at the white, two-storey house with large windows, a freshly mowed lawn and long path leading up to the front steps.
“Is it too late to go back?” he asked, turning to her.
She shook her head, moving across the seat and leaning into him. “We’re not going anywhere, but inside that house and just having a great two weeks to ourselves.”
“Damn straight,” he nodded with a small smile, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
He got out of the Impala and went over to the trunk, taking out the bags and closing it as Y/N walked ahead of him.
She keyed in the number on the lockbox that was given to them by Sam after he spoke to his friend, and took out the key to the large double doors of the house. She unlocked the door and swung them open, gasping as she walked in. The house was big but modest, which was a pleasant surprise as she walked through. Everything was open concept, the kitchen and living area leading out to the outdoor area, which had an amazing view of the ocean. Dean came in and dropped the bags near the staircase, immediately standing next to her as they looked out at the Pacific coast.
“I was right,” she muttered, quietly as the ocean breeze blew her hair back softly. “This must be the life.”
“Damn,” Dean whispered as he looked out at the sparkling blue ocean. A life like this wouldn’t be so bad he thought to himself as he walked out onto the balcony.
There were a few wicker armchairs, a coffee table and benches outside, along with a wooden dining set and on the far side of the outdoor area was a fire pit, with a few chairs around it. He sighed happily, smirking when he felt Y/N’s arms wrap around his waist, her lips pressing a soft kiss to the nape of his neck.
“Should we unpack?” she asked, softly as her lips brushed the skin of his neck.
“Yeah,” he replied, turning around and taking her hand in his as they walked into the house.
They both couldn’t wait to kick off their little trip in the golden state.
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Y/N sighed contently, feeling the warmth of the sun against her face as it hit the shade above her. She crossed her bare legs that were out of the shade, extended on the beach chair and getting a great tan going. Pulling down her sunglasses with her finger, she smiled as she spotted her boyfriend coming out of the water, her own personal James Bond walking towards her, as he shook off the seawater from his hair. Beads of water dripped down his muscles, glistening as the sun shined down on him. She bit her lip as she thought about everything that she couldn’t wait to do with him when they got back to the house. He smirked at her as he got to the lounge chair, picking up his towel and wiping himself down.
They had been in California for a few days and were having an incredible time. They had spent their days exploring Malibu and the surrounding areas, driving around in the Impala and stopping whenever they would see a look-out spot, taking a selfie everywhere they went. They had made dinner and just relaxed for a few nights at the house, but later that night they were going out for dinner to a restaurant they saw while they were driving around and really wanted to go to.
Y/N continued to watch Dean as he sat down on the beach chair next to hers, the shade covering his face as he leaned back. He turned his head and smirked at her, giving her a wink.
“You’re so obvious, you know that right?” he teased, knowing she had been checking him out.
“Shut up,” she mumbled, pushing her glasses up.
He chuckled, looking out at the gorgeous view in front of him.
“Water’s great, not too cold right now,” he told her, his eyes closing as he felt the sun over the shade warming his face.
“Might have to get in later,” she said, smiling but was more than happy to stay there and enjoy the view in front of her.
“Or… now,” Dean suggested, standing up from the beach chair and holding his hand out to her. His eyes roamed over her red with white polka dots high waist bikini, his lip tucking in between his teeth as he gazed at her.
“But I’m so comfortable,” she protested, wriggling in against the chair. “And you were just in the water.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. He leaned down and took her hand in his, tugging on it. “Come on, sweetheart. You’re coming in with me.”
She looked up at him with a frown but gazed out at the ocean, the waves mesmerizing as they came up and receded back.
“Alright,” she agreed, a smile playing at her lips. She got up and took off her wide-brim beach hat, dropping it on the chair along with her sunglasses. Her hand slipped back into his, as they walked out towards the water.
Dean and Y/N moved through the waves and under once they got to waist height. They swam and splashed around, laughing and enjoying their time in the water. They stayed for a while, before they knew they had to get out and back to the house. They swam to the shore, walking out onto the sand and wiping themselves down before packing up the chairs and their belongings. They walked from the public beach to the private one the property was situated on, leaving the chairs and soiled flip-flops in the lower mud room before they walked up the stairs to the house.
They took turns having a shower, as Y/N refused Dean’s offer of showering together to avoid the obvious distraction that he always posed whenever they did. After she had freshened up, Y/N took a little time to get ready, wanting things to be perfect. There wasn’t anything different about tonight, but she still wanted to make it special for the two of them. This was their first little trip together and it had been wonderful so far, so she couldn’t wait to continue to have an amazing time with Dean for the rest of their days there.
She kept her make-up light and her hair open, sweeping it over her shoulder. She wore a red A-line dress with small, white floral pattern and a sweetheart neckline with off-shoulder straps. She put on her strappy nude heels, picked up her purse and walked out of the bedroom, her heels loud against the wood planks of the staircase.
Dean was dressed in a navy-blue half-sleeve, button-up shirt, blue jeans and his boots and sitting in the living area, waiting on Y/N. He looked up when he heard her shoes against the wooden floors, smiling when he saw her. He got up from the armchair and met her halfway, stopping in front of her to cup her face in his hands. He leaned in, kissing her softly before he pulled away, grinning at her.
“You look amazing,” he told her, his smile beaming.
She felt her cheeks heat up as she leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You clean up pretty well, too, handsome.”
“Ready?” he asked, moving back and instantly taking her hand in his.
“Ready,” she confirmed, smiling.
They left the house and locked up, Dean walking to the car and opening the door for Y/N. She pecked his lips before getting in, watching as he closed her door and then walked over to the driver’s side. He got in and smiled at her, immediately starting the car and backing out of the driveway, heading in the direction of the restaurant. Dean parked down the street once they arrived, taking Y/N’s hand as they walked down. Having made a reservation already, they were led to their table quickly, in the back outdoor area, sitting across from each other. There were fairy lights above them, wrapped around the beams and a candle at each table, bathing the area in a warm glow. Y/N beamed as she watched Dean taking everything in, a soft, peaceful smile on his face. She was so glad he was getting this break from work, knowing he deserved a little time off after working so hard.
The waitress came around and took their drink orders, coming back quickly with Dean’s beer and Y/N’s Negroni. She leaned forward on the table, taking Dean’s hand in hers and clasping it, tightly. There was a peaceful hum of patrons around them, but she didn’t see anything past the love of her life in front of her.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asked, softly.
She nodded, looking down at their joined hands. “I am. I don’t think I’ve ever been more okay in my life.”
He grinned, unable to stop his heart from skipping a beat when he heard what she said. He felt exactly the same way.
“I guess Sammy didn’t have such a bad idea about us coming here, huh?” he asked, chuckling softly.
“Definitely not,” she replied, shaking her head as she sipped her cocktail. “I’m so glad we could do this.”
“Me too,” he agreed, bringing her hand to his lips and placing a soft kiss on her knuckles.
After their drinks, they ordered dinner. As they ate, Y/N looked around to see that a live band had started, smiling as they played a few familiar tunes, causing people at other tables to sing along. As the waitress cleared their plates, Dean looked over at Y/N and smiled, seeing her lost in the music as she swayed to it.
“Ready to go?” he asked. He smiled when she turned around and faced him, a content expression on her face. “Maybe we can take a walk along the pier?”
“Yeah,” she said, softly as she nodded. She picked up her purse and followed him out once they returned his card, linking her hand with his as they walked down to the pier.
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The weather was perfect, a pleasant breeze dancing around them, the salty sea air mixing through it. They walked along the pier, hand in hand, in a slow and peaceful pace, the waves washing up onto the shore along with the music coming from the restaurant the only sounds that they could hear. Dean turned to face Y/N, as his hand moved around her hip and brought her close to him, taking her hand in his as her other one curved over his shoulder. They swayed back and forth slowly, basking in the serenity around them.
“Kinda wanted it to be just us when we did this,” he told her, looking down into her eyes.
“Good call,” she stated, leaning up and kissing him, softly. “This is much better.”
“Can I… Can I ask you something?” he wondered, clearing his throat nervously.
She nodded, smiling up at him. “Of course.”
“I know… I know we put getting married and having kids on the table real early, but…” he started, but took a deep breath as he gathered his thoughts to speak coherently. “You still want all those things, right?”
She was slightly taken aback, but a reassuring smile graced her face. “Dean… I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
He breathed out, relieved as he nodded. “I know that, I do. I just-”
Y/N leaned up, pushing herself up onto her tiptoes despite wearing heels, and kissed him, stopping whatever negative thought he was about to have. She kissed him sensually, putting everything she felt for him into it, before she pulled away and looked into his eyes.
“When it comes to what I want for us… there’s nothing for you to worry about, Dean,” she said, as she moved in closer, resting her head against his chest as they swayed to the music. “I love you and I know we’re going to spend our lives together, forever.”
“I love you,” he whispered, leaning his cheek against her head.
Y/N’s hand left his and moved up around his neck, the other sliding up from his shoulder to lock around him, as she pushed herself up and kissed him, a little harder than before. Dean’s hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her up as he held her close, her feet dangling above the ground. Suddenly desperate for each other, she tugged at the collar of shirt as their lips moved against each other’s, unable to pull away. She nipped at his bottom lip as her hands moved into his short hair, bringing him closer to her.
Dean pulled away, however, breathing heavily as he smirked at her. “Let’s get outta here.”
Dean put Y/N down, their hands immediately linking as they rushed down the pier, her heels loud against the wooden planks as they hurried back to the car. Dean drove at the required speed, getting annoyed as he wanted nothing more than to hightail it back to the house. It didn’t help that Y/N had slid over on the bench seat, kissing and nipping at his neck, distracting him.
“Sweetheart, you gotta stop or we won’t make it back,” he said, a choked laugh leaving his mouth as she sucked at his pulse point.
“Fine.” She sighed, annoyed that she had stop as she moved away from him, sliding back against the passenger side of the car. She had been more than ready for him all day, their day out at the beach only making her desire for him stronger.
They made it back to the house a few short moments later and hurried to the entrance. Y/N struggled to open the door as Dean wrapped his arms around her waist, his turn to pay attention to the soft skin of her neck with his lips. She turned the lock and it finally clicked, swinging the door open as they staggered in. Y/N turned to Dean and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He kicked the door closed, both of them stumbling further into the house.
“Dean,” she moaned, her lips brushing against his. “I need you.”
“Fuck, I need you too, sweetheart,” he groaned, in between kisses. “Been teasing me all day, especially in that bikini…”
He picked her up, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist as he held her tight. She bit her lip as she looked into his eyes, moving in to kiss him again, their mouths rough and sensual against each other. She felt the bulge of his jeans against her, knowing he was hard already. He walked them towards the staircase, relying on instinct to get up to the bedroom, considering he couldn’t see anything past Y/N and her lips against his. He made it up to the room without tripping, setting her down as his hands moved to the zip on the side of her dress. She smiled up at him as she made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. She shimmied out of the dress once he pulled the zipper down, letting it fall and pool around her feet, leaving her in a pastel pink strapless bra and matching lace panties.
“So beautiful,” he whispered, as he leaned in and kissed her again, a little softer this time. However, knowing how much he wanted her after a day where the tension was building up constantly, he deepened the kiss.
Y/N walked backwards as she undid his belt and unzipped his jeans, blindly, the action second nature to her after having done it so many times. Dean placed his hands on her waist and pushed her onto the bed, only rough enough for a small moan to leave her as she looked up at him. He bent down and took off his boots, ridding himself of his jeans and boxers at the same time. His hard cock sprung free from the confines of his boxers, causing her to bite her lip at the sight. No matter how many times she had seen him naked, it still stunned her that she got to have him.
She sat up on the bed, moving to sit on the edge and closer to Dean. She looked up at him with that smile of hers he loved, that mischievous one that always let him know what kind of mood she was in and took hold of his cock. Dropping some of her saliva onto his shaft, her hand wrapped around and pumped up and down, slowly at first but started to build up. She leaned forward, her mouth sucking at the tip of cock, licking away the pre-cum. She sunk her mouth lower, taking him in inch by inch, until he hit the back of her throat. Dean groaned as she began to bob her head, his hands cupping her face as he looked down her. She looked up at him as she moved back and forth, her mouth gliding over his cock, her hand wrapped around the base in a light grip.
“Fuck, you’re too good at that, sweetheart,” he groaned out, his thumb stroking her hollowed cheek.
Pulling back, she licked at the tip of cock, her tongue circling it. She grinned as her hand stroked him and she leaned forward, kissing his hip bone. “You love seeing your cock in my mouth, don’t you?”
He growled as he cupped her face and leaned down, kissing her roughly. “Fuck yeah, love it so much,” he muttered against her lips.
“You taste so good, Dean,” she sighed, pecking his lips.
He hummed as he kissed her again, his hands moving to her shoulders as he lightly pushed her, her back hitting the bed. “So do you, gorgeous.”
Moving over her, he leaned down to kiss along her neck, leaving soft nips at her skin. He drifted down, his lips leaving a trail of kisses down her chest, nipping at her covered breasts, down her stomach and stopping at her covered mound. He kissed her inner thigh, his fingers rubbing over her panties, feeling how wet she already was.
“Did sucking my cock get you this wet, baby?” he asked, chuckling.
She looked down the length of her body, their eyes meeting as she nodded.
He grinned as his fingers slipped into the edge of her panties, pulling them down and over her legs, tossing them over his shoulder.
“So beautiful,” he whispered, as he leaned down and planted a soft kiss to her sex. A low moan left her mouth, her hands gripping the covers beneath her as her eyes fluttered closed in anticipation of what was about to happen. The things he could do with his mouth still amazed her.
With his tongue, he licked a long stripe from her entrance to her clit, lightly circling the nub. Pressing his mouth over it, his tongue continued to move around the bundle of nerves, causing a moan to fall from her lips.
“Fuck,” she sighed, as she looked down at him. She threw her head back when he drifted down, his tongue licking along the length of her folds before it moved down her entrance. He alternated between sucking at her clit and licking her folds, bringing his fingers to her wet canal and inserting them, thrusting them in and out in a slow rhythm, but picking up the pace as her moans became louder.
“You taste so fucking incredible, Y/N,” he groaned between his ministrations, looking up at her.
“Feels so good,” she moaned loudly, gripping his hair tightly in her hands, bringing him in closer. “Oh god, Dean… fuck, I-I love what you do to me.”
He grinned as his fingers moved steadily within her, ready to bring her to the edge. “Yeah? You love feeling my tongue on your clit, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” she gasped, as her hands continued to comb through his short hair.
“You love my fingers inside you?” he asked, emphasising the question by moving them a little faster, the pads of his fingers rubbing along her walls. He felt her clench around them, signalling she was close.
“Fuck, yeah,” she moaned, breathlessly. “I fucking love them so much.”
He smiled against her sex, kissing her skin as he looked up at her. “You’re close, aren’t you, Y/N?”
“Yeah, so close.” She nodded, frantically, ready to let go. “Make me cum, Dean.”
“You wanna cum on tongue, don’t you?” He smirked, already knowing that’s what she would want.
“Yeah, wanna cum on your tongue,” she whimpered.
Dean leaned in, sucking the nub into his mouth, his fingers picking up the pace. He thrust in and out of her, feeling her grip around him as he moved them within her. He felt her getting wetter, knowing she was close. He moved his mouth down, her moans rising in volume as his fingers continued. The coil in her stomach tightened more and more, bringing her closer to her release.
“Dean, oh my god! Fuck!” she shrieked, as the coil snapped. She moaned through her release, wetting Dean’s fingers and his mouth, his tongue lapping up her juices and continuing to lazily thrust his fingers as she came down from her high.
When he was satisfied that he taken everything she gave him, Dean leaned up and hovered over her, leaning down to kiss Y/N. She moaned at the taste of herself on his tongue, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him closer. She pushed her body into him and turned, rolling him onto his back while he was distracted by her lips. Pulling away, she sat up and looked into his eyes. He smiled as he looked up at her, his hands sliding over the smooth skin of her legs.
She planted her hands on his chest, shifting back until she felt his cock against her heat. Reaching down with her right hand, she took a hold of his cock as she lifted herself up, lining it up to her entrance. She sighed, letting out a shaky breath as she sank down, his length completely sheathed by her walls. Dean groaned as he felt her heat around his cock, his hands moving up to her hips and holding onto her. She began to rock back and forth, her hips thrusting down as he brought his up to meet hers, in a slow and sensual pace. She ran her fingers along his chest, moaning softly.
“How do I feel, Dean?” she asked, as she looked down at him. She grinded her hips down, feeling his cock deep within her.
“Amazing,” he replied, as he smiled up at her. He let her control the rhythm, meeting her hips as he thrusted up into her.
She leaned down, bringing her face closer to his. “You love feeling me wrapped around your cock, don’t you?” she asked, her voice low and husky.
“Fucking love it, sweetheart,” he growled, gripping her hips tighter in his hands.
“Love feeling you inside me, Dean,” she whispered against his lips, kissing him softly. “Love feeling your big cock inside my tight, wet pussy.”
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groaned, looking into her eyes. Holding her close, he sat up, his chest pressing against her covered breasts. His hands moved up her back, unclasping her bra and pulling it away from her body. He leaned in, kissing the soft flesh of her breasts, leaving soft bites along her skin. Her hands combed into his hair, bringing him closer into her. She moaned as she felt him take her left nipple into his mouth, licking over the nub, stiff from the air in the room.
“I love you so much, Dean,” she whispered into his ear, her fingertips lightly scraping through his hair. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
Releasing her nipple with slight pop, he looked up into her eyes, as she continued rock her hips down on his.
“You don’t ever have to worry about how I feel,” she reassured him, reiterating what she told him at the pier. “I’m yours. Forever.”
She leaned down, kissing him passionately as she gripped the hair at the nape of his neck. His hands moved up her back as he pulled her in, not wanting to let go of her. He was completely floored by the love he saw in her eyes. He knew he shouldn’t be; he knew she loved him, but somehow it still shocked him that anyone could love him as much as she did. Yet again, he thought about grateful he was for her.
“I love you so fucking much, Y/N,” he whispered back, his breath brushing against her lips.
She moaned, feeling the pressure in her belly building up again, as she continued to meet his thrusts.
“Dean,” she moaned against his lips, looking into his eyes. Her hips picked up pace, chasing her release. “I’m so close.”
“Me too, sweetheart,” he muttered, as he held her tighter.
The familiar feeling rose in her stomach, telling her she was closer as their hips continued to smack into each other, their thrusts faster than before.
“Cum with me,” she whimpered, her eyes not looking away from his, not even for a second. “Dean, please… cum with me.”
“Oh fuck, Y/N,” he groaned. His hands flew down to her hips, gripping tight as he felt his cock pulse inside her, her walls clenching around him. “Fuck, let go for me, sweetheart. Fucking cum on my cock.”
For a second time that night, the band snapped, a string of moans erupting from her lips as she threw her head back, her hands tight in his hair. He grunted as he dropped his head onto her shoulder. He felt his cock throb, a strangled moan leaving his mouth as spurts of cum bathed her walls, mixing with her climax.
They breathed heavily as they came down from their high, feeling only the frantic heartbeats in their chests. As they started to come down, the rush of the waves on the beach reached their ears from the open door to the balcony. Dean lifted his head from Y/N’s shoulder, his hands coming up to cup her face, bringing her close to him. He kissed her, lovingly as he held her tight. He didn’t want to let go of her. Hearing her words as they made love made his heart soar. He had never felt that way before her. Y/N picked up on his quietness, pulling away to look into his eyes.
“You okay?” she asked, smiling softly.
Dean smiled in return, nodding slowly. “Never been better, gorgeous.”
Y/N squealed and laughed as Dean turned them over, throwing her down on the bed. They continued their passionate exchange into the early hours, finally falling asleep to the moon shining into the room and the soothing sounds of the ocean.
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The next two weeks flew by, and before they knew it, it was time for Dean and Y/N to leave the beach house behind and return to their normal lives in Lawrence. Dean packed up the Impala, a small frown on his face as he did so. He didn’t want to leave, having had such an amazing time there with his girlfriend. They had so much fun together, swimming in the ocean during the day, walks on the beach at night, going out for dinner or cooking at the house, and absolutely ravishing each other after all of it. This trip had not only been relaxing, but a great eye-opener for him. He already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Y/N but hearing it from her only solidified the decision he had already made.
He was going to ask Y/N to marry him.
It may have seemed too early in their relationship to think that way, but if he could’ve married her back at Christmas, one kiss into their relationship and all, he would’ve done it in a heartbeat. As he closed the trunk and leaned against the car to wait for Y/N, he started thinking about how to go about things. He knew he had to talk to his mom about her ring, hoping that it would be okay with her to give it to Y/N.
He lifted his head as he heard the front door to the house shut. He smiled as he saw Y/N walking down the path, her long, printed summer dress flowing in the breeze as she came towards him. She smiled softly as she got closer to him, an eyebrow lifted as she saw his expression.
“What?” she asked, laughing slightly.
He shook his head, not wanting her to clue into anything he was thinking just yet. “Nothing. Just… thank you.”
“For what?” She stood in front of him, placing her hands on his shoulders as she looked at him.
“For coming with me on this trip, for dealing with me… for just being amazing,” he told her, placing his hands on her hips.
“You’re pretty easy to deal with, Dean Winchester,” she said, softly as she leaned up, kissing him.
“You say that now,” he said, chuckling.
“I’ll say it always,” she countered, kissing him again quickly, before she moved away to the passenger side of the car.
As they pulled away from the house and made their way onto the highway, Dean smirked as he looked out at the road ahead of him. He glanced at Y/N, smiling as he saw her texting, no doubt telling Sam they had left and would be back home in a day. As he drove, he couldn’t help but think about everything that had changed in his life, and how much more it would continue to do so. He couldn’t help but think about how happy he was, how much more confident he was in himself, and how much better his life had become.
For all of that and so much more, he knew he had the beautiful woman sitting beside him to thank.
If you’re crossed out, I can’t tag you :(
Tags: @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @downanddirtydean @jensengirl83 @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl @flamencodiva @ellewritesfix05 @roonyxx @akshi8278 @hobby27 @michellethetvaddict @spngirl05 @kyjey @halesandy @440mxs-wife @stoneyggirl @deanswaywardgirl @redbarn1995 @marianita195 @babypink224221 @deans-baby-momma @parinarain @thoughts-and-funnies @mandalou29 @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @superaveng @supernatural-love14 @vicmc624 @prettyboyswow @lunarmoon8 @supernatural-bellawinchester​
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merrumeru · 4 years
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Let me cheer you up even more: Graham!90 x reader
Words: 1870
Warning: nope, zero
The room was dark. The only light that could enter the room was the glow of the stars and of the tiny moon in the night sky. I was surrounded by silence as the last song on the vinyl record ended twenty minutes early. I had no desire or humor to get out of bed and change it. I focused on my slow and deep breathing. It was supposed to help me calm down, but it didn't work for me. My eyes were fixed on a distant point in the sky. I felt as if I was sinking into my anxiety. But I couldn't understand why. My life was going in quiet rhythm, I had a roof over my head and someone who cared for me. However, the thought of the future made me panic. Looking at friends who knew what they wanted to do in life, at Graham and his thriving career…I was stalled. I couldn't find a place for myself or this one thing that would be my passion. Graham always said that everything is fine with me, that I will somehow put my life in order. That he, my age, was also feeling lost. Still, the thought of working or continuing my studies scared my in the deep of heart. If I can't see my future myself, so does it even exist? I covered myself with the duvet. From head to toe, as if I was going to disappear. I promised Graham I would wait for him tonight. We'll watch a movie and eat something good. But suddenly I lost my desire for anything. I wanted to fall asleep and wake up in a much better mood. I suspected it was almost 10pm and Graham would be back from the band rehearsal soon. 
I heard the key in the door twist. The hit of his backpack on the ground and the sound of shoes being taken off. „Love I’m back”. The mellow voice of Graham sounded so happy. But I was about to ruin it all. On the one hand, I wanted to tell him how hopeless I felt, on the other hand, I preferred not to put stress on him at home. I didn't want to be a sad part of his life, I was supposed to help and encourage him. Graham was more delicate than I was and much more concerned about everything. I didn’t want the negative emotions and stress which he felt through a lack of privacy and high expectations soaking into his heart also in our home. So I pretended to be asleep.
I heard him slowly approaching the bed. He probably didn't expect to find me sleeping. I heard his soft laugh. „Y/N why you always decide to miss the best fun. Okay. I'll put the food in the fridge and lie down too.” 
„I’m awake”. I turned to face him. It was dark enough in the room that I could only see his silhouette.  
„Did something happened?” I heard his voice suddenly turn serious. I knew that he suddenly felt tensed, as if I was about to say that some kind of disaster had happened. I was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. „You are sick? Did something unpleasant happen to you at university? Sorry to be late, but you didn't call so I thought everything …”
„No! No Graham, everything is ok. I’m just tired” I stopped in the middle of a sentence, a lump that appeared in my throat blocked all words. „You will be angry if we put our romantic evening in another evening, or day, or  whatever?”
„Hey, who do you think I am. Of course it's not a problem baby.” I felt the bed on his side slowly bend under the weight of his body. Graham put his hand on my head and lightly stroked my hair. „I'm just worried. You've been sad for a while and I don't know how to help you.” I stretched my hand toward him and squeezed his hands tightly. „Your voice is so weak, yet your grip is still hard”.The moonlight illuminated his face and a shy smile. His thumb gently caressed the back of my hand.
„Nothing happens. I've just had bad days lately. You know, life is too much to handle for me sometimes.” 
„You can always tell me about anything Y/N. I don't want you to feel lonely in difficult times.” Graham released my hand. He took off his hoodie and tossed it next to the bed. After a moment, he was lying next to me, pressing me tightly to his chest. „God, why are you so emotionally unavailable. Will you ever stop being a mystery to me?” He placed a few kisses on my hair. I put one leg on his hip and gripped his T-shirt tighter. I wanted to blend in with his skin.
„I love you so much Graham. I don't know how to express it all.” His heart was beating fast. He radiated a warmth that I missed so much. I could wear a hundred sweaters, be surrounded by several heaters while sitting on one of the sunny beaches, and nothing would warm my heart and hands more than his inner warmth. 
„You don't have to show it or look for ways to express it. Just trust me and let me understand you.” His hand rested on my bare thigh, which I got on his hip.He used his finger to paint little circles. I brought my mouth close to his and kissed him softly. One sloppy stroke of the lips, but right after that a second time, much deeper and passionately.
He pulled me towards him so that I was suddenly on top of him. Our lips hardly detached.I felt hotter and hotter, as if all the accumulated emotions had suddenly burst forth and like a wave and found their way out. I felt dizzy, all my bad thoughts disappeared like clouds after the storm. Graham's hands got under my shirt and rested on my bare back. I opened my eyes and broke off the kiss. I straightened up, staring deeply into his eyes. Graham lowered his hands to my hips and gripped them tightly.
„You have such a handsome face, bastard. We both started laughing. „Handsome, talented… you are made to be star.” I pinched his cheek that he grimaced slightly, small lines forming on his nose.„And these crowds of female fans undressing you with their eyes.”
„I'm just looking for the eyes of one girl in this crowd. And I don't have to undress her with my sight. She does it by herself when we are at our home.” Graham straightened his glasses and rose to his elbows.”I just hope that she listen carefully to my words and will follow them. After all, with me, she doesn't have to be afraid of anything.”
He tucked a few locks of hair behind my ear and placed a hand against my cheek. My head rested on it. „Y/N just take it all easy. You are good enough at what you do right now. Life is not only about challenges. Sometimes there are occasions that come by themselves. Whatever it may be, I will try to be always by your side.” I wanted to cry and didn’t know if it was more of sadness or pure happiness and peace that overwhelmed me. 
“When did you get so mature? Two years ago, you wouldn't have been giving me such deep advice, just trying to make me laugh or whatever. Where's my baby boy gone?”  I smiled at the memories of the beginning of our relationship.  Even though Graham is three years older than me, I have always had the tendency to mother him. His delicacy combined with shyness and frequent confusion made me place my whole heart in his hands. I loved watching him do what he loves and his hard work was paying off.
“You have a great influence on me. I doubt if I could mentally handle this without you.” Graham's eyes were on me as I got up from the bed.”Where are you going love?”
“You don't even know how much I feel like having tea.” I stretched gently because my whole body was asleep and put on his hoodie that was lying on the floor. ”I'll do one for you too. You can easily go take a shower. When I'll come back, let's stay in bed, we've been doing it much too rarely lately”. 
Graham chuckled and get up without one word. Before I left the room,I looked out of the corner of my eye as he took off his shirt. I bit my lower lip. His body was lean, not very muscular. It pained me that he couldn't see how handsome he was. His broad-shouldered silhouette, bathed in the darkness of the night, made me want to approach him, hug him tightly and kiss his back. Graham turned to face me and tossed the shirt in his hand at me. „Don’t peek! You were supposed to make tea hmmm?”
„Oh c’mon mr.She Coxon. I won't give you back this shirt.” 
„Just like my hoodie?” I saw him shift the weight from one leg to the other and cross his arms over his chest. 
„What is this slander towards me, Coxon?” I stuck my tongue out at him and, without waiting for an answer, disappeared into the darkness of the hall.
When I returned with two cups, Graham was waiting for me. The room was lit now by a single lamp in the corner of the room. His hair was still wet, he was wearing sweatpants but still no shirt. The towel hung loosely around his neck.  Graham flicked through the vinyl records, humming some tunes. Eventually he settled on one and put it in the adapter. I put the tea on the bedside table and lay down, trying to guess what music was about to start playing.
Graham positioned himself between my legs so that his head rested on my stomach.I gently stroked his thick, still wet hair. "God, I don't know how I'll survive these two months without you Y / N”. His hands wrapped around my torso.”Fucking hell”.
“You can always lie like this with Damon.” Graham turned his head abruptly, his chin gently digging into my stomach.
“This is a bloody bad idea. Where do you get such strange ideas from”
“I am not the one who has a deep male friendship. Straight fact, baby. I watched a program once about people in the jungle and they did weird things ...” I ran my finger down his nose.
“What the fuck, I won't be in jungle, in fact we even won't be in village. We're not going to a survival camp.” 
“You never know Graham. What if the plane will stuck on a desert island, or the bus will be unable to leave the forest?”
“Maybe let's not go that far. Let's go back to why I'm going to miss you, your body, your words and just being here.” Graham pulled himself to meet my lips.
“But the the-...”
“It won't get the legs and come out by itself. Let me cheer you up even more.”
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yunhowhoitiss · 4 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
𝐬𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.4k+ words
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, best friends to lovers au
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: lately, your heart seems to beat faster when you spend time with your childhood best friend San. he doesn’t feel the same... right?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: there’s some swearing! and kithes
𝐫𝐞𝐪: “Hey! first of all I love your writing! I was wondering if you could write something with San, like best friend to lovers, I’d love to read something very fluff cause I’m in need for cuddles Thanxx”
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You and San had been friends since elementary school after meeting in class one morning. You just transferred and were very obviously having a hard time getting to know anyone. When your teacher announced that you were pairing up to make arts and crafts, you were far from elated. But when a skinny boy with a dimpled smile offered you a strawberry sweet and his companionship, you couldn’t refuse. Even now, a little over a decade later, you still made arts and crafts together every once in a while. It was your own little tradition: you made muffins, walked a block down to San’s house, and bonded over creative activities in his living room. San always forgot about the crafting and pigged out on your muffins, but you enjoyed your time together regardless.
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“Sannie, could you pass me the glitter?” Your eyes were scanning the wooden, rectangular box in front of you, getting ready to decorate it to your heart’s content. San was equipped with his own heart-shaped box, and he looked through the various materials scattered across the table. He spotted a container of holographic glitter, passing it to you without a second thought. His cat, Byeol, was currently seated in your lap, purring for no particular reason. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and San had taken time off work to spend time with you. He did this regularly for special occasions, but today wasn't an important date so you briefly wondered why he wanted to hang out so suddenly. You'd never admit it, but you were becoming increasingly aware of the butterflies that tickled your stomach every time he laughed, or the stifling heat that enveloped you when you watched him dance on stage. So when he called you late one night, asking if you were available this weekend, you had trouble hiding your excitement.
You were currently glueing glitter to your box, aiming for a holographic look, and waited for your glue to dry. Lifting your head, you observed San working on his own box. Why is he so focused? Usually, he forgets all about the arts and crafts. And why the hell is the box a heart? Your eyes lingered on his slouched form; he was deeply concentrated on painting the box a rosy pink, using slow, careful strokes. You spotted a smudge on his cheek, and without thinking, you reached out to wipe it off.
"You klutz- we just started and you're already making a mess of yourself." you tried to sound concerned, but the chuckle in your words betrayed you. San, on the other hand, was staring blankly at your face. His cheeks felt white-hot and he was sure the redness of his ears would give him away. Confused, you stared back at him, questioning his unusual reaction.
"You good, San?" you laugh, "You look like you're about to pass out."
"Yeah, uh, I'm good. Don't do that again- it's gross," San feigned disgust. You teasingly stuck out your tongue at him as if to say you couldn't care less. He cleared his throat and went back to painting his box. Deciding to brush it off, you looked down at the cat perched in your lap. Your fingers migrated to her ears, petting and scratching her fur. She purred into your hand, and you smiled fondly.
Your head whipped up at the sound of a camera shutter, and you caught San smiling at his phone.
"San- you son of a bitch," You automatically lunged across the table in an attempt to grab his phone and delete the picture he took, but he held it out of your reach. He smirked, enjoying teasing you too much for your liking. That's when you noticed just how close you'd gotten to him, holding yourself up on the table with one hand while your other hand held on to his wrist. Barely a couple of centimetres of space separated your faces; you could feel the rhythmic tickle of San's breath fanning your lips. Still frozen, San managed to break the palpable awkwardness.
"You're cute- uh, I mean in the picture- the picture is cute," he stuttered.
"Oh, um- thanks?"
You swallowed. Hard. You were tempted to just throw all caution to the wind and kiss him right where he sat, but your body pulled back and got back in your seat.
Nearly an hour later, you were both wordlessly working on your projects; the atmosphere felt uncomfortable, but there was a spark somewhere that you just couldn't pinpoint. You wondered if he felt that way too. As you lifted your gaze to take a look at what San was making, you note that he finished decorating his box and was now scribbling a note of some sort. You kept your thoughts to yourself and started polishing your box. Is it for his sister? or is it a love letter? Who is he writing for? Your heart felt heavy as you thought of the possibility of San having feelings for someone else, but you figured you'd love him anyway- friends or not. Out of the blue, San broke the silence.
"Hey, y/n, I'm gonna go get some snacks from the convenience store. Want to come with?" he asked you as he grabbed his wallet. Of course, he didn't actually need to ask you because he knew your favourite snack already, but it never hurt to try.
"Nah, I'm good. Just get me whatever." You smiled at him. With that, he was out the door, telling you he'd be back soon.
Before you knew it, the sun cast a golden glow everywhere it could reach, and the clouds were painted a soft orange. You were curled up and napping on the couch; you had fallen asleep whilst waiting for your best friend to come back from the convenience store. Too deep in your slumber, you didn't hear the front door open again. San was about to yell that he was home but quickly shut up when he saw you laying on the couch, your chest rising and falling steadily.
"Well look who fell asleep," he cooed to no one in particular.
Gently dropping the bag of snack he'd bought on the ground, he tip-toed towards where you slept, careful not to startle you. San knelt by the couch to drink in your features. He didn't know when you'd become so beautiful, and when he started to feel his stomach flip every time he heard your voice, but he was sure of it now. Your eyes were closed and a tranquil expression laced your features. You were breathtaking, even when you were asleep. He reached out to touch your cheek but stopped in his tracks when your eyes fluttered open.
"Oh, Sannie, you're back," you muttered sleepily.
"Uh, yeah, I'm back." He quickly retracted his hand from your face, pretending to scratch his neck. His thoughts were running wild. This is your moment, San. Say it. It's now or never.
"Yeah?" you responded, finally sitting up to look down at his crouching form.
"I have something for you," he stood up abruptly and dashed to where you were doing arts and crafts earlier. He came back holding his heart-shaped box.
"San, what-"
"Shut up and open it," You shot him a half-hearted glare. "Please," he added, rolling his eyes. You dropped your gaze to the box now in your lap, almost afraid to open it. You fingered the latch, struggling to open it due to the dried paint, but managed to snap it open. You hear San's breath hitch. In the box lies a strawberry sweet, one you recognize from your childhood; San had given it to you when you first met. You grinned and unwrapped the piece of candy, popping it in your mouth. San was still uncharacteristically silent. You spot writing in the candy wrapper, and look up at San before reading it. He was chewing on his bottom lip, obviously nervous, and it didn't help calm your own nerves either. The note read,
I love seeing you smile, but I love it even more when I'm the reason behind it.
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, widening by the second. You got an idea.
"Stand up," you commanded. San's eyes widened, scared he made the wrong decision. He stood up slowly, wary of what you'd do next. You got to your feet, now standing face to face with San. You took his hand and laced your fingers with his, watching his face go red. After making sure he didn't seem uncomfortable, you did something you never thought you would get the chance to do. You leant forward, eyes lingering on his lips, and San got so impatient he just met you halfway.
You kissed.
Your lips were on his. They moulded together all too perfectly. His lips were soft, like mochi, you thought. You hummed, satisfied at the outcome of your bold action. San could taste the strawberry sweetness on your lips. He deepened the kiss, eager for more, bringing his hand to the nape of your neck. 
You kissed.
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lofitojii · 4 years
ONE SHOT: Tokyo Ghoul Quirk
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Summary: You have a quirk that is similar to the Kagune in the anime, Tokyo Ghoul. This is how Todoroki, Kirishima, and Kaminari would react once you were to show them what you are really made of.
Word count: 2.6k total
Content: uhh fluff i guess lol. minor swearing 
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this was a lot of fun. i hope you enjoy :)
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Imagine your quirk to be like Hinami Fueguchi’s Kagune
When Todoroki found out about your quirk, it wasn’t exactly the reaction you were going for nor the one that you expected. To be honest, you had no idea how he would react. He was a man of very little reaction, giving you a sliver of insight to how he would react to your quirk. None of which you were correct about. 
The day was clear, sunny, villains lose in the street like any other day. This took place before you had started dating, being the first time he ever really took notice. It happened when your agencies intertwined, working together to take down a villain who was much too big to deal with on your own. For the most part, you relied on the physical strength from your quirk rather than the actual Kagune that would sprout out of your lower back. You tried your best to rely more on physical strength, due to the side effects and the physical effect it had on your body. It was draining on your body and the only way to make it stronger was to intake blood from a living human, which was hard for you to do living in the life of the normal world. Yeah, blood banks are a thing and open to heroes with hero licenses but the look you would get buying blood from a bank. Not to mention, you did pretty well for relying only on the physical strength of your quirk.
The villain stood about 15 feet tall, hovering over even the biggest member of the heroes. It felt like you had been relentlessly trying to take this guy down but he had yet to successfully would the giant villain. 
You were given no choice when Todoroki was taken hostage, bound by the villain in sight. You reacted emotionally rather than trying to strategize. Your Kagune was quick to grow from your lower back, your right eye reacting to your growth, becoming a deep black color intertwined with blood red stressed veins. “Let him go, you bastard.” It was a risk bringing out your Kagune, the darkness held within your quirk’s core pulsating as your emotions were heightened at the situation. 
“What is some slimy little octopus going to do to me?” he laughed, his grip tightening around Todoroki. You could see Todoroki wince in pain causing your Kagune core to throb with hatred. It’s not like you were dating him or anything but it was definitely one hell of a crush. 
You were quick to use your speed to your advantage, using the city lights as a crutch for you to swing off of. Your Kagune sprung out sharp, red arrows, being followed by the scale itself for a greater impact. Each arrow struck the arm of the villain, the final blow of your long scale Kagune to his shoulder, forcing him to release his grip on Todoroki. You used your right Kagune scale to take hold of Todoroki’s shirt, gently placing him down behind you. 
“You damn hero,” the villain spat, bleeding from his mouth as he tried to lift himself. He was unsuccessful, more arrows flying from your possession, pinning him to the road beneath him. He was unconscious as you approached, your Kagune retracting back within your body. It had taken quite a toll on your physical structure, causing you to collapse to your knees. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” His touch was so sensitive as he crouched down to examine your injuries. You looked up to see Todoroki, eye level with you, almost too close for two people who work together. You could feel your face heat up, your cheeks rosy with embarrassment. Neither of you pulled away, his intent focused on you.
“I’ll be okay. I just need to rest. How are you? Are you hurt?” He smiled, being so close to your face you couldn’t help but feel yourself blushing more. His smile was intoxicating, so inviting and warm. 
“I’m okay thanks to you.” He was quick to scoop you into his arms, holding you close to his chest. Everything was happening so fast you didn’t have time to react. To be honest, you didn’t want to. You liked being this close to him. “If you’re not busy tomorrow, maybe I can take you out to dinner? A thank you for saving me?” 
You were disappointed in the ‘saving me’ reason, knowing that this date would probably be a friend or co worker thing but you smiled and agreed anyways, trying to shift your body in a way that wouldn’t let him know you were bummed. 
“By the way, you have a really powerful quirk,” he stated, sitting down next to you in the back of the on sight ambulance made for heroes. He took your hand in his, making sure that you were looking at him and only him. He pressed his lips to the back of your hand, your face flaring up due to how flustered he was making you feel. “You’re quite amazing Y/n. I’ll be looking forward to our date.” 
He was truly amazed by your power, always asking questions, examining the Kagune when you two were alone. He was mesmerized more than anything, thinking that both you and your quirk were insanely beautiful. He would recommend working together, being a hero couple under the same agency. He loved seeing you in action, how you became more comfortable using your Kagune in battle. It was thanks to him really, you couldn’t really take the credit for that one. Your entire life, your Kagune was called ‘ugly’ ‘evil’ ‘villainess’. To have one person accept you, to call you beautiful and admire it made a difference within you and your confidence. That one person was Todoroki. 
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Imagine your quirk to be like Ken Kaneki’s Kagune.
Kirishima knew about you and your quirk even before you had known who he was. When you were younger, Kirishima took notice of you when you had defended one of the other kids from a playground bully. You had sprouted your Kagune instantly, defending the small child who had been pushed around. Kirishima was amazed, in complete awe at how powerful your quirk was. 
You had never been embarrassed of your quirk and using it frequently when you were younger made it so you were comfortable within your own skin and with your own power. As you grew up, your Kagune became more powerful, growing with you and your physical strength, as well as Kirishima’s admiration for you. He was a silent admirer, keeping his awe at a distance. You had no idea who he was until you went to UA together. 
That’s when he introduced himself to you, first day of class. You didn’t know he had always known who you were, as far as you were concerned, this was the first interaction you had with him. You became quite close with him, considering him to be your best friend at UA. He was the one to defend you, stick up for you when someone would say something negative about your quirk. It’s not that you couldn’t do it yourself, Kirishima was always the first one to react before you could. 
Over the years, your relationship grew. You had grown to like Kirishima’s humor more than anything. He had become a really good friend to you, but you knew your feelings were deeper than that. You feared rejection over all else, meaning you never had the courage to walk up to him and ask him out. You also were afraid that if you did that, it would ruin your friendship with him. You really had no idea he felt the same way until after you became Pro Heroes together. 
He ended up applying at the same agency as you, meaning the two of you were to work together. You didn’t mind, you worked really well with him. He was your biggest supporter, always cheering you on when you brought out your Kagune. He was your number one fan and also your closest friend which made it all the more special to you.  
“Hey Y/n?” Kirishima asked, walking alongside you after a long day of work. He had asked to walk you home that night, following alongside you on the dimly lit sidewalk. “Do you mind if we make a stop?” 
“This late at night?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “And for what?” 
“Don’t give me that!” he jokingly raised his voice. “The moon is pretty and I want to show you something.” His cheeks became a rosey shade of pink. He scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact until the very last moment, his eyes painted over with a thin layer of gloss that caused a small twinkle to form. So you agreed, following him towards a small path across the river, heart racing at how intimate it had become once you were alone in a park, under the moon.
He took your hand in his, lifting you up on a stone bench so you could sit next to him. He just stared up at the moon, his thumbs twiddling together like he was struggling to form a conversation. You could tell he was anxious but for what reason? You had known him for years only seeing him like this when he was about to ask someone out. “Hey Y/n, can I tell you something?” 
“Always Kiri,” you replied, giving him a reassuring smile. He became flustered by your actions, trying to laugh it off but you insisted he told you anyways. 
“Well,” he sighed, lowering his head. “To be honest Y/n, I really like you. When we were kids, I saw you save this kid from being bullied and ever since then, I’ve kind of been a secret fan. That’s why I was so quick to introduce myself on the first day of school, and why I joined this agency with you. I think you’re cool as fuck Y/n and I really want to take you out and make you mine.” 
You had an idea that Kirishima liked you but you never really thought too much about it. You loved Kirishima, adored who he was as a person. He was insanely strong and it had been quite the trip watching him grow into his power alongside you. You didn’t act on your hidden feelings you had towards him because you were more scared of scaring him off than anything, but to hear him now reassured your own feelings you had been denying for years. 
You didn’t respond, instead you took his head in between your hands, pressing your lips to his. You thought it was going to be a small peck but Kirishima took advantage of your advance, wrapping his left arm around your waist, the other coming up to caress your cheek. When pulling away, you looked up at Kirishima, a small laugh leaving his lips. “What?” you finally spoke, confused at his reaction. 
“Nothing! Your eye is just black and red again.” He knew what that meant, meaning you were either ready to fight or that you were flustered with high emotion. You were quick to look away, becoming nervous at the action. He gently turned your head back towards him, dipping down so he was eye level with you. “I think it’s cute.” 
“Shut up!” you joked, swatting him away. He just laughed, pulling you into his side as he rested his head on yours. “Thank you, Kiri.” It was a simple saying but it had such a heavy meaning. He was not only your best friend, but the person you fell in love with. 
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Imagine your quirk to be like Ayato Kirishima’s Kagaune
You had to keep your quirk a secret because of who your father was. Your quirk was considered a ‘Ghoul Quirk’ meaning it came from a villain who was defeated a year or two after you were born. You knew the consequences that came with showing your quirk and even though you weren’t raised under a villains roof, your quirk had yet to be accepted by the civil world. 
That was until you privately auditioned to be put into the hero course at UA high school. You presented yourself to the staff, telling them our story of how you were raised by normal civil family, not knowing of your birth family's ability, life, or well being. The school looked into your life, forming a background check before you were accepted, but alas, you were accepted. 
That was when you met Kaminari, the walking car battery. Okay, that is what he had called himself when he introduced himself to you and for some reason, it has stuck with you all this time. When he asked about your power, you just shrugged and said you weren’t able to activate it unless you were training on the battlefield due to the schools requests. They were uneasy about your power, knowing what it was and where it came from. No doubt the rest of the school knew about your family's history, maybe even more than you did. But you weren’t your family, you had considered yourself to be the only living part of you. 
When the time came to train, you had no choice but to show your Kagune to the rest of the class, having the dragon like tales sprout from your back. Both your eyes turned black and red when you activated your quirk by the snap of your finger. You quite literally had to break your finger in order to activate your quirk but having a ‘ghoul quirk’ meant you regenerated 100x faster than the human body. 
You were quick to show the class what you were made of, using both your physical strength and Kagune to do the given task. When you had completed the objective, you received a silent stare from your fellow classmates. You knew that they would react in some way, assuming the worst when they found out who you were. But that didn’t stop Kaminari from approaching you. 
“Hey Y/n! Good job today! Your quirk is amazing!!” He had his big, goofy grin plastered across his face when he approached you, Kirishima by his side. “I didn’t know you had a ghoul quirk. I thought they were wiped out a long time ago.” 
“They were, but I wasn’t raised by them actually. I may be the last living person but I’m not like the other ghoul quirks,” you hesitated, becoming nervous from the topic of conversation. You found yourself stuttering when the topic of your quirk was being talked about. 
“Still, that’s bad ass!” You looked at Kaminari who was nothing but genuine in his reaction. Your face felt flushed as you admired his expression, your cheeks feeling hot as he continued to talk to you. Kirishima shook his head, letting out an annoyed groan.
“Oh my god this is so sad. Y/n, Denki wants to ask you out.” 
“KIRISHIMA BRO? what the fuck?” Kaminari was flustered, spazzing out to his friend standing right in front of you. He whispered the last part, barely audible to your ears but you heard it, which caused you to let out a small giggle.
“Okay bye! I’ll see you around Y/n!” Kirishima waved the both of you off, leaving a frazzled Kaminari awkwardly trying to find his footing. You were quite ruffled yourself, unsure on how to react to what Kirishima had said, knowing it was true due to Kaminari’s reaction. You looked up at Kaminari who was quick to take a seat next to you. 
“It’s true,” he sighed, rubbing his thighs as he struggled to form words. “I do like you and uhh I just… I’ve never asked out a girl and had it go right. But I really like you!” he repeated, finally turning towards you. “Will you go on a date with me, please?” It was the please that made you laugh, knowing he wasn’t trying to sound desperate. You found him cute, especially with how nervous he was. “I’ve never asked someone as amazing as you out before so I understand if you don’t want to.” 
You didn’t know whether to be upset that he was asking you out because of your quirk or to be excited because someone was actually interested in you because of your quirk. In the end, you couldn’t be upset. Kaminari was sweet but he was just as dumb, meaning that he wasn’t asking you out cause of your quirk, he was asking you out because he saw the real you and liked what he saw. You smiled at Kaminari, agreeing to his proposal. “I would love to.”
“Wait really?” You nodded. “Not a joke?” 
“Nope.” He got up and fist bumped the air before running off. He was quick to stop himself, turning around to speak to you. 
“I’ll pick you up tonight?” You nodded, watching the boy run off towards his friends. “Guys! She said yes!! NO I’M NOT KIDDING!” 
Kaminari wasn’t great about expressing himself thoroughly or in a way that people could understand. He was simple in how he expressed himself but others usually saw it as mindless thinking. Not you though, you saw him for who he was. He was more than just an air head, he really had genuine feelings about the things he cared about, not just about you. And that’s why you had fallen so hard for him. He was genuine, real, truthful. He couldn’t keep a secret to save his life but he was an honest man. 
That’s why you said yes, regardless of what your quirk was. He wasn’t scared of you, nor did he think you were evil. He saw you for who you were, thinking you were the most beautiful superhuman he had ever known.
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Family - TDC Post-Canon series 1
Ok so this originally was a post canon one-shot but then I really liked the idea so I’m going to do more of these focussing on Arsinoe from TDC to old age likely and all of the things that entails. 
Also, I couldn’t let go of the idea that Billy has more siblings, so I made them! Enjoy!
And then he leans close and kisses her tenderly, as the rooster clucks happily between them (fdf).
Arsinoe feels warmth flood through her, from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes as Billy’s gentle but firm hands hold her close at the waist. She missed him, missed him like he was a part of her that she lost. In a way, she guesses, he is. Finally they hear a throat clear behind them and she wants to scowl at Jules. She pulls away to glare at her friend only to realise it was actually a passing lady in a ghastly dress who obviously didn’t approve of her and the man she loves kissing on the street. She sticks her tongue out and the woman looks even more scandalised. Billy chuckles and buries his smiling face in the hair sitting against her collar, his hand fisting in her vest.
“We should probably go inside before those pants give someone a heart attack,” Billy says and takes her hand, leading her up the path. Right before they get to the door, he pauses and finally seems to remember that she still has a chicken in her vest. He gestures with his hand and she passes him the chicken. He darts around the side of the house and after a minute, he’s back empty-handed. She tilts her head slightly and he shrugs.
“There may be a semi-chicken coop in the backyard,” Arsinoe smiles and ignores the way Jules mouths ‘semi?’ to no one in particular as they finally make it in the door, where the sounds of ladies conversation drifts from the main room. But Arsinoe doesn’t tense up like she used to. She’d been to war now, which means the thought of society ladies was only slightly less daunting. Only by a little bit. Billy looks horrified though and pauses just inside the door.
“I just remembered that my mother has been ambushing me with ladies with the hopes of marrying me off,” he pressed a kiss to her hair. “Thank God you’re here again to save me,” Arsinoe squeezed his hand before holding an arm out, gesturing for him to lead them into the room. 
Ruth Chatworth looks exactly like Arsinoe remembered, obviously not a fan of change, but Arsinoe had to admit she now understood why the woman never wore black. It definitely did not suit her pale complexion. However, her calm smile and light shoulders gave away no mourning, like she actually only wore black and closed the windows for show. Arsinoe likes her a hell of a lot more for it.
Christine Hollen sits on the loveseat facing away from the doorway but turns when Ruth sees Arsinoe and stops speaking mid sentence. Christine seems just as surprised as Ruth does.
“Hello Arsinoe,” Ruth says, standing and approaching her, obviously appraising her pants, vest and longer hair. She then seems to spot Jules behind Arsinoe and seems affronted at the clothes and the cougar at her side. “Who is your friend and why is there a large animal in my house?” Arsinoe almost wants to laugh.
“Hi Ruth. This is my best friend and the Queen Crowned of Fennbirn, Jules Milone. The big cat is Camden, her familiar,” Ruth pursed her lips at Camden but seemed unwilling to enter into a debate about it. Arsinoe sidled past her and sat down next to Christine with a smile. The Governor’s daughter looked lovely (as usual) in a sky blue dress, her blonde curls tied back in an elegant chignon. “How are you, Christine?” She looks affronted but quickly catches herself.
“I’m well, Arsinoe. Are you going to be sticking around this time?” She says, sipping her tea demurely. Arsinoe smiles gently and leans over to make her own tea. 
“I will actually Christine. My business on Fennbirn is over and I have no interest to go back,” she said, picking up a sugar cube. Christine hummed.
“And your sister?” Arsinoe’s hand froze halfway to her cup before pursing her lips and considering. She didn’t have to be a member of polite society to know that telling Christine how Mirabella died was too heavy for afternoon tea. It was too heavy for any time of day really, but sunny afternoon tea especially.
“She died in the war,” Arsinoe settled on, finally dropping the sugar cube into her teacup. Christine went quiet for a beat.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Arsinoe. I know you and her loved each other immensely” the socialite says gently and Arsinoe nods in recognition, taking a sip of her tea.
“Thank you, Christine,” the conversation was interrupted by Billy, Jules, Jane and Ruth coming to sit with them. Billy sat right next to her and put a hand on her knee, a movement not missed by Christine, but she didn’t comment
“So, Arsinoe, what business bought you back to New Estra?” Ruth said and Arsinoe knew exactly what she meant by that. 
Arsinoe sipped her tea and sighed. 
“Well, Ruth…”
~ 6 Months ~
Arsinoe didn’t have a whole lot of experience with children. She liked children and was pretty sure that they didn’t outright hate her back, but she had never really spent extended periods of time around them, Finn excluded. Which is why she was viscerally surprised to wake up to one crawling over her.
“Uncle Billy, don’t you know girls have cooties?” The child said and Arsinoe turned, slightly offended and ready to assert, rather childishly she must admit, that she did not, in fact, have “cooties.” The red-headed child (that she only recognised from photos on the mantle in Ruth’s drawing room) wasn’t paying attention to her though, instead waiting for an answer from Billy, who was groaning.
“John, she doesn’t have cooties. What are doing in here?” Billy says, sitting up so that he was at eye-level with the child.
“Mumma told me to come get you up. She wants to meet Ar-“ he seems to stumble over her name and instead points to her.
“Arsinoe,” Billy and Arsinoe say at the same time and John nods before climbing over Arsinoe, his knee going straight in her gut, and jumping down. 
“Sorry,” John says.
“All good, kid,” she says, waving him off and he runs back out again. Arsinoe turns to Billy, confused. “Who exactly was that?” Billy kisses her cheek to say good morning before leaning his forehead against her shoulder.
“My nephew,” he says and she raises an eyebrow, “my oldest sister’s kid. She lives in Bevellet and John wasn’t a great traveller when he was younger so I don’t get to see her very often. But if Viv’s here then so is Henri and her husband so be prepared,” Arsinoe clicks her tongue in acknowledgement and rolls out of bed. From her side of the wardrobe she pulls a pretty forest green jumpsuit (something she had designed and sewed herself, much to Ruth’s shock and vague horror) and the ribbon that went with it to go in her hair before going into the ensuite to change.
When she comes out, Billy is buttoning his shirt up and Arsinoe grabs a necktie. She wraps it around his collar and uses it to pull him in for a quick kiss. 
“Compared to your mother, how scared should I be of your sisters?” Billy smiles.
“You’ll be fine,” he says, taking the tie from her hands and tying it before offering his hand and leading her out the door.
The kitchen was loud when they got downstairs and the sound only escalates when the people in the room notice the pair. Billy lets go of his hand to go hug two women who she gathers must be his older sisters and two men approach her, smiling.
“And you must be the newest addition to the family,” one of them says. He’s just taller than her (though that was saying a lot) and broad in the shoulders, with red hair and a truly impressive moustache. He’d be intimidating if he didn’t have such clear laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. “I’m John Moore Sr, Viv’s husband, and this is Edward Allen, Henrietta’s husband,” Edward was shorter than both of the two and lanky, with clear blue eyes and brown-gold hair. He seemed quieter than his brother-in-law but his presence wasn’t uncomfortable by any means. She stuck out her hand to them and shook with a smile.
“Arsinoe Queen, it’s a pleasure to meet you gentleman. I believe I met your son already John. He’s lovely, even if he may have bruised my ribs,” she says with a smile and John tilts his head.
“I’ll make sure he apologises for that, miss Queen, we wouldn’t want to scare off the only woman willing to keep Chatworth, after all,” Arsinoe’s eyebrows raised in surprise before she chuckled.
“Eh, he’s not so bad,” she says, making John laugh and turn to the rest of the group. 
“Chatworth, look after this one, she’s a gem,” he calls and Billy smiles and winks at Arsinoe before both have their attentions drawn by a kind feminine voice sitting at the table.
“Well, don’t keep her sequestered, let us meet her,” John nodded and gestured for Arsinoe to move past the two men, where she finally got a glimpse at the two people she hadn’t yet met. Both were women in their twenties who shared Billy’s warm features and she smiled at them, sitting on the chair Jane had vacated.
“Hi Arsinoe,” one of them said, taking her hand to shake. “I’m Henrietta, but most people just call me Henri or Hen,” she smiled with a grin she recognised on Billy’s face and she can’t help but smile back, matching her energy. 
“Hen, don’t try anything until she’s met all of us,” the woman sitting next to them says and Arsinoe turns to meet her. She leans forward to shake but is hindered but a very pregnant stomach. Arsinoe leans forward to meet her in the middle. “ I’m Viviana, Viv if you will. I think you met my son in the last half hour. Ignore any schemes himself or my sister try to drag you into,” Arsinoe laughs slightly.
“I only involve myself in schemes when I can’t be caught, don’t worry,” she hears Billy snort from behind her, “Billy may attest differently but ignore that,” Viviana smiles and pats her hands, letting them go in favour of continuing to eat her breakfast.
~ 3 years ~
“Welcome to this month’s meeting of The Chatworth Spouse Club,” John says, smiling as they clink their beer glasses together. Edward smiles.
“This month we finally can officially add a new member to the Club,” he says, turning to Arsinoe, who was tapping her new wedding band on her glass. “Welcome Arisnoe, to the best kept secret in the family,” he said, loud pride in his usually subdued voice.
“Thanks gents. Is this Club only for official spouses or will we be inviting Penworth into the fold soon,” she smiled with joy as they scoffed in unison.
“He wouldn’t be invited even if Jane was unfortunate enough to marry that wet sock,” John said, making his companions cough but not disagree. “Let’s just admit now that Penworth would spoil our nights away from spouses and children by being his usual self,” Arsinoe tilts her head in agreement. 
“I’m surprised how happy you are at the thought of being away from home, John,” Arsinoe says, sipping her drink.
“Oh no home is great,” Joh says with his usual wide smile, “It’s just with the new baby on the way and three already… well, here, it’s nice to talk to adults every now and then. Edward would agree, right, Ed?” John says and Edward nods.
“Yeah, Henri and the twins are handfuls all the time so breaks are important. But also I can’t wait to be home with them whenever I leave. Why didn’t either of you warn me how much you miss your kids when you’re away,” he sighs lovingly and Arsinoe raises her hands. 
“Don’t look at me, I don’t have children to speak on. Blame John,” Edward smiles at her before turning his smart eyes on John.
“When are you gonna get to doing that by the way, missy?” John deflects back to her and she shrugs with a smile.
“It’ll happen when it happens and besides, I’m never gonna complain that I don’t enjoy just Billy and me. Not that we haven’t had fun trying,” she admits with a small blush and John whistles with a laugh.
“Well, drink up folks so I can kick your asses at darts,” he says and Arsinoe drinks her beer, trying not to laugh. Neither of them had ever beaten Edward at darts. They probably never would if they were being honest with themselves, but she still had a blast trying.
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bluepenguinstories · 3 years
Remoras Full Chapter XLIV: Sting Ray
Exhaustion set in as soon as the form before us faded. Vague shapes of the people around me blurred further until they were just airbrushed silhouettes who swayed from side to side. They were both close to me while also being further away. Miles away, even as they stood in place, next to Sunny and I. Even without exhaustion, I would have felt the same, thanks to the high setting in.
“I can’t believe it’s over...”Sunny muttered as she puffed the last of her joint. I think we were all shaken by the experience, even if none of us were naive enough to believe we were rid of such a monster.
Before we were ready to move on, Remora stepped out in front of us and lowered herself down to one knee.
“Aw, are you about to propose to someone?” Sunny leaned in and teased. Remora looked up and tilted her head.
“...What?” She asked, perpetual confusion. “No. I just...well, I do have a proposition.”
“Well, out with it!” Sunny urged.
Remora lowered her head, then continued:
“I left you all at a time when I suspected we weren’t rid of the one who sought to harm us. Thus, I put you all in danger. For that, I am sorry.”
“It’s fine,” I tried to reassure her, “I don’t think any of us knew Cronus could conjure up a fog like that.”
“Even still...I left and I shouldn’t have. For so long, I wanted a home, some place I felt right in. Maybe this place wasn’t what I would have considered ‘home’ at first, but over time I found you guys to be important to me. Yet I left you all behind, because I was scared. Because I didn’t understand what you all meant to me. So, even though I know I have no right to ask this of you, I will do so anyway: may I be a part of your lives once more? If you refuse, we’ll part ways once we reach the surface and you’ll never have to see me again.”
We all stood in silence. Despite the haze which was taking over, I took the initiative and cleared my throat.
“Oh my. I wasn’t expecting this,” I remarked.
“I’m serious,” Remora replied.
I can’t do serious. Not when I’m starting to feel the buzz kick in.
“I know. It’s just that you should know by now that at least in my eyes, you’ve always got a home here.”
“Yeah, I don’t see why you’d need to worry about something like that,” Sunny added.
“Still,” Remora turned her head away from Sunny and I, “I want to make sure it’s okay with everyone.”
Tigershark stamped her feet as she marched up to Remora, then tapped her on the shoulder.
“I still don’t like that you used to kill people. That’s not a very nice thing to do. But the you that I know is a good person now, so that’s what matters to me. Besides, you’re still one of my precious older sisters!”
“I…” Remora sounded ready to object.
“If you don’t stay, I’m going to be mad, so you have that to think about!” Tigershark roared, hands on her hips.
“I guess I do, huh?” Remora chuckled a humorless chuckle, awkward smile to boot. Afterward, she turned her attention toward Demetria, to which, the rest of us did as well.
“What? Why’s everyone looking at me for?” Demetria stammered, then on the defensive, took a step back and crossed her arms, “what do you need my opinion for? It’s not my decision to make.”
“Everyone means everyone,” Remora told her, insisting on an answer.
“Sure...Yeah. Whatever.”
“Is no one gonna ask me how I feel?” Tigershark jumped up as she asked.
“How do you feel?” Sunny looked down to humor the child, still with enough energy to jump in place.
“Terrible! Thanks! This whole thing has been a nightmare! First, there was that other you,” Tigershark looked over at Remora, “who turned out to be a monster. Then we fight rock monsters. We’re all bleeding and getting hurt. Then we fight another guy who’s a monster and apparently he’s the one who killed my parents? It wasn’t a blizzard, but a scary guy? And now...I’m ready to wake up.”
“Aw, we’re sorry, dear,” Sunny pursed her lip.
“No, I agree, though,” rasped Demetria’s rough voice. Odd, ‘rough’ when I had known her to have more of a mouse-like voice. “What else could it be called other than a nightmare?”
She didn’t speak another word after that, opting instead to hobble her way closer to me, and further from Remora. It was remarkable, that even in my high state, I could notice such subtleties. As we made our worn-out strides out from the room of Cronus’ design, I noticed little pebbles fall into my messy black hair. I ruffled through my hair, trying to shake the flakes out, all while more fell onto my head.
Of course. This part of the tunnel is one of his own design. Once he’s faded away, so too do his illusions.
“Don’t mean to rush any of you all, but I think this place is about to collapse,” I dropped the hint, and being the smartypants that they were, they looked at each other, eyes bulging, then in a panic, began to pick up their pace.
“Demetria, if you find it hard to walk, you can hold onto the side of my suit,” I offered to her. She scowled, though the scowl dropped to a more relaxed frown. As if to say, “fine. If it comes to that, I’ll allow it.”
“Good, and Sunny,” I added, then turned to my wife, my life, “you can do the same with Remora. If either of you need to lean on each other, that’s totally fine,” I gave the thumbs up. Sunny winked.
It was more like a game of hopscotch than a race of peril. Really embarrassing, if I were to be honest. If I had thought to bring a video camera, or even just record them on my phone, I’d look at the footage of us running for our lives and I would laugh. As it stood, I didn’t have that luxury. Any reason to laugh had to be put on hold as my breaths grew short and shallow and the collapsing rocky ground continued to close in behind us. Its pace picking up alongside our own increasing pace.
Other short breaths followed my own as if the other four were a barbershop quartet with stage fright. Hell, with me alongside them, it may as well be a quintet.
Remora and Sunny were both tall ladies. Tigershark was somewhere. Demetria was not a tall lady and I was a Short King (OK. So actually, I am Average Man height. Like 5’7”-(on my good days) 5’9”. Probably). Together we made up a group of people trying to get by with our lives.
I felt a little pull against my arm sleeve. I looked down and saw the orange jelly bean, Tigershark herself, held on tight to my sleeve.
“Hey! Look at you! Good job!” I congratulated her as I tried to work up a smile. If not for myself, then for the kid. She still looked ready to cry. Maybe when we got back to the diner, I could make a cake. If we even still have enough ingredients. Dammit Cronus (because the fog, not because he stole our food, which in an indirect way, he may as well have).
“Fancy weather, innit?” Sunny tried up a Parisian accent.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re underground,” Remora replied in a non-emotive shout, partially muffled by the rumblings around us.
Out the false tunnel and into the original tunnel as we slid our way through as the collapsing illusion. As it shut behind us and became a wall once more, it caused a miniature quake and had us all jump into place before we fell into the ground.
“Worst trampoline I’ve been on in a while,” I remarked as I rubbed my sore bum.
Tigershark was the first to stand back up and made cymbal crashing motions as she danced around with an angry chicken look on her face.
“When I get back, I’m going to bang pots and pans, because I deserve to!” She roared.
“Yeah, can’t argue there,” Sunny murmured. Then her and I laughed.
When we struggled back up and continued walking, I decided to break the ice:
“So, anything you wanna talk about?” I peered at the Demetria beside me. She didn’t say a word.
“Ah, the quiet game. I see,” then I turned to Remora who had a confused look on her face, but also said nothing. “You’re playing too, I see.”
“You’ll have to excuse my Ray of Sunshine, he’s a little high right now,” Sunny waved her hand around in a fanning motion.
“High?” Tigershark looked up. “What’s that mean?”
“He’s ascended,” Sunny then fluttered her hands to the side, like she was breaking out of her cocoon and becoming a beautiful moth fairy.
I tried to keep quiet. I knew I should. There were rules, and if all the world was a stage, then I was a character just as much as anyone else around me. Which meant, there were rules. One of those rules was that I was to stick to the established personality traits of my character. Any deviation was forbidden.
Oh, but much like someone who drank a gallon of tea needed to pee, if we walked through this long tunnel with neither Sunny nor I saying a word, I think I’d be in throbbing pain.
“A word,” Sunny took one for the team. “That’s all I’m going to say, though.”
Wow. Do we share the same mind?
“Thank you, dear,” I told her.
“Any time. Just remember: you’re my wife.”
I chuckled in response.
“I’m your wife, just as you are mine.”
“Wife and Malewife. We’re a gay male and female couple,” Sunny snapped her fingers and remarked.
“That’s what I’m saying!” I exclaimed in agreement.
Collective groans were made from the other three ladies.
Much of our trip back from then on was a blur, other than the fact that at one point, Demetria remarked, “gee, I bet everyone else back at the diner’s wondering what’s taking us so long.”
Although I was still a little outside of my mind, I let out a chuckle.
“Yeah, they’re probably thinking, ‘it can’t possibly take this long just to turn the lights back on’.”
Speaking of lights, as weary as we were, the sight of the bright, yellow glow flooded into view the closer we reached the entrance back into the basement. I looked beside me and saw Tigershark blink several times and rubbing her eyes. The others might have been just as astonished to see light again.
For my part, I was just hoping I had a spare pair of glasses somewhere once we got back up to the surface.
We walked through and everyone’s astonishment was voiced through low “ooh”, “aah,” and “wow.” While they all looked around, I couldn’t help but notice little red streaks on the otherwise clean floor.
No doubt from the fight that went on.
Everyone else made it up to the ladder before me. When it was my turn, I noticed some red marks upon the bars of the ladder. Whether blood or rust, I couldn’t tell. I just hoped they were dry enough that none of the others had gotten it on them. Even without getting it on them, one thing was certain: all five of us were due for a bath (but not at the same time).
Once I made my way up into the kitchen, I closed the hatch behind me. Sunny dropped to the floor, a wide grin on her face, then shot her arms up.
“Whee! Let’s do that again!” She cheered.
“NO!” The rest of us shouted in unison. It couldn’t be helped, of course. She was still riding that high, even if I was starting to come down.
I half-expected for someone, or a few someones, to bolt through the kitchen door and check in on us. When that didn’t come, I expected to hear commotion from the dining hall. Then, when that didn’t come, I just had to investigate. My heart beat like a dog would wag their tail at the prospect of a treat. Though replace ‘treat’ with ‘mystery’.
So I strolled, or strode, whichever suited my fancy, out into the dining hall where I saw the crowd...that wasn’t there. Yes, despite my poor vision, I still couldn’t believe my eyes at the emptiness of it all. There were still plates and messes on each table, signs that life had been there. But where they had gone, that was still a mystery.
Everyone else came out from the kitchen soon after me. Behind me, I heard Tigershark ask, “where did everybody go?”
Yes. Good question. Just how long were we gone? What could have happened in the meantime? Were they all hurt?
“That’s a good question, pipsqueak,” Demetria replied.
“Hey! Who you callin’ pipsqueak? In a few years, I’ll be taller than you!” Tigershark shouted back with ferocious fury.
“Man, I love you all,” Sunny drawled out, an adorable smile spread across her face.
“Uh. OK? Thanks?” Remora didn’t know how to respond.
Two things caught my attention: one, though outside looked fuzzy and dark, it did not look foggy. Which could only mean that the fog was lifted. The other thing I noticed were a few sheets of paper spread out on a nearby table. Ignoring their banter, I wandered over to the table. Each sheet had our names written on one side, with a series of text on the back. Although I couldn’t make out the individual words of our names, I could tell who was who by the individual letters shown and the vague shapes that made them up.
I chuckled at the absurdity of not even being able to read a simple letter.
I hope I have a spare pair of glasses somewhere.
“Hey guys,” I motioned for the others. It was my own little way of obfuscating from the fact that I couldn’t see what was written, “come check this out.”
The others scrambled on over and noticed the sheets of paper on the table, just as I had.
“They’re...letters?” Demetria blinked, astonished, and just a slight tinge of confusion.
“Man, oh man! This is too much!” Sunny held one hand over her face while the other held the sheet of paper, “she spelled it ‘hoomin’! Like Moomin, but with an ‘H’!”
“It’s Astraea!” Tigershark gasped as she read her letter, “she said that everyone else went to the hospital and she followed them there! Apparently there’s someone in particular she wants to see.”
“What does yours say, Demetria?” I turned to her as she parsed through the page. Before she answered, she folded up the paper and put it in her pocket.
“Nothing important,” she answered in a dry manner.
“Same here,” Remora added with a shiver and a shifty look.
Nervous, much?
“In that case,” I smiled, still trying to save face, “I’ll keep my letter private as well. They are meant for the individual, after all.”
“Aw, I wanted to know what yours said,” Tigershark whined. I pat her head and chuckled.
“Maybe I’ll tell you about it later,” I suggested as a means to reassure her.
“...Heh...Hoomin,” Sunny mumured to herself and laughed a howling laughter.
Now that I think about it, she probably has less of a tolerance to that kind of stuff than I do.
I strolled over to each table and picked up each plate, ready to take it to the kitchen. As I held a stack in hand, I turned to the other four.
“Now, we’ve all had a long day, so how about we all relax? Go ahead, sit down, I’ll get you guys something to drink.
“I’ll take vodka,” Remora requested whilst lowering herself down to the booth next to her.
“What’s vodka?” Tigershark asked.
“Shitty alcohol,” Sunny answered, not seeming to care about the swear, “I’ll have whiskey, take it or leave it.”
“Both of those sound gross!” Tigershark stuck her tongue out. “I’ll just have some hot cocoa.”
“Whip or no whip?” I asked.
“Lots and lots of whip cream!” She roared and cheered, fist pumping into the air.
“How about you, Demetria?” I turned my attention to her and watched as she slumped over in her seat, next to Sunny, and sulked at the table.
“Coffee,” she stated, which I found interesting, as I never pictured her to be a coffee drinker. Then again, I didn’t know what kind of drinks she tended to like.
“And how do you take your coffee?”
Her response left me no choice but to make my expression as dull as hers as I teased, “oh, really? And here I thought you took yours rectally.”
“Wha...no. I mean, black, I guess.”
Sunny cackled into a thunderous laughter and slammed her fist on the table, which shook the poor thing every which way.
Sheesh. It’s like I’ve got my own laugh track. Thanks hun.
As I worked my magic in the kitchen, washing dishes and preparing drinks, I thought it over and decided that what Sunny really needed was water. As for everyone else, it went over just fine: I didn’t have to venture back down into the basement to get some vodka (thank goodness) as there was a bottle in the fridge. After I poured a shot, I filled another shot glass with water from the tap. Next, I brewed a pot of coffee, boiled a kettle of water on the stove, and as I waited for each one to heat up and fill up, I took off to the back of the diner to search for a pair of glasses.
There were none in my desk drawer. Next, I ascended to the upstairs bedroom. Sure enough, on the night stand, there was a box for glasses. I opened it up, half-fearing that it would be empty, but my heart fluttered upon seeing that there was indeed a pair for me.
Thank my lucky stars. Feels like things are finally starting to turn around.
As soon as I put them on, the world opened up to me.
“I can see clearly now the rain is gone,” I hummed and made my way back down.
Before I went back into the kitchen to prepare the final three drinks, I unfolded the paper and read its contents. For the sake of posterity, I will transcribe it without so many spelling errors (trust me, just about every word was misspelled):
Dear Ray,
Thank you a lot for letting me be a waitress. I appreciate what you taught me about humanity, just as much as I do with the things Sunny and Tigershark have taught me. Tigershark is my friend, you know. Also, I liked asking people what food they wanted to eat. I learned so many names of foods.
I think we’re a lot alike, because we’re both curious about things. It’s good, I think, because there’s always more to learn. While I didn’t understand what was going on at the time, I know a lot of people weren’t doing too good and you looked a bit sad. But I think even if bad things happen, you’re still very nice. I also want to be very nice! But I think I like tricking people too. That’s fun (Tigershark taught me about tricking).
As for how I managed to write all this after everyone went to the hospital it’s because I can write fast (Tigershark taught me to read and write). I’m very fast! Maybe not running but I can do things fast!
Also everyone left because someone called the doctor and the doctor mobile picked them up. I was in my room but I heard that someone fell over. It sounded interesting, so I’m going to walk to the hospital now. I might come back, but it also might take me a lot of days. I can’t always tell where I’m going.
P.S. I think you would like Animal Crossing. Tom Nook is kind of like you. He’s a nice man and maybe human.
I smiled and folded the paper back up, placed it into my desk, and strolled back into the kitchen. There were still some missing pieces, some gaps that needed to be filled in, but I’m sure they would be explained in time.
Actually, I’m growing a little impatient on that front.
After pouring in the hot cocoa mix into the boiling water, I stirred it. Then I filled it sky high with whipped cream. The coffee was easy, since it was all automatic. Really, needed no explanation. As for my tea, I chose a nice cup of ceylon and jasmine tea, and let it steep. While it sat, I decided to call up Dr. Cole-Slaw. To my surprise, she answered right away.
“Ray! You better have a good explanation for all this!” She huffed into the phone, clear annoyance rang through her voice.
“I’m sorry, Shir – Doctor, but I was hoping you could give me one. I was away while everything went down. One moment, I was attending to business in the basement, the next, all my patrons are gone.”
“Are you aware what ‘DOA’ means?” She asked, a little ‘tsk tsk’ in her tone.
“Yeah. Of course. I’ve been a wanted man in a few cities.” That was a joke. I wasn’t as popular as some might have believed me to be.
“Dead on arrival, smartass. One of your friends, Xena Warrior Princess over here, called me to go retrieve a dead body. Is this some kind of practical joke?”
Dead body? What?
“Whoa, whoa, slow down. I don’t know anything about that. Also, Xena Warrior Princess?”
“I dunno, purple sword lady.”
“Wendy. I don’t think she’d appreciate being called that.”
“Oh, no, she does. I ran it by her first. She said it’s quite amusing. Anyway, care to explain?”
Still the same Shirley, I see. Still...this is concerning.
“Trust me, I’d love to. I’ve buried a couple of people outside of the diner, but there shouldn’t be any corpses inside.”
“Excuse me? There’s more? Have you gone off the deep end, Ray? I know you’ve done some questionable stuff, but I didn’t know you had it in you to be an ax murderer.”
“It’s nothing like that. Look,” I slid back from the counter, “I’ll tell you what I’ve been dealing with for the past year: there’s been a terrible fog, maybe you’ve seen it? Maybe not. But there’s been monsters in the fog attacking people and I’ve been sheltering as many people as I could, trying to keep everyone alive on what limited supplies we had.”
“No offense, but I’ve got a hard time believing that.”
“Maybe it’s better that you don’t. I’d rather it wasn’t real, myself. But as you could see, it’s been lifted. For equally supernatural reasons, I presume.”
I got to thinking about all that I’ve endured the past year. All that we’ve endured. How all that time, I never bothered to learn the names of the people I sheltered. It was just as Aurora said. Perhaps if I had gotten to know everyone, I would have figured out Sister Cecilia’s identity sooner. I would have figured out Captain Aca...okay, that one was obvious. But still, I wished that I had a stronger bond with the others. Maybe then I might have had higher spirits.
“Say, do you know who it was you picked up?”
“No, sorry. But your cohort seems to have an idea. I’ll put her on the line. She’s agreed to mop the hospital floors while she’s here. I figure it’s a fair enough deal since I ended up hauling off a whole crowd of people.”
“Great. Do it.”
“Oh, and by the way, our little Jane Doe’s still breathing. For now, anyway. She’s in, uh, not good condition, but it’s something.”
“What a relief. Wait, I thought you said dead on arrival?”
“Yeah. But I didn’t say arrival to the hospital. I’m a genius, I know,” she gloated.
“OK, let me hear from Wendy.”
She passed the phone on over, then I heard Wendy’s raspy yet sly voice.
“Hey, Ray, guess who I’m with at the hospital right now?” She posed the question.
“Are you going to tell me?” I wasn’t really in the mood for guessing, nor did I have enough information on hand to do so. “I know they’re a woman, that’s about it.”
“Hmm…” she lingered on that last ‘m’, “have you taken a look in the mirror since you got back? I do take it you’re back, and not just calling me from underground.”
“No, I haven’t. I should get on that, but I’m busy preparing drinks for the other four.”
“You sure sound exhausted, that’s for sure. I bet you look just as bad as you sound right now,” she suggested.
“Probably. I just sound this way because I’m coming down from a high, but we all need our rest. Now, since you’re not going to tell me about this mystery patient, will you at least tell me what went on while I was away?”
“Aw, you’re no fun. But sure. Basically about a minute or two after you went down, the lights flickered back on and we were all excited. I told everyone to temper their excitement, as we still don’t know what to expect. What a statement that turned out to be, as maybe a little more than an hour later, we hear someone coming back up. Some of us got all giddy, thinking it was you guys, but instead walks out this woman none of us recognized. Well, some of us thought we did, but I’m not gonna name names. She fell down once she saw us, but not before saying something, I think it was, ‘that’s all, folks’ in a weak voice.”
“Someone besides us was down in the basement?” My heart skipped a beat. I knew there was that impostor, and later on Cronus, but I didn’t think there would be anyone else. “Did she sneak down there and hide or something?”
“Couldn’t tell ya. I’m as lost as you are on that front. But I’ll say this: upon seeing her face, I flew into a panic. I shouted for someone to call a doctor. Others thought it was ridiculous, but then we saw that the fog was gone and that was when we all wanted a doctor. Someone had the number to your good friend, Cole-Slaw, and she was happy to come out and get us all.”
Something tells me she wasn’t very happy at all, but let’s put that aside.
“Speaking of coleslaw, what’s the deal with it? You put mayonnaise on radishes and lettuce or something and for some reason that’s supposed to taste good?”
“Any other time, I’d love to talk about what constitutes as food, but I’m just a little beat.”
“I get you. I think even I would be, given what you all must have gone through. But hey, now we’ve got clear skies. That’s something to celebrate, no?”
“Yeah. Maybe in the morning I can get a good view outside. As it is, it’s just a little too dark for my liking. But anyway, I should go,” but before I did, I got to thinking, “oh, and hey: if this mystery patient manages to make it, I’d like to meet her in person. Maybe you can invite her back to the diner and Tigershark and I will treat her to a nice meal. How’s that sound?”
“Sure thing, Ray. We’ll see.”
There was a great list of things to look forward to, and that just became one of them. But anyway, I needed to deliver everyone their drinks before the hot drinks turn cold and the cold drinks turn warm. So once I ended the call, I brought out each of the drinks on a platter and strode out into the dining hall.
“Here you go, ladies,” I set down each drink onto the table. Sunny, without hesitation, downed her shot.
“Damn,” she wiped her mouth, “that’s the best whiskey I’ve ever had.”
I suppose the irony may have been that it would have been easier to mistake water for vodka than it would be whiskey, but since she was still riding a high, perhaps it was just a little hard to tell.
Tigershark sipped on her hot cocoa, a little whipped cream mustache forming above her lips.
I, meanwhile, too my seat at the booth just behind them. It wasn’t a matter of isolating myself from the others. No, I just liked to listen in as an outsider while I took comfort in the solitude.
“It really has been over a year. How old are you now, Demetria?” Remora asked, working up her best kind voice.
“Twenty-four,” Demetria replied and shrugged whilst sipping her coffee.
“Aw, man! That means I missed your birthday!” Remora then complained.
“Uh, yeah? That’s what being away for over a year means.”
“Still, it’s good to see you,” Remora smiled and continued to try to lighten the mood.
“It is? Why?”
“Because I’ve missed you.”
“No you didn’t. You just missed the attention.”
“That’s not true…” Her voice turned desperate, before lowering it.
“Sorry. That was maybe too harsh of me,” Demetria looked away as she mentioned.
“No, you’re right.”
Demetria got up from her seat, took the coffee cup, chugged it down, then announced, “I’m going to my room.”
She walked off a couple of paces, then turned back.
“Don’t worry, Ray. I’ll wash out my mug before I go.”
She walked a couple of paces once again, almost to the kitchen, then turned back once more.
“Actually, I’m going to take a shower, then I’ll go to my room.”
I couldn’t help myself, perhaps a tad insensitive of me, but I cupped one hand over my mouth and called out to her.
“Actually, you’ll go through the hallway, then take a shower, then go to your room!”
She twitched, it seeming to strike a nerve, but then just said, “yeah…”
I then saw Tigershark, still with her whipped cream mustache, look over with an incredulous face, then turn back to Remora.
“What was that for?! We just got back and she’s already got an attitude?” Tigershark thew her hands up.
“It’s because of me,” Remora turned somber and stared down as she explained, “the whole reason why she left last time, and why I left.”
“Because I told her that I didn’t, and couldn’t care about her. Or anyone. I really thought that at the time, too. She didn’t take it well, which...understandably so. So I tried to bargain with her, and...that made it worse, because I panicked and I wasn’t feeling well, just recovering from being sick, which probably contributed to the whole thing. So...I can’t blame her for being wary around me.”
“Well, that’s stupid! You care about us, right?” Tigershark was incensed and poised for a rant.
“Yeah, but it took a long time to figure that out.”
Interesting. I never thought I’d hear her say that. Perhaps in her absence she went through a long journey of self-discovery and probably has many stories to tell of her adventures.
“So? Just tell her that.”
“It’s not that simple…”
“Yeah it is. You just told me.”
“I’m sure she’d want me to prove it, and I don’t know how to.”
“That’s dumb too! And I’m sure you missed us, too! Also, what’s wrong with wanting attention? Who says you can’t miss people and want attention at the same time? Attention is good.”
“You don’t get it. You’re just a kid.”
“So what? What’s that got to do with anything? I’ll have you know, I’m eleven now!”
“Wow. I’m gone for over a year and all of a sudden everyone’s a year older,” Remora muttered. It was almost like she was making an observation, but to anyone else, it may have come off as sarcasm.
She looked out the window, listless, then peered her head over to where I was; to be honest, I was a little caught off guard that she would notice me, given that I was just there sipping my tea and listening in to everyone else.
“I’m going to my room, too, and, uh, Ray?” Remora announced.
“Yes?” I addressed her.
“Your wife’s asleep at the table.”
“Ah. Thank you. I suppose it’s time we get some rest. In the morning I’ll make us all a large meal, how does that sound?” I offered.
“I can do it! You’re still hurt pretty bad!” Tigershark shot her hand up.
“Very well. I’ll leave it to you, then,” I gave a light chuckle as I got up from my seat, took one last sip of my tea, and led Sunny up, first by tapping on her back.
“Come on, hun. It’s time we got ourselves to bed,” I coaxed as I helped lift her up.
“Boobas…” She murmured in a half-asleep daze. She must have been dreaming about bubble tea or something.
“Yes, dear. I understand quite well.”
We stumbled our way to the back, then up the stairs to our room. She rubbed her eyes a bit, but rather than start to wake up, as soon as we were next to our bed, she collapsed right into it. I followed suit.
The following morning, I fumbled getting my glasses back on, surprised that I had slept without taking them off, and my head almost crushing them while asleep. Once I had conquered that battle, it was time to...well, check the time. My phone read 5:31 AM, and as early as it was, I accepted it and forced myself out of bed.
As I got up, I felt the intense soreness of yesterday’s struggle. What a terrible and aching physical reminder it was. It got worse when I went down and took a shower; the hot water stung against the wounds on my sides and on my face. After getting myself dressed, I headed to my desk in the middle of the hallway and sat down. Yes, it may have been wiser to have brewed another cup of tea, or perhaps, dare I say, coffee, but I just wanted to sit and think for a little while.
What a day yesterday. For better or worse, we all made it back, and the diner is once again empty save for the five of us. While I do hope to get some customers sooner or later, I must say that I enjoy the quiet. We’ve all earned it. Now, even if some things may be different in terms of everyone’s personalities, if we are getting back to business as usual, then I ought to make a phone call.
The downside is that based on our timezones, Cybele would probably still be asleep.
I know. I’ll just send a text.
Me: It’s safe now. You can return if you’d like.
I set my phone down on the table, then almost jumped out of my seat upon seeing Remora seated across from me. Her serious expression made whatever she was there to say seem urgent.
“So, I just had a dream that we were all on a battlefield and then Demetria died and I got sad, so there’s no denying it now: I’ve got a crush on her.”
I matched her dull expression with my own.
“Remora, it’s like 6 AM,” I informed her.
“Is it? I don’t have my phone with me, so I can’t really tell the time. Anyway, I don’t see what that has to do with the dream I had, so quit beating around the bush and tell me what you think.”
Is this really all I’m good for?
“It doesn’t really sound like a crush,” I shrugged, figuring she wouldn’t give up staring until I gave her an answer, “it just sounds normal. You’d be sad if I died, wouldn’t you?”
She paused. Didn’t say a word. I let it linger for a few seconds longer, then I couldn’t help myself.
“What?! No answer?!” I spat out.
“I’m still tired,” she replied, “I have to think about this.”
I was still just a little baffled, but I let it go.
“Even if it turns out you haven’t developed a crush, like you theorize, I can still tell you’ve discovered some things about yourself, so I commend you for that. Maybe later we can discuss some of the things you’ve learned.”
“Anyway, I’m pretty sure it’s a crush,” Remora dismissed, as if she didn’t even listen to what I had to say, “but I’m going to deny it, because I already know a relationship wouldn’t work out.”
“I agree. As it stands, I don’t think either of you are ready for such things. Besides, I know how she used to be, but do you think that’s something she wants now?”
“What? That’s not what you’re supposed to say. You’re supposed to say, ‘go for it, what do you have to lose? You only live once, et cetera’.”
“I’m agreeing with something you said. Isn’t that good enough?”
“We’re friends, right, Ray?”
I put my palm over my head.
“Yes, Remora. We’re friends.”
“So you’ll tell me anything I wanna hear, right?” She closed her eyes, crossed her arms, and smiled.
“That’s not how that works.”
“I know, but can’t you just pretend?” Her smile lowered and she pleaded.
“OK. What do you want to hear?” I humored her.
She just slammed her head against the desk and groaned.
“Ugh...I don’t know. What should I do?”
“First you should get your head off my desk,” I instructed. She didn’t, at least not at first.
“Ugh...you’re so mean, Ray,” she whined before lifting her head.
“Now, you should go back to bed. You clearly need some rest.”
“Yeah. You’re probably right,” she blinked, her face back to the blank expression I was used to seeing on her. “What are you doing up so early, anyway?”
“I’m just sitting and thinking. I like to do it sometimes.”
“Wow. That’s such an old man thing to do. You’re not that old yet, you know,” she pointed out.
“Don’t you ever do that?”
“Only when I need to.”
“Well, then, I think you need to do some of that after you’ve gotten a little more rest. You said yourself after we got back last night that the reason she’s acting the way she is around you is because of what happened before you left over a year ago. So don’t you think that should be addressed first before any prospect of a relationship?”
“Hm. Yeah. OK. Back to bed I go.”
A few hours later, Tigershark had made pancakes with strawberry syrup for everyone. She, Sunny, and I sat together while Remora and Demetria sat alone in booths at opposite ends of the diner silence.
“So, I was thinking, hun, how we don’t really charge people for meals most of the time,” Sunny brought up in between bites of the fluffy pancakes.
“Yeah. We used to a few years ago, but there’s been many changes since then,” I replied.
“Right. But you don’t mind that we don’t charge, do you?” She pondered.
“I suppose not.”
“So I’ve got a couple of ideas: we could turn this place into a hotel and start charging. If we hire more staff, then it shouldn’t be all that stressful managing all those people. Yeah, we had to house many people already and it was awful because of the circumstances, but if people can go in and out, then it should be fine.”
“It would cost a lot of money to expand this space in order to accommodate,” I pointed out.
“Right. My other idea is: why do we need to be a business at all? Like, sure, the front half is pretty much designed like a business, but there’s nothing saying we have to. We get by just fine on our own as it is. So maybe we could provide free meals to anyone who comes in and advertise that.”
“So basically what we’ve already been doing, but announce it?”
“I won’t rule it out. Not sure if I really want the attention, but it’s an option.”
“What do you think, Tigershark?” Sunny turned to the kid.
“Hmm...oh! You could do both! Make it like a free hotel!”
I put my palm over my mouth and chuckled.
“So like a homeless shelter, but fancy...not bad, not bad. Still would be expensive to see it through, but it seems like the kind of thing Wendy would approve of. Not to mention, just like with the previous hotel idea, we’d have to hire more staff, and even if they’d live here with us, they’ll probably want to get paid for their labor.”
“Oh! Have you heard from Wendy?” Tigershark asked.
“Yeah, I talked to her last night. She’s doing fine. Just hanging out at the hospital.”
“That idea…” Sunny scratched her chin. “Tigershark, you’re a genius! It’s easy! We make lots of money by taking on requests again!”
“That’s one way...but then there’s the chance of Cronus striking at any moment. Sheesh, everything’s become so complicated.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure out something, hun,” Sunny reached across the table and gave me a pat on the shoulder. When she sat back down, I felt my phone begin to ring. I picked it up and saw that it was Cybele.
“Oh my Goddess! This is the best day ever!” Cybele gushed over the phone, her excitement at maximum capacity.
“Is it really?” I chuckled.
“Yes! I can’t wait! I’m going to head back on over right away! Oh, but what should I do about the big house? Should I sell it? Should I give it to a homeless person? Oh, but if I do that, then they wouldn’t be able to afford to pay utilities, so that wouldn’t be very fair.”
“You can sell the house, then give the money to a homeless person,” I suggested.
“Yes! Brilliant! Thank you so much, Ray!” She hung up right after, without so much as a goodbye.
“Who was that?” Sunny asked.
“Cybele. She’ll be coming back soon,” I informed her.
“Awesome! We’re getting the band back together!”
“Band? What band?” Tigershark looked at the both of us, turning her head back and forth.
“It’s a figure of speech,” I explained.
After breakfast, Tigershark and I tended to the dishes. Once we had finished, I headed back to Sunny and I’s bedroom so I could fetch myself a book to read. We had an extensive collection along multiple bookshelves, enough that if we expanded the space just a bit more, we could have ourselves our own little library.
After much deliberation, I decided to settle on a collection of Akutagawa’s short stories. His tales were amusing, if nothing else, so it should at least pass some time away.
As I made my way back downstairs, I heard some commotion between Remora and Demetria.
“We need to set boundaries! So you stay at your end of the hallway, and I’ll stay at mine!” Demetria shouted whilst holding a stick of chalk.
“But the bathroom is on your end of the hallway and sometimes I have to pee. Also, what about showering?” Remora stated her case.
“You’ll have to get creative! We’re not good around each other, and this is a good solution!”
I made my way to the bottom of the stairs, then turned to the two.
“Hey Demetria, I need to cut something, so can I borrow one of your knives?” I asked.
She looked up at me, blinked, then dug into her pocket.
“Uh, sure, here.”
I took her knife and held it up, making a slashing motion into the air.
“Yep. It’s just as I thought. The tension in the air’s so thick that you have to cut through it with a knife.”
“What?!” Demetria stomped her foot at my little theatrics. I handed her knife back to her, then smudged out the chalk line on the floor with my foot. She, of course, took issue with that. “Hey! What are you doing? I’m setting boundaries, here!”
“You’re acting like a child, is what you’re doing.”
“Am not! She started it!” Demetria pointed at Remora. I faced Remora, who then backed away a step.
“I was just trying to talk things out with her, but I understand wanting space and I’m willing to compromise, but please let me take a shower sometimes,” Remora pleaded.
“There’s the bathroom in the dining hall,” I explained, “but yes, there’s no reason to restrict what bathroom you use. That’s just ridiculous.”
“First off, when she tried to talk things out, she just made things worse,” Demetria was still going at it.
“Look, I’m fine if you guys fight with each other, but can you two not take up so much space? Sit down at a table, or go to a room and go at it there,” I told them.
“I don’t want to go at it with her, I just want us to coexist,” Remora explained.
“We can’t coexist! We’re not good around each other!” Demetria shot back.
I shook my head. This was really trying my patience.
“Maybe you’re right,” I relented.
“Ha!” Demetria gloated.
“What I mean is, if you two can’t get along, you both can leave. We don’t need any of this bickering.”
“What?! You can’t do that! I was here first!” Demetria protested.
“Technically speaking, Remora was here first,” I pointed out.
“Well I came back first!”
“Well, I’m...uh...taller?” Remora interjected in an absentminded fashion.
You do realize this isn’t a competition, right?
“I’m serious. Get along or else,” I reiterated.
“But we can’t get along!” Demetria whined.
“...You won’t have to. I’ll be in my room, so, there should be no issues,” Remora stated, then walked away back to her end of the hallway. Even if she didn’t look like one, the image of a sad little puppy conjured up.
Once she entered into her room and closed the door behind her, I turned to Demetria.
“Anything you would like to drink? Tea? Coffee?” I offered. She looked up, confused, but answered.
“Very well. Go ahead and sit down, I’ll make you some.”
I brewed a cup of espresso, then set it down for her and sat across from her at the booth.
“What gives? First you say I’m acting like a kid, and now you’re rewarding me?” She asked after taking a sip.
I smiled before I spoke.
“I figured ‘let’s have a drink’ would sound less like you were in trouble than ‘let’s have a talk’.”
“I see. It was a clever ruse.”
“Not really. So, care to tell me what I missed?”
“Nothing much,” she scoffed, “she just came up to me and said she was sorry and that she’s started to feel things. I didn’t get it and I still don’t. She asked me if we could be friends, at least until she figured things out.”
“What did you say to that?”
“I asked if it was even possible for her to be friends with someone.”
“Don’t you think that was a bit harsh? It may have hurt her feelings.”
“Does she even have feelings?”
Can you not tell?
“Sure she does,” I answered, “maybe she doesn’t express them in the same way that you do, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t. I don’t know, but I’m thinking she’s started to figure that out as well.”
“I’m sorry, then,” she muttered, then slumped her head down onto the table. I wanted to get her head off the table, but...I let it slide.
“I don’t need any apologies.”
“Well, she said in response to that, ‘I don’t know, but I’d like to try’ and so I gave in and said that I guess I could do that much. It’s just, what does she mean?”
“I think she means that she’d like to be friends?”
“But what does that mean to her? Can I really do that? It’s not like I really know what to do with friends either. I’ve never been good at that kind of stuff.”
“In that case, maybe it will be a good learning experience for both of you.”
“Why...why does anything have to be a learning experience?” She grunted, “I don’t want any more learning experiences. That’s not what I came here for. I don’t even want to like her anymore.”
“Don’t want to?” I questioned.
“That’s...you get what I mean.”
I do. It’s just that you’re trying to convince me that you didn’t say what you meant.
“Demetria,” I commanded, “what is it that you want?”
She looked up, leaned back toward the window, and looked out.
“I don’t know,” she replied.
“Because you don’t have to be her friend if you don’t want to. It wouldn’t be right if you forced yourself to, would it?”
“Look: I came back to protect you guys. She wasn’t on my mind at all. I did everything I could to get her off my mind and just move on with my life, but I couldn’t bear the thought of the rest of you in a dangerous situation beyond your control. So if for nothing else, I wanted to return for that.”
“And I thank you for that. Seeing as the cat’s out of the bag, I think it’s fair to say you know what I think of you.”
“But I wish I didn’t have to be in disguise to hear it.”
“Yes, but I’m telling you now: we all like you. Tigershark likes you, even if she might like to pick on you sometimes. Sunny took a liking to you right away.”
“I’m not interested in stealing your wife from you,” she replied and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Not what I meant, but I’m amused that you took it that way.”
She puffed her cheeks and scowled. I felt like getting a needle and popping one of her cheeks, though I doubted it would pop like a balloon.
“We’re all happy to see you back, don’t get me wrong. But you should have known that there was a chance of her coming back as well.”
“Really? I thought she didn’t care about anyone.”
“Oh, come now,” I flashed a toothy smile, “and I thought you knew better than to take people’s words at face value.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She turned to face me.
“Figure it out yourself.”
Again, she puffed her cheeks. I wasn’t going to spell it out for her, but I figured an elaboration was in order.
“Don’t get me wrong, even if she was how she was just a couple of years ago, she’d have justified it by saying ‘I’m only doing this because it’s my mess and I need to clean it up’ or something to that effect. But how is that any different than ‘I only came back to protect you guys?’”
“It’s plenty different! What? You saying I’m a liar? It was a big motivating factor! If I never heard that you guys were in trouble, I probably would have never returned. That would have been that. Like I said, I wanted to move on with my life.”
“I don’t want to put words in your mouth. You say you came back to bail us out, I believe you. And so you did and we are thankful, so now there’s nothing stopping you from moving on with your life.”
“Uh, yeah there is. Cronus is still out there and he could come back any time. What then?”
For a moment, I had forgotten that whole matter. Oh, such sweet ignorant bliss.
“It’s true he really had us on the ropes. Drove me to the point of despair, took lives right in front of me, all for the sole purpose of wearing me down. But if the same incident were to happen again, even more hopeless this time, I want to maintain compassion just to spite him. I want to learn everyone’s names, that way even if their lives end up lost to his petty game, at least they would be remembered. However, now that we have more knowledge at hand, going forward it will be that much easier to prepare. What I’m saying is that while there’s no guarantee, you shouldn’t have to hinder your future for our sake.”
“You wouldn’t be hindering my future,” she muttered.
“Oh? Why not?”
“Because if it’s something that I chose to do, then it’s on me.”
“I see. I’m just saying, you can choose to do other things. It’s true that there are times situations are out of one’s control, but you’re crafty in ways that even surprise me sometimes. If you need support, I could try and assist you in any way. Even if there’s something you want to do and you can’t achieve it, I’m just saying that I want you to have the option of trying.”
“Thanks,” she replied, then let out a dejected sigh, “she’s going to be disappointed. I’m not the same person she remembers.”
“So what? Why worry about disappointing her?”
“I’m not. I’m just saying, if she’s expecting things to go back to how they were before, she’s setting herself up for disappointment.”
“I think it goes without saying that we’ve all changed since we’ve last seen each other, but now I’m curious: how exactly have you changed?”
“First of all, I finished school. I can be a marine biologist if I want to now.”
“Good job. I’m proud of you,” I gave a little clap, “if you want to be a marine biologist, you should. There are many benefits to being a marine biologist. If you want to stay in the area, you can find an aquarium to work at and visit here from time to time. We could talk about how your job’s treating you, and how life’s been, and we can both share a good laugh.”
“I just don’t know. I didn’t get it because I want to be a marine biologist. I wanted to, once, but I don’t know. I didn’t finish school because I wanted to finish school, either, but because I didn’t want it to go unfinished.”
“So perhaps it was a pride thing less than interest?”
She either laughed or scoffed. It was hard to tell.
“Yeah. Might have been something like that. I...also killed a few people.”
That took me aback. Though not appalled, just surprised. But given where we were at, who she was talking to, she should have known that there wouldn’t be any moral condemnation.
“You and Remora have something in common, then.”
“Is this a joke to you?” She rasped.
I smiled and shook my head.
“No. At least not one I benefit from laughing at.”
“I didn’t enjoy it.”
“I doubt she enjoyed killing, either. She was just conditioned to treat it as a chore or routine. Just another assignment.” However…
“That said,” I continued, deciding not to keep my thought to myself, “there is a certain thrill she gets from intense fights, hunts, perilous situations. It may not be that she enjoys pain. Whether it be inflicting or receiving. But...it’s a rush that’s hard to satiate.”
Demetria gulped, as if she knew what I meant. Sensing that she was afraid to speak, I continued once more:
“There are things that she was conditioned to believe about herself, things that she’s told herself, that she’s had to unlearn. Then after that, there’s learning new beliefs in its place. I can’t imagine it’s easy. I’d say it’s probably been scary for her, as well, and in that process of challenging such old mindsets, she’d resist them. Maybe she’s changed since then, and she’s not the person you first had a crush on and maybe you’ve changed and you’re no longer the person she was hoping to see again, but even if that’s the case and things can’t work out between you two, I think you should still have a talk with her.”
“About what?”
I snorted, then coughed up a laughter. It wasn’t like she said anything funny, nor did it warrant a laugh, but I couldn’t help myself.
“Anything. Just say anything to clear the air. Even if nothing’s resolved after, at least it would be better than avoiding each other. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you have to, nor do you need to do it right away. If you need time, if you don’t feel ready, that’s fine. But I do think it should happen sometime.”
“It’s going to be hard to face her,” she replied, and some of the edge in her voice had diminished, in its place an aching timbre.
“I can imagine.”
“What if we try to talk, but then I snap or lash out and that just makes things worse between us?”
I shrugged.
“I’d rather than not be the case, but at least then you’d have made an effort. Forty percent is better than zero, y’know?”
“Sounds like a wasted effort if it still ends in failure.”
“No effort is wasted, dear.”
She got up from her seat without another word. Her face looked a little more relaxed, though I wondered how much that had to do with the talk and how much it had to do with the caffeine. Then again, there’s the possibility that giving her so much caffeine would have done the opposite of relaxed her and make her unable to sleep, so...my god, why did she want that? Why not some relaxing herbal tea?
After dusk, Tigershark made tartiflettes for everyone with buttered sweet rolls on the side. Again, Sunny, Tigershark, and I sat together, while the other two (no need to name names) sat far away from each other at opposite ends of the diner. Both were thankful for their meals, but they remained fixated on the food in front of them, not on anyone else, let alone each other.
Once that was said and done, I walked back to my desk, gathered up papers, and examined any possible requests or avenues in which to make money through unethical means. Just me, a middle aged man, sorting through papers. As if that was what my life had been reduced to. Even with my glasses on, the words all seemed to just bleed into each other after a while. Every little option or scheme carried with it some kind of risk, and balancing risk and reward...man, it was a stress and a half.
I reached into my drawer, hoping for a joint, but none were to be found.
Sunny must have taken them. She might even be getting higher than a hot air balloon in outer space right now. Lucky her. Can’t really blame her, either. To quote a certain little nun, we all ‘went through hell.’
Going back over to the stack of papers, I looked up and saw Demetria emerge from her room and saunter (maybe ‘saunter’ wasn’t the right word choice, but she couldn’t stop me from describing her movements that way) through the hallway. She caught my gaze and turned her head.
“You said it didn’t have to be right away, but better now than never,” she told me, before crossing the threshold into the other end of the hall.
I expected that she would have knocked on Remora and Tigershark’s door (I didn’t know where the kid was, at the moment. My suspicion was in the kitchen, either cleaning up, or baking treats for herself). Instead, I watched as before she could get to the door, she bumped her head on an invisible wall. I heard her hiss, “ow,” then slide her back down against the wall until she sat, legs folded up, and her head down.
“Figures you would put up a literal wall. You’re not really one for metaphors,” she muttered, “then again, at least you’re direct. Here I’ve been trying to keep you out of my mind and avoid you to little success.”
I figured after saying that, she’d get up and go back to her room, given that it didn’t seem to be the right time. Props to her, though. She was a persistent one.
“Funny how that works, huh? I started out all obsessed with you. I wanted you, or at least I thought I did. Well, I’m pretty sure I did. I had all sorts of fantasies you probably wouldn’t want to hear about. Somewhere around the line those fantasies faded and in their place, I just wanted to know you better. Even then, though, I was still pretty attached, and I still think I wanted you to notice me, more than anything else. Now…” She shook her head, “Ha. You don’t need the whole recap.”
She folded her arms over her legs. It was like she was trying to cradle herself, but she remained still and just held on tight.
“You probably can’t hear any of this. That’s fine, too. Maybe it’s better sometimes to talk to myself and pretend there’s someone else listening. I’d do it more often, but I don’t like the sound of my own voice.”
I watched as the illusion shattered, the wall must have come down, and in its place, Remora sat at the opposite end of Demetria, in the same position. To boot, her back was against Demetria’s.
“I only caught the last bit,” Remora spoke up, “what was the rest of it?”
Demetria, startled, but regained composure within the same sentence, replied, “I’m not going to repeat myself.”
“That’s fine. But what are you doing on the floor?”
“I came to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“I don’t know. I guess just to try to work something out. Figure out where to go from here.”
“Well, you don’t have to believe me, but I’m glad.”
“I’ll choose to believe you – but only because if you aren’t, it doesn’t really affect much, but if you are, then it makes things a little better.”
“But what if you believe me, but then it turns out not to be true?”
“Dammit. Why do you have to ruin this?”
“I just want to cover all the bases.”
Demetria huffed, then answered, “I think I’ll choose to believe you anyway. I know how I’ve been since we got back, but I really would like us to be on good terms as well.”
“Do you mean that?”
“What? Now you’re doubting me?”
“No. It’s just that if you didn’t want to, I’d have understood.”
“Well...when you asked about being friends, it really caught me off guard. For one, the last time the subject came up, it was how you said you could pretend if I wanted, but it wouldn’t be real. When you brought it up this time, it was ‘at least until I figure myself out’. Which means that maybe after a while, you’ll come to the conclusion that you don’t want to be.”
“I know. It’s a risk. One that you might not want to take. I can’t really say what conclusions I’ll come to or how things will turn out. But I prefer to be upfront about what’s on my mind and how I feel, and at the moment, how I feel is that I would like to try being friends with you. I think I’ve reached the point where I can say that whether it’s pretend or not is a moot point, because if I think of us as friends, then I’m going to treat it as real.”
“B-but...what does being friends even mean to you?”
There was a pause and Remora lifted her head up.
“I’m not sure. Friends are...friendly to each other? Well, that might go without saying. I know friends are people who like each other. Get along. But then there are friends who don’t get along. So I’m not sure. I feel like I should know, it just seems more vague when I try to put it into words.”
“Well,” Demetria replied, “that makes two of us. I’ve never been good at that sort of thing, myself.”
“Then...we can not be good at it together,” Remora suggested. “Maybe we can both learn.”
“But how would we do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t know, either.”
“See? We can not know together.”
“But how would we both be friends if we don’t know how to be friends? That just makes no sense.”
“I know. But I think if we were both in elementary school, we wouldn’t think so much about that sort of thing. One of us would just go up to the other and be like, ‘let’s be friends!’ And either the other would say, ‘yeah!’ Or say something like, ‘ew! Go away!’”
“That’s kind of a cute idea,” Demetria remarked, “if only we had met that way.”
“Hm. I don’t know. Even as a kid, I preferred to be left alone.”
“Oh. Yeah. Me too.”
“But now we’re adults and we’ve spent so much time wanting to be left alone that –”
“– you no longer want to be left alone?” Demetria suggested as she tried finishing that statement.
“Hm. No. I was going to say, ‘even if we have some friends, we don’t really know what it means.”
“Oh. I guess that’s true, too.”
“Yeah. But I like your answer better.”
“Yeah. But your answer applies to you and mine applies to me.”
“It’s kind of nice that way, though. Each different perspectives.”
“You know, when we talked earlier, and you asked me to hug you, it felt weird, but I said sure. So I held out my arms and walked up, but then you backed away and said you didn’t think you were ready after all and I didn’t take it well.”
“It wasn’t your fault. I wanted to, too. I’ve just never been comfortable with others touching me, and even if it would have been okay, I was still a little hesitant and nervous.”
“It’s okay not to be ready. I should know better. I was just hoping that things would be different.”
“They might be, in time.”
“You know, it’s still hard. Because I want to be friends with you, I do, and I feel like I should be happy about that, but then I just think about when we talked right before we both left and it hurts. Like, I was so convinced that we had gotten closer and that you cared, and hearing you say that you didn’t, I wanted it not to be true. But you pushed harder, and I just thought ‘maybe you’re right.’ Now you’re saying ‘I don’t know’ and it’s like, nothing’s really changed, has it?”
“You’re wrong there. I’m sorry about what I said and how it affected you and it makes sense that it would hurt, but you’re wrong in that nothing has changed. Before, I was so sure it was a ‘no’ and now I’m not so sure, but I’m more optimistic, and even leaning toward the possibility that it’s a ‘yes’. It just feels messy and gray.”
“I think I can understand that. To be honest, it’s going to be awkward. Us, as friends.”
“We’re awkward people, so it’s to be expected.”
“But at the same time, you might not like who I am now.”
“Maybe. But I’d rather find that out for myself. It’s only been a couple of days.”
“You’re taking this rather well,” Demetria remarked.
“Not really. I’m just taking it.”
“Well, I’m just saying, I’m different than how I used to be.”
“I’ve changed as well, you know.”
There are many obvious things you could say, so what is it you’ll say? I wondered. Remora lowered her head, and when she answered, it wasn’t an answer I would have expected. But then again, it wouldn’t have been her if she didn’t throw a few curveballs in between her signature style.
“If I was the old me, and I still had that job, and you were the target, then I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Demetria spoke in what was like a half mix between a growl and a tease.
“You wouldn’t even see me coming.”
“I’d like to see you coming.”
“Well, maybe with how you are now, you would. But then, maybe with how I am now, I wouldn’t mind you seeing me coming.”
This is still about a hypothetical assassination, right?
“I suppose that’s how we’ve both changed, huh?”
“It’s not much, but it’s honest work.”
“So what are you thinking about now?” Demetria asked.
“How much I have to pee,” Remora answered. “That’s why I undid the barrier, so I could go to the bathroom, but then I saw you sitting there talking so I figured I’d hold it and sit too.”
“Oh my fuck. Just go to the bathroom.”
“But we’re in the middle of a conversation. It would be rude.”
“That doesn’t matter! We can continue when you get back!”
“But then you might lose your train of thought or I might not feel like talking anymore and just head to bed –”
This is ridiculous. I’m done eavesdropping. I should’ve just left my desk the moment they started talking. Why did they have to talk in the middle of the hallway, anyway?
I got up and headed out into the front of the diner. If those two had anything more to say, they could have at it. As for me, I went into the kitchen to check in on Tigershark.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I greeted after a knock with the back of my hand.
“I made cookie brownies!” She cheered, and I saw a large casserole dish filled with brownies.
“Oh, good. May I have one?” I asked.
“You may have two!”
She put two pieces on a saucer for me and had two on her saucer as well and she jumped down from the stool she stood on and we both walked out into the dining hall and sat at a booth together.
“Mm. Good job,” I complimented.
“Thanks. I was still hungry and sweets are sweet.”
“That they are. Just don’t have too many.”
“I won’t!” She scowled. “Maybe three. Or four. But that’s it.”
We both laughed together as we ate our brownies. Just a few minutes later, Sunny walked up. She looked (not) high, and her eyes were (not) bloodshot red. I suppose she might have moved the stash elsewhere and planned to smoke them some other time.
“Hey hun, you gotta come check this out!”
“What? I’m busy spending quality time with Tigershark,” I replied. And it’s quality time because I’m not hearing about bodily functions.
“I see that, but this is important!” She urged, and motioned us to come to the back with her. Tigershark and I hopped out from our seats and followed. When we reached the hallway, Sunny pointed and went, “aww” and Tigershark and I saw what the fuss was about: Remora and Demetria were asleep, leaned against the wall, and backs against each other.
“I guess that’s what happens when you hold it in for so long,” I remarked, then, realizing I had said that out loud, added, “emotionally, I mean.”
“Aww, so adorable,” Sunny continued fawning over the scene.
“How am I supposed to get to bed tonight? They’re blocking the way!” Tigershark complained.
“It’s okay, you can sleep with us tonight,” Sunny replied.
“Tigershark,” I turned to the child next to Sunny and I, “get the broom and dustpan. There’s something on the floor.”
“Don’t!” Sunny nudged me, “leave them be.”
“Tigershark,” I continued, “I give you full permission to draw on their faces with a sharpie.’
in response, Tigershark grinned and ran off to go find one. While she was gone, I turned to Sunny.
“So, shall we head off to dreamland as well?” I offered.
“Oh yes. Two tickets, please,” she replied and yawned for added measure. We locked arms with each other and strolled up the stairs. I’d like to say that in the coming days, the dynamic between everyone improved greatly, but the truth is, it was more like slow and drunken baby steps.
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mshermia · 3 years
Not Fine - Webpril day 6: Scars
summary: Peter struggles to accept how different things between the Avengers are after the Un-Snapping. As much as everyone else seems to have moved on from what tore the group apart, Peter is not ready to forgive and forget.
read on AO3 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
It was quiet for a Thursday afternoon. Even with the mid-November weather mild and sunny, there weren't many people out on the streets. Truth be told, that was exactly how Peter liked it. He had his hoodie pulled up shielding his face while he watched life go on from the rooftops of Queens.
He had been lying low for more than 3 months now. Sometimes, there were the small things that his senses picked up, helpful stuff he could do for people like a kid that lost his parents. Heavy grocery bags that had to be carried across the street. Anything he wouldn't need his suit for.
That, he wouldn't risk. Too many people knew his face now. Too many people could expose him and put May in danger. Ned and MJ. Maybe even Tony. No, Peter had to lay low. That had been one of the reasons why he had spent so much time upstate at Tony's new house. It removed the temptation. Out there in the woods in Tony's basement, his senses weren't tingling, calling for him to be more useful.
Well, that had worked well until two weeks ago. Until the event at the new Compound Tony had made him go to. He hadn't been able to hold back any longer. The senses he had been suppressing for months had been screaming at him to jump so he had.
If only, he had never gone to the stupid event.
He hadn't seen Tony in almost two weeks. Not since he had bolted. It had been stupid and impulsive but Peter hadn't been able to help it. He couldn't stay there with these people looking at him for another minute.
Goosebumps erupted on his arms. Frowning, he leaned a little forward-looking down into the street. Maybe it was just the memory of that day, of Rogers' hands on Tony that made his senses chime up.
No. When the hair on his neck stood up, there was no doubt. Slowly, he rose to his feet, tugging the sleeves of his hoodie a little further down to make sure that his web-shooters were well hidden.
"Hello, Peter."
He turned fast towards the voice. Rogers stood in the middle of the rooftop, right next to the stairway. Peter's pulse was throbbing in his ears. He was such a fool, should have never gone out without the suit.
Rogers' hands were in the air, his head inclined towards him. "I'm just here to talk..."
"I don't want to talk to you," Peter hissed.
"Yeah," he nodded. "And that's exactly why I think we should."
Peter had his arm still stretched out in Rogers' direction, trying to keep him away. "What's wrong with you?"
Roger's sighed, his shoulders slagging a little. "You don't have to be scared of me, Peter."
"Scared of you." He huffed out a dry laugh. "You think I'm scared of you? The last time we went toe-to-toe I was 14 and I almost beat you even then." He tried to keep his breathing in check, but his heart was racing. "I've only gotten stronger since then."
"I don't want to fight you." Rogers shook his head. "We're on the same team."
"No, we're not," Peter breathed.
His eyes narrowed, before his head moved up and down in a series of tiny nods, inching a little closer to where Peter was standing. "Right, because you're on Tony's team."
He didn't say it in a condescending tone, or any tone at all, really. Just a factual statement. Still, it spurred on Peter's irritation like a hot poker.
"I'll always be on Tony's team," he hissed.
Another step from Rogers had Peter retreat a little further toward the ledge behind him.
"That's my team too, Peter." As another show of surrender, Roger's arms were spread wide, the lines on his face deepening. "I understand how difficult it is to wake up and find things to be different from how they were before. Believe me, I'm the expert when it comes to that. But there's nothing anyone can do about that." Rogers tiled his head to the side, eyebrows knitted together in a display of concern. "Things are different. A lot happened while you were gone and we had to go through some deep shit together. I would never tell you not to look out for Tony. He's very lucky to have you in his corner, but we moved on. You can't be mad at him for that surely?"
"Moved on..." Peter shook his head. "That's really convenient for you, hm?"
Rogers' frown only deepened. "I think it's convenient for all of us, to be honest. We could only bring everyone back together. We could defeat Thanos only together, as a team. Mistakes were made. We know now what it took to win."
"Yeah," Peter huffed out a laugh. "I wonder how many of us didn't already know that before."
His shoulders pulled back, standing a little taller, Rogers studied him. "What do you want me to do, Peter? Do you want to have it out? Punch me in the face to get it out of your system?"
His heart gave a painful squeeze at the notion. At the very idea of his fist connecting with the sharp lines of Rogers' face. "I'm not gonna punch you," Peter growled, his breathing heavy.
"Then what? What can I do that will be enough?"
Peter's breathing hitched. He took another step back, even closer to the edge of the building.
He hadn't realized it until now, but there truly was nothing Rogers could do for Peter to ever trust him. He made his priorities clear, what was important to him. Who he would protect when push came to shove and Mr. Stark hadn't been good enough for him. How would Peter ever be?
"Peter, wait—"
Before Rogers could grab him, Peter had taken the last step, falling - maybe a little further than he should have. Reveling in the rush before he engaged the web-shooters and got the hell out of there.
 The Compound still gave Tony the creeps. I just looked so similar, basically the same as it had a few months ago. Almost like nothing had happened at all, no battle, no Thanos. Inside, things got even weirder. It was eerie to walk through the hallways and see them bustling with life. Not like it had before the un-Snapping or even the initial Snap. No, there was so much going on, Tony could easily pretend that it was still 2015 as people walked by and greeted him on his way to his lab.
The lab. Not his anymore. Bruce's in fact.
"Ah, there's the doc that I've been looking for," Tony called out as he stepped into the room.
"Tony! Hello, hi! Come on in..." Bruce waved him over, then shook his head. "Not like you need an invitation of course. I mean it's your lab and all, always will be. Thank you again for the opportunity—"
"At easy, buddy." Tony held up his arms to stop him. "I'm just here to help. I have a PO box for fan mail."
Bruce laughed and waved him closer to the workbench. Working with Bruce had always come easy to him. They understood each other on a level that was different from the other Avengers. From anyone really except the kid. Tony pressed his eyes shut for a moment before he blinked, trying to focus on the piece of hardware in his hands again.
Peter had been avoiding him for almost two weeks now. It was the longest Tony had gone without seeing him since they had brought everyone back. It brought up memories that Tony didn't particularly want to remember.
He had screwed up. He should have listened. Peter had been absolutely clear that he hadn't wanted to go.
This could have all be avoided if he would have just paid better attention. Now, the shit had hit the fan and Tony didn't even know where to begin to smooth things over. The panic on Peter's face, that had been too real.
He should have paid more attention.
"Sir, Captain Rogers is here to see you."
Tony hissed a painful curse through his teeth after his hand slipped and he hit his knuckles on the edge of the workbench.
Bruce, who had ignored his mishap, simply blinked up toward the ceiling. "So, FRIDAY's back?"
His knuckles pressed against his lips, Tony cringed. "Just for today's field trip. Let him in, FRI."
Rogers had his eyebrows raised as he walked up to them. "So, FRIDAY's back?"
Refusing the urge to roll his eyes up at her, Tony dropped his hand. "You know how cranky I get without an assistant."
"Yeah, about that. Listen..." Rogers' face was uncharacteristically unreadable. "I went to see Peter yesterday."
"You went—" Tony almost swallowed his tongue. "You did what?"
Rogers tilted his head at him like Tony was the one being unreasonable. "I went to see him because I thought if we just talked—"
"Jeezes, Rogers. Didn't I specifically tell you to stay out of it?"
"And how am I supposed to do that? I'm supposed to be in charge of this team. How can I do that if we can't—"
"I told you!" Tony pointed towards the lawn outside the building. "We stood right out there and I told you that the kid needs space. That he needs time. That I needed you to back off!"
"Yeah, well that's what I gave you once before," Rogers hissed back. "I gave you all the space you wanted. I'm not making that mistake again."
"Oh please, that's hardly the same, Steve. It's been two weeks not--"
"We're vulnerable as a team, Tony." Steve's shoulders sagged with a sigh. "Listen, I understand, okay. Peter's yours, but he's also Spider-Man. He's also going to be an Avenger, but--"
"Excuse me," Tony crossed his arms. "Going to be? Do I have to re-tell the story where the kid fought Thanos on--"
"No." Steve held a hand out to stop him. "I'm not trying to diminish his bravery and his sacrifice. But if he wants to be part of this team, we need to come to an understanding."
Tony gnawed on the inside of his lip. Unfortunately, the Capsicle had a point. Their feud had already cost them enough. It was over with. They had needed to move on to win, to bring everyone back and they couldn't fall back into old patterns now.
"Maybe you were right that he needed some space from me," Rogers admitted begrudgingly. "But then you need to go and talk to him. He trusts you, Tony."
His face scrunched up, Tony's eyes shot over at Bruce.
"It's fine, Tony." Bruce waved him off. "I understand you want to take care of your kid. You do that. I'll just be here, okay? When you got some time?"
He grimaced apologetically. "I'll be back when I can."
With a short nod at Rogers, Tony walked out of the lab. He had a trip to the city to make.
When he showed up in Queens, May let him into the apartment. The kid wasn't home.
"He's been out a lot. I mean, after the... you know." She sighed. "I do think that getting back to his old routine, that's good for him. Getting back out there and feeling useful."
"Right," Tony breathed.
Peter hadn't spent as much as a minute out there in the suit. Not since the last battle. But that wasn't something May needed to worry about, not yet.
"I'm off to work in like 10 minutes, but you're welcome to wait for him," May said while she was collecting things like her phone, keys, and glasses from different places around the apartment.
"I would actually," Tony said. "If you don't mind."
"Not at all," she waved off the idea that it could bother her. "Just help yourself to whatever you find edible in the kitchen."
"I'm good, May. Thanks."
She was cheerful enough when she left and Tony did his best to plaster a smile on his face so she wouldn't get suspicious. If May still thought that Peter went out there in the suit, he hadn't shared whatever was bothering him and Tony wouldn't risk maneuvering himself even further on the kid's bad side by setting May onto his trail.
Instead, he got himself a few cookies from the kitchen, a glass of water and made his way to Peter's room. The great thing about retirement, he had all the time in the world to just sit this one out. Even if the kid somehow sensed that Tony was waiting for him, he wouldn't stay out all night. The nights were getting a little chilly for that and Tony knew for a fact that Peter still wasn't wearing his suit when he went out there.
Turned out, Peter didn't sense him. In fact, he almost doubled over in surprise when Tony spoke up as Peter was sliding the window to his room shut.
"Little late to be out there without your parachute."
"Fuck's sake..." One of his hands was stretched out toward Tony, the web-shooter armed and ready. The other was clutching his heart after he had recognized Tony just before he had fired his first web. "Have you ever heard of knocking?"
"Er, I did knock," Tony pointed out. "In fact, that's the very strategy I used to get in here."
Peter scrunched up his nose before he pulled his hoodie over his head and flung it onto the bed. "May let you in?"
"Yeah, you know if you want to strategically avoid me, you should at least clue her in enough not to let me through the door like that."
"I'm not strategically avoiding you." The top of Peter's ears were pink, so were his cheeks, either from the cold or from the bold-faced lie he just told. Maybe a little bit of both.
"I heard you had another visitor."
The kid's arms were crossed tightly across his chest where he stood across the room as far away from Tony as possible. "What's it to you?"
"What's it to me?" Tony's eyebrows shot up. "Okay, time out. Could you at least fill me in at what point of all of this I became the bad guy?"
Peter blew out a long breath, eyes on the floor. "You're not the bad guy."
"Really? Cause I could have sworn that you didn't just avoid seeing my face you also dodged my calls and didn't respond to my txts for the past two weeks."
Peter groaned."It's not about you, okay?"
"No." Tony blew out a sigh. "It's about Rogers."
Arms still tightly held in front of his body, Peter leaned against the wall. He was doing what he could to avoid Tony's eyes but there was nothing he could do to hide the truth written so clearly on his face.
"Pete, you know I love you for your spirit, but..." Tony pursed his lips, watching as the kid hid away from him with every passing word. "It's time to just let this go."
The words shot out of him like he had been waiting to say it for two weeks straight. "Well, I don't want to let this go."
"No. No, I'm not okay with this." He pointed towards the window like he was pointing to the bunker in Siberia. "He left you to die!"
"Buddy, that was 7 years ago... I moved on. I had to."
"I don't care if it was 70 years ago!" His voice was shaking with emotion. "He was okay with you dying out there."
Tony blew out a breath, trying to reign in his own emotions. "Pete, I think you're being a little dramatic."
"Yeah? Dramatic?" Peter huffed out a humorless laugh. "Well, why don't you take off your shirt and say that again?"
Tony's mouth popped open in shock. "Wh-what?"
He pointed at him, his eyes glassy. "I've seen the scars, Tony."
Slowly, Tony's hand rose to his chest, clasping onto the fabric of his shirt. He had been so careful. He had always been careful to keep those hidden for almost a decade now.
Peter's face was red with fury. "You think I could ever trust anyone who did that to you?"
"But..." Tony shook his head, letting go of his shirt like it was burning metal. "Steve didn't do that."
Like someone had turned up the thermostat, the color on Peter's face deepened. "Why are you lying for him?"
"I'm not, I..." Going for the worst course of action, Tony pulled up his shirt. "You mean these?"
Peter backed up a few steps, eyes wide, a couple of tears falling from his lashes onto his own shirt while he refused to blink.
"Jeezes, kid..." Tony dropped the hem of the shirt and ran the hand that had been holding it up over his face instead. "Rogers didn't do that. It's from the arc. When... when I had them take it out."
"But, no..." Peter's eyes were still fixed on the spot of his chest, now covered by his shirt again. "No, I saw the suit," he mumbled. "I saw it. He... he struck you right there. Right on your chest where..." Peter's hand shot up, covering his mouth, as he spun away.
With a few hurried steps, Tony was across the room. Clasping Peter by the shoulders, he turned him back around, back towards him. It was all the kid needed to latch onto him, his arms tightly wrapped around him, like he had to make sure that Tony was still there.
"I'm fine now, buddy. It..." Tony pressed his eyes shut. Rogers sure had left a few scars on him but Tomy had been through worse than that. "It was a shit time and... and I should have never gotten you involved in that mess. It wasn't fair to you."
Peter shook his head. "Stop saying that it's your fault. It's not your fault."
"Shh, it's okay." He held him closely pressed against his chest like that would wipe away the memories, all of this was bringing up.
It had been a shit time after Siberia. He had been hurt, his body bruised but not as badly as his soul. Still, it was nothing compared to the pain that the friction in the team had cost him.
"I get that this is hard for you, buddy. Believe me, I get that. That pain you're holding onto." Tony swallowed hard, holding onto the kid a little tighter. "The thing is, I had to let it go because if I hadn't, you wouldn't be here. I had to trust him to help me bring you back and without him, you wouldn't be here right now."
Peter shook his head against Tony's chest, but only a stifled sob bubbled out of him.
"Maybe, if I hadn't held onto all that bullshit for so long, I would have never lost you in the first place." Tony blew out a breath and let go of Peter just enough to look into his red-rimmed eyes. "If you want to be an Avenger, then you need to move past this. You don't have to like it, but you'll have to work with them."
"How? What if... they all know who I am. They all know May, where I live. What if they tell people? What if--"
"Then we'll deal with it when the time comes."
Peter shook his head, eyes still swimming with tears. "I can't... I can't do it. I'll never trust him."
"Okay..." Tony swallowed hard. "Okay, then... well, you trust me though, right?"
Peter gave him a look like he was being insulting.
"So, if I came back to the team—"
"What? No..."
Tony shook his head. "If I came out of retirement, then you could trust me. Trust that I'll keep you safe. That someone on the team has you back."
Peter's hands had been clinging to his shirt, but he let go now. "No, Tony, I don't want that."
"Well, I don't really see any other option. You're unhappy with the situation. So I'm rectifying the situation."
Peter pushed himself away from him. "Fine," he snapped. "I got it, okay? I'll make it work."
"No, you don't have to blackmail me." He stalked away, out of the room towards the kitchen. "I get it. I'll... I'll move on. Work... work past this."
Tony was right on his heels. "Okay, stop. Come back here."
His back turned to Tony, Peter pulled open the fridge, staring into it like the solution to all his problems might be hidden between the butter and the cheese slices.
"Pete, I need you to be safe on the team, but I also need the team to be strong so all of us will stay safe."
"I get it, okay?" He slammed the fridge shut but didn't turn around, now staring at the pictures pinned on the outside of it. "I'll make it work."
"Can you maybe look at me?"
With a huff, Peter turned to face him, his eyes still red. "You're not coming out of retirement."
"Okay then." Tony frowned at him. He wouldn't deny that it had been a threat, but it hadn't been an empty one. He'd do what would be necessary to keep his family safe. Peter included. "I'll reserve the option to change my mind if you're struggling."
"I won't be."
Tony pointed a finger at him. "Not telling me about how much of a struggle it is for you is not an option."
Peter snorted. He turned his head away, the corners of his mouth twitching with some resemblance of humor.
"Sometimes I hate you, you know that?"
Eyes still on his kid, Tony studied him. "I wouldn't be doing a great job with all the mentoring if that wasn't true."
Peter shook his head, his smile growing a little wider until he swallowed hard. The smile disappeared and he was looking directly at Tony. "I hate this. I hate what they did. Rogers. All of them. I'll never forgive them."
In acknowledgment, Tony inclined his head in a soft nod. "That's not what I'm asking, bud. This isn't about forgiveness."
"Right. We're just..." He blinked a few times, eyes squinting to the side. "We're just moving on."
"Not 'just'..." Tony shook his head. "I'm not asking you to just flip a switch, Pete."
"Right," he breathed, looking back and forth between Tony and the wall, teeth gnawing on his lower lip like he was actually considering this at last.
"We'll just take it one day at a time," Tony offered. "I'll still be here for you."
"Here but just..." Peter hesitated, eying him suspiciously. "...just not too close to the action."
"As close to the action as you need me to be."
Peter dropped his arms to his side, no humor in his expression whatsoever. "Where I need you is back in the woods."
"Alright." Tony held up his hands in defeat. "As long as you know that I'm still here for you."
"I do. I know." He shuffled back and for on his feet. "It's okay. I can do it. I think. Move on."
His eyes were still red, the tears not quite dried on his cheeks. But as Tony studied him, there was honesty on his face, a true intention to try.
He narrowed his eyes on him, ready to test that newfound commitment. "We could start by moving on to the Compound right now? Where Bruce is waiting for some help with his nanotech project?"
"Nanotech at the Compound?" Peter scrunched up his nose. "Only if there's dinner."
Tony clutched his heart in affronted shock. "When did I ever not feed you?" He dropped his arms and waved Peter a little closer. "Come here, buddy."
Peter didn't hesitate. He stepped into Tony's arms, clinging to him tightly.
No... Tony pressed his eyes shut. Maybe the scars ran too deep for there to ever be true forgiveness. But that didn't mean they couldn't move on.
Thanks for reading :)
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breanime · 5 years
Sunny Days
Requested by @rhabakoli for this prompt by @whumpster-dumpster that I’m obsessed with with our very own Billy Russo.
*gif not mine*
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You loved bright, sunny days. You loved the warmth, and the light, and the way the sun reflected off of windows and signs. You loved being out in the sun, and you especially loved being out in the sun with Billy. He wasn’t as big a fan of your sunny day walks as you were, but he would humor you every now and again, and you were happy he did.
At least… you had been.
It was a bright, sunny Saturday evening the day Billy broke up with you. You had been in the park, walking with your hand in his, completely unaware that he was planning on dumping you. He had stopped you in front of the fountain, and you smiled up at him, so happy and in love. Things had been difficult, you had to admit. Billy had been depressed—withdrawn—after his facial scarring. He’d always put so much stock and importance in his looks, and when he thought they’d been taken away (they hadn’t, he was still hot as hell with those scars zig-zagging on his face), he’d taken it poorly. It was always a fight to try to get him to leave his apartment, and even when you did, he’d wallow and simmer in anger until you gave up and just went home. But he had asked you to come on a walk with him, and you were starting to think that he was getting more comfortable with his new appearance, and that things would go back to normal between the two of you.
You were wrong.
Billy held your hand, eyes shimmering in the bright sun, and turned to you. You remembered the spray from the fountain hitting your skin and the smell of the water in your nose. It had been such a beautiful day, and you got to spend it with the person you loved the most. Then he opened his mouth.
“I think we should break up.”
You had blinked up at him, sure you’d misheard him, and tilted your head to the side. He was still holding your hand. “What?”
Billy’s hand twitched in yours. “I think we should break up,” he said again, voice calm and even as he tore your heart in two, “This isn’t working for me anymore. I want to break up.”
You had taken your hand from his then, staring up at him in shock and anger. “Wha—what do you mean this isn’t working? Why isn’t this working for you?”
He shrugged, glancing to the side and tapping his nose with his index finger. “I’m done with you,” he said, making your jaw drop, “I thought I could do the whole boyfriend thing, just be with one woman, but I can’t. I’m over it.” He looked back at you. “I’m over you.”
You had felt tears well up in your eyes, but you’d be damned if you’d give him the satisfaction to see you cry. “So you’re saying I’m not enough for you?” You clarified.
Billy shrugged one shoulder, something he did when he was uncomfortable or feeling trapped. The gesture was usually endearing, but now you just found it unbearable. “I don’t think we… We’re just not meant to be together, Y/N.” He looked away again, turning so you could see the bullet hole in his cheek. You loved that scar; you kissed it every morning when you woke up, and every night when you feel asleep. Billy used to give you such a sweet smile when you did that, his eyes shining with affection before he leaned in and kissed you back, whispering those three words that always sounded so sweet from his lips… Now he was avoiding your gaze, giving you the side of his face instead of his full attention. “I packed all your stuff up and had it delivered to your place this afternoon,” he told you, “You can keep my stuff, or throw it away. It doesn’t matter.” He glanced at you again before his stare went back over to the fountain. “I’m sorry.”
You had let out a humorless laugh then, and he’d turned to you. “You’re sorry?” You repeated. “You’re sorry? You brought me out here to break up with me and tell me you’re sorry?” You shook your head, rolling your eyes as you did so. “Whatever, Billy. Fine.” You moved to walk away, but stopped before you did. You stomped over to him, staring him right in the eye, your nose practically pressed against his chin. “I know this is about something else,” you told him, “I know you’re pushing me away because of…” You stopped. “But fine. If this is what you want, then fine. We’re broken up. Goodbye, Billy.” And with that, you turned and walked away.
That had been three months ago, and you hadn’t spoken to Billy since. You avoided that park, the street Anvil was on, and every black kitten you saw because it all reminded you of Billy. Frank and Curtis had both called you after the breakup, saying what you already knew: that Billy did care about you, but that he had some things he needed to figure out. It didn’t matter. You were pissed. You were done. You were over him. You had done everything you could to make Billy feel safe and comfortable, to show him that you loved him no matter what, and that his outward appearance didn’t change the way you felt about him—and that hadn’t been enough. Maybe there had been some truth in what he’d said that day: maybe he really wasn’t the relationship type. Maybe his time with you had been an experiment for him, and the result was that he didn’t want to be anyone’s boyfriend.
Maybe it was you.
Maybe, as you walked home from a late night in the office, purse clenched in your fists, you should pay more attention to your surroundings.
Maybe then you wouldn’t have been mugged.
And maybe, if you weren’t such a smartass and hadn’t antagonized the guy with the knife and bad breath who took your purse, he would have just taken your stuff instead of beating your ass.
And maybe you wouldn’t be limping to the closest safe place you knew.
Thankfully, the elevator codes were still the same in Billy’s building, and you were able to get in easily. You sighed, leaning against the elevator wall as it took you to Billy’s penthouse. You were shivering, the guy had taken your coat, shoes, purse, dignity, and sense of safety. There were tears on your cheeks, more angry than hurt, and you held onto your side where he had kicked you when you’d fallen down. Your lip was busted, and you licked at it, tasting the coopery taste of blood. You were sure you’d have bruises in the morning; your cheek where he had slapped you was stinging, and your arms were sore from trying to fight him off. Your phone was in your purse, so you couldn’t call the cops, and you were way too scared to stay on the street any longer, which is why you convinced yourself that going to Billy’s was the best course of action. You’d use his phone, call a cab to your place, make the police report, and go back to never seeing the man you loved again.
Fool proof.
You limped your way down the hall to Billy’s door, thankful that he didn’t have any neighbors on his floor to gawk at you. You closed your eyes when you got to his door, your heart pounding more now than it had when you were getting mugged, and you hoped Frank would be there to ease the tension. Taking one last breath, you raised your shaking hand and knocked. Aware of what you probably looked like, you turned your head so that Billy could see your profile before he saw…the rest. You heard movement behind the door, and stepped back when you heard the lock click. Sighing once more, you looked down at your shoes before looking up again…
…right at Billy.
His eyes widened when he saw you, and you felt the tears well up all over again. He was wearing a dark sweater that you knew for a fact was soft to the touch, jeans, and white socks with no shoes. His hair was still cut short, the way it had been when he broke up with you, and his scars looked better than they had before. They were healing up quite nicely, actually. Every bone in your body ached to be held by him, and before you knew it, you had dissolved into a puddle of sobs.
“I—I—I—” you choked out, shaking as you cried, “I didn’t know where else to go!”
Billy stepped up and put a hand in your hair, keeping your head steady as he surveyed you. You could feel the tension and rage coming off of him, his muscles were wound tight, like he was ready to attack at any moment. His dark eyes were practically black as they roamed your face, stopping at your bloody lip. He moved his hand down, placing it on your chin, and tilted it, eyes narrowing as he examined your wounds. His thumb sprang out, carefully caressing your lip. You could see your blood on the pad of his thumb when you looked down. Billy’s eyes were trained on your lip, and your heart skipped a nervous beat, unsure of what to say or do. You weren’t shaking anymore; if anything, you were on fire, skin tingling where Billy touched you. Neither of you spoke for what felt like a full minute, instead, you just stared at one another: his eyes on your bloody lip, yours on his still, unreadable face. Finally, he looked up, staring directly into your wide, teary eyes.
His voice was quiet and tense, his rage barely restrained as he spoke, filling the quiet space. “Who did this to you?”
“I—I was mugged,” you answered, heart pounding.
Billy made an aggravated sound and put a hand on the small of your back, ushering you inside. The smell of him was everywhere, and you inhaled deeply, greedily taking in his scent while you had the chance. He sat you on the couch, eyes on your face, and sat on the table in front of you. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, spilling a few tears as you did so. “I… I was just scared. He took my phone, so I couldn’t call the police.” You sniffled, feeling overwhelmed. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” his hand was on your face again, warm and firm, careful not to put too much pressure on your throbbing cheek, “Don’t be sorry. This isn’t your fault. I’m glad you came here.” He thumbed away your tears. “I’m gonna take care of you.”
“No,” you looked up, “you don’t have to, I’m… I’m fine. I just need to use your phone to call a cab—”
“If he took your purse, then he has your wallet, ID, and keys,” Billy interrupted, “He could be at your place right now.” Your eyes watered up again. Great. Now you’d be scared to walk into your own house. “I’m gonna send a couple of my guys over to make sure he’s not there,” he said, taking his phone out and pressing a few keys, “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m gonna take care of this.” He stood up. “Wait here.”
You put your hands on your knees and watched as he walked off. You couldn’t stop yourself from crying; being here, in Billy’s space, and having him touch you so gently and speak to you so softly… It was too much. You missed him so badly. Fuck it—you loved him. Billy came back a moment later with an ice pack and damp towel in his hands.
“I got three guys on the way to your place,” he reported as he took a seat beside you, “Frank’s out looking for the guy.” Billy’s voice fell down to a near growl. “He’s gonna keep him on ice until I can get to him.” He pressed the ice pack to your face, frowning when you winced. “You can stay here tonight…if you want.”
You paused, putting your hand over Billy’s on the ice pack, and you were quietly surprised with how warm his hand was. “I… That’s probably not a good idea…”
“Please.” You looked up at Billy, eyes wide. His voice was soft, and his eyes looked so…so sad. “Please,” he said again, “I just want to know that you’re safe.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
Billy wiped up the blood with the towel, one hand still under yours, keeping the ice pack on your cheek. His eyes were trained on your face, and you could feel the intensity of his gaze all the way down to your bones. He was quiet for a while, dabbing up the blood and repositioning the ice pack over your other bruises. When he spoke, his voice was quiet and careful, as if he were taking care not to spook you. “Don’t cry. You’re safe now, baby. Don’t cry.”
You blinked. You hadn’t even known you were still crying, but now that he mentioned it, you could taste the salty tears in the back of your throat, and when you put a hand on your cheek, it came back wet. You weren’t even sure why you were crying—it was a mixture of the adrenaline still coursing through your body, and Billy’s current closeness, you were sure. You sniffled. “I was so scared…Can… Can you just… Just talk? Please?”
Billy nodded, putting the towel down and shifting closer. “What do you want me to talk about?” He asked.
You shrugged. “I dunno. Anything. Whatever comes to mind.” You licked your lips, tongue temporarily soothing the cut. “What are you thinking about right now?”
“Right now?”
“Mm hmm.”
“I’m thinking that this is all my fault,” he answered.
Your eyes widened. “What? How?”
“If I hadn’t…” He looked down, his jaw tense. “…If I hadn’t been such a coward, and we were still together, this never would have happened.” He looked back up at you. “I never would have let you walk alone.”
Now it was your turn to look down. “No,” you answered, voice low, “You would have just left me in a park all alone.”
You heard Billy sigh, but you didn’t look up. “I…” You felt his hand, warm and steady, on your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “I know I don’t deserve it, but… Can I explain myself? Explain…that?” He asked.
You frowned. What was there to explain? Three months later—what could he possibly have to say? You wanted to tell him to fuck off, get off the couch, and limp your way back to your currently occupied apartment, but another, stronger, louder part of you wanted—needed—to hear him out. “Sure,” you said, leaning back against the couch, “Explain away.”
Billy took a breath. “I’m sure you figured out by now why I broke up with you,” he said, “It’s not that I didn’t love you, or that I couldn’t be a boyfriend I… I… That was the best part of my life,” he confessed softly, “being your boyfriend.”
“Then why did you break up with me?” You asked, already anticipating his answer.
“I was afraid,” he said, “I thought… You always made me feel accepted, safe,” he shook his head, rolling his shoulders, “You did everything right, Y/N, I hope you know that, but… My face… I thought it was so unfair that I had you, someone so beautiful and kind and just… perfect, and all you had was me—”
“—You were enough,” you said, holding back tears, “I loved you just the way you were—the way you are, Billy.”
“I know. I know that, I knew that, but I convinced myself that you’d find someone better, or even worse, you’d be wasting your life with me, and… I couldn’t have that. I was afraid that one day you’d wake up next to…this,” he gestured towards his face, “and realize you’d made a mistake. So I decided to run from you before you could run from me.”
You shook your head, glaring at him through your watery eyes. “I would never run from you, Billy.”
He gave you a small smile, dropping his hand from the ice pack and letting it fall in your lap. “I know you wouldn’t. I want to be clear, Y/N. I never stopped loving you. I will always love you. But I know I fucked up, I knew it the moment the words ‘I want to break up’ came out of my mouth, but I couldn’t take them back.” He stood up. “I need to show you something.”
You watched as he walked out, only for him to come back in a minute later with a stack of papers in his hands. He plopped back down next to you and handed them to you wordlessly. The first one said: I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I miss you. I love you. Over and over, on the front and the back. The second one was longer. You skimmed it. It said: I’m so sorry. I thought I was doing what was right for you, and for me too. But I was wrong. I miss you. I miss waking up to your face, I miss going to sleep with you in my arms, I miss feeling your lips on my skin. I think, 9 days into this breakup, that’s what I miss the most. I should have known that you weren’t afraid of my face. I should have known that these scars don’t bother you. I should have trusted you more. I went by your place yesterday. I saw you and Karen on the patio, you were laughing. I’m glad. I miss your laugh. I miss you. The other papers were more of the same, reports of Billy’s thoughts and regrets as your breakup went on: 9 days in, 14 days in, one month in… Some were lengthy and eloquent, others were short and choppy, but all of them continued three key components: “I’m sorry”, “I miss you”, “I love you”. You looked up at Billy, a fresh set of tears in your wide eyes. “What are these?”
“Notes,” he answered, eyes on the papers in your hands, “Letters. First, second, and third drafts of things I wanted to say to you. Some of them were meant to be read out loud. I had this idea that I was going to call you and spout all this off,” he chuckled, “Or memorize the best one and show up on your doorstep and sweep you off your feet.” He looked up at you, his dark eyes sad and full of regret. “But I was afraid that you wouldn’t want to see me. And now,” he put his hand on your face again, his thumb grazing the cut on your lip, his touch carefully delicate, “You’re here. You’re hurt. And it’s all my fault.”
“The things you wrote in these letters. Do… Do you still mean them?” You asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”
“And what you’ve said tonight, about how you loved being with me and how you regret breaking up with me,” you went on, “You meant that too?”
You looked down at the ice pack in your lap, and then back up at Billy. “Do you want to know what I think?” You asked.
He looked nervous—well, as nervous as Billy Russo could ever allow himself to look, but he nodded anyway. “Yes. Please.”
“I think you’re a fucking idiot,” you said, and you watched his black eyes widen, “I think you think too much, and you’re not good at it. I think you wasted my time, and yours, and I think I’m tired, scared, achy, and sore, and I think you owe me at least three hours of TLC.” Billy’s eyes widened even more, and you smiled as you kept talking. “And another date at the park that doesn’t end in anyone’s heart getting broken. And I think you need to hold me especially close tonight, and tomorrow night, and probably even the night after that.” You sat back, satisfied with your demands. “And I think I want copies of all those letters.”
“You can have the letters,” he said, a grin forming on his face, “Are—are you—is this—are we—?”
“Getting back together?” You finished for him. You shrugged. “You wanna?”
“Yes,” he leaned closer to you, his dark eyes boring into yours, “Sweetheart, that’s all I want, I—”
“—You have to promise me something first,” you interrupted. He nodded, not even waiting to hear what you were proposing. You smiled, but turned serious as you went on. “You have to promise to tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, Billy Russo. You have to tell me when you’re feeling insecure or unsure. You have to talk to me. Okay?”
He nodded again, reaching over to grab your hand. “I promise. I will.” He brought your hand to his mouth and kissed it, and you melted. “I’m gonna promise you something else, too. I promise that I’ll keep you safe,” he said, “and I promise that this is the last time anyone in this city will ever hurt you again—myself included,” he added, a small smile on his face. “I love you, Y/N.”
You smiled back. “I love you too, dumbass.” Billy leaned over to you then, and you closed your eyes in anticipation. He kissed you carefully, hyper-aware of the cut on your lip, and you sighed into him. One hand was on the back of your neck, tilting your head to give him better access to your mouth, and the other was in your lap, holding your hand in his. You were both smiling when you pulled back.
“You wanted three hours of TLC?” He asked.
“Minimum,” you answered.
He stood up, gently pulling you with him. “I can do that,” he said, kissing your forehead, “Let’s get you cleaned up, baby,” he kissed your nose, “and in bed,” he kissed your cheek, lips soft over the budding bruise, “and in my arms,” he kissed your other cheek, “where you belong…”
“Don’t ever make me leave again,” you said back, eyes closed.
“I promise,” Billy’s lips were on yours, his words going into your mouth and down to your heart, “I won’t.”
That night, after three months of sleeping alone, crying into your pillow and cursing the world, you slept in Billy’s arms. He kissed you all over, making sure you were warm and comfortable as his hands and mouth wandered your body, careful of the bruises, and you knew that was where you both belonged. When you woke up the next morning, the first thing you did was kiss the scar on his cheek. And his smile was brighter than any sunny day in the park could ever hope to be. Later, after he helped you fill out the obligatory police report, he got a call from Frank.
He turned to you, a dark grin on his face, phone in his hand. “Frankie found him,” he said. The ‘him’ was clearly referring to the asshole who attacked you. “I’m gonna handle this. You wanna come?”
You got up, you were wearing the same soft sweater Billy had been wearing the other night, and nothing else. Billy held his arm out to you, and you snuggled into his side. He kissed your eyelids, making you giggle. When you opened your eyes, your gaze flitted past Billy and went to the window. It was a bright, sunny day, and the rays of sunlight were filtering in the room, illuminating Billy’s face. You smiled up at your angel, taking in the scars you loved and the downright murderous smile on his face, and felt the combined warmth of the sun and his embrace go through you. “Yeah,” you answered, “Why not? It’ll be an interesting date.”
“I know how much you love your walks in the sun,” he said back, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Let’s go, baby.”
You walked, hand in hand, out of his building. You smiled when the sun hit your skin, and you looked up to see Billy smiling beside you.
You loved sunny days.
******************************************************************************************* Comments are always appreciated! Please let me know what you think! (Also, sorry for the weak ass title, I didn’t know what else to call it) Thanks for reading!
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Pyromania (Bucky x Reader) 8
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   Summary: (Winter Soldier-Endgame Insert) You’re an enhanced HYDRA agent who negotiated her way out of being a weapon. You’re now the nurse/ aid of the Winter Soldier. You end up escaping with him and follow him in and out of danger while slowly developing feelings for each other.   Words: 3000+ (approx)   Chapter: 8/?   Part 7
  When I wake up, I’m on the ground somewhere. I sit up way too quickly and I almost pass out again immediately. Some kind of warehouse or… something. I remember falling and hitting the water and then… nothing. Behind me someone moves and I spin around, only to find Bucky waking up. His arm is caught in a sort of vice.   I move forwards and wrap my hands around his face, muttering apologies in Russian. His free hand traps mine there. I press my lips softly to his forehead. He starts trying to get up and I hear Sam’s voice for a moment and then footsteps. I turn around and see Rogers and Wilson approaching us cautiously. 
   “Steve,”    “Which Bucky am I talking to?” He’s clearly uneasy.    “Your mom’s name was Sarah,” He pauses before chuckling, “You used to wear newspapers in your shoes,”    “Can’t read that in a museum,” Steve smirks a bit.    “Just like that, we’re supposed to be cool?”    “I dropped him,” The two men look to me, “Used the fail-safe. It’s not even written down in his files. Say a word, he drops unconscious and switches out of it,” They nod but still seem unsure.    “What did I do?” Bucky manages to get out.    “Enough,”    “Oh god. I knew this would happen,” His voice breaks a little and so does my heart, “Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do is say the goddamn words,”    “Who was he?”    “I don’t know,”    “The bombing, the setup… The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than ‘I don’t know’”    “Hey! Ok. That’s enough. Give him a fucking break!” I stand up.    “N/N, don’t,”    “He’s been through hell and back. He wakes up and you’re already interrogating him. Maybe back off a little!” My voice has been rising in volume and I find myself standing directly in front of Steve, “I’m not scared of you. And unlike my soldier, I don’t have any issues with hurting you to deal with you!”    “Y/N, stop,” I whirl around, “He’s just trying to help us,” I huff, debating whether it was worth punching his face but decide against it and march back to Bucky’s side and crouch beside him, “He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where,”    “Well, fuck,” I mutter quietly. Only one reason anyone would want to go there.    “Why would he need to know that?”    “Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier,”
  Watching Soldat train was certainly not my favorite activity. It was stressful and I disliked the other supersoldiers. One in particular was very aggressive.   Today was no exception. The rest of the nurses and I stood by on benches next to our soldiers. I stood with Konstantinov, Soldat’s current handler. Watching a pair of them compete in hand-to-hand, I bounced slightly on my toes. Soldat gave me a look but I ignored him.   I was getting nervous as Soldat started to spar with the angry one. I held my breath as they fought. The other one managed to get a grip on his arm and then kicked him across the room. He landed next to me after hitting the wall.    “You’ll have to do better,” Konstantinov scoffed, “Good work,” He directed towards the other one.   I bent down and pressed my palm to his cheek before he stood up. While the other one’s nurse took his heart rate, he slammed the poor guy onto the ground after breaking his arm.   One of the guards hit him with a stick but it hardly did anything. Konstantinov cocked his gun, “Soldat, get me out of here,” I followed them out of the room while the other soldiers turned on the guards and the nurses. We ended up in a safe part of the facility while the others were sedated.
   “Who were they?”    “Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history,”     “And that was before the serum,” I add, shaking my head.    “They all turn out like you?” Sam seemed edgy now,    “Worse,”     “The doctor,” Steve asked, “Could he control them?”    “Enough,”    “Said he wanted to see an empire fall,”     “With these guys he could do it,” I stand up, “They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilise. They can take a whole country down in one night, you’d never see them coming. We were taught the same things too, the enhanced,”    “This would have been a lot easier a week ago,” Sam says to Steve.   They release his arm from the vice, still talking.    “If we call Tony-”    “No, he won’t believe us,”    “Even if he did, who knows if the Accords will let him help?” I turn my focus back to Bucky, who’s trying to calm down again. I run my fingers through his hair and remind him to breathe.   We end up in a really old car, squished in. We were flown to Germany for whatever reason. I’ve relaxed my head against Bucky’s shoulder and when we stop I see that blue-haired girl, Selene, step out of a different car to meet Steve.   After a few minutes of chatting and what-not, they kiss and I smile a bit. Steve seems nice, I can understand why she’s into him. Yeah, he’s pretty but he’s not my Soldat.   He tosses his shield and something else in the back before we drive to the airport.
  We park and get out. I’m on high alert, definitely not liking the parking lot. We meet a man and a young woman climbing out of a white van. They greet Steve while Buck and I lean on the car.   I run my hands over his face softly, knowing a fight is coming. He leans his head into it and my heart skips a beat. I touch his cheekbones, the tip of his nose, his lips. I sigh a little before dropping my hands to my side.   I focus on another guy who’s stepped out. He seems… Weird. I shrug it off and the girl waves at me. I wave back but jump a little when Bucky says loudly,    “We should get moving,”     “We’ve got a chopper lined up,” The first guy tells us. Over the intercom, a voice tells passengers to evacuate in German.    “They’re evacuating the airport,” I say thoughtfully. That’s not good.    “Stark,” Sam sighs.    “Suit up,” Steve instructs everyone. Bucky and I don’t exactly have much so he pulls on the leather jacket from our bag that Selene retrieved and I yank on the harness and my fireproof long sleeve and make do with my baggy jeans. I grip his hands while he mentally prepares himself to fight. 
 Steve runs out alone to the helicopter but is quickly intercepted by Iron Man. Cool. This will go down well. I keep count as more arrive. Another ‘Iron Man’ who arrived with Stark. The same one who stopped us in Romania. The man in the cat suit who I now know as King T’Challa. Natasha and another girl with pink hair. Some strange younger boy in a suit. He takes Steve’s shield with some sticky web stuff. I’m not a fan of that.   I move to sit with Wilson and Bucky while they scout for their Quinjet. Sam finds it quickly enough and lets Rogers know.   Immediately Lang and Barton initiate combat and the three of us start sprinting towards the jet. The kid hits the window as we’re running.    “What the hell is that?” I laugh at Bucky’s face, a mixture of confusion and horror.     “Everyone’s got a gimmick now,” Sam rolls his eyes and runs faster. I know he’s struggling to keep up with our pace. I find it difficult already to slow down enough for Bucky, let alone a normal person.   The kid busts through the window and kicks Sam. Hard. I skid to a stop and Bucky turns around to punch him but the spider-kid catches it.    “You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!” Ok, that’s disturbing. How did he not go flying? I can see Bucky trying to work that out as well before Sam grabs the kid and continues to fly through the airport.   I’m still standing there when Bucky practically throws me over his shoulder and starts running again.     “Put me down, suka!” I hit his back but he still keeps a grip on me. He does drop me a few seconds later though and flings a huge chunk of… something at the kid. He pulls me behind a pillar. He looks back to check if he hit.    “Hey buddy, I think you lost this!” The hunk of metal comes flying back at us and Bucky throws himself on top of me. I shove him off, ready to set the kid on fire when Sam starts fighting him again.   Bucky grabs my harness and starts dragging me. I see Wilson hit the floor and then get stuck to a railing. Bucky seems to forget he’s got me in tow when he flings himself in front of Sam to protect him from the kid kicking him. We all hit the ground and I’m momentarily unaware of what happens. I see Bucky’s metal arm trapped to the ground with more of that nasty web stuff but I’m too dizzy for it to make much sense.     “You couldn’t have done that earlier?”    “I hate you,” Wilson groans. I sit up but I’m overcome by a wave of nausea. Fuck. I’m definitely concussed. I know I can push through the effects of it but for the moment I just sit there, trying to hang on to whatever remains in my stomach.    “Sunny? Sunshine? Y/N!” I jolt and realise Bucky’s been yelling at me. I wave my hand before jumping up and throwing up somewhere behind a wall.    “I’m good. Let’s get out of here,” I groan. Now that that’s done, I’ll be fine. Bucky’s not having any of it though. He holds his hand out and I begrudgingly allow him to hoist me onto his back, “You’re slow enough without me,” I grumble.    “I lift 400 pounds. You’re nothing,” We start running again and make it outside, meeting Steve and the others. We stop abruptly when some floating figure cuts a line in front of us. Great! Another issue.     “Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you’re doing is right but for the collective good, you must surrender now,” I slide off of Bucky’s back.    “What do we do, Cap?” Wilson mutters.    “We fight,” We all move forward to meet them, jogging, then breaking into a run.   I lock eyes with the pink-haired girl. I meet her and get a good grip on her, trying to wrap my arms around her neck. I’m aware of Bucky on my right, locked in battle with T’Challa. She’s really good at hand-to-hand combat though, and definitely stronger than me. My agility makes me a good match though, and we lose and gain position often. Her fight pattern is uncomfortably familiar and I can’t help but wonder why I recognize it. She jerks away quickly when I grab her hands, which have gripped my harness. I feel their heat and I know I can’t control it for much longer. I use that to backsault out of it and run towards Bucky.   He gets thrown into the side of a box and is clearly winded. T’Challa moves to strike him and I put all my energy into sprinting into him. I slam into his whole body and send him flying. Wanda, the girl who waved at me in the car park, catches him with her weird magic stuff and throws him through a plane tunnel. I salute her before yanking Bucky to his feet.   He’s a little bit out of it so I use all my strength to pull him along, as fast as I can go. Steve meets us and we stop for a moment.    “We gotta go. That guy’s probably in Siberia by now,” He’s panting. Hard.    “We gotta draw out the flyers,” Steve responds.    “I’ll take Vision, you get to the jet,”    “No, you get to the jet. The three of you,” Sam calls in over the comms. Clint agrees.    “Alright, Sam, what’s the play?”     “We need a diversion. Something big,” I consider sending myself to a plane or one of the buildings to blow it up.    “Don’t,” Buck grips my wrist so hard I think for a moment he might break it,   “You’re not playing kamikaze again,” I nod, but still consider it.    “I got something kinda big, but I can’t hold it very long,” Lang says over the comms, “On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don’t come back for me,”    “He’s gonna tear himself in half?” Bucky shakes his head. We all wait for a moment.   Lang transforms until he’s huge. Like. Bigger than the planes, “You go ahead. We can catch up,” Buck breathes in my ear. I almost shake my head but the look he gives me scares me a little. And that’s saying something. I nod but quickly press my lips to his.     “Run fast,” I whisper.    “I guess that’s the signal,” Rogers is still staring at Scott.   I take off running, knowing no one will catch me. I don’t look back, no matter how much I want to. I hear burning behind me and realise I’m running on flaming feet. That might be cool and all, if it was because of how fast I was running. But the truth is simply that I’m upset and worried about my Soldat.   I reach the jet and skid to a stop. I try to put out the flames but I’m getting myself more and more worked up the more I try to extinguish them.     “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I stamp my feet. My hands are also burning.   I hear a crashing and see a building coming down over the entrance to the hangar. I rush to reach Steve and Bucky, who are just about to reach me when it stops. Wanda is holding it, barely. Something happens and she has to let it go but Steve and Bucky make it in. I fling myself at my soldier and his arms wrap tightly around me, picking me up and carrying me into the jet. My feet and hands must’ve gone out.   Steve starts it up and we fly out of the hangar. Bucky collapses to the ground, still holding me so hard I can hardly breathe. I don’t care though and knot my fingers into his hair.      “Breathe, doll. You need to breathe,” He whispers into my ear as I fight down sobs. I’m not sure why I’m so upset now. Of all the times to be upset. I must look insane, my eyes are wide, staring straight into his. It’s the sight of those striking blue eyes that make my heart flutter.   His hand reaches for my face and I allow him to brush back my hair and stroke my cheek. I calm down enough to feel us speed up. We must have Stark and the other guy on our tail. Bucky settles himself in a seat and straps himself in. I sit on his lap and try to calm the anxiety in my chest.   We fly for an hour before I start to relax. I find a first aid kit and deal with Bucky’s cuts. I make a fuss over the tiniest things and he allows me. Normally he’d brush me off and try to make me sit down but he must think it’s better to allow himself to be fussed over again. I finally finish and my hands are still shaking.   Why I’m on edge, I’m not sure.
  “Kang Y/N,” She freezes, startled at the use of her full name. She locks eyes with Bucky, “You are going to be fine,” He knows that it’s because they’re returning to Siberia. To where both of them were held against our will. She shakes her head and sits down across from him, “What’s going to happen to your friends?”    “Whatever it is…” Steve’s voice breaks a little, “I’ll deal with it,”    “I don’t know if I’m worth all this, Steve,” He sighs. She exhales and buries her face in her hands.    “What you did all those years. It wasn’t you,” Steve is quiet when he says it but there’s a weight behind his words, “You didn’t have a choice,”    “I know. But I did it,” She stands up.    “Shut up,” Bucky opens his mouth but snaps it shut when he sees her face. It’s dark, her eyes are filling with tears, “Don’t even fucking… Just. Don’t,” She’s been on edge since the airport and this conversation isn’t helping. She walks to sit on the floor of the jet, towards the back.   He moves to sit next to Steve.    “She really cares about you,” His voice is hushed.    “I guess,”     “Don’t give me that,” He rubs his eyes, “She wouldn’t be here right now if she didn’t. I see the way she looks at you. It’s… A lot. The way she hovers over you, fusses about your injuries, always ends up back at your side. I’ve never seen anyone like that before,” Bucky considers his words for a moment.   After HYDRA and SHIELD. After the crash. She was there, obviously looking for him. She came with him, knowing she’d be killed if they were caught. The way she fought to stay by his side after they were taken from Romania.   According to Steve, she’d jumped right off the roof for him. She’s always been like that though. It’s always been… Y/N and Bucky. He’d never really considered it until now.     “Do you think she…”    “I’m not blind, Buck. She kissed you. That’s not just a friend thing,” He smirks at Bucky. He looks back over at her. She’s clearly still nursing a headache and God knows what other effects of a concussion. Her head rests in her hands as she sits on the floor.   He knows he felt his heart skip a beat when she kissed him. It always does when she touches him. He’d always just put it down to the fact that every other instance of physical contact in his life had been violent.    But maybe it was something else…
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All Those Things They Couldn’t Say - A Runaway Baudelaires AU
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Chapter Forty-Nine - The Snow Scouts hike up Early
“Move, I’m gay!” Isadora shouted, pushing her way through a bunch of hiking children. 
They scattered, confused, as Isadora pushed past them all, the other children racing behind her. Duncan waved an apology as Isadora continued shoving children aside and the Baudelaires didn’t seem to care. 
Violet had managed to use some vines and a stolen fan belt to repair a rollercoaster engine, and after yanking it off the track they managed to get it to run in the dirt as the carnival burnt around them. They crowded inside best they could while Violet got it to run, and once it ran out of power, they hiked the rest of the way. That took up about a day, and they’d finally reached a nearby town and located a sign- “Snow Scout Pre-Camp Campout!” 
Isadora directed them towards the largest tent in the center of the campsite, and pushed open the flap, yelling, “Yo, who’s in charge here?” 
A man, sitting at a table and flipping through papers, jumped, looking up in shock. “What the- who-” 
Isadora walked to the table, slamming her hand down, and the others filtered behind her, crossing their arms and trying to look intimidating- but, honestly, Isadora, who was tired of sitting around on a rollercoaster and ready to find her goddamn brother, was really winning at that. 
“Are you in charge?” she asked. 
The man blinked. “Er, yes. I’m Bruce, are you-” 
“Oh, we’re signing up. We need to be Snow Scouts,” Isadora said, “For you see, this year is a special year! False Spring is coming early!” 
Bruce stared at her. “What?” 
“Yes! We just found out. It’s so new that the Daily Punctilio hasn’t even gotten the news yet.” Isadora grabbed a newspaper from the desk, waved it, and then tossed it behind her. It landed against Klaus’s chest, and he oofed and tried to grab it. “It’s a very special year! False Spring is coming early, if we all leave now we may still be able to make it!” 
“Is that so?” Bruce asked. 
“Oh, yes.” Isadora nodded. “It’s because of the hemisphere and leap days and- um-” 
“Rosh Hashanah.” Duncan added. 
“Yeah.” Isadora said. “Very complicated. Bit hard to explain, but we rushed over here as soon as possible, we wanna be there or Early False Spring. Only happens once a century-ish, you know. Where do we sign up?” 
Bruce shook his head in confusion, but then shrugged. “Well, we were all just learning how to make fires, anyway, I guess. Your parents will have to sign the paperwork-” 
“Oh, they’re getting here after False Spring. Let us take the early bus.” Isadora said. “They’ll take care of everything once we get back, where are our uniforms?” 
Bruce pointed towards a chest by the edge of the tent wall, and as Isadora rushed over, Klaus asked, “Excuse me, is this today’s Punctilio?” 
Bruce nodded, and Klaus carefully put the paper down on the desk, before moving to join Isadora. Concerned, Violet moved beside him. “What’s up?” 
“The date…” Klaus mumbled, as Isadora started digging through uniforms, looking for the right size. “It’s… tomorrow’s my birthday.” 
Violet sighed, and then gave him a side-hug, as Isadora pulled out some coats. “We’re in such a hurry, we may only need coats.” she called to Bruce. “You go get the rest of the Scouts, okay?” 
He stumbled out, still a bit confused, and Isadora threw a coat on. “Alright, so, Duncan, what do you remember about Snow Scout shit?” 
“The pledge, which is written on the back of the coats and means nonsense.” Duncan said, showing them the alphabet pledge. “A couple of survival skills… I swear there was something we forgot about-” 
“Uncle Bruce!” came a familiar shout behind them, as the tent flap was thrown open. “Everyone’s moving and packing stuff up and we have a few more days until- oh, what the fuck!” 
They all turned, and met eyes with a stunned Carmelita Spats. 
“Um,” Duncan said, “Hello?” 
Carmelita froze, and then slapped her forehead. “What in the actual fuck are you doing here?” 
“It’s a long story. What are you doing here?” Violet said. 
“She’s a Snow Scout.” Isadora observed. 
“Yeah, no shit!” Carmelita groaned. She raced over to them, crossing her arms. “Why are you here? You shouldn’t be here!” 
“Uh, we need to get to the mountains.” Klaus said. “So, uh… we’re…” 
“Scouts.” Sunny shrugged. 
“Son of a-” Carmelita shut her eyes. “You need to go. That weirdass Coach Genghis thinks you’re heading here so you should go-” 
“Why would he think that?” Violet asked.
“Because he asked me and I said the first place I could think of, I didn’t think you’d actually be here!” 
“Aw, Carmelita cares about us.” Isadora cooed, putting a hand over her heart and smirking. 
“I do not, I just happen to hate him more! So fuck off, will you?” 
“Can’t. Olaf’s already ahead of us.” Violet said. “You see, he’s in the mountains now, and we’re going to go murder him for kidnapping our parents and their brother-” 
“Oh, great, now he’s got their brother-” 
“-and we need to get to the mountains, where they’re planning to burn a- a place.” Violet did not want to get into a discussion of what VFD was in this situation. “So we’re saying False Spring is happening early to get us up there. Think you can play along?” 
“No! We always camp for a week before we head to the mountains-” 
“Are you False Spring Queen?” Duncan asked. 
Carmelita stopped. “What?” 
“Quigley and I used to have a Snow Scout interest. Are you False Spring Queen?” 
“Of course! I am every year because I’m just that special.” 
“Wouldn’t you like to celebrate that as soon as possible? Wouldn’t that be more fun than just hanging around the camp doing nothing?” 
Carmelita opened her mouth, then closed it, then crossed her arms and huffed. “I mean- sure, I don’t like being here, but it’s what we always do. We can’t just change the way things are.” 
“Inde.” Sunny said. “And what fun is that?” 
Before Carmelita could respond, the flap opened again, and Bruce walked in. “Carmelita! There you are! We’re just packing up- False Spring is early this year, you know.” 
Carmelita flinched as he spoke, glancing back hurriedly, before recovering herself and saying, “Of course I know that! I’m the smartest girl in the world!” 
“Of course you are.” he patted her on the head, then looked at the other kids. “Why don’t you help the others pack up?” 
“We’d love to.” Violet said, forcing a smile on her face. She grabbed Carmelita’s arm. “Carm, you wanna help?” 
“Uh- sure. Whatever.” 
They stalked out of the tent, and as soon as they were out, Violet’s smile dropped. She turned to Carmelita, and whispered, “Do you want us to stab him?” 
“I can handle him.” Carmelita muttered. Then, carefully, she pulled a knife out of her pocket. “Some weird kids at school taught me how to do that.” 
“Well, let us know if you want us to do anything.” Violet said, as they headed towards a tent some kids were disabling. “Because we will.” 
“Don’t doubt it.” 
The Scouts swiftly moved out across the mountains, with nobody really paying much attention to the five new children, one of whom was clearly a toddler. Sunny had been wrapped in the smallest coat they could find, which still went well past her feet, so Isadora carried her most of the way up the hill. The other kids ended up drifting to their own groups to chat with each other, and Bruce remained ahead with the map, so they mostly stuck with each other. 
After a while, Klaus whispered, “Uh, Violet?” 
He grabbed her hand, staring at the ground. “Did… did I do something bad?” 
“With Olivia? I… I killed her. In a horrible way.” he blinked away tears. “And she-” 
“Hey.” Violet squeezed his hand. “I’ve killed, too. And you know what? It-” 
“But Orwell was actively trying to kill us. Olivia was-” 
“She was helping Olaf to kill us. And… you were right.” Violet squeezed his hand once more. “Whether actively or passively… she killed our Dad.” 
Klaus stared at the path. “I… I wanted to meet him so badly.” 
“Me, too.” 
They fell silent again, and then she said, “Let’s think of something else. What’ll we do for your birthday tomorrow?” 
“Kill Olaf.” 
“Sounds good. It’s your birthday so you get to pick a method of execution.” 
“Something fast. So he can’t get away.” 
“And so we don’t have time to regret anything.” 
“We won’t.” she promised. 
They looked up, then, as Carmelita stalked over to them from the front of the group. She trailed beside them, before saying, “Everyone up there is boring. So, the hell have you guys been up to?” 
“We’ve killed someone.” Isadora said. 
“Cool! Tell me about that.” 
“Only if you ask nicely.” Duncan said. 
“Not gonna happen.” 
“You wanna be bored?” 
“Not especially.” 
“Then ask.” 
“...please tell me, cakesniffers?” 
“Close enough.” 
They did their best to explain things to Carmelita without freaking her out, and by the time they got to Klaus pushing someone into the lion pit- to which she thankfully only replied, “Oh, epic,”- they noticed Bruce calling to the kids about their stop up ahead. 
“What stop?” Isadora asked. “What stop is he talking about?” 
Carmelita sighed and rolled her eyes. “Every year we go to the same cave and tell Snow Scout Stories and eat marshmallows until our stomachs hurt and camp out until morning- snow gnats are more active at night. We’ve got masks to protect us from them but they’re such a drag to wear, we just let Stephen carry them in case of emergencies. Anyway, the snow gnats hate smoke so our campfire scares them away.” 
“You have a campfire in a cave?” Klaus said. “That cannot be safe.” 
“Hasn’t killed us yet.” 
Violet hesitated, and then tied her hair back. “I bet there’s some kind of device that lets the smoke escape, otherwise it’d definitely fill up the cave. I wonder…” 
“Well, we’re here, so wonder while we’re telling Snow Scout Stories.” Carmelita sighed, gesturing towards a cave before them, where some Snow Scouts were already heading. “I’ve got a very interesting one about the most precious, beautiful, smartest girl in the whole wide school.” 
“Oh, joy.” Isadora said. 
“Have you considered just retelling The Taming of the Shrew as a high school tale?” Duncan asked. 
“No, we’re talking about me.” 
The Snow Scout stories seemed to last forever, but the children managed to distract themselves. Sunny would toddle around behind a rock so the other scouts couldn’t see, dramatically re-enacting what was being told, with the other kids barely stifling their giggles. When Sunny grew tired, they backed themselves into a corner, and Isadora quietly jotted down poetry ideas, while Violet or Duncan would take turns singing quietly to try and lull Sunny to sleep. 
After a while, Klaus said, “I still feel bad.” 
Violet hesitated, and then put a hand on Duncan’s shoulder to quiet him. She turned back to Klaus, and then said, “I… I know. Can I be honest a second?” 
“Of course.” 
She curled up slightly. “I sometimes feel bad about Orwell.” 
“You shouldn’t, she was going to kill us-” 
“And so was Olivia.” Violet turned to Klaus, meeting his eyes. “But I think some part of us is always going to wonder if we did the right thing or the wrong.” she glanced at the ground, then shook slightly. “That must be how our parents feel. Especially now, with… all this happening.” 
Klaus leaned over, putting a head on Violet’s shoulder. “I guess we’re just a whole family of murderers.” 
He jumped as he felt another hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Duncan had moved over to hug him, with Sunny leaning over his lap to grab at Klaus’s coat. Isadora came over, too, and they were soon all huddled together. 
“We just want you to know,” Isadora said quietly, “That whether or not you were right or wrong… we still think you’re noble enough.” 
“Is that even good?” Violet asked, her voice a little choked. 
“It’s the best we can hope for.” Duncan said. 
Klaus and Violet gave the Quagmires grateful smiles, and then Isadora smirked a little. “Besides, Sunny still hasn’t killed anyone.” 
“Penmark,” Sunny said, meaning something akin to, “Don’t be so sure.” 
“What does that mean, young lady?” 
Before she could provide some kind of snarky response, they heard a clatter, and some shouts. They whipped their heads around, staring as some kids ran back to the fire, a masked boy in a tattered coat in tow. 
“We found this kid digging through our supplies!” said Baya, looking peeved. 
“I think that’s our mask, too!” Jaedon shouted. 
“I- I’m sorry!” the boy cried. “I- I got lost and- and you guys had food and I’ve been walking all night and all day and-” 
“Oh, don’t worry, friend!” Bruce waved his hand. “Baya, Jaedon, let him go, it’s fine. He can join the troupe! We’re accommodating! Isn’t that right? Snow Scouts are accommodating, basic-” 
The only scouts who did not follow him in reciting the pledge were Carmelita, who was looking at the boy curiously and hesitantly glancing around, and the children in the corner. Violet stiffened and grabbed onto Klaus’s arm, and Duncan and Isadora, after staring in frozen shock for a moment, slowly and shakily stood up. 
When the pledge was over, Bruce said, “Why don’t you sit down and tell us a story? I’m sure a traveler like you-” 
Carmelita glanced back, and saw the frozen forms of the Quagmires, and then turned back and loudly said, “No! I’m in the middle of my story so I’ll continue!” 
She kept loudly talking, keeping everyone focused on her, as the Baudelaires rose, and the Quagmires stumbled over to the masked boy, who was watching the scouts in confusion. 
Then they reached him, and he turned, and also froze. 
They stood for a long time, just staring at each other. Isadora was close to tears, and she opened her mouth to speak, before Duncan, who was staring ahead, prodded her, gesturing to the scouts. Too many people around. Don’t be direct. 
She turned back, tears still edging from her eyes, to the masked boy. Duncan was shaking slightly, and the boy just stood, hoping they couldn’t hear him cry. 
Then, slowly, Isadora whispered, her voice completely breaking, “Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe…” 
Her voice faltered, so Duncan squeezed her arm, and then continued, just a bit louder, “All mimsy were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe…” 
There was a long, cold silence, before… 
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son,” the boy whispered, almost as if he didn’t believe what was happening, what he was saying. “The jaws that bite, the claws that catch.” 
Isadora choked back a sob, and Duncan clung to his sister’s arm, almost falling over. 
“Beware the jubjub bird…” he continued, and now they could definitely hear he was crying, “And shun the frumious bandersnatch.” 
Then they continued to stare at each other for a very long time.
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its-the-g-tea-babey · 5 years
Joker Asserts Dominance Over Banjo
It was a wild day at the Smash Mansion. It had been revealed that Terry Bogard would be making his way to Smash Bros, Banjo and Kazooie had finally arrived, and even SANS (from Undertale) was here! It was exciting for the fellow fighters to meet Sans, along with Banjo and his Bird friend. Everyone was crowded around the bear and bird duo, along with the skeleton.
Everyone except for Joker, that is.
As much as he wanted to meet Sans (he was a big fan of Undertale), he was scanning the scene with an air of dismay. He was almost certain he had been replaced by Banjo and his bitchy bird (who was not unlike Morgana), as they crowded around him and bombarded him with questions about his hometown now that Gruntilda wasn’t terrorizing Spiral Mountain anymore.
He secretly yearned to be at the spotlight, savoring his extremely extra and flashy moments as a Phantom Thief. But with Banjo being a cultural icon, it wasn’t very likely that he would be getting the spotlight soon.
Actually, scratch that.
Make it never.
He would never be popular ever again. He frowned as he gazed longingly at the other fighters, wishing they would notice he wasn’t there. But they wouldn’t. They wouldn’t notice him. Not over Banjo. He glared at the pudgy bear as his saddened frown turned into a rage-filled grimace. That bear, the one that took all his friends from him and left him to rot.
Damn him.
Damn him to the darkest, most sin filled pits of hell.
Hey, wait a minute.
Joker’s eyes widened as the back of his mind made a plan. A devious plan to get rid of Banjo and Kazooie once and for all. A smirk split across his lips as his tongue licked and covered them with saliva. “I know what to do…” The Phantom Thief muttered devilishly as he slunk further into the shadows, planning on hatching his wicked plan very, very soon. “You better enjoy your time here, scuzz-fur and bird brain, for it’ll be very short.” He chuckled ominously as he disappeared from view.
It had been three days since Banjo, Kazooie, and Sans had come to stay at the Smash Mansion. It had been eventful, to say the least. The child fighters always fought over who would get to fight Banjo next, Pit would always be next to Sans, cracking terrible angel-themed puns (which Sans himself highly approved of) and Fox was surprisingly the only one to wonder where the actual hell Joker went. The vulpine pilot brought this up at the lunch table while talking to Palutena, Olimar, Kirby, and Ganondorf.
Palutena made a face like she left the oven on at her home as she realized that Joker was gone for the span of three days and she never noticed. “I don’t think he’s in trouble, he can take care of himself. He did kill a god, after all.” She said, despite the immense guilt and worry seeping into her words.
“You don’t sound so sure of that Palu.” Fox replied.
Kirby piped up. “You think he ran away cause he thought we didn’t love him anymore?”
McCloud’s ears flattened against his skull as remorse flooded his senses. “Considering his past, it’s very possible.” He said sadly.
“And the fact we’ve been basically latching onto Banjo and Kazooie doesn’t make it any better.” Ganondorf pointed out.
“You’re right, though I wish you weren’t…” Olimar, who had stayed silent the whole time they were talking, decided to put his piece onto the puzzle and help them in what way he could by throwing his input out there.
They all decided to put all their efforts into finding Joker and convincing him that he was still loved and wanted in the Smash Mansion.
“Where do you think he’ll be at 5:30?” Joker’s voice questioned.
“I dunno. Probably the garden.” Sans shrugged.
“Great! You just have to walk up to him, start up a conversation, tell him that there’s a fighter he never met, bring him to me, and bingo! Considering your charisma, quick wits, and his stupidity, there’s a 100% guarantee this’ll all work out!” Joker shot up from his seat and clapped his hands, fully knowing Banjo and Kazooie were going to get what they deserved very soon.
“Hehe. The funniest thing about this plan is that it’s not really a lie. There really is a fighter he never met, due to you hiding yourself so well.” Sans chuckled dryly.
Joker shrugged and nodded his head in agreement before sitting down once more. He looked at the clock. It was 5:27. He smiled broadly as he turned to his bony accomplice. “It’s time!” He beamed. “Sans, you must go to the garden!”
The skeleton winked at his Phantom Thief friend as he got up and started to walk out before turning his head towards Joker quizitivly. “What do you plan to do with them once you have them, kiddo?” He asked.
His beaming smile turned into a sadistic smirk as his eyes narrowed in an almost lusty way. “Something very, very wicked, my bony friend!”
Sans snorted loudly. “Okay. You do you kiddo. But i’m watching.” The skeleton had the final say as he left the room with an objective in mind for once.
It was bright and sunny when the bear Banjo and his bird friend Kazooie (who was tucked away in his backpack) strode into the garden to look at the flowers and cool his mind. He had been there for a few minutes when he heard the sound of someone walking towards him. He turned around to see Sans strolling on the path, while absentmindedly looking around, until setting his eyes on Banjo and waving to get his attention.
Banjo waved back and hopped over to the skeleton. “Lovely day, isn’t, Sans?” He cheerily called out. Sans shrugged his trademark shrug. “Yeah, I could guess so.” He replied. “Guessing is all you can do with that thick skull of yours, hollow-head!” Kazooie crowed. Banjo slapped the breegull on the back while muttering a hushed “Kazooie!” reprimandingly and looked up. “I’m very sorry about that, Sans.” He apologized profusely. Sans shrugged once again. “Nah, it’s nothin kid. Besides, I need you to come with me. Apparently there’s one fighter we somehow never met. I was shocked myself when I first met him. He’s a real piece of work, that’s what I say.”
Banjo’s shocked expression turned into one of excitement. “Well where is he, Sans?” The bear asked. The skeleton chuckled. “He’s somewhere in the back halls. Here, i’ll take you to him.” Banjo nodded swiftly and excitedly as he walked behind Sans, who showed them the way.
Sans snickered silently as he led the way to, unknowingly to Banjo and Kazooie, their doom.
Mission accomplished.
The door to the storage room opened as Sans walked into it with Banjo and Kazooie behind him. The group looked around the place in confusion as they wondered where this missing fighter actually was. Sans scratched his head, despite how impossible it may seem. “Huh. That’s strange. I thought he would be here.”
“Why would he be in a storage closet?” Kazooie piped up. Sans said nothing as he used his telekinesis to shut and lock the door, much to Banjo and Kazooie’s surprise. Banjo turned over to Sans while Kazooie flew out of the bag and attempted in vain to open the door. “S-Sans! What are you doing!” He gasped out.
“Helping me, worm-face!” A mysterious voice boomed. The lights went brighter, enough to reveal the mysterious figure, a teenager with a coal black ankle-length tailcoat, along with a dark gray high-necked waistcoat, that was embellished with shimmering gold accents, ink-colored pants, brownish-black shoes with pointed tips, a pair of  bright red gloves, a black and white birdlike domino mask which drew attention to his eyes, which were blood red and almost glowing. The boy grinned as he descended from the top of the shelf, crimson eyes shimmering evily.
“Hey! Who are you?” Kazooie squawked loudly, obviously angry at being betrayed by Sans. The masked teenager smirked. “The name’s Ren. Ren Amamiya. But to all, I am known as Joker, the Phantom, the Trickster, and, hell, some even know me as Akira Kurusu, although Akira Kurusu is actually my middle name.” He cleared his throat. “But enough with that, I shall soon have my revenge, so you don’t need to hear my life story.”
Banjo tilted his head. “Revenge? On us? Why?” He asked in confusion. Joker shook his head. “Ever since you came here, nobody has talked to me, or even noticed that I was gone! Before you came along, I was loved and cherished by all! You stole everything from me!” He started to quiver with rage, and jealous, anger filled tears began to grow in his eyes as he lost more and more of his composure and began to be driven more and more by his own hatred. “And you’ll pay!” He growled. “You’ll pay for everything!” He snarled as he lunged straight for Banjo, whose eyes were wide and scared, and gripped him by his arms, claw-like fingers drawing blood from the frightened bear, eyes wide, insane, and flickering from blood red to silvery gray.
Kazooie then leapt onto Joker and started pecking at his hair, to which the phantom released Banjo and started scratching and clawing furiously at the freegull before finally hitting her hardly in the chest and watching her fly from his head to the ground in a crumpled mess. “Banjo…” She coughed weakly. “G-get out of here now…” Banjo shook his head and tried to run over to Kazooie, but tripped and fell over a bone which Sans conjured. The skeleton walked over and tied up the bear securely, so that he couldn’t escape while Joker did the same for Kazooie. The phantom thief crouched next to Kazooie and grinned. “I’m going to enjoy this a lot.” He taunted. Kazooie grimaced. “What are you going to do, scum-bag?” Joker brightened up, despite just being insulted. “This.” He said right before grabbing Kazooie and licking her beak. The breegull squawked in disgust as Joker licked her a second time before putting her head inside his mouth. Kazooie cawed and crowed as she attempted to escape Joker’s maw, but to no avail as Joker continued to swallow her whole until she was fully in his stomach chamber, making sure to remove the ropes binding the bird. Joker licked his lips and patted his bulging stomach contently, whereas Banjo looked the fighter in fear, for he had just watched Kazooie get eaten alive, by a teenage boy, no less! Banjo’s eyes widened and he gulped as Joker set his sights on the bear and started to walk in his direction. The phantom crouched, his distended belly sticking out. He tilted Banjo’s head up to his eye level. “You’re gonna be with her soon, so don’t worry about a thing.”
“Kinky.” Sans commented as Joker loosened the ropes on Banjo so that he could eat him easier. Joker then licked his nose, before putting his face inside his mouth and gulping and, despite the bear’s struggling, managed to swallow him whole as well. He fell to the floor huffing and puffing after he found out he was too heavy to move. Despite this, Joker was being washed over by a wave of euphoria that wasn’t about to end any time soon. He rubbed at his own stomach, not understanding why the hell he was so happy about it, but then it hit him: Banjo and Kazooie were at his mercy. If he decided not to lift a finger, they would both be converted into pudge on his figure, and he liked that. A whole fucking lot. Perhaps, he thought, perhaps he would try this on someone else. Maybe that meddlesome assist trophy Waluigi would be an ideal next target, for he was very, very annoying. Maybe.
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Carpool Harryoake
 Harry Styles x Reader
 A/N: Uhm I’m in literal tears because this fine ass is turning 25 in like 3 days .... WOWOWOW my hearttttttttt. Also , i don’t own any of the song’s (lyrics)???? Lyrics are in italics. It’s probably written really weird with like the lyrics and everything but I literally dreamt this and I had to write it.
 Songs : I do it so well - the struts , isnt she lovely -stevie wonder , smells like teen spirit - nirvana , one thing , diana , over again , wolves - one direction.
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  “I’m so nervous,” you spoke to Harry. “I already told them I can’t sing. I’m literally tone deaf.” You laugh. “I hope they cut my nagging out.” You laugh and reach towards the radio to play the first song. 
  I've been talking shit almost every single day Walking down the streets of sunny LA Watch me now, walk, talk, movin' 'round the corner, "Hello" I work harder than a sauna
I've been flying high almost every single day
Pushin' all my luck, it's goin' my way
Kiss me now, tongues, hands slidin' into places, "Hello" Speed up, picking up the paces
Why don't you ring it, come and ring it Come and ring my bell Why don't you bring it, come and bring it Come and bring me hell Don’t I do it so well? I do it so well Don't I do it so well? Uh-huh Girl, you're my holy, you're my holy You're my holy grail Yeah I'm a star, yeah I'm a star I'm a five-star hotel Don't I do it so well? I do it so well Don't I do it so well? Honey
 “I love that song!” You exclaim. “It really got me pumped.” 
 “You should have let me drive. I never get to drive.” He playfully whined.
 “Oh , like you’re any better.” You playfully smacked him. “My first carpool karaoke , how am I doing so far?”
 “Uhm , well , you have a lot of energy and dance moves for someone who’s driving. Im a lil’ scared.” He confessed.
 “I can drive with my eyes closed , what are you talking about!” 
 “Oh my god! Please don’t do that.” He grabbed on to the wheel as he saw you close your eyes. You laughed before opening your eyes again.
“Today’s a special day , innit?”
Harry smiles, “it’s my birthday.”
“Tha’s right. You’re like , what , 30?” You joke. 
“Ha ha. No. I’m only 25 thank you very much. Let’s go back in time shall we?” You squealed in excitement when the familiar tune started playing thru the speakers.
  Isn't she lovely Isn't she wonderful Isn't she precious Less than one minute old I never thought through love we'd be Making one as lovely as she But isn't she lovely made from love
Isn't she pretty Truly the angel's best Boy, I'm so happy We have been heaven blessed I can't believe what God has done Through us he's given life to one But isn't she lovely made from love
  “Oh my God. I remember watching your audition and I got goosebumps all over. Look,” You held your arm out in front of him , “and you still manage to give me goosebumps again.” 
 “I was really nervous that day. I don’t know if you could notice it.” 
 “No , not even one bit. But I do remember the OUTFITS!” You cackle. Harry covered his face to hide the smile playing on his lips. “I mean , we’ve all had that phase.” You tell him to make him feel better. “I have pictures of me in just really really , you know , just dark edgy outfits. And not the fashionable kind. I had a bunch of band t-shirts that I paired with checkered skinny jeans and animal beanies and God it was bad.” You scrunch your face up at the memory. “And it was all heavy eyeliner and my arms were covered in bracelets up to my elbow. I can’t believe my mom let me go out like that.” 
 “You have to let me see those pictures.” He laughs. 
 “No way! Never in a million years.” 
“That’s not fair. You saw all of mine.”
 “Because they were pap shots.” You mocked him. “I actually probably burned all of them if I’m honest.”
 “You listened to a lot of rock music back in the day then?” 
“Oh yeah.” You nodded. “Still do. My taste in music is all over the place. If I like I like it , really. But really my heart will always belong to punk rock.”
 “So do you know this one?” He smirks. You pause the song when you recognize it and look at Harry.
 “You know I do! But its gonna have to be all you , because I will literally shatter all the windows on this car if I even attempt to sing this.” Harry ignores you and plays the song. “Oh my god.” 
Load up on guns, bring your friends It's fun to lose and to pretend She's over-bored and self-assured Oh no, I know a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low Hello, hello, hello, how low Hello, hello, hello, how low Hello, hello, hello
You look out the window and notice the girls in the car next to you are waving at you while recording you with their cellphones in their other hand. You tap Harry and he props himself up on his arm to look over. He waves at them and tells them to sing with you two.
With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido Yeah, hey
 The car behind you honks for you to go and you wave at them before speeding off. “That was good.”
 “I heard you used to have a lot of One Direction poster sin your room when you were younger.” Harry giggles.
 “I did. And I have no shame.” You point out. “Plus I know my sister told you and I know she’s gonna watch this so,” You look directly in to the camera , “you better watch your back cuz you’re gonna pay for revealing classified information.” You joke. “Plus,” you turn your attention back to Harry, “it’s not like every other girl in the world didn’t have posters of you boys at one point in their life.”
 “You were a pretty big fan then?” You nod. “Well then let’s play a game. I’ll play a song and we have to figure out what lyric comes after.”
 “I am gonna murder you in this game. I know ALL of them.”
 “I was in the band!” He argues. 
 “Yeah , yeah.” You wave a dismissive hand at him. “Are we doing all the albums or?”
 “All of the albums. Are you ready?” He says as he holds the phone in his hands.
 “I was born ready , baby.” He laughs and presses play.
Now I’m climbing the walls. But you don’t notice at all. That I’m going out of my mind. All day and All night.
“Easy!” You yell when he presses pause. “So get out , get out get outta my head. And fall in to my arms instead. I don’t , I don’t don’t know what it is. but I need that one thing.” You belt out with passion.
 “I gave you an easy one. Ok , next one.”
 Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life. I don’t think you even realize Baby , you’d be saving mine. Diana
“Oh shit.” You laugh. “Wait no, I know this.” 
 Harry cups his hands over his mouth , “Fake fan. Fake fan.” He chants.
 “No! I know this one..” you tap your fingers on the steering wheel impatiently, “Ok no. I don’t know.” You slowly lower your head so your forehead is resting on the steering wheel and fake sob when you reach the stoplight.
 Harry mockingly clears his throat, “It’s only been four months but you’ve fallen down so far. How could someone mislead you at all? I wanna reach out for ya. I wanna break these walls. I speak a different language But I still hear your call.” He sings. You turn your head to face him and he pretends to drop a mic.
“We’re tied! So it doesn’t count.” You sit up straight again. You focus back on the road as Harry chooses another song. 
 And I can lend you broken parts That might fit like this And I will give you all my heart So we can start it all over again
 “Again we can take the same road two days in the same clothes And I know just what she’ll say if we i can make all this pain go Can we stop this for a minute You know I can tell you that your heart isn’t in it or with it. Tell me with your mind body and spirit , I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British,” You drag a fake tear down your cheek , “whether we’re together or apart We can both remove the masks and admit that we regret it from the start. If you’re-” Harry places a hand over your mouth.
 “I get it. You know the lyrics.” He deadpans. “You’re so competitive.” He jokes.
 Your jaw drops at his comment , “me? Look who’s talking.” You laugh.
 “Last one.”
I aint up for debating , Aint enough for the taking , You got the whole world shaking.
 “in the middle of the night when the wolves come out , headed straight for your heart like a bullet in the dark. One by one , I gotta take them down But you run and hide , aint goin down without a fight.” You and Harry sing in unison.
“No , it’s almost over.”
 “Thank God. I’m starting to lose my hearing.” He covers his ears.
 “Rude.” He laughs and reaches over to give you a quick squeeze. “Anyway,” you playfully push him away, “this last one is one of my favorites. So we’re gonna do something big.” You smile mischievously. 
 “Now I’m really scared.” He tells you as you pull in to a parking lot of a bar. You hand him a blindfold and he hesitates before grabbing it form your hand. “You’re joking?” You smile as you shake your head. “You know this is recording right?”
 “Harry , just put it on.” You tell him before stepping out of the car.
 “You’re missing the main part of carpool karaoke.” He yells at you before you slam the driver’s door shut. You wait for him to put on the blindfold before grabbing his hand and helping him out of the car. “The last time I went along with something like this , a stripper was involved.” He told you as you continued to lead him. 
 “Yeah , well you’re not getting that lucky today.” You stopped when you finally made it inside. “On the count of three,” you let go of his arm and walked away from him , “take off the blindfold. One , two , three.”
 “Happy birthday to you,” you , his mom , Gemma, James and a few of his other friends began to sing when he removed the blindfold. He couldn’t help the grin that made its way on to his face. Anne lit the candles on his cake as everyone continued to sing. He wiped away the tears of job from his eyes before they could make their way down his face. 
 “You were in on this?” He points to James as he walks over to him when you had all finished singing. James just laughs and gives Harry a tight hug. He makes his way around the bar hugging and thanking all of his guests.
 “Hey. Don’t forget to blow out the candles.” You call to him. He rushes back tot he table where the cake is , “Make a wish birthday boy.” You smirk.
 “I think you know what I want.” He whispers to you , before lowering himself and blowing out the candles. 
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hazel2468 · 5 years
Light Like Water from the Sky
Okay, here goes! Chapter 2 of my Jojo fic is ready to post. Hope y’all like it. As usual, I’m putting it under a cut.
No content warnings for now, though in the future there will be for violence, and as of yet undetermined not sfw content.
Chapter 2 (…If I am Anywhere to be Found)
 It was easy to follow the man with the silver hair. He towered over most other people, and his attire meant that he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst locals and tourists alike. How he wasn’t baking to death in all that black on such a sunny day, Ruby didn’t know- nor did she really care. It was possible that tailing him wouldn’t lead to Bruno at all, and she entertained the thought that she would end up walking right back into danger. But her gut told her otherwise, and her gut was rarely wrong.
She ended up back on the main street, weaving amongst the crowd, being careful to stay out of sight. Ruby was rusty- it had been a long time since she had to follow anyone, but this man seemed too sure of himself. Without so much as a backward glance, he turned a corner, and she jogged to catch up. Maybe he thought he scared her off. While the thought irritated her, it was working in her favor. She peered around the corner, taking acre not to jostle her groceries too hard-
And she froze. Standing next to the jerk who had accosted her was a man in a blue and white sweater, wearing a hat (and it looked like it was made of wool… In this heat?) and with a poorly concealed revolver in his waistband. And beside him…
Was Bruno.
He looked the same as she remembered- well, almost the same. Somehow, his suit jacket had gotten even more low cut, and she could see the black lines of a tattoo swirling across his skin. He was frowning at the man in the hat, arms crossed.
“Hey, Bucciarati.” The man with the silver hair raised a hand, waving.
“You’re late, Abbacchio.” Bruno said sternly. Abbacchio, the asshole, shrugged.
“I ran into a bit trouble. Some chick was looking for you. I took care of it.”
“Oh, really?” the man in the hat elbowed Bruno in the ribs lightly, grinning. “Well aren’t you popular.”
“Mista, shove it. And please tell me you weren’t rude, Abbacchio.”
Ruby ducked back behind the wall, stomach tight. He was right there. She should just walk up and say hello- would really show that Abbacchio a thing or two. And while the idea was tempting… She was nervous.
It had been three years. Four, if she started counting from when she left Italy. And four years was a long time, especially in Bruno’s world. She chanced another peek, and it seemed her luck had run out, because this time when she stole a glance at Bruno’s face, their eyes locked.
She nearly dropped her bag, fumbling as an onion tumbled to the ground and rolled away. Cursing, she reached for it, aware that all three of them were watching her now.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Abbacchio rumbled, and she knew that he would be giving her a murderous stare when she looked up. “I told you not to-“
Bruno was pushing past Abbacchio, eyes wide, as if he was looking at a ghost. He might as well have been, Ruby thought bitterly- she had basically disappeared on him.
“Hey, Bruno.” She managed, straightening up and tucking the wayward onion back into her bag. “Long time no, see, huh?” What else was she supposed to say? Trying her very hardest to look as casual as possible, she started down the sidewalk towards him. He met her, taking long strides, and he reached for her before hesitating and drawing back.
“May I?” he said, and Ruby broke into a smile.
“Do you even have to ask?” she laughed, before placing her groceries on an unoccupied table and wrapping her arms around him. He responded in kind with a warm chuckle. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, bella.” He murmured, the little term of endearment sending a shiver down Ruby’s spine. He smelled like cologne and summer, and she pressed her face into his shoulder, willing herself not to cry in front of three Mafiosi. Opening her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Abbacchio over Bruno’s shoulder. He looked decidedly displeased, scowling at her, and she winked at him. “Where have you been?”
“Poland.” She replied, leaning back to fully take him in. His hair was longer than it had been the last time she saw him, and he had half of it done up in a braid at the top of his head. It suited him. “I spent some time in Spain, and Germany, too. But mostly I was with family.” His blue eyes turned sad, and he ran a comforting hand up her arm.
“I heard about your mother… I’m so sorry, cara.” She shook her head.
“It’s alright, really. She was ill. I just… I couldn’t come back so soon after. I should have kept in touch, I’m s-“ he placed a long finger to her lips.
“It’s okay, Ruby. You’re back now. That’s what matters.” Bruno was beaming again, and she gave him an appraising once-over, raising an eyebrow at his eccentric suit.
“I see you’re still a fan of polka-dots.” She said with a smirk. “You look good, bello. And what’s this I hear about you being some kind of big-shot now?”
“That’s a long story.” Bruno said, wrinkling his nose at her. “Besides, I hardly think I’m the one who looks good. Stunning, as always.”
“Tu provichi!” Ruby swatted lightly at his arm and he laughed again, the sound echoing down the street. “There’s so much I want to talk about… But it would seem,” she gestured over his shoulder at the other two. “That I’m keeping you?”
“Ah…” his face fell. “I’m sorry, bella. I don’t-“
“Bruno, really. Don’t worry about it. You have to go do your capo business, and I have to get the groceries home for dinner. Tell you what.” She rummaged in her purse for a pen and then tore a scrap of brown paper from her grocery bag. “I’m back. I got an apartment, and I’m working with Papa in the shop again.” She bent over the table, scribbling her number down and then thrusting the paper at Bruno. “Call me anytime. Or text me. I always have time for you, caro.” He took it, and she gathered up her shopping. “I’ll leave you to it- I think Bela Legosi is about to blow a fuse.”
Bruno snorted as Abbacchio huffed indignantly, turning tail and stalking into the restaurant. “I’ll be in touch.”
“You better. Ciao, Bruno.” She grasped his hand, entwining their fingers for a moment before spinning around and making her way back towards the main road, smiling and feeling lighter than she had all day.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bruno had been staring down at the scrap of paper in his hands for the last ten minutes, transfixed by the curly numbers and scribble of Ruby’s name in the corner.
“Earth to Bucciarati? Hello?” Mista was waving a hand in his face, and Bruno jumped. The gunslinger was grinning at him, eyes wide and bright. “So… Are you going to explain what the hell that was?”
“…I don’t know what you mean.” Bruno said. Abbacchio was glaring at his glass of wine, clearly irritated.
“Can’t believe she fucking followed me. What a little…”
Narancia and Fugo, who had been pouring over some equations when the other three entered, were now watching with curiosity as Mista continued to prod Bruno.
“Come on, Bucciarati! Who is she? Don’t leave us hanging!” Bruno frowned as Mista dropped back into his seat, pulling his gun from his pants and snapping open the chamber. The Pistols clambered out and over his hand, squabbling as he held out a piece of cured meat to them.
“She’s… an old friend.” Bruno said, rubbing the paper between finger and thumb. “I… I should just throw this out.” Mista choked on his water, coughing until Abbacchio leaned over and thumped him heavily on his back.
“Throw it out? We were both looking at the same person, right?” he said when he finally recovered, throat gravelly. “Shit, if you don’t want her number, I’ll take it!” Bruno chewed his lower lip, sparing another glance for Abbacchio. He was angrily swirling his drink now, eyes dark.
“Don’t beat yourself up, Abbacchio.” Bruno said. “That’s just Ruby.”
“What kind of…short person follows a fucking gangster around?” Abbacchio snarled in response. “Is she trying to get herself killed?”
“What does being short have to do with it?” Narancia interjected, leaning over the table to glare at Abbacchio, who scoffed.
“She’s even smaller than you.” He said. Mista chuckled, squinting at Narancia.
“Damn. And she stood up to you, Abbacchio? She’s got guts. Didn’t you say she pulled a knife on you?”
Bruno gave Abbacchio a firm pat on the shoulder, suppressing a chuckle as his teammate glowered up at the ceiling. “Yeah, she did. Slippery little thing.”
“She sounds it-  But you’re avoiding the subject, Bucciarati.” Mista said, and Bruno bit back a groan. Damn, he was persistent. “So, she’s an old friend. And you sure seemed happy to see her… I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hug anyone.”
“He hugged her?” Narancia said through a mouthful of food. “You can’t just HUG someone and then ditch their number!”
“I don’t think that’s how hugs work, Narancia.” Fugo said. “Still… He has a point, Bucciarati. That would be a little rude.”
“What’s the harm in texting her?” Mista asked, pushing Number Three away from Number Five as they tussled over a grape. “I mean, she asked you to.”
“The harm,” Abbacchio said, before Bruno could answer, “Is that she clearly has no sense of self-preservation.”
“I think you’re just mad that she got the best of you.” Narancia said, ducking behind Fugo as Abbacchio snarled in his direction. Bruno looked back down at the paper, and then pulled his phone from his pocket. Mista cheered.
“I’m just saying hello.” Bruno said, before he could go on another tangent about pretty girls and dates. “When I need your advice, I’ll ask for it.” Mista grumbled, and Narancia began craning his neck, trying to get a look at the little screen until Fugo pulled him back down into his seat.
Bruno wrote and re-wrote the message three times. It was only when Abbacchio, who was watching him, made an impatient sound that he bit the bullet and sent it.
‘I would love to catch up sometime, bella.’
The fact that she clearly didn’t have his number anymore put the ball squarely in his court. Bruno didn’t want to come across as too pushy or eager, no matter how excited he was to see her again-
His phone pinged before he could even place it on the table.
‘I’m free evenings and weekends. If that works with your tough-guy schedule.’
He laughed, and then Narancia and Mista were hanging over him, shoving one another as they tried to read the message over his shoulders. Turning his back on them, he replied-
‘Coffee and a walk Friday evening?’
This time, he managed to get his phone into his pocket and gave his two rowdy subordinates a look and a short lecture. Mista kept grumbling about his lack of ‘romantic undertones’ and Narancia peppered him with questions about Ruby. When Fugo interjected that he doubted Mista knew anything about romance and they dissolved into debate, Bruno felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He smiled- he didn’t need to look now.
He knew what her answer would be.
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Eye of the Storm, Ch 3
Here is the next part of the story. Here's the link to the master post for the first two chapters.
This chapter continues to look into Robert and Maggie's feelings and their past, and where things might go between them in the future. No smut, but there is innuendo, verbal and physical. 😉😎
Thank you so much to @firethatgrewsolow for the sanity check and advice. ❤️❤️❤️
Maggie parked and found herself staring at a small building with windows for walk-up orders. Lines of people were patiently waiting their turn. Anyone driving by would have known in an instant that it was an ice cream shop, by the large statue on top of the building. It was an ice cream cone with cartoon eyes, a Cheshire grin, and gangly arms and legs, a frozen confection caricature that was frozen in a dancing pose.
“I first noticed this place on a ride back from LA, and I made Benji stop,” said Robert, while he and Maggie continued to sit in the car.
“I can picture you, dying to be first in line and racing to the window,” Maggie teased.
“You know me, I always go hard for what I want,” he said with a maddeningly sly smile. “But alas, my ankle was uncooperative, and Benji wasn't a good sport about getting to the front. So your cherished Golden God queued up like everyone else.”
“Referring to yourself in third person, are you now? Maybe your pain meds need to be reduced?”
“Where's the fun in that?” The sly smile returned. “No, I'm basically off of those. I'm running on my standard chemical enhancements. And my favorite natural high, of course.”
“Well, it's official, folks: Mr. Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll is back to normal.”
“As normal as I can ever truly be,” he quipped with self-deprecation. “But yes, I'm mobile, I've got time to burn, and I'll be on vacation, as far as I'm concerned. I'm looking forward to shacking up, as it were, with you, during this last bit of down time.”
“It really has been too long,” Maggie agreed.
“And I'd really love to keep this thing going after the music hoopla kicks in. Having a girl who can understand the highs and the lows of being an artist--having that person be you--would mean the world to me. And I'd love to be there for you, too, if you'd let me.”
He stared intently at Maggie and sighed. “You know, I missed a big opportunity when I moved here… I should've reached out to you then. I wasted a lot of time.”
“I'm glad you brought that up. Why didn't you call? You always did before. It was disappointing to have to read about it in Rolling Stone.” Maggie looked expectantly at Robert.
“All I wanted to do when I got here was to forget everything. We had to cancel the final leg of what was an exciting tour, which was most disappointing. But Cole damn near had to pick roaches off me in the hospital and bribe our way out of Greece.”
He brushed his hair out of his eyes and turned toward the window. “And then I could barely say goodbye to my friends and my parents before the taxman would've grasped me by my collar and waylaid me with highway robbery. All of Great Britain's greatest musicians are in America now, you know, and not by choice,” he said, turning back to Maggie with a pained expression on his face.
“I read about that… Either stay away, or lose a fortune.”
“Exactly. Tough choice, that, convalesce among my loved ones and be left with fuck all in my bank account, or retain the spoils of conquering the world, but be left without most of my favorite people around… I knew where my head was at, and I feared you wouldn't have wanted to be around me.”
“I can understand your concern. It's very rare that you're not giving off a sunny disposition. But you wouldn't have scared me off that easily.” She placed a reassuring hand on Robert's thigh.
“I really thought I was making the right choice. But sometimes… I mean, Jimmy was camped a stone's throw away in his place, and Cole and Benji kept my time occupied with all the revelry I could handle, but it was lonely for me, even though I was never alone, you know?”
He searched Maggie's eyes before continuing, looking more weary than she'd ever remembered seeing him before.
“And don't get me started on damn physical therapy. I'm grateful to them, for sure, but bloody hell, they were absolute sadists! It got pretty dark for me, for a lot of reasons. I even wondered if all these crazy coincidences meant I was cursed, or something...”
“I'm sorry to hear things got so heavy for you. What a lot of feelings and physical challenges to deal with…” Maggie was still, processing Robert's words and fighting the burning sensation of tears in her eyes.
“Simply put, I was wrong. Seeing you has always been the highlight of my time on the West Coast. You're a hell of a woman, love. You're sweet, and a creative dreamer, but you never compromise on what you want. You put up with me, and my silly, spoiled rock star ways. You always put a smile on my face when we talk. And then, the delights of your beautiful, curvy body…” He looked at her with a gaze that cycled through a number of emotions: love, regret, joy, lust.
Maggie smiled and blushed at his words of devotion but also felt an insistent flutter in her core as carnal memories flashed through her mind.
“I let my mood and my nerves get the best of me,” Robert continued. “But no more. I want to make up for lost time. Let's play house, shall we? Let's wake up together, have fun excursions, let the sun warm us head to toe on the beach, enjoy night caps, and more, in the Jacuzzi…”
He smiled softly and caressed her cheek. “And then we can live through what comes after that, just us, together or apart on tour, for as long as it works. What do you say, señorita?”
“I'd really like that,” Maggie said, grasping and squeezing Robert's hand. “And I would love for ‘this thing,’ as you call it, to keep going for as long as we can.”
“My sweet Mags.” He couldn't contain his smile as he leaned in for a kiss.
She savored his words, warm as the sun that hovered in the afternoon sky without the shroud of a single cloud around it. It was what she had longed to hear from him over their years of off-and-on connection, a desire for something more solid, defined. She wanted to stay enveloped in the fantasy of the picture he painted with his words. She had to believe that she wouldn't be burned by his promises later.
“So, what do you recommend here?” she asked, shutting the car door behind her as she stood. She was trying her hardest to stay in the present and not get swept away by guesses about what their future might hold. She also, reluctantly, realized she needed to curtail the indecent thoughts of Robert that just as forcefully battled for prominence in her mind. It had been way too long since his touch ignited electric sparks of lust through her body. It was maddening to be so close to him but so far from the ensnarement of his thighs, the pressure of his body on top of hers, the fullness of him inside--
“--All of the flavors are delicious,” Robert said, peering over the car at her and interrupting her thoughts, “but if I had to choose? I like the classics: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry.”
“All at once, I'm sure. Some things never change...”
“Hey!” Robert protested. “While I'm on the mend, dairy is even more important for my bones, innit?”
“You've won your case, Mr. Plant.” She couldn't help but laugh. “OK, let's get a little closer, so I can check out the menu.”
They joined a line. Maggie had her eyes on the menu, but most everyone else had their eyes on Robert or were whispering to someone about him.
It didn't take long for the more courageous admirers to descend upon him, expressing their love of him and his band. Pens were produced, and napkins, bus schedules, anything the fans could get their hands on for him to sign. A few raced to their cars to procure eight-tracks, cassette cases, and cameras.
Robert was all smiles and thank-yous among his people. He confirmed for the crowd that the next Led Zeppelin album “would be out in a little more than a fortnight,” but that touring would likely come much later. “I'm still getting my sea legs back after my accident,” he explained. The crowd was sated, for the time being, by the interaction with their idol and the promise of a comeback album.
Maggie had lived this experience before, of fans wanting to share their favorite Led Zeppelin concert memories with Robert, or living a few seconds of fantasy by taking any conceivable opportunity to touch him. But now, she fantasized about this excitement someday being the reality for her band. She hoped they could achieve even a tiny fraction of the success that Led Zeppelin had.
She and Robert made their way to the front of the line. Others came and interacted with him. “I'll have a mint chocolate chip cone, please,” Maggie said to the girl behind the counter. “And for him--”
“--Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry scoops. On the house for both of you, with all this business he's bringing in!” The girl smiled and stared longingly at Robert. “How's his ankle doing? Poor baby.”  
Maggie considered the teenage girl, who was surrounded by an invisible cloud of Love's Baby Soft and swathed in a pink velour sweatsuit under her uniform smock. She wore a hair net over her ash-blonde mane, and Maggie would bet anything that a feathered hairdo would emerge from its workplace moorings after closing.
“Much better. We just came from a soccer game, and he was standing the whole time.”
“Lucky you! I've only seen him with the leg brace before. You're new… He has come here a lot, but there's always a different girl…”
Maggie blinked and considered the even expression on the girl's face. Was it an absent-minded observation, or did the girl intend to hurt her? Maggie mulled it over. Either way, she wasn't going to let it get to her.
“Well, if we're back out this way, you just might see me again. I'm Maggie.” She smiled sweetly before taking both cones and walking away. The girl's words caught Maggie off guard. Although Robert would never be free of admirers, all signals from him indicated that he wanted to put Maggie first. But she knew he had not been alone all this time. She had to be realistic.
She had enjoyed the shooting star path he blazed across her life on tour visits, leaving her to reconnect with reality alone when the time was over. She couldn't help but wonder if his feelings this time would shift like an impermanent mountain of sand once he was back in the thick of tour life, or if she would be tossed indefinitely between his romantic desires and her professional dreams, his tinge of melancholy and her giddy anticipation. Only time would tell.
“OK, Golden God, here's your dessert,” she said, snapping out of her spiraling thoughts and handing Robert his cone.
“This lady says that's all for me today, I'm afraid.” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled apologetically to the crowd before walking back to the car with Maggie, holding the ice cream with one hand and lightly grasping her waist with the other.
“Never mind the bollocks from those bloody punk bands, our fans are still solidly in place,” Robert concluded with the flashiest of smiles.
“How lovely to be so wanted still! And your turn is coming next, Mags. We'll have some press interviews coming up, and I'll be sure to mention the new sensation coming out of San Diego as a personal favorite!”
“Robert, I appreciate that, but you don't have to--”
“--No, I insist, dear! I love your music, and it's the least I can do for you. Oh, by the way, do you have any shows around here anytime soon?” He turned his attention to his ice cream, and not a moment too soon. It had started to melt a little while he was talking.
“Next Friday,” said Maggie.
“I must come to your rehearsal! It's been so long since I've seen my sexy songbird on a proper stage.”
“I'd like that a lot. And, you know what else I would love?”
“What's that?” Robert asked.
“I'd love for you to help me pull together some stage outfits.”
“I know just the place. But let me donate some of my jewelry to the cause, too.”
“Really? Thanks!” She nuzzled into his embrace of her.
“It's not entirely altruistic,” he responded from above, still hugging her close. “I might make you model them for me, so I can see what looks best against your skin. Sans clothes, bien sûr,” he added, his voice softened to his trademark hypnotic murmur.  “No distractions…”
“Por supuesto, of course.” Maggie wasn't sure what made her feel weaker: Robert's French, which was less heavily chained to his British accent than before, or his sexy fashion show idea. Either way, she was burning to be alone with him.
“So, next, it's back to yours, grab your things, and drive off into the sunset to my place.”
“That's right. And you'll see my brother Victor again. We live together.”
“How's he doing these days?” Robert asked, switching his attention back to the ice cream.
“Fine. He's just as excited as I am to have this opportunity. He's also driving the neighbors crazy, practicing his drumming all times of the day and night.”
“Shades of young John Henry Bonham,” Robert said, reflecting on his youth with a smile.
Maggie was busy with her ice cream cone. “I see why you go out of your way to come here,” she said, back at the car. “It's not for the cashier; it's this sinfully delicious ice cream.” She sighed after taking another lick of the irresistible cone. She also couldn't resist probing Robert's thoughts about his enthusiastic fan.
“Totally the ice cream, love. Young Gwen over there, she's just a friend who indulges my sweet tooth from time to time.” He waved and smiled at Gwen, who still had her eyes on him. “With dessert,” he quickly added. “I'm sure she turns into an LA queen at night, but I'm not her king… Enough about her. I'd like you, talented woman, to show me how much you really enjoy this ice cream cone.”
“Sure. I am feeling pretty hungry and impatient, so I'm going to bite a big chunk out of it like this…”
He grimaced. “Whoa, not at all what I had in mind, love!”
She smirked at his reaction to her teasing. “But now I'll take my time…” she closed her eyes and slowly licked up one side of the cone, and then all around. She continued traversing the scoop of ice cream while Robert watched and licked his cone when he wasn't too busy smiling wickedly at the sight before him and the memories of her busy tongue on his sensitive skin. “Mmmmm… I miss getting the special treatment from you...”
“Your wait will be over soon. And mine,” she said with a wink. In a few hours they would be entangled, mind, body, and soul again, at his beachfront hideaway, and Maggie could hardly wait.
The rest of my stories are here, or search for the hashtag #brownskinsugarplumlibrary.
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