#the fic just lives rent free in my head now thank u
barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
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I think the only thing I still wanted was to — to prove I could still protect someone, or avenge someone, anyone, and — and go out with a bang that made me feel worth something again. A — a real heroic sacrifice —”
Barry drops everything, and before Magnus knows it, throws his arms over Magnus’s shoulders. Hugging him tight.
I read this scene from the last chapter of "a monster might begin to worry" by @anistarrose a few days ago and immediately started drawing this scene, because I couldn't just feel emotions about it and not do anything!!
Everyone go read this fic! I will be thinking about it for the next six hundred years.
(image ID in alt!)
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Holaaa first of all I hope u are having a good day and I am excited to read more of ur fic, not gonna lie ur story is been living in my head rent free for weeks now😆
I heard u might introduce us to some of the Helluva Boss’s characters, and I was wondering what u think about Al possibly getting along with Fiz. There is no way Fiz doesn’t know how menacing Al is, but at the same time they both creature of entertainment, so he might respect him on some level and Al might actually like someone who recognise him as a good radio host. Like imagine them doing a duet ehehe I can imagine them stealing all the spotlight
Meanwhile Lucifer is entertaining Asmo with his constantly whining about the radio demon XD
Thank you! I'm hoping to get back to writing for Hazbin soon. I'm still stuck on this Star War's fic I have to write, and it's almost done, it's just been the equivalent of pulling out teeth. Hhhhhh why is this so haaaarrrddd.
But anyway, if terms of my RadioApple series I don't know if I'm introducing any of the Helluva Boss characters (it gets tough to juggle so many characters at once), but I would love for Al and Fizz to meet. Entertainer meets Entertainer. They're here to put on a show!
But, I'd also LOVE to see Mama's-Boy-Blitz meet Mama's-Boy-Alastor, and them bonding over being complete and total Mama's-Boys. They say their biggest role model is their mother, at the same time, and become instant best friends. Murder buddies, just out to have a good time.
Would also love for Lucifer to meet up with all the other Sins and have a proper catching up. He can show them new pictures of Charlie and her girlfriend, and complain about Alastor, and brag about beating the shit out of Adam. I think he needs it.
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
Hi hi Kaia! Just wanna say, that soft nsfw Kidd fic you wrote legit just made me want to cry 😭😭 Soft Kidd is something I didn’t know I needed, you wrote him so well tbh! Following that note, if it’s alright could I ask for a nsfw request for Kidd but with a reader smoler than him? In my own headcanon I like he’d def have a size kink and be damn teaser because he’s like 7ft tall👀 lool If not, no worries! Thank you either way!
awww i’m glad you liked it, i had so much fun writing it (who knew i needed soft kid in my life like hello 😭👋🏾). also yes yes yes yes, a billion times yes, i gotchu  ♥️ the way that man lives rent free in my head is unreal 🥵
2.3k words, fem reader, nsfw (it's kid, idk what to tell u), 18+ mdni pls, a little playful banter, some alcohol, other cute stuff includes spitting, size kink (reader is short), clothes ripping (what can i say), kid being a general menace; i tried to keep it short but *washes hands*
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you know better than to distract him while he’s in the middle of a project, but you have very little self preservation when it comes to eustass kid. it’s late at night when you find him tinkering away in his workshop; with his music blasting, head bobbing along as he wordlessly mouths the lyrics to the song, you walk in undetected. even as you close the door, he doesn’t turn around — and while, you should make sure to lock it, you don’t bother. everyone for the most part is asleep or far enough away that you’re not worried about being interrupted.
this is your first mistake for the night.
sauntering around like the mischievous cat you are, you loosely hold a bottle of rum in your hand; you picked it up on the last island the ship docked at, someone gifting you the whole thing as thanks for assisting them. you unscrew the cap and take a big swig, the dark liquid flooding your senses as it glides down your throat with ease. one of the smoothest drinks you’ve had in a while, if you do say so yourself. 
the thing is, while you might think you’re being stealthy, kid has been aware of your presence this whole time. he’d be a shit captain, otherwise, right? still, his curiosity rivals yours, and he wants to see what you’re up to. pretending to jam to the music, kid catches you sidling up to him and smirks to himself, but purposely keeps his focus on the wrench in his hand. the smile on your face is evidence enough of your misdeeds — that you truly believe you’ve gotten away with infiltrating kid’s space, but before you can announce yourself, kid bursts your bubble quickly.
“you’re shit at sneaking around, y’know that right?” he turns his head, tilting it a bit, features morphed to denote a faux-bored expression. he leans his elbow on the worktable, and props his head up with his large hand.
mouth open — because, how else are you to react to him saying that? — words jumble around in your mouth, and you start stuttering. before you can make more of a fool of yourself, you jab a finger at him, hitting his chest on your first attempt. amusement blooms onto his face with ease, disrupting the game he wanted to play with you. 
“shut up, you’re the worst,” you say before pouting at him, brows furrowed as a wave of childishness takes over you. “now i don’t even want to share this with you.” he drops his gaze down to the bottle in your hand but grabs it before you can step away.
“rum? really.” he’s a scotch kind of man, with gin and vodka being suitable alternatives. you know that he’s not into rum like that, but you figured you’d ask him to try this brand for fun. now all you feel is residual embarrassment; cheeks burning, you lunge your arm out to grab it, wanting to just go sit somewhere on the deck and drink alone, but kid doesn’t let you. instead, he pops the cap off, tosses it somewhere and drinks from the bottle. 
you blink several times, watching in shock as he drinks for longer than you think he will. “kid!” you yank on the bottle, annoyance building slowly as you struggle to take it back from him. “don’t drink it all,” you whine helplessly, not wanting your big brute of a captain to ruin your night. kid acquiesces, leaning back in his chair, dark orange hair falling messily over his forehead, eyes drifting down your body, drinking in the sight of you. despite the rum being a bit sweeter than he’s used to, the quality of it impresses him, but he won’t say that. not yet.
ignoring the way your body reacts to his heated looks, you pick up where you left off, taking another swig of the rum, swaying to the music that carries around the room — the notes wrapping around you, coasting along your skin as you hum along. he watches you, amusement never dwindling, tongue running along his bottom lip before he decides that enough is enough. 
“c’mere, you’re drinking it wrong,” he says, voice dripping with intent, as he pulls you to him and plucking the bottle away from you again and setting it down. for safekeeping. before you’re even able to protest, before you’re able to fuss at him over pestering you like this, kid’s hand drifts lower and grabs onto your ass playfully. you smack his chest, face burning, thighs pressing closely together, an ache shooting through you faster than you can stop it. 
before you know it, he has you seated on top of the table, whatever he was working on is momentarily forgotten and haphazardly pushed aside. you lean back on your hands, head tilted as kid stands in between your legs, anticipation crawling down your arms, wrapping itself around your chest with familiarity. breathing slowed, long lashes fluttering as you fix your eyes on him, a little tipsy and giggly, but mostly drunk off of him and his presence. “i’m waiting,” you say, voice lilting, words coasting and caressing him softly. he almost asks you what exactly you’re waiting for, the way you inadvertently short-circuited his mind for a brief second made him forget why he took the rum from you in the first place.
he reminds himself to focus, to not lose to you, because losing is absolutely unacceptable, obviously.
“open,” he instructs, and you don’t have to ask him for clarification; on command, your lips part and you leave your mouth open for him. the corners of his lips twitch as he pours more rum into your mouth; some of the tawny liquid spilling down your lips and onto your chin. you don’t mind it though, completely mesmerized by the experience, entirely too giddy over the way he hulks over you like that. his height used to intimidate you, until you wiggled your way into his life and the two of you gradually became closer; now, you can’t get enough of it.
kid places the bottle down again, fully prepared to ignore it as he leans closer and runs his tongue along your skin, lapping up the runaway drops of rum, until your lips meet. when kid kisses you, it’s as if time stops and then speeds up. it starts off short — his lips pecking yours once, twice, tongue swiping against your lips, demanding entrance. on your next exhale, he pushes closer, your breasts pressing against him through your thin shirt, nipples hardening on impact.
if it were up to him, he’d drink the remainder of the rum from your mouth. you taste sweet, forbidden, and hypnotic — plush lips inviting him to nip them needlessly, sparking a small flame deep within your abdomen that slowly spreads to the rest of your body. with shaky hands, you tug on his clothes, wanting to feel his skin on yours sooner rather than later; and kid obliges, also helping you with your own clothes, ripping your shirt accidentally through the haze of lust.
“whoops,” he says, laughing darkly at your annoyed expression. you don’t believe for a second that it was completely accidental, but kid likes pushing your buttons anyway, so did it really matter what the truth was?
sensing a retort building inside of you, he kisses you again, hand roaming along your soft body, liking the way you feel against him; all that softness will be the death of him, he’s sure of it.
likewise, you get lost in his kisses, small hands gliding along the hard planes of his body, the dips, sharp ridges of his muscles, only make your hunger that much more intolerable. you whine against his lips, your pussy wet from the sloppy kisses you exchange, his own cock hardening excitedly, precum spilling down the thick head as it leans against your stomach.
“kid,” you breathe, lips ghosting his, “just fuck me already, damn it.” the need you have for him might actually make you lose your mind at the rate he’s going. normally, you’re the one telling him to slow down — but for some reason, it’s like your body is entirely too eager. maybe it’s the rum, or maybe you’ve just fallen deeper inside whatever trap he’s laid out for you tonight. you’re not sure, and you don’t actually care to know the answer; so you forget about it, focusing on getting kid to move.
it’s laughable, the way you’re begging him, when he knows once he gets started, you’re going to sing an entirely different tune. he runs his finger — thick, rough, impatient — between the folds of your pussy, admiring the way your arousal drips onto his skin, before plunging the finger inside of you without warning. you arch your back, mouth falling open at the intrusion, panting lightly when he inserts another finger shortly after. nails digging into his skin, your hips moving forward, as if his fingers are controlling your movements, a small voice in the back of your head reminding you that you’re playing with a fire that’s much too big for you to handle.
you ignore it; when it comes to eustass kid, your self-preservation goes right out the window.
plunging his fingers in and out of you recklessly, your head spinning from all of the rum, the kissing, and him — you maybe consider that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. “w-wait, kid slow down,” your voice barely audible, drowning behind your moans and the music that’s still blasting through the room. when he finally does manage to pull his fingers out, you only have a brief moment of reprieve before he’s rubbing the tip of his cock against your pussy, positioning it right in front of your entrance, he winks at your wary expression, making you even more suspicious of his motives. another complaint lodges in the back of your throat, stuck when kid pushes his cock inside of you, his girth ripping a loud moan out of you.
kid, meanwhile, is floating above the clouds, thoroughly enjoying your pussy’s feeble attempts at strangling him — those attempts do work, by the way, he’s just prideful and stubborn. snapping his hips against yours, kid pushes his cock into you deeply; the pain is worth it, though. it’s terribly addicting, the way he pulls back and thrusts into you harder, his balls slapping against your skin from the devastating pace he’s set. 
“kid, fuck, wait, wait,” you breath comes out in small pants, eyelids fluttering from the rough way that kid is fucking you. this is what you wanted, though, isn’t it? to tease him and let him have his way? if kid wasn’t so used to your subtle tricks, he’d actually be concerned. but he knows how much you like how rough he is, he knows how you like him to hold you firmly, so you can feel the full brunt of his thrusts, and he knows that no matter what, you’ll still ask him to fuck you like this again, and again, and again.
and he’s right. you can’t deny it; even if you wanted to you wouldn’t. when his hips meet yours, you wrap your legs around his waist, wanting to completely lose yourself in him, sweat already gliding down your neck, onto your clavicle, breasts bouncing against him.
“that’s it,” he coos, none-to-kindly, his tone dark, sinister, mocking, “see how well you’re taking me?” he shifts and pushes you down onto the table, your back arching off of it as he drives into you repeatedly, his thrusts turning your body into something helpless and pitiful, your words unintelligible, voice hoarse as you call his name out. he pulls out of you suddenly, much to your displeasure, folding your legs against your chest and instructing you to hold onto the backs of your thighs.
your pussy is a pretty sight to see, so naturally he slaps it hard before spitting on it. he’s so romantic, isn’t he?
you can barely think as his cock invades your pussy all over again — your warm, plush walls closing in around his length, as he angles his hips in a way that has your toes curling and a bit of drool creeping out of your mouth. it’s so tragically embarrassing, except you can’t be bothered to feel any bit of shame right now. 
with each brutal thrust, you find yourself teetering on the edge, ecstasy coloring any logic you have left in your mind, and when he kisses you again, tongue caressing yours hotly, an orgasm crashes into you. kid groans against your lips, thrusting fervently, strokes sloppier and shorter, wanting to hold out but finding himself unable to. if there’s one thing he knows, it’s that your pussy is absolutely lethal when provoked. it’s not often that you squirt, but when you do it drives him wild. “oh fuck, look at how much of a mess you’ve made.” his laughter should grate your nerves, but it doesn’t, it only makes you want to cover your face, because you hate how good he makes you feel. although, his laughter is short-lived; he powers into you, his own orgasm finding him much quicker than he anticipates, his cum is thick and hot, dripping out of you when he pulls out, spilling down onto the wooden surface of the table.
both of you sort of stay quiet, trying to catch your breaths; he runs a hand through his hair, feeling properly refreshed, almost as if a bit of weight has been lifted from his shoulders. you drop your legs, struggle to sit up, and look at him accusingly. “you’re such a damn beast,” but there isn’t a hint of venom or malice behind your words. if anything, you almost sound impressed. he chuckles at your act and just kisses you to keep you quiet.
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lupeloto · 7 months
tag game wednesday :>
thank u for the tagss @creepkinginc @energievie @lingy910y @such-a-barbarian @mickeysgaymom @transmickey @golden28s @ardent-fox @milkovichrules i love doing these!
name: laurel🌿
last song you listened to: killer by phoebe bridgers🫣
artist on Spotify giving you the feels right now: noah kahan forever and always, boygenius forever and always
fave Blorbo Moment: such a difficult question... i mean i have an entire multiple-page document about him so... i'll just go season-by-season
s1 - "thought you were working today... i'll meet you there in twenty" orrr "i like 'em sweet" like okay girl omg
s2 - the eyes he gave ian while he was shotgunning the beer in the dugout (he's a slut)
s3 - him making little pizza rolls with his oven-mitt an the snacks and drinks he got for his date with ian someone sedate me
s4 - of course of course of course the cop-car-coming-out-scene (could cry thinking about it)
s5 - "sorry i'm late"
s6 - *internal screaming*
s7 - "whatcha doin' here then?" orrrr "you ever think about me?" (he just wants to be loved no one touch me)
s10 - "i definitely love one" orrr "you're so sensitive" (bc it happened it's canon it literally happened i was there)
s11 - oh nothing just him planning that whole party that was entirely based off of the theme of their wedding and recruiting all of he and ian's loved ones without ian knowing a single thing about it.... or "get it yourself, bitch...fuck are you gonna do?" like he ate
your guilty pleasure snack: i will eat seventeen entire bags of salt & vinegar chips
what food are you craving today: chipotle
last fanfic tab you opened: only one of my fav one-shots ever that i reread literally all the time - “so collect your scars and wear them well” by tinyinkstaunedbird
favorite fic project you've created: that’s hard hmmm prob “nothin’ bad” on ao3 or “michellan star pizza rolls” or “mother-hen mode” on ao3 orrrr my “pretty-huh?” ficlet on tumblr heheh
next tattoo you want (or would consider if you're not a tattoo person): i have a whole list muahaha
what's living in your head rent free this week: lots of the bear this week... need them to come back to me
i'm superrrr behind but i'll tag some peeps anyways @mickeyheartian @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @michellemisfit @vintagelacerosette @scurvgirl @deathclassic @jademickian @stocious @auds-and-evens
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ao3-oner · 28 days
hiiiiii ur msi fic is amazing sjkdfhksd everytime u upload a new chapter it leaves me gagged and wanting for more. the way u write everyone is amazing!! like the depth everyone has>>
also i adore your suhwan, please talk about him,,, like about anything, i just like reading u talk about the characters in ur fics sdkfkdjf
Hi hi! Thank you so much for the ask! I'm legit so happy for the opportunity to rant about my takes on characters, like omg I would LOVE to talk about Suhwan (especially now that chapter 8 is up :) Where to start with my beloved son... I guess one of the first things I ever learned about Peyz outside of his e-sports career, being a Royal Roader and all that, was that his parents hired him a private at-home tutor for League of Legends. He has both a dog and cat, and (to my knowledge) is an only child.
This led me to two central conclusions about his character: 1. This boy is spoiled/sheltered af and 2. He is probably so so lonely. Other observations include that Suhwan is a sweet boy, but seems very uncertain in social interaction. He also has a tendency take things quite literally (see: his 15 second blank stare during the Worlds interview that lives rent-free in my mind).
I've already shared some of my Suhwan head canons in fics and other posts - that he taught himself to play chess on both sides of the board, he got bored one day and snuck into his mom's closet to try on heels/jewelry - but it all centers around his lonliness and desperately trying to connect with other people. I think that's part of what draws him to League - it's a team game, so everyone needs to work together. As the ADC, he becomes a fundamental part of that team, so people rely on him. If thinks that as long as he understands how the game works, how to play, how to win, then people will like him, people praise him, people will protect him, so he decides he wants to play more in order to connect with people.
I think Suhwan very much found the connection he was looking for on 2023 GenG - Wangho is great with younger members, Hwanjoong was literally a BRO before joining, and everyone was just very supportive of him during his rookie year. That environment allowed him to thrive and, while ofc not a perfect replacement, he became a solid stand-in for the massive pair of shoes Ruler left for him to fill.
Then Hanwha Life opened up their check books and bought his found family away from him.
Suhwan understands, of course, that it's just business - I'm sure he still hangs out with Hwanjoong on weekends sometimes - but there's definitely a major shift in the entire vibe of the team for 2024. Yes, they still all have fun, and they grow close and love each other, but there are definitely more cracks in the picture frame than there were last year. Some of that comes from Siwoo, and his slight contempt for the rookie player who got the GenG legacy that RuLehends fought so hard for spoon-fed to him. Some of it is from Geonbu, who's adjusting to being on an entirely new team for the first time ever and is still navigating exactly what he can and can't take with him. Part of it is Giin being more stoic than Hyunjoon ever was. The result is that Suhwan loses that firm network of support he had before, and falls behind - needs more time to readjust, gets declared as the "weak link" of the team...
Suhwan is trying his best to make it work. He's confident that if he can figure out what the problem is, he can solve it. But people are so much more difficult than game states - it's hard to know exactly where you stand, what would help, what wouldn't. Still, Suhwan is the carry. Everyone is relying on him to be there when it matters, so however he needs to adapt, he'll make sure that he doesn't disappoint them.
He's dedicated to proving that he's someone worth protecting.
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ceilidho · 10 months
I just had to read Petrichor again (I first read it on ao3, several times) and I wanted you to know that being called “kitty cat” and “kitty” by Soap has completely altered my brain chemistry, like wtf 😅 Can’t imagine being called anything else by him now and this whole fic is living rent free in my head, just running around wild all day. So, thank you! 💖
Dude the second I thought of soap’s endearment of choice being “kitty” I slowly started to lose my mind. I cannot wait to use it in the possessive best friend fic. There’s something disgusting nasty gross horrible terrible about ur best friend calling u “kitty” for years and then calling ur 🐱 that the second u sleep together. Like he’s been thinking about it the whole time :))))
I’m so glad you read petrichor and so glad you enjoyed it!!! And thank u for reaching out to me about it!!! It makes my day every time!!!!! 💖💖💖
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Helloooo hope u r doing good!
I'm at school rn and I just JUST finished reading We’re Running Out of Hope and Time. I'm sorry if this is a bit awkward cause the fic is pretty old by now but idc because I'm so glad I found it, honestly it's one of the best readings I ever enjoyed. I swear I absolutely loved every word of it and the entire au. It and BJ Deetz will live in my head and my heart rent free for months, I can assure you. It made me cry it made me laugh it made my mind explode and I can only say thank you, and so I wanted to show you these doodles I made just now of the last few chapters and something else because RAAAAHHH I LOVE THIS AU.
Anyway thank u for reading and yeah I hope u have a lovely rest of your day :3
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i love these!!!! thanks for taking the time to say something, its very cool to know ppl are still reading that story..!
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biconickyoshi · 2 months
ive already put a comment on ur fic but i couldnt let it go without saying that i *literally* cant watch the main show without thinking about your fic and i wish that i could like. watch a version of the show that was your fic xD like ive been ranting and raving to my friends the entire time id been reading it and telling them to read it and i was planning on trying to get back into art so i could make some art of the boys, i am like. a changed person. this will be living in the back of my head rent free for the rest of eternity LMAO if you ever get like, doubtful of your skills or anything or unsure if people actually like anything youve wrote, i am here to tell u to not be cus i am *living* for this fic im running around in circles rereading it and getting zoomies lmfao, it is literally one of my fave fics of all time and ive been in fandom spaces for half my life now, its THAT GOOD (also anyone who follows you, you guys need to go read it honestly, IT NEEDS MORE HITS AND KUDOS AND AAAAGFAHGAF) im sorry if this ask is dumb or anything but. i had to let u know that u have CHANGED ME lmfao keep up the good work! i wish my brain worked the way yours does xD
Aaaaa it's so flattering to hear all of this anon!!! T-T Thank you so much!! I too very much wish there was a version of my show that was my fic lmao, I would loveeee to see so many scenes animated! Also it makes me SO happy to know that you're telling your friends about The Avatar and the Fire Prince!!! If you ever draw any fan art, pleaseeee mention me in the post and feel free to use "the avatar and the fire prince" and/or "taatfp" as a tag to help me find it! :)
Thank you so much for the encouraging words as well - I try not to get too in my head with worrying about whether or not people will like what I have planned for future plotlines, or if I'm writing in a way that stays true to the spirit/plot of the OG show while still being different enough to be entertaining/engaging... AtLA is such a precious piece of media to me, so I hold myself to very high standards, which can be detrimental when I just want to get a chapter out but I keep rereading it and finding little things "wrong" that need to be fixed lol.
Anyways this is NOT a dumb ask at all anon! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to send this to me, and I apologize for not getting to it sooner! I've been a bit swamped with asks and comments recently so I've been trying to answer them in small chunks at a time haha
Hope you have a great day, and I'm super excited for you to see what I have planned for the future of TAatFP! :) <3
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dvrcos · 2 months
ok so I'm giving a bunch of qs for the character ask game except I'll give 2 characters
Kevin day and Aaron minyard (bet u didn't see that one coming did u)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Hmm might send more abt other characters if I feel like it
Thank you anon I love a chance to rant about these two idiots endlessly <3
1. Like/dislike about the character
Aaron: he’s genuinely such a complex character and I think that’s what drew me to him initially like this boy has so much going on but desperately pretends like he doesn’t
Kevin: he is canonically a fucking bitch and I can’t help but love that
2. Favorite canon thing
Aaron: I think right now all of his commentary in the first book is my favorite canon thing about him like he’s such a snarky asshole. Like genuinely the scene where Neil pours the water on the ground and then throws the glass at Aaron and Aaron just goes “mature” lives rent free in my head forever and always
Kevin: “I’ve never been skiing before” and then immediately having a panic attack
3. Least favorite thing
Aaron: internalized homophobia womp womp
Kevin: dating a Raven womp womp (i don’t hate Thea literally at all I just don’t like that he stays with another Raven but that is my opinion)
4. Them in a different pieces of media
Aaron: this is most definitely recency bias but The Maze Runner bc he would fit in with those assholes too well (him and gally would be besties)
Kevin: Harry Potter/the marauders feels like the right answer but it also feels lame as fuck (I can also see him in the maze runner as well)
6. Something you have in common with this character
Aaron: Scorpio <3
Kevin: I am also a little bitch sometimes
7. Favorite fanon thing
(Me trying to remember what’s canon and what’s fanon)
Aaron: him with a lip ring and also being a little skater boy
Kevin: the similarities between him and Wymack for sure
8. Least favorite fanon thing
Aaron: I will never stand for aaron micheal minyard hate
Kevin: and I will never stand for kevin day hate either
(I just don’t get how you could hate these assholes like yes they suck that’s the whole point)
9. Could you be roommates with them?
Aaron: maybe I don’t think we’d talk to each other and idk if I could handle that
Kevin: tbh yeah probably
10. Would you be best friends with them?
Aaron: I think we’d be acquaintances at best
Kevin: absolutely not
11. Would you date them?
Aaron: yeah I think whatever he did to swoon Katelyn would work on me as well
Kevin: I would have a raging crush on him but I could not stand his personality irl (I say that with all of the peace and love)
12. My headcanons for them
Aaron: he has terrible circulation and is always cold and has chronic migraines (this is me projecting) and he is a chronic clothing stealer when it comes to his partners clothes (cough cough kevin)
Kevin: he always tries to sign with team in or near cities where the other foxes are located because he doesn’t know how to function without being near his people (cough cough aaron)
13. An emoji that represents them/one they would use frequently
Aaron: 🤓/😐 or 🥱 (he is bored with you !!!)
Kevin: 🫠/🙂 (he doesn’t know it’s passive aggressive at first but uses it excessively after finding out)
14. A fashion aesthetic for them
Aaron: he will always have an early 2000s skater boy aesthetic to me
Kevin: elevated basic featuring a lot of PSU and USC merch
15. Favorite ship for this character
(I don’t even know if I have to say it)
Aaron & Kevin: kevaaron forever and always
16. Least favorite ship with these characters
Aaron: idk honestly I feel like I don’t see many Aaron ships outside kateaaron and kevaaron (I’m pretty sure andrew/aaron exists out there somewhere and I’m choosing to ignore it for my own peace bc hate is not a strong enough work)
Kevin: Kevin/Riko
17. Ship with them I don’t hate but don’t mind
Aaron: Aaron/Jean like I see the vision I just cannot get behind it
Kevin: Kevin/Robin like I don’t mind it at all I just also do not get it but I also don’t know anything about Robin
19. Their canon relationships I don’t like
Aaron: I do like kateaaron and that’s the only canon Aaron relationship (unless I’m dumb and have forgotten but oh well)
Kevin: Kevin/Thea I am so sorry I cannot rally behind you
20. Ideal best friend for this character
Kevin: Andrew and Neil are perfect
I also think they would be very good friends if they gave each other a chance and got to know each far away from Exy bc I think they’d get along and have a lot in common but they have such varying opinions on the thing most of their lives revolve around
22. What I like/don’t like in fics about these characters
Aaron: I don’t like when he blindly hates the other foxes (especially Neil and Andrew) in post-canon fics like his relationships with them are complicated but not blind hate and I love when he’s competitive and also I love when writers delve into his past addiction and trauma and let him heal
Kevin: I love love love to see him get to be nerdy or talk about his other interests outside of Exy and I don’t like when he is like a crazy health nut womp womp
23. Favorite picture (fanart) of this character
Aaron: this art altered my brain chemistry to the fullest extent of that phrase
Kevin: this one and this one tbh even though I don’t really ship kevneil
24. What characters from my other fandoms do they remind me of
Aaron: regulus black
Kevin: maybe remus lupin idk kevin day you are an anomaly my little disaster boy
25. My first impression vs now
Aaron: I was really fucking confused by the Twinyard switch the first time and now he is my fucking baby live laugh Aaron Minyard
Kevin: I thought he was the love interest for most of the first book until I looked up andriel LMAO and now he is babygirl and I love him so much (even more so after reading TSC)
Thank you again for letting me rant about these stupid little idiots I adore <3
Character ask game here
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
GHOOOOST as much as maroon has taken over every single brain cell of mine, i can’t seem to stop thinking about 24 hours!eddie and reader lately! they still got me on a chokehold!
i was just thinking, like in the long run, were they endgame? i know they’re head over heels for each other but like.....are they in it for the long haul? what would happen if like the topic of getting married or having kids was brought up, how are they both going to react? 👀
i’m not asking or forcing you to write a blurb out of this or anything so please don’t feel pressured, i’m genuinely just curious about their lore!!! 😭 and i also miss them so much lmao might end up re-reading the series again while waiting for the next maroon chapter ❤️❤️❤️
anyway i luv u and i hope you’re having a great day!
wanna know a secret? they definitely still live rent free in my mind as well.
they were definitely end game in the long haul of things. in my mind, it's actually funny, because i've thought about them watching their friends constantly getting into relationships and those relationships constantly ending, and yet they're still there and going strong as ever while everyone is just like "...what the fuck?"
nancy and johnathan would probably end up breaking up in the twenty four hours universe. that's actually canon based on a sequel idea i had. like, we're talking not very long after the events of the main fic. nancy would go to reader and probably rant in the midst of her heartbreak "i just don't get it. i thought me and johnathan - we were gonna make it, you know? i thought we had the perfect relationship. and, no offense, but compared to you and eddie, we did." (which she obviously doesn't mean, but she's just hurt and projecting. we all know nancy was a number one reader x eddie shipper). and reader could grow insecure about it and overthink, but when she ends the day getting to gossip all about it to eddie, he just scoffs and said "excuse me? what the hell does that mean? out of spite, we're definitely gonna end up growing old together. gonna mock them from across the retirement home as i kiss all your wrinkles. that'll show them." and she's just reminded that, oh, yeah. it doesn't matter what other people think. this is her idiot for the long haul. and spoiler: it isn't spite keeping them together. it's the way eddie looks at reader like she painted the night sky just for him. it's the way eddie is the first person reader wants to talk to in nearly every scenario, the way he's the first person her eyes draw to in every room no matter how crowded. they bicker endlessly, they aren't always acting the most lovesick and nauseatingly affectionate with each other in front of others, and there's certainly been plenty of fights where the gang holds their breath for the announcement of a breakup, but they always find a way to make it through. always. they're one of those couples, ya know?
and i could also ramble about the whole marriage/kid discussion, but i actually had a short one shot about it i wanted to write! i think i've avoided posting any of the excess content i had planned for them because i don't want to beat a dead horse, you know? it's been over a year now, and even though i love and adore them, i don't want to seem like i'm milking that universe haha. if that's something y'all would like to see now even though it's been so long, i am finally out of my funk with writing them and could probably post some of those one shots! especially because the way they go about conversations like kids/marriage is so fuckin funny to me.
i luv you even more, and hope you have the most wonderful of days, friend <3 thank you for not letting one, but TWO??? of my stories take up residency in your thoughts. it means the world to me and i'm giving you all the hugs and forehead kisses <3
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seeingivy · 2 months
bsfs older brother sukuna asks!!!
there were so many I had to put them all in one 😭 thank you for all the love guys u give me the giggles
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PLEASE. i'm so sorry i caused a panic w/ my ao3. to be honest, i just put a random number when i made the fic - rest assured there's still a handful of chapter to come!
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PLEASE. WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY. y/n also makes sukuna a spooky basket for halloween
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wait....wait this is literally the most insane thing ever 😭 DELICATELY WRITTEN IS LITERALLY SUCH A SWEET THING TO SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH.
and honestly i'm so glad the characters feel relatable!!! im glad it comes off as something that's real enough to be relatable and comforting!!! and girls with complicated relationships with their sisters rise with that sammy chapter bc.....
sukuna backstory with his dad...oh im sick to my stomach!
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the trajectory of this fic gives me the giggles. i did a poll of what i should write next and randomly threw sukuna in there for kicks and....here we are like thirteen chapters later? and i'm literally planning another sukuna fic? he is dangerous
they will stay as cute as they are! I refuse to break them up now like that's illegal
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reading about y/n losing her virginity at easter family lunch....as you should
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT....ME AND MY OOC SUKUNA AGAINST THE WORLD!!!!!!! you're so not pushy and i'm so so glad that you're enjoying what i write and feeling all the feels with me
i hope you had a great easter!
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@pickuptruck01 ....sure did
like i've been thinking about it for the past few days w/ songs/tweets/etc the way i write method acting. like genuinely its kind of a silly fic but they're both in a pr relationship but they also have 0 media training and are blunt....like he's rude she is ALSO rude and they're like both trying to annoy each other while fake dating but they also like each other hehe
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THIS IS SO FUNNY STOP IT. he would buy it for her and then refuse to let her hold it because he thinks she will burn their apartment down
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wait this is SOOOOO TRUE. in general, i love that song so much but the prechorus is actually so them its crazy
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this is not a bsfs older brother sukuna ask but I included it....wasn't planning on a roommate sukuna but I am thinking about wriitng it as a one shot bc that chatper of roommates is like one of the most popular things ive ever written on my entire blog LOL
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thedollface221b · 1 year
just read your mr jelly fic holy shit it’s brilliant. you’re an amazing writer. i didn’t realise you’re also the author of the inside no 9 misdirection fic, ive been reading that one over and over for the past few months now and it is *chef’s kiss*. do u happen to know any other mr jelly fics (or any fics about reece’s characters in general)? this is such a weird, disturbing niche - can’t believe i’m attracted to a shitty middle aged clown with one hand lol. anyway hope ur well! <3
Thank you so much for your kind words! Unfortunately Mr Jelly fics seem to be extremely hard to find 😢 (which is kind of why I wrote my own - had to indulge my own sick filth, lol).
I'm glad you enjoyed the Misdirection fic as well. You may have already read it, but I also wrote a fic about Ollie Plimsolls, which you can find here:
There definitely needs to be more fic about Reece's characters! I want to write more but my mental health has been screwing with me so my motivation has been sucking recently. But yeah, basically he lives in my head rent-free, lol.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
the way your marvolo lives in my head so rent free that i accidently wrote him in my fic bc i wholeass forgot he's not actually canonly ominis' brother
your writing is fantastic, and i always enjoy ur audios (even if i did choke on my tea the other day when the words soggy biscuit appeared on my dash) thank u so much for all ur contributions to the thirsty fandom that is us <3
I've had so many people tell me that now in their head my version of Marvolo is just canon for them, Like he's always been there, even though he isn't. 🤣💚 which is really nice to hear.
Oh god yeah hahaha, sometimes I just wanna be gross! 🤣🤣
Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️
I'll be here for the long run I imagine 😁💚💜💚
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yaesnovels · 1 year
read ur kaveh smut and i just wanna say we need more kaveh content !! i am so down bad for him since hes so pretty, was wondering if you could write another kaveh fic (could be smut or not) where him and the reader are together while alhaitham isnt at home so kaveh shows you around? if that makes sense sskskks its all up to you!! and thank u <3
. "well, there goes the moment" !
cw; none, just an innocent make out sesh before alhaitham interrupts you two
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“well, this is my current place”, kaveh led you inside the home alhaitham kindly let him stay for a cheap rent, considering the architect had some troubles with his finances at the time. “it’s nothing really special, and my roommate isn’t home, so don’t feel shy at all. it’s just us.” 
for some reason, that kind of made everything more interesting. looking around the house, you noticed some art hanging on the walls, looking at your boyfriend who just shrugged. “hey, he was living in a completely dull and decoration-free house. i needed to step in”, he laughed, to which you could only giggle as you shook your head. the place was absolutely decorated in kaveh’s style – and knowing stoic alhaitham, you could only assume the scribe and acting grand sage was not impressed. 
“so, what do you think of doing tonight? i don’t think alhaitham will be able to wrap up his work quickly – i saw the piles of paperwork he has to finish”, kaveh chuckled, “so we are completely alone for at least a couple of hours.”
being alone with kaveh has been a rare occasion so far, being fairly new into your relationship and only dating for a couple of weeks. so, him innocently saying you’ll be alone for a while just made you happy because you had been thinking of initiating something for quite some time. 
the moment you sat on his lap on the couch and had your legs wrapped around his waist, he knew that you were plotting something. “hey, hey. you think you’re ready for this?”, he asked, making sure you don’t rush into something you’re still unsure of. 
“mhm, i think so. it just feels right”, you mumbled as you leaned down to kiss him softly, kaveh was absolutely into it immediately. he was deepening the kiss, arm around your shoulder as he just pulled you closer to himself. 
“if it does, then i’m glad”, he chuckled as he let go of the kiss for a moment to catch his breath. “i love you.” 
his voice was soft, a big smile on his lips before he leaned back forward and kissed you again, this time a little bit more intense from the start, quickly getting obsessed with the feeling and taste of having your lips on his. 
kissing you had always been one of the things he loved doing the most, being close to you, showering you in his love and affection for you. and now that you two were alone for the first time in a while, he sure as hell was going to take advantage of that. 
that was until alhaitham decided to come back home early, having kaveh groan in annoyance and you – quite embarrassed – sitting next to kaveh on the couch, burying your head against his neck. 
“hello to you, too”, alhaitham chuckled, placing a pile of papers on his desk. “i thought it would be better to work from home tonight. i think that was a great idea.” 
“definitely”, kaveh rolled his eyes, getting up before he pulled you up, too. “let’s head to my room, yeah?” you nodded as a reply, not trusting your voice before you waved at alhaitham, who was still smugly smirking at kaveh, successfully having pissed the architect off, before you were pulled inside the room by an impatient kaveh. 
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i need to admit, i'm not necessarily satisfied with this but i just couldn't get myself to write smut for this, it just didn't feel fitting for some reason, i hope that's okay nonnie!
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queer-cosette · 2 months
AO3 tag game
Thank you for the tag @apopcornkernel my love kissing u /p
how many works do you have on ao3?
45 right now!
what's your total ao3 word count?
According to my stats page, 781,604! Holy smokes, Batman!
what fandoms do you write for?
Right now, mainly Heathers, but I've also written for Les Misérables, Derry Girls, Monster High, Miraculous Ladybug, Total Drama, Equestria Girls, and Rainbow High, and have posted some original work on AO3 too (mostly poetry).
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
mArinette (a Miraculous Ladybug easy A AU)
today I woke up wanting to kiss you (plotless Duncney fluff)
Cute Boys With Short Haircuts (Miraculous Ladybug angsty one-sided identity reveal)
Mistlejoke (Miraculous Ladybug christmas fluff)
Waitin' on the Sunrise (shameless fluffy JDonica porn with plot)
do you respond to comments?
I try to lol. Usually I'll respond in batches because executive dysfunction is The Worst
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, does original poetry count? Because if so, Kathryn, a midlength poem I wrote about Kathryn Howard the fifth wife of Henry VIII who was beheaded between the ages of 17 and 22. Or maybe these are times that can’t be weathered (and we have never been back there since then), a story about a Miraculous OC discovering Hawkmoth’s identity.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Personally, I think it’s The Dark Gate, part four of my Les Mis Winx Club AU. The happy ending is really earned and needed.
do you get hate on fics?
Not really since I stopped regularly writing for Miraculous Ladybug. Boy, that was a wild experience. The fandom was really big at the time and it was the post-Season 3 salt era, so Opinions were both abundant and poor in quality.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes indeed! I was born on the run (but I’ll die holding your hand) and Waitin’ on the Sunrise are both JDonica smut fics that I am very very proud of! They’re… very fluffy. You know that rule about how you see in fandom the stuff that was missing from the source material? Look, I just want my awful blorbos to be happy. And also to bang a lot.
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Does On Se Sent Comme Par Magie count? It’s really more fusion fic, it’s the characters of Les Mis living out the plot of Winx Club. Look, it just… it made sense in my head, y’know?
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know, and I hope it never happens!
have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I did write an English translation of a fic I wrote in my native Scots! Never posted it, though.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have tried and miserably failed. I just can’t do it, babes.
what's your all time favourite ship?
Probably JDonica. I just… he’d kill for her?? And he does?? Does it get more chewable than that??
what's a WIP you want to finish but sometimes doubt you ever will?
Oh god I haven’t actually written anything for two months. I need to get back to Waitin’ on the Sunrise, The Last Faery on Earth (Part 5 of OSSCPM), and The Mystery Solvers of Derry (Derry Girls SDMI AU).
what are your writing strengths?
According to my beta reader for OSSCPM, readability, characterisation, and cliffhangers.
what are your writing weaknesses?
I’m really bad for run-on sentences - it’s not my fault, okay, I started reading Les Mis when I was sixteen and impressionable, and Victor Hugo did a number on my psyche that I doubt will ever be reversed because unfortunately Vicky Huge-ho lives rent-free in my skull and whispers in my ear to just use more semicolons like the whore he is.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve written in Scots before, which was fun! I kind of want to do it again, but the Plot Bunnies aren’t cooperating right now.
first fandom you wrote for?
I think. Technically. It was a documentary about Sperm Whales that had a really sad ending that I saw when I was six and I wrote a little book that gave it a happier ending, if that counts? If not, probably Equestria Girls. Although, thank god, my early fic experiments are all stored on a hard drive that will never see the light of day again.
favorite fic you've written?
I was born on the run (but I’ll die holding your hand)!! Fluffy JDonica smut for the win!!
tagging: @theladyfae @private-bryan @galahadwilder @swxxtcidxr if yous want to xo
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mayahawkins · 1 year
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no one asked me to list my fav blogs but i’m just gonna make my own end of year follow forever bc i wanna rant abt my talented friends, beloved mutuals, and just people i follow that i have never spoken to but who are such a joy to see on my dash. so, without further ado, maddy’s 2022 follow forever:
@strangeswift abby strangeswift, my beloved. you were the first person i talked to in this fandom and i’m so glad u were bc u are the sweetest most kind person ever. you are so supportive of all your friends and mutuals and u make me wanna be a more outwardly loving and supportive person fr. i remember when u wrote that lil ficlet based on my text post and i’m p sure i almost cried bc i felt so special that someone had been inspired by something i had said to write smth so wonderful. you’re an incredible writer and i am always so excited anytime you post any of your writing. i can’t wait to read more of your fics and am so patiently waiting for MilevenVision (as much as i may bug u for crumbs). i’m so glad to call you a friend <3
@elekinetic ella ella, bonded in shared discord trauma so ur never getting rid of me. i feel so honoured to call you a friend bc you are one of the best people i know. you are so smart and level-headed and loyal as hell to your friends. you are also so kind and you're so deliberate with what you say and how you say it. you defs intimidated me the first few times we talked but now im like oh ya ella, my amazing talented friend ella. your scripts give me so much life. and not just your st ones but your original ones as well. can't wait to one day see "ella elekinetic hexagirl" in movie credits (bc obviously ur last name is ur url). and your OCs?? i have never once become obsessed with someone's OCs the way i can't stop thinking abt yours. that's what you've done to me. you are so incredibly talented and ily <3
@andiwriteordie ANNDDIIIIII ILY FR <3 u are so insanely talented and kind and wonderful. i’m so happy we started talking recently bc u have truly brightened the last few weeks of the year. u got me back into watching merlin so thank u for the pain u will surely cause me as i rewatch this show i haven’t seen in almost a decade. ur fics were some of the first that i read in the byler fandom and that means u will always hold a special place in my heart. i remember the first time i read your let's hear it for the boys series and i was just like omg i'm obsessed with this. i have absolutely adored every single one i’ve read (even though i’m a lil behind on them rn oops but i will catch up) and can’t wait to see what else you write. your atla!au (and the newly brainstormed merlin!au) live in my head rent free and i can’t wait to read them if you write them.
@nnilkyway my fellow emo will truther <3 yvie i love you dearly. you are so incredibly talented i could scream abt ur artwork literally for days. your fanworks and your original art and your doodles are all beautiful and stunning. the day we started talking and you sent me the lil doodle you did of emo will byers i think i actually cried at how much i loved it and that it had come from our conversation about it. i saved it onto my camera roll so i can come back to it easier that's how much i love it. you are also one of the funniest people on here, your tags almost always have me rolling. i can't wait to see what beautiful art you draw in the new year.
@finalgirlbyers sierra lovqbrl madcleradin finalgirlbyers!!!! i know we haven’t talked much but i love seeing u on my dash and u always have the best takes and theories and just posts in general. i know i've said that literally multiple times to you but it cannot be overstated how correct you always are. one of my fav people to follow on here.
people i don't talk to but whose presence is a joy to have on my dash:
@astrobei an absolutely incredible writer that wrote some of my fav fics. one of the best will fics, not all the prayers, that truly is just so unbelievably amazing. like the care that you can just tell went into that fic is just incredible. Some absolutely incredible lines that will punch you right in the gut in the best way possible.
@blueeandyellowmakesgreen jade! one of the coolest people, has some of the most amazing art over on @azuries, like it's actually so amazing and people need to go look at it and reblog it now immediately
@mlchaelwheeler an absolute joy to follow. so many good posts and im fr rooting for mike with a sword in s5 just for her
@elmaxed their fics were some of the first i read in the byler fandom and i absolutely fell in love with them. they hold such a dear place in my heart. also one of the sweetest people fr, one of the first to compliment my gifs and so they are forever in my mind for that <3
@smoosnoom omg their fics!!! are!!!! incredible!!!! so many wonderful fics, i was just looking through my bookmarks and i swear half of them are theirs. the one about mike's will voice has my whole heart.
@wiseatom another lovely fic writer, and one who titles her fics with taylor swift lyrics bc she Gets It!!! also one of the sweetest people in the fandom, always seems to be supporting other people.
@kidovna one of the most talented artists in this fandom oh my GOD. i cannot praise her and her art enough idk how what else to even say besides amazing incredible talented showstopping
@byeler wrote one of my all time fav fics, Heavy Hopes, with my beloved trope, oblivious jealous mike, which is truly *chef's kiss*. such a good writer like it cannot be overstated
@ice-sculptures a truly amazing gifmaker. gifs so many little byler moments that are so precious that i've definitely missed when watching the show.
@william-byers an absolutely incredible gif maker. taylor swift and stranger things together on one blog, what more could you want?
@padme-amidala makes some of the most beautiful gifs ever oh my goodness, her gifs are part of what inspired me to start making gifs and to challenge my gifmaking. i hope to one day be as good as she is.
@robiinbuckley also makes some of the most beautiful gifs, literally in awe of her gifs. also inspired my gifmaking journey and has inspired me to challenge myself when it comes to gifmaking.
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