#the first i watched was markiplier and it took a good while to understand him bc of the soft/very fluent way he speaks
coffee-bat · 2 years
TWD is a great show but it’s definitely a commitment! There’s lots of spin off from the original series now too. I highly recommend it tho :)
oh yeah judging by just the first ep this is gonna be a LONG one lmao
i really like it so far, thank you for the rec!! also may i add the acting is unexpectedly PHENOMENAL, as in literally first time in my life that my autistic ass has felt the intense emotional moments (namely the breakdown when rick finds his house is empty, and then the other guy (whose name either wasn't given or i didn't understand bc of the accent, boutta check on the wiki) trying to kill the zombie of his wife) together with the characters. unexpected but really really good.
#the special effects are also really good considering they're non-cgi#really impressive all around def gonna keep watching#ask#still getting used to the accents though so i don't yet fully understand all that's being said 😔#i hate how much i struggle with this kinda southern(???) accent that african-american characters (and people) often have#which like isn't a race thing it's just very uhhh- fluent? mumbly? and i sometimes find it hard to understand#working on it though#been trying to improve by listening to ytbers of like all possible ethnicities so i can learn to get used to very different accents#and it works perfectly if i listen to ONE person for a while#but if it's two people with completely different speech styles talking my brain can't switch fast enough and i end up understanding only l#like one of them#//i remember my first time ever doing this was when i was just entering the phase when i started LISTENING to foreign ytbers instead of#only reading english#the first i watched was markiplier and it took a good while to understand him bc of the soft/very fluent way he speaks#then i tried watching jacksepticeye and i AGAIN couldn't understand shit#so i watched him for a while and learned to understand through his accent#then i tried watching mark again and it was back to status quo i didn't understand shit 💀#eventually i decided to 'exercise' by watching them interchangeably (one mark vid - one jack vid - one mark vid so on) to learn to switch#faster#and after like a few weeks i was finally good at it and no longer really have the 'delay'#at least when listening to someone talk for a longer time#in the tv show i still struggle bc it's like one line person1 - one line person2 - back to person1 so on#and i can't switch fast enough so i have to understand a good share of what's happening only from visual cues#working on it but oug. wish there was a subtitles option#//lmao sorry about the accent/language rant it's just been on my mind#and ig it's relevant to my experience watching the show so.
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seabysiren · 1 year
141 Task Force Streamer AU!!!
the ghost force channel began with just you and Simon in the beginning. simon came to you with a proposal after hearing some of his coworkers chatting idly on their break.
simon works his ass off since graduation. he had to. to get him mom out of that hell hole. to help his drug addict of a brother.
normally he would’ve rolled his eyes at the slackers, but the conversation caught his interest. that someone could make a living off of playing video games and whatever else. (he had to search up markiplier and pewdiepie to fully understand)
simon had to ask you about the idea. he wasn’t the best versed in technology, nor did he have good, working computer. (each time he booted up the old hand me down laptop it sounded like it was about to blast off into space.)
you had jumped at the idea. you nodded happily as he slowly explained what he had overheard. then shyly asked if he could borrow your pc.
it was kinda funny though. simon would whip out his glasses and squint at the screen as you taught him the basics of how to video record and download games.
when you first opened the editing software he just slowly looked at you. blinking slowly like a cat. there was no way he was gonna be able to understand all this.
so you promised you would learn just for him.
it took a few recordings of you and him messing around to finally get him comfortable talking into a microphone. because this man doesn’t talk. he just sits in silence and observes most of the time.
you jokingly call him grandpa. in return he just gives you this dead stare.
it took a lot of time to think about the channel name. simon didn’t want it to sound dumb, nor too try hard. (you teased him about the new lingo)
he settled with ghost. because if this didn’t work out, he would just disappear. and because this was a side gig, something bound to fail.
you tacked on force at the end because you knew. you knew that whoever was going to watch his first video is gonna be a simp. I mean, have you heard his voice??
the first video recording was around thirty minutes of good old minecraft. seemed popular enough. and paired with simon’s deep voice and his dry humor, it was all set to go.
you reassuringly rubbed his back when he posted the first video. you could see in his eyes and from the way he wrung his hands he was a bit nervous.
that same day you ushered him home to rest.
that same night was when it began.
the simping.
you had to filter the majority of the comments in the beginning because you just didn’t have the heart to show him all the thirsty comments about his raspy, deep voice.
he was just happy to have a bit of extra cash. that he didn’t have to work himself to the bone if this channel grew.
and grew it did.
not only was everyone really liking his voice, but also his dry ass humor and dark jokes. coupled with the fact that for some reason he was really good at learning game mechanics, you were able to easily record and edit.
him angrily clicking on the red bed and being told there’s monsters nearby.
“good night moon. good night tree. good night zombie that i cant see but i fucking know you’re there.”
fucking hates dating sims. but his audience thinks it’s funny for him to dryly play the protagonist.
“goddamn it i dont wanna fuckin’ talk to you ya bloody muppet.”
he’s not allowed to play dream daddy anymore from the pure frustration that radiates off him. that and because you don’t want his blood pressure to rocket.
loves lying and tricking his viewers. makes up the most absurd background information about himself because he just thinks it’s funny.
“i wasn’t born for this fuckin romance. i was born for politics. been told i have great hair and i love lying.”
you chime in every once in a while and have funny little text chat comments. especially when you have a counter about the amount of times he insults something with the word muppet.
he’s british. his accent is too powerful for the simps. there are too many videos making fun of his british-ness. next video title is called damn Americans reviewing all their stupidity in return.
you call his fan base little poltergeists because damn do they make a tonna noise. their so vocal about his voice and dry humor. that and because they love clowning on him.
he gets bullied for playing valorant instead of apex. in return he mops the floor with anyone who stream snipes his games.
loves mystery games. and action games. anything in general he can shoot and lie and absolutely destroy other players
he’s a little too good at among us to be healthy.
overall 10/10 recommend coparenting a channel together with simon.
ps he’s known for this one quote that went viral.
“im going to defeat you with the power of friendship… and this knife I just found.”
part II
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zannolin · 1 year
Hiya! I have heard SO much about Resident Evil recently and I am so curious about it (specifically Ethan Winters. Apparently he's babygirl?) But I'm not sure if there's a best way to start learning the overall lore and stuff, do you have any suggestions?
rubs hands SO. yes he is babygirl he is failwife he is cringedad he is the world's most dedicated husband and i would die for him ANYWAY.
so resident evil's overarching story as a whole has been going on since 1998 with the first game (resident evil) and has about 8-10 main games (8 officially numbered), a bunch of minor titles, some manga, a bajillion movies, couple animated series, even a few stage plays. a lot of these are actually canonical and story-relevant, but the nice thing about resident evil 7 and resident evil 8 (also known as RE biohazard and RE village) is they are more isolated from the rest of the resident evil universe. i've seen them referred to as the ethan winters duology so that's what i've been defaulting to lately. ethan is a new character to the universe and re7 redefined and revitalized basically the entire franchise because of the new direction it took (mold and stuff as opposed to zombies and politics). SO you can watch/play them without having to watch/play the other games, and you'll only be a little bit confused by chris redfield and the umbrella lore that gets dropped in the not a hero dlc for 7.
how i went about it was i actually just pulled up markiplier's resident evil playthroughs, which included the remakes of 2 and 3 as well as 7 and 8 because i tried to watch 8 (solely for the vampire lady—how far my interest has come) but was confused and going "oh so this is connected to previous games? guess i have to watch all of them" (you didn't, zanna, but oh well). i watched 2 and 3 and read a timeline summary up to 7, then watched 7 and 8. that worked fine for me, and it also works fine if you don't really know anything about the previous games honestly, there's not a lot of overlap so it's pretty easy to understand. it's like how you can read the six of crows duology without ever reading the grishaverse trilogy—the trilogy will inform you on things, but you cna understand the duology just fine without it (speaking from experience lmao).
if you JUST want to try the ethan winters duology, here's mark's re7 playlist and here's his re8 playlist. i admittedly do not watch any gaming youtubers except markiplier and game theory at this point in my life, so i can't recommend other people's playthroughs though i think i might have heard good things about jacksepticeye? idk. for both of those it includes the DLC, and i recommend at least watching 7's not a hero and end of zoe DLCs since they're story continuations, and definitely shadows of rose for village because it obliterated me and got me into this franchise finally. if you end up wanting to explore beyond that, again mark has played the remakes of 2 and 3 and also here's this 3 hour long timeline summary of all the canon material that i watched the other night while crocheting.
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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(Referenced Letter)
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Fixed! Sorry about that. Gotta get back into the habit of looking out for that.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Ajanisapprentice,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: That would be me and aside from the man part (I’m leaving my gender anonymous)... I guess? 
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Co-Mod and I are the oldest and I’m 31.
Mod Franziska: and i’m the youngest i’m 13
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Iamnotthensa,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Maybe? Not in a bad way. Your dog is cute and what’s wrong with simping for an AA character? I simp hard for these asses.
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In fact, I simp for Kazuma so hard that I purposely gave myself penalties just so he could be savage to me and kick my ass. Even Modthorne questioned my sanity. Believe me, I totally get it. I would not mind if Kazuma or Edgeworth killed me. I’d write some simp letters to Kazuma but I’m not sure how Co-Mod and Mod Justice would answer them. Then again, the idea is tempting if it means riling up Kazzy.
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I know, I need help.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I don’t see why not. I consider it an open secret that Susato was meant to be Ryunosuke’s future wife. I figured that understanding their relationship depends heavily on reading the air. 
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Of course, there is the age gap but the way I see it is that it was a different time when no one knew the affects or harm that came from adolescent girls marrying this early. This also took place at a time when you were expected to work at the coal mines and factories at the age of 7 to 8 and society was much more strict on marriage. In other words, you were either arranged to be married or it had to be agreed upon by family. 
Not saying it’s okay for a 16 year old girl to marry a guy that’s 23-24. Many things were condoned back then that I would never tolerate today. However, we do need to understand that times, views, culture and moralities were different back then than today. People were very ignorant and are still ignorant today. I’m sure in a hundred years, people will look back and think, “oh wow, I can’t believe they allowed that kind of shit to happen in 2022.” Hopefully, Susato and Ryunosuke can wait for a few more years before they hitch. Considering how serious marriage was treated and that you were ostracized if you had sex outside of marriage, hopefully they won’t be married for another few years.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Thank you and Happy... erm Eid Ul Adha Day. 
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It’s a good thing I’m typing because I doubt I’d pronounce that correctly.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I have no idea what you’re talking about or what this means? Mods, can you understand what this means?
Mod Franziska: no because I can’t understand half of what he’s saying sometimes.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Bruh,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Ah, okay. Thanks for the explanation.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Miraz van Nohrr,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Modot is the founder and it was originally him and Modthorne. They have since retired. Co-Mod is the only one that has worked with them and has been here the longest. Not since Day 1, but for quite a number of years. 
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Modot does pop in once in a blue moon and Modthorne has written some letters. She does livestreaming and some music, while also popping in at our Discord. 
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Hm? Did you say something?
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Dear Miraz van Nohrr,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I have written letters under anonymous about it being Kazuma due to him being a prosecutor, but those do not coordinate to what the blog considers canon.
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Going by canon alone, it could be either one or neither. All we know is that Genshin’s pupil was the first von Karma or Karuma. Anything that comes from that are just headcanons.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I did and I think Co-Mod did. It was a fun and interesting game that was a wonderful callback to dating sims games.
Co-Mod: Yep!  I watched Jacksepticeye and Markiplier play it first out of morbid curiosity, then decided to go ahead and play it for myself (if only because it was free).  It hit me kind of like Danganronpa -- the characters are adorable and relatable, but the story...
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Mod Franziska: It came out in third grade for me and my friend asked me if I knew what it was and I said no. Then she was like well don’t play it and she wouldn’t tell me why I shouldn’t play it so you know what I did?? I played it. I also have the just monika mod installed.
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(These three letters)
(Referenced Link)
Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I was confused by the article as stated on here. 
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I did change the answers somewhat but they’re very awkward. Thankfully, the article you provided was much more straightforward than the article linked in the letters. So, thanks.
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Dear Vivyn,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I purposely waited for this one to be at the bottom of the inbox before answering it because I wasn’t sure at the time. 
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At the time I got this, your letter was still inside the inbox piled full of letters but I remember answering this one now. You send us a good chunk of letters, so I’d keep track of which ones you send first and go by then. If a letter you sent a day or so after an  unanswered letter is answered, give it a week at least. Nine times out of ten one of our mods just scrolled through the bottom of the inbox and answered a couple of them that were easier to answer from there.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Miraz van Nohrr,
Co-Mod: That’s technically true.  Ehehe...
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I figure that, since we already pretend everything in the real world also exists in the Ace Attorney universe (not including a few historical events, such as Pearl Harbor), there’s no reason why we can’t have a few things from other universes exist there as well.  I even made a certain Ultimate Musician a foreign exchange student in Khura’in a few months ago.  Take that however you will.
- The Mods
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smiledog15578 · 3 years
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Before I sleep I just wanted to post these since I feel like to understand the situation better
First image: shitty as it sounds this thing he took from one of my posts was from blue shaded. Some dude who just loves to complain about everything any youtuber does like youtubers are supposed to be saints it’s just weird. Anyways ~ I’ve said this before but Ty was blocked during this time so obviously he was stalking and he KNEW it was him cause I knew he was talking shit. However I didn’t say his name so him getting butthurt really says something that he thought it was about him (and it was! But if I didn’t wanna say his name cause 1. I respected his privacy at the time and 2. I knew he would do this ☠️
Second image: I knew exactly what the fuck he was talking about. I say this because me and a friend saw him talking about it WITH HIS NAME HANDLE ON IT so you kinda fucked your self over with this one FR. If you want to see what he said it’s on one of @chatterghosts ‘s post I reblogged it so it’s probably below this one. I also find it funny that he thought I got it from Nate and Nate (why y’all named the same that’s so funny omg SORRY OFF TRACK) when I did but also like- blue shaded isn’t a private account you can see that shit in plain sight👁👁 hello. Also of course Nate knows the full story cause he told me AFTER you had this conversation and he told me everything but anyways 🎊
Third image: that’s probably a load of bs cause after you talked shit about Ethan you talked shit about jack. Not only that you FEED on this behavior. When I was in the discord you always talked shit about jack and nit picked over the smallest faults he’s made. You being associated with blue even ONCE tells me that you are attracted to these people (not romantically obviously but you get my point). Then we go onnn about me leaving the discord. Like I had the choice to tell you? I knew you’d talk shit about me if I told you why I left and if I lied you’d find out so I did the right thing and just left for good. I blocked ty on almost every platform I knew of and ghosted that mf (like I stated earlier, he found my only account I forgot to block him because I blocked him on the rest of my accounts🤡 I’ve met too many people who will do everything to find my other accounts just so they can have their say instead of just idk... maybe leaving that person alone?). A lot of my friends told me to leave ty with a LOT of evidence and personal experiences so this wasn’t just something I did on a whim. I took the courage to do it and I’m glad I did.
Fourth image: ANOTHER BS THING. I know damn well you simped for Mark so obviously you stood up to him the most. When I was being harrassed for liking Mark and how he’s a neo Nazi (? I still think that’s utter bullshit and also what’s up with mfs assuming every German last named mf is a Nazi like dude he’s a minority why would he be a Nazi- anyways) ty was saying so much stuff about how marks a good guy and while I do agree ty kept doing this a lot. Mark was his jesus to his crazy Christian after all. He babied Mark in a weird way like I get it I get that way too but I know that Mark is a grown ass man and he has to defend himself I’m not his momma and I’m not going to be a pokimane simp to him. In one of his rants about Ethan he said that Ethan was mooching off of unus annus like HELLO?? Ethan was apart of unus annus he should be proud of it? Plus it’s not like Mark hasn’t done the same thing and of course ty hasn’t said anything about Mark cause again Mark is a saint to him so not surprising. Ethan HARDLY gets credit for being apart if unus annus so I’m glad he gets to gloat about it because bruh if I did something like that I’d be promoting it and milking it it’s YouTube what do you expect- I feel like most people in this fandom treats Ethan as Mark’s sidekick like idk he didn’t also did as much as Mark? And I don’t even WATCH Ethan as much as Mark and I think this mf deserves more credit. The Markiplier has this weird double standard between youtubers idk I just find it odd as hell. Like the time pokimane came onto cloak and everyone calling her a slut? And whore? Like bruh I hate her but come on how low can you fuckin go. THERES a lot of bs in this fandom I could talk about after being in it for 6 years but that’s for another time❤️. the way ty says “I’m sorry what I said about Ethan made YOU upset” just sounds like “I’m sorry what I said made you feel that way :/“. It’s like what he said he doesn’t even recognize was wrong and doesn’t even care that what of he might of said was insensitive and just plain not in his lane to say that shit.
Fifth image: um what 😀 I was already out of the discord so do it yourself? Like yea lemme just ask to come back in and delete them🏃‍♂️- like no fuck you maybe you shouldn’t have treated people like shit I would of but no that’s your problem now. Also bruh my BLOG? I’ve never posted shit that I’ve had from the discord (aka discord screenshots) unless I forgot but from the looks of it he’s probably implying to delete my art from my blog😀. No bitch this is my blog you damn dictator I’ll delete something when I want to you’re not my parents. Also I hate this parenting attitude he has about how I have to do it 😐. Bruh you are a 20 year old man who likes Markiplier from the Internet I don’t gotta do shit HFHFJBJBJ. My final wish was to leave you loser for good but I see sore losers don’t like to see their teammates leave for their shitty behavior lolz.
TLDR: bitches ain’t SHIT this dude has serious abandonment issues over at the time 16 year old who doesn’t even know them irl
I’d like to say I didn’t bring up the actual things people who’ve talked to me about their personal experiences cause that’s for them to speak up about and that’s their private information. I’m only talking about my experience with this creep. Like I stated before I’m sick of this dude on my dick and bring up old fights that should of been resolved like a real mature adult but I guess a 17 year old has to finish this shit and many others.
I would go on more about the Ethan situation but you’ve heard me yak a whole essay of bs so I’ll leave that on hold (unless you wanna talk about it hmu 😏) idk if I should put this in the Markiplier tag cause this isn’t really a Big M problem but more of the cesspool of the fandom problem but I just want y’all Markiplier fans to watch out for this dude and I mean it PLEASE
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franklyshipping · 4 years
Practice Makes Perfect ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @silvlee-shepherd 
Harold B. Darrensworth liked to think he was in the know about a great many things. Colour co-ordination, how to be punctual without fail, how to hoover and dust correctly, and especially when it came to the laws of the land. However, there were still so many things that he wanted to know and understand, especially now that he lived with this strange myriad of a community wherein half of the people had the same face that he did. They were a very social bunch, and slowly but surely Harold was trying to be social too, and there was one particular activity that bonded this community more than anything else. Tickling.
Now unfortunately, Harold didn’t have much experience when it came to social cues and experiences and the like, tickling included, and he desperately wanted to learn about these things! Mainly, he wanted to learn how to tickle someone properly so he could partake in making his fellow egos happy….as well as to maybe persuade them to do a few extra chores around the manor. So Harold had decided to seek out someone who he figured would be an expert, someone who had been on the receiving end of every single tickler in the household. The great hero himself, Silver Shepherd. Harold decided to head to the hero’s room first, and luckily the hero was in, lying on his bed and just relaxing his day away. Harold took a light breath, before knocking on the door.
‘A-Ahem, Silver? It’s Harold, might I come in?’
Silver sat up with a smile, and called out.
‘Yeah of course! What’s up bud?’
Harold smiled at how jovial Silver was as he entered and shut the door behind him, and he beamed gratefully when Silver patted the bed, inviting him to sit. Harold sat by him as he replied.
‘I am very well….but I am in need of some help with something, and I think that you may be the only person who can assist me.’
Silver’s eyes widened in curiosity, and he immediately perked up, giving Harold his full attention. Whenever anyone needed help, they always became Silver’s top priority.
‘Of course, what can I help with? Whatever it is I’ll do my very best to do whatever I can!’
Harold smiled, because Silver never ceased to be the most selfless person in the room. Harold took a breath, before replying.
‘I require help….with tickling.’
Silver’s face went a little bit pink from hearing that ah….word, but he tried to keep his cool as he cleared his throat.
‘Uh ti-….t-tickling?’
Harold nodded, and cleared his throat as he elaborated.
‘Yes, tickling. It has become incredibly clear to me that tickling is the most prominent social interaction that we, the egos, tend to be involved in with one another. Now, I know that I do enjoy it, but I have very little experience when it comes to actually administering tickling on somebody else. I want to learn how I can tickle properly so that I may interact with people more, since even though practically everyone is a disorganised, lawless mess, I do enjoy everybody very much.’
Silver’s expression softened a he listened, and he almost felt ready to cry at how Harold wanted to put so much effort into interacting with people properly and being more social, because he knows how daunting that can be for someone who hasn’t been used to people for a long time. Silver beamed at him encouragingly, because he so badly wanted to help.
‘That’s such a sweet goal, and I really want to help! What is it that you’d like me to do?’
Now, Silver was expecting Harold to ask him to perhaps tickle him and show him different tickling techniques….but Silver’s blush ended up darkening when Harold replied with his suggestion.
‘Well, logically if I am to be an adept tickler I must practise on somebody. This person must be incredibly ticklish, enjoy being tickled, and have had experience receiving tickling from every potential other tickler in the household. You, Silver, are by far the most tickled ego by my calculations, so I can think of no-one better to hone my skills upon! I believe you will be able to properly advise me on my techniques and warn me against doing anything that is accidentally inappropriate or not part of tickling etiquette. Will you help me by letting me tickle you?’
Harold was looking at Silver hopefully, fidgeting with his shirt sleeves as he watched Silver gape and descend into thought. Well, in truth Silver was trying to just process all his flustered feelings that had arisen from the unintentional teasy things that Harold had said to him. Of course though, Silver was certainly not going to say no to being tickled, especially since it was for such a good cause! So, after a few moments, Silver smiled bashfully and nodded, and tried (and failed) to keep his stammers at bay.
‘W-Wehell I-….I-I’d l-love to help…..o-of course you can t-….tickle me Harold.’
Harold gasped, and practically started wriggling with elation as he replied in a frantic, excited manner.
‘Oh-thank you! Thank you so much! You won’t regret this! Ah, how do we begin, can we begin now?!’
Silver giggled endearingly at Harold’s cute excitement, before replying with an excited smile of his own.
‘Yeheah yeah we can, o-okay so uhm….I-I’m going to lie down, a-and you should probably just sit on my legs so uhm….s-so you have a good vantage point….’
Harold eagerly replied, and waited for Silver to lie back down properly before he took off his shoes and then carefully perched himself on top of Silver’s thighs. Harold got himself settled, before looking down at Silver brightly.
‘Is this comfortable for you Silver?’
Silver smiled and nodded up at him.
‘Yeah, yeah it’s good. Also that’s really good of you, asking after my wellbeing, that’s a-always really important.’
Harold beamed at the fact that he’d already done something right, and made a mental note of the factor, before Silver continued.
‘But the uh, the most important thing is actually knowing when to stop, so that the whole thing stays fun and perfect. So, generally the person being uh….t-tickled will choose a special word. A short word that, i-if they say it, is the point blank sign to stop, no matter what. B-Because a lot of the time t-ticklees will say the word “stop” r-reflexively, without a-actually meaning it.’
Harold happily nodded along, taking in all the new information with great interest and care, since he was so eager to learn.
‘That makes excellent sense, prioritising safety in the situation, I like that very much! What is your special stop word?’
‘Mine is Red.’
Silver replied with a giddy smile as Harold nodded, before Harold started rolling up his sleeves.
‘Red, noted! So is there a certain place I should begin at, or may I start to tickle at any place I choose? Also, are there any places that you do not wish me to touch? Aside from obvious intimate areas of course.’
Silver replied with a bright giggle.
‘Yohou can start wherever y-you want uhm….there’s nowhere that makes me uncomfortable a-as such but ah, i-if you decide to g-go near my navel y-you need to be extra c-careful. If you’re t-too rough then i-it can be really unpleasant.’
Harold smiled in understanding, he understood very well that some tickle spots can be so hyper-sensitive that anything other than a feather touch can be horrible. He replied in a caring voice.
‘Since I am as of yet inexperienced I shall avoid your bellybutton, so there is no chance of me making you uncomfortable. Okay….hmm…..where to start where to start….’
Harold spoke reassuringly, before trailing off with a murmur, and Silver now started to squirm as Harold’s analytical eyes gently flicked over his body. Harold took a good few moments to think, just because there were so many potential tickle spots on the human body that it was very hard to pick where to start! Then though, Harold decided on a simple methodology, and smiled and clapped his hands.
‘Alright, I shall simply start from the top and work my way down!’
Silver let out a gasp when Harold then reached for him, and started stroking up and down the sides of his neck experimentally with his fingertips. Of course, with Silver being Silver, he started to giggle immediately.
‘O-Ohohoho my g-gohohosh….’
Harold beamed at Silver’s reaction, his eyes lighting up at the fact that he’d already made Silver giggle and they’d barely freaking begun the tickling!
‘My goodness, you’re already giggling! So you’re ticklish here?’
Silver nodded, nibbling his lip bashfully as he replied.
‘Y-Yehehes I-I ahaham….’
Harold kept up the gentle tickling at the sides of Silver’s neck, and cocked his head down at the hero as he commented happily.
‘Your giggles are very sweet Silver, I can see why the others tickle you so often!’
Silver squeaked with flustered embarrassment and spluttered cutely.
‘H-Hehehey d-dohon’t tehease mehe!’
Then, in a similarly cute fashion, Harold furrowed his eyebrows in confusion down at Silver.
‘Tease you? I didn’t mean to tease you, I only meant to compliment you.’
And for Silver, that made it even worse, knowing that Harold hadn’t even been trying to tease him. Silver scrunched his neck as he whined through his giggling.
‘C-Cohohomplimehents lihike that ahare teheheasy!’
Harold blinked in surprise at this revelation, but knew that teasing and tickling very much came hand in hand, and therefore that teasing was a good thing! He smiled and had mercy on Silver’s neck, before replying matter-of-factly.
‘In that case, I shall tell you some more! Did you know Silver, that you have incredibly endearing dimples when you smile?’
Silver yipped in surprise, and hurriedly hid his face in his hands, grinning as he stuttered.
‘H-Harold sh-shuhush!’
‘I most certainly will not! Did you also know that the way you blush so fast is incredibly cute and unique?’
Silver then started whining incoherently into his hands, which made Harold gently laugh. Harold found that he was enjoying teasing Silver just as much as he enjoyed tickling him, using his words to fluster him so much was incredibly enjoyable, which meant he continued to eagerly croon.
‘And I especially think it’s sweet how your tummy twitches when you laugh.’
Harold poked Silver’s tummy gently as a way of emphasising his point, which ended up making the hero yelp. Harold noticed of course, and grinned at his discovery of the new tickle spot….and decided that it would be the next perfect place to continue honing his skills.
‘In fact, I think I’ll tickle this tummy of yours!’
He stated brightly, making Silver hold his breath in giddy nervousness, before he let it out in a splutter as the hero descended into loud, airy laughter. Harold had started experimentally skittering over and poking Silver’s tummy, and by his mirth Harold surmised that the hero was incredibly ticklish there.
Harold chuckled gently at Silver’s exclamation, keeping up the tickling as he replied.
‘You seem much more ticklish here than you were at your neck, is my analysis correct?’
Harold giggled in amusement, especially when Silver’s hands started to flap about, and Harold commented on it playfully as he kept up the tummy tickling.
‘What are you doing Silver? Are you attempting to dance or to fly, I can’t quite tell.’
Silver snorted cutely, and spluttered with indignant embarrassment through his laughter.
Harold grinned at that, and now scratched specifically at the sides of Silver’s tummy as he replied in a half-nonchalant, half-teasy tone which Harold thought would fluster Silver immensely.
‘But being cheeky seems to make you blush more, and besides, I fail to see how you can stop me….you seem to be at my mercy Silver, would that be fair to say?’
Harold was right of course, his tone of voice and wording really got to Silver. Needless to say, Harold was one of the best amateur ticklers ever, and Silver had to admit that he was certainly at Harold’s mercy right now. Especially since the sides of his tummy were monolithically ticklish and had him squealing.
Harold beamed, feeling very proud that he’d managed to get Silver to admit it aloud, and he was feeling oh so happy and confident with his tickling abilities. Then, he raised an eyebrow down at Silver, still tickling him as he spoke.
‘Would you say that I am a good tickler then? Based on the fact that I have you at my mercy?’
Silver snorted again with embarrassment through his laughter, his dimples fully on show along with his sweet smile as he nodded and wriggled about, trying desperately to stay strong and not fight back instinctively.
Harold was thoroughly enjoying tickling Silver like this, and decided to move his scratching fingertips down to Silver’s waist. Harold let out a chuckle when Silver yelped and bucked, before throwing his head back with mirth.
‘Gohoodness Silver, is there anywhere you’re not ticklish? You must have the most unruly nervous system in humanity.’
Silver hit his bedcovers with his fists as he writhed, laughing hysterically now as he got happy tears in his eyes from all the tickling….Harold was just too freaking good!
‘Oh I beg to differ! I’m not even tickling you intensely and you’re so hysterical! It’s adorable!’
Silver tossed his head about as he laughed, his face and neck a furious red from his flusteredness from all the surprisingly effective teasing and tickling. As a result, Silver had now reached the end of his tether for the day, and called out giddily as his face scrunched up cutely.
Harold gaped and immediately stopped, looking down at Silver with a half-smiled. He was elated from tickling Silver, but also a little anxious to see if he was okay after saying his safe-word. Harold fiddled with his fingers as he cleared his throat.
‘Are ah…..are you a-alright Silver?’
Silver was panting and giggling residually, and of course didn’t hesitate to nod as he smiled up at Harold so damn happily.
‘Haharold Daharrensworth…..yohou are the b-best ahamateur t-tickler ehever!’
Harold gaped and went pink with happy bashfulness, letting out a laugh as he felt his heart swell at the compliment. He’d done good. On his first time, he’d done good, he’d done the right things and kept it all happy and fun…..he was a good tickler after all. Silver had loved it, and so had Harold. Harold slid off of Silver’s legs, and cleared his throat again as he smiled at Silver.
’So ah….what do we do now?’
Silver smiled, and made Harold yelp by pulling him down next to him and wrapping his arms around him.
‘Now, we cuddle, which fyi is completely mandatory.’
Harold giggled at that and happily snuggled Silver. Harold felt so happy. Because yes, the one on the receiving end of the tickling is the person being made to smile and laugh….but never underestimate how happy someone can become when they lovingly coax out that laughter. It is one of the most fulfilling things in the world.
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carrackian · 3 years
‘Toxic’ Anime Fandoms (But I’m just angry)
Ok so this is gonna be a long stupid ramble because I (An idiot) found some articles online about toxic anime fandoms... and by god does it piss me off. SO in this essay I’m gonna incoherently scream about why these articles I found are just lacking in explanation, and then I point at the glaring flaws. Not to mention I’m using multiple articles, but they all like to use similar arguments.  Warning, I’m gonna paraphrase because these articles are long winded about literally nothing.
The Naruto fanbase is toxic because people compare everything to Naruto, and people get upset when you don’t put it in your best anime list!! Honey... HONEY, that’s how all fandoms are. Naruto was likely people’s first introduction to anime, and people are defensive over their nostalgia, I mean like you saw the uprising with the new Ben 10 and Teen Titans Go, other than the fact that they’re BAD, but people were upset and still are (which is yet again understandable)  Seriously, if I made a list that said ‘Best Things Ever’ and I didn’t include something that they liked, then I understand why someone would be upset, and maybe comment something. It’s the day in age where if you have an opinion someone will probably be upset with you.
The Deathnote fanbase is toxic because people like to say it’s good and act offended if you haven’t watched it! Well I mean... Yeah? That’s how fans of a show can act, it’s just exaggerated. I mean seriously, if someone told me they haven’t ever played Undertale, or heard anything about Homestuck- I’m gonna wonder about what part of the internet you’ve been on because I played Undertale for the first time in like 2019 thanks to how much my friends praised it, and I only got into Homestuck in very late 2020 because one of my friends went on a three hour rant about homestuck and I needed the context for so much stuff. Hell, I only have any knowledge on Deathnote because my friend took their old Deathnote Manga and gave it to me for my birthday- which was a touching gift since they really love Deathnote. 
The Hunter X Hunter fanbase is toxic because it doesn’t get attention from weebs, and the fans sometimes get angry. Seriously? That’s what we’re mad about? This is literally so fucking petty my god- next ffs.
The Jojo fanbase is toxic because ‘is that a jojo reference memes’ and because fans want you to watch Jojo. Fucking- AGAIN!? jesus christ. You wanna know how I got into Jojo? My tooth was pulled, and it was the first time I ever got any teeth pulled, so I was high as hell and spitting out blood occasionally. I didn’t want to walk home that day (for obvious reasons) and so I stayed late so I could get a ride from my friends parents. So when another mutual acquaintance came up, and he was playing the Jojo game on an emulator. This got into the three of them telling me about Jojo, but only super vague pieces of it. High off my ass I got home, binge watched like two seasons of it, and forgot everything that happened after the first episode. So I managed to get through the first season (again) before I got caught up in other things (ahem, pokemon) Not to mention that its normal to want to share something you like with other people. Back when I read books regularly I used to keep a list of books to recommend to my friends.
The Demon Slayer fandom is bad cuz too many spoilers :(  Okay? This... This doesn’t a toxic fandom make. Yeah it’s shitty, but like full fucking on- that’s not toxic?
The Dragon Ball fanbase is toxic because people think Goku is the strongest and argue about it, and it’s dying, but like I’m also proof that DBZ fans aren’t bad! Okay? And? Like I full on mean that. I’m a Dragon Ball fan and let me tell you- I’ve literally never seen a single fucking person actually say anything like that unironically- or during a power leveling video that’s an actual discussion about power scaling. Not to mention that for the most part people watch shows for the actual show? Like the plot, characters, storyline- ya know, the actual fucking show?
The Attack on Titan fanbase is toxic because fans sent death threats to the author for ending the manga. Jesus fucking christ- okay, yeah that’s toxic! So... where’s the catch? They also wrote their own endings to the manga. I swear to GOD- WHAT THE FUCK. Fanfiction has existed forever you ignoramus, bleach-snorting, styrofoam eating IDIOT. Seriously, I literally fucking rewrote the entirety of Naruto (Multiple Times over) are you gonna say that I’m Toxic? How about the multiple other hundreds of people who have literally rewritten entire works of fiction.
Now, what do I consider toxic fanbases? The top three are: Undertale, Homestuck and Steven Universe. The Undertale fandom managed to be so bad that people were actually kinda scared of it. Not to mention that it is a good game, people just went a bit too far. If you killed anyone people would send death threats, Markiplier (a really cool youtuber) had people yell at him for giving Sans a southern accent, and I mean the fact that it’s so big made it worse. The Homestuck fandom had many bad moments where some fans caused harm to others, damaged products, the girl who nearly killed herself trying to dye her skin for a cosplay, AND LITERALLY CHANGED THE CONVENTION FIELD. The Steven Universe fandom nearly killed a fan because she drew a fat character thin, they turned on the fucking creators for saying this was bad, multiple racist, sexist and homophobic things just existing while people pretend to be fake woke.
And this has been- I literally knew all of the bad fandom stuff because I lived through it. Problem is, I lived through the popularity of every single anime on this list while actively in more internet spaces, and I don’t fucking see it. Seriously, when I think of toxic anime fanbases I think about anime like Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, where a bunch of 30 year olds get horny over a child and then say that they’re fine because she’s ACSHUALLY 2,000 years old! I mean fuck, my favorite meme is literally the- “Men be like “You’re not a real anime fan if you don’t watch ‘Is it wrong to piss on my bunny sister’s feet?’“ Like- fucking exactly. Both these fucking articles have ‘I think that when someone is a little mean or says something kinda annoying they’re TOXIC!’ Like bitch no, when I think toxic I think of the gaslighting fanbases that end up with multiple people with mental disorders or someone dead- which let me tell you, is a surprisingly large amount of fandoms? 
Anyways so I’m done, mainly because it’s like super fucking late and I’m so tired
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Survey #403
“ashes to ashes, watch me disappear”
If given the opportunity, would you like to star in a musical? Definitely not. I don't like musicals. Name one person you’d take a bullet for: There's honestly a lot, but Mom immediately came to mind. Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? Yeah: Metallica and Marilyn Manson currently. I want lots more, especially an Ozzy one. Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates. Do you share your bedroom with anyone? No, unless you include my cat and snake. Is your favorite color yellow? No, it's actually one of my least favorites. Were you born in a hospital? I was. Do you know the name of the person that delivered you? No, but Mom does. I think he delivered me and my two sisters, and I know Mom has seen him since for other reasons. Was your birth recorded? God no. Good call, Mom. Did you eat a peach this week? Would you believe me if I told you I had a small bit of peach pie for my sister's birthday? For some reason, I just really wanted to try some. It was okay, but the aftertaste sucked. Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes, for TMS therapy. Every weekday. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? I honestly do. If you could get free vocal lessons would you take them? Probably not. I don't like singing in front of anyone, and it's not like I wanna get anywhere with my singing, so. Is your mother diabetic? She is. Are you? No. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. Who do you stalk the most through Facebook? Nobody. Have you ever deleted your Facebook, then brought it back? No. What is your main responsibility each day? Be sure to take my medications. Do you feel like you fulfill those responsibilities? Yeah. There are rare mornings where I forget, but I almost always remember. I don't fw skipping out on meds that keep my mental health stable. When was the last time you used spray paint? Good question. Do you know the middle name of the last person you kissed? Yep. Who is the friendliest person you know? My mom, probably. Something that annoys you about summer: THE HEAT. THE HUMIDITY. UGH. Something that annoys you about winter: Hm. That's hard to say, given I love winter. I guess the fact it doesn't snow enough here. Are the doors of your fridge side by side or on top of one another? Side-by-side. If you’ve moved out of the house you were born in, do you know the people who live in that house now? Nope. Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Not sobbed or anything, but I've definitely teared up and gotten the sniffles because of multiple movies. Do you read comic books? No. Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved? No. Have you ever seriously pretended to be clinically insane? I didn't need to pretend; I'm pretty damn sure I was for a while. Might I add that it's EXTREMELY inconsiderate to pretend you're insane, btw. Insanity is not "cool." It's not "funny." It's not "edgy." It's a serious, confusing, heart-wrenching issue that can ruin lives. Do you know anyone with a stutter? Yes, myself included when I'm even mildly nervous. And sometimes just randomly. With a lisp? I don't believe so. What was the last board game you played? The Disney version of "Pretty Pretty Princess" w/ my niece and even my nephew, even though his sexist-ass dad didn't want him to. Like let your kid have some fun with his sister and aunt, goddamn. They had a blast. It was Aubree's birthday present from me, so I am SO glad she loved it. Did you win? Ha ha, no, I always let Aubree or Ryder win. I came super close once, but I let the kids bend the rules a bit. They don't like losing, and even though they definitely need to understand that just happens and is totally fine for it to, I wasn't about to be the one to make them sad about it. When was the last time you tried to speak with an accent? OH MY LAAAAAWWWWWWD. Also at Aubree's b-day party, at one point, I spoke in a snobbish British accent while I was winning at the aforementioned game. Ryder asked, "Why are you speaking Spanish?", and I fuckin DIED. Have you ever made up a word before? Yeah, I know at least a few instances for fantasy animals in writing. When was the last time you went to a museum? A couple summers ago when my brother and his son visited, we went to a science museum. My nephew was sooooo into it. Do you have a nice yard? If so, do you spend a lot of time outside in it? If not, where do you go when you want to relax outdoors on nice days? Our front and back yards are both small and honestly very boring. The grass is a pretty green, but that's the only nice thing about it. I don't go to sit outside here on any day. Do your parents enjoy any of the things that you enjoy? Do you bond over these things? My parents and I have very similar music tastes, so there's that. I also didn't know for the longest time that Mom likes to write, which I sure as hell do, too! She doesn't really write anymore though, and she's self-conscious of it anyway, like I am. She and I also love a lot of the same shows. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? I think The Incredibles 2. I aaaalways wanted to know what happened after the end of the first film. Do you have any ideas for a story or movie you’re planning to write or you’d write if you had the time/had the talent? Please share a synopsis! I genuinely think some RP I've written is series-worthy, but I don't feel like re-writing the YEARS of RP into a book format, and I sincerely worry that the ridiculously dark parts could inspire people like serial killers and cause A LOT of controversy, crime-blaming, and just general hate. I don't want to be involved in that. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? Compliment my Markiplier tattoo, obviously knowing it's a tribute to him, and we're essentially besties. Is there a person in your life (maybe barely) that you feel in constant competition with (even just in your imagination)? Maybe you feel they are consistently outshining you? Ugh... there's a local photographer that's much more successful than I am that I admittedly am very envious of. I swear to whatever god you may believe in that I mean it from a modest perspective, I really, really do, but I genuinely think my skills surpasses hers, and she's only more prevalent because photography REALLY is about who you know. She's talented, yes, but like... come on. If you are single, even if you are normally happily single, are there certain specific things you witness that make you wish you were in a relationship (e.g., people getting engaged)? I mean yeah. I miss cuddling, holding hands, kissing, just being cute together, and especially people getting engaged or having kids. It's such a trigger to me. Once upon a time, that's all I wanted with Jason. I wanted to be that beautiful couple that got married and had two or three loved-beyond-words children, but then he left so abruptly, and I feel like it was so brutally robbed from me. I don't want kids anymore like at all, but the point still stands that I felt like my dreams were just ripped away. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? I use "Ozzkat" just about everywhere. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? OHHHHHHHHHH YEAH. There have been a couple days or so where I was totally glued to looking up various tattoo designs, bingeing let's plays or conspiracy theory videos, etc. etc. If you ever think about getting married, what are some aspects of the wedding that you would like to see in a non-traditional manner (e.g., a different color dress or “partners” over “husband” and “wife”)? I WILL NOT get married in a church, first of all. I'm also not having the traditional vows, and I probably won't wear a white dress, but instead black. Salt & vinegar, barbecue, sour cream & onion, or cheddar? Ohhhh, I like all those options but barbecue. I think I've gotta go with sour cream & onion, though. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? A D O R A B L E ! ! ! I think they're ordinarily geeky, but I mean, geeky is cute in my world. :^) Do you believe in demonic possession? How about ghosts? Angels? Angels, no. Spirits/ghosts, 100%. I don't exactly believe in demons, per se, but I do question if evil spirits can possess someone. What is one romantic movie that you enjoy enough to watch more than once? I've seen The Notebook numerous times. Name three countries you want to visit; why those three? South Africa to interact with meerkats at the KMP, somewhere up in Canada to see the Northern Lights, and Germany just because, really. I took German for four semesters, and the culture and all just interests me. Do you have a good luck charm? No, considering I don't believe they do jack. Do you use Skype to talk to your friends? Only Sara. Now that I have Discord semi-figured out now though, we'll probably use that for voice chatting. Are you allergic to any animals? I might be allergic to dogs. Do you usually spend your weekends out, or at home? I'm like... always at home. Do you think it’s wrong for people to say "retard/retarded" as an insult? Absofuckinglutely. Don't pull that shit when I'm around. Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever lived through a hurricane? Plenty. Have you ever had a home-grown tomato? Yes, from my old friend's garden. We'd have delicious tomato, mayo, and bacon sandwiches. The only instance where I've enjoyed tomatoes. Have you ever held a real gun? The former friend I mentioned just before, her husband always carried a gun, and he just needed me to hold it for a sec for some reason I don't recall. I hated the feeling. Would you rather wear Converse or Vans? I like both, but I think I prefer Converse. Have you ever been called bipolar? Yes, because I clinically am. Have you ever made fun of a handicapped person? FUCK no. And like the "retarded" thing, don't you fucking DARE to do this in front of me. I WILL deck the shit out of you. Do you think it’s okay to have sex before marriage? Sure, as long as you're being safe and are very thorough in communication. Do you like to watch old sitcoms? I don't really watch TV as I say in like every survey it seems, but I do enjoy some old sitcoms I grew up watching with my mom, like The Nanny, The Golden Girls, The Munsters, etc. If asked, could you run a mile nonstop right now? Being completely serious, I don't even know if I CAN physically run right now. My legs are so incredibly weak, and I'm humiliatingly close to what my heaviest weight was back in 2016, so I can almost guarantee my knees would crumple if I tried. Do you wear those rubber wristbands? I used to. I don't really like bracelets nowadays. If a necklace/ring gives you green marks, do you still wear it? Nope. Have you ever driven an electric car? No. When was the last time you saw someone you went to high school with? Uhhhh idk. What breed was the last dog you saw? A fucking GOLIATH of a lab. I shit you not when I say my sister's roommate's dog Hudson is the size of a goddamn bear. How long have your parents been together (or how long were they together, if they no longer are): I wanna say they were together at the very least 20 years. What has been your most epic cooking failure? I once accidentally put something (I don't remember what) in the microwave for around 45 minutes I believe, and I walked away and completely forgot about it. I remembered a long while later, and safe to say, it wasn't edible, whatever it was, lmao. Have you ever been to Mexico? No. Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? No, but that'd be cool. Has anyone in your life ever treated you abusively? No. How long has it been since your last breakup? Somewhere around two years ago? My memory is so garbage nowadays. Can you concentrate well while listening to music, or do you find it distracting? It's distracting, usually. What’s something you’ve been struggling with lately? I've been pretty bad about drinking too much soda lately. :/
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romewritingshop · 4 years
Say you won’t let go
Fandom: Choices, Perfect Match
Relationship: Damien Nazario X F!MC (Name: Peach Park)
Warnings: Slight talk of smut, fluff, vomit, graphic death, alcohol drinking
Word Count Total: 2797
A/N: I’ve been in an emotional mood and so I was listening to Markiplier’s cover of ‘Say you won’t let go’. The song makes me so emotional and I thought Damien and Peach needed it. So I wrote this fic and posted it. I’d recommend listening to the instrumental or the lyrical version while reading. Instead of posting a sneak peek, I thought I could post the whole fic so here it is.
Markiplier Cover - Say you won’t let go
Instrumental Say you won’t let go
Tagged: @ravenpuff02​ @ephemeralsunsets​
Tumblr media
A low jazz voice hummed in the air of his office as Damien examined the evidence for his current case. This stalker was impressive in covering their tracks and Damien was struggling to connect the strings of graphic art and threatening love letters. His office was strewn with red tape and papers, almost as if his evidence board had come to life. Nadia Park’s case was proving to be his biggest challenge yet. He ran his hand through his hair and stood away from his desk, trying to see the case from a different angle.
A knock rang on the door as Damien grunted and opened the door, only to see the familiar dark hair that faded into light curls. The person turned to Damien and he held his breath in his neck. It was his client’s cousin, Peach Park, dressed in a fitted light pink button shirt that seemed to make her stature taller than she actually was. Accompanied with a bright orange pleated skirt that made her legs glow. She certainly looked amazing and different, she was usually dressed down in a t-shirt and jeans or a denim dress.
It was a welcome change and Damien gave a brisk nod to let Peach in. He assumed she wanted to see the progress of his case and he had no qualms about it. The client has a right after all, he glanced back through the door and noticed Nadia Park wasn’t there. He furrowed his eyebrows and turned between Peach and the empty hallway. Damien closed the door and took in Peach and realised that her face had more of a shine as usual. He felt a little hot under the collar but the window was closed. He had never been alone with Peach and no matter how many times he thought about it, he hadn’t believed it would happen. Until now that is.
“Hello Miss Park, what brings you to my office tonight?”
Deep down he hoped she came for him but a man can only dream. Remaining professional with her helped dampen his desire and need to know her more.
“How many times have I told you to call me Peach? If you don’t call me Peach, then I’ll start calling you, Mr. Nazario.”
As much as Damien would love to be called that, it also reminded him of how much older he was as he rubbed the back of his neck. He could never get over saying her name, he’d often repeat it to himself in the dead of night. He could never understand the power she had over him as he gave her a small smile.
“Sorry, Peach.”
“That’s better.”
“So do you want the run-down for what I’ve got so far?”
Damien went around her to grab a list of potential suspects when he felt her hand on his wrist. Damien almost audibly gasped at her sudden contact as he took in her slim fingers around his wrist.
“Actually Damien, I’m here for something else.”
Damien felt his heart rate increase steadily as his brain ran through different scenarios, some good but mostly bad. She probably doesn’t want Damien on the case anymore; she found out about Beitan; she doesn’t need him anymore. He must have gotten lost in his head as he felt a shake against his wrist. Damien escaped his mental hell to see Peach in front of him, a soft comforting smile. Her eyes were a cave full of life and wonders and Damien could feel himself getting lost in them.
“I wanted to ask if you were free to have a drink with me?”
Damien blinked as he slowly took in her words. A drink? With him? Was he dreaming? He hoped not as he repeated the words.
“A drink?”
A soft laugh came out as Peach smiled.
“Yes, a drink.”
He wasn’t meant to say that aloud as he felt his cheeks and ears heat up at her words. She had the softest sweetest laugh that reminded Damien of wind chimes blowing in the wind. He never felt like this with Alana and it really riled him up in the core of his soul. She took her wrist away to straighten her skirt and Damien was close to begging her to bring her touch back but he held back. It wouldn’t seem professional as she went on.
“You’ve been working so hard for my cousin, I thought I’d offer you a drink as a way to say thanks. And to probably give you a break from looking at photos all day.” His heart warmed at the fact that she was concerned for him. It was a redeeming quality of hers as she gave him one of her sweet smiles. “It’s on me the drink.”
Damien would’ve gladly given her his soul, even before she asked. Damien smiled and took Peach up on her offer, grabbing his jacket and keys and locking his office door.
Several hours later, Damien and Peach swayed from side to side, trudging up the steps to her apartment. The both of them giggling about the moving wallpaper and the rainbow cats. Damien could not remember anything as Peach reached into her clutch, pulling out her apartment key. She missed the keyhole three times and only managed to get it in with Damien’s help, They pushed the door open and stumbled in, Peach blindly tapped the walls for the switch. With pure luck she found them as she turned to Damien with a finger to her lips.
“Sh! You’re going to wake up Nadia!”
“Nadia doesn’t live with you!”
“I know! You’re going to wake her up!”
The both of them wobbled against each other and just about reached the living room, Damien plopped himself on the sofa and Peach followed, falling face first onto Damien’s lap.
“Ah! My cojones!”
“What’s that?”
“My drawers!”
They giggled at the word and took a moment to breath. There was a comfortable silence as Damien ran his hands through her hair. It was coarse but she purred at the slow contact, he smiled in his drunken haze. It has been a while since he was in such a happy state as he glanced down at her but Peach had a slight grimace on her face. Her stomach grumbled as she pushed herself up to face him.
“I’m gonna vomit.”
Damien registered the word vomit and slowly got up, helping her stand and taking her to the bathroom. He could feel the alcohol muddling his brain as he just about opened the bathroom door. She dropped away from him and brought her face close to the toilet seat. Sounds of bile splashed against the water as Damien dropped to his knees beside her and grabbed her hair into a pony, with one hand. The other rubbed her back in an upwards motion to help her get the vomit out and Damien watched her hair. 
He had seen worse things in his life but he’d take the sight of her vomiting over anything else. He cooed at her softly and once the groans of pain lowered, he grabbed some toilet roll for Peach to clean her mouth. After emptying her stomach, Peach took the tissue to clean her face and lifted her head to look back at Damien. He felt all the alcohol in his system flush as she threw him a loving smile that he felt she only gave to intimate lovers. She murmured a soft thank you that had Damien heart pump harder, she was sitting back and she brought her head close to his sternum. Damien placed a tentative hand on her arm as he hummed at the close contact. He shouldn’t take advantage of her like this but he wanted to indulge in his deep fantasy. He felt her lips brush against his button shirt as she spoke.
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
Damien felt his heart melt at her sweet request. Many times a night he had dreamed about staying in Peach’s house, in her bed but he looked down at her drunken state. She wasn’t in the right state of mind and she was only a client. She was a client’s relative and Damien knew it would be overstepping boundaries. As much as he deeply wanted to, he knew he couldn’t so he shook his head softly.
“I think that you should get some rest.”
Damien heard the train whistle of his kettle go off as he put away his newspaper and grabbed two coffee mugs, placing the filter paper on top and the beans. He poured the green coloured kettle into the mugs and got rid of the filter papers, letting the mugs sit and stew with the rich caffeine. He glanced at his bedroom door, hoping Peach wouldn’t get up and ruin his surprise but the door hadn’t moved. He grabbed the two mugs and walked out of the kitchen and straight into his bedroom, a warm smile grew on his face.
Peach was still asleep soundly as her curves heaved up and down slowly. The comforter was off her body and her body was spread into a misshapen starfish. Damien shook his head as Peach often loved spreading her body out and popping her behind into the air. He could never understand how she was able to sleep in that position but she looked adorable. Her mint green shorts had ridden up to show the zebra stripes of stretch marks on her back thigh and the bumpy surface. He went around the bed to his side, placing the coffee mugs on his bedside drawer and leaning on his arm to take a better look at Peach.
He brought his hand to the edge of her shorts and pulled it down slightly so Peach wouldn’t complain about her shorts riding up. She loved the way they felt but they often caused more harm than good as Damien smiled to himself about the complaints she’s made. Her navy blue camisole brought more prominence in her love handles and sleeping on her front, pushed her breasts together. She looked utterly stunning in the morning, it is because it was the first raw thing that Damien would see. He was so glad she was his.
As if sensing something, Peach forced her eyes open to see her love, Damien leaning beside her. A full chest of dark curls on display and dark horn rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. There was a slight softness near his stomach yet he still looked built and lean in the many years before they were together. His grey sweatpants hung low on his waist and that sweet trail of hair disappeared into the waistband of the pants. The both of them took in the other with unashamed, unjudging eyes as they gave a soft greeting to one another.
Damien brought his lips to press a short kiss to the brow of her hair and reach behind him to present her with her mug of coffee. It had a picture of Damien on it and she was able to wake up even more. She pushed herself up slightly snuggled into Damien’s side, kissing his collarbone and wrapping her hands around the mug.
“Just what I need.”
“I know.”
She took a deep sip and exhaled blissfully, letting the warm coffee seep into her blood and liven her soul. Damien too took a sip of his coffee and purred with content at the sweet warmth.
“This is amazing.”
“Isn’t it?”
Damien curved his eyebrow up as if suggesting he was amazing. Peach rolled her eyes and took another sip.
“I meant the coffee.”
“What about the company?”
“Could be better.” Damien pinched the side of her waist as she yelped excitedly, before she nestled further. “It’s perfect. you’re perfect.”
“That I am.”
A few minutes later, they both had finished their coffee as Damien took his and her cup to place on the bedside table. He had a cheshire smile on his face as he brought his hand to her shoulder for her to lay down, he held himself over her as a few strands of hair drooped down. Peach smiled and brought her hands to his cheek, taking in the slightly overgrown beard.
“Now we’ve got a few minutes before the morning really starts.”
“What are you going to do about it, Nazario?”
“I’m going to have my way with you.”
“Think you can be quick about it, old man?”
Damien smirked as he slotted himself in between Peach’s legs as the hair on her legs tickled Damien’s waist. Damien loved Peach’s body hair, the way it would brush against the back of his thighs when she’d wrap her legs around his waist, it would send chills through his body. Peach is really his. Before he could lean in to kiss her, the door opened and small footsteps thumped in the room. Followed by high pitched squeals, tiny bodies jumped on the bed, latching onto Damien and Peach.
Small round faces and bright eyes as a boy and girl jumped with unbelievable hyperness. Damien and Peach’s kids: Sofía and Gael. Both were seven and six years of age, they had Damien’s looks but Peach’s excitable personality. Damien rolled off of Peach and sat up on the bed, taking his daughter into his arms and Peach took Gael into hers. Damien turned to Peach and raised an eyebrow at her, as if blaming her for their kids interrupting their moment.
She rolled her eyes and brought Gael close, kissing his forehead and cheeks. He repeated many ‘I love yous’ and ‘Mummys’ while Sofía watched her dad with curiosity. She had her excitable moments but at this current moment, she was just like her dad. Perceptive and clever as she spoke up in spanish.
“Papa, qué hacías?” Dad, what were you doing?
Damien glanced nervously from his daughter to Peach, who watched the both of them with amusement.
“Nada, Princesa.” Nothing, Princess.
Peach stood up from the bed and arched her back, stretching the knots made in her sleep. She got both her kids to go out the room and told them to get dressed so that they could go to school. Damien watched his love care so deeply and once the kids went to the other room, Peach stood in the doorway of their bedroom. Their kids are the best thing that has ever happened to him and he could never dream about anyone else. Damien got up to Peach and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest.
“I wanna dance with you right now.” Peach laughed her sweet laugh as she swayed along with Damien. “I love you and I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old.”
“I think that’s already starting to happen. I can see a little grey in your beard.”
At that she rubbed her palm over his cheek, fingers brushing against his lip. Damien opened his mouth and took a bite at her finger before placing a soft kiss and nuzzling his head into her shoulder. She was the one for him, her soft smile and bright eyes gave light to Damien’s life. He was so glad to bare his soul to her.
It was too late as Damien pushed against the restraining hold of Hayden. Harley had Peach in his grasp and he pressed his fingers deep in her neck, a loud crunch of bones echoed in the room. They were back at EROS and just as they were about to break free and blow the facility up, Cecile had activated the hive mind control which took over the minds of all the matches. Hayden included. Damien felt his heart smash to pieces and time moved slowly, as Peach’s round body fell to the ground. There were no emotions for Damien to express the scene in front of him as he stared at Peach. Her bright hue was gone and replaced by a grey sickening colour and death claimed her bright lively soul. The love of his life was gone right before him, he closed his eyes to purge the uncomfortable thoughts of Peach.
Damien opened his eyes to see himself in a clear tiled room, not the EROS facility or at home with Peach. Soon he heard the loud taps of heels and found the devil in front him. A smartly dressed woman with piercing green eyes and angry red hair: Cecile Contreras. She looked down at Damien with a sickening smile and turned her face forward to the screen behind Damien.
“Response is good. Up the dosage and add twenty milligrams of delysid. You’re doing very good, Damien. We’re close to creating the perfect match.”
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Let’s Make a Secret, pt 3
A/N: I’m just being an idiot. Let me have this. Anyways, a little Actor!Mark x Y/N for those of you who likes rats. Things didn’t end after that one night. As a matter of fact, it only escalated each time you returned to the Manor. Little bit of angst, rough sex hinted but nothing in full detail, and a half ass theory as to why things didn’t work out between Mark and Celine.
Story: You and Mark use to be fast friend, but these days you barely talk to him anymore. Now with the Divorce approaching, Damien is worried for his dear friend and sends you to Markiplier Manor to keep him company. Mark doesn’t want to talk about life, preferring to just drink his troubles away with you…
Damien never found out.
Granted, he was worried sick when you called him, fearing the worst might have happened. You were always the voice of reason, of logic, even without saying a word. You were clever that way. Strangely enough, this time, you gained satisfaction from deceiving him.  Before you did not wish to advance the stress he’s going through, wanting nothing more but to have his mind at ease from the overwhelming life you were enduring. But now? Now you felt no remorse as you looked into your good friends eye’s and effortlessly lied about that night. And the other nights that would follow.
Not one soul caught on what was going on, not even the new butler who was hired. Each visit back to that manor still sent a shiver down your spine, but in time you grew to ignored it. Your intentions each time were pure, but they never stayed that way. More drinking, more valuables breaking, the occasional fights that you couldn’t  recall, the number of bottles spilled, the overwhelming taste of alcohol on his lips, the things he would whisper into your ear as the two of you drown in your lust filled hunger as each room got darker. These nights became second nature to you, forgetting responsibilities and just letting go. It didn’t matter how rough the actor got with you at times, the bruises from his hands, cuts from broken wine bottles, and bite marks from his teeth along your body were easily hidden. And each morning was another lie you didn’t hesitate to tell Damien. You made a promise after all.
It was fine.
Strangely enough, not once did you or the actor bring up the divorce. You knew he didn’t need it. And what was happening between the both of you? Nothing. You were no idiot. You knew Mark wasn’t ready to move on and love again. These nights were nothing more but worthless excuses to forget, escaping from the heartache that tested his will to live. He loved Celine dearly. Everything he did, he did for her. Every photo you saw of those two, Mark would always be beaming like he was the happiest man alive. And for what? For that happiness to abandon him. At this point, you didn’t care if he was just using you to feel validated or to just fuck out his frustration and pain. But then there were those night’s, waking up before dawn to find yourself being held in his arms, the actor caressing your skin so lovingly. Those nights you pretended to still be asleep, but couldn’t help but savor such a tender sensation from him. Maybe he was dreaming of Celine, possibly trying to remember the better times, possibly enjoying the thought to have Damien’s own District Attorney in his bed, or he was warming up to the thought of moving on with you.  Either way, not once did you interrupt those moments.
The Divorce was final. Certainly took a while, just like anything else in the justice system. This time around, you openly informed Damien that you were going to visit Mark, make sure he doesn’t do anything fatal. Of course he fully agreed and trusted you, thanking you for being such a dear friend and to call him when you were leaving the manor.
‘Poor, clueless boy.’
You didn’t have your radio on as you drove up the the manor, knowing the location like the back of your hand and you approached your destination. Getting out of the car you were instantly greeted by the new butler, Benjamin who opened the front doors and gestured you in. He had become familiar with your regular visits, though he was just as left in the dark as everyone else about what was really going on.
“Bonjour! Please, come in. Master is expecting your company.” He informed you, stepping aside to allow you to walk in. Honestly, you liked this new one a lot more than the last butler. He seemed more professional, a little uptight but certainly had a good head on his shoulders. You follow him in as he escorts you upstairs, unusual form the routine visitation room Mark and you would originally meet up in. “I don’t mean to cause you any sense of alarm, but the master is not well at the moment. He’s in a lot of pain, so I request to keep your words gentle and be patient.” He continued, guiding you down the hall and towards the actor’s room.
You were hesitant at first, not sure if you should even be anywhere near a room that was so suggestive in front of another outside party. Nervously you stood in wait as the butler lightly knocked on the door and called to the other side. “Master, the District Attorney is here to see you.” There was a muffled reply on the other side, though you didn’t quite make out what was said. None the less, the butler nodded in understanding before opening the door gently. “I’ll leave you both now. If you need anything else, please come find me.” You simply smiled and made your way into the room, watching the man close the door behind you gently.
Taking in a deep breathing you turned your attention to the room that you were in. The great amount of clutter through out his chamber was startling, clothes laid about, some furniture turned over, picture frames knocked off the walls and broken.  And there standing among the mess was Mark, his back turned towards you, arms limp at his side and standing still as his gaze was set on a baby crib that seemed untouched by the disarray of the room. He didn’t say anything at first, not even a heavy sigh or mutter. the silence between the both of you was increasing your anticipation to have it broken. Taking a step forward, minding to not step on anything else besides the carpet, you bring yourself closer towards where he was standing. Eventually you stood at his side, trying to get his attention with your more close presents by reaching up, placing your hand gently on his shoulder. The actor didn’t budge at first, almost as if he didn’t even notice you were there at all. That is, until he finally spoke.
“. . . She wasn’t ready to start a family.” Mark finally said, his gaze still not leaving the neatly made crib. “Claimed that it was too soon, that none of us were fit to be parents, that this place was not suited to raise children. . .” The more he spoke, the frustration and anger grew in his tone. “One excuse after another, always claiming that Colonel, that wife stealing son of a bitch always suggested that we didn’t need to start a family! That fucking snake manipulating my Celine and taking her away from me! Robbing me of everything! EVERYTHING!” His limit was reached as he turned towards his night stand, furiously back handing the items on it clean off with one swing. “After all I’ve done for them! Made them who they are now! Their success! Damien knew! He fucking knew! How could he let this happen!?” The ever going example of the actors heart breaks in raw form continued as he grabbed a up a lamp, throwing it against the wall that caused it to shatter against the wall and delve the room into darkness.
Quickly you too hold of his hands, gripping tightly despite his attempt in yanking away from your grasp. He was dangerous, not just to you but to himself. The actor tries to shove you away, fight back, but you held firm, keeping your hold until Mark was far too worn out emotionally and physically to fight you any longer.
You were always the voice of reason, of logic, even without saying a word.
He stood still, head hung low in silence until he stepped back, sitting himself down on the bed as his arms went limp in your grasp. You sensed that the out lash of rage subsided for the moment, your tight grip slowly became a gentle hold as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close and buries his face against your chest. You did the best you could to comfort him, wrapping your arms around the actor and cradling him against you in hopes that this would do some form of good. “Promise you won’t leave me.” He weakly spoke against you, his arms around you beginning to tighten. “Promise you won’t abandon me like the others have. . .” You reassured him, placing a kiss on top of his head and whispered your promise.
How odd. Despite this warm embrace, you couldn’t help but feel cold with him against you like this, even his breathing against you left no kind of heat. No windows were open, no fan or AC was running, not a single sign of a draft.  Besides, it was a little warm today, so there could be no reason for him to be so cold like this. Worried, you tried to pull away a little, fixing up his red silk robe to cover more of his skin. You paused for a moment as you did this, just barely noticing a marking in his chest. It was far too dark to make out what it was, bringing your hand forward to feel the obscure shape along his skin. Almost instantly the actor took hold of your hand, halting your efforts as he stood up from the bed. “No, no.” He spoke softly as he gazed down to you, his free hand covering his chest a little more before leaning more towards you, his brow resting against your own as he continued to speak in a soft tone. “You were always too good to me, always jumping in the moment you see or feel something wrong. But you don’t need to anymore.” Your body shivered as his cold finger tips caressed along your neck and cheeks, just barely feeling a smile on his lips as he lightly kisses you. “Big things are coming, my friend. And I can’t wait for you to witness it all. . .” 
(( To be continued?? ))
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thesealishere · 5 years
A Speed Date with Markiplier (Egos)! Actor x Reader (1/12)
“Hello there! Welcome to Speed dating with Markiplier egos!” Seal said, walking up to [Y/N] with a smile. “I’ve got all kinds of fun things planned for you, so feel free to just sit back and relax while I take care of everything!” The woman’s tone was chipper as she slung an arm around them and motioned to the sparsely decorated room they were in.
“Now, we have twelve different egos for you to date! That’s certainly a lot, but fear not! They’ll only last for 20 minutes each and once you’ve gone through them all you can pick your favorite and go on a second date with them for as long as you like!” Or for as long as she could write. “Do you understand?”
“Um... I guess?” [Y/N] shrugged, honestly they didn’t even know how they got there...
“Great! Let’s get started then shall we? Now for the first date I figured we’d start big! Always start with a bang ya know? So I figured we’d do the main favorite, Darkipl-“
“AHEM!” She was interrupted, very rudely.
“What?” She frowned, looking to her left to see that the Actor had somehow gotten in.
“I think I may have misheard, you said you would start with the favorite and then it sounded like you were about to say Darkiplier.” He said with a disbelieving laugh.
“No, that’s what I was saying.” Seal said bluntly and he scoffed.
“The villain does not get to go first and he is certainly NOT the favorite.” Actor certainly seemed offended, [Y/N] took a step closer to Seal. She was the writer so certainly she’d be safe.
“So what I’m hearing is you wanna go first? You just got to go on a whole heist with them! Can’t ya give someone else a chance?” She questioned, but only received a huff. “Ugh, Fine. You get first dibs happy? You only got 20 minutes though and those 20 minutes start...Now.” She said with a snap.
The snap echoed and the two found themselves in a fancy restaurant, at a table in a small corner and waters already waiting for them.
“Pretty swanky place, I bet this is what she was planning for Dark. But you’re with me now so, what do you say we get out of here and find a real adventure?” Actor offered.
[Y/N] Thought it over for a moment before nodding, if this place was meant for a date with Dark then they figured they should go somewhere else.
The two quickly left the restaurant without seeming to draw too much attention and hurriedly walked to try and find something to do in their short time, conveniently finding a small festival.
“Well, looks like she can think of anything. What do you say we go in here huh?” Actor offered and they nodded. He took a hold of their hand and the two looked around the small stalls.
“How easy do you think we could steal this stuff?” [Y/N] joked quietly to the Actor who looked around at the vendors, he figured pretty easily but he saw no need to steal over priced trinkets.
“They would never even know it was gone.” He answered before pulling them away from the shopping centers, they didn’t have long and he wanted to win them something!
They quickly got to the stalls of games, they had 14 minutes left if he counted correctly, surely he could win something!.... He was wrong of course, failing to knock over the bottles no matter how hard he threw the ball.
“I think they super glued them all together.” [Y/N] whispered to him as he scoffed, finally giving up on the game and taking them to a different game. But they all seemed to be rigged against him.
“What kind of cliche date is this supposed to be if I’m not even allowed to win you anything!” Actor ran his hand over his face.
“Well... Why don’t we ride some of the rides? Besides, it doesn’t need to be a cliche date!” They said and he nodded, taking their hand in his again as they made their way to the rides.
The pair decided on a fun house, the other rides looking not that well put together so they didn’t trust them. The house of mirrors part was confusing,each ran into at least one mirror and the titling room wasn’t much better. The two clinging to each other as they tried their best to get through without falling over.
Once they finally got out they felt dizzy and were laughing at each other as they wobbled over to some place to sit.
“Well... We don’t have much longer. Is there anything else you want to do?” [Y/N] asked as Actor placed his hand over theirs , staring up as the sky began to get darker.
“We’re always running around and having to make choices, I think I’d just like to sit with you for a few moments.” He said, letting out a breath as he relaxed against them, their shoulders touching.
“You’re right, it’s nice to just... Sit here for a time.” [Y/N] commented.
“Yeah, especially when the writer really wants you to do something. But it’s not her choice, it’s yours [Y/N] and we’re running out of time.” Actor took a deep breath and tightened his hold on their hand. “Look, you don’t have to go on 11 other dates if you don’t want to. Again, it’s completely up to you. We could.. Just go off somewhere, I’m sure there’s some place we could hide!”
“Actor... Mark, that’s very sweet of you. But she was right, we do need to get the others a shot.” They said, watching as his shoulders sagged.
“Right... Of course. Sorry for assuming that you’d just want to run off with me. It’s fine.” He said and they rolled their eyes, it felt like he was trying to guilt them into it now.
“Hey, we had a good time! It’s not that bad! Who knows! Maybe you’ll get the second date in the end!” They tried to cheer him up, it earned a smile.
“And...” Seal’s voice filled their ears. “Time is up.” Another snap and [Y/N] stood before the woman in the plain room again. “Did you have fun? Did he try to talk you into leaving? Ugh, he’s hard to keep control of.” She rolled her eyes before clapping her hands together, smile back on her face. “Well then! Let’s continue shall we?”
And there is part of on this series! I don’t know why but I really like Actor!Mark being super Meta. Twenty minutes doesn’t sound like a lot of time but trying to fit enough stuff in twenty minutes but also trying not to do too much to get cut off is HARD. The 20 minutes started at the snap and ended when the story Seal interrupted them. I just thought that would be fun, hope y’all like the little addition haha! As always I accept any and all criticisms and feedback! Hope y’all enjoyed this first bit! I’ll see you tomorrow! ~Seal~
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angelicwolf98 · 4 years
Dark Anticipations
A/N: This is my first time posting fanfic on here so please go easy on me. I wrote this almost two years ago, so, for now, it's unedited. My writing has greatly improved since then, so I want to see what people think of the story and see if it’s worth rewriting or not.
Pairings: platonic!Mark x OC, platonic!Jack x OC
Warnings: mild violence
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That’s the first thing my brain is able to register as I slowly regain consciousness. A dull, throbbing pain that reverberates throughout my skull.
What happened? Where am I?
Then I hear the voices. Fear grips my heart at the realization that I’m not alone. Continuing to feign sleep, I do my best to listen in on the conversation, hoping it could shed some light on what the heck’s going on.
There are two voices, both male. One voice has a deep baritone, while the other is more high pitched with an accent that I can’t quite place. These voices sound so familiar, yet I can’t put my finger on where I’ve heard them before.
“How long do you think she’ll be asleep?” the accented voice asks.
“I don’t know,” the deep voice responds. “From what I can tell, she took a pretty hard hit to the head, so she may be out a while.”
“I just don’t understand why they brought her here. I mean, what do they want with a freaking kid?”
The deep voice sighed, “Your guess is as good as mine.”
A sudden wave of intense pain shoots through my head, causing me to involuntarily groan.
“I think she’s waking up,” the accent says.
“Hey, are you okay?”
A large hand is placed on my arm, startling me. I quickly sit up and crawl backward as fast as I can until a wall prevents me from moving any further.
“Whoah, hey! Easy, easy. It’s all right, we’re not gonna hurt you,” the deep voice says.
Taking a few deep breaths to calm my pounding heart, I finally focus on these two strangers. The minute I look up at them, my jaw drops. I now realize why their voices had sounded so familiar; it’s because I know exactly who these guys are. I mean, how could I not! I watch their Youtube videos every single day!
I glanced at the man to my left. He had dark brown hair that was flipped to the side, facial hair that was more stubble than anything else, and bright brown eyes that were filled with concern. He had tan skin, and his facial features suggested that he was probably part Asian. He was pretty built, but his muscles seemed relaxed, and his hands were slightly raised in a non-threatening way.
Focusing on the other man, I can tell that he’s slightly built too, even though he’s much skinnier than his friend. His dark brown hair is similar to the other guy’s, except it’s more spiked at the top. This man’s facial hair is more grown out, but not to the extent of being called an actual beard. He has pale, white skin, and cerulean blue eyes that are also filled with concern.
“Are you okay, lass?” the pale guy asks in his accent.
His accent…
It’s Irish…
I mentally slap myself for not recognizing this sooner. Still gaping at these two men, I struggle to find my voice.
“Y-you’re, you’re Markiplier…” I stutter towards the Asian. “And you’re… Jacksepticeye…” I look at the Irish man in awe. Their concern soon turns into surprise.
“So… you do know who we are?” Jack asks. I can only nod. Of course, I know who they are! They’re two of the biggest names on Youtube! Well, on the gaming side of Youtube, anyway.
As the shock of seeing my two idols finally wore off, my mind was immediately bombarded with a million questions. What are they doing here? What am I doing here? Where exactly is “here”?
I glance around to find that we’re in some kind of filthy, dank holding cell. The only piece of furniture is an equally filthy single mattress that lays at my feet. I’m guessing that’s where I’d been laying only a few minutes before. I see a rusted bed frame in the far corner, which is probably where the mattress came from. Seeing just how aged and fragile the metal looked, I can understand why they would choose to lay on the floor instead of the bed.
“I know you probably have a lot of questions,” Mark speaks up, “and I promise we’ll answer as much as we can. Is it all right if we sit with you?” He asks this hesitantly, and I can tell he’s trying his best to show he means me no harm. I hesitantly nod, and they both sit on either side of me.
I don’t know how long we sat there talking, but what I do know is that as time passed, I began to feel more comfortable around them, more…safe. I told them that my name was Hailey Peters and I had just turned fifteen only two weeks prior. I explained that all I could remember was that I went for a walk after being cooped up inside all day due to a heavy snow closing school. I slipped on some ice, hit my head, and before everything went dark, I had seen two pairs of glowing eyes looking down at me.
Mark and Jack tensed as I said that. I looked up at them, seeing the distress in their eyes.
“You know who brought us here, don’t you?”
Mark sighed, “You wouldn’t believe us.”
“Try me.”
“You know our evil alter egos, that the fans made up and we brought them to life in our videos?” Mark asked.
I nodded. I knew all about Jack’s and Mark’s demonic alter egos, or better known as Antisepticeye and Darkiplier.
“Well, somehow, they’re real…and they’re the ones who took us…” Jack continued.
I let this new information sink in. Dark and Anti are real… and they kidnapped us… no. No no no no no. Heck no!
I stood up and faced the two Youtubers.
“Look, I may be one of those fangirls that squeals every time Dark or Anti makes an appearance in your videos, but I know fact from fiction!” I started rambling, “I mean, what is this, a fanfic! There’s no way Darkiplier and Antisepticeye are real!”
“Oh, but my dear, we are very real.”
I froze as a deep, demonic voice spoke behind me. Mark and Jack jumped up quickly, their eyes wide with fear as they stared at the figure behind me. I slowly turned around and came face to face with not one, but two demonic beings. The very beings that I didn't believe existed until now… Darkiplier and Antisepticeye.
They looked completely identical to Mark and Jack, but at the same time, were completely different. Dark was clad in his usual attire of a white dress shirt and grey suit, which matched his deathly grey skin. Anti wore black torn jeans and a black t-shirt that was stained with the blood that dripped from the slit in his throat. His pasty, white skin had a greenish hue to it, while Dark was surrounded by a blue and red aura of light.
I gasped in fear and began to back away from the demons before I felt a firm hand grip my shoulder and pull me backward. The next thing I know, Mark was standing in front of me, shielding me from Dark’s piercing red eyes. Jack moved forward a bit, trying to keep his counterpart’s malicious green eyes on him instead of me.
I was silently grateful for them attempting to keep me out of harm’s way, even though we had just met. Because I knew very well what these alter egos were capable of, and the fact that they were alive terrified me.
“Ḑ̣̔̄ò̘̐ͅ ̫͚̀̕y̖̭͆͗ỏ̠̣́û̘̞́ ̣̙̂̆b̛̫̱̆ė̢͍̈́l̳̰͂͠ì̝͖̾e̪̲͂̓v̜̲́̓e̱͚͂͒ ̟̥̀͛w̬͖͒̈́ĕ̼͙͋'̞̼̈́́r̬̻̒̔e̝̱͊͠ ͖͓̇͝ŕ̯͆͜e͚͓̅͊a͕̘͌̈́l̩̙̎͝ ̨̗̍͐n̛͔̩̆o̩̙̾̽ẉ̬̂͐,͍̈́̉ͅ ̫̳̇̊H̥̤̄͘a̩͇͛̚i̳̘̊̊l̫̜̅͝e͈͚͆̈́ý̢̗͐?” Anti asked with a psychotic smile.
My heart skipped a beat at the fact he knew my name. Jack placed his hands on my shoulders as Mark kept his stance between me and the demons, both men's eyes never leaving the glares of their egos.
“What do you want, Dark?” Mark finally asked.
Dark smirked, “I thought it would be obvious. We’re here for the girl.”
My body shook with fear, and I felt Jack’s grip tighten on my shoulders.
“Over our dead bodies,” Jack growled.
The demons chuckled. “W̲̑e͊ͅ'̱͑l̼̽l̝̕ ͓̐g̈́͜l̮̉a͎̿d̙̔l͙͝y̰͠ ̫͛t͚̋a̠͋k͙̎ẽ̱ ̖̈́ṷ͛p̲̊ ̪̎ṭ̀h͇̑ḛ̀ ̡͆o̖͗f̠͒f̛̹e̮̕r̂͜…”
“Once our plan is complete.”
Dark flicked his hand, sending Mark and Jack flying across the cell. They slammed against the wall, Jack slid to the ground while Mark crashed into the old bed frame, causing it to completely fall apart. Before I could even react, Dark and Anti grabbed my arms and dragged me away. I kicked and screamed, fighting with all my might, but it was no use. I was powerless against these two demons.
I heard my name echo through the hallway as Mark and Jack threw themselves at the cell bars, all the while yelling threats and curses at the demons. Dark and Anti took no acknowledgment of it as the dragged me into a room and tied me to a chair. By this point, I was crying, my anxiety spiking to new heights.
“What do you want with me?!”
Anti chuckled maliciously, “Y͋͜ó̭u͕̔ ̢̈s̢͂ȇ̲e̬̾,̠͝ ̭̽ḱ̪ĩ̢t̫͊t̮̓e͍͗n̦̐,” I cringed at that nickname, “ĕ͉v̘́e̱̓n̰͠ ̣̅t͔͆h͓͂o̭̚u̝͆g̤͠h̛͕ ͈́ẅ́ͅe̠͂ ̥̌a̬̋r̨̅e̠̋ ̥̀o̤̾ư̫r̨̂ ̻̂o̺͐w̼͝n̡͊ ̺̉ḇ̈́e̥͝ǐ̠ñ͓ǵ͜ŝ͕,o͆ͅů̗ṟ̆ ̼̈́ẽ̢s̺̓s̡̚e̩̽n͇̋c̤̈́e̝̾ ̣͐ị̌s͚̃ ̙͑ŝ̟t̯̾ȋ͖l̐ͅl̰̎ ̮̄c̞̈́o͓̔ṇ̽n̦̅e̦͂ç͝t͉̃e̺̎ḍ̓ ͂ͅt̠̽o͌ͅ ͉̉t̠̾h̖͊o̯͆ş̐e̛ͅ ̧̓m͕̋o̤͛r̞̄o̭͆ṅ̢s̝͗.W͐ͅh͚̉ḯ̗c̼͂h̻̀ ̲̕m̹͒e͙͛a̺͑ň͕s̟̓ ̦͐ị̚f̥͗ ̜̆t͖̓h̭͑e̠͌y̼͝ ̻̍d̼͒ì̻ẹ̉…”
“…we die.” Dark continued. “While we can hurt them all we want, we can’t kill them without killing ourselves. So to free us of this, we need the blood of our makers, and the essence of an untainted soul.” Dark smirked at the as my mind struggled to wrap around this information. They needed my soul… They were going to take my soul…
“Ẇ͙e͑͜'̺͗v̜͐ë͓́ ̧͝n͎̑e̖͊v̝̏e̜̚ȓ͚ ͕͝s̲͠e̜̾ẻ̱ṅ̞ ͍͝s͓̅ō̼m̱̈́ė̝ō̜ṇ́e̪̾ ̦͋s̪̚o̪̓ ͖͐p̡̈́u̖̅r̯͝e͔̾,” Anti said as he scraped his fingernails across the blade of a very large knife. Dark slowly walked behind me as Anti continued to speak, “I̲͌t͎̑ ̜͘w͙̚ȃͅs̱̎ ̣̇a̺̎l̼̒l̦͝ ̐ͅs̨̑o̼̒ ̬̈p̲̈́e͕̍r͕͌f̣̄e̼̋č͚t̳̍,̬͂ ͚̋u̦̓ś̢ ̫͒f̺͐i̧̓n͚͋d̮͘i͕̎ñ͍g̬̽ ̰͠t͖̚h̡̍ḛ̆ ̳́v͍̎é̥r͍̾y̘͝ ͙̃t̯̆h̫͝ĭ̞n̡̕g̜̐ ̦͐w͙͐e̼͘ ͓͐ṉ̉ě̳e̝̓d̟͐e̝̔ď̥ ͎̊m͔̂o̫͝s̡̏ẗ̺́.”
“And now, we can finally be free.” Dark was now standing behind me. He gripped my hair painfully tight and yanked my head back, exposing my neck. Anti walked towards me, an insane glint in his green eyes as he raised the blade. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing that there was no escape. Just as I felt the cool metal touch my delicate skin, a loud bang filled the room.
“W̧̊h̗̿à̤t͖̄ ̧̎t̮̄h͍̎e̝̒—”
I opened my eyes just in time to see Jack smack Anti across the face with a metal pipe. He fell to the ground.
“How did you—” Before Dark could finish, Mark tackled him to the ground and stabbed him in the chest with a knife he had grabbed off the wall. Mark began untying my hands from behind me while Jack worked at the ropes around my feet.
“How’d you get out?” I asked as the astonishment wore off.
“Took a screw from the bed frame. Picked the lock,” Jack huffed breathlessly.
Suddenly, I saw movement behind him. Just as I yelled in warning, Anti lunged at Jack and pinned him to the ground. Jack used all his strength to hold Anti’s arm back, which still held the knife. Mark freed my hands and rushed to help his friend as I finished untying my feet. Once I was finally free, I looked up to see Anti lying on the ground with his very own knife protruding from his chest. Before I could say anything, Mark grabbed my hand and we all bolted out the door, ran through the maze of hallways, and finally found the exit. But we didn't stop there.
Once we were outside, we continued to run, trying to put as much distance between them and us. We kept running until we couldn't run anymore. By the time we stopped, the building we had escaped was miles away. All three of us collapsed as we caught our breath. It was only now that I realized we’re in the middle of a forest.
“Hailey, are you okay?” Jack asked breathlessly. I looked at him with tired eyes.
“I-I don’t know…” I then told the boys everything that had occurred while we were separated. When they heard about the demons’ plan, their faces fell in defeat. I knew what they were thinking. As long as Dark’s essence is attached to Mark’s, and Anti’s to Jack’s, then they weren’t really dead. They’d be back, and probably very ticked off.
Mark hoisted himself up. “Come on, we should keep moving. Who knows how long we have before…” He trailed off, but Jack and I both knew what he meant. We were all thinking it. We may have escaped, and we may be safe. But the question was, for how long?
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Who Killed Markiplier - What if Damien Went to War?
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A note before we start. Both William and Damien would around 19/20 years old toward the end of WW1. There are some minor differences in how I write them here compared to how they would normally be. Damien is still caring and loyal, but he is shy. It’s only in university that he properly gained his voice and confidence, so he grows timid a little easier. Because of this, he’ll be a little more passive than what might be expected if it was closer to their normal ages. As for William, while he is still eccentric, he’s far more grounded during the war. With all the responsibilities on his shoulders, he has enough to keep himself busy and focused. His odd nature is channelled more into keeping morale boosted. 
Word Count: 2,410
TW: War, guns, violence, major injury, death.
William had to read the letter three times to be sure he wasn’t going insane.
It was dated from a month ago, written in Damien’s neat handwriting, and had the shortest message his friend had ever sent:
I’m coming out there.
Out of context, it sounded rather ominous. Had William gotten in so much trouble that he had to be chased after and scolded by a young man his own age? But take the date it was sent into account - April 23rd, 1917.  William was in the French trenches. And soon, so would Damien.
The men in the Colonel’s squad couldn’t understand the source of his frustration. Despite the wall of the trench being made from solidified mud and wooden beams, he had still managed to punch the earth so hard that his fist left a dent. There was one thing that William had made Mark and Damien promise - no matter what, don’t follow him to war. Don’t get involved. Mark was far cockier than William was. He would try and play the hero, do something reckless and get himself killed. But Damien was nothing like that. The political student was too soft for his own good. Everyone knew that the world was cruel. It was nothing like how plays and stories made it out to be. However, war was something else entirely. It was ruthless, unforgiving, and thrived in suffering. Once you enlisted, you lost all sense of identity. You became nothing more than a pawn in a larger game you had no control over, and you had to hope you’d make it out alive.
When meeting with other high-ranked officials, he pulled strings. He pleaded and bartered to make sure Damien was in his regiment, under his command. It would be one way to ensure he wasn’t driven insane with worry. It also meant that Damien wasn’t alone. Even if William was busy attending to other matters, his right hand man Jean would be there to keep an eye on him. The group of men under his command were a friendly bunch too. They’d be able to help him adjust to the awful setting they were in.
When Damien did arrive, terrified was an understatement. His eyes were wide as he took everything in. The grime, the muck, the injuries, the stench of blood, the sound of gunfire far in the distance. It truly was as his instructor had warned the new recruits. Anxiety was hitting him hard, but there was no way he could back down. He had to do something beyond hiding in a university and hoping for good news.
Of course, he didn’t expect good news upon arrival either. The second-in-command had taken the other men elsewhere, leaving the two old friends alone. William was tired and worn out (and seemed to be growing a moustache), but Damien would swear that he had never once been so intimidated by him. William’s arms were crossed, and his head held high to glare at the slightly younger man.
“Were you not the one who once told me of the importance of trust?” William paused for a response, but none was given. “Were you not the one who always insisted that he would never break a promise?” That, at least, got a nod from Damien. “Then what in God’s name are you doing here?! I thought I made it clear in every fucking letter I sent home that you should stay where you were! Why bring yourself to death like this?!”
“I…. I had to. Men were being called in for extra support, and -”
“I don’t care! You weren’t supposed to come! This isn’t a place for someone like you, Damien!” The sudden shout made Damien flinch, but William didn’t care. “Look around us! Every man here is in danger! You could get shot, knocked back into something, have a shell dig into your skin. You could go to hospital and get an infection or catch some sickness they don’t have the medication for! Any man here could die at any moment. I could die tomorrow, and then what will you do, Damien? What will you do when you watch someone die for the first time?”
Had Damien ever seen William this furious before? While he was also angry, an argument would only make matters worse. After several long moments, holding his tongue proved to be the better option as William marched forward and pulled him into a tight hug.
“God, I’m sorry. Just… Promise me you’ll go home as soon as you can.” Damien didn’t answer at first, but he nodded into the other’s uniform.
Six months was a long time in the trenches. Once William had calmed down after his initial outburst, Damien recognised the teenager that had been one of his dearest friends. But of course, they were barely twenty years old, but William had to put that aside. He was a Colonel, one of the youngest around. He was holding a position normally given to a man twice his age. During the long, boring days, he could see the pressures William was under. William spent a large portion of his time making sure all the weapons were in working order with enough ammo, that the trenches were stable, that they all knew how their weapons worked, what exactly needed to be done when the ‘go over the top’ order was given. Damien and the others were given chances to practice hand-to-hand combat, basic first aid - “put pressure on the wound and don’t let go!” - and what to do if someone was discovered to be missing.
No wonder William wrote letters. There was little else to distract yourself with.
But somehow, William managed. He would regale stories of his younger days and encourage others to do the same. In fact, Damien would swear that this was fuelled by his own arrival. Weeks bled together, and he got to know most of the other men better. As a whole, they were a friendly, supportive group who had dreams and ambitions beyond the trenches. Some kept to themselves, while others disappeared after catching an illness from all the time spent outdoors, or were injured in combat.
As for those who were killed…. He mourned them. How could he ignore the impact it made on him? No one deserved to die in such an awful place. The longer he spent there, the more certain of it he was. Sometimes, he was convinced William thought little of him for getting emotional over the loss of human life. But he knew William well, and was sure that the Colonel would mourn quietly and alone. He had to keep morale boosted, even if it meant hiding his grief. The war would continue on.
“I need to finish my studies when I get home,” he explained to William one night. The pair sat aside from the rest of the men, as they would in times when they just needed the company of the other. “This all started because of politics. If I could somehow get there, I want to make sure this never happens again. I don’t want anyone else suffering like this.”
“You would have the support of a million men and women who have seen it for themselves,” William agreed with a nod. His moustache was looking better, but Damien was still getting used to the sight of it. He couldn’t imagine how unkempt he must look in comparison. “I’ll make sure of it myself, damn it. You won’t start that movement alone.” His right hand firmly grasped Damien’s shoulder with a smile. “You’ll be the finest politician out there, Dames.”
January 20th, 1918.
The call had gone in that morning for an ‘up and over’. It had been bloody, but no ground had been lost. The other soldiers had pulled back to check their own injured, and William’s men were doing the same. One or two had received gunshot wounds, but they were injuries that could be treated quickly in a nearby emergency medical setting. 
Damien had lingered behind to make sure everyone was able to return to the trenches safely.  They were all tired, but all could walk. 
Himself and another man found energy out of nowhere to frantically race back to the trench as bullets zipped past them. Never had such a dismal place looked like sanctuary. Both men made it to the trench, and the first climbed down. With Damien there, all would be accounted for, thankfully.
A cry of agony ripped through the silence as Damien fell straight into the trench. A bullet had gone clean through his left thigh. Not only that, he had taken the impact of the fall on that leg. Even without the bullet wound, it was badly broken.
William’s booming voice was filled with desperation as he knelt down beside his friend. He took one of Damien’s hands.
“Come on now, Damien. Stay with me. Squeeze my hand. I’m right here.” The tightened grip was nothing painful for William, but it was a good sign that the other could respond immediately. “Peter and Eddie have gone to get one of the stretchers. There’s a medical centre about a mile from here. They’re going to take good care of you there. You’re going to be alright.”
“Will, please… Don’t leave me. I don’t want to go alone.�� Damien’s voice strained with the intensity of the pain. It was a struggle to keep awake.
“I’ll be there, Dames. I’ll make sure I’m there with you. I said I’d protect you, didn’t I?” He had, he remembered. Damien had smiled and said that he was honoured that such a brave soldier would be like a knight in shining armour for him. But that was before the war. Before Damien joined him here. Before that blasted attack. Before -
“Dames? Dames! Please! Wake up! Stay with me!”
“Colonel, move back!” 
To William’s horror, the men had managed to get some of the medical assistants over as well. He saw the look they shared. He tried to scramble to his feet, but Jean held him back.
“He’s not dead! He can’t be dead! He’s fine!”
Ten months.
Ten months with no news on Damien.
After a lot of badgering, he was told that the injured party was transferred to a hospital in England. That was never a good sign. He wrote letter after letter pleading Mark or Celine to tell him what happened, even if that meant telling him the worst.
In January, he was upset, but optimistic. He confided in Jean that Damien had to be alive, that William would somehow know if Damien was dead. The pair pulled together and set about keeping spirits up.
By March 4th, 1918, he had lost Jean too.
For two full weeks, William was inconsolable. It was as though all the pain of war had finally broken him and left his chest hollow and numb. But on the fifteenth day, he was behaving like the man he was before - loud, optimistic, hard-working. All his grief and sorrow had been bottled up and buried as deep as possible. Never did he want to consider how he was letting the men who were still alive down. He would make sure they would all survive and go home.
And that was exactly what he did. Through some miracle, not a single man under his command died between March and November 1918. He had to do it. Damien would have wanted him to protect them.
The trip back to America was long and lonely. Part of him almost didn’t want to return, but he had nowhere else to go. Every mile felt much longer. Every day felt like another month. But eventually, land could be seen. A boat bringing soldiers home was docking on the east coast, which only meant that a painfully long journey alone faced him. Why was California so far away?
But as he stepped off the boat, two figures were standing in the crowd waiting for him. He had to restrain himself from charging over, but both Celine and Mark were pulled into a tight hug the moment he was close enough to reach them.
“It’s so good to see you both…” Jokes and casual banter would come later. He had to overcome this important moment first. Neither Celine nor Mark pulled away until William did so first, and both were surprised to see him crying.
“I’m so sorry… I tried. I tried as hard as I could. I couldn’t save him…” A man of his position shouldn’t be blubbering like a baby, but the tears flowed without any intent on stopping.
“We have a hotel booked near here, but we want you to get checked up first. God knows what sickness you have under all that uniform. And it’s being sponsored by the city, so it won’t cost a dime.” Mark meant well, but neither expected such a strong refusal to go to a hospital.
“William, please. Just for ten minutes, and then we can go out for dinner. We’ll be with you the whole time.” The couple had to reassure William three times before they could get him to budge, but they kept their word. The entire time they stayed with him, keeping him company and trying to distract him from whatever troubles were eating at him.
The check-up went well, and William was prescribed with some simple medicine and tasks to help rebuild his immune system, and the three began to make their way back through the hospital. The Colonel had noticed the way Celine took in their surroundings, but put it down to making sure they wouldn’t get lost amongst the swarms of people. She took his hand and took a sharp right into a room.
It was a one-bed ward. The room was in need of painting and new quilt covers, but it was peaceful. Even so, alarm bells began to ring the moment he noticed the empty bed.
“You two said we were going for dinner! You promised we would only be ten minutes! I am not letting either of you leave me here like some forgotten creature! I-”
William quickly spun at the voice. A figure stood at the bathroom door.
He was on crutches to support his missing leg, and looked unwell, but it was Damien.
He was alive.
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ego-incorporated · 5 years
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A huge thanks to @weepingredwillow and the anonymous asker who sent in these questions in regards to the DAMIEN animation that was released a week ago. You guys, no doubt, must be waiting for a while to hear him after that video, so here is the first relating to it! 
To weepingredwillow, you posed an interesting question about Dark’s identity that will be answered in a clear manner for everyone. To the anonymous asker, you must have intended to ruffle Dark’s feathers in one way or another, but I think you’re going to be very surprised by his reaction, especially to those claims you’ve made of him. This will be interesting... 
This took quite a bit of time to organise, and the script for this response even had a little bit of help along the way from @melissatreglia. I rarely ask for help with scripts, but this was one of those occasions where I felt it needed a special touch, so be sure to send some love to Melissa for her assistance! You’ve been incredibly helpful with your advice and expertise and I couldn’t be happier with how the script turned out, and for that I thank you deeply.
And to those planning on sending future asks to Dark, I hope this audio will help make sense of at least one thing that had been going around in previous asks. If you have anything you’d like to know, feel free to send it to the askbox and I’ll take a good at it. 
And without further ado, I hope you enjoy this audio! The script can be found under “Keep reading” below.
- Ellynore (Dark/Anti VA)
(There is a brief moment of silence before Dark begins speaking.)
“Do you have any idea what you have just said to me? At all?
Perhaps you need to watch the animation again and pay better attention to the setting. You are aware that it was not set in present time, are you not? If you’ve seen ‘Who Killed Markiplier’ and understand it well enough to interpret what had transpired, then that should ring clear to you by now. But, based on your initial response, I doubt you put in significant thought into it before sending it my way, and so you misinterpreted your sources.
You believe I have gone soft, but I’m only doing my part by fulfilling requests from the community. You know what I am capable of, and yet… why do so many of Mark’s subscribers seek me out? Are they drawn to the supernatural? Is there something about me that they desire but do not see in Mark or anyone else tied to him? Or… am I just that good at my job? The human mind is a magical piece of work…
If anything, your questions have allowed me to remind you of who you’re speaking to. After all, I’ve been playing my part for the last 80 years and I don’t plan to rest until my goals have been accomplished.
But let me make this absolutely clear, just in case you’re still struggling to connect the dots. You are talking to me--Darkiplier. Not Damien, not Celine or anyone or anything else. Dark. And you--all of you--will address me with that name unless I specifically say otherwise.
So… Do you now realize your mistake?” (Dark soon let out a mischievous laugh.)
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You’ve felt unstable for a couple weeks now. But when your friend Mark asks you to bring your demonic character to his universe, you cannot say no.
Warnings: demonic possession, mental health issues, mental instability, depression, self-harm, blood, mental breakdown
You can find it on AO3, too.
You’ve finally made it. You were going to film a video with your favorite Youtuber, Markiplier! Years of dedication, time, tears payed off, as you were one of the most promising creators on the platform, growing strong every day.
The point where you two got good friends and you were happily welcomed in his little clique was long surpassed. You had moved to LA, worked day and night, got a nice apartment in the center of the city, you were finally living your dream. Years of constantly changing workplaces, unemployment, fear of not being able to pay your bills were over after all.
The video was going to be in another big production of his, another multiple choice like “A date with Markiplier” and “A heist with Markiplier”. And you were going to be a surprise guest in the segment, where Darkiplier would come to life yet again. Your own original demonic character apparently was too good to pass up for him. But little did he know, how real SHE was. He had a faint idea, why you were in therapy, but he didn’t know the whole ugly truth.
The day came. You got your own room to get ready, put on your costume and makeup. The outfit you had made of many scraps of dark materials and fake-blooded bandages, the makeup consisted of black paint, ash, long pointed nails, bloodshed sclera lenses and very much fake blood. The SFX segment wasn’t going to be as hard as it used to be, as you got better every time you put the fake cuts and wounds on your skin. The sight in the mirror as you got ready was a thing you were probably never going to get used to. Caved in cheeks, dark circles under your eyes, little cuts on your face, that indicated you’ve scratched yourself, collarbones that were sticking out. It was a nightmare come true.
You chuckled at the thought, ruffled your hair a little more and was about to leave the room, as you realized the most important accessory was missing. The ID wristband, from the time you were in a mental hospital. You’ve kept it for sentimental reasons, still used to wear it after you left the facility to remind you of the lessons you had learned there. When you released your first video with your demon in it, you were still wearing it by accident. It became such a trademark for the character, that it always had to be there.
You put on the band and was finally able to go on set. Mark was being powdered one last time, everyone else around him was getting ready for the shoot. You’ve never been to such a big set, yet in such a big production. It was true, what they said, shooting consisted 80% of waiting.
The scenery was a sight to behold. The biggest greenscreen you had ever seen stretched out in front of you. The scene would take place in the ominous void, home to Dark and now, your demon, too. Mark nodded acknowledging at your appearance and you talked for a little while about this and that.
Ethan announced, that in three minutes the shooting would begin. You popped in your headphones and started the song, that always helped you bring out HER. Napoleon XIV played the tambourine, as you slowly let HER take over your body. Your shoulders dropped, your head slowly began to flinch, and the classic mad grin spread over your face, eyes wide, teeth bare. You threw your phone with the headphones to the side, walked towards Dark, turned to the already running camera and said in HER cracked voice: “Welcome to the void! How was the fall?”
The lights turned off, the cameras stopped running, everyone started to shuffle and hustle. Slowly you were stopping the jerks and twitches, becoming more and more YOU again. Mark talked to Amy, who was taking off his eyeliner, Catherine and Tyler closing the programs on their Laptops, Ethan starting to pack the lights, the rest of the crew being all over the place, wrapping up the set. You walked back to your room, still panting a little bit. Every time it drained you, letting HER out, fighting HER back into her cage, out of your mind, out of your body.
You closed the door, exhaling sharply. You let yourself flop onto the sofa, getting more and more exhausted. SHE was still there, probing your defenses. You couldn’t let her win, ever again! SHE was too dangerous to be let off the leash! Last time you let her slip beside your walls, she wreaked complete havoc on your friends and your flat.
“Deep breaths, you are the driver, she is just a passenger in your car. You can put her back into the trunk.”, you talked calmly to yourself. You stood up, slowly walking to the big mirror while trying to calm down. “You got this, you’ve done this before, you can do this again.”. The piercing laugh you heard proofed you otherwise. “You really think, that it is that easy? Don’t you know, that I KNOW that you love the feeling of being able to let go? And just BE? Just let me out, everything will be so much lighter. Aren’t you tired of fighting? Trying to contain me? Just. Let. Go.”
“No.”, you managed to squeeze out. You grabbed the edge of the dressing table, trying to stable yourself, as your head started spinning, the world fading into rivers of blood, screams in the distance, maniac laughter inside your mind. A piercing sound, like nails on a blackboard, stuck in your ears for almost a minute. You let go of the table, trying to cover your ears, to stop the cacophony inside your head. Stumbling over your own legs, you fall hard onto your side, then pulling your knees to your chest into a fetal position.
“Just let go. You’ve done it before. You know, what salvation it can be. The truth, it holds. I am a part of you, after all.”, SHE said. HER head starting to jerk again, stronger, HER nails clawing at HER skin, pulling HER hair. “LET ME OUT!”, she suddenly roared.
All of a sudden the door slammed open and Mark storming in. “(Y/N)!”, he yelled, rushing to where YOU laid. SHE jumped up onto all fours. “Back off, petty boy.”, SHE snarled at him, while slowly crawling backwards.
“What have you done?”, he shouted at HER. He stood there, legs wide, posture lowered. He was still in costume, although a bit disheveled.
“What do you mean? You already miss our little (Y/N)?”, she sneered at him.
“Come back, you hear me? You are still in there, I know it! Yes, she is a part of you, but she is NOT YOU! You are in control, as much as she is a part of you, you are a part of her! I know, it has been hard, I know that better than you think! But please, come back! Don’t let her consume you!”
Laughter sounded in the air, as SHE rose. Maybe SHE was not very tall, but it still was an intimidating sight. Blood, real blood steaming out of her mouth because she had bit HER lip, the costume, the makeup, it was all very real. Too real. Mark backed off, remaining in the defensive posture.
“Oh, she is still there. She can hear you. But she will never speak to you. Ever again! Existence is pain, and her little frail soul had to endure so much, that she is done with this world. The alternative would be suicide, but I like it here! There is a certain amount of… Chaos in your order, and I very much enjoy that.”
She stepped forward, head twitching, fingers contorting into claws. “You’ll never see her again, I will make sure of it.” SHE leaped forward, trying to startle him and run out the door, but he was quicker than she had thought. He grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her back into the room using her momentum against her. They stumbled and fell, she onto him. Next he knew he was holding her wrists while she tried clawing at his eyes, laughing fanatically. Finally, he managed to flip them over and pin her wrists above her head.
“(Y/N)! Please! You need to come back! I’m begging you! You need to snap out of it! You always say to go though just another day, so please, come back. For at least just another day.”
HER smile slowly faded. It transferred into pure rage, she roared at the top of her lungs. But then, silence. A deep sadness took over YOUR features, tears rising in your eyes. Mark let go of YOUR wrists and sat up next to you, heavily breathing. You just turned to your side and let the tears flow freely.
“Is it okay, if I hug you?”, he asked after a couple minutes. You could just nod, and he slowly helped you sit up and embraced you. Hard.
You sat like that for another 10 minutes or so, just weeping your eyes out, letting go of all the tension, all the emotions that were too much. Then you just were. You couldn’t grasp a clear thought, trying to take a breather and understand what just had happened. As you slowly began to rock back and forth, Mark picked you up and seated you both on the sofa, softly cuddling you until you dozed off from the exhaustion.
Ethan gently knocked on the door about an hour later and came in. You were wrapped up in a blanket, sleeping on the sofa, Mark sitting in the chair in front of the dressing table, watching you. “Will she be okay?”, Ethan asked.
“I sure hope so. Yeah, she will. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually, she will. And we will help her with that. Just one day after another.”
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volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch20
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Chapter 19
When I got done eating, I've noticed on how soft Ichigo was being towards me, is like he understands that I'm trying to live my life like he does. I got my bag and headed out to meet up with him, can't believe that I'm walking by myself for the first time, something tells me that I should've went with him, but I need to show myself that I can handle things on my own. Man, I should've told him to wait for me outside the front door this feels like any bad situation will happen any time soon, I looked behind me, then looked to the left and the right, the coast was clear, why am I being so paranoid? I couldn't help but whimper in fear, I know I'm being a little baby but remember that I only grew up in a small house with Shadow Phoenix and always remained by my side. At the moment, she's resting right now, all I did was wait until I hear my name being called by a certain voice of my trusting friends and brother, though the school is far away so they are probably way a head of me. I heard someone clear their throat, I looked, there was Talon, Raven, Layla, and Levy, oh right I have these guys. But they understood where I'm coming from, this world is huge for someone like me, then I heard it again, I looked in front of me, there was Renji. I feel so stupid right now, Renji said, "You know, I'm not always busy, you could always call me when you get like this." "Yeah, but I want to handle things on my own," I said, "Turns out, I'm not ready for that yet." "That's understandable," said Renji, "C'mon, the others, including Ichigo, are waiting for you." Once we got to the school, Renji left my side, telling the others on what took me so long, I never felt this so ashamed of myself before, all I heard was Ichigo saying, "Keep trying, Akari, you'll eventually get there." "Thanks, Ichigo," I said, still upset at myself. Asteria sees this, she walks over to me, gives me something, "Here take this." "What is it?" I asked, looking at a wolf charm necklace. She said, "The Brave charm of Artemis." "Thanks," I said, "But I can't take this from you." "I made it for you, Akari," she said, "Please as a token of our friendship." I took it, though I'm not fond of jewelry, I'm fine with this hairpin combination of mother, Talon, and Levy, we finally walked in to class I took my seat then began to read Talon's book. Turns out, I was the only one who is reading rock formations with the greatest detail, I looked around seeing Ichigo and the others talking, while I'm reading my worries away. Then I decided to pull out my new phone, started to continue watching Markiplier being a total idiot on Prop Hunt, then decided to listen to Mark's outro Crazy La Paint, fits him very well because he is so wacky. As I was reading about the different types of grass terrain, I noticed someone was about to approach me once again, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I paused and looked to seeing Keigo. I asked, "Can I help you?" "I just want to say, you are lucky to be the new family member of Ichigo Kurosaki," he said. I asked again, "Yeah, what's your point?" "I have permission to hang out with you right?" he asked. I just gave him a look of disgust, "Why would I want to hang out with you? I have stuff to do." With that, I went back to my music and the book, I noticed that this book was written by Talon, himself, he is very great at this sort of stuff, well, it makes sense if you are the Earth Elemental. I was about to read the Rain forest terrain until the book was out of my sight, I looked on who took it, Keigo asked, "What's this your reading?" "Give it back!" I said, raising my voice. He kept pulling it away from me, then my fire rage kicked in and elbowed him in the stomach, well, almost until Ichigo said, "Hey! Keigo, that's my little sister you are messing with, unless you want to get a beating from someone!" "Oh yeah," said Keigo, "Like who?" Then out of nowhere, I wasn't thinking clearly I grabbed him by the collar and threatened him, "Give me my book back or I will kick you where the light doesn't shine!" He felt my nail where the part I was talking about that would make him sing soprano, yeah, you know which part I am talking about. He gave me the book back, and left me alone, I looked back where Ichigo was standing, him, Uryu, Rukia, and mostly everyone was looking at me in complete distraught and surprised. Ichigo asked in a panicked voice, "Were you serious about that on what you just said?" "If he keeps bothering me, I will," I said, "But I'm not doing it the old way, it's like that but with a burning sensation." "Oooh-kay, enough about that," said Uryu, wanting to change the topic. After that I cooled down as soon as I went back to reading and Mark's outro, the instructor came in, "Good morning, class, and nice job Akari, I see you are reading something educational." I nodded, not wanting to be bothered anymore. I kept on reading until Ichigo wanted to read with me, I didn't want to lose my place so I scooted myself and my desk over, then turned the page where he left off, then said, "Wow, who ever wrote this is has a very keen eye on every terrain there is in this world." "You should know on who it is," I said, "It was written by Talon, himself." "Very fitting on someone who is a literal Earth Elemental," we only heard Levy said. He caught up on where I was, we began to read together, then we got caught reading together again, this is a different instructor who somehow does not like on how we are always remained side by side, he said, "Miss Akari and Mister Kurosaki, I would like it if you two separate from each other." This guy really bugs me to no end, does he not care that I only feel safe near Ichigo? Ichigo sees this look on my face where I am trying to fight this aggression, because this awakened mother, and that is not a good thing according to Talon, Levy, and Raven, if something awakens mother that she extremely loathes, someone is about to meet their doom, not to mention this guy was the reason why my Soul Page was taken away. Then Ichigo became very scared, I looked at him, then looked at who he was looking at, and oh boy, this instructor is about to meet his doom, she says to him, "I'm here for someone." "Oh, yeah who?" he asked. Her response was, "You!" Then she grabbed him by his tie and dragged him to where she was going, then we heard the principle of this school shouting, "YOU DARE SEPARATE THEM!!" Instantly everyone looked at me and Ichigo, then Ichigo tells them all, "She's my new sister, watch on how you interact with her." Then we heard, "YOU SIR, ARE FIRED!!!" Then came our temporary instructor who did not mind us at all, I smiled because I felt as much at ease then we went back to reading. When it was time for lunch, it seems like this is going to be a daily thing, Raven came in and brung me something different, this time it's spaghetti with Parmesan cheese, I started eating, once again all by myself then I noticed I was told by Ichigo that I'm now going to hang out with him. I was trying to find a way on where Ichigo was at, I couldn't find any luck on where he is, then Chad tells me, "He's up on the roof, I'll lead you to there." "Thanks, Chad," I said, then followed him. Once we reached the roof of this place, I noticed on how big is was, it was big enough to relief stress, I walked through the door, and the door closed, I thought to myself, "Okay, now to find on where he is." "Akari, over here," I heard his voice say. I looked and joined his group, Raven came back and returned the spaghetti to me, I went into my own world and started to eat without knowing that I was not alone right now so I felt Ichigo tapped my shoulder, I looked at him, "What is it?" "So, what's on your mind?" he asked. I shrugged, "Nothing at the moment." It was a small bowl, though I'm not complaining Raven is amazing with her cooking, she came and made the bowl vanish to thin air. I decided to stroll around the roof, getting sucked into the amazing view of the sky, a small smile formed on my face, oh how I miss looking at the sky with Shuhei. Someone spotted this and told Shuhei to show up in his Gigai, so he appeared, though he was walking through the door that leads back into the school, walking towards me, I see him and smiles big time, greeted him by running and giving him a big hug. Shuhei chuckled, "Hey, Akari." "Hey, Shuhei," I said, "I guess someone heard my thoughts." "Yeah, you can thank Renji," he said, "I know you missed me so much." I giggled, then Keigo, being the idiot on who never stops getting on what he wants, he comes over, asks Shuhei, "What's your status with little missy here?" "She's my soon to be wife, you idiot," said Shuhei, "I suggest you go away and never bother her again." "Alright, I'll leave her be," said Keigo. Knowing him, he will never stops bothering me, Shuhei sees this look on my face, then he said, "Let's watch the clouds, Akari." I nodded, smiling again, Talon mysteriously came out, tells me, "I'll make sure you guys are alone." While we were looking at the sky, I noticed on how Talon was serious about making sure that we are comfortable and protected, he conjured up a patch of grass and a singular tree, and stood guard, Keigo tried to bother us but Talon wouldn't let him.
Talon's POV: Seriously, what is up with this guy, I told him, "Look, pal, you are not bothering them, I don't care if class is resuming, they haven't seen each other in a while so why don't you go back to where you came from and never come back!" He listened, then I tried to stop Ichigo, but he said, "Thanks for standing guard while they do this but make sure you don't go overboard with your guardian status." "You are absolutely right on that one," I said, dropping the guard just a little, "But I can't help it, it's what I'm able to do." "Who do you protect with your life?" he asked. I answered, "Raven and my wife, Serene Jewel. I'll drop my guard when you approach me, though that might not be fair to her other friends." Ichigo tells me, "Just remember to not go over board." I nodded, knowing that I might screw up some time in the future I just know it that I might screw up my role as a stone elemental guardian, I just need to be careful on what I am doing and remain calm, just for her. I just don't know on how long I can keep this bottled up inside, I feel like I am going insane right now. I made a suggestion to Akari and she might want to keep me out for a while so I could blow off some steam, sadly there are no boulders around for me to lift up and carry around so I could break them with my hammer, I also told her, "If you happen to find Jaguar's weapon, make sure you keep him in check." "I will, Talon," she said, sounding concerned for me. I sighed, "Don't worry, I'll be fine for the time being." "But that doesn't mean that you are fine now," she said, "Talon, please, let me know on what's bothering you." I don't know what happened, but all I said was, "Stop pressuring me, I don't feel like saying anything for the likes of you!!" That was when I knew that mistake happened, I started a tension between us, it wasn't before long when Ichigo noticed that I made Akari cry, this bottled up pressure was taking its toll on me, so I gave her a look of sadness on what's really going on. Ichigo pulled her away in time so I could clear my mind away, when I was left alone, I couldn't help but go into my Grass Earth Elemental and just let it all out in tears. "Hey," I heard Ichigo calling for me, "Talon, where are you?" I just stayed silent knowing that he might tell me that I went too far but I figured it out before he did, yes, just because I'm a grown man doesn't mean I can't feel sadness, it's just I don't want anyone to see me crying. It wasn't long before Ichigo finally found on where I was, he asked, "What were you thinking?" "It's none of your concern, Kurosaki," I said to him, "My business is my own." "That's a load of bull and you know it," said Renji, "Look what happened back there was unlike you." "Well, maybe if you guys would've pressured me to do anything this would never happen in the first place!" I snapped, "It's not my fault that I was chosen to be this way so why are you guys telling me to drop everything I care about and obey the likes of you!! I am Talon GrimEarth and I do not obey your every command you throw at me!!" Silence came between us, I just couldn't handle it anymore so I raised my hand up and a wall of stone came in between us so I can cool down at last. I heard Raven saying, "I know that you are wondering on where she is, Talon, don't give up, you'll find Serene Jewel." "Yeah, I just wish that we didn't have to separate, she's my one and only," I said, "I'm trying my very best to keep myself together."
Akari's POV: Can't believe Talon was feeling all that all by himself, I asked the instructor, "May I use the restroom?" "Yes, you may, Akari," she said. I have something in mind that Talon would really love if I did something like this, so I went to Urahara's Shop, Urahara asked, "Ah, Akari, what brings you here?" "I have a favor to ask," I said, "Can a friend of mine go down below and destroy those boulders you have in the way?" "Ah, why, yes of course," said Urahara, "Just bring him over when you have the chance." "Thank you," I said, left the store and back to school. Mother tells me, "Talon is going to feel much better now you did that for him." "It's the least I can do for him," I said, "Plus I was told that he breaks boulders in order for him to calm down or something." I got back to the school, went back to my desk and resumed my reading session of the different types of rock formations from Talon GrimEarth. Ichigo walked in with a VERY irritated look, I'm not going to bother him, nope, someone else would so I just stayed silent. He sees me then taps my shoulder, I looked at him, he says, "Scoot over here so I can read with you." He said that with the tone of a very annoyed voice, so I just did on what he said, stayed silent and went to the page where he was at. He read up where I was at, I didn't say anything just let him flip the page, am I terrified of him right now? Does he notices on how fidget I am being right now? I mentally shook the feeling away, guessing Talon must've set him off. After the last bell rang, I went first so I could get Talon over to Urahara's place, once I got over to where Talon was, I shouted through the wall, "Hey, Talon." "What do you want, Akari?" he asked. I told him, "I found a couple boulders for you to destroy." As soon as I said that, came down the stone wall, Talon said, "Show me." "Follow me," I said, "Urahara was wanting someone to destroy a lot of boulders so I thought of you being perfect for that." Out of nowhere, I got a hug from Talon, when I dropped him off at Urahara's place, I know that I did a good thing for him, I was now seeing Talon in his natural state, and damn, he puts body builders to shame on how shape he is. He is SO buffed up, I decided to stay for a while because I want to know on how he destroys those boulders which are collided together, then I was told that he lifts them up with his bare hands. Urahara asked, "Is he going to get crushed by those?" "Urahara, Talon is a Stone Elemental," I said, "I was told that he is always getting caught lifting up boulders all day and night." "Not the night part," we heard Talon, "I prefer my sleep, thank you very much." "Okay, never mind then," said Urahara, "As long as he can get the job done then I can't argue with you." As I left Talon in Urahara's hands, I noticed that I did not tell Ichigo on where I was going, and he's in a very irritated mood right now, so I went home before he did. So I thought, I could swear that he's waiting for me to open up the door and I get scolded by him. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, I left my book with Ichigo, I'm not going to ask for it back, I will wait for him to return it for me, I asked Karin in a whispered voice, "Where is Ichigo?" "In his room," said Karin, "You might want to let him cool down, he's not in a good mood." "Yeah, thanks to an Elemental of mine," I said, keeping my voice at a low voice so Ichigo doesn't hear me. I think to myself on where I can throw my voice, I went to the karaoke place where I met Asteria Evarose, I went to the lady and asked, "May I go up there?" "Sure, what song do you want to sing?" she asked. I told her, "Um, this one." "Waiting for Superman from Daughtry and what else?" she asked. I chose a couple songs, she knows that I want to throw my passion at different things, I rocked at the Daughtry song, apparently I was testing the sound of the mic and music. I was hearing people clapping on their way inside of the building, I sang the songs I had queued up for me, everyone loved me on how I was doing every verse and chorus. My last one was Move Along from All American Rejects, when the intro was playing, guess who walked through the door? Yep, Ichigo and his friends, I looked in front of me, I was seeing the 12 EXO guys, I began to sing the song. After my setlist of songs, I walked over to where the EXO guys were, Luhan said, "That was amazing, Akari." "Thanks," I said, blushing. Kris said, "You will become an amazing singer or songwriter one day."
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