#the first line of which I have been sitting on since 2015 because it was straight up one of the first things I wrote for/about the game
stylishanachronism · 1 year
Ugh I need to play White March again
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
The Good Omens Musical Masterpost🎵❤
How it started :)
Some time before 2013: Vicki Larnach, the australian composer and lyricist, read the Good Omens book, imagined figures dancing on stage with brilliant music and thought, ‘Ah, I’m gonna ask Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman if I can turn it into a musical.’ and sent an email to the publishers. The next day she got an email saying, ‘We don’t want a musical but Terry’s coming to Australia, so come and say hello and tell us what you got.’
Rob Wilkins came down to meet Vicki and Jim Hare - Vicki's husband and writer - and took them to meet Terry. They spent an hour and a half with them where Terry asked ‘piercing questions’, had tea with them and they showed Terry a song that Vicki wrote (about the Chattering Nuns). Terry said to Rob, ‘Rob, write and email to Neil, “Dear Neil, this is Terry. I’m sitting in front of two hippies from Sydney and they want to make a musical out of Good Omens and I’m tempted to let them do it.”’ which was the best email they ever heard and then Terry said, ‘Okay, you have me curious.’ - it was because of the Nuns song which sounded like the book. ‘I’m gonna give you six months, come back with a first draft libretto and five songs.’
They then sent it to Terry who sent it to Gaiman. Terry said, ‘I really like it, you’re moving story, you’re doing all the right things, but where’s showstopper, where’s the toe-tapper, you know I need people to go to intermission just snapping their fingers with the song they just can’t get out of their head, and I haven’t heard that.’ - and they realized that they were so busy serving the story they forgot to do the wow-factor, but found it very encouraging from Terry that he wanted to make it better.
They went through the whole book again to find a centrepiece - and they found it  when Warlock is growing up and Aziraphale and Crowley are with him, and spent months working just on that one thing and called ‘All Living Things’ [the song at the start of this post :)] which is a line from the book.*’ Terry gave that song to a person he knew and asked him to play it to his wife with no context and when the next day the person said that his wife woke up still singing the song Terry said to Vicki and Jim: ‘Well, that’s what I asked you to do.’ 
* [“This here’s Brother Slug,” the gardener would tell him, “and this tiny little critter is Sister Potato Weevil. Remember, Warlock, as you walk your way through the highways and byways of life’s rich and fulsome path, to have love and reverence for all living things.” “Nanny says that wivving fings is fit onwy to be gwound under my heels, Mr. Fwancis,” said little Warlock, stroking Brother Slug, and then wiping his hand conscientiously on his Kermit the Frog overall.]
Vicki and Jim got the permission to being adapting it as a musical in 2013.
Vicki and Jim on it a couple of years ‘fumbling about’, took it as far as they could and decided to bring another person into it: Jay-James Moody
In 2015, Jay James-Moody joined the collaboration initially as a dramaturge and directorial eye, eventually evolving into co-book writer. Vicki, James and Jay have continued to evolve through countless more revisions and a number of private development readings with the support, time and talent of numerous wonderful Australian performers testing the material.
In November 2017, the musical was presented in its then-current form and entirety for the first time before an audience of over 500 eager attendees. The cast included Luke Joslin, Lachlan O’Brien, Nancye Hayes, Barry Quin, Brett O’Neill, Lauren McKenna, Nicholas Craddock, Paul Capsis, Rob Johnson, Amy Lehpamer, Debora Krizak, Blake Erickson, Nat Jobe, Ana Maria Belo, Jordan Hare, Bella Thomas, Anthony Abrakmanov and Samson Hyland.
Following a rapturous response to this reading it continued to be refined and developed.
In 2019, ten days before the show came out they did their last presentation, since then they’ve been to London and shown a videotape of that workshop to Gaiman and Rob Wilkins which was ‘a pretty heartstopping experience’.
Differences between the musical and the book
The ending of the musical is a bit different.
It opens with the burning of Agnes Nutter and Aziraphale and Crowley are introduced there. 
Act One ends with them ‘essentially breaking up’ because of a huge argument and they dissolve their friendship, Act Two starts with the first time they meet.
The Future?
What is the future for the musical: in 2021 they said that they need to work on some things and then they hope to do another run, initially in Australia.
There will be a CD of the soundtrack available when the show is produced in it’s full version.
In 2024 on insta they said that it is in "complicated process of rights to stage Good Omens" and "We appreciate your support and patience of the progress or seeming lack therof, of Good Omens the musical but we assure you, we will bring you the show in the next few years."
Vicki, Jim and Jay talking 46min about the musical (this video was shown at the Ineffable Con 3 in 2021 :))
Sizzle Reel 6min
Anathema singing The Perfect Place
Crowley calling Dagon to check on the hellhound
Shadwell and Newt
Aziraphale vanishing Hastur 👀
Instagram - a lot of more bts videos and pics :)
How to support?
Subsribe to the instagram page and like and comment that you want the musical on posts :)❤. If you want to be a sponsor or donor, there is contact on their webpage.
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wolverigrl · 19 days
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The Red Carpet Confession
Hugh Jackman x reader (actress)
Here's another try! Please let me know in the comments if you liked it and if you'd like to have a part two? :)
Warnings: literally none, only some light fluff but nothing more!
!Disclaimer! The movie that the next parts are about is fictitious. It's a Marvel movie in which y/n plays one of the main roles as a Lady Deadpool variant.
Time period around 2015. Hugh's divorce fictitiously occurred here a year earlier.
Hugh is 46, and y/n is in her late 20s.
The energy at the movie premiere was electric—the buzz of the crowd, the flashing lights, and the excitement in the air. Hugh’s hand rested comfortably on the small of my back as we made our way down the red carpet. Every now and then, I found myself leaning into his touch, savoring the warmth and comfort that came so naturally between us. I glanced up at him, admiring the familiar crinkles around his eyes when he smiled and those laugh lines I adored so much.
We had come a long way since our first meeting at one of Ryan’s infamous dinner parties, where Blake introduced me to Hugh. Some months later I found out that my ex fiancé cheated on me. That night was a turning point for me. Blake, always the caring friend, had rallied Ryan and Hugh to come over with takeout and wine, determined to cheer me up. The four of us spent the evening in my living room, talking, laughing, and simply being there for each other.
Hugh had been a quiet comfort, sitting beside me as I cried, his arm around my shoulders. At one point, Ryan insisted on taking a selfie—our eyes a little red but smiles plastered on our faces. We posted it with the caption:
>>vancityreynolds: Friends who stick by you, no matter what ❤️<<
It was a moment that solidified our friendship, and from there, Hugh and I only grew closer.
Over time, our bond deepened. We started working out together, pushing each other to new limits. One day after an intense session, we snapped a photo—both of us sweaty, grinning, and flexing our biceps. I couldn’t resist adding a cheeky caption:
>>y/n instagram: Who needs a gym partner when you’ve got The Wolverine pushing you?<<
The post went viral, and the fans went wild. The comments were full of playful speculation, with people shipping us hard.
>>loganskittycat: You two should just get married already😩<<
One fan wrote, while another cheekily commented:
>>carllax03: Are we sure this is just a workout partnership? Because I’m seeing serious couple vibes here🔥<<
I remember laughing about it with Hugh, but the truth was, there was something between us—something neither of us had fully acknowledged.
Things got even more intense after Hugh's separation. I made sure to be there for him, offering whatever support I could. We spent a lot of time together during that period, just talking, laughing, and working out our frustrations at the gym. He was hurting, and I wanted to be the friend he could lean on. But every time we were together, those buried feelings would start to bubble up again, and it was getting harder and harder to ignore them.
There was that one time I posted a photo of us at the beach in Australia, where I had visited Hugh some days after he told me of his seperation. We were walking along the shore, deep in conversation about the breakup, his children, life and relationships, when the paparazzi caught us.
>>thehughjackman: The best view in Australia, and I'm not talking about the ocean 🌊<<
The next day, the headlines were full of speculation, but what really made the fans go crazy was Hugh's comment under a selfie of us at the beach:
The internet literally exploded with fans shipping us even harder than before.
>>catpool3000: Okay, if you two don't date, the universe is seriously broken😩<<
>>marvelboyx: He's flirting right in front of us! This is not a drill guys!<<
I found these fan comments so amusing and laughed it off, but the truth was, Hugh had become someone I couldn’t imagine my life without.
As we continued posing for photos on the red carpet, I couldn't help but remember the time we ran into a group of fans during another walk, this time back in New York.
Hugh and I had been grabbing coffee when a few fans approached us asking for photos. Hugh was, of course, his usual charming self, chatting with them, making them laugh, and posing for selfies.
One of the fans turned to me, a little shy, and said: "You're so awesome, y/n. You and Hugh are just the best! Your energy is amazing."
I smiled, touched by her words. "Thank you, sweetheart, that means a lot. Hugh makes it easy, though. He's got the charm down to an art."
Later, those fans posted the selfies on social media, gushing about how kind and down-to-earth we both were. The most comments were full of love and support, with many noting how natural Hugh and I seemed together, how much they 'shipped' us. It was sweet, even if it was a little overwhelming.
The speculation about us had been growing for months, especially after that interview with Jimmy Fallon, where Ryan and I were guests. We were there to promote the new movie, and naturally, the conversation turned to the camaraderie on set.
Jimmy Fallon, ever the curious host, leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, y/n, what was it like joining such a big, well-established cast for the first time? Did you find it easy to get along with everyone?"
I nodded, smiling at the memory of my first days on set. "Honestly, I was a bit nervous at first. I mean, these guys are legends." I said, gesturing to Ryan.
"But they made me feel so welcome right from the start. It felt like I was joining a big. slightly dysfunctional, but very loving family."
I chuckled, trying to keep my cool. "I mean, Hugh and I did spend a lot of time together. We bonded over our love for fitness, and he's just such an easy person to get along with. But really, the whole cast was amazing."
Jimmy grinned. "And was there anyone you got particularly close to? I mean, everyone's shipping you with Hugh Jackman after those workout posts."
Fallon wasn't done yet. He leaned in closer, his tone playful. "But come on, Y/N, who was your favorite on set? Who was the person you looked forward to working with the most?"
Before I could answer, Ryan leaned over, placing his hand dramatically on his chest. "Oh, come on, Jimmy, we all know I'm her favorite," he said with a mock pout. Then, as if sharing a secret, he turned to him, cupping his hand around his mouth like he was about to whisper.
"But between us, it's the Aussie. It's always the Aussie."
The audience burst into laughter, and I playfully shoved Ryan's shoulder.
"You wish!" I said, unable to keep a straight face.
Ryan shot me a wink. "Hey, you don't have to deny it, y/n. We all know how much you love Hugh's, uhh workout routine."
I rolled my eyes, laughing along with the audience. But deep down, Ryan's joke hit a little too close to home. Because as much as I tried to brush it off, there was a growing part of me that knew he was right.
Now, as we walked the red carpet together, another interviewer caught up with us, asking the question we'd been dodging all night. "Hugh, y/n. The internet is buzzing with rumors about your relationship. Care to set the record straight?"
My heart skipped a beat. I glanced at Hugh, and he met my gaze with that familiar, playful glint in his eye. He leaned in, his voice low and teasing, as he spoke into the mic,
"We've certainly spent a lot of time, and we do get along really well."
Hugh and I exchanged a quick look, a silent understanding passing between us.
"We've had some pretty intense workouts together." I couldn't resist adding.
The double meaning wasn't lost on the interviewer or on Hugh, who shot me an amused look.
The interviewer pressed on. "So, is it safe to say you're more than just friends?"
Hugh grinned, his eyes twinkling with that familiar mischief. "I think we'll leave that up to your imagination."
The reporter laughed, realizing we weren't going to give a straight answer. "Fair enough. But you two certainly know how to keep us all guessing."
We thanked him shortly after, said our quick goodbyes, and moved along the red carpet to the next interview.
Another reporter greeted us, smiling, and started right with the conversation.
"Y/n? Hugh, you two have been quite the talk of the town with your workout posts. Can you tell us a little more about your training and diets while preparing for the movie?"
Hugh grinned and nudged me playfully. "Y/n here is a beast in the gym. She's got more discipline than anyone I know, and she doesn't let me slack off."
I laughed, nodding in agreement.
"Hugh's being modest. He's the one who keeps me on my toes. It's hard not to be motivated when you've got The Wolverine next to you, pushing you to do just one more set.
The interviewer chuckled before shifting the conversation to a more private topic.
"And y/n, with your costume being so form-fitting, what kind of uhh.. support did you have underneath?”
The question caught me off guard, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Before I could respond, though, Hugh stepped in, his expression turning serious.
"I think that’s enough for this interview. Thank you for your time." he said, his tone polite but firm, effectively ending the conversation.
The reporter looked taken aback but quickly recovered, thanking us for our time before moving on. As we walked away, I felt a surge of gratitude for Hugh’s quick intervention. Without thinking, I placed my hand on his chest, leaning in close to whisper in his ear.
"Thank you."
He smiled down at me, his eyes softening as he replied.
"Anytime, darling. Anytime."
As the last flashes of the cameras faded and the final questions from reporters dwindled, Hugh and I finally stepped off the red carpet. The air was buzzing with the excitement of the night, but it was the thought of the after-show party that truly had me giddy. Hugh could sense my anticipation and chuckled, his arm still comfortably wrapped around my waist as we made our way to the venue.
Inside, the party was already in full swing. The room was filled with a dazzling array of celebrities, all mingling and celebrating the movie. My eyes widened as I spotted a few of my own favorite celebrities across the room, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. Hugh noticed my reaction and gave me a teasing smile.
"Someone’s excited." he said. His voice was warm with amusement.
I laughed, unable to contain my enthusiasm.
"Can you blame me? This is like a dream come true! There are so many people here I’ve admired for years."
Hugh shook his head, his eyes crinkling with that familiar, affectionate smile. "It’s adorable seeing you like this, y/n. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself."
We made our way further into the party, the music and chatter surrounding us. It didn’t take long before we spotted Ryan and Blake, who waved us over from a corner where they were chatting with a few other familiar faces.
As we joined them, Blake greeted us with a warm hug.
"You two were fantastic out there." she said, beaming. "How many relationship questions did you get?"
Ryan grinned, leaning in with a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, did they finally get you to confess?"
I exchanged a quick glance with Hugh before we both laughed. "Oh, you know, we kept them guessing." I said, shrugging lightly. "It’s more fun that way."
Hugh nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "We might have let a few things slip here and there, just to keep them on their toes."
Blake raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "You two really enjoy this, don’t you?"
"Maybe a little." I admitted with a grin, feeling a little mischievous. "But in the end, it’s our story to tell—or not."
Ryan lifted his glass, grinning from ear to ear. "Well, here’s to keeping the world guessing, then. And to the best workout partners in the business."
We all clinked our glasses together, the sound of crystal ringing out as we toasted to the night and everything that had led us to this moment. The conversation flowed easily, with laughter and banter filling the space between us. As I stood there, surrounded by friends who had become like family, I felt a deep sense of contentment.
As the night wore on, we mingled with other guests, and I let my inner fangirl come out to play, much to Hugh’s amusement. He watched with a fond smile as I excitedly chatted with some of my favorite stars, his laughter echoing in my ears when I returned to his side, gushing about the conversations I’d just had.
Blake nudged him playfully, a knowing look in her eyes. "You’ve got your hands full with this one, Hugh."
Hugh just laughed, looking over to me, while I was talking to Ryan. "I wouldn’t have it any other way."
Next part
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sexhaver · 4 months
so i am 100% on your side about the yugioh having ridiculous rules about bluffing thing. but what do you think of probably the most infamous pithing needle bit where the guy named borborygmos at a modern tournie and his opponent argued and successfully won with borborygmos, enraged since that wasnt the card that was named. should he have been given that?
yes, imo, with the caveat that obviously the "patch" to tournament rules to stop that from happening in the future is good and necessary and should have been there since day 1. since it wasn't, though, he didn't break any rules, and he closed a loophole in one of the most bombastic ways possible. like he did what sovcits think you can do in an actual court
personally my favorite Controversial MTG Moment was when Pascal Maynard was drafting his deck at GP Las Vegas. drafting is a format where you open a pack, take a card from each, pass them to the the player sitting next to you, and then repeat this process with three packs until you have enough cards for a 40-card deck. since this was a sanctioned event, the cards in these packs also came with a unique watermark stamp to make cheating impossible and make the cards more valuable afterwards. Pascal is drafting a red burn deck, so he's looking for red burn spells. he opens his second pack, which contains Burst Lightning. this is exactly the kind of spell he's looking for.
the pack also contains Tarmogoyf, a two-mana green creature Pascal's deck has no way of casting.
a foil Tarmogoyf.
a foil Tarmogoyf with a unique watermark.
non-foil, non-stamped Tarmogoyf, at the time, was a $200 card.
he picks the Tarmogoyf.
while being livestreamed.
pros lose their fucking MINDS
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i can't find many more tweets to screenshot here because a lot of them were deleted in the years since, but trust me, there was a sizable contingent of pro players who thought this signaled the death of competitive integrity in Magic. this contingent named the event "Goyfgate", which is the best name for anything ever.
Pascal ended up coming in third at the event, missing out on a potential first prize of around $10k (i couldn't find an exact number for GP Las Vegas 2015 specifically but this seems in line with other events at the same timeframe), in large part due to the absence of Burst Lightning from his deck.
he then turned around and sold the Goyf in question on eBay, and because of the controversy stirred up by Goyfgate specifically, it ended up selling for literally $15,000 instead of the $1000 people had predicted beforehand. Pascal then gave half the money to charity and still made more money than he would have by coming in second place. truly a story for the ages and a great barometer of how seriously people take card games
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loftec · 1 month
Shameless DVD Commentary: None the wiser
I was tagged by a lovely anon over at @shamelessdvdcommentary to do this, thank you! Here we gooo
Which fanfic is your DVD commentary about?
The people (11 out of 20) have spoken! None the wiser
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc)
First published: 2015-09-23 (coming up on 9 years what is time??)
Last updated: 2021-12-11 (holy heck that's... shit! I'm sorry!)
Words: 218,480 and counting
Chapters: 53/68
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
A little bit of everything, mostly I'd been reading a lot of Shameless fic at the time and really wanted to write something that was both a really quite basic diner/coffee shop AU, but The Most version of it. The slowest burn, the most diner AU. I had no ambition for people to like it but I wanted it to be Known. If anyone ever asked for a diner fic, they'd HAVE to say, well, NTW is The Most diner fic we've got. If someone asked for slow burn, people would sigh and say, WELL, this one over here is the worst, but it is very slow. And also I was inspired by Before Sunrise / Before Sunset, and working in the music industry.
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
I chose Mickey specifically because of the Concept, that Ian decides when the chapters start and end (with some exceptions) by going to the diner, but we're limited to Mickey's POV. Generally I think Mickey is easier for me to write, too, he's got a really strong voice and I like looking at the world (and Ian) through his eyes.
What was your favourite scene to write?
The whole banter/walk scene in chapter 44 when they leave the venue:
“Sure you and your lips can do whatever you set your heart to,” he says, “I believe in you.” Ian is silent, and when Mickey risks a glance in the direction of him and his non-trumpeting goddamned marvelous lips, Ian is looking at him like he’s some kind of unsolved mystery. ”What?” Mickey asks, frowning at him when Ian smiles. “Just a thought,” he says. ”You’ve been flirting with me since we first met, haven’t you?”
I had that whole back and forth leading up to the first kiss in my head for years before I got to finally got around to write it and I still love it.
How did you come up with the title?
It's from a song, one of the core songs I associate with this fic. My playlist now has 149 tracks on it, but the ones I consider "core songs" are None the wiser, Day After Tomorrow, Let's Dance, How I Made My Millions, Not Dark Yet, and Mosquitoes. I'm not sure I can explain why, but None The Wiser came on randomly when I was doing dishes and thinking about this fic I was writing, and the vibes just lined up in my head. Also I think it fits this version of Mickey I'm writing, who knows so much and has so much experience, but refuses to understand what's happening when Ian walks into his life.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
Oh, wow. Yeah. I always reference silly little things and I just have to hope people understand them, or tolerate them at least. I think one of my favourite bit of foreshadowing is in chapter 39 when people keep staring at Ian because they obviously recognise him, but Mickey thinks staring at Ian is a completely reasonable thing to do and is mostly just annoyed over how blatant they're being.
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
I am struggling right now lol, I had meticulous notes for what I wanted to happen for every single chapter up until 45, and now half of them say "they text all day" and I'm like THANKS!!! VERY HELPFUL!! Also life and writers block etc etc.
Favourite line in the story?
This is such a hard choice, so I'll just go with this one from chapter 42:
“So,” Ian says, sitting back to sweep his arms out in a wide motion, presenting his solution. “I think we should go out for breakfast sometime.”
Because to me it pinpoints the moment when Ian breaks the format, in a way? They have met outside the diner before, but only on accident, and here Ian realises that it might be a problem that they only ever hang out at Mickey's job. But metatextually, he also highlights the narrative crux they're stuck in. I don't know, is that a boring favourite line? I have many, and I grabbed the first one I saw so I wouldn't get stuck rereading the whole fic lol. Do you have a favourite line?
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story?
So much, it's hard to believe because there isn't too much of a plot, but so much. My planned ending is so far from what it was when I started out, which is maybe one blessing that comes from how long it's taking me to write it, I have time to rethink things. I can't really talk about it now without spoiling the actual ending, but you better believe I will expose myself once we get to it.
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this?
I'd written fic for a different fandom ten years earlier, but nothing in this style I don't think, and this was my first time writing since I was 20 and stopped writing jrock rpf. I suppose I'm still writing about music, though!
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc)
One of the things I've always wanted to do with writing for Ian and Mickey is to let them have conversations, have things in common, and be friends. Because I think they were in canon, we just never got to see it (in the first 5 seasons, careful what you wish for). Guess I'm saying I'm proud of the bants!
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
I don't think so! I mean, maybe the last 15 chapters? I kid! They will make it!
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line?
There is one line Ian says where, when I wrote it, I was like; this is the first time Ian thinks "I love you" but says something else. Cannot remember what or where right now, and I don't want to try and find it, it's late! Submit your guesses here, I might find it over the weekend if I have some time to look. Also, it's like one of those silly I love yous, one of the early ones, full of potential and feeling but perhaps lacking a bit in substance, but he thought it and I saw him thinking it!
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add?
Eh *coughs* I might already have, and I apologise. The worst part about writing something this slowly and posting the chapters as I go is that the fic isn't finished and so I feel like it's fine for me to sometimes go back and edit already published chapters. It's not right but I... will still do it. Sorry! A most embarrassing example is when, not too long ago, we discussed the layout of the diner here and I went back to the first chapter to see how I had described it, and it had changed in so many ways over the years? Small round tables?? The tables haven't been round since 2016!! So that's a very clear case of something having become canon for all the hundred little times I've thought of the tables as square while writing vs that one time in chapter one I carelessly said they were round.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
Yes! So many! Or maybe not a sequel, that suggests another part of equal size. But little bits of stories, yes!
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity?
Yes! Like I said, my only aim was to annoy my way to fandom infamy. Turns out it's so much more fun to actually connect with people and write something with someone else in mind, besides myself. I feel so lucky that so many people have connected with NTW over the years <3
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
Mostly just excited, I think! I still am, whenever I get to post something : )
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote?
No, I probably should have but I have a very hard time showing things to people when they're not finished.
Ask your followers to pick a snippet (no more than 500 words) and share your thoughts about it.
Add snippets in the replies and I'll share thoughts, if you want!
Thanks for reading! <3 <3 <3
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lestappenforever · 1 year
hi again!
did lestappen really unfollow each other after the Austrian gp 2019? why?
ps: im new here
Hi anon, and welcome to the unhinged world of Lestappen lore! We're so happy to have you. ❤️
Now have a seat and get cozy, because it's story time.
Charles made it into F1 in 2018 and after spending his maiden season at Alfa Romeo Sauber, his life-long dream finally came true as he was snatched up by Scuderia Ferrari to replace the man, the myth, the legend that is Kimi Räikkönen. Needless to say, 2019 was a big year for Charles. His first season in the team he had always dreamed of driving for. He was ready. He was hungry.
Now, enter Max Emilian Verstappen, who at this point had already been in F1 since 2015, when he was signed at the ripe age of 17. Already a seasoned F1 driver, which is impressive as fuck at that age. At this point, Max and Charles were following each other on social media. After all, they'd known each other for most of their lives, had grown up together in karting, and were now competing at the top level.
Today, we know Austria as the Lestappen holy ground following that podium in 2022. (Borderline pornographic podium celebration? Don't mind if I do.) But, it had potential to become the Lestappen holy ground even back in 2019, because Max and Charles were on fire. Talking, laughing, joking, mirroring each other in the pre-race press conference, and generally acting like teenagers with a crush. (As you do with your emotional support rival.) Things were good. Great, even.
And then Sunday rolled around, and the race happened. Charles and Max were doing what they do best and what they love the most, namely fighting each other on track, likely having the time of their fucking lives. But then this overtake happened, there's a little bit of contact and Charles briefly ends up off the track, and Max goes on to win the race, with Charles finishing P2. (Anyone else hearing "He's just unfair. I'm leading, he wants to pass, he push me, I push him back" and "Nothing, just an inchident"? in their heads watching that overtake? Just me? Okay.)
Charles was pissed, absolutely convinced that Max had done something wrong, that it wasn't a clean move, and the move was investigated, as all similar moves are. FIA, however, ends up deeming it a clean move and Max doesn't get a penalty, meaning his win stands. And, well, this is where Charles Leclerc shows the world what it means to truly be ✨dramatic.✨ (We love a dramatic king in this house, ngl. Nothing is more entertaining to me than grown-ass men acting like children.)
A look that could kill? Check. Dramatically fixing your cap? Check. Looking away dramatically while plotting someone else's demise? Check. Looking like finishing P2 is not a huge accomplishment in your first season in Scuderia Ferrari? Check. Squeezing past as the winner getting drenched in champagne because you're not about to stand there and watch him celebrate? Check. Whatever the fuck this face is? Check.
Now, here's where it gets really fucking hilarious: Charles and Max fly home from Austria on the same flight. On this flight, where Max is probably sitting in Charles' direct line of sight, Charles goes to Max's Instagram and unfollows him. Probably glaring at Max the entire fucking time. Because he's a fully grown adult man capable of making reasonable, mature decisions when things don't go his way. Clearly. And Max, upon noticing this (or his team noticing it), remembers that he is also a fully grown adult man capable of making reasonable, mature decisions, and responds by unfollowing Charles back. Obviously.
It has been four years and our boys have clearly moved past the events of Austria 2019, but the Great Unfollowing has remained. Has it become an inside joke between them, which is why they're still not following each other after all these years? Probably, if Charles threatening to unfollow Matt from P1 with Matt & Tommy during a Ferrari challenge (and fucking following through on the threat, too) is anything to go by. Does it still make me cackle every time I think about it? Abso-fucking-lutely.
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squeakygeeky · 1 year
Last night, I went to a book signing by B. Dylan Hollis yesterday, for his cookbook Baking Yesteryear. I got there almost 2hrs before and ended up in standing room only, but luckily right at the front of that. I survived the Felicia Day signing of 2015, so I was psychologically prepared, unlike the shell-shocked older lady who wandered past me muttering, 'This is insane. This is insane.' However I was less prepared than all the people who were sensible enough to bring their knitting. One person in front of me was clearly meeting a friend in meatspace for the first time and they had to awkwardly exchange real names for the first time and it was adorable because I've been there. It was quite the crowd, the intersection of queers and bakers gets you the Portland Weird, But Especially Cheerful demographic.
Anyway, it was lovely to hear him speak in real life. He had come from Seattle and asked the crowed if the whole Pacific Northwest was that beautiful, to which everyone enthusiastically shouted 'Yes.' And then one lady shouted, 'but you can't move here, we already have too many people.' No one disagreed with her. Sorry Dylan. He made sure to say 'EGGIES' for everyone.
The signing line took so long I went and had dinner, started reading the books I bought, did some Thai listening practice, and still ended up sitting and waiting for ages. It was worth it though, I got to tell him I'd made all 3 versions of the peanut butter bread and we agreed that the 1940s version is just sort of pointless, you either want the simpler less sweet 1930s version or his own extra peanut-buttery version (which I recommend, it's in his peanut butter bread youtube video, it's not in the book since it's his own modern recipe). He's funny and charming and very tiny.
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
Have you done a Hunger analysis/can you do one
Hi, I haven't, I love that song though. So here it is:
It is about Harry looking back on a relationship he is not over. It was leaked in 20 April 2022, the week he played Coachella. See 2022 timeline if you subscribe to the thought the leaks are timed.
When it was written is less important because it's quite reflective, but based on 'one year into two', if I had to guess, I think this song is from the first week of January 2017:
4 January 2013 - Blue dress on a boat
6 January 2015 - Harry and Taylor were ambiguously dating (and touring) since Valentine's Day 2014. Harry arrived in LA on the 2nd and neither was seen for a few days. Taylor posted this photo with 'This Love' Lyrics. Harry then reappeared. Things seemed tense at Lily Aldridge's birthday on the 19th and Taylor went to Maui with the Haim sisters while Harry stayed in LA. Taylor started dating Calvin a few weeks later.
6 January 2016 - Harry posted this photo of rain on a window. Out of the Woods MV was just released, it aired NYE 2015 in the same show as the last 1D TV appearance.
5 January 2017 - The leak Lately included that it was written on 5 January 2017, He flew to LA on the 6th. Lately was leaked on 6 January 2024. That is one year turning two from 2015:
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Candles burnt down to the floor Wearing less than you wore before Shoes sitting by the door never put them on We would stay in my house for days Spilling breakfast on pillowcases Your stuff don’t taste the same Now that you’re gone
The first verse is reminiscing of the good times, of enjoying spending time together in a hedonistic way.
To me the first lines are on New Years Eve 2012 which Taylor also included in New Years Day "Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor / You and me from the night before". If written in January the shared NYE memory would have been timely.
I love the line "shoes sitting by the door" it sounds to me like they were to go out but stayed in to be together.
"Your stuff don't taste the same" to me is her music, especially Red and 1989, I imagine hearing them after they were actually over would hurt with how much the themes of 1989 especially are "built to fall apart and back together again"
I guess I’m prone to overthinking One thing goes wrong and I can’t adjust I’ve lost the taste for the good in us And I’m sorry
The second verse is talking about feeling sad that Harry wasn't able to keep the relationship and his engagement with it.
"Lost the taste for the good": reminds me of the Two Ghosts, "We're not who we used to be". Two Ghosts was written around Valentines Day 2015, soon after this break up. To Nick Grimshaw Harry said about it "sometimes things change, and you can do all the same things, and sometimes it’s just different, you know". I think this is a similar detached loss of connection, later to Zane Lowe Harry said he was 'just coasting.'
I think with more time for reflection this song has matured to see with regret why he lost the taste for the good in what he lost, which Two Ghosts doesn't get into.
"Prone to overthinking" is interesting, Harry seems like he would. He uses this word again in Grapejuice about Taylor, he acknowledges she worries about other girls and assures he doesn't want anyone else "You're always there, so don't overthink, I'm so over whites and pinks"
We had a hunger then only each other then Couldn’t get enough when we started Always a hunger then now it’s just emptiness We were in love, we were starving We had a hunger then
To me, the song title and chorus has a double meaning:
In the first half of the chorus Harry is singing about Hunger in the sense of an insatiable desire for each other. The bliss of a new relationship where you just want to be together all the time.
This ends with 'now there's just emptiness. He uses emptiness as an analogy for being emotionally depleted in Ever Since New York also "There's no water inside this swimming pool" and in Two Ghosts "We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty"
I hear a second meaning with "we were in love, we were starving." The theme of the song is reflecting on where it went wrong, I think he is referring their mental health and wellbeing at the time as being a factor for why it didn't work out.
We could ruin a perfect night On my birthday I made you cry You told me you learned to drive I guess you lied I could never get sick of you I just bit off more than I could chew And as one year turns into two I’m still not over you, still not over you
As the song says, they are still not over each other.
You told me you learned to drive
This could be read two ways, as many anons have said to me today :)
Taylor used driving as a metaphor for their relationship in Treacherous and throughout 1989 and Harry did in Keep Driving. The line is saying that she told Harry they could make it work but she lied and they didn’t. I really like this interpretation, it reminds me of Fools Gold where he also called her a lair for him feeling like his commitment to their relationship wasn’t reciprocated
This reminds me of of a Gatsby quote Jordan says to Nick: “You said a bad driver was only safe until she met another bad driver? Well, I met another bad driver, didn’t I? I mean it was careless of me to make such a wrong guess. I thought you were rather an honest, straightforward person. I thought it was your secret pride.”
On my birthday I made you cry
Taylor also refers to this in Coney Island the male part sings "Were you standing in the hallway / With a big cake, happy birthday". Sadly there are options for this, I think the big cake is a metaphor for an special gift:
2015, he threw a big party with lots of famous people in LA just before he left for tour. After possibly break up 6 January, on the 17th Taylor shared a photo of her kitchen with the framed Temper Trap Lyrics on her stove, (below). She then went to Maui with the Haim sisters, on the 23rd - 30th (I wonder if Harry was meant to go). On Harry's birthday she was in Nashville.
2013 Taylor had Temper Trap write and sign the correct lyrics/Arm Lyrics/Tattoo and framed it for his birthday, but they broke up before she gifted it. She included it in the photo again in 2015. :( The blue dress on a boat was 4 January, however she was in London on the 21st and rumoured to see him. There were reports she had booked a week in Italy as well as other gifts. Harry had a wild 19th birthday with a £5k bar tab and strippers.
I could never get sick you
I hear "I could never get sick of you" as responding to something said directly to Harry. However, in November 2015 Taylor used those words to Vogue. It's an interesting comment that was foreshadowing the Reputation era. If this song was written in early 2017 it would have been the thick of that:
"I'll need to give people a certain breather from me because at a certain point they're going to get a little sick of hearing about me, so then I'll need to go away for a while and then depending on my gauge on how sick of me they are I'll decide when to put out the next album,"
I just bit off more than I could chew
I think this is the crux of it, Harry was quite young when they started dating and the One Direction schedule of a tour and album every year was intense. In his more recent interviews he's talked about mental health, and his band mates have also spoken about the toll it took on them. I think Harry was not available or ready to provide an older partner who was also anxious the support she was looking for. In his words in To be So Lonely, he "Wasn't ready for it all".
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I don’t know if you have answered this question before but what do you think of that interview in 2014 or 2015 where bts were at a radio station and Jimin was asked why he likes Jk so much and Tae said “I think he likes men” and after that, there was a fansign where Jimin asked Jk to come sit by him and Tae told Jimin he had a mental problem (cuz in south korea gay people are considered to have mental problems) and Jimin told Tae “I’m not like that with you”. This is something that always confused me because if we are being honest, that was Tae literally outing Jimin for liking men and Jk in particular since he made this statement twice and when Jimin and Jk were involved. I understand that Tae might have been battling internalized homophobia of something but from the way he sounded back then it seems like he clearly knew that Jimin liked guys and that Jk was the guy Jimin liked and Jimin’s responses both times too could actually cement this thought. The first time, Jimin responded with “I don’t like you” and the second time Jimin said “ I’m not like that with you” or “I don’t feel that way for you”. Not once did Jimin try to get defensive and deny liking men lol. The only thing he could say at that point was “I don’t like you”. So don’t u think that Jimin might have at some point really had feelings for Jk? Cuz watching older content will make u see that Jimin was almost annoyingly obsessed with Jk and even though on camera it seemed like Jk wasn’t up for it at all, it seemed like behind the cameras it was a completely different story cuz we got Jimin saying that Jk would go to him when he thought he was sleeping and say “i’m sorry for bullying you on camera hyung, I Love you” and Jimin also mentioned that Jk usually hugs him to sleep. Plus during festa 2014, we had Rm and Jin telling us Jk went to sleep in Jimin’s bed, plus Jk saying he and Jimin were all nighter friends who spent most of their nights together. Watching Jk’s reaction to Jimin infront of the camera back then, anyone would have thought Jk couldn’t stand Jimin but everytime we had some information of how they behaved when the cameras weren’t rolling, it seemed like those two were actually so glued to each other. I also remember that Live Tae did in 2015 where he and Jimin were sharing a hotel room and he mentioned that the three of them had to do a live together but Jimin and Jk were hanging out.
So my question is, if Jimin had feelings for Jk (which I believe he did) how do u think this whole thing would have worked with Taekook being together and Jimin still being so close to them?
Hi anon!
I can’t really answer this can I, cause you are basically asking me to answer this while taking your perspective of Jimin having feelings for Jk.. which I personally don’t believe in. So I would have to do a huge hypothetical here, while somehow also inserting my believe in Taekook. I just can’t.
I have talked about those moments before and yes, i do think Tae possibly had internalized homophobia.. which is super sad for himself. I think it’s obvious that Tae has grown into a beautiful, caring, considerate man. Him and Jimin are friends, have always been friends, I absolutely don’t think Tae outed Jimin there. Tae is not the only one having said comments like that, somewhere along the lines comments about members being a ‘pair’ or ‘couple’ (also not only reserved for Jimin and Jk) have changed in shippers views from being offensive to being proof.
Members tell each other all sort of things, everyone calls each other handsome and cute and whatnot. That is the fanservice anon. Sure they might also think of each other as handsome and cute and whatnot.. but the way they all throw it around.. that’s for us (except Jk stuttering out the Taehyungyhung is very handsome 😁, you are on a Tkk blog you know).
I think a lot is enlarged is fandom. You say glued together, I say they are best friends. I don’t think there was ever a time Jk couldn’t stand Jimin, I do think there was a time Jk didn’t like Jimin acting as a hyung too much (not for Jkk reasons, for being a teenager reasons).
Jimin and Jk have formed a lovely friendship along the years. They’re super close, they have gone through a lot together as bandmates and friends. They know what each other’s troubles have been (both having insecurities, dealing with pressure, etc). Their closeness is reflected a lot in banter, but also physically in easily given comforting actions. Jimin is quick to touch (everyone) and Jk being one of his best friends and his junior means he is often the recipient of those touches. I get a lot of ‘but if Tae is Jk’s boyfriend why would Jimin and Jk be so disrespectful in front of him’. Well, Tae does not always like that and it shows! But there’s also moments he doesn’t care, why? Because those men know each other. The have lived in real close quarters together, they have gone through hardships together, they work together on a physical level (sportsculture hi) which breaks certain boundaries as well. Tae knows Jimin isn’t going to steal Jk from him.
Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but here you go.
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kritischetheologie · 2 years
if you're still doing them, can i request an author's notes version of October 2021, United States from Sing Myself a Lullaby
October 2021, United States
After Max takes the chequered flag [a casual reminder that this season is not going great for Lewis, that sets up the whole tension of the scene], but before Nico can figure out whether anyone is going out on the town for the night or if he should just stay in and read [readers are meant to pick up on the reference to the 2015 US GP from the previous chapter as well as to Valentine's Day from a few chapters ago, and to think about the ways that Nico has grown since 2015, including becoming more comfortable with his solitude and developing a healthier relationship to alcohol, even as he's still the same person], Nico hears a knock on the door of his hotel room.
He opens the door to Lewis, more casually dressed than Nico has seen him in years in a plain Tommy t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, his braids piled on top of his head [this is basically the same outfit he was wearing in Australia in 2014, which Nico described as dressing like he was making an effort. Nowadays, it's a casual look on him. Lewis has also grown and changed a lot, and is returning to his roots.]. He’s holding a six-pack of Heineken, and he proffers it almost sheepishly, the gap between his teeth barely peeking out from behind his half-smile. [The gap in Lewis's teeth tends to bring up parallels to the Baby Brocedes era, and shows up in tender moments.]
“Hey, man,” he says, so casually Nico almost wants to shake him. “Can I buy you a drink?” [I'm not particularly proud of this line as a piece of writing, but as a pickup line, I love it.]
Nico had known Mercedes was staying in the same hotel as him, the nicest in Austin [Mutuals are encouraged to ask me my story about this hotel lmao. Anyway Nico is still princess and no amount of personal growth will stop him from being princess.]. But Lewis’s room is probably nicer, he thinks as he lets him in. It probably has a proper sitting area [me, forcing myself kicking and screaming to do a bit of exposition about where the hell their bodies are arranged in the space, by also making a point about power dynamics in their relationship. Lewis's success has put him on the same level as Nico, now, where previously, class was a point of conflict between them], instead of the single armchair he offers to Lewis as he takes a seat straddling the back of the small wooden desk chair, facing away from the desk towards Lewis. Lewis puts the beers down on the table next to him and uncaps two, passing the first to Nico.
Nico tries to remember if they shared a drink when he won the title, if Lewis stuck around the obligatory team party long enough, and if not, when the last time was that they did this, or if it even matters exactly when it was, when it’s been this long. [I actually hate this paragraph and I almost cut it so many times but I needed to pause for a moment before we barreled into the dialogue and I also needed to drive home the way the Silver War is still lurking like a ghost in every room they're in.]
“What are you doing here, Lewis?” he asks, toasting faintly in Lewis’s direction and bringing the bottle to his lips. He and his father did an ad for Heineken’s alcohol-free line a few years ago [this ad is a cinematic masterpiece. Also, Heineken 0.0 is unironically one of my favorite drinks. Also also the ad itself is such Nico characterization, because it's all about his desire to live up to his father's example. There's not a whole lot of Nico's parents in the present day timeline, because that era of his life is over, and he's done trying to impress them. He's finally grown into himself as an adult. The ad, and all that it represents, is a few years ago]. He wonders if Lewis saw the ad, if that’s why he brought this brand, or if he actually likes it.
“I wanted to apologize,” Lewis says. “I shouldn’t have blown you off in Zandvoort, it wasn’t cool of me.” [Cue me desperately asking all the Brits I know if Brits actually say "blow you off" before deciding I don't mind some Americanisms, especially for someone like Lewis, who spends so much time in the USA.]
“It’s fine,” Nico says, shrugging. [It's not fine.] “I know how it is before a race, especially in front of your opponent's crowd. I haven’t thought about it since.”
He hasn’t lied to Lewis in years, and he must be out of practice, [the old patterns of bad behavior are still there, but Nico has grown and changed, and now they don't fit him anymore] because Lewis gives him a look, skeptical and judgmental all wrapped into one.
“Nico,” Lewis says softly. [This is really scary for Lewis, too.] “I’m apologizing, alright? Let me.”
Even after years, Nico recognizes the beginning of the downward spiral. The next move would be for him to insist again that he’s not upset, as if refusing to acknowledge that Lewis has hurt him will deny him the satisfaction of knowing he’s able to, and then to get offended that Lewis would even imply such a thing. Then Lewis will withdraw, acting like Nico is the problem, when he’s the one who fucked up in the first place. They did this dance for years; he still knows the steps by heart. [We see them go through a similar progression a few times in the Silver War era, though not in such a perfect step-by-step fashion. Nico has done a lot of therapy by this point, and identified the recurring patterns of behavior, but the reality also felt messier than he's making it out to be now, because he has had the distance to simplify it in this way. Anyway, one of the things I was trying to do here was prove to the reader that It Will Be Different This Time, which I think is the big question with a getting back together plot. Nico being able to notice when things are going the way they always used to, and to act differently this time, is evidence that they can make it work now.]
Instead, Nico forces himself to take a few deep, centering breaths, to act counter to his instincts [The word instinct comes up a lot in this fic, given the a/b/o of it all, but I realized that I use instinct and habit pretty interchangeably when it comes to Nico and Lewis, and when I went back to try to tease them apart, I decided that it was better to let them stay intermingled, because part of Nico's Whole Thing is that he doesn't know how to know the difference between them. By this point, the two decades of history are as much a force acting on him as the biology of it all, for better or for worse.] “Thanks for apologizing,” he says, finally. “It was pretty shitty of you, I’ll be honest.”
Lewis’s face cracks open with a laugh. [Every single time Lewis laughs in a Good Way in this fic feels like a goddamn miracle to Nico] “God, Nico,” he says, “if you could see the shape your face just made saying that. I didn’t know it could still move that much.” [I went out on a limb with a Botox joke, but I really wanted to stress that they're Old Now. I mean, 36 is not that old, in the scheme of things, but-- they're not the kids they were anymore. And they're not 30 year olds who can't stop hurting each other anymore. They've grown, and they've aged, and after all of that, they've found their way back to each other, and Lewis is as amazed at that as Nico is. How are you still the person I loved, after all this time Lewis is asking here.]
Somehow, that jab doesn’t offend him—[because he picks up on that subtext] maybe because it’s so brazen, the kind of comment he doesn’t let anyone get away with [alexa play The Only Exception]. He can’t resist laughing, and he sees Lewis’s smile turn smug. [This is the moment Lewis fully commits to making the move on Nico, though he came over hoping to.]
“You’re really no good at apologies,” Nico teases, “coming here to apologize only to turn around and start insulting me.” [The only thing I hate more than describing rooms is dialogue, particularly when it's flirting.]
“I can think of a much better one,” Lewis replies, putting down his beer. Nico recognizes the glint that flashes through Lewis’s eyes [f a m i l i a r i t y], and he has just enough time to prepare himself for what’s coming in the time it takes Lewis to stand up and cross the room to stand in front of him, to tip his chin up and kiss him.
It’s awkward and uncomfortable, the back of the chair pressing into Nico’s sternum, his neck craning up even though Lewis is bending down [a begrudging reminder of where their bodies are in the room, but also an important acknowledgment that this isn't a perfect fairytale kiss, it's a messy attempt at figuring things out that's going to take work]. Lewis’s lips are too tentative by half and his tongue is too aggressive, sloppy. It’s the worst kiss they’ve shared since they were teenagers. It’s the best thing Nico has felt in years nonetheless. [It's a fresh start. It's a new beginning. It's more important than Good Sex-- because as we know from the whole Silver War era, the sex never stopped being good, even as everything else was awful. And also maybe Nico hasn't slept with anyone but Lewis since, or ever.]
Nico pulls away first, standing up and stepping around the chair to be chest to chest with Lewis. Lewis reaches for him, ready to pull him into another kiss, but Nico stops Lewis with a hand to his chest. [Nico's indecision about doing this, emotionally, is made clear in his physicality: he wants to get closer to Lewis, but only so he can push him away. But that's not a bad thing: there's a lot of boundary-setting in this scene that both serves to keep the slow burn going longer and also establish that they're both approaching this from a place of self and mutual respect rather than just falling mindlessly back into it like they always did during the Silver War.]
“Lewis…” he warns. “If this is just because Max won today…”
Lewis takes a step back from him.
“No, Nico, that’s not what this is about, fuck.” He looks at his hands, at the beers on the table, anywhere but Nico’s face.
Nico wants to tell him to come back and hold him again, that he’s sorry, that he didn’t mean to say it. The problem is that he did. [Again, fighting against his instincts: Nico doesn't want to stop advocating for himself just to have Lewis. He's done that too many times.]
“I just don’t want to do anything stupid,” Nico says. “And I can’t just be the thing you do to make yourself feel better about how this season is going. You can understand that, right?”
Lewis nods. He picks his beer back up from the table and takes a long swig. Nico watches his throat as he swallows. “I should go,” Lewis says finally, his tone unreadable. [We don't see a lot of Lewis's emotional state, because he's so hard for Nico to read. I wrote here about Lewis's perspective on Zandvoort. TL;DR Lewis had been freaking out about the way he's letting himself fall back into things with Nico, and when he came here to apologize for that, I think he was also expecting that they would just keep falling. Because Nico does feel like home to him. Nico is safe and familiar, and this season is going badly, and maybe he feels rightly called out by what Nico just said. Lewis is going to have to go have a long conversation with himself about what he actually wants from Nico, but the answer is going to be that he wants Nico to keep pushing him to grow. He doesn't want it to be easy. We're going to get some indication of that in the sex they have in Brazil and then more of it in Abu Dhabi, with the "and a better teammate" comment, and finally, in the last chapter.]
Nico lets him.
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5, 7, 8, 18 for the film ask?
5. What’s the very first film you remember watching?
Gosh,,,,,, it's actually really hard for me to remember without having to ask my parents about it, since most of my early childhood was a blur for me, hence not remembering a lot of it!
If I had to pick, it would DEFINITELY be Winnie the Pooh cuz it was one of the only few movies back when I was three that I would actually sit down and watch!
7. A film you wish had a sequel?
Oh God, there are sososo many movies that I wished had a sequel, but for some god forsaken reason there isn't one!! It's really hard to choose just one!
Two movies I can think of at the top of my head are Over the Hedge and Chicken Little!
Over the Hedge, because I feel like there's more story to tell after all that happened in the first movie (including Tiger and Stella getting together and Tiger living in the forest with Stella) and if they can't do a sequel I would LOVE a spinoff series that takes a similar approach to what Penguins of Madagascar did!
And Chicken Little cuz I've been waiting on a promise that a Chicken Little book gave out for a sequel and it's been YEARS
Also another sequel I've been waiting on for a literal decade is one to Freaknik the Musical..... God I want that sequel bad!
8. Which book would you like to see adapted into a film?
This technically isn't a book, but I really really REALLY want a movie or TV show for Calvin and Hobbes and I've been literally begging the universe for one ever since I was little!
I know that Bill Watterson himself had he doesn't want an adaptation of Calvin and Hobbes since he never figured out a way to do so
But I feel that the 2015 Peanuts movie is the exact answer to Bill's problem! And if anyone who makes the adaption takes notes from that movie and just tries to stick to the main plot points and art style of the comics, I think it'll hold up amazingly well (the only thing is to keep the adaption for Calvin and Hobbes a 2D animated style with hardly any CGI)
I also really just want the beautiful watercolor art style of Calvin and Hobbes to come to live on the big and small screens so bad! I really wish that it does happen despite everything someday
Though the one change that I would make to a Calvin and Hobbes adaption is to give Hobbes and Susie the ability to actually talk to each other and hang out properly as a separate dynamic away from Calvin!
18. What’s your favourite biopic?
I'm not much of a biopic connoisseur, so I wouldn't know too many biopics by name
But if you like parodies of musician biopics (such as Johnny Cash's biopic)
Walk Hard: A Dewey Cox Story is one that I can highly recommend if you like obscene, silly and stupid humor starring John C Reilly and really legit good music combined, this is your movie!
If you want actual biopics, a few of my favorites are Balto (yes the animated one), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (pls read the book too, it's great), Joseph: King of Dreams (god the music is so good), Walk the Line (the Johnny Cash biopics I mentioned above), Notorious, Soul Surfer, Straight Outta Compton, and The Disaster Artist!
Thank you so very very much for sending in these questions my awesome friend o mine, they were so fun to think about and answer since film and movies is one of my fav topics!
I hope to see you here again soon and that you have an amazing and awesome day!!
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divinamour · 1 year
I know you didn’t reblog an “ask me about my character” meme or anything but I’m curious—-how did you get into Skrulls? What caught your fascination? How long have you had your characters and what gave you your ideas? How have they changed since their original conception? No need to answer if you don’t want, I know I’m probably asking for a novel here!
Flicks cigarette out the got damned window.
Definitely don't think it'll be... a 'novel'. It's gonna be KINDA long, but definitely not 'read more' long. I hope. I wrote this part first, no idea how this is gonna end and I'm not going back to edit this.
Fourteen years ago I think in... June? So fourteern years ago, two months from now, I was living my best life! I was- fourteen? Fourteen, going to school, hating myself, etc. etc. All the hits. All the good ones, all the big ones. And then one day my Grandma came by and was like 'C'MON! We're going out to get Chinese!'
Yadda yadda yadda, we finish eating, step outside. Storefront right next to the Takeout? Comic Book Shop! (Which was closed down when I went back to see it on vacation. Friend told me it closed down a few years ago too. Damn. Anyway!)
Go inside, I'm looking around, I'm looking around. Pick up a Spawn Issue, grab a Batman comic, think it was New 52, might've been Court of Owls, don't really remember, and the- !!! Oh, what's this? Who's this- this green alien man glaring at me? Marvel Omnibus for an Event? Holy shit I've never had an Event OMNIBUS before, this sounds awesome! Who the- What's... What's the 'Secret Invasion'?
And that was fucking it. I read the WHOLE thing that day, all the tie ins included. I went on the internet started looking these little green bitches up. What's their beef? I remember them from Marvel Ultimate Alliance, but- I mean the Super Skrull was just a top-down bitch for me to bully in that game, I didn't respect him! But after reading about their war? Their gods, their struggles, them getting their asses WHIPPED by Norman Osborn?! (Shout out Norman, I see you killing Veranke! Love you, bubbe!)
About a week after I got through the Omnibus I was HOOKED. I was all fucking in, chief. I was ABOUT IT. I can't tell you WHAT it was about the Skrulls that made me sit up and pay attention. Can't tell you what line of dialogue, or what issue, what fucking writer?
My favorite part of Secret Invasion wasn't even the Skrulls! It was T'Challa defeating the Skrull Invasion of Wakanda by his fucking self. HE had the best line in that whole event.
Warskrull Hybrid with Beta Ray Bill, Bullseye, Elektra and Wolverine's powers: You can not defeat me. I have been trained my entire life specifically to kill you.
T'Challa, walking up ready to get to it: Then you have already lost. For I have trained my entire life to defeat the unknown.
Fuck the Skrulls, I want more of THAT from T'Challa!
Anyway, digressing a bit, I have no idea. Truly. I hate Veranke, can't stand her, and she was the only real 'named' Skrull in the event. Kly'bn and S'lgurt's words got repeated a lot, but they were really only there to get fucked up and set in motion some NEXT cosmic event for readers not to give a shit about.
My favorite Skrull in the whole event sort of... disappeared in the middle of an issue and then never reappeared again in canon. Or if he did, I have no idea cause he wasn't in the rest of the event and he's not on any MCU cast lists yet so?
I made the FIRST iteration of the Cosmic Skrull blog in 2015. The first post on that blog was on September 29th, 2015 and it was a picture of a toolbox, because Ana'Hira wasn't supposed to be a GODDESS, or an INFILTRATION EXPERT, she was supposed to be The Mechanic!
She was supposed to be a Sage / Reverse Forge character. She could see something, break it down with her cosmic awareness, understand it perfectly, and then recreate, create specs for it, etc. etc. The original story was:
Eat all her siblings, combine their Power Cosmic with hers, and escape the Crunch.
Get caught by SWORD in a Post-Invasion Climate, be tortured by Abigail Brand personally, get turned into an asset for Earth.
Get broken out of the Peak by the Guardians of the Galaxy. Go DEEP into Space, avoid the empire and their bullshit, live life as a merc!
Had to scrap or rearrange a lot of that for this version of the blog. Cut out all the story parts that had to do with writers I'm no longer writing with and adjust things to account for how powerful Ana'Hira's become in years past.
Making Angela & Beatrice Ana'Hira's daughters instead of her 'identities' is me taking the old iterations of this blog, the characterizations and story beats and compressing them into characters that can still exist and be thrown around, without them being T H E driving forces of the cosmic plot, or whatever that means.
8 years worth of changes, growths, downfalls, regressions. It's a lot! The girlies have been through a lot. Ana'Hira's Primary Terran Disguise used to be a White Woman! I think THAT'S honestly the biggest change.
Going from This
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To this
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I love her just as much as I used to... but I actively hate her now too. Make of that what you will.
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I would like to take a quick moment to make a sappy, overly-emotional and stupid post about the last of us, I'm very sorry
For some reason that I cannot comprehend The last of us has been one of my favorite things in the hole world since the first game came out (mind you I was 10 when it came out which Im very much aware is a bit too young to play something like that ok).
First time I every came in contact with it was when I watched my older brother play it. I would come into his room and sit on his bed and watch him play. It came to a point where he would call me when he was going to play so I could go and watch.
Eventually, when I was around 13, he let me play myself. But until that day came I had already watched hours of different gameplays on youtube and knew all the lines by heart.
Like I said Im not sure WHY the last of us in particular. I mean I used to watch my brother play other games too but for some reason this one caught my attention. Maybe it was because I always had a thing for zombie related media, maybe it was because of the storyline that felt so different from anything else, maybe it was because one of the main characters was a little girl just like me and I thought that was just the coolest thing ever, or maybe I just liked having a shared interest with my older brother.
Anyways, I believe we all have at least one piece of art that speaks to us deeply more than anything else ever has (or maybe I just like to think that everyone is just a little bit too obsessed with something like I am), and the last of us is that thing for me.
All of this to say that watching the tv show made me incredibly emotional because it's literally my favorite thing in the hole world being brought to life again in a new way and I get to experience it again for the first time. I used discuss with my brother in 2015 who we wished would play the characters if they ever decided to turn the game into a movie, this feels surreal.
Here is two drawings I made of ellie, the first one I made when I was 11, the second one I made when I was 17. Tomorrow I'll wake up and make a new one, but this time I'll draw Bella Ramsey
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uh-velkommen · 19 days
Elements by Siamese Album Thoughts
(taken from Reddit but I left out the last line on the Reddit post bc I live in fear of hurting their feelings lol)
I just have thoughts about this album cycle seeing as it's the first album release where I've been a fan long enough to experience every song as they were released. With that being said, my biggest gripe is that Siamese released nearly every song as a single before releasing the album as a whole and because of that, it lost some of it's excitement for me. I listened to every single and eagerly awaited the full album release only to learn that there were like 2 additional songs I haven't already heard. Also, I like to listen to new albums from beginning to end in one sitting but since I had already heard all the other singles a billion times, sitting through all of them again just to get to the songs I hadn't heard yet felt like a chore.
So I was wondering, is it common/normal for Siamese to drop the whole album single by single? Have they done this with previous albums? I understand how it could be beneficial, like as a semi-small band it increases the chances of being discovered by new fans. So this approach has its pros and cons.
As for the songs; Shape of Water is a strong opener and if I remember correctly, it was the first single released. I think it did a good job of setting my expectations for this album. I was almost disappointed hearing the first chorus of Through My Head because it's a pretty standard trap beat but now, ironically, it manages to be the song always stuck in my head. I had a love/hate relationship with On Fire at first because it was almost too experimental. Don't get me wrong, I love strange and/or unique blends of genres but somehow this one didn't feel like Siamese. In the context of the whole album, I get it now and can definitely feel the "Siamese" present. I liked Predator upon its first listen, it's catchy and I have nothing more to add lol. The God Is A Woman cover is a bit funny because I have two other artists I really like who have also covered this song and have interpretated it in different ways. The Siamese version isn't bad by any means but it doesn't add anything more to the song. Putting it next to their Party Monster cover, I think the biggest issue is that I hadn't heard the original Party Monster enough times to realize it was a cover. Meanwhile, I've heard God Is A Woman a million times from a million other artists. Not to mention flipping pronouns in covers always seems to bother me. Finally, Utopia is the song I had to wait for the full album to hear and I liked it a lot. I think it really stood out because it sounds familiar. It has this like 2015 post-hardcore Hands Like Houses type of sound to it which I've been missing in my life lately. However, I need it to be longer 😅 and I think it should've been the last song on the album (either before or after This Is Not A Song, doesn't matter).
This album simultaneously manages to be heavier but also less Rock-ish. It's confusing because the breakdowns and unclean vocals are more present but the overall tone from the singing and lyricism feels calmer. I think I'm giving the Home to Elements evolution the same treatment that I gave to the Shameless to Super Human evolution, where the first album is like the golden child and the second album is like the quiet middle child who's just as good but doesn't receive the same praise because the first child had already done all of it under the spotlight.
If I had to give it a number out of ten I was rate it 7/10. It's good but not very strong or memorable.
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Favorite fic you've written? What would you recommend someone first reads of your work for the best first impression?
good q! ...Do I have to choose one? lol
I think my favorite is a very old, dark aph idea I had that I still think about sometimes, and I mean that in a way where I can clearly visualize what I was going for at the time today, as if the idea was always living in my brain without realizing it. I think I'm attached to how I set the tone in the way I wrote the description of events and just the concept of the character dynamic in general. I never finished it and it was never published, but I feel like if I sit myself down, I can complete it and improve upon the elements I was trying to go for, since I remember exactly how I want to write the progression of events after reading through what I have.
I would have to recommend one of my fanfictions since that's basically the majority of my writing still, even ones unposted XD. I would actually recc. my YouTuber one-shot series, specifically for fans of the channels mentioned, because despite the older and shoddy writing style, I still find it to be an enjoyable read for a 2015 fan (like a piece of history). Plus, I've been told I write their personalities accurately/in a believable way so there's that. 👍
And if that recc. was too old or not part of your YouTube watch experience, then I would suggest reading any one of my yan!rpf headcanons, as crazy as that sounds. It's one of the more recently-posted writing projects that entails a lot of my writing habits into digestible bullet points for a, what I've gathered, a niche idea for an AU:
injecting some comedy (plays on words relating to the actor's body of works) which implies some research on the subject for inspiration
exhaustive details on how the character would react to the darling's potential actions (choice inclusivity for the reader's theoretical, multiple routes)
how becoming a yandere would affect their personalities and actions (to murder or threaten? composure or rage?)
outlining a general plot from point A to B (start of obsession to relationship developments to "snapping" and eventual kidnapping to their ideal outcomes)
and how I write in the 3rd limited and omni/2nd POV.
And on top of that, for those who've read more than one hc, you can compare how different the characters as yans are from each other in levels of intensity, their moral lines (some don't kill and others are forceful), and how they are best subdued by their darling. And I think for a good first impression of what I tend to write, as dark shit is my jam and this formatting/length is more my style than a long, chaptered fic (I am trying to branch out into it, tho).
Actually! Since we're on the subject of ✨moi's writing,✨ may I kindly suggest this one aph fic I planned on extending from the silly idea I had sitting there years ago only to completely write an entirely different plotline from the ground up and add in a bunch of unnecessary details? 👀
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redwoodrroad · 1 year
i was tagged in another music-related thing! i’m still working for a couple hours so bear with me 😅
i believe the prompt was the first ten songs on a shuffled playlist, and primarily i use just one playlist like for when i go driving (usually when im listening to stuff at home i just search for what im feeling and i don’t even use my playlist adhgkjdf) SO here i have the following:
1. Livin’ Thing by ELO - this is from their 1975 album which i adore because it also has Telephone Lines, but Livin’ Thing is also one of the ones everyone knows lol the whole album is heavy in the string section, but especially Livin’ Thing, it’s wonderful
2. Zombie (feat. Morgan Phalen) by Kavinsky - i really love this whole album and honestly Zombie is one of my favorites on it anyway, i always crank it up
3. Forest Fire by a-ha - this is from their 2015 album i think, and actually it’s one of two that are on this shuffled list lol
4. Laredo Tornado by ELO - from their 1974 album which is so much fun because it’s like a concept album (i know i’ve talked about it on here before) and THIS is actually my Eridunis song 🥰 or one of them!
5. Shadow Endeavors by a-ha - also from their 2015 album! tbh i tend to skip this song (sorry Mr. Harket) because it gets stuck in my head whether i listen to it or not agkfjkd i still love it though
6. Horizon by Kavinsky - again from the same album as above, but this is one of my other favorites anyway! i just love synthy songs man, can’t get enough of them
7. Closing Time by Leonard Cohen - it’s such a fun song, highly recommend!
8. I’m Leaving You by Jeff Lynne’s ELO - he made this in 2015 after getting the rights to ELO, the whole album is really great. i couldn’t listen to most of the songs on this album for a long long time because when i first listened, i was in my first year of university, and a lot of the songs are very nostalgic-sounding, so i was having a hard time listening to them without thinking about home and growing up and stuff. but now i listen to this album all the time!
9. Big Wheels by ELO - from their 1977 album (yes i’m listing these years off from memory, i’m that obsessed) AND part of what was called the “Concerto for a Rainy Day” (which was side 3 of the original album release) comprised of i BELIEVE “Standin’ in the Rain,” “Big Wheels,” “Summer and Lightning,” and “Mr. Blue Sky,” all in that order (and the songs lead into each other when you listen to them in that order!), and Big Wheels is sort of the most somber one out of all four but still really beautiful, highly highly recommend listening to the whole suite
10. Stuck on the Puzzle by Alex Turner - odd one out lol but this song i actually heard in my friend’s car several years ago on a short drive, and i had asked about it and found out it’s one of the Arctic Monkeys guys so that’s fun! and i loved the song so i’ve had it on my playlist ever since!
i’m racing to get this done before a work call starts in a few minutes, but please feel free to do this if you’re reading this and want to do a fun game!! i myself have been sitting on this for the past few hours, so i wanted to do it now before i finish my work day and then have class and then dinner and then forget LOL and thank you to those that tagged me!!! 💖
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