#the first place but like. demon slayer is where its at honestly.
bbq-potato-chip · 7 months
honestly i really gotta respect gotouge for not really going into romance. like yeah we know the main guys have love interests but its not really that big a deal because the focus is on the friendships and the whole siblings thing . which honestly??? respect. its actually quite refreshing. hell yeah best friends and siblings
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ponderingmoonlight · 7 months
I'd love Obanai + Sanemi saving reader from a demon (like in the first episode??) You are awesome, thanks!
This escalated so quick damn, but hey, there you have a full on fic hehe - hope you enjoy <3
Sanemi saving your ass even if you don't want to
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Pairing: Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,9k
Synopsis: You knew what you got yourself into when you let a demon capture you instead of your beloved friend. Little did you know that help already arrived, viewing you as nothing but a damsel in distress until suddenly, you turn into much more...
Warnings: (y/n) fell but I fell harder, just saw the movie and it's so AHHH, honestly Sameni's voice is so mezmerizing omg, however this includes violence and language, might incluce spoilers for the movie but if you haven't seen it already you don't know what's going on anyway lol, like all my demon slayer fanfics this includes ai pics of reader so if this doesn't sit right with you, I'd suggest to not read it
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Your dirty cold feet pound against the muddy floor, haunted eyes darted towards nothing but sheer darkness. You still don’t know how you managed to keep the demon from kidnapping your best friend, how you’re still alive when at this very moment, this frightful creature his hunting you down like its prey.
So many innocent young women, one after another disappeared from your village nearby. Why did you never even think about the possibility that you or even worse, a person you love could be next?
Not until now. Not until you stared into the demon’s stone-cold red orbs when it began to run after you. Not until you were the one threatened to get eaten alive.
“Run! Run and don’t look back!”
“But (y/n), you’ll get killed-“
“I won’t. Leave it to me, tell everyone to lock their doors, just don’t come back!”, you screamed on top of your lungs.
“I’m getting impatient, stupid girl. You know you will get killed, right?”
Blood rushed through your ears, body threatened to fail you.
“If you want to kill me you have to get me first, stupid demon.”
How long have you been running for? Minutes, hours? You lost track of time completely with your body screaming, begging you to stop and take a break. The bitter taste of iron covers your whole mouth, blood sticks to your new Yukata like a second skin. Your mother will completely lose it when she sees the crimson discolouring on the white fabric.
“I’m having enough.”
If you ever see her again.
With a swift motion, the demon swings you over his shoulder, his claws digging into your flesh so roughly that you cry out. No, this can’t be the end. You can’t allow yourself to die like this: in the arms of a demon, without even fighting back. No one ever told you what to do, you were always able to stand up for yourself. Today will be no exception. Even if you get killed, you will fight back with everything you have.
“Shinazugawa…Something’s not right.”
Sanemi can’t help but look around, eyes meeting the countless demons around him. What the hell is this place?
“Yeah, I don’t like this, either. I’ve never seen demons swarming around like this.”
“Let me go!”, you yell, fist banging roughly against the creatures’ back while it drags you into what looks like a haunted mansion.
Your eyes widen when you feel multiple pairs of red orbs laying on your body.
“Demon slayers…”, you hear your kidnapper hiss through gritted teeth, turning his head over his shoulder.
Demon slayers? You’ve heard of them before, how they behead every demon coming their way, how desperately they fight for humanity. But…where were these demon slayers when all the girls from your village got kidnapped? Where are they when you need them the most? How absoluteley useless.
You don’t know what has gotten into you. Is it the anger, the grief? With a rapid motion, you dig your nails into the eyes of the demon until he lets you fall to the ground abruptly, groaning out in visible pain.
Everything hurts, a trail of blood follows you as you drag your body against a rotten wall. You feel your body giving in, all the stress, agony and exhaustion rushing over you like a wave. But no, you can’t give up right now. Not when there’s still a slight chance for you to survive.
“You little bitch. Eat her, I will leave and get her little friend.”
Suddenly, the urge to puke becomes almost unbearable. Countless demons come near you, their teeth exposed to the harsh moonlight. No, this is not how you want to end. You can’t die getting eaten alive by these creatures. But what else are you supposed to do? There is no way out of this living hell.
Except for the destroyed window a few steps away. This is your only chance. You drag yourself up, sprint over the rotten wood underneath your naked feet and jump.
Floors into the depths.
Away from the demons, into another certain death.
“Where is the girl?”, Sanemi questions harshly, sword oh so ready to behead that bastard of a demon in front of him while heading down.
Screw this strange place and the countless demons around him, he needs to find you, needs to carry you into safety.
“The girl? She jumped out of a window in order to safe herself. She’s probably dead by now.”
He lets out the breath he didn’t knew he was holding, blank eyes staring at the stone ground his blade has crashed instead of the demon. What was this place?
No, he can’t think about this right now. As fast as his body carries him, he gets out of that cursed mansion, eyes instantly finding your falling body.
Only metres away from crushing into the ground.
Oh, how much you wished it wouldn’t end like this. But maybe this was everything you could do, dying like this is still better than getting eaten up by a demon. Where are those demon slayers? You close your tired lids, enjoy the weightlessness for a brief second. It doesn’t matter now. Hopefully, the demon is long dead before you. At least you're dragging his ass with you…
“Hey, you aren’t dead, are ya?”
That voice…A male voice, without any doubt. So harsh and tempting at the same time that you can’t help but open your eyes in confusion.
Only to be met by purple ones. Male ones, to be exact. Are those...his arms wrapped around your trembling body?
“Let me go!”, you shriek.
It seems like all power that left your body appeared again while you miserably try to fight yourself out of his arms. Who is this man? Another demon, maybe?
“I won’t let you eat me!”
“Eating you? Are you dumb, woman? I’m a demon slayer”, the man in front of you barks, his hands roughly holding onto your arms in order to stop you from hitting him again.
“A demon slayer?” you repeat.
“Yeah, the wind hashira to be exact.”
Your gaze falls from his face to his exposed chest, his toned abs. He breathes heave while still holding onto your arms. Suddenly you feel so…hot.
“You are a demon slayer.”
With a swift motion, you free one of your hands and slap him so hard that he sees stars.
“It sure took you some time to get here! What about all the other women who died here, the countless young girls that were killed by demons you did nothing about? Why did you save me!?”
“I’m wondering that too”, Sanemi mutters under his breath.
Did you actually go inane? The way you look at him with your eyes completely furious, face and yukata smeared in your own blood. You can’t be serious about that, right?
“You should be thankful”, he finally hisses.
“Thankful!? YOU should be sorry!”
“Yeah, I’m sorry for saving you…you…you ungrateful thing!”
“I could have saved myself”, you argue.
“Oh, is that so?”
No, absolutely not. You would have died if it wasn’t for the wind hashira.
“Everything was under control”, you snap at him.
Nothing was under control. This was your last way out of your misery.
“Is it so hard to just be thankful?”, he argues.
“Who’s your new friend, Shinazugawa?”
“We aren’t friends”, both of you reply at once.
Your heavy breath hangs in the air, hands still clenched into fists. Deep down you know how wrong it is to snap at him, that the demon slayer corps aren’t responsible for the countless lives the demons took in this area. But still…Why does it have to be you they saved? Why not the girl next door who would have married the next day or the girl that was supposed to leave only days after she got killed? It’s not fair, it’s not enough, it’s-
You take a heavy step back when your vision starts to get foggy.
“I won’t catch that brat if she faints now”, the wind hashira grumbles.
“We both know you will.”
The last thing you see are his purple eyes before you fall straight into deep darkness.
-a few days later-
“She’s awake now, Shinazugawa. And she asked for you.”
He hates the way his heart skips a beat by hearing those innocent words from Shinobu. You didn’t leave his head. Despite the state of Oyakata-sama, despite the hashira training, despite the stinging fact that the king of demons himself will come for them, you were always on his mind. You, with your strong but feminine eyes. You, who jumped out of a window into certain death only to keep your body away from the mouths of these demons. You, who straight up slapped him. Was it your attitude that caught him off guard? He never experienced a woman saved by him being this ungrateful. Aren’t you aware of the fact that you would have died that night if it wasn’t for him?
“What do you want, brat?”
His words come out harsher than anticipated while your sight simply takes his breath away. Since he can remember, Sanemi was never interested in any women romantically. No, love is nothing but weakness, women mean nothing but trouble. But even though you glare at him with venomous eyes the second he enters the room, he can’t help but feel drawn towards you.  
“You’re a hashira, right?”
Your words sound just as harsh as his, your gaze meeting his with so much strength that it is him who starts to feel uncomfortable.
“Yeah, I already told you that-“
“Train me”, you interrupt him.
“I want to become a demon slayer and kick your ass.”
“You, kicking my ass?”
You grab the fabric of his uniform so roughly that he isn’t able to react, suddenly so close to you that he can feel the heat radiating from your body.
“Train me.”
“Fine brat. I’ll train you. But don’t think I’ll go easy on your ass.”
“Try to keep up, (y/n).”
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His katana clashes into yours over and over, makes it hard to stand your ground. But still you fight back, your hands holding onto your sword so tightly that your knuckles stand out white. You just have to win. There is absolutely no way you’ll lose against your master again.
Especially since he’s your lover.
“Are you tired yet?”, he teases you with a smirk.
“Absolutely not”, you press out while dodging another hit just in time.
This won’t help. If you continue to fight like this, he’ll sweep you off your feet like all these countless times before. But what are you supposed to do? It almost seems as if Sanemi has no weakness.
Except you.
“But you’ll be when I’m done”, you purr.
That sudden change of mood catches him completely off guard, forces him to hesitate for the split of a second.
Enough for you to sweep him off his feet, your body resting on top of his while your blade hangs into his face.
“I won”, you announce triumphally.
“You cheated”, he protests underneath you.
“Demons play dirty as well. You need to be prepared for everything-“
All it takes his one swift motion for him to position himself on top of you, body forcing you onto the ground before you’re able to catch a breath.
“Imma show you how dirty playing really works, then.”
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @kayleegomez @ryva @baku2345 @komelrebi-san
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pinejayy · 1 year
hi there! Can I request of Muzan x Slayer! Fem! Reader ? :)
Muzan meeting slayer! reader who’s traveling with Tanjiro and Nezuko and they’d meet for the first time after Tanjiro was able to track him down by his scent and when Muzan turns around, he was distracted by the reader and her beauty.
Thanks!!! :))))
sure thing, I hope you enjoy this. uwu // the reader is also over 18+ and wow I did three requests today!! I have two more to do and apparently people want a part 2 for I'll make you remember ,, so imma do that and if you wanna be tagged for part for that story please let me know
Demon Queen (Muzan Kibustsuji x F!Reader)
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Tanjiro, Nezuko and you were walking around, as you guys were taking a small break, a well needed break. The three of you seem extremely tried for looking for the Demon King. There was no trace of him. As you guys were walking around the small village you were currently staying at, you could tell Tanjito was acting more weird than usual. He was sniffing the air like crazy.
"I have his scent! Come on guys let's hurry." He said all of the sudden and with that he ran off, leaving you and his sister behind.
You were both confused, but you grab Nezuko's hand and then ran off, chasing the Demon Slayer. And he was pretty quick on his feet. As both of you chased after him he was standing in front of a man who was pale as ghost and who had a fancy outfit, along with a fancy hat. You couldn't but admire him, but something was off of him.
Both you and Nezuko walked next to Tanjiro, and he was yelling at this man who looked confused. You sigh and walk next to Tanjiro and place a hand on his shoulder and whisper against his ear. "Hey what's your deal?"
"MY DEAL! MY DEAL IS THAT THIS IS THE MAN WHO KILLED MY FAMILY!" He yelled out, and he started getting looks from people who where around you guys.
You sigh and shook your head. "Dude you can't go around yelling at people, its very rude of you." You say, looking at the man. You blood went cold as you saw his eyes. You laugh nervously and grab Tanjiro by the shoulder again and started to pull him away. "I'm sorry about him Sir."
Muzan couldn't help but admire your beauty, he didn't pay attention to the brat who was yelling at him. He just kept on staring at you, it honestly made you uncomfortable. "Does your friend need help little one?" He said. As the Demon stared at you he couldn't help but frown as he noticed your sword, hmm he might do something about that.
'Oh no he's fine, he's just tried that's all...sorry about him once again sir." You say and started to drag Tanjiro off, and he was screaming still. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU KILLED MY FAMILY."
As he was being dragged off, the three of you got somewhere more private. "What's is your problem Y/N?" He said. "Do you know who that was?!" He said, sighing as he sat by a near by bench, Nezuko sat next to him placing her head on his shoulder.
"Yes! I know who it was...It was the Demon King himself...but do you really think it was the best idea to go yelling at him?" You say, shaking your head at the boy.
He looked away for a few second before looking back to you. "No..but-"
"No buts, look I'm sorry that he killed off your family but it's not the best idea to go running and yelling at him. He could have killed us!" You say, shaking your head as you rub the sides of your forehead. "And besides...we aren't ready to take him on. Yet."
Tanjiro sighed, as he looked at his sister who was already falling asleep on his shoulder. "I suppose your right. I'm sorry Y/N. It just hurts...he took everything away from me." He said, as he started to pat Nezuko on her head. "One day he's gonna pay for what he did."
"Hey I'm sorry if I was too harsh, but I promise you he will pay for what he did." You say, walking towards him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. "But come on now. I'm sure your sister would appreciate some rest. We all need it."
"Right!" He said, and soon after the three of you found a place to stay at for the night. Luckily the place you guys found had two bedrooms. Tanjiro offered you a bedroom for yourself, assuming you would want privacy. As you guys were saying your goodnights he looked at you and smiled. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted early but we will bring him down.." He said smiling at you. "But please get some rest, we'll head out in the morning."
You smile and nodded at him. Saying your goodnights. As soon you guys went your separate ways you lay your sword down besides your bed and then lay down, taking a deep breath.
You were thinking about the Demon Lord, you couldn't wait for the day he dies. As you were ready to drift off to sleep you felt a presence in the room. You sit up and look around and saw nothing. Until you heard a voice, making you jump.
"Wow you're more beautiful up close."
Looking at the person you saw the Demon from earlier. Your blood went cold, as you were about to reach for your sword but Muzan hand grabbed your wrist, gripping quite hard making you whimper in pain. "I wouldn't do that if I was you."
"What do you want? Are you here to kill me?" You say softly, as you didn't want to alert the others. Afraid if you did they would be killed.
Muzan chuckled, letting go of your wrist. He slowly started to trace a finger across your soft skin. Then he started to drag his nail across your cheek, but not hard enough to draw blood. "I want you as my Demon Queen."
"No way! I would rather die!" You hiss at him. Making him laugh quite loud. Surley Tanjiro would hear it.
"You don't have an option my love.." And with that he grabbed your sword in a quick motion and smacked you in the back of the head with the bottom of the sword knocking you out cold. He sighed and looked at the sword "You won't be needed this anymore." As he stood up and threw the sword against the wall.
Muzan ears perked up as he heard the voice of the Demon Slayer from earlier. Smirking to himself, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.
Still not hearing a word from you, Tanjiro opened the door and was shocked from the view. It was Muzan holding your body! And with that Muzan ran off with you on his shoulder. Running at super sonic speed, Tanjiro would never catch up to him..
Leaving Tanjiro shocked at the slight. He then fell onto his knees crying loudly "This is all my fault! First my Family and now Y/N" As he cried on the floor, he was shaking. He lost you too now...
Little did he know that you were still alive, and how Muzan is going to force you to be his Demon Queen. Not only Tanjiro had to kill off the Demon King later on he also had to kill you off...the soon to be Demon Queen.
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rougepancake · 2 years
I need a big boy
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Gyomei Himejima x Afab!DemonSlayer!Reader
If you don’t recognize the title, here you go
A/N: Uhh there will be some language used, a little zesty maybe - who knows 👀. Honestly proud of this little idea my brain cell cooked up lol. Also mentions of suicide (please don’t come for me) because it takes place in the suicide forest
Not proofread (😀) I’M SORRY
Summary: Shortly after you join the Demon Slayer Corps you’re sent out on a mission with THE Gyomei Himejima to investigate the melodramatic wonder known as Aoikigahara, but then things start heading south, fast.
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“Y/N L/N! HERE ARE YOUR ORDERS!” Your kasugai crow shouted at you, circling far above your head. The sudden noise made you jump with surprise, but you figured that if you wanted to continue slaying demons, then you were to just get used to it. “HEAD TOWARDS AOKIGAHARA IMMEDIATELY!” You stopped dead in your tracks.
Just the name alone was enough to make you shudder. It was rumored to be a horrible place, one where many people were lured to their deaths, most likely by demons. They say that its quiet enough to drive a person mad, and that is what drags people deeper into the demon’s terrain. But it was simply too beautiful to go unnoticed, which is why people were just known to go missing there. It’s often said that if you are there just for the scenery, the forest will persuade you to stay. Forever.
But they were just rumors, so there was little to no truth to them… right?
You sighed and looked back up at the clouds overhead. You were only a rookie, so why did they send you to somewhere as dangerous as Aokigahara? Hopefully it wasn’t just a suicide mission.
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There you stood, staring blankly at the miles of open greenery ahead of you. You stood no chance against what was in there, you were simply going to die and there was nothing you could do to prevent it.
With your hand firmly on the tsuka of your sword, you took your first steps into the mystical realm that was known as Aoikigahara. It was then that a terrible dread came over you.
You were being watched.
Nervously, you looked around, trying to see if the being was nearby. Yet there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. You freaked out and ran back outside of the thick wooding, only to run face first into what you thought was a tree. (It wasn’t.)
You had been knocked down because of how hard you ran into it, causing you to groan in pain. To your surprise, the tree helped you up. Which was really weird since trees couldn’t move outside of being blown around by the wind.
You rubbed your head nervously and mumbled a ‘thanks’ before raising your head to look up at said tree. When your eyes met his, you freaked out even more.
“OH MY GOD YOU’RE A HASHIRA!” You whisper shouted, afraid that the forest might hear you. You stared at him in awe, ‘He’s so tall..’ you thought to yourself, quickly apologizing and stepping away so he could have his personal space back.
You looked back up at him, noticing his blindness immediately. ‘Why in the hell would they send me out with a blind guy?!’ Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you walked back over to the talk stranger.
“I’ve been looking for you,” his surprisingly deep voice rang out. He looked down at you, stone faced. “I am Gyomei Himejima, the stone hashira. I was told that you practice wind breathing. Is this true?” He had his hands together as he spoke, almost as if he were in a state of prayer.
It made you anxious to think about how you’d been sent out here with a blind and religious nut, but you couldn’t say much, he was much stronger than you after all.
Swallowing thickly, you gave a quiet, “yes, sir” and kept your head down. You didn’t know why you had gotten so timid all of a sudden, like what had gotten into you?!
“Right, off we go then.” He said before disappearing into the terrifying forest that was Aoikigahara.
“Holy shit!- Hey! Wait! Isn’t there going to be any backup?! I didn’t even introduce myself! Come back!!!” You shouted at the trees, knowing that he was long gone now. “Well shit.” You grumbled, taking off towards the trees.
Hopefully you’d be able to catch up to him, or even better, maybe he’d slow down so you could catch up. Either way, you didn’t want to be alone, so you were going to find him as soon as you could.
“What took you so long?” Gyomei’s voice rang out again, causing you to yelp in surprise. “I was starting to think a demon had gotten to you.” You heard his voice, yet you couldn’t see him.
“G-Gyomei?” You spun around and braced yourself, placing your hand on your katana. “Where are you?” With a deep breath, you checked around you once again- maybe you were missing him?
“I’m just a little further out. I think you should see this.” You heard a shift in his voice that made you suspicious of him.
“I can’t. I’ve been wounded.” The demon slayer corps had many code words and terms that were used in case of emergencies, it was often that demons tried to impersonate fellow slayers, so if they didn’t return the code, then they were to die.
“Just remember your concentration breathing and come here.” You let out a sigh of relief and began to head to where he was.
“Alright! I’m on my way o-“ Before you knew it, you were on the ground, pinned beneath an incredibly large being. You coughed at the sudden lack of air, your eyesight slowly fading to black. Quickly, you moved your arm to your sword and unsheathed it. “Wind breathing, third form!” You said weakly, doing your best to stay conscious. “Clean Storm Wind Tree!” And just like that, the creature that had landed on you was twenty feet away from you, unconscious.
You used your katana as a crutch for yourself as you slowly got to your feet. The world was spinning as you glanced back to where you had sent your attacker. Your eyes widened as you noticed the color of his skin. It was unusually pale and covered in strange markings, and his hair was not a natural color by any means.
You were facing a demon.
But demons couldn’t be knocked unconscious.
You rushed forward with the little strength you had left, prepared to cut off his head, but right when you lifted the blade above your head, he caught it.
“You’re a sucker,” the demon chuckled, punching you in the stomach and throwing your katana to the side. “I can’t believe you fell for that, honestly.” He planted his foot on your chest harshly, once again taking the air from your lungs. He giggled as you struggled to catch your breath, your hands slowly coming up to his foot, trying weakly to move it. “You’re adorable though, I may just let you live if you do what I ask~”
Fear spread throughout your body instantly. “G-Go to hell you monster,” you spat, but your threat only caused him to giggle again.
“I love it when you little slayers get all worked up like this.” He leaned in close to your face, his smile growing. “You must not be very strong if you’re not putting up a fight.” There was something about the way he has said those words, it was true, and your reaction showed him it was.
“Now~” he licked his lips. “Do you give up, cutie~?”
You returned his smile, and in one swift movement on your part, the demon was on the ground once again. His eyes watched you curiously as you bolted towards your weapon, how you moved, your well thought out attacks, you were a work of art. He was honored to finally have someone who would be worth the effort of fighting.
Though, he was lost in thought for too long, because you had managed to get ahold of your sword in and cut off his head all within the blink of an eye.
“H-how” the demon mumbled to himself.
You reached down and picked up his head, forcing him to face his murderer. “I may not be as strong as my fellow slayers, but I sure as hell ain’t weak.” You whispered, an evil grin spreading onto your lips, just as he did mere moments earlier. “I hope you won’t underestimate anyone like me in the afterlife,” as you spoke, you dropped his head onto the ground and watched him fade away from existence.
Once you had cleaned yourself up a little, making yourself look decent and picking the grass off of your clothing and out of your hair, you continued to search for Gyomei. Thankfully, he wasn’t too far away. You had found him sitting on a tree stump, hands together and head down in prayer.
“Odd,” you whispered to yourself, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to signal that you had found him before joining him in prayer.
You didn’t know what he was praying over, so you decided to pray for your safety during the mission. You prayed for Gyomei’s overall well-being and for him to make if out of this mission. He was a hashira, so him making it out alive was much more important than you, as depressing as it was.
When you opened your eyes, he was looking at you, his expression blank like before. You both sat there in silence, staring at one another. “Your name is Y/N, correct?” He asked simply.
“Yes, but I never told you, so how did you know?”
He looked up at the sky mysteriously, a tear sliding down his face as he did so. “I have my ways, that’s all.” All you could do was nod at the strange reply and sit there, it was a calming silence, but there was still something eerie about it.
“Have you found any demons yet?” He looked back at you, tears still flowing down his cheeks. “I-I’m sorry,” you stuttered, “I didn’t mean to interrupt the silence.”
“Yes, I did.” And he left it at that.
“Did you find what we were sent out here for?” Again, he just stared at you in silence. It was as if he was processing the question in his mind, like he didn’t understand it before.
“No, I didn’t.” He let out a short sigh before rising to his feet. “We were sent out here to investigate, but I don’t know what we’re investigating.” He looked over his shoulder, quickly assuming his fighting stance. “Be ready, we’re being watched.”
You stared at him in awe, but it didn’t last long, because you were soon ambushed. Four grotesquely large demons had you both locked in combat. You had managed to slay one of them completely right off the bat, but the second one you faced was much more powerful than the first. It was a challenge to get it done, and you thought you had, until you turned around to face Gyomei and fell to the ground, unconscious.
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You awoke in a room that you didn’t recognize, which was altogether pretty terrifying, but the fact that you couldn’t move was even worse. The pain was excruciating, and your legs were numb. You noticed that someone had bandaged you up, but you still had no idea because there were no hints as to who’s house this was.
“Hello?” You called out weakly, hoping that someone would hear you, but with the size of the room you were in, you figured it was at least a mansion. There was no chance, you were stuck.
“You called?” A familiar voice responded, his footsteps sounding out in the hallway. Gyomei opened the door and carefully peered in.
“OhmygodI’msohappytoseeyou” you let out a huge sigh of relief, smiling when Gyomei walked into the room and sat down on the chair beside your bed.
“I was worried back there,” he stated, his hands back together in a form of prayer. “I with the amount of blood you had lost, I’m surprised I didn’t have to call Shinobu-san.”
“How…” you trailed off, looking up at the ceiling so you could think about your next words. “How long am I going to be here?”
“I’m not sure.” Gyomei’s answer was honest, but there was something about his tone that made you feel you’d be here indefinitely. “From what I was able to bandage, your wounds were deep. You may not even be able to walk for a few days. I would like you to take it easy, because your wounds can, and will, tear open.”
“Yes sir.” You heard him make an odd noise at the name, and shortly after, he excused himself because there were things around the house he needed to do.
Right when he left was when it it you. He was blind. And as far as you knew, you two were the only two in the house right now. So how was he able to bandage you? Did he just feel you up until he found your wounds?? You looked down at your stomach, and upon seeing the bandages, you blushed heavily. Had he really bandaged you himself??
Maybe that’s why he was being so weird when he left. Maybe he was married and didn’t want you to think he’s trying to get up your skirt. Or, or, or- maybe he’s embarrassed about what he had to do and because of that, being in your presence makes him nervous..?
“Yeah that’s totally it.” You whispered to yourself.
Just then, someone came though the door. Immediately you turned to see who it was, and to your surprise, you didn’t recognize her.
She was much shorter than Gyomei and had her purple and black hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. Her haori looked like the wings of a butterfly with its markings, in fact, she looked like a butterfly. She moved with grace in each step and took her time coming over to where you were resting.
“Hi hi Y/N-chan!” She greeted enthusiastically. “I’m Shinobu-san and my friend Gyomei told me that you were looking pretty rough!” She stood beside your bed and examined the bandages around your stomach.
“Well he wasn’t wrong,” you tried to laugh it off, but the pain caused you to wince. “I don’t even remember what happened.” You admitted to her, looking away out of embarrassment.
“Now now, did you bandage yourself?” She asked, slowly lifting up your shirt to get a good view of how far your wounds went. You shook your head and Shinobu gigged to herself. Once she had finished examining you, she stood up and brushed off her hands with a kind smile. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. With what I felt, you’ll be on your feet tomorrow at least, just remember to be careful and to take it easy!”
And with those words, Shinobu had left.
You wished you had asked her if she could send Gyomei back into the room, you were incredibly bored and it would be great if you could just talk to him to pass the time.
Sighing, you looked out the window and noticed that the sun was beginning to set. “Good night house,” you mumbled to yourself as you got comfortable.
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That night you had dreamt you were healed, and in a much better condition than you were now. You dreamt that you were much more powerful, and beautiful too. But the best part of that dream was what happens behind closed doors with a person who lives alone.
“G-Gyomei~” You were a mess but you couldn’t quite explain why. He was crawling on top of you slowly, practically towering over you with how tall he was. Gyomei placed his hands next to your head and leaned down in close to your ear.
“You called?” He whispered seductively. A gentle smirk graced his lips as he began to kiss you softly along your jawline. You shivered, looking away out of embarrassment. Though, that move only made your neck more vulnerable. “What do you need, Y/N?” The question gave you goosebumps, which you tried your best to ignore, but the sudden heatwave that flushed to your face made it hard to do so.
“Y-you,” you mumbled shyly. “I need y-you, Gyomei.” He smiled at your words and slowly raised his body from yours. He carefully sat up and pulled you into his lap, your back against his chest and his hands resting on your waist.
He buried his head in the crook of your neck as his hands moved up to unbutton your shirt in the most teasingly slow way possible. “Just let me take care of you darling.” His breath was hot against your bare skin, which only made you shiver in anticipation.
“Y-yes sir.”
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You woke up to find yourself saying his name. You were flushed and covered in a thin layer of sweat from the wonderful dream that you had been torn from. Slowly pulling the covers over yourself, you looked around the room, hoping that no one had heard your little… incident.
But your heart stopped completely when you saw Gyomei’s figure in the hallway. He looked mesmerized just as you looked terrified. You hurriedly hurried yourself underneath the blanket and mumbled an apology since you assumed you had woken him up.
You wanted to be able to die of embarrassment so badly, but sadly you were forced to face the consequences of your stupid little dream.
The sound of footsteps reached your ears, making your heart rate skyrocket. They stopped before your bed and you could sense his stare, burning through the covers.
He squatted down to your level and slowly pulled the blanket off of your head to reveal your more than red face. Gyomei leaned over to your face and let out a short sigh. “You called?”
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fictionfixations · 6 months
ive been writing a reincarnation series for twst
so i might as well share it now.
(in timeline order instead of publishing order. some of these might suck a lot, honestly.)
🌸: flower fields, amidst they weep (KnY x TWST)
Yuu had memories. They weren’t quite a past life, as much as they sometimes wished it was, but.. The truth was, in the modern world, demons existed. Those demons had existed since the Heian Period. Things that ate humans to survive, and burned in the sun. ..Although that wasn’t quite true, because they’d been born human, but through various reasons, had been turned into a demon. It could be desired, it could be forced. In the end, it was a mercy to end them, by demon slayers, wielding Nichirin blades. Yuu was one of them. Having lived among those who saved others thanklessly. They didn’t want child soldiers, but in the end it was often they were the last ones to survive, and would use up the rest of their life for revenge, before they eventually burned out. They were lucky, that way, because they still had the option to live their life. But there was only so much they could refrain from taking action. Once you know of the monsters in the dark, there really was no turning back. ---- Former Modern Demon Slayer!Yuu (WARNING FOR MANGA SPOILERS)
~ Excerpt ~
Pink flower petals followed the blade in a direct trail, almost like its own shadow, and shot straight past with a speed that could be almost seen as inhuman, were they not in a world with magic.  It struck true at the side, shattering the glass of its head on impact, and spilling blot everywhere. Rosehearts-senpai staggered. Everyone was stunned in silence, if only for a moment. The path wasn’t as straight as they’d liked. They probably shouldn’t keep throwing stuff with the hope that it’ll go in the right direction. “Yuu-kun!? How’d you–” “Ace!” Yuu’s head turned to where Ace was, bleeding sluggishly. Oh shit. They weren’t fast enough– In their panic though, Rosehearts-senpai suddenly moved, hand reaching out as the blot started to drip away from his form, shrinking away from the light that formed on his fingertips. Left underneath was a ruined dorm uniform.
🦋: Ignoring the ways of right and wrong (BSD x TWST)
"Ignoring the ways of right and wrong, eternal life or lasting fame, we turn to face each other, loved and lover, face to face." – Yosano Akiko, River of Stars: Selected Poems of Yosano Akiko Riddle Rosehearts is Yosano Akiko (or has her memories.)
~ Excerpt ~
His hand reached out in blinding light. Butterflies fluttered past him.  “Thou Shalt Not Die!”   And for a second, she felt free.  Everyone was silent. (Ace had been fixed up, good as new, in a flutter of wings.) His panting sounded too loud in his ears, more than disheveled for the first time in his life. His eyes were wide in– (“My ability can easily save lies,  so the lives of those in my proximity  end up as something cheap.  It's my fault that those close to me died.  I'm sure...  That will happen again.  Is there some place  where it's okay for me to live ?”) His eyes burned. ("I'm keeping a tally. I'm counting the number of times you've saved my life .”) (“When you tally things as they're done and finish the word, " correct / right ," it feels like the " correctness / rightness " in the world has gone up by one.") (“This is your “ correctness ”.”) ("That righteousness has taught me. No matter who you are, everyone's spirit has a limit .") ('You are too righteous.') Seventeen years. Seventeen years without this accursed ability. And then— What is wrong with me? Righteousness. ‘Correctness’ . How could I? In a life ruined by those words, I am here again, repeating my errors.  Bile rised up her– his? Throat. A gloved hand clamped over his mouth– He faltered. Blood. On his hands, his– Someone could’ve died and it was his fault– !  ‘You are too right.’ Wrong. Wrong. All of this is wrong!  Out. I need— I —
🔥: The past never dies (MHA x TWST)
From the time Leona was born, and from the time he grew a proper awareness, there'd been heavy expectations weighing down on him. (From the time Touya was born, he was made and trained for the chance to surpass All Might.) Compared time and time again to his older brother, always seen as lesser. Worse, no matter what. Their personality differences, even bringing up an ability of his and calling it 'terrifying' when they wouldn't fear such a thing from his brother. (The problem with Touya wasn't that he lacked in motivation. No, it was that he was simply born with a weaker quirk. An unfortunate combination of powerful flames, with a resistance to cold, thus being liable to harm by his own. He was deemed a failure and no more training was to be done.) --- Where Leona Kingscholar has Todoroki Touya's memories. (I know it's weird, but TWST names sound better with first name-last name, while anime names sound better last name-first name.)
~ Excerpt ~
From the time Leona was born, and from the time he grew a proper awareness, there'd been heavy expectations weighing down on him. (From the time Touya was born, he was made and trained for the chance to surpass All Might.) ... Falena didn't understand. How could he? What was the point of anything if working hard gave you nothing, and the only thing that got you far in life was privilege and when you were born? 'I'll show them,' Leona promised. 'Show them that I'm worthy to be king.' (So what if dad refused to train him!? He was the one who lit the fire under him in the first place! The one who gave him the desire to be a hero! To be stronger! What right did he have to suddenly stop just because Touya could get a little burned?      He started training in secret.) Everyone would find fault in him no matter what, all to be able to praise his brother. No matter what he did, he couldn't win. (Then there was Natsuo, who'd also inherited mom's quirk. Touya had slowly fallen into despair, when the golden child had been born– Todoroki Shoto. The perfect combination of half n' half. What?) "Must be nice to be the firstborn, huh? You can spend every day singing and napping and still become king." (Touya hated Shoto. He meant everything that Touya wished wasn't true. That maybe he wasn't needed. That his purpose, his dad's attention-! He kept training.) "Leona... You may never become king, but you are still wise. There is much you could do for this country." Was that supposed to comfort him? That he still had a purpose? Really? ('Stop training' , he says. 'There are things beyond being a hero you can do'. 'Do things like play with your siblings, or make friends at school.' "But everyone at school says they're gonna be heroes..! ..There's no way you'd understand..! Because I'm your son.") Why did he have to feel this way, just because he was born a few years too late? ("What would you know, mom!? You think dad's the only person that got me going? Your family was poor so they sold you away and you had no say in the matter. Isn't that why I was born in the first place..!?")
👶: i want the world to go away (KHR x TWST)
For a while, Azul had been unhappy with his life. As a child, looked down upon, bullied and laughed at as a silly little octo-twerp– It hadn’t been that great. Looking down upon himself, feeling like an idiot, and a good for nothing. He hadn’t been good at academics, not at sports, and the lack of a tailfin like the others meant he couldn’t catch up to them half the time. He was useless. Except he couldn’t let it end like that. Refused to let it end like that, and thus came an obsession with getting back at them. Proving to them that they were wrong. They would learn… After all, came his signature spell. Every single thing that made any of the others special, better than him could easily be taken. All he had to do was offer what they desired, and that was pitifully easy. ‘I’ll take your singing voice–’ ‘Your unique spell–’ ‘That tailfin of yours..–’ All were expendable, and all could easily be his for a price. It felt right. Like he’d found what he wanted to do. (It was meant to be revenge against those who’d wronged him, but now..?) --- Azul with Viper's memories, hell yeah
(ive never seen khr so im going off wiki knowledge.)
~ Excerpt ~
“Interesting. That's a pretty tempting offer.” “Then—” His heart sank. “Here's the thing, though.” How could he stop his worst nightmare from happening..? “No offense, but none of that's gonna be enough to justify me returning these contracts.” “What?” “See, if I don't help Team Ramshackle dispose of these contracts, they'll make a huge racket outside my room every day until morning.” “Huh...?” He blankly replied. “If you take their dorm away from them, they take my good night's sleep away from me. I want them gone from Savanaclaw, so these things have gotta go.” What.? “Sorry, Azul.” What could he– What…? And then he found his answer. (It popped into his head, like it had always been there. Something he had the confidence to know that he could do it, even if he’d never done it before.) “Viper Mirage R. ” Leona tilted his head, “Hm?” Rule set: Do not use King’s Roar. If this rule is broken, then the target will be damaged with a wound determined by the caster. This affects everyone in the area. “Do it and you’ll regret it. This is your last warning.” He steely spoke. “Sure, I’ll call your bluff. Kneel before me! King’s Roar –” Leona's hand twitched, watching as a wound opened up. “Huh. Fancy trick. I wonder what other tricks everyone must be hiding.” “Leona!” The hyena called worriedly. The brunette shrugged it off, “Just a papercut. Whatever. I don’t actually need to use it, no matter how convenient it may be.” Azul braced himself.  ------------------------------------------------- Leona let a smirk grace his lips. ‘Sorry, lil’ bro, stealing one of your ultimate moves. Not like you’re here to catch me.’ “ Jet Kindling ,” he mockingly muttered as his fist burst into flames. He could tell that the both of them had startled. After all, most magic came from a focus, their pen. These flames were nothing, compared to being nearly burned alive once upon a lifetime. It’d heal easily anyway. What was the point of having these memories if he couldn’t put them to use, eh? The contracts went up in flames. -------------- Azul couldn’t.. Believe it. He’d been a fool. “Ah.. My.. contracts.. reduced to ashes… I don’t believe this..”
🥀: my riddled heart i had to cradle back together (BSD x TWST)
Riddle had been a little puzzled on what he wanted to do. After the realization, he hadn’t known what he wanted to do about his mom. Winter break was looming ever so closer with every day that passed. ---- Or, It's winter break, and Riddle decides to have a chat with his mom.
~ Excerpt ~
He still felt a pang of fear at the thought of being taken away from his friends anyway. ‘You can do this.’ “Even more than you had been before? What were you going to do when I got older? Keep treating me like a puppet who can’t think for itself?”  His thoughts went blank for a moment. “You raised me so dependent on you and your dumb rules. So sheltered.. If you kept me locked in all the time I don’t think I’d even be able to live. So many things could’ve gone and I- I can’t even believe you.” “..I can’t even understand what you were trying to do. It’s so nonsensical..”  Nonsensical was like the Queen of Hearts, herself. Except, maybe they were both flawed. Not someone to be followed all the time unquestioningly.  Not someone he should follow.  And while he himself had enforced the rules, they were less rules and more guidelines that could be followed. But it didn’t make much sense to follow them all the time when all it did was make him miserable. What was the point of rules? Usually to stop things from happening, things that could cause harm, generally.  The Queen of Hearts’ rules could be attributed to causing stability in where there is chaos. Something to strictly follow in a mess, and a form of control, in a way. What help did the rules enforced by his mother do? It controlled him. Sure, she helped him learn so much, but what was the point of it all without freedom? She wasn’t the ruler of anything, she didn’t need rules like that to keep order. Yet she did it anyway. And in a way, she was to blame for why he was like this.  “Riddle!” She chastised.  His mouth turned to a thin line. “I’m leaving. I’ve accomplished so much more away from your influence. In a year, I’ll graduate, and then you can’t do a thing.” Riddle was scared at first. Then subdued. Then angry. ..And then.. numb. Tired.  “I’ll give you the courtesy of ignoring what you’ve done so far, because it truly could’ve been worse.” ... “Don’t you dare, Riddle Marie Rosehearts ! I am your mother, and–!” You will listen to me. Maybe it was concerning that he’d gotten so used to it that he already knew what she’d say. “ ‘You know best’?” He mockingly muttered under his breath. The prefect had once shared a popular children’s story, along with the songs, from back in their world, and they’d both had a fun time laughing and making jokes while it was explained. He didn’t really know if he understood the story very well, admittedly, but Yuu had confessed that it’d been awhile since they’d last seen it so they hadn’t remembered it too well.
🎪: can you hear this? (HB x TWST)
Kalim had never been attributed to being particularly observant. He was always the one with no thoughts in his head, always smiling. Innocent. Naive. Gullible. It was seen in the way the ones with an intention of using him, he let get close. He’d let them steal from the many riches he’d been set over time. And maybe people felt bad for him, in the way kicking a dog would be (‘pathetic’), but otherwise unimportant. Except the truth was, Kalim trusted none of them. He understood from a young age that he was quite privileged, so it was only right to let them take and take, wasn’t it? Understood that not everyone was treated as nice as he’d been. Kalim was overly aware of the world as an heir should be. Aware that so many things could go wrong. If he got hurt, it would be on Jamil’s head. If he made a fuss, accused someone of anything, that person would be blamed even if they were completely innocent. It was a lot of power. ..And the truth was, he wanted none of it. The thing he wanted wasn’t something he could achieve. --- Kalim | Blitzo - Jamil | Stolas
~ Excerpt ~
Jade. “Kalim? Are you alright? Please speak to me.” “No,” He answered stiffly. He startled, “Huh?” “Why did you do that..?” “Hm? You mean..” “Hey, Rakko-chan. Didn’t you see? Umihebi-kun was gonna turn everyone against you and boot you out.” “I know.” “?” “..I knew already. You didn’t need to step in. You shouldn’t have stepped in!” “..So you were just letting it happen?” “Fuck! None of this even matters!”  Everyone was startled at the curse word. Tears of frustration were escaping him anyway. “I didn’t care! Him ruining my life was the least he deserved! After everything! But then you just had to get involved! So what if he was mind controlling me?! I didn’t even want to be the Housewarden anyway! I don’t care about any of this! In fact, I hated it. Him bringing it all down was doing me a favor! But oh.. Kalim wouldn’t notice this, Kalim’s an idiot! Kalim’s too kind for his own good! So I couldn’t turn you away because I’d already established myself as the kind of person to welcome everyone! But fuck it all! It doesn’t even matter anymore! Because Jamil could die, and it’s all because of you guys!” 
🎤: Idolization / Inconsolable (OnK x TWST)
Vil Schoenheit had felt like the only path in life was the entertainment industry. His father loved him, he knew, was supportive in every way, yet his father was also a famous actor. ..And regardless.. The truth was, he remembered another life. A life where the industry had sunk its claws into him already, messing him up deeply. Acting had been all he was– All she was, and to stop made him feel hollow. --- Vil Schoenheit having Ai's memories (warning for manga spoilers sort of?)
~ Excerpt ~
The first time around, she was meant to be cute and dazzling..! Emotive, and loving of her audience (she’d be a fool to think it was only innocent adoration they gave her) .  But that was okay, because she only mattered as much as her fans loved her, right? Maybe it was the drawback of being someone who hasn’t had love outside of that, doesn’t have someone to care for them like that. ..Or maybe it was a plus, because she would’ve always put her work first then some false validation.  Ai was shaped by love. And that ‘love’ she gave, throwing the word around like candy, deeply wishing that one day it would come true. And it did. And then she died.  It was with Vil’s eyes that he’d noticed the injustice. The undeserving blame, for being ‘imperfect ’. This time around, he’d taken the form of elegance. Of beauty so overwhelming, it felt intimidating. Vil understood what love was. He saw it in the way his dad would encourage him to do what he loved. In the way he cared for him when he had a nightmare, and in the way… But in the end, both were confined to their own roles. Any point of straying was met with backlash. An idol wasn’t allowed to fall in love. And an actor was nothing more than the role they played. ..Perhaps the media had simply forgotten one simple fact– Their age. Ai Hoshino was a teenager. (Twenty when she died, though.)  Wasn’t that age all about finding love, and experimenting? And Vil Schoenheit was a teenager as well, having started acting since he was a child. Didn’t everyone at one point dream of being in the spotlight? Dream of being the star that dazzled them all?  ..It felt unfair. The world felt unfair. ... .. Vil from then on had begun putting his all, hoping that someone would see his light. Would see his potential. But maybe it was his fault, that he was–  ..What were those words they used? Too perfect. Otherworldly. Special. Maybe that was Ai’s fault, for being such an efficient liar. After all, her smile had never been as genuine as it had been when she’d had something to love, to adore. Her children. That smile was what people loved, and that smile was what she learned to copy for the next time. Vil didn’t quite have that frame of reference, not anymore. Sure, he still felt happy, but the media invaded his life over and over. Acting was his life. It consumed him. The thing about entering it even once, meant that suddenly your privacy meant nothing.  He doubted he’d look as beautiful with a wide smile like that. Not with how he looked this time. Expecting one thing and getting another was hardly something that made you pretty.  ..Vil just wanted to win. Wanted to be seen as more. 
ive finished book 6. and i already have an idea of who idia's reincarnation is (how the fuck does one even get started writing a fic centered around book 6. like .HELLO so much stuff happened. and also theres a malleus appearance so im better off figuring who to make malleus first so i know how to write him as a character...)
started book seven. and honestly. i have zero clue who to make malleus, haha...
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fourtyfourcatss · 11 months
Hi! Hi! I saw your message about the inbox that you had requested and am willing to do the matchups! For my fandom, I would like a Demon Slayer and Percy Jackson matchup just like how you requested. Let’s start with the basic:
Personality: I am an INTJ Slytherclaw, Aquarius and a Type 6 when it comes to anagrams. I am a huge overthinker and stress a lot with anxiety. People tell me that I can be blunt which results in people thinking that I can be cold but in reality I try to be a kind person when it is needed. I am a realist and many consider me to be intelligent, often asking me to help with their work. I’m incredibly passionate about things I like to do and have a thirst to know everyone’s opinions as I feel that if someone is left out. I’m a creative person but sometimes my brain just goes blank, I hate when it does. I sometimes follow the rules and can be serious if I wish to be but normally I like to goof off and break rules, adrenaline rushing through my body is just a different feeling I can’t explain. I have a really dry sense of humour that usually is a mix of sarcasm, fandom jokes or self degrading jokes. I’m not that good at describing personality but here are a few kins if it is helpful : Navier, Mikasa, Regulus Black, Annabeth, Shinobu, Shoko ( Jjk), Geto etc.
Looks: I’m slightly chubby and have a pear body shape. Upon seeing me, many people point out my eyes which are hazel with slight flecks of many colours such as green and amber being the prominent ones. I have a button nose and thin heart shaped lips. My face is round and my eye shape is almond. I am approximately 5’3. Two small moles are fixated on my right cheek and underneath my lip. My clothing style tends to be anything comfortable and classy. I prefer to wear black and colours that are darker, you will never find me wearing orange or neon colours. My clothing always consists of a dress of some sort. 
Likes: Chocolate, Anime, Reading, Drawing, Strawberries, Smell of Rain, Sleeping, Being the Best, Baking, Daydreaming, Murder Mysteries, Romance , Name hunting, Pinterest and Flower Languages.
Dislike: Loud noises, Jerks, Slow Walkers, Insects, Studying, Fake People, Self-pity, Getting below 90% in a test, Coffee, Snow and the feeling where your brain is blank and can’t tell what you feel like.
Love Language: Physical Touch and Quality Time
I hope this is enough information and I am soon starting your matchup too.
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-> giyuu tomioka
✤ “stay a bit longer” running in the rain together, umbrella in hand, forgetting about the weather, too consumed in the sweetness of each other’s company.
✤ have you realized how bright a person you are? not only that; your values, how your eyes are when the sun lights them — giyu is lightly attracted by your first appearance in his eyes. the other hashiras saw his noticeable interest lingering on you - he was a pretty obvious guy contrary to his own exterior.
✤ you’re going to have to be the one to break his shell, and break it you do. its the type of love that builds up with time on sturdy foundations; charming him with little actions.
✤ how is your relationship? calm, but exciting. is that a contraction? perhaps. i’d expect the two of you to someday meet at the same place over and over again, basking in each other’s presence. it would be a sunset during late spring where the wind is still warm, and holding hands despite that.
✤ here is the thing; he isnt into physical touch at all. but then you grew on him. have fun dragging this giant teddy bear around now. hes so attention and touch starved he’ll be clinging to you whenever you allow him to.
✤ leaning down to land a kiss on your temple. sleeping in bed together. you’re watching shows: he’s watching you.
✤ well, you do anything and he’s sort of watching you. he’s just curious what you’re doing all the time.
✤ honestly he just likes everything you do girl 🙏🙏 down tremendously bad. he’s the type to fall first, then you fall, then he falls even harder. what a loser /j
✤ 10/10 comfortable and healthy relationship
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ok its not because you kin annabeth. you actually seem cute together.
✤ to be fair, you already know how he is in love. here’s whats different: your dynamics with each other
✤ bickering. like, good bickering. no shade on the novel, but its, its really bland sometimes. HoO threw romantic quality of relationships out the roof. the loyalty is shown, sure. but you have the superior dynamic.
✤ overthinker x overly dramatic. elusive, inner chaotic x smartass. percy is eccentric, like off the walls sometimes, and you seem like that one person who gets a critical hit by his personality and grow a Weakness to his presence
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I always see a ton of Pokemon AUs for Demon Slayer, but I never see any Digimon AUs! For the AU ask if you're still taking them
. okok iam Absolutely still taking these and ill do my best but anon this is a really funny ask because i. do have a mini digimon au. like its ridiculously self-indulgent and tiny but. getting this was like a kick in the shins (affectionate) WAHAHAHA
so!! i hope you dont mind if this is very blatantly biased, but its certainly a starting point! as well, i havent really interacted w/ digimon since watching the anime years ago + playing world dusk and championship a while ago, so i wont have as much knowledge to pick from as i would other things! with the disclaimers out of the way...!
...hey what if we isekai'd the tokitwins? (post-writing edit: this ended up over 2k words long. This Is A Warning.)
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so, you've been oh-so-luckily chosen to be digidestined and whisked away to an unfamiliar world where just about Everything wants to kill you, you have No way to contact your own world, and you have No idea how to get back. great! cool! excellent!
introducing our funny little guys of the week: yuichiro and muichiro tokito! just them for now, before i scope-creep myself to death. but, that aside, you can't be digidestined without a funny little digital partner of your own! so, introducing:
-Patamon, Muichiro's partner! an observant yet skittish little thing that never tends to stray far from its partner. it takes its job very seriously, oftentimes coming across as a bit fussy. even so, it is very easily overwhelmed and may need encouragement to press on. as well, it also tends to take things at face value more often than not, making it very earnest but Very gullible. -DemiDevimon, Yuichiro's partner! a mischeivous little thing that rarely seems to take things very seriously. its defiant and a bit self-centered, and honestly at times seems to genuinely only stick around the twins because theyre entertaining to mess with. it's here for a good time and Nothing Else. despite its yapping, it does occasionally let a bit of protectiveness slip through-- always fiercely sticking by them despite its nigh-constant complaints about how it wants to leave.
this ragtag group of four must make their way across the digital world to find a way back home-- and hopefully remain alive in the process. in such an unfamiliar and dangerous world, however, problems are sure to arise.
the twins, of course, stick together-- but more and more often, their desires and personalities begin to clash in ways that make it more difficult to progress. it's easy to keep your head low and follow along, but just how long can you really take that-- how long can you pretend it's okay? it's easy to keep a brave face, but there's only so much you can do with what you have-- and what you convince yourself that you don't. there's only so long you can stay in such a high-pressure environment before something begins to break.
throughout their journey, they'll discover more outlandish and mystifying places, meet more new faces, and uncover strange secrets-- what's the connection between their digimon partners? how did they get sent to the digital world in the first place? and most importantly: why does this world seem to already recognize them?
with that out of the way... time for the fiddly bits.
the twins have an arc with each other much alike the one they get in canon-- but pressed a bit further. the two learn to stand their ground, speak their mind-- and ultimately, learn to really, truly trust one another.
yui oftentimes takes the lead, and tends to do a better job keeping everything in order-- but... he's still just a kid. a kid that cares deeply for his brother, and would do anything to keep him safe. but in a world like this, there's not much that he Can do. so he plays the part as best he can-- even if it means that he has to make hard choices.
mui, on the other hand, wants desperately to be able to help-- he slowly starts getting bolder and more forward, away from that more shy personality he'd been known to have. of course it was more dangerous. of course they didn't know what would happen next. but he would never forgive himself if he just did Nothing.
at its core, the two begin to actually almost switch places through their arc-- mui becoming more active and yui more passive-- as they make their way forward and sort themselves (and each other) out.
and of course: their partners have a whole Thing(tm) going on too! with the twins And between each other.
mui+pata are like odd little peas in a pod, oftentimes found staring at something or other with their big ol owly eyes, going back and forth over this-and-that about it in a way that makes sense to nobody but them. pata knows more about the world and where they might be going, but mui is a bit of an emotional rock for it-- providing encouragement and talking it through any roadblocks it may have come across. theyre odd little enablers! at least, when pata isn't pulling mui's hair over the fact that theyre going the wrong way, they went the wrong way we have to go that way-- no, thats the wrong way too we-- were lost were lost oh no were lost what do we DO--
yui+dDevi are. a goddamn mess. dDevi loves messing with this kid, always talking at him like it knows better-- which it does, technically, but it doesnt have to say it like that, shut up. it talks like a shitty older brother as if it wasn't leagues smaller than him and shaped exactly like a kickball. (yui doesn't vocalize this. he is so very tempted to, though.) despite all the ribbing, yui is pretty much the only person it'll talk seriously with. obviously yui is rather frustrated with it at times, but he can tell it does genuinely mean well. mostly. they squabble, but they do keep each other from doing anything too stupid. and further than that: even if he doesn't say anything, yui can tell when there's something on its mind.
the digiduo are... odd, certainly. but, strangely, there seems to be some sort of tension between the two-- they... really dont seem to get along. pata is deeply distrustful of dDevi, noting its existence as an evil digimon. like, it's in the name! devimon! not to mention how often it leads them astray or messes with them just for kicks-- something's up and it's not sure what.
on the other hand, dDevi doesn't much like pata either. it's a stuck-up killjoy thats convinced it's always right when it can barely make any good calls. always hiding behind its whole spiel of "good" and "evil" like it's so trustworthy. it doesn't even know what it's talking about half the time! if it's going to lecture them, it should at the very least be right about it. get a reason to be upset other than "that ones clearly evil, look at it!"
and then... there's the memories. or rather, the lack thereof. both seem to remember parts of some grand legend that they no longer have the ability to recall the whole of. something important to their reason of being-- and the presence of the digidestined twins.
pata seems particularly insistent of it being a prophecy, a series of steps to follow that foretell what and who they should be. (something about it seems to stress them out particularly badly, though... what exactly is it that they're living up to? why doesn't it know?)
dDevi... pretends not to care, at least. but it recalls the legend too, and hearing the fragments of it seems to make it upset. it wants nothing to do with the legend, and just wants to do... anything else. (anything to get further away from that stupid story. it's not one to be shackled by expectations like that.)
and again, the twins seem to differ on what they make of the story. yui sides with pata, believing its their best bet to at the very least figuring out how to get home. mui, on the other hand, slowly begins to wonder what exactly the gaps in the legend could mean, and wants to find out what it truly is. it's hard to follow a broken path. after all, who's to say its really a path at all? which brings us to... a bit of a conflict.
after a particularly rough leg of the journey, things start to get... difficult. theyve had little to no luck learning much of Anything of the way forward-- and things are just getting harder and harder as they go. yui isn't sure how much more they can really take of this. they're starting to barely make it out of these situations alive, so... so maybe they're better off just accepting it. nothing's leading them anywhere, nothing is making sense-- they might as well just... find a place to hide and keep their heads low. live it out as best they can. (he isn't sure how much more they can take.)
mui, of course, protests-- there were so many more places they haven't looked through yet! there was no telling if they found something or not unless they went for it! it was always going to be hard-- they couldn't just give up and wait for the difficulty to find Them. (he can't stand the idea of just giving up after all that...)
the two begin bickering, and it gets... hard. pata starts experiencing some doubt, unsure of if they should really be pressing on into certain death-- they'd just had some ridiculously close calls, and maybe waiting it out would reveal something..? (the knowledge of the unfinished legend hangs above its head, and the thought of unravelling it... is starting to give them a bad feeling.) dDevi doesn't want to sit around and do nothing while waiting for death-- that's boring and pathetic. itd much rather do something with itself even if it's scary. (it needs to know the truth. why so many others know them, why it keeps getting such bitter stares... why? it's frustrating.)
and the bickering turns to arguing. after a few too many harsh words from both sides... they split up. mui heading off with dDevi to find out what was really going on, and yui with pata to... find somewhere safe. figure it out.
for yui and pata, it's... a bit of a long journey. the two rarely speak, mostly just quick words to keep each other alert and avoid attention. yui is mostly pushed forward by his stubbornness, but... it does bother him. it bothers him a lot. he's afraid, he's worried, and he doesn't know what to do. he wants to figure it out, he wants to have all the answers. but he doesn't, and it was stupid to think he ever couldve. legend or not-- prophecy or not, they were just kids. what could they really do? what were they supposed to do?
and as it turned out, pata was worried sick as well. it isnt until a quiet moment that yui catches pata crying-- and they finally talk. because pata hated this too. it hated feeling like it should be able to lead them, but being unable to because of the gaps in its knowledge. it hated giving up, because it knew they needed to do something, and it was letting them down by doing nothing. and most of all... it missed mui. it argued because it was afraid, but it knew this was no better. more than anything, it just wanted to help.
they both knew they couldn't keep going with this. if not for their own sakes, then for the others'.
team mui's progress is... equally difficult. it was already hard enough moving about with a halved party, but they also aren't with their bonded partners, so their Actual Useable FIrepower is much much more limited. the entire time, dDevi goes on and on insulting the other pair, insisting it was really about time this went and happened, and that their own pair was obviously right all along. mui stays quiet through much of this, but after a particularly cruel jab, mui snaps back.
because he knew it didn't really mean any of it. dDevi was smug and irritating, sure, but it was just about always a joke. it was never this mean about it... unless it was actually, personally upset. that was a lot of talk for someone who insisted it didn't care. and even if it were to deny it, mui wouldn't stand for someone saying the people he cared about weren't worth anything. of course they were afraid-- they all were. answers were never easy. it was why they were working so hard to begin with.
and dDevi was genuinely taken aback-- because it was always convinced that mui was the pushover of the group. but just like that, he'd managed to completely read its actions without so much as a word. and... he was right. it wasnt proud of what it said, but it had to stand by it. it just didnt know how else to justify itself-- how else to keep going. but... all of this-- everything had always been for each other, hadn't it? and they certainly wasn't going to stop there.
they just had to find a way to convince the others.
of course, nothing was ever easy. its the risk they knew they were taking, but... maybe a risk they weren't quite prepared for. wherever they go, together or not, some new threat will always find a way to rear its head. but between the two of them, there wasn't much they could do to fight back. and they full well wouldn't have been able to make it... had it not been for team yui showing up at a crucial moment, yuichiro putting himself directly in the line of danger to draw attention from mui-- giving him and pata a chance to actually fight back now that they were reunited.
it's a messy fight, but with all of them together-- and a newfound but concrete trust-- they manage to push through relatively unscathed-- if a bit battered on yui's end. after a few moments to make sure everyone was all right (and ironically, to scold each other over being so reckless,) they finally get the chance to talk. and... to apologize.
and now for more scattered notes before i end up writing another minific in a tumblr post.
the legend goes very similarly to a typical fairy tale-- a battle between forces of good and evil, and the champions of each. long ago, there was another pair of digidestined that stumbled across the digital world, and very quickly became unrivaled in power. one half, however, became corrupted by the allure of strength and jealousy, splitting both the digital world and their familial bond. as things came to a boiling point, their conflict brought unseen destruction to the digital world, each of the chosen digimon destroying each other in the battle. crushed and in denial (for varying different reasons,) the old digidestined simply... vanished, one day, never to be seen again. as for their chosen digimon, their data was wiped nearly clean, to be born anew for when they were needed again.
as a whole, it's a story of forging bonds, learning to trust, and breaking cycles of violence.
dDevi hates the idea of digivolving due to lingering memories of that past life. it refuses to interact with it at all, and commits itself to just having a good time and living a life it can enjoy. it doesn't want to become... that again.
pata remembers that betrayal and remembers something awful happening, but... something about having to distrust the other makes it deeply, deeply sad. it want to believe in the best in dDevi, but it also feels the pull of responsibility of having to live up to the legend. that was the only thing it felt it could trust.
the old digidestined are, of course, the tsugikuni twins. whether they show up again or not is still in the air-- yoriichi being pata's old partner and michikatsu being dDevi's.
i dont feel like digging through the digiwiki for another hour but id like to somehow integrate dDevi's original digivolution line being more in line w/ canon, going all in on the Hehoo Evil(tm) thing, but with yui, it follows a more neutral route, following its own desires rather than the course of what the story Expects of it.
SO !!! YEAH!!! DIGIMON AU!!!! i care about this a very normal amount, and if you read this far: thank you, and I Am So Sorry.
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bigboipyromaniac · 2 years
i love your post about cuddling with the slayer. can you do one about reader and slayer cooking together, please?
I'm glad you liked it! it's my first fanfic in a while
while writing this I got a bit hungry LOL hope you enjoy it!
-before you came along he barely ate, VEGA would always tell him to eat something but just ignore him -I honestly think that the Doom Slayer can cook, but its more of a 50/50 like one day he'll cook the most Gordon Ramsey-type meal and then the next day he'll burn an egg -DON'T TRUST HIM WITH THE KNIFE, yea I'm sure he can handle cutting up food but he will break the cutting board, man got some strong arms and hands -so now you are on cutting duty -he would definitely have a cute apron and would make one for you -did I ever say that he likes to sew, yea you would have a lot of clothes made by him -a bit off topic but yea -something out of reach? yea he's picking you up, he just wants to show off
-whenever he's moving around the kitchen, and you cutting or sturring the food, he would 100% give you a small kiss on the head -has some bandage around if you're clumsy
alright small story cause my brain is not working rn
when was the last time I cooked? even after the demons infected the earth, most of the time I would order food from fast food and restaurant, but I highly doubt that anyone is open right now.
Speaking of food you're really hungry. you got up from the Doom Slayers chair and looked around in his bookshelf to see if he has any cookbooks, and well… it's a cookbook! "Cooking from Hell’s Kitchen Thy Flesh Consumed" god I hope it's a somewhat normal cookbook.
looking through the pages it was normal food but if it was for demons, why did he have this? Oh well, I got a bit of inspiration from the book.
I went out to find Doom Slayer coming out of the portal covered in blood, "hey! go take a shower your helping me cook tonight!" I yell out to him and left to go to the kitchen.
I checked around the kitchen to find all the food I need and to prepare before big man comes. Now that I think about it, how the hell did he get all this food from.
I started to cut the meat and vegetables and place them into bowls. while cutting the vegetables, a big guy came over in his casual outfit, with just a band t-shirt and grey sweatpants (yall know where I'm going with this)(jk not this fic)(simps)
I gave him the bites of meat for him to cook, hoping it won't end up like the eggs the other day. After the meat was fully cooked, I grabbed a cup of water and added some spices to it, once the water was heated up, I added the vegetable and left it alone for a couple of minutes to cook.
once it was done we both grabbed our meal and sat down together and talked about whatever came to our mind. It was nice hearing big guy talk, I wonder how long he's been alone, if I were him I would have lost my mind, but yet he had VEGA and I guess now you.
now I want sundubu-jjigae now....
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dazzle-writes · 10 months
Hello! Can I please request for a Demon Slayer matchup? Any sort of HC's are fine. <3
I'm straight, ISTJ, and a Pisces. My hobbies include chess, reading, and math for some reason? I don't really like animals and find them quite annoying but I do like axolotls! I have always been obsessed with sealife. My love language is physical touch and quality time.
I'm not shy, just quiet. I can be pretty judgemental to other people— including myself. I like to talk and I seem pretty sociable but others say I'm intimidating or too straightforward. I'm pretty impatient and I don't like others who beat around the bush. I'm a perfectionist and I place incredibly high expectations both on others and me. I keep people at a distance, but show just enough to make others think it's easy for me to be vulnerable. I'm ambitious and have a high drive to succeed. I'm good at socialising but I'm not particularly fond of it. I'm a control freak at times.
I'm 157 CM, I have wavy-ish black hair with hazel eyes. I have an RBF and freckles. My clothing style is leaning more to dark academia or a more feminine way of dressing. It fluctuates honestly, I could be wearing an incredibly dark outfit or an outfit with tons of florals and a makeup look that makes me seem very feminine.
I hope this is enough information! To be honest, I have no idea who I truly am as a person so if this is too vague I deeply apologise 😭
hello hello!!!! I see you said straight, however you also didn't state your gender LMFAO but since you said you dress with feminine tones i am going to assume that you are female!!!
For a Demon Slayer i match you up wiiiiith
I think what draws him to you is the fact that you are so different from Koyuki! He can't wrap his teeny little boyfailure brain around how you are both so feminine and not at the same time!!
(This takes place in my redemption AU where the uppermoons break free of Muzan btw tee hee hee)
-Lowkey at first he did not like you bc of the fact that you were very upfront and did not take his sexist bullshit. Kinda just stood to the side with his arms crossed and all pouty.
-Then you give Douma a what for
-Heart Eyes TM
-Once you both start connecting more he is really impressed by how smart you are!!! As someone who grew up in relative poverty, he didn't learn reading and writing much, let alone more complex math. If you would perhaps like to teach him? What? Its not like he LIKES you or anything!!1 He so totally does
-Spending time with you helps to connect him to his human side more and more! He finds that the more memories he unlocks, the stronger he becomes as he frees himself from Muzan's grip.
-As a demon, animals don't like him much either. So you telling him you aren't a huge fan of animals makes him feel much better about his natural Fauna Repellent!
-likes to keep an arm around your shoulder to try an annoy you and because he wants to pick you up and hold you like a koala but if you two are alone he tends to keep his distance! His reasoning is that he doesn't want to scare you one on one, but does it in public where other people can see and you could potentially feel safer.
-As you two gets closer he really likes to hold hands with you when you're alone
-Reminds you to be easy on yourself! He is also a bit of a perfectionist especially when it comes to his strength, so he works hard to not ruin his immortal life anymore with it and doesn't want you to do the same.
-He likes you because you are so different from Koyuki, it reminds him that he can never go back to being Hakuji in this life, but that he can make something of himself as Akaza.
-When you two finally get together the other uppermoons are like "thank FUCK he would NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU"
-Daki wants to plan your wedding
-tries to keep everything light and easygoing for you and lets you guide things to your standards
-Overall a very cute snuggler who would rip people to shreds for you ;)
-Goes feral if Muzan ever even thinks about you.
-Yall think Nezuko when she beefs up to fight Daki was scary? This mf would literally somehow develop a new Blood Demon Art to protect you.
-When y'all beat Muzan (obvs) he's very torn. There are parts of him that want to return to Koyuki, and parts of him that want to stay with you. He feels like he has a duty to Koyuki along with the love he feels for her, but you have helped him see a whole other side to himself.
-Ultimately he decides to stay as a demon for a while and think things over, while using his strength to help those around him and keeping you safe. I'll leave it up to you to decide how it ends <3.
AWAWAWAW I hope you enjoyed!!!!!
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So far, the 2024 animated domestic box office shows me one thing...
If you want a big gross, it's still a sequels/franchise game with this medium at the movies, post-COVID outbreak.
KUNG FU PANDA 4 really kicked things off theatrically, and took in $57m over its early March opening weekend, and INSIDE OUT 2 sits among the big leagues with its colossal $154m opening.
Anything more original or based on an untested IP... Same situation as 2022 and 2023, really. Small openings, but if audiences like 'em, then... Leggy runs. See BAD GUYS, MIGRATION, etc.
Speaking of MIGRATION... Most of the first quarter of the year was MIGRATION's post-holiday legs, as it was an audience favorite and was literally one of the only movies to take the family to during the winter... If they hadn't seen WONKA already. Fitting for a movie about ducks, ahem, migrating to a place where it's warmer. It's like FROZEN: Make an animated movie about characters in a cold place wanting things to be warm again, and release it near Thanksgiving/Christmas... Really pushes those winter blues away. (Unless you like winter.)
IF, with its CG cartoon characters, was a real surprise opening at $33m and legging its way past $100m domestic. That has been acknowledged by some of the press, even if it'll still be a "flop" in Hollywood math at the end of the day. The adult, and even older adult/senior turnout, that I see for this one at the cinema I work at... All childless... Something about this movie has struck a chord with audiences in a way a lot of recent animated family movies seemingly haven't. I guess live-action just does make it easier to digest for some...
Elsewhere, THE GARFIELD MOVIE scored $24m for its three-day and has legged itself nicely despite the existence of both IF and INSIDE OUT 2. It's an agreeable little movie, I found it to be alright. Whether it's faithful to the spirit of the comic strip (and many cartoon adaptations, particularly from the era where Lorenzo Music voiced Garfield) or not, the families have consistently chosen this one weekend-to-weekend. Cartoon, cats and dogs, slapstick, recognizable characters even if you don't read funnies in the papers, fits the bill just enough.
DESPICABLE ME 4 will kick off the second half, and should be big. Gang's back together, as it's not a prequel, could make MINIONS numbers on opening weekend or around the unadjusted amounts of 2 & 3 ($83m and $72m respectively), sure to explode worldwide too. Illumination hasn't had a financial miss yet. DESPICABLE ME 4 also looks to be their newest movie for a long while, as nothing is scheduled for 2025 (first time they've skipped a year not counting the early COVID years, MINIONS 2 and SING 2 were made for 2020 in mind), and the MARIO sequel drops in April of 2026.
TRANSFORMERS ONE and THE WILD ROBOT open close to each other in September, but I suspect both will open okay and then leg it out from there. GARFIELD and IF co-existed fine together, and they currently co-exist fine with INSIDE OUT 2. If audiences like them and money's not too tight, they'll both make back their budgets. I'd imagine neither of them cost too much... And honestly, I'm here for it. I'm totally okay with a bunch of animated movies making sub-$100m totals domestically and around $150-300m worldwide, and still making back their money. The antithesis of what the Diz wants out of seemingly any movie they put out.
On the subject of smaller titles: Anime titles continue to do their business, too, i.e. new DEMON SLAYER clipshow, the SPY X FAMILY movie. Year after year, more so than ever before I'd argue. Give 'em a wide release for a few weeks, the base will show up.
MOANA 2 is sure to be massive, MUFASA I think gets saved by worldwide grosses and Christmas legs, SONIC 3 should do great, and then there's THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM. I think that'll be an interesting one to track, I don't think it's primed to be an opening weekend winner despite being a LORD OF THE RINGS film. Remember, SPIDER-VERSE 1 opened with an okay $35m in the December frame, MUTANT MAYHEM with $28m. LORD OF THE RINGS is largely associated with live-action for most audiences, despite there being a few animated adaptations made well beforehand. THE DAY THE EARTH BLEW UP, should it actually get the theatrical release GFM has been gunning for, I think opens small too but then legs it up... Again, I hope they make back their budgets, once again showing that little guys are every bit as important as the big guns. It's just cool that movies like ROHIRRIM and EARTH BLEW UP are getting theatrical releases to begin with, that would've been unheard of ten years ago.
Maybe 2025 changes course, and we see more original stuff open higher than usual post-outbreak. ELIO is the one I continue to be curious about, as it's Pixar's second-ever original movie to get a theatrical release post-outbreak, after ELEMENTAL... Which despite its legs, Disney now deems a flop. Pixar films used to get $45m+ on opening weekend down pat with the originals, the last to do that was COCO was back in 2017. ONWARD fell behind at $38m, cut right off by the pandemic a weekend into what should've been its run. Prior to COCO, INSIDE OUT made $90m on its opening weekend, and BRAVE made $66m. Not too shabby!
For some more context, we'll do Pixar originals starting w/ MONSTERS, INC. back in 2001, the first original of theirs to crack $40m on opening weekend:
MONSTERS, INC. (2001) - $62m
FINDING NEMO (2003) - $70m
THE INCREDIBLES (2004) - $70m
CARS (2006) - $60m
RATATOUILLE (2007) - $47m
WALL-E (2008) - $63m
UP (2009) - $68m
BRAVE (2012) - $66m
INSIDE OUT (2015) - $90m
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (2015) - $39m
COCO (2017) - $50m
ONWARD (2020) - $38m
ELEMENTAL (2023) - $29m
Does ELIO return to the days where a Pixar original could almost easily make $45-70m on opening weekend? Or is it ELEMENTAL redux, and Iger arbitrarily tries to find some other thing to blame the failure on?
2025's kinda sparse when it comes to these kinds of animated movies. Everything else - not counting sequels like BAD GUYS 2, ZOOTOPIA 2, and SEARCH FOR SQUAREPANTS - is associated with some pre-existing franchise, like SMURFS and GABBY'S DOLLHOUSE. There's also DOG MAN, the book series by Dav Pilkey, a spin-off of his iconic CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS series. DreamWorks adapted that into a movie back in 2017. No features are set for March, April, or May, possibly in anticipation of an animation strike very soon. July and October are also without a new theatrical animated movie at the moment. WILDWOOD, from Laika, is without a distributor or release date, but it's eyeballing 2025. That'll be their first feature since MISSING LINK, that came out in 2019, whoooaaa...
Either that, or it's more of the same. I think post-outbreak, audiences are still pretty choosy with theater visits. Again, because of money and because your experience could very well suck and be a waste of $60+ for a family of four. It frustrates me to no end that the press natters on and on about movies being the death of movie theaters, when it's the damn movie theaters themselves. Like an elephant in the room, or in the auditorium. The cinema chains are using an outdated, decaying model that doesn't serve audiences nor them. And I would know, I'm in those very trenches myself! Understaffed, poorly-equipped, management can be erratic, etc. Some of us break our backs so that anyone who comes in doesn't have a hangup about something.
But no, it's always the movies that have to do the work. You flop, it's your fault, or the marketing's fault. International Cinema Day was coined two years ago, in August 2022...
August 2022 was kind of a wasteland month. A lot of the new movies opened very badly, or merely just existed. Movies like EASTER SUNDAY, THREE THOUSAND YEARS OF LONGING, THE INVITATION, etc.... And on that low-price day... Every movie was jam-packed, down to the front rows... I dunno, making a gamble of an experience more affordable gets more people coming? Just a thought??
So, if anything, INSIDE OUT 2 doing as well as it did meant that people really wanted to see that movie. Despite their experience possibly sucking, they went in droves to see it. That was one worth gambling on. Much like BAD BOYS: RIDE OR DIE, much like KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, much like DUNE: PART TWO... But maybe people wouldn't narrow their choices to 3-4 movies a year if the experience was better and/or more affordable.
It would really serve animation well, methinks.
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faustianbroker · 1 year
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TIMING: Before ‘Nothing to Say’ LOCATION: Leviathan’s house, World’s End Isle PARTIES: Levi (@faustianbroker) & Zane (@rn-zane) SUMMARY: A demon and a vampire make a deal to handle a nosy local slayer. CONTENT WARNINGS: none.
Going to World’s End Isle for the second time since moving here somehow managed to feel even more nerve wracking than the first time. The houses were still just as intimidating, the nicely kept gardens almost mocking in a way and as with the first time, Zane was going there to meet someone who seemed to possess the confidence of a hundred normal people. Meeting Iyla had in a way been somewhat less stressful as she had simply needed some company and the night had turned out surprisingly fun, bar the incident with the woman his “date” had brought to tears and blood. This time was different and Zane should have been more worried about this supposed deal he was here to check out rather than how intimidating this Chuck probably was in person, but he wasn’t. 
The suggestion to meet at this man’s house, of all places, was mildly terrifying but definitely private. Learning from recent experiences, the thought that Chuck might be a vampire hunter had definitely crossed his mind. In any other scenario, Zane would theoretically be safe, at least physically, but for the first time in his life he had left the house with a pocket knife. It would probably be useless if the need to use it arose but it was still better than nothing. Oh, how he hoped he wouldn’t have to use it. 
Standing at the front door as he hesitated to knock was even more intimidating than simply passing the houses. His thoughts passed to that asshole of a slayer that had made this whole scenario feel necessary. Yeah, going to a random PI had been an idiotic thing to do but out of all the people he could have reached out to… Alma still didn’t know, and hopefully never would. If there was any way to get this Emilio guy off his back and off his clan’s trail, it had to be worth a shot. With one final pat on his back pocket to make sure the knife was definitely there, Zane steeled himself and finally knocked. A part of him praying that he’d gotten the time wrong and no one would be home, giving him a chance to put this off for just a little while longer. 
A child-sized, rotund little demon sprang to life on the couch, tiny ears perking at the knock. It’s massive mouth broke into a wide, toothy grin, and a rolling snort preceded the joyful giggle that spilled from its maw. “Who! Who!” it barked, leaping off the couch and scampering on all fours to the tall front door, where it ran in tight circles. Leviathan chuckled at the creature as he approached the door, nudging it out of the way with his foot. “What are you, an owl? Use your words intelligently,” he scolded gently, before unlatching the deadbolt and pulling the door open. 
Who he assumed had to be Zane was standing there looking a bit awkward, which wasn’t unexpected. Leviathan grinned. “Ah, welcome! Half expected you to not show.” The little beast shoved itself between his legs, sniffing the air with its vampire-bat nose for a few seconds before giving an approving nod. “Good, good, good,” it said before twisting its big head to back out of the space between Levi’s legs, running deeper into the house to wait impatiently for their guest to enter. 
Leviathan gave a shrug, like seeing a furry little demonic creature was pretty commonplace for most people, and then stepped back out of the way. “Hope you found the place all right.” When the man just… stood there and didn’t come inside, as was clearly the invitation made with Levi’s body language alone, his smile turned to more of a smirk. 
“Ah… you’re one of those types. Apologies. Please, come in.”
As expected, definitely more intimidating in person. Even with only a couple of inches separating the two of them in height, Zane felt immediately dwarfed in the overwhelming presence of that wide grin. He was fairly sure he was smiling back but honestly, it was a bit hard to feel his face at the moment so all bets were off. There was no chance to reply to Chuck’s very on the nose assumption since the appearance of… something stole the spotlight. Zane blinked at the furry little thing for a moment, hoping it would look more like a normal animal the longer he stared but all that meant was getting to see its mouth open and English words come out. Not sounds, just actual words. Where the heck was he…
It took a moment to even register that his host was moving, making small talk and gesturing for Zane to enter. Even if the appearance of the strange creature hadn’t rattled him, the vampire would have been stuck out on the porch anyway, held at bay. Shit. Hoping the panic and desperation wasn’t shining as clearly in his eyes as he guessed it was, Zane was halfway towards a fumbled excuse when that knowing smirk appeared. Oh…kay. 
Already in too deep to back out now, even with the implication of being one of those types hanging over his head, Zane numbly entered the house, wondering if his own stupidity really knew no bounds. “Thank… you?” he finally spit out as the door closed behind him, eyes flitting around in search of the little creature, half expecting it to jump out and start biting at his ankles. When it didn’t, he finally risked a glance back at Chuck and attempted to clear his throat. “Ah… sorry. This is weird. I mean, I’m being weird. But also I honestly don’t know what’s happening and what that thing was and what you meant by those people.” Yes, this was clearly how you behaved when going to someone’s house for a mysterious and serious business deal. 
The demon let out a soft laugh, motioning for Zane to follow him farther into the home. “What’s happening is that you might be able to score yourself a funky fresh little demon deal to help out with this problem you’re having… details pending, of course.” As if that wasn’t enough information to chew on, as they made their way from the foyer into the main living area, the aforementioned ���thing’ was making circles on its favorite pillow before lifting its big head to regard Zane with a hungry look in its beady, mismatched eyes. 
“And this thing is a badalisc, thankyouverymuch,” the lesser demon chirped indignantly, settling down into the pillow on the couch like it was a nest. Leviathan smiled at the creature, then gave Zane a shrug. “He’s right, anyway. Just a little harmless fella, unless you get on his bad side. Wouldn’t recommend that.” The open floor plan exposed a spacious kitchen to their left, and a tall hallway to their right that led to the master bedroom and the staircase leading upstairs. “To your third concern, well…” Levi gave Zane a once-over, lifting an eyebrow. “You’re a vampire, are you not?” Of course he was. Lingering on the front step like he had was a dead giveaway. “Mm. Thirsty? Want some blood?” Ever a generous host, Levi allowed a beat of uncertainty to pass between them for clarifying. “Not mine, of course… already collected. I don’t think you’d like the taste of mine.” 
Demon deal. An actual, honest to god (satan?) demon deal. Zane had no idea how to even begin comprehending the fact, especially with the casualness that Chuck had thrown this out there. Vampires, werewolves, other strange creatures, sure. But demons. Did that confirm the existence of a god or angels or did the principle of where there is dark, there is light not apply here? Continuing to follow the self-proclaimed demon seemed easier than making the conscious decision to stop walking so into the open space he followed. 
Once again in the span of less than three minutes, Zane found himself completely lost for words, blinking at the badalisc with wide eyes. The vampire didn’t like the way he was being stared at, neither by the offended creature nor Chuck. It seemed ridiculous to make some attempt at lying right now, pretend he was something he wasn’t when talk of demon deals lingered in the air and a strange creature was sleeping just a few feet away. “I… yeah,” Zane choked out, still standing in the middle of the living room with the same hesitation he’d had at the front door. No way was he taking a seat on the couch currently occupied by the badalisc and honestly, he still hadn’t decided whether or not he wanted to bolt. 
The casual offer of blood, as if his host was wondering whether he should break out some crackers and cheese, was the breaking point. Zane laughed, the sound almost delirious and he finally took a seat in one of the armchairs, unsure he could support his weight for a second longer. “Hold on, just… gimme a second.” He heaved out a breath, face hidden in his hands as he clawed at whatever composure he possibly had remaining. Demon. Demon deal. Badalisc, whatever the heck that was. Already collected blood. With one final inhale, Zane finally straightened in the chair. “I’m good, thanks,” he finally managed, still dizzy from the overwhelming amount of information. 
“So… demon. An actual demon. One of many or the demon? Also no way you actually look like that because The Bible gets a lot of shit wrong, I know but…” He trailed off, not really sure where he was going with the current train of thought but at least happy to be regaining the ability to speak. 
Oh, how precious. Apparently this was all terribly new for Zane, which was always a delightful thing to witness. Leviathan just watched him and smiled, giving him the time he needed to work through his thoughts. It was a lot to digest, if you had no idea demons, or at least what humans called demons, really existed. The abrupt laugh was met with a soft chuckle and a shrug of broad shoulders. “If you say so,” the demon responded, moving to take a seat on the couch across from Zane. 
An amused grin settled over his features, gaze dropping down to Gabagool as the ungainly creature quickly abandoned his pillow for the humanoid’s lap, sprawling across his thighs and letting out a long, content sigh. Levi’s fingers raked through the tannish fur, but his attention had returned to the vampire opposite him. 
“One of many. There’s no archdemon, if you will. No… equivalent to Beelzebub. And no, you’re correct, this is not what I actually look like.” 
It bared its teeth in a shark-like grin as the critter in its lap piped up without looking at their company. “If ya saw Leviathan’s real face, you’d lose your damn mind!” As if to confirm, Levi offered a gentle shrug. “It is… for your benefit that I look the way I do, yeah. And, before you ask, no, we’re nothing like what the bible says, either. Demon is just a name that was given to a species too old and too unfamiliar for humans to understand, so they created a fiction for it. As you said… a pretty incorrect fiction. We’re not fallen angels, and we’ve certainly got nothing to do with any of your human deities.” It paused, glancing up at the vaulted ceiling in thought. “I think the closest comparable word for what we are would just be alien. If that helps.” 
It surely didn’t, but this was entertaining. 
Out of all the things Zane could have predicted happening at this strange meet up, including literally getting killed, religious panic had not been one of them. It had taken years to untangle himself from the mess made in childhood, parts of it still clinging on for dear life, but the existence of some higher power had long since been completely rejected. Finally finding some freedom in the fact that there was no one watching and judging your every move for the sole purpose to decide where you would end up after the world’s untimely doom… So much of what The New Religion proposed as fact had been debunked, thanks to the wonders of the internet but those that debunked them obviously didn’t have all the information either. 
It was still just as jarring seeing the strange little creature speak and Zane attempted to keep his focus on Chuck’s - Leviathan’s? - explanation. Even as his gaze kept moving back to the beady and amused eyes staring at him from the man’s lap. Silence hung heavy between them for a moment as Chuck finished speaking, his words delivered in an almost kind way that prevented Zane from having a complete meltdown. “Is there,” he started, voice croaking and he cleared his throat before the second attempt, “is there more, then? God, afterlife, hell? A… reckoning?” That final word felt jarring as he spoke it outloud, not having said it or heard it spoken for many years. He wasn’t sure if he even wanted to know the answers to these questions, if this demon even had them, but Zane couldn’t not ask. 
Oh. Oh no, here it came. Religious guilt. It was a familiar song and dance, and Leviathan felt itself inwardly sigh. “Look, man, personally… I think organized religion is just a method of controlling the masses and bending them to the will of a handful of humans that declare themselves messengers of the ‘good word’, but… I don’t have a straight answer for you one way or the other.” It shrugged again, almost apologetically. “I’ve never died, so I’ve not seen it for myself. And like I said, even though the intelligent—which is a word I use loosely—species of this dimension like to call me a demon and liken me to the corrupted angels of their mythos, it doesn’t mean I actually have anything to do with it. I just liked wrecking their fleets, cutting deals and harvesting their souls, so they made me into something easier for them to understand. An agent of Satan, whoever that’s supposed to be.” 
It gave Zane a few moments to absorb that at least somewhat before continuing, “And as for your reckoning… don’t much buy into that, either. Seems like most things just get turned back into space dust when they die. But, again, I’m not any more wise to the truth than any of you are. I may have been alive for… what, something like fourteen billion years? But that’s just it—I’ve been alive. No insights on the afterlife.”
Without realizing it, Zane was nodding along slowly, in a way happy to have this proclaimed demon shit over organized religion. It was… surprisingly comforting, hearing this man who sounded to be older than time itself, talk about the lack of meaning behind it all. If everything he was saying was true, which Zane was choosing to believe with the help of the small demon curled up with them, then demons or anyone with higher power couldn’t care less about the sins of normal people. They were just doing their own thing, much like almost anyone else on this planet. If only his parents could see him now. 
“Must get a bit boring after all this time,” was all Zane thought to say when he finally pulled back from his thoughts, looking back up at the man sitting opposite him. “Sorry for, uh… I know you didn’t exactly invite me over to get quizzed on the afterlife.” Leaning back in his chair, rubbing at his face, Zane sighed. “Guess ten years away from a stupid cult isn’t even enough to keep the religious panic at bay, huh?” he attempted to joke but it sounded flat, even to his own ears. 
“Anyway, speaking of the reason I’m here. Talking to an actual demon,” wow, that felt weird to say out loud. Shit, a fourteen billion year old demon named Leviathan had been flirting with him online? He was definitely going to need some time to process that later. “You said you could maybe help?”
Boring. Yeah, it sure fuckin’ did, which was why Leviathan inserted itself into as many other lives as it could. Be it to hurt or to help, be it safe, dangerous, or anything in between—the demon needed excitement. Needed change. If things were to stay the same for too long, it might just lose its mind. 
But Zane didn’t need to know that.
“Don’t apologize. You’re hardly the first, and you definitely won’t be the last. I’m used to it.” A grin stretched over his features, now. “I’ll admit it’s always more fun when it’s an active priest, or something. Their reactions are the best.” 
Focusing on the task at hand, Leviathan nodded. “Maybe being the operative word. Depends on what your situation is.” And whatever it took in exchange would have to be more…. material. Seeing as how the guy was already dead. That was fine, the demon had accepted all manner of payments in the past. Gabagool stretched in its lap, shuffling and squirming until he was laying on his back. Levi smirked and scooped the child-sized lesser demon into its arms, giving him an affectionate kiss on his little forehead. “So,” it started, scratching Gab’s belly for a moment before looking back up at Zane, “There’s someone out there who knows something about you that they shouldn’t. Let me guess—it’s a slayer, and they know you’re a vampire. Anything else?”
Even with his mind still reeling, Zane’s panic seemed to have reached enough of a height to simply burn itself out, leaving only behind a dull sense of not quite understanding the world. Leviathan brushing off his apology also helped, helping to keep up the appearance that he was still just sat here, having a conversation with a dashingly handsome and nervewrackingly charming man instead. The real scenario of idiot vampire sits down with demon older than time and its pet demon, to make a demon deal would probably - as the badalisc had so eloquently put it - break his brain. 
Admittedly, the panic was probably nothing compared to how his parents would have dealt with this conversation, as confirmed by Chuck’s amused comment. Zane couldn’t help a wry smile of his own from appearing at the thought. Watching the creature being cuddled was wholesome in a way and the vampire decided he liked the thing much better when it was being quiet and cuddly. Leviathan made its guess at the reason for today’s meeting and Zane sighed, leaning back in the comfortable seat. 
“That’s the start of it. He… knows about the entire clan. Knows whose it is, where a lot of us live, where we work because…” The hesitation was obvious, guilt settling like a rock in his stomach before he spoke the next words. “I asked him to try and find some information about the woman who turned me. I mean, I didn’t know it was the same guy when I asked him and I should have just had a conversation with Elma like a normal person but…” Zane trailed off, eyebrows knitted with worry now, hands folded in his lap. “I really think he’s going to come after all of them. Because I was a paranoid idiot.” Maybe not paranoid since there were things he clearly wasn’t privvy to but… they didn’t deserve to get sliced up by some unstable hunter. No one did. 
Listening quietly, Leviathan’s brows rose slowly the more Zane said. “Hang on, roll that back a little. You asked a slayer to investigate your… what do you guys call it? A sire? But you didn’t know he was a slayer at the time. To you, he was someone who could get you information on another person…” No way. No fucking way it was Emilio, what were the god damned odds? Sure, this town was no Boston when it came to population, but… really? 
Also, this was one hell of a way to find out that the man was a fucking hunter, of all things. The demon made a mental note to have a discussion with him about that, later.
“He was a private investigator?” A pause, then a scoff. “Was he average height, dark hair, permanent scowl, and sad little eyes?”
It was interesting to watch the demon think, puzzling together something unknown to Zane. Was he deciding whether or not he wanted to help? Whether he could? The worried crease between the vampire’s brows deepened in the silence, body almost starting to vibrate with the energy building up until Chuck finally spoke again. Not that his questions did much to relax Zane, quite the opposite actually, whole body tensing up. 
As a nurse, he was decent at reading different expressions and sensing the unspoken but here, where demon deals and slayers were part of a conversation, Zane felt lost. Was Emilio a friend of Leviathan’s? Enemy? After a few too many seconds of drawn out silence, the answer to the question was most likely already provided. And Zane was a shit liar, anyway. “Has a limp and is hispanic,” came the reply, a confirmation that they most likely were speaking about the same man. Unless there were more PI slayers that seemed to hate life in this town. 
“Don’t tell me he’s your friend or something.” Desperation was clear in his voice - as if coming to speak to a stranger about some strange deal wasn’t desperate enough in the first place. Try as he might, Zane couldn’t get his body to relax again, legs poised for sprinting out of here if need be. 
“Friend is a strong word,” Leviathan countered, noticing the tension that had Zane coiled up like a spring ready to burst out the door. “I mean, we fucked a couple times, but that’s whatever.” Relaxing into its spot on the couch, still scratching Gaba’s belly absentmindedly, the demon fell into a brief, thoughtful silence.
“This could be an advantage, actually,” it finally said, wandering gaze landing on Zane again. “You… don’t strike me as the type of person to wish harm on someone else. Even if that someone else is threatening people you care about, or… at least feel a responsibility toward.” It didn’t care if it was right or not, it didn’t change the situation. “I might be able to convince him to leave them alone. Which would naturally take the form of another deal, so you could rest easy that if he went against it, there’d be consequences.” A beat. “Everyone wants something from me, after all.” Case in point, the vampire sitting across from it. 
Leviathan smiled, now. “And how fortunate for you, this means that this deal won’t be made official until I get him to agree. So you’re off the hook for now. Do consider what you’d be willing to part with, though, to expedite the process when the time comes.”
The demon’s words weren’t exactly comforting but the cavalier way in which he spoke about his relation to Emilio was enough to momentarily snap Zane out of his panic. He blinked once, twice, trying not to let his vividly visual imagination take control. So far, he had only imagined the private investigator as someone who limped around, stalking people and committing the occasional murder. Casual hook ups made him sound… normal. It wasn’t too far-fetched, though. Chuck, or the human form of Leviathan to be exact, was handsome and if imagining Emilio doing something other than scowling and threatening him, Zane had to admit that the man wasn’t bad looking. 
Chuck spoke up again, thankfully snapping Zane out of that train of thought and making him briefly wonder if this demon had the ability to read minds. He nodded along to the correct assumption that Zane didn’t want anyone to get hurt, even the asshole slayer, leaning forward in his seat with intrigue. Properly meeting the demon’s gaze for what felt like the first time during their meeting, he felt a daunting thrill move through his body when the other smiled. Was he really going through with this? Even though he got the feeling that Leviathan had been nothing but honest this whole time, because what would he gain by lying, Zane was filled with unease. 
“What, uh…” Zane paused, at a loss for how to phrase his question. “What do people normally… part with? If we’re talking things then I don’t really own much and I’m on a nurse’s wages…” Trailing off, unsure whether or not he wanted to know the answer, especially with the smug expression that had appeared on the strange animal’s face.
“Could be anything, really. Oftentimes it’s their life essence, but obviously you already lack that, being… dead, and all. Sometimes it’s money, sometimes it’s treasured personal effects… but I think something that might be more your speed would be an intangible offering. A memory, maybe. A bit of knowledge? The possibilities are endless.” Gabagool gave a large yawn and stretched out his little legs before sliding off of the Leviathan’s lap like melting butter over a pancake, plopping to the floor with a twinkle in his eye.
“A secret…?” the lesser demon suggested with a snicker before scampering off into the kitchen to root around for a snack.
Leviathan chuckled, giving Zane a shrug. “Well… he’s not wrong. That’s also an option. But, as I said, you’ve got time to think it over.” Flicking its wrist to reveal the watch beneath its sleeve, the demon tsked. “Late again. Gabs, remind me to give Ichabod a thorough lashing in the morning, won’t you? You know how forgetful I am.” From the kitchen, the little creature could be heard cackling before responding with a few grunts of agreement, apparently having found a snack to enjoy. Leviathan turned its attention back to Zane, flashing another disarming grin. 
“Anyhow. We’ve got dinner on the way, and if you’ve any interest in some dumplings…” It lifted a brow at him somewhat suggestively, though it could have been taken as friendliness and nothing more, by the right person, “you’re welcome to stick around a bit longer.” It figured the answer was going to be no, but it was terribly rude to not offer.
So people did give up their souls, or life essence as Levi referred to it, when making demon deals. Apparently the holy book had been right about some things. It was a good thing that Zane couldn’t even make that decision, that he wouldn’t have to weigh his life against those of the clan. Even though he pretty much knew what the result would have been, seeing as he had been the one to open the door for this particular asshole of a slayer. “Right,” he replied slowly once the matter of fact explanation had been provided, sliding back in his seat warily when the small, grinning creature slid onto the floor. 
Nodding dumbly as he tracked the creature’s exit, Zane turned his attention back to the powerful presence grinning at him. “I’ll… do that.” Secrets, knowledge… Zane wasn’t sure he had anything of that sort, at least not to the caliber that might interest the demon. For so much of his life, the biggest secret had been the way other men made him feel but that was hardly a secret anymore. Maybe making a list once he got home and away from the distressingly charming company would help. 
The second his host started hinting at this meeting being over, Zane was scrambling to his feet. “Ah… I wouldn’t want to impose.” Or stay any longer than necessary, for that matter. “Thanks, though. For… you know.” Standing hesitantly, the power dynamic still very much in Levi’s favor despite him still lounging in the chair, Zane hesitated on whether or not to offer a hand or just bolt out. “And sorry about freaking out.”
Rising slowly to its feet, Leviathan made the decision for Zane and outstretched a hand to shake, still grinning. “Don’t worry about it, kid. I’ve seen worse.” Far worse. The kind of worse that ended up with some poor, idiot soul trying to kill it after learning what it was. Never went how they wanted, of course. 
As their hands met, Leviathan pulled the vampire a little bit closer, pressing the other to the back of his shoulder. “Oh, and… let’s just keep this between us, yes?” With that (and a quick wink as it moved back again), it released Zane’s hand and gestured toward the front door in the same moment that it started moving in that direction. 
“Take care now, and I’ll work on getting that pesky little slayer off your back,” it added as Zane hurried outside again, lifting a hand in an easygoing wave. It was curious to know what the vampire would come up with as payment, and while it might not be expecting much, the introspection into other people’s lives was often the most rewarding part of dealmaking. 
There was a sound from across the house—the back door unlocking as Ichabod finally arrived. Leviathan smiled. “Baby boy, dinner’s here!” the demon called to Gabagool, shutting and bolting the front door. 
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
BABE HIII I MISSED YOU!! I've been super busy with work/college recently AND it was my birthday (which I celebrate for like a week lol) so I've been caught up in that but now things are finally starting to calm down! Unfortunately I haven't had alot of down time recently, and any tv time I did have was taken up by watching house of the dragon and desperately trying to finish game of thrones lol so I havent been able to watch any of the animes on my list BUT I finally did finish game of thrones literally a couple days ago so I'll finally be able to start one 😁 which one I'm not sure right now its between aot, jojo's, and hxh (which I saw you started recently 👀 tbh I'm scared of the person I might become once I get introduced to chrollo) so if you have a suggestion on which one I would love to hear it!
Also BACHIRA!!? You have such taste LOL hes my favorite too 🖤 Your blurb was literally so spot on to how I imagined bachira too it's crazy, I definitely see him as a biter lol and omg the "it gets you wet when I tell you no" STOOOPP 🤤. You know that position where the girl is on top and the guy is like fucking up into her really fast? That's what I always think of with bachira lol like sure he says you can try being on top for once but the second you sink down on him hes wrapping his arms around you anchoring you in place and fucking you up 💖
I literally stopped dead in my tracks and gasped when I saw you're considering writing for dabi like OH!!? My FAVORITE writer on here writing for my FAVORITE character might actually kill me I don't know if my heart can take it 😭 I know you havent seen mha yet but dabi just had like HIS MOMENT and yes I will be adding a bunch of tiktoks below for it lol
Also are you excited for the new season of demon slayer 👀 God himself will not be able to stop me from seeing it in theaters idc if I cant get tickets I WILL be witnessing akaza and doma on the big screen
I actually have so many tiktoks to send you it's crazy lol
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9LWW2/ HELLO?? If he looks like this I'm so excited to see kokushibo
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHnTgo/ the fact I'll also be able to see gyutaro in theaters 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHoLg6/ my fav feminist 💖
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG96dkW/ who tf allowed him to be this pretty 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9j1QN/ him falling to his knees actually makes me wanna cry
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9LTS1/ HIS VOICE 👀
Now for dabi 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHwmb3/ I volunteer
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG9jw7c/ my unhinged boy 💖
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHv4Ss/ HIS LAUGH https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHWfE9/
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRGHWPwt/ PLEASEEE MY GOD
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRG96K12/ the fact they did it on purpose too lol
I'm so sorry I sent like an absurd amount of tiktoks LMAO but I've been saving them up for you 😘 I hope you've been doing well and I'm so excited to catch up on more of your fics 🖤 jjk anon
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I haven’t even gotten to chrollo yet I’m in some DEEP SHIT
PERSONALLY I would really like to see you watch AOT first!! it’s only because it’s my number 1 and I really really really love to talk about it 🥺🥺🥺
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So gagamaru is actually my fave of the boys
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And then… there’s barou I think I just simp for anyone sukuna’s va voices honestly
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DABI YES THAT IS 1000000% YOUR INFLUENCE because I’ve still only seen the clips that you sent me, but I WILL ADMIT I am more receptive to some of the characters in mha
But I have been itching to write for dabi AND IM THINK THONKING HARD ABOUT IT
There will for sure be some dabi food on this blog very very soon
I’ve also got an au coming out once this season does, because it’s all about the demons ❤️❤️❤️
I’m also gonna send you a bunch that I’ve been saving, some are hxh some are jjk IVE JUST BEEN SAVING LIKE CRAZY
Bro his laugh… I adore it please
demon slayer ( plus dabi )
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRtNXa5v/ THE KOKU GIRLIES ( me ) STAY WINNING
HXH ( mostly feitan and hisoka )
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maaarshieee · 2 years
Hi, could you please do a oneshot where reader is secretly married to Giyuu (they keep it hidden so that others can't target them due to their status) and the hashira all find out when his s/o, who is a slayer, arrives at HQ to give a report regarding a recent mission and she gives Giyuu a quick kiss and hug before going inside to the master and the hashira are all like- 'who tf is that?!' and Giyuu, bless his trying soul, is just like "my husband/wife/s/o"
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➢ Gɪʏᴜᴜ Tᴏᴍɪᴏᴋᴀ x Gɴ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➢ 1,335 Wᴏʀᴅs
➢ Fʟᴜғғ
➢ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
Giyuu was never the one to share anything about himself unless it was absolutely necessary. Because of this, none of his fellow Hashiras ever knew about his life, nor the fact he had a love life.
➵ Rᴇᴠᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs Wɪᴛʜ Gɪʏᴜᴜ Tᴏᴍɪᴏᴋᴀ
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Everyone knew Giyuu was a very private man. He never spoke about his past to his fellow Hashiras— he never really spoke to them in the first place.
So telling them about his spouse was the least of his worries. They never really ask him anyway, they'd usually ignore him and leave him be— he prefers it that way. Sometimes, someone would poke and prod him for any sort of reaction, or information about himself annoyingly—Shinobu—, but he always managed a calm and quiet facade.
Although, he doesn't blame them for acting so surprised once they found out about his relationship with someone they've never heard of before. Giyuu still doesn't believe it himself, that he got to marry you when you could've chosen people who were so, so much better than him.
But Giyuu is oblivious to the fact as to why their shock is very exaggerated, in his opinion, and it frustrates them even more. Well, it was mostly Tengen who was fuming at this revelation, but nevertheless, Giyuu didn't understand why he was suddenly the center of attention as soon as they heard the news.
The Hashiras found out one day when you were called to the Headquarters for a Hashira meeting to report your previous missions, along with other demon slayers. Once you're finished with your report, you bow down to Oyakata-sama, and then, by habit, go towards your dear husband.
Immediately, everyone had their eyes on you, curious as to why you were walking to Giyuu. To their astonishment, you went extremely close to him, wrapping your arms loosely around his torso, to which he reciprocated. It was a quick hug, that was all, no harm done but the small action left an earth-shattering impact on all of the Hashiras.
And then, you kissed him.
On the lips.
It was a small, fleeting peck that lingered, making your lips tingle at the loving gesture. All the Hashira's jaws dropped, even Muichiro was shocked! You mumbled to him, but with how quiet it was, everyone heard it.
"Love you, see ya later at dinner."
Both of you were unaware of what you just had done, too focused on one another to realize the two of you were still at Headquarters, in front of everybody. Wide eyes trailed your figure as you pulled away from Giyuu, bowing once more to the other Hashiras, and walked off with a pep in your step, a big, wide smile on your face.
It was silent for a moment, everyone unmoving as all eyes now landed on Giyuu. It took a while for him to register that every other Hashira was staring intensely at him. He has no idea why they're looking at him like that and honestly, he's beginning to internally panic.
Kagaya just smiled knowingly when one of his children whispered what just happened to him, chuckling quietly as he waited for everything to unfold on its own. He could only imagine Giyuu's face at this moment.
"What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" He demanded, a frown tugging on his lips as he furrowed his brows, befuddled. Shinobu's surprised expression shifted into an exasperated one, pinching the bridge of her nose. Just how detached can Tomioka-san be? She thought.
"Who was that, Tomioka-san?" She decided to ask since no one else would. She watched Giyuu blink, then realization punched him right on his face, his body going rigid. He slowly turned his head away, but the tips of his ears were red, suddenly hyperaware that he just kissed someone in front of everyone.
He's dying on the inside.
"That... was my... spouse..." Giyuu managed to say, speech stiff as if he's having trouble as to what to say. Cue the multiple gasps of disbelief and shock. Mitsuri was stunned, her cheeks flushed as she squealed excitedly. Oh my gosh! She covered her mouth with both hands, eyes sparkling. He's acting so cute! I wonder how he got a partner in the first place!!
Tengen put a hand on his chest, frowning at the embarrassed Hashira, who avoided his gaze and opted to take interest in the pebbled ground instead. "And you didn't even invite any of us to the wedding!?" He exclaimed, Mitsuri nodding in agreement, now pouting.
The tips of his ears grew redder, biting the inside of his cheek as he debated whether to answer truthfully or not. "...I thought... it wouldn't matter..." He muttered, facing his whole body away from them, letting out an awkward cough.
"HAH!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WOULDN'T MATTER!?" Yelled Tengen, crossing his arms as he shot more questions to the poor Hashira. Mitsuri audibly whined, hands on her pinkish cheeks, pouting even more. "That's so unfair, Tomioka-san! I never knew you had a lover, let alone married!"
Shinbu clicked her tongue, shaking her head as she tried to keep a smile on her face. She's absolutely baffled at the fact someone would be interested enough in him to even consider being in a relationship with him. She can't even stand him herself, she marvels at your patience. "Geez, Tomioka-san, you must really hate us!" She sardonically teased, poking his cheek.
Giyuu flinched, turning down his head and shying away. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible, and the fact that when he glanced at Oyakata-sama, he was listening in amusement, smiling widely. "It's... not that..." He tried to defend himself, ultimately failing in doing so, for he can't even think of a good excuse.
"Either way, congratulations Tomioka-san!" Chirped Kyojuro, slapping his hand on his shoulder rather harshly, almost making Giyuu topple over. "I never would've thought you'd get married so early!" He let out a friendly, cheerful laugh, patting his back. He's right, getting married at 21 can be considered late during this period, but as a Hashira, 21 is very early! They're expected to get married at least when they're retired! "They look rather charming too, how lucky of you!"
Giyuu found himself nodding over Kyojuro's words. Despite his loudness, he's the only person that's harboring his frantic mind after he was unwillingly pushed into the spotlight. "A-ah, thanks?" He stuttered, giving Kyojuro an awkward glance. The Flame Hashira didn't mind at all, his grin widening.
"Congratulations, Tomioka-san, I pray for a long and healthy marriage." Gyomei offered him a comforting smile with tears trailing down his cheeks, rubbing the prayer beads in his hands together. He's absolutely overjoyed at the fact that Giyuu found someone to spend his life with. "Nami Amida Butsu,"
While everyone crowded around Giyuu, poking him for more answers, Obanai and Sanemi stayed in their spots. While irritated at the sudden revelation with Giyuu, Sanemi couldn't help but smirk at his friend, turning his gaze to him. "Looks like Tomioka got married before you can even ask Kanjori out," He mocked him, making the Snake Hashira glare daggers at him, grumbling under his breath and seething.
Kagaya let a small laugh slip past his lips, smiling brightly at his dear children. It caught their attention, kneeling back down on the ground and apologized to Oyakata-sama for their actions. He turned his head towards where he assumed Giyuu was, "I hope you liked our wedding gift, Giyuu." Kagaya had to hold back another laugh as he heard his cute swordsmen turn to Giyuu once more. He took a mental note to apologize for the poor Water Hashira later on. "My family enjoyed your spouse's cooking."
"Tomioka-san, that's so unfair of you! How did you two fall in love!? Who asked out who!? How long have you been married!? Please tell me!!"
"My, my~ I wonder if they visited the Butterfly Estate before! I hope they stop by again~"
"Oh? Oyakata-sama likes their cooking? I hope I get a taste in the future!"
Giyuu's face burned, hiding his face in his hands. You'll just love to hear about what happened once he gets home.
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✦ YOU. HOW DID YOU KNOW I'M JJ LOVE WITH THIS IDEA. I'VE READ SHT LIKE THIS BEFORE AND I'M SO DKCCHOWCHDOVJLDCHDO ILY ANON~ /P I finally got around to writing my requests~ All I needed was to write a 4k word fic for Sanemi LOL Thanks for reading everyone~ I love you all~/p Have a good week~!! You all deserve it >:3!
Also I like to imagine this is how Giyuu acted when he turned his head.
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musclelover4826 · 3 years
Stoner Nerd
Alex was very excited when he had gone off to college. Finally a place all to himself. Well sort of. He had a roommate. There was nothing inherently bad about Mike. He was alright, not the type of person Alex would normally hang out with. Alex was a bit of a weeb. He loved anime, manga, and jrpgs. His side of the dorm was covered with Dragon Ball Super and Final Fantasy posters, collectable figures, and manga in less than a day. He set up his PS4 to the tv he brought with him. Ok ok he was a big weeb. Hell even his shirts and hats were anime themed. Mike's side on the other hand was posters of punk bands and skaters doing tricks. The skateboard tucked under the desk on Mike's side of the room made it clear he was a skater. Alex was less then thrilled when his roommate pulled out a bong and started smoking as the scent of weed filled the room.
"Don't worry bro its goin in a drawer if the RA shows up" Mike had said but really Alex couldn’t care less whether the stoner got in trouble or not. The upset look on his face was about all his stuff smelling like weed. They got along fine over that first week. Well, co existed might be the better word since less than a full sentence was said between them in that time. However what got him upset was when he just got outside the dorm on his way to class only for Mike on his skateboard to slam into him. The iced coffee Mike got from the café spilling all over Alex's shirt and pants. He was a bit nervous about making a first impression in his economics class since that was his major. He was dressed in a grey collered polo shirt and black dress pants, now all coffee stained.
"Shit sorry duude" Mike said in that deep slow voice. The way he stretched the word dude and the glazed look in his reddened eyes made it clear to Alex he was high.
"Dude what the hell!" Alex yelled. "I got class I'm gonna be late now!" He yelled letting his anger get the better of him.
"I said sorry dude, need some clothes? I prolly got a shirt you can borrow" Mike offered. And it honestly seemed like a good natured offer but Alex was too frustrated to stop himself.
"Oh and smell like some dumbass stoner in the middle of a economics class!" Alex shouted and Mike chuckled a bit, deciding it was better not to tell the nerd that after a week in the same room his clothes already kinda smelled like weed anyway. Mike tossed his arm around Alex's shoulders pulling him back into the dorm building.
"Then change into your own clothes bro but gonna be honest, the profs don't give a shit whether you even show up. If your a little late he won't care. And he'd get it if you say what happened. Just say your stupid ass roommate kept you" Alex had no argument there considering Mike already insulted himself. He allowed his anger to calm down. It wasn't really Mikes fault, he could have watched where he was going too. Something about the weed scented air around Mike made it hard to stay mad at the guy. They got back to the room and Alex changed. A gray t shirt and jeans. The fact that he didn't recognize them right away didnt occur to him. No the shirt was in his dresser on his side of the room. And it had a Demon Slayer logo on it. The boar head of Inosuke. He chuckled a bit not even conciously registering how it sounded like his roommate. Inosuke was a stupid ass. Just like Mike. Huhuhuh. Yeah no way Mike would have a shirt like this. No way he would have put it in the wrong dresser. And no way the coffee accident outside was anything but an accident. Mike was too stupid to plan anything malicious. Alex once again left the dorm building and went to class. He felt a little more clear headed once he was away from Mike but the smell lingered. Was it the shirt? He looked down, anime logo, dumb boar, the shirt fit, it was in his dresser. It was his. He relaxed again. He hadn't noticed he went through the exact same checklist as in his dorm. As if it was following a regersed script of reasoning rather than actually thinking about it. The smell was likely just from being close to him walking to the room. As the class droned on with random syllabus information he slumped back a bit in his seat, doodling in his notebook wondering why he bothered worrying about being on time. Mike was right after all, the professor never even questioned the 10 minute delay. The class dragged on until Mike got out and got back to his room. Mike was smoking and doing something on his computer that he had set up on his desk. Alex sat on his own bed and played some games a for a bit.
The next day was weird. He had fallen asleep in his clothes from the day before and it took a good amount of internal back and forth to convince himself to shower. After the shower he would feel a bit more awake and thinking back to the coffee incident he was a bit confused by his thinking, though he decided he should appologize to Mike for his attitude.
"Hey sorry about yesterday" he said.
"Don't worry about it dude, prolly shouldn't have been skating with a coffee" he laughed. "I can be pretty dumb sometimes" and Alex started laughing too. The fog over his thinking returning. He didn't know why he had a negative view of Mike. He was so chill, relaxed. He was right about the teacher not caring. A far cry from Alex's usual anxiety. Maybe he should try to be more like Mike. He let the picture form in his mind for a moment. The two of them each on their beds positioned to face Alex's tv. Playing Jump Force together and laughing as they each do something dumb. Mike was dumb sometimes. Alex could be dumb sometimes too if he was honest. He imagined Mike offering his bong and he saw himself taking a hit. Both of them fun loving dumb bros. Like any number of the main characters in shows he likes. Luffy, Naruto, Goku...his favorites were full of idiots. So why would befriending a real idiot be that different? He shook his head at the visual. No. No way he'd ever say yes to an offer of weed. Though hanging with his roomie more wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. He didn't even bother going to his other classes for that week as he decided first week was just overview stuff he could do without. Showing up to classes later each time until the last few on Friday were just skipped all together. Mike would come and go to skate with his friends but Alex just stayed in the dorm.
On saturday he was woken up by a box being dropped onto his bed.
"Whats that?" He asked rubbing his eyes as Mike grinned.
"Some shit the mailroom left at our door"
"Then why put it here?" Alex asked.
"Got your name on it" Mike chuckled. That damn contagious laugh that caused a matching dumb grin to spred across Alex's face. He opened the box to find a rolled up poster. He pulled it out and unrolled it. A Naruto poster. He looked at it confused and even more so when after unrolling it a pipe fell out. It was a small glass pipe, a blue and green swirly design. And a baggie of weed. Mike chuckled at his look "why you got that suprised look? Don't remember what you order? Man Ash you can be pretty dumb sometimes." Mike chuckled. Ash chuckled too. Ash? Like the guy from pokemon. Add him to the list of dumb anime bros he liked. But that wasn't his own name was it? And sure the poster looked like something he'd order. He bareky noticed the weed smell that coated the whole glossy surface. Or the slight rip near the bottom like the thing was bought used. He didn't remember buying it but it was something he'd ordered. His name was on the box. But the weed and the pipe? He'd never order them. Could he have order them by accident? Maybe the seller included them as a bonus? He wasn't that dumb. Well maybe Alex wasn't. But Ash prolly was. Ash like pokemon. Ash like whats left over after smoking! Huhuh. The dumb chuckle fell out of his mouth. Mike was stuffing weed in the pipe. Packing it. Ash corrected in his head as the slang came to mind. Mike lit it and brought it to Ash's face and he hsppily sucked on it. Holding the smoke for a minute before exhaling feeling the rush to his head. A familiar feeling that shouldn't be familiar. Yet it was funny as Mike chuckled as the smoke swirled around. Sounded kinds close was it Mike who laughed or himself? Ash couldn't tell because their laughs sounded so similar.
He didn't pay much attention when his short, neat black hair started to itch and tingle as it grew slightly longer and messier. He didn't pay attention when it started lightening to brown. He did notice the intense itching all over his body as some small dark hair grew. He didn't care much as his chub faded away to slim tone. Not the kind that came from working out just the kind that casually developed when one skates or shoots hoops with the boys. Stuff Ash clearly remembered doing now. His now loose shirt shrunk to fit his new frame. His scent became a pleasing mix of BO and weed. He chuckled as he put on some Naruto using a streaming app on his PS4. The smoke cleared out his head. Economics? Yeah right. He was a buisness major. Because weed was legal now and there was plenty of space for new buisnesses in that industry. But he'd be lucky if je successfully gets all Cs this semester. C gets the degree right? How do you spell right? R-i-g-h-t-e? Maybe nah r-i-t-e feels more rite. The growing void in his head stayed mostly empty as his skin took on a slight tan. Some details filling in with weed and skating and chilling with Mike. A high school friend of his rite? His future buisness partner. Though funny enough the nerdy shit didn't quite clear out though. Most of the manga did because fuck! Who reads? He wasn't very good at his games anymore but he played them for fun so who cared. And while he couldn't have an in depth convo any more about the extended universe of dragon ball. He sure could threaten someone with a kamehameha if they pissed him off.
"Damn your such a nerd Ash" Mike said looking at the show he put on.
"A stoner nerd bro" Ash corrected. "I don't sit around all lame and study. I can be real dumb sometimes too" he said and chuckled. And Mike chuckled. And everything was chill now.
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xxsabitoxx · 3 years
What Titans I think the Hashira would have
Warnings: contains spoilers for Attack on Titan! If you aren’t caught up on the anime. Also contains some spoilers for demon slayer!
A/N: AYOOO Attack on Titan and Demon Slayer? C’mon 9 Hashira and 9 Titans it’s too good not to do 😭 I will say though, this was a struggle
However, if this is enjoyable / interesting for everyone. I’ll gladly do another version with the Kamaboko Squad + Aoi & Senjuro (clearly I’ve thought about this lol)
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The Founding Titan: Muichiro
The founder was held for generations by the royal family. Since we know that Muichiro is a descendant of Kokushibo I thought it was fitting
This relation to Kokushibo also means Muichiro is related to Yoriichi, the founder of the breathing techniques
Also not to reach too far lol, I feel like Ymir, Frieda, and Uri all have a quiet and mysterious nature to them. This reminds me of Muichiro.
Another reason for this choice is because of the Founder’s ability to alter memories. Iykyk :’)
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The Attack Titan: Rengoku
The Attack Titan is the only Titan that has the ability to see the future memories of future users
It’s said that this is initially why each holder has the ability to keep moving forward
We know Kyojuro is a very determined man, similar to Eren…though they have very different goals in mind lmao
I think he’d be the ideal wielder of this Titan because of his determination and strong will. And well…the man is strong, imagine how beefy his Titan would look.
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The Female Titan: Mitsuri
Okay I feel like this is obvious lmao, but I chose Mitsuri for this over Shinobu because of Mitsuri’s physical strength
The female Titan is durable and versatile which I think is also true to Mitsuri’s character
It also has the ability to harden its skin which I think Mitsuri would be a fan of (cause it’s sparkly lookin)
While Annie and Mitsuri are two very different characters…I think Mitsuri would suit the female Titan very well
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The Armor Titan: Sanemi
I feel like Sanemi would 100% be the perfect user for the Amour Titan
He certainly is unhinged enough and definitely has a little more willpower than Reiner in my mind
Sanemi’s raw strength and stamina would suit the Armor’s abilities
I know Gyomei is probably the first to come to mind for this Titan because of his stone breathing, but I have my reasons
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The Colossus Titan: Gyomei
The Colossus Titan is naturally the largest Titan, which means it’s very slow moving
Regardless of its height and speed it is one of the deadliest Titans — especially because of how it’s wielder transforms
Gyomei honestly reminds me of this Titan because of his height, he reminds me of Bertolt as well since he was seen as a gentle giant
It’s ironic to me that the wielders of the colossus Titan always seem to be the quiet ones
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The Cart Titan: Shinobu
Pieck and Shinobu remind me of each other, so this was the easiest decision to make lol
The cart Titan is known for it a durability and speed, Shinobu is the second fastest Hashira behind Tengen.
Compared to the other Titans, the cart doesn’t seem to be the strongest when it comes to attacks (hence why they attach guns and cannons to her lol) but it can still do a lot of damage
Which I think is true for Shinobu herself, she isn’t the strongest Hashira but she is very resourceful and can do a lot of damage in other ways
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The Jaw Titan: Giyu
It took me a while to figure out where I’d place Giyu. Maybe I’m a little biased cause all Jaw users are hot (plz I’m talking about Ymir and Porco only lmfao)
Something just itches my brain perfectly thinking about Giyu fuckin running and jumping around while wielding the Jaw Titan
The Jaw Titan is probably the most feral Titan since it’s main power source is it’s biting ability. The users of this feral ass Titan are soft spoken with an attitude lol
Also Giyu knows what he’s doing in this Titan, unlike Porco who got his ass handed to him every episode 
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The Beast Titan: inosuke Tengen
Inosuke would 100% be the obvious choice for the beast Titan, but this is a Hashira post so we are just going to ignore the perfect choice :’)
I think Tengen possesses the chaotic energy needed to wield this ugly ass Titan lmfao
We all know Tengen is loud af and loves to be flashy, so we are gracing him with Zeke’s beast abilities. The beast Titan is literally just known for having animal traits.
That is far too boring so we are giving Tengen the same powers Zeke has — aka the ability to create Titans. It’s perfectly flashy for Tengen’s taste
Also, just saying, I think Tengen’s beast Titan would take on the physical traits of a wolf or bull l
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The War Hammer Titan: Obanai
This man is cold as fuck during battle. Imagine him wielding the war hammer and just summoning weapons and spikes
The War hammer’s unique ability of it’s user not residing in it’s nape would low key make Obanai cocky lol
This man will think he is invincible , tbh I chose him for the war hammer the same reason I chose Giyu for the Jaw.
I love the idea of this man going absolutely feral while using this Titan. He’s strong as fuck too, so he has the strength and stamina to be summoning and wielding all the abilities the war hammer has
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wayward-pendragon · 4 years
Anime Recommendations!
Hi everyone, I hope y’all are safe and happy! With quarantine still in place (at least in my country), I’m gonna keep the random rec lists coming! I’ve been watching a lotttt of animes and rewatching favourites, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites of all time! A lot of them are pretty mainstream, but for my friends who aren’t really into anime, these will get you hooked! In no particular order, let’s get started!
1. Snow White with the Red Hair, 24 episodes 
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This is hands down my favourite anime of all time. This shoujo anime make me feel so happy and it’s so wholesome, honestly such a feel good anime. Without spoiling too much, it’s about a herbalist named Shirayuki who ends up having to flee her home country and ends up meeting Prince Zen and goes to live in his country. The cast of characters in the anime is so good, there’s not a character to dislike. The genuine build up of friendship and eventual romance is just so sweet please watch. 
2. Demon slayer (26 episodes) 
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One of the best anime I’ve watched this past year. This anime has amazing plot, awesome animation and a great cast of characters. This anime follows Tanjiro as he becomes a demon slayer after a demon killed his family. Tanjiro and his sister, Nezuko were the only survivors but Nezuko was turned in a demon and now Tanjiro is on a journey to change he back into a human. If you are into anime with amazing fight scenes, I highly recommend. 
3. Hunter x Hunter (148 episodes) 
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I am currently watching this anime and it honestly made it onto my lists of favourite anime super quickly. The series starts with Gon and his quest to become a pro hunter and find his dad and goes on from there. With so many episodes and arcs, you can’t stop watching. The characters immediately hooked me on this show, Killua and Gon’s friendship is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen in anime, I literally want to adopt both of them. This anime is so heartwarming but also kinda dark and action packed. 
4. Haikyuu!! (73 episodes, on-going)
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My favourite sports anime my god. Haikyuu follows a high school volleyball team as they try to make it to nationals. This series made me so much more emotional than I thought it would, but you get so involved with the team and characters and want them to succeed. All of the characters from all of the teams are also fantastic and hilarious. If you need a fun but exciting anime, please please please watch Haikyuu!!
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (64 episodes)
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Where to even begin. I would say this is one of the most popular anime and for good freaking reason. Without giving too much away, this anime follows brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric as they go on a quest to get their bodies back. Honestly this is one of my fav animes, if you like awesome fight scenes and really intriguing plot, you will love this anime. 
6. Yona of the Dawn (24 episodes) 
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Another amazing anime but sadly, unfinished. I think this anime is best to watch w/o knowing very much. Just know that there is really good characters and character development and a very attractive love interest :))))
7. Soul eater (51 episodes) 
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One of the first animes I ever watched and as I remember it’s hella awesome, if you like halloween then the whole atmosphere of this anime will intrigue you. The fight scenes in this are really fun and so are the characters. If you need a fun medium length anime, I would recommend this one!
8. Inuyasha (193 episodes)
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This anime is worth all the hype in my opinion. The plot was great, the characters are fantastic and romance is so freaking cute I can’t. I’m also a sucker for asshole characters who are secretly really sweet. 
9. Fruits Basket (2019) (25 episodes (S1), S2 on-going)
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This is the cutest anime. The whole cast characters is amazing and you get so attached so fast. The protagonist is so sweet and optimistic and I really just wanna protect her. I went into this knowing next nothing and I think that’s the best way to do it. The 2001 version is good too but 2019 has better animation and is closer to managa (and has more episodes!). 
10. My Hero Academia (88 episodes, on-going)
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I love this anime with my whole heart. There is an adorable cast of characters and amazing fight scenes, I love this sm. It’s set in a world where like 95% of the population has ‘quirks’ which are basically super powers but not all of them are super powerful. Super heroes protect cities and the anime follows a high school where the students are training to become heroes. The main character is born without a quirk but through some crazy circumstances he ends up acquiring one. In my opinion this anime is worth the hype. 
11. Ouran Highschool Host Club (26 episodes)
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This one is wild. Ouran Highschool Host club is so iconic and it’s hilarious, I laughed out loud watching this one so much. Honestly I went into this knowing nothing and I think its funnier that way. 
12. Yuri!!! On Ice (13 episodes)
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THIS ANIME. The first sports anime w/ canon LGBTQ+ romance and its beautiful. I love the style, the skating, the music, the characters, just everything about it. This follows Yuri Katsuki, a professional figure skater from Japan and his skating career. After messing up a major championship, Yuri is lost and doesn’t know what to do w/ his career. After seeing a video of Yuri skate, his idol Victor, a skating legend, shows up to be his coach. Please watch this anime. 
13. Attack on Titan (62 episodes, on-going)
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If you are looking for a badass action anime this is the one for you. Humanity has fallen to the mercy of giant man-eating titans, and the people that survived live within a walled city to keep the titans out. This anime is a little disturbing and violent but it is so badass. Also Levi, the most badass character ever, makes this entire anime worth watching. 
14. Ao Haru Ride (12 episodes)
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Hands down my favourite romance anime. This anime is so freaking cute and it gave me so many fuzzy feelings. The animation is also super nice so that is always a plus. It follows Futaba and Kou who liked each other in middle school but were separated. They meet again in high school but they have both changed so much. If you want a romance anime I really recommend this one. 
15. Naruto (720 episodes)
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This is a freaking classic and really long. Almost everyone and their mother has heard of this anime or watched some of it before. Basically it’s about ninjas and follows mainly Naruto Uzumaki who want to eventually be the leader of his village but his ninja skills need a lot of work. I honestly didn’t think I would love this anime as much as I did but its just so good. It is a very big commitment to finish though so be prepared. 
16. Your Lie in April (22 episodes)
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Well this anime is literally beautiful. It is centered around 2 teens w/ major musical talent. It gets deep very fast but its also light hearted and wholesome. This anime made me cry like a baby so get your tissues ready. 
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