#the flash 4x22
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each of cas's deaths over 12 years
(inspired by this post by @strawlessandbraless)
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winchestergifs · 3 months
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Houses of America (in Canada) ⤷ Season 4 Part 2
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dailyats · 6 months
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3.16 Sleep Tight | 4.22 Home Angel [1999 - 2004]
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giflxndia · 7 months
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makeitastrength · 8 months
You knew this was coming... what are your fave Chenford scenes? (Same deal, 1 per season, and only 1 honorable mention allowed!). Good luuuuuuck 😘
I did. I knew it was coming, and I can't even yell at you for the evil question because I'm the one who started it. Although actually, once I got started, it didn't take me that long. Somehow this one was easier than choosing my favorite episodes.
Season 1
I gotta go with the same scene you chose here, and that's the 1x20 separated-by-a-wall scene. It's intense, it's emotional, it's vulnerable, and it really illustrates how far these two have come in just six months. Despite the literal and metaphorical wall between them in this scene, it's a lot less of a barrier than it was on day one.
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Honorable mention
I've always had such a soft spot for the scene in 1x13 with Tim and Lucy and the woman with the embryos. It's the way he says "But doing this? It won't put your marriage back together, okay? Nothing will. But you will come to hate yourself if you go through with this." Every time, I flash back to 1x07 and Lucy saying "I came here to remind you that you'll regret helping her. Because it's not gonna change her. But it'll sure as hell change you." And just... THE GROWTH! Look at this man learning from his own experiences and using that to talk this woman down. It's such an underrated moment and I love it so much.
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Season 2
This season was SO HARD because there are SO MANY good chenford scenes. But truthfully, the end of 2x12 has always been my favorite. In just this one scene we see Lucy struggling with her recovery, we see Tim struggling to find a way to support her through her recovery, and then we see him finding the exact words she needs to hear and ultimately pulling a smile and an almost-laugh out of her despite the tears in her eyes. They're both so raw and vulnerable and I'm pretty sure this is my favorite chenford scene of all time.
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Honorable mention
It was a close call here between the hospital scene in 2x11 and the ending of 2x02, but ultimately I have to go with the latter. I mean... she called Isabel to ask about his learning style??? And then she stayed up all night to record a whole ass audio book for him??? And then she helps him see it as a strength??? This man has ALWAYS been worth the effort for her and he's only just barely beginning to comprehend that.
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Season 3
Season 2 was so hard to narrow down and now here I am in season 3 with the opposite problem. Not that I dislike season 3. I'm just realizing that my favorite chenford scenes aren't really in this season. I guess I gotta go with the wedding scene in 3x14 because like, excuse me you two, you are blatantly checking each other out and you are IN PUBLIC. Absolutely zero subtlety, just elevator eyes and sass and so much flirting.
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Honorable mention
I debated between two parking garage scenes here... the end of 3x01 and the end of 3x09. Ultimately I'm going with the end of 3x01, because we all know Tim will go above and beyond his job description to help her and protect her, even if he refuses to take credit for it. And this scene really just shows that she's always been worth the effort for him as well.
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Season 4
Probably to no one's surprise, it's the hug in 4x09. Hands down. The vulnerability on display here breaks my heart every time. It's the first time we see Tim really, truly allowing himself to fall apart. I will never be over the way he just sinks into her and lets her hold him together. This is my favorite of their hugs, and seeing the tears in Tim's eyes brings tears to my eyes every single time.
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Honorable mention
I waffled back and forth for quite a while between the hug in 4x01 and the kiss in 4x22, but ultimately I had to go with the kiss because it's just such a great scene for so many reasons. I mean, THE KISS, obviously. But also, the awkwardness beforehand, and Tim being so adorably proud of himself, and the absolute disaster they both are in the aftermath. Tim's flustered "You know what? I don't have anything," is one of his best lines ever. And don't even get me started on him standing in the hallway as all the feelings slam into him at once. SO. GOOD.
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Season 5
Picking right up from that honorable mention, I gotta go with the hand hold/airplane kiss scene from 5x01 as my favorite (and yes, I'm counting that all as one scene because it's continuous even though I'm sure it was filmed separately). From Tim "if your head isn't 100% in the game it'll get you killed" Bradford reaching up to grab her hand in a way that is definitely breaking character to their completely unnecessary (and very hot) airplane bathroom kiss that I have watched on repeat approximately 12984367 times. These two protect and ground each other in a way no one else can, no matter the situation.
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Honorable mention
I... don't know. There are so many. I'm honestly so torn between the scenes in 5x19, 5x20, and 5x21 because there's so much emotion. Clearly I have a thing for moments of vulnerability, and we see those in spades here with Tim's shooting, and then the fear after the shoutout in 5x21 and the complex emotions associated with Lucy working undercover. 5x20 and 5x21 especially are really just digging up so much of Tim's trauma and I think it's pretty clear this is something they're both afraid to face head on. That's not really an answer. Can we count that as an answer?
Actually no, now that I've looked through the gifs I have a real answer. It's the end of 5x21. There's something just so human about Tim searching for meaning in what he went through with Isabel. And the way he hugs her with his hand on her neck gets me every time.
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in this essay i will explore why halo by beyonce fits chenford perfectly because i’ve lost my damn mind, yet again. i mean what else is new, really? anyhow, buckle in and enjoy the ride! ♡
Remember those walls I built? Well, baby, they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make a sound
who had walls when we first met him? who was utterly broken and just trying to survive? tim. while lucy didn’t necessarily come into tim’s life trying to break his walls down, she definitely succeeded in doing so. she helped bring back the light inside of him and reassured him that he was safe through her action and words. every single moment they’ve had since the beginning has progressed in tumbling down the walls tim built because of all the trauma he’s endured. while it was something that he probably didn’t realize at first, once he did, there was no going back. because he’s the thing, who has tim always listened to? lucy — stopping him in front of isabel’s apartment, making him reflect back onto the experience with the gardeners, fixing things with genny, even encouraging him to listen to ashley. she’s always been his voice of reason and the one person he’ll listen to even if he’s moping or arguing about it. 
but here’s the thing, this also fits lucy. as self-aware and as much of an open book as she is, lucy has walls. they’ve just been so much more well hidden than tim’s. she’s always had commitment issues. jackson points it out once when he tells her he knew about her and nolan; tim points it out twice, once after she’s dealing with the break up with emmett then again when chris ambushes her about moving in. relationships aren’t her strong suit and my take on it at least is that it stems from her relationship with her parents. for two psychologists and a psych major, the chens are their own little bubble of complicated but it’s so easy to see how this has affected lucy and caused her to put up her own walls. tim being the exception to this rule. he may have decided she was worth his time to train but she definitely decided that he was worth her time to understand. which i think kind of comes into play with tim being the only person to break down those walls. 
“if we do this and it doesn’t work, i’ll have ruined the most important relationship of my life.” it wasn’t until this moment that both walls completely fell. they both jumped into relationships with other people and stayed in them because it was safe, because the stakes were to high for either of them to even think that being with each other was a possibility until lucy said that. it placed them both on the same page. 
It's like I've been awakened Every rule I had you breakin' It's the risk that I'm takin' I ain't never gonna shut you out
which brings us to this part. tim’s reaction when lucy confessed this. TIM’S REACTION WHEN LUCY CONFESSED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s like he saw his life flash before his eyes in the sense that a. it confirmed she had feelings for him too and it wasn’t one sided and b. that for once in his life, he was someone’s top priority because even though nothing romantically had happened until this point, lucy saying this was so crucial because everybody else had put him second: isabel (to drugs), rachel (to a dream job), and ashley (to not wanting to be afraid of the what if’s). anyway, i guess what i’m trying to say is tim’s reaction was that first lyric. though him leaving lucy’s apartment in 4x22 also gives the same vibes. BUT THE IMPORTANT THING HERE IS HOW THIS VERSE IS ESSENTIALLY 5X08. because here’s the thing, this is: “some things matter more”. tim does not break the rules. ever. except this was perhaps the biggest risk he’s ever taken and the man didn’t even blink. the “unless it is” when he tells her that thEY ARE WORTH THE RISK. THEY ARE WORTH THE EFFORT. for someone who pushed everyone away at his lowest point, who tried time and time again to push lucy away, this was the moment where he welcomed her with open arms and embraced their future together knowing it was the beginning of something that mattered more. 
Everywhere I'm lookin' now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby, I can see your halo You know you're my saving grace
they’ve saved each other, time and time again. there are so many moments in the literal and figurative where they have saved the other: lucy pulling tim out of the line of fire when he was shot on her second day; tim giving her the ‘bradford special’ which probably saved her life when she was shot and it caught the bullet; the entirety of day of death; lucy believing in tim enough that she recorded an entire audiobook for him; lucy helping him with the ordeal with his father; tim giving her ring back and the survivor speech when she was still struggling. they’ve always had each other’s back, no matter where they fall from they know the other person will catch them. 
not only this but they are 100% the other’s safe space. one thing that always has me on the floor sobbing is any time lucy feels like she’s stuck, it’s tim she literally turns to. i keep thinking back specifically when they were in their ‘pining/angst era’ and despite things being awkward between them, lucy turned to tim immediately when she felt cornered. remember when bailey was in the tank asking for nolan? lucy got stuck, she didn’t know what to say or how to lie and she desperately turned to tim to save her. same thing when grey asked if there was a reason they couldn’t ride together. she awkwardly tried to come up with an answer and ended up turning to tim for him to answer the question. 
Hit me like a ray of sun Burning through my darkest night You're the only one that I want Think I'm addicted to your light
lucy is absolute sunshine. she is a literal ray of light that sees the best in people, she’s compassionate and empathetic, she doesn’t give up on others too easily. this is important because of when she came into tim’s life. she saw the worst version of him and decided that he was someone who was worth the effort in trying to get to know and understand. the more she learned about him, the more compassion she showed him. 
every obstacle tim has ever faced since they’ve met, she’s been by his side. obviously, the range of her involvement depends on the season and where the progression of their relationship is but nonetheless, she’s been there for him. the beautiful thing here is that it works both ways. 
he’s also always been there for her. from when he stayed with her in the hospital after she was rescued to when they learned rosalind escaped and his immediate reaction was to comfort her as he squeezed her hand before taking them somewhere private to check on how she was doing. tim may be a ‘grump’ but it doesn’t mean his light doesn’t burn just as bright because he is also sunshine in his own way. which is something lucy knows. the way she’s been sticking up for him since season 1. she’s said it too, comparing kojo to tim, when abigail commented that he was all bark with no bite, coaching little league. tim is just as much sunshine as lucy is in parallel ways. 
they are who the other needs in the toughest, darkest times because they know how to support each other. they are each other’s light and each others rock. 
I swore I'd never fall again But this don't even feel like fallin' Gravity can't begin To pull me back to the ground again
who tim dated after isabel is interesting because of how it can be linked to lucy. his relationship with rachel was a direct correlation to lucy getting involved. they made a bet with each other and she won short sleeves, he momentarily won the girl. his relationship with ashley is a little more complex to tie to lucy but i’d argue you still can because the green dress callback basically confirmed that there was clearly something there when they saw each other at wopez’s wedding at the end of s3. by the time tim met ashley, tim and lucy had already fallen for each other and both were denying or hiding their feelings. did he date ashley because he couldn’t be with lucy? i don’t know. he seemed to genuinely like her at first but i do think he stayed with her because of lucy. that double date should have been the biggest red flag for all of them, especially chris and ashley of not getting invovled with them. yet nonetheless, they both continued to explore their respective relationships. 
except neither relationship was clearly meant to last. they both stayed in them because it was safe and it was perhaps easier to be with someone they did care about but not were in love with than to be alone and without the person they actually wanted to be with. 
but going back to that first line of the verse. i don’t think tim considered falling in love again with someone who truly loved him back until lucy. rachel was fleeting, the job in new york was more important than her relationship with tim; ashley didn’t want the same things he did and would tim have settled? maybe, who knows. but lucy. she’s worth the effort, she’s worth the fight, she’s someone who wants what he does. this is the part that at least gets me because i do think tim had resigned to not having the life he wanted and here’s this absolute ray of sunshine who has basically confirmed to him that she wants that same life too and that he is worth the effort, that he matters more. 
additionally, i think this also ties back to the slow burn. the way they fell for one another happened in a way where you can’t really point out where they fell but rather when they knew. every little moment, every scene captured something new with them. it was unexpected and while it was scary, once they realized where they stood, they were both in it without a doubt. i know we’ve yet to see them test the “you deserve to be with someone who’s worth the effort” but even in what we’ve seen like when they were struggling about how working in the same chain of command affected them, breaking up was never an option. they were going to work through it one way or another
in conclusion because oh my god i wrote a novel??? but also if you’re still reading this i love you so, so, so much?? i feel like i should buy you coffee or something for reading my late night ramblings. ANYWAY, i think this song just perfectly embodies how they decided to take the risk and is essentially the cumulation of their slow burn. it feels very much like the “some things matter more” because despite the obstacles that they’ve faced, they’ve made it to each other. they are the other’s light, they are the other’s person, they are the other’s love of their life. 
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drsilverfish · 2 years
John is Haunted by Angel Wings and a Spear (hashtag Michael) in SPNWin 1x04 Masters of War:
This image is from 1x02 Teach the Children Well
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And this one is from 1x04 Masters of War
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Both these shapes in the set-dressing narrative look like angel wings.
1x04 Masters of War has the God Mars-Neto tell John:
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and he also says:
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“... in your blood - become what you were born to be!” (Neto is saying John has to choose violence to be ready for the war with the Akrida). 
This is very similar to the speech the Archangel Michael, wearing young John Winchester as a vessel, gave to time-travelling Dean in 5x13 The Song Remains the Same, in which he told Dean that he belonged to a bloodline stretching back to Cain and Abel:
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DEAN How'd you get in my dad, anyway?
MICHAEL I told him I could save his wife, and he said yes.
DEAN I guess they oversold me being your one and only vessel.
MICHAEL You're my true vessel but not my only one.
DEAN What is that supposed to mean?
MICHAEL It's a bloodline.
DEAN A bloodline?
MICHAEL Stretching back to Cain and Abel. It's in your blood, your father's blood, your family's blood.
Mars-Neto’s weapon of choice is a spear:
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 which recalls the Lance of Michael, which appears in Supernatural as the weapon used by Michael to kill Lucifer. We see it in the angelic “Green Room” in the painting of that angelic fratricide in 4x22 The Song Remains the Same:
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Image credit: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/File:MichaelPainting.jpg 
And of course, it makes an appearance in 12x12 Stuck in the Middle with You when Cas is stabbed by it and tells Dean out loud he loves him for the first time: “I love you, I love all of you.”  
We also see the Michael-killing-Lucifer scene in the set-dressing narrative of SPNWin 1x06 Art of Dying in the form of a statue (by the window):
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It would seem John Winchester is being pulled by the tides of fate, apparently, into his “destiny” as the vengeful father in Michael’s vessel bloodline, who will raise Dean-the-true-Michael-Vessel to be “Daddy’s good little solder”.
And YET, John has a good friend (and fellow vet) in Losy, who tells him in SPNWin 1x04 that there is another path to take, other than shoving trauma down inside and letting it rage-control you:
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And John also has a loving mother who holds him, as he cries in the bath, at the end of this episode (after his PTSD Vietnam flash-backs have been heightened by Mars-Neto):
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Neither of these things were available to Dean at John’s age. 
So we are confronted, yet again, in The Winchesters, with the question of fate vs free will, so central to Supernatural.
In 4x16 On the Head of a Pin, Cas tells Dean (back when Cas still believed Heaven’s BS) “It is not blame that falls on you, Dean, it’s fate.” 
Is The Winchesters narrative telling us it is not fate which falls on John, but blame (because he chooses repression and violence instead of sharing and healing)?
Or, is Holy Ghost Narrator Dean trying his damndest to give John the emotional tools (and supportive friends and family) he needs to choose differently this time? Despite the menacing shadow of the Archangel Michael following him in the set dressing narrative?
The episode title, Masters of War, is also the title of Bob Dylan’s powerful anti-war song of that name. And Narrator Dean, let us not forget, is picking the music:
“You've thrown the worst fear That can ever be hurled Fear to bring children Into the world For threatening my baby Unborn and unnamed You ain't worth the blood That runs in your veins
How much do I know To talk out of turn You might say that I'm young You might say I'm unlearned But there's one thing I know Though I'm younger than you That even Jesus would never Forgive what you do
Let me ask you one question Is your money that good? Will it buy you forgiveness Do you think that it could? I think you will find When your death takes its toll All the money you made Will never buy back your soul”
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s12e12 stuck in the middle (with you) (w. davy perez)
unfortunate that that song has forever been associated with that reservoir dogs scene in my brain
not sure why this scene reminds me of the movie diner (1982), paul reiser on the brain and a group i guess
DEAN [leaning across the table to talk to Cas] Oh, dude, she is into you. WALLY Mm hmm. MARY Dean… DEAN No, this is good. We’ve been looking for teachable moments. This…
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i dunno why i have such a bad attitude about the show right now. partially attributable to my overall depressed ennui situation.
ok so is this scene a reference to reservoir dogs? i recently saw the madonna discussion roundtable diner scene thing from the beginning of the movie (haven't seen in 20+ years) and oof. i didn't particularly enjoy the movie when i saw it originally and my feelings have not improved
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job going sideways and bloody, set to an old song, certainly tracks with tarantino. it was a good scene, they say staring dispassionately. cas is leaking
and the title cards and jumping around in time. okay. guess we're really going there
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s12e12 / s2e17 heart
ahh how things have changed/not changed (incl my screenshotting habits).
s12e12 / s1e22 / s2e1
well that sound effect when he flashes his eyes is a blast from the past. had to go find out if they did in fact use it for azazel way back when and look at that, yes. i associate it with the title screens more - so i included that too. giving my brain a little pat on the head. *rawr*
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very drama, very nice shot. is that the spear of destiny? i thought that was at the bunker. did they do anything with it? can't remember. (lalala the blog search OF COURSE didn't return that post when i searched for destiny. or spear. fucking tumblr fix your shit i'm begging you)
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s8e17 / s12e12 / constantine (2005)
WALLY I-I just mean, I-I heard the sales pitch– money, gear. It all sound swell, but someone walks up to you and offers you something that sounds a little too good to be true? I wonder, what’s the catch? MARY Since I’ve been working with them, we’ve taken out more than a dozen vamp nests, four werewolf packs, and a ghoul who was eating his way through Arlington. We saved a lot of people. WALLY Right. So you do trust them.
one way to deal with the american hunter problem i guess, earn the trust and turn them into cannon fodder
WALLY You meet them fancy Men of Letters? SAM British Men of Letters? DEAN Yeah, they got gear, but, uh, you know they tried to kill my brother.
reminds me a bit of how sam is willing to stow baggage for practical reasons, mary willing to work with them if it's for the greater good
from s9e22 stairway to heaven DEAN And the last time you had this kind of juice, you did kill humans and angels, and you did nothing but lie to me and Sam about it the whole damn time! SAM Can we, uh -- can we take this somewhere else, guys? Will you stow the baggage, Dean. Look, we've got a case. Let's work it. Cas, did you know the angel in that video?
SAM Wait, Mom? Uh… I just wanted to make sure that, um… you’re okay. I mean, I know… you never really wanted this. MARY Since when is life about getting what you want?
kind of a throwaway comment but also hits a little too close to home
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s12e12 / s4e22
thought it might be the same painting as what was in that little fancy jail zachariah put him in during 4x22 but no, different spearing
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really, show. i feel like they've done this pulp fiction sight gag before?
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s5e14 my bloody valentine
lol they did, it was a soul in the briefcase
mary gonna own up to all this?
CROWLEY Your friend was stupid. You’re all… Do you know what you’ve done? Does the name Ramiel mean anything to you? SAM, DEAN, AND MARY: No. CASTIEL Yes. SAM What? CASTIEL Ramiel, Prince of Hell.
this is me throwing my hands in the air. sure, why not! never mentioned before but hey another harder-than-usual to kill baddie. did we know azazel was ... a prince of hell? also chuckled that when searching for prince you do get the canon discrepancies page about the inconsistent effect the demon knife has on various ranks of demons
and more pulp fiction, polishing a pocket watch for no reason
the lance of michael, i see. so this is six years ago crowley gives it to this prince dude, which would be s6? after michael was tucked away in the cage, he snagged it? and we're gonna retcon in some explanation of how crowley ended up with the king of hell job while multiple members of royalty were out and about
CROWLEY I don’t have friends. I make deals with those I can use. Every kingdom needs allies, even Hell. RAMIEL Allies. Is that what you call three humans with one good liver between them and a busted up angel?
snorted but also, mary got an alcohol problem too? unless sam's doin it on the side
CROWLEY I admit they don’t sound like much. But every Armageddon, every bloody, “this is the end of all things,” a Winchester stopped it. Like it or not, they’re an asset we can’t afford to lose.
crowley selling it well (but also, facts. they might start the armageddon, but they will also stop it)
CASTIEL No, you listen to me. You– Look, thank you. Thank you. Knowing you, it… it’s been the best part of my life. And the things that… [inhales sharply] the things we’ve shared together, they have changed me. You’re my family. I love you. I love all of you. Just please… please, don’t make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run. Save yourselves. And I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can.
oh now cas gets a dramatic deathbed goodbye that won't stick
DEAN Cas, no. CASTIEL Yes. You need to keep fighting. SAM We are fighting. We’re fighting for you, Cas. DEAN And like you said, you’re family. And we don’t leave family behind.
admit i giggled at sam's like, it was a little too cheesy earnest. and tried to not giggle at dean's line. it's just too much! the music, the delivery. rousing
so mary is so committed to keeping whatever she stole from him, she's willing to role the dice and fight him? maybe that was the plan anyway. too tired to think this through :p
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and crowley gets to save the (cas) day by figuring out the cure is breaking the spear of destiny the lance of michael, ok
conveniently, mary gets a pass on having to explain stealing the thing. god i do not like the homage to tarantino movie music either, what a surprise.
MARY That’s not good enough. I lost a friend. I almost lost one of my boys. KETCH And we apologize– MARY Shut up. Anything like that happens again– anything– and I will burn you down. All of you. KETCH Is that a threat? MARY It’s a promise.
has mary adopted cas too? and i like mary staring down this asshat like a boss
the colt???? oookay.
i know that voice, is it my true lucifer love mark pellegrino??? he's so much better at being creepy
LUCIFER [laughing] Ah. I know that look. Sam and Dean have got you down. Well, I still can’t believe that you’re working for the Dukes of Haphazard. Do you really think they care about you? I mean, think about it, Crowley. They kill your kind. It’s in their blood. And you know… you know… it’s only a matter of time before they come… [singsongy] for you.
dukes of haphazard lol
so they had to keep him in some elaborate cage in hell before, but now he's trapped in some little kennel in the topside "palace"?
this episode might be a record. took 2 days to get through it and probably 4 hours total. too much shit i felt the need to comment on or needed to look something up for. for the literally zero people that will ever read it. wait no, 1 person! i will read it and reference it
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brittanagirlcrush · 2 years
What are your favourite Brittany moments in Glee?
So it took me awhile to figure out my favorite Brittany moments because, apparently, most of my favorite Brittany moments are actually BritTana moments. I'm also hampered by the fact that I haven't watched Season 4 because...um...yeah...Bram. smh
So here, in no particular order, are my favorite Brittany moments:
Her dance with Mike during Valerie in S2.
Her Fondue For Two with Will and Sue. (4x22 – one of the few eps I actually watch in S4)
Her Fondue For Two with Rachel & Mercedes (Troll level 10, seriously.)
The flash mob for her campaign is fierce (Who Run The World?)
Her conversation with Marley about asking Jake to Sadie Hawkins resulting in the breaking of the 4th wall (it usually happens when I say “It's Brittany, bitch or do a dramatic turn”) - and I love how she introduces herself and when Marley says she knows who Britt is, Britt answers with a well, I didn't know since we've never actually talked before. (LOL the only scene I've actually watched in that episode).
Hiding in the bathroom during the shooting. It's so real and scary and HeMo is just...just.
And I have to include a semi-BritTana moment in here: Brittany not giving Kurt and Mercedes a standing ovation after they sing “I Am Changing” but looking at Santana who is standing – you can just see the wheels turning in her head. It's like you can see the wheels turning and she is 1000% done with the bs way ND treat Santana but there's something else there – like that's the genesis for the lilies scene.
Brittany standing up for herself against Finn when he calls her an idiot. (as a side to this, I also LOVE that Santana looks to Brittany for her reaction and lets Britt handle it her way without immediately going all Lima Heights on him).
These are the ones I came up with and I'm sure after I post this I'll think of a dozen more.
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
250(ish) Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 7: 100-76
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. I did consider kicking „Superman & Lois“ of this list, but since it pretended to be part of the Arrowverse for its first two seasons I left it on here.
 100. Armageddon Part 4 (The Flash 8x4)
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155, Written by: Lauren Barnett, Directed by: Chad Lowe
 "Thawne, what did you do? You're not The Flash, Allen. I am."
 99.  Ground Control to Sara Lance (Legends of Tomorrow 6x1)
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83, Written by: James Eagan, Mark Bruner, Directed by: Kevin Mock
 „See, my girlfriend's from another time.“
„ Oh, like the future?“ „No. Well, technically, yes. But she's from the future with a different timeline entirely. Now she lives in a totem. And I'm forced to be at peace with it.“
 98.  The Fixed Point (Legends of Tomorrow 7x10)
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107, Written by: Matthew Maala, Paiman Kalayeh, Directed by: Maisie Richardson-Sellers
 "Fixed point. Noun. An occurrence so pivotal to history that no time travel is allowed on or near it."
 97.  Emerald Archer (Arrow 7x12)
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150, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "Villains or vigilantes? Criminals or heroes? From Star City to Central City to Gotham City, Americans have debated this question. Do the ends justify the means? Does the law have to be broken to uphold it?"
 96.  The Quest for Peace (Supergirl 4x22)
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87, Written by: Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller, Rob Wright, Derek Simon, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "The truth is meaningless. The people of Earth believe I am their savior. They needed a human hero, and I fulfill that need. Nothing will ever change their minds. Facts are irrelevant. All that matters is spin."
 95.  Seance and Sensibility (Legends of Tomorrow 4x11)
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62, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Jackie Canino, Directed by: Alexandra La Roche
 "You feel the energy in this room? It's like sitting on a keg of dynamite. You see, wakes are notorious soft spots where the supernatural meets the living world."
 94.  Lost Souls (Arrow 4x6)
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75, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Antonio Negret
 "What's happening with Ray - to Ray - is my fault!"
 93.  The Runaway Dinsoaur (The Flash 2x21)
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44, Written by: Zack Stentz, Directed by: Kevin Smith
 "I don't understand. If I'm the Flash then why are you doing this to me? Why do I have to catch this 'thing' before you let me go back?"
 92.  Goldfaced (The Flash 5x13)
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105, Written by: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche
 "If I want to stop Cicada, I can't be so precious about getting the Flash's hands dirty. Sometimes the ends justify the means, I get that now."
 91.  Canary Cry (Arrow 4x19)
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88, Written by:Wendy Mercile, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: Laura Belsey
 „ Laurel Lance became a lawyer to help people who may have appeared helpless. She wanted to give a voice to the silent. But just being a lawyer wasn't enough. She wanted to do more for those people, and for this city. And she loved this city so much. By now, everyone knows that Laurel was killed in the Iron Heights prison riot. And while it's true that she was an assistant district attorney, that's not what she was doing there that night. Before she died, Laurel told me the truth: Laurel Lance was the Black Canary.“
 90.  The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis (Black Lightning 3x9)
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38, Written by: Lamont Magee, Directed by: Tasha Smith
„Are you seeing this?“
89.  This is Gus (Legends of Tomorrow 6x9)
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91, Written by: Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: Eric Dean Seaton
 „I can promise you, alien hybrid to alien: bananas are overrated.“
 88.  Holding the Wrench (Superman & Lois 1x8)
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8, Written by: Kristi Korzec, Directed by: Norma Bailey
 "Jon, if there's anyone here who gets what you're going through, It's me. I know what it's like to be in the orbit of someone who can juggle semi-trucks, and you want to help out. You want to save the world and all you can do is just stand there holding the wrench. And I know the fear of being vulnerable, and I want to teach you some ways to handle that. But right now, I just want you to know that we're on the same team. We are the extraordinary humans in a family of superpeople, and we have to stick together."
 87.  O Brother, where art though? (Supergirl 4x15)
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80, Written by: Derek Simon, Nicki Holcomb, Directed by: Tawina McKiernan
 "Lex and Lena Luthor, teaming up to save Superman's best pal. What would Mother think?"
 86.  The House of L (Supergirl 4x16)
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81, Written by: Dana Horgan, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Carl Seaton
 "This is a paradigm shift. Aliens are among us. And for the rest of human history, there will only ever be 'before Superman' and 'after'. I am protecting mankind from an extinction event. And if this pearl-clutching jury of my... peers... wants to put me behind bars for it, they are welcome to try. But know this. I will always have my thumb on the scales."
 85.  Luck Be a Lady (The Flash 4x3)
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72, Written By: Sam Chalsen, Judalina Neira, Directed By: Armen V. Kervokian
 "Becky, this isn't some higher power fixing a miscalculation. You have powers. And they're affecting everyone around you, making them feel as awful as you used to feel."
"I'm sorry about that. But, maybe it's just their turn. Maybe for once, everyone else can feel for a second how bad I felt my entire life."
 84.  Canaries (Arrow 3x13)
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59, Written by: Jake Coburn, Emilio Aldrich, Directed by: Michael Schultz
 "I'm surprised. People usually don't return for a second dose of Vertigo."
 83.  Prom Night! / Prom Again (Supergirl 6x5/6x6)
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111/112, Written by: Rob Wright, Jess Kardos, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche; Chyler Leigh
 „There's nothing women like more than physics well applied. That and a modicum of emotional vulnerability.“
 „You were amazing today. How you handled those bad guys. How you handled yourself. You should be proud, Kara. I am. I'm sorry if I've been overprotective lately. When dad put me in charge of your safety, that job consumed me. But then I went away to college and-and I realized that I could be more than just Kara's older sister. But then I came home and I saw you and Kenny supering, and I was worried you were gonna mess things up. That I was gonna have to put my life on hold to help sort yours. But I was wrong. You can handle anything that comes your way.“
 82.  License to Elongate (The Flash 6x6)
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120, Written By: Thomas Pound, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Danielle Panabaker
 "Look, tonight's job was for Ralph Dibny because both parts of my identity have value. The same is true for you, only tonight I could've used your civilian half. What I'm trying to say is Barry Allen is just as important as the Flash. Try to remember that. I know I will."
 81.  What’s Past is Prologue (The Flash 5x8)
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100, Written By: Todd Helbing, Lauren Certo, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh
 "Well... things just got a lot more complicated, didn't they?"
 80.  Stronger Together (Supergirl 1x2)
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2, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "Did he ever tell you what that 'S' means?" "The House of El." "Yes, but... it also stands for a Kryptonian phrase, our family motto. 'El mayarah.' It means, 'Stronger together.' You say people will see me the way they see Superman one day, but... I don't want to be a hero like him. My cousin, he's so used to going it alone. He doesn't know any other way. But I do. I see it now. You, Winn, my sister, Ms. Grant, even. You've all showed me that."
 79.  Left Behind (Arrow 3x10)
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56, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Eric Oleson, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "The League conducts matter of significance such as duels on grounds sacred to its beliefs. I went there. And found this. It's Ra's' custom to leave behind the instrument of death as a memorial to honor the fallen." "Merlyn, did you see... Oliver's body?"
 78.  Legion of Super-Heroes (Supergirl 3x10)
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52, Written by: Derek Simon, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "We have to stop her." "Without Supergirl?" "We have a literal Legion of superheroes."
 77.  Mr. Parker’s Cul-De-Sac (Legends of Tomorrow 5x6)
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74, Written by: Keto Shimizu, James Eagan, Directed by: Ben Bray
 „Dad, I am not a child! You can't just kill my friends anymore.“
 76.  The Climb (Arrow 3x9)
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55, Written by: Jake Coburn, Keto Shimizu, Directed by: Thor Freudenthal
 "I arrived the same year as Ta-er Al-Sahfer. She was a great warrior. You did not kill her. When you face the Demon, it will be my duty to bear witness. I have no desire to watch you die. Under our code, you have 12 hours to settle your affairs. The 13th hour, be at this place. This location is consecrated ground for the League. A place for the settlement of blood debts—if one survives the climb. If you do."
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onceland · 6 years
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𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝
only if for a night by f+tm 4x01 || lazarus rising 4x20 || the rapture 4x22 || lucifer rising
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reeseneseira · 6 years
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requested by anonymous.
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allensnowgifs · 6 years
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Why is this so cute?
Extra: Cisco’s pretty face
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katiesfav · 6 years
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requested by @youngmasterskywalker
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