#the girl didn't want that version she just liked how well made the statue looked and everyone jumped on her
semi-sketchy · 1 year
It's pretty fucked up how people will harass women because those people are offended over a fictional woman.
Like guys maybe you should care about the feelings of a real person more than a fictional one.
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msnihilist · 2 months
Idea for a fic I just had, sharing it because I will probably never write it:
During "Lost in Fairy World," Hazel and Dev stumble upon Timmy's old Chosen One statue, of himself holding the White Wand. Hazel is intrigued to see a statue of a human in Fairy World, and wonders if he was a godchild, like them. Dev doesn't really care, and is exceedingly jealous of whatever this human did to get himself memorialized this way.
When Cosmo, Wanda, and Peri catch up with the kids, Hazel asks about the statue. (She's already got her own amazing story written in her head, lol.) Dev says something to the effect of, "What did this loser do to get a statue of himself?"
Peri immediately takes offense to that, snapping that Dev isn't allowed to call him a loser. "Well, why not? What's so great about him?" "He's my brother."
Wanda and Cosmo are very uncomfortable with this conversation and visibly saddened. But they tell an abridged version of the story since the kids are curious and Peri didn't really remember it all, since he was a baby at the time.
Through the story, Wanda and Cosmo get caught up reminiscing, getting stuck on the funny little details and wishfully recounting their misadventures with Timmy. It's clear that they love him very much. (Hazel isn't jealous. She isn't.)
Hazel asks where Timmy is now and doesn't get an answer. After the five of them get back to Earth, Cosmo and Wanda retire early for the night and Peri is quiet with Dev, too.
Dev thinks that they should track this "Timmy Turner" down. (He wants to prove that he's better than this guy, but doesn't want to admit to himself why he wants Peri's love/attention like that.) Hazel thinks they should leave well-enough alone, because talking about Timmy made their fairies so sad. (Sad like how she gets sad about Antony, but at least she can call her brother. None of the fairies spoke about Timmy in the present tense.)
Dev convinces her by saying that it'll make them happy if they can reunite the fairies with Timmy. Hazel reluctantly agrees.
It's pretty easy to track Timmy down. Turns out that he lives in the city, and his buckteeth are the same as they are on the statue. Dev and Hazel immediately clock him. They come up with an excuse to talk to Timmy by stealing his wallet and then "kindly" returning it to him. After which, Hazel insistently talks about anything and everything to Timmy, because what's he gonna do? Tell two kids to fuck off?? No, he's a polite adult and he endures this weird interaction.
Except Hazel and Dev then keep following Timmy around, learning his schedule so they can keep talking to him. Hazel needles little details about Timmy's life out of him, and realizes that he's lonely and clearly missing something. This makes her determined to reunite him with Cosmo and Wanda (even though a part of her desperately doesn't want to share). Dev is still convinced that Timmy is a loser. He speculates that there's no way this guy saved the planet, and Cosmo and Wanda were probably just talking him up.
Either way, Hazel slowly forces Timmy to be friends with her. He is an adult, so he's slow to admit that he's lonely enough to be friends with a ten-year-old, but Hazel reminds him of a kind girl he used to be friends with as a kid wears him down and he grows to tolerate and then even enjoy running into her around the city.
Hazel eventually arranges for Timmy to meet her at the fountain, and also asks Cosmo and Wanda to be there in their human forms. She's super excited for them to finally meet again!! (Dev doesn't tell Peri about this — he doesn't want to admit that he's worried it will go too well if they do meet up again.)
Except that when Timmy arrives, Cosmo and Wanda aren't happy to see him. They look completely devastated. Timmy greets Hazel and awkwardly introduces himself to Cosmo and Wanda. Cosmo bursts into tears and flees. Wanda sticks around long enough to mumble an excuse and then also leaves. Timmy is confused, and Hazel doesn't know what she did wrong.
When she finds Cosmo and Wanda, they confess that they have been keeping an eye on Timmy. How could they not, you know? But it hurt too much to see him living his own life, doing fine without them. They started godparenting Hazel in part to have a distraction, so that they aren't thinking about Timmy and aren't watching him. Seeing him in person brought those ten-thousand years of hurt to the surface.
They also explain to Hazel that Timmy doesn't remember them at all, and that's the worst part — that all of the love they had for each other ended up meaning nothing at all, that they got too close to a godkid and paid the price and there's nothing they can do about it.
Hazel is crushed, but also not giving up. She tells them that Timmy does need them, he's an adult but his life is still empty. No one ever really stops needing their parents.
Wanda, tearfully, says, "But we're not his parents." That's the reality of their situation, and they have to face it no matter how much it hurts.
Her plan a bust, Hazel leaves Wanda and Cosmo alone and goes to talk to Dev about what happened. She wonders how awful Peri must feel, sympathizing that she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she just woke up one day and Antony didn't remember her.
Dev (who is getting really fed up with hearing about Timmy) can't and refuses to empathize. He says that he's always been fine as an only child, and if he's supposed to be a "distraction" for Peri, then the least he could do is act like Dev is a priority instead of moping about someone who doesn't even care about him all day.
Hazel asks where all of this is coming from, Dev sneers that Peri hasn't been the same since they visited the statue. Peri doesn't talk about it, but it's clearly about Timmy. Hazel tells him that Peri is obviously hurting, and Dev snaps that he's hurting, too, and Peri should be doing his job. (Why do people only care about him when its their job?)
Hazel simply asks Dev why he's hurting, and Dev freezes. He doesn't really know how to articulate all of his upset and anger, and that forces him to pause and quiet himself. He then admits to Hazel that everyone is so obsessed with Timmy, even she's been hanging out with that loser more than him. And Dev just. Misses them. Wants attention. He wonders if anyone will care about him if he were to disappear, the way that the fairies care about Timmy.
Hazel assures him that she would care. She'd cry over him for 10,000 years at least! Which makes Dev giggle, even though he's still trying to be upset. Still, Hazel apologizes. She was trying to make everyone happy, and she didn't realize that she was failing him. Dev brushes her apology off, saying, "It's not your job to make me happy — it's Peri's. He's just been slacking."
Hazel also admits that she's jealous of Timmy, too. She feels bad for being jealous, but that doesn't mean that she's not. She knows that Cosmo and Wanda love her, but she also knows that she'll never replace Timmy for them.
The fairies finally reveal that they were listening the whole time. (After they left, Cosmo and Wanda went to Peri to tell him about what Hazel and Dev were doing behind their backs. Peri is at first upset that Dev kept Timmy a secret from him, but also acknowledges that he isn't really surprised. Dev is a complicated, hurt kid, and he needs more than what Peri has been giving him, especially lately.)
Cosmo assures Hazel that she can't replace Timmy, but no one could replace her, either. She's wonderful all on her own, and Cosmo and Wanda adore her — they wouldn't want her any other way.
Peri apologizes to Dev for not doing his job. Dev awkwardly accepts, then tells Peri that his job is to grant wishes, not "care" about Dev. Peri teases him by saying, "If that was my job, I would be working over-time." He says that Dev isn't a "distraction," at all, and that if Peri didn't want to be with him, he could leave at any time. Reaffirming that he's here because he wants to be spurs Dev into hugging Peri, albeit only briefly.
With all of the apologies and hugs out of the way, Dev asks to see Da Rules. He flips to the section about losing your fairies and says, "It says here that a godchild must lose memories of their fairies and all things magic... But it doesn't say that another godchild couldn't wish those memories back."
The fic ends with Timmy at the fountain again. Hazel approaches with Dev, and the fairies in their human forms. She asks Timmy if he remembers the three of them. Timmy confesses that he doesn't. Hazel grins: "I wish that you did."
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cringe-but-proud · 9 months
can i please request a wonka x fem!reader (timothee’s version)?
like maybe reader is a worker at the market or something so willy sees her everyday on his way to work and they’re friends and he keeps trying to make the perfect chocolate to give to her but he’s a very awkwardly hilarious at flirting?
thank you!! i love your writing sm
Thanks so much! This one was fun to write 😝😝😝
Willy Wonka x Fem!Store owner!Reader(Wonka 2023)
A/n: Requests are open 🤸🤸🤸🤸
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It was a lovely Friday morning. The sun was shining, the skies were clear, and people were out on the streets, ready to start their days.
One of those people seemed a bit more enthusiastic than everyone else.
The infamous Willy Wonka made his way through the streets holding a box, walking like he was a man on a mission.
And he was on a mission. A mission to win the heart of the prettiest girl he knew, Y/n.
Y/n owned a little shop that he walked by everyday on the way to his factory and she sold the most interesting items! Intricately carved, tiny wooden statues, colorful glass bottles, quilts, jewelry, old dolls, and paintings. You name it, she had it laying around somewhere.
Willy visited her shop everyday. Partly because he liked the things she sold and partly because he'd developed a massive crush on her.
And after careful calculation, a lot of trial and error, and almost chickening out like 8 separate times, he was doing it.
He was shooting his shot.
He took a deep breath before stepping into her shop, acting like this was a normal day for him. "Hey, Y/n!" Willy greeted as he walked to the counter she stood behind.
"Morning, Willy." She gave him that small smile that always made him want to swoon and leaned forward on her elbows. "How's it going?"
"Good. Good. It's going good..." He should probably say something else. "How are you?"
"Good. Glad to see my favorite customer."
He couldn't help but smile at that. "Um... I have something for you."
"Yeah." Willy slid a box across the counter to her.
She picked up the box and admired it. Willy had intentionally chosen to put her gift in a colorful box. She liked things like that.
Y/n opened the box to see a large variety of chocolate, all different shapes and colors, and all delicious looking.
"Oh! These look amazing!" She beamed at him.
"Well, I'd certainly hope so." Willy said with a smile. "I stayed up all night making them.
She paused. "Really?"
"That's- Wow. You didn't have to do that."
"Well, I did." He shrugged. "And I don't regret it."
She chuckled and looked back down at the chocolates. "Is there a reason you're giving these to me?"
Willy thought for a moment. This would probably be a good time to tell her how he felt. A simple "Because I like you" would work. But, his mind and body were suddenly not working, so instead of doing that, he stared at her.
"Yes! Yes. They're because.. I just wanted to show that I appreciate what you do."
"What I do?"
"You spent all night making me chocolate because I run a general store?"
He paused. "... Yes?"
Y/n chuckled. "Well, that's really nice of you." She popped one of the chocolates into her mouth and was visibly satisfied with the taste. "Amazing, as always."
He blushed at the compliment. "Only the best for you." He replied after a split second of hesitation.
Y/n looked away and he swore he saw a light blush dust her cheeks.
That's good, right? Yeah. That's good.
"Um..." She cleared her throat. "That's nice. Thank you. You should probably be off to work now, right?"
"Uh..." He really didn't want to leave yet. "I was thinking I could stay here a little longer. If you're not busy?" He hadn't been this nervous about asking something in a long time. The second it took for her to reply felt like the longest moment of his life.
"I'd like some company." She said with a sweet smile.
Willy ended up staying there the whole morning. She made him coffee and he drank it, despite the fact that he didn't like coffee. But, he was too nervous to make another move.
He began to leave her shop, a bit disheartened by his failed attempt when Y/n stopped him.
"Willy?" She smiled, a slightly nervous smile. "Do you wanna... Like.... Get dinner tonight?"
His cheeks flushed, his eyes widened, and his heart began to race. "Really?"
She nodded.
"Just the two of us?"
"Just the two of us."
He beamed at her. "I would love that."
Looking back on it, Willy was glad she made the first move. Who knows how much longer it would've taken him?
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a-sterling-rose · 2 years
Danny Phantom Writing Prompt: The Lack of a Hero Complex
Once Danny publicly shames Vlad into returning the status quo of Amity Park, Danny also stops ghost fighting.
The Human Trio and Vlad confront Danny about his lack of action. The Human Trio finally gets a taste of the sleep deprivation Danny experienced when he didn't want to burden them from their schedules while the property damage continued to tarnish Vlad's public reputation. Danny just laughs.
Sam, completely livid at the lack of reaction: Who’s going to protect the town, Danny?
Danny gets up from the couch and looks directly into Vlad's eyes: Yeah, Vlad, how do you plan on protecting your town?
Danny lightly chuckles while he goes down to the lab where the Fenton Parents were working. He was just gonna play on the family computer while his Dad would boast about their latest idea.
The human trio:
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When the ghosts who come to directly harass Danny, he decides he just needs to be completely honest with each of them.
Danny: Listen, I'll admit I kinda had fun with the bantering, but I want to focus on better things now. I was never really interested in any of you.
The Ghosts:
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The results?
Vlad has to set up legit ghost detectors all over the city and properly hire the Fentons for protection. Vlad hoped that the hiring would gain him favor from Maddie, but he finally got to see how she really was compared to his idealized version. Their constant public damages made Vlad's reputation even more tarnished, and their lack of change despite him personally talking to them about it makes him grow equal resentment towards both of them. It gets to the point where Vlad just sets up the same ecto repellent he uses to keep ghosts from escaping his portal back in Winsconsin. The extra paperwork he has to do now governing is not worth the mess he caused. Political power wasn't as worth it as he thought it would be.
The Human Trio gave Danny the cold shoulder for a while, but that just gave him some well needed alone time to raise his grades. He even finally got to join the astronomy club like he planned before the portal accident. They were a very chill group and welcomed him to sit with them at lunch, so he was never alone. Dash tried to start their usual routine, but that was immediately hauled by the club leader.
Dash wasn't clever enough to figure out how to respond to being called 'Pussy Lips' by a girl, so he just kinda sulked away.
Dash will say the occasional snarky comment, but he never bring himself to get too close to Danny after a club member told Danny to tell Dash and the other football players they could take turns sucking him off after their club meeting. Dash just wasn't clever enough to get things back to normal.
Though the club members weren't A-listers, they weren't at the bottom, so Danny social life became better.
The Human Trio tried to continue on like before, but they were soon caught ghost hunting by the Fentons. There was no punishment, just overactive excitement, seeing they were finally interested in Ghost Hunting. Now, having to join the Fentons whenever there was a ghost detected, the fun of it is zapped away for them, making the tiredness not worth it anymore. The three eventually apologized to Danny, which he accepts, and the group finally accepts the new changes.
There are many things that can upset a ghost, but the universal act that can anger any core is being ignored. Even with the ecto repellent, the stronger ghosts manage to get through and try to get Danny's attention. The boy always just texts Vlad about how he sucks at his job and to take care of the disruption. The ghost eventually pick up that their violent outburst aren't working, so it gets to the point that they try to get his attention another way.
They tried to coax him with things they believed he liked. It is comparable to how Hyper Cat-lovers try to get a shy cat to love them.
Lunch Lady offers him a freshly made meal when he's low on money one day. He thanks her but says he had a big breakfast.
Ember tries to act like their best friends in front of the A-listers, so Danny will become more popular at school. He greets her but continues on his stroll like she was a typical citizen.
Technus offers to give Danny the answer key to all the tests for his classes, but he denies this offer instantly. He'll never cheat on a test ever again.
It got to the point that Skulker said he would drop the promise of getting Danny's pelt if he just let him see his ghostly form. Creeped out, Danny just backed away. He was thankful Valerie was close by.
Box Ghost actually got somewhere when he offered a three-dimensional solar system model. It was in a box he had, so Box Ghost offered it to Danny. He accepted it as the one in the club was showing its age.
This seemed to make these random ghost visits even more frequent. Danny guessed Box Ghost bragged about his 'accomplishment'.
Basically, the ghosts' obsession to defeat Danny changes to them wanting his attention. Vlad’s obsession becomes solely focused on Danny as he just finds Maddie and Jack so annoying now. Like, Vlad just wants to get custody of Danny and get the hell out of Amity Park. He doesn't even want to kill the Fentons now out of fear that they will become ghosts.
After the Ember incident, the A-listers kept trying to buddy up to him. However, Danny learned how they really were, so he just treated them the way he treated ghosts. Now, it seemed they were just as desperate.
Danny will turn into Phantom only when it's necessary, that or he's in the mood to fly. The downside to this change is that whenever he does transform, he always has an entourage of attention-starved ghosts following behind him. He can't even imagine how things would be if he went to the Ghost Zone.
For those who want to know the members of the astronomy club-
For those who want to see the club room-
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hello, love your work!!
would you mind making a version of the "...weren't we dating already?" ask but with the bachelorettes? can be of your choice, but please include Haley and Daia!!
thank you!! have a wonderful day :]
Sure! Thanks for the ask and have a wonderful day as well! ☺️💕
A beautiful clear day with no hint of rain clouds, a cool breeze to escape the summer heat, beautiful sunflowers blooming - Haley was so happy with how good a day it was for a photo shoot. And importantly, a photo shoot with Farmer, a person she used to think was a weirdo in perpetually dirty overalls, but so charming, sweet and kind that Haley's " spoiled mean girl" wrapper immediately melted away. It's been four months since they're dating, and their interest in each other is growing even more.
The blonde-haired girl was jumping up and down with joy as she checked her camera and caught such beautiful pictures that they didn't even require any editing on the computer. They were both in the photo hugging each other and looking so cute, hee hee..... Just like happy lovers should look. Another photo for her collection!
The Farmer is also so happy because of the lucky shots, looking at the photo that Haley showed them.
"There's another reason I agreed to do a photo shoot with you today," the girl's attention was immediately turned to Farmer. "Would you, heh... Would you want us to be more than just friends? Because... I like you a lot. You're a great, beautiful, smart and funny, and I-" Farmer abruptly ended the conversation as soon as they noticed that the smile on the girl's face had slipped and she was now looking at them with slight irritation. Taking this as a bad sign, Farmer immediately started apologising, then Haley put her hand up, ordering them to be quiet, and pulled out her phone. Opening up her social media account, she gave Farmer for them to read.
On the very front page, Haley's status was written in black and white: "Dating Farmer 😘❤️".
"Hold on... Are we-"
"You're so silly!" Haley's ringing laughter was music to Farmer's ears. Though their cheeks flushed with blush from the awkwardness of the situation, the warm gaze of the girl's azure eyes that looked at them with love made them realize that they were the luckiest and happiest person in the whole world.
Autumn picnic... It had been a long time since Penny had been to a picnic where she devoted her time to herself rather than teaching the kids (don't get her wrong, she loves being a teacher!). For her, and Farmer, the lovely partner she's been dating for two months now. Sitting on a picnic blanket in the woods, the young teacher poured hot tea from a thermos into two mugs while Farmer arranged sandwiches, sweets and healthy snacks on plates. It was still early autumn, so it was possible to enjoy nature for hours without fear of the cold wind or low temperature.
The girl always felt so alive and happy around Farmer. Some part of her still couldn't believe that they were able to not only become friends, but to become something more.
Penny enjoyed telling the Farmer about her day, the new dish she had invented and how Jas and Vincent had managed to get the highest score in maths, and she didn't forget to listen to the adventures of the chaotic farmer themself, how they had fought monsters and grown a pumpkin the size of a car.
During this conversation, Farmer set their tea cup down on the grass and took Penny's hand in their hands.
"Words can't tell you how much I like you. I've been thinking for two months now, and.... Heh, not very good with words..." The Farmer took a deep breath. "Do you want to be my girlfriend? Do you want to be something more than friends?"
"Yes! I agr- Wait." Out of happiness, Penny didn't immediately realise their words, hovering somewhere in the clouds. "But... we're already dating."
"....We've been dating?"
"Grown-ups can be so silly." Farmer and Penny almost jumped at the sound of someone else's voice from behind the nearest bush.
"Jas! Vincent! It's not nice to eavesdrop!" As much as Penny tried to sound stern, Farmer's laughter at this funny situation was contagious, and she was already giggling quietly too, trying to hide the smile with her hand. The children crawled out from under the bushes and looked at the two adults, unable to stop giggling as well.
"I knew you'd always find something fun for us to do!" Farmer could have argued with Daia that fighting monsters in Ridge Forest was hardly a pleasant pastime, but they were too busy swinging their sword and fending off another attack from the clawed paws. As if in a dance, the ninja girl struck the serpent beasts with her katana, not giving the monsters a chance to strike.
"That musk idea was a good one after all! Now we'll have enough loot for the Lady's task." Actually, it was Daia who was assigned this task, the Farmer was participating here voluntarily. The young daredevil decided that today was the day they wanted to offer the fearless girl, the object of their admiration, to be their girlfriend. Even if it meant dousing themself in stinking liquid and becoming monster bait. What one wouldn't do for love...
"We make a great team! And you're so hot when you're in battle~" even in a tense fight, the girl could make Farmer's face blush.
"Heh, maybe I'll show you something more, and in a nicer place. If you want to be my girlfriend..."
For a second, Daia looked at them in surprise, and then burst out laughing so loudly that even the surviving monsters were slightly taken aback by such a strange reaction from their enemy.
"We've actually been a couple for half a year now! Or, at least, that's what I thought." With a swing of the katana, the remaining monsters were defeated. "And how did that happen, hmm?"
"I- I thought everything between us before was friendly!" Farmer turned away, unable to bear Daia's teasing stare.
"And those bushes we decided to 'explore together' yesterday - was that friendship too?" the girl smiled, watching with amusement as Farmer hid their face in their hands. She stepped close to them, taking their hands in hers, and kissed them gently on the lips.
"Well then, cutie, it's official now."
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Rescendants: Auradon Kids
Audrey - The daughter of Sleeping Beauty, and quite possibly the nicest girl you'll ever meet. It is impossible for her to hold grudges, and she's generally increibly trusting of people, even if they've made mistakes in the past. The VKs will show her that sometimes, there's such a thing as being too trusting, and she soon realizes that Mal isn't exactly the bestie that she deserves. Audrey is happily dating Ben, and has attempted to get her parents to destroy the barrier in the past.
Ben: Responsible for inviting the VK’s to Auradon, Ben is possibly the only one whose himbo status could come close to rivaling Gil’s. Big-hearted and incredibly trusting, Ben believes that there is good in everyone…even when he has sufficient reason to believe otherwise. He loves his girlfriend Audrey deeply and genuinely just wants everyone to get along!
Doug: The son of Dopey, though ironically, a genius. Due to his Dad being kind, but not necessarily fit to take care of a child, he was raised by the other dwarves as well. While he's friends with Ben, Lonnie, Audrey, Jane and JJ, he still gets pushed around by others, forced to do their homework. He has a thing for the Evil Queen's daughter, and taught her that beauty wasn't always the most important thing in life.
Lonnie: The daughter of Mulan and Shang, Lonnie is as much of a capable fighter and all around badass as both combined. She’s also very open-minded, one of the first AK’s to befriend the villain kids and one of the first to gain their respect. She’s a kind girl who can whoop your ass if she needs to, and will tell you what you need to hear no matter how hard. While she is aware of Jay’s feelings for her, he’s going to need to put in work before she throws him a bone.
Jane - Daughter of the Fairy Godmother, albeit with not as much skill as using magic. She may be plain, but Jane doesn't mind, comfortable with staying out of the spotlight. Being plus-sized and occasionally screwing up her spells made her a target of Mal, who would subtly make it so that kids outside of her friend group avoided her. When she fell for Carlos, she was suprised to find he felt the same way, and didn't care about her reputation.
JJ: The "Pumpkin Prince", and the son of Jack Skellington and Sally. JJ is a kind and courteous young man who also happens to love scaring people! Due to looking more like a villain than a hero, JJ was outcasted and bullied throughout his life by his peers, with only a few he called friends. He finds acceptance with the VK’s, who share his snarkier outlook in life…and he grows particularly close to the daughter of the Boogeyman!
Once again, huge thanks to Weeby for helping me with the summaries, and JJ actually belongs to her. Next up will be the villains, and you'll finally get to see our version of Mal. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Oh yeah the king family thing, it’s not like there was this big assassination of a very important person in Dallas who had the nickname Jack and it shook the world…who might have ended the Cold War sooner.
And his supposed killer was murdered before he was even questioned
And another character who filled his position wasn’t killed as well…
Okay allegedly it was the cia, but the FBI really think that the King family would buy their claim after wire tapping MLK own fucking home and sent that letter saying he should kill himself?
Oh and the Malcom x thing, I mean when you are a powerful figure that left an extremists group saying that white people was made in a lab by a bitter black guy. Not shocking who killed you
(Got a feeling the government payed NOI to do that hit?)
And Anna Frank thing, I presume her diary came out in the 50’s. Given that people had a panic about Pixar Turning Red the Asian female mc had LE GASP hormones(not to mention she tame af compare to the….less that ideal stuff I see women in fandom make) lords knows how many fathers and mothers would have heart attacks learn that their “innocent” daughters might be doing private if they read Anne Frank unedited diary
Fuck I sound like I’m on Epstein list
Oh yeah I heard about that academic paper, I mean leftist basically made the black version of birth of a nation with women king. And the majority of radfems goes uncheck and they have positions of power in institutions.
We only learn about the horrors the Nazis did, not the fact they had a “eat the rich” as the left don’t want to admit a lot of Jewish people that Hitler targeted was well off
Oh yeah the king family thing, it’s not like there was this big assassination of a very important person in Dallas who had the nickname Jack and it shook the world…who might have ended the Cold War sooner. And his supposed killer was murdered before he was even questioned
For some reason I read this like 3 times and each time even though I knew it's JFK you're talking about my brain added a "Ruby" to Jack, which I suppose works since jack ruby is the guy that killed lee harvey oswald.
The X-Files did a episode where they went into a lot of different stuff that CSM did, if you know the show at all.
"Musings of a cigarette smoking man" It's a really good one, actually works as standalone that you don't need to know anything about the show to enjoy.
Mallcolm X stuff is nuts, I don't think the feds bothered with him though, it's farrakhan all the way there. If there was a firm move towards improved race relations he might just lose his cash cow, it's not just politicians that profit from the status quo, look at any social movement out there who's original stated goal was achieved.
Title IX and the Civil Rights Act should have been the stop and then nothing else legislative needed, but nope that didn't happen.
1948 for the Diary, there was just a lot of sexual stuff, bisexual to be more specific I believe, talk of her period, things you would imagine a girl that age would be talking about really, like you said, but not in 1948 you don't get that published around the globe then.
I'm good with keeping the sanitized version the one used in schools too, at least till college maybe I don't know.
We only learn about the horrors the Nazis did, not the fact they had a “eat the rich” as the left don’t want to admit a lot of Jewish people that Hitler targeted was well off
You also aren't going to learn that there was quite a bit of socialism mixed into the nazi deal, collectivization, hitler youth indoctrination centers where you learn that your duty is to your fatherland and your fuhrer,
My dad sings in the chorus for the local symphony, guy in it was hitler youth, said it was like a summer camp, but he was part of a group that did tours and sung patriotic songs so he lucked out, also lucked out that his mom kept him home from that last trip.
But ya there's a lot of that they can't bring up today, because it looks too much like socialism (because it is) weren't before because socialism bad nazi bad was good enough, for the most part.
Should have done better on that sadly ______________
Sorry this took so long I was facetiming a friend I never really get to do much more than text with.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Does the current chapter leak confirm, do you think, that toga himiko is also an unreliable narrator or at least doesn't know exactly she wants?
Because while she says that she wants to eliminate all the heroes, she doesn't kill tsuyu when she literally has her in the palm of her hand. It didn't look like a struggle really on toga's part when she had tsuyu, or even aggressive at all.
What do you think?
I think Toga's "I want to kill all heroes" mirrors Dabi's "there are no real heroes" and Shigaraki's "I want to destroy everything". They all have issues that stems from loss and from heroes mishandling their power to protect the status quo instead of saving people like them. So they're lashing out against anything they feel is responsible for things being that way.
So I think it's less like Toga didn't engage with Tsuyu because she has no bone to pick with her and more like she left Tsuyu behind because she's singlemindedly determined to go after Hawks the way Dabi is determined to go after his dad. At last, Toga too found a hero to blame everything wrong with society onto, and that's Hawks for her like it is Endvr for Dabi and All Might for Shigaraki.
I would say that they know exactly what they want, but it's just not what they need. KIlling Hawks won't make Toga happy in much the same way enacting their revenge won't make the other two happy or fulfilled either, because it simply won't give them their old life back. But it's meant to be self-destructive. Toga, like her two foils, isn't working towards changing things, but simply seeking to dismantle what hurt her and her friends.
The thing about Shigaraki and Dabi being unreliable narrators imho is less to be taken as if they don't know what they want, but rather that they do, but they don't yet realize they've been conditioned to want it. It's not a real choice if heroes denied them any other chance to pick anything else.
Now this applies to Toga as well. She tried fitting in, being a normal girl, and was abused and treated like a monster. She tried staying on the outskirts of society, building bonds with people just like her who accepted her, and a hero killed one of them, and society still treated like a monster, and covered her house in abusive graffiti. Since heroes didn't see Twice as a person, and thus Toga by extension, she doesn't want to include them in her version of a happy life anymore. It parallels how Shigaraki rejects a society that always rejected him, ever since childhood, where he was "gently denied" by his own family. Or how Dabi rejects the system for blindly supporting his dad despite how that same person beat up his family for years under everyone's nose.
It's retaliation. They want a blank slate because the current system made them scapegoats, and now they don't want to simply go down in silence anymore, but instead deflect that blame at its true source, at corrupted heroes themselves
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haircoveredwriter · 1 year
Episode 1x04 thoughts
This episode wasn't one of my favorites, not horrible, a decent episode in itself but it felt as though it fell prey to a few of the issues similar ones in s11 of TWD did. I'll get in to those later but first we'll put the usual page break for those who don't want any spoilers.
First the aspects I did enjoy:
After taking a swim in walker-infested waters post his ceiling crash like a drunk Mary Poppins (you're welcome for the reference lol), Daryl strolls through Paris trying to get his bearings and comes to see an older couple inside a house, having tea (perhaps). The woman caresses the side of the man's face across the table which causes Daryl to pause, appearing to be lost in reflection before looking down briefly lost in a memory, only moving on once the nearness of walkers is apparent. Now who is the only person/woman who Daryl has ever stroked the face of/had his face stroked by?? I'll give you 3 guesses but anyone with a brain doesn't need that many and in case you've been living under a rock, please refer to my previous precious gifs post.
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Later we get to see Daryl-of-old while he's beating a prisoner he and Isabelle took in hopes of finding Laurent. Having him go back to his early TWD season story-telling ways was lovely while also mixing it with the depraved Dixon he learnt to be from his upbringing meshed very well. (Basically Daryl wanted to create his own R-rated version of "Babe"). He must have read some anatomy books over the years to know where to cause the most damage without hitting vital organs.
Fallou's group using Molotov cocktails during their assault on Quinn's place is something I've been waiting for someone to do in the ZA! Like, seriously! Who wouldn't be using mini firebombs at this point when supplies are low and it keeps you at a distance from your opponent? It's just good sense imo.
Norman and the show itself did a very good job again pointing out that there is nothing going on shippy-wise between Daryl and Isabelle. (I know many a worried about it but there was nothing there from my standpoint) Daryl looked honestly uncomfortable when Isabelle hugged him, returning it lightly after a beat or two but happy to break away to continue looking at anything else afterwards. We also got Isabelle's own words that she has no romantic feelings for Daryl but simply concern for his wellbeing. When you watch the scene, they have Sylvie asking (a young girl who only now has her first ever crush but knows nothing of love) who is not equipped enough in life to be able to discern anything different.
Daryl's expression looking at the mini Statue of Liberty made me smile as well. Knowing he's getting closer to getting home, no matter what other tasks people throw at him, and getting back to his person would make anyone happy.
Overall the episode sets up the plot for the remaining 2 installments, getting us where we need to be for certain other aspects to take place. (Gonna let that be for the moment until the next ones drop 😉)
What I didn't like:
The pacing seemed quite slow and the story arc pretty much went in a circle, finally reaching an end point which we realistically could have gotten in 10 mins of another ep. Several points of the episode felt contrived just to fill up space before they could move on to a main bullet point in the story. (This was my main issue with a fair number of s11 TWD eps).
Isabelle's lack of any fighting skill is really getting on my nerves. How has she survived this long? The answer is probably by making things up and having others protect her/do her dirty work and other not so nice things so I'll relent. I haven't seen worse stabby abilities since early on in TWD ... again, yes I am not gonna say anything if I can't say anything nice.
Why'd they do pigeon man like that?!😒
Genet is equally as concerned about finding a man who blew a hole in her years-long-prepped boat as she is a kid who gives people hope? Mmmkay.
Regardless of it all I am excited for next week. It's gonna be great. Trust me.
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Stepping (mostly) away from the 14 Fandom has definitely allowed me to re-evaluate how I feel about characters and other things in the game and how much of it was just me trying to fit in or swayed by public opinion.
Like, I still love G'raha, but most people I was associated with didn't so much so I never really discussed him except as part of my Hadestown AU. I still prefer his Crystal Exarch and Crystal Tower versions over his Endwalker. Hope in Dawntrail he can chill out a little over the hero worship but I also know some people like that, but also my dude, we saved the universe together, you don't need to uwu me.
Still really enjoy Emet-Selch, Lahabrea and Elidibus in my own interpretations of them being sad old men. I like all three of them slowly losing their minds, or quickly in Lahabrea's case I guess, and Elidibus being a shell of what he was with few attachments and memories, driven only by the barest memory of Duty, Love and his other half's need to feed on Aether (Zodiark, personal HC of why he keeps demanding more and more sacrifices, it takes a lot of aether to power something so massive for so long and do the miracles such as fixing the aethereal balance and rejuvenating the planet). Emet losing himself over and over chasing half ghosts of Azem over Millenia does something to me, I HC he made the Hyth shade out of loneliness and imbued too much of himself in it, making it too much of Hythlodaeus but also too much Emet and it reminds him of it every time he sees it. Lahabrea likewise chased his family over the eons, seeing his son die and be reborn over and over on top of the personal horrors he must feel for actively working to destroy the Star just to remake it probably wrung what little stability he had left in his mind post rejoining of the Hephaistos half. Not to mention 12k years of Athena insidiously whispering in his ears from the Heart.
The Scions, I like them, Alisaie is still my favorite little sister for my WoL, and Alphinaud for all he's annoying at first, really endeared himself to me in later expacs. They are Family with a capital F to my WoL, to the point she would have murdered Forchenault for disowning them if she had had the opportunity. I have very strong feelings on disownment for seemingly petty seeming reasons, having had it happen to myself. It was very much a Immediate Hatred Of Character Moment. Sure he had A Reason but I still stand there and side eye him hard.
Thancred remains a favourite as well, I like the personal growth he goes through, how he changes from the rakish bard with a silver tongue to a sad and broken man to sad broken dad to someone who at the end of the world gave everything he could to save his family from total destruction. I also appreciate his morbid jokes as someone who likewise feels just broken sometimes, who doesn't want to sometimes burn the world down makes me cackle so much.
Y'shtola I also rather still like, especially when she's allowed to be a bit, and pardon the pun, catty. She grew up with Matoya, cattiness was her bread and butter. Let a queen live her dream of world hopping and sassy retorts. The magical girl routine and the end of patch 6.5 where she's like There is no other version of this spell, right WoL? Makes me so happy.
Urianger I have mixed feelings on, mostly because I just don't understand him as a character. I know he's supposed to be all Mysterious and stuff but I really just standing man when he's expositioning. It's probably a thing to do with his Shakespearean way of speaking when no one else does (I guess Hydaelyn kinda does). He's fine.
Krile, I really like her in general. She's a side character that made it to main character status and I'm so proud of her. She makes me happy with how she is somehow the cutest cat ear wearing girl but also the terrifying creature that haunts Estinien's dreams. I look forward to seeing her shine more in Dawntrail.
More Thoughts (tm) Later.
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Sitting down to watch Dario Argento's Il Fantasma dell'Opéra (1998) starring Julian Sands for the first time.
Also in case anyone who sees this didn't know, Julian, our beloved rat man, is currently missing. He (an experienced mountaineer) went missing during a hike on Mount Baldy in California two weeks ago, so please let's pray for him and his family.
Anyway, PSA's aside, let's get into what i know is going to be an incredibly bizarre trip.
I watched Inferno right before this. Dario Argento loves rats, huh?
This Opera house is gorgeous.
Oh good she covered her tits
Whoa, intense. Right off the bat.
I feel like this Phantom, more than any other, really earns his Parisisn Sewer Man status
The blood in this is much better than in Suspiria. I was worried it would be oil paint again
Oh Raoul's only a Baron here. Dario downgraded him.
Dubbing still sucks though. Nice to know some things never change
Love how no matter what incarnation, Carlotta always has some obsequious weirdo following her around
This gore is amazing. That thumb? 🤌🏻
Oh he is suphhhhherbly creepy I love it
Feral Grunge Phantom is feral
"Oh you like my smell? Well do you want my scarf? Go ahead take it. Yeah, you can masturbate with that if you want"
This is insane, but I love it
This is where my sister tapped out
Asia Argento is really Christine Daaé's Edgy Thot era
Oh this is our Raoul? Ew. Gross. Give me rat man, please
Oof. Friend. Zoned.
Something tells me things are not gonna end well for these nosy Opera house employees
Oh he's so homicidal. Impaling!
Baby girl (not Christine) you are going to be murdered just deal with it.
Okay I enjoy gratuitous murder, but this whole sequence is totally superfluous
Love the ballet girls running into Christine's dressing room a la the first chapter of the book with the girls running to Sorelli.
Actually Asia Argento is kind of exactly how I imagined La Sorelli.... she's just got that kind of face. You know, whore face. Hence Du Barry.
Oh this rooftop is very pretty. And very fake looking.
I can't even describe to you what I just saw.
Okay her lip-synching is prrretty terrible
Raoul's brother looks like Mephistopheles
This bathhouse scene... choices were made
Well I'll say this, I think this is the only version I've seen that really captures Raoul's emotional instability
Rat man gets points for his woodchipper policy on child predators.
Dario really decided to run with the whole rat catcher thing... again, choices were made
Not into the fact that Ratrik doesn't row her across the lake himself. That's vakuable eye-fucking real estate wasted
What's that noise? Oh nothing, just the Phantom of the Opera pounding his organ
Yes! Finally! A version of this damn story where they actually get to fuck!
Those are silk sheets. Even Rat Phantom has drip
AND he's telling her his back story himself! This would be more poignant if he had the deformity, but I'll let it slide
Oh my gosh, I know this still ends tragically, but actually seeing a Phantom get to hold Christine naked in bed, in afterglow is so incredibly healing to me.
Also all of these boudoir shots are incredibly pretty
Oh, is the maid the costume designer from Opera? I thought I recognized her.
Love how all of the costumes in Carlotta's dressing room are obviously too small for her
Okay Dario, you needed to dial this back just a little
I would like a gif of shirtless Julian sands sledgehammering that support pillar
This is of course one of the biggest versions for inflating the casualties in the chandelier crash
Oh I like that they actually had Gounod conducting! That's a book pull!
See, now I'm very annoyed that I have to take back some of the points he earned killing that child predator for this very rapey behavior. Pick a lane, Dario!
I could edit this into a decent version
"She's the Phantom's whore!" You betcha
Girl, will you make up your mind?
Kinda feel bad for Raoul here, he's gotta be terribly confused
This is kind of dumb, he should have just gotten into the boat with them
Supremely glad he got to kill the rat-catcher
I do love the music in this movie though. Really beautiful. Oh. Ennio Morricone. That explains it.
Ok all in all conceptually I prefer this version to, say the Charles Dance one.
But Dario just had to put his toe over the line just a few too many times, didn't he? We could have done without the boob-threat scene with Carlotta and the bizarre steam-punk rat-catching machine, and the rapey-ness obviously and I'd have called it good. As it is... we'll call it passable.
Watch it for the boudoir scene and the superbly handled gore if for nothing else.
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d00xle · 7 months
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update on why tf i basically have been not posting any art for like half a year.
so basically apparently eminem from the last summer robin post i made, fucking flung that shit to my computer too hard and broak my computer! (I needed to replace my hard drive and basically i never did it until i needed to) all my files are fine by the looks of it but the BIGGEST THING WAS I NEVER FUCKING BACKED UP MY CLIP BRUSHES APPARENTLY. IT JUST FLEW OVER MY HEAD. luckily right before my hard drive decided it's time, I did backup all my other files.
so i'm going to impart some tech tips that I have learned, and you should look up more information about because I'm not a professional. If your on mac look into versions of these that run/ work with your system.
BACK UP UR FILES!! yes very basic but have u backed up recently? if not back that shit up RIGHT NOW (or asap). And are you sure you have everything backed up? For those that do selective backups; did you start using a new program or other thing that may have created new files? Are you sure you got those assets that's under your nose and dont realize they're not backed up because you use them everyday?
Back up your system! if you're on windows look up how to a make a Windows ISO/media creation tool. This basically makes a copy of your windows recovery that came with your computer so you don't have to reinstall drivers and whatnot and can ensure a factory reset. So if the windows recovery environment ever fails (WHICH IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME) you can pop that sucker in and run from there and do what may need to be done. This can even boot your system from the flash drive so it can get hot since it's just a lil guy!
This one is a bit different, make a system image back up/recovery and put it in the same flash drive as the ISO. Basically this takes a snapshot of your current system and cryo freezes it, and if the case something does happen to your system image (*points at self*) you can load that and run it like normal basically. I haven't done this yet but from what I read any new files, images, videos, etc. made after this backup will get deleted since they weren't present when you made the back up. "That's sounds dumb why would I do that?" Well this is for the case where you don't want to reinstall your programs and lose any settings/preferences. I'm not sure how large these files are but if possible I would have a first system image backup and then have a second one that you continually refresh every so often.
Windows has an automatic file backup program called the windows file history so I'd look up on how to set that up. Along with that look up on setting up a system restore point. This is some registry back up or something, there is an option for it in the recovery environment so the more back ups the merrier. I did have this but I didn't have the system image to support it or something.
Last thing to do inside your system: get a program called crystal disk, look it even has anime girl themes (not ai as far as I can tell) and she even talks to you when you tap her WOW! This tells you the health status of your hard drive. (the heart of your computer that stores all your files). It tells you information about your hard drive whether you have an SSD (newer, electronically stores data, silent) or HDD (classic, spinning mechanical disk, makes noise while spinning). HDD will start showing wear over time (and in my case it in fact did notify me about it) but SSD, though they are more hip and cool and fast they will NOT tell you when it's going to give out! so check crystal disk every so often and make sure the health of your computer is in top shape. Another important thing to note a bout SSD, is that there is a thing called Terabytes Written (TBW) and there's only a limited amount of data that can be written onto an SSD, so crystal disk will be your best friend because it can tell you how much has been used.
Now, this isn't really necessary, you need a second flash drive for this, but it's just a cool tool to have. It's a mini operating system that runs on a flash drive that comes with a bunch of recovery tools. and you can see all the files on hard drives that are connected to the same motherboard, I was able to check if my drawings were okay with this. It's called Hiren’s BootCD PE. There's also a linux version (LinuxLive USB) but it doesn't have that much from what I saw. They both work on any system I believe.
if you have a store bought computer tower/laptop (and i mean big brands not custom builds you can buy, probably ask the manufacture weather this applies) THE windows license key is build INTO the motherboard, because it's OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) . So if you do have to completely wipe your hard drive or swap it out even, windows won't ask for a product key when reinstalling windows (well it didn't in my case). why do I say this? because if you're not the type of person to get your hands dirty so to speak, and decide to take it to a repair shop THEY SHOULDN'T TELL YOU YOU NEED TO PURCHASE A WINDOWS LICENSE. which is like $100+ on top of the service fee.
LAST THING! if you see this shit 👇 DO NOT TAKE IT LIGHTLY! THE TIME IS COMING TO SWITCH HARD DRIVES! yes it may do a process and then everything is running hunky dory after, but don't be fooled! It can do that only so many times until the system breaks! And if you don't have back ups of system things like me, well, then, you're not going to get any help wherever you go or ask.
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All in all, it's always best to have backups externally rather than just relying on processes your computer does on it's own. okay im just gonna put wth happened under a read more but I hope this can help someone or motivate or even remind them to DO. YOUR. BACKUPS. A S A P
wow ur so secy for clicking that read more
anyways. So I was getting these notifications exponentially periodically about having to restart because my drive errors. It would do a check disk on the boot loader and then everything would run fine. One hot day my computer suddenly went to BIOS mode(?) while I was looking away (still don't know why) and it worked for a few more days but one day I got this notification again and I was like hhmmm smth seems a bit fishy about this. So I backup my important data and restarted. And thus I entered the system repair loop. I did all sorts of commands that I could find but to no avail. Let me be clear my BCD was the thing that was fucked up (files are OKAY!!!!!) but maybe there were some bad sectors who knows, but no one believed in me! but I saw my files for myself! I do want to revive that hard drive some day but for now I have to leave it as it is. It was scary doing all this stuff because I hadn't really done this kind of stuff in a few years, especially not on my own computer (I was in a computer repair club a while back). So the final blow was when I found a video that explained in detail on how to format your boot loader partition. And. well.... I made it much much worse. now it doesn't even recognize that there's an OS. 💀
But then a thought popped up in my head, "did I back up my clip brushes? The ones I made, not the stuff I downloaded?" The answer was no. I checked and checked for my clip brushes and I could not find them. I went to ask around about certain files structures for clip. I used hiren to search for said folders but either it's search function didn't work well or it was just slow since i was running on a 2.0 USB. I was just very hazy on the whole thing and knew the only way around this was to actually get on my own computer with the same OS and I had to use an old of clip set up I had because of reasons. And so, the horrors began (continued?) and I was starting school back up and it was quite a ride. The whole time aside from all the other shit was me just missing using my computer and my silly brushes.
So come this month, I put on my big girl boots and swapped my hard drive. I still wasn't sure how this windows product key thing was going to work,since I couldn't find a clear answer and didn't know if my computer was an OME, but there was only one way to find out. And it worked! A weight was lifted off my shoulders, but I still needed to find my mcfreaking clip brushes!!!!!! I tried the folders name search and it didn't yield me promising results. Someone did give me the name of some .json files to look up and i did get something! i went into the source folder and this thang had VERY promising results considering how filled it was. I popped that sucker into clip and BAM THERE SHE WAS! ALL MY BABY GIRLS JUST AS I LEFT THEM!! it even saved the last colors I used lol.
Now, where was this formidable folder that caused me so much trouble and heartache? It was in some random ass folder in my documents. I don't know why tf it was there but I do have a vague memory of one day scrolling through my documents folder and in a flash I accidentally moved something. What was it? I couldn't tell. well must be nothing important. And clip continued to work fine, but yeah my important folder was the thing that got hit. -_-💧 I feel so dumb and like I wasted my time but whatever, everything works fine now and my mood has been improved tenfold 😊
moral of the story: stay strong! believe in yourself no matter what people say! I believe in you! Elbow grease can do wonders sometimes. ALSO BACKUPS ARE MORE THAN JUST USER FILES
0 notes
Number four.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader (no physical descriptions) 
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Summary: Steve and Y/N worry about their future together after high school. (Hope that's a good enough summary...)
Word count: 2,9k
Warnings: Based in season 2 Steve, Nancy and Steve never dated, underage drinking, drunk reader, Steve being kind of a douche, little angst?? Mostly fluff though. Also, like one curse word. (English is NOT my first language)
A/N: Hi! So, this is my first fic…I´m very excited but also super nervous. I wanted to write this because Steve reminds me a lot of Pacey Witter, one of my favorite characters ever so I thought I would do a Dawson´s Creek episode homage to a scene I love so, yeah, anyway…hope you guys enjoy! <3
Steve Harrington or King Steve as many in Hawkins High are used to calling him, he's the kind of guy to make someone nervous just by his mere presence, and don't even think about him talking to you because you will probably be left frozen to even respond. He's got the looks too, a high school version of Tom Cruise if you will, with that award-winning smile and hair that could possibly get its own talk show, Steve Harrington was the envy of many boys and girls in Hawkins.
However, Steve here was good at keeping secrets. Like the fact that he didn't like his friends and it was all a big status charade, that he and his parents never had a good relationship which made him feel lonely every time he was at his house, and that he might be the most popular guy in high school but that didn't mean it would get him out of it, high school I mean, because that's right, he keeps his below-average grades a secret from everyone. Well, maybe not everyone. There is, of course, Y/N L/N. Steve Harrington's girlfriend. When people talk about opposites attract, they might as well be talking about Steve and Y/N and their relationship. Y/N has always been a straight-A student and even if she won't admit it, she is pretty much a goody two shoes. You will never see her skipping class, except for that one time when it was Steve's birthday and she wanted to do something special and even then, she took her time to justify herself, it was his 18th birthday after all. Totally worth it, because believe it or not, Steve and Y/N are in for the long haul. They are pretty much attached to the hip at this point, and everyone knows they are Hawkins High class of '84 couple.  
 That brings us to the present. March 18th, 1984.
Y/N was sitting in her favorite coffee shop with her best friend, Nancy Wheeler. They were both drinking their not too hot, not too cold coffees. Nancy could see that Y/N was not fully present, she was most likely overthinking, she's aware that school for a senior can be hard in these couple of months; so close to graduating and not being able to get enough sleep for it.
“You shouldn't stay up all night stressing about college, you'll get in some place great. They'll give you tons of financial aid, and everything will be perfect” said Nancy trying to ease her friend's nerves that could be easily pointed out by how she was furrowing her eyebrows this whole time.
Y/N sighs looking down at her now empty coffee cup. “Yeah that's what I thought too…until yesterday.” you could tell something was really eating her up inside.
“What happened yesterday?”
“I had a meeting with the new college advisor.”
Y/N started doing that face she does when she's a little embarrassed, you know, the one where she gets her lips turning slightly up making her cheeks look even fuller. It was adorable really, not that she would ever think that though.
“So?” Nancy was waiting for Y/N to drop the bomb on her already.
While Y/N was having trouble addressing the issue until she finally said it. “I'm fourth.”
Now Nancy was trying to figure out what she meant by that. “Fourth? Four- Fourth in your class?” Nancy gasped with so much excitement that some heads turned to their table with confusion. “Y/N! That´s amazing!”
“Yeah…it's amazing…but Nancy, all the places that I thought I wanted to apply to, they're looking for people who are number four, and they're you know, concert violinists or they won the Westinghouse science prize, or they're legacies like Heather. I mean…maybe I shouldn't even bother, I--I'd probably just be wasting the application fees.”
“Come on, Y/N/N, your defeatist attitude has to go.” Nancy hated seeing her friend doubt herself like this. “What does Steve say?” she added.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows even more, if that's even possible. “Steve is barely going to graduate, I can't exactly cry on his shoulder about my tragic lack of extracurricular activities. If I tell Steve how stressed I am, he's just going to think that I'm this pathetic, whiny crybaby, you know?”
To be clear, Y/N wasn't a snitch but Nancy happened to be one of the best math tutors around in school and she always found out what students needed help, that's when she saw Steve's name, and…well she pretty much got in on the secret.
Later that week
“Look, going to one of these schools could open opportunities you've always dreamed about, right?
“Yes.” said Y/N with no hesitation in her voice.
“So, your dreams are your dreams, Y/N. You can't apologize for them. Just talk to him. You'll probably find out they're his dreams, too.”
Steve and Y/N were studying at Steve's place. Y/N wanted to help her boyfriend with his schoolwork and be ready for anything in the process. Steve, on the other hand, was just happy he got to spend some extra time with his girl.
They have been studying for a little bit over an hour now, it's around 6 in the afternoon and Steve couldn't ditch the feeling that something was bothering her. He thought that in a couple of minutes she would be talking all about it but when she kept re-reading the same page of her English book report he realized she probably wasn't. Therefor, Steve knew he needed to know what was wrong and if he could possibly help. He always felt like he owed Y/N a lot, him always thinking that she deserves better or that she's too good for him happen to be one of his deepest concerns. Of course, she doesn't feel that way in the slightest but what can I say, they are both very stubborn people. While Steve was thinking about all of this for the third time this day, he didn't realize he was staring, which of course she noticed, that's when she finally had enough.
Y/N sighs. “I found out yesterday that I'm fourth. My class rank. I'm fourth.”
“If I tell you what's bothering me, will you promise not to laugh at me, or tell me I'm insane or insist that I should just get over myself?”
As Steve got out of his thoughts, he couldn't help but smile at her nervous tone. “I think I can probably do that, yeah,” he said with a warm and inviting voice.
Steve without a second thought to his previous promise, chuckles “That's your problem? That's not a problem. If anything, that's a reason to quit studying.”
“I don't even know why I bother. I knew you wouldn't understand,” said Y/N.
Steve caught the look of sadness in her eyes and said “Ok, I'm sorry. That was bad. Can we try that again? Yeah? But this time, you've got to cut out all that stuff about being number four, 'cause I know that can't possibly be the reason you're so bothered.”
Y/N rolls her eyes and sighs, now sitting next to Steve in his bed. “Well, no, It's…it's just that I always thought that if I did well in school, that these doors would open for me, you know, and--and maybe I was just being naive. Maybe I've just set these goals that are unrealistic, and you know, certain people get into certain places because of who their parents are, how--you're not even listening.”
“Uh, no, I was listening. Look, we should just all have your problems you know? You're sitting here as a girl with one of the brightest futures on the face of the planet talking to a guy who's not going to get into any school where they don't give him his own tools.”
Y/N looks confused and sighs. “Put your shoes on. Let's go out.”
Now it was Steve's turn to look confused. “Out? We can't go out.”
Y/N stands up looking for that baby blue top that she loves and always leaves at Steve's. “Yeah, we can.”  
“You know, just when this conversation starts to get emotionally complicated you want to bail. Who’s the guy in this relationship?”
Y/N turns to him and with an unbothered look says “You are, and like the guy, you have a choice. You can either stay here and prove how insensitive you are, or we can go to Amy's un-birthday party.”
“Right…I'll get my shoes.” with that, Steve knew in his gut he was in for a long night.
Arriving at the party you could tell everyone was already pretty wasted. It was the first big party of the year after all.
Steve and Y/N enter the house and instantly guys start to greet Steve while the girls were whispering behind Y/N's back. That was something she will never get used to.
 “We came for your immortal soul. That is if you got one.” Y/N mimicked his smile from earlier earning a very dramatic eye roll from Tommy.
Going to the kitchen the couple met with the voice of Tommy H, a grade-A asshole in Hawkins High and of course one of Steve's friends.
“Harrington. I knew you couldn't resist a party.” He says with that smug smile that you just want to wipe off his face. He then turns his head slightly to see Y/N, and let’s just say they don't get along. “I see you've brought the prim reaper.” He said with an annoyed look, they have hated each other since they can remember, and dating Steve definitely didn't change that.
Finally, Steve decided to cut in, “Actually I just want a drink.” he said with no emotion in his voice whatsoever.
Steve takes the cup away from her as fast as he can. “Oh, no, no, no. I don't think so. It is a proven fact, that you, madam, cannot hold your alcohol.”
“Mm-hmm. Here's one for you and for you.” Tommy directs the second drink at Y/N.
Y/N scoffs. “So let me get this straight, you can drink at parties, and I can't?” Oh oh, rocky territory.
“Yes, because as you so rightly pointed out, I am a guy, and if I'm going to get in trouble for being a guy, I think I should at least get to act like one every once in a while.”
At this point, Y/N looks at him with this fake agreement look which makes Steve self-conscious, that couldn't be a good sign. “You know, with your advance permission and approval. Of course, I wouldn't, you know, do it without asking first.”
 Later that night…
“That's fine.”
“That's fine?” Steve was waiting for the shoe to drop.
Y/N's face changes to a look of calmness and unbotherness. “Yeah. We'll both be guys tonight. Cheers.” And there it was. The shoe dropped.
As expected, Y/N didn't feel like being babysitted by Steve, wouldn't that be ironic? So, tonight she lost him while spreading in the crowd of people to find one of her friends. Leaving Steve to do some finding of his own.
Tommy H. was having fun that much they knew. “Excellent. I love this girl. It's like she's trying to lose.”
Y/N was pacing around trying to find Steve and give him a piece of her mind. Her drunk mind that is. Until of course her eyes went wide in surprise.
“Strip poker. I leave you alone for 2 seconds, and you end up playing strip poker?”
Shit. Steve thought. “Originally this was just poker-poker until I started kicking his ass. Then Tommy decided to change the stakes on me, but I'm finished, now, and, uh, we can just leave.”
Oh, this was too good for Y/N to leave behind. Mocking surprise, she says “Why leave? There's a half-naked chick in the room.”
Steve knew where this was going and he wasn't really looking forward to that. “It's just a game. Up until now, nobody's taken off anything other than socks.”
“So, it's all just good, old, clean fun?”
“Yeah, exactly. Just good, clean, American guy fun.” said Steve with a smile that thought would make Y/N leave the issue alone.
“You heard me, now, what does a girl have to take off in order to play this game?” Y/N took a chair and sat down while drinking her punch.
“Mm. Deal me in.”
“Excuse me?” by now everyone was just looking at the couple and their little moment. Hawkins High most popular couple having an argument at a party? Scandalous.
“Ok, that's enough”, Steve says with an unexpected clap to make clear he was being serious. “It's time for us to leave now 'cause you see, you're drunk, you're bordering on disorderly and you are definitely insane. So, get up. Let's go. Shall we? Finished? Stand up. Let's go.” he said in a sing like voice, hoping Y/N wouldn't cause more of a scene.
“And why would I do that?” said Y/N smirking at her losing patience boyfriend.
“You want me to stand up?” Oh, Y/N was enjoying this, he thought.
“Yes, I'd like for you to stand up now.” he said faking a smile.
“Because you are forcing me to make the ultimate guy maneuver.” And before she could give him a response to what he means by that, Steve carried her on his shoulder and starting walking to exit the party.
“Steve, uh, you can put me down now, Steve. I'm fine.”
After a quiet ride full of inside thoughts from both of them, they finally arrived at Y/N's house. Steve got out of the car and went to the other door to help her very drunk girlfriend.  
“All right, you.” said Steve waiting for Y/N to get out of the car while he opens the door for her.  
“I can't walk, Steve.” said Y/N in almost a whisper like voice.  
“Before, I had to drag you kicking and screaming, but now you want to be carried? no.”
“It's a woman's right to change her mind.” says Y/N with her head out of the car.
“Ah, but tonight you're one of the guys, remember? and guys walk. So come on, number four. Out you get, watch your head.”
That's when the Y/H/C girl tried to get out of the car with her boyfriend's help. “Uh...I don't really feel so good.”
Steve scoffed. “Well, guess what? you're going to feel even worse tomorrow morning. And you still won't be any closer to getting into the ivy-covered institution of your choice.” he said with a mocking smile that didn't actually mean any harm.
“Steve. I've been doing some thinking.” Yup. this was really happening.
“Yeah. Drunk thinking…”  that made Steve nervous to say the least.
“Maybe… maybe that's not what I really want. Maybe I just want to stay here. You know, I mean--I mean, look, it's--it´s really beautiful here and...and I could just--”
“Just what? Stay here and work as a waitress all your life? Come on. Forgive me if you're losing me here, Y/N/N, but to be perfectly honest, you haven't made the slightest bit of sense all night, even before you were drunk--”
“I wanna be with you, Steve. I wanna stay and be with you.” she said with a tone of sadness in her eyes. Sure, she wanted to leave Hawkins behind for good but the idea of losing Steve because of it scared the crap out of her.
Steve sighed. “Baby, if you wanna be with me, then staying here would be a really stupid idea, considering I don't plan to be here, I plan to be wherever you are.”
Y/N's sad frown turned into a very happy drunk smile. “Really?”
Steve couldn't help but smile himself. “Yes. Really. Not that you deserve to hear such things right now.”
Y/N sighed while they finally stopped leaning on Steve's car and started walking to her house. “I know, I know. It was a very stupid thing to get drunk.”
“Yes, it was. I mean let's face it here, Y/N/N. You are destined for academic glory, and your boyfriend is circling the drain, which is a problem. In fact, that is a very big problem, but you couldn't possibly have thought that you could solve all your problems in one night, with alcohol of all things.”
“No…” said Y/N with a shy voice.
Steve decided to keep going with his thoughts. “No. Because alcohol, you know, it has that effect on problems. It just never solved them, ever. And I would hate to think that I fell in love with a moron.”
Oh, that definitely caught Y/N's attention making her turn to face her boyfriend with that drunk happy smile that she gave him earlier.
“So, you're in love with me, huh?”
“Well, not currently, no. Right now, you're just some crazy drunk girl I got to get in that door without waking up her parents, but generally speaking…yes.”
Y/N laughed. “May I kiss you right now?”
“Yes, please.” said Steve with a wide smile.
“Mm-mmm-mmm! But I'm still not carrying you.” Steve murmured between kisses.
Y/N pulled back and whispered in his ear. “Please.” with the most adorable pouty face Steve had ever seen.  
Y/N started giving him puppy eyes hoping that would convince him.  
“You can give me the eyes, it's just not gonna work.”
“Nope.” Steve laughed.
He pulled away from the kiss. “Halfway, that's it, I swear. I'm not kidding. My back's killing me here.” That made Y/N grin uncontrollably.
She started kissing him again.
“Oh, come on, honestly, you don't-- Y/N, do you think I'm gonna fall for this? Y/N/N…”
“Well, I guess since we're up here...”
Steve ended up carrying Y/N all the way to her room after he found the spare key of course. Even though he tried to act tough, there's nothing he wouldn't do for that girl.
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willowedwisteria · 3 years
I need an alternative version of the last ask (the ask that is the one that the villain reader ended up destroying everything and killing the archons by their elements,etc) . That ended up with fluff, and the genshin characters not dying. For some reason my heart wants angst, and after reading angst it just wants and au of it that is fluff.
⁂~The Embers of the Divine~⁂
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Summary -> Before Teyvat can obliterate all of the archons and themselves, you escaped by the skin of your teeth and calmed them down.
Note -> The piece that this anon is talking about is my "The ashes of the Divine" piece. Thank you to @anfre109 for helping me find it!
Genre -> Hurt to comfort
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You stared at the statue behind you in front of the cathedral. The shape of its eyes, its facial features, its body, was the same as yours. You didn't mean to copy a God, you were just born like this. You were just... you.
You didn't decide to look like a God, you didn't mean to mock anyone. All you did was walk around to receive those hateful and cold glares, glares that could kill someone because of the pressure.
Your hands and feet were bound by rope, meaning the option of escape isn't possible. It's not as if you could run anyway, there were archers from afar, lead by Amber, ready to aim their arrows right at your head.
You have more belief in their aim than your skill of escaping.
The Knights pulled you up, temporarily untying the rope clasping your feet together. They lead you to a stake, binding you to it as the crowd cheers.
Sick. Absolutely horrible.
What crime did you commit? Being born? Liking your own looks? Breathing?
"Imposter, by the grace of the gods and our divine creator, you have been given the chance to speak." Jean announces, "Choose one person to speak to."
Your eyes scan the crowd, looking for anyone that actually cared about you, that didn't treat you like shit.
"Is... Albedo here?" You call the alchemist to your side, wondering if he knows that it's his fault you're here, but... it isn't his fault you were treated as less than human.
"No. Our chief alchemist isn't present currently. Our invitation dedicated to him arrived late, so I presume that he'll be reaching late as well." Kaeya remarks, a scowl on his face.
You sigh, there goes your 'knight in shining armor'.
"Do you have anyone else you want to speak to?" Jean asks, a small look of pity shining in her eyes.
"Ah, there's... Klee. Is she here?" You ask excitedly.
Jean's taken aback reaction to your request was amusing despite your current predicament. Knights bring Klee over to your side, their swords were drawn in the case that you try anything.
"Your grace?" She looks up to you, then to the statue, pointing cheerily.
"Haha, no, I'm not the creator. I wouldn't be treated like this if I was."
"No way! You have to be their grace, you look exactly the same!" Klee comments, "If you really aren't their grace, then how do you look so similar to them?"
Chuckling, you continue your conversation with her, you wanted your last moment to be the happiest. "I was born like this. I never thought I would look so similar to a high and mighty god."
"Really? Klee wonders if she also looks like another God?"
"Well then, you're going to have to keep searching then! I found out I looked the same to the creator by just walking around and breathing!"
"Then Klee should do the same, right?" Klee asks, her hands on her hips, a grin on her face.
The Knights pull Klee away, not wanting Klee to befriend you. You smile, trying to wave at the girl with your bound hand. Klee waves at you, a bit sad that she has to leave.
Now, the real ceremony began, the archons surrounded you with a lighted torch in hand.
You could see their excitement, you could see how little you meant to them through those wicked smiles plastered onto their smug faces. It made your gut twist and turn.
As the crowd counted down from 5, you looked up, smiling. Death was cruel, but it was better to be dead than to live being ostracized and hated.
"One!" The crowd screamed as the archons threw their torches under your feet, fire starting to burn your toes. Beads of sweat ran down your face. Was it the heat or your fear of death? You couldn't tell and you didn't really care.
People began throwing their own firewood, fueling the fire. You couldn't move, you tried.
Plants escaped through the corners of the tiles below you, reaching over to you as your felt your feet scorching. What are you saying? Could you even feel your feet anymore?
"Teyvat?" You whispered, looking at the plant as its stem began burning with you. The crowd looked at it in confusion and shock. "It's okay, there's no need to burn yourself trying to help me."
Fluttering your eyes shut your head leaned against the stake behind you, tears streaming down your cheeks as you felt the leaves of the plants brush against your skin.
"Quickly!" Albedo called out, pushing the crowd away and creating a clear path for Mona to rush through.
Mona had a gut feeling that there was something off about you, but the stars gave her a more clear answer to follow. "The opposite of an imposter accused of sinning despite being the one sinned against."
Albedo telling her about him bringing you to Teyvat only confirmed her suspicions.
"Albedo! Mona! What is the meaning of this?!" Lisa calls out, her catalyst out, ready to attack the pair.
As Mona uses her hydro vision to put out the fire, Albedo explains the situation, loud and clear for even you to hear.
"I was able to bring the creator to our world. I brought them to the entrance of Mondstadt and returned to my lab, thinking that the people of Mondstadt would recognize their grace. It seems like my prediction was incorrect."
Lisa's face paled and the crowd went dead quiet. Hydro and Cryo wielders began using their vision to put out the fire as people began bringing buckets of water over.
Oh, how the tables turn.
Once the fire was put out, the burns on your feet were painfully obvious, you were untied from the ropes binding you to the stake.
You fell into Albedo's arms, unable to properly walk because of the pain stinging in your legs. Healers surrounded you as a small plant touched your face.
"I'm okay. Don't worry."
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Tag list: @lunavixia, @xyliope, @bardisipatos, @yourfaveisblack, @darling-rikafu, @anfre109 (Sorry for tagging you twice), @under-a-starry-night, @karmawonders, @irethepotato
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celestialnocturnes · 3 years
a message to my youth (reply 1988 thought dump)
warning: this isn't meant to be a coherent review or commentary on reply 1988. i literally just finished the kdrama a few moments ago and i want to preserve what i'm feeling through this entry. this is only a cathartic attempt to show how the kdrama had impacted me in so many ways. also, spoilers!
to the things that are already gone. to a time that has already passed, i want to say a belated farewell. goodbye, my youth.
watching a kdrama wasn't in my top priorities this year, but things that used to be a part of you would demand to be revisited sometimes. i'm glad that i did, and i'm thankful that it was reply 1988.
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taking a nostalgic look at the year 1988, this kdrama tells about the story of five families in a humble block in ssangmun, seoul. for someone born 12 years after the setting, the plot is something strange, a history lesson in the lens of simple households. for someone in the limbo between careless youth and adulting, and someone born in an asian family, this kdrama will feel like home.
culturally speaking, reply 1988 was a beautiful exposition of how asian households run. what got me hooked to continue the drama was the endless saga of giving dishes to neighbors in the first episode. funnily enough, all families ended up having a feast of each house's dinner on their tables.
from a mouthwatering display of korean side dishes, to the trends of 1988 korea (back when jyp himself was a hit lolz jk), to the endless neighborhood gossips, to the flawed and conservative views on politics, and to the tight-knitted family dynamics — one would find this hilarious and relatable, informative even.
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reply 1988 was a lot of things, but its casts hold a special place in my heart. the gang had so much love between them and it was so beautiful to see a pure friendship evolve through the years. i wish i could still have loud dinners and drunken nights with my friends when we get into our careers. I would love that.
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sung deok sun, the optimistic figure in the group, was a ray of sunshine to me even as a viewer. i love deok sun because her spirits were never faltered by her failures and her status in life. my personality is sooo far from deok sun's, but she was relatable to me when she said she didn't know what to do in her life. she doesn't have a dream, i have a lot of them. even so, the uncertainty is there. i guess we all figure things out in the end. deok sun became a flight crew and was able to earn money for the family. i can't wait to figure out my own path, too.
dong ryong, being deoksun's self-proclaimed soulmate faced the same journey. despite not getting into a prestigious university, it's amazing how he was able to establish his own restaurant and even expand branches! makes you really think that not everything in life can be solved by good grades. honestly, i wish i have his street smarts and wisdom. what a powerful person i would be, then.
jung hwan was the man of few words in the group. he showed his affections not through words, but through his actions (and teases for deok sun). his love language would definitely be acts of service! i love jung hwan. he was a good son, brother, and friend. i aspire to have the kindness that he has. but oh dear heavens i would kill just to see how his love life would unfold had he faced the courage to confess to deok sun. i mean, come on! just be straightforward! they would honestly make a good pair, the ray of sunshine girl and the cold guy.
choi taek, the professional go-gamer, was the baby of the group. like jung hwan, he was a man of few words, except that taek was actually shy. his growth through the series was perhaps the most apparent. his innocent image was eventually changed by the way he picked up curse words from the gang, to his smoking, and to his openness of affection for his family and later on, deok sun. also, his character made me fall in love with park bo gum and his smile!
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before i go to the next two characters that i associate myself with, i would also like to comment on the household parents of the block. the fathers here have different personalities, but their identities as providers of the house defined the way they act. they keep a tough act and may be distant to their children, but the love is there even though they don't really know much about the household.
and the mothers, oh dear, the mothers. my mom is not a working entity, but i've seen her struggle through the years. i think her burdens are even heavier than that of my dad's. the way this kdrama portrayed the stories of the mothers touched my heart so much that i couldn't stop my tears. never underestimate a woman's strength, i tell you.
from these figures, i learned so much about adulting and marriage. our parents miss their parents, too. our parents would always worry about us, no matter how old we are. our parents are trying to keep everything together, so they put up a tough front. our parents' wishes are devoted to their children. our parents just want the best life for us. not only us are growing old, but our parents, too. our parents want our attention, too. our parents do not have the perfect marriage, but they would do anything for their children. our parents love us deeply.
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okay, here goes my reflection in the kdrama — sun woo and sung bora. initially, i was planning to write an entry only about bora, but i realized that i am in many ways alike to sun woo as well. both characters are the eldest children of the family and they face a lot of pressure in their respective families. both characters sacrificed their dreams because they are limited to what their families can afford. sung bora took math education despite her dreams as a prosecutor. sun woo took medicine because that was what his mom wanted. as for me, i chose a course that would promise a stable salary. i dreamed to work in the field of science or writing, but both paths have unstable pays in this country. i do not come from a well-off family, so i have to set my dreams aside.
bora and i do not share the same personality. hers was aggressive and frank, mine was the opposite. even so, i found a piece of my soul in her character because she was steadfast in her goals and was very understanding of her family's situation. she was the cream of the crop in the siblings, the only one who became a student in the premier university, the talk of the neighborhood. she had strong political stances that made her own parents almost disown her, but she was never sorry for it. when it comes to little things, bora had so much privacy over her things that she would get mad at the slightest unauthorized touch of it. oh dear, if that wasn't me.
sun woo, on the other hand, was nearing my male counterpart. he cares so much about his mom and his sister that he hated the thought of the former working. he was the model student, the one with the straight a's, and the one who acts professionally even with the internal turmoil of emotions. he never opposed his mother's wishes and he loved his sister dearly. he would always hold his feelings in, but gets weak in the arms of a loved one. based on his upbringing and firm values, you would also see how he respects women. i love it.
these two never worked out at first because they prioritized their dreams above romance, but i'm so, so happy that they got together in the end.
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reply 1988 was perhaps one of the best slice of life shows that i've ever seen. i wish i had watched this when i was younger, because it would teach you so much about family, love, dreams, friendship, and growing up. the pacing would feel kind of slow because of its movie-length episodes, but i swear it was worth it.
to the youth that i was, thank you for building the youth that i am.
to the youth that i am, enjoy the uncertainty and strive to be a better version of yourself.
to the youth that will be, may you never lose the spark inside your heart no matter how old you are.
i will hear your reply in time.
most ardently,
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nctrsn20 · 3 years
[just a heads up but trigger warning for the Dreamies + Shorato&Sungchan]
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POSITION ― Leader-Boss of DREAM, All Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [colleagues to lovers]
I swear Mark is exactly like Peter Parker
now introducing the boss and leader of DREAM, Mark Lee
a young, handsome and polite man which all girls kind of having a thing for him (both in the mafia organization and in school)
but when it comes to work, he is a mixture of Kun and Taeyong
he is nice like Kun but he doesn't take bullshits just like Taeyong (and he gets pretty scary when his love ones especially his bestfriend are involved in his businesses - expect Mark not to be nice and probably knowing he is going to kill you by the end of the night)
very hard-working individual
he jumps from helping 127 and to be Dream's leader, basically helping the young ones and lead them - he HAS A LOT of plate to handle but he is lucky that he has Haechan to relate to
but there is someone he would easily get everything and anything out of his chest and that would be Mark's best friend and crush
she knows everything about Mark - vice versa and how did they know each other? well, they kind of met thanks to Lee Taeyong (you see, Mark's bestfriend is Taeyong's sister)
they met in Taeyong's company building where all 23 members work at and tbh it was iconic because she came in barging into the level where the 23 members located - that area is strictly prohibited to outsiders and ONLY a few staff could enter (and Mark plus some of the 127 members were there at that point of time and strangely they just asked Mark to lead her when he doesn't even know her, but it looks like the older members knew her because they kind of greeted her nicely and cutely which is rare to see the older ones do that)
and ofc gentleman+awkward Mark lead her to where Taeyong is and from there, Mark finds out that she is Taeyong's sister (Mark feels dumb but it's okay bcs she actually doesn't introduce herself as Taeyong's sister for safety reasons - it was weird for Mark, he kept on bumping onto her even when she visited Taeyong for both business purposes and for siblings time)
he also finds out that she went to to same college as him (as well as the other Dream members' partners, it was all a coincidence that Mark's crush is friends with the other Dream members' partners)
and because she is Taeyong's sister, she would always be invited to parties that are made by Taeyong or the other members. (in result all of them became friends and consider a family, she is even friends' with all 23 members' partners - she is a social butterfly)
whenever they are talking in the corner of the room, the older members would look at her and Mark - observing Mark from far and they kind of guessed that Mark somehow likes her, just seeing the way his body language shows
they are right, Mark indeed likes her ever since she kind of confronted Taeyong on giving Mark missions back to back (Mark finds out that it lead into a huge argument between her and Taeyong - actually everyone finds out they were screaming in Taeyong's office till Taeyong's girl and a few of the 127 members had to step in)
and let's just say Mark is a HUGE mess ever since he sees her as his crush (Haechan would always push him to confess to her but the leader would always stutter - like how can you easily shoot someone on the head but can't even say 3 simple words?)
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POSITION ― Sniper, [Main] Weapon Expertise
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [high school friends to lovers]
the weapon expertise and a skilled shooter that was acknowledged by Johnny
our Renjun has a tiny wincy incy bit of temper but is tolerable (usually Mark would easily calm him down but we ALL know who is the one who could just calm down his emotions with just showing herself up)
honestly, Renjun is mostly calm with the 23 members but when it's only the Dream members or they are in a meeting, in the end of the day he would either argue with Haechan or Mark about a mission or business
but when it involves physical fight (not with the Dream members though, they always have a soft spot no matter how things get tough), no one could stop Renjun other than his best friend
both of them are friends ever since high school and she was literally his ride or die friend which turned into his crush best friend (Renjun was known to be a tsundere in school and she was well, we will get to her story in her own part, a girl version of Lucas but she is more tone down and she dates the popular ones back in high school)
fast forward to college where all the Dream members attended (and so as their partners), she and Renjun as usual are close as ever not until she dated a guy that was lowkey rivals with Renjun - basically the Huangs'
it was obvious he dated her to get NCTs' information but here is the thing, she doesn't hang out in NCT's residence that much (due to her work and school stuff, she was somehow naïve)
fast forward Renjun and the rest of the members find out that the guy cheated on Renjun's best friend and things went down yall (Renjun got into a fist fight with him and ofc the Dreamies had to call her and that's when things literally went downhill)
she and Renjun got into a huge argument, it's just messy until Renjun couldn't take it anymore and literally shouted those 3 words which is 'I love you' and our homegirl is shook (and Renjun started avoiding her and she just went to NCT's residence crying after Mark and Haechan spill everything to her - Dream members couldn't take it anymore after seeing Renjun basically crying and just wasn't himself for a few weeks)
according to Mark and Haechan, Renjun told them that he has always like her every since high school and till now, his feelings never change - he likes how confident she is, how protective and caring she is (and to Renjun, the way she flirts with him was different from how she flirts with other guys) although she had did things that break his heart (dating others, basically seeing her in campus)
he really loves her that he would kill someone if they wants her head
and let's just say at the end of that day, our homeboy Renjun got a kiss that he always wanted, which was on the lips - and from there, both of them worked things out and now we have a bad-ass couple
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman [hand to hand combat expertise]
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [best friend to lovers]
now let's welcome the hitman of the group, Lee Jeno
to be honest, he is considered an all-rounder BUT Taeyong acknowledges him to be a hitman after seeing him basically attacking and ending up killing one of Taeyong's enemies with just his bare-hands
mind-blowing because Jeno is the quietest and somehow calm and to know he could just kill someone with a pair of hands? damn
it was insane to see his duality that the 127 members could only look at Jeno with open mouth (they were shookth) and of course everyone knows not to make Jeno angry or being in his red list
one day, somehow rumors got into the kids in the mafia school that Jeno murdered someone and out of a sudden kids started to gang up on him
though mostly the Dream members as well as their partners back up Jeno (since Dream members know the exact story) and most of them were willing to get hurt just to protect their friend, but Jeno would tell them to stay out of it
but of course one wouldn't listen to him and let's welcome our savior of Jeno's life, his best friend aka his crush ever since they were in middle school
his crush is a sweet individual and most people were quite weirded out to see him getting along with her, both of their personalities kind of the opposite (they didn't know that the reason why they are able to be friends, much more than friends - best friends)
will explain more about his crush istg i love Jeno's girl Jeno secretly loves her bad-ass/aggressive side which was the day when sadly, his crush gets nearly expelled - so what had happened was Jeno got into a fist fight with a group of boys and there was a commotion obviously which lead Jeno's crush and her friends (which were Dream's partners) to the area
basically Jeno was being ganged up and beaten - her friends were shook that she decided to get involved which was rare and seeing how aggressive she got when she shove one of Jeno's attacker and started throwing out strong punches to the point when the boy screamed bloodily (and her friends had to hold her back, it was so sudden and frightening to see the look she gave)
and all of them was basically sent to the principal's office and let's just say Kun was being called too (he is the dean of the college they are attending) - and everyone receives punishment equally but the group of boys who gang up on Jeno were given much more heavier punishment
the next thing happen that made all of the Dream members step aside was hearing harsh words coming from Jeno as a result the two of them were shouting at each other in frustration until one of them accidentally said 'i love you'
but those words weren't coming form Jeno - it was from her (it was all a sudden but she meant it)
let's just say at the end of that argument, both of them shed more tears in each other arms and getting a kiss on the lips - and a full-time committed relationship
now knowing that jeno thought he knows her best friend-lover too well until he somehow figured out a secret that she has been keeping from him and everyone around her for too long
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, All-Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [acquaintances to lovers]
the troublemaker and an all-round (just like Mark)
he and Mark runs from 127 to Dream back and forth and he is positioned to do all kinds of roles (sniper, assassin, hitman, decoy) according to Mark and Taeyong's instructions
very loud individual and you can hear him screaming or just talking in full-caps somewhere in NCT's residence (Taeyong, together with Kun and Mark actually made their own residence - combining three huge houses together as their home, a place for the ones who doesn't a place to live or when there are missions back to back so 127, WAYV and DREAM has their own houses but the fun part is that their houses is just the opposite of each other)
and interestingly all of sudden he became strangely quiet whenever a very familiar looking girl walks into NCT's residence together with the other older members along with their partner's
you see, Haechan has a huge crush on Jungwoo's and Jaemin's partner's sister and although they were in the same circle of friends, she and Haechan didn't talk much and that's because she is a busy girl while Haechan is too shy to make the first move
but all that shyness has to be put down when Taeyong gave Haechan work to do which was to become the bodyguard to her (apparently her sisters were in danger which lead to Haechan's crush being involve too)
basically they started talking and both were becoming more comfortable with each other that Haechan would always hangs out with her in school and be clingy to her and as usual being his usual loud self (and she is the only one who can keep up with Haechan's clinginess which the other members would call her if they couldn't handle him)
when Haechan started to realize he is in love or already fell for her is when he was summoned into the meeting room with 127 (and for the first time, Jungwoo wasn't there and that's because he was in another country, on a hide out with his girl), telling Haechan that a group of syndicate is trying to kill his crush's bloodline (apparently her family has a lot of hatred just because they have the most gold-basically-rich which is ridiculous)
so she was forced to stay in NCT's residence (together with her younger sister whom were just a few months younger which would be introduce as Jaemin's partner) and by then Haechan already confirmed his feelings for her after they kind of cuddled together as well as having the deep talk regarding her life and it's just different
and when Haechan thinks the situation was eased down and thinking that he could make his move, turns out it was the opposite of what he thinks - and to summarize, his crush end up being the hostage making ALL of NCT members' to move their feet after seeing Haechan basically turn into rage
Haechan was a mess alright, he was mad, frustrated, kind of pissed with himself and also scared (at the end of the day, he was the savior of the night - he was the one who personally took her out of the basement of where the syndicate lives)
the rest was history with interestingly her being the first one to confess to him and Haechan making the first move on kissing her right in front of the members (iconic)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
the deadly cute hitman of the group (well Chenle, Jisung and Shotaro are cute but they are different type of cute)
while Jeno is more to a hand-to-hand hitman, Jaemin uses Renjun's newly made weapons on his targets (and again, Jeno and Jaemin are somehow soulmates - they work together, hangout together)
although Jeno is always with him, school somehow separated them since they were taking different subjects (this is in high-school) and that's how he gets to meet his crush, which is also a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner in a not-so-good situation
Jaemin is known to be that cute introvert individual who does his own thing and sadly, boys who had jealousy of Jaemin's good looks would find ways to tease him or just made fun of him (Jaemin would usually shrug them off and Jeno would always be the one to back him up)
until one day when Jaemin steps out of the school building and he was randomly pushed down and all he remember was huge throbbing on his head from being kicked and punched then hearing groans and yells from the boys before passing out
and when he woke-up kind-of, he saw blurry image of Taeyong, Jeno and a girl in a corner, he couldn't see her face clearly but all he could remember was she had a blonde hair and she was wearing a leather jacket (and he passed out again poor Jaemin he wasn't in a good condition)
Jaemin would return to school a few days later and strangely, there were new rumors regarding a girl, that was also mentioned with Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner's names, coming back and of course as a NCT member he put two and two together (she was the one who save him and she is the sister to both of Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner and they are known to be well-known in their own ways, especially the youngest one. it would be explain in her own profile/moodboard)
honestly during lunchtime, they would make a few eye-contact from far. Jaemin as usual with Jeno and the Dream members while she was in her own clique (this is before she joined Elinovas Angel, she had her own clique in high school)
the reason why Dream members didn't approach her nor her clique or herself is because both groups are kind of rivals secretly (but all of them are chill though and THAT IS BECAUSE of her saving one of the Dream members so it's a win-win situation)
the first time Jaemin approach her was when she was just minding her own business in the cafeteria, sitting alone, reading a paper while munching an apple (apparently the way Jaemin approach kind of her made her choke slightly, causing her to almost fell from her back and that's when Jaemin perfectly caught her, IN his arms all of a sudden it's like a k-drama or something) let's just say they were lost in each others eyes with her basically yeeting out of his arms with a flushed face
THAT was the moment when they kind of were attracted of each other
the rest of high school days were actually pretty memorable because he actually made friends with her BUT in secret , thanks to Taeyong and the older member's parties, Jaemin had his chance to make her trust him as they had this cute bond with each other since she attended the events as a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partners (Jaemin already consider her as his best friend maybe more than that, he is still confused with his own feelings)
but things started to get out of hand nearly graduation when all of a sudden Jaemin and Dream members were being approached by her clique, needing Jaemin's help that one of their members which was Jaemin's best friend/crush was being held hostage (and everyone was shocked to see how Jaemin's face turned from normal to rage - he literally ran out of the school compound)
within an hour with Jaemin rushing to Taeyong and getting the information he needs, Jaemin founds her and he was horrified after seeing her body literally laying on the basement and she looked like she was beaten (Jaemin was crying when he was driving his way to NCT's residence - everyone was shook to see him cry because in every missions they did, he had never show his vulnerable side, this was the first and it isn't even a mission tbh)
he would stay by her side - he even neglected his own daily needs. he wouldn't leave her side even when the Dream members or the older members would softly ask him to eat or take a rest. that was the moment when everyone figured out that Jaemin loves her (it was obvious with the way Jaemin looked at her sleeping face - and deep down, Jaemin even knows he care for her, adored her and love her)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
IMPORTANT FRIEND ― Felix Lee (Stray Kids)
the cute and sassy tech specialist
if Jeno and Jaemin are a pair, Chenle is with Jisung (the two youngest were assigned to be the tech specialist, at the same time the main guards of NCT's residence so they are always in front of multiple PCs' and they are the ones who would accept outsiders in - that's how much Taeyong trust the youngests)
Chenle loves his job tbh that's because he get to plan out booby-traps for unwelcome visitors and most of them would be killed instantly by Chenle and Jisung's booby-traps (the older members were shookth to see a few dead bodies in front of their main door - and they found out Chenle and Jisung had used Yangyang's poison air-gas and somehow put them in balloons)
being tech specialist, he rarely comes out to do missions since Taeyong doesn't allow him and Jisung too - but when Taeyong or Mark really needs a last minute back-up, that would be Chenle (the young one has his own back-up team)
until one day, a unfamiliar girl and obviously unwelcomed ran into NCT's residence - there are multiple CCTV's in their residence (they could even see what's going on WAYV and 127 residence) and it was weird to Chenle because he couldn't recognize her since he knows everyone who is somehow friends and are associates to the 23 members
so instead of as usual activating the booby-traps, Chenle's guts tell him to go out there personally armed with a gun and asking Jisung to keep a watch out and in the end his guts were right (it was Winwin's younger sister whom Winwin himself didn't talk much since she is always abroad and she looked pretty terrified)
now the thing about Chenle is he isn't too friendly with people he doesn't know EVEN though they are friend with the other members (except for the Elinovas Angels, Chenle really really treats them like his own guardian/older sisters) but strangely, he didn't know why he has this feeling of wanting to protect her - seeing how fragile she look at that exact moment (dude Chenle was concern, she looked like she was crying on the way here and he actually guided her to WAYV's residence since she barged into DREAM's)
and after that night, Chenle strangely kept thinking of her and in result of him asking Winwin what is going on and he was shook to find out his biological sister was about to be in a arranged married with a psychopath and an abuser (and without thinking Chenle started to give out plans and he didn't realise Winwin was shook to hear how concern he is because Chenle IS NEVER to be the one to get in others business)
Winwin being the good older brother actually listens to Chenle and one was to ask her to stay in NCT's residence and to ask her to enroll into where Dream members are currently studying in which was Kun's college (eventually she enrolled and all of the Dream's partners' are sweet enough to greet her, making her comfortable as she joins the group and eventually Elinovas Angels)
everyday, Chenle sticks to her and both of them are already comfortable with each other, not knowing what was about to come in the future
and one frightening day, Chenle receives a hand-written letter from her and he came running almost crying to Winwin about what was written - he was shocked and hurt that she decided to surrender after receiving threats regarding to attack NCT's residence and Taeyong's company building (what he didn't tell Winwin is that she actually wrote a separate letter for Chenle, confessing that she actually fell for him - he was nice, patient and just his own self unlike other mafia man she knows. she also revealed that if she stayed longer, she would fall completely for Chenle)
that part actually made Chenle hurt the most, he could just cry on the spot but his mind was much faster to run to Winwin to save her from doing something stupid (which was marrying that bastard)
for the first time, out of all missions, he decided to personally rescue her along with WAYV members
iconic and everyone sees Chenle's protective and loving side, he is lowkey to his own members but for the first time, everyone could see his vulnerable side openly (and expect to see Chenle calming the almost raging Winwin and his sister who almost gonna cry and that made Chenle kind of more protective)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [childhood friends to lovers]
another cute tech specialist but Jisung is somewhat an angel while Chenle is the devil ajaja
an introvert so Taeyong decided to put him as the tech specialist, together with Chenle (and Taeyong sees Jisung as someone who is still a minor and although this organization is ruthless, Taeyong still cares for the young ones and wants them to be ready when they know they are ready themselves)
everyone babies him tbh and they are protective of him
even his own childhood best friend whom is a younger sister to Lucas, is protective of Jisung
this two are always together - yes, even when they are babies that's because both of their family are friends, close friends
and both Jisung's and his childhood friend's families are known for their own reputation (Jisung's would be having scary parents and hers would be having rich parents)
until one day during middle school, she approached Jisung with tears running down her cheeks - telling him that she had to go, which was to move out since something went wrong within her family business
you see middle school Jisung is different than the now!Jisung, he was happy back then, kind of cheerful although no one wants to befriend him and that's because of his childhood bff (she was always there for him, she went to his soccer tournament, she even attended all of his birthday parties)
Jisung didn't have the time to be shock nor surprised because it was that day itself where his best friend has to go (so throughout the day of his best friend's last day of school, he was being extra clingy with her, accompanying her everywhere)
he decided to follow her all the way to the airport, not surprised when his family was there too to bid their goodbyes' (kind of felt betrayed that they didn't tell him but ofc he didn't care for now since his main focus is his bff)
and everyone is shookth to see Jisung crying while hugging his bff and ofc she had to be the positive one, patting the boy's back - saying she would be back (but both of them know that isn't the case)
fast forward to 4 years later, Jisung meets her at the high school he attended along with some of the Dream members but surprisingly, she was with Lucas (he was again shook because he didn't know at that time that they were siblings and again, he felt betrayed but again that didn't matter)
Jisung didn't approach her though, that's because he didn't know what to feel (during that 4 years without being with each other, Jisung somehow went through the phase of being alone and at some point and as a result, he learn to be independent - and that's how he joined NCT)
until 2 days later where NCT and their partners' were invited for Taeyong's annual party and all of the members' siblings were invited - and from the corner, Jisung saw her along with Lucas (of course some of the Dream members have to call Jisung since the boy wasn't too attentive and Jisung swore that she looked like she didn't want to be there)
and he was right, Jisung followed her quietly - seeing her going to the swimming pool, sitting down on the edge while soaking her feet (the members encourage him to go to her though, and Jisung didn't waste any time to approach her)
the moment he said his first words and locking his eyes with hers, he was stunned on how beautiful she looks - the dim lights in the corners of the pool reflect through the water and to her (let's just say Jisung found out what had happened to her during the 4 years and he didn't know she suffered too - and they ended that conversation with an apology towards each other and hugs of comfort)
since then and fast forward to college, they were as close as ever and at some point, Jisung learnt that his best friend changed slightly (at one time, a group of boys somehow decided to tease him and she decided to step forwards and again Jisung is stunned to see that his best friend know how to fight)
and at one point of time, Jisung realizes that he is falling for his best friend when a boy in school approaches her to get her number but in the end he didn't get one (that's because she likes Jisung too hehe)
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POSITION ― Rookie Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Unavailable but In Love, Deeply [best friends to lovers]
1/2 of the A star rookies that was voted by the leaders of all 3 groups
he looks like an angel but he is more than that
he is actually good at hacking and so Taeyong decided to put him under Chenle and Jisung's care (although he is older than them, but Chenle and Jisung are more experienced)
we would wonder how Shotaro joined NCT? it was actually through his parents (unfortunately through a saddened incident of a syndicate barging into Osakis' residence, they were almost slaughtered but it was actually thanks to Yuta that they were saved - the NCT member was close with Shotaro so they keep tabs with each other)
his parents entrusted NCT on taking care of Shotaro (and since then Shotaro lives with the Dream members. he learns how to be independent with the help of the NCT members)
and with that he is immediately enrolled to schools that Kun owns (he had attended high school which when he met his now best friend)
he is a shy bub and at that time, he was already somehow a member of NCT (all rookies in NCT will definitely end up as a NCT member, and as usual all NCT members will gain huge attention in schools)
everyone was gossiping about a cute guy that looked like an otter joining the school and stuff and so Shotaro was being seen in the hallways (all girls adore him tbh, he is the only member who looks endearing - even when he doesn't smile)
Shotaro was so committed to school that he joined a club which was the basketball club ! (honestly the basketball club was shook and excited that they have a NCT member and all of them were nice and supportive guys which were rare to find)
and the cheerleaders room and basketball room is just 2 doors away from each other - guess who met one of the well-known cheerleader, yes our otter cheerleader
so what had happened was Shotaro and the boys were leaving to grab drinks and coincidentally, the door of the cheerleaders' room opens abruptly with one of the members exiting the room with her phone on her hand (and guess WHO accidentally bumped into her, yes Shotaro)
followed by hearing deep gasps and the sound of a phone crashing down on the floor, silence decided to cover the area and the first one to move is Shotaro to gather the broken phone while apologizing to her numerously (and what made Shotaro widen his eyes was hearing her answer which was "it's okay, well, at least i get to avoid my annoying older brother. don't worry the damage will be on me though")
and with that, she left quickly and the boys started started to ask Shotaro if he was okay or did she just threaten him and ofc Shotaro was confused on who they were talking about (then Shotaro was being told that she was actually NCT Johnny's adopted younger sister and they kind of had a fall out and stuff - there were rumors about her that she was being adopted and it was sad she had to find out by the rumors itself)
her face and her impression kind of stuck onto his mind that Shotaro couldn't help but steal glances towards her whenever he saw her in the hallway or during lunch (basically a tsundere to him)
according to Shotaro's point of view, she would always be seen with her own clique, in the middle of the girls who were gossiping while she was on the phone looking unbothered at the same time answering her friends (and somehow they both caught each other's eyes that Shotaro froze and as for her, she slight smiled at him before looking away *cue Shotaro panicking and feeling butterflies on his stomach*)
the next moment they met was at Taeil's party and as usual everyone was invited, which includes Shotaro - and when he arrived, guess who saw the girl looking grumpy as she followed her tall older brother? Shotaro of course (she doesn't look impressed at all as she follows her older brother as he was talking to his own friends - and at one time she slips off as she wander around)
and while Shotaro wanders to find the Dream members and her walking off making small talks with Dream members' partners, they again bumped into each other but this time she was about to fall by her back and Shotaro who has fast reflex caught her by her sides (that's when they had a FACE TO FACE eye contact and not wanting the situation to be an awkward one, she started the conversation first which lead them to exchange numbers)
which just an exchange of phone numbers, both of them became close which means they kind of know each others' habits and because she trusted Shotaro, she even told him her secrets - well not a secret since everyone found out from a rumor (Shotaro remembered that she called him in the middle of the night, as she was crying and being the gentleman he is, he came to her and they just sat on the stairs right outside of Dream's residence)
their friendship kind of grew from there till they graduate and attending the same college as the other Dream members (and of course they are accepted in the Dream clique since they know each other through the other members)
and Shotaro is slowly falling for her and everyone knows that especially the members - with how he looks at her and how he just communicates with her, he thinks he knows everything about her but there is just one secret he didn't know about her which will one day save Shotaro's life (will be revealed in her own profile)
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POSITION ― Rookie Sniper
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [childhood friends to lovers]
another A star rookie that picked by the 3 leaders
kind of opposite with Shotaro tbh
he doesn't look like an angel and he isn't an angel due to his tragic past
though he was chosen because of his skills and abilities which is a sniper, Taeyong actually found him walking mindlessly on the street
was it a coincidence? well kind of. Taeyong was actually on his way to personally kill his parents for what they did to innocent people and seeing their son walking mindlessly with blood stains on his clothes, kind of coincidence isn't it?
so Taeyong kind of took him and that's when the mafia leader knew the kid somehow just found out the truth on what his parents did and he was ashamed tbh (ofc who wouldn't be ashamed finding out your parents kidnapped children, trained them to become weapons and somehow tortured them in the middle)
and that was like 5 years ago and a year passed, Sungchan lives in NCT Dream's residence at the same time attending high school along with the other Dream members
and one fine day, his class was introduced to a new classmate and Sungchan's eyes widened as soon as he recognized that stone-cold face and his classmates were definitely a positive kind of bunch as they excitedly say their 'hi's and hello's with excitement (Sungchan was the only one who didn't say his 'hi's and 'hello's, he was froze on his seat realizing that girl is his long-time childhood friend)
one thing that Sungchan loves about his childhood which he would always hold onto that whenever someone ask him regarding his childhood was actually play-dates with his childhood friend (whom is a younger sister to Taeil's wife and to Got7's leader, Lim Jaebeom)
his parents were somehow friends with hers and that's how the play-dates started, hence they attended the same middle school (both of them were the innocent ones when it comes to their parents' works but she was smart to find out things since her parents' were assassins)
and with Sungchan escaping from his house after sneaking and hearing their conversation, and he got caught by his parents' men in result of Sungchan getting physical by stabbing them, hence he out of nowhere cut off contact with his childhood friend
Sungchan knew she still recognize him after seeing her face grew more cold, after making a 2 second eye contact as she turned away to find her seat and through-out the day, she didn't even approach him instead she just walked passed him - and that went on for a month
until he decided to approach and let's just say it didn't go well in the middle - with him grabbing her arm since she just ignore him and them basically yelling at each other but what made Sungchan stop on the 'yelling competition' is seeing her tears finally falling and in result of Sungchan crying too after hearing her confessing what she felt for the passed few years without him
and so 2 childhood friends were reunited and one fine day as they were enjoying lunch in school, all hell break loose after hearing non-stop gunshots then seeing a notorious faces of syndicates that Sungchan knew (and strangely before Sungchan decided to make his move, his childhood friend was fast enough to hold onto his hand as they make a run for it)
they were smart to realize that those men were actually after Sungchan and Sungchan couldn't even process everything that day as he only remembered arriving to NCT's residence with all of the members basically running around (basically 127 and WAYV trying to calm down the panicked Kun at the same time worrying for Sungchan and Dream members worrying for Sungchan and his friend)
a few days later, Sungchan was acting weird towards her - avoiding her at the same time not replying to her texts which made her super annoyed, that one fine Saturday night, there was a loud knocks on Dream's residence door and poor Shotaro opens the door to see her raging and wanting to talk to Sungchan who was busy playing FIFA with Jisung and Chenle on the 2nd level
sweet Shotaro guided her and the atmosphere grew tense after Jisung see Sungchan's friend standing with cold glares towards Sungchan and ofc Jisung had to nudge on Chenle and he had to nudge onto Sungchan (honestly it's comedy peak) and ofc ChenJi had to escape from that suffocating atmosphere
Sungchan knew at that moment he was going to have another 'yelling competition' but instead she just sat beside Sungchan quietly and said "please don't do that, I already lost a few people that I love. you are the last person that I don't want to lose."
and they cried in each other's' arms again after finding out the truth about what happened to her family and Sungchan found out that she knew what had happened to him back then (and so much more that Sungchan wanted her to join NCT but she can't because of Taeyong agreeing with Jaebeom on business related stuff and weirdly about her too)
so from that moment onwards till college, there were no secrets between her and Sungchan and they continue to become that type of bestfriends with Sungchan asking her to come to parties or events that the members could invite someone and she would constantly had to remind him that his older sister is married to the oldest member in NCT and of course she has to come
but there was something that Sungchan couldn't tell her face to face and he had no choice to make it as a secret - and that would be confessing to her about his feelings (which was liking her ever since they were in middle school and falling in love with her in the present time)
[ N-127 MOODBOARDS ] - [ 127'S SOULMATES ]
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