#the girl who lived harry potter x chosen one! reader
Chapter 1.2 - Train Rides and Talking Hats
Chapter 1.2 - Train Rides and Talking Hats
Pairing: Harry Potter x Chosen One! Reader
“Oi,” you spoke, feeling your jaw clench at the blond boy’s demeanour. “I’d watch what I was saying if I was you, especially considering the crap that’s spewing out of your sewage-system of a mouth.” Draco Malfoy turned his sharpened gaze toward you. “And I’d be more careful if I was you. You don’t want to make enemies with the wrong people.” “The same goes for you.”  OR: in which you hitch a ride on the Hogwarts Express and buckle up for one hell of a ride. → Set in a universe where you are the chosen one, and Harry Potter is your best friend who tries to help you navigate the woes of being the lone hero of the wizarding world. A swap au where you are the chosen one, your parents are dead but the marauders + Lily are not. Eventual Harry x Reader, slowburn, friends to lovers. Series Masterlist
.。*゚🗲.*.。   ゚*..🗲。*゚
Perhaps, if you had any less self-respect, having had a mental breakdown on the King’s Cross platform would have been your morning on the 1st of September.
The train leaves at eleven, Hagrid had told you. The Caddels had dropped you off at the station at half past ten before leaving to drop Odette off at her new school, Smeltings, they’d said.
All you were really aware of was the nifty cane that came with the uniform, supposedly used to thwack fellow peers. An excellent training for later life.
Regardless of peculiar apparels or uniform, you had now acquired a steadily rising fear that you would never be able to wear yours, if you couldn’t uncover where exactly platform nine and three-quarters situated on the station. 
There they were, right in front of you, platforms nine and ten – right there – but nowhere could you spot any semblance or notion of anything three-quarters related. The large plastic number nine leered tauntingly at you, swinging back and forth vaguely with the passing breeze.
You had pestered the guard manning the station. He hadn’t even heard of Hogwarts, and since you had no flying clue where or even what the school was, you couldn’t describe it to him. The guard stared you down incredulously, as though you were trying to be stupid (you didn’t miss how he eyed Hedwig, the name you had christened your snowy owl, who chirped irritably back at him).
It took every ounce of your remaining willpower to not snap or lunge at him and cause a scene in the middle of the station, especially when a congregation of people had formed a circle around you to observe the exchange curiously.
Apparently, according to a variety of people at the station, there wasn’t even a train that left at eleven o’clock. And to top the cherry on your fabulous sundae of anxiety and chagrin, according to the large clock situated on the arrivals board, you had a little under fifteen minutes to be seated on the train. 
You wished Hagrid had left you with more information, but when the man had dropped you back at your house and allowed you the time to blink, he had vanished.
Urgent magical business, you mused dryly. Almost like the kerfuffle of being stranded on a station with not the foggiest idea of where to go. 
Fleeting anxiety began to weave around your periphery. What if you missed the train? Were you missing something? Did you need to cast a spell? Oh, you knew you should have read the books before coming to the station. You swore at that moment to leave no page in your spell-books unturned.
You prepared to brandish your wand at the stray ticket box next to platform nine, trying your very best to formulate a spell that would divulge the presence of platform nine and three-quarters. 
In a perfectly timed turn of events, a group of people passed behind you, and you managed to glean a glimpse of their conversation.
“ – packed with Muggles, of course –
You heard your neck crack from how fast you wheeled around. Muggles. You had never been happier to hear a single word. The speaker was a stout woman, to an audience of about five red-headed children. Four boys and a girl, who from the conversation that ensued, you discovered was too young to attend Hogwarts just yet.
You turned your hawk-like stare toward ‘Percy’, the oldest boy, as he dashed toward the brick wall of platform nine, pushing his trolley along with him. Wincing, you closed your eyes so you wouldn’t see him and all of his school supplies crash onto the floor. 
Miraculously, though, when you peeled your eyelids back open, the boy was gone.
As were the twin brothers, Fred and George (or did their mother say George and Fred?). 
There was only one more boy left; a tall – though that entire family seemed to be on stilts – lanky, deeply freckled one. If you wanted to know where the sons were disappearing to, this was your final shot.
“Hey!” you called out, dragging your trolley behind you as you approached the remaining members of the red-headed family. Then, realising how the abruptness of a random girl yelling at someone may be perceived as rude, you decided to dial back your advances. “Hi, sorry. Do you happen to know how to –”
“How to get on to the platform?” she said kindly. “No worries at all, dear. Is this your first time at Hogwarts? Ron’s new, too.” 
She pointed at her last son. He had dirt on his nose. You tilted your head slightly toward him in greeting, but your mind, however, was still hyper focused on how the clock was dwindling closer and closer to eleven.
“Pleasure,” you smiled, desperation beginning to blemish your voice, evident as it began to inch one or two octaves higher. “So, er, I’m hoping that you do know how to get to the train?”
“That’s right,” she said. “All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don’t stop and don’t be scared you’ll crash into it, that’s very important. Go on, go now before Ron.”
You ruffled the collar of your shirt, which was looking far too neat and sophisticated (and therefore, not nearly as charming as you liked it to be). “Thanks, Miss.” 
You sucked in a deep breath before gathering your courage and sprinted toward the very solid, opaque looking barrier of platform nine and three-quarters. 
As you were running, you realised you were almost there – and then, quite suddenly, you weren’t. 
Rather, you now found yourself underneath a sign that read Hogwarts Express, 11 o’clock.
Permeating through a brick wall was yet another box to check from your list of magical experiences. Twice, actually, if you counted the entrance to Diagon Alley. Odd was it indeed, but it was your odd now, and you lest let anyone try and rob you of it. 
You stood in awe, head on a swivel as you examined the new environment. A mammoth of a train, one whose size could only be attributed to the slight of one’s magical hand, with smoke seeping out of its charcoal chimneys, stood tall against the crowded stage of the station. 
You turned around to see if the red-headed family had made it through as well, and sure enough, there they were. The woman was still looking at you, and when you waved at her, her face split into a soft smile and she returned the gesture.
You swept your dishevelled hair to the side – it had tousled itself into a heaping mess sometime during your episode on the other side of the train station. 
You only registered the consequence of this action when the red-headed woman’s eyes widened, and as an abrupt muteness circulated throughout the platform, capitulating the vocal cords of what seemed to be every single man, woman and/or child present there at that very moment. 
Families that were once bidding their children goodbye, lovingly caressing cheeks or smoothing down fly-away hairs, or families who were once loading trunks onto compartments, were now reacting in an identical fashion of the same scene that had transpired at the leaky pub; normal chatter was extinguished, and murmurs crept around the platform like an amateur thief in a treasure trove.
“The lightning scar!”
“Is that – oh, my sweet Merlin, it is!”
“Oh – where –?!”
“Move! Let me get a glimpse!”
“Look, over there!”
“(Y/n) (L/n)!”
You stiffened slightly under everyone’s combined gazes, the abruptness of this changing you off guard. But, as quickly as the alarm had rippled into your body, it had dispersed out. 
A smirk split your face, and you nodded toward the woman closest to you (who promptly went pink and near-fainted) as a way to acknowledge that you acknowledged their sudden interest in you. You heard someone chuckle at your brazenness, and a few more flurries of whispers burgeoned from other by-standers.
During the time it took for you to jostle your trolley into an empty carriage near the back of the train, the number of people actively tracking your every move had died down, though only by a fraction. From the corners of your eyes, you could still see the odd third-year trying to estimate how many laces you had on your shoes, no doubt so he could pester his parents into getting the same. 
(You kept to yourself that they had previously belonged to Odette, however, as you seriously doubted anyone wanted to know that (Y/n) (L/n), hero of the wizarding world, still wore hand-me-downs.)
Unfortunately, it seemed that although you possessed the power to terminate the reign of the darkest and most powerful wizards in history, you had apparently not attained the muscles required to heave your trunk up the stairs onto the Hogwarts Express. You stumbled back, cursing as you reeled from the pain that rocketed through your foot after you dropped your trunk on your toes.
“Want a hand?” 
You looked up. It was one of the red-headed twins, from that family you had met before.
“Yes,” you said almost immediately. “Er, please.”
“Oy, Fred! C’mere and help!”
The three of you managed to successfully store your trunk into the corner of your compartment. Before you could thank the twins for their help, though, one of the twins pointed at the spot on your forehead where the thin lightning-shaped scar donned your skin. 
“You’re (Y/n) (L/n),” he announced. Just like Olivander, this had not been a question, but rather a statement.
“Yes,” you straightened your posture a little higher. “That’s right. I am.”
The two boys gawked at you, and you subtly swept your sweaty hair to expose the scar even further. To your slightest dismay, however, the familiar voice of the red-headed mother drifted through the carriage before you were able to elaborate further on your battle-scar.
“Fred? George? Are you there?” Both the twins groaned at their mother’s summoning. Sparing one last glance at you, they ambled toward her call. “Coming, Mum.”
You waved the twins goodbye. Sitting down by the window, you ducked your head so you could listen to the family, who were still on the platform, whilst being half-hidden at the same time. Their mother had scourged out a handkerchief and was furiously scrubbing at Ron’s nose to rid the smudge of dirt that laid upon it.
You watched with amusement as Ron tried to lurch away before being caught in his mother’s iron-fisted clutches once again.
“Mum – geroff!”
One of the twins snickered, leaning close to Ron. “Aaaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?” 
“Shut up!” You saw the oldest of the red-headed siblings saunter towards his family, already draped in his robes. A shiny red and gold badge was pinned onto his chest, with the letter P engraved onto it.
“Can’t stay long, Mother,” he said stiffly. “I’m up front, the Prefects have got two compartments to themselves –”
“Oh, are you a Prefect, Percy?” One of the twins gasped, bringing his hands to his face in disbelief. “You should have said something, we had no idea.”
“Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it, once –”
“Or twice –”
“A minute –”
“All summer –”
You huffed a laugh at the back and forth going between the family. Percy the Prefect’s face was starting to sport a lovely bright, irritable shade of red. 
“How come Percy gets new robes, anyway?” queried one of the twins.
“Because he’s a Prefect,” their mother smoothed Percy’s already-perfectly-smoothened hair fondly. “All right, dear, well have a good term – send me an owl when you get there.” 
She sent him off with a kiss. 
You sunk back into your seat. For some reason, the jovial atmosphere you’d felt upon discovering the magical platform had now become strangely dampened. 
Call it a moment of weakness, sure – but in that moment, you wished that you could have a mother. A mother who would dote on you like that or who would comfort you. 
But, as soon as that looming train of thoughts had festered, you vanquished them from your mind – the other kids could keep their affectionate mothers who waved them goodbye as they left, the same, in fact, would go for their superficial, gentle-natured fathers; you had your fame and that topped any shred of whatever they may have had, whatever you were missing.
As though the red-head family were suddenly attuned with your train of thought, you heard the voice of the youngest child (the girl) pipe up. “Oh! (Y/n) (L/n) On the train? Please can I go see her, Mum, please, please…”
“You’ve already seen her, Ginny, and the poor girl isn’t something you goggle at in a zoo. Is she really, Fred? How do you know?”
“Asked her. Saw the scar. It’s really there – like lightning.”
“Poor dear.” 
Your fingers traced the pattern of the scar, not particularly enjoying the feeling of pity emanating from the family.
“No wonder she was alone. I wondered. She was ever enthusiastic, though, when she asked how to get on to the platform. I’d have thought she’d be scared, by herself…”
“Never mind that, do you think she remembers what You-Know-Who looks like?”
The red-headed mother swelled like an angry bullfrog. “I forbid you to ask her that, Fred! No, don’t you dare. As though she needs reminding of –... ”
The disarrayed ruckus of another family hurriedly barrelling onto the platform and ushering their boy onto the train, stripped your focus from the ginger group. 
Observing the mop of black hair, you realised pleasantly that it was the boy you had met at the Quidditch store that day in Diagon Alley. Closely behind him, a stressed looking woman with copper-coloured hair, followed him briskly onto the train. Your lips twitched as you noticed that she possessed the same brilliant green eyes as her son. 
The father, a carbon copy of his son, followed seconds after, carrying a tremendously large trunk onto the train. There was one more man – perhaps one of the uncles the boy had mentioned – who remained on the platform, presumably allowing the family their final moments together. He didn’t really look alike to the mother or father of Quidditch Boy’s family, so you guessed that he was probably an uncle by choice, not blood. He had sandy brown hair with substantially sized scars running down the entirety of his face and neck. There was a large, shaggy black dog beside him too, and you swore that it had winked when it saw you looking at it.
A shrill burst of steam raged outwards from the chimney of the train. You guessed that this was a warning to families that the train was about to depart right now. True to your word, just as Quidditch Boy’s mother and father practically leapt off the train carriage they’d left their son in, the train doors slammed shut, and the vehicle began dutifully chugging forward. 
Left behind now, was the platform of nine and three-quarters.
Leaning back in your seat, you exhaled roughly. This was it, the moment that marked the beginning of your journey into Hogwarts. You had no clue where you were going, but you just knew it would be good. A grand moment, you were sure, but what you were also sure of was that the next few hours on the train (or possibly days or months, who knew?) would result in you being bored out of your mind. Stuck in an empty carriage by yourself with no one to talk to – tragic – maybe it would do you some good if you popped down into one of the other carriages and try to find some other first-years.
Coincidentally, the door of the compartment was opened by none other than Quidditch Boy himself. His hair was askew, glasses lopsided and cheeks clearly flushed from the rush of trying to scramble onto the Hogwarts Express before it departed. He did not have his trunk with him, so his father was probably able to store it in time.
“Hey, again,” he flashed you a bashful smile. “Would it be alright if I could sit here with you?”
“Sure, no problem.” 
You observed him as he took the seat opposite you. He was already wearing robes of sorts, not the Hogwarts ones, judging from the lack of school emblem, but the sorts that you hypothesised would be the wizarding equivalent to a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
“Er,” he started, causing you to look over at him. “It’s nice to see you. Again.”
“Yeah.” you agreed with him, offering a lopsided smile. “Great. To meet you.” 
The compartment fell into a highly awkward silence, one that you were not at all familiar with. Back with the Caddels, or even at your previous school, you had no problem whatsoever making friends with strangers. In fact, conversation came easily to you – you weren’t the school captain for no reason, after all. So the stuffiness invading the atmosphere was most definitely unwelcome, and quite frankly, unnatural.
Thankfully the awkward cloud hanging above you and Quidditch Boy dissipated abruptly when the compartment door slid open again, revealing the tall, freckled, ginger boy, Ron.
His eyes widened when he saw you sitting in front of him. “Uh – sorry, anyone else sitting here? Everywhere else is full.”
Quidditch Boy shook his head and Ron took the seat beside them, so they were both facing you. Ron’s eyes hadn’t settled and he kept on glancing toward you and then toward the window whenever he made eye contact with you. It was amusing, his discomfort, from how often he did it.
“Hey, Ron.” The red-headed twins popped into the compartment suddenly. “Listen, we’re going back down the middle of the train – Lee Jordan’s got a giant tarantula down there.”
“Right,” said the youngest sibling.
So we’re not going to question the spider. Okay, seems good.
“(Y/n),” the other twin, the one who hadn’t been talking to Ron, turned to you. “And other Kid,” referring to Quidditch Boy, “did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. See you later, then.” The three of you said bye in unison as the twins left.
As soon as they were gone, Ron blurted out, “Can we see the scar?” You blinked at him, and he went pink, but complied anyway (you had no qualms to showing off the lightning-shaped bolt). Pulling your hair back, the scar on your forehead was revealed to Quidditch Boy and Ron.
“Wow,” breathed out Quidditch Boy. “It really does look like lightning.”
Ron was equally stunned. “So that’s where You-Know-Who – ?”
“Yes.” You grinned brightly at their awed expressions. They stared at you a couple seconds longer before Ron diverted his gaze back to the greenery flitting through the window.
“So, is your whole family magic then?” you asked Ron. 
You already knew that Quidditch Boy’s father was a pure-blood and his mother was a muggle-born, whatever that meant; you weren’t going to be the one to say you had no idea what those were.
“Quidditch Boy?” puzzled Quidditch Boy, eyebrows furrowing. 
Ah, had you said that outloud? Whoops.
You laughed, bringing a hand to your nape. “Sorry, I don’t know your name, so I’ve kind of just resorted to calling you Quidditch Boy in my mind.”
“Uh, well, I’m Harry, Harry Potter.” said Harry, smiling at you once more. 
“Nice to meet you, Harry Potter.”
Ron interjected into the conversation, for which you were grateful. The ginger boy seemed to hold the power of evaporating awkwardness with a snap of his freckles fingers. “Pure-blooded means that everyone on his father’s side is magic. I’m the same – everyone in my family is a wizard, well maybe except for my mum’s second cousin who’s an accountant, but we don’t really talk about him.”
“I get it,” you said, cupping your chin with your hand. “I’ve got no clue what I am. But I know that my father had no magic.”
“A muggle,” Ron nodded appreciably. “Well, basically everyone knows that your mother was a pure-blood, though. That makes you a half-blood like him, since you’re a mix of two bloods.” He pointed at Harry. You were slightly startled that he knew more about your family and lineage than you did yourself. Maybe you should get used to people knowing more about you, than you did yourself.
“A muggle-born’s a witch or wizard who was born from muggle parents,” continued Ron.
You tilted your head to the side. “Where does their magic come from, if they’ve got no magical blood or whatever?”
Ron looked partially affronted. “Who knows, – magic isn’t exactly something that comes in a nice little package that gets delivered to you when the time is right. All I know is that if you’ve got magic, then you’ve got it. That’s all there is to it, really.” He waved his hands about in the air for further emphasis.
This was probably a topic Ron was passionate about, as you noticed his ears flushing red under the combined blank stares of you and Harry. You decided then that if Ron were to ever wear something salmon-coloured, it would definitely wash him out. You wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between his face and his left knee.
You tried to recover from the painful silence. “You two must know loads of magic then.” 
“Not nearly enough as my mum wants me to,” said Harry.
“Hear, hear,” mumbled Ron.
“Huh. Guess that’s one good thing that comes out of being an orphan.” 
You chuckled at the uncomfortable looks on the boys’ faces. 
“I heard you went to live with Muggles,” said Ron, scratching the back of his neck. “What’re they like?”
“Alright,” you shrugged. “Not outstandingly nice or anything, but they do their job. Would be cooler to have wizarding brothers like you though.”
“Not if you’ve got five of them.” answered Ron gloomily. “I’m the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I’ve got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left – Bill was Head Boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy’s a Prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they’re really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it’s no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. I’ve got Bill’s old robes and Charlie’s old wand. I wanted an owl, but they couldn't aff – I mean, they got Percy one instead for becoming a Prefect.”
Ron’s ears went pink again. Your brain, it seemed, was temporarily delayed and was not able to formulate a response to that.
“I’m sure you’ll do better than all your brothers combined,” said Harry. 
Ron smiled gratefully at him. 
As the train rolled onward and your surroundings grew greener, you, quite helpfully, took Hedwig’s cage and placed her on the centre of the table, announcing that the first one to get nipped whilst feeding her treats would be declared the ultimate ‘Lame Loser Lord.’ 
The three of you fell into an easy conversation after that, and you barely even realised how much time had passed until a smiling, old-looking woman popped her head into the compartment and said “anything off the trolley, dears?”
With that lovely gesture, you had leapt out of your seat and essentially pounced onto the food she was offering. Your pockets were lined with wizard money now, an infinite stash really, and so there was nothing stopping you from buying three of everything she had. As such, you, Harry and Ron had to drag back the food you’d purchased before dumping it on the table.
“Hungry, are you?” said Ron, raising his eyebrows at the pile of snacks that was nearly as tall as him.
“Starving,” you grinned back.
You, Harry and Ron tore into the pasties and cakes, the mountain rapidly diminishing by the second. There was one incident with a chocolate frog creeping into Hedwig’s cage before getting mauled by her talons. The card that supposedly came with the treat, according to Harry and Ron, had also been destroyed, so Harry had given his to you. One with a moving picture of Albus Dumbledore, who had waved politely at your stunned expression.
Once you’d moved onto Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans, you found a lot of enjoyment when Ron had the misfortune of coming across a bean that tasted like dirty socks. Though, your amusement at Ron’s plight had been adjourned with the appearance of a round-faced boy.
“Sorry,” he said, “but have you seen a toad at all?”
“No, sorry.”
You were taken aback when the boy promptly burst into tears. “I’ve lost him! He keeps getting away from me!”
“He’ll turn up,” said Harry.
“Yes,” said the boy, turning away dejectedly. “Well, if you see him…”
“Don’t know why he’s so bothered,” remarked Ron once the boy had left. “If I’d brought a toad I’d lose it as quick as I could.”
You deadpanned at him. “You haven’t even got any pets to lose, Ron. I’m betting that if you ever got one, you’d have even worse attachment issues than Toad-Boy.”
“Mind you,” said Harry, talking around his mouthful of Cauldron Cake. “That’s saying a lot.”
“What’ve you got then?” asked Ron, turning his head to glare at Harry. “You seem awfully high and mighty for someone who probably doesn’t have rat, or even anything at all.”
“I’ve got a dog,” defended Harry. “Snuffles.”
You and Ron both stifled giggles. “Snuffles? No way you named your dog that!”
“I didn’t pick the name!”
“A dog’s not as good as an owl anyways,” you teased.
“I’d beg to differ – my dog totally is,” Harry grumbled, crossing his arms. “Plus you don’t even need to have an owl – the school’s got its own aviary shock-full of ‘em that you can send letters with.”
“One day, I’m gonna get an owl.” Ron sighed dreamily. “Just for myself, I wouldn’t have to share with Fred or George or Percy or Ginny.”
“Who’s Ginny?”
Before Ron could divulge the identity of this ‘Ginny’, the compartment door was opened by a bushy-haired girl whose face was wrinkled up irritably. Toad-Boy also made a reappearance.
“Has anyone seen a toad? Neville’s lost one.” 
“We’ve already told him we haven’t seen it,” said Ron, but the girl wasn’t listening. Rather, she had been staring at you. 
“You’re (Y/n) (L/n).” she declared matter-of-factly. “I saw you on the station. I know all about you, of course – I got a few extra books for background reading, and you’re in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.”
Ron gaped at her and Harry blinked a few times repeatedly.
“Be surprised if I wasn’t,” you said, winking cheekily. You also had no idea what she was talking about though.
She studied you appraisingly before asking Ron and Harry “and who are you?”
“Ron Weasley.”
“Harry Potter.”
“Pleasure. Well, I’m Hermione Granger. I was ever so pleased when I got my letter to Hogwarts, of course, I mean, it's the very best school of witchcraft there is, I’ve heard – I’ve learnt all of our set books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough.”
All three pairs of eyebrows furrowed in synchronisation. You, personally, had only caught about one-third of what she had been saying since she’d been basically rapping out her words. 
Herminkoni (was that what she said her name was?) began talking again. “Do either of you know what house you’ll be in? I’ve been asking around and I hope I’m in Gryffindor, it sounds the best by far, I hear Dumbledore himself was one, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn’t be too bad. Anyay, we’d better go and look for Neville’s toad. You three had better change, you know, I expect we’ll be there soon.”
Herpes Motion thus turned around and left, taking Toad-Boy with her.
“Well,” you announced cheerfully. “She was nice.”
“Sure,” muttered Ron, reaching for a Treacle Tart. 
“She was right about one thing though,” said Harry, grinning and brushing his hair out of his face. “Gryffindor, by large, is definitely the best house.”
“Who’s Gryffindor?” you squinted your eyes at him.
Ron attempted an exasperated face-palm with his left hand (he was still holding the tart in his right). Harry laughed at this, and proceeded to explain the four houses to you.
Gryffindor had been the house Ron’s and Harry’s families had gotten into. The house of the brave, it was known for. Ravenclaw, the house for smart people (you had a feeling you would not be getting into that); Hufflepuff was the house for the loyal and well-meaning. And finally, there was Slytherin. Both Ron and Harry detested the green-and-silver clad house, for it had been the group to pump out the most dark witches and wizards.
“Ah,” you said. “So naturally, we should hate that house, since that was the one Voldemort was – “
“Woah,” said Ron, looking impressed. “You just said his name.”
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s just a name. Anyways, I’m guessing that you all want Gryffindor then?”
“Of course!” Ron puffed out his chest. 
“Hey, did you – ?”
Unfortunately, whatever Harry had wanted to ask had been interrupted by the compartment door sliding open again. 
This time, it was a group of three – the ringleader being a sallow-faced, gauntly blonde boy. The other two were giant-sized, goliath looking boys who looked like his bodyguards. And, of course, they were all fixated on you.
“Is it true?” he said. “They’re saying all down the train that (Y/n) (L/N)’s in this compartment. So, it’s you, is it?”
“That’s right,” you smiled at him.
His lips twitched into a small smirk. He waved his hand carelessly at the two body-doubles next to him. “This is Crabbe and that’s Goyle. And my name’s Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”
Ron choked on his treacle tart, but you suspected that may have been him trying to disguise a sneer. Draco Malfoy narrowed his eyes at Ron, causing your hackles to rise immediately.
“Think my name’s funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford.” 
Ron’s face went pink again and he sunk into his seat. 
Draco Malfoy raised an eyebrow at Harry, but before he could say something about his family, you cut him off.
“Oi,” you spoke, feeling your jaw clench at the blond boy’s demeanour. “I’d watch what I was saying if I was you, especially considering the crap that’s spewing out of your sewage-system of a mouth.”
Draco Malfoy turned his sharpened gaze toward you. “And I’d be more careful if I was you. You don’t want to make enemies with the wrong people.”
“The same goes for you.” 
You stared down Draco Malfoy. Harry was glancing back and forth between the two of you, and he looked ready to stand up if this altercation escalated.
“You don’t get to come in here and poke fun at us,” you muttered slowly. “Especially, if you want to end up on good terms with me.”
His cheeks tinged a faint pink. “Not like I would want to be friends with the likes of you.” He placed the emphasis on ‘you’ the same way you did.
You, Harry and Ron all stood up. 
“I think it’d be best if you left.” you gritted out, disliking the boy less and less by every twitch of his rat-like face.
Unfortunately for you, Malfoy’s rattish face had broken out into a sneer. “You’ll regret making enemies out of me, (L/n). I promise you that much.”
He furiously spun around and out of the carriage, but not before he could shoot you a final scathing look. Crabbe and Goyle chased after him, robes billowing out from behind them.
“What a buffoon,” you huffed angrily.
“Agreed,” said Harry, still glaring at the door.
“I’ve heard of his family before,” said Ron darkly. “They were some of the first to come back to our side after You-Know-Who disappeared. Said they'd been bewitched. My dad doesn’t believe it. He says Malfoy’s father didn’t need an excuse to go over to the Dark Side.”
“‘Specially if they thought it was the winning side,” added Harry.
The door opened before you could open your mouth. There was Hermit Yeti, yet again, standing at the entrance.
“What has been going on? Why did I just see three boys bolting out of this compartment?” She looked you up and down. “You haven’t been fighting, have you? You’ll be in trouble before we even get there!”
“They were the ones starting it – not us!” defended Ron, scowling at her.
“All right – I only came in here because people outside are behaving very childishly, racing up and down the corridors,” she said sniffly. “And you’ve got dirt on your nose, by the way, did you know that?”
“Thank you,” you interjected, glaring at her on behalf of Ron. “Could you leave now?”
And finally, Herm-onion left.
If you had to guess, it had been only an hour after that when the train had pulled to a stop. You had donned your robes, ensuring that they still had your signature wind-swept appearance about them. Ron and Harry were also wearing their robes now too. You stuffed your pockets with the remaining sweets as you left the train.
Hopping out of the train and onto the station, you were delighted to be met with the familiar, gentle face of Hagrid. 
“Firs’-years! Firs-years over here! All right there, (Y/n)?” He beamed at you from under his scraggly beard.
You waved enthusiastically at him. 
The first-years, it looked like, had their own means of reaching the school, which involved travelling in groups of four in a little boat across a lake. You, Harry, Ron and the bushy-haired girl (to your displeasure) took a boat close to the front.
Whilst you did not dislike the girl, you weren’t fond of her tendency to huff or be bossy, especially when she did it toward Ron (which you found she did often). Harry hadn’t done anything to get into her wrong books, and nor vice versa, so they were probably on the most amicable terms between you, him and Ron.
The boats glided in unison across the great body of water, before coming to a stop at the front of the school’s castle. You could hardly hear Toad-Boy’s reunion with his toad (“Trevor”) amongst the excited buzzing in your ears.
The gaggle of first-years came to a stop at the entrance of Hogwarts, a ginormous wooden castle door. Hagrid raised his fist and rapped three times on it. 
The door opened immediately. There was a stern, grey-haired witch standing behind it. She was sifting through the crowd intensely, and her gaze did not linger on your scar like how most peoples’ did.
“The firs’-years, Professor McGonagall,” said Hagrid.
“Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here.”
The door was opened further and you streamed into the Entrance Hall. The entire school was huge, you realised, and was very elaborately decorated – like something you would read in a book. Flaming torches illuminated the corridor. The first-years were pulled into a little room, next to a place where you could hear the rest of the school talking.
It was then you noticed that Ron appeared quite pale under his freckles and that Harry was fiddling with his fingers. In fact, every first-year seemed to be exhibiting some sort of nervous tick, apart from Malfoy, who was rolling his eyes for some reason. 
You drew your eyebrows together in confusion. Should you have been scared too? It wasn’t like they were going to force you to fight each other or anything right? At least, that’s what you hoped. Although, you definitely knew that if they made you fight, you’d win.
“Welcome to Hogwarts,” said Professor McGonagall. “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and speed free time in your house common room.
She continued giving a debrief of the houses, but as it was something you had already heard from Harry and Ron, it wasn’t anything new. You fidgeted restlessly, wanting to get onto the Sorting already.
“The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting.��� Her eyes lingered on your messy hair and ruffled collar, where one lapel was sticking up. 
Once she left, you turned to Harry and Ron. “What do they do to get us into these houses? Is it like a test? Based on how you answer, that’s where you get in? Like, ‘what is the square root of sixteen?’”
“That’s probably only good for finding Ravenclaws and non-Ravenclaws though,” said Ron, taking you seriously. “My brothers said it was a test too, though. Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking.”
Harry was looking more unsettled by the minute. 
“Hey,” you said, patting his shoulder. “Don’t be nervous. I’m sure Ron’s brothers are just messing with us.”
“Me too,” nodded Ron.
“But,” Harry’s green eyes met yours anxiously. “A test? In front of the whole school? I barely know two spells, how will they sort me with that? What if they send me home? What if –”
“Listen,” you said. “That’s already two more spells than I know, and probably most of the first-years too. That Malfoy included.” 
You narrowed your eyes at said boy, before returning them to Harry. “Don’t worry, alright? I’m sure we'll all do great.” 
Beside you, Ron nodded appreciatively (although it looked like his skin was beginning to reach a sickly pale green colour).
“You’re right,” said Harry, and you were pleased to see that he was a fraction less scared than he was a moment ago.
You didn’t bother with ‘smartening yourself up.’ You were already pretty smart enough, in your opinion. Having bested the darkest wizard of the age at a meagre one year old didn’t come to just anyone, you know?
After a whole debacle with some ghosts flying in to greet you before the ceremony, Professor McGonagall entered the room once more. You all trudged in a single-file line into the Great Hall.
You gaped openly at the Great Hall, which looked even bigger than the Entrance. Four long tables were lain across the room, with golden plates and goblets sitting on each. The students were segregated by houses, indicated by the colour of their robes and ties. There were also several candles floating in the air, which was pretty sweet too. Oh, and the roof looked like the sky as well. 
Professor McGongagall placed a three-legged stool in front of school, and then she placed a rusty-looking hat on top of it. You deadpanned when it broke into song, and even more when everyone burst into applause once it finished.
“So, we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whisper-yelled to you and Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll!”
Harry gave him a nervous smile, and you said “I told you it wouldn’t have been that bad. Probably.”
Professor McGonagall approached the stool, unravelling a long roll of parchment paper. “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,” she said. “Abbott, Hannah!”
Hannah stumbled from the crowd of first-years and toward her. If you squinted, she looked a little like Odette, with yellower hair. She placed the hat on her head and after a moment of silence, the hat shouted out “HUFFLEPUFF!”
The table on the right, with the yellow-and-black clad students cheered and hollered as Hannah went to join them.
‘Bones, Susan’ went up next and she too went to Hufflepuff. ‘Boot, Terry’ went to Ravenclaw, and ‘Brown Lavender’ became the first new Gryffindor. The cheering from the red table was definitely the loudest, especially when right after ‘Bulstrode Millicent’ was sorted in Slytherin and all she got was only a polite and semi-silent applause from her new house.
A few more people went, and then, so did ‘Granger, Hermione’ (so that was her name) who sat on the stool for a precariously long period of time before being sent to Gryffindor. Ron groaned. Toad-Boy (Longbottom, Neville) got Gryffindor too, but he was on the stool for longer than Hermione. A few more people went after them.
You were raising your hand to scratch your ear when your name was called. 
As you stepped forward, the students in the Hall whispered loudly, just as they had done at the station.
“(L/n), did she say?”
“The (Y/n) (L/n)?”
Those comments did not help the rising ego blooming inside of you. You swaggered over the stool and sat down. Your fingers delicately gripped the brim of the hat. The fabric felt ragged and old underneath your fingertips. You brought the Sorting Hat down toward your –
The hat had barely scraped the fly-away hairs on your head when it had shrieked out the name of your house. 
The Great Hall was silent for a few, stunned moments, taken aback by your instantaneous sorting (which you guessed was not a frequent occurrence). You stared back at them with wide eyes, darting downwards to look at Harry and Ron. They were wide-eyed too, before Harry broke the silence and beamed a gigantic smile at you, and the Gryffindor table erupted into cheers – louder cheers than for any of the people before you. 
You felt a warm glow in your chest. You looked around the table, and saw many friendly faces. Percy the Prefect had dived over the table (almost) to shake your hand vigorously and you could hear the Weasley twins jeering and yelling out “We got (L/n)! We got (L/n)!” Even a ghost, Nearly Headless Nick, was congratulating you by patting your arm, which felt like you were being doused in a cold bucket of water.
At the High Table, Hagrid was grinning and gave you the thumbs up. Dumbledore, you recognised him from the chocolate frog card, was up there too with a faint twinkle in his eye.
The only notable people left up, really, were Harry and Ron. 
Harry had been called first.
The Sorting Hat was sat upon his head for what seemed to be the better portion of an eternity. For the first time since your arrival, you felt a jolt of fear. What if you and your friends would be separated into different houses? You didn’t to be stuck in a full with only Neville and Hermione, everyday you would wake up to find Neville’s slimy toad on your pillowcase or –
You felt a surge of joy and relief, as after a minute or two, the hat declared “GRYFFINDOR!” and the Great Hall erupted in cheers for Harry. You clapped your hands and smiled widely, looking for him among the sea of red and gold.
He took a seat beside you and you high-fived him.
“Nice to see you here, Potter, Harry,” you said, changing your voice to mimic McGonagall’s.
“Nice to see you too, the (Y/n) (L/n),” he snickered, mocking the way the students had reacted when they’d heard your name.
You grinned at him, shoving his shoulder.
Ron joined you rather quickly, even though he was one of the last people to get sorted. You were delighted at this, as it meant you could still be with them for the rest of your Hogwarts years, according to what Professor McGonagall had said.
Dumbledore rose to his feet, “Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!”
He sat down, and as he did, food magically appeared in front of you.
“Is he – a bit mad?” Harry asked you uncertainly.
“Probably,” you said, shrugging, reaching for the roast potatoes.
You scarfed down your food, listening to the conservation around you. You cheered when the dessert had come, causing the people around you to chuckle, quietly – except for Ron, who had gotten to the apple pie before you could.
You wrestled Ron for a slice of said pie, and were happily munching on it when you glanced back up to the High Table. Hagrid was drinking from his goblet, and Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore were in a deep discussion with each other. Another Professor, in a purple turban, was fiddling nervously with his cutlery, tapping his fork against the edge of the table. He was speaking with a professor with greasy black hair, a hooked nose and sallow skin.
The teacher, as though he could sense your presence, glanced straight past the Turban-Professor and bore his black eyes into yours – a sharp, hot pain seared within your scar, and you let out a hiss of pain.
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked you, foreheading furrowing in concern.
“N-nothing.” The pain had left as quickly as it had come. How strange. You got the feeling that the hooked-nose teacher did not like you very much.
“Who's that teacher, the greasy-haired one?” you pointed at him, not discretely.
Harry stifled a laugh. “That’s Snape. No one likes him, they say he wants to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, but every year he gets stuck as the Potions one instead. My dad doesn’t like him at all – actually, my entire family doesn’t really too.”
“Why’s that?” you questioned.
“Not sure,” said Harry, but he scratched his cheek nervously. “They won’t tell me.”
Deciding not to press him further, you continued to watch Snape a little longer. He never looked at you again, though, after that.
Once the desserts had all faded away, Dumbledore had announced his final speech and conducted a very tragic school school orchestra. He wiped his eyes when he had finished. “Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!”
Powering your legs through the sheer force of the food you’d guzzled down, you followed Percy up to the Gryffindor Tower. With horror, you realised that you’d have to climb an average of seven staircases everyday, simply just to get to your bed. 
Anyways, the entrance to the Gryffindor headquarters was through a painting of a Fat Lady and she flipped open when you told her the password, Caput Draconis. You scrambled through the portrait hole and into the Gryffindor common room. 
You lazily trudged up the stairs, and without even bothering to notice that your trunk had been transported up to your dorm room, you face-planted onto your bed and fell into a heavy sleep.
Perhaps you had eaten a bit too much, because that night, you had a very strange dream. 
You were staring into a mirror, desperately trying to tug off a purple turban from your head. When did you get a turban? How did you get a turban? The fabric of the turban grew tighter, making you feel a sharp pain in your skull as the turban squeezed your head like a vice. You wondered how you got into this mess in the first place.
Furiously pulling, pulling, at the turban finally caused it to unravel and expose your hair. With a start, as you glanced back to the mirror, you discerned that your face had, horrifyingly enough, taken on the face of Snape. His own black, empty eyes stared back at you. 
You scrambled back, leaping away from his cockroach-like eyes, only to find that, for some reason, there was a bottomless abyss behind you. You fell down, down, down into a pit. Closing your eyes as your head thrummed painfully, you braced yourself for the impact. 
A bright flash of green light, and a high, cruel laugh jerked you awake. 
Oddly enough, however, when you’d gone back to sleep, you hadn’t remembered the dream at all. You did question, however, the next morning why when you closed your eyes, all you saw was a luminous, green light in the shape of a lightning-bolt scar.
.。*゚🗲.*.。   ゚*..🗲。*゚
→ Author's Note: Hello my lovelies, welcome to ch 1.2 yippee!! Sorry that its super long but we’re pretty already halfway through the ch 1 portion of the series XD — I’m guessing now that it's gonna reach about 1.4 or 1.5 but I could also be widely incorrect :P Anyways that’s all so catch ya next time :))) thank you
Time for this chapters analysis ~ You will have probs noticed one of the most canon-divergent parts of this series so far is that instead of the same dilemma Harry faced when he was getting sorted (Slytherin vs Gryffindor), as soon as the hat touched the little hairs upon your head, you were sorted into Gryffindor. During this chapter, and a little of the last one (but mostly this one), I've kinda been subtly trying to hint that the Reader is really quite arrogant and brazen. Rather than Harry as the chosen one, where he longs for a quiet and normal life, Reader dives headfirst into her role. She shamelessly self-promotes her lightning-scar and doesn’t try to hide it – she knows she’s special and she feeds into that!!  She’s kinda like James Potter in that regard >.< and therefore I want her to kind of be epitome of a Gryffindor (courageous and arrogant) and maybe, maybe not, a parallel to Draco Malfoy (who also got sorted into Slytherin ASAP, and is ambitious and arrogant) hehe → that’s also why Reader and Malfoy get more aggressive even more quickly than Harry did in canon… Anyways!!! This is the briefest hint at what I have in store for this series, and we’ll see how Reader’s arrogance courageousness deviates Harry Potter from canon.  Tbh I’m planning to make the reader Percy Jackson-coded (with the sass and reckless bravery and loyalty and what not) and maybe just the slightest bit Gojo-coded hehe,  I know that it's not that clear rn lol but I’ll work my way into it hopefully… Anyways, thanks again! :D Series Masterlist
Taglist (thanks for asking!): @kaverichauhan
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hotchfiles · 6 months
fire of devotion.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅ masterlist
pairing: remus x fem!reader.
summary: remus helps you deal with the grief december brings you.
content warnings: parental death (mentioned), very angsty feelings but not regarding the couple, established happy & healthy relationship.
word count: 1,2k
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december was not your favorite month anymore, it had been through most of your life, you loved the little lights, the decorations, the gift giving, the parties and egg nogg and secret santas. your mum, being the witch she was, loved surprising you by decorating the whole entire house just a day before, your place going from ordinary on the 23th to completely magical by the 24th, it was beautiful.
when she passed just before you got your hogwarts letter, you felt like magic was about to die, but your muggle father made sure to not let it happen, to not let sadness override the joy you felt every time the year was coming to an end, so he would wait for you to come home for christmas break, the house completely ordinary, and then when you went to bed he would spend the entire night decorating everything by himself, no wand, no spells, just the magic of his love for you.
you stared at the house in front of you, a bit run down, snow covering it and desperately needing a repaint, your heart twitched in pain and your grip on remus' waist became stronger, his pulling you even closer by the shoulder in response. it had been three years since the last time you came over, you couldn't face the emptiness of it after the passing of the last family you had, so you just never came back after your father's funeral. and december became just another month.
you spent the first one at hogwarts, remus silently by your side as you cried. the second one with him and his mum who was always sending letters about how she wanted to meet you, the girl who made her boy feel normal. the last one with james, lily and their little boy and chosen family, the potters, even if it was weird to call the couple you saw snogging on very very unsanitary places at school like that.
the plan was to do it again this year, if it weren't for the letter you got from the city council stating that you had to empty the house before the new years as it had been reclaimed by the city and would be torn down.
so there you were, feeling the dust tickle your nose and water your eyes as you and your boyfriend got in, the electricity had been cut years before, but remus took his wand and swiftly made all lamps light up, trying his absolute best to make the situation less traumatic than it already was.
it was awful for him to watch your mood completely change, your light dim out, your heart bleed out, everytime december came around. and even though he understood it, now that he was standing on your old living room, he could actually feel why. it was... homey. even if no one had lived there in years. it had picture frames everywhere, drawings you made when you were about harry's age, paintings your mum had done when she decided she needed a hobby.
your letter from hogwarts hung on a wall inside a glass picture frame, along with your mother's wand. your father had made all efforts to make you see and feel she wasn't really gone. when he passed you lost them both.
you sat on the dirty couch, elbows on your knees as your hands held your face, you began to sob and within just seconds remus was in front of you, his knees bent down even though he knew it would hurt like a bitch to get up, his hands took yours so you would look at him. "darling, s'alright, m'gonna pack everything, you go outside and get some fresh air." his thumb as delicate as ever, went to your cheeks to clean up the stubborn tears and you were about to deny his offer, it should be you doing that. but his eyes held so much tenderness and remus placed a soft kiss to your hands and you could not deny him of being kind, that's who he was, so you agreed and got up, leaving the house after staying warmly inside his embrace for a few.
it would probably take too long with you inside anyway, remus was an outstanding wizard and would definitely pack everything with just a couple of swift movements. you were distraught, your wand hadn't even been touched that day yet. your plan was to sit on the sidewalk and enjoy the cold as you waited, but the curious stares of the old lady next door prevented you to. it took her a while to recognize you, but as soon as she did you were forced to drink tea with her, she had been neighbours with your parents your whole life and kept repeating how sorry she was and how she missed you. it was a warm strange feeling.
when you came back to your house front, remus had christmas lights on one hand and scotch tape on the other, his brows as furrowed as ever and sweat droplets ran down his face as he tried to neatly tape the lights to the windows' frames. "moony, whatcha doing?" you chuckled, using his nickname as it matched the seemed mischief he was trying to pull.
he looked back at you and replied like it was obvious, "christmas decorating, dove." you were about to ask further but he gave you no mind, going back to what he was doing. you went back inside and tears started to blurry your vision in seconds.
the fireplace had green flames and there was only one box left near it, he had packed everything and had already sent to the cottage you shared via floo network, the only box left were the christmas decorations, empty as the whole house was filled with it, lights, the tree, the little trinklets, it sparkled just how you remembered and you held yourself to stop your crying sobs from being too loud.
remus held you from behind when he was done outside, his arms around your waist, his head lowered so he could kiss your cheek, "tried to do some of it without magic like you said your father did, but your mum knew what she was doing using it, alright." you turned around to look at him, and you didn't even need to ask why he did it because he knew your thoughts just by looking at you. "you deserve seeing it like this one last time." he shrugged it off so casually you felt like you would melt on the spot. like it was normal. like it was simple. like it was the obvious thing to do.
he didn't even notice how much effort it was and how no one ever would do something like that, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled in for a kiss, a gentle one, but your arms clung to him like he would disappear. he grinned into it, interrupting it only to loosen up your grip, "love, you're choking me, not the place f'that."
you were so overwhelmed you didn't even reply to the silly innuendo, not letting him brush off his grand gesture by joking around, "you have no idea how much i love you." his heart skipped a beat, four years together and he still felt like you were his goddess school crush, every confession making him blush exactly like the first one.
"merry christmas, darling." remus pulled you back to him, kissing the top of your head before you found the perfect spot to lay closer on his chest.
a merry christmas indeed.
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multifandom-03 · 2 months
Like Romeo and Juliet
Word Count: 5270 | Pair: Draco Malfoy x OC | Genre: Angst, sad/bittersweet ending
Warning: Mentions of suicide, pregnancy loss, major characters death
Summary: Their love was forbidden, and a bittersweet ending they had...
A/N: You might have seen this special one-shot either on Wattpad or Inkitt website - I wrote this when I was young, and this was most readers' favourite. So if you see this familiar one-shot - yes, I was the one who wrote it hehe. I'm not going to say my username from Wattpad cuz not gonna lie...I'm a bit shy and embarrassed about what I wrote when I was young haha. But this specific one-shot has a special place in my heart and I wanted to share it here on the Tumblr site~
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"Their lives were taken away, just like that dreadful story: Romeo and Juliet." - Lord Voldemort
In the beginning, he was a Slytherin, and she was a Gryffindor. His house hated hers, hers hating his. The houses were sworn enemies, and if either one spoke to the other, there would be chaos. But they wanted to communicate with each other. Their friends and family told them not to, but they did.
And a sad fate they met.
It was during their Fourth Year at the Yule Ball did they met for the very first time.
They had never seen one another during their time at Hogwarts, so they were amazed and curious when they saw one another for the first time.
Draco Malfoy was loitering around the buffet of the bowl, trying to hide from his date who happened to be Pansy Parkinson. He thought having Pansy as a date would be fine; oh how wrong he was…
He was bored. And he hated the attention Harry Potter was getting. Just because he was The Boy Who Lived and got chosen by that stupid goblet…
Coming up with a decision, he went to make his leave back to the Common Room when he saw her. The most beautiful, breathtaking girl he had ever seen.
She was across the hall from him, watching everyone with a small smile on her gorgeous face. She was wearing a beautiful light blue dress with white patterned lace from her shoulders and chest area, her dress was designed corset style for her abdomen but the dress fell loosely, almost like it had a mind of its own and was floating simply around her. (Draco was terrible with describing what she was wearing, too gobsmacked at the sight of someone so gorgeous and elegant.)
Even from such a distance, he can see her eyes shining brightly against the lights, her raven dark hair twisted into an elegant bun with ringlets surrounding her oval-like face. Maybe to some people, she wasn't the prettiest in Hogwarts, but for Draco?
He knew that she was the one.
As soon as that thought crossed his mind, their eyes connected. Grey eyes connected with warm, chocolate brown eyes. It felt like their souls were being connected - like love at first sight.
Simultaneously, they started to make their way to one another. Both yearned to talk and know one another.
Draco merely pushed and shoved his way through, the girl politely excusing people as she shuffled by. They were just a metre away from one another, hands outstretched to touch when they were both taken away at the same time; Draco was pulled away by Pansy and the girl was pulled away by Hermione Granger. Despite the sudden change, they saw who dragged whom, and they knew what they were about to have...it was forbidden.
For she was a Gryffindor, he a Slytherin.
Days went by when they saw each other again. It was during a weekend when Draco saw her sitting alone at the Black Lake, reading. When no one was looking, he hurriedly made his way over to her. "Hello," he greeted from behind her.
Said girl gasped in surprise, slamming her reading book shut with a snap. She stood up and turned around, ready to yell at whoever was disturbing her reading time only for her mouth to drop open at the sight of the boy. He gave her a shy smile - something uncommon on the boy's face.
"H-Hello," she stuttered out after a few seconds of silence and just gawking at him.
"I'm Draco Malfoy," he introduced, holding a hand out to her.
"Vivienne Moore," she lightly took his hand. And without losing any eye contact, he bent slightly to press a chaste kiss to her knuckles. Her breath hitched at the intimacy of a simple greeting. "You're a Slytherin," she blurted out.
"And you're a Gryffindor," he acknowledged without any malice. "Nice to have that out of the way."
"But, people will find it strange," she murmured.
"Some might find it a truce between our houses," he gave a cheeky smirk.
"Some might find it as betrayal," she looked away from him, pulling her hand away from him.
"You're thinking about the Golden Trio," Draco realised. "That's right, you're friends with Granger."
"They're really nice when you get to know them," she insisted.
"And it's the same with me," he added, "I'm not as cruel as they say, Vivienne."
"I didn't think that at all," she whispered shyly, still not looking into his eyes. They went silent for a few more seconds.
"You looked very beautiful at the Yule Ball," Draco broke the silence. "Took my breath away, really."
"You looked very handsome that night," she quipped back, a blush coating her cheeks. If you looked closely enough, you could see Draco was starting to get pink tainting his pale cheeks as well. "What are we doing?"
"Getting to know each other," he shrugged innocently. "Maybe even fall in love." Why was he acting like this? He never acted sappy and romantic for someone. What was she doing to him?
"It's forbidden," she shook her head.
"Unless we're not caught," he could see he was going to lose her soon from her worries; he was not going to let fear get in the way of their potential love. "Come on, we don't have to tell anyone," he insisted, "It's just between us two. You're telling me you didn't feel the connection that night? That this was all a big hoax?"
"No!" she said automatically. "It was not a hoax, I felt it too." Draco sighed in relief. So he wasn't the only one that felt it. "Alright," she caved in, "But no one can know."
"No one," Draco agreed, a genuine smile crossing his face.
After that day, every evening before curfew the two would meet up in the Room of Requirement - something Vivienne showed him as top secret. There, they got to know one another without any distractions or worries and where they began to fall more in love with each other.
It lasted until the Fifth Year.
When Dumbledore's Army was created.
Like a loyal Gryffindor, Vivienne attended the lessons - thus, having less quality time with Draco. The more she kept postponing their meetups, the more suspicious Draco got. It wouldn't be a surprise if she was part of the secret army, he thought one day.
But strangely, it still surprised him.
When they knocked down the wall to the Room of Requirement, Draco saw Vivienne near the front, standing in front of a little girl protectively. When they connected eyes across the room, Vivienne could see the hurt and worried look in his eyes, and he could see the look of guilt in hers. And Umbridge saw their small interaction.
"Ah, I see," her high-pitched voice drawled out in the tense room. "You didn't expect to see your secret lover here."
"Secret lover?" Vivienne's eyes went from guilt to betrayal. "You told her?"
"You and Malfoy?" Ron Weasley exclaimed in disbelief. "You're pulling our leg, aren't ya?"
"I'm sorry," Draco murmured. "I thought you were in trouble or something -"
"Well, you thought wrong," Vivienne blinked away her tears. After the small interaction, Umbridge's small army went into action. They grabbed as many Dumbledore's Army people as possible, even Vivienne - though she didn't put up much of a fight. What was worse, none of her friends looked in her direction, thinking that Vivienne had betrayed them.
Nothing was going well.
Sixth Year came, and it was still the same; getting rejected by her peers and being isolated. At least Draco could tell his house to stop and never mention it. But Vivienne couldn’t. She was stuck all alone. Even though they found out the true culprit who ratted them out, they still chose to ignore Vivienne.
It didn’t help that she was an orphan as well, making her feel lonelier than ever.
Draco tried talking to her, to reconcile, to no avail. She avoided him at all costs. She was not the only one feeling depressed, though, Draco was suffering too. It was all his fault that they were in this situation; he foolishly told Umbridge about his troubles, how she always seemed to have a busy schedule. He foolishly thought that not only was she part of Dumbledore’s Army, but he also had the fear that she would grow tired of him and meet someone else. Oh, how wrong the latter was - the look of hurt and betrayal on her face will forever be imprinted in his mind.
He looked down at the cursed Dark Mark on his arm, grimacing at the sight. He shoved his sleeve down harshly so he didn’t have to look at it any more. That didn’t mean he could feel it, though.
With a heavy heart, he went back to the cabinet he was to fix when suddenly he just collapsed to the floor and cried his heart out. Sounds cowardly, I know. Not only did he lose the love of his life, but he also became something he didn’t want to be and was assigned to bring Death Eaters in and kill Dumbledore. This year just wasn’t going well for him.
“Draco?” a familiar voice called out to him. Wiping his tears away harshly, he turned around on the floor to see whether his thoughts were true. And it was; Vivienne was standing in front of him.
“Vivienne...” Oh, who knew how long it’s been since they were alone. Memories of their time together attacked his mind, along with the heavy assignment he was given. Without another word, he brought the young woman into his arms and cried. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything. I missed you so much, and I need you. I need you so much in my life...”
“Draco? You’re scaring me,” Vivienne pulled away to wipe his tears away gently. “What is the problem? This can’t possibly be just from our situation...”
“I-I...” he stuttered, close to having another panic attack that week. “I can’t tell you. You’ll hate me more.” He buried his face in her neck, oblivious to her eyes softening at his statement.
“I don’t hate you,” she revealed, running her hand through his messy hair. “I’m just a little disappointed, and I kind of needed some alone time is all...” She hugged the broken boy closer to her. “Draco, what’s happening? No more secrets.”
And so he told her everything - what more could he lose? It was best if she stayed away from him after this, she would be safer without him in her life…
“Let me help.” Draco was out of her arms in an instant, eyeing her as if she was crazy.
“No!” he automatically refused. “No way, I am not bringing you into this. You should stay away from me like you’ve been doing this year.”
“I’m not losing you again,” she shook her head stubbornly.
“Please,” he begged her, grabbing her by the shoulders. Shivers ran down his spine at the thought of her coming across danger. “He can’t know about you. It’s bad enough that he’s threatening my family. If he caught sight of you -”
“No,” she glared at him. “I am with you until the end. I love you, Draco.”
I love you
Oh, it’s been a while since he last heard her say those three words to him.
Draco smiled softly at her strong confession, leaning his forehead against hers, his arms circling her waist. “I love you too,” he whispered.
“We can always run away,” she suggested weakly. “Away from him, Hogwarts and their judge-filled gazes...”
"Sorry, love," he said sadly, "He'll always find me. With this mark on me, he'll know where I will go." He pressed his lips against her temple in a delicate kiss. "I'm sorry, all we can do is hope for the best."
"And then what?"
"And then..." He looked at her seriously. "And then we fight back. For our love."
Hogwarts Battle...
Draco fought with his school, knocking out Death Eaters wherever he went. He was trying to find a specific someone he lost sight of.
As he entered the courtyard, he felt himself freeze up when he saw a scary-looking Death Eater fight against the person he was looking for. "Vivienne..." he breathed out. She was no longer fighting one, but two men, and easily defeated them much to Draco's surprise. Sometimes he forgot she trained for these kinds of situations.
His awe wore off though when he remembered why he was looking for her in the first place. He took her to a secret hideout outside Hogwarts before the battle happened, wanting her to stay safe. However, Vivienne ignored his pleas and joined the battle. The reason why he discerned she was no longer at the hideout was because even amongst the battle, he could recognise her voice anywhere. So he went looking for her.
"Vivienne!" he yelled enraged, marching towards her. He grabbed her arm to turn her to him. "Are you crazy? What are you doing here?"
"I came to help," she lifted her chin bravely. He shook his head, exasperated.
"You're going to get you and the little one killed -" they dodged out of the way in time to avoid a spell that was thrown at them. Vivienne turned to the person who threw the spell at them with her wand raised, only for her arm to fall when she connected her eyes with Ginny Weasley.
"Ginny!" Vivienne looked at her old friend in surprise.
"Traitor!" Ginny spat, "After all this, you're still with them?"
"Ginny, it's not like that -" Draco shoved her to the side with him when Ginny tried to throw another curse at them.
"Love, we have to go," Draco told the sad girl. "We can't change her mind. Let's go back to the hideout." Vivienne sent one last sad look to her ginger friend before the two ran away from the battleground.
As they were getting closer to the exit, Bellatrix appeared in front of them with a snap, grabbing Vivienne from Draco's hold. "No!" Draco yelled, reaching an arm out to grab her back. He reeled away when Bellatrix shoved her wand under Vivienne's chin.
"Sorry, nephew!" the crazy woman sneered. "Dark Lord's orders."
"NO!" Draco screamed, the love of his life disappearing before his eyes again.
“Draco!” Lucius hissed. Everyone turned to Draco, wondering if he was to join the dark side again now that Harry was gone. Some people saw him helping them, while some still thought he was part of the dark side.
But Draco stood there, refusing to move. It was what Vivienne wanted him to do. Where was she? Where did his Aunt take her to? He had to find her as soon as he could -
“Draco!” his mother called out this time, begging. Although he wasn’t as close to his father, his mother he treasured dearly. His face unwillingly twisted to one of conflict.
“Oh, Drakey!” Bellatrix’s voice emerged. She appeared at Voldemort’s side, holding Vivienne in a headlock. Everyone gasped when they saw her struggle to get out of the crazy woman’s grasp, Draco almost choking on his breath. Despite the circumstances, he was glad to see her still alive. “You wouldn’t leave Vivienne here all alone now, would you?” That brought him to his decision.
“Let her go,” he begged, eyes tearing up. “If you let her go then I will join you.”
“NO!” Vivienne panicked, struggling more.
“Shut up!” Bellatrix hissed, jabbing her wand at her face. “Stupid orphan. Come on Draco, choose wisely!”
“Don’t,” Vivienne mouthed to him, a tear escaping her eye. “Stay there,” she said out loud.
“Vivienne -” Draco took a step forward.
“DON’T!” she screeched out desperately. “YOU DON’T BELONG ON THIS SIDE! YOU’RE NOT LIKE THEM!”
“Enough!” Voldemort hissed, growing impatient. “Kill the orphan!”
“No!” Draco yelled, “I’ll join! I’ll join!” He started making his way to them.
“Draco...” He paused midway at the seriousness in his lover’s tone. She looked him in the eyes with determination. “Don’t.” was all she uttered.
His mind and body were feeling like jelly. He wanted to stay on the good side as the two wanted, but at the same time, he wanted to protect her. Both of them.
“I’ll be fine,” she assured him weakly as if hearing his thoughts. “I love you.”
“I-I love you too.” It was the first time they publicly confessed their love for one another.
“So that’s your decision then?” Voldemort mused. “You’d rather do what she says than join me. For her safety. Or your parents.”
Draco didn’t reply. Why was doing the good thing so complicated?
“Very well then,” Voldemort sighed mockingly, pulling out his wand. Draco’s heartbeat started to accelerate from nerves. What was the Dark Lord going to do? “I am very disappointed in you, Draco Malfoy,” Voldemort twirled his wand on his hand as he slowly paced around. “First your Father disappoints me, and then you. For love. Weakness. Disgusting.” He turned his red eyes to Draco with a glare. “You’d risk not only your life but hers and your parents? You’d risk everything for a weak girl like her?”
“She is not weak!” Draco fought back. “She has the biggest heart than anyone I know. She has the heart to love someone like me!”
“Yeah, and betray us!” Ron scoffed. Draco momentarily turned his back on the bad side to glare at Ron so heatedly, that it unnerved them all.
“She didn’t!” Draco defended. “She has done nothing but support you all. You know she never ratted you out to Umbridge! All she has done was be there for me, and love me despite prejudices and my flaws...” He turned back to Voldemort, ignoring the looks of shame on Ron and some people’s faces. “This whole time while people have been isolating her, she has been helping the good side look for reinforcements from around the world. How else do you think some of these wizards from around the world came here to fight?” He threw his arms out towards some foreign wizards who willingly came to fight for justice.
Everyone was surprised when they first came, wondering how people from America, Australia, Japan, China - and so many other countries - came to Hogwarts to help the battle. They simply ignored it, thinking it was the Order or one of the professors who had connections. They never knew they all came from Vivienne who surprisingly had a way with words…
“This whole time you thought Vivienne was some traitor or weak person - well let me tell you, she is not!” He doesn’t know where or why he got this sudden confidence, but he was going to use it. Vivienne went through so much for him, he wanted to help her back. He knew the people’s opinions on her had wounded her, and he wanted to set things straight before it was too late. He loved her. He would do anything for her - even yell in the courtyard in front of everyone including the Dark Lord. “You know what else she did for me? Taught me what was right and wrong, and no way am I joining your side!”
“ENOUGH!” Voldemort yelled, infuriated. He aimed his wand at Draco who lost all confidence and was now a clear target for the wrath of the Dark Lord. “AVADA KEDAVRA-”
“NO!” Vivienne screamed, escaping Bellatrix’s grasp.
To him, everything was in slow motion like the first time they saw each other at the Yule Ball. He watched as Vivienne ran to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist, face pressed against his chest, her back to Voldemort. And just like that…
She was hit with the killing curse.
Her limp form slumped against him, Draco catching her immediately before it was too late. “Vivienne?” he called out shakily, his lips wobbling in an attempt trying to hold in his tears.
No response.
“Vivienne?” He shook her lightly, feeling his world shatter. “No...Vivienne!” A second later Draco lifted his head to the sky, releasing a bloodcurdling scream of pure heartbreak.
All this fighting and surviving together…a waste in the end.
“Now you see what happens,” Voldemort hissed, having already expected this scenario. “I will give you this one last chance. Or else your parents will be next.”
Everyone from Hogwarts cried along with Draco at the sight of the fallen girl. Ginny, Hermione, Ron...they all felt guilty for not believing Vivienne and for giving her a hard time. All along she was innocent. And poor Draco…
He sobbed into her hair, his hold on her form tight. She was gone. Right before his eyes. First Dumbledore, then Harry, now Vivienne and…
He rested a gentle hand on her stomach, mourning not for one, but for two people. The child he never got to see grow up…
Near them, Draco spotted an abandoned wand. A plan started to form in his mind…
“Join me, Draco Malfoy, and no harm shall come to you -”
“DRACO, NO!” Narcissa interrupted the Dark Lord for the first time, her face etched out in horror.
Draco had grabbed the fallen wand and placed it underneath his chin, still staring at the love of his life with tears pouring out of his eyes. “I love you,” he whispered to the motionless form. “I’ll see you two, soon.”
“Draco, no!”
“Draco!” Everyone started to scream. Voldemort watched on in shock. This, he did not expect.
They couldn’t get to him; he had cast a silent shield around him and Vivienne before his parents or anyone at Hogwarts could reach them. “Get him!” Narcissa cried to her husband.
“I-I can’t!” Lucius whispered, throwing spell after spell to the invisible shield. “Nothing is working!”
While chaos ensued around the couple, Draco took deep breaths and closed his eyes. “I love you,” he whispered again. “I’ll see you two soon.”
“DRACO!” his parents screamed one last time.
“Avada Kedavra,” he whispered. And just like that…
He was gone.
Everyone was silent, staring in shock at their fallen bodies. Draco Malfoy and Vivienne Moore were dead; Draco’s form was on top of Vivienne like he was protecting her from all dark and evil. One hand laid across her stomach. For their unborn baby.
“How sad,” Voldemort mused with amusement over the cries of many people, “Their lives were taken away, just like that dreadful story: Romeo and Juliet.”
The battle was over, Voldemort was gone and defeated. Everyone celebrated, but only momentarily. Many lives were gone, especially two people.
They had grabbed their bodies, placing them gently in the middle of the Great Hall on one cot. They made it look like they were just merely sleeping; Vivienne's head resting gently on Draco's chest, his arms wrapped around her protectively - especially in her stomach area. Madam Pomphrey had checked over Vivienne and their suspicions were confirmed. Vivienne was pregnant when she died. It made the whole thing worse; not only did they kill a dear friend, but they also indirectly killed an innocent unborn child. Peace was all the two ever wanted.
Draco's parents stood on one side of the bed, the Golden Trio on the opposite side. They were giving their respects.
Hermione was crying into Ron's chest, heart filled with guilt and heartbreak at the sight before them. Draco's parents were in a similar situation; Narcissa crying into her husband's chest. Lucius stared down at the bodies with an expression of sorrow at the sight of his only son gone.
Looking at them, they never realised how much their situation took a toll on the two teenagers until then. They noticed the sunken eyes, skinniness, the stress lines on their faces...yet despite all that they looked to be in peace.
"No more," Lucius rasped out. Everyone turned to him, even nearby people. "No more of this feud. That's why they're gone. Because of this stupid feud between us."
Harry nodded in agreement. "No more," he acknowledged.
The two were buried alongside Dumbledore as a symbol to everyone; that love was unlimited and powerful, that love conquered all - even at the worst. It was also a symbol of why feuds shouldn't happen.
Draco Malfoy and Vivienne Moore were marked in history by the Wizardry World.
Harry named his third son after Draco, and Hermione and Ron named their third daughter after Vivienne.
There was peace between the Malfoys and the Golden Trio - they would all meet up on the anniversary of their death.
There was peace between Slytherin and Gryffindor for the first time in history.
Draco and Vivienne's story was told worldwide for many years, their story having been written down in diaries the two owned.
Everyone knew the truth in the end.
Vivienne was innocent.
Draco was innocent.
And they were in love.
Like Romeo and Juliet.
Hermione pulled away from the typewriter, blinking away her tears. It was done; she finished writing the story of the star-crossed lovers after 22 years of writing, erasing, writing, editing - until she reached the end. She wanted it to be as real and detailed as possible. It was the least she could do for them.
A knock came on her door, revealing her two best friends - one of them being her husband. They noticed the sad look on her face and the typewriter she sat behind. "It's finished, huh?" Harry mused, the two of them sitting across from her.
"Yeah, it's done," she sighed, closing the two diaries gently and putting them in a safe. "I hope it is as close to the actual memories..."
"I'm sure you did brilliant, Mione," Ron assured her. "They would love it."
"I think it will bring closure to us all," Harry added quietly, "especially to Malfoy's parents."
"After making sure it's correct, the first copy will be sent to them," she announced confidently, gathering the papers and putting them in a safe place on her clean desk. "How are they? It's almost the anniversary..."
"As fine as they can be," Harry sighed, slumping in his chair. "I feel sorry for them all the time. We lost schoolmates when they lost their son...and granddaughter..."
"Poor Vivienne had no one," Ron added miserably. "I can't believe we treated her so harshly..."
"All we can do is move on," Hermione told them shakily. "That's what they would have wanted. That, and the truth which is why I made this book."
"Oh!" Ron perked up at a sudden thought. "There's another reason why we're here!"
"There is?" the Minister of Magic wondered.
"Yup!" the two men nodded.
"It's done," Harry announced. "The painting is done."
"Mr Malfoy, Mrs Malfoy," Hermione greeted the parents. "It's lovely to see you two again."
"You too," Narcissa said with a weak smile, Lucius giving a small nod.
"I know today is a tough day for all of us," Harry started, "but we hope to help you two get some closure. Which brings us to two gifts."
"Gifts?" Lucius frowned.
"Yes," Hermione nodded. She handed them the wrapped book. "This is the story of Draco and Vivienne - from the first time they saw each other, to..." she trailed off sadly. "Using their diaries, I was able to connect their memories and so I hope through this, you can get some closure and know that despite all this, your son was very happy and in love."
"Thank you," Narcissa sniffed, holding the book to her chest tightly as if it were a newborn. She always wished to be part of Darco’s life when it came to romance, to hear him gush about the lucky girl that caught his heart. She wasn’t able to experience that with her son, but perhaps through this book, she can get a smidge of what her son felt throughout his love life…
"The second gift..." Ron walked to them while levitating a large rectangle-shaped object covered with a cloth. While it was floating in midair, Ron grabbed the cloth and pulled it away to reveal an artwork. An artwork that made them all stifle cries.
It was an artwork with three people; Draco, Vivienne, and their newborn child held gently between the couple. The painting was set in a beautiful field, with the small family sitting on a picnic blanket.
"In their diary," Hermione explained, "Vivienne wrote a dream she had. She had a dream that she was having a beautiful picnic in a field full of flowers and sunshine, and with her was Draco and their newborn baby. Draco gushed about the dream in his diary, and how he hoped it would come true once the battle was over. They knew they were going to have a girl despite the early stages of her pregnancy, and they came up with the name Dariela for their daughter, which means -"
"Beloved," the parents answered. They remember when Draco was a young boy visiting another family’s manor, he came across a book full of baby names - they remembered Draco showing the name Dariela to them, saying how he found it beautiful and hoped to name his daughter that in the future.
"An anonymous painter wanted to create something for us to bring closure," Harry explained to the emotional parents. "With this, we can imagine this as them now, watching us."
"We had a plan of hanging this in Hogwarts," Ron told them, "but at the same time this should go to you since Draco is your son -"
"No," they shook their head.
"You can hang it in Hogwarts," Lucius told them. "It's where it belongs. It’s where…it’s where they met. The beautiful painting doesn’t belong in a dark place like our home."
"Although..." Narcissa hesitated. "If possible...can there be another painting for us to hang? So they can come and go if they wanted..."
"Of course," Hermione nodded quickly. "The painter is working on it already."
"Thank you so much -"
"Hello..." they all gasped when the painting came to life; Draco and Vivienne smiling at them. Narcissa couldn't hold it in and released her sobs.
"Oh, my baby!" she cried. Draco merely smiled at her blissfully. "I'm so sorry..."
"It's okay, it's not your fault," the Draco painting spoke. It made them all shiver with how realistic he sounded. It's been 22 years since they last heard from them…
"Just know that we are happy, and at peace," Vivienne told them, cradling her baby in her arms happily. "We're always watching from above."
"We forgive you," the two chorused. The living people weren't aware of how much they needed to hear that from their lips until that day.
That was the last time the painting spoke. From then on, it was just the two of them smiling and enjoying their time together, something they never got when they were alive. They would silently greet people in Hogwarts, and sometimes visit Malfoy Manor - but everyone knew that it was quite dangerous to have a moving painting of a passed loved one as it could bring one person to madness and unable to move on.
Nonetheless, after that, it was easier for people to move on, to live their lives knowing that everything was okay now, that the small family - wherever they were - was in a happy place.
They never forgot the star-crossed lovers and made sure everyone knew about them and their story. Their story was passed down from generation to generation, proving again that in the end…
Love was unlimited and powerful, and love conquered all.
The End
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Harry Potter Boys x Reader Masterlist - (One Shot & Series)
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Masterlist Category:
✿ - Fluff | ✪ - Angst | ➼ - Short Blurb | ✎ - Personal Favorite | ♡ - Gender Neutral | ✉ - Future/Husband | ♕ - Male Reader | ⌁☍ - Series
In Progress...
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➼ - Lip-gloss / You and Harry have been dating for 2 years since your 4th year of Hogwarts, the chosen one and you plan to go on a date today but before that, you had to get ready for it and as Harry waits around he manages to discover something in your makeup bag and wonders more about what it is.
✿ - His sister / Draco Malfoy will always be the worst enemy Harry Potter has ever come across during his Hogwarts years, he's cruel, vile, and a coward, pretty much all bad things mixed into one person, but he had a sister, a younger sister who's in no way shape or form as bad as her older brother, but she is still a Malfoy. Harry noticed Draco's little sister right away in his early years thinking that he hates her too but now coming into his 5th year she seems to stick out a little bit more than he'd like, she's no doubt a beautiful-looking girl so Harry's sure he's only attracted to her looks right? he can't possibly fancy his enemies younger sister... right? (Slytherin Female Reader)
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✪ - Her / You've been friends with the lovable Ron Weasley since your childhood years living across from each other, aside from being Harry and Hermione's best friend he always comes back to you in the end when he needed a shoulder to cry on, share a piece of happy news too or just to have a good hug with. What he didn't realize is that your heart has grown your once platonic friendship into something more, ever since 1st year you've tried to gain his feelings back for you, now in your 5th year being head over heels for him you begin to seek hints if he ever sees you this way until it's clear that he never did, because you'll never be her. (Gryffindor Female Reader)
➼ - Doodles / You and your boyfriend Ron are studying for the upcoming O.W.L.S in the library together, as you try and focus on your studies your redhead boyfriend seems to feel boredom run through his mind and body during studying, as he tried hard to gain your attention yet failing to do so, he masters up an idea that managed to get you to fun with him.
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✪ - Regrets / You and the known incompetent Gryffindor, Neville Longbottom have been in a relationship together for a year now, he couldn't be more perfect as a partner, he's sweet, affectionate yet shy and he's the best as he can be around you, there isn't really a word to justify how joyful the both of you were, but now coming into your 2nd year of dating a certain boy has caught your attention more than you like, you had no problem committing to Neville fully before because you love him, but somehow this particular boy has changed your mind that made it hard. To sum it up you're in love with Neville and another, but your solution to this was to cheat due to being scared of letting Neville go yet wanting to pursue more with the other not realizing how much you'd regret your decisions in the end.
✉ - Happily Ever After / 8 years have passed, after the victorious battle of Hogwarts, you and Neville settled down in your spacious cottage located in Hogsmeade close to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, after tying the knot in the 2000s you bare 2 children, (fraternal twin daughters) to the Ex Auror and now Herbology professor and head of Gryffindor house, reminiscing the old days in your lovely couch together while your daughters are away sleeping over at their great grandma's house.
➼ - Sing / You're a talented and one of the most beautiful female singers Hogwarts has to offer, but know not a lot of people are aware of your remarkable talent including your boyfriend of 1 year Neville due to shyness, not being aware of your surroundings you sing until your heart can content not knowing who's been listening.
✿ - Oopsie Daisy / Cielo is one of the most popular girls in Gryffindor's house, known for her beauty, kindness, and witty personality every boy is falling practically down on her feet juniors or seniors. They're willing to do anything just to be able to have a small conversation with her or go out on a date with her, but every guy has tried, and pretty much failed only being able to adore her from afar except for one. An insecure, shy, and clumsy plant-loving boy who's a year below her has had a crush on her since his 3rd year, not knowing how to get her attention to notice or like him back, he grew disappointed in himself every day for wasting time. One day a group of slightly older Gryffindor guys decided to help Neville caught your attention, but was it genuine help or are they trying to set him up to fail his chances with you?
⌁☍ - Wicked (Coming Soon)
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➼ - Tattoos / You and your boyfriend of 6 months Draco, were cuddling in his empty shared Slytherin dorm room spending your weekend away from friends and family just enjoying each other's company before you noticed a certain mark on his body as he took off his shirt.
⌁☍ - Blood Purity / Keeping your family's Blood Purity and having high values when it comes to Intelligence and wisdom, is a duty and a sacred tradition all your family members of all generations have to follow. Getting sorted into Ravenclaw proving your worth, and following in your ancestor's footsteps, and keeping an Outstanding grade all the way through in Hogwarts kept your parents happy and proud, but not yet joyful. After 7 years of your Hogwarts journey coming to an end, they expect you to marry into a powerful pure-blooded family. As they take matters into their own hands your parents arranged a marriage for you based on a deal, to a boy who came from a powerful and pure-blooded family who you've despised for years. (On Going)
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✪ - My Goodbyes / You and your ex-boyfriend Cedric Diggory have been separated for a little over 3 months, it was a mutual and heartbreaking decision with him being in his last and final year of Hogwarts while you have about 2 years left to go before graduation, but not only that time seems to disagree and is not sticking side by the two of you in any way shape or form. Despite still loving each other tremendously there's nothing else you and Cedric can do to fix it, only time shall decide if the two are meant for each other leaving the feelings of ache and misery when you pass by each other pretending not to care...if only it isn't a right person, wrong time situation.
➼ - I Love You / After 5 months of dating your older boyfriend and a charming yet brave Hufflepuff Cedric Diggory, has finally said the words I love you on the morning of your birthday as he also brought along a little gift for you.
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➼ - Hoodie / You and your boyfriend Oliver, has been together for a little over 6 month now, due to your age difference him being the 6th year and you being the 4th year you both decided to take it slow and kept your relationship quiet not letting anyone except your closest friends know about the situation until today's Quidditch match where it all changed.
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➼ - Lost Sweater / Your boyfriend Fred has been looking for a specific sweater that his mom knitted him and gifted to him during Christmas last year but he couldn't seem to find it, due to its cold bold blue color he adores wearing it a whole lot, especially during cold wintery months such as these, with no luck finding it he turns to you his girlfriend of 1 year only to find that you've been wearing it all along.
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➼ - Dance Party / You and your boyfriend of 1 year George decided to stay in his dorm room during a free period together, the room was empty and left the two of you bored out of your mind before George decided to shuffle through his music records collection and flipped your boredom around with a dance party.
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➼ - Pancakes /You and your boyfriend of 6 months Blaise are eating breakfast together before an intense quidditch match later on between Slytherin house and Gryffindor house, he regrets to confirm but he's indeed nervous about the match, and due to his nervousness devouring him, he wasn't feeling like eating until you encourage him to do so.
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rosaline-black · 2 years
Heyy! Can I request a harry potter x reader based on those gif? <3 (maybe during a slughorn party harry and the reader decides to sneak out of it, to dance in a secret garden at Hogwarts)
𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐-𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛
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So i wasn't sure what gif you meant, but the idea of Harry awkwardly dancing is adorable so here ya go!
Category: Harry potter X Gn!reader
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He was the chosen one. That was the only thing he had going for him, and somehow he had managed to make you his partner. The person he had pined after for most of his schooling career. It was only natural he would ask you to accompany him to Slughorn's party, if he had to sit through a night of obnoxious boasting and loud music, he was sure as hell going to make you go experience it with him. You had been there for him through everything, his main support system after Sirius's death.
"Do we really have to wear something fancy?" Harry groaned straightening up his collar as he cringed at the sight before him, he would take quidditch gear over this shoddy robe any day.
"yes Harry, it's a Christmas party... if you cant dress up now when can you?" you huffed, making your way over to harry who seemed to have no idea how to tie a bow tie correctly "You're doing it all wrong..."
After fixing his bow tie and placing a gentle peck on his cheek, resulting in his cheeks turning that shade of cherry red you loved oh so much, Harry slipped his hands in yours, taking your leave.
The walk to the party was surprisingly filled with anxiety. The both of you shared a common hatred for social events with people you weren't all that familiar with. And with Harry's current fame status, there were bound to be journalists and leach like people who would do anything to find a story. You felt his hand tighten around your own, and you gave it a gentle squeeze, so he knew you were both scared in solidarity.
"Right...we had better go in then..."
"After you... the boy who lived..."
Harry let out a gruff laugh, before entering the party. Within minutes a few people were approaching him, as you stood there awkwardly by his side. It was as if you didn't even exist to some of these people, like you were just a distraction that they wanted to get harry away from.
One particular girl seemed to not be taking a hint, her arm ghosting up Harry's bicep as she leaned in to whisper something in his ear. It made you sick.
"Harry... I'm going to get a drink..." you mumbled, turning on your foot and scanning the busy crowd. Slughorn was being the entertainer, he reminded you of the ghost of Christmas present from a Christmas carol, all belly laughs, no worries about tomorrow's serious hangover. You caught sight of Neville passing out canapés and champagne which made your chest tighten with guilt, why couldn't he be a part of the party.
Shaking your head to clear it of the thoughts that wouldn't stop buzzing, you grabbed a glass of champagne off of a random waiter's tray. Turning your attention back to Harry, you noticed he wasn't there, the girl stood all alone.
"Hello love..."
You jumped slightly and your face lit up at the sight of your boyfriend beside you. He looked worn out from just that one conversation and it made you giggle.
"Wasn't your cup of tea?" You implored, letting Harry intertwine your fingers.
"No... look can we... get out of here I have an idea?"
With a confused nod, you were soon being dragged from the party by your boyfriend. No matter how many times you attempted to ask where you were going, he just shrugged and smiled mischievously.
"Harry... this is the courtyard..." you stated raising a brow, as Harry nodded.
"You would be correct it is... the courtyard over Slughorns party... notice how you can hear the music?"
You listened in and sure enough, the delicate orchestra could be heard bouncing off the pillars of the courtyard.
"Oh, you want to dance? You could have just said..." you smirked.
"Yes but this is far more romantic... here..."
Taking your hand, Harry gently pulled you against him. Your body rested against his, his hands finding your hips as you placed your arms around his neck. It was awkward, and messy, but it was perfect. Harry had always been a horrible dancer, he had zero rhythm, but you didn't care.
His heartbeat thumped softly in your ear as you rested your head against his shoulder.
"I'm an awful dancer aren't I?" He whispered, you could practically feel the embarrassed blush radiating heat.
"Yes... but I don't mind..."
There was a sweet silence as you basked in each other's breaths, your eyes meeting as you smiled widely once again.
"I'm going to kiss you now Harry..."
And so you did. It was soft and lovely, like every time you kissed. Everything else just melted away, just the music and the delicate pitter-patter of one and other's hearts.
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dr4cking · 3 years
I just came across your blog and I love your writing so much. Can I request where reader and draco are in a secret relationship so she likes to tease him in public by flirting with guys!? And he gets like so possessive and fucks the living shit out of her 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : thank you for requesting! this was so fun to write! <3
this is one of the most excited things she got when she signed a deal to be in a relationship with the one and only, draco malfoy.
they have been secretly dating for 7 months and the fact that no one know about this, making the adrenaline of getting caught more exciting.
y/n loves how draco would treated her like she is the only girl for him, which is true. but she also likes how she would seek a chance of getting him worked up when she gets on his skin then she would get what she wanted.
like now, it was no different days but she decided she would add some fun today, she loves when he goes rough with her in bed and now she makes sure she would get it without having to look desperate.
y/n smirked as the brightest idea popped up in her mind. draco is the type of jealous and overprotective boyfriend, so why doesnt she proves it today?
she admit she was kinda scared when she saw the angry version of her boyfriend but she loved it at the same time. she likes to tease him, knowing he cant do anything.
and if this how she would get what she wanted then she would take it.
she walked out of her dorm and run downstairs, she knew draco already waiting for her in the great hall. it would be the perfect chance for her.
her eyes looking for the blonde haired guy as soon as she entered the great hall and she found him already looking at her, his eyes were telling her to sit near him,
but no, not today.
y/n took a seat beside theodore nott, a friend of draco who would always take his chance to flirt with all the girls who passed by him.
“hey nott, you’re looking good today” y/n raising her voice a little bit louder on purpose, draco who sat across them already fuming at her flirty voices.
“hey y/n its all you, looking hot as always.” she laughs although its not really funny, she cringed at the way her laugh sounds but play it along when she heard a thumped sounds from a fork dropped to the plate.
y/n continues her flirting with theo touching his arm and laughing about his jokes until it was time for their class. she looks at draco’s red face and give him a wink and a smirk.
“what the fuck is up with your bratty behavior today?” draco asked as he walks past her, he makes sure no one was looking in their direction.
“who are you calling brat? because i’m for sure not one.” y/n replied giving him her sly grin before she runs to the class not giving him the chance to answer her.
they were sitting next to each other in potions class, draco tried his best not to distracting the class by calling y/n’s name at any chance he got but she was still ignoring him and told him it was nothing.
“baby, did i do something wrong?” she swore she almost wanted to stop all her game when she heard the intonation in his voice but she decided to be stubborn.
“its nothing draco i promise” y/n shoots him a smile reassuring him, the least she could do right now.
professor snape called out and announce that they’re gonna make a new potion and have to partner up with someone and when he listed her name with harry potter, she couldnt get more excited as she look at draco and shot him an apologetic smile.
“hey y/n, could you bring the ingredients i’m still working on how to make this properly” she nodded at harry’s order and get the ingredients immediately but not before taking a look at draco and swaying her hips on her way making him glared at her.
“here, harry. so, what’s the first step?” y/n asked and do what harry instructed.
she keeps asking him not-so- important questions to keep their conversation going but to make it worse she touched his arm on purpose and twirling her hair.
draco behind her already watching every move she made.
but whats make draco more mad is when they finished the potion and y/n jumped happily as they successfully made the potion and give the chosen one a tight embrace.
draco stormed out of the class balling his fists up, anger radiates off of him making all people passed by him to back off a little. y/n noticed this right away feeling guilty and decided to follow him but he was nowhere at the sight.
she was still looking around for draco asking people if they’ve seen him but the answer is no.
until a cold hand grabbed her wrist harshly and pulling her in one of abandoned class. she yelped when the person lock the door and put his hand on her mouth to muffled her scream.
“you did that on purpose, dont you, brat?” y/n rubbed her thighs together as she recognized the deep voice behind her, its draco.
“now you gonna have to stay quiet and be a good girl for me while i teached you some lesson, yeah?” she only nodded at him cant speak as his hand still on her mouth.
“for the whole day i’ve been wondering what i did wrong to make you act like an ungrateful brat. but all i see now is that you just need to be tamed, right?” draco whispers into her ear guiding his free hand down to the bottom of her skirt after y/n gives him a nod of permission.
he sneaked his hand under her skirt and put it in her panties rubbing her cunt getting her aroused then he pushed in his fingers into her without warning making her body jolt out.
“you just wanted to be fucked braindead, yeah? what a dumb girl” his hand still remain on her mouth not trusting she would be able to keep her voice down.
y/n put her hand on his hand that were buried deep inside her and pushing his fingers deeper into her starting to fuck herself on his fingers making him chuckle.
“think you deserve to cum after what you did earlier, hm?” draco said taking all the control in his hand and starts to thrusting his fingers deeper and faster.
his long fingers abused her cunt just like the way she needed and when he curls them inside she screamed, luckily his other hand still covering her. she was squirming there and then under his touch.
y/n rolled her eyes back in pleasure when his fingers meet her spot and pumping into it over and over again.
draco feels her walls clenching around him and quickly pulled them out of her leaving the girl whining.
“think about the consequences next time, princess.” draco turns her around and pushes her chest against the wall, placing her ass right in front of his crotch.
“i’m sorry i’m sorry draco! please i need to cum.. fuck me please dray punish me!” y/n finally let her voice out as his hands are too busy roaming around her body.
a hard smack delivered to her ass making a loud sound causing her to whimpered at the sting.
“stay quiet princess or i will not consider about giving you the chance to cum” she shuts her mouth instantly as draco unbuckled his pants letting it falls to his ankle.
y/n cant help but letting out high pitched moan when his hand came in contact with her marked ass again and when he pushed her panties aside finally lining up his cock against her entrance.
“now you will remember who you belong to.” draco said as he slammed all of his cock inside her, pounding into her right away not giving her time to adjust.
“oh fuck! y-yes dray..” y/n moans out loud which earned her another slap on her sore ass.
“quiet, brat” she tried to hold her moan by biting her lips but it just slipped off of her especially when his tip hit her spot.
draco’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, groaning quietly as he let himself disappear inside her going in and out of her with snaps of his hips, each time it gets harder and faster.
he roughly squeezed her breasts through her shirt making her shirt ruffled and messy before letting his hand down to circling her clit.
“make yourself cum, y/n.” he slaps her sensitive clit a few times making her writhed, ripping her orgasm through her body, she doesnt care anymore when she moaned his name out loud.
“feels so fucking good” with the last thrust, draco stilled and shoots his thick cum into her non stop, painting her walls white with his liquids over and over again making the girl moaned when her panties became sticky.
draco pulls out and put his pants back on. he stared at her fucked out body before turning her around to face him and quickly pressing their lips together kissing her passionately.
“next time just ask me if you want your needy pussy to get pounded hard by me. dont you dare do that stunt ever again.” y/n nodded at his words giving him a cheeky grin. sweats running through their bodies.
and when they opened the door, all the students that passed by giving them a weird look, draco smirked at them before pulling y/n back into a deep kiss.
pls i love this one-
tagging : @dracoscum (unblock me hoe) @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @famishedbeak @arzfia @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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annemagus · 3 years
natural love potion; h.p.
Pairing: harry potter x fem!Gryffindor!reader Timeline: HBP / 6th year Warning(s): cussing, mentions of dying and blood, submission, reader pining Word Count: 5k
A/N: Hey there! This is my first ever post. I would love to hear your thoughts!
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Harry and Y/N are friends. Just friends. Much like Harry and Hermione, there is nothing out of it that is going on between them. Not until that day in potions.
“Are you done with my potion?“
“You mean, will Professor Slughorn call you by your name? Then yes, Wallenby.“
It was the first week of another year at Hogwarts. New faces, new prefects and even new professors are introduced, as usual. Professor Slughorn is the newest addition to the faculty and to have a good first impression with the students, he's given the 6th years Amortentia, the love potion, as their first Potions homework.
They were supposed to put it in their selected food or drink and it had to be unnoticeable. Why would the Potions Teacher assign this kind of homework to the students? No one knows. But this certainly gave him a good first impression to a large number of students.
“Blimey Harry, we've been rotten at Potions ever since. Now look at you, it's as if you've taken private lessons with Snape the whole summer. You’re the bloody Potions Master in our year now!“
The two Gryffindors are making their way out of their dorm room towards the Common Room with Harry holding a small basket of cookies to bring it in the dungeons where the potions classroom is at. Y/N is patiently waiting for them near the Portrait as several students greet her along the way.
“Where’s ‘Mione?“ Ron exclaimed without even acknowledging the girl’s presence.
“Uhm, shouldn't you know that, Mr Prefect?"
The male prefect then realized the time and his supposed agenda to escort first years to the Great Hall. Harry scolded him of how much he and others would kill to be in his position and yet he’s never given it any importance.
“Godric, have mercy on me. Hermione’s gonna kill me!” the redhead exclaimed after getting a playful slap behind his head from the Chosen One before rushing away from the two.
“Much worse than that, she’s gonna make him expelled,“ she jokes with a mouthful of cookie from the small basket Harry was holding. "Mhm, you have no idea how badly I've been craving cookies since last week! This is good, Har. Where’d ya buy it?“ 
Harry, before realizing what happens, freezes. He was too busy lecturing his best friend that he didn't notice a hand sneaking into his potion, the cookie. His hand slowly snakes its way to the contents of the basket that has supposedly four cookies but now has only three. “Y/N!“
"What?" she chuckles dreamily.
"We need to get you to the Hospital Wing."
“What for? You put poison in it, didn't you?“ Y/N continues to chuckle dreamily.
Harry stares at his friend as if she was some peculiar experiment. “How are you feeling, Y/N?“
“I feel like . . .“ she sighs dramatically as she gazes far away, mesmerized. The effects are plainly obvious. “I feel like falling.“
“Falling?“ Harry's stomach twisted. This is what makes Potions classes bothersome, the uncertainty of knowing whether the potion you brew is right or wrong. You can only know it if you’re a professional or by testing the potion done, which in Harry’s case, Y/N would do for him.
"I'm falling in love, Harry. I'm falling in love with you."
And boy was he really the Potions Master.
The raven-haired boy's cheeks got warm the second those words escaped his friend's lips. The two are only friends and have never acted more than that. Seeing this new side of Y/N for Harry is too foreign for him.
Sure, Harry has seen her date two boys from different houses, but being the recipient of her romantic antics has never crossed his path. His last romantical relationship, if you can call it that, was last year with the senior Ravenclaw Cho Chang. Even that didn't go well. He went on a single date with her just to make her believe he's in love with both Hermione and Y/N. Ever since then, he never thought about committing to any romantic relationship.
"Harry . . ." Y/N's hand reached out for his arm, grazing down slowly towards his hand with too much delicacy. Their hands are now intertwined. The both of them have never reached this close proximity, having learned now that one of his best friend's palms are soft but slightly calloused in the fingertips from playing muggle instruments and Harry fears that when Ron finds out about this act, he will tease them nonstop which isn't fair for Y/N. ". . . I know this may sound all too sudden, but, I have loved you ever since."
He didn't respond. He tries to block all of this sudden affection out of his mind knowing these are all artificial.
"Don't you love me back?"
"Of course I do. You're my best frie-"
If his cheeks were warm, now, his ears as well are on fire. Y/N has thrown herself to the flustered boy, locking his neck and face in her arms, squealing in happiness like a kid. Holding hands is a new thing for The Boy Who Lived but hugging him as if to let the world know he's someone's is another thing.
Very few people have ever hugged him in all the history of his 16 years of existence, knowing the story of his parents and the lack thereof. His godfather, Mrs Weasley and Hermione are the only ones — as far as he knows — written in a tiny piece of parchment of the list of people who have hugged him. Yet none of them could compare to this hug as those mentioned acted parental towards him.
Students are now starting to pass them out of the Common Room towards the Great Hall. One of those shouted, "get a room!" They're still standing just beside the Portrait Hole where Ron has left them both to deal with his own romance.
"Uhm, Y/N, why don't we go get ourselves some breakfast first, yes?"
"Yes! Let's tell 'Mione and Ron that we're finally together!"
Breakfast was agonizingly slow, to Harry's opinion. Y/N can't stop giggling beside him and feeding him like an infant earning them attention from the others.
"Oi, Potter! Didn't know that you two are . . ."" Seamus makes a kissing face earning a few cackles and sniggers from their other friends at the table.
The boy just ignored them with an eye roll, amusing the two friends in front of him.
"Leave them be, Harry. Besides, when was the time Y/N acted on you this way, huh?" They all diverted their gaze to the dazed girl. Eyebrows knitted in concentration as she feeds him but at the same time doing her best to get as close to Harry as the universe could possibly give her the opportunity to. They've never seen her this in love and affectionate. And the two thought that Harry just deserves it even just for a while. "Never, right? You better make it worthwhile."
"Thanks, Ron. Really helpful." He answered with his famous eye-roll.
"Always here for you, mate "
"I just don't get why we couldn't tell Professor Slughorn immediately. I mean, I'm sure he has something for Y/N. Or Madam Pomfrey-"
"Yeah? In which I'm sure is also your easiest ticket to detention."
The boy grunts some incoherent words of profanities under his breath. Not only was he getting embarrassed by the fact that one of his close friends is acting like his girlfriend but dragging Y/N along with his catastrophic life is just too unfair on her side. She didn't ask for this. Plus, detention in the second week of a new school year doesn't sound good.
The Brightest Witch reminded them not to take Potions lightly. It may sound like not the most helpful subject in a wizarding war, but can get you expelled once meddled with students. In short, what happened to Y/N is very illegal. You should not use or test your Potions project with another student. Plus, Filch will go nuts if he gets the news that a student gave another student a love potion.
“Well, at least, now we know that your Potion worked well.”
"Come on, we're going to be late for DADA."
On their way towards Snape's classroom — a fact Harry still can't accept — Y/N's fingers are interlaced with Harry's as they walk. She's given him her bag as that's what boyfriend and girlfriends do. In the classroom, Y/N didn't sit in her usual spot but literally kicked Ron out of his chair to sit beside Harry, the boy just mouths a sorry.
Her usual focus from the class was now inclined to Harry himself alone the whole class. Out of all their major subjects, Harry is known to have the Defence Against the Dark Arts class on top of it all. Y/N knows it, having been a member of Dumbledore's Army. Everybody knows it. But with Snape being the teacher and Y/N constantly caressing his left cheek every time Snape's back faces them, the said subject is somehow kicked out of its place on top.
"Y/N, do you mind?" He tried but obviously failed to ask her to stop in the nicest way he can utter. "I mean, it'll be really hard for us to pass DADA, and eventually NEWTs, if we're both distracted." His voice is hoarse and soft, one way or another. Afraid to hurt the girl beside him and cause a scene. Letting his former Potions Professor know his mischief doing is the least of his priorities for the day. Merlin, at least, let this day finish without anyone knowing.
"Harry, my love, it's not my fault your eyes are distracting. They're the most beautiful green not even the most beautiful forest in the world could compare to."
Once again, his cheeks and ears are on fire for the 37th time this morning. Most of the reasons are from the nonstop compliments he's receiving from the girl. It didn't take much energy from him to not believe all of it. He grew up with the Dursleys, they didn't fail to engrave in his mind his place and worth.
"Care to share in class what you're chattering about, Mr Potter?" The elder snarled in the middle of his discussion, letters extending out of his tongue as per usual. He finally notices, as always, Harry making another noise across the room.
"Nothing, Professor."
The said Professor narrowed his eyes to the duo. He knows, of course, he knows, he was a bloody Potions Professor ever since he accepted the job offered to him at Hogwarts.
"I'm saying this once and only once," he positioned himself in front of the two, now leaning to the Gryffindor boy to let just the two hear what he'll say. "Fix this, or you will face more vile punishment than getting expelled."
The class was dismissed with 50 points taken from Gryffindor. Harry is used to it, even his other fellow Gryffindors weren't surprised anymore. As a matter of fact, as long as he is breathing, infinite points will be deducted from their house.
As they were heading out of the classroom, Hermione gently peels the zonked out Y/N away from her grasp on the poor boy. "Harry, you can't let the other teachers know about this."
"Well, what do you suggest then?"
The next words that came out of her lips are like caffeine to the sleepy heads of Harry and Ron. They could not believe she could say such things. Even Y/N would have been gobsmacked if she just wasn't in a daze.
"Don't go to classes?" Her tone was laced with uncertainty. But she couldn't think of any other option, she'd rather let them take a day off classes than have Harry nor Y/N expelled.
"Can I come with them?"
Harry Potter's Monday was bizarrely different from his usual ones. He has spent the whole day with Y/N trailing behind him like a baby duck. His hand used to be sweaty the whole time with her's but now, it felt more comforting than awkward interlocked with his.
The castle was quiet, with all the students in class, it gave him privacy and away from the prying eyes of malicious gossipers. They couldn’t get inside the Common Room as some 7th years are hanging there knowing they have fewer classes and more time for reviewing for their NEWTs, library; some teachers roam around there, Hagrid’s Hut; knowing Hagrid, as much as they love the guy, couldn’t keep his mouth shut from secrets.
As much as he dreads going to class all the time, it was strange to see the castle this quiet without Ron’s company.
He was throwing pebbles by the lake to pass time as Y/N sat on the ground behind him, making them their Charms essay homework.
The boy studies her features. Y/N wasn’t so bad. Her hair’s tidier than Hermione’s. She was actually beautiful. He would’ve taken her to the Yule Ball when Ravenclaw Cho Chang declined his invitation and if it wasn’t for that Slytherin bloke asking her out instantly - her first ex-boyfriend who Y/N dated a few months back. Her hair tucked in her ear as she focuses on what to write next in her essay. Harry feels bad for making her write his homework but the girl insisted. Guess you’d do anything for the people you love.
He looks back on the lake. Thinking of the people who have loved him did everything they could to protect him, even dying. First, his parents, then Sirius even Jesus, what did he do to deserve this fate. What good will it be if the people he loves are gone?
Two arms wrapped around his chest from behind startled him.
“You’re tense.” Y/N’s hand unwrapped his bloodied hand. He didn’t even notice he was gripping the stone tightly, his scarlet blood staining the object.
“It’s nothing.“ He cranes his neck to stare at the girl on his right shoulder. Her eyes are full of concern and love. Love that he created out of a goddamn potion for a goddamn homework. A love that could never be compared to the love of his parents and Sirius. A goddamn false love. His brows knitted before jumping out of Y/N’s embrace with panic.
“I think we can go inside now.“
The rest of the day consists of Harry, trying to ignore all of Y/N’s pining over him. He tries to remember that all of these are not her fault, there’s nothing to get mad at her about. Running away from her is also impossible as she committed herself to cling to Harry’s arm as if her life depends on it.
Finally, classes are over and dinner is approaching. The two are reunited with Hermione and Ron in a secluded area of a random hallway, as Harry was hoping to get less attention from other students as they got earlier at breakfast.
“How are the love birds?“ Ron teases, seeing their hands locked still.
“Oh, it was majestic, Ron! Harry took me to the Black Lake even though today was a school day. I feel a little rebellious, to be honest.“
“Good hiding spot.“ Hermione commented.
“I’m not going to the Great Hall for dinner. So you two can bring Y/N instead.“
“No! I’m coming with you!“
“Y/N aren’t you tired of my company yet?“
“I could never! I love you.“
Ron snickered pretty loudly in front of them, even Hermione couldn’t suppress a smile.
“Aren't you two just adorable?” the redhead continues to tease.
“Don’t worry Harry, Ron and I will bring you supper instead.“
The day has finally ended and the effects of the Amortentia, as what the favourite book of Harry says, wears off after 24 hours. It was past Y/N’s get up time but fortunately for them, she took her time sleeping exactly until the effects wore off. 
She moans with pain as she tries to sit up from her bed.
"How are you feeling?"
"It's me."
"I feel like a full construction site is inside my head . . . and I feel awful. Like, waking up on the wrong side of the wrong bed."
"Do you feel anything . . . unusual? Like, something or particularly someone you want to obsess about?"
The girl looks at her strangely and then at the time. "Bloody heck Hermione, aren't we late for breakfast?"
Clearly, Y/N remembers none from the incident.
Meanwhile, at the Great Hall, Harry is tapping his leg out of anxiousness. If his Amortentia was too strong and didn’t ease away, he might as well pack his belongings and leave Hogwarts voluntarily. His precious book from the Half-Blood Prince has mentioned the cure for a love potion but the ingredients are only held by the Potions Teacher. The horrors there will be once he mentions this to a teacher is unimaginable, he’d rather spend the day with a dazed Y/N than get lectures from a teacher.
“Don’t worry about your girlfriend, mate,“ Ron’s words are muffled from a chicken leg in between his teeth from across him. “They’re here.“
Across the Hall, the two girls are striding towards their place.
“Why are you at my seat?”
“Uhhh . . .” stammering, Ron glances at Harry for help. They were normally sitting beside each other but after the incident yesterday, they thought Y/N would love to sit next to the Golden Boy. “I-I don’t know either,“ just sliding to his side to make room for the two.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?“ Harry asks the dishevelled looking girl in front of him. Both Hermione and Ron - who are sitting side by side - are listening to the exchange intently.
“Honestly, I feel bad. Like, subconsciously, I know this day would be so bad,” Y/N sighs depressingly. “Why, are you alright?“
“Yeah,” deep inside the boy, a strong wave of relief passed him. His body was cold from the nerves, but knowing his Amortentia had finally worn off, those nerves were showered off of him with a warm relieving feeling. “Actually, I’ve never been better.”
“Well, at least one of us has woken up on the right side of the bed.“ she chuckles half-heartedly. Harry felt guilty hastily after hearing those words. It’s all your fault dipshit.
As Y/N is back to sitting beside Hermione, she is also back to her normal self. Talking to her alone about their Charms homework that she never remembers making and some other random stuff that the boys could not give a care about. She was back to not paying any attention to the Golden Boy at the front who she absentmindedly know is staring at her.
Morning supper was finished and the quartet is now in Snape’s classroom. Y/N was back to sitting beside the cute Hufflepuff guy she's been crushing on and Harry is back stuck with his blabbering best friend.
As Snape discusses some more non-verbal spells and the techniques, he takes time to stop rounding the class in front of Y/N who was again, back to her normal self, her focus never leaving the Teacher. He stares at her, looking past her eyes and seeing that his student’s consciousness is back before trudging towards Harry and Ron.
“10 points from Gryffindor,” he grunted under his breath, which actually is the first compliment Harry has ever received from the elder man.
Classes ended and dinner came, Harry finds himself staring at the girl in front of him. She was talking to Seamus, one of their good friends, chatting and laughing with him as if he'd said the funniest joke ever told. The food on his plate has long been forgotten.
"Quit staring, you creep."
Harry looks back at his best friend beside him with a mixture of confusion. "Don't tell me you think I wouldn't notice."
What the boy was talking about, he has no idea.
"When will you tell Y/N?" Again, he replied with a look. "About the incident, of course."
Harry wasn't planning on ending his friendship with Y/N because of his carelessness. He could've just sealed the cookies in a jar or box so no one could see it, but no. He had to display it for the world to see. Hermione disagrees with his plan, of course.
The three of them found the perfect time to be alone in the common room, students are still chatting and scampering about their day anywhere but their dorms. So they decided then, to tell Y/N what happened.
"So that's why I felt bad. Isn't that the after-effects of Amortentia?"
Three heads nodded in front of her, studying her features.
"Well, I'm glad it was you, Harry. Could you imagine if it was Ron?" Y/N visibly grimacing at the thought. "But to be honest, it was all my fault. I should've asked you first before eating it. Thank you for being honest with me, Harry."
It wasn’t really what the boy was expecting as a response. He was anticipating more anger or embarrassment from the girl.
Their usual cycle is back. Y/N was completely Y/N Y/L/N again it's as if nothing happened. The four of them never mentioned the incident again and Harry catches himself being disturbed with that. It made him feel some things like shouldn’t Y/N be shy around me? Or shouldn’t Ron tease us still about what happened? Or shouldn’t Hermione lecture us and watch over us more to not repeat the incident again? These thoughts run through his head as every day passes.
He also catches himself getting extra angrier at the Hufflepuff boy, Y/N’s crushing about, every time they have a Quidditch tournament. Especially that time when she barges in the Common Room pretty loudly yelling at everyone that she got a date with the cute Hufflepuff.
“Y/N can you help me find a good present for Mrs Weasley’s birthday on our next Hogsmeade trip?” He tried, one Friday morning, to get in between them.
“Of course, Harry! But, can we do it after my date?“
“Right . . . you have a date.” Sounding a tad bit more disappointed than he really is.
“But,” Y/N responded with the syllable dragging along “I could tell him to go on the next visit instead and spend the day with my best friend?”
“Oh no, I don’t want you to cancel your date because of me.”
“Harry, I could even cancel my Charms class, Godric knows how much I love that class but, that’s beside the point. What I’m saying is that I’m here for you. Also, we’ve barely hung out anymore ever since you’ve been the, what does Ron call it, ah, the Potions master!”
“Not you too!” he playfully grunted all too loudly earning a laugh from the girl.
"Seriously, I would love to come with you.”
He never thought he'd say this but he misses Y/N. His Y/N, who cannot keep her hands to herself but Harry’s.
And before he could stop himself from getting deeper into his thoughts, he was left astounded. To his knowledge, all feelings he has for his best friend are only platonic but here he is, couldn't stop himself from the thoughts of Y/N. The way she used to have her focus engraved to the boy alone and him alone. It gives him so much angst every time Y/N hasn't given him enough attention for the day.
If this stupid Amortentia incident leads him into any feelings he'd be in deep shit.
Because Harry should not be bothered to get distracted. Quidditch season is starting, he's got new people relying upon his captainship. Besides Y/N has her eyes on someone else and he cannot risk losing their friendship knowing his feelings aren't being reciprocated.
Well there it is, he's already in deep shit.
So when their first game arrived playing against Slytherin, he is rather surprised to see Ron winning them a high rank.
He knows he deserved the glory that's why as the captain of the team, he let them have the post quidditch game party in their common room. The parties were usually lead by the twins, but knowing they're already gone, he didn't know that his fellow housemates apprehended their festivities.
"Weasley! Weasley!"
They watch as Ron finally gets recognition for his own efforts alone. Y/N was nowhere to be found, probably with her new boyfriend, and Hermione was shattered when Lavender Brown smothered Ron with kisses.
The two are in a random staircase trying to comfort one another. He doesn't know who needs more comforting, Hermione or him. Knowing he already lost someone who's never his also shattered his heart.
"How does it feel, Harry? When you see Y/N with another guy?"
To say that he's dumbfounded was an understatement. He couldn't be that careless with his so-called feelings now, is he?
"I know. I see the way you look at her. You two are my best friend."
He dreaded this conversation happening. The Golden Boy has never intended on developing feelings toward his friend. Unlike Hermione and Ron, the two have been having this romantical tension ever since their first year. His feelings toward Y/N is purely conjured by an incident they never dared to speak about. The boy believes that these stupid feelings of him will only break their friendship and Harry's not risking that.
"Why don't you try something?" Hermione is always the one they go to whenever they need help and whenever they're clueless about the next step. But this, this advice of hers is definitely one Harry's scared to listen to. "Hufflepuff boy is still not making any moves yet. You know, you're valid to think about yourself too. You've always thought about the others, you always prioritize us before yourself. You deserve to live too, Harry."
So Harry did listen.
In the Great Hall, he confided himself to sit beside Y/N all the time. Hermione doesn't mind the changes in their seating arrangement as she gets to sit with Ron anyway, so candidly speaking, it is a win-win situation for everybody.
He starts small, playfully feeding her (the way she used to), talking and listening to her talk about life in general. When they were walking towards their class, he would always offer to carry her bag, in which he never really waits for her response. Intermittently inviting her to do homework by the lake alone together. And every time they have Hogsmeade visits, he would buy her sweets at Honeydukes.
And Y/N notices. It didn't really take her long before she sees. She has convinced Hermione one night to tell her of her doings that day she was under Amortentia. Harry's new behaviour towards her has perfectly mirrored the story Hermione has told her.
Little did Harry know, the feelings eventually have been mutuals.
So when the Golden Boy was informed of this Christmas Party Professor Slughorn has assembled, he didn't hesitate to ask Y/N in an instant, too afraid that Yule Ball night might happen again. He was, for once, too grateful to be part of the Slug Club as Hufflepuff Boy was not part of it. Now that just minimizes his crush problem.
He has seen her in a ball gown back in their fourth year for their Yule Ball. But he never got the chance to be the one standing beside her throughout the night but now, tonight, he feels like the luckiest man.
Standing on the top of the stairway from the girls' dorm room was his best friend he never had feelings before until this year. She wasn't wearing the grandest of gown there is but this simple dress enhanced her features. She was walking down the stairs with a smile that gave a huge impact on how she looks. She was literally glowing.
"Y/N," he breathed, completely in awe of what feelings do to people.
He always sees Y/N every day, talks to her and laughs with her. She sees her perfectly like what normal best friends do. But after developing feelings for her, his mind is persuaded that she was the most beautiful person that walked on the planet.
Harry is infatuated. He felt as if he was under some spell. Is this how Y/N sees him, all those times she was under the love potion?
But Harry was sure, a hundred per cent, that this is not artificial feelings. He really likes her.
So after a very successful Christmas date, with Hermione being their third wheel, the two were back from being hip to hip. Harry was glad his Y/N is back. He's been wearing the pride of not having to use a love potion to get her back beside him. Because this time, Harry did not create an artificial love to make the girl he likes, like him back. This time, he did it right. He just needed to wait for the right time and place to ask her.
Christmas has passed and Harry's time is also running fast. Of course, his special assignment with Dumbledore has never left his mind. He would do the subtle talks with Professor Slughorn here and there. He felt as if he's running out of ideas to get what he needed and to make things worse, the Potions Master is already growing annoyed with him.
"Still no luck with Slughorn, then, I take it?"
"Luck . . . That's it. All I need's a bit of luck."
That evening, Harry was away the whole time. He missed dinner but Y/N waited on him in the common room. She knows that the Felix Felicis potion has no limits. Whatever the user's deepest desires, it will help give it to them. Y/N knows that at this very moment, Harry succeeded. She makes sure that there will be someone waiting on him to celebrate it with him.
Harry came back from the Headmaster's office bearing a report about Slughorn's memory with Tom Riddle. There, in the Gryffindor Common Room, he sees her sleeping in one of the tables far back. It was not hard to see her, with the time obviously past bedtime, she was all alone.
With the liquid luck still pumping in his veins, he rushed to her. Kneeling in front of her, the Golden Boy then gently wakes the girl up.
"Y/N . . . I think I'm falling"
"Falling? What falling? Are you experiencing vertigo right now? Anxiety?"
"Worse than those."
And Y/N, moving on from her sleeping state, was now fully aware of where the conversation was going. She holds his inviting hand. "What is it, Harry?"
"Love . . . I'm falling in love."
Y/N smiles at how adorable the boy is looking right now. His hair is ever so dishevelled and his lips as red as cherry. He was the most oblivious boy she knows. Has only dated one yet here he is, kneeling in front of her. Confessing.
She knows that Felix is helping him with some luck because knowing the sober Harry, he would never be bold enough to say such things. Little did Harry know, he need not some luck as she was all too blessed to have him in her life. Because to Y/N's honest opinion, in this room, she was the luckiest.
"I'm falling in love with you, Y/N."
(Shamefully) tagging these amazing ppl: @harryjamespotterxreader​ @harrypotterxx​ @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
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Because I was wondering if you could do Harry Potter x veela! reader? Where the reader’s owl accidentally delivered a wrong letter to someone else and that would be Harry, soon they become penpals. The reader doesn’t have a good reputation in her school, since there are other Veela girls who were trying to embarrass the reader and they did.
Harry was trying to cheer the reader up through letters and it would always make her smile. (Y/n) doesn’t know that he is the famous Harry Potter, one day (y/n) was told that she will be coming to Hogwarts to be the assistant from the chosen girls(this sets up in the HP: Goblet of Fire), and when Harry saw the reader for the first time he was captivated, but he doesn’t know that it's actually (y/n).
And as for (y/n) she doesn’t know what Harry would look like but later at night, she immediately writes a letter to her pen pal about how amazing Hogwarts is. She told him everything, that it’s different from Beauxbatons Academy. He was surprised that (y/n) was in Hogwarts and would be delighted to meet her for the first time.
When Harry was chosen. (Y/n) has a feeling it's her penpal but shrugs it off, cuz it might be a different Harry. At the tent when (y/n) was accompanying Fleur, she saw Harry tensed and tries to cheer him up a Lil bit, she used the same words where he always trying to cheer her up.
Then it struck him that that (y/n) his pen pal is in front of him, and he embraced her leaving her speechless. They were happy that they finally meet, everyone was surprised that a Beauxbatons student was hanging around at Harry Potter and the two doesn’t mind how they judge them.
They were both happy together, you know as friends but the way they stare at each other tells there's something more.
Because it was stated that the reader got bullied by the other veela girls and the girls that she’s accompanying too at Hogwarts doesnt like (y/n) and even forbids (y/n) to speak to Harry again when they found out about Harry and (y/n)’s friendship.
Hello dearies welcome today someone requested something special a one shot of Harry X Veela reader. This took me a long time to write and I must say I'm proud💖.
(before reading a/n: please note I do take time in my writing and work any critism or negativity will be deleted. I'm not an expert writer please don't expect top notch quality.
I write for the simple fact I enjoy making people happy. I'm still learning and developing everyday and if there is a mistake then please don't critic it I will write it to my own standards. I want this to be positive to not only me but everyone around I only accept positivity.)
In that being said please enjoy the one shot I put a lot of effort in:
It starts with a letter💌
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"dear whomever this may concern,
My name y/n I attend the school in Beauxbatons. My life here isn't fascinating, my family lives far away. I'm not used to mailing via owl.
Horrid things got my mail mixed up all the time. One time I found it inside a nifflers tree home luckily I pulled it out. The niffler liked me though it wasn't interested in the letter more so the gold.
Not many people like me. Often shoving my wand inside the boys bathrooms, putting pixies inside my pillow case and possibly the worst making my hair fall out.
I hope whoever reads this we can become friends, I'm happy to attend Hogwarts in the next upcoming days.
This was the final letter y/n had written to Hogwarts. Your aim was to find a friend amongst your year. Merlin knows you could use one after the whole malarkey with the other girls.
They don't exactly like you, you were different. You weren't like the other students more so quirky and kinder to the muggles. You however were excited to be chosen to attend the Triwizard tornament. You placed a letter in hoping to be accepted amongst the girls going.
The school for all muggleborns or purebloods. You were a half blood someone in the middle. Your family were the nicest people on earth almost comparing to the weasleys.
As you grinned widely heading towards the owlery to deliver your letter. You skipped elegantly as you were taught. To and frow your legs swung out excited to make a new friend.
You gave the letter to the oldest owl in the school. "Make sure to deliver it on time" as the owl squawked. The owl spreads its wings flying to Hogwarts. You carry your wand excitedly down the stairwell.
When all of a sudden you bump into one of the most popular students in the school. "Oh look its the petite souris agaçante" she Snickers. In French y/n knew that ment annoying little mouse it was her nickname.
The popular girl was known as Camille. She had long blonde hair, an elegant figure and excelling grades. "Out of my way peasant" she spoke in a beautiful French accent.
She shoves y/n to the side as you sneered. "Camille your perfume it smells of goblin urine". Camille took offence "Oui how dare you, you foolish brat".
You stuck your tounge out and walked to your room. The girls sneered at y/n as they tried to comfort Camille.
Meanwhile the owl flew far and wide to Hogwarts. The letter dropped down on the table with a thud. "Blimey Harry that owl sent ya somethin" as Hermione curiously looked. "Watch out Harry it could be a howler from Malfoy".
He grabs the letter opening as Ron and Hermione watched curiously. "It's a letter from...Beauxbatons" he noticed the emblem.
"blimey Harry that's a rich, posh school all the popular pretty girls go there" Ron dreams. "Wouldnt mind me one of those girls beautiful they are". Hermione glares "Ron If you wanted one of those popular, posh bimbos by your side then just ask pansy and her group".
Ron rolls his eyes "why are you always like that mione...it's like your jealous or somethin". Hermione scoffs back "as if I'm jealous of looking like a pampered fairy Ron".
Harry hushed both of them "Hermione, Ron quite". Hermione looks over to the letter "Merlin Harry that's from one of the most prestigious schools in all of France". Ron cringed "ugh imagine trying to be so ladida all the bloody time, annoyin if you ask me".
Hermione reads the letter "Merlin I feel sorry for y/n she sounds like she's been going through a lot". Harry nods "should I write back?".
Ron shrugs "might as well I mean who knows you could get a beautiful wife outta that". Hermione scowls "as if Harry would want a stupid pampared bimbo by his side".
Fred and George walk up noticing the letter. Fred asks "Watcha got there arry an secret admirer" he laughs. George replies "nah mate it's Harry's secret girlfriend". Hermione speaks back.
"if you to have nothing better to do and pry in other people's Buisness then you might as well bug Ron about it" Hermione smartly snaps back. "Why is something always blamed on me mione" Ron speaks with a mouth full of chicken.
Harry decided to head off to the owlery to reply back. "I'm going to the owlery" he walks away as Ron and Hermione scamper. "I'm coming with you Harry" Hermione rushes off. Ron scoffing more chicken down his throat runs "wait for me arry".
He arrives to the owlery headwig squawked. "hey buddy I need you to send me something". Hermione speaks "wait Harry you haven't even written anything yet I mean, Merlin it could be one of Malfoys tricks". Ron shakes his head "the emblem looks real" as Hermione pulls out one her papers from her books.
"here Harry use this I don't need it professor trawlauny wanted to use it to tell our future". She rolls her eyes she hated divination the teacher was must've come from st Mungo's. Harry grabs out Chalk he used from detention with Snape Merlin he's scary.
"Harry try to make it sound proper not like how you would usually write to girls". Hermione remembers Harry trying to write to Cho papers flying everywhere off the desk.
Harry nods and tried to think here:
"hello my name's Harry potter,
I attend Hogwarts for witchcraft and wizardry. It's rather fun here I've made heaps of friends.
I know what it feels like to be alone Merlin knows spending time with my uncle and aunt. It's not as fun as it sounds.
That's excellent y/n I do wish to see you and be your friend.
Hopefully we can see each other soon
~ Harry potter"
He smiles as Hermione grins at Harry's love letter. "Hope it gets there" headwig spreads his wings about to fly to off to Beauxbatons. It was a long way from Hogwarts in England but it should arrive by morning knowing headwigs smarts.
You were waiting in your room sowing a picture of your family using your wand. "Moi it's an owl" you see the white owl. "Finally thank you erm- headwig" you speak in an accent.
You read the letter sighing in disbelief. "no, no headwig it's the wrong letter". You pull out your wand "accio unfold" as you read it. "Merlin's beard someone wrote back" as you did a little dance. "Come dear head wig we must write straight away".
You skip your way to the owlery when long and behold the popular annoying Camille stands in your way. "Oui and where are you going y/n in such a hurry" before the other girls laughed.
"you really are a worthless rat" she Snickers pushing y/n to the side of the wall. Camille points her wand at you "let's see how you look with warts on your face".
Headwig flys to the top of the roof aiming directly on Camille's uniform. When a white stain plops on her coat. "ugh beurk what is this" she cringes at the bird dung.
You laugh saying "it compliments your perfect personality Camille". One of the girls snatched the letter "and what do ve have here hm~ a letter" she gasps.
"Harry Potter who's that" a student with brown hair asks. "That's my Buisness, I don't know who he is" you snatch the letter back.
The girls laugh as they push you to the ground. "Hogwartusopus" the brown haired girl shouts. Your face felt as if something were burning. Giant Boils grew on your face "Merlin's beard make it stop" as Camille laughs. "Non you mouse" laughing as red boiling Boils grew on your face.
You sprawl to the floor shedding crystal tears. "It's unfair...so unfair" as you got up weakly crying in the bathrooms. The Boils settled down it was only a hex at least. The difference is a hex lasts shorter and a jinx is permanent.
You grabbed some paper as you shed some more tears.
"Dear Harry potter,
I'm sorry I couldn't respond before those evil pixies took my last letter.
Merlin knows what they did with it. They hexed my face with giant boils can you believe it, vile aren't they.
I wish I could be at Hogwarts it sounds amazing better then here.
I hope we can attend classes together someday.
You smile slightly wiping away the tears from your lumpy face. You see headwig cuddling to you as you touch his wing. "Don't worry sir headwig I shall be free soon". You give him the letter watching as the white owl flew spreading its wings, flapping up and down.
Harry was sitting in class waiting for the letter when head wig exsaughted landed at Harry's desk. "Excuse me Mr potter I suggest you keep that owl in the owlery" mgonagall speaks highly.
"sorry Mrs" Harry smiles as Ron grabs the letter. "Is that a letter from your imaginary girlfriend potter" Draco spits at Harry. Ron growls "sod off Malfoy its none of your Buisness". Draco sneers "better hope your tounge is in tact Weasley".
Mgonagall shushed them "Weasley, Malfoy unless you wish to end up cleaning the school walls for the next hour. I suggest you pay attention" she speaks having enough of their quarreling.
Harry quietly unravels the letter opening it. Malfoy kept to himself snivelling in the fact he got told off.
Harry's face grew sad noting that in the letter y/n was hexed. Harry tore out a page from his book writing.
"dear y/n
That sounds aweful I had no idea those vile girls would torment you like this.
It sounds to me your better then this. you sound like a strong, confident person that deserves better.
If you ever do come to Hogwarts y/n I can take you to Diagon ally. It's full of the most wonderful shops wands, potions and the most delicious foods. Merlin I have to take you to honeydukes.
One time Ron got a piece of dragon snapper stuck in his teeth. Hermione tried to fish it out. Although I beileve it was one of Fred and Georges pranks.
Hope we can meet soon the Triwizard tornament is coming up and I can't believe your school was chosen. How lucky is that.
Harry Potter~".
He gave the scrap piece of paper to headwig. As the owl flies to France to your school.
You were sitting in your room reading fantastic beasts. Newt scammander was your idol wanting to break free. Headwig arrived at your window seal. Excited you see the torn scraped paper.
Reading this you slightly go pink Merlin this Harry Potter sounds dreamy. You felt butterflies arise in your stomach. "Merlins beard I feel odd as if...I'm having a slight twinge of happiness". You smile and collapse on the bed with the letter held to your heart.
You hear a girl younger then you run to the door out of breath. "Y/n you were chosen-" you looked confused at the girl. "Chosen for what?" You questioned. "To go to Hogwarts y/n Mrs told me to tell you your chosen".
You couldn't beileve it Hogwarts away from this school. You could finally meet this Harry Potter only problem you didn't know many other people going. "Thank you Penelope" you told the younger brown haired student.
Y/n however didn't realise she was only the assistant not one of the famous chosen wemon. Fluer Delacore was the most athletic person in all of France she had the looks, personality and beauty.
You envied her sometimes she was so liked that everyone admired her. You often wondered if any boy even liked you.
You were packing your suitcase when you hear someone speak in the distance. "I can't believe that rat got chosen I've given up so many things just to be here." You hear Camille spur out to her friend "when y/n comes back I'll turn everyone against her".
You roll your eyes no way in merlin will you let someone like Camille drag you down. You were strong and even then your confidence overtook hers.
Harry sat there in the grand hall of Hogwarts listening to Dumbledore speak he was excited to hear the following schools. The first to show up was dermstrung a school for only purebloods. He hated some of the beliefs in that school everyone deserves a chance even muggleborns.
The next that came was the school Beauxbatons full of Veela wemon. Harry could see Ron dreaming at all the pretty french girls. Hermione rolls her eyes whispering to Harry "which one do you think y/n is" she looks at Fluer.
"there all pretty" Ron stated looking at all the wemon covered in butterflies. One person stood out to Harry he couldn't look away. "Merlin she's beautiful you don't think that could be her" he stares at your beautiful eyes.
Y/n walks quietly behind within all the girls. She wasn't exactly at the front more so at the back. The girls were in order the first were the most popular and at the back were the assistants.
Harry's face was unmoved out of all of the wemon you captivated him the most. Hermione broke him out of his gaze "what are you staring at Harry". He speaks "oh erm nothing". Ron was captivated by Fluer and the pretty girls "Ron...Ron...Ron Weasley" Hermione snapped.
Ron looks at Hermione "oh sorry mione" she rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable" as Harry wondered whether y/n was even at Hogwarts. She couldn't have been within this school she must've been somewhere fancier.
Y/n later on was exploring around the school she followed around the girls that weren't a fan of her. "Merlin's beard" she tripped over her high heels she accidentally bumps into Fluer. "Sorry Mrs Delacore" as she sneers "watch where your stepping".
You did notice however that everyone at Hogwarts were more accepting. No one kept upright postures and nor did you have to be super smart to be popular. You can look as whacky and Whimsacle as you want and no one would care.
You did hope to see Harry Potter you had no idea who he was. Everyone had different houses where as in yours everyone wore the same uniform.
You watched as everyone stares at the pretty girls announcing butterflies from their chest. You kept up the routine as you practice to be elegant and refined.
You sit down as Dumbledore spoke the final contestants of the school. The Triwizard tornament should be soon. You had no idea who the contestants were. It will be exciting to find out.
As the meeting with Dumbledore ends you could see the girls all leaving to their guest dorms. You started to spend more time marveling at the textures of Hogwarts. The paintings were moving and everyone got along.
You ended up in a guests room spending time with the girls. Unfortunately they all ran to take their beds you were left alone in the corner.
"sorry y/n we don't share with peasants" as they laughed. You roll your eyes "and I don't share with snobbish toads" the girls look offended. You proudly sit on your bed ripping out a page from your book writing.
"dear Mr potter,
It's amazing I had no idea this school was so big. Everyone gets along witches, wizards, muggleborns, half bloods and even pure.
Its so fascinating to me I might like it here. Oh and I saw one of my teachers speaking to some hairy man. I think he must like her quite odd if I do say so myself.
I would love to visit Diagon ally with you it seems almost like a fairy tail dream. I do speak french so pardon if I can't pronounce things correctly.
So in that Mr potter I shall hope to meet you very soon.
Yours truly,
You seal the paper in an envelope. You head out in your fancy nightgown calling to headwig. "Misirè headwig" you say softly. The white owl was by your door step in seconds "headwig send this to misirè potter". You smiled as the white owl squawked and flew down the stairwell to Harry.
Harry was getting ready for bed as Ron speaks. "You know arry what if one of us gets In I mean we'll be famous" Ron smiles. Harry shakes his head "I don't think so Ron I mean I'm not of age Mabey next year" he smiles shyly.
Ron nods "yeah fair enough, hey have ya figured out who this y/n is yet". Harry shook his head heading into bed "no I...I don't think I could spot her she sounds like a beautiful, strong woman though". Ron raises an eyebrow "oi Harry do you have a crush on this y/n".
Harry blushed "w-what made you say that" as Ron shrugs. "don know you seem to talk about her alot" he tucks himself in. "Anyways I'm off to bed g'night arry" he turns to his side sleeping.
Harry takes off his glasses smiling as he saw a glimpse. "Yeah goodnight Ron" when all of a sudden an owl comes in. "Gah bloody ell Harry does headwig Ave to come in like that" he covered his ears.
Headwig drops the letter "thanks headwig" as the owl squawked. "Lets see oh...she's here at Hogwarts Merlin's beard now I'm curious". Harry's eyes widened as he puts on his glasses.
Ron shot up "Merlins beard Harry we ave t'a find her then any guesses". He shook his head "no but...I saw a beautiful lady walking down the isle in the back although I don't think it's her".
Ron puts his fingers under his chin "it could possibly be her Harry unless". He dreamily sighs "it was the pretty blonde girl she was certainly a beauty". Harry chuckles "yeah I'm not interested in looks more so just y/n and who ever she is".
The two boys said there good nights and slept. The next morning was quite exciting the new contestants will be announced.
Harry, Ron and Hermione stood in the hall along with y/n and the other students. In the middle stood a cup as a piece of paper shot out of it.
Dumbledore made the annoucements of the contestants "I would like to announce first the first student to attend Cedric diggery". A boy in a hufflepuff shirt bravely walks up as the cup shot out another piece of paper. "The next student Viktor Krum" as a broad man walks up winking at hermione.
The next student which made y/n surprised was "Fleur Delacore". She walked up the prettiest girl in all of France. Ron couldn't stop staring as Hermione rolled her eyes.
"now our final contestant shall be-" as the piece of paper floats from the cup. "Harry Potter" he speaks quietly. Eventually he became louder "HARRY POTTER!" As a young boy in glasses came up to the cup.
Could that be the harry potter the one whom you've been talking to. No Merlin no he looks far to young then what you had envisioned. "Harry will attend" as the boy stood there awrkwardly.
You looked confused but payed no mind after all this school was big how many Harry's could there be. You walk out of the hall very confused as you saw fleur walk up to you.
"madam y/n I wish for you to accompany me to the first trial it's in the tent" she smiled. You whisper nervously "oh of course Fluer" as she walked off. The girls sneer at you "hey look its y/n and her imaginary admirer".
Hermione grew suspecious looking at those girls. She watched as they muttered your name. "Great Merlin I think I figured it out" she runs off with her books to Harry.
"Harry, Harry!" She calls out as Harry looked nervous. "Yeah what is it mione" he muttered as she sounded excited. "I may know who this mysterious admirer of yours is I should've known" she points to the girl whom she thought was you. "The blonde haired girl, there" Harry knew deep down it wasn't true.
"Hermione I think you have the wrong person" as Hermione shakes her head. "no Harry it must be the way she writes and her figure it must be true" she speaks confidently. "No Hermione I don't think it is" Harry turns picking up his books.
Harry was nervous he had no idea how in Merlin he got in. He wasn't even of age he didn't want to risk his life out there. He had the conversation with Dumbledore he would need to be protected.
As Harry heads off to his first trial he walks inside the tent. Y/n was with Fluer feeling awrkward as it is. I mean who would even want to talk to y/n she wasn't popular nor smart. She wasn't even well known only the assistant. You stand by the tents door nervously.
Harry came in as y/n noticed the young awrkward boy before. Y/n believed that Harry may not have even existed she stands there by herself. "Merlin's beard this is useless I give up" as the boy stares at you feeling sorry.
"erm hello sorry, didn't mean to disturb you" he smiled. "Don't worry I'm not doing anything" you lean to the beside him. "I can't believe it's happening I mean, everything is happening so fast" he sighs. You listen to him he seemed tense to say the least almost not wanting to compete.
"listen sir, I may have not much in common with you but-" you touched his arm. "You seem like a strong, confident person anyone as good as you deserves better" you laugh pushing into the tents fabric. "A boy told me that once it made my day I truly believed that I was worth something more".
Harrys eyes widened he remembers writing a letter like that to someone. "You wouldn't happen to know who y/n is" you sound confused. "Wait Harry?" Without warning he hugged you. He wraps his arms around your waist.
"Merlin's beard I finally get to meet you after all this time" you were confused you weren't hugging him just standing there. "Y/n all those terrible things you went through, merlin I wished I saved you your so strong".
Your eyes well up almost like it was an emotional setting. "Harry it's alright truly, I've survived worse I'm happy to have met you finally". You two didn't say anything but hugged on the spot he felt sympathy towards you.
You shed a few tears realising that Harry was the one to have kept you going. "Y/n truly it's a pleasure" as the girls even Fluer saw the scene unfold. "Merlin why is that Beauxbatons student hugging him" they were very confused based on their status.
They didn't care what the others thought y/n and Harry were happy to be in each others arms. Harry felt sorry he wanted to meet y/n he wasn't after appearances nor competition. He saw y/n for y/n a girl who's strong and confident in the way she shows it.
"misirè harry you have to take me to honeydukes after Oui?" You smile. Harry's eyes glint with a twinge of joy "yes after the tornament you have to meet my friends Ron and Hermione they'll love you y/n".
You and Harry talk for the next hour until the tornament began. Everyone else could clearly see there was something more brewing in Harry. Hermione guessed it was a something more then y/n and Harry being just friends.
That however was another story to tell beginning within a letter.
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dyns33 · 3 years
Flufftober 25 - Adam x Eve x Reader 
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A long time ago, Adam and Eve had of course participated in Halloween parties. In their very long lives, they had experienced almost everything.
Then they found it a bit boring, so the vampires often forgot that date. Stupid children and teens would remind them of it when they rang the doorbell to ask for candy or by throwing toilet paper on the house. But since they had been living in Detroit, there were few visitors during this time.
No one wanted to go out at night in this city. That was part of what they had chosen it for.
They should have foreseen that Y/N would want to celebrate Halloween, at least once.
Like them, she had been to a lot of parties before, but not with them, and she really wanted to see them in a costume, even if they weren't leaving the house.
Eve found the idea charming. Adam said no right away.
Then he agreed, unable to refuse anything from the two women in his life, especially when they looked at him with pleading eyes, but with some conditions.
They were not to leave the house.
They wouldn't do this every year.
He wouldn't wear a stupid costume.
           "You could be the mysterious dark emo singer, who wears only black, with his dirty hair, pouting in a corner that... Oh, no wait, it's you all year round."
           "Very funny. Careful, otherwise I'll just buy a ridiculous cloak and just say I'm a vampire."
           "No ! Eve !"
           "How about matching costumes ?" she offered with her usual radiant smile.
Now they had to find an idea. After refusing the Powerpuff Girls, without even knowing what they were, Team Rocket, Harry Potter, Batman ("Haha, really, really funny"), and all the other proposals, Y/N asked Adam directly if he had a particular desire.
           "How about a trio of nudists ?"
           "Baby." his wife sighed, patting him on the head. "You're not making any effort. Please, for us."
           "I have no idea, Eve. Sorry."
           "Oh, Adam, there must be... Oh !"
           "Yes darling ? A revelation ? A rock band to please our spoilsport ?"
           "Adam. Eve."
           "Yes ?" said the two vampires at the same time.
           "Adam and Eve ! Nudists, since you'll be in the Garden of Eden. And I, the little snake who comes to make you eat the apple, and... other things."
           "... You know what ? I like that." Adam declared. "I don't know where you're going to find a sexy snake costume, but I'm up for it."
           "And it wasn't an apple." Eve added, but without giving an explanation.
For the fruit, she knew she could choose any, they wouldn't care. They wouldn't eat it anyway.
But for the costume... Y/N should have chosen God. Or a demon. It was easier to find a demon costume. Why did it have to be a snake ? All the disguises she found were utterly ridiculous.
For fun, she could have taken one of them, she had never said she had to be sexy, but she knew that even if they found it adorable, and that they would undress her afterwards, her lovers would be a little disappointed. She had to find something.
In the evening, while Adam and Eve were totally naked, cuddling on the sofa while waiting for her, Y/N arrived in a tight dress, python print, python stiletto boots, green latex gloves, sunglasses, and little horns on her head, holding a pear in her hand.
           "... It's not a snake !" Adam declared.
           "Hush ! You don't know, you didn't bite into the fruit of knowledge yet ! And I'm a magical snake, I do what I want !"
           "You are a very beautiful snake, darling." Eve purred. "I'm already tempted without you needing to talk to me."
           "Of course, Eve gives in first in the story." Adam joked, which she slapped gently on the head. "Ouch."
           "Alright, I'll seduce the man first then !"
As sensually as possible, even though she almost fell from the heels which were a little too high, Y/N approached the grumpy vampire to come and stick to him, stroking his cheek, his neck, then his chest, while showing him the pear.
           "If you eat this, you can have whatever you want."
           "Why the sunglasses ?" Adam asked, who wasn't really listening, mesmerized by what he was seeing.
           "Crowley has sunglasses."
           "... Who ?"
           "You really don't have any culture."
           "Of course I do, I..."
           "Shhh. Focus on me. Eve, your husband talks too much and he doesn't listen."
           "He's not like that usually." She sneered as she walked over to them, her skin touching theirs. "I think he's having a lot of fun."
           "Our little snake is not quite naked, I am not having that much fun."
           "I will lose my moult when you give in to temptation, sweet Adam. Then we will leave Eden together for another paradise."
           "Where ?"
           "The bed."
           "Very tempting." Adam recognized.
           "And we will read the holy scriptures, after we have embraced and kissed for a long night of passion !"
           "You want to read the Bible ?" wondered Eve, who still found the idea amusing.
           "No. Neil Gaiman. Adam lacks education."
           "I agree with that. Let's bite into the fruit baby, that we may be damned in pleasure for all eternity."
Throwing the pear to the ground, Adam gently bit Y/N's neck, mimicked by Eve, before they hurried to the bedroom, making love for hours. Then, with Eve's head on her shoulder, and Adam's on her stomach, Y/N read them Good Omens until the sun came up.
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The Girl Who Lived Series Masterlist
Summary: Set in a universe where you are the chosen one, and Harry Potter is your best friend who tries to help you navigate the woes of being the lone hero of the wizarding world.
Aka a swap au where your parents are dead but the marauders + Lily are not. This fic is a multi-chapter one, and will pretty much cover all of the major events that happen at Hogwarts, with a slight twist since you’re the chosen one and not Harry. Eventual Harry x Reader, slowburn, friends to lovers.
Main Harry Potter Masterlist
Chapter 1.1: The Unexpected Visit
“I dunno what it was, no one does - but somethin’ about you stumped him, all right.” Hagrid turned to you, a mixture of warmth and respect blazing in his kind eyes. You straightened your back, preening under his gaze. So, what he was saying, basically, was that you were the hero of the wizarding world. It was you, the antidote to the disease, the saviour.’ OR: in which unexpected encounters open your eyes to a whole new world. One, it seems, you know nothing about, but knows everything about you.
Chapter 1.2: Train Rides and Talking Hats
“Oi,” you spoke, feeling your jaw clench at the blond boy’s demeanour. “I’d watch what I was saying if I was you, especially considering the crap that’s spewing out of your sewage-system of a mouth.” Draco Malfoy turned his sharpened gaze toward you. “And I’d be more careful if I was you. You don’t want to make enemies with the wrong people.” “The same goes for you.”  OR: in which you hitch a ride on the Hogwarts Express and buckle up for one hell of a ride.
Chapter 1.3: To Win
Coming soon xoxo
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bubblybubbubs · 3 years
Stuck With Me (3)
Summary - Draco’s POV on losing his soulmate
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count - 3.5k
AN- I am so sorry this took so long, I hope you all enjoy it!
Part 1  2 
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taglist - @lonely-kermit @lifeasdreamgirl @mera-shifts @abbyloubaton @clumsilyclueless @confusedscreaminggremlin @seanh-boredom @weasleysmalfoyxstyles @thefandomplace @mayempress @shadyrose66622 @jay-jay-love @ktvia @lovebynorth @sweet-creature98 @remmyswritings​ @chaoticgirl04
Sometimes Draco thought about how different his life would be had he not left you, had you not gotten hurt and lost your fucking memory.
It was truly ridiculous, the universe was actively conspiring against him, he was sure of it.
His current living situation just proved that further to him. “Wake the fuck up.” Blaise said slowly pouring water on his face even though Blaise himself was evidently groggy. “I will kill you.”
“Looking forward to it.”
Draco was unsure as to why Blaise had chosen to live in a crappy apartment when his family Manor was free. He missed his silk sheets and expensive pillows. Yet sadly the ministry had decided they wanted to take that leaving Draco on Blaise’s smelly consignment store couch. Had he gotten completely cut off by his family? Perhaps, it would make the disgustingly plain beans and toasts they ate daily make a lot more sense. He’d hate to think that Blaise fed them this by choice.
“Guess who wrote.” Blaise said, wiggling a letter in Draco’s face.
“Loud ginger?”
“Loud ginger.” He confirmed dropping it in on Draco’s face. “You should answer her before we get a howler, then we’ll really see how loud the ginger can get.” Draco looked at the letter, Ginny’s name was scrawled on the envelope and the aggressiveness of the signature made him heavily considering not opening it but the possibility of getting a howler from her convinced him otherwise.
You are the worst and I hate you. I’m not sure if you care anymore given that you have refused to make contact with her but y/n is doing fine. I mean sure she’s been asking about her soulmate and lying to her is slowly killing me, but I’m glad you and Blaise are having fun in your bachelor pad and that you have successfully cleared your amnesiac soulmate out of your head.  
Looking forward to hearing your pathetic excuses,
Ginny Weasley.
It was way too fucking early for this.
Things were strange.
You had gotten most of your memories back but everything was very different than what you remembered, everyone was different after the war.
The Weasleys, oh the poor Weasleys, they were like your family but the life has been sucked out of them without Fred. They had all tried to hide it from you, they believed you were already going through enough and you didn’t need their problems too. Ginny especially, she hadn’t left your side since you woke up. You kind of felt bad for Harry because whenever he wanted to spend some one on one time with Ginny she always insisted you tagged along.
For example whatever the fuck this current situation was.
“I’m really sorry Harry.” You whispered to him. “I told her I’d be fine alone.”
At first it had sort of made sense how careful everyone had been around you, but at this point it was exhausting. You would walk into a room and it would just go silent. You lost your memory, not your basic communication skills.
“It’s fine, I understand Ginny can be quite persistent.”
“What about me.” Ginny said hooking her arms with the both of you.
“Just that I don’t think I should be going on your dates anymore, it’s kind-“
“Ginny.” Harry said interrupting you pointing towards a boy down the street. He was blonde and lanky, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
You had seen Ginny mad, in fact it was one of the first things to come back to you. Her calm fury was something that hadn’t remained constant since she was young and right now you saw it on her face as she stared daggers into the boy.
She scoffed. “I’ll be back.”
“This might take a while.” Harry said quietly, shaking his head. “Come on we can meet Ginny there.” You stole a glance across the street as Harry dragged you away. Ginny was yelling at the boy but he didn’t seem to care because he wasn’t looking at her he was looking at you. You felt your face heat up and you looked away from him following Harry. “Who was that, should I know him?”
Harry paused for a minute.
He had that face that people had whenever they were walking on eggshells around you.“He went to school with us but I don’t think you two were ever friends.” The way he didn’t look you in the eyes screamed to you that he was lying.Harry was always a horrible bloody liar.
It was really hard for Draco to process what Ginny was saying. Her anger had gone right to her face and Draco had been silently betting with himself as to how long it would take for her face to turn the same color as her hair. “Your face is really red.” Draco said, struggling to hold back his laughter. “Are you drunk.” Ginny said stoically.
Was he? It was likely, he honestly couldn't remember the morning or yesterday. The days were sort of blending together.
“Malfoy.” Ginny said. Usually when people used his name they were yelling at him or were angry at him. But Ginny said it with pity which somehow felt worse.
“I don’t get why you're doing this to yourself.” She said. “You’re miserable.” He deserved to be miserable.
“It’s for the best.”
“How’s that.”
Draco had no interest in divulging his feelings to weaslette of all people, but it seemed his judgement was slightly impaired by the alcohol he may or may not had been drinking. “I’m going to fucking Azakban Ginevra,I just dont see the point in telling her I’m her soulmate and possibly facing rejection just for me to be thrown in Azkaban for the rest of my life.” Draco huffed. “Even if she somehow forgave me, I doubt the dementors will be allowing conjugal visits.”
“There are no more dementors at Azkaban, Kingsley got rid of them.”
Now normally Draco was against hitting girls but he was considering it heavily. “Thank you Weasley. I feel way better, I’m sure Azkaban is a paradise now. Remind me to send Kingsley a thank you letter.”
“Draco.” Ginny said.
Gross, hearing Ginny say his first name with pity felt even worse.
“You’re not going to Azkaban, Harry agreed to speak at your trial.”
“Oh great he’ll testify to the one time I helped him, I’m sure it’ll cancel everything else out.” He said. “I’m not a good person Weasley, that’s why I know I’m going to Azkaban, because I deserve it.”
“Is that why you’re staying away from y/n?” Ginny said even angrier than before. “Is this some sort of self punishment.”
Draco stayed quiet.
“Merlin, Draco go to fucking therapy.” Ginny huffed. “You’re not the only one that’ll suffer because of your self pity. She needs her fucking soulmate back, as much as I hate you for everything you’ve put her through I can’t argue with the fucking universe and neither can you.”
“I shouldn’t have fucking gotten involved with her in the first place, it’s only put her in danger.” He took a deep shaky breath. “And her losing her memory was the universe’s way of telling me to stay away.”
He had known for a long time that she was too good for him  
It was dark and he was tired, turns out making potter stinks badges and teaching all of Slytherin clever chants was demanding. Draco wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings as he walked back to his dorm until of course he heard quiet sobs. He was a firm believer that crying in public was pathetic, especially in a hallway where anyone could stumble across you. And he might’ve told them that had it not been you. He had been thinking about you, not that he would ever tell anyone that ever. But how could he not, you were his soulmate and that had to mean something.
He barely had time to think as his feet moved on their own bringing him in front of you.
“Why are you crying.”
Merlin, could he have been any less compassionate.
“Why do you care Malfoy.” You said.
He hated the way you looked pretty even if your eyes were all puffy and your face was all red.
“I don’t.”
He did. He even started to walk away for dramatic effect of course.
“I’m scared.” It felt weird to hear sincere words from you that weren't you yelling at him, and he hated the fact that he didn't hate it. “Harry has his first task tomorrow he could get hurt or worse.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that. Don’t tell him I told you this but he has to be some sort of invincible to defeat Voldemort at the age of 1. Don't you think?”He could hardly believe the words he was saying.
“I suppose you’re right.” You finished off.
Draco sat tensely, he wasn't exactly sure what to do. He couldn't hug you could he? No that would be seriously overstepping. You would probably punch him in the face, again. After all you had been the one who wanted to forget about the whole soulmate thing and of course you were a halfblood and a gryffindor on top of that. It would never work.
For once he hated being right.
You were actively weighing how likely it was for Ginny to kill you if you woke her up.
Very, is what you eventually came up with. Maybe you could play the amnesia card.
“What do you want y/n.” Ginny grogged from under her. “I’ve been listening to you shifting around for the last hour.”
You had been staying at the Weasley’s and you had absolutely refused to take Fred’s bed so that had resulted in a cramped hammock floating in Ginny’s room.
You turned around to face her with a sorry look on your face.
“Did I know that boy, the one you were yelling at.” You said. “I just feel like I knew him.”
Ginny was quiet the same way Harry was. “No.” She said turning away from you. “No you didn’t.”
“Y/n please don’t.” Ginny said, cutting you off. “It’s not for me to tell, if it was believe me you’d already know.”
“I want to go.”
“Go where.”
“To Hogwarts.”
It was embarrassing. Everyone had gone already; they had been able to at least attempt to cope with the trauma they had endured. And you who couldn't even remember the bloody war couldn't work up the nerves to go.
Ginny stared at you for a bit before muttering. “Hermione and Ron are going soon, they’ll likely let you join them.” You were about to make an argument about going on your own before Ginny turned back around nonverbally telling you that the conversation was over.
You still couldn’t sleep and not from lack of trying. Your mind was whirring, ever since you had seen Ginny yell at the boy your lack of memory seemed to be feeling different. And your fear was beginning to settle in, your doctor said that some memories may never come back and that thought made you sick to your stomach. You didn’t feel all that different, Ginny said you were the same whenever you asked. But she could be lying (since she seemed to be in the habit of doing so these days) and you would never know because you had amnesia.
Draco was regretting not taking his plea deal. He would much rather be sleeping in Azkaban than waking up on Blaise’s concerningly uncomfortable couch to an angry looking ginger towering over him. No one seemed to value his rest and it was getting ridiculous. He pressed his eyes closed and pull his blanket further over his face in hopes that maybe Ginevra would disappear. Sadly that was not the case and Ginny ripped the blanket off of him leaving Draco quite cold.
Ginny stared down at him as she stood impatiently at the foot of the couch.
“Blaise someone broke into your flat.”
“I noticed mate.” Blaise said who looked just as exhausted hunched over his coffee.
“We need to talk.”
“We talked remember, or were you drunk too?”
Ginny did not look amused and Draco almost felt bad for being so difficult but then he remembered he didn't care.
“Y/n’s going to Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione. She’s likely going to get her memories back.” Ginny said. “Thought you should know.”
Draco sat up. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Ginny said taking a deep breath. “You need to be there.”
“How so?”
“She’s going to remember all the shitty things you’ve done to her and are yet to apologize for and you’re going to lose your soulmate for good.”
“I don't see how me being there will change that.”
Ginny didn't answer him rather she walked towards his chimney. “You know what, screw you. I truly do not care if you go, I just thought you should have the choice that's all.”
Ginny didn't look at Draco, rather giving Blaise a short nod before using the floo to go back to the Burrow.
Draco let himself fall back down to the couch as he listened to Blaises loudly chow down his cereal.
“So are you going to go?” Blaise said his mouth still full.
He felt bad for Blaise’s mum all that money on etiquette lessons for what?
“No.” Draco said, burying his head in his pillow.
“You’re a tosser.”
“I can live with that.”
He could and he has. If he had a sickle for everytime he was called some variation of ‘tosser’ he certainly would not be sleeping on Blaise’s couch.
“I’m calling Pansy.” Blaise didn’t scare him, not in the slightest. But Pansy was another story, Pansy scared everyone, especially the people that loved her which sadly included Draco. “I will kill you.”
“You’re just saying that cause you know she’ll knock some sense into you.”
“I have a lot of sense.” Draco groaned. “In fact I have too much sense.”
Blaise ignored Draco’s exaggerated groans as he called Pansy.The call was short or maybe it was long, all Draco knew was that Pansy was standing over him with that look on her face.
“I’m not going, and you’re not changing my mind Pansy.”
“Blaise leave.” Pansy ordered.
Blaise looked insulted. “This is my house.”
“You call this a house?”
Blaise huffed mumbling under his breath curses at Pansy.
“That was rude.”
“So you're going to lecture me on rudeness now, that's rich coming from you.”
“I dont care.”
“You look and smell like shit, I can tell you ‘don’t care’.” Pansy said.
Never in her life had Pansy been one to sugar coat things and apparently she had no intention of starting to do so. Draco was going to argue it was the couch but he realized he couldn't remember the last time he showered so he kept his mouth shut. Draco a year ago would’ve drowned himself in the black lake had he known he’d come to be like this.
“Fuck off.”
“I’m pulling the card.”
“Pansy no that’s not fair.” Draco said sitting up.
Poor choice of words.
“Draco, do I have to remind you my soulmate is dead, I stopped feeling tugs and being able to talk to my soulmate when i was 13. Your soulmate is alive by some fucking miracle, and frankly you’re being a selfish prick.”
“Oh.” He always hated when Pansy talked about it. Not because he didn't care but according to Pansy because he cared too much and the last time he had shown any sign of pity towards Pansy it had not gone well for him.
“What lies do you have Ginevra feeding her, does she think she has no soulmate, does she think her soulmate is dead?”
“She doesn’t think she has a soulmate.” Draco said in a low voice, he wasn't proud of what he was doing but he also knew he had no choice. “She was in her coma during the tug. I figured by the time the next one rolls around I have something figured out.”
“And what about you.” She asked. “She may not remember you but you’ll remember her, you'll never forget that you have a soulmate out there that you refuse to see.”
“I won't let myself ruin her.”
“She’s a grown woman, I find it demeaning that you don't see her capable of making her own damn choices.”
“You think she'll hate you, you think she’ll be ruined, you think she’s better off. What about what she thinks? You think she'd be okay with you slowly killing yourself?”
“You're a bitch Pansy.”
“So I’ve been told.” She looked towards the clock.
“Come on lets get you something to eat.”
She reached her hand out for Draco to grab.
“I can walk to the kitchen without holding your hand thank you very much.”
Pansy rolled her eyes and grabbed onto Draco’s arm.
“What are you-”
Draco’s sentence was cut off by Pansy apparating them both out of the loft.
Draco had gone to his fair share of therapy, did it ever work? no, Draco would rather die before talking about his feelings with a stranger but he had been taught his fair share of anger exercises . And Merlin did they come in handy, truly it was the only thing keeping him from throttling Pansy as she stood there with a smug face looking at the rubble that once was Hogwarts.
“Pansy.” Draco said slowly.
“Shut up, look she’s right there.”
“I’m not ready Pansy.” Draco said wiping his palms on his pants out of stress. “I wanted to bring her flowers.”
“Forget me nots.” He said with a sardonic dry chuckle. “It was our unofficial flower, ironic isn’t it.”
“The fact that you have an unofficial flower makes me want to throw up.”
“I need flowers.” He said. Pansy groaned before searching the grass. She picked up a dandelion swirling her wand transfiguring it into a bouquet of forget me nots.
“Here, go.” He was about to give another excuse but Pansy apperated away. The one time he needed her she leaves.
He wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to approach her without seeming like a stalker.
His thoughts were disrupted by Hermione and Ron walking up to him. He wanted to turn around so bad but he had no doubt that if he did so Hermione and Ron wouldn’t hesitate to curse him.
“Granger, Weasley.” He said sticking his hands as deep as his pockets would allow him.
“I didn’t think you were going to come.” Hermione said.
Draco shrugged.
“Just go talk to her.” Ron said.
“Thats why Im here.”
Ron mumbled something under his breath but Draco didn’t feel like fighting Weasley.
Draco had never felt such anxiety because of another person. He had always been confident and walked around like he owned the world, but now he felt scared.He watched you as you traced your hands across the bricks of Hogwarts, his steps faltering as he came closer to you.
“Hi Y/n.” He called out.
You turned to look at him. Draco’s heart felt heavy at the way you looked at him, not any recognition in your eyes. You had once looked at him with such love, then such hate but now you looked at him with nothing. because right now that’s what he was to you, and it broke his heart.
“You.” You said stepping closer. “You were the one talking to Ginny.”
“I wouldn’t really call it talking, she yelled I stood there.”
“Ginny does that a lot.” You shrugged.
“Yeah.” He said.
You spotted the flowers in his hands.
“I’m sorry, who did you lose?”
His hands tightened on the flowers.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” You said. “I lost my friend Fred, and my memory. But I don't feel like I lost it since I can't remember ever having it. But I miss Fred.”
He studied every centimeter of your face noting the subtle changes he didn’t notice the last time he saw you as you rambled on about Fred anxiously.
“You.” He said voice wavering. “I lost you.”
You stayed quiet for a second.
“I’m sorry I-“
“don’t know who I am?” He said with a dry laugh. “I was sort of expecting that.”
You didn’t say anything studying his face for anything that sparked a memory in you.
He dug through his jacket pocket pulling out a photo.
His hands were sweating and he tried his best not to touch your hand. Partially because he didn’t want you to feel his sweaty hands and because he feared he would break down at the realization that you were finally here in front of him.
“I’m Draco and you’re my soulmate.” He said
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whack-ed · 4 years
“Just Friends” (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Synopsis: A halloween party was what it took for you to finally do what you wanted to do with Fred.
Warnings: make out; underage drinking and extremely flirtation.
Reader: Female
World Count: 2.5k
A/N: I'm sorry for the delay, I had some personal problems to solve, but here I am! this is a oneshot for the special A very Harry Potter Halloween by @masterofthedarkness and @eleven-times-lively​. This one is for the 30th with the prompt Halloween Party! Hope you like it :)
tag list: @nebulablakemurphy​ @jamilelucato​ @inglourious-imagines​ @acciotwinz​ @clarissaxpearce​ 
if you want to be tagged, send me a ask!
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Finally October, the favorite time of year for Y/n. For various reasons, fantasies, sweets, the weather, absolutely everything Y/n loved most was present in October. But probably the thing the girl liked the better was the Weasley twins' Halloween party. And this year promised, it was the twins' last year at school and they promised the best Halloween party this school has ever seen.
Usually Y/n knew everything the twins were preparing, since they were a quartet. The twins, Y/n and Lee. These four names together gave chills to any teacher. But not this time. This year it was just Fred and George who were looking for trouble. The twins didn't let Y/n and Lee participate at all, the surprise was for everyone. And of course, Y/n's anxiety didn't leave the twins alone for a minute.
"Please Fred, tell me at least the color of the glasses!" Y/n insisted on Fred saying at least a little detail about the party. The secret was complete.
"I already said that I don't speak a word to you, Y/n" The redhead replied laughing.
They were in a history of magic class, automatically nobody was paying attention. The twins sat in the last row, Y/n and Lee just ahead.
"What are the drinks going to be, that's no big deal!" Lee asked as curious as Y/n.
"Not a word, Lee," George replied with a sly smile on his face, the same as the one on his brother's face.
"I hate you both" Y/n said irritably and turned forward.
Fred who was behind Y/n leaned forward and rested his head on the girl's shoulder, whispering her ear. Fred's proximity to Y/n's ear made the girl get goosebumps and close her eyes while the redhead spoke. "You don't miss out on waiting, baby"
George and Lee exchanged a look that they knew well what it meant. Y/n and Fred have always had this relationship ... doubtful. Nothing but indirect flirtations happened between the two, there was never anything else. George and Lee always questioned the two of them if something happened in the backstage that they didn't see, and of course, the answer was always the same "We are just friends". Only friends my ass, George thought. The boy knew his brother well to know when he was lying.
Fred then returned to his seat and Y/n kept her eyes closed digesting the sensation she had just had, wishing it had lasted a little longer. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked several times, returning to reality.
"My God, the sexual tension between you two can be cut with a knife," Lee said making the three friends laugh.
"We are just friends, you know that" Y/n replied and noticed that this time Fred's laugh was not genuine. Apparently George noticed it too. But of course it could only be Y/n's head.
The class passed slowly as usual, but amid laughter, scolding from the teacher and notes on the parchment, time finally passed. It was already lunchtime and Y/n couldn't be more thankful for that. Her thoughts could go from Fred to the mountain of mashed potatoes that awaited her.
Weeks passed and the twins had not yet given any information about the party. It wasn't just Lee and Y/n who were looking forward now, all seventh graders as well. The fact that Umbridge was taking care of the school, making so many rules, only made things more exciting. The twins couldn't be loud ... At least not in theory.
Now everyone was in the common room, some doing their homework and others just hanging out. Everything was calm until the most beloved twins in the world came in doing what they do best, drawing attention.
“My dear student friends" George was saying.
"Me and my dear brother, we finally have the invitations ready!" Fred completed.
"And what does that mean, bro?" George asked doing a theatrical pose.
"That not even the pink toad was able to stop the Weasley Twins!" Fred completed again by opening his arms also in a theatrical way.
“But it’s worth remembering that the party is only for people from the fifth year upwards” Some sad moans were heard from some students from the fourth year downwards “So my little grasshoppers, you who didn’t taste one of our Halloween parties, will have to look for that taste in our store! ” George announced and the sad moans automatically turned into happy faces.
“That's right! We believe that very soon, our store will have a physical point and will be 100% prepared to serve all of you little pests! ” Fred said laughing and started handing out the invitations.
The invitations were not common, as nothing the twins did was common, no one was surprised, just curious. They were orange sweets in the shape of mini pumpkins.
“But is this sweet? How should we know where and when to go with a sweet? ” Ron asked as soon as George handed him one of the pumpkins.
"I suggest taking a bite, little brother," Fred said mockingly, handing one to Y/n. "I made this one especially for you" And winked at the girl. Hers was Y/F/C , your favorite color. As soon as the girl saw the candy she smiled at Fred and got a little flushed.
As soon as Ron took a bite of the fearful candy, sparkles that resembled fireworks with a date, time and place emerged from the pumpkin.
"We just suggest that you don't eat it whole, eating the other piece makes you invisible for 15 minutes, so you can go to the party without drawing unnecessary attention" Fred said with a smile on his face, proud of what he had done.
It was amazing how these boys were the life of the party wherever they went. Y/n smile so proudly for the boys. After the euphoria of delivery of the pumpkins, the boys sat on the sofa with only a few students in the room, most of had already gone to sleep. Y/n was in an armchair by the fireplace, reading a book. Fred settled on the floor in front of the girl and rested his head on her knees. George sat next to Lee on the couch.
"Okay, now that we have everything set up, what will your fantasy be?" George asked to his friends.
"I was thinking of going as a werewolf" Lee replied playing with the hem of his shirt.
"What a cliché, Lee" Hermione who was finishing up her homework said from across the room. She, Harry and Ron were actually finishing up their homework. But everyone knew that the boys were just waiting for Hermione to finish copying hers.
"You're right, he should go as you Hermione, who knows, maybe someone will put limits on this party?" Ron replied laughing, immediately regretting because of Hermione's furious reaction.
"And what are you going to be dressed up for?" Y/n asked lowering the book, she had stopped paying attention long ago.
"Us? Secret too" Fred replied to the girl.
"You guys are getting unbearable with this, you know?" Y/n said looking at the twins.
"Just noticed now?" Lee said sarcastically.
Y/n snorted angrily and pulled her legs up so that Fred could no longer lean on them, causing the boy to turn his head to her laughing.
"You look so beautiful when you're mad" He said and stood up and give her a kiss on the cheek. "I think it's past time for us to go to sleep, we need energy to organize what comes tomorrow, Georgie"
George got up too and agreed with his brother, so the two went up to the dorm wishing everybody a good night.
"I'll see if I can get anything out of them before bed, good night, Y/n" Lee said and went after the twins.
Harry was already drooling at the table, Ron was almost, only Hermione was still focused. Y/n got up and headed for the girls' dorm.
"Good night, Mione" Y/n said.
"When are you two going to assume you have more than a friendship, Y/n?" Hermione asked before she went up. The girl laughed and shook her head.
"We are just friends"
The following days passed with Y/n listening to discussions to see what would be the fantasy of her friends. Lee really was a werewolf, Hermione was from an important witch that nobody really understood who was just that had something to do with defending giants, Ron was going as a auror, Harry as a  quidditch player, and of course the fantasy of Fred and George it was still a secret.
At breakfast on the day of the party, everyone was euphoric. The whispers came not only from the Gryffindor table, but from all of them, even some Slytherins were excited.
And because she kept her head elsewhere, Y/n ended up forgetting to think about her fantasy. Then, taking advantage of having a visit to Hogsmade that day, she asked Hermione for help in choosing a costume. The girls went to each clothing store until they found the perfect costume. That was it, they thought. It perfectly matched Y/n's personality.
The hours passed and now it was only an hour before the twins' Halloween party. The girls in Y/n's room were euphoric. They had pirates, healers, vampires, it looked like a children's book in one room. Y/n was finishing her makeup and would already be ready to leave. The outfit she had chosen was nothing less than court jester. Not a dull court jester, according to Hermione, and here I quote her words, she was a “sexually desirable jester”. A colorful short dress, socks to the thighs one of each color, hair tied with colored ribbons and a cute clown makeup. It was perfect.
"You look perfect, Y/n!" Angelina said to the girl with colored ribbons in her hair.
"You too, Angie, wonderful by the way!" Y/n said to her friend that was dressed as a fairy.
The two then descended together, meeting several people in costume in the main hall. And in the sea of mummies and mermaids, Y/n spotted the werewolf she was looking for.
“Lee! Lee! ” The girl called and Lee turned to see her.
"Y/n ... Bloody hell woman, now I understand what Fred talks about so much" Lee replied looking Y/n up and down.
"What does Fred say?" Y/n asked frankly eyebrows.
"He keeps saying you have phenomenal thighs," Lee replied, staring at her legs.
“Hey! Lee! Eyes up here! ” Y/n responded making the boy automatically look embarrassed, but then laughing.
"Let's go then?" Lee asked Y/n and she nodded.
The two then ate all the pumpkin and automatically the picture of the fat woman opening, looked like a passage of ghosts, no one was seen, all you could hear were footsteps and some muffled laughter through the corridors.
Finally, after walking a lot trying to make a minimum of noise, they reached the precise room. The door opened and the legion of students entered the place. When Fred and George said it was going to be the best Halloween party this school has ever seen, they weren't kidding.
There were already some students in the room, but the decor was clear. They had colorful and noiseless fireworks shining on the ceiling tirelessly, they seemed bewitched to last all night. The smoke on the ground made it look like a swamp, you could barely see people's feet. The tables set with various sweets with different shapes and a large bowl with punch, certainly alcoholic. The walls decorated with purple and orange ribbons all over the place. Of course, cobwebs, skeletons and pumpkins were placed in every corner. The music was loud, but it was not heard outside, they had also bewitched it. The only strange thing was that Fred and George were not yet in place.
More and more people were arriving and none of the twins. Y/n was having fun with Lee and other friends, but missed the redheaded duo. While some students were kissing in a corner and others were stuffing themselves with food, Y/n was dancing with a glass in her hand, like there's no tomorrow. She moved her hips from side to side without caring if she was drawing too much attention. Tonight was really for that.
The only part of the place that no one had understood was the stairway in the corner of the room that led to a balcony and a small door that nobody could open. After a while, Y/n ignored the stairs, and suddenly after the girl's third glass, the door made sense. It had opened up and the music had turned down the volume. There they were, Fred and George came out of the door in the costume of Kings. Y/n laughed with them and stopped dancing, looking at the boys.
"Feel free, my subjects, the party is yours today!" Fred said raising his hands.
"And remember, if you are not going to party like us, you can leave" George added.
"And let the party really start!" Fred shouted and everyone shouted in agreement.
The twins then descended the stairs, as if they were true kings. Strangely, their fantasy matched the boys perfectly. Y/n after seeing that the boys were already enjoying the party normally, she took another sip of her drink and started dancing again.
The music playing was sensual, and it is clear that the girl, with the courage that the drink gave her, took advantage of the moment. She had wanted to do this for years, and the opportunity never came, but now? Last year, she was going to do what she wanted without fear.
Y/n started to dance to the music, as sensual as the beat of each note. She knew they had several pairs of eyes on her, but only one interested her. Then the girl turned to where Fred was and she couldn't be more pleased to see that he was looking at her like a dog is looking at a piece of meat, with pure desire. She then danced looking directly at him.
Fred couldn't hold on any longer, he dodged the crowd and came very close to Y/n, grabbed her waist tightly and without thinking, he kissed the girl. It was as if everyone in the room had disappeared. They were just there, Y/n and Fred. The girl returned the kiss at the same time her lips met, placing her hands on the boy's neck.
The two separated only because they were forced to breathe. Keeping foreheads glued together. Smiling broadly. And you can hear George and Lee in the background shouting "Finally!" "Just friends, my ass!" And things like that. But Fred and Y/n couldn't care less.
"So.. hm, I think we're not just friends after all, huh?" Fred says laughing still being very close to you.
"I don't think we ever were just friends"
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keijislove · 3 years
Can i request #2 and 3 from the prompt list with Harry x Reader please but make it a happy ending? Thank you!!
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A/N: Hi anon, omg this was so much fun to write!!! I love Harry and feel that there is not much Harry x reader content out there, so here you go! Hope you like it 😊
‘And then they lived happily ever after!’ Cho finished reading as the girls around her squealed in excitement.
You merely snorted.
‘Why do all of your books have sappy endings?’ you questioned Cho as she looked at you incredulously.
‘Well, its fun to read.’ Cho shrugged. ‘If you were in Ravenclaw, you could be reading diverse romances instead of those stupid muggle books you like so much. For example, what’s this you’re reading?’
She snatched your book and looked at the words you’d been reading.
‘Real love is rare but fake words and promises are everywhere.’ She read out before looking at you. ‘See, this is why you feel so lonely, Y/N. if you’re gonna be reading miserable books like that, then I can’t blame you for being droopy most of the time.’
‘It’s not miserable, Cho.’ You contradicted. ‘It’s a little something called reality.’
Cho snorted. ‘Whatever you say.’
‘Besides, I’m not always lonely.’ You continued. ‘I have Hermione and Ron... and Harry too.’
‘And Harry too!’ Cho mocked. ‘Blimey, Y/N I forgot to ask. How’s things between you two?’
At that you looked down. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
Even though you weren’t looking at her, you could almost feel her roll her eyes.
‘You’re lovesick, darling.’ Cho explained. ‘You get this weird glow on your face when you talk about him and your eyes form hearts like in those muggle comics you read. Also, when he’s around, you blush like a tomato. Tell me how this is incorrect?’
You sighed. ‘None of your business, Cho Chang. So what if I like him? I’m probably the 100th girl who does. He has a pretty wide collection of choices, you know. Take Ginny for example. She’s everything I’m not. She’s pretty, popular, outgoing AND she is sweet. I’m a loner, too sarcastic to have too many friends, and it’s not like I can help it anyway. He’d never like me.’
‘Sweetie, what is there not to like in you?’ Cho asked worriedly.
It was one of the many reasons you liked her, she always paid attention to your moods and constantly asked if you were alright.
‘Y’know what Cho, let’s leave it.’ You muttered. ‘I promised Ron I’d help him with his essay anyway. He’s probably eating in the common room. Bye.’
You gave a nod and walked off, but you could feel Cho’s eyes watching you thoughtfully.
As you walked into the common room, a chorus of noises greeted you.
‘Fine, I’ll give you five galleons I can.’ Harry was saying.
‘Alright mate, whatever you say.’ Said Ron.
‘Five galleons you can do what?’ you questioned, walking up to them.
Harry immediately coughed nervously. ‘Ahem, Y/N! Hi! Ron here was betting I couldn’t, er, sneak down to the kitchens.’
‘If you know Fred and George, doesn’t seem impossible.’ You said in amusement.
‘Someone summon us?’ a voice called behind you as you turned to see Fred standing there.
‘Oh, yeah.’ You spoke. ‘Ron here thinks Harry can’t sneak down to the kitchens, so he put five galleons on that. I was just explaining how anybody who knew you two could probably sneak off to Mars unnoticed.’
‘We are honoured.’ George bowed to you. ‘But Ron, mate, weren’t you betting that Harry couldn’t ask o-’
‘NO, I WASN’T!’ Ron bellowed, causing you to miss what George said.
George’s expression immediately changed.
‘Harry couldn’t ask what?’ you asked.
‘The house elves to make him some food.’ Fred casually spoke.
You narrowly looked at him.
‘Boys.’ You finally muttered, going upstairs.
You were trying to wrench your bag out of the spot it had decided to get caught in, when a voice startled you.
‘Here, let me help.’
You turned around to see none other than the Chosen One himself.
‘Oh, thanks.’ You said nervously as Harry yanked the bag out of the door.
You grabbed it and turned to leave.
‘Er, Y/N?’ you heard Harry ask.
‘I was wondering if, um, you’d... y-you’d like to go to Hogsmeade with me?’ Harry asked.
Your eyes grew wide. ‘Are you asking me out? Like on a date?’
‘Erm, yes.’ He said.
‘Oh.’ You managed to squeak. ‘Oh, Oh! Um, y-yeah, alright, s-sure!’
He flashed you one of his stupidly adorable grins. ‘Brilliant!
You and Harry had been dating for a few weeks now.
But something was terribly wrong.
Harry had started acting horribly distant, sometimes ignoring you or trying to walk past you in the corridors.
You were on your way to the common room. wondering whatever you could have done to upset him, when his voice caught you before you entered.
‘Ron, I can’t do this anymore.’ He spoke. ‘I know I agreed to your dare that I couldn’t ask Y/N out, but I can’t do this. I’ll give you your galleons, don’t worry.’
‘Well, alright mate.’ You heard Ron say. ‘But I thought you were happy-’
‘I’m not.’
That was enough for you to choke a sob and run off to the deserted Quidditch Pitch.
So that’s what it was.
A dare.
Harry didn’t want to be with you, heck he didn’t even enjoy it.
You kicked away stones in anger, remembering Cho’s voice.
Real love is rare but fake words and promises are everywhere.
That was exactly what the past few weeks were.
Fake love, fake words, fake smiles, fake promises.
It was all fake.
Your thoughts were cut short, as a pair of shoes came skipping by.
‘Oh.’ You heard a familiar voice.
No, go away, please. You thought. I hate you, don’t come near me.
‘Hey, love.’ Harry grinned.
You tried not to gag. ‘Why’re you calling me that?’
He frowned. ‘D-do you not l-like it?’
‘No.’ you coldly responded. ‘You’re here to break up, aren’t you?’
‘What how did you-’ Harry began.
'Is this what this whole relationship was to you? A bloody dare?’ you asked through your tears.
Harry’s eyes widened. ‘You heard...?’
‘Yes, I heard.’ You said. ‘Harry Potter, don’t you ever dare speak to me again.’
With that, you stalked off.
Even though you’d convinced yourself you’d never speak to him, you couldn’t help but worry about Harry.
The third task was near, and you were wondering if he’d make it.
He’s made it this far, hasn’t he? You thought. He’ll manage, stop thinking about him.
Sitting in the arena, waiting for him to emerge out of the maze, you couldn’t take it anymore.
‘Cho... if he’s back, just let me know.’ You informed the black-haired Ravenclaw, turning to leave.
Just as you turned, a cheer erupted as you whipped around to see Harry carrying something and lying face-front on the ground.
Everyone was cheering, but you squinted at what he was carrying, trying to make out what it was.
When you focused for long enough, your hands flew to your mouth as you let out a blood-curdling scream.
Cedric Diggory’s body.
And it wasn’t moving.
‘Is he... can I see him?’ you asked Madame Pomphrey.
‘Well, I’m sure he’s asleep, dear.’ She answered, frowning. ‘But in you go.’
You thanked her and went inside.
Harry was not sleeping, but he looked terrible.
‘Oh, Harry.’ You sighed, walking to him.
Still not looking at you, he spoke. ‘You still hate me.’
‘No, I-’ you began. ‘I... I don’t. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.’
‘I should be the one apologising.’ He said quietly.
You sighed. ‘I’ll be late for Charms... see you soon, Harry.’
You bent down to place a kiss on his cheek.
At that moment, he turned his head abruptly, causing your lips to collide.
Gasping, you pulled back.
Entire body trembling with giddiness, you walked to your class.
After your little ‘encounter’, Harry went back to ignoring you.
You were sick of it, and one day, while he was returning from Hagrid’s cabin, you cornered him.
‘You can’t hide forever, you know.’ You spoke seriously, arms crossed over your chest.
He didn’t look at you.
Sighing, you stepped forward. ‘We need to talk.’
His head snapped up to meet your eyes.
‘There’s nothing to talk about. I kissed you and you pulled away. End of story.’ He casually said.
‘No, it’s not the end of story.’ You snapped. ‘How could you even, first you fake-date me and then this, I mean for Merlin’s sake Harry, a kiss is supposed to mean something and I-’
‘What makes you think it didn’t mean anything?’ he asked softly.
You gaped at him. ‘You said... you dated me because of a dare and then-’
‘Oh.’ He interrupted. ‘Oh. That’s why you were upset. Oh my god, Y/N, you totally misunderstood me. I... was talking to Ron because I felt that I wasn’t being fair to you... I like you, Y/N. I truly do, and I wanted to date you as well, but I was worried what you’d think when I’d explained it was a dare! And th-then I came to tell you all this, but you seemed so sad, I thought you hated me. Don’t ever think like that, Y/N. That kiss meant everything it was supposed to.’
You remained silent.
Harry blushed and awkwardly scratched his neck. ‘Uhm... and I-I’d like to try that again...’
Your eyes widened as you turned red.
Swallowing your nerves, you leaned forward as he mirrored your actions and met you halfway.
And this time, neither of you pulled back.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Dimly-Lit Corners and Dark Corridors
Requested: yesss
Harry Potter x Fem!reader (house not specified)
Warning: suggestive themes (nothing overtly sexual), kissing, awkward Harry, mentions of scarring (Umbridge) 
Word Count: 2773
alright this one is really cute and harry is so awkward and sweet and dorky and just 🥰 but yeah i really like this one
Harry was with Hermione as they returned books in the library. Really, Hermione was putting the books back whilst also complaining about Ron, and Harry… well Harry was just there for moral support.
“Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn’s Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I’ve had to make other arrangements.”
Harry was surprised to hear this, to him the solution was obvious really, “Have you?”
“Yes,” Her look was defensive. “Why?”
“Well I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we’d really like to, we should go together as friends.”
Hermione groaned, “Why didn’t I think of that?”
“Who are you going with?” Harry was now extremely curious.
But as Hermione started talking, something about not being able to tell him just yet, Harry’s attention had been stolen. His eyes followed after the group of girls a year older than him and Hermione that had just walked into the library, conveniently sitting at the table closest to the aisle he and Hermione were in. It wasn’t the whole group that had a hold on his focus, no, just one girl that happened to be the center of the group. Harry felt his stomach erupt in the most ridiculous butterflies as he watched Y/n L/n throw her head back in laughter. Time seemed to slow as he watched her smile, hair cascading down her back and Harry couldn’t help but think of a hundred and one scenarios of him, her, and his hands running through her-
“Harry!” Hermione hit his shoulder with a book.
“Ow, Hermione.” Harry grumbled, hand going to rub the area on his shoulder that was sure to form a bruise.
His eyes shot over to Y/n, praying she didn’t see the embarrassing exchange before he turned back to Hermione, luckily she was still giggling at something her friend was saying to notice the assault.
“What was that for?”
Hermione laughed, “If you like her so much, just talk to her.”
“You say that like it’s easy, Hermione.” Harry sighed.
Y/n L/n had appeared on Harry’s radar last year. She had come to DA meetings with her friends and was exceptionally good at most defensive and offensive spell work. She was friendly and funny and incredibly beautiful, the kind of beautiful that was beyond just her looks. Harry was sure if she had walked into a room full of strangers everyone would turn to look, it was late one night when Harry decided to call it her ‘aura’. Even so, Harry had been so stressed about DA meetings he didn’t really develop a crush on her until one day he had gone to help Fred and George with a defensive spell and they were standing with her mid conversation. It was quite clear that Fred had been putting all the moves on her, George going about it with more of a subtle approach, yet Harry noticed she was nothing but friendly. And when he walked up to them, Y/n had turned to him with the most dazzling smile and a gentle hand to his bicep. Harry definitely understood why Fred was so grumpy when he was rejected after the meeting, but Harry also had never been able to produce a patronus so easily the next meeting when he saw Y/n again, Fred free.
From then on Harry swore no one could hold a candle to her, he was sure veelas were created with Y/n L/n as inspiration. Ron definitely made fun of him for his more poetic bouts of professing his love to an imaginary Y/n that lived in his dorm. To say Harry was less than smooth when talking to Y/n was an understatement, so he’s resorted to avoiding most interactions with her.
“It is that easy. People are calling you ‘The Chosen One’ she’s probably just too shy to talk to you herself.” Hermione said, bringing him out of his thoughts again.
“That’s not true.”
“Think about it, Harry. It seems like all the girls this year are trying to go after you. Like…there, see that girl over there?” She asked, subtly motioning to a girl with curly hair on the opposite side of the room.
Harry nodded.
“That’s Romilda Vane, I overheard her and some other girls in the bathroom. They were planning how to slip you a love potion.”
“Really?” This was all news to Harry.
Hermione scoffed, “She’s only interested in you because she thinks you’re the chosen one.”
“But I am the chosen one.”
He received another hit to the shoulder, the same book and girl the cause of his pain.
“Right, sorry.”
“All I’m saying is, you could use it to your advantage.” Hermione suggested.
Harry grumbled again, “I doubt she cares, Hermione. She hasn’t tried to slip me anything, we barely talk.”
“You barely talk,” Hermione turned to put a book on a shelf. “Because you don’t try to talk to her. You can’t expect her to just fall to your feet, she seems like she knows her worth and isn’t going to beg you to date her.”
“It wouldn’t be...falling at my feet… it would be showing interest.” Harry said matter-of-factly.
Hermione shook her head, “Boys don’t understand anything.”
“Well, I wou-” Harry let out a grunt as his back hit something.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
Harry turned around so fast he almost tripped, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline as he heard Y/n’s voice behind him. She was standing with both her hands out, one holding his bicep the other on his chest to steady him.
“Y/n, I didn- you- how are- what’s me? No, I mean, what’s up?”
He was certain Fred had been smoother and he got rejected, he had no chance. But he perked up at the sound of her giggle, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.
“I’m alright, Harry. I just wanted to come say hi, you know since we haven’t talked much after meetings last year.” Her face started to glow an ethereal pink as she talked and Harry felt his jaw start to hang open just slightly.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, how’s everything been, then….with you?” Harry stuttered.
Y/n smiled, hands now back at her sides, “I’ve been good, missed the D.A., ya know? What about you, Harry, have you been alright with everything?”
“Oh, yeah, great, fantastic. I am the chosen one. Wait! No, I didn’t mean like- I don’t know why I said that.”
Y/n nodded and let out a chuckle at the way Harry fumbled.
“I’ve heard. Good on you for finally getting the Prophet to listen. Anyway, I shou-”
“Go to Slug Club with me.”
Hermione couldn’t hold her laugh at the confused expression on Y/n’s face, or the completely mortified look Harry was sporting.
Harry calmed himself before clarifying, “Professor Slughorn has these...parties, and he told us to bring someone along for the Christmas party. I was wondering if you’d like to come with me… to the party?”
“You don’t have to, it’s alright, really. I’ll ju-”
He was cut off by Y/n putting a hand on his shoulder as she spoke, “I’d love to go with you.”
“Brilliant!” Harry smiled, day suddenly brighter and mood better.
She then turned to Hermione and asked if she’d be there too, to which Hermione responded with a grumbled ‘unfortunately’ before bringing a smile back to her face to tell Y/n she would be excited to see her.
Harry was beyond nervous, his palms were slick with sweat and his hair was far from as tame as he would’ve liked. The Christmas party was in an hour and he had to meet Y/n in half, his nerves were on fire at the thought of being with her all night. Of course, he’d have to talk to her and she’d walk in with him with her arm in his. Or was that too cliche? Would she think of this as a date? Was it a date? Harry knew he wanted it to be a date, Merlin, did he want it to be a date.
“You’re thinking about it too much, mate.” Ron piped up from his bed.
“But is it a date?” Harry asked, turning to Ron.
Ron shrugged, “Sure it is.”
“Yeah, sure. You’re a bloke, she’s a girl, you guys are going to a Christmas dinner. Yeah, I’d say it’s a date.”
This didn’t help Harry’s nerves, but an idea flashed through his mind as his eyes skimmed over his trunk.
“Maybe I should drink the liquid luck? Get lucky.”
Ron gave him a suggestive look that made his cheeks heat up, “That’s not what I mean. I ju-”
“If you got her to say yes without the stuff, I’d say the hard part is over. Bloody hell, I can't wait until Fred finds out you’re dating Y/n L/n. Can I be the one to tell him?”
Harry was quick to shake his head, “No. Her and I aren’t dating. It’s just one Christmas party.”
Just one Christmas party his arse, Harry thought as he watched Y/n make her way to him from her common room entry. Y/n’s dress was a dark blue, almost black, satin that hugged her body enviously close and fell all the way to the floor. Curves, dips, and assets on tasteful display, yet it was Y/n’s warm smile that made Harry’s hands sweat.
The dress had thin straps holding it up and a straight, slouchy neckline. Y/n had her arms, neck, and most of her chest exposed; she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t bring a cover up in hopes that Harry would offer his jacket.
“Ready to go?” Y/n asked bringing Harry out of scenario number sixty-seven.
Scenario number sixty seven was a personal favorite of Harry’s, just newly sprouted, it consisted of him and Y/n in a dark corridor getting rather familiar.
“Ye-Yeah. You look beautiful, Y/n.” Harry complimented.
It was Y/n’s turn to fumble as she muttered out a thank you, her bashful expression giving Harry enough of a confidence boost to put his arm around her waist to guide her to the party.
Slughorn's party had been in full swing by the time they had arrived, Harry had guided her through the long way in hopes of getting to keep his arm around her waist just that much longer. Y/n, of course, had caught on to Harry’s scenic route but kept it to herself, she had liked being alone with the raven haired boy.
A few of the party goers Y/n recognized, but made no move to go say hi as she was content standing with Harry who had started a conversation with Slughorn. The rest of the party went as such, Harry and Y/n joined at the hip, usually found in whispered conversations in dimly lit corners. Harry had gotten much more confident as the night progressed, conversation with Y/n seemed to flow exceptionally well. He had learned that she was not only insanely attractive but a huge fan of the Holyhead Harpies, loved potions class (regardless of who was teaching it), and she was incredibly witty and dorky. Harry learned that she was absolutely perfect.
“-after that I probably slipped down a good five or six steps and landed right at Umbridge’s feet. She didn’t like that very much.” Y/n laughed, right hand subconsciously going to touch the top of her left.
Harry gave her a look of disbelief catching the movement, “She didn’t set the quill on you for that did she?”
“Yeah, but it’s alright. I’m still here aren't I?” She smiled, hoping to calm the look of worry that had flashed across Harry’s face.
He didn’t respond to her attempt of calming him, instead going to grab her hand. He raised the back of her hand to the light and tried to read the words that were etched into her hand but let out a sound of confusion.
“I can’t read it…” He said more to himself but Y/n heard.
She came out of her haze, brought on by Harry holding her hand so gently and carefully.
“That’s because there’s two sentences overlapping. The first one says ‘I must behave like a lady when in public’ and the second one-”
Harry connected the dots, guilt starting to eat away at his insides as he cut her off, “The D.A.”
“Yeah…” She confirmed, eye avoiding his gaze.
Harry felt all the rage he had felt for Dolores Umbridge returning to his body again, and he swore if he were to ever see that woman again he wouldn’t hold back. Y/n could tell by the way Harry’s grip tightened around her hand, though not tight enough to hurt.
“Hey, it’s alright. If I had known what would happen then, I still would’ve joined.”
She shuddered as she felt Harry’s index finger gently trace over the undecipherable scribbles.
Harry seemed to realize how close they had gotten, and his cheeks burned as his heart rate picked up. There was a nagging voice in the back of his mind that sounded an awfully lot like Ron telling him to just make a move.
You’re a bloke
She’s a girl
“Harry, you think they’d miss you if we let for a moment?”
He was brought back to reality as he heard the words and he hoped to Merlin he was reading it the way she meant for it to be read. He could feel his cheeks burning as he tried to rack his mind of ways to respond.
“I- you mean like- like get out of here. With me?” His cheeks burned even hotter as he tried to find the right words.
He let an awkward cough slip as Y/n slowly intertwined their hands together, her move was confident but her face had an expression of shyness.
“Well, yeah I was hoping you’d be there.”
He let out a breathy laugh as he stumbled a bit, seemingly knocked back by the suggestion.
“Oh- Yeah, I- uh- brilliant!”
Y/n giggled as she found the awkward boy in front of her incredibly endearing, and she couldn’t help herself as she took a step closer to Harry, face inches from his. She could almost hear him gulp as she looked down at his lips before meeting his eyes. Luckily they had been tucked away in a corner, away from most of the prying eyes of the party.
Harry wasn’t going to reject the new positioning but he also didn’t seem to be able to move to further it along, fortunately he didn’t have to. Y/n brought her hands up to cup his face as she gently brought her lips to his. Harry was kicked into action, his hands sliding around her waist as brought her closer, deepening the kiss. They stayed like that, lips smacking and tongues getting familiar for a few more seconds before Y/n pulled away, chuckling as Harry’s lips trailed after hers for a moment.
“That was...nice. Not like a bad nice, a good nice. A really good ni-”
His jaw was once again grabbed by Y/n, making him swallow his words and look into her eyes as she smiled gently.
“You don’t have to be so nervous, Harry, it’s just me.” She said, face lining in to peck him one more time.
He puckered out his lips comically as she pecked him, face still in her hands, but he had no complaints.
“You’re a bit intimidating.” Harry admitted.
“Really? How so?” She humored him.
Harry couldn't help but answer honestly, “You’re beautiful and kinda really...cool.”
They were quick to leave after that, Harry guiding Y/n to a secluded corridor that really only those who had seen the Marauders Map would be aware of. Once far enough into the corridor, Harry pushed Y/n against a cool stone wall. No longer as nervous as before, seeing as it was clear she felt the same, he was the one to initiate the kiss.
It was with slow hands and friendly lips that Harry was finally able to live through scenario number sixty seven, and he couldn’t wait to tell Fred that the real thing was far better than anything you could fantasize about.
And Y/n L/n made her way to her dorm that night, well passed curfew, with Harry’s jacket to keep her warm.
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clarrissanewt · 3 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
House: Gryffindor
Warnings: fictional violence, a potential love triangle (maybe), loss of appetite and sleep, angst 
Requested?: Yes
Requested by @sincerestrespect​
Summary: Shadows are always a relief in the dark, but when they follow without a trace of light, they aren’t shadows at all.
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A/n: the timeline is not according to the book. 
“I’ve got that in my mind.”
“Honestly, Harry, shut up!”
The boy in question leapt up from his seat to the leathered bench ahead of him as Ron and Hermione left their compartment, sending smug smiles at their other two friends.
And there she sat, arms crossed dangerously across her chest, sending death glares in the Chosen One’s direction.
“You know, we are not dating.”
“I do not see any harm if we do,” Harry shrugged nonchalantly as he strolled towards the trolley witch, throwing a chocolate frog towards her.
Still maintaining a stern look at him, she tilted her head, nibbling onto the flustered smile that was threatening to escape.
Harry was her friend. Best friend.
But somehow, the whole Hogwarts had something else planned for them. She was called Potter’s girl (which she didn’t seem to mind), but Harry’s constantly increasing closeness could be counted as bothersome.
She wasn’t sure how she felt about Harry. Her love for him, all she knew, was platonic. But Hermione had shaken her head in vexation and termed her as “Oblivious.”
But that was months ago.
Now, when she was alone with Harry in their compartment, and his sly smirk never faltered, she decided to call it a break.
“Uh- I’ll be back from- from the washroom.”
And before he could reply, she slipped through the sliding door, and banging it shut, wandered with a thousand questions annihilating her mind.
Was she ready to start anything with Harry?
No, she definitely wasn’t.
And there were no surprises when she trod on the hem of her own cloak and stumbled straight into a foreign person.
As if on a cue, her heels lost control over the thundering floor and she grabbed whatever was closest to her (she was sure she seized the shirt of the person).
She silently thanked all the wizard Gods that ever existed for not gifting her with a concussion as two calloused hands cushioned her head from the fall.
And she dared to loosen her clenched eyes, her eyes still fisting the soft shirt while the shrieking train caused her knuckles to momentarily brush against his toned muscles.
Pat her on the back.
She was lying under Draco Malfoy.
“You know, you should stop staring.”
“I’m not staring,” she replied to Harry, her lips barely moving as her orbs were fixed on the Slytherin table, only blond hair curtaining the horizon of her sight, “I’m mentally stabbing.”
Ron broke out laughing from beside her while Hermione’s smile could be counted as supportive.
“Ow- ‘oosen up a bit, Y/n!” Ron nudged her, chunks of unchewed food spraying across the table from his mouth. “Have this.”
But she was merely listening.
Her orbs were still glued as she watched Malfoy, who looked significantly lanky and exhausted since the last term, get up from the dinner without a single word, without a single laugh, and without a single insult, a warm hand snaked around her.
And she could only let out an inaudible sigh.
“So,” Harry dragged out his words, sending knowing glances at Ron and Hermione, “what you think, Y/n-”
“I think, I’ve got some work to complete,” she cut him tersely, only rage shadowing her otherwise lively face.
“Washroom again?” He laughed at his own words, hoping for her to deny and stay with them.
“Something along those lines. Now, leave me or I’ll break your nose again.”
And Potter couldn’t stop her that night.
What did shadows and Malfoy have in common?
In all honesty, you can never catch them.
As she skidded through the empty corridors of the fifth floor, she had lost his track. No trace of blond, no trace of arrogance- just nothing.
Wiping the beads of sweat that were scattered across her forehead, she gave a feverish glance around. She wasn’t sure if she was being paranoid or something was indeed following her.
Orbs wide in alert, she backed away with small steps, the plan of confronting Malfoy still hammering down her chest. And with a swish of black, she could not comprehend how she reached wherever she was standing.
Room of Requirements- the only address she could grasp at the sight of those empty cream walls, no mannequin for practising disarming charms, no shimmering baubles reading “Harry Christmas,” just empty room; with the door gone, of course. 
As a hard lithe (and awfully cold) hand moulded into her jaw, pinning her to the wall, she had almost lost her ability to speak in the heat of the moment.
It was going insane, you bet.
“What are you doing here?”
Still no arrogance; it shocked her. His shirt was still untucked after that little incident of shirt snatching incident that occurred back on the train. But as soon as his pads exerted a puncturing pressure over the rim of her face, she knew why she was here, in the first place- to confront him.
“What are you doing here?” She shot back, her orbs fiercely curved, desperation to leave already visible in her expression.
“Are you following me?” His face hovered inches away from hers, the contrasting warmth of his lips radiating near her nose. His cologne was subtle- mahogany, with a hint of mint and Christmas smoke, she could tell.
“You?” She faked out a laugh and tried to break free of his grip. “I think it’s you who’s following me.”
It was a lie but admitting her plans, that too in front of Draco Malfoy was the last thing on her mind.
His grip faltered on her as the sleek, pale fingers raced through his distressed blond hair. His face showed hesitation, it showed terror- something she had never seen in his face.
“Thought Potter would be lurking beside you,” he turned away, a good few inches breathing between them, “like always.”
“How did you even enter?” She ignored his unrelated comment. Bringing Potter as a shield was his only defence every time they fought.
“I was first here; you just happen to enter.”
“I happen to enter?” The question rolled off her tongue with a hysteric sound. “You mean, the door didn’t take its little vacation after you entered?”
“Barbaric excuse. An excuse that only ought to slip from the tongue of a death eater like you.”
He froze, and so did she. She didn’t mean to say that out loud, but her temper got the better of her. So, she had no time for taking any defensive stance when his calloused fingers were pressing against the veins of her neck, cutting off the air supply for a second before he loosened yet tightened his grasp.
“Don’t,” his voice was raspy and breathy, “dare to ever repeat that.”
In the background, there was an unsettling rumble as the door appeared. Malfoy wiped his pallid nose with his free hand before walking away. 
She was still staring at the blank wall as her limbs ached with the terror of the prior moment.
This term would not be the best, she assured nobody but herself.
“Your businesses take time,” Harry yawned as he rolled away on the couch, making space for her.
She offered him a small smile, the hint of smoke and mint making her stomach churn up in uneasy backflips.
“Ron and Hermione?”
“Off to-” he suppressed a huge yawn, tiny exhausted tears glistening from his crinkled orbs, “-bed.”
“You should go too. We can talk tomorrow.”
Passing him another smile, she brushed his shoulder as a sweet gesture of good night.
Let’s hope Potter doesn’t find out.
“Tell me you are smelling him!”
Y/n furrowed her brows at the bushy-haired girl who was smirking smugly in her direction.
“Smell whom?”
“Open your eyes, Y/n,” Hermione rolled her eyes as she lowered her voice to a whisper. “Describe what you smell.”
Smell? What did it even have to do with anything?
“Uh- a little, a little tinge of mahogany…,” her brows knitted with concentration, “something like Christmas smoke...that homey feeling, you know...and a small hint of mint-”
She met her yelp at the realisation of what cascaded out of her mouth, and her hand flew sluggishly there.
“That- that doesn’t sound like Harry,” Hermione looked at her, but she wasn’t really taking any questions now.
Ignoring the piercing stares from everybody around, she swung her bag over her shoulder and bolted out of the dim-lighted dungeons just to be stopped by him.
But this time she didn't yell, she didn’t shoot back his own insult; because he didn’t. He looked positively exhausted- the dark half-circles below those storm hit eyes more prominent than ever. He didn’t have those chubby cheeks that skidded up with his fibbery, not even slicked hair- even they seemed tired of their former composure. 
But what caught her eyes at that moment was his untucked shirt. She couldn’t comprehend whether he did that on purpose or was it a simple action of haste.
Nor she could understand if it was her infatuation with his scent or the intimate confrontation yesterday. She could just feel his stolid stare as she ran away.
She had almost lost the track of time. How many months had passed?
She always felt disembodied stares and looks from nearby but never succeeded in founding those eyes. 
Meanwhile, Malfoy, as annoying he was, merely a year ago seemed to rouse her dilemma. Since when had he revamped so much?
Always alone, always thoughtful.
“Looks like you have got a shadow,” Hermione quiet voice broke her bubble of reverie as she chased a stray piece of celery with her fork. 
Cautiously, the bushy-haired girl tilted her head towards the Slytherin table, not moving her orbs much as she continued nibbling the toast, pretending to be mildly interested in today’s upcoming Quidditch match in front of the boys.
Y/n’s eyes fitted unexpectedly with a pair of tormented grey eyes, which were quick to change their course at this contact.
She knew what was she going to do today.
“Stop opening up the door for me.”
He wouldn’t have been so surprised to hear somebody talk to him if he wasn’t staring at the taunting blank walls of the Room of Requirements and if it wasn’t a Quidditch match going on. 
Nonetheless, he wasn’t expecting her.
“Stop stalking me too.”
“How aren’t you sitting on the edge of your seat cheering for Potter?”  He whirled and faced her, his orbs staring as determinedly as hers.
“I don’t care about Potter, for the moment. I deserve answers; I deserve everything you owe me.”
His laugh was hollow and ridiculing. At least something didn’t change about him.
“Do you realise that you are here, without Potter’s knowledge, and may I add- with me?”
“You know,” she took a calculated step and cornered him, a dim light flickering the features of their faces, “all the people I know have got light around them, but you- you have got shadows.”
“So,” Hermione sniffled on her maroon sweater sleeve as Y/n sat down beside her, her limbs feeling lax, “what happened with Malfoy? Did he open up about months of stalking?”
“Positively nothing.” A breathy sigh left her throat. “Whatever happens, Hermione, don’t let Harry know.”
“You never felt anything like slide-slide for Harry, did you?”
“Slide-slide?” She chuckled as a stray tear slid down her cheek. “Nice term, Hermione, but Harry isn’t made for me.”
Christmas. She never felt so uneasy on Harry’s favourite festival. 
Nothing felt wrong until date, but today- today she had to be with him, stay with him as his date.
As she climbed down the portrait hole, her arms hugged her body as the cold wind blew edginess across her face, the strap of her sleeveless dress itching the expanse of her skin. 
Her body felt frail at the loss of sleep for weeks, subtle shadows appearing beneath her orbs.
She didn’t know what was going to happen at Slughorn’s party and the pit growing at the bottom of her stomach didn’t clanger good signs either. It was from hunger (she had lost her appetite at the paranoid feeling too) or the sight of the raven-haired boy with a grey suit and a goofy smile plastered over his face waiting for her- she couldn’t tell.
“Should we go?” His arm slithered into her lax one. “You look beautiful today. You always do.”
A flicker of pale disembodied fingers following the pillars of the lantern-lit trail abrupt her small steps.
“Harry, I’ve forgotten something. I’ll be back,” she wriggled herself out of his grip. “Don’t wait for me.”
Little did she know he would follow her this time.
She vividly remembers the anachronistic walls of this bathroom. Years back, four years back, the four of them had made their way to this long-forgotten place to egg on Malfoy that he was the heir of Slytherin.
He wasn’t. But she realised that day that that Malfoy was as charming as a dead slug.
But the Malfoy she was observing for months was different- he didn’t smirk for fun, didn’t bully, didn’t obstruct- he seemed helpless like he had no choice.
With dizzy and heavy eyes, she backed to the wall, wincing at the cold contact of the floor. 
It felt like walking in circles to her. Both of them were aware of the recent haphazard which gave Malfoy every chance to implement his plans. She didn’t have anything to complain, nothing to restrain- she was tired of this chase.
Her stomach churned as the door of the washroom creaked, mimicking the dying howl of an animal and the familiar white-blond hair bobbed into view. He momentarily stood at his spot, his eyes scanning her current condition as she didn’t even look at him.
It felt so obvious to her.
“What you want, Malfoy?” He noticed how her limbs shook with each word. “What you want from me?”
Silently, he turned his back to the door, his hands clutching either side of the sink. He didn’t dare to peep at his reflection- even his shadows scared him.
“I don’t want anything,” he let out a suppressed sob as his whole body shuddered, ”I-I can’t do it...I can’t...it won’t work...and unless I do it soon...he says he will kill me- or anyone I ever loved. I don’t- I don’t want you to be one of them.”
It was then she realised, with an indescribable shock that rooted her at the spot, that he was crying- actually crying- tears streamed down his pale, defeated face into the grimy basin.
There was a loud bang from behind and Malfoy looked into the cracked mirror and saw Potter, his wand tightened in his grip.
He wheeled around, drawing out his own wand. Y/n, unable to comprehend the gravity of the current situation, scrambled on her feet as hexes and curses flew around, one hitting the cistern behind her; water poured out everywhere.
“Stop! Just stop!” She bellowed, soaking from head to toe as staggering and slipping continued.
And the moment Malfoy was disarmed, something clicked in her vulnerable orbs as she impedimented between them.
“No, Harry- you won’t.”
“Since months,” the raven-haired boy spat venomously, his wand directed on Y/n, who was shielding the pale boy, “Since months, I had been wondering why you weren’t with us. I didn’t know- heck, I never got to know what was going on behind the blinds.”
“Harry, it’s- it’s not what it looks like-”
“Get out of the way, Y/n. I can put up the pieces and see what it actually looks like. Get away!”
Malfoy didn’t hesitate to push her away as Harry waved his wand wildly. She gasped and staggered back on the waterlogged floor- blood spurted from his chest and face like he had been attacked by a sword. Wobbling backwards, he stared as his blood dripped into the floor, creating stains that looked more or less like floating crimson flowers.
And before he could collapse in the puddles of blood sodden water, Y/n grasped his limp body on time.
“No- I didn’t-”
“Leave,” she cut Harry in a dangerously low voice. “Leave before matters get worse.”
Her fingers slowly ran through his blood-drenched chest, trembles seizing the sound control of her body.
“Malfoy?” Her voice was weak but enough for him to open his clenched eyes, his face contorted with pain. “Your wand? Where’s your wand?”
His fingers splashed against the water, creating deep ripples over the settled stream. And once she got the hold of his wand, he could feel his chest stitching up, the sound of the incantations almost sounding like a mystical song. At the third stitch, he was almost half standing on his legs, leaning against the sink.
“Hey? Are you alright?” She stood up supporting his body. “Talk to me.”
“Don’t- don’t come close, L/n,” he backed into the non-existent space towards the sink. “Stay away from me. It’s better.”
“Don’t make things- difficult for me,” a sharp breath attacked his lungs. “You know people have light around them- you have light around you? Then stay away, the shadows will always betray you because they serve me.”
Towering over her, he placed a hasty kiss on top of her head, and without looking back, he turned away from the corridor. And the last thing she could focus on was his shadow; as helpless as always.
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 years
Draco Malfoy x Reader Smut
Sorry I’ve been gone! I’m super motivated right now so I’m gonna try getting a bunch of these done because I’m kinda in the mood if you get my drift ;)
Requests from anon: 
“ok, i have a kinky ass request, could you do smut with draco, where he spits in the readers mouth-”
“mean draco who loves degrading you (consensually of course) and face fucking and maybeeeeeee hes into knife play“
Summary: After spending too much time with Potter, Draco finally snaps.
Warnings: Angry sex, jealous draco, mouth spitting, dirty talk.
Harry and I had been good friends since we sat together on the train our first year of Hogwarts. While I wasn’t part of the trio I was still a good friend of Harry’s which really rubbed Draco the wrong way. 
Lately I had been spending a lot of time with Harry because he was needing some advice about Ginny from someone who wasn’t so close to her. Mostly he needed to get out, so most of the time we would walk around the black lake in order for him to clear his mind. 
Today was just like every other. It was a lovely spring day and Harry was unsure of how to get Ginny’s attention. 
“Why don’t you just buy her flowers!” I said after already suggesting poetry, chocolate and just plainly asking her out. 
“I don’t want to be so direct!” He exclaimed. “If she doesn’t wanna go out with me I gotta play it cool or I’ll never live it down!”
“Sometimes you have to put your heart on the line!” I said.
“What about you and that git Malfoy huh? How did you end up with a guy like him?”
Harry! I know you and Malfoy aren’t the best of friends but he’s sweet to me and for your information he won me over using poetry, chocolate, flowers and asking me out!” I laughed. 
Before Harry could come back with a sly remark thunder rumbled and almost as if we were in a muggle cartoon it started to rain cats and dogs. 
“Bloody hell!” I said.
“Let’s get back home,” Harry laughed. 
We started off right away towards the courtyard which ended up being a lot farther away than we remembered. The rain started to soak through my white school dress shirt causing me to shiver.
“Of course!” I sighed crossing my arms over my chest trying to conceal my black bra that was showing through and keep myself warm. 
“Here take this,” Harry said holding out his quidditch zip up. I looked at the back ‘POTTER’ was written in big yellow letters. I knew I didn’t dare wear it in front of Draco but I also wouldn’t dare walk into school with my bra showing through my shirt. So I took his sweater and  slid it on. 
When we got to the castle not a student was in the courtyard. Though I saw a dark figure standing in the doorway. When I got there I knew all too well it was my over protective boyfriend. 
“Thank merlin I thought I was going to have to go out there and find you,” He said pulling me into the entrance and out of the rain. 
“I’m okay just wet,” I giggled.
“What the bloody hell are you wearing?” he said.
“Harry let me borrow it,” I rolled my eyes at his jealousy. 
“Take the bloody thing off!” He said ripping it off my shoulders and throwing it at Harry.
“Would you rather her freeze?” Harry said getting pissed.
“Why don’t you stop trying to mark what isn’t yours Potter?” Draco said getting in Harry’s face. I had seen him and Harry quarrel many times these last few years but I had never seen Draco like this before. 
“Draco that’s enough,” I said putting my hand on his shoulder scared of what might happen next if I didn’t step in. 
“Shove off Malfoy,” Harry said stepping towards Draco. 
“You dare to-” Draco started.
“Draco that’s enough lets go!” I said pulling his arm. It was finally enough to pull him out of his trance. We started down the corridor but not without Draco throwing his arm around my shoulders and shooting Harry a death glare. 
When we returned to Draco’s dorm he slammed the door so hard he nearly broke it. 
“What is your problem?” I yelled tired of his childish behavior. 
He stopped his pacing and quickly backed me into a wall/
“All you’ve done all week is go on walks with Potter and today you come back wearing his sweatshirt?” He spat. I knew where this was going and the excitement rose between my legs. 
“You’re such a jealous fuck,” I shook my head. 
“You’re mine,” he said placing his hand on my throat. “Get on your knees you slut.” he said pushing me down. 
I kept eye contact as I unbuckled his trousers and peeled his boxers off his body.
“Suck,” he commanded.
I gripped his hard cock in my hand and began to kitten lick his tip driving him crazy. 
“Stop teasing y/n” he said staring me down.
I didn’t give in though. Instead I acted as if I could only take his head, which we both knew wasn’t true. This of course pissed him off even more. He grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock down my throat letting out a sinful moan.
“That’s a good girl,” He said fucking my face. “Be the good little cock slut we know you are.” 
I whimpered as his words went straight to my heat. 
“You like it when I fuck your face like this huh?” He said causing me to nod my head as best I could. “Yeah you do you little whore, just love to be used.” 
It wasn’t long until he was close to cumming.
“Don’t swallow yet, keep it in your mouth.” he said just before spilling his seed into my mouth. I could feel his cum sitting in my mouth as I waiting for further instructions.
“Open,” He said squeezing my cheeks together so I had no choice but to obey. He checked to make sure that his cum was still sitting in my mouth before spitting in my mouth. “Swallow,”
I did as I was told and swallowed opening my mouth to show him.
“Good girl,” He said grabbing my chin, pulling me up and throwing me towards the bed.
He started to undress me at a pace I had never seen before. He waisted no time pushing himself in starting at a brutal pace. 
“Ah Draco!” I screamed. 
“You like that?” He said fucking me even harder.
“y-yes!” I stuttered. 
“Can Potter fuck you this good?” He said burying his head in my neck leaving hickeys wherever he could.
“No Draco! Only you!” I cried out.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He said biting down on my shoulder leaving another mark.
“Yours!” I screamed feeling the knot in my stomach form.
“Louder!” He yelled sitting so he could see my face when I come. 
“It’s your pussy Draco!” I screamed feeling myself get near the edge. 
“That’s my girl,” He said reaching down to rub my clit sending me over the edge. He followed suit throwing his head back so I could get a view of his Adams apple before he collapsed next to me.
It took me a minute to catch my breath before I could speak again.
“You know I love you and only you right?” I said still breathless.
“Of course love, I just can’t help but get a little jealous when I see a beautiful dame like you being so close with the chosen one,” he rolled his eyes.
“He can’t be the chosen one when I choose you everyday,” I smiled. 
“You know what I mean,” He laughed before rolling over and walking over to his closet.
“what are you doing?” I asked.
He pulled out an emerald green sweater with ‘MALFOY’ printed on the back in gray letters. 
“You’ll wear this tomorrow,” He said handing it to me. 
“thank god, green is more my color.” I said pulling it close to my chest admiring how it smelled like him.
“Damn right it is. I can’t wait to fuck you in that tomorrow night.” he said getting back in bed pulling me into him so I was laying in his chest.
“That’s funny I can’t wait either,”
A/N: I forgot knife play and now I feel stupid so I guess I’ll be including that in a future fic. I hope you guys like this. Feedback always helps make my writing better and remember requests are open for Draco Malfoy right now so get them in!
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