#train rides and talking hats harry potter x reader
Chapter 1.2 - Train Rides and Talking Hats
Chapter 1.2 - Train Rides and Talking Hats
Pairing: Harry Potter x Chosen One! Reader
‘“Oi,” you spoke, feeling your jaw clench at the blond boy’s demeanour. “I’d watch what I was saying if I was you, especially considering the crap that’s spewing outta your sewage-system of a mouth.” Draco Malfoy turned his sharpened gaze toward you. “And I’d be more careful if I was you. You don’t want to make enemies with the wrong people.” “Same goes for you.”’ OR: in which you hitch a ride on the Hogwarts Express and buckle up for one hell of a ride. → Set in a universe where you are the chosen one, and Harry Potter is your best friend who tries to help you navigate the woes of being the lone hero of the wizarding world. A swap au where you are the chosen one, your parents are dead but the marauders + Lily are not. Eventual Harry x Reader, slowburn, friends to lovers. Series Masterlist
.。*゚🗲.*.。   ゚*..🗲。*゚
Perhaps, if you had any less self-respect, having had a mental breakdown on the King’s Cross platform would have been your morning on the 1st of September.
The train leaves at eleven, Hagrid had told you. The Caddels had dropped you off at the station at half past ten before leaving to drop Odette off at her new school, Smeltings, they’d said. All you were really aware of was the nifty cane that came with the uniform, supposedly used to thwack fellow peers. An excellent training for later life.
Regardless of peculiar apparels or uniforms – you had now acquired a steadily rising fear that you would never be able to wear your own, if you couldn’t uncover where exactly platform nine and three-quarters was located at the station. 
There they were, right in front of you, platforms nine and ten – right there – but nowhere could you spot any semblance or notion of anything three-quarters related. The large plastic number nine leered tauntingly at you, swinging back and forth vaguely with the passing breeze.
You had pestered the guard manning the station. He hadn’t even heard of Hogwarts, and since you had no flying clue where or even what the school was, you couldn’t describe it to him. The guard stared at you incredulously, as though you were deliberately trying to be stupid (you didn’t miss how he eyed Hedwig, your owl, who chirped irritably back at him). It took every ounce of your remaining willpower to not snap or lunge at him and cause a scene in the middle of the station, especially when a congregation of people had formed a circle around you to observe the exchange curiously.
Apparently, according to a variety of people at the station, there wasn’t even a train that left at eleven o’clock. And, though it was obvious, platform nine and three-quarters completely did not exist. Like, at all. And to top the cherry on your fabulous sundae of anxiety and chagrin, according to the large clock situated on the arrivals board, you had a little under fifteen minutes to be seated on the train. 
You wished Hagrid had left you with more information, but when the man had dropped you back at your house and allowed you the time to blink, he had vanished. Urgent magical business, you mused dryly. Almost like the kerfuffle of being stranded on a station with not the foggiest idea of where to go. 
Were you missing something? Did you need to cast a spell? What if you missed the train? Oh, you knew you should have read the books before coming to the station. You swore at that moment to leave no page in your spell-books unturned (in hindsight, you knew you would drop this vow three days in).
Just as you were preparing to brandish your wand at the stray ticket box next to platform nine, trying your very best to formulate a spell that would divulge the presence of platform nine and three-quarters. 
In a perfectly timed turn of events, a group of people passed behind you, and you managed to glean a glimpse of their conversation.
“ – packed with Muggles, of course –
You heard your neck crack from how fast you wheeled around. Muggles. You had never been happier to hear a single word. The speaker was a stout woman, to an audience of about five red-headed children. Four boys and a girl, who from the conversation that ensued, you discovered was too young to attend Hogwarts just yet. 
You trained your eyes on them like a hawk, shadowing ‘Percy’, the oldest boy, as he dashed toward the brick wall of platform nine, pushing his trolley along with him. Wincing, you closed your eyes so you wouldn’t see him and all of his school supplies crash onto the floor. 
Miraculously, however, when you peeled your eyelids back open, the boy was gone. As were the twin brothers, Fred and George (or did their mother say George and Fred?). 
There was only one more boy left; a tall – though that entire family seemed to be on stilts – lanky, deeply freckled one. If you wanted to know where the sons were disappearing to, this was your final shot.
“Hey!” you called out, dragging your trolley behind you as you approached the remaining members of the red-headed family. Then, realising how the abruptness of a random girl yelling at someone may be perceived as abrash, you decided to dial back your advances. “Hi, sorry. Do you happen to know how to –” “How to get on to the platform?” she said kindly. “No worries at all, dear. Is this your first time at Hogwarts? Ron’s new, too.” 
She pointed at her last son. He had dirt on his nose. You nodded your head slightly toward him in greeting, but your mind was still hyper focused on how the clock was dwindling closer and closer to eleven. “Pleasure,” you smiled, desperation beginning to blemish your voice, evident as it began to inch one or two octaves higher. “So, er, I’m hoping that you do know how to get to the train?” “That’s right,” she said. “All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don’t stop and don’t be scared you’ll crash into it, that’s very important. Go on, go now before Ron.”
You ruffled the collar of your shirt, which was looking far too neat and sophisticated (and therefore, not nearly as charming as you preferred it to be). “Thanks, Miss.” 
You sucked in a deep breath before gathering your courage and sprinted toward the very solid, opaque looking barrier of platform nine and three-quarters. 
You were running — running like a lunatic, might you add, when you realised you were almost there — and then, quite suddenly, you weren’t. 
Rather, you now found yourself underneath a sign that read Hogwarts Express, 11 o’clock.
Permeating through a brick wall was yet another box to check from your list of magical experiences. Twice, actually, if you counted the entrance to Diagon Alley. Odd was it indeed, but it was your odd now, and you lest would allow anyone try and rob you of it. 
You stood in awe, head on a swivel as you examined the new environment. A mammoth of a train, one whose size could only be attributed to the slight of one’s magical hand, with smoke seeping out of its charcoal chimneys, stood tall against the crowded stage of the station. 
You turned around to see if the red-headed family had made it through as well, and sure enough, there they were. The woman was still looking at you, and when you waved at her, her face split into a soft smile as she returned the gesture. You swept your dishevelled hair to the side – it had tousled itself into a heaping mess sometime during your episode on the other side of the train station. 
You only registered the consequence of this action when the red-headed woman’s eyes widened, and as an abrupt muteness circulated throughout the platform, capitulating the vocal cords of what seemed to be every single man, woman and/or child present there at that very moment. 
Families that were once bidding their children goodbye, lovingly caressing cheeks or smoothing down fly-away hairs, or families who were once loading trunks onto compartments, were now reacting in an identical fashion of the same scene that had transpired at the leaky pub; normal chatter was extinguished, and murmurs crept around the platform like an amateur thief in a treasure trove.
“The lightning scar!”
“Is that – oh, my sweet Merlin, it is!” “Oh – where –?!”
“Move! Let me get a glimpse!”
“Look, over there!”
“(Y/n) (L/n)!”
You stiffened under everyone’s combined gazes, the hasty switch of focus to you catching you off guard. But, as quickly as the alarm had rippled into your body, it had dispersed out. 
A smirk split your face, and you nodded toward the woman closest to you (who promptly went pink and near-fainted) as a way to acknowledge that you acknowledged their sudden interest in you. You heard someone chuckle at the sight, and a few more flurries of whispers were burgeoned from other by-standers.
During the time it took for you to jostle your trolley into an empty carriage near the back of the train, the number of people actively tracking your every move had died down, though only by a fraction. From the corners of your eyes, you could still see the odd third-year trying to estimate how many laces you had on your shoes, no doubt so he could pester his parents into buying the same pair. (You kept to yourself that they had previously belonged to Odette, however, as you seriously doubted anyone wanted to know that (Y/n) (L/n), hero of the wizarding world, still wore hand-me-downs.)
Unfortunately, it seemed that although you possessed the power to terminate the reign of the darkest and most powerful wizards in history, you had apparently not attained the muscles required to heave your trunk up the stairs onto the Hogwarts Express. You stumbled back, cursing as you reeled from the pain that rocketed through your foot after you dropped your trunk on your toes.
“Want a hand?” 
You looked up. It was one of the red-headed twins, from that family you had met before.
“Yes,” you said almost immediately. “Er, please.”
“Oy, Fred! C’mere and help!”
The three of you managed to successfully store your trunk into the corner of your compartment. Before you could thank the twins for their help, though, one of the twins pointed at the spot on your forehead where the thin lightning-shaped scar donned your skin. 
“You’re (Y/n) (L/n),” he announced. Just like Olivander, this had not been a question, but rather a statement.
“Yes,” you straightened your posture, raising your head a little higher. “That’s right. I am.”
The two boys gawked at you, and you subtly swept your sweaty hair to expose the scar even further. To your slightest dismay, however, the familiar voice of the red-headed mother drifted through the carriage before you were able to elaborate further on your tale of the lightning-shaped battle scar.
“Fred? George? Are you there?” Both the twins groaned at their mother’s summoning. Sparing one last glance at you, they ambled toward her call. “Coming, Mum.” You waved the twins goodbye. Sitting down by the window, you ducked your head so you could listen to the family, who were still on the platform, whilst being half-hidden at the same time. Their mother had scourged out a handkerchief and was furiously scrubbing at Ron’s nose to rid the smudge of dirt that laid upon it.
You watched with amusement as Ron tried to lurch away before being caught in his mother’s iron-fisted clutches once again.
“Mum – geroff!”
One of the twins snickered, leaning close to Ron. “Aaaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?” 
“Shut up!” You saw the oldest of the red-headed siblings saunter towards his family, already draped in his robes. A shiny red and gold badge was pinned onto his chest, with the letter P engraved onto it.
“Can’t stay long, Mother,” he said stiffly. “I’m up front, the Prefects have got two compartments to themselves –”
“Oh, are you a Prefect, Percy?” One of the twins gasped, bringing his hands to his face in disbelief. “You should have said something, we had no idea.” “Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it, once –”
“Or twice –”
“A minute –”
“All summer –”
You huffed a laugh at the back and forth going between the family. Percy the Prefect’s face was starting to sport a lovely bright, irritable shade of red. 
“How come Percy gets new robes, anyway?” queried one of the twins.
“Because he’s a Prefect,” their mother smoothed Percy’s already-perfectly-smoothened hair fondly. “All right, dear, well have a good term – send me an owl when you get there.” 
She sent him off with a kiss. 
You sunk back into your seat. For some reason, the jovial atmosphere you’d felt upon discovering the magical platform had now become strangely dampened. 
Call it a moment of weakness, sure – but in that moment, you wished that you could have a mother. A mother who would dote on you like that or who would comfort you. 
But, as soon as that looming train of thoughts had festered, you vanquished them from your mind – the other kids could keep their affectionate mothers who waved them goodbye as they left, the same, in fact, would go for their superficial, gentle-natured fathers; you had your fame and that topped any shred of whatever they may have had, whatever you were missing!
As though the red-head family were suddenly attuned with your train of thought, you heard the voice of the youngest child, the girl, pipe up. “Oh! (Y/n) (L/n) On the train? Please can I go see her, Mum, please, please, please…”
“You’ve already seen her, Ginny, and the poor girl isn’t something you goggle at in a zoo. Is she really, Fred? How do you know?” “Asked her. Saw the scar. It’s really there – like lightning.”
“Poor dear.” 
Your fingers traced the pattern of the scar, not particularly liking the feeling of pity emanating from the family.
“No wonder she was alone. I wondered. She was ever enthusiastic, though, when she asked how to get on to the platform. I’d have thought she’d be scared, by herself…”
“Never mind that, do you think she remembers what You-Know-Who looks like?”
The red-headed mother swelled. “I forbid you to ask her that, Fred! No, don’t you dare. As though she needs reminding of –... ”
The disarrayed ruckus of another family hurriedly barrelling onto the platform, and ushering their boy onto the train, stripped your focus from the ginger group. 
Observing the mop of black hair, you realised pleasantly that it was the boy you had met at the Quidditch store that day in Diagon Alley. Closely behind him, a stressed looking woman with copper-coloured hair, followed him briskly onto the train. Your lips twitched as you noticed that she possessed the same brilliant green eyes as her son. 
The father, a carbon copy of his son, followed seconds after, carrying a tremendously large trunk onto the train. There was one more man – perhaps one of the uncles the boy had mentioned – who remained on the platform. You guessed that he was allowing the family their final moments together. He didn’t really look alike to the mother or father of Quidditch Boy’s family, so you presumed that he was probably an uncle by choice, not blood. He had sandy brown hair with substantially sized scars running down the entirety of his face and neck. There was a large, shaggy black dog beside him too, and you swore that it had winked when it saw you looking at the group.
A shrill burst of steam raged outwards from the chimney of the train. You guessed that this was a warning to families that the train was about to depart right now. True to your word, just as Quidditch Boy’s mother and father practically leapt off the train carriage they’d left their son in, the train doors slammed shut, and the vehicle began dutifully chugging forward. 
Left behind now, was the platform of nine and three-quarters.
Leaning back in your seat, you exhaled roughly. This was it, the moment that marked the beginning of your journey into Hogwarts. You had no clue where you were going, but you just knew it would be good. A grand moment, you were sure, but what you were also sure of was that the next few hours on the train (or possibly days or months, who knew?) would result in you being bored out of your mind. Stuck in an empty carriage by yourself with no one to talk to – tragic – maybe it would do you some good if you popped down into one of the other carriages and try to find some other first-years.
Coincidentally, the door of the compartment was opened by none other than Quidditch Boy himself. His hair was askew, glasses lopsided and cheeks clearly flushed from the rush of trying to scramble onto the Hogwarts Express before it departed. He did not have his trunk with him, which meant that his father was able to stash it onto the train it in time.
“Hey, again,” he flashed you a bashful smile. “Would it be alright if I could sit here?”
“Sure. No problem.” 
You observed him as he took the seat opposite you. He was already wearing robes of sorts, not the Hogwarts ones, judging from the lack of school emblem, but the sorts that you hypothesised would be the wizarding equivalent to a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
“Er,” he started, causing you to look over at him. “It’s nice to see you. Again.” “Yeah.” you agreed with him, offering a lopsided smile. “Great. To meet you.” 
The compartment fell into a highly awkward silence, one that you were not at all familiar with. Back with the Caddels, or even at your previous school, you had no problem whatsoever making friends with strangers. In fact, conversation came easily to you – you weren’t the most popular girl in the grade for no reason, after all. So the stuffiness invading the atmosphere was most definitely unwelcome, and honestly, unnatural.
Thankfully the awkward cloud hanging above you and Quidditch Boy dissipated abruptly when the compartment door slid open again, revealing the tall, freckled, ginger boy. The other first-year you’d spoken to: Ron.
His eyes widened when he saw you sitting in front of him. “Uh – sorry, anyone else sitting here? Everywhere else is full.”
Quidditch Boy shook his head and Ron took the seat beside them, so they were both facing you. Ron’s gaze hadn’t settled and he kept on glancing toward you and then toward the window whenever he made eye contact with you. It was amusing, his discomfort, from how often he did it.
“Hey, Ron.” The red-headed twins popped into the compartment suddenly. “Listen, we’re going back down the middle of the train – Lee Jordan’s got a giant tarantula down there.”
“Right,” said the youngest sibling.
So we’re not going to question the spider. Seems good.
“(Y/n),” the other twin, the one who hadn’t been talking to Ron, turned to you. “And other Kid,” referring to Quidditch Boy, “did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. Anyways, see you later, then.” The three of you said bye in unison as the twins left.
As soon as they were gone, Ron blurted out, “Can we see the scar?” You blinked at him, and he went pink. Though, you complied either way (as you had no qualms to showing off the lightning-shaped bolt). Pulling your hair back, the scar on your forehead was revealed to Quidditch Boy and Ron.
“Wow,” breathed out Quidditch Boy. “It really does look like lightning.”
Ron was equally stunned. “So that’s where You-Know-Who – ?”
“Yes.” You grinned brightly at their awed expressions. They stared at you a couple seconds longer before Ron diverted his attention quickly back to the greenery flitting through the window.
“So, is your whole family magic then?” you asked Ron out of curiosity. 
You already knew that Quidditch Boy’s father was a pure-blood and his mother was a muggle-born, whatever that meant; you weren’t going to be the one to say you had no idea what those were.
“Quidditch Boy?” puzzled Quidditch Boy, eyebrows furrowing. 
Ah, had you said that outloud? Whoops.
You laughed, bringing a hand to your nape. “Sorry, I don’t know your name, so I’ve just, kinda, resorted to calling you Quidditch Boy in my mind.”
“Oh, well, I’m, uh, Harry. Harry Potter.” said the boy, smiling at you once more. 
You slouched further into your seat. “Nice to meet ya then, Harry Potter.”
Ron interjected into the conversation, for which you were grateful. The ginger boy seemed to hold the power of evaporating awkwardness with a snap of his freckled fingers. “Pure-blooded means that everyone on his father’s side is magic. I’m the same – everyone in my family is a wizard, well maybe except for my mum’s second cousin who’s an accountant, but we don’t really talk about him.”
“I get it,” you said, cupping your chin with your hand. “I’ve got no clue what I am. But I know that my father had no magic.”
“A muggle,” Ron nodded appreciatively. “Well, basically everyone knows that your mother was a pure-blood, though. That makes you a half-blood like him, since you’re a mix I guess.” He pointed at Harry. You were slightly startled that he knew more about your family and lineage than you did yourself. Maybe you should get used to people knowing more about you than you did yourself.
“A muggle-born’s a witch or wizard who was born from muggle parents,” continued Ron.
You tilted your head to the side. “Where does their magic come from, if they’ve got no magical blood or whatever?”
Ron looked partially affronted. “Who knows, – magic isn’t exactly something that comes in a nice little package that gets delivered to you when the time is right! All I know is that if you’ve got magic, then you’ve got it. That’s all there is to it, really.” He waved his hands about in the air for further emphasis. This was probably a topic Ron was passionate about, as you noticed his ears flushing red under the combined blank stares of you and Harry. You ponderedthat if Ron were to ever wear something salmon-coloured, it would definitely wash him out. You wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between his face and his left knee.
You tried to recover from the painful silence. “Thanks, that clears it up. You two must know loads of magic then.” 
“Not nearly enough as my mum wants me to,” said Harry.
“Hear, hear,” mumbled Ron.
“Huh. Guess that’s one good thing that comes out of being an orphan. No pushy mother for me!” You chuckled at the uncomfortable looks on the boys’ faces. 
“I heard you went to live with Muggles,” said Ron, scratching the back of his neck. “What’re they like?” “Alright,” you shrugged. “Not outstandingly nice or anything, but they do their job. Would be cooler to have wizarding brothers like you though.”
“Not if you’ve got five of them.” answered Ron gloomily. “I’m the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I’ve got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left – Bill was Head Boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy’s a Prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they’re really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it’s no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. I’ve got Bill’s old robes and Charlie’s old wand. I wanted an owl, but they couldn't aff – I mean, they got Percy one instead for becoming a Prefect.”
Ron’s ears went pink again. Your brain, it seemed, was temporarily delayed and was not able to formulate a response to that.
“I’m sure you’ll do better than all your brothers combined,” said Harry. 
Ron smiled gratefully at him. 
As the train rolled onward and your surroundings grew greener, you, quite helpfully, took Hedwig’s cage and placed her on the centre of the table, announcing that the first one to get nipped whilst feeding her treats would be declared the ultimate ‘Loser Lord and/or Lordess.’ Hedwig loved you, so obviously she went ham whenever the two boys got close to her in order to secure your victory.
The three of you fell into an easy conversation after that, and you barely even realised how much time had passed until a smiling, old-looking woman popped her head into the compartment and said “anything off the trolley, dears?”
With that lovely gesture, you had leapt out of your seat and essentially pounced onto the food she was offering. Your pockets were lined with wizard money now, an infinite stash really, and so there was nothing stopping you from buying multiples of everything she had. As such, you, Harry and Ron had to literally struggle and drag back the food you’d hoarded, before dumping it on the table.
“Hungry, are you?” said Ron, raising his eyebrows at the pile of snacks that was nearly as tall as him.
“Starving,” you grinned back.
You, Harry and Ron tore into the pasties and cakes, the mountain rapidly diminishing by the second. There was one incident with a chocolate frog creeping into Hedwig’s cage before getting mauled by her talons. The card that supposedly came with the treat, had also been destroyed, so Harry had given his to you. One with a moving picture of Albus Dumbledore, who had waved politely at your stunned expression.
Once you’d moved onto Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans, you found a lot of enjoyment when Ron had the misfortune of coming across a bean that tasted like dirty socks. Though, your amusement at Ron’s plight had been adjourned with the appearance of a round-faced boy.
“Sorry,” he said, “but have you seen a toad at all?”
“No, sorry.”
You were taken aback when the boy promptly burst into tears. “I’ve lost him! He keeps getting away from me!” “He’ll turn up,” said Harry.
“Yes,” said the boy, turning away dejectedly. “Well, if you see him…”
“Don’t know why he’s so bothered,” remarked Ron once the boy had left. “If I’d brought a toad I’d lose it as quick as I could.”
You deadpanned at him. “You haven’t even got any pets to lose, Ron. I’m betting that if you ever got one, you’d have even worse attachment issues than Toad-Boy.” “Mind you,” said Harry, talking around his mouthful of Cauldron Cake. “That’s saying a lot.”
“What’ve you got then?” asked Ron, turning his head to glare at Harry. “You seem awfully high and mighty for someone who probably doesn’t even have anything at all.”
“I’ve got a dog,” defended Harry. “Snuffles.” You stifled a giggle. “Snuffles? No way you named your dog that!” “I didn’t pick the name!”
“A dog’s not as good as an owl anyways,” you teased.
“I’d beg to differ – my dog totally is,” Harry grumbled, crossing his arms. “Plus you don’t even need to have an owl – the school’s got its own aviary shock-full of ‘em that you can send letters with.”
“One day, I’m gonna get an owl.” Ron sighed dreamily. “Just for myself, I wouldn’t have to share with Fred or George or Percy or Ginny.”
“Who’s Ginny?”
Before Ron could express the identity of this ‘Ginny’, the compartment door was opened by a bushy-haired girl whose face was wrinkled up irritably. Toad-Boy also made a reappearance.
“Has anyone seen a toad? Neville’s lost one.” 
“We’ve already told him we haven’t seen it,” said Ron, but the girl wasn’t listening. Rather, she had been staring at you. 
“You’re (Y/n) (L/n).” she declared matter-of-factly. “I saw you at the station. I know all about you, of course – I got a few extra books for background reading, and you’re in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.”
Ron gaped at her and Harry blinked a few times repeatedly.
“Be surprised if I wasn’t,” you said, winking cheekily. You also had no idea what she was talking about though.
She studied you appraisingly before asking Ron and Harry “and who are you?”
“Ron Weasley.”
“Harry Potter.”
“Pleasure. Well, I’m Hermione Granger. I was ever so pleased when I got my letter to Hogwarts, of course, I mean, it's the very best school of witchcraft there is, I’ve heard – I’ve learnt all of our set books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough.”
All three pairs of eyebrows furrowed in synchronisation. You, personally, had only caught about one-third of what she had been saying since she’d been basically rapping out her words. 
Herminkoni (was that what she said her name was?) began talking again. “Do either of you know what house you’ll be in? I’ve been asking around and I hope I’m in Gryffindor, it sounds the best by far, I hear Dumbledore himself was one, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn’t be too bad. Anyay, we’d better go and look for Neville’s toad. You three had better change, you know, I expect we’ll be there soon.”
Herpes Motion thus turned around and left, taking Toad-Boy with her.
“Well,” you announced cheerfully. “She was nice.” “Sure,” muttered Ron, reaching for a Treacle Tart. 
“She was right about one thing though,” said Harry, grinning and brushing his hair out of his face. “Gryffindor, by far, is definitely the best house.”
“Who’s Gryffindor?” you squinted your eyes at him. Ron attempted an exasperated face-palm with his left hand (he was still holding the tart in his right). Harry laughed at this, before proceeding to explain the four houses to you.
Gryffindor had been the house Ron’s and Harry’s families had gotten into. The house of the brave, it was known for. Ravenclaw, the house for smart people (you had a feeling you would not be getting into that); Hufflepuff was the house for the loyal and well-meaning. And finally, there was Slytherin. Both Ron and Harry detested the green-and-silver clad house, for it had been the house to pump out the most dark witches and wizards.
“Ah,” you said. “So naturally, we should hate that house, since that was the one Voldemort was – ” “Woah,” interrupted Ron, looking impressed. “You just said his name.” “Why wouldn’t I? It’s just a name. Anyways, I’m guessing that you both want Gryffindor then?”
“Of course!” Ron puffed out his chest. 
“Hey,” Harry began, rubbing your chin. “Have you — ”
Unfortunately, whatever Harry had wanted to ask had been interrupted by the compartment door sliding open again. 
This time, it was a group of three – the ringleader being a sallow-faced, gauntly blonde boy. The other two were giant-sized, goliath looking boys who looked like his bodyguards. And, of course, they were all fixated on you. (But then again, why wouldn’t they be?)
“Is it true?” he said. “They’re saying all down the train that (Y/n) (L/N)’s in this compartment. So, it’s you, is it?”
“That’s right,” you smiled at him.
His lips twitched into a small smirk. He waved his hand carelessly at the two body-doubles next to him. “This is Crabbe and that’s Goyle. And my name’s Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”
Ron choked on his treacle tart, but you suspected that may have been him trying to disguise a sneer. Draco Malfoy narrowed his eyes on Ron.
“Think my name’s funny, do you?” he sneered, causing your hackles to raise immediately. “No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford.” 
Ron’s face went pink again and he sunk into his seat. 
Draco Malfoy raised an eyebrow at Harry, but before he could say something about his family, you cut him off.
“Oi,” you spoke, feeling your jaw clench at the blond boy’s demeanour. “I’d watch what I was saying if I was you, especially considering the crap that’s spewing outta your sewage-system of a mouth.”
Draco Malfoy turned his sharpened gaze toward you. “And I’d be more careful if I was you. You don’t want to make enemies with the wrong people.”
“Same goes for you.” 
You stared down Draco Malfoy. Harry was glancing back and forth between the two of you, and he looked ready to stand up if this altercation escalated.
“You don’t get to come in here and poke fun at us,” you muttered slowly. “Especially, if you want to be on good terms with me.”
His cheeks tinged a faint pink. “Not like I would want to be friends with the likes of you.” He placed the emphasis on ‘you’ the same way you did for ‘me’.
You, Harry and Ron all stood up. 
“I think it’d be best if you left.” you gritted out, disliking the boy less and less by every twitch of his rat-like face.
Unfortunately for you, Malfoy’s rattish face had broken out into a sneer. “You’ll regret making enemies out of me, (L/n). I promise you that much.”
He furiously spun around and out of the carriage, but not before he could shoot you a final scathing look. Crabbe and Goyle chased after him, robes billowing out from behind them.
“What a buffoon,” you huffed angrily.
“Agreed,” said Harry, still glaring at the door.
“I’ve heard of his family before,” said Ron darkly. “They were some of the first to come back to our side after You-Know-Who disappeared. Said they'd been bewitched. My dad doesn’t believe it. He says Malfoy’s father didn’t need an excuse to go over to the Dark Side.” “‘Specially if they thought it was the winning side,” added Harry.
The door opened before you could open your mouth. There was Hermit Yeti, yet again, standing at the entrance.
“What has been going on? Why did I just see three boys bolting out of this compartment?” She looked you up and down. “You haven’t been fighting, have you? You’ll be in trouble before we even get there!”
“They were the ones starting it – not us!” defended Ron, scowling at her.
“All right – I only came in here because people outside are behaving very childishly, racing up and down the corridors,” she said sniffly. “And you’ve got dirt on your nose, by the way, did you know that?”
“Thank you,” you interjected, glaring at her on behalf of Ron. “Could you leave now?”
And finally, Herm-onion left.
If you had to guess, it had been only an hour after that when the train had pulled to a stop. You had slipped on your robes, ensuring that they still had your signature wind-swept appearance about them. Ron and Harry were also wearing their school robes now too. The three of you stuffed your pockets with the remaining sweets before you left the train.
Hopping out of the train and onto the station, you were delighted to be met with the familiar, wild face of Hagrid, the giant-man. 
“Firs’-years! Firs-years over here! All right there, (Y/n)?” He beamed at you from under his scraggly beard.
You waved enthusiastically at him. 
The first-years, it looked like, had their own means of reaching the school, which involved travelling in groups of four in a little boat across a lake. You, Harry, Ron and the bushy-haired girl (to your displeasure) took a boat close to the front.
Whilst you did not dislike the girl, you weren’t fond of her tendency to huff or be bossy, especially when she did it toward Ron (which you found she did often). Harry hadn’t done anything to get into her wrong books, and nor vice versa, so they were probably on the most amicable terms between your little trio.
The boats glided in unison across the great body of water, before coming to a stop at the front of the school’s castle. You could hardly hear Toad-Boy’s reunion with his toad (“Trevor”) amongst the excited buzzing in your ears.
The gaggle of first-years came to a stop at the entrance of Hogwarts, a ginormous wooden castle door. Hagrid raised his fist and rapped three times on it. 
The door opened immediately. There was a stern, grey-haired witch standing behind it. She was sifting through the crowd intensely, and her gaze did not linger on your scar like how most peoples’ did.
“The firs’-years, Professor McGonagall,” said Hagrid.
“Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here.” The door was opened further and you streamed into the Entrance Hall. The entire school was huge, you realised, and was very elaborately decorated – like something you would read in a book. Flaming torches illuminated the corridor. The first-years were pulled into a little room, next to a place where you could hear the rest of the school talking.
It was then you noticed that Ron appeared quite pale under his freckles and that Harry was fiddling with his fingers. In fact, every first-year seemed to be exhibiting some sort of nervous tick, apart from Malfoy, who was rolling his eyes for some reason. 
You drew your eyebrows together in confusion. Should you have been scared too? It wasn’t like they were going to force you to fight each other or anything right? At least, that’s what you hoped. Although, you definitely knew that if they made you fight, you’d win.
“Welcome to Hogwarts,” said Professor McGonagall. “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and speed free time in your house common room.
She continued giving a debrief of the houses, but as it was something you had already heard from Harry and Ron, it wasn’t anything new. You fidgeted restlessly, wanting to get onto the Sorting already.
“The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting.” Her eyes lingered on your messy hair and ruffled collar, as one lapel stuck upwards. 
Once she left, you turned to Harry and Ron. “What do they do to get us into these houses? Is it like a test? Based on how you answer, that’s where you get in? Like, ‘what is the square root of sixteen?’”
“That’s probably only good for finding Ravenclaws and non-Ravenclaws though,” said Ron, taking you seriously. “My brothers said it was a test too, though. Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking.”
Harry was looking more unsettled by the minute. 
“Hey,” you said, patting his shoulder, mistaking his expression as anxiousness. “Don’t be nervous. I’m sure Ron’s brothers are just messing with us.” “Me too,” confirmed Ron.
“But,” Harry’s green eyes met yours. “A test? I didn’t know we had to do a test. In front of the whole school? I can barely do two spells, how will they sort me with that? I— I didn’t think — I mean, my dad said— I thought it had something to do with a ha –”
“Listen,” you began, patting his shoulder. “That’s already two more spells than I know, and probably most of the first-years too. That Malfoy kid included.” 
You narrowed your eyes at the said blonde boy, before returning them to Harry. “Don’t worry, alright? Test or not, I’m sure we'll all do great. Probably.” 
Beside you, Ron nodded in agreement (although it looked like his skin was also beginning to reach a sickly pale green colour).
“You’re right,” said Harry, and you were pleased to see that he was a fraction less scared than he was a moment ago. Although he did still look a tad bit confused.
Anyways, moving onto more pressing matters. You didn’t bother with ‘smartening yourself up.’ You were already pretty smart enough, in your opinion. Having bested the darkest wizard of the age at a meagre one year of age didn’t come to just anyone, you know?
After a whole debacle with some ghosts or something flying in to greet you before the ceremony, Professor McGonagall entered the room once more. You all trudged in a single-file line into the Great Hall.
You gaped openly at the Great Hall, which looked even bigger than the Entrance. Four long tables were lain across the room, with golden plates and goblets sitting on each. The students were segregated by houses, indicated by the colour of their robes and ties. There were also several candles floating in the air, which was pretty sweet too. Oh, and the roof looked like the sky as well. 
Professor McGongagall placed a three-legged stool in front of school, and then she placed a rusty-looking hat on top of it. You deadpanned when it broke into song, and even more when everyone burst into applause once it finished.
“So, we’ve just got to try on the hat!” Ron whisper-yelled to you and Harry. “I’ll kill Fred, he was going on about wrestling a troll!” Harry gave him an unsure smile, and said “I tried telling you it was just a weird hat. You threw me off with the test talk.”
Professor McGonagall approached the stool, unravelling a long roll of parchment paper. “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,” she said. “Abbott, Hannah!”
Hannah stumbled from the crowd of first-years and toward the professor. She placed the hat on her head and after a moment of silence, the hat shouted out “HUFFLEPUFF!”
The table on the right, with the yellow-and-black clad students, the house of Hufflepuff, cheered and hollered as Hannah went to join them.
‘Bones, Susan’ went up next and she too went to Hufflepuff. ‘Boot, Terry’ went to Ravenclaw, and ‘Brown Lavender’ became the first new Gryffindor. The cheering from the red table was definitely the loudest, especially when right after ‘Bulstrode Millicent’ was sorted in Slytherin and all she got was only a polite and semi-subdued applause from her new house.
A few more people went, and then, so did ‘Granger, Hermione’ (so that was her name) who sat on the stool for a precariously long period of time before being sent to Gryffindor. Ron groaned. Toad-Boy (Longbottom, Neville!) got Gryffindor too, but somehow, he was on the stool for even longer than Hermione.
You were raising your hand to scratch at the itch in your ear when your name was called. 
As you stepped forward, the students in the Hall started to whisper loudly, just as they had done at the station.
“(L/n), did she say?” “The (Y/n) (L/n)?” Those comments did not help the rising ego blooming inside of you. You swaggered over the stool and sat down. Your fingers delicately gripped the brim of the hat. The fabric felt ragged and old underneath your fingertips. You brought the Sorting Hat down toward your –
The hat had barely scraped the fly-away hairs on your head when it shrieked out. 
The Great Hall was silent for a few, stunned moments, taken aback by your instantaneous sorting. You stared back at them with wide eyes, darting downwards to look at Harry and Ron. They were wide-eyed too, before the dam of silence was broken, and they beamed gigantic smiles at you, alongside the entirety of the Gryffindor table erupting into cheers – louder cheers than for any of the people before you. 
You felt a warm glow in your chest. You looked around the table, and saw many friendly faces. Percy the Prefect had dived over the table (almost) to shake your hand vigorously and you could hear the Weasley twins jeering “we got (L/n)! We got (L/n)!” Even the resident Gryffindor ghost, Nearly Headless Nick, was congratulating you for your placement by patting your arm, which felt oddly like you were being doused in a bucket of cold water.
At the High Table, Hagrid was grinning and gave you the thumbs up of approval. Dumbledore, as you recognised him from the chocolate frog card, was up there too with a faint twinkle in his eye.
The only notable people left up, really, were Harry and Ron. 
Harry had been called first.
The Sorting Hat was sat upon his head for what seemed to be the better portion of an eternity. For the first time since your arrival, you felt a jolt of fear. What if you and your friends would be separated into different houses? You didn’t to be stuck in a full with only Neville and Hermione, everyday. What would happen if you woke up to find Neville’s slimy toad on your pillowcase or —
You felt a surge of joy and relief, as after a minute or two, the hat declared “GRYFFINDOR!” and the Great Hall erupted in cheers for Harry. You clapped your hands and smiled widely, looking for him among the sea of red and gold.
He took a seat beside you and you high-fived him.
“Nice to see you here, Potter, Harry,” you said, changing your voice to mimic McGonagall’s.
“Nice to see you too, the (Y/n) (L/n),” he snickered, mocking the way the students had reacted when they’d heard your name.
You grinned at him.
Ron joined you rather quickly, even though he was one of the last people to get sorted. You were delighted at this, as it meant you could still be with them for the rest of your Hogwarts years, if what Professor McGonagall had said about your house being akin to family, was true.
Dumbledore rose to his feet, “Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!” He sat down, and as he did, food magically appeared in front of you.
“Is he – a bit mad?” Harry asked you uncertainly.
“Probably,” you said, shrugging, reaching for the roast potatoes.
You scarfed down your food, listening to the conservation around you. You cheered when the dessert had come, causing the people around you to chuckle, quietly – except for Ron, who had gotten to the apple pie before you could.
You wrestled Ron for a slice of said pie, and were happily munching on it when you glanced back up to the High Table. Hagrid was drinking from his goblet, and Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore were in a deep discussion with each other. Another Professor, in a purple turban, was fiddling nervously with his cutlery, tapping his fork against the edge of the table. He was speaking with a professor with greasy black hair, a hooked nose and sallow skin.
The teacher, as though he could sense your presence, glanced straight past the Turban-Professor and bore his black eyes into yours – a sharp, hot pain seared within your scar, and you let out a hiss of pain.
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked you, foreheading furrowing in concern.
“N-nothing.” The pain had left as quickly as it had come. How strange. You got the feeling that the hooked-nose teacher did not like you very much.
“Who's that teacher, the greasy-haired one?” you pointed at him, not discretely.
Harry stifled a laugh. “That’s Snape. No one likes him, they say he wants to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, but every year he gets stuck as the Potions one instead. My dad doesn’t like him at all – actually, my entire family doesn’t really either.”
“Why’s that?” you questioned.
“Not sure,” said Harry, but he scratched his cheek nervously. “They won’t tell me.”
Deciding not to press him further, you continued to watch Snape a little longer. He never looked at you again, though, after that.
Once the desserts had all faded away, Dumbledore had announced his final speech and conducted a very tragic school school orchestra. He wiped his eyes, from pain or sadness or you guessed maybe even both, when they had finished. “Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!”
Powering your legs through the sheer force of the food you’d guzzled down, you followed Percy up to the Gryffindor Tower. With horror, you realised that you’d have to climb an average of seven staircases everyday, simply just to get to your bed. 
Anyways, the entrance to the Gryffindor headquarters was through a painting of a Fat Lady and she flipped open when you told her the password, Caput Draconis. You scrambled through the portrait hole and into the Gryffindor common room. 
You lazily trudged up the stairs, and without even bothering to notice that your trunk had been transported up to your dorm room, you face-planted onto your bed and fell into a heavy sleep.
Perhaps you had eaten a bit too much, because that night, you had a very strange dream. 
You were staring into a mirror, desperately trying to tug off a purple turban from your head. When did you get a turban? How did you get a turban? The fabric of the turban grew tighter, making you feel a sharp pain in your skull as the turban squeezed your head like a vice. You wondered how you got into this mess in the first place.
Furiously pulling, pulling, at the turban finally caused it to unravel and expose your hair. With a start, as you glanced back to the mirror, you discerned that your face had, horrifyingly enough, taken on the face of Snape. His own black, empty eyes stared back at you. 
You scrambled back, leaping away from his cockroach-like eyes, only to find that, for some reason, there was a bottomless abyss behind you. You fell down, down, down into a pit. Closing your eyes as your head thrummed painfully, you braced yourself for the impact. 
A bright flash of green light, and a high, cruel laugh jerked you awake. 
Oddly enough, however, when you’d gone back to sleep, you hadn’t remembered the dream at all. You did question, however, the next morning why when you closed your eyes, all you saw was a luminous, green light in the shape of a lightning-bolt scar.
.。*゚🗲.*.。   ゚*..🗲。*゚
→ Author's Note: Hello my lovelies, welcome to ch 1.2 yippee!! Sorry that its super long but we’re pretty already halfway through the ch 1 portion of the series XD — I’m guessing now that it's gonna reach about 1.4 or 1.5 but I could also be widely incorrect :P Anyways that’s all so catch ya next time :))) thank you
Time for this chapters analysis ~ You will have probs noticed one of the most canon-divergent parts of this series so far is that instead of the same dilemma Harry faced when he was getting sorted (Slytherin vs Gryffindor), as soon as the hat touched the little hairs upon your head, you were sorted into Gryffindor. During this chapter, and a little of the last one (but mostly this one), I've kinda been subtly trying to hint that the Reader is really quite arrogant and brazen. Rather than Harry as the chosen one, where he longs for a quiet and normal life, Reader dives headfirst into her role. She shamelessly self-promotes her lightning-scar and doesn’t try to hide it – she knows she’s special and she feeds into that!!  She’s kinda like James Potter in that regard >.< and therefore I want her to kind of be epitome of a Gryffindor (courageous and arrogant) and maybe, maybe not, a parallel to Draco Malfoy (who also got sorted into Slytherin ASAP, and is ambitious and arrogant) hehe → that’s also why Reader and Malfoy get more aggressive even more quickly than Harry did in canon… Anyways!!! This is the briefest hint at what I have in store for this series, and we’ll see how Reader’s arrogance courageousness deviates Harry Potter from canon.  Tbh I’m planning to make the reader Percy Jackson-coded (with the sass and reckless bravery and loyalty and what not) and maybe just the slightest bit Gojo-coded hehe,  I know that it's not that clear rn lol but I’ll work my way into it hopefully… Anyways, thanks again! :D Series Masterlist
Taglist (thanks for asking!): @kaverichauhan
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader - Chapter Two
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chapter one -Chapter Two: According To Plan - chapter three
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n and Sam leave for Munich, gaining the surprise addition of Bucky Barnes to their team. 
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader, Sam Wilson x platonic!reader
Warnings: spoilers for ep.2, language, violence, squint for fluff in between all the chaos, Y/n and Bucky ain’t feeling each other yet, protective big brother Sam, nobody likes Walker
Word Count: 7.5k (ya’ll, we had to split episode 2 into two chapters because I use too many words lol)
A/N: OKAY, thank you to everybody for supporting the first chapter. I didn’t really think anything would come of it but I was clearly wrong. Hopefully you enjoy this one just as much, each episode will probably be divided into two chapters if the rest of the season continues on like it is. 
The government hadn’t just failed Sam, they were rubbing his face in the fact that they thought their knockoff Captain America was a better candidate than him.
I followed my brother down the halls of the New Orleans air force base, trying to ignore the paraphernalia that hung on the walls. John Walker was everywhere you looked; the internet, televisions, posters were plastered all over the city announcing his new appointment. Each time I had to read the words ‘Cap Is Back’ I became a little sick to my stomach. Sam stopped in front of me once we’d reached the hanger to stare at one of the posters. Though he tried to keep his face neutral, the sadness bled through in his eyes.
“Seems like a good guy. You met him?” a man who I assumed was Sam’s military contact asked.
“No,” Sam answered before changing the topic, “Thanks for doing this on such short notice.” “Yeah, no sweat. I’m just finishing up the checklist, you two’ll be all good to go once you land in Munich,” he looked to me and reached a hand for me to shake, “Joaquin Torres.” “Y/n Y/l/n. Thanks for not making any noise about me coming along for the ride.”
“Hey, I trust an Avenger’s judgement on who to bring to a fight,” he smiled, stopping at the top of the steps to allow me to go before himself.
I elbowed Sam as we descended the stairs side by side, “Hear that? You’ve got good judge- why’re you making that face?” Before he could answer, a foreign voice announced its presence. “Shouldn’t have given up the shield.”
My eyes fell to the floor below us and climbed the looming figure waiting at the end of the staircase. I didn’t need to have any history lessons on who he was or why he’d come to talk to Sam about such a subject. James Bucky Barnes, the second 100+ year old man to walk the earth without a single wrinkle. The tragic tale of HYDRA’s bloodthirsty history. The man Sam had fought to protect and been sent to prison for.
“Good to see you too, Buck,” Sam passively greeted the man, swerving around his body to continue on our path to the jet. The hint wasn’t taken. 
“This is wrong.”
“Hey, hey, look, I’m working, alright? So all this outrage is gonna have to wait.” Bucky fell into step on the other side of Sam, pointing towards yet another poster of John Walker, “You didn’t know that was gonna happen?”
“No, of course I didn’t know that was gonna happen,” Sam’s tone became more emotional, “You think it didn’t break my heart to see them march him out there and call him the new Captain America?” “This isn’t what Steve wanted,” Bucky pushed. Sam was growing tired of the questioning, “What do you want me to do? Call America and tell ‘em I changed my mind? Huh? Yeah, right. It’s a great reunion, buddy, be well.” “You had no right to give up that shield, Sam.” I could no longer stay silent and let him try and make a good man feel guilty. “Okay, you’re out of line with that one, Barnes.” Bucky finally took a second to register my being there before looking back to Sam, “Who the hell is this?” “She’s none of your concern, but let me tell you what you’re not gonna do,” Sam stood in front of Bucky, “You’re not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights. It’s over, Bucky. Besides, I have bigger things to deal with now.” Emotions I couldn’t fully understand took over Bucky’s face, “What could be bigger than this?”
Sam fished his phone out of his back pocket and held it up to the Super Soldier, “This guy. His connections with rebel organizations all over Eastern and Central Europe and he’s strong. Too strong.” “And?” Bucky asked, unimpressed.
“Well, he’s been connected to this online group called the Flag Smashers. Now, Redwing traced them to a building somewhere outside of Munich so that’s where I’m going,” Sam turned to me to signal we were walking again.
“Well, I don’t trust Redwing,” Bucky continued his pursuit, “Hold on a minute.” “You don’t have to trust Redwing,” Sam said firmly as we paused again, “But I’mma go see if he’s right. ‘Cause I have a feeling they might be a part of the Big Three.”
Bucky’s eyebrows lowered in confusion, “What ‘Big Three?’”
“The Big Three.”
“What Big Three?” “Androids, aliens and wizards,” I answered before Sam could. “That’s not a thing,” Bucky shook his head. “That’s definitely a thing,” Sam nodded. “No, it’s not.” “It really is,” I set my bag down on the ground and crossed my arms, there was no indication we’d be leaving any time soon.
“Every time we fight, we fight one of the three,” Sam insisted.
“So who are you fighting now, Gandalf?”
Sam inhaled to continue arguing before snapping his head back in surprise, “How do you know about Gandalf?” “I read The Hobbit,” Bucky answered confidently, “In 1937 when it first came out.”
“So you see my point?” “No, I don’t. There are no wizards.” I pointed to Bucky and tilted my head towards Sam, “Now there, I agree with him.” Sam looked offended that I didn’t automatically back him up, “You both are wrong…Doctor Strange.” “Is a sorcerer,” Bucky finished.
“Aah!” Sam laughed and poked Bucky’s firm chest, “A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat. Think about it, right? I’m right. I just came up with that, it’s crazy.” Bucky’s face read that he was thousand shades of done with Sam’s childish argument, even if he’d fought just as immaturely. I was beginning to see why Sam didn’t recount his brief time spent with the ex-Winter Soldier that fondly but I’d also forgotten how easy it was to push Sam’s buttons sometimes. There was some unwitting dynamic between them that I didn’t want to be in the middle of. “So glad we’re wasting valuable time on arguing over whether or not Harry Potter’s real,” I spoke up, tapping my foot out of impatience.
Sam was the first to snap back to reality, “That’s not the point. These guys aren’t magical, alright? They use brute force just like you, the incredibly annoying guy in front of me with the staring problem,” he reached down to grab my bag and hand it to me, “Let’s move.” “I’m coming with you,” Bucky called, the sound of his combat boots hitting the hanger floor behind us. “No, you’re not,” Sam answered harshly. “Oh my gosh,” I groaned before dropping my duffle bag again on the tarmac and spinning around to face the two men, “I don’t know how you two could have possibly saved the day as much as people say you have if you’re always like this! You,” I pointed to Sam, “Stop trying to do this on your own. You,” I moved my finger towards Bucky, “No more talking about the shield. If anybody needs me,” I wiggled my fingers and let the blue energy lift my bag into the air, “I’ll be waiting in the jet.” ——
Bucky and Sam stood speechless as they watched Y/n march across the tarmac, her bag magically floating behind her. “Who is she?” “My sister, Y/n,” Sam answered, “I didn’t know she could do that till today. She twisted my arm until I agreed to let her come.” Bucky’s eyes hadn’t left Y/n since she took control and ended Sam and his bickering. There weren’t many people who met him for the first time and didn’t give him a second glance. If she was Sam’s sister then she sure as hell knew about his past. Yet here she was daring to order him around and advocate for him to join Sam and her on their mission. It also went without saying that she was gorgeous. But she had proven that she didn’t understand the seriousness in which the situation with the new Captain America needed to be treated with, and that irked him. Still, his feet automatically wanted to carry him to the jet once she’d headed up the ramp and he’d lost his view of her. “Can’t decide whether I like her or not.”
Not having a suit to wear, I had changed on the jet from my sweater, capris and sneakers to a black shirt, jeans, booties and my favorite blue leather jacket that matched the blue that flowed from my fingertips.
When I stepped out of the jet’s bathroom, I expected to find Sam and Bucky fighting again. The whole flight so far has been filled with the same tension that had begun in the hanger and we’d been sitting in uncomfortable silence ever since. I was sure that the second I left, they’d be going at it again like children when a parent disappeared. Instead, they were quietly sitting on opposite sides of the jet with their eyes trained on one another.
“Can you guys quiet down for a second?” I sarcastically remarked as I walked across the room, “I can’t hear myself think.”
I deposited my bag in the corner of the jet near where Torres was climbing down the ladder, “One minute to drop off, Sam.”
I expected to turn around and see both Sam and Bucky up and preparing themselves, but the two men were still embroiled in a stare down. Sam and I had always cheesed each other off in a typical sibling fashion, but Bucky and his relationship seemingly consisted of nothing but that. 
Sam finally rose from his seat and Bucky quickly did the same, I brushed past him to stand on the other side of Sam. “So what’s the plan?” Sam ignored the question and handed me a small black device, “This is your comm, don’t lose it.” I nodded and placed the small ear piece in my ear, the faint hums of the jet coming through it.
With no direction from Sam, Bucky sat back down unhappily. “Great. So no plan?”
“Thirty seconds,” Torres shouted over the wind coming in from the open hatch.
“Enjoy your ride, Buck,” Sam remarked from beside me. “No, you can’t call me that.” “Why not? That’s what Steve called you.” “Steve knew me longer and Steve,” Bucky tilted his head to Sam, “Had a plan.”
I shook my head to shake off the ridiculousness of arguing nicknames at the moment. “I’m sorry, are we really playing the name game when we’re literally about to jump out of a plane? I get this is my first mission and all but- Bucky’s eyebrows shot up his forehead as he looked to Sam, “This is her first mission? What the hell were you thinking, bringing her?” “She,” I took a step towards Bucky, “Is more than capable of handling herself. First mission or 100th, I know what I’m doing, Barnes.”
“Fifteen seconds to drop!” Torres’ announcement ended any further arguing between me and Bucky.
“Listen to the woman,” Sam smirked as he put on his goggles, probably thinking back to a few hours ago when I’d body slammed him into the roof, “And I have a plan.”
“Really?” Bucky spread his arms out as we watched Sam walk away from us, “What is it?” Sam had already told me that he’d drop in first and I was to follow once he’d cleared the area. Bucky had not been privy to hearing that discussion and Sam had made no effort to fill him in. Without giving Bucky a second look, but winking at me, he dove headfirst out of the hatch and activated his wings, flying gracefully downwards towards the forest. I had never gotten to see him fly and felt a sense of pride as I looked out to see him glide above the trees.
“Where’s the chute?” Bucky called out.
“We’re at 200 feet, it’s too low for a chute,” Torres stated.
Bucky stalked towards the door, “I don’t need it anyway.”
“Neither will I,” I said, taking a step forward to see just how high we really were. I was confidant in my ability to keep up with Sam and wanted to prove my capability, but I was human. It went against every natural instinct to step out into the air and catch myself. Bucky moved to stand next to me, the two of us turning to face each other. This was the first time we’d actually made more than fleeting eye contact and I was finally able to get a good look at him. His features were sharp, his cheekbones and jaw were extremely prominent. Something more than scruff and less than a beard covered the bottom half of his face. His eyes were cerulean blue, just nearly matching the shade of my energy. Complete with a short, scruffy haircut, I wasn’t sure if handsome was a strong enough word for just how good looking James Barnes was. 
“Ladies first,” Bucky nodded towards our exit, never breaking eye contact, “Sure you know what you’re doing?” I smiled smugly, matching the amount of sass radiating from his words, “Do you?”
Not wanting to give him the opportunity to think up a come back, I turned away from him and threw myself out of the plane. An unavoidable scream flew from my lips as I free fell, somehow managing in the chaos to threw my arms out at my sides and expel my energy to control my descent. Once I got a hold on maneuvering the winds, the act actually became almost enjoyable. I found myself laughing as I weaved between the trees, until my laughter was accompanied by a fast approaching scream above me. A shower of branches began to rain down around me forcing me to swerve to the side just in time for Bucky’s figure to come crashing through. He landed harshly on his back, limbs spread out and a pained groan escaping his lips.
I floated directly above him, “I stand corrected, you definitely know what you’re doing.” “I have all of that on camera. You know that, right?” Sam’s voice came through our comms. Redwing flew up from behind us and zoomed in on Bucky’s face. 
“Get out of my face, Sam, or I’ll break it,” Bucky uttered, exhaustion filling his voice.
“Okay, head north. Come on.” I snickered at the exchange and lowered myself to the ground close enough to Bucky to extend him a hand. He accepted it and I helped pull him to an upright sitting position, trying to hide the fact that I struggled with his weight. “Thanks.” “Well, my mom taught me to always help my elders,” I said with a smirk, earning myself a scowl in response. “You’re as bad as Sam, aren’t you?” he moaned as he rose to his full height.
“Okay, okay,” I ceased my soft laughter, “I’m sorry. Seriously, are you okay? I know you’re a super soldier but still-” “I’m fine,” Bucky confirmed quickly, brushing the dirt from his jacket and turning north, “Let’s go.”
The two of us fell into a silence that wasn’t necessarily uneasy but certainly not relaxed. We weren’t enemies, we weren’t coworkers and we definitely weren’t friends. We’d spoken all of about five sentences to each other since meeting and none of them had been particularly chummy. “Sam only mentioned one sister,” Bucky broke the non-verbal spell.
“Sarah,” I stated, “We’re not technically related but they’re family. Sam told me he reached out to you and never got anything back. I think he was wondering how you were doing.” “Yeah, well…” he mumbled, stepping over a particularly large boulder and avoiding my gaze. 
I decided not to push the subject, not only were we nearing the warehouse, Sam could hear us through the comms and Redwing. But I made a note of the lightning quick wave of emotion that crossed Bucky’s eyes. Sam was definitely a trigger for him, but I had a feeling this was something much more complicated. Something I didn’t have time to get too curious over.
We made it out of the forest and Redwing led us to the back entrance to the warehouse. The graffiti and wrecked roofing made me want to believe that nobody had been there in ages, but Sam’s intel contradicted the setting. My brother, the esteemed military man, was also contradicting his age as he maneuvered Redwing just above us to provoke Bucky into taking a swing at him. “Oh-ho-ho, don’t hurt him,” he teased as Redwing quickly avoided the assault.
Sam stood in the next room staring down at the screen on his wrist, scanning the building through Redwing’s camera. He took a quick look at me to assess that I hadn’t been injured in the fall before turning back.
“You’re doing the staring thing again,” he commented without looking up. That one I’d give him, Bucky’s smoldering stare game was intimidating especially when he wasn’t saying anything. “They’re in there,” Sam tilted his head towards the nearest open doorway and stretching his arm out so Bucky and I could see what Redwing was seeing. There was a truck with two people loading in containers of something.
“Where’s the guy?” Bucky asked.
“I don’t know. I think they’re smuggling weapons though.” “Well, I think you could be right,” Bucky’s voice lowered. “Hmm,” Sam nodded.
“But there’s only one way to find out,” Bucky turned towards the doorway, “I see a clear path, I say we take it.”
As soon as his boot hit the ground in its first step, Sam reached for his arm. “We’re not assassins.” “Shouldn’t we, I don’t know, observe from a distance rather than attack straight away?” I offered.
Bucky’s eyes flicked to me when I spoke and promptly back to Sam, throwing away my suggestion. He probably thought me naive. “I’ll see you inside or not.”
He pulled his arm out of Sam’s grip and went ahead, leaving Sam chuckling to himself. “Hey, come on, man. I’m just messing with you, come back,” he called softly. “‘I’m just messing with you,’ the Avengers’ official slogan,” I dryly jested, “Here I was thinking we were doing serious work. Is Redwing still surveying?” “Yeah,” Sam was still smiling to himself as he turned to watch Bucky stalk down the hallway, “Look at you. All stealthy. A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther.” 
“It’s actually White Wolf,” Bucky responded in our ears.
When we lost visual on Bucky, Sam snapped his fingers and nodded towards the hallway. We made our way through the various openings until we’d caught up, Sam held up a finger to his lips as we caught sight of Bucky and our steps became even softer.
“All right, I’m inside. Therefore way ahead of you,” Bucky bragged, turning back to where he thought we waited, “It’s not great but very doable.” His peripherals must have caught the red and white of Sam’s suit, he turned to see the two of us at his side. “Hello. How are you?” “Good. What did we miss? Nothing,” Sam replied.
“All right, let’s go,” Bucky moved to step forward again.
“No, wait,” Sam protested.
Bucky held up his prosthetic vibranium arm I had heard so much about. “I got a vibranium arm, I can take them.” “And I can fly, she can make things float, who gives a shit? Wait. I want to see where they’re going.” Bucky pointed towards the truck that was still being loaded, “There’s two people.”
“You only see two?” Sam started. “That’s what I saw,” Bucky confirmed.
“Let me see what Redwing sees.” “All right…” “Let’s see what Redwing sees…”
I held two fingers to my temple and rubbed, “My gosh, it’s like working with children.”
Sam fiddled with a few controls on the screen and activated the x-ray feature on his beloved drone, “Oh, look at that. How many people you see now? One, two…Oh, here it comes again.” Bucky sighed, unhappy to admit he was wrong, “Four. Five.” “Yeah, five.” “So they’re strong, whatever,” Bucky brushed off not only the math but our group’s capabilities. “Let’s go.”
“Barnes, wait,” I hissed as Sam reached out and took hold of his arm, his elbow hitting the metal shelves we were hiding behind and rattling something.
“Shit!” Sam whispered, he pulled me to his side to block me while Bucky ducked down. The group turned to investigate the noise but disregarded it at the lack of visible culprits. The trucks started and their doors were closed, each person getting into their designated vehicle. Sam started tapping on Redwing’s controller again, “There’s an eighth person. I think they have a hostage.”
With one look from Bucky, the three of us snapped into action. I raised myself into the air ahead of Sam who took off slightly behind me, looking down to see Bucky running impossibly fast. “Y/n, with me,” Sam called through the comms, I listened and hung back until he’d caught up. Bucky continued on his way until he’d climbed onto the back of the truck. I followed Sam’s lead as we flew to the side of the road.
“Shouldn’t we be helping him?” I asked as the two of us landed.
“They’re stealing medicine, vaccines,”  Bucky’s voice filled my comm.
“He’s got it, we’re staying here and waiting for him to come back with the hostage. Then you and I are gonna keep following the trucks and see where they’re heading,” he explained, “I’m trying to keep you out of as much of the fight as I can.” “That’s the whole reason I came, Sam,” I argued, gesturing towards the road, “To help, to fight.”
“Bucky, talk to me,” Sam favored to ignore my desire to do dirty work, “What’s goin’ on?” 
“Found the hostage,” he reported, followed only seconds later by a loud exclaim of “Shit!”
Adrenaline set every nerve alight in my body, something had gone wrong. Without asking for Sam’s permission I took off running down the road. I used my energy to lift towards the sky and flew the same way the truck’s had gone. Distantly, I heard Sam yell my name but made no effort to stop. “Barnes, talk to me,” I yelled over the winds I was flying against. As I spotted the trucks I saw the small silhouettes of figures standing atop one of them. Once I got closer, I could see that the one being aggressively pinned by two of them was Bucky. I landed on the vehicle’s roof just in time to see someone leap into the air, grab Redwing and break him with their knee. Between my want to help Bucky and my second hand protectiveness over Sam’s gear, I was pissed. The masked figure looked up at me, two brown eyes peeking out of eyeholes and marched forward, making me their next target. I created a ball of blue energy and aimed it at her, knocking her down but only for a second. She leapt towards me and landed a punch across my cheek, I went down with a groan and cradling my cheek. Now I was really pissed…
I opened an eye to see the shadow of Sam’s Falcon suit above me, he touched down on the truck and landed a kick to my assaulter’s abdomen. He quickly helped me to my feet as our enemy rose again and took a fight stance. 
“Good of you to join the fight, Sam,” Bucky yelled before kicking one of his captors in the leg. 
The person who had given me the shiner threw Sam aside to the second truck like he was weightless. She was far too small to be that strong, it was inhuman. I decided to hold back a little less and raised my hands toward her, extending waves of the blue energy and raising her up into the air. She struggled to try and escape my hold, grunting and groaning as she flopped around in the air. I was about to throw her into the trees when I was tackled from behind. We skidded towards the front of the truck till the boot of one of the thugs holding Bucky down hit me in the shoulder. Another masked figure, this one I suspected to be a man, had his arms wrapped tightly around my abdomen. He flipped me over and raised his head to slam into mine. Luckily he hadn’t thought to pin my arms down and his mistake allowed me to throw them in front of my face and create a force field that even the thickest of skulls couldn’t penetrate. I looked briefly to see Sam being pinned down as well on the second truck but couldn’t free myself to go help him. 
And then, in a conflicting twist of events, a red white and blue shield came flying through the air.
As I struggled to keep the force field up and my arms locked, I made out an equally patriotic suited man throw the shield at the one who had punched me earlier. A second figure swung in from a helicopter and kicked her off the truck, leaving her clinging to the edge of the roof. The shield flew in the direction of the people holding Bucky down and hit one square in the back before bouncing back to its wielder. The guy holding me down was struck next and rolled right off of me, I sent a significantly bigger blast towards his chest that sent him flying off the back of the truck. Bucky reached down and helped me stand up, he pulled me out of the way when the shield came flying by our faces to hit his other attackers.
“You gotta be kidding me,” I panted.
John Walker stopped briefly to introduce himself to Sam, like he hadn’t been living rent free in our minds since that damned tv broadcast before sending the shield flying past Bucky and I again. As it bounced off our enemies and back towards Walker, Bucky’s metal hand snapped up to grab it only for Walker to retake it. The time for anger or sadness wasn’t now, though the forlorn expression on Bucky’s face said otherwise. I broke from him and launched myself across the gap between trucks to land near where Sam was being attacked. Bucky followed suit and we began taking out each person one by one till Sam stood and turned too fast, hitting and sending Bucky plus one of the masked thugs over the side of the truck. Sam and I turned to face our last attacker who was stalking toward us, Sam glanced over his shoulder quickly before looking back ahead. “When I say ‘now,’ you shoot up,” he ordered, “Now!” I blasted upwards and over the overhead road sign he’d known would hit our attacker. I was too high to drop down suddenly but watched as Sam touched back down on the truck to be punched off the truck, activating his wings and catching himself in the wind. I flew downwards and lined up with the side of the truck, searching frantically for Bucky while trying to dodge the cars to my left. Bucky was clinging for dear life to the underside of the truck. His attacker stomped his metal arm with his boot till Bucky lost his grip with it and it dragged along the road creating a flurry of sparks. 
“Sam, what do we do?” I yelled into my comm. “Now when I say ‘drop,’ you drop.” “Are you insane?!” I screeched, looking down at the asphalt and trying to calculate how fast I may be going. “DROP!”
Putting the most trust I ever had in Sam, I stopped the energy flow and was tackled mid-air by him. I twisted in his arms to wrap my legs around one of his and my arms around his back. Without warning, he flew us under the nearest truck before letting go of me with one arm and tackling Bucky. I readjusted my grip to have one arm around both of them. We dropped out of the air and crash-landed, rolling like a grunting and groaning wheel through a field of yellow flowers. Eventually we ceased our tumbling with Bucky on top of Sam and me to the side still clinging to both of them.
“Could have used that shield,” Bucky ground out tauntingly in Sam’s face.
“Get off of me,” Sam strained, shoving Bucky off with another loud grunt. I rolled to his other side and coughed loudly, having had the wind knocked out of me during the crash. The three of us lay on our backs trying to regain our breath, Sam and I more than Bucky but I chalked that up to the fact that he was just as strong as the people we’d just gotten our asses handed to us by. “Those were all Super Soldiers, Sam,” he stated in awe. 
“I know,” Sam confirmed, “You’re welcome, by the way.” He pushed himself up painfully on an elbow to lean over me, “Are you okay?”
I was finally starting to feel like I could get some semblance of a normal breath in. I’d have wished it was running around with AJ and Cass that would have showed me I was out of shape and not losing a fight to Super Soldiers. “‘Big Three’ my ass, Wilson,” I wheezed, making no effort to sit up yet.
“I said ‘might be’,” Sam weakly fought, “‘Might be.’ Clearly I was wrong.” 
“Will wonders never cease?” Bucky winced as he sat up, “We need to get to the airport and reformulate.” “Oh, do we now? Do we need to reformulate?” Sam mocked from the ground, “I hadn’t thought of that yet, Bucky, what an incredible-“ I groaned loudly and forced my torso up, “Dear God above, if you two don’t stop acting like twelve year olds, I’ll catch a Delta flight home.” “Good, that’s where I wanted you,” Sam reprimanded as he rose to join me, “I told you if you took some stupid risk, you were going back home and what did you do? You took off on your own towards those trucks!” “I was trying to help him,” I threw my hand out towards Bucky, “One way or another I would have gotten hurt, Sam, whether I’d have waited for you or not. And now that I’ve actually seen what we’re dealing with? No way am I going home.” I rolled onto my knees and got to my feet, my muscles aching with each movement I made to stand in front of the two men. “When you two decide to start acting like adults, I’ll meet you back at the jet.”
Holding in each groan that wanted to escape my mouth, I started my trek back towards the road, not making it very far until I heard two pairs of footsteps behind me.
We walked that way for most of the way, Sam and Bucky muttering something every once in a while to each other and me ahead of them trying to wrap my head around the situation. I had gotten myself tangled in the world of super soldiers, ones who weren’t using their advanced capabilities to save the world from one of the actual Big Three. Not only that but we’d had the displeasure of being rescued by the person the three of us had wanted to see least in the world. I had started the day out having coffee with Sarah on our back porch and by eastern standard time zone’s definition was ending it in Germany mid-afternoon with a killer bruise developing on my cheek. Whatever I had expected to come from joining Sam, it sure as hell wasn’t this.
A car honk summoned me out of my thoughts, an open roofed vehicle came up beside me and I was quick to identify the passengers. John Walker and the helicopter soldier. 
“So that didn’t go as planned, huh?” Walker attempted to make friendly conversation, specifically with Sam and Bucky but I could sense I was also welcome to answer. I didn’t cease my movements and neither did Sam and Bucky which only caused Walker to instruct the driver to get ahead of us again. “Look, at least we know what we’re up against now, huh? And we’re pretty sure it’s one of the Big Three, so…” “Aliens, androids, or wizards?” the unnamed soldier double checked with Walker, who responded that he was still almost certain.
“There’s no such thing as wizards,” Bucky grumbled from behind me, sounding like the old man he biologically was.
“Then it’s aliens, or androids,” Walker shrugged. “Or Super Soldiers,” Sam corrected.
“Shit, Super Soldiers, for real?” Walker’s sidekick asked before turning in his seat to face, “Do you believe that?” “I believe that you two don’t know how to take a hint,” I frustratedly smiled at him, “But yes, I do.”
“Wow. All right, well, then we gotta work together,” Walker said. Bucky scoffed, “That’s not happening.”
“I think we stand a much better chance if we all just-“ Bucky finally lost his patience and said the thing we all were thinking, “Just ‘cause you carry that shield, it doesn’t mean you’re Captain America.”
Walker was quick to defend himself, “Look, I’ve done the work, okay?” 
Bucky was equally as quick to prove him wrong, “You ever jump on top of a grenade?” “Yeah. Actually, I have. Four times,” Walker explained, “It’s a thing I do with my helmet. It’s a reinforced helmet. It’s a long story, but, look…It’s 20 miles to the airport, you guys need a ride.” A sudden cramp tore through my shin causing me to sharply inhale and grab the leg. Through the pain I managed to exhale and begin limping back along the path, “We’re good, thanks.”
“At least let us take her, she’s injured,” I heard Walker attempt to convince Sam and Bucky, knowing that I was probably a means to an end to get them in the car. 
I didn’t get very far before I felt Sam’s arm wrap around my waist, “C’mon…” As much as I wanted to fight him on it, I knew I wouldn’t make it more than a few steps before I was bent over again in pain. The adrenaline had worn off and my whole body was starting to ache deeply in a way that made even breathing hurt where it shouldn’t. I dropped my head in frustration and nodded, putting my arm around Sam’s shoulder to let him brace me. He helped me limp back to the car where Bucky gently handled my other side, the two of them lifted me into the vehicle where Walker and his friend tried to help me sit down. I shrugged off their unwelcome hands and used the roof’s poles to lower myself into a seat. Sam jumped in and sat on one side of me, gently lifting the leg that was really bothering me onto his lap to try and massaging my shin. Bucky climbed in on my other side and gave me a once over, trying to assess if I was in any further pain that I wasn’t letting on to.
“Okay,” Walker began as the car rocked to life again, “So we’ve got eight Super Soldiers on a bulk supply run. Why?” “They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during The Blip,” Sam explained, “Maybe they’re just trying to help.” “They had a funny way of showing it,” Bucky commented.
“That serum doesn’t exactly have a great track record,” Walker quickly looked to Bucky, “No offense.” I tried not to judge people too harshly upon first meeting them, but I had no problem deciding right away that Walker was an asshole.
“We need to figure out where they’re going,” Sam spoke up before an argument could break out, “How’d you track ‘em here? The Flag Smashers?”
“Uh, no, we didn’t track them. We tracked you, uh, through Redwing,” Walker’s friend answered, dipping his head down to avoid Sam’s stony gaze.
“You hacked my tech?” “Sorry,” Walker laughed, “It’s not exactly hacking. It’s government property,” he gestured to himself, “Kind of the government.” My lips parted and I tilted my head, ”Are you kidding me?”
“I’m sorry,” Walker extended his hand out to me, “John Walker, Captain America. And you are?” I glanced between his hand and him, “Not impressed.” He awkwardly retracted it and turned away from me to Bucky, “Does he always just stare like that?” “You get used to it,” Sam replied, suddenly he had no problem with Bucky’s habit.
“Okay, look,” Walker cleared his throat, “You know things have gotten kind of, uh…” “Chaotic,” his friend finished for him.
“Yeah. The GRC, they’re doing the best they can to get things up and running smoothly, post Blip.” “Reactivating citizenship, social security, healthcare. Basically just managing resources for the refugees who were displaced by the return.”
“The Global Repatriation Council does all that, I get that,” Sam said impatiently, “So why exactly are you two here?”
“Well, they provide the resources and we keep things stable,” the soldier answered.
“Yeah, violent revolutionaries aren’t usually good for anyone’s cause,” Walker said. “Usually said by the people with the resources,” Sam looked up from the work he was doing on my leg to look dead at Walker.
“We got a lot of resources,” he stated confidantly, “If you guys, if you joined up with us, we could-“ “No,” Bucky and I said in unison, now having agreed on two things. Walker was a phony and wizards weren’t real.
“I got mad respect for both of ya’ll,” Walker’s friend complimented, “You too, ma’am. But you were kinda getting your asses kicked till we showed up.” Bucky finally dragged his stare off of Walker, “Who are you?” “Lemar Hoskins.” “Look, I see a guy hanging out of a helicopter in tactical gear, I need a lot more than Lemar Hoskins,” Sam commented.
“I’m Battlestar,” Lemar reintroduced himself, “John’s partner.” “‘Battlestar?’” Bucky echoed the ridiculous nickname, snapping his head suddenly toward the driver, “Stop the car!”
The driver obeyed and quickly halted in the middle of the road, giving Bucky the opportunity to jump out of the car. He raised his eyebrows expectantly, waiting for me to join him but I wasn’t about to leave Sam’s side. I held a hand up to him to which he responded by closing the back door and starting down the path that veered off the main road. 
“Look, I…I get it, okay? I get the attitude, I do,” Walker started, he couldn’t come close to understanding how insulted all three of us were for one uniting reason, “You don’t think that the shield was gonna end up here. I get it, Bucky,” even the call of his name wasn’t enough to make him stop, “And I’m…I’m not trying to be Steve. I’m not trying to replace Steve.” “Could’ve fooled me,” I snorted, removing my leg from Sam’s lap as he’d stopped rubbing it long ago. “I’m just trying to be the best Captain America I can be, that’s it,” Walker focused his eyes on my brother, “It’d be a whole lot easier if I had Cap’s wingmen on my side.” Sam scoffed and looked out of the corner of his eyes at me as if to make sure he hadn’t heard incorrectly. He hadn’t, and I was about two seconds away from putting my powers to good use and beating Walker with his own shield that he could never truly hold ownership of. “It’s always that last line…”
Sam climbed over me and hopped out first before helping to lower me to the ground. A defeated Walker ordered the driver to leave and we watched to make sure they actually left for good. “Torres said he’s nice?” I asked sarcastically as we resumed our familiar posture of Sam helping me walk. “Torres is young, impressionable and follows every order he’s given. Guys like Walker have a problem with anyone who doesn’t take their every word as gospel.”
“Well, your mom made us attend enough church when we were kids for me to know that right there,” I pointed back to the car that was now a dot in the distance, “Is a false prophet.” 
I trained my eyes ahead of us, Bucky hadn’t gotten too far and it looked like he had actually slowed his pace for us to catch up easier. While I was angry with the government for appointing Walker and the man himself, I knew that the pain Sam and Bucky were feeling was exponentially heavier to deal with. They’d already lost their friend and Walker was the salt being rubbed in the wound.
When we did eventually make it to the plane an hour later, I was biting back tears at how much pain I was in. Sam took notice of how I was trying to conceal them as we approached the tarmac and carried me the rest of the way. 
“I gotta check for any internal bleeding,” he said as he set me down gently on the seats of the jet, “And you’re going home.” “No, I’m not,” I moaned. “Yes, you are,” he scolded as he lifted up my shirt to the bottom of my bra so that he could get a clear view of my abdomen, “Sarah’s gonna pound my ass into the ground as it is for bringing you back bruised.” My eyes could no longer stay opened, further fluttering shut as I didn’t hear Sam state that he saw anything concerning. “Get some sleep,” he ordered, “I’ll take care of anything I find.” Just before I drifted off, I heard a second body kneel down next to Sam. “She okay?” “Yeah, she’ll be fine,” he answered Bucky, “I just should have never brought her.” 
When I did wake up, the plane was dark except for the minimal lighting towards the cockpit. I attempted to sit up, biting back a groan as I did. There was a blanket draped over my bottom half and my jacket was now folded underneath my head as a makeshift pillow. Sam was sleeping upright near my feet, arms crossed and snoring quietly.
“Glad to see you’re okay,” a quiet voice startled me, I turned to see it was Bucky. “A little out of my depth,” I remarked, rubbing one of my eyes, “But yeah, okay.” 
Bucky nodded and looked back down at his folded hands, for some reason the contrast of the gold and black metal meeting the pale flesh fascinated me. He must’ve sensed I was staring because he peered up at me through his lashes. I quickly looked away, “I’m guessing we’re on our way back to New Orleans.” “Baltimore, actually,” he replied.
“What’s in Baltimore?” I whispered, trying not to wake Sam. “Someone that Sam needs to meet.” “Okay,” I slowly swung my legs off the seats to properly face him, “Who’s in Baltimore?” Bucky gave me a tired look, “Just someone, you’ll meet him too.” I bristled slightly at his answer, shooting him a half smile. “You don’t trust people, do you, Barnes?”
I wouldn’t call what his lips did was a smile, but maybe a sarcastic knock off of one. “You ask a lot of questions, you know?”
“Only when people don’t give me any answers,” I fired back in a contradictorily easy tone, “Look, you don’t have to trust me. That’s fine, I’m going home after whatever surprise you have for us anyway so you won’t have to deal with me slowing you guys down anymore.” “Sam was endangering you by bringing a civilian to an Avengers level fight,” he quickly said, “That’s on him, not you. And none of us were exactly at our best today.” A supercut of the three of us each getting slapped around silly on top of the trucks played in my mind. He was definitely right, nobody could have predicted that we’d be thrown for such a loop. Not even the man pretending to be Captain America. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about Walker,” I offered as softly as I could, “I’ve watched him parade that shield around on tv for days and I’ve gotten angrier each time. Not saying it’s the same as what you’re feeling but…I’m just sorry.” Bucky didn’t respond, he actually looked away from me and back down at his hands. “You should get some more sleep, we’re still a ways out.” It was clear I wasn’t going to get anywhere with him, not that I felt any burning desire to try to get him to open up. I’d only tried out of politeness and the slight glimmer of curiosity I held when it came to what lay beneath his hardened surface. “Goodnight, Barnes,” I said, laying back down and rolling over so I didn’t have to look at him any longer.
A/N: Let me know what you thought and/or if you’d like to be tagged! There’s still a lot of surprises that are coming...
Safe Haven taglist: @tanyaherondale​ @wanniiieeee​ @asoftie4bucky​ @edencherries​ @i-reblog-fics-i-like​ @ttalisa​ @gcfty @withyoutilltheendofthismess​ @rinaispunk​ @weirdowithnobeardo​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @godlypotterwhodiaries​ @eternalharry​ @voguesir​ @mizz-kraziii​ @okayline​ @smellmymisunderstoodfluff @wanderin-stories​ @nicklet94 @intricate-melody​ @aesthethickks​ @stumbleonmywords​ @simplybarnes​ @21bruhs​ @lostinwonderland314​ @superbookishhufflepuff​ @themaddies-obx
309 notes · View notes
honeystwiggypeach · 3 years
First year worries!
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Second year!Luna Lovegood x First year!Reader(platonic)
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Hi! This isn’t an Haikyuu or anime post but a Harry Potter fan fic so uhm yeah!!
Any who credit to @elenapatricia99 who I had a lovely conversation with about Harry Potter, and who also told me the bases idea for this!
⚠️Content warnings?⚠️: reader has some anxiety, spiraling thoughts, irrational thoughts
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You remember being so young and small, getting on a big train alone, it was scary you had only been 11 at the time and before then you had never been apart from your parents, friends or pets so you had never truly been alone like this before.
Well that was until a girl rips open the door of your cabin quickly slipping in before shutting the door. You looked at her with widened eyes and she quickly motioned for you to stay quiet as she put her finger over her lips.
“The narggles.” She whispered after awhile and pointed to the door behind her as she sat on the seat across from you.
You nodded uncertain of what she had been talking about, before getting your letter your father hadn’t told you much about the wizarding world and it’s quirks.
“Uhm what are narggles?” You rember asking the blonde girl who’s silver colored eyes sparkled at the question, which prompted her to explain what narggles were, followed by where they lived, and what they did for the rest of the train ride, effectively calming your worries a bit.
After listening to the girl who you had learned was named , Luna, your nerves where just as high as they were before due to the lurching of the train, what if it derailed??
“Oh, that was odd the trolley didn’t pass.” She mumbled
“What’s the trolley?” You ask looking up toward her with bright eyes ready to hear any other story she could tell.
“Oh in Hogsmeade there’s a candy shop called Honeydukes, the trolly is like a mini honeydukes.” She explains quickly standing with you as one of the tallest men you’d ever seen talks to a boy with glasses.
“First years this way, into the boats two per boat.” He yells you gulp looking down at the dark colored lake. You could tell that it was a deep lake even though it was dark.
You gently put your foot into the boat before it began to rock quickly making you sit down in the boat, you wait a moment and a girl had sat with you.
After that Luna had appeared back by your side sometime during the tour remaining silent for the rest of the while, you feeling to uncomfortable to make small talk and Luna being to interested in the narggles she said were flying around a blond haired boy’s head to notice.
You remember sometime later that all the first years were shuffled into the dining hall where you watched other kids get sorted into the four houses.
You watched from the line as Luna gave you the tinniest hand motion of a wave before settling down at her spot on the bench at a blue table.
From what you had heard that was a house that valued knowledge and wisdom, which was accurate if you were right with how much Luna had told you about the wizard if world in the past few hours.
Eventually you got called up and you sat on the stool with the sorting hat hovering above your head. Yet you had still been filled with an indescribable fear, what if you got put into Slytherin, you’re parents would never let you see the light of day again if you’d gotten put into Slytherin! Now this was terrible untrue, your mother couldn’t care less of what house you got into as she was a muggle who was just happy her baby had gotten into such a highly spoken about school. While your father was some pureblooded wizard who had been disowned for soiling his family’s bloodline with muggle blood, so for all he cared you could have not been a witch at all a simple muggle and he still would have loved you the same.
The hat had lowered onto your head before it could even touch you it had shouted Hufflepuff. You looked around confused as a table of yellow suddenly started to cheer. You stood up from the stools with shaky knees before sitting on the far end of the table far enough away so that you could catch your breath the last thing you wanted to do at the moment was get excited your little heart was already beating so fast you didn’t know how much more it could handle!
You spent the rest of that week alone in an empty first year dorm, the rest of the kids who had been sorted into Hufflepuff where boys and dorms where separated by both gender and year so you would have a dorm to yourself which the prefect tried to convince you was a good thing when you asked why you didn’t have roommates.
But you had never truly been alone before and it was terrifying to you, everything was changing so quickly, you don’t have any friends to talk to either, with most of the first years being friends with people they had been roomed with but you weren’t roomed with anyone…
It had been the following Monday before you saw Luna again, the arrangement was that this Monday potions for the first years would be with both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs. All and all this gave you some hope, that meant you would get to see Luna again right?
Yeah well you were right but before you were right you had to watch this man dressed in all black yell at the boy with glasses, could a teacher really be so cruel.
You remember the mean look he sent towards you before you scurried off to your seat.
Luna had been sat across the room with the rest of her house. You gave her a tiny wave and she reciprocated sending you a bright smile.
You went through the whole class being practically picked on by Snape as he made an example out of you, saying that you didn’t know what he was talking about because you weren’t paying attention giving no credit to the fact that it was actually because you were born to a muggle and someone who put up a muggle front.
As soon as the bell rang you jetted out of that room hoping Luna couldn’t see how the tears were welling in your eyes.
Oh but of course she had and she had also seen you round the corner and slip into the bathroom.
She walked into the bathroom gently shutting the door behind her, “(Y/n)?” She’d called out gently and you had made some noise of acknowledgement to scared to speak in fear of some giant voice crack.
“Oh dear.” She mumbled crouching to your level.
“Is it about Snape?” She asked and you nodded looking at her as she nodded. “Mm he doesn’t like me either” though she hasn’t denied that Snape didn’t like you it was still comforting, it felt likely oddly enough you would be ok.
“Why don’t we go back to your dorm and I can show you a trick.” You nodded allowing her to take your hand and pull you up.
You quickly opened up the door looking around, you weren’t sure if Luna was allowed to be in a Hufflepuff common room but you weren’t going to risk it if she wasn’t.
Luckily for you most were in the dining hall or still on the moving stairs.
The two of you sat on your bed and she tugged up her sleeve on her robes pulling it back to reveal a pretty bracelet. The main bead work of the bracelet was made out of small pearls decorated with beads of purple green and brown between the pearls. The centerpiece of the bracelets was a cute little iridescent butterfly bead.
She saw how in awe of the bracelet you were and shoved her hand into her pocket digging around for a bit before pulling her hand out with a matching bracelet.
She pulled her wand out mumbling some small protection incantation and something else as you watched in awe.
She slipped the bracelet onto your wrist and it shrunk down until it fit perfectly.
“What was that?” You had asked her excitedly.
“It’s a secret.” You remember her putting her finger above her lip as she giggles at your frustrated huff.
“It was a protection spell.” She says smiling sweetly. “It’ll protect you a bit.” She glanced down to her other wrist where she had a bracelet in a similar pearl design hanging from before looking back up quickly “my mom was the first to give one to me.” She said flopping back onto your bed.
“Woah, so cool!” You remember being so tiny and scared of change but maybe change wouldn’t be so bad as long as you weren’t truly alone.
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Runs in the Family CH. One
Book: Chamber
Title: I’m a What?
Words: 2310
Warnings: None
A/N: This is the first chapter of my newest series. It is an eventual pairing of George x Reader with some unknown feelings and pining from both of them. Reader is Dudley’s little sister and a witch. Some things will stay the same while others will be changed. Enjoy!
Next Chapter
RitF Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist 
You were not excited for the night. Your dad was having guests over so you had to spend the evening in a stuffy, itchy dress, be on your best behavior, and you couldn’t even talk to Harry. Sighing, you smoothed the skirt and walked downstairs.
 “Mummy, do I have to wear this? It’s so itchy,” you said.
 “Yes, darling. Only the best for our guests. Now come and help me with our dessert.”
 You helped her finish up with the cake while your dad helped Dudley put on his tie. Upstairs, Hedwig was making noise and your dad called out to Harry angrily.
 “If you can’t control that bloody bird, it’ll have to go,” Vernon said.
 “She’s just bored, daddy,” you said from the kitchen.
 “[Y/n]’s right. If I could let her out for an hour or two, she’ll be fine.”
 “Not a chance. I don’t need you sending any messages to your freaky friends.”
 “I haven’t had any messages,” Harry said sadly. You frowned and was about to say something when your brother pushed past Harry.
 “Who would want to be friends with you?” Dudley said.
 “That’s not nice, Dudley.” You were a little angry at your brother for treating Harry this way. Dudley just ignored you and you rolled your eyes at the way he tried to eat the cake before the guests came.
 “Now, when the Masons arrive, where will you be, Petunia?” Vernon said.
 “In the lounge, waiting to welcome them into our home.”
 “[Y/n], where will you be?”
 “I’ll be with mummy in the lounge,” you said.
 “Good. Dudley?”
 “I’ll be waiting to open the door,” Dudley said with a flourish of his arm. That’s when the three of them turned to Harry.
 “And you?” Vernon said, voice full of hate.
 “I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise, and pretending that I don’t exist,” Harry said.
 “That’s right. This could be the day I make the biggest deal of my career and you will not mess it up.”
 Right then, the doorbell rang and Dudley rushed to the door.
 “I mean it, boy. Quiet!” Vernon then walked to join Dudley and you mouthed ‘sorry’ to Harry as he walked upstairs.
 The night went by slowly. Your dad kept making awful jokes and the Masons were eating it up. Sipping on your sparkling juice, you looked worriedly up at the ceiling when strange noises were coming out of Harry’s room. Vernon went up there once to shut him up but when you saw him chasing after the cake, your eyes widened.
 It took every bit of you not to laugh when the cake landed on Mrs. Mason. Everyone’s attention was on her but you saw Harry looking at something. You glanced down and saw a creature disappear before your eyes. The Masons left shortly after and your parents were furious at Harry for dropping the cake on Mrs. Masons head.
 The next day, Vernon installed a bunch of locks on the outside of Harry’s door and bars on the windows. You tried to stop him, even though you knew that nothing would. Watching, you shook your head before walking inside.
 That very night, you were woken up by a crash. You leapt out of bed and opened your door right as Vernon got to Harry’s door. It took him a minute to open all the locks and when he burst into Harry’s room, he grabbed Harry by the ankle.
 “Daddy, let go of him!” You said. You went to run into the room but Petunia stopped you.
 One of the boys taking Harry away yelled at the other to drive and that caused Vernon to fall out of the house. You and Dudley both yelled as he fell, worried that he was hurt. When you saw he wasn’t, you looked at Harry.
 You waved discreetly as they flew away. After they disappeared and it was confirmed that Vernon was alright, everyone went back to bed.
 A few days later, as you were eating breakfast, you heard three sharp knocks on the front door. Confused as to who was visiting, Vernon went to open the door.
 “Is this the residence of [y/n] Dursley?” A voice said.
 “Who’s asking?” Vernon said.
 “My name is Minerva McGonagall. I’m one of the professors at Hogwarts and I’m here to speak to Miss Dursley.”
 “What for?” Petunia asked. You could hear the shakiness in her voice and it worried you.
 “Mummy? Daddy? What’s going on?” You got up from the table and walked over to the door.
 “[Y/n], darling, go back to your food,” Petunia said.
 “Miss Dursley. I’m here to announce that you are a witch.” You looked at the woman with wide eyes and an open mouth.
 “No way. You’re kidding.”
 “I’m not. Your books and supplies are already bought and packed and in your trunk in your room. If you could come with me, I’ll take you to Ollivanders where we’ll get you your wand.”
 “No. Not a chance. You’re not taking my daughter anywhere!” Vernon said.
 “She has to go to Ollivanders and to Hogwarts. It’s imperative that she does,” McGonagall said.
 “If Miss Dursley doesn’t get proper training on how to use her magic, bad things can happen. They won’t happen if she gets proper training.”
 You saw your dad start to argue, but you cut him off.
 “Daddy, I want to go. It’s my choice and you can’t stop me,” you said.
 “Alright,” Petunia said after a moment. Vernon opened his mouth but after a look from Petunia, he closed it. “I don’t like it either, but there’s nothing we can do. Take her.”
  “I’ll be outside,” McGonagall said. She tilted her head to your parents before walking away.
 You went to say something to your mom, but she avoided your gaze and said nothing. Your dad was fuming about the whole ordeal and Dudley just went back to shoveling food into his mouth. With a frown, you walked outside.
 After you had gotten your wand, you went back to your house. You were wanting to try out some spells from your textbooks, but you knew that if you did anything inside the house, your parents would have a cow. So you refrained from casting spells, but you did read through the entirety of most of your books.
 A few weeks later, Professor McGonagall came back.
 “It’s time for me to bring you to the school,” she said.
 “We arrive by train, right?” You asked her.
 “Yes. Are you all packed?” You nodded and ran upstairs to grab your trunk
 “I’ll visit when I can, okay? I love you,” you said, turning to your family. When Vernon said nothing, you felt tears start to form.
 “I love you, dear,” Petunia said as she gave you a hug. “We’ll see you for Christmas?”
 “Of course, mummy. Bye.” You waved to your family and took McGonagall’s outstretched hand and everything went black.
 When you came to, your head was pounding and you found yourself in the middle of King’s Cross.
 “Run between those two platforms and you’ll go to platform 9 ¾. The train leaves at precisely eleven. I’ll see you at the Sorting, Miss Dursley.”
 She disappeared with a sharp crack and you took a shaky breath before running through the wall. When you realized you had done it, you let out a laugh and walked to the train.
 Lugging your trunk onto the train, you found an empty compartment and sat down. You figured you had some time to kill seeing as it was only half past ten so you took out your textbooks and started to read. It was only when the train was about to pull away did someone else come into the compartment with you.
 “Mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full,” someone said.
 “Of course.” You looked up and were face to face with two of the boys that helped Harry escape.
 “It’s you!” You said. “You were in the flying car that took Harry a couple nights ago.”
 “You’re his cousin, aren’t you?” One of them said.
 “I am. My name’s [y/n] Dursley.”
 “Fred Weasley.”
 “George Weasley.”
 “It’s nice to meet you,” you said, a smile on your face.
 “Harry didn’t tell us that you were a witch,” Fred said.
 “I didn’t even know until a couple weeks ago, actually. It came as a surprise and my parents didn’t like it.”
 “What all do you know about Hogwarts?” Fred asked.
 “I know that you’re separated into Houses. Harry is in Gryffindor, I believe. You also have a lot of classes and a game called Quidditch.”
 “You know about Quidditch?” Both the twins said.
 “I do. It seems fascinating and I’d love to play it. I’ve always wanted to be able to fly.”
 “What House do you think you’ll be? Freddie and I are in Gryffindor.”
 “I couldn’t tell you. To be honest, I haven’t given it much thought. There are five, right?”
 “Four. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff.”
 “Ravenclaw and Slytherin.”
 “You don’t want to be in Slytherin,” Fred said.
 “Why not?”
 “That’s the House that has made the most dark wizards,” George said.
 “You-Know-Who himself was a Slytherin along with all of his followers.”
 “Loads of bad people.”
 You stared at them for a minute before shivering.
 “Let’s hope I don’t get into Slytherin,” you said with a laugh.
 The rest of the ride was spent laughing and eating sweets. Lee Jordan, one of the twins’ friends, came into the compartment halfway through the ride. Once he found out that you hadn’t had any magical sweets before, he bought nearly the entire trolley for you to try. You didn’t want the train to stop but it did an hour later.
 Looking at the castle, awe in your eyes, you turned to the twins.
 “You’ll be fine,” George said.
 “Ginny, our sister, is starting Hogwarts this year too.”
 George called Ginny over and introduced you to her before he left with Fred and Lee.
 “Hello. It’s nice to meet you,” you said.
 The two of you made small talk the entire way across the lake and up into the castle until you saw Professor McGonagall. She was standing at the top of the stairs, holding a giant scroll of paper.
 “In just a few minutes, we will walk into the Great Hall. When I call your name, you will walk forward and place the Sorting Hat on your head. It will tell you what House you belong in and you will go sit with that House.” The doors opened behind McGonagall. “Come on. Follow me.”
 You followed her, gripping your robes tightly. McGonagall was a few names in when she called yours. Swallowing harshly, you walked up as sat on the stool. The Sorting Hat was placed on your head and you took a shaky breath.
 “Where to put you,” the hat said. “You have a lot of ambition, but even more kindness. Patience too. I think I’ll put you in Hufflepuff!”
 The last word was shouted and you let out a laugh before getting off of the stool and walking over to the Hufflepuff table. The sorting was over soon and then the feast began. Your eyes widened as the food appeared right in front of you and on your plate.
 “It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
 “It is.” You looked to your left and saw a hand being held out to you.
 “I’m Cedric Diggory,” he said.
 “[Y/n] Dursley. Nice to meet you.” You shook his hand and he gave you a smile.
 “Nice to meet you too.”
 The next morning, you were led down to the Great Hall by your new friend Cedric. You saw Harry and after asking Cedric if it was allowed to sit at another Houses table, you ran over to him.
 “[Y/n]? What are you doing here?” Harry asked as he gave you a hug.
 “Well, a couple days after you left, Professor McGonagall came by the house and said that I was a witch. Mummy convinced dad to let me go and here I am! You weren’t on the train or at dinner. Where were you?”
 “I couldn’t get onto the platform. Ron couldn’t either. And before that, it wasn’t me who threw the cake onto Mrs. Masons head. It was a house-elf.”
 “A house-elf? I knew I saw something!”
 “Yeah. So Ron had the idea to take the car and fly to Hogwarts. We flew into a tree, it fought back, and now the car is somewhere in the forest. We were almost expelled but we just got detention and a letter back home,” Harry said.
 “Well I’m glad that you’re not expelled.” You were going to say more when the twins walked up to you and put their arms around your shoulders.
 “You made it in Hufflepuff, I see,” Fred said.
 “Shame it wasn’t Gryffindor,” George teased.
 “I’m just glad it wasn’t Slytherin,” you said with a laugh.
 “You know the twins already?” Harry asked.
 “I do. They sat with me on the train.”
 “Come on, let’s eat.”
 The twins led you to the table and you sat between them. Ron and Hermione came up a minute later. You began to eat while Ron was taping his wand together. That’s when Ron got an owl.
 “Look, everyone. Weasley’s got himself a Howler.”
 “Howler?” You asked.
 “Just wait,” George said.
 “It’s gonna get loud.”
 And loud it was. The letter started screaming at Ron, saying that he was in so much trouble. After it was done, it blew a raspberry at him and tore itself up.
 “Well, you weren’t lying about it being loud,” you said after a few seconds.
 “At least we won’t have to worry about getting one of those from home,” Harry said. You laughed and shook your head.
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doexoeyes · 4 years
Of Finches & Firsts
Ok so here’s a fic I actually have on Wattpad and AOO3 but I decided to bring over here. On those sites I wrote a character for this story, but on here it’s gonna be Draco x Reader ♡ Only thing to note is that your last name in this story would be Finch (so to make sense of the title and some other little parts of the story) as well as you’re a Hufflepuff. Sorry to the other houses,I adore you all but Draco and a Hufflepuff is just to juicy to pass up (in the first book he literally say’s they’re the worst) so just trust me when I tell you that it’s all for the story. Anyways I hope you enjoy and if you’re interested in reading the original, here are the links:
Archive Of Our own link:
Wattpad link:
Summary: "A Hufflepuff? Crushing on a Slytherin? Sounds like the start of a terrible joke to me, but ok." You’ve harbored feelings for Draco Malfoy since your first year at Hogwarts. Secretly, of course, and very much from afar. But when you’re finally taken out of your role of being a background character in his life, will it be what you always wanted, or what you wish you never knew?
Chapter 1 ♡ Chapter 2
Chapter 1: The Firsts Of Many
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The first time you ever saw Draco Malfoy was at the sorting hat ceremony your first year at Hogwarts. You thought he was striking upon first sight, with his silver grey eyes contrasting with his nearly white hair. You knew he would leave a lasting impression upon whoever looked at him, and you very much envied him for it. You felt like you were as plain a Jane as they came, especially when compared to him. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him for the rest of the night, drawn to, not just his features, but the mysterious aura that surrounded him.
When your name had gotten called for the sorting, you were incredibly nervous for many reasons:
1. For the house you were going to be sorted into that would shape your life for the next 7 years.
2. For the several hundreds of eyes watching you go up the steps.
3. For the white haired boy who you seemed to have developed the tiniest little crush on.
Thankfully, you made it up without tripping and making a complete fool of yourself and were pleasantly surprised to find out that the house you'd be sorted into was:
"Hufflepuff," the storing hat declared, and a thunderous applause followed suit.You smiled, looking towards the table with the yellow cladded students as they cheered and waved you over. You couldn't wait to tell your father, who was a proud Hufflepuff himself, that you were now one, too.
When it's Draco's turn to be sorted, you made sure to pay very close attention. A small silly part of you wanted to cross your fingers and hope that he'd somehow be sorted into Hufflepuff just like you.
Of course, that was a very optimistic wish.
"Slytherin," the hat announced, and all those hopes quickly came tumbling down because if there was one house you knew you weren’t going to be able to fit in with, it was Slytherin.
There went your chances of being potentially noticed by Draco Malfoy.
Letting out a sigh, you were able to manage a small smile as you clapped for the boy along with the rest of your fellow schoolmates.
You spent the entire year making new friends, learning spells, studying up for exams, and never having the opportunity to talk to Draco, your only regret of the year.
For Draco, his first year at Hogwarts consisted of him developing the reputation of being the school's bully. Most of his antics we concentrated heavily on Harry Potter and his friends, but he truly didn't spare anyone that wasn't a part of his Slytherin crew.
Still, this didn't lessen the small crush you had on him since the day of the sorting. Despite his actions, you really felt that the boy was much more than what he projected to the world.
The first time you ever got to talk to Draco Malfoy was during your second year, when you had accidentally run into him as you rushed to your potions class.
You were too busy worrying about making it in time to class, really not wanting a reason to make Snape chastise you, that you had forgotten to pay attention to your surroundings. A disastrous recipe for running into someone, which was exactly what ended up happening.
"Hey!" he said with a grunt as his books fell from his hands.
You, mortified, hardly even noticed it was Draco at first, as you immediately leaned down to pick up his books.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I'm a complete klutz. I should've been paying more attention, I just-" as you got back up from the floor, books recovered & in your arms, you froze as your eyes made contact with his striking silver ones.
"Yeah, you definitely should have! Next time, try not to run into your superiors, first year," he said in distaste, brushing off the sleeves of his robe.
You stood there, shocked into silence, feeling your cheeks warm and mentally trying to coach yourself through the moment.
Take a breath, don't sound so nervous.
"A-actually, we're in the same year. I...umm...I first saw you at the sorting, but we had History of Magic together. I sat a row ahead of you," you corrected, biting your lip.
He tore his gaze away from his sleeves and locked eyes with you again, a chill going down your spine.
"Really? Strange. I don't remember you. Then again, you Hufflepuffs are so forgettable," he stated with a roll of his eyes. 
"I'll take those," he said as he grabbed the books from your hands and walked off.
Just like that.
 No 'thank you', no apology. Not even an offer to walk you to class which you happened to share this year as well.
You watched him walk away, cheeks definitely as red as Gryffindor's robes at this point, feeling dejected and absolutely embarrassed. You always imagined what your first conversation with Draco would be, as pitiful as that sounded, but in your head it definitely never went like this.
You ended up late to potions class and got lectured by Snape in front of the whole class, including Draco himself and wondered if he remembered who you were, or if he once again erased you from his head and permanently labeled you as a 'forgettable Hufflepuff'.
The rest of the year went on as normal after that, nothing too special.
The first time you really understood what your feelings for Draco Malfoy were was in your third year, on the train ride to Hogwarts.
You watched from the window as the train passed through the lush scenery of grand trees & clear blue skies, hands fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater. Your best friend, Mauve Ambrose, was seated beside you, gossiping about potential romances ("I think Ginny is head over heels for that Harry Potter kid and everyone knows it. Except, you know, that Harry Potter kid.") and who was to have the 'biggest glow up' of their entire year group ("My money is on Longbottom. Remember that I called it, ok. I want a witness to prove that I said it first.").
Hearing the candy trolley pass by, you perked up and politely excused yourself from your friend, walking out of the compartment. Your eyes searched for the trolley, determined to make it to it before the last of the chocolate frogs were taken, and caught it making its way towards the back of the train.
When you approached the trolley, you waited for the attendant to continue on along with one of the students as they picked out a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Once the attendant turned towards you, you smiled wide, ready to request a chocolate frog, when you felt someone approach from behind you.
"A chocolate frog for me, yeah? And make sure it doesn't have Dumbledore's card. I have like 10 of that old bat," said a familiar, snarky voice.
You turned and your breath immediately caught in your throat; it was Draco Malfoy.
"You're in luck, there was only one left. Although, I can't really confirm if this one has a Dumbledore or not..." the attendant said, handing him the box.
You frowned a rather sad frown, disappointed. Perhaps one would blame the Malfoy boy for taking your turn (you did get there first after all) but in truth, he wanted what he wanted and he wasn't afraid to get it.
In your mind, all was fair in candy and war.
"Hey, aren't you the girl who ran into me last year? The Hufflepuff?" he asked, eyes looking you up and down.
You felt so small in his presence. Although you were both about the same height your first year together, he towered over you at this point in time.
"I...y-yeah. That's me. Umm...my name's Y/N, actually. And congrats on the frog. I came to get one but you managed to get the last one," you said, trying to keep it cool on the outside when on the inside you were a mess of nerves.
You really wanted Draco to like you. Not in a big, important way, no. Just enough to remember your name, at least.
He continued on staring at you silently, even when you finished talking. His gaze felt like a microscope on you and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
"You have weirdly shaped eyes," he says bluntly after a moment and you really wished you knew a spell that would have the floor swallow you whole.
"Umm...." you were unable to come up with a response.
You wish you were witty or funny or charismatic, but socializing did at times become quite difficult for you, and you weren't gifted with a quick mind or a sharp tongue.
"Anyways, I'm gonna go enjoy my frog now," he said as he walked away.
You were not surprised to feel the slight sting of tears forming in your eyes. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. You hated the fact that you were actually so sensitive. Your parents tried to make you feel better about it, stating that it just meant that you had a big heart.
“Well,” you thought, “if having a big heart meant it was easy for me to cry, then it didn't seem like a very good thing to have”.
Keeping your tears at bay (at least until you could sit down and put your sweater over your head so no one could see), you walked over to your compartment.
It was when you were nearly there that Draco's head popped out from his compartment's sliding door, startling you. You let out a small yelp, putting your hand over your mouth almost immediately after.
"Here, have this," he stated simply, as he reached his hand out towards you.
To your surprise, it was the chocolate frog box Your eyes widened, staring at it before cautiously retrieving it from his hand, switching your gaze back to him.
"I only wanted it for the card, and it's another stupid Dumbledore one" he claims, and before you could say anything, he slides the door shut, leaving you standing alone in the middle of the walkway, chocolate frog in hand.
It was then that you noticed that the box had its wrapping still in tact, meaning it was never opened in the first place.
Once you made it to your compartment and sat back down in your seat ("Nice! You got Celestina Warbeck," Mauve stated excitedly as she opened the box for you), You realized that your little crush on Draco Malfoy had turned into an actual one.
The first time you ever got to experience what it was like to fall in love with Draco Malfoy was in your fourth year at Hogwarts, a few weeks before the Yule Ball.
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fa-headhoncho · 4 years
Unlike The Rest: Part 1
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George Weasley x Reader (eventually)
Prompt:  The last few years have already been rough for you. Trying to make a new name for yourself while everyone still believes you like the rest of your family. But, this year is much worse since your little brother is starting his first year at Hogwarts.
Word Count: 2069
Reader: Female
Warning: My first time writing for HP in a LONG time, so I’m sorry in advance for any Americanized things and inaccuracy. I’m rusty, okay? Some people might be a bit out of character like the mother but I think she’s proven to have a bit of a different side of her that we don’t see.
Masterlist Series Masterlist
You run into the wall and everything just overwhelms you. The smoke of the train clouding the air, the chatter of new and old students filling your ears, and the sense of relief. The long summer months have finally come to this. Back at Hogwarts, the escape from your dreadful life.
A large smile appears on your features, seeing familiar faces whether they be in a scowl or a smile. You loved it here. Your home away from home… This place has given a new light into your life that you needed. Sure, you were a bit of a prat your first year but you seemed to turn it around your second year once you realized how much of an arsehole you were actually being.
Then something suddenly hits you in the back, snapping you out of your daze.
“Move it, tosser.” Your little brother sneers, your parents following behind them.
“Shove it, Draco.” You spit back, just glad he didn’t knock over your trolley full of stuff. “Next time you do that, I’ll make sure to tell the whole school you still sleep with your blankie. That will be sure to make a good first impression.”
The platinum blondes mouth opens slightly, a worried expression on his face. “Father!” He whines, turning to the looming figure standing behind him.
“(Y/N),” He sighs, “don’t threaten your brother.”
You just roll your eyes and straighten out your trolley, reaching over and giving your cat a calming pet. Dazing off once again, you look around the platform. You see Angelina Johnson, a Gryffindor in your year, and give her a friendly smile. She looks a bit taken aback at the fact that you were even tempting to interact with her. She just laughs and turns to her group of friends and starts giggling at you.
Well, at least you thought you made some new friends last year.
Your father and Draco continue to walk, trying to find a better spot than in front of the entrance of the platform. You slowly follow after them, wanting to not be left behind.
“...I’m sure you’ll get into Slytherin, Draco.” Father continues to press on. “Unlike your sister, you won’t disappoint us.” He takes a side glance at you but you pretend to not hear him, “Will you?”
“Of course not father.” He obliges as he always does. 
Draco has always been Daddy’s little pet but it got worse since you were sorted into your house, Hufflepuff, in. The house of kindness, loyalty, and diligence-- the house known for producing the least amount of dark wizards. At first, you were also mad and disappointed in this. Ultimately becoming a complete brat your first year to anyone and everyone to try to make up for it but the Sorting Hat’s words seem to echo in your head since then;
“I see good things to come from you, a Malfoy unlike the rest.”
And those words are what keeps you going in a household like yours. 
“Muggle studies, really, (Y/N).” Mother exclaims in disgust, reading your schedule for the new year. “Out of all the electives, you picked muggle studies?”
You think quickly, muggles and their culture have always seemed to interest you. Your father has talked bad about them and how they are inferior to the wizarding community but they seem to just have an intriguing lifestyle. 
“It must be a mistake!” You fret, grabbing the scroll from her hands and rereading it over. It definitely was not a mistake but you had to fake it. “I must have accidentally not sign up for another elective,” Frowning, you roll up your schedule and put it into your back pocket. “I think I was too focused on getting into Care of Magical Creatures…”
Father just rolls his eyes and leans his weight onto his long black cane. You never knew why he needed that cane but you never dared to ask, you know he keeps his wand in the handle but the whole cane wasn’t really necessary. He has always been into the theatrics. 
“I’ll be sure to have that changed.” He promises. “I don’t want you turning up like the muggle-loving Weasle father.” He sneers, his eyes falling to the entrance, seeing the first of the children of said family run through it. “A disgrace they are to the wizarding world.”
“Weasley…” You mumble under your breath, correcting him. Draco catches this and his eyebrows perk up, excited to get you in trouble once more.
“What did you sa--”
“Merlin,” Your father gasps, “Harry Potter…” He sees the famous boy run through with the youngest Weasley boy.
“Is it really?” Mother gasps, eyes snapping over to inspect as well.
Everyone knows who Harry Potter is, especially people like your parents. He’s a legend in wizarding history and it’s been long-awaited for him to come to Hogwarts.
“Draco, you need to make friends with him.” Your father says in a monotone voice, eyes never leaving the boy who lived. “Make sure he knows what families to associate with.” He turns back to his son.
“Of course, Father.” He gleams, excited at the opportunity to make his father proud.
Suddenly, a herd of students starts making their way to the train. Some more frantic than others. You smile. It’s finally time.
“You should be going now,” Your mother solemnly announces, sad to see her last child going off to Hogwarts. “You guys are growing up so fast,” She sighs cupping Draco’s face, father just rolls his eyes at her sentiments.
Draco just returns the smile and pulls her hand off of his cheek. He turns around, going to double-check all his stuff and continue to talk to your father about Harry Potter and the Weasley’s. 
She then turns to you, lowering her voice into a whisper. “Make sure you keep an eye on him, (Y/N).” She requests, a worried expression on his face. “I’m afraid that his mouth will get him into a lot of trouble.”
“Wouldn’t be a Malfoy without it, Mum.” You try to crack a joke with her. Out of everyone in your family, your mother seems to be the least cruel and most understanding. Not that she certainly agrees with you, but you are her daughter and she loves you. “I’ll try.” You give her a tight-lipped smile, giving her hand a squeeze. She returns the smile and sends you on your way.
“... I can’t believe he decided to sit that embarrassment Weasle-B.” Draco scoffs, already chatting shit with his friends Crabbe and Goyle.
You’ve always hated these kids, their parents are friends with yours and they’ve always seemed to cause trouble together. Your mother thinks they just have crushes on you but you rather not think of that.
“Crabbe, are you even listening?” He proclaimed, noticing the stout child's open mouth and gazed over expression. You look up from your copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to meet his gaze. You shift uncomfortably.
Crabbe snaps his eyes back to Draco and nods so vigorous that you’re sure he just scrambled whatever brains he had left in there.
“I’m going to go change into my robes.” You announce, needing to get away from these idiots as soon as possible. Belladonna, your white tabby, jumps off of your lap as you stand. “You three should too, we are getting close to the castle.”
You reach up and grab your yellow and black robes from the compartment above the bench you and Draco were sitting in. The other two boys do the same, grabbing their plain uniforms. Draco just sits there and shakes his head at you.
“I still can’t believe you’re in Hufflepuff.” He shakes his head.
“I still can’t believe you’re a prat.” You snap back, sending him a stern look. “The school year hasn’t even started and you already are pissing me off, Draco.” He hides his frown as you put your things under your arm and storm out of the cabin.
The dirt path is surrounded by trees, the first years just left with Hagrid on their traditional boat ride to show the kids the castle. You remember getting so excited, seeing the lights and the bridge sparked something in you that year.
Last year and this year are the same, you get to ride carriages across the bridge into the castle. Less grand, but still riveting none the less… Well, it should be but it just seems like a popularity contest. Seeing everyone group together to make sure they’re with their friends makes you nervous.
After first year, you made a bit of a bad name for yourself. Wanting to live up to the Malfoy name, since your sorting didn’t, you decided to act a bit out. Doing what you knew your parents would want, bullying the people in your year about their blood status and even their financial status. You really did regret it by the end of that year, no one wanted to be your friend nor did they even want to interact with you. The Slytherin wouldn’t either, they thought you were a disgrace as much as your parents did.
That led you to getting into some trouble. Which led you to detentions with Filch and even Hagrid when he was busy. Your heart changed when one of the said detentions met you with helping Hagrid care for the Bowtruckles that he kept on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Your love for the creatures sparked something and Hagrid had a chat with you. You realized what you did was wrong and wanted to change it. After that, you resorted to being quiet and just keeping your mouth shut… Well, as much as you could. 
Last year, you even dared to start making friends. Starting with your teammates on the Quidditch team. No one ever seemed to stick, though. But, people did start becoming nicer to you once they could tell the change of heart… It always seemed hard to keep friends once they heard your last name. All but one person cared about your last name and you are very grateful for him.
So this leaves you here, waiting till the last carriage or till someone invited you to come with them. You glance around, looking for that said one friend you made last year but everyone looks the same in their robes.
Your search is interrupted by rather large body knocking into you, sending your book flying onto the muddy ground. You frown once more, looking at your now ruined book on the ground. You turn to see what giant had bumped into you. Meeting a brown pair of eyes, you knew exactly who it was.
“Weasley.” You sigh, staring at the tall red head. “You’ve ruined my book!” You cry as he bends down to pick it up for you. He tries to open it but the mud keeps it sucked shut.
“I’m sor--”
“Daddy can buy you a new one.” The other one buds in, a scold grows on your face. No matter what your parents have said, you’ve always found the Weasley twins entertaining, to say the least. The three of you have your feud but it’s much more… playful than what others seem to think. They’ve always seemed to like riling you up, especially after first year. After the attitude check you had, you’ve realized it’s become a bit harmless and rather fun to argue with them.
“Which one are you, again?” You question, breaking the standoff. They both scoff, they loved playing that game with their mother but it just hits differently when others say it. You feel a bit bad and thought you went a bit too far, looking at the face of the one who initially bumped into, he looks a bit defeated at the fact that you can’t tell the difference.
“(Y/N)!” A familiar voice interrupts the silence. You turn and see your friend, Cedric, waving you over to him and his group. A large smile appears on your face. You wave back and turn back to face the twins.
“Always a pleasure, boys.” You chirp, your mood obviously changed. “I hope to see you in DADA this year.” The tall one then hands you back your book. “Thank you, George.” Grabbing it, you make sure to take a glance back at Fred, the smirk on your face matches his.
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lunaslethifold · 4 years
A Summer in Ottery St. Catchpole: Prologue (George Weasley x Potter!Reader)
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Pairing: George Weasley x Female!Potter!Reader
Series Synopsis: Y/N Potter used to have a huge crush on George Weasley. She could hardly even function around him. Now fresh out of a long relationship, she can say with confidence that those feelings she harbored for years are gone. George, on the other hand, had barely even acknowledged her existence. But now that Y/N is more comfortable around him, he starts to see the real her. George starts to see her in a new light. Boy, is that bad news for him. 
Warnings: Mentions of death.
Word Count: ~8.4k (Sorry! Future parts probably won’t be this long.)
Find the other works in this series in my masterlist (pinned and linked in my bio :))
A/N: Welcome to my new George Weasley series about this trope! Some things to note: I made the reader female because I am more comfortable writing that. The reader is in Gryffindor because it fits better with the story. I know it can be frustrating to read something that doesn’t fit you correctly and I’m very sorry! I also decided to make the reader adopted because not everyone looks like Harry, James, or Lily. I know I certainly don’t! This series takes place the summer after Goblet of Fire and before Order of the Phoenix, and will not be following canon completely to make room for the reader. I’ve no idea how long the other parts are going to be, but they probably won’t be this lengthy as this part covers the entire backstory. This is also the first fanfiction I’ve written in years, so please let me know what you think! Sorry about any off grammar and please enjoy! Thank you for reading!
The first time George Weasley laid eyes on Y/N Potter was on the day he was set to return for his 2nd year at Hogwarts. This time around he was more confident approaching the platform than he was his first year, but that wasn't saying much. On their first ride on the train, he and Fred had already started wreaking havoc on Percy and Charlie. 
George grinned at the other people waiting around the train. In particular, the first years that looked like they were about to pass out. His eyes landed on a girl that was standing alone, almost hugging the bar on her trolley. 
He nudged Fred. "Mate, does she look familiar to you?" he said, tilting his head in the direction of the girl.
"Dunno, maybe we saw her at Diagon Alley?" Fred offered, shrugging and turning his attention back to the chocolate frog in his hand. George glanced at the girl one last time and jumped into a conversation with Ginny. 
The first year didn't cross George's mind again until he was sitting in the great hall watching the sorting ceremony. He wasn't paying much attention, too preoccupied with the rumbling in his stomach, until he heard Professor McGonagall call out a name he hadn't heard in a long time.
"Y/N Potter."
She wasn't nearly as famous as her brother, sure, but that didn't stop the whispers from breaking out among the students. Professor McGonagall not so subtly cleared her throat and the hall quieted as the girl that caught his eye on the platform approached the stool. That's where he had seen her! Pictures of her and her family were all over the papers after the dark lord was defeated. She was much older now, yes, but the remnants of her younger self were still present on her face. Especially her eyes, George thought, but he quickly shook it out of his mind.
Perhaps he had been the one to recognize her because he'd seen photos of her long after they were the only thing being printed in the papers. Ginny kept a stash of things related to Harry Potter in her room and he had accidentally stumbled upon it. Maybe that's why Ginny only talked to him about Harry, or maybe it's because George was the only one who stopped to listen.
The entire Weasley family was close, but the twins and Ginny got along great. That might've been due to the fact that Bill and Charlie were much older than them and many of their pranks were directed at Percy and Ron. While many people thought of Fred and George as a package deal, which they were in a sense, it seemed that Ginny was one of the only people to think of him as his own person. Somehow she recognized the differences and George appreciated that beyond what words can express. 
He'd have to write Ginny about Harry Potter's sister coming to Hogwarts. The sorting hat seemed to be having a toss up about which house Y/N belonged to. He recalled the conversation he'd had with the old hat just last year. George was a Weasley; a Gryffindor through and through. But when the hat was placed on his head, it spoke about him having Slytherin and even Ravenclaw traits. Ultimately he was placed into Gryffindor just as the rest of his family had, though.
After a couple minutes of debate the sorting hat yelled out, "Gryffindor!" Y/N looked almost relieved and joined the Gryffindor table, not too far away from George and Fred. The rest of the sorting ceremony was uneventful and soon enough (though not soon enough for the twins), the food appeared on the plates before them.
A couple of times George caught his gaze slipping towards Y/N out of curiosity. Once their eyes met, he smiled at her. She gave him a nervous smile back and quickly turned back to her food. He thought it was a bit odd but brushed it off and continued to joke with Fred and Lee.
Y/N and George didn't see much of each other that year. They were in different years and Y/N seemed to spend more time out of the common room than in it. Him and his brother made the quidditch team as beaters, and occasionally he'd see her in the stands. 
So no, Y/N Potter and George Weasley were not friends. He couldn't even remember if he'd spoken to her before. That year flew by just as his first year did, and then he found himself on the train back home.
Next year Ron would be joining them at Hogwarts and Charlie wouldn't be coming back. That summer was spent playing quidditch with his siblings, teasing Percy for becoming a prefect, and going down to the village near the burrow. 
Y/N, on the other hand, was not having a good summer like the Weasleys. She had returned to the Dursleys’, but she was beyond ecstatic to see her little brother again. When she left for her first year at Hogwarts she had felt extremely guilty for leaving Harry alone and even went as far as to write Dumbledore asking if he could come a year early. He had reassured her that he would be fine and she should take the opportunity to see the world their parents lived in. 
Harry and Y/N weren't blood related, but they knew they were real siblings regardless. Similarly, Lily and James Potter were Y/N's mom and dad, even though their blood didn't run through her. Y/N's biological mom was Lily's best friend since the moment they met on the Hogwarts Express. She clashed with Snape, but remained loyal to Lily through it all. Not long after graduating she got married to Y/N's dad due to the brewing war. Lily and James were made the godparents of Y/N and weeks after her birth, her parents and their entire family were killed by death eaters. She was taken in immediately by the Potters and assumed their last name for safety. Soon little Harry came along and Y/N became a big sister. 
Unfortunately, as Voldemort set out with the intent of killing Harry, Lily and James' attempt to keep Y/N safe was put in jeopardy. The family of four went into hiding together. They were betrayed and the dark lord came to their home in Godric's Hollow. Lily knew that he was after Harry, not Y/N, and kept her promise to Y/N's biological parents that she'd keep her safe. Y/N was shoved into the closet in her and Harry's room, along with a muffling charm to silence her cries. That night not only did she hear her father getting killed, she saw her mother die trying to protect her younger brother through the shutters on the door. She heard her mother's cries and saw an evil, evil man try to murder her brother. Even though she was only two, Y/N possesses more memories of their parents and that night than Harry does.
This resulted in Y/N becoming extremely protective of Harry. Oftentimes this would cause her to get into trouble with the Dursleys. She was Harry's fiercest protector. When an escort came to collect her for Hogwarts, both her and Harry were introduced to magic and what their parents really were. She almost didn't go because she couldn't bear the thought of Harry having to deal with their relatives without her, but she eventually agreed. An escort brought her and her luggage to platform nine and three quarters on September first, but had to rush off right after. There she stood alone with her trolley, unsure of where to go or who to talk to. She surveyed the people around and her eyes landed on a group of redheads, most of them being children. The ones that were commanding the most attention were two twin boys, one of which was fiddling with a wrapper and one who had the brightest grin she had ever seen. She stared at him for a second before rapidly looking away. What she hadn't noticed after was the boy she was staring at was now looking at her.
On the train she didn't have much luck either, meeting a few students but ultimately sitting alone in a compartment reading a book. There was no telltale sign that she was a Potter, unlike her brother, who had the scar on his forehead. At the sorting ceremony, however, people began to take notice of her when they heard her name. The sorting hat had a long conversation with her about what house she belonged in. The big argument was about Gryffindor or (house of choice), but Y/N asked to be put in Gryffindor, like her parents.
Y/N took a seat at the Gryffindor table, trying to shake off everyone talking about and looking at her. The rest of the sorting ceremony went by and soon everyone was digging into the feast. Katie Bell, a fellow first year Gryffindor, struck up a conversation with Y/N and others around her. She relaxed a little and surveyed the rest of her housemates. Her eyes unexpectedly met those of the boy who she had been staring at on the platform. His lips turned up into a smile and a wave of anxiety crashed onto the girl. She smiled shakily at him and felt her cheeks warm up. Y/N quickly turned her attention back to the food sitting on her plate, which seemed quite interesting to her at the moment.
The rest of that year passed by quicker than she liked and soon enough she was back at the Dursley household. She was happy to see Harry, but Hogwarts was now more home than Privet Drive had ever been. The only thing missing was her brother, but he was due to follow right after the summer. 
So it couldn't be going by any slower. 
Between her uncle's shouting and her summer reading, she quickly found herself wishing the break would zoom by. She thought she was used to it, but she was getting fed up with Vernon and Petunia's constant nagging.
"Clean the kitchen!"
"Set the table!"
"Dust the living room!"
"Hurry up with dinner!"
Y/N would never admit it, but quite a few times she had to put her wand out of reach when it all became too much. Especially when Harry was getting the heat. She'd much rather have all the yelling directed at her than Harry.
September first rolled around and Y/N was accompanied by Harry to King’s Cross. Hagrid had dropped them off and left. As they pushed their trolleys through the station, Y/N found herself quite turned around. Which platforms was it between? Which wall were they supposed to enter through? Last time her escort had to apparate her and her things onto the platform because they were running behind schedule. Now she was wishing she had paid more attention because she couldn't for the life of her find the dang entrance. 
Both of the Potter kids were growing nervous as the time ticked closer to departure. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, a familiar head, or rather heads, of red hair caught Y/N's eye. She looked at them and Harry followed her gaze. The Weasley family was moving through King’s Cross at a rapid speed. 
As they passed, Harry and Y/N heard a snippet of their conversation. "-packed with muggles-" said the oldest woman.
"Muggles?" Harry whispered, turning to his sister. "Isn't that… Well come on then!" He raced after the woman.
"Harry! Wait!" Y/N ran after him and by the time she caught up he was already talking to them. Y/N shook her head. Why couldn't Harry have just followed them onto the platform? Why'd he have to stop and talk to them? She'd never say it out loud, but Harry wasn't always the brightest when it came to things like this.
Before them stood five people, presumably all family members. An older woman, three of Y/N's housemates, and a younger boy. 
"Excuse me," Harry said to them as Y/N approached. "Dyknow how to-" he gulped and tried again. "How to-”
"Get onto the platform?" finished the woman. Harry blushed a little bit and nodded. She gave him a kind smile. "Yes, of course dear. Don't worry, it's Ron's first year too," She gestured to the younger boy that stood nearby. He half smiled at them.
Harry smiled brightly back. "I'm Harry."
"Ron Weasley." 
Then it seemed everyone turned to Y/N expectedly. Her mouth went dry and she shifted on her feet.
"And you're Y/N, right?" spoke up one of the twins. Was it Fred or George? She nodded shyly and fiddled with the hem of her shirt. Why was she nervous all of a sudden? Maybe she wasn't as outgoing as Harry, but she was never this shy.
"Well, it's nice to meet you two. Now to get onto the platform, you just run straight into the wall there. Percy, you show them," said their mom, breaking the silence. The oldest one, Percy, who Y/N recognized as three years above her, ran to the wall and disappeared through it. "See? Just like that. Now you, Fred."
"He's not Fred, I am!" said the twin who spoke earlier. Ah, so Fred had introduced Y/N.
"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother," said the other twin.
"Oh! Sorry George." She beckoned him forward.
He walked forward and spoke again. "'I’m only joking, I am Fred." Fred smiled and ran through the wall. Oh, so it was George that had introduced Y/N after all.
"Can I go next, mum?" said Ron.
"Yes, and Harry, why don't you go with him?" she replied. Ron and Harry ran towards the wall. Something small slipped off Ron's trolley without him knowing. 
"Ron!" his mother called, picking it up and running after him through the passage. Now it was just George and Y/N.
"Did you really not know how to get onto the platform? Or did you just want an excuse to talk to me?" he laughed and grinned at her.
Y/N felt heat rush to her cheeks. "Erm… I-" she cleared her throat. "Last year my escort apparated me onto the platform," She looked at her shoes.
His smile didn't falter at her awkwardness. "Ah, that explains it. Well, have a go at the platform then." 
George and Y/N saw a little bit more of each other during Harry and Ron's first year. Often she could be found talking with Harry, Ron, and even Hermione around the fire. He could tell that they had a really close relationship. 
Sometimes they'd be hanging out or sitting with the same group, but only because of their siblings or Katie Bell, Y/N's friend, who was now on the quidditch team along with Harry. He started to see Y/N in the stands during games much more often now, probably because her brother and friend were playing.
George thought Y/N was, well, a bit odd. She was awkward, much more than her brother who got on quite well with him and his twin. She always seemed to be tripping over her words and fidgeting when he saw her. But she was the same way her first year, so he just boiled it down to her being shy.
The first time since Y/N's sorting that George thought about her for more than a few fleeting seconds was at the end of that year. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had returned after stopping Professor Quirrel from getting his hands on the Sorcerer's Stone. Percy, Fred, George, and Y/N were all summoned to the hospital wing when they returned.
Y/N looked utterly distressed. She even began to walk ahead of them on the way. When they reached the hospital wing, she bolted straight for Harry on the other side of the room. She hugged him and whispered a conversation with him. Harry had smiled and seemed to reassure her. 
Then, before him and his brothers even had a chance to step forward, Y/N turned towards his brother. "Oh, Ron!" she exclaimed and then pulled him into a hug, just like the one she had given Harry. Then she took his face in her hands and tried to look him over. "Are you alright?" Ron nodded and smiled at her. Y/N let go and rushed to Hermione's side.
George was taken by surprise. Sure, Harry was Y/N's brother, but she seemed just as concerned about his brother's wellbeing and Hermione's. He'd have to ask Ron about it later. George smiled, shook his head, and approached Ron's bed.
Just as the previous summer, Y/N and now Harry went back to their Aunt and Uncle's. Harry and Y/N had gotten into big trouble when Dobby the house elf came to visit. Uncle Vernon was so angry that he put bars on their shared bedroom window and forbade them from returning to Hogwarts. Luckily for them, a certain family of redheads came to the rescue. 
While they were up late talking in their bedroom, they heard something out of their window. Outside was a flying Ford Angelina, driven by Fred Weasley, with his brothers George and Ron sitting in the car. They ripped the bars out of their place on the wall and pulled up to the window.
"Ron!" Harry smiled widely at him. Y/N couldn't stop the grin that grew on her face. "What are you doing here?"
"We've come to rescue you, of course! Now c'mon and get your trunks," Ron replied. The two Potter siblings heaved their trunks into the car through the window. As Harry handed Hedwig's cage to Ron, Y/N heard stirring from the other side of the house. 
"Harry, hurry. I hear Uncle Vernon," she spoke calmly, but there was a panicked expression on her face. "Go on, you first."
Harry began to climb out of the window and into the car with Y/N's assistance. Just as Harry was safely inside, Uncle Vernon barged into the room.
"Y/N!" Harry shouted, pointing at their uncle. Her eyes widened and she not so carefully leaped out of the window and towards the car. She caught onto someone trying to help her in, but she didn't have time to process who it was because Uncle Vernon's hand had enclosed around her ankle. She kicked her leg and tried to heave herself up, but the grip was tight on her leg.
"Let go, you tosser!" called out the person she was clinging to. She kicked hard one last time, and while his grip faltered, she pulled herself up by the person she was clinging to. The door slammed shut and she found herself face to face with one of the Weasley twins. Ron and the other twin were in the front seat, while she and Harry were sat on either side of the twin in the backseat. Y/N felt heat rise to her cheeks and she let go of him. 
"Fred, you're going the wrong way," said the twin, George, next to her. Fred turned the car around. Ron and Harry had already jumped into a rather animated conversation. 
Y/N cleared her throat nervously, then spoke up. "Thank you. For saving Harry... er, us."
"It was nothing, really," said Fred, cracking a smile. 
"Yeah, someone had to. I mean, they've got bars on your window. Your uncle must be mad," George said. Y/N laughed. Never had she heard anyone but her and Harry speak bad about Uncle Vernon. 
The rest of the ride was spent making conversation with the twins, but Fred did most of the talking. Soon they landed at their family home and went inside. The five of them were caught by Molly Weasley, who gave Harry and Y/N a warm hug.
Their trunks were lugged inside. While Mrs. Weasley was scolding her children, Y/N rushed to hers and opened it. She pulled out a box wrapped in newspaper and handed it to Harry. "Happy birthday, Harry. Sorry it's not anything special, but when we go back to Diagon Alley we can get something better," she smiled at him. 
He smiled back and said, "Thank you Y/N, and I know whatever it is, it's brilliant." He unwrapped the paper to reveal a pair of red and yellow gloves that matched his scarf perfectly. "Did you- did you make these?"
Y/N smiled bashfully and nodded. "'S alright if you don't like them, but I saw the leftover yarn when I was doing laundry and-"
"Y/N," he cut her off. "Thank you. I love them. They're perfect." Y/N smiled widely and pulled Harry in for a hug. What the two didn't see was the Weasley family watching the exchange. 
Mrs. Weasley smiled warmly. "Now who wants breakfast?"
For the rest of that summer Y/N bunked with Ginny Weasley. Although she acted a little starstruck at first, they were fast friends. Even though she could talk to Y/N, she still hadn't spoken a word to Harry. Before long the nine of them had to head to Diagon Alley to get ready for the upcoming school year. Ginny was starting her first year, Harry his second, Y/N her third, and the twins their fourth.
While they were shopping for books at Flourish and Blotts they ran into Draco Malfoy. He didn't skip a beat before immediately insulting all of them.
"And what, Potter number one has nothing to say this time? Nervous around your boyfriend?" said Draco to Y/N, gesturing vaguely to the Weasleys standing nearby. "I wouldn't be surprised. They're blood traitors just like your 'father' was." He put air quotes around father. "But I suppose after marrying a muggle's child, he'd let anyone into his family, if you could even call it that." Y/N took a menacing step forward, then felt someone step up to her side. 
"Malfoy, you have no idea what real family is," one of the twins said, standing to her left. She turned and the "G" stitched on his sweater stared back at her. Fred joined him. 
"Yeah, Malfoy. Harry and Y/N are more family than all of your relatives combined," Fred said from his spot next to George. 
"What's that supposed to mean, weasel?" Draco crossed his arms.
"Well I don't reckon Lucius Malfoy is very loving to his son," George shot back. Y/N's jaw dropped to the floor. 
"How d-" Draco began, before his father came up to the group. The rest of the conversation passed by in a blur for Y/N. As they continued on getting their school supplies, she found herself glancing at George and getting deeply nervous when he was around her.
Oh no, she thought. Y/N Potter was developing a crush on George Weasley.
Throughout her third year, Y/N avoided George as much as she possibly could. She thought that if she avoided him, her feelings would go away. Unfortunately for her, since they were in the same house and shared some of the same friends, this was proving to be extremely difficult.
So, yeah, George saw less of Y/N than he should have. Not that he noticed, of course. She was more of Ginny's pal and Harry's sister than his friend. But at the end of the year she proved she was someone that would be sticking around.
When Ginny had gone missing, Y/N was extremely upset. Harry could see it, Ron could see it, and even George (who didn't pay her much attention) could see it. But even feeling that way, she made sure to comfort the Weasleys. Even Percy, who had spoken to her the least out of all of them. 
Then, when Harry, Ron, and Ginny returned from the chamber, she practically sprinted to the hospital wing. Just like last year, she ran to Harry's side and made sure he was ok. Then, she turned to Ginny, who it seemed everyone had turned against, and hugged her. Ginny looked relieved that finally someone wasn't scolding her for what happened to her.
George smiled gratefully at Y/N, then started talking to Ron.
Y/N and Harry were staying at the Leaky Cauldron the summer before her fourth year. They had left Privet Drive after an unfortunate incident involving their Aunt Marge and escaped on the knight bus. There they ran into the Weasley family, who had just returned from Egypt.
"And after we got there-" Y/N was sitting and listening intently to Ron, who was recounting his trip to Egypt.
"Goodness Ron, how many people are you going to tell about it?" interrupted Fred, walking down the stairs. 
"What? I've barely told anyone, George," Ron replied, glaring at him.
"Actually, I'm George," came a voice from someone who was descending the stairs. Y/N suddenly found the newspaper in front of her very interesting. Fred glanced at her. "And I reckon Y/N's got better things to do than listen to you talk about some dusty old buildings." 
Y/N felt blood rushing to her cheeks and bit her lip. While Ron and George continued to bicker, a wide grin made its way onto Fred's face. He looked between Y/N and George. Fred had noticed something off about them and he had finally figured it out.
Fred Weasley knew Y/N's secret.
"Detention, Miss Potter," Professor Snape's voice called out. She tried to stay out of trouble, but it seemed that Snape had a particular dislike for her. She groaned inwardly and bit her tongue. "My office after dinner." Y/N suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and nodded.
After classes, Y/N found her way to Professor Lupin's office. He was sort of like her newly appointed godfather after she was adopted by James and Lily. Her and Harry spent a lot of time with him. 
"-And Snape's given me another detention. I swear he's got it out for me, Professor," she said to him. Lupin laughed and shook his head. "It can't be fair, can it? I mean, I'm a good student."
"That you are, Y/N. But did you ever stop to consider that Professor Snape was not having the best day? Or other students were putting him on edge as well?" he replied, going through the papers on his desk.
"Well, maybe." She paused. "But I swear he's been like this since first year. It's almost as if he's mad at me for something I didn't do. Like I was cursed from birth," she said jokingly. Lupin smiled as if he knew something she didn't. He opened his mouth to reply, but seemed to decide against it. Just then, the door to the office was opened.
Harry was standing in the entrance. "There you are, Y/N. I thought I'd find you here."
"Harry, what's up?" Y/N said to him, smiling slightly.
"Dinner is nearly done and you hadn't shown up, so I thought I'd see what you were doing," he replied.
Y/N shot up from her seat. "Dinner's almost done!?" She began to gather up her things. "Dang it, I forgot I had to go to Snape's right after dinner. I better get going then. Bye Professor. Harry. Thank you!" She waved as she rushed out of the room. 
Y/N sprinted down to the dungeons and turned the corner, checking her watch. She should've been there already. Since she wasn't watching where she was going, she smacked straight into someone. She slowly looked up and her eyes met cold ones.
"Miss Potter, it is probably useful to look where you are going when you're running. Although I suppose silly things like that aren't important to someone who is late to detention," Snape's monotone voice said. Behind him stood Fred and George. One of them stepped forward and helped her up. "Well, since Mr. Weasley is so keen on helping you, Miss Potter, he will be joining you in reorganizing the potion supplies." The one who helped her up groaned. "Alphabetically," he added. The other twin moved to join them. "You, Mr. Weasley, on the other hand, will be cleaning the trophy room and I will be accompanying you. You can't possibly think I'd trust you two alone. Now run along. I'll be checking on you in an hour." 
Y/N didn't have to be told twice and started towards the supply room.
"I'm Fred by the way," said the twin beside her.
She nodded. "Ah, that's what I figured." Fred smiled.
"That's what you figured?" he laughed.
She joined in. Well, you're not giving me butterflies, she thought. "It's not like you guys are the same person."
"Thanks for noticing," he grinned. "But I would've thought it was because of a certain reason."
"A certain reason? What's that supposed to mean?" Y/N replied, fiddling with her sleeve. She giggled slightly. Had she been that obvious?
"Well, judging by the way you act around George-" he started. She could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
Y/N cut him off with, "I don't know what you're talking about." She walked ahead into the storage closet.
"If you say so." He put his hands up in surrender. They began to work on organizing all of the ingredients. "How did you end up in detention anyways?"
"Who knows anymore? Snape always has something to say about me." She changed her voice to imitate Snape's. "Potter, that potion is terrible. Potter, stop daydreaming in class. Potter, you're enjoying yourself too much. Potter, I am a greasy fun sucker."
Fred laughed loudly and Y/N joined in. "Yeah, it always seemed like ol’ Severus had a problem with you and Harry." Y/N smiled gratefully. Finally someone else validated her feelings. "But I never guessed that Y/N Potter would be spending her evenings in detention making fun of her professors."
"Well maybe you need to get to know me better, then."
"Yeah? Well maybe I will."
That was the start of Fred and Y/N's friendship.
Fred knew that Y/N didn't feel comfortable being herself around George. He wished she was, though. They were fast friends and he had grown quite fond of her. Not wanting to push her out of her comfort zone, Fred spent time with her without George. He liked to push people's buttons, but also knew what buttons not to push. Fred understood.
George did not. He always wondered why Fred went off to hang with Y/N Potter of all people. She was nice enough, sure, but he had no idea what they would do or talk about. So he was confused when Fred was so excited about her coming to stay with them for the rest of the summer. Ginny also seemed to be bouncing off the walls at the thought. Maybe it was the whole idea of the Quidditch World Cup in general that had everyone energized.
Soon enough the Potters and Hermione joined the Weasleys at the burrow. Fred and George were on their way back from town when they arrived.
Ginny opened the door and leaned out. "Oi! Y/N's here! And Harry and Hermione, too." A wide grin spread across Fred's face and he walked ahead into the house. George followed shortly after and stood in the doorway. They didn't notice him standing there.
"Fred!" Y/N said, giving him a hug. George thought that they were both grinning like madmen and a small smile made its way to his face.
"About time you showed up," Fred said to her. He turned to the others. "Finally some more people to test out our products. Ron can't seem to handle it." 
"Fred!" Ron said, glaring at him.
"Products?" Y/N said, turning to him with a questioning look.
"Yeah, I'll show you. Come on! I've got so much to tell you," Fred replied, rushing up the stairs. Y/N raced after him and they engaged in a rather animated conversation.
"I guess I should join them before Fred blows Y/N's head off," Ginny laughed and made her way towards the stairs. Now it was just George, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
"Aren't you going to join them?" said Ron to George.
"Ron!" Hermione said, lightly hitting him with her book.
"Ow, what?"
"Join them?" George spoke up, confused.
"Yeah, aren't you friends with Y/N now? We see you guys hanging out all of the time in school," said Ron.
"Come to think of it, I guess I only really see her with Fred," said Harry, shrugging. He sent a questioning look to George.
"Well-" George started, but they were interrupted by a loud bang from upstairs followed by raucous laughter.
"Fred! That better not be my room again!" Ron said, sprinting up the stairs. Harry laughed and ran after him, followed shortly by Hermione. George felt inclined to go after them.
When he got there he found that no, it was not Ron's room again. They were in his and Fred’s shared room. Ron, Hermione, and Harry were standing in the doorway. He moved closer and peered over their heads, which wasn't hard because he was quite tall. Inside he saw Ginny, Fred, and Y/N all sitting on the floor huddled together.
Ginny had her hand resting on Y/N's shoulder. Y/N was leaning close to Fred, who had something in his hand. They all had smiles that they couldn't seem to shake off. All three of them seemed so… in their element. George couldn't quite describe it, but it was odd seeing as he never really saw Y/N like this.
"What's going on with you lot?" George called, feigning sternness.
"Nothing!" the three on the floor called in unison. Y/N hadn't looked up at him yet, but his siblings were staring up at him. They stared for a few silent seconds before Ginny burst with laughter, falling onto her back. Fred started laughing too, and he even saw Y/N covering up her giggles between them.
As the time to the world cup ticked closer, George couldn't help but notice how close his twin and Y/N had gotten. Usually the two of them had the same friends, so it was a little bit odd for George. He brushed it off, though. Fred saw something in her that he didn't, so what? Fred had a good way of making people come out of their shell, he supposed.
Before long it was the morning of the day they had all been anticipating. They began their trek to the portkey. 
"George, you've got the face paint right?" Fred said to him when they left the house. George's eyes widened.
"No, I left it on the table. Keep going, I'll catch up." He dashed back into the house and retrieved what he needed. When he exited the house again, the group was in the distance. He broke into a jog to catch up with them. When he was catching up to the back of the group, he caught a snippet of a conversation.
Y/N and Harry were lagging a little bit behind everyone. George didn't mean to snoop, he swears. He just heard by accident.
"-spending time with him. Y/N, are you and Fred, er… dating?" Harry said to his sister. George had thought the same thing. But no, Fred would've told him. Besides, Fred was interested in Angelina.
"No! No. W-we're not, I promise. We're just really good friends," Y/N sputtered out quickly. 
"Well it's just that you only hang out with him and not George. You have to admit that's a bit odd," Harry replied. She shrugged her shoulders. "Do you have a crush on him?" he said, teasingly.
Y/N bit her bottom lip. "Have a crush on…?"
"Fred," he finished for her.
"No. Definitely not." She sounded sure this time.
Harry grinned. "Brilliant. We can't have my sister getting a boyfriend, can we?" She pushed him lightly on the shoulder.
"Alright. Whatever you say. I wonder what Cho would think about all of this." She walked faster, heading to Ginny and Hermione.
"What-" Harry looked bewildered. "How-"
"I'm older than you. I know everything," she called over her shoulder, smiling cheekily.
George waited a minute before he decided it was time to make himself known. "Fred! I've got it." He waved the paint in the air.
Soon enough, they arrived at their destination. There, his father was talking to Amos Diggory. Just then, a figure jumped out of the tree they were standing by. He recognized the boy as Cedric, who was in the same year as him.
Hermione, Ginny, and Y/N exchanged glances in front of him and Fred. The two of them moved to pass the girls and greet Cedric. He saw Fred poke Y/N's side playfully as they passed.
"Diggory!" Fred called out. Cedric turned around. The three of them weren't the best of friends, but they got along just fine. Maybe if the three were in the same house, they'd know each other better. "What's up mate?"
Nearby Y/N, Hermione, and Ginny were talking. "He's kind of cute, don't you think?" Ginny whispered.
Hermione smiled bashfully. "Yes, I suppose so."
"What do you think, Y/N?" Ginny said, turning to her.
"Oh, er… yeah. For sure," Y/N answered. 
"You don't sound very sure of yourself," said Hermione. Ginny nodded in agreement.
"Well, you're staring over there," added Ginny, laughing slightly. Yeah, at your brother, Y/N thought to herself. She quickly averted her gaze.
"Am not!"
"Don't look now, but I think Cedric noticed," Hermione said with a slight giggle in her tone. Y/N glanced up to Cedric looking in their direction. Fred seemed to have followed his gaze and was now looking at them too.
A cheeky grin spread across his face. "Oi, Y/N! Come say hi!"
Y/N approached them and shot Fred a glare. Cedric stuck his hand out to her. She took it and they shook hands.
"Cedric Diggory."
"Y/N Potter."
After the crazy night at the game, the trek from the portkey to the burrow seemed much longer than before. In fact, so much so that George was lagging behind the rest of the group. In front of him was Fred and Y/N, who seemed to be in their own little world. Just as earlier in the day, he caught a snippet of a conversation that wasn’t meant for his ears.
“So, what’d you think of Diggory?” Fred said to Y/N in a teasing manner.
“What did I think of… Cedric? Yeah, he’s a nice guy,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders.
“A nice guy?” Fred laughed and Y/N rolled her eyes. “I think he took a liking to you…”
“A liking to me? What’s that supposed to mean exactly?”
“Oh, you know. He just seemed a little bit… flirty, if you will,” Fred said with a large grin on his face.
“No, I will not,” Y/N replied with the hint of a laugh in her voice. “He was just being friendly. Besides…” she leaned closer to Fred. “You know I fancy-”
Just then George heard a loud crunch that came from the bottom of his foot. He had stepped on a branch.
Fred and Y/N whipped around.
“George!” she exclaimed. “I- We- We didn’t quite s-see you there!” she said, wringing her hands nervously. 
He felt a little bad at her mortified look. “Oh yeah, sorry about that. I was way behind and just caught up now.” Okay, so he lied. But she did look relieved, so it didn’t matter much to him.
A smile crossed her face. “B-brilliant.”
“Y/N, I think I heard Harry calling your name,” Fred said after a long silence. Y/N sent him a grateful look and headed to the group in front of them.
The Yule Ball was fast approaching and all of the students at Hogwarts seemed to be buzzing with excitement. Everyone except Y/N, of course. She had been stressed about Harry in the tournament and more obviously, she had not yet secured a date. Y/N was silently wishing that a certain someone would ask her, but she tried not to get her hopes up. He had never really given her much attention anyways. 
Y/N was sitting in the library doing her potions homework. Despite the upcoming holidays, Professor Snape still decided to pile on work. She lifted her quill to dip into the ink bottle that was sat on the table. 
“Y/N.” A voice from behind her cut through the silence of the library. Several heads turned their way. On top of that, the person had startled her so much that she knocked the ink all over her parchment. She tried to contain her huff and turned around.
“Yes?” she said in the politest tone possible. 
“O-oh I’m sorry about that,” said the boy before her.
Her gaze softened and a polite smile made its way to her face. “Don’t worry about it. My essay was rubbish anyways. Kenneth Towler, right?”
“Yes, that’s me. And I highly doubt that. You’re one of the top students in your year, aren’t you?” he replied, fidgeting with his hands. Y/N felt a bit of heat rise to her face and smiled brighter. And were those… butterflies in her stomach? “A-anyways, I was wondering if you were going to the ball with anyone…?”
She was a bit startled by the question. “The ball? Oh no, no one’s asked me.” Y/N’s smile faltered a bit. 
“Oh wow, that’s surprising. Well, I was wondering if-” he cleared his throat. “I was wondering if y-you wanted to go with me? To the ball, I mean,” he stammered. Y/N smiled to herself at his awkwardness. It was endearing, in a way.
When she opened her mouth to reply, a head of red hair caught her attention. It was George, walking towards the exit of the library. Her eyes followed him for a split second, as if that would will him to come over and ask her to be his. She shook the thought out of her head. Come on, Y/N, he’s barely even spoken to you. 
“You know what, Kenneth? I would love to.” 
And just like that the idea of George Weasley got smaller and smaller inside of her head.
“Fred! Fred!” a voice called from down the corridor that the twins were walking through. It was Y/N’s. They turned towards her.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Y/N Potter,” Fred said, grinning as she approached. George thought that she seemed to have an extra pep in her step. She came forward and grabbed Fred’s arm in excitement.
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it Fred. Someone’s just asked me to the ball. I didn’t think anyone would,” Y/N said. A bright smile was spread across her face. “Oh, and, erm, hi Geroge.” He nodded and smiled at her in acknowledgement.  That was a bit unusual. She never really seemed to speak to him unless he spoke to her first.
“Oh, rubbish. You’re a right catch, Y/N Potter. Who’s the lucky guy?” replied Fred.
That just seemed to make Y/N’s smile wider. “Kenneth Towler.”
This shocked both Fred and George.
“Kenneth Towler? The Gryffindor? In our year?” Fred asked, eyes slightly wide. Y/N nodded. “Did you think you wouldn’t have any other options?” he teased, snickering slightly. Y/N lightly hit the side of his arm with the parchment rolled up in her hand.
“Oh hush, Fred. He’s a really nice guy. And handsome, too,” she said, laughing lightly. Oh thank goodness, George thought. She knows he’s teasing. For a second there he thought she’d get offended, but then he remembered that Y/N and Fred knew each other really well. They were quite close. Best mates, one could call it.
“Handsome! Handsome?! Well, I guess whatever floats your boat, Y/N. He’s definitely not Fred Weasley handsome, but he’s okay I suppose.” George let out a laugh at his brother’s word. 
“Funny, coming from you Fred. I reckon Angelina will have to wear a blindfold to the ball if she even wants a chance at having a good time,” she replied. This made George shake with laughter. Y/N smiled brightly at him and fiddled with the bottom of her jumper. Did Y/N potter just make a joke? He had never seen it before. Perhaps that was why Fred had her around so much. She looked like she wanted to say something to him, but someone called his name and that was that.
The night of the ball soon came and Y/N was scrambling to get ready. Her hands were only slightly shaking as she was putting on her necklace.
"Are you nervous, Y/N? It's only Kenneth," her roommate, Katie said as she took the clasps of the jewelry out of her hand. She clipped it for her.
"That's the thing, Katie. It's not just Kenneth. He's the first boy who has shown interest in me and I really want him to like me," Y/N replied exasperated. 
"The first boy-" Katie sputtered in surprise. "The first boy? Y/N, I can name four guys off the top of my head who've fancied you."
"Katie, I've no idea what you are on about. If anyone liked me why didn't they tell me or ask me out?" Y/N laughed slightly at the idea. She would've known if someone was interested in her… right?
"Well maybe it's because you never showed interest back," she replied, shrugging. Perhaps she had spent too much time looking at George to realize anyone was looking at her. Well, no matter. The fact was she was going with Kenneth tonight. Y/N finished with her accessories and stepped back to look in the mirror. Her roommate made her way to the mirror as well. "Wow Y/N, you look absolutely stunning."
A bright, genuine smile made its way to her face. "Thank you, Katie. Truly. And I know your date is going to be absolutely gobsmacked when he sees you." The two girls shared a laugh, then made their way down to the great hall.
That night Y/N hung out with Fred and Angelina, but she spent the most time with her date.
A few days later, after her second official date with him, she had an important conversation with Fred. The two of them were lounging in the courtyard.
"Y'know what, Fred?" she said. He hummed in response. "I'm completely over your brother." A large grin was spread across her face. 
Fred sat up from leaning on her shoulder and turned to face her. "Are you really?" Y/N nodded excitedly. It was sort of… liberating to her. She felt she wasn't held back by her unrequited nonsense anymore. "That's surprising, seeing as you've fancied him since what? Before your fourth year?"
"Before my third year, actually. When you lot saved me and Harry from the big bad Dursley household." They both laughed at that. "But now I'm free." Fred raised his eyebrows. "Free from having to worry about George. Or what he thinks of me, at least. Now I've got Kenny. I don't know how to describe it, but he just makes me feel… good."
Fred grinned at her. "Kenny?"
"Yes, Kenny. You know I give everyone nicknames, Frederick," she replied, rolling her eyes.
George had a great time at the Yule Ball. There was dancing, singing, and good times. The Yule Ball also brought change, but it would take a little while for him to notice it.
Y/N seemed to have a magical night at the ball with her date. They went on a few dates after that and Kenneth asked her to be his girlfriend. She agreed of course, and they seemed happy as they could be for the rest of the year, given the circumstances. George saw that while Y/N still didn't really hang out with him, she came up to Fred while he was there more often now. He started to see more of her. Kenneth must be helping her come out of her shell, he thought.
Near the end of the year, George and Fred were walking through an empty corridor. They then turned the corner and were shocked to see a crying Y/N being comforted by Harry. Or at least he was trying to comfort her. He looked a little helpless. 
"Y/N!" Fred exclaimed, sliding onto the bench next to her. He threw an arm around her comfortingly and said, "What's wrong?"
Y/N sniffled. "It's Kenneth," Harry answered for her. George felt a pang of anger go through him. He wasn't close to Y/N, but he still felt bad for her.
Fred looked even more angry than he felt. "What did he do?" said Fred, who George could tell was trying to contain his anger. She lifted her head from her hands.
"He didn't do anything. It's- It's-" Y/N started before stopping and letting out a shaky breath. "It's his parents. They're moving to- to-" she said, putting her head back into her hands. 
"They're moving to America," said Harry, sensing that her throat was closing up.
“Moving to America?” Fred said incredulously. “Why?”
“They don’t think it’s safe here anymore,” she said, lifting her head once again. She tried to control her breathing and wiped her tears. “He has to sever all ties here and… I said I’d wait for him. Wait until this is all over. But he said that I’d be happier without waiting. Without him…” A fresh set of tears made their way to Y/N’s eyes. “But I’m not really happy now, am I?” she laughed at herself pathetically and tried to sit up straighter.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N,” Fred said, rubbing comforting circles on her back.
“Thanks, Fred.”
After George’s sixth year at Hogwarts everything seemed to change. You Know Who was back in his own body. Cedric Diggory was murdered in cold blood simply for being with Harry. The Order of the Phoenix was reestablished.
And another thing. Something about Y/N Potter had changed in George’s eyes. The summer before his last year at Hogwarts, the image of her in his head changed. And he wasn’t sure if it was for the better or not.
Please let me know what you think and ask me any questions you have! My askbox is always open! Thank you so much for reading!
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Perhaps a scene of Fred x reader sending off their child/children at platform 9 and 3/4
Maybe while seeing things that remind them of their Hogwarts time? (E.g first day, big prank, tearful summer holiday goodbye, etc.)
You grabbed the bags and put them in the car. "Excited Orion?" You asked your son. "Totally! I can't wait to see Rose and Freddie!" He said practically bouncing as he spoke. You smiled and Fred chuckled. "Reminds me of how I used to be before coming to school." Fred said. You smirked. "You? Excited for school?" You teased. "I was more excited to see a certain girl at school than actually going to school." He said making you smile. Orion gagged in response. "Ew. Dad. I'm still here." He said making you laugh. "Alright you two, in the car." You said. You drove and it reminded you of the car rides you used to have.
"Dad... Do you think I'll fit in?" You asked your father who used to go to Hogwarts. "Absolutely. Hogwarts has a place for everyone sweetheart." He told you. You smiled and looked out the windows. You were so small the world seemed like it was fit for giants. Fred was the opposite though. He was excited his first year to go to school, after all he was going with his best friend and brother. He was so ready for this. Yes. The world right now seemed huge compared to him and his brother. But damn it, that's a world to be explored.
"And do try to avoid trouble, God knows your dad got into enough while were there." You said as you wheeled his suitcase to the platform. "If I recall this correctly-- which I know I am-- you were just as bad." Fred said with a smile. You rolled your eyes and Orion snickered. "I won't... Ish." "Orion." "I won't..." He was clearly lying. You sighed and you all ran through the wall. The steam hit you and you coughed a couple of times. Time seemed to rewind as you stared at your surroundings.
"What do I do once I'm on the train papa?" You asked. "you try to make friends. Don't worry doll, you'll be just fine." He assured you. His confidence seemed to make you brave as you walked over to the door, waiting for it to open. A boy stood next to you and you looked over at the brown eyes that met yours. "Hi." You said. "I'm Fred." He introduced. "And I'm George." Someone said on the other side of you making you jump. Fred smiled and you looked at the two of them. "Twins... Fascinating. My mum's a twin." You said. "Identical?" Both of them asked in unison. "Yep. Makes it difficult but I can always tell who's who." You said in "a matter of fact" tone. Fred smirked. "Wanna sit with us?" He asked. "Sure." You nodded. "We'll warn you in advance. We do pranks." George said. "So do I. In factttt--" "Y/N! DID YOU JUST PUT AN EXPLODING INK PEN IN MY BAG!?" The train doors opened and you booked it onto the train. Fred and George exchanged a look. "Brilliant! How'd you do it?" George asked. "You have to mess with the ink a little but it's not hard to do. Come on, we'll find a cart and I'll show you" you said with a smile. The boys followed you and you sat with them
Fred dusted off Orion's shirt and roughed up his hair a little. "I'll miss you kid." He said. Orion hugged Fred. "I'll miss you too Dad." He said. Orion pulled away and hugged you too. "Orion!" Rose called, waving to her cousin. You smiled at Ron and Hermione who were waving and walking over. "Hey guys!" You greeted, hugging your brother in law. Hermione hugged you soon after and you watched your kids talk before another boy ran over. "He's here." Fred said with a chuckle. "Damn right I am." A voice said behind you. You all turned around to see George and Angelina. George put an arm around you and Fred looking at the group of kids. "Just like we were hmm?" He asked.
"promise you'll write to us over the summer?" Fred asked you. You smiled and nodded. "I'll miss you guys." You said, hugging both of the boys. They hugged back and you turned to your father who made his way to the platform. You sighed and turned, grabbing your bags. Leaving was always the disappointing part about it all. Your adventures would have to come to a halt, stopping for a few months before you could continue the stories you and the boys made.
You smiled looking at them. "Yeah... Yeah they are." You said with a smile. Another boy with brown hair ran over and your eyes lit up as you turned around. "Ginny!" You squealed seeing your other sister in law. She hugged you and Hermione. "I've missed you all so much. Seriously. I know we meet up every week but Christ... I'm so glad our kids are going off this year." She said, eye twitching slightly. The familiar blue haired boy raced past you and Harry hugged the familiar figure. "Remus is here!" You smiled as he walked over. Tonks hugged you and the girls. "Neville should be showing up soon. All of us must get lunch or something together, we need to talk more." Remus said. You nodded in agreement. Fred smiled looking at the train and then Remus. "what?" You asked. "Remember when he was our professor?" He asked. You chuckled. "God, now he comes over every Christmas... We're old." You whined making Fred laugh. "Our kids are beginning to make us feel that way." Ginny chuckled, holding Lily close to her. "Thinking of having any more?" Harry asked you and Fred. Your eye seemed to twitch. "After raising him with this demon as his father, you really think I can handle more!?" You asked making the group laugh. Draco soon walked through and you waved. Draco rolled his eyes with a laugh as Scorpius beelined to Rose. He walked over. "Potter." He said in a mocking tone. "Malfoy." Harry used the same tone before the boys shared a small hug. "Think Albus will be a seeker this year like his old man?" George asked Harry. "God I hope not." Ginny whined. "Wha-- what's wrong with quidditch?!" Harry asked. "Do you not remember the injuries that came with it!?"
You raced to the medical wing with George. "Madame Pomfrey is he okay!?" You asked frantically, grass across your face along with dirt. "Yes Princess I'm fine." Fred sighed, leaning off the bed. "It was a stray quaffle it's not like I'm you who took a dive bomb for the snitch." Fred said, brushing off some of the dirt on your cheek with his thumb. You blushed at the boy and George flicked his brother upside the head. "Ow!" Fred winced. "Be more careful moron you nearly gave Y/n and I a heart attack." George said. "Aww were you worried?" Fred teased his brother. "Oh piss off." George sighed making you laugh. You sat on the edge of the bed and Fred smiled at you. "What?" You asked. "Thanks for worrying Y/n..." He said. "That's what friends do right?" You said looking away.
"remember when Fred took a stray quaffle to the head!?" Ginny reminded. Everyone winced in remembrance. "Yeaaahhh probably not the best plan" a voice said making you all turn. "Neville! Look at you, looking all... Professional!" George said making you laugh. "Why thank you George." Neville said tipping a fake hat to the man making you laugh. "first year of teaching and you're dealing with our kids... Good luck." Fred said. "I'm probably going to need it for Fred and Orion." Neville said already looking exhausted by the thought. "Wait till they're old enough and they have to take that stupid dance class... Then you'll really hate them." Angelina said making you all laugh
"Fred I swear to God if you whisper in my ear again I'm going to punch you in the balls." You grumbled. "Why, does it make you flustered?" He asked with that smirk that he knew drove you crazy. "...Shut up." You grumbled. He smiled and swayed to the beat of the tune. "You know Y/n... I was thinking--" "You can think?" You asked. "Shh. I was thinking that you and I could go to the Yule ball together." He suggested. You blushed. "As what exactly Weasley?" You asked. He pulled you closer to his face. "Oh you know Princess." He said in your ear. "OKAY OKAY FINE!" you said moving back. "Hmm?" He asked, people staring now. "YOU WIN. I LIKE YOU YOU FUCKING MORON." you snapped. He chuckled and moved towards you. "I know. Now can we fix that situation and let me date you or are we going to pretend nothing's there?" He asked. You sighed and he smiled. "I like you too Y/n, is that what you wanted to hear?" He asker. "Maybe." You grumbled. He shook his head with a laugh and put his fingers on your chin, kissing you.
"I mean... The class wasn't... So bad." You coughed out making them all giggle like school girls. "You're just saying that because that's when Fred FINALLY asked you out." Hermione said making you smile. "other than that it was hell." Ron griped. "Says the one who danced with Mcgonagall." Fred snickered making Harry snort. "Shut up." He grumbled making you laugh. "We were talking about lunch, wanna all go get something?" Ginny asked. Luna tapped your shoulder and you squealed. "WE HAVE ANOTHER!" you said excitedly ask you hugged her. "Hi Neville!" She waved. He smiled and hugged her and she rose a brow. "What did you mean by we have another?" She asked. "Lunch. You in?" Harry asked. "Definitely!" She nodded. The group all began to wave to their children as they got on the train and you waved to Orion. He smiled waving to Fred and you before Scorpius drug him off. "I should go." Neville waved. "Bye Neville!" The group said in unison before Sirius sprinted.
"RUN JAMES YOU'RE GOING TO MISS THE DAMN TRAIN!" He yelled. His son sprinted on board and you all wheezed as the older wizard walked over with a blonde woman. "Hi Marlene." You wheezed out. "Hi dear!" She said as Sirius was out of breath. "So Y/n, how's the kid?" Sirius finally asked. "Yeah, enough about that, lunch, you guys in?" You asked. "Can't me, Remus, Lily and James are going to lunch later." He said. "And you were telling me when?" Tonks asked. "This is the first I've heard of this?" Remus said confused. "First I want a hug from my Godson." Sirius pointed. Harry walked over and hugged him before seeing the train start to move. "BYE MUM!" Orion shouted. "NEVILLE KEEP HIM OUT OF TROUBLE PLEASE!" you yelled. "I LOVE YOU! DAD!" Orion shouted. "LOVE YOU TOO KID!" Fred yelled back. "WHO WANTS TO SEE BABY PICTURES!?" Fred yelled. "DON'T YOU DARE!" Orion screamed making everyone laugh. You all walked towards the exit as the train disappeared and you turned around one final time.
"Fred wait up!" You whined as you followed him. "It is not my fault that you have small legs!" He said. "It's not my fault I stopped growing when I was in my fifth year asshat!" You grumbled as Fred wrapped his arm around you. George greeted Angelina with a kiss and you smiled. Fred lifted you onto his back and you screamed. "Fred! What the hell are you doing!?" You asked. "You're moving too slow, this is just easier!" He said before walking. "we're going to miss the train if you idiots don't hurry!" George said as you jumped back down. You all ran down the platform.
You smiled and Fred turned back to you. "Whatcha doin'?" He asked. "Just remembering some things." You said with a smile. "Good things I hope." He said. "Always Fred." You smiled. He kissed your forehead and walked hand in hand with you through the wall, catching up with the group, leaving the history of your story within the hidden walls.
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bl597 · 4 years
Can I have one of the reader being a muggle born Gryffindor and is friends with the trio. She has the same potions class with them and everyday, she along with the trio, had suffer the crap Snape would throw at them. So she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine, and be very disruptive during class. Every time after he says, Turn to page 394” she chimes in with “Like a boss” and kept on doing that. The whole class was laughing and Snape gave her detention for her class clown moment.
of course you can, love! i'm so so sorry you had to wait so long, i really hope you enjoy it! if you don't like it, please let me know so i can rewrite it for you!!
warnings: the word "bullshit", reader is the same age as the golden trio and they're in 3rd year, Snape is an idiot in this one, it got a little long yay, english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes!
golden trio x muggleborn!gryffindor!reader
my masterlist ♡
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When you went to the train station, looking for platform 9¾, there was nothing between the platforms 9 and 10, just a wall. Then you and your parents saw a family of redheads and a dark haired boy in front of the wall between the two platforms, and they had the same things as you next to their suitcases.
“Hm, excuse me, ma'am?” your mother asked the redhead woman next to a little girl. “Is there any possibility that you know how to go to the platform 9¾?”
The woman smiled sweetly at your mother “Of course, dear! You just have to go straight through the wall!” she said as if it was nothing, and your eyes widened.
“Oh, it's okay, honey!” the woman said, calming you down “Fred, you next!” she said to one of the twins, gesturing to the wall with her head after the boy with glasses crossed it.
“He's not Fred, I am!” the other twin exclaimed and you giggled.
“Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother!” the one who wasn't Fred said.
“Oh, sorry George!” she said. “Come on.”
“Actually, we were just joking, I'm Fred!” 'George' said before going through the wall, his brother following after, both chuckling.
“See? It's easy!” she said, looking with a big smile at you and at the dark haired boy, who looked just as nervous as you. “Now, go you three, come on.”
You, the dark haired boy and the other redhead boy around your age went through the wall, one behind each other. When you realised you hadn't crashed into the wall, you finally opened your eyes and saw the beautiful train in front of you. You smiled brightly, and so did the other boys.
Soon, the woman, the little girl and your parents appeared, leading you three to the train. You saw Mrs Weasley - as your parents told you was her name - hug the boys and say goodbye to both of them. Your parents did the same, hugging you and making you promise you would write them everyday. You bid your goodbye to all of them before entering the train and starting to look for an empty place.
After walking for one minute or two, you found one compartment with only a boy holding a little toad and a girl with messy brown hair. “Excuse me,” you said and they turned their heads to you “may I sit here? Everywhere else is full.” they nodded and you smiled thankfully at them, sitting down. “I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n), by the way."
“I'm Hermione Granger.” the girl said, giving you a smile. “And this is Neville Longbottom.” she pointed to the boy.
“Hello.” he shyly waved at you and you waved back at him.
You spent half of the ride talking about your lives and how excited you were to finally meet Hogwarts, and you found out Hermione was a muggleborn as well. You guys were talking so excitedly Neville almost didn't even notice the little toad escaping his hands.
“Trevor!” he exclaimed, looking around the compartment, trying to find his pet.
“Do you want us to help you find him, Neville?” you asked him and he nodded, not wanting to lose his pet. “Okay, let's look in the corridors and in the compartments.”
You three left your compartment, entering others and asking people if they had seen a toad, which they unfortunately didn't. You and Hermione knocked in the door of one compartment, the same redhead boy you've seen earlier opened it and looked at you two curiously.
“Have any of you seen a toad?” Hermione asked and the two boys shook their heads. “Ok then, thank y- Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter!” she gasped, looking at the dark haired boy that now you knew the name.
“Hm, yeah, I guess I am.” he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I'm Hermione Granger.” she said. “This is my friend (Y/n) (Y/l/n).” you nodded and waved at them.
“You're the girl from earlier!” the redhead exclaimed, and you nodded and smiled.
“And you are..?” Hermione asked.
The boy swallowed the rest of the candy and tried to clean his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. “Ron Weasley.”
“Pleasure.” Hermione said with a little disgusted expression seeing the boy's mouth dirty with chocolate. “Well, you two better change your clothes, we're almost there. Come on, (Y/n).” you said a little 'bye' before Hermione pulled you with her towards your compartment.
It was already night when you arrived at the castle with the rest of the first years and Hagrid, the giant hairy man. A tall old woman appeared, thanking Hagrid and leading the children inside. When the doors finally opened, you couldn't stop smiling. It was as if you were in your own fairytale, like the ones you always read when you were younger.
The same woman, who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, said everything about the houses, the sorting hat and the sorting ceremony. You all then entered the Great Hall in a line, like professor McGonagall told so.
In front of you all there was an old hat, which could only be the sorting hat. After the sorting hat sang a little song about the houses, Professor McGonagall started calling the students and they went to where the hat and the professor were, and after one minute or two, the hat exclaimed which house the person was in.
“Susan Bones!”
“Justin Finch-Fletchley!”
“Padma Patil!”
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n)!”
You nervously walked towards the hat, sitting down while professor McGonagall carefully put it on your head.
“I can see you're really brave and really like some adventure, huh?” the hat said and your eyes widened in surprise. “Open minded and also really smart, would be fine in Ravenclaw. But I can feel it, the loyalty to your friends, the nobility. I know exactly what to do with you.” After a few seconds, the hat exclaimed: “GRYFFINDOR!”
The Gryffindor students clapped, congratulating you when you sat down. After a few minutes the table was getting fuller. Neville Longbottom, the boy from the train sat next to you, smiling shyly. Then Seamus Finnigan, Parvati Patil, Dean Thomas, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and a lot more. You and Hermione hugged each other, happy that you were in the same house. After that, you were inseparable.
Over the years, you, Hermione, Harry and Ron became best friends and were always seen together. Everything was amazing, all the classes were interesting and funny and all the students and professors were cool. Well, almost all of them. Professor Snape was your - a lot of other people's - least favorite professor. He had always made your life a living hell, especially because you were a Gryffindor and a muggleborn. He always did everything he could to take points from your house everytime you did something he said was unacceptable - mostly it was just doing something wrong unintentionally in Potions, like failing with your potions.
In your third year, professor Lupin became the DADA professor - the best one you ever had -, but once a month he would miss the class because he was sick. You were happy to see that he was fine the other day, but the worst part was: Snape replaced him when he was sick.
You were laughing about something with Harry when out of nowhere Snape entered the classroom, closing all the windows like the drama queen he was. You rolled your eyes, and so did half of the class.
“Turn to page 394.” he said, looking at the class.
“Like a boss.” you said in a failed attempt to imitate his stupid deep voice. The whole class laughed, even some Slytherins on the other side of the room.
“Quiet, Mr/Miss (Y/l/n).” he hissed.
“Quiet, Mr/Miss (Y/l/n).” you said in a mocking tone and the class laughed again.
Professor Snape looked at you with a expression that said i-would-kill-you-if-it-wasn't-illegal and you just smirked. You were tired of dealing with bullshit and he treating you like nothing just because of your house of bloodstatus.
“Page 394, I'm not going to repeat it.” Snape said with an annoyed voice.
“But, professor" Hermione started “we haven't studied about werewolves yet.”
Snape ignored her, making a movement with his wand. In front of the class, photos of werewolves appeared out of nowhere. “Can anyone tell me what's the difference between a werewolf and a real wolf?” he said.
Hermione lifted her hand, but Snape ignored her once again. “No one? What a shame.”
“Professor, please!” said Hermione, hand still lifted. “The werewolf differs from the real wolf by small details. The werewolf's snout...”
“Quiet, Miss Granger!” Snape harshly said. “5 points from Gryffindor.”
Hermione lowered her hand, face red like her tie. You felt your blood boil.
“You asked us something and only Hermione knows the answer! Why did you ask us if you didn't want any of us to answer?” Ron hissed, looking at the professor. The whole class gasped, looking between Ron and Snape with wide eyes.
“Yeah, professor. You always asks us something and never lets us answer and then you punish us for it!” you said loudly, ignoring the deathly glare Snape gave you two.
“50 points from Gryffindor and detention for one week, Mr Weasley and Mr/Miss (Y/l/n)!”
“Are you crazy?!” Hermione and Harry whisper-yelled to you and Ron, who just shrugged.
“The old bat deserved it.” you said through your teeth. “Besides, it's detention with professor Lupin, he's cool and he always gives us chocolate.”
You four laughed quietly. Let's just say that Snape hated you four even more, but you could live with it, you've been doing fine for the last 3 years. And you had you friends with you, so it was worth it all the detentions with Snape.
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accio-moony · 4 years
Not My Type || George Weasley x Reader Angst/Fluff
Request: { @jxsminedrxgon​ asked @eleven-times-lively​: “Hi! I was wondering if I could get a George Weasley x transfer student (female) Ravenclaw angst that turns to fluff?”}
Word Count: ~6K [way too fucking long but I had originally planned more] [not completely proofread]
Summary: you’re a transfer student, new to Hogwarts, and a particular Weasley seems to be infatuated with you, and you deny it to yourself that you’re equally as infatuated. Jealousy makes you admit it to yourself, and eventually to him. [takes place during The Goblet of Fire/1994/George’s 6th year, but there is no tournament. There is quidditch as usual and there is a yule ball as if it is a yearly thing.]
WARNINGS: angst? Exploding potion, detention, idk
*not my gifs*
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Being a transfer student is rarely easy, that’s for sure. It’s not often that someone jumps the pond, already knowing people on the other side. As you try not to scare yourself, you stare out the misty, wet window to the expansive hills flying by. Your father got a new job, which meant moving from North America to England. At your previous school, Ilvermorny, you were familiar with everything as you had gone there for the better part of the past five years. By second year, you knew the halls like the back of your hand, and you belonged to a group of friends within your house, Thunderbird. But now, as you ride the Hogwarts Express to your new school, you can’t help but feel nervous. Everything will be different, except that you’ll still be learning magic, something you were born into, and your parents were over the moon that you’d attend the same school they did — the school they met at. Until now.
Yet, now, as the train screeches to an eventual halt, everything is beyond your imagination. You aren’t quite sure what to expect, or what to do exactly, but you know you’ll keep to yourself and follow the rules. A new start isn’t necessarily so bad.
You stand on your toes, grab the handle of your new trunk, and haul it down, almost crushing yourself with its weight. You open the compartment door and check the halls for a clear spot to step out; they’re bustling with people greeting their friends and trying to get off the train first. As soon as an opening comes, you step into the corridor and struggle to drag your case and keep up with the crowd at the same time. The mild September heat engulfs you as you near the door of the train cart, and you can hear the shouts of other students as they scurry around in the rain.
As you step into the rain, you look at the world around you, finding a sign reading Hogsmead Station. You could’ve stood there all night, rain or shine, and taken in the new scenery, but the crowd jostled you along with them and towards some carriages. Many groups piled into the carriages together, still wrapped in conversation. You stood back, waiting for an empty one, and seized your moment when you saw one pulls forward, drawn by seemingly nothing. 
“Leave your trunk here, miss,” you hear a raspy voice from behind you. 
You turn to see an older man with many wrinkles and thin, messy grey hair standing next to a pile of hundreds of trunks. “Sorry, sir,” you apologize to him and give him your trunk. “I’m a transfer student.”
“Evidently,” he sneers at you, looking at you as though he smelled something fowl. 
“Right,” you say to yourself and run back to the carriages. The one that you were about to get on before being called for your trunk was now almost full. Quickly, you nutty up to the back and muster up all your courage to speak to them. “Excuse me?” You clear your throat, and the two boys who were sat turn to look at you. “May I- uh- may I ride with you?”
The girl in the wagon lifts her head finally, her bushy hair bouncing around her. “Oh, hi! Of course,” she smiles and motions to the seat in front of her. 
The two boys fall back into conversation as you sit down next to a tall red-headed boy. The girl had returned her head to be buried in the book she holds, and though you don’t want to be rude and interrupt her, you also don’t want to sit in awkward silence while the two boys talks loudly. “Uh, what’re you reading?” You ask, shyly.
She looks up at you, a big smiling growing on her face. “Oh, goodness. I like you already; these two gits never care for books.” She hands you the book, and you look over the colorful cover. “It’s called A Wrinkle in Time.” She explains. “It’s a muggle novel by Madeleine L’Engle.”
You look up at her, almost confused. “I don’t think I’ve ever met another witch who reads Muggle books,” you state.
“Oh, well,” she chuckles. “I’m muggle-born.” She almost shrinks, as if she’s scared of your reaction. 
“Oh, that’s awesome!” You smile, and hers returns.
“Oi!” The red-headed boy next to you calls, and you and the bushy-haired girl look over at him. “You’re from America aren’t you?”
“Oh, uh,” you scoff to yourself, knowing you should already be expecting this question. “Yeah, I am.”
“Is this your first year at Hogwarts?” The girl asks. 
“Yeah, it is.”
“Welcome! I’m Hermione Granger. This is Ronald Weasley,” she motions to the redhead next to you, “and Harry Potter.”
“It’s wonderful to meet you guys. I’m Y/n Y/l/n.”
“You can call me Ron, by the way,” says the redhead. “Hermione and my mum are the only ones who call me Ronald.” You nod.
“And fair warning: my older brothers — they’re twins and loud so you can’t miss them — anyway, I’m pretty sure George has a thing for American girls.”
When the carriage rounds the next corner, a castle beyond what you could dream of glows against a lake and mountains. Your jaw drops as you look up at it.
“It’s truly beautiful,” says Hermione. “You’ll get used to it soon enough though.”
“I’m not sure I want to get used to it,” you say, still awe-struck until you realize how that may have sounded rude. “I mean — it’s so amazing I could look at it forever. I never want to feel used to something like this and not be in awe every time I see it.”
The boys look at you with blank looks on their faces. 
“Sorry, that didn’t make any sense.”
“I know what you mean,” Hermione places a hand on your arm. “The first years take little boats across the lake to the castle for their sorting ceremony. And now that I think of it, I wonder if you should’ve gone with them. That’s okay though, I’ll introduce you to Professor McGonagall — she handles the ceremony every year.”
Hermione stays to her word, and once the four of you have dismounted the carriage, the boys go ahead of you two, and Hermione walks with you to the front doors of the castle. “What year are you, Y/n?” She asks you as you both walk up the stone steps.
“Uh, sixth,” you say.
“Oh, goodness,” she laughs. “What?” You say, on the verge of panicking.
“Ron, Harry, and I are fourth,” she says simply. “But Fred and George — Ron’s brothers — they’re sixth years.” She looks up at you and raises an eyebrow suggestively.
“Oh, great,” you sigh.
“Professor!” She calls when the two of you cross the threshold. 
An older woman with grey hair tucked under a large witch’s hat turns toward her, her emerald green robes falling down her tall figure.
“Welcome back, Miss Granger!” Her sharp tone intimidating but still welcoming. “Is there something you need help with, dear?”
“Oh, not me, Professor. This is Y/n Y/l/n. It’s her first year at Hogwarts — a transfer student.”
“Yes, of course,” she smiles warmly. “Welcome, Miss Y/l/n. You can stay here with me until the ceremony begins. Hermione, dear, go take your seat.”
“Yes, ma’am,” she smiles and turns on her heals, beginning to walk away.
“Hermione?” You call after her, and she turns back to you. “Could I borrow that book when you finish it?”
“Of course!” She says, her smile wide enough to tear her cheeks. 
After the main herd of students had filed into the Great Hall, a much smaller group of students enters the Entrance Hall, though they may have seen like a much smaller group not only because there were fewer of them, but also because they were smaller children, especially next to the very large bushy man accompanying them. You follow them and Professor McGonagall into the Great Hall and listen to her introduction speech.
After several moments, she stands next to the old hat, which then tells a poem through the rip in the brim. 
“We’ll start with our transfer student,” she smiles down at you, and you straighten your posture. “Miss Y/l/n, if you will take a seat.”
You walk to the front of the group and sit on the short stool in front of the podium. The hat lowers onto your head, and you can hear it humming as it thought.
Next to Ron, at the Gryffindor table, Fred and George look at you, and then between themselves, then back to you. “Wicked,” they say in a unison that would make it seem like they share a brain. 
“RAVENCLAW!” The hat bellows through the hall.
“Damn,” the twins say together, and look down at their plates in identical movements, the trio also seeming disappointed. Though Fred and George aren’t going to give up that easily — at least George isn’t going to give up that easily that is, and he drags Fred along with him through everything, not that Fred ever minds.
Once the feast is over, and you’re following the other Ravenclaws to the common room, you almost run into two people, when they practically suddenly appear in front of you, having been running and then suddenly stopping. You look up as you stumble so as to not physically run into them. You’re met with the faces of two identical boys, both of them with shoulder-length, shaggy red hair, and you conclude to yourself that they must be Ron’s older twin brothers.
“You’re the new girl,” one twin says matter-of-factly. 
You nod and plaster a painfully obvious fake smile onto your face.
“I’m Fred,” says the other twin, gesturing to himself. “And this is my less attractive brother, George.”
Despite your best efforts, as you look back and forth between the two boys in front of you, noting the subtle differences so you can tell them apart, you can’t help but think how handsome they both are, and undeniably charming. You have to remind yourself that you’re not a social person, at least not yet to those at Hogwarts, and you’d like to keep your head down and out of trouble. 
“Hi,” you entertain them. “I’m Y/n.”
“Pleasure,” George cheerily bows before you.
You giggle, not being able to stop yourself. “The pleasure is mine,” you smile and give an equally cheesy curtsy.
“Say, how do you feel about Quidditch, Y/n?” Fred asks.
“I love Quidditch!” You pipe. “I was a Chaser for my house back at Ilvermorny.”
“Well, George and I play,” Fred explains, George being left quiet, almost seeming suddenly shy. “We’re Gryffindor’s Beaters. And we heard that Ravenclaw is short a Chaser.”
Your face lights up, excited by the opportunity for a familiar past time.
“You should ask Flitwick,” George finally speaks again. “He’s head of the Ravenclaw house.”
“And the Charms Professor,” Fred continues. 
“Well, thank you for the heads up then, boys,” you smile, and walk off after the rest of your house without another word.
Next day, the first day of term, you end up having a Charms class with both of the Weasley twins. You notice the two of them turn and pay attention to you as you walk up to Professor Flitwick. 
“Professor Flitwick?” You call, standing politely behind him. 
The extremely short man turns to you. “Ah, yes,” he claps his hands together. “Miss Y/l/n, welcome to Hogwarts and to the Ravenclaw house!”
“Thank you, sir,” you smile. 
“How can I help you?”
“Well,” you start. “I got a tip from someone that one of the Chaser positions for the house team is open. I was wondering if I could try out for the spot? I was a Chaser at Ilvermorny.”
“Oh no need to try out, dear. No one else seems to want it. It’s yours!”
“Wow, ok. Thank you, Professor.”
You turn and take a seat at one of the desk rows across the room from the twins, but closer to the front of the room, closer to the blackboard. You pull your reading glasses out of your bag along with your Charms book and quill. You put your wand neatly in front of you on the desk, and your ink pot in the corner of your area. 
Professor Flitwick clears his throat from the front of the room as he climbs onto a stack of books to be well seen by the students. You slide you glasses up your nose, quickly glancing at the twins, subconsciously hopping that they’ll have already been looking at you, but they were huddled into a small group with another Gryffindor boy in a deep discussion. 
As class begins, and Professor Flitwick explains what to expect from this term, the boys don’t break their herd until their names are called loudly by the shrill voice of the Professor.
“If both Misters Weasley and Mister Jordan would pay attention,” he called them out, quickly pulling their attention to the front. “While I know that the first day of class is usually the most boring, if you pay attention, it will save from questions you will have later.”
Fred, George and their friend turned to the front for just a moment, but as soon as Professor Flitwick had turned to find the papers he was going to hand out — well float out — the boys turned back to their huddle and continued their conversation like nothing had happened. 
“Detention, Mister Fred and George Weasley, and Mister Lee Jordan,” the Professor called, without even turning to see that they were back to talking. “And 10 points from Gryffindor —“
The Gryffindor students, including the group of three that have just cost their house points, groan loudly as they start the term with negative points. 
“— each,” Professor Flitwick finishes, and the groaning becomes louder. 
One student on the opposite end of the class threw something across the room at the three boys, an apple that Professor Flitwick caught with a simple flick of his wand and returned to the students desk. 
“Detention for you, too, Miss Johnson.”
For the remainder of class, you did your best to pay attention to the lesson, but found it increasingly difficult. While the boys kept the talking to a minimum, you could feel George’s eyes on you the whole time. The moment Professor Flitwick dismisses class, you gather all your belongings in a handful — something you never do due to the level of unorganizedness — and bolt from the room, but not quick enough. 
“Oi, Y/n!” You heard the twins call after you in unison, and sigh as you politely stop and turn to them with a half smile. 
The events of the last hour and a half had left you disappointed to say the least. After your encounter with the twins after the feast the night before, you had begun to think maybe befriending them wouldn’t be such a bad thing, but seeing them not pay attention in class and get disciplined on the first day of term harmed your hopes, though you weren’t going to start being rude to them.
“Hello, boys,” you greet them as they approach you. 
“Say,” Fred begins, “we were wondering if you’d like to do our Charms homework?”
George remained silent once again as you gave them both a look of astonishment. 
“Absolutely not!” You scoffed, changing your mind slightly on the ‘not being ride the them’.
“You’re our only Ravenclaw friend,” he continues, “and with Quidditch and planning, we hardly have time to eat and sleep, so we thought we’d at least try.”
“Fred thought,” George corrects him, and Fred subtly nudges him with his elbow. 
“I don’t mean to be rude,” you say softly, “but we’re not friends. We only met twelve hours ago, and now that I’ve seen the way you two are, I’m not sure I would consider becoming friends with you.”
“What do you mean, ‘the way you two are’?” Fred laughs. “We’re two fine lads if I do say so myself.”
“Fred,” George says, almost pleading.
“Y/n!” Another voice calls behind you, and you wonder how there are already so many people who know you. You turn away from the boys and down the hall to see the trio you met on the carriage marching down the corridor. “I finished the book,” Hermione smiles at you and pulls the book out of her bag, handing it over to you.
“Thank you, Hermione!” You smile. “I’ll be sure to give it back once I’m done. Shouldn’t be too long.”
“No worries.” “Say, George,” Ron says, looking quizzically behind you. “You’re awfully quiet; are you feeling okay?”
“It’s nothing,” George mutters and leaves to walk down the hall, almost at a jog.
Fred winks at you before following his twin, and you turn back to the trio blushing.
“Don’t let those two morons bother you, Y/n,” Hermione assures you, putting a hand on your forearm kindly.
“I’ve never seen anyone make George nervous before — much less quiet,” Ron admits. “You must be one hell of a girl in his eyes.”
“Uh, yeah,” you mutter, looking down at your black flats against the beautiful stone floors as you shyly rub the back of your neck. “I’ve got to get to my next lesson,” you smile to the three fourth years. “I’ll see you guys later.” Without waiting for a response from the group you continue down the hall, but stop at the corner before turning it and look back over your shoulder in time to see Ron shrug at something Hermione said as they enter the Charms classroom.
Fred and George end up being in several of your classes, including Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. One fall morning, on your way down to the dungeons for Potions, you hear the two familiar and almost identical voices talking outside the hall. Before you could turn the corner and see them, you hear your name being mentioned.
“It’s obvious you like Y/n, George,” Fred says.
You stop in your tracks behind the corner, thinking about how throughout the term so far, Fred and George have been restless. You’ve witness their pranks and loud jokes. During Quidditch games, Fred forces the bludgers at you, nearly knocking you off every time. The one time he actually managed to, George quickly flew down to the ground to see if you were okay, but you rolled your eyes as you got up with Hermione’s help. “Fuck off, Weasley,” you had jeered at him as you stumbled off the pitch and towards Madame Pomfrey to be cleared to continue the game. Once you were cleared, you worked harder than you had before at Hogwarts, and though Harry caught the snitch, Ravenclaw was only two goals away from having won without the snitch. You feel a bit bad about having told him to ‘fuck off’ when he didn’t do anything wrong, but you’re also mad that Fred thinks that’s a suitable way to get your attention. 
“Well, no shit, Sherlock,” George scoffs at his brother, still out of your line of sight. “How could I not? She’s the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen. She’s smart and funny and dorky and adorable and everything I’d ever want. Her being good at Quidditch is always a plus, but because the move you pulled at the game last week, she’s bound to still be mad at me.”
“Make it up to her then!” Fred protests. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you — like you’re an idiot, but a handsome idiot, you know?”
“You just have to try, brother. You’re the George Weasley, you can do anything you want.”
“Whatever,” he sighs and you hear footsteps retreat down the corridor.
You take this as your signal to stop hiding, to stop ease-dropping, and go to class. You quickly turn the corner and hurry into the Potions room, finding everyone standing around the room instead of in seats. 
“What’s going on?” You ask a fellow Ravenclaw girl. 
“New partner assignment, I think,” she explains, without really even looking up at you, keeping her nose in the Potions book, turned to the page which you assume is what today’s lesson will be, though you can’t see what the title of the page is.
“Quiet!” Professor Snape’s deep nasally voice echos through the dungeon over the loud conversations of the students, effectively quieting them.”You have new partners as of today,” he said, then began to call out last names in pairs.
“Y/l/n,” he calls, then pauses to think of who to pair you with. “Weasley,” he decides, and you swallow the lump in your throat.
“Which one?” Fred pipes from across the room.
“I don’t care,” he says, then continues to pair off students.
You quickly take a seat at a desk in the second row, waiting for whichever twin to join you, but you had a feeling it would be George because of what you just heard in the hall.
“Hi, Y/n,” he says as he takes the seat next to you.
“Hi, George,” you say with a smile, but don’t look up from your Potions book to look at him.
“How’d you know I’m George and not Fred?” He says, and this time you do look up at him.
“Uh,” you hesitate, “gut feeling?”
“A Befuddlement Draught,” Snape begins as George sits down next to you and slouches back in his chair. You try not to pay attention to George and his demeanor, comparing it to your own, instead of paying attention to Professor Snape’s pre-lesson speech. “Is a potion that causes the drinker to become belligerent and reckless.” He looks between the Weasley twins. “The ingredients are scurry grass, lovage, and sneezewort.”
You wrote quickly as he spoke, taking notes to help you with studying and homework later. George looked at you, then pulled our his own piece of parchment, but he wasn’t writing notes. He wanted to seem like he was, but really he was righting a sort of journal entry about how beautiful he thinks you are, so paying attention even less than if he wasn’t “taking notes”.
“These plants are most efficacious in the inflaming of the brain,” Snape continues, and you recognize his words as a passage from the Potions book you had read to get ahead. “And are therefore much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts, where the wizard is desirous of producing hot-headedness and recklessness.”
You laugh to yourself slightly, just loud enough for only George to hear, and he quickly looks up at you at the beautiful sound. 
“What’s so funny?” He whispers.
You hesitate a moment while you smile to yourself. “You wouldn’t need this potion to be reckless, would you, Weasley?”
His face turns beat red, and as you look over at him, he quickly folds his piece of parchment and stuffs it into his bag haphazardly.
“You will be making this today,” Professor Snape said, waving his wand at the blackboard, making the chalk write the instructions on its own. “It is nearly impossible to mess up.” He looked around the room down his long nose, examining every student. He sees your readiness and eagerness to start, and he notes the twins lack of interest as they look across the dungeon at each other mouthing in conversation. Snape rolls up the papers in his hand and walks towards you and George’s desk. He lifts the parchment and brings it down rough on George’s head and making you gasp while he looks sternly at Fred. “Get started.”
You tie your hair up effortlessly, and George can’t help but notice how beautiful and natural you look. Then as you walk off to go get the ingredients listed on the board and in the book, he looks after you longingly, following you like a lost puppy as he grabs random ingredients from the shelves.
When you come back, you slide your house robe off your shoulders and drape it over your chair, getting to work as you roll up the sleeves of your jumper. 
“Are you going to let me help?” George asks.
You look at him, silent for a moment as you think. “Are you going to actually help, or blow it up like every other potion you and your brother make.”
“I’d like to actually help.”
“Okay then, would you put the sneezewort into the cauldron?” You ask him politely. 
He picks up an ingredient, not paying quite enough attention to what and holds it over the cauldron as he looks over your book. 
“George, no!” You yell and reach out to grab his arm. “That’s —“ but it was too late. 
George had dropped what he was holding into the pot, and it immediately blew up. You screamed as you covered yourself with your arms and ducked, but George was too shocked by his own action to react, and his face was left covered in dirt. 
You stand back up and look over at him. “That was an Erumpent horn!” You exclaim. George looks down at his hands, not knowing what to say. The clicking of boots fills the dungeon as everyone had gone silent and was staring at the two of you. You look up and see Professor Snape approaching you. 
“You’re quite right, Miss Y/l/n,” Snape says, and you blush deeply. “Maybe you should have been watching him more carefully.”
“I thought I was, I thought I could trust him,” you mutter, more to yourself than anyone else. 
“50 points from Gryffindor,” he sneers, and you jerk your head to look at George, who’s face is almost expressionless. “And Ravenclaw as well.”
“But sir —“ you begin. 
“And detention, Saturday evening.” 
Your jaw drops, practically hitting the floor. You had never gotten points taken from your house before, much less gotten in trouble. 
“For now, there is no coming back from this mistake,” Snape looks at George intently. “You are both excused from the rest of the class.”
Without thinking much, you shove George with both your hands, and he stumbles backwards, watching after you as you grab your bag and hurry out of the room. He’s frozen in his spot a moment, until Snape clears his throat. George grabs his own belongings and hurries after you.
“Y/n!” He calls when he gets into the hall, but you’re already turning the corner without even a glance back at him. 
Later that evening, at supper, you sit alone at the Ravenclaw table with a book, but you weren’t paying much attention to it, rather just staring at the page as you push the food around on your plate. 
“Oi, Angelina,” you hear a familiar voice call, and look up to see the twins looking down the Gryffindor table at one of the house chasers. You see George as he reaches across the table towards her. “Will you go to the ball with me?” 
You barely hear him from where you’re sitting, but you hear him enough and can read his lips enough to know he said it. Your eyes shift over to Hermione, who’s looking across the tables to you. Your mouth thins into a line as you fight back the tears, though you know they shouldn’t be there. Not knowing what else to do, and not wanting anyone else to notice your dismay, you grab your book up and leave the Great Hall.
You’re already on the grand marble staircase when you hear Hermione, Ron, and Harry all call after you. You don’t stop and pick up your pace. 
“Y/n, please!” You hear Hermione call, and you can’t help but stop. 
You turn around and wipe the tear off your cheek.
“Why are you crying?” She asks as she pulls you into a hug.
“Why would he do that?” You snuffle out. 
“I don’t know,” Ron says. “He’s so infatuated with you, I couldn’t believe it. But I thought you despised him?”
“He got me detention, I do despise him,” you say, but continue, “did — I did despise him. At least I thought I did.” You slump down and sit on the staircase with your head in your hands. Hermione its next to you and sets hand on your back. “He’s really not my type of person. I’ve never been in trouble before! And he’s constantly in trouble! I don’t know what it is about him. He’s handsome and funny, and I’m only now realizing it, but I can’t help but like him. Merlin, I’m so stupid.”
“You are not stupid,” Harry says. “He’s stupid.” “That’s not news, mate,” Ron says. 
“Well, yeah,” Harry says, “but we didn’t know he was this stupid.”
You sniffle a laugh at his words and look up at him, only, you notice a pair of fiery red hair, just like Ron’s, standing in the corridor behind Harry.
You swallow the lump in your throat and quickly run up the rest of the stairs, sprinting to the Ravenclaw tower. 
“I—“ George begins from behind Ron, but doesn’t know what to say and just closes his mouth.
“You’re fucking stupid,” Ron scoffs at his older brother and turns and walks away with Hermione and Harry. 
George looks over to Fred, who’s face reflects the same disbelief as his own.
That night, for the first time, you didn’t touch your homework, but instead went straight to bed and cried yourself to sleep. 
When Saturday’s detention rolled around, you arrived early as is normal for you. Snape let you start on the task he decided to assign you for detention. You were to go through one box of old discipline reports before you could leave. You sat in the corner of the room and pulled the lid off a box, beginning to sort it. It wasn’t long until George joined, but Snape gave him a rag and told him to clean all the desks. George sighed, and Snape walked out of the room. 
You could feel George’s eyes on you from where he stood unmoved. 
“Y/n,” he beings. “I’m sorry.”
You refuse to even look at him as you give him the silent treatment. 
“I shouldn’t have been so cocky with the potion,” he continues. “I just wanted to seem like I knew what I was doing.”
You remained silent as you shifted through the box. 
Throughout the unnecessary hour George was taking to wipe down the tables, he continued to try and apologize or make conversation, but you still ignored him.
When you finished the file box, you closed the lid and pulled out a bit of parchment. You put the box on Snape’s desk, along with a note offering to continue to file to earn back the points you had lost the House, and you leave the room without a word. 
“Y/n!” George calls down the dungeon corridor, his voice echoing off the stone walls. 
You don’t respond and keep walking, but you hear his heavy footsteps running closer to you, until you feel a hand wrap around your wrist, sending sparks through your skin. You snatch your hand back instinctively, but he holds his grip
“Don’t touch me, Weasley,” you say punctuated. 
“Why won’t you talk to me?” He asks, almost yelling. 
“You’re not good, George Weasley,” you shout back. “Never have I ever gotten in trouble before. But you made me get detention! You don’t study, you don’t pay attention, you probably don’t even think! Please, just leave me alone.”
You twist your wrist from his grasp and turn up the stairs, walking away from him again.
You managed to avoid him for the most part, besides Potions, where you just refused to talk to him. 
One day, a few weeks after your detention, you’re sitting in the court yard wrapped in a blanket, leaning against a pillar as you read in the snow. You’re the only person in the courtyard, but you liked it that way. People had started congregating inside because of the cold, and the library and common room had become too crowded. 
You hear a group of feet crushing snow as they walk towards you, but you don’t look up, too enveloped in your book. 
“Hey, Y/l/n!” A cold voice jest. “What’s you doing out here all alone?”
You look up to see the school bully, Draco Malfoy laughing at you with his posse. He loved poking fun at everyone outside of the Slytherin house. 
“I’m reading,” you smile. “You should try it sometime. Maybe you’ll learn how not to be such an ass.” Your voice remains steady and polite as you speak. 
“How dare you!” He announces, and reaches towards you, pulling your blanket off of you, leaving you cold.
“Give it back!” You demand. 
You open your mouth to speak, but a flare of red light comes over your shoulder and hits Draco in the chest, sending him several feet backwards, your blanket still in hand. The caster walks out from behind you and over to Draco on the ground. He pulls the blanket out of Draco’s grasp with difficulty, but kicks him in the side to get him to let go. Draco cries out in pain, his friends bustling away.
The caster turns towards you, and you see the red hair poking out from under his beanie, and the familiar face. George.
“Here,” he says softly, as he hands the blanket to you.
“Thank you,” you say simply, reaching for it, but before you can touch it, George pulls it back, and you sigh in frustration.
“Actually,” he starts. “I’ll give it back if you come with me and let me talk.”
You knew you weren’t getting out of this, so you stood up. “Let’s go then.”
He leads you up the the astronomy tower, and you look over the untouched white canvas of the grounds. “I’m sorry,” he continues. “I’m sorry I got you detention. I’m sorry about the bludger. I’m just sorry, for everything.”
“Okay,” you say.
“I really like you, and I know it’s obvious. I’ve never been so nervous around someone before. I’ve never felt like I needed to actually try to make a good impression, and when I did try, I fucked up and got us in trouble. I just don’t know how to act around you.”
“You really like me?” You ask.
“Yes, of course.”
“Then why did you ask Angelina to the ball?” You murmur. 
“I didn’t think you liked me. I was trying to just move on before I made anything worse, but then that made it worse. I heard you talking to Ron and them in the hall, and I heard you say it. I immediately cancelled the ball with her so I could ask you once I’ve apologized but you never let me. You’re all I can think about, Y/n.”
You look up into his soft eyes, and your heart melts. “I forgive you,” you mutter.
“Really?” He asks in disbelief.
“Yes,” you blush and look down at the grounds from the ledge as you avoid George’s eyes.
He clears his throat. “Will you, Y/n Y/l/n be my date to the Yule ball, and my date to everything else from here on. Will you please be mine?”
You couldn’t control the smile on your face as you looked back at him. “Under one condition,” you giggle. 
“Anything,” George pleads.
“Kiss me,” you say, building up your confidence to straighten your posture and look directly into his eyes.
George grabs your face softly and leans down, putting his soft lips on your own as you both smile ridiculously as the fireworks blow within the both of you.
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The Girl Who Lived Series Masterlist
Summary: Set in a universe where you are the chosen one, and Harry Potter is your best friend who tries to help you navigate the woes of being the lone hero of the wizarding world.
Aka a swap au where your parents are dead but the marauders + Lily are not. This fic is a multi-chapter one, and will pretty much cover all of the major events that happen at Hogwarts, with a slight twist since you’re the chosen one and not Harry. Eventual Harry x Reader, slowburn, friends to lovers.
Main Harry Potter Masterlist
Chapter 1.1: The Unexpected Visit
‘“I dunno what it was, no one does - but somethin’ about you stumped him, all right.” Hagrid turned to you, a mixture of warmth and respect blazing in his kind eyes. You straightened your back, preening under his gaze. So, what he was saying, basically was that you were the hero of the wizarding world. It had been you. The antidote to the disease. The champion. You were the saviour.’ OR: in which unexpected encounters open your eyes to a whole new world. One, it seems, you know nothing about, but knows everything about you.
Chapter 1.2: Train Rides and Talking Hats
‘“Oi,” you spoke, feeling your jaw clench at the blond boy’s demeanour. “I’d watch what I was saying if I was you, especially considering the crap that’s spewing outta your sewage-system of a mouth.” Draco Malfoy turned his sharpened gaze toward you. “And I’d be more careful if I was you. You don’t want to make enemies with the wrong people.” “Same goes for you.”’ OR: in which you hitch a ride on the Hogwarts Express and buckle up for one hell of a ride.
Chapter 1.3: To Win
Coming soon xoxo
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somenewsarah · 5 years
Born to Wed
Summary: The Malfoys find a suitable wife for their son, Draco, and they experience Hogwarts together.
Words: 10.5K
Pairing: Draco x Reader
Requested: LOL I don’t get requests
Warnings: None
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From the day you were born, your fate was decided. You, a Nott, were to be married to another Pureblood. You were to follow in your parents’ footsteps, study their sacrifices to the Dark Lord and learn from them. From the very day you were born, your life was planned for you, and there was nothing you could do about it.
 A mere six weeks before your grand arrival, the Malfoy family was blessed with their own miracle. A boy, Draco Malfoy, who only weighed a whopping 7lbs and 7oz. He arrived with a thin layer of white-blond hair and the greyest eyes that his mother, Narcissa Malfoy, had ever laid her own brown eyes on.
 At the announcement of your arrival, Lucius Malfoy had appeared at your father’s doorstep and the deal was done. You, only two hours old, were to marry the six-week-old Draco Malfoy when you were both of age.
 Year One
 During your first year of Hogwarts, you and Draco had played the part well. You pretended not to really know each other, though of course you were both sorted into the Slytherin house before the hat could even touch your head. You’d made sure to keep space between the two of you, not condoning his constant bullying of Harry Potter and the Weasley family.
 At Christmas, the two of you again played the part well. As your two families joined together as they had for the past eleven years for dinner, Draco squeezed himself into the seat next to you, having just slicked back his hair.
 “We don’t have to be friends at school, but we have to be friends here,” he murmurs to you. You nod, giving him a small smile.
 “I know, Draco. Don’t worry. We won’t disappoint them.”
 He gives you a curt nod, and the conversation is cut short by your parents entering the dining room. Narcissa’s smile is pleasant as she studies the two of you, seemingly caught in a private conversation. If only they knew.
 You made it through dinner with no casualties. Your father and Mr. Malfoy excused themselves to the parlor, where they were to drink firewhiskey and talk business, while your mother and Mrs. Malfoy cleared the table for the house elves to keep themselves busy. The two women shooed you and Draco upstairs.
 Once making it to your room, you closed the door and sighed.
 “I didn’t think that went too horrid,” Draco comments.
 “It didn’t,” you agree. You flop onto your bed, scooting back to sit against the headboard. You motion for Draco to sit on the end of the bed.
 “I suppose if I have to marry you in the coming years, it wouldn’t hurt for us to be friends.”
 “Don’t be daft,” you comment quietly. “You’re foul. I hear the way you treat that Potter boy. There is no way I’d be friends with you.”
 “This is the way Father expects me to be, Y/N. So, it is the way I am,” he huffs. You only shrug in response. How could your parents expect you to ever be happy with someone as foul as Draco Malfoy?
 It’d been a long year. You had served your fair share of detentions for trying to keep Draco out of trouble, only landing yourself in bigger trouble. You avoided him at all costs, but he was really giving himself a reputation as a foul troublemaker that no one wanted to associate with, well, other than Crabbe and Goyle.
 Year Two
 The summer had done marvelous things for you, such as finding a new love for Charms and creatures of the Forbidden Forest. You’d spent the summer reading, avoiding your parents as much as possible, though it didn’t save you from the weekly dinners with the Malfoys. They seemed to shove you and Draco together as much as possible. It was almost like they were testing you, seeing if they could get you two to fall in love so they wouldn’t feel so bad about planning each of your lives around the other. No matter how hard they tried, you couldn’t bring yourself to think of anything other than foul about Draco Malfoy.
 Still, here you sat next to him in the Great Hall, watching Pansy Parkinson fawn all over him as if he were the next ‘Great Coming.’ An unwelcomed pang of jealousy rolls in your stomach, but you swallow it, choosing to ignore it instead.
 He slowly pulled his arms from Pansy’s grasps, pushing her away slightly.
 “Troll! There’s a troll in the dungeons!” Professor Quirrell announces. He stops running for a moment in the middle of the Great Hall and faints, landing on the floor with a thud. Screams erupt from the Hall as students panic from the troll.
 “Y/N, come on,” Draco says. He grabs your hand, pulling you, his future wife, with him to the corridor. His fingers grasp yours as he runs, you in tow.
 “Draco, slow down,” you beg.
 “I can’t, we have to get to the Common Room!”
 And so, you run with him, huffing as you turn almost every corner you could think to turn. When you finally reach the Common Room, you are the first ones there. He utters the password and pulls you inside.
 Draco was slowly becoming your best friend. And you resented that with every fiber of your being. He was crude and cold, yet when you were alone with him, he was very attentive, maybe even caring. At this moment, you sat cross-legged on his bed in his dormitory, watching his eyes scan a letter that was addressed to the both of you.
 “What does it say?” You ask, trying to get a small peak at it.
 “Hold on,” he mumbles, his eyes glued to the letter.
 “Draco, let me see,” you whine.
 “I said hold on!”
 You pout, but cross your arms, resting your elbows on your knees.
 “It’s your mum, Y/N,” Draco says, slowly looking up at you. Your head twists to the side as you watch him, trying to decipher what exactly he was saying. “She’s really ill. She’s at St. Mungo’s right now, and the healers are doing everything they can. Father says he’ll let us know more when they know.”
 “What?” You ask, your heart falling to your stomach. You snatch the letter from his hands, your eyes scanning it quickly, reading about your mother’s supposed fate. “Draco, what… what does that mean?”
 Draco sighs. He scoots next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You rest your head against his chest as you wrap your arms around your legs.
 “Is she going to die?” You whisper, your eyes trained on the flames that burned in the hearth across from his bed.
 “I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see.”
 Christmas was dismal, to say the least. There was no change to your mother. She wasn’t the same, either. Not when you went to visit to her, and certainly not when you left. The healers worked diligently, day and night, trying to find exactly what was wrong with her, but to no avail.
 “Y/N, Christmas won’t be the same this year. I’m sorry,” your father drawls. He takes another drunken sip of his firewhiskey and leans back in his recliner, his breathing heavy and his eyes glazed.
 Instead of staying home, you use the Floo Network to the Malfoy’s. It was Christmas morning, but from all your previous experiences, you knew they would be awake and in full swing. Draco always demanded the best of the best, and he wouldn’t rest until he got it.
 You weren’t wrong. Draco sat on the floor, his black pajamas a drastic contrast to his light hair and pale skin, the Christmas tree illuminating his skin. Lucius and Narcissa sat perched on the couch, their backs straight and stiff as boards.
 “Y/N, hello,” Narcissa smiles. Draco smiles, too, but Lucius does not. “Happy Christmas. You have some presents under the tree as well, of course.”
 “Happy Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, Draco,” you smile. You place yourself on the floor next to Draco, giving him your warmest smile.
 “How is your mother, pray tell?” Lucius asks, his voice cold and hard as always.
 “Not well, Sir. No change.” You clasp your hands together in your lap and stare at your fingers as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.
 “We’ll make sure to drop by and visit,” Narcissa promises.
 The Malfoys, well, Draco, may not have been who you ever envisioned you’d one day end up marrying, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
 Year Three
 It was on the train ride back to Hogwarts that the Hufflepuff boy first noticed you. You’d bumped into him as you were searching for an empty compartment, completely oblivious to the other students rushing towards you.
 “Sorry,” you murmured, your mind jumbled with thoughts of your mum and what the year would hold and all the news about Sirius Black.
 “No, no, please don’t apologize. It was my mistake,” he says, staring down at you. “I’m Cedric.”
 Your heart clenched at his bright eyes and that smile with his head tilted to the side. You look between his outstretched hand and his eyes.
 “Y/N,” you smile.
 The moment your hand connects with his, the lights on the train flicker out. An audible gasp escapes your lips as Cedric grasps your shoulders and pushes you into an empty compartment. He pokes his head out, watching as the windows frost in the compartment across from yours.
 “What’s happening?” You whisper. He shakes his head, about as dumbfounded as you. You keep quiet, trying to peak around his shoulder. The compartment doors suddenly become chillier and chillier, and Cedric quickly slams the door shut.
 “Dementors,” he whispers.
 That year, the castle was guarded by dementors from Azkaban. You studied hard, making it your mission to be the top in your class at Potions and Charms, and you succeeded well, thanks to Cedric and his tutoring. You kept your distance from Draco, as he didn’t like the idea of you fancying a Hufflepuff boy. You two had many arguments throughout the first term, and you weren’t looking forward to Christmas.
 At this very moment, Draco stands in front of you in his room at Malfoy Manor, his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze cold and hard.
 “Draco, all I need is for you to cover for me. Please.”
 “Why would I protect you? You chose the Diggory boy,” he spits.
 “I really like him, Draco. I thought at least you’d understand,” you sigh. “I know this would worry Father and mum isn’t getting any better. I wanted to tell her first and then tell everyone else. Why are you so against it?”
 He bows his head, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
 “Y/N, our parents made the Unbreakable Vow on our behalf. We are to be married after Hogwarts. How am I supposed to marry you if you’re off fancying another lad?” Draco says, exasperated. He crosses his arms, marching up and down his bedroom, stroking his chin. His eyes dart, his lips pursed in a way that made your stomach roll.
 “Dray,” you sigh, clambering to your knees. You reach out, grabbing his arm to stop his pacing. His gaze meets yours and he lets out a breath you weren’t aware he was holding in. “I didn’t choose Cedric. He chose me.”
At the end of Christmas break, you return to Hogwarts. The air has shifted and all feels right for once. Draco agreed to cover for you with your parents, but with your mother’s worsening condition, you were beginning to wonder if he would even need to. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
 You spent every moment you could with Cedric. What started as innocent smiles and playful shoves turned into desperate hands and wandering lips; neck kisses that left bruises and heavy breathing in broom closets. Cedric was your buoy in a stormy sea and there was nothing you would not do for the Hufflepuff boy, and nothing he would not do for you.
 Year Four
 Your eyes are glazed over as you tune out Dumbledore’s droning on and on about the Triwizard Tournament. It meant nothing to you. There was no way you could ever experience eternal fame and glory- your fate was decided the moment you took your first breath.
 Your chin rests flimsily in your hand, your head lolling onto Draco’s shoulder. The nights were growing longer by the day as the Dark Lord was sure to make his arrival known soon, though you and Draco were too young to be Death Eaters. You’d surely heard the hushed whispers at Malfoy Manor and witnessed some strange beings crawling about the house at all hours.
 “This doesn’t matter,” you whisper to Draco as the two new houses began to introduce themselves.
 But oh, did it. One minute everything feels okay, and the next, you’re standing in Cedric’s dorm, begging him to change his mind about the tournament.
 “Cedric, you don’t need eternal fame or glory! Please, it’s too dangerous,” you beg, your eyes watering and your lip quivering as you tried to hold in all of your fear about the upcoming challenges.
 “My love, everything will be fine,” he says, his eyes searching yours. His hands fall on your hips as he envelops you. “I promise, everything will be fine.”
 Everything wasn’t fine. Cedric was chosen to participate in the tournament. You stood, cheering for him as any supportive girlfriend would when his name was announced, but deep down, you were holding back bile.
 “He’ll be fine, right?” You ask Draco.
 “Possibly,” he retorts, his face already bored of the tournament.
You sit down once more, your eyes darting between the room Cedric disappeared into and Draco.
 “What?” You ask, your eyes scanning the letter your father had sent. Most of it was nonsense, gibberish, drunkenly written in such a way that you likely had to be drunk to understand it. “Draco, what does this say?”
 You pulled his duvet around your small frame as he takes the letter from your hands. His eyebrows scrunch as he reads it, but his face falls.
 “Y/N… It’s your mum. She’s passed.”
 Your breathing hitches in your throat, and you wrap the duvet tighter around you, taking comfort in the smell of your future husband’s cologne. You bury your face in the fabric, the cotton kissing your skin like a homely hug. How could she really be gone? Did she stop fighting? Impossible. Your mum was the hardest fighter you knew.
 Suddenly, Draco was beside you, scooping you into his arms and holding you in his lap. You laid your head on his shoulder as silent tears fell from your eyes. You knew she couldn’t fight forever; it’d only been a matter of time before she died. And that time had come.
 The first task came quickly, and you paced nervously outside the tent Cedric was being held in. When he finally walked out, you wrapped him in the tightest hug you’d ever held him in.
 “My love, what’s wrong?” He asked, pulling back to study your face. He knew all about your mum, but right now you were worried for him.
 “Nothing. Just… do great, okay?”
 He smiles at you, leaning down to leave a chaste but loving kiss on your mouth.
 “Y/N?” He asks, gazing down at you. You quirk an eyebrow at him, a small grin forming on your lips. “I love you. Don’t worry about me.”
 And just like that, the Hufflepuff boy had knocked the wind out of you once again. An ear-splitting grin fell on your lips and jumped into his arms once again.
 “I love you, too, Ced. Please be careful.”
 “Always, love,” he smiles. He sets you down. “Go find a seat with Draco, I’ll see you afterwards.”
 You oblige, running off with the biggest grin on your face. You dodge Draco’s questioning glances and settle into your seat, waiting on the tournament to officially begin.
 The celebrations after the first task were unmatched. It seemed everyone wanted a word with Cedric regarding his clever use of magic to not only defeat the dragon, but to obtain the golden egg as well.
 He holds the egg over his head, cheering in the Hufflepuff common room as his fellow housemates cheer for and with him. He gives you his biggest grin and your heart melts. You’d never been prouder of someone.
 “You were amazing,” you gush for the millionth time. Cedric kisses you soft and slowly, one arm wrapped around you, the other wrapped around the golden egg. The Hufflepuffs cheer as they watch, not one person interrupting.
 “I love you so much,” he says again. You don’t think you could ever get tired of hearing it.
 Draco stares at the lake, then at the empty seat next to him, then at Cedric, then back to the lake. You are supposed to be here already, sitting with him, ready to watch the second task, but you aren’t.
 The news from the previous night was news he wasn’t sure if he would share with you or not. The Dark Lord is going to return on the night of the third task, and Draco knew he would make a show of it. With Cedric being in the tournament, he thought it best not to tell you. Surely Cedric wouldn’t be harmed, right?
 Cedric readies himself, then dives into the lake. He can’t shake off the hurt that you aren’t there, cheering him on from the stands. It’s rather selfish of him to be upset though, since you have been dealing with the death of your mother. He knows you put on a brave face for him, but he knows.
 He listens for the mermaids, using their voices as a guiding beacon of hope, though for what he doesn’t know. He swims deeper, weaving his way through the long kelp and fish that obstruct his view. And then he sees you.
 Draco sighs heavily, almost ready to get up and leave. He’s grown bored of the tournament, as there always seems to be bigger things to worry about. Just as he’s standing to leave, a loud cheer erupts from the crowd. Cedric has surfaced, Y/N in tow. Before Draco knows it, he’s breathing again, and is halfway jogging to you. He watches as a towel is handed to you.
 Cedric wraps you up in a hug, kissing the top of your head. Your heart swims. You’ll love this boy forever.
 The third task comes, and Cedric and Harry Potter are tied for first place. Your nerves eat at you as you watch him out on the Quidditch Pitch, about to enter the maze. Draco seems just as nervous as you, but says nothing.
 “What’s wrong?” You ask, looking over at him.
 “Nothing,” he says. He doesn’t meet your gaze, and you know it’s something bad.
 “Draco, please don’t keep it from me. You know you can tell me whatever is bothering you,” you push.
 “He’s back,” Draco whispers. Your heart stops. “And he’s here. Tonight.”
 “Cedric,” you whisper. You stand, but Draco pulls you back down. “No. What is he planning? Do you know? Draco, why didn’t you tell me? You could’ve told me so Cedric could’ve blown the competition, Draco please…”
 “I don’t know anything,” he says hurriedly. “I just know he’s back and he’s making a show of it tonight.”
 For the next half hour, your leg bounces. You gnaw at your lip. Your mind is in shambles, your heart torn. Draco squeezes your hand tightly between both of his, bringing it to your lips to kiss it softly. He was your husband-to-be, after all.
 Murmurs break out amongst the crowd. You stand, sighing as Fleur is escorted out of the maze, followed by Viktor. Still no sign of your Hufflepuff boy.
 “Draco,” you whisper. “Is he going to be okay?”
 “I don’t know.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
 “I didn’t want to scare you,” he says, looking over at you. You nod- you can understand his reasoning, but it doesn’t make you feel any better. “No matter what, I’m here, alright?”
 “I know,” you say once, louder than before. “He’ll be fine. It’s Ced. He’ll be perfectly fine.”
 Suddenly, Harry Potter emerges from the maze, the Goblet in his hand. Cheers break out among the crowd as the Gryffindor House claims their victory. You try to cheer along, but your eyes narrow as Harry falls to his knees. You see the streak of yellow, and your heart stops.
 “Cedric,” you whisper again. “Cedric… no, no no. No. Not Cedric, please not Cedric!”
 The people around you stare, but you don’t care. You push past them, dropping Draco’s hand as you make your way down the stairs of the tower and onto the pitch.
 “That’s my son!” Amos Diggory cries out, trying to break through the crowd. You beat him to Cedric’s body and before you know it, you fling yourself onto him, holding his head against your chest.
 “I tried to save him, I tried,” Harry cries, a handful of Cedric’s jersey between his fingers.
 The tears fall from your cheeks and onto Cedric’s. You lean down, kissing his forehead repeatedly as you close his eyes. Hugging him close, the world around you seems to stop. He was supposed to be with you forever.
 “I love you so much… Please come back to me, Cedric,” you whisper in his ear through your own sobs. Your breathing catches in your throat and you hiccup.
 Arms are around you and you’re lifted off his body. You know who it is before you even turn.
 “Draco, please no,” you sob, reaching for Cedric. Dumbledore drapes a Hufflepuff blanket over his lifeless body, and all your strength leaves you. Your knees give out and you slide down Draco’s body, hitting your knees, your heart hurting more than it ever had. “Draco, please,” you beg, but you aren’t sure what you’re begging for.
 You watch from the ground as Harry is escorted off the field, and Cedric is carried away.
 Draco picks you up, cradling you to his chest, shielding you from the grieving students and parents who begin to mourn Cedric. First your mother, now the first boy you had ever truly loved.
 It’s been three days since Cedric died. You wear his Quidditch jersey every night for bed, and sometimes his tshirts under your robes. You didn’t care that people thought you were mental, or delusional. It made you feel closer to him.
 “Come on, love,” Draco says, lifting you from his bed at Malfoy Manor. Narcissa insists that you stay with them throughout the summer. Your father’s mental state had progressively worsened since the passing of your mother, and he’s become the worst version of himself.
 You wrap your arms around Draco’s neck as he carries you into his bathroom. The water is already running, and bubbles are foaming.
 “I’ll give you some privacy. Call if you need me,” he says. He kisses your head once after he sets you down, and you give yourself a minute to breathe before slowly peeling your clothes off and sitting in the warm water.
 Year Five
 Meetings. Every single day. Just meetings. Secret meetings. Hushed meetings. Malfoy Manor booms in a way you never thought possible. Death Eaters in and out, your own father in and out, all with one common goal. It’d been a long summer, and though Cedric stayed on your mind, the healing process began and you were learning to move on.
 Draco keeps you away from the chaos as best he can. Today in particular, the two of you enjoy a picnic in a field of sun-facing sunflowers, just before the peak of dawn. He’d gone all out, packing strawberries and biscuits, an assortment of your favorite teas, some pumpkin pasties that you love.
 “You didn’t have to do all of this,” you smile, flopping back on the picnic blanket.
 “I did,” he chuckles. “Another ridiculous meeting, another ridiculous group of people sitting in the parlor.”
 “Still,” you shrug. You take a strawberry from the basket and take a bite. Draco watches your mouth, his heart jumping in a way it never had before. He looks away from you, instead lying next to you, his head just inches from yours.
 “Could I ask you a question?” he asks. You tilt your head, looking over at him.
 “Of course you can, Dray.”
 “You loved Cedric, right?”
 “Yeah. I did,” you sigh, your heart aching. You gaze at the sky, taking in the clouds that seem to form so quickly.
 “What did that feel like?”
 “Why do you ask?” You ask, leaning up on your elbow. You gaze down at him, studying the curves and shadows of his face.
 “No reason. Just curious,” he says, shrugging.
 “I don’t know,” you sigh, laying back down. “I suppose it’s something like an infatuation. I was at my happiest when I was with him. I could talk with him about the things on my mind, and he did the same for me. I suppose it felt like being with my best friend.”
 “I thought I was your best friend?” Draco jokes.
 “Don’t flatter yourself,” you snort. You both grow quiet. “I guess you are.”
 “Does that mean being Mrs. Malfoy won’t be terrible?”
 “We’ll have to wait and see,” you giggle. You turn on your side, your eyes traveling over Draco’s features. Your breath hitches in your throat for the first time since seeing your Hufflepuff boy on the Hogwarts Express, and your heart races in a way that’s unfamiliar.
 Draco looks over to you, his eyes locking with yours. No words are spoken; you just gaze at each other. You notice the way the blue in his eyes streaks between the clouds of grey, and he notices the gold flecks in yours. For the first time since you’d met Draco, you finally felt the spark your parents had been pushing you to have.
 “Y/N, we should join,” Draco insists, holding the Inquisitorial Squad flyer out in front of the both of you.
 “Why would we do that? Seems daft,” you dismiss him, turning your eyes back to your Potions book.
 “Because, it’d be a way to get insight into the Ministry for Father. I’m joining. Are you with me?”
 You set your book down, your eyes narrowing to slits as you stare over at Draco. You sigh, then nod. “Alright, alright. If it makes you happy.”
 Draco smiles his broad smile- the one he saves for you- and gives you a light kiss on your cheek. Your returning grin is unmatched as you fight to regain focus on your book, trying to knock some homework out before the end of the night, but your heart skips a beat the way it does when Draco is around, and you give up.
 “Thank you,” he says in his small voice, resting his elbows on either side of your hips, pinning you to the plush chair in the Common Room.
 “Yeah, yeah,” you laugh. You make a show of pushing him off you.
 “Get a room,” Pansy sneers. “The Common Room is supposed to be a comfortable place, not one that makes me gag.”
 Your eyes roll farther in your head than ever before, and you give Draco the ‘look.’ The look that says: ‘Say something or I will.’
 “Bugger off, Pansy,” Draco says. He waves her away with his hand, turning his attention back to you. You raise an eyebrow at him. “What?”
 “Nothing,” you say, picking your book up and placing it in your bag. “I’m going to the library to study. Sign us up for that Squad, or whatever.”
 “Inquisitorial Squad,” he corrects. He stands, watching as you leave.
 A badge is pinned to your robes by that grubby Umbridge woman.
 “Now, the Inquisitorial Squad is upon one of the highest honors a student at Hogwarts can achieve. As we all know, it is impossible for myself and Mr. Filch to be everywhere at once, so we’re counting on you to report back to me with wrongdoings of other students,” she chirps. She hands each student a notebook. The front page of the notebook breaks down the demerit system. The following pages are specialized to match the crime, the student’s name, and their house. “Wrongdoings should be recorded properly each day, and at the end of the night watches, we will reconvene and punishments will be made. Does everybody understand?”
 “Yes Professor,” you drone. You inwardly roll your eyes. What has Draco gotten you into?
 The first night of the Inquisitorial Squad rotation comes, and you’re roaming the halls with Draco past bedtime, looking for any students out of bed.
 “Why don’t we patrol through the Gryffindor Tower? Potter and his friends are always roaming about the castle at night,” Draco spits.
 “Or we could go towards the kitchen? Most Hufflepuffs sneak out past bedtime to stock their rooms with snacks,” you shrug.
 “How do you know that?” Draco asks, looking over at you.
 Your heart stops for a minute, and that familiar pain is fleeting as you feel the pang before he goes. “Something Cedric told me.”
 Draco looks at you apologetically. He grabs your hand in his own, squeezing your fingers gently. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to- sometimes I forget that Ced- I- I’m sorry.”
 “It’s fine, Dray. Really,” you say, keeping your eyes cast downwards. “It comes and goes, but I think for the most part I’m okay. Cedric was the first boy I ever loved, and his death was cruel and unfair. No one even believes that he’s back, not even the Ministry- the people who are supposed to be protecting us. He died for nothing.”
 Draco stops the two of you, and he turns you towards him, holding onto your shoulders.
 “Cedric didn’t die for nothing, Y/N. We’ll make sure of that.”
 “But how? We’re working for a woman who believes that the Minister is right and Harry is wrong when you know he’s right, Draco. There’s no way for us to prove it.”
 “Do you trust me?”
 “What?” You tilt your head, confused. “Why would you ask me that?”
 “Y/N, do you trust me?” He asks again, his eyes boring into yours.
 “Draco- I… Yes.”
 “Alright, that’s all I needed to know,” he says. He strides forward, pulling you with him.
 “Keep watch,” Draco insists. His obsession with Harry Potter is officially out of hand, but you huff and do as asked, peaking your head out from the corridor.
 “This is ridiculous,” you say.
 “Shh,” he snaps. He places his hand on your lower back, anchoring you to the wall in front of him. “You know Potter and his gang are in there, it’s just a matter of time before we catch them. We need to do this, Y/N.”
 “Fine,” you sigh. Chills run down your spine as you feel his warm breath on your neck. You didn’t know why he needed to be so close to you- you were standing in a wide-open corridor that no one ever used. Well, no one except Harry Potter, apparently.
Draco eyes the skin on your neck, the silver locket placed around it glimmers in the dull light, enticing him. He feels your shallow breathing against his hand on your back, but he doesn’t act upon his urges.
 You turn your head, looking at him over your shoulder when you realize just how close his face is to yours. Your eyes dart to his lips, then back to his stormy eyes, his doing the same. Your heart races in your chest, and your breathing is shallow and stuck in your throat. Just as he’s leaning in, the door at the end of the corridor appears, and Harry Potter himself exits.
 His eyes are wide as he takes in the scene of you and Draco- not that he should be shocked. Everyone knew of your situation.
 “Potter,” Draco spits. He adjusts the sleeves of his button-down shirt and stalks towards him, and although he looks rather unaffected by the moment between the two of you, his cheeks are tinted pink.
 “Malfoy,” Harry spits back. “Nott.”
 “Harry,” you say quietly, joining Draco. “We’re here to warn you.”
 “Warn me about what?”
 “The Inquisitorial Squad,” Draco says, sounding rather bored. “They know you and your lot have been having secret meetings.”
 “I suppose you’re the one who told them, yeah?” Harry bites.
 “Harry,” you say, looking up at him. “I know you and Draco have your differences, but listen to me. They’re onto you, and they’re coming to bust you. They know you’ve been meeting here, they’ve been watching you for weeks now. I don’t know what’s going on, but you haven’t made it too difficult to figure it out, and they think they have. Tomorrow afternoon, at your two o’clock meeting, they’re going to try and stop it.”
 “Why are you telling me this?”
 Draco looks over at you. “I won’t let Cedric die in vain. And if that means going against what everyone expects of me, I’ll do it.”
 “Joining the good side, are you, Malfoy?” Harry mocks. You roll your eyes.
 “Seriously? Can you both just stop it for five minutes?”
 “I don’t believe you,” Harry says. He stalks past you, leaving you both dumbfounded. You look up at Draco, him down at you.
“I don’t know what else we can do, then,” he shrugs. You sigh, but you understand.
 “Maybe after tomorrow he’ll believe us.”
 Harry believed you, alright. Right after the Inquisitorial Squad, minus you and Draco, busted Dumbledore’s Army, Hermione Granger somehow got rid of Umbridge in the most ladylike way imaginable.
 “That was something,” you say that night, sitting in the Great Hall.
 “Can’t say we didn’t warn him,” Draco laughs, his snotty bite coming back into his voice. He picks at the badge on his robes, picking yours off as well. “Next time I try to help, just tell me to stop.”
 “Don’t worry, I will.”
 Year Six
 The Malfoy Manor was darker and gloomier than ever. Voldemort was back, and was back with a vengeance.
 “Draco?” You ask, rolling over on your back to look at him. The sunflowers had long since died, but you two still came to the field to get away from the overbearing looks of expectance from his parents, from your father, and all the death eaters around you.
 “How do you think this is going to end?”
 Draco looks over at you. He rests his cheek in his palm, supporting himself on his elbows. “I honestly don’t know. Why?”
 “I don’t feel safe,” you confess, watching the grey clouds as they take over the sky. You finally meet his gaze. His eyes are soft, his eyebrows pulled together. He reaches out and tucks a wild strand of your hair behind your ear.
 “I’ll always keep you safe,” he whispers. He wraps his arm around your head and pulls you close to him. You breathe him in, your forehead resting in the crook of his neck as he holds you. You feel his fingertips trail the length of your arm, and you sigh.
 “How can you be so sure?”
 “Don’t you see, Y/N? You’re everything to me,” he whispers. He leans down, kissing your forehead so softly you wonder if he even did it. Your heart does flips inside your chest, and you bite your lip as you look up at him.
 “This is going to be a hard year, isn’t it?”
 Draco nods sadly, looking down at you. His nose brushes against your cheek as he rests his forehead atop yours.
 With all your strength, you caress his cheek. You lean up, and for the first time, his lips meet your own. Your world stops spinning at the feeling of his gentle lips. His left hand moves from your neck to tangle in your hair, his right holding you by your back. You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
 Draco rolls you onto your back, his lips locked with your own. You tug at the ends of his hair, your body arching into his.
 At last, your body began to protest, and you both pull away.
 “Y/N,” he whispers, trailing his fingers through the stray hairs on your forehead. You gaze up at him, studying the shadows his nose makes on his chiseled face, and the way his blond hair makes your heart jump when it’s flipped in his forehead the way it is right now.
 “Do you think you could ever love me the way you loved Cedric?” His voice is so small, you’re sure you misunderstood him. Your heart aches in a different way, and you avert your gaze, his own becoming too intense for you to stare into for much longer.
 “Draco,” you start, but he rolls off you and onto his back, covering his eyes with his arms, shielding them from a sun that isn’t there.
 “It’s okay. I understand,” he says flatly.
 “No, that’s not what I- “
 “I get it. It’s alright.”
 “Draco,” you demand, finally sitting up fully and demanding his attention. You rip his arms from his face so he must look at you. “That’s not what I was going to say. Are you going to let me explain, or are you going to continue to be a prat?”
 Draco’s jaw clenches, but he mutters an “if you must.”
 “I must,” you say sweetly. You take a deep breath, your fingers wringing together. “I loved Cedric in a way that I never really understood until lately. It was more than just puppy love, but it was less than an unconditional love, if that makes sense. Cedric taught me a lot about love, yes. He showed me how to express myself, and that it’s okay to make mistakes. His loyalty never faltered from me- he showed me what I deserve. Cedric made my heart race, he made my palms sweaty. He made me feel giddy,” you say, keeping your eyes low.
 “Go on,” Draco encourages, now sitting up fully as well, watching you unfold before him.
 “But you… Draco, you make me feel safe. You make me feel like I could jump from the Astronomy Tower and you’d still be there to catch me. You make me laugh, you challenge me in ways I’ve never been challenged before. And even though sometimes you’re absolutely foul and loathsome, you still look out for me. I’ll never be able to repay you for last year, when you warned Harry with me about the Inquisitorial Squad.”
 “I did that for you, not for Potter,” he says quickly.
 “I know. And it’s one of the thousands of reasons that I am in love with you,” you say. Your eyes finally meet his. They’re wide and grey and beautiful and looking at you like you are the most precious thing in the world. “I don’t love you the same way that I loved Cedric, and I probably never will. But I love you in a way that is our own, in an unconditional way that cannot falter. I’m in love with you, Draco Malfoy, because before my mother died, she told me to watch for the man that made me feel exactly the way you make me feel, the same way my father made her feel.”
 “Y/N,” Draco starts, reaching out to you.
 “I’m not finished,” you say, pulling back from him. “It wasn’t both of our parents that made the Unbreakable Vow. It was our mothers. The vow was broken when my mother died. Draco, if I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t be. It’s our choice now, whether we are to marry or not. And if you don’t want to marry me, well, I guess I could understand that. But I still choose you, and I will always choose you, for the way that you’ve always chosen me.”
 “May I?” he asks, reaching for your hand. You nod once.
 “Y/N, I’ve been in love with you for I don’t know how long. I realized it the day of the second task. When Cedric pulled you from the water, I could breathe again, and I didn’t even know you were down there. You never need to worry about me not choosing you. You are my only choice. My only one,” he says, looking through you it felt like.
 You sigh, moving into his arms once again. You rest your head against his chest, and his arms hold you tightly. He kisses your hair softly, resting his cheek in your locks.
 Dinner wasn’t what you expected it to be. Narcissa was quieter than she usually was, Lucius was ghostly white. Even your father hadn’t touched his own drink all night. Something was going on.
 “Draco, Y/N, a word,” Lucius says quietly. He rises from the table, excusing himself into the parlor, where all meetings were had. You and Draco share a look before you stand. He grabs your hand as you walk into the parlor.
 “Father, what is it?”
 “Sit,” he commands. You and Draco both sink into the couch, and Draco’s hands cover your own, trying to stop their trembling. “The Dark Lord has requested you both be at the next meeting. He has an assignment for the both of you.”
 “I thought we weren’t to be tied up in this?” Draco asks, now leaning forward a bit.
 “We were promised immunity for the both of you if we remained loyal. We have, but the Dark Lord has thought otherwise. You are to both be at the meeting, no questions asked.”
 You nod, staring down at your fingers as you finally understand what this means. Loyalty to Voldemort. The dark mark. Death eaters.
 That night, you stay at the Malfoy Manor in favor of returning home with your passively drunk father. You toss and turn in the guest room where you usually stay, finding the bed to be less than comfortable, less than warm. When you’ve finally had enough, you kick your feet from under the covers and pad to the door, stepping into the hallway quietly.
 You weave your way through the manor until you come to the familiar brown door. You knock once, but there’s no answer. You push it open quietly and enter, closing it behind you. Draco’s light snores fill the room. His head is shoved into the pillow, his blond hair flopping into his eyes. You smile to yourself, memorizing the moment in your head.
 A cool gust of wind blows through his open window, and you shiver once. It’s the only push you need to crawl into the bed with Draco, just like you’d done hundreds of times before. This time felt different, though. His bed not only brought comfort, but you finally felt at home. Safe and warm and home. You wrap the covers around your body and lay on your side, facing the door you’d walked through.
 Draco stirs once, but doesn’t wake up. He turns, wrapping his arm around your body, his lips nipping at your shoulder. He settles again, snoring quieter this time. You sigh and snuggle deeper into his arms, finding solace in his warmth.
 Everything about the room was just a little duller than usual. The lighting was a little bit dimmer, the stone walls were a bit darker, the room was a bit colder. You sit at the table, Draco on your right, your father on your left. Draco’s fingers are warm around your own hand, despite his shivering. He fights to keep still in his black tux, which you thought he’d look very handsome in on any normal day.
 “Welcome,” Voldemort says in his gravelly voice. The meeting kicks off, the first one with the two new people. It’s mildly uneventful, and he mostly goes over business and plans. Finally, he dismisses everyone except you and Draco. Your breathing is hollow, and you cling to Draco.
 “Ah, the young couple,” Voldemort says. “I have a special task just for you. You see, with you two still being students at Hogwarts, you’re able to get closer to some powerful wizards than I,” he gestures to a werewolf, Fenrir Greyback, standing by the door. “My dear friend Greyback will take you to Borgin and Burkes tomorrow, and you will begin your task. I want Dumbledore dead. And I want Death Eaters spreading our message all over Hogwarts, and it’s your job to get them there.”
 Your heart drops to your stomach, and you look over at Draco, who looks cold and white as marble.
 “Here you go, dear,” Narcissa says. She places a small cup of tea in front of you, then sits next to you, rubbing your back softly. “I know this is difficult, and I’m sorry we couldn’t keep you and Draco from this.”
 You sip your tea gratefully. “I know. It’s not your fault, though.”
 “I don’t know how long we’ll be paying for my husband’s mistakes.”
 “We’ll do what we have to do,” you say, offering her a small smile.
 “Can you do me a favor?”
 “Of course,” you say, setting your teacup down.
 “Draco will do anything to keep you safe. Anything. I see the way he looks at you. Like you’re his most prized possession. Almost like you’re so delicate that you’ll disintegrate if he isn’t there to hold onto you,” she says, half of a smile on her lips.
 “What would you like me to do?”
 “Show him how strong you are. Show him how brave you are. I think knowing that you can handle yourself if needed will give him some peace of mind. But please be careful doing it. I can’t imagine what losing you would do to Draco.” Narcissa looks at you, a fond smile on her face. “He loves you more than I could’ve ever imagined. And I’m so glad that it’s you.”
 You can’t help your returning grin. “I will, I promise. I love him, too.”
 “I know you do. You’re already family. We’ll protect you just as much as we protect him.”
 You take Narcissa’s words to heart. That year, you spend the entire first half learning to hide your dark mark with a new wardrobe, and you spend all your free time with Draco in the Room of Requirement, trying to fix the Vanishing Cabinet.
 “I’m working with Flitwick on some charms that are a bit more advanced for repairing than this, but it’ll take some time,” you say, flopping down on the dust-covered floor.
 “How are you getting him to teach you such advanced magic?”
 “I told him I’m trying to fix some of my mum’s things. I brought one of her old mirrors to practice on. We’ve been trying to repair it, but Narcissa placed an irreparable charm on it. When she thinks I’m ready, she’ll remove the charm.”
 Draco smiles softly at you, holding your chin in his palm. “You are so incredibly smart, my love. And talented.” You watch the tears fill his eyes.
 “Draco, we can do this. I know we can,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around him.
 “I know we can. But I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to be forever known as the guy who killed Albus Dumbledore,” he says, his voice cracking. He wipes at his eyes once, and you try your hardest to hold it together for him.
 “If it comes down to it, I’ll use your wand to do it. No one will ever have to know, alright?”
 “I wouldn’t let you do that, Y/N.”
 “Draco, do you trust me?”
 “Alright. That’s all I needed to hear.”
 You walk out of Dumbledore’s office feeling hopeful. You’d told him everything, from trying to curse him with the necklace that accidentally cursed Katie Bell, to the rum. To your surprise, he’d known everything. All of it. He’d known all along that you and Draco were tasked to do this. And he had a plan that he wouldn’t disclose with you, because the less you knew the better.
 You walk towards the Great Hall, your stomach grumbling for the first time since you’d gotten the task, when you heard a strangled cry. You stop in front of the boys’ lavatories and look down, noticing that you were standing in a puddle of water.
 Quickly, you walk inside, and suddenly, Cedric’s death flashes behind your eyes for the millionth time. Except this time, it feels much more real, and much, much worse. Harry Potter was standing over Draco, blood spewing from his white shirt. Draco’s breathing is shallow and almost nonexistent.
 “I’m sorry! I- I didn’t know and-” Before Harry could finish, you had him pinned to the wall, your wand at his throat.
 “Harry Potter, WHAT did you do to him?”
 The door swings open and Professor Snape glides in, eyeing the situation. He kneels next to Draco, muttering silently as a quiet rage emanates from him. The blood rushes from the floor and back into Draco’s body. Snape stands, and instantly, you let go of Harry and rush to Draco’s side as he coughs and wheezes.
 “Hey,” you whisper, tears streaming down your face. “Hey, you’re alright. You’re gonna be fine.”
 “Miss Nott, get Mr. Malfoy to the hospital wing. I’ll deal with Mr. Potter.”
 You nod, pulling Draco off the floor. He limps next to you all the way to Madam Pomfrey. You quickly replay the situation, and she goes to work; serums and potions and herbal remedies are shoved into Draco one by one. The color slowly returns to his cheeks, and soon, he’s no longer spluttering and coughing. He reaches for you and you move next to him, collapsing in his arms at once.
 “I was so worried,” you sob, clinging to him. “I thought… I- “
 “Shh,” he whispers. “I’m going to be alright. I’m okay.”
 Second term comes and faster than you would’ve liked, you finished the Vanishing Cabinet. Now, as the sky changes from a gloomy grey to an orange, and finally to a muggy black, you stand before the cabinet, almost admiring your handiwork and use of charms and more advanced magic than you would’ve liked to believe you knew.
 “Is everything in place?” Draco asks, stalking into the Room of Requirement.
 “Yeah, everything is ready. We have until the hour is up to prepare ourselves, though,” you whisper, reaching your hand out to him. He takes it gingerly, running his thumb over your knuckles.
 “I won’t let anything bad happen to you. I promise,” he says. “If I can’t do it, we run. Alright?”
 “We won’t make it very far,” you say, watching him carefully. “Draco, please remember what I said. I can handle this. If you can’t, then I will. I’ve already spoken to Dumbledore and-“
 “You did what?” He asks, dropping your hand. He’s angry. Almost too angry for your liking.
 “I spoke to Dumbledore,” you repeat, keeping your cool. “He knows tonight is the night. He knows what is going to happen to him. He knows you- you’re going to kill him. But he says he has a plan. He wouldn’t tell me what it was.”
“Of course he wouldn’t tell you what his plan is, Y/N!” Draco explodes. He paces the room, gnawing on the fingernail of his thumb. “Do you know what happens if the Dark Lord finds out about this? About you sneaking off and revealing the plan to Dumbledore?”
 You move in front of Draco, stopping his pacing by placing your hands on his forearms. “Draco, he already knew. I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t know. He knew for months that the Dark Lord was going to assign us this task. He already knew, Draco, because someone had already told him!”
 Draco’s gaze meets your own, but he doesn’t have time to formulate a response. The door to the vanishing cabinet opens, and Fenrir Greyback is the first to jump out of it.
 “Good work, young’uns,” he snarls. “Good work indeed.”
 Wand poised, head up, the fear of the moment striking you in ways you didn’t think possible. The summer breeze blew your hair back, and you swallow the lump in your throat as you consider those sparkling blue eyes.
 “Miss Nott,” Dumbledore says, eyeing you. “How very brave of you, to take Mr. Malfoy’s place. Though I didn’t think you the type.”
You don’t respond, choosing to keep your mouth shut- if you spoke, surely your voice would crack and you wouldn’t be able to do it. Draco steps next to you, holding his wand in front of him.
 “Don’t you understand?” He says through his teeth. His voice is a whimper, and your heart breaks for him. “We have to do this. I have to kill you. Or he’s gonna kill me… Or worse, her.”
 Footsteps ring through the Astronomy Tower, and you know the others will be joining to see if the job is finished.
 “Draco,” you whisper, nudging him, but his eyes stay narrowed and focused on Dumbledore. Bellatrix is the first up the stairs. She takes in the scene before her.
 “Well, look what we have here,” she breathes. She moves between Draco and you, placing herself right behind him. “Well done, Draco.”
 Draco can’t seem to hide his disgust as she moves around him, standing at the frontlines. You look over to him, trying to gauge how bad the aftermath will be when this is over. He looks like the shell of the boy you’ve come to love. You reach over as discreetly as you can and slip your hand into his. He falters only for a moment, but straightens his shoulders out as he squeezes your hand.
 “Good evening, Bellatrix,” Dumbledore says. “I think introductions are in order, don’t you?”
 “Love to, Albus, but I’m afraid we’re on a bit of a tight schedule.” She turns to Draco. “Do it.”
 Draco doesn’t move, and your heart races faster than you thought humanly possible.
 “He doesn’t have the stomach,” Greyback sneers. “Just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way.”
 “No!” Bellatrix exclaims. “The Dark Lord was clear the boy is to do it. This is your moment, Draco. Do it.”
 Draco hesitates, his eyes darting between you, Bellatrix, and Dumbledore. You could see the tears forming in his eyes, and how he blinked them away just as quickly as they’d come.
 “Go on, Draco,” Bellatrix encourages again. “Do it, now!”
 Another set of footsteps emerges from the stairwell.
 “No,” Professor Snape drawls as he steps into view. Draco breathes a small sigh of relief, and you breathe one for him. You thought you were going to have to step up to kill Dumbledore.
 “Severus,” Dumbledore starts. The room is silent as everyone looks at each other, then focuses on Snape and Dumbledore. “Please.”
 “Avada Kedavra,” Snape says calmly, twisting his wand towards Dumbledore.
 Draco grabs you, tucking your face against his chest to hide you from the scene, but it was too late. You saw how lifeless Dumbledore had looked, and you saw the way he fell from the top of the tower. By this time tomorrow, everyone would know that Albus Dumbledore was dead, and Lord Voldemort was now in full control.
 “Y/N,” Narcissa whispers as you enter the kitchen later that night. You rush into her arms, not wanting anyone else to see you like this, weeping for the loss of one of your favorite Professors, the loss of your mother, the loss of your freedom, and the loss of your innocence. “Shh… You’re safe, it’s alright.”
 The deed had been done, and although you nor Draco had uttered that killing curse, you still knew of the plan, you’d still been there, and you were still Death Eaters. You’d done your best to hold it together for Draco, but now you were just trying to hold on a little longer for yourself.
 “I’m so sorry,” you whisper through your sobs. “I tried to show him I could handle it… But- but I- I didn’t do it.”
 “You were perfect, my sweet girl. Everything is alright now… Your task is complete,” Narcissa says, stroking your hair.
 You stay there a few minutes longer, your body shaking with quiet sobs as you hold onto Draco’s mother, well, the only mother you’d known since your fourth year at Hogwarts, when your own mother had passed away.
 “Mum? Y/N?” Draco asks, entering the kitchen. You quickly wipe your eyes, not wanting him to see you cry this way. “Is everything alright?”
 “As alright as it can be,” Narcissa says, still holding you tightly against her. “Why don’t you take Y/N up to bed. I will pretend to not notice that the guest bed will not have been slept in, okay?”
 Draco nods and reaches his hand out to you, and you gingerly take it. He pulls you to him and wraps you in a tight hug, and you break down again. Draco is quick as he bends down and picks you up, wrapping one arm around your back and the other behind your knees, keeping you cradled to him.
 The night is sleepless and filled with nightmares of Dumbledore’s ashen face, and although you are tucked between Draco’s arm and chest, you still feel as lifeless as Dumbledore.
Year Seven
 Hogwarts will never be the same. The Carrows have taken over at the request of Headmaster Snape. Gryffindors are tortured, Hufflepuffs are belittled, and Ravenclaws are tested daily, but Slytherins are untouched.
 Classes now revolve around the Dark Lord and dark arts, and at one point, you were sure you’d been poisoning textbooks in your “potions” class.
 “This is ridiculous,” you say, tossing one of your textbooks on the floor of the common room.
 “What if we ran away?” Draco says suddenly. He’s standing by the window, looking into the murky water of the black lake. “What if we just left? No one would even notice we were missing.”
 “Draco,” you start. “Everyone would know we were missing. What about your mother and father? We can’t put them through that.”
 “Why not? If they don’t know, it can’t hurt them. Let’s just go. We can go to Italy, maybe? Hide out for a bit, I know of a wizarding community there. We can just go be together and not have to worry about all of this for a while.”
 “Draco, I don’t know… It sounds too risky. What if they come after us?”
 Draco kneels in front of you, holding your hands between his own.
 “I won’t let them hurt you anymore. I promise. Let’s get out of here, let’s just go.”
 He gazes up at you, his eyes fierce and grey and beautiful, and you are completely entranced. The way he looks at you tells you that he’s been thinking about this for a while, and although it’s against your better judgement, you nod.
 “Okay. Let’s go.”
 Italy was amazing, to say the least. Though you kept track of what was going on back at Hogwarts, it was like the loom of the Dark Lord was almost absent here. Nobody seemed to care that there was a dark and powerful wizard on the rise, and nobody was rushing around as they were back home. It was sunny and beautiful most days, and Draco took you to so many tourist attractions that it felt like a genuine vacation.
 But it was over sooner than you would’ve liked. Soon enough, you were back in the Malfoy Manor, six months behind you like they never happened.
“It’s happened,” Lucius says gravely. “He’s taking over Hogwarts. We invade tomorrow. He’s going to kill Harry Potter.”
 The battle is fierce and scary and it only took one curse at Hermione Granger for you to understand which side you wanted to fight for. All it took was a look and Draco was on the same side as you.
 So, you fought Death Eaters tooth and nail together, side by side, protecting each other at all costs. You throw curses you didn’t even know you really knew, and scream counter-curses over your shoulder when Draco freezes up.
 Through everything, Draco never leaves your side. Even now, when you stand in the courtyard among your fellow students, the Dark Lord in front of you, you aren’t afraid.
 “I killed Harry Potter!” Voldemort shouts gleefully. His smile is in slits, and he looks more menacing than ever.
 There was a flurry of activity from Hagrid’s arms where Harry Potter lay, and suddenly, Harry was on his feet and the fighting began again.
 Voldemort is gone for good. There’s no way he can hurt you or Draco now. Snape is dead. Lucius is in Azkaban, and you and Draco? You stand together, hand in hand, in the sunflower field you once lay in, grinning at each other as some of your closest friends surround you.
 “Draco Lucius Malfoy, do you take Y/N Y/M/N Nott to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
 Draco smiles at you, and it is a smile that could bring anything back to life. “My love, I’ve chosen you since the beginning, and here I stand choosing you now. I do.”
 “I do, too,” you say, before the pastor can even get his own words out. You don’t wait for him to announce you as man and wife before you throw yourself into his arms, kissing him hard in front of everyone, though in that moment it was only the two of you.
 The following years were spent together in your cottage in Italy. It was quaint, but a nice change of pace from the manor that you’d both been so used to. Narcissa visits often, always bringing goodies from the Manor and sometimes even staying weekends. Draco vowed to only be a force of good, and had become a Healer at a St. Mungo’s location in Venice. You, however, were particularly gifted in charms, and helped apparated to London often to visit and help him develop new protective spells.
 It wasn’t long before you and Draco started your own little Malfoy family. First a little boy, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, followed two years later by a little girl, Cecelia Rose Malfoy. It wasn’t long before you moved back to London, wanting your own children to go to Hogwarts as you both did.
 Draco was happier than you’d ever seen him. You often danced together in the kitchen, and read your two children books together. He’d turned into the man you needed and loved, and he cherished you as if you were his most prized possession. Because in his eyes, you were. He would never stop choosing you, and you him.
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request:  Hey, I was wondering if you could do a Snape x reader where they used to go to school together but since he was so hung up on lily and with being bullied etc. He became rude and stuff to R so she left him, and now she comes back and doesn’t remember him (you can make up why) and you can choose how it ends :)
note: hope you guys enjoy this cuz this came to me at like 1am last night and i just wrote it. also i really hope this doesnt offend anybody, i just couldnt think of anything else
warnings: PTSD, war, death, jokes about depression/anxiety/PTSD, Iraq War mentions
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“You should go and visit, you know,” your therapist, Meredith said. Her hands were folded atop her stomach as she relaxed, notebook lazily thrown on her table.
You sat across from her, hands playing with the candy wrapper that had been pre-occupying your mind, “right, and I should do that because?”
Meredith chuckled, “definitely not related to the past hour I just spent with you. Y/N, you were in Iraq, away from the Wizarding World and you got shot. In the head. Not only that, you had amnesia.”
With a sigh, you threw the wrapper in the trash, “have, and I didn’t know that.” Sarcasm dripped from your words.
“And seeing an old place can help you retrace your memory, bringing back old times that you lost; this can be very beneficial,” she said, leaning forward in her seat.
You licked your lips, “and if I find and remember something bad?”
Meredith held up her phone, “ringer is always on.”
“So I’ve noticed; you tweet something very controversial because I know those sounds were from Twitter,” you joke, standing to gather your things.
Your therapist shook her head as she showed you the door, “keep in touch.”
Walking away, you said, “a cry a day keeps your therapist away!”
As you drove home, the only thing on your mind was Hogwarts. Reaching out hadn’t been your thing ever since the war, not wanting to get the look or talk of sympathy. But the Wizarding World was different from the muggle world, so who would know? Well, maybe the people who remember you.
Pulling into your driveway, you parked your car and grabbed your bag. Walking into the small but mighty house, you snapped three times to remember who and where you were, hearing the sounds of your owl Coco.
Seeing her in her cage, you immediately let her out and pet her. “Hey girl,” you whispered, “I might ask you to deliver something tonight. It’s urgent.”
She rubbed her head against your cheek, “I’m fine, everything’s okay!”
Grabbing a piece of paper, an envelope, and a quill, you snapped again, “Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts...”
Coco hummed and you closed your eyes, “Dumbledore. Professor Dumbledore, right. Right.”
Beginning your letter, you asked your old Professor to let you come back for a short visit, not going into your whole PTSD/loss of memory drama, just some amnesia. Not a big deal. You miss the magic and the castle, even though you can’t even remember it.
With a melted-candle seal, you sent Coco on her way to Hogwarts. It shouldn’t be far, hoping to see her the following morning. The sun had gone down, stars covering the night sky as you witnessed people turning off their lights. Getting ready for bed by your routine, you laid in bed anxiously waiting for Coco until deciding to sleep.
It felt like it hadn’t been long until Coco arrived in the morning, letter in claws. Shrieking you awake, you snapped your fingers three times to remind yourself.
“Good morning to you too, Coco,” you yawned, trying to calm her down.
Looking at the letter, your head ached until you tried to remember, “letter, Dumbledore...right! Oh - oh my gosh, okay!”
Coco landed next to you as you opened the letter, reading over it. Your owl awaited your expressions as she noticed your smile, “looks like I have to pack...bit of a vacation.”
Packing up a week’s worth of clothes and supplies, you immediately headed to the train station Dumbledore mentioned in his letter. He told you exactly where to go - 9 and 3/4. If it’s difficult to find, a student of his wouldn’t mind helping. It is September, after all. Right! September, school starting.
Stopping between 9 and 10, you stood and stared at the columns of brick. Looking down at the letter, you reread it over and over, “9 and 3/4...”
A mother was heard scolding her kids as she hurried along, “c’mon Weasleys, we haven’t got all day! You too, Harry; I love you like my own son but you are as slow as a sloth.”
All five kids stopped as an older woman stood them in a line, telling them to send letters from school. Then, each one ran into the column, disappearing!
You gasped, “what the-”
The older woman looked at you, “old trick to Hogwarts, never gets old...”
Why did she look so familiar?
All her kids were redheads - well, except the brunette - and she said Weasley. Weasley, Weasley, Weasley...
“Y/N L/N?” the woman asked. She beat you to it. Two teen boys looked on as the woman had the ‘pity eyes.’
Your fingers snapped, “yes, uh yes, that is me. I’m sorry, do I...do I know you?”
She had a kind face, wrinkles showing years of knowledge, “yes, you do. No need to explain yourself to me, dear. I’m Molly Weasley and this is my son Ron and his best friend Harry.”
You gave a small wave, “hey there.” They waved back, gentle smiles on their faces.
Molly turned her attention back to you, “are you visiting Hogwarts?”
With a nod and a smile, you answered her question, “indeed I am. I’m not entirely sure why but I was told I should.”
The woman chuckled, “I wish I could go every day with my kids...Are you staying for personal business or?”
You shook your head, “my therapist thinks revisiting old places of my life will...” -Let's not bring up your horrible past life- “bring peace.”
Molly smiled, “and Hogwarts is the place to be! Well, if I don’t see you, try to reach out sometime, dear.” With that, she turned around and talked with her boys.
“I want you to take her to Professor Dumbledore as soon as you arrive. Go with her everywhere and make sure she is okay, you hear me?” Harry and Ron nodded as Molly stood back.
You gave a slight wave, “see you...” Your fingers snapped, “Molly.” With that, you and the two boys walked through the column, quickly going onto the train and somehow finding an empty cart. It seemed as if everyone knew who you were except you, eyes of civilians and children looking at you.
The train ride to Hogwarts seemed endless until you stopped, not hesitating to get your things and hop off the damn thing. Seeing bright lights of lanterns brought you back somewhere, you just weren’t sure where.
Carriages were being driven by horses - or what you thought looked like horses - as you analyzed your surroundings, trying to snap but wanting to take everything in. Harry stood by your side, “you’ve been?”
You nodded, “I’m sure I have, just not sure when.”
The young boy shrugged, “well you can ride with Ron and me, also our friends Hermione, Neville, and Luna.”
With a smile, you didn’t hesitate to go towards the carriage and hop on with Harry behind you. You looked past Luna, “beautiful horse.”
The blonde seemed to agree, “calm beings, of course. Only those who have seen death can experience their beauty.”
The carriage ride became quiet until you spoke up, “Y/N L/N.” Around the small area, the students introduced themselves. They were certainly going to make you feel old.
As you passed over the river and towards Hogwarts, your heart raced. You snapped your fingers to remind yourself of who and where you were. Students hopped off the carriages, luggage hauling them along inside the castle.
Candles were floating as the knights of the castle moved to let everyone through. Voices filled the castle as a feast had begun but you didn’t join. Rather, you needed an explanation. Who were these people and why does that guy in the giant hat look so familiar?
Large footsteps were heard as a hand landed on your shoulder, “aye, Y/N, is that you?”
Your head spun, “oh! Oh, yes, yes, I am Y/N.”
The very large man towered over you as tiny hairs from his beard fell, “it’s wonderful ta see ya! How ya been?”
You snapped your fingers, “listen, I’m very sorry but I-I don’t know who you are and I’ve realized this is a huge mistake and I never - no.”
You failed to notice Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall step into the hall, pulling you aside. Dumbledore started, “how are you, Miss/Mr. L/N?”
“Stressed, surrounded, very confused but living so that’s a plus,” you said, nodding to the old man. “Professor Dumbledore?”
He nodded, “in the flesh. And of course, Professor McGonagall.”
You smiled, “oh, Professor McGonagall!” Wrapping your arms around her, she rubbed your back, “hello, dear.”
Pulling back, you sighed, “it is wonderful to see you both! No, you three. Crap, I’m deeply sorry...”
Hagrid didn’t seem a bit offended, “Hagrid!”
You laughed, “Hagrid! Of course - it was there.”
Dumbledore gave a slight smile, “Minerva, would you mind taking over as I talked with our guest?” With a nod, McGonagall and Hagrid headed inside the Great Hall while you locked arms with your old professor.
“It is beautiful to see a past student here,” Dumbledore said, guiding you around the castle you once saw as home.
You grasped his arm, “it’s great to be back, Professor...I just wish I could remember it. That bullet to the head - it messed with me more ways that you could imagine.”
Dumbledore seemed to tighten his grip for a second until he relaxed, “Severus doesn’t know. You don’t remember him but the both of you were the best of friends, making a great team with Lily Potter.”
A small smile grew on your lips, “Lily, Lily, Lily...”
Professor Dumbledore continued, “you stopped talking after school. Severus had said some hateful things to you and you didn’t hide away. Vicious, it was. But it got worse after the Potter’s died. Severus worked here and never mentioned you - as if you never existed.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “it sounds familiar - the name - it really does.”
He nodded, “I know, my dear. I know many things and regaining lost memories is something of extreme difficulty and sometimes pain.”
Silence enveloped the two of you as your walk seemed to almost end. However, footsteps were heard from down the hall, someone calling Professor Dumbledore's name, “Ablus!”
The tall man stopped before the both of you, locking eyes with yours as he seemed to have lost his voice, “I heard...hello.”
Dumbledore directed his hand towards the man, “Y/N, this is Severus Snape. Severus, you remember Y/N.”
Severus’ eyebrows raised, “Albus, we know-”
“I was in Iraq in the muggle world and I was shot in the head three times but saved by my helmet yet it altered my long term memory,” you said, heart racing at the sight of this man.
He seemed speechless, “I...I apologize. Albus, may I?”
Dumbledore handed you off to Severus as he gave a slight wave, “come back to the Great Hall later tonight. We have much to talk about.”
Severus and you locked arms, taking a turn down the hall even further away from dinner. Snape gazed at you, “I know you don’t remember...but I’m sorry for what I said all those years ago.”
A slight laugh left your lips, “it’s quite alright. While I don’t remember what was said, I’ve been given another chance to start over.”
Snape stopped walking, “I spent a lot of time loving and grieving over Lily Potter. Grieving not only when she died but when James seemingly took her away from us. It was unfair to you...I never listened and I hurt you, so, so bad.”
You shrugged, “I wish I could remember what we did to hurt each other so bad for you to get teary-eyed.” You smiled and ran your thumb over Snape’s cheek.
He held your hand against his cheek, “over dinner? We can talk?”
A smile formed, “are you asking me on a date, Severus?”
Snape held out his arm for you to take, “my dear, it can be whatever you want it to be.”
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frost-queen · 6 years
Mirror of Erised ( Reader x Harry Potter)
Requested by: @lovegovd, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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It shows us nothing than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts.
You met Harry on the Hogwarts express as you were going for the first time to Hogwarts. All the other cabinets were full, so you walked almost to the end of the train where you noticed a boy with round glasses sitting down. You opened the doors as he turned his head from the window to the door opening. – “May I sit with you; all the others are full?” – he nodded for you to sit down as you walked inside and closed the doors behind you.
You placed yourself down as the boy looked curious at you, you noticed it and smiled soft. – “My name is Y/n Y/L/n and you are?” – you noticed that he moved around a bit nervous in his seat before he spoke. – “Harry… Harry Potter…” – he said after a long pause, he immediately ducked down as he was ready to receive some questions from you.
“Harry Potter?” – you repeated as he turned his head away from your gaze as he didn’t like the attention around his name. Everyone around him seemed to know more about his life than him and it bothered him. – “Nice to meet you.” – you said as you extended your hand to him, he blinked a few times as he didn’t expect that. – “oh, … nice … nice to meet you as well, Y/n…” – he stuttered as he shook your hand.
The rest of the ride you talked about your parents and how it was to grow up in a wizard family, Harry told you on his turn about his life with the Dursleys as he was glad to be away from them. The closer you got to Hogwarts the more familiar the two of you got, Harry started to consider you as his first friend as you felt the same. You heard the train whistle loud as big clouds filled the blue skies, you looked out of the window and noticed you had arrived.
You and Harry got up at the same time as he paused a bit to let you step out as first. You thanked him and jumped out of the train as Harry followed you on foot, he heard a loud voice as he recognised it and without thinking took your arm and ran with you to the loud voice. – “Hagrid!” – he called out as the big man laughed deep, - “Harry Potter so good to see you…” – he had bowed down a bit to speak closer to Harry as his eyes glided from Harry to you.
“Is this a friend of yours?” – he asked him as he straightened himself again and waved to some children of your age to come closer to him. – “yes, this is Y/n!” – Harry told him happy as he smiled bright at you, - “Nice to meet you Y/n” – Hagrid spoke as he shook your hand, his hand was so big that your hand was lost in his palm.
“Nice to meet you as well” – you replied as Hagrid didn’t listen anymore he was calling for the first years to follow him. You and Harry followed him to the boats as both of you talked about in which house you would end up. You stopped talking as you saw the castle at the other end of the lake, you pinched Harry in his arm as you were excited to attend to Hogwarts. You shared a boat with Harry, a boy with ginger hair and a girl with glasses, you frequently looked excited at Harry as he kept gazing at the immense castle in front of him.
You were awaited by an elderly lady who wore a green robe and a black pointy hat, she explained to you what was going to happen at the sorting ceremony and what everyone had to do. You and Harry gave each other a look as you wished you got sorted in the same house. The immense doors opened, and you walked inside the great hall were several students were sitting at large tables. At the end of the hall was a large table standing on a platform as you recognised them as teachers.
Everyone stopped in front of a chair with an old, dusty pointy hat on it, it was sitting in a sloppy way as it looked like it could rip at any moment. Professor McGonagall walked to the front and unfolded a large piece of parchment, she cleared her throat as she started to read out loud everyone’s name. You and Harry ended up with Gryffindor as the both of you were glad that you were together and at such a mighty house as Gryffindor.
The first semester was new and nerve wrecking as you had to remember at what floor your classes where and that the switching stairs didn’t lead you to a wrong floor. You loved most of the classes except for Potions as the Professor who gave it seemed to hate every Gryffindor and especially Harry. Professor Snape would give Harry critic for everything he did, if he even breathed Snape would already scold at him.
Harry and you had grown as tick as thieves as the two of you were inseparably. The more time you spent with him, the more your feelings started to grow for him. You were developing love feelings for him, but you never told him as you were happy with the relationship you had with him now. You were also afraid of what he might think of you and if he didn’t feel the same than you would have ruined your friendship.
Soon it was the stressing period of exams but also winter and snow fun. You sometimes went with Harry outside to let Hedwig; his owl stretches her wings. His snow owl loved to fly around the castle and always came back to him whenever he needed him. Your cat on the other hand mostly slept on your bed as it purred soft. Whenever you and Harry are ever talking on your bed, he would always pet her as she purred loud on his lap.
You had promised Harry that you would stay at Hogwarts during the winter break as you didn’t want him to be alone. You had already filled in the paper as Professor McGonagall noted your name that you would stay here. Harry was very grateful that he could celebrate Christmas with you and his other classmates. You knew Christmas was coming soon so, you wrote a letter to your parents asking them to buy Harry a gift from you and send it to you.
It was Christmas eve as you and Harry were sitting in the common room near the fire place, covered in blankets. – “I can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with you, Y/n!” – Harry called out as he smiled bright at you. It was the first time that Harry got to celebrate something, and he was overexcited to share it with you. – “Me too, I’m so glad we get to spent Christmas together…” – you replied as your cat sprung on your lap, asking you for attention.
You breathed out a soft laugh as you started to pet your snow-white cat, Harry laughed soft as she moved her tail to his side showing him to pet her tail. Harry let his hand slide over her tail repeatedly as she purred satisfied. You and Harry kept petting your cat as you gazed at the fire before you, dreaming of a perfect Christmas. As it was close to midnight the two of you said goodbye as you walked to the girl’s side with your cat in your arms. – “Goodnight Y/n…” – Harry said as he paused for a moment standing on a few steps. – “Good night, Harry…” – you replied as you looked back at him, he chuckled soft before he made his way over to his room.
The next morning you were awake early as your cat kept tickling you with her fluffy tail, - “Juniper… not now…” – you said half-asleep as you waved her tail out of your face. She meowed loud as she tried to get your attention, you got up and rubbed your eyes as she placed herself down on your lap. You shook your head soft as you laughed at her behaviour, it only then occurred to you that it was Christmas day. You threw the covers from you and Juniper growled annoyed at you for moving, you putted on your robe and slippers as you rushed down the stairs.
You ran straight to the boy’s section as you knew Harry was the only boy in his room. – “Harry!” – you called out between your breaths as you swung the door open. – “Harry wake up, wake up!” – you climbed in his bed and started to shake him awake as he growled soft, - “It’s Christmas day!” – you shouted as he abruptly got up, making you fall to the end of his bed. – “It’s Christmas!” – he repeated as you nodded excited, he threw the covers off him as he putted on his slippers and robe. You rolled out of his bed as you followed him downstairs, downstairs there was a big tree standing in the corner of the common room as Juniper had already come downstairs and placed herself in front of the warm fireplace.
“Presents!” – you shouted as you ran over to the tree and kneeled in front of it, Harry stood waiting as he knew he wouldn’t get any presents. He only moved when he heard you call out that he had also some presents. He quickly kneeled beside you as he was excited, he never got any presents and now he got four. – “I ... I never get any presents…?” – he said confused as you handed him the first one, - “it’s from Hagrid!” – you called out and Harry recognised the bad hand writing of Hagrid.
He ripped the paper off as you grabbed a present of yours. You had opened it and saw that your grandmother had made you a sweater with a lion on it, representing your house. Harry laughed hard as he was you held the sweater against your chest to see if it would fit. – “Don’t laugh at me as you got also one!” – he frowned soft as he placed Hagrid’s gift aside, you threw him a present wrapped in the same paper as yours.
You were the one to laugh now as he opened the present and presented you the same sweater. He looked at the note and read that your grandmother had made one for him as well. – “I wrote a letter to my parents, asking them to buy you a gift and I think my grandmother wanted to make you it.” – you said as he frowned again at you, he then gave you a friendly hug as he was glad with the gift even though it wasn’t such a pretty sweater but he appreciated the gesture.
You and Harry had unpacked everything as he noticed a strange wrapped present, he reached out for it as you enjoyed some chocolates that your mother had sent you. You frowned as Harry admired the ugly wrapped gift, - “Who’s it from?” – you asked him curious as he looked at the note that came with it. – “I don’t know… it just says, use wisely?” – Harry spoke as he placed the note slowly next to him.
You moved closer to him as you watched him unwrap the gift, you gasped as he pulled out some sort of cloak. – “Try it on!” – you called out to him as Harry got up and held the cloak in front of him, he putted it around him and you dropped your box of sweets as you were shocked. – “Ha…Harry… Harry your body is gone!” – you stuttered shocked as you pointed at an empty spot underneath his head. Harry frowned and looked down as he was shocked by his own appearance.
“My body… it’s gone!” – he panicked as he twirled around to search for his body. – “I think that’s an invisibility cloak!” – you called out as Harry removed the cloak from him and his body appeared again. – “Who would send me this?” – he asked you confused as he placed the cloak over a sofa, you shrugged your shoulders as Juniper had come closer to explore the unknown piece of fabric. – “Imagine the things we could do with it…” – a smirk appeared on your face as you imagined yourself teasing Draco Malfoy with it, he would never know what hit him.
Harry shook his head as he knew exactly what you were up to, - “Y/n don’t even try! Malfoy is not worth it!” – you pouted your lips as Harry laughed soft at your begging face, - “Why don’t you pass me some chocolates?” – he asked you to change the subject, you puffed annoyed that he ignored you and threw some chocolates to him. The two of you kept enjoying the Christmas morning as it started to snow outside.
The rest of the day, you and Harry had spent playing wizards chess and searching the library for more information about Nicolas Flamel. You and Harry had heard that name and knew it had to do something with the strange things that were happening at Hogwarts. First that Troll that was released in the dungeon but ended up in the girl’s bathroom, then the mysterious warning about the third floor. Harry had an uneasy feeling as his scar sometimes started to hurt, you knew it might have something to do with ‘you know who’ as it was impossible for him to be alive but still you were worried for him.
You and Harry never found anything about him in the library as you returned to the common room. That night as Harry was laying in his bed he had an idea to search for information in the forbidden section. He got up and walked downstairs on the tips of his toes and he held the cloak in his hand. He putted on the cloak and walked silently out of the common room toward the forbidden section of the library.
He didn’t find any answers but was almost caught by Filch as he had to ran. He ran to a section he has never been as he encounter Professor Snape and Quirrell around the corner. He covered up his mouth with his hand as he watched Snape threaten him. Harry tried to walk past them as quiet as he could, there was a door next to them at the end of the hall as he made his way over to there.
He opened it slowly as he hoped no one would see it, he closed it again and removed the cloak from him as he was standing in a large room with only a mirror in it. He walked closer to the mirror as it was covered in gold and strange letters, he froze for a moment as he tried to read the words on it. Something was pulling his attention to the mirror as he moved closer to it, seeing himself in it.
Suddenly two figures appeared next to him and he held his breath as he had a feeling he knew them without ever meeting them. He looked from person to person as he started to breath out slow, - “Mother?” – he said soft as the lady with ginger hair nodded soft, - “Father?” – he spoke to the man that was standing on the right side of him. He nodded at him and Harry had to hold back his tears as he was finally seeing his parents for the first time, His mother moved her hand to his shoulder.
Harry placed his hand on hers but only felt his own shoulder, he looked behind him and saw nothing. He looked back in the mirror as his parents were smiling proud at him, Harry moved his hand to the mirror to touch it. He wanted to feel them or just let them know that he wanted to touch them, feel them. He took the cloak again as he knew he had to tell you about this, he wanted you to meet his parents.
Harry rushed outside with the cloak over him as he ran straight to the Gryffindor common room. He rushed to your bedroom as he opened the door and threw your curtains open, - “Y/n! wake up!” – he shout-whispered as you moved restless your head. – “Y/n! wake up! I have to show you something!” – he shout-whispered again as he showed his head from underneath the cloak and pulled the covers from you. You shot awake as you felt the cold in seconds, you looked to where the sound came as you rubbed sleepy your eyes.
“Y/n!” – Harry called out again as you jumped back as you only saw his head, you wanted to scream but Harry quickly covered up your mouth so, you wouldn’t wake up your roommates. – “Y/n! it’s me Harry!” – Harry pulled the cloak more from him, to show you his body as you stared at him confused. – “What are you doing here Harry?” – he shushed you and grabbed your hand as he dragged you out of your bed.
You grabbed your sweater in seconds as he kept pulling you out of your room, - “Harry!” – you shout-whispered as he leaded you downstairs, - “I saw my parents!” – he called out, you wanted to tell him that it was impossible for him to see them but he never gave you any room to speak. – “I saw them in a mirror and I want you to meet them!” – he paused before the passage way out as he threw the cloak over you and him.
You and Harry shuffled next to each other as Harry leaded you to the room you were earlier. On your way you encountered misses Norx and you gasped soft as Harry covered up your mouth to keep you quiet. Harry took your hand under the cloak as he kept covering up your mouth, he eye signalled to you to keep quiet. Misses Norx walked past them back to Filch as Harry removed his hand from your mouth, - “Come on…” – he whispered as he kept holding your hand, you started to blush at his touch as you let him lead you to the mystery mirror he was talking about.
Harry threw the cloak from you as you entered the room and threw it on the ground. He took your hand again as he rushed with you to the mirror, - “Look! Look there are my parents!” – he called out as he placed you in front of the mirror. – “Harry…” – you started but he cut you off, - “Do you see them my parents? Their right there?” – you shook your head soft as Harry wrapped his arms around your body and placed you in a better position in front of the mirror.
“Look, Y/n!” – he called out as he pointed at the mirror, he took again a step aside as he kept looking at you. – “Harry… I don’t see them …” – you said soft as you thought it was your fault that you didn’t see them, you suddenly gasped as you saw yourself in the mirror with Harry. You looked a few years older and you were holding hands. You were confused to what you were seeing, and Harry noticed it.
“What…what are you seeing Y/n?” – he asked you curious as he tried to look in the mirror, you kept gazing at yourself in the mirror as your reflection suddenly turned her body to face Harry. Your reflection moved her hand to his cheek as reflection Harry moved his to your waist, suddenly the two of you kissed each other and you started to blush in seconds.
“What? Y/n what are you seeing?” – Harry asked you again as you didn’t reply the first time, - “I … I … see …us?” – you said soft as your eyes were fixed on your reflection kissing Harry. – “What?” – Harry pushed you a bit aside trying to see it as he only saw you and him as you were now. – “What do you see then?” – you widened your eyes as you couldn’t tell him about what you were seeing. – “You know… just us…”
Harry scratched the back of his hair as he was totally confused to why he would see his parents and you would see them. – “How can you see me when I wasn’t standing in front of the mirror?” – he asked you confused as you were afraid to look at him. – “It’s us but … older…” – you replied as he frowned again” – What are we doing?” – he asked you as you swallowed deep, - “… Kissing…” – you replied nervous as you felt your face burn up from blushing.
“Kissing?” – Harry repeated as he looked from the mirror at you, - “Are you sure?” – you nodded soft as he scratched the back of his hair shy. – “Are you really seeing this, Y/n?” – he replied nervous as he started to move from feet to feet. You nodded again as you felt shy and nervous, Harry bit his lip soft as he gazed at your hand that was hanging next to your body. Without thinking he moved closer to you and placed his hand in yours.
You looked from your hand to him as both of you started to blush like fools, - “Harry…” – you said soft as he held his hand in yours, he turned his body more to you as he suddenly placed a piece of your hair behind your ear. – “Why wait …?” – he said soft as he looked shy at the mirror, you widened your eyes again as you couldn’t believe your ears.
You pulled him closer and without thinking you presses your lips against his, Harry was surprised for a moment but soon enjoyed your kiss. You pulled away after some moments and the both of you laughed sheepishly, Harry than leaded you hand in hand to the invisibility cloak and putted it again around you, leading you back to the common room.
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The Decision (Harry Potter AU with Peter Parker) Chapter 1
Notes: Hey guys! So, this is chapter one of my new Harry Potter AU with Peter Parker! If you want to know more details about the series, check my In The Works post to see some more stuff on it. Unfortunately, there’s not much Peter in this one, but I promise he will be more prominent in the next chapter! In the meantime, though, have this! I hope you guys enjoy it because I’ve tried to work pretty hard on this one to give you guys a good piece. 
Summary: The beginning of the story, basically. Explains you, your personality, your friend group, and kind of the decisions you’ve made leading up to this point. You’re also heading to your first year of Hogwarts, so that’s fun.
The Decision - Chapter 1
Peter Parker x Reader
Requested?: not really, but someone asked for Peter Parker so I decided to write this!
Word Count: 2,588
Warnings: There’s not much Peter in this one, sorry... also, mentions mudbloods a couple times and bullying.
“(Y/l/n)! Over here!” Your friends call you over to them at Kings Cross Station. 
“Hey, guys! Are you excited for our first year at Hogwarts?” You grin at your friends, all three of them, as you cross to stand between platforms nine and ten with them.
“Of course! We’re all going to be Slytherins, right? If one of us isn’t, you’re getting kicked out of the group.” One of your best friends, Flash, laughs. You chuckle, hoping he isn’t for real. You’re almost positive you’ll be put in Slytherin, but what if you weren’t? You’d be disowned and left behind by your family and friend group.
“Duh, we’re all going to be Slytherins! I mean, what else would we be? We’re the purest of pure-blood families. If we weren’t Slytherins, we would be disowned.” You joke.
“Yes, we would. So, no one screw this up.” Betty scoffs, smirking at the group.
“We won’t.” You smirk back, challenging her authority over you, an authority she doesn’t have.
“Whatever. Come on guys, let’s go. The train’s probably waiting for us as it is.” Jason motions for everyone to follow. You all roll your carts through platform 9 ¾. 
Once you’re across the threshold, standing in front of the Hogwarts Express, your nerves start to set in. What if you didn’t get into Slytherin? You don’t know what you’d do.
“(Y/l/n), snap out of it. We’re getting the best cabin on the train. You in?” Flash snaps his hand in front of your face. You blink quickly and regain your posture, looking over at him and smiling.
“Of course I am.” You grin wickedly and walk onto the train with them. They walk to the very back and spot a cabin to their liking and open the door to it.
“Wow, look who’s here! I think I saw you earlier, didn’t I? What was your name again...Penis something?” Flash laughs at one of the boys sitting in the cabin he wants. The boy has curly hair that’s been slicked back for his first day of school and you can see the nerves in his dark brown eyes. You almost feel bad for a second.
“It’s Peter…Peter Parker...” The boy mumbles, frowning. You feel something as you look at Peter who looks so dejected. 
“Whatever, Penis Parker. Now, could you get out of our cabin? We’re trying to sit down before the train actually starts moving.” Betty scoffs. You stay silent for a moment, frowning as you’re deep in thought.
“But we were here first.” The other boy, this one with black hair and brown eyes, points out.
“Does it look like we care? No? That’s what I thought. Now get out.” Jason growls. You bite your lip as you make eye contact with Peter. He gives you an almost pleading look.
“What are you looking at me for? Some kind of redemption? Sorry, I don’t turn on my friends for some puppy dog eyes. Get out of our cabin, loser.” You scoff, trying to ignore the guilt building in the pit of your stomach. 
“O-Okay….sorry for bothering you…” The two boys mutter and leave the cabin, letting you and your friends sit down.
“Finally. Gosh, the nerve of some people. I mean, did you see how nervous he was? He definitely wasn’t a pure-blood. No one of a high family status would be that nervous. He’s probably a mudblood for all we know.” Flash shakes his head and rolls his eyes at the boys. You say nothing, the guilt of talking to them like that eating away at you. You’d never felt bad for yelling at people before, so why now? What was different about Peter that made you feel so guilty for not liking him?
Finally, after sleeping through most of the train ride, you arrive at Hogwarts and file out of the train to the Great Hall.
“I can’t wait to be seated at the Slytherin table.” Flash makes his way to stand by your side. You have to admit, he was near you at every second available, and it makes you wonder if he likes you or not.
“Uh, yeah, me too.” You frown.
“What’s wrong, (Y/l/n)?” He asks, lightly wrapping his arm around your upper arm. You bite your lip at the action, wishing he would stop, but not having the gut to say anything about it.
“Nothing at all! Why would something be wrong? I mean, I’m about to be announced Slytherin! It’s my dream come true.” You grin at him, hoping he wouldn’t catch on to your nerves.
“That’s my girl! A true Slytherin if I ever saw one.” He grins and stares into your eyes for a few moments, making you grow increasingly uncomfortable. You feel his hand trail from your upper arm down to your hand, making you want to rip it away from his grasp more than anything. Luckily, you got interrupted just in time.
“Welcome to Hogwarts!” A tall woman welcomes everyone as she stands in front of the group, causing you to jump away from Flash slightly but make it look like an accident. You ignore the hurt look on his face.
The woman continues with the speech about Hogwarts and the four houses, most of which you already know all about. You’ve been waiting to go here ever since you were old enough to think about it. Your parents gave you private tutoring until now.
“Form a line and follow me!” The Professor demands, and everyone follows her instructions. Everyone files as neatly as the can into the Great Hall and you take in your surroundings. A large room filled with four longer than long tables and an enchanted ceiling made to look like the actual sky. It was beautiful.
The Sorting Hat starts a rhyme and you sigh, looking at anything but it. You were already nervous more than probably any other student here, you didn’t need a rhyming hat to make you feel any more nerves about what house you were to be placed in.
“Thompson, Flash!” You hear the Professor call and you’re snapped out of your trance, looking to the hat now. The hat is set on Flash’s head and before it hardly is even placed there, it screams--
“Parker, Peter.” The woman calls and you see Peter step out from the crowd and sit on the stool. He’s up there for a mere few second until Hufflepuff is called out and he makes his way, smiling, to his table.
“Leeds, Ned.” The other boy from the cabin heads up and sits down. He’s also sorted into Hufflepuff. You watch as one by one, all of your friends plus a few others are placed into Slytherin. Finally, it’s your turn.
You step up and sit on the stool, anxiously looking all around you as the hat is placed over your head.
“Ahh, another one of you purebloods. A thirst to prove yourself to your family, huh? But not a bad heart at the center of it all...you’re not like the others, no...but, I can’t deny your family history, and you certainly seem like Slytherin would be a perfect fit…” The hat tells you, almost like a faint whisper in your ear.
Please put me in Slytherin, you think, and you hear a small hum in your ear.
“SLYTHERIN!” The hat calls out, and your heart beat goes from erratic to calm in mere seconds. You did it. You were put in Slytherin. You hadn’t failed your family and friends.
Cheers echo through the room as you strut to the Slytherin table. The Slytherins were just happy to have another (Y/l/n) in the house, considering you’re one of the most famous and wealthy families in the wizarding world. Another thing you couldn’t miss, though, was the lingering look of terror on Peter’s face as you scanned the crowd. You feel your heart fall at this but brush it off. Why were you so worried about how Peter thought of you? He’s just a Hufflepuff boy. But then again, maybe he’s more than that. Maybe everyone’s more than just their blood status and family name. Maybe people are more than their financial status.
“(Y/l/n), I saved you a seat!” Flash pats the seat next to him. You hesitantly sit down and start to eat as Headmaster Dumbledore starts to give his speech.
After a little while more of Dumbledore’s speech, it was finally bedtime. The first year Slytherins follow your prefect to the dungeons and into your common room. The password is PureBlood for some reason.
“Girls dormitories to the left, boys to the right. Have at it.” The prefect waves his hands dramatically and heads to his own dorm. You scoff.
“So much for being a great prefect. It seems as though Hogwarts hardly even cares about Slytherin. We get a terrible prefect and we’re literally located in the dungeon.” You frown.
“It’s because they’re all jealous, (Y/l/n), you should know that. You’re like me, after all.” Flash smirks. Jason and Betty narrow their eyes at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean, Flash?” Jason growls.
“Well, it’s just that (Y/l/n) and I here are of the two most wealthy and famous pureblood families. You two are close, coming in second and third, but still, we’re tied for first so we’re automatically better.” Flash laughs as if he’s explaining the obvious.
“Well, I wouldn’t take it that far. Sure, we’re probably a little more popular, but you guys are just as great. I mean, second and third are hardly behind first. It’s not that big of a difference.” You shrug, trying to find common ground in the argument without upsetting either party too much.
“Whatever. Anyways, c’mon (Y/n), we need to get to our dorm.” Betty rolls her eyes and grabs your arm, leading you up a spiral staircase and into a room with five beds in it. You look over the room in awe at all of the beautiful green decorating it, making it look beautifully Slytherin.
“Hey, get off my bed, loser.” Betty snaps in a Slytherin girl’s face.
“Excuse me?” The girl glares at Betty. Betty sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“You’re in my bed. I have to have a bed by that window, and you’re taking it.” She states.
“What about that one right next to mine? It’s by the same window.” The girl gasps mockingly.
“That’s obviously going to be saved for my best friend, (Y/n).” Betty crosses her arms and looks at the girl expectantly. The girl raises her eyebrows as if to say ‘you really think I’m going to move for you?’ which makes you want to chuckle. For what reason? You don’t know. Usually, you have Betty’s back in all situations, but for some reason, this felt wrong.
“Bet, it’s okay. I’ll just take the one on the other side of you.” You offer.
“No, it’s not okay. We have to teach this girl that she can’t mess with us. Now get up, troll face.” Betty narrows her eyes at the girl on the bed.
“Hey, Betty, it’s okay. Seriously. I don’t even want that bed, I’m fine with the one over here.” You try to calm her down and diffuse the situation.
“No, it’s okay. I’ll move. Not because you’re forcing me to, but because I don’t want to be in the same dorm as Miss little brat over here. Have fun with her, by the way.” The girl gathers her stuff and leaves the room, slamming the door shut on her way out.
“Good riddance,” Betty smirks and hops on her bed, spreading out across the entire thing.
“That was a bit excessive, even for you, Betty. You really needed to chill out. Why couldn’t you just let her keep the bed? I’m fine with any bed. They’re all the same.” You sigh and sit down on the bed next to hers.
“Because I don’t settle for anything less than perfection, (Y/n), and neither should you. Besides, you’ve been acting weird ever since the train today. What’s up with you? You’re acting….nicer than usual. It’s not like you and it’s worrying me a little.” Betty sits up, concern etched on her face. It almost made you sick to your stomach that she was concerned you weren’t being rude. Was this how everyone thought of you? As some stuck up, snobby, bratty, rich girl with famous parents? If so, you want to change that.
“I’m not being weird. If I was, don’t you think I’d stop you from bullying that girl?” You cross your arms and hold your head higher.
“Uhh, you kinda did try.” She points out, a skeptical look crossing her face.
“Fine. I’m just...kinda looking at things in perspective now. Ever since the train, something in me’s changed or something. I mean, I don’t gain any satisfaction from yelling at people about how I’m better than them. It just...feels wrong now. I don’t know what’s happening.” You frown. Betty pretty much glares at you.
“You...what?” She asks slowly.
“I mean...I just... I don't get anything from it anymore. You should try being nice, too! I mean, I haven’t really been nice yet but I’m going to! I want to see how people will react, too!” You start to get excited about being nice, not noticing the disgusted look on Betty’s face.
“Nice? You? Me? No, those things don’t go together, (Y/n). Don’t try to be something you’re not. You’re a pureblood Slytherin. You’re better than all those mudblood scum in other houses. You’re a (Y/l/n), for goodness’ sake! You really think they’ll like you after what you and your family have done?” Betty scoffs, inspecting her nails as if she didn’t just mention something you purposefully told her never to mention.
“Wow, Betty, you’re so encouraging! I can’t believe you’re such a great friend! You actually mentioned something I never wanted you to. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to bed like we’re supposed to be doing. Have fun being mean, but I’m done with it. I’m done with you, too! And Flash and Jason, for that matter. You’re all a bunch of trash and I don’t want to be associated with you anymore. Don’t ever talk to me again.” You scowl, grabbing your bad and heading to the door.
“If you step through that door, I’ll make your life a living nightmare. I’ll spill all your secrets to everyone and you’ll never be able to show your face again.” Betty threatens.
“If I know one thing about you, Betty, is that no matter how someone crosses you, you’d never spill their secrets. You value trust and loyalty over revenge in certain situations. Not very many, but I know this is one of them. You won’t say a word about me or my family’s doing to anyone in this school because I entrusted you with them and you’re secretly hoping I’ll come back. I’ll never do that if you say a word about that stuff.” You chuckle slightly, knowing her too well.
“Don’t come crawling back to me when you decide being nice is too challenging for someone of your descent.” She crosses her arms as she watches you walk through the door and slam it shut. Perhaps this was a bad decision, but maybe not. You won’t know until you try, and that’s exactly what you’re going to do. 
You’re going to try to make actual, good friends by being nice. This will be an interesting adventure for sure.
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Fred x Slytherin!reader / Expect the unexpected (1/2)
A/n This is a request from a while back and I finally fulfilled it. I’ve been working on it for a while now so I’m so happy I finished it! I just finished my essay and I’m in a writing mood so I’m trying to finish my requests off as best as I can today and tomorrow 😊 So since the request was quite long, it’s a long story and I’ve left it open at the end for a part 2 if anyone wants or which I’ll probably do because I needed a cut off point for the fic before I got too carried away, lol. I hope this is what you wanted and that I did the fic justice, I also hope I got all the facts about the Brazilian wizarding school correct and everything else. I didn't proofread because I really wanted to publish so there might be a few mistakes but hopefully not. Bit of an implied lil crush on Cedric but don’t worry we still love Fred! Title sucks as usual. Long a/n over! A/n
Summary: Set in GoF. Reader is a 5th year transfer student from Castelobruxo. She finds that life at Hogwarts is harder than just fitting in when you’re new. After years of travelling around and moving from place to place, she feels she’s not expecting anything new at Hogwarts that is until a certain redhead troublemaker intrigues her in a way she’s never experienced before.
Requested by @i-want-my-na-me-back (Hope this is alright and what you wanted lovely!)
Word count: 4.7k+ (Like I said its long)
Warnings: Swearing, light physical violence
Moving from one place to another as much as you had was tough. When you were small, your parents often relocated at least once every 4 months so you’d never been around anywhere longer enough to call it home. When you’d finally settled in Brazil after 9 years of moving back and forth, you were happy. Castelobruxo was a good wizarding school, the culture and scenery was amazing and you’d actually made a group of friends.
But you knew that nothing could last forever so when your Mum announced to you and your brother that you were moving back to England you weren’t surprised. Disappointed sure, but not surprised. You’d made a life here and now you were moving again, you had every right to be angry. Although part of you was excited to experience Hogwarts, the other half dreaded the thought of being a transfer student. At least you’d been able to stay in one wizarding school up until now without having to be the ‘new kid’.
Your brother, however, was ecstatic at the move. He constantly discussed the prospect of being sorted, the esteemed professors that taught there and all the different kinds of magic you could learn. Oh and you couldn’t forget that Harry Potter himself attended the school, mainly because your brother had read up all about him and was now star struck at the thought of meeting the famous boy who lived.
When you got back to England after a long flight of 11 hours, you couldn’t wait to sleep unlike your brother who still seemed to be bursting with excitement at the new school day tomorrow. Quite frankly, you heard enough about how he was sure he’d end up in Hufflepuff and presumed you were more Slytherin, he’d meant it as an insult you were sure but you couldn’t have cared less. Slytherin was for the ambitious and the cunning and to you that sounded like exactly the kind of place you wanted to be. You didn’t care about its reputation, quite honestly you just wanted to somewhere to belong, where you could get on with school and meet like-minded people. Hogwarts seemed a pretty good, if not your only, place to start.
Luckily you were able to start the year the same way as everyone else by boarding the Hogwarts express on platform 9 3/4. It was still strange you were a fifth year and didn’t know anybody whereas everyone else had their friendship groups. You felt like a fish out of water. Your brother had less to be worried about, he was only a first year so he already fit in with his age group. It wasn’t expected of him to know anyone.
“Right. Now I know this isn’t ideal for you (y/n) but just try your best okay?” Your mother kissed you on the cheek which you quickly pulled away from. Great start, you thought, I already have my mum embarrassing me. As your mother made sure your brother was all set, your eye was caught by another family not far from you on the platform. A short plump woman leaned in to kiss each of her redheaded children, similar to how your Mum had done. They all grimaced at her and hurriedly made their way onto the train, you relaxed in the thought that you weren’t the only one with embarrassing parents.
At least the compartments were cosy as you settled in by the window, your brother sat adjacent practically bouncing in his seat out of excitement. You watched the scenery of the countryside pass for a little while before your compartment door was opened. “hello!” Your brother cheerily greeted the new guest with a wave. You looked to see a tall boy around your age wave back. He had dark hair and was rather attractive in your opinion. You blushed at the thought as the boy asked a question, you watched his lips move but didn’t hear a word.
“I’m sorry what?” You inquired embarrassed at your lack of attention.
“You’re (y/n) right? (y/n) (l/n)?”
“yes, that’s me.” Your voice was unsure, how did he know your name?
“I’m Cedric Diggory.” He extended his hand towards you and you shook it politely. “I’m supposed to be your ‘guide’ so to speak. Help you settle in since you’re new.” He smiled kindly towards you.
“Great.” You let go of his hand and he asked if he could sit with you. You agreed with a smile before he sat on the space next to you. Your brother gave a small smirk towards you and you kicked him.
“Sorry, foot slipped.” You apologised, your brother glaring as Cedric laughed, and began to discuss Hogwarts with you and your brother.
“So, you’re in Hufflepuff?!” Your brother asked excitedly. Cedric nodded with a smile. “Cool! I want to be in Hufflepuff! Do you know Harry Potter?!” You gave a look to your younger sibling as to tell him to ‘cool it’ to which he just defiantly screwed up his face and continued looking hopefully at Cedric who nodded.
“Actually, yeah I met him over the summer.” Your brother’s eyes widened and he smiled, eager to ask more questions.
The rest of the conversation between the three of you was about what to expect at Hogwarts and different interests such as quidditch. Soon Cedric left after one of his friends came by the compartment and they walked off.
Shortly after, in the last hour of your train ride, you saw three boys running out in the corridor of the train. You recognised them as 3 of the redheaded children from the platform. 2 older boys were running quite fast down the train as a younger boy chased them angrily. The whole commotion made your brother laugh but you just sighed and wondered what the hell you were letting yourself in for this year.  
“And this here is the great hall, you’ll eat here, study here and do whatever you want within reason of course.” Cedric laughed to you and you gave an unsure one back. The Great Hall was already littered with students all sporting black robes with different coloured linings and embellishments. You gulped, you weren’t even sure where to sit. You assumed you might as well sit with Cedric but before you could follow him to the Hufflepuff table, you were ushered by a stern looking professor who was currently leading the first years down to the front. She nodded her head for you to follow her and not wanting to mess up on your first day you obliged.
You were confused as you stood with the first years, towering over them and feeling immensely out of place. The professor gave a speech before an old looking hat on a perched stool began to randomly sing aloud. It made several of the students at the front including yourself jump.
After the hat had finished its song, the professor began to read names from a rather long piece of parchment. You felt a tug on your robes and looked down to see your brother smiling up at you. “Hey (y/n)! I guess you’re being sorted too. I’m quite scared actually.” You smiled kindly and reassuringly down at him, rubbing his arm for comfort.
“You’ll be fine, at least you’re not the tallest one here.” You were happy to hear him laugh as you rolled your eyes. The hat screamed “GRYFINDOR” to the first occupant on the stool and the young girl walked over to the table filled with red lined robes with cheers all around.
Eventually it was your turn to step up. Everyone began to whisper as you sat down, a couple of sniggers sounded from somewhere within the hall. The old hat seemed to read into your thoughts and talked to you, only you. There was a short moment of deliberation from the hat before it screamed “SLYTHERIN!” to the rest of the hall. Your heart sped up as the table furthest to the right erupted into cheers. You walked down and was met with handshakes from the prefects of your new house.
A small boy, looking no younger than 14 with pale skin and sleek blonde hair threw you a daggering look. You smiled sarcastically back and it made him turn away. You watched your brother get sorted into Hufflepuff, he almost ran to the table in pure excitement and you knew he was restraining himself from hugging everyone he met at the table. He smiled over to you and you smiled back but it was partially forced because as much as he annoyed you, you had wanted him to be with you.
After dinner, your new fellow Slytherin’s led the way down to the common room. It was located next to the dungeons making you instantly more nervous. However, the common room itself was far from a dungeon. Everything was covered in an emerald green and silver from the walls to the sofa cushions. A warm fire roared sufficing for the darkness of the room. Many students retired to their dorm rooms, a kind Slytherin girl you had been introduced to at dinner led you to your shared room. Your trunk had been placed at the bottom of the bed with your new uniform and an owl that wasn’t yours. You gave a heavy sigh as the tag on the cage read only your last name and not the first.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You turned back, stopping in the doorway to look at your roommate in surprise.
“To return this stupid owl to my brother.” You indicated towards the hooting owl, sitting perched in its cage.
“No-one’s aloud out after curfew.” The tall girl huffed as though this was obvious information. Your eyes roamed to the other girls who all nodded.
“Well, it isn’t staying here with me so I’m returning it otherwise it will just hoot all night. I’ll be quick.” There was clear irritation in your voice not only for the owl but for the girls in the room. They all looked at you as if you were crazy, the tall girl came up and took the cage from your hand only for owl to increase its sounds. “Well, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.” She placed the cage down by your bed as you laid down. The girl poked a finger through the bars to pet the tawny owl before it nipped her and she yelped in exaggerated pain. You fought to stifle a laugh as you rolled on to your side and smiled widely.
The other girls fell asleep rather quickly but you stayed awake. A hoot sounded for the hundredth time and you had to bit your tongue to stop screaming at the owl. You didn’t know what it wanted and didn’t know how to cater for it. Screw curfew, I want sleep, you thought. You picked up the cage and walked as quietly as you could out of the dorm and into the corridors. You thought about the brief things Cedric had said as you had walked in to the castle. Two common rooms were in towers, one was near the kitchens and Slytherin was of course near the dungeons. You really didn’t have much to go on so you just walked in one direction and hoped for the best.
In about 10 seconds you had become lost. Very lost. It didn’t help matters that all was dark. You muttered ‘Lumos’ into the air with your wand held in front of you and light suddenly illuminated the corridor in which you stood. You sighed a breath of relief but it left your lungs too soon as you heard heavy footsteps running from somewhere nearby. You shone your wand up and down the corridor until it illuminated two figures closely followed by a third and a smaller 4th, all running towards you. Your heart stopped, body frozen as the two tall figures screamed at you to run. You didn’t think twice about who they were or why you were running as your fight-flight response set in, your legs running faster than your mind could keep up with. The owl cage rattled in your hands, the owl itself had woken up from its eventual sleep and was now hooting along with a meowing from a cat.
You followed the two running, redheaded figures in front of you, running and running until the chasing figure seemed to have fallen behind. One of the boys ran through one door as his brother ran through another, your mind made a snap decision and followed the latter into a small empty classroom. You closed the door and rested against it, heaving for breath. You placed the calming owl’s cage onto the floor by your feet and let your body relax. Your closed eyes opened at the sound of laughter. The redhead you had followed was chuckling breathlessly as he sat on a table in the middle of the room. He regained his posture as he spotted you leaning against the door and suddenly his gleeful smile had turned into a smirk. He jumped down from the table and made his way over to you.
“Fred Weasley.” He extended his hand and after a moment’s hesitation you took it.
“(y/n) (l/n).” You nodded at him as you broke the contact and instead met his eyes. You couldn’t see them perfectly in the light but you could just catch their rich brown colour and the way they lifted with his smirk in the brief ray of moonlight that entered through the window. You were suddenly conscious of your face as he roamed his eyes over every feature with a smirking expression.
“So, what’s a gorgeous girl like you doing out here in the middle of the night?” Fred slid back up onto one of the tables. You were grateful for the dark nature of the room as you blushed at the compliment.
“Could ask you the same.” You replied wittily and Fred’s smirk grew.
“Well I wouldn’t say I’m gorgeous,” You rolled your eyes as he held a hand over his heart before continuing. “But if you must know me and Georgie were playing a joke on Filch. The joke being getting out of bed and making him chase us.” He laughed at his own joke. You assumed George was his identical brother that had made a different turning. “How come I’ve never seen you before?” He tilted his head towards you.
“I’m new.” You shrugged and sat down on the floor next to the now asleep owl. Fred didn’t seem happy enough with your answer.
“Hmm, you don’t look like a first year.” His eyes narrowed and you rolled your own.
“I transferred from- you know what? Its none of your business anyway.” You held up a hand towards him and he mocked outrage.
“Well you know what…?” He trailed off, obviously forgetting your name.
“(y/n).” You supplied, merlin knows why you were helping him.
“Well you what (y/n)?” Fred waited until you nodded along and then gave a dramatic sigh. “Maybe it’s none of your business to be hiding in here with me. Maybe I should just send you and your little friend,” He gestured towards the owl. “to Filch for detention. Of course, that would look pretty bad on your first day, wouldn’t it?”
You angrily narrowed your face towards him as he laughed at his own mockery of you. You turned away from him before tensing at the sound of footsteps outside the door.
“Open up! I know you’re in there! I got your brother Weasley!” A croaky voice, you assumed was Filch’s sounded on the other side of the door. You moved away not knowing how Filch typically dealt with students who broke curfew.
“Shit!” Fred whispered into the air as he pulled you up and tugged you to a small adjoining door. You looked at him, asking him silently if he was serious as he pulled open the door to reveal the tiniest cupboard you had ever seen. Filch pushed the door but it didn’t budge. You gritted your teeth before entering the cupboard with Fred following behind you. You just managed to both fit and close the door as the other door opened. A small slit in the door panelling allowed you to see into the classroom. You hit Fred away so you could peer out of it.
Filch had entered holding George, who was yelping in pain, by the ear. He let George go as he surveyed the room. He was obivious to the cupboard in which you stood as he checked under every table. He was so exhausted by the end of his search that he gave up, yelled in defeat and then repicked George, who had just lessened the reddening of his ear, up again.
“This is brutality this is!” George spoke in outrage as he was dragged out of the classroom by Filch. To your surprise just as they left, George threw a knowing wink over his shoulder towards the cupboard door.
“Well, it’s quite cosy in here isn’t it?” You turned back to look at Fred who was roaming his eyes around the small space. His eyes landed on you and he smirked. You scoffed as you opened the door which Fred had just decided to lean against. He caught himself before he face planted the floor and you had to bite back a laugh. Fred glared at you as he picked himself back up.
You walked straight past him to the exiting door with a sarcastic smirk to rival his mischievous one. “See you around (l/n)!” Fred yelled as you walked out without another word.
The next day there seemed to be a lot of hype surrounding the events happening at the school. You’d heard of the Triwizard tournament, it was legend after all, but you’d never taken much fascination to competitions or sports. They just weren’t your thing. However, they seemed to be Cedric’s thing as you found out on his ‘guided tour of Hogwarts’.
“So, you’re going to enter then?” Your brother had asked Cedric as you reached the castle grounds.
“Yeah I mean you’d be mental not to. It’s a once in lifetime thing.” Cedric talked about it as though it was his dream, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“More like you’d be mental to enter.” You quipped and Cedric gave you an unsure look. He was just about to counter your argument when his attention was caught by a small group nearing Hagrid’s hut.
“Hey guys.” Cedric greeted a group of fourth years who turned out to be_
“That’s him! Harry Potter!” Your brother nudged you quite painfully in the side just as you noticed the scar on the teen’s forehead. One of his friend’s, a girl with large busy brown hair, heard him and raised her eyebrows.
“Hey.” Harry gave a small wave to the older boy and then introduced himself to you and your brother, who had trouble keeping the smile off his face at the meeting. Harry noticed and was clearly used to it because he just smiled it off and resumed a conversation with Cedric about the quidditch world cup they had seen over the summer. You’d read about it in the papers, how death eaters had invaded the scene and a dark mark had been cast.
It was just as Cedric was about to leave and walk towards the quidditch pitch that something flew into one of Harry’s friend’s eyes. You recognised him as the redheaded boy on the train who had chased the twins, whom you had met last night. He yelped in pain as laughter sounded from nearby.
“Got to work on the aim, I think Freddie. It was slightly off since I was aiming for his ear.” One of the twins came closer and looked at Ron in disappointment. The other twin, who must have been Fred, bent down to pick up the enchanted paper aeroplane which was shaking in his grip. George swished his wand and it stopped. The younger boy gave them a glare as he held his hand over his eye.
“You bastards!”
“Now Ronnie, that isn’t a nice word.” Fred grabbed a hold of ‘Ronnie’s’ shoulders and gave a mock look of concern. You noticed as he spoke that he had a slightly higher and softer voice than his twin. Ron pushed Fred off and stormed away, Harry and the bushy haired girl followed. The twins just kept laughing. Cedric raised his eyebrows at them before he began to walk away that was until Fred noticed you. His eyes darted to the green crest on your robe.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were a Slytherin.” He smirked as you crossed your arms defiantly.
“Yeah well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Your eyes met Fred’s and for a brief second, they locked onto each other, everything else became a blur. A weird sensation felt in your stomach and your brows furrowed, breaking the contact between you and Fred just as Cedric politely said goodbye and moved onto the Quidditch pitch which entranced your brother.
After you had seen the marvels of Hogwarts castle and were just walking back to your respective dormitories, you pulled Cedric back a little from where your brother was leading the way.
“Hey Cedric?” As you carried on walking he raised an eyebrow towards you in response and you whispered quietly to him, “Would you look after him for me? I mean he’s tough most of the time but he can be a bit,” You desperately searched for the words in your mind. “led on by others.” Cedric nodded, understanding what you meant.
“Of course I will.”
“Thank you.”
You said goodbye to the both of them as you walked further down to the dungeons. It seemed more than just your brother, who had teased you for the majority of the day about your ‘moment’ with Fred, had saw you with the redheaded twin.
Just as you sat down with a few girls you had become friends with, a drawling voice sounded near you. “Is it true then?” Draco Malfoy, whose name you had learnt yesterday from a fellow Slytherin as well as the importance of his father at the ministry, leant on your chair.
“You’re really friends with a Weasley?” You saw his smug smirking face that almost looked disgusted at the same time. News of you being the new girl had caught on fast as well as some rumours of your past that were definitely not true so you weren’t surprised that news of you talking to Fred had even though it was only a conversation.
You nodded confidently but your mind questioned it all, why was it so bad if you were? Draco laughed maliciously and then snarled at you. You asked him what the hell did it matter to which he replied, “Because they’re blood traitors.” He said it with casual matter-of-factness that it made you blink a couple of times. “Father says they disgrace the name of wizard entirely and those twins think they’re so funny.” His voice was cruel and mean, it angered you and you weren’t entirely sure why his words were affecting you so. Sure, Fred and George were a bit smug but they could be quite funny.
“She can be friends with who she likes Draco, now buzz off. We have actual work to do.” You were surprised as one of the girls from across you voiced her opinion prompting Draco to narrow his eyes nastily towards her and then walk off followed by his goon pair of friends. The 2 other girls you were sat with gave you a smile and started to help you with your potions notes for tomorrow’s class. The stereotypes you had heard about Slytherin's were terrible judgements, you thought as you wrote down the ingredients for a particular potion.
A couple of weeks later and you had settled rather nicely into Hogwarts and your new house. The 3 Slytherin girls had quickly become your friends as well as Cedric who was always there to offer advice about the castle or it’s events. The Triwizard tournament had become a hot topic of conversation around the castle more and more so as the term went on.
You had tried to talk to Fred and George as much as you can, wanting to be friends with them but also feeling intrigued by them. If you told most Gryffindor’s you were a Slytherin they would dismiss you at the bat (one even booed you once) but the twins were different especially Fred. They didn’t care about the colour of your robe and had even jumped into defend you once or twice before realising you were quite capable of standing up for yourself. A fact which impressed Fred so much so that he started to seek you out and made more of an effort to talk to you.
Draco of course kept going with his snarl little comments until one day when you had simply had enough. And when he had crossed the line big time.
You were sat scribbling on an old piece of parchment when Draco decided to occupy the seat across from you. He stared at you for a small while before he began his usual dribble about being friends with Gryffindor’s and how it looked bad for Slytherin house. You rolled your eyes as usual and ignored him. “You know rumour has it that one of those Weasley brothers has a crush on you.” At that you looked up and Draco looked gleeful that he had got your attention. “Oh that got your attention and,” He leaned in closer to look at your face and you scowled at him, pushing him away. “Merlin you’re blushing! Which means you like the filthy little bloodtraitor back!” He laughed horribly, biting into an apple he pulled from his pocket. Your fists clenched the quill you were writing with. If it was true that one of them, presumably Fred or at least you hoped, then that meant that your quickly developed crush could be something more. Your thoughts made you miss Draco’s sentence as your heart beat quicker at the idea of a relationship with Fred. He snapped his fingers annoyingly in your face prompting you to bite your tongue and settle for a roll of your eyes once more.
He settled back more comfortably into the armchair where he sat, eating his apple and oh how you wanted to slap it right out of his hand. “So is it true that your brother was adopted and he’s really a mudblood? And that’s why he was put in Hufflepuff because that makes so much sense-“
That was it. That was the line and he had crossed it. You stormed round to where he was sitting and didn’t even try to fight your anger before you slapped his confused yet still smug little face. The apple flew out of his hand, which instinctively reached up to hold his now bright red cheek. The fruit sailed through the air like a small quaffle and hit one of Draco’s friends square in the face.
“You little-! My father will hear about this!” Draco stuttered over his words as he glared evilly at you before stomping away up to his dormitory, his confused friend followed, still rubbing the spot on his nose where the apple had hit him. You had to fight back a laugh at it all, your friends began giggling in the corner but every other Slytherin looked appalled. Draco had already built you up to be an outcast and now you felt you had pushed yourself into full exile.
The next day, it wasn’t surprising that Snape sought you out with a smiling Draco by his side and gave you detention for the next 2 weeks along with a deduction of 20 house points for hitting another student ‘unprovoked’. You had scoffed at his last words because you knew that you were entirely provoked but it was your word against his and you didn’t see your friend’s words counting for much or the rest of your house backing you up so the argument was futile.
There was one bright side however to your detention. And his name was Fred Weasley.
Part 2
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