#the giver was deep wasn't that deep okay
soloroomies · 3 months
lifemate (Chapter 9/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: meeting Kiyoomi's granny for the first time word count. 2.6k cw. marriage pact au, mature content, smut (fingering) Masterlist
Turns out that what you did the other night has become the new normal for you and Kiyoomi. Neither of you are shy to initiate things. Your early worries have faded away completely. He makes you feel wanted. To be honest, there's something quite surprising about him. You never gave much thought to what type of person he is in bed. But before all this, if someone had asked whether he's a giver or a receiver, you would have guessed he's a receiver. Not because you thought he was selfish, but because you didn't see him as someone who enjoys such things. You imagined him to be more the calculating type, ensuring one orgasm each and that's it. So, it shocked you to discover that the couch incident wasn't a one-time thing. Three months have passed since that night, and there are times when he just wants to pleasure you without wanting anything in return. You've asked him why, and he just shrugs.
And there's another thing you noticed. After the first night you and he had sex, he left your room. The next time you had sex, he left again. And the next. So, you concluded that it was just the way he was. That's why, the first time you had sex in his room, you left afterward. Neither of you ever cuddles. It was never part of your post-intimacy routine. You wonder if it might be related to his need for personal space? Or, he might be uncomfortable with that kind of intimacy? Yes, you both have sex, but there's nothing more established beyond that. Despite this, you’ve managed to return to your previous dynamic, feeling comfortable with each other. It's like you’re friends with benefits but married. You can’t help but laugh at the thought.
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After consecutive wins, MSBY faced a tough loss last week. While not a significant problem given their impressive record and another chance for playoff qualification, it was still disheartening. Kiyoomi's response was immediate and noticeable. It was as soon as you got home from the match. You noticed he deviated from his usual routine. For instance, he practiced even on Sunday, the day after the match. The last two days, he came home later than usual due to his intensified practice sessions, pushing himself harder and delaying dinner times. You tried not to intervene too much in his grieving phase but couldn’t help wanting to offer some emotional support by being there for him. In the past few days since the match, you've waited for him to come home so you can have dinner together.
That applies to today as well, when he comes home late again. As soon as he arrives, you both have dinner together. After finishing and washing the dishes, he sits beside you on the couch as you scroll through your phone.
“You don’t have to wait for me to have dinner,” he says.
You turn your head to him. “Mmm… But I want to.”
“I might come later tomorrow,” he warns.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him.
“Don’t. I heard it’s not good for your health if you eat this late,” he insists.
“Well, that means it applies to you as well,” you counter.
“Yeah, but—”
“No no. If you don’t want me to eat late, then I don’t want you to eat late either,” you say with finality, silencing him. 
You put your phone down and look at Kiyoomi, who seems deep in thought. Moving closer to him, you say, “I’m sorry, Omi. It’s just… I don’t think overworking your body is a good idea. I’m just concerned.” You put your hand on his.
He looks at your hands and then at you. After a beat of silence he says, “You’re right. I’m sorry for making you concerned.” Then, surprisingly, he leans down and kisses your lips. He kisses you gently and slowly, his hand on your waist while the other stroking your hair. The tenderness of his actions tugs at your heartstrings, awakening butterflies in your stomach. As if that isn't enough, the stare he gives you after the kiss might just be the end of you. He kisses the tip of your nose and murmurs, “I’m sorry.”
All you can manage is a shaky, “It’s okay.”
He gets up. “I’m going to sleep,” he says, and you nod, still dazed.
Other than that one time he kissed you before walking onto the court, you never kissed without it leading to sex. This is new, and you can’t justify your erratic heartbeat other than that it’s just unfamiliar territory for you.
As he heads to his room, he pauses. “Oh, and hey,” he calls.
“Yeah?” you respond.
“My mom says she, dad, and granny will come here on Friday night,” he informs you.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, so that we’re both home already. They said they want to visit us and will be staying until the match on Sunday. Are you okay with that?”
“Of course! Let’s make a little feast on Friday night,” you say, recalling that you used to meet his grandma when you were in high school. Now, she's almost 90 years old but still quite active. Unfortunately, she couldn't attend your wedding because she had a flu, and everyone was concerned for her, so she wasn't allowed to go. You also remember that his "granny" is his grandma from his mom's side, which makes her Komori's grandma too. “Wait, will Komori come too?”
Kiyoomi seems to remember something. “Oh, I actually forgot. Yes, Komori will come with his wife.”
You chuckle at him. “How could you forget?” Which only replied by him chuckling and scratching his head.
“Yeah I forgot, granny decided to sleep here since we have two unused rooms.”
Your eyes widen. “Hold up. That means we should move my things to your room.”
Kiyoomi raises his eyebrows, as if just reminded. “Oh. Right. I’ll deal with that tomorrow.”
You nod, agreeing with him as he enters his room. Phew. Tomorrow’s Thursday. You still have time. Luckily, Kiyoomi remembered to tell you this information which he told at the last minute before he went to sleep. It would look weird if his family found out you’ve been sleeping in separate rooms all this time.
The next day, Kiyoomi doesn’t come home late like he has been the past few days. After dinner together, he comes to your room. You both move most of your essentials to his room, leaving just enough in yours to get through the night and the next morning.
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Friday arrives, and you’re busy preparing for the evening. The feast will be catered from a nearby Italian restaurant. Kiyoomi suggested this to save you from the hassle of cooking after work, but you insisted on making dessert. After work, you head to the kitchen to make a lemon ricotta cake. As you finish, you hear the apartment door open, signaling Kiyoomi’s arrival. He’s brought the Italian food you ordered.
“Hey. I’ll set the dinner table,” he says.
You look up from your cake and send him a thumbs up. Half an hour later, you’re plating your freshly baked cake with icing sugar while Kiyoomi finishes setting the dinner table and helps you wash the cooking ware.
“I’m done! Let’s change clothes,” you say.
Kiyoomi nods, and you head to your room, only to be reminded that your clothes are in his room now. You knock on his closed door.
“Yeah?” Kiyoomi opens the door.
“My clothes. They’re all in your room,” you explain.
“Oh, right. Sorry,” he says, stepping aside to let you in.
You open his large wardrobe, now containing your clothes as well. You pause, contemplating what to wear. Glancing at Kiyoomi, you notice he’s wearing a navy short-sleeve button-up shirt and chinos. He catches your eye.
“Sorry. I’m just looking for inspiration,” you tell him with a smile.
Deciding to match his casual look, you opt for a comfortable navy maxi dress. You don’t need to dress up too much since it’s a casual family dinner and they’ll be staying over anyway.
“They’re here,” Kiyoomi says after checking his phone.
“Oh, okay. Let’s open the door,” you reply, giving yourself a final once-over in the mirror.
When you open the door, you’re greeted by Kiyoomi’s parents, granny, Komori, and his wife, Mia.
Komori jokes, “Well, look here, if it isn’t my favorite outside hitter! Beating my team relentlessly,” referring to MSBY's win against EJP Raijin a few weeks ago, as he hugs Kiyoomi.
Kiyoomi chuckles and replies, “Just doing my job.”
Kiyoomi’s mom hugs you warmly, “How are you, darling?”
“I’m good. How are you?” you respond, hugging her back.
“Never better,” she says cheerily.
You greet Mia, Kiyoomi’s dad, and finally his granny, who looks as healthy as ever.
“Oh my, we finally meet, honey,” Granny says, kissing your cheeks.
Everyone settles at the dinner table after Kiyoomi’s mom, dad, and granny put their luggage in the rooms. The food is already served, thanks to Kiyoomi.
“Please help yourselves and enjoy the meal. We're so happy to have you here,” you say, holding Kiyoomi's hand.
As dinner progresses, the conversation naturally flows towards the match. Suddenly, Komori clears his throat, drawing everyone's attention.
“While we’re here, I want to announce something,” Komori begins, his voice filled with anticipation. He grabs Mia’s hand and kisses it.
You widen your eyes, mouth agape. “Oh my…”
“We’re expecting a baby!” Komori announces with a wide grin.
“Congratulations! Oh my god!” you exclaim, jumping up to hug Mia and Komori. Everyone else quickly follows, offering their congratulations.
Komori adds, “Actually, the only one here who already knew about this is Granny.”
You look at Granny, who smiles proudly. “I’m so happy for both of you! I guess my advice worked then,” she laughs. She adds, “Actually, I brought something special for you both.”
Granny gets up and returns with a bag. “Here, I brought these sweet potatoes. They’re good for fertility,” she reveals, looking pointedly at you and Kiyoomi.
You exchange glances with Kiyoomi, trying to hide your surprise.
“And also this,” she pulls out an amulet from the bag. “This is an Omamori. Please put this in your room. I gave one to Mori not even six months ago, and look at them now!” she exclaims happily.
You muster a smile and thank her. Komori tries to contain his laughter, earning a glare from you.
Kiyoomi’s mom chimes in, “I know you might not want to have a child immediately, but eating sweet potatoes is still good for you either way,” she says warmly.
Granny interjects, “Don’t delay having children! I want to see my great-grandchild!”
You smile wryly, feeling awkward with Kiyoomi beside you.
“There are also some supplements here. You have to trust me,” Granny insists. “Look at your mothers,” she says, pointing to Kiyoomi and Komori a bit too eagerly. “They brought healthy children into this world. You both even became athletes I’m so proud of,” she says, her eyes starting to water.
Komori and Kiyoomi nod, looking down.
“Thank you so much, Granny. We will definitely follow your advice,” you say, holding Kiyoomi’s hand, trying to calm the situation.
Kiyoomi looks at you with an unreadable expression, and you send him a forced smile.
After dinner, you all move to the living room for dessert. The atmosphere lightens as you serve the lemon ricotta cake, which is a hit. Granny shares stories from her youth, and Komori and Mia talk excitedly about their baby plans. 
As the night winds down, dinner concludes with Komori and Mia saying their goodbyes. You encourage Kiyoomi’s parents and granny to rest, while you and Kiyoomi stay behind to tidy up the dining area and wash the dishes.
Silence envelops the two of you, a lingering tension from the earlier discussion about having a child. You struggle to find the right words to ask him, feeling the awkwardness yourself. You know Kiyoomi feels it too, given his unusual tenseness. When you both finish, you almost forget you’ll be sleeping in Kiyoomi’s room, instinctively walking toward your own room. You mutter under your breath, “Fuck,” realizing you can't escape this tense situation.
Kiyoomi glances at you slightly as you enter his room. "I'm sorry, I forgot," you chuckle at yourself. After changing your clothes, there’s a knock on the door. Exchanging glances with Kiyoomi, you both walk to the door and open it.
It’s Granny, smiling as soon as you open it. “Sorry to interrupt. Here’s the Omamori,” she says, handing you the amulet. “Put it beside your bed.” She takes a peek into the room. “There, on the desk is fine.” She points at the desk beside the bed. You smile politely and thank her.
After closing the door, you face Kiyoomi. “Let’s just put this there,” you suggest, pointing to the desk. He nods and walks to the bed, lying down.
As you both lie in bed with the lamp dimmed, you feel Kiyoomi rolling to face you. You glance at him and see he’s already looking at you.
“What?” you ask.
“Should we talk about it?” he responds.
Yup, you really can’t dodge this any longer. You sigh, “Yeah, we probably should.” Kiyoomi closes the distance between you. He lies on his side, supporting his head with his hand, looking down at you. You roll on your side to face him.
“So…” you start.
“Do you want a kid?” he asks.
“I do, actually. How about you?” You play with the fabric of his shirt as he answers.
“Me too.”
You widen your eyes a bit. This conversation is heading somewhere significant. “But maybe not now?”
He looks at you. “I’ll go with you. It’s up to you really.”
“But like…” You hesitate a bit. “Are you okay having a child with me?”
He frowns at your question. “I’d be happy. Are you?”
You’re a bit surprised at his answer but then nod your head. “I’m okay too.”
“Okay,” he says. Then, he kisses you gently on the lips, his hand traveling downward. You pull back slightly, “Wait, wait.”
He looks at you with a hint of amusement. “There are your parents and granny.”
He chuckles softly. “They won’t hear. As long as you keep quiet.”
You scoff at him incredulously. “Okay. So you’re freaky like that.”
But then, he starts to rub at your clit, making you moan, though you suppress it with your hand. He presses his cheek against yours. “Yeah. Maybe.”
He starts to enter his fingers into the combination, making you a moaning mess as you struggle to keep your hand over your mouth. You glance at the desk, seeing the Omamori. “I’m scared to be pregnant immediately,” you say breathlessly.
He chuckles, kissing your cheek. “It’s just my fingers, baby.”
Your breath hitches at his words. After you finish, he pulls his hand from your pants and licks his fingers. You stare at him incredulously, noticing the bulge in his pants.
“Don’t even think about it,” he says.
You look at him questioningly. “Just clean yourself and let’s just sleep,” he adds.
Who the fuck wants to go to sleep hard? You shake your head, laughing. “You’re a psycho.”
“What? I just don’t want to make a mess.”
“I’ll swallow it clean,” you offer, determined. He grins at your persistence.
“No. Let’s just sleep,” he insists.
With that, you go to the bathroom to clean yourself. When you return, you find him already asleep. You slip under the blanket, starting to drift off yourself. In the last few seconds before sleep takes over, you realize the irony of how the topics you decided not to discuss have presented themselves so prominently in your face.
Taglist: @wolffmaiden @peachyaeger @fiannee @nightlydream @choizzn @yunskook
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If it's okay with you can you continue the series where Gojo was giver the reader "lessons." I love that series so much, you did an amazing job writing it😭 I would love to see more parts of that series.
I'm so glad you're enjoying them! However I believe I may be running out of ideas for lessons, so I may have to call this one the last part of the series. But you are still more than welcome to request anything else, my friend.
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Title: A Hands on Lesson: Lesson 3 (A continuation from Lesson Two)
Characters: Gojo x m!reader
Contains: light BDSM, blindfolding, fingering, praise/degradation, pet names(love), orgasm control/denial
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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"Alright, are you all situated?" Satoru's voice after moments of silence settled your nerves, your position, however, not helping.
Your head rested on a couple soft pillows, eyes once again shielded with Satoru's signature eyecloth(you both had agreed it was a thrilling addition to the sessions), and arms gently tied behind you as your lower half was propped on a support foam pillow to help keep you up without getting tired. The perfect doggy style position for a novice like you, posed in a way where Satoru could properly teach you.
Speaking of...
"I-I'm alright. But...uh...w-what's...the lesson this time?"
Satoru's fingers gently brushed up your bare leg, the limb flinching from the touch. They glided up from the spot, leaving your skin already aching for more of his touch.
"Let's see..." The way Satoru spoke was like he was counting on his fingers. "You handled receving and giving a handjob, excelled in giving a blowjob...now..." Pausing, it felt like his presence was gone, but he simply positioned himself by your exposed ear, causing you to gasp softly from the change of position. "Now...The lesson is taking me, and controlling yourself...~"
As he initially listed the tasks you had done, your face grew redder with every one, embarrased by the words alone, but you didn't dare speak against him, unsure of when the game has started. Between sessions, he had teased before how he wouldn't tell you when he'd start, but you would know, so he insisted you keep on your best behavior. He also reminded you that the safeword would always apply, no matter whether or not he was in his role or not.
As you were in your thoughts, something cold pressed against your awaiting hole. One of Satoru's fingers, coated with lube, was prodding at the tight rings, as if urging you to open.
"Now just relax, alright? Otherwise the rest of this will hurt."
Putting all trust into him, you did as he suggested, your body relaxing against the soft pillows below you. Thanks to that, paired with the lube, Satoru was able to slip the one finger inside, causing you to tense once again before returning to your relaxed position.
"Good boy~ I promise this will make everything feel much better..."
His movements were slow and careful, easing himself in and out of you. The sensation was strange but not unwelcome. On occasion, you let out an audible breath, especially as Satoru hit a deep spot inside, and with every little sound you made, he would praise you.
As he felt it was easy to move a single finger, he soon paired it with another, your hips suddenly grinding against the support pillow in tandem with his motions. Your moans were a bit louder than earlier, a smirk growing on Satoru's lips.
"Oh, look at you. So desperate, huh?"
His tone of voice told you he had long slipped into his role, setting your body aflame. He watched as your hips continued to gyrate, your cock pressing against the edge of the pillow for him to view. Your hands clenched into fists, nails digging into your skin from merely two fingers. Your actions would soon come to a stop as Satoru's also halted.
"Did I say you could move?"
His voice wasn't dark, but it was definitely a warning. Panting lightly, you shook your head, swallowing down pooling saliva from the side of your mouth.
"N-No, sir."
"Good. Stay still."
With that said, he resumed his actions, curling his fingers around, spreading them, thrusting them. You were lost in this light bliss for what felt like awhile, the two fingers having stretched you enough for them to have plenty of room. Within time, he stopped once more, but with less time in between than last. A third finger joined, and the stretch burned lightly, though it was quickly shrouded with pleasure as he moved once more.
"Fuck...~ Look at you. Three fingers? How much of a slut are you~?" The word sent a jolt to your cock, precum having already began leaking from the tip. You weren't expecting it, but you weren't complaining; it felt thrilling.
As you were reeling from the new sensation, Satoru spoke once more.
"What, can't talk anymore? Is this all it takes to ruin you~?"
You were brought back to reality, lightly shaking your head once more. "N-No, I'm sorry." A sudden thrust of his fingers caused you to cry out, your hips subconsciously grinding against the pillow once more. You were quick to realize your mistake. "N-No sir!"
"Hah...~ Good boy. You learn quick~"
His fingers then left you, leaving you empty with a soft whine. Satoru didn't keep you waiting, and you felt hands spread your cheeks, a larger object prodding your stretched and aching hole. He asked if you were ready, and with your consenting nod, Satoru filled you, your ass taking him down to the hilt thanks to the stretching. As he let out a groan, you had let out a blissful cry, fighting the urge to grind your hips once more.
"F-Fuck~ God you feel amazing. I knew you could take my cock like this." Your body shook with anticipation, patiently waiting for Satoru to move. Noting this, he pressed his chest to your back, his warm skin coming into contact with your blazing body. "Are you ready, love?"
One extra reassurance, but honestly, despite how respectful it was, it was unneeded. You nodded nearly the moment he stopped speaking. You had been ready the moment he entered you. Sitting up, Satoru placed a firm but gentle hand on the back of your neck as he began to cycle his hips into you, the movements almost precise. His hand placement, his movements, all of it nearly made you lose it, your cock throbbing painfully against the pillow. You needed a touch, friction, anything. You were desperate to the point you started to grind your hips again.
The action didn't go unnoticed, Satoru slightly increasing his speed as he watched.
"Nngh...~ Yeah you're desperate...~ Can't...last a moment of fun without w-wanting your cock touched, huh?"
Your eyes were rolling under the blindfold, nails digging into your palms. His hand placement only grew in firmness, not by a lot, but it felt like it was the only thing keeping you mentally in place, like a leash keeping you connected.
Without an answer, Satoru simply continued his thrusts, degranding phrases of how dirty you were slipping out only to be replaced with praises of your work, of taking it as well as you were.
All of it was enough to tighten the coil in your stomach, your moans pitching in sound. It was a familiar feeling, one you were able to proclaim.
"G-Gonna...cum~! S-Satoru--S-Sir I--"
The denial brought you back down, your body shaking with the urge to already let loose. "P-Please!"
It didn't help that Satoru's movements hadn't stopped. You were about to burst, yet he insisted on continuing.
"Y-You cum when I say. That's part of the lesson~" His voice was breathy. "Don't move o-on your own...a-and don't cum. You can do that, right~?"
"S-Satoru, please!"
At your plea, the movements stopped, and your approaching orgasm would gradually leave.
"Alright, then I'll stop...~" Satoru's voice wasn't upset, but teasing. If you couldn't handle it, he'd stop, leaving you there to lose your orgasm. His hands now resting on your bound hands, not to untie them, but to simply rest there.
"N-No, Sato--S-Sir I...I-I can handle it, please!"
You really were desperate to have him move inside, but he would ignore your pleas until he figured enough time had gone by.
"Still feel like you have to cum?"
Realizing it wasn't there, you groaned softly, shaking your head.
Gently gripping the binds, he used your arms as a leverage, using it to pull you closer to him to bury deeper into you. Just as you were before he stopped moving, you were quick to fall back into the mess you were, your ass clenching around his cock, as if begging him not to stop again. It didn't take long for your orgasm to return, in which you'd announce it once more.
"J-Just hold off a bit longer," Satoru breathed, repositioning himself to once again press his body into you. His hands rested on your shoulders, not in a way to press you down, but another leverage spot for him. This way, he could focus on his hips, losing himself inside of you in a sticky mess. You tried your best to hold off, but it only inched closer.
"S-Sir, I-I can't! I-I need to cum--!"
As if answering your prayers, Satoru replied, "C-Cum with me~!"
Another moment more and you would have came without his permission. Before your mind went white, you thanked the gods for the reprieve, cum roping out from your cock onto the pillow as your body shook with bliss. You let out heavy, moan-filled panting as your felt your ass fill with Satoru's cum, feeling Satoru himself pant heavily against you with soft groans of each release.
You had to admit, Satoru was an excellent teacher. You'd be sure to tell him that whenever you'd awaken from this experience.
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lvlyghost · 1 year
Pairings: John Price x F!Reader
Summary: after a few months since his last visit, john finally gets the chance to see the girl.
Word Count: 1.7k
tw: fluff, angst, allusion to human trafficking, NCA, terrified girls. nothing too descriptive. bad english and poor grammar as usual. if i missed anything just lmk💕
A/N: so this took a little longer since it was supposed to come out during the weekend. i was planning on making it longer but didn't, maybe a second part could happen🐸 anyway, i love price✨🩵!
Masterlist✨ | Part 2
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She hears it while cooking her homemade cherry pie. As far as she recalls, no one was supposed to come today. No. Officer Davis came that morning at eight o'clock like he always did. He had handed her some new books she's been wanting to read for a few months now and was kind enough to buy for her.
Since she wasn't allowed to give her address to anyone,and let alone type it on some random website, she was always asking officer Davis for favors. He was truly an amazing man. Although, even if they ever let her do such thing, giver her some freedom, who would want to go to the house in the middle of the forest to drop off a package?
Freedom. She scoffs. Such a strange word.
Making her way out of the room she walks towards the front door, but not before taking the remote that was given to her by the NCA. All it takes is pressing the red button twice and she'll have the whole police in her doorway. She stands behind the white wooden door, hesitating. Her heart begins to race, feeling it beat against her ribcage.
What if someone had finally found her location?
I can't go back there.
Frozen in her place, hand barely touching the doorknob and tears gathering in the corner of her eyes.
"It's me, sweetheart." A deep voice comes from the other side. "It's okay. I'm sorry for not coming sooner."
She mumbles his name, like a prayer, and then opens the door.
He stands there, tall and broad. The same baby blues that saved her a year ago looking back at her. The lines on his forehead soften at the mere sight of the girl. He's wearing that black beanie that once sat atop of her head when the winter had begun that first time he visited her here.
The only other one that knew where to find her. Because she knew, they all knew, he'd do anything for her.
John can hear the river outside the old house. The rustling of leaves moving against the wind, soon it'll be dark. The humid weather making his green shirt stick to his skin layered with sweat. He inhales deeply. This mission. This fucking mission has been going far too long. But everything they found les the task force to this very place. He goes room by room, entering with his gun aiming ahead and the safety off. Always.
Despite not having execute authority he wanted nothing more than to put several bullets in their bodies. Whomever they were.
A creak echoes on the second floor so he rushes upstairs stealthily. The place above doesn't look much better that the bottom part of the house. There's a weird smell in the air. Like blood and death.
After checking the first room, the bathroom and all the cabinets just in case he sighs.
"Only got one room left to check. Anything out there?" He waits for an answer, in the middle of the bedroom. The mattress was torn and dirty. He thinks of all the atrocities that must've taken place there.
"Negative, Captain. Got you on my sight just in case." Ghost's monotone voice interrupts the eerie silence engulfing his surroundings.
The radio dies and John walks to the next door across the hallway. Except it's locked.
Of course.
"Last door locked. I'm going in. Gaz, Soap you're in position?" He asks
"Aye sir. Both ready."
Next thing that happens is a bullet. He shoots the doorknob and the door bursts open with a loud sound of his firearm.
And screams.
Terrified screams and cries from... girls. At least seven of them. Price swallows hard, his eyes scanning the room when they land on the girl shielding a younger one. She's terrified, shaking, yet still looks him in the eye imploring to be saved.
She's hugging him in an instant, almost making him stumble back on his steps, but embraces her body nevertheless.
"What took you so long?" She asks, her face resting on his hard chest. Price can feel the softness of her skin against his calloused hands.
"Special Ops." She smells like strawberry and caramels. Pulling away so he can look her in the eyes. "How're you doin' love?"
Her heart skips a beat. Never gets tired of hearing Price calling her that.
"Come in and I'll tell you."
Taking his hand she guides him to the kitchen where the pie is almost finished. John drops his duffel bag on the wooden floor, contemplating her small form moving around effortlessly.
"I got some new books this morning. Turns out I've been missing a lot. Davis was kind enough to bring them since... you know." She shrugs.
"They're still not letting you out?" He asks with a serious tone.
"Nah. Might be dangerous." Taking out the pie from the oven she places it on the counter between the two. Price doesn't say anything for a moment, merely looking at her, pondering. "The boys are alright?"
"Yeah." He nods,"Had to drag one or two out of a burning building but that's not new."
She laughs softly, taking a seat, motioning for him to do the same. He obliges.
"How long do you think they'll keep me here, John?" It's a genuine question. It's only been a few months. A year, almost.
"Love..." he sighs. "It's complicated. I don't know much."
"Yeah but, but once they're all captured..." she stammered.
Price could never say he understands what she's going through. What she endured was beyond him. Whenever he thought of it it just made him want burn the fucking bastards. All of them.
"I promise you this. Once it's safe for you I'll personally come and give you the news. And we'll go wherever you desire, yeah?" Although it's not entirely what she wanted, she could wait a little bit longer. John had never let her down. He saved her and in all honesty she'd trust him with her life. "I'll tell you what." He stands up, making the small kitchen look even smaller with his tall form. "Have you heard about the town fair?"
Her eyes light up.
"No... is, is that..."
"Let's go." She doesn't move. "Why don't you go get ready."
"John, I'm not supposed to leave the house you know that, I mean I want to, but... you said..." She's mortified, yet excited. A breath of fresh air. That's what that man meant for her. No one ever cared about her like he did.
"I've got contacts, love. I don't need their permission. For all that matters you're safer with me. Come on, out we go." He points to the front door. "I'm a patient man but don't keep me waiting for too long eh."
He was right.
It was a sight to behold.
John watches her eating the snack he got for her. She loved sweets so much therefore he couldn't let this opportunity pass. When was the last time she got to experience something like this? Sometimes so simple.
Something so mundane.
Her eyes are glimmering whenever she looks at the different attractions at the fair. John takes a long drink from his beer bottle. Right hand finding her lower back whenever she's about to bump into some other person when she's distracted.
"You like it huh?" She looks at him confused. He points the stuffed otter in her left hand. A smile crossed her features.
"I do. And I still don't know how you did it... I mean, I guess being in the military does help when you try to shoot a moving horse toy at the fair to win something." She laughs, embarrassed about what she just said. She thinks she sounds stupid, almost making her want to hit her head against the nearest tree.
He smiles, the wrinkles on the corner of his eyes more prominent than the last time she'd seen him.
"I guess it does, love." He agrees wholeheartedly.
"How long are you going to stay?"
Price looks down at her when she stops before the ferris wheel. The wind blows her hair swiftly. What was that in the air? Her perfume?
"For as long as I can, dear." He takes a strand of hair in his hand, and gently put it behind her ear.
There she is.
"John..." she breathes. "I feel so lonely when you're gone." The grip on the stuffed animal tightens. "I've no one. If it wasn't for you..."
"No." He gently reprimands her. "Don't say another word. With or without me you'll be fine, love."
"What if I don't want to be fine when you're not around?" He's silent, yet his mind is so loud. "You saved me, John." She states. "Any other person would just continue with their lives. You were just doing your job. Another one in the endless missions you're assigned." Swallowing, she asks: "Why are you still here? Why do you keep coming back?"
He doesn't answer the question right away, instead looks over her head, lost in his own thoughts as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. He then clears his throat and looks back at her, who's waiting with wide eyes and lips slightly parted. She was right. Any other day John would've turned page. He would sure remember, after all these are stories that will stick with him until his last day. What made this mission different?
"I think you know bloody well why."
Price helps her sit inside the helicopter to get medical attention. Feeling her weak body trembling even under the black blanket she was tightly wrapped in. He had carried her body all the way outside from that house when she collapsed. The adrenaline running through her system disappearing when she realized they were being rescued at last.
Simon had side eyed his Captain when he didn't let anyone take the girl from him. Why her? He couldn't say. So he went away and led one of the other girls out of there instead with Soap's help.
"There's nothing to be afraid anymore, kid." He reassured her, voice soft trying not to startle her more than she already was. "We got you. All of you."
Her big eyes once terrified and filled with tears of despair finally saw the light at the end. It was him. What she always prayed for. Salvation.
It was staring back at her.
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uyuforu · 11 months
Hey I read somewhere that virgo lilith have v1rg1n k1nk.is it true? Your analysis are great.
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Jungkook's Lilith Analysis
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-> It didn't precise if it was to study Jungkook's chart, I don't know much, it could be a coincidence! But Jungkook's Lilith is in Virgo lol, so in any cases, let's discuss this while analyzing this aspect on his chart!
What is Lilith?
-> Lilith in astrology represents deep desires, taboo, s3xual liberation, inner bad bitch (lol), fears, inner potential. It's literally everything that is hidden, even from you.
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Lilith in Virgo
-> Lilith in Virgo means there is a huge need for perfection. These people may have an obsession for perfection. But it can be tricky, because whatever they do and even if they work their hardest, they may never be satisfied. They always feel like they can do better. So they may be very critical to themselves but even to others. These people think honest criticism is good, and may not see how harsh they can be sometimes. Their attention to details is insane. Very good at analysis. Okay, another thing about this placement. His Lilith conjunct his sun, meaning there could be something with his father. Like, his father could find JK being similar to him when he was young about something and not like it. It must be like "now that I am older, I see that I was like you younger, and it wasn't a good thing, you shouldn't be like that", something like that. Ah, and. The conjunction with the sun also makes them have a big ego, so they need a lot of attention from their partner. Coming back to Lilith Virgo placement, it makes these people loveeee organizing! There might be a soft spot for this, or these tiktok videos where you see people cleaning/ organizing. But Perfectionist issues. There is a big feeling like they are not perfect but need to. Like they only see their flaws.
Lilith in 8H
-> So first of all, there is a theory around that people who have Lilith in their 8th house are born to experience some kind of fame! It's more like a power like fame. It was real destiny for JK lol. People with Lilith will have to do some shadow work in their life. They won't escape it. And shadow work is hard, mostly for the ego. I think something may not realize about JK would be that this placement makes him sexualized like a lot. He is a good advices giver, psychologist type, and good at reading people's mind. Will beat the sh*t out of you if you disrespect him. Hate when you go too far into his privacy, he is also insanly protective of his family, friends, loved one.
Lilith 18°
-> This degree is ruled by Virgo lol, so we are over the same thing over again, mostly with perfectionist problems. Love to be in control. Of course, it's Lilith, these are things he may ever admit. Mostly also because it's Virgo placement, so it's flaws to him, very hard toes the truth for him. He will need to let go of control and perfection in this lifetime. And mostly stop trying to fix his flaws. He needs to accept himself as he is, and not try to fix everything he is.
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Thank you for reading!
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ciaossu-imagines · 10 months
Maybe I'm asking for a lot, but is it possible to do all of the let's talk about romance prompts for Sanzo ? If it's too much then 💐, 💝, 🌹 and 🌵 please 🙏
I hope you feel better btw
Hey! First off, I'm so sorry this took forever for me to ask. While I had initially been planning on doing the whole prompt list for you, where I am just getting back into writing, getting comfy, and am trying to get the inbox kind of cleared out, I hope you don't mind I'm just going to stick to the four! Thank you so much for sending this in and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons!
What small things go a long way for your muse? What small favours can someone do to get on their good side?
Okay, small things mentally and emotionally that will go a long way with Sanzo is definitely having patience with him and understanding or empathy. Don't push him too hard, don't put pressure on him. He has enough pressure and enough responsibilities to begin with, don't add to those. Physically, I think doing little things that would normally fall onto him would mean a lot to him, as would occupying Goku and spending time with Goku, allowing Sanzo a little more relaxation time.
What's their love language?
Okay, but Sanzo's love language is definitely quality time as a giver. Sanzo goes out of his way to not have to spend time with ninety-nine percent of the population. He kind of hates most people, even if he wouldn't exactly word it that way. If he's willingly spending time with you, even if he pretends it's a burden to do so because he's shit at showing his emotions openly, and doing so on a regular basis you are important to him. Once he stops making so many cracks about how he wishes he wasn't spending the time with you or telling you to go away or be quiet and just genuinely spends the time with you without making a big deal of it and relaxes around you, that is a form of love for Sanzo. In terms of receiving, I see Sanzo recognizing love in that same form and also in acts of service that a partner does for him.
If asked to define love, what would your muse say?
Now, Sanzo is a Buddhist priest, so I think his first instinctive answer is going to be the Buddhist definition of love - unselfishly wishing the other to be happy, being delighted and happy in someone's presence, and offering your smile, hugs, and help freely to them without expecting anything in return. It's just force of habit though and I think deep down, what he would answer if really pushed is that love is when people allow you to leave, to go and do what you need to do, to grow, but yet you always find your way back to each other, like bad habits you just can't break.
How toxic would a relationship be with your muse? Would it be able to be fixed?
Honestly, this is where I think everyone who is a huge Sanzo fan is going to be disappointed or upset with me. I do think that initially, a romantic relationship with Sanzo would be at least a little unhealthy in several ways. Sanzo is someone who is fiercely independent, who does have both commitment and intimacy issues, and he's someone I could see really having a strongly avoidant attachment style. Depending on his partner's relationship needs and ability to be patient and understanding with him and their own unique personality and attachment style, this can create some or a lot of issues in the relationship. He's always going to be a little bit emotionally unavailable and he will always have some intimacy issues, simply because of his life to date, but I do think these issues can and will become better with time and patience and letting Sanzo get comfortable and his partner showing him time and time again that they are willing to be patient and that they won't hurt him.
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shortstories1905 · 2 years
Sadness (sad short story, possible TW)
Sadness wasn't always Sadness. She was a beautiful girl, who once had the prettiest smile. Everyone has a breaking point, She reached hers. She saw her father die in front of her in cold blood. After that day, she was no longer herself. What used to be a pretty smile, was now a deep frown, sewn into her face. Since then she's isolated herself. She takes others sadness and absorbs it. She doesn't want anyone else to be sad besides her. Sadness thinks that as long as she helps others', one day everything will be okay but the more she absorbs, the more she breaks and one day she completely shattered. She cried so much, that it was her who made our seas. She just wants someone, anyone to hear her pleas. Sadness lives all alone, where it rains so much, there's nothing else but the sounds of rain hitting her windows. You can hear the wind flow through the trees. And you can smell the sweet scent of rain that Sadness loves so much. No one can explain her obsession with rain. Sadness just loves the way it makes her feel, she loves seeing how gloomy the sky is and how the coldness feels on her skin. Sadness is happy knowing that Mother Nature feels the same way as her. She just wants a break. She feels more than anyone else does. She's so sensitive, on the verge of breaking. Sadness feels like she's standing on the highest mountaintop, just waiting for the smallest rock to break, in hopes of falling. No one understands her. No one could ever understand her. She just wants to feel as free as a bird, free with no burdens. Sadness has lived her life protecting others from pain, while no one protects her. Sadness lives her life taking others pain and keeping it for herself. She doesn't ask for help even though she needs it. She needs help even if it's hard for her to admit. Sadness doesn't want to be sadness, maybe something happy but will it ever happen? Every waking moment she spends living in the darkness, hoping that when she sleeps, she never wakes up again. Every breath that she takes she hopes is her last. She can't give up no matter how bad she wants to. After all, she has Sorrow and Despair to look after, no matter how bad she wants to fall. Sorrow and Despair are the sisters of Sadness and Sadness keeps going for them. Although they haven't heard from their sister in years and don't know how bad she's hurting. She still finds a way to keep on going for them. Sorrow and Despair are who giver Sadness life. She loves them so much she'd lay down her life. At the end of the day, no matter how hard life gets, Sadness will find a way to get through all this madness.
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theghosteditor25 · 8 months
The man who pulled me out while I was struggling to save myself from drowning
I came from a middle class fam. My father was re-electing for the Mayor at that time. Everything was going well but I was emotionally struggling with myself. I was not good at telling people what I really feel. I let everything consume me until everything within me was getting heavy. I was totally good at hiding that I was not okay. Maybe because in a Filipino household, we don't really talk about feelings, emotions and things that are deep. I don't know but we tend to avoid that topic. My thoughts were drowning me and I don't know how to get back up. Even tho I tried travelling to places, hiking, camping it did not heal the pain and sadness that I was feeling inside. And there I realized that it was not the place nor the people around me that made me feel that way. It was me, I made myself feel that way.
It was 2019 when I prayed for the Father to save me because I was drowning and darkness was consuming me. That time even tho I knew that the things I was doing were not right, I still did it because it made me feel okay for a while. It was like an addiction that helps me cope up with myself. And sometimes suicide crosses my mind. I have done things that my family or my colleagues wouldn't imagine that I'm capable of doing. Maybe because I was always the sunshine and rainbows.
I can still remember I was doing good, physically, at that point of my life. It feels like everything was going well. My parents and siblings were supportive of me, I was excelling in my studies, I have friends that are helping me out and everything I needed was well provided but then there was a missing piece. I was still lost in a room full of people.
I know people would think how blessed I am for what I have physically but there's this sadness that was consuming me and I don't know how to overcome it so I prayed and I got my answer through Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy. 2018 when I first heard about Pastor's preaching, I felt something was different about Him so I continued to attend His live TWP until the time that I became busy at school so I stopped attending for a while. 2019 came and I was emotionally breaking down. I was at my lowest I felt like I'm drowning with sadness and pain and I don't even know where it's coming from and all I could do was cry. I can still remember, one time I was crying so much that I can't even utter a word but then I remember that tears are silent prayers and I know that it travelled to Him because my prayer was answered when the pandemic came. A privilege was given to me when one of the ministers asked me to train in SMNI Makati. And without anything in mind, I said yes. I dropped off school immediately and left everything behind. I was just a trainee at that time but then there was something about the ministry that made me decide to stay and fill-up on becoming a Full-time Miracle Worker even tho my understanding was not yet deep at that time I still decided to enter because I believe in Pastor's preaching and I am also in need of salvation. He was the light that lightened up the darkness within me. He was the one who changed me from within. He is the one who taught me about all the things that are missing within me. I was tainted but He did not see that, He totally saw what I'll become. He saw all my flaws but still helped me overcome. He pulled me out from drowning. He made my life so much better. I wouldn't be able to continue this journey if it wasn't because of Him. Thank you so much Pastor.
In my generation most of my colleagues are fighting a battle within themselves and I advise you to seek the Almighty Father because He is the giver of true happiness.
And to all of you reading this it was my choice to be here. No one forced me to enter and it is still my choice to stay no matter what because I believe in the ministry of the Appointed Son of God.
To all of you that know me while I was still outside, you know I'll never talk about things like this but with everything that is happening right now, I can't help but speak up. To the one reading this, if you really want to know who Pastor is I encourage you that you pray for it. Ask the Almighty Father who He is and He will reveal it to you.
Note: You cannot judge someone just by hearing the other side of the story.
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do yall remember reading “the giver” in like middle school or whatever and you could tell when someone got to the sex dream part cause they’d be staring at the book like this
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bobaji · 3 years
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+ Hi affy. Can i request reader using her safe word with sakusa atsumu and bokuto? I love your hurt comfort content :>
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✰ sakusa could be mean in bed
✰ it was a lot to handle mentally
✰ and sometimes you didn't realize that it just wasn't a good day for it until it was too late
✰ naturally, your boyfriend was never upset that you had to use the safeword
✰ and whether or not you used it, he was always prepared to give you the absolute best aftercare he was capable of
the mean, condescending words fell from his lips without a hint of honeyed praise. it wasn't unusual, he usually withheld praises for a little while to make them as rewarding as possible.
but for some reason, today you were feeling parotid up around sensitive - tearing up and flinching at the usual insults that he hurled your way as he fucked you.
finally, when you couldnt take it anymore, you whispered your safeword, making him pause immediately. cold, hard eyes immediately softened as he leaned down, kissing your forehead while asking what was wrong.
"a-am i good?" you ask softly, sniffling when he smiles, immediately understanding.
he hums, wrapping his arms around you, "you're so good, pretty girl. my good girl, hm? is that the problem? wanted to hear me tell you that you're my sweet girl?"
you nod and nuzzle your face into his neck, letting him hold you as you cry out the rest of your emotions into his skin.
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✰ atsumu was a fan of rough sex
✰ painful, cervix hitting deep thrusts
✰ choking and slapping your pretty face until you cried
✰ it was always a lot
✰ and sometimes you were super sensitive that it was overwhelming
✰ more overstimulation than it was pleasure
✰ he always felt bad when you had to use your safeword
✰ the last thing he ever wanted was to hurt you
✰ and knowing he did always brought out the deepest guilt in him
the word immediately fell from your lips, wincing as you press your hands against his chest. he releasing your immediately, wrapping his arms around you as he cooed and shushed you until you settled.
"'m sorry, baby," he huffs, looking at you guiltily, "didn't realize i was hurtin' you that bad."
you shake your head and curl into him immediately, "it's okay, i don't think you did anything different im just sensitive today i guess."
he frowns and tucks some hair behind your ear, not at all looking convinced but nods anyway, "let me take care of you then, okay? to make up for it. and then we can order something to eat."
you want to argue, tell him it's not that bad but you know this is the only way he can feel better and 'atone' for hurting you. so you agree, letting him take care of you to quell his overwhelming guilt.
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✰ bokuto was an intense lover
✰ there was always just so much
✰ his cock was big and he was such a giver
✰ that sometimes he just didn't know when to stop
✰ thankfully you had a safeword implemented for when you needed to take a break or to stop
✰ and he was always so happy when you used your safeword with him!!! proud that you trusted him to stop and that you felt safe enough with him to use it!!
your entire was trembling as your boyfriend fucked his fat cock into your sensitive little cunt. you were crying, sobbing into your pillow as he forced another messy orgasm out of you. he moaned as you so asked around him, squirting over his abdomen and thighs.
but instead of stopping, or slowing down - no matter how much you begged him for a minute; that orgasm had really taken it out of you, after all, he kept going. his balls slapped against your clit, making your body lock up at every contact, milking tears from your lash line.
he was panting, almost feral as he gasped out praises and encouragement - completely lost in his own pleasure until he heard you cry out a familiar little word that immediately brought him back to himself.
he pulled away immediately, gently turning you over onto your back, hands finding your face to take a proper look at you.
your eyes were lidded and you looked completely exhausted, making him pout, a flurry of apologies falling from his lips as he prepared to remove himself from the bed to take care of you, confusing him further.
"don't want you to stop," you whimper, biting your lip, "just needed a break."
his eyes lit up as he buried his face in your neck, happy that he didn't fuck up.
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© lovebo 2021. do not modify or repost.
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lamamasjamas · 2 years
His Gifts
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Summary: Din’s a giver and he gives you gifts (aka sex toys and lingerie)
a/n: This is part of KF, but if you ignore some small parts it can be it’s separate thing. Din Din is good for the soul and I regret nothing
Warnings: Pure smut, masturbation, Din has a breeding kink, Lowkey rough with it 🥒
Word count: 2.3k
He loved spending his nights with you, of course only when he could.  His duty to his people was so present that he couldn’t ever forget about them. But whenever he was with you it all faded away.  
You were the only thing that was really important to him.  He would burn the galaxy if it meant he could be with you forever.  That scared him.  The thought that one life could cause so much destruction.  He’s sure, wholeheartedly, that if you were gone, he would kill whoever was the cause of it.  He has power now; he wasn't one to be dealt with.  
The obscene squelching makes you moan harder.  “Kriff- keep- oh, please Din" Your breaths came out in short gasps and ahs.  You couldn’t even finish the sentence as he was pounding into you.  
He lifts your leg up his shoulder and kisses his way up to your ankle sloppily. He fills you up deeper in this angle and you keen, arching your back and thrusting your breasts up into his wandering hand.
He stops, making you whine. As he pushes himself closer to you, he pins you against the mattress. His eyes close momentarily, and he lets out a deep groan as you clench around him. “Good girl” 
He didn’t even take his armor off this time. He's not as coordinated as he usually was.  
He’s been bringing you things, expensive things and you often wondered what you were going to use them for.  Certainly not for yourself, you were raised with the need for simplicity.  The gowns made from the softest textiles almost made you cave though. 
“Why don’t you ever wear my offerings?” 
You sigh, remembering the conversation with Luke that took place an hour ago. Sometimes you wondered if he was just trying to cause problems, and if he didn’t really say the truth when assuring you that he really did think your relationship with him was okay.  
“I give them to those who would appreciate them much more than I ever could” 
That made him hum and cross his arms. You interpret it as a form of grumpiness.  But really, he was in deep thought.  
“It’s just that- why would I ever need a fur coat- or even- a diamond studded bracelet” You almost plead with him to understand your point.  
He understands and he’s not upset. He smiles at you and because of his lack of practice in genuinely communicating his emotions to people, it comes off wrong. 
While you rush to further explain yourself, he gets giddy.  He admits his gifts are worthless to you, but he’s sure you would appreciate it if he was more personal. 
He would give you something he’s sure you both would appreciate.
His cool armor contrasted well with his hot mouth on your neck.  He was so focused on your mutual pleasure that he couldn’t even school his expressions anymore. He’s not his usual soft self.  He’s all teeth and snarls, grunts and groans.
He wanted to stuff you full of him.  Wanted to make sure the only thing you even thought about was how his own cum would be leaking out of you for hours.  A man possessed with the only thought of making you his.  
“Want me to stuff you full hon?”  The way you mewl in response made his cock twitch.  The way you could barely nod in response as you lift your hips to meet his has him smirking against your collarbone.  All he could think about now was how pretty you would look as a mother. 
He pulled it out of his bag and gently placed it in front of you at your table.  He requested somewhere private.  The box was elegant, and you almost rolled your eyes as he urged you to open it.  
It brought a smile to your face seeing that he was so eager for you to open the box.  He was even twiddling his thumbs as he sat watching you diligently.  Your smile faltered and he panicked. 
You lifted the straps out of the box.  You were speechless, you didn’t know what it was initially.  It was so sheer and for a moment you thought the endless waves of fabric led to some other object underneath.  
For the first time ever, there was this uncomfortable silence between the both of you.  You’ve never really seen this type of clothing ever in your life.  As you pull it fully out of the box slowly you realize he gifted you underwear?  
Maybe he went too far.  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking when I got it-”  
“Isn’t it impractical?”  He blinks and watches as you rummage through the rest of the box.  
“I mean, it's so flimsy.  I feel like it would rip easily” That’s kind of the point, he thought.
You weren’t as hyperaware in many things having to do with sex, it was never important for you to know about. For the past few months, being with him has really opened up your interests. But you were reassured by him, that the relationship had nothing to do with sex, that he could and would live without being able to touch you if it meant being with you.  
It was sweet and very much reassuring, but when he said that it made you want him to rail you even more. So, here you were, confused as you opened a box full of soft and sheer fabric and a couple of metal tools? Some were long, and some were short.  One even had a suction on the end of it.  
“What is this Din?”  He looked at you confused.  His whole face and neck was red. The moment you looked up at him it hit you.
You try to place everything back in the way it was when you first opened it.  Your face heats up in a mix of embarrassment and a smidge of excitement.  You’re not a prude, you know what those things are, you just didn’t think they looked like that. 
You carefully place the box under your mattress and stand, patting your robes, as if you were wiping dust off of your lap.  The awkward tension was overcome with the laughter of children as they came tumbling down the hill towards your door.  You answered their knocking and the tension was forgotten. 
“This is so much better than those toys isn’t it mesh’la? It can never compare to me huh?”  
He’s been at it for what felt like hours. Constantly pulling you to and from the depth of pleasure with his mouth, his hands, his cock.  Even if you were now limp against the mattress, you still nodded and mumbled “uh huh” 
You’ve been rather touchy lately, and you kept on adjusting your robes.  
He was surprised when you wanted to call it a day early. You usually wanted to stay up for a bit longer with the students.  Today was different, but he didn’t want to say anything when you practically dragged him around everywhere all day.  He liked it though.  He liked your constant presence.  It was calming the voices in his head.  You made him happy.
“I want to show you something Din.  Wait a second'' He waited until you got back from your small bathroom.  He took off his helmet and placed it on his lap, waiting for you on your bed.  He was looking around the room, like he always did when he was alone.  He noticed new trinkets, some that he’s given you, and some that he hasn’t.  His eyes narrow in on a stuffed lothcat.  You mentioned once that Luke went to Lothal with his sister, for political discussions. 
He’s pretty sure he saw a matching stuffed animal appear in Grogu’s room a week ago.  He’d make sure to give you two a mudhorn by the next time he visits.
You came out with nothing but your jedi robe, something he’s never associated as being possibly arousing before, but here he is watching as you try to cover as much as your body as you could.  You didn’t look him in the eyes as you walked towards him.  He watched as you lightly tapped against your sides as you pulled the robe closer to your body, as if there was a strong wind about to blow it off of you.  
You finally looked up and almost laughed at his look of awe.  You suddenly feel flustered, the good kind of flustered.  The kind where you couldn’t help but keep smiling and your cheeks started burning.  He clumsily let his helmet fall with a thud against the hard wooded ground. You step closer and his hands immediately find your waist, pulling you closer and between his legs.  
You put your face in between your hands and he lightly grasps them into his own.  
“May I?” 
You nod, “Yes” You lick your lips in anticipation. 
He presses his face against your soft stomach as he parts the robe and nuzzles into you.  The lingerie is soft between his fingers and for a moment he ignores his growing erection and presses his being into you.  The robe falls to the ground with a soft thud. It falls next to his helmet.  
You lightly thread through his curls as he presses light kisses against your sides.  
“You like it?”, you whisper.  
He places his chin on your torso and looks up at you.  His pupils are dilated and his lips shine as he swipes his tongue over them.  His mouth parts as if he were seeing an angel in the flesh.  A bolt of lightning goes straight to your core as his hand grips onto your ass.  He kneads them gently, eliciting a quiet moan from you.  
“Yes, I do like it- love it actually”, he stammered.  He started kissing down your belly, pushing your core against his throat.   He feels your wetness coat his Adam's apple.   
He lifts your thighs up his shoulders easily.
He’s gotten stronger.  His shoulders were broader than usual, he even looked taller.  He was catching up to your level, Luke’s level.  You were impressed, especially since he’s handling the darksaber.  You noticed his progress increase after he came to you beaten, weak and on the verge of death.  He came back newly invigorated. 
In a way he took more charge, said more of what was on his mind.  You liked it, but sometimes he came off as hostile and compulsive. He was just passionate, you thought. 
His armor fits snug on him, especially with the new flight suit he got after the old one was stained permanently with blood.  
He’s much more there. He's so much bigger than he was before.  In all senses of the word.  
He’s mouthing at you through your thin panties, helping you grind against his mouth by pushing your core into his face.  He can taste you through the fabric, so sweet.  
You're roughly thrown on the mattress and your breath catches in your throat.  He quickly unbuckles his belt and opens the front of his pants. He didn’t have time for anything further.  
You didn’t really know what to make of the things he’s given you today.  You obviously couldn’t give them away, that would be weird.  Maybe you could just keep them stored away and never see them again. You were about to store them in the farthest reaches of your shelf before something fell, crashing against the floor.  It turned on. 
It kept on vibrating and when you picked it up it felt like your whole hand was shaking with it.  You flushed thinking about how it would feel on you.  It’s intended purpose.  
You curse your curiosity as you decide not to put the items away anymore.  It took a lot of experimentation, but you think you figured out every setting there is.  Of course, they couldn’t compare to the real deal, you learned as you panted against your mattress.  You turn towards his designated pillow and shiver as you catch his distinct scent.  
As you wake up sore between your legs you almost missed the note hidden in the box.  
For when I’m not there.  You laugh. 
You were completely bare for him.  The scraps of lingerie left in tatters.  You could almost still hear the resounding snap of the straps and bands being torn apart by his hands. You guess his impatience won out. 
You're so close, he is too.  He’s made you come so many times, you're practically limp against him.  As you languidly grind and rut into him with your hips, he thrusts himself deeper into you.  Chests to chests he could feel you pant against the skin of his neck, occasionally nipping up to his jaw or by his ear.  
He closes his eyes and imagines he was in Mandalore with you. In a room with a big soft bed and the view of the city and landscape on a balcony, with you. You would be his wife, and he your husband.  He imagines he would spend his days like this.  Fucking you so good you couldn’t even think straight.  
Breeding you until the sun rose again.  
Everything would be perfect, the stars would align, and everything under his rule would prosper. 
As he opened his eyes he was met with your eyes.  Your lustful eyes.  Your hand guided his towards your lower belly.  
“Please Din” You sound so ruined.  
“Beg for it mesh’la, beg me for my cum” You did, in between your mewls and gasps as he suddenly picked up pace again.  It only took a few seconds before he tensed.  He thought of how he could possibly get you pregnant, and for a moment he might have regretted not wearing any protection.
But the fact that he could made the feeling so much more intense. The feeling of his cum filling you up triggered your own orgasm.  You both moved against each other despite the sting of overstimulation.  
You woke up with your thoughts in disarray and surrounded in scraps of fabric.  The one thing keeping you from getting out of bed were his arms holding you tightly against his chest.  You sigh wistfully as he burrows his head further into your hair.
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ilyasorokinn · 3 years
breaking news , frederik andersen
note, i was inspired after watching these three tiktok’s. ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) this one. i thought it was funny, and boom here we are. also, this is part of the "andersen adventures" series. another note, there's a lot of media like tweets and news reports in this fic. sorry if that's confusing. pair, freddie andersen x reader summary, after freddie tells you he's been traded, you decide to tell the world before the press does. warnings, none word count, 1051 words
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(gif not mine)
You and Elias were on your daily walk with Jasper. Elias was almost a year old, so he was beginning to walk. It was a slow process, so whenever you went on your walks, Elias would sit in the stroller.
"Leaf!" He pointed to a leaf on the grass, his 4th one.
"That's right, it's a leaf." You nodded, picking it up and handing it to him.
You continued on your walk like normal. Jasper trotted alongside Elias, making sure that the baby, soon-to-be toddler, was safe, "You ready to go home?" You asked.
"Home." Elias cheered, clapping his hands.
"Alrighty, home it is." You nodded, pushing the stroller back towards home.
As you were putting Elias down for a nap, your phone rang, "Hello?"
"Are you sitting down?" Fred asked.
"No?" You asked.
"Well, I would sit down." He told you. You did as you were told and sat down.
"Okay, sitting down. What's going on, Fred?" You asked.
"Well, uh," He stuttered, "You see--"
"Spit it out, Frederik." You sighed.
"I got traded." He said.
"You-what?" You asked.
"I got traded." He repeated.
"Traded to where exactly? Are we even still gonna be in Canada?" You asked.
"I got traded to Carolina."
"We're not even gonna be in the same country?" You asked.
"We have to move? Like, to a different country?" You asked.
"That's really far." You sighed, running a hand across your forehead.
"Y/N!" He called your name louder.
"What?" You asked.
"Take a deep breath." He told you, "I'm coming home now. We'll talk."
"We better." You nodded.
The minute Fred was through the door, you were in his face, "What do you mean you got traded? We're actually moving to Carolina?" You asked, still trying to wrap your head around everything.
"Yeah, we're moving to Carolina." He nodded.
Your face fell, "But we just moved in. We just bought this house."
"I know." Fred nodded, a solemn expression on his face.
"I know." He nodded again, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around you. He pressed a kiss to your head, "I guess the fun part if you get to announce the trade." He told you.
You looked up at him with a raised brow, "I get to announce it?"
"You do." He nodded.
"That doesn't make anything better." You pouted, crossing your arms.
"I know." He nodded.
"Stop patronizing me."
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are." You pushed him away.
y/nandersen: watch out carolina, elias and jasper are ready
10.7k likes 9.23 retweets
leafsfan: um... is this confirmed? i mean, she is a trusted source, right?
lexilafleur: did you just—did she just?
sydneyemartin: y/n, i love you.
leafsnews: y/n andersen, giver of trade news before even the org announces it 😭
dalter: An inside source agrees to trade goaltender Frederik Andersen from Toronto Maple Leafs for Carolina Hurricanes.
The inside source being Andersen's wife @/ynandersen.
steve_dangle: Y/N Andersen first to announce husband's trade from Toronto to Carolina.
sportsnet: Frederik Andersen's trade hasn't been confirmed by either team, but a trusted source confirms the trade.
kristen_shilton: #Leafs still haven't confirmed the Frederik Andersen trade, but his wife has.
The first on this story wasn't the Canes or the Leafs, but instead Andersen's wife, Y/N. Andersen has played for the Leafs since 2016, so the news came as shock to every fan.
Y/N Andersen first tweeted a sort of cryptic tweet, reading, "Watch out Carolina, Elias and Jasper are ready” which is a reference to their child and dog.
Not long after, both the Leafs and the Canes confirmed the trade, but not before having a laugh at the goaltender's wife's tweet.
A few days after the trade had been announced, you and Elias waved him off at the airport with promises of seeing him soon.
Soon enough, that time came. You, Elias, and Jasper walked out of the sliding doors of the airport where Fred was standing, leaning against his rental car.
"Look, who's that?" You spoke in a baby voice to Elias.
"Daddy!" Elias clapped. Fred smile, picking up Elias and peppering the baby's face with kisses. You thanked the airport employee who was pushing your bags and carrying Jasper's carrier.
Fred smile over at you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to your head, "Come on, let's go to the hotel."
You and Elias stood in front of the glass, Elias decked out in a new Canes 'Andersen' jersey. Practice was about to start and the players were getting ready to skate onto the ice.
"You nervous?" One of the partners asked, "First game."
"I'm not nervous at all. Not to sound cocky or anything." You laughed.
The first of the players skated onto the ice, and the arena went wild. For the first time in a long time, the arena actually had people in it.
The moment Fred saw Elias and you standing at the glass, he skated up. He, first, tossed a puck over the glass, which you caught. Fred's attention then turned back to Elias.
Elias cheered, slapping his hands on the glass. Fred removed his glove, and put his hand up, mirroring Elias'. Fred blew Elias kisses. Elias tried to copy his father and blew kisses back.
He blew a kiss to you for safe measure. You smiled, waving to him with one hand while the other held Elias up. Fred waved to you both then skated off, taking his position in front of the net.
You walked down to the tunnel with the rest of the girls after the game was over. You knew they would all be high on adrenaline because of their win.
You watched as guy after guy walked out until, finally, Fred walked out. A smile immediately found its way onto your face. His smile was just as big as yours as he made his way over to you.
"There he is, Mr. 'I robbed Mat Barzal'." You joked.
"I did more than just rob Mat Barzal." He smirked.
"That you did." You laughed, leaning up and kissing him.
Elias whined, wanting attention, "We didn't forget you." Fred laughed, picking the baby up and pressing a kiss to the side of his head, "Come on, let's go home."
my taglist: @brandtsclarke @jackydrury @fallinallincurls @joelsfarabees @puckinrightschicagoo @besthockeyfics @boqvistsbabe @joshsandersons @stars-canucks @mitch-slap @iwantahockeyhimbo @blondiekook @2manytabsopen @lady-laura-speaks @kapriz0v @youngbeezer @bb-nhlqueen7 @heatherawoowoo @hockeyunits @rosesvioletshardy @thescooby-gang @nilspettersson @mattyskies @ggggmoneyyyy @voidohanax @4ambagelbites @lovethepreds @colecauliflower @eve132 @ciziikas @monamourthings-blog @juliasvechaho @x-a-v20x @bandit-of-marshmallows @satanxklaus @himbobimboeater @paintlavillered @itssophlouise @lam-ila @HockeyJedi13
add yourself to my taglist!
sorry this is kind of short and kind of bad.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
For That Special Day
Summary: After the union between herself and Fuegoleon, Solara assists Josele in preparing for her own happily ever after, as it were. A collaboration between myself and Laura (@thoughtfullyrainynightmare).
Genre: general
Word count: ~4300
If there was one word Solara could've used to describe Josele it would've been "earnest." She was a woman once dead to the world in all but body now lived again, not with great energy but with a deep appreciation for all that was around her. Solara saw it in the way Josele would drink her tea at a slow, thoughtful pace. In the way she paused to watch a simple act such as a florist tending to bouquets in a window. How she smiled with tears in her eyes for the joys of another person.
Their initial introduction was poor, yes, but Solara could confidently say that she was glad to have become acquainted with and befriended Josele.
In that moment, Solara's hand moved up and touched the pendant that had been gifted to her from Josele. A gift given out of love to celebrate love. Truly something meaningful for both giver and receiver.
"Solara, the necklace looks positively lovely on you, no need to be self-conscious," Josele's teasing voice pulled Solara from her thoughts.
The two women walked together through a lively, though thankfully not crowded, marketplace. They were without their squad robes, as they walked not as knights on patrol but as friends on an outing.
A giggle made it past Solara's lips. "Oh, I wasn't worrying. But I probably don't need to tell you that."
"True. A moment of appreciation?" Josele guessed, to which Solara nodded. "You're welcome." The warm smile she gave Solara softened as she turned her head to look ahead. However, there was something else to Josele, in the way her eyes so quickly flicked away from Solara, from the wedding gift.
Perhaps it was Josele's affinity which made her easy to read or perhaps Solara had become all too familiar with tension, with the sense that there were words that wanted to be said but did not come out easily. Solara reached out a hand and touched Josele's shoulder.
"If there's something you wish to discuss, Joey, I'm all ears," Solara said with gentle reassurance. "Is there?"
Josele looked at Solara. She smiled, though there was a heaviness to the gesture.
"Nacht and I, we finally decided to marry." A sigh, one that was light and dreamy, left Josele though her smile remained somewhat sad.
"Well that's certainly something of note," Solara remarked with a nod. "But there's more?"
"Much more." Josele's hand reached for her own necklace, or rather the rings. "See, the trouble is that... Right now we've decided to make our union a small affair."
"Ah, I presume just yourselves and your squad. Don't worry. I'm not offended for not being invited. Being told is sufficient to me."
At that, Josele shook her head, perplexing Solara.
"We're not doing a ceremony at all. We don't want to make a big deal out of our union."
Solara couldn't help but laugh, though she kept it minimal. "Sounds difficult. It's marriage after all."
"I know, I know." Josele flushed and shook her head. "It doesn't make much sense but that's how we feel. But it's my idea to forgo a ceremony entirely. Even if it's just the Black Bulls, I don't want one. Because it reminds me of..." She gripped the rings more tightly. "With Morgen, there was going to be a ceremony, a big one because of how well-connected he was. You should've seen how nervous I was. Me, some common woman, marrying the most admired man in the noble realm. But..." Josele's expression brightened with such warmth that Solara felt it in her own heart. "Morgen had this way of making me forget when people were watching us. And so I felt it would be okay since he would be waiting for me at the end of the aisle."
Solara remained silent for a moment. She had an idea of how Josele must've felt back then. Solara marrying Fuegoleon, one of the kingdom's royals, meant having many eyes on her. And it did shake her a bit. But the joy of marrying her dear Fue outweighed the anxiety. So Morgen had that effect for Josele.
"But it's different with Lord Faust?" Solara asked softly.
"It's not a problem with him, it's just..."
"I understand. And I'm sure Lord Faust feels the same."
Josele nodded. But still there was something so.... well not quite... wrong in it. Which, however, didn't mean that it didn't feel right either.
"He does..." she tried to smile, still fumbling with the rings.
"But?" Solara asked, searching for Josele's gaze with faint glances, almost as if to ask if she wanted to tell.
"But," Josele begun, not averting the gaze per se, but rather letting it travel freely. "Marriage tends to be something that is celebrated with one's friends and loved ones. Both of the couples friends and loved ones."
There was a brief pause, during which they both thought about it. Though within Josele there was a tug of two emotions, rather than a flow of thoughts.
"Well," Solara begun, thinking out loud more than anything. "I think that... ultimately marriage is between the people in the marriage itself. And... it's... I think it's a union, that speaks about the emotions of those two people, as long as it's a marriage out of love, but that's another topic entirely."
Josele nodded. Because there was more to the subject of what marriage means to people, but this wasn't one of those conversations.
"I was... Well. I can't say that I wasn't a little bit upset when my sister decided to marry in secret. If one can call it as that, because she did tell us. But they didn't have a reception. A proper wedding. Similarly, they just signed the papers. Perhaps celebrated it amongst themselves, but that's...." She paused for a while, choosing her words, because she was happy for Selena. "Their marriage isn't about me."
Josele blinked. Her face reflected surprise for a moment before giving way to relief.
"Goodness." Josele brought her hand to her mouth as she laughed. "Why didn't I see it sooner?" Then, she smiled to Solara. "Thank you. I think I've got my thoughts in order at last."
Solara twirled her hand and bowed her head in a playful gesture. "Happy to be of service."
Josele laughed a little harder. "Well, I still need your service actually."
"Hm?" Solara raised a brow. "Reconsidering the private affair and need my expertise on wedding planning?"
"No no!" Josele, suddenly flushed pink, stepped back and waved her hands in the air. “Nothing like that!”
The people in the street with the women sent passing glances, making both flush. They giggled as they briskly walked away. Once they had turned a corner, Josele spoke up again.
"I was hoping that, as a recently married woman, you might have some advice on what to get my husband to be," Josele explained and rubbed the back of her neck. "Since there won't be a wedding party... we're getting gifts for each other."
"Ahhhh..." Solara touched a hand to her chin and looked up.
There was a lot to consider. Since it would just be Josele and Nacht exchanging gifts, it had to be something genuine. A gag gift is acceptable from a friend. Something racy, even from a spouse would send the wrong message. There was also the fact that Solara couldn't suggest something definitive, not knowing what Nacht would appreciate. But she could still help Josele determine that for herself.
Solara looked to Josele and found the woman with an apprehensive look.
"Too big of an ask?" Josele said. "Perhaps I should've asked—"
"No, not too big," answered Solara and nonchalantly waved a hand in the air. "Just a careful subject."
"Mm, true."
“So what have you considered giving him so far?”
To answer, Josele removed a dagger from her belt and unsheathed it about an inch. The handle and sheath were made of ivory and carved with an intricate pattern of twisting ivy. The blade was impossibly pure steel that reflected like a mirror.
“Nacht and I actually met when I caught him trying to steal this dagger from my father. I thought it might be nice to give him the very item that brought us together.”
Solara stared at Josele with wide eyes. Josele surely couldn’t be serious? But Solara saw the fondness in Josele’s eyes and was reminded that Josele was not only raised in another country but another station in society. Their worldviews, while overlapping more than Solara initially believed, were still different. Solara turned her head and coughed into her fist.
“Ah, Joey, not to shoot down the idea too harshly but, at least in Thean culture, gifting knives to others is considered rather poor etiquette.”
Josele raised her head and tilted it to the side. "Really? My dad said the dagger was a gift from my grandpa on his own wedding day."
Solara paused, blinking rapidly as she took in the information. They really did inhabit different corners of the same world.
"So it was already given at a wedding?" Solara yelped. She quickly covered her mouth at her outburst. She grinned despite the heat of embarrassment in her cheeks. "See, at least in Thea, gifting a dagger or knife to another person has the implied meaning of 'take this blade and use it on yourself.'" Solara noted the way Josele's eyes grew wide and her face visibly lost color. Josele averted her eyes and slowly put the dagger away. Attempting to ease the sudden tension, Solara forced herself to laugh. "Supposedly, it comes from ancient times when traitors were expected to stab their own hearts if they were caught in the act. I don't actually know if what I'm saying is relevant to Clover though."
Josele tucked her hair back then rubbed her neck.
"To be honest, I am reminded of how Morgen and Nacht caused a bit of a stir when they gifted me my sword." Josele's hand wandered down to the hilt of her primary weapon and ghosting her fingers along the grip and tracing the guard. It wasn't particularly ornate but the combined material and craftsmanship certainly looked like it would be out of the price range of a commoner. To think that the weapon would've lasted Josele all these years. "I think, even though many nobles as Magic Knights create weapons through spells, using physical weapons is seen as... beneath them."
Josele's voice carried a weight to it. Not sadness or anger but rather something that dulled her spirits.
"Even if they never used it, the twins gifting me a sword might've been seen as controversial in noble circles."
"I'd chalk it up to the dearth of teyus in Clover. It's shaped the culture here in a rather..." Saying "odd" or "strange" since Thea's culture would be considered as such to Clover. "Distinct" doesn't quite work because all culture are distinct in some way. "In a way, let's say."
"In a way." Josele repeated.
"But we're in agreement that the dagger is off the table."
"Yup." Josele made the "p" sound pop at the end. "The only other thing I considered was sewing something like a baby blanket or onesie. As a look to the future instead of the past. But that kind of gift wouldn't be for Nacht's use."
Solara nodded her head and sighed.
There was her sewing baby socks and Fuegoleon buying lion plushes for future children in their spare time. And then there was giving a baby item as a wedding gift to one's spouse. Very different contexts. And different implications.
From what Solara knew of Josele and Nacht...
"I think the frankness might be a bit much too."
However, Solara’s mind repeated what Josele had said. About “a look to the future.” The her knowledge on it was sparse, the past was a heavy topic for Nacht and Josele. So a gift that brought to mind the future might’ve been the better option. There was also the fact that Nacht was a man of subtlety. In most cases. So too would the gift have to be discreet. A discreet gift would also keep attention from being drawn to Nacht and arousing suspicion if the union was to be as lowkey as possible. Subtle and future-oriented. Not impossible criteria to fulfill.
So where to start?
Solara looked at Josele, whose eyes were closed in concentration. Taking the opportunity, she looked at the rings. She never had the chance to see them up close but with the small distance, Solara could make out just enough. The rings were so different, one wouldn’t think that they were to be a pair. But there was one similarity to them, not in looks but in sentiment. They were rather simple. Not the plainest of rings by a considerable margin but there could’ve been more to either; more jewels on Josele’s or a pattern in the metal of Morgen’s. But no. They were simple and straightforward. She looked at the rings for a moment longer, then to Josele herself.
“Are you and Nacht already exchanging rings?” Solara asked a bit abruptly given how she and Josele had lapsed into silence for a moment.
Josele’s eyes opened. And the sadness reflected within answered all too clearly for Solara. But when Josele opened her mouth to speak, Solara let the words flow out of her.
“I’m not opposed to getting a new one but…” Josele touched the ones that hung from her neck. “We decided against it. For now.”
That alone spoke volumes for Solara.
“Then perhaps… a trinket or token to stand in for a ring?”
That wasn't a bad suggestion. Even if Nacht wasn't, despite being rather fond of belts, prone to wearing accessories or jewelry, for that matter.
"Perhaps..." Josele uttered. "Though that leaves the question of what kind."
Solara thought for a while. She still couldn't argue knowing Nacht, or what he... liked and did not like. But surely he'd take whatever Josele would give him. And thus, though the sentiment of getting something that would suit him, would be preferable, but allowed for some wiggle room.
"Does he... have a fondness for hair accessories? Considering that he has long hair?" She asked, which brought an amused smile to Josele's lips.
"No, he's not one to style his own hair. Not more than necessary, at least," she replied, though she couldn't help but muse to the thought of making an elaborate braid crown for Nacht some day.
Solara nodded to her. It might not have been a solution, but it was narrowing down the options.
"Then, I suppose that the most common trinkets, to be worn, would be either a necklace or a bracelet," she thought out loud. "Unless you want to give him an ankle bracelet."
Josele hesitated for a moment. Because though the suggestion of a bracelet was logical enough, it bore more than unfortunate connotations to her, and Nacht.
"No bracelet..." she uttered with a rather melancholic tone, which she couldn't help, as it brought her hand back to the rings around her neck.
Solara said nothing but nodded. Whatever it was that made Josele turn down the idea of the bracelet, that could be left to her. It didn't matter, not to Solara. What mattered in that moment was the woman standing with her and her wish to celebrate a happy future to be made.
Solara reached out and set a hand on Josele's shoulder. When Josele's eyes met her own, Solara smiled faintly. Josele's own smile returned to her face, a warm gratitude coming across as clear as the sky above them.
"A necklace would actually be appropriate. Something to accompany the relics." Josele colored up and there was a shine in her eyes that Solara was certain was directed to the man whom Josele would soon pledge herself to.
With the type of token decided, Solara and Josele made their way to the nearest jeweler's store. After all, Solara pointed out, having examples set before Josele would give her ideas of what she would actually want to get Nacht.
“Perhaps,” Josele said while peering into one of the glass display cases, “something with a moon. He always calls me his ‘star’ and so what goes better with the stars than the moon.”
“Oh that’s a lovely idea,” Solara replied. “It complements his pet name for you and I’m sure there’s more you have in mind.”
“The moon changes constantly but is always present, just like how he and I will change with time but still share in love,” Josele whispered, swaying a bit with the romantic thought.
Solara hummed, thinking to the moon in her own life. No matter how Selena, or Solara herself, changed, they would forever be sisters and care for each other. Not only that, but even when things looked dark, like a new moon, there was a comfort in knowing they could be there for each other.
Solara surveyed the jewelry. “What of that one?”
The necklace Solara pointed to was a circular pendant with a crescent of white gems in it while black gems were embedded in the rest of the circle, giving the impression of a crescent moon.
Josele let out a snort.
“Too bedazzled for your dark shadow prince?”
“Maybe a couple jewels too many,” Josele answered between giggles. “But… something about it does look nice…”
Josele waved over a worker and asked to be shown a collection of lunar themed pendants. It didn’t take long for a tray of samples to be brought out. Drumming her fingers on a glass counter, Josele stared at the necklaces. There was a pout on her face.
“They’re lovely but… the crescent… It kind of feels like there’s something missing.”
“It’s unfortunate that it’s the most distinctive shape for a moon.” Solara set down the pendant she had been examining. “Is there any other, I suppose, sentiment you want to convey to Lord Faust with the gift?”
Josele leaned back and away from the counter.
“Well, I wanted the moon for how it changes but also… it’s a light in darkness. Nacht is similar, though he doesn’t realize it. He cared for me when…” She shook her head, not wanting to finish the thought. “Not only that but I want Nacht to think of the future with hope.”
“Caring and hopeful? Like a guardian angel?”
“Yeah actually!” Josele exclaimed. “And maybe there could be a gem centerpiece…”
Solara raised a fist and grinned. “Let’s get looking then.”
There was something so amusing in her gesture to Josele. It seemed more like something Fuegoleon might do, rather than Solara herself. But maybe that's what growing to be a couple was about, adopting little maneuvers from each other, and knowing what the other was going to say, before they said it.
And perhaps gestures like that were more visible to those who were observing from the sidelines.
They asked the clerk if there were any pendants with a more angelic theme, and after a while, there was an assortment of various wing, and halo, pedants presented before them.
But, just as before, all these beautiful pieces of jewelry seemed to have something missing.
Solara looked at the melancholic expression on Josele, guessing that this wasn't it either.
"Something not quite right with these either?" She asked.
"No... not, not quite," Josele shook her head, though only faintly. "They're all so... bright?" The question in her tone was more so a question on if that was the right word to use, rather than about the quality of the pendants themselves. "Because... he's... Well. He was a bit of a troublemaker in his past, and... though I want him to think of the bright future ahead of us, with the sentiment of hope, I… don't think that such a 'bright' piece of jewelry is... fits his image."
Solara hummed in thought. But it was fair and fitting. Because Nacht certainly didn't try to appear like a knight in a shining armor.
"He's..." Josele continued, as a wide smile rose to her lips. "My darling devil divine..."
"With the heart of a gem," Solara continued. And paused. "No, wait, it's 'a heart of gold,' isn't it?"
"Yes, it is," Josele giggled.
“A man with dark powers and a shining heart, that’s my Nacht,” Josele stated with a sigh. As though the thought of the man alone took her breath away.
Not that Solara could judge. That was the nature of love at times. And Solara believed such wistful behavior was showing more because of what was in the near future for Josele.
Josele traced a finger around one of the angel wing pendants. There was a thoughtfulness, even admiration, in how carefully she looked at it. She nodded to herself then asked the clerk if they had any pendants of similar design—she had taken a liking to the wing motif—but made with a darker material.
The third selection had a mix of pendants that resembled bird or bat wings. Some were encrusted with jewels and others were embellished with finer details in the metal.
“I think we’re getting close,” Solara said, plucking up a pendant depicting bat wings curling around a gem to form a heart shape. “I don’t want to presume but these have an elegance like the night which feels apt.”
“No I agree.” Josele beamed, her eyes surveying the selection in excitement. “The darkness can be beautiful, kind even. Like the devils’ power…”
Josele, seeming to have caught what she just said, looked to the clerk with an apologetic look.
“It’s, uh, not what…”
Solara stepped between and quickly took over the situation. “If you’ll recall, it was reported that it was a Magic Knight wielding a devil’s power that struck down the King of Devils. I believe my friend is making reference to that.”
The clerk pursed her lips and nodded. “I… see…” They turned and stepped away, leaving the women to evaluate the jewelry left out.
Solara turned to Josele who hid her face behind her hands.
"You handle yourself with such poise, Solara."
"It comes with years of etiquette training," Solara replied, brushing aside the interaction. "And you were just speaking your mind. No real shame."
"I'm sure your husband would disagree," Josele tried to joke to alleviate the tension.
An amused smile passed over Solara's lips for a second, which was followed by a sigh, and a look towards Josele.
"Well. At least you didn't suckerpunch him like I did with William."
Josele pursed her lips. Solara's confession was a reminder that she was not merely warm sunlight but the sun itself, burning with passion. And that passion had been directed towards a, quite justified, show of force.
Josele shook her head, bringing her back to the present issue of the gift.
Blackened metal shined. Jewels of darker hues shimmered. Josele's attention was especially drawn to a necklace that had two wings made of rounded feathers curved to form a heart. No gemstones for embellishment, just beautifully polished dark silver. She set it side-by-side with the necklace Solara had picked out earlier.
Taking elements from both would look nice, Josele mused, imagining a gemstone being framed by the feathered wings. But... "These would suit his image better and I would like for Nacht to take it as a reminder to take pride in himself and his abilities. I don't think it's right though, having something with a darker aesthetic symbolize hope for the future, that is."
"Ah, yes. As much as we say 'it is darkest before the dawn,' we still fear the dark." Solara looked at Josele's choices. "Perhaps if you want a gem centerpiece, we can pick out one of a lighter hue. To brighten it just a little?"
"Or..." Josele didn't look at Solara but instead kept her eyes fixated on the necklaces. She tilted her head to the side. "Shadows... Wouldn't you say they're the meeting point of pure light and pure darkness?"
"That sounds like an accurate description to me." Solara leaned forward against the counter. "I take it you have an idea for what to do."
Josele answered with a smile and nod in Solara's direction. "Yes, and I think it'll be more than suitable."
It didn't take long for Josele to explain to a worker the idea she had in mind. Solara agreed to have news of progress on the custom piece sent to her lest Nacht find it amongst the rest of the Black Bulls' mail and ruin the surprise.
As the women left the shop, Solara noted how brightly Josele smiled.
"My, I don't believe I've ever seen a smile like that from you before. You really are enthusiastic, aren't you?"
Josele shyly turned her head away. "Well... I'm not sure how this might come across but... I feel..." She tucked some loose hair back. "I feel the same way I did the day I found Morgen's ring." When Josele reached for the silver band that hung from her neck, it was not with melancholy but overwhelming joy. "I remember seeing it and knowing in my heart that it was meant for him. Nacht's gift took a little more work but I still feel like it's meant to be."
Solara grinned. She couldn't think of something to say in reply, if there even was anything to say. She didn't have Josele's experience. Of having and losing love then finding it again. Sure, Solara and Fuegoleon had concerns with their own relationship but those were unique to them. And Josele's love for Morgen and Nacht were uniquely hers. That left Solara at a loss despite wanting to voice something on that happiness that Josele found again.
Josele suddenly stopped and turned to Solara.
"Thank you," she said plainly. "For helping me with this errand." Josele placed a hand on Solara's upper arm. "And for what your heart tells me."
Solara flushed then giggled. How could she have forgotten? There hadn't been a need for words in the first place. Josele simply knew.
"I'm happy to help."
More than happy really. Even if Solara would not be in attendance for the union, being able to help it come together was enough. And she could now look forward to a letter addressed from one Josele Faust.
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bechloeislegit · 3 years
The Burgundy Rose
Since I didn't do my 14 Days of BeChloe Valentines this year, I thought I'd share this one-shot from my 14 Days of Pitch Perfect Valentines - 2018 (it is one of my faves and was written before I got into Tumblr). The full prompt is listed at the end of the chapter.
A/N: There is mention of a main character's death, as well as mention of attempted suicide. The story is sad, but the ending turns it into a happy-sad fic. It is set in the future around the year 2032. Thank you!
I hope you enjoy this little Valentine's throwback.
The young girl sat with her back to the tree as she kept watch over the grave of her mother. She had been visiting the grave as much as she could since she started attending Barden University, her mother's alma mater. She made sure that she came on all the special occasions, such as her own birthday, her mother's birthday, and mother's day. Every time she visited on those special days, she found one single burgundy rose sitting on top of her mother's headstone. On her birthday it was usually a white rose that was left.
Today was the anniversary of her mother's death and it was also Valentine's Day. She knew there was always a rose left on this day. She had always wondered who could be leaving the single rose. It was always sitting there when she arrived, the person leaving the rose having already come and gone by the time she got there. She had come earlier than usual today in the hopes of seeing who was leaving the rose. She was excited when she arrived and the rose wasn't there yet. So, she decided to wait a while to see if the mysterious rose giver would show.
It was a little chilly so she pulled her jacket tighter as she leaned against the tree. She dozed off and was startled awake when she heard what sounded like someone crying. She looked around and a woman stood in front of her mother's grave. The woman wasn't very tall, maybe an inch shorter than her. She thought she looked familiar but couldn't place her right away.
The girl stayed where she was for a few moments to allow the woman to pay her respects. She watched as she saw the woman lay a rose on top of the headstone. She sat up a little straighter. This was the person she had been waiting for.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love," Beca Mitchell said quietly as she placed a burgundy rose on the headstone. Beca wiped at the tears falling down her face. "Twenty-two years. That's how long you've been gone. That's how old our Sophie is. Twenty-two years and I still miss you and Sophie every single day. I love you, Chlo. Always have, always will. Stacie and Aubrey will be coming by later to see you. I know they both miss you almost as much as I do, even after all this time."
Beca sat down and stared at the name etched in the stone. It always made her angry to see it.
Chloe Anne Beale March 9, 1986 - February 14, 2010
She still couldn't believe that Chloe's parents hated her so much that, even in death, they wouldn't acknowledge Chloe's marriage to her. Beca wiped at the tears that continued to flow.
The young girl got up and slowly made her way over. She cleared her throat to get the woman's attention.
"I don't mean to intrude," the young girl said.
"No, it's okay," Beca said, wiping at her eyes and standing. "I just-"
Beca looked at the girl, and whatever words she was about to speak got lost in the gasp that came from deep within her. Because standing before her was the spitting image of a young Chloe. Beca thought her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. She swallowed several times. Is it her? Could it be?
"That's right," Sophie said. "I'm Sophie Maxwell. I recognize you, Miss Mitchell. I'm a big fan of your music. So, how did you know my mother?"
"Maxwell?" Beca asked, confused as her heart continued to race. "Are you married?"
"Um, no," Sophie asked, confusion written on her face. "May I ask again how you knew my mother? Did you go to Barden with her?"
"Before I answer that," Beca said, pulling herself together. "Why is your name Maxwell and not Beale?"
"Maxwell is my grandparents' name," Sophie said. Beca stared at her, not really understanding, so Sophie continued to explain. "They told me that my father was a man named John Beale. He was married to my mother but cheated on her the whole time they were married. He left her while she was pregnant with me. My mom died two weeks after I was born from complications from giving birth. My father never showed up to see my mother or me. My grandparents adopted me so I could have their name. They said they tried to find my father, but they were never able to. Is any of this ringing a bell? I mean, if you knew my mother, wouldn't you already know all this?"
Beca let out a sound that was somewhere between a sob and a laugh. She had spent so much money trying to find Sophie and her grandparents over the years. She was looking for Carl and Sharon Beale. When Sophie was older, she had detectives looking for anyone named Sophie Beale or Sophie Mitchell. Every time they thought they were close, they met with a dead end. Now she knew why.
Beca looked Sophie in the eye and angrily said, "Your grandparents are liars!"
"Excuse me?" Sophie said, somewhat taken aback at this woman's words. "Who are you to speak about them like that to me?"
"I did know your mother," Beca said, continuing to look the girl in the eye. "And, yes, we did go to Barden together. That's where we met. That's where we fell in love." Beca took a deep breath and let it out. "I was married to your mother when you were born. So I'm, I'm also your mother."
Sophie gasped and took a step back. She stared at Beca and swallowed several times. Judging by the look on Beca's face, Sophie knew that she was telling the truth.
"How?" Sophie said with a sob. "Why? I- I- I don't understand. Why would they lie to me?"
"They couldn't accept the fact that Chloe, your mother, was gay," Beca told her. "Or that we were married." Beca took a deep breath and let it out, easing some of the anger and tension she had been feeling. "You are my daughter. Your father was an anonymous donor. Your mother and I named you Sophie Anne Mitchell. You were born on February 1, 2010. And, yes, your mother died two weeks later on Valentine's Day."
Sophie had tears flowing down her face. She was an emotional wreck. Beca wasn't faring any better, and she wanted nothing more than to grab Sophie and never let her go.
"Why didn't you look for me?" Sophie finally choked out. "Didn't you want me?"
"Oh, God!" Beca sobbed and looked at her, the pain very much evident in her eyes. "How could you think that? We both wanted you so, so much. When we found out she was pregnant with you, your mother and I were over the moon. When she died, I lost it. For two days, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. On the day of your mother's funeral, I, I tried to, um, kill myself because the pain was just too unbearable. I ended up in the hospital for several weeks. While I was there, your grandparents sold their house and left with you. They just disappeared. They didn't tell anyone what they were doing or where they were going. Your mom's best friend, Aubrey, tried to find out where you were so I could get you when I got out. But they just. . .vanished. It was like they and you never existed. I started searching for you the day they let me out of the hospital, and I've been searching for you ever since. I've never stopped searching for you."
By now, both women had tears streaming down their faces. Sophie was shocked at what she was learning. They stood there, lost in their own thoughts for a few minutes. Beca was startled when the young woman plowed into her and grabbed her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around the girl and held her while they both cried.
Sophie pulled back and looked at Beca. "I always felt like there was something more to the story," Sophie finally managed to say. "A piece of me was missing, and I just thought it was because of my father not wanting me."
"I wanted, want you. I loved you from the minute we found out we were having you," Beca told her. "I never stopped. I would come here on your birthday and leave a white rose to honor you being born. The white rose stands for Innocence, Purity, and Sympathy. I thought it was fitting. I would also say an extra prayer, hoping that you were still out there and that I'd find you one day. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you."
"What does the burgundy rose stand for?" Sophie asked. "The one you always left for my mother."
"Undying love and beauty," Beca said. "Because your mother is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and my love for her is eternal."
"My grandparents talked to me about my mom all the time," Sophie said. "They never told me anything about you. They didn't tell me she was buried so close to Barden until I was in my junior year of high school, and I talked about wanting to go to Barden like her. So, I go to Barden now, to be close to my mother. I'll be graduating in May. So, I guess that's my rose for her."
"She would be so proud to know that you're graduating from Barden," Beca said. "I know I am."
"I, um, I know you're married," Sophie said. "Like I said, I'm a fan. I never read anything about you and my mom, though. I also know you have two kids. Twins, a boy and a girl. There isn't a lot written about them that I've seen."
"I didn't really become famous until after your mom was gone," Beca told her. "I kept that part of my life to myself. I didn't want to have people constantly trying to convince me that they were you. And, Stacie and I try to keep the twins out of the limelight."
"I guess they're my siblings now," Sophie said with a small smile.
"Yeah, I guess they kind of are," Beca said with a small laugh. "They're seven now and we don't live too far from here. I couldn't bring myself to move away from your mother. Would you-" Beca paused, knowing that this was a lot to take in for both of them. She thought for a moment and decided to just ask her. "Would you like to come and meet my family? Meet your brother and sister?" Beca asked.
"I'd love to," Sophie said through her tears. "I always wanted brothers and sisters."
~ The Burgundy Rose ~
Beca and Sophie were sitting at the counter in Beca's kitchen, looking at photos of Beca and Chloe during their time at Barden. They were laughing and crying at the same time while Beca told the stories behind each picture.
"My grandparents never told me my mom was in the Barden Bellas," Sophie said while smiling at the picture. "I've seen them perform a couple of times. They're pretty good."
"Yeah, well, when we were Bellas, we were better than good," Beca said. "We won the National A Cappella Championships four years in a row. As a matter of fact, I met your mom when we both tried out for the Bellas during our freshman year. We met Stacie and Aubrey then, too. We were all friends, as well as Bellas. Then your mom and I started dating at the beginning of our Sophomore year. I asked her to marry me on our graduation day. Aubrey was your mother's maid of honor, and Stacie was mine. I was working for Residual Heat at the time, and your mom got a job teaching music at the local high school. My grandmother died about a year into our marriage and left me some money. It was enough to pay off all our bills and try IVF to get pregnant. Your mom wanted to be the one to carry you, and we got lucky on the first try. I'll never forget the look on your mother's face or the feeling I got when she told me she was pregnant. Words can't describe it."
Beca stopped as she became emotional. "I'm sure your grandparents didn't tell you, but they basically disowned your mother when we started dating. They paid her tuition but told her she was no longer welcomed in their home until she 'got over being gay'."
"They're still like that," Sophie said. "Don't worry. I can think for myself and don't feel the same." They were quiet for a moment, and then Sophie asked, "When did you and Stacie get together."
"We started dating about twelve years ago," Beca said. "We got married ten years ago. She had been through it all with me and knows that I will always love your mother. She knows I love her, too, so she's good with it."
Before Sophie could say anything else, a voice called out.
"Hey, babe, I thought we were meeting you at the cemetery after I picked up Aubrey and Jes-," the tall brunette stopped short and just stared, slack-jawed at the girl sitting next to her wife.
"Oh, my God!" another voice cried out.
"Holy shit!" a male voice said.
"Stacie! Stace!" Beca said, finally bringing her out of her daze. She got up and took Stacie's hand. She then looked at Sophie. "Sophie, this is my wife, Stacie, and this," she looked over at Aubrey. "This is your mom's best friend, Aubrey Posen, and her husband, Jesse Swanson." Beca looked at Sophie with a proud smile. "And, this. This is Sophie. Chloe's and my daughter."
"You look just like her," Jesse said, staring at the girl.
"How did you find her?" Aubrey asked softly as tears ran down her face. She, too, couldn't help but stare at the girl.
"She kind of found me while I was visiting Chloe's grave," Beca told the two women.
"Mama, you're home," a young boy comes running in and wraps his arms around Beca's waist.
"Hey, Charlie," Beca said, giving the boy a kiss on the top of his head. "Where's Chloe?"
"Here I am," the girl announced as she came running into the kitchen.
"You named her after my mom?" Sophie said with a teary smile.
"We did," Stacie said, finally finding her voice. "Her personality reminds us so much of your mom, too. So the name really fits."
"The reason you haven't seen much written about them is because I have some really good PR people who make sure their names and faces never make it to print," Beca said. "Million dollar lawsuits will stop a story in a heartbeat. They all know my kids are off limits. Always. So, let me formally introduce you. This is Charles David Mitchell; we call him Charlie. And this little cutie is Chloe Elizabeth Mitchell."
Sophie just nods her head with a smile. She looks at Charlie and Chloe. "Hello, Charlie. Hello, Chloe," Sophie said. "It's very nice to meet you. I'm Sophie."
Little Chloe looked at Sophie with wide eyes. "Are you my sister, Sophie?"
At Sophie's shocked look, Beca explained. "We told them they had another sister who didn't live with us. We promised them that someday they were going to get to meet you."
Tears fell from Sophie's eyes. "You really didn't forget me."
Beca just shook her head, unable to speak through the lump in her throat. "Never," she managed to finally croak out.
"None of us ever forgot about you, Sophie," Stacie said with tears in her eyes. "Or your mother."
"We were all devastated when your mom died," Aubrey said, coming to hug the girl. "And then you went missing, and we didn't know what to do. So we went to the police with Beca, and they looked for you. They thought the Beales may have taken you to Canada but couldn't find any new leads, so you became a 'cold case that would probably never be solved.' Their words, not mine. We never gave up on trying to find you, though." Aubrey just stared at the girl. "I still can't believe you're here right now."
"Neither can I," Sophie says with a teary laugh. "For the first time in my life, I feel whole."
"I know the feeling," Beca said, smiling at her oldest daughter.
Full prompt from FanFiction User Guest: So Beca and Chloe are together, but both their parents or maybe Chloe's parents don't accept it. They're married and have a daughter, but Chloe died a few weeks after giving birth which was on Valentine's Day. Chloe's parents took their daughter away, and Beca never met her after that. Now their daughter has grown up and will visit her mother's grave every Valentine's Day. There will always be a flower on Chloe's grave. So she got curious and waited to find out. And then she saw Beca and found out that she is her other mother. Thank You!
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hailene · 4 years
Blood Red Running Hood
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𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖋!𝖜𝖔𝖓𝖜𝖔𝖔, 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐.𝟑 𝐊
𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝓈𝓉| 𝓋𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝓊
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The cold foggy morning was sending chills down your spine, the coldness reaching all the way to your flesh, to your bones. It was about to rain, you could tell. But nothing could stop you from going to your granny's house, in order to take care of her like you always said you would.
The thing is granny was dead.
You found her months ago, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, sheets stained. You were horrified, not having seen anything like that before. But back then, a tiny little part of you sighed in relief. Granny was dead. The evil witch you had always been forced to take care of was now dead.
More than that, however, granny was murdered. And as you locked gazes with the murderer minutes after you found your grandmother dead, you body froze. You had heard about werewolves, you knew they existed, but the villagers had always tried their best to protect themselves from such creatures by going on patrols at night, killing anyone and anything that was out of the common. Your village was a small, simple gathering of poor houses. But it was tinted with so much sin and blood that it seemed like the village itself was cursed.
You had heard about werewolves. But you'd never believed you'd actually see one with your eyes. And more than that, you had never thought they would look so... human.
Probably, you would have never been able to tell the man sitting in front of you wasn't exactly human if it hadn't been for the steel-like glint in his eyes. And for the blood smearing at his lips.
For a moment, you were frozen, fear pumping through your veins and making it hard for you to breath. Then, you blacked out.
When you woke up, hours later, you thought you were in heaven. You were sure, absolutely sure that you were dead. But the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes were the steel-like eyes from earlier... except this time, they held some sort of warmth.
You looked around, realizing you were still at granny's, in her bed, with a new mattress, her lifeless body nowhere to be seen. The man sitting on the side of your bed smelled like rain, like mud, like the cold woods and the ashes in the chimney.
"I am Wonwoo," he said.
And you realized the smell was calming you down.
It's been a few months ever since then, a few months ever since you have started lying to everyone around you that you were taking good care of your beloved granny. When, in fact, you were obsessively visiting the small cottage just to meet Wonwoo. Again and again and again.
"What if they find out?" You remember yourself asking in fear one night, between two desperate kisses.
You remember him looking at you with so much love in his eyes that you could feel yourself melting, you remember wanting to pull him closer, closer... even though there was literally nothing between the two of you anymore, physically.
"Then I'll burn the whole damn village down," he answered before starting his hot work on you for the nth time that night.
Just to save you, you knew.
He was driving you insane.
Maybe that was why you couldn't help but come back to him. Again and again and again and...
When you enter the house, you find Wonwoo standing next to the hob, the delicious smell of food tingling your senses. You hum in delight as you close the door and take off your red hood, softly stepping towards the man. You hug him from behind and he lets the pots boil on the hob as he turns around to face you, kissing the top of your head gently. He smelled like rain, like mud, like fire and cold water. He smelled like home.
"I missed you, love," you hear him humming, filling you with warmth.
You haven't had a proper dinner in so long. You didn't have time for that, since you were always busy collecting the mail from the villagers and writing replies in the name of your beloved dead granny. She has always been seen as the wise woman, everybody was asking for advice from her. You knew everybody's secrets, you held way too much power for a little, young, unskillful witch.
But they didn't have to know that.
You occasionally told Laurette, your care-giver, that you'd stay over at your granny's. The woman was obviously glad that she wouldn't have to make sure she gives you any sort of dinner. You didn't quite stand her either. Ever since your parents passed and you and Kai, your younger brother, were given to Laurette to take care of you until you'd be able to take care of yourselves, your life had been a never-ending series of cloudy days. Kai used to be the only one able to cheer you up after a long, tiring day.
But now, Wonwoo could do much more.
A soft whimper escapes your lips as he goes down on you after the dinner, the dim light of the candles painting his skin in godly shades of gold. He was a murderer, an evil, a beast according to the villagers. That's why they didn't have to know about him, they didn't have to know about the two of you.
You had to admit that despite his humanly appearance, his werewolf features were showing sometimes, especially in bed. Sex with him was amazing. He was teasing, rough, but extremely good and even though you could have been scared of the extra-terrestrial strength of his choke-hold, you couldn't help but feel lured in towards him. You were obsessed.
"You should stop coming around for a few days, love," Wonwoo whispers after collapsing next to you.
You knew why. The full moon was coming.
He kisses you softly as you drift away to a sweet sleep. He was gone when you woke up the next morning.
When you returned home that day, you could feel that Laurette's gaze on you was different. Even if you didn't want to pay attention to it, the tiny drop of magic that was running through your veins was making it impossible for you to ignore it. It was almost like you could taste the fear in the atmosphere at home.
"What's wrong, Laurette?" You ask as she passes by your room with a heap of rags in her arms.
She looks at you for a few moments, as if she was surprised that you took notice of her behaviour. Then, she shakes her head, rushing towards the kitchen like she'd seen a ghost. You frown, unable to understand her behaviour. Did something happen while you were with Wonwoo last night? What could it be?
The answer, however, was about to be given to you in the form of Kai hastily waking you up the following night, incomprehensible cries and panicked whispers escaping his lips.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong, baby boy?" You ask while cupping his puffy cheeks, sleep still clouding your judgement.
"Fire, Y/N, they fire," your little brother cries.
You frown confused, rubbing your eyes to wake up.
"What fire, baby?" You ask as Kai starts crying harder. "What are you talking about?"
"They're coming, I've heard they want to burn the witch on a rug, Y/N!" He cries and your blood runs cold.
They can't possibly know, can they?
"Witch, baby boy? What witch?" You ask softly, trying your best to hide the panic.
"I-I think they were talking about y-..." he tries to say but you cover his mouth softly, your limbs already shaking.
"What else did you hear, baby?" You ask, trying to keep your voice steady.
"They w-went to granny's h-house," he cries softly. "One of them wa-was... killed by-"
You didn't need anything more than this.
You get up from your mattress and put some clothes on, helping Kai to dress up as well. You take your blood-red hood and put it on, kneeling next to your brother afterwards.
You could already hear loud voices outside.
"You go to the water wheel and hide there until I come to get you, okay?" You speak, holding him tightly. "If I don't come by dawn, you run and never come back here, okay?"
"B-But, Y/N–"
"Y/N loves you, baby boy, Y/N loves you so much," you whisper as tears come streaming down your face.
Kai starts sobbing too. It breaks you.
"Chin up, baby, okay?" You say, trying to get a hold of yourself. "Just have faith and trust Y/N."
Before your brother can say anything else, you jump out the window.
You run through the night, far away from the angry voices and fire torches. You run through the woods, mindlessly, only having one thought in your mind.
Was he okay? Did he kill yet another villager? You were aware of the fact that he was so far from being a saint and that it wasn't the first time he'd kill one of the people in your village, but that only made you love him more. You weren't much of a good character either.
As you reach the cottage in the woods, you realize it was vandalized. The few pieces of poor furniture were broken, pots, candles and papers thrown on the floor. The few remaining potions, herbs and spell books you had stored were all torn open, pulled out from the secret places you thought you had secured them in. It was all a mess, a bloody, ruthless mess and the deep animal scratches on the wall weren't making it any better.
No sign of Wonwoo.
As you look around more carefully, your blood runs cold. You shouldn't have come here.
It was a trap.
"The little witch is here," the man in front of you shouts and you here footsteps coming from the outside.
Before you can turn around and run away, more men enter the cottage, blocking your way, and panic rises from the pit of your stomach, your vision getting blurry. Seconds later, you feel something hard hitting your head from behind, letting you fall in a dark abyss.
Before you open your eyes, you feel warmth, heat. You feel fire. And as you open them, you realize why. Your body was tied to a wooden rug, surrounded by a circle of flames. It was hot, almost unbearably.
"The witch woke up! It's time to burn her back to hell!" You hear someone screaming.
Your eyes meet Laurette's figure and you feel your whole body filling with so much rage that you swore the flames around you started burning brighter. And then you see it, the whole village gathered around you in hateful circles, looking at you as if you killed their families. Maybe you did. But not intentionally.
Rocks and sticks were being thrown at you, curses and words spit in your direction, but nothing that your mind and body could cope with. Your time has arrived, you were getting the fate that you deserved, so now, you could only hope that your brother and your lover were going to be okay.
You are a witch after all. You are evil. And you have been too stupid, too careless to keep on living. You deserve to die. You deserve to be burnt on a rug.
As one of the villagers approaches you with a lit torch, you hear a freezing growl, not that far from where you were. Moments later, the fire surrounding you starts reflecting in different places. You think it's your mind going insane, you think it's your vision getting damaged by fear, by defeat, by the unnerving warmth the flames were attacking you with. But as you hear the growl getting louder and the panicked screams of the villagers running around, you realize something went wrong in their plan.
You can't help but laugh as the villager who was coming towards you starts running for his life, screaming as the grey wolf with fire in his eyes starts chasing him. You couldn't be afraid of the wolves. You couldn't be afraid of Wonwoo.
People slowly disappear, corpses taking their place, the fire slowly starting to take over the whole town. You were surrounded by a realm of flames and you felt like you were on fire yourself, but you were laughing like a maniac, unable to control yourself.
Your curses worked. This God-forsaken village was now burning to fucking ashes.
You feel something or someone untying your wrists and ankles from the wooden rug and as you turn to look next to you, you meet the steel-like gaze of the man you were so in love with. He picks you up from the torture place and rushes out of the fire, running and running until you can actually feel the cold night wind whipping your bare skin.
Wonwoo turns around to look once again at the burning village, the fire contrasting with the dark night in such a sinfully-pleasing way. You adored that.
"It's finally gone," he whispers, your mouth watering at his hoarse voice.
I'll burn the whole damn village down, you remember.
You pull him by his torn shirt and he looks at you, warmth shining in his eyes brighter than that goddamn fire. You kiss him hungrily, tasting the smoke, the blood and the mud on his lips. It was all sweeter than honey, more addicting than any sort of herb you've seen before. This was Wonwoo, the forbidden taste you have always, always been longing for. Now you had it. And in the devil's name, you regretted absolutely nothing.
"The water wheel," you choke out as you pull away, your lips swollen, tinted with blood. "We have to find Kai at the water wheel."
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Naughty & Nice : Yoongi
A Soft Smutty Christmas Drabble for everyone missing Yoongi. 18+
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Curmudgeon, that's what he was being. Yoongi was occupying himself by making fun of his bandmates on the TV while you sat on the floor surrounded by boxes, draped in ribbon while wrapping presents.
"I'm glad I'm sitting this one out, look at the stupid little tie they made Jin wear." 
You turned to look, "I don't know, I think he looks handsome no matter what he wears." 
He huffed, "The stylists didn't even brush Jungkook's hair. He looks like he just rolled out of bed" 
You sang along to the carol a little louder. He was feeling sorry for himself and you weren't going to indulge him. 
"This is so childish." He laughed from his permanent residence on the couch and began imitating their moves on the screen.
"Shit," he winced after getting a little too carried away with his actions. 
"Serves you right." 
"Wow, that's rude." 
"I'm rude? Min Yoongi are you kidding me?"
His tongue stretched the inside of his cheek, a move he did when he was trying to think his way out of something. 
"You want to know what's rude? Rude is the fact that you know Christmas is my favorite holiday and you're doing everything in your power to suck the Merry and Bright right out of it." 
"I think as my girlfriend you're supposed to be a little more sympathetic towards my needs."
Aggressively pulling the tape tightly over the gift, the paper tore exposing the contents. 
"I feel about as sorry for you as you do for me having to wrap all of these." 
You lifted the gift up to examine it. "Who the hell buys Ping Pong Paddles as a present anyway." 
"Jin loves Ping Pong, It's a great gift. You're just mad that I'm a better gift giver than you." 
"You're also a bigger pain in the ass if we're keeping score." 
Crumpling up the ruined wrap you threw it in his direction.
Instinctively trying to catch it he moaned in pain at the sudden shoulder movement. 
"Shit baby, I'm sorry are you okay?" 
Feeling terrible you quickly got up to check his shoulder. 
Sat beside him on the edge of the couch you helped him lay back as he winced. 
"Sure, now you feel sorry for me after making me hurt myself." 
He gave a little pout and turned to focus his gaze on you while you adjusted his pillow. 
"I'm sorry, I know I've been a downer. I just…" his voice trailed off a little embarrassed.
"I feel bad for missing work and for everyone having to cover for me. And you, you really are an angel taking care of me and making sure all this stuff," he motioned around the apartment, "is done so that we still get a good Christmas."
You kissed his forehead and smiled. "I think your pain medication is making you soft."
"Yeah? that's not what you were saying 5 minutes ago." 
His hand moved over yours where it was resting on his chest. "I don't like feeling useless." 
"There's a big difference between vulnerable and useless Yoongi."
"I can't help you with any of this, and I'm sucking the fun out of your favorite holiday."
"Well I've been thinking, If you're up for it there is one thing you could help me out with…" 
"What's that?"
You gave a coy smile, "It's about a real special gift." 
"No way, you always talk me into giving you your gifts early, not this year. Besides, they're all at Namjoon's so I couldn't if I wanted to."
Pulling a piece of ribbon from around your neck you ran your fingers slowly down it's length. "I'm not talking about that kind of present."
His face pulled into a confused scrunch so you straddled his lap to give him a better clue. Threading the ribbon through the zipper pull of his jeans you tied it into a loopy bow. 
"You know we've both been really good this year, maybe we could just open one early?" 
Placing kisses down his neck you pled your case. Since the surgery a few weeks ago it had been completely hands off, either too much pain or too much medication to even try. Today though, he seemed feisty and playful so it was worth a shot. 
He pulled you down closer with his good arm, "Only if you promise not to go easy on me."
"I'll do my best." 
Pulling his t-shirt up you quickly realized it would be a whole process to get it off around the sling. "We'll have to make due I guess." 
"Take yours off for me, I just want to feel your skin on mine." He was already out of breath just with the anticipation. 
Standing, you lifted your shirt off and stepped out of your pajama pants. 
A long slow groan left your boyfriend. "You're so beautiful." He reached out with his good hand to grab for you. 
"uh-uh," you reprimanded him, swatting it away, "You're not allowed to over exert yourself."
Tugging the bow, his zipper slid down allowing your hands to grip the waistband and shimmy his pants over his hips. The hard bulge in his underwear showed he was just as excited as you were. 
"It feels like it's been forever," you whispered, your lips brushing over his fabric covered cock. 
"Even a day without you feels like an eternity, this has been torture." 
It felt so good to feel desired after the weeks of the most intimately unintimate moments you'd shared together. Cleaning stitches and administering medication wasn't exactly sexy.
Reaching into his underwear  you pulled out his full and heavy cock. His eyes fluttered delicately as he anticipated the sensation of your lips sliding around him.
Shallow breaths escaped his lips as you worked his length. Worried he'd drifted off, you slowed until his hand raked through your hair encouraging you to keep going.
"That feels so good but," you sucked hard and deep giving a squeeze around the base." 
"I'm not going to last, it's been too long and it feels so good. I want to make sure you to cum too" 
Working your way back up his chest to his neck to his waiting mouth, you kissed him. 
"You're okay?"
"I'll be better when I'm inside you."
As he lay waiting you sank yourself onto him. The stretch of not having him for weeks sent shivers of pleasure over your skin. 
Slowly rolling your hips you ground yourself against him. 
"God, I missed you." his working hand rubbed your nipple between his fingers. "Ride me harder, it's okay...It feels so good." 
Picking up speed, the couch squeaked under you as your bodies slapped together. 
"I'm gonna cum baby, tell me your close." He pleaded under you while you chased you orgasam. 
"Keep talking, I'm almost there…" 
"I missed your wet pussy around my cock so much, your tits bouncing while you ride me. I'm gonna fill you with such a big load."
You could already feel his cum leaking out of you as he moved his hand to thumb your clit furiously. Knowing he was pleased you let your orgasm wash over you until you collapsed on top of him. 
"That was amazing."
He winced a little, "You're kind of on my shoulder." 
"Oh my god Yoongi I'm so sorry!"
He laughed, "don't be it was worth it. I do think I'm going to need a pain killer though." 
His facetime rang and all the boys were on the line, "Did you watch the show? How'd we do?"
"It was good, you all did really well." 
"You seem to be in really good spirits," Taehyung cheered. Were we that inspiring?"
"No," Yoongi smirked," I got an early Christmas present."
It was quiet for a second until it registered with them. "Gross, You're both going on the naughty list," Jungkook decreed.
"I disagree," Yoongi looked at you across the room winking. "It was actually quite nice."
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tiny-slasher · 4 years
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Billy Lenz x Reader | Coffee Shop AU | Part 2
(Mild blood tw)
The lights were beginning to worsen the never-ending headache Billy always seemed to have. They were too bright- and if the loud music blasting in his ears wasn't bad enough, the crowd of people loudly conversing sure was. Overly loud noises never managed to drown out the bad thoughts from Billy's mind...it just made them yell louder.
"Sorry, your drink is almost finished!"
Billy just glared at them, even folding his arms to make a point. Nearly ten whole minutes of his life wasted on waiting for a drink he probably wouldn't even enjoy. He prided himself in being able to brew quality beverages, even if his customers didn't have enough tastebuds to appreciate them. There was no way this...person could possibly outdo him. Their customers probably only came for the horrible music, and loud laughter of others. Overrated, and extremely irritating.
"Here you go! One latte," they said, giving Billy that smile. "Sorry, it's a lot busier here today than usual. You picked a heck of a day to come visit!"
"S'fine," Billy said, grabbing his to-go cup and giving them a wide and plastic smile.
"You okay? You look a little pale..."
They nodded in reply, wringing their hands a bit guiltily. As Billy sipped on his latte (which was disgusting), they leaned over the counter and gave him a kind smile.
"I was going to close up early today anyway, if you still feel like sticking around?"
Stick around? In this nightmare?? Who the hell did they think they were-
They had the nerve to wink at him as they went back to work. It made Billy want to vomit. If it weren't for the small child picking out a cookie not five from him, he would have, if only to see the look on their face - see if they winked and gave him that sickening smile after that! As it was, they would steal glances in his direction every so often, oblivious to the compulsions running through Billy's thoughts, and itching at his fingertips.
They should be thankful he had recently started working on that in therapy, otherwise they'd have been in a real mess. Literally.
Billy tapped his foot, watching the way the faux leather of his boot shone in the harsh lights above him, too dull to reflect the scowl on his face. Despite the atmosphere, Billy felt himself less bothered by the ordeal than he'd expected.
That was beginning to change with the increasingly loud complaints from the child near him.
"I don't want- I want the cookie! Mama, please- are you listening? I don't want a muffin! MAMA!"
Billy slammed his drink onto the counter before his fist, now clenched from annoyance, could crush the cup. As it was, some of his latte splashed out and hit him on the back of the hand.
"Take these again, for to the noble mind. Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind," Billy mumbled, clenching his jaw.
He felt them turn to look at him, and he wondered if they had actually heard him over the loud, obnoxiously generic jazz music blasting throughout the room. He couldn't bring himself to look at them, knowing it would only overwhelm him to do so. Still, the hairs on his neck stood up as he continued to ramble, trying to drown out everything and regain some composure.
Slowly, he felt his heart rate slow, and his nerves calm. He managed to relax his hands enough to stretch out his fingers, sighing at the feeling of his joints releasing. He straightened his back, took in a deep breath, and-
His leg nearly gave out as the whining kid shoved themself into his side, completely ignoring him and continuing to complain about their mother's choice of muffin. Billy's hands gripped the counter as he nearly fell to the ground, and narrowly avoided splashing scalding hot coffee all over himself and the child beside him. The kid glanced in his direction once, but then continued to pay him no mind - clearly focused on getting the dessert he wanted, instead of apologizing.
There was a loud ringing in Billy's ears as he grit his teeth and clenched his fists, angry and humiliated at not only being knocked over, but being ignored. Not even the kid's mother paid any mind to him, or apologized on their behalf.
Only harsh pants of breath escaped his lips as he tried to regain self control. His fingernails dug into the palms of his hands, no doubt leaving welts behind. He shook so hard he couldn't see clearly.
"She s-speaks mu-much of her f-father. S-says s-she...hears..."
Billy could no longer feel his fingers, or his toes. His heart felt as if it had stopped beating, and was simply sitting outside of his body. He felt a pressure around his waist, and visually he could tell that he was moving, but all he could focus on was the ringing. It sounded similar to an old rotary phone...
Brrrrrring! Brrrrrrring!
His vision grew dark for a moment, before white lights fulled the area. He could see a shape in front of him that seemed so familiar...
It was a person...he knew this person...but...
He heard his name whisper through the noise. He could feel a pressure over his hands, gentle but grounding. He felt the way his lungs expanded as he breathed a bit too quickly, and as his heart raced in his chest. The shape in front of him cleared a bit as his shaking subsided, revealing a pair of concerned eyes staring back at him.
"Billy? Are you alright?"
Blinking once, Billy took in his surroundings. He was sitting in a chair in what he assumed was a back room, filled with boxes of unopened coffee grounds, and unused to-go cups. Rectangular ceiling lights burned into his eyes as he stared directly into them. He saw the carcass of a bug lying in the cover of one, wondering how long it had been there. It was some sort of beetle...
He turned back to them.
Suddenly, everything came rushing back to him. His eyes widened and felt his throat tighten as his pulse picked up from fear.
"Did I hurt anyone?" his voice was a frightened whisper.
Confusion took over their features, staring almost in disbelief at him.
"No...you were having some sort of panic attack, I think."
Billy's shoulders slumped in relief, and he tried to wish away the nausea in his tummy. He fought the urge to rip at his hair, and instead settled for staring up at the light again and letting it burn into his retinas.
"I took you back here where it's quieter...I'm sorry, I didn't really know what else to do..."
"S'fine..." Billy mumbled, unable to look at them.
As he glanced down, he realized their hands were holding his clenched fists. He jerked his hands away as if they’d been burned, his heart threatening to leap out of his throat.
They backed off upon seeing his reaction, looking a bit lost.
Staring down, he relaxed his hands, watched as the crescent shapes in his palms beaded with blood. A few of the cuts were fairly deep, considering he’d just trimmed his nails (for this exact reason).
"Oh no, here I'll get some bandages for that-"
They got up and left the small room, rustling what sounded like a container nearby for medical supplies.
Billy sighed, disappointed in himself. He'd had another episode...the first one in a while...and he hadn't been ready for it. He should have been. He knew he had been in a weird mood all morning, but he still decided to get coffee and visit them. He knew it was a bad idea. He should've have been more prepared. He should have done better.
Useless. Pathetic. What a pathetic excuse of a human being. No wonder he had no friends. No wonder his family wouldn't speak to him. Who would want to hang out with such a sad, miserable-
"I'm back! I brought some bandages and disinfectant!" their voice was so soft and gentle as they quietly opened the door.
“I’m back...” Billy whispered too quietly for them to hear.
They kneeled in front of him, opening up a packet with a disinfectant wipe.
"Can I see your hands?" they asked him, patiently waiting for him to respond.
He nodded, still unable to look them in the eyes, and held open his hands. The alcohol burned as it ran against the cuts on his palm, but he deserved it. He deserved to feel pain-
"You doing alright?" they asked, cutting off his thoughts. "I hope it doesn't burn too much...these look painful."
"...I've had worse."
They glanced up at him, brow furrowed, but said nothing. Setting the wipe down, they grabbed the bandages and began wrapping one of his hands. He watched how they ran it around and around, pulling it snugly, but not too tight. Definitely, not as tightly as he would have, if he'd been doing it himself.
"I'm sorry for what happened... You didn't deserve that."
Yes he did.
"I understand if you want to leave..."
See? They didn't even want him. They were trying to get rid of him, just like everyone else-
"But, I’d love if you stayed. I already turned the closed sign on the door..."
Billy watched the bandage wrap his other hand, as the two of them sat in silence. They were being so sickeningly sweet to him, as usual.
"You just want me to tell you my latte recipe."
Their laugh was so abrupt and loud and made Billy jump, but he couldn't help but notice the butterflies in his stomach at the sight of their smile. It was brighter than the damn lights.
"Nah, it would take away the magic. I prefer not knowing," they giggled. "It's your iced coffee you should watch out for."
"Fuck iced fucking coffee."
They covered their mouth, trying to contain their laughter. It didn't work, but Billy found it extremely annoying that he could stare at their teeth anymore.
He reached up and grabbed their wrist, catching them off guard, and gently pulled their hand down. Their smile began to wilt out of confusion, and Billy frowned in disappointment.
Probably because he was being a creep. Disgusting, filthy, nASTY-
Billy let go of their wrist with a sigh. Their eyes searched his face, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"You always seem to have so much on your mind..." they whispered.
Billy grimaced and turned away from them. He swallowed down the acid reflux creeping up his throat.
“I'm always here, if you need someone to vent to. I’d be happy to listen."
Disgusting. It made him sick.
Slowly, Billy looked into their eyes, seeing no signs of malice. He ignored the beat his heart skipped.
"Come on, I'll make you some iced coffee," they winked with a smile, standing up and offering their hand to him.
He stared at it for an abnormally long length of time, looking at the shape of their nails.
Hesitantly, he reached out his own hand and took theirs, acknowledging the way their skin felt against his fingers. It was more comforting than he was willing to admit, and much more intense now that he was aware of it.
He was beginning to suspect that they knew that before he did.
They were horrible.
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