#the great boggling mystery of relationships
writerofstuff · 2 months
I love Edwin and Niko's friendship. I keep thinking why.
Is it because they are perfect strangers who are perfectly different from each other and are yet content to exist beside one another?
Is it because Edwin walks through the world thinking not many would see his way and Niko walks through the world adamant to understand every way possible?
Is it because they represent a pure relationship, devoid of pressing obligations, of previous ties, of any and all expectations of friction or romance - where neither of them has nothing to gain or lose and yet both stay because smiles come easier around each other?
Is it how Edwin reaches out for Niko's hand? How Niko speaks her mind around Edwin and never feels judged? Is it how they tilt their heads together and give each other courage? How they expect nothing from each other and yet give everything they have?
I keep thinking.
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confusedbyinterface · 1 month
So. Margaret.
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She knows more than she says: she tells you it's more fun if you figure some things out yourself, and other things she wants to reserve for when she knows you better. And as she says, "You've got to keep people guessing, yeah? You've got to make a name for yourself."
I suspect she could know something about the murder, has figured out Hedwig's investigating it, and that when she reveals the secret passage by Hedwig's old cell it's not just because they were talking about ghosts, but because it's a way to give her an important clue without showing her hand.
But right now I want to talk about Chapter 5, where she first tells you about the abbey's secrets. In this chapter Hedwig's started talking about the gothic and romanesque styles, comparing the different architectural styles used in the abbey with different ways of telling stories. A functional and blunt Romanesque style vs a decorative and aesthetically interesting Gothic style.
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H: "Yes, it certainly seems it, I find myself quite overwhelmed!" M: "I think I might know most of the interesting passages and doors and whatnot around here. It's a little boggling. But honestly, I doubt anyone here knows every little secret. If you find anything interesting, let me know. We can compare notes." H: "What's your favourite?" M: "Haha. I don't think I know you well enough to share that just yet... I can tell you my second favourite, if you'd like... If you ever get hungry in the middle of the night, there's a secret way into the stores through the cellar." H: "Really? Where?" M: "Now, now. Where's the fun in that? ...It'll mean more if you find it yourself. Exploring this place is very enriching. You'll have a great time figuring it out, I promise."
I don't have to spell this out. Like this is xeecee speaking directly into your ear. But I would like to expand on the architecture metaphor. If there's secrets all over the abbey, what does that mean for the Gothic and Romanesque constructions?
In a Roman style, even without Hedwig's gothicisms, Misericorde is a murder mystery, not an incident report. You won't be getting every relevant fact, and you'll have to puzzle out what the missing pieces have to look like. Maybe we'll get an answer key, but until then This Proof Left As An Exercise To The Reader.
In the Gothic? Part of it I think is a reminder that not all the mysteries are the murder mystery or the royal conspiracy. The sisters, and their relationships, aren't just open books, and you should take the time to get to know and understand them. But also, it's a reminder that Hedwig, as she so often tells us, is a coward. She does use subtext. And metaphor, motifs, even intertextuality. You should think about this stuff. Hedwig has several conversations in the garden, maybe that means something aside from "Hedwig was just in the garden right then"
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whythehellnaut · 23 days
Why's Furiosa review
Not to be negative, but I do want to give my thoughts on Furiosa as well. It's another movie that sounds great on paper- a prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road focusing on the deuteragonist, possibly making her just as iconic as Max himself, but where Fury Road was masterful in its execution, Furiosa is lacking nearly everything that made it's predecessor the success it was.
It starts out pretty well, with a prologue involving Furiosa's mother hunting her down when she's kidnapped as a child, resulting in plenty of gratuitous bloodshed, but once that chapter is over, I expected to see Furiosa as an adult, played by the cover girl, Anya Taylor-Joy. To my horror, we spend nearly an hour with Furiosa as a child, watching her do next to nothing, saying maybe 3 lines in total, and being far from the feminist hero I wanted to see, if not the stark opposite. Instead, we see Chris Hemsworth ham it up as the villain, who's charismatic and gives an entertaining performance, but feels no more despicable than any other villain from a similar post-apocalyptic movie. The plot is nearly an hour of Hemsworth playing politics with the villains of Fury Road, with little action or humor. It's borderline unbearable when you preemptively know what you want to see in this movie. This 45 minute chapter in the story could have easily been summed up in a minute long narration, which the movie doesn't shy away from, so it wouldn't be out of place. Think of how fast-paced Fury Road was, how the action was nearly nonstop through the whole film, and put that side by side with this, and it's a jarring difference.
I'll give it that the movie has great camera work and cinematography for the most part. Action scenes are greatly enhanced by the way drone cameras are used, especially in what is arguably the best scene: a raid on a moving big rig in the middle of the movie. But this scene, as cool as it is, illustrates traits that I dislike about the movie as well- in particular, it's hard to follow. It's not easy to identify who the viewer should be rooting for. I would have assumed we want Furiosa and her pale-faced crew to win, but I could have sworn I saw the white faces fighting on both sides of the battle. Furiosa spends the first half of the fight on the underside of the vehicle seemingly doing repairs, but she doesn't speak to anyone until the end, so I couldn't tell if she was helping the driver or hijacking him. How does the titular character get sidelined so hard in her own movie by characters whose names and personalities are a mystery?
This brings me to what I think is my biggest complaint, and that's the lack of characterization. I don't remember a single new character's name besides Hemsworth's. Furiosa hardly has any lines and remains stone-faced throughout. Taylor-Joy is a good actress who does a good impression of Charlize Theron for the few times she speaks, so she's being wasted here. She has a comrade, whose relation to her is beyond me. Is he her friend, boyfriend, acquaintance, blackmail victim? I have no idea, because nothing about their relationship is fleshed out. Furiosa herself is so bland throughout, compared to her previous iteration, and so lacking in her namesake fury, that I'm not even concerned for her. How do you take such a great character and waste her this badly? It frustrates me that she could have become an iconic character with her own series if they nailed this, but after all this time, it seems there are still no men in Hollywood that understand how to write female characters.
It boggles my mind that this movie cost $168 million to make and is considered a failure for making about $32 mil in its opening weekend. It was shot in a desert and has only two big names attached, besides the director, who is long past his prime. The visual effects are of noticeably poor quality, which might have been funny if it was an intentional choice like George Miller's earlier works, but it seems like they're actually trying to make the effects work instead of aiming for campy charm. I can only imagine that they padded the story with so much dull political drama that they dumped their budget into useless background effects for the extra hour of footage unnecessary for the film to work. This is something I'm concerned about in both movies and in gaming: companies are too concerned with making their products "big" instead of simply good. In their attempt to make an epic saga, they lazily came up with a big waste of time that I can't recommend.
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celticcrossanon · 11 months
CC, thank you for the reading on C&C’s relationship! Choosing to read separately on their various perspectives was so enlightening. I think I’m not alone in wondering (marveling lol?) about Charles’ sexual passion for Camilla. The description of Cam still making his heart beat (“go pitter patter”) - after all these years - when he sees her is vivid. Most of us have experienced that one person who inexplicably grabs our heart. The question that springs to mind in this case, though, is “WHY?!!” lol. Surely it can’t be because of her unusual beauty, talents, work ethic, compassion, innate goodness, or body of charitable work, because they are at best unremarkable (and I’m being kind). Camilla has her strengths…wit, loyalty, a love of literature…but passionate sex object? Umm…not seeing it.
Who can say why a particular person grabs our heart like no other? “The heart wants what the heart wants” and all that. But all I can say about Charles and Camilla is bless their hearts that they found each other.
Hi Nonny,
The ‘WHY” of attraction is one of the great mysteries of life, isn’t it? No one knows why one person goes absolutely gaga over another person in ordinary life. Astrology can go part way to explaining it, if you believe in it, and I also think that part of it is what you were brought up to expect from your spouse (cultural and social factors), but in the end, as you say, it is what it is and all we can do is accept it. 
What boggles my mind is not so much Charles and Camilla, as they seem quite well matched to me, but Harry and Meghan. How any man, no less three or four of them, could have found her attractive enough to form a long term relationship with her is beyond me, but it happened.
As you said, the heart wants what the heart wants, and that is one of life’s mysteries.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Beast Anon here ^^ Sounds like you're still having a good time with the show so far, I look forward to your thoughts on the rest of the episodes as time passes =p To answer your question... Hmm...hard to pick is an understatement, but, if I had to come up with something here and now I'd say...maybe: 1. Beast - Because he's a perfect example of what I personally like in a tragic character while also having the potential to best anything thrown at him. 2. Jubilee - Because I really liked how they evolved her character over time from the standard fish-out-of-water trope to the mysterious yet likable ward with a massive secret...that secret being she has the hidden ability to literally reset time and space if she dies!...I'm not joking, it's in the comics, it's mind-boggling how it's handled and I love it! xD 3. Wolverine - Because everyone loves Wolverine. 'Nuff said xP As for a favorite villain...erm...maybe Mister Sinister? I'll have to think about that some more, the entire list is subject to change really, but I did really like how they handled Sinister's backstory and how he was handled from that point onwards, even from the start he's a pretty intimidating villain who is 100% antagonistic. While you have villains like Magneto who are more like flawed-anti-heros capable of redemption and lumbering overpowered despots like Apocolypse who go "muhahaha! I am going to step on this basket of puppies! >:D ", Sinister has a sort of balance between the two types that I'm warming towards. I do like the way you write these relationships, and would be happy to read any ideas you put on the page ^^ As for any specific platonic yandere's I'd like to see, well, I suppose it'd be fun to see the dynamic/rivalry between Wolverine and Sabretooth get explored, I'm honestly fine with anything you decide to put down :D Hope these answered your questions sufficiently, you have a great day as well! And, if you celebrate it, Happy Easter! ^^
Good points, Beast Anon!
#1: Jubilee can do WHAT?! That is... so cool. Like, wow. Talk about a plot twist! And I like how they handle her character, too, at least in the Animated Series (I haven't read about... 99.9% of the comics... So I'm pretty much out of my depth with that stuff, unless I watched a video essay on them or watched a video reading them...). And that would be a pretty interesting plot to explore in a platonic yandere setting, too-
#2 Beast is awesome, he's a scientist, he's a lover of literature, he's friendly, he's fluffy, he's nice- The list goes on, but all in all, yes, he's a good character😊
#3 Yep, one way to sum up how we all feel about Wolverine. I myself don't like most of the comic romances he's been in, and while I'm not much a fan of the love triangle in the Animated Series, he is still the guy who will do his best to protect his kids (and adopted friends or partners). So even if he is a jerk at times, and would scare the cr*p put of most people who met him, he's nice on the inside, so I think that's what draws in a good bit of fans
#4 I see what you mean, now that you point it out. Mr. Sinister had a complicated past, started out good, went kinda nuts due to what he did and was trying to accomplish (and possibly failing, if I remember that part correctly? It's been a while since I watched his backstory episode in the Animated Series). And after all of that, he spends the next several decades, if not what, centuries, traumatizing mutants and experimenting on them. Interesting character, looks like a vampire, and is a threat whenever he gets involved. You have Magneto, who is flawed, but more of an anti-hero with his heart in the right direction, but his actions aren't the right way of going about it, and you have Apocalypse, the guy who would knock ice cream out of your hand (or step on puppies, as you said), who is not negotiable on his evil, and does not care about good or evil, just what he wants and how to make it happen... There are other villains and the like, but these three set the flavors you can expect for the show. (Then you have Sabretooth, and well... the Professor somehow saw something in him, or thought he could reach the guy, and the Professor has been known to actually think some people aren't good at all, I think? So he has that going for him. Not to mention the people at Marvel had at one point thought of having this guy become at least an anti-hero, or at best reformed into a hero... All of this to say, secret flavor unlocked: Unstable psychotic villain who somehow has the chance to become better, but the people writing him in the comics sadly won't stick to it or write him in as much of a person) (I hope this made sense😅)
#5 Aaaaaawwww! I'm so glad you like how I write the platonic yanderes! Trying to keep their personalities and vocal tics isn't always easy, but I try my best! Which doing our best is the best we can all do, no matter what!
#6 Hahaha, yes! I enjoy writing for those two, especially since they do have history, they liked each other at some point, and I can write them as brothers. I know that a lot of the fandom ships them, but... I prefer them platonically. I do ship certain characters, I just don't ship those two that way. Wolverine has had I don't know how many love interests, so the idea he can have a platonic relationship with someone who isn't a teenager or the odd person who died, is rather appealing. And it kinda fits in a way, doesn't it? How to explain these two guys, where one (Sabretooth) knows the past of the other (Wolverine) when even the guy he's obsessed (and protective?) of doesn't know it or him, hates him, and will attack him on sight. Cue at least a hundred years of being obsessive, protective, and a stalker towards this one guy. (I may have brainrotted there for a minute; my apologies, but you hopefully see what I'm trying to say, right?)
#6 It was fun talking with you once more, Beast Anon! I can't wait to hear from you again, but take it easy, okay? No rush, no pressure. Everything will happen when it happens😊
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ssawano · 9 months
“Is the positive upbringing of a person important to form healthy relationships?”
“Mysterious ba talaga ako? O nag-aadjust lang ako parati sa mga tao sa paligid ko?”, “Kaka-adjust ko ano na ba talaga ang totoong personality ko?”. These two questions boggle my mind every day as I find out that my classmates perceive me as mysterious because they can’t figure out my true personality.
Before diving into the topic, I would like to share that this topic resonates deeply within me. I grew up in a broken family, having to constantly visit each parent because we don’t live together. During my early childhood, I used to live with my mom and I was totally okay with that, it was also fine that I didn’t have my father by my side. Being raised by my mom was adequate, the way she cared for me, the values that she taught me, and how I was shaped as a person were alright.
Then after I reached the age of 10 or so, I can’t really remember what age really anymore, my mom had to leave the country to work overseas and be with her new husband as well. I wasn’t included in the trip, so my mother had to give me to my father and live with him. All I can say is that I regret living in the same household with my father, I wished that my mother had a choice to bring me overseas instead of giving me to my father, living with my father was a huge culture shock. A lot of the norms and values that my mother taught me, were being taught as well by my father but in a very unorthodox way that didn’t really fit me. This caused me to fight for what I think is right in the form of what is commonly viewed by the majority as retaliation or “pagrerebelde”.
With that out of the way, I would like you to ponder on how my childhood affected my current personality and my ability to connect with other people. Do you imagine that I am someone like a people-pleaser? Doing everything to make other people happy, or do you think that I’m someone who doesn’t give a care about other people only prioritizing one’s happiness and needs? Some people might imagine the first, and some would choose the latter, but the people who really know me might say a combination of both.
Based on that backstory, I personally agree that a positive upbringing is important for a person to be able to form healthy relationships with others. When I say relationships, I don’t only pertain to the romantic ones but as well as to platonic relationships and paternal relationships. Having a positive upbringing will help a child develop positive traits that are beneficial to have as a person. For example, If I was raised in a healthy and complete household, I would surely develop great communication skills, be able to trust others, and have great conflict resolution skills. However, being not in the ideal household, I was not able to develop all the positive traits and that left me troubled about how can I cope with this personal dilemma.
Due to my personal troubles, I was and currently pondering on how my childhood has affected me. I’m always overthinking things like “Ayaw ba nila akong makasama?”, or “Wait, masyado na ba akong umaasa sa ibang tao?”. These thoughts correlate with the possible negative effects of not having a healthy upbringing. The effects of a negative upbringing include: Codependency, it is where a person develops low self-esteem and a high desire for approval from other people. Being avoidant, people with painful pasts may become afraid to become close to other people. Lastly, having a controlling personality, these traits may be caused by their parents/guardians who are also controlling or abusive.
Discussing the effects of a negative upbringing, I’m going to focus on the two negative traits that I find the most interesting, Codependency, and Controlling Attitude. According to Meaghan Rice on Talkspace, the five most common causes of codependency are childhood neglect, overprotective parenting, emotional and physical abuse, permissive parenting, and substance abuse. We can see that all of these are factors that contribute to having a negative and unhealthy upbringing. The second negative trait is a Controlling Attitude, which is mainly caused by the parent or guardian having the same controlling attitude towards their child. As the child grows up, they unconsciously copy the attitude of their parent even in the smallest things without even realizing it.
Having these two negative traits, etc., makes the person have a strong sense of neediness, low self-esteem, poor communication skills, and as I’ve mentioned before, being a people-pleaser, and other more negative characteristics.
What I’m trying to really convey to everyone is that it is really important for an individual to have a healthy relationship with the family because it is what shapes the child and continues even throughout their adulthood. If ever you came from an unhealthy upbringing, it is up to us to stop the generational trauma. We need to become aware of the issues that we have, we can’t help other people let alone heal ourselves if we tolerate ourselves. I am encouraging everyone to seek help if they experience the problems that I stated in this post of mine. It doesn’t have to be from a professional, you can seek help from your family, relatives, or if you prefer, from your close friends.
As a reminder, I’m leaving everyone with this quote from Sigmund Freud: “Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”
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momiji-bookhouse · 3 years
Hmmm with Albedo at 1 pm
[1 pm]: "and i'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand"
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100 Followers Event Prompts + Masterlist
now playing: thinking out loud - ed sheeran
pairing: Albedo x gn!reader
genre: Fluff, soulmate!au, very light angst almost unnoticeable
a/n: I have such a huge urge to write a part 2, but I just don't know.
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Word: Soulmate
Definition: A person who is perfectly suited to another in every single way. Someone you are predestined to be with.
Word: Homunculus
Definition: A life form that is artificially created by an alchemist.
Theory: Homunculi do not have soulmates.
A homunculus is not created by the hands of the gods, therefore it is a transgression to the natural order that Celestia has ordained. When faced with such an anomaly, the evidence of human hubris in thinking they can usurp the life-giving powers of the higher beings, who is to say that the gods will look favorably on that which should not exist?
Who is to say that this entity is deserving of a soulmate?
Albedo has no problem reconciliating himself with this theory, even while some of the people around him scramble eagerly around to find their destined one.
How equally fascinating and mind-boggling that a single touch of the hand is enough for one to recognize their soulmate.
While he can somewhat understand a human's need to seek out love and companionship, he himself does not despair over the fact that he may never have his one and only. He is very much content with the status of the relationships he has at the moment, and find no need to occupy his mind with other matters when there are questions about the world that needs explaining.
Until you came stumbling into his life, that is.
He was in the middle of sketching something that caught his attention when the serene silence is broken by a loud scream. He whip his head around to see you sprinting for your life towards him, the only thing coming out your mouth is a simple "Lawachurl!"
That is all it took for him to run after you and telling you he knows a place where you can hide. He leads you to the mouth of a cave where the two of you had your backs to the wall, hidden from sight. Only when the growling died down and the footsteps sounded far away did you breathe a sigh of relief.
"Hi," you offer a timid smile.
"Hi," he responds, noticing that he has never seen your face around Mondstadt before.
"Sorry for dragging you into this."
"No, it's all right. Dragonspine is a very unexpected place, after all." He also sees the way you shiver despite the layers of clothing you have on. "My camp is nearby, if you don't mind we can go there to get you warmed up."
It only took a warm bowl of soup and a roaring fire to get the both of you acquainted with one another. He found out that you're an adventurer drawn to the city of wind partly due to the tales of the mountains of everlasting winter that had enchanted you when you were little.
You, in turn, learn that he is an alchemist with a mind too curious and far too brilliant, whose body seem to not register the cold as much as a normal human should.
"And, what is your impression of Dragonspine thus far?" He asks as he takes the bowl away from you.
"It does look to be a place right out of a fairytale book, like the ones that tell of a princess made of snow and her castle made of crystal on the side of the mountain. But there's something oddly melancholic about this place, as if tragedies upon tragedies are buried here. Never to see the sun again."
Albedo sees you staring out at where the stark-white bones of a great beast lay, and he cannot help but agree with you.
So begins an eccentric routine of him occasionally spotting you in Dragonspine, him inviting you back to camp, him continuing to do his experiments while at times listening to you.
You have a way of telling stories, making them feel so alive and vibrant that he almost believed he was there experiencing what you experienced, seeing what you saw, sensing what you sensed.
"Why do you continue to come back to Dragonspine?" he questions one day as he observes the reaction of mixing Electro Crystals with Mist Flower Corollas.
"If no one has the mind to wonder and a will to discover despite the dangers and uncertainty of it all, nothing in the world will be known," you say simply.
He leaves it at that.
Albedo does not want to admit it, but he looks forward to your visits, revels in your presence in a way that is different from his other relationships.
A good different, he decides.
A kind of different that makes something inside him stir, makes him feel comfortable and at ease with you even when not a single word is exchanged between the two of you. Makes him feel like he can simply be himself around you.
For all of his brilliance, he cannot put a name to whatever it is you invoke in him. It feels foreign, alien, unknown. It feels almost human.
Albedo sets down whatever he is working on and turn over to look at you. You're taking a nap right after lunch, a picture of tranquility as your chest rises slowly up and down, your lashes fluttering against your cheeks.
A couple of hair strands fall onto your sleeping face, and suddenly he has the urge to brush them behind your ears.
If his theory is correct, then nothing would happen right? And he has his gloves on, so it should be fine, right? It's not like his heart is shaking and his throat feels like it's constricting as he slowly moves his hand closer to your face, something tugging at his heartstrings as his fingers lightly graze your strands.
He retracts his hand, unable to submit himself.
(Another part of his mind tells him that he is afraid).
Word: Coward
Definition: Who he is right now.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Adeleine?
003 - Adeleine
...!!! That feeling when you were secretly waiting for this character ask and it finally shows up in your inbox...!
Frankly, I don't know how you can be an artist (or a novice artist, in my case) in the Kirby fandom and not be completely in love with Adeleine! (...And Drawcia and her sisters and even Paint Roller, to varying degrees.) She comes to Popstar to study art! That's what all of us who are drawing Kirby right now are doing!
Whenever we pick up a pencil or stylus to draw "Kirby," we're mentally boarding a ship to Popstar and studying it for its beauty, mystery, adventure, love, bold and soft colors, interesting inhabitants, and sometimes for its dangerous and darkside for artistic inspiration!!
Adeleine is so wonderful! I feel like we're kind of blessed to have a character like her, to be honest! Even without her bonus role as an emotional vessel for the rest of us players/watchers/fans, she's just a great character. The way she runs off to various planets in 64 to investigate old ruins and puzzles even before Kirby and Ribbon can catch up?! I just want to point out how amazing that is for a female character of that era! (Has it been said before that Kirby has some real solid female characters? Because it does!)
(And that's not even getting into the many wholesome/kickass non-binary reps! Including our very own titular protagonist! :hugs Kirby plush:)
Brought this up in the Dedede ask, but while Adeleine is like Dedede's little sister-figure, I personally see Adeleine as being a big sister to most of the rest of the cast around her. She may not know everything there is to know, but she's got an excellent head on her shoulders, an inquisitive mind, and a lot of common sense! 
...Wellllll okay, when you destroy enough of her art, she does get angry enough to try and fight you despite having 1 HP...and not knowing the first thing about fighting...but she's under duress! Mostly, she knows enough to feed people when they're hungry, and that's very important!
In that sense, it's hard to pin down a "favorite relationship" for her because it's hard to imagine any character she wouldn't be just wonderful with! I think it's fair to say she loves everything about Dream Land! Though doubtlessly there are SOME things that confuse her or that she hasn't QUITE adopted to - ie, sharing food...
--- Adeleine = Ado?? --- Tbh, when I first got back into Kirby (mostly via a lot of digging on the wiki for things I'd passively noticed while playing the games but hadn't paid that much attention to) it seemed obvious to me that Adeleine was Ado! I mean, the game had limited room for displaying English text, and the names "Adeleine" and "Ado" both start WITH "Ado" when written in Japanese. In fact, I was downright boggled that this was even a question! But...it was weird that the official Dedede Dictionary didn't use any artwork of Ado on their Adeleine entry...
Over time, I came around to the idea that Adeleine doesn't HAVE to be Ado. And there's so much interesting stuff going on in the world of Kirby that there should be room for alternate interpretations! 
Is Ado Adeleine's mirror world counterpart?? (Maybe SHE fell through the Mirror Dimension and Adeleine popped out?!) Or is Adeleine Ado's parallel? Maybe they were actually twin sisters who came to Popstar?! An idea I personally like to explain the discrepancy is that time passes unusually on Popstar and Ado was maybe Adeleine's mother or grandmother! 
On that note, perhaps "King Dedede" is actually a dynasty of penguin rulers who all take the same name?! That could explain why his design changes radically from game to game too! (And why he had lightning powers that one time! Maybe that was something only King Dedede I had!) And so, King Dedede the XXI (of Forgotten Lands) just happens to resemble his ancestor, King Dedede the IX (Of 64 fame) more than the rest of his line...
Those numbers are incredibly rough, btw. Don't take them seriously.
Also, it’s still altogether possible Ado just decided to start pinning her bangs up under her beret and use her full name around the Dream Landers the more she stayed there. (Maybe she went by Ado in the beginning because -they- all had short/simple names and she felt it was easier?)
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...Also, here! A quick Adeleine doodle I was working on this morning while thinking about this ask. Couldn’t talk about our resident artist without pulling out my stylus after all! (...However, I didn't look at any references - bad Dess! - when drawing this, which is why I gave her an extra button. Oops.)
-- Adeleine the Human -- I don't ship Adeleine with anyone because, unlike the majority of Kirby characters who are either non-humanoid aliens with a wide berth of potential/implied mental and physical ages, Adeleine is human and she looks to me all of 14 at best. I could have bought Ado as 16 or older because of the long, lanky body her sprite has, but Adeleine is still very baby-faced!
...Also...almost everyone she interacts with are non-humanoid aliens?? That or weirdly evolved animal offshoots. The girl gets embarrassed just sharing food-kisses with Kirby and the others! Give her a break!
(I might draw her as friends with that cat-eared witch you get the cleaning ability from some point down the line though, because that is a completely ADORABLE enemy and has appeared in both games she’s been in.)
Now, outside the realm of shipping, I think a grown-up Adeleine is an incredibly cool idea!! And I would love to see how a youth spent on the literal and physical "Dream Land" that is Popstar would affect her as an adult!
I saw someone on Twitter talk about a desire for more creative designs for adult Adeleine than just "Adeleine but sexy" (I'm paraphrasing here, but that was my takeaway) and while I haven't encountered many examples of either, I too would be interested in seeing more "real world college art major" depictions of Adeleine! (Err, I mean...Earth is kind of a wreck (?) and we have NO idea what the evasive human civilization is up to right now in the Kirby-verse, so "college" is more there for artistic inspiration than a likely actuality, but you know...!)
Now, for all the mysteries of Earth and humanity, I personally don't need HAL Labs to spell out Adeleine's (back)story. The one thing I -don't- want, though, is for Adeleine to ever be permanently shelved or de-canonized...That's maybe why I got a little tetchy around the increasing speculation that “Humans = Ancients (Halcandrans)” (...true or not) because to me, it's getting a little close to cutting out any room for someone like Adeleine to exist in Kirby.
...It's also why I get annoyed when she gets left out of the novels! Do they not want her in there because they have to explain just what a "human girl" is and the answer would absolutely destroy canon?? On the other hand, she's in the Itsudemo Kirby books with decent frequency and that makes me happy!
Mild spoilers, but just like Forgotten Land gave us a much better idea of why characters like Daroach exist in Kirby, it would be nice to see it used as a vehicle to give us a better idea of why Adeleine does too!
To end on a fun note, artist Bendedede on Twitter drew this one pic of Adeleine and the crew that called to mind a Christopher Robin/Winnie the Pooh type situation where she lived in the real world and the Dream Land crew were kind of her imaginary friends (rather, I can't say for sure that was what the picture was about - this was only my take solely based on looking at it) and it is one of the most enchanting concepts I have ever encountered in a Kirby AU!
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wisconsin2002 · 3 years
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You know the older I get the more I realise that cartoon communities and fandoms nowadays are really impatient and can't let a story roll out... Or.. They want so much obvious information spoon fed to them.
I've noticed it a bit with Amphibia fandom and I've noticed a lot aswell in TOH fandom aswell.
With Amphibia it's been.. People saying that Anne has just completely forgot and doesn't care about her friends and barely even thinking about them.
The constant nights that Anne spent on her laptop, looking for quite literally impossible and almost non existent information that the human world doesn't know about.. Trying her hardest to bring her friends back home and writing letters to her friends families during the holidays...
ITS RIGHT THERE! Anne has shown she cares so many times its actually mind boggling to me that this hot take even exists at all.
The one hot take I do understand is the one with people saying That Sasha doesn't seem to show that much care for what happened to Marcy. That one for sure should have been discussed more and maybe it will who knows. But Sasha was a big part of both Marcy and Annes life and it feels like we've just seen what Anne meant to her for the most part. I hope we can see more of a balance with the trio and their past and how that connects with them now.. Other than.. "SaShA tOxIc MEaNie BuLy Bad."
Ahhhh.. Now Owl house..oh boy
Okay.. Hot take analysis number 1
We dont know Jack shit about her and the fandom already hates her cause she didn't live up to their evil Luz headcanon and expectation.
At the end of the day. Yeah.. I guess you can say that the writting got slopy there a bit and was dissapointing..
But I mean you can also say that yall had mountain high expectations from a show that was told time and time again...was cut short and had many writing problems and production problems along the way because of COVID delays aswell.
I mean if you didn't see the plot holes coming idk what to tell you man. Feels bad dude.. Have a cookie🍪
I for one adore Vee and I think she's great but I also do feel a bit suspicious cause it all just seems so easy and knowing Owl house's mysterious nature in the show...Vee could maybe possibly be.. a Trap.
Analysis number 2
Amity and Willow
Some people say that the whole reason Willow and Amity's bond hasn't gotten stronger is because of Lumity.
Now I can't say I've seen this often but I have seen it enough times to be like
Wtf.. No seriously like what the actual fuck?
I thought it was obvious since Understanding Willow that Willow is giving not only herself but also Amity time and space to grow past what they went through or atleast time to where they feel comfortable enough to talk about what they went through together in the future with a healthier mindset and growth. I thought it was obvious that while Willow still has not warmed up to Amity enough to go back to the way things used to be... They respect and understand eachothers past struggles that lead up to those unfortunate events... But I guess it wasn't to some people... Why?..
People want shit spoon fed to them!
Well if you want spoon fed info.. Dana Terrace herself was actually asked about Amity and Willow already becoming friends in the future seasons.. My memory is a bit foggy but I think she said something around the lines of Willow had been through a lot and so has Amity and they both need time to just figure themselves out right now before any of that can happen.
Now my memory is a bit foggy so take what I'm saying there with a grain of salt.. Altho I for sure do remember Dana talking about where Amity and Willows relationship goes from here.
Also I will agree that Willow is a gem that no doubt deserves so much more screen time. 👏
Analysis number 3
Lumity and chemistry
I dont see this often at all cause lumity is such a beloved ship by many including myself💜
But some people.. NOT ALL.. But some say they have very little to no chemistry...
Let me tell ya something buddy.
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If these two.. Can dance for 1 minute and that being the only piece of chemistry they have.. Can manage to make the shipper twerk their asses and make piles on top of piles of Artwork and fanfics off of that singular dance to the point in time it completely overshadows the actual Canon relationship in the show...
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And this Rated PG stalker can be considered a good love interest.
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Than these little cuties are fine💜
I won't lie. It's not a perfect relationship. There are flaws for sure. What relationship doesn't have flaws?
But the woman broke her damn leg for Luz and literally jumps into danger for her with no hesitation whatsoever. They get a pass.
No to mention that they bring out the best in eachother. Amity Was a forced self a centered Bully whom was about to let Luz get dissected and gutted like a fish.. And lost touch of everything that once made her happy to give herself this fake persona of a rich entitled bitch All to fit into the family name of the Blight family tree. And Luz Is a wild extroverted nerd that never really saw the complicated side when it came to her choice of choosing the path to become a witch.
Both on different paths... And both having obstacles keeping them in that path with choices to make and not exactly knowing how and where to take things anymore.
That's why I love it. Lumity was a great solution to both of their cries for help. Because now they have eachother in their lives to help eachother out with any issues that come their way. They both no longer feel like they only have one choice to make and one path to follow.
In terms of Lumity having no chemistry...
Well I think I typed enough of an essay🤣.. Just thought I'd talk about some hot takes that had me pretty confused.. But they are opinions at the end of the day so I'm not really here to change anyone's mind... In fact I do understand where people come from with some of their takes.. I'm just here to inform in a way I guess or talk about something that's been on my mind as well.
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Journal Part 6 // Jeongin
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 6.8k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!jeongin, “mommy/ma’am”, pretty vanilla sex actually, oral (receiving & giving), doggy style, creampie/unprotected sex, [spoilers from here on] ... okay, changbin x reader, oral (receiving), nonconsensual exhisibionism /voyeurism (jeongin spies on y/n without her knowing), start of a threesome, slight cucking? jeongin watches again but this time it’s known
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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“You guys have been in relationships before, right?” Jeongin was way too nervous about this considering he was just talking to his friends over Discord. “Can I ask something?”
“Sure, knock yourself out.” Hyunjin sounded so cool over his mic despite being way too interested in the youngest’s love life. Jeongin has been obviously lovesick for the past several weeks, and despite vaguely mentioning this mystery girl he was with, he’d never actually dropped too much information about her… or in this case, you. “We’re all ears.”
“How do I get a girl to like me back?” Jeongin’s slight pout could practically be heard through the call. The other boys go quiet trying to think of a proper response.
“Have you tried talking to her?” Jisung speaks first, asking an all-too essential question. Jeongin briefly explains the situation as vaguely as possible, leaving out the whole ‘mother-of-two’ thing. The other four older boys listen intently, mentally planning how they’re going to get their youngest friend laid. 
“Just tell her how you really feel, bro!” Felix’s smile could be heard through the call, his usual happy energy lifting the mood of everyone listening. “You have nothing to lose!”
“Well, you have a lot to lose, but it’ll be worth a shot,” Seungmin says, sighing out of boredom. “If she already sort of likes you, then you just have to make her stay.”
“Make her stay?” Jeongin pauses to think, “what do you mean?” 
“If you really want this girl, then you have to give her a reason to want to be with you for more than just sex or whatever. She has to enjoy your company. Don’t be afraid to show your flaws, either. Just be endearing, although you’re already good at that.”
“Thanks Seungmin! I’ll try that!” 
“Or do what Hyunjin did and knock her up,” Jisung laughs, his chair squeaking loud enough to be picked up by the microphone. Everyone else joins Jisung in laughter except Hyunjin, who’s about to drive over to Jisung’s house and beat the shit out of him for bringing that up.
“I’m gonna kick your ass, Jisung!”
“You and what army?” 
“I’ll help you kick his ass,” Seungmin says as he laughs with an exhale through his nose. Following Seungmin, Jeongin also agrees to beat up Jisung with his friends. 
“Fuck you guys,” Jisung laughs, the rather serious conversation turning into the boys having a laughing fit. “But for real, Jeongin, I think Seungmin’s right. Just get her to stay.” 
“Alright, I’ll try my best.” Jeongin’s smile on his face is light, but he’s truly thankful for his friends at this moment. Despite all the teasing, he really loves his hyungs. “Is there anything else I can do?” 
“Girls love when you buy them things. Get her flowers or something,” Hyunjin says, sounding confident as ever. “My girlfriend always loves it when I buy her gifts.”
“Flowers? Girls actually like flowers? I thought that was a joke…” Jeongin feels like he’s been fooled his entire life. He has so much to learn! 
“Hyunjin usually gets his girl plan B-“ and with that, Hyunjin muted Jisung in the Discord voice chat. Before Jisung notices he’s been muted, Jeongin thanks the boys and leaves, ready to go out and get some flowers in the morning. 
Jeongin stands at your doorstep, checking his shirt for stains one last time before knocking on your door. He hears you mumble something on the other side as he’s about to sweat through his shirt. When you swing open the door, Jeongin looks cute as a button in a pink button-up short sleeve shirt and jeans. In his hands is a small bouquet of yellow tulips. His smile makes your heart warm as you invite him inside. 
“These are for you, Y/n! I thought I’d get you something nice on your day off.” He sounded too chipper to be okay. You’ve never seen Jeongin beaming like this, especially before you’ve done anything to him. He hands you the tulips and watches you put them in a vase as he takes a seat on a stool at your kitchen island. “Do you like them?”
“I love them, baby. Thank you so much.” You brush his hair back and kiss his forehead, bringing him into a big hug. As you let go, you run your hand down his arm and sit in the stool next to his. “The girls are in school right now. Why’d you come over?” 
“I just wanted to hang out,” he says with a smile. 
“I’m 30 years old, Jeongin. I don’t ‘hang out’.” You laugh at him a bit, seeing a pout form on his lips. “But I’ll hang out with you if you really want.” 
“Great! I mean…” Jeongin struggles to start a conversation. “What have you been doing today?” 
“I got the girls ready and drove them to preschool, then I cleaned a bit. Really I’ve just been watching TV.” Jeongin nods as you speak, paying attention to every word. “What about you? I assume you woke up at noon.” 
“Not true!” He whines, “11 o’clock, actually.” 
“Ah, how brave.” You chuckle at your own joke. “You look so cute in that shirt, you know?” 
“Oh- thank you, m-... Y/n.” He almost let his kink slip by calling you mommy, but he quickly fixes his mistake. His face gets bright red from your complements, his heart fluttering in the process. “You look nice as well!” 
Unlike Jeongin, you didn’t get dressed up for this surprise visit. Your hair was a mess, and you wore no bra, only a loose tee shirt you got from a concert when you were a teenager. The shorts you wore were stained with bleach. You looked like a damn mess in every sense of the word. The fact that Jeongin could find beauty in any of that was mind boggling. 
“You want a drink, honey? I got water and little boxes of apple juice.” As tempting as the apple juice was, Jeongin settles for water. As you get the drinks, Jeongin takes out his phone to text his friends. 
The Boys 🥶
Jeongin: I’m blowing it.
Hyunjin: wtf did you mean? You got her flowers! Did you compliment her?
Jeongin: yeah I told her she looked nice but now she looks bored!!! :(((( 
Jisung: slap her ass 
Seungmin: Please don’t do that.
Hyunjin: are you sitting on a couch?
Jeongin: what? no? are we supposed to be?
Hyunjin: so you can put your arm around her!
Jeongin: ohhhh okay 
Felix: just be nice to her! no girl can resist your charms! 
Jisung: make her food! 
Seungmin: Listen to what she has to say. Make sure it’s not all about you. 
Jeongin: shut up she’s coming back 
Hyunjin: don’t blow this young my padawan 
Jisung: young what? 
Hyunjin: nevermind ㅜㅜ
“Let’s go sit on the couch!” Jeongin hops out of his stool as you hand him his water, already walking towards your living room. Shrugging, you follow him and lounge back where this whole relationship started. 
“So, how are your classes going?” You turn slightly to face him, watching him calculate his next move. 
“They’re alright, but you’ve heard enough about me. I want to know more about you.” His voice lowers on the second sentence as he leans forward and puts his arm around your shoulders. Your reaction could almost be classified as a cringe, getting flashbacks to every time Minho would do that to you when you first started dating. “Sorry, was that too slimy?” 
“Yes, very slimy.” You laugh at how Jeongin described his move, him leaning away from you back to his corner of the sofa. “What do you want to know about me, love?” 
“Well,” if he’s being totally honest, Jeongin didn’t expect to get this far, “what’s your… favorite color?”
You roll your eyes, “really?” 
“Yes, really.” 
“My favorite color is blue, Jeongin.” He nods as if it was an incredibly interesting and complex story, which makes him look like such a clown, but you don’t have the balls to say that to his face. “Are you sure you came over here just to hang out?” 
“What do you mean?” Of course he knows what you mean. Your entire relationship was based off of sex. How could he not know?
“Don’t act naive, baby boy. You know exactly what I mean.” You straddle his lap in an instant, kissing him on the lips like you’ve wanted to since he walked in the door. 
He pushes you away by your chest, his breaths already heavy from the most minimal action. “I really want to fuck you, I do, but I… I don’t want it like this.” 
You pause before quickly hopping off his lap just as quick as you hopped on. “What do you want then, Jeongin?” 
“Can we have sex without all the… stuff?” Jeongin looks like he could cry at any moment, not out of sadness, but just from the anxiety rattling through him. “No power dynamics or kinks. Just… sex.” 
“Just sex?” You smile at how cute he sounded when he said that. “Anything you want, sweetheart.” 
“Thank you… you can get back on my lap now.” You both giggle as you climb back on his lap, the constant movements making you feel older than you really are from your muscles getting sore too soon. His lips soon meet yours again, and his hands are on your waist, hesitantly moving up and down your sides. 
You grind down onto him, feeling his cock harden underneath of you. As you press your hips down harder, his hands squeeze your skin and he whimpers on your mouth. You smile against his lips, excited for what’s to come. 
His lips kiss down from your mouth to your neck, licking and nipping at the skin. You hiss as he bites down on a particularly sensitive area, a bruise surely being left in his wake. Your hands go into his hair as his hands grip your hips, pulling you down onto his bulge. 
“Let me undress you, babe.” You tap his back with one hand and let him lean up from your neck, laying back into the couch for you to unbutton his shirt and reveal his toned chest. His physique never failed to amaze you. “Fuck, you’re so sexy.”
“I could say the same about you.” His eyes are glued to your tits, him licking his lips as you push his shirt off of his shoulders and eventually off of his body. Just as he’s about to take your shirt off, his phone rings from his back pocket. “I should answer that.” 
“Go ahead.” You grind slightly onto him as he looks at the phone screen. You assume it’s one of his friends from school considering the emojis following the contact name. 
“Hey Hyunjin! Can I call y- yeah, it’s going great, can I call- oh my god, we can talk later, bye!” He hangs up and tosses his phone to the coffee table. “Sorry, he wanted to know how my date was going.” 
“Oh, so this was a date the whole time? Well you should have said so!” You kiss his cheek and lower to your knees, your hands resting on his upper thighs. “I would have started sucking you off a long time ago.” 
Jeongin bites his lip as you unzip his pants and pull them down his legs, his cock hard under his tight briefs. Your hand runs across his erection, teasing him just enough to make him whine. He scoots up to the edge of the couch and lifts his hips so you can pull his underwear off, finally revealing his perfect cock. 
“Relax, babe. You look so tense.” You look up at Jeongin, making eye contact as he perks up at your words. He leans back into the couch again, putting his hands at his sides as raising his hips to your face, urging you to take care of him. You harshly spit into your hand and wrap it around his shaft, stroking him just around the tip. In an instant, Jeongin throws his head back and lets you take him. 
As much as you want to praise him for being such a good boy right now, you take your time and silence yourself with his cock in your mouth. Your tongue runs over his slit before your lips wrap around him, your head bobbing in sync with your hand’s strokes. Jeongin is absolutely blissed out above you, feeling like all of his troubles are melting away. 
“I- I don’t want to cum just yet.” Jeongin digs his nails into the fabric of the cushion beneath him. “I want to eat you out.”
You pull your mouth off of his cock with a ‘pop’ before standing up, Jeongin’s eyes opening just in time to see you toss your shirt off, soon followed by the dropping of your pants and underwear. You stood in front of him, naked, your figure being figuratively eaten up by his eyes. 
“Can we go into your room?” Jeongin stands up with you and takes your hand in his, waiting for you to give the okay. Of course, you nod and allow him to lead you to your own bedroom in a bizarre twist. “Lay back on the bed, babe.”
Hearing Jeongin call you babe is just the cherry on top of this odd situation. 
Nevertheless, you follow his orders for once and lay on your bed, spreading your legs as he pins you beneath him, his cock dangling hard against your core. His hands grope your tits and pinch your nipples as he makes out with you, getting his saliva all around your mouth.
This feels like a different Jeongin, or at least, certainly not one you’ve met before. He’s more mature, taking action, directing you! As much as you love being his mommy, you also adore this side of him more than you were expecting. 
In a hurry, he moves his body down the bed and wraps his arms around your thighs, kissing your clit before sucking on the bundle of nerves. Your back arches fast, toes curling as one hand leaves your thigh and goes to your dripping cunt. He inserts two fingers inside you, pumping them and curling them at a slow pace. His tongue makes circles around your clit. You arch your back as he quickened his pace on both his fingers and his tongue. Looking down at Jeongin, his eyes are dark, looking off into the void as he focuses on only the actions of his mouth and hands. 
“Feel so good, baby~” You whine, one of your hands going down to his hair while your other plays with your hardened nipples. Jeongin hums in response, the vibrations from his voice giving the slightest extra stimulation to your cunt. “Keep going, please.”
The ‘please’ leaves your lips so naturally, and yet Jeongin is still caught off guard from hearing you so whiny, begging for him. Now he’s determined to make you cum, not that he wasn’t already. 
Your toes curl and a moan slips from your lips as he sucks harshy on your clit, his tongue flicking against your bud in his mouth. His fingers still, curving up into your g-spot. Your own mind is begging you to cum if not for yourself then for Jeongin. You feel so close, yet your body refuses to release. 
You look down one more time, making direct eye contact with the boy. He’s been watching your face since you arched your back, patiently waiting and watching to see if you cum. He looks so painfully sexy with his head between your legs, your thighs pressed against the side of his head and his fingers are fucking your pussy and his teeth brush against your clit. That visual is all you needed. 
After what felt like eternity for Jeongin, your pussy tightened and your head was thrown back. Senseless and thoughtless moans of your lover’s name escaped your throat as you covered Jeongin’s fingers in your creamy release. He slowed down his movements enough to help you still ride out your high without being overstimulated too quickly. As you get your mind back, he pulls his face away, coming back up your body to hover over you with his arms at your sides. 
“Let me fuck you from behind.” Jeongin’s tone is hot. That’s the only way you can describe it. It’s a total 180 from the little boy who begged for you to let him cum not too long ago. “Get on your hands and knees for me, Y/n.”
You eagerly nod at his command, giving him time to get off of you while you turn around and stick your ass up. Jeongin takes a minute to marvel at your ass before joining you back on the bed, his cock hard sitting on your ass as he watches you lean down into the pillows, holding one close to your face. 
“Fuck,” Jeongin says under his breath, simply running his hands over your ass. You shake your ass a bit, urging him to finally fill your cunt with his cock. Getting the hint, he lines his tip with your dripping cunt and pushes himself in slowly, allowing you to adjust to every inch as if you haven’t literally pushed out two kids. 
“You feel so good, Jeongin~” Hearing you moan makes him moan as embarrassing as that sounds. You fit around his cock so well, taking him easily while still being tight. His hold on your hips moves up to your waist, his arms wrapping around you and his chest hitting your back. He feels so pathetic again, losing his grip on reality as he fucks your pussy. 
“You take me so well,” don’t fucking say it, “mommy.” Damn it. 
You bite your lip when you hear him say that special word, tightening around him as his thrusts get faster. He starts getting whiny, impatient, back to the Jeongin you’ve known. 
“Babe, cum inside me.” You start talking to get him back out of his head, trying to catch him before he slips into subspace. He kisses your back before leaning up again, his hands back on your hips, pulling you against his cock. “Please cum inside me.” 
“A-alright, Y/n. Anything for you!” He huffs and puffs, groaning and moaning, trying to desperately reach his high for his own sake. You clench your muscles around his cock, sucking him in and forcing his thrusts to become deep and slow. He starts to twitch, groaning your name until he finally butters, his cock shooting its load inside you. “Oh my god… fuck. So good.” 
He stops, slowly slipping his cock out of you as his cum drips down your pussy lips to the bed. Jeongin stares at the mess he made, disappointed in himself that he couldn’t make you cum on his cock again. He sighs and falls next to you on the bed, and you lower your ass and turn your body over to cuddle on his chest. 
“You did so well, baby. You really know how to please a lady, you know?” Your fingers trace vague shapes around his chest, your eyes gazing up into his. He looks exhausted from all the hard work he just did, but at least it paid off. “We should shower now.” 
Jeongin groans as if he’s annoyed, pushing his hair back off of his sweaty forehead. “I need to sleep right now.” 
“That’s fine, honey. I’m gonna shower then pick up the girls. You rest.” You get up and kiss his forehead before walking into your bathroom. 
When he hears your shower start, Jeongin sneaks out into the living room to grab his phone from his pocket so he could text his friends with a little update. 
The Boys 🥶
Hyunjin: jeongin’s getting his dick sucked 
Jisung: ooooo 
Felix: i’m jealous
Hyunjin: Jeonginnie update us when you get back!!! 💋
Hyunjin: damn he’s getting his shit ROCKED 
Seungmin: Shut up omg
Felix: god I wish that we me 
Jisung: ew 
Jeongin: you guys are gross 
Jisung: you didn’t knock her up, did you? 
Jisung: I hope you didn’t pull a Hyunjin 
Jisung: please don’t remove me from the chat 
Hyunjin: you’re on thin fucking ice young man 
Jisung: we’re literally the same age
Hyunjin: okay young man 
Hyunjin: anyway… 
Hyunjin: how was it Jeongin? You’re finally not a virgin anymore!  
Jeongin: I’ve fucked this girl before I just don’t think she wants to date me. I thought I said that before.
Jisung: oh shit 
Jeongin: Oh my bad 
Seungmin: They grow up so fast. 😢
Felix: did you just… leave her?
Jeongin: No way! She’s showering right now. I’m just tired. 
Jeongin: I think I fucked it up 
Jisung: I mean you fucked her up… but if you two fucked at all I think she’s fine 
Jeongin: but I tried to be more serious and mature and I wasn’t! I still make it… weird 
Seungmin: Please don’t go into details. I just ate.
Jisung: please go into details. i’m horny. 
Felix: ew!!!! 
Jeongin: What do I do now? I’m just at her house for the rest of the day I guess. 
Hyunjin: don’t you have to babysit for your neighbor tonight? 
Hyunjin: secure the bag little man!!! 
Jeongin: first of all, little man? 
Jeongin: second of all… I should go now lol BYEEEE
Hyunjin: Weird time to exit but okay 
Felix: Maybe he’s fucking his neighbor lmao 
Hyunjin: No way! Jeongin has game but not enough to pull a milf
Jeongin: lol 
You get dressed in your bedroom before walking out to the living room to find Jeongin mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Kids these days.
“I thought you were tired?” Jeongin just laughs without responding. You get your keys by the door and start to head out. “You better be dressed by the time I come back with the girls! 15 minutes!” 
“Yes ma’am!” Although he says it jokingly, it sounds like something he’d say to you regularly in another setting. You say goodbye before getting in your car and driving off to pick up your two lovely daughters. 
When you come back with your kids, Jeongin is most importantly cleaned up and fully clothed, but also ready to watch them as you go to work. Unfortunately for him, you had to be kept overtime, so he was going to be at your house longer than expected. The day with the girls flies by, but after he puts them to sleep, Jeongin becomes bored out of his mind. 
In true Jeongin fashion, he pulls out his journal and a pencil, ready to write whatever comes to mind. For the first time in forever, though, he can’t come up with anything. He knows what he wants to do with you, but he can’t bring himself to write it. It feels too... real. 
He reads back on what he’s written in the past, sighing as he realizes that his fantasies have either been fulfilled or painfully unrealistic. Jeongin really thought there was more to his journal, but the repetition of his imagination becomes evident after the third time he reads about how he wants to be spanked. 
Putting his Journal back in his bag, he leans back on the couch. He didn’t even get hard from reading his journal entries! Either his dick is broken or he no longer needs his journal, which sounds ridiculous, even to him, but after thinking for a moment alone, he starts to believe with you in his life, Jeongin doesn’t need to write what he fantasizes about; he just needs you. 
After watching your kids for you as you work overtime, Jeongin is way too tired to not sleep in his own bed. You kiss him goodbye after you check on your kids, sending him off with a warm feeling in his heart. 
You started working in this office early last year, and since you started working here, there was one man that would always come over to your desk to chat with you. Obviously, it was always friendly, mature banter with no hidden meaning or ulterior motive. You two were simply coworkers and nothing more. 
That was until he asked you on a date. He was never flirty until he asked you out, so it kind of came out of left field. Still, he’s hot, you can’t deny that. You’d be a fool to say no to his offer. You planned it for a Saturday night when both of you were free, and Jeongin was happy to watch your kids for a “business meeting”. 
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was a date. Being a teenage boy, you were certain he would lash out and get mad at you for being an adult. And you didn’t want to break his heart. Although you’re going to be holding it off, you have to tell him eventually that you were seeing other people, and you know that. At least for now, for your sake and his sake, this is a secret you keep to yourself. 
After saying goodbye to your daughters and Jeongin, you head out to your date’s car parked right out front. He’s standing at the passenger side door holding it open to you. He takes your hand to help you step into his SUV. 
“You look absolutely lovely, Y/n.” His suit hugged his chest and arms perfectly, and you almost felt underdressed even in your evening cocktail dress that you felt made you look old. 
“Thank you, Changbin. You look amazing yourself.” You laugh to each other, chatting back and forth about work and life as he drives you to the restaurant. The entire ride there, his hand is playfully resting on your thigh. While the tension is low, you can still feel it. You haven’t done anything sexual with Jeongin for a few days, so this will be refreshing for sure. 
Changbin leads you into the restaurant, a reserved table waiting for you two as you walk in. The food is expensive, just as you expected, but he’s happy to pay. You forgot what it was like to be taken care of by a man considering the only two people you’ve been with in the past few years have been your shitty ex-husband and a college boy. 
“So, is there someone watching your daughters right now? I assume you didn’t just leave them home alone,” Changbin asks before taking a bite of his food.
“Yeah! My neighbor’s son watches them at night. I’m usually at my second job at this time, but I called off today.” He nods with a mouth full of food. “He’s in college right now but he finds the time. I pay him too, of course.” 
“You let a college boy watch your kids?” Changbin laughs in his chest. “I wouldn’t trust any teenage boy within 20 yards of my son. You must trust him.”
“He’s a sweet kid. He wouldn’t do anything to harm my girls, I’m sure.” You both go silent as you continue eating. “So, how’s your son?”
“My boy’s doing great! Middle school is a lot harder than elementary school, but he’s tough just like his daddy.” Again, you share a laugh with Changbin, the atmosphere sweet and sentimental as you discuss your children. “He’s home alone right now.”
When the waiter comes back to your table to give you the bill, Changbin sticks to his word and pays for the meal and the wine. He politely asks to go back to your house and stay a little longer, which is leading to exactly what you think it is. The tension rises when you get into his car and he keeps his hand on your thigh again, this time higher, closer to your hips. 
“We can have a few more drinks at my place. Just let me tell my babysitter to go home early. I’m sure he won’t mind.” 
Jeongin’s phone rings loudly from the living room as he lays in your bed, distracted with his thoughts. He’s been so high strung the past few days, but he hasn’t been able to tell you. He strokes himself slowly, almost teasing himself as he grunts and hops out of your bed to answer his phone who he’s happy to see is you!
“Hey Jeongin! You can go home early! I’ll be home in a few minutes, but you can leave now.” Your voice sounded so bright and pretty, and he was still dazed from his session that you interrupted. When he actually understands what you said, he’s beyond confused. 
“Are you sure? You don’t want to come home and… help me?” Your face heats up when you hear his voice turn weak at the end. Half of you wants to get fucked by Changbin, but the other half of you wants to fuck Jeongin. “I’m sorry for breaking rules mommy, but I’m so hard. I need you.” You can hear his pout through the phone. Thank God you didn’t have this call on speaker. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Jeongin!” You hang up before he can say anything back so you don’t cause any worry from Changbin. Opening your messenger app, you hurriedly text Jeongin. 
Y/n 💗: I need you to go home now. I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t worry about the girls. They’ll be fine as long as they’re asleep.
Yang Jeongin: but I need you mommy! I haven’t been your little boy in so long :(
Y/n 💗: For God’s sake just go home.
Yang Jeongin: and what if I don’t? 
Y/n 💗: This isn’t the time to be a brat.
Yang Jeongin: Fine. see you tomorrow. 
Y/n 💗: Thank you. Bye!
No way in hell was Jeongin going home that easily. When he sees a car pull into your driveway which he assumes is yours, he runs to your room and hides in the closet hoping you’ll look for him so he can jump out and surprise you. He’s only wearing his tight boxer-briefs, his body shaking in excitement as he hears your front door open and close. 
It’s not your voice he hears, though. It’s another man’s. 
“You look so fucking sexy, Y/n. C'mere and kiss me, baby.” Obeying your date, you wrap your hands around his neck and meet his lips with yours, a messy, wet kiss making you both feel euphoric. His hands grope your ass and pull you close to him, his cock hardening against you. “I’ve been wanting this for so long.” 
“We need to be quiet. My kids are sleeping.” Your hands go over his chest, unbuttoning his white dress shirt as he shakes off his suit jacket. You rest your hands on his pecs and kiss him, your tongue swiping across his bottom lip. He held you so close, so tenderly. This is what you’ve been missing.
Jeongin brings his knees up to his chest, shaking with nerves and emotion rather than excitement. He should have listened to you, but now he has to hear you with another man. This is hell. Although it is tempted, he can’t just sneak out of your bedroom window. He needs an entire secret-agent-level escape plan, or at this point, divine intervention would be nice too. 
“Jump up, babe.” Changbin taps your thigh for you to jump into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist as your arms are around his neck. “Bedroom?” 
“Second door on the left.” You pull him into another kiss as he carefully carries you to your bedroom and lowers you onto the bed gently. Changbin cages you under him with his arms at your sides and your legs spread around his thighs. He grinds against your cunt, your dress riding up to reveal a thin thong being the only thing covering your pussy. 
“Can I take your dress off?” He kisses on your neck as you run your hands down his gorgeous arms. 
“Only if you take your shirt off.” He sighs with a smile and sits up, revealing his entire torso for you to see after slowly unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. You can’t help but ogle at the sight before you. “God damn, Changbin.” 
“Now let me slip this little dress off of you, doll.” He bites his lip as he takes a hold of the straps of your dress and pulls them down, eventually slipping your dress off of your body. His eyes scan your body, taking in every curve of your figure. His bulge in his pants only gets bigger. “Oh my god, you’re a fucking dream.”
You raise your back to get your hands around yourself, unhooking your bra and tossing it to the side. Changbin only watches as you lay back, giving him an open invitation to play with your tits, which he graciously accepts. His lips wrap around your left nipple, while his hand plays with your right breast. With his right hand busy on your chest, his left hand ghosts over your covered cunt before rubbing you from over your underwear. 
Your closet door isn’t very practical as a door. There are little slots across the door so air can vent into the closet. In this case, those little slots give Jeongin a perfect view of the buff, older man pinning you down to your bed. As much as his heart aches to see you like this, his cock is unmistakably hard. One of his hands teases his dick from over his underwear while his other hand wipes away a tear he didn’t even notice fell. 
Changbin kisses down from your nipple to the hem of your panties, his hands taking a hold of the fabric at your hips and sliding it down so he can finally taste you. He licks his lips before licking up your cunt, one strong lick to get you ready before his tongue makes circles around your clit, and occasionally his lips wrap around the bud to suck gently. Your legs wrap around his head as you watch him take his time, something your previous partners were never good at doing, even if they tried. 
“Fuck, Changbin~ so good.” You can’t help but moan out from his mouth taking complete control of your thoughts. Your hips buck up into his face as he devours you. Looking down at him, he looks so driven by lust and need. This is exactly where you were hoping this night was leading to. 
Changbin’s tongue laps at your folds as he grips your thighs tighter, going in harder than before. It feels like heaven between your legs, and you can’t help but raise your hips off the bed and buck into his face. He laughs against your heat, sending vibrations through your spine. He loves your reactions so much that he can’t help but laugh at how pathetic you are rutting against his face. 
“Mmm, mommy…” Jeongin whines, holding his hand over his mouth to muffle his irrepressible moans. Unfortunately for him, he’s louder than he thinks. “Ah, Y/n.” 
Changbin’s ears perk up. His mouth leaves you for a moment. He’s perched between your legs like a dog that just heard a car door from outside. “What was that?” 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Jeongin’s hand stops jerking himself as his heart falls through his chest. He goes bug eyed as the realization hits him that he might have been too loud. 
“What was what?” You breath fast as you come back to your senses, being totally out of it just a second ago for apparent reasons. “Was it my daughters?!”
“I swear I heard something…” Changbin stares at the closet, unknowingly making eye contact with Jeongin as he looks through a slot in the door. Jeongin rustles around to feel for a blanket or something to hide him, but that only makes more noise. “Wait here.” 
You sigh, frustrated from the sudden mood ruining sound that your one night stand claims to have heard. Changbin goes up to the closet and puts his ear against the door before sliding it open to reveal a half naked college boy covering himself with an old winter coat. 
“Who the fuck-” 
“Hi, I was just leaving…” 
“Jeongin?! Yang Jeongin?! Is that you?!” You were prepared to cover yourself with the blanket, but since it’s him there’s no need for that now. You get off the bed, knees only a little wobbly, and walk over to him, pushing Changbin out of the way in the process. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing spying on me like this?” 
Changbin steps back and looks over the scene. He doesn’t understand why you didn’t cover up in front of this boy, but he’s too startled to ask any questions, not to mention the visible rage on your face scaring him. 
“I was going to surprise you, Y/n.” Jeongin’s voice is more of a croak, his voice hoarse and squeaky from embarrassment. 
“I told you to go the fuck home. Why didn’t you listen to me?” Your speech gets louder and louder, practically being a shout at this point. You’re too angry to care if the girls hear. You soundproofed that room to high heaven; if your daughters heard, you’d be more than shocked. 
“I… needed you?” Before you can even yell again, Changbin steps in and pushes you back from the boy. You got so in your head that you accidentally managed to get in his face as if you were going to throw hands. “I’m sorry, I should go now.”
“Changbin,” you look back at the older man, “would you mind if we added a third?” 
Both of the men look at you, their faces reading nothing but confusion. You sigh at their dazed expressions and pull the jacket away from Jeongin, leaving him exposed aside from his underwear. Noticing he’s still hard, you can’t help but laugh. 
“Look at the poor boy, Bin! He wants to play, doesn’t he?” Despite clearly talking down to Jeongin, he nods like the needy little puppy he is. Changbin looks at you, looks at Jeongin, looks at you, looks at your tits, looks at Jeongin’s bulge, and finally looks back at you… This will be the end of him if he says yes. 
But he can’t possibly turn down this golden opportunity. 
“He does look like he needs some assistance, doesn’t he?” Changbin’s devilish smirk returns to his face, a look you’ve only seen during the car ride to your house. Changbin sizes up the younger boy, unsure of what he wants to do first with this fresh piece of meat. “Have you ever been in a threesome before… what’s his name?”
“Well, no, but I’m trying to be…” Jeongin trails off, remembering his effort to be more vanilla and domestic to impress you. Then for a moment he thinks to himself, if being vanilla made her hook up with another guy, maybe she wants… her prince back. As absurd as this sounded to Jeongin, his knees were weak and his dick was hard. Turning down a threesome with two doms would be a clear mistake, and if he does this, then he can brag to his friends that he had a threesome, sparing the gruesome details of the power dynamics of course. “Excuse me sir, what’s your name?”
“You can keep calling me sir, that’s fine.” Changbin didn’t care what Jeongin called him, he only wanted to please you with the help of a little servant. “Y/n, go lay on the bed. I wasn’t done between your legs.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
Jeongin’s never seen you be submissive, so he’s surely in for a treat. 
“Baby boy, why don’t you sit on that chair and watch how a mature man eats out a woman.” You wink to Jeongin as you get situated on the bed. Ever obedient, Jeongin goes to the cushioned chair in the corner of your room and slides his underwear down his legs, ready to finally be able to see your body tonight in all its glory, although another man between your legs sent shivers down his spine, he can’t deny that he likes seeing you in such a blissed out state like you make him. 
“So you’re calling me sir now too, huh?” Changbin lays between your legs, ready to continue where he left off. One of his fingers rakes through your cunt, collecting the wetness he left before plunging into your sensitive hole. “Be a good girl and keep those legs spread for me, okay?” 
“Don’t get overzealous, Changbin.” You laugh and throw your head back into the pillows, finally relaxing into the touch of your new lover. “We still have a little boy who wants to be fucked, doesn’t he?” Jeongin nods from the corner of the room, palming his freed cock, only allowing the slightest bit of friction to please him. 
This was going to be a long night.
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taglist: @binnie-m00n​​ @sparklysung​​ @starsareseen​ @sailorhyunjinz​ @gothicstay​​ @vogueinnie​ @mariannaab​ @spilledtee​
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cf8wrk4u-us · 2 years
Team Prime reacting to some anime shows Miko brought. What would their fav anime shows would be?
Anime and cartoons are a pretty strange concept for Cybertronians. Like they have holographic animation dedicated for educational or instructional videos. But animations made just for fun? That follow a storyline like in databases? All revolving around fictional characters?
Yeah, they don't really understand it. But they do like some of the stuff that Miko shows them, even getting really into some series.
I can see Optimus really liking anime with great story lines, psychological themes, complex characters, and maybe even historically influenced. I can see him liking anime like Code Geass or Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood because, despite their fantastical elements he finds the series interesting for their themes about war, the complexity morality of revenge, and the journey to strive for peace. He would also like Arslan Senki for its more historical setting.
But he also likes slice of life anime that has a slow pace and great story lines. Such as Natsume Book of Friends, with themes of spirituality and nature or Bakuman about the creative drive of individuals.
But he'll watch parts of an anime if a character vibes with him, like All-Might from My Hero Academia
Ratchet doesn't really like anime at first, he finds it really annoying how disproportionate the animation is to an actual humans anatomy but he's found a few within a genre he liked. He's a bot who likes more psychological thrillers were characters will have to think a lot through their situations, like Death Note or Monster. He can really relate with the struggle of Dr. Tenma, both as doctors who swore an oath to do no harm but now must take of arms in order to stop a malevolent forces. He's also a real fan of mysteries as well so he's hooked on Case Closed. Though he finds the since behind the damaging process impossible. He also likes watching Cells At Work when he's in the mood for something educational but light hearted. He's curious about human biology and this seems like a good way to touch on the subject.
Arcee is a fan of anime with a lot of martial arts and blade work. That why she likes anime such as Ruroni Kenshin, Demon Slayer, Assassination Classroom, and Dororo. She also likes anime with strong female protagonist like in Yona of the Dawn, Karakuri Circus, and Inuyasha.
Bumblebee and Smokescreen are real Shonen fanatics and love shows like One Piece, Black Clover, One Punch Man. Smokescreen loves My Hero Academia, especially as someone whoes striving to be a hero himself. He can see a lot of himself in Izuku, even if it's a bit of a stretch that he and Optimus have the same relationship as All-Might and Izuku. They also like sports anime, especially ones with a lot of team camaraderie. Like Haikyu, Kuroko Basketball, and Yowamushi Pedal.
Bulkhead likes all things fighting and battle. So count him in on watching shows like Dragon Ball and Hunter X Hunter with epic tournament arches. He also likes anime featuring giant robots, so count him in on some Gundam and Gurren Lagenn! With him and Miko even reenacting some scenes.
But not that he would admit it but he also likes cooking anime. The quite kind, like Cooking Papa, Isekai Izakaya "Nobu", or Restaurant To Another World. While Cybertronians have different types of energon and oil to eat, it still boggles him that human could have such a variety of nutrients at there disposal. And can prepare it so artfully. This anime makes him feel cozy.
Wheeljack has a similar taste of anime to Bulkhead but he likes his more fighting base, especially with real muscly humans. When it comes down to it human only really have their bodies to rely on when all else fails so he can appreciate a human who show to take such care in their proto form. That's why he likes shows like Baki or Megalo Box. He also enjoys shows with a lot of bloody fights like Akami Ga Kill.
Ultra Magnus is pretty picky with his anime, his taste align a lot with Optimus and Ratchets but he finds himself really enjoying really dark psychological anime with a lot of action like Psycho Pass. But he also likes shows featuring really clever characters like in Lupin the Third or The Great Pretender. Not that he approves of thiefs and swindlers bit he can appreciate those who come up with clever plans.
So that's it, are any of these your favorites?
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thetypedwriter · 3 years
Gideon the Ninth Book Review
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Gideon the Ninth Book Review by Tamsyn Muir 
It would be only a slight hyperbole to say that a million people have either recommended this book to me or have told me to read it. I’ve heard for years now that this book is incredible and extremely well written and beloved by many. So, if that’s the case why did I wait so long to read it?
I don’t have a good answer. Sometimes a book is on your radar, but either the time isn’t right, other books take priority, or in my case, it’s adult fiction and I held slight trepidation that I wouldn’t love it as much as everyone else in the world seemed to. 
Thank goodness, that didn’t end up being the case and I’ll get into why in a moment. 
First, Gideon the Ninth has the most amazing descriptive sentence belonging on any front cover of any book ever. 
I shall put it here for prosperity and awe: “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted gothic palace in space!” -Charles Stross. 
Now, I don’t know who you are Mr. Stross, but that has to be the best sentence written in the English language since its conception. If that isn’t enough intrigue for you to crack open the novel then I truly don’t know what is or what it would take. 
That being said, Mr. Stross wasn’t entirely accurate, but that’ll be clear soon enough. 
The novel surrounds our main protagonist, Gideon Nav, or, known as Gideon the Ninth, the primary cavalier to the Ninth House necromancer. Essentially, this world takes place in a different solar system with its own sun star known as Dominicus as well as nine planets also known as the Nine Houses. 
Each House has a specific specialty for what is known for, and as summarized helpfully, but also overwhelmingly, at the beginning of the novel, the Ninth House is also known as the keepers of the Locked Tomb, House of the Sewn Tongue, and home to the Black Vestals. 
This meant nothing to me at the beginning and quite truthfully, I still struggled to remember throughout the novel who belonged to the Third House, or the Fifth and what that quite meant, as once again, each House has a reputation and expected skill set that precedes them. 
Not to say that it was poorly written because it wasn’t. Muir just has a lot of characters with specific titles and while she actually does quite a good job of categorizing them and helpfully reminding you who is who, I still struggled with just the sheer amount of information and people. 
Normally, this would be a massive criticism, like it was with the cast of characters in Lore but in this case it’s not Muir’s fault. She’s giving me all the information necessary to understand. It was just my brain that struggled trying to recognize and categorize everyone. If anything, I’m excited to re-read Gideon the Ninth and have it sink in like a second skin eventually. 
Having this large cast of characters, the book revolves around each of the Nine Houses (except for the First House) sending their best necromancer, a wielder of both thanergy (death energy) and thalergy (life energy) in the form of a House Adept, someone who is able to wield this kind of energy either in bone magic, flesh magic, or spirit magic. 
In accompaniment, each Necromancer Adept has a primary Cavalier, a trained fighter that is both protector, companion, and often, necessary energy suppliers to their Adept in both horrendous and acceptable ways. 
The goal of these pairs, having been sent to the First planet, is to become a Lyctor, an immortal servant to the Undying Emperor. The catch is that once the Necromancers and their Cavaliers arrive on the First, the shuttle departs and they are trapped in an abandoned, dilapidated, once-regal and great mansion that boasts hundreds of floors, secret doors, and mystery upon mystery. 
Each pair expects a streamlined process to Lyctorhood once they arrive, a methodical procedure, perhaps some training, and ultimately a test. What they don’t expect is a mellow man by the name of Teacher that claims to know nothing about the process himself, but is the overseer of the First. 
What follows is a mind-boggling search to become a Lyctor and unravel the mysteries of the haunted palace. What the pairs don’t expect is the death of their own, gruesome murders at the hand of someone in their very own positions and an evil danger beyond any of their imagination lurking in the mansion. 
This novel was a great concoction of mystery, action, interpersonal relationships, character growth, dazzling descriptions, and world building. 
The world of Dominicus and the Nine Houses is expansive and rich, something that I haven’t been able to sink my teeth into, and not for lack of trying, but because it is so deep and so layered that I simply need to take several bites to get it all down.
The mystery is fulfilling and strangely, to me at least, reminiscent of a game called Danganronpa. If you know what that is, and even if you don’t, it centers around the idea of a murder mystery, but where the killer is one of your own and the mystery is trying to figure out not ony the who, but the why of what they are doing, amongst a slew of other deadly riddles.
Gideon the Ninth is the same. As people continue to get picked off and brutally murdered, as a reader you find yourself trying to puzzle out not only who, but why someone would commit such atrocities and the motivation behind it. 
The plot itself of Gideon the Ninth was extremely satisfying and alluring. There were times where I personally found that novel bogged down with excessive description, but it was usually broken up with Gideon’s personal brand of crass humor, a very much needed breather with the expansive exposition, that, while extremely well done, well researched, and well written, did get a tad boring from time to time for me personally, even if it allowed for clear imagery as well as adding to already well formed world building. 
In addition to the plot, all of the characters were well done and as fleshed out as they could be considering the amount of characters involved. First, even though this is set in a fantasy sci-fi setting, each of the characters seemed realistic and like they could potentially be real people. 
A large criticism of books I often have, especially in YA, is that the characters often come across like caricatures, and not real flesh and blood humans with both positive and negative qualities. 
Each character, some developed more than others, have both flaws and strengths, even the main characters, which I highly appreciated. Not only does it make the story more real and palatable, but it also is just more interesting to read about as it’s actually based in humanity and the nature of human beings rather than some perfect carbon copy of one. 
Gideon as a narrator was hilarious. She was often crass, blunt, horny, humorous and ignorant. But on the other hand, she was also an extremely talented fighter, actually very sweet deep down, forgiving, and loving. 
This mix in a main character was a welcome one in addition to making Gideon feel like a real person, despite all the bone magic and necromancy, and often her thought process and dialogue made me laugh out loud. 
Another main character, Harrowhark Nonagesimus (What a name!) is Gideon’s Necromancer and main companion. She’s bitter, rude, spiteful, and ruthless. She’s also hardworking, intelligent, and stubborn. 
If you’re catching the pattern here, Muir isn’t just writing archetypes and passing them off as characters. She’s writing complex and nuanced personalities that are intriguing and interesting and well developed. 
I could get into the other plethora of characters like Camila, Dulcinea, Palamedes, Magnus, Judith and so on, but this review would be a thousand pages long so I’ll just settle for saying that every character was well done and lovingly crafted and not one of them, even the annoying ones, were characters that I hated. 
One important thing to note was Muir’s writing itself. It was incredible. Such descriptions! Such characterization! Such detail! Such vocabulary! I was supremely impressed with her writing as a whole and often found myself having to look up words that I had never heard of in my life (always a welcome change of pace). I was blown away by her sheet talent and creativity. 
The last two things I have to note might get me in trouble. 
One, the ending for me was...bittersweet. For fear of spoiling someone, I won’t get into details, but I found it both lacking and simultaneously making absolute sense. I wanted both more and yet, found that everything was just enough. It’s hard to put into words, but if you know, you know. 
I do have a slightly sinking feeling though that the ending twist will somehow be undone in the sequel. I don’t know if this is true (although I will eventually find out), and I can’t decide if I’m going to be happy or dismayed by it. 
Such conflicting feelings are in of itself homage to Muir’s skill as a writer and the complexities of her tale. 
Lastly, the one aspect that might get me into the stickiest of predicaments: Harrowhark’s and Gideon’s relationship. I don’t know if I like it or not. On the one hand, I absolutely love it. It's a hate-to-love slow burn, which really is the only way an OTP makes its way into my heart. I love that they’re so different and yet so compatible, one flesh and one blood and all that other nonsense. 
They see each other as equals, as adversaries, and I adore that dynamic in any pairing. I also love the F/F representation of some badass women and that they’re not traditionally attractive and beautiful. 
One of my favorite lines came from the end of the book where Gideon describes Harrowhark’s face as, “bitter” and “hateful”. I just love when characters aren’t conventionally gorgeous and yet beautiful in the eyes of the beholder and all that jazz. 
Now. Onto the problems. 
Harrowhark’s and Gideon’s relationship is kinda...toxic? It grows into something less so, but it definitely starts off that way. I really hate imbalances of power of any kind and Harrowhark definitely has power over Gideon, power that she creully abuses. I asked myself: if Harrowhark was a man and treated Gideon so abysmally for years, and then Gideon eventually forgave him and loved him despite everything, would I think differently?
And the answer is yes, yes I would. 
Is that fair? Probably not. But I can’t help but think how the dynamics change with the two of them being women, and how in my opinion, I think more is forgiven of Harrowhark because of it, even when it’s not deserved. 
Now, Harrowhark is a complex character and has traumas of her own, but I just can’t help but think of all the things she did to Gideon and the things she took away from her and forced her to do and then think of them together and it’s...not great. 
Overall, my feelings on their relationship are complicated (which is a repeated pattern when it comes to Muir’s writing) and I don’t mind that it’s complicated, it makes it interesting, but I also would be bereft to mention it here. I look forward to seeing how it develops and if my feelings change and grow on the matter as well. 
In total, Gideon the Ninth is a fantastic read. It has everything you want inlaid with characters who not only push the plot along, but incentivize you to read more. It has complicated issues and complicated characters, but that means it’s nuanced and complex and juicy enough to bite into. 
Don’t do what I did and wait years for this novel. If you need a good read, you don’t need to look any further and then let yourself be swept along for the necromantic ride. 
Recommendation: “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted gothic palace in space!” -Charles Stross. I mean. Come on people, what more can you ask for?
Score: 8/10 
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The Art of Flirting
Corin doesn't really know how to flirt. He knows the technical term, that some are very good at it, but he's never had the skill. Usually others had approached him, not the other way around. Until now Corin has never found anyone interesting enough to make him want to put in the effort.
So now he's in a relationship (which is still mind-boggling to him) and Corin has no idea how to flirt with his partner.
This becomes painfully apparent to him one day as he's lounging in a chair in one of the common rooms with Leave-it and Zev'sonya at opposite sides of the newly acquired sofa, each with a datapad in their hands. Clearly Zev'sonya is in an exceptionally good mood as there is no trace of the usual frown on her face and at one point, she actually reaches over and lightly prods at the blond's thigh with the tip of her boot.
When Leave-it glances up from his screen and over at her, she quickly acts like she had never moved at all and stares intently at her own screen. Leave-it watches her for a few seconds, curious, but eventually returns to stare at his datapad.
She does it again. He looks up faster. She acts innocent even quicker.
The concept of a playful Zev'sonya is as unsettling to Leave-it as it is to Corin and the blond seems hesitant to push his luck and slowly turns his attention back to the screen yet again.
Corin lifts his eyebrows when he sees Zev'sonya grinning when her prodding Leave-it gets no reaction so she starts sliding her foot up and down his thigh.
In a flash, Leave-it grabs her ankle, holds her leg there, before looking over at her with an increasingly confident look on his face. “You want something from me?”
Zev'sonya doesn't flinch, merely tilts her head and maintains both eye-contact and her scary smile. “I don't know.” She pulls her leg free with a sharp movement, but there is no anger or disapproval in her face, just a challenge. “Can you deliver?”
Corin is wondering if he can sneak out of the room without them noticing him, it is pretty clear they've forgotten all about his presence and this is getting awkward, but then Leave-it reaches out to grab Zev'sonya and she jumps up on her feet to dodge him.
She tries to make a run for the door, but Leave-it is incredibly fast. He vaults himself over the back of the sofa, gets between her and the exit, and hoists her over his shoulder while she makes an almost ladylike squeak of surprise.
Corin expects her to get angry, maybe even lash out, but to his surprise she just cackles and lets him carry her out of the room. Huh. Okay. Flirting, such a weird mystery to him.
And same goes when Raga joins him and Paz during a morning work-out and just hovers for a while before she ends up sparring with her riduur.
Paz is trying to show Corin some of the tricks he's been trying to teach him, but Raga doesn't really cooperate and at one point she even flips Paz over her hip and slams his back against the floor.
Wide-eyed, Corin takes a step forward to ask if he's okay and offer him a hand up, but then Paz sweeps out his leg and sends Raga tumbling to the floor next to him. This is bound to end in a fight, right? Corin feels his stomach tighten anxiously and he's looking for some way to defuse the situation when he hears both Mandalorians, just lying on the floor, break out into a shared laugh.
Paz gets up, offers Raga a hand, which she takes, and pulls her up on her feet. She uses her grip on his hand to shove him against the wall, hard enough so it echoes through the room, and their armor clink as she pins him there with her own body.
Corin glances around, a little awkwardly, getting the feeling that this isn't the angry kind of fighting, and considers just trying to sneak his way out of the room.
Raga says something in Mando'a that Corin doesn't understand. His brain translates it into 'one more', which doesn't make sense, so he must have gotten some words mixed up.
“Corin.” Paz rumbles, not turning his t-visor away from Raga.
Corin straightens his spine. “Yes, sir?”
“Get out.”
“Yes, sir.” He doesn't hesitate to obey. But as Corin flees, he is yet again reminded how terrible he is at flirting. He had no idea that was going on in that training room. He needs to get better at this flirting thing. For Din.
That very evening Corin ends up having to take a shower after the little bean spits all over his shirt after trying a new orange and purple fruit that he clearly did not like. That is when Corin discovers how he'd managed to throw that stained shirt on top of his night shirt. Great. Here he is worried about his flirting skills when he's a mess with no clean shirts. That means laundry tomorrow.
Pulling on his loose sleeping pants, he needs to get new ones as these keep sliding down his hips, Corin towels his hair dry for a little while before entering the bed room. He can go one night without a shirt, the air is warm and Din will be there if he needs extra warmth.
Speaking of which, Din is lying on the bed, sans armor, and his t-visor turns to lock on Corin when he steps into the room.
“Everything go okay?” Corin asks as he draws his hands through his semi-wet hair, knowing the child is just a couple of doors away with Mose and Junior and yet can't prevent himself from asking.
Din nods, but doesn't speak. Strange.
Now worried about Din, Corin walks over and sits down next to him on the edge of the bed. “You okay?”
Din nods again. But he seems tense?
Corin places a reassuring hand on Din's thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You sure, ner kar'ta?”
This time, Din's nod is barely visible.
Corin gently runs his hand over the soft fabric across the tense muscle there. He's not entirely convinced, Din seems too tense for everything to be okay, but he doesn't seem angry or scared so it can't be too serious. Which means he will just have to wait for Din to tell him in his own time. Corin trusts him.
Getting up, Corin walks over to crawl into bed from the other side and settles next to Din, who exhales a long, very slow and controlled breath.
So, yeah, flirting... Maybe Corin can ask Leave-it for some advice? Or Kiergan? Surely someone in this castle can help him tease Din a little?
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newtedison · 4 years
my thoughts on the crank palace
i touched about this a bit on twitter (@newtedison_) but i figured i would Try and touch on my points more here (spoilers obv) again, its sort of lengthy
1. im gonna start with talking about the ending because i need to get it out of the way. either i havent read the books in a while and i forgot some canon (which could very well be true, i literally forgot that Bliss was a thing) or this ending makes no sense and is (somehow) setting up for a tdc sequel? so first off, newt was shot in the Head with a Bullet and somehow didnt immediately die? i know that that can happen in real life but it just seems so unlikely that not only would he not die, but he would survive long enough for someone from WCKD to transport him back to their labs and try to revive him. and who the fuck was he talking to? did thomas get newt’s journal at some point and i just dont remember? like i said, either im forgetting stuff or this ending doesnt make sense and is setting up a sequel which...i’ll get to later
2. why was this written? like, what was the point? i understand that this wasnt going to be all sunshine and rainbows but i feel like i was reading torture porn. like, literally all that happens is newt gets tortured (which is described in detail) by WCKD soldiers, has bouts of insane-fueled rage where he KILLS MULTIPLE PEOPLE, and then he dies. ??? what did this contribute to the canon? what was this trying to accomplish? truthfully, i never really wanted a newt-POV...well, anything except for maybe those little nuggets he wrote some time ago. but even if i HAD wanted a newt-POV novella, this is not what i would have wanted. he KNOWS that newt is almost universally the most loved character in this franchise. you can tell because he constantly uses him as a way to get fans in his good graces again. so why on earth would he take that character that so many people love and write a novella where its torture porn and a descent into madness before death? i am not interested in that At All. i’ve read fics (and even written a drabble) where newt is a Crank, and those were more respectful and easier to read than tcp. the parts where newt is having bouts of the Flare were literally exhausting to read; it was described in such vivid and torturous detail that it made me sick reading it. and it didnt help that newt is a character i care a lot about. i didn’t need to know what becoming a Crank felt like. the way it was described in the other books (and even the movies) told me everything i needed to know. the way thomas and everyone found newt at the crank palace in tdc and hes described as obviously not well, but not knowing what exactly happened to him...thats good enough on its own. the mystery of what exactly newt had to endure is part of what gives his journey more emotional depth. not everything needs to be written out and explained. not every gap needs to be filled in. 
3. me saying “the characterization felt off” is going to make some people roll their eyes because ‘duh, sami, the characterization will be off because he’s going insane’ to which i say...exactly. we weren’t really reading a newt-POV novella, were we? even if he isn’t past the Gone in the beginning, hes clearly not the same person we knew him as. the whole novella felt like an uncanny valley situation; i knew i was supposed to be reading about newt, but it felt like i was reading about someone else who looked like him. and that is part of what made this such a disconnect and made me lose interest at parts. not only that, but the world building and lore is inconsistent. newt makes a comment about how it used to rain in the glade, and apparently (as ive been told) that is simply not true. keisha having somehow working cell phone that magically connects her to her family also doesnt make sense. how would they have each others’ numbers? what are the odds that they BOTH found working cell phones in an apocalypse? i get that its a novella but you cant just throw something that crazy in there as a plot convenience. actually work on your plot and world building in a cohesive way, please. and another thing that doesnt make sense...
4. ...is newt finding out that sonya is his sister. if there was anything i would have wanted from a newt-pov novella, it would have been this. him finding out that not only is sonya his sister, but he already knows her post-WCKD. something that would have made this novella actually captivating, contributing something worthwhile to the canon that i would actually want to read, is if newt found out while in the crank palace that sonya was his sister; the Flare would remove that part of the Slice in his brain, and he would realize it was her. then, knowing that he couldnt go past the Gone before seeing her, he would try to find a way to get back to her. he could learn this after thomas and everyone originally see him, so it could match up with the canon. and then, by the time 250 comes along, hes lost all hope of that actually happening, and lashes out to thomas in a fit of rage. the journey of him trying to find his ACTUAL sister would have meant more to me than the story of keisha and dante. trust me, i love a found family trope as much as the next girl. but this series is FULL of the found family trope. it pretty much is the backbone of the franchise. so to see a blood family dynamic would have been a refreshing change of pace that i actually would have been interested in reading. also, the way that newt DOES find out about sonya is...underwhelming. he just randomly says “you remind me of my sister, sonya” to keisha in the WCKD truck. first of all, sonya is not the name you would actually know her by. you would know her by her birth name (which is lizzy? elizabeth?). second, why does he act like he didnt already meet her in the series? when the WCKD doctor tells him sonya is his sister and is alive, hes so surprised. wouldn’t he have known that already? why is there not more emphasis on the fact he already met her? that would have been a really interesting dynamic to explore, and im sad they didnt
5. the pacing and dialogue of tcp is so dragged out. i remember specifically there was a section where newt goes to talk to keisha after she starts abandoning dante, and i swear to god there was a page and a half of text before anything ACTUALLY happened or anyone ACTUALLY said anything. dashner described a launcher at one point as “the energy dependent electric firing projectile device.” that’s SIX words to describe a stun gun. a fucking stun gun! we know what it is! why did you have to use six words??? it just felt like everything was dragged and stretched to the longest it could possibly be and it added to the exhaustion i felt while reading it
6. okay i cant end it without talking about newtmas. its very obvious by now that newtmas is a VERY large part of this fanbase. its clearly the most popular ship and what keeps a lot of people interested in this series. even the marketing team for the MOVIES used newtmas as a advertising tactic (i.e.; using thomas and newt standing face to face as a thumbnail for the trailer, emphasizing newtmas based questions in interviews, even making a fucking facebook memories video for them. yes that last one is real). not only does dashner use newt as a way to lure fans in; he also uses newtmas. the parts that were sprinkled into this were so obvious that it didnt feel authentic. i cant speak for the original trilogy; i dont know the culture around ships back then, and i dont know how much it influenced his writing at the time. but the scenes in those books felt more genuine than tcp. by genuine i mean; he wrote scenes without a relationship in mind, but the chemistry had noticeable subtext that, while unintentional, was largely agreed upon by the larger audience. the parts of newtmas he added into tcp felt artificial and forced, likely as a way for people to take snippets of and use as a free marketing tool for him. one example you might have already seen; “he had already gotten used to his post-thomas, post-WCKD life.” the fact that dashner SPECIFICALLY used the phrase “post-thomas” rather than “post-his friends” or something similar shows that he is using newtmas as a hook on purpose. not only that, but to make newt’s last thoughts as he died “tommy. tommy will understand...” is...wow. first of all, i never wanted to know what newt’s dying thoughts were, but thanks, i guess? and second, when we all initially thought newt died underneath thomas with a gun to his head, i was pretty much inferred that newts last thoughts would probably be about thomas; they would sort of have to be, given the circumstances. so adding that in gives me the same feeling that “i’m coming for you, newt” at the end of the fever code gave me. not as offensive, but written very much on purpose. and the ending is implying that there will somehow be a sequel where thomas gets newt’s journal from...someone. at this point, i can only think that this sequel will retroactively make newtmas canon somehow. now that newt has been confirmed as gay, it could happen. which brings me to my last point...
7. hearing dashner confirm newt is gay was already mind-boggling before. now that i’ve read the crank palace...im angry. im very angry. i think its safe to say that newt is the character that suffers the most in this series. you can argue with me but hes definitely high on the list, if not #1. so; you take this character. you give him a horribly sad arc in the original trilogy, then decide to expand upon it and tell us, your largely QUEER fanbase, exactly how painful and torturous his last days were, in detail. and then you tell us he’s gay. something that is never mentioned in the canon, only in an offhanded reply to a tweet of someone calling you out. on a base level, i can understand why people would be happy. representation (i guess), seeing themselves in the character, having their headcanons be confirmed. great. but what i see is you telling your largely queer fanbase “hey, you see the only confirmed gay character? im going to literally write torture porn about him before killing him off and offer it to you like im providing a service to your community.” how fucked up is that? “hey, kids, if youre gay, you WILL be violently tortured and become violent and a danger to the ones you love. then you will die and your love will never be reciprocated.” what a message! and if he DOES end up retroactively making newtmas “canon” in some weird sequel...i will start foaming at the mouth. THIS is an example of how not all queer representation is good or genuine.
i’ve definitely forgotten some points but this is long enough already. let me know if you agree or if theres anything else you want to add! im interested in what you guys think
(8. I JUST REMEMBERED!!! if WCKD needed to study newt so bad bc sonya is his sister and is immune while he isnt, why did they let him run around the crank palace in the first place??? you cant test his vitals or anything you’re literally just watching him. what is the point????)
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orsuliya · 3 years
Many are saying, that there is no passion betweenAwu and XQ. That from the beginning they both behave like old couple that have been together for 50 years. Calm, respect and domestic bliss. No craziness, no passionate words and deeds, no nothing. And I feel so sad that their crazy passionate all consuming love is not obvious to everybody. I've been married for 12 years now and my hubby still treats me like I'm made of glass. There is no craziness, but the calm I feel in mt heart... It is invaluable. For me their love is the perfect one. And I honestly haven't seen anything so perfect on the screen before.
Many need to check their glasses prescriptions, because that passion is right there and small it ain’t, that’s for sure. I thumb my nose, oh ye doubting Thomases, at this alleged lack of passionate words or deeds. Don’t know about you, good people, but for me the Re-do Wedding itself maxes out the scale; as far as grand gestures go that one is just perfect: very grand indeed, utterly shameless, more than a little schmoopy and, at the end of the day, surprisingly useful. Do I even need to comment on all those timely rescues? For all that Awu is not exactly a damsel in distress, she sure has been a subject of a lot of those. I hear that dramatic rescues are supposed to rate among the most romantic things a male lead can do, was my info faulty...? And it’s not like that’s one-sided since Awu runs into danger without hesitation, declaring that should anything happen to her husband or father, Song Huaien will need to carry her own cold, stiff body back home. As far as passionate romantic declarations go...!
Also, let be me disgustingly prosaic for a moment: for all that nobody gets naked onscreen (well, other that Mi’er), it is rather obvious that Awu and Xiao Qi get it on. A lot. In probably rather adventurous ways. I mean, they see absolutely no problem with promising each other various... things. While in public. In the middle of the Imperial Palace. Where anybody can hear them - and they probably do! - but is there even a hint of genuine, non-playful bashfulness to be found in their demeanor? The answer is a big, fat NO.
At the end of the day, their relationship - as is yours, you Unbelievably Lucky Nonnie - is the eternal fire of the hearth and the steady heartbeat of the home. A love like that doesn’t throw us at the mercy of waves and storms, but anchors us to home, wherever that home might be. For all the things simple and domestic to withstand the withering effects of time and everyday adversities, there must be a great burning love hidden in that hearth; hidden does not mean non-existent, but rather treasured and carefully guarded.
Okay, that is getting a tad too sentimental even for me, back to more prosaic considerations! The reason why this particular drama doesn’t seem to resonate with a good portion of younger audiences is rather simple. Bloody Mouse from Hell. Okay, not only Disney, western pop-culture as a whole. See, we’ve been taught that all conflicts and sweeping declarations of passion come before the marriage or even before the first grand kiss. After that there’s only the Happily Ever After, a concept as mind-boggling as it is suspicious. Yes, I know that Disney has been stepping away from their straighforward romance formula recently, but I am a true millenial, I have a constitutonal right to point some very pointy fingers at dear old Walt. All the work gets done before the final declaration of feelings and it’s smooth sailing from then on. Any male who makes an effort is guaranteed to be rewarded with a female; the only healthy exception being Gaston, who, when you think about it, is the scariest villain of them all (and there is good reason for that). Moms die in mysterious ways and females supporting females is a thing that happens from time to time... but is by no means guaranteed. Oh, and if you are not a walking talking perfection with one, maximum two funny quirks, there’s no place for you among the heroines. Those are the lessons I learned in my childhood. Didn’t stick, let me tell you. Wait a bloody moment, Zitan totally watched himself some Disney!
Now, let’s look at what happens in a considerable portion of mainstream adult programming. What happens is that if a couple gets together in the first season finale (which is early all the same), there is little chance of them being left to simply... be, unless they get relegated to background characters. Happily Ever Afters are booooring. Fine, I say, maybe they are. You need CONFLICT. And that’s fair! But there is no reason why you can’t spice things up using external factors; have this couple form a united front against a common danger and there’s your conflict! Yeah, no. Internal conflict and especially romantic one is much easier and cheaper. I am not saying it’s all bad - couples naturally go through such obstacles - but there comes a point where you have to ask this question: why the hell are they still together when they would never be able to trust each other again? Forgiveness only stretches so far and does not mean a totally blank slate. This is not, by any means, an invitation to start fridging female characters! I see what you’re doing, you bastards!
Thankfully things are changing. Not always and not always in the right direction. Disney in particular is doing something... weird with its main canon or was Mulan a one-off hiccup of terrifying proportions? Female-empowering that wreck was certainly not. Unless they meant Special Females, who are not like Other Females... okay, not the point right now.
The point is that Awu and Xiao Qi are married by episode 8 and in love by episode 14. Which is right where the end of the first season would be. And then... nothing. They are in love and form a rock-solid front against external enemies. The only real change in their relationship is that they grow stronger, first individually and then together.
It gets worse! We, the viewers, get a metric tonne of false leads of the kind, which we have been taught will inevitably lead to at least four episodes of conflict. So where are our four episodes of dealing with Xiao Qi’s household and uppity maids? Do as Wangfei says, that’s what we get. Where’s Xiao Qi’s burning jealousy over Zitan? I would prefer you not to go, but do as you wish, that’s the extent of it. By all known rules, he should start looking at Awu with suspicion once he guesses that Song Huaien is infatuated with her or at least take Huaien to task. There’s... absolutely nothing? This whole affair with Screecher? What do you mean you can simply ask your husband what happened and then trust his answer?! That’s not how it works! Get thee away to Turnip’s house for a couple of episodes at the least! And don’t even start me on the great performance of the Yuzhang Acting Company! There is a reason why people were loathe to recognize it as a performance and nothing but!
The Rebel Princess keeps purposefully missing those obvious cues for conflict and thus the viewer, used to much, much higher emotional amplitudes, simply nods off on this relationship. But that’s not on the drama, that’s on our erstwhile trainers.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Short Cuts
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So the reviews for Rapunzel’s Return are taking longer then expected and due to real life complications I’ve now fallen behind in my intended schedule. So in order to catch up, I’ll be doing a series of rapid-fire mini reviews of all the official shorts that the series released in addition to the usual reviews. 
Summary: Ten shorts were released throughout the three seasons of the show detailing Rapunzel’s misadventures in Corona. 
 Check Mate
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Pascal tries to get Max to play chess with him, but the horse is too busy with guard duty to play. Pascal’s antics wind up causing a fire and Max must save him. 
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This short, plus the later Unicorn-y short, and the episode Pascal’s Story pretty much confirms that chess is pascal’s favorite game. Shame that’s the only idiosyncrasy that the series gives besides being the conscious of the group that sometimes gives the other characters guilty looks.  
I said it before and I’ll say again, the animal sidekicks in the franchise don’t have enough personality to carry whole episodes by themselves, but shorts like this are ok and where things like this should have stayed.   
Prison Bake
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Attila recounts how he used his baking skills to break his fellow pub thugs out of prison back before they met Rapunzel. 
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This just raises so many questions. Why were they arrested? What was their punishment besides jail? Why weren’t they just re-arrested later after escaping? If they were all wanted criminals before meeting Raps then why did they try to call the guards during the movie to collect the reward money on Eugene’s head? Do we really think “crack-down on crime” Frederic would pardon them before Rapunzel’s return? How do we know they weren’t just framed given how shitty Corona’s legal system is? 
Like I just need a tiny bit more context show. Two to three minutes isn’t really long enough to set up conflicts. These shorts should have been more like five or six minutes really. 
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Also Ludwig the Castle Cook is also just wasted. They built a model for him and hired a VA and everything and all he does is appear in this one short and nothing else. Like I think he makes a non-speaking cameo in The Alchemist Returns or something, but that’s it. It’s a clear mismanagement of resources.  
Make Me Smile
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Rapunzel tries unsuccessfully to make Old Lady Crowley smile, but it’s not until she holds an honest conversation with the woman does she find a solution. 
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This is best short out of the bunch, and not just cause it stars the great Pat Carol either. 
This is how Rapunzel should have been handled in the main series proper. Which is why I screen-grabbed this whole convo. It’s perfect. 
Rapunzel spent 18 years lock in a tower. Of course she doesn’t understand different perspectives from her own cause her development has been stunted. She’s compassionate but lacks empathy. So she has a hard time connecting with others, but once she slows down an actually takes the time to listen to people she is capable of learning. 
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We needed more of this; just on a larger scale. Have Raps make mistakes, have people be annoyed with her or right angry when she messes up, and then have her learn. 
Why the series thought it was a good idea to have everyone kiss her royal arse instead while she dug in her heels and consendinly took charge of everything even while still screwing up, I’ll never know. 
Hare Peace
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Feldspar asks Rapunzel to take care of his “precious”. Rapunzel thinks he means a pet rabbit, and is run ragged trying to keep up with it, but it turns out he was talking about his prized cabbage instead. 
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These shorts overall work a lot better than the main show. They know what they are and don’t try to be anything else. Therefore they deliver what is promised competently. They’re nothing amazing nor groundbreaking and in truth I wouldn’t want a whole series of them, but I get the feeling this is what the head executives at Disney were expecting when they signed off on the show and not whatever mess the main series turned out to be. 
Night Bite
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Rapunzel, Eugene, and the animals are out camping for the night and Max gets irritated by all the bugs. 
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What doesn’t work so well is the placement of some of the shorts. This particular short aired during season two and indeed that would make sense given that they are camping out here. Which why would they do that if they were still in Corona... 
Yet some of the later shorts, which also aired during season two, clearly do take place in Corona debunking that theory. Just some context would be nice show, that’s all. 
Also this short is meh.. not bad, not, good, just there.  
Hiccup Fever
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Rapunzel gets the hiccups and everyone in Corona seems to have advice on how to get rid of them, but only Eugene has the solution. 
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I’d argue that this is the funniest of the shorts. I legit laughed out loud at some points which is rare. 
However it does sadly prove on thing. 
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Rapunzel was always a shit girlfriend, even before season three. 
Being a douche to your boyfriend isn’t funny show. 
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Rapunzel and Pascal plan to have some fun in the snow and things go awry.   
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So where and when is this exactly?
Unlike the other shorts, the context and setting for this one is paramount to whether or not Rapunzel is a simply lazy or a an outright dick. 
For you see, Rapunzel had never been outside in the show before Queen for a Day. Ergo, this can only take place during the latter half of season one or during season two. 
Now season two makes a lot of sense. They’re at some cabin in the woods that was never mentioned are seen on screen before and this did air during season two anyways. If that is the case then Raps just avoiding her planned road trip like always. 
However, the last short and the next two also aired during season two and all of those do take place in Corona during season one and even the wiki states that they were all meant to take place during season one in original concept. 
Yet if that is the case then Rapunzel is ignoring Varian right now and playing around in the thing that almost killed him... 
Oh and that still doesn’t explain where this cabin is. Is it the mountain retreat that the King and Queen were going to spend their anniversary at? 
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What’s really mind boggling though is that they made this short in order to reuse the character models from Queen for a Day in order to save money, but then went and built this whole set that’s never seen outside of this short. 
Like seriously who was on charge of the budget decisions in the series? 
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Rapunzel offers to cut Eugene’s hair but then messes it up. She spends all day trying to stop Eugene from seeing his new do, but turns out the hairstyle becomes a hit with the Corona townspeople. 
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Rapunzel seriously lucked out here and it borderlines on the main series style levels of BS. She asks Eugene not to get upset before he sees what she’s done and, guess what, he is rightly upset. 
Honestly the series needed to let Eugene get angry at Rapunzel for stuff. That’s what happens in relationships, you will make your partner mad at times and that’s ok. It’s all about how both of you handle that. 
We never get to see how Eugene and Rapunzel would handle a real ordinary conflict and not just magic/ex girlfriend shenanigans that don't end with them putting off talking about it. 
Even their best episodes in season two still are over conflicts that don’t have any immediate impact on their lives and are mostly hypotheticals to them, like kids or how other people should approach dating. And of course by season three Eugene is just reduced to a doormat. 
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Rapunzel tries to help Vladimir find his missing prized unicorn figurine in this spoof of old detective movies. Turns out Max and Pascal had found it and were using it to play chess. 
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Ok, first off, Eugene has the patience of a saint and deserves so much better than Raps and her bullcrap here. Same goes for Lance who is tied up as well during this scene. 
But also this is another short that needed to be more than three mins long. The “mystery” is over before it even starts and the film noir parody only barely has time register in the viewer’s mind and then it’s over with. 
Shorty’s Theme Song Takeover! 
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The last of the shorts aired after the show had ended as part of the Disney Channel’s on going promotional gimmick “Theme Song Takeover!” 
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Shorty finds Rapunzel’s journal and sings his own version of the show’s theme song, “Wind in my Beard”. 
It’s ok. 
All of Disney’s animated shows for the 2019/2020 line up has done one and some are funnier than than this and others not so. The Shorty one is pretty middle ground but what makes it work is that Rapunzel is completely oblivious to what’s going on and only Shorty, always the anomaly of the series, can perceive the fourth wall. Thus proving he was never really human. 
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As for placement, we know it’s season three cause of Rapunzel’s dress and they’re mostly likely inside the Snuggly Duckling right now. So just slot it in wherever you see fit. 
That’s it for the shorts. The rest of Rapunzel’s Return should be up later this week and then hopefully I’ll be all caught up in time to cover the next episode next week. 
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