#the hands don’t belong to anyone in particular so feel free to tag as your ships if you want to i don’t really care
pelinthehay · 7 months
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gwen comes home tired from being oiar’s most beautiful little princess 😔
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keysandopenmind · 1 year
Writeblr question tag... thing
I had no idea what to call this but I told @girlfromthecrypt I would do it and here I am! Here's some questions I answered.
1) What motivates you to write?
I always ideas knocking around in my head and I figure it's better to do something with them. Plus people seem to generally like what I read when they read it, and say nice things to me, and then I get warm fuzzies.
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
Okay, so I'm probably not going to pursue this WIP anymore, but I really loved this scene.
Context #1: if Ria holds a personal object belonging to someone while she plays music, she can see a bit of their future.
Context #2: there has been an "accident" during a performance of the circus, and Lucy has fallen a great distance to the ring floor. RIa, her best friend, tells May, her girlfriend, to go with her when they take her to the hospital. Ria foresaw this but couldn't convince anyone to do anything any differently that night.
“You should go with them,” I whispered. She looked down at me. “Do you think so?” “She’ll need you when she wakes up.” “She’ll wake up then? Can you promise me that?” “I…” I wanted to lie to her, to tell her that I had seen another vision where Lucy woke up the following morning, right as rain. But I couldn’t do that to her. May pulled one of her rings off her middle finger. “Take this,” she said, holding it out to me. “If I go with her, I’ll be there when she wakes up. So you’ll be able to see it. You come to the hospital tomorrow and you tell me.” I pressed the ring back into her hand. “May, what if… what if she doesn’t? Do you want to know that in advance? I don’t. There are some things I don’t use my power for.”
I don't know if it necessarily came across here but May loves Lucy so so much. Sometimes I think I was more invested in Lucy and May than I was in Ria and Alex (y'know, the main characters).
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Going for a twofer here, Max and Clara from my Drosselmeier Industries series. They're just really natural and easy with each other, and their banter is excellent (if I do say so myself).
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Revisions and edits! I actually really struggle to get the first draft out a lot of the time. #PantserProblems. But once I have a rough idea and I'm shining it up, I thrive.
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Characters by a mile. I always get feedback that I need to flesh out my descriptions and worlds more. It's something that's led me to concentrating my stories mainly in the real world, though it's always the real world with some sort of twist.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I'm loving the vast creativity and also the raw talent! I read a WIP excerpt and I'm like "Wow, I must follow that person" and then I read their bio and they're 14? No way was I writing that well when I was 14! (I just turned 34; I feel like I am an old lady of writeblr xD)
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Scrivener is always good for longer works. I also recommend a text-to-speech program (I use a free one called Balabolka) for helping pick up typos or clunky passages.
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I love the virtual reality system Max and Clara play. The Veritas is so realistic that if your character trips over something, you feel the pull in your stomach like you're falling.
I have no idea if it's realistic or not, as I have played surprisingly little VR for someone who writes about it. I did do a VR escape room once. That was fun!
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Having been through many a rough patch myself, I promise you will come out the other side!
At one point a couple of years ago, I was planning on entirely throwing in the towel. I couldn't see a way forward with the WIP I was working on, and I thought maybe it was better to ditch the whole thing.
You have to ride the wave. After that rough patch, I went on to recraft that story into one of my best pieces.
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
@hellisheavenwithyou @careful-fear @ryns-ramblings
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uwuderes · 3 years
I have to say and request this, Rex Splode firework request, bro, him giving his object of desire a private firework show just to get in his darlings pants is just so on point for the season! Bonus points for being dicked down somewhere up against a tree, bark digging into those arms as they try and hold themselves together, double down with potential marking with a burning slap to that ass *chef kiss*
Warning- Blood, Non-Con, Gaslighting
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After Samantha had turned his second chance down, oh he was pissed. He wasn't perfect, what more did she want from him? He tried getting with other chicks but nothing seemed to fit the void he created in his own life. So after about a month of trying to find a new fling he met you. Kate had brought you over after they had a successful mission and wanted you to tag along for the celebration. So Rex of course flirted with you and eventually got your number.
But this particular night he was so starved of attention he found himself drifted away to the middle of the woods and his phone in hand about to call you.
So if Rex had anyone on his side right now who would give him the validation he desperately needed, it would be you.
“Hey (Y/n), you free?”
“Yeah, I'm just locking up at work. It's pretty late though, are you alright?”
“(Y/n) I'm a fucking superhero for god's sake, I'm perfectly fine. But I do have a surprise for you.”
“Oh Rex, that's so sweet of you. Where am I going again?”
“Outside the woods behind the headquarters. I'll pick you up.”
“Your missions are always so cool, It makes me wish I had some cool powers so I could help.” You rambled as Rex flipped another coin into the air, the loud pop catching you off guard.
“Nah you don't want that it's far too dangerous for someone as fragile as you,” Rex commented. His hair hung freely in front of his face, he felt freer than ever when around you. So might as well get comfortable right? “So how's the surprise huh? Isn't this just perfect?”
“I love it out here so peaceful and quiet. Plus It's nice that your giving me my own fireworks show.” You enthused. Rex smiled you going for another coin but he stopped himself.
“(Y/n) Looks like I ran out of change, shit. I'm so sorry, but I'm sooo happy to hear that you had such a good time. You know Id only do this type of shit for you. So I think I deserve something in return.” Rex moved closer to you placing his hand on your knee. You jumped and moved to the side.
“Oh- Um Rex… I'm sorry I just thought-” Rex quickly shushed you placing his finger over your lips. He then moved back towards you, even closer, to the point where you could feel his breath fanning over your face. Rex then quickly latched himself onto your lips. You banged against his chest immediately making him pull away.
“What the fuck!” Rex yelled at you. You started gathering all your stuff, Rex starting to panic. “Wait don't go, just calm down you're being dramatic.”
“I'm going home. Ill… I'll call you tomorrow.”
“No!” Rex yanked you back down. He didn't know what came over him, it felt like a mixture of things. Rage, Lust, Greed… it all flew past him and every ounce of sense in him left as he started to choke you. You clawed at his hands starting to gasp, You reached for a nearby rock and bashed him on the side of his head.
Rex yelled out letting go of you. You scurried off into the forest, leaving everything behind. Rex groaned out, and pulled a coin out of his pocket, throwing it at your belongings. That should take care of you trying to come back and get help. Rex stumbled to his feet looking down at his hand, not seeing any blood. He chuckled to himself before going after you.
You had no clue where you were and eventually you collapsed falling to the ground. You caught your breath.
What was his deal… He seemed so nice…
Then you felt a sharp pain in your leg. You screamed out looking back and seeing a disheveled Rex. He pushed his hair out of his face looking down at where his foot was planted in your knee, surely dislocating it. “There you are, you ran off so quickly… Almost forgot to destroy that fucking phone of yours.”
Rex pulled you up, pinning you to a tree. He kissed at your neck and ground against you Rex loved every fucking second of it. He loved to hear your stifled moans, you were trying so hard to not enjoy this. turning him on even more. He tore through your top and popped your bra in the process. “I would love to take my time with your slutty body but I really just want to own the shit out of you.”
“Please! Rex, I just want to go home…” You cried out gripping onto his shoulders. You clung on desperately, your leg burning to the point where even Rex could feel it.
“You had your fucking chance! Now give me what. I. Want!” Rex tore off your bottoms and held you up on a tree on one arm and unzipped his pants freeing himself with the other. You could feel the heat radiating off him that's how turned on he was. “Now sit still.”
Then Rex filled you completely, all in one jab. You cried out as he picked you up and started a rough and quick pace. His pants rubbed against your cunt giving you more stimulation, Rex loved that even he can pick it out. Your legs wrapped around him pulling him close.
“You love that huh… You need this… Your fucking mine!” Rex pushed you further into the tree covering both of you in splinters. You looked off to the side not wanting to face Rex. He didn't like that at all, was he not doing good enough. Rex quickly pulled a coin from his pocket and activated his power, and slaps your ass. That would for sure get your attention back to him. You screamed out and dug your nails into the tree. It burned everything burned.
"That's going to fucking hurt in the morning, and I don't really fucking care!"
“I'm gonna fucking cum, you better do it too!” Rex growled and kissed you, both of your moans filling each other's mouths. Rex pulled away his pace getting faster, placing his forehead on your own. “Tell me you love me…”
“I-I…. I love y-you Rex…” You mumbled and stuttered out.
“Oh, that's it… that's fucking it.” Rex groaned dumping his cum inside you. Rex moved his hand to your clit rubbing quickly. You came a few seconds after. Your vision went spotty as he dropped you to the ground.
“Wow you losing a lot of blood there, don't worry Ill patch you right up. I hope you liked the fireworks.”
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anisaanisa · 3 years
Yes hello I have a question about your One Word series. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Every chapter is like this perfect little nugget of InuKag development, with just the right amount of details to evoke the moment. Do you have to spend a lot of time on editing to keep each chapter tight? Do you word-dump and then winnow the word count later, or are you able to be that concise on the first draft? I'm SO CURIOUS because I suck at tight, concise writing and you're so good at it.
Oh my goodness @eowynwise you are too sweet, thank you! I apologise in advance, because unlike the fic you're referencing, I cannot keep this short and sweet 🙈
One Word started not long after @callmegri introduced me to the idea of drabbles. I couldn’t wrap my head around it at first, because like yourself, keeping things concise is not my strong suit: I tend to let words run away with me.
So, I took it as a form of practice, free-wrote the first 30 chapters, then decided to share it. There are a few rules I follow: 100 words exactly, no plotting or planning, but more importantly, have fun. I chose the hardest thing for me to write (fluff) and gave myself (at the time) a seemingly impossible word limit, because why not throw myself into the deep end where I don’t belong? This is how I learn best.
For reference, One Word is complete, but not completely edited, weighing in at 101 chapters (see what I did there?) and the process is as follows:
Write – Everything was written in decent chunks, around 20 chapters a round. In the first instance, I don’t pay attention to word count. I aim for a rough estimate, then move on without stopping. Stopping leads to planning and plotting, and that is not the aim of the game for this particular piece.
Edit – After that, I’ll go in and hack away at words, because there are almost always too many, rather than too little. This series has taught me how to be more precise with words, how to let things go, and over time I have become rather ruthless with trimming the fat. Now, I can crush 200 words into 100 without much difficulty if it's needed. Some words just aren't needed. Some adjectives make things clunky. Sometimes a dialogue tag is just hot air. So, this has helped tremendously when it comes to editing other things. For editing is my weakness.
Beta Reading– Having a decent Alpha or Beta reader helps a lot, and @callmegri is all that and then some. She’s a non-native English speaker with a near-flawless grasp of the language and that makes her a double threat. She understands English and its nuances, but also picks up on things that don’t sound right to a non-native ear. Isn’t that just the coolest thing? Sometimes words I squish together just don't make sense, and I have to play with a chapter a bit more to get it right. Sometimes she gives me a thumbs up immediately and nothing needs to be fixed. Either way, another pair of eyes is invaluable.
Extra advice that no one asked for but is so, so important: When it comes to all writing, not just drabbles, transitions are the devil. If there is something that is boring you to write, then it will likely bore the reader to read, so just get rid of it. Don’t even start it. Write a story in chunks and scenes that interest you and knit it all together at the end: it may surprise you what isn’t necessary when all is said and done. Have faith that the reader can piece together the times in between.
Drabbles are the perfect way to explore that. It may not be a lot in total, but each word counts, and can take just as much work and brain power as an epic. And it’s taught me so, so much. And I will tell anyone that listens that it is worth trying your hand at, even if it only ever lives in a word document.
So, I can say with conviction that from start to finish, it’s become easier to nail down those word counts and figure out how words play together, as it was always intended to be used for. Overall time spent is so little now, that I feel like I've achieved what I set out to: get better at writing. That being said, I will admit that I am constantly surprised by its reception, but I am so, so thankful that it’s put a smile on people’s faces because it’s put one on mine too.
Thank you, my love! 😍💓
Ask me Things and Stuff
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makoodlesarchive · 4 years
you wear them well
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you know what this is, my friends? pure indulgence. 7.1k words of total, pure indulgence. enjoy xx
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader word count: 7.1k warnings: NSFW, unsafe sex, panty theft, bakugou in panties tag list: @allywritesimagines​   @tobiodel-ay-ee-hoo​
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                                  »»————- ♡ ————-««
You’re in somewhat of an embarrassing predicament.
The boxer briefs lie on your bed, looking painfully innocuous. There are at least eight pairs. You have no idea where they’ve come from.
Well, that’s not entirely true. You know that you picked them up accidentally in the laundry room when you were collecting your own load of clean laundry, and brought them back to your dorm only to finally notice them when you were putting your stuff away. The problem is, you don’t know whose they are.
Whoever owns the underwear must have taken yours by mistake -- the boxers had been in a generic mesh laundry bag that was the exact same as yours, so it’s easy to see how the mix up had happened. Still though. You’re in an awkward situation. Because your bag had contained all of your fanciest, most delicate underwear, and you’re mortified at the thought of whoever owns these boxers opening the bag up to find all that lace and silk. All that fancy underwear had cost so much money though, and you really wanted them back. How the hell were you supposed to find whoever had them now?
Your dilemma preoccupies your thoughts for the rest of the day.  It’s all you can think about as you lie in bed trying to go to sleep.
By the time the next morning rolls around, you resign yourself to just having to ask the guys in the dorm if they may have taken your underwear by accident. You try to work yourself up to it when everyone is clamouring over breakfast, feeling like you might be able to play it off casually enough that it’s not a big deal. But everyone is yelling and laughing and super hyper despite the early hour, and you chicken out. Maybe over breakfast isn’t the best time to ask, anyway.
During class, you can’t stop your eyes roving over the guys. None of them look as though they’re preoccupied with the thought of the stolen ladies underwear they procured as of yesterday, but then again, how would you know?
By the end of the day, you’re reasonably certain that you can cross Mineta off your suspect list -- there’s no way the little pervert would ever be able to keep his damn mouth shut if he had found a laundry bag full of fancy panties, and he’s been quiet all day. You cross Kaminari off the list for the same reason, although with a little less certainty. Other than that, you have absolutely no idea. No one had mentioned missing laundry at all today.
That night you lie in bed and frown at the ceiling. This was ridiculous. You wanted your fancy panties back now! Besides, you had accidentally taken eight pairs of boxers from someone. The Calvin Klein waistband told you that they weren’t cheap, either. Surely they needed those back by now?
The next morning, you’re antsy. You know that your classmates have noticed by the concerned looks that Uraraka keeps shooting you, but you just can’t get your mind off the underwear situation. The day passes in much the same way as the one before it had; not a mention of underwear to be had anywhere. You’re starting to get annoyed. You plan to mention the situation to the girls the morning after, but end up chickening out when the time comes. You can’t help but overthink everything; it’s been three days since the underwear mix-up, which is surely too long for you to have waited to tell anyone. Why didn’t you just tell them when it had first happened? You could kick yourself.
Nearly a week passes like this. For a few days, at least, schoolwork is the priority in your head. It’s nice while it lasts, to not have your every waking moment filled with thoughts of your missing panties. Unfortunately, as soon as the weekend hits and you find yourself with free time on your hands, those thoughts come back with a vengeance. It’s literally driving you insane, so you do what you always do when you’re frustrated since you started in UA -- you head to the training room to work out your frustrations.
It’s a Saturday evening, so you’re not alone in the training room, which is to be expected. Kirishima and Bakugou are having what looks like a sit up competition by the mats, and Midoriya and Uraraka are spotting each other by the bench press machine. Usually in the evenings the training room would be a little busier, but you guess everyone else is taking the opportunity to rest and relax. You wish you could do that yourself, but you desperately need to expel all of your frustrated energy before you can even think about trying to unwind. Uraraka gives you a wave and a smile, but seems to understand that you’re hoping to be left alone as you make a beeline for the treadmill. You smile back as you pop your earphones in and set up your workout playlist, before setting the treadmill to your ideal settings.
The run you set off on is a little harder and faster than what you would usually do, but your main aim is to tire yourself out. You lose yourself to the steady rhythm of your feet pounding against the rapidly moving surface of the treadmill. You completely lose track of time as your breaths start to come faster and your chest starts to heave with exertion.
After an indeterminable amount of time, a shrieking laugh sounds over the sound of the upbeat music blaring in your ears, cutting through the hazy focus that’s settled over your mind. You look up to see that Bakugou has Kirishima in a headlock and appears to be swearing loudly and rapidly at him. Despite the fact that his face is rapidly turning red from the arm wrapped around his throat, Kirishima is still giggling. A quick glance around shows that Midoriya and Uraraka have disappeared, and you wonder how long you’ve been running for.
Kirishima is saying something, but his words are drowned out by your music. Whatever he’s said seems to appease Bakugou to some extent, because he reluctantly lets him go. As soon as he’s free of his friend’s grip, Kirishima bounces backwards and throws his hands up in the air in a conciliatory gesture, though his grin is still wickedly mischievous. You watch his mouth move again as he speaks, but this time his eyes cut towards you.
You blink in surprise, and turn the treadmill off as you remove one of your earbuds. “What’s up?” you ask curiously. As the treadmill slows to a stop and you step off, the fatigue catches up to you and your legs go a little wobbly. You grab a hold of the handlebars of the machine and hope they didn’t notice.
Kirishima looks like he’s still smothering back laughs, and Bakugou has gone a curious shade of red -- you guess he must be close to an imminent explosion. Kirishima is really poking at a bear, here. He seems to know that though, because his next move is to shrug exaggeratedly and say, “Oh, nothing! I’m gonna head out, I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
“Uh,” you return his wave as he heads out the door, a little bewildered by the jaunty bounce in his step, “Bye, Kirishima.”
Bakugou just grunts and turns back to the weights he was lifting. Your eyes linger on him for a moment, partly because you’re trying to work out that interaction and partly because when he squats with the barbell over his head his back muscles flex and ripple in a way that’s damn near mesmerising. You’ve harboured an embarrassing crush on him ever since your very first year in UA, and every time you think you’re over it you see him sweaty and perfect and you’re proven very, very wrong. Bakugou is obnoxiously attractive, a realisation that feels like a punch in the head every goddamn time you see him.
You should definitely just go, because you’re tired now and there’s no reason for you to stay. But your movements are stupidly slow as you gather up your things and watch Bakugou out of the corner of your eye. You wonder if you should say hi or something to him, but he seems pretty focused on his workout and you figure that you’ll just annoy him. Bakugou’s got a better hold on his temper than he had back in first year, but it’s probably better to just leave it.
Bakugou squats low, weight lifted high over his head. Your gaze trails over his biceps, his muscled shoulders, his thick thighs. His ass. Damn.
You look away, cursing yourself for being a pervert. Then you pause. Your eyes slowly trail back to him. It takes several long seconds of staring before you realise that you’re really not imagining it.
Bakugou’s sweatpants have pulled tight over his round ass as he sinks down further into his squat, and his waistband has been pulled down. Not much, only a little, but enough to see the waistband of his underwear poking out.
Except they aren’t his underwear. They’re yours.
You’d recognise that lace anywhere -- you had bought that pair a few months ago, when you were having a bad day and just wanted to feel pretty. They were your favourite! The front was all white silk embroidered with delicate blue cornflowers, turning to elaborate lace over the hips and the back. And now Bakugou was wearing them.
Bakugou was wearing your favourite panties.
You turn away quickly, staring stupidly into space as your mind struggles to work through this particular revelation. The underwear you had taken belonged to Bakugou. Bakugou had accidentally taken yours. Bakugou is currently wearing yours. What the fuck? What are you supposed to do now? You bite your lip hard as you think. You could leave now, pretend you didn’t see anything, and then ask Bakugou as casually as possible tomorrow whether your underwear had gotten mixed up with his in the laundry. That would surely be the best way to avoid a scene.
But then again… your gaze drifts back to Bakugou. He’s already hitched his sweatpants back into place; he must be paranoid of being caught wearing panties, but for some reason that hasn’t stopped him from wearing them to workout.
Your mouth has apparently made its mind up before your brain has, because you’re calling out “Bakugou?” before you can even finish the thought.
“What?” he grunts without turning around. He’s finished with his weights for now, apparently, and is studiously putting them back where they belong. You drop your stuff back on the ground, phone clattering loudly, and begin to approach him. He doesn’t seem to notice until you’re right beside him, and then he pauses in what he’s doing and squints at you suspiciously. “What d’you want?”
“I have a question.” you say stupidly. He looks so good this close, and the knowledge that he’s wearing your underwear is making you feel… oddly warm.
“A question.” Bakugou repeats, standing tall and rolling his shoulders. His tone makes it clear that he’s humouring you, though he looks a little amused. “Alright, ask.”
The problem is, now that you’ve been given permission to speak, you can’t think of what to say. You bite your lip hard, and your gaze moves slowly over his chest and shoulders as you think. Bakugou is surprisingly patient, and stays quiet despite his shifting feet, which reveal his restlessness. Your eyes land on his bicep, and once again your mouth moves without conscious thought. “Can I touch you?”
“Hah?” Bakugou’s exclamation is jarringly loud in the quiet that had fallen over the two of you. “What the fuck kinda question is that?”
Now would be the ideal time to backtrack to save yourself from total humiliation, but instead you blurt “Please?” even as you feel your face flush hard.
He’s staring at you in mild disbelief, but it’s slowly being taken over by something else. “You wanna… touch me.” he repeats, his own gaze mimicking yours as it begins to rove over your body. Whatever he sees has him raising an eyebrow -- you can’t work out whether it’s a positive reaction or not. “Alright. Go ahead.”
Your hand twitches. Your instinct is to reach straight for his sweatpants, but you don’t want to scare him off. Instead you do what you’ve been wanting to do for ages anyway, and run your hand over his chest. His pectoral muscles are stupidly big, and you can’t help but be absolutely enraptured by them. He’s wearing a baggy tank top with long cut outs at the arms, and when you run your hands over his chest the tank top shifts to reveal one of his nipples.
You look away quickly, worried that you’ll do something stupid and make him mad at you, but when you look up at him you see that he’s watching you. His eyes are so intense that it feels like his gaze alone is about to light you on fire. He doesn’t look mad at all.
‘Fuck it’, you think, and reach up to run your thumb over the soft pink skin of his nipple. It pebbles under your touch, and his body jerks.
“Oi, where the fuck do you think you’re touching?” he snaps at you. His voice is as harsh as ever, but you don’t miss the way he leans into your hand.
“Tell me to stop, and I will.” you say. Your voice is a little breathier than you expected, and you see Bakugou’s eyes narrow when he notices too.
“You gettin’ off on this, you little pervert?” he growls, and you gasp a little as his hand lands right on your ass. He pulls you into him, and your hips meet his. You can feel his hardness through his sweatpants, and you lick your lips as your thumb circles his nipple.
“Bakugou,” you say softly, and watch enraptured as he leans down closer to your face, “How can you call me a pervert when you’re the one wearing ladies’ underwear?”
Bakugou freezes inches from your lips. You watch his throat bob as he swallows. “What,” he says, voice rough and frighteningly quiet, “did you just fuckin’ say?”
“Did you think I wouldn’t recognise my own panties?” your voice is nearly a whisper, but in the end it doesn’t matter how softly you say it because Bakugou is already pulling back, a blank look settling over his face.
“What the fuck are you trying to say, huh?” His lips pull up in a snarl, but his cheeks are flushing red and you realise that you’re going to have to be very careful about how you approach this.
Your hand is still resting on his chest, and you allow it to trace carefully down to his stomach, coming to a stop at his navel. “I bet you look real good in them.” That’s not really what you had been planning to say, but you’ve said it now and you meant it, so what can you do? Throwing caution to the wind, you continue with, “Can I see?”
Bakugou is breathing hard through his nose, and his gaze flickers from your face to the door of the training room. When your gaze drops, you see that his hands are clenched into fists at his side. Suddenly worried that you’ve misread the situation, you hurry to say “Ah, if it makes you uncomfortable, we can forget about this. You don’t have to-” you break off as Bakugou shoves past you and makes a beeline for the door. “Oh.”
Oh god. You totally overstepped his boundaries. You turn away, mortified and unable to watch him actually leave. Shit. How were you ever going to look at him again?  
“Oi. Come the fuck over here.”
You startle as you turn around; you thought he had left. “What?” you say stupidly.
Bakugou scowls at you. He looks… a little constipated, honestly, as though he has to force the words out. “Come. Over. Here.” He over enunciates the words, his lips pulling up enough that you can see the pink of his gums even from this distance.
Your eyes dart from Bakugou to the door, confused, before it clicks. He was locking the door. “Oh.” you breathe at the realisation, “Okay.” you move over to him quickly, then chew on your lip as you watch him expectantly.
He stares back at you, nostrils flared, and you realise that he doesn’t know how to proceed. Does he need instructions? You have to bite down hard on your bottom lip to stifle your nervous giggles, because you’re pretty certain that they won’t be very well received. He just needs a little guidance. “Take off your shirt.” You coach, reaching out to pull at the hem of his tank top.
“Hah? Don’t tell me what to fuckin’ do.” he snaps, even as he tugs the shirt over his head and lets it drop to the floor. The muscles of his chest are mouth-wateringly perfect, and your hands gravitate to his pecs almost mindlessly. You keep expecting him to snarl or snap at you, but he’s being… almost suspiciously quiet. Your eyes dart continuously up to his face, searching for any sign that this has gone too far, but he just stares back at you with that intimidatingly intense gaze. Your hands trail delicately down his stomach, over his bellybutton, until your fingers are brushing against a fuzzy blond happy trail. You pause and glance up to his face again, but this time you’re met with a scowl. “Where’s all your fuckin’ confidence from a few minutes ago, huh? You think I’m gonna break if you touch me?”
You’re not an idiot; for all of Bakugou’s harshness and his brash attitude, he wasn’t very good at hiding his nervousness. You smile at him, but don’t move your hands to where he obviously wants them. “Maybe I don’t want to touch you until you take your pants off.”
Bakugou’s nostrils flare and his jaw clenches, and it looks for a moment like he’s about to start yelling. Instead though, he steps back and shucks his sweatpants so quickly he nearly overbalances. The glare he shoots you lets you know that he will probably try to kill you if you laugh at his eagerness, but laughing is the furthest thing from your mind as you take in the sight of him.
“Oh, shit.” you breathe. You thought that you were prepared for how he’d look, but you were so, so wrong.
“If you fuckin’ dare to laugh-”
You hush him reflexively, barely aware of what you’re doing. “Just let me look.”
Bakugou is built like a Greek god, and even on his worst days he looks like a professional model. But right now? Covered in a thin layer of sweat from his workout, smelling like burnt sugar, his cheeks flushed red from insecurity and his grey sweatpants pooling around his ankles? He’s never looked more attractive. And that’s not even taking into account the panties. They’re hitched high on his hips, the pale lace laying stark against his tanned muscles. The white satin and little blue embroidered flowers look so dainty, incongruous with the hard cock that’s straining so hard against the fabric that the elastic waistband is pulling away from his skin. They fit a little strangely, because the two of you are definitely not the same underwear size, but the fact that he was apparently so determined to wear them under his clothes despite the ill fit just makes it so much hotter.
“Will you stop fucking staring-” he cuts himself off abruptly, because you’ve just fallen to your knees in front of him, still staring at the sight of his reddened cock leaking all over your pretty satin panties.
“Hush.” you say, and grin up at the furious scowl growing on his face, “I’m enjoying the view.” Before he starts mouthing off again, you reach out and drag your finger slowly along the length of his cock through the silky material of the panties. He makes a noise that sounds like it’s been punched out of him, and his cock visibly twitches at your touch. You stroke your hand down the front of the panties, relishing the feel of his hardness through the soft material. There’s a wet patch right at the top of his cock where he must have been leaking precum, and you can feel yourself cream in your own panties a little bit.
“You gonna just look, or are you gonna do something about it?” Bakugou snarls, as if that will distract you from the way his hips just humped into the air looking for some kind of friction.
“I want to suck you off.” you admit, nosing your face along the bulge distending the front of the panties.
“Yes.” Bakugou says. His voice is a little strained, but his hand is firm as it grips the back of your neck and tries to pull you closer.
“But first,” you place your hands firmly on his thighs to stop him from pulling your face straight into his dick, but then you have to fight not to get totally distracted because shit, did he shave for this? “I have a question.”
“Hah?” the pure irritation in his voice is practically palpable, but he stops pushing at your head. “What do you fuckin-”
“Is this the first time you’ve done this?” you ask, fingers dancing over the shape of his cock and drawing featherlight shapes over him, “Or have you been wearing my panties every day since you found them?”
“I didn’t know they were yours.” he snaps at you as he presses his hips forward into your hand, trying to force you to increase the pressure. Your face lights up at that, because that was basically just a confession that he in fact had been wearing your panties, and he seems to realise it because his face flushes and he starts snarling again. “What kind of fucking dumbass leaves their underwear behind like that anyway, huh? It’s not like it’s my fault my underwear bag was fucking taken, and your stupid bag was the only thing left. You literally took all my underwear, you asshole, what else was I supposed to wear-”
He’s still making excuses as though he thinks you mind, or like he thinks that you’re going to make fun of him. “Bakugou,” you say quietly, slipping his cock out of the confines of the panties, “It’s fine. You look better in them than I do.”
That, at least, seems to silence him temporarily. Or maybe it’s your hands on his dick, and the way that you’re mouthing along the bottom of it. His breaths are coming in little puffs, and you would never have believed that Bakugou Katsuki could be cute if you hadn’t seen him like this. Well, maybe cute is the wrong word. It doesn’t quite encompass the outright sexiness of his half-lidded eyes, his tensed stomach muscles, the way his balls poke out from behind the lace. He’s getting impatient though, you can tell by the aggrieved sighs he’s letting out above you. You decide to be kind and to put him out of his misery, so you lick a stripe from root to tip and then take him into your mouth and give two gentle sucks.
Bakugou makes another one of those punched out sounds, his hips rocking a little further into your mouth. If your mouth wasn’t full, you would have smiled at his reaction. But then his hand comes down and lands in your hair, and he’s pushing his dick further into your mouth with a groan. His cock hits the back of your throat and you just about manage to swallow back a gag, but then you pull back, chest heaving, and scowl at him. “Hey, no pulling my hair. You’ll get it all tangled, and I am not in the mood to deal with that.”
The little shit has the nerve to laugh at that. “Who the fuck cares about a few tangles?”
Your scowl turns into a glare, and you pull back even further away from his dick, which is standing extremely hard and shiny from your spit. “That’s easy for you to say, you don’t have to untangle -!”
“Fine, fine, fine!” Bakugou snaps quickly, apparently realising that you’re actually going to stop if he doesn’t start listening. He removes his hand from your hair and awkwardly tries to pat it back into place, before giving up and settling it at the back of your neck instead. “Better?”
You hum noncommittally as you take him into your mouth again, but honestly, the weight of his guiding hand against the nape of your neck feels real good. You bob your head and take him to the back of your throat, then pull back before you gag, laving your tongue along the underside of his dick. You suckle at the tip like it’s a lollipop, and look up to watch him throw his head back and groan. You breathe hard through your nose as his hand guides you back down on his cock, until it’s pressing into the back of your throat once more.
Bakugou moans like a goddamn pornstar everytime you suck on him, and it has your thighs clenching together hard. You can feel your own panties getting progressively wetter and stickier as you rock your own hips into thin air and moan a little around Bakugou’s length. Seriously, you don’t think he even realises what he’s doing -- his eyes are closed and his head is tipped back as he ruts into your mouth, panting and groaning and utterly unaware of how fucking hot he looks right now. You don’t think you’ve ever been so turned on in your life, and you can’t stop the whimper that bubbles out of your throat as you slip your hand into your own sweatpants to rub at yourself, desperate for some kind of relief.
“What are you doing?” Bakugou’s voice sounds like he’s been gargling gravel -- it’s gone sinfully deep, and the sound of it shoots liquid heat straight to your core.
“Huh?” you say as you pull off his dick, thoughts a little hazy in your arousal. A strand of saliva stretches from your mouth to his cock, but you don’t notice it until it snaps and dribbles down your chin. “What d’you mean?”
You’re not expecting Bakugou to kneel down with you so you’re both facing each other, and it’s even more of a surprise when he sticks his hand down your pants and shoves your own hand aside so that he’s got unrestricted access to your pussy. “Unhh.” you moan out, dropping your head forward against his chest as he runs his fingers experimentally along your slit. You’re so damn horny that even the slightest touch has you rutting your hips forward into his hand, desperate for him to touch you more, harder.
“Shit,” he says, and that gravelly voice and hot breath right in your ear sends a shudder all the way down your body. “You’re so fuckin’ wet, what the fuck? You’re soaked. What got you like this, huh? Was it me in the panties? Or was it sucking my cock?”
You gasp and let out a strangled moan as he finds your clit and begins to rub messy circles around it with his thumb as his middle and ring finger dips inside you. “Bakugou-” you gasp, clenching around his fingers with a choked hiccup as he presses on your clit.
“Why are you so shy all of a sudden?” his voice is taunting, mocking, as though his own cock isn’t flexing and leaking precome all over the panties.
“Both,” you gasp out, humping your pussy into his hand as he alternates between rolling your clit between his fingers and pushing inside you to feel up your internal walls. “It was- it was both.”
“Fuck.” Bakugou hisses, and then he’s tearing his hand out of your pants and pulling at the hem of your joggers. He’s too aggressive at trying to tear them off though, and they get stuck around your knees. You bite your lip as he snarls at them, torn between helping him and laughing at him. You decide on the former, seeing as how laughing at him will probably result in him trying to fight you, and you really just want to get laid, like, now. So you help him out and wiggle out of your pants, kicking them aside and then shucking your own panties and throwing them in the same direction.
Bakugou is staring avidly at the place between your legs, and if you weren’t so turned on you might be embarrassed. As it was, you could barely think straight, so when Bakugou sits back on his ass and spreads his legs, your heart nearly fucking stops and all shame flies out the goddamned window. The panties are pretty much ruined, covered in precum and stretched out of place in the front where his cock has been distending them all day. His balls are too big to be contained by the flimsy silk, and they’re lolling out by his thigh. His cock is reddened with arousal and leaking from where it’s standing straight up on it’s own, the panties shoved down to give it space. His hair is sweat-damp and stuck to his forehead in places, his eyes burning as his own gaze gives you the same stare-down treatment that you’re giving him.
Then he raises his hand, and gestures to his lap. “Hop on.” he says, and you don’t think you’ve ever moved so fast in your life as you scramble up on him.
Once you’re in his lap his hands clamp down on your waist and guide you to grind your bare pussy against his exposed dick. “Ugh, fuck,” you gasp, grabbing his shoulders for balance as the tip of his dick presses against your clit. “Come on, just-”
“Yeah, yeah.” Bakugou shrugs off your impatient prompting, grinning into the bare skin of your shoulder where your shirt has slipped. He pulls back when your grinding starts to get desperate and starts to push the panties down.
“No!” you blurt, stilling his hands. He freezes, his eyes searching your face urgently. The flicker of panic in his eyes makes you realise that he thinks you’re trying to stop him from going any further and that he’s trying to figure out what he’s done wrong. You hurry to elaborate, growing hot from embarrassment as you murmur out, “Leave them on.”
His eyes widen, and you swear you can feel his dick pulse against you. “Okay.” he says roughly, his voice strained. He pushes the elastic waistband down and tucks it under his balls, but otherwise leaves them on. “You gonna take a seat or what?”
You laugh a little breathlessly at his attitude, because it seems like some things never change, but shuffle forward and raise yourself up on your knees until you feel the tip of his length brushing against the lips of your pussy. You sigh softly at the feeling, and reach down to steady his dick as you rock your entrance back and forth a few times, nice and slowly.
“Fuck, you’re dripping all over me.” Bakugou grunts, his hips thrusting shallowly in his attempts to coax himself inside of you despite your hand holding him steady.
You have a feeling that he’s exaggerating, but it’s true that you’re ridiculously aroused right now. You dip your hips down and close your eyes at the feeling of the tip of his cock pushing inside you. You had planned to go slow, but before you know it Bakugou’s hands are clamping down on your hips and he’s pulling you down his dick until he’s fully seated inside of you and you’re sat flush against his thighs. You’re gasping at the stretch, the feeling of fullness, barely conscious of the rocking movements of your hips.
Bakugou lets out a long, low moan right in your ear as his hips grind up to match your little movements. “Fuck,” he hisses, his hands so tight on your hips you’re certain they’re leaving bruises, “Fuck, you’re so hot inside, so wet-”
You feel yourself tighten up and clench around him at his words, and the two of you moan at the same time. “Shit.” you breathe, and lift yourself up a few inches so you can drop back down. A few more times, and you’ve established a steady pace of fucking yourself on his cock.
Even as you’re riding him though, you can’t help but look down to admire the view. The panties highlight the way the muscles in his ass ripple when he strains his hips forwards to meet yours. “Fucking hell,” he says suddenly, and you look away from the view to meet his gaze. He’s frowning at you, looking confused even as his forehead creases in pleasure. “Are you still fuckin’ looking at them?”
“Sorry,” you whine, sounding totally pathetic as you grind desperately against him, trying to get his cock to hit just right, “You just look so- so-” you gasp as he hits the spot inside you that has your legs going weak, and you lose track of the thought.
“So what?” Bakugou growls out. He’s obviously clued into the fact that he’s hitting a sweet spot inside you, because his thrusts become so precise that he just about has you squealing on his dick.
“So- so pretty!” you blurt. It’s not the word you had been planning on saying, and judging by the look on Bakugou’s face it’s not the word he had been expecting either.
Fuck. Looks like damage control is definitely necessary. “In a manly way! Pretty in a- fuck - in a manly way!”  you groan out, internally cursing yourself -- you fucking sound like Kirishima.
“Yeah?” Bakugou asks, and the fucker is laughing at you!  “So pretty that you can’t even tear your damn eyes away while I’m fucking you?”
You groan, partly from arousal and partly from embarrassment. “Shut up,” you say, and then his eyes are flashing and he’s surging up. A yelp is driven out of you as you land on your back, Bakugou’s hands slamming down on either side of your head as he looms over you. He’s grinning down at you, sharp and wild as his gaze tracks steadily over your face, chest, and down your body.
For the first time since this has started, you’re self-conscious enough to start getting a little insecure. One arm comes up to cross over your chest as you start to get embarrassed under his wandering eyes. It was intimidating being naked under him when he was pretty much physically flawless, and the sudden fear that he’s disappointed by how you look is crushing. Your other arm goes down to try and block his view of your stomach and pussy, but you’ve barely done so before Bakugou has grabbed both your arms and pulled them away.
“Bakugou-” you start to protest, squirming a little on his dick as he presses your arms over your head and holds them there by your wrists.
“Hush,” he says in a low growl as his eyes track over your squirming body, his hips rocking deeper into you even as he holds you still, “I’m enjoying the view.”
Having your own words repeated back to you in that low, mocking tone seems to really do it for you, because you find yourself moaning helplessly as he kisses and nips his way along your neck and shoulders. “Can you- will you just-” you push your hips mindlessly into his, hoping he’ll get the message and start moving. “Come on, come on-”
“Fuck, you’re desperate, aren’t you?” Bakugou says, grinning at the way you buck into him, “Look at you. You really want to get fucked that bad?”
“Obviously!” you snarl back, wiggling your hips determinedly.
Bakugou actually has the nerve to laugh at that, but it doesn’t last too long before he’s finally pulling out and driving his hips home. “Oh, yeah,” he grunts, thrusting his hips a few times experimentally before settling into a rhythm.
He fucks you hard and fast, and all you can do is gasp against him and clutch at his shoulders. You shouldn’t have expected anything less of him, really. Every time he drives his hips into you knocks the breath right out of you, and you have to shut your eyes tight because it feels so stupidly good. Every time his thighs slap into yours you can feel the lace of the panties rubbing against your skin.
It doesn’t take long to realise that neither of you are going to last -- you were half-way to coming from the first moment you saw his cock straining against the silk of those panties, and having him pounding you into the ground like this is like the fulfillment of every wet dream you’ve had over the three years of knowing him. And judging by the mindless grunts and sloppy snapping of his hips into yours, Bakugou’s just as close.
You lock your ankles behind his back, trying to urge him deeper as you sneak your hand down between you to rub frantically at your clit. Your breathing is interspersed with gasping moans as you feel your stomach tightening, the muscles in your legs beginning to clench up.
Then, just as you’re about to tip over the edge, your hand is knocked aside. “What the fuck!” you complain instantly, scowling at Bakugou.
He scowls back at you, though most of his focus is still going into keeping his rhythm of fucking you. “What are you doing? Am I not- unh- enough for you, huh?”
“Stop being so mouthy and make me come.” you complain, reaching your hand back down. It’s knocked aside yet again, this time to be replaced by Bakugou’s own. His fingers fumble a little at first as he tries to lean his weight on one hand and balance the thrusting of his hips with the rhythm of stroking your clit. “Fuck-” you start to moan, but then his lips descend on yours and he’s kissing you. It’s messy, drool going everywhere in a way that is decidedly not sexy, but you’re apparently so far gone that you couldn’t care less.
“Come.” he mumbles into your mouth, pulling at your lower lips with his teeth before kissing you hard again, “You need to come, you need to come right now-”
You were so close anyway, but the way he’s kissing you combined with him actually telling you to come and the way he’s rutting into you so sloppily and his fingers massaging those hard, fast little circles in your clit has your whole body heaving and locking up. Your back arches and you let out the softest, most breathless little gasp as the build up of your orgasm finally snaps and you come.
You strain against your orgasm so hard that you damn near pull a muscle, chest heaving with the force of your breathing as you try to calm down. Your thoughts are a mess as your muscles start to relax, aching after the way they had tensed up so hard. Your body has barely loosened up after your orgasm before Bakugou is cursing colourfully and pulling out of you, knocking your legs away as his hand grabs at his cock and pumps it viciously fast.
You push up onto your elbows, eyes wide as you watch him fist his cock so hard it looks painful. The sight he makes is absolutely sinful -- his cheeks are flushed red at the highpoints of his cheekbones, his eyes fever-bright as he watches you watching him. His mouth lolls open, his brow scrunched as he fucks his fist, desperately humping into his own grip, panties shoved carelessly down around his thighs.
“You look so gorgeous.” you tell him, your voice hoarse and absolutely wrecked.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Bakugou snarls, and then he’s coming, cum erupting in spurts all over his hand and dripping down onto your stomach and still throbbing pussy. He keeps stroking himself all the way through, shuddering hard. His eyes are still open, flicking from your face to the places where his cum is streaking your skin.
You fall back to the floor, exhausted, as though Bakugou’s orgasm had sapped the last of your strength. “That,” you say, with no small amount of satisfaction, “was very nice.”
To your surprise, Bakugou drops down on you and shoves his face into your neck, ignorant (or uncaring) about his weight on top of you. “I knew you were a weird little pervert.” he murmurs into your skin, nipping at the same place.
“Excuse me?” you protest immediately, fruitlessly pushing at his stupidly broad shoulders. “Wait until you’re wearing your own underwear before accusing me of being a pervert, please.”
That makes him snicker, but he still makes no move to get up from where he’s pretty much crushing you. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You want these back?” he plucks at the stretched out waistband of the panties slung around his thighs. Apparently one good fuck was enough to knock all the insecurity about the panties right out of him, because he just looks smug and cocky as he watches your eyes drop down to them.
You scowl in an attempt to hide how flustered the sight of him laying on top of you, spent and sweaty with the dirty panties halfway down his thighs, makes you. “You stretched the front of them all out of shape.” you complain halfheartedly.
“It ain’t my fault I got a fat cock,” he says lazily, snorting a laugh when you turn to glare properly at him. “Whatever, quit moaning. I’ll buy you new ones.”
“Yeah?” you brighten at the thought. Going from thinking all your panties were lost to this point was quite the jump, but you couldn’t say you were disappointed with the result.
“Mm.” he hums, stretching his neck before baring his teeth at you, bending his head to press a kiss to one of your breasts. “Only if you promise to show them off for me.”
“I think I can manage that,” you grin, stomach fluttering pleasantly at the implications that this wasn’t just gonna be a one time thing. “Maybe we should get you your own pair, too, so you won’t have to steal mine.”
He delivers a lazy but stinging smack to your ass for that remark, “Don’t be cute.”
“Can’t help it, it’s my default setting,” you say before flicking your gaze back down his body and grinning at him, “Besides,” you lean in and kiss the lobe of his ear, delighting in the near imperceptible shiver that travels down his spine as you whisper, “You wear them well.”
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staticscreenwriting · 3 years
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Four - Casablanca
Summary: This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Bucky Barnes, finds himself thrown into a world that seems so different from everything he’s ever known. The girl, (Y/N) knows entirely too much about rom-coms and is quite particular about the way she eats her popcorn. Bucky meets (Y/N) a few months after returning to NYC. He knows almost immediately that becoming her friend is inevitable. This is a story of boy meets girl. This is a story about love. (Bucky Barnes x female!Reader // a few spoilers for TFATWS)
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“ You dressed up! “
God damnit. He should’ve known. He really should’ve. Sam stands by his side, shit-eating grin splitting his face in two. He should’ve just worn a plain sweater and no one would’ve commented on it.
But then would she look at him with that joyful sparkle in her eyes and that gorgeous smile? Maybe the little dressing up that he did do, and all the teasing comments from Sam, are worth it if means she’ll look at him like that.
“I didn’t dress up.” Doesn’t mean he has to admit it. No now, not ever.
“ Uh, your jeans are cuffed. You’ve never done that!” (Y/N) points out to which Sam chimes in with a loud “that’s what I said!” words dripping with amusement.
“ It’s just my jeans, it’s not a big deal.”
“ And you quiffed your hair!”
Bucky glances towards Sam who stands beside him with the biggest smile any person has ever displayed in all the times humans have walked this earth. His joy at Bucky’s obvious discomfort knowing no boundaries and, if it weren’t at his own expense, Bucky would even find Sam’s amusement quite contagious.
“ You totally did! He totally did! I didn’t even notice. Hi,” he says and shakes (Y/N)’s hand “ I’m Sam.”
“ So nice to meet you, Sam. And you dressed up too! As a sexy Ghostbuster!”
Bucky can basically feel Sam’s ego inflate at those words and he knows, for a fact, he’ll never hear the end of it.
“ That’s right! I am a sexy Ghostbuster. Not a regular one. That’s exactly what I was going for, thank you. Man, I love her already.” Sam says, directed at both, (Y/N) but mostly at Bucky.
“ You look lovely too, by the way,” Sam points out and for the first time since they arrived, Bucky gives himself a moment to take her in entirely. Not just the little things, the twinkle in her eyes, the warm radiance of her smile. Her. All of her.
The blue and white checkered pinafore dress she’s wearing reaches down to her knees, her legs are covered by white knee-high socks and at her feet, a pair of ruby red heels sparkle as the light reflects against them.
She looks beautiful but what really makes Bucky’s heart skip just a tiny fraction of a beat is the fact that he knows who she’s supposed to be and, whether she did it purposefully or not doesn’t matter, he feels included for the first time in so long.
“ You’re Dorothy.” his lips produce words that his brain didn’t sign off on. They just slip out. They hold so much weight that even if he’d acted fast enough, he doesn’t think he would’ve been able to hold them back. They’re so seemingly insignificant but they hold a meaning that Bucky isn’t sure anyone will ever fully comprehend. Steve would’ve but Steve is — not here.
He hopes (Y/N) understands even a small fraction of what it means to him. And when she smiles, he thinks she might.
“ I am. Do you like it?”
“ You look beautiful. “ And she does. She really does.
Sam is grinning away like he’s just heard the best news and Bucky isn’t sure if he prefers this to his outright laughter at his discomfort or not. This smirk seems like some inside joke Bucky doesn’t get. Like Sam knows something he doesn’t.
“ Can I get you guys something to drink? Beers? “
“ That would be great “ Sam replies.
“ Grumpy? “
“ Sure.”
He can’t get drunk, that’s one of the little things the Serum changed about him. It’s not like he’s here to get drunk anyway but to feel the enthusiastic buzz that alcohol can wash through your system, would be nice. He hardly remembers what that felt like.
He’s gonna drink some beer either way though. It gives him the feeling of fitting in, of belonging with the crowd. Even if he knows that’s one big lie. Sometimes you have to lie to yourself to keep your heart from breaking.
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Kim isn’t a friend. Not really. She’s a friend of a friend who somehow always tags along whenever (Y/N)’s friend group gets together. She’s never actually invited but she’s always there anyway. Tonight is no exception.
She’s dressed in some kind of last-minute DIY deer costume, one of those that have been popular a few years back on Youtube, and the way she smirks at (Y/N) as she enters the kitchen already makes the metaphorical alarm bells go off in (Y/N)’s head.
“ So, I didn’t know you know celebrities. “
“ What are you talking about, Kim? “
“ Oh, you know! “ Kim announces and slides up next to (Y/N), casually leaning against the kitchen counter. “ Do you think he can do some cool tricks with his metal arm? “
“ Who are you talking about? “
Obviously (Y/N) is well aware of who Kim is talking about. There’s only so many people with metal arms and only one of them finds himself at this very party. Still, she doesn’t give Kim the satisfaction of reacting to her ridiculous comment. Maybe, (Y/N) naively hopes, repeating her question will make Kim realize just how rude and offensive her words really are.
“The winter soldier! Who else. That’s him, isn’t it? “
“ No.”
“ You sure? I’m pretty certain that’s him.”
“ His name is Bucky!” (Y/N) clarifies, fixing Kim with a stare that conveys just how serious this is to her. “ And he is not some kind of circus freak or entertainer or something. He is my friend. “
Kim shrugs her shoulders so casually that it sends shivers of red hot rage through (Y/N)’s body. The audacity of this woman. “ Okay sure but he is the Winter Soldier, right? I don’t know why you’re acting so sensitive right now. Chill, girl.”
“ Fuck you, Kim. You are so disrespectful towards my friend. He’s so sweet and genuine and wonderful and he deserves to be seen for all that he is. He is not here for you to stare at like a caged animal and he sure as hell ain’t here to be reminded of his painful past. If you can’t treat him like a normal person, please leave. “
There’s a look on Kim’s face that (Y/N) hasn’t seen on her before. One of utter disbelief. One that lets her know that this was the last thing Kim was expecting. And for a little moment, a huge wave of triumphant enthusiasm crashes over her.
“ Whatever.” is all Kim replies once the shock has settled. With a pout on her lips, she shuffles out of the kitchen and back into the crowd. (Y/N) can’t tell for sure if she’s leaving but there’s no doubt in her mind that at least she won’t be harassing Bucky anytime soon.
A bitter taste settles on (Y/N) tongue, as she thinks about Kim’s words again. About the sick and twisted thoughts that reduce Bucky to little more than a human animatronic. It’s disgusting and so so sad and she just hopes Bucky hasn’t heard her say those things.
As she steps out of the kitchen and rounds the corner though, her hopes are squashed. There’s the usual pain on his face, the one that’s perpetually etched into his features as Bucky leans against the wall. But mixed in between, there’s something else. A confusing mess of emotions she can’t quite place. She knows though. He’s heard every last word.
“ Robin came over, started talking to Sam about some band I don’t know. Thought I’d come see if you need some help. “
“ Bucky, I — “
“ It’s fine.” He interrupts her. (Y/N) doesn’t think it’s really fine. Sometimes people just get so used to saying they feel fine, they actually start believing it. Only fine is not something you want to feel forever, is it? Fine shouldn’t be a permanent state. Fine should be temporary. A path to good. To great. To happy.
“ You sure? “
“ Yeah. I uh — I appreciate what you said.”
“ Oh sure. And I meant it. You’re my friend and you deserve all the good things life has to offer.”
He doesn’t know if he agrees with that sentiment. No, in fact, he’s sure that he doesn’t agree. While he is free of the pain that bound him to Hydra, he will never be entirely free of the guilt his past has put on him. One, he thinks, makes him undeserving of so many things. Like friends. Like happiness. Like love.
And yet it’s nice to know that other people see in him what he may never see in himself.
“ Now let’s go rescue Sam before Robin ropes him into some kind of wedding preparations.”
She says, hands Bucky a bottle, and then grabs his free hand to pull him towards the other side of the room where Robin, dressed as Jessica Rabbit, gestures around wildly as she talks to Sam.
At first, (Y/N) doesn’t even realize it but then she notices that the hand holding hers feels different. It’s not as soft to the touch as a hand usually is. The glove is warm and smooth under her skin but she wishes she could touch the metal. It’s not some kind of weird, misplaced fetishization or some sensationalism. It’s the fact that the arm is a part of Bucky as much as his eyes or his smile or his perpetual grumpiness. And she wants to know every part of him for they make him who he is, and who he is is wonderful.
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3 hours.
It’s been 3 hours since they arrived at the party. 3 hours of music he doesn’t get from artists he doesn’t know. 3 hours of staying painfully sober while everyone around him gets exponentially more drunk. 3 hours of pretending not to notice the looks he’s getting.
3 hours and then it got too much. He’s well aware that this isn’t his time. By all means, he shouldn’t be here. Not like this. Stuck in a body that doesn’t match his actual age. Forever reminded of the fact that he’s not meant to be here. Usually, he tries to ignore that. Tries to learn about new things, tries to understand.
This party puts a mirror right in front of his face though. Makes it painfully obvious that this is not where he belongs.
What a party pooper he is. He’d hate himself. If his old self could see him now, standing alone on a balcony because he didn’t like the music inside. His old self would think of him as a coward. His old self is probably right.
“ Grumpy, what are you doing out here, all by yourself?”
For a second the music from the inside spills through the doors and into the serene night, only to be cut off a second later when (Y/N) steps onto the balcony and closes the door behind her.
“ Are you not having fun? “
“ It’s not that. It’s just —”
Just what? Bucky has no idea how to put it into words. It’s moments like this one where having Steve around would be so helpful. He’d understand and he’d know what to say. Steve always knew what to say. Steve just didn’t know when to shut up.
“ You don’t have to explain yourself to me. Ever.” (Y/N) says and bumps him with her shoulder as she leans against him looking out at the New York skyline.
“ I appreciate it.”
“ I was hoping you’d like my costume,” (Y/N) confesses after a moment. “ I feel like I tell you so much about all these movies you missed out on and I don’t know, maybe it’s silly, but I wanted you to feel in the know for once. Does that make sense? “
Bucky bites his lip for everything he wants to say is not something you tell someone you’ve only just befriended a few weeks ago. Never has he felt the need to spill his heart, with all his sorrows and fears and dreams, to anyone. Not until tonight. But it’s too much to burden her with. He can hardly carry the weight himself. To put it on her would be an awfully selfish thing to do.
So he just nods his head and smiles and he says “thank you” like it doesn’t mean anything when really it means the world.
“ Okay well, since I can’t bring you to the party — “ (Y/N) says and fumbles her phone from her dress pocket “ — I’ll just have to bring the party to you.”
For a moment she just types away on the screen before a familiar tune sounds from the speakers of her phone. A familiar tune, to Bucky. One he remembers dancing to when he was a whole other man.
Glenn Miller’s Moonlight Cocktail fills the air and Bucky’s lips unwillingly lift into a smile.
“ If I remember correctly,” (Y/N) says and reaches out her hand to him “ you owe me a dance.”
Bucky laughs and shakes his head, but grabs a hold of her hand anyway “That’s not how it works. You can’t just say someone owes you something simply because you want it.”
She’s so close now. He can see the lights reflecting in her eyes, can feel her chest lift with every breath she takes.
Here’s the thing about loneliness. After a while, you get used to it. It becomes a part of your life, of yourself, like breathing and sleep. You don’t even realize that you’re missing something. Until one day you’re chest to chest with a beautiful girl who thinks you’re wonderful and worthy of her friendship. And it’s then that you realize how lonely you were and how much it hurts and how much you’ve been missing the touch of another.
“ I’ve always wanted to dance through the night. Ever since I’ve first seen Moulin Rouge in the cinema.” (Y/N) says and they start to slowly but surely sway to the music. It’s tentative steps at first, shy and unsure. Barely there moves but there after all.
Sometimes it’s enough for things to be small. The big moments, the important ones don’t need to be big at all. Some of the most important ones don’t demand a lot of space and yet they take up all the space in your heart.
“ Do you remember your first time seeing a movie at the cinema? “ she asks, looking up at him with her starlight eyes.
It’s not a memory he can recall. It’s one of those that have been lost in the shuffle. Like a sweater you love that’s been lost in the laundry or a picture frame gone missing during a move.
“ I don’t. I do remember my last trip to the cinema though.”
“Yeah? What was it?”
This memory is so vivid, it could’ve happened yesterday. He remembers the old dusty velvet seats. He remembers the propaganda spot shown before the movie, the one that put a feeling in his gut as if he’d just swallowed a sack of bricks, now knowing what was to happen but expecting it. He remembers Ruth Dillinger and her gorgeous blond hair and the way it smelled like soap and flowers. And he remembers the movie.
“ Casablanca. Saw it on a date with a girl.”
“ Aw, you took her on a movie date? Lucky girl. “
“ I don’t know if I’d go that far. I wasn’t half as respectable of a guy back then. Was more interested in sneaking a kiss in the dark than taking her to see a good movie. “
“ Did you do the whole, yawning-arm-around-the-shoulder thing?”
“ Obviously.”
“ Oh, you were just a regular casanova, Mr. Barnes? “
“ For sure. “
New York feels alive with the power of possibility. Of a night being more than a night. Of small moments being big and big moments being so tiny and intimate and small. New York feels alive with emotions. Ones Bucky doesn't understand and couldn’t understand. But either way, he feels happier in that tiny insignificant moment than he had in a long time.
“ I’ve never seen Casablanca.”
At that confession, Bucky pushes away from her a little so he can properly look at her, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“ What? It’s a classic. I have good reasons for not having seen most of your movie recommendations, what’s your excuse? “
She smiles bashfully and shrugs her shoulders “ I really don’t know. I just never got around to it. I feel like it’s such an important movie, it asks for a special occasion. Like seeing it at some fancy cinema or in concert or something. You know? “
Bucky only chuckles before pulling her close for another soft sway around the balcony.
Only the serenity doesn’t last very long as the aggressive drumming of some EDM song penetrates the quiet and Sam steps out onto the balcony.
“ Hi guys, uh — am I interrupting something ?”
“ No, no. That’s alright” (Y/N) exclaims, sounding a little flustered as she pulls away from Bucky and presses pause on her phone, plunging them all in silence.
“ I’m gonna get going in a moment. Need to catch an early flight tomorrow morning. “
“ Aw, so soon? Well okay but it was so nice to meet you Sam. You’re welcome at any future party or just drop in at the diner whenever you’re around.” (Y/N) says and pulls him into a hug.
“ I will don’t worry. Told you, I like you already.”
They share another quick hug before (Y/N) excuses herself to get Sam’s jacket from another room, leaving Sam and Bucky alone on the balcony.
“ Do not say a word!” Bucky orders as he notices yet another grin forming on Sam’s face.
“ I didn’t say anything.”
“ But you want to. I can see it.”
“ What would I possibly say, Buck? That you’ve got it bad? You know that yourself. “
“ It’s not like that.”
“ Okay, if you say so. “ Sam complies and lets another silence fall over them.
That’s until he speaks up yet again “ You dance. Man, I can’t believe it. Hey, can you waltz?”
“ Shut up! “
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The party is slowly but surely winding down. A lot of people have left by now.
Some are asleep on the couch. On the floor. Against the wall.
A few are still lingering around, talking in low voices. Slurred words, tired eyes, light hearts.
Bucky tries not to step on anyone as he maneuvers his way around the apartment, trying to find the room where (Y/N) put all the jackets. It’s time for him to go, no matter how much he wants to hold onto the moment. He’s tired and the party is as good as over. And anyway, he hasn’t seen (Y/N) in a while.
“ Psst, Grumpy“
(Y/N) peeks out from behind a door, beckoning him closer. As he steps into the room he’s embraced by a warm amber glow coming from a string of fairy lights that frame one wall.
On her bed, (Y/N) sits and leans against the headboard, balancing a laptop on her legs. The wall behind her is covered in photographs. Some of her, some of people he doesn’t know. There are pictures taken at concerts, theme parks, the beach. She’s smiling in most of them. Happy. Memories of a lifetime forever caught on film.
This, Bucky realizes then, is something he wants. Not right now but eventually. To make memories. Ones that last. Ones that don’t get taken away from him. And someone to make those memories with him.
“ Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you,” Bucky asks as she pats the blanket and he sits down on the bed next to her.
“ I’ve been looking for this movie and I finally found a decent copy we can watch.”
“ Now? “
“ Yes now. It’s supposed to be a really good one. I think you’ll like it. “
Bucky’s tired. He honestly just wants to go home and try to find at least a few hours of sleep. But she does it again, that thing where she smiles and his heart does the weird fluttery thing. And he can’t say no to that. Why would he ever want to say no to that?
So he scoots backward to rest against the headboard as well and his eyes take in the swirly white font on the screen spelling out Casablanca over the black and white image of a map of Africa.
His smile won’t be suppressed anymore. It takes over his face like it belongs right there.
"Thought you were waiting for a special occasion?"
“ I was and I found it. Now, what’s the romantic lesson I can learn from this one? “ (Y/N) asks as her head comes to rest on his right shoulder.
Bucky considers it for a moment, tries to recall exactly what happens. Some details are fuzzy, some lost altogether. But he remembers the core of it all. The love shared between two people.
“ It is about sacrificing the thing you want most in life to make sure the people you love are safe and happy. It’s about putting the one you love above yourself and breaking your own heart in order to keep theirs from breaking. Love is selfless, never selfish. And love is worth it. I think that’s what it’s about. “
“ That’s a lovely sentiment. But so sad too.”
Bucky only nods in agreement and as the title credits roll he wonders if he’ll ever get the chance to really figure out love. To fall for someone and love them so much he’d give up everything to see them happy. Even himself.
Though they call it the city that never sleeps, New York seems to grow tired. It grows calm and quiet and maybe for a second it falls into a slumber in the same way that both Bucky and (Y/N) fall asleep, cuddled up on her bed, while Ingrid Bergman flies away on a plane and Humphry Bogard walks into the black of night.
Bucky hasn’t slept in a bed in months in fear of nightmares and terrors lurking in the dark corner of his mind.
That night he doesn’t have nightmares. In fact that night he dreams. Of slow dancing on a balcony with only the stars bearing witness to the moment. He dreams of red slippers and fairy lights and black and white movies.
That night he doesn’t have nightmares. Only sweet dreams.
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Spark - 15
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shouboutai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: Hints of smutty thoughts, angst, lack of proofing, suppressed emotions, assholes, fighting, sarcasm. Not necessarily in this order. A/N: Feel free to ASK (or reblog) for tag – in fact: always reblog. Thanks to those who have already <3
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15. Choking
…   Reader   …
The dust clings to your sweaty skin as you force your way through Benimaru’s powered offence. Even if the flames he produce don’t hurt you, the heat steals your breath and the pressure of the air still feels like walking through a storm. Clenching the jaw to hold back curses, the best option is to somehow dodge the blasts of fire and come in low, aiming for his ankles in an attempt to knock him off balance.
Easier said than done. And sure enough, when your legs swing around, he simply jumps and somersaults over to land right behind you. One hand grabs one of your arms, fingers tangle into your hair, pulling your back into an arch against the knee he has you pinned with.
“Now what?” he drawls and your subconscious projects lewd images into your mind – most scenarios where he is pulling your hair for “slightly other” reasons.
Your own hand is small around his wrist but the grip is strong and he doesn’t fight as hard against you as a real attack would which means you can pull him along into a tumble that lands you splayed over him on the ground. The hard panes of his muscles cushions your back a bit while the air is knocked out of him. The only problem now is that he somehow has the wits to change the grip, locking your arms by the elbows – the tangle of limbs is angling you awkwardly and pressing you chest out and shoulders back. A slight tilt of the head brings his bored expression into view.
I can grind into his groin, catching him by surprise and -
“Waka! WAKA!” Mamoru and a few of the other men burst out into the sunlit back yard.
Fists clenched, chests heaving, and eyes filled with nervousness, it’s obvious even to you that something’s wrong. Benimaru must have realized to, because he releases you and pulls you to your feet as he urges the men for an explanation.
“Civilian cops -” Mamoru doesn’t get further for the others.
“- they’re everywhere -”
“We heard it’s the same in Sumida and Taito!”
The panicked voice glide into the background and you grab the oversized clothes you had discarded before the sparring, pulling on socks and shoes without bothering to wipe the sand off your feet.
“Other places too, but the worst thing is -”
Mamoru finally manages to overpower his team mates, “- everywhere Company Three is conveniently there too.”
Shinmon’s voice calms your galloping heart though the words are lost on you – they are not meant for you anyways, but the men who set out to track and delay the unwanted search units in their progress as according to the Worst Case Scenario Plan.
“[Y/N].” Like conjured out of nowhere, Benimaru stands before you, his hot hands wrapping tenderly but sternly around your upper arms. “Keep your head clear. You know what to do?”
You could drown in the calm fire of his mix-match eyes. “Yes.”
“Don’t come out until I come for you...” It almost seems like he wants to say something more, his gaze flicking across your face, but his mouth closes and he turns you with a slight push to get you moving.
And move you do.
For once, you don’t bother about removing your shoes as you speed inside, feet beating a scrambling tattoo as you rush down the hallways and into the men’s bathroom (keeping you gaze fixed on the window and ranting apologies to the startled guy who is unaware of anything going on outside). It’s a stretch for you to get up and through the half-sized window, only pausing to check if the little back street is clear.
As you spill out onto the ground ungracefully, a little thought in the back of you head says you’ll be bruised from this. Thankfully, adrenaline is coursing through your veins and forces the body to move on its own.
Over the wall into the neighbour’s garden.
Spot the little outhouse in the north-west corner...and onto the roof while keeping low.
The thoughts have warped into Benimaru’s voice instead of your own, keeping the objective clear just like he would have wanted. Dirty hands reach for the second floor window in the next house, sliding the loose glass pane sideways without the slightest tremble. Are those my hands? They must be, because they do as you want, reaching in and unlocking the window.
It’s a storage room, you realize after entering and closing the unorthodox entry. Technically, some bored-looking wise ass had revealed that days ago but it only really becomes relevant enough to understand now as you clock the futon in the corner. Under there, there’s a couple of altered floorboards to create a hiding space.
Pushing up the cover, you glare at the cramped spot, a hand sliding across your stomach that has gotten softer thanks to Konro’s amazing cooking granting you regular meals. It’ll be tight. Very tight.
...   Benimaru   ...
Cops. Benimaru can’t recall the last time they had set foot in Asakusa – the district has been more or less self-governing for as long as anyone can remember and institutions like police and firefighters had been a part of the neighbourhood watch roles. Still is, but a fraction of them (the ones best at handling combustions) had been selected by Konro and formed the Seventh’s Special Fire Force. The people of Asakasu protect their own...but it had still taken too long to round up the unwelcome “visitors” and even longer to find the sleazy bastard from Company Three who had managed to sneak into the headquarters.
It had taken all of Benimaru’s willpower to keep from reducing the man to ashes. The taste of blood seeped into his mouth, while Doctor Giovanni spoke of the so-called righteous need to study and use (abuse) the young woman. Fiery rage simmered beneath the captain’s skin at the outsider’s obvious lack of compassion, the refusal to see [Y/N] as a human with rights.
Thankfully, Konro had been able to think. His voice could cut stone as he calmly stated what the accepted channels for cross-jurisdiction work were and in particular how they had been violated during this “unauthorized operation”.
That’s when they were handed the official documentation overruling anyone in Asakusa. I could take them on and win. But Konro took the option away by accepting the order from the higher-ups and telling Company Seven to stand aside.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” Konro grated out.
No. The twins had been fast, grabbing the few belongings that could betray [Y/N]’s existence and stashing them in the storage together with other goodwill things.
“The intel was...incomplete,” Giovanni conceded, goosebump-inducing sweetness slathered onto every word. “I’m thankful for your help. It’s a relief to know we can trust our colleagues across all of Tokyo to be true to the law and the interest of the nation. Imagine if someone had indeed kept vital information Haijima and the Holy Sol...”
Benimaru nearly cracked his teeth at that, but managed to keep a stoic facade despite the inner rage.
“Yes, where would we be without the government?” Konro reiterated rhetorically. “Humanity would be vulnerable, and we’re here to protect the people, after all.”
The words hung for a moment heavy in the room until the sound of departing vehicles rumbled by the building. Police is leaving.
“...indeed. Yes.” A few fingers touched the brim of the hat, tipping it lightly in salute. “At least today was...fruitful.”
What? The two men in charge of Company Seven didn’t dare move until the door had closed behind Giovanni. [Y/N]. I have to...she has to...if she’s not -
“Beni.” Konro’s hand was heavy on the younger man’s shoulder, his eyes darker than normal with worry. “You have to wait ‘til they are gone.”
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Usami Tokishige
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🎵 This may become a little brutal If I'm honest but It's any-anything for you my dear, I promise 🎶 You can figure our what I was listening to while writing this piece. Anyway, hope you’ll like it, anon!  You can check tosikowrites tag for more.  Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The fact that Usami fell in love and now can’t shut up about them is not that surprising since the soldiers of the 7th Division have already witnessed his unhealthy obsession with the First Lieutenant. The dangerous aura of infinite adoration he carries does not bother others as much as well, maybe, because now his cursed energy has more output options, you know? It is not concentrated on one person and seems not so intense. Seems.
No matter how wild his fantasy runs, Usami behaves himself in their presence. Of course, his nerves are as taut as a rope since if he loosens up his attention he may not contain his passion…Chooses words carefully so as not to push them away and comes across as a lovely bubbly young man with the cutest smile! Even sitting in silence together is special. Usami can’t quit staring at them, they are so majestic!
He wants to follow them everywhere. Eat together, go on morning walks together, sleep together. Usami is a human version of burdock that will either quite by accident bump into his crush every other day or shamelessly ask them if they will be in this specific place or if they want to go there with him.
Personal boundaries? Don’t know her. As soon as his loved one gives him green light, Usami’s hands are all over the place. If he isn’t pinching their pink cheeks then he is patting their head. If he isn’t patting their head, he might be squeezing their ass. Usami is all about physical affection in every possible way, and it is extremely important for him to touch his partner. He might even lose it when they put a hand on his knee or take him by the hand, leave alone anything spicier.
Usami will end anyone who steps between him and his loved one. For him this is a cut-throat axiom, it is as natural as breathing, and it should be obvious to the surrounding. Anyone who wants to separate them automatically signs their own death sentence that will be carried out immediately by Usami himself.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
To be friends with the rabid Superior Private, you have to be a mad lad with no moral compass (the questionable moral compass is ok too) just like him or be a literal angel with the patience of a sage and a heart of gold to deal with the chaos Usami brings into your life. Also, this person has to have impeccable reflexes just in case he decides to cut this friendship off. Takagi Tomoharu didn’t and where is he now?
With such a friend, nothing is scary. Friendship with Usami provides invulnerability in situations where an ordinary person would think twice. In addition to that, Tokishige doesn’t really look for troubles and prefers to spend time like a real hedonist: red-light district workers know his preferences very well, the owner in his favorite diner always meets him with a question “the usual?”, and Usami knows places to hang around in general. His friend gets to experience life delights with him as well.
He needs so much attention! If it was up to him, Usami would spend at least an hour every day with them even when they have already talked about every single thing in the world. Everyday chats about nothing are cool, mutual flattery is appreciated. These points lead to Usami being overly possessive: if his best friend suddenly starts spending more time with someone else, he will definitely take action against this stumbling block.
Demands that his friend to follow the “the enemy of my friend is my enemy” rule. They are obligated to get embittered at Ogata. No, Usami doesn’t explain why, they just have to.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Usami has restless ass syndrome. It’s like restless legs syndrome but with ass: he can’t sit still for more than 15 minutes. Cuddles do not last longer than that and often progress into steamy making out. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to cuddle though. Usami prefers to do it while leaving some space for moving so the leg hug is just perfect. Any other position including classical spooning feels like a rabbit trap.
If his partner is bigger than he is, Usami will definitely lie on their chest with legs wiggling up in the air. First of all, now he can see their lovable face, and second of all, he is on top which means being in control.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Eeeh. Does he want to settle down? No, not really. Let’s say, there was no reason for him to think about settling down but even if there was, Usami would aggressively shake his head in negation. He is, just like Koito, too young to plan a quiet family life, and, at the moment, living on the wheels without thinking up ahead seems much more exciting than being chained to one place with one person. In his head, things are kind of overexaggerated but the answer to the question is still no for the next 10 years for sure.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It is highly unlikely that Usami will break up with his partner in a proper manner. Self-deprecating comments and taking the blame for a failed relationship have no place in his explanation if he even decides to talk about it. Most likely Usami will leave them as spontaneously and unexpectedly as he popped up in their life in the first place: hops on a horse, gives them short indifferent look over the shoulder, and fades into the darkness of the night to never be seen again. Maybe, it’s for the better since Usami doesn’t have to face the fact he has nothing to say. Well, he chooses to be silent since crushing them with disinterest that makes the kid throw the old toy into the toybox doesn’t please him either. No check-ups, no letters, no “let’s stay friends”.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Avoids this question to the last minute because he is too young to commit and jump into family life. Usami reminds me of the type of person who wants to experiment in youth so that in old age he would not regret missing exciting opportunities. There is not a chance he will propose until he comes to the conclusion that he has already seen and experienced the most impressive stuff. So, maybe, from 7 to 10 years? Most definitely feels neutral about having an affair or two since he has a pretty lenient conscience.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally? Absolute emptiness with, perhaps, distorted memories of family love arising here and there. His feelings are strong, aggressive, filled with preceding excitement before the upcoming fun. Calm states of mind such as serenity, clarity, boundless love are too underwhelming for Usami. Wouldn’t call him gentle in the physical sense either: life is motion, and he has to move or do something, anything to feel alive, and impatience makes his moves rough and harsh. Even in a gentle embrace, it seems that he squeezes his loved one to their ribs cracking. He kisses them out until they want to slip out of his hands like a gasping fish. They may like it, they may not, but Usami doesn’t loosen his love grip and remains a (little) wild in the relationship.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Usami hugs them at the most unexpected moments, takes them by storm to squeeze the hell out of them. Perhaps these are his favorite ones, to pick them up high and spin, leaving their legs tingling in the air like a ragdoll.
His hands never stay in one place. Feeling their warm body under the fingertips is indescribable pleasure so Usami gives himself free rein to rub their back, squeeze their sides, press them to his chest, and nuzzle into their neck. He may bite them as well.
Can’t stand to be hugged when he is obviously busy to the point where Usami can kinda gently push them away but sees no problem when he does the same to his partner. Believes that everything can be forgiven for his big puppy eyes (and other particular qualities).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Casually says it on like the second day of official dating over the cup of tea. Hard to say if he is for real so confident in his feelings or if he does it to check their reaction but nevertheless. Usami looks his loved one right in the eyes with undisguised beaming complacency, and his confession is short, definite, and unobjectionable. Propping his chin with his pale hands, he immediately returns to the casual conversation and keeps going joyfully about whatever on his mind like Usami didn’t just murmur how he is in love with them forever and for ever. After that, he is elated. Confession is a kind of seal of belonging to him, consent of another person is optional, it doesn't matter at all, all that does it that they are his and he is theirs.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This shit is scary for everybody involved. Usami doesn’t get jealous per se but he has a strong feeling of having his loved one in his possession. Should someone try to covet his partner as hell breaks loose: regardless of who exactly was the initiator, - his loved one or another person, - Usami immediately takes action. In his mind, his partner can’t be guilty of infidelity, they were simply coerced into foul play and have to be taught how to recognize such a thing, they are innocent. This awful other person is different though, they are the ones who need to be taught some manners.
To start a fight Usami needs one dirty look, one carelessly thrown word. This is just an excuse to allow himself to take out all the anger on the poor soul. If Koito likes to gab hours on end but secretly hoping to avoid getting physical, Usami sees talking as a waste of time. Of course, if one fight is not enough, then Usami can go in for murder.
After the accident, he acts a lot rougher with his partner forcing them deeper into submission. To maintain ego and control and to be sure that they know their place, Usami needs praise, persuasion, and tons of physical affection.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves the concept of kissing, loves to kiss, and to be kissed. Sees every kiss as a personal signature but also, on another level, rewarding pastime so Usami is all about steamy make-out sessions. He is eager and rough, oftentimes marks his partner in visible areas with not only bright hickeys but with straight out bites. The look of dark crescents from his teeth scattering on their delicate neck turns Usami on like nothing else.
Likes to be kissed all over the body, would prefer them to be as rough though since casual soft kisses don’t really set a mood for him. The same goes for them, Usami won’t leave a spot unkissed on their body. Has a thing for the neck, wrists, and insides of the thighs.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Don’t let him around kids because it seems like Usami is good at it but in reality, he just builds up an army of naughty children to throw eggs at the neighbor's door. He like a devil coerces the goody angel into a mini-revolution under the nose of parents without offering any candy. Give this man a free hand, remove Tsurumi from his life, and you’ll see Usami growing into a cult leader. So, yes, he is pretty good with children older than like 5-6 years old, can’t do shit with babies younger than that. Usami hasn’t thought about being a father himself because beyond pranks and fun he knows absolutely nothing, zero, nada about raising children.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Incredibly active and varied if Usami managed to fall asleep before midnight the day before. He unceremoniously wakes his partner up either covering their face with kisses or pulling the blanket off them or starting a pillow fight. Expects his loved one to rise and shine without spending an hour just sitting here with an empty stare in the void.
Even when Usami collapses in the bed at dawn, it is possible that he will accidentally wake them up with a sweeping elbow blow to the nose. During the cold season, his partner should be ready to wake up trembling without a blanket. This bastard steals it every other night.
It is rare to see Usami cooking or doing anything useful at all in the house in the morning. He prefers to wander around while his partner lays the table and talk out loud to himself.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Unpredictable. He may get lost for an evening, come back with no explanation (we all know he was up to no good), and crash next to them with a smug smile. Other nights Usami can’t leave them alone: it feels like it is vital for him to fiddle with their fingers, play with their hair, pull them into a tight hug. The maximum relaxation effect is achieved with a couple of bitter sake shots drunk before meals.
Sleeping. Nobody canceled messed up sleeping schedule (check out the last letter of the alphabet) so Usami may have to make up for it by going to bed as early as 8 p.m.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Opens up slowly but doesn't pay much attention to what exactly he is saying. Everything that has happened to the present moment is already history so Usami treats it as such. What once pleased or upset him does not evoke any strong emotions now and he easily reveals his past to the loved one. Usami, of course, avoids mentioning the murder of his friend but with a partner who very clearly shows their loyalty, he will not hesitate to describe how much it turned him inside out and changed him, opening doors to the darkest corners of his soul. In return, Usami asks his loved one tons of questions from favorite color to a relationship with their mother, feeling free to ask the most intrusive ones.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He is in the state of the boiling kettle 24/7, ready to whistle for any given reason. Not that he is that angry, but definitely in an unstable state of mind. When he gets pissed off, Usami doesn't change in the face, except that his smile can get even wider baring sharp small teeth. In most cases, other people have to restrain his anger so the military does a good job at keeping Superior Private in check with an iron fist out of battles and letting him go wild when the situation requires it.
In the relationship, Usami teeters on the brink just like the outside of it but his reactions to upsetting situations are milder and are easily resolved by sublimating desire to destroy into intense workout, make out, etc. He is easy to blow out but he tries really hard to do not harm his loved one.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
There is a whole room in his mind palace to store volumes of information about the loved one. Usami thrives on discovering different aspects of his partner’s personality in deep conversations and in characteristic behavior that he enjoys so much to observe. Therefore, nothing goes unnoticed.
Perfectly navigates the tone of their voice: Usami knows exactly how their sadness sounds when they try to veil it with cheerful words and when to step back when they rise their voice in a fit of anger. Awfully useful with a person who has a hard time communicating and/or expects others to understand them just like that.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He doesn’t have a favorite one. All meaningful moments like the first meeting, first kiss, other first times occupy equally important places in his heart so if asked Usami will murmur how every second with them is unthinkably precious and he can’t pick just one!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ready to faithfully protect his partner in the most dangerous situations. It is obvious, isn’t it? Usami will cover them like a shield on the battlefield, but most of the time he prefers to eliminate the source of danger: thanks to a state of perpetual alert and intense adrenaline rush, he can ignore multiple injuries for hours while shooting off foes. Usami lacks the voice of reason so he tends to overreact when it is completely out of place.
Oh, Usami doesn’t let anybody touch his loved one. As soon as he sees a hand reaching to them, he reflexively grabs it if not twists it with excessive force. Strangers understand they should not mess with Usami from his piercing look but there is always a fool who tempts fate in vain.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Not that much. He doesn't bother planning dates and gifts but sometimes there are moments of enlightenment that make Usami sit down and think about how to impress his loved one in a good way. Most of the time he prefers spontaneity to foresight since in his mind whatever is fun to him will work for them too.
Anniversaries are the dates when Usami is all sweetness and light: he runs around his loved one ready to bend over backward for their enjoyment. Seriously, he is ready to be used as a footrest for the whole day if it’s what they want.
Slacks on everyday tasks though, he is great at avoiding daily chores under the stupidest pretext.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I won't even start talking about how unhinged he is, you should have had figured it out by now. I just have to mention again that this is an integral personality trait and Usami cannot physically change it. Take it or leave it. He is not forcing anybody to participate in his violent misadventures but he won’t tolerate attempts to stop them.
Control freak, Usami thinks he owns a person when in the relationship. He quite seriously believes that he is in control of their life and can decide whether they can or cannot do particular things. Of course, if they do not act in accordance with Usami’s wishes, they will be punished to prevent further misbehavior.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Usami’s skin is naturally silky and he likes to keep it this way despite the harsh weather conditions. Nobody knows if he is using any creams or other cosmetics but the fact remains: his face is almost baby-like soft. Also, running men tattoos fade quickly due to their location so Usami has to renew them quite often. He does it with enviable regularity and forbids everyone (except his partner and First Lieutenant) to touch his cheeks. His clothes are in fair condition as well as his shoes. Usami wears his clothes neatly, and never wears them off to the holes and patches.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
All attempts to break up with Usami end with his theatrical chuckle and short “good joke, darling”: they are not going anywhere until he allows them to do so. The more times his partner brings this dumb question up, the angrier he gets, barely hiding it behind biting his lips. By the time his patience bursts, Usami has already come up with a plan to keep them by his side, voluntarily or compulsorily. If they decide to leave him because they didn’t get enough attention and affection, Usami will try to fulfill their every whim. If they express their concerns regarding his behavior, Usami will learn how to hide unsightly features better. All in all, he is not going to let them go just because they want to. It seems that the risk of ending on the side of the road gives him even more fervor to fight for their love.
The only thing that remains for his loved one is to leave Usami with no farewell letter left behind. Otherwise, they risk gaining a stalker with military experience under his belt. Not the best combination if you ask me.
If they were killed, Usami one hundred percent will find their murderer and tear them apart. Literally. He snaps, he is not going to hold back any longer.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Must be an obvious one but Usami is a kinky bastard. He tries such things to which no adequate person would agree or if they did it is unlikely that they would tell anyone about it. This applies not only to sexual behavior, he is eccentric in general, he is not held back by social rules and limits of decency. Usami would set few things on fire just to see how long it takes each to burn to the crisps. Sucks fingers and toes. I don’t know, he does everything you are kind of uncomfortable to do. Might fuck around and start another war idk.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Can’t handle boring people. Looking at what he considers “boring” people tells that it includes people with no character, withdrawn from society and recent events, silly and predictable ones. First, most likely they would not interact with Usami considering how unhinged he is. He is more trouble than he is worth, you know. And secondly, Usami doesn’t notice them in the crowd. If his loved one happens to be too boring, he will leave them, sooner or later.
Anyone standing between him and First Lieutenant can forget about any relationship with Usami. It is impossible. The gears in his head are spinning like crazy to come up with a perfect plan and get away with their murder. No hard feelings, but Usami’s obsession with Tsurumi isn’t going anywhere, and the only scenario he can agree with is dating someone who if doesn’t support it then at least doesn’t try to ward him off of it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
His sleep schedule is an absolute mess with no hint of changing in the future. First of all, Usami sleeps 4-6 hours per day, can’t sleep during the day so he doesn’t take naps and doesn’t nodes off. At the same time, these short hours of sleep do not stick to night time only: sometimes Usami decides to go to bed at 3 a.m. still full of energy, other days he crawls under the blanket at 6 p.m. exhausted to the point of collapsing. He never complains about sleep, sees almost acid-trippy dreams a few times a month, and not even once had to take a pill to fall asleep.
Sleeps like a dead man with limbs entwined around his loved one. His lips break into a sweet smile as Usami throws a leg over their body and presses himself closer. He looks so peaceful you’d never think this man can bite your hand and throw you out of the window uwu.
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twinkleallnight · 4 years
Melting moments
Here's wishing all a very happy new year with a new year one shot. This happens many years before the social season.
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Word count: 1206
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Teen or PG
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It was a chilling new year eve when Kiara tightened the jacket around her slim waist to keep warm. Her straight jet black hair tossed over her arms as she sprinted in her sneakers, moving swiftly on the docks of Portavira. She was late for her plans to meet her best friend.
This was their last year as teens and they got a permission to celebrate on the Ebrim’s personal yacht, just the two of them. She knew well, how her bestie was an introvert and preferred to celebrate in minimal company.
She climbed the yacht gently, up the deck. Isolde, the white pet poodle was sprawled next to a mat and lazily lifted it’s head to give a welcome glance and rested it’s chin back on its paws in disinterest.
Penelope, the owner, as fair as the fur of the poodle, sat on the mat, her lonely blue eyes looking at the clear night sky. A wisp of cold winter air ruffled her short black hair and she shivered slightly in response.
“Hey Pen!”
“Kiki.” Came out the short reply.
Kiara dumped her purse and the jute bag next to the mat and sat down beside Penelope. Her black eyes tried to catch Penelope’s direction of gaze in the sky.
“You know you should have come to the royal palace for the Christmas party. It was so much fun!” Kiara started, pulling out the thermos from the bag.
“I had a quite one with Isolde.” Penelope patted her dog.
“I know but you missed your chance to meet the princes.” Kiara said as she poured out their favourite drinks in the mugs she had carried along.
“I suppose you enjoyed.” Penelope said grabbing her hot chocolate from Kiara.
“Ouiii!” Kiara said with a squeal. The memories of the party filled her heart with warmth, as warm as her hands around her coffee mug.
“You texted me that there was something you wanted to tell me. Is it related to the prince?” Penelope asked coldly, caressing her dog with her free hand.
“Not exactly.” Kiara sighed seeing that her friend wasn’t interested much.
Penelope understood that she needed to pep up for her friend. She could tell her own sad story later. She turned around to give Kiara undivided attention with a smile. “Okay tell me all about it.”
That gesture was enough for Kiara, to open up her treasured chest of stories from her visit to the royal palace.
“You know the crown prince Leo? He is very handsome. The pictures in the Trend magazine don’t do justice to him at all.”
“You spent time with him?”
“Non. He was flirtatious.” Kiara said with a frown. “And there was this Madeleine drooling over him all the time. But his younger brother prince Liam is a real gem. He is so chivalrous and, and…” she fanned out her hands trying to explain.
“Oh, so he was the one?”
“Noooo! Not him…” Kiara blushed and that made Penelope’s eyes go wide. Kiara usually was too focused to bother about any guy around, leave alone getting affected by anyone in particular. She was staring in the blank with a stupid grin on her face.
“Kiki, I am listening.” Penelope waved her hand in front of Kiara’s eyes to bring her back from her trance.
“I am sorry.” Kiara giggled. “He was so cool; he had that rugged look, yet a dashing smile on his face. He had an oomph but a snarky tongue. He carried his simple attire in a most stylish way, making him stand out even in that fashionable crowd of nobles. His eyes had a shine and he could kill you when he narrowed them with that look. He had a magnetism and his dark hair...”
“Oh. My. God.” Penelope blurted.
“What?” Kiara asked puzzled.
“What happened to the future minister of foreign affairs, Kiara Theron? Look at you, you are smitten!”
Kiara straightened up and fumbled with her reply. “Its okay to slip once in a while.” And she went at it again. “It’s not every day that one comes across a stunning species like Drake Walker.”
“So, that’s what the king of the hearts is called.” Penelope beamed at Kiara who was melting in her new found feelings.
“Drraake!” Kiara uttered his name with a stretch as if drinking through each letter. “Oui, that’s him.”
“Who is this Drake Walker?”
“He is Prince Liam’s best friend. Although he is some commoner’s son.” Kiara said it casually as if being a commoner didn’t matter to her at all.
“That explains why I haven’t heard of him or seen him.”
“I think I can solve that problem.” She said flipping through her phone, her fingers nimble over the keys. She opened the phone gallery and flashed a smile when she came across the snap that she had captured stealthily at the palace. She thrust the phone almost in Penelope’s face in excitement. “That’s my hero!”
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Penelope had seen prince Liam’s pictures in the magazines many a times so her eyes immediately fixed on the dark-haired young man beside the prince. “He is good.” Penelope gave a simple approval.
“Just good?”
“Kiki.” Penelope took a deep breath. “Its just that, he is your clover brew coffee and I am still searching for my hot chocolate.”
She knew they were poles apart in their choices. Penelope's sweetest tastes against Kiara’s sharp ones. Penelope’s romantic ideas against Kiara’s practical decisions. But that seemed to be tossed over with the advent of this new guy.
“Well, you could have met your hot chocolate if only you would have agreed to accompany me to the Royal’s Christmas party.” Kiara rolled her eyes and kept looking at her phone, the picture still on the screen.
“As if he was there.” Penelope said with sarcasm.
“I think I may know who exactly your hot chocolate is.”
“Who?” Penelope asked curiously.
Kiara started excitedly, “There is this noble house to the west of the Capitol. Their son, I think… No, I am sure, you will like him.”
“What’s so special about him?”
“He was sweet just like you and he sat gazing at the stars.” Penelope glared at Kiara. “Don’t look at me like that. That’s not all. He drank choco chip and vanilla crème and talked about his pet dog all the time.”
“Kiki, as much as I like that, you are acting silly. Just because you were bit by love bug, it’s not necessary for me to fall for someone at the same time.”
“Fine, I agree. But promise me, next chance you are coming with me to the palace.” Kiara stretched out her palm.
“Sure. I promise.” Penelope placed her hand in Kiara’s.
They both hugged and sat with Isolde beside them, looking towards the land as the time ticked to midnight. The fireworks from the duchy filled up the sky to mark the new year between the poodles relentless barking.
“Happy new year!” both wished each other in unison. Penelope fondled Isolde and it calmed down.
“Ahm… What is his name?” Penelope asked.
“Whose?” Kiara asked lost in her blissful imaginations.
“The hot chocolate.”
Kiara laughed out, curling her arms around Penelope. “Maxwell. Lord Maxwell Beaumont.”
Tags: @ao719 @annekebbphotography @anjanettexcordonia @bebepac @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonianroyalty @drakewalker04 @eadanga @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @kat-tia801 @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog @islandcrow @jessiembruno @jovialyouthmusic @jaxsmutsuo @kingliam2019 @khoicesbyk @lifeaskim @lisha1valecha @lovablegranny @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @no-one-u-know @ntoraplayschoices @princessleac1 @ritachacha @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @shanzay44 @texaskitten30 @queenrileyrose @sanchita012 @sfb123 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Unexpected [7/8]
Pairing: Dabi x reader, Hawks x reader, Touya x reader
Fluff, angst, AU
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of cheating, 18+ scene but not as graphic
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: Let me know if you would like to be tagged in the finale! Please let me know your thought as well! :)
Summary: Being quirkless wasn’t so bad. Especially when you had two badass best friends that had amazing quriks to make up for it. That is until one of them breaks your heart by disappearing in thin air. And the other breaks your heart by wanting to focus on his hero work. After coming back to Japan after studying abroad for 5 years, you were in for a whirlwind of surprises.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
He didn’t like it. Every time he saw it, it made his skin crawl. Itching. Scratching. He couldn’t resist the urge to rip through his skin until it was raw with blood. This wasn’t apart of the plan.
You. And Dabi.
What was this situation? Since when did this happen? Did Dabi use him for his own needs? Whatever it was, he needed to stop it. The hand holding, the cuddles, the gifts, the loud sex – all of it had to go. The plan to terrorize the number three hero was on a stand still. All because of Dabi. It was always his way. But Shigaraki was going to finally show him who’s boss. A woman, tall and slender, walks through the door, wearing very high heels and a fitted, black coat that ends at her knees. She smiles at Shigaraki. He gives her a signal and she already knows that to do. As if she’s been here before, she walks down the hall and into a certain someone’s room.
“Are you sure about this?” Kurogiri asks the leader who is overwhelmed with power at the moment. He brushes him off and walks off.
“I got everything under control,” he scowls. He takes his time walking in the direction of the woman and joins her on the bed. Now he waits. And he’s itching with anticipation and pure excitement. When the door opens, Dabi appears to see Shigaraki… and a random woman? When he gets a closer look, he sees that it’s not just some random person. Dabi’s eyes darken and closes the door, blocking it so that no one could come in.
“What is this?” he asks coldly, not even glancing at the woman once, who was already scooting closer to the edge of the bed.
“Dabi! Just the man I wanted to see!” Shigaraki claps his hand together, standing up to be face to face. This doesn’t earn a positive response from said man. Dabi stares at Shigaraki with cold, dead, unamused eyes. But Dabi’s response also doesn’t faze him. “I brought you a present.” Shigaraki moves out of Dabi’s view and reveals the woman behind him. She’s already unrobed, revealing a sexy, black lingerie set that barely covers the private parts. No matter how seductive she was trying to make herself, Dabi wasn’t sparing her a glance.
“Take it back.” He says in the same cold tone of voice.
“Don’t be like that. I thought you’d be a little bored of our little prisoner. So I brought back and old friend of yours.” Shigaraki ‘kindly’ gifted. That’s when Dabi finally spared the woman a glance. She definitely was no stranger. He’s had her over a handful of times for a quick pleasure, but that’s all it was. Now that he’s found you, he couldn’t look at anybody else. He was no longer turned on by every woman that passed him. He no longer had any desire to share intimate moments with anyone else besides you. Dabi knew that Shigaraki was up to no good. There had to be a reason why he brought a woman from his past here. And he had an idea but he hoped that he was wrong.
“I appreciate the thought, but no thanks.” Dabi declined his offer with no hesitation. Now that that nonsense was over with, he needed to find you. When Dabi took one step, Shigaraki said something that angered him to the core.
“I just thought it’d be fun if we switched it up a bit. You go back to your old ways while I take a turn at (y/n),” Shigaraki tested him, smirking because he knew that got him. Dabi was frozen in his spot. Anger and fear washed over his whole body. The thought of Shigaraki ravishing over your body made him feel sick. Dabi pivoted on one foot, turned around and began to release his blue flames. He was going to burn Shigaraki so bad that he regrets even thinking about this idiot plan. But Shigaraki was too fast. He already saw the attack coming. Before Dabi turned around, he was already moving towards him, holding his wrist with all 5 fingers. The moment his 5th finger came into contact with his wrist, his skin immediately started to crumble. With wide eyes, Dabi watched at this wrist started to dissolve right in front of him. Dabi grabbed his wrist with his free hand in pain. Shigaraki took his distraction to lean up in his ear.
“Listen to me and fuck this girl or I will enjoy wrapping my hands around (y/n)’s throat and watch her disintegrate. Slowly. And painfully.” Shigaraki breathed in his ear. Then he started to laugh uncontrollably. “I wonder what her face would look like when her life is being sucked out of her.”
“You bastard,” Dabi managed to breath out, fighting out the pain.
“Agree and none of it will happen. Swear on it,” Shigaraki promised, giving him a choice. But the blue eyed man was still skeptical.
“If I agree, you won’t touch a hair on her?” Shigaraki hums in response. Reluctantly, Dabi agrees. The leader lets go of his already ruined wrist and he is doubled over in pain.
“Perfect. Get to it,” was Shigaraki’s last words before leaving the room on his way to find you.
 You just got out of the shower that was located in the basement. You could have used the bathroom that was upstairs, but it looked like it was occupied so back down to the basement you went. It wasn’t so bad either. You got out a nice, steamy shower and some of your things were still in your old room. As you brushed your hair in front of the mirror in your room, you couldn’t help but think about your first time here. How you were first brought here and Dabi gave you an extra blanket because it was cold. And how you refused to eat and snuck out at nights. A lot has happened that you weren’t aware of. Some time has passed, huh? Look at your situation now. You never imagined dating your long lost childhood friend who also happened to be in the nation’s most wanted villain group.
As you were getting into your thoughts and memories, the door busted open, and in walked Shigaraki. Upon seeing him, chills ran down your spine. What was he doing here? You’ve been trying to hard to avoid him but now he’s come to you first? You continue to keep an eye on his movements as you continue to do whatever you were doing. He’s learning by the doorway, doing nothing in particular. Just standing there. He was leaving an eerie feeling on you. You can’t help but feel anxious that he was going to do something to you.
“I don’t get it,” he suddenly says, now having your full attention. There was no context to it. Like he was talking to himself, but he wasn’t. “I don’t see how he could find you attractive. Other girls he brought home were much more beautiful.” You feel a pang upon hearing those words. But you had no idea what he was talking about.
“What are you talking about?” you dared to ask. Perfect. Little did you know, Shigaraki trapped you right where he wanted.
“Oh you didn’t know? Our good friend Dabi used to bring over a different girl every.night.” at this point, you’re completely turned around, looking at Shigaraki with furrowed brows. And you were listening very intently. “And since there’s no girls around lately, he’s probably just stuck to you because he’s bored.” He states nonchalantly. You’re heart clenches even more and you could already feel the tears. But you knew Shigaraki. You tried to calm your breathing to realize that this is Shigaraki we were talking about. He’s a conniving, vicious person. For all you know, he could only be saying this to try to separate you two. You knew that he didn’t like you and Dabi’s relationship. This could be a trick and you were falling for it. Shigaraki could see the confliction in your eyes and smirked. “Oh, you don’t believe me? Why don’t you go check his room right now?”
Curiosity killed the cat. You managed to stand on your shaky legs and made your way to Dabi’s room. You didn’t want to believe it. He has to be lying. There’s no way Dabi would do that to you. You walked slow with Shigaraki following close behind you. You heart started to beat in your ears. Your eyes watering. Palms sweaty and shaking. If Shigaraki was following the act up until this point, he must be telling the truth.
The moment you made it to the hallway, you heard it. Moaning and the bed creaking. Your heart physically dropped to the floor and you bit your lip to stop the tears that were already streaming down your face. Even though you could obviously hear a woman’s voice, that didn’t prove anything yet. You had to see Dabi’s face to confirm that it was really him. No matter how much it hurt, you just had to see. You continued to walk until you were right in front of your boyfriend’s door. The noise was indefinitely coming from inside. You clenched your eyes shut and opened the door slowly with trembling hands. It was just a crack but you saw a sight that broke your heart in ways that you didn’t know could break.
There he was. Pounding the mysterious woman from behind while his lips were attached to her neck. It was only for a split second through a small crack through the door, but there was no doubt that it was him. You saw all the scars, his hair, his body. You felt like a fool.  There was nothing else to see. Shigaraki proved his point. Without saying another word, you stormed off to your old room where you belonged.
Dabi heard you open the door. His heart sank when he saw your expression in the mirror but he had to keep the act up. He couldn’t risk you putting you in danger in the hands of Shigaraki. As soon as he saw your crying figure disappear, he immediately threw the woman off him. She was whining but he couldn’t care less. He was only using her for Shigaraki’s selfish needs and nothing more. He quickly put on the rest of his clothes and made his way out the door. When he left his room, he saw Shigaraki standing there with the dirtiest grin on his face. They made eye contact, both glaring at each other before Dabi walks away to go straight to you.
You felt trapped. Like you did when you first arrived, only worse. The pain in your chest just wouldn’t go away. No matter how many times you beat on your chest, it only seems to increase.  The image of Dabi with another woman was all you could see. When you closed and opened your eyes, it was that. And it was literally driving you insane.
When you finally reached your room, you slammed the door, the noise could be heard around the entire building. Sadly, the room you were in was the only comforting thing. You felt safe in the cold, cement room you were in. But the only thing you really hated was that there was no lock so you couldn’t lock yourself in no matter how much you wanted to. All you could wish for was to be alone but with no lock, anyone could come in at any time. And currently, Dabi entering was an absolute nightmare to think about because who knows how you could act.
Dabi walks by and all he could hear was your cries. He did this. There was no excuse. He reached for the doorknob but paused midair. Then he clenched his hand into a fist and sighed. Contrary to the emotionless expression that he wore, he started feeling foreign feelings that he hasn’t experienced in a long time. Heartbreak. It hurt. It was suffocating. Was this what you were feeling too? Ignoring the consequences, he carefully entered your room. He saw you laying on your bed, head stuffed in a pillow, crying your heart and soul out. Fuck.
“(y/n)…” he called out your name and you flinched at the voice. Out of nowhere, anger controlled your entire body. You’ve never felt so much rage. You weren’t you anymore. You rose from the bed, throwing your tear-strained pillow at him. When that wasn’t enough, you threw anything and everywhere you could get your hands on at him. That wasn’t stopping him though, he kept taking small strides to you, understanding your frustrations. When he was close enough, he reached his arms out to embrace you but you slapped him in the face. Dabi has never seen such an expression on you before. As if his heart could break even more, you said it.
“I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!” you screamed at the top of your lungs. As if it was the only phrase you could come up with, you continuously yelled at him while slamming your fists in his chest. All Dabi could do was take the hits and watch as you crumble before him.
“I should have never trusted you,” you managed to say in between sobs when you calmed down a bit. But you were still seething with rage. “I was so dumb to ever believe you had actual feelings for me. You were using me. And for what you nasty fuck! Why! Why did you get close to me?! Why me! Out of everybody to kidnap, it had to be me! I just want to go back… fuck!” you sobbed into your hands. God, you probably looked pathetic right now. You were hyperventilating while snot was coming out of your nose and tears were violently flowing nonstop. Dabi didn’t know what to say. What could he say? You weren’t going to listen to him no matter what. All he could do was comfort you from afar but even that wasn’t even doing anything.
“(y/n), just listen to me-” Dabi tried to explain but you cut him off with a scoff.
“Why should I ever listen to again? You’re just a villain.” You spat with no remorse.
“You know I’m more than that,” he says, not fazed with your words at all. You didn’t mean them. You were just hurt in the moment, he knew that.
“Then prove it,” you proposed a challenge. One that Dabi would truly have to make if he wanted to keep you. “Leave the league.”
“You know I can’t do that,” he sighed, looking at you with regretful eyes. You stood there in silence, staring at his face. Why did you even ask? So that he could prove his love for you? Because for some reason, you just had a slimmer of hope that he could still chose you? Pathetic. Do you not learn? You turned around so that your back was to him.
“Leave, I don’t want to see you,” you say, now completely exhausted. Physically and emotionally. You really needed to be by yourself right now. And Dabi obliged without another word. And to think that he would fight for you. How many times were you going to be disappointed? When Dabi opens your door, you say something that only he could hear and it would scar his heart forever. “I regret ever meeting you again.”
 Meanwhile, Hawks gave up on the police a long time ago. He was on a solo mission – to save you. After much searching and bribing, he found where the League of Villains were hiding and was sure that you had to be there. He had to take the chance. Any moment of hesitation could cost you your life. Hawks stood on top of one of the buildings nearby, keeping a good eye on the entrance.
Think, think, think Hawks.
Without a seconds hesitation, Hawks released one of his feathers to infiltrate its way in. Left, right. You weren’t there. His feather traced the entire building swiftly and Hawks was taking a mental note of what the space looked like. Come on, concentrate Hawks. You had to be here somewhere. The red feather made its way down the stairs and into a room. Hawks raised a brow when he sensed a figure in the room. Cautiously, the feather made its way to the figure. They picked it up, looking at it curiously.
You were in the middle of crying when something tickled your foot. You looked down, your tears blurring your vision. Wiping your tears away, you saw a red feather on the ground. You picked it up and examined it, leaving you utterly confused. Immediately, you thought of Keigo. But how could that be possible?
“Keigo?” you subconsciously called out his name. The vibrations went straight to Hawks and that’s when he knew.
“Found ya.”
Now that he’s found you, his plan was going into action. He left several of his feathers come flying into the building, pinning down every person that came into sight. And it was a shock to everyone. Toga, Twice and Spinner were all tied up in his feathers, unable to move. Hawks was ruthless towards Shigaraki. Not only did he have him pinned against the wall, but his feathers pierced him several times throughout the body, causing the man to cry out in pain.
“Kurogiri!” Shigaraki called out for help. But Hawks was faster. He sent another feather to pierce straight through Kurorigi ‘s body, knocking him out long enough to save you. Hawks quickly storms through the League of Villain’s hideout and made his way to where you and his feather was, ignoring all the threats and looks he was getting. He sees the door you were kept in. He let his feathers destroy the wall, creating an opening straight to you. You were crying.
Dabi hears a massive crash and yelling from upstairs. Immediately, his thoughts were to you. He had to be with you and protect you.
“Shit, (y/n),” he whispered to himself and was in the middle of turning around to run to you. But when he did turn, you were already in the arms of the number three hero. You look at Dabi and he was looking straight back at you with pleading eyes. But your heart ached even more. You couldn’t look at him anymore. So you hid your face in the crook of Keigo’s neck, holding onto him tight. Hawks barely spares him a glance before flying out of there with you in his arms.
A/N: Still TeamDabi? Or TeamHawks?
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @ditu-m9 @snuckerfrcnicken @flowersgirl02 @complicatedharry @seikamuzu @elsasshole @sugarandsoft @lysawayne @gheyboux @its-mochi-boba-tea-blr @rainningdoom @bestgirlkonan
146 notes · View notes
qinghe-s · 3 years
i was tagged by @melodious-tear ♥
why did you choose your url?
i feel like that’s obvious to anyone who’s followed me for, like, two days. i know where my heart belongs. besides, the aesthetic of cql!qinghe fucks
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
well, this. i also run @masseffectcaps although i haven’t posted in a few months; i probably will again once i get my hands on the legendary edition. i started it because original default female shepard didn’t get the respect she deserves from bioware especially. don’t get me started on this bc i will not shut up. i have a lot of feelings.
@celestecraft used to be popular on mineblr; i went on a lot of adventures while playing with a small group of friends and wanted to save them in some way + sharing a hobby is fun. in the past i also had a fairly well-known lgbtq+ blog and a terry pratchett-centric one but that was years ago and my energy to keep up with providing things for others (rather than just enjoying myself) waned.
how long have you been on tumblr?
t...twelve years by now... oh no
do you have a queue tag?
nah. i used to, on my personal, but i almost exclusively post things through the queue so it doesn’t feel like it matters.
why did you start your blog in the first place?
i was lured into this fandom because a good friend of mine played a character based on him in a d&d oneshot and i was immediately and helplessly charmed, saw this gifset a little while later and told her “this. this will make me watch your show” and, well.
it started consuming enough brain space, especially as i was reading the book, that it made sense to keep it contained rather than expose my original followers to this endlessly when they come for — actually i don’t know. pretentious aesthetic and me being gay over star trek women (well, janeway, mainly) and crying over mass effect?
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
that woman is wife city to me. it was nhs previously because... baby
why did you choose your header?
it matches my blog background on desktop. that’s it. it’s for the aesthetic.
what’s your post with the most notes?
on this blog it’s probably this one of me calling lwj a bitch (honorific). i believe this wangxian fic i wrote for vday is a close second. (a couple of my gifsets of nie mingjue looking beautiful are gaining though which is very pleasing to me)
i also have a few posts that have reached the thousands on my mass effect blog, but i don’t keep track of those anymore.
how many followers do you have?
five hundred... something. six hundred? who knows.
how many people do you follow?
a couple of hundred? many are lgbtq+ resource blogs that post very infrequently though, so my dash generally isn’t that cluttered
have you ever made a shitpost?
a couple! i’m not all that funny (perk of being my friend is that you’ll always be the funny one, it’s the main service i provide) but the bitch!lwj one and an outofcontextyaoi text post edit.
how often do you use tumblr each day?
ehh, depends. some days i’ll only check in at night and refresh the dash once in a while when doing other things, other days my brain requires constant input and i’ll open the app on my phone every hour. there is no average.
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
yeah, but not here. i pissed a lot of people off a few years ago when i expressed my opinion on sexist portrayals of women in video games in general and mass effect specifically. my opinion was sexism = bad and some people decided that i was wrong and it’s empowering to put career soldiers in styled hair and a full face of makeup for the sake of marketing, actually, while male characters get to have weathered faces and grey hair. it was a fun time. (it was not)
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
my dashboard is carefully curated and i never see those posts. are they still common? because they suck. don’t guilt people into caring.
do you like tag games?
mostly, yeah! sometimes they require energy i simply don’t have but i also think they’re a nice way to interact without having a direct conversation
do you like ask games?
i’m a lot less fond of those, personally. the chain letter type in particular.
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
a lot of them are well known in the fandom actually! which makes me question why they follow me but i am always flattered
do you have a crush on a mutual?
oh absolutely @evakant since we decided we were willing to die for each other after one conversation. wenzhou levels of love happening here.
i’m gonna tag already-mentioned @evakant because reasons but also some people i see in my notes a lot but haven’t talked to — feel free to ignore but also let’s be friends ♥
@shippingsavesmylife @radishsizhui @ahatfullofwords @inappropriatewenning @whateverthemoonhasalwaysmeant
13 notes · View notes
ohkiyo · 4 years
Tumblr media
characters: shiratorizawa team, reader, sakusa kiyoomi, and komori motoya. (quick appearance)
warnings: none, just some good ‘ol fluff.
word count: 5.1k
a/n: this is like a peace offering for not posting any content for the last two or three weeks (?), I also did not intend for this to reach over 5k+ words lol, so hopefully you won’t get bored reading this one. I also gave up editing this somewhere in the middle, so yeah that’s that hahaha. XD
anyways have fun and enjoy! :D
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    shiratorizawa navigation || stth navigation
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“We’re going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, zooming through the sky! Little Einsteins~” both you and Goshiki bounce on your seat at the back of the bus, singing the theme song of the cartoon you two watch for fun a few days ago. “Climb aboard, get ready to explore there’s so much to find little Einsteins~”
“Aren’t they excited?” a fond smile made its way into Semi’s face as he watches the two first years belting their hearts out to a song made for children. Tendou and Yamagata joining the two, causing the overall noise inside the bus to increased in volume. Their English pronunciation was horrible, but it didn’t stop them from sharing their – talent.
Kawanishi, who was two seats away from the four was also humming along, snacking on a chocolate bar, his phone on his hand capturing it all on camera, probably for future blackmail material. While Shirabu who was seated beside him, continues to sleep, unbothered by the ruckus happening inside the bus.
“This is their first time going to Tokyo after all” Reon answered, before he tilted his head to the side when they switch to a different song, this time, it was Tendou’s famous baki baki ni ore. “Since when did Satori taught them that?”
“Probably since the moment they joined”
They were currently on their way to Tokyo for a practice match with another college volleyball team, the colleges that they use to play against in Miyagi were coincidentally busy with academics, something about an upcoming exam that they need to prepare for so they had to cancel.
Fortunately, with Shiratorizawa being a powerhouse school, Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei had connections to institutions outside of Miyagi. So they called up a friend who’s currently handling a college volleyball team and requested for a practice match.
The singing lasted for another thirty minutes before they eventually fell asleep, the bus now quiet. Washijou-sensei who was seated up front, let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the silence, something that Semi and Reon didn’t fail to notice. The two chuckled, as strict as he may be, Washijou-sensei knows when to let his players have their fun, he isn’t exactly a killjoy like some had thought. He’s actually very nice, once you get to know him of course.
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“You’re allowed to go sightseeing but please always bring a buddy with you, to prevent anyone from getting lost” his eyes landed on the older members, silently asking them to keep a close eye on their two first years. “Washijou-sensei and I will be meeting up with Coach Sasaki, so be back before 11”
Everyone nods their heads at his words before the two finally entered the elevator once it reaches your floor. The hotel you were staying at was a bit high class, you don’t know how the club’s fund covered it, but you weren’t complaining.
Each one of you had your own separate room, each guest had three food slips with, one was a free access to an eat-all-you-can food at the dining area’s buffet, while the other two were for a free breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
“So...” Tendou turned around, a grin plastered on his face as he held up the food slip the receptionist gave earlier. “Let’s go fill up our belly and enjoy Tokyo’s nightlife”
With that all nine of you piled into the elevator and press the button for the ground floor, the space a little too tight for your liking. The elevator stops at another floor, two new people entered, resulting in them moving backward to create a space for the newcomers, leaving you to press yourself to the wall.
“Sorry (Y/n)” Ushijima whispered, after accidentally stepping on your foot, he looks over his shoulder as you gave him a thumbs up. Your face now buried on his shirt, his perfume entering your nostrils.
He sure does smell nice, no wonder the girls are after him.
Luckily, for you, your struggle did not last long because finally, the elevator reaches the bottom floor. You swore you almost past out because of how cramp that space was, you feel like you were starting to develop claustrophobia because of it. For a fancy hotel, they sure have very small elevators.
Your group weaves through the other guest inside the hotel, some of them going back to their rooms; some were going the same way as you all were, while the others were going out to enjoy whatever Tokyo has to offer.
“Tokyo hotels are on another level” you whispered, following after them as they went over to where the eating utensils were placed. You carefully scanned the foods displayed, cuisines coming from different countries were all too delicious-looking, you feel like you want to have a plate of each.
“You’re drooling (Y/n)” you heard Shirabu say as he walks past you, the person that was standing behind the counter chuckled as you rub the spit that unknowingly trickled down your chin.
“It’s fine” she laughs again before she suggested the lamb meat for you to taste. You haven’t tried lamb before so you accepted her offer, watching as she threw in a bunch of slices into the grill. “Well done or medium?”
“Well done please” she started tossing the meat around the steel griddle, the wonderful smell reaching your nose. It smelled so delicious, as the meat slowly turns to that familiar charred look of a well-cooked meat. Once she was done, she places it on your plate as she suggested for you to drizzle it with some of the sauce near the grills.
You moved from one area to another, filling your plate with foods before finally taking a seat on the table they occupied.
“Now we know who are the best people to bring to buffets” Yamagata mused, eyeing yours and Goshiki’s plate filled with different kinds of food, not only that, there were at least one or two more plates on the side also filled with foods.
“They’re big eaters”
Kawanishi took a piece of meat from your plate, exchanging it with a fried dumpling that he accidentally dipped in a spicy sauce. He can handle his spice, however, this particular dip was so spicy his mouth was burning from it.
“Kawanishi-san why…?” you took the glass of cold water Ushijima offered you as you drank it all. It didn’t help though, your mouth was still burning, so Semi fed you a spoonful of chocolate ice cream, the dessert finally easing the flames in your mouth.
“Sorry (Y/n)” Kawanishi bit his lip to stop the smile threatening to come out, secretly sharing a low five with Tendou from under the table. However, that didn’t go unnoticed from Semi’s watchful eyes, stepping on the red head’s foot, Semi shoots him a pointed look as Tendou tries to remove his leg.
“Ow, ow, Semi-Semi that hurts”
The setter didn’t listen to him and continued eating his meal, they all ate in silence after that. Too hungry to strike a conversation with each other, their attention focus on the food in front of them.
Dinner went by fast, once they had finished their food they went out of the hotel and walk through Tokyo. The streets are a little too crowded than the ones they’re used to in Sendai, passing by different kinds of coffee shops, restaurants, inns, and hotels. The choices were endless, it all depends on where you all plan to go.
“Let’s go there first, I want to buy some manga” Tendou pointed at a rather large book shop just across the street, customers walking in and out of the store, wrapped packages in hand.
The inside was filled with rows and rows of shelves full of books, such as novels, textbooks, and of course, manga, on the sides were a section for school supplies and other similar materials. Tendou looks like he’s in heaven because the store offers manga that wasn’t available in Sendai. The moment his foot steps inside the store, he immediately disappeared behind the shelves where the manga was displayed.
“Wasn’t this the book Yato-sensei told us to buy?” Shirabu opened the textbook, skimming through its contents.
“Its ¥2,000” Kawanishi taps the price tag of the same book he’s holding. Shirabu pinches his lips together, closing the book and putting it back to where it belonged.
“Nope, I’ll just borrow from the library”
They move to the end of the aisle to see you holding a basket filled with different kinds of stationeries, Reon and Ushijima also going through the pens and notebooks they had on display before dropping it inside the basket you were holding.
“That’s a lot of pens (Y/n)” Goshiki drops a couple packs of sticky notes in your basket before grabbing a pen and examining it. The little penguin at the top sparking his curiosity as he clicks it, the ball-point emerging from the bottom part of the object.
“My pen’s keeps on disappearing, along with my highlighters and I don’t know who’s taking them” Goshiki stayed quiet at your reply, blinking at you, once, then twice before he slowly returned it in the basket. Reon let out a quiet laugh, fully aware that it was Goshiki who keeps taking your school supplies and not returning them.
Goshiki grabs three more pens and two more highlighters, the exact number of stationeries he took then dropping it in the basket. “I’ll buy these for you (Y/n)-chan”
You smiled at him in gratitude, standing in line at the cashier. “Thank you ‘Tomu-kun”
After paying for the items, you were once again back to the cold street. Aimlessly walking towards your next destination.
“Let’s go to a karaoke bar” Yamagata suggested, zipping up his jacket as the cold had become a little too much for him. Letting out a shiver from the cold air.
“Sure” they located the nearest karaoke bar, entering the establishment. They paid for the amount required for a one-hour session, before entering an empty room. Semi, Tendou, and Yamagata going for the songbook and choosing what song they’re going to sing, while you, Goshiki, and Ushijima went through the menu instead.
“So who’s first?” Tendou’s hand shot up as Yamagata gave him the mic, pressing his song’s code as the title flash on the screen.
“You’re singing Lion King?” Semi laughs watching as Tendou dance around to the song’s opening beat.
“The song has been stuck in my head for a long time now” the redhead cleared his throat before he started singing the first verse.
“There’s a Japanese version of that song?” Kawanishi whispered in surprise, Tendou’s jolly voice and merry demeanor fitting so well with I Just Can’t Wait To Be King’s upbeat tune. It was as if the song was made for him.
There were only 15 minutes left before the one hour expires, Shirabu was singing some sort of heartbreak song, while sitting on top of Kawanishi who was laying sideways munching on some chips. Totally unbothered by the weight on top of him.
The setter ends his song, a cue for everyone to start packing their stuff and go back to the hotel before Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei catches them still walking around after curfew.
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It’s been three hours since you went to bed and unfortunately not once were you able to get a wink of sleep, nightmares were plaguing your mind. Two people, you’ve never met before constantly visits you in your dreams. It was a man and a woman, you couldn’t see their face but their voices you could hear.
They sometimes try to talk to you, asking how you were doing, if you were alright, or simply saying words of encouragement whenever you were feeling down. Sometimes they were accompanied by another girl, a teenager, who looks like the 15-year-old version of your aunt.
Once again, you turned on your side, pulling your blanket a little closer, screwing your eyes shut. However, it wouldn’t work, so you sat up, and check your phone.
1:30 am.
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating whether or not you should bother one of your teammates. They had a game tomorrow and you don’t want to disturb their sleep, but you were getting restless, and you’re afraid that you might not be able to fall asleep at all.
Finally making up your mind, you got up from your bed, grabbing your phone, key card, before exiting your room. Walking down the hallway towards Goshiki’s room, you have a feeling he’s still awake since he likes to play games until the wee hours of the night.
Standing on his door, you knock twice, pulling at the bottom of your shirt as you look left and right. The empty hallway looking a little too creepy for your liking, you knock again and this time it finally opened, a half-asleep Goshiki greeting you.
“(Y/n)?” he rub his eyes as he opened the door wider, letting you inside. “Did you have nightmares again?”
You nodded your head. “Can I sleep with you?”
“Sure” you followed him to his bed as he took the other side and you on the other. Both of you laying under the covers facing each other. “Better now?”
“Yes, thank you” he gave you one last sleepy smile before closing his eyes. So far, Goshiki was the only one who knows of your nightmares, after he discovered you one time during your first training camp crying under a table.
He was the one who comforted you and offered to let you sleep with him, it somehow became a routine and whenever you would knock on his door, he immediately knows what’s wrong.
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The door to Goshiki’s room burst open as a group of panicked Shiratorizawa upperclassmen barge into the room. Goshiki having heard of his door nearly tearing off its hinges, sat upon his bed. “Senpai?”
Semi marches over to him, grabbing his shoulders and basically shaking him awake. “(Y/n)’s gone, she’s not in her room. We can’t find her anywhere”
“Oh man, oh man. If the coach finds out we’re screwed” Yamagata and Tendou grips their hair in frustration, as Reon and Ushijima discuss the possibilities of your disappearance. Kawanishi and Shirabu though were the only ones calm in this situation. 
“Huh?” Goshiki’s brain still wasn’t working though as he still sat there in a daze, unaware of the growing problem his upperclassmen were having.
Kawanishi ruffles his hair as he looks around the room, shifting from one foot to another, before his eyes landed on a lump he failed to notice before that was beside the first year. He taps Shirabu on the shoulder then pointing at the said lump, who was starting to move, leaning dangerously close to the edge of the bed before falling off and landing on the floor with a thud. Bringing the blanket along with them.
“What?” they watch as you continued to snore away on the floor, the fall clearly didn’t affect you in the slightest.
Shirabu shots Goshiki a look of suspicion as the rest shakes you awake. “Why is (Y/n) sleeping with you?”
He didn’t really get any answer because Goshiki just looks at him, still half-asleep.
A scandalized gasp left Tendou’s lips as he points a shaky finger towards the spiker. “Did you and (Y/n) do something? You’re only first years, wait until you’re in college!”
“Satori, what are you talking about?”
“Tendou, I think you took this the wrong way” Ushijima’s hand landed on Tendou’s shoulder, as the redhead whips his head to the captain.
“But Wakatoshi-kun you can’t be too sure!”
“(Y/n) probably got scared and went to Tsutomu for help” Reon started pushing them all out of the room. Semi carrying you, still wrap in Goshiki’s blanket, leaving the first year still sitting on his bed. Once his door clicks shut, he fell back on his bed and went back to sleep.
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“Let’s have a good game!”
You carefully arrange the water bottles and towels on the bench as your team and the college team had their match. Diligently doing your duties as a manager.
“Hello” you look up to see your opponents’ manager standing there, giving you an easy smile, stretching out her hand for you to take. “My name is Mikana Ritsu, nice you meet you”
“(L/n) (Y/n), nice to meet you too Mikana-san” you answered, grasping her hand and giving it a firm shake.
She took a seat on the spare bench, with you taking the place beside her. “I didn’t know they had a manager, are you new?”
“Yes, I’m a first year. I started just a few months ago”
She let out a hum in response as the both of you observe the game in silence, leaving your spot once in a while to assist your respective players before sitting back down again and watching the game. From beside you, Mikana lets out a long yawn as she covers her mouth with the clipboard she’s holding.
“Are you tired Mikana-san?”
She nodded, another yawn leaving her lips. “I had to stay up very late last night for my research paper” she chuckled. “Sleep is very hard to come by when you’re in college”
You turn to look at the older girl, a question forming in your mind due to your curious nature. “Mikana-san, how is college like?”
She taps her chin for a moment, looking up at the ceiling to figure out the best answer for your question. “It’s an emotional roller coaster you know? One moment you’re smiling, then the next you’re crying your eyes out”
She turns her body to look at you. “I remember during my first year that my history teacher vowed to fail all of us because the school has enough students already”
You look at her incredulously, surprised at what she said.
“She made her exams and quizzes very difficult, and her projects were also very ridiculous” she huffs in annoyance, bad memories resurfacing. “We didn’t understand at first why she was doing it, but eventually we found out that she was having problems with her dissertation and she’s taking out all her frustrations on us”
You stared at her wide-eyed, your mouth open agape. The fuck? “We all passed though, so suck for her”
“That was just mean”
“I know right?” she lets out a sigh, before standing up from her seat and re-wrapping their setter’s fingers with tape. Tying it to his preferred tightness before she went back to her spot and him going back into court. “Then we have our thesis”
“Oh yeah, I sometimes see students having breakdowns because of it. Is it really that bad?”
“The process of doing it is very hard, because not only do you have to choose your own topic, you have to choose a very specific one and one that has a lot of references available” you nodded your head, listening to her every word. “Getting rejected is fairly common, so you have to go through the process again and then present it to your panelist”
“When you do your defense, is it scary?”
She laugh at your choices of words, but she can’t really deny it though, because she did felt scared whenever they had a defense. “It’s nerve-wracking honestly, you have to prepare an answer for every possible question or else they’ll reject your paper”
“And you have to repeat all over again” she nods. “That’s so tiring”
“It is, but we have to comply or else we’ll never graduate”
You both talk throughout the game, until the final whistle was blown and the match finally ended, your team winning the match.
“Shiratorizawa High is still as strong as ever I see” she mused, watching as both teams gave each other a bow. “Congratulations (L/n)-chan”
“Thank you Mikana-san”
You both went on your separate ways, tending to your own players. Giving them their towels, and water bottles along with their snacks. After your final goodbye, you all entered the bus, driving back towards your hotel. It was still early, 3:00 pm in Tokyo is still very lively compared to in Sendai. Most people prefer to stay indoors due to the intense heat, however, a bustling city will always be busy no matter what time of the day.
“We’ll be leaving early tomorrow, so if any of you have anything buy. Souvenirs and other things, you can do so right now. But as always, bring a buddy with you and be back by 11” Coach Saito reminded one last time, before he and Washijou-sensei went inside the hotel, probably to rest and get some sleep before they go out again.
“I actually have some things to buy at the mall” Semi started adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
“Me too” Yamagata said, rummaging through his bag to find his phone, he almost started panicking when he didn’t saw it, but immediately let out a relieved sigh when he saw the device hiding under his sweaty shirt.
“We saw some souvenir shops a few blocks away from here, we’ll be over there”
Once everything was settled and everyone had decided where they want to go. You all separated, Semi, Reon, Ushijima, Yamagata, and Shirabu going to the mall to buy the things they needed while you, Tendou, Kawanishi, and Goshiki decided to walk around instead.
Going through the various shops that were selling different types of souvenirs from shirts to mugs, to keychains and other kinds of stuff.
“(Y/n)-chan, do you have my phone with you?” Goshiki patted his pockets as he looks for the said device.
“It’s in my bag” to patted the backpack you were carrying, adjusting it on your shoulder before letting out a groan at how heavy it is. “Kawanishi-san can we exchange bags? This one’s very heavy”
He nodded his head, pulling the strap over his head as you exchange bags, you let out a sigh of relief, thankful that the strain on your shoulders are now gone. The smell of freshly cook taiyakis catching your attention as the four of you speedwalk towards the stall making it, the food still hot and fresh.
“Ah, hot, hot, hot” Tendou rapidly let out a breath of air to cool down the burning of his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Not expecting for it to be too hot.
You gently blew on your taiyaki, waiting for it to cool down, before you started taking small bites. As your group resume walking along the streets, you spotted a shop filled with trinkets, calling for their attention you all entered the store.
They had a wide range of displays, and although some were a bit expensive, it wasn’t stopping you from buying what you want. The allowance your Aunt gives you every week could literally last you a month, and so any extra money you had, you deposit it in your bank account and wait for the time when you have to use it.
Walking over to Kawanishi, you took your wallet from your bag before you walk off to where they had plushies on display, that dolphin plushy the only thing on your mind right now. Taking the dolphin from its spot on the shelf, you examined it, before looking at a similar one but this time it was a bit bigger. Not too much, so you were contemplating which one to buy.
“The big one looks very comfy though” Goshiki appears beside you, holding a scarf, a cap, and a sweater. “You can snuggle it to sleep”
“Yeah, but don’t you think it’s a little too big?”
He observes the two carefully taking in their size, but still, he preferred the bigger one, so you followed his suggestion.
“Oh! Why not take this one too?” he grabs a tomato plushie of the same size. “Tomato-chan~”
You flick him on the forehead. “I can’t believe you’re sticking with that nickname”
“It’s funny though” he grinned at you.
“Tsutomu, (Y/n) let’s go” the both of you didn’t hear Tendou called you out, as the two of you stayed there. Goshiki insisting that he buys the tomato plushie for you, while you immediately denying his offer because it was already too much. It cost about a thousand yen, and he still has the items he’s holding. Not only that, you still remembered how he bought you those pens and highlighters last night.
The bell hanging at the top of the door rang as the two middle blockers left the shop, unknowingly leaving the two of you behind.
They cross the street, turning a few more corners. Before they were back to the same book store everyone went to last night. Tendou wanting to buy a few more mangas, then Kawanishi forgot he needs to buy a new calculator because he broke his old one. He could just buy one in Sendai, but why wait when he could just do it now?
“(Y/n) can you get my wallet? It’s in the-“ Kawanishi turns around, but no signs of the two first years. He looks from left to right, thinking that maybe they’re just around the corner, but alas, there were no Goshiki, and (Y/n).
“Uh… Tendou-san” Kawanishi tugs on the red head’s jacket as Tendou turns around.
“Hmm, what is it Taichi?”
“(Y/n) and Tsutomu are gone”
Tendou’s eyebrows furrowed as he looks behind the second year, thinking that maybe he was just pulling a prank on him, but still, like before, no first years in sight.
“Oh dear”
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
“I can’t believe you actually bought the tomato plushie” you stared at the red-colored plush inside the bag you were holding. Both of you exiting the shop.
“Told you I’d buy it” he looks proud though, you don’t know why, but you’re very grateful for the gift. You note to yourself to get him something in return in the future. “Are Tendou-san and Kawanishi-san still inside?”
“Maybe” he went back inside the shop, as you waited outside the door. When he went back out, he looks worried, which also made you worried.
“Something wrong?”
“They’re not inside”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
He rub his arms, as he went back inside again to check. But still, they weren’t there anymore, walking back out, he shook his head.
“Did they just left us?”
“Should we go find them?” you started fidgeting on your spot, before you remembered, you had Kawanishi’s bag with you. Opening his bag you located his phone only to be left disappointed when you find out it’s dead. “Great, now we can’t contact them”
“Should we go back to the hotel instead?”
“I don’t even know which way our hotel is”
Both of you shared a heavy exhale, retracing your steps to where you both felt your hotel was located. However, you both accidentally took a wrong turn and were now in a different part of the city.
“I knew leaving that place was a bad idea”
“Oh. Aren’t you two from Shiratorizawa?” you saw two persons walking over your direction, wearing a light green and yellow track jacket and track pants.
“Yes” you answered, the one who was currently talking looks nice, you don’t know about his companion though. Even with half of his face covered with a mask, you could still feel the intensity of his stare.
“Ah. I’m Komori Motoya, and this is Sakusa Kiyoomi” he pointed to his friend. “We’re from Itachiyama, we went against your school before”
Itachiyama, the school is familiar, but these two? Not very much. However, they seem nice.
“Are the others with you?” Komori looks around the vicinity. “I don’t see them”
“You got lost didn’t you?” it was Sakusa who asks this time and Komori let out a laugh.
“We can’t contact them because this phone is dead-” you showed them Kawanishi’s phone. “-and it’s also the only one we have right now”
Komori turns to look at Sakusa. “You have Ushijima’s number right? Why don’t you give him a call, they might be worried right now”
Wordlessly, Sakusa fished his phone from his pocket and dialed your captain’s number, pressing the loudspeaker button. It rang a few times before Ushijima finally picks up.
“We found your stray” Sakusa answered before putting the phone in front.
”(Y/n)? Goshiki? Where are you two?”
You both look at the two, but Komori answered for you. “We’re in front of the Kamakura coffee shop, where are you?”
“In front of the Marimo bookstore [1]”
“Alright stay there, we’ll be there in ten minutes”
The call ended and the four of you made your way towards the bookstore, Komori was the only talkative one between the two, instantly befriending the both of you. Although Sakusa would sometimes participate in the conversation, majority of it, he prefers to listen.
“So, what are you doing here in Tokyo?” Komori questioned.
“We had a practice match with a college team today” Goshiki answered, holding your hand to avoid getting separated from the group, his initial fear from when he discovered you two got left behind still present.
“Are teams in Miyagi too weak to handle Shiratorizawa?” Sakusa’s eyes momentarily shift in your direction before focusing forward.
“I guess so” you shrug your shoulders, you were told no high schools in Miyagi wants to have a joint practice with your school anymore, and you don’t really know the reason behind it. So you can’t really say they’re all weak.
Thankfully ten minutes later, you arrive at Marimo Bookstore to see your seniors waiting in front of the building in worry.
“(Y/n), Tsutomu. There you are!” Tendou was about to give you two a big hug, but Semi beat him to it by bonking the two of you on the head.
“You idiots! What did I say about wandering around?!”
“We weren’t wandering around! We were just inside the shop when Tendou-san and Kawanishi-san left us!” you replied with a pout, rubbing your head as Semi shot the two a glare as they both look away. Kawanishi casually whistling a tune whilst Tendou rocks himself back and forth on the soles of his feet.
“Well, we’ve delivered the package. We have to go now, see you guys next time” Komori wave your group goodbye as Reon and Semi said their thanks.
Sakusa gave Ushijima a nod before turning around. “See you at nationals Wakatoshi”
“Of course”
They both left, their tall figures disappearing into the crowd, as your group went back to your hotel. Upon arriving at your lodging, you stumbled along with Coach Saito and Washijou-sensei near the entrance, the two older men inquiring of your shopping spree. Everyone answered the question as honestly as they could, leaving out the details of yours and Goshiki’s little accident.
Satisfied, they both left while your group went back to your own room to enjoy the rest of your stay, and to avoid any more mishaps.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
[1] anyone here who also watches sekai-ichi hatsukoi?
a/n: the idea from the college convo between Mikana and reader was inspired from a conversation I had with a mutual hehehe, though not word per word but just the overall gist of it. Dear, if you’re reading this you know who you are. ;)
also, my team stories aren’t suppose to contain any romance, yet here I am lowkey shipping Goshiki and reader.
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chowtrolls · 4 years
Length: 1791 Words TW: None, ask to tag if needed. Brief: Juleus talks to an old friend. Credits: Juleus and Brutus belong to me Here’s the song I listened to while writing this!
Google Docs link for easier Viewing!
    The halls of the ship groaned with each step Juleus took. The crew were scattered amongst the ship, doing their assorted jobs. In the distance, small chatter could be heard. Laughter. Voices of his crew making and forming relationships, conversing with each other, enjoying the company of friends and peers. And here Juleus was, the lonely commander, King of everything he wanted, making his way to the one room on the ship that held anyone worth conversing with.
    Juleus closed his eye as he walked. He listened to the ship, drowning out the sounds of voices and focusing on the hum. Every captain should know what his ship is saying. He learned this at a young age from a much wiser man. The ship was telling him it would be alright. 
    The voices dissipate as Juleus grew closer to the power room. One of many on this ship. Juleus was no idiot. If one battery died, there would be another. This particular room held someone...important. And yet, not. He unlocked the door and ducked inside. The room was dark, the only lights came from the glowing wires that traveled along the walls. In the middle of the room was a troll with his back to Juleus. He was silent, as if sleeping. In front of the troll was a chair. Nothing significant about it. The light from the wires pulsed, fading in and out as the energy was pulled. Mint and pink lights danced to a song only the sleeper was hearing. Juleus shut the door, causing it to make a heavy slam. 
    Every wire in the room flashed as the sleeping troll was startled awake. Juleus watched the goldblood before him glance around but said nothing. Instead, he slowly walked around him and sat in the chair. He crossed his leg over his knee and leaned back. The chair groaned in complaint. The goldblood narrowed his mismatched eyes when he realized who was before him.
    “To what do I owe the honor, oh great Imperial Bastard?”
    Juleus barked a bitter laugh. Despite the bitterness, he still grinned, “It’s nice to see you, too, Brutus.” 
    “You never call me that. Unless you want something.” Brutus cocked a brow, but he looked far from pleased. 
    “Can I not just enjoy the company of a friend? Must I want something, Brute?” 
    “You call me a friend, yet wear my ring. You always want something, Julie.” Brutus’ expression softened slightly, “Has it been getting worse?” 
    Juleus’ expression fell instantly. He glared at Brutus, lip pulling up in a slight snarl, “Who are you to ask such a thing? I should kill you for asking. Inconsiderate fuck.” 
    “I see, it has. I suppose Bixith being gone hasn’t...helped.”
    “Shut up.” Juleus sat upright, “You do not get to say her name. You do not get to question me. You are the exact reason we are here; therefore you do not get to question it.” His voice was cold, eye narrowed. 
    “Julie…” Brutus started, but was interrupted by Juleus slamming his hand down on the armrest of the chair. 
    “I’LL KILL YOU!” 
    “Then do it already, you bastard!” Brutus barked back just as sharp, with little fear in his chest. The wires flashed along with his outburst, but quickly faded into their normal rhythm. He had no doubt in his mind that Juleus would not. 
    Juleus glared at Brutus for a moment. Slowly, he slouched back into his seat. He looked off to the side, watching the wires pulse. The silence that fell over them was thick with tension. 
    “Julie, can you pull me out of this?” Brutus finally broke the silence after what felt like a millennia. Juleus perked up as his name was said.
    “It’s not safe to.” Juleus’ voice was now soft, “You know this.” 
    “I know. Just for a bit. I just want to walk for a few moments.” Brutus’ eyes were sad. He knew the reason he was a battery, and he knew how Juleus felt about him. His betrayal. But still, he tried. 
    Juleus sighed softly, and stood up. He walked around Brutus and shut off the power. The wires immediately stopped glowing, submerging both of them in total darkness. After a moment, an overhead light flickered awake. Juleus stood behind Brutus and contemplated what he was about to do. The goldblood was silent. Juleus sighed once more. 
    Slowly, the fuchsia wrapped his arm around Brutus. Doing this with just one arm was never easy, Juleus had learned this the hard way. Regardless, he paused before going further. 
    “Are you ready?” 
    Brutus closed his eyes, “In a moment.” He leaned back against Juleus, taking the moment to relish in the feeling of being held. It was more than just being held, of course. Being close to someone he once loved, he still loved. Brutus didn’t want Juleus to notice what he was doing, so it only lasted a second. Then he nodded. 
    Juleus had noticed, but said nothing. He steadied himself, then pulled. The wires gave out easily. They had gotten used to Brutus being pulled free by this point. Juleus gently set Brutus on his feet, slouching over to do so. He kept his hold on the gold for just a moment. To steady him, of course, that’s what he told himself.
    Juleus finally let Brutus free, and made his way over to the door. The giant man slowly got down on the ground, sitting in front of the only exit. He wasn’t sure if he trusted Brutus not to run. He wasn’t sure why he let the gold free once more. He watched quietly as Brutus stretched and took a few steps. There were scars along Brutus’ arms and legs. His hair was cut short, but still long enough to be wavy. It was naturally blonde. When Juleus had first arranged for Brutus to be a battery, he had the gold’s hair cut short. He found himself quickly regretting that decision. While his feelings on Brutus were uncertain, he knew for sure that he loved the other’s hair. As Brutus stretched his arms upwards, his tank top pulled up as well, exposing the bottom part of a hidden tattoo. The silence was filled with a few loud pops from Brutus’ neck and back.
    The gold shook out the last of the tension from his fingertips, then finally faced Juleus. He was silent as he got closer to the fuchsia. He stopped and sat on the ground a few feet in front of him. This made Juleus raise his brow. 
    “Can I help you? Walk around, stretch, enjoy freedom while it lasts.” That was how it normally went. Juleus would sit in this exact spot and watch Brutus walk around for a few minutes before telling him the time was up. Brutus never went back with a fight. For Brutus to sit in front of him...it was strange. 
    “Talk to me, Julie. Or don’t. If you don’t talk...can you sing? I miss your voice.” Brutus smiled softly to sweeten the deal. He leaned forward, closer to Juleus. Jules on the other hand was uncertain. He was quiet. 
    “I know you remember the shanties, the tunes we’d sing at sea. They haunt you. They haunt me too. My voice is no good...Can you…? For me? Then I can go back and you can leave.” Brutus inched closer as he spoke. Juleus felt cornered. And yet, he couldn’t find it within himself to lash out. He remained silent. 
    “Cap got your tongue, eh?” Brutus laughed softly, “That’s alright. I put you on the spot. Do you remember...what was it called...Old Maui....rolling down to old Maui.” Brutus began to hum the chorus softly. Juleus narrowed his eye slightly. 
    “You’re not in tune.” He finally spoke, though he knew well that Brutus had done that on purpose. 
    “Sharp as a tack, that Deepbite.” Brutus nodded, moving a little closer still. Before he could continue, Juleus spoke once more. 
    “What are you doing? Stop prolonging whatever it is you are prolonging.” Juleus said this with uncertainty. Brutus could lash out and try to kill him. That didn’t seem like a very in character thing for Brutus to do...but Juleus was never certain. 
    Brutus paused, before nodding. He crawled the rest of the way to sit between Juleus’ legs, and lean back against his chest. It was painfully obvious to Juleus just how small Brutus was compared to him. Despite the gold’s small size, Juleus still felt himself tense up. Brutus closed his eyes and Juleus slowly relaxed. 
    Juleus let the silence fall back between them. There was nothing for him to say. It was pathetic. He allowed himself to be toyed with by a goldblood of all things, and not just any goldblood. But the exact goldblood who got him in the Fleet. The goldblood who used Juleus’ status as a means for a cushy life. He was still using Juleus for a cushy life, even as a battery. Juleus was more upset with himself than with Brutus, however. 
    “I don’t hate you, Jules.” Brutus finally broke the silence and disrupted Juleus’ train of thought. 
    “...I know.” Juleus looked off to the side. 
    “Do you hate me?” Brutus opened his eyes at last, but kept his gaze forward. 
    “I don’t know.” 
    Silence fell on them once more. Brutus looked down at his hands, scarred and bruised. He reached to his side and gently took Juleus’ hand, pulling it up into his own lap. Juleus didn’t fight him. Brutus entertained himself by tracing his fingers over the tattoo of his symbol on Juleus’ finger. 
    “It’s okay if you do, Julie. You can hate me if it makes you feel better.” Brutus spoke softly, but Juleus never replied. He wasn’t certain if Juleus was even listening. Brutus wanted to explain the reasons for what he had done. But he knew it didn’t matter in the end. Nothing he said or did now could change the past. The silence was no longer uncomfortable, just heavy. Eventually, Brutus leaned his head back and closed his eyes. 
    “I’m going to take a nap. You should too.” His words were more of a demand than a request. He kept Juleus’ hand in his own. The fuchsia did nothing as Brutus continued to stroke the rough skin. All Juleus did was sigh softly. They both knew he wouldn’t move again until Brutus had woken up. And they both knew once he did, that things would go back to how they always were. Juleus would leave and continue his slow descent, and Brutus would go back to the boring life of a battery. But maybe this time, Juleus would visit him more. Just maybe.
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aviss · 4 years
a year-in-review meme - for writers!
I thought up this writing meme for fic writers who might have been staring at the artists having their lovely and well-deserved collages of their work through the year - and wanted to join in the fun! also this works as a great reminder for those of you (and me) who’ve been thinking that they haven’t been writing as much as they want to, and allows you to go back to enjoy your old fic ;D
Rules: pick your favourite sentence from a work you posted / wrote during a month of 2020! if you didn’t write anything in any particular month, don’t worry! tell us what you were doing or use it as free space for runner-up sentences. after that, tag 8 people or more to do the meme!
I was tagged by the lovely @ladyxxdaydream​ so here is mine:
Matchmaker - Kakashi/Iruka - I just love soft, established relationship for these two. Especially when they have a mischievous side.
On the way back to the living room, Kakashi grabbed him by the waist and pulled until Iruka was wedged between his legs and the table. "Are we going to tell him?" he questioned with a mischievous smile. He moved his hands to cup Iruka's ass, food apparently forgotten, and pressed his face against Iruka's stomach.
"Eventually. We can tease him a bit first."
Iruka felt the vibrations of Kakashi's chuckle against his abs, the warmth of his breath and the fingers pressing just barely on the cleft of his ass incredibly arousing. "You're evil," Kakashi said, approving. "I knew there was a reason I loved you."
"I thought it was because of my ass."
Westeros Most Haunted - Jaime/Brienne - What can I say, I love horror stories. 
They walked as quick as the darkness permitted, running there was as bad an idea as staying still, and clutched each other's hands. "This is the last time I'm filming without a full crew," she said, and as soon as she spoke there a single note began to play, softly at first but gaining volume the same as the noise had before.
She liked it even less than she had the noise.
Jaime's hand squeezed hers hard enough to hurt but she didn't complain. "Oh fuck," was all he said when a second note and then a third followed, then he was moving faster and pulling Brienne with him. "Run, Brienne, run!"
She did, she knew what song was beginning to play and she knew the doors would close when it did.
They didn't want to be trapped on this side of the door.
Ghost in the Machine - Jaime/Brienne - WestWorld AU, because they made it too easy for me to go there.
"There is a war coming," Maeve said. Jaime wasn't surprised. There was always a war, somehow. That thing in Westworld the man had been talking about, the fear in his voice when he had spoken about it that Jaime had ignored at the time. "And I can't fight it on my own."
"Why me?" There had been so many like him, so many other hosts. Jaime knew about war, but only in his little place, in this little fantasy world someone had written for them.
Maeve could have chosen anyone to fight with her.
"Because you are like me, you fought your programing to get back to her the same way I always tried to get back to my daughter. If they hadn't closed this park, you would have eventually got there on your own, I just got you there faster." She handed him the tablet.
D-Rank mission scrolls - Kakashi/Iruka - Iruka in sexy lady clothing, enough said.
Iruka thought about his options; he could run back home and hide under the bed, pack his belongings and flee the village in the middle of the night. Naruto would miss him but he'd always thought he'd make a pretty good missing-nin, though they'd probably send Kakashi after him and he'd die of embarrassment without even giving him a fight. He could also pretend there was nothing out of the ordinary with his attire, as if academy teachers usually dressed in sexy female clothes, apologize to Kakashi and knock on the next door, hoping this time it was Raidou's house. He could also murder Kotetsu for having such appalling penmanship, and the rest of his friends for not being where they should have been.
In Vino Veritas - Kakashi/Iruka - Another of my favourite tropes, second chances
"I almost proposed, once upon a time." He downed his glass and refilled it, using the last of the second jar and signalling for a third. He was feeling the effects of the drink, his tongue loosening, but he didn't mind. Not if it was with Iruka.
Iruka's eyes sharpened on him. "You did? To whom?" There was something in his voice, curiosity and sadness and maybe some jealousy. It was that what made Kakashi think, fuck it, and throw open the can.
"To you."
Iruka closed his eyes as if in pain and downed his glass, refilling it and downing it again.
"I would have said yes." It was Kakashi's turn to drink to ease the lump in his throat. "Do you remember why we broke up?" he finally asked, as if the sake had given him the courage he needed for the question.
The House on the side of the Road - Kakashi/Iruka - again, horror story. Tooke me over four years to finish, but it was worth it.
It was raining. Again.
It was the thing Kakashi hated the most about autumn. The rain, and the chill that settled in the air and made people's mood turn foul, and the fact that Umino Iruka had disappeared on a day not unlike this one, windy and chilly and rainy.
It had been a year since Iruka had failed to return from his mission, practically vanishing into thin air on the road between Ame and Konoha. That same road Kakashi was travelling through now. Kakashi could still remember everything about the day Iruka had been declared MIA, the search party that had been sent to Ame to look for either him or his body. They had returned empty-handed, shaking their heads and declaring Iruka had just vanished into thin air. Without a body, without proof of any attack on him, Iruka couldn't be declared dead. The conclusion, one that didn't sit well with anyone who had ever known him, was that he had deflected, gone rogue.
This Above All - Jaime/Brienne - Jaime coming out as genderfluid with his own parade
That's not the main thing, though. Seeing it like that, hearing the same things Cersei used to tell him growing up has done for Jaime what years of therapy have not managed. He's spent years and thousands of dragons coming to grips with the fact that he's not a freak for feeling sometimes like a woman and wanting soft things for himself, but he hadn't yet found the resolve to take the last step to be fully himself in public and bring the wrath of Tywin over his head.
Now he's angry enough at the treatment of his nephew to get the heir of the Lannister empire, at least until Tywin sees this, on the front page of all magazines dressed as a woman on the pride parade. He has a plan, he's kind of constructed his career around this moment without acknowledging he was doing it, has put the money his mother let him towards his own architecture studio and other small-time investments. Small-time for a Lannister but enough that he doesn't have to fear being left without resources. And neither does his cousin.
Jaime's also contacted an old friend and knows there is a place in the Martell float for him, ensuring maximum visibility because Jaime can do nothing by halves; if he's going to set his life on fire, he wants a bonfire the Seven can see from the heavens.
Just as Sweet (just as thorny) - Jaime/Brienne - Secret identities, second chances, competency kink. It has all my faves
Jaime shouldn't be doing this.
He's going to be fired or punched, more than likely both. It will be no less than he deserves, he's broken the one rule of his department and he was already on shaky ground with Selmy after the whole Baratheon operation fuckup. If this gets back to him, and he doesn't fool himself that it won't, Jaime's as good as out of a job and not even his family name can save him this time. At the very least he'll be reassigned to the fucking Wall unit, something Selmy has been threatening to do for years when Jaime becomes especially obnoxious.
He looks at Brienne, her blue eyes wide and filling with tears, her entire posture radiating hurt and shock and anger and he couldn't care less. If she forgives him and gives him another chance, Jaime will present his resignation himself.
"Jay?" Brienne asks, her voice lost in the din of the club but he's seen her mouth shape that name enough times he can hear her voice in his head, down to the break at the end.
He leans forward again. "Jaime, my name is Jaime."
That's when she punches him.
Skin Deep - Jaime/Brienne - Brienne owns a strip club asn it’s the most oblivious person on earth.
"She shook my hand," Jaime moans into his drink while Pia and Hilda laugh at him. It's Brienne day off and Jaime is there, sitting in her club surrounded by her employees and friends and missing her. Maybe she's really not interested, though he's seen her looking and there have been times when she was blushing and looking at his mouth, that Jaime was convinced he could just lean forward and kiss her and she'd kiss back, then those moments pass and he's back to wondering if he really is so out of practice flirting that she's not realized yet. If she wasn't interested she would just reject his advances, wouldn't she? "You all suck as wingmen and Brienne is the most oblivious person on earth. What do I have to do, dance naked in front of her so she realizes I want her!"
He groans into his drink when he sees the look Pia and Hilda exchange. "That's an excellent idea, Jaime. Roz! Satin! Come here!"
Jaime looks from one to the other and shakes his head vehemently. "No way. I am not doing that."
Famous last words.
Hollow - Jaime/Brienne - The FMA AU I am not writing (and I keep not writing). This one is not posted because it insists on being a multichapter and I refuseto post it until I have at least another chapter done.
"Another fool," a voice says, low and all encompassing, and Jaime turns in the direction it came from to find nothing but a vague shape of a person, almost like a cutout of lines in the whiteness except for deep red eyes and the biggest ruby ever where its throat should be. "Who are you looking for, fool? Lover or family?"
Jaime narrows his eyes at the speaker. "Neither," he says, because Brienne is almost one of those things, but he's never had the courage to examine which one. "Who are you?"
"It doesn't matter, I've had many names since the beginning of time. I'm the World, and The Flames, and Truth, and Magic and Alchemy. I'm Everything and I am Nothing. " The eyes move past Jaime's shoulder and he turns to look, where there was nothing before now a huge door wreathed in flames stands. "And you, fool, are about to learn all I know."
The Drowned Heart - Jaime/Brienne - an Old Guard AU where I make them suffer a lot. 
Brienne pushes herself up on her elbows to see him better. "Will I see you again?" she asks instead of asking him to stay.
"Of course you will, wench, I don't think I can stay away from you forever." He looks at her with some chagrin. "I might kill you again when I do."
"I don't mind," Brienne says, it's the truth. "As long as you kiss me again when I come back."
Jaime closes the distance between them in two quick strides and kneels next to her, hands tangling on her head as he presses their lips together. This kiss is the kind she remembers, the kind they have shared a million times just because they could. It's gentle and sweet, a slow exploration of her mouth, his tongue probing and teasing, and so very arousing. He kisses her, and kisses her until they both run out of breath, and then puts their foreheads together and the look in his eyes is so full of love she wants to cry again.
"I will always kiss you again."
The Prodigal Son - Jaime/Brienne - A view of a good future through the eyes of an outsider. 
Spring had finally come to the Westerlands after the longest and harshest winter in memory, something Celys had not been sure they would live to see. The realm had been ravaged by war and cold and famine, too many people had died during that time, and even those living in Lannisport and the small towns surrounding Casterly Rock had felt the bite of hunger, something not even the Lannister gold had been able to keep at bay.
Now the snow had melted and the sun warmed them again, a new crop had been planted and there was a new Targaryen King in King's Landing, one with the blood of the dragons but raised as a northerner, and the Lord of Casterly Rock was his Hand.
And tagging @albatrossisland @ddagent @sdwolfpup @nire-the-mithridatist @scoundrels-in-love @wildlingoftarth @slipsthrufingers @angel-deux-writes and whoever else wants to do it!
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thingwithfeathers · 3 years
tag 9 people to learn more about their interests
tagged by: @enniomorricone :)
fave genre? indie/alternative rock, and pop but not really current pop more like 80s/90s.
fave artist? bastille, twenty one pilots, fleetwood mac, the clash, the smiths, abba, probably a lot more i can’t think of right now.
fave song? my joint favourite songs are ‘with or without you — u2′ and ‘landslide — fleetwood mac’
most listened song recently? 'song for zula — phosphorescent’ it’s become one of my favoure songs ever.
song currently stuck in your head?  any abba song because i was listening to them a lot earlier.
5 fave lyrics?
“It’s a hell of a long way to fall just to learn to get up” — the mess, the naked and famous.
“But now it’s just another show / and you leave them laughing when you go / and if you care, don’t let them know / don’t give yourself away / i’ve looked at love from both sides now / from give and take and still somehow / it’s loves illusions that i recall / i really don’t know love at all.” — both sides now, joni mitchell (this entire song though! really hard to choose lyrically because it’s a masterpiece).
“See, honey, i saw love / you see it came to me / it put it’s face up to my face so i could see / yeah then i saw love, disfugure me / into something i am not recognising / see the cage, it called, i said come on in / i will not open myself up this way again / but my heart is wild and my bones are steel / and i could kill you with my bare hands if i was free.” — song for zula, phosphorescent.
"Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? / can the child within my heart rise above? / can i sail through the changing ocean tides? / can i handle the seasons of my life? / well, i’ve been afraid of changing / ‘cause i’ve built my life around you / but time makes you bolder / even children get older / and i’m getting older too.” — landslide, fleetwood mac.
“And then you put your hand in mine / and pulled me back from things divine / stop looking up for heaven / waiting to be buried / and all their words for glory / they always sounded empty / when we’re looking up for heaven.” — bastille, glory.
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie (depends!) | loud or silent volume in-between! I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on.
fav book genre? just fiction in general. i’ve kind of grown out of young adult so i don’t really read a lot of that, and have been reading classics lately. just any books that make you really think and are written so beautifully that you can highlight quote after quote. i’ve also been reading a lot of non fiction spiritual books lately.
fav writer? recently, taylor jenkins reid. i’ve read two of her books and they’re incredibly gripping. love the simplicity and warmth of benjamin alire saenz as well, the care that ari & dante was written with. and also emily dickinson, especially her letters in particular to susan are just gorgeous.
fav book? aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe, wuthering heights, little women, a little life, and recently the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
fav book series? i don’t really read book series, so the only thing coming to mind is harry potter which i only read for the first time about five years ago now.
comfort book? little women and aristotle & dante.
perfect book to read on a rainy day? any easy read, probably several i listed above.
fave characters? aristotle & dante, jo & beth march (little women), mina murray (dracula).
5 quotes from your fave books that you know by heart?
“You teach me now how cruel you’ve been — cruel and false. why did you despise me? why did you betray your own heart, cathy? i have not one word of comfort. you deserve this. you have killed yourself. yes, you may kiss me, and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears: they’ll blight you — they’ll damn you. you loved me — what right had you to leave me? what right — answer me — for the poor fancy you felt for linton? because misery and degradation, and death, and nothing that god or satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will did it. i have not broken your heart — you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine. so much the worse for me that i am strong. do i want to live? what kind of living will it be when you — oh god! would you like to live with your soul in the grave?”  — wuthering heights, emily bronte (i could choose so many from this book but this is the most underrated one in my opinion and deserves more recognition).
“I will love you forever, whatever happens. ‘til i die and after i die, and when i find my way out of the land of the dead i’ll drift about forever, all my atoms, ‘till i find you again. i’ll be looking for you, will, every moment, evert single moment. and when we do find each other again we’ll cling together so tight that nothing and no one’ll ever tear us apart. every atom of me and every atom of you... we’ll live in the birds and the flowers, and the dragonflies and pine trees, and in the clouds and in those little specks of light you see floating in sunbeams... and when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me, we’ll be joined so tight...” — his dark materials (amber spyglass), philip pullman. (don’t talk to me, this quote makes me actually ache)
“I wanted to tell them that i’d never had a friend, not ever, not a real one. until dante. i wanted to tell them that i never knew that people like dante existed in the world, people who looked at the stars, and knew the mysteries of water, and knew enough to know that birds belonged to the heavens and weren’t meant to be shot down from their graceful flights by mean and stupid boys. i wanted to tell them that he had changed my life and that i would never be the same, not ever. and that somehow it felt like it was dante who had saved my life and not the other way around. i wanted to tell them that he was the first human being aside from my mother who had ever made me want to talk about the things that scared me. i wanted to tell them so many things and yet i didn’t have the words. so, i just stupidly repeated myself, “dante’s my friend.”” — aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe, benjamin alire saenz.
“There are many beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.”— little women, louisa may alcott.
“And so i try to be kind to everything i see and in everything i see, i see him.”— a little life, hanya yanagihara.
hardcover or paperback (paperback for general reading and hardback for special editions!) | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature (i love nature and want to be able to read outside but i cannot be in nature without being hypervigilent of bugs so wouldn’t be able to concentrate) | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending (i also used to read the last line of a book first for a long time but i started to piss myself off when it wasn’t vague enough) | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary (i can’t help it, i love pretty covers) | rereading or reading just once.
fave tv/movie genre? disaster/post apocalyptic, drama, sci-fi, documentary, occasional fantasy. i’m pretty on board with most things, other than horror but even that has some exceptions.
fave movie? titanic, shaun of the dead, little women (1994), eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, wuthering heights (2009 tv movie), portrait of a lady on fire, practical magic, the greatest showman, finding nemo, the grinch (2000).
comfort movie? finding nemo, little women (1994), shaun of the dead, all my favourite christmas movies which are too many to list.
fave tv show? friends, charmed, golden girls, gilmore girls, the walking dead, new girl. currently: 911.
most rewatched tv show? friends. i watch it almost every day and it would be impossible for me to count just how many times i’ve watched it from start to finish.
5 fave characters? all the friends on friends, piper halliwell (charmed), tara chambler (twd), glenn rhee (twd), maddie buckley (911).
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging (i’m conflicted because i miss the event of catching a show every week but at the same time once you binge watch you can’t go back) | one season or multiple seasons (but shows need to know when to stop) | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes (depends on my mood) | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once.
tagging: @bettyhofstadtdraper / @kubrickking / @koningen / @urispatty / @marmaladepotion / @mixye + anyone else that wants to do this, feel free to tag me to read :) !
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thran-duils · 4 years
In My Head
Title: In My Head Summary:  Fem!Reader x AU!Castiel. Set in the apocalypse verse, the reader is at the whim of her angel captor Castiel who has long figured out that some tortures are more effective. Words: 1,497 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Extreme dub-con, smut, angst
Flipping the page in the worn book, you read on. The leather-bound book was barely holding on to its binding and you handled it like porcelain to prevent from losing one of the last solaces you have left in the world.
“Don't laugh at the spinsters, dear girls, for often very tender, tragic romances are hidden away in the hearts that beat so quietly under the sober gowns, and many silent sacrifices of youth, health, ambition, love itself, make the faded faces beautiful in God's sight. Even the sad, sour sisters should be kindly dealt with, because they have missed the sweetest part of life, if for no other reason.”
This passage in particular was one that stirred emotion deep within you. You were sacrificing quite a lot being here.
Your relaxation was cut short as the sound of heavy footfalls on the hardwood outside the door caused you to freeze. There was no mistaking his presence now that you had become all too acquainted with his mannerisms. He was shifty, but all too predictable just the same.
His voice sounded outside the door, telling the guard outside to take leave. The air shifted as the door swung open behind you, his ominousness bearing down on you even now just by occupying the space.
Closing the door behind him, Castiel – your captor – moved into the room further towards you where you were sitting on the ground in between the bed and your dresser. He stopped at the end of the bed, turning his head to the right, spotting you. His lips curled into the familiar cruel smirk.
“Hmm,” he hummed, facing you fully. “That cannot be as comfortable as lounging on the bed.”
You said nothing, gripping your book protectively.
“Come now,” he snapped his fingers, pivoting on his heel. “I don’t have all day.”
Quickly, you pushed your book beneath the bed, hiding it from view. He of course knew you had it but without it in sight, you believed it better protected from any ‘lesson’ he wanted to impose upon you for any imagined slight.
Standing next to the bed, stealing quick glances at him as he shrugged his jacket off, pulled his gloves off with care, preparing for this latest assault. You had learned awhile ago that fighting him was not an option; it only left you with bruises and him bringing back ‘trophies’ of your friends in retribution for your disobedience. An ear there, a finger, even once an eye of who he claimed belonged to Erik. The deep brown color of the eye matched the friendly eyes Erik possessed and Castiel was cruel enough to do such a thing. Sacrificing your wellbeing to prevent further torture of your friends at your expense was the only way you saw yourself helping anyone anymore. So, you let him do what he liked most: breaking you. Over and over.
Only in a new way than he had started with.
Castiel came toe to toe with you, his bare fingers hooking underneath your chin to tilt your head up to look at him. He was shirtless, his belt undone already.
His lip twitched, staring deep into your eyes. Lightly, feigning politeness, he commented, “It’s been almost a week. Did you miss me at all?”
“No,” you told him firmly. It did no good to lie; he knew the truth. And there were few things that infuriated him more than lying.
Chuckling amused, his fingers slid quickly to grip your jaw tightly, causing you to wince. “My, my, no love lost between us, is there, my sweet?”
You said nothing as he moved his free hand to ghost along your frame, his hand coming to your hip. His hand moved further to cup your ass and you gasped softly as he yanked you to his eagerly awaiting kiss. His kisses held no tenderness behind them, only lust. You were surprised he could feel anything at all. Your dress was pulled away from you, leaving you nude. He laid a few more rough kisses, nipping at your nose as he pulled away.
“Mhm, I daresay I did miss you. The taste of you, the feel of you…” Castiel murmured as he tore his belt off, tossing it aside, his fingers then finding the zipper on his slacks. Bare as you, he was on you again, scooping you up into his arms before tossing you unceremoniously onto your back on the bed. “Your acquiescence is a treasure.”
The bed creaked with his weight as he pressed down onto you, his lips crashing into yours again. His cock brushed your thighs, hardening as he took your bottom lip into his, biting down roughly. You whimpered in pain, much to his pleasure. Pulling away, his eyes were dark.
“So delicate,” he snickered. “I must remember to treat my sweet with care.”
His fingers slipped past your folds, his thumb finding your clit with ease. You feared sometimes now that he knew your body better than you did; he had certainly touched every crevice and crook, physically and mentally.
Castiel was careful then, gentle even. That is what made it all the more worse when you responded to his touch, arching your back as you grew wetter beneath him. He was watching you, a lascivious look painted on his features. He pinched at your nub and you keened; he responded with twitch and a smirk as he basked in controlling your actions.
Angels were supposed to be good, that was what you had always been taught. But it had been all wrong; angels were cruel, domineering. And Castiel was one of the worst. Unfortunately for you, he had not decided to kill you after torturing you for information. He had kept you for himself, finding pleasure in torturing you other ways. Every orgasm was another notch in his bedpost and a kick to your gut whenever you came down from the high.
When you came on his fingers, he pressed his lips to yours, suffocating you with a bruising kiss.
“Well done, my sweet,” he cooed, peppering kisses before pulling away and lining himself up with your entrance.
“Pl—” you tried to beg before crying out as he buried himself in you to the hilt without any build up.
He groaned loudly, fully seated inside you. Adjusting himself, he pressed your legs up, your knees at his sides. Tears stung your eyes, your walls still sensitive as he slowly pulled out, his eyes boring into you as he did so. It got him going to draw any type of emotion out of you, positive or negative.
He slowly built up pressure and speed, hands planted on either side of you. Following his rhythm, you tried to fall away and into the feeling. Another lesson you learned quickly was that he had all the stamina in the world, you could not outlast him. When had you tried to avoid cumming on his cock, he had left you sore for days; it had hurt to sit properly. You had lost count of the times you had trembled beneath him, lost in your pleasure and subsequent over washing shame.
The room was filled with skin slapping against skin, his grunts of effort echoing in your ears. You panted, feeling the coil tighten in your stomach every time his cock brushed your core. Castiel knew, he always knew. His gaze raked over you, your breasts bouncing with each thrust, a wicked smirk on his face.
A choked sob left your throat and your fingers curled into the blankets, knuckles white, as your legs began to shake.
You heard him praise over the roar in your ears, “There you are, my little fledgling.”
Castiel pounded into you, relishing in your climax around him. The pain from his death grip on your hips was barely registered by you as you went limp, shuddering from the continuous waves. He finished inside you with a long, loud groan.
It did not take him long to leave you cold, the air chilling the sweat on your skin.
Slipping back into his clothes, Castiel turned away from you, humming jauntily under his breath.
Adjusting, you pushed yourself off the mattress, moving off of the bed. You wrapped your arms around yourself, waiting for him to turn around again.
When he did, he beamed, “You are so well behaved.” His heels clicked on the hardwood as he approached, closing the space between you. Resting his hands on your shoulders, he peered down his nose at you. “I suppose you have earned that shower.” He gave you a long, soft kiss on your forehead. Against your skin, he breathed, “Wash up. Relax. I do hate leaving but you know I will be back soon, my little fledgling.”
The dark chuckle confirmed what you already knew.
He knew he never truly left you alone. He was always in your head, toying with you even after the door closed behind him. That was his design.
CASTIEL FOREVER TAGS: @willowing-love @perseusandmedusa @greenappleeyes @afanofmanystuffs @earthtokace @shikaros-blog @marisayouass @splendidcas
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