#the heights here are kinda off from my usual hcs but then again this is like. some sorta different kaito b/c hes a little fucked up so
sundial-bee-scribbles · 9 months
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l♡vely p♡is♡n
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eves4pple · 4 months
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A/n: Long time no see!! Work and life got super crazy but I’ve been indulging in Diabolik Lovers again! Alongside that! For a few months I’ve been rewriting DL (more like my own au!!) just small tweaks and adding more realistic characterizations to characters I enjoy! So I decided to make a list of my headcanons for the Mukami household + Yui (she’s my beauty)
TW: slight mention and hint at abuse, mention of sexual abuse, mention of animal death
Take all of these at face value I’ve done my research to the best of my abilities and are basing this off of the things I’ve read, played, and watched! Plus my own little personal things!
- A quieter household. Each brother seems to have their own hobbies and tends to stick to themselves. This doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy each others company, they seem like the only group to like REALLY enjoy being around each other. Brother banter and all that nonsense.
- isn’t the safest but compared to the Sakamaki household Yui is in less danger. She actually spends more time pursuing schooling and smaller hobbies here without much backlash. Yuma and her garden often and Ruki helps her study. But of course this kinda stuff is paid back in blood so, you win some loose some
- Yuma will tease all 3 brothers for their height, I believe this may be canon? But it’s really Kou he has spats with over their heights. As an idol Kou is notoriously over dramatic and borderline narcissistic (and very full of himself) so he’s kinda pissy Yuma hangs his height over his head, but it’s all in good fun! (Usually)
-Yui and Ruki don’t really get along in the beginning. Which duh, but after a long period of time Yui began to get annoyed with being bossed around? I mean I would to, so he kinda grossed her out. Too much like an Ayato Reiji mix
- it’s mentioned either that in a CD or clip from more blood (the game) that Yui housed a kitten and was healing it back to health and Ruki killed it. This also kinda solidified their relationship into not being great. Yui believes very strongly in her morals and Ruki is one to oppose them. Meaning that in her eyes he’s cruel and in his she’s weak.
- Azusa is super interested in religions. Not like in them but he thinks the rules and regulations are kinda interesting to look into, he asks Yui a lot of questions about her faith and what it means to her.
- Yuma and Yui get along the best, the brothers were once human and I feel like don’t lack empathy to the extent pure bloods do. Course they will make comments that have Yui going “???” Because they are still entitled vampires
- The kinda group to have annoying ass orders at cafes. They don’t go out as a group much but when they get the chance they do. So when Yui joined she tagged along (of course they were like helicopter parents). Kou wants something sweet all the time so it’s either a milkshake/frappe nonsense, Ruki is the one who makes in super obvious he “just wants a black coffee. Black, no sugar or cream”, now Azusa’s order isn’t hard but he’s so quiet that it’s hard to catch it all so it’s usually made wrong on accident. Yuma sticks to the same thing but it’s a coffee with like 13 different steps that by the end it’s like a concoction of sugar, cream, flavoring, and coffee.
- Yui has an easy order, usually a tea. She avoids most coffee’s due to her sleep already being out of whack
- Yui has nightmares often due to the abuse she’s faced and she’s semi opened up to Azusa abt them in passing but tends to shut it down if pried.
- Ruki is stressed almost always. With the stress of being Adam kinda solely falling on his shoulders he doesn’t sleep often or even at all.
- this is supposedly canon but, Yuma likes bigger curvy girls in my mind :3
- Kou likes Kesha, Megan, and other female rap/pop artists. I also feel like Yui also dabbles with that kinda music but it isn’t her favorite
- Yuma’s the kinda brother that gives his brothers the faulty gaming controller :/
- Yuma and Kou smoke weed 100% idk I feel like they’d enjoy it, Ruki has a few times but usually just tells them off. Azusa has zero interest, Yui also has dabbled and she enjoyed it but getting high with like supernatural creatures can be… anxiety inducing?
- Ruki seems like one of those kids who’d have a super non trad kinda pet? Idk a snake or something. Not messy, loud, and chill
- Kou seems like the type to be sex repulsed often? He’s an idol and gets sexualized a lot in the limelight so bad correlation but even if he hates it he still does it to Yui
- Yui also is very sex repulsed
- yuma has a hard time coming to terms with his past with Shuu? It’s a weird grief thingy
- I feel like sometimes, only sometimes, they miss being human. I believe it’s semi mentioned already. But I feel like when Yui started living with them they started noticing that feeling more in an angry/sad way.
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starry-907 · 14 days
hi starry!!! <3 i've been seeing so many stick men on my dash, and i've gotten super curious. the fandom wiki page answered none of my questions, so i thought i'll turn to the resident expert <3 <3 <3 whomst may be these characters and where do they come from?
RESIDENT EXPERT SJDLFJSKDJ THANK YOU I GUESS?? i'm just very autistic abt these silly sticks, i don't think i'm much of an expert
the stickfigures are from Alan Becker's Animation Vs series/franchise (calling it a franchise seems wrong but there's multiple series under the umbrella so idk how else to describe it) on youtube! i'm gonna go into more detail on that but i'm putting it under a cut because i don't know how long this'll get to be completely honest
also sorry if this takes a while to get answered i wanted to collect screenshots and visuals
So i'm not gonna get into a full play-by-play, mainly to avoid spoiling you, but the series can be kinda split up into a few different categories (the first two being the "primary" series of the overarching series)
ALSO the creator refers to all the sticks with he/him but a lot of people tend to headcanon differently (it's me i'm people) so i might use my own hc pronouns for characters. honestly part of the series' appeal is the fact that there's wiggle room for headcanons to emerge.
anyway! starting off with the og:
Animator vs Animation
animator vs animation starts off with the simple question of, "hey what if my drawings came to life and fought me", which is somewhat of the overarching question through the first 3 installments
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the fourth one winds up turning that question on it's head by the end because of this silly li'l guy, The Second Coming (usually called second or orange by the fandom)
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by the end of ava 4, second (and the friends they found on a website) have reached an understanding with the animator (who's also alan, it's a bit confusing but i try to think of it like mcyt rules where there's the creator and then the character), and are now friends with him. ava 1-4 were recently bundled into being animator vs animation season 1, i'd recommend you start with these four if you want to watch the other series.
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ava seasons 2 and 3 (season 3 is currently ongoing) take a bit of a different turn, delving into the previously left up to question fates of the past three sticks that alan had made in ava 1-3, along with also dropping some bombshells of lore here and there. semi related side note i'm taking the chosen one and shaking them in a tupperware violently.
Animation vs Minecraft
this one is the longest of the different series, with 35 episodes (36 counting the original). it also pulls off the "mainly filler eps until everything suddenly spurs into motion" thing very well. it's also funny because the series started out named as "animation vs minecraft shorts" when episodes in season 3 would get up into at least 20 minute runtimes.
this series is where we start to get personalities developed for the four sticks that second befriended in ava 4, through the lens of different minecraft niches, from animal care to potions to redstone to noteblocks.
avm seasons 1 and 2 focus more on exploring the different aspects of minecraft (such as build battles), though season 1 does have a very brief arc involving this other stick, purple
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(purple shows up in later episodes as well)
speaking of purple, if you're watching animation vs minecraft as a whole, make sure to watch animation vs leauge before you get to season 3 otherwise there could be a brief moment of confusion.
"but starry idk anything about minecraft-" THAT'S OK!! sorry for yelling i got excited. the series does a pretty good job of laying down the basics of the more complex mechanics before the stickfigures proceed to take it to heights that are probably not achievable in vanilla.
"starry what about season 3-" I'M GLAD YOU ASKED sorry got excited again. season 3 takes a hard pivot from "semi-unconnected episodes with maybe a few overarching elements" to "fully episodic adventures that will genuinely make you a bit emotional at times near the end". it also starts with blue going to find netherwart before the escalation escalates and trust me once you know how the season ends that seems so much funnier.
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season 4 goes back to the less sequential episodes, just with a few status quo updates from the end of season 3 added in, namely the occasional addition of two characters from season 3 that people go feral over seeing included.
I'LL ALSO USE THIS SPACE TO TALK ABOUT THE ACTUAL SHORTS, which, as stated, are shorts that don't have a runtime over a minute or a minute and a half. they're somewhat of a mix between minecraft themed and being themed around other aspects of the series (there's one where the sticks and alan try to max out a clicker game, for example).
animation vs education
these ones are a bit less "plot" and a little more "hey look at this cool thing". the only character we're familiar with to be in this is second, and we essentially follow them going through these various black spaces exploring different educational concepts. right now we have avmath, avphysics, and avgeometry.
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they all manage to be engaging and interesting even when the concept being explored reaches the point where you might not understand what the heck is going on (a big example for me being when avphysics started getting into more theoretical stuff, the sequence was cool enough that i didn't even care that half of it was going over my head).
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i also feel like these are the ones that people unfamiliar with the series are likely to find? at least when i mention the series usually if someone's heard of it it's cuz they've watched avmath or avphysics.
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even though these don't seem to have any connection to the main series (though a lot of people hc that they're second's dreams), i still recommend giving these a watch if for no other reason that they're really cool!
influencer arc
this one's the newest bit added to the umbrella! it's a 3-episode arc about one of the sticks, green, making a youtube channel with his friends and also exploring adobe products. we only have one episode of this so far, and it was funny because everyone was literally going feral over it when it released.
this one's also fun because there's an actual youtube channel for green, so you can see the full version of the videos they make in the episodes! the channel was leaked before the episode release so everyone went feral over that then too. the videos on the channel are very much "kids messing around with a camera" vibes.
the one-off eps
there's quite a number of these that explore different things, like animation vs youtube, where second and green manage to tick off a video player, or the team trees and team seas videos where blue gets the ability to grow trees and remove trash with money (at least in second's dreams). like i said, for understanding one aspect of avm season 3 (namely why everyone's fairly chill with purple when meeting them), i recommend watching animation vs leauge before reaching season 3, purple shows up there.
if you want me to go more in depth about the characters themselves (with some of my headcanons bleeding through a li'l), let me know and i can make a part two! i recommend giving the series a watch if you want to understand better but you'll likely want to break it up into more managable chunks
i also wrote most of this while on the bus to work
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crowleywowley · 11 months
hai….i’m back….here to give more modern (plus some general) hcs!! :3
⭑i like to think of john and abi as highschool sweethearts :) But they were pretty on and off, so everyone was surprised when they made it to senior prom (john wore those tuxedo t-shirts)and eventually graduation! they got pregnant with jack a few months after graduating
⭑when it’s time for spring cleaning, DUTCH IS THE LOUDEST MF IN THE HOUSE. he’s blasting the 70s music, waking up everyone in the house very loudly announcing that it’s spring cleaning day…poor hosea, john, and arthur
⭑i like to think charles makes these super pretty bracelets and sells them online :3 some of the gang members got some! they’re very meticulously crafted and he takes pride in his art!
⭑Karen is def a crazy cat lady. She has FOUR OF THEM!!! She’d give three of the cats really pretty names but let Sean name her most recent one…in which he named the poor cat “napkin” 💀
⭑Dutch and Hosea have an unreal amount of hawaiian pattern shirts..it’s crazy. hosea wears them in the spring and summer but dutch wears them year round
⭑For some reason, it’s tradition on Arthur’s birthday to go to Texas Roadhouse (I know he’d FUCK UP that bread they give as appetizers). He usually has his family, an s/o, and a couple friends there :)
⭑Speaking of fucking up rolls…I think Artie in general would just have a guilty soft spot to sweets. His s/o would come back with those rolls or just any pastry or candy and arthur will feel so special and spoiled! He’ll also do the same thing for them in return :) (Or just any kinda fave food they like)
⭑Lenny was a SUPER smart kid in school. I like to think in the modern au he just graduated outta highschool, but he got all of these scholarships and awards for being such a smart kid. He’d def major in some sort of writing or literacy thing in college
⭑Sadie can and will destroy anyone at those bull riding things at restaurants. she’s got a plaque of her name on it at a restaurant she won at!
⭑This is more of a general one, but seeing Arthur and John compared to eachother is so funny…Arthur is like this big bear while John is skinny and dorito shaped
⭑It’s also funny seeing the heights of the vandermatthews (name still in progress) family. From shortest to tallest it goes Dutch (5’8”…short dutch all the way), Hosea (5’10”), John (5’11”), and Arthur (6’2”)
⭑One time John borrowed Dutch’s laptop and clicked on a weird website, giving the laptop a virus. John was grounded for a few days and Arthur didn’t stop teasing him about it
OKAY!!! that’s all i have rn ^^ i think i might be saying too many hcs but i love making them…they’re too fun!! (sorry for showing my arthur favoritism again sighhhh 😭😭)
So sorry it took me several days to get to this, real life has had me busy 😔 but I’m here now and EEEEEEEE so fun and silly!!!!
-I’ve also always seen John and Abi as a high school sweethearts type of thing, I think they broke up and got back together so many times in that immature high school way until like senior year when they just stayed together
-Dutch is that one vine where the guy was dancing to Morning Train by Sheena Easton
-crying real tears rn imagining Charles crafting stuff for his pals🥹🥹🥹🥹 I could see him eventually getting into bigger crafts too
-Listen I’m gonna defend Sean bc I just KNOW that napkin the cat fits her namesake so well. It’s one of those skrunkly white kittens
-Arthur having a sweet tooth is canon in my heart sorry ladies, I think he’d enjoy baking goodies for his friends/partners bc he’s suchhhhh an acts of service/gift giver love language kinda guy
-I think Lenny was just one of those kids in high school that everyone loved. He was nice to everyone and genuinely really smart, sorry haters but he definitely got voted prom king or something. As he should!!!!!!
-Sadie drives a cool truck but not in a douchebag way, like that woman is hauling shit AROUND!!!!!!!!
These are all so fun and so silly! It’s been a rough week so I genuinely enjoyed getting to read these :) yall please never hesitate to blow up my inbox with thoughts like these!!
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coffee-latte-sprite · 3 years
Batboys w/ a Short S/O
Hi again :) may I request a hc for the batboys with a short (4'10) reader? My life sucks, people always mistake me as a kid, having a older looking partner is hell everybody look at us weird 😖. How do you think the bats would hand it?
Notes: Hi! Welcome back :) I’m short to, and I understand the struggle
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Dick Grayson
Thoughts on your Height
Dick would honestly love your height, but not because it’s cute
He would love it because he would make so many jokes out of it
“Dick, can you help me?”
*looks around* “Is someone there?”
*You are like 2 feet away from him*
“Say goodbye to your kneecaps buddy.”
But, in all honesty, he will love putting his elbow on top of your head just to tease you.
It will sort of be his reassurance of you
That you are in fact still there
He doesn’t usually look down during the day, but feeling you there, makes him happy
Height Problems Help
If there is something that is too high for you to reach
Dick will absolutely help you
Then, proceed to say that he needs to buy a stepping stool for you
You don’t know if he is teasing or being serious
It was both
For your birthday, he bought you one
But the card said, “Short people appreciation day :)”
How other people see you
A lot of people think that you are related in some way (?)
“Oh, is this your cousin?”
“. . . No . . .?”
He would be caught off guard a lot
If someone would say anything like how they are related, all common sense goes out the window
He’s always confused about how people think you are related when he literally called you a pet name like 0.5 seconds before
Poor boi
Jason Todd
Thoughts on your Height
Jason actually would not comment about your height at all
He loves how you fit so perfectly in his arms
Especially when you cuddle
He loves how you two fit like puzzle pieces
(*author crying*)
And when he’s the little spoon, he thinks it’s kinda funny how he just crushes you under him
But, he does worry he’s hurting you
You tell him it’s fine
After that, he is NOT going to leave that spot for hours
Although, he does worry about you in the real world
Seeing how you are so small, he’s worried about someone taking advantage of your small size
So, he makes sure that you have mace on you, helps you in self-defense, and he wants to be with you when you go out
Height Problem help
Jason is like 6 foot, let’s be real here, he has forgotten the struggles of being small
He is constantly putting stuff on the TOP self
Always the top self, nothing lower than that
It drives you crazy
You remind him a lot not to do that because you would have to climb onto the counter, get a chair, or ask for help
Jason always feels really bad about doing that because he keeps forgetting about your height
How other people see you
Honestly, people are scared to comment on you two
They think Jason’s in a gang or gang leader with his leather jacket and his hard stare
But, when someone does comment, he’s always slow on the draw
“Oh, is this your half-sibling?”
“. . . What did you just say about my partner?”
He’s always caught up in why people think that you are so much younger than him, and they think he might be a predator or something
Tim Drake
Thoughts on your Height
Tim is at 5’7”
He understands the struggles with height
He never makes fun of you for it or comments on it
Although, when Tim is on borderline sleep and death rate with coffee
He will not see you
He runs into you a lot when it comes to sleep deprivation
*walks into you*
“Who’s there!”
“Me,” … “No, look down here Tim.” *sigh*
Height Problem help
Tim does not put stuff on the top self
He puts everything lowest self to the upper middle, all of which you can reach
But, when there is something to tall, you’ll ask him for help
And this goes two ways:
1) he can’t reach it either and has to get a chair
2) says he will help you, but gets sidetracked with work for an hour, then helps you
How other people see you
Since Tim has a really young face and is kinda short to, no one thinks anything of your relationship
Everyone thinks that you two are indeed a couple
And some even say how perfect you look together and how cute you two are
But, if someone does say something about how small you are, Tim will be ready to fight
No one disrespects you
Older!Damian Wayne
Thoughts on your Height
When Damian was younger, he was in the short stack group for a LONG time
He did not get tall until he was like seventeenish
So he completely understands your struggles and feels bad for you because of your height disability
Especially since you both know you are done growing
And, he always looks down when he is looking for you
His brother’s say that it’s funny how when he is looking for you, he’s basically staring at his feet
Damian did not appreciate that comment
Height Problem help
Damian puts everything on different heights, but everything you need is in reach
He puts everything he needs up high so you have enough room to put what you need on your shelf
He also gets you custom shoes that have heels in them so you can be taller, or feel taller
He doesn’t do this in a teasing tone either, he’s actually being really considerate
He wished he had heels sometimes when he was younger
How other people see you
You do get weird looks from people when you pass them
But, nobody says anything
But, they do talk about it
“Omg, do you see them? Are they like his sibling or something?”
You and Damian pretend you don’t overhear them talking
But, when you feel self-conscious, Damian tries to help you feel better about yourself
And tries to make you feel not self-conscious
“Don’t worry about them beloved, they are nothing.”
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Aaaaaaaa!!!!!! Bro im genuinely so happy you write for gyutaro, theres almost next to nothing abt him 😭😭
Can i request some hc of a masc but if not that's okay s/o whose taller than Gyutaro and who loves to spoil and fluster/embarrass him with so much affection?? Like everytime they see him, its kisses to his birthmarks, gentle touches, and so many affirming words 💖💖
I'm just so down bad lately bro, also good luck with college!!! I know it gets super hectic, but i know you can do this!!!
I KNOW HE DESERVES BETTER <3 Also, thank you for the college encouragment :3
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Content: Gyutaro x masc!Reader
Warnings: Possessiveness
Notes: This can be read with any pronouns, feel free to read <3 also this was supposed to be put up hours ago, but I got some Halloween decorations for my hamster <33 (he's so cute y'all would love him)
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Coming from a woman who is masc, and normally taller than every man I meet (including my current boyfriend LOL) I can relate hard to this
Gyutaro is going to be put off by someone taller than him, as that doesn't...usually happen
I know he's kinda gangly, and his official height hasn't actually been officially stated, but we know he envies Tengen for being "well over six feet." So, I'd deduce that Gyutaro is in the 5'10" - 5'11" range
The first time you raise your hand to caress his cheek, he's going to flinch, thinking you're gonna hit him
But he softens and relaxes when you smile and softly drag your thumb over his cheek
Is going to stumble on hit feet whenever you bombard his face with kisses, feeling especially shy when you kiss his scars and birth marks
Is going to squeal like a girl when you pick him up and run off with him possibly to the bedroom hehehe
Is going to blush profusely and possibly even become a tsundere for a bit, not believing that you actually love him, and thinking that you just want something from him
However, the more attention you pay to him, show you trust him completely, and how many people you reject for him out of all people...okay, maybe he'll begin to accept that you truly love him
Not to say that he doesn't already love you - he was smitten from the first kind act you did for him
He's still going to scratch his skin off if he sees someone come up to you
He anxiously waits to see if you walk off with them or not. A part of him will always think you'll leave him, thanks to his upbringing
Is gonna want to devour anyone who even looks in your direction
All he can do is hold your hand and grumble, though, not feeling as big of a need to protect you as you're bigger than him
He's still really jealous and possessive. The "you know other men?" meme kinda vibe lol
When you give him unsolicited reassuring words while kissing him and holding him, he's going to be so quiet and feel so small
"N-no, you don't really mean that..."
"But I do! I love you, Gyu, and you need to know that you're adorable!"
Gyutaro is going to take a while to get used to your gentle touch, but after eating with Ume, or after he sees someone fail at trying to sweep you off your feet, he'll gently grab your hand and place it on his cheek, hoping you'll get the hint and caress him again.
You're his and only his! Nobody else can have your gentle touch, your loving words and gaze, or your affections! Only him! Only Gyutaro!
He might end up snapping and going on a rampage if someone says one bad thing about you, especially if you're not there
He can't survive without you! How dare someone try to soil you?!
Will develop a habit of plopping in your lap and huffing when he's upset, or just wants attention
Really likes to feel small and safe with you, will frequently ask for headpats
Wants you to mark him so people (especially other demons) can know that he's yours 😤
He also just really likes admiring the marks, and will heal them quicker if it means you'll give him more <3
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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A Day at the Zoo (Titan Army)
In which the main 5 Titan Army demigods (Luke, Ethan, Alabaster, Silena, and Chris, take a trip to the zoo. Set in a universe that's kinda canon but also kinda not.
The structure of the zoo is based off of my local zoo because that's what I know. Also, for context I hc Luke to have a fear of snakes. And this wasn't really supposed to be any particular person's POV the whole way through but it kind of ended up being mostly Ethan's, so.
"I don't know why we thought this would be a fun trip," Ethan grumbled as they walked through the front gates of the zoo. "Every time we go anywhere, I always get stuck having to rein in Al and Chris's stupidity."
"Oh, calm down," Silena said. "I'm sure they can behave themselves for one day. Right boys?" She flashed the two trouble makers in question a brilliant pearly white smile. Silena was undeniably the most excited about the zoo trip. She currently wore a sparkly cat ear headband and had her phone out, ready for her usual aesthetic photos and selfies.
Ethan wouldn't pretend he didn't enjoy the zoo under normal circumstances. He liked animals, and he liked reading the facts on the signs about them. However, being here with Alabaster Torrington and Chris Rodriguez was a different matter entirely. It had been decided that Ethan was indisputably the one on the team with the most braincells, or at least the one who most consistently used them. As such, whenever Alabaster and Chris started being their usual idiotic selves, it was Ethan's job to make sure they didn't hurt themselves or anyone else.
"No promises," Chris said, then immediately he and Alabaster ran over to the mountain goat exhibit, bumping each other playfully like they were going to knock the other into the enclosure. Ethan gave a primal sigh.
"I better go make sure they don't fall in," he said. "You and Luke got the ticket process."
"Yeah, sure," Luke said, glancing at the mountain goats. "Thalia always admired mountain goats for being able to live up so high." Ethan sighed and ran off after Alabaster and Chris. A bump from Chris almost actually sent Alabaster over the edge. The two laughed stupidly.
"I seriously need to invest in a couple of those child leashes for you two," he sighed. "At least Luke and Silena never do stuff like this."
"That's because Silena's a girl, and Luke doesn't know how to have fun," Chris said.
"No, it's because they aren't idiots like you two," Ethan said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "And what does Silena being a girl have to do with anything?"
"Girls usually aren't as reckless as guys," Alabaster said.
"Yeah, well I'm a guy, and I'm not reckless."
"You sure about that?" Alabaster said, pointing to Ethan's eyepatch.
"Okay, you are on thin ice," Ethan said. "I told Silena I didn't want to come if it meant I have to babysit you the whole time. So I'm about five seconds from leaving."
"No ditching!" Silena said. She'd come back with the tickets and had her phone held up, snapping a quick picture of the three. "Say zoo!"
"Silena, we're not five years old," Ethan muttered.
"I am mentally," Chris volunteered. "And are you sure about that?" He held a hand above Ethan's head to demonstrate Ethan's short height. Ethan shot a nervous look to Silena. Help me, his face pleaded.
"All right," Silena said. "Come on, let's go." Alabaster bumped Chris again and then followed Silena through the official entrance.
"Ethan, look." Alabaster pointed to a sleeping black bear as they crossed the bridge over the bear enclosure. "It's you."
"How so?" Ethan was used to Alabaster's shenanigans by now.
"You know. It's a black bear, and you wear a lot of black and have black hair."
"That's probably your dumbest reason yet," Ethan said. At least when Alabaster and Chris pointed to some kind of garbage can or bag and told the other "hey look, it's you," that was kind of funny. This was just dumb.
"Hey, look," Ethan said, feeling utterly done.
"What?" Alabaster asked. Ethan pointed to the rock the bear was sleeping on.
"It's you." It was intended to be a joke on Alabaster's name, which he shared with a type of rock, but the son of Hecate just smirked and raised an eyebrow.
"Does that mean you want to nap on top of me?" Ethan's face burned.
"No, it's- just forget I said anything." Alabaster grinned and ran ahead after Chris. Ethan sighed heavily and walked after them.
"Silena," he grabbed her arm as he passed. "Please, save me. I don't want to babysit Al and Chris this whole time, can you possibly get them for just a little bit?"
"I suppose," Silena said. "After all, this trip is supposed to be enjoyable for everyone, and it's not going to be for you if you're wrangling those two all day."
"Thank you," he breathed. "You're my hero, seriously."
"Yeah, sure," she laughed. Clutching her phone in her hand and started walking ahead to catch up to Al and Chris.
With Silena wrangling the idiots for a while, Ethan had more time to take each exhibit in and actually read the information on the signs. Unlike Silena, he wasn't much for cute selfies and aesthetic photography, but he did occasionally take out his phone to snap a quick photo of particular things on the signs he found interesting.
"All right," Silena muttered, fixing her cat ears, which had somehow become tangled in her usually perfect hair. She pointed to Alabaster and Chris, who currently stood in the giant fake eagle's nest, trying to flap and caw louder than the other to assert dominance. "Luke, it's your turn to babysit those two."
"Why me?" Luke protested.
"Because you're the oldest, and Ethan and I have both done it already."
"Fine," Luke said. "You two, get out of there right now! That's for kids. You guys are sixteen and eighteen."
"You say that like it's going to make a difference to them," Ethan muttered. He reached into his backpack and pulled out an energy drink. "This is going to be a long day."
"You got that right," Silena said, slipping her hairbrush out of her own backpack. Silena never went anywhere without a hairbrush, which was something Ethan really didn't understand. Personally, he couldn't care less about his appearance. She brushed her hair back down and repositioned her headband. "There we go."
Chris and Alabaster had reluctantly agreed to get out of the eagle's nest. They kept walking until they got to the river otters.
"Oh... my... gods!" Silena squealed, bouncing up and down on her heels. The otters were tumbling through the water, playing. "They're so cute!" Ethan put a hand on her shoulder.
"Okay, but could you maybe squeal a little quieter?"
"Sorry," she said. After watching the otters play for a while, they walked to the next hallway. Small terrariums with lizards and snakes in them lined the wall. They all noticed it- Luke trying to act like he didn't hesitate and take a step back when he saw the reptiles.
"Don't be a sissy," Alabaster told him. "They're just small snakes."
"I'm not," Luke said. "I'm fine."
"Yeah," Chris said, bumping his half-brother. "Right." Luke rolled his eyes as they walked through the exhibit. Silena grinned and snapped a picture of the two.
"Cute sibling moment!"
"Yeah," Ethan chuckled with a sly grin. "Adorable."
"Shut up, Ethan Luke said.
"Shut up, Ethan!" Chris mocked in a whiny tone, pouting his lip. Luke whacked him on the back of the head. "I do not sound like that! Let's move on."
"DUCKS!" Chris yelled as they walked out of the snake hallway to find a little fenced-off lake teeming with all kinds of waterfowl.
"Chris, we just saw ducks," Luke said. "They were back with the beavers. It's not that exciting."
"I should have brought bread!" Chris said.
"No, you shouldn't have," Silena said. "Bread isn't good for ducks."
"I still like ducks," Chris said, standing right next to the wooden rail. Alabaster came running at him, bodyslamming him in the side.
"Gotcha!" Chris caught himself on the railing. Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Oh my gods, you two. You'd better stop that or you're going to get us all kicked out, like you do literally every place we go."
"He's got a point," Luke said. "You got us kicked out of the beach, Chris. That doesn't happen."
"So what I'm hearing is that we're trailblazers," Chris said.
"Well then, you need to get your ears checked," Ethan said. "Please, guys. Luke, Silena and I would like to actually enjoy the zoo, so if you two could just reign in your crap for a few hours-"
"No promises," Chris said with a lopsided grin. "Hey, water break?"
"If you mean drinking break, then yes."
"What else would I mean?" Chris said. "Actually... don't finish that thought." Ethan rolled his eye.
"Let's just keep going before the two of you wear my patience any thinner. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry, it's a good thing I can't be bothered most of the time."
"I don't like you now," Alabaster interjected.
"Liar," Silena said with a grin, holding up her phone to snap a picture of Alabaster's indignant expression.
"I am not!" he protested.
"Sure," Chris said. "If you don't like him, then why do you have three pictures of him in your room?"
"One of which," Luke interjected, "is labeled best boy ever in black sharpie?"
"Shut up!" Alabaster said, whacking Luke in the arm with his plastic water bottle.
"Fine, be that way, don't admit it," Silena said. "Let's keep going." She pulled out her own water bottle. She had mixed in a pink lemonade-flavored electrolyte packet. They kept walking to the cougars. The two large cats were curled up next to each other asleep. Silena bounced up and down on her heels. "They're so cute! They're just like big cats!" The corner of Ethan's mouth twitched up in a half smile.
"Yeah." Most people wouldn't have assumed it from looking at him, but Ethan liked animals a lot. Most of the time he got along with them easier than people. But he especially liked cats, the domestic ones and the wild ones. Silena snapped a picture.
"I'm posting this," she grinned. "How's cat nap for a caption?"
"Too punny for me, but go for it," Ethan said.
"Wow, Ethan," Chris said. "A lovely, sunny day, and you still have absolutely no sense of humor."
"I have a sense of humor," Ethan said flatly. "I just don't think puns are funny."
"Well, I'm posting it anyway," Silena said, straightening her headband, then looking at the map in her hand. "What's next?"
"California condors," Ethan read.
"Condors?" Chris asked. "What are those?"
"They're a type of vulture," Ethan said. Silena's face turned pale.
"Vultures? Maybe I'll stay back from this one. I get squeamish around dead things."
"Silena, you're a demigod," Luke said. "I think you can handle a few animal carcasses." Ethan glared daggers at the older guy.
"Not helping. Besides, I think they put signs out that say if there's a carcass in there, and I don't see one."
"Okay..." Silena said, though she still seemed a little uncertain, picking at her phone case. They all walked up the ramp to the viewing window for the condors.
"Oh my gods, that's a huge bird!" Chris said. "That's so awesome!"
"It's like a turkey vulture but bigger," Alabaster commented, brushing off his collar before shoving Chris again, which prompted another primal sigh from Ethan.
"It's pretty cool," Silena said. Now that she could see for sure that there were no carcasses in the enclosure, her face had gone back to its normal color and she was smiling brightly again. "They're so majestic. And look at that wingspan!"
"And look at how tall they are," Alabaster said with a cruel grin. "That's gotta be more than half your height, Ethan." Ethan rolled his eye.
"Ha, ha, very funny. I'm tired of those jokes, you know."
"Yeah, but what fun would they be to make if you didn't get annoyed?" Luke asked with a grin. Ethan inhaled deeply and pushed his own hair back, looking at Luke.
"Et tu, Brute?"
"My name's Luke," Luke said, with a look of mock confusion on his face. Ethan scoffed.
"It's a- gods, don't you people read?" Luke chuckled.
"Just messing with you, I get the reference."
"My point still stands," Ethan said, crossing his arms as they kept walking.
"Family farm," Silena read. "Ooh, is that like a petting zoo?"
"We'll see," Alabaster said, walking backwards into the building.
"Why are you-" Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are you walking backwards?"
"Because I like to be dramatic," Alabaster replied.
"Of course you do," Ethan sighed. "Honestly, I don't know why I even question you anymore." He turned to Luke and Chris. "Also, what was that you guys said earlier about him having three pictures of me in his room."
"Umm... nothing," Chris said, running after Alabaster. Ethan was about to chase after him when Silena squealed up ahead.
"Guys, come see the bunnies!" Ethan smiled slightly and walked over.
"Cute," he said, bending down to look through the gate at the sleepy rabbits.
"There's also a tortoise over here," Luke said, gesturing to the stall nearest the door. Alabaster's eyes gleamed.
"A tortoise. Good to know. So it's just snakes you're scared of? I thought for a second it might be all reptiles." Luke huffed.
"I am not scared of snakes. Just because I don't particularly like them doesn't mean I'm scared of them."
"Yeah, just you keep telling yourself that," Alabaster said.
"There are also goats over there," Ethan supplied, pointing to the other end of the barn.
"Nice!" Chris said as he and Alabaster ran over. Ethan sighed.
"I better go make sure they don't give each other concussions headbutting like goats or gods know what else they decide to do next. I swear, once we get back, I'm locking myself in my room with a book and a hot drink, where I am not to be disturbed." He turned and followed Chris and Alabaster.
Despite the massive expanse of their outdoor habitat, only one of the two polar bears the signs listed could be found, diving for toys in a pool, while the other must have been inside.
"So cool," Silena muttered, putting a hand to the glass, right before the polar bear smooshed her own nose to the glass in the same place, causing Silena's smile to grow and the others to laugh good-naturedly.
"Silena, the animal whisperer," Alabaster said.
"Not exactly," Silena chuckled.
"Primates or elephants next?" Chris asked after they finished up at the polar bears. "They're both right there."
"Primates are closer," Silena said. "Besides, I heard there's a baby orangutan."
"Aww," Ethan said.
"Well, let's go," Luke said.
"Well, would you look at that?" Alabaster said, checking his wristwatch as he looked at Ethan. "We've been here for over an hour and we haven't gotten kicked out yet."
"Yeah, my fingers are still crossed," Ethan said with a shake of his head as they entered the tunnel down to the primate exhibits, which was made to look like a giant, hollowed-out log. Chris's stomach growled audibly.
"Speaking of the time," he said, "we should probably eat soon."
"Yeah," Silena said. "But I heard about a great lunch spot, and it's coming up soon."
They walked down to the orangutan's exhibit. One of them was lying on her back on the floor, holding a ball of reddish fur that must have been the nursing baby.
"Aww, so cute!" Silena said. Everyone smiled.
*** After passing the rest of the primates and the elephants, they reached Silena's lunch spot. It was inside the Predators of the Serengeti building, looking out on the lion exhibit. It was sort of a theater spot, with steps and two benches at the top, facing a fenced-off stage that was supposedly for animal shows. Ethan sat down on the bench and slipped off his backpack. He was the one who'd carried everyone's lunches, so he unzipped his backpack and slipped them out, handing them out to the right people.
Ethan had a tuna sandwich, Luke and Chris had PB&J's, Alabaster had cold leftover pizza, and Silena had a salad, one of those "Greek" ones with chicken, feta, and olives. As they ate, they watched the lions pace around their exhibit, even coming close to the glass every now and then.
"I think they smell your nasty sandwich," Alabaster said to Ethan as he took another bite. "It carries."
"It's not nasty," Ethan said, rolling his guy. "Also, says the guy eating pineapple pizza. You're one to talk." Ethan didn't actually have anything against pineapple on pizza, he also liked it, but Alabaster had been antagonizing him all day and he felt like making a remark back. Alabaster chuckled.
After they all finished their lunch and kept walking. A big sign boasted that there was a carcass feeding in progress at the wild dogs, so they decided not to stop at that exhibit for Silena's sake. Next, however, was the cheetah exhibit. The cheetahs were sleeping in their little alcove, but the other window to the exhibit had an old safari jeep set into the glass, so the hood of the jeep was outside in the enclosure, but the rest of it was inside for children to play in and pretend to drive.
"Oh no," Ethan said, looking at Chris and Alabaster.
"I call driver!" Chris sprinted to the driver's side of the jeep and hopped up.
"Dang it." Alabaster climbed into the passenger's seat. Chris glanced into the rearview mirror.
"Luke, Ethan, Silena, get in the back!" Ethan sighed and climbed up, followed by Luke.
"Silena, come on," Luke said. She had put her backpack down on the crate that really little kids used as a stepping stool to get up into the back of the truck and was rifling through it.
"Just a sec," she said. "I need to find my selfie stick so I can take a picture of us."
"I really don't get the obsession with selfies," Ethan sighed, leaning back. Chris was just spinning the steering wheel with a crazed grin on his face. "Hurry up, because I swear Chris is one beat away from saying 'nyoom!' or something stupid like that."
"Hey!" Chris looked hurt.
"Found it!" Silena tossed her bag into the truck bed, then climbed up herself, attaching her phone to the selfie stick and then elongating it. "Everyone say safari!" No one except Chri said safari, but the photo still turned out excellent. Any photo Silena took always did. She always said she didn't know what career she should pursue in the future, but Ethan seriously thought she should be a professional photographer. The rest of them weren't as photogenic as the daughter of Aphrodite, but they always looked amazing in any photo she took.
"Nice photo." Ethan hopped down and walked to the next doors. The next room was several degrees hotter than any of the other buildings, and Ethan found himself pulling his jacket off and shoving it into his bag. An armadillo shuffled across the dirt floor of the enclosure on the wall, and a sloth hung from the ceiling. Silena grinned and snapped a photo.
The next enclosure was for dwarf mongoose. It was bigger, with a tunnel through it that led into a glass dome in the middle where kids could pop up and look at the exhibit from the inside. Ethan got on his knees and looked into the tunnel, estimating he could probably fit. He crawled through on his hands and knees, straightening up on his knees a little to see the mongoose scampering around from the inside. When he crawled out on the other side, he saw the expressions on Chris, Luke, and Alabaster's faces.
"Don't. You. Dare," he warned, walking around to grab his bag again.
"You can fit in the mongoose bubble," Alabaster snickered.
"Shut up," Ethan kicked him. "I'm not that short."
"Honestly, I'm impressed," Chris said. "And kind of jealous. I like messing around in the little kid things, but this is the only one I'm too tall for, but you fit perfectly!"
"Ugh." He marched straight for the doors. Next, they walked into the aviary. Just like the room they'd previously been in, it was warmer on the inside, with the added bonus of being loud, with a lot of squawky birds. They were pretty though. Ethan had to stifle a laugh when one of them left a splatter of white bird poo on Chris's shirt, which, unfortunately, happened to be black.
"Yikes," Silena winced when she saw the splatter on Chris's shoulder.
"It's fine," he said. "I can bear a bird poop stain for a few hours."
*** After passing the rhinos and the giraffes, neither of whom were doing much, they passed through the rainforest swamp room, which was also warm, and the most exciting attraction of which was a very lazy crocodile. Eventually, they arrived at the bats.
"Aww, are they fruit bats?" Silena asked. "Fruit bats are so fluffy and cute."
"I think so," Ethan said. They all walked in.
"Hey, look," Chris said, flipping open the info pad for the bats. "It's my family!"
"What?" Luke asked, looking over at him.
"It says they're called Rodriguez bats," he said.
"Okay, that's your worst joke yet," Ethan said, rolling his eyes. Of course, the joke was grounded. Chris's last name was Rodriguez. He was just glad there were no animals at the zoo that had the name Nakamura, he didn't want to get roped into another of Chris's stupid jokes.
After the bats, he got dragged onto a carousel. He didn't sit on any of the animals, he just stood in the aisle, though of course there was lots of teasing from Chris about the height limit to ride, which Ethan had elected to do his best to ignore. Even as a kid, Ethan hadn't liked carousels or merry-go-rounds. They always gave him vertigo. But everyone else seemed to be having a great time, so he decided to shut up.
After they had seen everything, they walked out past the front gate towards the zoo store. Thanks to Alabaster and Chris acting like idiots, they'd somehow managed to kill practically the whole day at the zoo. It was twilight now.
"Well, do we want to see if there's anything at the zoo store we want to buy?" Silena asked.
"As long as there's no like, matching t-shirts or anything, sure," Ethan said. Everyone else nodded.
"Okay," Silena said. "Oh, and Luke and Chris, you have to pay for whatever you get."
"Wow," Chris said. "Way to ruin the fun."
"Won't be very fun if you get busted for shoplifting, will it?" Ethan asked with his arms crossed.
As they were leaving to get back on the train, Alabaster walked over to Ethan, his bag from the zoo store in hand.
"Um, hey," he said.
"What do you want?" Ethan asked. It was cooling down, so he'd put his jacket back on and pulled the hood up.
"It's just... I kind of feel bad for teasing you today, so I got you something to maybe make up for it?" He reached into his bag and pulled out a small stuffed animal- an African wild dog.
"Um... thanks?" Ethan took it. He wasn't really a stuffed animal person, but for some reason the gesture made him feel warm inside. He wasn't sure how to react."
"You're welcome," Alabaster said, then stepped onto the train car.
A/N: Yes, the eagle nest thing was a self-callout. I'm 17 and I still climb in it every time. Also, the pictures of Ethan thing is based off a fanart someone sent in the Titan Army Discord server I'm in. Regarding Silena having a phone, I feel like the TA demigods could cause they're on the same side as the monsters so they aren't gonna attack them.
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Hi! Could i request hcs for Diluc and Xiao with a reader who is shy? Thank you!
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, diluc (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: a few swears in diluc’s! (it’s like one or two)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: this is actually my first tumblr post.... ive been super busy with school, sports, and other stuff. sorry! ill try to write more in the future! (constellations has been doing everything so far since i still dont know how tumblr works lol)
also, these are stupid long... and for what.
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adventuring was a lot for you to process
okay, so maybe having your own Benny’s Adventure Team was not great while traveling through Dragonspine and Liyue
too many of everything
you ended up getting really beat up.
after passing through Mingyun Village, you could see Wangshu Inn and decided to stay there until you were healed up
you always found comfort in the night sky, so you went out there every day
It was your fifth night staying at the inn before you saw a short male standing on the balcony where you would usually be. Strange. You’d never seen anyone like that before.
You seemed to have caught him off guard when you started to approach him since he jumped a little. 
Taking a closer look at his face, you studied it a bit. He had golden eyes and dark teal hair that seemed to frame his face perfectly, accompanied by lighter streaks of the same colour.
Pretty... you thought, completely entranced by this strange man (boy?). 
“Ah, sorry. I’m probably disturbing you... I’ll go now...” 
He blinked. 
god he’s in love
not even romantic love but he loved you like the past adepti
xiao would see so many couples over the years that he’s been at the inn and absolutely hated them, but this?? 
okay it’s a different type of love but damn it felt nice
You started to turn and walk back to your room before hearing his voice.
On the outside, you were cooler than a cucumber. The inside? Chaos. Millions of thoughts raced throughout that little head of yours. 
“Only if you’re fine with it...”
Turning back around, you took a few steps forward before noticing that he wore a lot of accessories on him. One of them being a mask that resembled one of the Vigilant Yaksha’s in that one book you read as a kid. Probably just a fan or something.
You reached the balcony, taking a spot next to him while also keeping some space between the two of you. Leaning on the balustrade (the railing of a balcony), you rested your head on top of your arms.
A comfortable silence was placed in the middle of the two. A silent breeze blew, adding to the mellow mood. 
“What brings you here?” the pretty stranger suddenly inquired, gaining a small jolt from your serene state. “Did I scare you? My apologies.”
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing...” You lifted your head to look out at the lands of Dihua Marsh. Seeing Dragonspine in the distance gave you a chill. Those were not the greatest memories. The small movement didn’t go unnoticed by the boy.
“You’re an adventurer?”
“Oh... yeah, I am... I’m not that experienced yet, though...” 
for SOME REASON... this man felt even more inclined to protect you
you still had a fair amount of bandages wrapped around your limbs, so it was clear that you were injured
but he did not.
he has restraint.
he is a good boy.
“I met a traveler that wasn’t very experienced either.” This fact shocked you. So he has been here for a while... but why hadn’t you seen him before? Does he just... disappear into thin air..?
the answer is yes
he does indeed do that
but that’s besides the point.
“Oh... that’s nice...” 
It was getting late. The moon was starting to lower back down and the lids of your eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the minute. You let out a yawn, but it was muffled by your head being buried in your arms once again.
“You should go get some rest.” You hummed. 
Then, a thought popped into your head.
“If you don’t mind me asking... what’s your name?” 
Even though you weren’t facing him, you could feel his piercing gaze on you. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all, but gave you a feeling of protection.
“Xiao.” You mouthed his name to yourself silently. It was nice.
“Goodnight, Xiao. I hope that we can do this again soon.”
“Goodnight to you...”
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you were a cryo catalyst that tried to fight against some cryo slimes alone
hint: that was a bad idea
my favourite elemental reaction was immune!
literally... you couldn’t even do anything to them
and you were getting beat up. 
for plot convenience you were at the lake next to Dawn Winery
At this point, you’d been fending these slimes off for around a quarter of an hour now and you were getting tired now.
Your dumbass tried to drown them in the lake but forgot that they immediately froze any moisture underneath them. You tried attacking them but everything you could do was inflict the freeze effect (against CRYO slimes). 
You literally could not do anything. Time to get frozen to death!
Suddenly, a big fire bird swept up the slimes that had been occupying you for the last 20 minutes or so, effectively taking them out. 
At this point, the only thing that kept you standing was your adrenaline, which quickly ran out as you dropped to the ground in exhaustion. You let out a sigh, finally free from those damned slimes. You will have your revenge one day... just not today.
While you were resting on the ground, your saviour had been standing there, watching you calm down. And so you looked up to be greeted by probing crimson orbs, which definitely startled you.
Your saviour was.... Master Diluc. Master Diluc Ragnvindr, wealthiest man in Mondstadt. Him. In front of you. 
“OH! I, um, Master Diluc! What brings you here?” 
“I was taking a stroll around the winery and happened to see you in your own predicament.”
You attempted to stand up, though your legs failed you as you only flopped back onto the dirt. 
diluc doesn’t wanna admit it but that was unbelievably stupid, cute, and endearing
okay and what if this emo boy doesn’t like people
he still has feelings too >:(
“I’ll stay here with you so you won’t get attacked again. So relax.”
Mans was telling you to “relax” while you were in the presence of a literal typhoon here. He was so brooding and scary-looking all the time that you couldn’t even try to relax.
A few minutes pass and the sound of water rushing was the only thing keeping you two company. 
It was nice to enjoy nature, but the tension between the two of you was still higher than ever.
To break this silence, you had tried to stir up some small talk.
“The weather is nice today, huh...”
He grunted, which seemed to be a regular response of his. You started to notice this after a few questions like “how’s your day been” or “have any plans today?”
Not that you were genuinely interested. You bet that he could tell that you were trying to make it less awkward by responding at all, but it just didn’t help at all.
You were probably sitting for a good 10 minutes before deciding to stand up again, in which you were successful. But could you walk back to the city?
That was debatable.
You definitely felt and looked unstable, so being the gentleman he was raised to be, Diluc reluctantly bent down and slung your shoulder over his.
The height difference between the two of you was pretty big, so he ended up just carrying you to his place. As goofy as it looked, it got the job done.
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― riri ✨
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rotshop · 3 years
Hey go for that self indulgent white Hank thing! Absolutely go for it! Have fun! -Echo
weeps and sobs and beats the ground with my fists okaye ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, using ur ask to post it bc imm sick and twisted liek that </3 just hcs 4 now ill probably maybe dependingly post a fic for it another time idk we'll see ,,,,,
-you two have a weird relationship. 2 others at least. people look at you and just kinda. stare a little bc they cannot at all tell what the relation to each other even is. even wank's teammates just kinda :eyes: because there's just?? so much vague tension between the two of you???
-seeing as pank is the main antag (i think ,,, if not then shhhh), you're probably just some spectator of sorts. pank calls on you every now and then for some sort of help, either bc you owe him a favor or in return for something, and that's when you two first meet.
-you'd actually managed to catch her off guard, finally showing yourself when she had her back turned to you. she can't help but just. stare a little while she looks up at you. you having her pinned to the ground with your blade at her throat and a foot on her stomach to keep her down. you know logically that your best move would be to just go ahead and take a chop at her neck but...you just can't bring yourself to, something tugging at the back of your mind in curiosity and telling you not to. so, with a little hum of finality, you pull away before vanishing into thin air once more.
-she thinks abt that interaction a lot. at first she just brushes it off as her just making note of you in case you pop up again, just so she can put up more of a fight this time around, of course. but,,,those motivations get cloudy very quickly.
-anyway. she's VERY curious abt you. she's never seen an employer before and so she just kinda. stares and watches you a lot. it freaks you out a little, esp considering she's still relatively quiet and tends to zone out a little whenever she does. whenever you show her any abilities of yours she goes all starry eyed and asks you how u do it ,,, she just thinks !!! it is neat :) ur shapeshifting abilities r rlly fun to her in particular, sometimes you tower over her easily and she'll rest her head on your shoulder, othertimes you're just below her chest in height and she'll have to pick you up and carry you around.
-also based on my dumb little cold blooded employers hc, she is both good and bad at it. like. ok. so. the first time you explain it to her and she notices ur kinda .. off , she goes into worry mode and just grabs every blanket or coat she can find to give to you so you can stay warm. keeps checking up on you and trying to ask you if ur comfortable and ok, buut ur usually conked the fuck out already so it doesn't rlly work ,, lol ,, she tends to KINDA pay attention to the cameras and monitors you've got set up a little but it's mostly just out of curiousity (which has lead to her sometimes lookig for her teammates just so she can find em and go 'hey im gonna be with my s/o for a little while ok byeeee <333' with no explanation. they have never heard of you before and have no clue what's going on.)
-after her own magnification she's a lot more affectionate w/ you which. considering she already WAS affectionate ,,, yea. you'll be doing ur think keeping an eye on all the monitors and she'll just kinda. walk in and start pestering you. y'know how cats will paw and meow at you until you pay attention to them??? she does that to you. at first she's just kinda laying her head on your shoulder as she leans way over you, nudges u a lil every now and then but that's rlly it. then she's grabbing your hands to mess with your claws and paw pads. then she's attempting to crawl on top of you to sit on your lap which is making it impossible to see any of the screens past her <3 you can't be mad because she just nudges you again and makes some broken little trill sound as best as she can ,,,
-u two kinda live together but also kinda don't???? like. officially she lives w/ her team at their base but rlly she lives with u at urs lmao. she sleeps there most nights and if she isn't either at her own base or on a mission then chances are she's there w/ you. it's become such a normal sight that nobody even rlly flinches at it anymore, there's still a lot of confusion on WHY she's there exactly but. she sure is !! first agent of yours who knocked on your door in the morning only to be met w/ the sight of your 8ft tall gf was fucking TERRIFIED
-you two still try and keep it more on the down low even if it's pretty obvious. leaves lots of room for little fights where you two are careful not to seriously injure each other, sending little glances and grins here and there that only you two will ever truly know the meaning of. you two make little bets of who wins these little fights of yours, currently ur in the lead because you found out her weak point is freezing up whenever she hears you giggle / snicker a little. anyway please consider cupping the side of her face while she has a kinfe embedded into the wall right next to your head.
-(while you are quite literally inches away from making out w/ wank, pank voice in the background) this is heterosexual behavior i promise .
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powerpuff-ali · 3 years
Maybe your out of ideas at this point but I'll just try, more brotherly love rrb hcs pwease 👉👈😃😌
Hiii!!! I'm sorry this was sitting in my drafts for a bit I love asks like these btw 😭 I spend way too much time thinking about the boys and their
Loving Brotherly HC pt 4
Ok, so the boys take father's day very seriously. Maybe even more so than the girls.
How serious? They bust Mojo out of prison to spend the day with him. They usually have a cook out where Brick man's the grill, Butch buys the paper plates and sodas, and Boomer is on chip n dip duty
It's really the only time their well behaved during their childhood
As they get older, they really only celebrate it amongst themselves (mostly Brick)
It's a way to really celebrate and acknowledge the fact that he had to "grow up" a little faster than the other 2 to make sure they'd actually survive
What are loving siblings if you don't fight with them? Brick and Butch are usually at each other's throats while Boomer acts as the referee "No dudes, let's be smart and bring it off."
The SpongeBob reference immediately brings Butch and Brick together to roast him
What started as a fight ends as a roast and they're back to normal again- "I may watch baby cartoons but at least my hair doesn't feel like a helmet!" "Silence, child! I might use a lot of gel but at least I won't be bald before 30." "I'm not taking shxt from the guy who compensates for his height with his hair. Borrow a pair of heels from dad and then come talk to me."
Butch is very supportive of his brothers when they get jobs so much so that he helps himself to their employee discount and they let him
To add, Butch is the cheapest out of the 3. However for his brothers, he has no problem spending a bit extra... Even if it means he has to sell himself
"a new hat? Butch, this is like $3k! Damnit, did you at least make sure you didn't get caught?" "Um, I actually paid for this." "With what money?" "Princess paid me for my services and I don't want to talk about it."
(Princess pays Butch to be her assistant when she goes shopping. The derogatory work in question? Forcing him to pay her compliments and also, he's her arm candy. Nothing more than being seen with her because she couldn't care less about him. Also, "Hot people don't have to pay for things")
Brick is the nagging sibling but only because he cares a lot about their well being. "Boomer, why haven't you been taking your vitamins?!" "The little girl creeps me out! I only like the dinosaur!" *Brick aggressively trying to force the gummy in his mouth*
Brick is also the moodiest of the 3. So when he's locked away in his room, Butch and Boomer do everything and anything to cheer him up. One time it was a round of rock'em sock'em robots. Another time it was reenacting the "shark bait, ooh ha ha" scene from Finding Nemo complete with body paint, explosive science experiments, and loud screeching sounds
The first one to go through heart break was Boomer bc long story short, his favorite actress quit acting and now he'd never see her again
So what did Brick and Butch do for Boomer? They made him his favorite food and suffered through a 3 season marathon so Boomer could properly say goodbye to her
They throw house parties between the three of them just because... Actually I'm pretty sure this one's canon? In the episode Bubble Boy, there's a line "Why'd you take all your clothes off?" "Yeah, we're not here to have a party..."
They have a .... Chaotic kinda love for each other 😅
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god-of-entropy · 3 years
sorry this is my first time doing a req, but since you like iida tenya, i was wondering if you had any knight iida tenya headcanons?
So I was re-enacting a bakuiida hurt/comfort scenario I made up for exactly 2 hours since I started during 10:00 pm and it is 12:00 AM
gist of it: bakugou’s inferiority complex acts up and so he doesn’t take care of himself bc he’s too busy training and iida tells him how much he (Katsuki) means to him, (Tenya) and that there aren’t enough numbers that exist that could tell him (Katsuki) how much he (Katsuki) meant to Tenya
and then I remembered my tumblr account and one of the asks I got was “do some knight Iida Tenya headcanons this is my first time doing a req” and I was like oh wow I am v blessed that I am the person who took anon’s req virginity so here we are
CW: few times of cursing, mention of me talking about a car kink
Knight Iida Tenya Headcanons
Part of the King’s guard no I do not. Take criticism
If he isn’t he’s most likely in a very high position of knight rankings in the fantasy AU
His chivalrous spirit could rival canon Kirishima’s
But since Kiri’s a dragon hybrid here,,well
Did I mention
Like. Bumping his head on every single fucking doorway kind of tall
He is a staggering 6”6
anyways so like bc he’s so tall he learned the very hard way (literally) that you should not wear a metal cone hat while sliding down ladders
Was this inspired by that one (1) video on YouTube where this guy’s character slid down a really long ladder wearing a golden metal cone hat
I will not agree nor will I deny this accusation
So bc he’s so tall he grudgingly cannot wear a fancy Iida helmet from the prestigious and noble Iida family line
ofc his brother was a knight before him, it’s so obvious
(Speaking about Tensei, his brother wore it anyways even though his brother is taller than him because he was always on horseback anyways, but having to patrol the streets of the kingdom on a daily basis trailing after the King or Prince or whatever he can’t let a helmet hinder him from going after people
Anyways so like because he is So Tall people often make jokes about his height and how rectangular his body was
So poor bby got insecure about his height and prefers not to talk about it, stays silent when someone thinks he can’t hear them whispering and making jokes about his bulky stature
speaking about bulky things his canon costume is lightweight in design because if speed and leg strength makes up 100% of your quirk you can’t have stupid accessories and additional weight.
But of course since what he’s going for (the Ingenium title) is pretty much set in stone, there’s a heavy emphasis in visuals (in canon) so like 90% of his fucking costume is for Decor
And I hate him for that
Even if you were put the pressure on yourself to become like your brother, don’t feel burdened to make sure your hero career is 100% like his
OK I kind of swerved away from topic but since we’re talking about hero costumes and knight armor
Since this is fantasy and most fantasy-ish things are set in a European medieval style because of fucking Hollywood and not in a more traditional Japanese style since apparently fire spitting dragons are cooler than Kitsunes with ten tails, power over nature elements and are literally considered deities—
Knight armor is made of metal, right?
So in that case..his armor would really weigh him down.
But because this is FANTASY and science and physics can go fuck themselves here,
It’s possible that there’s a chance magic could make his armor more lightweight, like Uraraka’s quirk
but like there’s a chance that his armor is ALREADY lightweight because again, canon Tenya really went after the design of his brother’s costume
And his brother’s costume was inspired by his parent’s and grandfather’s own costumes, which kinda looked the same since it had the white modern accents and holes in the helmets kinda aesthetic
And his brother did copy whatever his parents and ancestors’s armor was or whatever
And they’re noble, right—so they’re rich. Because magic exists, plenty of wizards mages and other magic people for hire also exist
Enchanted lightweight metal armor
there’s a reason why you shouldn’t trust knights in shining armor and that’s because if their chest plate is too pristine, that means they’ve never went to battle
Here’s a rule for all you y/ns: don’t trust a knight in shining armor if it’s not enchanted
what I’m saying is if you wanna date Iida, the knight in shining AND enchanted armor, go for it bestie TT
Also His Boots
Assuming he doesn’t have his sexy engines on his calves in this AU
(Or perhaps the sleek, modern looking engines are replaced with steampunk ones O.O)
Because holy shit that’s such a cool fucking concept??
Oh you bet your y/n messy buns that steampunk iida hcs are next
so since fantasy usually goes with at least one (1) “primitive” tribe with their own kind of technology centered around weapons and battle
And that one (1) “”tribe”” that’s an entire fucking kingdom/city like the Carja in the game Horizon Zero Dawn
Speaking of Horizon Zero Dawn, the “primitive” tribe with their own kind of technology centered around battle and more battle are the Banuk
They’re hardcore fam
They give me Bakugou Katsuki vibes because those people would literally rather die than say a challenge is too big to overcome
again going back to the topic: Steampunk
In “”fantasy”” medieval AUS there’s always that one steampunk inventor that’s a Mei Hatsume ripoff (Tangled The Series I’m looking at you)
And of course the Support Students need their time to shine too, so like — Steampunk City let’s gooo
(The closest Horizon Zero Dawn’s “tribe” got to steampunk is whatever the hell the Oseram are doing.)
So now Tenya has sexy, sexy steampunk mufflers that are very well taken care of
god I’m so sorry but me talking about mufflers like they’re a full course meal is reminding me of the time where I joked to my friends that I had a car kink
and not that I had a kink to have sex inside the car, but to be fucked BY the car itself
like your ass being just wrecked by a fucking shalon poofa
if you get that joke get off this site
one of my messages was very specific
It read:
“I eagerly lick car-senpai’s oil of his exhaust pipe”
And Yeah
unsanitary and a health hazard
While discussing about simpable men one of my friends were like
my man has a CAR your man, Tenya Iida, doesn’t
And I just stared at her
Because bitch MY MAN IS THE CAR
anyways if you actually read this may god have mercy on you
Because I make the rules
Wouldn’t they be a hindrance to him bc of his metal boots?
So Let Me Tell You A Story
you know the Ingenifoot (the boots in canon Iida’s costume)
It’s special since it has holes punched into it for the mufflers to retract out of
Who says Ingenifoot can’t be steampunk as well?
But it can’t be steampunk bc this is a Knight Iida hcs and not Inventor Steampunk Iida Hcs
So it’s plain boring white carved steel or smth with a small section where a part of the boot flexes for the mufflers to stick out
Speaking of carved steel, Knight Iida’s armor def has intricate details and shite on it
Maybe even his family crest
OK so it is 12:45 AM rn I am gonna sleep
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limitless-shadows · 4 years
Picking up gofushi crumbs from the manga
Disclaimer: Beware of anime/manga spoilers. This is just me commenting on the manga with the lenses of a gofushi fan. So, it’s just my opinion...
This section runs from Vol. 0 - Chapter 1 to Volume 1- Chapter 5.
About gofushi dynamic, mind reading, protectiveness and others.
(Volume 0) Chapter 1
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Not gofushi centric, but it would go well with a Hanahaki AU. For Gojou to call it a personal theory, it seems to me like he has knowledge about it or given it some thought already. Why is that? What prompted him to consider that love is the most twisted curse?
I recall some fan theories mentioning that love can then become a way for Gojou to be wounded... it truly makes it seem more likely for hanahaki to appear.
Chapter 1
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I love how the manga starts with the two of them talking on the phone~ Also,  my thoughts before shipping them... "wow, does that person on the phone like to bully him? Dunno if I like bullies lolol but also Fushiguro seems to have a bad mood too."  and "This Fushiguro guy seems so on edge everytime (throughout chapter 1)".
Chapter 2
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Gojou taking pictures of Megumi... I wonder if he keeps a file with his pics? XD The first time I read it, I thought: “How mean, wait a moment, does he always do this?” and “ For how long does he keep the pics?” Also, Megumi looks so angry but resigned at the same time or he is probably too injured to stop it.
Despite what he says here, I HC that Gojou is overprotective of Megumi. Since he was the only first year during that time, I suppose he usually went on solo missions?
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Megumi automatically assuming that they are souvenirs speaks how used he is to that tendency from his sensei. Also, Gojou being able to mind read what Megumi was thinking XD
I got confused for a bit on my first time reading it, because it’s a “thought” bubble, while Gojou’s is a “speech” bubble and it made me wonder how did he know Fushiguro was thinking that? Either they are very close or reading his face is really easy.
Still, the word souvenir is used here. Which is a much more accurate guess for what is going on in their thinking process (in a: could've been a snack).
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Or: “I hope you don’t mind that I’m using you to look cool in front of my student.” That’s one interesting sensei we have. Although I think he just likes to show off in general lolol
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Protecting Megumi ;-; the seemingly simple panel that made me think more than what I intended.
Why take the effort in drawing Megumi there? Moreover, why fight that close to Megumi? Gojou is keeping a certain distance between him and Megumi so that Sukuna doesn’t hurt his student... For a story telling technique, it makes Gojou look like a more thoughtful character.
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Personal opinion --> Personal... feelings?
Megumi being selfish with his requests @_@ and asking something like that to Gojou because he knows he can be trusted with the issue. Gojou calls Megumi a kawaii student, which makes this scene even cuter lolol.
Also, saying: "Leave it to me!". When dealing with Megumi's Zen'in deal, Yuuji's execution and Okkotsu’s execution. Aaah. Because he is the strongest, he knows that he can fulfill such requests, plus he is helping people who can become his allies, so it’s a win-win situation.
I think... from my first time reading this, I felt like they had a closer relationship already and was suspicious about them. I mean, who goes taking pics of someone bruised saying he will show it to others (does he always do this?), is able to read their mind regarding souvenirs, wants to show off, and then helps with personal requests? smh gofushi already strong by ch2 for my past non shipper self
Chapter 3
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How does he know he know that? Gojou might have been told about it (because he asked?) or actually went to see him @_@
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He really likes to tease Megumi, huh? XD He would probably take more photos to add to his folder of Megumi pics. Why didn’t they add Gojou saying “True” in the anime tho. 
Edit: After rewatching the anime, he did :D it was just a fast line.
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Enjoy your youth, Megumi! He wants Megumi to have more friends? :D
Although it’s kinda sad... Megumi who is usually distanced from people, but I wonder if he feels lonely, if Gojou feels that Megumi is lonely. And hopes that Megumi makes more friends ;-; It worked out in the end, during the Death Painting arc.
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Even though Megumi may not like/agree with what Gojou does, he still goes along with it... it’s just-- this form of acceptance? or resignation lol After all the time they have known each other? Maybe he thinks he may end up liking it in a: it’s not so bad after all.
Also, in the anime they went out the same day which cuts the time that the three could have known each other :(
Edit: Yes, from the rewatch, the line was the same as in the manga.
Chapter 4
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I wonder if Gojou ever pranked Megumi with a custom uniform order- and that’s why Megumi warns Yuuji.
Gojou and Megumi's matching uniforms cough cough with the high neck style. Megumi warning Yuuji about this side of him. That side being: how he does uncalled things? Megumi learnt to put up with that lolol
...and my heart just goes aaaaaaaahhh since the 9 years made him used to it and reflects a bit of domesticity? Even though it can be interpreted as resignation, it still makes this a beautiful relationship?? ;-;
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Megumi asking Gojou about his plans, is this how they usually exchange information about each other’s schedules-
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I just like to see his reaction whenever there are such anthics haha. In a: “Oh, here we go again, and my classmates are too easily excited”. Then he already knows how it's going to play out, and Megumi is not even angry about it, just disappointed? Because he only has a sweat drop and not a vein popping.
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Extra panel of disappointed Megumi looking at his classmates following Gojou’s theatrics XD
I really miss the first year trio + Gojou interactions ;-;
Megumi’s  ....  ----> “They are acting so silly.” or “They fell for his trap.”
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Megumi knowing what’s up :D
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Megumi worried about Yuuji after the Sukuna mention, but Gojou telling him not to overdo himself ;-;
Chapter 5
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Gojou choosing to sit on the floor rather than on the other... stool? or seat? in the bottom left corner, to be closer to Megumi.
Also reminds me of their first encounter, where the way he squatted made him be near Megumi's height.
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Maybe an inconsistency from the drawing, or not enough space in the panel, but Gojou shifted closer to Megumi lolol
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I like how it's more obvious in the anime, they had an extra scene animated where they showed Megumi and Gojou escorting the kid to his home :D Still, Megumi is shown trailing behind in the panel, so it can be inferred.
Why have two people do that and not just one? Megumi could have done that on his own? So that Gojou can have more time to get to know his two new students? He is a busy person after all. Alternatively, Megumi could have stayed back. Or... what if Gojou is being protective so he went with Megumi too?
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lol Gojou guessing why Fushiguro is being silent.
Can he really read Megumi that easily? Even if he is able to, he could just say something else.
[Part 2]
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cypher-headcanons · 3 years
can i request hcs about cyphers friendships in the protocol? like which agents is he close with, etc. thank youuuu :)
Of course! Here you go:
Note: I only proofread briefly because I spent a long time working on it and didn’t want to see any more of this post. That’s also why they kinda get shorter as we go. I might come back tomorrow and add some things, who knows.
Cypher with the Protocol HCs: Friends
No voice lines I could find
Cypher does not know Astra very well, and they do not spend very much time together without another agent that knows both of them
When they are alone, Cypher mostly just finds Astra annoying
Breach! Breach! I took a servo from your arms for my tripwire. Don’t be angry. Breach…
Breach and Cypher love making trouble together
Their conflicting personalities and abilities have given them great synergy
At the same time his height, bulkiness, and general scariness terrifies Cypher and he is always careful to not pass any boundaries around Breach, but he will mess with Breach’s things
Their favorite things to do together are mess with other agents - using tripwires and flashes and concusses to confuse everyone
Let me see if I can hack into that Brimstone's bracer. If he's anything like our Brimstone, he won't know how to fix it, haha.
Brimstone is considered a party pooper by Cypher
While Cypher enjoys being with Brimstone, Brimstone is often keeping Cypher from acting out his ideas.
Brimstone and Cypher spend most their time together training
Cypher is constantly pranking Brimstone by messing with his electronics
Fly my wind assassin, do what you do best.
Jett annoys Cypher, but he also loves her sense of humor
The main thing they do together is play board games: Cypher loves chess to see all the angles, but Jett prefers classics like Clue because she thinks they’re more fun and doesn’t want to do strategy
Neither of them really likes card games so they don’t usually play those
They have a really strong bond, one of the strongest within the Protocol, and that can be seen by their synergy on missions
Little engineer, I borrowed one of your transmitters for my camera. I'll pay you back, probably.
Cypher doesn’t particularly like Killjoy, and the feeling is absolutely mutual
They do sometimes geek out together over scientific discoveries
The activity they do most together is hacking people as mission prep but Cypher hates it because he’s the hacker and she’s constantly trying to correct him when she doesn’t know what she’s doing
No voice lines from Cypher to Omen
Cypher doesn’t really like Omen, and Omen is relatively indifferent to Cypher
They don’t spend time together, though Cypher is intrigued about what exactly Omen is
Phoenix, oh, you are really aggressive, I’m impressed and a little scared.
Cypher really likes messing with Phoenix
Phoenix is so gullible that Cypher can convince him to do anything
Cypher is also smart enough to make it look like he had nothing to do with it
Phoenix usually knows Cypher is messing with him but he finds it funny to go along with whatever Cypher says and keeps doing it
Izze, don’t tinker with my gadgets. I don’t need exploding cameras again. The cleanup was so messy.
Cypher really enjoys being with Raze, even if she destroys his stuff!
She has this really positive energy that he loves being around and he can’t help but smile when he’s with her
He also appreciates her music taste and whenever they get drunk together they end up blasting music in one of their rooms for hours
She also makes great cocktails and is a great person to talk to
Reyna, jeez! Leave some for the rest of us... Or don't. Haha, I-I am sorry.
Similarly to Breach, Reyna terrifies Cypher
At the same time they’re really playful together!
Cypher has spent a lot of time observing her in an attempt to better understand her behaviors and the root of her anger but hasn’t been able to figure it out. Reyna knows he’s been doing this but doesn’t care since he’s not doing it in a way that threatens her.
When Raze and Cypher go drinking, they often take Reyna because she’s a riot when drunk - she usually ends up throwing around blinds and talking in fluent Spanish and the other two love being with her when this happens
Reyna and Cypher talk. A lot. They basically vent all their problems to each other and it feels like they new each other for years before either joined the Protocol.
Together, they give off the vibe of exes who are still great friends
So, Sage, you can bring people back from the dead? Anyone? No constraints? Interesting. 
Cypher and Sage have a, well, complicated relationship.
Cypher is very intrigued as to her powers, but she does not want anything to do with reviving Nora
Due to this, they do not have a friendship, just a purely professional relationship.
No voicelines from Cypher to Skye
Cypher thinks Skye is... well, a bit weird
They play card games sometimes, but they have a strange on-and-off friendship
No one knows why they have this strange friendship, but they do
Ah, Sova, my friend, that was amazing! 
Cypher likes Sova.
He enjoys going out for drinks with Sova, but they never go drinking with Raze or Reyna
Kinda like with Jett, Sova has a love for tabletop games, but he plays card games
Cypher doesn’t usually play card games due to his casino past, but if Sova gets him drunk enough he’ll play poker
They also play Pool and watch other sports when they’re drunk together
Sova is also the kind of person that you can just share anything to, and they do that all the time
One of the other things they do a lot is go to animal rescue centers and meet all the animals, Sova loves to see how all the animals love Cypher and Cypher just likes meeting the animals
Viper, who's birthday is March 20th? I found it when, uh...Haha, okay, okay, I have everyone's passwords.
Cypher loves pranking Viper because she’s so uptight and angry all the time
But at the same time, he also helps her a lot - he’s the one that designed several of her items, so they have a good relationship
He knows a lot of her secrets but would never share them because he secretly likes her a lot
She also secretly likes him a lot and is never really angry with him, it’s more of a show for other agents
When there’s nobody around they often go drinking or out to have fun together
No voicelines from Cypher to Yoru
Cypher hates Yoru, he’s too arrogant and selfish.
Cypher does his best to not be alone in a room with Yoru because Yoru will start a conversation and Cypher can’t stand talking to Yoru
Cypher has said multiple times that he tries to be friends but Yoru never asks about Cypher so nothing can happen in that friendship.
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hebescus · 3 years
remember this ship ask? yeah, i wanna do them all with lawlight bcs they control my brain. but it's a happy no death note au bcs it's me. oh and this shit is long plus it's 3 am rn so my words are very messy. but enjoy.
(i skip some numbers that i answered and the ones that i can't think of btw)
pre relationship :
How did they first meet?
L's investigation hq. he was a suspect of L, still, but this time he told soichiro to bring this 18 yo boy to the hq to test him, asking light to work with all of them. he ends up not guilty ofc, but L still wants to keep him…around.
What was their first impression of each other?
ah, the good old 'what the fuck dude???' from light and the 'oooh he got a big brain' from L. it's hard to get out of canon in this one.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
L. But it's more like thoughts, rather than feelings. It's just these random thoughts that pop out in his head like 'i don't mind kissing this guy, if he asks' but not like 'i want to kiss him' yknow what i mean? idk this is just something i experience a lot lmao. it develops to feelings once light falls for him and L can see that. So in terms of ideas, it's L, but in terms of feelings, it's Light.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh our favorite light denial yagami. Of course he's cursing himself for having feelings like this but once L calls it out he's over. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Light would laugh it off, and be like "i don't like him that way you know". L would shrugs be like "well yes that's possible, i don't think i mind". 
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
boring, lonely, empty, you name it
(more under the cut)
general :
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
hmm, they both initiated the relationship? ykwim? They both notices they had feelings for each other and just...go from there. they never have like a relationship talk, they just go with the flow until at some point they starts to get comfortable to refer the other as partners. They basically can read each other's mind, after all.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes, sort of. A tennis game! And a coffee sesh after, just like canon. They plan this to be just "let's just relax, this case has been really exhausting, take a one day break, L" but when Light got home, sayu asked "how's the date going?!" He immediately said "it's not a date, you watch too many dramas it's rotting your brain" And sachiko gave him a smile while shaking her head at this statement and when he's back to his room he immediately calls L and was like "hey does that count as a date?" and L answers with "depends, do you want it to be?" with a smirk that light can hear.
What was their first kiss like?
it was late at night, light was helping L with the case when everybody went home. they were sharing their view about this certain criminal when light notices L staring at his lips, first he ignored it but it happens again and again to a point where their face just got real close and then...kiss, somehow. idk lmao.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First person who can understand each other and are equals, the only ones who can tear the other's wall down, and just practically soulmates in any form that even their sun & moon signs mirroring each other's? YES. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
i hc L as just a little bit taller than light, but it's not like you can see it through the hunch anyway. ofc we all know the 6 years and 4 months age gap
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Sayu likes L, Sachiko is kinda surprise Light doesn't date a typical pretty person, but it only makes her heart fonder. L doesn't mind them, he thinks they're nice, light grew up in a good place. Soichiro? Well, he might me a bit reluctant but he loosen up slowly, his son is happier than he ever was, after all.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Light, obviously. Because he's a charmer and if L takes control, the person they speak to would run immediately the first 2 minutes.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
it is a universal knowledge that L does this. like, come on, count the fics, you can't, there's just so many. he loves to break that perfect wall and make light feel 🥴😳. it's entertaining. But he knows when to stop. too much of that will be embarrassing in light's part, and he respects his boy's dignity.
love :
Who said “I love you” first?
Light!! The thing is it was said over the phone. He gets more and more comfortable talking with L through calls, since every now and then L travel frok countries to countries. One time he just like "yeah, safe flight. love you, bye" he expected L to say goodnight to him as a response as usual but L was silent and he realised what he just said and realised that he fucking mean it. L seems to still be able to read his mind even thousands miles away so he replies with "i love you too, goodnight". they never missed seeing each other more than that night.
What are their primary love languages?
we had a discussion for this! but as we see in canon, they're both very acts of service with a little hint of physical touch here and there. quality time is also important. words and gift aren't really needed for them.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
L. Only to annoy light. It's terrible that he almost cringed to himself, but it does bring a good laugh for light.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
PDA is a not their preference, they just love being in private more. They might hold hands sometimes, butmost times they won't. Altho they always stand or sit reaaaaally glued to each other even though there are so many space. 
Who initiates kisses?
both. they want it, they got it. but light gives light kisses (ha) more, not necessarily on the lips, usually when L was really busy working, keeping his feet on the ground.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They don't spoon a lot, they prefer not touching at all or cufdling face to face, but when they do, Light is the little spoon because being a big spoon makes his sleeping position kinda uncomfy, he feels awkward with his legs, it's just not. thankfully L thinks cuddling light this way is very calming.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Tennis and solving cases, duh. Or sometimes they play video games fighting each other. Anything competitive and/or challenging that make their brain grow 10 times bigger. But sometimes, a comfortingly peaceful and quiet dinner with hushed words thrown here and there about random things feels like the best thing ever.
Who’s more protective?
L. For identity reasons, ofc.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical. They can read each other's mind, they knew it by gesture, touches, and glances. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. venus by sleeping at last fits them so well, that song is in the background of multiple cozy couch smooches sessions or even when they're slow dancing (please listen to this tho song it's so good). also i think they would like persephone by the tragic thrills too, L would be like "this song reminds me of you" and Light answers with "i'm persephone?" "Yeah" "i'm a fucking badass then" "yes you are". oh and first day of my life? lover of mine? pink in the night? sweet creature? the lakes? oh god i have too much answers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't do nicknames, really. although, L sometimes called light with some snarky tony stark styled nicknames when he feels particularly playful but annoyed at the same time.
Who remembers the little things?
They both do. Big brained assholes they are.
domestic life :
If they get married, who proposes?
It's not really a proposal, they didn't  even remember who said it first. But one sleepy night after a hard case, someone said "hey you wanna get married" and the other was like "sure, why not" "really?" "yeah, i think i'm ready, you?" "me too" "great" and then they go to sleep. at breakfast the next morning L called watari from across the room and said "wammy i need you to prepare [enter marriage stuff here], and light, you must call your family after this". poor old watari chokes on his tea.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding is in a secluded little place near the wammy's house, L used to go there a lot as a kid. With just light's parents, sayu, and watari. Well, not until Light caught Mello, Matt, Near, and Linda peeping from the bushes
Do they have any pets?
A chunky cat the wammy's kids feed daily but never try to keep them in, because no animals are allowed inside the orphanage. L saw it and was like "light let's bring this bitch home" she is, indeed a little bitch, but light and L loves her dearly. her fur has light brown and black colors, like both of their hairs, so she becomes their daughter, L gave him a weird ass name but i can't think about it rn.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Light because he's the one who's actually bothers to. They ofc annoyed L but he cpuldnt care less to actually get rid of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
L. He rarely sleeps and once he did, he wakes up very fucking late and will pull light back to the bed if he's woken up by the empty space beside him.
Who’s the better cook?
Light. L is a spoiled brat. But Light can't bale for shit, that's Watari's job. Light grow up learning and helping his mom making meals for the family. He's not the best, but it's good enough to make L craves them in between his sweets.
Who likes to dance?
None of them. But they would slow dance on rare, sentimental occasions. And it's like so fucking romantic bcs all the lights are off except for a candle or a table lamp or a cabinet lamp whatever that has yellow-y dim light. And they don't speak, they just casually move against each other, but heart ready to combust like i do when i the mental image came into my head.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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Ch 13- Healthy Competition
Summary: Mary decides she wants to compete in her first horse riding competition, so the family take an outing and Frank gets a first-hand experience of the world Fliss once called her life.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  This is very Mary/horsey heavy so apologies in advance. 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 12
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October 2018
"Lissy, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Course you can sweetie." Fliss looked at Mary as she approached the sofa, Laptop in her arms. "Everything OK?”
"Yeah." Mary nodded, “Just before, some of the other girls at the yard were talking about a jumping competition in a few weeks and I was wondering…” She sat down, perching her laptop on her knees "Do you think maybe I could take Monty?"
"Do you wanna take him?" Fliss asked and Mary nodded. "Then of course you can"
"Really?" Mary's eyes lit up.
"Yeah, it's been ages since I went to a competition. It'll be fun!"
"I wasn't sure I would be good enough." Mary shrugged.
"Mary, Monty could do a jumping course with his eyes closed." Fliss smiled. “And you're plenty good enough. Besides, it doesn't matter anyway. It’s about enjoying yourself. I take it you got the website there?" She nodded to the laptop.
Mary grinned and opened it up. Fliss took it from her and quickly scanned the information. "FireAnt Farm Equestrian Centre, Tarpon Springs..." Fliss mused, quickly grabbing her phone to locate the area on Google maps.
"Is it too far?" Mary questioned.
"Nope." Fliss shook her head. "Probably take us forty minutes in the wagon. I used to travel much further."
"There's a lot of different classes to enter." Mary shuffled towards Fliss so she could see the screen too "I wasn't sure which one I would go in."
"I'd put you in the beginners class." Fliss replied as she read the details. "It's forty cm max height and you've jumped those plenty. And then why don't you try a few flat classes whilst we are there? The schedule doesn't look like they would clash."
"Flat class?" Mary frowned.” You mean like dressage?"
"Kinda, it’s about showing your pony off. You basically do a go round as a group in each pace on both reins and then you do a quick individual show. It’s easy, I used to do a simple figure of eight."
"Oh. Okay." Mary shrugged. "I never saw that before."
"Well, let's have a look." Fliss smiled, opening up a browser to YouTube. She flicked her eyes over to Alex who was fast asleep and then spent the next fifteen minutes or so showing Mary various videos of different kids showing classes on the Web.
"So Monty is a Welsh Pony." Fliss nodded.” Which means he doesn't need to be plaited, or braided, whatever. We turn him out true to type which means we just need to tidy his mane and tail up a bit. And as he's over fifteen he can go in the Pre-Veteran class. So they look at how he moves and performs for his age group. Why don't you do that which is the forth one in the morning and then do the junior rider. Then there's a long enough break before the beginners jumping."
"So I get to do three classes?" Mary grinned and Fliss nodded.
“Hey, it says here they're running a winter league." Fliss mused "Is that what you wanna do? Compete in the league or just the one off?"
"A league like they do for baseball or football?"
"Exactly that." Fliss nodded. "So you join up and it says here you get points immediately for just going in the class. They place to sixth position and award points. So you’d get ten points for finishing first, eight for second, six for third and so on. Then the person with the most points takes the Championship overall at the end."
 She pointed at the screen “Say’s here the first one is on 3rd November and they run to March next year, so there’s five overall. What do you think?”
Mary grinned “Bring it on!”
Fliss smiled as Mary gave her a hi-five.
“Why don’t you bring Bronson?” Mary asked, “Or Cap?”
Fliss shook her head. “It wouldn’t be fair on everyone there.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I competed at a professional level” Fliss shrugged “It wouldn’t be very sporting of me if I entered a class full of hobbyists. I would have hated it when I was there myself. The only way I’d do it is if I went in and declared I was 'hors concours' or HC as it’s known.”
“Hors concours?” Mary repeated “What’s that?”
“It means that I’d be taking part without actually competing. So I might enter a competition to give a young horse experience or what-have-you but my marks would not be counted as such.”
“Bronson is only six.” Mary said “You said he had never done a jumping competition before.”
“He hasn’t.” Fliss pondered. “Maybe next season. This one we concentrate on you.”
Mary grinned and then Fliss turned her attention to what they needed to get her. They spent a bit of time looking at Tweed showing jackets, Mary deciding on the type of thing she liked before Fliss found a decent value second hand one on a local Equestrian Buy and Sell group on Facebook which Mary eagerly nodded at, the same seller also having a Navy Blue show-jumping jacket the same size.
“When you’re not growing so fast I’ll buy you brand new ones.” Fliss smiled, tapping in a message to the seller arranging to collect the items the following mornings. “So you have your DeNiro boots which we can polish, your short boots as well, you have a hat that will be ok, it should be velvet but for the time being it will do, so we need canary and white jodhs… a show shirt, a tie. I think we need to take a trip up to the Tack Shack tomorrow.”
“Oh, yes let’s!” Mary smiled “I have some of my pocket money saved, I can put that towards it.”
“Put what towards what?” Frank asked as he walked into the family room. He dropped a kiss to Fliss’ cheek and ruffled Mary’s hair, causing her to scowl up at him. “More horse riding crap?” he nodded to the screen of the laptop.
“It’s not crap, how dare you.” Fliss scoffed as Frank gave a chuckle. “We were talking about all the stuff Mary is going to need for her first competition in two weeks.”
At that Frank paused, looking at Mary. “You’re going to a competition?”
“Yah-hah.” She nodded and Frank smiled.
“That’s great Stack!”.
“I’m gonna do three classes. Two showing and one jumping.” She told him enthusiastically. “So we already sorted my jacket and Fliss is taking me to the Tack Shack tomorrow for the rest of it.”
“Why what else do you need?”
“Jodhpurs, a shirt and a tie.” Mary nodded reeling it off. “Oh and a new hat at some point but Fliss says the one that I have will do.”
“Why do you need another hat?”
“Well strictly speaking show hats should be velvet or suede.” Fliss shrugged “But for this level it won’t matter.”
“Sounds like another bashing my card is gonna take.” Frank grumbled good-naturedly and Fliss swatted at him. He chuckled again and stood up straight from where he had been leaning on the back of the couch, heading to the fridge to retrieve his standard post work beer.
“Can I wear the same tie for show-jumping and showing?” Mary asked.
“Hmmmm possibly. We can get two.” Fliss shrugged. “One that matches your tweed and then you can pick whatever you want colour wise for jumping. Have a look on the website, see if there’s anything you like.”
Mary grinned and took the lap top off Fliss who stood up, stretching slightly. She headed over to Frank, slipping her arms round his waist.
“She’s excited.” He stated, watching Mary as she tapped at the keyboard. His chest was warm at the utter delight on the young girl’s face as she was searching different coloured ties. “What sparked her wanting to do this?” “Someone at the yard. She overheard them talking and asked if she could go.” Fliss smiled. “She wants to do the Winter League” “They run a league?” “Yeah.” Fliss smiled “Five competitions in total. It’ll be good for her, a bit of healthy competition. I already managed to grab her two jackets. Both second hand but no point shelling out loads when she’s gonna grow out of them by the end of the season. Tweeds cost a fortune.”
“How much are the hats she was talking about?” Frank asked, taking a swig of his beer, his eyes flicking back to Mary then to Fliss.
“Erm, her size probably about eighty bucks, why?”
“Just get her one.” He smiled gently, dropping his voice “She never asks for stuff like this so…”
“You big softie.” Fliss smiled, standing on her toes to give him a kiss. “I love you.”
“Love you too. And thank you.” Frank gently, bumped his nose against hers.
“What for?” Fliss frowned.
“For this.” He nodded to Mary “Doing stuff that makes her excited and happy.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” Fliss looked at him, and then for the first time she noticed the look on his face. He was watching Mary, his eyes not quite as full of their usual sparkle. “Frankie, what’s wrong?”
He took a deep breath and looked at Mary “Hey Stack, have you spoken to grandmother this week?”
“Not yet.” Mary said “I was gonna later, why?”
“Why don’t you give her a call before dinner?” He suggested “You can tell her about your competition.”
“Okay.” Mary shrugged standing up “But if you wanted to talk in private you could just ask.”
“Fine, we wanna talk in private” Frank looked at her and Mary snorted as she stood up and looked at him.
“You forget I know you, Frank.”
“Oh, trust me I don’t.” He shot after her as she laughed, climbing the stairs.
Fliss turned to Frank as he sat down on one of the stools by the breakfast bar. “Honey, what is it?”
“I spoke to Greg before.” He looked at her as she moved to stand between his legs. “He still hasn’t heard back from her father about the adoption.”
“Okay.” Fliss dropped her hands to his shoulders as his rest on her hips “That doesn’t mean he’s gonna cause an issue.”
“No, but Greg’s twitchy, I can tell. I mean if the asshole wasn’t bothered about Mary surely we would have heard by now. It’s been almost eight weeks.” Frank wrinkled his nose.
“Baby there’s nothing we can do about it.” Fliss soothed “Yeah, if he protests it’s gonna be a little more agro than we thought but…well, we’ll just have to face it when it happens, ok?”
“I know I just…well I was hoping this would be done for Christmas, that’s all.”
“It might be yet, it’s not even November. Is there anything Greg can do?”
“He’s gonna send a chaser letter but other than that not really.” Frank shrugged before he sighed “I know you’re right, there’s nothing we can do but that doesn’t stop me worrying about it.”
“I know, because you love her. We both do. I’m worried as well but like you said to me, whatever happens we face it together.” She leaned down to give him a quick peck “Now, change of subject…you gonna come with us to the competition in a few weeks? Be nice for us all to go. Can be our first proper family outing.”
“Will there be beer?” Frank pondered, his hand sliding down the outside of her thighs and back up again.
“We can take a cool box” she smiled.
Frank chuckled “Of course I’ll come. Wouldn’t miss her first competition for the world.”
October ticked into November, bringing with it a slight drop in temperature and still no movement on the Adoption. However, Frank and Fliss had pushed it to the back of their minds which in the grand scheme of things wasn’t that hard as Mary’s excitement over her impending first competition was infectious.
When Fliss took her to the Tack Shack and told her that Frank said she could get a competition hat, Mary had almost cried, giving Fliss a huge hug but reserving the biggest hug of all for her Uncle when she got home. She’d paraded around the family room in her show gear, showing off her outfit for both Fliss, Frank and then again for Verity and Bill, and on a video call to Evelyn.
She practiced with Fliss or Joanne every day after school. They taught her the ring etiquette, how to talk to the judge and also set up a full course for her to practice on, Fliss teaching her all about how the first round was about getting clear and the jump off also introduced the element of time. Fliss felt an overwhelming sense of pride as the girl improved day by day and found herself actually believing that she’d do pretty well when the day came.
The afternoon before the show was spent with one final practice and then Mary had to give Monty a bath. Whilst he was drying off she then loaded the wagon with her jackets, cleaned her tack and then carried that to the wagon too where Fliss placed it in the tack locker, locking it up.
Frank was under the bonnet of said wagon, checking the oil and the coolant to make sure it was ready for the trip in the morning when he heard footsteps on the gravel and he looked up to see Mary hopping up the steps into the back of the wagon.
“What’s she checking now?” He looked over at Fliss, straightening himself up and reaching for the rag that was tucked in the back pocket of his dirty jeans. Fliss didn’t reply, she was too busy scanning Frank from head to toe, and making no attempt to even disguise the fact she was perving on him. “Earth to Lissy…”
“Yeah, sorry…what?” She asked, looking at him, biting her lip.
He snorted as he wiped his hands on the rag, shaking his head “And you call me a pervert.”
Fliss shrugged “I told you, the whole dirty mechanic things does stuff to me.”
“And the dirty mechanic will do stuff to you if you give him half a chance.” He grinned and she smirked, arching an eyebrow.
“You’ll corrupt our son.” She grinned, placing her hands over his ears, where he was positioned in the baby sling at her chest. “Mind you, he’s probably already scarred for life after your antics last night.”
“Didn’t hear you complaining.” Frank smirked. “Quite the opposite in fact.”
Fliss bit her lip a the memory of a particularly good round of sex the night before, which had resulted in her on all fours in the middle of the mattress. Looking at Frank she shrugged and he snorted, closing the bonnet of the wagon.
“All set.” He nodded towards it. “Oil topped up, coolant and water levels good…”
“So you didn’t find anything to fix, like I told you that you wouldn’t.”
“Hey, I just wanted to make sure it’s safe for my girls, it hasn’t been anywhere in a while.” He shrugged
“Joanne used it yesterday to go to the wholesalers for feed and shavings.” Fliss looked at him.
“Yeah, well…whatever, I make no apologies for wanting to check anyway.” He smiled, taking the kiss she offered.
Mary jumped down from the back of the wagon and reached up to lock the back door before she trotted round and handed Fliss the keys.
“You happy you got everything?” Frank looked at her. “Seeing as that’s like the five-hundredth time you checked.”
“Don’t exaggerate.” Mary rolled her eyes as Alex made a noise and the three of them looked at him before Mary pointed. “See, even he thinks you’re an idiot.”
“Rude.” Frank grumbled.
After one last check on Monty who was sparkling white (although Fliss knew they’d end up giving him another quick clean up in the morning), they headed home and after a quick shower Frank lit the BBQ outside. The family enjoyed a good grill for dinner, before Fliss disappeared upstairs and came back with a wrapped packaged. Frank frowned, as she handed it to Mary.
“Everyone needs one of those for competitions.” She smiled, as Mary looked at her, taking it gently.
“What is it?”
“Open it and see!” Fliss rolled her eyes as she sat back down on the seat, glancing at Frank who had Alex against his chest, his head resting on his shoulder.
Mary tore the wrapping paper off and gasped as she held up the pink gilet top. It had a small horse’s head embroidered on the front right hand breast but it was what was on the back that had caught her eye. She looked at it, then to Fliss and with a stunned smile turned it round so Frank could see. It was a motif of a horse jumping her fence with ‘Mary Adler’ arched over the top in gold, cursive writing and ‘Monte Carlo VI’- Monty’s show-name- underneath in the same typeface. Small diamantes were scattered around the entire design which caught the lights that were dotted around the garden and Frank’s face broke into a huge smile as Mary looked at him, then to Fliss.
“Sally has one of these for Jackson.” She whispered. “I always wanted one, how did you know?”
Fliss smiled “Sally’s mum told me you asked where she got it from. I thought I’d get you one. It’s a bit bigger so will fit over your jackets and a hoody if you need it to. You can wear it in the collecting ring and then take it off before you go in to do your shows and jumping.” “Lissy I love it, thank you so much!” Mary stood up and rounded the table to give Fliss a huge hug. Fliss kissed her head and cupped her cheek.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
“Well, come on.” Frank nodded to it. “Let’s see it on!”
Mary grinned and shrugged the gilet on over her jumper and beamed, giving them a twirl. Fliss told her to stand still and took a photo of the front and the back if it, before setting her phone down on the table.
After a little more chat, given the fact they had a busy day they all headed up to bed. Frank tucked Mary in before Fliss popped in to say goodnight, Thor jumping up onto Mary’s bed clearly deciding he was staying there for the evening with Fred. Fliss closed the door and made her way to the master bedroom where Frank was led on top of the bed in his boxers, Alex sleeping in the basinet as his dad flicked through the channels on the TV.
“How much did that gilet set you back?” he asked and Fliss wrinkled her nose.
“Does it matter?” “Not really.” Frank chuckled. “You spoil her.”
“So do you.” Fliss shrugged and pulled off her T-shirt and jeans before opening the door to the en-suite.
“But if it makes you feel better, I got a present for you too, Sailor.” She grinned, shedding her underwear and beckoning for him to follow her.
Frank blinked, smirked and jumped up off the bed, the pair of them giggling as he dispensed of his boxers and backed his future wife into the shower, shutting the cubicle door behind him.
Fliss and Mary set off early the next morning, whilst Frank took a little more time making sure he had everything Alex needed before he headed out to his truck and keyed the location into his GPS. When he arrived he parked up, got Alex settled in the stroller and wandered down the yard. As he rounded the corner, he gave a blink, the place was packed with horses and people, all sorts of different competitions going on. After a little walk around he located their wagon and as luck would have it, Fliss and Mary were making their way back. He smiled, Mary was dressed in her older jodhpurs, and a hoody with her personalised gilet proudly donning her top half where-as Fliss looked every bit the cowgirl in her jeans, plaid shirt, cowboy boots and her hat.
“Hey!” She greeted him, giving him a quick kiss before she looked at Alex, her hand stroking his cheek.
“You all set?” Frank asked and Mary grinned.
“Yeah, we booked in, registered…I got my membership number...” she held up the laminated piece of paper with the digits 287 printed on “…and we got about 40 minutes until my first class.”
“So we need to get him off the wagon, quick bush down and then you can get on to warm up.” Fliss said, nodding to the ramp. Frank moved the stroller out of the way and he and Fliss undid the latches, dropping it down as Mary hopped up and undid he partition. She brought Monty down and set about undoing his travel boots and his tail bandage, taking his tail out of the braid before she hopped up to get her brushes.
“She’s like a coiled spring.” Fliss grinned, looking at Frank who chuckled.
“Yeah, she doesn’t do anything by halves.” He smiled, looking around “It’s busy.”
“First one of a season always is.” Fliss mused “There’s over twenty in her first class and 11 so far in her second. No idea about the jumping, I didn’t ask. I told her not to bother about it, as long as she enjoys herself…”
Frank smiled as Fliss gently touched his arm and set about helping Mary. Fifteen minutes later Monty was tacked up and Frank, from what little he knew about horses, had to admit they looked pretty smart. Her tweed was a dark green with a check pattern of brown and pinks, her show shirt was cream and the tie she was wearing was a green and pink striped one, matching perfectly. Fliss had braided Mary’s hair so it hung down her back and had secured it with a matching ribbon and as she jammed her new hat on she grinned at Frank.
“Looking good Stack” he smiled.
“Ok, ready?” Fliss asked.
Mary nodded and hopped up onto the small step at the back of the wagon, vaulting onto Monty, the pony simply standing still and observing his surroundings as if he did this every day.
Frank pushed the stroller as Fliss walked besides him, Mary slightly ahead as she made her way into the collecting ring. Fliss followed her in and Frank stood at the side, watching as Fliss made sure the girth on the saddle was tight enough before she nodded, spoke to Mary who also gave a nod and walked away from Fliss. Fliss stayed in the ring with her, gently giving her instructions, helping Mary to warm Monty in. And then Mary’s class was called. Fliss took the gilet off her before Mary looked over at Frank. He gave her a huge grin and a thumbs up and she smiled back before he saw her take a deep breath and follow another rider into the ring.
Fliss joined him and they made their way down a little so they could watch. Monty was easily the smallest pony in the class and Frank frowned.
“He looks tiny.” “He is only 14’2 hands high.” Fliss shrugged “But this is a veteran class, for horses fifteen and over. So they’ll look at how he moves, not how he looks next to the other horses.”
“Oh.” Franks shrugged, turning his attention to Mary, then the two women stood in the middle “Are they the judges?”
“The one in the hat is the judge.” Fliss said “The other is a steward. She basically shouts the instructions out and helps the judge.”
Frank watched as the woman instructed the group to trot on. They did a few laps around the ring before they set off into canter. Mary’s face was set in concentration as thy ride repeated the action on the opposite rein before they all lined up.
“Now they do their individual shows.” Fliss said, her eyes focussing on the action in the ring. “This is what Mary was practicing yesterday when you showed up.”
There were two horses before it was Mary’s turn. She walked Monty out of the line-up and stood him, perfectly square in front of the judge. She chatted to the woman who walked around Monty to take a look at him, before Mary set off to do her show. Frank glanced at Fliss and smiled as his girl was beaming with pride as Mary completed her show, foot (or hoof) perfect before she halted, saluted to the judge and then gave Monty a huge pat. She glanced over at Fliss who gave her a thumbs up, smiling.
All in all it took about forty minutes to work through the class, and once the last person had done they all set off in a walk as the judge was muttering something, her eyes flicking along the ponies. Eventually she nodded and the steward walked out, pointing to a large bay. A few people started clapping as the Bay moved inwards to take first place, and then next was a smaller chestnut and then she pointed at Mary.
“Fuck, Frank she got third!” Fliss almost exploded as she started to cheer, Frank giving a grin as he also clapped, Mary’s face split into a huge grin as she took her place. 4th, 5th and 6th were awarded, rosettes were handed out and then the placings took a lap of honour before exiting the ring.
“Well done!” Fliss beamed at Mary as she grinned, looking at her yellow rosette “3rd out of 20! Mary that’s amazing for your first go!”
Mary nodded, taking a deep breath, the tears filling her eyes “I’m so happy!” she spluttered and Frank gave a chuckle, looping his arm around her, giving Monty a pat.
But that was nothing compared to her reaction when she won second place in the next class she was in, the Junior Rider. Fliss really did explode at that point, and Mary burst into tears, the judge looking a little shocked before she smiled at Mary, handing her the blue rosette.
After they’d calmed Mary down, they untacked Monty as there was a little wait until the jumping started and Frank headed off to grab them a burger from the fast food van at the far end of the yard. They sat on the ramp of the wagon, Frank teasing Mary as usual, before they heard a little cough and all looked up.
“I’m really sorry to bother you.” A woman spoke shyly “But are you Fliss Gallagher.”
“Yeah.” Fliss smiled “Erm, hi.”
“My daughter…she’s a huge fan. She followed you and Charlotte DuJardin in the 2012s and she’s…well, she’s hiding over there because she wouldn’t come speak to you.” The woman bashfully admitted and Fliss felt her cheeks growing red.
“Oh…thanks.” She said, “Which one is she?”
“The blonde over there…”“Be back in a sec.” She smiled at Frank, standing up.
Frank looked at Mary, his mouth falling open “What just happened?”
“Fliss is a horse riding celebrity Frank.” Mary shrugged. “She was a huge star until her accident.”
Frank turned and watched as Fliss spoke to the teen who was clearly in awe, and then smiled and nodded when her mom waved her phone. She posed for a quick photo before she turned and started to walk back towards them.
“I feel kinda sorry for her in a way.” Mary sighed.
“How do you mean?” Frank looked at his niece.
“Well, imagine finally doing the job you always dreamed of…only to have it cut short like she did.” Mary spoke, her mouth full of burger “Half the show-jumping teams around the world have people in them that are in their sixties you know. Fliss was only 28.”
Frank pondered for a moment as Fliss approached, he hadn’t really thought about it from that point of view before, nor had he even considered for one second that Fliss might still be recognised. Either way, he felt a little warmth in his chest as she flopped back down next to him, reaching for the rest of her burger.
“Can I get an autograph?” he asked.
“Piss off.” She snorted as he laughed, dropping a kiss to her cheek.
Despite having enjoyed Mary’s flat shows, Frank did NOT enjoy the jumping. It scared the shit out of him. Fliss walked the course with Mary, now dressed in her jumping outfit of white breeches, navy jacket and a bright pink and blue sparkly tie as they examined the route she would take. And then far too soon in his opinion it was her turn to go in and he wasn’t sure he could watch.
“And entering the ring now we have Mary Adler riding Monte Carlo VI…” the announcer spoke on the tanoy as Mary trotted Monty in. The buzzer sounded and she picked up canter and pointed the pony at the first jump. Monty cleared it with ease and did the same with the 2nd, 3rd…all the way to the 11th leaving one to go.
“She clears this she’s in the jump off.” Fliss muttered. Frank took a deep breath, watching as Mary approached the small oxer and Monty took off. His back feet brushed the pole and Fliss held her breath, but thankfully despite rolling, it didn’t fall.
“Wait, that means she has to do that again, right?” Frank asked as Fliss clapped and cheered as Mary headed towards the gate to exit the field.
“Yeah, but not as many.” Fliss said, as she headed over to Mary.
Not as many, but twice as damned fast as Frank found out. The ponies where whizzing over the 5 jumps in the jump off, which were part of the course but not in order, the numbers being 2, 7, 5,9 and 8 the turns being tighter as the idea was still to go clear, but in the event more than one clear was achieved it went down to time.
The riders were in no order, and Mary decided to go a little further down the line so she could watch the others take the turns, a tactic Fliss suggested. By the time she was due to go in there were 5 clears already.
“Ok, so you’re gonna have to go for speed too.” Fliss said, looking at her “But the main thing is try and stay clear. If you want my advice, cut the corner between numbers 5 and 6. Everyone is looping round 6 to get to 9 but if you hang a right as soon as you’re over 5 you’ll have a few seconds off. Its tight, and he won’t have as many strides, probably 3 max, but let him take you ok?”
Mary nodded, swallowed and headed in. She took the first jumps easily and then after the 3rd did exactly what Fliss said. Monty put in an extra half stride, however, which threw Mary’s balance a little as he took off and for a horrible moment Frank thought she was going to fall but she didn’t, she regained her balance and turned, taking the last 2 jumps easily.
Mary secured 4th place in her jumping, the smile on her face was infectious and Frank found himself beaming along with them as they walked back to the wagon.
***** “Where’s Stack?” Frank asked as Fliss emerged into the room dropping the bag of Mary’s show clothing onto the sofa. Thor, who had been with Joanna whilst they had been out all day, flopped down onto the rug in front of the TV.
“She’s giving Monty some treats after he did so well today, and chewing Jo’s ear off about the competition. Jo said she’d watch her back over when she’s done.” Fliss smiled, reaching for Alex as he started to gripe “You hungry, Bean?”
Frank smiled as she settled on the sofa, undoing her shirt so she could feed him and he sat on the arm, looking down at her.
“She did so well today.” He said, “I never in a million years dreamed she’d be doing anything like this.” “Well, I did warn you the first time you walked onto my yard that once you have that horse smell on your hands, you’re hooked.”
“Don’t I know it?” Frank grinned, kissing her cheek.
A little while later, Fliss finished up feeding Alex and peered down at him, the baby gazing at her, waving his eyes, his lips curling up into a smile and Fliss laughed.
“He’s smiling again.” She said.
“Sure it’s not wind?” Frank teased.
“Err, no I just burped him.” Fliss scofed indignantly “They start smiling at 6 weeks, he’s smiling. I can tell.”
Frank chuckled and peered down, smiling at his baby and earning himself one back in return. He gently took him from Fliss so she could do up her top before he set him down and followed her into the kitchen where, upon examining the contents of the fridge, they settled on take out for dinner.
“So I know Mary did but did you enjoy it?” Frank asked as Fliss pulled a beer for them both out of the fridge.
“Yeah, yeah I did. You know, seeing it there, all those people competing…there’s nothing like that around here.”  “Got me thinking, maybe I could run something like that at some point down the line.” “Sandybrook Show huh?” Frank smiled as he popped the caps off their beers, settling down at the kitchen counter.
Fliss grinned “Yeah, it would be kind of cool to expand into stuff like that.” She took a drink “I’ve actually been giving it a bit of thought in general.”
“What, competitions?” Frank asked.
“No, expanding.” Fliss swallowed a mouthful of drink “The land at the back has always been available to me to buy, the old Farmer said he would give it to me whenever I want, and it would add another ten acres to the portfolio. I could grow the yard area, more stables, more grazing, hold events like that one today…” she trailed off, frowning as she noticed the look on Frank’s face. “What’s wrong? Don’t you think it’s a good idea?”
“No, I mean yeah, I do. We always talked about expanding your business.” He hesitated “I guess I didn’t realise it would be so soon.”
“What do you mean?” Fliss looked at him. “I’ve been up and running now for almost three years.”
“I mean after Alex being born.” Frank said, his eyes flicking to where his baby son was asleep in the basinet. “He’s barely ten weeks old Liss, don’t you think you’d be taking on too much?”
“I’d manage” she waved her hand “I could recruit more staff.”
 She could see from the look on Frank’s face he wasn’t convinced. She took a deep breath and turned in her seat so her body was facing his “Sailor,I can tell you’re not happy about the idea.”
 “It’s not that I’m not happy.” Frank shook his head, and that was the truth. The fact she had such drive and want to build something better was amazing, he loved it in her, but he was struggling to find the words to voice what he was feeling about it. “Ok, I’m…just gonna come out and say this and I don’t want you to fly off the handle…four weeks ago you were petrified of leaving Alex with your mom. You still don’t like being away from him now, and…”
“Of course I don’t like it.” Fliss frowned “I’m breast feeding him, and-“
“Exactly.” Frank looked at her “So you take on this extra work, what are you going to do? You wanna put him in Creche, find a Childminder?”
Fliss shrugged a little “Mum said she would have him but I don’t want to put that on her, not every day. Maybe two days a week and then I don’t have to be at the yard all the time. Joanne runs things now and I can just…”
Frank chuckled “I know you. Name me one day in your pregnancy that you didn’t pop in. You were teaching like almost until the day you dropped. And before you start I’m not saying that was a bad thing, far from it. You said yourself it kept you active and your brain engaged. I’m just saying there’s no way you’ll take a back seat. It’s bad enough trying to get you to stick to your Sundays off.”
“I know.” Fliss nodded “But that’s something I’ll have to get stricter at.”
 “Ok.” Frank took a deep breath “Whatever you say.”
 Fliss frowned “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
 “Dismiss what I said.”
“I wasn’t.” Frank shook his head.
“Yes you were, you just completely shrugged it off.”
“No.” Frank said, his voice remaining calm “I said whatever you say. If you say that’s what you’re gonna do then…”
“Don’t you want me to do this or something?” Fliss asked and Frank took a deep sigh.
“Liss, we literally just went over this. I never said I didn’t want you to do it. Quite the opposite. I just…well I think it’s too soon ok?” he looked at her “Alex isn’t sleeping through yet, you’re tired during the day as you tell me when I get home. Hell, I’m tired and my job is nowhere near as physically demanding as yours not to mention the fact I’m not the one feeding him and…” he licked his lips
“You fix boats.” Fliss looked at him, a little sullenly “That’s physical.”
“Not as much as I used to.” Frank shook his head “I’m based in the office a lot now, as you well know because you complain I don’t come home full of grease as much as I used to. We won’t mention the fact that I’m growing a little…how do I put this, softer round the edges now because of that, hence the weights in the garage”. He smiled, attempting to make a joke out of it as he could recognise only too well the look in her eye. It wasn’t full blown anger yet but if he didn’t cut the discussion off soon it was going to be. “Look...” he reached out and took her hand “We’re incredibly lucky. We’re in a position where you don’t need to rush back to work. My job pays well, your business brings you in a very decent turnover each month, we have savings…I just think that we should take advantage of that and you should take a few more months off, maybe look at going back in March, say. Take a full 6 off to be with him, enjoy being a mom.”
 “Is that what you want me to do?” Fliss asked after a moments pause.
“This isn’t about what I want.” Frank sighed, his tone now starting to betray his frustration. “I can’t and won’t stop you doing anything, you know this. I just want you to consider your options, that’s all.” Fliss took a deep breath, gave a nod and pushed her stool back, draining the rest of her beer. “Where you going?” Frank frowned.
 “For a shower.” She said simply “I need to get out of these jeans and this shirt.”
 Frank gave a groan “Why do you do this?” “Do what?”
“Every time we have a slight difference in opinion on something you clam up.” He looked at her “Let’s talk this through, Liss. Don’t walk away.”
“I’ve nothing else to say.” Fliss said, her voice ending in a little chuckle. “You’ve made your opinion on the matter very clear.”
“Yeah, and now I’m waiting to hear yours.”
 Fliss took a deep breath “I don’t wanna take six months off.”
“Ok.” Frank nodded “Then you don’t have to. I still think it’s too soon for you to be looking at expanding though.”
“I know what you think Frank, you told me.” Fliss shrugged “You don’t need to keep repeating yourself.”
“I keep repeating myself because you seem to be completely and utterly dismissing what I’m saying.” Frank looked at her.
“For fucks sake Frank.” Fliss looked at him. “Stop talking to me like I’m one of the kids.”
“Well to be honest, you’re doing a pretty good job of acting like one.” Frank looked at Fliss, his eyebrow raised as he felt his temper beginning to flare “And a petulant one at that.”
Fliss gave a chuckle of ironic laughter “Oh that’s rich, you calling me a petulant child. You’re the one kicking off because I’m refusing to entertain some stupid idea about taking 6 months off work”
“You know, a lot of women would kill to be in the position to be able to do that.” Frank looked at her and she shrugged.
“So?” she frowned “With the greatest of respects, I don’t care. Yes, I’m lucky. I get that but I don’t want to Frank!”
“And I’m not saying you have to! Jesus Christ!” Frank groaned “When did I, at any point in this discussion, ever say you have to stay at home huh? You tell me exactly when those words left my mouth….” Fliss looked at him, and blinked as her mouth closed and she swallowed. “See, you can’t because I didn’t say it!”
“Well, you might as well have.” She glared at him “You’re trying to control my decision about what I feel is right for me…”
“You think…” Frank cocked his head to one side, as he felt a flash of angry heat rush up his neck to his cheeks at her words. His temper was really brewing now, the angry knot in his stomach growing tighter by the second. “You think I’m trying to control you?”
“Well aren’t you?”
“God damnit Lissy!” Frank’s voice was loud as he stood up from his chair, “You’re downright infuriating at times. No, that’s not what I’m doing. At all. What I’m doing is trying to have a sensible discussion with you.”
“Well I don’t want to discuss it anymore.” Fliss’s voice raised “So, like I said. I’m going for a shower. Or would you like to discuss that as well.”
“Oh for fucks sake…” Frank groaned his hands rubbing his face as he let out a frustrated noise, shaking his head. “You know what, I give in. Do what you want. Shower, buy more land, work, don’t work…just…whatever.”  
Fliss shot Frank a glare, and then a small noise from the basinet jerked them both out of the stare-down and Fliss headed over to pick him up. Turning she made for the door, baby in her arms.
“What are you doing?” Frank asked.
“Going for a shower, like I just said.”
“Well leave him with me.” Frank frowned, “What’s the point of taking him upstairs just to lay him in the crib whilst you shower?”
“Because I want to take him with me.” Fliss looked at Frank. “I can leave the door open. I like him being there. Is it a problem?”
Frank snorted, his hands on his hips as he looked at his feet “No problem.” He huffed out a little laugh as he raised his face to look at her “But you tell me you’re ready to go back to work when you can’t bear to be apart for the ten minutes it takes you to shower.”
Fliss’ face fell and Frank felt a pang of guilt at what he had said, but in his mind it was true. She hated leaving him, and he didn’t want her to be in a position where she felt she needed to, whether it was to prove something to herself or everyone else. He’d never tell her this but he loved the homely feel of coming home and his future wife and baby son both waiting for him, either on the sofa or the sun lounger. It was a wonderful, caring, passionate environment that he’d never had before and if he was brutally honest he’d quite happily see her at home until Alex was back in school. She didn’t need to work, but she wanted to, he got that. And he would never stop her. But the fact was she was still on edge about their son being left with people and he could almost picture the melt down she was going to have if she rushed back.
“Fuck you” Fliss seethed at him, drawing him out of his thoughts as Alex began to cry, clearly picking up the vibes in the room. Frank sighed, shaking his head as Fliss began to soothe him
“Lissy, just…”
But she didn’t stay to listen, instead she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, Alex’s little whimpers dying in his ears as she made her way up the stairs.
The argument made for a tense family dinner. They both tried their best to be normal, talking to Mary about her day, not wanting to but a dampener on it but as ever she was sharp. When Frank tucked her in, she asked him about it and he assured her there was nothing to worry about and that it was a silly disagreement which would be forgotten in the morning.
He hoped.
Fliss didn’t really speak to him much the rest of the evening, taking herself to bed early and she was flat out when he came up a little later. With a sigh he gently brushed the hair off her cheek before he kissed her temple and settled down himself.
He woke in the middle of the night, and still half asleep reached out to Fliss’ side of the bed but she wasn’t there. He sat up, blinking and then saw that Alex’s bedside crib was empty too. Frowning, he climbed out of bed and as he headed downstairs he could head soft baby cries from the family room.  
“Hey, everything okay?” Frank asked, opening the door and looking at Fliss as she was stood by the large window seat, gently rocking Alex as she tried to calm him.
“Yeah he’s grouchy.” She said, “I’ve fed him, he’s been changed…” “Want me to take him?” He offered and she shook her head.
"It’s fine Frank, I got him. I mean, that is what you wanted isn’t it? Me, being a good little wifey-to-be and mummy, right?"
Frank blinked before he gave a groan “Really, do we have to do this now?” he sighed, shaking his head. “I never said that, at all.”
“What it sounded like to me.” “How would you know?” He looked at her “You were so focussed on your position that you didn’t listen to a damned word I said. Because if you had you would have understood my point of view instead of accusing me of trying to control you.” He took a deep breath “When are you going to get it into your head that I am not your shit bag ex?”
“I didn’t say that.” Fliss looked at him, shaking her head
“But you thought it.” Frank eyed her “I could see it on your face.”
“There you go again, presuming you know what I’m thinking.”
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes, you are.” Fliss looked at him “What I was actually thinking was how shit it was you couldn’t just support me with what I wanted to do.” “Baby, I do support you, and I’ll back you with whatever you want to do, but I’m not gonna lie to you and say I’m happy about something when I’m not.” Frank shook his head.
“How can you back me when you don’t agree with what I want?”
“Because that’s what being together is about.” Frank looked at her “It doesn’t matter what I think…” “It matters to me.” Frank let out a groan “We’re going round in circles…” he shook his head as Alex’s screaming grew louder “Look, why don’t you let me take him? You go get some rest, we can talk about this later.” “I said I got him its fine.” Fliss shook her.
“Oh for fucks- just let me help will you?”
“Go back to bed Frank.” Fliss blazed it him in the dim light of the family room, her brown eyes angry “You have work in the morning, I don’t. Remember?”
He words themselves were innocuous, but the sheer sarcastic way she said them wasn’t. Frank felt the weary anger from their earlier argument which he had been fighting so hard to keep buried, slowly seeping back into his veins. He’d tried to explain his point of view, over and over again but she was being too fucking stubborn to even attempt to see it through his eyes. As he watched her cradling their sobbing son to her chest he didn't have the energy to keep going round and round in circles, not at 3 in the morning anyway. So instead he gave into the frustration he was feeling, and shot a stinging barb, one simple word spoken with exasperation as he shook his head and turned to leave the room. "Bitch"
**** Chapter 14
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katsuflossy · 4 years
Hii~ so I was wondering if maybe you could do a scenario or hc with whoever you desire meeting their s/o's friends, specifically the gremlin friend whos been dragged into the public by the crackhead friend?
Sero Meeting the S/o’s Friends
Pairing: Sero Hanta x reader
T/W: Obscenities, slight touch of body insecurities
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
A/n: Hiiii- So i hope it’s to your liking. I assume the reader had two friends so if it’s not what you wanted then I’m sorry 🥺 But I hope you really like it!❤️
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Sero’s ears picked up on a high pitched commotion downstairs. Mass squealings split through the air of Height Alliance drawing the curiosity of the few inhabitants. When he planted both of his feet on the lounge room floors, his eyes wandered to the leader of the Bakusquad, who was finishing work on the kitchen with a ferocious grip on the pen and scribbles on the verge of ripping the paper. Then his gaze traveled to the three on the floor. Under the pile stock laid you, who was squealing at equal volumes as the two on top of your body. The scene was both quite comedic and cute which ruptured a chuckle loud enough for (Y/n) to hear. She craned her neck to Sero’s figure before smiling even more widely at the boy.
“Sero! Baby!— Get off of me dumbasses! Hi baby!” You rose from the floor to jump into his arms, him easily catching you before you both could be sent to the ground. All the noise and happiness finally got to Bakugo as he slammed his notebook shut, grabbed all his supplies and marched himself up to his dorm room, grumbling under his breath and glaring at your smile as he passed. His nerve bulging from his temple throbbed harder as you smiled even wider at him. As soon as Bakugo left the room you whispered in Sero ear. A giggle passed your throat at the secret.
“I told him if he is nice when my friends are over, I would ask my family to send a bunch of Adobo and Goya seasoning for cooking.” Sero chuckled along with you and gave you a high-five.
“Good bribe babe.”
“Thanks, I learned from the best.” You fluttered your eyes at him before you both broke into laughter.
“So we’re just supposed to stand here while you guys make lovey-dovey eyes and shit?” The giggling only continued on both sides and you introduced your friends to the Cellophane quirk wielder.
“My apologies, your royal highness, this is Suki, short for Itsuki and he’s a royal pain in the ass.” Just as your hand was laid out to introduce him, he bent down and nipped at your palm, which allowed you to reflexively withdraw and chop him at the band of his neck. A whine came from his throat.
“Wassup.” You glared at him before introducing your other friend.
“And this is our pint-sized friend, Aaryell.” You laid your hand in front of her only for the little one to slap it away.
“Thanks for the introduction but I’m sure your boyfriend already knows I’m fucking short.” She, in turn, glared at you before smiling sweetly at your boyfriend who’s trying hard not to burst out laughing.
“And y’all know this is Sero… Just Sero.” You patted his chest and attempted to move away from him only to be squashed straight into his figure.
“Hi, nice to meet ya! I’m Sero, the ever-loving boyfriend to some chinchilla named (Y/n).” His turn to embarrassed you left your two friends howling at his introduction. Your laughter followed theirs as you snuggled further into Sero’s side. Suki took the time to talk to the prospective hero.
“Well, it’s finally nice to officially meet the chinchilla’s boyfriend. All we see through the phone are elbows and levitating hands feeding our gerbil friend.” All three begun to laugh again until you swipe your hand across his shoulders, eliciting a whine from the beanstalk.
“See what we’re not gonna do is make these rodent nicknames a thing.” His hands rose up to surrender. Sero pulls his physically aggressive girlfriend to his side for the second time.
“So what do you guys wanna do?” The new pair looked at each other. A goofy smile challenged a glossy snarl, both not giving up until Aaryell shouted.
“We are not going into the city!” Suki put a hand at his heart and let out a dramatic gasp.
“Why I wouldn’t suggest such a thing?! But can we?” The shortest one of the group grumbled under her breath about the insolent giant beside her, asking herself why is she friends with “this dumbass”.
(Y/n) smiled at the duo before looking up at Hanta. His quirk didn’t need to be telepathy to know what she wanted.
“I don’t see why not, plus we can avoid Mineta from stalking our business because a new girl is around.” Aaryell shuddered at the possibility of seeing Mineta, recalling the facetime chats you guys had talking about the times Mineta tried to look under your skirt and failed harshly. She grabbed everyone’s hands before stepping to the exit.
“You had me at Mineta.”
The sky acted as a caterpillar going through metamorphosis. Cloudy blue surrounded the city, encouraging all the citizens of Musutafu to be outside. The streets were congested with middle schoolers, high schoolers, and even business workers alike. So, Itsuki took the initiative of being the beacon, using his height to ensure you all weren’t lost in the sea of very pushy people. It wasn’t until you and Aaryell almost got washed away by the human riptide that Itsuki demanded a duo system. The two taller ones of the group took one of the vertically challenged. Itsuki’s quick decision of picking Aaryell as his duckling and the reddish hue on her brown cheeks did not pass either you or your boyfriend’s eyes. A simple glance between you and Hanta had decided what the goal of today would be: Operation Best Friend To Lover is on the go.
However, all the attempts had failed. Your idea to check out an arcade with a new VR zombie game flunked completely, resulting in Aaryell whopping Suki over the head with the controller due to his tries of whispering in her ear and poking her body.
Sero’s was even worse, his idea in going to a photo museum resulted in Itsuki attracting a mass of middle and highschool girls, gushing about his physique and face. He took it all in and a half as he interacted happily with his growing group of ‘fans’. Aaryell stood in discomfort picking at her stubby fingers and plush thighs before you declared that everyone was leaving. By the time you and Sero’s plan of going to a botanical garden came up, the sky’s second stage of metamorphosis had begun. The once azure shade tinted to a dark gray, the sun entrapped in its cloudy cocoon. Big droplets of rain clattered noisily against the street and pedestrians scattered to find shelter. Sero spotted an underground cafe before everyone could’ve been completely soaked.
The cool ventilation inside riddled your skin in goosebumps. Before you could say anything, Aryell spoke up.
“Jeez, it’s kinda cold in here.” She rubbed her arms to smooth out the texture on her skin and spark a little warmth. Her shoulder met with the weight of a jacket too long for her stature. Itsuki looked down at her with a smile.
“Here you can have it until you’re warmed up.”
You nudged Sero in his side to observe the scene in front of you. However, cellophane quirk wielder was already grinning at the two as Aaryell blushed then punched the giant in the shoulder, resulting in a whine and a “your sadist side is showing again.” By the time the two went to the counter to order the food, you and Sero took refuge in one of the booths to analyze the situation.
“Okay so Sero, give me the stats.”
“Well your arcade date didn’t work and mine did.” A gasp broke through your throat at his harsh comment.
“Mine wasn’t a complete flob! She started rubbing his head after 15 minutes of cursing and pouting, so that’s good.” Sero rolled his eyes, not budging from his argument.
“So like how Bakugo would beat the shit out of Kirishima in practice then throw a cold towel at him when no one’s looking.” You huffed in admittance. Your plan failed but his wasn’t better.
“Yeah well, at least mine didn’t result in making Mr. Adonis’ head swelling and Adonia insecure.” Sero shoulders slumped slightly, knowing that his plan hurt a new friend.
“Yeah yeah, I apologized about making her uncomfortable while you were chewing out Itsuki.” You smiled at your boyfriend proudly before reaching over the table and pecking his lips, eliciting his usual smile back to life.
“That’s why I’m proud of you, baby” He pecked your lips again before addressing the situation at hand. With a coordinated effort, the evening was spent with the duo blushing and laughing at each other’s jokes while you and Sero smiling and fist-bumping like fairy odd parents.
The party of four finally decided to part ways as the orange and yellow inks spilled on to the sky, looking like the wings of a monarch butterfly. You and Sero waved as the two walked toward the train being boarded, giggling as they secretly, but not so secretly, linked pinkies. Just as the two of you turned around, you turned to Hanta.
“I bet all the Super Smash Bros Ultimate skins you have that they’ll text me tonight declaring their crush for each other.”
“Hmm, I bet they’ll text you after 12 and one-thirds of the snacks your family sends you, the spicy stuff included.”
[Extended clip]
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