#the horns the jacket the chain
generalmusicmadness · 1 month
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from iii's instagram story
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beansprean · 2 months
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I hope these actors know how much they have done for me, specifically. And how many times I have drawn their dumb faces dkjfhk.
Please consider donating to Medical Aid for Palestine! It's what Kayvan would want. :) 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Waist up of Guillermo and Harvey Guillén on a white background with small yellow polka dots. Cursive red and gold script in the top left corner says 'Thank you, Harvey!' Harvey's skin is slightly tanner than Guillermo's, his hair is sun-bleached and curling freely over his forehead, and he is wearing a blue knit crop top and denim overalls. He is hugging Guillermo from behind with his chin on his shoulder, grinning up at the viewer. Guillermo, wearing a white shirt and brown patterned cardigan, is cupping Harvey's hands with his own over his chest and looking at him with a fond smile, cheeks pressed together.
2. Waist up of Nandor and Kayvan Novak on a white background with small yellow polka dots. Cursive red and gold script in the top left corner says 'Thank you, Kayvan!' Kayvan's skin is a rich brown against Nandor's vampire pallor and his half-up hair and slightly longer beard are graying; he is wearing a dangly gold earring in his left ear and is wearing a lime green button up tee with a red watermelon pattern. He has picked Nandor up in a hug with his arms wrapped around his waist. Nandor, wearing a long brown kaftan under a orange diamond-patterned coat with short furred sleeves, has his right hand braced on Kayvan's shoulder and the other wrapped around his back. They are both grinning widely and looking at the viewer.
3. Waist up of Nadja, Nadja doll, and Natasia Demetriou on a white background with small yellow polka dots. Cursive red and gold script in the top left corner says 'Thank you, Natasia!' Natasia is lightly tanned and has chest wavy length hair with bangs, dark brown at the roots with honey brown and blonde highlights throughout. She is wearing a periwinkle skirt and bandeau top with an outer layer of translucent chiffon in the same color, along with poofy off-shoulder chiffon sleeves, several rings, and a thin chain necklace with her name on it. Nadja and Dolly are matching in dark blue v neck gowns with a gold pattern and front buttons, their hair half up in twin horns. Nadja is grinning at the viewer, fangs out, and leaning heavily into Natasia's side, pressing their shoulders together. Dolly sits on their shared shoulder space, perched directly between their heads with her arms around them, smiling up at the viewer. Nadja's right arm is up under Dolly to support her legs. Natasia's right arm is bent upward like one might do to support a perching bird and her left is palming Dolly's knees to keep her in place. She is smiling over at the Nadjas, half bent over from their weight leaning on her.
4. Waist up of Laszlo and Matt Berry on a white background with small yellow polka dots. Cursive red and gold script in the top left corner says 'Thank you, Matt!' Matt is pale (but clearly more alive than Laszlo), with wavy shoulder length hair streaked with gray and a graying beard that has been allowed to grow a bit further past his chin. He is wearing a plain white tee shirt, denim jacket, and silver chain necklace. Laszlo is wearing a red button up dashingly open at the collar under a dark blue waistcoat and lighter blue jacket with a darker damask pattern. They are standing mirrored, back-to-back with their arms crossed and shoulders pressed together, looking back over their shoulders at each other. Matt smiles at his character lazily while Laszlo offers him a mildly salacious smirk.
5. Waist up of Colin Robinson and Mark Proksch on a white background with small yellow polka dots. Cursive red and gold script in the top left corner says 'Thank you, Mark!' Mark is standing facing the viewer with squared shoulders, wearing a blue and white plaid shirt with a chest pocket, only the top button undone. Were it not for the color and a slight shape change to his glasses, you wouldn't be able to tell him from his character. Colin is standing directly behind and to the right of him, wearing a brown v neck sweater over a beige collar and dull red tie. His head is tipped back and his mouth is open in a wide grin, eyes glowing bright blue behind his glasses. Mark glances at him from the corner of his eye with a slightly amused smirk.
6. Waist up of the Guide and Kristen Schaal on a white background with small yellow polka dots. Cursive red and gold script in the top left corner says 'Thank you, Kristen!' Kristen is pale in a human way with chin length curly brown hair and is wearing a loose empire waist black tank top under a translucent yellow chiffon top with a frilled neckline and elbow length balloon sleeves. The Guide is smiling open-mouthed at Kristen and wearing her usual black square cap, jacket, skirt, and gloves. They are back to back, elbows linked together to keep each other close, with Kristen leaning backward into the Guide so she stoops forward slightly. Kristen's far hand flashes a peace sign as she grins over at the Guide, tongue between her teeth. /end ID
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xtra7s · 5 months
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pairing: Renee Rapp x reader
Synopsis: Renee Rapp finds herself being forced to co-write with her popstar enemy, Y/N YL/N.
content: none
word count: 2500+
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Sunlight, pale and watery, peeked through Renee's eyelids, coaxing them open. She groaned, squinting at the dust motes dancing in the sunbeam, momentarily lost before memory slammed back, a tidal wave of yesterday's chaos. The sold-out show, the encore that bled into the early hours, the post-show whirlwind of sweaty hugs and hoarse thank yous.
She sat up, wincing at the way her muscles protested, stretched languidly like a sun-drenched cat. Her apartment, usually alive with the echoes of guitar strings and her own humming, was blessedly quiet. She savored the stillness, reveling in the luxury of an unscheduled morning.
Coffee first, always coffee. Slipping into a faded black tee and ripped sweatpants, Renee padded into the kitchen, the familiar ritual grounding her. The hiss of the espresso machine, the frothy gurgle of milk, all a symphony of caffeine-fueled peace. She curled up on the window seat, mug cradled in her hands, watching the city wake up beneath a veil of mist.
The day unfurled with the lazy elegance of a catnap. She strummed aimlessly on her guitar, chords bleeding into each other like watercolor paints. A melody hummed beneath her breath, hesitant at first, then soaring with newfound confidence. Words followed, tumbling out like spilled secrets, raw and vulnerable. This one, she knew, wouldn't be for the stage. This one was for her, etched in the quiet of her living room, sunlight painting gold across her notebook pages.
Mid-verse, the phone buzzed, pulling her back from the daydream landscape. It was Adam, her manager, his voice a staccato counterpoint to the slow tempo of her morning. "Hey, sleepyhead. Get that caffeine flowing, you've got a meeting in an hour."
Renee blinked the edges of her daydream blurring. "A meeting? With who?"
"Surprise," Adam purred, a mischievous glint in his voice. "Just be at the office by noon, looking fierce. Trust me, this is good."
The call ended, leaving behind a delicious cocktail of curiosity and apprehension. Adam rarely sprung surprises, preferring the well-worn path of meticulous planning. A quick peek at her calendar confirmed the blankness of the day, a testament to his clandestine maneuver. Renee, intrigued, finished her coffee with newfound urgency.
A quick shower scrubbed away the remnants of sleep and yesterday's glitter. Jeans replaced sweatpants, and a vintage band tee swapped for a sleek silk cropped tank. She threw on a leather jacket, its worn patina contrasting the delicate silver chain around her neck. A flick of mascara, a touch of rouge, and voila, Renee was ready for whatever mystery Max had cooked up.
The subway ride was a whirlwind of crumpled newspapers and hurried goodbyes. The city buzzed outside the windows, a symphony of car horns and sirens that somehow managed to be lullaby familiar. Renee tapped her foot against the worn floor, an impatient rhythm against the steady rumble of the train.
Adam's office, on the top floor of a sleek glass tower, felt as controlled as its occupant. He sat behind a minimalist desk, a tablet gleaming like a black mirror in his hands. "Well, look who graced us with her presence," he drawled, a sharkish grin lighting up his face.
"Alright, spill it," Renee demanded, settling into the plush leather chair opposite him. She took off her jacket and rested it on the chair, "Who's the mystery meeting with?"
Adam smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Ready for the real kicker, Blondie?" He reached for his tablet, tapping the screen with a flourish. "Your writing partner for these demos? None other than the one and only..."
The name that flashed on the screen froze Renee's blood. Y/N YL/N. The girl who seemed to embody everything Renee wasn't – polished, perfect, and seemingly born with a platinum record tucked behind each earlobe.
Their paths had crossed a few times – an awkward introduction at an awards show, a tense exchange at a music industry party – and each encounter had felt like navigating a minefield. Y/N’s icy smile and razor-sharp wit felt like a personal affront, a constant reminder of everything Renee felt insecure about.
The news hit her like a rogue wave. Collaborating with Y/N? Writing songs together? It was like asking a firefly to tango with a scorpion. The very idea sent shivers down her spine, a delicious blend of dread and fascination.
"You're joking, right?" Renee's voice was a tight whisper, her fingers twisting in her lap.
Adam chuckled, but there was a glint of steel in his eyes. "Nope. Word on the street is that Y/N's been looking for a songwriting partner with some... grit. Apparently, her last collaborator couldn't handle the 'diva act.'" He raised an eyebrow, daring her to challenge him.
Renee squared her shoulders, a spark of defiance lighting in her eyes. "Challenge accepted," she declared, her voice steadier than she felt. "Let's see who the real diva is when we're both spitting shit in a recording booth."
The Hollywood dream suddenly felt a lot less glamorous and a lot more like stepping into a coliseum, armed only with a guitar and a stubborn sense of self. Writing songs with Y/N was going to be hell, but maybe, just maybe, it would also be the spark that ignited something extraordinary, both on the record and within herself. 
As Adam slid a glass of champagne into her hand, the city lights outside the window seemed to wink, beckoning her towards a future both terrifying and thrilling. The Renee Rapp show was just getting started, and her first act was facing her demons, head-on and harmony-filled.
"Alright, Renee," he said, pushing himself up from his chair. "Y/N's on her way to the studio right now. Time to go meet your new best friend."
Renee swallowed hard, the champagne suddenly turning to vinegar in her stomach. "Right," she croaked, forcing a smile. "Studio. Collaboration. Teamwork."
Adam raised an eyebrow, his sharkish grin widening. "More like controlled chaos, but hey, that's where the magic happens, right?" He winked, then tossed her black leather jacket to her. "Go get 'em, tiger. Show her what Renee Rapp's made of."
The city stretched out before her, a concrete jungle pulsating with possibility and peril. Grabbing a taxi, Renee sped towards the studio, her thoughts churning like a washing machine on a spin cycle. Would Y/N be the ice queen she always appeared to be, or was there something more beneath the polished surface? Could they possibly navigate the choppy waters of songwriting together, or would their egos collide in a spectacular, public shipwreck?
The studio, nestled in the heart of Hollywood, hummed with creative energy. The air crackled with the sound of guitars being tuned, drumsticks tapping impatiently, and voices warming up scales. Renee took a deep breath, stepping into the dimly lit control room where Angela waited, her music producer, a mischievous glint in her eye.
"She's in booth two," she said, pointing towards a soundproofed glass box.
Renee nodded, her heart pounding a primal rhythm against her ribs. She pushed open the heavy door, stepping into the booth like a gladiator entering the arena. There, bathed in the soft glow of studio lights, sat Y/N YL/N.
For a moment, the world held its breath. The two rivals were locked in a silent standoff, their past encounters casting long shadows across the room. Then, a slow smile spread across Y/N's face, a smirk that was equal parts of challenge and intrigue.
"Renee Rapp," she drawled, her voice like honeyed poison. "Fancy seeing you here."
Renee met her gaze, her own smile steely and determined. "Yeah yeah, Y/N," she replied. "Let's get to work."
And so, the unlikely collaboration began. Two voices, so different yet somehow destined to intertwine, filled the studio with the raw energy of unspoken feelings and unbridled talent. The air crackled with tension, with unspoken words hanging heavy between them. Yet, as their fingers danced across guitars and their voices blended in unexpected harmonies, a spark ignited.
It was a dance on the edge of a volcano, fueled by equal parts animosity and grudging respect. They challenged each other and pushed each other to their limits, their voices soaring and crashing like waves against the rocks. 
Frustration hung heavy in the air, thick enough to cut with a knife. Hours had bled by, filled with discarded melodies and half-written verses, with the tantalizing promise of a song just out of reach. Renee strummed her guitar listlessly, the chords echoing the emptiness in her mind.
Y/N sat across from her, perched on a stool, her usually immaculate hair mussed, dark circles smudging the corners of her eyes. The polished veneer of her persona had peeled away, revealing the vulnerability beneath. For the first time, Renee saw her not as a rival, but as another artist struggling with the same demons.
A sudden change in Renee's strumming caught Y/N's attention. Her head snapped up, eyes locking with Renee's, who seemed unaware of the shift. Her fingers danced across the strings, weaving a melody that was both raw and captivating. Renee's lips moved silently, forming words that hung in the air like wisps of smoke.
"You say that I'm your favorite," she hummed, her voice low and husky, "With your hand between my thighs."
Y/N's breath hitched, a shiver dancing down her spine. The lyrics, raw and unapologetic, cut through the tension like a knife. This wasn't the sugary pop Y/N was known for; this was something darker, something more real.
Renee's eyes fluttered open, meeting Y/N's gaze with a newfound intensity. The air crackled with electricity, a mix of anticipation and trepidation.
"Tell me if you were gonna," Renee continued, her voice gaining strength, "That I would be the one you tried."
Y/N watched, hypnotized, as Renee mumbled a few more lyrics before shaking her head. The raw lyrics, sung with smoky confidence, peeled back layer after layer of the facade Renee typically projected. Y/N noticed things she'd never observed before - the flecks of gold in Renee's blue eyes that sparked with each line, the way her nose crinkled adorably when she concentrated, and the subtle curve of her jaw that spoke of hidden strength.
 The song, a shared confession, had cracked open Y/N's carefully constructed shell, revealing a tangle of emotions she'd kept buried for years. Her gaze traced the line of Renee's neck, the pulse fluttering beneath the delicate skin, and a shiver ran down Y/N's spine.
The air crackled with a charged silence. Y/N's walls, once brick and mortar, were now mere cobblestones, tumbling into disarray. She met Renee's eyes, her own unguarded and vulnerable, a stark contrast to the icy color they usually held.
"That..." Y/N's voice was a mere whisper, "That was something else, Renee."
Renee, sensing the shift, offered a tentative smile. "It was," she agreed, her voice husky.
There, in the dimly lit studio, their rivalry seemed to melt away, replaced by a fragile understanding, a whispered promise of shared vulnerability. They stepped out into the dawn, the first rays of sunlight painting the sky in shades of pink and gold. It was a new beginning, a blank canvas upon which they could paint a masterpiece of collaboration.
But as they left the studio and the magic of the music faded, Y/N's walls began to rebuild, brick by metaphorical brick. The vulnerability 
evaporated, replaced by the familiar mask of cold detachment. Her back straightened, her gaze sharpened, and a familiar smirk played on her lips.
"Alright, Renee," she drawled, her voice tinged with her usual icy edge. "Hit me up tomorrow, I'll come over and we can continue writing."
Renee blinked, startled by the sharp shift. She nodded as the warmth of their shared moment had dissolved, leaving behind a bitter aftertaste. But something had changed. Renee saw a flicker of the woman beneath the ice queen, a glimpse of the vulnerability Y/N had so briefly unveiled.
The game had changed, indeed. Renee knew the road ahead would be paved with challenges, with Y/N's barbed wit and ruthless ambition a constant obstacle. But she also knew that, hidden beneath the layers of frost, there was a fire in Y/N that could be kindled. The melody they had forged together, raw and honest, was proof. And that, in itself, was a victory.
The rivalry was far from over, but now, it danced with a hint of something else, something unspoken and intriguing. Renee met Y/N's gaze, a new challenge glinting in her own eyes. 
Renee stumbled out of the studio, eyelids drooping and nerves buzzing. Sleep, usually a welcome sanctuary, seemed elusive tonight. The image of Y/N's walls rebuilding, brick by icy brick, replayed in her mind, a discordant note against the echo of their raw collaboration.
She drifted into her apartment, the silence pressing against her like a suffocating wave. The ukulele leaned against the wall, untouched, yearning for the warmth of her fingers. Instead, she gravitated towards her trusty guitar, its familiar weight grounding her in the chaos of her emotions.
Her fingers danced across the strings, returning to the notes she played in the studio, a way to translate the tangled mess in her head. The chords came hesitantly at first, a tentative whisper, then gathering momentum like a gathering storm. Her voice, raw and unfiltered, filled the quiet room, weaving a tapestry of unspoken desires and lingering questions.
"In the PM, all the pretty girls," she crooned, "They have a couple drinks, all the pretty girls."
The lyric hung in the air, heavy with both longing and self-awareness. Was it her own reflection she saw in those words, the girl in the mirror seeking solace in the fleeting comfort of company? Or was it Y/N, a glimpse beneath the polished surface, a yearning for something just beyond her reach?
"So now, they wanna kiss all the pretty girls," Renee continued, her voice gaining strength, "They got to have a taste of a pretty girl."
The melody soared, achingly beautiful, and laced with a bittersweet truth. The game they played, the unspoken tension between them, was it just a desperate grasp for connection in a world of curated personas? Or was there something more, something simmering beneath the veneer of rivalry?
She strummed the final chord, letting the silence settle like a soft snowfall. The lyrics etched onto the page in messy scrawl, seemed to hold the answer to a question she hadn't even dared to ask. Tonight, the lines between artist and subject had blurred, Renee revealing not just melodies but a sliver of her own soul.
With a heavy sigh, she slipped into bed, the image of Y/N's eyes, both guarded and curious, dancing behind her eyelids. Sleep, at last, brought its welcome embrace, but within its depths, another song was stirring, waiting to be born. In the morning, with the city streets shimmering beneath the sunrise, Renee knew the game had just begun. 
The melodies they created, confessions hidden in plain sight, would be their currency, their battle cries, their whispered promises. Whether it led to harmony or heartbreak, one thing was certain: the world they were about to create, together, would be unlike anything anyone had ever heard.
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meloo-melon · 3 months
Gen Z Adam & Lute in uniform
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I experimented with my style a lot in this one and tried to keep their colours and silhouette as similar to their og’s as possible, especially when it came to Adam.
I wanted to keep his triangular silhouette with his jacket and wanted to keep his pattern on his robe with subtlety of the red streaks at the end of his jacket. I also added a chain and two golden spikes coming out of between of his horns to give his iconic A symbol. Which led me to make his horns more angled to resemble an A in some angles. His sleeves also go from light to dark like his og sleeves and I added white cuffs to represent his white pattern at the end of his sleeves in the show.
For Lute, I switched her belt for a corset as gen z girl teenagers, especially the more alt and gothic ones tend to use corsets a lot in their outfits as an aesthetic choice. She is wearing an oversized jacket with a night gown, making it more alt and modern. I kept all of her colours the same unlike Adam. And I tried to make it as similar to the og as possible without it being unoriginal, but not different enough to make her unrecognisable. I kept her mask the same expect for the two dangerous looking side metals that resemble her grey sidetails. She looks like she can pierce someone’s throat with that. As you can see in her jacket and boots she still has the grey streak just like her og.
I tried to make this drawing as similar to my og gen z drawing of them to maintain the same aesthetic people liked. As you can immediately see I kept a very angular and sharp edges with them to portray to the audience their villainy and dangerous and their threat to the main characters in HH.
If you finished reading this thank you and I appreciate you and this is in any way not a realistic depiction of gen z. It is highly exaggerated and simply made to be fun.
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faun-the-fawn77 · 1 month
Next Contestant
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Sinner!Adam x F!Reader
desc: Adam is so so tired of the demon scum hitting on you…especially when you’re working…in that outfit.
warnings: swearing(it’s Adam guys…), some violence, that’s about it:)
note: i am obsessed with Adam and he just for some reason fits Nickelback so much to me so be prepared for like… 18 more Adam fics with Nickelback songs(I’m doing ever song i have of theirs on my playlist)
word count: 1.7k
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I judge by what she’s wearing
Just how many heads I’m tearing
Off of assholes coming on to her
And I wish she’d take the night off
So I don’t have to fight off
Every asshole coming on to her
The bar was packed tonight. Sinners of all types crowded the booths and bar table with drinks in hand and eyes bleary. The lights were dimmed to accommodate the partiers for their headaches and turning stomachs. The two workers behind the bar were making drink after drink and passing them out to the customers who ordered. 
The older worker was an octopus-looking demon who was able to make and serve drinks with all six of their arms. The other worker was that of a beautiful demoness who you could tell was only there for the paycheck. Her outfit was what made more of the male demons ask her to make their drinks. 
The door to the packed bar opened and was slammed shut. No one batted an eye at the sound but those who caught a glimpse of who just walked in looked surprised and horrified. This new demon was bigger than most. Decked out in full leather with a plain white tee under the jacket, chains dangling from his neck with a couple that had crosses(One being a rosary), the horns protruding from his head were pitch black that faded into a nice golden colour at the ends. His eyes were bright gold and golden piercings littered his face. 
Adam growled at the people who stared and whispered. He should be used to this by now but he wasn’t. That little insecure part of him always tugged at his brain. When he caught a glimpse of the bar, he made his way through the throngs of demons. His golden eyes caught onto the demoness working tonight. His eyes scanned her up and down, taking in her scandalous outfit she chose for work tonight. A black, ripped crop top with a push-up bra and high waisted black shorts with a leather studded belt to hold them up. Fishnet tights and arm covers were incorporated and he could tell that the outfit caught many demon’s eye. 
It happens every night she works
They’ll go and ask the DJ
Find out just what would she say
If they all tried coming on to her
Don’t they know it’s never going to work
He strides closer to her side of the bar and noticed a couple male demons “flirting” with her…Or what was an attempt at flirting. Adam let out a low growl and grabbed two of them by their collars. 
“Get your filthy demon asses outta here before I really show you what happens when you piss me off.” He dropped them and watched as they scrambled towards the exit. The others who weren’t as scared had held up fists and glared at the bigger demon. Adam rolled his eyes and with a flick of his bracelet-clad wrist, a shot of gold light struck the demons in the chest which blasted them across the room. 
“Fucking bitches…” Adam huffed and turned towards the demoness who was staring at him in amusement. Her eyes were lidded as little giggles escaped her black lips. Adam smirked and leaned against the bar counter. 
“Got any wine back there or is this only the hardcore stuff?” The demoness smiled and produced a bottle of vintage red wine. She only served this stuff to Adam since he was basically the only one to request something at such a place. 
They think they’ll get inside her
With every drink they buy her
As they all try coming on to her
This time somebody’s getting hurt
Here comes the next contestant
Adam noticed all the drinks left at her right side and tsked. Of course some of these fucking pricks would buy her drinks that she, no doubt, had to make herself. He could already see that none of them were any of her favourites. 
“Does this happen every night you work when I’m not around?” He gestured towards the drinks that weren’t touched. She looked at the drinks and then him and nodded her head. 
“You know I’m not working here willingly but for the money. This is the only place nearby our apartment that actually pays good. And yeah, maybe dressing this way doesn’t help me personally but does help to make more money.” Her gaze bored into his gold eyes. 
Adam was never happy about this. About having the one person he loved, dressing skimpy just to get the money to provide for them. If he could do more then he would but no one would hire him because…yeah. 
The next night was no better. Adam walked through those bar doors and noticed a shark-like demon getting real handsy with his lover. He stormed towards them when he noticed his lover struggling to get the guy off of her.
Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you’d do it again
I’ll watch you leave here limping
And I wish you’d do it again
And I’ll watch you leave her limping
There goes the next contestant
“Is that your hand on my girlfriend you fucking freak?!” The shark demon let go and turned towards Adam. 
“Touch her again and you’ll leave here limping you sorry sack of shit,” Adam growled. The shark demon nodded and scurried out of the bar. 
Adam turned back towards his girl and noticed how shaken up she was. He reached out for her hand and waited till she put her smaller hand in his and was pulled towards his chest. He hugged her tight and whispered sweet little things in her pointed ears in hopes of soothing her. He could feel himself cringe a bit and was a bit angry at both the demons here and that the shitty redemption hotel that Lucifer’s brat hosts is actually working for him.
“Let’s call it quits tonight, babe.” His girlfriend nodded and he gently guided them towards the exit. He knew this type of shit wasn’t gonna stop but he’ll try and be there to stop every single asshole who dares to touch what’s his.
And I even fear the ladies
They’re cool but twice as crazy
Just as bad for coming on to her
Don’t they know it’s never going to work
And each time she bats an eyelash
Somebody’s grabbing her ass
Everyone keeps coming on to her
This time somebody’s getting hurt
Here comes the next contestant
A few weeks had passed with no more incidents. Adam showed up when he could and made sure to handle those who were getting a bit too much for his girl. On this particular night, however, was when shit really hit the fan and opened up Adam’s eyes. 
A flock of succubus were crowded around his girlfriend’s side of the bar. Their tails all seemed to swish in sync as their little bat-like wings fluttered whenever the demoness behind the bar talked to them. 
The hearts in their eyes are what really threw Adam off. They were attracted to her? To his girlfriend? He glowered at the thought that there was more competition for his girl than just the male population of Hell. 
Don’t they know that it’s never going to work? That batting their eyelashes and attempts to grab his girl’s ass was really just about to make him blow a gasket. He saw red. He made his way towards them and cracked his knuckles. This time someone was going to get hurt. 
“Hey sluts! She clearly doesn’t want you so why don’t you back the fuck off and leave her alone?” The group of succubus turned towards Adam and glared. Did they think they were scary? What are they gonna do? Scratch him and pull his hair?
“I’m not afraid to hit bitches like you.” The group of women looked at each other and nodded. They rushed towards him at incredible speed and attempted to catch him off guard. A blast of holy light shot from his palm and nailed them straight in the face. The screams of the succubus were deafening. 
“There goes the next contestants…” Adam wiped his hands on his jeans and made his way towards the bar. His girlfriend smiled at him and thanked him profusely. He can’t believe how crazy those bitches were. 
“They were cool for a while but they started getting twice as crazy as the men who hit on me.” His girlfriend complained. Adam laughed. He knew women could be crazy. He could picture how some of his exorcist bitches would get on the battlefield. After chatting a bit, Adam sipped on his wine while his girl stirred and shook up drinks for the different patrons. He scanned her outfit for this night and grumbled.
I’m hating what she’s wearing
Everybody here keeps staring
Can’t wait ‘till they get what they deserve
This time somebody’s getting hurt
Here comes the next contestant
“I really hate what you’re wearing tonight, sweet-cheeks.” The demoness paused and glanced down at her rather skimpy-looking outfit. Her cheeks puffed as she playfully glared at him. 
“Really? I thought this was a favourite of yours? I mean, that’s what you said last nigh-” Adam slapped a hand over her black-stained lips and shushed her. 
“I just hate that everyone is staring at what’s mine. Only I should see you in clothes like that,” he grumbled to himself. He glanced around and noticed how some were looking at her with lust in their eyes. He growled.
“They’ll get what they deserve, hon. Just wait.” His girlfriend hummed and went back to cleaning several glasses before making more drinks. Adam huffed and nodded. He knew that. Karma was a bitch and these lowlife demon scum were definitely going to get what they deserved.
Is that your hand on my girlfriend?
Is that your hand?
I wish you’d do it again
I’ll watch you leave here limping
I wish you’d do it again
I’ll watch you leave her limping
And I wish you’d do it again
Each night seems like it’s getting worse
And I wish you’d do it again
This time somebody’s getting hurt
There goes the next contestant
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MY FIRST EVER ONE SHOT!!! Hope ya'll like:) I now have sympathy towards all the writers on here who write fanfics. That was hard and I tried my best with this one! I read too much and write too little.
Also! For future reference: I will be giving Adam a last name in my fics cause it's so hard writing someone with no last name:(
His full name for me will now be Adam Edenis. I thought of it while I was writing another fanfiction...on wattpad...Anyway! That's it:)
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Pt: 2
Summary: You have a talk with Raph on the roof of your apartment from the othetside of a brick wall.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking on Reader's part, and dark humor.
Requested: Nope!
GN Reader!
You let out a sigh as you leaned against the cold brick wall on the roof of your apartment complex.
You had just gotten off the phone with your dad, and now you really needed a cigarette.
You pulled the pack out of your jacket pocket, taking one of the cancer sticks and lighting it.
You had tried to quit before, it never really worked, god addiction was a bitch. You sighed in ectasy as you breathed in the nicotine.
"Fuck my life." you muttered lowly as you looked out over the city. You closed your eyes as you listened to the busy streets below. Ah, New York, the city that never sleeps.
You rubbed your temple with a groan, sometimes yoh just wish it could be quiet. But you lived in a city for gods sake, it was never quiet.
You didn't hate it here though, on the contrary, you loved New York, city life was just a pain sometimes.
You took another drag of your cigarette, blowing the smoke skyward as you pondered your earlier conversation.
Why the hell did your dad feel the need to be such an ass? He was always belittling you and your accomplishments.
Well you should have done this. Why didn't you do this. You should try to do this.
It's exhausting!
"No wonder, Mom left." you muttered grumpily.
You looked skyward with your eyes closed, peeking one open when you heard a noise on the other side of the brick wall.
You strained your ears, trying to listen for more sounds. You sat up when you heard someone grumbling under their breath.
"Stupid brothers... Don't know what the hell they're talkin about."
You looked at the wall curiously, listening to them grumble. Should you say something? Maybe peek over the wall?
You leaned back against the wall, taking another puff from your cancer stick.
"Family trouble?" You said, trying to gain the attention of whoever was on the otherside of the wall.
"Who's there?"
You flicked the ash off your cigarette, chuckling lowly, "Relax hotshot, I ain't gonna hurt ya. I'm over the wall. Just figured it be nice to talk to someone who's also got some family issues."
You heard a thump, letting you know that mystery man had sat down.
"My question still stands. Who's there?"
"(Name). I'm (Name). And who exactly am I playing therapist for?"
You heard him chuckle, you could hear his smile in the sound, 'Cute', "The name's Raph."
"Well, Raph, what exactly has you panties in a twist, huh?"
Raph huffed, and began to rant about his older brother. Leonardo, you learned his name was as you sat and listened.
You snuffed out your cigarette, then pulled another from the pack. Chain smoking was a bad habit of yours.
Raph stopped his rant, and you heard him sniff, "Are you smoking?"
"Hey, people cope in different ways my friend. Besides quiting this shit is about as easy as catching a fly with chopsticks." you chuckled, blowing the smoke skyward.
Raph snorted, "Fair enough I guess. but you'd be surprised how easy it is to catch a fly with chopsticks."
"Oh, really? you ever done that?"
"Sure have, with reflexes like mine it's easy as pie."
You laughed, "Ohoho, you sure are tootin' your own horn, huh, Hotshot? What are you some kinda ninja?"
"You could, uh- you could say that."
You hummed as you puffed your cigarette, "Well then Karate Kid, you got any other family issues? You got a little while left, my cigarette is still fresh."
"Nah, I'm all out for now. What about you smartass? What's got you up here smokin' your worries away?"
You sighed, balancing your elbow on your knee, with your face in your palm, "My dad called me a little while ago. He can be a bit of an over acheiving hardass. The bastard expects me to be the same way."
"You don't sound to fond of your old man, why do you still talk to 'im?"
"I-I don't really know..." you hesitated, "He's the only family I have left, if I cut him off then I'm all alone."
You took one last puff of your cigarette, before putting it out on the concrete roof.
"My cig's out. Guess that means I gotta go to bed, man I hate work."
"Heh, tell ya what, (Name), I'll be here again on Friday. Talk to ya then, ok? You can tell me all about your old man."
You smiled, "Sure thing, Hotshot. See you on Friday."
With that you walked away from the wall, and down the stairs into your apartment complex.
Perhaps the start of a new series 👀👀 hmm we'll see...
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mintnoodles · 3 months
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[ID: Coloured cartoon/anime illustration of 3 women (Lucia: Plume, Lucia: Crimson Weave, Luna: Laurel) in regular attire, with yellow lighting. They look like a schoolgirl, biker chick and a comfy gamer respectively. They're described further in detail ahead. In the background are doodles of several characters. Lucia Plume stands, looking down wide eyed at a kermit plush in her hands. She wears an oversized green coat with red lining over a uniform (blouse, red tie, black skirt with red lining, stockings, leather shoes). Her skin is tan, her pigtails are done with rectangular red bobbles. Tiny horns poke out of her hair. Lucia Crimson Weave stands next to Plume with a wide legged, confident stance, hand in jacket pocket. She gazes to Plume from aside. She's tan, her white high ponytail done with a large bunnyear red ribbon. She wears a white jacket with red lining/accents and decorative zippers, red goggles around her neck, black turtleneck crop top exposing some underboob, navel piercing, denim shorts with belt chain, black fingerless gloves and ankle boots. Her legs feature several scratch scars. From her left hand dangles keys and a frog keychain. Luna sits with fingers clasped across knees, looking up at both Lucias with a slight smile. She's pale. Black bobbles tie up her shorter white twin tails. She wears black headphones with red accents. Draped over her is a thin white cardigan edged with a grey diamond pattern. Under is a blouse with a red ribbon and grey moon charm, anklelength white skirt, and grey socks. In the background are several doodles of other characters. Liv and Lee in school uniform. Liv has a braided bun and cochlear implant. Lee has a blazer and pimples and a neutral look. Liv smiles wide as she says 'Lucia! You can sit with us!' Commandant (in biker helmet and jacket with gray raven emblem) rubs their head awkwardly while presenting a wrapped gift with tag reading 'to: Lucia' Rosetta (in neck brace and arm cast) glares determinedly with yugioh card between 2 fingers, saying ''Alpha'. It's time to duel.' Behind her Diana in a deer sweater worriedly says 'rosetta please rest.' Phone with group chat named 'ASS NET'. 3 speech bubbles surround it: Exaggerated smiling chibi Roland emanating hearts. 1 heart bounces off a tearful chibi goth Lamia. 1 screenshot of of a youtube page featuring Lamia: Lost Lullaby's mermaid design. End ID.]
punishing gray raven but it's just the postapocalyptic rpg run by a very determined Luna for her younger sister and her friends. Chapter 1 to 8 is their shaky start to getting used to the system before they hit their stride, Luna gets better at narration, and a couple very weird dice rolls lead to wild story adaptation.
Read more for closeup of the phone
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[ID: Luna's phone. The ASS NET group chat features some reaction emojies: Heart, skull, fish. The youtube page is a torso shot of Lamia: Lost Lullaby. The cut off title is 'v] ORIGINAL SONG || 'Lost lullaby'. The 3 recommended videos are: 2 Bros try ghost pepper challenge. Thumbnail is chibi wide smiling Kamui, angry Camu and a pepper. Study with me | 9 hours. Thumbnail is Chrome at a desk with a book. ASMR. Thumbnail is blank eyed Wanshi with a syringe. End ID]
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theamityelf · 2 months
The senpais, for the most part, find ways to make it easier for their kouhais to stay on their person.
Ibuki ties ribbons around her hair horns, so Sayaka can rest in the loop of the bow instead of having to hold on all the time.
Gundham adds special pockets to the arms of his jacket; they're the right size for Toko to see out of when she stands up while still allowing her to hide if she sits down, they're positioned so she'll be upright pretty much no matter what gesture he does, and they're fastened by hooks so that she can get in and out of them easily but the hamsters can't.
Chiaki already had her backpack and her super walkable hoodie pockets, so she's fine.
Imposter, Kazuichi, Hajime, and Akane have shallow enough breast pockets for their kouhais to stand in. That said, Kyoko and Hina still tend to wander. Junko, too, a bit.
Nagito's jacket pockets are too deep for Makoto to see out of, so he adds various belts and chains and straps for Makoto to nestle in or grab onto. Every time Makoto almost trips fully off of him, Nagito adds a new handhold.
Mikan maybe adds velcro to her and Taka's clothes, so he won't fall off her but he also can't move freely without her help.
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caswensworld · 4 months
“The outfits in Descendants: The Rise of Red are so bad” “I hate them” what Descendants are y’all talking about?
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We gonna start off with Uma. No, I’m sorry, Principal Uma! She looks so good! D2 vibes all around. Sure, there’s not as many sea trinkets as I’d like there to be but I can live with that. I missed her Pirate hat and her fringed skirt! The shredded shirt, I see you, Harry Hook inspired! I love the brown sleeves with glitter, that definitely reminds me of the sea. I just got black fingerless gloves but now after seeing her, I want gold…Great. I haven’t talked about her jacket cause there’s no discussion to be said. No defense to be made. Uma will always have that fashion!
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Princess Red of Wonderland here is slaying! The designer understood the assignment! Red’s style is like a combination of Mal and Evie. The gown gives Evie’s royalty and the other gives Mal’s edge. Let’s start with the dress, I have always had a thing for corsets , I don’t know what it is, I just love them. Her arm warmers! Maybe it’s something on the arms, I just find it so sexy (y’all should’ve seen me swoon over Mal’s D3 moto sport fit). Why does her dress give more Queen of Hearts then the actual Queen of Hearts. And don’t act like we didn’t see that crown, Miss Ma’am.
Now the other picture, it may be dark but I saw everything I needed to. I think that’s a double belt she’s wearing and I love wearing more than one belt! The leather pants with the gems on the side, love that! Combat boots are my true love, but y’all. Y’all. The hood. THE HOOD! WITH THE GEMS!! OHHH! I need the character pictures to drop so I know what to gender-bend and thrift.
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First off all, Hades always got it on but THIS! Hades is my spirit god! I am Hadie. I can see how he pulled Maleficent. This is my father, I dressed up as this specific Hades for Halloween. I love it when my gender wears makeup, I personally like painting my nails and wearing eyeliner so to see it on Hades, I’m very happy. I am a sucker for jewelry and that choker around the neck! I recently bought my own choker because of him! His leather jacket is everything! The studs! I haves stud fetish! I need the jacket but it’s just too expensive. Now the main thing we need to talk about is THAT SHIRT! OR SHIRTS! I fully believe these are two shirts safety pinned together! I think that the blue might be long sleeve while the gray is short! I got the safety pins so I find the right shirts, I will my customizing!
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The Mistress of Evil, Maleficent always has that fashion chic. The complaints I do understand are from her horns and hair. We’re gonna start with her hair. People were expecting it to be people because Mal’s was purple. Y’all, you cannot expect me to believe Mal’s hair was an inherited trait, I did not believe for a second that Maleficent had purple hair. (Imma have to do a whole other post on that). Now the horns, I do believe that her horns are there and her hair is just long enough to be wrapped around her horns. (And if not, then we go all Dragon). Now let’s talk about the pros. THE PURPLE EYESHADOW!! I LOVE THAT! The leather corset, again, something about a corset! Why do I have the feeling that’s dragon leather? If that’s a thing, is that a thing? Now let’s talk about that single arm sleeve. Even as a teenager, Maleficent still looks regal! How many chains does Maleficent have? I love that. Ulyana is a mean girl, Maleficent is a BAD girl!
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It’s not that she doesn’t look good, it’s just that it’s all red. I know that’s her main color, but she does also wears black with a little bit of gold. That’s pretty much my only complaint, she looks beautiful, I love how the dress looks like roses! The sleeves, I love translucent or mesh or whatever it’s called. The crown is crowning! Don’t get me started on that corset turned collar!! But I do understand why they made her all Red so she can contrast with Queen Cinderella!
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I’m am rating this because the other one we saw is not a dress, that is a cape or cloak or something, I don’t know what it’s called. This dress is very beautiful, I have always preferred her blue over her silver but I do like how the designer added silver swirls. The jewelry is everything! The earrings, the necklace, THE SILVER CROWN! IT’S BEAUTIFUL! Brandy is royalty herself! I’m not sure if you guys can see it, but she does have these shiny translucent gloves and I like them. I don’t care what you people say, even if it’s a little random, her blue braid is absolutely beautiful! I absolutely love it!! The first black Cinderella then the first Cinderella with blue hair, Brandy is the literal definition of iconic. She is the history of Cinderella.
Emilio Sosa, the designer, is amazing and he deserves his roses and trophies
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beansprean · 2 years
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Bikie au nonsense~
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Close up of Ed and Stede as modern day bikies. Visible between their heads, stalking angrily away, is Izzy, wearing dark grey jeans and a black tee shirt under a spiked leather. There is a large skull patch on the back with an x tattoo on the cheekbone with a patch above identifying him as “The Hand”. He is wearing one glove, has a wallet and chain in his back pocket, and has a snake tattoo winding around his right arm that turns into rope at his wrist, a barbed wire tattoo around his left bicep, and ‘daddy’ in cursive script on his right shoulder. In the foreground, Stede , wearing a bright blue leather jacket, glares after Izzy’s retreating back, cheeks puffed out in anger. Ed, wearing a spiked black leather jacket with aviator sunglasses pushed up onto his head, is turned to look at him, smiling easily as he says “Aw, don’t mind Izzy. He’s a pom, he can’t help it.”
2. Ed, in a purple tee shirt, usual tattoos, fingerless gloves, and lightwash jeans with a tino rangatingatanga belt buckle, stands casually with arms crossed as he gazes at Stede’s butt. He asks, “So, you know how to ride this thing?” Stede, wearing a bright blue leather jacket and cords, obliviously leans over his custom teal bike, which is covered in various stickers, has tassels hanging from the handles, and features a small wooden unicorn statue bolted to the headlight. Stede has one hand happily beeping the horn and the other absently turning the handlebar back and forth. Grinning to himself, he replies brightly, “Not at all!”
3. Black Pete and Lucius, as modern day bikies, stand together under a clear blue sky. Lucius, wearing a striped tee shirt, yellow kerchief, and cropped red leather jacket, leans toward Pete and squints at his face, asking, “Sooo, do you like, know a bunch of celebrities?” Pete squints back at him in confusion, dressed in a sleeveless tan shirt, roughed-up green denim vest, and gray helmet buckled under his chin. His helmet has an American flag sticker, a gold badge sticker that says “bad ass”, and a stylized sticker of blackbeards head, made of smoke, with two flaming eyes and a cross of bones behind him. Pete uncertainly replies, “…I’m from Mississippi.” Lucius bluntly admits, “I have no idea what that means.” /end ID
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hetaologist · 3 months
APH America "Ethnography" and Headcanons (SFW)
The United States of America, Alfred F. Jones, Mr. Stars and Stripes, 'Merica, Pretty Boy, um... or just simply America.
Here is a list of data I have gathered from this country and oh boy, what an interesting specimen we have here....
You will find this find this mythological creature at your local Walmart superstore during the evening hours on a weekday, sporting flannel loungewear pants (The plaid kind), a cotton t-shirt that definitely has been worn no less than two (2) times, Old Navy $1 flip flops, and a gray jacket.
When asked about his late night runs to the popular supermarket chain, his answer is just simply:
"There's nothing else to do and no where to go."
America's Cart Inventory for March 22nd:
One (1) package of "Mega Stuf Chocolate Oreos" for $5.97, One (1) 6-Pack of "Starbucks Frappuccino Chilled Coffee Drinks" in Caramel Flavor for $7.98, One (1) Family Sized Bag of "Flaming Hot Cheetos" for $5.94, One (1) "Furby Interactive Toy" for $39.19, and One (1) Stick of " Axe Apollo Men's Deodorant Stick" for $4.97. Total of purchase was $64.05 before tax.
When questioned about the "Furby Interactive Toy", he replies:
"Yeah dude, there's this thing I wanna make that's called a "Long Furby". Wanna come by my place and check it out?"
I agreed to the invination as it would give me a better look into his living space and lifestyle. He's very friendly person.
Living Space (Home):
Oh dear god, why did I agree to come here?
House is a what you would expect from a typical American college student such as:
"Saturdays Are For The Boys" banner flag, Marvel and DC posters, a very unsettling looking blue leather couch that looks like it has been through hell and back, random dumbbells and untouched exercise equipment, every game console from the 1972 "The Magnavox Odyssey" to the PS5, action figures from various popular TV shows and comics, an old KFC bucket with half eaten chicken on the coffee table and a shelf with a huge vinyl record and CD collection.
Conclusion: What a fucking gross nerd.
America offers a cold can of Coca-Cola, I accept it.
He shows me a very long light blue "Long Furby" from his collection, further proving how much of a dork he was.
When asked what kind of music he liked (in regards to his music collection), he replies:
"That's hard to answer, it changes every week. Because of my diverse music, I pretty much like everything. One week I could be listening to 1980's classic rock, 2000's techno-pop, Bluegrass Country, 1990's Hip Hop or anything. But, if I had to give you this week's favorite artist, it would have to be Taylor Swift and Doja Cat."
"Interesting..." I replied.
I have recorded enough data for today (the smell was bothering me) and left his home to do further extensive research.
America has a deep love for cars and trucks, he can be seen working on his vintage 1968 Dodge Charger R/T called 'Thunderbird' (an absolute speed demon that can reach at top speeds of muthafuckin' 156 mph), and his enormous 2019 Ford F-150 'Big John' that he loves to drive to world meetings because he is a total stud muffin showoff.
Oh yeah, he defiantly modded 'Big John' horns with airblasters. So when he parks his car and he sees other nations come out of their vehicles, he pounds on that horn and scares the living shit out of them.
He totally does 2 am donuts in the Thunderbird the front of Walmart parking lots with his brother Canada to freak him out.
Other than seeing him work on his cars while listening to "Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry" on the radio, he's in his room sorting out his action figure and comic book collection.
Damn, what what a geek.
He has an eBay account where he buys, trades and auctions his collection as his interests constantly change.
If you think him being a geek, dork and a nerd is gonna save him from getting a basic ass Stanley cup, you're wrong.
He has a navy blue one that he takes to meetings and he would get dirty looks from the other nations.
"Goddamn it America, you do not need that much coffee."
"Fuck you, you scone sucking twink. It's not coffee, it's the Panera Super Charged Lemonade mixed with Redbull."
"I beg your fucking pardon..."
He gave Canada a red one for his birthday that he also takes with him to meetings.
"Canada, mon ami~. That better not be that merde American drinks that makes your heart explode."
"No, it's Tim Hortons iced coffee."
"Well.. that's better than what America drinks..."
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awkwaamo · 11 months
So, in the process of trying to get my partner into one of my childhood favorites, Winx Club, the brain gremlins took hold of me and I am now in the process of creating a rewrite. Not the entirety of canon, but definitely the first three seasons and throwing in some extra stuff from other seasons that I really enjoyed as well as some of my own personal flair.
That being said, a rewrite obviously has to come with redesigns and I have literally just finished up everyone's first transformation
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Layla, or Aisha, is up first! I did really enjoy her original design (honestly, they're all wonderful) but it just wasn't going to work for my AU. Considering she's from a planet that is dominated by water, as well as being related to actual mermaids, I absolutely had to add in more mermaid traits. So we have wings that look and act similar to dorsal fins in the water which makes her an exceptionally fast swimmer, almost on par with her cousins. Then, of course, I had to include shells in there. The shells that function as her heels are angel wing shells and a horn snail shell.
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Musa, oh Musa. Her original was lovely but it just didn't have enough punk inspiration. Luckily I was more than happy to provide a little in the form of shorts and a half skirt on top of wonderful boots with buckles. I did keep the sheer centerpiece though because I really wanted to pay some respect to the original. Also, and this is just my personal opinion, space buns are superior. My shining glory of this design has to be the wings, though. The bass clefs are wonderful but to top it all off I had to add the CD shine. It was a necessity. Also, if you haven't noticed the fact that her arm accessories mirror Layla/Aisha's, now is the time to notice. SoundWave will be a thing in this AU.
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Flora needed more green! She deserves a little green considering she's a nature fairy and how else would I incorporate it other than vines? Especially considering she uses vine attacks all the time! Also that rose inspired skirt was a pain to do but so worth it. If anyone deserves a rose skirt, it's Flora.
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While I do love Tecna, her original always felt like it was missing something so, after some scrolling through sci-fi stuff, I added the cropped jacket to it and more green for her as well. The ear piece actually extends into a helmet with a retractable visor, I'll probably post another image with it on full display another time.
Another thing to add is that there is a criminal shortage of Flora x Tecna content to the point that I haven't even seen a fun little ship name for them. So, I'll just be using BioTech.
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Getting right into Stella's redesign, starting with the wings! I did like her original wings but with her being the fairy of the sun I kind of just spread them out similar to the way rays of light look. As for her outfit, I really wanted to add onto the ethereal kind of look with gorgeous drapery similar to what you see in depictions of goddesses but with a modern twist! Hence the underbust and other additions.
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Bloom but much more draconian. As she deserved considering she's the keeper of the dragon fire. Dragon wings. Dragon scales. Need I say more? Yes, actually. Her boots are more armor like, which was fun but not the best part. The silver chains, the necklace, the gemstones. They're made to be a mirror to Stella's because SolarFlare is absolutely iconic. They deserve each other so much and it is my mission to highlight this fact.
I have so much planned for this AU. So many ideas that I've already noted down and places I want to go with this, I can't wait to get started.
And I literally just realized that this AU needs an actual name, so I'm going to go with Psyche. The reasons why will become clear later. 💜
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razzafrazzle · 1 year
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rip sadie's leather jacket, hello FULL LEATHER SADIE BABYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!
[image description: art of an original character named sadie. sadie is a muscular demon woman with bent-back horns, a tail, a notch in one of her pointy ears, and combed-back greying hair. she is wearing all leather, including a harness and chaps with chains and spikes attached, a vest, gloves, bracelets, pasties, and a pair of sunglasses. she has her fist in the air and an excited and rebellious look on her face. she herself is done in all red and white, and she is standing in front of the leather pride flag. next to her are red hearts, like that of the flag. end id]
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cubicle-eyes · 2 years
Eddie Munson x M!Reader
(Pre-Existing Relationship)
Hi tis me ,annon! I was wondering if you could do an eddie munson x male reader? And the reader has a very deep voice and eddie asks him to step in to play as a demon lord in his D&D campaign?  And the rest of the hellfire club is highkey scared of how well he plays it?
Sorry this took longer than expected!! Hope you like it anon! I know shit about D&D gonna be honest this is completely made up so I hope this passes enough to be recognized 💀💀
Also I turned Y/N into a gentle giant himbo for some reason but it still works.
Eddie had approached Y/N earlier in the day to give him a proposal. Y/N would play a character in his D&D campaign, and Eddie will give him... something. It was a little card thing that literally said "To Be Decided". Well, Y/N had nothing to do anyways. He only questioned for a few minutes when Eddie shoved a cape and and a helmet with horns haphazardly glued on the front of it. Apparently, the rest of the Hellfire club wasn't expecting him when he appeared behind Eddie's throne, laughing evily as they approached the demon lord's castle. Y/N almost fell off the box he was standing on when Mike screamed in suprise, and Dustin bust into laughter as the black-haired boy flushed.Y/N hopped down albeit awkwardly as Mike and Dustin started bickering playfully, and stood next to Eddie's throne. Eddie flipped the page in his notebook with Y/N's script open.
"I see tresspassers! You dare try and foil the plans of the king who watches? The fools of the rebellion and trying to tag upon my ankles!"
Y/N said, hiding the shake in his voice with a rumble of laughter again afterwards. Eddie leaned forwards in his chair.
"The demon king is sitting on his throne, his tail flicking behind him. He's massive, the size of both of your carts stacked. He looks like he could crush you in one hand. There's two creatures near his throne held back by chains, like guard dogs. There's something they're guarding. The king leans forward, grinning."
So, Y/N grins, leaning over the table. He says his next lines with practiced ease, since they're his favorite.
"Well, since we're here we might as well play a game. What say, rebellion? Care to take a soon-to-be-dead king's offer?"
He stares straight at Mike, and the raven-haired boy swallows thickly. Y/N sits up again, and slides closer to the throne. Eddie sits up as well, and turns his attention to the players.
"It's your turn."
"Holy SHIT! That was so scary. Y/N you can ROAR!?"
Dustin asks, practically clinging to Y/N's side as the club finally leaves the drama room. Y/N scratches his cheek, burying a little deeper into his jacket.
"Well when I was little I used trashcans to roar. That's also why I can put up staying in that room with a bunch of stressed-out, sweaty, teenagers! Scents don't bother me!"
Dustin shoved his side, the pair laughing. Lucas had taken Erica home a little early, and the other three Corroded Coffin members had left too. Mike was biking away right now, still shouting conversation with Eddie until he was out of earshot. Dustin was riding back with Y/N and Eddie, so they started for his van. Dustin got dibs on shotgun, so Y/N slid into the back center, leaning on the console so the trio could keep talking. Eddie nudged him.
"You decide what you want for playing the demon king?"
"Four tubs of icecream."
"...Why four?"
"A man has to have options, Eddie."
Dustin butt in, and Y/N nodded, shoving his head. Eddie laughed, then kissed Y/N's cheek. Dustin gagged and Y/N grabbed his head, pulling him towards the center in a huge bear hug as he kissed Dustin's head.
"Oh our son! How dare he not love our love! Perhaps he is homophobic."
"Am not!"
"Are too, curly-haired son. The gay mushroom son and the black haired son will not be pleased."
"Basketball son?"
"Basketball son doesn't care. He's chill."
"Oh I see."
Y/N and Eddie kept conversing about their children as Dustin tried to escape Y/N's iron grip, eventually giving up and falling slack in defeat. Y/N pat his back as they stopped outside of his house.
"Go forth and conquer, son!"
"Alright bye."
"Tell yourdad goodbye."
Eddie ordered, and Y/N gave Dustin a puppy like look. He groaned.
"Bye-bye." He said sarcastically, waving. Y/N rolled his eyes as he escaped into the house. Y/N climbed ungracefully into the front seat, hitting his head twice on the ceiling, but not accidentally rolling the window down this time so progress! Eddie grinned, kissing Y/N again as they started off towards the store that was open all night.
"Alright, what flavors do you want?"
idk I don't really like this one 😭 its kinda cringey fluffy and rushed but also like well thought out?? its vibes just aren't hitting me. - 💙
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 5 months
Do you have any physical description of the ROs?
Thank you thirteenth anon for coming to the fashion show with our latest super villains that we arrested. In any case, the best one will be released, and the others will have to do community services (become trees in a play). Which one do you pick?
"We got flashback descriptions, so I guess it was only natural that anon birds would enquire as to descriptions of the ROs! Kay: Stocky, somewhat husky build. Farmer's tan. She has very strange eyes, yellowish with horizontal pupils, and a pair of curling horns. Her hair is fluffy and grey-white. Usually zipped up in a hoodie and sweatpants, but when she's got to be active, say... for a villainous mission, she strips down to shorts and forgoes sleeves. (Which happens to reveal extra fluff on her arms and legs). Teddie: Fair skin, short brown hair, green eyes. On the shorter side, and not heavily built. Teddie's physical appearance is kind of dominated by his Extra Bones. He's always rocking a number of awkward protrusions from his body. For instance, during the first meeting half of his brow has an extra ridge sticking out of it, plus a large pauldron like plate on his shoulder. Shit sucks. Wil: Regardless of set gender, Wil looks more or less the same. Xe's very tall and toned, pale with short ash blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Black lipstick, black eyeliner. Just wears a whole lot of black to be honest. Studs, chains, buckles? All of those might make appearances in xer outfits. Boots, distressed jeans, a couple ear piercings. Great abs. Don't ask why I already know that detail. Mallory: I have to asterix Mallory since they do not actually look the same all the time. However, they're korean and have dark eyes and hair. Often a little ambiguous so far as gendered appearance goes. A casual dresser, but a fairly fashionable one. Always smiling a lot. Pay close attention. Control Group: Short and compact, a little bundle of muscle. Curly brown hair that's shoulder length when down, but usually isn't. Skin on the darker side of olive. Favours leather jackets, jeans, combat boots. Sharp eyes. Alistair: Tall and muscular, though we're not talking body builder here. Dark skinned and dark haired, which he pulls back in a braided tail. Clean shaven, wears glasses. Decent dresser, often rocking a backpack. Where do you think he keeps all the pasta? Habitual smiler, very expressive with his face."
My money is on Wil.
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mariekanker · 27 days
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roommates who hit each other
[ID: A lineup of 4 different cartoon characters. All of them are standing upright and looking towards the viewer. The first one from the left (Azalea) is a tall chubby biracial (Dominican + Irish) woman with a large triangular nose that juts out of her face drawn similarly to a simplistically drawn snout. She's looking towards the viewer curiously and her mouth isn't shown. She has long coily brown hair with a blonde streak hung up in a round shaped ponytail with a scrunchie with a stray hair sticking up from the top of her head. She has red glasses with a red chain, a black sweater, a long orange skirt with a large graphic of a purple flower on the side, large black shoes with short heels with black pantyhose, and small pearl earrings that the dangle down. She's holding her hands together over her waist. The second character (Veronica) is a black woman with a dark purple scorpion tail and a dark heart shaped cat nose. She's smiling and her mouth is drawn like a cat's mouth. Her dark hair is shoulder length and is drawn in simplified blocky lumps. She’s wearing a black sweat shirt with a graphic of an orange centipede wrapping around the shirt. Her pants are white with a dark purple belt. She is also wearing black boots, upside down cross earrings, and one purple fingerless glove on her left hand that she’s holding up near her face. The glove has a graphic of a skull and crossbones on the back. Her other arm is down, and her right hand is missing the ring finger. The third character (Daisy) is a minotaur with a completely black furred cow head, neck, and legs, but a tan skinned human abdomen and arms. She's looking down towards the viewer with a neutral expression and is standing completely rigid with her fists clenched. She's loosely modeled after a highland cow and has a thick dark green mane of hair with a blue nose and small pink eyes. Her right arm has a square spiral tattoo running down it. She's wearing a light purple unbuttoned shirt with white spiral shells and stars lining the edge of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt. Her undershirt is light yellow with sweat stains on the stomach and underboobs. Her jean shorts are a dull green and the sleeves are jagged at the ends. She is wearing no shoes, showing her dull green hooves. She's also wearing a watch on her left arm, a dog tag necklace, a yellow nose ring, and a faded pink ribbon is tied around her right horn. The last character (Trixie) is a pale skinned short, fat woman with thick pink curly shoulder length hair covering one eye and a large round nose. She looks uninterested and tired, and her mouth isn't shown. She is wearing a dark turquoise jacket with a blue heart on the right shoulder with a green T-shirt with the NFPA 704 diamond symbol on it where instead of numbers the quadrants say "X, Y, A, B", similar to the layout of a video game controller. She is also wearing a blue long skirt with a lighter blue and a white stripe and blue bottlenose dolphin slippers. The background are two different photographs of the inside of a house, heavily edited to have entirely orange and green color palettes. The one on the left is of a kitchen, and the one on the right is of a living room. /END ID]
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