#the house is a mess and were behind on somehow only my laundry
btheleaf · 3 months
"Poor Thing"
Fandom: LOK
Rating: Mature
998 Words
read it on ao3
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Pema scrutinized the calendar on Tenzin’s desk with a hard gaze. One, two, three… the day under her finger marked the day he would be back from his trip. Her other hand slid back up to the row above that depicted the previous week. She swore the kids were making her lose track of time somehow.
“Lin left here and said she’d be back in one, two, three, four, five…”
Her fingers ended up on the same day. She smiled and wondered if they orchestrated their timely arrival together somehow. With a satisfied look on her face, she stood up and walked away, only to stop and run back to the desk a moment later. She counted one more time.
That was today.
Lost in thought about how time slipped away from her, she broke into quick strides towards the door. The kitchen was still a mess from dinner and there was no room for their laundry when they got back. Something sharp and solid collided with her right as she crossed the threshold. She yelped and nearly fell backwards. A steady hand on her arm kept her upright and she breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Lin. Pema slapped her hand away.
“You nearly scared me to death.”
Lin’s armor clinked as she crossed her arms. “I’m not exactly light on my feet. You should have heard me coming.” Her voice was soft and measured, she had a small smirk on her face. “Why were you in such a rush?”
Pema pouted. “I just realized you’d be home today not even five seconds ago. I was on my way to tidy some things up before you got here.”
Lin eyed her up and down and stepped close. Her armor-clad hand went up into Pema’s hair at the back of her neck as they met for a kiss. Pema put both of her hands up below Lin’s jaw, one of the few places where she could feel Lin’s skin while she was in uniform. The kiss started off as a chaste hello and soon turned hungry, both of their bodies craved the other’s presence after so many days apart. Lin pulled back and her smirk deepened at seeing Pema’s mouth stained with her lipstick. Pema’s pupils were blown wide, her heart rate was increasing. Poor thing.
“Tenzin just landed.” Lin could feel the weight of Oogi settle down by the stables. “He’s coming up to the house now.”
Pema took a breath. “You and I will be finishing this later.” She moved to head to the kitchen, maybe she could at least make it appear less messy in the couple of minutes she had.
Lin caught her by the arm. “Go take a shower Pema. Looks like the kids have been running you ragged. You didn’t even know what day it was.” She spoke again at Pema’s hesitation. “Tenzin and I will clean up around the house and take care of the kids. We’ll meet you in the bedroom.” With a wink she sauntered towards the kitchen.
Pema appreciated the sight of watching her walk away for a moment before going to take care of herself. It did feel nice to be free from responsibility after so many days alone with the kids. She sat at the vanity mirror in the bedroom. The hairbrush snagged repeatedly as she tried to work the knots from her hair that had decided to take up permanent residence since Meelo accidentally sent a whirlwind at her two days ago. The door cracked open. She heard Tenzin call for her.
“Come in.” She looked down at her robe. “I’m uh, mostly dressed.”
Tenzin stepped up behind her and put his hand on her shoulders. He leaned down to kiss the damp hair by her temple. “Want me to help?”
Pema relaxed under the warmth of his hands. “The hair is a lost cause right now.” She put the brush down. “I’ll take a massage if you’re offering one.”
She could hear the chuckle in his voice. “Of course.”
Pema wasn’t even ashamed of the moan that came out of her mouth as his nimble fingers began to work through the tension in her back. She told him where she needed his hands the most and he followed through with her every request. His hands went lower and lower until the back of the chair was in the way.
“If you lay down, I can do a better job.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Pema threw the bathrobe off to the side and settled in the center of the bed on her stomach with her head resting on her folded arms. Tenzin’s hands didn’t find her fast enough. “Stop staring,” she mumbled.
“Sorry.” He cleared his throat and climbed on the bed to straddle her hips. His hands began to work at the knots in her lower back as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I can’t help but stare sometimes. I hope you don’t hold it against me.” He shifted down and began to massage the supple curve of her ass cheeks and she moaned in response.
“Go easy on her, Tenzin,” Lin said as she quickly closed the door. She took her armor off and made her way up onto the bed on her knees beside them both. She pushed some hair off Pema’s face so she could kiss her cheek. “She needs a gentle touch right now.”
Pema hummed in agreement and Lin moved back up to pull Tenzin in for a deep kiss. He kept his hands on Pema but leaned into Lin to try to taste more of her. Eventually Lin pulled back with a small laugh.
“Stay focused, Tenzin,” Lin commanded. “Pema needs those expert hands of yours.”
Tenzin smiled and looked back down at Pema. “She’s asleep.”
Lin put her hand over her mouth to stop the laughter that threatened to burst out. “Guess she was tired.”
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jorgofthejungle · 2 years
now let me tell you another story.
this happened today.
I woke up and already heard my tita(T1) somehow getting angry. I heard names (including mine) being called so we went down.
I went to the kitchen and there she was. And the first thing she(T1) tells me: They say you’re disrespecting your elders
damn, I was like
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literally I said: I’ve only been unemployed for 2 weeks. I’m doing nothing. Who said such thing??
she(T1) just answered me: “them”. I DIDNT KNOW WHO SHE MEANT. I was so dumbfounded that I just continued to walk, rinse my face and gargled.
[IT WAS THE FIRST TIME I WOKE UP AND WENT DOWN THAT EARLY (7AM) SINCE BECOMING UNEMPLOYED, usually I go down by 11am hehe so I don’t usually get to eat breakfast nor do I see other fam members] (and quick story, I used to work a 7am-4pm shift Monday to Saturday. I wake up, wash up, then go to work where I eat breakfast. Clock out by 4pm and since it’s rush hour, heavy traffic, I arrive at home quarter to 5pm. My sister usually cooks dinner by then. So yes, I wake up, wash, work, eat, wash again and sleep. I DONT USUALLY HAVE THE TIME TO GATHER AROUND FAM MEMBERS AND CHATTER. If u ask about my Sunday off-day, I wake at almost 12noon and just do laundry)
I was baffled so I told my older sister(OS) about it. My sister laughed at me, mocked me with it. She(OS) told other tita (T2 and T3) about it. T3 said: what?? She(me) barely even talks in here. How could she(T1) say such?
Moving forward, everyone was mostly upset because things escalated quick (T1 and T2 verbally fought). Some fam members were in the living room, some were outside. Then T1 approached me again! (I was in the kitchen washing and preparing meat) She (T1) goes: you. What were you talking behind my back? (She means we back-stabbed her)
I was again like
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I said: I told you. I’ve only been here, for a whole day, for 2 weeks. I know nothing.
BECAUSE I LITERALLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHATS HAPPENING WITH THIS FAMILY. Like damn, I’ll only know something maybe a month later or so, or maybe even the conflict has ended or resolved!! FFS I’m minding my own business here😀
I again told my sis(OS) about this. She again laughed at me. Later I told 2-3 more fam members and they were all like: why would she(T1) approach you? You’re never here( because I’m mostly at work!!) my sis (OS) said: and yes you barely even talk or gather with us lol
T2 told us she(T1) was mostly mentioning my name earlier. She(T1) was mostly looking for me. Maybe because of the same reason that I’m not doing anything (not helping with chores and cleaning the house). T2 heard that T1 mentioned that I only do chores when told so. Bro my sisters don’t usually mind me not doing anything... I only listen to my sisters now when it comes to chores. I’ll be honest, I hate cleaning after any one elses dirt or mess (and that’s what T1 wants me to do). My sisters try to understand me being lazy tbh but they do get angry with me sometimes about it. It’s not that I don’t clean. The mess around here are done by nieces and nephews. My sisters clean up(toys) after them but I usually don’t (except for spills). I tell my nieces and nephews to clean their mess or else I’ll give them to monsters if they don’t...
Other than that, cigarette butts and plastic wrappers are everywhere. I gave up cleaning knowing they won’t end if the users keep on throwing trash everywhere. I even already developed allergic rhinitis because of the dusts and bad odor around here.
Maybe that’s how she(T1) came up with the thought that I’m disrespecting elders because I do make it obvious that I’m annoyed while cleaning. One fam member even told me that maybe I said something that hurt their ego...
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kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Live In Nanny Pt 2
Villain!All Might x Reader
All Might raising baby Deku but is in desperate need of a nanny (Pt 2). The morning after and basically wayyyy to long so the smut is gonna have to be in pt 3. (word count: a little over 2k)
pt 1 here
TW: Yandere themes, day after dub con, reader is held against their will
You were sore. Your hips, wrists, back, pussy, everything ached. A silky sheet was the only thing covering your bare form. You could feel that you were alone in bed, Toshi's bulkiness was no longer weighing down the mattress. It must be mid morning because light was streaming through the curtains. Maybe if you remained still you could absorb into the mattress. Not only because of your tender body, but because you would prefer to never see your boss again. But speak of the devil. "Are we staying in bed all day?" You groaned. Hating how he worded his question. We. It was condescending, patronizing, and somehow filled you with butterflies. Something was placed on the bed, definitely not heavy enough to be Toshi. And then you realized, not something but a tiny someone. Baby Izuku crawled over to you, babbling, and tapped your sore shoulder. "Morning, Zuzu," You mumbled. Your joints crackled to life and you tightened the covers so you could face the little one. Behind him the clock read 11:00 am. "I need to get dressed." The villain cocked his head, "I tossed your clothes in the laundry do you want me to go get something from your closet?" No, you didn't want him running through your belongings. He would probably make a mess. "Just give me one of your shirts." That provided you enough modesty to get to your room and you were surprised the menace didn't follow. You scrubbed your body raw under the shower, subconsciously punishing yourself for taking pleasure from the night before. You were frustrated. Clean and covered in giant sweat pants and a hoodie you stormed into the living room where Toshi sat watching izuku entertain himself. "I quit." There was a pause. You tried not to look at the child. He would sway your resolve. This didn't have anything to do with him, it was between you and his father. "Alright." Oh. He wasn't going to challenge you? Figures, the man got what he wanted from you. You turned on your heels and rushed back to your room. You didn't own much so it wasn't hard to shove your belongings back into the suitcase. Opening your bedside drawer you froze. Your keys and phone were missing. This was their spot. The dedicated key-and-phone drawer. You check the room once, twice, then Izuku's room, the playroom, the kitchen. "Where are my keys?" You hissed, to hell with the phone you could buy a replacement. "Why would you need those," His voice was taunting. You felt your fists ball up and your nails dug into your palms. You stomped your foot like a frustrated child. "Because I'm leaving, I quit, now give me my keys." "I agreed you can quit, if that's what makes you feel better. I didn't say anything about leaving." The tension could be cut with a knife. He wasn't speaking or moving, he was eerily looming. In the other room Izuku was getting fussy. It knotted your stomach not going to check on him, but you kept your eyes on the villain. Toshinori was the first one to move, he went to check on his son. Clearly you weren't a threat. You could do without the keys, even sacrifice your suitcase. You made it all the way to the front door where you expected him to be, but he wasn't. He was with Izuku. With a twist at the knob the door didn't budge. You tried once more before angrily shaking the door. All Might called for you, "I told you that you aren't leaving. It's a two way security system but feel free to keep trying." When did he install this? You didn't see anything obvious like a box or camera indicating a security system. You could've thrown a fit or tried to break open the window but you had a feeling you wouldn't make it far. "What are you getting at?" You asked, rejoining the father-son duo. "Nothing aside from what we discussed last night in bed," he was making your cheeks burn red. "Making sure we stay a happy family." By the tone of his voice you knew there was no room for discussion. He didn't chastise you for slamming the door your room. He didn't pester you through out the day. He didn't even open your door to tell you he made dinner. He came by later to tell you (through the door) that he left you a plate in case you get hungry. By midnight you were. You tip toed down the hall, peeking into to the nursery to see Izuku fast asleep. You scarfed down the food before crawling back to bed. --- The next day you shuffled out of bed and into Izuku's room where you picked up the quiet but awake baby. You were gentle as you combed through his green curls with your fingers. He was still warm the way babies gets when they sleep. Holding him soothed you. Toshi melted when he saw you two curled up on the couch. He didn't want to ruin the mood so he stayed out of your line of sight for a few more minutes. Finally he entered the threshold of the room, "I'm heading out for the day but I won't be out late." You could've ignored him, but Izuku's grubbing hands were grabbing for his daddy. You had been defeated by the toddler. You weren't a monster. You moved toward your now ex-employer so he could tell his son goodbye. Goodbye before he goes off to commit atrocities. Toshi kissed the child’s chubby cheeks without removing him from your arms. He was too close for comfort. You took an awkward half step back before his huge hand caught your hair. With a tug, your chin jutted forward and he pressed his lips to yours. "Zuku, keep an eye on mommy," Chuckling as he stepped out the front door. Your mind was fuzzy for a moment before looked down at the boy on your hip who was giggling and clapping his hands together. --- The jovial villain was focused at work. He was on edge, quiet and irritable. Eager to return home and help you with his son. All Might wasn't delusional — well at least not entirely. He anticipated that this would be a rough time for you, but you were a good girl, you would adjust.
When he placed that ad to scout for someone to watch Izuku he didn't plan for this. But you were so perfect. He ached for you in a way he never hurt before. Had you been anyone else he would've killed you when you found out his villainous ways. But no, he could never bring himself to harm you. God, you even took the news in stride. Yeah, you weren't thrilled and may have walked out of their lives if he hadn't stopped you; but you weren't trashing his house or treating Izuku any differently.
And you were so pretty underneath him, whimpering while you took his length, your nails digging into the man's shoulders when he released into you. You slept like a rock afterwards, rolling unconsciously into him. Your body sought his comfort, knowing you were safe with him. He just needed to give you time to adjust.
--- It didn't take long for you to stop leaving the room any time he entered. And soon you were back to your normal routine of caring for the child and keeping up with the house. You resumed playing around with Izuku and began reading a ton of books to the boy. You told Toshi that Izuku could even pick which books he wanted you to read. It was nice that you were talking to him again, sometimes making jabs at his life choices and always kept a distance between yourself and him. Izuku was becoming quite the talker, well the babbler because he hasn't said his first word yet. He was figuring it out though. He knew he could say 'Ap-ap' for apple or to get picked up. You were sure he would say his first word any day. --- The three of you were in the living room when it happened. Izuku was watching some baby show, the first "lesson" was colors and the little one did his best to make nonsensical noises. The next subject was family members. Siblings, sister, brother. Parents. Mom, mommy, mama. Dad, daddy, papa. Grandma, grandpa. Aunt, auntie. Uncle. Over and over again until the show was done. Toshi looked at the izuku who was wearing the face of a thinker. He looked at his dad, the little one was trying to get something of importance out. You both cheered for him once he finally got out the word "papa." It was cute to see the man beam with pride, even though he was a villain. The butterflies were breaking out of their cocoons again. --- Toshi didn't get much alone time with his son and he liked it that way. That meant you were with them. But when he did get time with son he worked on teaching the boy that you were the mommy. Mama. And Izuku would try to repeat but hadn’t quite got it. --- You were struggling to maintain your composure in between watching the news and cooking dinner. All Might was robbing a bank. There were hostages. You recognized the location immediately as a bank you passed almost daily before working for Toshinori. Did you know anyone inside? A small part of you worried for the man, probably because you were thinking of him as Izuku's father rather than a villain. You shut the TV off when you heard Izuku start to wake from his nap.
That night you couldn't help but notice a slice on his arm; it was superficial, not even bleeding but enough to draw out the question: Why do you do it? It's easy, he shrugged. All Might never initiated an attack unprovoked nor directed his actions towards helpless civilians. He stole, dabbled in the black market, and made sure everyone knew not to mess with him or anyone in his circle.
You just couldn't understand. When Zuku gets older he will ask questions. All little boys idolize their dads. What if someone tried to hurt the boy? 
The two of you were whisper yelling with each other. You more so than Toshi but he was still running low on patience; it had been a long day, after all. Izuku was picking up on the changing atmosphere, watching you both through furrowed brows, the quiver in his lip worsening. You stopped when you heard the whimpering begin. He was a sensitive child. Maybe you just needed to sleep. Toshi picked up the baby, bouncing Zuku in the way that always prevented tantrums and wails. He kept babbling and you could tell he was doing his best not to cry. You started to head towards your room when a cry broke out for 'mama.' This time it wasn't Toshi “putting you in your place”. This time it was Izuku.
"It's okay, Zuzu," Toshi soothed. "Mommy just needs a minute."
The crushing realization of just how trapped you were knocked the wind out of you. You couldn't leave the house. Toshi was always being too kind and patient. Somehow he managed to teach Izuku that you were his mommy. The most infamous villain had ensnared you and no matter what he wasn’t letting go. You would never be able to convince him to leave you alone and you'd never be able to leave Izuku.
You were tired of stubbornly holding out. Pathetic tears cascaded down your face, gentle and oddly relieving. Izuku practically leapt into your arms. The tot clung to you and his crying calmed down. you turned away, not able to look at the man.
"Are you going to think the worst of me forever?" Toshinori whispered. Maybe? Probably not. It was hard to tell. You didn't want to.
He continued, "I'm a good father, I would never let anyone hurt Izuku. Or you. Sure I don't have a lot of redeeming qualities but there are some."
You were tired of being stuck inside. It wasn't good for Izuku either. You wouldn't admit it but you weren't so sure you would abandon them even if given the chance. You were tired of trying to hate the man behind you. Tired of pretending you didn't fantasize about that night when you were alone in bed. Toshi moved right behind you and you relaxed against his huge chest. He was surprised and hesitant to move in case he frightened you to your senses. He couldn't just stand there though, that would be weird. Two thick arms wrapped around waist. "Tomorrow I wanna take Izuku to the park," You whispered. Toshi was equally defeated.
After putting Izuku to bed you made your way down the hall. The shower in Toshinori's bathroom was running. That was fine. You needed a moment to collect your thoughts. If this was going to work without you feeling like a hostage he was going to have to be open to loosing the reigns. 
He was surprised to see you in his room when he exited the bathroom in nothing more than a pair of sweatpants. 
"More fighting?" He cocked an eyebrow. 
You shook your head, "I hate All Might, just as much as I hate every other villain. But when you come home I don't see All Might, I just see Toshinori, Izuku's dad. That's the man I care about and no matter how much I fight it I can't stop caring."
It was hard to keep eye contact with him but you continued, "I want to be with you and Izuku, not with All Might. And I want to be here on my own accord. I want to be able to go out with Izuku and with you. Can't we just try that?" 
You didn't come in here to berate him again? Or to demand to leave? His heart softened as he realized that the person he wanted, wanted him back. You were willing to remain in their lives. 
"I can try that." 
Toshi trained his eyes on your body, fighting every instinct to close the space between. But you moved first, gingerly placing your hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you straddled his lap.
"Can I sleep in here tonight? I want you to hold me," You whispered.
He nodded and rested his forehead against the crook of your neck. "Is that all you want from me tonight?"
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savorysatori · 4 years
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“choke me, spank me, look at me, thank me.”
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— sypnosis: working as a maid in a new house is very exciting, you get the money and everything goes well. although, once you’re introduced to the son of the parents, everything goes down hill.
cw, warning: size kink (?), creep!ushi, pictures without consent, nipple play, gn!reader, non-con, somnophilia, sloppy sex, dry humping, praise, panty stealer ushi.
% wc: 2234.
↷ a/n: y’all have no idea how long this was sitting in my drafts, for fucking 5 weeks plsssss- anyways I hope you all enjoy! this was rlly fun to do. also! shoutout to daisy, this collab was really cool! congratulations on 1K bb. <//3
— @daisy-bakugo, PORNSCAPE EVENT! ilyy.
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You were everything he wanted, everything he fantasized about.
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That’s how much they were paying.
It was enough to have you accept the job immediately. It was enough to have you choose between two of the slightly revealing maid dresses and enough for you to be standing in front of the wakatoshi mansion. Briefcase in hand with a bucket of supplies you were instructed to bring. Everything was just right, you were prepared to clean, everything would go well.
The frilly material of the skirt swayed around your thighs and glided against the softness of your thigh-highs. Glistening jewels of your gold bracelets glimmering in the hot sun shining down on your skin. The thin line of thread held up the damp clothes, shredding any of the excess water soaked into them. All of the Wakatoshi’s clothing were fancy. Gold lining stitched in the middle or at the end of the cloth, it was clear they were wealthy. But, it somehow amazed you when your eyes glided to the very end of the line — some shirts & shorts were childlike. Pictures of guns and cars were painted onto a black shirt, it looked like something a 5th grader would do. ‘Maybe they had a child?’ You didn’t know, you only met the parents. Folding up the dry ones, you’d stuff them into the cart and push them towards the other line of clothes swishing in the breezy wind.
You finished doing the daily chores, slipping into their kitchen that was designed well with a beautiful interior. Cold marble was felt up against your skin as you tipped the bottle of wine into your glass, clacking against it. Your glossy lips propped up against the cup and took small sips of the fruity flavor. It slid down your throat and surged a zing of bitterness back up to take in the taste, so sweet and yet so unpleasant at the same time. You’d lick the juice off your lips and place it down steadily on the counter, looking up to see a heady gaze sharped on you.
6’2 and steady build towering over you with dark olive hair — was the wakatoshi’s son. Ushijima Wakatoshi.
Your body stayed still, unmoving. He wasn’t anywhere near a 3rd grader - more like a full grown adult. Tongue peeking out from your teeth to lick the dryness seeping between the cracks, your eyelids hooded.
“Uh- Hello! You must the wakatoshi’s son, I’m the new maid.” Extending your hand out to meet his; his hand stayed at his side, not seeming to shift to engulf yours. You’d drop it back beside you and nipped at your lip when the silence between you both continued.
“Well, I’ll see you around. Nice to meet you.. Ushijima! Your parents told me about you.”
You’d excuse yourself away from his intimidating gaze and close the door behind you. Maybe it’s a good idea to introduce myself another time.
The same look from before followed you out of the kitchen, watching you as you’d take up the laundry basket. His eyes kept gawking at your every move. Staring with every bit of emotion nobody could decipher, Toshi wasn’t a very talkative man and it was visible. He situated himself in the shadows and looked from above, staying out of any scandals his parents were exposed to. He did keep his eye on you. Stepping out of his secure area and making every note to try and approach you without seeming like a creep. His creep intentions did creep up back into his system when you started staying at his house, sleeping in a guest room 8 feet away from his room. It was easy; so easy to sneak into it when the moon raised in the dead of night.
Soft thuds of his feet against the carpet thankfully didn’t alert anyone, giving him the time to steal peeps at your sleeping state. Comforter pulled up. Oversized shirt to cover up the intimate parts of your body he dearly wanted to explore. Soft breaths left your pink lips to breathe it in again, his cock stirring at the sound of it. Toshi knew what was right from wrong, he knew that doing something like this would cost his life — but, dear god you were everything he dreamed of. He couldn’t stop now.
His calloused hands raised the shirt for him to be able to see your tummy, sliding his fingers down to the waistband of your panties. They were so simple and adorned your skin beautifully, keeping the heat between your legs warm just for him. His free hand unzipped his jeans and let them pool at his ankles, such as his boxers. You stirred slightly at the foreign touch, brows creasing forward. He stilled until you relaxed back into slumber, his fingers separated your thighs, and slowly slid the oozing head of his cock between them.
“Ah, princess, f-fuuck.” breath ragged, eyes shut closed to take in the bliss. Contentment streamed through him, his hips rocking against you to feel more, more of you. He was greedy. Toshi was insatiable, he wanted everything of you. He didn’t just want — he needed you. It was a plea. A whine for you, a need. The selfishness ran through his family, that’s how he inherited it. From his family. Was he ashamed? No. Not when you felt so good right now, not when he was about to reach the orgasm he was climbing to.
Sweat fanned down his toned chest, abs glistening with droplets of precipitation. His hips rocked forward one last time, cum spurting from his head and between the soft flesh of your thighs. It was sticky and slimy, rolling down to cover every little spot.
The sight of you sleeping soundly while his cum leaked from between your thighs, made the flaccid touch of his cock stir. You were just so pretty, a pretty little something he wanted to scoop up for himself. And he would do it with no trouble whatsoever. His hand slid down to grab his phone from the floor, lying face down. Toshi aimed right in the frame, snapping a picture for later. He stuffed it into the back pocket of his jeans and scurried away from your room, not bothering to clean up the mess of his dry cum smeared on you.
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Pressing the ‘start’ button you watched the clothes in the machine swirl with bubbles of soap clouding over them. One hand on the machine and knocking it occasionally to make it turn on again. “Barely working.” You’d mutter.
Despite the Wakatoshi’s being filthy rich, their laundry room wasn’t at all cooperative. There were brown pieces of wood peeling off the wall with stains of what seemed to look like dry substance splattered on it. A bunch of plastic bags and socks were pushed to the corner of the room, dirty ones to be exact. Not much laid in the room other than the things you had listed — except for the posters of lewd manga hanging from the cluttered shelves.
The cool air of the basement door opening brushed up against you, your eyes drifting to see who it was. Standing there was Toshi. He was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. His expression was the same as always, stern and uninterested. You were both met with the silence from yesterday, uneasiness creeping up back to you.
Bothering not to talk, you turned back to the machine to see it at twenty-one minutes. It was almost done and you could leave to wrench away from the awkward silence you were sitting in. You could still feel his presence, you knew he was there and it was uncomfortable. So many questions were left unanswered in your head, you couldn’t understand them.
The back of your skirt was flipped up to meet your back, his clothed length pressed against you. He was hard. There was no doubt he wasn’t big, and that was what made your eye sockets almost swell out. He slowly rocked the fabric of your panties along with his bulge. Fingernails digging into your hip and pushing you up more to gain more access and spread your legs.
“Ushijima-“ words of confusion scrabbled out from your mouth quickly, “w-what are you doing?”
“Shh.” He jabbed the curve of your back and made you lay pressed against the cold exterior of the rattling washing machine. His words flustered you, it provoked you to stay quiet. You had never heard his voice before and a situation like this only shook your brain into a deeper hole of complication. “J-Just — let me do this, let me try it out. Once.”
And you did. You let him try it just once, you let him delude into the fantasy he had been dreaming of. You let him do it. Once.
You calmed down from the aftershock of his tongue sending you to see stars, arms jerking when the feeling of his hot touch pressing your face against the door of the machine. Your fingers tightening around the handle and pulling on it slightly, cheeks swelling up with heat. The sounds of your whimpers and tiny jolts sent him to push along more, arm encircling around your stomach, his voice breathy against the shell of your ear. You were like a succubus, a being he couldn’t leave nor escape, so alluring, sweet and he had just met you not too long ago.
The smack of his cock meeting his stomach caused you to crank your head back, looking over to see a beautiful sight. Ushijima’s cock was thick, curving gently upwards. The skin was a light shade of cream, and the head was large, pink, expanding tip. “Ushi-“ your voice was wavery, unsure paring with it.
He’d shush you again, angling your leg up as his lips pressed a kiss to your glistening cunt. Toshi took notice of your expressions when he slid into the warmth delves; brows creased together and little words scampering out from your lips. Latching onto the handle and pulling it ever so often when he hit a certain spot, whenever the tip of his cock caressed against your cervix- it was so beautiful seeing you be reduced to a quivering, blubbering mess. A surreal sight he would only see.
“You’re so damn tight. So wet, so willing.. just like that baby.” The pump of his hips made you lose yourself over and over again, a mixture of sounds that were all kinds of slobbery and slurred due to your dizziness. His pace picked up with renewed energy, slick and wet sounds fill the air, sweaty bodies clamping against each other. The whines and pants of his name being drowned out, so pathetic- clinging to the latch and crumbling under his touch. It drove him like a mad man, his brain clattering, the way you took him in with no problem amazed him, you were so inviting and supple.
“S’too b-big! Ushi- ah! -“
The whines of him being too big impaled itself into his brain, your shivering body and cunt wrapped around all together had already made him blank out, now with your pleas, it caused a switch in his head to flip and jack-hammer himself into you. Pump after pump. It made your eyelashes flutter with droplets of tears risking to stream down the fat of your cheeks. His hands holding you firmly, brows furrowed with grunts flowing into your right ear. A grunt rippled from him as his cock throbbed harshly inside you, the feeling making him come undone right there.
“Just like that, ah, fuck you make me feel so good.”
Wrinkled skirt falling to the floor, his cock pulling out of you slowly with globs of cum dribbling out of you, he’d shuffle around till you faced him fully now with a perplexed look on your face. The shirt becoming loose as Toshi’s lips wrapped around the sensitive nipple, suckling and easing any leftover moans out from your throat. His hands placing you on the machine and attaching his lips back onto your nipple, tongue flat against your sweaty skin.
“Fuck, U-Ushi! holy- fuck, just like that.” Your back straining as you leaned back, gasping and threading your fingers through his hair to balance. Toshi wasn’t one with words, his statue being quiet and still. But, words poured out from his lips at the sound of your moans, when you were so good for him.
“So, good.. pretty. pretty, like a beauty.” He pulled off of it with a squelch, standing up high and cupping your chin to stare in your love drunk eyes. “You were so good for me, yeah?”
You nodded, vision hazy and eyes occasionally blinking to peer up at him with a blurry image. Your head rested in the crook of his neck, sniffling as he picked up the soiled panties from the floor and stuffed them into his back pocket. They were red and pink, swirly designs on them, he found them so cute. He slid your legs around him and walked out of the room, leaving the washing machine to rattle in the background with soap and water overflowing onto the ground.
Ushijima just couldn’t leave you after that day, he stuck to you like glue. Who could blame him? You were everything he wanted, everything he had fantasized about.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hi eve! i was wondering if you would be interested in writing a coops shower fic, nothing smutty, just really soft and sensual and maybe comforting. i’m going through a tough time right now and your writing always cheers me up. thanks <3
Yes! This was combined with an ask for Coops' first day/ night living together--I hope you enjoy! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove
TW for showering together (nothing smutty, just fluff)
They tumbled through the front door in a mess of laughter and rainwater—Remus’ soaked sneakers slipped on the floor and he skidded into Sirius, who was still blinded by the damp hair hanging in his eyes. “Shit!” Remus spluttered around his breathless grin as they struggled to keep their balance. “Baby, baby, grab the door—”
The front door slammed shut and steadied them just as another bolt of lightning cracked overhead; they stood in the entrance, panting and drenched, before Sirius’ chest began to shake beneath Remus’ cheek once more. “Mon dieu,” he snickered, leaning his head back against the heavy wood. “Which god did we piss off?”
“I’m taking this as a good sign.” Remus shivered as he shook his raincoat out on the welcome mat. “A fresh start, and all that symbolism.”
“Okay, college boy.”
He peeled one wet sock off and snapped it at Sirius’ hip, but the extra water weight made him miss by a mile and Sirius just shot him a teasing grin while he wriggled out of his tshirt. “I told you to bring a jacket,” Remus said wryly as his head got stuck. “But oh no, sweetheart, it’s totally not going to rain today. The weatherman is always wrong, it’s been sunny all week—”
“Alright, alright,” Sirius grumbled from the depths of wet fabric, waving one hand in his general direction. “You’re very smart.”
“Do you want first shower?”
Sirius’ cheeks were pink when he finally freed himself, both from his efforts and their mad five-block dash home. His brows furrowed in confusion. “Aren’t we showering together?”
Remus shrugged. “Hey, it’s your house.”
“Our house,” he corrected, taking the hem of Remus’ shirt and helping him pull it over his head.
A little flurry of joy ran through Remus’ gut at his words; goosebumps broke out over his freezing skin, and he could feel a dopey smile spread over his face. Ours. Most of his stuff had been living at Sirius’ for a couple days, but he had only brought the last of it over and dropped his key off with his landlord that morning. The last six hours had been filled with delirious happiness every time he remembered. “Then lead the way, captain.”
Sirius kissed his chilly nose and took him by the hand—both their palms were clammy and half-numb from the rain, and Remus didn’t care one bit. Stripping down was significantly more difficult when every article of clothing seemed dead-set on becoming a second skin, but after a handful of minor mishaps and more than one muffled curse, they were finally standing under warm water.
Remus closed his eyes with a sigh, letting the steam wrap around every inch of him. His apartment may have been comfortable, but it was severely lacking in water pressure and heat compared to Sirius’ house.
Our house.
He hummed to himself and stepped back until his shoulder blades were pressed to Sirius’ chest; there was a low laugh, then callused fingers running through his hair. “What are you thinking about?”
“Our house,” he answered, turning to stand on his toes and place a kiss to Sirius’ lips. It was chaste and unhurried; there was no time constraint on how long they could spend there. Remus didn’t have to worry about getting home too late, or whether he had brought enough stuff to stay the night. Everything he wanted was within reach.
Sirius smiled against his lips and draped his arms over Remus’ shoulders, tugging playfully on the wet curls at the base of his neck. “Good thoughts?”
“Always,” he said immediately. “This is…it’s so good, Sirius. So good. I am so happy.”
Their next kiss was deeper, but there was no real heat behind it, even as Remus curled his hands around the sharp peaks of Sirius’ hips. “I love you,” Sirius murmured when they pulled back for air. He bumped their noses together. “And I can’t wait to have you here all the time.”
“You don’t have to wait at all.”
His grin widened and he kissed Remus again. “I know.”
Remus nuzzled into the side of his neck and relaxed into the soapy slide of Sirius’ hand down his spine. He hadn’t realized how cold he was until the hot water started pouring over him, and sudden sleepiness trickled into the edges of his thoughts like rain through a gutter. The steam turned minty fresh as Sirius washed the expanse of his shoulders, then his neck, then all the way down each arm; he dropped a teasing pinch to Remus’ ass, but moved right back up to rub his thumb in the crook of one elbow.
“Do you want me to wash your hair?” he asked quietly against Remus’ temple.
“Mmm, please,” was all Remus could muster in response.
He had never really understood the hype about physical affection before he met Sirius. Sure, hugs from his parents and Jules were amazing, and fist bumps from the guys always made him feel included, but the gravitational pull Sirius had was like nothing he had ever felt. It was impossible to be uncomfortable if Remus was within five feet of him—impossible to feel unsafe when he fit so neatly in the dip of one shoulder.
“Love you,” he said around a slow exhale as Sirius began combing the conditioner through his hair. It was almost long enough to flop into his eyes, something that seemed to delight Sirius any time he saw it.
Warm lips brushed the shell of his ear for a moment. “You smell like la lavande.”
“Lavender?” Sirius hummed his approval and Remus raised his head just enough to kiss the water off his collarbone. “Do you like it?”
“Love it.” Sirius glanced down at him with a sideways smile, making one dimple pop. “Love you. Where did you get this?”
That startled a laugh from him, which set Remus off as well. “Walgreens? Really?”
“I ran out one day at, like, midnight and it was the closest place. It smelled nice, so I just kept on buying it.”
Sirius shook his head with the same awed look on his face. “The secret to illegally soft hair is Walgreens conditioner. Amazing. My hair would riot.”
Remus frowned. “Your hair looks incredible even after you swim in salt water all day.”
“And then it tangles, and frizzes, and—” He paused. “Comment dit-on une colère? Like a toddler?”
“A tantrum?”
“Ouais.” Remus tilted his chin back obediently to let him wash the conditioner out. “It throws a tantrum. See, this is why I need you around all the time.”
“I have never seen your hair throw a tantrum before.” Sirius’ cheeks flushed and he bit his lip around a smile; Remus poked him lightly in the chest. “What?”
“That’s an awfully big smile for nothing.”
His silver eyes shone as he placed yet another gentle kiss to Remus’ lips through the water running down both their faces. “You get to see it all the time now. No more going back to your apartment after we go places.”
“You’ll be subjected to my bedhead every morning,” Remus teased, resting their foreheads together as he reached for the soap.
“I love your bedhead.”
“I’m counting on it.” He took the bar of soap and ran it along the planes of Sirius’ chest, then around his back to trace every muscle. He could feel Sirius’ gaze on him with each movement and warmed from the inside out at the attention. Every bit of rainy cold that had snuck under his skin vanished in the minutes of comfortable quiet.
Thunder rolled through the sky when they finally turned the shower off and wrapped up in Sirius’ fluffiest towels—Remus’ own were significantly less fancy, but they remained in the linen closet on equal standing. It was silent things like that that made him love Sirius just a little bit more.
“Wait, wait, hang on,” he said as Sirius started pulling his sweatpants on.
“Hey!” Sirius protested when Remus took both the pants and his soft tshirt right out of his hands, winding the towel back around his waist with an awkward hop. “I’m going to get cold!”
“Five minutes!” Remus called over his shoulder as he hurried down the stairs with their clothes. “I promise it’s worth it!”
It would be a drizzly night; grand plans of takeout and a movie ran through his head and he did a small happy dance in the laundry room as he tossed their clothes in the dryer. His dryer. Their dryer. “Mine,” he murmured, running a hand over the top of the machine. It was a wild thought, and one he would have to get used to. He still instinctively checked the clock from time to time before remembering that he would be staying for—
The thought came before Remus could really process it and he leaned against the dryer with an unsteady breath. It was only his first real day in the house, and already he was thinking about…that. About staying forever. It wasn’t as scary as he had imagined.
“Mon loup?” Sirius peeked around the doorjamb in confusion, still fiddling with the tucked side of his towel. “What are you doing?”
“It’s a trick that I learned from my mom,” Remus said rather than getting into the specific train of thought that probably left him looking like he had been whacked with a frying pan. “Do you want to do takeout for dinner?”
“I…kind of wanted to get dressed.”
Remus patted his hip as he passed. “Five minutes, baby. Where should we eat?”
“You pick.”
Forty minutes later, Remus found himself tucked under the blanket his mother had given him when he went away for college with his boyfriend and a box of takeout Thai food. Their clothes were still warm from the dryer—he would never forget the pure bliss on Sirius’ face when he got dressed and was instantly cocooned in heat—and Sirius’ hair was still half-damp from their shower, curling in little wings over his ears. It felt like worlds colliding. Somehow, Remus was just fine with that.
“Hey,” he said quietly as the exposition continued on screen. Sirius glanced over with his fork halfway to his mouth. “This is perfect.”
“Yeah.” He looked around the living room—their living room—that had seemed so empty the first time he saw it. They could put pictures on the wall by the back door, and one box of his books still laid unopened by the shelves. He could bring out his grandmother’s quilt in the winter. A month from then, two months, ten months. “I’m happy here.”
Sirius’ breath caught for a moment before a hoodie-clad arm slid between Remus’ back and the couch and guided him over to rest his head on Sirius’ chest. His lips were slightly spicy from the curry when he kissed him. “I’m happy when you’re here,” Sirius said, hardly above a whisper. “I miss you when you’re not.”
Remus breathed in the smell of his—their—laundry detergent and felt his heart give a hard thump. “You don’t have to miss me anymore.”
“C’mere.” There was a shuffle as Sirius set both their food boxes on the coffee table and paused the movie, then shifted around so Remus was laying on his chest. He pulled the blanket all the way up to their shoulders and slipped one warm hand up Remus’ shirt to rest on the small of his back; his eyes were bright in the semi-darkness. “Stay with me.”
Remus didn’t hesitate. “Always.”
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icollectyoursins · 3 years
Jotaro Relationship Head Canons SFW
Because I’m a self indulgent little shit and just love to ignore all of the work I have to do, have some Jotaro head canons. I am but a humble simp, and love this man. So much.
Update as of writing this. Somehow, it got very angsty, so... yeah. Sad man vibes. Also rambly. I just kinda kept going.
Wanna know what I’m willing to write? Rules here!
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: None, just angst, but nothing too serious.
Word Count: 2,985
Jotaro’s type is... I mean, it depends, like most people. I don’t think he’s super picky over appearances or things like that, it’s more whether or not he gets along with you and how long he can put up with you.  He’s polite (well, as polite as he can be) and courteous, but probably a little more apathetic when you’ve first met. Once you’ve been around for a while he’s more relaxed and almost a little more critical. Mostly because you’re his friend now and he expects more from his friends.
While I was writing this I sort of realized that he could be aromantic. Maybe it’s just my own aro tendencies coming through, but I thought it sort of lined up with his personality. Or at least from my experience with romantic attraction.
Eventually, though, he’ll admit he cares about you a little more than he cares about others. It comes through in little almost compliments. “You did good. Keep it up” or “good job, dealing with this” are common phrases that sound nice on the surface, but it almost feels like he’s trying to pressure you to do more, which is far from the truth.  
If it’s not awkward compliments like that, it’s awkward gifts. Always something you had briefly mentioned wanting or stared at a minute longer than you usually do, wrapped in a paper that’s your favourite colour or pattern. Sometimes, though, it’s something you’ve never mentioned that he somehow guessed would be something you wanted.
At the same time, though, he’s oblivious or at least acts like he is. There may be times when he goes home after you said something exceptionally sweet to him or that just means so much and he’ll just take a moment sitting at his desk to mull over what you said.
    With a grunt, Jotaro rolled back into the armchair with a cup of tea in one hand and today’s newspaper in the other, since he didn’t get to read it this morning. It’s late with the sun almost completely set, giving his room an orange hue. He tries reading the first column, something about a cat being saved from a sewer grate, but after about a minute, he catches himself drifting away, sort of staring blankly at the paper.
    He blinks hard, taking a long sip from his coffee. He must be tired. Another attempt is made at reading, this time the comics. They’re not his favourite thing, but short enough that he can focus on them. Or so he thought.
    He zones out again, face suddenly feeling very hot.
    He was thinking about you. Or, rather what you said.
    It was something so simple, so mundane.
    You had been talking about family together, exchanging drama, if you will, and he had brought up how his father had left his mother when he was very young. It didn’t bother him, he had said, after all, it was years ago and if he was being honest, he didn’t really need a father. Then, you gave him this look. It wasn’t pity or something like that. You put your hand on his knee, staring deep into his eyes.
    “Jotaro,” you said, voice soft and sweet. You struggled to say the next words, opening your mouth, sighing, then finally: “I’m not leaving you.”
    “Why would you be leaving?” He said, confused, taking it literally. Or, he pretended to be confused. It had made his heart warm with affection.
    What Jotaro hadn’t noticed at that moment was that his eyes seemed to gloss over with wet tears while talking about his father. He wasn’t over it, you understood that. How could he be? He was so young then, he probably didn’t understand what was happening or why and now that he’s a father himself, there had to be so much guilt about being the same way. It was only now that he was realizing how much you had an effect on him.
    It didn’t make him sad, by any means but... loved. He’ll say thank you tomorrow with a gift or some flowers. He hadn’t planned on meeting you for the rest of the week because he was busy, but work could wait, right? Yeah. Tomorrow.
God, it would take so long for him to get you to move in together. He’s so used to living on his own that I think he’s a little self-conscious about it. He’s not a slob by any means, but certainly a bachelor. I mean, he lived (assumedly) on his own from probably around or earlier than DiU right up until Stone Free, so it’s been a while and he’s certainly comfortable with his mess of clothes lying on the floor in the corner, but you won’t be. He cleans up before people come over, obviously, but how many times did he actually invite someone in?
When you start staying around more, he starts cleaning more, which makes him a little frustrated both coming to terms with liking someone enough that he’s actively cleaning for them once a week and also discovering that he’s a lot more gross than he thought. You would not believe how stained the counter was from coffee or how gross the filter was on the coffee maker. He takes his coffee very seriously. You begin to notice how clean everything is, well, how consistently clean everything is and it even starts to smell nicer, more floral and fresh. He bought a lavender air freshener. “It’s supposed to be calming,” he’ll say with a hint of annoyance. It’s not a bad smell to him, better than vanilla air fresheners, but it does give him a headache when he first sprays his place. You seem to like it though, so he’s willing to put up with it.
I honestly believe this man can cook, but nervous when cooking for other people. His food when he was a bachelor was good enough for him and I’m sure Holly would have shown him a lot too, but it’s not the best food. He definitely steps up his game when you’re over and even more so when you move in. He’s better with dishes that have pasta or noodles because it’s easy, but he’s not too bad behind the grill either.
When you guys finally live together, he tries to keep the cooking even, with you cooking some days and him doing the rest, but I honestly feel like unless you are a hazard in the kitchen, you would do most of it.
Jotaro would be like that with most things around the house partly because he doesn’t want you to do all the work if you don’t want to but he enjoys having a little more time to himself to either do work or... yeah, it’s just work. There are a few things that he’ll never make you do because it’s either too hard or he’s built up a routine of doing that thing a certain way and he’s convinced no one else will do it right. Like his laundry. He won’t let anyone else clean his clothes. He tried once and nothing dried right, he swears that his jacket is still damp to this day. You can fold his stuff or hang it up, but he’s running the washing machine and dryer. Also picky about how his office is cleaned.
If you asked and gave a legitimate reason for not doing a certain chore, he’ll do it, but be prepared with an excuse as to why you can’t wash the dishes or fold the laundry. He’s especially resistant if he’s working whether that be gathering information for the Speedwagon Foundation or editing his latest Marine Biology book.
Actually, can we just talk about how much this man hates folding laundry? It’s so pointless to him. Why fold it and put it into neat little piles when you’re just gonna rummage through the drawer and mess everything up? Sure, it looks nice, I guess, but not for long. He was for sure a floordrobe kind of guy, especially in his early years. He knows which ones are clean, it’s fine, just leave it. Of course, he would get better the longer you’re at his place, but still. It’s not that he’s lazy, he’s just busy and putting clothes away takes way too fucking long. (which, honestly, agreed.)
Date nights with Jotaro are... rare. I mean, you live with him, why would he want to go out and pay for something when he could do the same thing at home? They’re nice, of course, but it’s more common for him to take you out to dinner while you guys are on vacation or in a location other than home, because he doesn’t feel like cooking and it’s more special when you’re supposed to go out. Eventually, it clicks in that you are supposed to make each other feel special and will surprise you with an expensive dinner or a short cruise. If you suggest the aquarium he’ll think you’re just saying that because he’s into aquatic wildlife, but honestly doesn’t put up much of a fight and will answer any questions you or anyone else has about the fish.
He does enjoy a good relaxing movie (or documentary) night at home, though. It’s so nice to finally be finished work, settle into your super comfy couch and just chill until he gets tired. Even better when you’re lying on top of him with your head just under his chin. There’s something so soothing about smelling your perfume, shampoo, conditioner, cologne, etc. To just smell you so close to him and feel your weight. Aaah. So nice.
    The microwave beeps faintly from the kitchen signalling that popcorn was done. You trailed out soon after, tossing the bowl to mix around the butter. You smile sweetly at him, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on Jotaro’s lips before settling into his lap, nestling your head just under his while stretching out your legs. His arm instinctively moves from the back of the couch to drape over your back, rubbing circles into it with his thumb.
    He sighs; relaxed, finally. He allows himself to kiss your forehead, closing his eyes for a moment, just basking in your comfort. When he opens his eyes, he pulls you closer to him, feeling your heart beat almost in time with his. It was moments like these that eased his panic of losing you. You were here in his arms, safe and sound and vice versa. He was safe in yours.
Yeah, he’s a little angsty. But, can you blame him? He’s getting better, though. With help, of course. With you being around so often (and being very adamant that you’re not going anywhere) he’s able to let go a little. He’s not perfect, by a long shot and progress is slow, but it’s the little things like these that makes you proud of how far he’s come.
PDA is common, but a little restricted. When you’re out together, Jotaro’ll always have his hand on your back or shoulder. Hand-holding isn’t really a thing for him, but he will make sure you know he’s there. He’ll kiss you in public, but it’s not nearly as intimate or special as when you’re at home. Still, it’s a sweet reminder that he loves you, seeing as words of affection aren’t really his thing.
I mean, he can express himself just fine, but he still gets a little nervous saying things like ‘I love you.’ It’s more along the lines of ‘I care about you.’ Or, well. “of course, I care about you. You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” Which... thanks. I think.
Kissing him is so nice, so you’re not too mad about him doing that instead of words. When Jotaro kisses you it’s full of a mix of emotions. Mostly caring, but on his rough days, there’s something else there. It could be worry or whatever the emotional equivalent of never letting you go is. You can always tell that he wants it to last a little bit longer. There’s something in the sad look in his eyes when he or you has to pull away. Sometimes he’s overly gentle like he’ll break you somehow, especially if you’re not a stand user or fighting-inclined (whether physical or otherwise). It’s not patronizing, or at least he tries not to be patronizing, he just prefers you safe.
    It started out simple enough. You and Jotaro were just sitting at the table, eating dinner when he got this... sinking sort of feeling. There was something in the silence between you that just sent his mind spiralling. Thoughts of you someday dying too soon for whatever reason or leaving him because he’s not there enough, stand users, car crashes, divorce. They all started to flood into his mind, fabricating that you would somehow be taken away from him.
    “Jotaro? Are you okay?” Your voice rings through; a bright light breaking the storm. He’s been staring at his plate for a while now, his eyes are dry and itchy. He looks at you and tries to say something, but the words don’t come. Is he okay?
    You stand up and walk over to him, cupping his face gently. You rub the dark circles under his eyes while kissing his forehead. Jotaro slowly wraps his arms around you, letting his face fall into your hands. You’re pulled into his lap after a few minutes, running your fingers through his hair next. Finally, he sighs, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
    “Thank you,” he mumbles and though you’re not quite sure why, you still say a quiet you’re welcome, silently soothing him through whatever happened.
If you couldn’t tell, he needs a lot of reassurance. Not so much words, but actions like the snippet above. I mean, he can be as strong as he wants but we all know he’s got some baggage and while he’s able to put it aside, for the most part, I think when you’re at home he’s just a little more vulnerable.
Now, onto happier things! If you like coffee or tea, he will always make you a cup in the morning. Jotaro is a very early riser except on the weekends, so he usually gets that done while reading or watching the news and when you come down, he’ll ask if you want breakfast then make it for you seeing as he’s more awake.
He loves coffee. So much. He might have a caffeine addiction, honestly. At all times of every day, you can see him with a black coffee in hand and a book or phone in the other. He will switch to decaf at some point, but you might have to switch it for him. He’s forgetful when he gets busy.
Sleeping in on the weekends is like heaven for him. The two nights (or more on holidays) that he gets a full nights rest, breakfast in bed and a warm soul to cuddle into. He’s usually big spoon with a hand just resting on your side, but please, for the love of god make him the little spoon once a week. Will never admit it or vocalize wanting it. He just grabs your hand and drapes it over him with a “good night” and then promptly passes out.
He’s a heavy sleeper but doesn’t sleep often. Once he’s out, there is nothing that could wake him up except the fire alarm or something like that. It just takes a while. Not because of trauma, but more just internal clock is delayed.
Not a bath guy, strictly showers ‘cause they’re quicker. Most of the time he’s in and out before you can invite him into yours. When you do he’s “reluctant” but showers with you are a favourite of his. He gets his hair washed for him (if he bends down), he can wash you. It’s great.
I don’t think he would want more kids. He’s getting older, busier and just doesn’t think he has the time to care for a baby, even with help. Plus, if they were anything like Joylne or god forbid him when he was younger, he might start greying sooner than he thought. Joylne is a great kid, but... she’s definitely got some of his defiance in him. One kid is fine.
He doesn’t really like pets either, hates when there’s fur on all the furniture. But, if you came home with a stray cat or two, he’s not gonna put up a fight if you say they’re not going to the pound. “Just as long as you take care of them yourself.”
You got him a betta fish once because Jotaro. Fish. Makes sense. He thought it was a little pointless at first. You can’t pet them or play fetch (not like he does those things anyway). All a fish does is sit there and look pretty. You were a little disappointed, but whatever, you’ll take care of it. Then he comes home one day with a 30-gallon tank, freshwater plants and fancy lighting to help them grow which he quietly sets up in the living room. He spent at least a half-hour deciding on where to put it.
A week later, after he’s pleased with how it looks and the tank has been cycled he puts in an order for more fish then lets your betta acclimate to the tank. “There, he’ll be happier in here. The idea of bettas not enjoying or panicking in larger tanks is a myth. He won’t be alone for long anyway. He also won’t kill everything in the tank.” Well, he hopes he won’t, each fish is different. Thankfully, the small school of tetras get along with your betta just fine. From then on, he’s in there once a week, cleaning everything, trimming the overgrowth. It is officially his tank.
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ktheist · 4 years
girls like you [don’t] run ‘round with guys like me | m
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characters. popular!reader x shy!jimin
genre. college au. rich kids au. fwb au. eventual ceo au. eventual racer au.
words. 4k
warnings. 18+
note. this is a repost. tumblr messed up my exposure last time. this fic didn’t show up in search and it’s probably a third post of mine that ends up like this. this one probably won’t either but posting bc someone might see it and like it.
It’s easy to tell when Park Jimin is in love.
Unlike Kim Seokjin, his eccentric, dad joke-loving friend, Jimin would only wear the pastel pink when he’s feeling giggly and shy and mushy inside.
The source of said feelings being either the barista he goes to get his daily dose of coffee from, or the girl at the library he studies at during finals or well, right now it’s the girl he’s fucking almost every day of the week - you.
“What are you doing?” Seokjin looks at him like he just dumped a spoonful of salt in a broth that needs a little, teensy bit of sugar.
Or his face seems to say that as he goes on, “she’s a mean girl. She’s mean.”
Jimin isn’t sure if Seokjin’s aware that he’s just repeated the same thing twice.
“She calls you Chim!” The older man reiterates.
“Yeah, it’s…” Jimin trails off, the heartwarming image of you cuddling into him after yet another mindblowing sex, flashing at the back of his mind, “...her pet name for me.”
“Sounds to me like she can’t remember your actual name,” Min Yoongi interjects from the couch he’s claimed for himself ever since they got to their usual hangout.
It’s a penthouse Jimin’s parents bought him on his 18th birthday. Him and the boys would hang around there after they’re done with classes or just need a place to crash whenever they have problems with their girlfriends or boyfriends or parents or any sort of problem that renders their usual room not sleepable.
“I think we can just agree we have different wants,” Jeongguk - or the sanest of them all, as Jimin likes to call him - chirps in, taking a bite of the apple he got from the fridge.
“Exactly,” Jimin throws his hands up as if freed from his elder friends’ judge-filled eyes. The vibration of his phone in his lap gives him even more comfort to know that he finally has an excuse to slip away - he checks his phone, your name flashing in the bubble that says ‘hey, wyd?’
“I have to go, it’s ___.”
A series of groans and hollers equally erupts from the men in the room at the realization of what Jimin’s ‘having to go’ means.
And so it goes. Jimin finds himself under your blanket that smells like fresh laundry - it’s a nude green color compared to the pleated black and white from last time. Your head is on his chest and he’s caressing your hair like it’s the softest thing he’s ever laid his hands on.
Besides your boobs, that is.
“I was thinking… since we have Monday off… maybe we could-”
It’s the way you push yourself off him, eyes that are onto him gazing straight into his soul, “oh shoot, Monday’s a public holiday. I totally forgot! I have to meet my parents. My dad’s been nagging me to come back since I skipped Christmas and New Year.”
And there goes his chance to ask you out on a date.
“Oh yeah, what were you saying about Monday?”
Jimin wears the biggest fake smile he can muster, “just that… me and the boys are gonna hang out and we’re bringing our girlfriends and boyfriends and uh- doesn’t have to be someone you’re exclusively seeing,” he almost chokes at the almost-admittance that he has the fattest crush on you and wants to make it official by inviting you to a couple’s-only hang out, “but like, I don’t think I’m going, it’s boring anyway.”
He waves his hand dismissively, trying to play it cool.
You make a cooing sound, eyebrows knitting together as your lips pout cutely before a playful smile blooms on your face, “I know what you’re trying to say.”
“You do?” Jimin thinks he heard his heart dropping to his stomach.
“Yeah, you’re single and all the boys have someone special they’re gonna bring… it’s gonna be awkward as hell because they’re gonna act different because they’re around their special someone so you thought if I was there, it’d be more fun because at least you have a friend with you that’s not gonna act fake the whole time there but I can’t go so you decided you’re not going too like a minute ago.”
Silence lulls in after your analogy that you sound so sure of when, in fact, he has a whole list of things he’d do on the date which he may or may not have gone over a hundred times in his head.
Doesn’t matter now, since that date is a no-go.
He’s going to delete that list off his phone once he gets to his place and drink himself silly until he wipes it out of his mind.
“Yeah,” Jimin says a moment later, “yeah… I mean, girls in love are cute but boys in love are just… annoying.”
The week flies by without Jimin ever mentioning Monday and you’ve showed him the clothes you’re going to wear to visit your parents because apparently-
“It’s lunch at some five star Michelin restaurant and I think they’re gonna tell me they’re getting a divorce,” your voice drifts into the room from the open, walk-in closet.
“If they’re not in some long, dreadful battle on who gets the holiday house with the pool and the dogs - how do I look?” You step out, in a frilly creme sweater with a black ribbon tied around the collar of your white undershirt with a black pleated skirt that stops mid-thighs, just inches from your black stockings.
A glaring contrast to your collection of washed out skinny jeans, plain t-shirts and sneakers.
“You… look…” Jimin knows he should stop openly ogling at your never-before-seen drip but there’s just something about the creme colored sweater.
“Like a good girl?” You offer with a smile Jimin couldn’t quite put a name to. Somehow he notices a trace of sadness in your eyes, but you disappear into the closet too soon.
“I’ll think about what to wear the morning I need to wear it,” you’re in the middle of pulling off the sweater when Jimin comes up behind you, kissing your neck and grabbing your boobs like they’re his.
The sound of your giggle is music to his ears.
That is, until his boner brushes against your butt and you gasp, “Chim! We just did it.”
“I know but you look so cute in that sweater.” He sounds exactly like Jeongguk. Like a fuckboy.
Like one of the boys you got tired of before you finally noticed him, the quiet, shy guy who’s friends with the outgoing, baby-faced Jeon Jeongguk whom - Jimin hates to admit it but he thinks about this every once so often and gets jealous all on his own - you’ve humped and dumped.
How you and Jeongguk still manage to stay friends and tease each other about the other’s choice of partners, Jimin doesn’t know.
It’s like a twin calling the other ugly.
He wonders if you and him will still stay friends after…
Jimin pushes the thought out of his mind. It’s not hard to forget everything when he’s with you - when he’s kissing you on the mouth like you’re the only girl he’ll want to spend the rest of his college life with and maybe his old days with together too.
“Chim, I can’t get my shirt creased,” you say but you’re already dripping wet and laying down in said shirt that’s half ridden up from him sucking and biting on your nipples.
He stopped you when you tried to take off your clothes.
“I’ll wash it and iron it for you,” he negotiates just as he rolls the condom over his length.
The sound of your giggle makes his heart skip a beat. Or maybe that’s the libido?
Either way, your mouth clamps shut when he pulls you down against him by the dip of your waist.
A different kind of hymn leaves your lips as Jimin throws his head back, relishing in the feeling of you around him.
When Monday rolls around, Jimin’s lying on the bean bag with his two legs sprawled over the floor. The boys are all out with either their significant others, working part-time or at a party.
The worn out baseball Jimin’s been tossing in the air and catching with one hand finally hits him square in the face when he hears the doorbell, signaling the presence of someone at the door and that someone being none of the boys because they would just punch in the code and strut in like they own the place.
Jimin thought maybe it’s Yoongi - the guy couldn’t even remember what he had for dinner and actually forgot the passcode to his own rental room once.
So he didn’t think to check who it was.
When your bright smile and slightly puffy eyes flash in front of him, Jimin thinks his soul just yeeted itself out of his body.
“Hey!” You sing song, holding up two plastic bags of beers and snacks.
It takes a moment for him to snap out of his stupor and grab them from your hands and then stepping aside to let you in.
“Is… everyone late or am I just early?” You sound increasingly confused as you step further into the center of the room, standing right next to the bean bag he was laying in just a moment ago.
“Oh-” he says once before he opens his mouth the second time, ready to spurt out another lie, “oh yeah… we decided not to ‘cause why hang out in a group when you can hang out with your significant other… you know, just the two of you… doing what couples do…”
“Huh,” you say, nodding though not quite believing him but you being you, easily lets it slide, plopping on the bean bag and grabbing the closest thing to you which is the ball that hit Jimin in the face - he’s sure he has a circular mark smack dab in the area on the top of his nose bridge, in between his eyes.
The dress you end up wearing is creme colored and riding up your thighs - Jimin swallows thickly and give extra attention to the bottle opener.
“So… how did lunch go?” He pops two beers open and hands one to you, taking a seat on Yoongi’s favorite couch and admiring how your dress is taking the shape of your body as gravity pulls it down.
“Oh, you know, everyone was being fake and acting like the perfect role in the family,” you put the beer down a few inches above your head so as to not tip it over with the ball you’re waving around but not throwing in the air like Jimin did.
“Sounds suffocating,” Jimin repeats a similar answer he gives whenever you use that dismissive tone while talking about your family.
“...are you okay?” Then he asks - and he’s genuinely asking - about your state of mind while casually downing the beer and feeling the bitterness lessen with every gulp.
The silence that lapses in between you is familiar.
“If I say no, can I get a hug?” It’s the look in your eyes, glimmering like the lake he used to go to in summer.
“Always,” he sets his beer down on the table next to the couch and goes over to you, standing on his knees before bending down and engulfing you in his arm.
You’ve always had a knack for picking yourself up.
When he sees you the next time, which is on instagram and a post of you having lunch with your friends, Jimin could hardly believe that’s the girl who asked him for a hug as if she’s afraid she’ll be putting him in an uncomfortable spot by asking for too much.
But there’s something…
Like an invisible wall made of ice that he can’t thaw through nor can he climb over to get to the other side where you are. Where you keep the people you love the closest. Closer than he’ll ever be.
Jeon Jeongguk is one of them.
In the picture of five people huddled close to fit in the frame, Jeongguk has his arm over you with a peace sign while you lean your head on his neck but not actually resting on it - like it’s an unconscious action you’d do because you’ve done that plenty of times.
Is it when you two were together?
Everyone he knows, knows that you and Jeongguk used to be more than just friends at some point.
Sometimes he still hears people talking about you two in passing.
‘Did ___ and Jeongguk get back together? I saw in Jeongguk’s snapstory - they were in a club or something.’
‘No way. There goes my chance of getting close with Jeongguk.’
‘Girl, with ___ hanging around him 24/7, do you think he’d look at girls like us?’
‘A girl can dream though.’
Jimin wanted to open his mouth and tell them they deserve way better than Jeon Jeongguk - though they’re not prettier than you.
He thinks you’re the loveliest girl on planet earth and if there was another life form on another planet, he’s almost a hundred percent sure you’d still be prettiest being in the universe with your obsession for skinny jeans and the way you’d unconsciously pout when he talks about how things weren’t going his way that day as if you would’ve exchanged your abundance of luck with his shitty one just because you’ve got that big of a heart and how you’d be walking with your friends, laughing and giggling and when you see him, you’d wave at him like you’re good friends.
Second only to Jeongguk and your friend group that you’re always hanging out with.
“Oh, ___? We were childhood friends.”
“Hmm… Gguk and I became friends because our parents are friends.”
The two of them say at different times and settings when Jimin asked, trying to play it cool. Like he isn’t just brimming with jealousy. Like he’s not half-way to losing his mind because the girl of his dreams just went to a retreat with his friend-of-a-friend-turned-actual-friend together when everyone else in the group who was excitedly planning for the trip - couldn’t make it.
The rooms at the inn weren’t even pre-booked. It was owned by Jeongguk’s family and they didn’t deposit any money for the trip for them to rationalize going on that trip anyway despite everyone else not being to go.
“The trip? It was fun, if you want we can go together next time.”
Jimin isn’t sure if you even mean that when he asked how the trip went after you’re glistening with the glow of after sex and scrolling through instagram, liking posts of everyone you know.
But then three months later, on your break, Jimin is hit with a ‘keep your schedule free next week for a whole week!!!’
Then he finds himself at a five star hotel by the beach with the most breathtaking view of the sea.
It wasn’t the inn owned by the Jeon’s but Jimin liked the fact that you brought him to a place - and he hopes his assumptions are true - your friends have never been before. Especially Jeongguk.
“Woah, this place is better than I thought,” a king sized bed lies directly across from the balcony where you’re standing, hair flying behind your back as the seaside breeze blows into the room.
“We can watch the sun rise and set from our bed,” Jimin comments for the sake of saying something.
He’s not sure what this means. He’s not sure if he should be having a boner at the thought of the two of you being together for a whole week without any other person getting in the way. He’s not sure if his heart should be thumping this fast.
For the first time since he’s known you, Park Jimin is the most unsure he’s ever been.
“You know what I wanna watch?” Your hands slip in his as you stand between him  and the open balcony door, “you under me, biting your lips because you’re still shy about the sound you make.”
So when you tug him back into the bedroom just minutes after checking in, naturally, Park Jimin follows like he’s been bewitched by your ungodly beauty.
Once the one week of nothing but heavenly morning wishes and passionate night kisses - oh, there was more than just kissing but Jimin remembers how your lips meld so perfectly together with his the most - Jimin is sure.
‘Something definitely changed.’
He thinks maybe it’s not impossible to dream of a future with you even after college.
“Jimin I-... I’m not at a point in life to be thinking about relationships,” you say, hand gripping your arm, head lowered as if your whole body is saying sorry.
“O-oh,” is all he says, he hearts his heart breaking and his chest caving.
All of a sudden, the lights in Gangnam city doesn’t seem so bright anymore.
You both live your last year pretending like the other doesn’t exist. He doesn’t look at you when he passes you and neither did you. Only talks to Jeongguk even though you’re right next to the aforementioned man - granted you were talking with your other friends like you didn’t even notice him there.
But Jimin’s never felt so invisible in his life than he does now.
Then, graduation rolls around and he thinks finally, he won’t have to walk through the hallway and pretend like he didn’t see you. Don't have to keep a five feet distance whenever you meet up for a group project.
Park Jimin doesn’t need to see your pretty face and starry eyes anymore.
“Jimin… do you have a minute?”
Or so he thought.
“So… congrats on surviving college,” you make small talk while standing just ten feet away from the boys whom he’s sure are speculating on what you’re talking about.
Jimin never got to prove to his friends that you’re not the mean, name-forgetting girl they all thought.
Jeongguk knows you’re not. He’s always backing Jimin up when Jimin’s debunking their passing accusations about you.
“Sometimes things just don’t work out between two people but doesn’t mean one of them is the bad guy.” Jeongguk's words put an end to their debate of whether Jimin deserved better than you or not.
For someone young, Jeongguk spoke his mind decidedly.
Jimin felt ashamed that he’d ever been jealous of Jeongguk’s relationship with you.
“I just… didn’t wanna leave things on a bad note. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings when I said no but I really like spending time with you - whether it’s sex or just staying over and cuddling for hours… I like it all.” You say the word sex and cuddle like they’re used interchangeably and Jimin thinks his heart just fluttered.
And you’d said it in public where your everyone can see or possibly pick up on what you were saying, at that.
Well, one thing’s for sure, you’ve got bigger balls than he does.
“My feelings are the same as six months ago and call me crazy but I don’t think you dislike me either.” He finally says and it feels like a deadweight has been lifted off his shoulders.
There comes that pout, as if something is bothering you and you always ever pout like that when that something concerns him.
“You kidding me? I can never dislike you.”
The Jimin from six months ago would have stared at you with disbelief and a dust of pink on his cheeks. But the Jimin he is now simply smiles, heart thumping in his chest. He nods.
“Thanks for telling me that,” and Jimin knows that’s the closest to an ‘I like you’ he can get with the girl who builds an ice fortress around her heart.
A whole year passes by and Jimin finds himself in different shades of grey every day, working at his dad’s company and attending dinner meetings. Life comes to a standstill while time passes him by.
“So, like, you have a sports car, right? Why don’t you come over to the race circuit after dinner? Everyone’s gonna be there.”
Jeongguk tells him over the phone.
And by ‘everyone’ he means the sons and daughters in the corporate world. It’s networking at its finest.
When he’s there, three cars are already racing in the circuit. The smell of burnt rubber and the sound of tires screeching against asphalt isn’t exactly his favorite but they have cheap booze instead of fine wine and he knows the people here are in for the same thing as he is.
An escape.
Away from the grandeur of fine wine and dinner dresses and the elders breathing down their necks and having to act like the next heir to the legacy they were born to carry.
“That Chevrolet over there,” Jeongguk comes, hand on Jimin’s back as his other one that’s holding a bottle of beer points at a red car that looks like a racing fireball, “everyone’s betting on that one tonight.”
Jimin doesn’t know there’s a bet.
“I’ll skip the bet this time ‘round. Haven’t seen the driver yet,” he shrugs dismissively.
Even in stock investment, he’d learned to study the market first before placing his best bet.
Jeongguk leaves his side when his friends - he’s got new ones now - beckons him over. At the same time, the Chevrolet passes the finish line seconds before the Ford Mustang and McLaren 720s, making it the winner of the night.
The driver seems like a show off with the way the car rolls up to the audience, the sound of its engines revving into the night being met with cheers of half-drunk young adults.
Arrogance is a man’s downfall.
Jimin’s about to turn around and head for the exit when the door of the car gets pushed open. The driver steps out, decked in black and red leather jeans and jackets that seem to match the car.
But it’s the smooth, silken hair that cascades past the helmet that catches his eyes.
Park Jimin’s seen many arrogant men in his life but he’s only ever seen one woman with balls and looks good wearing them.
“___! ___! ___!” The crowd starts cheering as you pull off the helmet, holding it underneath your arm and waist.
Your eyes are as brilliant as the night sky full of stars. They’re tinged with shock and then recognition. And finally, you smile that gorgeous smile that gets you misunderstood often as a woman who doesn’t need anything or anyone but uses them as they come.
But Park Jimin knows better than anyone, how wholeheartedly happy that smile looks when you see him.
Like meeting a good friend after a long time.
Seven months down the road, Jimin finds himself with just a blanket draped over his waist while you’re taking a shower in his bathroom to get ready to head to Hong Kong for a business trip.
He hears the sound of the shower head being turned off. The tapping of your foot around his bedroom as you pick up your clothes that are strewn all over the floor.
Then the bed dips ever so gently under your weight as you climb over to him, the fresh scent of shower get filling his senses.  Lips press a deep, lingering kiss on his. As if you don’t want to go to a place where he won’t be.
A few socials and midnight races after his first meeting with you after a long time, you asked him if he’s seeing someone.
“If I say yes, what will you do?” It’s playful at first, because Jimin didn’t want to get himself hurt the second time.
But it’s the way you tilted your head, a finger tapping on your chin as you pondered on his words, “that’s a problem because I don’t want to be that girl that steals another girl’s man,” then you looked at him like you know he’s the one you want to wake up to every morning and the last face you see when you sleep at night and if you can’t have that. then-
“Can you be mine… just for tonight?”
“I don’t think I can.” The crestfallen expression you wear makes his own heart break, even if it’s just for a split second-
“Because I’m not seeing anyone but I’m in that point in life where I want a serious relationship or nothing at all.”
But what he doesn’t tell you is how he doesn’t want a relationship if it’s not with the girl who still haunts his dreams even after all this time.
Just like how you’d turned him down because you weren’t looking to be in a relationship before, you’d courted Jimin like you’d want to spend your whole life with him now.
Flowers got sent to his office everyday until it smells nothing short of floral. You’d be there, waving at him like he’s your savior in that dreadful social you were both attending. Every week, you’d plan dinner dates under the guise of catching up.
Before you race, you’d look over to where he’s standing, as if saying ‘this one’s for you’ before slipping into your car and coming out first every single time.
As if you were making up for every month of the year that you’d let life pass you by.
Now you’ve won a total of 36 races since he met you and the metal band you gifted him on the night of your 12th win feels warm against his skin. As if it’s absorbed all the love and adoration you poured into it.
And you’re wearing that ring he got you on your birthday on your finger that’s resting on his chest where his heart is as he kisses you back just as reluctant to let you leave.
But Park Jimin knows wherever you are, wherever you will be - you will always find your way back to each other.
Back home.
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was it a dream, m | myg, jjk
pairing(s): yoongi x reader x jungkook
summary: You fucked Min Yoongi on Jeon Jungkook’s bed, then you took Jungkook’s virginity because Yoongi told you to, and still you and Yoongi don’t know what the fuck you are because, let’s face it, everything is too complicated now – so I guess that’s grounds to let Jungkook cum all over your face and tits as Yoongi fucks you? Sure, whatever.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, alcohol consumption; no one wants to admit anything and there’s no closure tbh; fluff and feels; smut (fem reader, threesome, semi-public sex, fingering, f-receiving oral, nipple play, penetrative sex, doggy, facial, cum-eating); non-idol!AU - friends with benefits / lovers? with Yoongi and JK
a–dick–ted au, but can be read alone.
next on ‘dreams‘ playlist > pretty ting by bibi ft. kim seungmin > te quiero by twly ft bibi
"I get bored."
"I don't like lingering."
"... We're still in front of the house, Yoongi."
"I know where we are."
Min Yoongi was peeling your black hoodie up and over your head. Well, actually, his hoodie. It made your now red hair cascade down over your shoulders, wisping around your red bra straps. Yoongi was the one who suggested you to dye your hair. You didn't do it for him. You were going to do it anyway. 
Whiskey on his breath, leaning in. Tasting like danger and sex, just because it was him. 
"I like this skirt," Yoongi purred. "It's tiny."
He was referring to your plaid red skirt. Almost schoolgirl-style, except no schoolgirl wore anything that short. You used to wear it in high school when you went to the arcades on weekends. Back then, you were much skinner and trying to unsuccessfully hook-up with guys. You still fit into it, waist-wise. Ass-wise.... not so much. You filled out over the years. 
"It's cold."
Yoongi hummed knowingly. His hands worked up your thighs, spreading them out. Pushed down your black thigh-high socks so he could knead more of them. 
"You still wore it though."
Well, yeah. You weren't trying to pick up random guys anymore. Only Min Yoongi. Every time, at these loud ass house parties with too many drunk people and too loud bass. It was a mess. Someone was attempting to chug a whole barrel of beer and ended up vomiting in the grass. 
"Why do you go to these things?" you muttered as Yoongi lifted one of your legs, tucking it beside him so he could stare at your clothed pussy. Red, seamless, cheeky. Not a thong. He clicked his tongue in disappointment, but you ignored him. 
"Free alcohol."
"Really?" you snorted, backing up a little as his hand neared. "I could just buy whiskey and bring it to you if you want free alcohol that bad."
Yoongi smirked, licking his pink lips. Wet, glistening. You wanted them on your clit right now. His fingers dipped down, stroking the smooth red fabric lightly. Too lightly. Teasing you. You twisted the urge to raise your hips for more pressure. 
"Where's the fun in that?"
You raised an eyebrow. 
Yoongi pressed down, fingertips shoving the fabric into you, soaking it instantly. You sucked in a breath, staring into his dark, cat-like eyes.
"Why do that when I can make you jealous by going to these parties and having you wonder if I've kissed someone else, touched someone else, fucked someone else?"
He rubbed your clit through the fabric and you gritted your teeth, moving your hand down, but Yoongi was faster, slapping it away. Rubbed harder, a low moan leaving your throat. You didn't want to reach up with your other hand because you might lose balance and hit your steering wheel and accidentally honk your horn. That would be a disaster. 
Of course, that’s why you weren’t stopping him now.
"I don't care what you do, Yoongi," you panted, glaring at him. 
Different house, different party, same car, the correct scene this time, with the right guy in your car, getting you off through your panties. 
Why don't you have a boyfriend?
That was Yoongi's first question when he slid into your car this night. Looking fine as hell with his black-and-white flannel, gray t-shirt, black cargo pants, black sneakers. Straight black hair covering his eyes, a clean undercut when he pushed it back to smirk at you. 
Yoongi curled his finger, now grinding your clit with his knuckle. Oh, fuck. Your juices leaked into your panties, darkening the wet spot and filling the car with your scent. Close.
"You don't care, hm?" Yoongi mused in a tone implying that he knew you cared. Very much. After all, what happened last time… You don't slap bitches across the face for no good reason. 
"She was making out with someone who couldn't consent from my point of view."
There was a dark sparkle of mischief in Yoongi's eyes. 
"Who was? I wasn't referring to anything in particular."
Your face heated and you grinded into his hand, breathing hard, not caring anymore. Whatever. Who cares what Min Yoongi thought? You were going to get off and whether he was there or not didn't fucking matter. Yoongi pressed his knuckle into you, dark hair shadowing his eyes, soft exhales as he watched you near your peak. 
"Cum for me," Yoongi breathed, raspy and deep. "Right here, in front of this party, in your panties, and on my hand."
He could make you do anything. 
You bit your lip and pressed the back of your head into the car window, shutting your eyes, letting the whines out. Pleasure warming you, tendrils of heat crawling up your torso from Yoongi's hand, your soft voice telling him he was so good and he was purring your name, drawing it out, so sexy in his husky tone saturated with lust. 
"A-ah, Yoongi..."
Your back arched and your breathing hiked, onto the edge and then falling, falling, Yoongi's knuckle suddenly slicker, your hips rocking and shivering, whimpering as the pleasure shocked your heart, beating so fast and hard that you felt your pulse in your throat. You heard Yoongi snicker, spreading his fingers out, pressing them to your wet panties, shoving them into your folds, rubbing soothingly.
"I like this most," came his smokey whisper behind your closed lids. "I always have the most fun with you."
You're such a bad boy, Min Yoongi. 
You breathed out in long, smooth breaths, trying to calm your speeding heartbeat. Yoongi's hand still on your crotch, the other on your thigh, squeezing it.
"Noona, open the door."
A muscle in your eyebrow twitched. You sucked on your tongue and opened your eyes. A clear voice with silvery depth. It had come from behind your head. You made eye contact with Yoongi. 
He looked thoroughly amused. 
You turned your head partway to see your side mirror. Yup. Ash blond hair, dark eyes, black tattoos as his right hand tapped your car window, tan skin, sharp jawline. White turtleneck, white denim jacket over it. Black jeans.
The wrong guy. Jeon Jungkook. 
You heard your car doors click and, out of the corner of your eye, you saw Yoongi press the button to unlock them. Hmph. Jungkook moved from the front seat to open the backseat. Climbed in like he owned the damn place. He also smelled like alcohol, but all kinds, unlike Yoongi's whiskey scent. 
"Hey, hyung."
"Hello, Jungkook."
You didn't look at him. 
"Hey, noona."
"Get out of my car," you spat.
"Should I get out of the car, hyung?"
"No. She doesn't mean it."
You glared daggers at Yoongi, who smirked widely. Your legs were spread open in Yoongi's lap, your hoodie was off, there was a giant wet spot between your thighs, your skirt was far too short to cover anything, and your red hair was in disarray, fucked up by Yoongi's insistence. Your eyes flickered to Jungkook, who looked back at you. You thought he would be gazing at your body, but he wasn't. He was staring at your face. 
Somehow, that was worse.
Your neck heated and you looked away from those brown eyes, to the house. Jungkook's female harem was at the porch, gaggling at your car. Seven of them. Why was there seven? That's a random number, you thought. They were beginning to recognize your car. Hmph. Well, you can have him, just leave me and Yoongi alo–
You gasped as Jungkook pulled the lever of your seat, dumping you to the back of the car, scooping his arm around your shoulders, grabbing your head and kissing you hard, tasting like alcohol and smelling like laundry and the sea. You moaned into his mouth as Yoongi slipped under your panties and shoved two fingers into you, grunting at your tightness. Jungkook's soft tongue slid into your lips, your name mumbled onto your tongue, rubbing it as Yoongi fingered you. Too much simulation at once. Jungkook's free hand pushed up your bra, exposing one of your breasts and pinching your nipple. You whined, hips bucking into Yoongi's hand, too much, it was too much, Jungkook’s rough kisses and Yoongi's long fingers, and you felt the wet squelch as it all spilled out, gushing down Yoongi's hand, chest heaving in Jungkook's arms, moaning your release into the younger man's mouth. 
Jungkook broke the kiss, scrambling down as Yoongi removed his fingers. Yoongi brought them to his face and swirled his tongue around his digits. He hummed approvingly around his fingers as you whined, feeling Jungkook's hot tongue lap up the rest, licking at your swollen clit, sensitive from Yoongi's prior work.
"Don't put your dirty tongue on me after you've ate out other girls all night," you gritted out, hand reaching down to grip Jungkook's blond hair. Not pulling him away, but not pushing him in either. 
"I didn't eat anyone out," Jungkook murmured into your pussy, vibrating the slick lips with his low voice. "Hyung told me you were picking him up and that you would pick me up too."
You said no such thing. You gave Yoongi a peeved look and Yoongi just smirked around his wet fingers, smearing your juices over his lips and licking them off. You shivered and pushed Jungkook's head into your pussy, gasping as he shoved his tongue into your hole. 
The girls outside seemed to realize what was going on. They were pointing accusingly and yapping amongst themselves. Your tits were half out, after all. 
"Great, now everyone thinks I'm a slut, Yoongi," you grumbled.
"Who cares?" Yoongi said dismissively. "Anyone who talks shit is going to answer to my fist."
Jungkook lifted his head, panting for breath, chin shiny with your pussy. He didn't look outside. He simply curved his arm around Yoongi's head and flipped off anyone looking in the car. You raised your eyebrows. Thank the American culture for making the middle finger the universal 'fuck you' so that even Koreans knew what it meant. Yoongi seemed to know what Jungkook was doing and laughed huskily as Jungkook backed up, slumping in the backseat. 
"Am I supposed to drive like this?" you hissed, shoving your exposed breast back into your bra and snapping your panties into place before lowering your leg. Ugh, your underwear was soaked. You had pulled your foot out of your boot before Yoongi started pretzeling you in the driver's seat of your own damn car. You shoved your foot back into it now, fixing yourself up. Yoongi plucked the black hoodie from the driver’s seat. 
"Technically, this isn't yours."
"I thought it looked familiar," Jungkook remarked, wiping his chin and then licking off the back of his hand.
You righted your seat, rolling your eyes. 
"Whatever," you mumbled as you started your car. 
“Why did you make me do it?” you had asked him.
Yoongi’s lips trailed along your bare shoulder, pulling down his blanket to leave his marks on you.
“Do what?” he had murmured against your skin, making you shiver.
“The whole ‘taking-Jeon-Jungkook’s-virginity’ thing.’”
He traced your shoulder blade with his tongue. “Did I read the situation wrong?” Completely neutral, his hand coming up to run his fingers through your hair. You melted into the action, one of your favorites. It made your skin tingle and your breathing soften, releasing the tenseness in your chest. “You always tell me if I’m wrong.”
“Yeah… I do.”
“Did you hate it?”
“… No.”
Yoongi turned you around to face him, his black hair brushing against your cheeks. Eyes barely open, but seeing all of you. He collected your hair in his fingers, pushing it back and away from your neck. His lips swollen from your kisses; his fair skin nicked with pink from your bites.
“That’s good.”
His finger drew the line of your collarbone, dark orbs watching your lips part, wanting him. Pulling yourself closer to him, skin to skin, his warmth against yours. You leaned in. Yoongi didn’t move away, his breath against your lips.
“What are we?” you whispered.
“Don’t know.” His lips grazed against yours and your moaned softly into them. “Whatever you want.” Dainty, simple kisses. “We’re whatever you want. You know that.” Capturing your lips, trapping them, fingers dancing down, looping around your waist and pulling you close, chest to chest. “You want it to stay like this, it will stay like this.” Grinding against your thigh, hardening against your softness. “You want me to keep driving you crazy, you want me to keep letting Jungkook play with you, then it’ll happen.”
Deep, intense kisses, teasing you, making you addicted to him.
“You want me to go away and leave you alone, I will.”
Your arm came around and you tangled your fingers in his black hair, kissing him fiercely.
“No, don’t leave me alone,” you breathed. “Want this. Want you.”
He purred your name against your lips, flitting his tongue between them.
“Want you, Yoongi.”
Everyone said the same thing.
Min Yoongi is a bad boy. Min Yoongi is a playboy. Min Yoongi doesn’t care about anything. He’s just a guy who makes pretty good music, but think twice before trying to get close to him. He’s had the same friends for years and any new ones were superficial acquaintances.
You didn’t care about any of that. You weren’t really hanging out with him anyway. He was just always there when you were kind-of, sort-of dating Kim Namjoon. And it was a kind-of, sort-of because you kept it that way. Namjoon kept asking you to take it further, but you held him at a distance, saying it was too early and that you were careful with your heart.
Then It was the little things. Accidents.
A brush. A graze. A single fingertip.
Yoongi’s eyes on yours. Watching you. Challenging. It didn’t mean anything, until it did. It didn’t mean anything, until the touches got bolder, the moments got longer, and then you were in the bathroom hallway of some random club, face-to-face with Min Yoongi, and he was close, so close, but not touching you. He didn’t say anything at first. Just looked at you and you knew, shit this whole thing with Namjoon is not it, because no matter how good riding Kim Namjoon’s dick was, it was not Min Yoongi’s stare that was instantly making your pussy throb.
His long fingers danced in the air. Tracing the curve of your jaw, but not touching you. Whiskey on his breath, but not breathing on you. Cocking his eyebrow at you, at you. His palm turned upwards, two fingers outstretched and, if you leaned forward, you could place you chin on them.
But you didn’t.
“Are you wet?” Yoongi whispered huskily, barely heard over the loud bass.
You blinked slowly. “Are you hard?”
His lips curved into a devious smirk.
Someone was vomiting real fucking loudly in the men’s bathroom.
Yoongi dropped his hand and took a step back. Let his eyes linger on you as he backed up and walked away, rounding the corner.
You broke up that thing with Namjoon that night. It wasn’t fair to him and he wasn’t in that deep yet, so he was chill with it. Understanding. He wasn’t getting the vibes from you either. You didn’t even know if you had vibes.
You didn’t throw yourself into Min Yoongi’s arms. That would be rude and, besides, it wasn’t like you knew him that well. But Namjoon still invited you to things, concerts and stuff, because he was a nice guy and, even if you guys weren’t dating, he was still friendly. And you went, even if you didn’t really like people. Just in case.
The first couple times, Yoongi wasn’t there.
And then he was.
And then it started again, but bolder this time, crazier things, short skirts and exploring hands, no talking, no chats, only eyes and touches, until it wasn’t, his hands curling into your shirt, shoving you against the wall and kissing you and you kissing him back, fingers slipping under his leather jacket and pushing up his shirt, nails on his skin.
His raspy voice against your puffy lips.
“Let’s have some fun.”
Always going to these damn parties, always asking you to take him home so he could take you down, gasping your name into your ear, telling you the same thing.
“I always have the most fun with you.”
Asking you how you wanted it today, from the back, from the front, against the wall, saying he’ll do anything to get you off. You want his tongue? His fingers? His dick? He would give it to you. Spread your legs open on his kitchen counter and eat you out like you were his fucking groceries.
Always reminding you.
“The best sex is still you.”
You would still go to the events Namjoon invited you to, his underground concerts, and watch Yoongi open for him every once in a while, growling into the mic and glaring at the audience, until he found you, lips curving into his trademark open-mouthed smirk that would be in between your legs later that night.
Min Yoongi is a bad boy.
Min Yoongi is a playboy.
Min Yoongi doesn’t care about anything.
So what?
You can feel however you want.
You can live however you want.
No reason to take anything seriously.
Whatever, right?
“Give me the fucking hoodie.”
“Nah, you can borrow Jungkook’s jacket.”
“Except you can’t button it, noona.”
You sucked in an annoyed breath. “Fine, give me the fucking jacket.”
Min Yoongi smirked, watching Jeon Jungkook strip his denim jacket and hand it to you. You put it on, scowling. “You act like it’s acid,” Yoongi chuckled.
“I’m burning,” you snapped sarcastically. “Absolutely dying being covered in Jeon Jungkook.”
“You want to be covered in Jeon Jungkook’s cum, that’s for sure.”
You took too long to respond to Yoongi’s quip. Jungkook smirked, placing his forearms on the headrest of your seat, craning his head around to look at your face. You turned away, feeling your neck and ears pulse. His ash blond hair drifted down, shading one of his brown eyes.
“Yeah, noona? Is that what you want? I’ll give it to you.”
“Shut up.”
You twisted away and got out of your car, followed by the two men. Didn’t look at either of them. It was a cold night, but your body was hot. It wasn’t covered enough. You felt an arm curve around your waist, tattoos on a tan hand. A sharp chin balancing on your red hair.
“Need your help, noona. I’m kind of drunk.”
“Let me call the Grim Reaper.”
A fair hand sliding under the denim jacket, making you hiss with the cold touch.
“You chilly?” Yoongi teased. “Need cuddles?”
You didn’t say anything. He could feel how hot your skin was, saw your ears were fucking scorching with embarrassment with how short your plaid skirt was. You locked your car, ignoring them.
“It’s only three flights of stairs,” Jungkook murmured, probably staring at your ass.
Whatever, right?
“Need my jacket back, noona.”
“Where’s the hoodie?” you grumbled to Yoongi.
Yoongi shrugged. “Left it in your car.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fucking typical. I’ll go get–”
Yoongi shoved you into Jungkook’s apartment.
“He just wants another taste.”
Warm lips on your neck, large fair-skinned hands circled with black-and-white checked flannel dancing up your bare chest, bra already gone. Jungkook already on his knees, looking up at you, licking his lips. Still in his white turtleneck and jeans.
“Look at him. Isn’t he cute? Don’t you want to shove your dripping pussy into those pink lips and grab that blond hair?”
“You’re so bad, Yoongi.”
You lifted up your skirt, so fucking short it was basically useless. You ticked your chin to your panties, damp from earlier in the car. “Help me take them off, Jungkook.”
Jungkook licked his lips again, letting his tongue dawdle before sliding it back in.
“You sure, noona?”
“Yeah.” Sucked in a breath as Yoongi teased your nipples, too familiar of a scene. “Want your mouth, please.” Rubbed them in between his fingertips and you moaned, leaning into Yoongi’s touch. “Please, Jungkook, wanna cum in your mouth.”
The side of Jungkook’s lips cocked upwards. “Of course, noona.” Reached up and hooked his fingers on the sides, pulling them down your thighs, mouth watering as he witnessed your wetness. Leaned forward and buried his nose into it, inhaling deeply, shuddering. “Smells so fucking good.”
Yoongi’s fingers leaving your breasts, running through your red hair, the hair you dyed because he causally said you should dye it red. He got it out of you eventually, both hands in your hair as he fucked you into his bed, balls slapping into you with his force, breathing in your face.
“Your hair is so fucking sexy,” he had panted. “You dyed it red because I said you should, didn’t you?”
He stopped suddenly, leaving you full, but unstimulated, bent in half under him. You tried to move, but Yoongi’s grip in your hair had tightened, breathing hard against your lips.
“You’re no liar,” he had whispered.
“Tell the truth.”
Gentle kiss. His cock twitched inside you and you moaned, needing more.
“Tell the truth,” he had commanded.
“Yes, fuck, Yoongi, yes, now fucking give it to me.”
He began to fuck you again, hard and satisfying and everything you wanted. The best fucking dick you’ve ever had, made you cum twice before him, made you gasp his name and clutch his sheets, just like how you grabbed his shirt and gasped his name right now, leaning back against him as Yoongi’s head curved around your body, attaching his lips to your nipple as Jungkook’s tongue dipped into your drenched pussy, his moan vibrating your core as Yoongi sucked, playing with your other nipple with his hand. Standing in Jungkook’s bedroom, two mouths on you. Jungkook took one of your legs and put it on his shoulder, noisily and messily eating you out, Yoongi’s whiskey breath now all over your tits.
You could have been mad, but you were too horny to be angry, too busy humping Jungkook’s face and arching your back to get more into Yoongi’s hot mouth. One hand in Yoongi’s black hair and the other in Jungkook’s blond hair, gripping them both tight, losing yourself in the pleasure, head tipped back and tongue sliding out, impossible to catch your breath. Jungkook’s tongue lapped at your clit, closing in on it, adding more force, and you whimpered, legs shaking.
“Jungkook, a-ah, fuck…”
Skirt bunched around your waist, far too short to even blanket Jungkook’s face, giving you a clear view of his intense brown eyes, one hand on your thigh and the other wrapped around your ass, shoving your hips into his face.
Yoongi flicked your hard nipple with his tongue and pinched the other. You moaned, shivers up your spine, suddenly tipping into your orgasm and spilling it all into Jungkook’s mouth, Yoongi’s name leaving your lips, rolling your body into his face, hearing him chuckle in that deep voice of his. Jungkook slurped greedily, lapping at your pussy as Yoongi released your nipple and came up, murmuring your name, feathery kisses on your lips.
“So sexy,” he breathed. “So fuckable.”
You moaned into Yoongi’s mouth as your rode Jungkook’s face, and Jungkook got the hint, licking you all over again, your clit throbbing onto his tongue, leaking more and more into his mouth.
“Fuck, noona, you taste so fucking good when you’re horny,” Jungkook growled, his Busan satoori slipping out. “Extra sweet, like candy.”
Yoongi gave you one last kiss as Jungkook lowered your leg, standing up to cup your face and kiss you, smearing your juices on your face and licking them off, a fucking mess, your own sweet-sour taste spreading everywhere. You shuddered against his lips, one hand still in his hair, the other letting go of Yoongi’s black locks and clutching Jungkook’s turtleneck as he kissed you.
“Leave the skirt on, noona,” Jungkook mumbled. “You look so cute in it. Cute little slut.”
Body so hot, so fucking hot that it felt like your skin was on fire.
“… Fine.”
Jungkook’s hands sliding back, burying in your dark red shadow root, light kisses on your cheeks. “Just playing around, noona. I know you’re not a slut.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Jungkook chuckled and grabbed your ass, grinding his crotch into yours. “You do like playing with me, don’t you?” He was so fucking hard, even through the thick fabric of his jeans.
“Mhm.” You swallowed your moan, gripping Jungkook tighter. “Don’t know why you’re so obsessed with me though.”
“I told you,” Jungkook purred, nudging you towards his bed, getting you to climb onto it, those familiar navy sheets, so soft against your skin. They smelled just like Jungkook, fresh laundry with a hint of the sea. “Sex dreams with you are too good. I need the real thing.”
He dumped you on his bed, leaning down, kissing you once more.
“I wanna see you doing the stuff you do in my dreams.”
“You look cold.”
You shivered. “I’m not.”
Yoongi pulled off his black hoodie and held it out to you.
You puffed out hot air. “I don’t need it.”
His voice low and husky. “Smells like me.”
You bit you lip and took it from him, slipping it over your shoulders. Smelled so fucking good, just like Yoongi with a hint of whiskey. You snuck a glance at him in your passenger’s seat. He was leaning back in the chair, sighing softly, black hair all over his closed eyes. You saw the dark circles. His face seemed paler than usual. You started the car.
“Need to drop by the pharmacy.”
“Any chain in particular?” you replied absentmindedly.
Yoongi waved a hand. “Just need hangover meds and water.”
You tapped the water bottle in your cupholder. “There’s some left.”
You kept your eyes on the road as he reached over and drank from it. You heard it being drained. You drove steadily, thinking of the closest pharmacy. Stopped at a red light, thinking you needed to turn left at the next one.
“Thanks for picking me up.”
Silence with your steady driving, ever so slightly going over the speed limit. Not enough to get caught. Just on the edge. Gliding in the darkness, surrounded by yellow headlights and red backlights. You pulled into a parking lot, right in front of the pharmacy.
“Be a sec.”
Yoongi hauled himself out of the seat, wearing only his over-sized white t-shirt and distressed blue jeans. Was it just you or his arms a little skinner than before? The silver bracelets seemed looser on his wrists.
“Want your–?”
The car door shut.
“Hoodie,” you finished, speaking to no one. You watched Yoongi stagger to the door, pulling a black face mask out and covering his face before entering. You had a brief, fleeting moment where you thought, I should have gone with him, but you frowned. Yoongi was an adult. He didn’t need you.
He didn’t need you.
You rested your arms on your steering wheel and waited. Waited. You were good at waiting. Was it still waiting if that your default state, just breezing through life, wondering if there was any meaning in it all, wondering if anything meant anything? You made a face. Why were you having an existential crisis right now? Stupid. If nothing mattered, why bother agonizing over it?
The car door opened and Yoongi slid in, tugging off his face mask and holding a plastic bag.
You jumped as Yoongi threw a small plastic packet in your lap. Gummy bears.
“You like these, right?”
You blinked at them. “Yeah… I guess.” You did like gummy bears. Why did he get gummy bears?
“That’s good.”
That was that. Yoongi cracked open a water bottle. You waited as he scowled, dumping powder into the water and shaking it up. He squinted at the directions and then resumed shaking the water bottle, turning the water a cloudy white. He reopened the bottle and took a large swig, shuddering as he removed it from his lips. He didn’t look pleased, but he accepted it.
“What are you trying to forget?”
You shrugged, tilting your head at him. “I mean, you go out drinking a lot. That’s what alcoholics do.”
Yoongi snorted. “I’m never drunk.”
“What’s with the hangover meds, then?” you pointed out.
His eyes slid to you. They seemed extra dark even in the bright streetlights.
“I don’t want a headache in the morning,” he muttered. “Or a limp dick.”
You chuckled. “I can just drop you off and go home.” You reached over and started the car. He seemed tired and stressed. You figured you could let him sleep. Wasn’t like you picked him up only because you wanted a quick fuck.
He tapped the water bottle against your forearm as you started turning out of the parking lot. You spared him a glance, raising your eyebrows.
“Wanna see your face in the morning,” he said casually, taking another sip. You could barely see his eyes with his black bangs covering them. “And hear you begging for my dick to fuck you harder.”
You rolled your eyes and drove him to his apartment.
You stayed that night.
“Jungkook, your dreams are freaky as fuck,” Yoongi cackled, hoisting your hips up as you whined, back arched and wrists tied by Jungkook’s belt looped a few times around them and buckled closed.
Jungkook asked you to keep the skirt on. He asked you to move your arms back and stick your chest out, breasts pushed together by your upper arms, nipples sticking straight out. He asked you to press your forearms together and not move them, hands clasped together as he jacked off in front of you.
Sure, whatever.
He also asked Yoongi to rail you from behind while he was doing it, and asked his hyung to make your tits bounce.
And Yoongi told him he was freaky as fuck as he slid into you, using one of Jungkook’s condoms, mentioning that Jungkook should buy a different brand because they were thinner and better quality.
“Okay, hyung, I’ll make sure to have them next time.”
Next time, okay, yeah, sure Jungkook, it’s not like you’re the one on Yoongi’s dick, you thought wryly as Yoongi began to move, slow but hard, your breasts bouncing at the action, gasp torn from your throat.
“Why do you even have condoms?” you muttered between pants, rocking on Yoongi’s hips as he lifted you and dropped you on his hard cock, ugh, so fucking good, felt so good as Yoongi fucked you and you watched Jungkook’s right hand wrapped around his stiff length, the red head disappearing and reappearing in his tattooed fingers, his chest rippling and his lower lip in his teeth, tiny mole dancing underneath it, eyes on your bouncing tits, moaning as he watched the obscenity in front of him.
Felt good to be watched and tied up, kneeling on Jungkook’s bed, because it was wrong, so fucking wrong, but it felt so fucking good.
“In case you want to fuck me,” Jungkook gasped. “Unless you want my babies.”
You huffed. “I do not.”
Jungkook ticked his head, smirk on his lips with his lip bite. “There you go.” He scooted closer and you ticked an eyebrow, feeling Yoongi’s fingertips dig into you as he smacked his crotch into your ass. You moaned, Yoongi’s name dropping from your lips.
“You always look so fucking hot when you’re getting fucked.”
You chuckled. “This is only the second time you’ve watched me getting fucked.”
Jungkook grinned. “Nope, I’ve seen you get fucked hundreds of times in my dreams.”
You rolled your eyes and the action was cut short as Yoongi shifted and hit your favorite spot, making you cry out and lurch forward, breath in Jungkook’s face, breasts knocking together. Your hands touched the bed, squeezing your tits, gasping for breath.
“Don’t fall over, naughty girl,” Yoongi purred. “Give Jungkookie the best view.”
You lifted your head back, balancing on your fingertips, mouth open, tongue touching your lip, vision hazy with lust. Jungkook’s blond hair covered one of his brown eyes, jaw clenched and he stroked himself faster, veins popping out on his hardness, pre-cum leaking from the tip and running down.
“Wanna cum on your face and tits, noona,” Jungkook breathed. “Wanna cover you with me.”
“Where are your manners, Jungkook?” Yoongi barked behind you, the smacking between you two radiating off the walls, squeaking the bed, and probably wholeheartedly disturbing his neighbors.
Jungkook sank his teeth in his lip, suddenly apologetic. You were about to blurt out that you didn’t give a shit, but Jungkook spoke, breathless with a hint of neediness, staring into your eyes with his brown doe-like ones, and suddenly you couldn’t say anything, repeatedly jerked forward by Yoongi’s forceful thrusts, frozen by Jungkook’s whisper.
“Please, noona… Please let me cum on your tits. On your face. Please let me see you with my cum all over you.”
Once again, you were reminded that Jungkook actually liked you.
“… O-Okay, Jungkook,” you gasped. “A-Anything you want.”
You arched your back even more, tipping your head up, breathing hard. Jungkook had to stand on the bed, his thin moans indicating he was nearing his end and you stared up at him, eyes wide, mouth open, pussy clenching around Yoongi’s cock, whimpering as you felt him fill you over and over, his long fingers bruising your hips, Yoongi’s rough, raspy drawl of you name, deepened by his Daegu satoori.
“Such a sexy woman, so eager to get a faceful of cum, aren’t you?”
You whined, lust building inside you, staring into Jungkook’s glazed-over brown eyes and his thick, dark red cock ready to burst. Yoongi’s voice could make you do anything. He really could. And you wanted him to. You wanted him to make you do anything he wanted, everything he wanted. Your voice was soaked with lust, eyes half-lidded, lips wetly parted.
“Y-Yes, Yoongi… I want Jungkook’s cum all over me…”
Jungkook’s shaking left hand touched your forehead, gently holding you in place, ash blond strands brushing against his high cheekbones as he whispered your name, heavy with his Busan satoori.
“You’re so good to me, noona.”
He moaned your name again and came with hot white strings, splattering down your cheeks and neck, some of it hitting your lips and tongue, spilling onto your bouncing breasts, coating them with his salty orgasm. You moaned back, eyes rolling back as you hit your peak, painted in Jungkook’s cum, so hot, so sticky on your skin, and you tightened around Yoongi’s cock, whimpering as you came, suddenly so wet like a waterfall, slick and viscous, reminding you of the first time that you came on this bed with Yoongi’s tongue on top of Jungkook’s sleeping body, but this time Jungkook was shoving the sensitive head in between your open lips, groaning as you licked off the dripping cum, some of it dribbling into your throat.
Yoongi hissed your name, and you whimpered as his cock twitched inside you, fully sheathing himself in your burning heat before spilling into the condom, his jerking length being roughly massaged by your tight walls. Jungkook’s cum was running down your chest, clinging to your nipples, dripping onto his sheets. Jungkook pulled out of your mouth and your tongue extended, licking at the leftover cum on the outskirts of your lips before you yelped abruptly.
“A-ah, Jungkook!”
Jungkook’s hands cupped your breasts, pushing them together and running his hot tongue over your breasts, sucking off his orgasm, lapping at your nipples, making you shudder and squirm, wiggling on Yoongi’s cock and pussy throbbing with every lick.
“Holy fuck,” Yoongi groaned, obviously witnessing Jungkook’s slurping of his cum off your tits and neck, and feeling you moan and buck on his slowly softening cock. “You’re wild, Jungkook.”
Jungkook didn’t seem to notice or care, kissing up your throat, tongue flicking against your cheeks, breath hot on your face, saturated with the salty scent of his cum. His palms on your trembling jaw, pulling you down to his lips, kissing you deeply, your moan in his mouth.
“You feel good, noona?” Jungkook whispered huskily against your lips.
Your heart was rattling against your ribcage, still shattered from your orgasm and the dirtiness of Jungkook’s actions. So hard to come down, trapped on cloud nine, struggling for breath. Jungkook pressed his sweaty forehead into yours, fingers sliding back to run them through your red strands, your skin tingling at his touch. His blond hair stuck to your face, his brown eyes closing.
“Don’t worry,” he breathed softly against your quivering breath. “I’m here with you.”
You opened your eyes, slowly.
Navy sheets, so soft against your bare skin. Hand splayed over your breasts, covering them, holding you close to a hard, muscular chest. Your eyes flickered down, trying to blink the sleep away. Black tattoos on tan skin. You shifted your eyes forward. Mop of black hair, messily covering what you knew were dark, cat-like eyes. Pale chest, completely bare. Your hand was around his slim waist, fingertips on his back.
Don’t you want to be bad with me?
You retreated your hand. Those dark eyes opened, just a crack.
Watching you.
Your hand reached up, tracing his jaw. Palm up. Placed two fingers on his chin, caressing it.
His name, his name, perfectly formed by your lips, your addiction, the feeling you couldn’t give up.
His pink lips curved into a devious smirk. His hand closed around yours, fingers intertwining.
Spark of mischief in his eyes.
“Shh. Go to sleep.”
Held your hand as you closed your eyes once again, nestled in Jungkook’s arms.
fourth act. lucid dreams a–dick–ted au
735 notes · View notes
lunar-wandering · 3 years
“this house is a frickin’ nightmare”
so i. decided to write something for the ‘Sitcom’ AU, which is basically just the concept that post-canon, everyone lives in the same house.... its Fun.
Word Count: 2.7k
Read on Ao3
"Monkey King, get down from the fridge."
This exchange is what drew MK's attention to the fact that something was happening in the kitchen.
In MK's opinion, it was far too early for something to be happening in the kitchen.
"Wukong, I swear, if you don't get down from there-"
"What- you gonna stab me? Pigsy, you know full well that method is ineffective."
"What is going on?" MK asked, entering the kitchen and, well, seeing exactly what he had expected; Wukong crouched on top of the fridge, staring down at Pigsy, who was glaring up at him.
Still though. Just because he'd expected to see it didn't explain why it was happening.
"Oh hey, kid." Wukong said, taking notice of him. "Everything's fine, you can go back to your room, breakfast will be ready soon."
"It would be done already if you hadn't burned it." Pigsy said, gesturing to the charred remains of what supposedly had been breakfast. "Seriously, can't you follow simple instructions?? Now we've gotta start all over."
"It's not my fault I'm a visual learner." Wukong said, his tail swinging back and forth.
"It was three steps-"
"What's going on?"
MK barely kept himself from startling at the new voice behind him, turning around to see a very tired looking Red Son.
"Breakfast burned." MK said, catching Red Son up on the situation. Red Son hummed in contemplation, walking into the kitchen, picking up a piece of the unrecognizable charred food, and, ignoring the other's growing horror, he ate it.
"...Tastes fine to me." He said, going so far as to grab and nibble on another piece as he turned and left, presumably heading back to his room. The remaining three watched him go in shocked silence.
"....This house is a frickin' nightmare." Wukong deadpanned. Pigsy nodded in agreement.
"Aptly put. Now get off of the fridge."
MK decided to go back to bed.
It was commonly known, within the household, that somehow, Tang and Wukong continuously managed to get out of doing their fair share of the chores. No one was quite sure how they did it, as the two of them kept coming up with new methods every day.
Today's method was..... interesting, to say the least.
Somehow, someway, they had managed to remove their names from the Chore Roulette Wheel, without leaving any trace that their names had ever even been there. Which was, in fact, rather impressive, considering that the roulette wheel was literally a giant wooden roulette wheel, built by Sandy, and there were no empty spaces were their names used to be, they were just. Gone.
To be honest, MK would've never noticed if Mei hadn't pointed it out.
Now, there was a house-wide search for the two chore-shirkers.
"Found 'em yet?" MK yelled down the stairs into the basement. A few seconds passed, then a unanimous call of "No!" came. MK sighed. If the Spider-gang couldn't find Tang and Wukong down there, then they probably weren't there. (.....Probably. Wukong did have a lot of tricks up his sleeves, and MK didn't put it pass his mentor to use them for something like this.)
That checked off the majority of the house.... which only left-
An enraged scream (courtesy of Mei) from upstairs confirmed what MK had concluded.
They were on the roof.
MK rushed to the stairs, running up them-
Only to pause as he heard a yelp, and a flash of gold fell past the window, followed by a loud thud. MK leaned on the windowsill to look outside, just in time to see Tang fall past it. Wukong, a few branches and grass in his fur from his rough landing, summoned his cloud to catch Tang, before zooming away.
As MK would later find out, in the haste to escape Mei's wrath, Tang had actually pushed Wukong off the roof. Wukong, in return, had unceremoniously dropped Tang on the ground the first chance he got.
Both of their names were back on the roulette wheel by the next morning.
....They still managed to get out of doing their chores though.
"Oh, hey Macaque." MK mumbled, tiredly rubbing his eyes, and Macaque, mid-way through stealing a snack out of the fridge, froze like a deer in the headlights.
"Uh.....hey, bud." He said, slowly closing the fridge door, glancing at MK, who was obviously very tired, then looking at the clock on the wall.
2:43 AM. Okay, he could work with this.
"What are you doing up so late?" Macaque asked, leaning casually against the fridge in an attempt to hide his nervousness. If MK had been more awake, he would've noticed and called him out on it, but as it was....
"Just woke up.... wanted to get a snack." MK said, and Macaque quickly opened a nearby cupboard.
"Here, have this." He said, putting a cookie in MK's hands, before grabbing him by the shoulders, turning him around, and gently shoving him back towards his room. "Now go back to bed."
"G'night, Macaque." MK said, nibbling on his cookie.
"Goodnight, MK." Macaque sighed, waiting until he heard MK's bedroom door click closed again before melting back into the shadows.
The next morning, MK thought he had dreamt the whole thing. After all, Macaque had vehemently denied the invitation to live in the house with everyone else, surely if he had changed his mind and started to live with them, someone would've noticed.
"Monkey King?"
"Why do you always sleep on the roof?" Red Son asked, "I mean, you do have a room after all, why don't you use it?"
"I just like watching the stars." Wukong said, reclining on his cloud. Suddenly, Mei and MK also appeared beside Red Son, with their arms crossed, looking unimpressed.
"You told me that beds were uncomfortable." Mei said.
"And you told me that you liked the breeze." MK added. Wukong's tail bristled a little, but he still didn't look over at them.
"Well, I mean, all of those are true." Wukong said, "Figured I would just... switch my answers up from time to time, keep things entertaining you know?"
"That doesn't explain why you slept out there in the pouring rain." Mei said, "In fact, the only time we've seen you sleep inside is when we have blanket fort night."
"...The rain was nice?" Wukong said, sounding uncertain. The trio narrowed their eyes.
"Is there something wrong with your room?" Red Son asked, and Wukong flinched.
"No." He said, finally sitting up and looking at them. "Really, my room's perfectly fine, I don't know where you're getting the idea that something's wrong-"
"You're doing that nervous smile again." MK said, and Wukong slammed a hand over his mouth in an attempt to hide what the trio had already seen.
There was a moment of silence, and in that moment, each member of the traffic light trio came to a shared conclusion.
No matter the cost, they would get into Wukong's room.
Almost as though they had actually planned it, the trio took off towards the staircase, ignoring Wukong's yells for them to stop. Hurriedly, Wukong summoned two clones, then rushed after the trio.
Red on got caught on the stairs, the clone grabbing hold of the edge of his coat and dragging him down. It wouldn't be able to hold him for long of course, his fire could quickly burn the clone away, but it would still manage to slow him down.
Mei was captured in the hallway, the clone pushing off the wall to tackle her, accidentally knocking her right into Yin and Jin's room, pining her to the ground as the twins yelped in shock.
...Which just left MK.
Having trained with the Monkey King, MK found himself easily dodging Wukong's attempts to catch him. Slightly out of breath, he skidded to a stop in front of Wukong's door, turned the knob, and opened it.
"I don't really see what the problem is, the room looks fine to me-" MK said, stepping into the room.
"Kid, wait-" Wukong started to say, but it was too late.
MK tripped, tumbling into the room, dispelling the illusion Wukong had carefully crafted and placed over it.
Wukong's room was a mess, to put things lightly. There was stuff everywhere- books, clothes, antiques, food, you named it, it was probably there. It was to the point where there was no place to sleep, the bed being covered in stuff. Which, well, that explained the whole 'sleeping on the roof' thing, but still.
Wukong nervously shifted from foot to foot in the doorway. Red Son and Mei, who had succeeded in freeing themselves, as well as Yin and Jin, who had gotten curious from all the commotion, stared over Wukong's shoulders, taking in the state of the room.
MK sat there for a moment, looking at the mess (and sure, MK's room was messy too, but this-), before slowly turning around to look at his mentor, a serious expression on his face.
"Wukong." MK said, and Wukong stiffened, his nervous smile growing wider at the sound of MK saying his name instead of his title.
"...Yeah?" Wukong said, chuckling nervously as MK's look darkened.
"...I'm getting Sandy."
"Wait, no no no-"
The rest of the day was spent cleaning up Wukong's room, sorting through the piles upon piles of stuff.
Wukong, in a bout of spite, still slept on the roof anyways.
Yin and Jin stared in shock at the scene in front of them.
Everyone in the house knew that Wukong and Tang adamantly avoided doing their share of the chores. (The roof-pushing incident was still fresh in everyone's minds, after all).
So that's why seeing Wukong doing the laundry was very out of place.
"...What are you two staring at?" Wukong asked, snapping the twins out of their shocked reverie.
"It's just....weird to see you doing the laundry, that's all." Yin said, and that-
Well, surprisingly enough, that made Wukong actually pause.
"It is?" He asked, slowly setting the laundry basket down on the ground, subtly nudging it under a nearby table so that it was now out of view.
"Well, I mean, with how you and Mr. Tang utilize every method possible to avoid doing the chores, we never thought we'd actually see you doing one." Jin said.
"...I see." Wukong said, quietly. "Well, in that case. You two saw nothing."
Not giving them a chance to respond, Wukong flashed a peace sign, then vanished, leaving the twins to sputter in disbelief.
(Later, Macaque returned to the laundry room to pick up the clothes he'd left behind.)
Syntax paused as he stared at the sight before him.
"...What is this?" He ased, drawing the attention of the occupants in the living room.
"A braid train!" MK replied, and honestly, that's what it was. MK sat on the floor, braiding Bai He's hair, Bai He braiding Red Son's, who was braiding Mei's hair. Mei pulled one hand out of Spider Queen's hair to give Syntax a little wave before returning to braiding the queen's hair. Spider Queen gently weaved Huntsman's hair into a braid that looked above professional level. Huntsman was twisted at an odd angle in order to put some braids in Sandy's beard. And Sandy carefully created some tiny braids in Wukong's fur."
"I....see." Syntax said, holding up his phone and taking a quick picture before any of the braid train participants could notice.
"Do you wanna join?" MK asked, "You can either braid my hair or get yours braided by Monkey King. Your choice."
Syntax took a moment to think about it.
He ended up braiding MK's hair.
There was someone in the shower.
Now, usually, this wouldn't be such a mind-boggling thing, but-
All of the house's occupants stared at the bathroom door in trepidation.
"You sure Wukong didn't just accidentally leave the shower on again?" Princess Iron Fan asked, prompting some indignant sputtering from Wukong, who was sitting on Demon Bull King's shoulder. MK shook his head in the negative.
"No, I'm sure I heard someone moving in there." He said, crossing his arms.
"Why don't you or Monkey King just use your true sight and get this whole mystery over with?" Jin asked.
"Yeah, we've already been waiting for like, 20 minutes." Yin said.
"They're in the shower." MK said, "I'm not just gonna invade their privacy like that, regardless of who they are."
The shower turned off, and everyone turned to stare at the door again, in silence. There was some rustling around, and then the door opened.
Macaque. It was Macaque. Who, upon realizing that literally the entire household was standing in front of him, froze.
And then immediately tried to turn and run.
"Oh no you don't." Wukong said, jumping off of Demon Bull King's shoulder, and outright tackling the other monkey to the ground. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, I live here?" Macaque said, sitting up and shoving Wukong off of him.
"You turned down the invitation to come and live with us though...." Wukong said, slowly standing back up. ".....How long have you been here?"
"Two weeks."
"Two weeks?!" Everyone went into various states of shock.
"How could we not have noticed you?" MK asked.
"You- you did notice me though." Macaque said, "Like, we had a whole conversation in the kitchen at around 3 AM."
"You think I remember what happens at 3 am?!" MK said, holding his head in his hands, and Red Son comfortingly patted him on the back.
"What happens at 3 AM stays at 3 AM." Red Son said, sounding like he was saying some ancient wisdom despite the actual sentence being utter nonsense. Yin and Jin snapped their fingers as a look of realization appeared on their faces. 
"That's why we saw Wukong doing the laundry the other day." Yin said, "It was Macaque in disguise!"
"....Yeah, I figured you'd notice if I didn't do some chores, just to clean up after myself." Macaque sighed, and Pigsy turned to glare at Wukong and Tang.
"See? Even the ex-villain does more chores than you two." He said, and Wukong and Tang purposefully looked away, whistling innocently.
"Wait." Mei said, "If you've been here for two weeks, and we haven't seen you use any of the bedrooms... then where have you been sleeping?"
As it turned out, Macaque had been spending his nights in the storage closet, curled up in the darkest corner of the room with nothing other than a blanket and a small pillow. The others, of course, deemed this as unacceptable, and pretty much near shoved him into one of the leftover bed rooms.
...Which he didn't even end up using that night, as it ended up being a night where everyone ended up falling asleep in the living room, blankets and pillows strewn about everywhere.
The next morning, Macaque wasn't there when the others woke up, and there was a brief moment of panic over the monkey's whereabouts-
And then said monkey walked back into the room, using the shadows to help him carry some trays with breakfast on it.
He paused when he registered that everyone was staring at him.
"....What?" He asked, "I woke up first, that means I had breakfast duty, right?"
"I mean.....yeah." MK said, graciously accepting his plate of food. "But, to be honest. I kinda expected you to burn it like Monkey King did."
"Hey, I did that on purpose. For Red Son." Wukong said, "Cause, y'know. He likes charred food. Apparently."
"You did not do that on purpose and we all know it." Pigsy said, "You were just as unaware of Red Son's dietary habits as the rest of us."
"...I literally just woke up and I'm kinda feeling attacked." Red Son mumbled, sitting up. "Should I feel like I'm being attacked?"
"No, you're fine, we're just calling out Wukong again." Spider Queen whispered to him, and Red Son hummed before rolling back over, clearly intending on getting a few more minutes of rest despite the argument starting to occur in the room. Macaque, for his part, remained standing frozen, with MK standing beside him, nibbling at the food on his plate.
"....Should I be concerned about this?" Macaque asked, staring at the fight taking place. MK shrugged.
"Nah." He said, "This is just the same shit as always."
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
~ High on hatred ~
Warnings: SMUT, college!au, stoner!jisung, fem!reader, goodstudent x badstudent, illegal substances, fingering, blowjob, aggressivity(?), choking, hairpulling, penetrative sex (stay safe :c), nicknames (babygirl, slut..), hickies, cuddles!
Word count: 3,134 words (ok cherry slow down ffs) 
Requested: yesyes~ thank u anon for requestiiing cc:
Note: ok huge note here! i literally know nothing about drugs/illegal substances (or even legal substances for maybe except my raging caffeine addiction)  (where im from most substances are illegal heh) so please understand if this shits written like shit) also bad boys x good girls is my WEAKNESS since i always want some “bad boy” to wreck my good girl agenda hahahsh 
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Jisung wasn’t the most outstanding student in college but somehow you ended up being partners for a group project. The quiet straight A kid with the failing stoner, you could already imagine how this would go. You sat next to him in the lecture hall after your professor had announced the pairs and dreaded introducting yourself but your parents raised you with the belief that kindness comes first so you took a deep breath and said: 
“Hi! I’m y/n” you smiled at him. His gaze met yours, those dark brown eyes were somewhat bloodshot and his aura reeked of smoke. 
“Sup, Jisung” he waved with his thumb, pointer- and middle finger lazily towards you as his gaze scanned your body. You felt a bit uncomfortable by his predatory stare so you shifted in your seat, adjusting the white flowy skirt you had on. 
“Ehm.. so.. how do you want to structure up the project? I was thinking that we could divide the parts by-” you were stopped by his scoff. You looked at him in confusion. This would be much more difficult than you anticipated.
“Come over to my house tonight babygirl” his corny smirk and raspy voice made you want to punch him. Taken aback you turned your head slightly as you said; 
“What? So I can be another one of the girls you fuck?” your blood was boiling. Who does he think he is with his snapback and  dangly silver earrings? 
“Chill, I was thinking about working on the project but you seem to have other plans in mind with me” he smirked, still observing you. 
Your face turned beet red and Jisungs cocky attitude did not help in the slightest. 
“I.. I d-didn’t mean that..” you stuttered but you decided to shut up to not make the situation worse. Jisung reached for the post-it notes that were by your side and wrote something down. He teared it off the pad and just as you stood up, hoping to walk away and never see him again you heard him say;
“Babygirl, come at 7″ he stretched out his arm, hand holding the note. 
You grabbed it aggressively and stomped off as you heard him yell “Come safely babygirl” 
On your way home you crumbled up the note and stuffed it in your pocket. You had no intention of meeting him but when you arrived home you reached for the pink note in your pocket as you took off your backpack and sat down in the kitchen. The pink note had his adress on it. The urge to just scream and rip up the note was strong but something stopped you and that was the fact that you needed to get this project done. You were not going to fail because of some stoner. You unpacked your bag and started studying on some of your other courses but the note always lurked in the corner of your eye. 
Hours later you stood infront of your mirror putting different shirts on hangers against your torso, comparing the colors. Being preoccupied with choosing the cutest shirt you didn’t notice the fact that you tried to look your best for Jisung. Eventually you snapped out of your good girl side that always wanted to look presentable. Why do I care about what he thinks of me? You rolled your eyes and put the shirts back into your closet as you took out a sweatshirt and a matching pair of sweatpants. “This will do” you said under your breath as you slipped into the comfortable fabric before you ordered a taxi. 
“Shit better be worth it” you sighed as you clicked “proceed” and saw the sum. You packed your bag with the necessary stationary, threw on a fluffy ivory jacket and grabbed the keys with a jingle. 
You greeted the taxi driver whose taxi stood infront of the apartment complex. Before you headed out you managed to grab the pink note and now showed it to the driver that nodded whilst the soft radio static played in the background. The town looked so peaceful in the evenings, the artificial lights from the thousands of offices reflected in your glistening eyes as you looked out the window. You noticed that your shoulders were tense signaling that you were nervous which was dumb. Why would you be nervous to meet a dirtbag that has the right to call you ‘babygirl’? A shudder cascaded down your spine at the though of that awful nickname, especially when it echoed in your head in Jisungs voice. 
The taxi halted infront of a long block of brick apartment complexes, the nightlife being busy as usual in the big city you resided. A small “thank you” slipped out of your tongue before you opened the car door and were met by the cold breeze. The entrence had grand glas and wood double doors which opened with a loud creek. You looked at the note once again, checking what apartment number the boy lived in. “248″ you muttered as you made your way up the stone staircase. “Found it”, you stood infront of the slightly bashed ivy colored door. Your hesitant fist made it’s way to knock on the door and after 5 nervewracking seconds the tall, slim boy opened the door with a joint between his lips. Smoke was emitting from behind him and the organic scent hit your nostrils. 
“You came babygirl” he leaned against the door frame as he drew in the smoke from the joint and blew it towards you. You coughed and waved your hand infront of your nose, clearing the smoke. 
“What you standing for? Come in” he snapped his head backwards as a sign for you to step in. You looked down and entered the small smoke-filled apartment. He went to his room and you followed behind with small steps observing the disorganised living space that was cluttered with takeout boxes and photos of friends. His room wasn’t any better. Piles of laundry sat everywhere in the small room and the bed wasn’t made. Did he seriously think that the two of you could do the project when there was a mess wherever you looked? He kicked a pile of clothes away from the carpet and threw a cushion from the bed towards you. He sat down on the carpet as he drew in another breath of smoke into his lungs. Reluctantly you sat down on the cushion opposite to Jisung that was dressed in a boxy white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. 
The big bunch of papers that were required for the project came out of your backpack that was sitting beside you. You spread out the papers on the carpet to make sure Jisung could see but he didn’t seem interested. Instead he kept on smoking as he stared at you intentively, that preditory gaze of his returning. As you were about to start talking about the ideas you had he stretched out his hand offering you a puff. You furrowed your eyebrows as a response to his action. 
“No thanks, I don’t do... that..” you said whilst shaking your head gently. 
That teeth-gritting smirk was plastered on his face as he said:
“You sure babygirl? It will help you relax” he heightened his eyebrows at you. 
Normally you would be very stubborn. You never let anyone do something to you that you didn’t like but in that moment you were swooned by his presence. Was it your feelings or the smoke that you had been breathing in? Without thinking twice you grabbed the joint from his hand to which he licked his lips, grinning.
You put it against your lips and puffed deeply, tasting the smoke in your mouth and feeling it spread in your lungs. A loud cough startled Jisung a bit and you passed the joint back to the brown haired boy. Instantly he looked thousands times more attractive. ‘I must be crazy’ you though as you gently shook your head and tried to concentrate at the papers laid out infront of you. In your peripheral view you saw Jisung shift closer to you and you lifted your head up to look at him. There was something intoxicating about him. The way his brown locks hanged over his eyes or how his piercings shined in the light from outside or maybe it was that veiny hand that held the flaming joint. Whatever it was you found yourself leaning closer to him. Just as he hit the joint again, the smoke spreading in his mouth, you attached your light pink lips onto his plump ones. Jisung opened his mouth in the kiss, crashing his tongue on yours which made the smoke enter your mouth. Being to caught up in the moment Jisung put out the joint on the dark wood flooring which probably was a huge fire hazard but did either of you care in the moment? No. 
The kiss was passionate coming from the tremendous amount of sexual tension in the air. Jisung veiny hand cupped your blushing cheek for a second before it snaked around the back of your neck, pulling you deeper into the wet sloppy kiss. You broke the kiss for a moment to stand up and Jisung did the same but only for a moment as you were pushed down against the unmade bed. It smelled just like him. The substances he was smoking accentuated his natural smell because of course it wasn’t just weed but tobacco as well. You remembered the countless times he had been smoking a cigarette with his friends outside the college department and the momentary eye contact the two of you made before you hurried off to your other classes. It always seemed like his gaze lingered on you even as you walked away. 
You landed with your hands beside your head. As Jisung hovered above you he held both of your hands in his, pinning you to the bed. The wet patch in your panties was growing simply by seeing him on top of you. He leaned down to kiss you once again, biting so hard on your bottom lip that it almost drew blood. The two tongues fought for dominance but the second his hand crept underneath your sweatshirt you lost, a low whine escape your mouth in defeat. Your heads twisted as the makeout session got a slow but steady pace. His hand was warm but more substantial than you though against your boobs which he squeezed harshly through your white bra. Involuntarily your hand grabs a fist of his hair making him smirk against the kiss.
“Desperate babygirl?” he coaxes you. 
“Desperate to get this over with so we can work on the project” you answer inbetween kisses.
“I think you have a much bigger problem to worry about” he growled and looked down for a split second.
As if the smoke wasn’t enough this just added fuel to the fire, both to the deep red color your cheeks were stained with and the wetness in your panties. His clothes were off in a blink and before you knew it he was pulling away yours as well, leaving you with nothing but your slightly embarrassing pink panties that were decorated with a small animal print. 
“Aren’t you adorable?” he cooed at you as his hand trailed down your torso and plummeted into your panties. 
“Shut up-ahh” your attempt of trying to bring his cocky attitude failed once again when he brutally entered two fingers into your sopping cunt. You couldn’t help but to moan as he started to pump his digits inside of you obviously enjoying the sight of the good girl being demolished beneath his touch. When he started to circle your clit with his thumb you held on to his wrist, digging your nails into his skin in order to stop a loud moan. Jisungs fingertips grazed your g-spot and by this point your small whines turned into breathy moans. 
“I though you didn’t like me?” he said arrogantly.
“I don’t” you tried to keep your composure even though his fingers felt so good inside of you. 
“Judging by your wet cunt you seem to like me very much, babygirl” he said while grabbing a fistful of your hair. You couldn’t argue because if you really hated him why were you so desperate to have his length inside of you? 
Jisungs fingers pulled out of you, your juices covered his digits and as his fingers got closer to your face you opened your mouth and sucked them clean. He harshly pulls you up by your hair, now sitting on the edge of the bed as Jisung stands infront of you. His dick had both girth and length which made your mouth water by just the sight. The red tip was decorated with a bead of precum and as he still held your hair he put the tip against your lips. Instantly you started sucking him off. First you kitten licked the tip of his immense dick being a bit afraid of his size but Jisung got impatient and yanked you by your hair once again, making you take him fully in your mouth and choking. Your eyes burned as they teared up but that didn’t stop you from sucking him off, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head profusely. He didn’t seem too impressed though. 
“I think I found one thing babygirl can’t do. Sucking dick” he grinned as he looked you deep in the eyes for a second before he bucked his hips into your mouth and facefucked you. His length hit the back of your throat everytime he fucked into you but you were to busy looking at his perfect face. Those sinful grunts that came out from his mouth made you rub your thighs in desperation. How could someone you hated look so ethereal with his dick in your mouth? The way sweat beads formed around his temple and coated a couple of those light brown streaks. The way his big hand held your hair tightly and most importantly those sounds. Those lewd sounds that rolled off his tongue. 
He rolled his head back and then looked back at you, catching you staring at him. 
“No I definitely think babygirl likes me. Those loving eyes don’t lie” he uttered, staring at you and stroking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
As he pulled out you caught your breath and coughed a for bit before you scooted back on the bed, dragging Jisung by his hand which landed him on top of you once again. He seperated your legs with his knee and lined himself up with your entrance before slowly pushing into you. His girth with the slow movement made you roll your eyes back, the feeling of being filled made you content. 
“Fuck...you feel so tight” he said, brows furrowed as he started to slowly push in and out of you. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss to muffle your moans. The pace steadily increased as you bit his bottom lip while kissing, returning the favor from before that contributed to your swollen lips. When the kiss broke a string of spit seperated your lips as the both of you panted from the thrusts that were becoming more aggressive. You moaned as you gripped onto the bedsheets upon which your knuckles whitened. Jisungs noises turned you on crazily but when he snaked his hand around your neck you could only whine in response. He choked you and held you pinned down stopping you from squirming away.  The other hand was circling your clit which only heightened the pleasure, eyes rolling back into your skull. A squeak erupted from the bed everytime Jisung pounded into your soaked cunt but that wasn’t the only sound. The both of you moaned in unison which fit the sound of skin slapping that was filling the room. You tightly shut your eyes trying to silence a moan but opened them soon after, meeting Jisungs brown orbs. His lids were low from the blunt smoke but that only gave his arrogant attitude a boost. 
You could feel that he was near by the way his dick twitched inside of you. Feeling cocky you decided to clench against his length which also pushed you closer to your own release. He was clearly getting pissed and leaned down to your neck, sucking purple marks onto it which would be impossible to cover up. You whined and squirmed as you needed to go to school tomorrow and couldn’t bear the strange looks from others when your neck was covered in bruises. 
“That’s what you get for clenching around me like a little slut” he growled against your neck as you clenched around him once again earning a moan from him. Now he was getting really close and so were you. His thrusts got harder but sloppier, your boobs bouncing with the pace. You clenched around him one last time and that was the trigger for Jisungs release. The vein on his neck popped up to the surface as his jaw hanged open. Your cunt filled with his warm load which made you cum grip tightly on anything beside you. The both of you rode out the orgasm which made your legs shake and spine bend up from the mattress. Eventually Jisung pulled out leaving you feeling empty with his white cum dripping out of your hole. He layed beside you and panted, chest heaving. You layed there in silence for a minute, only the sound of heavy breathing could be heard in the dark evening. Deciding to clean up the mess he had made you stood up causing the cum to leak down your unstable leg but before you could take a step Jisung grabbed your soft hand and pulled you down onto the bed again. You looked at him in confusion. 
“You weren’t planning on leaving me without any cuddles?” he said with a slightly whining voice.  
You couldn’t believe what you heard. Before another thought could cross your mind you were already snuggled up in his arms, your head against his heaving chest. It was cozy and you felt safe despite that you barely knew him. You stroked his cheek gently as you observed his perfect facial features. Sure, his attitude could use some work but his face had a flawless charm. 
“We should study more often” he muttered against your hair as he kissed you on your head. 
Even if the caring boy was high off his rockers your heart fluttered at his words. You blushed as you snuggled closer to his chest, falling sound asleep in his grasp. 
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bokettochild · 3 years
Tired Feet and Nimble Fingers
I wrote more Ravio fics. This is one of two, the second one still needs to be reread and checked for errors, but rest assured to whomever requested a fic for Ravio getting some fussing, I nearly killed the kid for you :)
Mr. Hero had nice hands.
Oh sure, they were rather thin, and a bit knobby at the knuckles, aged in a way most people their age would not understand for decades yet, but they were nimble, quick, and forever flitting from one thing to another with the easy grace of a person who’s done everything with their life except sit still and rest.
Mr. Hero’s hands were worn and aged but feather light in their touch and still impossibly firm when he’d grab Ravio by the scarf and pull him down the one inch that was between the two of them so he could glare at him for one thing or another. Honestly, he rarely really did anything questionable, but the ever irritated “Why?” that Mr. Hero always shot at him when he raised the price of an item or tacked on another fee, be it emotional repercussions charges for tending his wounds, or a petty increase when he’d been made to actually worry for someone else, or even in the rare instance when Mr. Hero managed to actually make him angry. Either way, soft or firm, Mr. Hero had nice hands, and on the rare instance Ravio had actually seen him remove his rings (Mr. Hero had complained of swelling, and had nearly had to pry them off) he always smiled at the sight of them.
Was that weird? Probably. But there was a lot you could tell about a person by their hands, and Mr. Hero’s told the story of someone who gave and fought for others since he’d been able, and even if the caring person hid behind the shadows of his bangs or the icy pain in his eyes, Ravio knew that person was still in there.
And at times like this, he got to actually see it.
“What are you doing?” The merchant shifted uncomfortably, glancing down at the other end of the couch where Mr. Hero had been sitting since he’d stumbled through the door with a tired groan. He’d collapsed onto the couch not long after, drenched and covered in mud, and it had been all Ravio could do to convince him to shed his extra layers and change into something clean, at least. Sure, he’d had to actually dig through the scant wardrobe in the bedroom to find something, but once the over-sized tunic had been shoved in the veteran hero’s face, he’d agreed to strip off his wet things, and Ravio had given him the space to do so while he’d made some warm cocoa for the two of them.
He would have preferred cider, but Mr. Hero still refused to share the recipe with him.
Now, however, he’d flopped onto the couch himself, uncaring for the fact that he’d had to settle his legs in the lap of his friend. After all, if Mr. Hero minded, he would have pushed him off. As was though, the pink-haired teen was staring at his feet with no small amount of displeasure, and Ravio was half considering pulling them back to himself and resigning himself to just curling up on the couch into one corner so he could give the other boy his space.
Firm hands latched around his boot, tugging with a small grunt and surprising the merchant greatly. “Mr. Hero, I just-”
“No shoes.” The pink-haired hero huffed. “Not on the couch.”
“Says the one who trudges dirt all over my freshly cleaned floors!” Ravio huffed, trying not to wiggle too much as Mr. Hero not only pulled off his shoes but, after making a disgusted face at the smell of his feet, had also yanked his socks off, throwing them over to the pile of sopping laundry on the floor. Ravio made a note to pick that up and help wash it later.
“My floors.” Mr. Hero corrected him, tugging the towel Ravio had given him earlier off of his shoulders and wiping its wet ends over the merchant’s feet, making him stiffen. “It’s my house I’ll have you know.”
“Mr. Hero, are you- are you cleaning my feet?”
“It’s not like you ever do it, when’s the last time you bathed, you filthy bunny?”
“Two days ago.” Ravio huffed into his cocoa, savoring the taste and the thrum of warmth that bloomed in his chest both at the drink and the sensation of Mr. Hero’s nimble fingers helping to clean the grime from his, admittedly, filthy feet. “More recently than you, I daresay, Mr. Hero.”
“I just showered.” Violet eyes flitted up to meet his as Mr. Hero motioned to the door ad likely the stormy weather outside.
“That doesn’t count!”
“It does for me.”
“When did you last bathe? With soap?”
Mr. Hero didn’t answer, instead continuing to rub the dirt and dust off the bottoms of his house-mate's feet with the wet towel. Ravio hmphed. A fight for another day then, it isn’t as if he had the energy to draw a bath and push his friend into it anyways.
A delightful, rough sensation rubbed over the base of his foot, firm and still somehow incredibly relaxing, and the bunny merchant found himself torn between sinking into the cushions with a sigh as some of the pain in his limbs faded and staring down at Mr. Hero to see what had been done. In the end, he’d sunk into the cushions of the couch, lids fluttering as a heavy sigh pulled itself from his lungs. “What-”
“You’re as tight-string as my gran’s horses.” Mr. Hero drawled, and the sensation repeated itself, warm pressure sliding across the ridge of his foot. “This used to work on my uncle, relax.”
It took longer than necessary to actually realize that his friend was rubbing his feet, but Ravio was too warm and comfortable to really care, especially with how sore the appendages in question had been with scurrying here and there over the last few days tending to the shop.
Mr. Hero’s hands were miracle workers, and Ravio was hardly even awake when the veteran hero had finally stopped with his self-assigned task, pushing himself up and leaving Ravio to stretch out over the length of the couch. All the merchant could register was the increase of weight on top of him, the clinking of two empty mugs being placed in the kitchen sink, and the door creaking open.
He never felt the draft when Mr. Hero left back into the outside world to continue his quest, but when he woke the next morning, it was to find the hero’s favorite blanket spread out over the top of him and a fresh pair of fuzzy socks slipped over his clean and no longer painfully tense feet.
“Ravio, sit.” Mr. Hero groaned, leaning back on the couch and pinned in place by the sailor using his legs as a back rest. “If you don’t, I swear I’m going to have Twilight throw you at the couch!”
The merchant in question pouted, he’d been trying his best to tidy the living room, after all, Mr. Hero and his family had been quite unexpected that evening and the place was, unfortunately, a mess. One had to take inventory now and again, and the sad fact of it was that that required pulling everything off the shelves and out of storage and from around the house to count it up and figure out if he should risk attempting to return to Lorule or attempting to work Mr. Hero’s small smithy out back in order to restock his items.
He’d only counted up everything and had been working on cleaning and polishing his various items when the heroes had come knocking at the front door, and then he’d been so busy helping them warm up from the chill (they were all wearing the scarves he’d given them and it pleased him to no end) and making a meal with Mr. Hero that he’d been left unable to finish gathering the things that had been scattered across the floor. Of course, after dinner was finished, he’d set right to it, but now that everyone was settled around the fire with warm mugs in hand and fluffy scarves around their necks, Mr. Hero seemed to only be agitated by his puttering about and moving everything again.
To be fair, he hadn’t stopped moving for the last thirty minutes since the others had helped gather his things back up so they could sit, but there was so much to put away!
“Mr. Hero, I still-”
“Sit.” Mr. Hero squeaked grouchily, earning a few giggles as Mr. Rancher and Mr. Chosen Hero exchanged glances, smiles wide. “My feet hurt just from looking at you.”
Like it or not, Ravio’s ears were already pricking up at those words.
Since that first time, Mr. Hero had done him the favor of massaging his feet after a hard day many times, and as much as Ravio didn’t want to expect it of him, it was incredibly nice to have someone fuss over him, if only for a little bit, and if there was even a chance that it would happen again, well...
It was entirely intentional that he flopped onto the couch, feet resting easily in Mr. Hero’s lap as he stretched out. He could have sat down, he really could, but the fact of it was that he simply didn’t want to. Fortunately, Mr. Hero didn’t seem to mind, and too the merchants delight his friend immediately started pulling off his shoes with the same old familiar huff and wrinkling of his button nose, tossing the shoes as far away as possible to avoid having to remain in contact with them for long.
It was a practiced and much appreciated ritual that was Mr. Hero helping him relax after a long day. Just as cocoa or cider was prepared when either was having a particularly long or difficult day, or how Ravio always made sure Mr. Hero ate three meals a day and slept for at least four hours, taking care that his friend wasn’t positioned too uncomfortably wherever it was that he finally passed out. Mr. Hero touching his feet was normal, just like him playing with Mr. Hero’s hair once the other boy had settled down at last.
Perhaps though, it wasn’t all that common for the others.
Mr. Hero blinked up from his work, violet eyes meeting the midnight blue of Mr. Rancher impassively.
“What in Ordonia are ya doin’?”
The veteran hero cocked a brow. “Foot massage, he won’t relax otherwise, and foot pains a-” Captain Hero Sir Jr. shot a look their way and Mr. Hero quickly amended what he’d been about to say. “Foot pain sucks.”
“You are touching feet.” Mr. Rancher wrinkled his nose. “Isn’t that a bit... gross?”
“Says the man who eats bee larva.” Came the quipped reply. “I wash them first, pities sakes.”
“By my head!?!?!?” Tune started jumping up and away and shooting Mr. Hero a hurt look. “Like, yeah, sure, I help Granny on bad days too, but warn a fellow if you’re gonna be having feet by his head.”
“Don’t sit on my legs.”
Ravio chuckled, letting the noise and chatter wash over him.
Mr. Hero’s hands never failed to sooth the pains of the day.
The heroes had stumbled in time and again over the months, and Ravio had grown quite used to their presence. Time passed differently on both ends of things, but he’d since learned when abouts to expect that they'd appear, and the house was, thankfully, stocked fully for each visit.
Autumn had brought about harvest, and the heroes had darted in and out, occasionally offering help and other times only crashing wearily in the living room and Mr. Hero’s bedroom for the night before they had to return to chasing the monsters. Today was one of the longer stays, especially if how Mr. Captain Hero Sir was moving so stiffly was any indication.
“Do you need me to step on you again?” Mr. Smithy asked worriedly as Mr. Captain Hero Sir eased his way down onto the couch, earning a few looks both from the merchant and the other heroes while Sheerow flitted about the man's head, chirruping worriedly and earning a gentle word or so from the captain.
Mr. Captain Hero Sir was in quite the state, stiff as a board and moving as poorly as the old pump in the village. It made him worried, and try as he might, he couldn’t think of any of his items that would help.
Mr. Hero appeared to already have an answer though. “Tunic off, Cap, and on the couch.”
Sharp blue blinked over in confusion to where Mr. Hero was already shedding his boots and rolling up his sleeves with a purpose. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Massage. Works wonders for back pain. Hop to it or I’m rescinding my offer.”
It was one thing to be on the receiving end of matters, but another entirely to be one of those who watched. Mr. Hero put his full weight into his hands as he worked, kneading out the knots in his friend's muscles while Mr. Captain Hero Sir melted into the couch with little relieved noises.
Maybe it took the others realizing that the vet didn’t just help him, but after that it wasn’t at all uncommon for him to carry in his attempts at cider or his wonderful cocoa and see Mr. Hero standing over one of the others and putting his clever hands to work in soothing tensed muscles back into place, the heroes under his hands melting under his touch.
The first time he heard Mr. Hero humming under his breath while he worked, the other heroes had all looked incredibly surprised, but not upset in the slightest. It was a lovely tune after all, and Tune himself started playing with his baton in time the gentle music, swaying in his seat and waving the instrument while the others continued working on repairing and tending their various items and clothing articles.
There was a pattern. For Mr. Captain Hero Sir it was his back, although rather rarely, and the same went for Mr. Chosen Hero.
For Captain Hero Sir Jr. It was his neck and shoulders.
Mr. Smithy got stress headaches that seemed to ease when someone helped message his temples.
Mr. Rancher had problems with his left wrist specifically.
Ravio of course had poor feet, and while Tune and Wild seemed to be mostly left unscathed from the repetitive pains that the others did, they took every opportunity to cling to Mr. Hero with their whole bodies when they felt that they wanted pets or attention when their mentor’s/brothers were too busy.
He’d attempted to return the favor all of one time. The black eye and bloody nose he got out of it weren’t even made better with the nearly tearful apologies of his best friend as Mr. Hero had jumped to his feet and dashed outside to get some ice for the injury.
Once the blood was cleaned up, the vet had sat in shame as Ravio had joined the others in teasing him for his “killer reflexes”.
“I can’t help it! People touching my feet- It-” Mr. Hero tugged at his hair frustratedly, eyes turning to the sky hopelessly. “I’m sorry, Ravio. It was an accident, I swear.”
“I know, Mr. Hero, I know.” He’d giggled out the reassurance, but from that day on he avoided touching Mr. Hero’s feet in any way possible.
(Oddly enough though, that didn’t stop a few of the others from trying, and Mr. Hero’s sleep was interrupted many times by heroes that had been kicked in the nose or even the mouth because they’d dared each other to touch the teen’s feet while he slept. Mr. Captain Hero Sir had complained for days until his own black eye healed, and Mr. Hero hadn’t even bother apologizing, stating that the others shouldn’t have tempted fat so foolishly.)
He felt a bit guilty for not returning the favor, but he knew better than to try again where so many others had failed.
And then winter had sprung up. Winter with its harsh gales that blew in half frozen heroes that tracked ice and snow across the floor as they bundled in front of the fire, wrapped head to toe for the weather. Winter when he’d brew hot cocoa to warm them all up, letting Mr. Hero tug down blankets to wrap around their on-and-off house-mates (guests no longer applied at this point). The mugs offered were warm, and Ravio smiled as each hero offered him a word of thanks as his tray grew lighter and lighter until he only had the two mugs left.
Mr. Hero had pulled together his usual nest before the fire. His huge blanket and a few spare pillows all bundled together into a comfortable place to sit for the younger heroes in order to make up for the lack of a second couch, and the vet sat in its center, still working to arrange the cushions with stiff fingers and chattering teeth until Ravio had pulled on his friend’s tunic and urged him to sit down.
When he offered the mug though, Mr. Hero had fumbled it and nearly dropped it, a hiss of irritation whishing from between his teeth and he glared down at his stiff digits. “Blast! Din’s sake, why does the freaking cold always freaking-”
Warm hands, worn from housekeeping and smithy work, wrapped around the vet’s as Ravio gently rubbed some warmth back into the stiff fingers. Mr. Hero started slightly at the touch, but didn’t complain as the merchant continued to press his into the rises and against the bones of his friend’s gnarled hands, offering warmth and relief against the pain and the cold both for a few short minutes, and Mr. Hero melted into the touch, as he always inevitably did, letting Ravio have his way for the moment and leaning to sit back-to-back with Wild while the merchant worked.
When he’d released his housemate, it’d only been to press a mug into the vet’s hands, but then he’d been settling across from him on the blanket nest, stockinged feet coming to rest in his friend’s lap as he’d pulled his own mug close for a sip. Violet eyes offered a begrudging smile that was returned in rupee green, but no words were spoken between the two as they enjoyed their cocoa.
Mr. Captain Hero Sir however wasn’t about to let it pass. “So, hand holding now, uh? Should I be talking to Fable about a wedding day?”
Ravio was certain that the only thing keeping some very rude signs from being exchanged as the fact that Mr. Hero wasn’t willing to stress his hands further or release the warmth that he held in them. The pink-haired hero did shoot a very disappointed look towards the captain though.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Don’t leave me
Somehow, you'd gotten yourself into a mess of a relationship, and now you weren't sure exactly what to do. It had started out so sweetly, Chuuya had been a fun, charming, and very handsome man, and he'd taken a swift interest in you after (f/n) had introduced you to him. The whole thing had you on cloud nine. Chuuya would shower you with gifts after lengthy work trips, would take you on fancy dates now and then, and, while prickly, somewhat protective, and aggressive, he was also abundantly affectionate and was surprisingly vulnerable and sensitive at times. In total, he was a wonderful guy, and things were great for the time, but the 'honeymoon phase' ended abruptly. The day had started out normally, you'd woken up to an empty bed, Chuuya once again gone, likely for a while, so you simply took advantage of his absence and picked up clothes and did regular chores. After all, ever since Chuuya had began to stay over more and more, your home was quicker to get cluttered and messy. But, you didn't mind too much since the bit of extra mess was well balanced out by your boyfriends charms, affections, and the fun the two of you had when he was around. So you just hummed a tune while plucking his clothing off of the bedroom floor and put them in your laundry basket. However, you stopped when a spot on his shirt caught your eye. Upon closer inspection, your first thought was sadly confirmed. Blood. You'd been with the man long enough to have learned to identify a wine stain on his clothes, but this wasn't quite the same. This stain was lighter around the edges in some parts, and there was splatter that, thanks to a slew of crime shows you'd seen, were high velocity rather than the light-weight missing his mouth with his wine glass. Where the hell did he get blood to spill like this though?? Did he hurt himself at work? You thought, a wave of anxiety turning your thoughts to scrambled gibberish for a moment, only calmed when you took a few deep breaths and tried to think straight, Hold on, hold on...He doesn't work on a job that would put him at risk of losing this much blood, so...what if this isn't HIS blood? You thought, and it honestly sort of plagued you for the remainder of the morning. What if he did get hurt though? He couldn't have killed someone, right?! The thought continued to run laps around your mind while you anxiously waited to see if your boyfriend returned home, which he thankfully did somewhat swiftly.          "Hey babe, I'm home!" Chuuya called as he walked in with an armful of groceries and a line of bags behind him on a string floating due to his power. However, when he saw the distressed look on your face, he paused and tilted his head a bit, "What's wrong?" Suddenly, you were in hysterics as you word-vomited about the stain and your concerns. Afterwards, Chuuya just sighed, walking over and wrapping his strong arms around your slightly shakey body, "Calm down, take a deep breath." He soothed, petting your (h/l), (h/c) hair until you were less frantic. After that, he sat you down, taking the shirt you were grasping as if your life depended on it and looking over the stain. He was quiet for a moment, and for an instance you saw a flash of panic in his sapphire eyes, but it was gone just as quickly as it had been there,           "Babe, you've wound yourself up about a wine stain," he snorted, giving you a playful, attractive smile, but right now it did little to sooth your anxiety,          "C-chuuya, I've seen enough tv to recognize blood splatter, i-it's not even the same color as a wine stain??" you pointed out while getting back to your feet, but he shook his head and pushed you back into the chair,           "(y/n), I promise you, it's only wine, you're making a big deal about this when there is nothing to freak out about," he assured,           "Than why'd you look scared for a moment? If it's just a wine stain, why did you get scared?" you asked, and that seemed to finally break his mask of calm. His face twisted into a mask of annoyance and he growled a bit,           "Just drop it, (y/n)." His voice had lost its calming edge and become stern and left no room for argument, but you shook your head and pushed him away to stand up,           "No, tell me what the hell that stain is. Did you get hurt? Did...did you hurt someone?!" you questioned, but Chuuya'd shut down, just huffing and turning to go back to the groceries he'd bought and put them away. For a while, you were stuck in a tense silence while Chuuya cooked. He was usually pretty honest, and quick to apologize when he got like this, but an hour passed and your moods only soured. He tried to give you food, but you spitefully refused, and any other attempts to get an explanation for the random stain on his shirt were ignored at best. By the time bedtime rolled around, the atmosphere in your apartment was suffocating, so you finally spoke to your boyfriend,            "I'm going to go stay with (f/n) for the night." You told him bluntly, having learned that if you were to hang out with your friends without planning a month in advance, you'd have to just put your foot down and walk out. However, this time, Chuuya reacted a lot more hostile.            "Why? There is no reason for you to go over to their house." he said, glaring at you coldly while he stood in front of the door,            "Because, you're being an asshole and I don't want to be around you right now." You told him, being honest along with snappy, making the redhead throw his hands up in exasperated annoyance,               "Really?! All because of a fucking shirt?" he snapped, about snarling at you. Honestly, it kind of frightened you when he got this way, but you had let him shut down the conversation about the shirt, not this.             "If it's just a shirt, than explain that stain to me so I can stop fucking worrying! Because, right now I fear you've been attacked, or have killed someone!" You demanded, trying to push past him angrily, Suddenly, Chuuya grabbed your arm, yanking you away from the door,              "Fuck that, you're not going anywhere!" The force of his words and the strength of his grip sending ice into your veins, making you look at him with wide (e/c) eyes,              "Chuuya, let me go! Y-you're being scary!" You said, trying to pull your wrist from his grip to no avail,              "No! Stay here, i-it's far too late for you to go anywhere anyway," he pointed out, trying to reason through his ill temper, but by now you were too scared of him to want to stay, even if he had a point or gave a believable explanation for the stain, so you kept trying to get away. As the two of you struggled, you could see your boyfriends face go from pissed, to panicked, accompanied by pleas for you to stay, to not leave, that he was sorry, but you ignored them all and just pulled on your aching wrist with all your might. Finally, you got your hand free, but without Chuuya to hold you up, you ended up falling backwards into the front door and knocking yourself silly. You could hear Chuuya talking to you, but the force of your skull smacking against the door made the world swim and distorted his words. Suddenly, he wrapped his arm around you and picked you up without an issue, ignoring your wriggling and disoriented arguments while your senses returned,          "Stay here, I'm sorry for losing my temper, alright? Just...Just come on, let's go to bed," he was saying, his words full of distress while he carried you to the bed and placed you in it, pushing you back when you tried to sit up. In record time, Chuuya got into the bed with you and pulled you close to him, keeping you trapped there in his strong arms and muttering apologies until you finally began to feel bad for your moment of rash decisions and just cuddled up to him with a sigh. You could talk to him about everything tomorrow.
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retrievablememories · 3 years
stuck with you | yoongi
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title: stuck with you pairing: yoongi x reader, taehyung and jimin as side characters genre: fluff request: “Can you do a idol!Min Yoongi of BTS request of his crush being best friends with Jimin and Taehyung and him and his crush consistently fluster the other but they never realize until one day he does and finally make as move despite everyone telling them for weeks that they like each other?” word count: 3.3k warnings: some cursing, mentions of the pandemic a/n: i’ve been actively avoiding writing anything concerning the pandemic/lockdown cuz let’s be real, we’re all here to have fun, not think about real-life shit...but i decided to try it here
i wasn’t sure how to write their living arrangements tho since most of them seem to have their own places? so i just used the hannam the hill house for reference 🤪
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“How have things been for you guys lately?”
Taehyung and Jimin exchange skeptical looks with each other, which you don’t catch because you’re too busy picking over your food.
“We’ve all been stuck in the same damn place for weeks now, so you tell me.” Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head. 
You visiting their house right before the stay-at-home mandate was issued ended up with the three of you—plus Yoongi, to your luck—being cooped up in the same house for almost two weeks now. It wasn’t wholly a bad thing, since you got to be with your two best friends, but living with three men was pretty much as messy as you’d expected it to be. “Wow. Never thought we’d run out of things to talk about.”
Jimin tries to humor you. “Things have been fine, you know...same as always. Except for Yoongi-hyung acting like a lovesick weirdo. But you wouldn’t know about that, would you…?” Jimin feigns an innocent look.
You look up from your plate. “A lovesick weirdo for who?”
“We’ve been through this like 20 times already, Y/N,” Jimin sighs.
“Yes, and every time I tell you you must have the wrong person because that makes no sense whatsoever.”
“He’s lovesick over you,” Taehyung reiterates, like you didn’t catch the gist the first time around.
“I don’t think Yoongi likes me.” You shake your head and make a face at the notion of it, trying to disguise your irritation at them constantly trying to provoke your emotions.
“Why not? There’s a lot to like about you, don’t downgrade yourself.” Jimin insists.
“He doesn’t even act like he does. If anything, he gets all odd around me.”
“That’s just how he is,” Taehyung says, leaning back in his chair. “You’d think you’d start to catch onto this after being here for so long, but…”
“No, she’s too busy being too embarrassed and intimidated to even get within 4 meters of him.” Jimin and Taehyung both giggle at that, and you shake your head.
“You guys are like little schoolkids. How many more big tales are you going to think up before our quarantine lifts? You could probably write a book by the end.”
Taehyung shrugs, putting his arms behind his head. “I might do that, as long as you let me make you and hyung the star-crossed lovers who are too dumb to tell each other how they feel.” He stretches his leg under the table to nudge your shin with his toes, knowing how you hate when he puts his bare feet on you, and he cackles when you protest loudly.
“Will you stop trying to get my hopes up for nothing—?” 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Yoongi steps out onto the terrace with the three of you a few minutes later. He shields his eyes against the sun’s sudden brightness after he slides open the glass door, holding his other arm up.
“Look who’s appeared!” Jimin says excitedly, his eyes glittering with enthusiasm.
“You’re loud,” Yoongi grumbles, though he’s mostly speaking to Taehyung and Jimin. “I can hear you laughing from downstairs.” Your body tenses up and melts all at the same time, and suddenly you feel like you don’t know how to do anything right—like hold your chopsticks correctly. They shoot out of your hand when you try to use them again and hit the patio floor. You look at them forlornly.
“You good?” Yoongi asks, a smile fluttering across his lips at your clumsy actions.
“Uh, yeah I’m fine.” You can only glance back at him, embarrassed that you’ve made yourself look like a clown. Jimin laughs like he’s just witnessed the funniest thing on Earth. You shake your head and push away from the table, wanting—no, needing—a quick exit. “I’ll just find some more of those…”
Jimin shakes himself free of his sudden bout of laughter and jumps at the opportunity. “Wait, I’ll get them for you.” He bolts up from the chair before you can even think about it and goes back into the house, already planning to take his sweet time on his mission to get you new chopsticks. Taehyung picks up the hint almost instantly.
Yoongi turns back to the doorway after Jimin disappears through it, his movements a few beats too late—as if he’s just now realizing the other man left. “What was that about—”
“Oh shit!” Taehyung’s exclamation cuts into Yoongi’s question. In a sweeping motion, Taehyung “accidentally” elbows your water off the table, sending the bottle splashing out onto the patio in sad little streams. You jerk away from the splash, but the water droplets have already gotten you.
“What the hell?!”
Taehyung shrugs like it was inevitable and gives a sheepish smile. There’s an undeniable scheme lingering in his eyes, though. “Looks like I’ll have to get you another one.” He stands up to get your aforementioned water, though you begin to form the idea that you’re not getting any water at all.
You sigh and rub your fingers across your forehead. The heat of the sun has turned from pleasant to uncomfortable, and you don’t even have your water to take the edge off. Great.
Yoongi turns back to you, his eyebrows creased. “That was weird.”
“They’re just trying to…” Force us together? You’re too embarrassed to say anything like that, and your words trail off in a stammer. Why did they ever think this would be a good idea? Yoongi raises his eyebrows in curiosity at your bitten-off answer. “An-anyway, that doesn’t matter. So...what are you doing out here?”
Yoongi shrugs, smirking slightly. “Well, I do live here.”
You snort to cover the way your stomach cuts a flip at his smirk, and you reach for your food in a nervous gesture before you remember your chopsticks are still gone. “You sorta seem like a vampire, though. I’m surprised you came out to get some sun.”
Yoongi mulls over that thought. “Hmm…a vampire, huh?” He runs a hand through his pitch-black hair, and even though the gesture is just an afterthought, it makes your heart skip a beat. You almost want to roll your eyes at your reaction to that simple movement. “Don’t tell me you were one of those obsessive Twilight fans over a decade ago.”
“And if I was?”
“Would you enjoy being bitten by a vampire?” Yoongi regrets it as soon as he says it, and you ducking your head into your hands doesn’t help the flaming embarrassment. “Fuck, that was stupid—sorry.” Your shoulders are shaking with laughter, and even though it’d be cute in another context, he feels like he’s about to combust. So he decides to make a run for it. Maybe a cowardly move on his part, but it seems like the best one right now.
“Hyung, you can’t be serious—” Jimin calls out to Yoongi as the older man brushes past once he gets back indoors, but the other man tries his best to ignore Jimin as a blush crawls up his neck. “Go back and tell her. It was the perfect moment!”
“There’s gonna be a lot more of that mess until we can leave,” Taehyung says, peering through the glass at your now confused expression and shaking his head. “God, one of them needs to say something before I lose my mind.”
Like Taehyung predicted, there’s a lot more of “that mess” over the next week. You and Yoongi continue to tip-toe around each other, unsure of how to appropriately handle each other and never unable to shake the awkwardness that colors every interaction.
The most notable incident of all, however, occurs when Yoongi does his laundry one day and somehow finds a pair of your underwear mixed in with his clothes after taking them out of the dryer. How the hell did they even get there, and how did he not notice them before?
Bound to his usual fierce overthinking, he stands there for a few long moments, wondering what he should do. Obviously, the only answer would be to return them to you. But then what if you think that’s weird, him somehow having your underwear? Or what if you assume he’s some pervert who’d taken your panties on purpose?
And to his great luck, that’s precisely when you walk into the laundry room. You give him a timid smile and greeting, which melts away into pure embarrassment when you see him standing there as if he’d just been framed for murder—and your deep red panties sitting in his laundry pile.
Yoongi’s gaze darts between the laundry and your eyes, his jaw working aimlessly as he tries to come up with something that makes sense.
He decides on “I didn’t know they were there,” though this feels just as inadequate as it sounds.
“M-maybe I threw them in the wrong bin,” you rush out, and in the same breath you cross the room to practically snatch them out of the pile of his clothes. You know you couldn’t have done it, though, which leads your mind back to those two sneaky men who’ve been trying to exercise their terrible matchmaking skills as of late.
“A-ah, yeah—maybe,” Yoongi agrees half-heartedly, rubbing the back of his neck.
You both pause for what feels like an eternity, for a reason you can’t decipher, and you think you might burst from the sheer discomfort of it all. “Well—th-thanks. One less thing to wash, I guess.” You try to laugh, but the sound comes out high and forced. Similarly, Yoongi’s answering smile is tight around the corners.
The next few days after that, you are both unable to maintain any kind of eye contact. Taehyung and Jimin are endlessly amused by the way you and the older man dance around each other like two ghosts struggling to inhabit the same space.
You make up for it slightly by turning all of Jimin’s white shirts into a splotchy pink once you find out that this was indeed his terrible and silly idea.
You’ve been sleeping in Jimin’s and Taehyung’s beds since you’ve been barricaded in their home with them, which none of you really think twice about. You’ve been friends with them for years and don’t see either of them other than platonically, so it’s not awkward for you or them. Although it was originally intended for you to mostly stay in Jimin’s bed, you end up alternating between the two, climbing into whoever’s bed you feel like that particular night. Neither of them mind the switch-up, and Taehyung likes using you as his personal pillow, so it all works out.
If there was anyone who minded at all, it was Yoongi. It wasn’t a burning jealousy, because he knew he had no right to feel like that about you—not when he couldn’t even admit to you that he liked you. But it didn’t make him want to jump for joy to know you were in either of the younger men’s beds, even just as friends.
He spent many nights imagining you were beside him instead, warming the empty spaces of his bed, whispering to him and telling him about your day. It didn’t matter if he already knew everything you did that day because you’d all been living in the same space for weeks. He still wanted to know. 
But until either of you made a move, he didn’t know when that would happen. If ever.
He didn’t even know if you’d be interested, or if you saw him the way he saw you. You were never as close to him as you’d been with the other two men, and although that could be explained by you being best friends with them for years, he honestly chalked it up to you not liking him as much. Taehyung and Jimin had tried to tell him the exact opposite several times before, but he wasn’t really convinced. Not with the way you seemed to lock up around him—like if you said or did the wrong thing, he’d hate you forever.
If only you knew he could never feel that way about you.
You decide to sneak your way to the kitchen for a late-night snack one night, your socked feet scuffing quietly on the floor as you make your way to the kitchen. However, your plan is derailed when you run into Yoongi in the hallway, who has apparently just taken a shower. He’s fully clothed—thank God, because you’re not sure how you would’ve survived it otherwise—but the towel on his wet hair speaks to his recent shower. Your immediate response is to jump in surprise, feeling like you’ve been caught red-handed; although there’s no law stopping you from getting something to eat in the middle of the night.
“You’re still up?” he asks, pulling the towel away from his face so he can see you better.
“Uh, yeah...I was just getting something to eat, I guess.”
“No crime in that. You’re tip-toeing around like you’re nervous about it, though.”
“I didn’t want to wake anyone up.” You shrug your shoulders, trying to appear more nonchalant than you really feel. “But I see you’re already up…” Your words trail off behind you as you walk into the kitchen. Yoongi watches your retreating back before making the split-second decision to follow you. He’s not really sure why, previously intending to go back to his own room. 
“Were you getting something to eat too?” you ask, turning back to glance at him when you hear his footsteps behind you. You’re admittedly happy at the idea of spending a little more time alone with Yoongi, though you’re still nervous as hell.
It’s probably not the best idea to say I just came because I wanted to be next to you, so he nods to your question. "Uh, sure, I guess. What were you gonna get?”
“I don’t really know, just whatever’s in here…” You open the fridge and stare into it absentmindedly, your eyes raking over the food but not really seeing it—not with Yoongi’s presence hovering behind you.
Eventually you settle on some leftover rice and kimchi—which there’s always plenty of—not wanting to expend too much energy on cooking anything new.
You and Yoongi sit at the table together, using the light of your phone’s flashlight and the under-cabinet lights to illuminate the room instead of the overhead. Maybe it’s a little strange, but you like the ambiance of it more than having the harsh overhead light on.
The room is quiet for a while as you both eat, which you don’t initially mind. But you can’t ignore how Yoongi keeps stealing glances at you, like you aren’t going to notice, like he isn’t sitting right in front of you where you can see. It makes you antsy, but not necessarily in a bad way.
“Is something up?” you finally ask, keeping your eyes on your half-empty bowls, too nervous to look straight at him.
He hums like he’s thinking intently about it. Then he decides to rip the band-aid off and says, “You’re always tense around me.”
He chuckles at your short response. “Why?”
You feel like you’ve been backed into a corner, and you hesitate. “Well, you’re always weird around me. Why is that?”
“Touché.” Another tense pause where he thinks of what to say, and then, “Jimin and Taehyung swear you like me.”
You try not to react so obviously, but your spoon clatters against the side of the bowl. If he’s acting weird because of the idea of you liking him, how can it be possible that he returns the feelings? Maybe he doesn’t know how to let you down easily. You suddenly feel ridiculous, like you’ve been wasting your emotions on nothing. “...I see.”
“I thought they were...trying to play some game. But, since you’re here now...is it true?”
Maybe if you close your eyes hard enough, you can poof yourself out of existence. If you felt trapped before, you really are now. You blurt out the first thing you can think of, trying to save yourself.
“Before you think I’m stupid for liking you, you should know they’ve been saying the same thing to me about you. So. Yeah.”
Yoongi looks at you full-on. “They told you I like you?” A nervous grin fixes itself on his lips, which makes you second-guess yourself. At this point, your head and heart are tangled in a knot. Why does your love life have to be this difficult? “So that’s it, then.”
“What is?”
“We like each other.” That makes your heart rate pick up. “...and didn’t even figure it out until just now, despite everyone else’s ‘help’.”
You take a shaky breath. “You like me.”
Yoongi nods, glancing between his hands on the table and your face. “I should’ve said it sooner.”
Despite yourself, you feel the corners of your mouth twitch into a slight smile—one that’s colored with relief and a tinge of lingering nervousness. “Later is better than never, I guess.” You find yourself laughing from the way all your stress slowly unwinds itself from your body, and Yoongi joins you, his eyes sparkling in the dark.
“So. This means we’re dating now, right?”
“I hope this isn’t considered our first date.” You snort, looking around the kitchen.
Yoongi shakes his head, placing his cheek in his hand with a sleepy smile. “I promise I’ll take you somewhere nice...after the pandemic is over.”
“We might be waiting a while, then.” Finished with your food, you go to quickly wash the dishes in the sink, and Yoongi slides in next to you to do the same. Another silence falls over the two of you, but for the first time, it’s not uncomfortable or pulled taut with words unsaid.
When you finish, Yoongi leans against the counter, his eyes openly tracing over you, wearing just a big T-shirt and shorts. It’s a simple outfit, but it warms his heart.
“Come sleep with me,” he says suddenly. You crack an awkward smile at that, and he’s blushing before the last syllable even leaves his lips, because he understands how that sounds. “I mean, actually sleep. It’s late.”
You pretend to hesitate on it. “I don’t know, Taehyung might miss me…”
“Taehyung and Jimin have had you all to themselves the past few weeks. It’s my turn now.”
And with that, you let him take your hand and guide you back to his room, maneuvering carefully through the dark house. His bed is new to you, but it’s instantly comfortable—like home. The smell of him surrounds you, as does his arms when he pulls you closer. You smile against the fabric of his shirt as you tuck your face into his chest, his chin on top of your head.
“Goodnight,” he murmurs, his fingers curling around your shoulder. His voice is soft and low, already halfway to sleep.
“Goodnight, Yoongi.”
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gingerale2017 · 3 years
“Now, Kiss!”
Based on this hc I made earlier :)
3474 words
Fandom: The Lunar Chronicles
Pairing: Kai x Cinder
Kai knew that the annoyance was part of having a sibling, but he hated it all the same. Nainsi would tease him about everything and when she figured out his crush on Cinder Linh, it only got worse. When Cinder calls Kai on the day that Nainsi brings some friends, she suspects that something might be cooking in the pot. Is she right, or are they friends for another agonizing day?
(Also I decided to name her Nainsi bc I’m too tired to brainstorm anything else I like it)
“WAKE UP KAI!” was the first thing Kai heard after being unfortunately interrupted by a sweet dream involving a certain someone. He was awake now, with a 100-pound pillow being tossed onto his head. Groaning, he flipped to his other side, squeezing his eyes shut as if that would make the tiny monster go away.
“KAI WE’RE GONNA BE LATE!” Nainsi yelled. She threw another pillow at him and when he didn’t show any signs of stopping, she yanked the cover out. Thank the stars for sheets.
“Stars, what time is it?” Kai managed to ask. Knowing his family it was probably five in the morning.
“Seven-thirty, ” he groaned again. It was way too early to get out of bed. Plus, the school didn’t start until eight-thirty so they were very much not late. He tucked his head in the pillow and wished for his sister to magically vanish away into whatever drama she obsessed with now.
“KAI! GET OUT THE BED RIGHT NOW!” Kai turned his head to glare at her. She glared right back.
“You know Cinder gets up super early for whatever reason. That’s something you two can get along with, ” instead of rolling her eyes like she usually did when Kai talked about Cinder, Nainsi's lips formed into a coy smile.
He cursed.
She somehow smiled even further and cocked her head, “Got any plans with her tonight?”
He could feel his ears turn red, and he tried to kill her on the spot with his eyes. His little sister took the smart choice and sprinted out of his room with Kai on her heels.
She screamed as he followed her down the stairs into the kitchen, seeking refuge next to their father’s chair. Kai could tell he was annoyed by the posture he was in and the way he took another sip of his coffee.
Nainsi shot Kai a smug smile that he wished to wipe off her face, “are you gonna wear pajamas to school, Kaito?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Ah, yes, but then you’ll spend the rest of your life in jail and will never see your precious Cinder again.”
He glared at her once more and left to go change. When he came back, the aroma of fried eggs was so strong that it filled the whole house.
His father was humming a tune while seasoning the eggs with pepper, now in a less annoyed mood. There were two plates on the kitchen counter already equipped with breakfast. Nainsi rebelliously made cereal instead of eating eggs. Kai, on the other hand, was grateful for the free breakfast.
He sat grabbed a ate and sat at the barstool, preparing to dig into his meal. Dad wanted to make small talk instead, “Good morning, son, and you're welcome for the delicious breakfast that I so graciously made for my marvelous kids.”
“Good morning, father, and us marvelous kids are so grateful for this delicious meal that makes caught us by surprise. But unfortunately, one of your children prefers Lucky Charms to you’re amazing breakfast, ” Kai responded after swallowing his first bite of eggs.
Nainsi looked up from her cereal, “that’s because I don’t like eggs, they’re disgusting.”
“You don’t like anything, ” she stuck her tongue out. Kai picked up his plate and placed it in the sink. Unsurprisingly, he was still hungry, so he went to see what was in the fridge.
“Kai, why don’t you ever want up early?” his father asked.
“Um, because-”
“Because he’s up all night thinking about making out with Cinder in the back of her BMW, ” the little monster interrupted before he could continue. He grabbed a tomato and slammed the fridge shut.
He then threw the tomato at her, “two strikes, Nainsi.”
She dodged the tomato and looked back at Kai with big round eyes.
“Hey, it's too early to fight with your sister just yet, ” interjected his father, “also, if you couldn’t tell, your mother is working double shifts at the hospital today so she wouldn’t be coming back tonight and I have a business trip. I know you have some friends coming over today, Nainsi, so behave better than usual. Both of you.”
“What friends are coming over, Nainsi?” Kai mused, an idea forming in his head.
“Just Geovanna and Emily. Possibly Ben but he hasn’t confirmed yet,” she answered, “why?”
“Just wondering. Anyways, we gotta go now,” Kai pulled on his sweatshirt from the laundry and headed towards the front, “bye dad.”
He nodded at Kai, currently preoccupied with his second mug of coffee while Nainsi rushed to follow Kai.
It was freezing out, as it usually was during winter in Maryland, but today was unusually cold. He turned on the car while Nainsi hopped in the passenger seat.
“Are we gonna go or what?” she barked.
“In a minute. Let me close my eyes for a bit.”
“You always do that, you lazy bum.”
“Your insults are getting drier and drier Nainsi.”
“Just go, ” this time she hit his forearm with her binder from nowhere. Repeatedly.
“Okay, stop hitting me. Ow.”
They drove off towards the school. Although Nainsi lived to tease Kai, they got along pretty well. They talked about this new show and had similar opinions on it during the short car ride. Once they were at Nainsi’s school and she was gone, then he could start playing the radio.
He bid his goodbye’s and see you later’s and now was off to his school.
Kai was unsurprisingly drained during the last period of the day. He fiddled with the corner of his notes to keep himself awake for at least ten more minutes. When he felt himself starting to doze off, he began to replay the day so far.
When he got to school, Cinder was marked absent which made his day worse. He always looked forward to hearing her sarcastic remarks or her smiling at one of his witty jokes.
Anyways, she was gone and he was sad, but Cress wasn’t. She happily explained to Kai that she and Thorne were going on a date Sunday. He was happy for her, truly, but all he could think about was how he can unsuccessfully tell his feeling to Cinder.
Not telling her felt like he was forgetting something important every day, except he was not forgetting. He knew exactly what he was doing and it killed him, but he also didn’t want to ruin the good that they have now. Then Kai would think about how it would be better and his thought would circle around and around.
After meeting up with Cress, they endured through the first two periods they shared, Scarlet and Thorne joining during the second. Although he had plenty of friends to talk to and enjoy, he couldn't help missing Cinder.
She's gone for one day and you feel like this? he thought, get a break. The little voice inside Kai's head was right.
Then the last bell rang, startling him. He stood up and began to pack his things. Then he fast-walked out and left.
"Kai!" he heard someone call.
Iko and Cress gestured at Kai to come to their lockers. He obliged.
"Look, Winter's birthday is in a couple of weeks, during the break. We want to throw a party because it's her sweet sixteen! We already have all the decorations ready, I know it's early, but long story short, can we throw it at your place?" his blue-haired friend asked as innocently as possible. Although she had to change her posture, tone, and expression to look innocent, Cress had that personality as her default.
"Please, Kai?” Cress pleaded and she knew what she was doing. It was always impossible to say no to her without feeling guilty. Or maybe it was just Kai who hated saying no.
“Of course! My parents are going to their parents during that week, so I’ll just ask to stay behind.”
“Yay! Thank you so much!” Iko hugged him tightly, “also not a word to Winger. It’s going to be a surprise.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Yep. I got to go to my job interview, remember what I was telling you about. Ah, the chance to work a boutique, what a dream,” and with that, his friend walked away.
“Hey Cress, did you hear anything about Cinder, ” he pressed.
She nodded, “Adri was mad at her again so she’s stuck at the garage, ” the blonde began to nibble in her fingernails. Noticing the bad habit, she brought he hand down.
“Oh, ” he hated Cinder’s stepmother, he truly did. And it killed him he couldn’t do anything about it.
They walked silently down the hall. Girls batted their lashes and some greeted him but he ignored it as usual.
“Do you think Adri would let Cinder free tonight?” he asked, now in the parking lot of the school.
“If you’re the one taking her anywhere then, of course, Adri would.”
Cress, Cinder, and Winter all skipped one grade. Cinder and Winter skilled first, and Cress skipped seventh. Cress was the smartest of them all, granted, and they don’t have a driver's license. So Cress got a ride with her older brother Jacin, and so did Winter (Jacin’s girlfriend). Cinder usually rode with Thorne, but on the good days, she rides with Kai.
They reached Kai’s car which was near Jacin’s car and being the super over-protective brother he was, he glared Kai down. Kai found this confusing because his feelings for Cinder were quite obvious, but then he saw Thorne parked next to Kai.
Thorne was currently ‘interested’ in Cress which made her a flustered mess.
Cress walked quickly to Jacin’s car and hopped in the back. Kai called goodbye and started his car. Then there was a rap on his window.
“What?” he asked Thorne, “I got to pick up my sister.”
“What flowers does Cress like?” he lifted an eyebrow at his friend, “not like that,” what Thorne did not know was that Cress told Kai everything about their date. Perhaps Thorne wants to keep it secret until then.
“Just answer the question!”
He shifted in his seat, “I dunno. Ask Jacin.”
“Great advice,” Thorne deadpanned.
“Get her roses. Those are super romantic and she’s all about the romantic gestures.”
“Nah, too cheesy. Pretend it's Cinder, what would she like?”
“Cinder doesn’t like flowers. Wrenches, however, are much appreciated.”
“I think I’ll just get roses.”
“Yeah, now move, my sister is waiting for me, ” Kai rolled up the windows and drove out.
Time passed very quickly and the next thing he knew, Nainsi was climbing in the passenger seat with her three friends in the back seat.
“I thought it was only two people, ” he whispered harshly.
She shrugged, “Ben decided to come.”
“What are you gonna feed them.”
“Who’s money?”
“Yours,” he shoved Nainsi but she shoved back.
“Fine but you owe me.”
“We’ll see, ” she turned in the seat to talk with her friends.
Once everyone was settled inside and pizza was ordered he began to brainstorm ways Kai could punish Nainsi for this morning.
Then, like a light bulb, a perfect idea formed into his head. He walked into the laundry room where a basket filled with his clothes was waiting for him.
He pulled off his shirt, grabbed the basket, and headed into the living room. His sister was watching a realistic drama with her friends, although Kai wasn’t sure the drama wasn’t ‘realistic’ at all.
This plan happened before on accident with the same friends and they just stared at him while Nainsi shooed him out. Little did he know that her friends would just start talking about him and his looks. When Nainsi told him this, he groaned and whined about how he got enough of this from school. So when Nainsi had people over, Kai would camp in his room to avoid the awkwardness.
Now, he knows how her friends would react. And how she would react.
But before he could do anything, the phone in his pocket vibrated, making him turn a one-eighty back into the laundry.
It was actually Cinder calling and he answered quickly, “hello?”
“Uh, Kai?”
“Can you do me a favor? Please?” it sounded like she was outside where it was currently raining.
“Yes, of course, what do you need?”
“I need a ride. I’m stuck here in the rain, by myself. Also, this is going to sound weird but, can I also stay with you for an hour and a half?” she defeated like she lost an argument.
“I can pick you up and you can stay with me. Nainsi has some friends over but it should be fine, ” Kai wondered if he sounded too cheery.
“Ok, thanks. I’m at the gas station outside your neighborhood, by the way.”
“Great, see you in a few minutes. Bye.”
“Bye, ” she hung up.
Kai hurried to put on a shirt and grab two rain jackets from the close, just in case Cinder needed one. Then he walked into the living room and out the front door, only to come back in. He forgot to tell Nainsi where he was going.
“Hey Nainsi, I got to pick up someone. I’ll be back soon though, ” she nodded, mouth full of pizza crust, “uh, don’t open the door to strangers. Bye.”
This time he didn’t go back inside after he left. He drove out of the neighborhood, slowly because it was pouring buckets and he could barely see three feet in front of him. After an eternity, Kai finally reached the gas station and parked under the large roof.
He didn’t even see Cinder come in, only heard her, sacring him witless. She smiled apologetically while tossing a white plastic bag onto her lap. It was full of snacks.
“Thanks for coming to get me, I owe you one now, ” she said, handing him one of the bags of chips.
“Of course, Cinder, I would do anything for you, ” the corner of her lip curved upwards as Kai’s cheeks heated, “that came out wrong. I meant that you’re my friend and such. Like the good moral movies where like the one friend reminds the other what friendship is truly about?”
Cinder snorted, “Like My Little Pony?”
“Isn’t that a TV show?”
“Same thing.”
“Is not.”
“Whatever, I know what you meant. Peony had made me watch enough TV shows and movies to last a lifetime.”
“Okay then, ” the rain seemed to finally thin during their conversation making it much more comfortable conditions for Kai to drive in.
Cinder had a habit of talking with her mouth full and the ‘good manners kid’ inside of him cringed. He hoped he hid it well.
Anyways Cinder explained why she was soaking wet at a gas station abandoned with snacks. She was bored and hungry and wanted something to do. So she walked to the gas station, alone, for snacks and a good walk.
Kai raised an eyebrow at that, “you live far away from me, how and why did you walk miles just for a bag of junk food?”
“People can do miraculous things when they are bored, Kai.”
“Yes, and penguins can fly if they really set their minds to it.”
“They are a bird so, hey, nothing’s impossible.”
“Who drove you?”
Cinder shoved a chip in her mouth, “Pearl,” she admitted reluctantly.
“I skipped lunch and she knew I was hungry so she drove me here and left me while I was getting snacks. She also called me and said that it was a prank she couldn’t resist.”
“Oh, ” Kai said as they were pulling in his driveway. It was drizzling now so there was no need for the rain jackets.
“I’m also supposed to be at the garage until later so that's why I have to stay that long. If I come back early, Adri would get mad, and I don’t feel like getting yelled at today.”
“Ok,” he said as he walked out of the car.
He opened the door for Cinder and followed her inside. Nainsi and her friends did not move from before he left, but they switched shows. His little sister locked eyes with Cinder, immediately getting up.
“Hey Cinder. I did not know you two were hanging out today?” She said conspiratorially.
Cinder nodded, “yeah it was kind of sudden. Also, Peony is not with me, sorry.”
“That’s okay. I’m going back to my friends now. So you guys can ‘hang out’” Nainsi emphasized the last part then ran off to her friends.
“So, um, what do you want to do for an hour and a half?” he asked.
Cinder turned to him, “I don’t know, what do you want to do.”
“I don’t know.”
“Let’s just go to your room then.”
“Good idea, ” Cinder has been to his house enough to know the layout. He followed her to his room where she fell on the bed.
“Working under cars all day isn't good for the back you know, ” she explained, muffled by a pillow.
“I would expect so because your posture is not up to standards.”
She snorted, “I guess that’s true, ” Cinder sat up and leaned on the headboards, “sorry for taking up your space. And for calling you. Stars, this was a bad idea, you already have people here. I’m like an intruder-”
“Why are you apologizing so much? I don’t care if you light my room on fire, ” Kai accused. It was true, ever since he met her, she would apologize for every single tiny thing, as if every single wrong thing she did was unacceptable. He moved towards her to place a hand on hers, “it’s okay, Cinder. And calling me was a good idea because you saved me from the little demons.”
Cinder let out a genuine laugh that ended with a genuine smile. A smile that never ceased to make his heart twitch. He bashfully realized that he was still holding her hand.
Kai let go but she only grabbed his hand back. He watched her intertwine their fingers, trying to ignore the strong pounding of his heart. He dared to look up and realized that Cinder was staring at him.
He looked into her chocolate eyes that seemed to shine with stars. He wanted to dive into that sea of brown and lie there for eternity. As long she was there.
“Now kiss!” cried a shrill voice. Kai jumped away from Cinder, noticing that she copied his actions.
“Aw, come on just kiss already, the tension was so thick, ” said... Peony?
Cinder’s eyes widened, “Peony, what- how did- why are you here?”
“Well first, I was invited to the sleepover but I had volleyball practice so I had to come late. I just got here. And second, I saw Nainsi sneaking up here so I followed, and oh my stars, we ruined the money, didn’t we?” Peony looked at Nainsi.
“We did. Sorry guys, we’ll go now.”
“Yes, now you can kiss in peace, ” the girls left, leaving Kai very flustered. He glanced at Cinder and saw that her cheeks were also tinted pink.
“So, do you want something to eat, ” he asked finally. He could not bear the silence anymore.
“Yes, ” she nodded, although they already are in the car.
They got up to leave but before he could open the door, Cinder grabbed his wrist and pulls him down. The next thing he knew they were kissing. It was quick and soft and amazing. It felt like everything suddenly clicked and the world was righted. Like the stars finally aligned.
She pulled away and Kai could feel the heat in his ears. His heart was beating so loud that he was sure Cinder could hear it as well.
“Let’s go get some food, ” she breathed and opened the door. She was still holding his wrist, he realized. He intertwined their hands like before, but this time it felt more meaningful. It was like their hands now signified that they were more than friends. That they loved each other, even if they hadn't admitted it yet. But he could feel it and was sure that she could too.
They entered the kitchen and Cinder began to talk about food options but all he could think about was the kiss. He wanted to kiss her again. And to hold her.
Someone cleared their throat behind them, making them turn around. Nainsi, Peony, Emily, Geovanna, and Ben all stood with knowing faces. Nainsi smirked, “finally.”
Peony looked like she was about to explode with happiness, “I already told Iko. She’s ecstatic.”
Neither Kai nor Cinder said anything. Nainsi probably knew because of the looks on their red faces and told Peony. Then Peony told Iko and Iko probably told everyone in their friend group.
So now everyone knows.
“Just to be sure, you guys did kiss, right?” asked Emily.
Slowly, Cinder nodded. Kai opted to stare at his feet. Peony whooped, Nainsi squealed, Cinder blushed, and Kai groaned.
“Ok now we will leave you alone, for real, ” Nainsi promised, dragging her friends away.
“Why are there so many people here?” Kai murmured then turned to Cinder. She leaned on his shoulder. They were still holding each other's hand, “I really want to kiss you again, by the way.”
“Me too.”
“Okay then, ” he cupped her cheek with his free hand and kissed her. Cinder squeezed his hand affectionately. He once again felt like everything was where it was supposed to be, where he was supposed to be, and that was with Cinder.
Tagging: @just2bubbly @winterrhayle @jacihayle @shelbylmkaider @cerenoya @a-salting-the-world @ladyvesuvia @not-the-founder-of-rome @greenalmond @zephyr-thedragon @cinderswrench @cindersassasin @strawberry-seraph (these are just one-shot tags so please tell me if you want to be added or remove for these types of fics <3)
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fearixfox · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Mess
So this is a fic I’ve had sitting in my docs for a while. @bazzpop​ told me to post it so here we are. MC loves Diavolo because I’m a simp but all the boys get some time
Word count: 7.2K
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"It's a secret," you laugh as Mammon trails behind you boring holes into your skull. "Is it at least someone I know?! It totally has to be." "Maybe, maybe not," you smile up at him, giving him a pat on the head. He blushes and turns his head away. "Besides, why do you take such an interest in a lowly human like myself?" His blush deepened. "Yeah yer right I shouldn't care about some human. It's not even my problem. See ya later." He storms off with his ears steaming.  Cute.
It was early February and the brothers were stirring up a "friendly" competition as to who would get chocolates from you. As much as you adored each of them, you had your eyes set on a very different prize this month.  You shuttered at the thought.
 It's not your fault for falling for Diavolo. It's his fault for being so darn cute and hot at the same time. For being so kind and happy. For making your life here just a bit easier.  You opened a window in your room and stared at the castle in the distance. If only he wasn't the prince. If only you could see him more and get to know the real him. If only. 
You sigh and continue folding your laundry on your bed slowly revealing a sleeping Belphie under the pile of clothes. "What in Devildom are you doing under my clothes?" 
"Ah, y/n." He mumbles slightly waking up from his nap. "It was warm and you were distracted by Mammon so-" He slowly nods off again.  Whatever, at least he's happy. You proceed to finish most of your laundry until Belphie pulls you into bed. 
"Mmm warm y/n." You blushed a little letting out a small sigh. "Am I gonna get chocolates from you y/n? I would be the happiest demon in the devildom if I did. Plus it would make Lucifer a bit upset." He chuckled as he pulled you closer. 
"Who knows at this point Bel," you shift to stroke his hair to which he moved away. "I'm just gonna have to see what I come up with." You look back and he's asleep again. You slowly get out of his grasp and decide to take a walk outside. 
You find a bench facing the castle and put your head in your hands. As if you could give chocolates to Diavolo. The brothers would go bonkers for all different reasons. It's taboo at this point. "My, my, my, what have we here. A distressed y/n. What a rare sight." You look up to Simeon giving you a gentle smile. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Demon troubles?" 
He's an angel. Oh duh yeah he is. You shook your head. "I mean maybe. I have a dilemma but you can't tell a soul if not I'm afraid I won't have one by the end of the night." You felt your face getting red and a bit of a sweat coming on. Simeon sat next to you and gave you his full attention. God this sucks. 
"I kinda may or may not have fallen for Diavolo fully aware that he's farther from me than my own human world," You blurt out in one breath. Simeon laughs and you turn even redder than before. 
"Of course you do. It's pretty obvious." Your eyes widen at the celestial being. "Wait you knew?!" "In fact I did. I could see it radiating off of you. Just utter infatuation and admiration. However, I don't think any of the other brothers have noticed, save Lucifer." Oh no. Anyone but Lucifer. 
"Don't worry, y/n. I took care of that myself. He has no clue." "How?" "I convinced Lucifer of your courteous character and realized that you are just a respectful person in general. He seemed to agree." You felt honored by that. Both Simeon and Lucifer held you in a high regard. It made you feel appreciated.
 "Thank you Simeon. Although I think it's best for me to give up on him. It's doing more pain than good." "Maybe so," Simeon coos, "but you never know unless you try." 
"Do you think I should?" You say absentmindedly. "I think you should do what you think is best. You'll find that out eventually won't you." You nod your head even more conflicted than before. 
"There you are, Simeon!" You jump at Luke almost falling off the bench. Simeon steadies you with a grin. "It's your turn to cook today Simeon and we have dinner soon. Ah, hi y/n'' Luke smiles. 
"I'll be right there Luke. You go on ahead." He nodded and skipped down the pavement. "Well I must get going then. I hope you find the answers you're looking for." Simeon boops your nose and walks away as gracefully as he came. 
It was your turn to make dinner and you saunter into the kitchen and stick your head in the freezer. You were even more confused now. Chocolates are a pain to make. Will you even have time to make them? Should you make them all chocolates that way they'll shut up? That seems like a good idea. 
"What are you doing?" a familiar voice asks.  "Cooling off." you mutter.  "I see that. Is dinner going to be ready soon? I'm hungry." Ahh yes. That's what you were doing. "Yeah, just give me a minute."
 Beel moves past you and sits down at the counter in the kitchen. "I'll just wait here." You laugh. Classic Beelzebub. You gather your ingredients and start chopping. "Is curry for dinner okay?" Beel nodded, already starting to drool at some chopped potatoes. At least they tasted like potatoes anyway. 
You knew that Beel wasn't very into the chocolate competition but you were curious as to his thoughts about it. "Beel, would you want chocolates-"
"from me?" You finished in a small voice. You snickered as he looked unbothered, his eyes trailing every potato you chop.
 "I like chocolate, y/n but I think it would taste better from you." His stomach growls as you start up the frying pans.
 "You think so?" You smile at him. "I'm glad. I'll make sure to make a big batch." You continue chopping and every so often sliding various pieces to Beel. He smiles with glee every single time.
 You somehow give yourself a cut. You wince and put it to your mouth. Beel perks up and is at your side in an instant. He takes your hand and immediately kisses it, stopping the blood. "BEEL!" You squeak, slightly mortified, slightly embarrassed and full on fuzzy. "I used to do this for Lilith from time to time. She said it made her feel better." He kisses it once more and dragged you over to bandage it.
 "Thank you," you whisper. Beel gave a soft smile in your direction. Diavolo who? Beel chuckles at your expression. You shook your head and kept on making dinner.  
Dinner was loud. Lucifer had business at the castle and Mammon was making a scene as always. He and Levi were fighting over something. You tune them out and focus on your curry. You loved all the brothers. You let them hang all over you to be honest. You wonder if that's okay or if you're giving off the wrong message. Mammon taps your shoulder "Right y/n?" You nod just to keep him at bay and he leaves to prove his point. You have your fill of curry and give the rest to Beel. 
You lay sprawled out of bed watching your fan go around and around. Look, my train of thought. Great decision making y/n. Absolutely spectacular. Grade A. A knock at the door brings you out of it.  You open it to see Mams in his pj's giving you a puppy eyed look.
 "Come in," you sigh. He smiles and lays on your bed ready to snuggle with you. "Hey, are you good? Ya seemed off at dinner." "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired from school and cooking tonight. Beel has a splendid appetite." You hum. 
"Pfft are ya kidding. Beel would eat everything and the kitchen sink. We’d be 1000x richer if it wasn't for him." You weren't gonna even retort. You get into bed next to him and nuzzle his chest. He jumped "Oi, oi y/n this isn't like you bein all compliant and all." He started stuttering and you could feel him heat up. You giggle. "Sorry. Just wanted to see what you would do."
 "Tsk, don't tease a demon like that. Ya don't know what they're gonna do." 
"You wouldn't hurt me, let alone make a move on me." You tease. In an instant, he pinned you to the bed. "Ya know I've been real nice to you human but don't get thinkin that I won't do anything." You smile and press your head against his face. "It's not because you're a demon that you won't. It's because you're you, Mammon." 
You nuzzled into him once more. He broke down and moved away from you in a pout. You spooned him a bit and rubbed his head. "You're a sweet guy, Mams.  Don't forget that." He turned to you and stared into your eyes. "Yeah tell that to the rest of my brothers," he huffed. "Don't worry about them. You're kind and goofy and it's the best." He blushes again and closes his eyes. "Goodnight y/n." "Goodnight Mammon." 
You trudge through the day absolutely exhausted from your coursework and desperately needed a break. You hear a ping from your phone. 
Bubblegum bitch:Y/n~♡
Bubblegum bitch:I'm going shopping for a new outfit for Valentine's day and you absolutely have to come with me~ 
Me:Okay I'll come. 
Bubblegum bitch:Yay~We can get some chocolate supplies on the way for the chocolates that you'll give me. 
Me: Haha okay. I'll be right there. 
You throw on some casual clothes and head to the entrance of the house. "Y/n~, are you ready for a shopping spree?" Asmodeus hums with Goldie in hand. Your jaw drops. 
"How in the world?" 
"I have my ways besides I do this all the time," Asmo giggles. "I would say Mammon would kill you but-" 
"I'd like to see him try," Asmo says sticking his tongue out. "Anyway let's head to the mall and find outfits for the two most beautiful beings in the world." 
You try to hide your bashful expression but holds your chin to face him. "I wonder what kid of expressions you give to the one you love most,’ He teases. His eyes were anything but joking. "Ahum," you break away, "let's get going." 
You guys arrive at the mall only to find Solomon there waiting for Asmo's arrival. "You brought a friend I see. " He gives you a knowing look. 
"As if y/n was just my friend, they’re my valentine~" Asmo give you a tight hug snuggling your cheeks. "Right," he says disinterested in Asmo's antics, "well either way we'll eventually need to visit the bookstore. I need the new volume for my next spell." 
Asmo took your hand and dragged you along to store after store trying on all sorts of dresses and cute outfits. Asmo showers you with almost as many compliments as himself. You see a red long sleeve sweater with white bottoms. As if I have the confidence to wear that. By the time you finished the thought it was too late. 
"Y/n-chan~♡ that would look absolutely drop dead gorgeous on you! Try it on right away." Before you could respond he takes the outfit and shoves you into a dressing stall. I guess I have no choice. You come out all hesitant and shy. 
"Not bad y/n," Solomon says with a smirk. You turn to Asmodeus. He fell silent with red dusting his cheeks. He takes your hand and kisses it in a bow. You pull your hand away quickly a bit surprised by his actions. "I was right. Your beauty rivals mine." He smiles and gives you a twirl.
 "Let's show off that beauty to everyone, okay?" He gives you a kind smile. You look away embarrassed by his words. "Thank you Asmo." 
"Anyway, we need to get to the book store now. I think I've indulged you enough," Solomon deadpans clearly irritated by our exchange. 
You stop by the chocolate store on the way and get a variety of chocolates to work with. I wonder what I should make. Who even knows at this point. Each brother is picky in their own way. Except for Beel. You decide to get a special chocolate that induces relaxation for Diavolo. You wonder if you'll end up using it.
You rejoin Asmo and Solomon in the bookstore. "Y/n, y/n," Asmo coos, "this place is dusty. I'm going to wait outside." You nod and peruse around the bookstore. You find a picture book about Ruri-chan. He'll freak if I get him this. You laugh and decide to get it for him. You head to the human section and find an amazing array of the warrior books. No way. I loved these as a kid. You look at all the cat covers and they remind you of a certain someone. Well, he won't know they're for kids right?  You place another one into your cart. 
You check out and walk to get bubble tea with Asmo. “Ano ne y/n, you seem to be bubbling with a lust for someone~ I wonder who is making you that crazy.” Your jaw drops at his accusation and you stumble to reply. 
“P-pft. Naw. I’m pretty good right now I got a g-good head on my shoulders and just focusing on surviving. I don’t have time for such things.” 0w0 Asmo gives you this look. You’ve been had. “Leave it alone Assmo.” 
“Y/n meanie. I’m totally right and you choose to give me such an ugly nickname. I kinda like it though.” He whistles and teases you to the point where you were about to break.
 “What’s the hold up,” Solomon says coming back from the store. You immediately hide behind him. “Solomon, Asmo is trying to feel me up~” You make it sound as cute as possible in hopes to keep Asmo at bay.
 “Asmo, leave them be. They’re just trying to exist,” he scolds not seeming to care about your cute manner. Tough crowd I guess. At least Asmo stopped. Solomon you’re an angel.
You end up back in your room all tired out. Lusting huh. You’ve been thinking about Diavolo more. You couldn't help but think about him but lusting over him. Never... unless. You let your head go into the gutter. Mmmm Diavolo tiddies. Strong arms and broad chest. 6’4 here we come. You went through different scenarios in your head. You wondered how his weight would feel against yours. How his voice would sound in your ear. How this man could manhandle you in any way he wanted with a heavenly smile on his face. Goosebumps formed at the thought. 
You heard a knock at the door and your soul nearly jumped out of your body. Ugh out of all times. You open the door. “Mammon not tonight I’m-” you look up to see a confused Satan. “Ah, sorry is this a bad time?”
 “No, no it’s fine Satan.” You let him come in and sit on your bed. “Hey y/n, are you alright?” He gave you a concerned look. “You’re red. Do you have a fever?” He puts his lips on your forehead. “No, no fever.”
 You immediately heat up even more. “Uh Satan. I’m fine, just a little flustered is all.” He gives you a smirk, “alright y/n, whatever you say.” He decided not to press further. “So, you wanted to see me?” You muster.  
“Oh yeah, I was wondering if you finished that book that I lent you. Leviathan is asking for it.” Your eyes widened. “Oh yeah, this one.” You went up to go grab it and was reminded of your own gift for Satan. You grabbed both and placed them in front of him. “What’s this?” He gestured to the Warriors book. 
“Something from the bookstore. I used to read this series when I was younger. I thought you might read it when you’re bored or whatever.” It finally occurred to you that maybe your childhood cat novels weren’t the best read for him.
 “Actually,” you squeaked, “maybe this is too childish for you.” You start pulling the book back towards you. Satan stops your hand and pulls on it lightly. “It’s fine y/n. I’ll read it.” You pull a bit harder. “No, I really think it’s far below your reading level, it's fine” He pulls it back somewhat irritated. “You bought the book for me. Why can’t I have it?”
 You both tug back and forth on the book until he falls on top of you. Your noses touch. Satan laughs a little. “Why are you so stubborn? You decided to get a gift for me and decide to take it back. Right in front of me.” 
You flush pink. You couldn’t tell if you were embarrassed about the book or Satan’s weight on top of you. You couldn’t tell anymore. “Listen, I just had second thoughts. It’s embarrassing that I read it. I had a phase and I forgot about it.” You look away in a pout. Satan, please get off of me soon. Only so much torment I can take.
 As if he heard your thoughts, he sits back and pulls you up to sit next to him. “You know, I would like to get to know young y/n no matter how cringy they may be,” he razzes. “No, you wouldn’t but I guess I have no choice. I did this,” you sigh. “Yes,” he giggles, hugging you, “you did. This is better than any chocolate I could have received. Thank you y/n.” 
You finally hit the hay and think about your interactions with the brothers. If I didn’t know any better I would think that I’m dating all of them. You ponder their familiarity towards you. Is this really okay? It’s not like you were dating anyone. The one guy you want to date just happens to be the Prince of Hell. You think about all the cute and delectable brothers around you. It would’ve been easier to date one of them but noo of course not, Prince of hell it is. You decide to let it go. It really doesn’t matter. He’ll probably be too busy for Valentine’s day anyway. 
“Levi, stop being shut in for one second of your otaku life.” You slam your head against the door a few times. “Go away y/n. I’m getting to the good part.” You continue to slam your head against the door. Why am I kind to this weeb again? You continue your head slams, almost falling forward when he opens the door. 
You bust through his doorway and take a load off on the couch. “I didn’t say you could come in.” Levi says in an exasperated voice. “Yeah, but you wouldn’t have let me in otherwise. Here you go.” 
You throw the Ruri-chan picture book toward him and he just barely catches it. Unathletic weeb scum. You were a weeb yourself but that wasn’t the point. His eyes light up almost immediately.
 “WOOAAHHH! Ruri-chan’s rare limited edition illustration book! How’d you get this? It’s sold out online everywhere.” Of course he would never think of going to a bookstore. “Just happened to pick it up,” you smile, “I thought you’d like it.” 
Next thing you knew he was hugging you, giggling to himself. 3-2-1 “Ah!” He jumps away from you and completely changes his demeanor. “I mean of course you would get this gross otaku stuff for me, you normie.” His face was completely red and his eyes closed.
 “Levi, that didn’t even make sense.” You can’t help but snicker at him. You take his face in your hand. “Muah.” You planted a kiss on his nose. “W-wha-whaaaat are you doing y/n?!” God this is so easy it hurts. 
“Anyway, what’s the anime you wanted to show me?” He snapped out of his blushing state but stayed wary of you. “It’s Akagami no Shirayuki-hime,” he huffed. “I thought we could watch it together.” 
“A romance anime, huh. I didn’t think you were into those. I’ve never seen it so sure.” The story was about a prince who falls in love with this regular girl at first sight and begs her to become his. You keep watching and can’t help feeling called out. By the time you finish watching, you are mortified and depressed. You lay your head face first on Levi’s lap. 
“Y-y/n?” He squeaks. If only that would happen. This sadly isn’t that type of reality. I don’t think I would be able to be at his side. Not in a million years. “Sorry Levi, just give me a few.” He feels small wet spots soak into his joggers. “Y/n?” He lifts his hand up to pet your head and decides against it.
 You get up and wipe your tears. “Sorry the anime was really moving. It’s been a while and romance anime always gets to me,” you say with a crooked smile. “I’ve gotta go get ready for Valentine’s day. If you’re good enough, I’ll make you some chocolate with extra love~,” you whisper. 
If he was drinking something he would have choked. He was completely flabbergasted and opened his mouth to say something only to close it again. “Anyway, I gotta go. Love you, Leviachan,” you say escaping his room. 
You arrive at your room, pull the shades down, and snuggle a pillow under your blanket. That anime made you realize how stupid your hope really was. You are only here for one year. You have no means of getting close to Diavolo. You don’t even know if he is in love with Lucifer. No, y/n that’s just your fantasy...is it though?  Ultimately, you are human. Exchange student status aside, you don’t matter to any of these demons. They just use you for their own relief and to solve all their measly problems. That’s a fact. If you disappeared tomorrow, they would get over you pretty quick. You give into your destructive train of thought and cry yourself nearly to sleep. 
A series of knocks hit the door. “Y/n, Lucifer wants to see you,” one of the brothers said. “I’ll be over in a minute.” You yelled back. The brother walked away.  You lazily get up and put on Beel’s oversized hoodie to cover your face. You make sure to avoid people in the halls until you make it to Lucifer’s. You knock. “Come in.”
 “Yes, Lucifer?” You muster an indifferent sounding voice. “Y/n. I was looking at your progress reports and I wanted to congratulate you on your high achievements towards your studies. Diavolo is ecstatic.” You shrink at his words. Lucifer walks over and lifts your chin up, unveiling you from your hoodie. You move your head away. “I’m fine, Lucifer. I was just napping,” you say softly. 
“Well you don’t seem fine to me, y/n. Leviathan said you were off today but I didn’t think to the point of crying,” Lucifer sighs. Ugh, this is the worst. Levi you snitch.  You could have shown your soft side to any of the other brothers and you would have been fine. You could put up a front and handle your feelings alone afterwards.
Sadly, the demon before you seemed to have other plans. “Well y/n, it seems like you have no choice but to listen to some music with me.” He gestures to the two chairs by the fireplace. You gave him a pleading look. 
“Nope, this is an order, you can’t escape from it.” You sigh and flop in the chair. “You know, therapy isn’t as effective if it’s forced,” you mutter. He summons some tea and hands you a cup. Show off. “Well,” he says sitting down “good thing this isn’t therapy.” You sip your tea quietly and listen to the music in the background. “Don’t you have better things to do?” 
“In fact I do,” he hums, “however, I think this is a good use of my time.” “Well if you have better things to do then go do them,” you scorn, “no need to pretend you give a damn about me. It’s all about looks with you anyway.” What am I saying. “You guys don’t give a single damn about how I feel or where I’m at. I’m just an exchange student, a simple human that can never think to get the attention of the most beloved prince.” 
 Your eyes widen at your sudden outburst. You aren’t like this. Even at your worst you can hold back your anger and sadness. That ability amplifies in front of important people so why are you yelling at Lucifer one of the most powerful demons of all time. “What did you do to me?” You ask, your voice shaking. “It’s a simple spell really. It removes your super ego and allows raw feelings to flow.” He takes another sip of his tea, studying you carefully. 
“This is all just a game to you. All of you. You and Diavolo may have picked me for a reason but I doubt it was for you to toy with me like this.” Tears started to flow and you took a fetal position, crying unstoppably into your knees. “Y/n this y/n that. I’m not a fucking therapist. I’m a human with a fragile heart, yet you guys,” you sob “you all take so much out of me.” “As for Lord Diavolo, I know I wouldn't be able to capture his attention and that’s only if you aren’t dating him.” Oh. Oh no.  
Lucifer sets down his tea, giving you his full attention, quite surprised at your accusation. He seems to want to scold you, but allows you to continue. “I can’t even think about what makes me happy. Not that I even deserve it but one can dream even if their hopes are crushed by the weight of the world.”
 The demon sighs giving you a concerned yet perplexed look. He rises from his chair and picks you up. You attempt to struggle but the glint of his red eyes tells you not to move. He puts you in his lap and cradles your head to his chest. 
“You don’t have to do this. I’ll tell Lord Diavolo that you manage me perfectly and that I’m nothing but happy,” you sniffle. “Sometimes y/n, I have my own agenda and that is making sure you’re genuinely okay,” he sighs once more. You can hear his heart beat slow and he kisses your head. “Lucifer?” Your eyes widen in surprise. 
Lucifer has never attempted to touch you until now, let alone show any type of affection towards you. “Please forgive my brothers, y/n. They have no idea what they put you through. I would know. I’ve been doing it for years.” He smiles a bit. “However, you are wrong about us not caring about you. In fact, it could not be further from the truth.” You look up at him with teary eyes. He wipes them away with his thumb. 
“Since you have arrived, the House of Lamentation has grown much brighter...the brightest I’ve ever seen and you’re right. Diavolo chose you for a reason that did not include all the drama my brothers created, however they all made pacts with you one way or another. They respect you and do genuinely care. The shut-in decided to pay me a visit to illuminate your awkward state.” 
Lucifer smiles and strokes your hair. “He would never do that for his brothers nor anyone else. Keep that in mind.” He may be right. I’m probably just too tired. Overthinking and tormenting myself.  Lucifer’s warmth soothes you and you nuzzle his chest. He rolls his eyes with a slight pink in his cheeks.
 “As for the beloved prince.” Aww shit. “I’d advise you to let that go. The prince is too busy for such actions and we cannot allow his reputation to be harmed.” Lucifer gives you a stern look. You already knew that was going to be his answer. “Yes, sir.” “As for the other accusation, there is nothing between him and I. I treasure him dearly; however, ultimately his career is of utmost importance.” You stare at the fire and muster some courage.
 Well if I’m giving up on Diavolo I’m totally going to savor this. You give Lucifer a loving look and kiss him. “Thank you, Luci.” You surprise him with both a kiss and a nickname. He usually would string you up but he decides to let it slide. Just this once. You hear his slow heart beat and allow it to lull you to sleep in his arms. “You’re welcome y/n.”
You wake up to the patter of rain on your window. It takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust. When did I head to my room? You jump up and quickly give yourself a look over. Looks like he didn’t take advantage of me. You flop back in bed and try to go back to sleep. Too late, I’m already awake. You slither out of bed and throw on some old clothes. “Well y/n, if it’s chocolate they want then it’s chocolate they’ll get.” You freshen up and take your hidden box of chocolates and supplies downstairs. I’m really glad Beel didn’t find them. 
It was an early Sunday morning and you apparently woke up at 5:30. At least the boys won’t be here to bother me. You read the recipes on your D.D.D. and start playing some lofi. You felt good today. The quiet morning seemed to help with that. “A chocolate pots de creme for Lucifer, some heart shaped chocolate cookies for Mammon, chocolate cupcake with pink icing for Levi, chocolate covered strawberries for Satan, some heart shaped macarons for  Asmo, truffles for Belphie and a big chocolate cake for Beel.” 
“That sounds like an awful lot of work, young master.” Young master? You turn to see Barbatos in the doorway. “Barbatos, what are you doing here?” He rarely hangs anywhere besides the castle. You were astounded to see him. “It seems I’ve been given an ‘off day’ by Diavolo,” he sighs, “‘to enjoy the festivities’ he said.” He gives you an angelic look. “I knew you would do something for the brothers and I thought you could use my assistance.Think of it as my way of following Diavolo’s orders” 
Your eyes widen “of course, you are the best baker in all the worlds. With you, my treats will be immaculate!” You give him a triumphant smile. You start on the oldest brother with Barbatos instructing you along the way. “Thank you, Barbatos. I truly appreciate it.” He smiles. “So you decided on giving treats to all of them. I’m quite impressed but also I believe it’s the best move.” 
You laugh nervously. “If I gave chocolates to one of them I would never hear the end of it. Although I wish-” you stop yourself short. No y/n you decided to let that go last night. “Hm?” Barbatos gives you a confused look. “Ah it’s nothing,” you lie, “I just wish they would pamper me for once.” “They may do so. White day is celebrated here after all.” You drip chocolate on your shirt. Oh shit, White day. 
You immediately wanted to take back your words. The last thing you want is a fight over that. “You know on second thought, I think this is fine,” you say, gesturing to all the projects in front of you. You continue to plow through them with Barbatos making them even more beautiful than you imagined. You stop to write little notes for each of them making sure they are color coordinated as to not mix them up.
 “Y/n, you put so much thought into this. It’s impressive. Are there any brothers that have truly caught your eye?” Barbatos asks sincerely. You really just went and asked that. “No,” you admit, “although I do love them all. They make my life anything but easy, but without them I don’t think I would be as happy as I am.”
 “Well,” Barbatos hums “you surely have changed them for the better.” He takes his handkerchief and rubs the chocolate off your face. You jump at his actions but let him clean you up. “Thank you, Barbatos,” you say with a soft smile.  “My pleasure,” he whispers with a divine grin. Is he really a demon? You both finally finish and it’s 8:30 am. Barbatos took all the gifts back to the castle and promised to return when dinner rolled around. You cleanup a little and take a nap. 
You wake up to Belphie’s arms around your waist and his sleeping face on your back. Not even in the sanction of my own room can I have peace. You decide to lay with him for a while before you get ready. You pet his dark bluish hair and he moves into it. Liar. You love being pet. 
“Y/nnnn,” he mumbles, “ everyone was looking for you. I finally found you and I’m not sharing with my stupid brothers.” He whisks you around and snuggles into the crook of your neck planting a soft kiss. 
“Heyy, no foul play.” He giggles at your reaction. “As suspected, naps are always better with you, y/n.” He slowly gets up and stretches out. “Well, I’ll see you at dinner.” He gives you a lofty smile as he walks out the door.
You finally look at the time and see you have two hours before dinner. Might as well go all out. Just because I have no one in my heart doesn’t mean I can’t look nice. You shower and do your hair and nails. You stare at the outfit Asmodeus tricked you into buying. I really don’t have the confidence to do that. You hear your phone ping. 
Bubblegum bitch: Y/n~ You better wear that outfit we picked out or I’m gonna be sad. :(
Ugh creepy. He knew of your self-consciousness. He boosted your confidence. That’s his favorite thing to do. For Asmo. No, for me! You finally put on the outfit and looked in the mirror. You looked surprisingly good. You finally put some light make-up and twirled around. Good enough. 
You finally made your way to the dining hall to see everyone already seated. “Sorry, am I late?” you look at your D.D.D. and finally look back up to see the surprised faces of the demons before you.  “Ahhh~! Y/n, you look so beautiful!” Asmo whines and hugs you. You blush from embarrassment.  “Do a twirl,” he commanded. You twirl around and give a cute smile. 
“It suits you, y/n,” Lucifer compliments regaining composure, “as for your timing, I had a discussion with my adorable brothers about private matters. No, need to concern yourself.” You give him a smile and take a seat next to him. “Hey Lucifer,” you point to the open seat next to you, “who’s that for?” He just smiles refusing to answer the question. You assumed Barabtos told him about this morning and was joining us. The door to the dining hall busts open. 
“Happy Valentine’s day, everyone!” Diavolo booms, rolling in a cart of the finely wrapped gifts for the brothers. Baratos came in after him, somewhat displeased. Oh no.  Lucifer gives you a look that you knew all too well. I won’t.  You get up in front of the cart keeping it from getting raided.
 “Guys, these are all made by me for you. You all are irreplaceable and I care about each of you.” You feel your cheeks heat up. “So, Happy Valentine’s day,” you say with a bow. 
Brothers.exe stopped working. Their presents were passed out and you all sat back down. They all express an array of emotions from delight to a blushy mess. Your pride swells just slightly.
 “WOAH, Beel you got a whole cake?” Leviathan says, looking at his cupcake clearly jealous. Beel looks the happiest you’ve ever seen him and eats it within a few seconds. Yeah, seems about right. You watch Asmo try to swipe a strawberry from Satan who immediately slaps his hand. Mammon just has tears in his eyes, clutching his cookies. Belphie starts making fun of him. Your attention was so focused on the brothers that you barely saw the man to your right sitting down to eat. 
“I’m glad this worked out for you, y/n!” Diavolo says with a hefy laugh. You almost jump out of your seat. Ah, he teleported. “I’m sorry for not getting you anything. I owe it to you for taking such good care of me,” you apologize. “No, don’t pay that any mind. Seeing others having a wonderful time is more than enough for me.” He gives you a kind smile and you look away. Stay strong y/n. “Y/n, the pots de creme looks exquisite. I cannot wait to eat it,” Lucifer smiles.
 Right. You manage to keep yourself calm through dinner. Dessert starts and Mammon starts arguing with Levithan about the gifts. You sigh, “took them long enough.” Diavolo chuckles.
 “Y/n,” Mammon booms across the table “if you didn’t pick any of us then who are you really interested in?!” 
His eyes widen, “Luke?!” 
“Of course not, ” you say, raising your voice.
 “Diavolo, then?” Diavolo’s attention was on you, now. Dammit Mammon. Lucifer places his hand on your knee. “Absolutely not. Mammon, believe it or not it is possible for me to not like anyone romantically,” you laugh. “Lord Diavolo, are they lying?” You look at him. 
You wanted to die. To yeet yourself into the sun and feel the burn envelope you. His face gave nothing away. “Well, I think it’s best to leave the human’s secrets alone, don't you think,” he smiles in such a way that no one think to press you further. That was it. It’s out in the open and he won’t even acknowledge it. 
“That makes sense, if they can resist the GREAT MAMMON then they can resist everyone,” Mammon laughs nervously. The brothers immediately retort but you don’t hear them. You turn to Lucifer, “I woke up extremely early today so I think I’ll turn in.” He gives you a concerned smile and nods. You bow to Diavolo, avoiding eye contact.
You arrive at your room and flop on your bed. You want to cry but your body won’t let you. You just lay in your bed in a ball. You kept your door locked that night. You didn’t have the energy to give. You slowly drifted off to sleep, letting your emotions go and exhaustion to take over.
A week has passed and you’ve been going through your normal routine. You haven’t seen Diavolo since. I guess I scared him off. At least Luci got what he wanted. You were laying down in the grass in the gardens staring at the stagnant night sky. 
“Y/n. I found you.” You open your eyes to see Luke standing over you with a crystal rose. “This is for you,” he says, giving you the luminous flower. “Lord Diavolo wants to see you.” Your heart skips a beat but you don’t get your hopes up. “Why’s that?” 
“He won’t say but he just told me to give you the flower and tell you to meet him,” Luke pouts, “I was in the middle of baking so it better be important.” You blush a bit, averting your eyes to keep up a breaking facade. 
You find yourself in the foyer of the castle, waiting for who knows what. As quick as lightning, you were lifted and carried upstairs into Diavolo’s room by none other than Diavolo himself. He places you down apologizing for touching you in a rough manner. You faze in and out unsure if this was a dream or reality. 
“Y/n.....Y/n?” Diavolo hovers over you trying to get your attention. You faze back in. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you affirm. I’m just alone with Diavolo in his room is all. “Oh thank goodness. Please sit.” 
“Thank you for the rose. It was very thoughtful,” you give him a forced smile, “but I’m afraid I must decline it.” He looks surprised at your words. “I know you know and I’m sorry for putting you in that situation. You’re a very busy leader and I know you don’t have time for such things.” Lucifer’s words taste like iron in your mouth but that was the reality you face. “I will continue being your star pupil and make sure you have at least one student to be proud about,” you smile, making your way to the door ready to leave everything behind. Diavolo takes your hand. “Please y/n, before you decide,” he pleads “let me speak.”
 You didn’t want to hear him out. Rejection is easier when you’re the one rejecting. Why is he making it hard? “First, I’m sorry you had to wait this long. I had business with my father. I would have come to you that night. In fact, I did. Your door was locked and there was no response so I decided to give you space. I realize now that it wasn’t the wisest idea. For that, I apologize.” 
You turn slightly away from him, desperately trying to hold back tears. “I don’t know what you’re thinking but I don’t despise you or dislike you...” You glance at his reddened face. “In fact, I am truly fond of you. I enjoy sitting next to you and hearing your voice, seeing your astounding progress in school.” Tears cloud your vision as Diavolo continues on. He hesitates then pulls you in for a hug. 
Your eyes widen at the sound of his heart racing as he continues on. “I am not very good at conversing with people casually. It’s always Lord Diavolo this, Lord Diavolo that. That is not the me I want you to see, to know.” He lifts your chin up to face him. 
“Now I can admit, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I never allowed myself to feel those emotions because of the duty I possess. However, your feelings have allowed me to hope, which I have scarcely allowed myself before. When I see you with the brothers, I can’t help but feel jealous and crave all your attention as well. I am aware that you are allowed your own freedom however, if your freedom includes loving me, then I’ll take that chance.” 
Your mind was trying to process that all at once and failing miserably. All you could muster was pulling him close for a kiss. You could feel the heat radiate off of his face as he kissed you back. “I love you too, Diavolo.”
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