#the idea of ‘Bruce Banner’s smile played along the Hulk’s lips’
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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excerpt from The Incredible Hulk by Peter David, based on the screenplay by Edward Norton and Zak Penn
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
FATWS One Shot #2 - The Beginning of a Family
Word Count: 1804
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Human Trafficking (once, it was a mission Reader did), Minor Character Injury
Setting/Characters: The first half-ish of The Avengers in 2012; Reader, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Mentions of Loki, Phil Coulson, and Clint Barton, OC!Agent Anderson
A/N: Here’s One Shot Number 2! I was thinking of making it longer and adding the actual Battle of Manhattan, but I dunno if I’m gonna do that. I just wanted these to be One Shots of first meetings and other smaller events. I didn’t want to do scene-for-scene two parters. If you want me to, I can, I don’t mind doing it, I just wasn’t planning on it. I’ve kinda been slacking today, which is why I haven’t cranked out more than this one, but I’ll see if I can finish one more for tonight. Tomorrow’s another late night for me at work, BUT! Tomorrow night FATWS comes out! So I will be doing the next Episode! I also don’t have Friday off this week, so the Parts might bleed into Saturday, but they will come this weekend!
Reminder that this has nothing to do with FATWS the show, but I don’t have a title for my FATWS Series, which is what these are based off of, so this is what they’re called for now! If you have any ideas for names, feel free to send them in! I’m just too lazy to come up with something clever for the whole Series.
Thank you so much for reading! As always, not beta’d so please excuse any mistakes! Be kind to yourselves and others! Stay tuned and enjoy!
FATWS Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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You were exhausted, coming back from an assignment that lasted a little over two months. It’d been your first one since you were assigned to help Steve adjust, and you were guessing they’d keep you on desk duty for a few months before sending you back out again. Which frustrated you to no end.
But then you got back your personal cell phone from a fellow agent and, seeing you had a few  voicemails - which you never had - you flipped it on.
“Hi, Y/N.” Your lips turned up at the man you started growing close to over the past year. “I-I know you’re on a mission right now. I mean, you just left last week. Anyways, I just…I hope you’re doin’ okay. You probably won’t get this until later, but…still. I hope you’re safe. I, uh, I got that book. The one you were joking about me getting. The U.S. History for Dummies one. It goes farther back than I need to know, but I still read all of it. It helped. I wish you were here though. But I know you’re working. And that’s important. Um… I guess I’ll see you in a few months.”
The phone beeped before the next message played. “I took your advice. I got a sketchbook and some other stuff. There’s a ton of new supplies. I’m kinda excited to try them out. Maybe they’re not new but they’re more accessible now than they used to be. And I found a gym. In Brooklyn. It’s kinda run down - a hole in the wall type place - but they don’t do memberships and they don’t care how long you stay as long as you pay for your time. So that’s nice. I guess. Anyways…hi. I don’t think I said that earlier. It’s Steve, by the way. But you probably guessed that. Um…that’s all. I just wanted to let you know. Stay safe, honey. Abbyssinia.”
You listened to the next couple ones, all along the same lines. Steve telling you about his day; about the dog he was allowed to pet on his run or the different coffee he tried this morning at your previous suggestion. You snickered a little, shaking your head. You would never guessed that Hitler hitting, Nazi punching Captain America was so…soft. Cute.
His last voicemail was from earlier that morning, and it made her brow furrow. “Hey, honey. I, uh…God, I really wish you were here. I was told you’d be getting back last week, but then they said it might be another couple weeks because something happened? I hope nothing happened. Please be okay. I’ve really missed you. I know it’s only been a year, but…you’re the only familiar thing I have right now. I guess Fury was right to choose you since you were the first person I saw. There’s a, uh, problem. Fury’s got a mission for me. Some guy named Loki stole the Tesseract. Which was HYDRA’s secret weapon. That blue cube thing. I was just getting used to laptops and fast food and this…it’s just a lot. Overwhelming. You were always good at making things less intimidating. I’ve gotta go. Some SHIELD personnel are picking me up now. We’re going to…somewhere. I’m sure you would know, but they haven’t exactly told me. Hoping to see you soon, Y/N. Please be safe.”
You frowned at the information, looking up at one of your fellow agents, Anderson. “Hey.” He turned his head towards you from his conversation with the copilot. “Is something going on at HQ?”
“The Helicarrier.” Anderson corrected. “Fury just called it in. Something with the Tesseract. And some guy’s mind controlling people. He’s got Barton, apparently. The director is bringing a few people on board; Banner, Stark, Romanoff. Rogers, too, I heard. He wants you to be there ASAP, so we’re going there now.”
Letting out a sigh, you rubbed your eyes and nodded. “Alright. Let’s go see what’s going on.”
Fury met you as you walked off the jet, lugging your duffle bag over your shoulder. You were still in your clothes from the mission; a human trafficking ring in Guam. Dirty, torn up jeans along with a white tank top hugging your torso and a flannel, unbuttoned, over your shoulders. One of your sneakers had a hole in it, too, and you were walking with a slight limp from the dislocated kneecap you got a few days prior.
“Agent.” He nodded in greeting, passing you a file. “The others are waiting. We just brought in Loki.”
You chewed your cheek, narrowing your eyes as you scanned the information in the file. It had personal files of the others, but you didn’t need to look through those. You knew Natasha very well, considering she taught you half the things you know, along with Barton. You knew Stark - of course you did - especially after you helped set Natasha up to be his secretary a while back. Banner you were also knowledgeable about, seeing as you went undercover to find him when he first took off and had been part of the tracking team on him ever since. Thor you had learned about after his fiasco in New Mexico from Coulson. And, last but certainly not least, Steve Rogers, who you knew better than any file could explain.
“Walk me through this; Thor and Loki are the real Thor and Loki? Like, from Norse myths?”
“Apparently so. You know about the New Mexico incident with the two last year, don’t you?”
You nodded, pinching your lips together tightly. “Well, yeah, but I thought…I dunno. I guess it just didn’t click. So,” you tucked the file under your arm securely, raising an eyebrow at Fury. “We’re fighting a god? An actual god?”
“With an army of aliens.” He confirmed.
“Wonderful.” You huffed as the two of you turned a corner, making your way onto the bridge, just in time to hear Stark talking to Banner about him turning into the Hulk.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube.” Fury butted in. You crossed your arms behind Fury, leaning on your good leg. “I was hoping you might join him. Before you do, this is-” 
“Y/N! You’re back!”
You shot a grin to the blonde, who perked up upon seeing you. “Hi, Steve. Just in time, too, huh.” You nudged Natasha slightly. “Hey, Nat. Sorry about Clint.”
She shrugged. “I’m just glad you’re here to help.”
“I’m sorry.” You looked over to find Banner frowning contemplatively at you. “Do I know you?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but Fury beat you to it. “Formalities later. Y/L/N, we’ll bring you up to speed-”
“I’ll get there, sir. How are you boys planning on tracking down the Tesseract?” You questioned, nodding in the two geniuses’ direction.
“I’d start with that stick of his.” Steve suggested, turning to look at the duo as well. “It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the Cube.” Fury stated. “And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
A tall, broad as hell blonde looked at Fury, confused. “Monkeys? I do not understand-”
“I do!” Steve jumped in, pointing at Thor, before leaning back in his seat at the silence that came after his exclamation. “I-I understood that reference.”
You chuckled and shook your head, winking at Steve when he smiled bashfully at you. As the two scientists - was Stark a scientist? - started heading out, Steve hopped up, padding over to you.
“You’re back early.”
“Late, technically.” You shrugged, letting him pull you in for a hug, your hand rubbing his back. “I got your calls.”
He pulled away, his ears turning red. “Oh, yeah. I, uhm-”
You sniggered. “It’s fine, Steve. You can call me whenever you need to. I’m just sorry I couldn’t answer you sooner.”
“You were working.” He shrugged half heartedly. “Did it go okay? Are you okay?”
“Yes, Steven. I’m fine.” You rolled your eyes just as a yawn threatened to escape your lips. “If not a little tired.” You tapped on the star against his chest. “Nice suit, by the way.”
“Ha ha.” He grinned, eyeing your own clothing. “You’re matching me.” He tugged on the red, white, and blue flannel hanging from your arms. “You also look like shit.”
You snorted. “Wow. What a gentleman. Let’s get this whole Loki situation over with so I can go to bed, yeah?”
He chuckled a little with a nod. “Sounds like a plan, honey.” The two of you started out of the bridge. “You should shower first, though.”
“You’re a bully, you know that?”
“I’m just sayin’!”
“I’m just sayin’!” You mocked with a huff. “Leave me be, Rogers.”
His laughter was cut short, making you look over at him curiously, only to find his slitted eyes studying your movements. “Why are you limping?”
“Relax, Captain. I just dislocated my knee. It’s fine. Shit happens on missions, you know that.”
“Is that why you came back late?”
Shaking your head, you lead him to one of the private rooms the Helicarrier had so you could shower and change. “No. I just needed a little more time. That’s all. Now let’s focus on the problem at hand. We can talk more later.”
He hesitated, leaning against the doorway and watching you set your bag on the small cot.  “Okay. As long as you’re alright.”
Your heart jumped a bit at the concern laced in his tone, the apprehension in those blue eyes - which you found out had some green in them - making your breath hitch slightly. “I am.” You spoke softly with a firm nod of your head, trying to assure him and his worries. “I promise.”
“I’m gonna go check on Banner and Stark, then. Come find me when you’re done.”
You cleared your throat to recover yourself, throwing him a cheeky grin. “Aye, aye, Captain.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, before turning and walking out, leaving you alone and confused.
What was that? You’d never had that reaction to anything. Your heart doesn’t race whenever someone walks in the room. Not like it did with him. What the hell did that even mean?
You shook your head, clearing your throats. You didn’t have time to dwell on that now. You doubted it was anything more than a fluke. You were just tired and seeing someone familiar, who was genuinely excited to see you was like a breath of fresh air after your operation. That’s all. Yeah.
With that decided, you headed to the shower, head spinning with new thoughts of this problem with the God of Mischief and that stupid blue cube.
All Works Taglist (Open):
@happygoreading​ @bibliophilewednesday​
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ldouble · 3 years
Helluva Party | Steve Rogers x Reader
summary: As a former employee of S.H.I.E.L.D (on the very front lines), you're somehow pulled into attending a notorious Tony Stark party. That’s where you meet Steve Rogers, officially, and the two of you weirdly click. Two people - trying to make a new life, who keep getting sucked into their old ways.
characters: steve rogers x reader
The elevator effortlessly glides up, but your stomach feels like you’re on the twistiest and turniest roller coaster. You have to put a hand to your torso, repeat the words you tell patients when they feel sick for no reason, remind yourself it’s nothing.
Therapy is one thing to talk someone down from. When you’re calming someone down, its because they’re about to do some major self discovery, scientifically aided, and healed if not completely cured.
They have no reason to worry.
And neither do you.
But Stark Tower is intimidating. Especially when it hosts everything you’ve been trying to forget.
You got a fresh start last year. S.H.I.E.L.D fell. Your work dried up. There was no where else you were needed. Enough had been accidentally cut on your watch with your knife throwing skills. So you did what you always wanted, before your deathly hobby turned into a career. You were now working as a psychiatrist. You got out of your own head to get into others.
Now, you were suddenly crawling back into the brains that you had almost become.
The stop of the elevator had you poised to hit the close door button, ready to make your way back down to the lobby to grab a cab home to your apartment. But your psychologist mind took over, the practice what you preach mentality overtaking, and your finger fell.
By the time the doors opened with a ding, your chin was up and head held somewhat high. It was the quickest reset you had ever performed. If only you had your notorious notebook to jot down how it had worked so well.
You had just remembered the old receipt in your clutch (dated with the last time you dressed up which was ages ago) that you could write on when someone yelled your name. At the sight of Natasha Romanoff, the idea of writing down your findings flew out the window.
“Nat!” You smile, accepting the Russian’s hug.
She reciprocates the action, asking more questions than you usually got out in an hour session with a routine client.
By the time you had make it to the bar you are filled in on all she had been up to, the details of the latest mission in retrieving of Loki’s scepter and all things Bruce.
Natasha gulps at you look once she finished retelling the doctor’s recent findings with the tesseract. She was already shaking her head at your silent implications when you placed a gentle hand over hers.
“As a doctor myself,” Natasha rolls her eyes at the mention of your new job. “No one talks that much about me unless they like me way more than a doctor.”
Natasha bites her lip, mumbling something about how you outfit was too nice to kick me. You laughed, a hearty laugh you hadn’t felt in ages. Upon seeing her recognize the newfound happiness you shooed her behind the bar in ask for a drink. 
She waltzes away giving you just enough time to collect yourself once again. You hate to admit it (acceptance was always the hardest step of grief) but you missed her. You missed the days of fighting, working, living and saving.
It was harder to see the goals you met in your new line of work. It took years to build a client base, see your patients make progress, feel like you’re helping people when all you can do is listen.
It never felt good to kill someone. The sound of a blade whipping through the air was satisfying but nothing felt better than knowing there was less person doing the opposite of helping. Hurting. Hunting. Killing.
So why did you feel like you were doing something similar not being in the field?
You blink the thoughts away, turning to wave Nat down for something a little stronger than a beer when you saw her chatting it up with none other than Dr. Banner. You shake your head, your eyes moving back down the bar.
Your focus is caught by a brooding blonde. A literal God, named Thor. But its his neighbor that makes you freeze. Tony Stark never really had that effect on women (it was his money that enticed them not his looks) but the mere sight of him makes you gasp.
Your last conversation hadn’t been the most pleasant. You had refused a job at Stark Industries, believing you needed a clean break. He had pressed you to the point of pure anguish. The last thing you remember saying to him was something along the lines of, “You can’t ask me to stay to help you sort out whatever that is.” With a point at his head.
You quickly turn around, not wanting a repeat when he already had a glass of champagne in his hand. Sober Tony was obnoxious. Intoxicated Tony was a whole other level of big headedness.
You make your way through the party, ignoring the likes of anyone who looks remotely familiar. The few who had stayed loyal to the real S.H.I.E.L.D rather than turn in favor for HYDRA had come over, just like Tony asked you to. It was unclear who was worse to be trapped into a conversation with - someone who knew why you were no longer involved or those who didn’t.
You find your way up to a second floor hallway, one side looking out onto the party while the other faced the skyline. Uninterested in people watching (a reason that sounded much more mature than not wanting to be recognized) you face the large windows out onto the city.
You spin on your heel, your eyes traveling from the lights outside to inside when your eyes glaze over the very face of the Avengers.
But it isn’t Captain America’s face that caught your attention, rather the conversation his friend was spitting.
“Avenging is your world.” Sam Wilson, The Falcon, shakes his head into space, before turning to face the party just across the aisle. “Your world is crazy.”
It was your turn to shake your head, biting your lip in a weird resonation of his words. His next words, be it ever so humble, about the entire situation.
He was right. You know it, too. This world of fighting was hectic. Chaos. It really shouldn’t exist. But then you’d look out over some fancy party and it’s be easy to grasp. It wasn’t the alcohol or glamour, it was the aura that it had.
“You find a place in Brooklyn yet?”
The Super Soldier held back his own chuckle. “I don’t think I can afford a place in Brooklyn.”
It was hard to believe but easy to understand. It was an expensive burrow. Still, you found yourself laughing under your breathe.
Sam said something about home being home, which you also understood, but only between a laugh. Your breathy sound ends just as Tony’s favorite team member looked back at you.
The next thing out of your mouth was a gasp for air, followed quickly by a cough you tried to cover up. You face the window, trying your best to play it off. The sudden eye contact scares you. First it was the fear of being recognized. That outrageous thought was quickly thrown out.
The thing is, you hadn’t exactly...met him. It felt wrong to even think of him as Steve Rogers when you’d never been introduced. Anytime Nat mentioned him you couldn’t believe the first name basis they had. You weren’t starstruck - not by a lot. You’d spent time in labs with Iron Man and the Hulk. You grabbed coffee with Black Widow. Thor had given you a freaking birthday gift.
No super soldier named Captain America scared you.
Except the one sidling up next to you now.
“Hi, there.” He says, bending down to grab your attention.
And right then, after feeling immense anxiety and worry of coming face to face with anyone who worked for the thing you had left behind, you felt perfectly comfortable in front of their very leader.
You’d been listening to Tony too much, through Nat. Captain America was the elected leader. Tony just made everybody look good.
“Hi.” You say, bringing yourself out of your head.
His blue sparkled, a lopsided smile reaching his lips as his hand reaches out to you. “Have we met?”
“Almost.” You say automatically, the word being more of a thought you wanted to keep than share. You shake your head, correcting yourself. “No.”
“Steve.” He says after learning your name. You can tell the way he locks it away, his eyes slightly closed as if grabbing the word from your mouth and putting it in storage. “I’m sorry, were you almost put in ice too or did you see me through a subway door closing?”
You can’t help the smile on your face, his humor and charm exactly what you expected. “No.” A hand find your hair and you watches the way his eye tracked the small scar on your finger. It was from when you were five. You cut yourself with a knife, a knife you weren’t supposed to be holding. From that point on your swore you’d never hold a knife again if you didn’t know how to use it. You thought that meant culinary school. Not becoming a dagger throwing agent.
Your other hand traces the mark, that runs from the tip of your left pointer finger to the center of your knuckles.
“I used to be in a similar business.”
You watch Steve accept the answer, silently deciphering your words. To relieve him you continued, now having a better thought to go off of. “I save people. From themselves.”
“I’m a psychiatrist.” You conclude, wanting to put him out of his misery. You crack a smile, earning one from him. He bobs his head, looking out into the city, thinking. You could tell, again, facial cues. You did a lot of listening and watching now. A few years ago you would’ve thrown a blade to trap his shirt against a wall while another went to his throat to demand a response.
You sort of like watching him form his words.
A question, expertly designed, was on the tip of his tongue when a booming voice yells his name. Thor waved from below enthusiastically. You quickly turn, not wanting to start a conversation with the God of Thunder. He always seemed to get you into existential conversation. In the old English, and it being so late, you couldn’t handle it.
“Don’t leave him waiting or else he’ll send Mjollnir up here.” You say, already backing away.
Steve looks up at you, a playful smile hinted at his lips. But it didn’t reach the surface, curiosity and confusion at your sudden departure the priority.
You want to stay. But the thought of explaining...of answering...even the oh so amazing Captain America, has you wanting to run back to the elevator.
The only reason you exit the conversation rather than the entire building...is the slight beat of your heart and reddening of your cheeks at the idea of talking with him again. Unlike Thor, you could even get into all the existential stuff with him.
Exactly what the super soldier would deem too out of the box is on your mind when you run into the one person you don’t want to see. The host himself.
Tony takes you under his wing, literally, walking you around the party. Surprisingly enough, not once does he convince you to come back to work. He asks questions and wants to know all about you.
You oblige, enlightening him with tiny details. Your lack of confidence in the authenticity isn’t from lack of trust, but because you spend more time inquiring about him. Wordlessly, that is your psych perception takes over as you study him. You conclusion: he’s only asking about lowly you because he’s sitting high and dry. Which isn’t a new thing for Tony Stark, tech mogul and THE Iron Man. But something tells you his latest win isn’t one just shared with the public yet. Too good to be true, even to the optimist that is Tony.
He leaves you, letting you walk around for the rest of the party. Hours pass, partygoers dwindling both from the penthouse and your data set to people watch. Numbers low on who to analyze, you turn around in a circle, sure you couldn’t have taken in every person in attendance. A full 180 and you come face to face with the man with a target on your back.
He makes sure of your hunch, that he’s had it out for you, with the sly comment, “You ditch a Brooklyn boy for some Staten Islander?”
You look over your shoulder, playing along. “I was actually waiting for this guy from Manhattan to fetch me a drink.” You look back at him, his head titled in focus. You stumble for a moment, not used to the attention being on you. To the floor you say, “I don’t think city guys are good at service.”
“it’s a damn good thing you’re with a soldier.” He smiles, offering his arm as he steps beside you.
You hesitate, your knowledge on attraction and how one simple touch can lead to a million mistakes and miscommunications. You let your head take over your heart this time, walking ahead of him. “Last I checked, Captains don’t fetch anything for someone else.”
Accepting the (slight) rejection, Steve joins into step with you, his hands stuffing into his pockets. “You make me sound like Stark.”
“We all sound a little like him after too much time together.” You shrug. Catching Steve’s curious eye, clearly wondering how and when you worked with Tony, you saddle up behind the bar to distract yourself. “It’s called mirroring behavior. Say, I grab a beer you have a higher chance of doing the same just because of me.”
Steve smiles at you over the counter, watching as you open the bottle and take a swig. “But what if I just like beer?”
You roll your eyes, bringing the cider to your lips. “Or so you say.”
“You’re good at your job. Tony help you with that?”
You nearly choke on your drink. Why? It’s a toss up for the unexpected question or the tone of jealousy you think you detect in his voice. Upon looking at him you can’t see if your suspicion is correct. He’s casual, leaning an elbow on the table and gazing around the room without a care.
When his eyes find yours again you can’t help but trust him. You deem it the authority he has within his role, rather than something like the way he looks at you or how cute he is, before answering. “He wishes my career took me here. But after the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D,” It’s Steve’s turn to look at you to ensure trust, your words an unspoken truth among so many secret keepers. “I found my way into a new line of work.”
You turn to your left, finding a spec on the marble to transfix on. When he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even chastise you for so openly talking about the failure of his former employer, you look up at him. Only for your eyes to track his, to none other than your hand.
You hadn’t even realized you were still holding the can opener. it was a wine/bottle mix and you had the corkscrew raised and the entire contraption being spun in your hand like....like a knife.
Mirroring. In a room of superheroes and fighters, you resort back to your own ways. You remind yourself this is exactly why you weren’t supposed to come when Steve speaks.
“Reading people?” He asks, genuine interest in his voice. You see his eyes barely flit back to your hand, forcing you to set the church key down, but ignore it, just like he is choosing to do. You nod. “Can you read them?”
You follow his finger, stifling a laugh when it lands on Nat and Bruce, clearly flirting just down the bar.
“Reading, not pointing.” You reprimand with sarcasm, quickly covering his hand. Heat travels up your elbow, your hand flying back to the cold corkscrew for comfort as you clear your throat. Steve’s eyes wanders away and for a second you think he felt it too when you shake your head. There are patients. No time to dilly dally.
After a moment you say,“From a psychiatric point of view, I’d say the male is exerting immense amount of dopamine, just getting by the stressors and paraysmpathic nervous system. Whereas the female’s self esteem is battling her body’s immediate release of cortisol.”
Steve looks up at you, his mouth hung open. As dryly as you can, you say, “He likes her and she likes him.”
It sparks a laugh from both of you, a long one that doesn’t end till he puts his hand over yours in an effort to stop. You let it rest, liking the feeling of the cold marble and his warm hand more than any old corkscrew.
“So how you going to diagnose them?” He asks, clearing his throat and suddenly removing his hand.
You tilt your head toward the pair - an assassin and a man who can’t control his killing - and take a second to think. That second is when Nat decides to leave, gliding past you effortlessly. As she walks by you say to Steve, more so to yourself, “It’s hard for people to hear the truth.”
Steve is looking over to Bruce when you tip your head back to him. You can see the question on the tip of his tongue and you want to stop him but he’s too quick.
Don’t play cupid, is the second most common thing you say to clients. Right after the ‘truth is hard to hear’ piece.
You can’t help but put your head in your hands when he outrightly says Bruce and Romanoff “is nice”. It’s a psychologists worst nightmare. Not the one you thought you’d see play out but it’s happening, so you can’t help but listen.
It’s the way Bruce stumbles in reply that sends you walking down the bar. You throw Steve nothing but a “watch yourself’ look before listening from your new spot.
You clink your nearly empty beer bottle on the counter when Bruce comes up with an excuse. It does more than you plan it too, as it grabs Steve’s attention and has him going for another one and making his way over to you. You can’t help but notice the way he smiles sincerely at his friend when announcing himself a leading authority in waiting too long. The statement makes you pause, but not long enough to miss Bruce asking about exactly how close Steve was to Nat’s flirting..
“Pointing works.” He says when he arrives in front of you, the unopened bottle extended (if not pointed) directly at you.
You accept, clinking off the cap with the opener still in your hand. “Yeah, yeah.”
He watches you take a sip, his eyes once again telling more than he thinks they do.
Your hand, once again holding the opener in the knife-life way is his next question. For once, you want to keep the conversation about work.
“My job is to listen. What you just did was talk.”
Steve mulls it over, taking the beer form your hand and tipping it back. He holds it out you, in offering. “OK. You talk. I’ll listen.”
You bite your lip. Knowing this could be bad. There’s a reason you listen. Talking...it’s like any pointy object for you. Someone always ends up stabbed.
Then again, how seriously injured could Captain America get? You already have one scar. A “Star Spangled Man with a Plan” shaped wound could be your next story.
A new blemish never arises. You don’t even feel so much as a pinch of pain. Talking to Steve, for hours, makes you feel about as painless as you been ever since you left the line of work.
Then again, your old career never makes an appearance in conversation. He did ask about your current career so that’s what you talk about. Psychology. Which leads to music. TV. His favorite food and how its Apple Pie. He doesn’t listen when you insist Pumpkin is better.
Your love of Chinese food is perfectly timed to the late night order, scoring you a seat and a plate at the after-party, so to speak.
That’s where you find yourself, on the couch with a small cluster of people. Most of which are the ones you had planned to ignore. Rhodey, Tony, Clint, Maria Hill, and Nat don’t as much as eye you suspiciously, thankfully. Besides, you mostly people watch, only talking when Steve wants some insight on whether or not Thor is really spiking his drink or giving him something watered down.
You share a look with Thor, encouraging the addition of it into Steve’s next beer, when Clint questions the God’s almighty hammer. You laugh when Clint looks at the thing bewildered at his inability in to lift it.
Steve joins you in softened laughter at Stark’s attempts. His head finds your shoulder when Rhodey and him quarrel about representing in their effort to pull the hammer off the table. But he refuses to make so much as a peep when Banner tries to “Hulk” it up, saying he doesn’t want to hurt the guy’s chances with Nat.
Before you can tell him Bruce could do no wrong in the red head’s eyes, it’s Steve’s turn. The way he rolls up his sleeves, making it clear he’s taking it seriously, has you silent. You can tell a lot by a person in the way they go about a challenge. it doesn’t surprise you at all, despite the short time you two have talked, that Steve goes for it.
It’s no shock at all that your attention switches to Thor. The look of panic, which you’re sure only you are watching, astounds you. Never once had the God been this nervous. But here he was, holding his tongue as Steve nudged the alien club up.
Steve comes back to you in defeat. You offer him a supportive pat on the back, having his eyes for all but a moment until everyone’s eyes land on you. Recognizing Nat just turned down the offer you shake your head. “Lift with your brain, not your weak bones.”
Steve gives you an impressed look, opening his mouth to call you out when Hill remarks the use of bad language.
“I had a feeling you’d be a stickler for that.” You theorize aloud.
Steve looks at you over his shoulder, raising a brow. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah.” You reiterate.
Thor proves you all wrong, effortlessly lifting his weapon of choice, declaring no one worthy.
The group laughter is cheerful and it warms your heart. Something about comfort between all of these people who live so dangerously, intrigues you. Your mouth opens to ask Steve how he’s come to trust them when a high pitched noise floods the space and has you covering your ears.
Your breath catches at the sight of a botched bot, standing in the shadows. Its robotic voice, oddly human, has you biting on your lip. It’s been a while since you’ve been faced with anything worse than a crying client.
Something tells you this won’t end in tissues and a hug.
Steve, who stood upon the unaccounted for noise, says Tony’s name with more frustration that you could ever imagine coming out of the man. You look up to him in surprise, only to look back at the way his hand is flexed in front of you. It’s a poor job at guarding you but something tells you that if he had his shield within reach he’d have grabbed it already.
The bot piques yours interest, his mumbled statements about his own sleep like unscnoius state making you nervous. The way he’s so...real...takes forefront over Tony’s own whispering. But even without your focus directly on him, something tells you he’s unsure. It’s never a good sign when the host is surpised.
You slowly stand as the intruder fumbles with himself. You’re studying him so discreetly you actually wave away Steve’s warning hand.
“You killed someone?”
“No he didn’t.” You murmur, only loud enough for Steve to hear. He gazes back at you for a moment and you shake your head, confirming your suspicion. The...thing in front of you is no real killer. Not yet.
When Tony’s voice rings out from the bot the tension rises in the room. You couldn’t cut it with a knife it’s so thick...which takes a lot for someone with the throwing capabilities of yourself.
You don’t mind it, knowing the pressing threat stands in front of you rather than beside. The wise words erupting from the in flesh Ultron has you racking your brain...about nothing less than the brain in front of you. Computers have never outsmarted you. Then again, it’s been a while since you’ve been around Tony.
His building - in tone and message- signals something much more violent is about to begin. No sane person builds a mountain of words not to stand on it later. Maria Hill cocks her gun as you take in your surroundings. You believe a chopstick to be your best option for a weapon, at least one you can throw, when the crash of walls begins the battle you were really hoping not to get into tonight.
It’s like Steve senses your lack of protection, taking it upon himself to upchuck the table for cover. Instinctively, you crowd down in front of the couch, just missing the hit that Steve takes with the attempted cover.
A big part of you wants to make sure he’s OK, scream his name and chase after him, but it’s not the time. People come to you to recover with your help. Steve isn’t one of those people.
So, you go into survival mode.
You army crawl across the room, watching every disappear from the main level. They’re smart enough to find cover and/or a weapon. You, out of practice and way out shape, head across the room...you know, to the empty space ensuring no safety.
Catching sight of Nat, now armed, you duck down knowing there has to be a gun stashed somewhere. It’s not your first weapon of choice, having never trusted a bullet as much as a blade but something is better than nothing.
And nothing is what you find.
You graze every table you can, certain it hasn’t been long enough for you to forget what a gun feels like, when spot Nat and Bruce flying up the stairs.
Sure Nat has already pleaded with the doctor not to turn green you avert your eyes to Stark, flailing on the back of a bot with what appears to be a fondue fork. You’d kill for a fondue fork right now.
What catches your eye instead is something much less picking. It’s perfect timing too as you spot Dr. Cho crowding behind the piano, face to face with a waist up robot, hand glimmering and all.
In a split second your hand grasps around the candlestick and you toss it through the air. Despite the noise you hear its whistle and while it’s really not the time, you relish the sound that you missed so much.
It hits the neck, chopping off its head just as Steve clambers on top of it, chucking git to Thor to smash, to ensure it’s no chicken working with its head cut off.
A shield wizzes past your head, slicing another member of Ultron’s army seconds later.
Its lonely leader speaks next, chilling the charged air.
Before you know it you’re flinging the other candlestick (it is a set) at Ultron, stabbing his arm. It earns the tines looks of him before a dry chuckle. You don’t take your eyes off of him despite the stare you know you’re getting.
His next words are directed at you. “You just didn’t think it through.” His knowledge of what feels like the entire world makes you believe that while his idenity is still a mystery, yours is not to him.
Your presumption is all but proved when his crumbled form sings the infamous Pinocchio song. Not once was it sung at the party. Everything his at his finger tips. Yourself included.
The blue of his eyes fade but he surely doesn’t leave the room. Tony sighs, clutching himself on the stairs. Thor breathes heavily hwile Nat looks worridely at Bruce, who appears on the edge of vomitting up all the food he didn’t eat a the party. Cho looks terrfiied. Hill and Rhodey on the lower level.
That leaves Steve. Watching you.
In four steps he’s at your side, his hands on your arms as he checks you out. Not like that. You remind, tell, yourself its not like that as you meet his eyes.
“Im’ fine.”
"That’s not what I was going to say.”
“Guess you’re better at reading people then.” Humor has always been your go-to. There’s not anything much heavier than blood and blades. The least you could do is quip something light.
Steve steps forward, his voice dropping just for you to hear. “I was going to say you’re a damn good throw.”
The End
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madnessinwrighting · 4 years
When They Know (You're the One)
(Summary: There's a moment, one distinct moment, when you know you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone. This is the Avengers (plus Loki and Bucky) having those moments.
Reader Insert, inspired by an imagine I have long since lost the link too. Open to writing a part two for the other characters.
Notes:  Hey all! This is something I've pretty much sat on for a year, but the convincing of two best friends has pushed me to post it. Basically, it's just a quick bite of little moments with each Avenger, with a reader insert. Yes, it was slightly self indulgent. Hope y'all enjoy.
Read on AO3
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It was how you welcomed him home.
He comes back to your shared floor in the tower after a day of meetings. He was tired, and wanted nothing more than to take a hot shower and wait for you to come back from your training with Wanda. He paused when he heard music softly playing. Glenn Miller’s "Moonlight Serenade" drifted around the corner, pulling Steve into the living room. His guard dropped when he saw you curled up on the couch in one of his sweatshirts, book in hand. Regina, your cat, and Doger, his dog, were laying at your feet.
Steve was always captivated by your beauty, but in this moment, with your attention completely held by the book in your hand, thinking no one is watching you, is when he found you the most stunning. Before he could clear his throat to let you know he was here, you glance up at him. A breathtaking smile broke out across your face as you got up to welcome Steve home. It was in that moment, he knew that he would never let you go.
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It was in your careless beauty after an event.The two of you were in his room, lounging on his bed, after the monthly Avengers Gala that Stark Industries held. Every month, the Avengers and Stark Industries held a fundraising Gala to help different organizations in need. It had been your idea; being the Avengers PR person, you had proposed the idea after seeing the growing interest the public had in seeing the “real life superheroes” more, but still being unsure of the Avengers after New York and Sokovia. The galas let the general public mingle with the elite, all while the Avengers mingled with both. (You had started to notice how much the heroes spent less and less time with the elite and more with the general public (especially Steve and Bucky)).
You were wearing one of Tony’s button ups and a pair of pajama shorts. A champagne bottle rested against your leg as you grabbed for another slice of pizza. Tony laughed at you; you were always hungry after the galas. He reached for a slice too. He glanced up at you as you took a bite, just staring for a moment. Your hair was in an imperfect bun, wet strands falling around your face from where you missed a few pieces after your shower. There was a smudge of black under each eye from leftover makeup. As you wiped some sauce from the side of your mouth, Tony could see where your fingernail polish had started to chip. You noticed his staring. “What, playboy? Do I have something on my face?” He laughed at the nickname. Any other time, he would have sassed back. But the whiskey that had been coursing through his veins finally reached his head. Or maybe it was your beauty. Maybe it was a combination of the two that made him say, “No. I just realized I’m going to marry you someday.” You rolled your eyes at him, laughing. You thought he was joking. But Tony knew the truth, and that’s all that mattered; for now.
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It was how you interacted with his kids, and how you could read him.
He had just come back from a mission. He and Nat had gotten banged around, nothing serious, but he knew his ribs were going to be hurting for a few days. He heard laughter the moment he stepped off the elevator to your shared floor. His smile grew when he saw you and his kids in the process of building a blanket fort, you standing carefully on a leaning chair to get the blanket on a high hook. Lila hid her face behind her hands as you made a show of “almost” falling, before doing a flip and landing perfectly. Little Nathaniel clapped his hands as the three cheered. The four of you took a step back to admire your work. The three kids all come in close to you, Nate hugging your leg. Your hand came down to play with his hair. You all talk quietly about what to add. Clint’s heart clinches at the sight. While his and Laura’s split was mutual, and they still cared for one another, it had been hard, for both them and the kids. To see you interact well with the three people that made up a big portion of his world, and them to do the same with you… Clint really couldn’t ask for more.
He caught the repetitive tapping of your fingers on your leg. “Take your time. Love you.”
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You learned Russian for her.
Any time she came into the room when it was just you and Bucky, the two of you would stop talking and a red hue would cover your cheeks. It didn’t take a spy to know you were hiding something. At first, Nat had a fleeting thought that you might be cheating on her, but she knew you, and knew Buck, and knew that that wasn’t the case. So she let the secret go for the time being; well, that’s a lie. She actually decided to turn it into a game and see if she could find out what it was that you were keeping from her. But sneaking up on the Winter Soldier proved to be difficult, considering most of her skills she had learned were from him.
She thought she had figured out a way to catch you. She was thinking through her plan while making her coffee that morning when your arms snaked around her waist. She smiled as you rested your head on her shoulder, placing a kiss on the bare skin. “Доброе утро Любовь. Спать хорошо?” you asked.
“конечно, ты был следующим -” Natasha froze as she processed what just happened. She spun in your arms to face you. “That’s what you and Barnes have been doing?”
“Yes. Were you going to say because I was next to you?”
“Yes. Why are you learning Russian?”
You rolled your eyes. “Because of you, silly. Your Russian, are you not? And while most of your Russian adventures are in your past and not really you anymore, they and Russia are still a part of you. I love every part of you and want to know every part of you, so I asked Bucky it he would be willing to--”
Natasha cut off the rest of your explanation by placing a kiss on your lips. If there were tears on her checks, neither of you mentioned it.
(Translation:  Доброе утро Любовь. Спать хорошо? - Good morning, love. Sleep well?конечно, ты был следующим. - Of course, you were next -- Done with Google. I'm sorry if they are incorrect. Please let me know if they are so I can fix it.)
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You didn’t treat his brother like a villain.
None of the team was thrilled when Thor announced that Loki would be coming to live with him on Earth. But considering the alternative was for Loki to be executed, Thor convinced them to allow Loki to stay in the tower. But of course there were rules. Loki and Thor accepted these; Loki just wanted to leave the place that never felt like a home to him, and felt even less so now, no matter what his mother did to try and help. Thor was excited to see you once again, to be able to be with you once again, but he worried about how you would react to Loki. You had been badly injured when the Chatiri attacked. Thor loved both you and his brother; he wanted, no, needed you two to get along.
When the time came for Loki to move in, all the Avengers were waiting in the teleportation room. The alarm alerted you to the brothers incoming arrival. You all shielded your eyes as the Bifrost opened. The blinding light cleared, leaving the polar opposite sons of Odin in its place. Everyone stayed still for a moment. You rolled your eyes at all of them before throwing yourself at Thor. He caught you with a laugh, spinning you around.
Loki rolled his eyes. “Maybe I should have chosen execution.”
You sensed the movement of the team tensing and gripping their weapons. Placing a kiss on Thor’s cheek, you walked over to Loki. You knew he recognized you from when he fought against you during the Chatiri invasion; you also knew it wasn’t his fault. Hardly any of the New York Attack was Loki’s fault, directly. Knowing that, you placed your hands over both of the bracelets on his wrist, said a small incantation, and melted them away. You felt and saw Loki’s magic return to him. His eyes were swirling with questions. All you said to him was, “No one, not a single being, deserve to be cut off from something that makes them whole.”
Thor had tears in his eyes. He had been trying to convince others that his brother wasn’t the enemy, and here was the woman that he loved, showing that she believed that too.
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You loved him despite his inner demon.
Bruce Banner had felt ever since his… accident, that he was very much two different people. You once joked he was a modern day Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Tony thought it was hysterical, Bruce not so much). Despite his green friend always being just under Bruce’s skin, you never once feared him. The Hulk and Bruce were one person, and that was something you accepted very early on; Bruce knew he loved you then.
But the moment he knew he would spend forever with you was when you didn’t shy away from his true inner demon. Not the green one, but the one that was very human. The self doubt that he was nothing and only ever became something because of a gamma radiation explosion. The anxiety that he would one day lose control and destroy everything that he held dear. The depression that came from every so-called mistake he thought he had made in his scientific career. The depression that manifests in self isolation so no other mistake could be made, or at least no one was there to be hurt when they were made. He was certain that these monsters would be the ones to push you away from him; they would be the ones that would make you run away screaming.
You never once left his side, though. You calmed the anxiety attacks; you silenced the dark thoughts in his mind. You were his voice in every moment that he needed you. You were his protector, and he would do everything in his power to keep you.
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You saw through the illusion.
Loki moved into the tower not long after everything that happened with the Battle of Sokovia, which was when you joined the team. He was brought to Earth to atone for his sins; Odin thought it poetic to banish his son to the place where he caused destruction.
Besides Bucky (shared trauma in brainwashing and all), you were the first one to accept Loki as he was. A connection flowed easily between you, bonding over books and similar battle styles; you both favored knives and daggers. One night, you two were in the living room of the comunal floor. Loki and you had only been dating for a few months, but your friendship led to a strong bond already. You were reading; Loki had been too, though he was now asleep, head resting in your lap. Your hand stilled in his hair as he started to fidget. Twitching and moaning, you recognized the signs of his nightmares immediately. Your gentle coasting to awake still startled him. A moment on the couch, the next on the floor staring into red eyes surrounded by a blue tinged face. As quickly as it was there, Loki was his blue-eyed, pale skinned self, helping you from the ground.
“Apologies, my love. I do not know what came over me.” He ran his hands through his hair.
You rolled your eyes. “Bullshit. Are you okay?” You reached out for him.
He smiled softly before turning away from you. “Yes, yes, I’m fine, love.”
“Loki, you are not--”
“I said I’m fine, Y/N,” he interrupted. He started to walk away.
“Wha- No, wait.” He didn’t stop. “Loki of Asgard, you stop right now and look at me, damnit!” He stopped, but didn’t turn. “Loki. Please. You can pretend with the team, with your brother even. But don’t lie to me. You’re not fine, not have you been for a long time. Look at me.” While you spoke, you walked closed to him. You reached out to place a hand on the back of his shoulder.
He caught your wrist, half turning to look at you. “You see through the illusions.”
It wasn’t a question. You still answered. “Yes, I do.” You used your captured hand to turn his face to you. “You may be the God of Mischief, but your lies have never worked on me.” You whipped a tear from his cheek.
He’d never admit it to you, but his heart clenched and he was at a momentary loss for words. All he could think to say, as he pulled you into his arms, was, “I know not how I got so fortunate to have you in my life, but I thank whoever it was that allowed it.” You just hugged him tighter.
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It was how you celebrated his 37th birthday.
Bucky had a doopy smile on his face as he read one of the texts from you; he and Steve were disembarking from one of Stark’s planes. Bucky brought his head up at the sound of laughter. “What, punk?” Bucky shoved Steve’s shoulder.
Steve rolled his eyes. “Nothing. Tell y/n hi from me, jerk.”
Bucky shot back that he would as he headed straight to the garage.
When he did get home, a wonderful aruma tickled his nose while Janet Blair’s “You’d be so Nice to Come Home To” floated to his ears. Dropping his bag by the door, he rounded the island. All of his weariness from the mission vanished once he saw you. Your hair was pinned up and you wore a y/f/c swing dress. He caught the reflection of your makeup; simple, with eyeliner your top lids, just a kiss of it on the lower, massacre gracing your lashes, and a red perfetingly complementing your skin coating your lips. When you faced Bucky, he had to grip the island slightly for support. You looked just like the dames he knew growing up. But unlike all of them, you were his, and you took his breath away.
“Buck! I didn’t hear you come in,” you exclaimed.
He reached out to you; you willingly stepped into his arms. Bucky placed a kiss on your lips, humming as he pulled away. “You look stunning, doll. What’s the occasion?” He started swaying you to the music.
You laughed. “You are, you dork. Or did you forget you turned a whole century while you are on this mission?”
“Ouch, doll. You really know how to make a man feel loved. I’m only 37,” he tried reasoning as he dipped you.
“Is that so? Then why does your birth certificate say you were born in 1917?” Bucky raised an eyebrow at you. “Fine, happy 37th birthday, even though you were born 100 years ago. Do you want some cake? I made this one special.” You began biting the side of your lip.
“Sure, babe. I’d love some.” Bucky gave you once last peck before letting you go.
You went to the cake, cutting two slices. Bucky saw you fidget slightly as you set them pieces down on the island. Not sure as to why you’d be so nervous (you’d made him chocolate cake before, it was his favorite), he picked up his fork and took a big bite. The explosion of flavor in his mouth caused him to pause for a moment before he kept chewing. Unsure if his senses were playing tricks on him, he took another small bite. Nope, that tasted exactly like-- “Is this my mother’s recipe?” Disbelief clouded his voice. You nodded your head. “And her icing?” You nodded again.
“It wasn’t easy to replicate, or even find the recipe, but this birthday is a big deal so I thought--” you were cut off by Bucky pulling you to him and crashing his lips to yours. You could taste the chocolate on his lips.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 16
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2472
Warnings:  Pregnancy, Smut (Bisexual orgy, watching porn, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal fingering, face fucking, triple penetration, come play)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 16: Reminiscing
“I think we should all watch porn in the home theater.”
Our whole group had stopped at a cafe on the way home from dropping the kids off and had brunch together.  Something we’d never actually done as a complete group before and was even rare for any of us in general.  It was nice.  Some of the guys ordered mimosas and Bruce ordered four of everything on the breakfast menu.  It felt like the first actual date all of us had been on as a group.
On the way home, we talked about the things we could do with our first kid-free time since the honeymoon.  Of course, most of them seemed to revolve around sex, though there had been a couple of votes for a big group nap and watching all those TV shows we couldn’t watch with the kids there because of their content.  So while Tony’s suggestion wasn’t completely out of left-field, every single one of us was shocked.
“No one wants to watch porn, Tony,” Steve deadpanned.
“Now, now,” Clint said.  “Let’s not table the idea completely.”
“Yeah, Steve,” Natasha teased.  “Speak for yourself.”
“What is… porn?”  Thor asked.
Clint and Tony stared at the god with their mouths open.  “How many years have you been visiting earth and you don’t have porn?”
“I’m more curious that porn doesn’t exist on Asgard,” Bruce said.  “I would have thought that was a universal constant.”
Thor looked at everyone, waiting for someone to explain.  “Nope, that settles it, we’re watching porn in the theater.”
“I don’t want to watch porn in the theater,” Steve sighed.
“Can someone please explain to me what this word means?”  Thor said.
“Porn is basically just material featuring people having sex,” Sam explained.  “In this case, he wants to watch videos of people having sex in the theater room.”
“Oh, erotica,” Thor said in understanding.  “I have not heard that term before.”
“Wait, Steve, before you say no completely, think about this,” he said.  “FRIDAY can flip the floor so that there are no chairs.  Just a great big bed that will fit all of us.”
“It’s not the seating arrangement that I take issue with, Tony,” Steve argued.  “I don’t want to watch porn.”
“Hey, Steve,” Clint said, coming over to him and running his palm over Steve’s arm.  “What if it wasn’t just random strangers?  What if we watch the videos that we made for the others.  Remember when everyone was on the mission and El and I kept fucking all over the place?”
I hummed.  “Those were the days.  Remember when we could just fuck all over the place?”
“We could never do that, Elise,” Steve scolded.  “You and Clint just didn’t care. And now you do.”
“That’s our plan for tomorrow, huh, El?”  Clint teased.
I giggled and nodded my head.  “Aye, me hearty.”
Clint cracked up laughing while Natasha gave him a confused look.
“So how about it, Steve?”  Sam said, coming up behind Steve and running his hand up the super-soldier’s stomach.  “Wanna watch those videos you made for us?  They were very hot.”
Steve seemed to think it over and a smile crept over his face.  “I’m in.”
Everyone else agreed too.  Apart from Thor, everyone had seen at least two out of three of the videos Clint and I had made with the help of Steve and Bruce, and they all seemed eager to see them again.
We filed into the home theater and as we entered the room the chairs all sunk into the floor and a large bed emerged from the ceiling, completely made up.  We climbed into bed and the first of the movies we’d made started up.  It was the one of Bruce and me on the recliner.  My legs were spread and my face was a mask of ecstasy as his fingers moved inside me.  Bruce’s face was set in deep concentration, but his eyes had that green tinge they used to get when Hulk was watching.
“Banner, you were being much more brazen than you usually were,” Thor said, clapping Bruce on the shoulder.
Bruce blushed and ran his hand through his hair.  “Clint and Elise had spent the whole day getting me and everyone else worked up.”
“I wish I had been there, it sounds like it was most enjoyable,” Thor said.
“It was really just a way for me to deal with the stress of what was going on.  The mission was dangerous and I felt pretty helpless,” I explained.  “So Clint was trying to distract me and Bruce because he was on the verge of Hulking out.”
“And I am awesome at sex,” Clint said.
“Is that so, little bird,” Thor said and pulled Clint into a hungry kiss.  Clint has a sudden look of surprise on his face before closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around Thor’s neck.
“God, look how young I look,” I said.
“Young and about to come,” Tony teased, walking his fingers up the inside of my leg.
“You do look close, El,” Sam teased.
“And young,” Bucky said.  “Jesus Tasha, why were you pursuing a fetus?”
“I like ‘em young,” Natasha joked, as the younger me cursed and came hard around Bruce’s fingers.
“God that was so sexy,” Steve said.  “When I opened that video on the way down to you, it made me so hard.”
“Looks like it has now too, Cap,” Sam said, massaging Steve’s crotch.
In the film, Bruce has offered his soaked fingers to me and I was sucking them clean.
“I liked your hair like that,” Wanda said.
I giggled.  “Are you saying you don’t like it now?”
“No, I do like it,” Wanda said, breaking down into giggles too.
“Maybe she just means in that sex messed way,” Bruce suggested.
The video switched to one of Clint on all fours and Steve easing a plug out of his ass.
“No,” Wanda giggled.  “That’s not it.  It’s just shorter now.”
“Oh yeah, remember when you cut it all off?  Why’d you cut it again?”  Tony asked.
“Because Riley would grab handfuls of it and nearly yank it out of my scalp,” I said.  “I kinda miss it short.  I liked how it barely took anything to look after it.  I’m thinking about getting a mohawk.”
“Oh, like Carol?”  Natasha asked.  “That would be hot as hell. Do that.”
“Are we really talking about El’s haircut while there’s a video of Steve fingering Clint’s ass playing?”  Tony asked.
“Mm, I think you’re right,” Natasha said.  “I think we might all need to be getting rid of our clothes.”
“Now we’re talking,” Tony said, quickly stripping off his clothes.
The rest of us followed suit, Bruce shifting down, so his clothes just fell away due to their size.  By the time we were all naked, the video was showing Clint on his back and Steve was easing his cock into Clint’s ass.
Bruce crawled over to me and pulled me into his lap.  I curled against his chest and kissed his neck.  Around us the others were doing similar things, kissing as they watched the video.  Bucky had started to slowly finger Wanda and Sam was eating Natasha out as she jerked Steve’s cock.  “You know,” Bruce whispered to me.  “Things have changed so much for me since Asgard.  I feel complete and confident and totally happy.  I’ve never had that before.  But I remember this day, and you and Clint taking care of me when I was so stressed out.  When we got word that everyone was coming home.  I felt so relieved and accepted.  That was the closest I’ve ever felt to how I do right now.  And that was because of you.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Mm-hmm,” Bruce said, slipping a hand between my legs and massaging my cunt.  “You did a lot for me.  What can I do for you?”
“You know what I want right now?”  I whispered.
“I’m guessing it’s something really dirty,” Bruce chuckled.
“I want four dicks in me,” I whispered against his ear.
Bruce circled his fingers over my clit and looked around at the others.  In the video, Steve had started to jerk Clint off as he fucked him and I knew Clint wasn’t far off from blowing his load.
“Thor, Clint, Tony?  Care to join us?” Bruce asked.  “Our girl here wants to be stuffed tight.”
“Is that gonna be safe for the baby?”  Tony asked as he moved over.
“Uh-huh,” I moaned softly as Bruce pushed a finger inside me.  “I’m not even showing yet, none of you will even get close to it.  It’s all protected in its little house.”
Tony chuckled.  “Darling, I am a genius, you didn’t need to dumb it down.”
He grabbed a tube of lube from a compartment at the head of the bed and we moved to the edge of the mattress.  Bruce lay down with his legs over the end of the bed and Clint began to lube up Bruce’s cock.  I straddled Bruce’s waist and Clint guided him inside of me.
“I guess I’m gonna be the one doing the acrobatic stuff,” Clint said, as he lubed up his cock.
“Well, you are the acrobat,” Tony teased.
I started to bounce on Bruce’s cock as I watched the screen.  Steve was pounding into Clint’s ass and jerking him off and Clint arched his back and came all over himself.
Thor stepped up between Bruce’s legs adding more lube, and teasing my entrance with his fingers. As he did Clint began to do the same to my ass.  I moaned loudly and buried my face in Bruce’s neck.
“I’ve got you,” Bruce whispered.
“No,” Tony said, lifting my chin.  “Don’t you want to put that pretty mouth of yours to good use?”
“Yes, Tony,” I moaned.  Thor had two fingers pushing in and out of me along the length of Bruce’s cock, stretching me so I could take him too.  Clint had started adding a second finger into my ass and I was already starting to question what I’d gotten myself into.
Tony teased the head of his cock over my lips. I flicked my tongue over the slit of his cock, and he hummed.  “Come on now, darling,” Tony purred.  “Open wide.”
I opened my mouth and he pushed his cock inside.  I closed my eyes and started to suck his cock.  The sounds of moans filled the room.  Not just from us but from the speakers.  My own desperate moans blasted around us.
I was barely even aware of that, all my attention was on the way my holes were being stretched.
Thor lined himself up and eased in.  My cunt stretched and burned to accommodate him, and Bruce groaned and bucked up into me.  My sounds were muffled by Tony’s cock as he slowly rolled his hips.
When Thor had pushed in as deep as he could, Clint climbed up over me into a crouched position and lined himself up to my ass.  The head of his cock pressed against my asshole.  I moaned, trying to just keep my focus on sucking up and down on Tony’s cock, but as Clint sunk into my ass, I cried out, releasing Tony’s cock.
The four men all gave me a moment to adjust.  On the screen, I was scrambling for purchase as Steve railed into me.  Natasha, Sam, and Steve had formed a train, Steve fucking into Sam as Sam fucked Natasha, and beside them, Wanda was riding Bucky.  I could feel everyone, but none of them could detract from how completely and utterly stretched and full I felt.
As I adjusted, Thor, Bruce, and Clint started to thrust, Tony grabbed my hair and pulled my head back.  I opened my mouth and he thrust back in.
They started slow, letting me get used to them penetrating me.  It danced a line between pleasure and pain, but as they picked up the pace and I started to feel fuzzy and unfocused, it felt nothing but good. Pleasure surged through me and I moaned and gagged on Tony’s cock.
Bruce held me close and Clint pressed down on my back as he balanced above me and thrust into my ass.  “Oh, god,” Bruce moaned.  “Feels so good.  Can feel you.”
“That’s right, Bruce,” Thor rumbled.  “All of us together.”
He ran his large hands around my hips and a spark danced between us, making my muscles clench out of my control.  I came suddenly and without warning, releasing Tony’s cock.  Bruce groaned and his hips stuttered as he tried to keep himself together but it was no good.  He arched his back and came, moaning as he released.
Thor and Clint pulled out and I rolled off Bruce.  I thought they were going to just change position, but Thor, Clint, and Tony just crowded around me, pumping their cocks.  I looked up at them, fuzzy and slightly euphoric.  I opened my mouth and squeezed my breasts together as I arched my back.  They seemed to be trying to time it so they all finished at once.  Each of them frantically pumping their cocks.
Clint finished first, moaning and letting his head drop back as he released in hot ribbons over my stomach.  Thor and Tony weren’t far behind.  Each jerking and releasing over me until I was painted with copious amounts of their hot mess.
As my breathing evened out and I started coming down from my orgasm high, I became aware that not only had the video stopped but the others were just watching us.
“See, Steve,” Tony said, putting the lube back and grabbing some wipes.  “I told you it was a good idea.”
“When you’re right, you’re right,” Steve agreed, taking one of the wipes and starting to help Tony clean me up.  “I have worked up quite the appetite now.  Is anyone else hungry?”
There was the noise of agreement and everyone started to get redressed.  “I say we order sushi and El can take a shower and when it gets here we eat it off her naked body,” Natasha said.  “That’s something we’d never do with the kids here?”
“Why me?” I protested.
“Well, you don’t mind getting messy obviously,” she teased.  “And it’s traditionally supposed to be a woman and Wanda and I have baby bumps and you don’t.”
“How will I eat?” I asked.  “And you know you’re not supposed to eat sushi right?”
“No,” she argued.  “Just no raw fish.  Wanda and I can eat the vegetarian ones or I’ll have the ones with cooked fish.  Plus, we’ll feed it to you.”
I chuckled and relented.  “Alright, I’ll do it.  But you owe me.”
“Don’t worry, mishka,” she teased. “I’m sure we can all work out ways to repay you.”
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controloffandoms · 5 years
Tension (P.P./S.M.)
Prompt: I rewatched Endgame and it has given me so many ideas…
Pairing: Peter Parker x Banner!Reader, Bruce Banner x daughter!reader, Tony Stark x niece!reader
Words: 3712
Warnings: Endgame spoilers (kinda), I feel like Endgame is a warning in and of itself, cursing, violence, hurt reader
Notes: I’m sorry….I’m just so sorry...I have too many ideas flowing through my head at one time.
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You knew going into space was a bad idea. You followed Peter Parker because you couldn’t let him just go do something stupid on his own. Now though, you were regretting it. You coughed, wiping the blood that came to your lips away. You got up again, getting back into the fight. “Quill, don’t,” you shouted as you saw what he was about to do. He was going to mess this whole thing up.
You reached him too late, Thanos woke. You pulled the foolish man out of the way, so that he wouldn’t get hit by Thanos again. In the process, you were thrown away from the group. Then he was gone. You growled getting up and making your way to Peter Quill. “What the hell was that,” you shouted, shoving him backwards. “We had him!”
“(Y/N), you need to calm down. You don’t want to hurt him,” Tony called, but you ignored him. You could have stopped Thanos, but Quill messed it all up. It was his fault.
Before you could go to shove him again, Peter pulled you away. He turned you to face him, hands on your shoulders. “This was all part of Dr. Strange’s vision. Any other way and we would lose.”
You ran a hand down your face but nodded. “Should have stayed on Earth. I bet he’s there now. I still need to beat his ass,” you stated. 
“I don’t think your father would let you anywhere near Thanos,” Tony supplied. 
“Yeah, well he wouldn’t have a choice. Hulk seems to be absent for the moment.” 
You wanted to continue the chat, but something felt different. Peter seemed to sense it as well. You both walked over to Tony. “Mr. Stark? I don’t feel so good. I don’t know what’s happening…I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go. Sir, please? Please, I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go. I’m sorry.” You watched as your best friend turned to dust. 
“Peter,” you whispered, staring at the spot where he use to stand. “Uncle Tony?” He turned to you, tears in his eyes. “What’s happening? We didn’t lose, we couldn’t have lost,” you teared up. You watched as your own form began to shimmer and turn to dust. “Uncle Tony, please! I-I-my dad! Tell him I love him...I love you too.” 
“I found her, she’s over here,” you winced at the voice. Why was it so loud? 
Everything came back to you as quick as the snap of your fingers. You sat up, gasping. “Peter?! Uncle Tony?!” Slowly your vision stabilized enough that you could make out Peter’s form. You grasped at him, pulling him close. You remembered him turning to dust and not being able to do anything about it. “You’re alive,” you whispered. 
“Sorry to break up the reunion, but we need to get a move on. The others need us. It’s been five years and the others are already waging war with Thanos,” Dr. Strange stated. He opened a portal that lead you to the Wakandan battle field. Seeing as you didn’t see everyone there, you guessed that these were the Avengers that were turned to ash after the snap.
You watched Dr. Strange as he seemed to be waiting for a signal to bring us all back to the present. You looked at Peter who was tinkering with his suit. He turned to you. “Stay safe when we get out there,” he stated. 
“Always. You do the same.” 
“Forever.” It was custom every battle you went in to make this promise to each other. You both had superhuman abilities, you were both able to understand one another better than anyone. The fact that you had similar abilities and were just about the same age made it easy for you two to bond. 
The next portal opened, and you all rushed out. You immediately spotted Thanos. “The purple raisin is mine,” you called, bounding towards him. 
It took only two jumps to get to Thanos. You threw him away from Tony and Steve. “Would have thought that you would have had us back out by a year of being gone,” you called over your shoulder, sending them a smirk as you drop kicked Thanos while he was dusting himself off. 
You used a move Natasha had taught you to throw Thanos to the ground while getting the gauntlet off of him. “I’ll take this.” You tossed it to T’Challa as he passed. He nodded in thanks, making his way away from Thanos. You tossed Thanos over your shoulder, slamming him into the ground. “That’s for making me watch my best friend die.” You sent all of your force into the punch to his face, “that’s for taking me away from my family for five years.” You sent him into a rock, leaving him breathless. “For being an asshole.” You roundhouse kicked him in the side, sending him flying, “for being a thorn in our sides.” 
Your next attack was blocked and he advanced on you. He threw you back into the rock that he had been pinned against, sending you right through it. “I don’t have time to play your games,” he stated. He grabbed you, sending you flying through the air, taking the breath out of your body. He landed on your back, causing you to gasp in pain. Next, he brought your arm up, breaking it in half. You mumbled curses as he was thrown off you. 
You moved just in time for an alien to land where you had been lying. You growled as it turned its sights on you. You grabbed it with your good arm, flinging it into the ship it had been pouring from. You smirked as it died on impact. 
You ripped a piece of your shirt, grabbing a branch that you’d found in the debris, and made a makeshift splint for your arm. You tied it off, ready to get back in the fight. You ran back in, spotting Peter with the gauntlet. You pushed yourself faster, taking out an alien that was gunning for him. “How’s you end up with the gauntlet?”
“Uh, Black Panther was stuck, so I grabbed it? What happened to your arm?”
“Uh, Thanos.” 
You and Peter traveled together, you keeping the aliens from reaching your best friend. You stopped in shock at the missiles coming towards you, you wouldn’t let Peter die. You jumped on him, covering him with your body, gauntlet pressed between the both of you. When your ears stopped ringing, you moved off of your best friend. 
“Don’t do that again! You could have gotten yourself killed,” Peter exclaimed. 
“Gotta protect the gauntlet, and you were holding it,” you stated, willing your blush to stay off your face. 
You were both brought out of your trance by someone clearing their throat. “Got something for me?” 
“I’m-I’m Peter Parker...this is (Y/N) Banner...uh, here,” he tossed her the gauntlet. 
She smiled, “thanks Peter, (Y/N) good job.”
“Uh, how are you going to get through all that,” you asked. 
“With help,” was her response. It was amazing as all of the women joined the woman in front of you. There was even a lady on a Pegasus. You and Peter watched in awe as they took off. 
“That was-” you started.
“So cool,” Peter finished. 
You nodded, helping him up when you stood. You both decided to stick together, taking down more and more aliens. Finally you’d both cleared a path. You both were tired, bodies aching, but you knew you both had to keep going. You and Peter jogged side by side. You stopped when you saw Tony with the stones on his armor. “Uncle Tony, no!” 
You rushed to get to him, but he’d already snapped his fingers. You dropped down beside him...you hadn’t even seen him since you’d been brought out of the portal. You wrapped your arms around him, tears falling. “Hey kid...glad you made it back.”
“Why? We-We could have figured another-another way.” He reached up and wiped your tears. 
“It was all in the plan.” 
You shook your head, moving to the side to let Peter see Tony...your uncle was going to die...all because of that purple jackass. He hadn’t turned to ash yet. “You fucking jackass,” you shouted, launching at Thanos. You and him tumbled away from Tony and the others that had gathered. You sent punch after punch into his face. You brought your arms up, planning on banging them down on his chest, but as you went to follow through, he turned to ash. All you hit was rock. 
You sat in the same spot, staring at what use to be Thanos. It wasn’t fair. You turned to look over your shoulder. You could tell by the faces of everyone that Tony was gone. You turned back around, tears stinging your eyes and the cuts on your face. You got up slowly, chest heaving as if you had just run a marathon. You knew who else’s fault it was that Tony was dead. 
You spotted him just out of the crowd of heroes gathered. “This is all your fault,” you screamed, grabbing the man and throwing him. It seemed to surprise him. “You knew all along! You told Tony that this was the only way, but we could have found another!” You sent a punch to his face.
Dr. Strange didn’t do anything to dissuade you. He took every hit you gave him. It wasn’t until you were being lifted away from Dr. Strange that everything fell into place. You favorite uncle...the person you could tell everything to, was dead. You struggled against the person holding you, just wanting to curl in on yourself. 
You got out of the person’s grasp, collapsing to the ground. You brought your knees up to your chest, burying your face in them. Everything hurts: your head, your arm, your muscles, your back ...your heart. You wanted nothing more than to smash everything you could see, but you couldn’t will yourself to move. 
Hands on your knees made you tense, but you didn’t move away. You thought that if you ignored them long enough, they would go away...but they didn’t. “Sweetheart,” you knew that voice anywhere. 
“Daddy,” you cried, jumping towards him, burying your face in his neck. His arms wrapped around you securely and he let you cry into his shirt. You felt another hand on your back, rubbing soothingly. You knew it was Peter, he was always there to comfort you.
“I’m here. We’re here.”
Four Months Later
You rolled your eyes at Peter’s antics. “Instead of giving the villain time to work out a plan by telling jokes, why don’t we take care of the villain,” you asked, jumping in and punching the villain unconscious.
“That wasn’t very nice. We were actually having a conversation.” You shook your head. Your face was only covered by a half-mask that was situated to cover the top half of your face. 
“Honestly, Spidey, that’s why you come home with so many bruises.”
Peter scoffed, landing next to you and webbing up your prisoner. You both would be taking him to Nick Fury’s holding cells in the tri carrier. “You know that we all adore the both of you, but could you keep your bickering to a minimum over the open line,” your father’s voice flowed through the com link. 
“No one asked you to listen in,” you quipped. 
“I’m your father, I can and will ground you.”
“We’re going to take this wannabe villain to Fury now,” you responded, leading the way with Peter laughing behind you. “Oh stop your laughing. If May knew about how you ‘talked’ with the villains that could easily hurt you, you’d be getting a grounding yourself.”
“But May doesn’t know and you aren’t going to tell her.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
He stepped in front of you, lifting his mask to show you the smirk on his lips and the sparkles in his eyes. “Because you love me and wouldn’t want May cutting our time together in half.” 
“Whoever said I loved you, Spider-boy? I certainly never said that.” 
“Right, how could I forget,” he asked, leaning in closer. “It’s not like we’re anything but friends,” he whispered. You almost whined when he pulled away. The tension between you two had been growing ever since you both almost kissed two months ago. Long story short, a villain got the best of both of you and you both had ended landing on one another with Peter only centimeters from your face. 
Ever since then, you both had either avoided the subject or teased the other. Your eyes narrowed at Peter. You rolled your eyes, tossing the villain to him. “Tricarrier took off. I can’t reach it, but you can if you hurry up and attach your web to it.”
Two Days Later
You were screwed. You were supposed to be at dinner with your father, Peter and Aunt May, Pepper and Morgan, and anyone else who could make it, over an hour ago. You knew accepting Fury’s offer would end up screwing you in the end. You’d ended up in another country tracking four big bads, according to SHIELD profiles. 
When you’d finally managed to track them down, you’d had your ass handed to you...not once, not twice, but five times. Finally-FINALLY-you had been able to outsmart the four assholes and get them into containment cells on the tricarrier. With you being in a different country, you didn’t realize the time difference or what time it would be when you finally got back to New York.
You’d stopped at home to clean up, not wanting to particularly explain why you were a bloody mess. As you stood outside the Avenger’s compound, you winced. This wasn’t going to be pleasant. You decided to suck it up, it would only be worse the longer you waited. 
You entered the compound, immediately seeing Thor. You knew that soon everyone would know that you had arrived because Thor was not one to talk quietly. “Ah, Lady (Y/N), you have finally arrived,” his voice boomed. “I believe there is still some food left.” 
You mentally face palmed as you nodded. Your father, quickly followed by Peter, came into view. You had wanted to say something along the lines of ‘don’t freak out’ but your best friend spoke before you could. “What the hell happened to you,” he was instantly by your side, looking you over. That brought your father closer and more attention from everyone else in the compound. 
“I’m okay,” you stated, not that anyone listened to you.
You were bombarded by questions about what happened. Why were you late? Who gave you the cuts and bruises? Where had you been all day? The list went on and on. It was finally when you saw tears in Morgan’s eyes that you rose your voice above everyone else’s. “OKAY! You’re scaring Morgan. I’ll answer all your questions but I need you all to shut up and let me sit down, okay?”
You hid your limp as you walked over to Morgan, picking her up and giving her a huge hug. No matter how much your body ached, you wanted to make Morgan feel safe and comforted. She held on tightly to you, “are you okay, (Y/N/N)?” 
“I’m better now that I’ve had a hug from you! Your hugs make everything better!” You gave her a wide smile that she returned, hugging you tighter. 
“Morgan, honey, why don’t you and I go fix (Y/N) some food?” Pepper didn’t want Morgan to hear the details of what had happened to you today. You didn’t want her to hear it either.
“But my hugs are making (Y/N/N) better,” Morgan pouted.
“Tell you what, you go help your mom with the food and then you and I can have a movie night and you can give me as many hugs as you want. How does that sound,” you asked the little ball of light. 
“Okay!” She clapped her hands, giving you another bone crushing hug, before following her mother.
You watched to make sure she was out of earshot before you sighed, sinking into the couch cushions. Everything hurt. Your ribs, arms, back, legs, muscles, head...everything. “Explanation please,” Peter finally spoke. 
“Sorry for being late. I was out of the country,” you stated, eyes closed. 
“Out of the country,” your dad’s voice was low and pointed.
“I was out and about today, doing my usual patrol route to make sure no one was getting mugged or another villain had popped up and Nick Fury finds me. He says he has a mission that would only last part of the day and that I should be back in time for dinner. It was just one guy that had eluded SHIELD Agents because he had some sort of powers. I asked him what I would get in return and he said that I could name my price after it was done.”
You opened your eyes to see all eyes trained on you with unreadable expressions on their faces. “It was one guy, I thought that it would be me tracking the guy, take him down, ask Fury for something like a car and that would be the end of it. He forgot to mention that the guy was in Asia hiding out. I spent four hours tracking him down but when I found him, he wasn’t alone. His friends had powers too.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you remembered the events of today before shaking your head. “I informed Fury of the fact that his one person mission had turned into a four course meal. Fury immediately went to work identifying the other three while I came up with a plan to take them down. Needless to say, it didn’t work. I tracked them down five times, finally getting the upper hand the fifth time and taking them to Fury’s containment cells.”
“By the time we got here I was already late for dinner. I thought it would raise more questions if I came in with blood on my clothes and all over my face, so I stopped at home. Took almost an hour to get cleaned up. I also thought I would worry someone if I called at the time I got home because I was a little out of it...time zones plus getting your ass kicked tend to do that to a person.” You closed your eyes again as you finished, willing your headache to go away.
It was silent for a while, which you appreciated. Your head was pounding. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going on a mission,” your father asked.
“Would you have told me it was okay to go? Or would you have come to find me and drag me back home?”
“Well considering you look like-”
“But you wouldn’t have known that at the time. Can we not argue over this right now?”
“What did you get in return for your serviced, Lady (Y/N),” Thor finally asked.
A smirk slowly engulfed your face. “I am the proud owner of a slightly used SHIELD facility. Haven’t decided what I’m going to do with it yet, but I figured I could do something with it.”
You opened your eyes, meeting Peter’s shocked orbs. “He just gave you a SHIELD facility?”
“I explained that I got beat half to hell because of his misinformation and that I could and would use it against him in the future if he didn’t give me a facility.”
You looked down at Morgan who was cuddled into you. She’d fallen asleep halfway through the first movie you both had decided on. Peter turned the television off, walking over to the couch you all had been seated on and picked Morgan up. “I’ll put her to bed. Stay here,” he stated.
You watched him walk off with Morgan. He was so good with her, it was amazing. You bit back your groan as you stood up. You folded the blankets you had used and took the empty popcorn bowl to the kitchen, sitting it in the sink. You limped slowly back to the room to grab the cups you guys had used. Once they were in the kitchen, you began your walk back to the movie room. 
Peter stood with his arms crossed once you walked back in. “I told you to stay where you were. You’re hurt.” He walked over to you, standing in front of you. “You’re limping, your bruises are darker...I don’t want you to keep hurting yourself.”
“I tried contacting you all day, but I just assumed that you were hanging out with some friends or your phone was on silent. When you were late for dinner, I kept trying to contact you and I was going out of my mind with worry. I thought someone had gotten you. I thought that maybe you’d been killed. I don’t know what I would do without you. You can’t just leave and not tell anyone.”
“I don’t want to live without you. I can’t lose you. Losing Mr. Stark was hard enough...I honestly don’t think I could live if you died. I need you like I need air to breathe. I love you and I know you feel the same. I’m tired of pretending otherwise. I feel like if I don’t make it clear now, I won’t be able to until you’re on your deathbed. I love you (Y/N) Banner, more than I’ve ever loved anyone before.”
You stared into his misty eyes. You didn’t know how much you’d hurt him with your action. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It won't happen again. I love you, Peter Parker...more than I can put into words.”
He rested his forehead against yours, placing his hands on your cheeks. “Never again,” he whispered. You nodded and his lips crashed to yours. You sighed into the kiss. It was everything you imagined and more. He barely separated from your lips, “I love you.”
“Love you too.” 
Forever Tags
@miraclesoflove @nocturnalherb16
People that might wanna know what’s up....
@avengersss-assembleee @reddiefreddieee @chxsingwaterfalls @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @gracearchives
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birdiefw · 5 years
Tony Stark: Home
Summary: Losing your husband was the worst thing that happened to you, but you weren’t ready to let him go just yet.
Warnings: Depression, Stucky canon, implied brucenat, mentions of sex, fluff, Endgame changes/spoilers.
Word count: 1717
A/N: I refuse to accept what happened in Endgame so this is just me trying to cope and create a little imagine to help with my never-ending sadness. If you don’t like what I changed about Endgame (which really isn’t even that much), then please don’t read this; what I changed is also stated in the warnings. P.S. Bruce now chooses when he becomes the Hulk rather than having combined with the Hulk.
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That was all you felt.
It was like all the air had been sucked out of your lungs when you saw your husband take his last breaths after sacrificing himself for the universe. You didn’t know if it was real at first, but when he failed to move despite your loud pleas and sobs that wrecked through your body, your heart tore into millions shreds and fell into the deepest pit of your stomach where you could no longer feel a thing. It took everything in your body to not completely crumble right then and there, but with strong arms pulling you up to your feet and into their tight embrace, you crumbled, letting out every emotion you felt through your flow of tears.
Tears of anger, grief, sadness, and every other emotion you felt tumbled down your face and soaked into the fabric of Steve Rogers suit as he held you tightly. You could hear his own sniffles, saddened with the loss of Tony, as was everyone else. The world would never be the same without Tony Stark, everyone knew that, but none of them would feel the pain of it as much you did.
No matter what anyone said or tried in an attempt to comfort you over your loss, it meant nothing. Tony’s funeral was a complete blur for you, faces mixing together and words never really registering in your mind. You heard them, but your mind was blank as was your heart without your husband by your side, whispering in your ear that everything would be alright. Everyone walked on eggshells around you, not wanting to make you even more upset or be at the wrath of your anger.
You felt terrible for not talking to anyone, but each time you tried, memories of Tony trying to speak to his final words to you popped up into your mind and made tears brew in your eyes. You didn’t know what was to come next for you, but alone at the compound where you were meant to be picking up some things, you found yourself wandering around aimlessly. It was something that you and Tony would do in your spare time and when no one else was around, sometimes using that to your advantage to have some fun in the many open spaces with the full risk of being seen or caught. However, you found yourself standing in Scott’s guest room, eyes suddenly locked on some Pym Particles that were placed on his messy dresser.
You hadn’t spoke to Scott much, but he did offer you his condolences and said if you ever needed anything to let him know. The same had been said by the Pym family, having caught you off guard with the known fact Hank Pym had never been the biggest fan of Tony, but you smiled to thank them nonetheless. You didn’t even mean to Scott’s in his room—you thought it was Bruce’s—but a small spark inside you told you it was meant to be.
Thankfully, the time machine was still around and in tact, Bruce having wanted to keep it to study it for a while. No one besides him paid much attention to it anymore, everyone else having began to move on with their lives and try to live the life Tony would’ve wanted them to. You, on the other hand, got an idea and found yourself stood in front of the time machine, that particles held in each of your hands, lips pursed and the idea swirling around in your mind.
After Steve returned the stones and came back to live his life with Bucky after he passed the mantle of Captain America to none other than Sam Wilson, they’d left the time machine alone. Bruce was taking some time to research the particles and how it reacted with the time machine, which made you believe that’s why Scott had more of it.
You knew you shouldn’t, but every fiber in your body ached to be with Tony, to see his smile, to hear his laugh, to feel his gentle touch run along your skin. His smile was your favorite thing in the world, and you craved to see it one last time.
Standing front of the machine, you sucked in a breath and turned it on. You were there when they all went off the first time, taking the infinity stones from the past and returning with them a minute later. You’d watched every move Bruce made, taking note of what he pressed and turned, happy that you’d paid so much attention to it at the time. You softly smiled to yourself, glancing to the suits that were thrown off to the side; no one planned on using them anytime soon. You quickly snatched two up and rushed up the platform, feeling the suit begin to form over Tony’s AC/DC shirt you were and jeans after you pressed the button, a little gasp leaving your lips when it was finished after you placed the other one in your pocket.
You sucked in a sharp breath, glancing down to the Pym Particles; you had four with you. One to go, and one to come back. The other two were incase you actually managed to convince Tony to come back with you, but you knew there was a chance he wouldn’t believe you, but still, you wanted them incase. You shook out your arms and legs, mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to attempt. There were many things that could go wrong, but the hope of seeing Tony again was enough to push you to do it.
“Y/N? Are you in here?” A voice called out. Your eyes widened and your head snapped to the side, shock appearing on your features when you saw Tony come into the room. The helmet of your suit slid down, revealing your face to him. He froze, your eyes flicking behind when you saw Bruce Banner.
Bruce offered you a sheepish smile. “Hey, uh, yeah, I guess I beat you to it.”
Your lips parted, looking back to Tony in utter shock. He looked so much different, but still the same somehow. He was a little younger, wearing the same shirt you had on, but yours was more worn and faded. Tears brewed in your eyes and you shakily stepped down from the platform, hand covering your mouth as Tony and Bruce approached you. Your gaze shifted back to Bruce, slightly lowering your hand and brows frurrowed. “But. .how? Why—?”
“I missed him, too,” Bruce said. “Besides, our world still needs him, but not as much as you. I’ll give you guys a few minutes.”
Your eyes softened and you sniffled, taking a small step towards Tony. You two had dated ever since he defeated Ivan Vanko and Justin Hammer, having gotten married a little after Peter Parker had managed to web himself into your lives. You’d yet to have any children of your own, always saying you would when the time was right, but things always got in the way of that all.
Your heart lurched and your hand reached out, hesitantly touching Tony’s face. You couldn’t believe how quiet he’s been, always the one to speak up first, but he hasn’t said a single thing. Your glassy eyes met his own and you sniffled when your hand touched his cheek, feeling him lean into your touch. “This is too good to be true,” you whispered, almost afraid this was somehow a trick being played on you by your own mond.
“Well, it is me. Many people feel that way when meeting me,” he said, causing you to chuckle at his cockiness. Tony sighed, taking your hand and linking your fingers together. “I’m still not entirely sure what happened, Green Giant over there wouldn’t give me all the details, but it took some time and he told me things that only I would know, and while I did have my doubts, I thought it would be nice to see the future, and of course, you.”
You let out a little laugh and playfully rolled your eyes. “Seriously? That’s why you came?”
Tony grinned innocently. “Maybe, maybe not. I didn’t really peg you to be one to ruin the past all for—”
Your face fell when his voice abruptly stopped, concern washing over your features. You opened your mouth to speak, but your eyes followed his gaze, noticing he was staring at your wedding ring that shined on your wedding finger. He slowly looked up to meet your gaze, a small smile working its way onto his lips. “You always did have the best taste,” you smirked.
Tony beamed, chuckling. “Yes, I did. But. . .what do you say we get married? I know we already were, but technically—”
“Tony, are you trying to propose to me with the ring your future self already bought?”
“Uh, maybe?”
“Oh my god! You’re such an idiot,” you laughed, pulling into you to give him a hug. You were still sniffling some, but joy was overtaking you.
“But I’m your idiot, right?”
“Of course.” You pulled away, a content sigh leaving your lips. You still couldn’t believe he was standing right in front of you. You allowed your eyes to take in every feature of him, your smile never once faltering. You finally had him back, and he had you. You grinned, biting your lip. “And, you know, we never actually got to have those kids we wanted. . .”
“Say no more—”
A throat cleared behind you, your eyes tripling in size at the sight of the woman. “I’m sorry, did I step on your moment?”
Your eyes isn’t alright shifted to Bruce. He innocently shrugged, grinning from ear to ear as Natasha Romanoff made her way into the room. “Did I forget to mention we brought Nat back, too?”
You laughed, shaking your head.
You finally had your family back.
Tony squeezed your hand, recapturing your attention. “About that family—”
You playfully rolled your eyes and moved forward without a second thought, connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. You hands pressed the sides of his head, one of his arms shaking around your waist the while the other firmly pressed against your back, pushing your chests’ together. You held him onto him tightly, promising to never let go of him and basking in the joy that Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff, we’re both home.
A/N: This is only like my second time writing something like this, but I hope you all enjoyed! If you’d like to see more, drop some requests in my inbox!! (:
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Phantom Pain (15)
PAIRING - Bucky X Reader 
WARNINGS - Bad Habits and Rough Sex, Angsty and Dark AF. 
DESCRIPTION -  Everybody in the world knew of you, but not who you really were. Some called you a vigilante, some called you a criminal and some called you a hero but all of them called you The Phantom. Only two people knew your real identity and they swore to never tell anyone but when The Avengers need to infiltrate a high-security facility, Bruce Banner deduces that you’re the only one who can pull it off. That decision puts you and Bucky Barnes on a path you can’t turn back from, even if neither of like where it’s leading.
Series Masterlist
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Chapter Fifteen - The Betting War 
“I bet you can’t piss Bruce off WITHOUT triggering The Hulk.”Tony challenged when he won the coin toss.
“Bruce, Tony dared me to phase through the Shield and I broke my arm!” You screamed loudly.
“Oh no, I see a hint of green. Run!”
You and Tony scampered as quickly as you could.
“I bet you can’t get Cap to swear.” You said while you hid in an abandoned meeting room.
“Oh please.” Tony said, strolling out of the room.
You invisibly followed him as he walked up to Cap.
“Cap, I bet princess she couldn’t get you to swear so watch your language.” Tony lied, twisting the truth on it’s head.
“Fuck off Tony.” Steve said without hesitating.
“I knew you’d take her side you gullible old man.”
“Damnit Steve!” You said, reappearing and making the Captain jump.  
Tony clapped his hands loudly in excitement.
“I bet you won’t take the Falcons Wings out for a spin.” He shouted.
“No, bad idea.” Steve said.
“If I don’t, I lose.” You retorted.
“I’ll steal them for you.” Steve said immediately.
Ten minutes later when you crashed through a window you were too proud of yourself to care. Much.
“I bet you won’t help me stop the bleeding.” You groaned, holding up your bleeding elbow.
Tony grimaced as he picked you up and carried you back to the lab.
Halfway through being stitched up, Sam stormed into the lab.
“What the hell? You can’t just steal a mans wings, not cool! I hope that hurts. Actually that does look like it hurts, are you ok?” He said, his anger giving way to genuine concern.
“Tony made me do it.” You pouted, giving Sam your best puppy dog eyes.
“Don’t blame me for the fact you don’t have a backbone. Though you do have an elbow bone, I can see it.” Tony said, retching a bit.
“Puppy dog eyes don’t work on me. I’m immune after being exposed to Cap’s.” Sam informed you.
You added a deep frown to your expression and looked down in shame.
“I’m sorry Sam, I won’t do it again.”
“It’s ok, it was Tony’s idea. If you want to try flying I’ll take you next time.” Sam said, patting you on the shoulder.
Tony snorted and shook his head.
“Ok Princess, you’re all stitched up. I bet you won’t sneak up on Romanoff.” He said and Sam looked afraid for you.
“Damn you Snark. Damn you to hell.” You snapped, getting up and storming away.
“I’ll keep the first aid kit ready.” Tony shouted after you gleefully.
He said you had to sneak up on Natasha, he didn’t say you had to be successful. You went invisible and stomped your way down the hall loudly.
“Will you stop doing that.” Bucky snapped from inside a room as you passed.
“Doing what?” You asked innocently.
“Using your powers for mundane things. It’s hurting you so why are you doing it?” He said, sounding annoyed and walking towards you, reaching out with the Vibranium arm to grab at your invisible arm.
“Ow!” You hissed and dropped the invisibility.
“What happened to your arm?” He asked with narrowed eyes.
“I flew through a window?”
“You’re a fucking idiot.” He snapped and you recoiled in shock.
“Beg your pardon.” You asked.
“I haven’t even known you for a week and I’ve spent most of it worried about you, can you make it a little easier on me and stop putting yourself in unnecessary danger?” He asked, pulling back the bandage to check the stitches.
“I didn’t ask you to worry about me and your feeling aren’t my responsibility. I don’t have to change who I am just because you walked into my life and asked me to.” You told him, yanking your arm out of his grip.
His expression softened and he looked guilty.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t want to change you, I happen to like you the way you are. I’m just sick of seeing you in pain.” He said softly.
“Then stop watching.” You snapped, going invisible again and leaving before he could stop you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Why are you not hurt? Did you fail?” Tony asked when you walked back into the lab and threw yourself onto a chair.
“Friday my love?” You said.
“She succeeded.” Friday informed him.
“Again, how are you not hurt?”Tony asked in disbelief.
“I may have made a deal with the devil.” You hinted.
“Why do I feel like that deal is going to bite me on the ass?” Tony asked.
“Because you are a genius?” You said, grinning evilly at him.
“Alright princess, your turn.”
“Time to end this Snark. I bet you... won’t open up emotionally to one of your team members other than Bruce.” You said dramatically and Tony gaped at you.  
“Oh that’s cold.” He said.
“You’ve got an hour.” You told him, confident you were about to win.
“Hey princess, you’ve been on missions. That makes you a defacto member of the team.”
“Really? Me? You’re going to open up to me?” You laughed.
“You’re basically a younger, less intelligent, less attractive version of me.” He said.
“Great start.” You scoffed.
“And you’re braver and better than I ever was. You were a superhero long before you stepped into that radiation chamber kid and you and Parker are two of the best people I know. I lie awake at night hoping I don’t let either of you down. I made a mistake with the Accords, I thought we needed accountability but I was projecting my own fears onto the team. When we fix my mistake, I want you to join the Avengers.” He said.
You didn’t know how to respond or what to say and just stared at him. He waved a hand in front of your face.
“Ok, want me to pour you a drink and we can forget this moment ever happened?” He asked.
“Oh God yes.” You said in a rush.
He chuckled and wandered off to pull a bottle of scotch and two glasses from a desk drawer and poured it, handing a glass to you.
“Tony, if you ever repeat this to anyone I’ll phase your intestines out of your body and strangle you with them. I know people joke that I’m a young, millennial Tony Stark but the truth is I kinda wanna be you when I grow up.” You admitted, throwing back the scotch with a grimace.
“Well, just to tank you for that glowing endorsement, I’m going to do you a huge favour. I bet you won’t make out with someone in this building, in front of Barnes.” he said, smirking at you.
“What the hell Snark?!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You had raged, you had freaked out, you had paced and now you only had six minutes left to kiss somebody in front of Bucky. Bucky, who was currently watching a movie with Sam, Steve, Loki, Thor, Wanda and Vision while Frank reclined on his lap.  
You took a deep breath and walked into the room, waving at everyone who looked over at you. Wanda smiled brightly and patted the seat next to her and you shook your head minutely. You could feel Bucky’s eyes on you but you couldn’t meet them.
You had chosen Loki, figuring he was your best option. He was the God of Mischief after all. You wandered over and sat on the arm of the chair he was sitting in. He didn’t seem to mind and shifted his body to give you more room.
“I need something from you.” You whispered and he looked down at you with interest.
“Go on...” He said lowly, his voice dripping with intrigue.
Your breathing was shallow and rapid, your palms were sweating and your heart was hammering in your chest.
“I need you to...” You swallowed the lump in your throat and tried to get the words out.
“To what?” He asked, smirking at you.
You fidgeted in your seat and wiped your clammy hands on your knees. You made the mistake of looking at Bucky, of meeting his concerned gaze and something snapped into place in your mind.
“Loki knows, he will play along.” Wanda said inside your mind.
You took a deep breath and relaxed your shoulders, turning to Loki with a confident smile.
“I need you to stop teasing me with all your flirting and just kiss me already.”You announced.
“With pleasure.”
The pale god leaned down and captured your lips with his, and even though you were kissing a literal god and a devastatingly handsome one at that, all you could feel was guilt as you heard Frank’s howl of displeasure as Bucky stood up and stormed away. Loki pulled away from you with a smirk.
“I believe you have won the bet, now run along little princess, before you lose something more important.” He said.
You didn’t hesitate to take his advice and ran after Bucky.
“Bucky wait.” You called as you followed him down the corridor.
“How many of The Avengers are you planning on making your way through?” Bucky snarled at you, turning around so quickly he nearly knocked you over.
“I’m not. That’s not what that was. I had to kiss him, it was part of the bet.” You insisted.
“The bet? Your bet with Stark meant so much to you that you were willing to...”
“To what? It was only a kiss, you were one who said a kiss wasn’t that big a deal.” You snapped.
“That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to kiss anyone else.” Bucky snapped.
“Allowed? This might surprise you Barnes, but you don’t own me.”
Bucky’s metal arm closed around your throat and you found yourself pressed against the wall, squeaking in surprise.
“But I do want to own you Domniţă, I have since we met. You crawled under my skin and I can’t get you out and even if your mind rebels against it, you know you feel the same way. You are mine and I am yours.” He growled.
You body was limp in his hold even though he wasn’t actually putting any pressure on your throat.
“Tell me to let go and I will, I’ll release you and walk away. But if you don’t, it means you accept that you’re mine now.” He said.
Two choices, push him away or pull him closer. Your whole body was thrumming with anticipation and your blood was thundering through your veins as you realised this felt right. As terrifying as it was to be held in place by him, no matter how angry he was you knew he wouldn’t hurt you. All you had to do was make one little choice and he would take care of the rest.
You must have taken to long to answer because his eyes suddenly filled with regret and shame and he abruptly released you.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, backing away and holding his arms out at his side.
He was about to leave and that snapped you out of your daze and you made the choice.
“Kiss me.”
His eyes widened for a brief second and then your back hit the wall again and his body was pressed so tightly against you that were pinned in place as his fingers tangled in your hair. His lips crashed into yours and he wasn’t just kissing you, he was devouring you. He was claiming you and without a shred of doubt, you submitted.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I’m just going to leave this here and run away.... 
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Bodyguard III: Avengers Assemble (Chapter 5) (B. Urie x Reader)
Detention section. S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier.
Loki paced back and forth inside his glass cell. Suddenly, he stopped.
“There’s not many people that can sneak up on me,” he remarked before turning around and seeing Natasha standing on the other side of the glass.
“But you figured I’d come.”
“After,” Loki amended with a slight raise of his brows, “After whatever tortures Fury can concoct, you would appear as a friend, as a balm.” He stepped forward. “And I would cooperate.”
Cutting right to the chase, Natasha responded. “I wanna know what you’ve done with Agent Barton.”
“I’d say I’ve expanded his mind.”
The Black Widow swallowed. “And once you’ve won – once you’re king of the mountain… what happens to his mind?”
The God of Mischief squinted and smirked tauntingly. “Is this love, Agent Romanoff?”
“Love is for children,” she spat, folding her arms over her chest assertively, “I owe him a debt.”
Loki moved to take a seat on his bench. “Tell me,” he encouraged.
Exhaling softly, Natasha pulled up a chair from nearby and sat down, beginning to explain. “Before I worked for S.H.I.E.LD, I, uh… well, I made a name for myself. I have a very specific skill set. I didn’t care who I used it for, or on. I got on S.H.I.E.L.D’s radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me,” she titled her head to the left, “he made a different call.”
Thrilled by her words, Loki enticed. “And what will you do if I vow to spare him?”
Natasha scoffed, knowing full well what the menace was alluding to. “Not let you out,” she shut him down.
Loki laughed, leaning forward. “Ah, no. But I like this. Your world in the balance, and you bargain for one man?”
The agent raised one brow and rested her palms on her knees. “Regimes fall every day. I tend not to weep over that; I’m Russian… or was.”
“What is it you want?”
“It’s not really that complicated,” she shrugged lightly, “I’ve got red in my ledger, I’d like to wipe it out.”
“Can you?” Loki snapped, his entire demeanour shifting, “Can you wipe out that much red? Drakov’s daughter? São Paulo? The hospital fire? Barton told me everything. Your ledger is dripping, it’s gushing red, and you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything?”
The god stood up angrily, glowering as he proceeded with his outburst. “This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer…PATHETIC! You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers,” he remarked, referring to S.H.I.E.L.D, “You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are a part of you, and they will never go away!”
Loki moved swiftly, slamming his fist against the cell and making Natasha flinch. “I won’t touch Barton,” he growled lowly, in true villainous fashion, “Not until I make him kill you! Slowly. Intimately. In every way he knows you fear! And then he’ll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I’ll split his skull! This is my bargain, you mewling quim!”
Natasha turned around, body trembling, and walked away from the cell, disgusted. “You’re a monster,” she whispered distraughtly.
Loki laughed, pulling back. “No, you brought the monster.”
“So, Banner…that’s your play,” Brendon’s voice filtered out from the shadows, startling Loki.
Brendon stepped out from where he’d been listening, and Natasha turned back around, as poised as ever – showing that she’d put on an act the entire time.
“What?” Loki staggered.
Natasha walked over to join Brendon in heading for the exit, as he pressed one finger to his ear and spoke over the comms. “Loki means to unleash the Hulk. Keep Banner in the lab, Romanoff and I are on our way. Send Thor and (Y/N) as well.”
Just before they left the detention section, both agents turned around to face Loki.
“Thank you, for your cooperation.”
Banner’s lab.
You and Fury entered the lab, and were surprised to see that Tony and Bruce had stopped working on the sceptre.
“What are you doing, Mr Stark?” Fury frowned, not at all pleased at the sudden halt being placed on their work.
“Uh… kind of been wondering the same thing about you,” Tony gave a tight-lipped smile.
“You’re supposed to be locating the Tesseract,” you reminded.
Bruce answered you, stepping around the table that the sceptre was mounted on and pointing at a monitor. “We are. The model’s locked and we’re sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we’ll have the location within half a mile.”
“And you’ll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss,” Tony said. Suddenly, his monitor displayed a collection of S.H.I.E.L.D secret files. He looked from them to The Director. “What is Phase 2?”
Out of nowhere, Steve marched into the lab and dropped a Hydra assault rifle onto one of the tables, prompting everyone to turn around. The Captain looked pissed.
“Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons,” Steve said bitterly, then glanced at Tony, “Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow for me.”
Shocked by the revelation, you looked at your godfather questioningly; you’d had no idea that Phase 2 even existed and quite frankly, you were even more pissed off than Steve was.
More lies.
Surprise, surprise.
Trying to explain, Fury spoke up. “Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we’re-“
“I’m sorry, Nick,” Tony interrupted, moving the computer screen towards Fury; on it, plans for the weapons, “What were you lying?”
“I was wrong, Director,” Steve scoffed, shaking his head, “The world hasn’t changed a bit.”
At that moment, Thor, Natasha and Brendon walked into the lab. Natasha kept her eyes right on Banner, who looked back at her, pissed. It was the same look you were giving Brendon.
“Did you know about this?” you asked him, gesturing weakly at the plans on the monitor.
He clenched his jaw and stared at you blankly.
Running your tongue along the inside of your mouth, you threw your hands up in exasperation. “Of course you did,” you muttered.
“You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?” Natasha said calmly, keeping a firm gaze on Bruce.
“I was in Calcutta,” he countered, “I was pretty well removed.”
“Loki’s manipulating you,” Brendon informed.
Bruce glared at the two agents. “And you’ve all been doing what exactly?”
“You didn’t come here because I bat my eyelashes at you,” Natasha argued, desperate to neutralise the potential threat before it become a sure one.
“Yes, and I’m not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy.” Bruce jabbed a finger in the direction of the Phase 2 plans, and raised his voice. “I’d like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.”
A beat, then Fury answered, pointing a finger at both you and Thor. “Because of them!”
Both of you were stunned, to say the least, and defensively placed hands on your chests.
“Us?” you questioned in unison.
Fury elaborated. “Last year we had two incidents – both of which resulted in the levelling of a small town.”
You swallowed harshly, averting your gaze down in shame. You knew he was referring to your accident in Italy, and the trouble that had transpired in New Mexico.
“The rest of the world learned that not only are we not alone,” Fury continued, “but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.”
Switching into defensive mode, Thor stepped up. “Our people want nothing but peace with your planet.”
“But you’re not the only people out there, are you?” Fury clapped back, looking at the god austerely, “And, you’re not the only threat. The world’s filling up with people who can’t be matched, they can’t be controlled.”
“Like you controlled the cube?” Steve harped on.
Thor added to the Captain’s case. “Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.”
“A higher form?” Steve frowned.
“You forced our hand,” Fury said flatly, “We had to come up with something.”
Tony piped up, then. “Nuclear deterrent. ‘Cause that always calms everything right down.”
The Director looked at Tony accusingly. “Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?”
Steve joined in, looping his fingers in the belt hoops of his suit and moving forward. “I’m sure if he still built weapons, Stark would be neck deep-“
“Wait, wait, hold on,” Tony cut him off, holding out one hand, “How is this now about me?”
“I’m sorry, isn’t everything?” The Captain sassed.
“I thought humans were more evolved than this,” Thor said distastefully.
Fury gave him a look. “Excuse me, do we come to your planet and blow stuff up?!”
“Did you always give your champions such mistrust?”
Brendon rolled his eyes, speaking up. “Are you all really that naïve? S.H.I.E.L.D monitors potential threats-“
“Captain America is on a potential threat watch list?” Bruce raised his eyebrows, showing he thought it was bullshit.
“We all are,” Natasha corrected, referring to everyone that had been recruited.
Overhearing this, Tony looked to Steve. “You’re on that list? Above or below ‘angry bees’?”
“I swear to God, Stark,” Steve shook his head, “one more wise crack-“
“Threatening!” Tony pointed at the Captain, “I feel threatened!”
As your team continued and got caught up in the senseless arguing, no one realised that the gem on Loki’s sceptre started to glow brightly.
Outside the Helicarrier, a lone aircraft slowly hovered over the ship. Over the comms system, a voice belonging to one of the agents down at the S.H.I.E.L.D base spoke.
“661 Bravo, please relay your pass code. What is your hull, over?”
Agent Barton answered. “Arms to ammunition, over.”
Standing up, he moved to the back of the aircraft and began suiting up and arming himself, along with the rest of his crew.
Back in the lab, the egos of every single person in the room kept rubbing off each other, and it was bound to explode at any moment.
“You speak of control, yet you court chaos,” Thor reprimanded Fury, and no sooner was Bruce joining in.
“It’s his M.O., isn’t it?” he held out a hand in question, “I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We’re a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We’re…we’re a time-bomb.”
“You need to step away,” Brendon warned the doctor.
“Why shouldn’t the guy let off a little steam?” Tony placed a hand on Steve’s shoulder.
The Captain pushed him off harshly. “You know damn well why! Back off!”
Iron Man came face-to-face with Captain America, nodding. “Oh, I’m starting to want you to make me.”
Steve chuckled dryly. “Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?”
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
You cocked your head to the side; it was true, after all.
“I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I’ve seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.”
“I think I would just cut the wire.”
Steve smiled sardonically. “Always a way out… you know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero.”
That did it.
“A hero?” Tony stepped even closer to Steve. “Like you? You’re a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle.”
Outside of the Helicarrier, the ramp of Barton’s aircraft opened up as the vehicle manoeuvred next to one of the Helicarrier’s large turbine engines. The agent stood at the base of the ramp, holding out his bow.
Pulling out a grenade-tipped arrow, he pointed it right at the engine. Then, he moved his aim and set it about a hundred feet from the engine. He released. The arrow flew out, but then curved and sharply headed for the turbine, puncturing onto the engine; it had a timer, which was counting down.
Steve puffed up his chest at Tony, who just stood there, unmoving. “Put on the suit, let’s go a few rounds.”
From across the lab, booming laughter. “You people are so petty,” Thor guffawed, “…and tiny.”
Tony rubbed his head, moving away from Cap.
“Agent Urie,” Fury called, “would you escort Doctor Banner back to his-“
“Where?” Bruce queried, “You rented my room.”
“The cell was just in case-“
“In case you needed to kill me, but you can’t! I know! I tried!”
A solemn hush fell upon the room, as all of you took in the doctor’s tragic confession. He fidgeted with his shirt, shuffling his feet nervously as he explained.
“I got low; I didn’t see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!”
Bruce gradually got more and more upset as he looked over at Natasha, who started feeling unnerved.
“You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?”
Natasha, Brendon and The Director all had their hands ready to grab their guns.
“Doctor Banner…” you said gently, garnering his attention, “put down the sceptre.”
Bruce looked down, and was shocked to see that he was holding Loki’s sceptre. Before anyone could utter another word, the computer let off a beep, and everyone turned to it.
“Got it,” Tony announced, in reference to the location of the Tesseract.
Bruce put down the sceptre and walked over to the computer. “Sorry, kids. You don’t get to see my little party trick after all.”
“I can get there faster,” Tony said.
“Look, all of us-“ Steve argued.
Thor shut them down. “The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it.”
Tony turned to leave anyway, but Steve stopped him. “You’re not going alone!”
“You gonna stop me?”
“Put on the suit, let’s find out.”
“I’m not afraid to hit an old man.”
At that moment, you – who had been scanning the monitor – noticed something about the Tesseract. “Oh, my god.”
Before you could make a move, a huge explosion rocked the Helicarrier, destroying the structure of the lab and sending your team flying in every direction. Steve, Tony, Fury and Thor were sprawled across the floor of the lab, while the blast sent you and Brendon flying through the glass window and landing in the corridor. The floor under Natasha and Bruce had collapsed, dropping them down into the lower equipment room.
Steve looked up at Tony. “Put on the suit.”
The Captain helped Tony up and out of the lab, while Fury sat up, clutching at his ribs. He pressed his finger to his earpiece.
On the bridge of the Helicarrier, pandemonium erupted as the agents rushed to rectify the situation. Emergency alarms went off, fire extinguishers activated near surrounding fires and everyone was in a spinning scramble for their positions and armaments. Agent Hill tried to keep the area as calm as possible.
“Turn up that engine! Number 3 engine is down! Can we get a run in?” she ran over to Dallon, “Talk to me.”
Dallon pointed to the monitor in front of him. “Turbine’s loose. Mostly intact, but it’s impossible to get out there and make repairs while we’re in the air.”
“We lose one more engine, we won’t be,” Hill said worriedly, then pressed a finger to her ear and spoke over the comms, “Somebody’s gotta get outside and patch that engine.”
“Stark!” Fury called over the comms, “You copy that?!”
“I’m on it!”
Tony and Steve ran through a dim, debris filled hall.
“Find engine 3,” Tony instructed his teammate, “I’ll meet you there.”
Cap peeled off as Tony approached a tech room. Inside, the Iron Man suit stood waiting, lit up in all its glory.
Meanwhile, Fury continued dishing out instructions. “Coulson! Smith! Initiate official lockdown in the detention section then get to the armoury! Move out!”
Following orders, Spencer and Coulson ran out of the bridge.
Lower equipment room.
Natasha looked over at Bruce, who was breathing heavily, having landed hard. He was gripping the grated floor to maintain control, but his eyes were green, his face intense.
“I’m okay,” Natasha spoke to herself quietly, “We’re okay, right?”
Helicarrier deck.
Barton led his men into the air ducts of the ship. They rappelled down into a corridor. The agent directed his men, pointing in all directions as he barked orders.
“Get that engine down! Detention! Get him through the dark! You, that corridor! Come with me,” he said to each of his men.
Two of them followed him, and they headed for the bridge.
Corridor, right side of Banner’s lab.
You and Brendon rolled off of your backs, pushing yourselves up. He instinctively reached out for you, his eyes scanning your body for injuries. Old habits.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You brushed him off, grunting as you stumbled to your feet. “I’m fine.”
You surveyed the area, taking in the damage and the approaching enemies, and you ground your teeth as you set your sights on the path toward the detention section.
“This shit needs to end,” you muttered, then hurried down the corridor.
Brendon scrambled to his feet, reaching out to try and stop you, but you were too fast. “(Y/N), wait-“
He sighed, turning around and coming face to face with one of Barton’s men. Realising who it was, he exhaled in frustration.
“Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me.”
Thank you for reading x
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anorakofavalon · 5 years
Complications in Calcutta Chapter 3
Also on AO3 and FFN
Natasha’s been sent to collect or protect the good Doctor a little earlier than intended, whichever comes first. With her luck, it’s no surprise that it’s the latter.
To evade capture and get him to SHIELD, Bruce and Natasha go on the run as the US Military pursues them and the threat of the Hulk looms like a shadow. All things considered, though, Natasha doesn’t mind too much. The Doc is pleasant company - when he’s around, that is.
Chapter 3: Tanks and Trains
Gotta get up,
Gotta get up,
"This one here, Banner."
"Oh, my bad." He turned around and squeezed into the carriage she nodded towards. Natasha followed after and shut the door. They were surrounded by a bountiful amount of empty seats, all paid for by SHIELD. No one would bother them.
She took one by the window on the left side of the train, and Bruce took the aisle. "Leg room," he explained.
They didn't bring much in the way of luggage. Bruce traveled light, and she wasn't expecting to be in Calcutta for more than a few hours.
It was around 8 AM, and the trip to Dhaka would be about 9 hours. Natasha was somewhat annoyed that Fury couldn't pick them up with one of those handy-dandy quinjets of his, but she understood why he didn't. They had been compromised in a big way, and Ross would be on the lookout for just about everything.
She leaned her head back into her chair and closed her eyes, only for a little. "Maybe we should invest in teleportation."
Bruce lifted his head away from his headrest and looked at her. "Huh?"
"You know, teleportation. You're here one second and then there the next. It'd make life easier." She made a little motion with her hands. It must have looked ridiculous, but she wouldn't know. Her eyes were closed.
Bruce chuckled. "Is that a proposition? I make you a, uh, teleportation machine and you don't involve me in this mess at all?"
Natasha opened her eyes and faced him. A smirk. "I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like me."
He grimaced slightly. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. It's just…" He waved his hands, pointing out the distinct absence of other people. "The spy games…" A shrug.
She'd made some progress with him last night, and Natasha wasn't about to squander that by letting him think too much about what he was giving up to help them.
"It's not what you'd think, really."
"Oh? Tell me what I think Agent Romanoff."
"Well it's not nearly as exciting as you'd like to imagine. You've got the fighting and the intrigue and the dispatching of enemies, sure. That's true. We've got plenty of toys and gizmos and stuff. The hierarchies are mostly right. Bosses that clue you in on everything but tell you nothing? Check."
"It's like they've watched all the movies."
"That's right. But the movies don't tell you about this." She nodded towards the train's ceiling. "All the waiting between the fun stuff."
The narrative about spies was one that was masterfully woven by people who understood that it was more palatable to show it as it really wasn't: fast paced, exciting. If you showed the waiting and all the in-between, people would come to see something they'd much rather not - espionage is just like any other job. You work, and then you take some time off and then you work again.
Nobody wants to believe that some people betray, kill, spy, and steal with the same ease, the same bored resignation that your IT guy updates the office computers.
Bruce leaned his head back onto the headrest and closed his eyes again. "So that's what it's like being a spy? A lot of waiting and a little bit of fun?"
She indulged him. "Got it in one, Doc. Your definition of fun might vary, though."
He hummed, as though actually contemplating it. Maybe he was. "So what's this? The waiting or the fun?"
She side-eyed him and a smile played on her face. The train started to move.
"Is there any particular reason you chose Calcutta, Doc?"
"It's really far."
Natasha groaned. "You're doing nothing for my curiosity, Bruce."
He shifted his position, sat up and faced her completely. One of his legs came up under an arm rest, which he tapped at with his fingers. "Well, distance was a factor. It's easier to go off the grid here, too. It's not war-torn, but there's enough room for me to help. To be… to do something nice for people."
"Where would you have gone after?"
"Who says I would have gone?"
She kept her gaze on him, amused.
He gave in. "Maybe Tokyo."
"Interesting choice."
"Not too long though, maybe just to visit. For a while."
She nodded, watched the train pass the city limits.
"Why'd you come?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Well it seemed pressing."
"You could've said no."
He evaluated that statement. "I could have… but you said something about a lab?"
Natasha laughed. "Ha! Should have known I got dressed up for nothing. It was the science you wanted."
Bruce blushed a little. It was charming. "Not that I didn't appreciate the outfit, but I did miss the science."
"Didn't know you could have cravings for the Scientific Method."
His voice took a teasing tenor. "Well, it's not what you'd think, really."
She played her part. "Oh? Tell me what I think Dr. Banner."
"Well it's not nearly as boring as you'd like to imagine. You've got the paperwork and the sleepless all-nighters, sure. That's true. The snotty colleagues are there, too. Plus the lingo."
"Wow, it's like they've watched all the movies."
He smiled. "That's right. But the movies don't tell you about the excitement of making a breakthrough. The, uh, the rush of switching your perspective to approach a problem in an innovative way. The thrill of getting a project funded, of being on the vanguard of world-changing developments."
"Y'know, I think I'm starting to see some parallels between spying and science."
He snorted, and leaned back into his chair.
She had an idea, for a moment. It slipped out before she thought better of it. "I have a colleague you might like to meet."
"Is their first name Agent?"
"He wishes. Ever heard of Tony Stark?"
"Rings a bell."
"You'd get along great."
"I doubt it. I'm not very…" he smiled ruefully. "I'm not very good at getting close to people."
She nodded. The train kept moving.
"Get some rest, Doc. There's going to be plenty of sleep-less and science-y days ahead for you to exhaust yourself on."
Bruce shook his head, cast his eyes around the carriage. "Anything can happen."
"I'll keep watch."
"It's fine, I can stay up until we get there."
She touched his forearm and looked into his eyes. "Trust me, Bruce."
Natasha kept her hand there until he tore his eyes away from hers and nodded.
He removed his glasses, put them inside his shirt pocket, and soon she was alone. The train kept moving.
The train stopped in Darshana for twenty minutes. Or that was what the schedule said. It's been about twenty five.
She nudged at the sleeping scientist, whose hair was a mess of darkness on his head. He curled into himself a little in his sleep.
"Bruce, I'm going to need you to wake up now. Something's wrong."
He was up and moving faster than expected. "They're here?"
She wasn't sure, but she gave him her hypothesis. "Train's been stopped five minutes too long."
"Maybe they're over-crowded?" He didn't sound hopeful.
She guided him to the middle row of seats, made him sit. "It's awfully quiet for an over-crowded train isn't it?"
The electricity went out. Light filtered in through the windows and given that it was only about 10AM Natasha wasn't too concerned about visibility, but Bruce looked antsy.
"Alright big guy, we've got this."
He nodded, and she knew he didn't quite believe her. Oh well. She could work with that.
Natasha walked towards the window she was nearest to. The station was completely empty, and it was completely quiet.
She moved towards the carriage door in the front and found it was locked. "They're trying to draw us out."
"So what do we do?"
Natasha mulled it over. She moved towards the back door, and checked the knob. It was open. They were the last carriage, so walking through that door would lead them right out.
She turned to Bruce and her lips took an ironic form. "We wait."
She took a seat right next to Bruce in the middle row. "I'm pretty sure they cut off air conditioning so hang tight, Doc."
"Are we…." He trailed off. "So the plan is to have them come to us?"
Bruce didn't like that plan.
"Well that's half the plan."
"That's the waiting half. What's the fun half, Agent Romanoff?"
She had no clue, but she was starting to put one together.
"Oh, you know," her voice was husky, her volume low, "just spy stuff."
She tapped away at her phone while Bruce started doing some breathing exercises. "Does it work?"
He continued his exercise. "Somewhat. Are you getting back-up?"
"I'm trying, but Fury is hesitant to take on the US Armed Forces."
"Yeah? Me too."
She snorted and put away her phone. She listened. It was silent save for Bruce's breathing, and the air was perfectly still. She could hear leaves rustling just outside. And then… a click.
She turned to him. "Get ready. Follow my lead. Got it?"
He nodded, but didn't say anything.
Natasha found herself dearly wishing for her tactical suit as she pulled out her gun. She kept low, and motioned for Bruce to do the same. Anybody who looked into the train carriage would see nothing.
She kept to the middle in order to minimize visibility, but ultimately they were probably surrounded. They'd have to take a risk.
"Bruce," she said, "we're going to have to make some choices. From what I know, we're surrounded. They've locked the front carriage exit, but the back is open. They're expecting us to go through there.
"See that hatch over there?" She pointed up at the roof from between two seats. Bruce spied it faintly.
"I see it."
"That's our best option. They could still fire at us, but right now things aren't looking great anyways."
Bruce smiled. "Things never go great." He started getting up.
"Wait." She put a hand on his shoulder, watched the windows. The soldiers were getting closer. She needed them close enough that they couldn't clearly see anything that would be on the roof, but not close enough they could see through the windows of the train.
"My mission is to deliver you to Fury safely, Doc. Don't be a hero."
"No worries there, Agent Romanoff. I'm just a scientist. Ready to go?"
She looked outside one more time. "Lab-coats first."
Bruce made his way just under the hatch, keeping low to the ground until he was right under it. He jumped up and pulled it down. A small ladder unraveled and hit the floor with a muted thunk.
He began his climb up, carefully, and she moved close as well. She kept her gun up, watched the back door. She could see the soldiers approaching the train faster now, guns drawn.
"I'm up." Banner's face looked down at her from the hatch, daylight silhouetting him.
She worked her way up the rope ladder deftly, and pulled it back up as soon as she was on the roof. She closed the hatch gently, careful not to make noise.
She could hear the soldiers just beneath them, getting ready to attack the carriage. Bruce was a small ways ahead of her, crouched and waiting for her. Natasha came up next to him, careful not to touch the roof too much. The metal sizzled with heat at contact.
Natasha spoke quietly. "Watch, and do the same."
The gap to land on the next carriage wasn't that big, but she'd have to jump a little.
She didn't make much noise as she landed, and she moved forward far enough to give Bruce space to jump.
Sweat dripped down his face, and his eyes were scrunched up in the face of sunlight. He jumped across, and failed to land with as much grace as she did. That said, he did land, which counted for something.
The noise of his impact was masked by the sound of glass breaking as the soldiers tried to smoke them out. They'd be waiting a little bit.
"Let's move, Banner."
They moved across one carriage and then the next. Soon enough, sweaty and with bright red hands, they made it to the very first carriage. The soldiers were inspecting the carriage they had abandoned. Getting back on the ground was a matter of jumping off the roof, which wasn't too bad. Bruce didn't complain.
Natasha kept her gun handy and checked the conductor's cabin. Empty. She smiled a little. Thank God for small graces.
The train station was an empty field, more or less. There was a building with some soda machines, a bathroom, and a ticket stall, but that was just about it. The rest of it was long blades of grass for at least a mile, up to where the town of Darshana lay.
"I've got a plan." She entered the cabin completely, locked all the entrances as Bruce followed.
"You didn't have one before?"
"I'm going to start the train, and then we're jumping off."
Bruce's face was picture-worthy. "We're jumping off?"
"While it's moving."
"Actually," she said, looking over the control board, "change of plan."
"Well that's good."
"You're starting the train, and then we're jumping off."
He sighed, and started inspecting the console. "I'm turning green today, aren't I?"
She paused to look at him. "No. You're not."
He glanced at her, briefly, and started the train. Or something like that. It began moving slowly.
"Can it go any faster?"
Bruce raised his eyebrow. "It's a train."
Natasha eyed soldiers starting to run their way, even as the train picked up speed they were gaining.
One of them yelled something and bullets started whizzing past them. "What a waste of bullets."
"Don't tell them that," Bruce said. He watched the console, silently willing it to pick up speed.
Natasha palmed the hilt of her firearm. The train was picking up speed, and soon enough the soldiers couldn't quite catch up. She looked through the window into the carriage on the inside. Soldiers were approaching from inside the train. That wasn't good.
She took a position right by Bruce on the console and looked for any button that looked like a door. She found it, and clicked it experimentally. The soldiers approaching were locked three whole carriages down. The train was moving quickly now, and it would be time for them to jump soon.
"Now's the fun part, Bruce."
"I think I've decided that any parallels you've come up with between science and spying are total bullshit, Agent."
"Really? What's the difference?"
"This is more dangerous."
"And here I was thinking that experimenting with a super-serum and gamma radiation were pretty risky tasks."
"That's… that's actually a fair point."
She opened up the door on the right. Wind rushed into the cabin, going straight for her hair. And his, for that matter. "Ready?" She offered a hand.
Bruce took it. They jumped.
Everything considered, it wasn't her worst landing. Except that it probably wasn't one of Bruce's finest, and given she was holding his hand, they both shared in the pain of the landing. It wasn't terrible, since they landed on grass, but it wasn't particularly fun.
Her arm was bloody from a scrape with some pebbles, and Bruce's nice purple shirt was probably out of commission too. He was bleeding lightly from the side of his abdomen, where the shirt was ripped.
They stayed there for a little, staring up at the sky and catching up on breathing before she got up and pulled Bruce further into the grass fields. His eyes were flecked with green.
He joked anyways, "I've always wanted to do that."
She chuckled, but it was dry. She wanted some water. "Weird thing to have on your bucket list."
"Well I watched a lot of westerns as a kid, so…"
They walked on, Bruce limped ever-so-slightly. Her leg hurt too, now that she thought about it. "You're full of surprises, Doc."
He huffed as they trekked towards Darshana's town center. "I've got a really compelling reason to keep my cool."
"You promised me a nice lab."
She really did chuckle then. They began moving towards Darshana.
They reached it by noon. It took them a little longer than it would have if they followed the main road, but on account of the fact that they were trying to out-maneuver the US Army, they had to take a rough path.
Bruce got them both a water bottle, for which she was grateful. She could have used some food too, but they were a little too pressed for time to be picky about those things. Though she did manage to swipe some pastries.
The scientist munched on his. "Do we try to find a place to stay until Fury comes to get us?"
Natasha shook her head. She guided him to an alley, keeping an eye out as she ate. "We keep moving. Fury's not coming to collect us here. He's arranging for a town a few miles from here."
"So we take a bus?"
"I don't think that's quite the plan."
He considered that. "Do you think they'll find us here?"
"I'm sure they know. Right now, the guys on the train have probably figured out no one's conducting. And regardless, Ross would do a sweep of the area. They're just collecting themselves. We have to go."
He finished his pastry. "I'm ready when you are."
She pulled up a map on her phone. She'd be out of battery soon enough. "We're going to that little town over there."
Bruce nodded. It was far away, but he wasn't precious about walking long distances. That helped.
It was around six in the afternoon, and they were about fifteen minutes away from the town Fury had selected for their escape to happen. So far, nothing had gone amiss.
There wasn't much around them except for the occasional house. There were a few abandoned industrial buildings, though, and it was just as they were coming up on one right ahead that they heard the helicopters.
"Shit." Bruce said, looking up at the sky. The sun was still up, but it was mellow, beginning a quick downwards descent.
They started jogging, then running towards the abandoned structure as the helicopters approached.
It was made of cement bricks, reaching two stories tall. There was no light, or furniture. There wasn't even a concrete floor on the ground level, just dirt. Weeds managed to sparsely decorate a few nooks here and there, but plant-life still hadn't made its way inside. Mostly it was dark and humid. Banner's glasses fogged up as they scouted the place for a hiding spot in case they had been seen by the helicopters.
Rusted machinery replaced furniture, and Natasha wished they had somewhere to sit. Just for a minute, at least. She kept moving.
"Natasha," Bruce whispered, "I think we should go upstairs." His voice echoed. He was probably right, but she worried about the presence of a ceiling on the second floor. Would they be visible?
They stepped carefully towards the stairs. They definitely looked like a safety hazard, but getting rushed by a unit of soldiers was also generally considered a safety hazard, so she took it.
The steps were wooden, and creaked as she climbed them. Natasha cringed, but kept going up. Bruce followed.
It was dark, and so quiet that she could hear his clothes scrape against the wall. Finally, they reached the top. Light filtered in through the windows, windows that were just square holes in the wall. Any glass that once existed there was gone.
"I think we should stay here for a bit. Until they pass us by."
Mercifully, there was a ceiling.
Bruce nodded and sat down by a wall that wasn't covered in graffiti, just under a window. She took one opposite of him. She faced the stairs.
It was a relief to finally sit down. She offered Bruce a weak smile. It wasn't the toughest mission she's been on, not by a long shot, but walking for miles and miles without very many breaks would test anyone's patience.
Also, the shoes she was wearing wouldn't have been her first choice. She really missed her tac suit.
"And now, the waiting again." Bruce's voice was low, ironic, and pleasant. There hadn't been much speaking for most of the way. She wasn't used to being with a… target? Well, for lack of a better word, Natasha wasn't used to being with a target for this long on a mission. Even when she was partnered with Clint, there were long expanses of comfortable silence as they focused on the mission. For the most part, they could cue each other without speaking.
Banner wasn't used to talking much period, but somehow the silence wasn't entirely uncomfortable either. Maybe target wasn't quite the right word. He'd turned out to be more of a partner in this whole ordeal. Or maybe a trainee.
"Y'know, if we manage to get out of this one Doc, I think you'll officially qualify for Spy School."
He chuckled softly. "Well, I-"
Bruce was interrupted by the sound of a loudspeaker. "Dr. Banner, this is Sergeant Arnold speaking, on behalf of the Army of the United States. I'm going to ask that you exit the building with your arms raised. You're under arrest by the directive of General Ross. You have five minutes."
Bruce's eyes met her, and she caught his panic. "It's okay, we'll figure this out, Bruce. Just like last time."
He shifted onto his knees and waited for her call. She didn't need to take his pulse to know his heart rate was elevated.
She took a moment to check her phone. One percent battery. She shot off a text to Fury before it shut down on her. She clenched her jaw and got up. She moved right by the side of a window and peeked out. The Sergeant was in the front with a squad of men. Surely they couldn't have just come with a team?
Natasha checked the window on the other side and said "Shit."
"What is it?" Bruce was on his feet.
There were three tanks stationed in the back of the building. She would bet that there were two more on either side. The helicopter circled overhead. Where'd they even get tanks?
"Jesus Christ." Bruce was getting antsy.
Natasha defaulted to a joke, but she knew that wouldn't do anything for him now. "Hey Bruce, listen to me. You're going to be okay, alright? I promised you. But we should evaluate our options."
Half of her job was evaluating options. Confronted with any situation, the amount of responses she could offer were limitless. If she didn't limit them fast enough, the price was death. Sometimes it felt like an eternity in her head, weighing every scenario, even if it only took a second.
This time it didn't feel like an eternity at all. The options had been limited for them.
He nodded, rubbed his hands together. Didn't trust himself to speak. She was close to him, kept contact with his forearm. "It might be prudent to surrender and recoup."
That wasn't an offer. It was the only viable choice.
Bruce shook his head, removed her hand and started pacing. "Agent Romanoff, I don't think you understand… that's not a good idea."
The fear in his eyes, the pain, the utter terror of what he expected gave her all the explanation she needed. Natasha understood. Maybe better than anyone.
But it was still the best option. "Bruce…"
"I don't know if we have a choice."
She thought about it. That wasn't strictly true. There was one more, but…
Bruce caught her train of thought. "If I Hulk out you'll be a casualty, Agent. He doesn't care what side anybody's on."
She said nothing, watched him decide.
"If I surrender, you'll come get me?"
"If we surrender, Doc. I don't really trust anybody else at SHIELD to break us out competently. The only guy I would trust for that is currently playing bodyguard to a blue cube. So if you go in, I go in."
The loudspeaker crackled again. "Dr. Banner, we're sending in a unit of men to arrest you. Any hostile action will result in reciprocal treatment."
Guns loaded outside.
She tried for a smile. "We'll be out in no time, okay?"
Bruce nodded, his head bowed down.
Natasha heard the stairs creak and came to stand by Bruce. She went to take his hand, but it was shaking. She looked up to his eyes again and saw green, kept under iron-clad control. Bruce's entire being rebelled at the idea of surrendering. Frankly, she was afraid for him.
If he turned into the Hulk, he would be spared experimentation. If he turned into the Hulk... she would die.
There would be no way to convince him to let go. She'd come to know that much about him over the past few days. He'd keep the rage boiling under his skin until there wasn't any skin left if it meant sparing her life.
She had half a plan and it was stupid and risky and it would get her killed. Damn Banner and his stupid eyes. She'd have to trust him in order to trick him into saving his own ass.
And if it did work, maybe she'd survive the Hulk too. If the plan didn't work… at least she was in control.
A soldier appeared, gun pointed at them.
She pulled her gun out and shot at the wall next to him.
He fired back. His aim was perfect.
She was on the ground, her gun a few feet away. In front of her was Bruce, lying in a pool of blood on the floor. A bullet hole marked his chest.
"Bruce?" Her voice cracked. For a flicker of a moment, she was afraid that he was dead. Then the screams started. It was horrifying, and the soldier who shot Banner widened his eyes, started backing away. His unit kept their heads though, and began firing at the form that started twisting from what would have been Banner's corpse.
Natasha scurried away, made herself as small as possible by a corner, away from the gunfire.
The screaming settled into a growling. The ground shook with the weight of lumbering steps.
"Back away now! Get downstairs! Somebody give the order to fire!"
Hulk roared and she felt it in her bones, her heart accelerating to match. He leapt towards the soldiers. Their bullets didn't even pierce skin.
Hulk's hand broke through the concrete wall and he snatched a soldier that was about to escape, threw him against the opposite wall. Natasha heard the crack from where she was.
The others started screaming, and the one nearest Hulk was on the receiving end of a ferocious kick. He flew right out the window and onto a tank. He didn't live either.
Hulk roared at the idiots still firing at him and jumped up. The back of his neck dented the ceiling and the floor gave out under his weight when he landed. The surrounding section of the second level collapsed.
A moment of quiet stillness. Dust decorated the air, and even the particles held perfectly still.
Then he roared again. There was firing, but not from guns. The tanks had started their assault.
Natasha watched as the armored vehicles did their very best to fend him off, but their projectiles only hindered him. His skin was a forest green, covered in blood and debris, which would have made him an easy target if he wasn't moving so damn fast. He jumped around with vigorous agility, assaulting the vehicles. He grabbed one by the gun, and lifted it up. He threw it - oh shit.
Natasha dove for the other corner as the tank came flying towards her building. She didn't have too much room to move, given that Hulk had collapsed half the floor, but it'd have to be enough. The tank crashed through the wall she had just abandoned, and right out the other. The building shook and part of the roof on the other side of the room gave in.
She heard the tank explode as it landed right in front of the Sergeant, who was quickly preparing an evacuation. He fired up his vehicle and hauled ass back to Darshana. Hulk was too busy playing with the tanks to notice him, and she didn't care enough to fire at his fleeing form.
She took the time to collect herself, and she couldn't help the laugh that came out of her. It had worked.
She laughed until there were tears in her eyes. This was one story she couldn't wait to tell Clint and Laura. Banner would hate it. And speaking of Banner… she moved to the front of the building, where there was a tank-sized chunk of bricks missing. Hulk was down there, grunting and kicking at metal.
Her heart picked up as the Hulk felt her gaze. Maybe she laughed too soon. He roared at her, and Natasha flinched a little, her hand going to her hip, when she realized her gun was gone. Probably somewhere in the rubble downstairs.
The Hulk moved closer to the building, looking up at her. She crouched down, and put her hand up. She said the first thing that came to mind. "Hey big guy."
Her voice came out lower than she hoped, but she was still a little shaken. He heard her anyways. Hulk narrowed his eyes, took a step closer to the building, then grunted. He turned around and roared.
He looked back at her one more time before grunting again, and leaping off into the distance. Natasha watched him go, letting herself sink down to the floor. Her legs dangled on the edge of the second floor. Only then did she notice the pain on her left side. One of her ribs was broken. Maybe Banner pushed her away from the bullet a little more strongly than he had meant to.
She saw Hulk's silhouette flash once more as the last remnants of the sun's light withdrew. Then he was gone, at least a mile away.
"Yeah, sure, big guy. You can go. I'll just be here. Sun's getting real low anyways."
Natasha held her abdomen as she walked downstairs. She ignored the bodies, sidestepped the debris of torn-apart tanks.
The quinjet was waiting on the outskirts of town.
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devilbat · 6 years
Blue Spruce
winter proposal with Loki for
River’s Holiday Marvel Writing Challenge @loki-the-fox #RiversHolidayChallenge
Warning ⚠️: just Fluff
Loki x reader word count: about 1,700+
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When Loki first laid eye upon you. Your were in the lab at Stark tower. Loki was looking for Banner, as he had a question about something, that he now forgot as he watched you shake your hips to the beat of the music that played over head. He was mesmerized by they way you hips moved, the way your hair bounced along with the sway of your hips. He didn’t know who you were or why you were there, he knew there was no new recruits. You had put a spell on him a god one that could not be fooled my a simple mortal girl. He was mesmerized in a trance. That was until Bruce walked up. Braking whatever you had done him in when he spoke up.
“Oh Hey loki,” Bruce stated as he walked passed the god not paying any attention to what the god was staring at. “Hey y/n.” He walked up to you. ‘Y/n, only a valkyrie could have such a beautiful name as y/n.’ He thought. You had turned around to looked at Banner. Loki was taking back even more as he got to take a glimpse of your Beaty for the first time.
“Good morning uncle.” You greeted. With a bright smile. Kissing Bruce’s cheek. ‘And by the gods you had a voice of one.’ He thought. Then he realized what you had said. ‘Uncle? Uncle? Was this gorgeous creature Bruce Banner’s niece.’
“Loki, come on in.” Bruce’s voice brought Loki back to. Loki slowly walked in not really not knowing what to say now. “Loki, this is my niece y/n Banner she’ll be staying at the tower for winter break. Y/n this is Loki, the god of mischief and Thor’s brother.”
“Pleasure to meet Loki.” You smiled sweetly as you held out your hand. Loki took your hand in his, it was soft like feathers, and so warm compared to his cold one. But you didn’t react to his cool touch in fact it was welcome.
“Truly the pleasure is all mine.” Loki cooed kissing your knuckle. You giggled shyly. Not wanting to pull your hand away when his lips left your hand. Your uncle looked over his shoulder at the two of you. His glasses rested at the tip of his nose as he raised an eyebrow. The hulk in him stirred around wanting nothing more then to smash the puny god for touching his small tiny little niece. Hulk always had a soft spot for you and you were one to calm him down. Bruce cleared his throat, immediately both of you let go.
After that day loki was smitten with you. Every chance he got he would be around you. He found out you were going to school for history. Unlike your uncle. You were yet still just as smart. After break you had gone back to school. Which Loki found it easy to court you then, not while being at the tower with prying eye everywhere. Though after you had fallen head over heel in love with the god. You added Norse mythology to you list of classes. Though loki laughed at most of the stuff, when you would ask if it was true. After a year graduating you decided to work with your uncle and God dad Tony at the tower to be closer to the god.
After a year and half you both finally told Bruce and Tony of your relationship. You did so knowing that the hulk would come out if he saw Loki. But Loki told you he would take whatever was thrown at him. He needed to prove to them he was not some monster anymore. You had charmed him to want to do good things he had proven cause of you. Though as you started to tell them loki holding your hand tightly, the iron suit got called in with in moments and the hulk busted through. You stood in front of loki. But Loki just pushed you behind him. You still put you hands on him. After what seem to be hours of a standstill and a some what destroyed lab. Things calmed down. And Hulk was Bruce once more and Tony’s iron man helmet was off.
It had been four years together. You and Loki moved in together which was now on the compound grounds. The Stark tower was sold. It was December. You and Loki had talked about going to a tree farm. You wanted a real tree this year. And as it being your first Christmas together alone so to say you wanted it to be special. Well Loki had his own ideas of special as well.
Loki had told you he would meet you at the tree farm. He was just finishing up some things with his brother Thor. When Loki had told Thor about the two of you. Thor was over joyed with the news and hugged the life out of you, as you liked to put it. Though Thor had to try and keep it a secret cause you both had yet to tell Bruce and Tony. It amazed you Thor kept his lips sealed.
You had pulled your boots on as you noticed it had started to snow. Which made you even more excited. You put your scarf around your neck then pulled your hat over your hair. Bundling yourself into your coat you went to the car. Making it to the farm up state.
The text from Loki stated to go on without him and that he would find you there. He was just about done. As he apologized for his absence. You were a little upset. He knew you had these plans. But you shrugged it off as you walked around as the snow crunched under you feet as you looked at all the beautiful trees, the nobles, douglas, and spurce all lined up in rows ranging in size. You wanted one that was as tall as Loki. You started to notice that some were taped off leading you like a tail. As you followed blindly.
There in your path from finding the perfect tree was a very handsome frost giant. Loki stood there wait for you. His raven hair slicked back perfectly as always he wore that suit you love so much on him. The one that drove you wild. You hated the fact that he didn’t need to be all bundled up like you did. His hands were behind his back. You looked at him curiously.
“Your late.” You smiled sweetly you could never really be mad at the god as you walked towards him.
“I’ve been waiting for you here my little snow bunny.” He teased. Kissing your cheek. You hooked your arm into his as he both walked along. Loki kept looking down at you. He had been nervous, As you talked about all the things you wanted to do with him this year. “What of the future my love?” You looked up at his a shy smile of your now pink face.
“Well I hope to have many more Christmas with you.” You mumbled. You had thought of a future with Loki. Wanting to do everything you could with the god. You stopped at a beautiful blue spruce. Waxy gray-green sharply pointed leaves almost gave it a blue hue. You were in awe, this was the tree. As you let go of Loki’s arm. “This is perfect loki!” You squealed. As you turned around to look at your boyfriend. “Loki? Loki.” He has vanished.
You went around the tree when something shiny caught you attention. The glass ornament hung down from one the the many branches of the tree. Next to it was another one with writing. Walking closer to read the tiny writing. You noticed there was a box inside the opening of the ornament. The box was open to show off the perfect simple ring inside. You covered hand lightly touched the glass. As you read the other ornament, was green with gold writing. It simply said.
‘ Will you Marry me?’ Your eyes widened as you felt something brushed past you pulling the the glass ornament from the tree. Turning on your heels. You saw loki kneeling before you in the snow. The ornament in his slender fingers.
“Darling,” He cleared the lump that was in his throat. “I really don’t know the right words to say. But, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I never thought I would have been so enchanted by someone, someone that saw past the monster that was in me, someone that looked passed the horrible things I’ve done, someone that could love me the way you do. And I want to spend every Christmas with you from here on out as you as my queen, my wife.” By the time loki finished you were a crying sniffling mess. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
“Yes, you lovable puny god.” You blubbered out. As you practically tackled the god into the snow. Hugging him like your life depended on it. Still crying. As you place kissed along his face. Loki stood up with you still clinging to him. He chuckled as your cuteness.
“I hope you know I did ask you Uncle, which in tailed me getting smashed into the ground repeatedly, again by the hulk.” Loki stated.
“Somewhere you probably deserved it.” You giggled. As you pulled away from Loki’s body. That was cover in snow. Loki pulled you glove off to place the ring gently on you finger.
“Though I may have to go into hiding before we get back to the compound. I’m sure Tony has found out by now.” Loki kisses you hand.
“Oh you better believe Tony just found out.” You heard the distinct sound of the Iron man suit landing behind you. “Step away from my god daughter reindeer games.” Tony hissed. You looked over your shoulder at the man. Rolling your eyes.
“Tony.” You sighed. Turning to look at him in a disapproving face.
“What! Bruce can’t be the only one to give him hell.” As all of Iron man’s guns, lazars, and missiles. Slowly crept back into the suit. Tony shy smirked spread on his face.
All: @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @jackheart180 @wolfcore227 @mr-hiddlestons-pet @madleiine @miraclesoflove
Tom/Loki Tag’s: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime
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burlybanner · 5 years
Syzygy - 3
Syzygy - An AU of Infundo (post-Infundo Chronicles).
Chapter 3: Indulgences and Definitions
Chapter 3 Summary:  Bruce has two individual epiphanies with his partners.
Link to Chapter 1, 2
Author notes: Sorry for the last minute late post - but yes, still keeping the posting schedule to Tuesdays for the most part.
Bruce stirred from sleep still a bit stuffed and rubbed his belly. He was sore all over from everything they'd done but it was a good feeling; he felt warm, loved, and safe...and maybe a little hungry? Was it possible he felt hungry and stuffed at -- he glanced at the clock -- 3:30 in the morning?
He pondered it before preparing to roll himself from the bed. In the beginning of their relationship he'd slept between Steve and Tony, but as big as he’d gotten he clung to their bed’s edges now, becoming the big or (not-so) little spoon to them. Because he was so huge it was impossible not to wake Tony or Steve if he got up in the middle of the night.
He loved their ridiculously comfortable bed though, and had second thoughts about leaving it despite his hunger pangs. A tiny smirk teased his lips. We'll need a sturdier bed later.  Random future thoughts of bed-bound joy shot tiny, happy currents of electricity through his body.  It took longer than average to do every day tasks like getting out of bed or sitting down despite being mostly mobile now. But future him wouldn't need to worry about such nonsense things.
Bruce’s gut rumbled and groaned, echoing his greedy, lustful appetite.  Giving his stomach a small placating pat, Bruce rocked, scooted and shifted his demanding body off the mattress. When Tony softly grunted and Steve's breathing hitched Bruce froze, wondering if he'd woken them. But no. He sighed softly as they returned to their regular sleeping patterns after a beat. Besides, if they did wake for whatever reason they'd know where he'd be and they could join him in the kitchen.
He grabbed his robe (a robe that barely fit, the same robe Tony and Steve swaddled on cold nights) and slowly shuffled to the closest kitchen. He'd be out of breath halfway, but no matter; he had a feeling Tony would cobble together a kitchenette off their bedroom, once walking became too bothersome. 
Humming, Bruce grabbed fried chicken, gravy, mashed potato leftovers and the corn casserole from the fridge and loaded his plate. For good measure he also grabbed ice cream, chocolate cake, and a spoon, nibbling on the sweets while the dinner foods warmed in the microwave. His mind wandered as he waited. A nightly feeding routine had merit. Doing would exhaust him, but he’d  consider it. He could sleep during the day. Or catnap.
Alternately, he could modify a sumo wrestler’s diet to fit his needs, but he had a sneaking suspicion he was already consuming more calories than the average sumo, just to maintain his weight.
Steve was right. The answer was in front of them, somewhere.  So maybe, if he combined Tony and Steve's ideas with his own, and reexamined the Hulk threshold, maybe adding a nightly feeding schedule to boot...
Hmm. It might work.
Bruce smiled at Steve's sleepy grin and popped another spoonful of chocolate cake and ice cream in his mouth. "Just got a little peckish."
"So I see." Steve's sleepy grin morphed into something diabolical. "Sit," he said, gesturing at a bar stool at the kitchen island. "You shouldn't waste extra energy by preparing your own meals." Bruce's stool was a little more squat than the others and heavily reinforced. Tony threatened to make the other stools the same for symmetry's sake but he'd never gotten around to it. Bruce honestly didn't mind. He liked having his "own" kitchen seat.
He snorted at Steve's quip and calmly watched the man grab a bowl from the cabinet; Steve wouldn't let him off the hook until he sat and obeyed him. 
"So, Bruce. What's got you up at this hour, besides food?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"More than." He grabbed the hot food from the microwave as Bruce piled ice cream into a bowl and added his toppings - the "good" ice cream toppings, according to Tony.
Steve put the ice cream back in the freezer and gestured to Bruce's food. "Eat up. And tell me what's bothering you."
Bruce hummed appreciatively. He took time to answer, though. He wolfed down half his food before gently clearing his throat. "The pros and cons, I suppose," he murmured.
"Of what Tony's proposing?"
Nodding, Bruce took a few big bites from the chicken before loading up his spoon with the corn dish. "That, and more. I have some ideas, and I think I have something that might work."
Bruce smirked and shoveled the corn casserole into his mouth. "Mmf," he said, mouth half full. "It's half of what's bugging me."
Steve watched him finish his chicken and casserole before silently piling more mashed potatoes to his plate. "Thanks."
Steve went to the fridge and dumped shredded cheese and butter pats to the rest of Bruce's heated mashed potatoes. "What's the other half, then?"
Bruce twirled his fork through the cheese and fluffed it together, and as he ate  small contented noises rose from his throat. "Ooh, yeah. Perfect," he snuffled before scarfing it. "Mm. 'Kay. So...it's cosmetic."
"Yeah." Bruce’s fork scraped across his empty plate and he mechanically dug into the cake and ice cream, missing Steve slyly replenishing his dessert whenever Bruce looked close enough to finishing. "It took me this long to appear 'human' to people; to be normal. Sure, I'm pretty hefty, but I'm still functionally normal." He belched behind a curved fist before returning to his plate. He tucked into his next helping of cake and spoke with his mouth full. "I get a few odd stares now, but they're the stares guys my size normally get. I kinda get a kick out of that, to be honest."
Steve chuckled right along with him and grabbed chocolate sauce from the fridge. "So? What's the real issue?"
"The real issue," Bruce sighed, loading up his fork. "Is the monster I see myself bec...oh, that is amazing." He finally realized Steve heated up the chocolate sauce, then poured it over his cake and ice cream. His double chin quivered as he shoved giant bites in his mouth, trying to get in every last crumb of deliciousness.
"Don't choke yourself," Steve teased. But his small smile quickly faded. "You're not a monster. You know that."
Bruce shrugged, but he didn't say anything else until his fork clattered across the empty dessert plate. "Not consciously, no. But I've gotta ask myself, am I coming to terms with it? Is it so bad to be one, really? To own it? I'm not a hundred percent human - and neither are you," he amended, when Steve tried interrupting. "Or half of the Avengers, if we really think about it. Even Tony's genius puts him out of the human category, into something more like super...hm. Super humanity."
"Super human?"
"No. That phrase is trite and beyond overdone. Super humanity has more heart, and creates a space for people like us, as well as others."  He pat his full stomach, feeling more at ease, momentarily mesmerized at how his huge belly jiggled with each pat. "I've begun owning the word 'fat,'" he mumbled, squeezing his rolls beneath his strained pajama top. "Maybe I can reclaim the word 'monster,' too."   
"I'm sure you can, if anyone can do it," Steve said. He opened the freezer back up and took out the ice cream, and grabbed a fresh spoon. "But you're still my Muffin regardless. So let me make sure you're good and full before you wake up again, because you’re hungry."
Bruce smiled softly and opened his mouth as Steve spoon fed him the rest of the ice cream.
Still, that night got Bruce thinking; the key wasn't one individualized goal. Maybe, like a monster, he could go all out. Let the journey take flight on its own. He could hang on for the ride and chart its progress.
Dangerous thinking, Banner, he cautioned. The last time he metaphorically let it ride, he had a Hulk for his trouble. But maybe having three consciences would bring out better circumstances. Among the three of them he had a brain, a heart, and a moral compass...which was a darn sight better than just a brain.
"Earth to Bruce. Again."
"Hm?" Bruce snapped up from the book he wasn't reading. His head was nestled in Tony's lap, while Tony played with his curls. Steve had risen from the other end of the couch to gather snacks from the kitchen, so their dog occupied the warm divot Steve's butt left behind.
"You were saying?"
"I said," Tony murmured, kissing Bruce's forehead. "That I noticed you and Spangles made a small night of it. Without me."
"I wouldn't go that far," Bruce said honestly. "I got hungry and Steve and I talked over a few things."
"Oh, really?" Bruce could feel Tony's jealous streak rearing up. He put his book down, and took Tony's hand.
"Nothing major, promise. I told him I wanted to reclaim the word 'monster.' To use it, but in my own way."
"You're not--"
"No, wait. Hear me out." He'd already made peace with the word after his discussion with Steve, but he should've told Tony sooner. It was wrong of him not to. "I'm going to become someone 'otherworldly.' Monstrously huge’, as it were. But I want the opportunity to put my humanity on equal footing with the Hulk. It sounds...weird, but I don't know how else to describe it." He sighed, suddenly wanting another plate of cookies. "I guess I'm making peace with the Other Guy by becoming more like him, in human form. I'm almost excited at the prospect, to be honest. Maybe it'll help us understand one another more."
"Huh," Tony murmured after a long beat. A crooked smile passed on his lips. "I never thought about it that way."
"So...it's not such a crazy idea?" Bruce grunted. Some of his apprehension drained away with Tony’s approval. "There's merit to it, right?"
"Absolutely." Tony squeezed his shoulder. "But now that we're all on the same page, it's time to kick this into full gear. It's been a while since you used yourself as a live test subject - and I know your concerns," Tony interrupted, seeing the deepening crease across Bruce's brow. "But we've got this, babe. Let's pour through your notes and come up with some cool ideas."
                                                              * *
Part four: https://burlybanner.tumblr.com/post/186177528669/syzygy-4
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moonyinthestars · 6 years
Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night! (Peter Parker x Avenger!reader)
This is for @mr-delmar, for your 1K followers writting challenge!
Prompt : “Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night!”
Words : 2558
Summary : You really have the worst best friend. Who else would drag you to the pool at nearly midnight?
If you want to be tagged in what I write, just send my an ask!
Also, I’d love to hear what you thought about this! 
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Spread back on your bed, a pillow shoved under your head supporting a messy bun of wild hair, you were scrolling absentmindedly through Instagram, checking the new pictures your friends had posted today. A quick glance at the top of your phone indicated you that it was already 11 p.m. Dropping it next to you, you stood up and grabbed your pyjamas, heading to the shower.
“Friday, play the last album of Panic! At The Disco, please.”
“Sure thing, miss.” Responded the artificial intelligence as the first notes of High Hopes were echoing through your room and attached bathroom.
Today had been a good day, you had gone to school as usual then trained a bit with Natasha, and the whole team had had dinner together. Of course, it had ended in laughter, punctuated with “language!” escaping Steve’s mouth, nerd jokes from Peter, Clint and Sam throwing wads of bread at each other, Natasha rolling her eyes while Tony was once more talking very loud and Bucky frowning at all the scientific vocabulary he was employing. They were people you kept dearly in your heart, your weird and protective family. Getting along with everyone was easy, but you were especially close to the spider boy. When you had joined the Avenger a couple of years ago, Peter had immediately tried to learn more about you, as he was fascinated with the power that you had. Actually, you had been offered to join the team when your friend Wanda had managed to find you thanks to Tony’s technology, after you had been separated from her and her twin before the attack on the HYDRA base in Sokovia. You had been away from your red head friend for six months when she rescued you among with the team, and it had been one of the best days of your life. However, Pietro’s death had been a hard one.
HYDRA had also experimented on you, but to them you hadn’t been as successful as the twins: your skills weren’t of direct use when it came to fight on the battle field. Indeed, your sight had been modified: you were able, in case of any injury, to see through the layers of skin, muscles, tendons and bones to fix what had been damaged. With the help of Bruce Banner, your powers had developed a lot: you could now heal the others even faster, and with your special sight came an in-depth knowledge of the human body. When you were focused, you could now force the cells to contract and do whatever you wanted even when he person in front of you wasn’t hurt. One day you emitted the idea that you could maybe help Bruce to transform back from the Hulk thanks to your new abilities. After a lot of convincing from Tony, Bruce had finally let you test your hypothesis. Peter had been the first to volunteer to protect you just in case things went wrong. As you were now both eighteen, your friendship had grown a lot and you were happy to live with him and the team at the compound.
As your muscles stretched under the hot and steaming water, you knew that a good relaxing shower had been exactly what you needed. Focusing your gaze on your biceps, you were absorbed into a microscopic word composed of cells, blood and many complicated molecules. There it is, you could see the lactic acid accumulating in your cells, causing the cramps you were now having. Funny thing that it was to be able to perceive such tiny and minuscule things!  Shaking your head at the weirdness of your thoughts, you finally got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your chest. Singing along with the song that Friday was playing, you slipped on a large red hoodie that you had probably stolen from Stark with your grey pyjamas shorts. You brushed your hair, putting it in a less messy bun than before and headed back to your room after brushing your teeth. Jumping on your bed, you asked Friday to stop the music and subdue the lights as you slipped under the warm sheets. Grabbing the book that was laying on your bedside table, you made yourself comfortable, leaning on the many pillows your bed was provided of. Sighing in content, you began to read, escaping in a total different universe. Turning the page, a ringing sound took you out of your world. Reaching out for your phone, you raised you eyebrows when you saw that it was already 11:30 p.m. Who could send you a text at this hour?
Hey, I have an unsolved problem and I need your help.
Peter, your best friend.
Of course, you began typing immediately. What’s wrong?
Now worried, you watched the little dots undulating at the bottom of your screen, indicating that Peter was texting back.
Spider boy: Well, I have been thinking for the past hour, and I just can’t seem to find a solution.
You: Peter what’s wrong?
After a short moment, you burst out of laughter when you read the new text he had sent you.
Spider boy: Do you think that my webs stick under water?
Shaking your head smiling you answered him quickly, thinking that after all, you weren’t the only one to have crazy thoughts crossing your brain.
You: Omg Peter, stop texting me weird stuff so late at night!
Spider boy: But I can’t help it! I need to solve this or I won’t be able to sleep, you know me, Y/N.
You: Peter I’m tired.
Spider boy: But you’re my best friend!
Spider boy: Please Y/N!
Spider boy: Y/NNNNNN please
You: What do you want me to do about it? You’re the scientist, I’m not!
Chuckling under your breath, you lied back on your bed. Not even a minute later, there was a knock on your door. Knowing perfectly who it was, you opened it.
“Hi Mister Parker, what can I do for you?” you asked with a smirk.
“Come with me? Please?” pleaded the spider boy standing in front of you with his puppy eyes, his hair just as messed as yours. He was in his pyjamas too, his web shooters already attached to his wrists.
“And where would we hypothetically be going to?”
“To… the swimming pool?” he answered hesitantly with a light grimace on his face.
“Really Peter? The pool, when it’s nearly midnight?” you burst out laugh.
“Come on, it’s gonna be fun, you know it!”
“Of course I’m coming, you replied with a grin. Let me just get my swimsuit.”
You had noticed that your friend had already traded his pyjamas shorts for swimsuit shorts, so you hurried up and went to your cupboard to retrieve your own. You quickly put it on and added Stark’s red hoodie on the top of it but let your shorts of the floor, as your hoodie was reaching your mid-thighs.
“Let’s go web the entire pool Parker!” you exclaimed as you climbed on his back. “Come on, you want this, you’ll have to carry me all the way long!”
Arms securely wrapped around your knees, he exited your room toward the elevator, answering: “Okay, no problem. But I don’t wanna hear you complain if I’m going too fast”, he grinned mischievously.
“Me? Complaining? You mumbled, where did you get this idea?”
“Careful, back there, you wouldn’t like me to drop you, would you?” he mimed the action of letting you go
“Peter! Don’t you even dare!” you replied seriously with a slap on his shoulder.
“Sh shh, darling, he chuckled. You’re gonna wake the whole building up.”
Pinching his cheek with one of your hands wrapped around his shoulders, you shot a look at the both of you in the mirror of the elevator. You wished you had taken your phone with you, because it would have made a beautiful picture. The doors finally opened to reveal the training level, where was located on of the two pools of Anthony Stark, the other being on the roof. Peter suddenly broke into a run, a light laugh escaping his lips while you were trying to repress your surprise squealing, holding tighter onto his neck. He pushed open the glass doors separating you from the gigantic Olympic-sized pool and as if a lightening had struck you, you realized what your best friend was about to do.
“Peter, don’t you DARE JUMP IN THE POOL RIGHT NOW!” you shouted in his ears, the grip of your legs tightening around him in the feeble hope that it would stop him.
But, it was too late, and the only response you got was his laugh echoing through the big area.
Water splashing everywhere, you instantaneously let go of Peter when your body hit the cold liquid at the same time as his. Your big sweater floating around you, you couldn’t help yourself but laugh when your head broke the surface.
“You big idiot! I accept to help you and that’s how you thank me? My hoodie is all wet now!”
In front of you, Peter was grinning like mad, very proud of himself.
“Say something instead of staying there laughing at me!” you splashed water in his direction.
“Oh you want the war Y/N?” he replied with a hand placed in front of his face to avoid the water.
“You’re the one who started the war in the first place, darling.” You smirked back with a devil glint in your eyes.
And with a solid battle cry, the fight started. Pushing and splashing all the water you could toward him in all the possible ways you could imagine, you tried to get closer to him in order to make him surrender. However, your sweater was slowing down your movement although you knew that you couldn’t risk pausing to take it off if you wanted to win this crucial battle. But Peter hadn’t said his last word either, and he suddenly plunged under water to grab your feet.
“NooOOBLBLblbb!!” you cried as you were dragged under water, your hands slipping on the wet edge of the pool.
Kicking in every direction you could, you started to panic when you suddenly weren’t able anymore to dissociate your feet one from the other, as if they had been glued together. Without your feet you couldn’t move as efficiently as before, even if your arms were doing all they could to compensate this unpredicted loss. Feeling Peter’s arms around your waist bringing you to the surface, you chocked all the water your lungs had absorbed as you were at last able to breathe again.
“Well, I think that I have my answer”, he said with his arms still holding you close to his chest, smiling.
Frowning while still trying to recover from your brief trip under water, your hands knotted on Peter’s shirt, you mumbled:
“What are you talking ab- PetER YOU FITLTHY LITTLE TRAITOR!”
Your fists repeatedly hitting his cheat that was resonating with laughter, you couldn’t help but join him.
And he dropped you.
“No, Peter DO NOT LET ME GO!”
“How do you want me to take off the webs if I’m busy holding you?” He smiled deviously, his hands finding their way back around your stomach, under your hoodie.
“Well get me out of the pool you dumbass! And he calls himself an Avenger!” you said loudly.
After getting you out of the pool, he sat you on one of the benches nearby.
“How are you going to take this off anyway?” You wondered out loud
“Well, that’s the problem.” He grinned sheepishly.
You threw him a dark glance.
“You see, I’ve never had this kind of problem. I usually just wait for them to dissolve.”
Breathing in, you prepared yourself for what was next.
“And how long does it usually take Mister Avenger?”
“Do you want a towel? I’m going to get you a towel, you must be freezing! See, even I am cold so you should be cold too, ain’t you?” he quickly started rambling, walking away from where you sat to find you these precious towels.
“Peter! Tell me!”
“Here is your towel!” he said happily, wrapping it around your shoulders.
“Just tell me already! “
“Well it-usually-take-two-hours but given that the webs were shot under water it probably affects their solidity and how long they’ll last and the way they’re going to dissolve so it may take more or less time but once again I’ve never done this before so I can’t be sure-
“God, Peter...” You said with a sigh.
He glanced at you guiltily, barely looking you in the eyes, and you burst out of laugh. You really couldn’t be mad at him.
“You are really the worst friend” you continued to laugh.
“But you love me anyway?” he said with a knowing smile flourishing on his lips.
“Keep telling yourself that, you chuckled while giving him a bump with your shoulder. Well… if I really have to wait two hours, I’m not doing it here, and neither in these wet clothes.” You stated.
Staring at you with an unmotivated expression, you stared back into his brown eyes.
“Does that mean that I have to carry you again?”
“Do you really expect me to bunny hop all the way back to my room?”
“I guess I deserved that” he chuckled.
“Oh come on, don’t expect me to believe that you’re not enjoying this.” You replied with a smirk.
“As you wish!” he exclaimed, quickly taking you bridal style into his arms.
As Peter was carrying you, you were pretty sure that all the way leading to your room was now wearing his wet footprints and the drops of water from your soaked hair, but you didn’t mind. After all, it would all be dry by the morning. After Peter had dropped you in your bathroom, going to his own room to change, you started to take off your hoodie and realized that you no had another problem. How the hell were you supposed to get rid of your bottoms if you ankles were tied together? Shaking your head, you tried to dry as much of your body as it was possible, wrapping a towel around you to cover your bare chest.
“Peter!” you shouted through your room.
He came running in, hair still wet.
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, I figured that since you’re the one who made my hoodie impossible to use for tonight, you owed me one of yours.” You replied grinning.
You spent the next twenty minutes in one of Peter’s hoodie in your bathroom, while he was carefully drying your hair thank to the blow dryer. The heat had helped to dry your bottoms as well, so that you were now sure that any excess water had left the surface of your skin. Peter carried you again all the way toward your bed, and after convincing him (which hadn’t been complicated at all), he also came to lie under the covers next to you after that he had turned the lights off. Comfortably wrapped in his arms, your head against his chest, you chuckled:
“Peter, you know that you could just have asked Karen about your webs, right?”
“I know, he chuckled back, just figured that it’d be funnier that way.”
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Confidence - NSFW
Bruce Banner x Reader
Bruce has been asked to give a lecture and Y/N finds herself hanging onto every word.
Warnings: I’m GONNA say this is NSFW? Just in case? Not smut but it’s definitely adult content.
This is inspired by this picture! That I became obsessed with! (And had to write my feelings about) ^^ @sreppub is the artist!
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Y/N sat squirming in her seat uncomfortably, she was trying to shift her thighs just the slightest without drawing in any attention to herself. She was, well she was horny! She was in awe, she was at a loss for words, she just couldn’t plain and simply believe how sexy Bruce Banner was at this very moment.
Her sweet, shy, goofy boyfriend was radiating a vibe of appeal that shot lust straight through her. She breathed deeply through her nose and swallowed. She was being ridiculous. She needed to get a hold of herself. He wasn’t even DOING ANYTHING all that sexual.
He was just....
Bruce had been called and asked to give a lecture on gamma radiation and it’s properties. He wanted to decline at first but Y/N was the one to convince him to go. She knew he would enjoy it so she pushed him to go, promising she would come to support him and divert any potential Hulk questions. Y/N had expected to be sitting bored out of her mind and playing one of her phone games for the next hour or so.
But, Bruce was so... confident! He was so passionate! Everything about him seemed to change for this one moment. She wondered if he had noticed? He was standing tall and proud, his head was held high, he was speaking with such conviction. She really liked seeing him so confident and sure.
She hated when she caught glances of him shoulders hunched, head down, thinking too much. She caught those moments too many times for her liking. But now, he was really shining. She felt her stomach explode in pride (and her pussy was throbbing so much she swore it had a heartbeat but that was besides the point).
Y/N was absolutely smitten as the lecture had ended and Bruce answered the many questions (and not a single Hulk question!)
Finally the room started to clear, Bruce was sitting at his desk vigorously typing. He promised to send out a summary and some information to those who left their email addresses on a private channel.
Y/N had stood, on somewhat shakey legs and walked down to the front as casually as she could, walking past all the young starry eyed would be scientists. She looked back and saw they had all shuffled out by the time she had made her way to Bruce.
“I’m glad you convinced me to go Y/N.” Bruce stood and without looking up, had begun speaking to her. “I had no idea there was such an interested circuit in gamma radiation.” He quickly glanced at her to give her a sincere smile but double taked when he saw the glazed look she was giving him.
A mischievous smile made its way across her delicate lips. Bruce’s eyes were suddenly drawn to her lips, which were a bright and vibrant red.
Y/N took a step closer to him, eliminating the space between them as she ran her fingers along his collar, dipping her finger tips down the curve of his shirt and stopping at the top button.
“Maybe you could give me a private lesson, Doctor Banner~?”
Y/N’s eyes practically sparkled as she bit her lip just the slightest, knowing how enticing she looked.
Suddenly there was a lump in Bruce’s throat and he felt a rush of heat all the way up to his ears. His heart sped up in those few mere seconds and his hands twitched at his side.
Doctor Banner?
Hmm he liked that more then he should of... But apparently the feeling was mutual so......
Bruce’s mouth twitched up and he grinned, feeling like a predator who had just sighted its prey.
Doctor Banner...
Permanent Taglist:
@insanityismysanity12345 @greenangrysnowflake @kitchensink-to-me @zadyalyss @becaamm @theweirdlunatic @itsjackothy @Bluebird-burning-gold @surfin-the-sun @ncville @daft-not-punk @fangirlbitch02 @gabriels-trix @ivy-16-18 @jaib2-blog @jedionironthrone @theblackqueen-ofmyheart @professionalunicorn400 @jumpingmanatee @proffyaffle @slowlywithfreedom @ashtonmichaelhoran @peachamma @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @laramitk @jadepc @aw--heck @no1brucebannerfangirl @hana-the-starry-eyed-fool @mehfuture
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 1
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1963
Warnings:  Sex talk and pregnancy talk on this chapter, smut, angst, pregnancy, mentions of childhood abuse on series.
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
Author’s Note: @fanficwriter013 helped me build this world and helped write the first few chapters.  I am forever grateful to her.  I love this series and can’t quite seem to let it go.
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Chapter 1: Big Plans
It’s strange how a month can feel like both a blink of an eye and an eternity all at once.  We returned to Earth and everything got busy all at once.  There was work to catch up on.  Avengers stuff had piled up.  Plus, Steve wanted me to train in case they did need me for end-of-the-world things.  There were all the things related to the move back to the Tower.  Plus, Tony and I went into wedding planning mode.  We wanted to just get it over with quickly but we didn’t just want to head to the county courthouse either.  And in the meantime, we all just missed Thor.  Knowing he was going to be back for good just made us miss him even more and even with the days feeling too short to fit everything in, the countdown seemed to drag on.
It was good being busy but I was starting to feel the stress.  I don’t think Steve was really loving the idea of training me, and I wanted to tell him not to worry about it.  That I didn’t want that life.  That didn’t seem fair though.  I could lift Mjolnir.  That meant something.  I couldn’t just selfishly sit at home while my family risked their lives.  The wedding plans weren’t exactly easy either.  We wanted to do it as soon as Thor got back which meant doing everything in two months and just finding a venue alone was hard.  Everything was booked and with the need for privacy on top, the ones that weren’t were not ideal.  The tower was taking a little longer than expected.  I think the stress was getting to me so much I was overthinking everything.  Like we’d had too good of a run and now it was going to fall apart. With my new powers, I now had threads that only I could see that connected me to members of my family and told me where they were and if they were okay.  I would check them constantly worried that something bad was going to happen.  The threads that connected me to Natasha and Wanda seemed to be fraying at the connection to them, and even though when I touched them they seemed content, I kept thinking they were planning to leave us.
“I don’t know, Tony.  I like the idea of a private island but every time I call them they’re booked up,” I complained as I sat in his lap and we looked over wedding destinations.
“You’ve been name dropping right?  That normally does the trick,” Tony teased as his finger slowly caressed over my stomach.
“Yes,” I admitted.  “And I hate it, but still, this is people’s weddings.  Even offering to pay to relocate them isn’t working.  I swear we could buy an island and we’d have more luck.”
“Alright, so we buy an island,” Tony said.  “Richard Branson owns ones.  I guess I can too.  And we can go there for our anniversary.”
I laughed and shook my head.  “Simple, low key wedding it is,” I said as I brought up a website devoted to the buying and selling of islands.  There was a surprisingly large number of them and we narrowed it down to an island in the Caribbean with a fully functional hotel, one in the Maldives that seemed close to not being an island anymore but did have a small hotel comprising of bungalows and an island in Belize that had a small compound like structure that would require us hiring staff to run and flying in all the things we needed for our wedding.
“So, I’m going to send these to Nat and Wanda and let them decide,” Tony said and swiped them into little folders with Natasha and Wanda’s name on it.  “Don’t you worry though, honey.  Our wedding will be small, low key and just us.  Then we’ll spend two weeks on the beach while the kids stay with Sam’s sister.  And when we get back, the Tower will be ready to move into.”
I hummed and leaned my head back on his shoulder.  “It’s going to be so nice.”
He slowly kissed his way along my shoulder to my neck as his hand continued to caress my stomach.  “So I’ve been thinking…”
“You’re always doing that,” I teased playfully, turning my head and nosing at his cheek.
“Well, yes,” he said, a little nervously.  “No.  Sorta…”
I sat more upright and turned to look at him.  “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said.  “I just… We’ve been happy, haven’t we?  All of us.  Since the kids were born.  I really like being a dad.”
I smiled softly and caressed his jaw with my thumb.  “Yeah.  Really happy.  I can feel it now too.”
“I want us to have more,” he said.  “Kids that is.  I kinda… I want to make one with you.”
I stared at him in disbelief, though I could feel through the thread how much he wanted this and how nervous he was I was going to say no.  “Really?  You’re sure?”
“You make really pretty babies,” he said.
I smiled and leaned my forehead against his, tears pricking my eyes.  “I’d be so happy.”
“Is that a yes?”  He asked.  “We can make a little Stark/Cooper baby?”
I let out a breath.  I wanted this so much.  I’d had dreams about getting pregnant again.  This time because everyone wanted it.  And this time around everyone being excited from the start and having the support I didn’t get the last time.  Seeing our family grow more.  But I couldn’t agree until I knew I’d get it.  I couldn’t go through what I did last time.  “We need to talk to the others.  That means Thor too.  I need for them to agree to having more kids and that they’re okay with both knowing you’re the biological father or if we just have me go off birth control and whatever happens happens.”
Tony nodded and rubbed my back  “Okay.  It’s okay,” he said.  “It’ll be different this time.  We’re all here now, El.  And if they just want the paternity to be random.  I’d be okay with that too.  I just… I really love being a dad.”
I nuzzled into his neck, one tear breaking free and running down my cheek.  “I love you,” I whispered.  “And I do want this.  More than anything.”
“I know,” he said, holding me close.  “I love you too.”
He held me like that for a little while, just gently rubbing my back, when a large crack of thunder sounded outside and it started bucketing down rain.  I sat up suddenly and looked out of the window.  “Is it Thor do you think?”
“Gotta be,” Tony said, patting my ass so I’d get up.
I jumped to my feet and the two of us rushed outside.  The rain was coming down heavily and Bruce was outside with the kids and the puppies, looking up at the sky.  I moved up beside him, still being sheltered by the awning of the house.  “Is it him?”
Bruce smiled and looked down at me.  He was in his blended form.  The one he took most of the time these days.  He’d lean into Bruce more in the bedroom or the lab, or Hulk when he was playing outside with Clint and the kids.  But mostly he was both at once, working in harmony.  “The atmospheric readings are consistent with the Rosenberg Bridge opening.”
To back up Bruce’s words, a huge crash sounded again and a large beam of rainbow-colored light seemed to crash into the ground.  When it cleared Thor was standing in the middle of a circle of Celtic knotwork burned into the ground.  The twins squealed in delight and ran out into the rain to greet him.  Thor smiled and the rain stopped like he’d flicked a switch on it.  He scooped them up when they reached him and held them above his head.
“Children!”  He boomed.
“Daddy!”  They both squealed at once, kicking their legs.  He pulled them into a hug and closed his eyes, smiling contentedly as they nuzzled into him.  Tony, Bruce, and I approached him and when we got close he put both onto one arm and cradled my jaw with the other.
“Mea Vida,” he hummed and kissed me deeply.  I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“Thor!  We didn’t expect you back yet!” Bruce said, smiling.
Thor broke his kiss with me and Bruce leaned down and pecked Thor’s cheek before Tony moved in and did the same.  “All is running well on Asgard.  I have Heimdall watching over things.  He will call me if needed.”
“So this is it?” I asked, looking up at him. “You’re home now?”
He smiled contentedly.  “Yes.  I’m home.”
“Come on,” Tony said, clapping him on the shoulder.  “Let’s get you inside.  We have a lot to tell you about.  In fact, your timing is perfect.  He looked at me with a small smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye.  It did feel like a sign.  This was the day we would agree to extend our family.
“I misted you,” Pietro said as we made our way back inside with the dogs, dancing around at our feet.
“I missed you too, my darling one,” Thor said, affectionately.  “What have you been doing since I saw you last?”
“Umm…” Pietro pondered.
“We pwayed and deys take us pwaces.  We did see a schoowl,” Riley explained.
“And I dot my books,” Pietro added.
“Those all sound wonderful,” Thor rumbled and kissed them both on the head, before putting them down.  He took a seat on the couch and both the twins and the dogs climbed up into his lap.
“FRIDAY, tell the cook to make a large lunch for everyone and that Thor’s here so whatever they think is normal, double it,” Tony said as he took a seat.  “And page the others.”
“Of course,” FRIDAY replied.
“Daddy,” Pietro said as he climbed up onto Thor’s shoulders.  “Wiwl Woki come?”
“On occasion, little one,” Thor answered.  “Loki has a very important responsibility in Asgard now.”
“Wiwl Mags come?”  Riley added.
Thor laughed and ruffled her hair.  “No, honey.  I’m afraid not.  But I will take you back to your homeworld from time-to-time and you will see him.”
I started to get impatient and I ran my fingers through the threads that connected me to the others and tugged on the ones that belonged to Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda.
“Did you just pull me?”  Clint said, coming into the room.
“I did,” I answered.  “Thor’s home!”
Clint grinned and came over, kissing Thor, before flopping on the chair beside him.
“Space husband!”  Steve called as he entered the room with Bucky.
“I’m not your space husband any longer.  I’m home for good,” Thor said, getting up and greeting the two super-soldiers with a tight hug and a kiss.
“You are!”  Wanda squeaked as she entered with Sam.
Thor turned to Sam and Wanda and a large smile broke out on his face as he pulled them into his arms.  “You have been busy while I was away,” he said.  Wanda looked up at him confused when Natasha finally arrived.  “Very busy indeed.”
“What do you mean?”  Wanda asked.
“You and Natasha, you’re both with child,” Thor said, looking at the both of them confused.   “You didn’t know?”
I looked from Wanda to Nat and the sudden realization that the fraying of the threads was the starting of new ones connected me to the babies they were carrying.  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t realized it sooner.
Natasha looked at Thor with her jaw dropped.  “I’m sorry, but I’m what?”
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ragnarokdad · 6 years
If you’re still doing the mashups can you do Thorbruce 12+99?
Of course, thank you! Roomate AU + Magical Accidents from this prompt list.
I have an idea for this that probably in no way fits into the actual MCU or any Marvel canon so just… bear with me, here. Also, I’m taking a bit of liberty with ‘roommate’ as they end up as makeshift roommates because of the magical accident. Featuring, and back by popular demand, Kid Loki!
Loki looked at the weird, green glowing rope that he had magicked from thin air. One half was fastened securely around Thor’s wrist, the other around Bruce Banner’s, who up until that moment had been minding his own  business in the kitchen of the Avengers tower, reading on his tablet and sipping coffee. 
‘Oops?’ repeated Thor, glaring at his little brother. ‘That is all you have to say for yourself?’ 
‘How was I supposed to know that would’ve happened?’ exclaimed Loki, flicking through the book of spells that he had been studying before this very incident. ‘It was just to create a rope, I didn’t know it was going to trap anyone.’
‘Well uh, I have places to be, so it would be great if you could undo it,’ Bruce said from his place at the counter. 
‘See, there might be a little… hitch,’ said Loki, brows furrowed as he kept flicking through the book. ‘I don’t actually think this book has the spell to undo this.’ 
‘What?’ said Thor incredulously. ‘We’re actually trapped?’ 
‘There’s a spell somewhere!’ Loki insisted. ‘I just don’t know where. I might have to consult mother-’ 
‘Back in Asgard?’ exclaimed Thor. ‘And how long will that take?’ 
Loki shrugged. ‘It’ll take however long it’ll take. You don’t really have that much say in the matter.’ 
‘And would the Other Guy be able to break it?’ asked Bruce. ‘Or will it just… cut through his wrist?’ 
‘It’s supposed to be unbreakable rope,’ said Loki. ‘So I would not try it.’ 
Bruce groaned. ‘Great. Fantastic. So if some supervillain tries to take over the world today, I’ll be stuck to the God of Thunder like a dog on a leash.’ 
‘I’ll be as quick as possible!’ said Loki. ‘Or I’ll try to be.’ 
Without another word (or an apology for that matter), and bolted out of the kitchen. Thor grimaced at Bruce, and gave a half-hearted tug at the rope. It snapped back into its place around his wrist almost immediately, feeling tight and uncomfortable. 
‘This’ll be a fun wait,’ Bruce muttered. 
They had been in the lab for hours, and it had been dreadfully boring. At the beginning, Thor could keep up with Bruce and Tony’s chatter and their experiments on the rope, which would not budge no matter what they tried. After hour two of the afternoon, Thor had stopped attempting to go along with their talks and trials. Thankfully, the rope was long enough that he had leeway to walk through a bit of the lab, so he found himself snooping through the cupboards of stuff there while Bruce and Tony were not paying attention. 
Most of the vials and things in the cupboards were unlabelled, so it did not provide much entertainment. He picked up one that was a vibrant blue. Suddenly, a sharp pain radiated around his wrist and the vial fell out of his hand, and Bruce yelped from the other end of the room. The vial smashed onto the counter, which steamed slightly as whatever was in it began bleeding through some papers that were lying there. 
‘Okay, so that doesn’t work,’ he heard Tony say. ‘What’s that smoke- Thor, did you drop something?’ 
‘It is nothing!’ Thor insisted, but the liquid only began to steam more. ‘At least, I hope it’s nothing.’ 
Tony walked up to where Thor was standing. ‘Is that- Jesus, okay, let’s get out of the lab before we inhale that shit. If Loki isn’t back by morning, we’ll try again tomorrow.’  
He ushered a sheepish Thor and an annoyed-looking Bruce out of the lab, before they could do any more damage. 
Thor and Bruce were watching Nat and Steve spar in the gym, Thor intermittently sighing. It was boring being tied together like this. Thor had wanted to go outside, but the late-January weather was terrible and the snow was piling heavily, so Bruce had decided against it. Instead, they were inside, watching their friends fight. 
‘I want to spar,’ Thor muttered, as he watched Nat put Steve into a headlock. 
‘I’d really rather you didn’t,’ said Bruce wryly. ‘I’ll be thrown around like a ragdoll. Or I’ll hulk out and snap my own damn hand off, apparently.’ 
‘We won’t,’ said Thor. ‘But this is well and truly the worst.’ 
Bruce snorted with laughter. ‘Is it? I think we’ve both been in far worth situations.’ 
‘Yes, but this situation is boring,’ Thor sighed. ‘There’s nothing we can do like this.’ 
‘Yeah, you’re right,’ Bruce agreed, and the two fell quiet for a moment. 
‘Hey,’ said Bruce. ‘Have you ever played Portal?’ 
It was past midnight when Bruce and Thor had gone through several different video games, which had done a surprisingly good job at keeping them entertained. Sitting in front of the television after Thor had won another round of Smash Brothers, Steve wandered into the room. 
‘You guys still waiting for Loki?’ he asked. 
‘Yeah,’ said Bruce. ‘It’s getting late, though, I wonder if he’ll be here before morning.’ 
Thor grimaced. ‘He is most likely in no rush, either, knowing him.’ 
‘How are you guys going to sleep like this?’ asked Steve. 
‘I mean, we both had double beds, I don’t think that’ll be the biggest issue,’ Bruce said. ‘At least not to me.’ 
‘Me neither,’ agreed Thor. ‘We should probably head to bed, anyway. There’s no point in exhausting ourselves.’ 
Steve smiled softly at them. ‘At least you guys get along, I’m sure that makes it bearable.’ 
‘Yes; at least it isn’t Stark and you,’ said Thor with a smirk as he got up. 
‘Hey,’ Steve called after him as Thor and Bruce left the room. ‘Tony and I get along just fine!’ 
With a laugh, Thor headed into the direction of his bedroom with Bruce. 
It was the middle of the night and Thor was still unable to sleep. He couldn’t understand why, either; he wasn’t uncomfortable, it was just… an odd situation, really. Every time that he turned around in his bed, he was aware that he might be tugging at Bruce at the other end. 
‘Thor,’ came Bruce’s tired voice. ‘Are you awake?’ 
‘Yes,’ Thor murmured back. ‘Unfortunately.’ 
He heard Bruce sigh and roll over to face Thor. ‘Sucks, huh.’ 
‘Yes, it does.’ 
‘I fell asleep for like, an hour, and then had a dream that we were still tied up and fighting this big monster and you accidentally smashed me against a building,’ Bruce said. 
Thor chuckled slightly. ‘Serves you right for the time the Hulk smashed me into a building.’ 
‘Hey, I can’t do anything about that,’ Bruce said, but he sounded good-natured and gave Thor a little nudge. Thor laughed, before the two fell silent one more. 
‘Do you remember New Year’s Eve?’ asked Bruce suddenly, his voice a little quieter. 
Thor paused. He’d not forgotten, but he thought Bruce had. It had been a few weeks ago now, and neither had brought it up. The party the Avengers had thrown, the drinks, the… kiss-
‘Yes,’ said Thor. ‘I remember.’ 
‘Why did you never bring it up?’ asked Bruce. 
‘Neither did you.’ 
‘That’s fair,’ murmured Bruce. 
Bruce turned away, and they were quiet once again, and Thor could not help but feel the tension in the air. 
‘…I liked it, though,’ said Thor, as he shifted so that he was facing Bruce. ‘And I regret not bringing it up.’ 
Bruce shifted on his side, too, looking at Thor, smiling softly. ‘Yeah? Me too.’ 
Thor smiled back, bringing up his hand to cup the side of Bruce’s face. The green rope that reminded them of how they were still bound together illuminated his face slightly. Thor dipped forward, bringing his lips to Bruce’s. 
They woke up late the next day. Thor had slept very well after the happenings of the previous night, and smiled sleepily as Bruce blinked and opened his eyes next to him. 
‘Hi,’ said Bruce, voice a bit hoarse with sleep. 
‘Hello,’ answered Thor. ‘Shall we go and see if there is any news from Loki?’ 
It took them a while to make themselves decent as well as attempting to get their clothes back on, but finally they made their way to the living room, the green rope still glowing between them. To Thor’s relief, his little brother was sat on the couch waiting for them, looking rather triumphant. 
‘I’ve got it!’ Loki announced as they came through. ‘Here, hold still.’ 
Both Thor and Bruce did as they were told, as Loki began whatever enchantment he had prepared. It took only a little while before the rope disappeared, and Thor’s wrist immediately felt more free. The skin where the rope had been was dark, but he wasn’t sure if that was the rope or whatever Tony had zapped them with the previous afternoon. 
‘Oh, thank god,’ said Bruce with a smile. 
‘You’re very welcome,’ said Loki. ‘That must be a relief.’ 
Thor shrugged, smiling knowingly at Bruce. ‘Oh, I don’t know, it wasn’t quite as bad as I first thought it would be.’ 
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