#the improbable
I know this has been talked about a lot but just been thinking about how Something Blue is like a fanfic writer going “haha what if I shipped this wouldn’t it be wild jk” and then it spiralling wildly out of control. It is a crack ship eventually treated seriously and I find that hilarious. 
And also just, how does the Will Be Done spell even work. The parameters. I’ve been thinking about it, and Willow only said “why doesn’t she just go marry him” (or something to that effect) not “why don’t they fall hopelessly in love with each other and get married.” They could’ve easily had it where they both maintained their enemy dynamic and been very confused and angry the entire way to getting a marriage certificate, and I think it’s that the concept of marriage and the action of it have to align with the person’s internal logic in some way. Buffy does not believe she will get married, she is the Slayer, she can fantasize but she will most likely die young. So marriage in her head is a Big Fantasy Thing that should only be done if you are Truly In Love and it must require all the wedding planning and the beautiful white dress and all the bells and whistles because the improbability of it happening just fuels the abstract fantasy. She comes across as So Happy and it’s the happiest she’s ever been because on some level she cannot imagine herself being that happy and she cannot imagine a wedding without being that happy, so it’s designated into this little Buffy Fantasy Box Scenario. 
And Spike has loved Dru for a hundred years and never needed a wedding or marriage because that is a Human Concept that he probably also fantasized about as a human but hasn’t really thought of since (and has probably had to abandon). Their love doesn’t need a silly paper, they are having a wedding everyday, they celebrate their love everyday, it’s about the constant displays of devotion. So in this made up marriage scenario, Spike can only imagine himself as initiating a proposal if he is In Love and Devoted (and probably secretly wishes he and Dru did have some kind of wedding but would never admit that. Thinking about Angelus telling him: “you can take what you want, have what you want, but nothing is yours. Not even her [dru].”)
Basically, Spike and Buffy as they are would only consider marriage if they are truly in love with someone and they both have a little tentatively abstract Wedding Fantasy that lives rent free in their brains that they would never admit exists there in the first place. And it’s why both of them act like a CoupleTM and do all the Wedding Planning ThingsTM because that’s what a wedding should be, right? 
They shouldn’t be a Thing [couple/in love] and yet they are meeting each other halfway in indulging this Thing [wedding/marriage/”normal” life] that can never be.  
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the-mushroom-faerie · 4 months
Mythbusters have 3 categories of myths
the general public doesnt know how physics works
the general public doesnt know how lying works
oh crap this ones real
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rythyme · 7 months
"please tell me the omegaverse show is another joke like the thai goncharov remake" my brother in christ the "goncharov remake" was real too
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beefcakekinard · 4 days
running joke where tommy 'knows a guy' for increasingly specific and unlikely situations. they need a speedboat on a moment's notice? yeah, he's got a buddy. buck spends a week in a research hole about endangered ant species and wants to see some? sure, he's got an old army pal. christopher wants to get into the natural history museum archives for a school project? no problem, he just needs to make a call.
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love-too · 7 months
My aroace toxic trait is that I believe that under some extremely particular and planets-aligning circumstances I could experience the most heart wrenching and fluffiest romance ever
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isbergillustration · 2 months
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A very fun frog wizard commission for @perniciouslizard
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searchsystem · 5 months
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An Improbable Future / Glasses / Rendering (AI) / 2023
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willgrahamcracker2013 · 4 months
me: *holds gummy worm between my fingers like a cigarette* *takes a drag* if hannigram can find love through murder and cannibalism maybe i can too
judge: you killed and ate six people
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thatswhywelovegermany · 4 months
Australian travels to Cologne to watch a hole in a ceiling
A man from Australia traveled to the German city of Cologne to sightsee a hole in the ceiling of an underground station caused by an incident in 2017 that has become a worldwide meme.
During the carnival celebrations, Cologne turns into a state of exception with people walking around in the weirdest imaginable costumes. A man dressed up as Jesus Christ is nothing special, but if he carries a giant cross, he may turn some heads.
In 2017, a man dressed up as Jesus Christ became famous as he traveled up the escalator of the underground at Cologne Central / Cathedral station, crashing his giant cross into the ceiling. He managed to pull the cross free, but it had pierced a hole into the ceiling. The incident was filmed and uploaded to Youtube where it had gained at least 16 million views as of now (the original video has been deleted).
Meanwhile, the hilarious scene must have made it all the way to Australia. A man known on Reddit as towerbooks3192 was haunted so much by this meme that he said to his girlfriend that he wanted to do a pilgrimage to this very site, particularly after he heard rumors that the hole still exists. His girlfriend then surprised him with tickets for the journey. The man said on his Reddit post that it was the happiest day of his life.
Indeed, he is apparently not the only one to take a pilgrimage to the holy hole in the ceiling. Frequntly, people are seen taking pictures of the section of the ceiling that includes the hole. Maybe this is the reason why the city of Cologne (or the local public transport company) has not repaired the hole yet, although it must be said that the city has many more tourist attractions making it worth a journey and stay for several days.
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atlinmerrick · 9 months
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Spark: How Fanfiction and Fandom Can Set Your Creativity On Fire
Spark is all about encouragement, permission, it's about firing you up.
Spark: How Fanfiction and Fandom Can Set Your Creativity On Fire hopes to help you believe that your fandom writing, drawing, podficcing – whatever you're creating right now – is, was, and ever shall be legitimate, important, and a fantastic way to expand your community, develop your skills, and above all help you find your voice in the world.
Spark's more than forty essays and interviews from best-selling writers Anne Jamison, Claire O'Dell, Diane Duane, Henry Jenkins, KJ Charles, Lyndsay Faye, Sara Dobie Bauer and many others discuss, encourage, and shout about how fic and fandom in all their glories can absolutely inspire you, set your creativity on fire – and change your world.
Click through to see the entire table of contents — who's in the book and the wonders about which they've written in Spark!
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*After a days-long cat and mouse game involving psychologically picking each other apart and culminating in Garak torturing Odo for information*
Odo: Why don't we hang out more, Garak? We should get breakfast.
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prokopetz · 4 months
A guy I game with asked it you can be a hot guy in Fuck the Moon. He told me that the inherent hotness mushrooms isn't universal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(With reference to this post here.)
Of course. There's no reason you can't describe your drone-body as shaped like a hot guy – though I'm given to understand that, as far as humanoid mushroom people go, short ladies with improbably large breasts are more in fashion these days.
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fayzart136 · 8 months
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(yes I know the Room is super obscure compared to the others. Idc, he's my favorite blorbo.)
S/O to @very-tired-child!! His posting about Places That Are Characters (and his excellent humanizations) are what inspired my own spin on the idea.
"Annotated" versions under the cut.
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
learning some new things in mordhaus tonight
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cemeterything · 2 months
the silt verses is not "the homestuck of podcasts" it's the it's always sunny in philadelphia of podcasts
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annemarieyeretzian · 2 months
ashley: *doing something innocuous* sam, the instant he notices: how can I be so 😍 about this
ashley and sam being besties,,, I always love to see it
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