#the insufferable prick (affectionate)
patrice-bergerons · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
“Look, mate,” he says like Ianto is being particularly unreasonable about not wanting to leave their hallucinating immortal and quite powerful boss without medical supervision.  “He is not a danger to himself or others, I’ve given him a sedative which should knock him out for the night in half an hour to 45 minutes, and if he corks it he will pop right back to life again.  And–”  He keeps Ianto from butting in.  “–you may not have realised because you have no life to speak of but it’s New Year’s Eve.  Be the loyal lapdog that you are and keep him company if you are so stressed.  I’m out.”
Owen.  He has a heart of gold underneath it all, and it’s precisely that – the memory of how quickly he put on the Hazmat suit and dashed back in after they’d both run out of the room, the kindness in his eyes as he held Ianto by the shoulders and explained that one of them had to stay outside to get help if needed, in his pixelated touch as he comforted Jack – which stops you from shooting him sometimes.  Again.
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louisiana: You know, people treat me like a god. 
Gov: How? 
louisiana: They ignore my existence unless they need something.
California: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
California: No thanks. 
California: I'm god.
New York: You’re such a dumbass (affectionate). 
louisiana: Aww, you’re such a whore (complimentary). 
California: How are you talking like that in real life? 
louisiana: Witchcraft (derogatory).
Florida: I’m quick at math. 
Texas: Ok, what’s 38 times 76? 
Florida: 24. 
Texas: That wasn’t even close. 
Florida: But it was quick.
New York: Texas, fuck off. 
New York: And by "fuck off" I mean "fuck off right back here and listen", you insufferable prick.
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misscammiedawn · 3 months
Doing a big overhaul of my Masterpost/Landing Page to include a bunch of new tags that have propped up recently.
This one mainly goes out to the m00ts who put up with my insufferable bullshit but which is my best tag name? I listed my 10 faves but if you have other opinions let me know via reply or ask <3
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uh...18 for the whumper dialogue?
I love this AU
TW: Stalking, home invasion, kidnapping, abuse, suicidal thoughts, fear of animal harm (the cat is fine, outside of also getting kidnapped and forcibly given a stupid new name), infantilisation, drugging, self hatred.
Tommy knew there was something wrong when Tubbo- the cat, not the friend he so missed- stopped cuddling up with him in bed.
Tubbo was a feisty little stray, more than half feral, but that was how they got along. She might hiss at everyone she met but him, but to Tommy she was affectionate, and extremely so. In the three years or so since he’d found her as a kitten in the engine of the van, her ginger fur and scarred face reminding Tommy of his old friend.
There were things missing before that, but he'd assumed some prick had stolen his stock while he wasn’t looking. Sometimes, even with the medicine he picked up for his shit, he forgot way too much. Sometimes, he couldn’t remember whole days, and that would have been scary if he was still There but he wasn’t anymore. He was safe.
He thought he was safe.
But when Tubbo woke him up hissing, out of his arms, he knew something was wrong. Cursing quietly to himself, he suddenly regretted burying his weapons a decade ago. He’d thought when he left That Place he wouldn’t need to fight anymore. He just wanted to explore as many servers as he could, sell the stuff he made, and live a peaceful life with a little bit of theft being the most excitement he got into. He took a visit to Utah every Christmas, and that was the biggest day of the year, every year. He didn’t want the swords anymore.
Prime, he wished he had one now.
He tried to pull himself from bed, but something sharp made an impact with his arm. Before he could figure out what the fuck was going on, he was pinned to the ground, the moonlight through the windows barely illuminating his attacker's face.
Or, well, not his face. There, for the first time in ten years, Tommy saw a familiar mask.
No no no no no no no.
Tommy had left that behind. He’d ran like a fucking coward but he had to. He couldn’t spend a single day more with the smiling shadow hanging over him. He’d rather die- truly, permanently die.
“You're rusty,” Dream said, a mix of fondness and amusement in his voice, and Tommy screamed.
Tubbo took her cue, launching onto Dream, and Tommy's heart stopped beating. He couldn’t kill her Prime she was all he had with him.
Thankfully, Dream just pulled out a sleeping potion, cracking it out onto the ground and letting the fumes knock her out. Tommy would have breathed a sigh of relief if he could breathe.
“Aww, your cat's just like you too. I love them. I’m calling them Tommy Two.”
“I- her name. It’s Tubbo.” Tommy hated how he still sounded like a child. He thought he’d matured so much, he felt like an adult now, but around Dream that just faded. “She’s not-“
“That’s an awful name. I prefer mine.” Dream laughed, before his voice dropped all its levity. “I’ve been watching you for a while, y’know. It took me ages to find you.”
“Yeah, that’s because I- I never wanted to see you ever again-“
“Honestly, I’m not even surprised without my guidance you’ve become like- this!” Dream said, ignoring Tommy completely. “You're pretending you’re all grown up, you’re smoking, you’re doing drugs again. You got piercings and tattoos and cut off your hair like a rebellious teenager, but you think you’re all grown up because you refuse to admit that’s what you’ll always be.”
“I'm nearly thirty, prick. I grew up.” Tommy glared, anger possessing him for just long enough to be able to stand up for himself. “Maybe you should try that too.”
Tommy hated how familiar the slap across his face felt. It had been ten fucking years, but he remembered Dream's raised hand easier than he remembered how to sew some days. “Oh Prime, shut up. You’ve gone from annoying to insufferable. You’ve just spent the last decade becoming your worst self, while I’ve actually fucking grown, Tommy. I’ve fixed everything back home, while you’ve let yourself become this- this useless, boring excuse of a person! You were special when I took care of you, and what did you do? You threw that away to be nothing.”
“You- you’ve fixed everything?”
Dream paused a second. “Prime, I had a whole reveal and everything planned. Just- forget I said that okay?” He almost sounded flustered. Like a fucking kid.
It was weird, feeling like the adult around Dream.
Tommy had expected another splash potion, but he didn’t expect for a bottled version to be forced in front of him, Dream's other hand pinching his nose until he had to open his mouth and have the concoction poured inside. It made sense the second he tasted how utterly bitter it was- this was strong enough that Dream would have knocked himself out if he’d tried to use a splash potion in as cramped a space as Tommy's van.
“Now, sleep. Sleep and forget.” Dream's voice was soft, and he ran a hand through Tommy's hair as he quickly drifted into unconsciousness, which Tommy assumed was meant to be comforting but really wasn’t.
The last thought Tommy had before he fell into a deep sleep was that he hoped Dream was making all that shit up. Because, Prime, if he’d left his friends to get hurt by Dream… then maybe he really did deserve this.
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scribe-cas · 1 year
okay, okay, i have a question about couteau. (every time i write his name i pray i've written this correctly)
so in response to my last ask you have described him as- *checks notes* "such an ass" and "downright bastard". but from his previous descriptions he seemed like a really chill guy. i mean yeah he does some murder here and there, but even here, those are usually assholes, so there's at least the tiniest bit of good intentions there.
ANYWAY yes. my question. i am curious about his personality. could you say something more about that?? is he an ass ass or is he just insufferable but in a /affectionate way?? i am intrigued
I love the fact that I bully him enough that you asked this-
(You did write his name correct btw good job-)
Okay so here is the thing. His level of ‘bastard’ depends entirely on who you are.
He is, at all times, a bastard (affectionate). And that’s only because I know what a snarky prick he can be /w love
Just for reference, here is some of my top tier Couteau content.
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Couteau is one of my favorite characters to write, in the fact that he’s usually at least a little snarky, a little full of awful humor, and a lot of heart.
He’s a dangerous guy, I’ll give him that, and his one liners as he hauls tied up men off in the back of his car are not always perfect. (I say, knowing that they rarely ever are, but no one who isn’t getting toted off to be murdered knows this he does it on purpose so that the only people who know he’s bad at improvising are dead)
Couteau has a bit of an immortality complex. He’s gotten past his ‘humanity’ and has somewhat forgotten what it’s like to just be a person. He doesn’t consider himself human, and does his best to act like one anyways.
When really, all that’s changed is his perception of himself- and despite the fact that he can punch a man in the face without feeling any remorse, and can regularly stand the crushing guilt most of us would face if we had to cook up an actual, real person for dinner- he hasn’t escaped it at all. And you can tell he cares.
He’s very good at pretending nothing bothers him, and honestly, a lot of it doesn’t, because if you partake in anything long enough, it becomes normal. And he can make the best of whatever situation is handed to him if need be. However, he is also filled with a special kind of rage from having to ‘make due’ for so long, which comes out in unhealthy coping mechanisms (like murder.)
He’s an adrenaline junkie. He can catch most people in a lie from 20 yards away from nothing but a gut feeling. If given the chance, he’d definitely be a gambling addict, but he doesn’t ever indulge. He likes to play games, and more than that, loves to travel.
I’m- I’m not positive?? but I am 90% sure he’s got autism. He’s good at being social but only because he’s thoroughly studied it, practice by practice. It comes easily to him now, but in the way a script would. He’s sound sensitive. He has his routines and despite being a bit sporadic when it comes to choices, he tends to stick to them, especially in times of need. He’s got echolalia (he repeats sounds and words he’s heard that he likes, on impulse, for no reason.) along with a million other things. But i am too sleepy to write them all rightnow.
Couteau is intelligent, but not at all mature (unless it’ll benefit him in some way.), and manipulative, but to a point. He sees it as a means to an end.
On the other hand, he struggles with PTSD pretty badly. He copes with dissociation, which doesn’t help with that warped self image and thinking that nothing bothers him, along with the fact that he will sometimes ignore his own boundaries, leading to him and others getting hurt.
He’s got insomnia, a touch aversion, and used to struggle massively with eating. He’s fine with and used to it now, but 300 years ago when he was dropped down into hell? He couldn’t even speak due to the amount of pressure he was under.
He’s gotten very good at managing it, and keeping his breakdowns quiet, along with finding things that make it easier, such as downing a shot of bourbon on a really bad night, or having a few puffs of a cigarette that doesn’t bother his allergies before he has to take someone out. He copes mainly with a lot of fucked up humor, although very few know him well enough to hear the jokes.
But there’s still a part of him that never got that healing break down. His closure has never come.
His main motivation is to just continue his life, because his last one ended far too soon.
And he’s working to avoid someone he cares about. But is slowly finding that just because one is gone does not mean there isn’t room for more. :>
He’s morally grey, sometimes he has to kill an innocent, and it fucks him up on the inside, but he also escorts people home and keeps drunk parents away from their children and murders men who beat their wives.
He just. Kinda is.
If you ask him, he’ll say he’s a villain, because he enjoys bringing pain.
What you consider him is none of his business.
But one time, a little girl called him a hero, and he didn’t stick around to let her see him smile.
Hope this helps!
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hopes-decline · 4 months
homunculusmaeda is one of those dudes that can simultaneously serve cunt while acting like an absolute cunt. he serves insufferable prick and i need to kill him.. (affectionate of course, you could put him in the Illuminati by MALICE MIZER mv and not tell the difference at all.)
I bet rhat
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aced attorney
You were there, in real time, for my experience with these games, I very much did NOT ace the attorney!!!! But also:
5 Characters I Like:
Ema Skye. I feel like u knew this was coming - she's so cool she has such A Vibe, she is so Excited about Science she's so brave!!! First time I've ever seriously considered a cosplay, and legit the fact that her Scientific Method is the vehicle for two VERY welcome new game mechanics to shake up the Investigation parts of the game is really cool!!! She loves her sister so much, I,,,,
Lana Skye. Again, this has Been Discussed. Twirling my hair with my fingers as I type this. This was mostly for 👀 reasons but genuinely once she opens up towards the end of RFTA once it becomes clear just how much Gant lied to her, and reconciles with her sister and starts being able to own up to Everything she did, and start making amends, she rules so hard,,,,
Gumshoe. He's just so nice. He's trying so, so hard. He would do anything for Edgeworth, in spite of how Fucking Insufferable Edgeworth can be, and that goes a LONG way. A very well-used comedic character that also has a heart of gold. If he EVER gets framed for murder I don't think I would cope with how upset it would make him,,, This spot is also tied with Missile. Baby man, helpful little dude,,,,,,
Edgeworth. He is SO good at being a prick, I love him for this. Just completely sick of everyone else's shit, but by RFTA he's learned to Roll With It, and legit his arc of 'I am here Specifically to bully Phoenix' to 'wait,,, am I doing the right thing over here??' to 'I am going to work with Phoenix to Personally put Gant in the Fucking Ground' is so well done, and he definitely shoots Way Up after Goodbyes, I just!!!! I'm not articulating this well but he is Complicated and Lovely and Such A Bellend and I love him,
Manfred Von Karma. He is Such A Cunt. He serves So Much Cunt. I hated Gant more (affectionate to the devlopers, derogatory to Gant) but I think Karma has been the most compelling culprit so far, he is SO fucking extra, I can see where Edgeworth gets it from, like. Idk I preferred his very Open Display Of Being A Cunt to Gant's very calm, collected softboi persona,,
Character I hate:
I am going to vivisect Sal Manella
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headphonemouse · 2 years
Greatest Estate Developer chapter 50 spoilers?
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Insufferable prick (affectionate)
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I want to put him in a basket attached to a cord and swing him around like an old school centrifuge
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comatosebunny09 · 2 years
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Genre: Romance, Fluff
Warnings: Sexual Content
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Is this what it feels like?
To love and be loved in kind?
If so, you can get used to this.
It’s intoxicating, much like the man behind you. His velvety hair tickles your neck. Sinewy arms hold you close, molding your body to his. Mahogany mixed with burning cedar permeates your lungs. A quiet smile takes up residence on your face as you nuzzle your cheek affectionately into his forearm.
“—juro,” you begin, surprised by the huskiness of your own voice.
He groans in reply; a throaty sound rivaled by the chorus of the birds perched on your windowsill. Warmth creeps through your chest, up your neck … You can’t deny that his voice is incredibly sexy first thing in the morning, having stirred the butterflies in the pit of your gut. You clear your throat, trying again.
“Kyojuro,” said with more conviction this time.
Another guttural moan behind you, followed by the tightening of arms around your torso. You sigh, smacking your forehead with the heel of your palm. He can be unbearably clingy at times.
Oh well.
You can at least compromise.
You twist in his embrace. He loosens his hold a bit, allowing you to face him. Your room-darkening curtains mute the sunlight. However, they allow just enough to spill in so that you can make out your lover’s ethereal features.
Flaxen hair finds your fingers as you tuck crimson-tinged tendrils behind his ear. Your fingertips glide deftly over the honeyed, taut skin of his cheek; end their journey at his petal pink lips. Your eyes zero in on his mouth. How easy it would be to lift your head this way and just…
Unconsciously, you stamp a kiss to the corner of his mouth. His lips twitch, eyes still shut beneath curtained lashes. Heat pricks your veins. You kiss him fully on the mouth this time. His lips quiver beneath yours. Large, scorching hands languidly move to curve around your buttocks. He spreads your legs just enough to slip a thigh between yours. Your lips move in tandem as he allows you to set the pace.
Always so considerate.
He never tries to push you too far.
Emboldened by his response, you nip his bottom lip, eliciting another melodious groan from him. Kyojuro’s lips part the slightest, allowing your tongue to lap inside his mouth in delicious, experimental thrusts. His hands on your ass squeeze lightly, urging you forward. His sweltering hot tongue joins yours in a carnal waltz. He swallows the small mewls that flee from your mouth, slanting his possessively against you to deepen the kiss. Your fingers bury themselves in the fine hair at the nape of his neck. Inwardly, you berate yourself for being so weak-kneed around this man.
You always do this to yourself; let him work you up into a frenzy with hot make-out sessions that always end with you dizzy and enflamed, begging for more ...
As if on cue, the jarring sound of a blowhorn startles you both apart. You whip your head in the direction of the nightstand, wishing you could blow his phone up with your glare alone. Kyojuro ensnares your chin between callused fingers, pulling you back towards him to pepper your mouth with chaste kisses. He reaches behind you, silencing the infernal alarm.
“Sorry, my little flame,” he drawls, ingesting you with incandescent eyes. He taps the tip of your nose playfully. With but a hairsbreadth of space between your mouths, you attempt to draw him back into another lip-lock. However, he inches away, wresting a frustrated whine from you.
“Duty calls!” he bellows, an insufferably wide smile splitting his face in twain.
He stamps your lips with another quick kiss before tossing his legs over the edge of the bed and standing, starting towards your bathroom.
You throw yourself back into the plush, glacial sheets of your bed as the sound of rushing water fills your room. With an exasperated look bleeding into your features, your eyes dart toward your nightstand.
Looks like it’s going to be yet another morning of you and the lovely neon, six-speed instrument in your drawer.
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teyuuka · 3 years
Hi! I was listening to the annoying b*tch prince CD that came out recently ("Oh, prince, are you about to pathetically c*m from teacher's training?") & wonder if u know other CDs like that! Not only as in the guy is an insufferable d*ck & is pathetically put in his place by MC, but also like what specifically happens in the prince CD: he's cutely vulnerable/affectionate by the end & p much tells MC about his abandonment/self-esteem issues. (Also アヘ顔+apologizing during s*x is nice) Thanks a lot!!
i guess you can consider the entire Namidame series lmao. they all have a bad-mannered dude/playboy types who get kicked down a notch by MC, and ends in semi-happy endings where the protags become smitten by the MC's domming ways. (but i think not all volumes have them "open up about their traumas", if that's what you're looking for)
Master and Servant ~The Case of Marquis Wilfred~ and the sequel
Sensei, Please Do Something! vol.1
Sensei, Please Do Something! vol.2
Gyaku Choukyou
A Story Where A Pharmacist Gets Drugged and XXXed (he's not an insufferable prick per se, but he drugged MC before and in this volume MC drugs him back lol)
Isn't it embarrassing for the chief to be dominated?
Teasing the Hero with My Tentacle-summoning Magic
The Fall of an Oligarch
Kaede-kun’s Confession (there's also a sequel but he's less of a prick)
Yuuwaku (Iinari) vol. 4
class prince and sadistic girl
Mansion of Lust #2 "Corporate Slave"
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
The new Edwina fic is so good Molly! Everyone needs an Edwina in their lives! I especially enjoy the callback to Insufferable, glad that Edwina and Eloise let him have it. Do you have any more of Eloise x Kate and Anthony? I’d love to see more of their interactions!
Oh Heyyyy!
I’m so glad you enjoyed our little foray into Edwina, a woman who is truly just... A beautiful tropical fish. And I have realised that I actually love writing for Edwina and Matthew Bagwell seems like an absolute sweetheart (Not sure why I’m surprised? Like I wrote him but whatevs) so maybe they’ll be more Edwina coming. 
Hmmm that scene was really interesting to write from a third POV because I think both Anthony and Kate were so caught up in the panic of the moment they weren’t really paying attention to the big picture, and Kate definitely wasn’t ready to let herself see what was happening. But I think Edwina’s a very perceptive person, especially when it comes to Kate. That being said, even though  Edwina thinks Anthony would be perfect for Kate, and it’s obvious Kate has feelings for him, whether she’s ready to admit it or not: She is not about to let him get away with That shit he pulled. And neither is Eloise 
Why the fuck would you say that to her Anthony? Is that what you want Kate to think you think of her?! Anthony said, his head bowed at the table of the restaurant as the door chimed behind Edwina Sheffield. No. It’s obviously not what I think of her. El, can we please just go? Anthony said, his voice hollow daring to look up at his younger sister who was looking at him with a mixture of pity and revulsion. After several seconds, she seemed to decide pity won out and stood from the table without looking back. They sat in silence in the car, Anthony staring out the window as shame and guilt welled inside him, the hurt that had flashed across Kate’s face playing behind his eyelids, he could still feel the heat of her pressed against his chest, the way her eyes had burned into his had made him want to tug her away from the rest of the world. You really like her don’t you? Eloise’s careful voice had cut through his thoughts, and panic had swelled momentarily in his chest before he set himself free Yes. I think I might be in love with her. Eloise had made no response but he could feel her eyes burning into the side of his face as as the car stopped outside her flat Then Don’t fucking say that shit to her Anthony, It’s foul. And as the door slammed, Anthony felt tears prick at his eyes for the first time in 13 years. 
Eloise had known the second Anthony walked through Daphne’s front door, Kate Sheffield’s hand clasped tightly in his. Anthony’s eyes were darting to Kate as though he thought she was going to sprint away from him at any second and honestly, given that Kate looked more akin to a startled deer than anything else, perhaps he should have been. Eloise couldn’t help but let out a startled laugh, she was a little impressed honestly, Eddie had told her that she’d woken up to find Kate wrapped in a tight embrace with Anthony who was smiling like a Butterfly had just landed on his shoulder, but for some reason Eloise hadn’t expected Anthony to actually get up the courage to do anything about it. When it came to anything else Anthony Bridgerton was formidable, a roaring Lion tearing into the fray with reckless abandon. But when it came to Kate Sheffield he was like a startled Kitten. It was quite sweet really. Have you seen who Anthony’s here with?! Francesca hissed having sidled up next to her You owe me £50!  Eloise groaned as she handed over the note. Anthony was going to pay for this. 
Eloise could admit, she really was happy for Anthony who seemed absolutely, struck dumb by his own good fortune. He had tugged a very nervous looking Kate into their family dinner a week after the party, who’d looked ready to pass out when she looked at their mother, who looked suspiciously close to tears for some very odd reason. You all remember Kate, my girlfriend? Anthony said, grinning like an absolute lunatic and Eloise couldn’t help but roll her eyes every time she heard it since. Have you met Kate? My Girlfriend? Kate’s my girlfriend. My Girlfriend Kate and I- truly it seemed the only thing Anthony could say these days. And it would have been very sweet if it weren’t for the absolute relentlessness of it. Ahh but Aunt Billie have you met Anthony’s Girlfriend? Kate! Her name is Kate! Katharine Grace Sheffield. But you can call her Kate! Eloise found herself saying one Friday as Kate looked ready to sink through the floor, Aunt Billie laughing affectionately as Anthony swatted at Eloise (without letting go of Kate’s hand she noticed) Hey! You have me to thank for all of this! Eloise said indignantly as Anthony scoffed, rolling his eyes I like to think I had something to do with it. But Eloise did find concert tickets under her windscreen wipers when she left their mother’s house that afternoon Anthony waving happily from down the street    
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degenerate-yandere · 5 years
Yandere Jotaro + Josuke with a kidnapped darling
JoJo content? On MY blog? It’s more likely than you think. People seemed to really want some yandere JoJo stuff, and I’m more than happy to oblige. Wasn’t really feeling headcanons, so have some quick, dumb scenarios instead.
TW: kidnapping, yandere, implied violence
Jotaro Kujo
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You were swallowed by his hulking form; a strong arm securing you firmly against his chest. You were seated uncomfortably upon his thighs, but the fear of what reaction you may illicit kept you from shifting to a more pleasant position. There was heat to his skin and security to the muscles rippling beneath it, but it was anything but soothing. His presence was completely oppressive.
 The book trembled in your grip, each warm breath against your neck threatening the integrity of your hold. You could feel his eyes; burning and expectant. Every passing second of silence as you held the first page open before you made the moment all the more insufferable. He had made it clear when he hauled you onto his lap and placed the text in your hands; “Read.” The deep, commanding rumble of his voice did nothing but amplify your frantic breaths. Even If the words before you made sense, they were rendered unspeakable by the choking lump in your throat. A disgruntled growl erupted from his chest. You couldn’t help but flinch as his chin propped upon your shoulder, but the tightening of his coiled arm ensured you remained where he wanted you. His large hand snaked across your outstretched arm, gently prying the book from your fingers and placing it aside.
“I’m just trying to make you comfortable,” He grumbled, a huff escaping his nose as he buried it against the base your neck. Frustration slightly tinged his usually collected demeanor, his tone more tired than what you were used to. “You were always saying how you wanted to do more romantic shit like this.”
It was painful to recall now; how you so eagerly insisted it’d be cute to read to one another. He’d always scoff and shake his head, but there was no denying the pink dusting upon his refined cheeks. You couldn’t believe he remembered. As it turns out, he remembered a lot of other things too: The password to your phone, the route you take home each night, the names of each and every ex you’ve ever had.
Tender lips met the skin of your shoulder, pressing carefully against the flesh. These were the moments you used to cherish; when Jotaro allowed his rough exterior to crumble away, when he was soft and gentle with his affections. But now, each loving touch made tears well at the corner of your eyes.
Your voice was a weak stammer, pathetic compared to your captor’s baritone“J-Jotaro please...” His head snapped from your neck, eyes boring into the back of your head. Your breath hitched, betraying your mounting terror. “I-I can forget this ever happened, we c-can go back to how we were-” You swallowed, squeezing your eyes shut in some vain attempt to will yourself away from Jotaro’s vice-grip. “Before all this.” There was silence, only broken by your quiet sobs. His calloused hand cupped your chin, pulling it to face him. Any semblance of composure was lost when you met his verdant gaze. You couldn’t hold the downpour of tears, or the whimpers escaping your quivering lips as his eyes scrutinized your frightened features.
Jotaro shook his head excruciatingly slowly. His expression was stuck in that permanent rigidity; totally and terrifyingly unreadable. He uncurled the arm around you and placed his palm upon your cheek, his thumb wiping away your tears. A sigh escaped him, his brows just slightly furrowing.
Without warning, his grip on your chin tightened painfully as his lips smashed against yours. The hand on your cheek snaked to the back of your head, pushing it closer to his - that immense strength preventing you from wrenching away as his tongue probed your mouth. Your hands shakily pushed against his chest, but your pathetic attempts were futile against the wall of hard flesh. Harsh grunts responded to any resistance you showed, an unmistakable warning to submit. The muscle deepened in its invasion of your mouth, rumbles of satisfaction emanating from his throat.
It felt like an eternity before Jotaro pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your lips. His features softened, those emerald eyes returning to somewhat comforting neutrality. “Good grief...”
Swiftly, toned arms coiled around your form, forcing you against his chest in a suffocating embrace. His thumb drew affectionate circles into your back, as he rested his jaw atop your head. If he could feel the tears wetting his shirt, he certainly didn’t acknowledge it.
“You’re lucky I’m so patient.”
Josuke Higashikata
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“Oh c’mon babe, don’t be like that,” Like the tether against your ankle, you opted to coil yourself around Josuke’s bedpost. You were shaking. He hated seeing you like this, he hated being the cause of your distress. A pout etched upon his lips as he scratched at his neck. “Look I just got freaked out, is all. You were talking to that guy and-” He huffed, digits combing through his hair. “I got scared, okay? That dude was a dirt-bag, I just know it.” 
His body inched closer, the mattress dipping under his weight. Fingers traced along the soft surface until it reached your leg, affectionately rubbing against your skin. It felt venomous - like his touch corroded your flesh.
“I just couldn’t let you get hurt. I can’t lose you.” That’s when you noticed it; the metallic smell, the tinge of red speckled across his face. You glanced at his knuckles through a teary sheen - they were raw and bloodied. Your eyes widened, tears flooding down your cheeks as it all started to click.
“J-Josuke,” His ears pricked at the sound of his name, a smile stretching across his face. It was always hard to hate the puppy-like need to seek your praise and validation that seemed to define Josuke, it made it so difficult to stay angry at him; like whenever he dragged you away from an innocent conversation, or sneaked into your room in the dead of night to crawl into your bed. It all seemed so innocent with him. “W-what did you do?”
Josuke chuckled. It was lighthearted, as if he just got caught trying to pull off one of his dumb pranks. “Well, ya’know,” He leaned closer, his fingers sweeping away your tears. To have him so close made the act redundant, as it only prompted amplified cries. His eyes were kind and gentle; almost reassuring if the man behind them weren’t so deranged. “I had to teach that guy a lesson.”
He shook his head, dispelling the topic. His eyebrows creased, a concerned frown etching upon his lips. “Hey now baby, stop crying. I’m here,” It was meant to be comforting, as if the presence of this maniac was supposed to soothe you. His hand cupped your wet cheek, not faltering even when you flinched away.
“I got some video games we could play - and hey, I’ll promise to go easy on you!” Josuke’s smile returned tenfold, glee emanating from his loving gaze. A chaste kiss met your cheek, uncaring of your terrified expression. 
“Oh! I almost forgot, I bought some manga I thought you might like. I’ll hold it up for you, I don’t want you cutting yourself.” He sprung from the bed, ruffling through his strewn-about belongings.
This was just a hiccup in your relationship, at least that’s what Josuke thought. He paused, sending a nod your way. His eyes were brimming with overflowing adoration.
“I did this for you, babe. I did it for us.”
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
The Decoy
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Finally got this out of the drafts! Its been a hot minute but I hope everyone is doing well, enjoy!~Amanda
Warning: Cussing, Gore 
(1.3k+ words)
You bathed under the dazzling city lights as you took in every moment of the district's nightlife. You’d only ever heard stories of this buzzing city and all the crazy endeavours you could partake in. While you were the epitome of enthusiasm, your brute of a boyfriend was not as animated beside you.The atmosphere surrounding Sanemi was deathly; his face sagged in a deep scowl as he prowled at your side like a predator searching for its prey. Sanemi was sent to the Red Light District in hopes of finding and killing a demon who had been disguising themselves as a wealthy nobleman, promising women a hefty pay for their time. As hilarious as it would be, Sanemi would never pass for a decent lady in drag, so it was only obvious you tag along to act as the decoy.
“Hey look at this candy Nemi’! It's shaped like a dragon!” your eyes sparkled childishly at the glassy pulled sugar stick for sale on the vendors station. Sanemi growled in mock annoyance a few feet behind you, his arms crossed over his bare chest, “How fucking old are you? We’ve stopped at every damn stand” he complained. You paid the old man selling the treats, slipping in a few extra coins of gratitude, before shuffling over to your brooding shadow, offering an affectionate smile, “Come on Nemi, lighten up!” you chastised. Yea like that was possible, as if he wasn’t about to ship you off to some monster so he could touch you for sport, “Let’s go L/n”.
You found yourselves hidden between two tall buildings, using the shade as a rendezvous spot. “How do I look?” you joked, desperately trying to alleviate a little of his stress. His eyes wandered over your silky yukata, painted in brilliant blue shades with blue ombre blossoms and white accents adorning the sleeves. His eyes narrowed further as he passed your cleavage on complete display for any hungry eyes, wanting nothing more to sink his teeth into the exposed skin of your neck, to mark you as his. Your finger lifted his lowered grimace up to your far softer expression, holding him there, “Sanemi I volunteered, you don’t need to be so worried about me. I’m just the bait, you get to have all the fun” you giggled. His furrowed brows crumbled, revealing something softer for a moment, a moment meant for just the two of you.“Don’t do anything stupid, Stupid” he poked your forehead gently, silent confessions filling the small space. As he watched your retreating form from the side lines, Sanemi swore he wouldn’t let anything happen to you, even at the expense of the mission.
You walked around the large house alone, trying your best to blend in with the scantily clad women around you “maybe I’m overdressed”. You peered above at the poles that lined the roof where you felt Sanemi’s gaze following you. In your periphery you spotted your target, pretending to stumble on your own dress and falling at the feet of a very tall man, “show time”.
“I-I’m sorry, I lost my balance” you pleaded to the man from the floor, gazing up at him innocently. His domineering chuckle was deep and cocky, offering a hand out to you. “You’re new right? I’ve haven’t seen you around” he questioned, his amber eyes boring into your soul. He pulled you uncomfortably close to his chest, forcing your face near his, “I’d remember a face like yours”. You averted your eyes to the floor nervously, to him it looked like you were submissively falling into his touch,“All I need to do is get him away from everyone else”
“Come, let's go somewhere quieter” he wrapped your smaller hand in his larger one, pulling you away to an empty part of the house blocked off by a thin curtain.He sat himself down in a plush chair, gesturing to his lap, “Don’t be shy, I don’t bite” yea right. You gulped before awkwardly climbing onto his clothed thighs, trying everything in your power to not grimace.
Sanemi was two steps away from exploding as he watched the scene unfold before him, his eyes lighting with fire and dripping with bloodlust, wanting to rip that thing to shreds. It took every fiber of his being to hold out and watch every insufferable second of you being handled by a demon, but he needed to trust you. He knew that you didn’t need him around, that you were capable of killing the demon using the small blades hidden in the strap around your thigh, but he wasn’t willing to see how much of yourself you’d have to give for that to happen. Sanemi gripped the hilt of his sword, his knuckles turning white while the man's hand languidly trailed your bare shoulder, slowly pushing the fabric lower and lower.
You giggled obnoxiously for the tenth time, laughing at whatever nonsense the demon was spewing. His touch was like ice against your skin; searing against your warmth, leaving an icy chill with every stroke. You stealthy moved your hand out of sight, flexing your fingers into the signal you and Sanmi had agreed on when the demon snatched your wrist, raising it to his long fangs. “I’m offended you think I’m so stupid, little girl”
Everything happened too quickly; before the demon could sink his teeth into your skin, Sanemi was  already standing there, sword raised against his neck and hand ripping the hair off his scalp. “Move even an inch and I’ll send your head rolling asshole” Sanemi growled. The three of you sat motionless, the sound of your faint breathing filling the tense space. “I must say, you’ve got me” the demon started, “But your only mistake was not grabbing her first” he sunk his teeth into your veins, biting down almost to the bone. You parted your lips in silent screams, blood gushing out of the wound as Sanemi severed his head, prying his teeth off the torn skin.
Tears spilled freely as you lay on the wood floor clutching your battered arm, praying for something, anything to ease the pain. “Shit” Sanemi breathed, frantically tearing a piece of his clothes to act as a bandage, “You should have fucking stayed home!” his words were lost in your whimpers. Your lips twitched, desperately trying to form words, but the world was fading fast and the last thing you saw was Sanemi before everything faded away.
“I almost died”
It was the first thought you had once your eyes finally opened, the warm blanket you'd been wrapped in falling to your hips. You remembered everything while you admired the crafty stitch work that lined your arm in intricate loops, wincing when you probed the tender skin. “Don’t touch it dumbass” a harsh voice called. “Hey Nemi” you greeted shyly, instantly recognizing the nickname. A million questions rushed to roll off your tongue, instead, morphing into one solemn “I’m sorry”
“You were right, I had no reason to be there. All I did was prolong the mission and hurt myself in the process” your voice quivered as you spoke, your eyes not able to reach his. Loud stomps marched towards your bed spread, Sanemis rough hands gripping your face, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t say that shit. You did your part of the mission while I hesitated and let that prick hurt you. So dammit don’t say sorry because I’m fucking sorry!” his tone grew higher and higher to the point where he was practically yelling, but it didn’t bother you. You smiled softly, nuzzling into his palms, grasping your flushed cheeks, turning slightly to place soft kisses on each one. “We’re a mess sometimes, aren’t we?” you yawned, pink washing over the both of you. “Whatever, just go back to sleep” he mumbled, pushing against the mattress. “Hey Nemi guess what?” “What?” “Now we’ll have matching scars” you laughed, eyelids already growing heavy “That’s not funny, dumbass!”
“Are you going to stay?”
“Of course”
This isn’t my favorite, but I 100% headcanon Sanemi using your last name as a term of endearment. 
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jiminrings · 4 years
yES vball coach jk pls about their first fight as a couple?? maybe??
mvp: first fight
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: jungkook is more on the oblivious sLASH insensitive side, y/n’s outlet is hurling volleyballs against the wall, and yoongi just wants to cheer everyone up with his mascot suit :D
notes: another coach koo drabble because i am unhinged <3
read mvp, the piece that started off y/n and koo!! + in which jungkook is extra clingy
you’re rEALLY used to jungkook being affectionate and clingy
no surprise really
he’s practically attached to you by the hip atleast in four out of the seven days in the week
but there’s something
just sOmething different with the way he’s hugging you from behind right now
and the trail of kisses from your shoulder to your jaw is gentle and nOt playful
almost as if he’s done something wrong and he’s making up for it
....... aha ........?
“did you accidentally drop one of my succulents more than a hundred feet down again?”
jungkook doesn’t even tense up at that and you take it as a signal that he didn’t
gOOD because you are running out of lil succulents and jimin’s running out of name ideas for the lil guys
your boyfriend only huffs and frowns because for the last time he did not sabotage mr. prick !!! he was in the balcony holding him out in the sun when a giAnt dove suddenly flew to him and that’s when he panicked
“did you eat jimin’s special pasta and you’re now asking me for immunity?”
“no but thank you for letting me know”
ok that’s it
you break free from his back hug and face jungkook with an inquiring look and he shrinks at the thought of what he’s gonna say next
“then tell me what’s going on, koo.”
“it’s- uhm,” jungkook turns you around again and rests his chin on your shoulder because he’d rather not see your reaction
he knows you’re probably gonna give him the most pleading puppy dog eyes and maybe he’d cave right then and there with nO questions asked
“you know our date by the end of this week?”
“yeah!! oh my god i’m sO excited-“ you immediately gush because actually things have been so busy for the both of you and this is the perfect chance for relieving stress bUt-
“have to drive upstate for this workshop for coaches, baby. it’s something new for us before the season starts and uH well it’s gonna last for three days.,.,.”
three days
that’s cool :D
the season is about to start and so the pressure is on if your team could make this a back-to-back win :D
of course practice is hArd as it should be just so everyone’s on their toes as skilled and as in shape one could be
the heat is SIZZLING in this kitchen
there’s no time for slacking around
frankly, date night fell onto one of the only days that there’s gonna be a break in your team’s schedule :)))
not that it mATTERS or anything like that
you’re also pressured because your comeback after ur iconic injury that was televised made you even mOre highly-anticipated
you’re gonna bREAK one of these days ur very sure of it
“it’s okay, jungkook. it’s out of my reach anyways :))”
uGh what did he do to deserve such a precious understanding thing like you are
you’ve guess you gotten a tad bit better in your acting skills then because your boyfriend doesn’t suspect a single tHing
all ur monitoring and taehyung forcing you to watch and critique him as he practices for his auditions is paying off!!
“tae i think we both know that i’m nOt qualified to give you acting pointers!!”
“which is eXACTLY my point!! that’s why i called up my most clueless and unwilling friend ever!!! because if it’s good enough for a no-brained then it would be the bEST for people with-...”
“ok that was rude :((“
he kissed your cheek as an apology and promised to dine out with you for honey-glazed chicken and sUddenly you’re not plotting to hit tae with a volleyball to the head “accidentally” during practice tomorrow <3
but unlike taehyung, jungkook can’t fix it up with a single kiss to the cheek
you can’t help but feel upset ok it’s in your nature!!
your momentum’s deflated and the little itty bitty hope that you and jungkook can be there for each other is now cRUSHED
“i’ll miss you.”
jungkook’s heart whooshes at the feeling of you hugging him just sO dearly that he’s very tempted to just ditch this
him hugging you back with the same intesity doesn’t make it better because rn you’re mumbling to his chest
“i’ll miss you mORE :((“
ok even jimin’s gonna miss kook
his heart also goes out for you because he knows you’re beyond stressed with your comeback and all that
jimin saw you eating cereal one morning when kook wasn’t by your side because he was over at his oWN apartment
can u believe it,,, jungkook having his own apartment yet mOST of the time he stays over and even eats jimin’s stock of cold marshmallows by the fridge <3
anyways u were eating cereal and then suddenly jimin was practically alerted awake when you mumbled out of nowhere
“do you think i could serve a float as good as this cereal does?”
that was clearly a red flag that you ventured too far out into your spiral of worry because fIRST of all
yeah you do love volleyball of course!!!
but often it’s nice that not every second you spend revolves around it y’know
if your practice is done and your games are over that’s it nO more talking about volleyball pls
you could manage with the occasional praising for each other’s play over meals and rides and all that
but you don’t want anything more because it’s just can we please talk about things other than volleyball PLEASE
at the start you thought it would be difficult because well :D you are living with your best friend that happens to be your assistant coach :D
but surprisingly it was easy!! jimin shared those exact same thoughts and your flow of conversation (that doesn’t include your athleticism nor profession) is endless at this point
even became easier because now your boyfriend is the coach and he’s practically living with you
that startled jimin because you hATE talking about volleyball so early in the morning and especially over breakfast
but here you were...
talking about your damn floats just from looking in too much at your cereal
“hey, it’s okay!! we’ll get you through these three days just fine!!”
jimin hugs you as soon as jungkook takes off because he can’t have you dwelling and moping now can he
you’re just mumbling in defenseless against his chest because you obviOusly can’t do anything about it
you were tempted to pluck out his wallet just so he’d get back for it but jimin was looking at you from across the room
you were at the planning stage and jimin’s aLREADY at the scolding stage
three days!!! just three ridiculously-pressured, nerve-wracking, mind-boggling days!!
how hard could it be??
spoiler alert: it is immensely hard :D
you’re so nervous and jittery to the point yoongi was concerned with how much coffee you drank and that’s coming from hIM
then you told him you drank none and you swear he ceased functioning after that
jimin had to drag you out every twenty minutes because either you were being too gentle or being too harsh that he winces himself when you spike tOO hard
and that could only mean one thing
you’re on spiral number two
which means you are nOw inseparable from volleyball
by day two you were no longer moping about jungkook’s absence and his inherent ability to calm you down
no you are even bArely thinking about him :D
you now breathe speak exhale volleyball
y/n’s monster rage play kept appearing even when you’re just against the players in your own team and now they r getting cranky little by little
they serve and then you sLAM
jimin had to call out a break for you forcibly and even used his official I’m The Coach Don’t Complain voice on you that you hate :((
“now you’re getting TOO much into playing!!”
“i don’t get what you mean, minnie!! i’m perfectly fine!! hey, wanna split the shipping fee? i added these new sports bras and shorts to my cart, you should totally add what you want to my cart so tHAT way i won’t have to pay so much and-...”
okay time-out that’s cLEARLY a time-out for you
you’re now way too much into your thoughts and that calls for a group hug
you just need a distraction, that’s all!!
jimin had to drag you over so that the both of you could go a few floors down to yoongi and tae’s apartment for move night
and there’s them giving you the reigns because well you just wanted to feel like you have control aNd that you’re not completely losing it aha
taehyung gives the best sitting cuddles as he’s at the far-end of the couch and he’s perfectly drooped for you to feel secure
jungkook nORMALLY would be annoyed when tae gets a little too cuddly but aight it’s cool no worries!! he’s just... standing in for a pillow
speaking of jungkook
well to be honest he’s doing good!! yes he does miss you but not to the degree that yOU do because well he’s just oblivious like that
there were some drills that the coaches were the ones that needed to be the players and well :D let’s just say he killed that part tOO good
for the first time after a long time, jungkook took down notes
n o t e s
wow he’s going so far he really is a coach
he also got to reconnect with some of his friend and not to brag but maybe he IS the blueprint for being the player to the coach lol
there was a no-phones rule and he could only call you on his lunch breaks and when he’s about to sleep or when the bathrooms are all empty
“can’t wait to see you tomorrow, koo :((“
“why did you miss mE?? :D”
he’s still as insufferable as ever even when he’s in a different state and you’d have to keep your chuckles down or else jimin’s gonna confiscate your phone
there’s some raining in jungkook’s background and you wonder why it was sO heavy
aha actually kook had to go outside because signal wasn’t exactly the best inside hence the louder patter
not to be that cheesy but talking to him just relieves you of your stress and it makes you pout because okay you’ll see him tOmorrow!!
“more than you know.”
there’s uh
there’s a tiny hitch
well jungkook was supposed to come tonight and well he ISN’T here
you’ve tried calling him and even got yoongi help you out by texting him and jungkook doesn’t even dare to try and ignore his hyung’s texts
now you’re in panic because wHY exactly didn’t he come home??
and there’s all these worst-case scenarios running through your head but that’s when he sends you a text late in the morning that woke you up
“sorry!! the organizers needed me to stay late. i’ll see you tomorrow :))”
that wasn’t exactly right
and uH jungkook wasn’t exactly telling the truth
it’s just a minor white lie he needed to say for you to not worry!!!
uhm so
well it was raining cats and dogs right??
and jungkook didn’t want to risk cooky (that’s what he named his car do nOT question him) breaking down with all the water and the pressure so he’s uh
he’s not coming home tonight
lisa noticed his struggle right when they walked out of the complex and she offered generously
“jungkook!! do you wanna sleep over at my place tonight? i live pretty near anyway. i’ll drive you over to your car in the morning!!”
she’s so kind and considerate!!! :D great idea lisa thank u very much
they even had ramen together and watched some netflix, kook just slept in the guest room, woke up, and the next day lisa drove him to his car and that’s it!!
he’s back to you easy-peasy and you gave him the tightest hug ever
that’s where the problem lies though
because jungkook didn’t tell you and you don’t know the truth either
which is why yoongi is in your apartment and has been looking at you for the past five minutes while he’s unmoved on your couch
jungkook was over to their apartment to help taehyung with his PC build and yoongi is here aPPARENTLY to just have some snacks with you
that doesn’t seem to be the case because he’s lost in his thought and is fidgeting and??? he doesn’t normally fidget when you’re making him a grilled cheese sandwich lol
“why did jungkook come home a day later than he was supposed to?”
what now
the workshop was long done by a week now and you’re lost at wHy yoongi is asking this now
“oh! he said the organizers needed him to stay later. you know how jungkook’s a bit famous with them, yoongs”
yoongi flatlines at that because uh
that’s w eird
oh god how is he gonna tell you this
yoongi just pulls out his phone with an all-telling screenshot and he’s preparing himself to deal with whatever reaction you give him
it’s a story, actually
harmless if you think about it
and the username and whom it belongs to is sO familiar
not to mention the more than familiar tattooed hand holding the chopsticks to sink into their bowl of ramen
.... oh
that is too soft for your tone
something so chilling that yoongi is hesitant to even answer you
“can you bring in jungkook for me?”
oh my gOd you don’t know how to feel
you’re trying to contain yourself because maybe you’ve just misunderstood the situation
althought it’s too fucking hard for your sake, because as far as you remember, jungkook’s ex-girlfriend ISN’T the organizer for this workshop
was it even a workshop in the first place
jungkook wouldn’t cheat on you!!!
... would he??
you’re practically trembling when you ask yoongi to send you the picture and he attempts to hug you and cradle for a bit but you just stay sTILL
“i didn’t tell you because i didn’t want you to worry about me”
now jungkook is a bit confused when yoongi told him to go back to the apartment, no questions asked
and you’re looking kind of rattled which is why he’s starting to get worried
“jungkook, i’m gonna worry of you regardless!! i can’t stop floods and it’s unavoidable but wHY didn’t you tell me?”
“tell you what?”
god you’re gonna pull your hair out
he’s still playing coy of how he didn’t sleep over at lisa’s and it’s irking you right underneath your skin
“that you slept over at your ex-girlfriend’s house and didn’t even tell me!!”
okay now that’s when jungkook ticks
he doesn’t see the problem with it
“what’s wrong with that?? it was flooding and i knew no one else!! a state of emergency, don’t you think?”
“nO jungkook i get that! but what i can’t get is why you needed to lie to me!! you could’ve told the truth and i would’ve understood better!”
ugh this is just sO pointless
he doesn’t really wanna argue with you right now over something that shouldn’t be argued about in the first place
“you’re overreacting, stop it.”
“oh yeah?? it’s okay with you if i go to a workshop by myself, and sleep over at my ex-boyfriend’s place, and not tell you???”
you’re trying your best to not cry then and there because you so badly want to stand by your point against jungkook
“of course,” he’s even more stubborn than you are and he only kisses his teeth as you ask him
“because unlike you, i’m not controlling!”
oh god
that’s when the line is drawn and you just can’t take it anymore
he’s so fired up that he huffs and walks out of the apartment while slamming the door harshly
things aren’t really going well
practice is still on even if jimin offered that you take a sick leave after hearing about what happened
you’re not gonna chicken out from practice just because jungkook’s gonna be there
plus it’s not like you haven’t ignored him before at practice
meanwhile jungkook is dYing on the inside because oh god he really screwed up big-time
his apartment is too spacious and too quiet and that just meant him regretting extra
this situation felt all too familiar
jungkook hates himself because he feels like he’s done nothing but to to just give you hurt :(((
it’s him going to the gym much earlier than usual and waiting by the door
it’s him trying to get your attention and you being set on tolerating none of it
he already did that last time
but tHIS time it’s with him as your boyfriend and maybe it hurts a little bit more
he hasn’t slept properly for god knows how long
(( actually it’s been just two days ))
you don’t try to contact him nor even think about him because as per his words, you’re controlling!!!
yoongi tries to assure you as much as you can that you aren’t
he’s the only one that could get to you because well he’s the one that took this up to you
and you avoid getting jimin into this because you feel like he’s tired with all this back and forth of trying to pick you up
oh god you aren’t a burden, right??
pls say right
yoongi is admittedly not the best when it comes to comforting people but he is there and that’s what matters
even brought out the mascot suit to bring out a giggle or two
and he likes you better when you’re happy so he goes ham on trying to do those cartwheels he’s mastered
anything to put a smile on your face
he was about to do the backflip he did when you showcased your rage play and you had to physically stop him because nO i will not risk you getting a concussion just trying to make me happy
you can’t avoid each other for this long
sooner or later you need to talk about what happened and from then on could you do something about it
atleast jimin knows this much
and as hesitant as he is to let jungkook in again, he knows that this is for the better and that you’re both miserable (the other is much much worse and it isn’t you)
which is why jimin let the door open wordlessly before going on the lift to stay over at tae’s and yoongi’s for a few hours
or whenever you need him to come back
because jungkook’s right in front of you and you can’t even look at him in the eye
gOd there’s only so much you can do
“i’m sorry.”
that’s what makes it even worse though
because you’re the one who apologized first and fuck that just makes jungkook wince
he’s whimpering the moment he hears you and he’d be sobbing if only he didn’t desperately want to talk to you
“why are you apologizing when you’re not even the one at fault?”
it’s the added blow because fuck you are tOO good for him and he doesn’t deserve you :(((
“you’re not controlling. i was just being an insensitive boyfriend and a shitty one at that”
jungkook’s knees buckle and he’s kneeling right in front of you and it immediately gets you trying to lift him back up
the sight itself also makes you tear up a bit because you just wanna talk!! you don’t want him kneeling as if you’re a saint and all that :((
“i’ll — we’ll work through this, right?? i can — i can still m-make it up to you, right?”
jungkook’s looking up at you with the biggest and most pleading eyes you’ve ever seen and perhaps he was even scAred to ask the question,,, in fear that he’s only just convincing himself that he could
that makes his lip tremble again because the alternate outcome of your first fight absolutely ending your relationship is enOugh to shatter him to pieces
he’s about to bow his head again but this time you put your hands on his cheeks, making you look up at him as he tries to compose himself
“we’ll work it out.”
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lunore · 2 years
I have compiled a list of affectionate nicknames for the officiants.:
Thalim: Seymour
Rutherford: Space Case
Kalim: Dad Friend
Namari: Cap'N' Snappy
Goldova: Mighty Midge
Chrom: Happy Feet
Rhenim: Tweedle Dee
Bron: Tweedle Dum
Magna: Insufferable Prick
Nichrome: Booster Pack
Radim: Mike McLovin'
Silva: The Black Sheep of the Family
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50 dialogue prompts "it's really not that complicated" for the bees please.... I can't remember if I asked so if I already did I'm sorry 😅
Nah, you’re good 😆
Have some minor suffering Weiss, flustered gremlin Blake and little shit Yang for your day 😁
“I’m gonna hit the showers first, if that’s okay with you, Blake?”
“Feel free.” Blake smiled, pressing her hand into the small of Yang’s back affectionately, her heart stuttering as Yang beamed brightly at her before winking playfully and making her way to their shared bathroom.
“Oh my Gods.” Weiss muttered as the door shut behind Yang. She rubbed her eyes and turned at the desk to glare at Blake, who blinked back in surprise. “Blake. For somebody so well versed in stealth, you’re hardly subtle.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Blake huffed crossing her arms as she made her way over to her friend and sat on the desk in front of her.
“I know what I see.”
“Then humans have worse eyesight than I thought.”
“Ugh.” Weiss groaned, reaching over to poke Blake in the hip with her scroll. “You two will be the death of me. Why am I even friends with you?”
“Friends?” Blake smirked down at Weiss, her ears pricking forward slightly. “Don’t you mean family?”
“How dare you use my own words against me!”
“It’s not that complicated to do actually.” Blake winked playfully at Weiss and shot her a pair of finger guns as she did.
Weiss stared at Blake as though she had just placed a small, dead animal in front of her.
Blake froze and stared down at her own hands like she was holding a small, dead animal and had no memory of how it got there.
“What the hell did I just do?”
“Apparently, Yang’s rubbing off on you, Blake.” Weiss said, a weary note entering her voice. Blake glances up to see Weiss smiling tightly. “You’re already insufferable when it comes to your Gods forsaken puns. But now this?” Weiss sighed heavily, shaking her head sadly. “I might actually end up killing one of you.”
“I… did I just-“
“You did.”
“Say nothing of this to Yang.” Blake groaned as she covered her face with her hands, her cheeks heating up as Weiss laughed at her. “She’ll never let me live it down.”
“Oh… don’t tell her? You mean like this?” Weiss said slyly before turning to the bathroom and shouting out to Yang. “Yang! Blake just shot me a pair of finger guns and winked at me! Just like you do”
“She did what now?!” Yang’s voice shouted out, making Blake curl in on herself in embarrassment. “And I missed it?! Damn it!”
“Weiss. You’re my friend and I love you dearly as I do Ruby.” Blake said as she lifted her head to glare at a Now very smug Weiss. “But I hate you so much right now.”
“Yes, yes. Of course you do. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find Ruby. There’s a new form of dust that I would like to test for our team attack.” Weiss said as she stood up and walked to the door, throwing one last comment over her shoulder as she did. “Have fun, Blake. Yang certainly will.”
Blake stood up and crawled into her bed and curled up into a tight ball of embarrassment. She knew that Yang would never let her live this down.
Sure enough, half an hour later, the door opened and Yang walked out, quickly making her way over to Blake and sitting next to her.
“Soooo…” Yang sang as she placed a hand on the opposite side of Blake and leant on it and grinned down at her. “What did I miss?”
“Weiss being a brat.”
“Oh? Is that all?” Yang said coyly, as her free hand came up to trace patterns into Blake’s bicep, making her shiver at the gentle contact. “Then you didn’t do my little wink and finger gun combo at Weiss? At all?”
“No, because I’m not a dork like you are.”
“Lies.” Yang said with a warm smile, moving her hand to play with Blake’s hair. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m actually flattered that Blake Belladonna likes me enough to subconsciously mimic me.”
“Shut up.”
“Aw… is somebody’s pride hurt?” Yang teased. “Would it help if I kissed it better?”
“You know what?” Blake said with a smirk, sitting up and quirking an eyebrow at her partner. If this was the game Yang wanted to play, then so be it. “Yes. A kiss would be rather nice.”
She watched as a red flush covered Yang’s cheeks but, contrary to what Blake thought she would do, Yang shrugged and leaned forward to kiss her nose sweetly, making Blake go cross eyed for a moment before pulling away and winking at her.
“Shower’s free, Blake.”
And without another word, she stood up and jumped to her own bunk, leaving Blake sitting in stunned, flustered silence.
‘Oh.’ Blake thought to herself, as she lifted her hand to nose and touched it lightly. ‘I am so getting her back for that.’
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