#the last Internationale
megaweapon · 1 year
"No-one to trust or choose to speak I am the enemy that I fear Lord forgive me when the smoke clears."
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musicandoldmovies · 5 days
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The Last Internationale at the Pukkelpop festival
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rockartfashion · 3 months
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microwaveexplosion · 7 months
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whiskeyandphotos · 1 year
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I didn’t get struck by lightning, nor did I wake up hungover from the six beers the night before. One benefit of being in the desert: always carrying a water bottle with plenty of water and never getting dehydrated! I got up used these camp bath wipes to take a shower, and I will say they were *shockingly* effective and pretty awesome. Could I use them for a week? No. But for a day or two, pretty cool! After I got dressed, I also decided to make my first ever freeze-dried meal for breakfast. It was also *shockingly* delicious. So, I’ll keep those in mind when camping in the future.
Things didn’t go as planned with the art so I had the entire day to just explore things I hadn’t planned to before. This included what I was told was a meditation but was instead a CLOWN class that totally pushed me out of my comfort zone. But it was cool because I ended up meeting a gal with a company called Sniptease there and then made friends with everyone in the vendor tent she was in and had margaritas with them all night.
The music that night was some of the best of the weekend. The Last Internationale had a fantastic moment where they brought a girl up from the crowd to sing with them. The guitar player was a monster and highly entertaining to watch. Balkan Bump was equally as fantastic and fun. I didn’t get as many photos because I was just too busy dancing and enjoying the moment. No rain this time, but equally as memorable.
That was pretty much the end of my weekend. I went back to camp and got some sleep. I’d packed nearly everything up earlier in the evening so I wouldn’t have to worry about it in the morning. Once I woke up and packed Fiona up, I walked over to the festival grounds for a cold brew and to just sit in the peace and quiet since it was *very* obvious that people absolutely partied the previous night and were taking it easy that morning. As I finally made my way back to camp to leave, I ran into a couple people who worked with the festival and they treated me as one of their own. Trevor, a guy with an epic beard, invited me back in October. So, expect more pics and stories then!
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fotografian · 1 year
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The Last Internationale Hydrozagadka 2023
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sonicziggy · 2 years
"Ghettoway Driver" by The Last Internationale https://ift.tt/k3Zp62i
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victusinveritas · 2 years
The Cranberries - "Zombie" (cover by The Last Internationale)
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supermaks · 5 months
Max's safety car restarts I loveee himm smmm
Remember . 😐When up until 2022 because fia literally had to like threaten him legally max wud pull up to whoever was in the lead and breathe down their neck like a vampire and then do the max tire warm up thing and like push them wide and risk his whole life and take some ungodly line and actually gain positions. yuh
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musicandoldmovies · 4 months
The Last Internationale - Wanted Man
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rockartfashion · 5 months
HEAVY WEEK-END - Special Playlist
English Version Attention weekend de folie en perspective ! Les 21, 22 et 23 juin prochains, Nancy deviendra la capitale de hard rock et heavy metal ! Metalheads de toute la France (et de l’étranger bien sûr) vous êtes conviés au “Heavy Week-end”. Dans le cadre du Nancy Open-Air, ce nouveau festival réunira 6 légendes du hard rock et du heavy metal, Scorpions, Deep Purple, Judas Priest, Alice…
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firstfullmoon · 8 months
SOLMAZ SHARIF: I was recently reminded of a story of a political prisoner—I don’t know if I want to share this. . . This political prisoner, who had been convicted and was facing the death penalty, was in a large cell with about twenty other political prisoners. Periodically, the guards would come and call one of their names and take that person out to be executed. When this political prisoner’s name was called, the prisoner stood up and started singing “The Internationale.” The whole cell sang along, and that was their farewell. But when the prisoner went into the hallway, the guards told them that they weren’t going to the gallows. They were being transferred to a different prison. The guards took them to the latrine, and while the prisoner was in there, they realized they wouldn’t have wanted “The Internationale” to be their last song, and started reciting a poem by, I believe, Hafez from memory.
For me, the why of poetry has become the reason revolution must happen to begin with. It’s no longer the conditions that make revolution inevitable, but what’s waiting for us on the other side of it. That required me to be more vulnerable—removing the conceptual frame was an act of that allowed vulnerability. . .
ALINA STEFANESCU: That reminds me of how my parents made me memorize poetry. They said: If you find yourself in prison, if you lose your home, family, livelihood, everything, the poems you remember will keep you whole. At the end of the day, alone in a cell, no one can steal the stanzas you remembered. The recitation itself is a radical act of refusal. Maybe poems sustain the hope and selfhood that carceral systems aim to extinguish.
SOLMAZ SHARIF: I love that. I was reminded of poetry’s capacities at the beginning of the pandemic. When lockdown started, some of my artist friends who work in other mediums suddenly couldn’t do any work. I remembered, for readers a poem is something you can carry with you anywhere, and for poets, writing a poem is an action that you can undertake anywhere. You don’t need physical materials. I hadn’t decided to turn my attention toward those qualities, however; I was forced to. My idea of poetry is tied inextricably to my early understanding of carcerality and war—both of which evaporate all that seems solid. And poetry seems especially able to survive these things. I bristle at the word hope, but the poem’s scrappy thereness is enough for me. In an interview late in his life, Mahmoud Darwish says, “poetry changes only the poet.” Some people understand that statement as pessimistic or cynical or jaded. Or maybe see it in line with Auden’s choppily quoted “poetry makes nothing happen”—a quote betrayed in the two words that follow: “it survives.” Auden is often quoted to fall neatly into that neoliberal ethical bypass of so much American literature. But I see the Darwish quote as honoring that even when a poem can’t be anything else, that it will be enough. I’m surprised by this turn in my own work, but the lived practice of poetry in my life made it inevitable.
— Solmaz Sharif and Alina Stefanescu, in conversation for BOMB Magazine
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robinfrinjs · 7 months
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Always There, Women in Motorsport: The fast women of la belle époque
Women's history in motorsport is rich, and that has always been the case. Most of these stories however aren’t well known and aren’t spoken about enough. Women have always been in motorsport and always will be.
Three French women, Hélène van Zuylen, Camille du Gast, and Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart are some of the fastest women from France’s La Belle Epoque (circa 1880-1914).
In 1898 Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart (1847-1933) (also known as the Duchess of Uzes) became the first woman in France to obtain her driver’s license. While getting out of the car she announced with delight that woman had just overcome a new barrier. Not long after she also became the first to be caught speeding for which she had to pay a five franc fine.
in 1926 she founded the first female Automobile Club, L'Automobile Club féminin de France (ACFF)
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The Duchess of Uzes in 1927
Hélène van Zuylen (pictured on the cover image) was a French author but also the first woman to compete in an international auto race. Baron Etienne van Zuylen, her husband, was the President of the Automobile Club de France
She entered the 1898 Paris–Amsterdam–Paris using the nickname Snail, while her husband used the nickname Escargot. She successfully competed the trail and entered the Paris-Berlin race in 1901 but was stopped by technical failure.
That year Hélène, a lesbian, would meet Renée Vivien with whom she would have an affair. Vivien's letters to a confidant revealed that she considered herself married to Hélène. Most of Vivien's work is dedicated to "H.L.C.B.," the initials of Zuylen's first names.
Just over a decade before she died, Hélène van Zuylen created the Renée Vivien Prize, Honoring the woman she loved and intending to give encouragement to female writers.
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Hélène van Zuylen - Nouvelle Revue internationale illustrée, December 1908
Camille du Gast (1868-1942) finished 33rd (19th in class) out of 122 participants in the 1901 Paris-Berlin race. Du Gast, achieved the results despite driving her husband's 20CV Panhard-Levassor which was not designed for racing. She had to start the race in last because she was a woman. The race did mark 2 female competitors with du Gast and van Zuylen. She loved several extreme sports such as mountaineering, parachuting and frencing.
In 1902 she competed in the Paris-Vienna race and also wanted to compete in the New York-San Francisco but was refused entry because she was a woman.
In 1903 she would start the Paris-Madrid race. Which she would enter with a proper racing car, a works 5.7-litre de Dietrich car. It was a chaotic race with 207 competitors which unfortunately saw several deaths. Camille started in 29th and gained 9 positions in the first 120 km. She had climbed up to P8 before stopping to give medical aid to a fellow driver, Phil Stead (also driving a de Dietrich) involved in a near-fatal crash.
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Camille du Gast in her 30 hp De Dietrich with starting number 29 during the 1903 Paris-Madrid Race
Later one of the leading drivers at that time, Charles Jarrot said that if Camille had not stopped Stead likely would have died. After an ambulance arrived she continued the race eventually finishing 44th or 45th in the shortened race.
The French government would stop the race at Bordeaux, as over half of the field (275 cars) had either crashed or retired and several drivers and spectators had died.
Open road racing was banned, so in 1904 Camille wanted to participate in the French elimination trial for the Gordon Bennett races, as the Benz factory team offered du Gast a race seat. But the Autosport Club France (ACF) banned women from racing. Du Gast published a letter in protest but the ban was defended as the ACF could not risk a woman getting injured or killed in a racing event.
Because of this she ventured to boat racing. One of those races was caught by a big storm which saw most competitors either abandon their ship or they sank. She was rescued and later declared the winner of that race.
Eventually she had to put a halt to her adventurous life when she survived an assassination attempt by her daughter. Nothing was ever the same for her after that. From that point she devoted herself to animals. She would serve as president of the 'French Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals'
NEXT UP > More female racing drivers from the early 1900s
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sansculottides · 2 years
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"Workers, do not be deceived: it is the great struggle: parasitism and labor, exploitation and production are at death-grips. If you are sick or vegetating in ignorance and squatting in the muck; if you want your children to be men gaining the reward of their labor, not a sort of animal trained for the workshop and for war, fertilizing with its sweat the fortune of an exploiter, or pouring out its blood for a despot; if you want the daughters whom you cannot bring up and watch over as you would, to be no longer instruments of pleasure in the arms of the aristocracy of wealth; if you want debauch and poverty no longer to drive men to the police and women to prostitution; if, finally, you desire the reign of justice, workers, be intelligent, arise! And let your stout hands fling beneath your feet the foul reaction! ...Long live the Republic! Long live the Commune!"
--Statement of the Central Committee of the National Guard of the Paris commune on April 5, 1871.
The National Guard of the Commune was not the same as the old government's army that defended bourgeois interest; the National Guard of the Commune consisted of the workingmen of Paris. Their officers and Central Committee were democratically elected and subject to recall if they lost the confidence of the people.
The Paris Commune started today, March 18, in 1871. At the time the working people of Paris were driven to poverty and starvation by the war with Prussia. On this day in 1871 the people of Paris--especially women and children--chased out the bourgeois government, who ran away pitifully with their tails between their legs to Versailles, leaving the city to the control of its workers. The workers of Paris established their own government that sought not to merely address urgent and base concerns such as hunger, rent, and unemployment, but also to found a kinder society by radicalizing institutions such as education or the concept of the family. It was the first attempt at a workers' state in history.
The Commune lasted for only 72 days, when the French government violently and ruthlessly crushed it. They brutally massacred the workers in the event that is known as Bloody Week. Historian Donny Gluckstein wrote: "Bloody Week was a graphic example of a capitalist state stripped to its bare essentials--'armed bodies of men'--exterminating a threat to the system of domination and exploitation." Paris suffered a labor shortage after this massacre.
We remember the Paris Commune, its principles, and its battle. Even today we sing the Internationale, a product of that relentless hopeful spirit of the Commune and its people who dared to believe a kinder world was possible--if only we fight for it.
Picture is the Communards Wall at the Père Lachaise Cemetery, where workers of the Commune were killed by bourgeois forces. People still leave flowers every year.
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sonicziggy · 2 years
"Hoka Hey!" by The Last Internationale https://ift.tt/0EaFBvt
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Hello! My name is Jax (they/them) and I noticed many of the resources for queer youth are US and UK centered so I'm making this an international blog where you guys can talk about anything, and I'll do my best to either respond myself or find some local resource for you, all your home language. I just feel the need to warn you guys: I'm brazilian and only speak english and portuguese br. Any other language will be translated by the internet so I'm sorry for any mistranslations both in my understandment or in the response. And, for last but not least, welcome!
Português BR
Oi! Meu nome é Jax (linguagem masculina) e eu notei q mts recursos(?) para jovens queers giram ao redos dos EUA e do Reino Unido, ent eu tô fazendo um blog internacional onde vocês podem falar sobre qualquer coisa, e eu vou fazer o meu melhor pra responder eu mesmo ou achar recursos locais pra vocês, tudo na sua língua natal. Eu só sinto q devia avisar: Eu sou brasileiro e só falo inglês e português br, qualquer outra língua vai ser traduzida pela internet, ent já me desculpo por traduções erradas, seja na resposta ou no meu entendimento. E, por último mas não menos importante, sejam bem-vindos!
¡Hola! Me llamo Jax (elle) y yo noté que muchos de los recursos para los jóvenes queer son muy enfocados en los EEUU y el Reino Unido, entonces he hecho este blog internacional para que ustedes puedan hablar de cualquiera cosa, y para hacer lo posible para responder por mi mismo o encontrar recursos y ayuda cercano a ustedes, en sus idiomas propios. Pero, para que saben, soy de Brasil y solo hablo inglés y portugués brasileño. Todos los otros idiomas serán traslado por el internet, entonces lo siento por errores en mi entendimiento o en mi respuesta. En fin, pero todavía de manera importante, ¡bienvenidos a todos!
Hé! Je m'appelle Jax (iel) et j'ai remarqué que beaucoup de ressources (?) pour les jeunes queers tournent autour des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni, donc je fais un blog international où l'on peut parler de tout, et je vais faites le Je ferai de mon mieux pour y répondre moi-même ou trouver des ressources locales pour vous, le tout dans votre langue maternelle. J'ai juste l'impression que je dois vous prévenir : je suis brésilien et je ne parle que l'anglais et le portugais brésilien, toute autre langue sera traduite sur Internet, je m'excuse donc pour toute mauvaise traduction, que ce soit dans la réponse ou dans ma compréhension. Et enfin, bienvenue !
Hey! Mein Name ist Jax (männliche Sprache) und mir ist aufgefallen, dass sich viele Ressourcen(?) für junge Queers um die USA und Großbritannien drehen, deshalb betreibe ich einen internationalen Blog, in dem man über alles reden kann, und das werde ich auch tun Ich werde mein Bestes tun, um die Frage selbst zu beantworten oder lokale Ressourcen für Sie zu finden, alles in Ihrer Muttersprache. Ich habe nur das Gefühl, ich sollte Sie warnen: Ich bin Brasilianer und spreche nur Englisch und brasilianisches Portugiesisch. Jede andere Sprache wird im Internet übersetzt. Daher entschuldige ich mich für etwaige falsche Übersetzungen, sei es in der Antwort oder in meinem Verständnis. Und zu guter Letzt: Willkommen!
Hoi! Mijn naam is Jax (hen/hun) en ik heb gemerkt dat veel hulpmiddelen voor queer jongeren zich in de VS en Groot-Brittannië bevinden, dus ik ben bezig met een internationale blog waar je over alles kunt praten. Ik zal mijn best doen om het zelf te beantwoorden of lokale hulpbronnen voor u te vinden, allemaal in je moedertaal. Maar ik moet nog wel iets duidelijk maken: ik ben Braziliaans en ik spreek alleen Engels en Braziliaans Portugees, elke andere taal zal op internet moeten worden vertaald. Mijn excuses dus, voor eventuele verkeerde vertalingen, zowel in het begrijpen van wat je zegt en mijn antwoorden. En natuurlijk: welkom!
嘿!我的名字是 Jax(男性语言),我注意到很多针对年轻酷儿的资源(?)都围绕美国和英国,所以我正在做一个国际博客,你可以在其中谈论任何事情,我将我会尽力用您的母语亲自回答或为您找到本地资源。我只是觉得我应该警告你:我是巴西人,我只会说英语和巴西葡萄牙语,任何其他语言都会在互联网上翻译,所以我对任何错误的翻译表示歉意,无论是在答案中还是在我的理解中。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,欢迎!
おい!私の名前はジャックス (男性的な言葉) です。若いクィア向けのリソース (?) の多くが米国と英国を中心に展開していることに気づきました。そこで、何でも話せる国際的なブログをやっています。あなたの母国語で、私自身が答えたり、地元のリソースを見つけたりできるよう最善を尽くします。警告しておきたいと思います。私はブラジル人で、英語とブラジル系ポルトガル語のみを話します。他の言語はインターネット上で翻訳されます。そのため、回答または私の理解にかかわらず、間違った翻訳があったことをお詫び申し上げます。そして最後になりましたが、ようこそ!
Привет! Меня зовут Джекс (мужской род), и я заметил, что много ресурсов(?) для молодых гомосексуалистов вращается вокруг США и Великобритании, поэтому я веду международный блог, где вы можете говорить о чем угодно, и я собираюсь сделайте Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы ответить на него сам или найти для вас местные ресурсы, и все на вашем родном языке. Я просто чувствую, что должен вас предупредить: я бразилец и говорю только на английском и бразильском португальском языке, любой другой язык будет переведен в Интернете, поэтому я прошу прощения за неправильные переводы, будь то в ответе или в моем понимании. И, наконец, добро пожаловать!
يا! اسمي جاكس (لغة ذكورية) وقد لاحظت أن الكثير من الموارد (؟) للشباب المثليين تدور حول الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة، لذلك أقوم بإنشاء مدونة دولية حيث يمكنك التحدث عن أي شيء، وسأقوم بذلك افعل ذلك، سأبذل قصارى جهدي للإجابة عليه بنفسي أو العثور على موارد محلية لك، كل ذلك بلغتك الأم. أشعر أنني يجب أن أحذرك: أنا برازيلي ولا أتحدث سوى الإنجليزية والبرتغالية البرازيلية، وأي لغة أخرى ستتم ترجمتها على الإنترنت، لذا أعتذر عن أي ترجمة خاطئة سواء في الإجابة أو في فهمي. وأخيرًا وليس آخرًا، أهلًا بك!
(I'd like to apologize if there's anything wrong about on the languages with different alphabets, I can't really check what's written)
Inspired by:
@queer-mental-health @queer-advice-hotline @our-trans-youth-experience @our-transgender-experiences @our-nonbinary-experience and others I forgot.
(I am not creative enough to make my own posts, so send asks)
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