#the longer i think abt it the more i dont really care yk.
socialbunny · 9 months
merry christmas to everyone that celebrates or just happy holidays or just merry. day. merry monday ^^
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rollercoasterwords · 6 months
genuinely thank you so much for writing thtf. it's my favourite thing to read in the whole world for so many reasons. like other than where it's obviously devastating (in SUCH a good way), idk it just makes me so happy
I think it's the first wip i followed from start to finish and I have to say that part of 2022 was not the greatest but yk, every few days there'd be a new chapter. and it was great.
I fucking love Dorcas talking about "a butterfly in the palm of your hand" it's changed the way I think so much. like you would not expect this from a fanfic lmao but it's pretty much exactly what I needed to hear at the time. living just to live, even if it's complete shit, not caring about what they're leaving behind. ch 42 (i think) where all they're doing is just washing the dishes but it's so special and they're listening to dawn storm is so important to me I love it SO much. fucking amazing.
ngl I don't really think there's anything I don't like. every character feels so right - regulus in particular sticks out to me, like there's such a good balance between him doing pretty bad things because he's not a particularly "good person" but also not being a complete dick. also I would die for marlene mckinnon and the way you write her is just so fucking good. the way she is just so alive to make up for her shorter life is so beautiful to me. I could ramble on for a very long time about everything in this fic but I dont want this to get too long lol
the music you put on the chapters is also really good like I'm pretty sure the first time I read it I didn't listen the music and then I reread it with the music and it was like a whole different experience
yeah i would've sent this earlier (like maybe a year ago) but looks like I put it off for a really long time lol
also - really love where atwmd is going rn I'm so excited for more chapters, i love Sirius Black etc etc
ahh thank u this is so sweet! i love hearing that thtf resonated w people it definitely feels like the fic kinda took on its own life & became a little philosophical journey that i was not entirely expecting lol. i think writing a story where i knew my main characters were going 2 die the whole time really made me contemplate like. ok what do i actually want 2 say abt death, and by way of that what do i wanna say abt life? bc like. as someone who doesn't believe in an afterlife i didn't wanna write a story that says "well it's ok bc they can be happy in the afterlife" <3 bc like. that does not comfort me lol. & i also didn't wanna write a story that was like "it's ok bc there's gonna be a good future 4 others after them," bc i think life means something and matters even outside of futurity. i didn't wanna play into this narrative that u have 2 Do Something 2 make ur life meaningful by making sure u have an impact on the future, etc; i wanted 2 write abt life as meaningful outside of that. & i also specifically wanted 2 write abt life as something beautiful & meaningful even with the bad stuff mixed in, and even if death is abrupt and scary and painful and unwanted. like i purposely made both their deaths pretty brutal bc i personally find the idea of a "bad death" really scary! the idea of dying before ur ready, dying scared or alone or in pain or all three, etc...and i think part of why that's so scary is bc we place this big emphasis, again, on a linear timeline of life, where death is The End, and if The End is bad, then the story's a sad one. but death is just one moment in the sum total of billions of moments throughout your life; why should that bad cancel out all the good? why should a story be sad, just because the last page of it is sad? you can open the book to any page and find happiness, and love, and warmth, etc. & that's what i'm trying 2 say w "a story is not its end."
anyway. this got much longer than expected lol i love 2 ramble abt thtf but! again ty 4 the kind words glad u enjoyed the fic glad u enjoyed the music as well!! i love the playlist 4 that fic <3
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
i'm sure others have already commented on the way the flashback was handled in the leaked ep but GOD it's been taking up so much space in my mind. it really shows just how important it is to plan ahead to have reveals like that feel satisfying.
like blitzo killed HIS OWN FUCKING MOM accidentally, and we're supposed to get this from what, a 5 second clip? seriously????
if this show was actually planned out and well-written i feel like it'd have more foreshadowing and hints at what happened. just things to get you wondering. like idk. in the first ep iirc blitzo is tied up and the humans try to burn him and he doesnt react to the fire in a weird way at all??? HE KILLED HIS OWN MOTHER BY ACCIDENTALLY CAUSING A HUGE FIRE!!! idc how much blitzo bottles things up. some sort of reaction wouldve made so much more sense - like, if moxxie or millie or whoever was tied up with him i cant be bothered to go check - said that human fire doesnt hurt them instead of blitzo, and then he acts kind of off, it could be like a "oh i wonder why he's acting like that even though it doesnt hurt him" and then its the reveal and its like "ohhh omg thats why." something of that nature. just SOMETHING to buildup to the reveal. and god i wish it was longer.
i wish there was more time to see both fizzarolli's and blitzo's perspectives on the accident. i mean it starts with fizz waking up, there could be like, a dream sequence that portrays blitzo all evil, showing that it still haunts fizz and makes you wonder what really happened- but then the jump from that to him waking up would be complete tonal whiplash so i dont think that would really work with the episode as is- honestly the whole thing just needs to be rewritten. this whole show is a mess actually. it's taking up so much of my brain. i'm sorry.
god and the whole thing is so STUPID too. fucking, there are people... at your birthday party....? wtf... *accidentally bumps into the imp carrying the cake* oh the cake has fallen and i have accidentally killed my mother and caused irreversible damage to my friend !
but but but WHY is blitzo like that. its fizz's goddamn birthday party no shit he's the center of attention. yk what im not even going to rant abt that. its all just shitty writing.
despite all that i'm still excited for the episode tomorrow, helluva has great animation and fizzarolli is the only character i care about so i'm really looking forward to see him fully animated just on screen. the song had its bad parts (fucking secret to bitcoin part) but i love how over-dramatic fizz is, he loves performing so much it's cute
it was bad, it was just so incredibly bad, and the only redeeming thing about it was that it's Fizzarolli. I'm looking forward to see him and Ozzie in full animation (lack of composition aside) and that's about it.
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kruxton · 5 months
Into more PHC headcanons,
Mr sin will spend time with the form 4s and form 5s as a way to make up for himself on not caring enough for the students.
I imagine kahar and Fakhri will have an awkward time spending together and due to the fact kahar is trying to be a good senior to Fakhri.
I also wanna hear more about your headcanons about Naim and Amir please?
mr sin feels that he is to blame (at least partially) for the situation and its weighing him down heavily. so he steps up his game and actually Does his Job and starts socialising with his students like Pn. Faniza does, because he'll be damned if he lets anything like /that/ happen again
imagining the fakhri kahar situation afterwards is so funny to me. kahar is desperately trying to make amends but he cant do that if fakhri doesnt want to talk to him like 😭😭 bro approaches fakhri but hes looking everywhere but in kahar's direction trying not to get mad is that not the funniest thing ever
OKAY so naim and amir hc under the cut. ive never put this into actual words before so i apologise in advance if they dont make sense ok (edit: it turned out WAY longer than i imagined thats mb)
yk that scene that happens sometime after amir's past and trauma is revealed where naim is really angry (i forget why) but then lashes out onto amir bc smth smth why the fuck do u care so much are u fucking gay for me? (im like 99% sure this happened but if it didnt.. uhmm we're going to pretend it did)
i think in that moment amir didn't know the answer to that genuinely. he definitely knows that /something/ in him changed after what happened to him in that store room, but being gay was NOT an option, it just couldnt be, he wont LET it be. bc its not like he was attracted to any guys, right??? he doesnt care for any guy like THAT, yk?? or at least thats what he thought
once naim accused amir of being gay for him, something definitely snapped. it hurt, it hurt, but it wasnt his dignity that shattered. it was his heart.
(did that go hard? i think that went hard. im proud of myself)
because what if naim was right? what if naim just saw right through him and actually.. believed it?
cue the panic and worry that went on in his brain because who the fuck was he going to talk to abt this. his bestfriend? not an option
i like to believe thats why he barely showed up again until that scene in the hospital. ik the show played it off as them being so so angry at each other, and yeah, they probably were? but the both of them knew something went wrong between them at that moment in the dorm when naim used amir's trauma against him (bc when u put it like that.. how couldnt smth be wrong), and they were worried for their friendship, the both of them.
now we cue the internalised homophobia. i assume u can imagine how that goes
naim getting hurt really bad and needing to go to the hospital is what triggered amir's brain to make up his mind on his feelings and guess what? yeah he's gay for naim. and he doesnt have time to worry abt this anymore cause naim is Dying. he could die at any second. whatever the feelings he harbours for him doesnt matter because after everything he is still his bestfriend.
so he stomps his newfound feelings down and doesnt let himself think abt it. and when they hug in that waiting room and naim goes 'aku sayang kau wei' at him, its bittersweet but he cant ruin the moment, not again.
ok flashforward now
he's content with being naim's bestfriend. sure, he gets jealous when naim goes out with that girl (i forgot her name) but at least now he knows there's a valid reason for it instead of an irrarional envy as his bestfriend, so he accepts it and moves on (he doesnt really. but what choice does he have?)
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jugemusequencer · 2 years
give me your gold and glitchy red hcs NNNEEEEOOOOOWWWWWWWWW
yall r particularly queer tonight huh . okay . here goes :
gold is constantly freezing. like he constantly feels hypothermic to the touch and gold himself is just always cold and complains about it . HOWEVER . boyfriends jacket .
^^^^ red will often wake up with his Iconic Jacket missing because gold finds it warmer than his usual hoodie . like not only is it big on him , but the fabric is insulated and Thick . red has gotten another jacket so he does not have to disturb his icecube of a partner
OH . red is also a gigantic heater . walking furnace . gold will literally cling to him at night just because his average body temperature is high . like yk how lizards sleep on warm rocks thatve been in the sun ??? red is the warm rock and gold is the lizard
just a general hc but both of them have autism which is why red is incredibly nonexpressive and why gold tends to carry stuff with his mouth instead of with his Brand New Prosthetics (being unable to feel whatever he's holding is just a general sensory issue) (he also doesnt like the feeling of the metal grinding on itself/feeling of the arms when they do move because they sort of vibrate)
gold repeats things that people say around him as a stim . red will do it back and they get into a loop of the same sentence for up to 6 or 7 minutes straight
gold generally likes darker themed music while red just does not care for whatever plays
reds hair is not naturally spiked up . he does that himself and when its down gold just braids it or chews on it (which red will smack him on the forehead for)
golds big on physical affection while red does it sparingly
^^^^ gold still gets many kisses constantly all the time though but it doesnt count.
bpd/pstd/general anxiety/psychotic depression gold . listen to me or die immediately
also ftm gold
actually both of them are ftm. t4t rosegold cope or die
gold gets super cuddly when he's tired so as soon as gold randomly gets clingy while they're at a party or something, red knows its time to go home
gold can still tear his head off from his neck but only for sparing moments at a time and it takes a bit to reheal . cool party trick though !
neither of them really talk but usually when they do its longer drawn out conversations and usually at some point gold will start using unowns because his voice goes out pretty quickly
gold cannot eat more than a few bites of food at a time as a repercussion of kind of being like . yk . dead and shit
its okay it just means red stocks up on his fav food and doesnt make much at a time so that gold doesnt feel like hes wasting anything
okay i think im done im super tired and the more i write the more i want to write abt them being gay and cuddling and kissing and shit.
i dont know if you inherently meant it to be shipping or not but thats what you got so youre just going to have to cope with it bc im tired and like my boys
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Fine fine
go talk about the goofy ass hope and despair games to ur hearts content /lh
smhh you dont have to be rude abt it /j
The first character I first fell in love with: either Aoi or Kyoko, whoever got their introduction first, they were the only ones i liked immediately upon first impression. ofc there's also others through the different games like chiaki, gundham, kirumi, kaede, etc
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Miu 100%, she's not an archetype i tend to like but she's so undeniably hilarious at all times she makes it work Wonders, easily funniest character in all of DR. A certain fic also swayed me to like her even more even if i already liked her a lot prior
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: tbh there aren't that many characters in DR that 90% of the fandom loves since so many are simply polarizing (ex: nagito, kokichi, kaede, makoto, most of drv3's cast honestly, etc) and the ones that Do fit that i do like so uh? I guess i don't really care much about chihiro compared to most of the fandom, even if i don't dislike her
The character I love that everyone else hates:  same thing i said above but switch love with hate. that said probably Miu? majority of people don't like her I Think (which i understand) me personally i love her tho what a girlboss
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: none i think ?? there's a few characters that I'm definitely not as attached to now as i was when i first finished the games, but none that i have fully fallen out of love with, i think
The character I would totally smooch: Sakura. I don't think i need to explain myself here
The character I’d want to be like: Sakura again and i especially don't think i need to explain myself here. She's so good.
The character I’d slap:  Hiro and Kazuichi, sorry. Teruteru too but also not really because I'd much rather pulverize him instead
A pairing that I love: SAKURAOI AND TOKOMARU MY EVERYTHINGS <333 plenty others too but yk, those are the top ones in my mind
A pairing that I despise: uhh plenty as well but off the top of my head saiouma, naegami, all junko ships tbh (i get the appeal of them to analyze the fucked up toxic dynamics they just aren't for me personally), mahiyoko... and any ship with Aoi or Komaru with a man those ones are a huge yikes for me
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kagejima · 2 years
Hi! You are very considerate to come up with this idea of venting as a reader/writer. And thank you so much for helping me say the stuff I would normally not say in my blog. I just hope this vent does not ruin your mood
Oftentimes I see big blogs on here subposting stuff about xreader tags or some sort of fic formats. And sometimes even about how short fics are nowadays. And it sort of hurts me a lot cuz these are people I look up to and aspire to write like but then they go and make such degrading posts and I can't help but wonder if they are talking about my fics or something u can't help it, being new comes with the additional baggage of insecurities but then if they want newbies to disappear where are they supposed to go? twitter? reddit? instagram? wattpad? let's not talk abt how they roast wattpad writers
I mean it's not that hard to tolerate bad writing right? It's just like how they have in their pinned posts- 'scroll the fuck away no need to put a show' People better themselves with practice. Can't this place become more tolerant to newbies and show some fucking support? Heck if they are this annoyed then what about instead of ranting and subposting stuff they come up with their own tagging system and make it universal or something? But then it all comes down to free will. There will always be bad fics where there are new writers. We learn with exposure and if lucky, feedback.
Lmao this tirade makes me sound like an insecure fuck I'm really not trust me but it just feels so bad when your ideals slap you like that. That makes me wonder if we could yk look at it like a teacher slapping a student. Question is if the underlying intentions are good or if they just don't care which writer's motivation they are killing. I dont even wanna type it cuz it makes me so pukish just thinking abt it I'm sorry I guess it also comes down to who you are as a human.
I just idk I think I just want people to stop being hostile? And maybe make kindness a habit? Yk there's a difference between mean and cool. Don't be so prickly about stuff that doesn't matter to your real life or something like that. I'll stop before I work myself up again and Omg this became longer than I imagined I'm so sorry if this is ruining your mood but I'm also grateful to you for opening such a considerate event. Thank you, and take care xoxo
I am monitoring a discussion this weekend between writers and readers about low interaction and frustrations. Please read the rules before submitting something.
Just as a reminder, if you wish to reply to someone's message, do not comment on it with your own handle. Instead, please link it in an anonymous reply of your own. If you do not know how to do this, I can walk you through it.
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kimnjss · 2 years
There is so much to cover…
1. Notice how our girl jumped and was hella defensive? It was obviously a joke, but she took it way serious.
2. If she was trying to hide the fact that she might be attracted to Hoseok she gave it up in that moment. But it was overshadowed by Jimin dropping the bomb that he was at Yoongi’s studio. Insert Jealous JK and Tae for different reasons.
3. Jimin must have an inkling of Tae’s feelings or he would not have hidden that he spent time with Yoongi in his studio. Tae is so obvious.
4. Jimin can play hard to get but I saw that thumbnail. Jimin was cheesin’ super hard. Thats not the face of someone uninterested.
5. Yoongi laying it on thick!!!! Jimin if you dont wanna pick up what he’s laying down, I volunteer as tribute.
6. Not Tae purposely getting drunk so Jimin will take care of him. Tae boo, dont do that to yourself.
7. Has Tae told anyone in the group about his feelings?
8. Not Yoongi only ever talking to JK when its about Jimin. Yoongi has a mission. He will get Jimin. I know he’s likely suspect about Tae. I hope it creates drama cause Im messy.
Look forward to the next update.
soo much to unpackkk!
1. jimin was so clearly joking when he called hobi her boyfriend ., like pLS ! he knows yn doesn't fuck around like thattt . but her hanging around him nd forgetting abt work definitely effected her more than she wants to admit .
2. LOL jungkook was so fast to change the subject he didn't even realize that they were abt to get to the goods ! like if they stayed on yn for a little bit longer ., she definitely would've ousted herself . buuut ! it is a huge deal that yoongi let jimin inside of his studio ., so i'll give them that . kook was definitely wishing he was him ., poor guy :((
3. yeah tae is not great at all at hiding the fact that he feels some type of way for jimin . i'm sure they all have an idea abt it ., but never really say anything bc he never has . it's jus smth that they know - yk?? like yn doesn't date., jungkook is a fanboy., nd taehyung has the hots for jimin.
4. OOOH. he for sure enjoys the attention that he's getting from yoongi! if not he would've ghosted him the moment he was hitting him up . nd him considering letting him crash their best friend time?? yeah he's just as down bad as yoongi .
5. HE'S NOT MISSING A BEAT ! the fact he doesn't even bother to hide his intentions either . 'i want to see you' will forever do me in ., idc idc -
6. you know that's exactly why he did thattt! nd not to mention yn pointing out the fact that they've DEFINITELY blacked out together... he probably doesn't need as much help as he lets on .
7. tae is lowkey only close to jimin out of everyone in the group . he's more like jimin's friend who was adopted in - so if he were to tell anyone ., it would be jimin nd he's not doing that LOL
8. nd jungkook is more than happy to give his idol all of the information ! didn't even think twice abt selling his friends out LMAO he wants be yoongis best friend sooo baddd . but he's fs putting smth together abt tae from that picture alone ., just wait until they're all hanging out together!
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mono-dot-jpeg · 2 years
canon aaitl - zhongli
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summary; actual canon to "another adeptus in the line" series
genre; bullet fic??? not really though, literally just me rambling about my aaitl series while i write the next part, child! reader, father! zhongli
[platonic] [gender neutral]
a/n; im finally opening a taglist for my aaitl readers! you will be able to access it through my bio or the end of this post. when the taglist form says it is no longer accepting requests or responses, i will not be taking reponses during that time. but there will be more chances to join whenever i feel opening it up again.
anyways with that aside, please enjoy some crumbs of content
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okay proper canon things about aaitl!!!
zhongli lives in his teapot that madame ping gave him
i thought abt this bc of a tip thing i saw on the genshin loading 
bc like hey if “Adepti use Serenitea Pots as media through which they can channel their adeptal power and create realms and abodes.” then that means zhongli probably has one right????? RIGHT???????
anyone can visit it really he doesn’t care and loves having people over
he’s lowkey a hoarder tho but he really likes presents that he’s given :((
probably has a nice bouquet of qingxin, glaze lilies, and silk flowers
either that or he’s got a nice garden for all of the flowers and herbs or veggies :))) 
its so lovely and sweet and so homey for him and you
you like to chew on the sweet flowers when he lets you roam the garden
he doesn't stop you
back to the hoarding, bc he’s a dragon in his heart yk???
he like to grab and keep :] he has a lot of nice gifts from the past and from the present 
all organized nicely in his office that’s sort of merged with your room so he can watch over you at night :’)
the office/your room is pretty big in size, it’s like one big open room but it is split with like a half wall sort of? there’s like a curtain you can use when you need privacy but you’re still a baby
he does have a room plan for when you’re older 
even if you don’t like childe, he does not give a damn and will smother you in his love and affection 
but also he is jealous everytime you take zhongli’s attention which is all the time really-
frienemies the both of you are
you hate him so much- KDHJSHSJDJS
when will the ginger abuse end 😔😔
you only know madame ping, traveler, hutao, and childe
but for now you only know stories abt them
you think they're really cool mostly ganyu bc of the horns zhongli told u about !!
you haven't gone through growing your horns quite yet, they exist as sort of small pointy guys on your head but they havent grown in yet
dont ask me how your tail developed before your horns, it makes sense to me 
your scales are orange amber colored at the ends and skin color closer to your skin ofc
hutao gave you some old baby clothes she had lying around from her childhood
if you ever babble or speak gibberish, you fucking BET that zhongli is the parent that listens and responds naturally, he’s just so sweet :(
you're a slow learner only bc you literally got reborn as a baby and not only that, you just have no prior experience to anything despite watching over the village you once protected and seeing all the families love and learn from each other
zhongli has yet to find the right person to tutor you since it's more of a high class thing in liyue to even hire a tutor
childe is probably gonna pay the funds for said tutor
zhongli is the kind of father to be like, "for you the entire world" and it would happen <333
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taglist; empty :(
[taglist open until it's too much for me to handle/hj]
[click me to join the taglist!]
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onovnii · 3 years
share your om trans hc Right Now
# obey me trans headcanons
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feat. mammon , leviathan , satan , asmodeus , beelzebub , belphegor
summary. my gender headcanons for the obey me brothers
cw. trans talk 😗 , dysphoria
author n. reqs are closed but… anon you dont know HOW excited i am to share these… ive mentioned trans levi b4 but im gonna briefly talk abt everyone !! (and THEN dive into trans levi) ALSO!! i did some research for all the identities i listed but pls lmk if i got any of them wrong 😭!!!
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disclaimer! everyone experiences gender differently, so if none of what i say relates to you in any way, that’s ok! these are based off of my OWN experiences.
i’m not sure how to categorize this so i’ll just dump this here ???
as angels, the brothers weren’t created with any specific gender in mind. (to me, all angels present masculine but they aren’t men)
in the celestial realm, since the brothers didn’t really pay attention to their gender identity, they never really got time to explore it. so maybe all of them were some form of nonbinary ?? (i think agender)
it’s only AFTER they turned to demons, the thought of gender came to mind. (some brothers even changed their physical form)
(i wish i had the time to draw these ajwjdcx)
bigender , he/she
▸ at first mammon didn’t really care 💀
▸ he was too busy trying to hold her family together.
▸  when mammon became a model, THATS when the topic of gender interested her.
▸  over the years, mammon had tested out nearly everything.
▸ a more feminine form, voice etc etc
▸ she was the first to actually transition ^^
▸ despite all the mean comments his brothers say 😒 they take it v seriously!!
▸ when mammon came to them to nervously ask them to use she/her for him sometimes, they all were v supportive :’)
▸  mammon keeps her masc form (the one in game) but time to time, mammon will change it to a more fem form on will
▸ his feminine body looks relatively similar, just shorter and slightly longer hair (think wolfcut)
leviathan (aka me projecting LMAO)
agender , she/he/they + neos
▸ *i haven’t fully decided what neos levi would use…+ i feel like he’d use multiple sets so its rlly up to ur choice lol
▸ anyway,, levi feels the MOST amount of dysphoria out of his brothers :(
▸  gender gets real confusing for them so he’s been through MULTIPLE identities in her lifetime
▸  for like the longest, levi didn’t know what to do abt his dysphoria…he hadn’t figured out how to change forms like mammon 😞
▸  mammon helped levi the most ^^ taught them how to change their body at will to help relieve any stress it might’ve brought.
▸  when levi decided they wanted a bigger chest, it worked for a little bit! …then he felt a little too feminine n the cycle repeats.
▸  they couldn’t find the right in-between for him so levi would kinda have breakdowns over it 🙁(me tbh…)
▸  mammon was right there trying to help his little bro.
▸ it wasn’t till much later, when mammon heard asmo talking about it, he learned about the existence of binders 😯
▸ offered the idea to levi, which was sort of confused by but yk, went along with it.
▸ the binder idea was great, it acted like a middle ground for him(?)
▸ he could present masc some days, while still having the body he preferred (levi does prefer fem bodies :)
▸ their bottom dysphoria is a mess, let’s not get into it 🧍🏽
▸ levi needed lots of reassurance when ‘coming out’ to his brothers. mammon was right behind him cheering him on :D
▸ every one of them all helped levi in little or big ways :’)
▸ asmo’s the brother who helped him with his physical appearance the most (buying clothes, styling hair)
▸ satan got books from the human realm that further dived into gender (i believe that the devildom doesn’t have much bc..again they dont generally care) to help levi find a label or anything else that could help :)
▸  belphie and him have some sort of solidarity between them
▸  both of them got similar issues so they’re just always there for eachother. even in silence.
▸ levi’s preferred body looks similar to how it is in game, tall lanky n kinda lean? (their weight fluctuates a lot..that’s a topic for a different post)
▸ but it’s more feminine as well! in the basic areas like the chest, hips and thighs. (more curves)
▸  but she keeps the body hair so…pretty much rivals beel when it comes to that lol
no label , they/them
▸  satan already has identity issues..feels bad
▸ did they ever use it to differentiate themselves from lucifer? absolutely.
▸  did that cause more problems for them? absolutely.
▸  satan struggles just as much as levi, but they keep quiet about it.
▸ the only one they rlly confide in is asmo.
▸ they tested out different sets of pronouns, identities etc but nothing rlly fit...
▸ until belphie just straight up told them, they could just not go by anything. 
▸  satan prefers not going by anything (honestly no pronouns is the best way to refer to satan…)
▸ less confusion, less things to worry about, they’d rather not think about it.
▸  satan’s form is still masc, they prefer it that way. (they do however, have a more feminine face i.e features. it’s really cute actually)
▸ does a lot of research to help out their brothers ^^ 
genderfluid , any prns
▸  the girlboy boygirl we all deserve AND needed!
▸  the most comfortable in his gender.
▸  asmo uses ALL pronouns and doesn’t mind what set you use !!
▸  typically their brothers will use a set that correlates to however asmo’s presenting as
▸  which changes a lot tbh…
▸ he loves to express his identity through clothes and always explores different ways to express himself.
▸  never sticks to one thing either…
▸  tbh, asmo doesn’t care for labels. she just slaps one on to make it easier for others to refer to him.
▸  prefers fem terms :]
▸  asmo’s form is a mix between feminine and masculine. at first glance, you can’t really tell (i wish i were him)
agender , he/him
▸  he just used he/him bc that’s what he’s used to and most comfortable in.
▸  still isn’t a man or fully identifies as one.
▸  beel doesn’t really care about his gender, he has more things to worry about.
▸  he cares more about his brothers though!!! always there for moral support:(
▸  specifically levi and belphie. beel knows they both struggle the most with it so he’s there with whatever they need :<
▸  his form is basically the same as canon. (his face IS more feminine tho...like satan its v v cute :)
belphegor demiboy , they/he/she
▸  like levi, struggles a lot.
▸  the worst part about it is that belphie doesn’t care enough to do anything about it.
▸  cue wallowing in your own discomfort for years… LMAO (me)
▸  nah but fr for the longest, belphie hasn’t felt truly comfortable in their own body.
▸  they were kinda in denial for a bit 😯…
▸  once the gears finally clicked, they told their brothers at like dinner and like everyone was like ?? why didnt you ?? say so ????
▸  cue all 6 of her older bros coddling him…cue belphie enjoying it bc he’s got the biggest younger sibling syndrome ever….
▸  belphie grew out their hair because it sorta helped. (and he was just lazy to cut it lol…)
▸  like mentioned before, he and levi has some sort of solidarity going on.
▸  they help eachother a lot (bc they understand eachother the most)
▸  funny, you’d think it would be beel…
▸  i mean, it IS most of the time. but it’s just nice to have someone like you yknow??
▸  his form is more feminine than masc, he probably just thinks having tits is more comfortable 😭💀
▸  their voice is relatively the same.. she was too lazy to change it hahdkcc
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masked-puppetmaster · 3 years
hey, i saw you asked a while ago why dream & techno apologists are apologists for those characters (and you liked a bunch of my posts concerning that, actually) i was wondering if you still have any more questions - and also i wanted to ask if you wanted to talk a bit about c!tommy and what makes you like him so much? like is it just the emotional attachment to him? is it the trauma? anything specific about the way in which he is written? i've always watched his pov & i'm very curious! / - red
yo yo yo hey! I think I understand it a bit more now, for the dream & techo apologists, I think I’m still a bit confused when it comes to technoblade. I see a lot about people only using him as a weapon/ him not being able to trust people / no one sticking up for him and I’m not sure where it comes from? In all fairness, I only know him as the guy who executed Tubbo / spawned withers but im assuming that’s in large part because I came into the story so late (iirc I didn’t really get into the dsmp until around doomsday, and I got most information of past events just by like. osmosis or reading wikis) so I might simply just not have enough information on techno to get it. Like, he executed Tubbo under a lot of pressure iirc but that doesn’t take away from the fact he did execute him? or things with the withers, I know technoblade doesn’t like the government and I’d go as far as to say he has a point, but was it really necessary to destroy lmanburg (iirc, multiple times). I know he was mad, but I feel like he shouldn’t have taken in that far, like from what I see and understand it’s like yes he had his points but he hurt people and doesn’t seem to care that he hurt anybody, just kinda stands there assuming he’s right about everything and not rlly looking at the situation from anyone else’s perspective. That being said like I said I came into the story really late and so my arguments might be able to be chalked up to just a lack of proper context, and even if I’m kinda annoyed at Technoblade’s behavior I still like him as a character & when techno does stream I enjoy the content so I’m not like a technoblade hater or anything I just don’t see why people can be apologists for him bcos from my pov he’s just kind of hurt people and not taken any personal responsibility for it (I mean this as in acknowledging to himself he was ever in the wrong; ex. The whole Tommy / techno betrayal situation which I think was a p complicated matter to be fair he just keeps saying over and over how Tommy betrayed him and it doesn’t seem to me like he’s even bothering to look at the situation from Tommy’s pov or rlly reflect on his own actions at all)
I just rlly like Tommy! I think at least some part of it can be chalked up to Tommy being the first streamer I watched in the dsmp and one of the ones I watch the most from (half the time I’m watching the dsmp it’s a Tommy stream) so there’s just gonna be some inherent bias towards him there like there is with literally any of these streamers. As you put it, it is kinda the trauma, haha. trauma and emotional attachment lol. I think part of it is I relate to him a lot, and I can see where he’s coming from on a lot of things, and I also just like the way his character is written. Smthn abt him that people have pointed out is that his trauma isn’t pretty and romanticized it’s ugly and yk he acts out and all that, which I appreciate. I can see where he’s coming from on a lot of things or at least understand why he thinks the way he does. I like seeing him learn and grow I like seeing his arcs both personally with himself and with other people. He’s an interesting and complex character and he’s been through a lot and I think it’s just super interesting to see how what he’s gone though affects his mental state and his actions as a character, like just from like a mental analysis standpoint there’s a lot to talk about which I think is pretty cool. this isn’t to say that he’s never fucked up or done anything wrong, because he has, but to be fair so has everyone else on this server I don’t think there’s a single member of the server who’s done nothing wrong (except maybe like. Charlie. Charlie my beloved). He’s made his mistakes but every good character fucks up that’s what makes them a good character is their flaws and so with the ways that he’s messed up and the ways he’s hurt people I’m an apologist because I can see why he acts that way, where the feelings and actions are coming from and I can forgive him for it because I understand the why. Also I just think the punishments he’s received for his actions are rlly unfair, easy ex with exile he did something many people on the server have already done at one point or another and was exiled and mentally broken down over it and rlly it’s just been like one thing after another and even if he’s made mistakes he gets way more harshly punished than I think was fair. I’ve seen people talk about how annoying and selfish his character is and when I read the posts (not all of them, there’s a nice chunk of people who are civil about it) it just seems like they’re not rlly thinking abt his character and his experiences. I’ll see people explain his signs of trauma and say it’s annoying because it’s not soft crying trauma it’s messy acting out trauma which it’s just like you do not understand this at all, do you? Or with the discs, I’ll be honest with you here. I will defend Tommy’s attachment to these stupid little music discs till the day I die. Why can’t he have his discs? They’re his , they’re not even that valuable outside of the fact that they’re his, why can’t he have things? why isn’t he aloud to have items he’s attached to without someone taking them for the sole reason of he likes them. And all I see is people saying he is selfish and cares about the discs more than people, which is literally disproven in the rp. Ranboo flat out says he’s not selfish, when Tommy takes the blame for George’s house (also keeping in mind here tommy and ranboo barely knew each other at the time, and if Tommy was actually selfish he could’ve very easily dragged Ranboo down with him) and when it comes to the discs he’s given up the discs multiple times in favor of helping other people (he gave them up for lmanburg, and then for Tubbo I think twice actually) and the one time he told someone the discs were worth more than they were, that was the moment yeah made him realize he didn’t like who he was becoming and he immediately backtracked and allowed the disc to be handed over. TL;DR he’s not selfish he’s just got a lot of strong attachments and his attachments are both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. And he’s a kid, he’s been though a lot of things, he’s got a lot of trauma he’s dealing
with and it’s not always pretty but he gets better, he has his arcs and he gets better and learns from some of his actions, and I think looking at him and his yk. Timeline and character development and arcs and his whole like mental deal and just general character choices are super interesting and I find it fun, as someone who enjoys character analysis, and all in all I love him I relate to him in some ways and some of it also might just be emotional attachment and bias towards him as Tommy being one of my comfort streamers
& it’s fully possible someone could have just as much of an argument for c!techno, my deal w looking at c!tommy making mistakes and c!techno making mistakes and being able to be an apologist for Tommy and not for techno is more about me understanding tommy’s character better and understand the reasoning and the why behind the things he says and does, vs. techno who i dont really get and i can’t be an apologist for him if I don’t understand anything hes doing or why he’s doing it and then seeing him over and over dismiss other peoples perspectives and never rlly reflecting on himself (not to say Tommy couldn’t use at least a little of that himself- I am Looking over at his relationship w Jack Manifold lol) can be kinda frustrating but as I said earlier that might just be me not knowing all the proper context
I could probably write more about Tommy especially when it comes to the whole technoblade vs Tommy thing but this post is already way longer than you probably ever wanted to read so I’ll stop now I’m sorry I’m just hyperfixated haha and yk if anyone wants to like add arguments or points or if you or someone rlly likes technoblade or dream or whoever and wants to talk to me about that go ahead I encourage that like I rlly enjoy having those conversations w ppl provided theyre civil abt it bc like we’ve all said a million times over before eveyone in the dsmp is an unreliable narrator and you’re just going to automatically have a bias towards a character if you watch their POV most and all that so. Yk I am a tommy apologist but I watch his streams most and I’m also just emotionally attached so anything I can say has to be taken w a grain of salt bcos I’m biased towards his character
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animatedrapture · 3 years
hey babe just a suggestion obviously but i think you should raise ur ko-fi goal to however high you really need it to be esp if you need a phone thats a bit more durable and will last longer because i find that a lot of ppl get discouraged to donate when they see it reach 100 already and its a waste cause you can get more help. it’s based on my personal experience but if you’ve alr really reached it then thats good! hehehe i hope u dont think im prying i just hope ppl can help you a bit more and u can be more comfortable for classes too not just for as friends :D
hii! yeah the goal just reached a 100 and im super super thankful because i didnt expect that id really be able to get help. i settled on a phone which im like, i was just thinking as long as i could make smaus out of it and write and other basic stuff yk and hope for the best cause it's sort of in the similar line up as my previous phone that got snuffed LMOFHSJDJD but also i wanted to be able to get back to continuing as friends as soon as possible so i was like, i should probably opt for a more inexpensive one with good enough specs so i can get it as soon as possible. so for the mean time, ill probably just take extra care of it after i do go buy it and hey, my ko-fi and my commissions is just there regardless of the goal if there's people who want to support me (because lmfao, it really took my phone to completely die out on me n still i couldnt expect my parents to be able to help me abt it cause yeah, financial stuff just in general has been hard. so yeah, all the help in this was heavily appreciated n im super grateful for) but yeah, thank you, i appreciate the sentiment hehe
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derekmorganscrocs · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x7 Thoughts While Watching
I’m gonna cut down on how much I actually because I’m starting to find myself not enjoying the show as much. ANYWAY here we go:
Yo what’s up with the intro-
Ooh investigator Nancy! Oh, investigator Nancy... organizing files. Yay. Hole punching...
CHRIST ODETTE WTF- George really said be gone thot! Nick is so concerned. AW BESS KNOWS NICKS COFFEE ORDER, BFFS! He knows, HE KNOWS!!
Nancy is like wtf are these girls doing here, how did they find me. She has disappointed big sister energy
The towels omg “it’s a little embarrassing.” Ace is so chill. AMANDA- HES so nervous omg wait. IS NANCY JEALOUS??? There’s no way ace isn’t crushing on Amanda omfg that was so cute he was so nervous awe
Nick and Ryan are hanging!!! Omg no they’re not they are not vibing rn. Ryan actually looking into the fam is lowkey impressive. Nick panicking rn “just trust me a little while longer pls” HIS VPICE THERE WOO
“It’s like downtown abbey” does this imply that ace watches that- ACE BABYSITTING!!! ACE IS BABYSITTING AYE DONT OFFEND MY MAN (lol baby white boy smile) “he watches downtown abbey” sent me
NOT THE NICK/GEORGE ARGUMENT “your eye bags could carry groceries” odette go away ma’am. Your time here is done bye bye
“Gimme a dollar, to engage my services” PSH PLS SUPPORTIVE BOYFRIENDS! Caryan vibez <3 (satire, I ship them as a joke, but they’re co-parenting for sure) (Ryan flipping through his wallet pls) MY MAN CARSON GOING FOR THE FITTYS “btw that’s why my father is so... messed up.” espionage ryan! NO HES SO CONCERNED FOR NANCY OK DADDY RYAN! WAIT THAT CAME OUT WRONG
george is the voice of reason here omg “ghosts can’t be your go to.” YES LOGIC! OH RICH GIRL BESS COME THRU!
Sleuth sisters are my dream crew
Ace is failing at babysitting. “Help me” NICK AND ACE BRO-PARENTING COLLEGE GIRLS OMFG
creepy mini elevator- dumb waiter my bad. My hero girls! Pls the basement is scary. Sleuth sisters! I’m calling them that now. BLOOD
SERIAL KILLER I TOLD YALL I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! A WHITE MAN, NO! (Y’all see what I did there, yk where that’s from) Jk but men are pretty scary sometimes-
GHOST SCAM! Genius dude. lol heyyy Amanda remember that time we saved you??? “A thief not a hacker” I KNKW A HACKER
“You don’t cook pancakes in the oven, who raised you-“ SMOKE ALARM! “ACE pls don’t go, pls” STOP THE BRO-PARENTING FAILURE PLS-
THATS GEORGE OMFG WHAT THE FUCK GIRL WHAT oh she’s gonna have to tell them abt odette
George has voodoo powers or something I swear. “You did an exorcism without me?” I LOVE BESS’ GREEN SHIRT ONG ITS SO CUTE. “Odette can you hear us!?”
“Before you can say jawline” BESS STOP WE DONT LIKE TAMARA OR HIS EXCELLENT JAWLINE! FRENCH ACCENT OK WHAT “no, Bess. That’s odette” sassy Nancy omg. Not the hellhounds- SHES A MURDERER
SMORT NANCY! GPS tracking. A bus station? AW BIG SIS NANCY! aw this poor girl, and Nancy relation y’all me too. pls Nancy sharing her tragic backstory. If we don’t get updates on this girl and Nancy and Jen being friends I’ll be sad.
“you ran back to daddy the first chance you got” NICK OK “some sob story about max the bully” nick pls- RYAN SOB STORY HAS ME SOBBING. No I cannot bond with him he’s a bad guy. BUT HE CARES ABOUT NANCY. NICK AND RYAN DUO IS GOOD!! MORE.
GEORGE CRYING ONG “he wakes up every night screaming. He has nightmares of me dying in his arms” STOP. Bess standing up to odette es my girl bess coming in clutch.
ACE CHECKING ON HIS COMPUTER PATIENT. “The flirting wasn’t a ruse” why did I say ow. Like actually I said ow. I knkw he’s fictional but my brain doesn’t seem to comprehend.
“He’s going to his bfs house!” When Ryan ditches nick, she thinks he’s going to ask Carson for help
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She almost burned her hand off in the hot air from a bag of popcorn, I can’t with this bish
“Oh is that spider woobs!”
“Y’all gonna die- George already died once like this week too-“
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here goes nothing ig...
So idk whos going to read this and my English is fucked so if youre gonna read this goodluck. BuT!!
Hi, how are you? ig that we havent seen eachother in a while and since then alot has changed. Now that i think about it i rlly wouldnt know what exactly, ive been so inactive on here that it seems like 4 years ago since i last posted. The reason i am posting this today is because i saw old chats on here and i read them and i got so miserable. Im not that person i was when i used this media platform and i shall never be again, and that scares the living hell out of me.
I saw all those chats eventually die off and the thing was, i dont think i even noticed, maybe not even cared. i was rlly weird but in that way also rlly strong. Maybe its just the one too many stabbies in the back or the 1 time too many that i felt excluded but idk if im still that strong.
Yes, I was a bitch. Do i regret it? to a certain level. but i now understand why i was the way i was and sometimes i still wanna be like that.
All i ever wanted was love and acceptance, once i didnt even feel happy in my own skin anymore i started to freak out. Lash out inside is fine with me, destroy your liver who cares? You can do with a few braincells less. Well i could until i couldnt. and then i got mad at everyone around me.
Im not going to say that i shouldnt have gotten so mad, but i will say that i shouldnt have gotten so sad. It wasnt necessarily directed to you but it did hurt so much and everything became too much and then i had enough.
Enough of everyone who judged me and enough of the people i called friends. But to them i will say, even tho you will never read this and maybe its better that way, im sorry i cared so much and im sorry it wasnt meant to be, but the only one i should say sorry to well that person, she is me. (hihi i rhyme)
Yk, the only thing i ever asked for was acceptance and thats the one thing i never got. ive been my share of bitchy and mean and stupid and dumb tho, i wouldnt have wanted to hang out with me either, atleast something we agreed on. But hating myself and hearing it from the only person you wanted understanding from, well that sUcks. But now i think abt it im even a little bit thankful.
Yes you were all so harsh in your own way and i tried so hard to fit in, but i tried too much and if everything wouldnt have gone the way it went, and if i never dug myself so deep i never wouldve gotten myself out of there. Out of the brainkillers, moodswings but most importantly, out of that band.
It was the one thing i loved most, and the only thing that killed me inside. Im going to admit i am insecure, not abt my body or face or hair or any of that. Im insecure about belonging. Do i fit in? and i didnt and i told myself i did. In just a few months i started hating what i loved most.
And if i hadnt been so down i wouldnt have ever seen how much i actually love him. And if i hadnt seen that and never figured i can live my life the way i want to, i wouldve never quit that band and wouldve stayed with those people alot longer.
if the odds are against me and you actually do read this on my very open social media page i dont blame you, maybe just get really embarrassed. but ill just let you know i never replaced you, once i realised i couldnt live my life with you in it, i never wanted to know anyone that even resembled you. and that thought gave me more peace of mind then any of the past 2 years ever gave me.
yes this is a very big rant about how i struggle with change and yes i know ill cringe about it in a few weeks months years whatever, but i do this for me, read it or dont. but if you did and youre reading this right now, whoever you are, i wanna ask you.
Are you happy?
because i wasnt, even when i thought i was, and maybe i just wanna give you my word of advice but dont go looking for something youll never find. itll save you alot of time and energy and trust me, youll need it.
so i think i finished up here. thank you for reading this although you really didnt have to.
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diamondnokouzai · 4 years
talking abt the visual novel characters under the cut <3
mayhart player character. red-haired human commoner, youngest child of her family, last child born of her mother before mother died and father remarried. shorter than average (5′2″ as female, 5′5″ as male) named mayhart because she was born on the fourth of may. wild & uncontrollable, bearing a rage that she herself doesn’t even understand. grew up a commoner alongside her childhood friend yerick. widely rumored in town to be a changeling- she doesn’t act the way a normal human should, never knowing when to leave well enough alone or how to calm down and settle for her lot in life (the number of times when she, accompanied with yerick, has been chased back to town by some beast she provoked in the woods is uncountable). was recently conscripted into the army and adopted by the duchess koballe after her latent magic appeared. one of very few people who can use offensive magic and not purely reconnaissance/traveling magic. finally has an outlet for her rage, and somewhat hates the things she does. wears standard military uniform but badly- doesnt entirely understand how all the straps & bindings work and will not learn :) as the player character, she can be male or female. as a male, his rage turns inward, and as a result he is less open with his own emotions and keeps all his feelings hidden within himself. openly contemptuous of the war, but far more polite than his female counterpart. neither version holds any respect for anyone who hurts the weak. neither can hold their liquor either. 21 in human years
demavieve eldest princess of the draconic realm- as such, the future sovereign. the draconic realm is the only country allied with perine in this war which makes several people very nervous (its like if the us allied with luxembourg in a war against belgium france germany & the uk excep the us was the only country with nukes). demavieve has a very strong sense of honor though so constrains herself to a human form along with swordplay. this is less dangerous than it seems because if demavieves human form dies then she just turns back into her draconic form. her human form also has red hair, but its far more tameable than mayhart’s. she wears it tied back in a ponytail in general. she wears a perine knight’s uniform with vestments from the draconic realm to signify that she is (a) a foreign-lent soldier and (b) a commander. her human form is muscular and about 6′6″. hot and well aware of it.arrogant but also very friendly about it- ‘you love me? haha, of course you are! you seem great too!’. kind of sees this whole thing as a game- dragons live a lot longer than humans, and something like this is just a blip on her radar. very low empathy until someone she cares about is hurt at which point everything goes out the window (and she cares about pretty much all the perine soldiers- not in a very respectful way, but she loves them all and she goes apeshit sometimes). very friendly with serenina. can absolutely hold her liquor. only romanceable as f!mayhart. 23 in human years, ~150 in real time.
serenina the only princess of the former emperor and empress. i spoke about her in more detail in another post so this is gonna mostly be glossed over. wears her hair in afropuffs cause she does her own hair and shes proud of it. temporal (reconnaissance) magic. desperate to please. legally only friends with demavieve, although also friendly with yerick. about 5′0″ although she desperately wants to grow taller (unlikely). her eyes look like theyre black but if you look closely (which she probably wont let you do) theyre actually purple/indigo. is completely out of touch with the rest of the world because shes a princess but she is also very sincere and tries her best to be helpful when she can. very expressionless and sensible. not very well-liked as the former princess of the warmongering emperor and empress. actually very touch starved. does not wear standard military uniform outside of mage’s robes, which she wears over tea dresses (which is another reason some soldiers dislike her) is kept away from alcohol as much as grayson can and as such will get drunk off half a cup of wine. sleepy drunk. 18 in human years.
grayson the bastard son of the former emperor, sereninas older half-brother. grew up as a commoner in the same area as serenina & yerick until he was brought into the royal castle at age 9. fiercely protective of serenina. faux affable- you know the ‘expressionless smile’ princes from otome games/manga always have? thats graysons face pretty much always. legally not eligible to the crown (due to some religious issues with committing patricide & stepmatricide) but like. like hes already doing everything? yk how it is. highest commander of his troops attempting to broker peace with the other countries perine was at war with (most noticeably alloue, nawolem, & farik in order to attack caledonia, which was the puppeteer behind the former reign) but is not above underhanded methods/tactics including attacking noncombatant targets (they dont even have geneva). very intelligent & very calculating- consistently calculates highest reward/lowest risk maneuvers and has them executed flawlessly. his own cunning scares him on occasion, but he mostly locks that away- theres no time for those kinds of feelings in war. a foil to f!mayhart- she is wild, he is restrained; she shows her true feelings regardless, he always acts at a happy neutral; mayhart confronts her uncomfortable feelings, grayson hides them from everyone. about 5′11″, has long dreads that he keeps tied back. dressed in perfect military regalia, including commander’s cape & military crown (basically just a circlet). also cant hold his liquor- hes nearly as bad as serenina. 25 in human years.
izyn the son of count dau claire, the only noble house in perine that has been loyal to grayson since before the deaths of the former emperor and empress. very quiet because he has social anxiety. completely brainless. very friendly but his height (6′4″) and imposing aura (he gets nervous) means that the only people who can easily communicate with him are yerick and grayson. black hair, cropped short, and green eyes. skilled swordsman, mid-commander. will get trapped in an unwinnable situation which yerick needs to save him from. wears his military uniform right but...........not really? he wears the base uniform right but always forgets his commander’s cape. has a dedicated fanbase that came about when he did his training shirtless. literally doesnt think that any of his problems are that deep (honestly doesnt think anything is that deep). suffice to say, theres a reason why count dau claire never shows up and doesnt seem to be involved in any of the decision making of the count’s matters. very protective of yerick (younger brother). is the most visibly affected by the war- as the one who is usually in the center of the violence and doesnt have a survival cheat like demavieve, he has pretty bad ptsd which coupled with his anxiety issues make him a hot mess. his hobbies include hiding in dark rooms that have been reinforced to the point where literally only yerick can get in. despite his size he gets drunk very easily- not as bad as grayson & serenina, but 1-2 mugs of beer puts him out. 26 in human years. only romanceable as m!mayhart
yerick adopted son of count dau clarie. childhood friend of mayhart. born an orphan, an old woman took care of him til he was 4 and she died. stuck around mayharts town cause their family would give him food whenever he stopped by. still ended up fairly malnourished. small but vicious- hes screamed at mayhart lots of times for the stupid shit they would get him into and is not afraid to smack some sense into them. however he is not a good fighter because hes physically very weak- most of his energy in developing went to his magical capabilities, which came to fruition when he was 6. about a year after that (with a great deal more shunning from the townsfolk besides mayhart), he was adopted by count dau claire. was sealed with a subordination seal (used in order to ensure compliance with reasonable requests as long as a reasonable argument is made) for a year to ensure that he wouldnt run away. izyn liked him right away, but it took about 18 months for yerick to not be completely vicious whenever he was approached. as of the modern day of the vn, yerick is as protective over izyn as izyn is him- yerick has seen some of the worst of the world, and in his opinion izyn has not (this is despite the fact that izyn helped overthrow the royal family at age 15 but in fairness to him izyn told yerick none of this) so he wants to make sure his big brother stays happy. yerick holds absolutely no loyalty towards count dau claire or even to grayson- he is loyal to his own needs first, with a decent second being izyn and an even further distant third being mayhart & their family. very prickly & well acquainted with the fact that most people are inherently selfish and would turn away from an orphan on the streets. abandonment issues. his spatial magic is mostly used on rescue ops (mostly mostly getting izyn out of situations where hes surrounded by enemy soldiers but this extends to other perine soldiers). wears his uniform properly, including mage’s robes & commander’s cape over the standard perine uniform. hates to ever appear weak ever, so when he has to go to the medical tent izyn has to either force him there or pretend to be tsundere and throw bandages at him. izyn desperately wants to dote on him but that is one of yericks Hard Boundaries. theres like ONE time when yerick falls asleep because of arcane overexertion and izyn piggybacks him back to camp and yerick acts like its the most shameful secret in the world. foil to m!mayhart- very open with his anger & feelings and shows when he is angry and accepts that part of himself, open with his loyalties and doesnt give a fuck about it, doesnt like the war but does respect it. despite his size, it takes easily 3 barrels of alcohol to even get him tipsy, izyns lack of alcohol tolerance pisses him off cause he has to walk him back to his tent. 5′4″ and wants to grow taller but has accepted his fate. 19 in human years.
eliya legally not a combatant. former princess of caledonia, was discovered at 12 to hold the power of the divine will and so was sent away from her mother and father (who she perceived as loving) to be raised within the church as a holy sacrifice (those who hold the power of the divine will release a huge psychic shockwave when theyre killed, so she was basically raised to be a holy tyke bomb). has a lot of religious obsession, prays 3x a day and has been brainwashed into believing in the power of holy judgement- essentially, her church handler (aka the deacon of the church where she was raised) has raised her to believe that if she commits a sin she’ll be killed so she has a LOT of anxiety over doing the right thing.at the same time shes been brainwashed into believing that doing anything in the service of the throne of caledonia is morally & theologically correct. shes also had occasional contact with her parents (like a yearly dinner or smth) and so still has a lot of loyalty to them due to how they manipulated her and her relationship with her little siblings (7 yrs younger x 2, 2 yrs younger, 13 yrs younger). completely devoted to her church, would gladly martyr herself for them (however this wouldnt trigger the shockwave needed by the army). is loyal to her parents, the deacon, and then the church. is captured by the perine army after a raid on a noncombatant area and spends a lot of time figuring herself out. foil to serenina (esp in terms of loyalty & parents/siblings, emotions (eliya has a lot of them and shows them, serenina is the opposite), their royal treatment, their relationship with trust (serenina doesnt, eliya does and worringly easily). long golden hair, light blue eyes. wears neither a military uniform nor a priests’ uniform, instead wears a one-piece white ‘dress’ (really more a tunic/oversized shirt) & is barefoot. desperate for attention, praise, love, etc. widely disliked due to her POW status but she really thinks shes making all these friends. has quite literally not been able to make her own choices since she was 12 years old. above average alcohol tolerance but nowhere near yerick. 19 in human years.
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maladaptah · 3 years
Im so close to being done w this random deer…… :D……. Like done in one day level of ready! Which makes me super happy cause i now know it’s possible for me to be able to make art good enough to post much faster and Ok so I know I said I was going to finish that orange dog and I did think about and plan to I just woke up this morning and wanted to like practice with something quick as a warm up because I know from experience that I do my best work when I’m just coming down from the high of a quick mindless drawing that actually ended up turning out really cute, like I just knew that it would give me heaps of art energy. So to start the day off on the right foot you know- I was like oh I just need to crank soemthing out that’s easy and cute and I really REALLY liked that monkey I posted a couple of days ago which was exactly what I needed… an accidental warm up that turned out cute and took under 30mins …. So I thought id do something similar today! The monkey was basically just sketching over a random thumbnail concept painting of a design I didn’t care abt and haphazardly coloring it so I went and found another shitty concept painting of something to line over
Butttttt what was originally supposed to be a simple cleanup of an existing meh design turned into a - oh I’ll just slightly- update the color pallete a little bit and then just some small slight little changes to the silhouette and then before I knew it I was on yet another Pinterest image collecting tangent completely revamping the entire design and relearning how to draw a new species….. just….yeah… basically I chewed through all my best working hours today so i only have a good 2hrs left of drawing energy before I start becoming too tired to make good art but too unwilling to go yet another day without finishing that FAKCING orange dog so I stress stay up and tell myself I’ll have a short break to unwind and then the short break becomes a fixation on some new tv series or YouTube genre and I watch videos for 10hrs and then it’s the next day and I’ve been awake for 25hrs and no longer live in my countries Timezone and then oh it’s okay I’ll just pull an all nighter to remix it so I try to stay up the entire day as well but I get tired at the 30hr mark and fall asleep at an even more awkward time and then I remember just as I’m drifting off that oh shit my aunties coming over so I stress half awake half asleep nap for 2hrs where I stress wake up every 10 minutes ruining my rem because I think every little noise is my auntie at the door. And then it’s day 365 of not finishing that orange dog and being awake 20hrs and just ….. wish I had adhd medication or like cognitive therapy or somehting…my sleep health has been fucked my whole life like… doesn’t that shit shave years off ur life… and like gives u pimples and like this FUCKINF orange dog
But yah anyways I’m nearly done w this random deer woohooooooo😆😆😆😆 it’s gna be dressed like 70s Austin power flamboyant he/him kinda vibes! I cbf cleaning up the clothed version rn cos Ik that will shave another 10 years off of my life span so its just like normal water deer coloring dont have ur hopes too high oh and….. I’m not like 100% in love with the fur patterning but yk it was SUPPOSED to be something easy and I need to just let it be and I already decided the jacket and glasses save it okay just trust me….. like it’s cute w clothes …… I promise …. it really solves the color blocking issues and like most furries are clothed anyway?? Right so it doesn’t matter and it was supposed to be easy and ugly not my magnum opus and the coloring and anatomy isn’t too bad so it’s fine and like and and such as and therefore !!!!!!
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