#the maze runner crank
chai-law · 6 months
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Love joining dead fandoms and throwing art into the void
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itsthemxze · 3 months
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He’s just doing his best
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catoslvt · 30 days
Newt (TMR) x Reader
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you confess to Newt as he's a crank.
this is probably gonna be very quick.
As Newt jumps on me, sending me spiralling backwards into the floor, I look over at Thomas, who is standing clueless
"Go get the cure! I can handle him!" I scream, Thomas gives me a concerned look before running off anyway.
My attention is suddenly grabbed again by Newt, who now has a knife. Where did he get it from? I've got no clue, but all that matters is getting it out of his hands.
"I don't want to hurt you." Newt snaps, his tone certainly sounding like someone who wants to hurt me.
"You don't need to, please." I beg, but his eyes have faded over again, and he lowers the knife to hover above where my heart is, but I quickly knock the knife from his grip, and it moves far away on the concrete meaning I'm now gonna need to fight Newt with my hands.
"Keep talking!" Newt screams, his eyes flashing only a slight bit of normality before the flare comes back over him, and he's trying to hit me, so I do what he told me to do, talk.
"I've been in love with you since the scorch trials." I say as my hand connects with his jaw, and he stumbles off me, allowing me to stand up, and as I look at Newt, I realise he landed beside the knife.
"What?" He chokes, and I nod tears at the brims of my eyes.
"When Aris led me to your rooms from the vents, I was terrified to meet you, but somehow, I managed to persuade you to leave WICKED and I fell inlove with you almost straight away, I've never looked back. I've never wanted any other boy the way I want you." I continue to talk as a few tears fall from my eyes, and Newt now stands up with the knife, his step staggering as he approaches me, but I suddenly see Thomas, Frypan, Minho and Gallys shadows about to turn round our corner, so I take a few footsteps towards Newt as he stands and stares, either fighting the flare really well or it's about to take over for good.
as I step closer, Newt opens his arms for a hug, and I can't help but do it, crank or not. I just confessed my love for him.
as he wraps my arms around my waist, I momentarily forget he has the knife until it gets plunged into my lower stomach before pulling out, and I step away with my mouth hanging open, clutching the knives enterance wound as blood pours from it.
"y/n!" I hear frypan scream, but it's too late, I've passed out.
I wake up in a small hut with a curtain as a door confused, where the fuck am I?
I quickly go to sit up, but I let out a huge groan as a pain shoots from my lower stomach, so I decide to take it slower and once I'm sitting up, I kick my legs off the bed and stand up, grabbing onto the wall for support before I slowly make my way out the room.
Okay, where the actual fuck am I.
there's tons of people here, mainly people my age or younger who are all walking around, there's huts, there's hammocks and there's even Gardens.
Gardens. Newt.
the thought of his name brings a huge pain towards my stomach, and I groan and almost double over, but Aris sees me and rushes over.
"You're up!?" He exclaims and I nod confused.
"Where are we?" I ask, my throat suddenly feeling incredibly dry as though those three words took away all my willpower.
"The safe haven, a real one this time." He answers, gently grabbing my wrist as he begins to steer me to what seems like a kitchen, and when we walk in, frypan is cooking up dishes.
"Morning shuckface." He says with a small smile as he raises his eyes momentarily to fall onto me.
"How long have I been out for?" I ask and both Aris and Frypan shrug.
"A week or so? Newt got banned from your hut because he was constantly in there speaking to you, Vince thought he was gonna wake you up." Frypan answers, and my eyes almost bulge out my head
"Newt?" I gasp, and they both nod, confused.
"After you passed out, Thomas managed to give him the cure. It worked quite quickly, except there's still dark veins in places." Aris tells me before pointing over at Frypan.
"Can y/n get some water and a sandwich or something?" Aris asks, and Frypan nods, turning around and rummaging around in his make shift kitchen.
I sit alone at the edge of the beach, eating my sandwich and ever so often taking a few sips of water.
"How was the sleep?" The all too familiar voice of Newt asks with a slight laugh as he sits down beside me, but I don't turn to look at him, because the last time I saw him I confessed to him only to get a knife plunged into my stomach.
"Fine." I respond and listen, I'm not too pissed about the knife thing, I'm just scared in case he can remember what I told him.
"Nobody ever told me that turning into a Crank means getting memories back." He sighs, and I turn to look at him, Frypan was right, there is still some dark veins, but it's better than what he looked like as a crank.
"All of them?" I ask, and he nods.
"I remembered Sonya from your maze is my little sister, only her name was Elizabeth back then." He first of all starts, and I gasp slightly.
"I remember every shank from my Glade before we got sent up." He begins listing little things that must mean a lot to remember.
"I remember you." He then states, and I gasp a bit.
"we would've been held separately. How can you remember me?" I ask.
"Minho, Alby, Thomas, Teresa, and I used to all sneak into a maintenance closet somewhere in the WICKED building. One day, we walked in, and there you were, as innocent as ever eating a chocolate bar." Newt tells me and we both laugh slightly.
"From that day forward, you joined us every night in the closet, and I knew from the very first moment I saw you that I'd do whatever I could to protect you." He goes onto say before frowning.
"But I couldn't. You told me you loved me, and i stabbed you." He mutters, and my eyes widen.
for fuck sake did he need to keep those memories?
"we don't need to talk about that Newt, you got the cure, and you're fine, and my stomach is healing. It wasn't your fault." I say as I reach one of my hands over and grab his hand with mine giving it a small squeeze which he returns.
"I tried so hard to fight the flare, even momentarily to tell you that I love you too, tell you that from that closet I knew it was always gonna be you." He tells me, and I look into his eyes, really confused, what did he just say.
he loves me too?
he's joking.
he has to be.
maybe he still has the flare.
"What?" I finally ask, and he nods.
"I love you y/n, I always have." He states, and I smile widely.
"I love you too!" I exclaim, and he kisses me, being gentle with the movements to not hurt my stomach.
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kurohe · 5 days
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that one crank palace scene
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acouchpotato2012 · 1 month
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“a knife he’d stolen from thomas to remember him by.”
Commission by Gạc Nai on Facebook⭕️ DO NOT REPOST ⭕️
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pensymbols · 2 years
how are we gonna gloss over the fact newt referred to thomas AND minho as his hearts. his everythings. like what
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that-girl-glader · 2 months
TMR Book vs Movie shock
As a book maze runner fan who only read the books. I will admit I was a bit shocked watching The Scorch Trials today. Like don't get me wrong it's not a bad movie. It's just different. Like it made me question if I even read the books, lol. Like I was so confuzzled when Brenda wasn't immune and how Winston died, and by all the changes made in that movie. And not gonna lie, I'm one of those people who get a bit mad when movies don't match up at least mainly like the books, but ngl I was kinda hooked. It feels like re-experiencing the maze runner.
But trust me if you've only watched the movies..read the books because there are many things the movies did not capture. And even though the main thing, a group of kids trynna escape wicked, happens. And even though some of the main parts of the characters happen. It feels like the two are somehow different. Like they go about it in different ways. And it's so cool because it shows that...sometimes it's like other dimensions. Like what could happen in another universe with the same shit, but done differently. Like the Spiderman movies. How it's all the same characters just different plot same story. It's kinda cool tbh.
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gladerscake · 1 month
i'm sorry but i find this absolutely hysterical and i have to share you know walton goggins?
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no? how about now
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yeah, so he plays lawrence in tdc and i'm dying because i just found out he also plays the ghoul in the new fallout show i present to you, the ghoul
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apparently the hollywood casting directors have collectively decided that this poor man is better off not having a nose on screen. ever.
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scorchedmazes · 2 months
friendly reminder that in the crank palace novella, newt says that thomas and minho were his everything.
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lierenprotectionsquad · 4 months
If you want to read the Maze Runner books, but the size of the universe is intimidating, here’s my recommendation.
Obviously, you’d need the main trilogy, The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure. But after that is where it gets optional and interesting.
The Kill Order is the origin of WICKED and the flare, and is very good for anyone who wants more exposition and world-building. As well as a deeper look into Teresa and her motivations.
The Fever Code is the origin of the maze and the gladers. It’s very bts-heavy, and dives deep into Thomas’ motivations, as well as his relationships, not only with his friends, but the people in charge as well. It’s also where you want to go if you want more backstory on Newt, both his life before WICKED and during. Also if you just wanna see Newt living rent free in Thomas’ head for three hundred-something pages.
Crank Palace is for us mentally ill Newt-girlies (gender neutral) who just want to see him happy and loved, and is somehow naive enough to think we’ll get the former in this novella.
The sequel series is also heavy on what was going on behind the scenes for Newt, but it’s a whole other commitment, especially since it’s an ongoing series. I’d mostly recommend it if you read everything else and miss the universe and want to go back. I will say, tho, Crank Palace is imperative to these two books.
There’s also the short e-book, The Maze Runner Files, which contains some exposition, and some short stories about Thomas, Minho and Frypan.
Now, everything I listed that isn’t the main trilogy is a fully optional read, they are not necessary. However! I will list the entire series, both in chronological order and my recommended first-time-reading order, in case anyone else might want to try all of it.
So the chronological order goes as follows:
The Kill Order, The Fever Code, The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Maze Runner Files, Crank Palace, The Maze Cutter, The Godhead Complex
And for my recommended reading order for first time readers:
The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Kill Order, The Fever Code, The Maze Runner Files, Crank Palace, The Maze Cutter, The Godhead Complex
The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure are must-reads
The Kill Order is for world building and Teresa
The Fever Code is for maze building, Thomas and Newt
The Maze Runner Files is an add-on that is wholly unnecessary for understanding the context of any of the books, but is just kinda fun
Crank Palace is for Newt and being very very depressed
The Maze Cutter and The Godhead Complex is for continuing in the universe, longing for Newt and depression
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If I had a nickel for every time Walt Goggins played a morally grey mutant with no nose…
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unrealisticallyyours · 5 months
hi it's yours truly again just thinking about newt getting stressed about something while thomas wanders in like the little lost puppy he is and newt just sighs and smiles at him in tired relief
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ohbluesky · 1 year
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“Get it?” the man said, his snarl trying to morph into a grin.
this was either the most iconic or the most absurd shit i ever read so i had no choice but to draw it
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stupidforyouuu · 20 days
If I had a Nickel for every time Walton Goggins has played the "zombie equivalent" of a World/Franchise/Lore, while not being in possession of a full Nose..
I had two Nickels. What isn't alot... But it's weird it happened twice.
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Welcome to TMR
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