#oh newtmas how i love you
unrealisticallyyours · 9 months
hi it's yours truly again just thinking about newt getting stressed about something while thomas wanders in like the little lost puppy he is and newt just sighs and smiles at him in tired relief
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zer0brainc3lls · 1 month
Newtmas headcanons perhaps?
Ik my requests are closed but I got this awhile ago and I just decided screw it and ima answer it (sorry I’m so late) but srsly my requests are closed ☹️ also this post is RIDICULOUSLY LONG. BE WARNED.
- when they were in the scorch newt struggled with all the walking and running because of his leg, Thomas would call for breaks saying he’s tired when really he’s fine and just noticed Newt was having a hard time
- Thomas has leg strength, Newt has arm strength
- they silently communicate ALL the time, glances, body language etc. they don’t need to be vocal to know what the other wants to say and it’s extremely annoying for everyone around them 😭 example:
Jorge: *proposes plan*
Thomas: *looks at newt*
Newt: *looks at Thomas*
Jorge: what are you two doing?!
Thomas: yeah ok we’re in
Jorge: what do you mean we? Newt can speak for himself-
Newt: no I’m in?
Thomas: yeah Jorge he’s in what are you talking about?
Jorge: what are YOU talking about??
- Thomas loves to read, Newt loves to write. Newt rarely writes anything fictional, often only writing about his day but likes writing poetry and Thomas loves reading Newts poetry ☹️
- when Newt got the flare Thomas wrote down any symptoms he knew about it and asked Brenda about it as well, even taking posters that were hung up for his own reference.
- when Newt got the flare he would sometimes try to start arguments over petty things that didn’t matter, not realising his anger wasn’t his own and Thomas would just look at him with a sad smile :( example:
Newt: your a bloody idiot sometimes you know that?! WHY would you-
Thomas: *looks away*
Newt: … sorry, I didn’t mean-
Thomas: I know. it’s okay, it’s not your fault.
- Thomas often looks for pain medication on supply runs for Newts leg, he tells Newt he just found it when really he spent ages searching for it
- sometimes leading the group is a lot for Thomas, he turns to Newt to make decisions sometimes. Newt gives suggestions on what to do and how to say it since he was second in command for so long and saw how alby ran the show.
- Thomas LOVES Newts hair, any chance he gets he’s constantly touching it, burying his face in his hair, if it got kinda long he would plait small bits of it.
- despite Thomas’s leg strength he’s a TERRIBLE swimmer, never learnt how. Newt however? Despite he’s leg he’s surprisingly good, he learnt in the lake at the glade and when they got to the safe haven he INSISTED that Thomas had to learn, for his safety of course. (He really just wanted to see Thomas in board shorts but he never told him that)
- Thomas is an absolute SUCKER for Newts freckles/moles, in the glade Newt wore lots of tank tops and shorts since he was out in the sun all day gardening so he developed large freckles and moles alllll over his body and Thomas CANNOT get enough!!! Thomas kisses them all the time and Newt pretends to be annoyed (but he secretly loves it)
- how they got together was a whole gay mess 😭 example:
Newt: *staring longingly as per usual*
Thomas: *catches him and stares back*
Thomas: uhh-
Newt: *kisses him*
Newt: so uhm.. are we-?
- they aren’t super massive on nicknames, but they have a few!!
Newt: Tommy, my love (if they are alone), love
Thomas: babe, honey (if they are alone), hun
- they both love their slight height difference, TO THEM ITS NOT SLIGHT OK!!
- in the scorch (after they got together but they hadn’t told anyone yet) they held hands. All. The. Time. If they were outside in the and Thomas would say “I’m just helping Newt through the sand” and if they were inside Newt would say “Tommy here is just helping me with my bum leg, isn’t that right Tommy?” (Everyone knew but said nothing, they thought they were soooo sneaky)
- before they got together they would insult eachother (never going over the line of course) ALL THE TIME. Like playfully, example:
Newt: your a shuckfaced idiot y’know that Tommy?
Thomas: oh really? Well you’re a hotheaded shank!
Newt: me?! Hotheaded?! Oh please- we both know who’s the hotheaded one!
Thomas: I hate you so so much
Newt: I hate you more!
Brenda: do you two need a minute or..?
- I have said this once but I’ll say it again, Thomas is so atrociously down bad for Newts accent. Like DOWN. BAD. Newt is unaware of this because Thomas has made it his own personal mission to hide it but Minho knows and uses it against him all the time 😭 example:
Thomas: NO. I WONT DO IT.
Minho: I’ll tell Newt.
Thomas: … wait no-
Newt *walks over : tell me what?
Newt: … ok then… bye love :) *walks off*
Thomas: *red in the face* … fine.
- another thing similar to this, Thomas blushes super easily but Newt has no clue for awhile and thinks he just has naturally rosy cheeks, Minho ofc exposes him example:
Minho: Thomas doesn’t have rosy cheeks
Newt: what? Yes he does? *holds Thomas’s face to show Minho, totally oblivious* see! Right there!
Thomas: *mouthing to Minho* Don’t. You. Dare.
Minho: *LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF* Newt.. take your hands off his face and look again!
Newt: *takes his hands off Thomas face and watches as his face goes back to normal* … *LAUGHS WITH MINHO*
- Newt is obsessed with Thomas’s hands, his hands are almost to big for him and don’t fit his proportions but are scar free and much softer then Newts, Newts hands are the right size but covered in scars and calluses and Newt constantly traces along Thomas’s knuckles, palms, fingers you name it. Soft hands are a rarity in the glade and the scorch. Newt tells him how nice his hands are constantly 😭
- Newt is very confident, and is the more flirty one and is a lot more sarcastic Thomas however is a fucking sap but SOMETIMES he matches Newts flirting and Newt is just stunned to silence
- if Newt got the cure he would’ve gained some of his memory’s back, and Thomas still has some of his memory’s from the changing so they piece together story’s that are incomplete in each others heads :) they write it all down in the unlikely case of them forgetting
- picnic FANATICS. Picnics to them is serious business in the safe haven to them and they do NOT PLAY. They have multiple blankets they bought/made made, baskets, they reserve afternoons/early mornings to have them and secret spots they go to
- Newt hates sleeping in a room alone. Absolutely hates it. Like his whole life he’s always slept near another person: in the bunker as a toddler to young child, the massive shared room while with wicked, everyone sleeping close by in the glade etc. so when they made it to the safe haven and he had the option of privacy he was STUNNED. Thomas let Newt share a hut with him and they have lived together ever since
- When Newt got the flare Thomas never changed how he treated him, everyone else got sorta wary but Thomas never doubted his abilities or judgment. Never.
- when Minho was taken Newt and Thomas clung to each other for support, Newt lost his best friend and Thomas learning how to lead on his own and also losing a friend. They’re bond became unbreakable and they learnt to depend and trust each other
- Newt trusts Thomas but as we all know he jumps into plans or ideas with little to no direction and Newt will sometimes have to make Thomas take a step back and think about what they are doing 😭
- as the months went on Thomas got more and more stressed about finding Minho, feeling that it was his responsibility to find him. Often pulling all nighters or not sleeping for days without even realising, example:
Thomas: *in the map room muttering to himself, deep purple eye bags from not sleeping for almost 2 days*
Newt: *walks in* hey Tommy.. do you know what time it is?
Thomas: uhm.. *doesnt answer and continues to do whatever he’s doing on accident*
Newt: What day is it.
Thomas: uhhh Monday? *turns to face Newt wobbly* why are you up so late? Its 1am?
Newt: Tommy it’s Wednesday, and it’s 4am. Come to bed, now.
Thomas: *stunned for a second before turning away* I’ll be there in a minute babe I just need to-
Newt: Thomas. Now. *pulls him out of the map room and forces him to sleep*
- Thomas is Newts human calculator, any math problem ever Newt will just go “hey tommy what’s ——?” And Thomas will answer without hesitation because he’s just used to it by now, Newt could absolutely do it if he paused and took a second but Thomas doesn’t need to pause or think about it he just answers 😭 it’s effortless for him
- Thomas is the worlds biggest book worm, in the glade they didn’t have many books and in the scorch books were a rare find but in the safe haven they had a bit of selection and he was ECSTATIC. Newt got him a bunch of books one time and a week later he had finished most of them
- Newt is super flexible, Thomas forgets this a lot until Newt can fit himself into tight spaces with ease meanwhile Thomas is in no way flexible and Newt also forgets this so Newt will go into a vent or something with no effort meanwhile Thomas is STRUGGLING
- Thomas and newt get into petty arguments (they aren’t actually fighting) on how to say things/spell things 😭 example:
Newt: it’s COLOUR. C O L O U R.
Thomas: ITS COLOR?!
Newt: says the boy that spells mum as m o m
- if they are ever going up onto high places, Thomas always gives Newt a boost and then Newt will pull Thomas up
- Newt makes fires, Thomas gathers the wood and stuff to start it
- Thomas covers for Newt all the time, often forgetting to cover himself and the only reason why he hasn’t gotten hurt is because Newt does exactly the same thing for Thomas
- don’t get me wrong, they are both extremely strong and capable alone but TOGETHER?! ABSOLUTE UNIT. They know each others fighting styles, weaknesses, preferred weapons and where they keep they’re back ups 😭 they both steal eachother back up knives all the time
- they share most of they’re weapons but Thomas never takes Newts machete, it’s from the glade and very important to him and he keeps it on top shape and doesn’t like other people using it
- they aren’t huge on PDA but they 100% gravitate towards each other subconsciously, walking next to each other and holding hands, sitting next to each other, falling asleep on shoulders/laps etc they are almost always within ear shot of each other to the put of people asking one of them “where Thomas/Newt?” Instead of just trying to find them themselves because there’s a HIGH chance they both know where the other is example:
Jorge: Thomas do you know where-
Thomas: he’s getting food from frypan why?
Newt: *walks back over with two plates of food and passes a plate to Thomas* hey Jorge you need me?
- Newt loves giving words of affirmation, loves receiving physical touch, Thomas loves giving physical touch, loves receiving words of affirmation
- Thomas 100% opens and closes doors for Newt, and holds his hand getting out of cars :3 at first it was a joke and sorta teasing but it became a habit over time
- Newts the type of guy to sit as close as humanly possible to Thomas, if they’re with close friends their legs will literally be squished together and Newt will be holding his hand, god forbid they are alone 😭 legs fully draped across Thomas’s lap, tracing lines across Thomas’s palms while absolutely YAPPING. Thomas is just staring at him with big heart eyes going “uh huh” “yeah”
Anyways I hope you enjoyed my yap session
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ivys-cafe · 1 year
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📠 don't go dark
pairings: newt x thomas, female!reader is only mentioned
summary: newt finds it hard to cope after the group got separated with y/n. thomas helps him find hope.
timeline: wckd lab during scorch trials
genre: angst, hurt, comfort
warnings: established relationship, mentions of pregnancy, devastated newt
author's note 🧇
i've always imagined what it would be like if my oc got separated from the group. also i made y/n pregnant here. sorry if anyone is finding difficulty relating to that. it's just i've wrote a whole story before about my oc, and in my version the oc is pregnant with newt's baby in the glades. but i hope it doesn't take anything away from this scenario. i really want to highlight newtmas' friendship and all of its fluffiness. if you have any feedback, you can message me or write something on my ask. i would appreciate it very much.
-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-
Newt slumped down onto the cold metal floor, his head buried in his hands. He feel his heart beating erratically in his chest. How could they be in the safe hands of WCKD, while the love of his life was still out there? Was she alone, scared, and in pain? He could hardly bear the thought.
He thought of you, your stubbornness and unyielding nature. He knew that you had made the decision to stay behind in the maze, not wanting to abandon your best friend Gally, but he couldn't help but regret not forcing you to go. He should have gone back for you, he should have done something.
But now, it was too late. He was stuck in the hands of WCKD, with no way of knowing whether y/n was even alive. The uncertainty was tearing him apart from the inside out, his mind racing with all the possibilities of what could be happening to you.
Were you in danger? Were you being hurt? The thought of you suffering alone, with no one to turn to, made his chest ache with a pain he had never felt before. Newt's anxiety spike, his thoughts are driving him insane. He knew he had to find a way to get you back, but he didn't know how.
Thomas sat down next to him, looking just as exhausted and defeated. "You okay, man?" he asked, trying to break the silence.
Newt scoffed bitterly. "How do you think I'm holding up?" he snapped. "I don't even know if she's alive or dead, and we're stuck in this damn place."
Thomas placed a hand on Newt's shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. "Maybe she's out there. We'll find her, Newt."
Newt jerked his shoulder away from Thomas' touch. "Oh, of course. How could I be so foolish? We'll just stroll out of here, past the guards and their guns, and find y/n wandering around outside the building. Simple as that." He shook his head, fear latched onto his trembling voice. "Face it, Tommy. We're trapped here. And we don't even know if y/n's alive or dead."
"Y/n's smart," Thomas stated with conviction. "She can handle herself out there, Newt."
Newt's body trembled as he shook his head, anger and grief mixing into a boiling pot of emotions inside of him. "You heard what those bloody cranks say, didn't you?" He hissed at Thomas. "The Scorch will chew us up and spit us out like we're nothing. And y/n..." His voice cracked, the anguish almost palpable. "She's out there, alone and pregnant. And I couldn't do anything to protect her."
Thomas frowned, his face etched with concern. "I know it's not ideal, but we have to keep moving forward. We have to keep fighting."
"You don't get it," Newt said, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to hold back tears. "You don't know what it's like to feel like you've lost everything,"
Thomas's face fell, his eyes betraying the pain he felt. "I do, Newt," he said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. "I lost my memories, my family, my entire life. We were all in the maze, fighting for our lives every day. I know it's not the same, but I understand loss. And I'm here for you, man. Whatever you need."
Newt's anger began to fade, replaced by a deep sadness. He leaned his head against the wall, feeling defeated. "I just miss her so damn much," he whispered, tears streaming down his face.
Thomas could see the pain on Newt's face, and he knew there was nothing he could say to take it away. He put his arms around his friend, holding him tight as Newt sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Newt. I'm so sorry," Thomas said softly. "But we can't give up. Not now. We have to keep fighting, for y/n, for ourselves, for everyone we've lost."
Newt pulled away from Thomas, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I know," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"We'll find her, Newt," Thomas asurres, his voice firm and resolute. "No matter what it takes, we'll find her and the rest of our friends."
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2023 • ivys-cafe ☕️
all rights reserved
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mariee-luvs-u · 3 months
maze runner incorrect quotes
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thomas: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. newt: This is a lie. newt: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie. newt: THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS.
thomas: Do you want to know your gay name? newt: My... my gay name? thomas: Yeah, it's your first name- newt: Haha. Very funny thomas- thomas: *gets down on one knee* And my last name. newt: Oh- oh my god.
thomas: As top in this relationship, I think we should- newt: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
*newt comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in thomas’s bedroom.* thomas: Babe, are you.. coming to bed? newt: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a boyfriend. newt: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep* thomas: ...
thomas: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake? newt: Aww- thomas: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
newt: *seductively takes off glasses* newt: Wow... thomas: *blushes* Haha... what? newt: You're really fucking blurry.
newt: I want to kiss you. thomas, not paying attention: What? newt: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
*newt and thomas are in Paris.* newt: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny? thomas: But... newt: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and... thomas: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception? newt: Yeah. thomas: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe. newt: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION. thomas: Okay, alright.
thomas: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? newt: Peonies, why? thomas: newt: Were you going to get me flowers? thomas: newt: thomas: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
thomas: Do you love me? newt: We’re literally married. thomas: Yeah, but as friends or—
newt: Are you ready to commit? thomas: Like, a crime or a relationship?
newt: Fight me! thomas: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring* thomas: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
newt, texting thomas: Hey do you like anyone? thomas: Yeah you newt: Oh, I'm sorry we're just friends thomas: *Yeah, you? thomas: Oh haha sorry lol newt: *dies inside*
newt: You got a date yet thomas? thomas: No... newt: Well you do now! Get your arse up and hold my hand!
newt: Pros and cons of dating me. newt: Pros. You'll be the cute one. newt: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
thomas: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it. newt: What- how? thomas: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.”
thomas: Sleep is the body’s best safety mechanism. newt: How so? thomas: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours.
thomas: Father, I have sinned. newt: Daddy, I’ve been naughty.
newt: thomas, remember when you said you weren’t going to interfere with my love life? thomas: No, that doesn’t sound like me at all.
gally: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
minho: Did you like the food I made? thomas: No, not really. minho: But I put my heart and soul into it! thomas: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
gally: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce. minho: What's wrong with you?? gally: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce?? Pay attention. newt: No, they mean other than that. gally: Ohhhhhh. gally: I haven't slept in 4 days.
minho: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect
minho: I love the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows.
newt: Raisins. It's nature's candy.
minho, laying in bed: Get out of my room. gally, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
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i have not posted in a while bc i've been suppa busssyyyy but here's something and i might post more later on
love ya'llll!!!!!
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ssseashell · 3 months
newtmas drabble, if you will
imagine this (college au):
during one of the late night drives the trio did during the weekends, thomas could be found at the back seat of minho’s car, newt on the other side by his right.
some random chill song was playing through the speakers of the car, the three inside of it vibing to it in a comfortable silence.
thomas turned to his right, glancing at his friend. newt was facing the open window, admiring the view of the dark road – only lit by the yellow glow of the streetlights.
his blonde hair partially covered his chocolate eyes, the chilly night breeze caressing his pale face.
“I can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies” minho sang in the driver’s seat, “you heard the night before…”
newt faced thomas, and all the brunette could see was how sleepy the boy suddenly looked.
“I’m about to faint.” newt yawned.
“just don’t faint on me.” thomas mocked.
“oh, you bet I will.”
newt quickly shoved all the trash between them of eaten fast food to the car’s floor, and threw himself stretched out – as far as he could manage to – in the back seat.
“I practice every day to find some clever lines to say…” minho continued. newt laid his head on thomas’ lap. “...to make the meaning come true…”
“gonna take a nap, tommy, if you don’t mind.” the blonde breathed, getting comfortable.
thomas froze. that was definitely unexpected. still, he found his body softening to newt’s action. without thinking too much about it, he took off his jeans jacket, trying to not move exaggeratedly to not disturb newt, and covered the boy’s torso with it.
it was an innocent act of friendship, — covering your friend on your lap with your own jacket to warm them up — right?
his heart skipped a beat when his fingers unconsciously caressed the soft blonde hair – yes, soft, because now he could say he knew how it felt to have the golden locks under his touch.
thomas noticed he had never wondered how it felt. but then, he wanted to caress newt’s hair everyday.
“minho, I swear…”
“I JUST WANT TO NAP” newt whined on his lap, eyes closed. thomas didn’t take his hand off his hair.
“fine! i’ll let you two lovebirds cuddle back there.”
“slinthead.” was all newt answered before going silent.
thomas cursed minho in his head. cursed him even more when he looked at the rearview and saw minho’s treacherous eyes looking back at him.
“thought you said yesterday you didn't fancy him, shank.” teased minho that same night back at their dorm.
“thought you said you would mind your own business.” thomas answered. he didn’t think much about the sudden hotness he felt climbing to his cheeks.
after that, newt could always be found wearing thomas’ jacket.
not only did thomas never protest, but he also could never take his eyes off the blonde.
and that was the time – thomas would figure out much later – he first fell in love with newt.
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witchedwisteria · 10 months
@xuoria requested happy newtmas and who am i to deny <3
there are a number of things that thomas is grateful for in the safe haven. safety is one of them; good food is another. alcohol is certainly up there too - adults here know how to make it better than whatever the hell gally makes, and the honey wine tastes sticky sweet on thomas’ lips as he takes a long gulp, feeling it warm and pool in his gut.
he’s thankful for lots of things, but none of them compare to how thankful he is for his lover.
two pairs of honeyed laughter ring out across the beach; newt and sonya sit together, heads bowed, arms linked as they lean against a bench on the sand, tucked into a blanket. the more thomas looks at them, the more he can’t believe they didn’t notice it before.
newt has a sister, and in some weird way, so does he. teresa flops in the sand beside him, grinning wildly, hair untamed and lips kissed pink. “i still can’t brenda at cards,” she tells him, stealing a sip of his wine. “so i thought i would come save you from your lovesick stares. and your worrying.” her eyes, a bright cerulean, flit down to his pocket. “got the ring?”
thomas grins. “nah.” he points to newt across the beach, and a copper band glints prettily on his finger from across the fire, green sea glass hammered in. “he found it last night, the bastard. all but put it on himself.”
teresa squeals, her own silver band glimmering boldly, a tigers eye stone matching the colour of brenda’s eyes. “to be fair, i doubt he’d let you get down on one knee.” she kisses his cheek. “congratulations,” she murmurs. “let me walk you up the aisle, it’ll be hilarious.” she pats his knee, and then she’s off to pester her wife.
thomas hums, watching her, another thing he’s grateful for, and -
newt’s not next to sonya anymore.
he smiles before he feels the sand shift beside him. he lifts his arm immediately, and newt snuggles into him immediately. “sonya told me to tell you that she’s not pleased you didn’t ask her for my hand. she says she wants my virtue protected.”
thomas snorts. “virtue, huh? sure, yours is definitely still there.” he kisses the unruly tangle of blonde hair, breathing in newt’s eucalyptus and sea salt soap. he’s never been more grateful for anything in his life - newt alive and breathing and so in love with him. if newt was alive and hated him, thomas would still be saturated with relief and gratitude. newt deserves everything. thomas intends to give him everything. there’s a flush to newt’s cheeks, a content glance in his eyes, an honesty in his smile that’s appeared through the wearing of his defences. thomas worked harder to get to newt than he did to get inside the last city, and his victory tastes sweet as he tips his head down to capture newt’s mouth in his.
thomas thinks often about gratitude. he remembers weeping his thanks to imaginary gods when the blackness creeped away from his fiancé’s eyes to reveal eyes the colour of their morning coffee. he remembers gasping relief when teresa was pulled up into the berg with him, out of the fire and into brenda’s arms. he remembers tasting newt for the first time, new and timeless all at once as they kissed.
when they pull away, newt hums once. “shall we go to bed?” he asks, tone saturated with mischief.
oh, how they love.
“go on then,” thomas murmurs back, beaming. “i love you,” he whispers.
he’s grateful for a lot of things. but newt led him here. he’ll always be the most grateful for him.
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panevanbuckley · 4 months
tagged by @magdacimy thank you so much dear!! 💙
-20 questions for fic writers-
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 292 (jesus)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 649,327 (it's not as much as you might expect from the amount of fics bc i specialise in short fics)
3. What fandoms do you write for? atm? 9-1-1 is the fandom i have most fics for i think but i haven't written one in about a year. (i should get back on that!). i also sometimes do harry potter fics (usually jegulus), and i just started dipping my toe in f1 fics 👀
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. baby, come home [buddie] - 9033 (which is WILD to me)
2. don't tell my husband (he'll kill me) [buddie] - 8117
3. don't blame me, love made me crazy [jegulus] - 7691 (recently lost it's number 2 spot which makes me sad ngl)
4. come home to my heart [buddie] - 7491
5. fake boyfriends (with real kisses) [buddie] - 6790
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i used to all the time!! but in the past couple years it started getting overwhelming and now i rarely do but i DO read every single one and they make me smile every time 🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh gosh i rarely write angst but the first one that came to mind was a 1917 fic ('loving you is a losing game'), that was pretty angsty
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? umm...literally any fic i write?? happy beginning, happy middle, happy ending. that's my brand of fic writing
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of (and i'm ever grateful for that! i have the BEST readers)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? not really. i dabbled here and there in the past but i'm just not very good at it 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? again not really. i did do a world war z x justified fic ('don't count your chickens before they hatch') because i'm total loosier trash so it was like an alternate universe of them in a way because of the same two actors 💀
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i think i have? actually idk people have asked if they can translate fics and i said yes but i haven't got links available to me. somebody once did a podfic ('in the silence we fall apart') translation though and i loved that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i once wrote a part for a 5+1 buddie fic but i don't think the full thing ever got posted?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 100% gotta be buddie hasn't it? they consumed my entire soul. i have sooo many otps though
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? there was a hogwarts au 'the pacific' fic i started writing in lockdown that must be over 10k that i never finished... i think about that a lot
16. What are your writing strengths? umm.. nothing?? no but in all fairness i have no idea but people have always told me my characterization is good. or my ability to make up OCs (which i do A LOT)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? god, speech? writing anything longer than 5k 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i LOVE it! i've had to do it quite a lot because usually the characters i write are multilingual
19. First fandom you wrote for? the maze runner!! goddd back in my wattpad days i wrote SO many newtmas/dylmas fics it was unreal. they really got me into fic writing
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? funnily enough it's not any of my buddie fics. even though i love those fics dearly and they're definitely favourites. but the one that owns my heart is 'don't blame me, love made me crazy'. it was the first jegulus fic i wrote, i had only gotten into the ship a few days prior and sat down to do a short fic but in a couple hours i had over 5k written and wasn't even halfway through 💀 this was back in the days when jegulus was still a rare pair too! and the love i got on it blew me away 🥺 so a huge thank you to anybody that read that fic!!
tagging literally anybody that sees this and wants to do it because i'm not sure who writes and posts on ao3! please tag me in your posts so i can check out your work too 👀
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tag nine people you want to know better ✨️
ahhhh tysm for the tag @yellowloid 💖
most recent ship: christ i dont even have to say do i??
the one i've read the most of: milex 4 life (shut me up) no but seriously like- i think ive worked my way through half of ao3 with those two
wild card: still milex 😭 honestly its mad how they just work like- absolutely everywhere. theyre chemistry quite literally could transcends dimensions-
first ever ship: omg trip down memory lane goodness me- hmmmmmmm... baby me was OBSESSED with maze runner so it was most likely newtmas 😭 (god bless them and keep them🙏)
last song: barely on my mind - the regrettes
last movie: rewatched fear and loathing in las vegas for, what? the fifteenth time?? 😭
currently reading: going between shuggie bain and rereading fight club!!
currently watching: rewatching shameless usa in the background (wow i really love re-ing stuff can you tell??) i have no clue how im not sick of it by now-
currently consuming: also heavy confused by this?? 😭 uhhh ive got a nice wee cuppa tea rn so ig there ya go (god i really couldn't get more british)
currently craving: oh lots of things, *looks serenely into the distance* miles's new album, the italian country side, many cigarettes, a hair cut?? yeah. i'd also scran the feck out of a box of maltesers rn mate- OH AND desperately craving that my new chapter for inhaler to just up and finish itself at this point 😭
right heres the hard part (firstly ofc no pressure/sorry if you've already been tagged my memory is quite literally walking out the door as we speak- and if ye wanna be tagged, consider yourself tagged <3): @ballad-of-what-could-have-been @stereobone @thranduil-aran-edhil @uhbasicallyjustmilex @alexturne @freakykeypad @mileskanex @depressedraisin @hellcatsandcars
knock yerselfs out lads and ladettes!!
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extensive writing ask game
thank you for this tag crest, how exciting! @crestfallercanyon
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
54 (5 of those are translations though, so 49 original fics)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
read more under the break
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
The Maze Runner
Harry Potter
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Sag es mit Blumen (Thominewt)
Gorgeous (Newtmas)
I May Do No Harm (Thomesa)
As Long As I Watch Over You (Thominho)
The Heartbreak Prince (Newtmas)
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
next question
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh no. that's a three way tie between
footprints in the sand
a story
safe & sound
someone who's read all 3 please tell me the answer
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i was gonna say i don't but HEY i think i have one: what if good looked the other way
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
laughing bc yes i do write so much smut :) <3 what kind????? i think the question's more like, what DON'T i write *wink*
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
no. i was gonna say yes, for the translation exchange, but then remembered the translation of my fic never came through ToT. it's on my list to get myself a replacement translator though. (@dunne-ias you still in?)
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! daddies are made not born with @manako-no-yami
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
(check out last year's thomesa week blog for content &lt;;3 @thomesa-week-2022 ) (and stay excited, because the next one's coming upppppppppppppppppppppppppp *demonic screeching*)
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
from the ones that already have posted parts i'll finish all of them.
from the ones i *haven't* yet posted... i'm afraid i'll never finish and post TNT fic (thomas/newt/teresa) and bookverse thomesa fix-it :(
waaaiiittt.... does that mean maybe i just need to post the first chapter of each????
15) What are your writing strengths?
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
sometimes i think a story would work well for a chronological multi chapter fic, but those are just... they just don't vibe with me. moment of silence...
17) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
harry potter
18) What are your five favourite fics you’ve written?
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Teresa left, and never told him why. What happened, and will they find their way back to each other again?
2-A Story
This is a story about Thomas and Teresa. About a boy who loved too much, and a girl who could never allow herself to do the same.
3-Des Étoiles Filantes
because it made momo @thominho-incorrectquotes so happy
4-this is what makes us girls
girl get that wlw trauma
5-I May Do No Harm
Teresa survives, she jumps from the burning building into the aircraft. Everyone is hostile towards her, and Thomas has to convince them to let her live.
They move to a removed place on the island, try to settle into their new life and find their place in the community.
19) what are five fic recs?
i did a seperate post for this, here.
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heliads · 2 years
Hey Lisa !! Can I ask you about 7, 14 & 16? Hope you are doing well ❤️
thank you!! i am doing as best i can under the present circumstances <33
7: Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh man i don't know how to pick this. tbh i forget everything i write after i post it so i had to go back and pick from one of my favorite pieces (newtmas time loop au of pain) for this:
Night falls; the city burns. [Thomas] meets Newt outside of the WICKED headquarters, and their friends all run to their respective corners of the city for their final tasks. Thomas gifts Newt the knife he needs. It came from Thomas’ belt, the knife that Newt uses to attack him; Thomas only learned that in the last few weeks. He had previously assumed it to be Newt’s, but it isn’t. Newt had always taken the knife from him to begin the assault, but Thomas gives it up freely this time.
Thomas shouts something to Newt across the blur of the knife slashing between them. It’s an I-love-you, a goodbye, a cry of regret and acceptance all in one. Newt’s head jerks up and he stares at Thomas, finally seeing him for the first time since they broke Minho out. A smile touches at the corners of the blond boy’s lips, dragging them up, cracked and bloody, until Newt looks like the same boy who had met Thomas at the opening of the Box when everything first began.
idk i just really like it. i know i've had more flowery figurative language, but this one really has an impact, you know? thomas giving newt the knife even though he knows it'll kill them both. that's a journey of acceptance, babey. thomas thinking newt resembles the person he'd been at the start of everything- a flashback in a time loop? a continuation of a pattern in which thomas wants more time with newt over anything? perhaps!
14: What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
ooh that's hard. i mean people don't tell bad advice for fun. for me personally, maybe that everything you write has to have some great deeper meaning? obviously if you can work in something like that, it's great, but you can write pointless things and have them be absolutely fantastic. clearly i am the paragon of that. not everything you post has to be good, you just have to enjoy writing it. trust me, people are going to pick up on that more than if you hate something but try to make it Important.
16: If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
as someone who doesn't write a lot of pairings, i really like this question. probably minewt? you've just got so much potential there- interesting setting, amnesia, friends to lovers, plus their dynamic is perfect. this is me begging to write a minewt fic yes
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zer0brainc3lls · 16 days
My maze runner sexuality/gender headcanons!!
These are my opinions guys I don’t mind if you don’t agree lol :) fandoms are meant to be fun!!
Thomas: he is a bisexual if I have ever seen one. Literally saw Newt and teresa side by side and just died. 😭 Instantly. Yk that scene where nick in heartstopper (🏳️‍🌈) is watching pirates of the Caribbean with his mum and he sees those two characters and has a bi panic attack??? That.
Newt: GAYYYYYYYYYY 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 BOY KISSERRRRRRRRR!!!!!! In fever code I could imagine Minho saying “I wish we could meet the girls in group B” and Newt fr going “what? Why??”
Minho: either Pan or aroace. I cannot decide. I lean more towards pan for Minho tho 😭🙏 I could totally imagine him seeing people all coupled up and go “ew gross all I need is my handsome self 🤭” but yeah I think he’s pan 🫡
Sonya & Harriet: they are literally aris’s lesbian mums. I will not elaborate. That’s all I have to say. (Jk) MY FAV LESBIANS EVER!!!! I LOVE THEM SO SO SO MUCH!!!!
Aris: saw someone say he’s trans 🏳️‍⚧️ (ftm) and I have never agreed more in my life idc. I will not be convinced otherwise!!! “Uhm.. Canonically!!”LALALALLAALALALALALA 👉😽👈 *blocks ears and runs away*
Gally: unlabelled king!!! If you were to ask him what sexuality he is he would just go “nun ya” and walk off 😭 or “I like what I like” *shoulder shrug* 🤷‍♂️
Teresa: “Teresa likes Thomas!!” Whatttttt!!! Nooooo!!! That is a lesbiannnn!!! (Teresa being a lesbian in fanon is so near and dear to me. If we are talking canon wise I would say bi or straight but SHHHHHHHHHHHHH 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫)
Brenda: exact same thing as Teresa 😭 Brenda and Teresa being a lesbian couple in fanon is my favourite thing ever gang!!!!! In canon I go: ew yucky but in fanon I go: HHEHEHEEHEHEHEHE I LOVE THEM SO SO MUCH 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 I love how in newtmas fics they just take Thomas’s two canon love interests and go “nah their gay for eachother” and I fw it HEAVILY.
All of Jorge’s kids are gay, he is their supportive single dad btw!! I’m ACTUALLY James dashner this is true!!!! Examples:
*Newt and Thomas walk up to Jorge hand in hand*
Thomas: uhh Jorge.. we need to tell you something…
Jorge: *spins around in chair to face them* yeah? What is it? Have you done something???
Newt: no no!! Uhm.. we’re… together.. as in dating..
Thomas: Is that ok..?
Jorge: oh that’s fine, happy for you. No more sharing hammocks though
Newt and Thomas: WHAT?!?! :(
Jorge: there will be no hanky panky in this house!!!! (Heart stopper reference, would he ever say this? Prob not but shh)
Brenda: please don’t say hanky panky.
Brenda: Jorge I think I like girls
Jorge: I know?
Brenda: WHAT???
Jorge: a father always knows!!
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manako-no-yami · 2 years
oh? an opportunity to plug my own fics? yes pls. thanks @crestfallercanyon for the tag!!!!
rules: recommend three of your fics, one that is the most popular and two that are “hidden gems”
Note: i’m going to focus on tmr fics because that’s the majority of what i have and what i think people follow me for lmao
Most Popular: ok so the 2 most kudos’d tmr fics i have are an nsfw thominho and an angsty omegaverse thominewt, both of which i don’t actually like all that much SOOOOO i’m gonna cheat and go for the 3rd most kudos’d tmr fic i have which is...
stupidity is all we have
Ship: newtmas
Frypan and Minho have a plan. A plan to make Newt happy by getting him together with Thomas. It’s a good plan. Probably. Their biggest problem? Gally. (This plan may or may not involve mildly inconvenient destruction.)
Chuck has a plan. A plan to help his buddy Thomas confess to Newt. It’s not much of a plan. His biggest problem? Gally. (This not-plan definitely does not involve permanently borrowing some alcohol.)
This is good. Plans are good. Because everything always goes exactly as planned. Right?
Or, in which Frypan and Minho are willing to die for love, Chuck accidentally invents Molotov cocktails, Thomas develops a sudden obsession with tomatoes, and Gally just wants some goddamn bacon.
Hidden Gem: My least kudos’d tmr fic is actually one of my favorites. I wrote it for thomally week. It’s angsty kid!thomally pre-slash.
sins of the father
"Do you think we'll be like that, when we grow up?" "Maybe. Probably." "I don't want to be like that," Thomas says. "I don't want to grow up. They keep trying to prepare me for growing up but what about my life now? Why do I always have to be thinking about the future? Can't I just..." "...Be?"
Gally and Thomas are neighbors, but their home lives couldn’t be more different. Thomas has the white picket fence; Gally has the alcoholic father. After years of watching each other through their windows, what will happen when their adjacent worlds finally collide?
Hidden Gem: Another very low kudos’d fic is my tmrss21 fic. Also thomally, 18k, multichapter. Soulmates, demons, witchy stuff!
to hell with you
Gally likes his life. Sure, he and his friends have to deal with cranks and possessions every now and then. Sure, they have to quietly protect the unknowing populace from ghosts and demons. But it’s a good life. He likes his job, he likes his friends, and he’s engaged. He never thought he’d be able to have this sort of happiness—never thought a wretched orphan like him could get this lucky.
But strange things are happening. And with all the trouble comes a new face—Thomas, who seems to know more than he lets on. Gally doesn’t trust him, and he doesn’t like him. But he might have to learn how to, if they’re to find out who, or what, is behind all the mysterious deaths happening in town.
uhhhhhh, tagging anyone! really. anyone can do this and pretend that i tagged you in it. because i’m too lazy to figure out who’s already been tagged and who isn’t and also i think people should be allowed to self-promo whenever they want lol
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pinkandblueblurbs · 2 years
Congrats on 10k gill!! your celebration is adorable i love the theme, could i request a my melody for first time double penetration with poly!newtmas?
newt x thomas x fem!reader. penetrative sex, anal sex, double penetration, d/s dynamics, praise, dirty talk, light degradation
“Tommy…. I think she might be ready tonight.” Newt muses as he gently thrusts three fingers inside your ass, spreading them slightly to get you stretched. Your eyes widen at his words, and you crane your head back to try to see him.
“Yeah? You think she’s loose enough?” Thomas is standing at the side of the bed, fisting his cock languidly with one hand while the other strokes up and down your back. You can just barely catch Newt’s nod from the angle you’re at.
“She took me back here just fine last night, so she’s still nice and loose from that.” The brit explains, pulling his fingers out of your hole and stroking the excess oil onto his cock. “Reckon she’ll take both of us just fine.”
“What do you say, baby?” Thomas asks, hooking his pointer finger under your chin to guide you to meet his eyes. “Wanna try it?”
“You’ll…. You’ll be gentle, right? Take it slow?”
“Course we will, poppet. We’d never hurt you.” Newt says reassuringly, calloused hand caressing your waist down to your hip. You nod, excitement bubbling up inside you as you offer both boys a nod.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s try it.”
With some maneuvering you get into position, Thomas below you on the mattress, your chest pressed against his, and Newt behind you, gripping your hips and rubbing the head of his cock over your lubricated hole.
“Who should go inside first?”
“Probably me, yeah? Get the tough bit out of the way?” Newt suggests, waiting for your input. You nod.
“Yeah, makes sense. You first.” You murmur, voice slightly shaky with nerves. Thomas reaches up to cup your face.
“Take it easy, baby. If it doesn’t feel good, just tell us, and we’ll stop.” You nod again, and Newt starts applying pressure to your rim, slowly pushing inside you.
“Thaaat’s it, sweetheart. Bloody hell you’re tight. Feel so fuckin’ good for me. Lemme in, just like that.” The slew of dirty praise as you moaning and relaxing enough that he can slide in without issue, bottoming out after a few seconds of steady pushing.
“Alright? Feels okay?” The brunet below you asks, looking up at you with furrowed brows. You nod, letting out a pleasured sigh.
“Yeah. Really good.” You’re already breathless. “Want you too, Thomas. Want you to your cock in my pussy.”
“Fuck, Tommy, can’t turn that down now can you?” Newt pipes up. You can’t see him, but you can picture the smirk on his face well.
Thomas can’t, it turns out, turn that down, and within moments you feel the head of his cock swiping against your clit and then down to your entrance. Made easier by how wet you are, he starts pushing inside you, separated from Newt by only a thin layer of flesh.
“Fuck.” You gasp out, eyes squeezed shut and hands gripping the pillow on either side of Thomas’s head like a lifeline. “Oh my god, Thomas.”
“‘S that good? Or do you need me to stop?” His voice is tight, and though he doesn’t say it, you can hear the hidden prayer of “please don’t ask me to stop” in his strained tone.
“Don’t stop. It feels so- I’m so full.” You stumble over your words, overwhelmed by pleasure. Slowly, Newt pulls out of you, and in tandem Thomas does the same, building up a slow rhythm of alternating thrusts.
“Like this, poppet? Like having two cocks inside you?” Newt taunts, smirking when you nod with a lewd moan. “Such a greedy thing, one isn’t even enough for you.”
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reggieisme · 3 years
about me
an agender bisexual
also asexual
big cat person
i’m polish pfff
i speak polish, english and french (learning welsh bc i want to)
the funniest person ever! #laughoutloud
interests ig
i like reading. reading is fun. i said it. reading is fun if you are reading something you are enjoying
marvel is amazing. it’s literally so good it’s SO GOOD. been a proud fan since childhood and i’ve been an andrew garfield spiderman supporter since DAY ONE people. DAY ONE.
star wars! i grew up on the star wars movie and i’ve always enjoyed them. also disneys a wimp for not allowing poe and finn to have a romantic relationship.
the queens gambit. ong i love this show i cannot tell you how much i love the show. AND THE BOOK. OH MT FOD UTS SO GOOD.
dead poets society- love the movie and it makes me fucking sob every single time.
i have a passion for writing. i love making stories and creating things and daydreaming about characters i’ve made and shaped.
the umbrella academy AHHHHH. it’s such a good show please go watch it if you haven’t
TICK TICK BOOM! im a huge musical fan i love musicals. i love tick tick boom especially, and not only bc of andrew garfield.
THE HUNGER GAMES. i make sure to read the books every single year at least once and watch the movies. i cannot explain how much i love this franchise
harry potter- literally my childhood. we, ofc, don’t speak of the author, but i love the magic you feel when you watch the films and read the books. also my wand collection is growing at an alarming rate and i’m not worried. (remus lupin is my favorite character btw. also huge marauder stan. #wolfstar)
maze runner! i like the books and i love watching the movies. favorite character is probably newt or minho. it’s something about those two i swear. also newtmas, i’m sorry but yep. btw i don’t hate teresa
Peaky Fucking Blinders. my heart goes out to this show. much love istg
dune. i have all of the books and i have seen the new movie which i rlly enjoyed. i understood it, surprisingly and i need to read the books
i’m a big chocolate fan. many ppl have told me i act like remus lupin which i ADORE. remus is honestly just so great i’m sorry i love him sm.
big music fan. i love music
i skateboard fun fact. i have a longboard and a large penny board? i broke my skateboard so i’m stuck with these two bad boys (i’m rlly bad at tricks)
FRIENDS. i love friends so much omg. (chandler’s my favorite)
Shadow and Bone! really good show and the books are good
Six of Crows! Literally the best.
SNOWBOARDING. it’s so fun i love it. the thrill, the snow, everything omg. it’s so unbelievably fun
ICE SKATING. my mom fortunately forced me to learn ice skating at a young age AND I WAS GOOD AT IT. I WAS SO GOOD AND THEN I QUIT BC IM A WIMP. i can still skate just can’t do the tricks i used to be able to do sadly
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glade-newts · 3 years
How would you have made Newtmas canon if you were the creator of tmr books?
It starts with Newt bringing Thomas his dinner after he gets back from running the Maze. They sit and eat dinner together, talking about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company.
When Teresa arrives in the box, and Thomas seems so encaptured by her, Newt feels hurt. He asks Thomas if he knows her, not sure what answer he is looking for, but feeling betrayed either way.
Thomas sleeps in the woods at the corner of the walls to clear his mind. He wakes up to Newt- possibly the one person he cares about in the whole Glade, the one who has never been unkind to him- lying a few feet away from him, blankets put over both of them. When he asks Newt about it when he wakes up, the older boy just says "Figured you could use some company. That, and everyone's busy talkin' about bloody end times and all that stuff."
In the Scorch, Thomas and Newt remained close. As they walked miserably in the heat, Newt would be by Thomas's side, occasionally making snarky remarks about various things. Newt's humor was as dry as the ground they were walking upon, yet it never failed to make Thomas smile.
After their encounters with the Cranks, Thomas notices that Newt stays even closer now, almost like keeping an eye on him. At some point, Newt grabs a hold of Thomas's hand.
"Don't want you endin' up lost, Tommy."
But Thomas knew it was more like, "Don't want to lose you, too."
The nights are cold and bitter in the Scorch. Thomas is just glad no one says anything when he and Newt end up sharing a sleeping bag. For warmth, obviously.
They talk about their feelings, eventually. But, for two people who can't remember if they've ever loved before, it's difficult.
They're sitting by a campfire. It's gotten low and the whole group is tired. Newt and Thomas lightheartedly joke about the time Newt saved Thomas's ass from a Crank that wanted to eat his face off.
After a loud chuckle at some painfully British insult Newt threw at the creature, things grew quiet, and Newt's face changed from giddy laughter, to a genuine fondness.
"I'm glad you came up that box, Tommy."
And Thomas could joke, could say something like Yeah I got you guys the hell out of there, but this time was different. When he looked up at Newt's eyes- a color he never appreciated near enough as he should have, why did he only just notice- Thomas saw honesty, and he didn't want to ruin that.
"I'm glad you were one of the ones who believed me," Thomas said, and turned to lean his head on Newt's shoulder. Not looking into his eyes now, it felt easier to say, "And I'm glad you didn't throw me back down the box hole."
Newt snorted at that, a fond sound, and said, "Believe me, Thomas, I wanted to a few times but... I guess I just like ya too much." Against his shoulder, Thomas could almost feel Newt wince at the cheesiness of that last bit.
"Promise me, when all this is over... when WICKED is done with us, if that ever happens... we'll still be close, right?"
Newt rested his cheek against Thomas's head. "Of course, Tommy. You won't get rid of me that bloody easily."
This is a bit all over the place, but here you go! I just think they care about each other so much until both of them are like "oh wait, i love him"
Thanks for the ask!
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impossiblebird · 2 years
the lovely @newtmsa tagged me in this, so here are my favourite five fics that i’ve written ✨
if the world falls to pieces, T, newtmas, 20k (in progress)
Having met the right person in the wrong universe, Newt likes to believe that there’s a place out there, hidden among the stars, where love conquers all.
A force so great, it holds them together forever.
If only that universe were this one. If only love were enough to defeat insanity.
basically would happen if newt and thomas were never taken by wckd. it’s about the presence of fate, the existentialism that occurs when the world is ending, the fragility of reality and life. it’s born from my heart and i think it might be the best thing i’ve ever written.
the stubborn will of gravity, G, newtmas, brenderesa, 6k
Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that: ‘Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle, and this force of attraction is proportional to the masses of both bodies, getting stronger as the distance between the bodies decreases.’
Therefore, the closer you are to a person, the stronger the force of attraction.
this was planned in full for almost a year before i wrote it…… and then i finished it in two days. a cute little childhood friends to lovers fic including ace thomas and a drive in movie. oh, and lots of physics metaphors because i can’t help myself <3
right here beside you, T, newtmas, 83k
“Life doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be lived.”
In which Newt discovers all the complexities and impurities of living his life and falling inexplicably in love.
Alternatively; how long can two people dance around each other before they admit their feelings? If Newt and Thomas are involved... a very long time.
the summary pretty much says it all! but this is a collage au, one of my earlier pieces of writing but also my most popular. fluff, fluff, and fluff!
a world beyond, T, newtmas, 6k
By the side of the road, a streetlight flickers on and off. The street stretches off into the darkness, but there’s not a single sign of life. No cars, no people, nothing showing that anyone has been here in a very long time. Maybe nobody ever has been. Maybe this is just the beginning.
A day without a yesterday.
Because Newt doesn’t remember what came before. In fact, he remembers nothing at all.
my secret santa contribution from last year! i was studying plato at the time and this is vaguely inspired by that……. somehow. you’ll see. newt gets pulled into a parallel world, with no memories, and nobody around. except the darkness. so he’s not really alone after all ;)
‘tis the damn season, T, newtmas, 18k
"Dorothea, the girl who left her small town to chase down Hollywood dreams - and what happens when she comes back for the holidays and rediscovers an old flame"
The story of "'tis the damn season" where Newt is Dorothea and Thomas is his hometown lover.
inspired by taylor’s song! childhood friends to lovers, except they have to keep it a secret because newt is on his way to becoming a famous actor…. and then he does. and he has to leave thomas and his hometown to move to la. another of my favourite things i’ve written :)
tagging: @pineplaipptles @nachoupala @go-catch-a-chickn @newtcallsmetommy and anyone else who wants to do it, consider yourself tagged and go promote your beautiful selves 💛🫶
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