#the mc was so annoying until the last book and i feel like we really didnt get any reason for her character growth
bookishjules · 2 years
Just finished listening to the Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy...
Honestly don't recommend lol
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everlasting-rainfall · 8 months
Hi💖, I have an idea for pages au What if the reader was born much earlier and the story was written at a time when Figarland Garling was still young and like Crocodile was not attached to any character, but he admired MC and decided that he was the only one who deserved her, so he kidnapped her and locked her in a room away from any kind of interaction. With anyone but him and can I get Stockholm Syndrome and maybe a little smut (there's no way I can resist falling in love with him🫠🫠)
Excuse me… Excuse me, dear… I think you dropped something… Here it is! 🥇, it’s your best request that I think I’ve ever received medal! Like this one is one of the best!
Thank you so very much for sending it in as I didn’t ever think that I would ever in a million years get a request for this crescent moon man and would simply have to write my own shit for him, ya know?
But I am so happy that you sent this in, I love this guy! Like I hate his actions but everything else is just 🥵… You get me?
Anyways before I start absolutely just losing myself, let’s get into it! Shall we?
Keep in mind though! MANGA SPOILERS!!
Celestial Dragon Bullshit, Slavery, Delusions, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Severe Isolation, Impregnation, Pregnancy, MANGA SPOILERS
Okay so I’m not entirely sure how Garling would go about getting his hands on one of your books because you know… Technical Celestial Dragon Man with a book from a lowly peasant person? How scandalous!!
But at the end of the day, he seems like someone who doesn’t really give too much of a shit as he doesn’t wear those stupid ass spacesuits or have that dumbass hairstyle so he probably does pick up one of the books at some point
Maybe it’s one day while he’s bored with absolutely nothing to do that he decides to pick up the book, he flips through the pages and although it does help pass the time. It probably bores him even more to be honest
He thinks the love interests are both annoying and the story is okay at most but there is one thing that is keeping him reading and it’s the MC, he didn’t like the MC either at first but he started to like them after a chapter where he saw that they did something that he honestly considered impressive
He kept reading simply for the MC and he steadily began to like them more and more eventually deciding that neither love interest was good enough for the MC and honestly you know how like when you watch a show or play a game, you can’t help but imagine yourself or a character of yours in the story too?
I feel like that’s what he would do like he would start imagining himself in the story when he would read, he would imagine scenes between himself and the MC where they would spend time together until he was considered the only one good enough for them
Eventually though, all good scenarios have to come to an end and he reads the last book finding out that the MC got with the more annoying of the two love interests in the end but not only that, the MC was pregnant too?
This was absolutely unacceptable, they didn’t deserve the MC at all! No one did! No one was good enough for them except for him and a relationship with him was the only thing that he would accept…
Alas though, the MC was simply a fictional character and even he knew that so there was nothing he could do…
Everyone probably was scared shitless of Garling for a few days like bitchass Celestial Dragons were probably scrambling to get out of his way as he’s someone with the power to judge even the Celestial Dragons so him being angry is something that no one wants to be on the receiving end of
However soon enough, his anger comes to an end when he finds a picture while looking at the book covers and this picture just so happens to be of you but you’re dressed up as the MC of your book while giving a happy smile to the camera as the text underneath thanks the buyer of the book for reading the story
Garling could only stare at your face, he was frozen there just standing in front of his bookcase while staring. He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t seen it before, you were the MC and the MC did exist in real life because you were them!
He needed to have you… He would have you…
Imagine your shock when about a week later, you got a knock on your door from some men who looked incredibly prestigious and honestly very intimidating like to the point where you just wanted to shut the door and lock it tight
You could probably try but it wouldn’t work and these people would tell you that someone in the holy land is requesting your presence immediately and you should feel honored which was the very last thing that you were feeling
Maybe you tried to request to pack your bags only to attempt an escape out of like a window but you aren’t going anywhere, you’ll get captured and dragged off without any of your things so it’s best to just pack if you ask for that
The entire way there, you’re terrified as you’re likely going to wind up as the slave to some horrible and disgusting celestial dragon that makes you want to puke just by looking at him and these fears probably only get worse the closer you get to your destination
Once you’re finally there, you’re greeted by Figarland Garling who you assume that you’ll become the slave of but instead he tells you that you’re his spouse now and that you should devote yourself to him now that you’re with someone whose truly good enough for you
It’s confusing as all hell because he’s talking like he knows you when you have never met before today but despite that, he takes you back to what is now your home and lets you get settled into your shared bedroom before he tells you that you are never leaving the house ever again and that you are never to interact with a person who isn’t him
I’d say that you try to argue but do you really think that’s a good idea trying to argue with a man like this? I’d suggest simply listening and hoping that he’ll let you go after a while even though he probably won’t
Things aren’t the worst that they could possibly be when living with Garling as he is a bit distant and doesn’t allow anyone to interact with you but at least there’s a lot of things to keep you busy and he does allow you to continue writing
Even when Garling has company over, you aren’t allowed to meet them even if they’re another holy knight or a slave as Garling keeps you locked in a room so no one unworthy (aka anyone that isn’t him) can lay eyes on you
Really truly, Garling would only make an exception to who could see you if you had a medical emergency or required medical attention of any kind but even then they’re on thin ice and better not touch you more than he deems necessary
Seeing as you are still a writer as well, you are allowed to have your books published but there is to be no letters from fans coming in and you aren’t allowed to head out to do things like book signings or meet ups because that would require leaving the house and interacting with other people
You definitely grew to hate this arrangement and tried to plead with Garling to let you leave your home at least once in a while as you want to go outside and just breathe some fresh air away from the home for once
He would of course refuse anything that isn’t going out into the backyard for a bit though and even then, it feels suffocating because of how closely he monitors you during this time
The situation is becoming unbearable for you even when he tells you that this is all for your own good and that he does this because he loves you and wants you to be safe, you can only just cry as the feelings of being trapped weigh on you
This man can likely see the way that it weighs on you and that’s probably when he starts to become more affectionate with you like he starts bringing you things when he leaves for long periods of time and lovingly embraces you in longer kisses whenever he kisses you
He even starts to talk with you more than he used to and often reminds you of just how much he loves and adores you, no one else is good enough for you except him and now that you’re starting to become vulnerable. He’s sure that he can make you see it
As time passes with his new more affectionate behavior, you start to have thoughts. You start to think in the back of your head that this is truly good for you, this life with Garling is the best one that you could live like you still know that this life isn’t the best especially with all the horrible shit that comes with being in the holy land
But some part of you starts to love Garling back even though he’s a dangerous man who kidnapped you and forced you into being his spouse, you start to think that he really is just doing what’s best for you as what’s best for you is being kept only with him
He’s your loving husband and he would never let a single bad thing happen to you after all, how could you ever think about wanting to leave him when he loves you oh so very much? That’s what you think to yourself
Your life is here with Garling now as his loving spouse where you’ll never leave him and you’ll be sure to show him just how much you love him in exchange
When you truly and genuinely kiss him back for the first time with your arms wrapped around his neck, he knows that you’re his and that you’re never leaving him
You don’t even bat an eye when he starts to refer to you by the name of the MC now instead of by your name, your brain rationalizes it to you that your husband loves you so much that he perceives you and the MC of your story that he adores as the same person
Stockholm Syndrome and Delusions have started to set into place for you causing you to start to believe that you are the MC of the story and Garling is the only one who deserves you, the love interests are simply too annoying
And when Garling finally has you, he’ll pin you down on the bed underneath him and listen as you cry out his name in pure pleasure and leave scratches down his back while he thrusts into you
It’s the most beautiful sight that he could ever see, his love writhing underneath him from the pleasure that he’s providing them but not only that. They’re giving themselves completely to him and devoting themselves to him just like he has done for them
There’s simply one last thing that he needs to do to you and he knows exactly what it is as when he finally finishes, he makes sure to do it inside of you
And a few months later when you’re sitting a belly large and full with his baby, he comes up and kisses you deeply before moving you to sit on his lap while he sits on the chair
Not a day goes by where he ever regrets reading those books and when he looks at your face only to see just how absolutely in love with him you are…
He knows for a fact that you don’t regret making them…
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roohuh · 1 year
Part 3 of year Six in Obliviate
Ominis X MC
Summary: It’s time to make Amortentia in class! Need I say more?
Warnings: just floof
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“Alright class, settle down. This year we are starting with Amortentia, so that no one will ask me ‘when we are doing Amortentia?’A couple things to get out of the way before we start. One. I will not be telling anyone what I smell. Two. I don’t care what you smell as long as you do not smell too much and I have to send you to the hospital wing. Three. The only person you should be talking to is your lab partner, so you can discuss on your own time what you smell. Turn page 394 and begin.” Professor Sharp speaks with hands clasped behind his back pacing to his desk. As he sits he adds one more thing,
“And this should go without saying but I will say it anyways, if any of you tries to smuggle even a drop of that out of this classroom everyone will have 100 inches to turn in by tomorrow about how dangerous and harmful this potion is.” Turning to Ominis you shrug,
“Well, here's hoping you smell me.” Ominis laughs blushing, opens his textbook, and articulates in a quiet and bashful voice.
“I think I will smell…your shampoo, the faint smell of earth you always seem to have on your hands from tending to all of your Dittany plants, and maybe a hint of the highland breeze that you smell like when you are back from flying.” At his words your heart begins to pound and you can feel the heat rising to your ears. Busying yourself you flip open your book turning hastily to the page. All around you hushed giggle spring up and constant whispering as everyone guesses who the other will smell. Sebastian, who is wildly displeased about losing Ominis as a lab partner, glares at poor Garreth who was kind enough to take the Slytherin on. Ominis is a very efficient lab partner preparing all of the ingredients while you monitor the potion. The two of you make a great team as he is always willing to oblige and happily takes your instruction.
“Poor professor sharp looks absolutely dismal over there nose buried in a book. You would think if he didn’t want to teach it he would just leave it out of the class altogether.” You chuckle to Ominis.
“It sounds like he did not want to hear about it all semester. Practically every year there is a sixth year whose heart gets broken over someone smelling someone, or someone els not smelling the someone, but every year they all beg him for this chapter. It really is a silly thing.” Studying Ominis’ calm features you wonder if that is trepidation or contempt in his voice.
“Well I wonder who’s heart will be broken this year. I’ve heard Garreth is sweet on Imelda but poor chap has no chance. Way too clumsy!” You shake your head knowingly. Handing you a crushed shiver fig Ominis remarks,
“Well I guess we will find out soon enough as this is the last ingredient.” Dropping the fruit into your cauldron you stir intently watching the stew. Since the potion is very time sensitive as each station reaches this point the pair of students goes quiet as they carefully monitor their brew, not wanting to be the group who messes it up and doesn’t get to smell anything. The atmosphere is deathly still until Sebastian drops a stack of books on his desk laughing like a maniac as the room collectively jumps from the loud sound. Professor Sharp smirks watching the students jump, this time not reprimanding Sebastian for his constant Tom foolery. Ominis lets out an annoyed “Ass.” Not having fallen for the trick himself, as he is used to loud unexpected sounds, but felt you jump a foot in the air ready for a fight.
“Ah it’s time!” Clapping your hands together you exclaim as the potion turns from a deep red to a shimmering white. Gingerly you take the potion off the heat, stirring continuously; Ominis waits with bated breath to hear if it has turned the correct color.
“Looks perfect.” You let out a sigh of relief, as you slow your stirring. You inhale the scent instantly recognizing the smell; with great effort you step away from the potion trying to breathe in fresh air. Curiously your eyes flicker to Ominis, who also got a good whiff of the potion, and now has a satisfied smile crossing his face,
“Exactly as I suspected.” He remarks casually, before you can respond Professor Sharp approaches your Cauldron looking down at the liquid.
“Very good. Clean your station and you are dismissed.” Fighting the urge to take another long deep sniff you wave your wand over the cauldron vanishing the liquid. Ominis does the same and the station puts itself back in order. Sebastian strolls over to you and Ominis his own secretive smile adorning his face,
“Well did you two smell each other or what?” Unable to look at either of the boys due to your furious blushing, eyes forward you walk out of the classroom. Ominis matches your pace asking in a hushed hopeful whisper,
“What did you smell?”
“Your dewy warm calonge, which always lingers on my robes after you hug me. The hair gel you use that smells faintly like cinnamon and vanilla, the box Bertie Bott's Beans you always keep tucked in your robes, parchment, and the musty air in the Undercroft.” Biting your lip you sneak a glance over to Ominis whose eyes are shining with a wide grin painted across his features. A tender hand takes hold of your own but instead of walking to your next class he pulls you down a hall and out into a small secluded courtyard.
“We are going to be late.” You mumble shyly as he pulls you into his arms.
“I don’t mind, do you?” Giving you a mischievous smile he kisses your forehead. Closing your eyes you fold into his embrace swathed in all of your favorite smells. Head pressed to his chest you can hear how fast his heart is beating despite the confident calm demeanor he is trying to project. At the sound of Sebastian rounding a corner in search of you, Ominis pulls you into a doorway in an effort to conceal your presence. He wants to linger in this moment a while longer, savoring the feeling of you in his arms.
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 months
OK, so... readings of the last two weeks... given the fact that things don't look good for Choices, now it honestly feels like I'm trying to finish all my pending books before the app says farewell, so in the next few weeks I may revisit some old classics I never got to read when they were released, so I don't think I'll be posting about them.
Again, these are opinions no one asked for but I need to vent and of course, I'm leaving them under the cut just to avoid any potential spoilers for non-VIP players.
I started reading Hot Shot and I'm low key loving it? Yes, we have this annoying hockey superstar that has some serious anger management issues and that many people hate. But I can't help being a sucker for slow burns and secret romances, and that's the path I'm following here. I decided not to play the diamond scenes where the MC and the LI kiss and wait until the story forces that kiss. That led to having a book with a lot of sexual tension between both characters and I live for it! I also like there are also lots of interaction with secondary characters. But what has really caught my attention is how the LI seems to understand the fact our MC constantly needs to prove herself to achieve her own professional goals and how he's willing to restrain from doing very public things in order to not damage that part of her life. Overall, it's been a fun read (but I think it has to do more with the path I've followed than with the actual story) but I don't see it having a second book.
Guarded is the second book I started reading. Meh. Five minutes into the book and the MC and the LI are already attracted to each other, that killed my mood since the very first moment. My guess is they took that forgotten plot from Red Carpet Diaries where our MC had a stalker and developed that idea (maybe you don't remember, but that storyline in RCD led to nowhere), then added an undercovered bodyguard who acts as our "fake boyfriend" and that's it. So far, we've only had cameos by Cassandra Leigh and Chris Winters, when they could have used so many characters from the app! Disappointing, to say the least. Unless something really mindblowing happens (I doubt it, it's been 16 chapters already), this will probably be a forgettable book.
Last, but not least, I binge-read The Cursed Heart 2 in three days, it was my book for the weekend. I wasn't convinced about the idea of having a second book here because in my opinion the first one wrapped up the story really well, but I enjoyed the change of pace of the second book. The writers went straight from a book that's absolutely mislabeled in the sm*t category to a fantasy/adventure story and delivered a nice reading, adding a few plot twists I didn't expect. I don't know who the team behind this series is, but once again, the finale was very well executed, and again, the writers did an awesome job at not leaving any unanswered questions (well, there was maybe one thing I would've liked to know that wasn't covered, but it doesn't affect the plot at all). Good plot job in an app where plot doesn't seem to matter anymore.
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jamespotterthefirst · 2 years
Luck of the Draw (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart, book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 900 Warning: None Premise: There’s no one else in the world she’d rather be stuck with. 
A/N: Terrible summary lol. Just a bit of fluff! 
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“Home visits are part of the job now,” June argued, beating an annoyed Ethan to the punch. “The sooner you accept that, the happier you’ll be Ethan.”
“Doubt that,” Baz teased.
Ethan ignored the jab, glaring at June with unflinching ferocity. Anyone else would shrivel under the deathly stare, but not June Hirata. In fact, all of the room’s occupants would argue that they have developed immunity to Dr. Ramsey’s wrath. Lilac shifted on her seat, watching how the handsome doctor’s fury pulled his muscles taut. It made already sharp cheekbones and jaw so pronounced, she wondered what it would feel like to run her fingers along the ridge.
Then she remembered she had.
All while kissing him passionately, their half-naked bodies sliding against each other.
“Then you go,” Ethan returned through grinding teeth.
June laughed with the bravery of someone mocking a furious lion.
“Okay, fine. I’ll take one for the team and go. I still need one of you to come with me, though.”
“Not me!” Baz exclaimed almost at once.
June rolled her eyes. “That goes without saying. No one wants to willingly go. Doctor Allende feels the same way. She’s just too nice to say so.”
Ethan’s eyes moved to meet Lilac’s and the impact felt like the crackle of lightning. Every inch of her body sizzled with the weight of those blue eyes on her. Face as unreadable as ever, he averted his gaze quickly, leaving her aching for him.
“We’ll just leave it up to fate, then,” June continued. “I’ll draw a name out of a hat and that’s who’s going with me.”
“We don’t have hats here,” Baz pointed out.
“Out of Ethan’s pencil cup, then.”
“Or,” interjected Ethan pointedly. “I can just assign it to someone since I’m the leader of this team.”
Baz laughed.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Besides, we all know you’ll just have Baz go with me,” June added.
Lilac’s blood ran cold when June’s eyes found her at once. Her astute, narrow gaze silently communicated what she left unsaid: Ethan would pick Lilac to stay behind with him. Lilac’s stomach plunged with nauseating speed.
Ethan began to protest, but June was already dumping the contents of Ethan’s pencil cup all over his desk.
“Live a little,” June said to a red-faced Ethan.
There was a long, heavy pause in the room. Even Baz’s jovial smile faltered slightly the longer the silence stretched. Everyone, including the seemingly confident June, wondered what Ethan would do next.
Without betraying anything, Ethan took a pad of post-its from his desks. Wordlessly, he scribbled names on three, crumpled them up haphazardly, and tossed them in the empty cup. The tension evaporated out of the room at once.
“Alright, and the unlucky winner is…” June uncrumpled the paper and sighed. “Baz.”
“Damn,” the other doctor said. “All of that and you’re still stuck with me, Hirata.” Resigned to their fate, the two doctors left in a flurry of good-natured teasing. Lilac waited until she was sure they were completely out of earshot before letting out a relieved sigh.
“Thank God.”
Ethan raised his eyebrows.
“I really didn’t want to be stuck with June.”
Ethan’s face betrayed nothing. “Sometimes you won’t have a choice.”
“I know, I know. Let me just enjoy today, okay?”
At last, a ghost of a smile crossed his face. “You really dislike working with Dr. Hirata?”
Lilac paused at that, unsure how to answer. It wasn’t that she had anything against June herself. In fact, Lilac admired what a formidable doctor she was. It was the knowing glances she threw at Ethan and Lilac once in a while that put her on edge. Instead of answering, she turned the question on him.
“Would you have preferred to go instead?”
“God no,” he returned without pause. “Which is why I made sure I didn’t.”
“I made sure it was Baz.”
Lilac stared at him.
Looking entirely too pleased with himself, Ethan extended the cup to her. Inside were the remaining two post-its. With one last skeptical look at him, Lilac reached in for them.
“Baz,” she read out loud. “And… Baz.”
To her surprise, Ethan let out a laugh. It was a low rumble of a sound that stirred her stomach pleasantly. Lilac blinked at him stupidly, which only increased his amusement.
“You cheated.”
“No, I took my authority back from June’s ridiculous antics.”
“You could’ve just told Baz to go and be done with it.”
“Baz was right. It was more fun this way.”
Still shell-shocked, Lilac said, “That’s so…”
The natural end of that sentence was “hot.” But she couldn’t exactly say that without reopening the wound their so-called reset inflicted. Ethan must’ve read her mind because he moved past her unfinished sentence.
“We better get back to work on this paperwork.”
Their eyes met, as though they couldn’t help but drink in the sight of the other.
“I’d rather be stuck doing paperwork with you, Dr. Ramsey,” she confessed quietly.
In the silence, his characteristic stony expression softened.
“I’ll make us coffee,” he said in response, already moving toward his prized machine.
And though he said nothing more, Lilac felt the blue eyes she adored the most in the world find her when he thought she wasn’t looking.
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Note: Thank you so much for reading!
And thank you all for all your kindness, well-wishes, patience, understanding, and grace. Without boring you with the painful details, the last few weeks have been difficult for me and everyone here has been so sweet!
Love you guys! 
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sunofthestar · 1 year
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With it being his birthday event and all, it really made me think more about Leviathan and now that I did... I noticed just how little he values or factors MC's comfort or consent in anything. Sure, MC's consent is iffy with everyone since everyone drags MC everywhere, but USUALLY they're pretty apologetic like "sorry you gotta deal with this" or back off sort of when prompted to, but Leviathan is by far the largest culprit in forcing his interests, problems, and etc on MC. He does it with everyone honestly, probably the largest problem causer near. Even more than Mammon. He never really apologizes either, just sort of makes the excuse (most out of every character mind yall) that he's a demon or whines/sulks until he gets his way.
I thought about it more when I consider how he was 3rd most popular in the last popularity poll and being pretty surprised. Like, I guess he's kinda relatable? And he definitely is up there with the funniest commentary, but... when you really look at him, he's pretty suffocating and childish without considering how MC feels much. Man I wish I had picture examples on hand imma just have to surf for em, there were some in his old bday events that I CAN'T GET TO ANYMORE so imma just name some stuff by memory:
*Designates MC as the heroine in Doji without asking
*Ignores MC saying no when asked to talk the Belphegor about not wanting to game (literally goes "lalala I can't hear you"
*Tries to steal Bephegor's signature in his sleep to force his consent in a game tournament
*Repeatedly drags everyone into his fantasies and throws tantrums when he can't
*One of the main perpetrators other than Mammon to intervene in MC having fun
*Throws a bratty fit in one of his bday events and literally goes "its MY bday and I choose what we do!!!" (Mammon kinda do that too but way less annoying)
There's way more lol but ya boi can't remember but anyway ye just an observation I had that I needed to get out my head by making this burn book for me reason
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sammytheotakunerd · 2 years
Can we get an MC who hates taking their medicine? Like they refuse to take it and run and hide and everyone has to search for them? They will try every to not take them so the others are forced to hold them down when they catch them. (This is important medicine that MC can't skip btw)
I just opened the requests, y'all are fast-
More under the cut!
Medicine sucks!
Oh boy..
If this was before lesson 16 and the two of you became close, then he would be irritated at you. He has so many things need to get done but a sick human that needs to get medicine isn't one in his book.
He most likely forced the medicine because he doesn't like to have a dead human in the HOL.
Now when the two of you are close? There's no saying that Lucifer loves you but if he had to make a choice of either:
You wouldn't get the medicine and you'll die at him or get the medicine and you'll be perfectly fine, but you'll get mad at him, then he'll choose option 2.
"MC, for the last time. Take the medicine now or i won't hesitate to shove that to your throat."
No matter the downsides, he'll get that medicine down your throat.
It doesn't matter if you hide or not. He will find you.
Yes, you'll be angry but it's more worth it than having you dead.
He will panic about your condition, no doubt about that.
Before, he'll still worry about you. You're the first ever person that didn't judge him the way he is.
He won't hold you down, but he'll surely beg you.
"Pls MC! Ya gotta take the medicine!"
Most likely the first ever interaction of a shout he made that wasn't a tsundere move by him.
And he might've made you wake up.
And well, he did that to you at a random 3 am.
He can't sleep for diavolo's sake! The more days you don't drink the medicine, the more his worries multiply.
The more he bothers you, you become more annoyed.
So, what's the best thing to do in this situation?
Definitely not going to hide and make his worries on the triple digits.
He'll find you OR have a whole search party for you. (Which consist of all of the characters that really is worried about you.)
Choose the best option right now because if you don't and keep delaying the medicine then i don't think you'll live for much longer.
Why are you coughing? ARE YOU DYING??
Not even gonna lie but he was weirded out when you coughed. but then he remembered... You're a human and human= weak.
He got the memo and panicked before you can even know what really is going on with you.
He's similar to mammon but he doesn't want to get infected too so he avoids you by staying in his room all day(not that he minds).
He'll text you, that's for sure.
'Hey MC, you ok?'
You can't really text. Not while you're literally feeling like dying and every inch of your body feels like pins and needles that sticking to you.
He'll spam text you until you really get annoyed ad reply to him.
'I'm fine thank you :) <3'
It was all worth it because he stopped with texting you but that just is a couple of hours.
So enjoy it while it last~
His reaction is similar to Levi's but worst.
He loves you; he really does! But he's not willing to get sick with you.
Unlike Levi, he'll call you instead. It's ok to not to respond, he's the one that'll ramble instead, and you just have to listen.
"Did you know that Beel almost destroyed Hell's kitchen?"
This man tells you the biggest tea that you're so entertained.
Sorry Levi but you can't really listen to Asmo's tea while there's so many notifications, so you had no choice but to block Levi.
Asmo's like your personal ASMR and if he had a livestream, you'll surely bet that there will be so many demons watching it.
Not because of his beauty but also for the tea.
he's so good at how to tell the tea that you keep on edge to know what's the next thing that'll happen.
So when he got the news that you didn't want to drink your medicine then your fucked.
That story he was telling you about last night but got caught off because he needed to sleep? Yea it's been delayed.
He doesn't tell you what's next if you don't drink your medicine.
Now you tried to hide? Just hope that you don't have your phone with you.
What medicine do you need?
He's like the doctor of the family.
He and Asmo sometimes group called you just so you can have a daily checkup.
He sometimes visits you face to face, other times he'll call you.
"Are you feeling better with the medicine?"
He hopes you can be better because you've been looking pale. You might even die.
He trusts his brothers to keep an eye on you.
Trust me, it's better to have beel hold you down because this man can get a bit overboard.
"I'm sorry MC that i went over a bit.. you need to take your medicine."
There's no point if you hide. He will easily find you even if you try to hide.
Is MC dying!?
He most likely got the news from Lucifer.
This man right here is your new nanny.
He feeds you and spoon feed you. Doesn't matter if you said: 'I'm ok', he would force to spoon feed you.
"MC, I need to spoon feed you because you're sick."
"i told you beel that i'm fine-"
*Cue you trying to get your arms up but they're numb.
(Yea, the both of you stared at your arms. You can practically see his eyes saying: "You know that i know what that meant.")
You gave up not a second later.
While Beel is feeding you, you listen to Asmo. They're a relaxing pair to be with.
You feel like royalty at how beel is so careful at feeding you.
He treats you like you're made of glass(I mean, he ain't wrong tho).
If you don't want to drink the medicine, then as much as he hates doing this to you, he's one of the people that'll hold you down.
This man will cuddle you. He doesn't care being sick, he'll cuddle you.
He's by your side 25/8. He doesn't go out often because beel is the one getting the food.
Whenever Asmo calls, he gets annoyed as much. He wants to sleep with you. If asmo calls then it feels like Asmo is there too.
"Hello dear! Do you want to continue what happened or-"
*Belphie ended the call.
"What did you do that for belphie..? (Your voice is raspy and itches so you can't really shout)
As much as you want him to get out so you can have your privacy, you can't really ignore o the fact that he's warm.
When you go to sleep at night, you almost instantly sleep at how comfortable belphie was.
Well as he is with beel at how he feels holding you down, he needs to do it just so you can recover.
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yourqueenb · 1 year
I remember you saying that MAH would've been better as a short slasher, so are there any other books that you think would also have been improved if they were significantly shorter (like if they cut out a lot of filler chapters/scenes)? Or for that matter, are there books that you think would've been better if they were longer than the usual 16-18ish chapters that Choices usually does (to make the story feel better developed and less rushed)?
Bachelorette Party definitely would’ve been better as a mini book instead of a regular length one. And I’m really not sure why that wasn’t something they considered. There was no reason for it to go on as long as it did, especially because it was neither entertaining nor funny. It was just really stupid imo. Courtney was annoying as hell, and her smiling sprite was terrifying. And I couldn’t stand Aisha and that damn briefcase. IIRC, that was the main reason the story dragged on for so long. The best thing to come out of that book was Ash Tanaka, but I feel like people forget about him because he was unlucky enough to be a part of BP.
Witness and MTFL both had the issue of an unlikeable MC. But I feel like that issue wouldn’t have been so pronounced if both books were shorter as well. All Witness MC and Cassian did was screw and argue for like 25 chapters. And they literally had MTFL MC wait until the 100th damn chapter to decide who she wanted to be with. Not to mention that god-awful first person narration along the way.
I think this last one is controversial, but Immortal Desires was also far too long. It just dragged week after week because the first 9 or 10 chapters were the same thing over and over again. Hang out with Cas. Hang out with Gabe. Oh no, our Mom’s sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong so we have to stand trial in front of the council again! Rinse and repeat 🙄 If they hadn’t wasted so much time on all of that, the ending wouldn’t have been so rushed and awkward now that they’ve decided to make a book 2
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marsgod · 2 years
Hey so. It's fine if you don't do this but may I request Simeon or Leviathan comforting an honor student mc who cut contacts with friends because they've been... frankly, horrible? Not abusive, at least physically, nor are they stereotypically toxic. I just got the feeling that they thought I was dumb and one of them... outright said I was annoying. I don't know, really. I understand if you're uncomfortable with this, however. Have a good day and don't forget to take care of yourself!
I’m sorry this happened to you, i hope you find better friends
⇢ Simeon x Stressed! Gn! Reader
⇢ Warnings; Gn! reader, honor student! reader, crying, comfort
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Simeon sat on your bed, softly humming as he reads through a random book he found on your desk as you muttered curses to yourself, aggressively flipping through a multitude of notes.
He looked up after a thud was heard, seeing you resolving your stress by shoving your head in your arms. Simeon slid a bookmark between the pages, reaching up enough to trace shapes onto your back, “I’m going to make some tea, my love, would you like to take a break?”
If Simeon saw the way your shoulders shook or exhale a shaky breath, he hadn’t said a word, only wrapped his arms around your hunched figure and kissed the back of your neck.
“Come down when you’re ready, we can talk about it.” With one last kiss, he exited the room to boil some tea..
.. You slowly walked down the flight of stairs, not in any sort of hurry to do anything. You were exhausted and could feel the weight of everything weighing you down. You could feel your eyes growing heavy.
Simeon looked like the definition of angelic. He held a teacup with two hands, keeping it close to his lips to blow, all of Simeons’ hair was swept behind his ear to avoid making a mess. The light from the fire dimly lit up the room.
He peeked up and softly smiled, pushing another small teacup on the other side of himself, “C’mon, love, do you want to talk?” You plopped down besides him, ignoring the tea in favor of resting your head besides him.
Simeon reached up, allowing you to rest as he traced shapes and the small of your back.
You’re not quite sure what it was, but your eyes were burning from previous crying and staying up late, you could feel a migraine emerging, and the slightest noise was making you overstimulated. You felt the ball at the back of your throat tightening until you couldn’t help but start sobbing, mumbling unintelligibly.
It hurt, your eyes were sore and everything was too heavy to keep up, you could hardly keep a coherent thought in your head.
Simeon pulled you into his chest, “Shh, sh, it’s okay lamb, let it out, you’ve done good.” He hugged you, not flinching when you pressed your full weight against him and not caring about the tears and snot on his clothes as you shoved your head in his chest.
It didn’t take long before you reduced yourself to coughs and sniffles, hiccuping every now and then and silence fully overcame the both of you.
You’d slowly start to explain brokenly, ranting to Simeon as he nodded along, explaining about how you’d finally dropped your now ex-friend, how you’d kept getting behind on assignments due to your unending exhaustion.
By the end of your long, messy rant, Simeon hugged you, rocking your limp self back and forth. He’d pulled you in his lap and allowed you to curl up, letting your cheek rest in the palm of his hand,
“You’re so good, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I love you lamb, you can tell me anything.”
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I'm going to do something new for me and post my story here too. See how it goes.
For those who play beyond, this takes place between the last time MC sees Merula in seventh year and the first time they see her again in beyond.
Chapter two I'd hire me
Chapter three: No cure for me
Chapter four: Rinse and repeat
The Most Powerful Waitress
Summary: Merula is convinced that now that she has left Hogwarts she gets to make herself into the legend she deserves to be, but life after Hogwarts is not as easy as she thinks.
Fair warning that Quinn is very soppy, especially this chapter.
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01. School's out
No more Hogwarts, fucking finally! Merula looked out the window of the Hogwarts Express and breathed a sigh of relief when it left Hogsmeade station.
Those seven years had been challenging to say the least. Even though she was the Most Powerful Witch and could obviously handle anything, she was more than glad to put an end to this chapter of her life.
No more R, dangerous family members, deadly teachers, useless headmasters and best of all: no more secrets and lies. After a much-needed break she would show the wizarding world how fucking powerful she really was. No one would ever dare to mess with her again. She’d get to create her own life, make her own name.
‘I am never coming back here.’
Merula looked away from the window to Ismelda. Ismelda leaned against Ben Copper, her boyfriend of four months; a large white, blonde guy. On her other side sat Beatrice, an even blonder and whiter fourteen-year-old girl who had been following Ismelda around like a cruppy for the past two years. They shared a compartment for six and the three of them occupied the seats across from Merula. Her trunk occupied the seats next to her.
Beatrice made a face at Ismelda’s words. ‘I’m so jealous. I wish I could leave this wretched school. I can’t believe my parents are still forcing me back here after all that happened. I’ll forever be the girl who got stuck in a portrait.’
Not this conversation again. Merula stifled a groan, rummaged through her trunk until she found one of the books she was currently reading and lost herself in it.
‘Ben there you are!’ A high pitch voice sounded out and Merula didn’t need to look up to know who it belonged to: Beatrice’s older sister, Penny Haywood. Much to Merula’s displeasure Haywood moved her trunk so she could sit on her side, though she did sit at the opposite end. Her eyes were red-rimmed as if she’d been crying, which she probably had. Haywood had been crying a lot the past days.
‘I’ve been looking all over the train for you. I still can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow.’
‘Don’t worry, I would’ve come over to say goodbye.’ Copper reassured her.
‘It feels like everyone is leaving,’ Haywood sighed. ‘You to America, Charlie to Romania, Diego and Orion will be traveling and Quinn’s going on a retreat. Everything’s changing so fast. It feels like we were first-years yesterday and now we have to start looking for jobs.’ She paused and looked at Merula. ‘You know, I still don’t know what you’re going to do. I asked Quinn but she didn’t know either.’
‘Why would Lee know what I would be doing?’
‘Because you’re dating? I mean you’ve been together at every ball since fourth year.’
Merula’s face flushed and she gritted her teeth. ‘So? We like to dance together, that doesn’t mean shit.’
Haywood pursed her lips and the others shared looks of annoyed disbelief. Merula bit back a snide remark. Whatever she and Quinn did was no one’s business.
‘Alright, so what are you going to do?’
Since Haywood didn’t press, Merula let up a bit and smirked. ‘I don’t know yet. I have a lot of options, everyone wants the Most Powerful Witch to work for them.’
‘Really? That’s great! Is curse-breaking one of them?’
‘Fuck no, I’ve been curse-breaking for seven years, I’ve seen enough.’
‘I understand.’ Haywood gave her a sympathetic look, which made Merula want to push her off her seat. ‘What about you Ismelda?’
‘None of your business, Haywood.’ Ismelda rolled her eyes, though only one was visible behind her black hair.
‘Oh, right.’ Haywood rubbed her hands on her legs. An awkward silence fell over the compartment.
‘How about we go to the others?’ Copper suggested. When Haywood nodded, he got up and looked at Ismelda. ‘See you later.’
‘Yes, later.’ Ismelda’s lips curved a bit when she looked at him.
Beatrice looked at Ismelda and Merula. Ismelda gave her a shrug and Merula raised an eyebrow at her. Couldn’t the child think for herself? Luckily, she got up and trailed after Haywood and Copper.
Merula turned her attention back to her book, but she had barely started a sentence when Ismelda made her look up again.
‘I thought you were done with lying?’
‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.’
‘You and Lee. Everyone knows you’re dating.’
That again. She snapped her book shut. ‘What’s it to you what Lee and I are or aren’t doing together? At least I’m not running off to America with her after only four months of dating!’
‘Four and a half! And I’m not following him.’ Ismelda hissed. ‘But you’re right, I should just let you simmer in whatever mess you created.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?!’
‘Your girlfriend has some serious issues. If she had half a braincell she would’ve dumped you with all the lying. By Morgana, you even kidnapped her!’
‘Only because I had to. She wouldn’t stop prying. I told her not to. I tried to protect her, but she never listens!’ Merula sighed. ‘I wanted to sort things out, make them right before it got worse.’
‘I know.’ Ismelda’s face softened a bit.
A silence fell between them and Merula fidgeted with her book. Her mind raced. Sure she and Quinn had some issues, but that made sense right? With Quinn’s desperate need to find her brother in the Cursed Vaults Merula’s need to find power in those same vaults. Add on R and their need to get into the vaults… Yeah, nothing about their time at Hogwarts had been normal.
And, well, part of it was her fault, she should’ve never let her aunt manipulate her into joining R. She hurt her friends, kidnapped Quinn and lied to everyone. At the time she thought working with her aunt would make things better, would enable her to protect herself and others. She had never been more wrong. All her aunt wanted was to use her and when she realised this, she stood up against her. With her help her aunt was captured and would now spend the rest of her life in Azkaban. That had to count for something, right?
‘I lied to you too and got you in the hospital wing. What does that say about us?’
‘That both of us have issues, but I’m not denying it.’ Ismelda smirked. ‘Maybe you shouldn’t either.’
Merula let out what she hoped sounded like a chuckle, but felt more like a bitter laugh. Thankfully Ismelda changed the subject by showing her a book Copper had given her before getting on the train: A comprehensive guide to the rarest museum artefacts in the United States.
They got interrupted when the Trolley Witch came by to offer them some sweets. Merula got herself a cauldron cake and had half a mind to get an acid pop, except Ismelda knew she didn’t like them and who did. Since she knew getting one would get her into a discussion again, she didn’t. She could get Quinn all the acid pops she wanted later. Later, when she’d made her own name. When people wouldn’t think about kidnappings, or R when they looked at her. When people realised she wasn’t such a bad person after all. Later, when everything was better. Because it would be. Everything would be so much better now.
After the Trolley Witch left she and Ismelda talked about future plans until Beatrice returned and the three of them played a few games of Exploding Snap. When the train finally arrived in London, they waited for others to get off first. Neither of them liked crowds. Beatrice’s expression turned sour when she watched their schoolmates walk together on the platform. Merula felt a wave of compassion when she looked at her. The poor girl had been through a lot and couldn’t connect to her peers because of it. She nudged her with her foot.
‘Owl me whenever you get sick of those numbskulls. We can meet up in Hogsmeade if you like.’
Beatrice’s face brightened and she nodded.
The three of them got out when the platform was empty again and made their way to the front gate, where the guard regulated the exists. Haywood stood near the guard, talking to a tall redhead who Merula pointedly didn’t look at, and waved at Beatrice. Her eyes were redder and puffier than before. Beatrice looked at Merula and Ismelda and said a quick goodbye. She made a move to leave, but Ismelda caught her in a hug and whispered something. Beatrice smiled when she let go.
Merula looked at Ismelda in surprise. Her expression was as stone-faced as ever, but her eyes were a tad shinier than usual. ‘You’re really going to miss her.’
‘Maybe a little.’ Ismelda shrugged. ‘Anyway, I’ll owl you when I’ve settled a bit.’
‘I’ll come visit when I can.’
A crack sounded over the platform when Ismelda disapparated and Merula’s stomach squeezed. Ismelda was the only person who had stood by her from the start and now she would be in the US for the foreseeable future. She took a deep breath, she would be fine. She’d get a job, be recognized for her powers and all would be well.
‘A longsleeve and a leather jacket? You must be freezing in this sunny weather!’
Her stomach did a whole other squeeze when she recognized the lively voice. With a quick spin she faced Quinn, who wore a yellow cropped top and red shorts. Her curls fell over her shoulders from a high ponytail. So, maybe Merula did dress a little warm for the weather, but she liked being warm. Quinn held out her arm with a grin.
‘Ready for the retreat?’
Instead of hooking their arms together, Merula had a look around the platform. When she confirmed they were the only ones left, she wrapped her arms around Quinn and rested her head against her collarbone. Quinn’s familiar foresty smell, with hints of juniper and pine, comforted Merula. Without a word Quinn returned the hug. They stood in silence for a good few moments before Merula unwrapped one arm to get her trunk.
‘Now I’m ready.’
After Quinn got her trunk, Merula apparated both of them away.
Her feet were barely on the ground when Quinn scooped her up and carried her towards the front door. Merula yelped, which made Quinn laugh. The sound sent a flutter through her and she pressed closer against Quinn, looking over her shoulder to make sure the trunks followed them. Quinn carried her all the way through the living room into the large overgrown back garden. She gently lowered Merula into the grass and laid down beside her. Her breath tingled against Merula’s lips when she spoke.
‘I’m so glad we’re finally on summer break. Just you and me for the next four weeks.’
‘Unless I get tired of you before that.’
‘Of course,’ Quinn chuckled. ‘I’m just really glad to leave Hogwarts behind. Now that everything’s over we can finally lead some normal lives.’
‘It better not be boring though.’
‘Life with you could never be boring.’
Her jaw clenched. No, boring wasn’t a word anyone would use for their time together.
‘What’s wrong?’
The simple word held a plea, but sounded almost disappointed as well. Fuck. ‘Ismelda says you’re only with me because you’ve got serious issues.’
‘Oh.’ Quinn furrowed her brow. ‘Andre said something like that too, about me having issues.’
She fell silent and Merula plucked at the grass between them, fighting the urge to apologize again. If Quinn didn’t still have that faraway thinking look of hers, she would’ve. She kept plucking at the grass until Quinn finally spoke again.
‘I suppose I understand. One has to be mad to want someone who lied so much. And you did kind of kidnap me. Sort of. Thing is, you make me happy. Really happy. Our dates were one of the few things I could look forward too, especially after Rowan died. You’re so sweet and caring and you’re the best at planning dates. You challenge me. You never act like I’m some hero, but you still make me feel special and loved. So I don’t care if I’m mad for staying with you. I love you and I don’t want to lose you too. I’ve lost enough already.’
A mixture of emotions overwhelmed Merula, constricted her throat and she scooted closer to bury her head in Quinn’s neck. Quinn wrapped an arm around her and stroked her back.
Quinn obviously ignored the bad parts, but she didn’t blame her. Their dates had been an escape for her too. Whenever it was the two of them, they just laughed, teased each other, made out, talked about quidditch, school work or music. Anything but the Vaults, or R.
When she looked up, Quinn had this sweet loving smile on her face. A warm feeling spread through her, pushing everything else aside. It didn’t matter why Quinn kept dating her, she never wanted this to end.
Her voice sounded hoarse from emotion. ‘I don’t want to lose you either. I care so much about you.’
She took a deep breath. ‘What do you think is going to happen to us now that we have to pretend to be normal adults?’
‘I say we’ll get married and have eight kids.’
By Morgana, she looked serious too. Well, if Merula needed any more confirmation that her girlfriend was mad, this would certainly count. ‘Eight kids?! You better carry them because I won’t.’
‘So you agree?’ Quinn’s green eyes crinkled behind her glasses.
Despite herself Merula couldn’t help but smile back. ‘No!’
She pushed her shoulder, but Quinn was quick to grab her wrists and get on top of her. She tickled her until Merula had tears in her eyes from laughing. Only after Merula issued some proper threats did Quinn stop and ended it with a kiss. She tasted like acid pops.
When they let go to catch their breath, Merula felt light and giggly. Everything would be so much better now.
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
Choices review: High School Story
Continuing on with my reviews, I'm doing one of the fan-favorites: High School Story! In the first trilogy, you play a sophomore going to a new school and you have to navigate new friends, new bullies, an evil principal, and a school rivalry. For the second trilogy, captioned "Class Act" you play a freshman who's school life focuses mainly on extracurricular activities, namely drama and helping friends run for class president. Don't worry--it's not as boring/cliché as I make it sound. And I have a habit of listing drawbacks to things rather than positives, so don't assume I hate the book! Make sure to check out my overall feelings at the end of each review.
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Book 1 was really great. While the plot didn't intrigue me like other stories and the media's usual portrayal of high school made the relationships in the book feel very PG by comparison, but the characters were probably the best part of the book. Something that kind of annoyed me is how Michael is labeled the "bad boy," even though he really isn't. He's more of a loner who occasionally breaks rules--and I'm glad, considering I'm not big on bad boys. I do think it sucks that you can't pair Emma and Caleb together if you're not romancing them--maybe not in book 1 since Caleb is still processing his breakup, though. I do wish we had more extracurricular options, but I understand this is in the earlier days of the app, and they did well with what they had. I feel like Zoe and Brian's arcs in this series are A MESS, though. Zoe cheated on Caleb since Summer vacation and Brian had some kind of feelings for her, but when Caleb finds out, she tries to go back to him, and it felt very flat. Brian also gave a weak apology, and it looks bad because you decide whether or not Caleb forgives him, which makes it feel like MC allowed room for Caleb to excuse Brian's actions again. I'm just glad the writers didn't make Brian and Caleb become friends again, considering what comes later. Another thing I'd have enjoyed was explaining why MC transferred to Berry High, as well as their relationship with their parents; half of their dialogue with Scott is just "Dad/Daaaaad/Dad!" Overall, it was a good book, even if it didn't immediately have me wanting more.
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Book 2 covers how the principal is caught in a scandal and is replaced by the vice principal, who is not only totalitarian, but also scamming the school. In comparison to the previous installment, it felt better and inferior in my opinion; It was too bad that despite us being able to make Emma and Luis a concrete couple in book 1, we don't have the option to lock down a relationship until the end of book 2. I also wish MC got the option to work at the school station during the winter season, and the friction in the school felt unfair towards students like Caleb who didn't think anything bad of Principal Isa's hall monitors. Those who fought against Isa were really insensitive to those who followed her rules like they didn't understand those who were raised to respect authority (even to extremes) and were being abused themselves. And lemme just say: the road trip gave me "The Freshman" vibes and I wish we'd gotten to have more fun like that outside of our "High School Story." And why were Maria's dads the only parents who were suspicious of Isa?
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Book 3 was probably the best book in the OG trilogy--and shouldn't the last story in an arc always be the best, from a writing perspective? After a fire burns down the rival school, they come and stay at your school--and rivalries inflame the school. I will say it was kind of weird how deep this rivalry was, given that how you act affects the attitude of the freshman students from your rival high school. Speaking of them, I'm glad we can pair up some of our rejected love interests, though they brought up something I wished we could've discussed more in the series: sexuality and identity. It's rare to discuss sexuality in GOC books with main characters since everyone is playersexual, but Cameron talking about being nonbinary and Emma talking about coming out as bi had me wishing that we'd gotten to address this earlier (especially since many modern genderlocked Choices books try to work sexuality into the mix). For example, if in book 1 you go to homecoming with someone of the same sex, your dad doesn't know it's romantic and you have the option to come out to him in book 2 (honestly I'm surprised Aiden didn't have his own Kaitlyn Liao moment by coming out to his helicopter parents). I also wasn't the fan of the main villains being from the rival school (and how they look like college students, even if some high schoolers look like that). If they had to go that route, make Zoe and Brian the villains, both of them further spiraling after Caleb's disassociation from them--or have Skye be the villain with Brian to give off a Cheryl and Jason Blossom vibe, and after Skye's beat, she becomes the better person we see in book 1 of Class Act. I kinda wish these books were spaced out during several school years rather than one.
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Class Act: Book 1 has you play a Freshman character at Berry High, and your original main character makes occasional appearances, with mention to their dating life and extracurricular activities if you choose to import them. The book primarily focuses on how you navigate your crush on your childhood best friend Rory and auditioning for the school play. NGL, it was messed up how we get blamed for our original MC getting hurt while auditioning, and I HATE slow burns, so the crush on Rory and cold shoulder from Ajay was annoying, to say the least. But it was satisfying--but you know what would've been super interesting? If this book kicked it up a notch and focused on investigating how MC got hurt (or maybe a random character is hurt/killed). Though I will admit part of this desire is fueled by wanting Daniele to be punished for her actions. It's mentioned later that she's going to therapy, so maybe that could've been court-mandated? And the twin dating Amber felt kind of out of nowhere; I feel like Amber didn't need to be a factor in this in that the twin could've had their life together better than MC, but that's just me.
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Class Act: Book 2 wasn't as fun for me as book 1. It focuses on how MC's twin and Rory are running against each other for class president. It was super icky, especially if you're romancing Rory. Your twin's feelings of betrayal feel (almost) unjustified since they expect you to help them win simply because you're related. It's super ugly and Ajay's issue with his parent's divorce felt like a B-story despite how it affected him. But I do want to praise the fact that we see the characters wear new outfits for the winter season!
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Class Act: Book 3 focuses on your spring musical going to an international convention in London! Honestly it's the most fun I've had in the CA trilogy. You also find out that MC and their twin have a biological family member living in London. I don't recall it being mentioned before that they were adopted. Was this addressed in the previous books? Maybe I missed that, but it was fun to get to know more of your character's family--though I do hate how it feels like a missed opportunity to cement MC's ethnicity; oftentimes, MC is customizable but their race is ambiguous. It'd be nice getting to know more of their British culture (along with Asian or African, depending on their race). But a BIG issue I have is with Rory's dad. Throughout the book, he sneaks around with one of MC's teacher, and it's revealed that he's been going through some emotional things that he couldn't bring to his wife...and we all don't dig deeper than that. I won't fault him since it's a "toxic masculinity" topic, but the fact that his wife forgave him so quickly felt a bit off, I guess? And Skye is being manipulated by her parents since they're financing the school play and it's future in London is in their hands. It was a really good arc, though in my alternate idea for "HSS: Book 3," it would've been interesting to see more Brian in the book. Even if he's awful, it'd make more sense. Overall, it was an enjoyable book.
HSS was a long series! Honestly I find "Class Act" more interesting story-wise, but the original trilogy had 5 love interests (not that having the option of Rory being a handsome male theatre nerd completely secure with his masculinity wasn't AMAZING), so in that aspect, it's superior. Both trilogies are replayable and as a franchise, a fun time, though the changeable extracurricular activities and various love interests in the original series makes it somewhat better, imo.
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leondaltons · 2 years
Hello, Flor! 🥰
Here I am, following you on tumblr as well (hope you don’t mind sjskaksj — just popping in to say hi).
While creeping around your blog, I saw the latest art you commissioned (yep, the one about your kotsam MCs — *heart eyes* stunning, btw) and wanted to ask if you’d like to share some facts about them? 👀 I know you probably have done it already, so feel free to ignore the second part of the ask, lol.
Have a lovely day/night! ♥️ ~ Gia
Gia hiiiiiiiiiiii <3, of course i don’t mind!!!! Thank you so much 🥺
Thank you, i love my babies so much 💗 
And of course i wouldn’t mind sharing some facts, thanks for asking!!!!
Aubrey is my softest mc! She is very sweet and kind but she can also be pretty shy and gets anxious easily. She is majoring in healing!!! Really enjoys her classes a lot!!
mmm Aubrey also likes baking and taking pictures. She owns different cameras and her room (both back home and at college) are full of pictures of her friends, family and small things she loves or that remind her of something. Oh and she also loves flowers!! her favorites are baby breath and orchids. Oh and she has a very good relationship with both of her parents and owns a cat!!!
Irina is the mum friend!!! She is extremely responsible (tries at least) and cares very deeply about those around her; always making sure her friends have eaten or are safe and whenever they get hurt because of her she feels responsible u.u She is also a nerd!!! loves readling, loves learning, studies a lot and wants to do well in classes!!! Irina is majoring in Ritual Magic and Potions and considering becoming a teacher or a scholar if she survives college lmao. Loves loves loves plants to the point she has a small greenhouse back home!!
Irina is super close with her mum but has some daddy issues she is trying to work through asjhaska. She can manipulate lightning, her wings are pure white and owns a pet dragon!!
Jenna is my spoiled brat!!!! very daddy’s girl!!!! Jenna is extremely smart (without the need of studying) and very cunning; loves annoying people and playing dumb to then make people look stupid. She can be cut-throat with people who hurt those she loves and lord, you don’t want her as an enemy! mmm she is majoring in Magical Technology!!!! We love a smart, educated, fashion knowledgeable and political queen!!!
Josie!!! my feral soul sucking baby!!! Just imagine the most terrible person ever and then multiply by 100 and you have Josie. I love them but they don’t have a single consideration for anyone other than like……two or three people. They are quite resentful towards the entire magical thing (mainly because they were taken out of their comfort zone and…constantly attacked). They don’t get on well with their parents but there is a special place of hate dedicated to their biological father kasjaka <3 Oh and they are majoring in Magic Theory (still super pissed they cant major in battle magic because “they are human” lmaoo)
And last but not least Nina!! My queen!!! I always struggle about what i should say about Nina because she has layers akasjaksj She seems very laid back and that nothing really bothers her; and in a way it does because she buries her feelings so deep until she becomes a time bomb lol and has very self-destructive tendencies. Would burn the world down if it means protecting those she loves!!! So she really struggles a lot with her public persona and “her real self”; she is pretty good at lying too and had commitment issues until leon (she still has some tho aksjaksja)
Before the events of the book she was considering majoring in art!! she is very talented and truly enjoys drawing and painting (and learning about art!!) but given that it wasn’t offered she went for Political science; a little because she didn’t know what to study and it was broad enough to cover multiple things but also because she is interested in the journalism side of it!!!
Nina loves her father, they are very close and have a very healthy relationship but absolutely hates Roxana and is scared of becoming like her. Oh and her cat is named Cordelia!!!
Thank you so so much for asking ♥
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separatist-apologist · 2 months
Okay your post about people hating female main characters made me think about this… but before I dive in please know that I am NOT trying to start drama, this is purely friendly debate, and please don’t feel the need to answer if you think it’s gonna start shit.
Now to my question.. what is it that you hate about Aelin, then?
I will say that I understand your hatred for Bryce. I think she and Aelin have a lot of similar characteristics, but I hate Bryce so much meanwhile Aelin is like the loml.
Reflecting on it, I think it’s because those characteristics don’t make sense for Bryce. Her being all secretive and not looping her friends in doesn’t make sense based on her backstory.
Meanwhile, while I understand that those parts of Aelin annoy people, I think they make so much sense for her. She was orphaned at a young age, groomed to become an assassin, finally let someone in to her plans (Sam) only to have him die immediately. Then she also trusted Nehemiah who also then died. I think it makes total sense that she would keep everything to herself moving forward out of fear that her loved ones could be hurt, or that she’ll let them down. Kind of like Rhys and the pregnancy plot. Was it the right choice? No probably not, but it makes sense based on what we know of that characters trauma.
Also I think a lot of people get annoyed that Aelin thinks she’s hot shit, but I’ll say personally I found it kind of nice to have a fmc who was confident and girly. I feel like so often they start out thinking they’re ugly and like no one could ever be into them. And idk I thought it was nice to see someone who knew she was hot. And also like a girl who can rough it but also enjoys the finer things in life and likes dressing up and shopping but like will also murder you, ya know?
Anyway there’s my defense of Aelin. Again, only sending this for funzies not to start fights or anything. You don’t have to agree with me! That’s the fun of fandom, we can all have different opinions and enjoy talking to eachother about this (side eyeing other people in your askbox). I come in peace!
Anyway ily hope you’re having a lovely weekend ❤️
So in the interest of this debate that you brought to me, I guess I'd start by asking where I ever said I hated Aelin and then turned around and lamented not getting a FMC who had all her same traits or stanning a MMC who had all her traits while lambasting her for all those same things? Because you can hate a FMC for not being the vibe- I never argued that people shouldn't hate women simply because they're women.
I kind of resent this ask under the assumption that I'd like Aelin if she was a man, which, again, was the whole crux of my argument assuming you're coming from the post that reads, "Its so funny to me when people will decide they don't like a character, commonly a female main character, then start giving their 'preferred' character all of that MC's traits & symbolism like babe...the call is coming from inside the house."
I would, I guess, invite you to point to where I've done that with Aelin? I don't like almost any of the TOG characters minus Chaol and occasionally Dorian pre whatever book has them on the boat. And I've certainly never assigned all Aelin's symbolism and traits to Chaol. I was really enjoying TOG until, what Queen of Shadows? When all the character development regressed backward to make room for a plot I am convinced was never the original intention of the books and cheapened everything that happened to Caelana, Dorian, and Chaol while living under Evil Dorian Sr whatever his name was.
Anyway, I'm happy to have a conversation about what I do/don't like about the entirety of the TOG series, because it's not just Aelin I don't like. I don't like the series past Queen of Storms (I think, whatever book that ends with spoiler Dorians dad dying). I've never finished it, I just skimmed the last book to see how it ends and I think reading all 800 pages of "and then this secret army we never heard about arrived!) I'd lose my mind.
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sixofravens-reads · 7 months
Okay, Tam Lin thoughts/review. Going to structure this one differently because I've seen some other reviewers do this and it seems like a more organized way of posting:
(spoilers under the cut)
Overall: if you want a vibes-based, cosy academic read this is a decent choice, as long as you're okay with the actual magic bits being put off till the end. In my opinion the story drags quite a bit and spends a lot of time on minutiae like classwork and dorm squabbles and not enough on the actual, titular plot (I believe @wearethekat commented on another post and said "this is a story about college that happens to have Tam Lin in it" and that's definitely the vibe). The Tam Lin aspects could've at least been woven into the entire book a bit more seamlessly, as it's frustrating to have your Janet character and your Tam Lin character but not have them really interact beyond friendly conversation for 400 pages.
The Good
Dean's writing style is really nice. It's very personal and conversational, almost. You really get to know the characters and their thoughts and feelings. It's very friendly.
Once we get into the actual Tam Lin part of the story (the last 50 pages or so) I found the lore very interesting. All of the mysterious Classics students turn out to be either fae or humans under their thrall (including some 400 year old Shakespearean actors), led by the mysterious Professor Medeous, the faerie queen.
I like the idea that Tam Lin is not just a ballad but a spell/ritual for rescuing your love from faerie. If you're on the way to being sacrificed, you need to have your lover, who is specifically pregnant with your child, pull you down from the white horse and hang onto you. I'd love to see it applied to other stories, as it adds an interesting bit of complication.
Also liked the setting a lot, and the fact that the buildings all have their own personalities. The ghosts were an interesting touch too, and Janet's fears that she's going to die by suicide because all the pregnant girls in Ericson did before her.
I did like the frank, non-judgmental discussions of birth control and abortion in this book. They're very practical and realistic (except Janet's momentary plan to give herself an abortion with yarrow tea, but she was very much not thinking clearly and she doesn't go through with it). It was great to have a story that treats the subject matter frankly, and an MC who has supportive parents who will help her out no matter what she chooses.
The Okay
Dean clearly took this book as an opportunity to air her own ideas and debates about literature and classics. The characters spend a LOT of time in class, talking about readings for class, or debating books they've read outside of class. The author even makes up three productions of plays (iirc, Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and The Revenger's Tragedy) that she has her characters watch and comment on. It's somewhat interesting, even for someone who hasn't read most of the works they discuss, but I did start skimming eventually, because there's only so much Shakespeare debate one person can handle.
The professors. I thought they were all interesting, though it was a bit strange that Melinda Grey didn't feature more in the overall plot, considering she gets way more screentime than Medeous did. I think some of them get too much screentime, and others get the right amount but unfortunately don't actually factor into the plot.
Also the musing over which students/teachers were lesbians was kind of annoying, and I think it was only done to show that the characters we later find out are fae are more morally loose than others. There are lots of mentions of Medeous having affairs with other staff/students but that never really factors into the plot.
The Bad
This book should've been 200 pages shorter. Yes, it's a nice, long, slow read, but imo it's far too slow. The important plot is almost entirely put off until the last 50-100 pages, and most of the stuff between that and the introductory chapters doesn't matter in the end. The book drags at some points, and you're constantly asking "this is called Tam Lin, but where the hell is the Tam Lin??" It almost feels like the author forgot she was contracted to write a novel for a fairy tale-based series until the very end.
The Nick-Janet-Thomas-Tina-Peg-I-Guess love quadrangle is interesting for a short time, but it should've ended more quickly. Nick is a pretentious asshole and treats Janet poorly for most of their relationship (though whether the author considered it poor or if that's my modern standards, idk) and I feel like she shouldn't have put up with that for so long. Janet's character is not wholly emotionally driven, and I think once she started wondering why she didn't feel any sparks after reading the Fry poem, she should've ended it, even if she didn't realize how patronizing he is. Same with Tina and Thomas, they really don't understand each other and Thomas is basically only dating her bc he thinks she'll save him from the faerie queen, but Tina is also not the sort to tolerate being merely tolerated.
Also, a lot of the characters (but mainly Nick and Robin) like to speak cryptically in quotes from Shakespeare and some other works they've read, which is deeply annoying and frustrating and just underscores for me how pretentious they all are. It's not just once or twice, they'll have entire conversations like that, which hey, maybe that is how real college students talk, but I had to start skimming because it got to be a bit too much.
If I was going to rewrite this, I'd set the whole thing in their first & second year, cut a ton of the academic talk and roommate/dorm drama, and focus more on the faerie/Elizabethan-actors-in-college aspect, which would be revealed much sooner. Tina would break up with Thomas over summer, and Janet would dump Nick at the beginning of their second year. Then the Tam Lin plot would happen over those couple of months (but far more than 50 pages).
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bookio · 2 years
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Saiyuki: the Original Series Resurrected Edition vol 1 (2020) by Kazuya Minekura
I've been curious about Saiyuki series since high school but never really taken time to actually read it. Found this omnibus edition at the local library just in time for last assignment hand-in, making a perfect relaxation tool.
The main plot is interesting! Humans and yokais (demons) are living in peace until one day, like a switch, all the yokai has turned to their deep hidden instincts of eating humans. A young human priest and his three best friends who all happen to be half yokai / half human, sets out to find a reason to this sudden switch and hopefully fix it.
During their travels we get to know each guy's backstory (EVERY ONE OF THEM SAD OF COURSE 😭) and how they met, their powers, flaws and personal goals in life. Meanwhile, because their leader is a priest with a divine family line, it's also a lot of interesting flavors of religious beliefs and mannerisms. Seeing the mix of fantasy and Buddhism coming together is actually fun!
The stories for each volume is a little.. so-so. It's definitely noticeable that the comic must have started in manga monthly magazines because each volume carry kinda the same premise. First they travel, then they reach an inn/restaurant/motel/dojo/someone's house. They get to know a female there and flirts with her for comedic impact, learn the hosts story in relation to yokai and the sudden switch. Then later the gang gets attacked by yokais (mostly during the night) that are trying to stop the priest from reaching their destination. The guys show off their powers/strength, saves the day and then travels to next destination in good spirits. Between all these events however, are sprinkles of sad backstories, the dilemma of being half yokai killing other yokais, religious world building and villain character introductions. So it's never really boring but it's definitely a feeling of déjà vu most of the time.
I enjoyed the combination of old medieval stuff with new modern technology, it kinda reminds me of Final Fantasy! Like one of the guys has a dragon pet who only power is to transform to a jeep car (cute!) and the priest weapon is a literally a revolver, while the others have magic spells and wands. It's so fun when they're fighting and magic is spewing everywhere and then there's the priest in the middle of it with his little gun, hahaha. Love the characters dynamic and bickering with each other. I feel my long awaited introduction of this manga was better than i expected, so 5/5 stars
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Bübin's kid (1987) by Mare Kandre
Second time reading this super confusing poetry driven book and realized there are heavy details i missed to the point of me maybe completely misunderstood the story? The author loves to fill every page with sensor overload and fleeting thoughts that doesn't seem to have anything to really do with the actual plot, but more to create an atmosphere. You have to kinda push through and between them to actually see what's going on.
I read online that this book is interpreted by many to be a girl's coming of age story, of dreaming about missing her childhood by imagine a child-self in the hands of her mother figure. But i don't think it necessary is..? Yes, MC is definitely confused and annoyed about periods, but what about the rest of the book? If trying to put realistic perspective into this story, our narrator the nameless young girl or woman is living with a male caretaker (father?) Onkel and female mother figure called Bübin. They read and pray a lot, apparently living on a secluded farm outside a small town. Onkel is claimed to be seriously blind, to the point of getting a visit from doctor or a priest, and one day Onkel even has to leave the house.
At first read, i thought MC gave birth to the kid. But on my second read, it's probably just period cramps, and then a separate character moving in with them. The new kid doesn't come from nowhere though, around the same time a little neighbors boy comes running with the message that "Dordis sister died", and soon a little baby made of meat is constantly carried around by mother Bübin.
The narrator is very jealous of Bübins new found affection for the kid, she clenches up in anger and coldness. I wonder also if maybe MC has a neurodivergent personality in the way she has difficulty reading and responding to situations. At times she will do odd facial expressions, the tongue has it's own life like a snail, and the world around her is described in this over-sensor manner. She will also flay her arms and shake them when excited. Which would kinda explain the fleeting, sometimes confusing narration.
Either way, Onkel and Bübin have to travel somewhere and leave the two children (?) alone together for some time. The days are all merged together as MC in unable to care for kid due to her still rage filled jealousy. We watch helplessly how MC starve, abuse and ignore this poor kid who's in dire need of help. One day there's a woman's shouting outside the house gate. MC runs to the kid to prevent it from showing itself. The starved, smelling skeleton kid fight with all their might to get free but they're smaller and weaker. MC puts her arm around the kid and chokes long enough for them to pass out.
She tries to kill the child again by bringing a rock into the bedroom when it rests, insanely weak of starvation but decides not to do it. The pace really slows down during this time of the book as MC is waiting for the kid to simply self-succumb, avoid eating to alert that there's food in the house. Even forcing the child to accompany her on long walks through the forest to speed up the process. Eventually when MC tries to remove a tick from it's neck, the kid get so startled that they throws themselves at her and bites MC's hand. MC beats the kid in painful panic, eventually killing it. She then throws the body in the farm's (dried out?) well. Feeling happy about the ordeal, celebrating by eating herself to a nap and not thinking too much about how Bübin and Onkel's reaction will be when they come home again. I kinda guessing they're just temporary at some hospital far away or something.
Coming back to this book, actually taking time to slowly read the story, it kinda makes more sense then the first time i read it. The language is really unique and you can definitely feel the gothic inspiration. But i don't personally feel it's one of my favorite horror books anymore (i was so scared first time i read it, definitely flew up to the top of my list) and can just let it go. 3/5 stars
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Ok. I need to get this idea out to someone. Solomon and mc are messing with potions for class and he accidentally gives mc a “youth” potion that makes you look younger. It turns mc into like a 4 year old for like a couple of days. What do you think would be the demon brothers (any) reaction to babysitting their master? What would they do? Idk i think it would be a little funny.
You’ve Gotta Be KIDding me, MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He'll be exchanging words with that sorcerer bastard later. You can bet on that.
Lucifer doesn't take kindly to the idea of MC having run ins with magic in general, but at least this seems to be on the tamer side of the magical spectrum. And he had to admit, it's sort of amusing.
He intentionally watches you try to handle things on your own. Be it reaching for things too high up, stubbornly carrying things too heavy for your tiny arms, or making messes when you try to tidy up, Lucifer waits patiently until you ask for help (or until he can't take it anymore).
Treats you like he always does, despite your size. He doesn't talk to you like a child, or try to force toys and nap times onto you, but may or may not tease you when it's only the two of you. After all, you may look like a child, but that doesn't mean you are one. It's still funny to harass you a little, though.
"As independent as you may be, please refrain from trying to climb up onto the counter. If you need something, ask one of my brothers, or myself. If that isn't obvious enough, perhaps a 'time-out' is in order?"
When Mammon recovers from laughing for twenty minutes, (and also making threats on Solomon's life) he then decides to take a billion pictures of you. Now calls you 'munchkin' and variations of it.
And if you thought he was clingy before, just wait till you see how he is now. You're ACTUALLY helpless and vulnerable. I mean, you'd hardly make an appetizer for a random demon! So Mammon's gotta keep an eye on you. Maybe even a toddler leash-
Unintentionally treats you like an actual child. His older brother mode kicks in, and he finds himself taking care of you as naturally as breathing. Mammon? Being responsible?? It's more likely than you think.
He hands you a cup of juice before you can say 'I'm thirsty'. He'll slide over some sliced up fruits before your stomach has a chance to growl. You're tired? No kidding. That's why he's got a blanket and pillow on the sofa for you.
"Where do ya think you're goin', short stack? Nowhere without ME, that's where! I already told ya, if there's somethin' ya need, just tell me!" "Huh? I'm spoilin' ya too much? S-so what if I am?!"
Solomon came in with a child in tow that looked a hell of a lot like MC, and this man nearly had a heart attack. There's no way... did those two have a secret love child?! Th-that's just-!! Oh, it's only MC.
WAIT A MINUTE...TH-THIS IS....! ISNT THIS JUST LIKE 'DETECTIVE C*NAN'? Uwaaah... Just look at you! You're still just as smart as before, but you've become super small! Talk about the ultimate gap moe!!!
Levi isn't a big fan of the idea of tiny, sticky hands touching his things, so he's glad you've still got your normal brainpower. That being said, he finds himself talking to you normally. Maybe even easier than before!
It kinda throws him off that you guys can't do the things you'd normally do together. Your fingers don't have their usual dexterity so playing games is a challenge, and your attention span is a little shorter so these TSL marathons are killing you. But have no fear, Levi knows a ton of other things you could do together! He won't let something like this spoil his time with his dear Henry!
"If you can't use the controller, let's try something that doesn't need one! I've got a new Ruri Hana VR game with REAL motion and voice tracking! If you say the spells out loud, you'll cast them in game! Ah, and it auto-adjusts to the player's height, so there's nothing to worry about!"
Watching you struggle to enter the House of Lamentation in your oversized RAD uniform nearly sent him to the stratosphere. He inhaled tea when you almost tripped over your blazer and had to get a couple of slaps on the back from Asmo.
Does his best to find a cure for your 'little' problem, but the most that can be done is waiting it out. In the meantime, would you like him to read you a story? Large books are probably difficult on your tiny hands.
Constantly catches himself treating you like a tot. He's not trying to, but he can't help himself when he sees your round eyes staring up at him, or when he watches you try to climb up onto an armchair.
"Up we go- There. It must be hard for you, having to climb up into the chairs like that. I've got a stool if you'd like to use it? Though, I don't mind if you sit on my lap, too." "Hm? I'm embarrassing you? I-I didn't realize how overzealous I was being. Ehem...."
Oh that Solomon and his silly spells and potions, always making trouble! It's just one of his many charm points! And seeing as there are no permanent consequences from this harmless mishap, Asmo's enjoying it to the fullest.
Can you blame him? You're SOOOO cute~! So tiny and adorable! Why would've know that was possible?? Look this way, MC! He wants to take some pictures of you! Lowkey uses you as a photo op prop
He used to work part time at a daycare, you know? Asmo's great with kids! But that also means he's treating you like one. There's personalized snacks, cute little nicknames, and he's already gone and bought you a week's worth of clothes. Nobody tell him it'll only last a day-
He can be a little annoying with the baby talk and all the little activities he's planned for you, but you can tell he's enjoying himself.
"MC, look~! I've got plenty of ribbons to decorate your hair with! I'll let you choose your favorites, and then we can set out in town!" "Hm? Where are we going? To the playground, silly! You must be dying for a play date after being stuck in this dreary house all day, right?"
He was kinda teetering between whether or not he should throw Solomon across the yard like a football when he saw him carrying a teeny MC, but all was forgiven when he learned it was an accident.
Has now designated himself the permanent MC carrier. Your feet will never touch the ground so long as you're a child. And it's no problem for the likes of Beel, when you're as light as a feather! That makes him a little more conscious about being careful with you though-
Be it piggybacking or carrying you in his arms, he hasn't released you since he's spotted you. And don't think he's forgotten about feeding you. Beel's also taken your meal prep upon himself. You'll prefer things that've easy to eat, right? Though it kills gum to give you smaller portions than usual.... it feels cruel...
Somewhere between babying you and treating you as usual. He speaks normally to you as he always does, but prioritizes your needs over everything else. He wants to make sure you're well taken care of until this potion wears off.
"You're sure you've had enough to eat? I know I gave you a snack earlier, but... to think you really can't eat as much as before.. I'll talk to Solomon again. It must be torture to have such a tiny stomach, I'll do my best to get you back to normal."
There's obvious opportunity here, and Belphegor won't let it go to waste. (No not for murder)
He's getting a kick about your new mini mode. How's the weather down there? Do you need him to pick you up so you can reach the high shelves? Don't worry, he'll get you a sippy cup.
When the teasing has settled down, he pays attention to a more pressing matter: you're now the perfect side for cuddling. You're a living hot water bottle, not too big, not too small, tiny and soft and adorable. Er, he won't mention that last part though.
Anyway, Belphie thinks a little kid like you should go on and take a nap now. It's exhausting having such short legs and wandering around the house all day, right? He gets it. You look tired and he knows the solution.
"Ah, you're just as cozy as I thought you'd be... Though, it feels kind of weird holding you like this. It's like holding a stuffed animal, but you're not nearly as cute." "Pfft, what's that face for? Sorry, sorry, I was only teasing."
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