#the mer chronicles
clarenceposting · 2 months
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Fish boy? Or Fish boy?
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kabra-malvada · 2 years
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Day 3: Books.
IDK what's up with the shading with this one srry
Buuuut I wanted to draw fishbois so bad! And my brain itches for koi sun/moon ihdecdfghvw But I got too many wips aaaa help ;;
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sunflower-chai · 2 months
rereading the voyage of the dawn treader and i forgot how much of a little snot eustace is at first lol
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I don’t remember who it was that came up with this theory or where I first saw it since it was bit back in the day; but it was discussed how we see Fai’s childhood through his own eyes, and how his own limited version of events didn’t show the whole truth. If we are going with the idea that Fai and Yuui’s parents are at least some version of Chii and Hideki, characters we know, it seems odd how things with their family played out. You yourself pointed out that someone cared enough to make the twins matching cloaks. And apparently Fai has enough residual fondness for his mother to make his magical feather person look like her. Notably the twins weren’t given their sentencing until AFTER both of their parents had passed. When anyone who could have stood up for them was conveniently out of the way. Everything about the situation screams “uncle murdered his brother and sister-in-law and framed it as illness and suicide and used an old superstition to his advantage to throw his nephews in prison so that he alone could have the throne”. Which means that the king didn’t have some slow descent into madness but was power hungry from the jump. The twins looked like they were just a few years out of toddlerhood when they were locked away, and would not notice or understand anything about politicking and potential behind the scenes intrigue, they’d only understand what the adults around them were saying: that their father died of illness, their mother killed themselves, their uncle-king is just, and they’re bad. It seems like there was some kind of Game of Thrones bullshit happening in Valyria that we never got to see.
Oh I love this! I don't think I've seen this take before but it lines up perfectly with how things are presented. We don't see anything that happens in their country before the Uncle-King exiles them, and the facts aren't even presented from Fai's point of view as such, but from a third person narrator with no discernable identity:
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So we're essentially told this part of the backstory entirely through the hearsay that's going around the courts - it's all rumours and stories based on what people have heard, rather than any evidence to say what happened either way.
So, yes! I completely buy into the idea that their parents were manipulated out of the picture by the Uncle-King who was power hungry the entire time, but was so insecure about it that even when he HAD the political power he wanted he STILL drove the entire kingdom into ruin out of fear that he might somehow lose it all.
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food-lover9000 · 5 months
Clarence actually dreamed of his alts 💀💀💀
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azerty-6 · 9 months
There are Lunar Chronicles artists active here so I was wondering if any if you was selling TLC-inspired stickers ? On etsy or any platform that ships internationally maybe ?
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master-k0hga · 4 months
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| Y G G D R A |
[ Category: The Promised Land ]
| Before I quickly talk more about him, I'll just re-list the things I wrote in his quick ref since I didn't realize how hard I made it to look after I started trying to read through it... Oops;
70 years old
Adopted (along with 5 others); The oldest sibling
Part of a tribe who are guardians of the sea; Water Guardians to be obvious
He is the oldest step sibling to Caligo, he is very loving and protective over them. Almost motherly
Hates being called 'old' and being asked his age
His parents were murdered by rogue sailors; Gouged their eyes out for value and them dumped back into the oceans when he was only 12. His parents were King and Queen of the oceans so he now takes their place when he eventually "moved out" from his adopted home, he is now very protective of his people and his found family
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Anyways that's the quick bio; This is Yggdra, a shortened name for the tree of Life Yggdrasil, so in a sense he does has healing capabilities and can in fact bring people back from the dead to an extent however refuses to do so cuz that brings so much mental trauma along with it. The premise of his character is still the same, except he's no longer a Yiga leader and Kohga's oldest brother, just Caligo's and with a different reason now.. He was also still adopted by the same wicked man who forcefully took in Caligo and married their mother (who I'll need to re-do in a sense cuz their bio isn't entirely set either. Some reason Caligo and Katsumi are just difficult to put in place) and Yggdra was definitely brought into this "Father's" family roughly before he took in Caligo and a couple others (which I've given him a name, it's just in my drafts on my laptop when I was trying to re-purpose all of my former Yigas so it's not yet)
His tribe consist of mer-people, their fins shimmer so they can be like a ray of colours at the same time. Yggdra's here mainly of pinks, purples and blues; His mother's of pinks, yellows and greens while his father's were of reds, oranges and dark blues. The tails DO have a "base colour" but overall they are literally just "blue", "pink", "purple", "green", and a lighter "red"
They can actually produce their own pearls; They're made from their tears, after a couple hours they solidify into pearls. The pearls he wears are the tears for his parents when they were killed
In the water they have their fins, however they are able to come to land as well; Their fins can actually morph into legs at will. Once on land, from their feet to their shins are blue tinted like the rest of them, and their toes are slightly webbed like their fingers; It took Yggdra a month after he was born to willingly shift from sea to land and back
Their jewellery tends to range from pearls (as stated previously) and a specific kind of opal, to which is very common to find in the waters of their home however rare or almost non existent everywhere else. So it is a must for their home to stay protected
Despite having both indirect and direct connections with the outer waters of his home, he wishes to protect it from the threats of outsiders; Especially some time where the "Purge of the defiers" took place in the secluded village, Yggdra and Caligo were preparing to escape together before getting separated in the massacre, this found sibling bond seem to always be at the wrong place at the wrong time, just about missing each other every time... To which pains Yggdra's heart
The time he takes over as king of the "Oceans of Paradise" would have at least been a few years since the incident, he doesn't leave the underwater kingdom so much these days; Of course with the exception of, as stated previously, if he is on the lookout for his youngest sibling
Underwater Kingdom; " Oceans of Paradise "
As mentioned, the kingdom consists of mer-people who are the main occupiers of this tribe, sea creatures and the like of course live amongst them in harmony
They are capable of communicating directly to the waters, the creatures that reside, even the bacteria and other smaller living organisms that live the ocean
Tridents, blades made of the strongest minerals and opal, are their weapons and defences; Yggdra uses a trident that was passed down from his father after his sudden passing. Practically a family heirloom
The kingdom is also known as the "Kingdom of healing" due to how many healing remedies, potions and other technologies and spells that originated from there; With thanks and help from the resources that reside with healing capabilities and sea creatures who are blessed or born with natural resources
The diet is mainly vegetarian with the exception of eating small invasive critters such as crabs that attack or horrendously infest their home; Although minor, does become such an inconvenience if not regulated properly
Sharks and giant rideable seahorses are their defences along with the soldiers, when not in battle they are actually social and very kind to allies/friendly visitors. They sort of act like puppies, Yggdra has a baby seahorse that he calls his baby
💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙 🤍 💙
And that's it I guess, a lot of this is mostly improvisation because I didn't have that detail for him besides the basics, but it did start piecing together rather nicely when I did get what I want re-purposed for him... He's still a loveable person who considers one of his siblings to be his own and would love to reunite with them someday to be the big brother for them, so Yggdra would be very over the moon to find out Caligo has been brought into a safer place and having a kid with their saviour.
Anyways, as much as I would love to draw the landscapes and as mentioned cities/towns and such after working on these guys, they however suffer the same fate as my Zarean and Molterious species; The "artist" is unable to draw anything that isn't a person.. Even with the help of softwares and programs that help give the idea, I'm unable to implement environments onto a digital or traditional canvas, never have been. They always look shit.
... Oh well, maybe some other day..
. Yggdra, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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fate-magical-girls · 21 days
The Varieties of Chinese Mermaids
In the modern day, most people will think of the pearl-crying Jiaoren. However JIAOREN IS NOT THE PERFECT EQUIVALENT OF THE MERMAID in pre-modern folklore.
Chinese mermaids come in multiple types. Most of them can be found in the Chronicle of the Mountains and the Seas (Shan Hai Jing/山海經). Others can be found in the In Search of the Supernatural (Sou Shen Ji/搜神記) or Extensive Records of the Taiping Era (Taiping Guangji/太平廣記).
YUFU/MER-WIFE (魚婦): Zhuanxu was a god-emperor in legendary times, whose accomplishments included sending two of his sons to complete the separation of Heaven and Earth. When he died, fish ate his corpse, becoming half fish and half human women. They live in the Great Wilderness toward the west of China. They combine traits of humans, fish, and snakes. The Classic of Mountains and the Seas states: "There is a fish half-withered, it is Zhuanxu that died and then revived; when the winds blow northward, the sky whips up great geysers, snakes transform into fish, and those are mer-wives."
LINGYU/HILL FISH (陵魚,鯪魚): The Lingyu lived in the northern regions of China, either in the sea or mountain streams. They have human faces and limbs, but fish bodies. They are identified with Chinese giant salamanders or mud carp in the modern day. The Classic of Mountains and Seas states: "The nation of Guye is in the sea, among the Guye mountain range, surrounded by peaks to the southwest. There are great crabs are in the sea. There are Lingyu, which have human heads, feet, and hands, in the sea."
CHIRU/RED RU FISH (赤鱬): The Chiru lived in mountain in the south of China. It was red all over, had a human face, and its call sounded like that of a shelduck or mandarin duck. Eating its flesh protected people from contracting scabies. They are identified with sockeye salmon in the modern day. The Classic of Mountains and Seas states: "Three hundred miles more to the east, there is the mountain called Blue Hill...The Ying Waters emerge from here. Within are many Chiru; their forms are like fish, yet they have human faces, and their cries are like that of a shelduck. Those that eat its flesh will never have scabies."
DIREN/DI PEOPLE (氐人): The nation of the Di People was in the South of China. They were human from the waist up and fish from the waist down. They might have been a mythologization of the real Di People, who lived in western China, spread out from Shaanxi to Gansu. They joined the confederation of nomadic peoples who conquered Northern China during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. The Baima people of Gansu believe themselves to be descended from the ancient Di. The Classic of the Mountains and Seas states: "The nation of the Di People is west of the Jianmu Tree. Its inhabitants have human faces but fish bodies, with no feet."
HAI RENYU/SEA MERMAID (海人魚): The Sea Mermaid lives in the East China Sea. They tend to be around five to six shaku tall. (4'7"-5'6" or 1.4-1.68 meters.) Their upper bodies were that of humans, and they were all very beautiful. Their skins were white as jade, and their tails had no scales, but were covered in fine rainbow-colored hairs. Their hair grew long and wild like horse manes. Their private organs were much like that of humans, and they often sought humans or were sought by humans as mates in coastal communities, where they would live in a pool on their spouse's property. Sometimes they had red feelers or fins on their elbows and backs. Their bodies could not be penetrated by blades, but their fats could be harvested after death to form ever-burning candles. Han Dynasty texts state: "Merfolk have a human-like form longer than one shaku. They are not fit for consumption. Their skins are rougher than those of sharks, and cannot be penetrated by saws. They have little holes on their neck that they breathe through...Their fat is used to light lamps in royal tombs because the fire will never extinguish." Extensive Records of the Taiping Era states: "Sea Mermaids are found in the Eastern Sea. The largest ones are five or six shaku long. They are shaped like humans, with the brows and eyes, mouths and noses, hands and fingers, and heads of beautiful women, lacking in no feature. Their flesh is white as jade, and they have no scales, but thin, soft, and sleek hairs of five colors about one or two inches in length. Their private organs were no different from those of ordinary men and women. Widows and widowers from coastal communities often acquire them and raise them in pools. They mate the same way humans do, and never harm humans."
LOTING YUREN/LOTING FISH-MEN (盧亭魚人): Loting Fish-Men were found in the south of China, mostly around the Guangdong, Macau, and Hong Kong regions. They had humanoid limbs and humanoid faces with yellow hair and yellow eyes, but scaly bodies with fish tails. They lived mostly in the water, feeding on fish, but also built houses from mussel shells, and their favorite snack was chicken blood. They were a mythologization of the Tanka People, a southern Chinese pariah class who were once forced to live on their boats, as well as the Semang People. Ming Dynasty texts state: "The Jin Dynasty rebel Lu Ting was defeated and fled into the Guangdong region, where he lived a fugitive life on the water. After some generations, his descendants were unable to procure food or clothes, so they went about bare bodied and were called Loting. They would often sail out on the sea fishing for food, and they could all lie underwater for three or four days without dying, for they had already become fish." Qing Dynasty texts state: "Among the merfolk are the Loting Fish-Men, who are very numerous on Dayushan Island and the Wanshan Islands. Their adults are like humans, with male and female. Their hairs are dusky yellow and short and their eyes are also yellow, while their faces are black. Their tails are around an inch long. When they encounter humans they dive fearfully into the water. Often they would float along the waves, which would amaze people, who would they chase them. When a man who acquired one their females did the dirty with her, the fish-woman could not speak, only giggle. After a long while, she learned to wear clothes and eat grains. She was brought to Dayushan, where she went back to the water. These are the merfolk who do not harm men."
JIAOREN/SAMEBITO/SHARK-MEN (鮫人): Jiaoren are found in the South Seas. THEY ARE MER-SHARKS. THEY HAVE INKY BLACK BODIES, WILD HAIR, GLOWING GREEN EYES, AND SHARP TEETH. They are usually employed by dragon gods as weavers, capable of working tirelessly and spinning special waterproof silks. Their tears became pearls. They were first equated to Western mermaids by modern fantasy writers romanticizing the fact that they cried pearls.
WA WA YU/KIDDO FISH (娃娃魚): The Chinese Giant Salamander was often called a "mer-person" in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and described having a cry that resembled a baby's wail. To this day the colloquial name is still "Kiddo Fish".
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mochinomnoms · 1 month
Mochi, mochi! Hear me out. I love the shrimpy-mer Yuu chronicles, and PTM, and just *kicks feet*
So, let's just imagine. Every relationship has its ups and downs right? Maybe our shrimp has an argument with their eels. Maybe one of the guys hurt their shrimpies feelings. Maybe it was a dumb fight. So Yuu needs a break and maybe some comforting.
If we're going octo poly they go and hang out with Azul. Lots of comfort cuddles in a cozy spot, wrapped up Azul's tentacles while he lets you vent.
Or .. what if you got the rest of the families(s) involved. We kind of can already tell the twins are spoiled by their parents, but I just picture in my mind that Shrimpy/Yuu is adored by the Leech parents, especially Mama leech. So you got Yuu hanging out with Mama or Papa and the next thing you know they're sharing stories about dumb fights they had when they were courting or giving advice dealing with their sons "oh yeah, one time I pissed her off when I was trying to court her so she bit me in the tail hard, still have the scar!" "Listen, give him the cutest pout possible and Floyd will crumble, trust me, he won't admit it but he's just like his dad when it comes to cute things."
or or! Let's get Mama or even Grandma Ashengrotto involved. What's Mama's best comforting method? Food of course! Sharing food is love under the sea after all. Mama Ashengrotto cooking up comfort food. She cooks so much(Yuu's so tiny, please eat!) Sends Yuu home with leftovers, but tells them no sharing with the twins until they apologized.
Grandma Ashengrotto! If I remember correctly she's good at magic/potions and was teaching Azul when he was younger. So Yuu ends up hanging out with grandma. Hugging one of her tentacles as she's working something in the cauldron. Maybe grandma's got some sass(I love me some sassy old lady), "You know, I could send you home with a couple potions. Lot easier to handle a mer if he's the size of your palm..." "Nana no!" "I'm just saying!"
Ah they're so cute too! I think that the boys are each mama's boys and have always been attached to their hips. Mama Leech has been repeatedly referred to as a worrywart, checking in on her boys nearly daily (?) to make sure they're safe. And while we haven't heard as much about Mama Ashengrotto, Azul has mentioned having a close relationship to her, so it's safe to assume they're pretty attached. They're stark defenders of their boys.
They're also fairly aware of what their sons can be like, and are quick to coddle you over them. It's quite sweet, their sons think, until they realize that Mama is showing just a bit of favoritism and telling you all the ways to make him melt into your arms again. Ah, but can they really be mad when their spouse is fitting into their family so well? Plus, they can never really stay mad at you for long for silly arguments, you just too cute sometimes!
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murfeelee · 2 months
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IWTV INSP - MerMay Pt3: Part of Your World
“Are you going to show me where you live?” “No,” Lestat said simply....“When I bring you there, I want you to stay, Louis,” Lestat explained, looking slyly at him, “I want to carry you over the threshold.” Like a bride. Louis swallowed, suddenly unable to meet Lestat’s gaze, playing with a piece of kelp like it required all of his attention. “But I can describe it to you?” Lestat offered. Louis nodded, still looking at the kelp, trying to find some sense of normal. The thought of being carried over the threshold still reverberating through him like a long faraway note, piercing him with a unique kind of longing, and he didn’t know what to do with the wordless emotion it provoked.  “It is a place of interconnecting caves. All lit with yellow bioluminescence from the seaweed growing on the ceiling, bathing the rooms in light, and it’s slightly warm, from being close to a thermal vent,” Lestat said, his voice caressing the words, “Warm and bright and inviting. The furniture, the little that is needed, is made of multi-coloured coral but the surfaces are smooth to the touch, sung that way,” Lestat continued.... “Sung that way?” Louis inquired, his mind catching on that with curiosity.  “Merfolk have the ability to sing matter into shape,” Lestat said, like it wasn’t something insane to say. Louis stared at him and Lestat laughed.....
-- Excerpts from Part of Your World, by @weather-mood
Week 1's PEARL and FISHNET entry for @vamptember's MerMay VC event! (Louis' got a pearl headdress on & Lestat's wearing nets.)
Lestat's SO lucky he's an artsy-fartsy Lux Life snob like Louis is, cuz ain't no way Lou would've tolerated living in some busted AF shipwreck like some some of the other mer-folk tryna get with Louis in the sequel. 😅 There's a bit where Lou just swims around reorganizing all Les' random hoarder crap, and I was vividly reminded of Katt Williams' Pimp Chronicles segment on attracting people.
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Like, of COURSE Les WOULD live in what's basically a freaking jewelry box; Louis' bougie arse wouldn't settle for less than a multi-billionaire, even 20000 leagues under the sea! 🤣
- Now y'all know why I made all the CC for my Aquatic Set. Part 2 will be a few odds & ends I didn't finish in time, and hopefully Pt3 will be the CAS CC, but y'all know I tend to suck at CAS, so....
- Mermaidia @crowkeeperthesimmer
- Louis pearl headdress by @erschsims
- Lestat fishnet top by @rstarsims3
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inafieldofdaisies · 5 months
OCs as types of cannibalism | uquiz | Tagged by @corvosattano
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romantic cannibalism: eating others as a metaphor for love, desire and devotion. a love that is so strong it is destructive. you are a desperate person. you believe in love at first sight. you belive in soul mates. you believed in magic until you were probably a bit too old. you tend to be obsessive. you long for connection, and all though you have friends, you feel that none of them truly understand you. you wish to devote yourself to another person, as you feel you are not enough in yourself.
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romantic cannibalism: eating others as a metaphor for love, desire and devotion. a love that is so strong it is destructive. you are a desperate person. you believe in love at first sight. you belive in soul mates. you believed in magic until you were probably a bit too old. you tend to be obsessive. you long for connection, and all though you have friends, you feel that none of them truly understand you. you wish to devote yourself to another person, as you feel you are not enough in yourself.
epicurean cannibalism: eating human meat because it tastes good. you appreciate the finer things in life. you are an extrovert. why waste your life thinking about what might have been? you certainly won't. your biggest fear is to live a boring life. subconsciously you harbor a deep sense of emptiness. you distract yourself from this emptiness with extravagant behavior, risk-taking, and pleasure-seeking. you may have a gambling problem, binge eating problem, or substance abuse issues. you are also impatient.
Okay, I wasn't too set on some answers so I went back to do it a second time for Mer and I feel like she's a combination of the two results.
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filial cannibalism: the eating of one's own offspring. eating offspring has been documented in a variety of mammal and bird species – as well as fish, insects and spiders. hunger and quality control are among the many reasons proposed for this counterintuitive survivor of natural selection. you think of yourself as a logical person, and you probably went through a hardcore atheist phase. you consider this logic a virtue. to you, logic and emotion are two opposites, where one is superior to the other. wait until you find out that logic is an emotion. you are a great problem solver. your partiality towards objectivism though, is often less helpful than you realise. you have a hard time taking criticism.
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survival cannibalism: eating others to prevent starvation and not as a part of a cultural practice, usually as a result of an emergency or a famine. my sweet baby angel, you have not been touched by the darkness. I'm sorry if this scared you. you are a normal person with normal person problem. you want to get married. you dance with your friends. and you would never ever eat them (right?) it's surprising what can happen to a person, when pushed to the extreme though. have you ever wondered about that?
this feels like a speech Jacob would give him ahahah.
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @trench-rot @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @finding-comfort-in-rain @dumbassdep @wrathfulrook @cassietrn @florbelles @unholymilf @voidika @direwombat @fourlittleseedlings @marivenah @macs-babies @shellibisshe @nightbloodbix @thesingularityseries @simplegenius042 @the-silver-chronicles @onehornedbeast @theelderhazelnut @jackiesarch @adflictionem and anyone that would like to do the tag <3
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sunflower-chai · 2 months
we’re singing victory in Jesus on sunday and maybe my southerner is showing but MAN that’s a good hymn
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So isn’t the scene where Sakura is disappearing she says to Syaoran, “As long as those two are alive, it isn’t over yet…” What do you make of that and what it means for our favorite clone children?
VERY good question. In typical CLAMP fashion I don't think there's any way to know EXACTLY what she meant until it gets revealed later, but my current assumption is that as long as Character X and Character Y are alive then future events will work out in their favour.
As for who they are? My first assumption was the non-clone versions of Syaoran and Sakura, but it could also be Lava Lamp and Watanuki.
In true CLAMP fashion it could be pretty much anyone, but those would be my first guesses.
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ivyblossom · 24 days
I used to be a pantser, but now I'm a planner, and I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of everything that's going to happen in every chapter of my story. The number of chapters I have planned is how many chapters AO3 says the story will have, which is how many rows there are in my outline spreadsheet.
But what keeps happening is that I plan to have certain things happen in the story, but then doing just the one bit of the plan ends up taking up much more space than I expected, probably because I decided to linger at random in some unnecessary places in the story for no apparent reason, but then it turns out that like that unnecessary place so it stays, and then the whole thing gets longer. I love that fanfiction is all about doing what you want and screw it if it's unnecessary, right? My pantser tendencies are still a factor even when I have a very clear and solid outline. I am a feral creature and my movements cannot be anticipated.
Lately every time I write something for this story I stop myself and think, "this feels like a really big departure from the rest of this story, do I really want to take it to this place?" but it's all in my outline, it can't be that big a departure, and I decided to take it to this place months ago. So I don't know what that means.
This chapter introduces Susan Pevensie to my weird, canon-respectful but now a bit canon-fighty story. Because what happened to Susan was never okay, and you can't write a story like this without trying to make it right. We love Susan in this house, and she will get her happy ending even if it kills me.
Some random story-related observations:
Every narrator is unreliable in their own unique way.
Weird memory tricks remain one of my favourite things.
Peter Pevensie is my favourite person to give genuine 1940s slang to, it is the highlight of my week to write his dialogue. Apparently I have decided to give him ADHD, because he keeps blurting out super offensive things that he then needs to apologize for saying, which makes him seem like a dick, but I mean, if you're going to be a High King and a swordsman and all that, you're going to be a bit headstrong, amirite, and why not through impulsivity in there while you're at it? He rips everyone a new one at all times but he loves you a lot, can't you tell?
Edmund has oral fixation in this story and he has had it this whole time, it in of my original outline, you can see it there if you look. He got himself in trouble by asking for Turkish Delight, and he still wants to put things in his mouth, it's just who he is, sue me.
Edmund starts out as a dick, but he's actually the loveliest person underneath that, but Eustace Scrubb starts out as a dick and is always a dick, no matter how redeemed he is by the fancy lion who undressed him and threw him in the pool. He always rushes to judgment and we should always doubt him, because in his weird little Mormon heart he is very much still a dick.
Lucy's a lesbian and keeps hooking up with uninhibited women with shaved heads OR mer-girls. They all fall in love with her in ways that permanently change who they are as people because Lucy is a life-changing experience, but she gets bored faster than even she wants to and ends up moving on to the next one, causing much life-shattering and heartache.
I'm having a very good time writing this story.
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Soooo. I've been gone a while. What was supposed to be Week Six became more like "Two Months" Six. My bad. I can't promise that random breaks won't happen, but I'll do my level best to not let them become longer than a week if they do (knock on wood - the last time I said "I'll try not to take anymore random breaks" i dipped for a month).
Anyways, here's a very delayed Week Seven! Thank you to everyone who stuck around while I vanished.
Darkiplier - Markiplier
The Puzzler - Generation Loss
The Extinguisher - Jerma's 2022 Holiday Awards Show Extravaganza
The Giant Rat - Rat Movie: Mystery of the Mayan Treasure
Candace Flynn - Phineas and Ferb
Venus aka Kanamori - Heaven's Design Team
Han Ying - Word of Honor
Michealangelo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Carrie White - Carrie (all media)
Steve the Trooper - Chuggaconroy’s Pikmin videos
The Thunderhead - Arc of a Scythe
Haruki Nakayama - Given
A - Tomorrow Will Be Dying
Doris Frances Barbara - Blood & Syrup: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast
Juliet Capulet - & Juliet
May - & Juliet
Castiel Supernatural - Supernatural
Derek Hale - Teen Wolf
Lúthien Tinúviel - The Silmarillion
Potamos - Wedding Peach
Jiang Cheng - The Untamed
Poe Dameron - Star Wars
Asterion - Baldur's Gate 3
Dalian - Dantalian no Shoka
Shulk - Xenoblade Chronicles
Solid Snake - Metal Gear Solid
Zanza - Xenoblade Chronicles
Kuu - Haibane Renmei
Cole MacGrath - Infamous
Captain Olimar - Pikmin
Raku-chan - Nyan Neko Sugar Girls
Annie Wintersummer - Unprepared Casters
Yona - Akatsuki no Yona
Shane Schofield (Scarecrow) - Scarecrow and Jack West Junior
The Medic - Team Fortress 2
Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon
Orbulon - WarioWare
Mike - WarioWare
Cure Honey - Happiness Charge Precure
Crazy Barks - Drawn to Life
Ninjini - Skylanders
Cure La Mer - Tropical Rouge Precure
End (Endymion) - Beyond the End
Kansuke Yamato - Detective Conan
Mr. Crow, AKA Aldous Vanderboom - Rusty Lake/Cube Escape
Vega - Street Fighter
Izumi Miyamura - Horimiya
Aldark - Drawn to Life
M. Bison - Street Fighter
Aoi Inuyama - Yuru Camp
Klara - Pokemon
Virginia Lewis - The 10th Kingdom
Muriel - Good Omens
Nene Kusanagi - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Michiko Malandro - Michiko to Hatchin
Suzuki Shinya - 10 Dance
Miles Maitland - Bright Young Things
Diavolo - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Burly, Blabberwort, and Bluebell - The 10th Kingdom
Natsume Takashi - Natsume's Book of Friends
Faust - Guilty Gear
Sugiki Shinya - 10 Dance
Cure Finale - Delicious Party Precure
Igarashi Vice - Kamen Rider Revice
Mitsumi Iwakura - Skip and Loafer
The Corinthian - The Sandman
Shizuku Hinomori - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Mickey Muldoon - The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns
Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince Sama
Sasha Braus - Attack on Titan
Virtue Courtenlock - Krillverse
Goop Lyn - veryextraincorrectfegbaquotes.tumblr.com
Jean-Francois - Bunny Maloney
Tome Kurata - Mob Psycho 100
Seras Victoria - Hellsing
Pang Pawaret - The gifted
Viren - The Dragon Prince
Brawne Lamia - Hyperion
Dai Lee - Let Dai
Haruka Kiritani - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Minori Hanasato - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Cube - Gather Ye Power
C-53 - Mission to Zyxx
Cynte - Endoparasitic
Ged/Sparrowhawk - Earthsea
Sniff - The Moomins
Soren Baltimore - Camp Here & There
Mellow - Endacopia
Eunhyung Song - Let Dai
Rufus - Deponia
Sheik - The Legend of Zelda
Lee Ping - Detentionaire
Kasane Fuchi - Kasane
Shigure Sohma - Fruits Basket
Aymeric de Borel - Final Fantasy XIV
Meta Knight - Kirby
Luka Couffaine - Miraculous Ladybug
Satō - Ajin: Demi-Human
Mudkip - Pokemon
Death of the Endless - The Sandman
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alvivaarts · 1 month
oi i’m like two weeks late but 6 from the artist ask game??????
Ay no worries you're the first person who's asked anything from it! (insert confetti here).
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
Tbh I focus on a lot of theoretical biology for my mer stuff, for those I'd have to say either the 'ology' books and/or the Spiderwick Chronicles. I just love to break down the creatures in a practical or scientific way, but add into it like. More based in reality biology and anatomy and stuff.
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Above are some of my favorite 'ology' books, and below are some of my favorite Spiderwick monsters! (Not to mention, the entirety of the SCP wiki. I live there some nights)
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Oh yeah, and not to mention I also loved the How to Train Your Dragon and Neverland Fairies books as a kid.
Otherwise, I really enjoy werewolf movies. Like super really enjoy werewolf movies, my personal fav being An American Werewolf in London. I've found myself writing a lot of essays about the psychoanalysis of lycanthropy and werewolf transformation in film, as well as trying to subvert traditional lycanthropic themes in my academic art. But! I will always love werewolves. Here's a link to my favorite part of the movie, the transformation! (Warning for nudity (David Naughton's butt) and a lot of screaming and agony and some AWESOME practical effects. No CGI here!)
Second to last, I super love tarot symbolism such as seen in Dragon Age Inquisition. I used to run an Etsy (before I realized Etsy was stealing 2k a month from me) where I made custom handpainted tarot decks, my pride and joy being my Attack on Titan deck, though I had plans to expand to other fandoms including Critical Role, my own take on the Dragon Age tarot, SCP, etc. And a lot of others people requested.
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Finally, I grew up non-denominational (and still am), so I find religious symbolism to be really prevalent, especially in my more recent works. Such as but not limited to sacrifice, lambs, the innocent, community, undeath, etc etc. Probably because of the severe lack of genuinely beautiful places to worship in my home country. Tbh, that's probably why I always end up playing an aasimar bard or monk in D&D.
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I think those would be my subconscious inspirations, at least those that I could think of after sitting here for a bit. Other than that, I love dark fantasy and medieval style fantasy games like D&D, Dragon Age, and so forth. And media like the X-Men, Stranger Things, Lord of the Rings, Ghibli films, and a handful of anime that I find really fun! (FALIN ART INCOMING hOLY SHI-) Other than that I really aspire to reach the lever of artwork of Alphonse Mucha and traditional early renaissance artists like the classic greats. Aka the namesakes of the Ninja Turtles. I know I won't ever get there, but it's still very fun to try and emulate!
(Funnily enough I was never allowed to watch stuff like H2O, Winx Club, or much else along those veins) Sorry for the long ass answer, but this's been a fun exercise to figure out some stuff and to share!
Here's the Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game for anyone else who wants to join the fun!
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