#the modern au one is based on a throw away headcanon i have that i just thought was really funny
I got 4 WIPs in my docs
I can't decide which I wanna try to continue
EDIT: MODERN AU - a buncha oneshots of that family, specifically focusing on JoJo and Race's relationship as twins (Including the hole in the wall story)
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wryterofworlds · 1 year
How does it feel to have inspired such a huge trend in dimension 20 fandom? Do you have any more headcannons for your modern AU?
In reference to this post:
Firstly, I do want to shoutout all the people who have made AUs based around the concept. All of them are so good and I can't believe that they exist because of my post. Obviously at this point everyone writing for this AU has their own ideas and versions of events, but here's the extended version of my version of the AU
Links to fics inspired by the original post:
Also fanart!!!: https://www.tumblr.com/mylovelyfools/709107455283593216/i-dont-have-my-tablet-rn-but-my-brain-is-moving
LMK If I missed any!
Various headcanons and plot beneath the cut
So starting with backstories:
Gerard was born into a wealthy family, and at a young age was kidnapped
Luckily he escaped, as he had always been a slippery little kid.
Unluckily, by that point his family had already had him publicly declared as dead, so no one believed him when he claimed to be Gerard Greenleigh
He lived on the streets for a while, and befriended Elody, and the two fell in love
It was only when he'd already grown into an adult that Gerard was able to prove his identity and gain access to the family fortune.
From there, familiar territory. He acted vain, petty, immature, etc., he and Elody separated, which brings us to when he adopted two kids
Ylfa is autistic, and she has particularly bad meltdowns and anger management issues. Her mother didn't handle her well and would frequently send her away to stay with Ylfa's grandmother
Eventually, she decided to just leave Ylfa there permanently
What she didn't know is that only a few days into this new arrangement, the grandmother would die of natural causes. Ylfa. Did not handle this well
She froze in place, not wanting to move forward. If she just didn't move, then she wouldn't have to deal with what came next. If she just stayed still, then there's a chance everything could go back to normal
Fortunately, Mr. Wolf the child welfare caseworker had already been looking for her as one of the mother's neighbors noticed the missing child
Unfortunately, it was still two days of her standing there, frozen and terrified, before he found her
The first thing Mr. Wolf did was take her to get some fast food, that she devoured ravenously
(She would throw up most of that food in the backseat of his car a few minutes later)
She ended up in the foster care system after that, as her mother was deemed unfit to parent her
(IDK how child welfare stuff actually works so I'm just taking my best guesses here. Apologies if I get anything wrong)
Pinocchio has chronic pain, and some days he can get by with a cane but other times he needs a wheelchair
His father was a loving, if demanding parent who, along with his kindergarten teacher, were very strict about morals and particularly lying
Eventually, a strange woman approaches him as he's about to walk home and she starts asking him increasingly personal questions about who his parent is, where he lives, how he gets home, etc.
Pinocchio cottons on that she's acting weird and lies, saying his dad will pick him up soon
Teacher Turquina hears this, and goes to give Pinocchio an earful about lying, telling the woman the truth
Geppetto goes missing soon after
Pinocchio is taken care of by his stepmother (his actual stepmother, in this AU), but eventually the way she's been emotionally and sometimes physically abusing him is noticed and he is put into the system
(The stepmother was particularly fond of locking Pinocchio in a closet for hours at a time. He still remembers the way it looked when she would open the door, the only light coming from behind her)
He has complicated feelings about his stuffed animals Spinocchio and Pinocchicrow, given the stepmother is the one who gave them to him. Eventually Pib mauls Pinocchicrow, and given how relieved Pinocchio seems, Gerard quietly moves Spinocchio into storage
Rosamund's backstory probably gets the most major overhaul
Rosamund was 16 and in love when she and her boyfriend (if you want to be particularly on the nose he could have the last name of briar or thorn or something) got into a bad car crash
She woke up from a coma 2 years later
Her boyfriend, who had been released from the hospital just a couple months after the accident, had already moved on, hence her current distaste for romance
Her parents tried to keep her inside all the time, obsessively overprotective after the accident, and she couldn't stand it
She eventually ran away, and given that Cousin Gerard has been one of the few tolerable people to be around (He had been kind and funny when she was growing up; after the accident he was empathetic in a way no one else was. It wasn't exactly the same, but he knew what it was like feeling like you've lost years of your life) and eventually she made her way to an address he'd written down for her saying if she ever needed to talk, she has an open invite
Her parents don't look for her under the belief that eventually she'll realize they were right all along and come home
(that isn't what happens)
Gerard was initially going to just take in Pinocchio, as he felt like since they'd shared experiences with kidnapping he could be helpful, and he could help Pinocchio deal with any issues the way he had
(He has not actually dealt with those issues)
Then he met Ylfa totally by accident, not at all arranged by Mr. Wolf in the hope that maybe this man would finally provide a home for two kids who so many felt were too high-maintenance to foster or adopt
So he ended up with two kids
Pib is a cat
He was originally a stray, taken in by Tomas, put in a shelter when Tomas died and then adopted by Timothy
Timothy has his husband, his menace of a son Jack, and inexplicable beef with a gander from the local park. He wants it dead, and the feeling is mutual
From here it's just general headcanons and little scenes
The non-Elody princesses are Rosamund's friends from an etiquette class that all of their terrible parents made them attend. None of them go to the class anymore but they still hang out
They are...maybe not the best influences. They regularly commit petty acts of vandalism and were maybe responsible for that time the school's library almost burned down
At some point one of Rosamund's friends/classmates says that Gerard is kind of hot in a pathetic way, and her first thought it "gross, that's my dad." She then has a minor crisis over when her goofy cousin became her dad
Gerard still exercises, but since it's his first time not working with a personal trainer he cannot figure out why he's getting stronger but not more "muscular." (not defined) Lifting more weight should be better, right?
This does mean he is strong enough to carry all three of his kids at the same time (because yes, Rosamund is his kid, even if not legally), and has carried them all to bed at once without waking them up before
Ylfa goes over the shoulders, as her grip is strong even asleep. Pinocchio is fully baby cradled in one arm, and Rosamund is carried in the other, her face tucked into this shoulder. Pib got Ylfa's back at some point without Gerard noticing, so actually it's three kids and a cat
Pib knows exactly one trick that he'll do on command, and that trick is "attack," where he runs up and smacks whoever without unsheathing his claws
For unknown reasons, he only does this trick for Gerard. Timothy is definitely not jealous
At one point Mr. Wolf was trying to talk to Pinocchio about setting goals and future careers, and Pinocchio panicked and said stand-up comedian
When Mr. Wolf tried to prompt him to set goals, he said he could come up with a good joke in a year. Mr. Wolf tried to hint that maybe that's a little too long. Pinocchio misunderstood and made it a year and a day
Pinocchio: I think that if I don't tell a good joke in a year and a day he's going to kill me
Ylfa, whose life was saved by Mr. Wolf and has known him for much longer: (100% earnestly) yeah, maybe.
Gerard tries to take the gang fishing. It goes badly. Gerard punches a fish
Ylfa has a dorky middle schooler crush on all of Rosamund's friends, especially Snow White. They think its cute and harmless enough not to discourage, much to Rosamund's chagrin
The princesses are also consistently accidentally mean to Gerard (a la "she's married?") They actually think he's a pretty good guy and by far the best parent any of them have, so they feel bad whenever it happens
Gerard does have minor Gilear energy in this au. Sorry bud.
Gerard and Elody's reuniting
For Elody and Gerard reuniting, IDK what leads to it but eventually Elody agrees to one date after starting to realize how much Gerard's changed
Gerard is very excited and spends nearly the entire day preparing for their dinner date
Unfortunately, the power goes out about midway through the day. At first it's kind of fun and everything's fine, date still set to happen
Then it gets dark and suddenly things aren't so fine anymore
Ylfa remembers the nights she stood, starving, staring at the body of her grandmother, trying desperately to pretend that nothing's changed, even as she becomes too dehydrated to cry
Pinocchio remembers that darkness of the closet, the silhouette of his stepmother, the way he could only ever catch glimpses of her sneering face as the door closed once again
Rosamund remembers the weeks of consciousness before she was able to even open her eyes, trapped in darkness by her own uncooperative body, aware yet unable to do anything, to save herself
Gerard might've asked Timothy to help out, but he'd left earlier that day to go on a camping trip with Henry and Jack, so it's up to Gerard to help his kids
So he does the one thing he's ever been good at. He tells them stories.
Some of them are old stories he's known since childhood, but some of them are new
He tells them stories of a brave little girl who was strong enough to survive despite everything, and a clever little boy who knows that sometimes you need to break the rules, and a bold princess who was able to free herself from the prison others had made for her
He does not tell them the story of a cowardly prince, too unlovable to be wanted by his parents or his wife, who has no one to blame for how things turned out but himself
Instead, his kids tell him a story
They tell him the story of a funny, smart, kind king who was beloved by all his subjects. Who never, ever got mad, and was super strong, and would accept any who would seek refuge in his kingdom. The three (four, counting Pib, who Timothy asked them to watch while they were gone) immediately decide it's their favorite
"How can that be your favorite story? That's barely a story at all, it just a list of character traits."
"Too bad, it's our favorite now, so we're gonna tell it every night."
They pass the night with stories and candles until eventually all his kids are happily asleep, and Gerard crashes onto his couch.
He, unfortunately, could not text Elody about this change of plans as his phone died before he could (his phone hasn't been fully charged since he got kids)
Elody shows up the next morning to be like "Why'd you ditch me and also are you still alive because I can't think of anything short of death that would've kept you from showing up"
She is greeted by a very tired Gerard in his pajamas, who asks if she wants to come inside for breakfast
Elody is very confused to be sitting around a table with three kids and a cat while her husband cooks breakfast (when did he learn how to cook?)
The neighbor pops in to say hi and ends up staying for breakfast as well, and Elody is quickly realizing just how much of a life Gerard has made since they separated
It's not a great breakfast. The eggs are kind of rubbery and the bacon is burnt on the edges, but it's far better than she ever imagined Gerard capable of
She...kind of wants to learn what else has changed about Gerard
She also wants to know when, where, and why he acquired these kids
Anyway, that's all I got. Maybe I'll make a continuation if I have any other ideas
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meamiiikiii · 2 days
Love your reverse entry AU! Also put a silly amount of thought into the idea of Loop doing a vtuber nuzlock thing; namely, the universe hates them.
See, in my headcanon* of your AU not only do they make the mistake of naming their pokemon after the party, (discreetly, I'm guessing?) They also encounter a bug that makes the game reset if any of their pokemon faint. After freezing for a bit. And once they realize what happened, they decide to actually do their job, and make little puppets. They memorized all of their families actors lines after all! So it's easy for them to act out little scenes in between bits, while waiting for things to happen or during interludes.
Also, they look rather real for a vtuber, so they just have a 3d model of themselves mapped over themselves to hide that they are themself. Except the lighting from glowing head makes it glitch for a half second every hear and there so.
Also! Maybe the puppetry thing ends on them giving the story a ridiculously tragic ending? Because they don't feel like they can acknowledge an alternative ending for a play they star in and remain sane.
*was headcanon the right word here? Probably not. More like, 'I think it'd be neat if'
Anyway this was a lot. Feel free to ignore literally all of it! I just think it's a cool and interesting au that's nothing like anyone else is doing so I couldn't help myself.
Wah!! /pos
This is super interesting and fun anon!!! The Universe hates Loop :thumbsup: 
To expand upon your idea with more ideas (hope this is okay!): 
I can only imagine Loop, while waiting for the game to reboot after freezing, just taking out like. Wood carving tools and materials from out of nowhere and just start whittling away to make these puppets of The Party (but as they remember them, not their modern counterparts.) A few extra set pieces here and there, maybe as well. Not the King though. 
Maybe it ends up becoming a recurring thing throughout the stream while waiting for things to stop glitching out? And they start giving “made-up” backstories for each of these puppets while they’re being created well in addition to using them properly for acting out bits! 
Every once and a while someone points out their model having an “art-style shift” for a few seconds. They ignore them. 
Once they’re all completed maybe they end up putting on a whole production out of it completely discarding the nuzlocke (lmao). A completely fictional tale. Not at all based on their own experiences. 
When they get closer and closer to the climactic end. When the party is staring face to face against the final boss, the King. They stall. They think. What type of ending will this story have? They were reciting lines from memory while telling it. Going off script is scary. 
They want to continue the tale as written. They want to stay true to their memory. 
But they also don’t want any of their (puppet) Party to suffer either. So, they tweak it, just the tiniest bit.
They continue telling the tale, beat for beat. Up until when the King defeats them. In one fell swoop.
Instead of the Housemaiden being thrown, it’s the Traveler.  
Over and over again, Loop acts out the King (metaphorical, there is no puppet) throwing the Traveler puppet onto the table. While narrating the whole ordeal as well.
They get really into it too, smashing the puppet into smithereens on the table after a bit. Whoops!
This causes the vtuber model to completely glitch out, showing themself instead of the model. They abruptly end stream after that.
…Many people will probably speculate that this is somehow an ARG. 
All this happened because The Universe was like “you are not allowed to play this Pokemon Game without some form of hiccup.” lmao. 
Anon, I will repeat this again. This is a super fun and interesting idea!!! Thank you, for introducing me to a new idea I had not considered and making me think!!!!!
And I am also sorry for using this ask as an opportunity to reveal where this Loop is coming from (sort of kind of) LMAO.
For anyone who read this to the end, thank you!! And also feel free to send any other asks my way since. I like thinking. About things I have not thought before!!!!
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watercolourferns · 1 year
Julian Modern AU HC's
Why? Because I'm having a crisis and need comfort food and I'm too broke to buy snacks so headcanons it is...
They're mixed but lean a lot towards a haunted house. Mention of steamy times but no description.
He likes Doc Martens. Why? Well, for one they are nonslip, which means he can wear them to work at the hospital and to his gigs at the bar without a problem. But most important, they are unisex so he can buy all the flowery pairs his heart wants and they actually fit his long-ass feet. They're also good for ankle support!
He has a treasure chest in his office, it's full of cheap plastic toys. If a kid is having a particularly trying appointment he will let them choose a toy from the chest afterwards while he's speaking to the parent(s). He will say something cheesy and sweet like: "You've been a brave pirate, you have won a piece of the treasure!" ...He sometimes lets them take two.
Once he had saved enough money he bought a house like his older coworkers told him to because it would be a good investment... a huge, old Queen Anne fixer upper. Queue to his coworkers facepalm. But he doesn't care, he's happy with it and he has plans for it: round room will be a seance room, basement will be a workshop, attic will have e telescope... He asks you for help to choose wallpapers. "I want it to be as close to original as possible. Want to go with me to find records of the house? Maybe they have pictures!"
He takes a lot of inspiration from Christine McConell, choosing a wine, black and silver colour palette for the common rooms, asking for help making his own wallpaper based and the research you two made. He goes to antique shops and estate sales to buy decorative cushions and throws which he has professionally cleaned for use. He does buy all new linen and towels, though he has much of it made to match the style.
You keep him company while the repairs and decorations are being made because he's SURE he saw a couple shadows once or twice. You haven't really felt anything, but then again you haven't really been inside the house as he refuses to go in unless the whole crew of workers is inside, too. You don't want to be pulled into his paranoia, he's known to suggest himself into bouts of fear when it comes to supernatural things, but you swear to yourself you saw something out of the corner of your eye peeking out of the top floor window.
Once the house is finally repaired he decides to move in. Yes, it's like half an hour away from the city and his hospital and it could have ghosts in it, but that's what bikes are for eh? And maybe, just maybe he was just nervous and saw things because of his anxiety, he wasn't sure if the house was livable after all and he was anxious about the repairs not going well even though they were more superficial than he thought, most of the bedrooms not needing anything but wallpaper changes and deep cleaning...
First night he spends there, though? He calls you in hysterics. "I-I-I-I-" you give him a second to try and speak and he finally blurts out between squeaks of fear: "SAW SOMETHING CREEPING INTO MY BEDROOM CAN YOU PLEASE COME AND STAY OVER?! MALAK AND BRUNDLE REFUSE TO STAY INSIDE!!"
Once you're in there you do get a sense that there's something else besides you two, but you reassure him he's safe and alright and that you will protect him. You suggest having a sleepover party in the living room, where the energy is less dense, and that once he's at work tomorrow you will cleanse the house for him. He accepts and you have a jolly (and maybe steamy?) time with snacks, funny stories, maybe even videogames, finally falling asleep snuggled up in the pull out couch.
He was right, there's something in the main bedroom, which is his. But it's nothing a good incense cleansing and a sound talking to it wouldn't fix. You do just that and text him a picture of his bedroom and you. "All clean now!" He texts back that he's happy about that, but that he probably will stay in his office for a couple of nights, just to feel safe again.
.... and that's how you came to live with him. It was in the plans, but it looked like a distant future when you had spoken about it... And now you were there, all your belongings packed in a u-haul, driving towards his house. He greets you with open arms into one of his all enveloping hugs and shows you to your bedroom... even though both of you know that's just gonna be the place you keep your clothes in because they won't fit in his closet...
He's so grateful you're there, it takes off the edge of the not-so-oppressive-anymore feeling around some places in the house, and since you're there the shadows haven't come to bother him at night. He calls you his shield and that makes you chuckle.
He had the sense of installing a modern stove additional to the wood stove already in the house, so you're in charge of breakfasts. Chocolate chip pancakes, puddings, oatmeal, crepes, sunny side ups... this man seems to eat it all! He's secretly grateful he doesn't have to eat take out or burnt food anymore. He's...not the best cook and now thanks to you, his beloved, he even can take lunch to work! Everyone at work comments on how much healthier he looks now, too, and he's happy to show you and your cooking skills off. "They're a genius!!" You blush, but can't help feeling proud of your skills, too. He just does that to you.
After a couple of months you're finally tired of the dramatics the shadows have been pulling on and off, so you sit at the seance room with a board and your cards and he goes into hysterics again. No, don't do this, why is this happening, you can't have a seance, yaddah yaddah. But you try to put him at ease, explain to him how this could help. "Why do you have a seance room if we can't use it for that??" you finally ask. "It's for the aesthetics, my dear!" he answers, and that makes you chuckle. You give him a protection charm and gently sit him down with Portia, who's always down for mischief and visits you often, explain the dynamics of the activity and reassure him he's safe with you and his sister there.
The seance goes better than expected but it doesn't make it any easier on him... since now you know there's a small family cemetery in the backyard. "Okay, that does it, I'm selling this place!" he blurts out, shaking like a leaf. Slowly and gently you reassure him that it's okay, that they just wanted to be known, have their markers and their names back, and that you will take care of it... he calms down a bit but remains skeptical they will leave y'all alone.
But it works!! You have tombstones made with names, dates, loving words like "beloved husband" and "cherished daughter" and "treasured wife", you have them placed where the ghosts told you their graves were... and as if by magic the activity stops! You might see a soft white figure of a girl playing in the library or the outline of a man working in the back yard while a woman sips tea and reads a book in the porch, but besides these echoes from the past the activity has stopped... He doesn't know how you did it, but he buys you a whole new book series you had coveted for some time now in thanks.
The house still has it's reputation, and so every Halloween kids ask for tours of the house, for him and you to tell the story of it, to talk about the ghosts. At first he's reluctant to bring it up because... we... ghosts... He's scared he'll call them back. But once you explain what really happened, he's more at ease with it and finally accepts to open the house to tours during October, giving out candy, letting the kids use the telescope as well, ending with a big Halloween party on the 31st where the kids, their parents, and you all have fun with classic games, cake, snacks, and more candy. Yes, his coworkers were right, it was a good investment to buy this house...
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
The Chain in an Escape Room
Crackpot modern AU version of this post. 
Time helped set this up as a team-building exercise and starts regretting it seconds after the door shuts behind them. He knows most of the solutions and tries to hint at them as a passive observer but lord help him no one listens. Or if they do it’s in the complete opposite way he meant. Trying to keep things together is outside his range of skills, so whatever happens, happens. 
Warriors bragged that a friend of his did it and it was super easy, but doesn’t end up contributing much. In fact he’s the opposite of helpful. He would call the friend who’s completed it for ‘hints’, but would end up having them tell him everything and use that knowledge to mess with the team. Adding red herrings and false clues, drawing attention away from the real solutions and more importantly, wasting time. Don’t worry, the rest eventually catch on and end him, if Time doesn’t put a stop to it first.   
Twilight would be the theorist. He doesn’t actually try anything or do anything practical, he’ll just throw ideas out there based off the most irrelevant stuff and look for a deeper meaning in everything he sees. “Is that painting of a cat playing with string a clue?” “This shelf is missing a ledge could that mean something?” “That mirror has a crack in it...maybe...”
Sky, bless him, will leave helpful notes for the next group of people. He’ll have post-it notes out and ready (just because), so whenever the chain finally makes a breakthrough he’ll jot it down and leave it somewhere not to obvious. He’d also write down little compliments and motivating things like: “You can do it!” and “Almost there!” though it would get confusing when they inevitably backtrack:
Legend: [picking up a post-it note] Guys I found clue!
Note: You look nice today! :)
Legend: [scrunching it up] Dammit Sky!
Legend, will hoard anything and everything he thinks ‘might’ be useful. That random chess piece, that picture frame, maybe those marbles, all vital items. The others will help him break stuff without him even needing to ask. So long as they’re not damaging anything too expensive, Time will allow it. 
Wild will take pictures, selfies and videos of everyone suffering. He wouldn’t help since Time won’t let him cheat or break themselves out, so he’ll just enjoy himself by documenting the chaos for everyone to look back on and cringe. Or maybe he’ll live-stream the whole thing to his 10 followers.
Four will constantly remind people of the time. If they’re taking too long on a puzzle he’ll be literally counting down the seconds insisting they think faster. He won’t take any kind of goofing around because that’s wasting valuable time. When they do eventually figure something out he’ll be the one to lament how easy it was and how it shouldn’t have taken them that long.
Hyrule, the oddball, will try to get into the mind of the creators. Start psychoanalysing them from the word ‘go’, and try to figure out the thought process that went behind the puzzles. He’ll look at suspiciously places objects and clues and think, “That has Time written all over it” or “Yeah I can see him doing that”. When that predictably fails, because he’s terrible at it, he’ll ask Time roundabout questions to try and see into his mind. That doesn’t work either. 
Wind, when he isn’t co-hosting Wild’s livestream, helping Warriors mess with the chain or collecting items for Legend’s hoard, like the tiny gremlin he is, will be opening the nearest window and screaming for help into the street. 
This, to Time’s horror, actually works and a random pedestrian hears the boy and calls the fire brigade thinking they were actually trapped in the building. 
Thanks for reading!
Headcanons: Parkour team, Honorary Gorons, How each member of the chain laughs, Flora is Feral, Is Malon Real?
AU Ideas: Midsommar AU, Hyrule centric idea
Short Stories: Smoke Signal (LU Wild x reader), Ancient Masonry (Sky and Wild), Blunt Crown (Wild and Flora)
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littleshysheep-at-da · 8 months
Hello, I like your art can you share some Sasajima Kyouya/Wrath headcanons? He’s my favourite character.
*cracks knuckles* YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. Honestly he’s my Favorite too! A decent of my Headcanons for him revolve around my OT3 or the Demon Army Family so here we go!
This may contain vague Spoilers and I may edit this for grammar or to add more details…
Honestly consider this part 1 because if you ask again later I’d probably have even more written down lol.
(I’m ripping this from my KumoDesu Fanfic ideas Doc so if some of the wording is wonky that’s why btw THERE’S A LOT)
To start I’ve def said this before here: Things to note I’m obsessed with my headcannon of Shun x Katia x Kyouya as an OT3 and there is zero content but I have a million ideas but no energy. Also you can rip the headcannon of the demon army as family with Ariel x Shiraoi as the parents to Mera, Sophia, and Kyouya (and YES I have a long winded modern and other AUs shut up) from my cold dead hands.
Shiro and Kyouya Mother-Son: The Labyrinth and the Mountains are probably the 2 harshest environments in the world. So I like to think that because of growing up in these environments Shiro and Kyouya both have some weird but similar values. I’ve always kinda seen them very much as Mother and Son. The Labyrinth was harsher so she has some more insane survival methods and he sort of looks up to it. (Side note: I know some people Ship them and I never want to throw discourse, you’re allowed to ship whatever you want so don’t want to say much, but personally I hate it very much I could go into why but it’s mostly my character reads and taste). Ariel and Shiro give off so many Mom vibes when it comes to Mera, Kyouya, and Sophia to me lol (and yes they would be siblings in that order I don’t remember where but I think the LN said Goblins have shorter pregnancies so Kyouya is slightly older than Sophia lol). Sophia especially with Kyouya reads as the “no one is allowed to bully my Brother but me” vibes and I love it. Her and Kyouya also both definitely look up to Mera as someone who’s well put together.
For the hair of the non-human reincarnations: Shiro’s hair feels like silk. Fei’s hair feels like feathers. And Kyouya’s hair feels like soft animal down. I bet Katia asks to play with Kyouya’s hair and then has a flied day with how soft it is. I also like to think she tries to convince him to let her do his nails lol.
For lifespan: So Shiroai is immortal, I’m assuming Ariel has a long life span close to that (ignoring the end of the novel with Ariel spoilers), and Mera and Sophia are somewhere in the same boat or close to that… How long is Kyouya’s lifespan??? For most angst is he gonna outlive his human friends but die before his demon family???
Goblins are just Hamsters: The Goblins look like they’re based on Hamster so you can not take away from me the Headcanon they’re language is just Hamster noises. I like to think Kyouya teaches it to the others so they can use it as code. (The Demon Army can communicate purely with inhuman noises lol). I like to think Kyouya purrs instead or snores because of this as well. I also like to think because he grew up around the Goblins he just sees them as people and doesn’t get what everyone thinks they look like.
Kyouya’s height: Kyouya was a manlet before reincarnation it's cannon I’m living. Okay and technically speaking he probably is after reincarnation as well. Like they are in a European Fantasy setting and he’s only “considerably taller than he used to be” which was considerably short for a Japanese High Schooler. Also in Ex2 we see him standing next to a Puppet Taratect (which are all short af) yet they come up to his shoulder.
Housewife vibes: I think what Kyouya wants in life is to be a Housewife ngl. Like he was most satisfied working to support people he was close to both in his past life online game and the goblin village. Plus I think though he did that by making weapons he would prefer not to have to fight. What if he makes good knives and just starts cooking for people. Like I don’t have more words right now so this is short but I could go off here.
My OT3 Agenda: Background: I’m just saying Kyouya is really depressed and probably doesn’t have any plans for after the war but I could see Ariel having in him work in the human area with Shun and Katia (probably cause she feels a bit sad about him losing friends) because he’s in their upper ranks and unlike Sophia can actually deal with people. But I feel like Shun and Katia feel bad that they had each other and he had to grow up all alone so they try and reconnect. Shun, because he really clings to the connections he does have and because they were so close in their past lives, desperately wants to rebuild that. Katia because she seems similarly attached to people she considers friends she’s afraid of losing that and probably feels bad for writing Kyoua off as maybe an enemy and not being there for him like she was for Shun. Kyouya is just deeply confused that they still want anything to do with him and feels undeserving but is really happy. Confession: I think Katia knows about her feelings first but doesn’t say anything due to self esteem issues (except some flirting to test the waters). I think Kyouya has a realization ™ and feels unsure of what to do (also self esteem issues). But ends up visibly being a little off which Shun notices and brings up to Katia (she sorta noticed as well) so she confronts him which ends in a mutual confession between the two as they then decide how to tell Shun. Shun meanwhile worried what’s going irks Fei who decides to inform him of his very obvious (to everyone but him) crushes. Now realizing his feelings he’s very awkward about it until Katia and Kyouya confront him and confession ensues. Now realizing they all love each other: OT3 successful.
Taking this outta the tags: Not even kidding answering asks about KumoDesu because I’ve sort of come to be know as a KumoDesu blog is like,,, I’m living my dream right now. I haven’t even posted my Kumoko Cosplay or that much Art yet but people just wanna hear my opinion???? Literally these asks give me so much dopamine feel free to keep them coming.
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batbeato · 2 months
Thoughts on Shkanontrice being separate people in au’s? As in not (or not entirely) different personas of Sayo?
From what I understand, there were a few people who denied the theory - even if it was likely that Shannon and Kanon were accomplices.
Because you can approach it from a lot of angles. Depending on how you approach it, regardless, the theory can get complicated.
Are they all siblings, illegitimate children and grandchildren of Kinzo?
which I’m not exactly sure on, considering the possibility of them all being Kuwadorian Beatrice’s children. that…wouldn’t be fair to her at all, even if she wouldn’t understand entirely what Kinzo was doing, and paints Kinzo in an even more horrific light.
I’m not entirely sure he wouldn’t repeat the rape, though…he wasn’t mentally stable enough to treat his daughter as his daughter over her deceased mother, so his capability to control himself from assaulting her again - discerning the difference between them and not instead viewing her as a reincarnation - is questionable at best.
Then there’s the question of ages. We know when Lion was born, and Sayo’s birthdate as well - but we don’t know if they’re accurate.
In canon, when Lion was adopted by Natsuhi and Krauss, their papers were still being written I think - it’s entirely possible, likely, that their date of birth is accurate, but there’s no way of knowing for sure.
Probably to keep Kinzo from drawing the dots between Sayo and Lion, it wouldn’t surprise me if their date of birth was also fake.
Which again, if as separate persons they weren’t triplets, the conception and birth of Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice is tied to Kinzo raping Kuwadorian Beatrice again.
That’s not getting into the matter of Kinzo throwing three children on Natsuhi. No matter how much he thought he might be able to do so with Lion, there’s no way three random infants being brought into the mansion could sneak under anyone’s radar.
Not to mention Natsuhi literally pushed Sayo and a servant off a cliff because to be handed a child not her own was an insult. One of the defining factors that leads to the massacre. Unless they were in one of those baby strollers that can carry several babies, it’s as unlikely to occur as Kinzo dropping all three babies into his household.
Twins, two of them, maybe. But not all three. Their matter of their survival would be even less than what it would be in canon.
Which also lends the thought of Kuwadorian remaining active after Beatrice’s (II) death, Kinzo keeping them there…and risk repeating his sin. So if all three were related, and separate individuals rather than personas…there’s a lot of what-ifs and hows that need to be filled in.
There’s also the possibility that only one of them is Kinzo’s child, and really met Shannon and Kanon at Fukuin House instead.
Sorry for rambling or if this makes you uncomfortable or anything, it’s just a thought that been tickling my brain. I was going to add more, but my words are as unraveling like a knitted sweater. Wiped clean, basically.
Hmm. In modern/fantasy AUs without the same context it's easy to reshape things to separate all three of them. But if it's an AU still in a Rokkenjima context it does get more difficult...
My personal preference on this front is based off of an old theory/headcanon some people subscribed to - at least, how I remember it. It goes something like this:
Beatrice, who was Kuwadorian Beatrice's child, was raised in Kuwadorian. Shannon and Kanon are her servants. When Battler was a child, he met a young Beatrice and promised to take her away, but forgot about that promise. Beatrice had Shannon and Kanon as her accomplices for her revenge.
You can see that sort of AU in action here!
As for an AU where they're triplets/siblings, I feel like that actually invites something similar to happen. I've always felt that, if Kuwadorian Beatrice's child had been born a girl, Kinzo would most likely have continued the cycle. Morbid, but. For the AU, I think Kinzo would be capable of seeing one child as her next 'reincarnation' while the others might be able to be considered his 'children' with her, and thus subjected to being integrated using Natsuhi. It could also be that he might have rejected the non-reincarnation children entirely in his madness/grief/regret and raised them alongside the Beato reincarnation as her servants/companions. I can imagine him spinning a narrative about them being demons raised from hell by the witch's power or something.
I do feel as though Kinzo's sexual abuse happened more than once, as it seems that he only truly began to regret it and made efforts to make amends (by integrating Lion into the family) after Kuwadorian Beatrice died. Doesn't really show a lot of remorse for the rape itself until his abuse results in her death after an escape attempt. So it's also possible for it to be a non-triplet scenario.
In the end I think these AUs can be fun to explore, so it's a shame people don't do more of them. But it also makes sense - canon is already pretty messed up, haha.
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The sillies…
Anyways. Decided to start working on body headcanons! I’m adding soldier in the first one too (this is supposed to be a photo for Krogan’s file! Krogan doesn’t know what a camera is and the flash spooked him lol)
And I figured I could throw in my 3k word document on Lycanwings for more context as to what exactly Krogan’s other majority is :
I will also add a few other silly headcanons for the au.
I put Demo as roughly 41-42 in this au, which works out great because Krogan is 23. The cover story for Krogan’s appearance is that he’s Tavish’s son that was born out of wedlock and Demo never really knew about until very recently (mostly since they have some similar features so it is somewhat believable.)
Krogan has a quite odd accent to the other mercs, he rolls his J’s to where they make more of a jshh sound instead of your typical j, as well as having some off amalgamation of a Russian/Slavic and a mix of a few other accents that is quite unfamiliar to anything else (since he fluently speaks and was around people that spoke Norse in his old world.)
He does also speak some ancientt offshoot anscestor language to modern Russian. He understands the vowels and punctuation and wording of modern Russian, but not quite what is being said per se (it would be easy for him to learn though.).
I might do a Christmas peice though soon… Krogan has never seen a Christmas tree and the mercs have a nice big tree in the main room of the base >:]. Krogan was also a sort of gift, is what Demo calls him. Krogan showed up on exactly October 31st? Which is also Krogan’s birthday. They didn’t know that then of course, but they make up for it next year. (This also means Krogan is freshly a 23 year old when he arrives.) He is technically a Norse pagan and celebrates Norse pagan holidays, which Swissmas is considered Yule/snoggletog where he’s from, though he’s never actually celebrated. He didn’t really have anyone to celebrate with.
He thinks he’s not the best at giving gifts, but Krogan whittled each of the mercs a little wooden figurine the first year. Soldier got one of an eagle, made out of American pine (as the founding fathers would have wanted), Tavish got a little frog, since Demoks bomb jumping reminds Krogan of frogs. Medic gets one of archemedes, made from a small chunk of birch. I’m indecisive with Heavy, might have his figurine be one of his mother since she’s so significant to him.
But yes. Other thoughts. Since Krogan is still arguably quite young by even partial lycanwing standards, over time he will slowly get more scales on his body, like on his arms and legs. They don’t really need care, but he does polish them because it makes him feel pretty.
Tavish and Jane are the only who get to actually see him without shoes or without his feet being bound. Except spy. Spy is spy and he sees and knows everything. (Krogan doesn’t care because it’s just spy being nosy as per usual.)
It is a whole note in his file that Krogan is seriously… traumatized and suffers from PTSD and severe night terrors. He doesn’t tell anyone what they are about, and the few times he has tried, his descriptions to Demo are usually jumbles of sound and colors and smells that are all in your face with the feeling of dread and terror that this one singular figure gives him.
Demo found out that a better way for Krogan to express his fears and dreams is through art, though what he’s seen through the dark, heavy shadowed drawings of a man wearing a black dragon skin cloak and wielding a bull hook is that the individual in the man’s past that ripped him away from something at some point. There is a sort of dread that lingers from the way Krogan draws him. Stark shadows where the only thing you can see of the man’s face is a set of beady eyes that seem to search his soul for every single infraction that he’s ever made.
Tavish hopes he does not ever have to meet that man. For Krogan’s sake, at least.
(Backstory. The man is the one who owns and branded Krogan. The branding itself is a completely disgusting thing to the team.)
Soldier though. Soldier still sees the men, women and children marked with numbers in The Camps whenever he sees the brand. It is not a good feeling, anything other than pure rage that makes him want to find the man and take him down himself. No one should be dehumanized to anything but property. Not on his watch.
Anyways. Rambling over. Thoughts are going brain blast rn!!
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leonardhoee · 3 years
I’m so excited that you’re taking requests! May I ask for some Mitsuhide headcanons? Any are fine (although I do love an in-love!Mitsu 👀)! Thank you so much dear!! 💘💞
Omg I was so happy when I got this request cuz Mitsuhide is the LOML. (Also perfect timing cuz I just finished re-reading his route). I’m not sure what kind of headcannons you wanted but I’m just kind of rambling based on the reasons I love him.😂 (+ NSFW)
(Also I wrote these at 3am if there’s any spelling errors pls don’t kill me😭)
Hope you like it!❤️❤️
Tagging: @aurora-morning @writer-akihiko @ikemenvmpire @judgemental-seal @delicateikemenmemes
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Mitsuhide is...so incredibly soft. Sometimes when you’re sleeping next to him, he just takes in your beauty and listens to your heartbeat. Knowing you are alive and in his arms, warms his heart more than you could ever know.
He cannot believe that someone who radiates so much love and light would fall for someone like him, but he is eternally grateful that he is blessed enough to have the chance to love you with his entire being.
As much as he teases you, this man LIVES to pamper and please you. Muscle pain after sparring with Kyubei? (Or other activities with Mitsu). Mitsuhide will use his extensive knowledge of the human body to give you the most mindblowing massage you’ve ever had. (And he will equally enjoy hearing your satisfied noises at his touches.)
He is extremely perceptive, especially when it comes to you. If you are upset, or anxious, or in pain, he will know right away without needing to be told and will act accordingly. He will insist on going back to your home and giving you some time away from work so you have a chance to relax with him.
He may be a secretive person but everyone on the Oda Forces knows just how much “Mitsuhide Akechi adores his wife”. He can’t help it, it just slips out. Whether it’s through his words or his actions, everyone in Azuchi knows he only has eyes for you.
Mitsuhide has the utmost respect for you (he chugs his respect women juice daily) and will consider your opinions on his work a great help. There may be some parts of his job that he isn’t allowed to with you. However, 90% of the time he will tell you everything he’s been doing and will ask for your advice.
Sometimes he feels like you know him even better than he knows himself. And he knows that even if the whole world considers him a murderer and amonster, you will always be there to hold him and remind him that you love him and that he is a hero in your eyes.
Even for him, it’s sometimes too much to handle, and on those days he will come and lay down with you, resting his head on your chest as you stroke his hair and allow him to finally rest. He won’t admit it publicly but, being in your arms feels like the safest place in the world for him. He never thought that he would experience the luxury of having such a place to return to after his battles. A true home.
If you like to cook, you better believe Mitsuhide will eat everything you make, regardless of whether he can taste it or not. (He says he doesn’t need to taste the flavor because he can taste the love you put into it.)
He is known for neglecting his basic needs, and while he has gotten better at it ever since you came into his life, his level of self care is still unacceptable.
However, if you come in and insist he take a break because he’s overworking himself, his heart will absolutely just melt at seeing how much you care about him. (Is it the bare minimum? Yes. Has anyone ever taken care of him like that? No.) He is so starved of love and affection that even the most minor things will melt his heart.
Mitsuhide also loves to tease you, just to see your reactions. It’s incredibly entertaining when he whispers a dirty joke to you and smack his arm because “We are in public Mitsuhide.” It amuses him to no end.
He also loves teasing the others with you, and you two make the best pranking team in Azuchi.
You two have increased Hideyoshi’s migraine levels, but he lets it slide after seeing Mitsuhide look so happy for the first time in his life.
Hideyoshi has never seen Mitsuhide smile like that at anyone before, and he’s just glad Mitsu finally has someone to love and depend on. (Though sometimes he wishes that person was him. We’re not gonna unpack all that right now)
Random Headcannon: Modern AU Mitsuhide would be an amazing dancer. Like Michael Jackson type shit.
NSFW Below the Cut
Mitsuhide lives to please you and that translates to the bedroom as well. He is a switch through and through, but he could eat you out for hours. (Lying isn’t the only thing he’s good at using his tongue for).
His favorite place to be is between your thighs with your hand tugging at his hair, bringing his face even closer to your dripping core. You are his priority and he will not partake in his own pleasure until he has seen you come twice at least.
He loves to hear you beg, and will torture you for hours with phantom touches that allow you a small taste of the pleasure he can give. He will leave you desperately wanting more until you are crying his name and begging him to finally take you because you can’t handle any more of his teasing.
It’s truly a game to see how long he can keep his own composure before letting go and loosing himself in mindblowing pleasure. Oh and when he does...when he finally lets himself take you the way he’s been wanting to...you won’t be walking straight the next day.
The expression on your face, and the way you cry out his name with tears of pleasure running down your cheeks when he finally pounds you into the futon send him into ecstasy like he had never known before. He will keep going until your legs are shaking and your voice is hoarse from screaming his name so many times throughout the night.
He has a hidden chest of various toys and ropes, and secretly one of his greatest fantasies is to be tied up, completely at your mercy as you “punish” him for his teasing behavior. Nothing brings him more pleasure than feeling the rope dig into his skin, being unable to move as you teasingly suck him off, stopping right as he gets to the edge. He also loves seeing you ride him, using him as a device for your own pleasure.
Mitsuhide is normally not very loud, however, if you edge him enough, it will break all self control he has as he desperately moans your name and bucks his hips, just to try and finally feel himself buried deep inside you.
Once you free him of his bonds he will immediately flip you over, licking down your chest and throwing your legs over his shoulders as he drills you into whatever surface he decided to rail you on that day.
If you’re not too tired, he will even bathe you himself as he kisses every part of your body telling you how amazingly beautiful you are in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
Afterwards, he pulls you close to his chest and kisses your forehead, as he tells you how much he loves you and how euphoric you make him feel. Nights like these are one of the few times Mitsuhide will fall asleep right away as the languid exhaustion overtakes him.
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clockworkowl · 3 years
I don’t know why but I have spent way too much time developing a headcanon about how just about everyone behaves when either they are ill/injured or you/other characters are ill/injured. Will this lead to me actually writing a fic? (the odds aren’t great given how long it’s been since I’ve even written anything with my own characters let alone trying to stay true to the sketch of someone else’s) Who knows, but I guess this is the closest I’ve come to writing anything at all in far too long.
*I think we can all agree that Sholmes is the absolute worst when he’s sick.
*He’s totally the type who being the slightest bit ill turns into a complete dramatic bitch and hams up the tiniest of colds like he’s about to die from the consumption. He lightly groans as though the effort of extending his arm fully to take a Kleenex out of the box himself is too much. Like my old rat D’onofrio his breathing is fine if he has no idea you are home, but the second he notes your presence every breath is a wheezy death rattle until you come and worry and fuss over him until his attention meter is full up.
*But also as soon as there’s something he actually wants to do he’s magically cured and runs off without even putting on a coat.
*In a modern AU he for some reason spends a lot of time on WebMD either convincing you that his allergy-related headache is a rare usually fatal disease. Or that you probably have a rare malady that is exacerbated by eating pheasant he should probably go ahead and eat your pheasant because he’s only thinking of your health.
* When you are sick it is unpredictable at best, but it depends on how sick you actually are. There will probably be a variety of dubious cures and tinctures which you should probably ignore unless Iris made them.
*He has literally tied Kazuma to a bed (this will make more sense shortly).
*He will also somehow claim to find Ryunosuke’s take all the meds at once approach reasonable.
*Asogi is also a terrible patient who will drive you to want to drink, but in the opposite fashion to Sholmes.
*He’s the ‘it’s only a flesh wound’ type who will thoroughly ignore any and all evidence of illness or injury claiming he is perfectly fine and hale until he is half dead with it and passes out
*Even after he regains consciousness will continue to argue that he will be in tomorrow he only needs to run it under a cold tap.
*You will have to tie him to a bed to get him to take doctor’s orders, and then he will be sullen about it.
*Once you get him into a room and confiscate clothes he could go outside in where he is sulking he will change tactics and he will order you around a lot trying to make you angry enough to throw your hands up and let him take care of himself, except with Ryunosuke who he knows this won’t work on so he just tries to wheedle him into bringing his clothes back and makes double entendres and suggestive comments about being tied to the bed.
*When it is you who is sick he will become the overbearing one and you won’t be sure whether that is because he worries about you or because it’s revenge for when he was sick.
*Ryunosuke is challenging when he’s ill because he will acknowledge the illness and neither exaggerate or ignore it, but he is too concerned about whether it inconveniences everyone else for him to be ill, so he will try to downplay or hide the fact he’s as sick as he is.
*He’ll try to get well as quick as possible hence doing dumb stuff like taking all the meds at once.
*He can be reasoned with, like you could convince him to go home and take a day off, or that if he shows up sick he’ll get you all sick, but he’ll try to work from home or come back before he’s 100% or he’ll also try to prevent anyone from helping him because he feels like he’s causing extra work or that he might get someone sick.
*Can also be intimidated into being a good patient with the threat of a Susato Takedown or Barok just glaring at him until he caves.
*When you are sick he worries over you and runs around trying to make everything easy for you. Sholmes will take advantage of that to the max, so he must be sent elsewhere to avoid that.
*Once threatened to tie Kazuma to the bed so he would follow doctor’s orders. Once he realized how suggestive that sounded and got flustered he gave up on that plan (even though everyone agreed it was actually the only plan that was likely to be successful.) Now they rib him about it every time either he or Asogi get ill.
*Susato is level-headed and actually a fairly good patient to no one’s surprise, provided she is the only one who is ill.
*She will also be worried about being an inconvenience, but has the sense to do what’s needed to get better and then tries to make it up to everyone after even though no one thinks that’s necessary
*She won’t let anyone help her though unless she really needs it. As she doesn’t want them to get sick or to fuss.
*If others are sick she will tend to put them all before her even if she’s sicker, and gets stubborn about this. This has led to at least one occasion of Sholmes dropping the theatrics and Kazuma acting like a model patient at the same time.
* When you’re sick she is no nonsense and actually helpful. She spends a lot of time shooting down Sholmes’ webMD self diagnoses, and makes Ryunosuke give her his prescriptions so she can administer the dosage because she doesn’t have time to drag him to the hospital. She has also had to threaten the Susato takedown on Kazuma more than once if he doesn’t go see the doctor today.
*Gina is in the Kazuma mold of patient, except when you finally force her to act like she is as sick as she is, she turns into Sholmes.
*When you are ill she is aggressive about you taking care of yourself and worries, she has a lot of past trauma with people dying from her time trying to take care of her orphan army in the rookeries.
*Is not above threats, guilt-trips, and shooting you with a smoke grenade full of vitamin c or eucalyptus vap-o-rub mist.
*has pickpocketed Ryunosuke’s prescription to give to Susato more than once to avoid him taking them all at once.
*When ill Iris is a lot more like Susato, but she totally tries to invent her own tea-based cures, and she will also downplay or hide that she’s sick because she doesn’t want anyone to worry about her, but doesn’t go overboard with it the way Ryunosuke does.
*She is pretty much immune to Sholmes’ theatrics at this point, but sometimes will make up new imaginary web md illnesses that he might have to amuse herself.
*She will mother you with tea-based or soup-based cures which you will be safe consuming and will make you feel better emotionally if not physically, but often physically as well.
*Has also modified one of her smoke grenade guns to fire eucalytpus vap-o-rub mists, and also so they can knock Kazuma or Gina out safely and temporarily so they can be made to convalesce when they are being extra stubborn.
* somehow Barok is the best patient of all of them. It’s probably the only time that he is truly polite and courteous with no sarcastic requests for forgiving discourtesies.
*This comes from some combination of Klimt telling him as a boy about a noble’s responsibility to the people of his estate (and his actually taking this concept to heart unlike a lot of nobles) and the sheer number of times he has had to rely on doctor’s, nurses, and staff due to the numerous attempts on his life over the years.
*He will downplay the seriousness of an injury especially out of habit and so as not to worry those who he cares about (though he finds it shocking always that anyone cares about him) but he will always get it seen to and respect orders provided they come from a professional and there are reasons given.
*He will insist that his staff gets things if he needs them and not you, but this is because he wants the staff to feel comfortable and he pays them extra compensation for it. Were he contagious he would not allow them but would pay their wages for them to be away from his home. (This is a big secret and his staff is very loyal to him even without this money. It’s just like the chalices and vintages all the theatrics of it is to fund these families of artisans. Charity without charity.)
*When you are sick, except maybe Sholmes who he just can’t even, he is kind and no nonsense. He thinks you should come to stay in his guest room and been seen by his doctor, that way you’ll get the best care and recover quicker. He’ll have his staff take care of you (but also report back to him if you aren’t being cooperative. He will tell you to think nothing of it, you’re friends and he’s rich and has no family left (except Iris and she doesn’t even live with him) so what else would he do with it, besides it provides wages.
*He is not above intimidating Ryunosuke (sometimes also Gina ) into convalescing as they should.
*This doesn’t work with Kazuma who he had also considered tying to the bed, but instead decided to let him have it his way and then when he got bad enough and passed out took him to the estate anyway and made sure the doctors told him exactly how much longer he had to convalesce than he would have if he’d listened to Barok in the first place.
*He brings this up every single time so they can just skip to the part where Kazuma sulks and is a grouchy patient.
*Is the only person that doesn’t join in with the group pastime of ribbing Ryunosuke about threatening to tie Kazuma to the bed To make him follow doctor’s orders.
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utilitycaster · 3 years
as a fellow member of the tribe lol i think jewish caleb hc get a bit uncomfy given the zemnian = d&d german connection and liam explicitly stating that he took a lot of inspiration from the german student resistance to the nazis. i dont think itd be fair to matt/liam to call the volstruckers d&d nazis but when you start throwing jewish hc in there it gets a bit awkward
So the OP of that post is Jewish, I believe, and iirc Liam actually said that he explicitly tried to distance from the Nazis specifically because he was doing a character with a German accent [which, and this came up as a fandom discussion relatively early in the campaign, is itself complicated; growing up as an American-born Jewish person in an Ashkenazi synagogue, the first German accents I heard were primarily from survivors, and I happen to have a very German-sounding last name for a combination of Yiddish/Ellis Island name change reasons despite being of more eastern European Jewish descent]. I believe he stated the inspiration was more from the KGB (though there are definitely some parallels with Nazis, particularly the Vollstrucker final exam). So that’s actually not what made me say “this doesn’t make sense!” I fully get if other Jewish people are somewhat uncomfortable, but based on how the Empire and specifically the Vollstruckers act I actually agree that a Cold War secret police model (KGB/Stasi) seems much more in line with the depiction in the show.
Jewish headcanons make me kind of uncomfortable in fantasy media not set in the real world because of a couple of reasons I’ve stated before. The main one is that Judaism is an explicitly monotheistic religion; it flat out does not make sense in a world that canonically has multiple, objectively real gods. It makes sense in a setting like the Unsleeping City, which is modern day NYC except there’s magic (and the only cleric is really more a cleric of a concept than a god) and I think that was fairly well-done representation, but in Exandria it’s the same idea as having an atheist - a monotheist in this world is just an idiot. So you end up with cultural markers, and there are plenty of people irl who are culturally but not religiously Jewish, which is entirely valid - but those people exist within a backdrop of Judaism being an ethnoreligion and the culture comes from that, and if you take away the religion you cannot really have the rest of it make sense. At this point I should note I’m probably thinking about this more than anyone asked, but I’ve never had a taste for headcanons that aren’t consistent with the worldbuilding because the worldbuilding is the framework on which I build everything else.
Culturally speaking though Caleb just doesn’t strike me as having a Jewish approach to things! I think it’s an older post - it just crossed my dash so I’d have to check to see where it lined up with the main campaign - but Caleb talks about being irredeemable and damned in a way that strikes me as, especially if you get into the meta-narrative of the actor not being Jewish, very culturally Christian. I have a lot of thoughts that probably belong on a different post but I find a lot of the discussion on redemption arcs in fandom to be super culturally Christian, too, which is fair! I think someone raised Catholic is going to feel very differently about the concept of redemption than I do. I see it as a very positive term that is highly subjective, and a process, not a binary state, but I also think that my view of it is influenced by my religious and cultural upbringing.
Meanwhile I do actually think a case can be made for Jester’s morality to fit Jewish philosophy - that she tends to judge people on their current actions rather than any general ideology, for example - but I have to say I don’t get how tieflings are supposed to be Jewish-coded in Exandria, at all, unless we are either dipping into some pretty unfortunate stereotypes; tieflings are pretty heavily based on like, the mythology of hell and devils, which is explicitly very Christian.
I guess while I’m explaining myself, I’ve found Caduceus’s arc, of someone raised within a small minority tradition, who is still deeply connected to it but is starting to question quite how he fits in, to be very resonant with me - I was raised moderately religious and became less so as an adult, but still find a lot of meaning in some religious rituals. I also find the Wildmother approach to death and dying to be much more in line with Jewish traditions (specifically simple burial, “you are dust and to dust you shall return” as a neutral or positive concept, and an emphasis on the people left behind by death vs. the dead person) than the Raven Queen who always struck me as having a view of death I just could not connect with on any sort of philosophical level. Like, again, I don’t headcanon Jewish characters in traditional D&D settings; it always kind of feels awkward and token-ish, but Caduceus has by far been the character I could relate to the most in terms of religion.
I suspect OP was just having fun with a modern AU or something though; I just found the part about Caduceus so weird because I had the exact opposite feeling that I had to comment.
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casualmaraudering · 4 years
And no I didn’t mind the wolfstar either as wolfstar was my very first ship and is still my fav ship ever (they are my precious babies and I will fight anybody and everybody who doubts my love for them). Like if you have more wolfstar headcannons I am all ears. I will probs just lay in bed and cry over how cute they are 🌻
heyo anon! sorry for taking so long to get to you, I appreciate the kind words!!
this time i am offering you some wolfstar headcanons (plus trans rem ofc) but modern hogwarts au, hope you'll like them! also just beware there's mentions of sex in this one!
Remus actually came out around the middle of 5th year. so only starting then he started sleeping in the boys' dorm (they've had sleepovers with him and Lily before yeah but this time he'd actually live with them) and he's quite unsure about his sexuality - he knows he's into girls but he's not sure about boys. a sight of Sirius in the morning, half of his clothes off, getting dressed and with his hair all messed up from sleep, was quite enough for Remus to realize he does, indeed, like boys
Sirius starts crushing on Remus when they come back from the summer hols for their 6th year. Remus grew a bit taller, he tanned very nicely, he has an undercut (his feelings might be wholy based on that alone) and new glasses and a very big baggy sweater and seeing him in the platform did Things to Sirius
upon realisation, Sirius, of course, has a bit of a gay breakdown, because hello this is one of his best friends and also there's no way Remus would like him back (ha) yada yada
Sirius becomes the clumsy one in the dorm. If Remus isn't in the room, he's fine, but as soon as he steps in it's like someone pressed a button labeled "incompetence" inside of Sirius's brain. He trips, he drops things, he fumbles with words. just a gay mess, that one
they kiss for the first time shortly before the Yule break. Sirius is waiting for Remus and very nervously fumbling with the ribbon on the present he's gonna give him (a charmed binder plus a few sweaters. and an entire freaking bag of his favourite salty caramel chocolates. Sirius wanted Remus to know he cares). when Remus finally gets to the dorm and is opening the gift Sirius is dying of nerves cause he also put in a letter that he hoped Remus would read over the hols. but Remus starts reading it now and Sirius just fixates on staring at the floor and waits for the rejection incoming. but it doesn't. Instead, Remus very quietly says he likes him too. there's an awkward couple minute period of being shocked and a little awkward and them not knowing what they're doing, but then Sirius asks to kiss him
they leave for Yule on the next day. it's a little awkward (they're teenagers hello), but they hold hands a little bit when they're in the train. they're both blushing like crazy and refusing to acknowledge it
Sirius makes the impulse decision to kiss Remus right after they've said their goodbyes and were just about to turn around and leave. He then smiles awkwardly, takes a step back and kind of just turns around and flees cause, while it's amazing, this is also very awkward and a little embarrassing.
that was a mistake though, because both the Potters and the Lupins saw that. Sirius joins his brothers and their parents and is promptly hugged like crazy by Mrs Potter who says she's so happy and that he's so grown up now and that he has to invite his boyfriend over for dinner sometime and also tell her everything there is to tell. Sirius would be more embarrassed if he wasn't so emotional about her being so happy for him and caring about his relationship in such a good way
Mrs Lupin, when hugging Remus hello, asks him who's that "handsome young man with the leather jacket" was and Remus can already tell his mother is going to question him about everything the second they get home. It's not a bad thing, though - him and his mum are best friends, and it's actually comforting to come sit with her next to the fireplace and ask for advice
the Yule break is a few weeks long. Sirius cannot stop thinking about their kisses. they've kissed only twice but Sirius can't think about anything else. he drafts a letter the first night - it's very painfully awkward (he does wonder if them being boyfriends means now they're stuck acting awkward til they die). but then he can't sleep and keeps thinking about those two far too short kisses and he throws the old letter away and writes down a storm about everything he's thinking. he sends it off to Remus before he can regret it (and he does. immediately after he closes the window and sees the owl disappear)
Remus rereads it about ten thousand times. And then he digs up an old jewellery box that he doesn't use cause he gave all his old earrings to Lily, and he names it to be his little treasure chest, and a new home to Sirius's letter. He struggles with the response a bit, but then he just thinks about how nice it would be to be held by Sirius and trusts his gut to write all that he's feeling.
and so the awkwardness seems to fade and they exchange letters every day. Sirius promises to buy a smartphone so they can call or facetime (which is impossible cause the Potters don't have Internet but shh no one tell him)
Sirius invites Remus over for New Year's and it's really like there's no more being awkward anymore. Mrs Potter is very strict about the door to Sirius's bedroom being wide open at all times, but that really doesn't stop them from making out all damn day. they miss the countdown and all
After they come back to Hogwarts their honeymoon period officially starts. they're glued together, and more often than not they'll be making out in a broom closet or some abandoned corridor
James thinks this is kind of gross (in an endearing way, he loves them). he takes it back once they actually start having sex - walking in on them kissing was not nearly as damaging as seeing them do more. James gives a wholeass rant about how to charm the curtains so he won't be able to yank them open and see something that will scar him for life
Sirius's greatest discovery is that Remus has dimples at the bottom of his back. he has many favourite parts of Remus but this one is amongst the top ones
After a full moon once, Sirius comes in to keep Remus company in the hospital wing. He is promptly taken aside by Madame Pomfrey who asks him if he knows about proper protection charms, which is apparently something she does to all couples that are of appropriate age. still, Sirius's face has never been quite this red (and yes, he knows them. there was no escaping from Mr and Mrs Potter's sex talk. Sirius couldn't look them in the eye for a week).
Sirius might be only 17 but he's already daydreaming about their wedding. he's weird like that
he's got two kind of hexes up his sleeves. One is for people being generally annoying, insulting his friends, etc. the other is people who purposefully misgender Remus. they're never too cruel, of course (just because he doesn't fancy getting thrown out of school) but they're very carefully picked and adjusted to assure maximum discomfort
Sirius's favourite way to see Remus is when, during hogsmeade visits, they'll swing by a bookshop. Remus will light up and he'll be jumping from book to book, and he looks so dorky and cute when he points at various things and quotes. the first time Sirius thinks he's in love with him is during one of those times
Remus's favourite time in hogsmeade, on the other hand, is when they're in the three broomsticks. it's not his forte at all - it's loud and crowded and there's too many people for his liking. But Sirius is absolutely in his element there. he thrives with people so he'll laugh along his friends and people at the bar, buy whatever his friends want because he takes joy in giving people things. he's the non drinker of the group but even without the aspect of alcohol Sirius loves the people aspect of the pub. There's nothing like seeing him light up in a room full of people to talk to
Remus spends a long time during the summer between 6th and 7th year teaching basically the whole Potter family (+ the Black brothers ofc) how to use a smartphone and hooking up their Internet. it's a process.
Sirius becomes obsessed with Remus sending photos to him. he loves that it's so easy and they can talk whenever they'd like and Sirius can save all those photos and look at them when he misses Rem. (not to mention the sexy aspect of this but let's leave that for another day)
Sirius is also equally obsessed with Spotify. he can listen to whatever he wants. whatever. it's the best thing in the world
Sirius makes playlists for Remus. multiple of them
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happyhearthooligan · 4 years
Master List Nov Edition 2019
This half contains Classic Undertale headcanons, Multiple AU asks, other headcanons that didn’t quite fit the first half, and franstastic-ideas’ other posts
The first half contains AU-centric headcanons excluding Classic Undertale
franstastic-ideas - November Content (Continued)
Classic Undertale
Nov 1
Would Papyrus ever supplex Chara
Yandere Papyrus vs Yandere Asriel head cannons?
Do you think Papyrus would swear around Undyne?
Nov 2
What were Sans' initial thoughts on Undyne's potty mouth?
(1/2) Canonically, Sans tried to make a quiche.
(2/2) Wait he didn’t make a quiche he made a pie, my bad. 
How close was Asriel to his mother?
Nov 3
Why Flowey stayed in the ruins
Chara flirts with Papyrus through Frisk.
Why would Frisk ever want to do a Genocide run
If Sans and Frisk had a kid, what would they be like?
How would frisk react if she encounters a bitty sans
Sans tells Frisk that she'd be dead where she stood…
Why Gaster has holes in his hands
Would Papyrus try to emulate Undyne’s fighting style?
Papara/Frans reaction to a kitten sneeze
Gaster’s holes and pain
More about Vivaldi
What happens if the store is out of chocolate?
Nov 4
Does Papyrus knows the exact extent of Sans’ depression?
Papyrus and Asriel would turn the kitchen into a total disaster area
What do you think Papyrus’ costume was supposed to be?
How would the skellies react if Frisk/Chara gave a soft no?
Sans’s time as Gaster’s intern here was… an experience
What was everyone's reaction when hearing Sans’ kitten sneeze?
Did Asriel or Chara made the mistake of confusing “cups of butter”?
Yeah, that does sound kind of like Sans
Nov 5
Why does Sans no longer feel hopelessness
Does Flowey still believe that "It's Kill or Be Killed"?
About the kids that come from the Frans and Papara ships…
Does Asriel rely on Chara to make decisions for him?
Nov 6 - Do married papara still have butterflies in their stomachs?
Nov 14 - How’s Chara when being complimented by the boys?
Nov 15 - Skelebros when Frisk/Chara get their wisdom teeth out?
Nov 16
Sans has caused Flowey his "fair share of resets”…
Provide thee with thy Frister hcs frometh multiple AUs please?
How do you think everyone's skating level is?
Would Frisk or Chara try to lift up their bonefriend?
Dr. Gaster was actually never confirmed to be a skeleton.
Nov 17
Would you please tell us more about Henry?
Forgive me, Madame, for I, instead of reading…
How do the skeletons react if their girlfriends get hurt?
“Sans has a nightmare about Frisk marrying [Gaster]…”
What started Gaster's obsession for humans?
Nov 18 - Would Asriel ask Papyrus to be his best man?
Nov 19
Are the monsters genuinely unable to tell Chara and Frisk’s gender?
How would younger monsters react to Frisk/Chara wiping dust off?
Monsters might not overly familiar with humans' anatomy enough…
If Frisk never left the underground, married Sans, and had Vivaldi. 
What is Sans riding in the True Pacifist ending?
Nov 20
How would the monsters react to the modern human technology?
Married Frans Life hcs please?
UT Chara and Papyrus go on their first date
Nov 21
Where do you think the skeletons were living prior to Snowdin?
Where do you think Sans gets the money?
Does that mean Sans and Frisk will live in a mansion type house?
Nov 22
MK is uncertain if "that weird skeleton" is a kid or an adult…
Is Sans actually unable to open his jaw or just chooses not to
Nov 24
Is Frisk technically a princess?
What relationship did Asriel have with Sans early-on?
How did Frisk cross the barrier in the Neutral Run?
Do you think that Toriel will ever truly forgive Asgore?
King Asgore couldn’t really take the proclaim back
Press the attack key once and Flowey will be struck multiple times…
Nov 25
Do Toriel & Asgore punish Chara by not letting her have chocolate?
"Nobody can bully Asriel except for ME"
Nov 26
How much do you head cannon Sans owes Grillby on his tab?
Do you head cannon Chara or Asriel being the older sibling?
Is Frisk wearing a striped shirt a coincidence?
About how much is G worth in the human currency?
Nov 27
University AU Frans/Papara head cannons?
Asriel mentions that "a world without Chara" had no place for him…
You mentioned that Asriel had a "slight-older woman fetish”…
Nov 28
If Asriel and Chara were brought back to life…
How do you head cannon Toriel and Asgore got together?
Nov 30 - What do you head cannon everyone sounding like?
Multiple AU Headcanons
Nov 1
Would other Sanses have collections?
What does Frisk thinks these collections?
Nov 2
Who do you think are the closer skelebros? UT or US?
What do the Sanses/Papyri call their human?
Nov 3
What gifts do the skeletons love receiving from their human?
What does the Sanses feel about buttercup flowers?
Frans: If human monster relationships were forbidden
Papara: If human monster relationships were forbidden
Nov 4
What relationship do Sans and Chara have in the other AU's?
How do the other AU skelebros mess with each other?
Do any other Frans/Papara couples or rivals have a "Dere Type"?
Nov 5 - Do the skelebros know about any of the Pokemon games?
Nov 6 - US and SF Chara's personality
Nov 14 - What types of parents are the Frans and Paparas?
Nov 15
Chara would probably play with Asriel's ears…
Is there any rivalry between the Papyruses, and the Asriels?
Nov 17 - Who are Sans’ and Frisk’s other next-door neighbors?
Nov 19 - Throw me any head canons that comes first in mind please 
Nov 20 - How do the other Papyri feel about their respective Tobys?
Nov 24
How do the Frisks feel about chocolate?
If Chocolate was taken off the market, how would each Chara react?
Nov 25 - What made the Frisks/Charas fall in love with the boys? 
Nov 28 - How did the Sanses react to Frisk using them as a pillow?
Nov 29 - How would the Papyri respond to Chara's compliments?
Other Headcanons
Nov 3
One More Tale AU introduced
Horrotale skelies/humans reacting on each other’s sick days
What’s this 'One More Tale' AU I hear?
Nov 4 - How much of an appettite can a little bitty have?
Nov 6
How would G react to having the same iris color as Frisk?
What about Frans cuddles, but with bitty Frisk instead?
How massive Muffet’s family is implied to be
Nov 8 - Webber from my Bittyverse fics
Nov 14
Any ideas/prompts for Storyshift Frans and Papara?
I wanna ask- would the tarantula lady a ginger?
Random au prompt? 
Tarantula lady has the ultimate hug power
How many monsters have not been revealed to us?
Nov 15 - Undertale, but with MORE SPIDERS!
Nov 17
Could you give us some flirts/puns exclusive to Attorneytale?
Shopkeeper Frisk vs traps, Adgore, and Omega Flowey
Nov 18
Mermaid Sans x normal Frisk living alone on an island?
In the Bitty Bones au, would Frisk ever adopt a Red sans?
Nov 19 - Random Prompt time plz
Nov 20
Bittybones Headcannons?
Can I ask for some love-dunce Frisk and shy Sans?
In the scenario where monsters were never trapped underground...
Nov 24 - “Nothing Tibia-fraid Of" Frans headcanons?
Nov 25
Do you think Narrator Chara laughs when Sans pranks Frisk?
Bitty Frisk: Mother Hen (Henri) vs Mother Goat (Toriel)?
Nov 26
*picks Classic Sans up then throws him into a Frisk pile*
Can we have frans/papara hcs for Cybertale?
Can I ask for Tainted Love headcanons?
Nov 30 - What about some Flowerfell headcanons?
Other types of posts
Nov 3 - Monster dream boyfriend
Nov 4
I can assure you that the most anon asks is not by one person
I wish there were a ukagaka of all your Frans and Papara AU's
*pokes then runs away*
Nov 5
Do you do headcannons on UT and AU characters in General?
This tumblr user now has a bucket over their head-
How do you feel about Charisk (Chara x Frisk)?
Nov 7 - I got my first ever paycheck today
Nov 9 - Masterlist plan of the past (link to it) 
Nov 11 - Why does Sword and Shield have a level cap for...
Nov 14
So how do I do taxes?
The difference between envy and jealousy
The more spiders in this family, the better!
Fun spider fact!
Another Spider Fact
Nov 16
But I have so many AUs already…
Moth Man or Jersey Devil?
Have you seen the whole of Gravity Falls?
Nov 18
Would it be alright if I wrote a fanfic about WT Swap Frans?
Favorite au from our lovely semisolidmind?
Papyrus is a nice guy
Nov 19
How would franstastic-ideas react to getting tickled ;3
How familiar are you with Warrior Cats?
Remind us of your nicknames please?
Nov 20
What job did the wonderful wonder of you get?
Do you know if there are any fics that are similar to Convergence?
Nov 21
Yandere Altertale fic thoughts
I’ve been looking at Pokémon Sword and Shield 
Nov 26 - How are so many of your head canons so damn cute?
Nov 28
I actually enjoy photography as well
Pokémon Sword and Shield’s Galar region is based off of the UK…
Nov 30
Webber, every time he sees my phone:
A random out-of-boredom-question...
Found out that all the links work when I'm looking at it on my own page, but if I open it up in a seperate page, they will all disappear if there are too many
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zexalmonth · 5 years
Zexal Month Prompt Page
Tumblr media
Hey everyone, Pyra here and here are the prompts for our third Zexal Month!
The new mod team and I -literally a bunch of chaotic demons in a discord chat- have been very excited and have been working hard on a bunch of prompts and alternative prompts to bring back your hyper-fixation on Zexal. August isn’t far away, friends! So if you want to prep for Zexal Month early, here’s your chance!
List is under the cut! Enjoy!
Week 1
Day 1: 1st of August  Presenting you.
Who are you and what made you watch Zexal?
Day 2: 2nd of August Kattobingu brings us together
Tell/show us your favourite thing about your favourite character/or friendship
3rd and 4th of August Weekends are breaks/free prompts/time to prep for next week. So do what you want!
Week 2 Artists
Day 1: 5th of August Fashion icons.
Honestly, just use this an excuse to throw your character in a fancy outfit. Show us alternative costumes, clothes, and fashion, or even an alternate design of someone!
Day 2: 6th of August  A Different Mantle.
Yuma the Barian Lord? Vector the Numbers Hunter? Rio the Arclight? Mix the teams up and show us how it affects the story!
Day 3: 7th of August The Family I’ve never known.
Ena, Mirai Tsukumo, the Kamishiro parents, the poor women who ended up marrying Faker and Tron… So many characters were skipped over in Zexal. Show us headcanons and pictures of these unsung heroes. Alternatively, draw fan children! You know you want to.
Day 4: 8th of August A long time ago, far in the future.
Show us characters at different ages! Maybe them as senior citizens, or as hot parents, or babies!
Day 5: 9th of August Space and the cosmos.
Hey, interpret this as you will. Maybe you could do something about the three planets floating in Zexal skies. Or what happens post-Zexal. Or Tron’s weird galaxy face.
Week 3: Writers
Day 1: 12th of August An Angsty Teen Drama.
Give us angst. Death scenes. Breakups. Injury. Pining. Mutual pining. Forbidden love. Cheating. Whatever it is, make the characters (and us) hurt. (Happy endings optional but not mandatory).
Day 2: 13th of August Love is a revolving door.
Give us your OTP. Show us why you love it so much and let them be happy (unless you like it because of the angst. Go do what you want, I’m not your mum).
Day 3: 14th of August What if there were no magic card games?
What if the Zexal cast had to be in our world? Give us some sort of modern AU! Go domestic and coffee shop style or go assassins gunning each other down or something in between!
Day 4: 15th of August Xyz Beyond Time!
Crossover time! Whether with another Yugioh series or a different show, show us a crossover with Zexal!
Day 5: 16th of August   The many threads of fate.
Free AU day. Show us what you’ve thought about in your spare time, even if you’ve never done anything for that AU before.
Week 4: Video/Animation
Day 1: 19th of August LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
Hey, who put memes here? It’s just memes both new and old, plus maybe some old fandom jokes. Or something. I don’t know, unleash your inner degenerate.
Day 2: 20th of August The World is Beautiful.
Whether you do animatics or capture gifs, we want to showcase your work here! Capture your favourite part of Zexal. Those who don’t do either, feel free to talk/show what’s your favourite visual scene/scenery of Zexal!
Day 3: 21st of August DJ Earworm.
What’s your favourite Zexal BGM? Either talk about it or do a picture/piece of writing/gif work/amv to the duration of the song! See what you can achieve in 4 minutes!
Day 4: 22nd of August That one, but again.
This one goes out to all you animators. Reanimate your favourite scene from Zexal. Alternatively, for everyone else, just show us your favourite scene in Zexal.
Day 5: 23rd of August AMV hell.
Fan Video time! It doesn’t have to be an AMV too! Vines/Jokes/movie trailers… show us what you’ve got! If you don’t make AMVs, go youtube some and give a shoutout. Alternatively, writers/artists could write a prompt based on a Zexal video they find! Remember to reference videos properly!
Week 5: Fandom week
Day 1: 26th of August Battle of the Bands!
Are you a Numbers Club fan? A Barian Emperors fan? An Arclight fan? A Fearsome Four fan? Something else entirely? Why do you like that group the best? Show us something with them!  
Note: This prompt does not have to include a battle of the bands AU unless you want to include it.
Day 2: 27th of August Illuminati confirmed
Fan Theory Day! As much as we love Zexal, there are some plot holes. Fill in the gaps or show us a theory you’ve been concocting!
Day 3: 28th of August The Me that’s not me.
What’s your favourite character? What character do you relate to? Why is this character special to you? Show us your story.
Day 4: 29th of August The Me to aspire to be.
Show us a person in the fandom that you look up to. Or you did look up to back in the day. Give them a shout out, show them why you liked what they did. If there’s no one, tell us a second character you’re really inspired by from Zexal.
Day 5: 30th of August Where are you now?
Zexal Month has always been about the community. Even if Zexal may not be our current fandom, it still holds a special place. For those currently in the Zexal fandom and active, tell us what you like about it. For those fossils like me, talk about your new fandoms and maybe do a small crossover with Zexal to show why you love your new fandom so much.
Finale 31st of August Goodbye for now.
This is another free day! Catch up on a day you missed or go to the alternative prompts page. However, it is also our chance to thank you all for participating. Tell us what you liked about Zexal Month, what you didn’t like, and what can be improved.
As you can see, each week, the prompts will be focused on a different sort of medium: art, writing, video editing/animating and general fandom creation. Of course, you can put forth whatever media you want to whatever prompt! We’d love to see an AMV of your Modern Day AU for example! We just thought having more focused prompts would help.
If you somehow don’t want to do any of the board prompts, that’s cool. Here’s a list of alternative prompts you can do any day that fits the more conventional style of fandom weeks/months. You can pick and choose, you can RNG it, or combine prompts… whatever you want! Just have fun!
Alternative Prompts
kittywampus - a disorganised mess
Agelast- A person who never laughs.
Amatorculist- A little insignificant lover; a pretender to affection
Petrichor- The smell of earth after rain.
Dragon tales 
Growing up/Becoming an adult 
Time loop AU
Monster/Supernatural AU
A Perfect ending
That’s all from me! See you in 31 days!
-Mod Pyra
God tumblr ruins .png so bad
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supercasey · 5 years
Sanders Sides Battlebots AU Part 1: The Bots, Drivers, and Lore (for the time being)
Okay, people actually seem interested in this, so @elvis-has-been-dug and @evelyn-paine, this one is for you two (and also to all the people who liked the first post, lol). ((Putting this under a readmore because... it’s about to get LONG. ALSO: for people who don’t know, Janus is my headcanon name for Deceit, Romulus is my take on Original Creativity (AKA before The Split), and William is my OC for Thomas’ Procrastination!))
Okay, I fixed it and added everything, but I swear to god, if Tumblr makes the formatting shit, I’m gonna eat a brick.
The Builders/Bots (In order of experience)
Bot Name: Undercover Driver: Janus Salem Driver’s Age: 45 Weapon Type: Wildcard Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 27 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 5 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot: A very adaptable bot, Janus will make Undercover anything he needs it to be. Whether it’s a vertical spinner, a full-body spinner, a horizontal spinner, an axe, a wedge, a flipper; you name it, Undercover’s probably been made into it at some point for a match. In any case, Undercover is a very well built bot, and is difficult to strategize against, but what it has in strategy it lacks in driving, as Janus doesn’t have the razor sharp reflexes he once possessed as a young man. About the Driver: Janus has been involved with Battlebots since the very beginning, founding the first public competitions alongside Romulus. He actually had romantic feelings for Romulus, but due to the competitive (and somewhat homophobic) atmosphere they were surrounded by, the two of them had to keep their relationship a secret, which was just fine by Janus. Unfortunately for everyone who knew him, Romulus died at thirty-six from a sudden heart attack, and out of sympathy and genuine love for the kids, Janus adopted Romulus’ twin sons; a controversial move at the time, to say the least. Nowadays, Janus is still involved with Battlebots, despite the pressure to retire, and is intent on winning at least one more Giant Nut before he throws in the towel; besides, he has to teach these new kids who’s boss!
Bot Name: The King Driver: Romulus Magnus Driver’s Age: 46 (Deceased - Died at 36) Weapon Type: Horizontal Spinner Mini Bot: Princess Mini Type: Propeller Years Competing: 17 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 4 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot: Horrifyingly powerful horizontal spinner, The King is up there in deadliness with the likes of Tombstone and Minotaur. He’s fairly durable, due to his driver having over a decade of experience under his belt, and every wound seems at most a temporary inconvenience. Princess is more for show than anything else, but she still packs a fiery punch when used correctly. Unfortunately, The King and Princess have both been retired for many years now, but their designs still inspire many bots into existence, allowing their legacy to continue. About the Driver: One of the veterans of Battlebots, Romulus is one of the first names people in this competition associate with the idea of being gone too soon. Alas, Romulus died at thirty-six from an undiagnosed heart condition, which triggered a heart attack, killing him within twenty-four hours of his heart attack happening. While alive, Romulus was a bit unpredictable in the ring, switching between being everyone’s kindly father figure and the Battlebox miscreant. Nowadays, his twin sons Roman and Remus continue his legacy, most assuredly making their father proud from wherever his spirit now resides.
Bot Name: Tuff Pupp Driver: Patton Picani Driver’s Age: 27 Weapon Type: Wedge Mini Bot: Pretty Kitty Mini Type: Spinner Years Competing: 7 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Very cutesy looking bot; sturdy, low to the ground, and very fucking durable (on par with the likes of Duck! tbh). Can survive several hits from Tombstone on a good day, but don’t expect those giant googly eyes to stay on after a fight. Pretty Kitty is a fan favorite, and although it usually gets busted pretty quickly, it’s become famous for once crippling Undercover and winning the match for Tuff Pupp (it’s also a favorite because Patton let’s kids in the crowd drive Pretty Kitty for him, and then gives them a cat-themed baseball cap afterwards). About the Driver: Patton Picani has been raised in the midst of Battlebots since he was a young teen, on account of his father being the arena announcer for the show. After he came of age and went through college, Patton built Tuff Pupp and entered the ring. From the very beginning, Patton has been a big fan favorite, his iconic puppy onesie and cat baseball caps for the kids making him rather endearing. He may seem like a total softie, but his bot is anything but, and while the fans adore him, fellow bot builders know to fear him and his building skills.
Bot Name: Falsehood Driver: Logan Wu Driver’s Age: 26 Weapon Type: Flipper Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 6 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Hydraulics flipper on par with the likes of Bronco (they tested which bot could launch a dryer the highest, but Bronco won by a few feet). Not a lot of real flashiness to the design, but is painted black with dark blue accents. Durable, but not quite as durable as Tuff Pupp. Very reliable, but it’s hydraulics have failed on it before in the ring. Keep an eye on this one in a Free for All match; it’ll launch you the minute you look away. About the Driver: Logan Wu is a college graduate who made his first appearance a few years back with his college robotics club and their bot, but after a very embarrassing loss it seemed like his club would never return to Battlebots again. The next year, Logan returned, but this time with his OWN bot, and with him as the driver. He managed to get to the semi-finals with Falsehood, and has since been considered one of Battlebots’ best builders. He’s not as flashy as the likes of Tuff Pupp and Princey, but he still has a very loyal fanbase (and he definitely earned some new fans that time he wore his unicorn onesie for a match against Patton).
Bot Name: Princey Driver: Roman Magnus Driver’s Age: 23 Weapon Type: Full-Body Spinner Mini Bot: None Mini Type: None Years Competing: 5 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot(s): A fairly large full-body spinner that clearly took a great deal of inspiration from The King, save for plenty of modern day upgrades and improvements alongside Roman’s own creative touch (plus it’s a full-body spinner, unlike The King, which only had a small horizontal spinner). Princey is very much feared in the ring, capable of taking down bots as durable as Tuff Pupp and Duck! on a good day, though he isn’t invincible. More often than not, Princey ends up breaking himself on anything he hits too hard; it’s a good thing that Roman’s so great at repairs. About the Driver: Raised alongside his twin brother since the beginning of Battlebots, Roman has always dreamed of being one of the big stars, wanting to compete with the likes of Tombstone and Bronco. He originally thought he’d grow up to inherit his father’s bot, The King, but after Romulus passed away from a heart attack, Roman committed himself to building his own bot, and has indeed become one of the stars he always dreamed of becoming someday. He’s not as rambunctious as his twin brother, but Roman is definitely famous in the Battlebox, and he’ll be damned if anyone takes his spotlight.
Bot Name: Forbidden Fruit Driver: Remus Magnus Driver’s Age: 23 Weapon Type: Full-Body Spinner Mini Bot: Jeffery Mini Type: Spinner Years Competing: 5 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 2 About the Bot(s): Very similar to Princey, but it’s a little smaller and is painted neon green instead of red (though it has a few red “blood splatters” in order to tease Roman). Somehow even less capable of taking it’s own hits than Princey, but it does much more damage, as Remus more or less put all of it’s weight in kinetic damage. Jeffery is a bit of an odd mini bot, oftentimes doing more harm than good, but he’s a fan favorite, and usually gets a lot of laughs from the audience when he (inevitably) breaks himself on something midway through the match. About the Driver: Raised alongside his twin brother since the beginning of Battlebots, Remus has been dying to get a genuine taste of the action. Unlike Roman, he never wanted to pilot The King, and his father’s passing, while absolutely devastating for him, at least removed the pressure to pilot his dad’s bot someday. Now having his own bots in Forbidden Fruit and Jeffery, Remus is infamous in the Battlebox for his cheap tactics and maniacal laughter, resulting in him being either hated or adored by builders and viewers alike.
Bot Name: Procrastination Station Driver: William Jackson Driver’s Age: 25 Weapon Type: Horizontal Spinner Mini Bot: Chippy Mini Type: Propeller Years Competing: 4 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 0 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 1 About the Bot(s): Secretly based off of The King, Procrastination Station is quickly becoming infamous in the ring for it’s incredible build and it’s excellent driving. Not quite as durable as Tuff Pupp, or as strong as Forbidden Fruit, or even as adaptable as Undercover, PS makes up for it’s shortcomings in all out speed and maneuverability, making matches with it intense and usually very long. Not exactly a big time winner, PS is still very much feared in the Battlebox, and is more than capable of winning the Giant Nut someday… there’s also Chippy, but he’s more of an accessory than anything else. About the Driver: Unlike most of the drivers/builders currently competing, Billy didn’t have any sort of family members or connections to Battlebots, instead growing up watching the matches from the couch at home. Once old enough, and after graduating with high honors in college, Billy started making a name for himself in Battlebots with his beloved Procrastination Station. Though he doesn’t have the benefits of following a legacy, he also doesn’t have the setbacks, something he considers a great advantage. Billy comes off as a bit slow, at least at first glance and in interviews, but anyone who’s faced him can testify that he’s incredibly brilliant, just quiet about it.
Bot Name: Charlotte Driver: Virgil Salem Driver’s Age: 19 Weapon Type: Vertical Spinner Mini Bot: Lil' Reaper Mini Type: Wedge Years Competing: 2 Number of Giant Nuts Won: 1 Number of Giant Bolts Won: 0 About the Bot(s): A small but deadly bot, Charlotte has already racked up an impressive amount of knock-outs since her debut last year, and is known for showing little mercy on the battlefield (unless your insides are exposed, of course). Charlotte is a tiny, black painted vertical spinner, complete with purple “patches” all over her. Lil’ Reaper isn’t much for damage output, but it’s been very useful for pinning bots for Charlotte during matches. About the Driver: Virgil is currently the youngest driver/builder in Battlebots, but has been driving since he was even younger, as his adoptive father- Janus Salem- has been bringing him along for every season since he was adopted, even letting him pilot Undercover a few times as a young teen. There are rumors going around that Virgil and Janus had a falling out, based off of their explosive interactions in front of the cameras and in the ring, but it’s all for show (well… not ALL of it, but Virgil doesn’t want to talk about that too much). The unspoken outcast/prodigy of the competition, Virgil is here with something to prove, and he’ll do anything to escape Janus’ shadow over his Battlebots career.
Little Headcanons/Things in the AU (So Far!!!)
Thomas and Jaun are the commentators for Battlebots, going very much with a best friends/occasional frenemies routine.
Talon, Terrance, and Valorie are all the judges.
Remy is the Battlebox commentator (basically that means he runs around interviewing all of the builders/getting into shenanigans with them (AKA pulling pranks with the twins)). He definitely has a very sassy attitude, and let’s be honest, he’s getting bleeped (alongside Jaun, of course) every third word he speaks.
Picani is the battle arena announcer, and unlike the amazing Faruq of real life Battlebots, his starting lines/jokes are always very family friendly/adorable. However, whenever Patton is battling someone, Remy will sometimes be made to take over for announcing the fight (which leads to him cussing like a sailor, much to Picani and Patton’s horror (like father like son, lol)).
Janus and Romulus are the veterans of Battlebots, but with Romulus gone, this just leaves Janus as the “Battlebox Grandpa” according to everyone else (Virgil got him a “World’s Okayest Grandpa” mug and he unironically loves it… secretly, of course).
Janus and Virgil have a fake “Father vs Son” rivalry thing going on; it started in Virgil’s first season of Battlebots, when he was eighteen, and has continued into the current season. Janus is fairly convinced it’s all for fun, oftentimes having to hide his laughs/chuckles whenever he playfully makes fun of Virgil. Virgil, on the other hand, is actually a little angry with Janus, so it’s not all fake for him. The worst it’s gotten is a staged “fight” they had between matches, which was quickly broken up by security; neither of them were disqualified or anything, since no one got all that hurt, but Janus had a blackeye and Virgil’s knuckles were sore afterwards.
The twins 100% have a legitimate rivalry going on, which has resulted in several fistfights that have nearly gotten them thrown out of the competition altogether (their father being a fan favorite is pretty much all that’s kept them from being banned, plus the competition runners know it’s (mostly) in good fun and not actual attempts at fratricide). They also play pranks on each other constantly, but will occasionally team up to prank a fellow competitor (last year they rigged one of Logan’s pens to spray him with ink, which resulted in a famous clip of Logan running after the twins while soaked in blue ink, screaming bloodymurder).
I don’t really have a lot of ships for this AU other than Romuceit (Romulus/Deceit), seeing as there’s a lot of family stuff going on, but I’ll probably have hints at Logicality and repressed Prinxiety (Prinxiety I’m a bit scared to fiddle with, seeing as they grew up together, but I dunno still).
Back to the lore: the shit surrounding Romulus and Janus’ families (oh fucking boy).
Only a few years into his Battlebots career, Romulus got news that an ex-flame of his from college had given birth to twin boys; not only were they his, but she didn’t want anything to do with them anymore (they were about three years old at the time). So long as Romulus agreed not to publicly shame his ex/say who she was, she told him that she’d give him full custody of the twins, and he immediately agreed, taking both boys a month after he found out about their existence.
Fans and fellow builders alike believed that Romulus would take a season off to take care of his kids, and a few even feared he’d retire, but to everyone’s shock, Romulus appeared the very next season (this all happened during the off season) with both Roman and Remus riding on his shoulders, Romulus appearing happier than he had in many years.
Romulus took to fatherhood quickly, and with the occasional (secret) helping hand from Janus with babysitting/raising the boys, he continued with his Battlebots career, even winning his first Giant Nut the year he brought in the twins (there’s a famous picture out there of them posing with their dad in front of the Giant Nut).
After that, Romulus considered his boys good luck, and brought them for every single season he competed in. This delighted both fans and builders, as the twins were now considered to be just as much a part of Romulus’ bot as the bot itself (though, the twins occasionally got into trouble when they got older, mostly from pranking other builders, but they never sabotaged anyone or anything extreme like that).
When the twins were around eight years old, Janus adopted a four year old out of the blue (well, out of the blue for viewers and strangers, but he’d been wanting a kid for years before even Romulus got his kids). The kid was named Virgil, and he too quickly became famous in the Battlebots community, oftentimes found being carried around by Janus or napping underneath his father’s workbench.
As expected, the twins became fast friends with Virgil, but unlike the twins, Virgil was very quiet, and was selectively mute until he was about seven years old. Even so, Virgil was still a fan favorite, Janus having him push the button for battles and even letting Virgil occasionally pilot Undercover once he reached twelve years old.
Unfortunately, when the twins were thirteen and Virgil was nine, Romulus very suddenly passed away from an unexpected heart attack. This caused a great deal of drama within the community, viewers and builders alike unsure of what would happen next. After all, didn’t Romulus have sole custody of the twins? Who would take them in? And what about The King?
In an unexpected turn of events, Janus offered to take custody of the twins. This sparked an uproar within the builders community, many speculating that Janus, who was already infamous for his cheap tactics and antisocial behavior, was only taking in the twins so he could steal The King and misuse his blueprints.
In the end, it took Janus agreeing to not touch The King in order to have custody of the twins (something that shouldn’t have been necessary, as he didn’t even want The King, but rumors spiral), and even then there was great unrest, as some truly disgusting rumors started flying around, especially when Janus and Romulus’ romantic relationship was outed to the public.
Nonetheless, Janus adopted both Roman and Remus, and continued to bring them and Virgil along for Battlebots competitions. There was an obvious shift in moods among the boys, all three of them mourning their dead father, but within a few years they returned to being Battlebots’ unofficial child stars.
((There’s more I’ll probably talk about later, like how the twins are getting along (they’re not) and how Janus and Virgil’s falling out happened, but I’ll do that later on; I wanna see if people even give a fuck about this AU first.))
General Rules/Things concerning Battlebots for anyone who knows fuck all about Battlebots
1. More or less, this is a fighting robot competition, but not like the stuff that was on-screen for a few minutes in Big Hero 6: if you want, I can link people with some really good fight examples if you’re curious of how these fights go down.
2. Battlebots is a robot fighting competition, and is one of the most famous ones in the world, located in the USA.There are two Big Trophies (that my dumbass knows of) that you can win in Battlebots: the most coveted prize is the grand prize, that being the “Giant Nut”, which is awarded to the last Bot standing at the end of the competition. The other trophy/prize is the “Giant Bolt”, which is awarded to the season’s Desperado Tournament. (The Desperado Tournament is basically everyone’s last chance to get into the final 16/the true championships, so if your Bot has had a shitty season so far, it’s not a terrible idea to enter the Desperado, but beware, it tends to leave your Bot pretty fucked up by the end, so you’d better be able to repair it afterwards.)3. While it’s all about wrecking/destroying the other team’s Bot, there IS a sense of common courtesy in the competition. It’s good sportsmanship not to kick a Bot while it’s down (unless the Bot’s builder consents/requests you to, which oftentimes happens late in the game/just to please the crowd), and it’s considered very disrespectful to purposefully destroy someone’s internal wiring (say a Bot busts open, and all it’s wires are hanging out of it: it’s considered very inappropriate to then wreck those wires, and you’ll probably get a lot of shit for it in the Battlebox afterwards).4. Battlebots is already somewhat of a “family” thing for a lot of teams, so I’m not just pulling that one out of my ass. One of the most famous family teams is “Son of Whyachi” and pretty much everyone in their family is now involved with Battlebots.5. The gimmick thing that some Bots have isn’t just a dumb joke for Patton: look up the likes of Witch Doctor, Rainbow, and Kraken to get a taste of what I’m talking about.6. I think that’s most of the general stuff… if you have anymore questions, shoot me an Ask/PM and I’ll try to help as much as I can (Just please don’t spoil any of 2019’s Battlebots for me, as I’m not caught up with the show yet)! I’ll post more in-depth rules later on, so if you don’t want to read through all the technical garble on Battlebots’ rules document, I’ll have you covered soon enough!
That’s all I’ve got so far (I’ll probably provide more rules if people want them, and as stated, I’m more than happy to provide good battle examples... I’ll also try to draw/design the bots, but no promises because I’ll certainly suck at it)! Feel free to fuck around with this AU, but please tag me in anything you create, as I’d love to see it!
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“After the disappointment of the Andrew Garfield-led Amazing Spider-Man movies, everyone’s favorite wallcrawler has been having a renaissance. Entering the Marvel cinematic universe in 2016's Captain America: Civil War, the webslinger fully redeemed himself with well-crafted live-action film in Spider-Man: Homecoming.”
 Yes...okay...that was definitely what Homecoming was....
 “and a wildly successful spin-off film Venom, ”
 I mean financially successful sure...
 “In the midst of all his success, Spider-Man has quietly become one of the most inclusive and socially conscious superheroes of today.”
*raises eyebrow*
 Okay...go on...
 “Last week, it was announced that Spider-Man: Far From Home would feature two out transgender actors playing trans characters, the first big-budget superhero film to do so. Spider-Man: Homecoming also featured a queer character, as well as numerous people of color.”
  Wait who was the queer character in Homecoming?
 “It’s also worth mentioning that Spiderverse included a Jewish version of Peter Parker, who is typically portrayed as either secular or Christian.”
 ....ehhhhhhhhh....yes and no.
 In media adaptations barring maybe one (the 1994 show cos I do not remember where he got married) Spider-Man is portrayed as...I guess secular but really it’s more that they just don’t say anything.
 It’s not that the character is not a believer in a faith per se, especially if you go by older adaptations during times when hardly anyone was secular. It’s just that they, understandably, aren’t saying anything.
 In the comics Peter is some kind of Christian but probably a Protestant (unless you go by Amazing Grace where he is an atheist but that’s hot trash we don’t talk about) but we don’t really talk about it that specifically.
 We just know that he and his family celebrate Christmas and very, very occasionally Aunt May references going to church and that she, Peter and MJ believe in a monothetistic deity they refer to as ‘God’.
 And really apart from the Church thing there is no clue to Peter’s religion and Marvel probably (wisely) would rather keep it that way. He even got married in a civil ceremony!
 However in the SUBTEXT...he’s Jewish. And it’s basically an open secret that he is and always has been Jewish.
 “The Spider-Man video game also featured a wonderful easter egg for queer fans by having a giant rainbow flag, as well as several smaller ones, scattered around the game’s fictionalized New York City map. ”
 I mean that’s wonderful but I wouldn’t call that an Easter Egg so much as...it’s just what you’d find in modern NYC.
 “Even the Venom film got in on the fun, with fans shipping Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock and the titular male alien-symbiote after the two kissed in the film. Sony even encouraged the pairing, releasing a romantic comedy-esque trailer for the film to promote the home release. While some complained of queer-baiting, most felt that it was all in good fun and included queer people in on the joke, instead of making us the target.”
 Again, good for them but I don’t think that was the movie actively trying to be positive towards queer people.
 Brock and Venom kissed when Venom was bonded to Brock’s ex-fiance and had a pronounced female form, being an adaptation of a character literally called She-Venom.
 And it was based upon a script written in the 1990s so really it was more the movie did it and then people took it as a thing that was shipping Venom and Brock (even though Venom is sexless). Brock and the symbiote have been shipped numerous times in the comics but the subtext has always been that the symbiote, if any sex, is female. In the Spec cartoon it is referred to as Symbi (a pun on Cyndi) and in the Spider-Girl comics it is marked out as female (granted this happens after it’s bonded to a woman).
 And again, headcanon away but like...that probably wasn’t intentional at all Sony were just being goofy or unintionally made something people took a certain way.
 “Indeed, even in the comics, Spider-Man has always been a fairly inclusive hero. Miles Morales was introduced in the early-2000s, taking over the mantel from Peter Parker for several years. ”
 Okay, this is so weird for me to be correcting such a praising point but lets really look at this.
 First of all Miles didn’t take over Peter’s role for several years he did it permanently.
 Second of all Miles is from 2011 so that’s not the early 2000s, that’s the early 2010s, but okay maybe that was a typo.
 Third of all, is it really all that logical to say this franchise that began in 1962 has always been fairly inclusive and then cite a character from 2011 as proof of this? Wouldn’t examples from during the FIRST quarter century have been more apt?
 Fourth of all...eh. Has Spider-Man been fairly inclusive from the start? Yes, no, its complicated.
 Look there were exactly 0 LGBTQ+ characters in Spider-Man until maybe the 1990s and even then I couldn’t off my head tell you who they were. Felicia Hardy is bisexual but we didn’t find out until the 2000s and it was most prominent in an AU. Really the most significant LGBTQ+ character who’s had the fact that they are queer be more than a one off reference was Max Modell and he debuted 2011 and IIRC wasn’t established as queer until 2012. In defence of Spider-Man the Comics Code literally FORBID any character be anything other than straight until the 1990s and even then it was relatively rare, even in X-Men which you’d think it wouldn’t be.
 If we’re talking POC again this one is a bit complicated Glori Grant, Joe Robertson, Randy Robertson are frequently appearing POC characters but not in every run and they aren’t usually as prominent as like Jameson, Aunt May, Harry Osborn, MJ, etc. Characters of other ethnicities are even less frequent and I don’t even know what we should make of Puma/Thomas Fireheart. I mean A for effort, they wanted a Native American character who wasn’t really a villain and wasn’t exactly a sterotype so there is that I guess.
 Again though...most other Marvel franchises decade by decade weren’t much better with this and we should give credit where credit is due to the same guy who created Black Panther writing a nuanced scene where 2 black people in the 60s separated by age discuss different approaches to civil rights with neither being proven right or wrong.
 When it comes to disabled people, outside of evil insane villains, forget it, there is nothing before Flash Thompson in 2008 unless you count Aunt May’s chronically poor health.
 “Spider-Gwen quickly became one of the highest-selling female superhero comics. Spider-Woman was a prominently featured bisexual character, and the female Asian-American hero Silk also had LGBT supporting characters, Rafferty and Lola, who were in a healthy relationship. Additionally, many view vampire villain Morbius, who is getting a spin-off film starring Jared Leto next year, as a metaphor for those suffering during the HIV crisis of the '80s. ”
 Again...Spider-Gwen and Silk are 2010s characters so that’s not ‘always fairly inclusive’.
 I don’t even know if Jessica Drew is bisexual, I’ve never heard that but I don’t think she is.
 Morbius as a metaphor for HIV...MIGHT be true if we are specifically talking about his 1990s solo-book which I’ve never read. But the character as originally created 100% was never about that because he was created in the 1970s before HIV was known about.
 “Unlike his Marvel counterparts Thor, Iron Man and Captain America, Spider-Man’s world has accurately reflected real world diversity for years.”
 ....Not really.
 I’m not even saying Spidey maybe haven’t been comparatively better at it than those guys but he’s deffo not been accurate.
 Plus to be fair to the other guys, Captain America and Iron Man have had at least one major black supporting cast member and in Cap’s case he was fairly candid about social strife and issues.
 And with Thor it’s not that fair to throw shade at him for not reflecting the real world given that 90% of this characters and stories are literally pulled from fantasy and myth. I don’t even know if there are any queer figures in Norse myth let alone poc.
 “While it’s a seemingly simple idea that any of us can be a superhero, it’s sadly still a radical concept in a endlessly growing film genre that has predominetly centers straight cisgender white men. ”
 Well that’s mostly because the comics the movies adapt are about those types of people.
 “That is because relatability and inclusion has always been core to Spider-Man’s appeal and message. It’s why the late Stan Lee decided that, unlike other superheroes who expose parts of their faces, Spider-Man had to wear a full-face mask.”
  Stan Lee only speculated that that was part of Spider-Man’s appeal, he never had any input on that design choice it was all Steve Ditko...who frankly was unlikely to have been thinking about that...
 “Even further, Spider-Man isn’t the king of a country, a billionaire, a woman out of a Greek myth, or a brilliant scientist. He’s just an average high-school kid from Brooklyn who always strives to do the right thing even while struggling to balance his everyday life and hiding a secret identity.”
 WHOA there buddy...Spider-Man isn’t routinely ‘a kid’ nor is he from Brooklyn.
 MILES is from Brooklyn but Peter, as evidenced by that great big caption in Captain America: Civil War, is from QUEENS.
 “And it’s the idea of balancing a secret identity with everyday life that has always allowed Spider-Man to connect with queer audiences long before comic writers were allowed to explicitly include LGBT characters.”
 ...I’m not denying this necesarrilly but whilst i’ve heard stories from poc who connected with Spider-Man I’ve never heard this about LGBTQ+ fans of Spider-Man.
“Indeed, perhaps the strongest part of Spider-Man’s inclusivity is the subtlety to which it has been done. While Black Panther, Black Lightning, and Wonder Woman rightly put issues of identity front and center, Spider-Man’s quiet diversity allows audiences who typically cry “SJWs are ruining my favorite characters” to actually see diversity showcased without it being overt.”
 Errrrrrr...sure....*represses memories of when Miles Morales was first announced*
 Lets um...wait and see what happens when those trans characters show up in the movie this year okay.
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