#the moment she realized she couldnt remember her old name at all it was over for her
dailydegurechaff · 4 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is... Regular Tanya is on vacation day 6 - Amnesia/Memory Loss AU
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rubywithecat · 5 months
Tokyo revengers boys when you ignore them after one night stand (pt.1)
-he almost doesnt recognize you
-when he senses the familiar scent when you passed through him, he couldnt help but turned his head
-"Hey wait" he called out. "do i know you?"
-U frozed. "I dont know you..." u lied. He walked to face you and looked you carefully. U broke the eye contact and excused yourself.
-he grabbed your hand which made your body gravitated toward his chest
-"your a bad liar" his lips nearly toucing yours. "plz dont ignore me. ive been searching u everywhere"
Ran Haitani
-He thought he would just forget you as like he does for many women who he had slept with
-But something about u made him craving u more, maybe cuz of ur innocence (u were a virgin)
- U were going to ur class when u heard a smiliar voice, u quickly hide when u caught a glimpse of him
-he was on his phone and he seemed to like noticed that u hide, he smirked
-"Rindou, I will call u back" he closed his phone and walked toward where u were
-ur heart was beating so fast and u just prayed he would passed through and closed ur eyes
-"Found ya" he whispered, loud enough for u to hear. "U who snaked away from me after i gave u ur first best night ever. Don’t u think it’s a lil bit unfair to me?” he grabbed ur waist as if he could read ur mind about escaping
-"u cant run away from me second time, Miss"
Chifuyu Matsuno
-He tried to forget about what happened that night and didnt even think he could meet u again
-when he saw u at the mall, he was about to call u out but he saw u with a kid, he thought its ur kid
-he didnt try to talk with u anymore cuz he doesnt wanna be a threat to ur marriage or smth
-u also saw him but u were too nervous to go and talk cuz u liked that guy so much “what if he doesn’t remember me? I would just embarrass myself” u whispered to urself
-as u guys parted, u were sad and hopeless
-"hey (kid name), i need to use toilet. dont go anywhere before i come back,okay?' u bent down to the kids height and smiled.
-"Yes” he replied cutely. "Good boy." u told him and go to toilet quickly.
-just a hen u come back, u saw him talking to a guy so u rushed quickly.
-"how old r u?" u could hear slightly. "i am 8" ur nephew answered.
-"what did i tell u (kid name)?Dont talk to random--' u scolded him before realizing that guy
-"he just saved me from some bad guys who tried to steal our shopping bags" ur nephew answered.
"Oh god" u sighed and turned back to him, but dont dare to look at him. "Umm... thank u for saving my nephew..." u said awkwardly.
-He was stunned but he felt relieved and glad that he wasn’t ur son
-U were about to walk away when he started to talk, "Im sure we met before, right?"
-U looked back at him and he was smiling at u and it was not a question. He remembered u and will not let u go anymore
Hanma Shuji
-From the moment he saw u, he couldn’t lie to himself that he fell in love with u
-Whenever he fcks someone he always think about u
-He was pissed that u left him after s*x without even leaving ur number
-He tried his best to forget u
-u didnt expect to meet a one night stand u met last year at the club u work
-Ur not like a stripper or anything like that. U work as a waitress there as u have no choice to pay for ur collage
-U quickly covered ur face as he walked passed through
-"maybe he wont even remember me at all. It was long time ago" u relieved. But then he stopped.
-"Hey" he called u. "Wtf- plz don’t remember me" u mumbled. U dont wanna invlove in gang things so its best to stay away
-"Do u know where are vip rooms?" he asked u
-"Uh— it’s at ur left, sir" U didnt dare to look back and just answered nervously, hoping he doesn’t see ur face
-U stared at u from behind for a sec and then walked away, smoking.
-“U see that girl over there? Bring her to my room” he ordered the waiter
-“Sir, I’m afraid she’s just a waitress and doesn’t do that kind of thing ya know…” the waiter answered, afraid “I- could suggest u the best beautiful stripper in our club. I’m sure u will be satis—“ before he could finish his word, he was punched to the ground.
-“Useless shits” he mumbled as he looked down and wiped the blood strain on his ring “Bring her to me” he said and left as he threw sone cash to the waiter face.
-U entered the dim light room, written “VIP” cuz ur coworker begged u so u empathized him
-“Were u searching for me?” U said impatiently and faked to be confident when u were trembling inside. “Look, just to be clear, im not interested in sleeping with u. I just come to tell u that so plz leave me alone and my coworkers, sir”
-Hanma just laughed helplessly as he finds that cute and as u were about to leave, he tightly hugged u from behind and kissed ur neck, leaving a mark
-“Who said I care whether ur intreated or not?” he smirked. “U were already mine. Don’t u dare run away from me… please?” His voice changed. It was the first time he begged for someone and u also feel that part of u just can’t resist him
A/N: Hi! Welcome back y’all! <3 So, I have been disappearing for a long time cuz of final exam and now it’s over so I can finally write back and have a lot of ideas that I wanna share with u guys. <3
Sorry for not being able to respond the requests but now that I’m free, I will be open to ur requests again! :*
And I hope u guys like this one and any supports are very much appreciated, loves <33
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bridgyrose · 8 months
So how does spartan Pyrrha feel about medusa Cinder?
Pyrrha watched Cinder carefully as she went through her day trying to put the statues of her victims back together. It was unlike anything she had seen, though, finding out about her being a huntress of Artemis before becoming a monster wasnt exactly what she had expected of her either. Monsters were supposed to be their own breed of creature, created by the old magics that still washed over the lands, not humans punished by the gods. And yet, here she was staring at proof that some monsters were created by the gods out of jealousy. 
“Can you do more than watch me all day?” Cinder asked as she finished piecing together another statue, sealing the cracks with a small incantation she learned years ago. “Not that I mind the staring, but I’m sure you’d prefer doing something that isnt just watching me work.” 
“I can help-” 
“I was the one who turned them to stone, its my job to keep them safe until there’s a way to bring them back. That includes putting them back together when they break.” 
Pyrrha sighed and walked over to the piles of stone that Cinder had made, each piece organized into a separate pile at each base the statues had been sitting on. Then, she walked around the statue that had been fixed, surprised that the pose almost looked like she wanted to embrace Cinder rather than cower like the rest of the statues. “Who was she?” 
Cinder pulled her hand away from the statue and slipped her blindfold over her eyes. “She’s the reason I was expelled from the huntresses to begin with. A mistake that I’d never change no matter how many times I could be offered to. And, she’s the reason I became a gorgon.” 
“I’m not sure I understand. She’s a human, right?” 
“She is.” Cinder sat down and slipped the blindfold off her eyes for a brief moment to stare at the statue with her own eyes. “And like me, she was a huntress. My… rival for a lack of a better term. No matter what weapon she was given, she would always get Artemis’ favor. The best of us, a thorn in my side, always getting in my way. And yet, I couldnt help but fall in love with her.” 
Pyrrha looked over at Cinder and watched how the light seemed to glisten off her amber eyes before Cinder pulled the blindfold over her eyes again. She looked back at the statue and sat down next to Cinder. “What was her name?” 
“Ruby. After a brutal hunt, we spent some time alone, sparring just like all huntresses do. As each match went on, I started to get more and more frustrated with her until she pinned me to the ground. I still remember the way the moonlight reflected off her eyes, the gift that Artemis had bestowed to her, and the way it seemed to bring a… a sense of calm to me.” 
Pyrrha noted the small smile that started to cross Cinder’s lips as a tear ran down her cheek. “And that’s when you were expelled, right?” 
Cinder nodded and wiped the tear away from her cheek. “Huntresses arent supposed to fall in love, we’re supposed to give ourselves completely to Artemis. We spent the moment together, alone in a spring and sleeping under the stars. The next morning, we were both expelled from the hunt and stripped of our protections that Artemis gave us. However, she showed mercy to us and allowed for Ruby to keep the gift that she had been given. After that, we built a home together outside of Athens.” 
“Then what happened?” Pyrrha asked, genuine curiosity leaving her lips. She paused for a moment when she realized how quickly she had asked, clearing her throat and looking away from Cinder. “I-I mean, that explains how you were expelled, but it doesnt explain why you’re a gorgon. It doesnt seem like Artemis cursed you.” 
Cinder nodded and stood up to make her way to the next statue pile and started to piece together another broken statue. “That’s because it wasnt her. What I didnt know was that another goddess had Ruby in her eyes. Salem, the goddess of chaos. I’m still not sure if it was our of jealousy, or if she had other plans for her, but Salem came to me and offered me a choice: I could leave Ruby and live out a peaceful life, or I could stay with Ruby and become a living weapon she’d use against humanity and the gods.” 
Pyrrha watched as Cinder slowly placed a piece of stone and sealed the cracks, listening to her voice break as she spoke. For a moment, all Pyrrha wanted to do was hug Cinder, to try to tell her that everything would be okay, but as another tear ran down Cinder’s cheek, she pulled back as she watched the hair start to turn into snakes. She kept her distance and sighed. “So, you were tricked.” 
“No, not tricked,” Cinder answered. “Punished. At the time, I had wanted to do whatever I could to stay with Ruby, so I accepted Salem’s offer and became her weapon. One that she’d use on her own terms. At first, I thought that meant being called upon by her to fight the heroes that the other gods would throw at her. Instead, being a “living weapon” was meant to be a punishment for daring to try to stay with someone that was off limits. I spent the night with Ruby and then… all I remember was feeling everything inside of me burn.” 
Pyrrha went quiet and got up to help Cinder, gently taking her hand to help steady her as she tried to place another piece of the statue together. Even though Cinder’s eyes were covered, she kept her own gaze averted from Cinder’s eyes, helping guide her to keep the statues from getting damaged further. 
Cinder placed the stone she held and then wiped the tears from underneath her blindfold. “She held me until my transformation was complete. I felt… cold and empty, but having her arms around me still helped me feel a bit of warmth. Then, I looked up and stared at her eyes and then… well…” she motioned to the statue next to them. 
“She turned to stone.” Pyrrha looked at the statue of Ruby once more, noticing more faded paint on the stone as if Cinder had tried to give her color once more. Silver for her eyes, red on her dress, black for her hair and a pink on her lips. All in an attempt to make the statue seem more like who she used to be. “And the others here?” 
“Accidental victims.” Cinder looked at the pile of stones in front of her. “This one was a warrior sent to kill me, like you. He caught me by surprise and managed to give me a nasty scar on my side. “But then, he made the mistake of looking in my eyes.” 
“You… you didnt want to turn him to stone, did you?” 
Cinder shook her head and steadied herself with a deep breath. “I wanted to be left alone with Ruby until I could find a way to bring her back to normal. Instead, more people came and I became the weapon that Salem wanted me to be. Warriors and heroes have been coming at me for years, a few travelers have stopped only to get frozen in stone as well. This… place was supposed to be a sanctuary for me when I first arrived with Ruby, a place for me to quietly find a cure to all of this. I-I couldnt stay at the home she and I built.” 
Pyrrha sat down and growled at herself under her breath when she realized she couldnt not help Cinder. Sure, she was spartan and Cinder was a gorgon, but her life belonged to Mercury and she couldnt sit around if someone was cursed. “I… I think I know someone that can help. I’ll have to go back to Sparta, but… I know a disciple of Mercury that might be able to cure you.” 
“You do?!” Cinder asked as she took Pyrrha’s hands. “I’ll do anything if it means getting rid of this curse!” 
Pyrrha looked away from Cinder to keep from looking at her eyes, and to hide the small blush that crossed her cheeks. She couldnt help but catch the small scales along Cinder’s cheek, or how warm and soft her hands felt even after working with cold stone for hours. She slowly pulled away, her voice breaking a bit as she spoke. “Y-yes, I’m fairly sure he can. And if he cant, then as a spartan, I’ll give up my weapon.” 
“I’ll make sure you have a warm meal before you leave.” 
“Thank you,” Pyrrha said quietly as she watched Cinder walk off. The blush on her cheeks deepend as she watched her, her heart pounding in her chest as she gripped the shaft of her spear. “Its just nerves about seeing Jaune again, that’s all,” she said to herself. “I help Cinder, and then I go home. That’s all it is.” 
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ihavefrogsinmybag · 11 months
Chapter 2: Rainy Friends and Worried Brothers.
The clock hit 3:45 PM. Seren's eyes lit up. They jumped up from their desk and sped into the living room. They grabbed their key from the key bowl and double-checked that they had their phone.
"Bye, Mom. I love you!"
"Love you too, honey! Be careful."
"I will!" Seren assured their mom before walking out of the apartment. They glided down the staircase and stepped onto the sidewalk. Their shoes slapped against the pavement as they made their way through the crowd. Yesterday, a girl named April accidentally pushed Seren over... which seems bad.. but it actually helped them. Seren found out that April worked at the Dollar Hut near their apartment, so that probably meant she lives nearby. This could be a chance for Seren to make a friend.
When April bumped into them yesterday, Seren noticed it was almost 4:00. They assumed that her shift started at 4:00. Seren was hoping to catch April before her shift so they could exchange contact info and maybe hang out sometime.
The clouds became dark and rain started pouring. Seren lifted up their hood and turned the corner onto the street where the Dollar Hut was. They made their way to the entrance of the store and took shelter under the awning. Luckily enough, as they stood there catching their breath, April also ran under the awning for cover. It looked like she had just gotten there for her shift and was taking a moment to compose herself before clocking in. Despite the fact that Seren had been so excited to come and find April, they sort of just...froze up and stood there. They didn't want to bother her at work or come off as weird. They couldn't think of what to say. They just stood stiffly and held their breath. The pressure in Seren's chest grew and they felt like they were going to explode until-
"Hey! I know you. You're the kid I accidentally pushed over yesterday!"
Seren sighed in relief. They were glad April had noticed them first because they were not good at starting conversations.
"Yup, that's me." they stuttered.
"Seren, right? Fancy seeing you here."
"About that, I actually came here for you."
April raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"For me?"
"Yeah for you, but it's nothing bad. I promise! Remember when I told you I don't have any friends because I just moved here?"
"Well, you said to come visit you during a shift and I was hoping we could maybe hang out sometime?"
April had a look of realization and then smacked herself in the forehead.
"That's right. I did say that! I'm sorry I completely forgot about that."
Seren relaxed a bit. "Don't sweat it, I totally understand. I forget stuff all they time."
"Tell me about it," she chuckled
Seren paused for a moment and took a deep breath.
"So.. would it be weird if we exchanged contact info and hung out sometime?"
"No, not at all!" she smiled, "Here let me.."
She rummaged through her pockets and pulled out an old receipt.
"Do you have a pen on you?"
Seren quickly pulled a pen out of their hoodie pocket and handed it to her.
"Yup! I always keep one on me."
April took the pen and flipped the receipt over to write something on it. She folded it up and handed it to Seren.
"There. I wrote my number on the back of that receipt for you. Text me and I'll text you back when I get off work. "
Seren pocketed the receipt and smiled.
"Thank you! Can't wait to hang out with you." they beamed.
"Same here." April looked at the time on her phone.
"Well, I gotta go clock in. I'll talk to you later."
"Alrighty, see you later. Bye April!"
"See ya Seren!" She waved before heading into the store.
Seren was ecstatic! That had gone better than they hoped. They skipped back out onto the pavement, which was now damp because of the rain. They couldnt help flapping their hands. They stepped in every puddle they could on the way home enjoying the sound of the rain as they went.
(Time skip to after April's shift ends)
It was 10 PM and April walked out of the store, relieved that her shift was finally over. The sun had already set. The air was still a bit misty because of the rain. April turned into a run-down alley and carefully looked around. Once she was sure no one was watching, she squatted down to open a man hole in the middle of the alley. She climbed into the hole and drug the manhole cover back over her before making her way down the ladder. April knew these sewers like the back of her hand so she had no trouble navigating the tunnel systems. She walked to the end of a tunnel and knocked on the wall in a specific pattern. She took a step back and the wall opened for her to get in. She walked into the lair through the opening and was immediately greeted with excitement.
"April!" Mikey exclaimed as he leapt out of a bean bag chair to hug her. Raph and Leo heard Mikey and walked into the skating room.
"Finally, I thought you'd never get here," Leo poked.
"Hey April!" Raph cheerfully greeted.
April gave Leo a hateful glance for his teasing and then smiled at Raph.
"Hey big guy! Sorry it took me so long. My boss wouldn't stop talking to me. "
A voice came from above them.
"Oh good, April, you made it." Donnie remarked midair. He flew down and landed next to her.
"Nice to see you too, Donnie."
"Of course she made it, it's movie night!" Mikey confidently added. April gently pulled away from the hug her brother had locked her in.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Angie!"
"Speaking of movie night.." Raph piped in, "The living room is all ready. We've got popcorn, drinks, and everyone's favorite candies. "
"That sounds awesome Raph! Just let me change out of my work clothes real quick." Before April could do anything else, one of Donnie's robotic arms reached out of his battleshell and handed her a neatly folded stack of clothes.
"Thanks Dee, you're a life saver!"
"No probels"
Leo reached an arm over Donnie's shoulder, pulling him close just to annoy him.
"We'll meet you in the living room when you get done."
The turtles walked out of the room to get the movie ready and April headed to the bathroom to change clothes.
After April got changed, she took a moment to check her phone. She noticed a text from an unknown number and clicked on it. It was a text from Seren.
"Hey April, it's Seren! Thanks for giving me your number and being nice to me. Hope you have an easy shift at work and I am looking forward to hanging out sometime!"
April smiled and left the bathroom. She walked into the living room and flicked on the lights.
"Hey guys, before we start the movie, I have something to show you."
She proudly held up her phone to show the turtles Seren's text.
"See, I told you guys I can make normal friends. I met this kid at work yesterday and they wanted to be my friend!"
Donnie walked closer and squinted at the text.
"Hmm, yeah, the last "normal friend" you had turned out to be made of goop. Plus, we just defeated the Shredder a few months ago. You're new "friend" could be an undercover foot recruit."
Leo nonchalantly leaned against Donnie with his arms crossed.
"And this guy looks like a bit of a try hard. "hope you have an easy shift at work"? That's a bit much for someone you just met."
Mikey pushed the twins onto the couch.
"Don't listen to them. They're just being negative. I think it's great that you're making new friends!"
"Thank you, Mikey." she put emphasis on Mikey's name.
"I dunno April, I want you to make friends but the twins have a point."
April scoffed.
"I met them by accidentally knocking them to the ground. Unless the foot is just waiting for me to push people over, there is no way they could be a spy!"
"Well I guess so.."
Someone clearing their throat broke the silence.
Everyone looked over to see Splinter standing in the doorway.
"What is all this noise about?"
"April has a new "friend" and we think they could be a spy." Leo cut Donnie off,
"Woah, who's "we"? I never said I thought they were a spy. I just said I didn't like how overly nice they were."
"Basically Donnie's over thinking, Leo's trying to start drama, and Raph's just being worried for her."
Splinter sighed in annoyance.
"April is almost an adult. She is allowed to be friends with who-ever she wants. Now.. can we quit arguing and watch the movie?!"
Mikey nodded his head.
"Agreed. Now, let's watch!"
Donnie rolled his eyes and sat in his spot.
"Fine, but if I'm right, you guys will never hear the end of it."
Leo got cozy next to Donnie with a big bowl of popcorn.
"We know Donnie."
Everyone sat in their respective spots and April got her phone out to text Seren back. Raph hit the lights.
"Hey, no phones during the movie!"
"Fine, fine, I'm putting it down."
April pressed send on the text and put her phone away.
"Hey Seren! Glad to see you text, I wasn't sure if I had written my number right lol. I'm excited to hang out with you. Talk to you soon."
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juju-on-dat-beat · 3 years
"Stay": Parent!Sniper x Kid!Reader Part 2
Previously on "Stay":
Demo looked at me with sorrow. "Im so sorry lass." He said softly and quickly.
I looked at him with tears falling down my face and my hair all over my face. I held my dad's hand harder now.
"Dont die" I mutter softly.
Present time: (No one's POV)
Y/N didnt know where they were. They have already awaken from their short slumber.
How did they fall asleep? Maybe from all the sadness they felt and confusion, Y/N's mind overloaded.
The 14 year old opened their eyes slowly, making sure the light wont blind them immediately.
They sat up straight from the hard surface and realized they were not alone.
Multiple people, including 'Demo' and The girl was there.
Y/N looked around, processing what happened and what is happening.
They realized that their dad was not in the room and remembered the bad memory that has been implanted into their brain. It just happened just a while ago too.
Y/N grabbed their head.  It felt heavy but then they managed to sit up straight.
Y/N's eyes began to prick with tears. They blinked and held their head in their hands.
They sniffled ever so slightly, not wanting to gain more attention.
Someone then placed a hand on the kid's shoulder.
Y/N looked up and saw the girl again. Y/N looked like they were about to break down to a million pieces.
Ms. Pauling then pulled Y/N closer and hugged them, it was hard with the handcuffs on but they managed. Patting their back and whispering 'its okay's and 'Im so sorry's in their ear.
Y/N cried softly onto the director's shoulder, hugging her back the handcuffs were tight.
"Its Ms. Pauling" The girl who hugged the child said.
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed, asking to repeat it.
"My name. Its Ms. Pauling. You are Y/N, yes? Mundy's kid." Ms. Pauling asked and let go of the child.
The 14 year old nodded and said nothing, tear stains on their face.
The director looked at the kid sadly and moved a hair out of their face. Then she continued to hug the child.
•••• (Y/N POV)
I hugged the woman tightly. Holding it like I would rip off from the world.
I couldnt stop the scene replaying in my head, but the girl's hugs, pats and words made it a little more bearable.
"How old are you, kid?" 'Ms. Pauling' asked me.
"F..F-Fourteen." I answered.
"So young. You are too young to deal with stuff like this." Ms. Pauling muttered. She continued to comfort me.
For a while, I stayed like this.
"Z..Zhat is ze bushman's child, correct?" A man in a red ski mask broke the silence.
I look up at him but never moved from my position. The man was just beside Ms. Pauling.
"Yes, Spy."  Ms. Pauling said a little annoyed.
"The kid's fourteen. With no one to take care of them. They just lost their father, okay? Try not to shi-... Trash-talk Sniper at the moment." She defended.
Spy opened his mouth and closed it back again.
I stared at him for a while. Until he felt eyes on him and looked at my direction. I then moved my hand and waved at him.
'Spy' looked at me, no expression on his face. Then after a while, he waved back. This made me smile a little, but it did not last long.
'Demo', who was behind me, started sputtering out nonsense. I let go of Ms. Pauling and turned to him and started poking his sides, to see if he was still alive. He didnt move.
"Is he dead too?" I ask.
"No! No.. No..." Ms. Pauling yelped and smiled awkwardly at me.
"He's just poiso- sleeping! See?" She reassured me and punched his side softly, no response. "Asleep" She repeated
I raised my eyebrow. "Okay.." I went back in for a hug and she accepted it.
She then started talking to the Spy.
I heard nothing but her heartbeat and vibrations from her voice.
After a bit, out of nowhere, she started sobbing.
I looked at her and repeated the same treatment she gave to me.
Ms. Pauling smiled sadly and held me closer.
The man in the red ski mask stayed quiet. Then, he spoke up.
"Ms. Pauling. I will not let them torture us, including the kid. In three seconds Im going to crack a cyanide molar." He said.
"If you both open your mouths, Ill spit a good sum of it into your throats before my heart stops." He finished.
I looked at him with disgust but rethink the chances. Maybe it was the most disgusting but best way? I dont wanna be tortured or even worse..
(Reminding you all the TFC Scout and Soldier are fucking pedophiles. Not accepting that fate for the kid)
I nodded.
"Thank you, Spy." Ms. Pauling thanked him and sniffed, letting go of me.
"De Rien." He replied.
We started doing this process. We looked like birds fighting.
Just then, a big guy broke down the door, screaming.
He panted. "What did Heavy miss?"
Spy spat out the weird foam as Ms. Pauling asked 'Heavy' some questions as he took the handcuffs off us.
He smiled at me and continued to talk with Ms. Pauling.
I didnt hear what they were saying because I was checking on Demo.
Though I only heard him say that only me and Ms. Pauling should leave.
I didnt mind it but I still tried checking on Demo.
"Wake up? Are you okay?" I whispered to the man who muttered nonsense.
I looked up to the person who sat beside Demo. It was a person with a gas mask.
"O-Oh? Hello" I said and waved.
They waved back happily but I only heard muffled sounds from the masked person.
I loud ring from probably a phone then distracted me and I turned towards the door.
"Heavy! Behind you!" Ms. Pauling said.
A man went through the door and Heavy puffed into smoke.
I yelp at the sudden poof. The smoke cleared and revealed an older, slimmer man. The mask hugging his face and something strapped on his head, covering an eye.
"I am working here." He muttered angrily.
"Urgent Call. Its the boss." The other man who entered the room answered and handed him the phone.
I quickly, but silently, went behind the gas-masked person I waved at just a while ago. They noticed my fear and brought me closer.
"What. Yes, I heard it. why?" The fake 'heavy' asked. "When? Is Beatrice alright?" He might have gained a negative response because he sighed.
"No, I can help. We got what we needed" He then proceeded to say a bunch of numbers to which I guess are coordinates? Maybe?
The two men went on.
"Ive got to go"
"What about these guys?"
"What do you think?"
The mask guy said sarcastically until a woman, who I learned was named Zhanna, was outside the door.
"Kill them." The masked intruder said as he pulled on his mask just enough to see his lower face.
Just then, Zhanna punched him but it dealt no damage, instead the guy was in place, shocked. Zhanna's blood decorated his mouth.
"Mm. It did not work" Zhanna realized and she frowned as she looked at her,,,, arm? Her hand was gone.
"Huh. Here, hold the shotgun" 'Soldier' said and gave Zhanna the shotgun.
"Let me try"
I knew what would happen next so I looked away.
After I heard a body hit the floor I stepped away from the gas mask man who shielded me.
The other man quickly grabbed Ms. Pauling and threatened to shoot her if they wouldnt put the shotgun down.
Anger ran over me. Ive already lost enough. I wont lose more.
As Zhanna slowly placed the shotgun on the ground, I boosted towards the guy who held Ms. Pauling captive. I clenched my fist and gave my all to give him a massive and painful punched to the side of his face.
My fist had landed on the man's cheekbone and he fell towards Spy. I grunted and held my hurt hand in pain.
"Agggghhh.." I  grunted and kept holding it, hoping the pain would go away.
Ms. Pauling gasped and grabbed my hand to try and sooth the pain. She ripped off some cloth from one of the bad guys and wrapped it around my sore and in-pain knuckles.
"Thank you. How brave of you" Ms. Pauling said as she finished the bandage.
I looked up at her. "Mm.." I only hummed.
Again, I blocked out ever noise, focusing on the pain on my knuckles. I sat down next to Spy. Ms. Pauling, Soldier, Zhanna and Spy were probably talking.
Soldier then grabbed an old man in a grey suit and left him on the floor to do God knows what.
I didnt pay attention much but Ms. Pauling and this Grey suited old man began talking, I believe. Spy was listening. Soldier and Zhanna? I have no clue.
I kissed my knuckles, to sooth the pain.
Just like what dad used to do.
A tear left my eye. Either from the pain I felt on my knuckle or the pain I felt in the inside.
I heard nothing so far.
Until a certain sentence got my full attention.
"You killed Sniper."
"You killed that child's father"
Ms. Pauling seemingly argued with the old man that laid on the ground, close to death.
I cover my ears wanting for the voices to stop but it kept circling and repeating around my head.
"You killed Sniper. You killed a child's father"
It repeated, and repeated, and repeated and repeated.
I had enough and my body took control. My body made me run out the open jail-cell door. I heard someone call my name but I did not stop. I ran and ran, getting farther away from the door.
I found a room filled with supplies and stayed there for a while. Hot tears ran down my face.
"The world is a cruel place"
I mutter.
•••• (Timeskip) (3rd POV)
By now, Y/N was all alone in a supply room. Crying. They tried to process everything that has happened today.
How would it affect them?
Arent they just a 14 year old kid?
Y/N sat in silence. The sounds of vents. The sounds of sniffling.
Medic brought back Sniper into his little lab. Contemplating.
Was he going to really bring this man back to life? What urged Medic?
Science? Experimenting?
Or perhaps was it the crying child who wept for their father? Did that urge him?
"Yes. Definitely dead." Medic spoke up. He was examining Sniper's body.
"For at least six hours" He finished. He then hummed in frustration.
A dove then landed on Sniper's forehead. The bird cooed.
"Not impossible, Archimedes. Just very very hard" Medic answered his dove, as if Archimedes would reply.
•••• (Sniper POV)
J felt as if all my troubles have been lifted.
I felt as if no pressure was being pressed onto me.
I felt like in heaven.
I opened my eyes to see my adoptive parents infront of me. They both were sad but most probably happy to kind of see me.
"Mum, Dad" I said, hugging them.
They both hugged back and let go.
"My son. You must go back. Do not forget your child. They wish to be with you again. They are hoping you arent dead darling." My mom said to me softly. She reminded my about the child I have.
Honestly. I wanted to stay but my responsibilities. I shouldnt leave them all alone.
I contemplated.
"And you left a bunch if @!?/*@$"' down there that need killin'"
"Yer mum's right. A professional wouldnt  quit when there is work to be done. And you are a professional." My dad said.
I smiled a little but my face faltered when I remembered the kiddo.
"Now get back there and give the men who killed you, Hell. " My dad supported.
I scratched my neck and sighed.
"Oi've been a huge jerk ta Y/N lately. Oi have not spent anytime with them oin the past few months, Mum, Dad" I admitted. I frowned and looked at the ground.
"You still have time if you go now, Darlin'" Mom reassured and smiled sweetly at me.
"Okay, Mum. Dad."
Thats all I saw
My body ached but I still got up from a cold table.
I gasped for air as I sat up.
Medic infront of me. Talking, I think.
That utter bastard.
All I heard was loud ringing sound. Was it just me returning from the dead?
I looked at my body. My torso had plenty of sewed cuts. I was not bleeding though. My whole torse and arms, filled with the fixed cuts.
My hearing slowly returned.
"Its like I've alvays said! Zhere's nothing wrong with playing God zo long az jou are-" I grabbed his throat and started choking that blabbering German.
"You utter bloody BASTARD." I cursed. The German looked at me, shooked.
"YOU KILLED ME!" My hand trying to not kill him. I was so close to just letting my anger take over my whole body.
Oh, my poor kid.. What happened to them?
The German then started to defend himself: "Vell, Yes. I also did just bring jou back from the dead, Partial points zhere, Ja?"
He paused.
"Also, technically I didnt 'kill' jou. I vas standing next to the person who killed jou!" He explained briefly.
My anger. My blood boiled from it. "You were smilin' The last thing Oi saw 'fore Oi bled out and DIED was your smug, evil grin!" Remembering his face from before I died.
"I vas just happy to see jou! Zhat's just how I look vhen I smile! See?" Medic then gave me one of his infamous smug smiles.
"How could you join them?" I asked, venom laced my voice.
"Our team disbanded! Zhey needed a Medic! Black Market organz dont march directly out of exotic animalz into jou'r body cavity, mein experimentz require funding!" Medic explained as he raised his hands up a little showing that he was really cooperating with me.
"I feel like ve are glossing over zhe part vhere I defied modern medizine und brought jou back to life!" He pointed out.
I sighed and let go of his neck. I looked around a little bit and scratched my head.
"How long was Oi gone?" I asked
"Twelve Hours! Zhis waz mein greatest triumph!" He exclaimed. He seemed so proud of himself.
"It alzo cost mein employers in zhe neighborhood of 1.3 billion dollarz. Zo try not to get zhot again, Ja?"
"So it was real then, me mun and dad, theyre.. Oh God.. Y/N..
D'yer know whot this means?" I realized.
"It meanz jou hallucinated bevore brain death, Mein Freund! I injected a blue vhale's pineal gland zirectly into jou'r brain stem!" Medic answered as he lifted up a needle and some.. Thing..
"Nah, Mate." I denied and pointed at myself. "It means Oi'm the most dangerous bloody man(n) on this island"
My face faltered as I remembered my kiddo. "Jsh... Poor thing. Oi need to get out with no one catching me somehow" I muttered, almost silently.
" Ah need to find moi kid. Now. "
"Out of zhe question! Jou are in no condition to-"
"You are fucking KIDDING ME." The same big guy who shot me twice earlier said angrily and growled.
"Why. Is. He. ALIVE?"
I looked away from the commotion trying to think of a plan on how to get back to my kid.
Just then Medic asked me for some of my blood, to which I replied with its human blood. He chuckled and looked away shrugging me off now.
Soon that big man and Medic started blabbering about God knows what? I had my chance to escape, so I took it and bolted.
"Aw bloody hell, Y/N, where are you?"
I met up with Spy half way.
•••• (Y/N's POV)
I woke up from a mini nap to the sound of men talking. How did I fall asleep? Oh... Yeah... I think I just did as I cried earlier.
I looked around for a hiding spot and went to the corner of the room, boxes surrounding me so that I was not visible.
Soon, the men opened the door and were chatting. They started to put and pick up some gear. They finally fell silent.
For a bit, all I saw was the men gearing up. When they finished, they started chatting again
"Locked and loaded. You got everything you need?" One of them asked.
"Well, I got bullets in my gun if thats what you mean. But no Ross I dont got everythin that I need." The other, with orange-y hair replied annoyed.
The men went on and on arguing about something. I dont know what. Saying that they hesitaated with taking this job and all that.
I kept listening though, hugging myself.
"Think about it. That old safehouse in Newark? We clear those grenade crates out... It'd make a hell of an orphanage, wouldnt it?" 'Greg' said. Thats his name. From what I heared anyways.
"Are we really doing this Greg?"
"Lets do this."
Maybe those guys are not so bad?
"We are going to have endless supply of kids to-"
I immediately knew what he ment which filled me with fear and disgust. I accidentally yelped a little and hit a box with my foot. A bucket fell down.
Oh. Shit.
Tears pricked my eyes, just thinking about what would happen next.
"What was that Ross?" Greg asked.
I try to shuffle backwards and hoped that I would just sink into the corner. My hands covered my head.
"God has answered us! Look, Ross, a kid!"
(stay away you mf ped-)
I yelped again in fear. "PLEASE! Dont hurt me! Im just 14..." I pleaded and proceeded to huddle onto the corner.
"Well well. Kid's pleadin'" Greg responded to my cries as he yanked me out of the corner with my arm but still fell on the floor.
"Greg, as much as I would LOVE to do this, this is not the time to- We have men to kill here!" Ross reasoned.
"Y-Yeah! Please just.. Go!" I agreed and backed away from them. Tears left my eyes. Hot tears. I backed away from them till I hit a wall, I pleaded.
"Shush Ross. Its been such a long time since I-" Greg said as he grabbed Ross's arm.
"Ross why are you covered in gasoline?"
Just then a clicking sound echoed the room. A small light shimmered in the dark room.
There I saw the same gas masked person who comforted me earlier. A smile grew on my face.
They proceeded to torch down these pedophiles as I walk out the room and waited for my lifesaver to exit the soon-to-be-dust room.
The moment my lifesaver ran out I quickly shut the door and panted.
"T-Thank you so much!" I chirped as I held my hands togeether.
I recieved muffled happiness as a response.
I smiled at them and hugged them.
"ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou!!!! You saved my life from them, Gas Mask!" I exclaim as I mentioned the nickname I decided to give them since they did not have a name..
Gas Mask held my hand as we walked out of the building. I slowly got tired from walking and felt sleepy. I didnt sleep this early morning, long trip, lots of drama, lots of...crying, and whatever just happened in that God forsaken room.
I was burnt out. I didnt wanna move anymore.
I sighed.
Gas Mask must have noticed my tired look and expressions. My hand was falling from their hand. They decided to pick me up and gave me a piggy back ride. They looked at me.
I swear. I could feel them smile. I just know it!
I smiled at them and slowly fell asleep on their back. They still continued to carry me, not dropping me. Once.
After quite a bit, I guess. I woke up to a sound of mumbling. It was from the mysterious Gas mask person again.
I grunted and opened my eyes. "Hrr?" I slurred, I just woke up from my nap.
"Hmhmhmm!!" Gas Mask mumbled.
"I dont know what you said but.." I looked up and saw a group of people. Thats where Gas Mask was taking me.
"Oh cool! Other pe-" I cut myself off from shock.
One of the people in the group...
That cant be...
Thats... Thats impossible..
My thoughts swarmed in my head. My hands covering my mouth, my eyes widened, my hair bouncing from gas mask carrying me, and hot tears pooled my eyes once again for the 3rd-4th time today.
"Dad?" I said trying to catch his attention which failed.
"Dad!" I made my voice higher and louder for him to hear.
He looked at the direction of my voice and the true happiness came back. He finally smiled with REAL happiness and relief for the first time in so long!
"Cupcake!" Sniper yelled happily. His voice filled with relief as he ran towards gas mask and I with his arms open.
"Dad! Oh my God. How are you alive right now??? Is this a dream? Am I in heaven? Did I die in that room with the fire?" I panicked, worry filling me as I got down from the gas masked person who carried me all the way here.
"Dream? Heaven? Room? Fire? Died?" Father questioned as he held my shoulders. He kneeled on the ground, he was about my height now, still taller.
"No! Its real, mate! Oi'm bloody alive! Oi missed ya so much" He said with a breathy voice. He sounded like he was about to cry. Not that I wasnt, I had tears rolling down my face as I hugged him.
We both just hugged each other for a while. Filling ourselves with relief that both are alright. I have yet to question his scars. I was just too overjoyed that Dad is here now.
"Oi'm so sorry, cupcake. OI have not been the best father lately. Oi missed your birthday, months ago. Havent made a longer converaation than this for a while now, mate." He spoke, sadness in his voice. He was deeply and truly sorry.
"Its alright. I understood, Dad. What matters is that you are here now." I replied, sniffling.
What a happy, sad and dramatic family reunion.
•••• B O N U S
... "Dad?" "Yes, kiddo?" "Why are you naked? In the outside?" "Err, long story, kid. Ill tell you when you are a little bit older." "Okay." ... "Love you kiddo." "I love you too dad."
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arthurflecksgirl · 3 years
Hey, how is your day going so far? I hope it's splendid! Can I request an Arthur x reader where the reader is recovering from self harm and he is proud of them? You can choose it to be sfw or nsfw. Thanks in advance! :)
Hey Anon, Thank you for your ask. I 'm okay and I hope you are doing well,too?! I am soooo sorry this took me so long but I finally sat down today and wrote your request. I was thinking about that request since you first send it to me. It was a beautiful one but also a tough one. Itˋs a sensitive subject and I was struggeling with how I wanted to write it. I was afraid to write it in a way you wouldnt approve so I am a bit nervous posting this and I hope with all my heart that you will like the result. This request was close to my heart but a bit of a struggle until I finally sat down. I am sending love to anyone. Especially everyone who had to go through this or still does go through it.
Words: 1900
Trigger warning: Mentions of self harm
Arthur nervously chewed on his pencil ,while the blank page of his journal was staring at him like it expected something good to happen. More than one good thing happened in his life recently and he absolutely hated how difficult it was for him to put his emotions into words. Words worthy of how he truly felt about not being alone anymore. He felt like the emotion of it was a seed he didnt knew how to water properly ,to make it the flower that was a written page in his diary. One he would like to show to you , randomly in the middle of the night. To proof how he felt inside. Blooming.
He always felt like he wasnˋt good with words but so much better with showing his feelings off in a different way. A movement of his body when you were slow dancing across the bedroom, a piece of music hummed into your ear while he was pulling you closer, the touch of his thumb brushing your cheek before he leaned in to kiss you. Body language was his way to express what was growing deep inside of him. A love so immessurable, he was becoming a new man. And you were his garden he wanted to spent the rest of his life in. He wanted to build a cabin right in the middle of the gardens heart and plant roses and violets. Once he figured out how to water them and which flowers demend more sunlight or which ones prefered the shadows. He wanted to learn every aspect of your soul. Flower by flower. Petal by petal. To let his roots grow towards yours. Arthur touched the artificial flowers on his desk. They reminded him of who he used to be. Unreal and far from what he desired to be. No sunlight could have touched him  enough to let him grow.
Until there was you. His garden. He finally became what he was supposed to be. A sunflower. The flower of joy and happiness. But also the flower of the man who once drank yellow painting to commit suicide by putting happiness inside himself. At least that was the rumor Arthur heard on tv when he watched a documentary about Vincent Van Gogh. And he was quiet fascinated by it. Somehow the though was relateable to him. In a very abstact, sad, beautiful way.
„Last week“ he wrote , trying to draw a sunflower but it just didnt turned out the way he intented to. „She  finally felt comfortable enough to wear a short sleeve in front of me. I guess that means she really does feel save around me. Ah, it means the world!“  Arthur smiled to himself when he drew a tiney heart and filled it in. His heart was so full of you. Just thinking about the way you took off your comfort sweater for the first time to show him the scars of the past ,created a feeling in his heart he couldnˋt name. 
It has been a while since you let him know about your struggles with self harm. And Arthur could tell that it wasnˋt an easy thing to do. He would always remember the moment he first saw your naked arms. The pattern of hurt on your fragile skin. This moment of vulnerability and strengh. He wanted to kiss it. Arthur wanted to kiss along every single scar to show you how beautiful you were to him and how much he belived in the power of a gentle lip kissing where it hurts the most. But he didnˋt. Arthur wasnˋt sure if it was the right moment yet. He didnt wanted to do anything wrong. So he just sat there, thinking about placing kisses all over, while he picked his own eyebrow with his fingers.
„One day“ he wrote underneath the heart „I will kiss  her scars and she will feel what I felt when she was taking care of me“. Arthur put the pencil down and took a deep drag of his cigarette. Smoke filled his lungs but he wished it was your breath instead.
A familiar noise interrupted his daydream as he put the remains of the cig in his pink ashtray. „Hey darling, Iˋm home“. Your voice made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The way you called him darling was music in his ears. His favourite song he repeated in his head when he was at work or taking the bus. He sometimes hummed the words „Hey darling“ , as if it was a prayer. „Hey darling Iˋm home“. Home. That was never the word he would have used to  discribe the place he was living in. Never what he thought of when he felt the worn fabric of his couch underneath his naked skin or was lying in the bathtube, checking for how long he could handle to keep his head under water. This place with all itˋs heavyness wasnˋt home. But it transformed into a home eveytime you opened the door to wrap your arms around him. A genlte kiss upon his forehead. His noticlable frown  underneath your lips. Hey darling, Iˋm home. You are home, finally. We are. A home.
Arthur shifted his position ,so your lips immediately found their way to his forehead. „Forehead kisses“ he thought „Are her way to tell me how much she cares“. He closed his eyes for a moment. His dark lashes covering his piercing eyes like a curtain, to feel the moment with all itˋs gentleness. When Arthur opened his eyelids again he noticed something wrapped around your wrist. His heart stopped for a moment. The thought of you harming yorself again hit him so hard he forgot how to breathe. „Y/N…are you….okay? Oh my god…“ Arthurs index finger reached out for your wrist. He barely dared touching it. His tear filled eyes blurring his sight.
„Yeah, I am. How was your day, Arthur?“ you replied as you sat down on his lap to kiss the corner of his mouth. You noticed his lips trembling underneath your own. A tiney earthquake emerging from within. His day was okay while he was sittin on his desk thinking of all the beautiful things he could write to you. Until you came home with a hurt wrist. Now nothing remained okay. Seeing you hurt was worse than his own pain. Your wound was his wound. Arthur held your face between his hands, unable to responde with a kiss.
„Are you…. Are you hurt?“ he whispered, pointing at your bandage. He wanted to be here for you. Now more than ever. His mind was travelling back to the day you found him with a bleeding forehead after he hit his head against the wall. He recalled your hand resting on the spot that hurt so much and how it lead to the first forehead kiss he received in his life. Thatsˋs when he knew he wasnˋt all alone in this anymore. Thats when he knew that, yes there will be bad days , even together but he didnt had to face them on his own anymore. There was someone looking after him. Someone willing to ease the pain. To heal his wounds. Old or recent. He remembered how gently you held his hurting head, fingers brushing  back his hair to clean the wound. Heˋll never forget the first act of kindness and love from a loved one.
And now it was his turn to tell you itˋs going to be okay. His turn to take care of your wounds.
„No baby, Iˋm not hurt. Iˋve got a little suprise for you…“ Arthurˋs eyes glanced deeply into yours „A…. surprise? What do you mean?“
You lifted your arm smiling at him. Thats when he noticed your wrist wasnˋt bandaged but wrapped in some kinda foil. You slowly started to unwrap it, a big smile lingering on your face. „Darling, I hope you like it“.
Arthur couldnt belive his eyes. Were once was a scar six letters showed. Written on your wrist. Six letters so familar, he started sobbing.
„Oh Arthur….“ You touched his cheek „You like it?“
He covered his mouth with his right hand, mumbling.
„I thought about this  for a while now. Getting your name tattooed to cover my oldest scar“.
A single tear ran down his happy face „Thats…. Just…. Wow. I…. donˋt know what to say. Thatˋs my name. You got a tattoo of my name. „ Arthur couldnt stop staring at the letters. „Can I….touch it?“.
 You smiled „Not yet, itˋs still fresh and I need to put some cream on it.“
„Oh! Yeah…. Of course.“
Arthur tried to understand what was happpening right now. A minute ago he was afraid you hurt yourself again and now  he found himself looking at a tattoo that was his very own name. Part of you.
He felt your other hand touching his blushing cheek „I really wanted this to remind me of how beautiful things can happen after experiencing so much pain. There is this scar and itˋs still there but somehow it belongs to my past and it doesn´t define me. It never did. And now there is you. The light that came after the dark. The one who understands my scars and eases the pain by loving me for who I am. I love you, Arthur, I love you so much itˋs so demanding and beautiful and …..now youˋre always on my mind, in my heart and under my skin.“
Arthur gently lifted your hand, careful enough to not touch the tattoo. „I love you“ he whispered „Can I…. can I kiss your…“ goosebumps covered your skin as his upper lip found itˋs way to travel across your arm. Soft kisses, thoughtful and warm, scar after scar. You couldnt help but cry a little. Arthur froze „My god, Iˋm sorry I only wanted to…“
„Donˋt stop“ you whispered through the tears „Please….“
The light in Arthurs eyes came back when he realized it was happy tears running down your cheeks. Tears of relief and inner peace.
„Remember when you found me after….“
„I do, Arthur.“
„That was the first time I felt truly loved“ he breathed, while he continued kissing your skin.
„You found me at my worst. And loved me. Especially where it hurt the most“
You closed your eyes, concentrating on the softness of his lips. His presence was medicine. Calming and warm like a favourite sweater.
You remembered  very well. It was the day you knew that you would give the world to protect this man. The beautiful soul that Arthur was. You couldnt change his past but write his future. You and him together. Sitting in front of a blank page, where anything was possible.  Every yet unborn poem was demanding to be written. Every small moement of happiness. And when the pages get torn and some parts get blacked out, you would be here to put a sticker on it. Heart shaped. One thatˋs glowing in the dark. So when he openes his journal at night he couldnt see the scribbles and blacked out parts. Only the bandage that was love.
Just like the words written on your wrist.
„I wanna do the same for you“ he mumbled between the kisses „Loving you where it hurts the most…so...“ he lifted his face, looking at you „…where does it hurt?“
„Every inch untouched  by your loving hands“.
Only a heartbeat later Arthurs thumb gently brushed over your bottom lip as he whispered „Let me take care of that“.
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littlenahsstuff · 3 years
In love, I swear.
A/n Literally my first time writing actual fanfiction. This might be a flaming dumpster fire idk. I will persevere and cringe later, but for now, enjoy.
supreme!Cordelia Goode x reader
TW:nothing much, just a big old fluffernutter sandwich. A little angst. Swears I guess.
Synopsis: Cordelia has just recruited you to be a counselor at Robicheauxs and it's safe to say you are head over heels for the supreme. Unfortunately, you aren't the one to tell her.
You always thought that you weren't too special of a witch, you had the basic witchy spells down and specialized in the people who struggled on the inside... but in a more witchy sense. You also helped the witches who needed to get their powers more developed or who ones that are just behind in school. A sort of glorified counselor you suppose. It's sorta funny, especially since you aren't the most confident, how you can talk to all of the girls. When it boils down to it you are just a witchy gal searching for love. Specifically Cordelia's. It could never happen though.
Your love life wasn't the only area you lacked in before Robicheauxs, you had been struggling to find a job suited for your interests. Let's just say that you have a lifetime ban from one of the Mcdonalds in Louisiana. Fire and grease doesn't mix.
Of course, if it wasn't for dear, sweet, precious, Cordelia, you would be living on the streets. Luckily that didnt happen and so here you are today, three months in to your teaching position at Robicheauxs.
Oh, the moment, "You're hired. I look forward to expanding the academy's family and getting to know you better especially," left the Supremes lips, the better off you were.
And yet, even with all of the joy that comes with finally getting paid, there were the challenges as well. For starters, everyone was extremely nice to you, even though you kept mostly to yourself, there was this one person that made this heaven more hellish. Madison the bitch witch Montgomery.
You had been warned by Zoe, your closest confidante in this new place and also Madisons freaking girlfriend, that she was no pleasant peach. Never in all of your doubtful thoughts, had how bad it actually was crossed your mind. It was never the cockiness that got to you, you had a different appreciation for it than most. Found the confidence refreshing almost. No, no no no no. It was in fact, that she was constantly trying to dig up dirt on you.
"You're too much of a goody two shoes y/n," she once stated with a glare. The same day you had heard Zoe squabbling about something and your name came up. Your name and the fact Madison had stolen your wallet to look at your license. It turned up later on your bed stand.
Madison's a lover of Zoe and drama you've come to find out.
It's harmless though really, you dont mind the extra bit of attention that comes with it. Its flattering so no need to complain to anybody, especially not Cordelia.
Cordelia, mmm, yeah now shes the biggest threat here. She is the reason you got this job and might be the reason you lose it.
She once caught you with your doodle journal. It was a harmless question,
"Y/n, what're you drawing?" She looked over your shoulder. You almost jumped out of your skin and your sketchbook went flying.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" She worried her lips a bit. Her big, plump, kissable lips. Come on Y/n, get out of it.
"Yes," you squeaked. Sinking farther into the sofa. She chuckled her beautiful chuckle and sat on the couch arm.
"So, what was my favorite school counselor drawing just then?" She questioned. Glancing to the thrown book.
Your face went red.
"Uh-" you paused, come on you're making it a bigger deal than it has to be, "you." You couldn't look into her eyes.
She gazed at you at you and it felt like a hole was being burned into your skull.
"Okay," Cordelia said, leaving it at that. Stood up and made to walk away.
"Wait!" She paused and turned back to you, seeing you scramble to get your sketchbook.
"Yes?" Her eyebrows raised in surprise.
"I- don't you want to see it?" You said and you slapped yourself mentally for about the hundredth time she walked in.
She smiled softly at you, "Of course, I thought you didn't. You looked scared to death, like bambi."
"Okay," you flipped back towards the page and cringed. It wasn't your best peice. You could never capture her beauty right.
Her eyes scanned over it, widening before squinting with her grin.
"It's so good!" She gasped.
"Yes, that is Cordelia Goode," you joked in a monotone manner. She slapped your shoulder jokingly, making you snort.
"You nerd, I didn't mean it that way. Either way, you did a fantastic job! I wished I looked as good as you make me seem," she muttered the last bit, bit you heard it. It saddens you to remember the damage Fiona did.
"Hey, Cordy," you started. You realized that you used a nickname that Madison did, but she doesn't seem to care.
"You know what I think? I think that you're wrong. You see I just can't for the life of me get your soft proud loving smile right. Your eyes aren't as warm and glowing as they are in reality. I couldn't manage to picture the right placement for those worry lines or crowd feet you have. You might not like them, but to me they show that you worry and care and that you laugh at the stupidest of things, which is a trait I adore. You are more perfect than any Davinci or Van Gogh," you say. You don't like when your friends feel bad about themselves.
Cordelia's tearing up a bit and wiles it away. "Didn't know you were a goddamn poet too?" She joked with a giggle, "thanks y/n, sometimes I need to hear something like that."
"No problem Cordelia," I can't help it, you're my muse, is what you want to say.
"Well, I have some paperwork, but it was nice to see ya," she hurriedly excused and rushed out.
Unbeknownst to you, Madison was watching. She knew exactly how to get dirt on you now. She had something all along.
The next week you spent daydreaming about Cordy...elia, you couldnt help but go back to that conversation. You needed to be more discrete, way more descrete.
So you made sure to draw your crush no more. That didn't change the fact you forgot to destroy the evidence in writing.
You had slept in a little too late, so in a rush you were to get to your office. The reason you had being you daydreaming about Cordelia and yours faux life together a little too long.
A bunch of new juicy stuff for Madison as she snatched it from your bedside table. It was too easy really.
She opened it up to the first page. It acted like a normal diary, just stating checklists of things to do and things you did. The size was fairly large, so skipping a few pages till she got to the juicy stuff and the part where you actually did know Cordy wasn't harmful.
It was a barf fest of emotion. "Oh Cordelia is so awesome, oh I'm so lucky to work with Cordelia, oh my, I won't ever get a chance with Cordelia, she's the supreme!"
"Ew," Madison groaned, whipping out her phone.
Then she found it, the goldmine of confessions. It was all the way in the back, meaning you had wrote it recently.
"Dear, myself
Cordelia today caught me drawing a picture of herself and said something I didn't particularly enjoy listening about herself. I can't believe Fiona would send her into such a deep hatred of herself that even with her gone she's hurting. She's no mother. Cordelia is the love of my life, even if I'm not hers, she deserves all the love I can give. She's not broken, but she just needs someone to love her and I do. I promise to give her as much love as possible without her finding out what kind it really is, I'm in love, I swear.
Sincerely, Y/N."
So she snapped a picture of the page.
After school was over Cordelia was not expecting Madison to barge into her office. Let alone with something regarding YOU of all people.
"Cordy, I've got something to tell you about y/n!" Madison sang out, waving her phone in front of Cordelia's face as she sat on top her desk.
Madison was just careless with others and too carried g about herself. It was the perfect storm. The only person who could ever take it too far to just prove a point. That there was something wrong with you.
If Madison Montgomery had taken one moment to actually think about it, she was just jealous. Jealous that another person at the coven was better than her to Cordelia. She was one spoiled bitch growing up. Guess it backfired.
"What?" Cordelia questioned in concern, "Is she okay? Madison what did you do to her!?" Her thoughts raced, Madison's pranks often went a little too far. She did kill Misty.
"Now now Cordy, don't get your panties in a twist. Here read this," Madison demanded to her supreme, she shoved it into her face and Cordelia grabbed it.
Her eyes expected headlines on the news or a mugshot, but she realized it was just your writing.
"Madison," she warned.
"Come on, I know you can read!" Madison poked Cordelia's forehead, prompting a slap from the Supreme.
Ms. Goode exhaled, "Fine."
Her eyes fluttered over the words, brows furrowing with every sentence. She couldn't comprehend, could she read?? It seemed to her as if her brain was creating what she wanted to see, but no, you wrote it. Unfortunately.
Everything's silent. Then the thought flits across her head, you like her back.
"In love, I swear."
Oh she's mad. Not at you, no, she could never. Madison on the other hand better,
"Get out of my office right now," Cordelia whispered. Madison's smile faltered.
"What, didn't you want to know your feelings are reciprocated? Come on, I'm just trying to get you two to speed up the process." Madison hopped of the desk and sauntered out.
What has she done.
Cordelia was wracked with guilt for awhile, with no way to tell you either. How does one even go about telling someone they read their deepest darkest secrets. How!?
She couldn't, so she did what she could. She pulled away from you and into her work. All of those lunches spent together stopped. The nights in the green house gone. Reading together on the weekends by the fire, gone.
And it left you empty. You had no idea what you did, but you must've done something.
So you decided to confront her, you hadn't gone much sleep since, so you were literally and figuratively tired of all of this shit.
Your knock on the door startled Cordelia, but your presence startled her even more. Both of you looked like wrecks.
"Oh, Y/n! Please, come in," Cordelia gestured and you did, closing the door behind you.
It was then that you finally broke down.
"What did I do Delia!?" You sobbed, falling to your knees. Yes it was dramatic and not even you expected it but you were holding your emotions for so long.
"Oh," Cordelia briskly moved over to you, concern painted on her face. She was watching you carefully, you looked so fragile. Just like she had felt at times.
"I'm sorry," you whimpered, "What did I do?" Her hand tilted your head towards her, but you still couldn't look into her brown eyes, opting for the floor. If you did, you probably wouldn't be able to look away.
"Y/n look at me sweetie," the nicknames never failed to make your heart soar. It was your weakness, your eyes met and they were glued there.
"What did I do?"
"Nothing nothing!" She took a deep breath, "I saw a page from your journal."
You froze, terror crept up your spine.
"Oh my god. Um Cordelia I am so sorry, you, wow I- god I'm so creepy! It's perfectly fine if you want to not be my friend or fire me. I didn't do it to be weird, it was how I expressed myself. I was trying to hide it I promise, i dont even know what happened!?"
"I'm gonna kill Madison, faster than my mother did," Cordelia groaned.
"Wh-" your brain malfunctions. Is-Is Cordelia kissing you? Right now?
Indeed she was and just like you dreamed about, her lips were so soft and her kiss gentle.
Maybe Madison could be forgiven... but not without a harsh talk.
"In love, I swear," she repeated in a whisper against your lips.
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wintrcaptn · 4 years
Forbidden Ch. 2 | Andy Barber
Summary : Summary : You used to babysit Jacob when he was younger and had the biggest crush on his dad, Andy. But being in High school at the time, you knew it was just a stupid fantasy that could never happen. Now, six years later, you were visiting your hometown while on winter break. Once you found out the news about Jacob, you knew you had to go check up on them. But things take a turn when you find yourself alone with Andy Barber.
Part One
A/N : I wasn’t planning on making a second part for this fic, until now. Thank you all for the amazing feedback! I hope you like this one just as much (:
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You barely slept last night, all you could think about was the kiss. About the way Andy held you close to him, and how his tongue danced along yours.
It was driving you crazy, wishing you could taste him again. To feel him.
But you also couldn’t help feeling horrible. Like the worse person in the world. And it didn’t help that you were seeing him again in just a few hours.
It was beginning to make you nervous. To the point where you almost wanted to cancel and forget the whole thing.
But you knew you couldn’t do that to Jacob.
Staring at your reflection, you let out a long sigh.
“It’s just one more night.” You said to yourself.
Pulling up to the Barber’s house, you were washed over with guilt and filled with anxiety. Not knowing how this was going to play out, made it even worse.
What if Laurie found out?
What if Andy regretted kissing you?
A thousand questions flooded your mind and it was starting to freak you out.
Jacob saw your car through his blinds and immediately ran downstairs. Excitement plastered over his face. It caught Andy’s attention.
“You okay there, buddy?” He asked, flipping through the channels on the tv.
“Y-yeah.” Jacob said, walking over to the door. “Y/N’s here.”
The second your name fell from his sons lips, Andy stood up and shot his gaze to the window.
You saw the door swing open, and Jacob stood in the door way with a cheeky grin. And just then, you knew you had to suck it up and focus on being there for him.
“Hey!” You said, climbing out of your car.
“Hi!” He exclaimed.
Andy tensed up the closer you got. Part of him felt guilty for what happened, and especially for wanting to kiss you again.
This wasn’t who he was. He wasn’t a cheater, someone who would go behind his wife’s back and betray her trust. He hated himself for letting it get to this. But he couldn’t help it. He wanted you.
As you walked into the house, you tried hard to only focus on Jacob. But in the corner of your eye, you saw his figure. Suddenly, your gaze met his and instantly, your breath hitched.
“H-Hi.” He said, hesitantly walking over to you.
You swallowed hard, but found some courage in you to snap out of the daze and collect yourself. “Hi.” You replied.
“So I was thinking we can order pizza and put on a movie or something while I set up the game? Like old times?” Jacob muttered, looking at you then back to his dad. “You’re going to play too, right?”
“Um—if Y/N is okay with it.”
Both of the Barber boys turned their gaze on you, putting you on the spot.
“Of course I’m okay with it.” You said. “Is Mrs. Barber joining us or—?”
“No, she had some errands to do.” Jacob interrupted you. “She said she’ll be home later though.”
You could tell something was off. The second day in a row, and they weren’t together? This wasn’t like them.
For as long as you could remember, they made every effort to be together.
“I’ll get the game. Dad, can you order the pizza?” Jacob’s voice snapped you back to the moment.
But before either of you could respond, Jacob turned around and ran up the stairs, leaving you alone with Andy.
You hesitantly looked over to him, and his eyes were already on you.
It was crazy how much power a stare held over you. It made your heart pound erratically, and it was hard to think straight.
The silence was driving him crazy. He wanted to know—needed to know what you were thinking. And he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Can we talk about—you know.” He whispered, walking over to you.
Each step he made, growing closer to you, things were beginning to feel hotter and constricting.
“Th-there’s nothing to t-talk about, Mr. Barber—“
“Andy.” He cut you off, now standing just right in front of you. His eyes looking longingly into yours, almost as if he were searching for something. “Please, call me Andy.”
You swallowed hard. “Andy, please. Can we just pretend it didn’t happen?”
“I can’t. I tried, but I can’t stop thinking about it, about you. And—and I don’t think I want to stop.”
As you opened your mouth, you were instantly silenced after the sound of footsteps grew nearer.
Andy cleared his throat and quickly walked back toward the kitchen, pulling out his phone to order the pizza.
Finally, you were able to let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
“Okay, I got monopoly and Pictionary Incase mom comes home early.” Jacob smiled.
After a few hours, the three of you filled yourselves with pizza and soda, while playing the game.
Sitting there with you and Jacob, watching the way you both laughed and talked, it was invigorating. In this very moment, Andy watched his son be a kid again and that’s all he ever wanted.
Everything felt normal. Like how it used to be. Before it all went to shit.
You all talked like no time has passed. Cracking jokes, and teaming up with Jacob, buying all the properties so Andy had to pay.
It was perfect.
“So did you ever finish reading the Harry Potter series?” You asked, rolling the dice.
Jacob nodded, flashing a smile as he remembered how much you used to love those books.
“Yea. They were good. Still not my favorite but—“
“Not your favorite?! Dude, Harry Potter is amazing and it has everything!”
Andy listened to you both go back and forth, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Ok well how about the next time in town, we have a Harry Potter movie marathon? I’m sure those will change your mind.”
Laurie finally came home around seven. She looked even more exhausted than yesterday, and a little upset.
She said a soft hello, gave Jacob a kiss on the head and went straight upstairs, barely giving Andy a glance.
Then suddenly, it was back to reality.
Though you were able to distract Jacob for a bit, nothing could make him forget the truth. And for that, he needed some time to himself.
“I-I’m getting tired, so I think I’m going to lay down for awhile.” He said, propping up to his feet. “Thanks for coming over. I had fun. Maybe we can do it again soon?”
You flashed him a soft smile, and nodded before pulling him in for a hug. “Yeah, definitely.”
And just like that, he ran up to his room, leaving you alone with Andy. Again.
Andy sat on the couch, running his hands through his hair. Tired, upset, confused. There were too many different emotions running through him, it was starting to become overwhelming.
You decided to clean up the mess before leaving.
“Y-you dont have to do that.” He said, gazing at you.
“It’s okay. It’s the least I could do since you fed me the past two days.” You chuckled.
He chuckled along with you, and helped with the dishes. Not another word but glances were shared.
And every time you looked at him, the more you yearned to feel him. But you knew you shouldn’t.
He leaned against the counter once everything had been cleaned. His arms crossed over his chest.
There had only been one constant thing roaming through his mind; He can't be having feelings for another woman. He just can't.
But no matter how hard he tries to push his feelings aside, he couldnt. It wasn’t making any sense. Why couldn’t he shake this? Why couldn’t he let this go?
Before he had time to process anything, something overcame him and suddenly it all came out like word vomit.
“These past few weeks have been shit.” He said, staring at his feet. “And I have been losing my mind over everything that’s been going on until—“
Andy paused, meeting your gaze. “You showed up out of nowhere and—I don’t know.”
You weren’t sure what to do or say but stand there.
“It’s like I’ve been drowning, and kissing you—kissing you was like coming up for fresh air. I was able to breathe again.”
Every word that fell from his lips only made you want him more. Not only physically, not just feeling him or tasting him, you wanted him. All of him.
And he wanted you.
How did this even happen? You hadn’t seen each other in years and after a day, it was instant. Like it had come out of a movie.
He slowly started towards you, and the way he locked his gaze on you, it was almost as if he hungered for you.
Your breath hitched to the back of your throat, scared to move a single muscle.
“Just tell me to stop, and I’ll let this go.” His voice was low, almost like a growl and it only made you want him more.
Without realizing, he stood just inches in front of you, towering over you. Forcing you to crank your neck up so you could gaze into him.
You slightly opened your mouth, knowing you should say no, but no words came out.
The silence was all he needed, and suddenly, his rough hands cupped the back of your head and crashed his lips against yours.
Everything felt still like time had froze. And you were lost in the moment. Lost in his kiss, quickly motioning back and caving into him.
Soft grunts escaped him as he deepened this kiss, while his hands slid down to your waist. Without thinking, he lifted you off the ground, and your legs wrapped around him.
Andy could feel himself grow harder by the second. Yearning to feel more of you. All of you.
Your fingers were deep in His hair as your lips molded against his. You were both so caught up in each other, taking every second in.
He sat you on the counter, and swiftly took off his shirt, exposing his bare chest.
Your fingers traced over him, making its way down to the button of his jeans.
Feeling you getting closer to his already hard shaft, made him shiver under your touch. And damn, he wanted you.
His lips never left yours, sucking, biting and tugging at your bottom lip, forcing soft moans out of you.
The kiss had been everything you ever dreamt of. Possibly even better.
You were so drenched, you knew your panties had been soaked completely. But you could care less.
You could feel yourself pulsate between your legs where he stood. Your body yearned to feel him. To feel all of him, inside of you.
Andy could sense just how badly you wanted him. It turned him on even more, ready to give in and pound into you. He kissed you harder, showing you that he wanted you just as badly.
Everything moved so quickly, you almost didn’t realize you were both unbuttoning your shirt and with your next breath, Andy pulled the shirt off of you.
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You were both lost in each other. Lost in the moment, caving into one another.
His lips began traveling down to your neck. His grazed his tongue over your skin just before he his teeth pressed into you and forced another moan out of you.
He loved hearing you. It made his dick twitch under his boxers, begging to be inside of you.
“Dad, can you bring up a glass of water for me?” Jacob asked, leaning over the railing of the stairs.
“Y-Yeah buddy. I’ll be right there.” He called out.
Andy swallowed hard as he grabbed his shirt from the floor, while you both breathed heavily.
You mirrored his actions and slipped your shirt back on. Feeling your heart beat rapidly in your chest.
This was wrong on so many levels. You were slowly falling for a guy who was older than you and worst of all, married.
“I’m so sorry, this was a mistake.” You said, starting for the front door.
Andy was torn, knowing he should’ve never crossed the line, but it was too late. There was no turning back now. And though it wasn’t right, he didn’t want to go back.
And for that, he hated himself even more.
“Y/N wait, please.”
Tears began to well in your eyes, as a lump formed in your throat. This felt worse than a break up. Worse than anything you had been through which you weren’t sure as to why.
“We can’t do this Andy, you’re married.” You forced out. “Laurie is literally upstairs.”
He had forgotten that she was in the room. Being with you, was like having tunnel vision and all he could focus on was you.
“Fuck.” He exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What the hell am I doing?”
The tears had stained your cheeks and in that moment, you were broken.
“This was a mistake.” You repeated. “You’re just hurt and confused, this isn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have—“
“Don’t you dare blame yourself for this.” He cut you off. “This is bad timing, I know. But I’m not confused.”
You wanted nothing more than to believe him. But how could you with all things considered?
“Dammit.” You whispered to yourself. “I can’t do this.”
With that, you grabbed your bag and left without saying goodbye.
Andy knew letting himself feel this way to begin with was wrong. But why did it feel so good? Kissing you, holding you, feeling you pressed against him.
Being with you, he could finally breathe. It was like coming up for air.
Chapter Three sneak peek
Chapter Three
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[SUMMARY: Negan and Deena have a child together but have recently separated. Negan becomes jealous of the new man in Deenas life.]
[TW: physical abuse mentioned.]
Negan and Deena.
Rushing between getting your two year old son ready for his father and yourself ready for your date made you anxious. Negan would be here any minute to pick up Jack and Michael would be here any minute to see you. Michael had taken you out on a few dates already and you had spent a lovely time with him. This was the first man you dated since Negan and you had broken up. He was the first man since Negan to give you butterflies. You had invited Michael to your home knowing it was Negans day to pick up Jack for a few hours and youd have the house to yourself. A home cooked meal and a movie is what you had prepared for him as he had always planned sweet things for you. The thought of these two men arriving around the same time made you nervous as Negan had no idea you had met someone. Sooner or later he would know. What did he care anyway? The two of you had been long done. What you didnt know was Negans feelings for you never stopped. The man regretted ever hurting you to the point of you leaving him. He didnt say much as he knew you were a woman who once made up your mind, it was the final choice. Yet, it killed him each time he came to see his son, you no longer acted as the woman he once knew.
Gasping at the sound of the bell you looked out the window to see Negans truck. Stuffing the bag with a couple of Jack's favorite toys you made your way to the door with him in your arms. You seemed to have forgotten how you were dressed as the second you opened the door Negans eyes glimmered at the sight of you.
"Jack had a snack not too long ago so he might not be hungry for dinner right away." You quickly began to explain. As he took the bag and carried the baby his brows furrowed as his eyes looked down at your body. A mauve colored sundress hugged your curves, it had been too long since Negan saw you dressed up this way.
"Where are you going?" Negan wasnt one to beat around the bush, he was quick and direct.
"I- I'm not going anywhere." You responded softly, as it was true. Negan standing at the door way didnt move a muscle.
"You sure as hell are dressed up for someone." His voice was calm yet stern.
"That's none of your business." You turned away quickly to grab Jack's shoes that were sitting on the steps behind you. Negan couldnt help but slowly lick his bottom lip at the sight of your backside.
"Isn't that the dress you wore that one night that-"
"Alright, Jack you be good now, ok?" You turned back purposely interrupting Negan making him smirk. He knew how much you hated his sexual remarks.
"Come on, you remember that night dont you?" His voice was low and almost dare you say, seductive. Of course you remembered that night.
"That was the night I just couldnt wait for us to get back home after your cousins party. Had to stop the car half way home to have you, then took you again when we came in through the door right on these very stairs." Negan grinned noticing you get hot, he could tell the thought still aroused you.
"Shit, the thought still makes me tingle."
"That's enough." You cleared your throat when you suddenly noticed a navy blue car pull up behind Negans car.
It was Michael.
Negan noticed the distraction in your eyes and turned around to see a tall built man making his way up the front steps. The feel of jealousy arose inside him like he had never felt before. Who the hell was this man?
"Michael." You smiled making Negan quickly turn to you. The sound of your soft voice so happily saying the name of another man struck a nerve.
"Hi, my love." Michael leaned in with a quick peck, your heart racing not sure what to expect from Negan when Michael turned to him and looked at Jack.
"Hey little man." Negan pulled the baby back in silence before Michael could touch him.
"Negan." You whispered.
"Who the fuck is this?" Negan of course was never one to bite his tongue.
"Negan. This is Michael. Michael, this is Negan the father of my child."
The look on Negans face as he slowly observed this man from head to toe was one you couldnt explain. Michael stared back at him with just the same intense glare.
"Michael." You whispered making him look down at you.
"I'll be right inside ok." You smiled nervously hoping he would walk inside and not instigate a problem with Negan.
"Yeah. Yeah sure." Michael responded as you stepped aside and let him in the house. Closing the door behind you, you scowled at Negan.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You whispered at Negan.
"Oh relax I'm sure I didnt hurt Romeos feelings." Always with a sarcastic remark, Negan scoffed.
"Stop it. Just go and have a nice day with Jack, ok? I'll give you a call later to check on him."
Just as you turned back to the door Negan couldnt help but let curiosity get the best him.
"How long has this fuckery been going on?"
You sighed turning back to him with hesitation.
"A month and a half."
"You serious about him?"
You nodded, not that it was any of his concern, Negan looked away clearly not liking your response.
"How'd you meet him?"
"What am I being interrogated now on my dating life?" You scoffed.
"You seem to forget, sweetheart when you become serious about a man, that man steps into my son's life. That's where I come in and make sure hes good enough to be around my kid." Although Negan meant what he said, apart of him was also protective of you, still. A piece of him couldnt wrap his head around the idea of you with another man. You sighed knowing you couldnt argue on those terms.
"Michael works at the gas station by my job. That's how we started talking." Negan chuckled turning his face.
"How romantic." He muttered.
"Come on, Jack. Let mommy have her little date with Michael." His emphasis on his name with a disgusted tone.
Stepping back into the house you found Michael sitting on the couch watching a football game. He turned to you and quickly muted the tv.
"What's his problem?"
"Nothing. Hes fine, hell be back later."
You sat next to Michael with a sigh.
"That's just how Negan is, dont think too much into it." Although you did the exact opposite yourself, thinking over to yourself on how Negan looked at you. Thinking of the expression in his eyes when he realized you were with another man.
Negan lay Jack down for his nap and walked into the kitchen still feeling irritated.
"What's wrong with you?" Negans close friend, Simon asked.
"Deena." Negan uttered low as he popped a bottle of beer open and took a sip.
"Deena? What's going on with her?" Simon asked with a puzzled expression.
"Shes dating some prick she met at a gas station. Michael." He mimicked your voice as he said his name in clear annoyance. Simon frowned as he came to a realization of something.
"Which gas station?" He asked curiously.
"On 40th road, by her job."
"Hes got brown hair and a scar on his eyebrow?"
Negan took a sip of his beer as he stared at Simon in confusion with a raised brow.
"You know him?"
"Shit, I know Michael from around the town. He not bad."
Knowing Simon knew the man his ex was now dating didnt settle well in his stomach.
"Shit, that's comforting."
"Come on, it's not like you were anything. better." Simon laughed it off.
Negan ignored his comment knowing he wasnt an innocent man at all. Still, the thought of you with another man wasnt something he liked. The thought of what you and Michael could be doing at that very moment made Negans blood boil. The rush of jealousy he had never felt before coursing through his veins making it hard to not react. He never knew it would hurt this bad seeing you with another man.
It was late in the evening as Michael got his stuff together and was getting ready to leave. The day was filled with some emotional confusion for you, fighting certain thoughts in your mind, you couldnt understand why you were feeling this way. The memory of the night Negan took you out of this very dress stayed in your head all day long. Ever since he mentioned it, you couldnt help yourself. You didnt even have sex with Michael tonight, you couldnt. The guilt you felt knowing Michael was a good man and didnt deserve that.
You sighed as you locked the door, looking over at the time knowing Negan would be here soon with Jack.
He was there much sooner than you thought, before you could even walk away from the door you heard the bell.
Negan stood at the door with Jack asleep on his shoulder. He didnt say a word before walking past you and heading up the stairs to the baby room.
Negan never walked in like this, did he think Michael was there? Was he trying to make a statement?
"Negan." You whispered walking up behind him but of course he didnt listen.
Quietly he walked into Jack's room as he carefully lay him down while you waited outside with your arms crossed.
Negan stepped out and could tell you were a little flustered, the sight always made him smirk.
"What's wrong, princess? Lighten up." He looked down at you with playful eyes. Why was his look making you hot and bothered. He walked past you heading down the stairs into the kitchen helping himself to the fridge.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?!" You yelled forgetting Jack was asleep. This man was acting as if he owned the place, as if he this was still his home. As you paced into the kitchen he abruptly turned around purposely making you crash into him and gasp. His lip slightly curved at the feel of you so close to him, he could feel the heat of your body against his. His eyes wandering down to your lips. God you wanted him to kiss you but instead he leaned in close and whispered a tease.
"Relax, doll. I just want a drink." Turning away you let out a sigh. Why was he doing this? Why was it having this effect on you?
"I take it that he didnt know how to handle you in that fine dress." His emphasis on the word 'fine' as he turned to you leaning back on the counter.
"What makes you think that?" You asked confused as you watched his eyes drift down to your thighs.
"You still have it on."
Your cheeks grew red and hot, Negan couldn't help but grin.
"Oh stop." Your words came out breathlessly as you turned towards the counter on the other side.
"Stop what?" You could hear the seductive tone in his voice, you could hear the hard click of his boots on the floor as he slowly made his way behind you.
"Look at me." His voice was smooth, it couldnt be harder to resist. Slowly you turned around and quietly looked up at him. Negan knew exactly what he was doing to you.
"Tell me you dont feel it."
Your lips parted but you couldnt make a sound. You knew exaclty what he was talking about. The feel of the spark between you both, the emotional pull. Hesitantly you shook your head trying to ignore what he was making you feel. Getting lost in his eyes you knew you were losing the fight.
"Negan please." You whispered as he devoured you with his eyes when he suddenly pulled you into him making you feel his body completely against yours.
Making you feel his hard member press against you. You gasped as his breathing grew heavy.
"You feel it now?"
Of course you could feel it, it was driving you crazy inside. You knew you never stopped loving Negan. You didnt have to say a word for him to know and slowly he leaned his face closer to yours and touched your lips with his.
How did he have this much power over you? The feel of his arms holding you closer, his hand brushing down your back and grabbing your ass. You moaned when suddenly, Michael came to mind. Abruptly you pulled your lips away and turned your face.
"I-I cant." You whispered already feeling guilt. Negan sighed closing his eyes, you were so close yet so far.
"Deena. Deena I still love you." His voice was hoarse under his breath, you could feel your heart beating rapidly at his words.
"Negan.. I-" before you could finish the two of you were interrupted by the loud cries of baby Jack.
"Oh, I- let me go check on him." Turning away you ran upstairs leaving Negan alone in the kitchen. He looked down at the ground feeling defeated. Frustrated with himself he charged towards the door and walked out letting the door slam. You jumped holding the baby in your arms, running to the top of the steps to see Negan had left.
Negan wasnt angry at you, he was more than anything angry at himself. Angry for pushing you away, for hurting you and ever letting you down. Now because of his selfish ways another man was going to have you. He hated himself for this.
Since Negan had left you couldnt stop thinking about him. Thinking of his touch, his voice, the way he held you. You swore you'd never return to this man again it was crazy how one touch could make you forget all the bad.
A few days had passed now, you hadn't heard from Negan but you knew he would come by in the afternoon to pick up Jack. You found yourself feeling nervous, butterflies in your stomach at the thought of seeing Negan again. So lost in this thought that you completely forgot Michael would be coming over too.
Finishing up your hair the door bell rang and you knew it was Michael. You found yourself not feeling too excited to see him. Still, you greeted him with a smile and a kiss. Michael right away sensed a distance between you and him. He could feel the difference in how you kissed him, how you looked at him but he quickly brushed if off.
Following you into the kitchen he watched as you continued cooking quietly with your back to him. He couldnt help but notice you wore pants that were a bit transparent.
"You look nice in those pants."
"Stop, Negan." You giggled when you froze and realized what had just escaped your lips.
"What did you call me?"
The sound in Michael's voice was pure shock.
"Michael I- I meant-"
Michael stood up with a stern expression and walked up close to you.
"What did you call me?" He spoke slowly yet harshly, you could hear the cold anger in his voice.
"It was by accident. I dont know-"
"That's what's been on your mind all fucking day. That's why you been acting like this. Here I was thinking it was just me." Anger over took Michael's emotions, he felt disrespected in a manner he could not take.
"Michael, it was by accident. Please-" Suddenly you were cut off by a hard slap to your cheek. You gasped holding on to the stinging pain you felt, your hair had fallen over your eyes. You couldnt believe what he just did. Before you could say anything the door bell rang, it was Negan.
Composing yourself and fixing your hair you opened the door to greet Negan with a forced smile.
"Deena?" Negan looked at you with a look of confusion. You should've known this man knew you like the back of his hand. It didnt matter how you tried to act, Negan knew you better than anyone else had.
"You ok?"
Before you could respond Michael showed up behind you making himself known. The sight of Michael made Negan chuckle under his breath.
"Shit, I didnt even know you were here."
"Well, um let me go get Jack and his stuff for you." Still in shock with what had just happened you walked into the living room and finished packing some of Jack's toys in the baby bag. As you did Negan quietly watched you, Michael's eyes heavily on him especially as he watched the way he looked down at your ass everytime you turned.
"Come on baby, daddy's here to see you." You leaned over the playpen and picked up Jack before making your way back to Negan.
"Hey, little man." Negan excitedly took Jack in his arms as you stood back quietly. Apart of you didnt want Negan to leave. You had no idea what would happen when he did.
"Alright I'll be back around nine."
"Ok." And with what, Negan turned and left as you closed the door behind him. Taking a deep breath you hesitantly turned back to Michael to find him staring down at you.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. His apology catching you completely off guard.
"I cant believe I did that to you. Come here." Michael took you by your hand and pulled you in hugging you tightly. With your arms around him, you stood in confusion.
"You forgive me, dont you?" Michael sounded sincere but it felt so wrong.
Never in the five years you were with Negan, even through all his jealousy had he ever laid a finger on you.
"Yes." You whispered.
"I'm so sorry its just, I know Negan hurt you and I just got so angry that he was on your mind. He doesnt deserve to be on your mind. I was just trying to protect you."
Speechless you did not move, you couldnt believe his way of justifying what he just did was using something he knew had hurt you before. For the rest of his stay you were silent. Michael remained in a good mood as if nothing had occured earlier.
It was strange, you did not like the feeling.
You were relieved when he finally left.
Negan showed up at nine on the dot with Jack asleep in his arms. You quietly let him in and let him lay Jack in his crib upstairs.
Silently you sat at the kitchen table when Negan walked back in rubbing his face.
"I tell you, that kids got too much fucking energy." He yawned before noticing you didnt seem like you were listening to him. Making circles with your index finger on the wooden table, you didnt even realize he had entered the room. He frowned staring down at you.
"Deena." His tone was bold snapping you out of your thoughts instantly.
"Huh?" You looked up as he tilted his head, his eyes still on you.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing." You shrugged as you stood up pushing the chair in.
"I'm just tired. I had a long day."
"You must've forgotten how long I've fucking known you to think I believe that." He chuckled as you brushed your hair back before his expression quickly turned serious.
"What happened to your face?" Any trace of humor immediately left Negans voice. Your heart sunk at his question not having noticed there was any mark left on you. You quickly turned away, Negan could tell how fidgety you became, he knew something wasnt right.
"Nothing I must've, I don't know-" you cut yourself off as you looked at the mirror on the wall and noticed a very light yet obvious bruising on your cheek.
How did Negan spot it?
Shit, Michael did really give you a hard hit.
Negan showed up behind you in the reflection of the mirror, his brows drawn together as he looked directly at you.
"Something you wanna tell me?"
Your eyes welled up but you held yourself together and cleared your throat.
"No, I must've hurt myself earlier and not realized it when I was cleaning out the closet. A book fell on my face, stupid me." You laughed nervously and walked past him. Of course, he wasnt convinced and you could tell.
"Listen I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm exhausted and I have to be up early. We'll talk tomorrow. Just close the door, I'll lock it after I change." You yawned casually walking up the stairs leaving Negan to think over exactly what he just witnessed.
You were lying to him.
Negan drove straight to Simon's house without notice, a gut feeling eating at him but he knew exaclty where to go. Heading to his door Negan knocked hearing Simon respond in a lazy manner.
"Who is it?!" Simon yelled before Negan responded. Opening his door, he stared strangely at Negan.
"What's going on?" Simon yawned as Negan stared at him boldly.
"Tell me everything you know about Michael."
Simon raised his brows as he had known Negan too long to know when something wasnt right. If anyone knew Negan, they knew he didnt let anything past him especially when it involved the protection of his child and the woman he loved. He swore to get to the bottom of it.
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ivyuns · 4 years
come back to me again ❆ ✰
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kim seungmin
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: 2018-2020 era, young hearts are broken, mentions of passing out, y/n’s leader name is yerim and other member’s name is sunni, mentions of suicide, fainting, mean comments, strict dieting, one bad word oop, the plot doesnt make sense lol i just wanted a break from landing in your heart, not proofread
notes: i had three story plots i wanted to use but uh yeah i chose this one (maybe ill post all three of them but different members oo) but listen to love again by baekyun, or the cover by minnie <3
idol!seungmin x femidol!reader
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tell me you love me like the day you did
the day it ended was on a rainy, cold day. seungmin called you to meet up with him, saying he had something to tell you. heading to the jyp building, which wasnt that far from you house.
scanning your id and greeting the staff, you go to the room seungmin was in. knocking twice, you heard a “come in” and opened the door gently. “hi minnie” you smiled at your boyfriend. seungmin waved back with a small smile on his face.
“y/n, come sit here, we need to talk”
going to where seungmin pat the spot for you to sit, he sighs. “i know this is hard, but you know how stray kids is debuting soon?” you nod, knowing where this is leading to. “i- we have to break up” he paused. “but you know i love you right? i promise id come back after three years okay baby?” holding you tears, you looked into his eyes, that are full of sadness.
trying your best to hold your tears in, you gave him one last hug. before parting different ways, seungmin kissed your lips. letting go, you put the promise ring he gave you 2 years ago on his palm and walked away. letting the tears running onto your cheeks as you walked away from the room.
with a sobbing seungmin left alone in the practice room. holding your promise ring made him feel guilty, but it wasnt his fault that he had to do this.
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tell me once again, say that you love me again
packing all of seungmins stuff that was at your house and looking though them made your heart burn. from they day he asked you out after school to whenever you two last hung out with each other, which was over 2 months ago.
because now that you and seungmin auditioned to be in the same company, but with seungmin, he had a little bit more talent than you did. it didnt mean you didnt have talent, it just meant you were physically ready to become an idol. still improving, many idols were amazed at how well your singing and dancing was.
finally taping seungmins box, you went to the stray kids dorm and dropped it off and to say goodbye to the boys. deciding to switch to a new company to focus more instead of dealing with you heartbreak.
you rung the doorbell and you come face-to-face with seungmin. handing seungmin the box, you asked if it was okay to say goodbye to the boys, which made seungmin confused. where you going somewhere? ending your dreams?
seungmin moved to the side for you to come in. as seungmin closed the door, a voice was heard. “seungmo! who’s here- oh” looking up, you see minho. your eyes that was red and puffy ran more tears down as you ran up and hugged minho.
minho was in fact the one who introduced you to seungmin. accidentally falling in love with seungmin, you told minho all about it and he eventually told seungmin about your feelings towards him. seungmin, who felt the same way, made the best way to confess to you, which was a success.
minho hugged you back, caressing you back as seungmin looked down and went back to his room. “its okay love, its okay” minho shushed you as you cried into his chest. settling you two in the living room, the whole stray kids but seungmin came out of their rooms, comforting you as they all knew what happened between you and seungmin.
30 minutes passed and you decided it was time to go. giving the boys one last hug, you made sure they’ll have good luck when theyre now idols.
“just know, ill love you guys forever. thank you”
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im where ive always been, i still love you
almost 2 years had gone by and you finally debuted into a three member group. with being the main vocalist and dancer. being invited to the award shows, your group gracefully posed on the red carpet, right after stray kids. accidentally locking eyes with seungmin, you almost teared up but you had to be strong.
sitting down in front of stray kids, you grew anxious as if nobody else other than stray kids and yerim knew about your past relationship. stilling having feelings for seungmin, you let them go and paid attention to the show that was now starting.
“hyung, dont you think y/n looks like shes about to pass out?” jeongin asked seungmin. after you left the dorms that day, seungmin didnt know where you were. nobody told him anything about you other than you leaving jyp. you and your group was hidden from social media until your company announced a new girl group was debuting soon.
after seungmin got the news about you, he felt so relieved, knowing that you were still here living. on the pictures online, you looked like a goddess. the way your singing was beautiful and your dancing were sharp. he was amazed at how far you came.
but when seungmin saw you in person, it looked like you were on the verge of passing out due to how thin you looked. it looked like you couldnt perform on what your condition is.
feeling unsteady, your group was the last ones to perform. getting into your costumes, you fell back slightly when yerim pushed you up. after seeing how weak your body has been acting, she was worried something might happen to you on stage. and seeing how you reacted when you saw seungmin again made her worried.
“y/n, are you sure you got this?” yerim asked. nodding your head a yes with a smile on you, you gave her a thumbs up. with the smile that hid everything. yerim nodded her head, your group was ready to perform.
among the three girls that was on the stage, seungmin only looked out for you. anxiety rising, seungmin bit his lips which changbin rubbing his back to calm down.
the end of the performance, you tried your best to stay still, but you only saw blurry vision. as you were about to get off stage, you fainted with your head hitting the floor first. gasping were loud from everyone as yerim and sunni tried to lift you up and go back to the dressing rooms.
as soon as seungmin saw everything, he stood up and tried to run towards you till he was stopped by chan. “seungmin you cant. everyone’s going to find out” “i dont care hyung, the person i love the most is hurt” seungmin said and let go of chan’s hand that was gripped around seungmins wrist.
seungmin runs through the halls and tries to find your groups room. after finding it, he gently pushes away people who are near you and gets a view of you on the couch. “s-seungmin” both sunni and yerim said together. “yerim, what happened to her” seungmin asked, skipping the honorifics since they know each other.
yerim bites her lips with glossy eyes, scared of what to tell seungmin what you’ve been doing. “yerim?! i said whats going on with y/n-” “she tried to kill herself!” seungmin pauses and tries to lets what yerim said sink into him.
“w-what? why?” seungmin asks as tears start streaming down his face, as well as sunni’s and yerim’s. “she was scared. scared that she wasnt going to be perfect to be an idol. she started getting hate comments, saying she was too fat. but this is why shes too thin. she wont listen to us when we tell her she needs to rest and to start eating. all she does is practice with no water breaks but somehow, she still hits every move right. other than that, shes scared of what youll see her like again. she still loves you seungmin, but shes scared”
“sunbae, shes not okay. she needs somebody and that somebody is you”
seungmin was stunned by what yerim and sunni told him. “can- can you two leave us for a moment. please?” seungmin asked quietly as everyone left the room. seungmin starred at your body. eyes closed with you as skinny as your bones. it scared him of how you thought so low about yourself.
he doesnt understand it. he doesnt understand how you got every moves and vocals right without anything. where you like this during your relationship? no, it couldnt. both seungmin and you promised each other that you two will never keep secrets to yourself.
seungmin silently cries to himself, thinking of why you wanted to do this to yourself as he held your hand. his tears slowly fall onto you forearms, which wipes the makeup off of your scars you created, which makes seungmin cry more.
because of you fainting, the award show was paused temporally. with this being said, stray kids got up and quickly went to you room until they were stopped by yerim. “dont, seungmins already in there” all of them nods their heads and waited outside the room with minho dropping down, hands in his face with tears as he remembers when you tried to seek help from him but he never answered because he was too busy.
don't leave me alone baby, just stay for the night baby
still holding your hand, seungmin whispers ‘i love yous’ and ‘im sorry, please forgive me’. gaining conscious, you flutter your eyes open and see seungmin in front of you.
he opens his eyes to see you awake. “bab- y/n. thank god” seungmin says and hugs you gently. tears start streaming down as you realized he probably knows everything now. “s-seungmin, did they tell you-” “yes they did. and im sorry. so fucking sorry oh my god, please dont do this again. please eat, please do what you loved to do again. i want the old y/n back, the happy one” seungmin lets out.
“okay, ill come back” you told him. seungmin wipes your tears away, as well as his and plants a kiss on your lips. “come back to me again?” nodding your head, you both smile. this time, a real and happy smile from you.
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the awards continued on and your group won an award. chan offered your group if they wanted to come for dinner, you were going to decline, but yerim, sunni and seungmin forced you to, wanting you to start eating again.
heading out, the eleven of you walked to the nearest korean bbq while holding seungmin’s hand. feeling the warmth youve been missing for 2 years.
tell me your love again.
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END <3
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flashbackharry · 4 years
You need sleep
Prompt 21
21.“You need sleep”
sorry couldnt sleep and ended up yearning. 
You can request a prompt from this list.
It was game night. There was never really a true schedule to game night. Usually it was whenever everyone had one too many drinks in their system and were down to play some games for too long before someone got particularly heated and then everyone would go to bed. Tonight the living room was filled with snacks and possibly every kind of alcohol you could name. You were at Harry's house, all his band mates were in attendance, and few other people you've met a couple times as well as some new faces.
The game you were all currently playing was charades musical edition. It was your turn and the artist you got out of the hat was Bob Marley, you tried miming smoking a joint and instantly everyone screamed a billion names at you, it was hard when you yourself were a little tipsy having about 13 people who were also drunk yelling incoherent things at you. You were about to give up when you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket.
“No showing us pictures on your phone” Someone yelled from the audience.
You ignored them because your sister was calling you. She never called for no reason. You picked up as you were walking out of the living room to go someplace quieter, paying no mind to the boos that followed.
You took a deep breath and answered.  
“Moms in the hospital agai- are you at a party right now?” Your sister said, her voice going from grave to vaguely annoyed. That was her alright, ever the queen of passive aggressiveness.
“Yeah, believe it or not my life continues on without you guys, and is she okay?” You said, your heartbeat quickening.
She let out a huff of air before speaking again.
“She escaped the facility she was in and they found her 4 miles away in some run down part of the city, trying to check into a hotel under the name of Audrey Hepburn.” Your stomach clenched a little at the sound of the news.
“They gave her some sedatives but doctors are thinking it's only going to get worse from here. They didn't say that exactly because they're doctors, they kinda have to be optimistic but I could tell from their facial expressions.”
You didn't respond to her. Partly because you didn't know what to say. You took your mom in when things started getting bad 4 years ago, but once she tried setting your apartment on fire in the middle of the night, you realized you couldn't help her to the best of your ability anymore. So you checked her into a mental health facility and made your sister her health care proxy. She's resented you for it ever since, but you couldn't bear making life changing decisions on behalf of your mom, you just couldn't stomach it.
“Hello? Did you even hear a word I just said? God y/n, I don't have to call and keep updating you on her, I can just leave you in the dark but I'm sure you'd actually prefer that.” She said, her tone growing more and more impatient with every second that passed.
“Don’t say that, of course I care, what do you want me to say? I’m sorry?” You pleaded, tears threatened to spill from your eyes now.
“Forget it y/n, go back to your party.” And with that, she hung up.
You felt your insides tighten and suddenly it felt like you couldn’t breathe. You were full on having a breakdown in Harry's back patio. You sat down on the stoop and pulled your knees close to your chest. Trying to remember the breathing exercises you learned in therapy but when that failed you resorted to slowly counting the number of times you exhaled.
You heard the sliding door open and Harry walked over to you and sat down, worry laced his facial features but you could tell he was trying to mask it. He was your best friend after all, whenever either one of you were hurting, it was like a visceral reaction in the other.
“Missed you out there, they got the karaoke machine out.” He said softly. You closed your eyes and he was right, you heard the music playing in the distance, followed by a random off key voice.  
“Is it your mum again?”
Harry was well versed in your family drama. He knew you when you took your mom in, knew the physical and mental toll the role of being her caregiver was. You never got enough sleep when caring for her, always afraid she would do something while you were sleeping, until one night she did. It was Harry who encouraged you to check her in somewhere, pleading with you to do so, he was so worried she would end up being the cause of your death.
After the incident with your apartment happened, Harry took you in. He never formally asked you to move in, it was just understood between the two of you that that was what was happening. He helped you find a therapist, to help with anxiety attacks and insomnia you had. You didn't feel guilty for doing what you had to do, but God did your sister make you feel like the worst person alive.
You filled Harry in on the phone conversation you just had. He listened intently, never interrupting and holding your hand whenever you got to a particularly difficult part to talk about outloud. You didn't know whether it was the alcohol or the exhaustion that usually followed from having an anxiety attack but you wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and forget this all happened.
As if reading your mind, Harry stood up, grabbing your hand and murmured against your ear,
“You need sleep, let's get you into bed.”
Harry walked behind you and led you up the stairs, past the group of people still lingering in the living room.
“Were gonna call it a night but you guys have fun, keep it down a bit though.” Harry said to them. His friends began to woo after him, assuming you were going up stairs to fuck. It was hard to explain to them that you guys weren't a couple, you just had a connection so strong and went beyond the basic labels of “boyfriend” and “girlfriend''. Simply put, you were never gonna love any one more than Harry and the same went for him.
When you got upstairs, you walked into Harry's room instead of yours. He helped you get out of your clothes for the day and into something more comfortable. He dug into his drawers and after some rummaging he found an old band tee for you to wear. You took your jeans off, your bottom half in nothing but your underwear.
He turned around towards you and tugged at the shirt you were wearing and you put your arms up as he lifted it off your shoulders, frizzing your hair in the process. Goosebumps raised on your skin as the room got colder and Harry pulled the oversized long sleeve tee over you quickly, when your head emerged from the hole you both paused as you looked at each other for a moment. A small smile appeared from his lips and you returned it. He wrapped his arms around you, a tight hug, the kind you could feel deep in your bones. He walked you back towards the bed, never breaking the hug until you were both under the covers.
He pressed a kiss into your temple, his arms still wrapped around you. You couldn’t sleep most nights, and when you did, it was never for more than a few hours at a time. But when you slept in the same bed as Harry, you slept through the whole night. Rarely any intrusive thoughts, when you did happen to get them, Harry always reassured you you were safe and softly, he would soothe you back to sleep. You felt the way he cared about you in every crevice of your body, and you were so glad to love and be loved by him.
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ughthatimagineblog · 5 years
another world | preview
azriel x reader
requested:  Hey, I saw you were doing requests for azriel in ACOTAR and I've been having a lot of Azriel feels lately and was wondering if you could an Azriel x reader where the reader has come from this world and has read the books and is all like ??? and finds the Inner Circle to ask for help to get home and then her and Az fall in love and are mates and it's quite angsty because he can't leave his family but she can't stay but then she gets turned into Fae somehow and happy ending eventually. Is that ok?
word count: 966
warnings: literally none i think other than cursing in the authors note and ofc covid19,,, but be cautious
a/n: this is my first attempt at writing something long/for azriel again after a long time so im sorry if it’s shite and short. its also kinda just the preview. i needed something to get the ball rolling and the plot is so,,, detailed i couldnt just start from fuckall so here this flaming pile of garbage is. PS I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT I MIGHT BE SELLING ARTWORK SOON. ill be posting a few of my works and if people become interested in asking for commissions ill be glad to sell. i dont have a job currently and its hard to get one b/c of COVID19 so this is kinda a last ditch resort so.. anywho. love yall and youll see anya’s art soon-ish. in the next two weeks hopefully. anyways please enjoy
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      Crap. That's all you could think as the pounding in your head made it impossible to truly come up with any other coherent thoughts. The light that poured through the windows of the unfamiliar house burned your eyes and the bed you now laid on was stiff and old. You were nowhere near home. Reaching for your phone in your pockets you cursed yourself, and your friends, for allowing you to drink so much. It seems that you had gotten so drunk, you’d landed yourself in thirteenth century England, or whatever the hell. Of course realistically this wasn’t true but wherever the hell you were, it seemed as though the person who lived here hadn’t been ‘with the times’ so to speak.       A second assessment of your surroundings just confirmed that thought. The wood beneath your feet was old and looked worn and rotten. The bed is equally worn with no entertainment devices in sight. It seemed to be a studio, however you had been convinced it was a house, but alas, there was a wash station and a kitchen table no less than thirty feet from where you sat. Of course, no one was anywhere to be seen and to top it all off, your phone had no signal. None. It was even as if the section at the top left was blank which was completely abnormal. And you would have more time to question it if it weren’t for the front door clamoring open and a tall figure emerge through the doorway.
       “Oh good, you’re awake.” The tall female muttered and wiped off her clothes. “Where am i?” You questioned quickly, fear wavering in your voice as you realized she was dressed quite oddly. A soft tunic that would have definitely dated back to the thirteenth century and some trousers and footwear that had seen better days. She gave you a puzzled look. “Prythian, dear.” She scoffed and went to the wash basin to set down the food you had just realized she had been carrying. “Where is that?” You pushed further. How long had you been out for?        The lady gave you another odd look before busying herself again. “Where are we? Somewhere in England? Anywhere in Britain? It sounds British. Are we in America? Where?”       “Prythian. The continent.” She stated, her looks of concern soon matching your own. “I have no clue how you ended up all the way in the Night Court, but no matter, I’ll bring you to Velaris before sundown and surely our High Lord will return you to the human lands.” She went on and you had to sit back down for a moment. “Human lands...?” You muttered to yourself and glanced back at the woman. Pointed ears, slender face and extreme beauty. Your memory, which had completely forgotten you until now, was slowly returning.         Prythian. It sounded familiar. You just assumed you’d heard it in a world history or apush class. No, you’d heard it from a book. Yes, a fantasy book. But that wasn’t possible.      “Rhysand. Rhysand is your High Lord?” You asked, narrowing your eyes. The girl’s face lit up. “Yes! So you do know about Prythian! You’re not a lost cause after all!” Ignoring the backhanded comment you attempted to make more sense of the situation. “I must be dreaming.” You shook your head and began to stand, suddenly feeling light headed. “If you’re so eager to go, I can take you now, I can assure you you are not dreaming.” She confirmed. You nodded. “Take me now then. Please. I don’t belong here.” With some more hesitant conversation, the woman, who’s name was Rinna, agreed to take you to Velaris sooner than later. She lived on the outskirts of the city, just before the glamour took hold, and knew you were human and in turn gave you all of the essentials. Warm clothes that didn’t look out of place, a bag for your things, and some food.      “It’s an hour’s journey over mountain so be prepared.” She warned. You nodded before leaving her cottage and mounting one of the two horses she had owned.          You needed to figure out what had happened. The last thing you remember was being with your close friend and laughing in a bathroom at a party you two were at. And then everything was blank after that. You had read, and loved A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas but never in a million years did you think you would ever find yourself so far from home, and so close to the world you had loved. You now realized why books were just books. They were easy to love from afar. But so close, so very very close, they became scary. Too real. You were far from home, with no idea how to get back. You hadn’t said goodbye to anyone and without warning, your whole life was gone. And in reality, you knew no one here. Except now maybe Rinna, and technically all of the Inner Circle. But they didn’t know you. And that made all the difference.       You would figure out how to get home no matter what it took. You needed to get home. And as much as finding yourself in the ultimate fantasy world secretly excited you, it scared you. Greatly. You were human in the land of the fae about to meet the strongest High Lord in history. And you had no defenses. But now was no time to be weak. If loving these books had taught you anything, it was that being scared was the perfect time to be brave. You would meet your essential heroes but you would also find your way back home and have a hell of a story waiting for everyone when you got back.
well that was fucking shite. hope you enjoyed lol i love yall PS READ THE AUTHORS NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (3) | T.H.
Summary: Harrison is looking for answers. More unknown text messages and blackmail. A phone conversation takes place. Wait...who’s the new guy?
A/N: Don’t be shy let me know all your theories! Again, thank you for the support on Happier! The story continues!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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This whole thing was just a giant puzzle that needed to be solved, but the closer one got to solving it, another complication comes around. The story wasn’t clear for anyone, but for Harrison it was a mess. He had so many questions that needed to be answered, so many clues he wish could have been solved at the snap of a finger.
Tom was too lost in himself to even comprehend the puzzling reality, Y/N while also lost in heartbreak had been awefully quiet since she left London, Kate was lying to Harrison, and Natalie had been too friendly with Tom.
Harrison replayed the conversation with Kate over and over again in his mind, trying to remember every little thing she said that night. He knew Kate was aware of something. Her tone said it all.
“Listen I dont know who you are, but if its the same person that sent my best friend a threatening message that she’s better off breaking up with her boyfriend”
“She received a few messages...from Tom.”
“Oh my god.” Harrison said to himself in realization. How could he have been so dim to not recognize what Kate had said in the first place? He paced around as he continued to think it through. But a threat message? Who would send a threat to Y/N? And what did they threaten her with? Tom and Y/N’s relationship has been secretly hidden from the public for as long as they’d been together. No one knew she even existed...right?
For a moment, Harrison stopped in his tracks, thinking of Natalie. Though he quickly shook the idea off. Natalie may have wanted Tom, but she wouldnt go as far as threatening Y/N. He had been friends with her since they went to primary school, and knew she wouldn’t go that far. “Maybe a stalker fan?” He questioned himself. Though he also quickly ruled it out, but something about it just didnt feel right.
In the kitchen, Harrison took out his laptop and started googling Y/N’s name. If her name didn’t show on the News or one of those Tom Holland fan accounts, it would at least answer one theory. As he scrolled through pages and pages, nothing showed up until...he found on account. He logged into the site and browsed the history, realizing it was all about Y/N and Toms life. Not as a couple but seperately. It all seemed too strange. Only very few accounts followed it and yet no other accounts in the world had mentioned Y/N. Harrison quickly shut his laptop when he saw Natalie enter the room.
“Oh don’t mind me just...grabbing a water.” She giggled, making her way to the fridge.
“Hey mate...uh..I guess everyone got hungry at the same time?” Harry asked, a bit surprised to see Harrison and Natalie in the kitchen.
“Yeah. I guess.” Harrison muttered.
“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine. If i didn’t know I’d say you were the one more affected by the break up then Tom and Y/N themselves.” Natalie commented.
“No. It’s just that I dont think Y/N broke up with Tom just because of some rumors about you and him.” He explained rubbing his face from exhaustion. Natalie’s smile dropped, when she heard Harrison mention his potential theory.
“Well...did you talk to Y/N about it?” Harry asked him, also intrigued by the theory. “Now that I think about it she —“
“Oh come on. Just leave the poor girl alone. Im sure she knew what was best for the both of them. You’ll only make it worse.” Natalie interrupted, taking a sip from her water. “Well since you boys are all talk, Im gonna go find something more worth my while.”
Out of sight and out of mind, Natalie made a quick call about what she heard. “Harrison’s getting suspicious, and so is Harry.”
“Time to clean up then.” The unknown number spoke out before hanging up on Natalie completely.
Meanwhile, Kate had managed to get Y/N out of the apartment and walk the streets of the city. Her heart and spirits were still low, but she appreciated the efforts. Kate and Y/N went around stuffing their faces with crepes and ice cream. It was the cure to any bad days, but it wouldnt have been a Kate and Y/N date if they didn’t hang around the New York Aquarium. It was also the perfect time to crack out what Y/N really knew about the unknown text message, and who was harrassing the both of them. “Look, I know I promised you a stress free outing, but I saw a text from your phone the night you came back home.” Kate confessed.
Y/N’s face became pale almost as if she’d seen a ghost. She knew, and now there was no point in going back. “So you know then.” She says quietly looking at the fishes.
“I only know they threatened you.” Kate states, leaving out that she, herself, was also threatened. Y/N had enough on her plate to worry about, and it wouldn’t be the best time to being up how her message also threatened their friendship. “How long?” She continues.
“Weeks maybe. They started around the time I was fighting with Tom.” Y/N vents, she takes a deep breath before she continues. “Each message was worse than the last. They threatened that if I didnt leave, Tom would lose career, and I...I couldnt do that to him.” Tears were falling slowly, but Y/N was quick to pick them.
“Why didnt you tell him?”
“Yeah, Kate let me just tell him the truth of why I left him because the messages weren’t offensive nor threatening enough. And let’s just assume that the person texting wouldn’t blackmail either of us if they knew I said something. Anyways, maybe it was for the best...I could never fit in his world and those past few months just proved that.” Y/N’s words continue to spill out every fear and thought she had bottled up within her. It felt good..for a moment, but nothing can really erase a heartbreak of losing the one you loved.
As the pair walked through the shark tunnel, Y/N bumped into a tall figure. “Oh my god, Im so sorry...Matt?” she asked in confusion. The moment Y/N looked up into those familiar brown eyes hidden behind the thin glasses, she knew. How could she forget? 
“Y/N? Wow, it’s been so long how are you?” Matt greeted as he wrapped her into a hug. “Kate, it’s good to see you again too.” 
“Yeah, we’re great, just you know...navigating life.” Kate responded to him. “We haven’t seen you since what?  High school?”
Matt smiled and nodded at Kate’s response, his focus remaining on Y/N. He didn’t remember much with Kate back in high school, but Y/N was a different story. They were good friends at the time, always competing in classes, but as junior year rolled by things got awkward. Y/N was falling for Matt while he didn’t return the favor at the time. Though he’d be lying if he didn’t say he may have felt the same at one point, but just never committed. Now all grown up, he didn’t realize how pretty she turned out, but her personality wasn't there. He must have figured something was wrong. After all, a girl with that kind of spunk back in the day, didn't seem like the one to lose hers so easily. “Yeah, look. I know it’s kind of a spur in the moment, but maybe we can all hang out sometime? I’d love to catch up.” 
Kate was all for it, but Y/N felt a tension she wasn’t sure if she wanted to act upon. After all, breaking up with your boyfriend after 2 weeks, because of threatening messages and still loving him deeply, it wasn’t an easy thing to move on from. Then again it’s not like Matt was asking for a date, it was just to catch up after not seeing each other for 6 years. “Uh, maybe. I have to check my schedule, and see when Im free, but I can let you know” Y/N answers him. 
“Great, well..here’s my number, and hopefully I hear from you guys. I gotta get back to my brother, so hope to see you around.” he quickly says as he walks away. 
“Wow. Matt Brynne, who would have guessed?” Kate says, breaking the silence. 
“I know...Funny I used to be so head over heels with him at the time, and now I barely feel a thing.” 
“Well yeah, cause you still love...you-know-who.” she teases, though it probably wasn't the best time to be making that type of joke with everything going on.
“And I don't think I’ll ever stop.” Y/N mutters to herself. As Y/N and Kate make their way forward, Kate’s phone began to vibrate. 
Set up a date and take a picture of Y/N and that boy you posted on your insta story. Or Y/N finds out the truth about what you did. XOXO
Kate looked up as she cursed herself, realizing she forgot to keep her story private. It was supposed to be a harmless post of old friends reuniting and now the unknown number has used it as blackmail. It would have been easy to find the culprit, but her view count was up in the thousands with unfamiliar faces. It’s what she gets after gaining a decent following on TikTok. Kate couldn’t let Y/N know what she did, and she’d make sure she would hide that truth from her for as long as she can. “Hey, Y/N...I think we should hit up Matt.” she says, running after her best friend. 
At the same time, another texted popped from Y/N’s phone. She picked up thinking it might have been a group chat with her close friends, but it was from the only person who could make her heart flutter and break simultaneously. 
I can’t stop thinking about you. About us. I still love you. 
Y/N almost called him..almost, but she knew better. She couldn’t...not unless she wanted to continue to hurt each other. 
Meanwhile, back in London, Harrison was ready to come clean to Tom about what he’d found out. He watched as Tom finished typing on his phone, and throwing it on the side of the bed, rubbing his face. This was the new normal. Tom being alone in the dark, reflecting on his sadness and exhaustion. Only stepping out when needed and keeping up smiles for appearances. 
It was then Harrison was ready to knock on the door, when his phone received a notification.
Don’t even think about it. Or I’ll make sure you and your lads careers are over for good.
Harrison sighed deeply, as he put his phone down, and walked away. Until he came to a most probable conclusion. “Natalie.” he says anger. “I should have fucking known.” At this point he no longer cared, about who she was before and how they were friends. The timing of it all seemed too perfect. Her arrival, the eavesdropping, the flirting. It had to be her but with what proof other than unknown numbers and good timing? Another part of him feared...what if it wasn't her?
Meanwhile, Tom was still unaware of what was really happening behind his door, but he did know, he had to take a chance now and try to contact her instead of sending these useless messages. In the moment, he showed no signs of regret, only praying Y/N would pick up so he could hear her voice. 
“Tom?” Y/N answers hesitantly.
Tom closes his eyes, as he takes in her soft and gently voice. “Y/N.” he speaks softly into the phone. 
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit​ @trumpettay @astridcommings
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Gonna post this on a03 at some point, but figured I'd post here for now......
Here's the first chapter to a fic I call Roseswap.
“I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees!” Ruby nearly stomped her foot on the floor of the airship, managing to keep herself from making a scene. “I’m already going to Beacon early, I dont need anyone thinking I’m special.”
Yang smiled at Ruby and ruffled her hair a bit. “But you are special, sis. I mean, getting accepted into Beacon like this is amazing!”
“And terrifying. What if people think that I think I’m better than them? O-or what if people start making fun of me for my age? Or what if-”
“Ruby, you need to relax.” Yang looked out the window, smiling a bit as Beacon started coming into view. “We’re just about here and everything will be fine. I promise.”
Ruby sighed and looked out the window, seeing Beacon down below her. This was a day that she had dreamed about, one that she had been looking forward to for years, and yet, all she could do was give into her nerves. All she could think was that maybe she was making a mistake, that she wasnt ready for this.
Yang placed a hand on Ruby’s shoulder, giving her a small smile. “Everything will be fine, Rubes. I promise.”
Ruby nodded slowly, watching as Beacon drew ever closer. The other students all clamored near the windows, quickly being interrupted as a hologram of one of the professors appeared in the middle of the airship, eliciting questions from all the students.
“I am Professor Goodwitch,” said the woman. “And welcome to Beacon Academy.”
The hologram faded just as quickly as it came, letting the students stew in their multitude of questions. It wasnt much longer until the airship landed on the docking platform, opening up the doors to let the students out.
Yang smiled and grabbed her bag, heading off the airship. “I’ll meet you over at orientation, alright?”
“W-wait Yang! Dont go without me!” Ruby struggled to get her bag unhooked from one of the seats, falling over once she did as a bright light flashed inside the airship. She paused for a moment to look around to see where the flash came from, only to shake her head and get up to head off the airship. “I must’ve been imagining things,” she muttered to herself as she followed the rest of the students onto the campus.
Once Ruby made it off the airship, she stopped as she took a good look at Beacon Academy, a few of her nerves and worries starting to wear off. In front of her stood what looked like a castle that had been built to house the finest hunters and huntresses that could be trained. Although, she couldnt help but feel as if something was off about it. As if it seemed… newer than she had imagined. And smaller for sure. She quickly pulled out an old brochure she had picked up a couple years back, flipping through it and looking at the picture of the campus before looking at the buildings she was staring at. “Maybe I’m just losing my mind. But first, I have to go find Yang.”
Quickly, Ruby started rushing through the campus, using her semblance to avoid running into the other students. She only stopped once she realized she was a bit lost, not quite sure where the cafeteria was supposed to be. She pulled out the map of campus she had, slowly going over it. “So I’m here at the courtyard, and the cafeteria should be here…”
“Lost?” asked a boy with a gruff voice.
“Yeah, a little bit-” Ruby paused when she recognized the voice coming from behind her, quickly turning around and tackling the boy with a hug. “Uncle Qrow! I didnt realize you’d be here!” She let go of him, keeping a grin on her face as she looked him over. “You look a bit younger though.”
Qrow looked at her curiously. “First off, I’m not an uncle. And second, who are you? And how do you know my name? As far as I’m aware, only my sister knows my name.”
Ruby pulled back a bit, fumbling over a few words. “W-well… I umm… we met once before.”
“I think I’d remember meeting someone like you.” Qrow sighed for a moment, rolling his eyes. “Raven put you up to this, didnt she? First she ditched me and then she sends someone to find me-”
“N-no, I dont even know who Raven is. I… I just… know that we met briefly before and I uh… caught your name. I just need to get to the cafeteria, so I’ll see you there?” Ruby started rushing off once again, her mind racing with seeing Uncle Qrow look around her age.
Qrow shook his head and started walking off in the other direction. “The cafeteria is… this way!”
Ruby quickly rushed past him, draining her aura to make it to the cafeteria as quickly as she could. All she needed as a quiet space to think. Beacon looking small, Qrow being her age… it had to be something else. There’s no way she could possibly be-
“Watch where you’re going!”
Ruby came to her senses just quick enough to avoid running into a wall, falling to the ground and rolling a bit as she dropped out of her semblance. She rubbed her head a bit, letting out a sigh. “R-right… I guess I should watch where I’m going.” She looked up to see a familiar looking face and mop of blonde hair looking down at her. “Da- er… Taiyang?”
Taiyang smiled down at her, extending a hand to help her up. “That’s my name. Although, I’m sure I would’ve remembered a pretty face like yours if we met before.”
Ruby blanched a bit and picked herself up, scrambling as she started heading into the cafeteria. Once she found a quiet spot, she pulled out her scroll, looking up the date and letting out a sigh when she finally confirmed she was twenty years in the past. “This… cant be good…”
Summer rubbed her eyes as she stepped off the airship, still half blinded from the sudden flash. There were a few moments where she thought her eyes had gone off, but she knew there wasn't any grimm around so it couldn't have been her. That, and there was also the fact that she only ended up with headaches after using her eyes, not half blinded and left disoriented.
As Summer’s eyes started to clear, she paused as she took a look at Beacon campus and the students rushing about, suddenly feeling more lost than usual. She didn't recognize any of the students she had been on the airship with, and more importantly, the campus seemed bigger than before. There were buildings that weren't there before when she looked up the school, most of them looking like they were either recently built or remodelled. “This cant be right-” Her thought was interrupted as she felt a trolley cart knock into her, baggage and dust vials falling all over the place, followed by a shrill voice.
“Watch where you’re going!”
Summer started picking up a few vials before looking at a girl in white yelling at her. “You’re the one who ran into me.”
“Give me that!” The girl quickly swiped the vial from Summer, glaring at her. “Don't you know how dangerous this is?”
Summer watched the girl shake the vial around, the cork at the top coming loose and bits of dust starting to cloud out. “And you need to quit shaking that.”
The girl didnt bother to listen to Summer, quickly starting to gather up the rest of the dust vials that had rolled around, quickly inspecting each one to make sure the glass isn't breaking. “Still, you need to pay more attention to what you’re doing.”
Summer picked herself up and took her cloak off, shaking off the excess dust from the crash. “And I was doing fine until you ran into me. Besides, who do you think you are anyway to act like this?”
The girl looked up at Summer, feeling offended. “How do you not know who I am?”
“That’s Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company,” another girl with black hair spoke up, walking closer.
Weiss smirked. “Finally, a little recognition-”
“The same company that uses questionable methods of employment for faunus to mine the dust they produce.”
Weiss' smirk faded into a frown as she started walking off.
Summer sighed and shook her head, putting her cloak back on. “She seems like a handful.”
“I feel sorry for whoever ends up on her team.” The girl with black hair smiled a bit at Summer. “I’m Blake.”
“Summer.” Summer extended a hand to Blake to shake her hand. “Mind showing me where the cafeteria-”
“Ruby! There you are!” Yang started running over to Summer, smiling at her. “I was getting worried when I didn't-” she paused for a moment as she looked Summer over, starting to back track a bit. “You’re not Ruby…”
“No, I’m not. My name’s Summer. And you are?”
Yang hesitated as she heard Summer’s name, hoping she heard wrong. “Summer… as in Summer… Rose?”
Summer nodded, giving her a smile. “It is. But I never caught your name.”
“Y-Yang… but I… I… I have to go…”
Summer cocked her head to the side, watching as Yang ran off. “What’s her problem?”
Blake shrugged, walking off to the cafeteria. “We should hurry if we don't want to be late to orientation.”
Summer followed Blake, keeping close behind her. “That sounds like a good idea.”
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397bartonstreet · 4 years
Is it Weird I Kind of Want to Kiss You?
This is my submission for the b99 summer fic exchange 2020! This fic is for @letsperaltiago, I really hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun writing it! Also thank you @theysayweareasleep for helping me out with this i couldnt have done it without you. And thank you to @b99fandomevents for holding this exchange, I was happy to be apart of it.
read on ao3
The whole squad had officially retired about an hour earlier. It was a relief to be able to let loose after a hard day of many failures from a case. The mugginess of the bar, under the dim lights, the shouts from the tables behind them, felt like the perfect way to unwind. Leaving Amy with Jake to clink together one more glass of whiskey before turning in for the night. At this point, the alcohol and infectious energy of the place have relaxed their tense shoulders and they can now just enjoy each other’s company. Even if it’s only just the two of them. 
Amy clutches her stomach as the last remnants of her laughing fit fade away. Releasing her unconscious hold of Jake’s wrist so he can wipe the tear leaking from his eye, and he comes back to earth with a few chuckles.
“Okay, no, but really, some people can just be the dumbest people in the entire world,” Amy says through catching her breath. She pulls the rest of her hair down as it’s already coming undone, but doesn’t bother fixing her skewed blazer.
“Hey, let’s be honest, maybe they’re not as dumb as their moments. Like I’m pretty damn sure you and I have had many a moments dumb in past,” Jake stumbles to say and Amy has to resist patting down the curls that have stood to one side. 
“God, don’t remind me, and it’s always you,” Amy points accusingly. Jake gasps and slaps her hand away. 
“Noooo,” Jake petulantly says before chugging the last of his drink. She can barely remember what number drink that is, since she’s had the same amount he has. She quickly places her finger back in his face.
“It’s always you who makes me do the dumbest crap in the whole world!”
“Don’t even lie,” he bangs his fist on the table and doesn’t resist the giddy, drunken laugh that comes out of him. And it’s so infectious, his energy and the way his smile makes his eyes all squinty.
“I am not lying! You always make me look like an idiot!” 
“You do that yourself,” he playfully scoffs.
“Right, do you remember the date,” Amy says, punching him on the shoulder. Jake pauses, mouth agape and eyes squinted. The cogs are definitely turning in there, like it does about once a day before it shuts down and let’s his body take over. 
“To be fair, that technically was your fault, if you had just tried being actually a good detective-
“Ohhh, don’t-,” Amy throws her head back.
“Then maybe you would actually have won,” he teases.
“Don’t even start, we were at the same place you got lucky,” her volume rising to overshadow his.
“I did get lucky, I got a date with Lamey Santiagoooo.” He tries to take another sip from his glass and frowns when it turns up empty.
“And it was the fucking best day of your life.” Jake gasps and looks around, lips pursed in suppressed laughter.
“Oh my god, Amy Santiago is cursing. She’s cursing!” He yells out to the rest of the bar. Amy notices the bartender throwing them a warning glance. She places her hands on his arm and shakes him a little.
“Shut up,” she grits through her teeth, but she really can’t even pretend to be serious right now, with the alcohol still coursing, and even feels like it might be a tad worse. “You’re an actual child.”
“Childsayswhat?” She rolls her eyes. That wasn’t even funny back when she was twelve years old.
“I’m not falling for that.”
“Ha, that’s because you’re a nerd.”
“Well, you’re a loser.”
“Actually, you’re the loser, I won the bet,” he grins and Amy groans up at the ceiling. She tips into her mouth the last of her drink and lets it puff out her cheeks. Behind her, a group yells among themselves and she realizes just how alone her and Jake are. It’s not the first time they’ve gotten drinks together, or have been left alone after the squad leaves them for the night.
But ever since everything that’s happened. Teddy. Sofia. Dumb feelings and stupid declarations. Things feel different, something feels inevitable. Like at any moment, something unknown and unsaid can ruin the set rhythm between them. 
But no, she shouldn’t let that ruin things right now. Things are good, they’re great, they’re-
“Do you want to know that this means Amy?” Jake asks, catching himself from swaying just a little.
“Hm,” she asks.
“This means,” he stops to let the pause linger. “that you and I are at the start of an awful relationship.” 
“Oh really,” she says. He’s joking, and they’re drunk. She certainly feels drunk, which is probably why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s definitely why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s just a joke. And it’s not an uncommon occurrence to have people in your life you wouldn’t mind kissing. Or touching. Or other things.
“Yup, we’re at the start of a lifelong terrible relationship that of loservilleness.”
“Ha! So you admit you’re a loser.”
“Amy Santiago, when you take a step back to rediscover the world, you will realize that we all, as one people, are losers.”
“You’re lucky that mostly made sense.” 
“Heck yeah it did. Anyway, back to what I was saying, you and I are about to live a terrible life together. We’re going to framed for a heinous crime we did not commit-”
“Alright,” she says with a shake of her head at his antics. 
It’s a joke, it’s just a joke.
“We’re going to marry at the Chapel near the rat infested Walmart.”
“Okay,” she nods with mock seriousness.
“After we wed, we run away as outlaws to Montana, change our names to Bucky and Birdie-”
“I call Birdie!”
“And we have a son named McClane.” Amy looks at him with an exasperated look, and he can barely contain the mischievous look spreading on his face. 
“Jake, that's a terrible name.” 
“You’re a terrible name!” She wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did try to name their child McClane, he… really loves that movie. But, it’s endearing really, that there’s something he connects to and loves. She likes the way he unapologetically loves.
She taps her chin since he’s staring at her intently for a response. 
“McClane…,” she mumbles to herself. “ooh, you know what? McClane might not be an awful name. If you really think about it, it can also sound like a name for a librarian.” She knows she’s hit a button. He cackles and drops his head into his hands. He turns and glances at her with annoyance, he almost looks impressed.
“Why do you always ruin things that are fun,” he says, tapping her shin lightly with his f. She’s definitely drunk, because even that felt charged. Felt intentional. But she’s just drunk.
“Do you want our son to be named McClane or not?” She says, tapping his shin back. It’s fine if she does, they’re friends. 
“Fine, but I’ll find something to ruin for you.”
“I’m solid as a rock honey, you can’t move me.” Jake raises an eyebrow and smirks. He doesn’t break eye contact when he holds out two fingers and gives her shoulder a firm shove. A stupid squeal escapes her throat as she stumbles off the stool she’s sitting on and lands on her ass.
“Ok, I think that means it's time to go.” 
“Yeah,” she agrees. She holds out her hand for him to help her up. “Walk me?”
Amy’s relieved that she can still mostly walk in a straight line. It isn’t until Jake bumps into her that they start to stumble a little. 
New York is not as busy tonight as it usually is, and she likes the clear path they get to walk in without many obstacles. They gag and skitter around the giant dead rat on the ground, and they have to cover their nose when the worst smell NY has ever produced punches them in the face. Other than that, they’re not bothered and she’s grateful for the cold night air after hours in the hot bar. 
And they haven’t stopped talking since leaving the bar. About the episode of West Wing last night, the bruise Jake got from tripping over Charles’ box of jars of something, Amy’s annoying brother David and the picture of his new car he’d sent to the sibling group chat. 
She thinks Jake is the only person she gets like this with; loud, talkative, and rowdy. It’s the best, and she loves these moments with her best friend. 
“You’re not even ready, Bucky would romance the hell out of you,” he says, poking her lightly in the side.
“Really? Coming from the world’s cheapest date?”
“I’ve gotten no complaints.”
“You’ve gotten many complaints!”
“Not from Birdie.”
“Fair,” she says. 
“I would drive you absolutely insane with my respect for your boundaries. Make you miserable by unconditionally supporting your ambitions,” he says and Amy wrinkles her nose.
“Sounds horrendous.”
“Yup. You’d make me sleep on the couch with how much I get along with your family.”
“Disgusting,” she says. To be fair, she probably would send him to the couch if she caught him having a nice conversation with David. No way will she let David make her husband think he was better than her. In high school, one of her boyfriends left her to pursue her amazing brother. She’s never letting that happen again.
“David?” he asks. 
“David,” she assents. But she’s already ranted about him once today and she doesn’t want to break the Only One Rant About David a Day rule she’s set for herself. “I would pay attention to your interests and actively listen when you speak.”
“That’s just low,” his voice is guttural when he says that and she curses her attraction to deep voices. She clears her throat.
“Buy you intimate gifts from the heart and remind you of my appreciation of your existence every single day,” she says. His hand swaying beside hers lightly brushes against hers, and he continues the conversation like it didn’t happen. He probably didn’t care, maybe he really doesn’t care anymore. 
“Did Teddy do that?” he asks.
“Never missed a day,” she says. 
“Gross, how did you manage,” he barely gets the word out before his foot catches on the edge of a fire hydrant. He releases an ‘oof’ and grabs onto her hand to catch his balance. She’s way too inebriated to catch him, she goes tumbling along with him. She just barely manages to settle herself whereas he goes flat on the floor. 
“Woah, are you okay,” she says, the laugh she makes is almost a cackle. When he looks up at her, his face is red and he can barely breathe with the force of the laughter that shakes his shoulders. She tries to pull him up, grabbing him by the arm and making a feeble attempt to carry him back up. It just barely works, with more fumbling and swaying involved.
“Just like this, I’d support you in all aspects of life,” she teases, helping to steady him on his feet.
“Even if, in our hanky town in Montana-
“I get arrested for assault when someone tries to take the last jar of mayo?”
“Especially then,” she says. It suddenly hits her that her hands are still on his arms, she still has him less than a foot away. He’s so close, way closer than she expected him to be. Despite many years of them working together, on all those stakeouts and nights slaving over case files and evidence, she’s never had him this close. His crooked smile is still there, still goofy and sweet, but it’s changed from what it was a second ago. It’s shy, almost hesitant, surveying something on her face and she wants so badly to know what it means. 
“This doesn’t sound like the worst relationship ever you know,” Jake says and she almost startles when she feels more than sees a hand reaching up to her face, lightly brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. So slight and imperceptible that he might have just been taking something out of her hair. But that’s not the thing that strikes her the most. It’s the look on his face. She’s seen it before, from Teddy, her college boyfriend, the hotdog vendor at the stand near Shake Shack. But never Jake. 
This look seeps low into her stomach and expands into her chest. There’s an overwhelming pang that she wants to chase for miles, just to see where it takes her. She says, “Maybe not.”
It comes out softer than she means it to. It makes what should have been a joke… something else. That inevitable thing. 
Even this stupid life together that they just made up right now, she’s never been able to joke like that with anyone else, never been able to imagine that with them. But with him, maybe it’s just the alcohol she’s probably had too much of, it’s not so ridiculous.
“Is it weird I kind of want to kiss you right now?” he says softly. She’s officially lost. Lost on him and in this moment. It’s so inevitable, it’s so close.
“Is it weird I kind of want you to?” 
Her hands tighten on him, and there’s a moment of bated breath. She almost hates the giddiness she feels bubbling up within. It’s like gravity to just lean forward… and embrace their inevitable.
They’re shaken when a loud horn of a truck breaks the silence as it drives past them. It’s like they’re yanked apart by their surprise and Amy puts a hand on her chest to settle her beating heart. She looks over at Jake. His eyes are wide and no longer glittering the way they were a second ago. The moment is gone. 
“Dammit New York,” Jake says, avoiding her eyes by looking in the direction the truck had left. When he looks back, his eyes are still kind of glazed over from their drinks. She’s sure hers are the same. Their drinks have led to silly jokes and wild fantasies. To whatever the hell that was. 
To Jake’s next brilliant observation. 
“Holy shit, is that a Baskin Robbins?”
“Oooooh,” she says with a gasp. He grabs her arm and they run in the direction of the shop.
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shotosprincess · 4 years
When he loves me — Iwa ♡︎ Oikawa
Tumblr media
ART: UNKNOWN ( i found it as a sticker on picsart since i couldnt find any good iwaoi screencaps so if yk who the artist is plspls lmk !! ty !! )
。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆
pairing: iwa x oikawa
summary: iwa shyly plays oikawa a song he wrote on a whim ,, and years later ,, after they fell apart ,, oikawa attends one of iwa’s concerts and hears their song,, the song,, once more .
genre: angst + fluff !! <3 ugh i love oikawa my bby but i absolutely love him and iwa together sm too ajjdjjf
a/n: 3am writing for comfort innit (•̀ᴗ•́)و smhsmh it’s lowkey so dramatic ?? idk why i was feeling so melancholic ?? but i live for the yearning anyways lmao <//3
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“ Hey...wanna...hear something I’ve been working on? “
Iwa’s voice shifted to one of a far softer tone, unusually uncertain of himself as he gripped the bedsheets beneath him in an anxious hold, turning away from Oikawa whilst a deep vermillion blush tainted his shy-stricken face.
The hazel-haired setter lifted his mouth into a gentle smile, skin mirroring a similar red to Iwa’s. His head lolled to the side, and Iwa swore he felt something flutter within him. The fist which he clutched the bedsheets within closed even further.
“ Sure, Iwa-chan! “
A hard gulp. Iwa swallowed his nerves down, fingers hovering over the strings of his freshly-purchased guitar, hesitant. Trembling, even.
Light wisps of brown swept just over Oikawa’s eyes as he put down the volleyball he had been mindlessly spinning, and covered Iwa’s hands with his own. He looked up with a reassuring grin, deepened-honey gaze colliding with one of the enchanting midnight sky.
“ It’s okay. It’s just me. But of course, you don’t have to play if you don’t wan— “
Iwa swats his hand away. “ Of course I wanna, dumbass! “ He barked.
With a frustrated huff, his fingers find a home amongst the sound as they begin to delicately strum the translucent strings. His eyes fell closed, lost in the music, albeit fairly cliche, as he wordlessly played the song which was most special to him.
For what reason it held such a cherished place in his heart, he did not know. Not truly, at least. Admittedly, he had written it purely on a whim, clutching onto the fleeting remnants of a foreign euphoric high. The crazed rush of fingers furiously clacking against the keyboard filled the silence of his room, lasting well into the evening. He had so much to say, so much to express, and yet it was only through the words appearing on the screen in which he could ever hope to communicate it.
He had never even planned on sharing it. After all, it was merely a crappy, rushed song put together purely by the rawness of an unknown emotion, and during ungodly hours of the night out of all times. It was nothing special, really.
To him, at least.
And yet in a hushed, timid tone, he began to sing:
“ I don’t wanna seem the way I do...but I’m confident when I’m with you... “
Oikawa’s lips parted in sheer awe. The delicate swirls of the instrumental blended flawlessly into the angelic quality of Iwa’s singing. His muscles tensed. He shook it away.
What the hell is this? Was he...nervous? No, no, it can’t be. This is Oikawa-fucking-Tooru we’re talking about!
He could do nothing but stare intently in a silent adoration as he allowed his heartbeat to meld with the smoothness of the melody, sweeping him out of Iwa-chan’s bedroom and into a whole other universe entirely. One where there exists no pain, no sadness, no fear. One where tears dried before they could even splatter upon the ground. One where everything was happy and perfect and...good.
Five years have passed, yet I miss him all the same. If anything, the ache has only grown to, somehow, prove itself increasingly unbearable over the time we’ve spent apart. My stare falls upon my guitar. Not the new one, which is this modern, flashy model with a bold red design, but my first-ever guitar, boasting its worn-out strings and dulled body. The hole in my heart digs itself impossibly deeper.
We had dated not long after that night—the night I played my song to him, and suddenly it became our song. We would whip it out like a handy party trick whenever we’d hangout with the rest of the team, and it was...nice to say the very least. Well, while it lasted, of course. Highschool love, teenage love, is constantly fleeting. Temporary. That was my philosophy at least, until Oikawa Tooru appeared and changed everything. I disregarded every sense of rationality, and all for the blissful rush of romance which he offered. The sneaking out, the small notes snuck into each other’s lockers, the way he draped his jacket over me when I got cold, the tender kisses shared in a darkened room.
I loved it. All of it. And when I lost him, I missed him too. All of him.
I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised, though. After all, teenage love is but a transient feeling, is it not? I had to drill the reiteration of my old motto back into my head when we split, so that I may never allow myself to yield to the temptations of love, or at least the attractive promise of one, ever again. Eventually, we had to go our separate ways. He pursued volleyball, and I chased relentlessly after a different growing passion of mine, though honestly rather unexpected; music.
And now here I am. Sitting backstage at my own show, waiting patiently for my cue. My foot taps a random rhythm against the floor as I mentally debate with myself whether or not my choice for the opening song truly was the best option.
I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?
He might be watching.
Fair, but would he even recognize me? Does he even remember me at all? I mean, it’s been so long...
I think he’d remember something as sentimental as the song you first played him. I mean, you were the first guy he ever dated.
Yeah, keyword: “ dated “. He’s probably moved on by now.
Shit, do you think he’s found someone new already? What if he brought them to the show?
Nah, nah. That’s highly unlikely. Impossible, even. The latter, that is. It’s not exactly that popular of a show.
Right, you’re right. So there’s nothing to worry about. Hakuna-fuckin-matata, right?
I suck in a sharp breath as the lights come on, laughing dryly.
My hands fiddle with one another as I push my way past the busy crowd to find a spot amongst the front row. A cheery girl with astonishingly-saturated red hair and an almoat-overwhelming brightness about her, greets me. I scoff, amused.
A fangirl, no doubt. Charming.
“ Oikawa! Ohmygoshohmygosh, Oikawa Tooru!! Hi!! I’m—I’m— “
I glance at the front row, which is only a few steps away, as her blubbered words start to blur together. I laugh.
“ A fan, right? Want my autograph or something? A picture, maybe? “
Her eyes light up vastly and she begins to bounce up and down with the same enthusiasm I’ve noticed to be common among practically all fangirls.
“ YES! Ohmygosh, yesyesyesYES!! “
My grin widens as I click my blue pen, which I carry around for autographs ( oh, the pains of being famous ), and hurriedly sign my name on her collared shirt. It was a fairly pretty garment, I’ll admit, but at this moment I didn’t really care, and I’m sure neither did she, judging by the way she squealed excitedly and took a spam of what had to be a million-and-one selfies with it.
I finally find a place among the jumping people at the front, taking in the atmosphere. The lights dim, and brighter white ones turn on in their place.
The show is about to start.
“ Hey, everyone. I— “ The mic whines with feedback. I wince, wrapping my free hand around it and trying again.
“ I’m—I’m opening with a song that’s very dear to me. I wrote it way back in highschool, but it’s always stuck with me, kinda like a safety net...of sorts. I uh, hope you enjoy. “
Shit, why am I being so damn awkward? I’ve never been this awkward before a show. Maybe it’s because of that damn opening song. Oh well. Too late to back out now.
Irritated, I push the thought away, wetting my lips as the drowning claps and whoops from the crowd cheer me on. My hand hovers just over the strings. It’s shaking. No matter. I close my eyes, and imagine him holding them. Him encompassing my hands within the warmth of his, just like he did all those years, which were now lost in the past. Him looking at me, him telling me it’s okay. Him.
I breathe all my nerves out.
And I begin to play.
The awkwardness melts away almost instantaneously as I pour every dripping ounce of my heart out into the song, the music swelling wildly with every emotion I had forced in for the dreariness of these five years. My eyes shoot open when the chorus hits. I feel like I’m king of the world.
I catch a familiar set of eyes. Richly brown. Deep.
Oh shit.
My breath hitches when I realize who they belong to; Him. His. He-
No, no, it couldn’t be. Could it?
It felt too real, as if I’ve somehow managed to reduce his very existence to nothing but romanticized self indulgent daydreams of what we once had, woven into the vast vagueness of song lyrics with a naïve hope of what could’ve been. And now here he was, at my concert of all places, for god knows what reason. The colourful lights fell upon his face in the most flattering manner, though admittedly I suppose anything would be flattering on him either way. But under this light especially, at my concert, he looked nothing short of perfect. Of lovely.
But of course he was. This was Oikawa-fucking-Tooru, after all.
The chorus hits with a sharp accent. I belt with all that I am, for the boy who took a rough sketch of a dream and made it reality, for the boy who found an unmatched sense of home among those of his highschool volleyball team, for the boy who wound up so foolishly falling in love with his best friend. For him, for my fans, but most of all, for me.
“ But when he loves me, I feel like I’m floating, when he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody— “
I maintain eye contact with him. It’s scary, burning holes into my tattered soul, which I had pieced together so carefully with cathartic lyrics scratched into the pages of creased notebooks. I’m secretly scared that his gaze will somehow break it all down again. But that’s when I finally understand; it’s him. This, this song, it’s about him. It’s always been about him. There will be no one else, could be no one else for me. That...sheer elation, the unfiltered emotion which sparked this song to begin with—I understood now. That was love. More specifically, love which my chest held for Oikawa. It’s as if I’ve been harshly disillusioned to see what I’d been unconsciously denying all these years, seeing him here. It’s always been Oikawa. How could I not have known? After all, I’m constantly recalling the day he held me in a tight embrace after one of our best matches, happy tears staining my damp jersey as he whispered in my ear the praise I’ve subconsciously always wished to hear.
“ You did good. “
Though it seems painfully mundane, simple to anyone else, it was...different, coming from his lips, hearing it in his voice. I took that compliment and kept it close to me for all eternity, immortalizing it within the varying notes of this song. I stare right back at him with a newfound fervour, an unknown intent, a epiphanic strength.
“ Even when we fade eventually to nothing, you will always be my favourite form of lovely. “
His eyes widen.
My heart clenches as Iwa freely powers through the rest of the song. But during this moment, it feels as though it was created solely for us. As if the universe, as if fate itself had decided that despite the harshness of this world, and every little force fighting to keep us apart, this one moment, if anything, was ours. Truly ours. Our song, our moment. Ours. Time suspended itself indefinitely as the onyx hearth of his gaze finally met with mine. Unexpectedly enough, it stayed there.
And everything fell into place.
The song didn’t take me to a paradise without tears, or pain, or sorrow anymore. It took me to a place with Iwa in it. I realize now that...I want the tears. I want the pain. I want the grief. I want the good and the bad and the light and the dark, so long as I can have Iwa there with me through it all. I want him. All of him. I’ve want to love him enough to love his “ unglam “ moments and his admirable aspects all the same. I want to be there with him through every body-wrecking tear, every hearty laugh, and every glimmer of happiness. I want to be able to see the face he makes during a scary movie, to open an umbrella for him during the rain. I want to see the sunlight glow upon his cheek, I want to count the stars with him until I fall asleep. I want everything about him, for to me, he is everything. And it’s this song...this damned song which brought it all back.
It was ours. And I realize now...it was about...me. I mean, I’ll admit that I’ve always been a little more on the conceited side, but how could you deny it? It had to be. It had to. Had to. I wanted it to, at least. I wanted it to be about me so desperately, it sent a cold pain through my chest. A single, lonely tear falls down my cheek as the crowd around me erupts into a sea of laughter and off-tune singing from the audience.
What if it wasn’t? I mean, you guys broke up. You told him you moved on. Yes, it was a lie to lessen the pain, but he didn’t know that. What if it was about someone else completely and you’d just been an idiot this whole time? What if—
The concert comes to a close much faster than I thought it would, much faster than I would’ve ever wished for it to. I don’t know what I’m doing, what I’m thinking, but my legs move before I even have a chance to question them. I’ve always been one to think before acting, hence why I’m such a star on the court, but this time, my emotions seem to be taking over. I don’t know what’s come over me, what this unusual, hot feeling is. It’s exciting and intimidating all at once, and I hate it because I know what it must be. In a hot flash, I find myself standing at the door of Iwa’s changing room. How many bodyguards I must have recklessly shoved out of the way to get here in the blur of adrenaline, I don’t even want to begin to think about.
My hand freezes over the door. “ Iwa “ is engraved in bold gold letters with a deeply-etched star sticking out at the bottom. Taking a deep breath, I knock frantically.
“ I-Iwa-chan? It’s uh...it’s Oikawa. “
I pause in the midst of buttoning up my shirt. A solid three are left undone. But his voice...how could I ignore it? Ignore him? I haven’t heard his voice in what feels like eternity, but I’d be kidding myself if I had said I’d forgotten it. The constant yearning was always so irritating. Such a pain. At least it made for decent music, I mean, I’ve been booking shows. But alas, one problem before another.
“ O-Oikawa? “ I slowly pace to the doorknob as I twist it open.
Holy shit.
It is him after all. He hasn’t changed a bit. He remains the charming, handsome man I remember him to be, even after all this time has passed.
“ How’d you get—why are you here? “
“ Iwa, there’s...there’s just...there’s something I need to ask. “
“ Huh? “
“ That song...our song.... “
“ Shit, right! I, uh...sorry. I didn’t ask you about it because I honestly didn’t expect you to show up at all. It’s been what, five years? “ I stumble subtly over my words, rubbing the back of my neck.
He turns away sheepishly. Almost...longingly, even.
“ Yeah...it has. “
He clicks his tongue.
“ Who, uh...who was that song about? The curiosity’s been eating at me. “
A heat rises to my cheeks. A pause.
“ I—It—Ugh, fuck it. “
I’ve never been the best at talking directly to Oikawa, not since I realized that what I felt for him extended to something past the bounds of friendship. So I decided to do the only thing I knew to do in that moment—show him instead.
My lips crash against his as he slams the door behind him. The palpable tension between us is shattered immediately, and everything is faded out into insignificance. All that matters is the man in my arms, the man I’d been longing so desperately, so hopelessly for all this fucking time. I kiss him against the smoothness of the door, hands immediately trailing to his soft locks. I twirl and twine them as I see flashes, bright hues of heaven itself. His lips upon mine are the most perfect fit. His touch is painfully intoxicating, and I show him, wordlessly, with an unparalleled fervour—just who the song was about. He melts into it, matching my energy with a foreign sense of passion.
“ Do you think...the universe is gonna try to separate us again? “ I ask softly, voice barely even a whisper. Tears wet my lashes at the very thought of being without him again. For those five years, though I was living my dream...it didn’t feel complete. Not without him. I blink them away aggressively, focusing on the night sky above us. My head is resting in his lap, and we’re simply...existing together beneath the curtain of darkened pools which hung above our twined bodies.
Iwa strokes my hair nonchalantly as he interlocks his fingers with mine. “ Of course. It always will. But we found each other didn’t we? And even after...even after this life has passed and we’re reduced to nothing but ash, I’m convinced we’ll meet again. One way or another. “
He tucks a straying tuft of hair from brushing my lashes.
“ Even then...even then you’ll still be my favourite form of lovely. Or whatever. “ He scoffs at his own over-poetic response, looking away with a tiny smirk.
“ Okay, Mr. Songwriter! “ I tease, nudging his side in a playful manner.
He rolls his eyes, bending down to kiss me once more.
For the first time in a long time, I feel complete. I’m on cloud 9.
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