#the most insufferable people you’ve met are together
the-raging-tempest · 4 months
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Making up
Zrise and @bearvanhelsing’s Aria
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rninies · 13 days
LATE NIGHT DANCING SESSION ft suna rintarou — suna inviting you to dance instead of sleeping late at night
wc: 0.7k ノcw + tw: fem!reader, pet names (baby), suna is a good dancer and you're not lmao, fluff just pure fluff
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suna rintarou is an insufferable man.
sure he has been your boyfriend for a year already, but you are still not used to his stupid antics, always dragging you to stupid and silly scenarios.
tonight is one of those nights, unfortunately. instead of sleeping early for classes tomorrow, suna turned on his bluetooth speaker, blasting loud music.
“rin-” you covered your ears, not wanting your ears to bleed. “could you lower the volume?!” instead of replying, suna only shrugged, vibing to the music. “rin!”
“WHAT?” suna replies loudly. “I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”
you rolled your eyes and walked over to the speaker, immediately pausing the song. “are you crazy? you’re going to wake the neighbors!”
“baby please,” suna huffs. “they’re never going to complain. besides, i’m pretty sure they’re night owls too.”
“and how would you know that?” you asked. “you’ve never even talked to them!”
suna stops in his place. “h-how would you know if i have or never have talked to our neighbours? i’m not as shy as you!”
you scoff. “yeah right. you’re not shy but you certainly dislike talking to people you’ve never met! come on rin, i’ve been with you for more than a year already. don’t act like i don’t know you.”
“seriously you never let me have my fun anymore,” suna pouts fiddling with the speaker. as he is about to turn it off, he pauses, and you can practically see a lightbulb turn on beside his head. “hey, y/n?”
“what…?” you ask, though you have a feeling it’s not going to be good.
“can we dance together?” suna asks, and you immediately shake your head. “what? why?” he practically whines when you start stepping away from him.
“you know how bad of a dancer i am!” you exclaim. “i’m not the best at this.”
“you've stepped on my foot at least ten times, trust me, i know.” suna replies. “come on, dance with me once and we can go to sleep. the earlier we do this the more sleep we can get for tomorrow’s class. we have your least favorite class tomorrow, right?”
you gasp. “oh my god you’re right.” you bit your lip, contemplating whether you should take his offer or not. seeing suna cock his head to the side a little with his hand stretched out in front of him makes you sigh in defeat. “okay fine. but you better lend me your notes tomorrow! i am not going to be taking notes.”
“you have a deal.” suna grabs your hand pulling you closer to him. “what song would you like to dance to?”
“anything that isn’t too long,” you say. suna smiles, and once again, instead of complying with your wishes, he chooses a song that lasts about 5 whole minutes. “suna-!”
“you won’t even notice how long it is, trust me.” suna cuts you off before you can say anything. “just trust me.” he presses play and a slow song starts. suna guides you slowly, making sure you can remember all the steps. “why are you so stiff? loosen up a little.”
“i’m trying,” you huff. “it’s just- it’s weird…”
“what’s weird, hm?” suna asks so softly. “don’t tell me it’s weird dancing with me?”
“no!” you protested, trying to relax your body. “it’s just weird how you’re so good at dancing. i didn't know you knew how to dance.” 
“and you say you know me well. there's a lot you don't know about me, then.” suna teases you, to which you pout.
catching you off guard, suna suddenly dips your waist, and you immediately wrap your arms around his shoulder. “oh my god- suna rintarou! what the hell was that?!”
“what? it’s the most classic dance move to ever exist!” suna smiles, keeping your body steady with his arms. “don’t tell me you’ve never dreamed of doing this dance with your sweet and handsome boyfriend before?”
you scoff, rolling your eyes. “as if. i can’t dance, why would i even dream of doing that?”
“aw, you’re breaking my heart, love.” suna pouts slightly, and the song ends just as he says that.
“wha-” your eyes drift over to the speaker as suna lifts you back up. “the song’s over already?”
suna hums. “mhm. you want more?” he gives you a teasing smirk, and you immediately shake your head.
“nope! it’s time for bed, come on we have a long day tomorrow with that boring lecture.” you quickly push suna’s back to your shared bedroom.
suna could only laugh, letting himself get pushed around by you. 
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callme-darling · 2 months
all these ppl in ur asks talking abt Pierre has me tweaking thinking about a continuation of ur rival!pierre fic where he picks a fight w u in front of everyone then goes on to worship u when yall r alone 😵‍💫😵‍💫
the cow prince & the dairy queen (pt.2)
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: rivals with benefits dynamic, pierre is a bit of a prick, smut, little plot, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, car sex, mentions of alcohol, pls let me know if i missed anything
a/n: this isn’t really a finished piece, but pls accept these pierre chavanges crumbs🙏🏻 (side note: this is lowkey FILTHY)
you can find pt.1 here
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it had been a few weeks since yours and pierre’s fling in the pasture. a part of you was content to leave it as that—a one time act of lust; nothing more, nothing less. you both seemingly went back to your respective work; tending to your own farms with little more than an occasional nod or glare in the others direction depending on the day.
you would have been happy to never speak of it, let alone think of it. it seems, however, your happiness is irrelevant when it comes to circumstance.
fabrice was hosting a small, informal get together for the community. well technically another of his friends put it all together, fabrice simply agreed to host it at his house. and just about everyone in town was invited; including, of course, pierre chavanges.
initially, you were going to decline the invitation, but it was rare to see anyone else these days, and rarer still to be able to talk to them for more than a fleeting passing-by. so you agreed and gave fabrice a kind thanks before hanging up the phone. and now you stand in his yard, mentally kicking yourself to be so naive to think this was a good idea.
all was well for the first half hour or so. you made amiable conversation with some people you knew, some you didn’t, and the plastic cup in your hand was a comforting weight of liquid courage. yes, all was well—until you heard a loud chorus of cheers come from near the house. instantly, you smile fell when you saw whose presence was the cause for the ruckus.
you secretly had hoped he would decline the invitation, much like you almost had. but, also like yourself, he must have felt a keen obligation to his friends to at least make an appearance.
and almost immediately, your eyes met. his eyes narrowed in on you, like a predator singling out the weakest of the herd. you finish your drink and slide into a thicker part of the crowd, hoping to get the pair of lingering eyes off of you.
for nearly an hour you succeeded in avoiding one another. but then, as the party gradually began to taper off and more people began to head for their respective homes, you were drug into fabrice’s kitchen for a ‘final round’ before officially calling it a night.
and to everyone’s surprise, and your dismay, pierre had managed to stick it out too.
everyone was in boisterous conversation while you studied the contents of the cup in your hand, the earthy beer a little musty to your tastes.
“say, y/n-“ you’re pulled from your thoughts by one of the guys, “you’ve been awfully quiet tonight. don’t tell me we’re boring you.”
you force a small laugh at the jest, your eyes briefly glancing around the small room, unsurprised to find pierre looking straight at you. “no, no,” you shake your head, reclining your hips against the counter. “just been a long day.”
“the queen probably finds our conversations below herself.” the guys laugh heartily at pierre’s cheap jab. you just roll your eyes, you and pierre are easily the most sober in the room, so you excuse the others. but your glare finds pierre’s easily.
his tall friend picks up on the animosity quickly despite his inebriation, his eyes glimmering with drunken glee as he points, “ooh c’mon guys. let’s not fight, you’re both equally insufferable when you get like this.”
“i’m perfectly fine. i’m afraid it’s your friend who can’t get off his high horse.”
pierre doesn’t break eye contact as he tilts his head slightly, “she’s right. we should be nice to her majesty. we all know she’s had a rough season, after all.”
“the hell is that supposed to mean, chavanges?” your grip tightens around your cup enough to make the thin material crackle.
everyone else seems to catch the tension in the atmosphere shift from friendly pestering to something more hostile. everyone but pierre, whose lips ever so slightly twitch into a shit eating grin.
“what do you think it sounds like?”
you hold his hard stare for a long moment. ‘it’s not worth it’ you decide. you turn slightly to pour the remnants of your drink into the sink. “it sounds like it’s time for me to excuse myself.”
the boys make sounds of disapproval, some of them throwing their arms up at pierre in a silent complaint of ‘what the hell man?’, but pierre only kept his steely eyes on you, an air of indisputable satisfaction behind his expression.
you’re walking along the dirt road that’ll take you home when a set of yellow headlights illuminate your shadow. you shuffle to the side of the path, nearly standing in the shallow ditch when the vehicle slows to a stop just behind you.
“get in, princess.”
you roll your eyes when the distinct tone of pierre’s voice hits your ears. you ignore him and begin walking in the direction of your house again. a strong gust of wind wips past you. instinctively, your arms wrap around your midsection as you grumble under your breath.
pierre merely inches his truck forward, it’s muddied wheels creeping alongside you. “c’mon, get in the truck. it’s freezing.”
you grit your teeth. “i’d rather take my chances freezing then, thanks”
he chuckles and the sound nearly has you seeing red. “go the fuck home, chavanges.”
it didn’t matter how cold you were, or how nice a ride in the warm truck cab sounded. you were not so desperate to grant him the gratification of doing you a favor, no matter how minuscule.
“christ y/n,” he practically growled in nothing short of annoyance, “get in the fucking truck.”
you stop walking, a huff of warm breath dissipating into the cold air. you stand against the cold wind for a moment longer, feeling his eyes rake over you from behind. then with a resigned sigh, you wordlessly stalk to the passenger side of the truck and pull open the door.
neither of you say a word as you slip into the seat, but you can feel his eyes boring a hole in the side of your head.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you finally say.
you catch the way his tongue prods the inside of his cheek before he starts driving along the quickly darkening road.
“you’re really pissed?” he asks after a long stretch of silence.
you’re looking out the window, forehead resting against the cool glass. “you’re really an asshole?”
“come on now, don’t be like that.”
you chuckle at the audacity of this man, though it comes out more like a scoff. “i take it back. you’re a piece of shit.”
“mm, that’s not what it sounded like when you were moaning my name,” he says flatly. “though, it has been a bit so maybe my memory is getting foggy.” and the pointed look he gave you left you with no need to discern what meaning lurked under the surface.
you held your breath as you leveled his gaze. the tension in the cab was oppressive. it took a good moment for you to realize he had parked his truck in one of the pull-offs. your mouth suddenly felt dry.
“tell me, princess,” you hated how your stomach fluttered at the way he said the nickname you hated so much, “does it make you angry when i do that?”
“you’re going to have to be more specific,” you breathe out. “you do a lot of things that piss me off.” you mentally curse when you catch yourself glimpsing to his lips.
he grins. “do you hate when i call you out, give you a hard time? does it make your blood boil?” he doesn’t give you a chance to answer before he’s leaning closer, his eyes sharp as they scan your face. “and does it make you angrier knowing that the guy who gets you so riled up is the same guy you let fuck you in a field a couple weeks ago?”
you swallow, jaw clenching as you turn to look out your window again. then in a moment of stupid courage, likely fueled by the traces of alcohol still running in your veins, you ask the first question that flashed in your mind.
“is this your way of saying once wasn’t enough for you?”
his reply was quick and void of any hints of deception. your lips parted when his answer shocked your system, instantaneously leaving you at a loss for words.
he gauged your reaction, eyes searching yours. when you say nothing, he sighs, though it’s more blasé than irritated. “you know, you’re real annoying when you go quiet like that. for all the complaining and whining you do, i know you have something in that little head of yours you want to say.” he reaches across the console of the truck to gently grab your chin. “yes or no?”
you didn’t need any further context to know what he was asking. you chew on the inside of your lip, chin titled ever so slightly by his thumb, and nod once.
“that won’t do.” he clicks his tongue and murmurs lowly, “use your words, princess.”
you lean in close, eyes steady on his as you whisper, “you can fuck me, chavanges, but i won’t beg.”
his eyes glinted with an unsaid challenge. the thumb holding your chin brushed over your bottom lip, the featherlight touch submerging your stomach in water. “we’ll see about that.”
when he pressed his lips to yours, you swear your senses completely shut everything else out. his movements were slow, languid, as his lips moved in time with yours. his tongue gently nudged past your lips.
even now, you can tell there’s been a shift since the time in the pasture. pierre was much more deliberate and subdued.
you could feel yourself leaning more into his touch, the top half of your body nearly laying on the center console. his rough hand found your jaw and pulled you even closer with a muffled groan.
you straddled his lap in the cramped truck, your ass threatening to bump against the horn until two hands pulled your hips securely on top of his. “fuck, you’re pretty like this.” the combination of his throaty compliment and his fingers digging into your hips had your breath hitching.
eyes half lidded, you peer down at him. your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as you keep your face hovering over his. “what would you do if i just up and left? just got out of this truck of yours and left you here like this.”
pierre have you a cheeky grin, unadulterated confidence gleaming in his eyes. “we both know you wouldn’t.” he leaned close so his lips tickled your ear, “i fuck you too good for you to even consider it.”
“then you better not disappoint, chavanges.”
his grin only grew, grip on your hips moving to cup your ass. “don’t you worry, princess. just let me take care of ya.”
“oh? is the prince feeling chivalrous?”
a hand on your neck has your eyes fluttering as he whispers against your warm skin, “i suggest you be nice.” then his lips were on your throat, tongue teasing the sensitive flesh while his teeth nipped little red marks across your chest.
you fingers are in his hair as he undoubtedly leaves marks that won’t fade for a couple days over your skin. you’ll be irritated tomorrow, but for now you allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of his fleeting touch.
his large hands gave your ass another squeeze, grinding you against his jean-covered, half hard cock. you always hated how your body betrayed you, the way you can feel your pussy practically soaking through your panties and onto his lap.
pierre groans underneath you, his fingers pulling your shirt over your head, his other hand unclasping your bra with a fumbling grasp that only added to the heat of the truck. his lips abandon your neck in favor of your tits. his eyes watched you as he took one of your nipples into his mouth, rolling the sensitive nub under his tongue. his palm groped at your other breast, fingers teasingly pulling at your skin as you whine.
his mouth pulls off you with a minute wet ‘pop’. he grinned up at you, eyes no doubt studying the growing blush on your cheeks. “y’know, you sound prettier like this than when you’re bitchin’.”
you tugged his hair, a warning.
he ignores it. “fuck.. i can’t wait anymore.” it’s embarrassing, how your pussy clenched around nothing at his words. your chest shone with the warmth of his spit as his breath fans across your skin. you shudder as his fingernails skim up your arm and down the front of your collarbone. “gotta feel that little pussy of yours, been too long.”
the transition to you shimmying your worn jeans down your legs was anything but graceful, but pierre didn’t seem to mind as his own hips raised to deftly push his own pants to his thighs. the windows were already beginning to fog over with a sheen of warmth. you both took a moment, chests softly heaving in unison before pierre’s hands rubbed along your ribs and waist, wordlessly soothing the nerves crawling over your skin.
he brought his face closer to yours again, his nose nudging the column of your neck before inhaling. “been thinking about this since that day.”
you’d sooner take yourself out to pasture than admit you’d been the same. you could practically feel his sick twitch beneath the thin material of his boxers, the heat emanating from his body making your mind hazy. you whine despite yourself, pussy clenching around nothing when his finger traces over the elastic band of your panties.
“pierre, don’t tease.” it’s meant to be a warning, but it comes out breathier than needier than you anticipated.
his touch becomes more assertive, borderline experimental, as his thumb dips to the front of your crotch, easily ghosting over your clit while his eyes watch you with a glimmer of piqued enthusiasm. “are you in a rush?”
his warm breath paired with the tentative touches makes your eyes flutter. “i wanna take my time with you, this time.” finally, his long fingers tug the slick material covering your heat to the side. the calloused pads of his fingers tease your wet folds. you flush with a bright heat when the only sound in the truck is the audible wet clicking coming from pierre shamelessly playing with your soaked pussy.
your head falls to pierre’s shoulder, eyes squeezed shut as your hips twitch to meet his hand. there’s no doubt your bottom lip is gonna be bruised with how you’re biting into it, but it does little to stop the pathetic sounds from reaching his ears.
“fuck..” his low groan sends sparks down your spine. “you’re so fucking wet, i love it…”
as if to emphasize his words, he slips two long fingers into your dripping hole. your hands clutch onto his shoulders, nails pricking through his shirt but god- you were both so pent up at this point, any humiliation only added to the desperation.
pierre’s lips pressed a wet kiss onto your shoulder. the feeling of his fingers slowly dragging in and out of your cunt doubled with the material of your soft panties catching your clit with each shift of his palm, you were made pliant in a matter of minutes.
“god… missed this,” pierre stifles a groan when you clench around his fingers embarrassingly tight, “so much.”
a hand on your throat drags your face to his and his mouth is on you before you fully register his fingers leaving your heat. you’re holding back a whine when he finally frees his dick, blushed an angry red and leaking pre, from his boxers. your eyes are fixated on his cock and it only strokes his ego.
pierre’s breath warms the shell of your ear as he whispers, “you can deny it until you’re blue in the face, but i know you’ve been thinking about how i fuck you everyday since the field.”
you drag your gaze to meet his and even in the darkness of the truck cab, you can see the hunger in his eyes.
his thumb smears the precum from his tip down his shaft as he gives his cock a pump before you lift your hips. your head falls back slightly as you sink down onto his length. you both breathe softly when you finally bottom out, and it takes everything in you not to start bouncing on his lap.
instead, you bite back a small moan and give the man beneath you a heady glare, “you better not fall for me, chavanges.”
he returns it with a toothy grin, mouth already coming to hover over yours. “i definitely won’t fall for you. i just love to hate you.”
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kaigarax · 6 months
Sleeping Willow
Or This is How to Endear Others
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Iguro Obanai x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love with an unexpected moment of gentleness."
It is of the utmost importance, regardless of someone’s age, gender or race, to be excellent in at least one thing. One must not merely excel at this single task but be fundamentally better than anyone else within similar circumstances attempting to accomplish that very same task and in a location relative to yours.
Of course, this entire theory can be ultimately tossed out and entirely forsaken if one does not wish to become important (in any way whatsoever) and hopes to maintain an ordinary life. It should be noted that by choosing to ignore this most radical and sensible piece of advice you are outright denying oneself of all human pleasures that fall into either category of dreams or desires.
This piece is, of course, only one of seven different instructionals to help guide you into a world of excellence. One should hope to not just entertain themselves with these pieces of work but look to apply them into their everyday life. Once again, it should be noted that all pieces should be read and thought on for a maximum absorption of the materials.
Now, without further ado, this is how to endear others.
“You’re not very likeable, huh?” You tease, walking ever so slightly ahead, your hands behind your back as if you’re an old woman.
Iguro Obanai scoffs, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re not very good at getting others to like you, Iguro.” You answered. Obanai has half a mind to smack you over your head with the back of his hand (lightly of course) for your disrespectful attitude. You didn't even use honorifics when addressing him. At least, this time, you used his last name so he holds back.
“Oh?” Obanai raises a brow, “and you are?”
“Of course.” You answer as though it’s a matter of fact rather than an opinion, “have you met someone that doesn't like me?”
Obanai grins beneath his mask, “I don’t.”
“My heart!” You exclaim, bringing a hand to your chest as if you’ve been mortally wounded.
Obanai, still grinning, rolls his eyes, “don’t be dramatic.”
“Ugh,” Obanai’s never been a fan of overly emotive people but even more he hates someone while they’re down in the dumps. He knows, of course, that you’re playing around but prefers not to take the chance, “don’t worry too much about it.”
You perk up, “oh, we should do things around town together today.”
“What? Why?”
“You have the time off, don’t you?” You smile, “you should do something instead of staying cooped up all day.”
Obanai raises a brow, “and why should I spend that time with you?”
“I’ll teach you how to endure others.”
“Why would I care to do that?”
“Who doesn't like being liked?”
“You’re insufferable.”
You grin, “and right.”
Just what had he gotten himself into?
“So, step one to getting people to like you is smiling.”
Obanai gives you a look that says “really.” It also happens to be what he says.
“And no,” you say, “you don’t need just your mouth to smile. So yes, this is easily something that you can accomplish.”
“How so?”
“Your eyes.” You give him a smile, your eyes beaming into his own, “even if people don’t know it themselves, their subconscious determines how they should feel about someone by how you look at them. If you’re glaring at someone they’re obviously going to be wary of you even if you don’t have any bad intentions.”
“Try it out!”
Obanai tries his best to soften his eyes. Moves his mouth upwards in a smile too, in hopes of it spurring on his own ‘eye smile’ but only works to frustrate him further.
Obanai sighs, “it’s not working.”
“What do you mean ‘why’?”
“Why don’t you think it’s working?”
“Because there’s nothing for me to smile about. Nothing here worth smiling about in the first place.”
“So, why don’t you think about something worth smiling about?” You ask, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
As if it was that easy!
Why did he even agree to this in the first place? It’s not as if he wants to spend time with you in the first place. But… Being around you is better than being alone. No one ever wants to be alone in this world, right?
You are… fun to be around. Sure, you usually end up making him do crazy or weird things but it’s not as if you’ve ever forced him into doing something he doesn't really want to. In fact, a lot of the time he actually ends up enjoying the kinds of things the two of you do together. At first he only tolerated your presence because Mitsuri was so fond of you. He isn’t exactly sure when he started to like you in the first place? Maybe some time during the third mission the two of you had gone on together?
When he first noticed how pretty your smile was?
“What’re you smiling about?” You ask.
Obanai huffs, “who says I’m smiling.”
“Oh boy,” you sigh, “looks like we’re back to square one.”
“Can we try something else?”
“Sure. What’re you thinking of trying?”
Obanai’s gaze wanders around the room, his eyes lingering on the window, “maybe we could head outside? Wander around the town and find something interesting to do? That was the original plan, right?”
“Yeah,” you smile, “that sounds nice.”
Huh, you really did have a pretty smile.
“What’re you doing?” Obanai asks.
The young girls that had been sitting around you scamper off, running towards the other tables of the room as Obanai takes a seat beside you. You don’t bother looking up but scoot closer to him and hold up a series of woven together strings. He imagines there’s a design there of some sort but he can’t make it out since you’ve decided to only use white string.
“What’re you doing?” You ask, repeating Obanai’s words back to him.
Obanai sighs, leaning his head on the table in front of him, “just looking around.”
“So wasting time?”
“As if you aren’t also wasting time.”
You bring a hand to your chest as if you’d just been mortally wounded, “you wound me. I was here making gifts for my sweetest Tsuguko.”
“A bracelet?”
You smile, “of course! I always try to bring her something small when I go off on trips without her.”
“You’re quite fond of her, aren’t you?”
“She’s a sweet thing and a nice girl - at least beneath that hard exterior she tries her best to put up. Experienced more loss than anyone her age should have so I try my best to show her little acts of kindness.” You explain, “show her this world isn’t just chaos and pain.”
“That’s rather…” Obanai ponders for a moment, as if trying to pick the perfect word, eventually settling on, “admirable of you.”
“Surprising, huh?”
“Yes,” Obanai looks away, “and no.”
Obanai has never once in his life considered himself a man of indecision. He did sometimes choose not to act when he should have but never has he been torn on a situation before. Right now though seemed to bring up a part of him that he was painfully unaware of until today.
Even you seemed surprised at his sudden change in attitude.
Decisiveness isn’t something that Obanai prides himself over. Making the decisive choice is held in high regard in their culture but that doesn't mean he doesn't absolutely loathe being indecisive, like right now. Being indecisive leads to the worst possible decision being made at the last second. It leads to consequences that you’ll be forced to accept simply because you couldn’t make a choice.
But right now it's different.
It’s different because it’s you.
“Have you ever been in love, Obanai?” You ask, fiddling around with the ends of the white bracelet.
Obanai looks at you, surprised at your sudden use of his first name. No, he’s not surprised at your use of his first name but rather that he doesn't mind it. It sounds almost… pleasant when you say it. Doesn’t have the same mocking atmosphere as the other times. It’s friendly and almost…
“I think I have.”
Obanai raises a brow, “you think?”
“People often speak about love and how it should feel. Talk about it so much and placed it upon a pedestal so high that I wonder if anyone ever really felt it in the first place. And,” you pause briefly, your fiddling suddenly halted as you finally turned your head up to look at him. “I don’t know if that kinda love I’ve felt for someone is actually the kind of love that people are talking about or if it’s just something else I’ve thought of. So, have you ever been in love?”
“Well, when you put it like that…” Obanai trails off.
Love. Such a strange thing to speak of. Funny almost. Now, what is funny is that you’ve chosen to speak to him about this rather than Mitsuri, the love piller herself. Though, he supposes he can see where you’re coming from. It’s hard to understand a feeling when you’ve never felt it yourself. It’s hard to feel something when you don’t even know what you should be feeling for in the first place.
“Yes.” Obanai smiles beneath his mask, though he’d most certainly deny it if you pointed it out, “yes, I’ve been in love before.”
Obanai, of course, hasn’t had that issue.
Your eyes seem to brighten at that, “and did you ever tell her?” You pause, “him?” There’s another moment of silence, “them?”
“What? Why not?”
Obanai sighs.
This isn’t a question he wants to answer. Not something he’s ever even thought about - or maybe it’s something he’s thought about too much. He’s almost insulted at how you could even have the audacity to ask something like that in the first place. But he’s also intrigued. Your bold and brazen attitude was what set you apart from others. What drew people to you.
It isn’t something that works for most people either. Not something that works for him.
Huh, must have something to do with the fact that you’re pretty. Or at the very least because Obanai thinks you’re attractive.
Obanai sighs again, “because no one could ever love someone like me.”
Your eyes soften.
He isn’t bold enough to ask - nor is he brazen enough to assume.
Eventually, after watching you attempt to weave together a bracelet Obanai decided to try his hand at the task. You made it look mighty difficult but you did have a tendency to struggle to accomplish simple tasks.
Okay, that was a lie.
But you did struggle with making a bracelet.
At first, Obanai’s hand hovered over pink and green trying to tie the two colours together. Then he added a black and white. It was an alright combination, or at least you seemed to think so. Obanai wasn’t all too inclined to accept your compliment though considering you chose to only use white.
Eventually, the young girls that were sitting around you earlier stumbled back to surround you. They smiled brightly as you told them stories of your adventures.
All of them, except for one girl, kept their distance from him. Likely scared.
Obanai tried his best to soften his eyes.
The young girl seemed to take it as an invitation, moving to sit beside him and hold up a blue string.
“What’s this for?” Obanai asked.
The young girl giggled, “I think you should start over, Mister.”
“Because the way you weaved the strings together won’t hold together very well. It’ll probably fall apart after a day of use.” She explained.
“Great.” Obanai huffed.
The young girl flinched back, her sudden bout of courage gone.
You’re quick to save the day, wrapping an arm around the girl’s shoulders, “don’t worry about him, you Missy. He doesn't mean to be mean. He’s just got a grouchy look to him.”
The girl smiles warily.
“So,” you say, “how do you think this grumpy mister over here could better improve his bracelet making skills?”
She grabs an orange string, a green string and a third blue string. A strange combination of colours. Then, holding it up so that Obanai can see, she ties the ends of them together before moving them back and forth over one another in a braid motion. Obanai isn’t all that familiar with different weaving patterns but is familiar with the braid. It’s simple enough and holds strong. Stronger than one might think.
She hands it over to Obanai, a bright smile on her face.
Obanai accepts it, his eyes softening. This colour combination is worse than his own.
You smile.
Obanai smiles too.
With the winter season quickly approaching, the sun was up for less and less hours of the day which meant that demon attacks would begin to become more common. Which then meant that there would be less time for demon slayers to have for themselves.
So, he’d make the most of his time.
Or at least the time he got to spend with you.
Obanai walked behind you, watching as you skipped forward. Eyes darting between all the different people on the street to the various coloured signs hanging up on walls. Obanai had never been a big fan of large cities like this but it wasn’t so bad in the evening.
Suddenly you stopped.
“Are you okay?” Obanai asked.
You were silent.
He was quick, moving up to see your expression, “did you see something?”
You weren’t shocked like he expected, but neither calm. Somewhere between flight and freedom. Stuck between the choice to make a claim or run away to never again be seen. You’re quick to make a decision as your resolve hardens.
“I love you.”
“Don’t worry,” you smile, “you don’t have to love me back. I just wanted you to know. You’re not unloveable, you know.”
Obanai’s rendered speechless.
You don’t seem to mind as you hand him a bracelet.
It’s the white one you were fiddling around with the other day.
“I thought you were making this for your Tsuguko?”
“I thought you’d like it more,” you shrug, turning away, “besides, I can always make her something else.”
Fall in love with an unexpected moment of gentleness.
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spatialwave · 8 months
Okay so I know you’ve done Jordan being protective and jealous for Marie but do you think you can do something about Marie being protective or jealous for Jordan. Like someone is flirting with Jordan and Marie “accidentally” spills her drink on them or she stops someone from attacking Jordan from the behind. Thank you!
protective/possessive/jealous marie is what we deserve. word count: 790
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marie was never the type to get jealous. as a young girl she had a crush here and there, finding herself befriending the green-eyed monster when they'd 'fall in love' with someone else. typical elementary-age feelings.
once she was transferred to red river institute she kissed love and all those lingering feelings goodbye. she didn't have time to feel that way anymore; she dealt with her grief and then focused on getting out of facility life.
that was until she met jordan li. an insufferable person who got under her skin... until they didn't. it was a complicated mess and within a week of attending god u she found herself shoving her tongue into their mouth.
it was a flurry of emotions and whenever she thought about jordan it always ended with butterflies swirling in her stomach. it was sweet at first, but then she was greeted by the green-eyed monster once more.
she hated it. there was no reason she needed to get so damned jealous when jordan was simply talking to other people. the two of them had even gone as far as to clarify that they were in a relationship and she was still having these thoughts. she trusted and loved jordan? why was this happening?
marie opened up to emma about it and was met with nothing but empathy. apparently, it wasn't as rare as she thought.
the feeling had lessened the more time they spent together, but what she wasn't ready for was a night out at the club.
their friends all decided to sneak out one night to reminisce over old times. marie couldn't keep her eyes off of jordan the entire time, who was wearing tight black dress pants and a slim black shirt that accentuated the way their silver and pearl necklace hung over their collarbones. just the sight of them made her mouth water.
the two of them were inseparable for most of the night, their hips rolling against each other as they danced to the music, alcohol flowing through them. it was a perfect night. perfect until jordan went to go grab another drink for themselves.
marie kept her eyes on them as she sat beside emma, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched their male frame lean over the counter and summon a bartender with just a smile and wave of their hand. that's where the possessive thoughts started flooding in.
mine, mine, mine.
a wicked smile grew on her lips as she admired their beauty but vanished within seconds when the figure of a redheaded woman slid beside jordan. it was fine. she was just ordering a drink. fingers gripped on the glass of her vodka cranberry and she took a deep breath.
it wasn't fine. it stopped being fine when she turned and smiled at jordan, long-nailed fingers caressing a full martini glass. she leaned in and whispered something to jordan, a stupid smile on her lips.
marie couldn't exactly see how jordan was reacting because of their positioning, but she didn't care. it didn't matter.
emma's eyes widened when she saw marie stand up, about to call out to her and ask if she was going to the bathroom. then her eyes lingered to where her friend was heading and the blonde quickly took a long sip of her drink and settled in to watch.
with a fake smile and straightened posture, marie walked towards the bar, purposefully swaying her hips. she came in from behind the two of them, one hand carefully moving to the small of jordan's back while the other tipped her half-full glass onto the woman's shirt.
"oh, my god!" marie gasped, "i am so sorry!"
jordan had already been looking when they saw marie 'accidentally' spill the glass. their lips formed into a smirk. thank god she came to save the day.
"do you need help cleaning it up?" she asked, her wide, brown eyes feigning guilt as she grabbed napkins from the bartop and held them towards the woman.
"no, no, it's okay." the unknown woman answered with an awkward, panicked laugh. she didn't stay long, especially with a pink stain on her white top.
marie's smile had dropped the moment she left, looking at jordan with an unimpressed look decorating her face.
"woah, why are you looking at me like that?" they asked with a playful look flickering in their eyes, straightening up from leaning over the bar, a full glass now in their hand, "that was hot, baby. you should do that again sometime." their lips curved into a wide smile, chewing on their bottom lip.
"don't baby me." marie muttered back, her hand still on the small of their back, "you owe me a new drink."
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
Hi I'm wondering if your requests are open but can I request a scenario with Ryusui who is constantly rejected by the reader ? & thank you ! XD
okay i absolutely adored this request and went in with the intention of trying to write comedy and accidentally make it slightly angsty??!!! (happy ending though i promise.) admittedly i found this surprisingly challenging to write- i've said before that i'm not very confident with my characterization of ryusui and that's probably pretty evident in this oneshot, but nevertheless i hope you still enjoy!
synopsis: he desires everything, including you--and it makes you nervous.
warnings: manga spoilers!! beware, as i said some angst but happy ending :)
word count: 2.2k
note: it's almost 2am and i reeeallly wanted to get this out so its poorly edited as always. might come back later with a fresh mind
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You didn’t know what it would take to get Ryusui off your back.
Before the two of you became friends, you were certain that Ryusui Nanami was one of the most insufferable people you’ve ever met, always on about desire this and desire that. His arrogance infuriated you. ‘How is anyone supposed to work with this guy?’ you would think to yourself. Over time however, you realized that beneath his selfish and sometimes harsh exterior, Ryusui is a caring guy with a lot of ambition and determination who genuinely loves people and what the world has to offer. In some ways, you could relate to his way of thinking, but it didn’t make his overbearing desires and booming voice any less irritating.
The two of you eventually became decent friends through the work you put into building the Perseus, and even closer friends through your adventures together with the rest of the crew. But something you found strange about your relationship with Ryusui was that, even though you disliked him quite a bit when the two of you were mere strangers, he’s always liked you. 
This shouldn’t be too weird; as said, Ryusui loves people. No matter who they are or how long he’s known them, Ryusui can always find something to like about someone, which you couldn’t help but respect about him from the beginning. But Ryusui always presented his desires for a person in a way that was seen as admiration and awe of them. While he presented his desire to want you in this way as well, he later also started presenting his desire for you in a romantic way you observed he didn’t desire anyone else. 
At some point, Ryusui Nanami realized that he desired you as a romantic partner. What caught you off guard one day was the fact that he told you. 
This weird proclamation came from him when you confronted his bold and “special” treatment toward you. He often offered you heaps of Drago for the most trivial things you did, claiming they were worthy of the money he bestowed upon you. He encouraged you to use the money to buy an outfit you had eyed from Senku’s department store or some cotton candy, occasionally even making purchases for you. He’d invite you to bask in his luxuries together, setting up a chair for you beside him with members of the Kingdom of Science feeding and cooling you down after a hard day's work. If there was something you had mentioned you wanted, or hell, even liked or loved, Ryusui would take a mental note of it and look for ways to obtain it. Flowers by a hillside you thought were pretty? A bouquet will show up by your tent. Mumbling out loud about how you could use some fresh tools? An assortment of polished ones will be gifted to you by Ryusui himself. You were confused and taken aback by the sudden affection, and blunt as ever, Ryusui responded “In truth, Y/N, I desire you as my partner, and I want you by my side!”
Ryusui desires the Earth, heavens and seas. He seemingly wants every conceivable item, skill and trait, and he isn’t shy about these bold desires; he never has been. So even though this proclamation was no different than the rest, it still surprised you just the same. He wanted you as a partner? 
And so that’s what led to your current dilemma: you didn’t know what it would take to get Ryusui off your back. 
You’ve heard from Minami about how Ryusui was rarely seen without the company of a beautiful girl. He was constantly around them and dubbed a playboy by the media before the petrification. No way he’s loyal. 
“What can I tell you; I love everyone! But in this day and age, I love you, and only you--romantically.”
Sure, you two knew each other a fair amount, but you’ve still only just met. Plus, you have an important mission ahead of the two of you. Won’t a relationship interfere with that?
“Then let me get to know you more, Y/N. I want you to be mine. No journey or grueling mission will change that.” 
And when Ryusui Nanami desires something, he’s determined to obtain it or make it come to fruition. But you were still reluctant, and so you turned him down.
Every attempt at flirting was shut down, every date offer was rejected, and gifts were either politely returned or hesitantly kept because of Ryusui's insistence. All these failures would surely have the average person give it up and get over the rejection. But this was Ryusui Nanami, and he was confident that you just needed time to come around. 
With the help of Francois, Ryusui went full out trying to win you over. He asked Francois to make you your favorite foods, he complimented you frequently, whether it was your appearance, a thought you shared or something you did, and in small ways looked after you.
There were many times when you really were in awe of him. He always did his best to look out for you, in and out battle, sometimes even preventing you from sustaining major injuries or helping you recuperate after you take on too much work.
But then he’d open his mouth and say something like “after all this is done, we should wind down in my quarters” and you’d scoff and move away from him while he'd either laugh or stare at you with a small frown. When you’re struggling with something, he’s always quick to be the first one to come to your aid, and yeah, you notice how he takes every chance he gets to stand obnoxiously close to you.
However, Ryusui never takes his antics too far. As soon as you shoot him a dirty look, he's inches away from you and putting his hands up in mock surrender. He’s not focusing all his attention on trying to win you over; after all, you two are a part of the Perseus crew for good reason. But any chance Ryusui gets to charm you, he’ll take. 
“I clean up nice, am I wrong, Y/N?” 
When it came down to deciding what route to take to America, while you understood the realistic approach Ryusui wanted to take, you agreed with Senku’s more logical plan of action. What you didn’t expect was a game of poker to be initiated in order to decide who’s plan will be executed. 
“I’m hurt you’re siding with Senku on this one, but you’ll thank me for saving you from the burden of Senku’s route once I win.” Ryusui seemed to have the utmost confidence that he’d reign victorious with Gen Asagiri, the master of trickery and deceit, on his side, but you had to suppress your smile when his jaw dropped as Kohaku seated herself beside Senku. With Kohaku’s sharp eyes, she’d be able to spot and put a stop to any dirty moves Gen tries to pull. A tense game ensued, and your gaze shifted between eyeing Ryusui and Gen’s wicked grins and Senku and Kohaku’s skeptical expressions. In the end, as you had predicted, Senku had won the game, which meant that his plan would be put to action. As cheers erupted from the crew watching and money was tossed around in the air from the bets made beforehand, Ryusui reluctantly turned his head toward you, and you had to muffle your laughter behind your hand upon seeing his dumbfounded expression as you rolled your eyes and left the riot.
You were surprised to hear that Ryusui’s shock and disappointment wore off quick after revealing that he and Francois had opened a casino for the entire crew to enjoy, which didn’t sound awful to you. The formal attire worn while playing poker inspired you to dress up a little for a fun night with your friends. How long had it been since you’ve had some modern fun? 
You sat by Bar Francois in formal wear that you and a couple members of the crew had bought from Yuzuriha before you left for your trip, laughing at the retelling of fond memories from the pre-petrification world and sipping on your drink every once in a while. It was the most calm and at home you felt in a long while, and you were silently grateful to the eccentric captain for the work he put into making the casino. When the conversation died down a little, Nikki, who was one of the people you had talked to about your situation with the sailor, shifted her gaze toward someone in the middle of the room. “Uh oh. Lover boy looks like he wants to make a move.” 
Your eyes followed Nikki’s gaze and you were suddenly met with Ryusui’s widened brown ones shining under the moonlight. For a moment, there was no movement from either one of you, but then Ryusui swallowed and made a slow beeline for you. Nikki quickly turned away when you nudged her for the inappropriate nickname. “Look, I completely understand why you keep turning him down but…who knows. Maybe a date won’t be so bad.”
And with that, she excused herself and walked off. 
Ryusui had asked if the two of you could roam around the ship, away from everyone else, and you agreed, the exhaustion from the eventful night slowly catching up to you. Ryusui’s hands were clasped behind his back as he made conservation, taking into account your exhaustion and making sure you didn’t need to give him any lengthy responses to any of his comments or questions. 
Throughout the slightly one-sided conversation, Ryusui teased and flirted, as he always managed to do with you, and as you picked up on each charm attempt, you thought back to what Nikki had told you earlier that evening. “Maybe a date wouldn’t be so bad…”
“I’m glad to see you enjoying yourself in the casino. You look beautiful, as you always do, but seeing you in formal attire was a pleasant surprise. Perhaps next time you dress up will be for a date in my quarters?” 
You sighed deeply. This offer was unlike so many others Ryusui made. It wasn’t upfront and in your face, it wasn’t loud or grand. Hell, it almost seemed shy or- no- hopeful. You were staring down at Ryusui’s shoes, the confliction you felt evident on your face. Suddenly, you couldn’t hear the heels of Ryusui’s shoes clicking against the wooden floor as he walked alongside you. You stopped and turned around to see the captain with his head down. 
“Ryusui, I…” 
“I’m…sorry if I’ve forced you into a corner, Y/N. I never meant for my persistence to be overwhelming, I guess I didn’t expect to like you this much.” He laughed humourlessly staring at the ground, his hands still behind his back. You couldn’t find the words to consolidate him. You had never seen him so down.
But then he suddenly turned his head to look up at you and slowly started approaching you.
“Just one chance, Y/N,” one step. Two.
“I promise you,” another step.
“I won’t be wasting your time.”
He took one final step so he was standing directly in front of you. For a second, all the two of you did, could do, was stare at each other, your tired eyes examining Ryusui’s glimmering, hopeful ones. And then, without breaking eye contact, Ryusui pulls out a small bouquet of flowers. Ones you had seen on Treasure Island, which seemed to be preserved surprisingly well. You think you remember commenting on their beauty on one of your expeditions.
Up until tonight, Ryusui’s gestures have never been something you thought too deeply about; at least that’s what you tried to convince yourself. But now, Ryusui has confronted you with a billion percent seriousness. Maybe it was something about his flamboyant nature that made you uneasy and reluctant to even consider the possibility of being something more with him. Maybe it’s why you shoved down your thoughts and feelings, let your fears surface and become easy ways to excuse yourself. After all, you had plenty of those with the circumstances you two were in. 
Was he getting discouraged? Would this be his final attempt at winning you over? Knowing Ryusui, probably not. He seemed determined, but looking closer you could see his shoulders sagging, the grip on the flowers loose, as if he was sad. His face didn’t carry his usual boyish grin or dazzling smile. Only furrowed brows and a small frown. Admittedly, all you could really think was ‘is he serious?’ and stare in confusion. 
Ryusui’s eyes slowly trailed down to the flowers, and a dull ache spread over your heart started upon seeing his face slowly contort into one of disappointment. Maybe a date wouldn’t be so bad. 
And so as Ryusui was about to tell you that he wouldn’t give up on you, he heard you sigh and felt your fingers brush over his, watching you take the bouquet from his hands. His head jutted forward, and his mouth morphed into an “o” as his eyes found yours again, widening when you gave him a small smile.
“Oh, what the hell. So, dinner in your quarters, huh?”
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
Captive Hearts
Summary: Loki and the reader, who have always been enemies, are captured by Hydra and must work together to escape.
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Avenger!Reader
Warning(s): mentions of being held captive, mentions of escaping imprisonment, love declarations, lemme know if I missed anything
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Loki glared at you, his eyes full of hatred and contempt. He couldn’t believe that he was stuck in this godforsaken cell with you, of all people.
“This is your fault,” Loki spat out. “If it wasn’t for your foolish heroics, we wouldn’t be stuck here.”
You glared back, your own hatred and contempt just as strong. You couldn’t believe that you were stuck with Loki, the man who had caused so much destruction and chaos.
“Don’t you dare try to blame this on me,” you snarled. “You’re the one who brought us here, with your ego and your delusions of grandeur.”
The two of you had been captured by some enemies, and you had been thrown into this cell together, with no way out. Loki had tried to escape using his powers, but they had been nullified by the special prison cells. And you had tried to pick the lock, but it had been too advanced for your skills.
As the days turned into weeks, the tension between you and Loki only grew stronger. You couldn’t stand each other, and you constantly bickered and fought over everything. 
“I can’t believe I’m stuck here with you,” Loki said, pacing back and forth. “You’re the most annoying, stubborn, and irritating person I’ve ever met.”
“Oh, please,” you said, rolling your eyes. “You’re the most self-centred, arrogant, and insufferable person I’ve ever met. How are we supposed to survive in here with you?”
As the weeks turned into months, something changed between the two of you. You and Loki began to see each other in a different light. You realised that you both had been victims of circumstances, of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
“I never wanted this,” Loki said, his voice laced with pain. “I never wanted to be a pawn in someone else’s game. I was just trying to find my place in the world, to be someone I was proud of... to be worthy.”
You looked at Loki, your own pain and longing reflected in his eyes. “I know how you feel,” you said. “I’ve always felt like I was on the outside, like I didn’t belong anywhere. I was just trying to make a difference... to prove to everyone that I was worthy...”
You both began to see each other as people, as beings with their own fears and desires. You began to understand each other’s motivations, and you began to see that you were more alike than you had both realised. 
“Maybe we’re not so different, after all,” Loki said, a hint of hope in his voice. “Maybe we can find a way to work together, to get out of here.”
You looked a Loki, considering his words. You knew that he was right, that you needed to put aside your differences and focus on your common goal.
As you worked together to escape from the cell, you realised that you had both fought a common enemy. You realised that you were stronger together, and that you possibly...even needed each other to survive. 
You used your combined skills and strengths to pick the lock, to take down the guards, and to escape from whatever compound you were located in. And as you both finally emerged into the daylight, Loki and you knew that you had made it. You hopefully knew that you both had found your happily ever afters.
“I can’t believe that worked,” Loki said, a hint of amazement in his voice. “I never thought I could trust anyone, let alone work with them. But you proved me wrong, Y/n.”
You smiled at Loki, your own amazement at what occurred just as strong. “I never thought I could forgive you for everything that you’ve done, let alone begin to love you,” you said. “But you proved me wrong, Loki. You showed me that there’s more to you than what I originally thought--that there is more to you than your actions in the past. That there’s a person underneath all that pent-up aggression and sass. And that person is someone who I’ve come to love.”
Loki’s eyes filled with love and gratitude as he looked at you. “I love you too, Y/n. I never thought I could love anyone... that anyone would ever love me. But you showed me that it’s possible. You showed me that I’m worthy of something--worthy of your love.”
Your heart swelled with love and happiness as you looked at Loki. You knew that you had finally found the person you had been looking for, the person who accepted and loved you for who you were. 
As you both shared a passionate kiss, you knew that you had definitely found your happily ever after. You knew that you would always be there for each other, no matter what the world threw your way. 
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A/N I hope you enjoyed! 
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Incorrect quotes
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: use this [edit: forgot the link] incorrect quotes generator to generate incorrect quotes for your OCs!
Hehe I love this one
Ash: Noelle, I know you love Jedi. I mean, we all do, he's a very nice person and I respect him immensely.
Ash: But I think he might be a fucking idiot.
Jedi: You borrowed a crane?
Robbie: Not exactly.
Gwen: You stole a crane?!
Robbie: Exactly.
Robbie: Hey Rose, do you have any hobbies?
Rose: Swimming..
Robbie: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to-
Rose: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
Noelle: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery!
Robbie: This unmitigated poppycock?
Akash: Extravagant hogwash!
Noelle: Okay, stop.
Rose: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking.
Robbie: Huh?
Rose: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to piss me off. So cut it out-
Robbie: I love you.
Robbie: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
Rose: I KNEW IT!!
Kelsey: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth.
Gwen: Why?
Kelsey, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
Lexi: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!
Kelsey: Apparently, we're not.
Gwen: Hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight?
Ash: Why?
Gwen: Lexi fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours.
Akash: Robbie doesn't know how to banish spirits, so he just threw salt at them and yelled "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Lexi, on the phone: What’s up, Gwen?
Gwen: I’m sitting in a pool of blood.
Lexi: …Um, is it YOUR blood?
Gwen: I think so.
Lexi: Do you know where the blood’s coming from?
Gwen: Probably the stab wound.
Gwen: Oh, yeah, definitely.
Akash: Don’t stay up all night, Carmen. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt.
Maddie: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
Robbie: I have seen a lot of murders in my time, and all six of them were today.
Carmen: *mixing different alcoholic beverages together*
Gwen: What are you making?
Carmen: A mistake.
Noelle: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Maddie: We could attack them with hummus.
Noelle: I stand corrected.
Maddie: Just keeping things in perspective.
This was awesome
Tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie @mk-writes-stuff @melpomene-grey @lesleymoonwriter @winterandwords
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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taeees-world · 2 years
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title: the wall between us
Pairings; Taehyung x reader; Jungkook x reader
In Ark Hill, there was always a wall between the rich and the poor. The wall immediately holds a different significance when the rich become poor, and the poor become poorer.
Where you try to accustom yourself to a fit in with this ‘new’ lifestyle, and are met with an insufferable douchebag, who just so happens to be richer than you.
Genre: fluff; angst (lots of it!); rich (sort of) boy x poor girl ; enemy to lovers (sort of)
Warnings: mentions of death; douchebag Taehyung; Taehyung being a spoiled brat (literally!); mentions someone passing away (oc’s mom); mentions of sexual harassment(!!!) if you are not comfortable with this please do NOT read, I do not intend to really describe it or get really into it!; verbal abuse; physical altercation. Taehyung is just straight up rude and bossy (he makes someone pee themselves 😭) ; a little flirting ( sort of); stealing.
Authors note: please excuse any spelling/ grammatical errors, it’s currently 7 in the morning and I haven’t slept! 🥲
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There have been millions of things that stood in the way of you meeting new people; especially people who were different from you.
Many of those reasons, were due to the financial differences, you just so happen to struggle with more than others.
Your father has four different jobs, while your older brother has three, your older sister has two, and you have one. It’s all a cycle really. Basically, depending on the age you have in this part of town, you have a responsibility of holding a certain amount of jobs.
Since you happen to be 16 years old, you are able to withhold one or two jobs, and all while making sure you are enrolled in school. It was… a nightmare to say the least. You had no time for yourself, for your family, heck even for your stupid homework.
But everything changed, when the economy in your town was down. Now the rich were poor, and the poor were practically homeless, and that part includes you.
“Father, I just don’t think it’s fair that we all have a job and still can’t afford a place to stay!” You immediately jump on your father about this issue you’ve been diligently thinking about while he’s been working.
“Well not everything is fair muffin, especially in this economy” your father coughs, while hanging the clothes from the basket that contained all your ‘dirty clothes’. He places them over a string that has been put by him, and carries on with his duty, as he keeps them in place with a pin.
You wanted to throw the clothes that he had just finished hanging up, out of anger and disappointment through his terrible efforts of lifting up your mood. Now, you didn’t want to seem like a brat, or act like those children that throw tantrums over the tiniest things, but this wasn’t tiny, this was your life. You had no choice but to rot in this hell hole, while others were living their best lives.
Sure, the rich had lost most of their money, but that still didn’t take away the luxurious life they had before, and the amount of time they had. You on the other hand, felt like you had a time limit on your day, the way it disappeared so quickly in thin air.
“I know father, I know it’s terrible of me to complain when you bust your ass off, but I can’t help it… you know? It just doesn’t make sense and it’s not fair!”
You cry your eyes out instantly when you hear your father sigh. It wasn’t something devastating for you to immediately break down, but you know how hard your father has been working and trying to keep it all together.
You raise your palms to your eyes, and cover the very things that allowed you to witness this cruel and embarrassing life you and your family are living. Maybe if you couldn’t see your reality, you would feel just even a tiny bit better.
Though that’s not how life works…. at all.
“Muffin” your father quietly says, while caressing your hair. He plays with it like your mother used to when you were afraid of the fireworks that came once a year.
And that only made things ten times harder. Here you were reminding yourself of a loss that was so unbearable you almost lost the ability to speak. Your mothers death, was so unbearable, that you could not form any words, that you could not accept the fact that she was gone, and if you had just stayed quiet then maybe it would have been all a dream. Because you weren’t reminding yourself through words that her presence was indeed not there with you anymore.
“Why did she die?!” You wail in the arms of your father.
You wanted to find comfort in them, and you did, for a second. Then instantly, those arms start become too familiar of hers, and it made you shove your father away from you.
He looks at you with this worry in his eyes, and you hate it. You hate everything that implies someone being there for you, that implies that they give a single care about you. Because you know that sooner or later, the person that cares for you ends up stealing your heart, and you end up feeling this emptiness, this hole in your chest that prevents you from being able to breathe.
“I understand” his words were barely audible, but his eyes, his frown and body posture expressed everything you couldn’t hear.
He was sad and had every right to feel the way he did. After all you weren’t being understandable, and have only been thinking of your loss. Leaving you to forget that your father had also lost a loved one, his wife, his whole reason to live.
The only reason why he is still breathing and trying is because his wife left him behind a family. His children weren’t only his but hers, and that was theirs. You were the very best example to use to describe the love that they shared and once had.
“It’s almost time for you to work…”
You hated hearing those words, in fact your face transforms into a nasty expression. You were tired and needed nothing more than rest, but you were also just tired of this unbreakable cycle that was your life. You inhale the very air that gives you life, and very air that makes you hate it.
You sigh once again, louder than before and nod your head while unpinning the clothes that were hanged not so long ago, “right… I guess I’ll just go to work wet”
Your father intently stares at you, and thinks of what to say, but ultimately is left speechless, and with that you walk yourself to the bathroom to undress yourself, and redress yourself with the ugly and ripped uniform you have.
What a great way to celebrate your birthday.
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“It’s not fair! I have to give away my boat because of what? Your Inability to win?”
“Stop acting like a brat Taehyung! Can’t you see this is also difficult on me?!”
“Please” your mother mocks, as she set her wine glass on the edge of the table. “You were the one who gambled all our money Jeffrey, don’t even bother trying to make us feel bad”
“Have you ever wondered why I gamble?!” Your father yells, while his arms stretch out in anger. He points in different directions, unable to stand still.
“I don’t care nor want to know. You gambled all our money away, and well, you can’t expect us to automatically accept that, can you?”
“Can you both argue when I’m not around?” You question, as your eyes brim with tears.
“We aren’t arguing sweetie” your mother places a hand on your back, while patting you. It was her attempt of comforting you, but she never was quite that well at doing it.
“Sure, whatever you say. I’m going out, so don’t wait up” you blurt out, and stand up rather quickly.
“Taehyung!” Your father belts out your name, as you run out of that very door that made you feel trapped.
You wanted nothing more than to break free from that place. You wanted nothing more than to feel the wind hit your face, as you escape from this place that does not feel like home.
You didn’t even care if you sounded like a spoiled brat, you did not want to give away that boat and that was final. Either your parents accept that or you’ll make sure they do.
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“You’re 5 minutes late y/n, you know the drill”
How could you not know? There was a huge sign outside the door, and scars all over you that reminded you of the consequences. It didn’t matter if it was just 5 minutes because it was 5 minutes wasted, and you could never really argue with that.
“Yes sir!” You respond.
You slowly turn your body, until your back is facing him. You unbutton your shirt, but each time you unbuttoned you felt his breathe getting heavier, and that only made you more nervous. You hold onto your shirt for a bit longer, and that only made him more frustrated. He angrily scoffed, and began moving closer to you. Each step kept getting louder, kept making you shake in place, and made you bite on your lips, to refrain from screaming or making any kind of noise. You were afraid of ticking him off more.
He held onto your shoulders, trying to pull down the shirt to expose your back. You were supposed to let that happen, but instead you held on with more strength, and closed your eyes shut. You just couldn’t allow this to happen again, it wasn’t fair. It was just a couple of minutes late, so why should you let him touch you and hit you the way he pleased?
You shifted your shoulder unexpectedly, causing him to lose his balance, you didn’t look behind you nor attempted to catch a glimpse of him. Instead, you push your elbow forwards and once you felt like you had enough power, you swung it backwards and struck him right on his stomach.
Without a doubt, that caused him to be pushed back. One, because you used up all the strength you had. And two, it was not expected of you to disobey orders. At least, not when you were already clocked in. Seeing as you were afraid of that affecting the hours and pay you would be given.
But today you ran, and allowed yourself to be first. You didn’t care about anything right now. Sure, in the back of your mind, you were scared. Scared that your father would have to face the consequences, or that you weren’t going to have any or enough money to buy food. But it was already too late to think of that, it was already too late to turn back.
You held on your shirt with whatever was left in you, seeing as you had already undone all your buttons, which only made it possible for you to expose your chest, and worn out bra you had on.
You had too many people staring at you, and it knocked the air out of you. It could also be the nonstop running you’ve done, but you also hated getting any form of attention. It felt like you were naked, and exposed out in the open. They could see every single scar, flaw, and insecurity on you, and that only meant you were fragile. How could you protect something that’s been exposed? It just wasn’t possible.
Your hair kept getting in the way, and hit you or got caught in your mouth with every step you took. You were out of breathe instantly, which explained the sharp pain you felt on the side of your stomach. But still you kept pushing yourself, and reminding yourself that you were not safe and not far away.
“Watch where you’re going peasant” a voice projected once you crashed right into them. It wasn’t your fault though, your hair just managed to blind you, which prevented you from stopping in time.
You were going to apologize, but this random person had the nerve to call you peasant, and well you weren’t. They didn’t even know you, and sure you should have been paying more attention, but that doesn’t mean they can call you that! It was plain disrespectful.
“I’m not a peasant!” You take a step backwards, after having bumped into his chest a second ago.
“Tell that to your clothes. Oh wait, it looks like you’re missing some of that” he rolls his eyes, as he strokes his hair, to fix the mess you created by practically jumping on him.
You had been reminded of your current exposed state, and turn around while you try to quickly button up. It didn’t have to be all the way, but you also didn’t want to show too much skin, especially since it was being exposed to a stranger, who could also possibly be a pervert.
After buttoning up a couple, you turned around rather quickly, starling him in the process. He wasn’t trying to admit that he was startled, so instead he faked a cough, and clears his throat.
“It’s not your business” you scolded.
He laughs, once. As his eyebrows lift in surprise. “Really?! Well, if my memory serves me right, you bumped into me” he points at himself, before he scoffs and stares back at you. Well more like down on you, since your height difference was quite a lot.
But no height difference was going to make you stand down. You made sure to lift your chin, and remain a blank stare, in hopes to intimidate him.
“Yeah, well… it was an accident! You don’t have to be a jerk!”
He looks around, and stares back at you. “Maybe if you paid more attention to your surroundings, you wouldn’t have met a ‘jerk’ like me” he makes air quotes with his fingers and laughs at your bothered state.
You sigh, “jerk!” You repeat even louder, as you raise your hand getting ready to slap him.
He interferes before you manage to hit him. He holds onto your wrist while staring down at you. His smile soon turns into a smirk, and that only pissed you further.
“Let go of me!” You struggled.
You tried kicking him, but every kick was far away to reach him. As for every kick you tried to get, he would take a step backwards. He’s laughing right at you, and you just know it.
“You’re going to have to try harder than that peasant” he mocks, while still holding your wrist.
“Stop her!” You heard someone shout. But that voice was far too familiar for you to keep trying to escape this man’s grip. Your body begins to shut down, and you stay in place. It’s only something his voice could do.
“Looks like I’m not the only one you’ve upset, little peasant”
God that damn nickname irritated you. It reminded you of the times, the wealthier people in this town would gather in groups and mock your father, as he would clean the animal feces for them. It didn’t matter if you were from a different class, or maybe similar. It was not a nickname you wanted to ever hear again.
“Let me go!” You kept pulling from the other direction, hoping that his grip would loosen. But it wasn’t working, in fact he tried to make his grip tighter, which only ended up hurting you more.
You kept hearing that man shout for the boy to continue holding you, and you couldn’t wait any longer. So you did the only thing that you could think of, even if it meant giving away something you treasured.
When the boy that was holding your wrist, was paying attention to the man yelling out your name, you stepped closer to him. You didn’t step closer in a way that made him think you were trying to escape. Which only made him suspicious, he flinched a little when he was able to hear your heavy breathing. You were getting way too close, he could practically hear your heart beating out of your chest.
You give him a softer look, and again he stood still and waited to see what you were planning. You showcased your doe eyes, and close them while attempting to get closer to his lips.
“What are you doing” he stutters throughout the whole phrase.
It was clear what you were trying to do, but why? He wanted to push you off but your doe eyes were telling him a story. He didn’t understand a single thing about it, or what you were trying to tell him but still he went along with it.
You take a deep breathe, and continue shutting your eyes, as you push yourself forwards, and onto his lips. His eyes widen, and his lips weren’t moving. They were kept in a thin line, while you were pouting your lips. You weren’t actually kissing him, it was more of a peck. But to you it felt like a real kiss, you’ve never had one before ; therefore were left with what your imagination provided you. It was merely a peck, but a peck that kept your lips attached for awhile.
You immediately pull back, once your conscious starts kicking in. What if he hasn’t had his first kiss? Or worse, what if you made him feel uncomfortable and unsafe like that man chasing after you did.
“I’m- I’m so sorry” your voice breaks, as you push him slightly back. He had let go of your wrist, and you were free to run away or do whatever you pleased. He was in a frozen state, and had no ability to stop you from leaving.
“I- I didn’t mean to make you-“ you rush through your words, and still don’t manage to finish your sentence.
Instead, you repeat a short apology, and run again. It was a nonstop cycle, and it was only unbreakable because you allowed to happened time after time again.
You got this y/n
You said softly, as a way to push yourself to keep walking or running further from the monster behind you.
You got this!
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You delicately touched your lips, as you taste the strawberry flavored chapstick, or lipstick, or whatever was on her lips.
It was unexpected, obviously. But still it intrigued you. She was…fascinating, but she was also very annoying. First, she practically runs into you. Then she goes on to kiss you? It was confusing to say the least.
She was clearly a peasant, poor, and you could never ever imagine kissing one. And technically speaking, you didn’t because she kissed you but still it happened and if your parents were to find out, you’d be banned or worse, punished.
You wipe your lips, in hopes that it erases any trace of her on you. You couldn’t possibly deal with any form of punishment because some girl was all over you. And yes it happens all the time, but this was a different case and you both knew it.
“What direction did the girl go?! The one you were just with” the random man holds onto your shoulder, and begins rocking you back and forth.
“Do you know who I am?!” You threatened, while staring at the current placement of his hands on your body.
“No! But that’s not important! Tell me where did she go?!” The man was hysterically yelling, and it was quite embarrassing. You laugh in his face, which only pushed his buttons.
“I’m Kim Taehyung. I would watch your… hands, and behavior” you remove his hands away from you.
“Oh! I’m so sorry sir” the man gets on both of his knees and begs for forgiveness.
You hear him cry, and it’s fascinating. You ordered him to look you in the eyes, and plead for his life. You didn’t have the same power as before, but your family name is enough to scare anyone.
The poor guy ended up peeing himself, and it almost made you feel bad but then you remembered that the guy looked over 30, and was chasing a girl that looked around your age. And if your memory did serve you correctly, her shirt was undone. And she froze and ran once she heard him. He clearly had done something, and your mind was going dark.
You place your hands behind your back, and walk slowly towards the man. You walk behind him, and all you could hear were the noises from your shoes. It was just tap, tap, tap.
“I’m so—“
But before he could finish his sentence, you grab a fistful of his hair, and push it backwards.
“If you ever lay a finger on her, I’ll kill you myself. That’s a promise, understood?” He yanks his hair even harder.
“Yes- yes! I promise. Please don’t kill me” he replies while his voice cracks in between.
“Good! Now leave my sight, peasant” you instructed the man before he could ask you. You loved being in charged, and this man gave you the opportunity to do so.
You pull on his hair once more before you let him go, and he screeches once you do so. You laugh as he sprints away, with piss still trailing down his legs.
“What a fucking loser”
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You couldn’t forget the boy from earlier. Especially his soft lips, and arrogant style. He was clearly a rich douchebag, and you really wanted nothing more than to tell him off but there was just something different about him. And not knowing made you want to know more about him.
“You’re here early y/n! Was work slower today?” Your brother, Jimin, cheerfully questioned.
It wasn’t strange behavior, in fact he was always brighter than most. He has been like this forever, he’s always happy, and cheerful. Well, after your mother passed away, really. He tried to be this bright person because that’s what he promised mother on her death bed.
You were way younger than him but you still made it your responsibility to protect him. It’s what your mother would have wanted.
“Yes! It was really slow today, but still felt like a lot of work”
You spat out whatever lie you could. You wanted to protect his innocent side, and you definitely didn’t want him to know the pain you had to endure. Because whenever he feels angry or upset internally, he shuts down and it takes months to get him back to normal; whatever that is really.
“Well at least your here with me! I haven’t seen you in so long” he says with the brightest smile on his face. You were feeling anything but bright, but when you saw his smile and face, you couldn’t help but copy the expression he had on his face.
“Yeah it has, why don’t we go find some food together” it was more of a statement rather than a question.
“Yes!” He loudly claps. “Why don’t we get some pineapple?!”
“Oh, I’m sorry buddy, but it looks like we could only afford the grapes and maybe something else today”
“That’s okay too!”
Only he could turn something negative into something positive. He was just always so damn perfect, and at times you wish you could be like him. Think of a solution before resorting to every single possible obstacle.
“I’m glad you feel that way” you respond back with the biggest smile you could give him. It wasn’t as wide or big, because you were drained. You were still suffering inside, and there’s only so much you could cover.
“Can we also get some watermelon?”
“Sure buddy, whatever you want” you answered, while brushing your hair with your fingers. You wanted to make yourself more presentable so no one questions your appearance, or day.
“This is the best day ever, don’t you think?!”
You blink away your tears, and nod along with him.
“Yeah it is” you whispered, while placing a light kiss on his forehead.
He kept smiling throughout the whole conversation, and that was the only thing helping you push back the tears.
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The whole way to the grocery store, or well whatever stand that had fruits in your case, you felt this heaviness on your heart.
It was wrong of you to think of such dark thoughts, while your brother stands right beside you. But the truth is, you weren’t happy. You wanted to find an escape, anything that allowed you to be far, far away.
“Do you think father would be coming early today?” Your brother murmurs, knowing the answer already but still hoping for some different response.
You turn your body to face him, and furrow your eyebrows. “I wouldn’t be able to tell you” you said in an undertone.
“Yeah, I already figured that was the case but you know?” He shrugs, while stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“I know… and I’m sorry”
“Don’t— just, I’m going to look around, okay?”
You nod your head, and follow him with your eyes. Your lips quiver as you see him kick the rocks in front of him, and his head only paying attention to the ground.
You just know he’s beating himself down, for even feeling anything but jolly. It was silly really, but you understood where he was coming from.
Father works to make sure we have food, and a place to sleep. Currently, you’re using a tent, and another tent with a small bucket as a bathroom. It wasn’t ideal, but it was far better than others who were also affected by the current economic situation. But when father works, he works for hours, and barely has time to see us, barely has time to take care of himself. He grows weaker, and skinner every time you see him.
It hurts you all to see your father suffer and practically die in person, but it affects Jimin the most. He feels more than others, and blames himself for not being able to help him. It’s not his responsibility but he thinks it is.
You look around and pay attention to anyone near, when you notice the coast is clear, you shove a tiny piece of pineapple in your pocket. It was wrapped in a clear plastic bag, and cut up. Only making it easier for you to sneak away from there without getting caught.
“I saw that”
You curse to yourself, knowing that there was no way out of this. If this was one of those stupid officers, then you would get locked up, and Jimin would just explode. And if he explodes they will take him away, and you couldn’t let that happen. So you act dumb.
You turn around, “saw what?” You trembled.
Stupid! Stupid!
Your tongue pressed against your cheek, because you know damn well, you were about to be caught. You quite literally exposed yourself, by how nervous you are acting right now.
You heard a deep laugh, and it sounded just like that boy who teased you earlier. You look up to him, and scoff once you noticed it’s the same guy!
“You again” you angrily belted.
“Happy to see me?” He wiggles his eye brows, while amusingly staring at you.
It was intimidating, and still you felt mesmerized. You couldn’t stop staring at him, and vice versa.
“I’d be happier to see you leave”
“Oh! really?” He teases, while moving a strand of your hair, placing it behind your ear.
“I didn’t meant it like that-“ you stuttered, while standing in place. You were a mess and it showed.
“No need to be embarrassed. I understand” he winks at you, before walking away.
Your mouth was wide open, and you immediately close it when you notice him teasing you for it. You walk the opposite direction, and fight back the smile on your face that was trying to escape.
“Why are you smiling so hard?” Your brother interrupts.
“No reason” you wave it off, while walking even faster than before.
“Wait for me!”
No reason at all.
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taglist: @belovedsthings @ikonsiconic @btsbangers @got7usernames @gotjimin13 @bambamthings @pamzn
156 notes · View notes
cheeriecherry · 2 years
Omg I need more from that shitty roommate viktor and reader turning into more than roommates
Viktor is suspiciously complacent after the storm. As if a switch has been flipped inside his boggling head, he’s become the perfect roommate: it infuriates you, in a way. Neither of you really talk much, since you’re not actually together in the dorm most of the time, but when you do? He’s polite, he’s kind, he’s witty - one time he even helped you organize some of your first-semester-thesis notes. It’s not that you’re mad about him being nice all of a sudden, in fact you’re relieved beyond all belief that you get some peace of mind now, but the fact that he is very easily showing himself to be a decent and considerate person? You have your suspicions that he’d been an ass on purpose. 
The idea miffs you. You’d thought long and hard about it all -the whole situation- and everything culminated into one small question: Why? Why did he act so rude? Why was he insufferable? And why did he suddenly start treating you like a person instead of a thorn in his side? Unable to come to an answer on your own, you simply decide to inquire.
“Hey, Viktor?” you ask quietly one evening, when the two of you are going over your notes for the day. He hums in response, and continues reading his work. “Why were you such an ass when we first met?” He pauses and glances at you, but you continue, “I mean, the past two weeks, you’ve been a nice person, and a considerate roommate, and I really appreciate that. I look forward to hanging out with you now, y’know? But when we were first shoved in here together, you were…kind of a massive prick. And I get that it wasn’t a great situation -neither one of us were used to sharing a room with anyone- but the number of times I cried in the bath from stress- I just want to know why?”
The expression that Viktor’s face falls into is quite possibly the most guilt-ridden you’ve ever seen him. “You cried?” he asks, “because of me?” You’re quick to try and reassure him that you didn’t cry specifically because of him, and that you had just been incredibly stressed by the entirety of life; that his actions alone weren’t enough to break you. Somehow, though, your assurances don’t seem to resonate with him, and his guilt morphs into sadness. “It was not my intention to…hurt you,” he explains solemnly, “but I am sorry that I did.”
You once again ask him why, but he once again deflects. “It was nothing you did,” he promises, “nor anything you’re doing. My reasons are- the fault is on my side.” You’re less than pleased with his answer, but Viktor, you’ve learned, is one of the most stubborn people you’ve ever met; if he wants to be vague and obscure in his responses, then there is nothing you can do to change his mind. “However,” he continues, right as you turn back to your work, “you will not find me behaving in such a manner, going forward. If I ever do something to…make you unhappy, please inform me.” You nod absently, and you both continue with your studies; retaining the days’ information proves to be a decent distraction for a while, but that same evening, when you’re laying in bed in the dark, you can’t help but go over your conversation with him. What was his problem? you wonder, And why had his first instinct been to shut you out?
132 notes · View notes
rheagodlywrites · 2 years
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Cigarettes and Confessions
Rottmnt Raph x gn reader (platonic)
You’re a bad influence. You’ve spent most of your life on the run trying to avoid the cops. One day your dear friend catches you smoking on a rooftop.
“Get her!” The yelling from the foot clan ringed in your ears as you ran across the rooftops. You’ve accidentally made them your enemy by stealing a sort of gauntlet from them. You thought it’d be something good to pawn off to get some cash. You eventually drop into an alleyway disappearing behind a dumpster. The yelling eventually faded away and you lean on the wall relaxing. You checked your phone for any calls or new messages but there was only one.
Raph: Hey! Meet me in the same spot? I wanna talk to you.
You responded saying yes to his offer. He told you he’d see you around 10 pm. That was in thirty minutes and you weren’t far from the spot. You climbed back up to the rooftop and head to the rooftop where you two first met. You looked back and forth carefully checking for the red turtle. You pulled out a small box and a lighter. You took out a cigarette and put the orange end to your lips. You shoved the box in your pocket and lit the cigarette. You inhaled deeply and exhaled the familiar feeling of the smoke leaving your lungs. You’ve gotten so lost in this repetition that you didn’t even hear Raph arrive on the rooftop.
“Y/n! We talked about this!” Raph takes the lit cigarette and crushes it in his hands. You look up at him with slightly dazed eyes.
“What the hell! I was almost done!”
Raph frowns shaking his head.
“I’ve told you to stop! It’s not good for you!”
“Well I’m sorry if I can’t stop cold turkey!”
“Why can’t you listen!? You’re insufferable!”
You had blurted out the one thing you never wanted to admit to. You always left people or made people leave you as to avoid the hurt you’d cause them. You’re too far gone, too broken to be fixed.
“What?” Raph widened his eyes with a pitiful expression. You looked away from him,shoving your hands in your pockets.
“Everyone leaves. There’s no such thing as forever.”
Raph wanted to argue. To say something to lift your spirits.
“W-Well what about your family?” He forced himself to ask. Family was usually forever and he knew that best.
“Dead or abandoned me. I was born with a horrible birthmark. My family thought I was cursed since my mother apparently died giving birth to me. I don’t know my dad well since he left taking my sister with him.”
Raph felt guilty for even asking. He didn’t understand how this relates to your smoking addiction.
“It relaxes me. The smoking, I mean.” Raph blinks at you confused. You sigh shaking your head with a little laughter in your voice.
“You always did say your thoughts unconsciously.”
Raph chuckled awkwardly.
“When I smoke, it’s something else to think about. I don’t have to think about where I’m going to sleep next or what I’m going to eat for dinner. I mean I can barely pay my phone bill! I can just breath the smoke and let my mind blank.”
With your confession, Raph could understand why you smoked. It wasn’t cause your rebellious, you just need the escape from the real world. Raph pulls you in for a tight hug.
“I’m sorry. I gave you such a hard time about it when I didn’t even know why you smoked. I’ll help you find a new outlet for that, ok? Just promise me you’ll try a new way?”
“Why are you doing this? Why don’t you hate me? I’m pretty much cursed.”
“You’re my friend and friends stick together.”
Raph put you down and have you a sad smile. His smile broke you and quiet tears made their way down your face.
“OH GOD! ARE YOU OK?!” Raph apologized over and over trying to figure out what’s wrong but his worry only made you laugh.
“You’re too nice to me, Raphael.”
“Hey, just be thankful I managed to score you a spot in the lair for you to live at!”
Raph smiled with a cheeky expression about him. You smile and fist pump the air.
“You’re the best,Raph!”
“Anytime, Y/n.”
72 notes · View notes
oosahwtf · 2 months
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After a 6 month hiatus from reading I have finally returned with the novel Juniper and Thorn by Ava Reid. My friend @zxromance and I recently started doing a book club to help me get back into reading and writing more and Juniper and Thorn was the first book I chose. That being said, many of the thoughts and opinions I share in this report are taken from the notes and discussion between @zxromance and I so I would like to credit him for his contribution to my overall take away from this novel. Before I get into it I would also like to state THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS in this report and if you read the description of this novel and think it’s something you might be interested in reading please read the novel and come back to this. 
Juniper and Thorn by Ava Reid is a gothic horror fantasy novel that is a retelling of The Juniper Tree from Grimm’s Fairy Tales. I would like to mention there are trigger warnings on this book for child S.A., S.A., cannibalism, self mutilation, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, child abuse, abuse, and general body horror. I will say, when I saw those trigger warnings I was nearly scared off from reading this book all together but I believe the author handled these topics gracefully and it was a pretty easy read all things considered. I did struggle a bit in the beginning with not understanding what a lot of the words meant, as to be expected in a fantasy novel, but with a little bit of googling it was a much smoother read after the first couple of chapters. 
I think one of my favorite aspects of this book that I kept coming back to is how perfectly it captures the cycle of abuse and how it affects people's behaviors and decisions. One example of this is how Marlinchen keeps returning to her father instead of just leaving. I know as a survivor of abuse that this is so common to return to these situations out of comfort and fear of the unknown, especially if this is all you’ve ever known. Marlinchen is also so scared of her abuser that she believes he has a lot more power over her than he actually does. You see this when she believes that he can make these potions that he isn’t actually capable of creating and he threatens her with a lot of things he never actually does. It is common once you escape abuse that you realize how small your abuser actually is. Another example of how well this novel shows  abuse is the relationship between Sevastyan and Derukach. Not only is there sexual abuse but also financial abuse. Their relationship also shows how abusers put up the facade of kindness when met with the possibility of their victim leaving the situation. This is also shown of course between Marlinchen and her father when she returns after running away. I think another very accurate and important way that this novel depicts abuse is through Marlinchen’s sisters. Both Undine and Rosenrot were insufferable yet their characters showed perfectly the effects that the cycle of abuse has on people. They were both doing what they could do to survive and their negative behaviors were learned behaviors from their abuser, which is how the cycle of abuse is so often continued. Overall, I love how well written and accurate this part of the book is. It seems to be most of my book report but it is a consistent and constant theme in this novel. 
Now since I got through the darker topics I’m going to get into my lighter hearted thoughts about the novel. Why is Marlinchen falling in love with this man immediately when all he’s done is look pretty and be an alcoholic? Because it’s a fairy tale of course. Honestly as someone who got married after knowing someone for a month when I was 18, super relatable content. It’s definitely accurate behavior for someone who is just now going out and experiencing the world and love for the first time. I would also like to add that against my will for this entire novel I could only picture Marlinchen as Taissa Farmiga in American Horror Story season one and Sevastyan as early 20s Tom Felton. A couple things that irked me through this whole novel were how often Marlinchen calls herself ugly and how annoying Sevastyan’s flirting was. I will say Marlinchen’s body image issues were very accurate to how someone’s brain would work when being abused this heavily but I got very tired of her being like “but I’m ugly” all the time. Sevastyan’s behavior was honestly just time period appropriate but still annoying. Their sex scene on broken glass was kinky enough that I’ll let all of that slide. 
Overall, an amazing novel and so much more than I was expecting out of a fantasy novel honestly. 
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ingo-appreciation · 2 years
I think if Ingo, Emmet, Elesa, and Skyla all played Mario party together, they would either be surprisingly chill about it or they’d be the most insufferably competitive people you’ve ever met
I think they’d have a lot of fun joking about things just going wrong. Like every time someone rolls their dice they’d be like “get a 1, get a 1” and then accusing each other of sabotage when it actually happens. Universal constant though is if one person starts winning a little too much, it’s everyone against them.
If the twins are just playing it by themselves, the same rule applies. Either it’s very chill and they’re more focused on whatever annoying shit the computers are doing, or they’re trying to out compete each other and it’s a blood fest
Universal constant is nobody can beat Emmet at button mashing mini games. Emmet “I like winning more than anything else” submas can and will sacrifice a finger to button mash harder than anyone else
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denizenhardwick · 2 years
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I posted 5,707 times in 2022
That's 4,556 more posts than 2021!
931 posts created (16%)
4,776 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,255 of my posts in 2022
#twewy - 524 posts
#dusty plays final remix - 286 posts
#joshua kiryu - 240 posts
#neku sakuraba - 194 posts
#cats - 134 posts
#neo twewy - 115 posts
#shiki misaki - 113 posts
#personal - 97 posts
#princess tutu - 95 posts
#joshneku - 83 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#bruh my dumb ass misread this as 'why is shooting ur friend (friendship edition) so much harder than shooting ur friend (romantic edition)'
My Top Posts in 2022:
my favorite thing in sky is when you become friends with someone and then they take your hand and just start taking you somewhere. where are we going? idk, but this is my bestie now, and i trust them. if we run into a dark dragon and get attacked, well, at least we're doing it together!
138 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
it’s about being bitter and alone for years, isolating yourself form the world and other people because you’ve learned that friendship hurts, connection hurts, and no one would understand you anyways, right? so why bother? no one gets it.
and then! then you meet someone who does understand you. who does get it. and you fucking hate him. he is the most callous, selfish, insufferable asshole you’ve ever met but he fucking understands you better than anyone else ever has and you hate it. you hate that you see yourself in him because you don’t want to be like that anymore. you’ve grown, you’ve changed, is that really who you are? or who you were? because underneath all of that cruelness, you hold similar ideas about the world, but where you’ve started to look up and see the good in that world, he’s firmly stuck in the opposite direction.
this is what you could have become, and you realize it’s not what you want to be.
hnnnnn i’m going to shred a log between my teeth like i’m a woodchipper.
220 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
for a game from 2007 with no explicit rep, twewy sure is queer as hell. one of the main characters is heavily gay-coded and literally every other mc can easily be read as queer in some way, from rhyme being referred to as “gender non-specific or something in the middle” during an interview, beat having a deadname and being considered a disappointment to his family, shiki’s insecurity manifesting in her inhabiting a body that literally isn’t hers, neku... okay, i actually can’t explain why he comes across so strongly as bi, but he does. and i think that’s all really, really cool.
also the fact that joshua’s character still holds up, even in 2022, is pretty fucking incredible. like, "gay-coded villain who constantly hits on the main character” is just straight-up a homophobic trope, but he’s not a homophobic caricature somehow. despite being very enigmatic, his character is handled with the same respect as everyone else’s and, importantly, he’s never portrayed as creepy or predatory. not even when we find out that he is the villain and he did kill neku.
idk. i guess i’m just glad that i can still enjoy twewy in 2022 without a blatant homophobic elephant in the room knocking shit over.
247 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
it’s me boy i’m the ps5
403 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
don’t you hate it when that happens
464 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
Prompt: Shitty Roommate Viktor (Pt 2)
Viktor is suspiciously complacent after the storm. As if a switch has been flipped inside his boggling head, he’s become the perfect roommate: it infuriates you, in a way. Neither of you really talk much, since you’re not actually together in the dorm most of the time, but when you do? He’s polite, he’s kind, he’s witty - one time he even helped you organize some of your first-semester-thesis notes. It’s not that you’re mad about him being nice all of a sudden, in fact you’re relieved beyond all belief that you get some peace of mind now, but the fact that he is very easily showing himself to be a decent and considerate person? You have your suspicions that he’d been an ass on purpose.
The idea miffs you. You’d thought long and hard about it all -the whole situation- and everything culminated into one small question: Why? Why did he act so rude? Why was he insufferable? And why did he suddenly start treating you like a person instead of a thorn in his side? Unable to come to an answer on your own, you simply decide to inquire.
“Hey, Viktor?” you ask quietly one evening, when the two of you are going over your notes for the day. He hums in response, and continues reading his work. “Why were you such an ass when we first met?” He pauses and glances at you, but you continue, “I mean, the past two weeks, you’ve been a nice person, and a considerate roommate, and I really appreciate that. I look forward to hanging out with you now, y’know? But when we were first shoved in here together, you were…kind of a massive prick. And I get that it wasn’t a great situation -neither one of us were used to sharing a room with anyone- but the number of times I cried in the bath from stress- I just want to know why?”
The expression that Viktor’s face falls into is quite possibly the most guilt-ridden you’ve ever seen him. “You cried?” he asks, “because of me?” You’re quick to try and reassure him that you didn’t cry specifically because of him, and that you had just been incredibly stressed by the entirety of life; that his actions alone weren’t enough to break you. Somehow, though, your assurances don’t seem to resonate with him, and his guilt morphs into sadness. “It was not my intention to…hurt you,” he explains solemnly, “but I am sorry that I did.”
You once again ask him why, but he once again deflects. “It was nothing you did,” he promises, “nor anything you’re doing. My reasons are- the fault is on my side.” You’re less than pleased with his answer, but Viktor, you’ve learned, is one of the most stubborn people you’ve ever met; if he wants to be vague and obscure in his responses, then there is nothing you can do to change his mind. “However,” he continues, right as you turn back to your work, “you will not find me behaving in such a manner, going forward. If I ever do something to…make you unhappy, please inform me.” You nod absently, and you both continue with your studies; retaining the days’ information proves to be a decent distraction for a while, but that same evening, when you’re laying in bed in the dark, you can’t help but go over your conversation with him. What was his problem? you wonder, And why had his first instinct been to shut you out?
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sarah-dipitous · 6 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 348
Y’all (Mary (hi)), guess who has two thumbs and is forgoing the like four day break I had allowed myself because after last week, I can no longer fathom ever doing two episodes in one day. So. I AM still taking Christmas off, but every day other than that, I will be watching ONE episode (with the exception of NYE of course when I will watch over three hours of tv which will take me a stupid amount of time to talk about)
Plot Description: Chuck returns to Earth and debates with Amara about whether the world is worth preserving. As Jack faces a big test, Sam and Dean do not see eye to eye
Castiel BETTER BE IN THIS EPISODE. I will LOSE MY SHIT if the next time I see him is in THE episode, THE NOVEMBER 5, 2020 episode that out trended the United States presidential election
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I suppose no one died. All other universes were already killed off, and Chuck just returned to this one
Oh good. Castiel IS here. I hope this isn’t it for him for this episode
How many times has there only been one way to do something on this show and then they found another at the eleventh hour??
Dean. Dean, you know I love you, but for someone who’s hated living in another person’s story for so long, blindly following the orders in the death book Billie has on Chuck feels a lot like the same. It doesn’t MATTER how you feel, you say?? Boy…
You are one of his three dads, Dean. What, he’s not family because he came here later?? Come on…oooof, he heard you say he’s not family like Sam and Cas are (you’d think after however many months, my phone would have learned not to automatically capitalize the a in Cas)
Ugh, ew, Chuck is so fucking insufferable. He really only cares about himself.
Oh Amara. Oh sweet Amara (never thought I’d say that but here we are). You gave your brother so many outs, you brought him to a place where you could hold him captive til (I presume) Dean and Jack get there and then you’ll be betrayed for all your efforts. You deserve better
You know what would have been better than the entire British Men of Letters plot? Those twins where at least one was a witch, and one died and the other used necromancy to bring her back? What if something had happened with them after that??
Dean, you’ve met Eve. You think she’d still be hanging around Adam all these years if he’s like this?
EXCUSE ME WHAT?? Fine (not fine but we’ll go with fine), Jack passed your little test but that doesn’t mean you have to RIP OUT ONE OF ADAM’S RIBS IN FRONT OF THEM
Ugh…I hate that all Dean can say is thank you and you didn’t need to hear [Dean tell Sam that Jack’s not family] instead of ANY nice platitudes
Y’all are just gonna…FIND they Key of Death in all the shit in the bunker?? Do you even know how to use it. I understood a few of those words in Latin
It’s not a good sign to immediately see a—several dead reapers when visiting Death’s Library
Oh shit. The Empty is here.
You know, Castiel not being able to be on earth aside, Billie taking over as the new god is not the worst thing I ever heard
Chuck’s death book is so long comparative to everyone else’s
I’m so mad that Amara has to die if Chuck dies
Omg wtf. Like I know he’s omniscient and all but he orchestrated this whole Jack becomes a bomb to kill god and Amara?? To pit Sam and Dean against each other one final time, get the ending he wants
Oh it’s NOT just humans on earth, angels in heaven, demons in hell…people from other universes go back to places that no longer exist, Eileen just dies again…and what do you think would happen to the boys who should have been dead many many times over?
Just because you create new universes together in balance does not mean she’s gonna forget everything you’ve put her through, Chuck
I…hate that he just like…absorbed Amara
I can’t watch Jack die AGAIN. I feel like he’s just always doing that……..and Dean says he’s not family. That’s the most Winchester thing you can do
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