#the movie is coming out and Derek has a son
meevling · 2 years
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This is the stupidest thing I’ve drawn in a while and it’s all thanks to that teen wolf movie trailer
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Before the Bet
First of all, thank you to everyone who interacted with The Bet. Seeing reblogs, likes and comments literally made my week, I appreciate all of you!
It also boosted my motivation, so I'm back with a 5+1 prequel to the bet - It can be read standalone as well, but if you haven't read The Bet, check it out here!
This was meant to be like 2000 words max but here we are.
masterlist coming soon
Word Count: 5k~
CW// mentions of blood/fainting, stabbing, arrest, hospitals, mentions of child kidnapping/death, use of y/n, not beta'd
5 times reader and Hotch hid their relationship + 1 time they didn't need to
The BAU rarely had quiet days. Whenever they cropped up, it meant hours of catching up on paperwork and emails, and even more so it meant getting to goof around the office without the usual level of urgency. In short, quiet days were nice.
You had spent the morning sorting through all the files in, on, or around your desk, hoping to clear up some space for the files that would surely start piling up again in the coming weeks. Old case files were sorted into one file to be moved to the proper storage rooms, while newer files were sorted according to date and case number, until you had an oldest-newest pile to work through in the afternoon.
Occasionally on quiet days, Aaron would offer to buy everyone coffee, and Emily and Derek would fight over who got to go pick it up. Today, was not one of those days. JJ and Henry had brought little Henry in for a visit, and with them came fresh muffins and cakes from the bakery near their house. A little after noon, you decided it was the perfect time for a cheap office-coffee refill, and a quiet time to sneak an extra muffin back to your desk.
The kitchen was quiet, with most of the office either holding off until lunch, or already sorted after their coffee break a couple hours earlier. You had just topped up the instant coffee when the door creaked open. You didn’t look up until a hand ghosted your lower back, and the sleeve of Aaron’s suit reached your peripheral vision. He leaned against the countertop, somewhere between beside and behind you, and you turned to face him. There was a smile on his lips, but a crinkle on his forehead where he’d previously been frowning at paperwork.
‘Coffee?’ He just nodded as you reached past him to grab his usual “no.1 Dad” mug Spencer and JJ had bought him one Christmas as a gag gift. You filled the two mugs, enjoying the closeness you often missed out on during work hours.
‘Dinner,’ He spoke suddenly, catching your attention, ‘Us, we should get dinner.’
You had had many dates over the 2 months since your relationship with Aaron had started, but every time he directly asked you out, whether to dinner or a movie, he always seemed unsure of himself.
‘You asking me on a date, sir?’ You teased, leaning against the counter in a perfect mirror of his position. He laughed, a quiet breathy sound that sent butterflies to your stomach.
‘Trying to, yes.’ Your smile grew.
‘Dinner sounds lovely, Aaron,’ Your voice had become quieter, but no less audible to him as you leaned fractionally closer. ‘Jack was telling me about the restaurant you went to last week, the one that had the dinosaur colouring sheets?’
He nodded thoughtfully as you slid his coffee towards him. He took a sip, before leaving the mug back down on the counter. ‘They had a great selection of colours,’ He said with a fond smile. You loved hearing him speak about Jack; the obvious pride displayed across his face whenever his son came into the conversation.
You were just about to ask if he’d kept the coloured sheet when the door’s squeaky hinges creaked loudly, and you jumped apart. Emily stood at the door’s entrance, eyebrows raised at the scene before her. Aaron looked between you and her, moving another step back as subtly as he could.
‘Thanks, uh, that eyelash has been bothering me all morning!’ You blurted out, voice just slightly too loud. You brought your hand to your face, wiping at the phantom eyelash as if to remove it. With a little more distance now between you, you were able to steady your beating heart. When Aaron made no move to leave, you picked up your own coffee, added a touch of cold water, and made a beeline for the door. You rolled your eyes at Emily as you passed, pointedly not looking at the kissy face she made when Aaron had turned back to the sink. Emily moved further into the kitchen then, but Aaron was already heading for the door, eyes following you as you sat back down at your desk with a muffin he hadn't even seen you grab.
‘Hey Hotch?’ He paused at the door, turning to see Emily with his coffee mug in hand, holding it out as if to offer it to him, ‘You forget something?’ There was an obvious teasing lilt to her tone, but he chose to ignore it, hoping he would be back in his office before the scarlet tint reached his cheeks. He wasn’t. He opted to instead hide his face behind the rim of the mug, taking a sip of the hot coffee. With one last glance towards your desk, he disappeared back into his office, and if anyone noticed the door shut a little faster than normal, no one mentioned it.
The knock on his office door alerted Aaron to your early morning arrival. He was used to being the first to the office, especially when the cases were stacking up like they were now. Since your relationship had started 4 months ago, you had taken to bringing him coffee on such days. He appreciated it.
‘Morning, handsome.’ You had a sleepy smile on your face as you stepped into the office. In your hands you carried two coffee cups. While you hadn’t spent the night at Aaron’s apartment, you knew he would be up early and in the office at a ridiculous hour. Where there was work to be done, he was always nearby. His shoulders visibly relaxed as you placed the coffees in front of him.
‘I don’t know what I’d do without you,’ He sighed, an equally tired smile on his own face. The hands of his watch ticked loudly in the otherwise quiet office, and a quick glance showed it was nearly half seven. You weren’t due in until 9. Hands now free, you pulled a chair closer, settling into it before picking back up your own coffee. You reached out and plucked a file from the desk.
‘A problem shared is a problem halved!’ You argued when he raised his eyebrows at you. The usual accompanying frown was absent, so you knew he wasn’t really annoyed at the intrusion, nor the cheesy proverb.  
‘Not when half of the problems are confidential.’ You rolled your eyes but conceded. The file was returned to the pile, and you moved to stand. ‘But the company would be appreciated.’
Your attempt to hide your smile was terrible. You blamed your tiredness. Aaron appreciated this time with you. Early enough that there was no worry about anyone seeing the fondness in his expression while you told him about your adventures in cooking the evening before, or the lovestruck smile on your face when he took your hand in his, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before returning to the file in front of him, fingers still intertwined with yours.
Well, no one except David Rossi. David who had come into work early to enjoy the peace of organising himself for the day before everyone else arrived. David who quietly closed his office door to allow you what little time together you could get at the office.
Weekends off were rare. So, when they came around, everyone celebrated. Team-bonding nights out had become more regular since Emily’s return from “death”. Friday nights before a weekend off were almost always spent together at a bar, club, or occasionally Rossi’s house for impromptu cooking lessons. Penelope and Emily often took turns trying to wing-man for you, and even JJ joined in after a couple drinks. Usually, you used the excuse of wanting to enjoy their company, but occasionally you called an early night to get a break from their incessant need to insert themselves into your sex-life. If you’d been single, you probably would’ve appreciated it. But you weren’t.
The previous night had been one of those early nights. Aaron hadn’t come out with everyone, insisting he needed to finish up some reports and to go on without him. As much as you’d enjoyed the few hours out with your team, you’d decided early in the night that once you’d had three drinks, you were going to go back to Aaron’s apartment and enjoy the rest of the evening with him. It wasn’t often that you had the apartment to yourselves on a Friday night, but Jessica had offered to have Jack for a sleepover. You wanted to make the most of it.
To wake up naturally, no blaring alarm clock or ringing phone, was a blessing. The room was lit by dim light behind closed curtains, and the only sounds were that of birds outside and the quiet snoring of Aaron behind you. His arm was draped over your waist, keeping you warm where his bare skin touched yours. Slow mornings were good mornings. You rolled in his arms until you were facing him, tracing the outline of his face with your eyes. He really was the most handsome man you’d ever seen. It was something you reminded him often.
‘Morning,’ His voice, though usually deep, was always deeper in the mornings, sending shivers down your spine. Your eyes met his half-open ones, and you leaned in to press a kiss to his lips. The only thing you loved more than spending the night with Aaron, was waking up to him the next morning. He chased your lips as you leaned back, swallowing your laugh as he caught them with his. Large hands encircled your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
Swinging a leg over his waist, you manoeuvred yourself over him without breaking the kiss, earning a groan as you rolled your hips languidly down on his. His lips broke away from yours, only to reattach further down your neck, wandering hands moving up and under your pyjama top in their search for skin. You buried your fingers in his hair, tugging gently as his hips rose to meet yours. Moving one hand to the back of your neck, the other around your back, Aaron flipped you, positioning himself on top of you. He kept his weight off you with one arm, which lay next to your head while the other resumed its journey up your side towards your chest. He took a moment to look down at you, appreciating the view below him before he returned his lips to the expanse of untouched skin below your collarbone.
Your hands were half-way to tugging at his shirt when the loud ring of his phone broke you apart. Your eyes stayed closed, a sigh leaving you as he rolled over and off you to grab the device off the side table.
‘Hello?’ His voice was still breathy as he picked up the call, but you could tell instantly it was a work call as his voice became stern and serious. He was on the call for barely thirty seconds before you realised what a work call at 9am on a Saturday meant for you both. ‘Of course. I’ll be there soon.’
The disappointment at your ruined weekend plans was evident on your face. Aaron was already sitting up, stretching out sleep-sore muscles and trying to get the blood circulating back around his entire body. You opened your mouth to try and persuade him to lie back down, just for five more minutes, when your own phone rang. You didn’t need to see the caller ID to know it was Penelope, the unique ringtone she’d set for herself playing loud and clear.
‘Please god let this be a social call.’ There were nicer ways to answer the phone; you didn’t care to use one.
‘I hate being the bearer of bad news, but they found a body in Monogahela national forest, and its not looking pretty,’ Penelope said, an apologetic tone to her normally cheery voice, ‘But don’t worry my love, our resident Boy Genius promised to bring coffees and pastries for everyone.’
‘He’s really earning that genius title,’ You laughed, turning your head slightly to get a better view of Aaron, who was pulling dress pants out of the wardrobe and searching for a tie to match the shirt he’d already laid out at the foot of the bed. He held up two options when he saw you looking. It was very domestic, and you felt all the more disappointed that in one short hour, you’d be back to pretending you hadn’t spent the night - and start of the morning - between the sheets with him. Back to pretending that you weren’t planning to spend the weekend helping Jack bake cookies and cakes for his schools bake sale on Monday, and going for a run with Aaron before you tried to recreate one of Dave’s pasta recipes for dinner with Jack and Jessica. Back to pretending he was just your boss.
You looked away, trying to focus back on Penelope’s words as she explained the flight times and what you needed to add to your go bag. You were glad you’d put your spare overnight bag into the boot of Aarons car.
Yours eyes widened at the sudden exclamation, head whipping back around to see Aaron holding his foot. You barely had time to deduce that he’d stubbed his toe before Penelope’s voice was screaming through the receiver at you.
‘OH MY GOD! Was that a man???’ You were at a loss for words, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. Thankfully, Penelope had no interest in waiting for your response. ‘I thought you went home early, you sly fox!’
‘Listen Pen, I have to go,’ You said quickly, ‘See you soon!’
You pulled the phone away from your ear, her threats of finding out all the details later cut off as you hung up. There was a moment of silence, before you burst out laughing, clutching your stomach tightly. Aaron’s laugh followed yours seconds later, both of you revelling in the ridiculousness of the situation. Seven months of secrets and it was nearly all revealed over a stubbed toe. By the time the laughter had subsided, Aaron had sat back down next to you. You leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his exposed collarbone.
‘You know she’s gonna quiz me about this the entire flight, right?’
Cases involving children were always hard. After a week of searching and profiling and praying, the team had identified and located the unsub. Five missing children over six months. The latest victim, a young girl kidnapped from the local fair, had been the missing piece of the puzzle that led you to the unsub, but the team had been too late, arriving in time to catch the unsub wrapping her body for disposal. The arrest had been horrible, but sitting with JJ while she informed the victim’s parents was even worse.
By the end of the day, you were completely and utterly drained. You wanted to be back in your own bed, in your own apartment, not in a stuffy hotel room overthinking every decision you had made. Those parents wanted their little girl back. You tried to push the thought from your mind. After nearly an hour in the vicious hell of your own company, you dragged yourself off the bed, and down the hallway to the room you knew Aaron had. You had never been more grateful for the increased hotel budget allowing the team individual rooms on this case.
He was quick to answer the door, still in his suit, though his tie hung undone around his neck. He looked roughly how you felt.  His frown deepened when he saw you, standing with your arms around your torso, eyes red and puffy.
‘Come here,’ he said, already reaching out for you. No more words were needed as he wrapped you up in his embrace, holding you against him. The door swung shut behind you as he guided you further into the room. It was identical to yours, with a double bed in the centre, a small coffee machine and mug on the edge of a small desk, and a door leading into a small bathroom.  Unlike yours, most of Aaron’s belongings had been packed away into his overnight bag, gun and badge sitting on top of the open bag.
‘I hate cases like this,’ you whispered into his neck, letting the repetitive motion of his hand rubbing your back soothe you.
‘I know, so do I.’
You stood together in the middle of the room for a long time before you pulled back. Not far enough to be out of Aaron’s arms, but enough that you could look at him. His brow was furrowed as he met your gaze, face all full of worry and exhaustion. You reached up, running your thumb along his brow to soften the expression, smoothing out the lines. He leaned into your touch. Catching your wrist in his hand, he peppered kisses along the inside of it, following the line all the way to your palm. It was methodical, kisses following the vein as far as they could.
You looped the fingers of your free hand into the loop of his tie, pulling him to you until your lips met his. The kiss wasn’t rushed, or hungry. It was soft and gentle, anchoring you to the present, and away from the past two days. When he pulled back, he let his forehead rest against yours, eyes still closed. It was the moment of calm you had been hoping for since you’d first arrived. It wouldn’t solve all your problems, or take away all the guilt you felt, but it could keep them from overwhelming you entirely. After a minute, you opened your eyes.
‘I really should head back, my bags not going to pack itself, and I do not want to be stuck here any longer than I have to be,’ you said, stepping out of his space with much difficulty. You wanted to stay, borrow his shirt to sleep in and worry about everything else tomorrow, but your flight was early, and you really didn’t want to be rushing to get packed before take-off.
‘I’ll be here if you need me,’ He voice was almost hoarse with how soft he spoke, pulling you back in for one last kiss. You turned then, and left the room, pulling the door shut behind you. You still felt horrible, but the heavy weight on your chest had eased off. That was all you could hope for tonight.
‘Isn’t that Hotch’s room?’ You froze like a deer in headlights outside the door as Spencer’s voice reached your ears. You turned to look at him over your shoulder, hoping he wouldn’t notice the panic-stricken expression on your face.
‘Uh, yeah,’ You forced out, ‘Yeah he uh- you see, my shower wasn’t working.’ Your brain felt fried, but the excuse wasn’t the worst you’d come up with over the previous nine months. ‘He let me us his. Shower.’ Spencer blinked at you, and for a frighteningly long minute, he said nothing.
‘That’s nice of him,’ He said finally, lips curling into a half-smile, ‘Hey, Emily, Derek and I were going to go down to the bar for a drink, if you want to come?’
‘Sounds great, Spence,’ You mirrored his smile, ‘I need to pack, so I’ll meet you down there?’ He nodded, and with that he disappeared down the hall, and you took a deep breath. You’d have to tell them eventually, but not tonight. Not tonight.
You wouldn’t realise until days later that your hair had been completely dry, you had no towels with you, and your excuse had been ridiculously transparent.
You knew it was a bad idea to sit next to Aaron on the flight back, but it had been a tough case, and you couldn’t help but yearn for his comfort. Even though it had been short, everyone seemed to be feeling it. With Derek passed out across the couch, and Emily and Spencer focused on their game of cards, there hadn’t been much stopping you gingerly leaning closer to the warmth radiating from the man next to you. He acknowledged your careful closeness by letting the free hand not occupied by the case report drop to rest on your knee under the table.
The coffee you’d made for yourself after boarding had only increased your adrenaline crash, and you could feel your eyelids drooping even as you fought to keep them open. It was a losing battle. The soft material of Aaron’s shirt made contact with your cheek as you leaned against his shoulder. The muscles beneath you tensed, but not enough to wake you from the sleep that had taken over quite rapidly.
Aaron glanced down at you before back up at the rest of the team. JJ was nowhere to be seen, probably in the small airplane kitchen, and the others seemed to be otherwise occupied. When he was sure no one was paying any attention to your little corner of the plane, he allowed himself to relax. It was a needed comfort after the weeks work. His thumb drew soft circles on your thigh, and for the first time all week, he closed the case file and his eyes. Just a minute of peace, that’s all he needed.
The minute ended rather abruptly when the hushed voices of Emily and JJ reached his ears. He stubbornly kept his eyes shut.
‘Think he’d let the rest of his drool on his shoulder like that?’ Emily’s voice was just about audible, the teasing grin on her face clear in his mind even without seeing it. He thought about waking you, pretending it was all just tiredness, and moving on like there weren’t four pairs of eyes on you both. But he couldn’t. Not when your body curved toward him, unaware of its unconscious betrayal. Your hair tickled where it brushed against his neck.
Instead, he opened his eyes slowly, giving the onlookers a chance to turn away. They didn’t need to know he’d heard them. He didn’t need to know they would be continuing this conversation shortly after the plane landed. Dave, who sat across the row from Aaron, hid his smirk with his coffee mug, returning his focus to his book. With one last soft look in your direction (which didn’t go unnoticed by Emily and Spencer), Aaron picked up the case file and got back to work.
‘Fuck.’ You were bent at the middle, hands on your knees for support as you tried to catch a breath. Derek and one of the uniformed officers were already hauling the unsub off towards a police cruiser. A second uniformed officer was searching the area for the weapon, which had been lost in the scuffle. You brushed off Emily’s concern, promising her you were just winded. Straightening up, you swallowed a wince as your hands ached to go to your stinging side. ‘Just, just need to sit for a minute.’
‘We’ll take care of everything here, why don’t you go with Reid, get checked out by the paramedics?’ You blinked rapidly as you tried to focus back on her words.
‘I’m okay, Em, really,’ Your chest felt like it was on fire with every breath you took, but you forced a reassuring smile. She didn’t look reassured. ‘Fine, mom, I’ll get checked when Reid’s done.’
Emily’s concerned look didn’t fade, but she nodded, and you turned back towards the line of black SUVs. Once she had moved off to help make a perimeter around the scene, you slowly walked back to them. Thankfully, the lights and sirens had since been switched off. You pulled yourself into the passenger seat, trying to pretend it didn’t hurt so much. You couldn’t be weak in front of your team. You’d gotten a shock, that’s all. You were fine.
 A wave of tiredness crashed over you as soon as you sat down, leaning forward to balance yourself against the dash. You weren’t catching your breath, instead finding it harder and harder to fill your lungs. A few more minutes, that’s all you needed. You tried desperately to convince yourself the words were true, but as another breath burned its way down your trachea, panic started to set in. All too suddenly, your FBI vest felt too tight, your arms heavy as you tried to tear it off. With a lot of activity, you managed to get it loosened, but as soon as the pressure was released, your head started to spin rapidly. You closed your eyes tightly, trying to dispel the feeling, but within seconds, a darkness had swallowed you.
It could’ve been seconds, minutes, or hours before a sliver of consciousness crept back into your body. There was a noise to your left, and you dazedly tried to turn your head, but it wouldn’t move. You tried to focus on the window in front of you, but your vision was swimming. Feeling wobbly, you tried to push yourself up straighter, tried to turn and move, and then there was a warm hand on your shoulder, pushing you gently back against the seat.
‘Stay still.’ The words were commanding, but the voice was laced with worry. ‘The paramedics are almost here.’ And then, more distant as if the owner of the voice had moved away from you, he yelled, ‘Where are the medics?!’
You didn’t remember much after that, holding onto the voice as you drifted in and out of consciousness. Aaron remembered the whole journey too clearly. Guilt crept through him, worsening the longer it took to reach the hospital. He was sent to the waiting room while you were rushed into surgery. With an abundance of time, and a lack of answers, all he could do was replay the scene in his mind over and over and over again.
The arrest was meant to be easy. With no victims in the house, and no wives or kids in the picture to be used as hostages, it should’ve been easy to disarm the suspect and bring him into custody. Instead, he had let you just close enough to him to grab you and press a small knife against your side. You’d let your guard down when he’d given up so easily. You should’ve known better. It was a tense negotiation, the point of the blade piercing the material of your vest as JJ spoke to the man, Derek sneaking slowly behind him.
As soon as the unsub was fully distracted by JJ, Derek had moved in. Tackling the unsub to the ground had knocked you down with them, your head hitting the ground with a thump. The knife went skittering off as the man’s arm collided with the ground, but with Derek’s knee against his back and arms pressing down on his shoulders, he quickly lost the fight.
Aaron wanted to rush to you, to gather you in his arms and not let you go, but the captain of the police department had already turned his attention to the growing crowd of journalists and bystanders trying to get closer to get the full story. Emily had already gone to you, so with an unconscious scowl, Aaron turned and followed the captain towards the tape.  
It wasn’t long before he was joined by JJ and Dave, as the trio attempted to subdue the now impatient journalists and horrified neighbours.
‘Hotch!’ Emily’s voice carried over the commotion to reach his ears. He turned to watch her as she weaved through the crowd of officers to reach him. Dave glanced at them, before redirecting the journalists in front of them onto another question, leaving Aaron the gap he needed to step back.
‘What’s wrong?’ He didn’t wait for her to come to a stop, the concerned look on her face clueing him into the fact something was amiss.
‘Its y/n.’ Aaron swore in that moment his heart stopped beating. ‘They promised they’d get checked out by the medics, but Reid said they haven’t been anywhere near the ambulances.’
A quick glance over his shoulder showed JJ and Dave gaining control of the mob, and he nodded to Emily, already striding away from the mass of bodies. She was quick to follow. Taking the lead, she headed back towards the SUVs, where she assumed you must’ve gone. She hadn’t seen you when she passed, but it had been a quick pass.
Aaron himself nearly missed your figure through the tinted windows, slumped down in the seat. His heart stopped for a second time that day.
‘Get a medic!’ It was his voice yelling out, but it sounded distant, even to his own ears. With the door flung open, he put his hand on your shoulder and shook. Your head lolled with the motion, but your eyes fought to open. You were alive. Feeling resistance under his fingers, he gently pushed you back against the seat, eyes scanning your figure trying to find the damage. ‘Stay still,’ He tried to keep his voice steady and calm, swallowing the lump in his throat as a trail of red caught his attention. The bottom of your vest was torn and a shaded darker than the rest, a small red trail leaking out from underneath onto your white shirt. Carefully manoeuvring you to a position where he had better access, he pressed down hard against the dark spot.
‘The paramedics are almost here.’ He couldn’t tell if you could still hear him, your eyelids fluttering rapidly. He leaned out of the car as far as he could without lessening the pressure, ‘Where are the medics?!’
He could see two people in high vis jackets approaching quickly, Emily leading the way. Two big bags and a stretcher was carried between the two, and it was only mere seconds before they were ushering him back and out of their way so they could assess the damage.
Whatever they decided, it wasn’t good. They removed your vest, and shirt, and by the amount of packing being shoved back into one of the bags, the bleeding wasn’t slowing. If he wasn’t so panicked, Aaron would’ve appreciated how efficiently they worked. It was only five minutes before you were being packed into the back of the ambulance. Dave had been left in charge at the scene, with instructions to come to the hospital as soon as everything was cleared at the scene and the precinct.
The paramedic in the back with Aaron – Thomas, as he’d introduced himself – busied himself with taking sets of vitals every 5 minutes, monitoring the pressure bandages around your abdomen, and ensuring the flow of oxygen was at a steady level. All the while, he tried to keep Aaron clued into what was happening for every step.
By the time they’d reached the hospital, you had a sickly pallor. You were rushed immediately into an emergency theatre. Once the doors closed in front of him, it took every ounce of strength to carry his body to the waiting room. He sat for what felt like days, before a nurse came to find him. In reality it had been an intensive two-hour surgery, and a thankfully uneventful recovery. On route to your room, he was given the news that everything had gone smoothly. Luck had been on your side, and the wound had missed everything important. It had only barely nicked a large vein, which had caused the large bleed, but had been easy to fix. It would be at least six weeks of desk duty, but you would recover.
Sitting at your bedside, Aaron gripped your hand in his, careful not to squeeze too hard. He was positive you’d hit him if you felt he was treating you as if you were fragile, but until you woke up, he would take that chance. With the adrenaline dropping and the relief flooding in, all he could do was hold on and not let go. After 40 minutes of watching for signs of you waking up, Aaron could feel his eyelids dropping. He didn’t try keep them open, instead shuffling the chair closer to the edge of the bed. You would be there when he woke, as he would be when you woke.
Which you did, just over an hour later. Aaron was still asleep, and you were careful not to wake him. If it took you getting stabbed to get him a few extra hours of sleep, you were making damn sure he got all he could. A nurse came into the room shortly after you woke, and Aaron slept through the check-up. It was your turn to watch him. Admiring the calm in his sleepy features, and gently squeezing the hand still clutching yours. The nurse had let you know he’d been there from the second he'd been allowed in the room. You didn’t need to hear the words. You knew he loved you.
‘You can see them now.’
It had been a longer wait for the rest of the team, who’d arrived shortly after Aaron had left the waiting room. Together they stood and followed the nurse down the hallway into a quieter section of the hospital. Through the open door, they could see you, attached to tubes and wires, but eyes open and sitting up. Next to you was Aaron. The spare visitors seat had been pulled as close to the bed as possible, and that’s where he sat. He was clearly asleep, given the closed eyes and steady breaths. He was leaned slightly towards you, head tilted down. With his sleeves rolled to his elbows, his tie loose around his neck, and his hair in disarray, he looked about as unkempt as the team had ever seen him. But he also looked calm. His usually furrowed brow was relaxed, and his lips forwent their usual downturn in exchange for a slightly parted straight line. Your thumb absentmindedly smoothed over the skin of his knuckles, and you smiled fondly at his sleeping figure. It was sickeningly obvious from your expression that you had so much love for him.
When you finally felt eyes on you, you looked up to see four eager faces greeting you just outside your door. The fond smile on your face only got fonder as they quietly piled into the room. The noise woke Aaron, who’s eyes immediately found yours. Pulling your joined hands up, he pressed his lips to the back of your hand, before straightening up in the seat. He didn’t drop your hand.
Surrounded by your family, you couldn’t help but think that really, you were going to be just fine.
taglist: @michasia24
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freefallfiction · 4 months
File: Masterlist (Criminal Minds)
Last Reviewed: 5/16/2024
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Originally posted by tinywolfcoffee
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S. Reid
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The Seven Stages Of Loving You
A seven part series where Spencer falls in love with the BAU’s CI, or, Spencer finds out just how hard it is to build a future with someone constantly attacked by their past.
Years had passed. Cases opened and closed, books were written and sold, the world spun and spun until... until it didn’t. The world kept moving until three am on Halloween night-- six shots of whiskey deep-- the world crashed down. 
A. Hotch
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Last Man Standing
No matter what it takes, even as bodies fall all around him and blood paints the streets, he will come home to you.
Just Like The Movies
It was a rare sight even before what will henceforth be known only as 'the incident' for Aarons smile to stretch so wide his eyes crinkled in a boyish manner that everyone believed was lost to time. It must have been a miracle.
The Egg Crusher
Serial killers in their own backyard had a tendency to start fires within the team that burn hotter than usual; one targeting pregnant women was practically begging them to shut him down. Aaron had begged her to take off work and finally start maternity leave. The worst part was she listened; the constant messages to his work email that set of ‘nesting’ alarms in his head had him convinced she had dived head first into it. Then he gets one signed off with the hidden moniker used when one of them gets themselves in trouble.
D. Morgan
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Where You Go (I Wanna Go With You)
Derek always believed the job came first; complete the mission however he needed to for the case to close and the rest was simply collateral damage. Even now, when all is said and done, he couldn't say when his priorities shifted.
Where You Go (I Go)
Derek knew what it meant to be a great soldier. He knew how to follow all the rules and take initiative when appropriate; he’d learned these things as a means of survival. Even if the country he serves has dwindled down to one person, he knows to do everything in his power to get to her till his dying breath. (a part two)
The people at work tried to be more encouraging than envious when her boyfriend insists on driving her to and from work some random Tuesday. The imposing figure the man struck was intimidating, yet they all called him her ‘doberman puppy’.
J. Gideon
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The Heart
He thought he'd lost it forever; for years it had been pegged as just another thing the horrors of his profession had stolen from him, a risk his mind simply wouldn't allow him to take. He should have known the brain had no power over matters of the heart.
E. Prentiss
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Dancing With The Stars
Maybe in another world, when Emily crossed the dimly lit ballroom with a cutting smile and wandering hand, she did it without the mic in her ear.
E. Greenway
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Comfort, Come Forth, King Forge
It was a dangerous field; that was all anyone ever said- you're a small girl, they'll eat you alive. For years after the academy she was always a girl first agent second; then she met her.
D. Rossi
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Bella, Ciao
He may have chosen the wild life, but his heart remained every faithful in her hands.
These Trembling Hands
He thought it might be over; similar fates have happened to men far more successful than he. A mission gone wrong and they're sent to recovery, a mandates psych eval that already is stamped 'denied' to send him into retirement. He never thought he'd last this long in the first place, and if the pretty psychiatrist was his parting present he'd be a fool to look the gifted horse in the eye.
P. Garcia
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Something Lost, Something Gained
It was a gilded reassignment that brought the new liaison to the team; she was, perhaps, the only agent who loathed the idea of being tacked on to the BAU's list of revolving-door members. The Cyber Response Unit had been home ever since the academy, but a single misstep had started the spiral towards madness, better known as the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Hopefully there would be someone on the team that wouldn't inherently know every little secret which had been carefully tucked away.
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Sterek Fic Rec - April & May 2023. Sorry team, I know I am late and now combining months. Been busy with other things so while I hope to keep doing rec lists, they may be less monthly overall. But I promise I am still here! :)
Orbit (yours is the only one i'd follow) by whenwordsmakesense (1/1 | 1K | Teen)
Stiles flashes back to the nights and mornings he has spent in Derek’s bed, only because he’d fallen asleep researching the latest trouble in their town and Derek hadn’t felt like waking him up, only to drive sleepily and more than likely end up on his computer again once he got home. And he thinks of this pack, his family, has tied them to each other—all of them—and he thinks of how love has filled them up where the holes of loss have taken place.
Stiles muses on what love is.
The Ink Under My Skin by rainsoakedshoes (1/1 | 10K | Mature)
Derek is looking for an Emissary. What he finds is Stiles Stilinski; resident witch.
Stiles would do whatever it takes to protect the Hale pack and his Alpha.
“I want to protect my pack as well as I can,” Derek continued. “Emissaries traditionally keep balance, having someone who wants to tip the odds in our favour may come in handy.”
Figure it Out by Gia279 (1/1 | 5K | Not Rated | Podfic by josilverdragon)
“He isn’t cursed,” Derek said suddenly, “I am.” As he spoke, no less than three lizards tumbled from his mouth. He caught them before they hit the ground, clutching them in folded fingers.
Dream Mate - Real Mate by TheyDraggedMeInNowIAintLeaving (1/1 | 4K | Teen)
Stiles is hired to put magical protection on the Hale house, Derek is incapable of making words in his presence. Somehow they still manage to get a happy ending
Derek Hale--Even in the Wind His Hair Is Perfect by literaryoblivion (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
It’s not the greatest job in the world, but someone’s gotta do it. And Stiles makes the most of it, okay?
Writing captions for the live broadcasts as well as helping run and write the copy for the online news stories can get rather tedious and boring, but Stiles tries his best to keep himself entertained. Slipping in a movie or comic book reference inside a human interest story just to see if someone comments about it, putting up a funny headline to see if someone catches it and puts it up on reddit, you know harmless things that to the casual viewer and reader will go unnoticed but to those that actually pay attention, they might get a kick out of it.
Recently though, he maybe has been… abusing his power.
(There's) no smoke without fire by Ark (1/1 | 6K | Explicit | Podfic by  pricklywhicket)
They kiss for entirely too long. If anyone found them in the woods just then they would be like, dudes, this is excessive.
“Stiles, I was talking about the lasagna” by quackquackcey (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
The time Stiles thought his dad could read minds and ended up confessing his inner most thoughts starring Derek—twice.~ 🐺💝
Couldn't find the words by Tails89 (6/6 | 21K | Teen)
John stands, holding out his hand for Melissa. “I never thought I’d be happy to see my son dating Derek Hale."
“They’re good for each other.” Melissa lets John pull her up onto her feet. “I’m happy for them.”
Five times someone thought Stiles and Derek were dating (plus one time they finally used their words and were!)
all my blossoms by WeAreTheLuckyOnes (1/1 | 7K | Mature)
Stiles has to nudge Derek over as he climbs into bed and under the quilt, but Derek goes easily, rolling onto his side and curving around Stiles's body when he settles. He puts his face into Stiles's throat, nose nudging against Stiles's jaw, arm sliding around Stiles's waist. Stiles is asleep in mere moments, comfortable and warm and safe against Derek's body.
Or the one where Stiles and Derek just get to be happy.
You Always Make A Bloody Mess by Sweetsyren (1/1 | 5K | Explicit)
Stiles is used to hiding his scars.
princecharmingwinks special mention (the found family vibes are so sweet!)
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain (1/1 | 22K | Teen)
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
See you next time team! Hopefully not as long before the next list. Remember to send all the love and kudos to our fabulous writers (and podficcers!).
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kitchenisking · 9 months
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Merry Christmas!
Knot What I Was Expecting by KnottheWolf - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,778, sterek)
Day 6- Creampie: Maybe Stiles shouldn’t have visited Derek while on the night of a full moon. That’s a lie. He totally would have done it again.
Wanting Stiles by BoBaJa- (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,985, sterek)
Waiting for his roommate to finish showering for a frat party, Derek can't resist relieving tension with his face buried in Stiles's sheets. He's done it before - and he knows how dangerous his crush has become, but he just can't help it. What's the worst thing that could happen?
But then Stiles catches him - and suddenly, Derek's wildest dreams are coming true.
Heaven is a Place on Earth by whentheywrite - (Rating: Mature, Words: 4,820, sterek)
Derek glanced up, eyes red, and Stiles promptly choked on his own breath. He was pretty sure he didn’t have a ‘yes sir’ kink but yeah, that could probably do it for him.
“You’re so loud,” Derek murmured, letting go of Stiles’s wrists to trace his fingers down Stiles’s chest. Stiles arched up against it and the man smirked.
“Too loud.”
“I don’t appreciate being shamed for my beautiful voice.”
Fourth time's the charm by An-a-droid (AnnaHawk) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11,782, sterek)
Derek and Stiles have been together for a few months, and Derek won't let Stiles stay on top during sex, his instincts telling him to take and claim. Stiles enjoys it to a certain point, but decides to find a way to make Derek behave for once, no matter how many times he has to try.
It's Always Something, Even at Christmas by NephilimEQ - (Rating: Mature, Words: 20,386, sterek)
Stiles Stilinski is an accomplished FBI agent, an accomplished emissary, and a good friend and son...and also an emergency fake date? Even as something weird is starting to go on just a few days before Christmas in Beacon Hills, Derek comes to Stiles for help--to be his fake boyfriend for his work Christmas party. Excited, but also nervous, can he handle it all at the same time while still concealing his feelings for the werewolf that he's had a crush on since he first met him? Despite Erica's reassurance, Stiles worries...
Proximity by NadiaHart - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5,963, sterek)
This was supposed to be a routine scouting mission. Go check out the creepy warehouse that suddenly appeared behind the abandoned movie theater off route 15; take some notes, maybe a photo or two. Do some basic recon and report back to the rest of the pack. That is decidedly not what happened. And now, standing chest-to-chest, squished into a shipping crate with Derek, Stiles absently wonders where he went wrong.
"Darling, you look perfect tonight." by EvanesDust - (Rating: G, Words: 500, sterek)
...the one where Stiles reminisces about the first time Derek proposed.
Fuck a Witch by Noname109 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,930, sterek)
“What do you need, Stiles?” Derek’s voice is raw and deeper than normal. Stiles holds his head back against the pillows and just breathes for a couple seconds. 
“I just... I need... fuck...” 
“Use your words, you’re good at that.” 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
“Mm, maybe later.” 
Who's Your Daddy? by victurius - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,597, sterek)
It starts out as a joke, Stiles calls Derek 'dad' when the alpha gives him a snappy order. What Stiles doesn't expect is how the joke seems to affect Derek... Or six times Stiles calls Derek 'daddy' and one time he does something about it.
I'm Your Alpha Now by HyperSonic - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,670, sterek)
Stiles goes to a club with his best buddy and alpha Scott, but leaves with a new alpha.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Watch Lady Chatterley's Lover (2022) and then Read...
I absolutely loved Lady Chatterley's Lover (2022). I think it was a triumph of the female gaze, Emma Corrin being the Period Piece Pinch Hitter we all need in a post-Keira world, and fucking in the woods.
To be clear, the book is not a romance. It does not end unhappily (more like "to be continued", without any intention of a continuation and clarification) but it's not a romance. The movie, I would argue... is pretty close to being a romance, or just a romance outright. Joely Richardson looks at the camera and goes "this is a love story", and by God, who am I to question Joely Richardson (who also was Lady Chatterley once). It hits many of the classic notes of a historical romance novel--hardcore fucking and immediately having an existential crisis after, "my god, how could this constant unprotected sex I'm having result in a PREGNANCY???", a douchey rich guy who wants to publish his stupid novella.
After watching it, I wanted to go through my rolodex of books and throw up some recommendations for what to read after watching this movie and getting a bit. Interested.
I tried to focus on a) interclass dynamics or b) illicit affairs. Ideally both, but it's more about the vibe than the readalike nature.
The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt. In many ways, a Lady Chatterley vibe without the annoying husband and *with* a murder mystery. Our heroine is a wealthy heiress who travels to an estate she recently inherited on her own, employing an experience steward to help her with the business side of things. And with the business side of things. Elizabeth Hoyt writes some of the best sex in the game, and there's a lot of great class conflict in this one.
Waking Up with the Duke by Lorraine Heath. A Lady Chatterley setup but with less class conflict and more *secrets*. The Duke of Ainsley, genteel and well-mannered, still feels real bad for that time he got into a carriage accident with his best friend, which resulted in said friend's permanent impotency. Friend asks Ainsley to pay him back by fucking his wife, Jayne, in order to ensure that she has the baby she's always wanted. Jayne is like "say what now", because she does in fact hold the accident against Ainsley, and Ainsley is all "I COULD NEVER--but if you're like... insisting..." because of course, he has always carried a torch for Jayne. A month of hot, angsty, "don't kiss me on the mouth" cottage sex ensues, and the emotional fallout for these idiots is MAGNIFICENT.
The Countess by Sophie Jordan. Not out yet, but put this one on your TBR because there is certainly a married lady discovering her sexuality in the arms of another man (wealthy, but of a different social class) around these parts. Out 3/28/23.
Between the Devil and Desire by Lorraine Heath. For the "this coarse man is lighting my ladylike fires" vibe. Our heroine is a recently widowed duchess with a young son, who comes to find out that--what the fuck--her husband left the guardianship of their child to a man she doesn't even fucking know. The hero grew up on the streets and has risen to become a successful club owner, but is still very much lower class. They move in together, and incredible sexual tension and heightened emotions ensue. TW: discussion of childhood sexual abuse.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas. This might seem a bit left field at first, but I shall recommend it because a) there is a huge emphasis on class in this novel. Sara is not necessarily a hugely upper class lady, but she is a genteel lady, and Derek Craven's awareness of their social differences and his roughness against her softness is a huge part of their conflict in the first half of the book. B) sexual awakening is very emphasized in Sara's journey. C) Sara does have a boring fucking fiance who's like "Sara, it's okay if we aren't that into each other sexually" while Sara, having just gotten her titties sucked at a party, is like "UHHHHHH NO THAT IS NOT OKAY". D) Much like Oliver Mellors, Derek Craven suffers from "is very smart but sometimes we don't know what he's saying" syndrome.
Duchess by Day, Mistress by Night by Stacy Reid. Our heroine is another widowed duchess with a young son--but this time, she's on the hunt for the governess that ditched in a flash. She hires the coarse, lower class but nonetheless successful fixer in town to help her... And his price ends up being a bit more carnal than monetary. VERY illicit affairs dot mp3.
Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth Hoyt. No class difference here, but we do have a lot of illicit sneaking around when our heroine begins sleeping with her betrothed's roguish brother--who might just fuck the rigid rule following sensibility right out of her.
Her Night with the Duke by Diana Quincy. A widow has a one night stand with a handsome stranger, only to discover that he's courting her stepdaughter. It's messy, it's angsty, it's hot, and I do believe there are some outdoor activities.
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mult1f1cs · 10 months
Sick Days part 1
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Pairings: Aaron Hotchnerx Non!BAUFem reader Warnings: Fluff Word count: 2314
(Your p.o.v)
     I was laying on the couch in my house. My son Jack and my daughter Evelyn were cuddled up next to me. My husband Aaron has been out of town on a case for almost 2 weeks. The second day he was gone Jack and Evelyn got sick at daycare. I ended up getting sick while caring for them obviously. Right now we were watching a Disney movie and the air conditioner was on full blast to try and keep us all cool. We had just had some chicken soup for lunch and the kids were shifting between sleep and not sleeping. I had gotten a text from Aaron that said he would be home later this evening and I was glad about that because as much as I love Jack and Evelyn it’s hard to take care of two sick kids alone especially with Evelyn only being three. I heard Evelyn start to cry and I rub her back while I turn to look at her, “Hey princess what’s wrong?” She looks up at me and says, “I yucky mama. My voice owie.” I kiss the top of her head knowing she means her throat hurts, “I know princess. Want brother to get your sippy cup?” She nods and I look at Jack, “Hey buddy can you grab sissy’s cup real quick.” He nods and gets up slowly walking over to the pile of blankets on the floor grabbing Evelyn’s sippy cup and his water bottle. Both of their bottles had a mixture of juice and medicine. Evelyn smiles at Jack a little when he hands her the sippy cup and she says, “Tank you Jack.” He smiles at her and rubs her cheek, “You’re welcome Evie.” I sat up slowly as I went into a coughing fit and I gently moved Evelyn from my lap to the couch. I got up and Jack said, “Where are you going mama?” I look at him and ruffle his hair a little, “The bathroom and then to refill my water bottle. Keep an eye on Evie for me.” He nods and I smile as I walk out of the room. 
     When I walked back out to the living room after refilling my water bottle I saw Evie and Jack cuddled up on the couch asleep. I smiled and slowly climbed onto the couch next to them laying down with them cuddling them close as I started to fall asleep. I heard my phone go off before I fell asleep completely and I reached over to the coffee table picking it up. I saw a text from Aaron saying that they were getting on the plane to come home. I texted back telling him I hoped the flight went well and I love him. I put my phone back down then turned back around and closed my eyes slowly falling asleep. 
(Aaron’s p.o.v)
     The team had just landed back in Virginia and I was the first to stand up and grab my bag. I heard Derek chuckle and say, “You excited for paperwork bossman.” I look at him, “Actually I’m going straight home. I’ve got two sick kids and a sick wife waiting for me. Everyone take the weekend off.” They all smiled at me and as soon as the plane doors opened I got out and walked over to one of the black SUV’s. I got in and threw my bag in the passenger seat then started my drive home. When I got home I walked inside, shutting the door as quietly behind me as I could just in case they were asleep. I heard the sound of the tv from the living room but no other noises. I walked to the living room after taking my shoes and coat off. I saw all three of my people passed out on the couch in a cuddle pile. I slowly walked over and knelt down by the couch brushing some hair out of Y/N’s face making her stir a little. She woke up and turned and looked at me smiling a little, “Hey baby how was the case?” I smile and kiss her forehead, “It wasn’t too bad, just long. I heard you had a harder time than I did though.” She chuckled a little, “It was rough, but not too bad Jack was being a good help with Evie.” I smile at her, “Yeah he’s a good helper. How much sleep have you gotten the past two weeks?” She just shrugged, “Eh not enough, but making sure our kiddos are safe and healthy is worth the sleepless nights.” I smile and kiss her cheek, “I’m gonna go change real quick then I will come back and watch over the kids while you go and get some rest in our comfy bed.” She nods at me and I stand up and make my way to our room changing into an old t-shirt and some sweatpants. I walk back into the living room and help Y/N up off the couch, “Go get some sleep my love.” She nods and kisses my cheek then walks towards our room. 
     I walk around cleaning up some of the trash and dirty dishes from the coffee table quickly bringing them to the kitchen. I ran back out to the living room when I heard Evelyn crying. I walked over to the couch and saw her crying even though she was still basically asleep. I gently picked her up and grabbed her sippy cup walking over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room. I sat down and held her against my chest as I rocked back and forth slowly. Her eyes slowly opened as she coughed a little. A smile spread on her face when she looked at me and she said, “Dada I miss you. I yucky.” I kissed her forehead and said, “I know princess mama told me how yucky you felt. I missed you too princess. I wish I could have come home sooner.” I pat her back gently as she goes into a coughing fit. She whines after the fit and I kiss her forehead, “Is your throat hurting princess?” She nods slowly and I hand her her sippy cup. She slowly drank from it, her eyes closing again. I start to quietly hum to her as she falls asleep, her little snores filling the air due to how congested she is. 
     I look over at Jack on the couch and see him rubbing his eyes as he sits up. He looks over at me and smiles widely, “Hi dada.”  I smiled, “Hey buddy how are you feeling?” He stood up and walked over to me, “I’m feeling a little better. Can you help me get some more juice?” I nod and slowly stand up keeping my hand on Evie’s back as I walk to the kitchen with Jack in tow. He hands me his water bottle and I put some juice in it and a little bit of medicine, shaking it up for him. He smiles when I hand it back to him, “Thanks dada I’m gonna go try and sleep in my bed.” I nod and lean down kissing the top of his head, “Okay buddy just call if you need anything.” He nods and walks off to his room. I walk back to the living room sitting back in the rocking chair. I rocked back and forth to keep Evie asleep. 
(Your p.o.v)
     I slept for a few hours and woke up due to my parched throat. I grabbed my water bottle from the bedside table and walked out to the kitchen. I smiled to myself as I passed the living room and saw Aaron asleep in the rocking chair with Evie on his chest. I go and fill up my water bottle then walk out to the living room gently shaking him awake. He looks at me as he rubs a hand over his face, “Huh what’s up my love?” I smile at him, “Let’s get you to bed.” He looks down at Evie, “But what about her I don’t want to leave her alone?” I chuckle a little, “I moved her crib into our room the day she got sick so if she needs anything we will both be close by.” He nods and slowly stands up. I grab Evie’s sippy cup and we walk to our room. When we get there Aaron gently places Evie in her crib kissing her forehead. I smile and kiss her forehead then me and him get into bed. He pulls me close to him and I rest my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head, “I wish I could have gotten home sooner.” I smiled at him, “I know, but I had it handled here and the people you helped needed you more.” He nods and I yawn a little, closing my eyes as I say, “I love you Aaron.” I smile as he says, “I love you too my love.” I fall asleep with a smile on my face in the arms of the man I love. 
     I woke up about two hours later to the sounds of cry’s filling the room. I slowly get up and walk over to Evie’s crib seeing her stand up. I picked her up immediately feeling her full diaper. I rub her back gently as I carry her over to the changing table, changing her diaper quickly. When I pick her up off the table she looks at me and says, “Mama milk?” I smile at her, “You want some princess?” She nods, “Yes pwease.” I smile and walk over to the crib grabbing her sippy cup before I walk out to the kitchen. I hold her on my hip as I rinse out the juice from her sippy cup. I put the cup on the counter then open the fridge, grabbing the milk. As I pour it I say, “So are you feeling any better princess?” Evie has had it the worst out of all three of us and I think it because she’s so young. She rests her head on my shoulder holding her fingers up as they are almost touching, “Dis much.” I look at her fingers as I put the milk back. “Only that much.” She nods and I make a mental note to make a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. I screw the lid onto her cup and hand it to her, “Okay back to bed.” She shakes her head, “No mama not eepy.” I nod, “Okay what do you want to do?” She looks at me, “Watch Doc.” I nod at her smiling as Doc means Doc McStuffins and that’s her favorite cartoon. I kiss her forehead, “Okay mama’s just gonna go grab her phone and water bottle so we have to be quiet so we don’t wake dada.”
     She nods as I walk to the bedroom grabbing my phone and water bottle from the bedside table as I look at the time and see it’s 4am. I walk out to the living room again and put Doc on the tv turning it down a little so it’s not too loud. I lay back on the bed couch situating Evie so she’s laying on my chest while she watches and sucks her sippy. As she watches I pull up the app for our doctors on my phone scheduling an appointment for Evie at noon tomorrow. I heard Jack’s door open in the hallway and his little footsteps walking towards the living room. I smiled at him when he walked in until I saw he looked like he was about to cry, “Hey buddy what’s wrong?” He pouted at me as tears fell down his face, “I had an accident mama.” I slowly sat up putting Evie carefully back down on the couch making sure she was in a safe position before I walked over to Jack wiping his tears, “Oh that’s okay buddy that happens sometimes when you're sick. Let’s get you cleaned up then you can sit with Evie while I change your bed.” He nods and I lead him to the bathroom. I start a bath helping him take off his wet clothes, putting them in the hamper. I hear footsteps coming down the hall and look up seeing Aaron stopped in the doorway, “Hey baby.” He smiles and walks over, “What’s going on here?” I look at him then Jack, “Jack had a little accident I’m helping him get cleaned up. Can you change his sheets?” He nods, “Yeah of course. Where’s Evie though?” Jack smiles and says, “She’s on the couch watching Doc. Mama said I can watch too after I get clean.” Aaron smiled at him and nodded as he walked out of the room and I helped Jack into the bathtub, “You can wash your body yourself right buddy?” He nods, “Yep mama.” I smile and kiss the top of his head, “Okay I’ll go get you some new clothes. Do you want long or short pajamas?” He thinks for a second, “Short mama.” I nod and walk to his room going to his dresser and pulling out some shorts and a t-shirt and some undies before I walk back to the bathroom. When I get there Aaron is helping him dry off with a towel. I smile and hand Aaron the clothes so he can help him dress while I go check on Evie who is now sat up on the couch as she watches the show instead of laying down. I go and get a cup with a lid and put some milk in it for Jack mixing in a little bit of sugar because he doesn’t like the taste of regular milk by itself but he loves milk. 
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gege-wondering-around · 6 months
Eli and Stiles' jeep
I've been thinking recently and I have a few theories about Eli in general and why, at the end of the movie, the Sheriff gives him Stiles' jeep.
Number one:
Maybe, since Stiles isn't in the movies and we all know how many people in the Teen Wolf fandom likes him, the director though that it would've been a good idea to put in the movie another character to 'replace' Stiles.
Cause if you look close enough to the two of them, Eli and Stiles have so many similarities or even scenes in common.
Eli, as we all well know, have the same sarcasm style as Stiles (and let me say, no he didn't take it from Peter even tho he is sarcastic too. Peter is way more passive aggressive with his tongue)
Eli has a very similiar fashion style to Stiles (maybe they even wear some clothes that are the same - but I haven't investigated that so this is all an hypothesis)
Do you remember the famous flashback Stiles had while he explained how he helped Derek evade the FBI's scanners and radars? Well, after he explained it 'wrong' Derek corrected him, reminding him how he had to be carried out by Derek cause he shot his foot. And that same scheme of action -Derek carrying Stiles around while he whines in pain - comes back in the movie. Derek carrying Eli the same way after he sprained his ankle and whining to his father to put him down.
They also act very similiar if not the same. The expressiveness, the exaggerated hands gestures, the 'let me say this crap in the wrong moment' kinda attitude and also - MAYBE - they both go after a love intereste that doesn't reciprocate their love. (When Eli is in the jeep at the red light he sees a girl in the car next to him and prepare to act all cool - but fails...)
How they both cannot play lacrosse for the life of them or if you wanna say it another way, how they kinda suck at it. (I'm not gonna elaborate further, they have some problems with that game and I'll let that be) and how they both somehow managed to score a point during a game when initially, they weren't even supposed to be on the field that day.
They both have an innate awkwardness with multiple people around, especially if they don't know these people or if they feel like these people doesn't like or approve of them somehow (this could be a whole another post itself, maybe it'll be...)
How they are both raised by single fathers (or at least, that how it seems for Eli, since we know nothing about the mother)
And lastly for this round, how they both are 'insanely' attached to that jeep (Eli cause he wanna 'play around' with his father knowing that the man have 'complicated feelings' about the jeep. Stiles cause it was his mother's and how he keeps reparing it as best as he can throughout the whole show)
So, maybe he was put in the movie to fill Stiles' absence?
Number two:
Whether or not Eli was put in the show to replace Stiles' type of character and have a consistency with characteristics and personality portrait by both, why did they make him Derek's son?
Because they could've made him Peter's son as well, or Chris' cousin even - if they pushed it that far - and also, couldn't he simply be a teenager who ends up involved with the nogitsune, for all another set of reasons?
Making him Derek's son, even if it could simply be the easy way out to add Eli, has to have some meaning somehow, or at least i personally hope and believe so.
Cause maybe Eli is there to tell us something or confirm something else:
Maybe Eli, who's so similar to Stiles, has been made as Derek's son to show us how - somehow and maybe - Stiles was in contact with him while he grow up and that could explain their similarities.
Maybe Eli is 'living proof' of Stiles being Derek's anchor (as it was confirmed in a script of an episode that later was changed due to difficulties with scheduling the actors) and how he - Stiles - could've had a significant impact in Eli's life, either through Derek's stories of him or Stiles being actively present.
Maybe Eli - detaching the argument from Stiles - could mean the second possibility that Derek has to be a 'good role model', which he wasn't for Scott, Isacc, Boys and Erica (despite the fact he did his best in the only way he knew, he surely looked as 'not someone you would wanna learn from' )
Maybe Eli, destipe all odds, could just be... Eli!
But still, it remains strange to me how our good little Eli is so much like Stiles and also Derek's son, cause we - shippers and non-shippers - all know that these two characters clearly had something going on...
Number three:
Leaving out the why 'Derek's son' and why 'Stiles' copy', as we all know at the end of the movie the Sheriff gives Eli the jeep, but why?
We all know how madly in love Stiles is with the jeep and how it belonged to his dear mother before being his and the Sheriff was there seeing both of them running around the city with the old thing.
It leaves me perplexed how Noah - the Sheriff - decided to give the beloved jeep to Eli after his father died, but at the same time it makes very much sense. Let me explain.
There are a few reasons of why it leaves me perplexed and with many questions, which range is pretty vast.
Why giving the jeep 'away' after it belonged to the Stilinski family for +30 years?
Does Stiles knows about this?
Is Stiles never going to drive it again or he decided to leave the jeep behind? (To which I say, why would he ever do that after he didn't give up on it when it broke down in the middle of the desert, in mexico)
But with this said, if you look at it from another prospective it makes quite sense.
Why Noah 'gave away' - or to better say, gave to someone else - the only thing he had left of his wife and son (since Stiles is away for the majority of the time due to his work probably)?
Did Noah gave it to Derek to help him cope with Stiles being away? (If so, how come Noah knows something or, when he spoke to Eli during Derek's funeral, did he lie when he said "Derek towed it in", without saying that he gave it to Derek himself or did he simply omitted that part ?)
Noah gave the jeep to Stiles after his mother died, he gave his son something to hold onto while the grieved the loss of his mother, while also giving him something to remember her. The jeep is basically the symbol - if you wanna be poetic about this, which I'll be - of his mother's love for him.
It's the only piece left of her that actually serves a purpose and not only something which function is to remember someone who died (like it could be a photo or a ring).
Stiles takes care of the jeep like it's a living thing cause it's the only thing in the world he has of his mother, a mother who in the last moments of her life, couldn't even remember or recognize her own son. So Stiles lives her memories through the jeep and within it, that's why he never left it for anything, not a single reason was strong enough to his ears to make him leave it behind. Cause in the end it would mean leave his mother also behind, which he doesn't want to do.
And then, Stiles is gone to live the FBI agent life and the jeep ends up in Derek's hands who puts it all back together - maybe with something more strong that duct tape - and Noah is fully aware of this and how, the big old scary wolf, decided to take upon himself to repair the old thing that Stiles loved and treasured so much during his whole life.
Then the jeep is back to function and Eli has some fun with it, despite - or maybe in spite of - knowing about:
Your father had complicated feelings about that jeep
(Said by Noah)
And that:
He hated that jeep
(Said by Eli)
Because in the end, despite these sentences are said at the end of the movie, Eli knew about it anyway. Somehow he did.
Eli knew and kept getting the jeep, maybe without his father even knowing about it at times.
(And then Noah would call Derek about it, just like we saw in the movie.)
And when Eli is the one grieving the loss of his father, the only parent he probably ever knew in his whole life, Noah does it again. He gives the jeep to someone who's grieving the loss of a beloved and cared member of their family.
Stiles' mother was the first owner of the jeep, the one who chose it among who knows how many other cars, and it helped Stiles with his grief when she died.
Derek towed the jeep in and managed to fix it despite all odds and the tons of duct tape Stiles had put on it and when he died, the jeep passed to Eli in order to help him with his own grief.
Both times Noah was the one who gave the jeep to the one in pain, was the one who understood grief better than most and knew how to help and was the one who knew about it all.
So yeah, somehow to me, it does make sense.
The jeep is the "grief-helper" and Noah knows about it all.
Number four:
The meaning of the jeep itself is also very fascinating, especially if you look at it poetically and also how Noah is, somehow, always the deliverer.
Like I said before, maybe it's really about the jeep itself and what it represents to the people who drives it (Stiles and Eli). Because for both it's a reminder of someone who they loved tremendously and that are now gone (Stiles' mother and Derek).
Also there's Noah.
Noah, man of justice and single father, that gives the jeep to children/teenagers who lost their parents, cause somehow Noah knows the value of the jeep, or better what people makes it when they know its story.
(Somehow I managed to merge a bit of this theory with the third one, in fact they are pretty connected)
And this is it.
Thank you for have read so far! (And sorry if there are any errors, english is not my first language)
- let me know if you have questions and maybe also what you think, if you want my inbox is open for everything and always remember this is just what I think also, all the sentences in blue could be a post on their own, so let me know if you'd like that!-
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teenwolffan6 · 1 year
Sterek should have been endgame and Scott needed to be less of a dick.
I wish the writers would stop using Derek as the punching bag. Like I get he was an angry asshole at the start but can you blame him after all that he went through? He should have had a character growth arc and given the chance to be a better alpha instead of making him give it up. I get the symbolism of giving up the power but he should have gotten it back. And we should have seen more of his full shift than what we got. Like the Hales were special because of the full shift and we only see it once? Also he should have gotten his family land back, like it's been in his family for years and he's lost enough he shouldn't have let the county take his land that was fucked up. Even if he never rebuilt, he could have tore the remains down and put up a marker or a tree or something to show they were there and what happened. But to let it become new housing was just fucked up.
I would have like to see Derek and Scott be co-alphas and lead the pack together. They could have had a batman and superman friendship with one of them being broody and the other being hopeful and optimistic.
Stiles should have had magic. I know Dylan O'Brien said he didn't want Stiles to have magic and just be human but come on, he would have been badass at it.
I was never a big fan of Stiles and Lydia because it felt like he was more in love with the image he had of her than of her. Yes he got to know the real Lydia and they fell in love but I still didn't really like it. He was too obsessed with her it felt like he just wore her down or something idk. I know that Dylan said in an interview that Stiles and Lydia would have dated for a while but then realized they were better of as friends, and this was years before the movie came out.
And OMG the movie what the shit was that!?!?!? For all that Scott said he would be the alpha and defend Beacon Hill he left the town for years and still left at the end of the movie. Derek, Peter, Malia, and Jordan are really the only supernaturals left to defend the town. The Hales are the ones protecting their territory. And did they really have to kill Derek in the way they did it. Like fire really? REALLY!?!? And in front of his sixteen year old son. Derek lost his family at sixteen to a fire and now his son Eli loses his dad to a fire at sixteen? Really!?!? Like I hated it, I hated that the whole movie felt like Scott was just reliving his high school glory days. I hate that's Scott got his happy ending at the expense of Derek's life. Derek was good, he was happy with his son, had a home, a good business, was respect in the community, had a good relationship with the remainder of his family and you kill him off? And then hint at the fact that Scott would be the one to 'adopt' Eli, a kid he barely knew, just so that he and Allison could play house and be a happy little family? BULLSHIT!!!!
I read somewhere that Jeff wanted the show to end with Scott and Allison together and Stiles and Lydia together and that their kids would all be best friends. But with Crystal Reed leaving in season 3 that changed things. The movie felt like his way of getting that ending he wanted but Dylan not returning changed things again. But at least Scott got Allison back, so yay? Don't get me wrong I loved Scott and Allison together but Scott was so obsessed with her to the point that he would throw anyone but his mom under the bus for her. And it got annoying very fast even worse was the fact that he didn't really learn anything from it he has just as obsessed with Kira (though maybe not to the same level). The whole bros before hoes thing was non existent for him. I get Scott was supposed to be like a King Arthur kind of figure, you know? Special, good leader, kind, and legendary but Scott was not it. Yea he had his moments where he was really good but he had so many where he wasn't and he never seemed to learn and grow. Like even the BBC Merlin Arthur who started out as a jerk became honorable, just, and a good leader, yea he too had his moments where he regressed but it was still better than Scott.
They should have fixed his relationship with Derek maybe then him taking Eli in would have made more sense. Like Scott hated Derek a lot ,more so than necessary. Yes Derek lied to get Scott to help him take down the alpha (Peter) but Scott acted like Derek was he one who bit him. Scott forgave so many others who had done far worse (deucalion?) But Derek was where he drew the line? Why because he bit three others who chose the bite? I get him being mad about the lies, I get him being mad about Derek's attitude while on the alpha power trip but come on sometimes Scott was just a dick. He was willing to look the other way when Victoria tried to kill him and was ok with keeping quiet about why Derek bit Victoria and let Allison hate derek and attack his pack because he didn't want to cause problems with Allison. No he sucks. We could have had an epic friendship between them but no we got something half-assed and I hate it.
And why the hell did they make Derek basically a True Alpha like two seconds before he died like what the FUCK!?!?!?
I just wished the would have given Scott some character development instead of just making him more powerful.
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lunaslogs · 15 days
My Thoughts On Teen Wolf: The Movie
This is COMPLETELY my opinion and if you disagree, that is completely fine.
Unpopular Opinion: I actually really like the movie but that's mainly because I didn't even take it that seriously. It felt more like a comedy to me than it did a drama. I found myself laughing during parts I shouldn't have been laughing at. Eli getting taken by the Oni after he says "I can do this", Lydia yelling Allison's name, Scott's little entry montage when he exits the car before saving the little girl, Mr. Harris' reveal, literally any time Peter spoke, etc.
Most people call it a dumpster fire and a completely different universe from the show but personally, I don't really care.
I HAVE WATCHED THE ENTIRE SERIES BEFORE WATCHING THE MOVIE! So, I am familiar with all of the recurring characters from the series. I will admit, I wanted to see more of Hikari. Her character seemed very interesting. We got to see a little bit of her personality pop out in the beginning of the movie in the restaurant. A little bit of googling tells me that her and Liam are "good friends" and I kinda want to see their friendship more.
I think the only parts that truly disappointed me was Derek's death and the ending. Anyone who watched the show before watching the movie obviously felt a way about Derek dying and that includes me as well. But I didn't take it all that badly. It was more so the fact that his first beta, his uncle, his niece, and his son ALL watched him die and couldn't do anything to stop it. Like, that kinda killed me inside a little bit.
The ending where the guy goes "we've heard plenty of stories about teenage werewolves, there's always a new one" disappointed the hell out of me because they make it seem like there's going to be a sequel or continuation following Eli's storyline. While that would be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, everybody in the TW fandom and their mother knows that it's not happening and that's the disappointing part. It would be freaking great to see Eli become the wolf his father believed he could be but we aren't getting that and even if it DID hypothetically come to fruition, knowing how most people feel about the writing of the movie, Eli's development wouldn't be done justice.
I get what people mean when they say that the writers completely screwed with Jackson's whole character and made him "dumb." This man's whole supernatural persona and his abilities were an entire plotline for a WHOLE season of the show and he even said that he has claws that can release paralytic venom and somehow, he didn't think to use it to his advantage? Granted, the movie takes place 15 years into the future where most of the characters that had already been established thanks to the show hadn't been in Beacon Hills or dabbled into the supernatural world in over half a decade. Not to mention that the time Jackson's character had exited the show, it was only season 2. So for him, it's almost 20 years. The Nogitsune plot appeared in the second half of Season 3 when he was already gone so he didn't exactly have a clue what he was up against. As far as supernatural ability, that can be excused. However, the naivety is a little... concerning. He was still funny as hell to watch, though.
Scallison amnesia plotline was a little bit mid but the montage of their memories together after Lydia yelled out Allison's name (which I laughed at, by the way) was kinda cute and jogged my memory a bit on the earlier seasons of Teen Wolf. Season 1 Scallison was honestly my favorite era of them and I think for a lot of Scallison shippers as well so seeing that made me a wee bit happy. Personally, I did like Allison better with Isaac but that's another story for another day.
Overall: I like it. But maybe cuz I don't take it all that serious and I just watch it to watch it. Eli must be protected at all costs, I want more Hikari and Liam interactions, let Jackson embrace the kanima completely, and live laugh love Roscoe Stilinski.
This is Luna, logging off!
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harlstiel · 1 year
***There will be spoilers for the Teen Wolf Movie below. Because I, like an idiot, actually watched the damn thing.***
Everything wrong with Teen Wolf: The Movie
• Eli's Mother plothole. Who is she? Idfk. Personally, I want it to be Braeden. He was born somewhere around the s3b/s4 mark as the movie is 13 years after s6.
• I'm not a Sterek person. I was actually extremely (still kinda am) against Sterek for a very long time. But this movie? I'm questioning a lot of things. What are the complicated feelings, Derek? Hmm? Oh wait, that's right. He can't answer me because he's fucking dead.
• While we're on the topic. Why, Jeff? Why. Not only did he die of fire (like the rest of his fucking family), but he died in front of his son. Derek Hale allowed his son to watch him die. I'm not saying Derek wouldn't die for Eli (because he absolutely would), but to traumatize him like that? No. The man who was kidnapped, tortured, groomed, sexually assaulted at 15, forced to kill the girl he loved, whose family was burned inside their own home by the woman who molested him... was killed off by burning him with hellfire.
• NOBODY making a move to stop Derek from sacrificing himself in the first place? Scott just stared. Stood there. Did nothing. Wtf? Even though Jordan could've just held Void himself, like, dude. You're a Hellhound. He's a werewolf/demon thing. You were destined to kill bigger.
• Derek allowed Scott to take in Eli? Excuse? The man who hates being a werewolf and his 17(?) year old 10th grade girlfriend who died before Eli was born, and who just so happens to be related to the woman who molested him and murdered his family? Yeah, no. Why not his perfectly capable(sorta) and healthy(physically, not mentally) uncle, cousin and sister. Or at least his Grandpa Noah, Grandma Melissa or Uncle Chris. (I'm a Peter/Chris person. Sue me.). These people have been in Beacon Hills and has known him his entire life. Scott met him once when he was three.
• What happened to Stydia? Like, you can't tell me Stiles just allowed her to walk out that door without talking in some way? He loved her for fucks sake.
• Jordan and Malia? I'm not saying it's bad. It's not, I actually kinda like it. But where did it come from? No buildup whatsoever. Just BOOM sex scene.
• Liam gets like, 5 mins screen time. Despite preparing to take on the role of Alpha in s6, he's like a side character put there just to be there. He slayed those 5 minutes tho holy shit.
• Liam doesn't say a single word to Mason. Mason doesn't say a single word to Liam. Why? They were best friends and had this seemingly unbreakable bond in the show but now it's like mom and dad are fighting and don't acknowledge each others existence.
• Speaking of Mason, why is he (a gay black man) a cop? This could've been interpreted as either good or bad depending on how you personally want to take it, but during the time this movie was in production, the BLM movement was still pretty big.
• It's an entire game of 'Where's Waldo' but instead of Waldo actually being there, Waldo is both a giant motherfucking plothole and multiple people. Where is Corey? Where is Theo? Where is Cora? Where is Braeden? Where is Kira? Where is Isaac? WHERE. IS. STILES?
• On the Isaac and Stiles Topic, they're the two that should've been there. Isaac had the Nogitsune at the end of season 3, and took it with him to France. Why do Hikari and Liam have it in FUCKING JAPAN? How'd it get there? Why do they have it? What happened to Isaac?
• Stiles. Where is he. You're telling me that the one person who probably knew the Nogitsune more than it knew itself, wasn't at the battle. You're telling me that Stiles, the one person able to out-fox a fucking fox on multiple occasions when he was FUCKING 17 wasn't there? In all his F.B.I. glory? Because ehe could've had Cora, Braeden, Isaac and Kira in tow, and showed up in the final battle guns blazing, killing the Nogitsune, and saving his pack in his tactical F.B.I vest fresh off a secret important case like sorry I'm late, had shit to do? Then Eli could've met his father's beta, his (possible, cause I love Derek and Braeden) mother, AND the badass F.B.I. guy whose jeep he steals 24/7 and had saved his father on multiple occasions? (Bcus it's confirmed Derek talks about Stiles to Eli) And a cutesy pack scene to finish it off? (With maybe some Stira, Stisaac and/or Stora cause he showed up with them and could be dating one (or all) of them)
• Each antagonist of the movie has (or at least a reason to have) a vendetta against Stiles. We know all about the Nogitsune. Harris hated Stiles' guts, albeit for no particular reason. Even Allison could've blamed Stiles for her death in some way (not that she would, of course.) It reads as though it was written for DOB but when he didn't want to do it, they decided not to rewrite it as such.
• Why Mr. Harris in the first place-? Like, he was one of the sacrifices in S3A, so surely the NEMETON would've known he didn't actually die. And the fact that he still has beef with them just blows my mind :/
《I'll add more as I think of them》
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noyzinerd · 2 years
The Sterek Timeline Between The Show And The Movie: Friends To Lovers, Single-Parent, Slowburn
My new headcanon is that Derek had Eli during his time in South America during the later seasons (like around s04-s06).
He wasn't exactly hiding Eli, it was just that no one in the pack bothered to ask and it never came up because Derek only saw the pack around that time when there was a crisis and no time to catch up.
At some point, years before the up-coming movie, the FBI are once again investigating a string of werewolf related murders in South America (that Derek was already investigating, as it involved pack networking and territories and alliances and all that werewolf diplomacy jazz he was looking into in s06) and Stiles and Derek's paths cross again.
So the two of them team up and have a little mini-adventure and Stiles finds out about Eli when he's about 4. Since the sting operation requires careful planning and gathering intel, Stiles ends up crashing at Derek's place for like a month as they work the case. Stiles gets to see how Derek lives and gets to learn more about his adorable son. His heart absolutely melts watching Derek do Dad things, like chasing down errant missing socks and arranging snacks into animal shapes and just being this soft, loving guy he never got to be back in Beacon Hills.
Meanwhile, Derek gets to see how great Stiles is with Eli. Stiles purposely over-exaggerates his already silly, fast-talking, flail-y nature and it's a big hit with the toddler. Futhermore, Stiles isn't afraid to make a fool of himself, so his silly sounds and voices and his ridiculous dancing have this unrestrained honesty that Derek (or anyone else, for that matter) could only ever dream to achieve.
When the mission is over and it's time for Stiles to leave, he instead takes a sabbatical to help with Eli while Derek cleans up pack business for a few days.
But then a few days turn into another week or two because Stiles should really stick around to make sure everything is truly resolved with the case. Got to make sure there aren't any loose ends.
A few weeks turns into a month, because, despite being there for two months, Stiles hasn't actually gotten the chance to see the sights and explore South America. Besides, the FBI won't contact him again until a new big case drops, so why not enjoy himself until then?
And eventually, Stiles just never leaves.
Of course, during this time Derek and Stiles grow closer and slowly get together.
All while the pack is none the wiser.
When the movie events roll around, I imagine everyone loses their mind about finding out that Derek had a kid.
By the time they call Stiles to tell him the mind-blowing news that Derek has a son, Stiles is just like, "Oh, Eli? Yeah, I've known for like 10 years...guess I forgot to tell anyone...whoops..."
(He also forgets to mention that they've been living together as a family for all of those 10 years too...double whoops...)
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princeescaluswords · 10 months
So, because Scott is poor, Derek should buy him a new car? That seems logical to you?
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Did you come here looking for a fight? Because you just found one. I believe that this ask refers to this post, where I argued that Derek's performative asceticism isn't accidental, and that the show was implying that his privilege and wealth enable his antagonistic behavior in the first two seasons.
Nowhere did I argue in that post, where I compared the speed with which Derek repaired his car window after Chris Argent's thug smashed it to the fact that the McCall family vehicle didn't have a driver's side window all season, that Derek owed Scott a car. I have, in the past, argued that the Hales owed Scott McCall reparations for repeated assaults, property damage, disruption of academic pursuits, and for taking over their self-appointed task of protecting Beacon Hills. I wish that the show had made it explicit in A Promise to the Dead (4x11) that Derek gave Scott the money from Garrett's locker rather than leave it ambiguous.
I'm never going to suggest that Teen Wolf went all in on an analysis of class struggle -- Heavens, no! -- but it didn't ignore the consequences of the Hale's upper class identity. "Everyone can be corrupted by money!" Peter howls in Monstrous (4x10) and he is a prime example of that. Similarly, Derek's wealth and privilege enable him to dwell, unhealthily, on the traumas of his past. I know of very few people who could take three months out of their life to obsess over family tragedies with no mention of work or responsibility, and still have cars, properties, and personal care items. Derek is not well served by this behavior, isolating himself from the mundane and from the mechanics of living. He intends to achieve his goals by himself due to trust issues, but he is forced to rely on Scott McCall as the only way to accomplish these things, and man-oh-man is he bitter about it.
But as the show had it's lead protagonist argue in Weaponized (4x07) "while we're trying not to die, we still need to live." In fact, I would argue that you can trace Derek's redemption arc by his willingness to live. At the start of the show, Derek is "totally alone" and his wealth and privilege allow him to operate like that. In Seasons 3 and 4, though, he starts to remember how to live. We see him in an actual home, even though it is the Loft of Solitude. He purchases a more practical vehicle. He allows himself to think about romance. He makes friends with the Sheriff and, amazingly, Chris Argent. A key scene is when he puts his wealth and privilege to positive use by trusting Braeden, hiring her to find Kate. He's using his wealth in a positive manner. It is no longer enabling his isolation. Look at Derek in the movie. He is fully living. He has a home, a family, friends, a business. Before the nogitsune seeks its revenge, Derek's primary focus is watching his son play lacrosse and getting him to embrace his family's heritage.
Since Derek's role was always to serve as a narrative foil to Scott, the lead protagonist, this arc highlights Scott's story. Regardless of what happens to Scott, he never isolates himself, with one important exception. At all other times, he worries about his grades, he wants to get into a good school, he wants to play lacrosse, he wants to date people, he keeps his friends close, he works with Deaton, he brings his mother lunch, etc. Yes, there are terrible things happening, but he doesn't forget to live while trying to stop corrupted hunters, Alpha packs, Japanese fox demons, and multi-million dollar assassin hit-lists. Fandom tends to hold the attention he pays to everyday living against him, but Scott knows from direct experience these things are important, and he doesn't have the wealth and privilege to put them on hold for months while dealing with villains or his own trauma. The exception? Season 5A, where Theo schemes to isolate Scott. Scott is still an alpha, a True Alpha, but that privilege alone won't save anyone. There's a reason that Melissa's primary advice -- as much as I might despise it on an emotional level -- is "You'll get them back. You have to."
Teen Wolf certainly wasn't an "eat the rich" show, but it did have a definite point of view that virtue was based in everyday things, the tasks and opportunity that should be in common with all of humanity, and not in the isolation that great wealth, ancient pedigree, or exclusive privilege grants.
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sterekchub · 1 year
I see your mindless gluttony and raise you…softness. Derek finally relaxing after being so on edge for years and starts to put on some weight. And Stiles is in love. He keeps getting glimpses of this new softer Derek and they’re driving him wild. Derek’s shirt lifting up when he stretches, revealing a small belly pooch. Derek working out shirtless (because he still works out) but Stiles realizing that he’s started to get little love handles that pop out over his waistband. Derek bending over to pick something up and Stiles almost walks into a wall because of how wide and juicy Derek’s ass is getting…
YES. I LOVE gluttonous/mega chub Derek BUT I want what the movie should have given us: Derek with a dad bod. (or- fat and pregnant Derek...) So Derek who goes off into the woods one day and comes back confused but misty-eyed, holding a little newborn baby in his arms. And he couldn't ever relax or get a house that wasn't a burnt, abandoned, or ruin shell...but for Eli? He'll do anything. He needs to set a good example, and he isn't sure he can do it...but he's going to try. He gets the house. Gets a job. Still helps out the Sheriff part time but doesn't feel like he needs to rush into danger alone anymore. Not when he has so much to lose. Derek realizing he doesn't need to do it alone. Melissa comes by to check on Eli every 6 months and always brings a care package of baby toys and baked goods for Derek. The Sheriff invites him to Sunday night dinner (where Derek dutifully empties a few extra beers and finishes up the leftovers so the Sheriff sticks to his diet). When Stiles is home from the FBI, he spends more time at Derek's and always leaves him with a freezer full of food and meals prepped for the week. Derek works out because he likes to, not because he feels this pressing need to be in the best shape of his life. He isn't blind - he knows he's putting on some extra weight and could care less. He's happy, his family is safe. The people of Beacon Hills have gone from whispering "Derek Hale, you know the one who killed his sister?" or from the leers and flirtatious looks to "That's Derek Hale.....who works with the Sheriff? Dating the Sheriff's son?" And Derek and Stiles might not be officially dating but... Derek has no problem with the town thinking he and Eli belong to the Stilinski's now. *** Stiles only comes back to Beacon Hills a few times a year while he's getting his degree, and each time, Derek makes swoon just a little bit more. Derek fixing the jeep and rolls out from under it, shirt rising up a few inches and he has to repeat "pass the wrench" about 5 times before Stiles actually remembers what words are. Derek walking around holding a baby on his hip - where he absolutely has a small shelf of a belly and a proper wider, softer side for the baby to rest on. Derek who used to hide his sweet tooth and now isn't bothered when Stiles sees him cramming a third brownie into his mouth on movie night. He still wears the jeans and T-shirts, doesn't care that his belly is starting to hang slightly over his waistband or that his T-shirts are highlighting thick handles of fat that have started to wrap around his back, or that his chest has started to soften and round out with the rest of him... Stiles can't get enough. Lets baby!Werewolf Eli almost gnaw through his finger more than once because Derek was bending over picking up toys and all Stiles could think of was pinching and squeezing and nipping at that belly on display....
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changingplumbob · 7 months
5 and 23 for the storytelling ask please :)
How do you choose your characters’ names? Choose your least favourite character so far.
Strap in because I'm going to happily ramble about my named sims, and gossip about those I despise! Content warning for sim death.
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How do you choose your characters’ names? oh my gosh I have wanted to talk about this for ages Amy HOW DID YOU KNOW! It could almost be its own post. So when I started most of my characters had pre existing names because they were premades or from the gallery. I'll talk about the sims I have named.
Devin, Deanna, Silas and Milton were randomised names that I liked. Alexander's cats Hamlet and Gertrude come from the play Hamlet. Clover and Ginger are just dog names I liked.
Joey was actually named after this sea otter at Vancouver Aquarium! During the pandemic he was found orphaned and they livestreamed him in his nursery and meeting the older otters.
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Kelly was named before he was born, I wanted a unisex name that could fit a boy or a girl. The boy Kelly I named him after is from Chicago Fire. He is not my favourite character but I do love the complex ones, so him being a jerk and Kelly being evil is one big coincidence.
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Fergus and Carson were named with the randomise button, but I know of characters with their names so I kept them.
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I wanted all of the Chopra kids to be named after wonderful black characters or persons of renown. The eldest Chopra twin was named after the actress Mercedes Varnardo who plays Koska Reeves on The Mandalorian. I love the spirit of Koska who is dedicated and loyal.
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The youngest Chopra twin was named after the character Savannah from Criminal minds who married the main character Derek Morgan. She is an intelligent woman with a big heart.
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And the smallest Chopra is of course named after Viola Davis. I wanted an old fashioned sounding name and Viola Davis is amazing.
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Pollock Knightstone is named after painter Jackson Pollock. His father Adam is an art critic so I figured he'd name him for an out there artist.
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Alfred and Rilian Villareal get their names from the areas of culture their mama and mummy love. Alfred is named for famous director Alfred Hitchcock (that's why he has a thing about birds)
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Rilian is named for Prince Rilian from the Narnia books. Specifically Prince Rilian, who is the son of Prince Caspian, is a character in the Silver Chair (a movie I saw several times growing up).
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I found Marta's name by looking at a list of popular Latina names. But her surname, Romero, absolutely comes from Romeo and Juliet. If you are attracted to pretty males and haven't seen Douglas Booth playing Romeo you are missing out!
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Choose your least favourite character so far
I have several and thankfully they are all dead! It's hard to pick between these two though. Mortimer might beat Ophelia by a smidgeon.
Ophelia Ryan was James Goth's first wife. I hated her on principal because between rotations MCCC married them because James may have had a romance bar with Alexander but they weren't an official couple. Storywise I had her being a snob who only married James for his family status (James had the closeted trait when Alexander started flirting with him). Anyway she refused to believe James was gay, claiming no one actually enjoys woohoo, and was not going to let him divorce her so he could marry his boy toy. Then she had a cardiac explosion and died because she was a COW.
Mortimer Goth became a self obsessed mean man. First off he started blaming Bella for all their troubles, and called her a gold digger repeatedly. He was far more interested in writing his precious bestsellers than caring about his kids or wife. He only saw Cassandra and Alexander as their achievements, and let Milton lie in a diaper blowout for hours because he was writing. Oh and then he slept with their maid. Then he hired Dina to be a live in maid and slept with her before Bella disappeared. Then he was CRUSHED by a meteor made of karma.
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imawkwardlysoc · 1 year
"you're making me feel like i'm the man"- taylor swift
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Song- the man by taylor swift
Pairing- reuben 'payback' fitch x female! reader
Warning(s)- sexism and misogyny
Wordcount- 1,374
Summary- Reader goes to a navy even with Reuben and encounters an old ex. They're called an ex for a reason.
Being the CEO and owner of your own company is the best thing ever. Even when you started from the ground up. It is rewarding, well most of the time. Being the youngest CEO in San Diego, whose especially female has its perks, but at the same time it kinda sucks. When you meet with company CEOs and presidents that are in the older generation, they really don’t take you seriously. Even when I bring my partner to events and they think they’re the CEO and I’m just their date. The look on their faces when I tell them that I’m actually the CEO and owner just brings me enjoyment.
“Ruben, hun!” I called out my husband as I put on my earrings. “Are you ready? We have to leave soon.”
“Coming.” I looked in the mirror of my vanity to see Reuben walking in the room while tying his bowtie.
“Everything all set with the babysitter?” I asked him when I finished getting ready.
“Yep,” he nodded and pecked me on the lips. “The car’s coming soon, we should head out now.”
I nodded my head and we grabbed our things before heading out of our room. Walking down the stairs, we saw our babysitter sitting on the couch with the kids watching a movie. Giving our kids hugs and kisses before telling them to be good for the babysitter, Reuben and I walked out of the house to see the car waiting for us. Getting in the car and buckling up, I told the driver to go and they started driving us to the venue. Throughout the drive, all of the Dagger Squad were wondering when we’re coming since we’re one of the last people to get to the venue.
“Ah, there you are,” Mickey walked up to us and handed both of us a glass of champagne.
“Thank you,” I placed a kiss on his cheek. “You’re looking sharp. A little James Bond look I see.”
“Garcia, Mickey Garcia,” Mickey gave me a wink.
“Stop flirting with my wife Fanboy,” Reuben jokes as I let out a laugh.
“You’re finally here!” I heard Halo exclaim as Phoenix wrapped her arms around me in a hug.
“We’re stealing your wife,” Phoenix announced as her and Halo dragged me out of Reuben’s grasp.
Letting out a laugh, the three of us headed to the bar to grab some drinks before we mingled with the guests. Most of the guests that we’ve mingled with were sponsors of the events and some tried to partner with me. None really sparked my interest. Getting refills at the bar, we giggled and chatted with each other before I saw a familiar figure walking our way.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” I groaned.
“What?” Phoenix raised her eyebrow.
“Y/N, look at you,” I saw the smirk form on his face as he walked up to me. “It’s been a while.”
“Derek,” I said without showing any irritation in my voice. “It has been a while. How are you?”
“I’m good, real good,” the smirk never came off his face.
You thought Hangman’s cockiness was bad? He is the most cockiest son of the bitch ever. His ego reaches to the depths of space. That’s how bad it is and I had to deal with him for so many years.
“Derek, last time I checked you were on a submarine,” I gulped the last of my drink.
“And the last time I checked you were working on a startup, how’s that going?” he questioned
“It’s good, so good,” I smiled.
“So, what brings you to a Navy event?” He asked.
“I’m just here as my husband’s date,” I replied.
“Wow, the startup is working so well that you end up being a dependapotamus?” He let out a laugh which caused me to tick.
I looked over his shoulder to see Phoenix and Halo mentally snapping his neck. With the pissed off look they have on their faces, they’re at that point where they might kill him. Naval aviators or not.
“And I see you still don’t have a partner,” I let out a laugh. “I mean with the receding hairline that you’ve had since twenty and the way you constantly think with your penis instead of your head says something.”
“Y/N, you look lovely tonight,” I looked over to see Admiral Kazansky walking up to me.
“Admiral, it’s nice to see you,” I gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.
“It’s nice to see you too,” he smiled. “How are the kids? Pete and I have been meeting to ask you and Ruben if we can babysit them one day so the two of you can spend the day together.”
“We have to see about that,” I said. “The kids have been asking when you’re going to watch them.”
“Wow, a dependapotamus with kids and a husband in the Navy,” I snapped my head at what Dereck said. “Must be nice. Did you have to kneel on your knees in order to get funding for your company?”
“Oh, I knew there was a reason why I broke up with you,” I handed Ice my drink. “It’s because you’re a disgusting, misogynistic piece of shit that thought you can control me.”
“What?” He let out a laugh. “Also, you can’t call a commanding officer like that.”
“Yes she can,” Ice joined in. “She’s a private citizen and she can call you whatever you want.”
“Ice, I got this,” I gave him a smile and stepped closer to Dereck. “I did not kneel for any damn investors to start up my company. I worked my damn ass off like I always did throughout my whole life to become the CEO of my company. Unlike you who still uses daddy’s money to get whatever you want. Besides, I make more money than your damn father. So no, I’m not a damn dependapotamus and there’s nothing wrong being that if you are one.”
“You should really calm down right now,” he bellowed a laugh. “It’s just a joke, stop overreacting. Just treat a man with respect.”
“I won’t,” I snapped back. “If you don’t respect me, I don’t respect you. Easy as that. It’s not the damn 1940s anymore.”
Walking away, I ignored the looks from the audience that we’ve gained during that argument. Passing through them, I walked out to the garden to let the cool evening wind chill me out. Letting out a frustrated groan, I sat down on one of the benches to reflect what just happened.
“I see you’ve provided tonight’s entertainment.” I looked up to see my husband let out a chuckle.
“Did we cause that much of a ruckus?” I questioned.
“Not really, just a small audience was more entertained with you guys than the event itself,” he sat down next to me and placed a kiss on the back of my hand. “How are you feeling?”
“I-,” I let out a mix of a chuckle and a groan. “I should be used to this. Used to all of this sexism and microaggressions and backhanded compliments. But yet, there’s some new thing that just ticks me off. I’m so sick and tired. He called me a dependapotamus who slept her way up to the position I am in now.”
“If Mickey and Hangman didn’t hold me back, I would’ve punched him when I heard that,” he laughed, which made me laugh a little. “Besides, if you were a dependapotamus, you would be the hottest one in the Navy.”
“Even having two kids?” I raised my eyebrow.
“Even after having two kids,” he placed a kiss on my lips.
“Why did you even marry me?”
“Because you are a badass, strong, and determined woman who doesn’t take any bullshit from misogynistic pieces of shit. I find that so attractive.”
“You really know how to woo a girl don’t you?”
“I do,” he smiled and we kissed. “Come on, the gang is planning on leaving early and heading to the Hard Deck. You’re up for that?”
“Sure,” I nodded my head.
We got off the bench and left the venue to walk to the Hard Deck since it wasn’t that far from there.
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