#the no bitches meme but my body @ me with energy
silasbug · 1 year
i want to do 10 things at once but my body says lie down and pass the fuck out.
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preeningpisces · 3 months
Choso NSFW Headcanons
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Lemme know if you want me to elaborate/write something about any of these ♥️
18+ content below, mdni, implied chubby f!reader
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❥ Choso is extremely submissive in the way that he will do whatever you want in bed. If you want to be dominated, through your guidance and some trial & error, he’ll do it for you happily. If you want to tie him up & make him cry, he’ll gladly cry the prettiest tears for you
❥ You have to remind him he needs to discover his own wants & desires, rather than going along with whatever you want
❥ Can be very dirty because he doesn’t really have a sense of shame when it comes to sex. For instance, he sees licking your neck no differently than licking your foot, and is confused when you react negatively. He wasn’t exactly raised with any societal/cultural influences on his sexuality
❥ He does some odd shit like bite your armpit and when you chastise him he turns into the sad hamster meme
❥ We all know he busts in like 3 seconds, does it need to be said? He can’t help it—his dick is brand new, fresh off the shelf
❥ Bro cannot get enough when you first start having sex together; he can be pushy at times LOL but will relent & be respectful if you ask him to
❥ Very INTENSE. He prefers positions where he can make eye contact, and this mfer will stare into your soul the whole time. Also likes positions where he can get your tits in his mouth
❥ Doesn’t tend to be playful in bed, but will try to match your energy if you are
❥ Period sex makes him go craaaaazy. He’s all up in there in every way. He earns his red wings immediately
❥ I know in my soul that he’s hairy. He’s a hairy guy! No way he isn’t. Exfoliate your face with his hairy titties
❥ Lowkey into body hair himself, and doesn’t get why people are so obsessed with shaving. Likes feeling your legs when they get prickly, or if the hair is grown out. Absolutely LOVES an 80s bush
❥ On that note, anything that is naturally so human gets him going, like sweat. Kind of into musk too. He’s the type that likes it when you’ve marinated a bit LMFAO kind of pouts if you insist on showering before he goes down on you. So cute
❥ His cum doesn’t shoot, it leaks, and there’s a fuck ton of it. Stroking him through his orgasm is really fucking messy, and really fucking hot
❥ Oh my god he is awful at dirty talk at the beginning, bitch has NO CLUE what to say
❥ He learns tho, don’t you fret. Like I said, he doesn’t really get embarrassed when it comes to sex, but he also has no concept of what’s considered sexy and what’s not. You just have to survive the awkward stage (and maybe share some source material for him to reference)
❥ Fucking loves titties. Even when you aren’t having sex, just cuddling, that’s where he likes to rest his hands the most. If you have heavy tits he’ll offer to support them for you. It’s a genuine act of kindness, but also one he benefits from greatly. Rests his head on your chest when he needs to unwind
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space-blue · 6 months
Me doing crimes against my companions
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They truly cattered to every freak possible.
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Look at these nerds! Reading together! Shared central piece with carpet for easy access to each other's tent... I have to freqently remind Gale we're a thing, because the bloodweave is borderline canon!! And we can't be a trouple because some people don't like sharing, right, Gale??
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I learned the instrument feat just to make my little guys dance and they're HARDCORE IGNORING ME!!!
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Clown power posing face off.
Also I love that Astarion approves if you force anyone else on stage, but will disapprove TWICE if made to go up
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In fucking stitches over the Gortash portraits. You know the mods that turn everyone into a Kpop beauty boy? Gortash would approve of them for himself, 100%
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I'm making a Tav comic about seeing Rolan like this. It's coming. It'll be the same energy as the Zevlor one, yes. More murdering though.
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Astarion talking back to a Djinni and being transformed into a wheel of cheese for the meagre cost of 500 gold! Best use of my fictional money.
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I still question why Gale has abs, but I don't question the fact this outfit has the ring RIGHT OVER THE ORB, I'm sorry babygirl you're keeping the bondage undies...
ALSO if you put him in the celestial whatever, basically the princess Leia outfit Figaro sells you, he shows cheek, and truly, truly Larian catters to the freaks and it's incredible...
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Like what is this bit of booty and how come I'm getting it for free aaaah!!!!
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Man doesn't have the strength to open a jar of pickles, but he still religiously visits the bench press to have the perfect abs for his Tav. Gods bless.
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Also the back of this undie has basically a bitch strap. You can have a bitch strap on Astarion, and then give him an open back shirt and grab him any time you need to yank him out of situations.
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Also love how the design is altered to give garters to fem bodies but also make sense for someone with a tail. I bet it'll look hot as all shit on dargonborn Durge.
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The face he was making while I was asked this question...
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Durgeposting... based on this Hannibal meme
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starberry-cupcake · 3 months
I come here with further updates on my gideon the ninth read as per the favorable responses in my previous shares . You asked for it, so you're gonna have to hear it (@lady-harrowhark maybe you'll have fun with this one)
previously, in gideon the ninth:
this happened
currently, having just finished chapter 29:
gideon had tea with the eighth
actually no, scratch that, gideon sat in a chair while mayonnaise uncle's hair got braided, they never got to the tea part
false advertising
mayonnaise uncle gave half info, as people seem to like doing here
duracell bunny nephew stepped up and called him out
good for him, actually
you go, duracell bunny nephew!
it's gonna end terribly for him, but we stan
gideon left that Situation and found teacher saying ominous things
gideon left that Other Situation and found regina george twin being intense with swords
chad came in and she bit him
I see a trend alert with these third necromancers and the biting
gideon left that Yet Another Situation and went to the ninth room
gideon proceeded to open the closet
gideon got brad pitt-ed in the movie seven, but instead of gwyneth paltrow's head it was protesilaus'
it's not gideon's best day
now, hear me out
I know how this will sound, but hear me out
I haven't read past this scene, I haven't started chapter 30, all I know is she found the box
but hear me out here
just, just listen
hear me out
I still blame dulcinea
no, no, come back, I have a theory
I don't trust her, she's shady, she's too suspiciously fake kind, she's desperate and she has mentioned wanting gideon as a cavalier
I think it was back when gideon was turned into a blood sprinkler during the whole temple run key second trial thingy
or maybe later, after jeannemary left the mortal plain, but she said it at some point
and gideon has told harrow she wants her to free her to be dulcinea's cavalier
which, over my dead body
or maybe not, people here are dropping like flies, but anyway
dulcinea knows things others don't seem to know
she says things that gideon doesn't follow up on because she's horny and dense (affectionately)
I don't trust dulcinea
in case that wasn't clear
so what if
hear me out
seriously, I swear I have a point
what if harrow was set up?????
no, no, come back, listen, listen
gideon said something like the box wasn't well hidden
and I doubt very very very much that if harrowhark harrowldine harrowmina nonagesimus would have ended a bitch, she would have half-assed anything, much less the hiding
like, she'd either kill in plain sight and make a show of it or make it disappear and nobody would know
harrowhark harroweena harrowline nonagesimus pulled an edward and alphonse on her parents and only 3 people know she did
the entire system of these houses is unaware of that fact, as far as I know
so, if she wanted to hide a murder, I think, I hope, she would do better than this
also, keeping a head in a box doesn't seem her style, that's very haunted mansion and she's more halloween horror nights
what if she's been set up????
and gideon has like 3 brain cells working right now so she might fall for it??? hopefully not but maybe????
and side with my mortal enemy dulcinea instead?????
am I crazy????
am I too latina for this and seeing things???
is dulcinea the soraya montenegro of this story??? or is it me??? am I the drama???
this might all be absolute nonsense and in like 1 chapter I might be proven wrong but I don't trust dulcinea del toboso the seventh and I never will
if you pictured the always sunny meme while reading, that's the right energy I'm trying to share here
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OKAY MY TURN NOW: drop the headcanon deets. What's living rent-free in your head right this moment 👀
But alright!! There’s so many (Aside from Legends Reborn)
I mostly keep this shit in my head and I can make a huge list of it but dawg most of mine involves my silly interpretations- plus I seen people
It’s kinda a mess to think about but I’ll go to my personal favorites
X being chunky always gives me some feels for me, like he would fucking rock it. He’s actually more tanky then Zero while he’s sorta at times a glass canon (Mf Died like multiple times and X died Once). It derives from the idea of why he chose a thicker body, because the area of his stomach was pierced by Sigma like twice. So basically it gives him extra defense. Despite the it he’s just a Flexible as ever but a bit more slower.
Meaning that his “Stomach” area is incredibly sensitive and he will smack you on instinct if you touch it. He suffers phantom pains occasionally. It's a massive bitch but he got used to it.
(Aka I believe Burly/chunky X supremacy)
X has a soft spot for children okay, since he’s very approachable to children, he would even let them draw on his armor. Babies are a definite weakness of his their tiny hands will make him cry so hard
So it would make sense that he would be a parent but he would rather settle down to start a Family in peace times and after he himself healed and rested.
Zero is kinda a low key creature, in the sense that he actually has retractable claws and can run on fours but only for extremely rare occasions. That's because he’s not only the ultimate war but also the ultimate predator. Aka he’s fucking lion coded
One of the reasons why X and Zero are always different compared to other Androids and shit is because they were made from Alien tech/Energy stuff. You can’t fucking tell that Dr Light didn’t used the material that Duo left to include that while making X right? And Zero…We all know Wily was on some crack (I’m always a believer that He used evil energy to create Roboenza and what could eventually become the Maverick Virus). And no one knew about the whole fiasco with Duo aside from Megaman and the others. So it makes sense that Light and wily (Possible Cossack knew something about it) Used it for their final creations.
Marty (From the MMX manga that I’m absolutely so normal about) has so much knowledge of Marine life and the ocean, Rescue worker regulations and information is insane. How the flying shit did a marine rescue worker end up as an infamous Pirate Queen is a mystery to anyone.
She's also tall and muscular and is absolutely more “Beast-like” (Having scales, fangs and retractable webbed claws) to give off a more intimidating impression to keep folks away from her and her crew.
Speaking of her Crew they are all composed of other marine Rescue types, a couple Human Cyborgs (and a few non cyborgs) and a few Repliforce defectors. (A small fun fact in my silly XxMarty Valentine manatee oneshot, Marty brought up Gale Albatross who’s actually a former Repliforce soldier that defected as soon as they declared independence not wanting to be apart of it but is untrusting towards the hunters).
She may not look like but she genuinely cares for everyone in her crew and would do anything to protect them. She also courted her hair after her fight with Byte back at X3 manga. She has matured over the years but still holds her mischievous/prideful personality.
Contrary to what it's led to believe her crew aren’t like…bad or act like actual pirates. It’s more like they are more of an independent group. Since that they deal with poaching, taking out criminals out of sea, providing relief for coastal communities that were strongly affected by war, etc…They just Red Alert if they weren’t Bounty hunters.
Axl is absolutely a Streamer and a bit of a meme master. He’s a deadly actor and trickster so watch out he fucking glad that he’s a goober!!
Since I’m on a Legends kick
Legends is underrated as shit I mean the potential is great! It’s so fucking expansive Idk where to start-
I’ll probably do some of mine at somepoint how they are Biomechanical creatures and how they diversified and evolved (The master basically granted them access to things that were lost that belonged to their Reploid ancestors.)
Or how the Ruins can be function as Mystery Dungeons and the different between an Official Digger and a independent Digger and so much wkrbekeheiba)
There’s are what I have but dawg so many in my little critter brain of mine
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 month
for your writers truth and dare (lmao get asked)
🥑🐇 [juice box emoji] (bc my phone doesnt support it wtf)
from this ask meme!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
ack and gasp i would NEVER!! without vsf supervision of course.
i also got no idea if some of these people are my mutuals or not because i follow from my main blog but i wanna interact anyways <3
@mystaposts you're a sweetheart but i know you've shed blood at one point or another and i need that on my side. you take the legs i'll take the arms. we're slinging this bitch into an incinerator
@thechaoticplayer you give energy like you would tell me about a tv show you watched recently where they killed a guy using this specific method and how to recreate it to dispose of the body, and then i would tell you that bc it's on tv we can't copy it entirely, but we do get inspired along the way and do our own thing with the method in mind. what i'm trying to say is that you would unironically say "did you know that ricin is toxic in small amounts and easy to overlook during an autopsy? i saw it on breaking bad"
@vezalust maybe it's the y2k robot dog banner speaking but i feel like you have experience with this sort of thing? i think you would suggest a place to hide a body and then immediately say to forget it because you've already hidden one there
@celestiaras there's two ways this could go. either you're a stone cold killer baddie that ends up being the mvp, orrrrrrrr you get queasy at the sight of mysta and i hauling the body. either way every good plan needs a freeloader and i think the princess herself would provide excellent commentary without getting her hands too dirty
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🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
reader inserts!
but i feel like sometimes reader inserts are original characters. i really love incorporating backstories, personality, etc into them because even though they’re blank slates, you can pretend that you’re a different personality than your own whenever you reader a reader insert. it’s almost necessary for me to make them distinct in my longer fics.
in a previous fandom i ended up writing a [character] x reader fic on request for a soft and shy reader. i ended up writing 9k-ish words on this reader that looks scary because they’re huge compared to other people, but they had an adorable hobby along with being a gentle giant. i ended up giving that reader a proper name, design, and never shared my oc outside of my friend group but i love them dearly even if i’m not so active in that fandom anymore…!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
ah. well. i don't really have any! i'm just a unit i'm just a guy
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✧. ┊ ask meme ✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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crit20art · 1 year
OC lore drop
An overview of my OCs and the settings they belong to! The settings range from “fully-outlined/partially drafted novels that i genuinely intend to write one day” to “loose string of scenarios to put my guys in.” 
Casey and Vincent
(she/her, he/him)
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Premise: Casey lives in the middle of nowhere Texas with an elderly woman (Margie) for whom she’s a live-in caretaker. Vincent shows up on her doorstep with a shovel in hand, asking if he can dig up something of his that’s buried on Margie’s land. Casey tells him no, and don’t come back. A few days later, while visiting a neighbor, Casey is attacked by monsters. They tear the neighbor to shreds and almost get Casey, but Vincent comes out of nowhere and distracts them while she runs for home. When she gets there, she realizes that the monsters can’t seem to cross the property line. Vincent gets badly injured, but Casey drags him to safety. 
They are then stuck indefinitely on this square acre of land, unable to leave lest they get torn to shreds by the many-toothed creatures prowling the invisible barrier. Casey nurses Vincent back to health and in doing so realizes that he is definitely something Other Than Human. She also learns that he’s really weird, but really sweet, but mostly really weird. He starts to dig up the land but still won’t tell her what he’s looking for. 
genre is romance and soft horror, very similar vibes to my tma fic "resigned" if you’ve read that. Vincent and Casey’s dynamic is p much "it's not body horror, not to me, not if it's you."
Max and Braiden
(both he/him)
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These two are from a story that was basically my highschool big brain take on "what if superpowers happened in the real world but people who had them got EXPERIMENTED ON??" That’s still the setting but the plot has taken a sharp turn into classic American road trip. Max has the power to generate, manipulate, and breathe various gasses, and Braiden can make copies of himself. 
The basic premise is that, while escaping the facility where he’s been trapped for a number of years, Braiden meets Max for the first time. Max already knows him, however, and is in fact madly in love with him. It turns out that Max was in a relationship with one of Braiden’s copies who was recently killed, and meeting the Original(™) Braiden is the first time he finds out that there’s more than one of him. Cue lots of questions about nature/nurture, what makes a person inherently themself, and Star Trek style philosophical ponderings on the personhood of clones. All of this happens in a ragtop convertible against a backdrop of late summer highway.
(if braiden reminds you of my martin design, no he doesn’t <3 (actually he does because he is a character i put a lot of my own struggles with depression into, and his personality is adjacent to martin’s s5 I’m A Huge Bitch Because I Have Boundaries Now vibe, so martin ended up reminding me of him and i committed IP theft on myself about it))
Fantasy / DnD OCs
I’m bad at fantasy worldbuilding so i just kinda toss all of these guys into scenarios in my head and mix them like salad. I’m trying to put together something with a cowboy/western kind of energy but i haven’t gotten far <3
I have a group of OCs from a scrapped fantasy setting who I’ll add to this when I have more recent sketches for all of them. (If you’re wondering where the lesbians are. They are here. I’m sorry I don’t have more drawings of you on hand, lesbians)
More dnd OCs can be found just in my dnd tag but here are the honorable mentions:
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Half-elf bard. He has been the icon on my personal blog for years and, in retrospect, playing him was absolutely my first step towards questioning my gender. He has 18 intelligence and 10 wisdom. He once hooked up with an NPC and scored a 24 on his performance check. He even has a meme. Party on, king
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(2nd image is before i gave him horns. ft. fiancé Pesh, they/them)
Aurelian is a pirate. He’s an outlaw. He’s a horse girl. He’s been looking for his mysteriously vanished fiancé long enough that he has trouble picturing their face. He exists because I heard Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae and had to make a dnd character about it.
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Angsty wild magic sorcerer who started as a hostile NPC when i DMed for some friends. Took on a life of her own and ended up in lesbians with the party’s orc fighter. Since that campaign ended I am trying to find her a gf like Mrs. Bennet matchmaking for her five daughters
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mikavlcs · 1 year
ok I got so late here I swear I got so caught up I'M SO SORRY. Also I read your last Wens piece! I ADORED IT TOO QWJEJWQ AND THE WHOLE CRITICISM PART ABOUT THE POEM? JDJQWJEQJWE I burst out laughing like a fucking idiot and ended up almost throwing my computer to the floor don't ask how. I've been a bit busy but I'll comment and fill your notif thingy with 9219292 notifs soon!
This is to the mf spamming your ask box cause I get lost a few days and when I come back these bitches just-
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Listen to me you little motherfucker. You spam again mika's ask thingy trying to be rude or say anything that can be relatively, just slightly offensive or harmful, and I'll locate your little annoying ass all the way to the hellhole you're from, open your chest with my bare hands and use your ribs to carve your insides. And once I'm done, I'll open up that thick, little skull of yours, take your brains out and use them to make a written apology for Mika on your name before I dissolve your body with hydrochloric acid and burn your clothes and stuff. You wanna know something funny? It would only take me a week, at most. With that, there wouldn't be even bones left thanks to the acid. Not a single piece of your little annoying ass left to recognise. We clear bud? we cleAR? because I can be more spECIFIC AND GRAPHIC YOU LITTLE-
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(don't take me seriously. not too much at least-)
JQWEJQWJE just kidding. I would never do that. Or would I now? MUAAHAHHAHA
Out of jokes, there's no need to be rude, man. You never have to intend any kind of harm of offense to anyone, especially someone in the internet who hasn't bothered you at all. The worst thing is that you don't even have the face to send the asks personally, you just go full anon, like the little coward you are. Hope whoever you are you stop bothering Mika, put it together and go do something productive instead of wasting your time trying to be an ass, pal.
Btw, howdy! how are things going home? are your electronics still out of danger? I hope they are! c'mon c'mon I feel like I've been away from tumblr for tons of time now, tell me tell me something. Has anything interesting happened in your week? have you eaten something today? what did you have? how was it? how's your writer's block?
PS: the threat above goes for anyone who bothers you aRE WE CLEAR ?????👹👹👹👹👹
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(I'm so sorry that meme was just there and JDJQEJQWJEQJEJ I JUST COULDN'T STOP MYSELF FROM DOING IT SORRY)
the way i read this while you’re spamming my notifs 😭🤚 also you threw your laptop on the floor??? lmfao??
SKDHDKEDJDK NOT THE HYDROCHLORIC ACID 😭😭 that’s such a specific and crazy threat…laughing so hard rn (also that whole paragraph had real ghostface tara energy) but thank you<33 they have still not returned so it’s chill 👍
and yes my stuff is still out of danger! nothing explicitly interesting has happened, i’ve mostly been studying for finals next week 💔💔 and i had cereal today, it was good<33 i hope you’re doing good as well despite being busy!
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noperopesaredope · 2 years
Doki Doki Precure AU Idea
So I’ve had this AU concept in my head for a while, and I’ve decided to just put it out there.
Basically, in “Searching for a Dream” (my fav episode in Doki Doki), just like in the OG episode, Ira will start having small flashbacks after having hit his head. However, these flashbacks are not just of his life as a Selfish, but…other memories. Memories buried so deep that it seems almost impossible to find them.
When Gula yells at him, all the memories come flooding in. But not just the Selfish ones..................we won’t know what else he remembers until the end of the episode though. He appears to fall into despair (kinda like in Smile Precure) for a moment, but quickly refocuses when Gula shoots the laser thing at him. 
Like in the episode, he knocks is away. But then he turns to the Cures (specifically Diamond) and, with a neutral expression (though more like resting bitch face), says “I remember everything now.” Diamond says that she’s glad, since that means he’s made a full recovery. Then Gula jumps and Ira knocks them out of the way, he leaves, yadda, yadda, yadda, that whole part of the episode continues as normal.
But instead of the scene with Ira on the roof thing, we skip to the scene with Rikka and her parents having dinner together. It’s very nice, very wholesome. BUT THEN we have a new scene.
Rikka goes into her room for the night only to find Ira sitting on her bed, looking a bit like the Shinji chair meme, while also having an existential crisis. Rikka is very much shooketh, and confusingly asks “I-Ira?? Why are you...” but he interrupts. “You know, you’re a better doctor than I thought. Turns out I’ve always had amnesia, even before you found me on the beach.”
He looks up at her, tears streaming down his face, and says “But I remember now. I wasn’t always a Selfish.”
“I used to be a human.”
So yeah, that’s the intro premise to the AU!
Basically, the Selfish weren’t always beings of darkness. They used to be regular people living in Splendorious (I refuse to call it the Trump Kingdom). 
This is how someone turns into a Selfish:
First off, they need to have been exposed to the power of the Mirror Pads in one way or another. Kinda like being exposed to radioactive energy, but it’s actually just good vibes.
They also need to be a relatively selfless person, selfless enough to qualify becoming a Cure (though they don’t need to actually be a Cure, just selfless enough to be qualified).
Then, they must protect someone from a blast of dark energy, sacrificing their own life in the process. But right before that, they must first choose the selfish option, before they change their mind and decide to do the selfless thing.
Right after they die, their body will be taken and consumed by the Darkness.
Their heart will be filled with Darkness, their blood will become infused with Darkness, and their mind will be taken over by the Darkness.
All memories of their past life will be erased, and they will wake up as a Selfish.
They’ll look completely different while also looking the same. They will have light blue hair (just pretend all of them have light blue hair), olive-yellow eyes, unnaturally pale skin (whether or not they were originally pale), and the little black wings behind their ears. They will also be wearing a different outfit.
Their personality will also change. Each of them have a heavenly virtue they represent the most, so the Darkness will take that part of their personality and turn it into its deadly sin.
For example, Human!Ira used to be very calm and patient. As a Selfish, he is instead very anger. Human!Marmo was very generous and giving, now she is very greedy. And Human!Bel...he was a lot of different things, but one of those things was hard-working. Now, he is lazy.
Basically, as a Selfish, you get a bit of a personality swap and become very selfish and mean. However, there are small moments in which their original personalities shine through. It’s incredibly difficult for them to be selfless, but it is less hard for them to be good, at least if they try. And, given the right circumstances, like when Ira had amnesia, they will return to their former personalities (though missing the memories).
If they somehow manage to regain all their memories, they will be in a delicate balance between being good and evil. But if they do a major act of selflessness, then they will overcome the Darkness. Sure, they will always have some selfishness in their heart, everyone does, but it will be balanced.
Now, I have also made some small plans on the past lives of Ira, Marmo, and Bel, and each will have some sort of connection with one of our Splendorious characters.
Ira was once a humble assistant to the knight of Splendorious, kinda like a page boy or a squire, but without actually getting any lessons and instead just helping people out. This gives him a minor connection to Joe, because though they didn’t know each other that well, they were acquaintances. Ira’s past personality was basically the one he had when he had amnesia. I will not get into his whole story/arc because that would be to complicated and take up most of the post.
Though Ira and Bel have their own very interesting stories, Marmo’s backstory is kinda my favorite. Get this: Marmo............................................was a Cure. I know, right? I’m a genius and should win all the awards.
Marmo gives us some interesting insight into what Makoto’s relationship with other Cures was like before the fall of Splendorious. The two weren’t exactly close, but they did fight together a few times, and Marmo (who I will call Cure Deuce) was actually the last Cure who Makoto saw before she had to go to Earth. Their relationship was like that of a student and a teacher, but the student wasn’t in any of that teacher’s classes, so they didn’t really know each other. But the student still trusts the teacher as an adult. 
They actually get to know each other a lot better during the fall of Splendorious when they teamed up to fight together, and got along pretty well. Still deciding whether or not Makoto was there when Deuce died. I’m pretty sure that’s not gonna be the case, but it would cause extra ~trauma~. Then again, it would be also pretty tragic if Deuce told Makoto that “I’ll be fine fighting on my own for now. You go find the princess” and Makoto left, feeling confident that Deuce would be fine. After getting to Earth, she sadly assumed the Deuce had been turned into a Jikochuu like everyone else, but she had hope that she could see all of them again, and only had a certain amount of guilt. But to find out that Deuce died after she left her behind? And that she was then turned into a Selfish? And that the woman she had been fighting this whole time was actually Deuce all along? That would leave some crazy guilt.
On top of this, Makoto and Marmo would have a very interesting rivalry before the big reveal. So it will be a lot of fun. For me. Not for Makoto. Or Marmo.
Bel is interesting in terms of his relationships to other characters and the role he plays in the grand scheme. He was actually the King’s valet/personal secretary who sometimes acted like a bit of an advisor. This connects him to the Princess reincarnations. Yeah, things get crazy with Bel, and I’m not gonna get into all that insanity right now. In the past, Bel was very hard-working, to the point that he sometimes overworked himself. He was the exact opposite of lazy, and he was a pretty rad dude. He was also loyal to the king and a good support to him who helped him in a lot of ways. He was just generally the perfect man in terms of personality. He gave off DILF energy. I’m not sorry.
So that’s what I have on those guys rn, or at least that’s what I’m willing to type out.
While the Selfish are basically opposites of their past selves, they did keep some of the traits they had in their past lives.
A primary example of this is fighting style. Ira’s fighting style is the most sloppy and frantic. It’s that of someone who doesn’t really know how to fight, but might have seen others fight, which makes sense given Ira’s background. Marmo’s is eerily similar to that of a Cure, but a very experienced one. Bel’s fighting is probably the most intimidating, because though he was mainly the King’s valet, he also served as a bodyguard. Bel is perfectly capable of dealing fatal blows, which is why the Cures are really lucky that he is too lazy to fight most of the time.
A second, smaller trait the Selfish will carry is certain types of knowledge. They can’t recognize people from their past lives and won’t remember anything about said people, and they definitely won’t remember anything about their past selves, but they do have some certain types of knowledge related to their past expertise. 
For example, Ira still knows how to do some of his assistant duties, Marmo still remembers some things about how Cures worked and the system behind that (if she hears Ace say something about the “rules of the Glitter Force” or whatever they call it in the Japanese version, she will probably say something along the lines of “I’ve never heard that rule before. Usually the handbook talks about protocol and stuff”), and Bel is still really good at his job and has knowledge on how the kingdom worked.
And a final trait they will keep is their mannerisms. Bel sits on the couch the same way he’s always sat, only raises one eyebrow in a look that can only be described as parental disappointment whenever he disapproves of something (a trait he’s had for years), and walks very slowly and deliberately, something that will never change.
Marmo puts her hand(s) under her chin a lot, pucks her lips when she’s upset, and makes a very specific facial expression whenever she rolls her eyes, same as she’s always done.
And Ira still slouches when he leans against a wall (his favorite standing position), still says “yo!” as a way to greet people, still has the same cackle-laugh.
These little things will be used as bits of foreshadowing as they use elements of their knowledge and we see little parts of their past selves shine through.
That’s all I really have for now. If I ever make more stuff for this AU, I’ll probably put it under the tag “Former Human Selfish AU”. Actually, that will be the name of the au. You can add your own stuff if you want since it’s an au after all. Credit me if you use my au, but also you can use my au. Use my au. That’s a demand.
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u3pxx · 2 years
4, 12 and 14 for the ask meme?
4. fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
shh... don't tell anyone but i actually enjoy.... drawing backgrounds! dramatic gasp!
anyways, i really like drawing backgrounds but by god do they take too much time, energy, and skill wheezes. i lovee drawing all the little props and details in a background bc it really is a lot like character design!
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case in point, this one! this was so fun to add so many details into but FUCKK perspective man! my worst enemy!!!
12. easiest part of body to draw
ooh i've never thought about this one that hard before.. probably the face. it comes pretty naturally to me and it's one of my favorite things to draw really. i like drawing different features and i also just really like coloring the face!
14. any favorite motifs
fuck me up eye motifs, FUCK ME UP!!! i loveee eye imagery, also a big fan of religious motifs used in a way to contrast something that's "sinful" or blasphemous like yes bitch get that juxtaposition!!!
i also really enjoy flower motifs, especially sunflowers, playing card motifs, and motifs that call back to greek myths :^]
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Aguni: Describe your aesthetic in three words.
An: Describe yourself in 3 words.
Arisu: What is your favorite videogame/boardgame?
Banda: where is your favorite place to be kissed? why?
Chishiya: What is your favorite flower?
Chota: What’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Enji: What word do you have trouble saying?
Hatter: Someone you haven't interacted with a lot but would love to get to know better?
Heiya: If you could change anything about "beach" what would you change?
Ippei: What is our favorite piece of clothing?
Karube: What’s your drink of choice?
Kuina: What is your scent?
Kuzuryū: What's your dream job?
Kyuma: Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.
Last Boss: List five things you can’t live without.
Mira: Anything you wish you could forget?
Niragi: You get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
Risa: If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?
Shibuki: What is your favorite part of your body?
Shiga: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Shitara: What is your favorite Animal?
Takuma: What motivates you?
Takumi: A song that you would sing in a karaoke?
Tatta: What's the scariest dream you've ever had?
Urumi: What’s your favorite snack?
Usagi: If we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Uta: A song that makes you feel happy?
Yaba: What pisses you off?
Alice In Borderland Meme
Aguni: Describe your aesthetic in three words.
Stylish and somewhat functional. Technically four words if you count "and." Sue me.
An: Describe yourself in 3 words.
Unhinged. Chaotic. Hot.
Arisu: What is your favorite videogame/boardgame?
The Final Fantasy franchise
Banda: where is your favorite place to be kissed? why?
My neck. I love the feeling.
Chishiya: What is your favorite flower?
I don't know enough about flowers to say.
Chota: What’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Overcoming my past.
Enji: What word do you have trouble saying?
Any English world that has the letter L.
Hatter: Someone you haven't interacted with a lot but would love to get to know better?
(Heiya and Ippei were previously answered.) Karube: What’s your drink of choice?
Alcoholic? Whiskey. Non-alcoholic? An energy drink or water.
Kuina: What is your scent?
Gunpowder and cologne.
Kuzuryū: What's your dream job?
I'm working it; a game dev.
Kyuma: Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.
Probably the fact I'm a game dev.
Last Boss: List five things you can’t live without.
In the Borderland? I've learned I have to live without material desires.
Mira: Anything you wish you could forget?
Niragi: You get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
I have a few people in mind, but no one anyone here would know.
Risa: If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?
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Shibuki: What is your favorite part of your body?
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Shiga: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate.
Shitara: What is your favorite Animal?
Takuma: What motivates you?
My past.
Takumi: A song that you would sing in a karaoke?
Tatta: What's the scariest dream you've ever had?
I'd rather not go into details.
Urumi: What’s your favorite snack?
Anything I can idly nibble on at my desk.
Usagi: If we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Depends on the who.
Uta: A song that makes you feel happy?
You Call Me a Bitch Like It's a Bad Thing.
Yaba: What pisses you off?
Undeserved arrogance.
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lycorim · 1 year
WIP Words Meme!
Tagged by @alleyskywalker - thank you!!
My words: kiss | gentle | dark | touch | laugh
1 - Kiss
“You skate beautifully.” The boy continues. “If you can’t perform like that today just because your laces won’t tie, that would be a shame,” he hands Theon the skates blade-first. “Try them on, at least. There’s an ice cut before my group, anyway, so you’ll have plenty of time to get them back to me.”
Theon could kiss this boy right now, this beautiful, selfless, ginger angel! Instead, he accepts the boots with a shaky smile and hopes it conveys the same thing. (From my self-indulgent Throbb figure skaters AU)
2 - Gentle
What I would give for half of that energy, mused a trudging Frodo. He made sure his cousin was safely distracted attending the hobbit that just walked in, a young man with gentle strawberry curls who he recognized from the flower shop next door, and pressed his forehead wearily against the espresso machine.
If I asked off now, would it sound like an admission of defeat? He pondered, eyes closed against the metal’s gentle heat. (From my only LOTR WIP, a SamFro reincarnation coffee shop AU thing that I started two years ago! Also bonus points because "gentle" appears twice in this snippet.)
3 - Dark
Robb scoffed. He pulled the blanket tighter around his bare shoulders in lieu of Theon’s body heat. “Maybe I would like it there. You don’t know.”
“Maybe,” Theon agreed. Upright on the mattress, his fingers traced over a well-faded scar on Robb’s neck. Neither were bereft of scars anymore. Dark eyes bore into his, but with a sorrow that fit Theon’s sharp face poorly. “But Harlaw won’t like you.” (Throbb elopement AU)
4 - Touch
The match was too easy. Theon might outclass the lot of them with even a poorly strung bow, but swords came to him as naturally as humility. He had expected a deterioration of the Ironborn’s brazen ego as his swings fell and landed; he had planned for Theon to grow more and more defensive as the fight drew on. What he had not planned for was exactly how long he could cling onto the shorn threads of his pride, beating after beating.
But that was no issue to Jon. He wore his frustration like the lining on a coat - subtle, and easily contained. Theon wore his like an oversized hat. “Damn you!” he shouted, gasping and ragged, as a labored swing just touched Jon’s leather pauldron. (ThJon/GreySnow/SnowJoy or whatever body-swap soulmates AU)
5 - Laugh
Sea Bitch, he named her, at the witty age of fourteen. Asha laughed and called it stupid. Robb probably would have done similar. Even his Uncle Victarion had a good chuckle at the poor Bitch’s expense. But Asha would never even have a ship of her own, none of them were the prince, thus Theon was left to name the vessel as he so pleased.
Of course, he agreed with his sister now, well into his seventeenth year and well above the crass humor of an adolescent. But the name stuck, and the ship remained the only bitch in Theon’s life. (Throbb Role-Swap AU)
Noticing now that pretty much all of my WIPs are Throbb oops. Also, I don't think I have any mutuals who haven't already been tagged 😭 So, in the spirit of not dropping the ball, if you want to do this meme, consider yourself officially tagged!!
Your words are: fall | hold | smile | care | treasure
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Ok, I'm rank the Xenoblade 3 protags from favorite to least now.
1. Mio
Cutely presses the dodge button. Cutely presses the dodge button. Cutely presses the dodge button. Best class. I liked the part where she cutely pressed the dodge button against the concept of aging by body swapping with herself. We all talk about chapter 5 but chapter 4 was the mio moment that made me cry. Mio whyyyy. Fucking iconic. Definitely the character I was most invested in getting a happy ending. Also. She's a cat. Fucking perfection.
2. Eunie
Yass Eunie's the bass. Feather's are a bitch to dry. Queen's knees. Up, up up up up. The Chad who responds to "no more killing ppl" and immediately goes "ok.. but why?" The ultimate character. I wish I was a fraction of Eunie's power. Let Eunie say Fuck. Tragically I didn't actually care for her much beyond her status as a meme queen, but consider: Eunie is the ultimate meme and I enjoyed every moment she was on screen. I also really like the idea that Eunie isn't naturally a healer but learned the role after Joran's death (I forget whether that's a theory or straight up canon but I do really enjoy that). I also have to say that a lot of her high affinity classes are a ton of fun to play as. Very satisfying to watch Eunie fucking eviscerated someone off the face of the aionios. Pretty funny how both Eunie and Taion would run you over with an ambulance.
3. Noah
Def my favorite protagonist. He's so soft spoken. Also pretty funny that his magic laser sword is literally just a sheath for a really sharp katana. Pretty good of him to be the first Xenoblade protagonist to canonically have sex (consider that we didn't get proof of Rex fucking until after we learned about Noah fucking). I like how he's the quiet and thoughtful type, has the best romantic subplot in the series easily (or at least the only one I gave a shit about). I will say that N was a pretty underwhelming antagonist. Man's backstory brings me to tears, yet I still just don't care for a single moment he's on screen (except for "Mio wHYYY" memes those can stay, thank you Henry McEntire for your contributions to this series). As far as protagonist powers go, Shulk sees the future, Cross is mute, Rex gets all the girls, and Noah turns into Evangelion. I think the only conclusion here is to stick Noah and Shulk in a pit and make them fight for who gets to be the Protagonist tm. Also, Noah wears his hair similar to me, therefore he's hot. +10 points for that.
4. Taion
Someone should make the virgin/chad meme with Taion's class in gameplay vs Taion's class in the story. Like, every other character in story is using their class like they would in gameplay, but then Monolith had negative ideas how to translate a swarm of paper airplanes into tangible gameplay. So Taion's class feels very bad to use. That said, love his banter with Eunie. Also love that one H2H where he says he wears practical clothing, then Eunie calls his scarf lame. Poor man acts like a kicked puppy lol. Also has the vibes of that kid who lost chess against Eunie because she ate all the pieces when he wasn't looking. Tries to be the adult of the group, is still, like, 9 years old. Energy of being the one kid in the group project who's trying to lead the other squad of 8 year olds in any given direction. 10/10.
5. Sena
Ngl, I do not relate to her on a single level and also may or may not have forgotten half the scenes about her. Not the character's fault, I just wasn't paying attention. It does feel like Sena's arc wasn't treated with as much importance as everyone else's tho. Also I really didn't get to know Shaniya well enough for her to act as an effective foil. Tho I do think it's quite funny that Sena is Brighid's kid since Brighid is all elegant and shit while Sena just beats you to death with a really big stick. Definitely the character I imagine to have the most different personality between Alrest and Aionios (mostly because she's so concerned about fitting in and stuff). Tho her arc about learning to express herself just comes across as false due to her in-game dialogue contradicting that (and that being the dialogue players will have bludgeoned into their skull). Kinda hard to see Sena as someone who's insecure and feels the need to fit into the group when she shouts "I'm the Girl with the Gall" every other encounter.
6. Lanz
Feels too much like Reyn but not as iconic. Most interesting part of his character was the guilt he felt over Joran's death because he was a dick to Joran and never got to apologize but then Joran sacrificed himself to save Lanz anyways because Joran felt like his life was less important than Lanz's. Sadly, all of this good shit got completely derailed when Joran showed up as an antagonist. Kinda sucks that the villain writing ruined Lanz for me. Lanz's best moments were definitely in his ascension quest. I liked it when he showed his no shit side. Sadly never found a comfortable role for him in the gameplay because evasion tanks are way more fun than block tanks and I don't particularly love any of the classes Lanz specializes in (why does he keep getting S affinity healer classes when his healing power is literally shit?) Tho I will say that I love seeing Miyabi and Fiona class become w i d e on him.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
By the way, do whatever cringey shit it takes to cope in the healthiest way possible and make decisions in your best interest.
Like this body has a horrendous oral fixation, and Aderis and myself have really bad impulse control when we are stressed + an really strong drive to use substances which our body has actually managed to very well dodge solely because we have obsessive, control freak, super stressed and anxious parts for better or worse. It's something I used to hate the fuck out of and think was excessive but thinking on it, its definitely a good idea cause we have 0 resistance against any form of addiction and very easily develop psychological dependence on things that aren't even chemically addictive, so like 100% if we were to dip our toes into that, it could easily be an avalanche
Even said, specifically for me, the urge to start smoking is stupid hard to deal with a lot of the time between my very very very intense oral fixation, my impulsive short sighted "funny and aesthetic" brain, and the fact I'm a mentally ill traumatized bitch and like, ever since I've been back and aware of myself I've been like "I REALLY want to smoke" and everyone in the system being like "NO." and then them chucking me a different chew toy to help redirect that urge and energy
But at a certain point our crackhead child (little, nickname) grabbed a tooth pick to chew on or something I forget, and my brain fucking clicked that it very deeply itched the exact need and feeling my brain needed almost perfectly without actually having the chemical shit. And a lot of the time when I'm chewing on one, I'll unintentionally and without thinking of it, handle it like a cig because my brain just substitutes the psychological itch.
My "predecesor" in the system (aka Aderis) had a similar issue with drinking and while mine came more intuitively, but she figured out in early middle school that since we had no access to alcohol and "would die" if we tried, she just pretended Dr Pepper cans and bottles were booze and told herself it was a depressant that numbed and calmed shit down. To this day, Dr Pepper post-breakdown mostly actually mellows us out and lowers anxiety which is wild since Dr Pepper has caffeine which is supposed to do the opposite
And yeah, is it cringe for someone to act as if a tooth pick is a cigarette? Yeah, is it cringe for someone to act and treat Dr. Pepper like its alcohol? Yeah. But is it better to be "not cringe" or cringe and not slipping down a really unhealthy slope?
Not saying its bad to have picked up the habits or to have substance use issues - god no. That shits complicated, rough, and honestly - if it wasn't for the fact that the system has done an amazing job keeping the body clean - probably would use them myself.
But like, main point is that fucking like. Be cringe if that helps you live a healthier life and / or a life closer to what you want.
People can call me a cringe edgelord wanna be for how I handle my toothpicks, cause I really don't care about 1) being an edgelord beyond the meme and 2) don't really care what people say about that cause I do this cause it makes me feel good and helps me think and process shit better and I'd rather have a psychological dependence to toothpicks than I would to tobacco and nicotine. If someone has an issue with that, thats their problem.
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kuwdora · 2 years
Witcher Fanworks Pinned Post
Hello, I'm kuwdora (she/her) and I figure I'd make a pinned post for my Witcher works. You can find me on: AO3, YouTube and my vidding sideblog. Send an Ask if you'd like to connect on discord! This pinned post hasn't been updated in awhile but I'll get around to it. Check out the AO3 page for more up-to-date fanworks. I'll get around to updating this post soon...
My Witcher Fanvids
Eskel/Geralt (Leshy Eskel)
Heart Tap (Eskel/Geralt). ~23k. Explicit. After his transformation into a leshen, Eskel struggles with his memory and strange urges and perception of reality. He asks Geralt to help him investigate what he's actually made of. Season 2 Leshen Eskel. AKA the one where Eskel asks Geralt to tap him like a maple tree. Crack treated seriously, Monster Biology, Fantasy Alchemy, Touch-starved Eskel, Tentacles.
Driftwood (Eskel/Geralt) ~2800. Teen. Geralt meets Eskel for an afternoon on the lake. Crack treated seriously, Slice of Life. Season 2 Leshen Eskel.
stories we tell, memories we share, and the words we hold dear (Geralt/Jaskier). ~28k. Mature. Three decades after the war, Jaskier’s thoughts are faster than his aching hands can keep up, but Geralt has learned enough by his side to take up the quill for him. Alternate Title: Old Soft Men in Love. Post-canon, Domesticity, Chronic Pain, Acts of Service, Tenderness, lots of cheeky meta, and Geralt getting railed by puns.
A Drowner's Dozen (Jaskier, pre-Geralt/Jaskier) ~6k. Gen. After Geralt finishes a mundane contract, Jaskier reflects on mortality and rewrites a song in the process. Jaskier character study, art as a coping mechanism.
Rumor, Symmetry, Big Dick Energy (Geralt/Jaskier). ~4k. Mature. Written for the tumblr kissing prompt meme. Geralt and Jaskier share a chaste kiss in front of some dwarves in Vergen.
Learning Curve 10k. When Yennefer's insecurities about her new teaching responsibilities keep her up at night, she finds comfort at Jaskier's side. Character study, cuddling and snuggling, angst with a happy ending.
Pivot ~4k. Teen. Yennefer steps on Jaskier and he likes it. Minor d/s vibes, some humiliation/praise kink, technically a song fic.
Surface Tension, ~5500w. Explicit. Yen and Jaskier delay Geralt's orgasm all night. Edging, subspace, emotional porn, tenderness.
A Beard for a Bard ~3900w. Mature. Geralt comes home, expecting a night on the town, but Jaskier isn’t in much of a mood for carousing. Luckily for Jaskier, Yen can make any night memorable with her special elixirs and Geralt is happy to have a lazy night at home. post-canon, drug use, cuddling and snuggling. the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch ~6k. Explicit. Sexual roleplay, d/s, body worship. Narnia not-AU with Jaskier as a faun, Yen as the Ice Queen and Geralt as the loyal knight.
The Shade of Your Eyes (Philippa Eilhart, Radovid) ~3k. Mature. Philippa tortures the disembodied soul of Radovid. Written for Witcher Flashfic challenge #031.
black dog (Vernon Roche)
Farewell, Chaos (Yennefer of Vengerberg)
Witcher Girl (Ciri)
AO3 Collection
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“Oh darling aren’t you just wonderful”
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆ Introduction ☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Name: Grian
✩ Age: 17-23
✩ Pronouns: He/They/Gore
✩ Orientation: Omniromantic, Homosexual/NWLNW/Achillean, Polyamorous
✩ Notable roles: Host for 7+ Years, Higherup
✩ Relationship status: My darling’s Taurtis & Sam [THR Sys]
✩ Source: Sam Gladiators 2012 Yandere Highschool Roleplay + Tokyo Soul
✩ Source Talk: Sure
✩ Identify as Source: Yep
✩ Doubles: Alright with me, I’m part of a fictive heavy sys as a result to ASD making us hyperfixate and become attached to characters so there are multiple Grian RP sources here
✩ Bodily: 18+
✩ Other : ASD, BPD & Physical disabilities + Mixed Race
✩ Proxy/Sign-off: 📚
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆ Interaction Adequate ☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Check my DNI & Boundaries before interacting
✩ Do not demand for proof of my medical diagnosis, we are strangers on the internet - I don’t know you, you don’t know me and I don’t have to prove anything to you besides I’m not dumb enough to try and get myself doxxed
✩ Don’t throw a fit if I block you, none of that “Wow you blocked me just cause I disagreed with you??” Yes. Yes, exactly. This is a social media site. I come on here to look at pictures of bugs and shit and to shitpost with my friends. This is not a town hall meeting; I am not your elected official. I do not owe you my energy, my space, or my time. You and I are strangers that use the same website. I can block you for literally any reason and that’s okay. Take a deep breath. Block me too. You’ll feel better
✩ Do not try and find my address or any irl information, I don’t know you and that’s a crime
✩ Do not tell me how to live my life or what I should or should not be posting, I don’t know who you think I am but your bitch is not one
✩ Just basic decency, if you wouldn’t do it Irl or wouldn’t want it happening to you then don’t do it to me
✩ Do not threaten me or anyone who interacts me
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆ Content I post ☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Me ranting about the shit medical/healthcare system
✩ Memes, jokes and shitposts
✩ Hyperfixations/Rambles & Fandom talk
✩ Philosophy/Psychology
✩ Creative writing/Poetry/Art
✩ Awareness, information, personal experiences
✩ Whatever I’m interested in at the time really
✩ Rants, rambles and mental illness (they’ll have a TW, I will essentially use this as a journal)
✩ Posts by other alters (even though this is my account, I wouldn’t be surprised if others use it)
✩ Love rambles<3
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ⓘ this user needs attention and love
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Brief System Intro☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ System name: The Broken Hearts Club
✩ Bodies age: 18
✩ Collective pronouns (If pref is not stated): He/They
✩ Collective name: Grian
✩ System tag: 💌🔪
✩ Partner system(s): The Hopeless Romantics & Circus Sys
✩ Hosts: 📚,🌺,🔦,✝️,🪡,🧃
✩ Co-hosts: 🦌,🧵
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Interests & Fandoms☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ 2012 MCRP’s
✩ Drawing, Painting, Animating & Writing
✩ Horror (films and games)
✩ Videogames (Example; Minecraft, Splatoon 3, Stardew Valley, etc)
✩ Cooking & Baking
✩ Video essays
✩ Studio ghibli films
✩ Sanrio
✩ 100 day videos
✩ Creating creepy & cute plushies
✩ Poisons, bones, flower pressing, bugs, teeth, mushrooms, dissecting, flowers, taxidermy, Foraging & Scavenging
✩ Fishing
✩ Dollhouse furniture/Rement
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Tag Archive listings☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ General Tag:
#Darling aren’t you just wonderful
✩ Doodles:
#artists of tumblr
#digital art
#traditional art
✩ Creative writing:
#short stories
#spilled ink
✩ Source talk:
#yhs grian
#tokyo soul
#yhs source talk
#ts source talk
#yhs fictive
#ts fictive
#yhs grian fictive
✩ Rants/Rambles:
#Rambles and rants
✩ Disability (Physical) talk:
#cripple punk
#actually disabled
✩ Disability (Mental/Emotional) talk:
#actually disabled
#actually autistic
#actually bpd
#obsessive love disorder
✩ System talk:
#TBHC Alter intro
#system talk
#alter intros
✩ Lovesick ramblings:
#dear my beloved
#love letters
#bloody letters
#obsessive love
#stalker x stalker
#obsessive love disorder
#dear my beloved TW
✩ Note: bloody love letters an on TW/CW for possible gore/violence, Kidnapping/stalking, obsession/possession, romanticising cannibalism, etc - do not attempt to recreate or glorify anything I say or do, all of these are coping mechanisms and I do not support anything dangerous that may be referenced. OLD is a serious issue and if you find yourself thinking concerning thoughts that could put you or anyone else in harm I urge you to see professional help)
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Tumblr media
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆Users you should see☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ My beloved’s accounts:
✩ Friend & Family
✩ Alt accounts:
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. *₊ ° . *₊ ° . ☆DNI & Boundaries☆ . *₊ ° . *₊ ° .
✩ Flirting: Ask
✩ Teasing: Sure (use tone tags)
✩ Banter: Sure (Use tone tags)
✩ Venting/Ranting: Ask
✩ DM’s: Ask
✩ DNI: proed, thinspo, racism, abelism, maps/pedos, sysmeds, antisemitism, terfs, transmeds, transphobia, homophobia, lgbtqphobia, prolife, other bigots & supporters of any of the above, doxxers/swatters etc
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